#I am in a weird mood bc there is an angel in here and it's freaking me out jkdfgkj
smalltimidbean · 6 months
I should really post Peppino's sisters at some point, they still don't have names like 9 months after I made them kjfdgjkdfg
I was keeping them secret for a reveal on Pep's blog, but I doubt we'll get there anytime soon, so why not! But also Scary!!!
I have so many PT OCs that I have not shown yet - and that are not clones - help khjfdjlkdsfg
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satoruxx · 2 months
RHEYAAA MY LOVE <333333 i am here with a cup of tea and a bunch of treats for you 🍵🍰🍦🍮
…. and some selfship questions :3c
OK SOOOOOOO I HAVE TO ASK . ABOUT KAEYA AND DILUC . I LOVE THEM SO BAD I LOVE YOU SO BAD……. i’d love to know about your love languages!! for both ships!!!!! how do you show them you care, and how do they show you they care? <33 also, what is your relationship with their brother like in each respective selfship?? do you get along? :3
and then . gojo ….. (idk if you selfship with shoko at all but this question absolutely goes for her too if so!!) what do you do for each other when you’re having a rough day?? :’)
ily rheya <333 take as much time as you need with this i got . a little carried away with the questions 😭 BUT I’D LOVE TO HEAR ABT ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING YOU WANNA SHARE <33333 sending you so many kisses and hugs!!!!!!
ARIIII HI AGAIN !!!! gratefully accepting all the treats pls come sit with me so we can share them and cuddle <333
giggling and kicking my feet at all these questions i love you so so much !!!! buckle in bc this got much longer than i expected it to...
me n kaeya....bicker a lot lmao !! but that's how we show affection :33 i think both of us would be very big on quality time !! kaeya would also lean towards a lot of physical touch bc he's a silly lil guy that can't keep his hands to himself <33
as for me n diluc...i think diluc is a very acts of service type of guy !! he doesn't say a lot but he shows affection by doing things for me which is so sweet :33 as for me i think i'd be a big physical touch girlie with him (i won't let go of him he's probably so tired of me LMAO)
i can't see myself being on truly bad terms with either brother since both selfships are a childhood friends to lovers trope hehe !! so i wouldn't be able to hate either of them <///3 when i'm with kaeya i would be on courteous terms with diluc, mostly a hello how are you type thing (which makes me a lil sad since we were all close when we were kids) but diluc has chosen to remain distant.
but when i'm with diluc i'd be on really good terms with kaeya since he's always hanging around angel's share and stuff (and i think kaeya would be more eager to talk to me than diluc would be) !! hopefully that makes sense i feel like i just rambled....
i won't lie me n satoru have the most thought out relationship out of all my selfships bc i've quite literally been thinking about him for four years now. when i'm having a rough day satoru is on a mission to cheer me up, but won't ever admit it. he'll subtly do things to make me happy like playfully annoy me or take me to do things i enjoy !!
as for if he's in a bad mood, i'd just get him things he likes (like sweets) and tease him until he's grinning and teasing back. i think we'd have a very bickering heavy relationship so i know he's all better when he's got that dynamic back (a couple of hugs and kisses here and there wouldn't hurt either) <33
this might sound weird but we don't necessarily talk about our bad days/things we struggle with. it's more so a type of thing where we can just tell that smth is wrong, and the best way to deal with that is just be present. so basically actions over words and we never bring it up again lmao...
shoko and i are very different. i am 100% more clingy with her so if i'm having a bad day she will let me cuddle with her or just stay attached to her hip until i'm better. she'll probably act all teasy and semi exasperated but i'd like to think she doesn't mind :33
and if she's having a bad day she usually won't admit it so i'll do my best to make her laugh. find me ripping the cigarettes away from her and smothering her with a whole bunch of kisses <////3
i'm so sorry ari bby i ended up ranting a lot but this was so much fun to talk about !! tysm for sending them in i'm smooching you until you're tired of me :33
also pls pls pls tell me about your selfships i'm so curious !! who do you selfship with ari ?? tell me all about them <33333
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andypantsx3 · 1 year
i've read ab intra like 5 times bc it's GREAT but there's something weird about it like... EVERY SINGLE TIME i forget that it was written by you and then i look for it EVERYWHERE like i check every single xreader author i know and then i see ab intra and go wow what is this (i SUCK at reading summaries im sorry) and then?????? THIS WAS ITTTT what makes it even weirder is that i check your account regularly to read even the shortest drabbles!!! i think you are an AMAZING author. i dont even write myself but i read your answers to ppl asking for advice on writing bc im so curious about what it is that you put in these stories
and also since this is already very rambly i also wanted to add how much i love unconventional?????? ive read it an EMBARRASSING amount of times and it never gets boring!!!!! my favorite part is towards the end where bakugou makes fun of the reader like yeah!!! how couldnt they realize it was real, actual deku!!!! in general i LOVE how in each story you write the reader is smart but also. VERY VERY VERY oblivious!!!!
i wish i could write a very detailed and i guess eloquent??? thing about how much i adore the way you tell stories and what it is that makes them so.... good idk how else to say.. but instead it turned into this lol hope you dont mind the long ask<3
Omg you absolute angel!! 🥺 This message single-handedly gave me the energy to write again this evening so thank you for that!! 😭
Maybe ab intra doesn't feel like one of my fics because it has real plot and like, some slight kink lmfao, when normally I'm out here doing goofier stuff. I was reading a bunch of really bleak Japanese police thrillers at the time and so I was in a ~mood~ lmfao. I am so beyond grateful that you go looking for it though!! I already get way more support than I know what to do with, but ab intra is like, possibly my most underrated, least appreciated fic, and so I'm very very happy you love it.
Ahhhhh and thank you for loving unconventional too!! I love smart idiot readers and unconventional was like the pinnacle of intelligent idiocy and so I had the time of my life writing it. No eloquence needed, this message is already so unbelievably appreciated in the level of detail and kindness you've shown. I am over the moon about this and I will be running off to write now that you have given me the human equivalent of the zoomies!! Thank you so so so much. 🥺
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dani-luminae · 2 years
Happy Halloweenmonth: A ghost story, but not that spooky
I’m re-writing and posting a story that I previously posted, for @unusual-ly and her ghost stories day of Halloweenmonth! I can’t currently find my previous post so I just wrote down as much as I could remember here.
Anyone who has been following me for years maybe remember this story (and other weird stuff that happened in my former college dorms.) For those of you that are new, welcome!
To set the scene, we have (some names changed bc these are real people):
Me, Dani, nineteen at the time this happened;
My roommate, Lizzie, also a college freshman at the tail end of our first semester;
Becca, another girl who shares our dorm;
Matilda, the fourth girl who shares our dorm.
(The way our dorm was set up was like a mini-apartment, bc Honors students got the best dorms; there were two single rooms and one double room, we all shared two bathrooms, a common living room area, and a kitchenette; Lizzie and I shared the double bedroom, Becca got one of the single rooms, and Matilda had the other single room.)
And Payton, a boy from the floor below us who commonly hung out in our dorm with us. He all but slept there. He was very welcome there.
Bear with me here, because the corporeal living nonsense is somewhat important to the supernatural thing that this is about.
Matilda, Becca, and Lizzie were all extroverts who got along like a house on fire and spent the majority of the first semester being absolute best friends. I, being the autistic introvert I am, was very happy to sit at my desk in my room and let them be best friends. However, near the end of December – and right as finals arrived to challenge us mere freshmen – Matilda had a major change of mood and a GIGANTIC falling out with Becca and Lizzie. There was screaming, doors being slammed (by Matilda), and for the first time since I moved into that dorm, we all started actively locking our doors because we were worried that Matilda would steal from us.
(Looking back, I see that there were far better ways to handle this. But from the perspective of me then, facing such conflict for the very first time away from home, I didn’t know what to do.)
Eventually, Becca and Lizzie felt threatened in their own dorm. I still hadn’t been fully involved in Matilda’s mistreatment, but I supported Lizzie and Becca when we went to the RA (basically, the dude in charge of dealing with any room/ roommate disputes on our floor) to see if something could be done to change rooms.
It wound up being turned back on us. RA promised to talk to Matilda, and even called in his supervisor about the situation; but when we were called back after they talked to Matilda, we were told simply that it seemed we were the bad guys in this situation and we needed to be “more supportive” of her.
Yes. Apparently we needed to be more supportive of the girl who was acting intimidating towards us in our own dorm.
(Again, looking back, there were better ways to handle this, I’m sure. At the time, I had no such ideas.)
So we go back to our dorm. We gather in Lizzie’s and my double-room, across the common area from Matilda’s room and Becca’s right next to it, where Becca has a panic attack because of all of this.
Alright, here’s where the ghost stuff finally comes in! Throughout the semester, I had learned that Becca believed the spirit of her deceased, beloved grandfather had become her guardian angel. This was the least of the spooky things that had come to light, considering that I swore my deceased dog slept at the foot of my bed (I heard her tags jingling! A lot!) and there was a ghost named Josh who haunted the building (and had made plenty of things go missing.)
So we call Payton, because we have no idea who else to call, who’s across the tiny campus doing training for his campus representative (tour guide) job, and he comes running to us. And as he comes in, he asks us who else was here.
What do you mean, who else? We say. We haven’t called anyone.
Payton says he saw an old white-haired man coming out the door of our dorm room (the main door, into the hallway, not the door to the double bedroom.) He thought at first that the man was the counselor on 24/7 duty that night and that we had called him, because the man beckoned to Payton and then walked away down the hall as Payton opened the door.
When Payton describes the man, Becca says it matches her grandfather exactly.
So maybe Becca’s grandfather thought he could help.
We did end up calling a counselor about this to see what could be done. When she arrived, she was a lady in her thirties with dark hair. Nothing like an old white-haired man.
So yeah, maybe not a spooky ghost story, but I have no reason not to believe what Payton saw.
There were far weirder things on that campus.
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sleepingbutawake · 3 years
Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy babysitting duty
Part 2
It was casual morning in the HoL until Asmo decided to show MC and the exange students squad some parts of Devildom not many had seen.
"Hey MC, have you ever seen Devildom's butterflies?" Asmo asked.
"No, i dont think i have" they respond continueing to sew belphies pillow.
"They hasnt seen them maybe bc theyre on that island. Maybe Levi knows what kind of ocean beast is there." Beel said munching on his after-breakfast snack.
"i havent seen that either. Maybe Levi knows how to get there." Belph spoke from couch with his head on MC's lap.
"You're right. LEEEVIIIIIII" Asmo screamed as if his life depended on it.
Instead of angry Levi comes angry lucifer and then after angry Lucifer comes angry Levi.
"Keep it down!!" Lucifer scream and Mc is wondering how the hell does the house still stand.
"What do you want Asmo" Levi looks at his youger brother.
"You know about that island where do bloodsucking crystalline butterflies live, do you?"
"Ofc i do. As a Grand Admiral i have to know where am i leading my ships." Levi scoffs.
"Well thats good to know. On that island you can get just by water and i dont know how do anything with boats and since on that part of an ocean is a sea monster... Who else that my sweet big bro can get us safe on that island. You can do that since youre Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy." Asmo says slyly to get to his point.
"And you think i can do that? Sure get to that island wont be problem for me, but as a Grand Admiral i also have limits! I cant do everything as i pleases, can I?" He tried to put him down from his idea.
"Fine plan B. MC you want to go there? Asmo turns to face MC.
"I mean, if i could see that butterflies, i could have some inspiration in making the butterfly hair clips as had the butterfly sisters in Demon slayer." MC says looking straight at Levi. "Would you please take me and the others there, Levi?"
"I-I mean,sure thing. Ofc yeah, anything for you. Why re you still sitting? Go dress up bc on ocean its sometimes cold. Try to hurry up if we want to come back before the night." Levi says and leaves living room to grab his stuff.
Asmo just smirks. "I know how to get something of I want to." and winks at MC.
They all met in the living room, luke, simeon and solomon joining too bc solomon said: 'Ive gotta see this' so here they are.
Levi came downstairs in his admiral uniform.
"So you decided to go full mode huh? Wanna impress MC that much?" Belph teases slightly red Levi.
"S-shut up. Lets go." And he pushes them out of house.
"Its about time you took us here Levi. Funny how you never let your dear big brother wander here alone." Mammon teases.
"Yeah no. I dont need nuclear explosion." He mutters.
"Alright my soldiers. All you have to do is preprare Bailoar and make sure All of them are safe on it." He says in a voice MC never heard him speak in.
"Yes Admiral" they say automaticaly and get to work.
Levi knows theyre talking about the situation and he just lets them bc 'I came here to enjoy a cruise with my human' mode is on.
"Its weird to see admiral Leviathan so chill today. He usually have stare that could kill if if he had that power." The soldiers whisper between them.
"You know what im not gonna fuck up today bc im not really in the mood to be feeding Lothan." one of them says. They all agree and go to do as their admiral wants.
"What is Bailoar?" Beel asked.
"I think its the name of the ship?" MC says.
"Yes correct. Bailoar is the ship i was using the most when i was still new. Shes not especialy big bc I dont want to take the other ones out." Levi explains when he leads them to a huge ship where on the right side is in caligraphy written Bailoar.
"How did you called her again?" Solomon stood there, mouth wide opened looking at the ship.
"Bailoar is bigger than seven football stadions..." MC says.
"Yeah shes tiny sorry. "He responds to MC. Then he turn to face his brothers, Angels and Solomon who were just observing the base.
"What are you waiting for? On board!" He ordered.
The cruise started nicely, wind was fine, the sea was calm...what can go wrong?
Lemme tell you. EVERYTHING.
"Levi how would you call Bailoar for humans?" Solomon asked.
"I think Bailoar is the ship that would never sink. I mean NOTHING can take her down." Levi says proudly.
"Like the Titanic?" MC said.
"What is Titanic?" Luke, Mammon, Asmo and Belphie asks at the same time.
"For the humans it was the unsinkable ship in human history." Solomon explained.
"yeah. Well it wasnt that unsikable bc in its first cruise ended up at the bottom in the middle of Atlantic ocean with at least 500 or more dead passagers." MC said as if by the way. The way their smiles dissapeard was really funny to watch.
"Yeah it did sank but the capitain of the ship was kind of stupid." Solomon says trying to calm a little panicked luke.
"Dont forget that Titanic sank bc it hit iceberg." Solomon reminded MC.
"Yeah and since levi is the capitain now lets hope he dont do anything stupid or at the bottom of the ocean will be us." MC says jokingly. All of the soldiers that were with them at the boat trying not to cross their way if they dont have to froze looking at Levi with tears in their eyes, some of them that pale that Satan could swear he saw their veins.
Levi responded very calmly.
"Yeah. Well im demon capitain, and on this ocean are not any icebergs."
"I know but is a sea monster."
Some soldiers had to leave to breathe it throught, or sit somewhere and calm down.
"Why does everyone look like were about to get eaten?" MC asks totally confused.
"Levi’s lowkey known only to come visit the base when there’s either an imperial order to wage war or suppress something or he’s going to 'whip everyone into shape' and those who fail his standards are gonna be eaten by Lotan" Satan explains not looking up from his book.
Mammon just laughs.
"yeah Levi has rage issues too lmao he traumatized his subordinates 😂👌”
(original idea goes to person i could not find so if you see this pls say its your idea and im more than willing to give you credit for this beatiful thing i'll Also tag @dicetheroll and @obeythebutler bc i can. Hope you'll like it <3)
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stylestappen · 3 years
do you currently have any lestappen scenarios/headcanons in mind?? in the mood to be totally feral about them
GOD. SO MANY!!!! hell yes!! okay so i'm only gonna put in a few and if y'all like it/send an ask I'll do a second installment! [brief quotes included too for fruity funsies]
- They do one of those "36 questions that lead to love" things for a Teammate Compatibility interview conducted at skysports or something, with comedic relief like Alex doing the questions. yes, they're teammates here, bc rb!lestappen or ferrari!lestappen is the sexiest possible thing. it goes like this;
“So, what roles do love and affection play in your life?” Alex asks, and he fully sounds like one of those infomercials that play at 3 in the morning asking you to donate your money to some shady church.
Max is starting to regret agreeing to this. He’s pretty sure none of these questions are actually network-approved. Charles is standing behind the camera, urging him on with his hand.
“I love...stuff. And am uh– affected by. Things.”
From behind the camera comes a laugh.
Max turns and glares at Charles, “Like you have a high horse to ride on, Mr ‘I say emotions don’t affect me but I cry every time someone brings up Finding Nemo’.”
Charles instantly starts tearing up, and this throws Max into what some people present at the scene would later describe as Complete and Total Panic, because Charles is actually crying.
- Max is somehow convinced Charles has a thing for Lando because Pierre Shenanigans. He then keeps poking at Lando to figure out exactly what he sees in Some Guy, and Charles sees Max being very intenseTM with Lando and HE'S convinced Max has a thing for Lando. Two-person love triangle, aka what many would call an 'Idiot Plot'. I adore it. an excerpt;
"Who does Charles like?" Max asks out of the blue, putting his coffee down.
Pierre looks like he'd rather take another crap season at Red Bull over this, "Charles? Charles Leclerc? No one!"
Max narrows his eyes at him.
"Yeah, he likes someone."
Max leans forward and blinks a few times. Pierre feels a little bit like a criminal in one of those interrogation boxes; it's not as cool as he'd thought.
"He likes- um-"
Pierre sees Lando trudging into the breakfast hall, eyes still squinty with sleep.
"He likes Lando!" Pierre exclaims. And promptly tries to block out the magnitude of his fuck-up.
- They're both stranded in some race location during Christmas (or some other holiday, I don't celebrate Christmas but it's still the most festive one), because of a ticket mixup like Charles had with NY-Texas, and they're both sitting all forlorn at the airport while a carol plays in the background, rubbing salt in the wound. Then they decide spending the holiday week with each other is better than spending it alone. Romcom!! BUT WITH PREEXISTING RIVALRY AND SEXUAL TENSION!!!11!! They make their own weird christmas traditions because that's how you find a family and they get a tree to decorate and go ornament shopping (yes shopping mall fics are a weakness to me idk why) ;
Like a magpie, anything shiny seems to appeal to Charles, and Max allows his every choice, unable to say no to Charles’ ‘please can we get this’ smile and his big, green eyes.
Max has mostly tuned out Charles’ constant running commentary on which ornaments are pretty and which ones are gaudy and should’ve been put on the stake instead of Jesus (Charles’ words, not his), and comes back to himself when Charles starts pulling at his sleeves.
“For the tree-topper can we get those little bobblehead figurines they make for us?”
“Like...for the angel that goes on top?”
Charles nods, “We’re getting racer-themed ornaments for the tree, so why wouldn’t we put ourselves at the top?”
Max swears he’d melt like jelly on the waxed tiled floor if the cart wasn’t supporting his weight. He is weak for this...enigmatic taco wrapped in a burrito of ambition, dry humor, and sincerity.
- This one's an established relationship, which you don't see a lot of, but I still like the idea a LOT and might get around to writing a little thing for it. Charles watches those couple videos on tiktok (he's a tiktok wag you can't convince me otherwise) and sees [insert MarriedTM grid couple] being all cheesy and goes. hmm, maybe i should try these things with Max :). An attempted impromptu slow dance in the kitchen in the refrigerator light (yall know the reference) fails, and charles' neurotic picking-everything-until-it's-perfect self is just instantly like are we a bad couple AM I A BAD BOYFRIEND :( and he subsequently freaks out bc he doesn't wanna scare max off with his weird high maintenance neurotic things (guilty of this but in a fic scenario I can make it an opportunity for Cute things). and max is weirdly endeared by it. he says. i like maintaining you <3. and then the day after there's a race and they're all synchrony and fluid and they're just. racing like it's ballet, all intricate and knowing each other down to the core. and then they cross the line pretty much at the same time and it's so CLOSE that whoever wins they're thrilled by the entire thing regardless. and charles is like. yk what we don't need cheesy couple stuff bc this. this is our thing. I've got the ending for it all written up and shiny, but no actual scenes;
Charles is okay, truly and honestly.
Because they may not be the couple that slow dances in the kitchen with eerie synchrony, they may not share a credit card or the same taste in music and movies, and they may not have nicknames for each other pertaining to sugary baked goods, but goddammit, they're amazing together.
They aren't perfect together, they don't fit like perfectly built puzzle pieces, and that's what makes them amazing.
Because if perfect isn't motor oil and the smell of burnt rubber on asphalt, if perfect isn't speed and sweat and the sharp edge of a knife, pushing hard on the acceleration and pulling each other to their very best, if perfect isn't the sting of antiseptic pressed against fresh wounds, tenderness echoed in tissues soaked with blood, if perfect isn't stupid dirty jokes and midnight bickering and elbowing each other under the table to keep from grinning in situations where one should not grin, then Charles doesn't want perfect anyway.
Charles wants this - wants Max.
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daverygalskisbff · 3 years
could we get some allura & lance friendship prompts? i LOVED your other ones btw 💖💖💖💖
HI I'm sorry this took forever I have honestly no idea why bc I adore these two and I ADORE this prompt so my brain should not have shut down the way it did. anywayz to make up for the wait i tried to make this a bit longer than my usual posts :) I hope you like it!
(also, as usual, everything here I came up with myself, and if there's any similarity to someone elses post I apologise and promise it wasn't intentional)
now without further ado,
Lance and Allura!
similar to lance and pidge, the two are decidedly Not close in the beginning 
i had an entire thing about how i imagine they became friends at first written out, but it was a tad too long and i didn't want to clog up the post with too much exposition. so instead, let's just skip forward and get into their dynamic after they become buddies :) (however, if anyone wants to see the backstory I would not be opposed) 
although he no longer has a crush on her, lance makes it a point to hype her up as much as he possibly can 
at first allura was confused, because she thought it was him trying to flirt with her still, but once she understood what was going on she was more than willing to join in 
lance when allura completely destroys the training droid: WOWZA ladies and gentlemen of the jury may I present to you the icon the legend the moment herself her royal highness princess allura of altea!!!!! if you thought that was impressive just WAIT till she gets warmed up because this is just the beginning!!! she can even do it in heels- 
shiro: lance, please focus, this is really important that we- 
allura: no no, shiro, please. let him finish. 
they both show their friendship in slightly different ways. lance's way is that he is physically incapable of not humouring the princess
allura when lance shows her his cartwheel: incredible!!!!!!! i have never been more impressed in my life!!! do you think you could do it in heels?? 
lance: uhhh. y'know princess I'm really loving the faith, but- 
allura: :)? 
lance:.... what if you don't have my size? 
lance fractured his ankle. allura has yet to stop apologising. 
allura's way is definitely safer, but it's also a lot more... cluttered. to say the least.
allura, returning from a recon mission with a tiny bag filled with what looks like tiny, glittery dinosaur figurines made of glass: lance! look at what i bought for you! 
lance, taking one look at the contents of the bag: wow, 'lurra, this is… so nice of you
allura: lance, are you. are you crying? 
lance (definitely crying): what? NO! of course not!! I'm just. allergic, to. uh. oxygen. 
allura: what. 
allura never had any siblings back on altea, but she always wanted them
this, paired with how much lance misses his own family, means that the two of them kind of gravitate towards each other in terms of siblinghood. 
as a child allura would imagine what it would be like to have siblings, but especially a twin. she would fall asleep to dreams of secret handshakes, finishing each other's sentences, and swapping places to trick people
she doesn't realise the brother she has found in lance until a long time after they've become close (how would she recognise a dynamic she has never been privy to?) 
this realisation happens on just a random day in the castleship lounge. she is talking to hunk, when suddenly lance, who she didn't even realise was listening to their conversation, butts in and finishes her sentence. 
she's annoyed at being interrupted at first, but then what happened sinks in, and suddenly she's fighting off tears. lance doesn't know why she's crying, but he hugs her anyway. 
the two of them match accessories a lot 
with allura's love of pretty things (and the abundance of stuff in her closet) paired with lance's natural dramatics, nobody else on the team is entirely sure of whether this is intentional or not. 
it started off as intentional. it is now second nature. 
one decision, however, was completely planned and thought out for exactly twenty minutes, and then deeply regretted by both parties for the next 48 hours
allura pierced lance's ears 
now before you get judgemental, you try making a smart decision at two am space-time while very giddy and slightly buzzing on some weird old alien candy that not even your resident alien is sure the ingredients of. then talk to me. 
pidge: okay so you're gonna need a needle, ice, and… yeah I'm pretty sure that's it 
lance: don't we need a potato too
pidge: … why the fuck would you need a potato 
lance: I dunno!!! my sister pierced her friend's ears one time and she mentioned a potato!!! I'm just trying to make sure everything goes well, pidge! 
allura: I love these earth customs you two are showing me!! when I got my ears pierced it was done with some kind of laser, but your way sounds much more fun :). 
allura: also, what is a "potato" and where can we find one? 
it goes about as well as you would expect 
the excited buzz on lance lasts about three ticks into the process, and then the screaming starts
pidge (the genius who came up with the idea) gives him some altean taffy to chew on to stop him from making too much noise, and allura, the angel, is babbling right along with him 
allura, with tears in her eyes: how was I supposed to know it was going to hurt mine didn't hurt well it was 10,000 years ago and I was very young altean children don't have very strong pain receptors you know, maybe that's why my parents had it done at that age, or maybe your people are just completely barbaric, who thought this would be a good idea?? pidge why did you suggest this poor lonce is in tears lonce I'm so sorry but if it's any consolation at all at least now your ears won't be nearly as hideous as before and you can borrow as many of my earrings as you want except for the sparkly green ones that dangle those are my favourite well they're actually my second favourite I'm wearing my favourite - you can't borrow those either, by the way, but you can have any of the others I promise 
lance, also crying and still chewing the altean taffy: hhb, llura yub domf hoff do bologuys, ss long'ss yub sanstsd thu niddle frst 
allura (who did not remember to sanitize the needle), now crying freely: I don't understand what you're saying 
(pidge records the entire thing)
the next day lance wakes up with ears that are very sore and slightly green, and allura faints
they spend the entire morning avoiding shiro in case they get in trouble and trying to figure out how to get the healing pods to work
lance: what do you mean you don't know allura you literally lived in one of these 
allura: I was asleep the whole time!!! don't put this on me!! 
lance: don't put- you are the one that pierced my ears, allura, of course it's on you!
coran, who has been watching this entire interaction in silence: oh, I thought i noticed something different about you, number three! 
lance and allura: [screaming] 
coran helps them set up the healing pod 
unfortunately lance has to take the earrings out, so the holes close back up, but fortunately coran just so happens to know how to pierce ears the correct way that they did on altea 
lance, after half a day in the healing pod, watching coran advance upon him with a literal handheld flamethrower that shoots lasers: is it too late to go back to the ear infection 
coran is surprisingly very adept at the skill of altean beautification (an activity that has a surprisingly long and rich backstory, which lance and allura get an in-depth lesson on for the hour that it takes to do lance's ears properly) 
they're exhausted afterwards, but lance looks great, so they're in good moods regardless 
they like to teach each other about things from their respective planets - both for fun, and because it helps them feel less homesick 
whenever allura is particularly down about the loss of altea, lance will visit her in her room, and the two of them will just lie together on her bed. 
they don't say much, most of the time, just link their pinkies together and stare at the ceiling 
when they do talk, it's quiet, and always allura who starts it - she might share something she remembers about altea, and lance listens quietly and then responds with something he misses about cuba 
it isn't always sad tho - sometimes they just talk about things they remember that pop into their heads, or explain things to each other that they wouldn't otherwise know 
at the space mall, they make a game out of pointing things out to each other and trying to guess what it is (allura can only guess when they're in the earth shop, but it's okay because she more than makes up for it in enthusiasm) 
lance, holding a my little pony collectible: okay princess. what is this.
allura, completely serious: a weapon
lance: ... close
allura, holding up a set of magnetic heart necklaces to the light: what does… "biffs" mean? 
lance: it's "bffs," princess, it means "best friends forever" 
allura: oh! you mean like me and you? 
lance: 'lurra what did we say about making me cry in public, we've talked about this- 
(they buy the necklaces. obviously.)
they mess with each other's hair a lot
once allura learns that lance's hair is naturally curly, and that he just straightens it all of the time, she makes it her god-given mission to convince him to wear it naturally more often
this mission includes plans such as stealing his hair straightener, "donating" a bunch of curly hair products to him because she "doesn't have the space", and getting keith to say he thinks curly hair is cool one day in the rec room
she still thinks it's the funniest thing ever that that actually worked
other than week-long sabotage plots, they both think it's fun to have lance braid allura's hair
he used to braid his sister's and niece's hairs all of the time, so he has a knack for it that allura did not expect at all but is obsessed with anyway
allura, coming to lance's room a few hours before another diplomatic party: hey..... how yall doin.....
lance, already prepared with a million different brushes and bands: oh my god just get in already
lance and allura have a lot in common 
one of these things, they learn very early into their relationship, is that they are both disasters when it comes to pretty girls (and boys, but that's a lance-exclusive situation)
so they become each other's wingmen
they both tend to get… a little too into it 
the team: [at a diplomatic ball]
lance, seeing a pretty alien girl looking allura's way and "politely" speedwalking over to her: alluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraalluraalluralluraalluraallura pretty girl look over there eleven o'clock LOOK she's gonna walk away looklooklook
allura: lance darling thank you so much for your help but I am in the middle of talking to the president 
and alternatively: 
allura tries to set lance and keith up all the time. at first she was worried she would be overstepping boundaries, but after one particular sleepover where lance spent an entire hour lamenting his "bad luck" she decided to take things into her own hands 
this includes, but is not limited to; sending them on supply missions alone together (often), mentioning particular things lance has done to his appearance to keith every time she can, and talking about specific paladin bonds more than she maybe should 
lance hates it
keith, walking into the lounge: h-
allura, immediately: hello keith!! help settle an argument, will you :)? 
keith: um… okay 
allura: lovely! now, tell me, do you think lance looks cuter today than he did yesterday? we can't seem to agree on whether or by he's stunning or simply handsome. what do you think? 
keith: uh-
allura: oh, and while I have you, have you noticed that his ears are pierced? 
lance, beet red: allu-
allura: what :(?? can't i be proud of my handiwork?? 
lance, to keith: I am not associated with her
after a week of this keith literally sets up a system where if allura is in a room he walks into he just does a complete 180 and walks back out
one time, at a diplomatic meeting, an alien politician mistook them for a couple and they both choked on their drinks at the same time, and then got offended that the other one agreed that the concept was insane 
allura: what happened to being the princess of your dreams, lance?? I thought I MEANT something to you. obviously! i was wrong! 
lance: oh yeah?? then why did you GIGGLE, allura. what's so funny, huh?? my good looks??? my charming charisma?? how far out of your league I am??? 
lance: okay maybe that last one was a bit of a stretch 
another thing lance and allura do is pronounce each other's names wrong
they call each other lonce and allora 
it started as lance kind of making fun of allura's accent, but turned into just one of their Things 
allura honestly didn't know it was a bit until the habit had been long constructed
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sinkix · 4 years
☆ Haikyuu!! │ Boys as your roommate HC’S │ Ft Nishinoya, Akaashi, Oikawa & Hinata ☆
Okay this is a small little shit post idea that I had and it’s 2am SO it’s high-key messy and chaotic but HEY when am I not? I swear I’ll sleep after this I promise.
E N J O Y ~ <3
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
SO!!!! FUCKING!!!1 LOUD!!!11!!
definitely blasts music first thing in the morning to get hype so be prepared for that.
y’all definitely have a designated day for movie nights and just overall vibing.
Often drags you to volleyball practise with him bc why not
both of y’all hate cleaning so it’s usually just a chaotic mess
but you both know where everything is so like whats the point in cleaning up???
can and will wake you up at random hours in the night
literally it will be 3am and he will come into your room and ask you the meaning of life or a cheesy pick up line he read on ifunny.
not even kidding.
sometimes you both end up crashing together bc you spend nearly all night playing video games and talking.
so again, expect random poking and prodding in the middle of the night for more nonsensical questions
when he sleeps though, he’s out like a LIGHT
homeboy fucking SNORES
it’s actually really cute
rolling slumber
you get to see hair-down noya a lot and its *chef kiss*
will always cheer you up after a bad day and sometimes leaves little notes lying on the kitchen counter as motivation.
is your hype man for when your picking out outfits for the day or an important event/party. 
actually has really good taste in fashion??? so you know you can always trust his input.
you mostly eat out or order in because neither of you can cook for shit.
the last time you both attempted the kitchen nearly went up in flames.
just kidding, it did.
 never have you been so grateful for the invention of fire extinguishers. 
some got in noya’s hair and it looked so scuffed lol.
such a chill rooomate, my god.
you spend most evenings on the couch just watching shows or talking about your day, akaashi is a straight up vibe machine and his presence is v soothing.
a really good cook?? so it’s always a nice surprise when you come home and dinner is already made
remembers all your favourite foods and meals so if he senses you’re down he will make them for you.
fuckin angel bro I swear.
most of the time you just eat in comfortable silence or you’ll listen to akaashi talk about the team.
he’s usually your alarm clock since he wakes up around the same time as you and being the responsible boi he is always makes sure to wake you up too.
bless his soul
sometimes you’ll have little jam out sessions if one or both of you are feeling sad
instantly 1000x better
aside from being the occasional goof he’s honestly pretty quiet for the most part
sometimes you’ll forget he’s at home and just bust out the weirdest moves or start talking to yourself and he’ll walk in the room like ????? you good ?????
he’s caught you several times just narrating your inner monologue 
definitely teases you about it
like he’ll just quote a random thing you had mumbled to yourself before just to see you squirm
low-key a little shit lmao
he is pretty tidy and has no problems cleaning up so the house is usually orderly and clean, you both take turns doing chores and pitch in to do your part
sometimes he’ll tease you if you forgot to do the dishes but then go and do them himself
so cute man ihefjwjkfkjef
sometimes y’all will clean together and just dance to music around the house while doing so
sometimes bokuto drops by and all calm atmosphere is instantly shattered but it’s okay bc he’s babi and you appreciate the hype atmosphere he brings.
well, maybe not akaashi bc he has to deal with it 24/7 but still 
you and bokuto get on v well so he makes more frequent visits now and you three will go out to eat or just sit and watch volleyball tournaments on TV. 
sometimes bokuto will make you both re watch their old matches, screaming “YOU SEE THAT AKAASHIIIIIII??!!11″ 
“yes bokuto-san.”  
aside from that just an overall very chill household.
such a little shit lmao
will wake you up by throwing a pillow at your head screaming “WAKE UP (Y/N)-CHAN!!!!!” at the top of his lungs
like tooru sis it’s 7am
Sometimes you’ll drop by practise in the evening to bring snacks and walk him home
he goes all soft and makes sure to be extra nice that night
y’all are hella close and tell each other EVERYTHING
Iwazumi appreciates you SO much bc ur able to tame Oikawa’s occasionally bratty and snarky attitude so it’s less work for him.
there’s a rumour you’re dating but neither of you have addressed it bc you both find it funny.
and idk maybe you are ??? not even you two know at this point
his fangirls get hella jealous whenever you show up lolololol.
oikawa can KIND of cook
and by kind of i mean just throw shit in the oven for like 30 min and bone apple teeth.
so you usually just go to restaurants or do basic cooking
it’s always hella fun cooking with oikawa 
sometimes you’ll buy those ready-made kid baking sets to make some brownies with minimal effort
this bitch will always flick the fucking spoon at you
he always flashes his signature wink, sticking out his tongue.
you just sigh and hope he gets salmonella.
speaking of sickness, once oikawa got a cold
you stayed off the day to look after him and he was SO. FUCKIN. DEMANDING.
“(Y/N)-chaannn!!! make me porridge!” 
“(y/N)-ChAAAaNn! can i have some medicine.”
“(YYYy/nNnNn)-ChAAAaaANNNn give me attention.”
ofc u gave it to him bc how can u say no
 was actually very grateful and kind to you with zero bratty behaviour so u like sick oikawa.
his normal self too, but you’ll never tell him that.
not as bad as nishinoya, like he’ll have his quiet moments but still
it’s hard to be in a bad mood around him honestly so you always look forward to going home and seeing his smiling face
sunshine™ here to brighten ur day
you’re usually the one that has to wake him up bc let’s face it he’s hopeless at being organised and getting up on time.
he was always used to Natsu waking him up so now you’re basically Natsu 2.0 in this regard.
you usually have to resort to shaking him vigorously for like 2 mins until he actually gets up.
once you deadass poured the water over his head that was sitting on his nightstand bc he refused to get up
needless to say he was far more willing after that
you 100% have karaoke sessions together in the morning  and belt the lyrics out, attempting to sync but failing miserably.
maybe you’ll get a record deal one day who knows
Hinata can and will give you a hug and motivational speech before you walk out the door
you often have to fix his appearance before he leaves
his shirt is usually tucked in at a weird angle or hella crumpled
his hair too, like you’ll have to flatten down extra wild strands since he usually forgets to brush it before heading out the door
bitch gets toothpaste marks EVERYWHERE 
like pretty much every place except his fuckin mouth lmao
you sometimes show up to practise to surprise him and he always gets extra hype after that since you offer to pay for food afterward.
y’all like taking late night walks in the park
boy gets scared easily though so prepare for him to leap in your arms like a scene from scooby-doo
definitely have a lot of late night convos, some really stupid and some surprisingly deep.
he’s actually a very thoughtful and layered person?? like under that chaotic and disorganised persona 
don’t even get me started on cooking.
you REFUSE to let him anywhere near the kitchen 
so you usually end up doing the food prep or again y’all just eat out
You both watch volleyball games on TV often and get HYPE AS HELL and yell at the TV vvv loud
once you actually received a noise complaint.
sometimes Kags will drop by because he left something at practise that Hinata had picked up for him.
you and Kags get on pretty well tbh like you both respect each other
he has no idea how you can live with Hinata and often refers to you as a saint
but who wouldn’t want to live with this bby ball of sunshine?
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rainywritingsx · 4 years
hcs: Shinsou, Todoroki & Midoriya with an s/o who gets drunk on apple juice
Hey, this may sound kind of stupid but when I drink apple juice it has the same effect as if I drank alcohol. So can I request hcs for Shinsou, Shouto, & Izuku with an s/o that gets “drunk” by just drinking apple juice, she gets all slow, calls a thing something else, and is overall just wasted, like I don’t remember what I do when I drink apple juice and that’s why I can’t trust it, thank if you do my weird request!
no no it doesn’t sound stupid at all, if anything it seems quite amusing to me lmao, which is why I can’t wait to write this :D hope you enjoy!
I haven’t written in a whiiiilleeee woah, this feels strange but I also missed it so much. I’m gonna try to be as I am usual with writing, I think I just need to get into it again ^^ Anyway enough of my talking about me, now onto the headcanooonssss
Tip jar ^^
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Hitoshi Shinsou
okay so
it would take a while for Shinsou to see you in your ‘drunk’ state
because I don’t think he really hangs out with people a lot
and when you two do you just avoid apple juice like the plague because you know exactly what happens if you don’t
but well, one day you’re hanging out the bakusquad who you’re friends with
and of course you knew Shinsou wasn’t  there so you went all out with the juice
you aren’t that embarrassed about being that way around your friends as they’re strange too and they had seen you that way before
they know that you kindaaaaa like the purple haired boi
and kaminari and sero think that it would be hilaaarious to have him see you like this
so they text him to come to kaminari’s dorm room, where you all are hanging out
Shinsou at first declines the offer bc he just wants to sleep and isn’t in the mood to be annoyed
but then kaminari tells him you’re there too ;)
he leaves out the drunk on juice part :)
He won’t give in immediately, just because he knows he will get teased if he does
so well, he goes to the dorm of class A (Aizawa totally didn’t see him and pretend he wasn’t looking at all) and looks for kaminari’s room
he gets there and is slightly disappointed when bakugou opens the door instead of you
he doesn’t ask where you are, but bakugou knows that shinsou wants to see you
and tbh, he wants to see his reaction to your state too
“she’s inside” is all he says
Shinsou kinda wants to r u n
But he doesn’t
As he enters he can hear yelling from the distance
and there’s  just pure confusion on Shinsou’s face
until he enters the living room
he sees you dancing on the couch, yelling some incoherent sentences
mina has joined you at this point and the sight is just really funny
assuming you got drunk on alcohol (y’all are of legal age here we don’t support underage drinking!!) he just chuckles and shakes his head
and then sero decides to tell him you became… that… because of apple juice
to say that Shinsou finds it amusing is an understatement
You’re probably too drunk to even realise what is going on
People who don’t know him maybe won’t be able to tell, but the bakusquad sees he’s enjoying every second of this
“Oh my god look at that cute kitty!!!”
“....y/n that’s a plushie of a bear”
okay now over to when you two are together
Shinsou won’t be controlling about this or anything, since it’s not like you are ruining your kidneys and as long as you aren’t alone things are fine
might tease you the next day over it tho hehe
(after he has taken care of you and you’ve recovered from your ‘hangover’ of course :D)
also imagine him carrying to your dorm :,)
i mean he  b u f f e d up didn't he
literally doesn't care if you’re heavy or not he WILL carry you bc you’re his baby!!
might act like he gets annoyed at your drunk state
which he will be sometimes but he wouldn’t trade it for the world
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Todoroki Shouto
Todoroki’s reaction is hard to tell from his face probably
I mean he doesn’t make you think he’s annoyed or angry
but he isn’t laughing either
baby is just confused
and before you two are couple he doesn’t exactly know how to take care of you in that state
like he wants to help but,,,, how????
he will slightly chuckle at you
and have this teeny tiny adorable smile uwu
“wait what is a canadian flag doing here.”
“..... you mean todoroki?”
okay in order for him to see you like that you will probably have to hang out with the dekusquad
they don’t really drink alcohol, so most drinks that they have are just juice
they know what happens when you drink too much
iida will most likely constantly be telling you off if you drink too much
and uraraka just tries to distract you so you won’t be drinking the whole time
….and midoriya doesn’t really know what to do
anyway, one time, midoriya, being the sweet angel he is, invites todoroki to join you guys
and well he wants to say no first
but then deku rambles and somewhere he mentions you
boy is sold immediately
and by the time he arrives, you are already wasted
and oh lord what a mess
todoroki doesn’t really know how to react
don’t get him wrong, he won’t think of you any less
he just,,, doesn’t know how to help?
“todoroOooooOOokiii, hiiii~” you giggle as you skip over to him
he can’t help but think you’re adorable uwu
baby is blushing
before he realises your attention goes back to the music that you had put on earlier
you even try to make him join
haha, no.
but of course he will watch
and secretly enjoy after a while
does feel this unfamiliar pang when he sees you pulling Midoriya with you to dance
dw bub he likes someone else :)
okay and
when you two are together
todoroki tries to keep you as sober as he can
he always sees the regret in your face the day after and he doesn’t like seeing his partner sad :(
todoroki is too pure for this world i’m crying
might not always be the best at comfort the day after but you can tell he does his best
if you ask him to get ice cream he will buy a supply for the next 59 years
it’s the thought that counts right
and of course it will be bought with Endeavor’s credit card :D
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Midoriya Izuku
okay so
I think how midoriya handles it can go two ways, depending on whether you two are close or not
if you two are close or have been childhood friends, he will know about your… interesting habit
however, if he doesn’t know you that well he probably has no idea
tho he does analyse people at times, I don’t think the fact that you get drunk on apple juice crosses his mind
if you two are close, he will try his best to keep you ‘sober’
if you do happen to get drunk he will keep a veeeery close eye on you!!
and as soon as a) someone bothers you or b) you’re just completely wasted he will take action
and bring you to your room if it gets too late
“Izuku…. Why is there broccoli on your head?...”
“uhm… That’s my hair y/n…”
he will 100% blush at some things you say
be careful, his poor heart is v fragile
despite his flustered state he will do his best to help
will definitely take care of you the next day
and trust me, if you thank him or tell him he’s doing great this boi will be so happy and blushy uwu
Now, if he isn’t that close to you it will take a while for him to find out about your interesting habit
he might be a little too shy to help, but he might tell your friends if something is wrong
something like “Hey, is y/n alright?”
just so your friends will stay kinda alert
but well, if they’re wasted too he will most likely try to help
he will be a lot more flustered than if you two were close friends
and he won’t know what exactly to do because he doesn’t know your boundaries, at the same time he wants to respect them so,,,, yeah that will be hard for him
now,,, if you two were a couple
be prepared to get pampered
BUT first of all
he will do his best to make sure you don’t get drunk every time you’re given some apple juice
of course he won’t be controlling
he will just kinda remind you how you get when you drink too much
and if you end up getting ‘drunk’, he will keep a v e r y close eye on you
might even be a little overprotective
will definitely leave the party early with you because he knows how you will be the next day
sorry bub it’s for your own good
the next day he will bring whatever you need!!
“uhm… I know what your favourite ice cream flavor is but there were so many brands so i bought them all.”
welp he means well :D
and cuddles!!!
if you need them he will be more than happy to give them
and soft forehead kisses
aaaa i’m so soft
oh one more thing
he will definitely carry you when you’re too drunk
if you snuggle up to his chest and/or wrap your arms around his neck
he will be about to explode
“..why is there a pillow on your chest izu?”
poor boy doesn’t know what to do
and whether you are close or not he will check on you the next day
to sum it up he’s just a shy angel that does his best to help you, whether you barely know each other or are in a relationship
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tobioslune · 4 years
thought i knew you well
ypairing: Kageyama Tobio x reader
genre: angst (bc i like hurting myslf)
now playing: In My Head - Ariana Grande
a/n: lmao so like it’s literally abt to be 3am and i’d rather do this than any of my 20 missing works. I’ve been listening to a lot of ariana grande recently and like i love the idea of basing fics from songs. I really love kags this is just a concept that i’ve thought abt :’D Also really sorry the layout of the fic is weird, i tried making it so that the lyrics that came in first in the song did so too in here. But idk if it made sense???
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Painted a picture, I thought I knew you well.
See, I have a tendancy to see things as something they are not, and our relationship was one of those things. You seemed so sincere, understanding and so good at listening. But now I can’t even tell if my memories of those moments were actually what happened. Did you really tell me about that one embarassing thing you did in elementary? Did we actually share some of our secrets behind that one tree in the school yard? I see you hanging out with new people as if these things never really happened, it’s like we didn’t even know each other. 
My imagination's too creative, They see demon I see angel
“King”, you’ve always hated that nickname and you told me why. Why you were burdened with guilt and hurt in your last game in Kitagawa. How you felt bad for treating people badly. Some friends of mine told me that you still had some of that behavior but I didn’t believe them. I saw past all that, past your microagressions and mood swings. I assumed you just needed time, time which I gave. Time that I think I’ve wasted, because look at you now, thriving without me. Opening things up to people in a week, which took me months to learn.
Look at you, boy, I invented you
You never really had any other hobbies before, so introduced you to some of mine. I took you to cafes, watched movies with you, painted with you, read you mangas and books, I even woke up early to go on jogs with you. But why am I hearing that you’re doing that with someone else now? You said in one of your interviews that some of your favorite things to do is paint and read. Funny how I showed all those to you and now it’s like you found them all on your own. 
I thought that you would need me
Never really said this to you before but I love when you needed me, or at least when you would act like you do. When you would ask me to stay with you to practice some more when Hinata had to go home, when you’d send me messages past 9pm to say that you miss me, or when you’d pull on the hem of my sleeve as a way of asking me to hug you. All that’s gone now, what happened? Was I just there to fill in an amount of time?
Needed something to believe in
I knew you were new to this and I knew what I was doing when I wanted to be with you, but looking back now, did I make a mistake? I would remember myself looking at you from a distance wondering if what I was doing was enough or if you really did like me, and honestly I’m still not sure. You weren’t that good at communicating so I’d take your small gestures as something to hold on to, something that I’d believe in to reassure myself in. Was I wrong?
Thought that you were the one
Despite everything, I really thought we would last. I really thought we would be able to push through obstacles that would come crashing our way. Did we get tired? Was the strenght we had together not enough? It must have been one of those or maybe something else that could explain why we’re apart right now.
I saw your potential without seeing credentials
I knew you were strong and I knew you were a hardworking person even if I’ve just heard rumors about you. Even when I hadn’t seen you play before I knew you had so much potential in you. I already knew you were an amazing person, even though I hadn’t met you.
Never thought that you would leave me but here we are, or aren’t. I really thought you loved me, thought that we would last. 
It was all in my head
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hello, could you maybe write a henry x reader, where she feels sad and left out bc she sees the chemistry between the girls (anya&freya) and Henry? if you could make it angsty? thank you dear
A/N: Hi angel! Thank you for your request. I think I’m not so good with angst, but I really tried to do my best. Hope you like it ✨
Pairing: Henry Cavill x reader
Length: 1458
Warnings: angst
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The rain falling that day was no joke and got you unprepared at all. Arriving at your office wet soaking was the more laborious thing you did in months, surprisingly there wasn’t a lot of work to do, just the normal amount of papers and scouldings from your pain-in-the-ass-boss.
Being an independent woman has it’s rollercoasters sometime, you were used to it.
The Witcher promotions started already, and you could not count on Henry for the weeks to come, and to be honest, being near to him these days were giving you a really weird feeling. You didn’t know if it was because of the long time he spent shooting the series that could’ve destabilized the relationship you two had. He have seen beautiful places in the world, met amazing people and had the company of two gorgeous women. 
That definitely wasn’t your common way of living life, more of a empty stomach all day because the caffeine had you without appetite or a long bath in almost scalding water because of your back pain, not so glamorous.
Henry was the renovation of your life when he got in, giving you a motive to laugh and would prepare a warm and delicious meal to heal your stomach and give you strength to overcome the back pain, as well massages or what he could do to help. When he left to do his work, you always felt like there was a hole in your life, something missing, so you had to adjust to your transient situation, ordering food when you got home because you had no vitality left to cook a proper homemade meal.
The insecurity you felt was gaining great proportions, and you knew it when you felt afraid of watching The Witcher. You knew that your heart would ache to see Henry having so much chemistry with Anya. Yeah, it was a silly thing to feel, but you could not help. How could you? You were the average woman that had no time to workout, that had no time to go to saloon to do your hair, the average woman that looked nothing like a model like figure. 
And the worst was to come, because in promotions the actors were all interacting with each other, and the fans would make assumptions of what was happening, was that a friendship? Or are they dating? They don’t really know. 
You couldn’t blame anyone for your insecurities, Henry never gave you reasons for that, Anya was only making her job, and afterwards the decision of not to be showed off as his girlfriend was yours, not his. 
You were happy for the success that The Witcher is making, of course, and proud of your man. Henry was just so… Too much to you. He’s handsome, talented, made awesome movies and you were just you. The bland and plain you. 
“Hello?” you said after answering the phone in your office. 
“Hello, babe. It’s Henry.” his voice was soft, and you could see his smile in your mind.
“Oh, hi babe.” you lowered your voice. “I wasn’t expecting you to call.”
“Yeah, neither I.” he laughed. “How is your day?”
“Do you want the standard answer or the real one?” 
“The real one, give it to me.”
“I’m feeling helplessly bad today, the rain started pouring and I arrived the office soaking wet. I’m tired, you know that.” you sighed, trying to not cry on the go.
“I’m so sorry to hear that, babe. I’m sorry that I can’t be with you right now.”
You laughed in self  consolation. “That’s ok, Henry. Why would you want to.” you snapped when realized what you had said. Oh no.
“What? Babe, what are you saying?” his voice was now really full of worry and you could feel it.
“I don’t know, Henry. I’m sorry.” you took a break. “You are so happy with your job, you have two beautiful women by your side, your fans... I don’t want to ruin your mood with my usual bullshit.” 
“y/n, don’t say it. I-” 
“That’s okay, babe. I’m okay.” you interrupted him. “I have a lot of work to do right now. I’m sorry.” you hung up the call. 
“Shit.” you whisper to yourself feeling guilty. Why you said those thing? He don’t even said something to bad or rude, he actually asked how was your day going.
That’s cool, you thought. You were feeling guilty, left out and sad. The best combination for a tough day.
“Hey, have you seen The Witcher?” your closest co-worker said bringing her chair near you, so she would be able to speak in a lower tone. It’ sarcastically and tragic funny how when you don’t want to talk about something, this is the only thing people around you could talk about. The success was undeniable. 
“Hm. Yes! I have.” you said clearly lying. 
“And had you watched that Comic-con’s interview with Henry Cavill, Freya Allan and Anya Chalotra?” They are fricking awesome.” she said so excited you had to fake a smile.
“Actually, no. How was that?” obviously you wouldn’t watch those interviews, that will not make you feel better at all.
“The chemistry! Ugh. The way they smile to each other, specially Henry and Anya.” she made a pause to take your clipper. “They are really good looking too. I don’t know what’s happening there, but if a couple forms,  they will be a hell of a gorgeous couple.”
“Wow.” you said faking a good reaction.
While you were opening the door, you could hear you favourite album of your favourite band playing in a volume not so low and not so high, and the smell of food made your poor stomach ache with hungry. Henry was home, his presence is so overpowering that you actually didn’t had to see him to feel him. 
When you were taking of your heels, he appeared, with impeccable figure, casual clothes, just his perfect self. Your first thought was more like a self conscious thought of how you were looking right now, you had no idea, and that made you shrink with all your insecurities coming to you all the same time. You were crying and didn’t even realized when it started, all you did was to cover you face your hands ashamed of the scene you were making.
Henry got shocked and hurried to embrace you in a tight hug. “Hey, what happened?” he asked kind of scared. “Hey, babe. Look at me, please.” the tone he used was almost begging, so you just took you hands away and looked to him, with a vision blurred. “Ok, that’s good. Now say what is making you cry.”
“It’s idiotic.” you took a deep breath and blew expiration, trying to recover. “You don’t need to hear my bullshit.”
“No, no, no. I need and I want to hear.” his hand were making a light caress in your back, just like it’s done when a baby just finished to eat.
“I’m insecure, ok?” you looked away. “I’m just a normal woman, I have no special treats like the women you are surrounded by. The way you and Anya get well along and stuff.” you could feel the tears falling down again. “I’m holding your life back, I know, I’m not enough to you, I will never be…” you were crying again, you felt so stupid for feeling like this.
“Oh, y/n, babe.” you felt his hand on the side of you face. “Don’t cry, I beg you, it hurts to my core.” he said kissing your forehead. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize how you were feeling, I’m sorry.” he said looking to you watering eyes. “How could you say that? Not enough? You are enough, you are who I love, who I want to spend my life with.” now he was wiping your tears with his thumbs. “Anya… it’s just a co-worker, a friend, yes we get along well, but it’s our work. You, y/n, are my babe, my lover.”
“You're sure?” you said sobbing a little, looking for a signal of falsehood in his face only finding pure love and worry.
“Yes, I am. Do you want to know a funny thing?” He said with a kind smile. “I’m insecure too. You think that leaving  you here alone it’s easy to me? I always have to deal with the feeling that I’m not enough to you.” he said and hugged you tight again. “I guess we need to speak more, holding things back it’s not good.”
“Totally.” you said felling a relieve so great and needed that you never know you needed. “I’m sorry for not seeing your side.”
“That’s okay.” he laughed a bit. “Can I have a kiss now?”
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2018shawn · 4 years
1+1 | descent | part 3
warnings: ok so, there is smut but I have begun and ended it with a ***** so you can skip if u want bc they be loving each other during this pregnancy liFE. there is mentions of blood (towards the end), drinking, swearing etc 
a/n: omg I love you all so much sorry for taking so long here are some of the requests I used to keep me going with a lil breakdown:
maybe for 1+1 there r complications with the pregnancy (nothing life threatening just a little harder or something) and shawn is super cute and protective - a little teaser, more in next chap x
Shawn would be a worrying mess throughout your pregnancy for sure🥺😂 - again, will be more in next chapter
Y/n being horny whilst being pregnant - big mood
Could you write something about Shawn and y/n going to her parent's for dinner and her mum picks on her the entire time, maybe Shawn comforts her or confronts her? - so i kinda adjusted it a bit bc I just couldn't imagine it like full on if that makes any sense but anyways ye
Shawn making sure she takes her prenatal pills and is on time for all appointments. - he would 10/10 do this I bet ur ass
Just all the fluff about pregnancy that you possible can write. I LOVE YOUR WORK💗🥰 - you are the cutest lil ANGEL I love YOU 🥺
word count: 6.5k 
previous parts: here
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You never thought you’d be one of those pregnant women who obsessed over their weight and constantly observed for signs of a growing bump; but you never thought you’d get pregnant and here you are, stood in front of your mirror, almost 1/3 of the way into your pregnancy already - 10 weeks, to be exact. You were only 5 weeks pregnant when you’d visited your doctor that one day, adamant that you were going to receive bad news, only to receive the complete opposite.
As your mind wandered back to that day, 5 weeks ago, the palm of your hand caressed the bare skin of your stomach, admiring how much your body was already changing. You’d left the doctors office in a complete state of shock, insisting Dr. Blake check the test results at least 5 times before you finally nodded and accepted that you were pregnant. Shawn hadn’t stopped talking the whole day after that and found concern in you being just as quiet as what you would been if the worst had come out of that meeting. Of course it was just the shock, that your body, despite everything you’d been told, had been able to pull through and create a miracle. The fuzzy feeling of 2 day old stubble resting on your shoulder and curls tickling the side of your neck brought you back to current day, eyes wandering up from your stomach to meet the eyes of Shawn’s. His arms wrapped around your hips, covering your own as he allowed his fingers to entwine with yours. “Whatcha’ thinking ‘bout?” He asked before turning his head to place a delicate kiss in the crook of your neck.
You shivered and smiled at the ticklish sensation, a small giggle leaving your lips. “That you really need to shave your poor excuse of a beard.” His mouth opened wide, offended of the insult towards his manliness as you continued to declare your real thoughts. “Just... this. Us. I guess.” Your head fell and rested against his as he nodded, moving both of your hands to your lower stomach, where baby would soon be continuously blooming.
“You know, baby M sure has put a little glow on your skin and a wider smile on your face.” His chin was heavy on your shoulder as he spoke, but you didn’t mind, considering in a few months you’d have a baby gnawing away at your shoulder. And being sick down it. And dribbling down it. And... why do you have babies, again?
“Baby M?” You asked, eyebrows raised in admiration of the sudden new nickname who was previously known as bub.
Shawn shrugged, finally giving you some room and detaching from your frame so you could continue to go about your normal morning routine. You did so by picking up your hairbrush from the cabinet next to you, dragging in through your untamed bed head. “Yeah, i mean, bub was cute and all... but... you’re my original bub, really. And I guess the M can stand for Mendes. Or miracle. Or both?” He questioned, more than confirmed, leaving you smiling at his pointless babbles and theories. Shawn swiftly moved on to tell you he’d checked the parenting app this morning, and Baby M is now the size of a lime. He also told you that he read an article that told you eating peanuts and dairy could make the baby allergic to them in the future, but with further research he soon developed it was nothing but a mere myth. Most of all, whilst you were getting ready, Shawn told you how lucky he feels to have you and how much he loves you.
You turned to the side one final time before you left the mirror, hands coming back to the small bump across your stomach. Shawn walked back into the room, toothbrush hanging from his mouth and towel hung from his hips, rolling his eyes as you studied yourself yet again. “Bub, stop it.” He somewhat spoke, through minty bubbles and white paste.
“Am I...” You started, alternating between pinching the skin and caressing it with the palm of your hand. “Am I getting fat?”
Shawn almost spat his mouth care out, the brushing of his teeth coming to a stop as he stared at you, astonished by your brief question. “You’re not fat...” He held his finger up as he darted back into the en suite where you heard the running of water and him finishing his process. The water shut off and you could hear him grab the towel from the rail, presumably to wipe his face, considering he had white suds dripping down his chin. “...You’re pregnant”
He reappeared in the room, walking over and snaking his arms round your waist. “So i’m fat then?” You laughed, giving up your touch on your stomach to reach up and rest your arms atop his shoulders.
All he could do was chuckle, never having heard anything so absurd. You’d never be fat, but you’d always be beautiful. “You’re a baby maker, he gotta grow somewhere.”
You rolled your eyes, tip toeing upwards and pressing your lips to his to be greeted with the fresh mint taste you anticipated. “She.”
Humming into your touch in return, his fingers danced through your freshly brushed hair as he was pulled into your body, “your mom...” you started, giggling as he pulled away and shot you a confused glance.
“Why are you thinking of my mom while i’m tryna make out with you?”
“I’m thinking of your dad too.” You smirked, only trying to wind him up further.
“Ok, weird, stop...” He shuddered, screwing his face up in further confusion and disapproval. He searched your face for an answer, but you merely shrugged and walked away, pulling out your favourite shirt from the wardrobe and bringing it over your arms, you let it fall over your body.
Two overnight bags lay on the bed, only a few items thrown into them so far for your weekend trip to Shawn’s family home. “Do you wanna tell them tonight?” You asked, picking a couple more shirts from the wardrobes and finally some pants that would match.
He watched as you folded them delicately into your bag, “do you? I mean, it’s your body, it’s your choice.” It was killing Shawn alive to keep this from his parents, and more so Aaliyah, but with all the bad luck you’d had, you were sceptical of jinxing the situation. You thought it was most probably a myth, that telling people you were pregnant before the end of a certain trimester could cause bad luck, but it was a risk you wasn’t willing to take.
“It’s our choice,” you confirmed, walking back over to the wardrobe and pulling out a couple of t-shirts for Shawn and holding them up for his approval. With a nod, you threw them in his direction, and he attempted to fold them into his bag, not half as neatly as you had done. “I just know it’s killing you. And besides it’s nearly the end of my first trimester and it is your mom’s birthday...”
You held up a shirt, one you absolutely loved seeing Shawn in, but he screwed up his face and shook his head, so you put it back on the rail. “No pressure, we tell them when you’re ready.” You walked over with another shirt you’d picked for him, shaking your head at Shawn’s third attempt of folding his clothing. You remembered how after your third date, he brought you to his place for a drink and you saw how chaotically organised his suitcase was packed for going on tour. With a bottle of wine and some packing tips later, you both ended up falling asleep in his spare bedroom, organised piles of clothes all around you.
The more the hours in the day went by, the more you chewed your inner cheek in anxiousness. Driving to Shawns parent’s house felt like a lifetime but he silently tried to comfort you by holding your thigh as he drove. You didn’t know if you were going to tell them, you didn’t even know if you wanted to and you sighed at yourself again for letting it play over and over in your mind. “Bub?” Shawn squeezed your thigh and pulled you from your daydream, looking over at you as you came up to a red light.
“Mmhmm?” You didn’t know if Shawn could read your mind, as you thought about all the nice ways you’d seen over the internet of how people tell their parents they’re going to be nana and grandads. Here you were, thinking of ways to not tell them.
“Stop worrying about it, if we tell them, we tell them. If we don’t, we don’t.” You nodded, although you both knew it wouldn’t be the end of your concerns.
A few red lights later and a slow drive down the quiet lane, you’d reached the Mendes family house, heart warming as Aaliyah flung the door open and immediately ran to the car. Shawn had the best relationship with his sister and it gave you no doubt in your mind that he was going to be the best dad in the world. It was getting late, the traffic taking a toll on your arrival time and the party was already in full swing. Karen appeared in the door, two glasses of wine in hand and a beaming smile on her features. “Hello, my beautiful family,” she theatrically exclaimed, pulling you in for a huge hug as you both reached the doorway with Shawn holding both of your overnight bags and almost knocking the wine from her hands.
“Mom are you drunk already?” Shawn laughed, eyeing the 2 glasses of wine tight in her grip and watching how she stumbled down one of the steps and pushed her cheek outwards, inviting a kiss from Shawn.
“What? No! I’ve only had 1 glass..” She nodded, handing you one of the glasses and you politely smiled, thanking her. She whispered to you as Shawn walked into the house and he disappeared out of view, instantly getting lost in the music and big crowd of people. “I’ve had 3...” she giggled, pulling you inside as the two of you began to engage in conversation.
The party in full swing, Shawn had drunk your - 2 glasses of - wine when no one was looking with Karen handing you another glass which you’d had in your hand for at least 45 minutes when she walked over to bring you another. “Oh?” She questioned, looking at your still full glass as you stood with Shawn and his old family friends. “You love wine, why aren’t you drinking!”
You smiled and eyed Shawn, who instantly shot to your defence. “Mom, she’s not an alcoholic,” he said, and you all laughed it off, but as Karen stood with you and insisted you drank some of it with her, your heart beat out your chest and feet shuffled uncomfortably beneath you. “Mom... she doesn’t want to drink the wine.” Shawn said, pulling it out of your hand and putting it onto the side.
“Don’t speak for her, we’ve seen a fair few wine-drunk y/n’s in her time!” If that’s how she saw you, she most definitely wouldn’t think you’re fit to be a parent. She knew you and Shawn were trying, sure, but the more you thought about it, the more you’d actually never heard her say anything positive about it. Maybe catching Shawn arguing with her on the phone six or so months ago was about this. About you. About your inability to succeed in adult life.
Before anyone could blink, tense atmosphere filling the air between the small crowd as the rest of the unaware house guests continued to party, you darted up the stairs, rushing to the bathroom. Curled over the toilet and stomach tensing tightly, you were yet again reminded that morning sickness was not just for the mornings. Shawn was quick behind you, stroking your back like he always did and offering you a bottle of water he’d managed to grab en route to your side.
Once you felt it was out of your system, you leaned back, your bum sitting against the backs of your ankles as you shakily took the water from Shawn. “I’m sorry about my mom.”
“It’s okay,” you stopped to take another sip, the cold water relieving your dry mouth and the horrible taste that covered it, “I just don’t want her to see me as that person. It makes me feel like she thinks i’m going to be a bad mom...”
“You’re going to be a mom?!” A voice much higher than Shawn’s interrupted, both yours and Shawn’s head flying round to the door where Aaliyah could be seen in the crack.
“‘Liyah, what the fuck!” Shawn screamed, his younger sister repeatedly apologising, only insisting she came to see if you were okay.
Karen appeared in the doorway and once pushed further open, so did Manny, which only made you feel like a pathetic fool as the Mendes clan bickered around you. Shawn was shouting at Aaliyah for having no personal boundaries, whilst Aaliyah screamed back at him for leaving the door open in the first place, whilst Manny shouted at them both for shouting at each other, all whilst Karen ignored the trio and came down to your level, wiping the run mascara that surrounded your eyes. It was a scene from a comedy movie, two young adults fighting ridiculously, the father rolling his eyes at them both and unable to control their anger, and the mother identifying the source of the problem, which just so happened to be you. “Honey, i’m sorry if i upset you, so so sorry.”
“Karen, it’s okay, it’s not you.” You smiled, somewhat meaning it. It was you, really, your hormones were wild and emotions all over the place and boy, didn’t you know about it recently.
“It is, Manny always jokes i’m a cow when i’ve had some wine.”
Shawn stretched his hand out, offering it for you to take so he could help you up from the floor. Once you were straightened up, he repeated the offering to his mother, laughing at her as she stumbled due to the wine still flowing through her body. “Can we just all go back to normal?” Manny suggested, and Karen nodded having no idea what the meeting was about in the first place.
“Normal?! I can’t go back to normal when I just heard that y/n and Shawn are gonna be...” Shawn shot her a look, threatening his younger sibling without words but for once, you didn’t care that she was rambling, that she was going to spill, because that would take the weight off you.
Bickering yet again, the parents tried to speak over their supposedly grown up and adult children, “can someone please just tell us what is going on?!”
You sighed, knowing there was only one way out of this bathroom that would involve everyone making friends and getting along as normal. So when Aaliyah and Shawn simply returned to debating who was the right and wrong sibling, you cleared your throat and exclaimed with laughter, “oh my god!”
“I know! I don’t know how you live with this dumbass, and put with him and-”
Shaking you head and interrupting Aaliyah, who continued to torture her brother, you exclaimed to everyone in the room, all of them turning to face you at the most wonderful confession, “i’m pregnant!”
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Another two weeks had flown by, the news of your pregnancy spreading far and wide and unintentionally - you broke instagram. Well, not specifically you, nor Shawn, but all the fans that were greeted with the news on the Saturday evening. The same saturday evening you were sat in Connor’s dining room, enjoying your elderflower presse whilst everyone else devoured the beer and wine. Shawn sipped his like he was 15 and was about to get busted by his mom and dad, despite you telling him to enjoy and drink enough for the both of you.
Mila had decided, that now she was turning 25 she should ditch the clubbing scene and opt for a sophisticated dinner party with her closest and dearest. Sophisticated it was not, jokes and tales getting spilt around the table like a bunch of teenagers playing never have I ever. “Man, that holiday, I swear Shawn and y/n did it, like, six times in one day!” Brain laughed, washing his claim down with another gulp of beer. You laughed and Shawn shouted, defending the two of you with everything he had left in him.
“Making a baby is harder than it seems in the movies!” He confessed, pushing his own beer away from him, not really interested in any form of alcoholic beverage, but more so in staying sensible for you.
Your hand fell under the table, reaching across just slightly to rest on his thigh. His body instantly stilled, bottom lip taken captive in between his teeth at your simple touch. Shawn was a sucker for secret public displays of affection, and of course, you knew that. More than ever, 12 weeks into your pregnancy and coming up the end of your first trimester, all you wanted to do was... well... Shawn.
The theory of your sex drive either noticeably increasing or decreasing during pregnancy was one of the many things you’d read in books and articles but was yet to experience it yourself. Up until this past week, where it severely peaked. Shawn had woken up twice with your body straddling his and lips peppering kisses down his body, until they reached a certain morning perkiness. He had payed you back just once, making himself late for a meeting to which of course he had absolutely no regrets.
The two of you were already significantly late to tonight’s party, hair slightly dishevelled and Shawn’s shirt more creased than first intended. You’d practically pinned him down with no other option than to satisfy your needs. He played on the fact you both shouldn’t have been late, but he was more than happy to skip the starter and have you instead.
He cleared his throat awkwardly as your hand cupped him through the material of his pants and you smirked as you felt it harden immediately. Leaning over and brushing against your ear as everyone else carried on their conversations, he whispered. “We’ll get going soon.” His arm fell to rest on the back of your chair, wrapping around your body as you moved into him, both of your chairs unable to be any closer. Brian commented on how sick it made him feel that two people could be so in love, but Mila shouted in your defence, telling him it was sweet.
Whilst continuous stories jumped from person to person, your hand remained in Shawn’s lap, brushing over her sensitive and needy covered cock every so often which only made him shift in his seat. “Meet me upstairs.” You whispered, standing up from your chair and placing your napkin on the table. Putting on your best queezy smile and letting your hand fall to your stomach, you spoke to the group. “Excuse me, guys, I’m just gonna have minute.”
No further questions were asked as you headed out of the room, making sure to smirk at Shawn one final time before you left completely. He gave it a couple of minutes, and he was about to excuse himself, when Mila asked if him if she should go check on you. “No, sit down birthday girl, I’ve got this. I’ve seen enough pregnancy sickness to last me a lifetime.” He joked as he scrapped his chair from under the table, hoping the hardness in his pants had died down in fear of giving away their secret bathroom date.
At the top of the stairs, in the room to the right, you touched up your lipstick and pushed your make up brush into your skin with a dabbing motion to blot away any oils. The door creaked open and you smiled as your curly haired boy appeared, grinning back as he shut the door behind him, of course making sure to switch the lock. “What’s gotten into you?” He raised his eyebrows as he walked over to you, hands finding your waist as you stared at you both in the mirror. Even when you’re in heels, he was notably taller than you, but he appreciated how he didn’t have to bend down as far to leave soft kisses on your skin. Your slinky dress was a thin material, spaghetti straps only just covering a tiny fraction of your shoulders and ending just above your knees further down your body.
There was nothing bad that Shawn thought about the sudden spike in your sex drive, he was still the 20 something year old guy who fancied the fuck out of his wife and he’d be crazy to turn her away and deny her of her pregnancy needs, right?
“Hopefully you.” You purred, trying to sound seductive but following it up with a laugh that most definitely made it more comical. Shawn never laughed though, as he dotted his lips across your shoulder and into the crook of your neck, grabbing a fistful of your hair in his hand and moving it out his loving path. *****A groan left your mouth and said hand came up to cover it, making you bite your lip to muffle your approving sounds. His ivory shirt was tight against his arms as he reached up and covered your lips with his large fingers and you adored how he flexed underneath it with each movement. You wriggled your ass playfully, nudging it backwards pushing your palms against the counter surface to steady yourself. His lips never left your skin as his hips pushed into you, covered areas causing a sexual friction that filled the room. If he wasn’t hard before, he most definitely was now.
One hand loosened on your mouth, allowing you to breathe heavily as you tried your best to stifle your moans. The other worked down your body, smoothing down the soft material of your dress until he reached the bottom hem. He made sure to connect his hands with your skin, pulling the dress up with his movement as he palmed back up your leg, stopping when he reached the curve of your ass that was barely covered by the most pathetic set of underwear he’d ever laid eyes on.
You let a moan slip as he grabbed a handful of you firmly, making you smirk beneath your bitten bottom lip. “Shh.” he hummed into your neck, eyes coming up only slightly to watch you in the mirror, admiring how your head was thrown back against him and neck begging to be taken by his hand.
Nodding clumsily, he continued to hike up your dress, letting it gather at your hips and he finally detached from your skin. He leant back, making sure he was still pushed against you and trapping your body in between his and the counter. You were bent slightly forward, back softly arched and hips writhing in an attempt to feel something against your aching core. He didn’t bother to stop you, only quickly reaching down to fiddle with the buckle of his belt and buttons, allowing his pants to fall down his legs. He left his boxers, for now, and returned to palming the skin of your derrière with eagerness. Squatting down, he came face to face with the asset he’d been focusing his hands on, slapping the inside of your thighs as instruction to widen them. Happily obliging, your heels clicked against the floor as you did so, hands no longer resting on the countertop but more so gripping it as you felt his breathe edge closer to your centre.
Your underwear, or lack of, was tugged down your legs and he helped you to lift each ankle as he pulled it over your heels, supporting your body and holding your weight. He scrunched them up and found the pocket of his pants, shoving them in as a personal souvenir. Just as you were about to moan at him for taking his time, his two middle fingers traced down your folds, a squeal echoing through your closed mouth as you tried to contain yourself. He stroked delicately, nudging your clit every other time until he was happy he’d spread your pre juices enough. And when he was happy, his fingers slid into you effortlessly, grabbing himself as they disappeared into you. He couldn’t bare the ache in his fully hardened length, wanting so desperately to skip the pleasantries and slip straight into taking you from behind. Sitting down, instead of awkwardly squatting beneath you, he also switched direction, so he snaked beneath your legs and his back rested against the counter you was facing. His hands reached around the back of your thighs, pulling you closer to his face without warning. Your desperate core brushed against his lips, hands tightening around the sink with white knuckles at the intimate contact.
It took everything in your to not scream out in pleasure. No amount of intimacy in your own home compared to sneaking away from a party and doing the dirty, much like you used to do in the past and you were forever grateful the spark had never died. You were thankful for his strong grip on the back of your thighs, legs shaking as his tongue caressed your folds from underneath you. He wanted to be beneath you forever, to have you squirming and panting just as you were in this moment. He’d never intended for it to be this... full on, when he came to find you in the bathroom. He thought it would maybe a quickie, a little tease, but something innocent and playful had turned into a lustful dream.
You braved your sudden move, removing one hand from the support of the sink and moved it down, grabbing a fistful of brown curls. The action was warmly welcomed, his tongue slipping deep into you almost causing your legs to buckle completely. The way Shawn made you feel, this far into your relationship was a feeling that could never be taken away; the way he loved you like it was the first and last time all rolled into one.
“God, I, I need you to...” you breathed, pausing and inhaling sharply when he tongue flicked over your nub, circling before he moved back to your swollen folds and your entrance “...get back up here.”
Before you could open your eyes well enough to stop seeing stars, he was back behind you, eyes full of lust and need. Your dress was still hunched around your hips, bottom half of your body bare to the air, although, not for long as shawn stepped forward and muffled his hardened area into the curve of your ass, the more prominent hardness pushing inbetween you. You moaned as the feeling of his briefs confirmed he was stilling donning his boxer shorts, desperate for the feel of skin on skin. He smirked as he pulled away, his boxers decorated with wetness that had gathered in between your legs. He also smirked when freed himself; boxers dropping to his ankles and throbbing cock bouncing free and nestling in between your legs, more specifically, between your needy centre.
Hips thrashing backwards, your peachy asset slapped against his rock-hard hips and you were taken by surprise when he grabbed tightly at your hips, stopping you from moving away. The feel of his cock rubbing through your folds caused a whimper as your eyes travelled up to look into the mirror in front of you both. His tall frame, compared to yours, which was half bent over the counter, looked heavenly as he toyed with you, rocking his hips so he rubbed against your throbbing area a few more times. When he decided he’d had enough of watching you quiver with pleasure beneath him, he reached his arm between you, wrapping fingers around his length and guiding it to your entrance.
With one swift motion, his hips fully pushed against your rear, cock sliding into you as you finally felt him fill you. Your head fell down, trying to control your rapid breathing and screams you so desperately wanted to spill, only just remembering a house full of guests were just a floor beneath you both. Shawn reached over to your neck, grabbing a fistful of your hair and yanking your head upwards, eyes burning into you through the mirror. You bit your bottom lip, smiling underneath, as he faintly smiled back, knocking down the barrier of his serious demeanour. Suddenly you felt more than thankful for the increased sex drive, thrilled by the pleasure and view all of which started and ended with Shawn.
Loud cries were threatening to leave your lips, Shawn’s hand having to take rightful place over your mouth every so often when he heard the sweet sound of your whimpers start to fall. Although, he was not one to talk, very much lost in the moment and the fact he was fucking you in his best friends bathroom, even though it would not be the first time. His grunts grew closer together with every thrust he made, his hips slapping against you with an echo to the room. You came to your high with a fistful of your hair in his hand and teeth sunk into your bottom lip, severely struggling to keep hush. He came to his high when he moved his hand to your mouth, his fingers dancing over your lips until you wrapped your plump and - ruined - lipsticked features around them. *****
And just like that, 30 minutes after entering the bathroom, you and Shawn laughed and joked in front of the mirror you’d literally just performed sexual acts in front of. “Is baby M okay?”
“Shawn, having your penis inside me does not affect the baby.” You laughed, yet again fixing your make up having felt like you’d only just done the same task. “And anyway, apparently closer to when you’re due, having sex is actually good for the whole process.”
“Good job we’ve started early then, isn’t it?”
“We never stopped.”
A small tap on the door put a stop to your giggles, and your hand covered your mouth like a naughty school girl. “Are you two okay? I’m concerned about you and i’m worried i’ve poisoned your baby with aubergine bake.” Mila’s muffled voice spoke through the door and you felt bad for making her feel so concerned. Shawn opened the door and you sat yourself down on the closed toilet seat, quickly ripping off some toilet roll and dabbing under your eyes. You felt evil, for going along with it really, but a pregnant lady gotta do what a pregnant lady gotta do.
Mila rushed over, her palm soothing over your back in order to try and be comforting. You had to stifle a laugh as Shawn reached into his pocket and eyebrows furrowed when his fingers grabbed a delicate material that he usually wouldn’t carry around in his pocket. Pulling out just a fraction of what you believed was your underwear, your lips pulled together in a thin line as Mila babbled on about getting you home and to bed. Shawn’s right eye dropped into a wink as he walked out of the room, tucking your lacey garment back into his pocket where no one could see it. You were already thinking about getting home, and how having no underwear on would be of great, great service. Damn hormones.
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It was hard to concentrate on anything other than the flowers as you opened your eyes this morning, the bright yellow petals almost blinding you as the sun crept through the blinds and reflected off them. Beneath the vase was a small cup of pills, including your folic acid that you were instructed to take during pregnancy, and a note in which you immediately recognised the hand writing. You were slightly disappointed he had to leave early this morning, the sexual drive in you still being... higher than normal, but the flowers and note made up for his lack of presence, nonetheless.
happy 19 weeks, baby m is a mango this week!
take ur meds
appointment at 1.30, will pick you up for 1 
love you :) 
Whenever Shawn left before you, he made sure to leave your meds out, usually on your dressing table but today he’d opted for the bedroom side table with his thoughtful gift. Even if he hadn’t left the house before you, he would be constantly reminding you over breakfast, bringing you a glass of water so you had something to swallow them with. The birds were chirping as you pushed your feet into your cloudy slippers, arms stretching out as you braced yourself to stand up from the bed. It was more refreshing to get out of bed when came naturally as opposed to the past few weeks, where your morning sickness had you literally creeping up to usain bolt’s world record as you ran to the toilet. The sickness had almost vanished and you read that it was normal, that it usually did disappear by the 17 week mark. In place of the morning sickness, there was pains. And aches. And twinges. And niggles. And... more pain.
Your lower stomach gurgled as a stabbing sensation shot through and you tried to stroke it in comfort, although you were nowhere close to soothing the pain. Attempting to power through the inconvenience, you decided you must just be hungry, and proceeded to walk through to the bathroom to get a shower.
Craving of ice cream for breakfast and passion fruit martini’s we’re not that uncommon to you at this stage. Of course you couldn’t act upon the martini, but ice cream aplenty, you were trying your hardest to stay away from the freezer and head to the fruit bowl in the mornings. Despite the old saying, ‘you’re eating for two’ - which, in all honesty, was one of the things you was looking forward to - your doctor informed you that no extra calories were needed for intake until possibly around 6 months in.
You’d managed to lay in until 11am this morning, a very rare occasion for you as a general early bird, leaving you a couple of hours to play with until Shawn would be back to pick you up. Those two hours flew by, almost half of it being spent by procrastinating getting ready and watching modern family instead.
When you looked out the front window, only just having put your shoes on, the time was 12.58 exactly and Shawn’s range rover began to pull down the gravelled driveway. His eyes were covered by his ray bans, curls slightly ruffled as if he’d spent his morning running his hands through them, t shirt stopping just above his biceps to reveal a handful of tattoos. The sun glistened against his skin as he stepped out the vehicle, pulling the sunglasses from his face and looking up to see you swooning down on him, sending a blush to your cheeks.
“I’d shout honey I’m home, but you already know.” He laughed as he walked through the door, throwing his sunglasses and car keys onto the side table, walking over to where you stood on the bottom step.
The bottom step gave you extra height, almost enough to be eye level with him as your arms hooked over his shoulders. “As much as i’d love to stand here and listen to your smugness, we got a baby to go see.” He pressed his lips to yours before letting you snake from underneath him, feeling cold with your lack of presence already. The pain and uncomfort in your stomach had continued all morning, but maybe it was the nerves of going to the hospital or the fact you’d rejected your body of ice cream. Shawn was immediately concerned when your let out a small whimper and squinted your eyes shut, caressing your stomach.
“Hey, what’s up?” He met back up with you, hands coming to your hips as support for your aching figure.
“I think we’re just having a bit of an off day,” you forced a smile, although you knew Shawn wouldn’t buy it.
“Well good job we have an appointment then isn’t it.” He moved forward and let his lips push against your forehead, hands never leaving your lips as he left a tender kiss. “Let’s get going.”
You nodded in agreement, stomach twisting with a mixture of nerves and pain. “I’ll just pee first,” you told before walking to the downstairs bathroom, not far from the front door where Shawn stood, twirling his keys in his hands, clearly eager to get you to the hospital.
As soon as the bathroom door shut behind you, another whimper of pain left your lips and you was glad you managed to keep it in until you were out of Shawn’s watch. He worried, a lot, but only because he cared. “Come on baby, just behave for momma,” you whispered, speaking quietly to your stomach as you shuffled over to the toilet. Hooking your fingers through the belt loops of your jeans, you tugged them down, followed by your underwear. It was a process you’d become all too familiar with, baby using your bladder as a trampoline throughout most days. This time was different; your heart dropped and eyes pricked with tears as you looked down, seeing the sight of what you hadn’t seen in quite some time. “Shawn...” you managed, only half sure he’d actually heard you.
“Babe, we’re pushing it for time, can you hurry?” You could tell he was just the other side of the wooden door, voice loud and assertive. Your hand dipped to between your legs and you winced when you were met with more of what you didn’t want.
“Can... can you come in.” you whimpered, and from the tone of your voice he knew something wasn’t right and pulled the door open without hesitation. He saw you sat on the toilet, which was nothing new, but when his eyes wandered down and he saw the blood covering your underwear and hand pulling away from in between your thighs being covered with the same dark red fluid, his heart dropped like yours had one minute prior. Although he could see what was going on, unable to move and body frozen to the floor, you confirmed the situation with two simple words, “i’m bleeding.”
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shawn tag-list; @imaginashawnns @fallinallincurls @mendesficsxbombay
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My headcanon has always been that Alec figured out he was gay very early in life (I've ALWAYS been/I ALWAYS knew/I ALWAYS dreamed) which is... interesting bc visibility and representation must have been a huge issue when he was growing up. This sort of reinforces my interpretation that Alec has always been very in touch with his feelings and very honest about them (he only chose to hide/not act on them). Which is I think what Magnus figured about him from the very beginning ->
-> (it's rare to find a shadowhunter with such an open heart). Which is also funny and sort of on point bc Alec's siblings were widely mistaken about Alec's issues. It also explains why Alec doesn't have any major hang-ups about relationships or expressing his feelings, something a lot of viewers took an issue with (like why is Alec not emotionally stunted or things like that). That said, I keep thinking about Magnus and how he was exploring his sexuality. I mean imagine Magnus talking to his father. Magnus: I feel like I'm into both men and women 🤔 Asmodeus: Great! The amount of people you can seduce and murder has increased exponentially 👀 I mean, poor Magnus 💀
i feel bad for laughing at the asmodeus part but ur so correct hdbdudbdidndidndidndidn
and u know i agree with u 100% on the Alec stuff, this is a hill I'm willing to die on, Alec knew that he was gay since forever, he wasn't lying to himself, he just chose to keep it to himself. he made that very clear every time he talked about it too, i always KNEW i couldn't get what i wanted, I've ALWAYS dreamt, like you said. key words always, knew, and wanted. he was extremely aware throughout the whole process and i can't see it any other way. Alec is terrible at lying and that includes to himself, hes painfully logical and aware and hes been trained to pay attention to his own body/reactions/thoughts and approach them logically and dissecate them from the very beginning. theres no way he was oblivious to his own feelings, or else his lies in s1 wouldnt be so clearly bad.
Alec is, for better or for worse, painfully self aware and that's something i identify with, possibly the part of him i relate to the most. he's struggling because he know it's not safe to come out and he's decided that he wont, so he doesn't, to anyone. but he knows exactly how he feels and that that's his choice. then, when he meets Magnus, he's confused, not because he wasn't ready to face that he liked men (he knew that pretty damn well) but because he was questioning whether he really wanted to go through with his "closeted for eternity" plan. and there was the whole marriage thing. but he wasn't confused about what he wanted, not for a second. he was confused about what he was going to do, and how honest he could be to Magnus about it.
and like you said that's why their transition into a relationship goes relatively smoothly. if Alec were in denial, it would be a lot harder for him to go from that to the Alec we see later on, who is very emotionally available and open with Magnus, who loves him openly and unashamedly, who threatens Maryse to make her respect him and their relationship, who bursts into Magnus' house like "hello lets have sex". Alec can fit into a relationship with so much emotional honesty because he's always been emotionally honest. he just chose not to tell people about it because he was in a place where that wasnt safe
as for Magnus! I hc that his sexual discovery went like, relatively smoothly. I mean he was raised in a recently-colonized Indonesia, which. okay had europeans out there trying to ruin things, but was very open and accepting of both gender and sexuality, and didn't have a binary view of either. and asmodeus wouldnt care because like you can't tell me that demons and angels give a shit about gender, even if by some odd reason they did have a gender system that's exactly like the modern western european mundane one. so i think that growing up, Magnus didn't have a lot of issues with his sexual & gender identity. It wasnt like "figuring out" and "coming out", more like it slowly became clear and he was like "okay". not a lot of denial involved.
I've talked about this here (sexuality) and here (gender) and there i put more sources and everything so I'm... gonna leave that here rjdndjdnfk but i think Magnus' self discovery wasnt the problem, the problem was the shock of getting to England after the Asmodeus Yeet and seeing how different things were.
i mean, he was no stranger to queerphobia (he had a dutch stepfather after all) but when he was a kid, the dutch didnt really manage to colonize Java and interfere with their customs because the javanese empires were stronger, so they were mostly settling by going there to trade, same as always. so Magnus didn't really have to live in a time where people had to hide who they were
and then he comes back from Edom and it's like. you will literally be executed for this. what in the fuck. people meet in like secret underground clubs, terrified of making every mood. some dont even do that and suffer alone. no one thinks this is weird. people act like its always been this way. what the fuck
and hes struggling because after he banished asmodeus he thought he could finally be himself, you know? escape the need to like get his approval and the fear of angering him, get away from his gross, manipulative claws - you get it. he thought he could breathe and be out in the open and live his own life, but he can't, because so many parts of who he is - his culture, his origins, his gender, his sexuality, the color of his skin, his heritage, his powers - are being constantly repressed by the meat grinding machine of early capitalism and colonialism, and it's like, wow.
so Magnus never really lied to himself, either, but he did learn how to hide, and do it well. he doesn't have a lot of internalized queerphobia in the sense that he thinks it's bad that he's trans and bi, but one of the most prominent results of queerphobia in his life (aggravated by a thousand other things) is that hes gotten used to bottling things up and compartmentalizing himself and his identity. hes learnt to be what ppl expect him to be, and to show them only what hes safe to. its instinctive for him, to hide certain parts of himself, be it his immortality, his queerness, or his pain. and it's one of the reasons he struggles so much to be fully open and honest with Alec about how he feels. it's why it's so instinctive for him to stop everything and hide because his glamour went down. he knows that Alec knows about it, but he's used to hiding the parts of himself that people dont want to see
and that's without throwing Camille and her abuse into the mix (which i talked more about in the aforementioned links. like not to self promote but i am pretty proud of those asks so you know) and of course Asmodeus himself, and how they also taught magnus to hide his weaknesses, not be honest, "stop whining", cut off his own feelings and thoughts to please them. again i talked about this in the links. okay ill stop idndidn
in short, Magnus never really struggled to come to terms with his identity, but he learnt quickly that he isn't palatable, and he never will be - not to his mom (even if again i dont think she killed herself because of him, but Magnus believes it), not to his stepfather, not to his father, not to mundanes, not to the white european queer community, not to anyone. so he knows that, to survive, he needs to be able to bottle things up, and even if the people he loves work hard to convince him every day that this isnt the case (Catarina, Raphael, Ragnor, Dot, Alec) old habits die hard
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itsrabbidseason · 4 years
I don't know what to do so I'm writing this down here. My husband is bipolar ...typos II.. this means he lives with heavy mood swings and change in behavior. He can be a different person from one moment to another. 7 years ago he betrayed me in a manic episode. I forgave him because he promised me to get treated. He did. He even went into an asylum for 8 weeks.
He got better. His medication worked. I started to trust him again. He even found a workplace that fitted him and was happy.
Circa 2 month ago I noticed something. And hear me out it's maybe stupid but listen. I started to see the number 69. Everywhere. At work. While driving home. On my phone. Constantly. Ar first I joked about it. Haha look the naughty number but then it became weird. At this point my husband had a change in the treatment. New meds. I first was sceptical But he said the other ones didn't really do the thing anymore. He seemed even more fine. Really confident. I now realized he was too confident (a side effect of a hypermanic episode)
The number showed up more often. My neighbour who's 69 went into hospital and almost died.
I googled the number.
It said it's an angel number. Something/someone is warning you. There will be a chance or event in your life that will influence You but you shall be known that you're not alone on this and someone is giving you strength.
I am a logical person. But I got into certain spital things after that. And I felt like actually something tried do communicate with me.
Fast forward today. I was counting money at work. The machine stopped at 69 with an error. I stared at it like wtf.
I went home. My husband was looking for a vacation place to rent for our holidays. He was showing me the scam folder of his phone telling me that he's waiting for a confirmation.
There was a mail address I saw. "Cheating69" i kid you not. I fucking kid you not. It was a scam mail address obviously but I HAD to see this bc later I decided to get into his mail account since this was a fucking sign.
And what did I find.
Videos. Of him and my BEST friend since childhood. Doing exactly what you think they were doing. You can imagine what I felt. I still am shaking. He was at work. I was alone. I yelled at the nothing that "this is what you wanted to tell me"
So when i confronted my friend first she was shook. And yeah she is done for. I told her that she can fuck off of course. Since she knew about his illness and that it's a weak spot and she also knew what it would do to me but she was always jealous. I see that now.
Anyway my husband came home and I confronted him. He was so shocked about the videos since he couldn't even remember taking them. I believe him. This happens with their Brain in a manic episode. There are people who live through this like "my relationship is too perfect I need to destroy if" their Brain is manipulating reality for them they even remember things wrong. So that doesn't excuse it of course but it explains it.
I told him. I will have to fight to be able to stay with him but if he ever does that again he had to remember there is someone or something watching over me and it knows and I will find out. I said my spirit guide is pointing fingers at you. I'm thankful for them. I don't know if i can actually forgive him but I know now that I am watched over. And this sounds like fiction but it's true. I love him and I know he loves me but being with a person who has a mental illness like that can hurt you deeply and/or make yourself sick. It's hard. I don't know who's watching me but I know they wanted me to know.
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NCT 127 “You have a hard time getting intimate because of body image issues”
Ask:  Hi! NCT 127 reaction the you refuse to get intimate bc of body image issues please?
A/N: This one is really long and also kind of hit close to home so yeah. Nobody asked but I thought I’d share also putting this under read more for possible trigger warning
TRIGGER WARNING maybe? Idk if this is triggering but better be safe than sorry
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It was small things that made him notice. When he’d spoon you, the arm he wrapped around your waist made you uncomfortable, when the kissing and touching got too intense, you pulled away and changed the subject. Instead of just speculating however, he decided to just straight up ask. He thought it would be better. “What’s wrong? I feel like you don’t want me touching you and I need to know if it’s because of something I did?” 
Johnny’s face hurt you. It wasn’t because of him it was because of your own insecurities. You hated your body and if you hated it the last thing you wanted to do was subject Johnny to looking at it. “I really hate my body Johnny. I really, really hate it.” You told him and his expression softened much more. 
“I understand, I didn’t mean to push. We can do stuff when you’re ready.” 
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Taeil complimented you all the time, finding it adorable when you reacted flustered. It wasn’t because it embarrassed you, no. It was because you felt it wasn’t true. The second Taeil touched you too much, his hand lingered on your butt too long, or your kiss started to get more intense, you pushed him away. He didn’t notice it all that much at first. But as your relationship progressed it became more and more apparent to him. 
It was something that was on his mind more than he cared to admit. Something he let fester in his brain way too long before bringing it up with you. Scared it was his fault. “Why don’t you want to touch me?” He asked you, tears in his eyes as you stopped another kiss way too early. “It’s not you believe me Taeil. It’s all me. Believe me you don’t want to see what’s under these clothes.” You told him as you started tearing up. 
“Oh baby, I don’t mean to rush you at all. But I see the most beautiful person in front of me. I just didn’t know that this was the problem.” 
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You were getting ready for your date, rushing around your room when your reflection caught your eye. You were in nothing but your underwear and you hated it. The way you looked was something you were never proud of. You were so distracted by your negative body image, you didn’t here Taeyong coming in. 
“That’s a sight I like to see.” Taeyong said, wrapping his arms around your waist. You suddenly felt incredibly self conscious, pushing his arms off of you to quickly put more clothes on. It had been a few months and Taeyong noticed how you guys never got much further than a kiss. You quickly tried to cover your body up and Taeyong looked at you with a huff. “Do you not like me or something? Do I disgust you?” He asked and you looked at him with disbelief. “What? No?” You said, pulling a shirt over your head. “Well it seems like you don’t even want to touch me.” He said, sounding angry. You felt terrible, you didn’t mean to make him feel like that. “The only person I am disgusted by is myself.” 
“ I wish you would have told me. I’m sorry for snapping. I just wish I knew. Just know I think you are far from disgusting.” 
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(There was hardly a gif of him not smiling)
It felt like for a brief moment your insecurities had dipped out. Yuta’s lips were against yours and his hands were tangled in your hair. His hands moved down your sides and you shivered, which he interpretted positively. Which you didn’t blame him, given the situation. His hand started moving under your shirt and you panicked, pushing away from him. 
His iconic smile faded as you moved off the bed, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked sounding panicked and moving to sit on his knees. “No, no it’s not you.” You told him, on the brink of tears. “Then what’s wrong?” He asked trying to grab your hand for comfort. “I really don’t like my body Yuta, I can’t go any further right now. I’m so sorry.” You mumbled out fast, scared to look at him. 
“Oh princess/prince. Please don’t think I’m mad at you. Just tell me these things.” 
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Doyoung had his insecurities and you knew that, so he would’ve understood from the get go how you felt. You just decided it was something best kept to yourself. You didn’t realise how it would effect him though. Not wanting to get intimate months into your relationship effected him quite a bit. Not because he wasn’t getting any. But because he was scared he was doing something wrong. 
“I don’t know if it’s my place...” Doyoung started as you two laid in bed staring at the ceiling. “But I feel like you don’t find me physically attractive.” Doyoung said and you nearly had to hold back a laugh. Not because it was funny but because Doyoung was off base. “It’s not you Doyoung, please believe me. You are not the problem.” You told him and he turned to look at you. “Then what is?” He asked and you sighed. Laughing was your form of masking pain. “I’m the problem, Doyoung. I really hate my body and I don’t want to subject you to that.” You said closing your eyes. 
“I didn’t know. I really didn’t know. I wish I could show you how beautiful I think you are. But I know you need to accept yourself first.” 
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You could tell he was getting suspicious of you and your intimacy issues. The fact you hadn’t done more than a soft kiss on the lips after a few months of dating was what tipped him off. Not that he necessarily needed more, he loved spending time with just you. He just wondered why.
“Baby... why haven’t we done anything else except for kiss? I don’t mean to rush you. I just feel like you don’t want to get intimate with me.” He said, looking to the floor awkwardly. You didn’t really know what to say, you were scared to get intimate. “It’s not your fault, it’s all me. I just really really don’t like my body.” You said looking at him with a pout. He stared at his feet before looking up at you with a smile. 
“I’m not saying this to pressure you, but I think you are the most stunning person in the world and I find it hard that you don’t. We’ll wait, until you’re ready. It’s worth the wait.” 
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Sicheng always made you feel incredibly loved. But one thing he couldn’t fill was the love you had for yourself. It was something you always struggled with and sitting in NCT’s practice room surrounded  by mirrors wasn’t helping. The other members had left the room and you were watching him dance, but you were really examining yourself in the mirror. 
Sicheng noticed and came over to you, trying to have a deep kiss with you. “Not now.” You mumbled and he frowned at you. “What’s wrong?” He asked and noticed how closed up you were physically. “Just don’t feel confident to go far uh, sexually.” You said and he grabbed your hands. “I just feel especially self conscious at the moment with all these mirrors.” You added and Sicheng looked heartbroken. 
“I hate that you have such a low image of yourself. If I can do anything to help that, I will. I promise you.” 
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This angel would never want you to feel insecure about yourself and he would never ever want to put you in a position where he makes you feel insecure or uncomfortable. So the second you started shying away from him he noticed and wanted to know why.
“Have I done somethign wrong or so? You’re very physically distant.” He said and held your hands to comfort you slightly. Jungwoo always knew when something was wrong. “I’ve been having a hard time with my body image and just don’t feel like being very intimate.” You simply said it, there was no use in trying to hide it. Jungwoo smiled comfortingly, before squeezing your hands. 
“I want you to feel as comfortable as possible, so let’s just take the time to make yourself comfortable and proud of your body.” 
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Mark wasn’t one to push physical intimacy at all. But you were shying away from a majority of his more intimate touches. He felt bad for letting it bother him, guilty in a weird sense. But Mark is the type to worry about the smallest things so he couldn’t let it go. 
“Am I doing something wrong?” He asked after you shrugged his arm off of your waist while watching a movie. The question really being random. You looked at him and simply blinked. “You keep avoiding my touches.” Mark said, noticing you were confused. You didn’t mean too, it was just something you had always struggled with. “Oh, I just- I -” You felt panicky. You really liked Mark, you just didn’t like your own body at all. “I really hate my body and I get incredibly shy when you touch me in certain spots.” You spit out and Mark’s face kind of dropped. 
“Oh, I understand. I just wish I would’ve known. But please know, I would never shame your body. I think you’re beautiful.” 
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Donghyuk and you were very new to intimacy in that sense. Given your age and his you two weren’t very touchy in general. But you didn’t necessarily feel comfortable enough though. It wasn’t because you didn’t like or love him at all.  You just felt uncomfortable with yourself. 
He was really trying his best to tickle you. His fingers going all over your stomach in ways you didn’t want. “I said stop it.” You said, your voice going very serious as his hands danced over your skin. “Woah, sorry. Did I do something wrong?” He said, kind of scared at the sudden mood change. “Just really don’t like it when I get touched there.” You said and he frowned. “I just really feel incredibly self conscious about that part of myself.” You told him and he got even more quiet. 
“I understand. I’m sorry. Just let me know what you are comfortable with? I just want you happy.” 
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birdwonder · 5 years
Hi! I've been watching Brooklyn 9-9 and I just had a thought: a detective!reader who's like Jake Peralta 80-90% of the time (and who's also a stand-user) with Bruno. Maybe reader helped him when he was injured but didn't know that he's a part of mafia but then boom, they meet again when reader went undercover maybe, so reader is just ":0!!!" Sorry if it's weird, have a nice day/night!
|| so sorry this took so long ! i tried to watch some Jake Peralta scenes to help me since i haven’t watched Brooklyn 99 before but i didn’t really capture his character at all. the mood of this story is like. entirely different from the request and i didn’t add the stand user part bc i forgot- sorry!  it was meant to be better but somehow my tab deleted with my first version of the story. :,) honestly i’d be happy to try again for a more light hearted story if you want to request again!
Bruno Bucciarati | Second Meetings
“Truth be told, I never wanted us meeting like this,” he confessed, wine glass in hand while he purposefully turned it in circular motions to watch the red liquid swirl. It was like you - rouge lips, red dress and the perfect pair of heels to match.
“Honestly, I didn’t think we’d meet again.” You laughed softly, your own wine glass empty and placed on the balcony’s fence. The moon was full and the night was far from cloudy. A perfect excuse not to look at him, not yet at least. Let it all sink in first.
You had waited endless days, months and almost a year to be given an assignment as important as this; the amount pleading and begging you had done was unmeasurable. Of course this is what you wanted, ever since you become an official rookie cop. No - ever since you were old enough to realise the truths of the country you lived in.
Here, the weak are preyed on and the wealthy get away with it all. Street thugs to Mafia members go unpunished while others suffer for their wrong doings, and it’s the furthest thing from fair. That’s why you committed not only your heart but every moment of your life training to become the person you are now, a police officer who can at the very least help a town become a safer place for everyone who lives in it and visits.
Still, you never expected to be in a situation like this.
When you had asked your boss to give you a more important task outside of street patrol and parking ticket duty, you were expecting to be sent to do arrests and investigate some crime scenes, but you were sent on the cheesiest mission in the world. None of your coworkers even expected it, seeing you - the woman who sent the whole station into a riot on your first day just by cracking a couple of jokes - in a dress that showed more than what a modest person could imagine.
The plan was to investigate the members attending a party that only the ‘underground’ members of society could attend, try to overhear any plans, find out the statuses of some mafioso’s and if you were lucky, talk to a Capo. Gain their trust and let them have something slip. You just had to be careful they you weren’t found out and killed. They were the sort of men and women who were merciless when outsiders tried to interfere with their business and you being a cop wouldn’t help at all.
When you entered the party hall, well decorated and filled, you instantly knew this was going to be harder than it initially seemed. ‘There’s no way I could find out anything just by asking questions, it’s too suspicious. I’ll just drink and blend in until I can strike up casual conversation,’ you explained to yourself as you approached a silk covered table, glasses filled with all sorts of beverages on top.
Wine seemed like a good choice, you weren't much of a drinker at all but whatever calmed the nerves! If it did at all. Again, you weren’t much of a drinker. You threw your head back as your lips pressed against the rim of the glass and downed all of what the glass contained in seconds - the flavour barely hitting your tongue and the drink simply running down your throat. Something fizzy was definitely better.
A low, impressed whistle was then let out, followed with a few claps and a voice, “impressive. I can’t say I’ve seen anyone here finish a drink as fast as you have!”
That was the start of leading you to your current predicament.
“You still have that middle aged woman hair cut I see.” Light teasing, nothing truly offensive and even he chuckled a little, head shaking at your comment. You had described it just like that when you first met, insulting him at first until you apologised sincerely and cracked some self deprecating joke about your own messy hair.
His lips held onto the rim of the glass and slowly the wine was disappearing. He seemed calm and relaxed but even he would be a bit on edge in a situation like this.
Bruno knew you were a cop, a truly good hearted one at that, you had told him about it the day you met and proved it through your conversation and actions alone. That was the problem however, being a police officer while he was the Capo you were looking for. It was a tragedy you two met again like this, and he knew you couldn’t leave this place without something to help the police force. You just had to help others in some way. He didn’t know many people who would help him out in a situation like the last.
It must have been a month ago, more or less, and he had fallen by your doorstep due to exhaustion from who knows what; he never told you after all. You never asked questions though. When he awakened, you can imagine his surprise to find himself in a stranger’s home with a woman only feet away, humming to herself as she prepared a meal. That was one of the more noticeable things about your home, how close everything was together.
“Where am I?” He asked out loud, knowing that keeping a level head would be the better option instead of panicking right off that bat. Thankfully, it had caught your attention and you rushed to his side immediately, checking to see if he was alright before explaining to him how he had passed out in front of your home. It was confusing but the pieces came together quickly. Right before blacking out, Bruno was going against a stand user who was trying to climb the ranks of the mafia and though he had succeeded in winning, the exhaustion of the battle had gotten to him too quick to comprehend.
“Name’s [F/N] by the way, I’m a cop so don’t worry about me doing anything shifty while you were asleep! Your outfit’s a bit too whack to touch anyways.”
It was just his luck that a police officer was the one who had helped him.
Still, he was grateful and even more so when you started offering him the food you were making.
“I’m Bruno, a pleasure Miss [F/N].” Better not use last names.
When you parted ways, you jokingly pouted at him, “need to go so soon? I was just about to get used to you being my new room mate, bob cut.”
“How sweet you of, perhaps I’ll be seeing you later,” he laughed, detesting the nickname while simultaneously appreciating your light-hearted and humorous nature.
“I hope that’s more of a promise than a farewell!”
Luck wasn’t kind to him again. Seeing you here like this was a curse, a mistake, anything that he could easily say was the cause of the small break in his heart. It was wrong to even feel that pain, you didn’t deserve a gangsta. Not when you were so purely justice driven.
“So you really are a capo, hm?” You didn't sound angry nor disgusted. More detached if anything, which you were. You wanted to let go of this reality and assume this was a dream mixed with a nightmare.
Now two empty glasses resided on the balcony, along with two young adults who just didn’t know where to go from here, Bruno only nodding in response to your question.
A small sigh left your lips, shaky from either the cold whipping against your exposed skin to which you tried to cover by crossing your arms, or from the nerves. “You’re not going to um-“ Noticing your shivering, Bruno had moved closer beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer towards him so that he could shield you from the wind. Not entirely effective but the gesture threw you off from the horrific question you were going to ask.
He answered anyways. “Kill you? No, no, I don’t even think about hurting those you don’t deserve it. [F/N], you’re a good person. A sweet one who shouldn’t be risking herself by coming here and yet you have. I respect you far more than I show - you have to leave soon before someone notices you.”
You shook your head in response to that. You couldn’t leave! Not yet, not when you barely had any information to report. You had gotten this far, you just had to find something good, something worth knowing. “Bruno I can’t! I have to stay, just for a bit longer!”
“And risk someone finding you out?” He sounded harsh, just for a second. He softened once he noticed your worry. “I’m sorry, but you can’t just risk yourself like that. I’m going to get you out of here.”
“If it helps. Some people have been talking about terrorising the main street in a week’s time. Scare off the locals and rob what they can before anyone tries to stop them so,”
“Beef up the patrol there and we should be good,” you finished for him. It wasn’t exactly ‘take down the mafia’ intel but the fact you were alive was a miracle. “Thank you. I- I’m glad there’s at least some good in gangs, even if you seem like you’d be a better cop.” Your smile was thanks enough to him. How unfair of the moon to highlight your face like an angel’s when he should be telling it ‘goodbye.’
“Call us even, for last time.” His arm around your shoulders then lowered to be around your waist, guiding you away from the balcony and back inside, voice much lower now. “Let’s get you out of here now, if anyone asks I’ll just say you were my date who had to leave early.”
You giggled at that, “your ‘date’?”
“Hey, it makes for a good story. Plus, it makes me look good too, having a beauty like you on my side.”
Neither of you should be joking like this, the attachment was wrong. It wasn’t stopping you though, the two of you continuing to chortle at each other’s words. Quipping back, you teased him, “I don’t know if they’ll know which of us is meant to be the woman here, bob cut.”
When you were by the exit, you two made the mistake of looking into each other’s eyes, you taking a moment to appreciate his blue orbs and him doing the same with your own.
Pulling away from each other’s gaze was harder than you thought it would be. You tried to play it off by snapping your head to the side and faked a cough. “So I guess it’s goodbye again now, right?”
Bruno was looking elsewhere too. He seemed more interested in a potted plant or the wall when really he could only think of you. “Well, for now maybe. If we’re lucky, I’ll be seeing you soon.”
Was this excitement? Compose yourself, [F/N]! You were still on the job. “Make it next Friday soon, you know where to find me.” So much for composure, you were smiling.
“It’s a date.”
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