#I am not hispanic
This election day, I'm thinking of my Nana.
I'm thinking of how as a young woman, she fled political violence in her native Colombia to build a new home in a more stable country. I'm thinking about how she lived a long life, but not long enough to see her home country elect its first ever progressive president (just a few months ago!).
Coincidentally, I was living in Colombia at that time (in the very city she grew up in), and I was able to witness what felt like a miracle. A very conservative country, suffering from the violent inheritance of colonization and catholic invasion and the war on drugs, against a backdrop of the dangerous global rise of the far right--this unlikely country managed to elect one of the most progressive heads of state in the world, in 2022. That's a pretty big deal.
And I'm thinking about this, this election day, because that election was won by a very thin margin. I'm thinking about how it almost didn't happen. I'm thinking about how it was only possible thanks to the highest voter turnout in 20 year. And I am thinking about the countless number of voters who chose to vote for the first time. I am thinking of the poorest and most disenfranchised citizens who showed up at the polls. I am thinking of the indigenous women who rode 12 hours on public buses to vote at the 'nearest' polling stations. I am thinking of all the money and corruption that went into preventing minority citizens from voting, and I'm thinking about how they showed up in the millions and voted anyway.
I am thinking that I would like to see a miracle like that in my own home country.
So if you're on the fence about waiting in line today to cast your vote, I hope that you will think--about the country you want to live in, the future you hope will unfold, and about all of the people it takes to make a miracle.
Because history may deem us nameless and faceless, but when we show up en masse, we are the ones who make history happen.
And yes, maybe also spare a thought for my Nana. Who was in fact a very angry and judgemental woman who supported the republican party for 50+ years, and who would be turning in her grave right now (if the family hadn't had her cremated). Think about the mean angry ghost of my Colombian grandmother, who very much wants you to not show up at the polls to support abortion and other sinful progressive values. Think about her. Do it for her. Do it for Nana.
#Do it! for her#not a shitpost#serious post#politics#ask to tag#I love you Nana but i disagree SO vehemently with almost all of your personal political and religious values#also you should have treated my mom SO MUCH BETTER when she was a kid. all of your kids really#i see you very much as a victim of religious trauma & childhood poverty#followed by the cultural isolation of being a first generation immigrant with no local hispanic community to provide support#plus the failure of late 20th century mental health care almost certainly compounded by medical sexism#recognize sympathize and am indignant on your behalf for all of those reasons and more#but that truth can also coexist alongside the truth that#hot DAMN Nana you and Papa very much failed to provide your children with an emotionally safe and stable environment in which to grow#and me and my sibs are still dealing with the generational trauma#and who knows how many of my cousins. I HAVE TWENTY-ONE COUSINS AND I DON'T TALK TO ANY OF THEM#that is too many cousins to not be in contact with any of them#(and fyi that's on *one* side of the family. on the other side are a dozen half-aunts-and-cousins I've never met#because Other Grandpa was a Certified Piece of Shit)#Anyway. ANYWAY...#apparently i really needed to overshare today. know what? no judgement. judgement free zone#i have no judgement thoughts or opinions i am finally FREE#........gosh that sounds so relaxing#ANYway#yeah. break the cycle of abuse or your descendants will grow up and critique your parenting choices on third-tier social media platforms#when people say 'they will always be remembered' at a funeral--that is a THREAT#what they actually mean is 'OH HONEYBUN YOU DONE FUCKED UP'#.........i want that in my eulogy actually
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m3talmunson · 1 year
Steve Harrington except his mom comes from old money, his father new. So while Steve's mom took his father's last name (reluctantly. She was doing her best to promise that her son would have a good life ahead of him), she got to choose Steve's first, which just happens not to be Steve.
His name is actually Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, because by God, Maria Harrington would never let her son have an English name since she had to give up her own to promise her son a decent life.
Somewhere along the way she got lost in it all. She chased Mr. Harrington around to make sure he wasn't sleeping with whatever floozie secretary he had at the moment, and in doing so she forgot to be a mother - as much as somebody can just forget that duty.
So, one day Esteban got dropped off at his grandpa's house and became Steve. Then one day Steve's grandfather died and Steve didn't even see his father at the funeral. His father, the dead man's son, sent Maria with flowers to the funeral. Flowers she didn't have a destination for. So, the moment it was over she dragged Steve and the flowers back to the dust-covered Harrington home. She makes some dinner and has a nice night with her son, but as they curl up on the couch and try to settle for the night, she brings him up.
"Mijo, your father. I have to go back to him tomorrow. I have a plane ride in the morning. I have to go sweetheart." She blinks back the tears in her eyes as she delivers the news.
"It's ok mama! I'm 10 now, double digits." He holds out both of his hands, all of his fingers splayed out. "I can take care of things here." He put on his best brave face, something Grandpa Harrington taught him.
"Grandma is going to visit you as much as she can, but she doesn't live near here. You'll be on your own a lot, my sweet sweet boy." She let the tears run at this point, ignoring the musical she had put on the TV to occupy their thoughts.
"Don't cry mama," He curled up into her side. "Wait, Grandma? But she's been gone for longer than Grandpa?"
"No, no, my mama. She'll be up here every so often for you. My brave boy." She kissed the top of Steve's head, peppered a few more against Steve's complaints of tickling.
"Come on mama, Dolly's singing!" He said, and drew his attention back to the TV like it was nothing. They fell asleep on the couch that night. Mr. Harrington never would have approved, but maybe he just didn't need to know.
And that began the life of Steve being alone. At least, most of the time. His grandma did come up every so often. She taught him how to cook, clean, where the stools were, and which ones were tall enough for him to reach the cookie jar. The same cookie jar that stayed in place just incase his parents did come home and happen to give half a shit about it.
When she couldn't be there, over the phone, she taught her little Esteban Spanish. His father never allowed it in the house, but the moment she insisted she be called Abuelita and not Grandma, she piqued Esteban's interest.
He was interested until he got made fun of for the accent. He continued to learn it, but insisted that he be called Steve, the same way she insisted he call her something else. That set the record straight for him.
During high school, she got too frail for him to visit. The Harrington's put money in the bank for Steve, so he began to visit her. He'd fly down to where she was staying, drive once he could. Steve got his license the very first day he could, just to visit her. He planned her funeral when the day came, just a month before Will Byers went missing. That kept him in contact with quite a few of his cousins that way, checked in on everyone and made the rounds while he tried to remain a normal teenager, have a normal girlfriend, live as King Steve, or Steve "The Hair" Harrington. Anything that kept his life nice and neatly in place.
Then, a stupid nail bat was his lifeline. Screw normal, he couldn't trust anyone or anything anymore. Two years later, he got tortured by Russians and then, maybe he could trust someone.
Somewhere between his fall from grace and saving the world for good, he grew to trust a lot of people. Grew to have people at his house all the time, filling that god awful empty house.
He had Eddie over one night when he got a call from his cousin Mariana, she had just finished her freshman year of college in the US, so her English was getting pretty good, but she greeted him in Spanish so he can only return the favor. Steve guessed it was only a matter of time until Eddie and the others found out about him anyways.
So, he responded to Mariana. He had an entire conversation with her, back to the couch that Eddie was sat on. Last he knew Eddie was flipping through movies, but all the noises stopped. At least Steve could assume that maybe he just picked a movie, and maybe get hurt or yelled at or something after the call. He just had to get through this conversation with Mariana.
He heard the crash of tapes falling and had to end it.
"Sorry Mari, I've got to go." He said abruptly in English, and tried his hardest not to slam the phone back into the receiver.
When he turned around, he didn't expect what he saw. Sure, Eddie's jaw was basically on the floor, but he didn't seem angry, not like Steve had expected.
"You- you speak Spanish, Stevie?" Eddie had almost a shocked rasp to his voice, clutching onto the tape in his hand, the one that managed to not fall.
"Yeah, have for about 8 or 9 years now."
"You, Steve Harrington, are fluent in Spanish?"
"Esteban Eberardo Ortiz Harrington, actually. And yeah, my mom is Mexican."
"Est- Esteban???" Eddie laughed out. "Good God Stevie-"
"I know, I know, I should have told you sooner. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hide it, I just- it's hard walking around Hawkins with a Spanish accent, it's just so-" He interrupted Eddie.
"Steve, Stevie, no." It was Eddie's turn to interrupt. "I'm not mad at you sweetheart. Definitely not mad." Eddie hinted at something else.
"You're not mad? What- I-" Steve raised his eyebrow. "What's that look about then?"
Eddie had been out to Steve for a while, and vice-versa. They hadn't exactly not been flirting, so Eddie didn't feel too crazy saying this next part.
"If I'm being so honest, Stevie," Eddie stepped closer into Steve's personal space, "I wouldn't say completely platonic feelings."
"Oh, that's what does it for you, Munson? Really?" Steve teased. Back with the bravado charm.
"I dunno... want to say some more?"
And, of course, the moment he hears it again -the accent Steve's voice works itself into- he's basically frothing at the mouth. He drops the tape he was holding and swings his arms around Steve's neck, only a little awkward considering the lack of height difference.
"I guess it is, Esteban."
"You don't even know what I said!" Steve pretended to act shocked, or pissed or something, but he really didn't care.
"Tell me later," Eddie cut Steve off with a swift kiss, and maybe Steve would settle for later.
Maybe he'd have a lifetime to tell Eddie that all he said was "I really want to kiss you." He had his wish fulfilled anyway.
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All the Hispanics in the chat know Miguel smell like this. He smell like Florida Water
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Am I the only one who understands. Am I the only one who knows this secret about Miguel. He smells like Florida Water. Like a Mexican grandma's altar. Like citrus and clove and SWEETNESS. He smells GOOD AS HELL
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snorpdawg · 1 year
Chandlo has been found dead on Snaktooth Island. SAD. Well there’s other bodybuilders
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theonewhobleats · 9 days
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I love them so
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bwobgames · 2 years
Quick view of Tommy's level
You can check out Wilburs here!
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heatherra · 10 months
Hey guys! Whenever you post ships involving Alejandro and you have the other person saying, "I love Latinas" just sit down and think for a moment. Thats weird! I get it, it's a "meme" or whatever, but it's still really weird! ESPECIALLY if the other person is white! I have seen this happen to Alejandro a few times, and it feels gross every time I see it. So, can we stop 👍🏽👍🏽
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cadaver-moss · 3 months
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Goddamn the last OCxCanon thing I drew was in August of last year?! Holy fuck.
Anyways I know I’m really flattering myself here but I thought this meme fit Enna and Grimaldo to a T
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dustteller · 6 months
Reading He Who Drowned the World and honestly Baoxiang has no right to be as bitchy as he is about Ouyang squandering Esen's love or whatever. Baoxiang is genuinely convinced that Esen loathes him. No you dumb bitch, your brother loves you and the reason he's giving you a hard time is because he wants you to be safe and happy and healthy. Yeah, he sucks at expressing it, and his efforts are misguided (bc the toxic masculinity gender rolesis fucking up Esen as much as it's fucking up everyone else), but Esen very much does love Baoxiang deeply. Every time Baoxiang remembers a time when Esen "enjoyed his fear" or whatever, I can only think of these parts of Esen's POV from the first book:
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Esen's first instinct is to defend his brother. The only reason he doesn't is bc Baoxiang leaves before he can. And Baoxiang glares at him bc he assumes that Esen agrees with Altan and won't defend him, but no, Esen WANTED to defend him and it's Baoxiang that took away his oportunity to do so.
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And a bit later, we have this interaction. Baoxiang assumes (again) that Esen would hate him if he was gay, and immediately goes on the defensive. Meanwhile, Esen literally does not care about this except for how it would affect his brother's reputation. He's just WORRIED. He doesn't care if Baoxiang is gay or whatever, but he's deeply aware that if he IS it would put him in more danger. Because, again, he cares about his brother, and he hates seeing what he assumes is Baoxiang making his own life harder.
And it's heartbreaking bc Baoxiang will probably never realize how much Esen adores him. He's so jealous of Ouyang for having his brother's heart without realizing that Esen sees him as his beloved baby brother and is desperately trying to protect him from a world that he KNOWS is cruel to him. Baoxiang will never know that his greatest supporter and the only person that loved him unconditionally was Esen. And maybe it would be WORSE if he realized how dear he was to Esen, because the realization that all thise things that caused him pain were borne out of a deep, unconditional LOVE and not the disdain he's convinced himself Esen felt for him might break him. Baoxiang has deluded himself into simplifying Esen's feelings for him into those of hate and disdain because its so much harder to accept that the person you love the most has destroyed you out of love. Baoxiang is doing the exact same thing Ouyang does in convincing himself that he's unlovable and relishing in the world's response as a form of self-harm. And Esen, who is genuinely trying (and floundering horribly) is a great tool for Baoxiang to use to tear himself apart.
And, on the other hand, Esen will never realize how much damage his attempts to help Baoxiang caused. He loves him so much, bc that's his baby brother! It's his job to protect him! But Esen has been raised as the golden poster child of a Mongol Warrior Man, a perfect pinacle of masculinity, and is thus doomed to only being able to express his love and acceptance for Baoxiang through a tough love, lets sand down all the edges to remove friction approach. For him, pushing Baoxiang into a box IS an act of love. It's the act of saying I love and accept you, and so I will help you succeed in all the things you're bad at so that everyone will love you too. Except by doing this, he doesn't realize how awful he's being and how he's asking someone that CANT ever fit the mold to break himself in the attempt. He's a perfect Mongol Warrior Man after all, and as such he has never been given the tools to express his affection in a healthy way. He will never truly understand how much he's an asshole, not because he is lacking in love (as Baoxiang assumes) or because he is incapable of sympathizing (as ouyang thinks), but because understanding is not something allowed of him and his role in society. At the end of the day, Esen is as much a slave to his role as all the other characters are, and now he's dead he will never be able to break free of the assumptions people have made of him. He went to his grave having destroyed the people he loved most, and now he will never have the chance to prove their assumptions wrong as be better.
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apollos-olives · 5 months
theres a race section on american transcripts????
for my education transcript personally, as far as i know, yes :(
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androgynousblackbox · 3 months
Welcome to Hazbin Vale. 13 [Radioapple, Appleradio]
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqazV4hbu8E The song that Anthony refers to.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmcQTfyziUI The lullaby that Alastor plays for Charlie.]
"Who is ready for some pizza rolls? I know you are, baby, sorry to keep you waiting.
I will see what else we have around here… Oh, Alastor, you had some pasta too."
"Niffty wanted to make some crafts with it and forgot about it. Cook all that you want, darling."
"So… Not to question the radio man with the weird ass radio powers that us mere mortals can't even begind to understand, but is there any reason why there was blasting of that romantic music just now? It just was so loud that we heard it up to here."
"I have no idea what you mean. Must have been the radio doing that automatically while I was having a shower. Nobody cares to hear about that, of course."
"Mmmm, is that so? Are you sure you weren't intending to hide anything more interesting than that? You know, I just can't help to notice that you and Luci suddenly look a lot more relaxed now.
Hah, there it is, that static sound thingy! I recognize that shit from your broadcast! That is a yes then! Holy shit, you waste no time. Hey, I don't blame you for that either, considering the circunstances.
Care to share some details?"
"Do you always need to do that thing with your mouth that you call talking?"
"I mean, I can do other things with it, but I suppose someone else has that role covered."
"Did you happen to forget who I am?"
"Oh, I remember. You are the guy who shook hands with Husky to keep both of us safe until this shit is over if we brought you these two. So you can threaten all you like, I know you can't do shit about it, babe.
Don't take it so personal, smiley face. This is just a little bit of payback for my grandpa.
And my own satisfaction too. Who is the top and who is the bottom? Come on, don't you think your listeners are dying to know? Did you got on your knees or…?"
"Husker, control your companion."
"I am not doing shit for you anymore. And I wouldn't do it either even if we weren't on this mess. Anthony can do whatever he wants."
"Thanks, hon. I knew there was a reason I let you get to third base on the first date."
"But I also want to make note that hearing about the sex life of this shithead is the last thing I want to do, so I am not engaging on this conversation at all."
"Boo, you are no fun.
Hey, Alie, want to hear about our first date? I, unlike other people, can be very generous with details."
"I suppose it must be easy to be generous when it comes to something that nobody cares about anyway."
"You will be surprised."
"Yes, my little princess? The food will be ready on a bit. Are you hungry?"
"When are we going back home?"
"I… Honey, we… uh…"
"Soon enough, dear. You saw all that fog out there. It's truly dangerous to get outside while it's up so we all must stay here until it clears."
"Are you coming with us too, Alie?"
"Of course. I am getting out of here with you at the same time. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Take it from me, Charlie dear. Doesn't matter how much you love your job, nothing beats getting back home at the end of the day."
"But we are all together now so we can make it fun here too!"
"Indeed, that is very true, little one. But before that we should get you some actual food. You poor thing must not have eaten anything since this morning. I can hear that tummy rumbling from here."
"No, you can't! Don't lie, Alie!"
"Well, I am at least. Maybe I confused my rumbling with yours.
What was that, Lucifer darling? Do you need help with the plates? Don't mind if I do. How about you are a responsible girl and clear the table before lunch, dear? Anthony can help you out.
Since he is not doing anything at all except eating my chocolate."
"Mmm? I mean, sure, no problem.
Let's put all your crayons on their boxes and nevermind, your dogs just ate them all."
"Dazzle and Razzle can't eat, but can have my things inside of them. Want to see me opening their belly? I think I have some candy in there…"
"H-hey, Al, thank you for… I don't know what happened, I just froze there."
"Don't mentioned it. In my line work it is convenient to quickly think things to talk about on the fly. A minute of unnecesary silence is the dead of radio so I have to avoid it at all cost. Nobody wants to tune in just to hear the static."
"I don't know, I am starting to get used to it. It's kinda cute how you only do that when you get flustered or nervous about something.
I didn't understand it at first, but once I started to pay attention as to when it happened it became so obvious.
I mean it as a compliment, Al."
"It's not like I can control it either, so I am glad at least someone likes it."
"And the music?"
"What about the music?"
"The music during the shows. Was that also you or you didn't really control that?"
"Apparently it was all me. But I am myself just now realizing that."
"I liked them. That song that sounded when you talked about our first date I heard it all the time in the office."
"Well, then, if you ever happened to have a petition…"
Please, Alie, I want the ducktales song!"
"It's a show that she likes. But it's kinda modern so I don't know if… Oh, you can do that."
"If it was ever transmitted through radio waves, it's mine for the taking now."
"What a weirdly especific and useless power is that."
"Is that what you think, Husker?"
Did you just…
Did you really just used a fart noise for when I sat down? What are you, twelve?!"
"Me? I didn't do anything at all. It must be the age catching up to you, old friend. That is what a bunch of donuts will do to you."
"You don't?!
Were you ordering all those donuts as a excuse to talk to me?!
Aww, Husky!"
"Can we change the subject already?!"
"What a real party pooper, right, Charlie?"
"Alright, enough toilet humor in front of the food now. Careful, these ones are hot. These ones I took out first so they cool down and my Charlie can take them no problem."
"Thanks, papa!"
"Everything for you, baby. Do you want more juice?"
"Yes, please."
"Here you go. Is it good?"
"Huh. You were right, Lucifer. Food do taste better when we are togehter.
Minus some unexpected guests."
"Did you say anything? I couldn't hear you over the sound of the huge favor we did for you! Risking our lives and all, but no biggie! You are welcome by the way!"
"That is a good point.
Thank you.
Even if it was also on your best self interest, I appreciate what you did."
"Oh! I didn't actually think you would say that. You are… actually welcome?
Husky, it's weird when he is nice."
"Alie is always nice to me and papa."
"Was he nice when he dumped your papa?
Uuh, sorry, I don't know why I said that.
That is not my business at all. Forget I said anything."
"No, no, it's fair. Small town, everyone is going to talk, I understand.
I did hurt Lucifer, that was my fault. I did apologize for it and plan to make ammends the best way I can while we are here. I am sorry."
"I-it's okay.
Don't get me wrong, it sucked. A lot. But… of everything that could be happening today, I am glad this is happening."
"Papa is like a tomato!"
"Or a lovely apple."
"You shut up. And you, little missy, are too honest for your own good."
"No, papa, no tickles!"
"Yes, tickles! You have to learn to not make certain comments about your elders! Are you going to learn your manners now?"
"Are you going to be a delinquent now? My little danger ducking?"
"Yes! Danger duckling is cool!"
"Oh, Alastor, what happened to my sweet little girl? If only she were here to enjoy the cookies I found on the counter and happened to be her favorites…. I guess they will go to waste now, how awful…"
"Wait, no, I want cookies, papa! I can be danger duckling and also nice!"
"Mmm. Well, if someone can manage that, I suppose it could be my Charlie. I just need to eat your cheeks to be sure and see if you are still nice. Nom nom nom."
"Papa is silly!"
"No, you are silly."
"You are silly!"
"You are the silliest baby girl that has ever existed and that is final."
"Can Alie be silly too?"
"He was born silly, sweetie."
"I think I am going to fucking vomit."
"Oh shush you, Husky. It's nice. Wish I had a dad like that growing up."
"Well, since everyone is done, let me pick up the plates. I think there is some ice cream on the…"
"Wow, what the fuck is up with the lights? Should they do that?
Should his eyes do that exorcist shit?"
"The last listener is gone.
The generators were activated.
We should have… a few hours left."
"Welp. That blows. Fuck."
"There is an empty room that used to be an office on the second floor at the end of the hallway. If you want… privacy, it's there. Just lock the door."
"Papa? What is happening?"
"Darling. Breath."
Didn't you hear, sweetie?
Alastor said that we will just have to stay here a few more hours. Then we can go home. How about after eating you and I go take a nap? The couch on Alastor's studio can be turned into a bed."
"Does it? I didn't know that.
You mean I slept under a desk when I could have used a real bed all along.
"Well, honey, there is a little thing known as the internet that might have helped you out there with that one. They come on this little convenient things called cellphone that regular people use! I know! Weird but true!
What do you say, sweetie? You must be so tired after today."
"Mmm, a little."
"Then that is what we will do.
Still want to eat the cookies? Yes? Then you can have those. You were about to say something about ice cream on the fridge, Alastor?"
"Yes. Yes, I think I have some left.
Rosie left it the last time. Chocolate with strawberry."
"Can I have too?"
"Didn't you say you weren't a sweet kind of guy?"
"I changed my mind. Stuff happened and now I want ice cream. Is that a crime?"
"I am good. Enjoy yourselves. Kiddo.
It was nice meeting you. Your dad is a good guy.
I… um… I hope this town treated you well. All things considered."
"It did.
All things considered.
Thank you… for your service.
I will have a bit of those chocolate brandy, though."
"Be my guest, shorty."
"And you, Alastor?"
"I am fine. I don't actually think eating anything else would do me any good right now."
"Are you getting sick?"
"Oh. Sorry, stupid question."
"It's okay. I just hope you all enjoyed it."
"Serve me all chocolate, radio man. And a ton of adult juice on top. Perfect.
Let's go, Husky."
"You are going already?"
"Yep. No offense to any of you, but I want to spend whatever hours we have left with my boyfriend. And I know you are the same.
If there is another side at the end of this, I wouldn't mind meeting you all there.
I am sorry I don't have anything better than that.
Good luck or whatever."
"Papa, the cookies, the cookies!"
"Of course, honey. You have been a good girl so… good girls can have ice cream and cookies as dessert.
Is it good?"
"It's the best, daddy! Thank you, Alie!"
"You are very much welcome, Charlie."
"Can we have this as dessert tomorrow too?"
"Of course, dear. Anything you want.
Ready, love?"
"I guess so. Let's go put you to bed, sweetie.
You wouldn't have any covers or blankets around here?"
"I didn't know I had a bed so, no. But I have a long coat that could work just as well.
There we go. It should be nice and cozy enough"
"Tired, baby?"
Can Alie put some nice music to sleep?"
This is a spanish lullaby. I don't understand a word of it but it sounds nice, doesn't it? Do you like it, Charlie?"
"Yeh. It's pretty."
"Take a rest, sweetie. We will be right here with you."
"Are you sleeping, darling?"
"No. I don't think I can.
I missed you a lot."
"I love you."
"You realize it's the first time you say it, right? Of course you would save it for the literal last moment. Bastard."
"You are so emotionally constipated that is unreal."
"And I never asked it either, did you notice?
Do you know why?"
"Because you are so terrible pretending that you don't.
The fact you think you were ever slick is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.
You are like a wet slug pretending that it's a dry rock.
Leaving your trail of love everywhere and then acting as if it isn't there.
Everyone could see it.
That is why I never asked you to.
Even your friend Rosie asked me one time when was the wedding."
"When it would have happen?"
"The wedding. When you would have liked having it?"
"Really? You want to talk about that now?"
"Why not?
You can offer other subject if you want."
"I don't know.
Maybe Autumn. Not too old, not too cold. We could have walked down the aisle with the cracking of leaves in a nice open space."
"That sounds lovely.
To tell you the truth I never thought of a wedding.
I just thought you would always be there. Right at my side. We would grow up old and raise Charlie together. It would just happen. Naturally. There was no other way.
Even as I knew it couldn't be."
"With you killing on the side and trying not to stain my floor with the blood of your victims?"
"Darling, I never stained not even my own floors. Please, have a little more faith in me."
"Oh, sorry that I am not familiarized with your way of killing people. How rude of me to think it could get messy sometimes."
"Apology accepted."
"And you want to marry that jackass. What does that say about you?"
"That I have bad taste in men?"
I on the other hand find my own taste impeccable."
"Do you have any idea how irritating that is?
You say shit that are annoying one second and the next say the smoothest thing. I hate it."
"No, you don't."
"No, I don't.
How are you holding up?"
"My vision is getting blurry. Oh."
"Your voice is… changing. It sounds like coming from an old radio. Is that bad? I don't know what it means."
"I think it means we have less time now."
"Let her sleep. Let it be nothing but a dream for her. Just a long blink."
"I know you said it wasn't going to hurt, but I am scared."
"Lucifer. If we ever see each other again, would you like to know about all of this? Would you like to remember me?"
"While you are another Alastor? In another world?"
"I… I think so. No, I would definitely would.
We had good moments. I would like to remember those. Do you think we could do that?"
"Give me your hand.
If we do ever see each other again, I will bring your memories of this life back to you.
But I will only do it if you touch my hand again."
"What is happening?"
"It's a deal?"
"I… yes."
"Then it's done.
Good night."
"Good night, Alastor."
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colecxre-17 · 11 months
KO from OK KO is actually so filipino-coded to me like he legitimately looks like a kid i've had to look after before during family reunions
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he is so pamangkin (nephew) to me ❤
on the topic of that, his father is a wasian man (korean mixed with White) and his mother is filipino. don't ask me why, it just makes sense
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carol looks like a fun single tita (auntie) who gets along perfectly with the youngins while laserblast resembles a random wasian dude i've accidentally bumped into at a mall
how they managed to get together is beyond me considering carol is literally MOTHER while laser's just.. some guy
carol honey you deserved better 🙏
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pacificwaternymph · 1 year
"Dad?" Hermes hedged cautiously, sliding into the room. The doctor at Sausage's side and Joel both looked up at his arrival, their expressions telling him everything he needed to know.
The doctor whispered something into Joel's ear, who nodded grimly and thanked them, before briskly exiting the room, brushing past Hermes with a sad look.
He didn't try to stop them. Bubbles's words still rang in his ears.
Hermes. It's your father.
Hermes rushed to his dad's side, looking up at him searchingly. As if he were hoping to hear that this were all an elaborate joke, that at any moment Sausage would leap from his bed, perfectly fine. But he found nothing.
"Why is this happening?" He asked his dad. "I thought we had more time."
Joel's mouth twisted, looking as though he were holding back tears. He put his hand on Hermes's shoulder. "So did I."
Hermes swallowed around a lump in his throat. He stepped away from his dad's reassuring embrace and approached his ailing father's bedside, observing his unconscious form. Rocky stood on the other side, crying silently. It seemed that he had already said his goodbyes.
Hermes slid his hand into Sausage's.
Sausage's eyes fluttered open, cloudy and confused for a moment. But they cleared when they landed on the demigod, and a smile stretched across his face. "Hermes... my boy. I'm glad to see you again."
Hermes inhaled shakily. "Pops, I- I don't know what to say, I-"
"Shhh... shh... it's alright, mi amor. Everything will be alright." Sausage briefly freed his hand to reach up and brush Hermes's cheek. Hermes grasped onto his wrist, shifting the hand to fully cup his face and leaning into the touch.
"Please... please don't go," he begged. Sausage's expression turned mournful, and with great effort, he lifted his second hand to gently pry his first away. Hermes clung to it as hard as he could, but allowed their hands to be lowered back to the bed.
"Oh, Mijo..." Sausage chuckled without mirth, the sound faint and wheezy. "I wish I could stay longer, I really do. But this is not my decision. My time in this world is coming to an end. Your Tía Pearl awaits me in the grand halls of her realm."
It wasn't what Hermes wanted to hear. No matter that it was likely the truth, that everyone in the room already knew there was no delaying the inevitable. He couldn't bear the thought of his father leaving him.
"Oh, don't be like that." Sausage's mouth quirked upwards into a smirk, something almost like amusement bleeding through. "There is nothing to be done, nothing I would have done. This... is the most perfect ending I could have ever hoped for. More than, even. You know for most of my life I didn't believed I would make it this far."
Hermes shook his head vigorously. "But it's not my end. I still need you." He wasn't ready to live in a world without his father. To be without his steady reassurance and grounding presence. A constant beacon, like a lighthouse in a stormy sea.
"And you will still have me," Sausage promised, squeezing Hermes's hand. "This is not the last you will see of me, Hermes. Be strong. Like I know you can."
Hermes tried to say "I can't," but the words stuck in his throat. Sausage seemed to hear what went unsaid anyway.
"Do not sell yourself short. You are a demigod. The son of Joel, king of Stratos, the survivor of the Gods, and I, the protector of Sanctuary. Once I am gone from this world, I will ascend to the role of a true guardian. And you will be here to take my place. I may not be there physically, but I will always be watching over you. When you seek my guidance, I will be there."
Sausage's eyes turned towards the ceiling, although they seemed to be staring at something beyond it. He had that distant look in his eye that he got whenever he talked about Tía Pearl.
"Not even death could tear this family apart," he whispered. Hermes's vision was blurring, water running down his face.
"I'll miss you," he choked out, only barely able to speak the words. Sausage turned back to him, and in his gaze was the full brunt force of his love. It felt like a punch to the stomach.
"I will miss you too. But be brave for me. Promise that you will do your best to carry on our family's legacy. That you will be kind to others, be their guiding light in the darkness. And that you will never lose that wonderful spark of yours. Promise me, Mijo." Sausage brought their hands to his chest, his stare more intense than Hermes had ever seen it before.
It was a few moments before Hermes could bring himself to speak.
"I promise, Papá."
Sausage let out a long, relieved breath, sinking down into the pillows. His eyes turned distant and glassy once more.
"My son. I am glad to have you here with me. I love you so much."
Hermes smiles weakly, barely able to see through the tears. "I love you too."
Sausage smiled back. Then, slowly, painfully slowly, his eyes dulled. His grip on Hermes' hand went slack. One minute there, the next gone.
Hermes's face crumpled. He pressed it into his father's chest, sobbing over his body. Joel came up beside him, pressing a hand onto his back wordlessly. The two of them sat in silence, mourning the loss of their family.
A soft glow began to emanate from Sausage's body. It started under his eyelids, and spread outwards, wrapping around him completely. Hermes startled, but his dad next to him didn't look surprised. Instead, Hermes looked up at him to see a bittersweet smile on his face.
The golden light glowed brighter, turning from translucent to opaque, until it was too much, and Hermes had to turn away. In his peripheral vision, he could see his father's body dissolving, rising towards the ceiling in small golden whisps before disappearing entirely.
Hermes held onto his hand until there was nothing left.
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smokbeast · 6 months
Ok uhm. I been getting weird things about human fang. Please dont, call him weird things? Or question why I make a character white, or of color. I do what I want and I research it. If you see a character of mine and they are human expect them to be heavily based on where I'm from. Don't put comments like that under my things. It's making me really uncomfortable and feels really racist
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idiot-mushroom · 10 months
while i’m on my rage abt how ppl are so shit
stop calling mexicans ‘the white people of latinos’ or ‘white trash’ cuz wtf
ppl keep calling my lil sis white bc she’s pale and she got brown hair and eyes and these lil cute freckles, and they keep dismissing her.
we come in lots of shapes and colors and we don’t look the same that’s how people work
my lil bro has almond eyes, my lil sis got big eyes, i’m kinda in the middle. I have the darkest skin between my siblings and my sister is the lightest and we all came from the same two parents, we look different bc people don’t look to same. People asked if we had the same parents, we do.
so just stop, just stop trying to pin point people to how you think they should look based on their gender, race, class or any other bullshit, just see them as people, please just see them as people
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shimenchus · 1 year
it's so telling when someone says radical feminism is "white woman shit" and you bring up the fact that in many places such as africa or asia, the only feminism that prominently exists is radical feminism, and for those places it's just considered regular feminism that you get told those women live in places that aren't progressive enough for them to understand their actions properly. to say these women are too dumb to realize that their beliefs are "bad" simply because they don't align with western mainstream liberal feminism is rooted in xenophobia and racism, not to mention a lack of understanding of the struggles and violence women from these countries regularly go through, which can range anywhere from fgm to men rubbing and wiping their cum on the back of women's clothes in trains. but of course, as usual, there's no intelligent response to this so you just end up getting blocked or get rape wished on you.
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