#I am not making fun of people who like their brotherly relationship
pyroy3 · 2 months
Compiling additional proof against Wilbur into one, easy to understand list.
I'm making a simple list that anyone can refer to when faced with doubts about Shelby's and other victims claims. I don't know if this will reach the right audience, or reach anyone at all, but i'd like to get it off my chest.
Why do I care so much? Because i've followed Wilbur since his day on the Jacksucksatlife channel. He had a great influence over me as a teenager, and it sucks that he was an asshole all along. I want to see him fail, that's all.
Main points are all in Shelby, Nikki, Minx and other creators' videos on him. These are just small details that are easily missed.
Wilbur being abusive towards his friends
The first video in particular really highlights the amount of power that Wilbur holds. "Tell them about how awful I am to you" seems like a dangerous thing to say as someone who is actually abusive, but it's likely that he knows he can get away with it. He doesn't expect anyone to call him out on his behaviour.
I think she has also mentioned the biting a few other times. This is pretty obvious proof that the biting was happening, and atleast got to the point of causing bruises.
A clip talking about how Wilbur threw Niki because she playfully said she was big and strong. His quick sentence "you were saying you were stronger than-" could either be him misremembering, deciding to ignore that detail, or literally saying that he interpreted her actions as claiming to be stronger than him. He says it was a "consensual throwing" but we already know how terrible he is with consent. TLDW: Niki said she was big and strong so Wilbur threw her "to assert dominance" (and show that he was stronger than her).
In Tommy's disneyland vlog, there is a short clip where Tommy playfully unties Wilbur's shoelaces and gets his hand stomped on. Thing like these flew under the radar because of their brotherly bond. You'd expect two young brothers to react like this, but not a grown man and his teenage friend. Tommy tells him that his finger got cut, and instead of apologizing, Wilbur says it was because Tommy was gonna untie his shoelaces. He essentially says that Tommy had it coming, that it was his fault he got hurt.
The biting behaviour wasn't exclusive to romantic partners. This is a clip of him biting Tommy's hand "for content", despite Tommy repeatedly shouting no. The biting isn't bad here, but it once again proves that this was something he genuinely did.
The story starts at 0:38. Here, Wilbur tells the story of how he helped Techno pick apples by gently throwing them so Techno could put them in the basket. Techno says that Wilbur is very bad at throwing. In response, Wilbur says that he threw an apple as hard as he could, aiming for his stomach. Instead, he accidentally hit the shoulder that his surgery was on. Anyone who's been hit in the stomach should know how painful it is. If Wilbur were to throw an apple has hard as he could at his stomach, it would seriously hurt. But he laughs it off. Wilbur once again claims that the person he hurt deserved it, because techno made fun of his throwing ability. I've heard that Techno's dad yelled at Wilbur for doing it, but even then, he still laughs about the story.
Wilbur's music and separating it from the artist
It's completely natural for a musician with a history of bad mental health to blame himself in his music. One of Wilbur's biggest inspirations, Crywank, have lots of songs about being a bad person. A symptom of depression is to believe you're a bad person. But as far as we know, Wilbur's music actually told the truth.
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I can't find the tweet, but we also know that one of wilburs old friends(?) came out with the info that Lovejoy's song "concrete" was based on their experience, and the song explains Wilbur's neglectful behaviour.
You should know what Lovejoy's music is about. A lot of it is based on toxic relationships, being cheated on, being abused. It is a complete mockery of the people that he hurt. "Call me what you like" is clearly about being in an abusive relationship where his partner takes advantage of him and cheats on him. She forces him to "bump his head into every doorway she sees suitable for them to go through". Not that he knows what the song he wrote is about though, since he couldn't recall a single thing about the song during the genius interview. Yes, he was high, but he may as well had someone ghostwrite it for him.
Singing "you claim your ex-boyfriend's a policeman, I say you need better standards" in the song Perfume is crazy when his standards are allowing abuse to happen.
When listening to Scum, you repeatedly hear him admitting to being scum and waste. Concrete is about how he's a piece of shit. Consequences should remind you of the actual consequences of his actions. I already explained what's wrong with "your sister was right". His parody songs are direct reflections of his real personality.
However, if you still want to listen to him - spotify has a feature where you can put local files into your playlists. If you have his music downloaded, you can listen to it on spotify without giving him money or views. Just saying.
Why he can get away with it
Look at him. He is an attractive white man in the UK, And pretty privilege is a thing, no matter how you look at it. He's popular and has gotten empathy from impressionable teenagers on the internet. A lot of people have put him on a pedestal after he showed support for the LGBT+ community and BLM, singing about being against capitalism. People feel bad for him because of his history with mental health problems. They excuse his actions because he was depressed during his relationships. He also has a pattern of exclusively targeting those weaker than him. Tiny women who he can pin down, throw or bite to show he's stronger than, and teenager Tommy who believed they had a brother dynamic. You will also notice that the only people who have shared their experience with him have been women who didn’t feel strong enough to fight back against him. He is a manipulator through and through.
This is not all the proof there is
If you need more convincing, watch other creator's videos on the subject. Shelby, Niki, Minx, Alicenyannyan. There are also more small things that he has done that add up, either violent behaviour, yelling, or ignoring people's boundaries. You will also This man is undeniably abusive.
Thank you to anyone who got this far, I hope someone will get use out of it. I'm happy to finally get what I wanted to say out there.
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donut251155 · 1 month
The "Yugi twins situation" is NOT incestuous
I'll just analyze stuff people used to "prove" the opposite of this, as someone with a close (PLATONIC!!!) relationship with a sibling
I'll just get straight to the point
This scene is NOT incestuous. They hadn't seen each other for DECADES, it makes sense that Tsukasa reached out to touch Amane - usually if you can't believe you're seeing someone you reach for their face, no? And he just moved his head up (+ the つ (translated as "rub" could just be his hand moving and could be a translation error. Like the "ah…" from Amane, he says "つー" (Tsu) which would've probably been him calling out for Tsukasa)
Also Amane was blushing because he WAS ABOUT TO FUCKING CRY??? IT'S NORMAL TO GET RED WHEN YOU CRY??? That's basic knowledge I fear
I also think that if the scene was supposed to have some incestuous undertones, Tsukasa wouldn't have moved his thumb back.
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Someone said this
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I believe it doesn't have incestuous undertones for three reasons:
1. He had a dreamy and hopeful face in both cases. Usually, when characters dream of doing anything, even eating a cake or something like that, the artist adds blush to make the desire stronger. Tsukasa's desires were just having fun with his brother at a festival, something COMPLETELY PLATONIC, and knowing that his brother genuinely cares about him (another COMPLETELY PLATONIC thing driven by a sense of insecurity that he got because of how grumpy Amane was while sick. He wanted to hear his brother say "I love you" (PLATONICALLY) for the last time. It's less ambiguous in the Italian version because it's "Amane, tu mi vuoi bene?" which can only be seen as platonic (voler bene is platonic, amare romantic))
2. He looks cuter blushing. He's a child, children are supposed to be cute. He looks depressed without the blush in the first image 💀💀
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See? He's cuter with the blush
3. He blushes for like 90% of the time. It makes him cuter, more childlike, he's FOUR YEARS OLD. The blush disappears when the drawing is too small for it to be added, when he's supposed to be confused, scary/creepy or serious.
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This part fucking hell. Y'all do not know how four year olds think, do you?? Let me enlighten you
To the four year old Tsukasa, you either love or hate someone. No in between. He isn't talking about romantic love, he's talking about caring about someone, usually deeply. He means the platonic kind of love, it's all he knows. Nene reacted that way because she's 15, to her "love" is the romantic kind of love and she's in love with Hanako, same with Kou - they're teenagers who learnt that romantic and platonic love are different. Tsukasa doesn't know. He loves Amane in a platonic, brotherly way and thinks Nene loves his brother in the same exact way, like every other 4 year old would've assumed
(I reached the max of images :(( I meant the part where Tsukasa asks Nene if she loves Amane and says they're the same after she says she does, her mistaking it as romantic love and him taking it as platonic. Mb guys I'm new to Tumblr)
For the pose where the early manga showed us how Amane supposedly killed Tsukasa: it's not suggestive in any way. It just looks like Amane pushed Tsukasa down, stabbed him and that his knees gave out after he noticed he actually did what he did because of the wave of guilt and grief he felt (he even dropped the knife)
That's all I can think of atm :D
If you have any questions about this, ask ahead and I'll answer them!! I'm ready to answer
And sorry if I sounded a bit pissed off, but I am. I'm so sick of people misunderstanding sibling love lolol if you ship them go fuck yourself and do not talk to me, do not even breathe the same air as me I hate you and you're a disappointment to humanity
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madridfangirl · 1 month
Star Crossed Lovers - Blurb from Ch 9
(Full Ch coming soon - pls bear with me)
Series Link
The first time Jude discussed his relationship at home, it didn’t go down too well.
He told Jobe in a long call one night.
‘I knew it.’
‘No, you guessed it.’
‘Well, I guessed right. You are too easy to read.’
‘Shut up. M not.’
‘Whatever. Does Mum know?’
‘No. Unless she’s guessed it too. She said something to you?’
‘No. How come I knew sitting here & she doesn’t have any wind of it?’
‘Coz you’re nosy.’
‘You mean smart. M smart.’
‘No, I mean nosy.’
‘Bro, you sure you’re ready for this?’
His voice suddenly turned serious. Big brotherly. He was doing that more & more lately. Those who called Jude mature for his age didn’t know what Jobe could be like at times.
‘I want this.’
‘Those are two different things.’
‘I’ll make it happen if I want it. You know that.’
‘If you say so.’
Jude didn’t like the skepticism in his brother’s voice. There was nothing he couldn’t achieve once he set his mind to it. No one thought he’ll have the record setting season with Birmingham at 16. Or the record breaking move to Dortmund at 17. Or the galactico signing to Madrid at 20. Or being a starter in the national team as quickly as he did. Proving people wrong was not new for him, he liked the challenge. Even if the person knew him as well as Jobe did. 
Sure he’ll have to give up aspects of his lifestyle. The thrill of being with new women, the rush of making them fall for him, the adrenaline of being their first choice, the excitement of first times, the satisfaction of the impact he had on them, leaving them coming back for more, never having enough of him, the ease of no ties / commitments. It all worked for him at this stage of his life. 
But something had consistently drawn him towards this girl from the moment they first met. She was a lot more than someone he just wanted in his bed (he wanted that too, desperately). She was a friend, a confidante, an advisor. Someone he sought after anything good or anything bad. She was comfort. She was warmth. She was peace. She was fun. She was his girlfriend.
His girlfriend.
Why hadn’t they said that to each other yet? It had to be rectified immediately.
Jude called her right away. She woke up with a jump.
‘What happened? All ok?’
‘Just wanted to hear my girlfriend’s voice.’
She missed the context in her grogginess.
‘It’s 2 am. I have to get up at 7 am. Are you fucking nuts?’
‘Is my girlfriend mad at me?’
‘YES. Your girlfriend is LIVID….’
She paused. He waited for it to dawn on her, what was just said.
‘Don’t leave your boyfriend hanging, dove.’
He heard the little gasp she let out at the other end.
‘M coming over. Wanna hear these noises in person.’
Next morning, as she got ready for work, she had to apply a ton of makeup to cover the marks on her neck and shoulders. While he remained sprawled on the bed, enjoying the scene, commenting when she missed a spot, ignoring the daggers she was throwing at him as she was getting late.
(Series Link)
Hope you like where this is going, this chapter will be a roller coaster!
Thank you for all the DMs guys. I am back to writing these two and the next few chapters should come soon :)
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lilbrattyratty · 11 months
A Guide to Lewis Hamilton and Peter Bonnington
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Recently I have been convincing people to become obsessed with whatever Lewis and Bono have so instead of repeating myself unnecessarily I have decided to make this handy dandy Bible guide to their journey together!
1. The Basics
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Lewis and Bono have the longest running engineer and driver pairing in the history of the sport.
Sir Lewis Hamilton: if you don’t know who he is then I’m slightly surprised you are here but I am not here to judge. Sir Lewis Hamilton is a British F1 driver who has won 7 world championship titles with the Mercedes team! He’s a legend in the sport. He made his debut with McLaren in 2007 and has been with Mercedes since 2013.
Peter “Bono” Bonnington: Bono is senior race engineer for Mercedes. He has been race engineer since 2011 where he worked with other 7 time world champion Michael Schumacher. After Schumacher left Bono was paired with Lewis and they have been together ever since! He has been widely regarded as the most successful and most well known race engineer.
Note: for some reason there was a misconception going around that Bono was 10 years older than he really was. Let’s put this to rest: his birthday is 12 February 1975. Source
It’s Hammertime: maybe one of the most famous Lewis radio messages. Bono explains that during the years where radio messages were more strict they needed a code word to let Lewis know it was time to really go all out. So they suggested “put the hammer down” before it became “it’s hammertime”. Source (timestamp 18:17)
Austrian GP 2014: the very first Hammertime. Link
2. The Partnership
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Out on track the race engineer is the critical link from the team in the garage to the driver. They must analyze all the data and determine what the driver needs to know without overwhelming them.
Platonic or romantic or brotherly no matter how you may view their relationship it has been stated many times by both of them that their relationship takes a lot of trust and open communication. They share a deep bond and connection that they feel is integral to their success.
In this interview you will find Lewis speaking about the depth of their trust and love for each other. Link
“It’s like a marriage, I guess.”
“There’s love, and real friendship, and loyalty.”
This interview is where Lewis speaks about the support that they show for each other. How he feels that they are always there for each other to bring out the best. Link
“I don’t know if I can do this for you…”
This interview where Lewis again talks about how much he loves Bono and how important their bond is to him. Link
“I think he is also one of the few people who can handle me on good and bad days.”
In this Instagram post you can read that Lewis is always thankful for Bono and recognizes that his success is thanks for many people but Bono in particular… Link
“Forever grateful for my guy Bono, blessed to have him by my side.”
Now Bono may be more media shy but he does have this interview where he talks about working with Lewis. Link
“He’s the rockstar and I’m the one in charge.”
Occasionally Bono will not be working with Lewis and you can see how awkward it is sometimes when you aren’t used to the replacement. Link
“That was a lot of information, I don’t understand what you just said.”
A moment when you can hear Lewis trying to calm Bono rather than the other way around. Link
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The Egg: Bono brought an egg to the 2021 Brazil and Jeddah GP because Lewis loves the movie ‘Cool Runnings’ and it really inspired him when he was younger. In the movie they kiss their lucky egg. Source
Podiums: Bono has been on the podium a few times with Lewis and each one is super fun and special! A full list can be found here!
3. The Fandom
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“I love Bono and I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else. Don’t write that I love him because I haven’t told him.” -Lewis Hamilton
Below I have compiled fic recs as well as just shippy moments from the two of them.
Notable Moments:
British GP 2014: Lewis wins his home GP and Bono tells him to “lap it up, boy”. Link
Austin GP 2015: who can forget the iconic hug? (pictured above) The way Bono leaps into his arms and he bounced him up and down… simply iconic. Video link of the hug
US GP 2018: Lewis tells Bono he’s not gonna go steady. Link
Russian GP 2019: Bono tries to hide behind the crowd but Lewis won’t let him. Link
ALSO at that same GP! They stared at each other from the podium in beautiful iconic cinematography… link
Abu Dhabi GP 2019: Lewis (and others) dump champagne on Bono’s head and make him very very wet… link
Lewis Hamilton and Valentino Rossi: Where Rossi asks Lewis if “this is your guy?” And Lewis replied “yeah.” Link (timestamp 2:39)
Mexico GP 2019: Lewis dedicated his win to Bono. Link
British GP 2024: Lewis tells Bono he loves him ❤️ Link
Also from that same GP, Lewis says he always feels safe with Bono Link
Notable Blogs:
@storm3326: creates wonderful Bono and Lewis fanart
@queerbenched: makes beautiful Bono and Lewis edits
@still-we-rise @teamroscoes @princemick @l8tof1 @husbono @flatspot: All post a lot of good Bono and Lewis content. I scrolled through a lot of their blogs a lot while making this post.
There are of course plenty of other wonderful blogs out there and I appreciate every single one of them.
Fic Recs:
This thing called us by Dutchiedragon Rated: Gen.
Summary: Brazil 2021 brought so many emotions, it left the Mercedes team completely burnt out. Lewis ends up alone in his hotelroom with a thousand thoughts running through his head, so he seeks out the one person who might bring him peace.
Or: Lewis needs help taking out his braids. Bono is there.
So long, longing by ohfrecklefreckle Rated: Mature.
Summary: Engineering is a dirty job but someone's got to do it. What happens when you're almost telepathic but still can't say what you need to?
The contours of things by The_Orange_one Rated: Mature.
Summary: Lewis belongs to so many people, but Bono mostly just belongs to Lewis.
Love in the major key by ambiguouspace Rated: Teen.
Summary: Bono, in particular, looks surprisingly alert tonight.
In fact, James notices, as his brain clicks out of analysis mode and into observation, he’s positively glowing. His eyes are bright, face a little flushed like he’s been working out. James looks down, catalogues the rest of his appearance. Bono’s t-shirt hangs slightly loose on him, nothing like the cut he normally favours, and the print on the front is unusual, an oversized image of something James can’t quite see but looks oddly familiar and—ah.
Lewis and Bono and the unsubtle art of workplace flirtation.
Lost in My Own Incidents by glasscushion Rated: Explicit.
Summary: “What do you need, Lewis? This bit I can do.”
“This,” he says, his eyes still closed. “Can we just stay like this?”
Lewis lifts one side of the blanket for Bono to take and he grabs a handful, laying it over his own lap, the wool heated from where it’s been resting against Lewis’ skin. The urge to reach out beneath, to soothe, to touch, is almost suffocating.
“Not a problem mate. No problem at all.”
Author’s Note: This is not a complete list and may be updated as they continue to be insane about each other!
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youhavelessproof · 2 months
Not a batcest shipper but your brudick propaganda helped me understand the context behind how these characters were written and how real life affected their characterizations. I don't think I can ever become a batcest shipper, I find the idea of Bruce and dick being brothers who's relationship is constantly evolving but always having that foundation of trust and deep understanding far too interesting, but I do understand why some ppl are. I find it interesting how fandom tries so hard sanitise and arrange relationships and dynamics into neat little easily digestible boxes and in the process of doing so we sometimes strip the most interesting parts of these characters
Ppl are taking these polls a tad bit too seriously and I feel like ppl just need to learn how to block, move on and not actively try to consume things that make them so upset. So 👍🏿
I totally respect not being a batcest shipper. everyone has their likes and dislikes. I really appreciate you listening to what I had to say though. even without shipping Brudick, I think it's important to understand the history behind it. if only to deeper your understanding of their bond (platonic or not) and just Batman comics in general.
it's not even just fandom that's trying to box the relationships into easy to understand categories. DC has really been pushing the Batfamily into those categories too. that's why, even if you hate batcest (not talking about you specifically) you should also be upset about the current state of found family in DC.
complex relationships like Bruce and Dick, (like you said they had a very interesting brotherly relationship,) that's being reduced to Bruce being Dick's dad and that's all. even if you always read them with parental undertones, which you definitely could, that was never all they were.
though fandom has been taking that and running with it and it makes it hard to have nuanced conversations about character dynamics. I mentioned Dick and Jason in one of my responses and like. part of their fun was that they were sorta brothers but they were also just two guys that had a mutual connection to a very important person in their lives. but now they're just brothers. that's all. Dick isn't allowed to have complex feelings about Jason, that's just his baby brother. that's all.
I love mama bird Dick, don't get me wrong, but he's not a character to just sit there and have no complex feelings about people. sometimes it feels like Dick is made of conflicted feelings.
wow this got out of hand. basically I am agreeing with you very hard. comic book characters are messy, let them be that way. they can still love each other and not be this perfect father/son dynamic. Dick doesn't need to call Dick dad for there to be a mutual understanding that Bruce did help raise him.
also ngl I do have to remind myself to not respond to everything. I'm trying to be good about only responding to stuff that's directly responding to something I said (aka reblogs) or when I'm addressed directly. it can be hard when I see people misinterpreting my words, but that's bound to happen and I need to let it go. (though I keep noticing that there are anons talking about "these people" or "Brudick shippers" or "that propaganda post" on the poll blog and it is a little entertaining to be referred to as a boogeyman figure. like you can just call me YouHaveLessProof or Moon. promise I won't appear in your room if you do.)
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presidenthades · 3 months
⚠️HOtD season 2 ep. 4 spoilers⚠️
Your thoughts on this ep🎤?!
Adding my two cents: SUNFYRE AND AEGON WERE SO CUTE, but wtf was that fight🧍🤨 Aemond bbg wtf?? Anyhow, cuties:
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TLDR: I’m not even mad anymore, I’m just disappointed (by the writing, per usual; the rest of the show is fine). I’m mostly still on the S2 boat because of the little moments like Sunny and Egg. It makes for great fanfic fuel!
Honestly, this was Criston’s best episode of the entire season so far. Getting him away from Alicent and putting him on the battlefield showcases his better qualities. Also, I love his interactions with Gwayne, it gives me life. Would totally watch a spinoff series where the two of them go on side quests.
I feel like the Harrenhal scenes aren’t super important narratively and the screentime could’ve been devoted to other characters. HOWEVER. The Harrenhal bits are just so fun to watch that I can’t really complain. TBH, it feels like Daemon is getting the best writing (in terms of character arc and narrative coherence) of all the main cast. But uh…one does wonder why he drinks a random-ass potion from a witch lady who just told him he’s gonna die at Harrenhal. (Speaking of whom, I am greatly enjoying Alys Rivers. I’m glad they haven’t made her a femme fatale. She’s just weird. Joff would love her.)
Opinion: they got rid of Kermit Tully and made Oscar the heir because the show wants to minimize Muppet memes. Very sad. 😔
If you’re following my blog, then you know I’m an Aegon fan, so I acknowledge I’m probably biased. But all of the Greens are just shitting on Aegon this episode, holy cow. I totally understand Aemond being snotty and excluding Aegon from schemes; even in the most generous interpretation of their brotherly relationship, they’re often at odds and Aemond looks down on Aegon. But Cole is the Hand of the King, not the Hand of Aemond. Even if Cole is on the front lines, he should be including Aegon.
Alicent has just completely lost the sympathetic traits she possessed in S1. I’ve never thought of her as an especially good mother, but she did love her children—definitely Aemond and Helaena, and there were the “do you love me” and standing between Aegon and the dragon scenes. She also seems to have forgotten that she was one of the people yelling at Aegon to step up and take the crown, and now she wants to hit the reverse button. 🙄 S2 Alicent is not the same character as S1 Alicent, and even S1 Alicent varied from episode to episode. For fic purposes, I’m just completely ignoring what the show writers are doing with her because it makes no sense.
I think TGC would’ve killed a scene where he gets to speak more fluent High Valyrian, but it makes sense that Aegon isn’t good at speaking it. Aegon has never been the scholarly sort, and High Valyrian (if you’ve been trying it on duolingo like me) is not an intuitive language for English-only speakers. I do think Aegon should’ve learned more dragon commands at least, but apparently Sunfyre decided to be the world’s first bilingual dragon and learn common tongue for Aegon’s sake. :3 At this point I’m convinced that Sunfyre is the only living creature who actually unconditionally loves Aegon. No wonder Aegon is messed up.
Back in Driftmark: we finally get confirmation of who the Hull boys are! Not explicitly, but it’s hard to deny that they’re Corlys’s kids like in the book. I kinda wish we got more scenes with Rhaenys talking about/interacting with them though. She seems to have had complicated feelings about the boys.
Visually, the battle was amazing to watch. Some of the best shots I’ve seen during the entire show. But, as I often complain about, the characters’ actions don’t make sense. If you’ve been on social media, then you’re probably aware that Aemond attacking Aegon has been very controversial, and for good reason. I cannot comprehend the Aemond stans (I’m an Aemond fan, but I’m very aware that he’s a flawed character who can act stupidly sometimes) who refuse to acknowledge that this was NOT a good move. Vhagar is a formidable dragon but she can’t win a 1 v 4 against Caraxes, Syrax, Vermax, and Moondancer (and those aren’t even all the dragons the Blacks will eventually have). Vhagar could take out some of the other dragons, but she’s definitely dying in a battle like that. So no, this was not a smart or strategic action on Aemond’s part, at all.
It could be explained as an action taken in the heat of the moment, with Aemond overcome by adrenaline and his anger toward Aegon. But we just saw Aemond two episodes ago being sad about killing Luke, against whom he held a grudge for years because of his eye. Aegon is his brother, and their interactions in S1E8 indicated that even if they’re not besties, they do operate on the same wavelength. Aegon was an idiot for making fun of Aemond in S2E3, but that should not have pushed Aemond over the edge to attempted fratricide/regicide.
At least Cole and Sunfyre care about Aegon, since clearly nobody else does. 🥲 *author shoves a Jacaera toward Aegon*
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allinthemagicshop · 11 months
Am I A Stray
SKZ maknae line x gn!reader
Comfort? Humor? Fluff?
wc: ~ 1500
Honestly this is violently cringey to me but it was a funny little college AU (loosely) on how I imagine the group dynamic when they bring someone else into their circle
No warnings except I remember writing this very late at night and barely coherent so enjoy that
I do not own the rights to Stray Kids or any of their personalities/actions, this is a pure work of fiction and just for fun
Learning everything about someone is a journey. Typically a journey two people take part in together, but a one-sided journey isn’t impossible. This is where you found yourself, in this lonely journey, pining for someone, or someones, who didn’t even know you existed. It didn’t lessen the joy you felt each time a new piece of information was filed into your folder for them. It did, however, cause an ache to form each time you let yourself think about it too long. 
Felix and his friend group seemed untouchable. Meaning they were insanely talented and attractive, but that wasn’t even the biggest obstacle. They were so close, never seeing one without at least another from the group. You began to learn the dynamic of each friendship so thoroughly that you felt insane, maybe obsessed. Felix and Jeongin were the typical gamer buddies, always talking about what rank they had gotten to in their last conquest of whatever game they had decided on the previous week. Jeongin and Seungmin held the brotherly relationship you wished you had with your siblings, constantly looking out for each other but never ceasing to pester the other if feelings were too overwhelming. Seungmin believed Felix hung the stars on his face and in his eyes and wouldn’t let another tell him any different, even if that meant he had to playfully bully Felix into understanding. Han held a soft spot for all three of his younger friends, nearly becoming an umbrella over them to protect them from any weather that would dampen their happiness. 
The closeness only continued to extend to the older ones in the friend group, but the protectiveness they radiated over the younger four made it seem daunting to approach any of them. They were kind to everyone, so it almost didn’t make sense why you felt so far removed from being able to even utter a word to them. Maybe you had convinced yourself that there just was no room for another dynamic in all their friendships. Still, you loved cataloging everything you could about them. It was almost like a minor degree to the major you were studying for, but undoubtedly the one you studied for the most.
Resigned to a life on the outside, you kept your fondness for the men tucked away into a corner only you had access to. Keen on just observing them and feeling the love they radiated for each other being enough for you, you stayed away. Sharing classes with the four youngest would be the closest you would get. Sitting at a table behind them in the lecture hall allows you to key in on some of their banter and jokes. Never one to be bold enough to test the boundary between classmates and friendship. The quiet one, always observing and always in awe of the possibility of a friendship that loving being possible. You had your own friends, but none held such a tight closeness to you that you fooled yourself into thinking it would last beyond the walls of the institution you called home for the last three years. After next year’s graduation, you would drift apart, while knowing those eight men would never feel such pull away from each other. You won’t lie to yourself, you envied it. 
Walking into class, you immediately noticed the loud laughter filling the lecture hall. Nothing new. Smiling to yourself, you go to make your way to your seat behind the loud group. You set your backpack down next to you and pulled out your notes to review before class started. You became so focused on your reading that you didn’t hear the shuffling in front of you as the laughter subsided. 
“Guys, guys. I know I’m right here. Anyone would agree that vanilla ice cream is the absolute standard for best base flavor. I’ll even prove it! Hey, y/n. I have an important question,” turning around in his seat, Felix addressed you. He waited for a second before realizing that you must not have heard him. “Y/n? This is a dire problem that needs a solution.” Still no response. He chuckles lowly as the others burst into laughter. Felix puts his hand on top of the notes you’d been reading, causing your head to shoot up to meet his eyes. Raising an eyebrow, but not giving you time to adjust to the intrusion, he asked again “Ice cream. Vanilla is the best base flavor, yes?” 
You blinked at him. Once. Twice. “Is this a test? Chocolate is overpowering as base, vanilla adds support. It doesn’t try to outshine the other flavors like chocolate does.” The words tumbled out in your shocked state.
“EXACTLY! HA! I told you guys that I was right! Oh, Y/n, you’re a lifesaver,” Felix exclaims while turning back to the others. They all just laughed harder, you sitting in complete confusion at what just happened. Were those actually the first words you’d spoken to any of them? Did it have to sound that pathetic? They knew your name? Are you dreaming? You continued to stare at the men in front of you.
“Hey, Y/n. Listen, I respect your opinion but you didn’t have to give Lix a bigger ego on this topic,” Han giggles out. Your eyes widen even more in confusion. 
“What is happening right now? Hi?” Your thoughts escaped before you remembered how to function as a competent human being. Immediately the four boys were rolling with laughter, somehow louder than before. 
“Y/n this is why we need you to be present more often. You’re hilarious!” Seungmin laughs out. You raise an eyebrow at him. This is a dream, there’s no other explanation.
“Seungmin, we have literally never spoken before. Are you guys alright? Did someone drug your breakfast? I am so confused right now.” 
Another round of impossibly loud laughter. “We’ve been trying to get you to warm up to us for months, Y/n. You remind us so much of Hannie, all quiet and seemingly off put by others. We knew you’d fit in with us, but you have to promise not to always side with Felix. Chan already does that,” Jeongin smiles at you, dimples showing. “If I’m honest, we had no idea how to approach you without scaring you off. But we also hated seeing you so alone when you seemed so sweet.”
His mini ramble ends and you continue to stare. This isn’t happening. Were you the one drugged this morning? “I didn’t even know that you knew my name,” a blush taking over your entire form, shoulders slumping in. 
Han smiled at you gently, the laughter still in his eyes but fading to softness. Softness somehow aimed at you. “Chan is a big stickler on finding the stray kids who need a home. No one deserves to be alone or stuck in shallow friendships. Everyone deserves to belong to something. This might seem out of the blue but it’s been a long time coming.” The other three nod their heads in agreement. 
“Wait. So you want to be friends? Is that what’s happening? I don’t want to intrude,” you mutter, getting quieter with each word. Seungmin stares at you for a little bit before opening his mouth and shutting it again.
“Do you… do you not want to be friends with us?” Seungmin eventually lets out, his eyebrows drawing together. Your eyes widen and you shake your head quickly, maybe too quickly but they don’t seem to care as their shoulders all slump in relief.
“No! No, that’s not what I meant. I just didn’t think anyone really noticed me. Wait, Han. Did you just call me a stray?” At that they all burst out laughing again, this time at Han as he covered his face, a blush tinting his ears impossibly red. 
“Ohmygodno. I didn’t, well I did, but like I didn’t mean it like that I just meant like you seemed alone a lot but you seem so kind and always help others who ask and you never complain about others but you never meet anyone after class and we don’t like seeing people look so lonely wait not that you’re lonely but maybe just that you don’t have friends well you probably have friends it’s just that ohmygod I need to shut up,” Han crumpled on himself more after his ramble, only making the others laugh even harder. Your heart clenched as you joined in on the laughter, all their eyes brightening and Han looking at you between his fingers still covering his face. 
“Okay okay, I get it. So Chan seems to have a knack for picking people who don’t feel like they belong with others, is that it? The outcasts or the quiet ones. Huh. That means you were all strays at some point then.”
Felix just stands up and claps his hand onto your shoulder. “And now you have an invitation to stay. If you want it. If you’re content to keep to yourself, don’t let us ruin that. But we would like it if we could build a friendship with you,” he finished with a smile, your own growing as your heart swelled.
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crazylittlejester · 6 months
What's Twilight's take on Warriors and Warriors' and Time's relationship in your series. I'm curious how he and the others fit in and view the pair in your take on things.
Anon I am SO glad you asked because I was thinking about writing a fic about this about like, an hour ago (i’m gonna apologize for weird spelling errors or oddly autocorrected words because i typed all this out on my phone and i’m dyslexic)
So with how I write and interpret them, Warriors and Time recognized each other immediately, but didn’t like, talk about it. They’re bad at emotions (and a bit dumb, both of em), so they just “got to know each other” as two new people for a while. Eventually those two got over each other and got a lot closer
Twilight and Time are very interesting because for me, Time didn’t recognize Twilight as his descendant, Time has never met Twilight before, but Twilight recognized him immediately as the hero’s shade and got spooked. He knows what happens to this man, he’s seen him dead essentially, and now here he is alive and Twilight can recognize parts of his own face in Time’s which definitely freaked him out a bit at first
With how I write them, Twilight looks up to Time as a mentor and father figure, and one of his biggest worries is disappointing him. He wants Time to think he’s capable (Time does), and he’ll stop at nothing to prove it. Twilight to me deals with a lot of anxiety and a fear of abandonment, and in some way, he’s a little afraid of Time. Time seems almost like an untouchable figure to him at first and he didn’t think he could ever form a relationship with him the way Warriors did because Time is a bit quiet and withdrawn in general, and Twilight just didn’t know how to get close to him
Warriors was the bridge to that gap. Warriors and Twilight have a lot of similarities to me, and they make a great duo. They’re close in age (with my headcanon being that Wars is 27 and Twilight is 22-23), and they definitely have a brotherly relationship that’s formed right off the bat. They tease each other and poke fun of each other, and Warriors’s laid back nature and dramatics help Twilight relax and not be so anxious. Similarly Twilight helps Warriors calm his own anxiety because both of them are the kind of person who are soothed by taking care of someone else, and Warriors likes being able to comfortably fit in a big brother role. It makes him feel needed.
As for how they feel about each other’s relationship with Time, they’re very different. Warriors will never really look up to Time the way any of the others do because that’s his little brother. In a way, Warriors views himself as the ‘oldest’ because his brain still refuses to fully comprehend that Time is now much older than he is. Twilight views Warriors as the one person he can talk freely to because he isn’t intimidating like Time is, and he’s not younger than Twilight either. Twilight feels a bit bad in the beginning about breaking down in front of the captain and letting him see how worried he really gets, but Warriors is always there for him when he needs it. Later when Twilight realizes Time is literally Just A Guy and stops idolizing him as much, those two get much closer, and he feels like he can talk to Time just as much as Warriors
You might’ve been expecting me to say something about Wars and Twilight being jealous of each other, but for how I write them its actually Time who sometimes feels a little jealous that Warriors can talk to Twilight so easily in the beginning. He doesn’t understand why Twilight can be so relaxed around the captain but so tense and nervous around him. Time sees a much different side of Twilight than everyone else does because in the beginning, the rancher is much more closed off from him than he is with literally any of the others. Eventually when Twilight starts relaxing around Time, they really develop a Father Son relationship that just makes Warriors happy to see
(Time of course teases him that if Warriors is going to call Twilight Time’s son, that would make Warriors his uncle)
Thank you for the ask!! I love any excuse to talk about how I characterize the blorbos :)
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mikuni14 · 10 months
The Sign - Ep 1
Ok, but The Sign has everything I like (at least for now):
coherent plot
good pacing and editing
good acting
great chemistry, relationship, interactions, scenes of the main couple
the actors and the plot sell me the romance
I support the main couple, I am so invested in their romance and story
both main actors and both characters are EQUALLY interesting and attractive to me, this is unfortunately very rare in my case
novelty of the story, unusual for BL series main couple, more reminiscent of Manner of Death than traditional BL
authentic, effortless sexiness of the romance, scenes, characters and actors
very good side characters
a well-shown "men's world" with everything: competition, proving one's worth and masculinity, cockiness, silly conversations, jokes about sex, making fun of each other, but also brotherly bonds and supporting each other
already in the first episode we have so much of good stuff: a romance between interesting guys, a whole lot of other relationships, a truly repulsive villain, a murder, mystery and fantasy. As if the series was specially created for me 😍
good balance between fun, humor, silly tropes like falling with a kiss or running away holding hands 😆, and serious scenes. The funny scenes don't overshadow/ruin the serious scenes, which unfortunately happens all the fucking time in other series
this is the third series recently with virginity discussed and the first in which a person who has not yet had a sexual debut is 1) not forced to do so, 2) not ridiculed, comments are limited to light teasing, 3) Tharn is simply asked about it and he has a chance to say why and is heard without judgment
I like literally everything
Chart is an extremely bad character, at first I hated him because I was programmed that way by ThanType. But no, he deserves complete contempt, and no Tharn, he is not a good cop and never will be, this man should be eliminated from the cop selection at this stage, he will get people killed.
Did the murder actually happen? Is this maybe one of the training sessions like we thought they were actually freeing the hostage at the beginning of the episode? 🤔🤡
Anyway, give me Billy, an equally lovely and cool actor to match, a compelling love story, a water dragon and I'll be fed with it for weeks. (also, the scene in the bathroom when Tharn reacts to Phaya's voice, the hug from behind is, I'm sorry, I don't want to offend fans of other series at all! but it is hotter than other high-heat series currently airing. Heh! even the way Tharn looks at Phaya's hand on his shoulder was hotter to me than the entire last episode of Playboyy, sorry, it's not a diss, Playboyy is fun! but, well, that's just how I feel 😉)
This is my fav series currently airing 💖💖💖💖💖
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doll-elvis · 1 year
Hey I was wondering what did Arlene Cogan say about the sleepovers with Elvis, that they were fairly innocent right?
I was actually gonna make a post about this but this is a perfect opportunity to talk about it so thank you so much for asking 💗!!
so I’m about 3/4s through her book (“Elvis: this one’s for you by Arlene Cogan”) and the only explicit thing that has happened so far was the panty check that I posted the excerpt of earlier this week
Absolutely nothing physical has been described besides a few kisses/general affection like hugging and cuddling (also the girls never actually slept over, they were always driven home)
I am really getting the vibe that their relationship with Elvis was more brotherly/sisterly, in fact Elvis even told them he always wished he had a little sister. He was extremely protective of them and didn’t want them paying any attention to other guys (he wanted them all to himself and basically kept them like nuns 🤧)
They even got into a few petty arguments like brothers and sisters do but I really think Elvis enjoyed having these girls around him because it gave him an opportunity to be completely unguarded and just have innocent/childish fun, like swimming, going to the roller rink, playing with firecrackers and other mischievous things
Anita Wood was dating him at this time and tbh I think whenever he needed a break from her, he would go hang out with these girls to get away and that’s why he wanted them around so often👀
here’s a little song that Frances, Heidi and Arlene sung/wrote for Elvis right before he left for army training💀:
“Oh, we’re the girls of Graceland, And we don’t give a damn, We’re out to have a helluva time, And get into a jam, The hell with Pat Boyd, Anita Wood, too, If you don’t like our little song, To hell, to hell with you”
“Elvis rolled over laughing and clapping his hands. He loved it. The laughing calmed down a little and I noticed there were tears in his eyes. “God knows how much I am going to miss y’all,” he said, “I don’t know what I’m going to do without you. I love you”
Though they were always with Elvis as a group I think they all had their own special relationship with him and it was all very sweet and innocent
also since this book is so hard to find and is so disgustingly expensive, I’m gonna be working on scanning the book and posting it as a pdf so everyone can read it !! (don’t worry it will be for free, I’m not charging people like that one girl did for the Kathy book smh👀)
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sorry but I love these quotes 😩
“Honey, what you’ve got to realize is that I’m a human being just like everybody else. I want you to treat me like you would anyone else”
“Love me”, he said, “but don’t worship me. I’m not a God”
I think that is what Elvis wanted out of every woman he was with 😭 like how he told Larry Geller he could never know if a woman loved him for who he was or if they only loved Elvis, the performer/star
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
Hi! Me again. Do you have any headcanons about the JTTW gang? I'd LOVE to hear all of them: the fluff, the funny, and the angsty. How did you think Tripitaka found SWK when he's inside the mountain itself instead of under it, and why? Why did Ao Lie reveal himself in his human for to the two at the bridge? In the book the trio met Zhu Bajie when the father of the the pig's wife requested their help to bring his daughter back, it even referenced this in the game, but in the flashback they met at Zhu Bajie's food stall where it seems like Trip was complaining about the food to the chef. How do you think the showdown between Sha Wujing and the quartet went down in this verse? Who do you think Wujing challenged first?
hey! sorry i'm replying to these a day late T^T
so imma assume you meant the jttw gang in the context of lmk bc any headcanons of them within the book is a tough one for me bc i'm still reading through it and trying to differentiate between what's a translation issue and what's "canon" is a time :)
i think i mentioned this before, but i love the idea of Sun Wukong finding comfort in Tripitaka and Ao Lie out of the rest of the companions post-journey. like if he were ever in a slump or feeling overwhelmed he would go to them (or they would reach out to him if they notice swk being less chipper and talkative). i think even before Wukong's isolation, he would not go out and visit people as often, mostly keep to his friends and allies (how many few they were now).
also, Ao Lie would take Wukong on so many trips into the city just as an excuse to hang out and give swk a chance to be outside. i have an inkling that Ao Lie is the type to get lost or accidentally find himself in a precarious situation that swk would have to help him from (taking a wrong turn and finding himself face-to-face with a gang or something for example, and, being the conservative warrior he is, Ao Lie would not fight them or anything). one of Ao Lie's favorite places would be the city's theater districts because it was the most colorful, and Wukong would allow the dragon to drag him along anyway, past memories be damned.
with Tripitaka, i think Wukong enjoys making playful jabs at the monk for funsies. when they were originally acquainted, these jabs were more hurtful and condescending and aggravated the monk to no end. now tho, the jabs are in good fun, and Tripitaka's sighs are more jovial than exasperated. (though he does have times when the exasperation does come bc Wukong is nothing if not a monkey hell-bent on mischief, and Tripitaka always seems to be the guy he calls to help bail him out. out of love of course.) and given that i am a "Tripitaka and Sun Wukong's relationship wasn't abusive" truther, i like to believe that both monkey and monk view their relationship as something that resembles familial and brotherly.
Wukong and Zhu Baije i headcanon as rivals to friends who are still rivals but now care for each other deeply. they will shit-talk each other, they will get into spats, they will threaten to murder the other ("roast pork-let on a stick" and "make their own monkey pelt skirt"), they will give Tripitaka and Sandy/Sha Wujing the worst of headaches but it's with love <3
Wukong and Sha Wujing are comedian buddies. i am so sure about this, the pregnancy chapter confirmed it to me. Wukong told me himsel-
but enough about my opinions about their alleged relationships in th lmk context....for le questions!!!
well, from what i remember, Ao Lie first introduced himself as, and to quote Red from OSP, "an enormous fuck-you dragon" before changing shape into his human form. so, probably during his little skirmish with Wukong (+ Tripitaka hiding behind a rock), he realized that the two were supposed to be his companions on the journey, and switched up real fast to show them that he's actually friendly!
i do think it's interesting how Zhu Baije's story is different 👀 i'm guessing they changed it to show some similarity to Pigsy and his ancestor? so the reference we saw in the game could have just been an in-book easter egg??? i honestly don't know why they changed that, but it is funny to think that Zhu Baije was a cook who met the gang when he captured Tripitaka so that his business could boom with serving specialized, holy monk meat 😂 i can, like, imagine Wukong busting down the doors of Zhu baije's "restaurant" demanding that he give the demon his monk back lmao (but that also adds another bit of confusion bc Zhu Baije was chosen by Guanyin, Goddess of Mercy, to be one of the pilgrims for the journey, so he should have recognized that the monk he wanted to eat was the monk he was supposed to protect? unless in lmk, Guanyin didn't go out and choose companions for Tripitaka?????)
now for the showdown with Sha Wujing, i bet 100 bucks that the order of fights went like this:
Sha Wujing asks/demands which if the four would fight him to be called the "strongest demon of all,"
Wukong opts for going bc he's the fucking Monkey King™️,
Zhu Baije says fuck that bc he is NOT gonna let the monkey show off again,
Zhu Baije loses, Wukong offers to help (not really, he did that to piss the pig off) & Baije tells him to fuck off,
Baije loses 3-5 times later, tripitaka pleads for the pig demon to stop and just "let the monkey do it, dear Buddha,"
Wukong rolls up his sleeves,
Sha Wujing laughs and calls Wukong puny,
Sha Wujing is pomelled to the ground without breaking a sweat,
Baije complains that he helped weaken the river demon for Wukong
exactly like that, yeah
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landinrris · 9 months
I need to get my soapbox out for this one. I can’t not agree with you more on the twinklaren and mctwinks terms. It just gets my knickers in a twist for multiple reasons. 
1) twink is historically meant to be a thin, white, young gay man.
A)While neither driver has declared their sexuality publicly, Oscar is in a straight relationship with a women, and it doesn’t feel right to use a gay term to refer to him. Lando has dated at least one woman in the past and has never said anything different. I really don’t like using a term for a gay man for Lando since there is so much open speculation about his sexuality and using the term seems like a presumption on our part. If he is something other than straight, he can make it public or not in his own time.
B) Using a term that refers to the body shape of anyone male/female/other doesn’t feel great either. Especially since they are not the stereotypical thinness of a twink. They are incredibly fit muscular young men who spend a lot of time and effort on their physical fitness for their jobs. I don’t think we should be referring to their body shapes in general but especially not calling them them as thin/waifish as that promotes a muscular body standard for men who have a thinner body type that is difficult to obtain.
2)I know shipping them is popular, but the use of twink makes certain assumptions about their sexuality and is strong on the shipping side of things. I personally feel that shipping should stay in rpf and certain online communities and not in spaces they can see. When I see these terms used in instagram or twitter under the official McLaren accounts it feels icky. The whole Oscar heart eyes thing under Mclarens instagram account is out of control.
3)I am a straight female. Using a term that is from the gay community and that I don’t know the deep history and meaning up just feels icky as well. I would never go up to one of my gay friends and say “oh you are such a twink” so why would I think it’s okay to use it online?
My suggestion for a change. I think we can still keep the whole fun word play, but just change it a bit. Turn it into McTwins and TwinClaren. They do have similar features and similar mannerism. The twinning is cute, and doesn’t have any underlying commentary on their sexuality or body types. It’s almost more brotherly, the idea of twin brothers. It would take a lot of the ick out of it for me.
Anyway, stepping down from my soapbox now. Sorry for the rant
This sums up a lot of my feelings really well. I love your soapbox and you should never get down.
Among all the points you listed here, I never go into comment sections because it's always a hellhole, but seeing you say people comment twink- and heart-eyed-related things makes me want to die. People (both fandom and admins at this point) lose boundaries more and more every day.
I personally don't ship Lando and Oscar (though that's not news), nor do I think they really even look like each other apart from both being young white guys with dark hair, but a change in how people refer to them as a pair would be welcome in my eyes. I will personally keep tagging their joint things with "sibling behavior" because you're right, their relationship is very brotherly in my eyes.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
🌸 - I just want to establish the following isn’t an attack on all shippers of this ship because not all of you are toxic it’s just that some of y’all scare me;
So I have been having a few mental health issues this week and I have the bkdk tag blocked but I can’t figure out how to block tags on yt and instagram so I literally started crying when I was exposed to it. I experienced a lot of toxicity from them on twt so I can’t even look at the ship but kiribaku has been my comfort ship. Unfortunately because the canon material has been focused on deku and bakugo, which makes me deeply uncomfortable. I don’t have the context but the sheer idea of bakugo having feelings for the nerd, even in subtext makes me physically sick. It’s not that I don’t like deku, it’s just that the ship feels like pseudo incest because in my interpretation they act like brothers. Also the fact that kirishima isn’t really relevant as much anymore bothers me. He’s a good character on his own and I’ve accepted the fact that it won’t be canon because it’s shonen. But after kamijiro (which I also have blocked in tags but don’t mind at the moment) had that out of pocket scene that caused me a literal mental breakdown (long story), my mental health can’t handle the fact that bakugo literally sacrificed himself for deku without even a reference to his CANON BEST FRIEND kirishima. I deeply hope that we get a blatant confirmation that bakugo and deku have a BROTHERLY relationship even if we don’t get any on screen kiribaku crumbs. I want reassurance that bkdk would never happen and for the toxic shippers to stop posting bkdk content under the krbk tags and stop trying to force your ship onto others. I already had a crisis about accidentally falling in love with a fictional character (Denki) and feeling heartbroken but now I have to deal with possible subtextual evidence for bkdks and a lack of krbk content in canon. Please tell me I’m just the subtext wrong and that in context I don’t have to worry. I’m freaking out because I’ve seen krbk solos literally get doxxed on twitter and harassed by toxic bkdks.
listen, im only going to answer this ask/topic once im pretty sure i’ve addressed this with you personally already. this is not the first time I’ve warned you about trauma dumping here but im going to set some boundaries. please don’t do this in my inbox — i don’t know you personally and I’m literally just a girl on tumblr writing porn. i am not your best friend, you cannot dump issues on me like this out of the blue, especially without considering how they make me feel myself. you do not know me.
secondly as a person who regularly engages with both bkdk and krbk content i think this is extremely selfish and ridiculous for you to send this to me 😭 just because YOU had a bad experience with bkdk doesnt mean i should have this projected onto me. i am just a person on tumblr, im not a therapist — i can help with day to day issues but this just seems like something you need to figure out for yourself.
im sorry about the issues you have surrounding it and perhaps the toxic people on Twitter but it seems to me that you need to make the conscious decision to leave bnha Twitter or Twitter in general?? like idk what to tell you but the manga is literally about deku 😭 he’s the protagonist. you’re going to see him and bakugou interact. pseudo incest is literally ridiculous as well. they’re childhood friends ??? like what
im not going to reassure you about krbk this or bkdk that because quite frankly i don’t care. they’re lines on a page to me and its literally never that deep. shipping is meant to be for fun and not to be taken that seriously. i severely suggest that you take a break ?? from all thing bnha related because as you’ve stated it’s not been very good for you and im sorry for that.
i literally cannot even fathom how disrespectful this is 😭 coming to my inbox with no warning and venting like this. genuinely don’t mean to be rude but i have no idea what you expected me to respond with. it’s deeply concerning and literally never do this again. please.
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calethelettuce · 11 months
SaSi Intruality Week 2/7: Stop and Smell the Roses
Prompt: Flowers (Switched out with OG prompt, Fusion; doing that one at a later day-)
Tags: @intrualityweek
Synopsis: Thanks to Remus and Roman, the Mind Palace has a lovely forest full of wonderful (and scary-) things! Patton is very excited about it. Patton learns that certain flowers are edible... and they find a snake friend! Also the title is a lie, there are no roses in the story. Get fooled :)
Characters: Patton, Remus, Roman
Relationships: Romantic Intruality, Brotherly Creativity Twins (No RemRom. Get out.)
TW: Remus being Remus, swearing, body horror/Remus snaps his neck but he fixes it, oh also he found a snek
The day is warm. The sun is shining high in the sky, its rays hitting the dewy leaves and patches of grass in an array of pretty colors. Patton and Roman made their way down the winding forest paths. Patton held a small, empty wicker basket with a red-plaid cloth lining the bottom.
"Padre, I have to wonder; What do you see in my brother?" Roman shielded his eyes from the sun, looking up at the high treetops beginning to turn red and yellow. "No offense intended, of course, but I am awfully curious to know."
"Well," said Patton, "I believe that there's good in everyone! That includes Remus!"
"Hm." Roman nodded in agreement as he spoke. "I personally dislike him, but you do you I guess."
Patton shifted the wicker basket tucked under his arm a little. "Everyone is different in their own ways."
"But you're suddenly okay with the dirty jokes and all of that?"
The blue-clad side kicked a pebble as he walked by it. "I learned a lot about myself, kiddo. Sometimes people do things that aren't necessarily their fault. Like how Remus doesn't have a filter. That's just what came with his role for Thomas."
"I never thought about it that way.." Roman parted a bush and held it back as Patton walked through. "After you!" he proclaimed smoothly, bowing just a little.
Roman smiled at him. "Of course! I believe we're almost to our destination!"
Patton added an extra pep to his step, the anticipation nearly making him squeal out of pure excitement. It seemed like Roman could tell just by looking at his face.
"Calm down, Popstar!" he teased, "Careful you don't explode!"
"But wouldn't that be fun?" Another voice chimed in. "Especially if it's extra bloody!"
Roman shrieked, instinctively pulling out his sword. "Stop popping up out of nowhere, you fiend!" he shouted to the top of one particular tree, "You're going to kill me one day!"
Remus cackled. He sat- no, dangled by his legs from a tree branch, his morningstar in one hand and some kind of bottle in the other. He waved at Patton, who waved back. "It would be funny to see you die!" he screamed back, hopping down from his perch. He landed straight on his neck with a thud and a snap. The bottle hit the floor, the shattered glass scattering around as the liquid inside spilled out.
Remus didn't react much. He continued laughing as he realigned his spine and neck with a pop.
Roman nearly gagged. "Ew. Can you do that somewhere else, please?" With a wave of his hand, he magicked away the broken bottle and glass.
“Awh, is Princey afraid of a little body horror~?” Remus mocked, cracking his knuckles and hopping to his feet, “That’s cute!”
Roman scoffed, sheathing his katana. “Just go do your weird stuff. If you need me, don’t.” He pulled out his magic mirror, tapping a button as he disappeared. “Have fun, Padre!” He called.
Patton stared blankly at the spot Roman once stood. “He has a magic mirror?” He questioned.
Remus nodded curtly. “Yeah, he’s got some weirdly fancy shit.” He paused. “Hey, wanna find out what flowers are edible?”
Patton turned to face him, an interested look in his eyes. “Boy, do I!?” He took the sashed side’s hand in his own, pulling him forward. “Roman said to go this way!” He explained quickly, leading Remus farther down the path.
Remus grinned. “Okay, Daddy!”
They continue down the dirt path. Patton was moving along fairly quick, tugging Remus along with him. Remus couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying the physical contact.. And so, he nearly cried when Patton let go of his hand to move a branch out of the way (Why Patton needed both hands was beyond him, but it didn't really matter that much.).
"So, Pattycake, what's our plan for the day?" Remus asked, "Are we gonna set something on fire? Maybe play with a bomb?"
Patton laughed. "No, silly! We're picking flowers!" he winked. "And eating them too.. but only the edible ones!"
Remus had completely forgotten he had mentioned that earlier. He gave Patton a goofy smile as they kept walking. "Sounds great! The eating the flowers part, I mean. Duh!"
"Well, we can't do that if we aren't there yet! Come on, slowpoke!"
Patton wound the stems of the flowers together. A bouquet of carnations, marigolds and sunflowers sat in his basket. He made sure to pick one of every color there was. He hummed a tune as he watched Remus roll down a hill, the side laughing maniacally.
Patton smiled to himself, adjusting his position on the grassy surface. He picked a perfect spot, right under the shade of a cherry blossom tree. He couldn't help but wonder how exactly the flowers and buds of the tree were still that rosey pink despite it being fall. The two sides were in The Imagination, after all, so he didn't think much more about it.
He continued threading the stems together, slowly making a messy yet colorful flower crown. He was proud of himself either way, and he admired it while Remus came running over.
"Patton! Patton!" He yelled, "I found a snake!!"
Patton blinked owlishly at him. "Did you now?" he said fondly, "I sure hope you didn't disturb it too much."
"Nah, this is one of Roman's creatures! The bites don't hurt at all!" Remus looked a bit disappointed at that, but held out his small, slithery friend for Patton to see. "I named it Dee! She's just a baby, I think!"
Their new friend was barely small enough to fit entirely in Remus' palm. The end of its tail was curled around his wrist, the orange and black striped pattern catching Patton's eye.
"Oh! Is our friend a milk snake?"
Remus looked at him with a look of surprise. "You know your snake breeds, dontcha Patty?"
"Mhm! Logan and Janus taught me some things a while ago, I was interested in snake anatomy." Patton shrugged. "Nature is cool!"
"Did you know that snakes eat frogs?!" Remus gave Dee a gentle stroke of her scales, grinning at Patton, "Careful, she might eat you!"
"That would be awful! I'd let the cutie, to be honest." Patton stood up, coming over to look at the small snake.
Dee didn't react much at all, but instead continued to explore Remus' arm.
"I think she likes me!!" Remus whispered, holding out his other hand to let her slither over, "This is fucking awesome!"
Patton laughed, going back over to his shady spot and picking up the flower crown he had made. He placed it on Remus' head with a smile.
"OOH! Are these the edible ones?!"
"They sure are! I found them just for you!"
Remus looked at him fondly- well, as fondly as the side could look at someone. "Are you okay with me destroying your masterpiece?"
Patton hadn't really thought that far. "Oh! Uh..." he let his eyes wander to his basket with extra flowers in it. "Here, eat these ones!" The cardigan wearing side handed Remus a bouquet of smaller flowers. "They're carnations!"
Remus' grin grew wider. "My favorite!" he went to take the bouquet, but remembered Dee slithering around along his arms. He paused for a moment, surveying the situation. "Do you want to hold Dee-Dee for a bit?" he asked, carefully and gently offering his snake friend to Patton. "She doesn't bite!"
Patton thought for a moment, before extending his arm out as he let Remus place the calm serpent into his palm, while Patton handed Remus the bouquet.
"Good trade!" Remus bit the entire top of a flower off, chewing it up and swallowing. "Mmm, the allergies are about to hit so well!"
Patton laughed at him, handling Dee with both arms now. The curious snake slithered farther up his arms. It sent shivers down his spine. His friend was cold! "Is this how Janus feels?" he questioned, gently stroking Dee's scales. "The poor little gal is freezing!"
Remus bit off more petals as he nodded. "Yep! Jan-Jan is always cold, that's why is house is always so warm! Not that he ever lets anyone in, anyway."
At this point, Dee was almost on Patton's shoulder as she investigated the hood of his cardigan- well, is it really a cardigan if it has a hood?
"They're also attracted to warm spaces!" Remus supplied, motioning to the snake, "So don't be surprised if she ends up in your hood!"
Patton let out a little gasp. "That's so cute!" he looked over at Remus with a pleading look. "Can we keep her?! Pleeease?"
Remus shrugged. "Why the hell not?"
"Don't make Janny jealous, though. The Bananaconda might feel threatened." Remus snickered at that notion.
"Janus doesn't have to worry! Dee is a small snake, Jan is still the original snake boi!" Patton sat down next to the cherry blossom tree again, petting Dee with his free hand. Remus sat down next to him, pressing into his side.
"Whatever you say, Pat." he said, "But first, why don't we give Roman a heart attack before we show Janny our new friend?"
"What? No!!"
This took me ages what the heck
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multifairyus · 1 year
TLC and Queer Narritives
This started as an update on playlist making for Nick ships and has devolved into a rant about Queer narratives being capitalized on in TLC. I wanna give Tracy grace here, but after having a great discussion about how Bree’s black community feels one note/magical negro-ish…yeah I gotta get this off my chest 😭
Tl:dr I don’t think Nick and Sel’s (mutual!) romantic feelings are fleshed out in a way I think is fair to Selwyn as his own character with feelings and priorities outside of Bree and the Oaths. I understand that is Bree’s story so it makes sense Tracy didn’t focus on that. But I feel that fleshing the queer narrative could have been revolutionary and instead falls short of the mark. Cuz the story could have functioned largely the same with them as rivals and friends with no romantic undertones.
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To me it’s more than “oh Nick shows that he cares about Sel in these ways” Cuz yeah. It’s clear Nick cares about Sel. But even for a love triangle I think it’s TOO unclear, TOO vague, even with the Order trauma context that that care is EXPLICITLY romantic and not just extremely close and trauma ridden. They have a brotherly, rivals, and friend dynamic going on which all feels more fleshed out than a romantic dynamic.
And I say TOO because, well…outside of Selwyn Kane being my baby boy who I love to the moon and back…I’m just kinda particular that the feelings of a young man be taken seriously and given narrative weight OUTSIDE of how it relates to the competition of heterosexual ships, or to the ease/simplicity of a polyamorous “solution” to the triangle.Like, if you’re gonna have a confirmed Pansexual character… and have that pansexual character’s queerness only really be explored in text by how it functions as an facet for a love triangle with potential to be polyamorous even IF the plot is busy…ion like that.
I think I see this whole OT3 and NickSel at a certain angle because while I can relate to Bree for so many reasons as a black woman, Sel’s queerness brushing on themes from my own Queer Awakening™️ and I think queer experiences a lot of people have.
Tell me if any of this rings a bell, my fellow LeeGeeBeeTees: Deep admiration of someone turning into something that looks and feels like attraction—especially if that’s first time you’ve ever felt something like that? Unsure if what you’re feeling is jealousy and wanting to be more like them or actually wanting them? Heightened awareness of their moods and weird desire to attend their emotional needs even when it’s not reciprocated or mutual or necessary? Being more open about your sexuality and/or not being cishet passing and being into someone who maybe is neither of those things. Sleeping/getting together with someone of the opposite to be “normal” and get over those feelings? Having the person you’re into be interested in having a “normal” relationship with someone that you don’t even like very much? Yeah. Yeah. YEAH.
Like to me, I can read between the lines of what Sel has said and done and fill in the blanks for wistful, beautiful, gay as fuck life experiences!! He is so fuckin valid! But WHY is his HURT doing the heavy lifting for the queer narrative in text??? His hesitation when asked about his feelings and cautious pessimism makes sense!! Almost all of the things I see people commonly point to as Nick showing he cares for Sel almost all indirectly involve Bree! Or is muddled by the Oaths—which you can SAY is the same for Sel, maybe, but not in the same way imo.
I’m not saying that Nick has to have had the same queer journey or awakening as Sel. or that he had to figure out his feelings at the same time as him. Or that he needs to be romantically interested in Sel to have an OT3 happen. But I AM saying that this feels very lopsided. And unlike normal love triangle messiness’s this feels…not fun to engage with. Because even if/when Tracy fleshes Nick and Sel out more to go for an OT3 situation, because this book is not about them, I really worry that Nick’s half of the equation will fall flat. And we get the queer representation but not much of queer story outside of their straight relationships to the main character.
In the interim of the next book, imma need Nickel and OT3 shippers pls make some Nick and Sel queer content to fill in these gaps. Preferably pre LB, no Bree! Or post Oath! Or time between them finding out where SK took her! Give me preteen preening and showboating for each other really being flirting!! Give me teen gaynst mutual unrequited pining, but actually, secretly REALLY requited mutual pining!!! Give me an “Oh. Oh? Oh.” Realization!! THIS SHIP CAN FIT SO MUCH LOVE AND ADORATION IN IT!!!! This shit writes itself, and yet in text I have to see molehills as mountains??? Naaawww.
Nicholas and Selwyn—the most powerful young men in the centuries old Order based in the American South with misogynistic origins, that took their mothers from them and grew up in a dysfunctional toxic environment—being GAY and finding LOVE is fucking BEAUTIFUL and it deserves far more care and attention from the narrative. I’m holding out for this rant age HORRIBLY by Book 3 but rn…I’m salty as hell!
P.S.—me joking that Alice and William are the ~homosexual supporting cast~ is funny but also bet not be me jinxing it. Again, Bree’s story. But more than “Tor is Alice’s type”/“women are hungry so i cook” and “yeah I have a bf but broke up with him weeks ago”/“red herring romantic rival for Bree that lasted 5 minutes before jk he’s gay and blushed at Will??” I’m not expecting Brewlyn levels of build up or whatever but c’mon now!!
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stanfordsweater · 2 years
happy wincest wednesday! what's your favorite wincest ep for each season?
a big ask!! thank you for this one, i am going to have a very hard time deciding but it'll be fun to sort through them all--
s1: so, so many. i’m going to have to go with something wicked, for all the lovely understanding sam comes to about dean in that episode-- it’s fantastic watching him be so soft towards dean when dean tells him what happened, and it’s an ep where we see the seeds john sowed to shape the boys around each other. fabulously written and so fucked up. runner-up goes to faith for showing the way sam desperately works to save dean, and for “he was probably gonna die anyway.”
s2: WAAAY too many to choose from, so runner up goes to every single episode-- i’m going with born under a bad sign for this one, because i am weak like soggy paper when a character is unable to stop the one they love even when they probably really should. dean walked in on this:
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and imagining what jo’s thinking in that moment, when she’s narrowly escaped sexual violence and death, and dean can’t help her because it’s sammy? 🤌🤌🤌🤌🤌
s3: time is on my side, for that scene where sam is talking about maggots while dean’s eating just to tease him, and he’s so delighted about it. also for the immortal corpse-brothers we almost got. doc benton is a fantastic villain who i wish they could have done more with, and i loved the way he tried to make them an offer they can’t refuse. so much excellence and “how are you gonna stop me?” UUUUGH 🐳
s4: fucking every episode, are you kidding me? this season is dripping in fucked-up dark romance between these two. dysfunction and desire galore, sam fucking a corpse because she reminds him of dean and he can’t function with his guilt and his need for his brother, dean’s betrayal and slowly growing resentment without being able to let him go-- if anything will convince people that sam and dean are erotically obsessed with each other, it has to be this season. predictably, i’m going for sex and violence. need i explain?
s5: season five is my least favourite season to rewatch 😬 going off my spotty memory from two years ago, i’m choosing the end for the conversation sam and dean have before the credits roll. <3
s6: you can’t handle the truth, for how desperately dean wants to believe that there’s nothing wrong with sam. truthfully, there’s a ton of great shit with soulless sam, but the scene where he lies to dean and then turns away and his expression just drops is in my top scenes of the entire show, with how dean is crying right in front of him so torn up over the last ep and so grateful that sam didn’t allow him to get turned-- and then the blow up at the end of the episode? delicious.
s7: another one that’s a little difficult for me, but i’m going with party on garth exclusively for the scene where sam and dean get drunk and silly together because i love it <3
s8: there’s a ton of fantastic wincesty moments in this season, but they’re usually in episodes where there’s a lot of other stuff going on. sacrifice is obvious, so obvious it’s cheating, so i’m going with goodbye stranger for so many reasons-- how delighted dean is when sam teases him about his porn addiction, and then his worry when he sees sam’s bloody tissue-- brotherly banter!! most importantly, this is the episode where dean says this:
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there’s also that scene in taxi driver where we see how hard it is for dean to kill benny, but how he does it anyway just because he needs sam.
s9: i am everybody’s favourite season nine stan 🙏 i will forever be obsessed with this season for it’s heartbreak and all the wild punches it throws. i’m choosing blade runners for this, which is a super underrated episode. sam is pissed the hell off at dean, and he’s murderous with crowley, but he doesn’t let that stop him from saving his brother. the hints we get that sam isn’t giving up on their relationship in this episode set up the rest of the season as well as his unstoppable drive in season ten. the finale is my TRUE fave from this season, but blade runners tells the story in a fabulously subtle way.
s10: my, my, my. mark of cain my dearly beloved. SO much good shit. my rewatch is stalled about halfway through, so while i’d choose a later episode, at the top of my mind is the things we left behind for this:
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HELLO???? there are so many choice moments in season ten for sam just being The Most, but the face cradling and the way sam goes right for dean and begs him to say he had to do it... kisses for all the writers.
s11: everything :D season 11 fed us SO good. going off of my season ten choice, though, i’m choosing safe house for sam bodily cradling dean at the end, with his huge sigh of relief when he has him in his arms, and for being the person dean sees. i mean, look at this romance:
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gifs from here, go reblog it
s12: regarding dean because i’m on a huge protective sam kick in this post, apparently. sam is so worried ;~;
s13: a most holy man, for the super cute brotherly banter in that episode, and both of them looking sexy as hell. they for sure banged after that ep.
s14: nihilism, for the way that sam appearing immediately begins to break the fantasy dean’s trapped in, the way cas pleading with dean changes nothing, and the fact that one of dean’s happiest memories in his mindscape is from sex and violence??? proof that sam and dean fucked that episode #real
s15: controversial of course but carry on is all i can say because most of this season is bonkers.
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