#I am thinking about maybe trying to play the song again or the updated one I made a few months back
mosraev · 4 months
Today as it turns out is 10 years since I made my first song
Facebook was so kind of reminding me that it was 10 years ago I wrote and shared 'Ray of Sunshine' aka my first full song ever
Look at this pre-everything cinnamon roll :'3
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This is what I look like today a decade later (picture taken May 6)
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beefrobeefcal · 2 months
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The Mouse Turned Little Bird feat. Frankie Morales, Ezra & f!reader
Summary: The lead up to dinner was stressful - but are you ready to take it further? Part 3 of There are Other Fish in the Sea
Pairing: Frankie, Ezra & Mouse | Rating: Explicit 18+ (MDNI) | Word Count: 2,052
Content Warnings: Kissing, mentions of food, overcooked salmon, unseasoned quinoa, wine, playing hooky from work, deep thoughts, deep feelings, Ezra being a patient wonderful human being, Ezra also has two arms (sorry for not mentioning that previously)
Author's Notes: Mouse is trying, y'all... she really wants to move on and get better, but as we all know, healing isn't linear.
Thank you to @strang3lov3 and @noxturnalpascal for brainstorming this with me, and to @bitchesuntitled, @mothandpidgeon and @neverwheremoonchildfor their eyes and love.
No more tag lists - follow @beefnotes + turn on notifications for fic updates!
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You couldn’t sleep. 
Despite the initial joy you got from rebuffing Frankie and getting a yes from Ezra, you weren’t able to settle. The day’s events, while not enough to move mountains, had moved you a little farther on your path to…
You had no idea where this path was leading you or if there even was a path. Maybe you were lumbering through dense forest towards a chasm, or wandering aimlessly through a desert. Or maybe there was a path, but it was the wrong one and you were trudging to certain doom and not self discovery. 
The room was so quiet as you laid back and blinked in the dark, thoughts and worries swirling in your head as your heartbeat thrummed loudly in your ears. You felt guilty on top of the uncertainty. The guilt gnawed at you; Benny had opened up his home and put the relationship with his brother and his best friends below you and you felt that there was nothing you could do to repay him or even let him know how much you appreciated it. 
But there was something else, under that guilt, picking away the last bit of shrunken-in-the-night confidence you had left - regret.
Regret for denying Frankie the chance to show you he was a better man now and regret for perhaps moving on to Ezra too soon. What if Frankie was truly sorry? What if Ezra was no better? What if you still loved Frankie and you could never love Ezra?
Why the fuck am I thinking about loving Ezra? I wonder how big his dick is.
Your face skewed in shock at yourself. 
“I didn’t mean that.”, you hissed out in urgency, as if that would atone for the alleged sin of thinking about Ezra’s manhood. You paused, waiting to see if someone would answer then you furrowed your brow.
“Who the fuck am I talking to?”
You’d taken a sick day since you got so little sleep, opting to stay in bed and mull over the irony of a sick day while you had a work-from-home job. After texting Benny to let him know, you tossed your phone down and rolled over.
There was a knock at your door, then it opened and cats came in, wailing their morning song, followed by Benny carrying two cups of coffee.
“So you’re moping.”
“M’not moping.”, you groaned into your pillow.
“Hey, man - I am all for taking advantage of sick days, but you’re not sick. You’re moping.”
Benny places the coffee cups on your bedside table and sat on the end of the bed, then laid back, his head on your blanketed calf.
You shifted your leg in irritation and huffed, and he in turn grabbed your ankle from under the blanket and tugged gently.
“Tell me again why I should go away and abandon you for a weekend?”
“Benny…”, you sighed.
“Just say the word, Mouse. I’ll stay.”
You said nothing because you knew your silence was enough of an answer.
You both laid there quietly for a period of time, the cats both joining you on the bed, and you were just about to lull off to the sound of Bagels purring as he rolled up in the crook of your neck when Benny spoke, the shit eating grin on his face apparent in his tone. 
“You’ve got a fuckin’ date tonight.”
Benny left for work, taking his packed bag with him and said he would see you Sunday night, and you spent the day tidying up the apartment. Grocery shopping 2.0 was far more successful and you got the items you needed for making dinner.
You knew Ezra was not a vegan or vegetarian - based on his declared love of trying exotic meats on his travels, and you knew he did not like mashed potatoes, given the face he made when another patron at the bistro mentioned them and he responded with, “Solanum tuberosum was meant for roasting and nothing else, friend, Saying otherwise is an affront to nature herself.”
The memory made you smile, recalling how Ezra smirked and winked at you after you googled what a slolanim toobera som was and mouthed Potato? at him.
You buzzed Ezra up to the apartment and nervously fixed your dress. You heard his footsteps in the hallway and preemptively opened the door. His hand was up, ready to knock, and his eyebrows were raised. You both look at each other, nervous excitement charged between you.
“You are an eager host, little bird.”
Even though you forgot the salt in the quinoa and the salmon was over cooked, Ezra never let on that there was anything wrong. He talked at length about him and his life, and repeatedly gave you the chance to step in and share, which you did albeit cautiously. His eyes never carried judgment - just curiosity, like the kind you might find in the eyes of someone trying to solve a riddle. And he didn’t prod too deeply, but  rewarded you with his smile when you did share.
“Any more family beyond Benny?”, he queried as he took a bite of very well done salmon.
“Benny has a brother, but he and I are… we’re not close.”
Ezra nods. “I, too, have family that I find associating with beyond my mother’s annual yule note to be grating.” He took a sip of wine. “Which is why I firmly believe in the family you make.”
You nodded and watched him. You wanted to know why he took such an interest with you. You’d wondered aloud to Benny once, asking if certain people were drawn to broken things and if so, was it because they wanted to take advantage of someone in a vulnerable state. Benny had smiled and responded with, “Some people are just tinkerers and want to help fix broken things.”
Benny’s words had reminded you of Frankie and his innate need to pull apart engines and electronics and rebuild them in a way he thought was better - like he wanted to control the make-up of the things around him and make them work better for him. Maybe even you fell under that banner.
Ezra didn’t seem like that. Less concerned with control, he was more of a poet: he watched and observed and made commentary. He seemed to be more along the lines of ‘let the pieces fall where they may’ and that is what drew you to him. But what was it about you?
“How long have you lived with Ben - “
“What’s the catch?”
He raised his brows at you and put his wine glass down, huffing a chuckle. “Catch?”
You nodded, grinning slightly and leaning in. “You said yes to coming for dinner after I left you in a panic. I’m just curious.”
He sucked his teeth a bit and sat back, crossing his arms. 
“You looked lost when you darkened my doorway the first time.” Looking you over, he seemed to be contemplating how to answer. “You seemed to find yourself a little more each time you sat across the bartop from me. And the more I saw of that little bird, the more I wanted to know why she could not fly.”
Your question was answered.
After the table was cleared, you stood in front of the kitchen sink, rinsing the dishes before loading them into the dishwasher.
“Mouse.”, he murmured softly.
You looked up at him, but he wasn’t looking at you. He was looking at a picture on the fridge - the one that was torn in half, its partner probably thrown out or burned. It was you and Benny from a few years ago, both wearing shirts with your names crudely spray painted across them. The other side of the picture that held Will, Santi, Hannah and Frankie was left behind in your old home.
Ezra kept his eyes trained on you in the photo, leaning in, and his index finger gently grazed the torn, ragged edge. You swallowed, wondering if his mind was trying to imagine what the missing piece held that rendered it unwanted, and solve another riddle you had set out for him. The longer he stayed quiet, the more fidgety and anxious you felt.
“I assumed Mouse was a pet name reserved only for those in your inner circle.”, he mused softly, taking one last look at the photo before turning to you with a lopsided smile. “You prefer Mouse or…”
You let go of the breath you were holding with a nod, relief washing over you. You moved toward him in a few small, slow steps. “Uh - Mouse was a nickname from when I was a kid that stuck. I- uh, didn’t really have a say. I… I kinda like Little Bird - but you can call me Mouse. Whatever you want.”
The nervous, forced titter of a laugh that you ended with made his eyes soften. Ezra nodded, turning his body towards you. He grinned, giving you a flash of his gold tooth. “Then I dub thee Little Bird.”
“... and I made Benny swear that he’d go to his grave with it, but I’m sure my mom knew something was up - how could she not?”
Ezra’s eyes creased as he laughed. “You are as devious as you are beautiful.”
As you sat on the couch, turned towards one another, both nursing a second glass of red wine. God, you wanted to kiss him. That freckle on his neck, the dimple on his cheek… you imagined kissing him and running your tongue over the golden tooth in his mouth. His fingers played the sleeve of your shirt and his eyes softened and darted to your lips and back up.  His jaw ticked as if he were weighing his options and deciding on his next move, seemingly thinking the same thing as you were.
“A conundrum you are, Little Bird.” His voice was so soft, yet it held so much power. “Sublime, soft, sweet, vexxed - but wounded.”
Your face heated up and you looked down at your glass of wine, clutched in your hand. You mulled over how much to share with him; you didn’t want to scare Ezra away, but you felt he deserved to know at least something about where you had come from.
“The last guy I was with… He and I had- well, we ended things at a low point… badly.”
He shook his head, hushing you. “You don’t have to tell me if you’re - “
“He had issues and I couldn’t- didn’t help. Communication was not his strong suit and eventually, it felt like I didn’t know him anymore. And… he hurt- we hurt each other. A lot. And he cheated on me.”
Raising your gaze, you looked at him, cautiously, waiting for the fallout. Instead you met with Ezra leaning in, taking your wine glass and putting it aside, and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. He lingered there for a moment. As he moved to pull away your hand came up to his face, silently begging him to not stop. He pushed in further, running his tongue along your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth. It was nothing like you imagined; for the last six years, you’d only ever kissed Frankie and his kiss was dominant and forceful, like a freight train. Ezra though - his unfolded like a slow, enchanting dance. There was nothing rushed and you felt as though you were falling hard for him.
It was too soon. Too fast. You barely knew him outside of the almost two months you’d spent sitting at the bar and tonight’s dinner. Your mind began to panic, racing with the thought of Frankie’s crestfallen face as you rejected him and now you were kissing another man so soon after.
You parted from him, clenching your eyes and you rested your forehead against his. His large hand held your jaw, his thumb soothing over your cheek and murmured, “Little Bird…”
Sitting back, you felt foolish and vulnerable, but you forced yourself to speak.
"I... I don't think I'm ready. Ezra, I - I'm sorry." He took your hand in his and rubbed his thumb along the grooves in your palm. 
"You'll take flight again, Little Bird. And when you're ready, I'll be there to help open your cage."
Oh fuck me. 
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vyl3tpwny · 3 months
wauitb what the fuck i have 5000 followers
this is insane hi guys
to celebrate 5000 followers on tublr here are some facts about myself: - my favourite food is fried chicken
- my favourite food is spicy fried chicken
most of my hyperfixations fluctuate in and out, but some that don't ever seem to let me go are my little pony, half life, skrillex, undertale/deltarune
recently i have developed an unfathomable obsession with bees i have a huge bee hyperfixation i play bee swarm simulator on roblox every day and i watch bee videos and i also just designed a beesona on pony town its name is beetrice the dragon bee:
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my favourite movie is probably wolf children or mr. bean's holiday or elf
im basically lucario for girls
i am like a dragon and i collect things that i like.. you can see some here:
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i play a lot of instruments, mostly piano, drums, singing, and guitar/bass/ukulele. my first instrument was the drums tho which i started playing when i was 2 or something. i no longer play drums because our house is too small for a drum set right now and i dont like electronic drum kits. one day!!!!
i have had zero music lessons which is why you should also make music bc you dont need to spend life savings on music education to make chunes
non-musicians who have influenced me the most are @sterfler and @astroeden who have changed my brain chemistry forever artistically (this is not an exaggeration)
i am not allergic to anything at all somehow
im the motherfucker who will drink an entire gallon of whole milk with nothing else yeah im just kind of awesome like that
i do not drink alcohol (anymore) or smoke or do drugs or anything like that just a personal pref
i am filipino but i am also chinese and scottish and italian and polish and maybe other things
i have been openly queer since 2011
i have been a furry since 2007 or something?
i have been making music since 2007 or something....?
my first true love as a musician was queen, which (because of their older albums) was my rabbit hole into the world of progressive rock. my passion for creating music was nurtured entirely by my discovery of genesis and the album 'the lamb lies down on broadway'. the next thing that shaped me as an artist? skrillex - 'scary monsters and nice sprites'
i have really bad verbal processing issues so you can probably speak directly to me and i will have no idea what youre saying sometimes
my feelings on art change a lot but i update my topster lists every now and again
i am mostly right [hoofed] but i'm technically ambidextrous
my first concert was bruce springsteen i think it was in 2009. i still love the the boss to this day.
i'm a kitty cat
i am also a dragon
i am also a possum
i am a formless void
my first song i wrote when i was 8 was titled after a jimmy neutron reference
the second song i wrote was a fan song about the flying dutchman
i played the original dota warcraft 3 mods long before dota 2 and league of legends existed because i've been a blizzard fangirl since like 2005 and now i hate blizzard so fuck you blizzard you're evil as shit but anyway i used to try and do map development for warcraft iii games but really my favourite thing to do was build maps where i could build the biggest possible army to fight npcs for fun. one of the first videos on my thecobalion channel is a warcraft iii map someone else made. i've just now turned it off private so you can see it if you want.
my favourite kind of humour is recursive
ok thanks what i can remember about myself right now. thanks for following me!!!!
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cerridwen007 · 1 year
I Want You.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word count: 1.8k (18+)
Summary: After spending all of your situationship trying to convince you that you’re the only one he wants, Joel decides to take a different approach to get you to understand.
Inspired by the song “I Want You” by Reignwolf.
Notes/Warnings: SMUT with a touch of Angst, porn with feelings, insecure reader, oral (f receiving), unprotected piv, rough sex/foreplay, primal play, creampie, dom Joel, sub reader, biting, choking, swearing, no y/n, fluffy ending.
A/N: Kinda self indulgent but I mean who wouldnt want Joel to fuck the insecurity out of them? Once again I am apologizing for being inactive in writing and posting my fics. I've been a bit burned out with writing and been busy with work and life. So this time I know to not make promises about weekly posts. Instead I'm going to give myself grace and instead try and do at least one fic a month. So some months I might write 3-4 fics and others only one, it honestly will depend on how I'm feeling. But what I will try to do within this next month is finish updating my masterlist with some new, sexy banners and maybe also make a fic rec masterlist for all my favorite works. I will say I have been working on a few wips and am about half way through Corruption of Innocence part 3 and have also come up with another series this time for Joel, so stay tuned for that some time in the future. Thank you as always for any interactions with my posts, it means the world to me.
You couldn't actually justify why you did it. You shouldn't have pushed him away. But some part of you couldn't believe that he could love you and only you and that he wouldn't get bored of you and seek pleasure in someone else's bed. In all honesty, you were silly to think that, even being the soft-spoken man Joel was, he still always tried his best in reassuring you that he wanted you. And never did he ever give you any reasons to doubt his loyalty to you. But yet you decided to end your situationship with Joel in fear of getting hurt.
Joel, on the other hand, was first distressed and then annoyed that you pushed him away. He had been spending more of his nights at the Tipsy Bison, drinking away his troubles, trying to forget his feelings for you. He just couldn't seem to understand why you called it quits. You had spent so long dancing around your feelings for each other, and then when you finally did get together, everything was great, the best he had ever felt in a long time. Then it all came crashing down one night when you said that you wanted to stop seeing each other.
You took some convincing to admit the reasoning why. And when you did, he was shocked. Maybe he hadn't been expressing enough of his affection towards you. Maybe he should have told you he loved you already. You were quick to reassure him that it was yourself and not him. To which he scoffed and rolled his eyes at. But you pleaded with him that it was completely you, that you couldn't handle losing him. At first, as much as it hurt him to do so, he respected your wishes, and then one night about a month after your split, something inside of him snapped. He wasn't going to let the best thing in his life go that easily.
You were spending your night at home by yourself like usual, trying to forget Joel in your own way, distracting yourself with a book and a cup of tea. Your heart skipped a beat when it heard fairly loud knocking at your door. The knocking stopped for a second, and you thought about just ignoring it until it started again.
“Alright, I'm coming, jeez. You scoff annoyed, walking to the door before opening it.
Your voice and breath immediately hitch in your throat. Eyes widening as they take in the intimidating, tall figure before you, leaning against your doorframe. You scan over his body, the way his shirt and pants stretch over his wide thighs and shoulders, his eyes brown and soft but filled with something deeper and darker tonight. God, has he gotten even hotter since you last saw him? Your thoughts are interrupted when he coughs to get your attention and speaks.
“Came to talk to ya, sweetheart.” He says darkly.
You move aside and invite him in.
“Oh..yeah come in.” You whisper back.
You can smell the whiskey he likes on his breath as he walks by and the smell that is undoubtedly him, something you missed all so dearly. You take a deep breath, working up the courage to speak before you talk.
“Why are you here, Joel?”
“I think you know why I'm here.” 
You cross your arms and raise your eyebrow.
He speaks through gritted teeth, like an animal baring its fangs, holding back, ready to devour its prey. 
“Don’t act like you don’t know…cause I told you…I told you, I want you.”
“Joel I know, but I…” You whisper.
The words seem to slip away. Your brain can't seem to find proper reasoning as to why you still push him away, yet you still do, as if your body is working on autopilot.
“You know I want you, you're in my head.” His tone softens for a moment as he looks deep into your eyes. Wishing that you would just believe him and give your relationship a chance.
You go to interrupt, but he shuts you up by roughly grabbing your cheeks and jaw in one hand, the slight pain and abrupt motion to make you stop talking and listen. You can't help but let your desire continue to grow. Your middle is dripping from his dominance and assertiveness. You're almost whimpering at his touch.
“Joel.” You manage to mumble out, the last of your denying uttered in that one word.
He tightens his grip ever so slightly and lowers his head closer to yours, his lip curled.
“Well I'm telling you. I want you…..I get the feeling that you just don't understand, I'm crying, wolf, and I'll always be your man.” he growls.
The tension is thick in the air. Joel never failed to make you wet at the sight of him, but this was something else, a primal need to feast on each other's mouths and flesh like you won’t have the chance to again.
The point of tension breaks and your mouths attach to each other like magnets drawn together. The kisses are  filled with desire, lust, and want, but also with ‘I missed you’s’, don’t let me go again’s, and love. Teeth are clashing, lips smashing, hands flying about, trying to grab onto each other and hold them close in any way they can. 
Joel pushes you against the wall harshly, pulling you up so your legs wrap around his waist. You moan into his mouth, feeling his craving for your body, nestled against your clothed middle. His desire to be gentle and take his time is long gone out the window as he feverishly explores your body, ripping away any clothing that stands in his way of touching and tasting your bare skin. He marks all along your body, your neck, jaw, and collarbones, anywhere he can reach, claiming you for his own. 
His hands reach up behind your back and pull your hair firmly, giving him move access to attack your flesh with bite and hickey’s. You find yourself a grinning and whimpering mess under him. He growls into your breasts after ripping away your shirt and bra like a wild wolf, warning others not to touch his meal. He finally pulls you both off the wall and quickly walks to your bed and throws you down. Not wanting to waste a moment, he pulls your pants and panties off swiftly. He groans as he gets on his knees and takes in the scent of your arousal. 
“God I missed you and this sweet pussy, sweetheart.”
Before you can respond his hands wrapped around your thighs are pulling you to his mouth, he makes quick work of you, his tongue licking every inch of you, switching between, fucking into you pulsating hole and teasing your clit with the tip of his tongue. It feels so good, yet you can’t help but squirm around only to be pinned down by Joel's forearm, keeping his meal still for him. 
Your hand reaches down into his graying locks as Joel undoes you with his skilled tongue. Your first orgasm comes quickly. He groans deeply at the sweet taste gracing his taste buds, but he doesn’t stop or slow down. Instead he speeds up his actions and begins thrusting two fingers into your drenched cunt and curling them to reach that spot that makes your toes curl and eyes roll back. The pathetically beautiful sounds coming from your mouth do nothing but egg him to continue, urging you to your second orgasm of the night in mere minutes. Two fingers become three that mercilessly fuck into your tight hole.
“Cum for me.” Joel quietly groans in your cunt. 
Taking his words as a stern order, you let go, drenching his face with your second release of the night. He is grinning ear to ear as he drinks up every bit of your sweetness, your hands grip the sheets tightly, cunt verging on overstimulation. He finally lets up when he feels satisfied and crawls back up to give yourself a taste of your own pleasure from his tongue. He groans deeply as you begin pulling him down on top of you and arching your back up into him, insinuating you want more, need to feel him inside you. He chuckles darkly and reaches down between you to tease your folds with the tip of his cock. 
He keeps teasing despite your whines for him to put it in already. 
“Please….Please Joel.” You whine quietly.
He grins devilishly. “Begging me to fuck you sweetheart, Need it that bad, don’t you honey?”
You nod your head in response, but Joel doesn't like that answer. He grips your throat lightly and speaks through gritted teeth.
“Use your words baby.” he growls.
“Y-Yes, need it so bad Joel.”
“Atta girl.”
He quickly thrusts his whole length into your quivering hole, making you gasp out. He lets you adjust to his size for a few seconds before slowly yet brutally dragging his length almost all the way out before slamming it back into your tight cunt again.
You unconsciously bring your fist up to your mouth and bite into, so overwhelmed with the deliciously brutal pleasure you were feeling.Before you could have even comprehended, he flips you over and brings your ass up to his cock, slamming into your hip mercilessly. Your eyes rolled back into your head, he holds the back of your neck down as he pounded into you. Your hands find purchase in the sheets, gripping them tightly. He lowers himself so his front is flush with your back, and the new angle hits even deeper inside you, urging you to the precipice of climax. 
“All mine, This pretty cunt is all mine.” Joel snarled into your ear, biting your ear lobe.
“F-f-fuck yes, only yours, Joel.”
“That’s my girl.” He praises you, before reaching around to rub your clit, sending you over the edge.
“Shit! Joel!” You whine as your high comes crashing down.
His thrusts never stuttered as he worked you through your high and chased his own. Joel roughly grabbed your hips as he creamed inside of you, a final step in marking his territory.
You both collapsed on the bed, Joel’s full weight comforting as you caught your breaths. A comfortable silence blanketed the room, which only moments ago was filled with obscene noises.
“I love you.” he whispered.
Your eyes opened wide in surprise at his remark, the first ever time he has ever said those three words to you. You turn your head to try and look at him better. You see his eyes have returned a closer shade to their normal deep brown, his pupils blown wide. You can’t help but smile at his softness, a stark contrast to him behavior only moments ago. Nevertheless, you loved every bit of Joel you could get.
“I love you too.” You whisper before placing a gentle, lingering kiss on his lips.
You couldn't be certain of what was the future for you and Joel, but you knew right now there is no place you rather be than snuggling with your person.
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theythembehavior · 4 months
(first time submitting an ask ever sorry for the length of this thing or if there’s an expectation I didn’t follow! so do feel free to ignore or delete! - on mobile it looks really long - also might be more angsty rather than hurt I’m not sure if I know the difference writing wise)
you say hurt/comfort
I say step 2 for sure or the transition between barely civil qiu and tamarack to friendly or even friends qiu and tamarack - warning that this is not necessarily a healthy dynamic and probably ooc I’ve only played the demo twice, platonic in mind
something along the lines of a mc that really wants to bring back together the cul de sac kids and keeps trying to hang out with qiu and tamarack at the same time with not the greatest results
and over time they get more and more tired of being the glue of the “group” and get to the point where they stop trying with the group and individually with the both of them as well, maybe even self isolate fully
that is what brings together qiu and tamarack again although begrudgingly
I would think tamarack would reach out to qiu first (would depend) and then they both plot to do something (I’m not really sure what) to try to learn how to communicate and mend their relationship between the two of them and then with mc as well
I am ecstatic about this ask. I do not have a writing skills to do justice to exactly how much I love this idea. Don't be afraid to hit an OOC moment. We don't know too much about our lovely characters yet, but we can dream! There are very slight differences in the handful of lines we can get with both of them in the preview.
Also love, don't worry about the length, it feeds into my thoughts more <3
Slight layout for any warning considering friendship problems (Basically possessive and jealous behavior between Qiu and Tamarack, arguing)
Note: For the sole reason of updating, this is only one part of this ask. I'll do the other part when I'm feeling it and have the time!
It sucked, pretty badly.
They couldn't even hold an conversation together. Getting them in the same room was difficult if it wasn't in your house. It was like having divorced parents with split custody, if both of your parents were sending you back and forth every hour. You could swear that it became a competition to who could find you first for lunch. And ever since Tamarack had to switch lunch period, she acts defeated around Qiu.
It was almost sickening, this game a push and pull of theirs. You didn't want this jealousy in the cul-de-sac kids, they were supposed to be friends. There was no winner or loser for your attention, you were both of their friend, and they should be friends too.
One star moment was when you went to one of Tamarack's band practices, and Qiu insisted on coming as well. You thought that you and Qiu would just watch and enjoy the band play all sorts of songs for an oncoming assembly, but nooooo. Qiu spent the entire time trying to distracte you. Leaning on you, poking you, trying to get your eyes on them. And it couldn't be that they just love attention, you would notice, they don't act like that around Ren. At most they would lean on you but nothing else, it's only with Tamarack.
Not to say Tamarack's in the clear either. It's the same thing at Qiu's ballet practices. She's not as persistent, at some point she just draws on your arm, not that you really mind too much.
This consistent unspoken dispute the two was exhausting, you don't remember the last time you had to put so much effort into a mutual friendship. Perhaps it was unfair of you to try and force them to be friends, that's what your mom said. You couldn't say you disagreed but it didn't change the fact it was taking a toll on your mental health.
It was obvious to everyone that distance had built since your burn out, even Qui and Tamarack tried talking to you about it, only to be dismissed. It wasn't your fault! You have better things to do than be an object of their seemingly never-ending game of tug-of-war. Ren was merciful enough to spare you the questions.
It actually allowed you the chance to focus on other relations with teachers, peers, other friends, even your mother. While you did miss both Qui and Tamarack, they were currently both just.... you couldn't now with them.
But not being able to became simply ignoring them. Perhaps you were in the wrong, maybe you shouldn't have pushed too hard. It wasn't your life but you hated being a subject in which they fought over. If they didn't want to be friends, then they didn't have to be. You would've let it go if they simply told you that, but they chose to fight.
Of course, you always thought about apologizing, but how sincere would it be if you felt like you didn't do anything wrong?
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solarwynd · 6 months
I honestly think you guys are over thinking it. Maybe it’s because I used to have this mindset so in a way I can understand where they’re coming from. Not denying there’s not a lot of Armys who hate jimins guts but a large chunk of them put him on this pedestal for the other members and think if jimin can do it then so can the rest. It’s about trying to ot7ify everything to them. They made the same posts when Jungkook got that billion but it felt almost unrealistic because Jungkook was the only member at the time who was able to do it and their logic was because he has “GP”. None of this true, he might’ve gained some fans but not nearly enough for him to completely detach from bts’s core fandom. Also how he was able to achieve that billion comes in question, he needed his song merged as well as tons of promotions to get that billion. It’s unrealistic like I said so even with them trying to still ot7ify his moment, they had to also address no other member was getting that much push. They also couldn’t talk about it because again it’s addressing the elephant in the room. Now that jimin got it, it seems more doable to them because he only needed one version and in retrospect his was more organic. There wasn’t any foul play and it was heavily carried by fan support.
Mmm no I don’t think I am. Armys might have made a few similar posts when JK hit 1B but you cannot tell me it was any where near the extent that they’ve been doing it for Jimin today. Most armys barely even let him getting that 1B marinate before trying to shift the attention off of him and planning on breaking his record with TH. Them OT7-ing things after Jimin achieves something is not out of genuine army type behavior. Jimin motivates armys (especially these heavily biased ones) to work harder because they get a sense of overwhelming entitlement after he achieves a milestone.
It’s like a birthday party where a toddler is throwing a tantrum watching the other toddler get a cake despite it not being their birthday. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with also wanting your bias to reach goals but there is so much underlying animosity whenever Jimin reaches his that there’s no denying they feel some type of way about it.
“Also how he was able to achieve that billion comes in question, he needed his song merged as well as tons of promotions to get that billion. It’s unrealistic like I said so even with them trying to still ot7ify his moment, they had to also address no other member was getting that much push. They also couldn’t talk about it because again it’s addressing the elephant in the room.”
I mean I definitely agree with you on this cause before Seven held that record it was Flowers by MC, another song payola-ed out the ass. But LC was still gaining streams at an extremely fast and consistent rate. There’s no way they’re figuring it’s more doable after seeing LC achieve 1B because LC is an anomaly. Yes it did well despite being sabotaged and only having 1 version, but no one is streaming hyung line’s music like that and never have. The highest streamed song between the 4 of them is The Astronaut at 375M and it’s going on 2 years since that was released.
No one had any complaint when JK hit 1B with seven because again he’s the common ground for everybody in that fandom. They held multiple streaming parties for him well before he hit 1B while armys pulled that stunt this morning for Jimin. They would’ve been completely content had jimin taken two more years to reach 1B. There was no sense of urgency and they actively worked against us at every turn. Everytime you look in these daily spotify chart updates QRTS and LC is above newer songs, they’re pissed/shady. The bulk of armys haven’t been genuinely happy for Jimin achieving something since he initially got that #1 on hot100 and even that has obviously soured over time. OT7-ness cannot exist in a space where armys get upset whenever a specific member is doing well.
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alonetimelover · 2 years
Action! - part 4 - Social Media
Pairings: ex!Harry Styles x Director!Reader x Joseph Quinn
Warnings: swearing, drug mention (in harry's song)
Summary: A walk through aftermath of Harry and YN's break up, new woman, new man, some drama, new albums, lots of love.
part 1 part 2 part 3 series masterlist
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liked by hArrysbutterfly, stupdates and 4 716 others
ynupdates For the first time in months(!!!) we have an update! YN with Taylor Swift in YN's cabin. They're celebrating evermore release! | credit: florencepugh
ps. please don't jump to conclusions because you see a man next to yn, we don't know who he is, so let's not assume
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hArrysbutterfly finally! I was so worried about her! I understand she needs space after everything *cough* WB *cough* but it's so nice to see her being with people she loves
ynmymama i hope she's happy and staying healthy
ynsmybestie we know the man, at least UK fans know him
⤷ ynshands tell me!!!!
⤷ynsmybestie he's Joseph Quinn he played in Dickensian, Miserables or Catherine The Great (some BBC shows that UK folks know well) he's rumoured to be in stranger things also
taylors22 guys please tell me I'm not delusional and few songs are about yn and harry
⤷ynupdates i hear it too! I didn't want to make a post about it (because people are just cruel) but I hear it!
⤷ynsmybestie im not the biggest fan of taylor but im going to listen to this (tell me which songs, please)
⤷taylors22 well, the whole album is a masterpiece but! I think that gold rush, 'tis the damn season, tolerate it or (maybe) evermore are about yn and harry
⤷taylors22 those are just my assumptions after little deep down into harry and yn's update accounts. im not saying it's 100% about them, just to be clear
⤷ynsmybestie of course!! i've listened to a few and man... gold rush is about them 100% I mean, internet loves this guy
harryupdates so good to see her again!
harrysmylife i miss yn and harry so so much:(((
⤷ ynsmybestie well, sad to burst you bubnle but they weren't very happy together
⤷ harrysmylife and how do you know that??
⤷ ynsmybestie they (celebrityupdates) have a whole article about it, apparently someone close to yn and harry spilled the beans and said too much about our babies
⤷ hArrysbutterfly bestie!!! spill the tea please
⤷ ynsmybestie basically harry fell out of love, at the end only yn cared about their relationship and he didn't have the balls to end it earlier. all in all he moved on while still being in a relationship with yn
⤷ harrysupdates well, let's not believe everything that person said, we don't know if that was someone actually close to yn or harry. we need to accept their decision of ending the relationship. however it happened shouldn't be our concern.
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmymama, joekeery, mayahawke, gatenm123, noahschnapp and 5 917 061 others
yourinstagram hi, hey, hello! we're halfway through the script of st4, so I thought ill give you guys some insight (i hope Duffer brothers won't sue me). it's not some insight, im literally giving you shirtless Joe Keery, please appreciate it.
ps. we are here without masks but we are staying safe. we're vaccinated and we're tested every day. please stay safe wherever you are in the world!
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ynsmybestie Joe???? 🤤 you're spoiling as bestie!
⤷yourinstagram i try, i try
⤷ynsmybestie jskdbsjis OMFGSIS
joekeery you're making my DM's blow up
⤷yourinstagram sorry! i really am!
⤷mayahawke youre not, are you?
⤷ yourinstagram shhh!
noahschnapp BYLER 👨‍❤️‍👨
ynshands doing god's work, yn! thank you!
ynupdates Joe Quinn as the new character??? I love it. why no one talks about him?
⤷ yourinstagram im wondering the same
⤷ ynsmybestie we will talk about him, bestie. we will.
harrysmoustache posting at the same time as THE photos
⤷ ynshands what photos????
⤷ harrysmoustache harry and olivia w went to jeff's wedding together (hand in hand and all that!!)
⤷ynshands so after months of those secret photos its finally confirmed? jesus
⤷ harryskiwi yeah, they first were photographed like day or two after yn and harry's break up?? its been a while
⤷ harrysmoustache about six months, WILD (pun intended)
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liked by harryupdates, ynsmymama and 9 617 others
ynupdates YN with Joseph Quinn out in Atlanta celebrating the end of shooting season 4 of Stranger Things. Joe Keery and his girlfriend were seen joining them.
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ynsmybestie OMFG!!!! they look so good! 🤤
ynsmymama yn wearing Jo's jacket in those two pics? so cute
harryskiwi she looks so good! that silk dress?? damn, yn 🔥
ynshands sir? your hand? 😳 all those British, curly men falling for yn, i understand you
⤷ ynsmybestie also him feeding her? jesus...
hater55 moving on so quickly?
hater71 new guy again?
hater03 another one?
ynshands okay, why do y'all hate on her? moving on so quickly? a year after ending her last relationship is quickly? what was then Harry's doings with moving on days after breaking up? you people really love to hate on a woman just because she's happy with a new man
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liked by florencepugh, tchalamet, annetwist, gemmastyles, taylorswift, harrystyles and 7 617 817 others
yourinstagram with this year coming to the end, small photo dump with my favourite moments from 2021. this year was the one when i had my saddest and happiest moments. i hope 2022 will be our year.
one - i think it was during the last week of shooting st4, im a simple girl - i see a beautiful sky, i take a photo
two - you guys know the masterpiece that dirty dancing is? we did it.
three - ❤
four - find yourself a man that reads your recomendations. seven husbands of evelyn hugo finished, mans search for meaning next
five - yes he does the cooking, yes he does the cleaning 🍕
six - ❤️
seven - florence's birthday!!!! can you see how gorgeous she looks?? my, my, my, im drooling 🤤
eight - R.I.P. Dom Pérignon
nine - ❤️
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florencepugh my birthday one of the highlights of your year??? i love you so much, beautiful. see you at the party!
⤷yourinstagram see you, beauty!
tchalamet chérie! when you're happy, i'm happy
⤷yourinstagram stop flirting, Timothée
⤷tchalamet joe, give yn her phone
⤷yourinstagram who?
⤷tchalamet yn calls me timmy, joe. you gave yourself up, mate. give her the phone
⤷yourinstagram no. ❤️
⤷ynsmybestie they're the funniest
annetwist happy new year, darling! ❤️
⤷yourinstagram thank you, annie! the happiest for you
taylorswift can i write an album about you?
⤷yourinstagram i thought you already had one??🍂
⤷ynsmybestie bestie are you confirming evermore being about you????
gemmastyles we need to meet up, yn!
⤷yourinstagram text me the date and im all yours, babe
ynsmymama her still being close to anne and gemma? while having a whole new man? also harry lurking, we see you👀
ynsmysoulmate can we talk about how she started posting more about herself and her life after dumping Jeff's ass and getting new manager??? im so here for it. Ronnie Coleman im your number1 fan
⤷ ynsmymama so true! i feel like she really wants to share her happy memories with us and jeff didn't let her, Ronnie is like her bestie and let's her decide whatever she thinks is best for her
⤷ haarrysmoustache jeff was doing with yn what he does with harry, minimal social media + public spottings
⤷ harrysbtch buuut, harry said himself that he doesn't like social media and tries to avoid it as much as possible (he's now all over it with olivia but who am I to judge???)
⤷ ynsmymama oh, that might be it. yn said in one of her interviews that she didn't mind social media because she learnt how to deal with it (and that interview was in 2019, while still being managed by Jeff)
harrysbtch photos of Joseph???? recreating THE ICONIC scene from one of her favourite films?? she has her own jonny castle
⤷ ynsmysoulmate and he reads her recommendations? cooks and cleans? man, when i tell you i feel weak in the knees, im not lying. 🥵
⤷ynsmybestie she just needs joseph to dress up as him or danny zuko for halloween and she's probably done for 😭
taylor22 Dom Pérignon ???? champagne problems??
⤷ ynsmybestie if champagne problems is about yn and harry im dead 💔
harrysbtch also, harry are you sure you wanted to like this post???
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liked by harryupdates, annetwist, oliviawilde, harrysmama, ynsmybestie and 8 817 716 others
harrystyles Harry's House. May 20th.
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oliviawilde ❤️
harryupdates the king is back!
annetwist cannot wait, my boy! x
ynsmybestie okay, so how many songs about yn, hmm?
ynsmymama i hope you're not going to bring more drama between you and yn after this album is released
⤷harryskiwi imo id love for him to have a song about her. we only got a few in fine line
⤷ynsmymama maybe, i just dont want it to affect yn and joe
harrystyles ALSO my new song As It Was - out on April 1st, H
⤷haarrysmoustache the promotion! so true💀
⤷harryupdates harry, please make a post about it
⤷harrysheadphones well, it's few days later and he didn't, he really doesn't care 😭
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liked by yourinstagram, joekeery, mayahawke, sadiesink, noahschnapp, milliebobbybrown, harrystyles, tchalamet and 2 716 615 others
josephquinn Stranger Things Season 4. Thank you for a warm welcome in this beautiful family. It's an absolute honor to join you. Season 4 on Netflix on May 27th. See you then.
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yourinstagram look 👏 at 👏 you! what a dream. what a man.
⤷ josephquinn dream man?
⤷yourinstagram you're damn right
joekeery look at him, all dressed up. where's your denim vest?
⤷josephquinn give it back, robber
mayahawke im sorry, who did you play? i don't think i know you from set
⤷yourinstagram maya, eddie cut his hair
⤷mayahawke oh! right, those puppy eyes seem familiar
sadiesink 🎸
yourinstagram okay, guys. let's stop bullying joe. he's pouting on the couch
⤷ josephquinn i'm not pouting!
⤷ ynsmybestie well, yn's story is telling something different
ynupdates he's so fine
ynsmymama what a pretty man you are, mr quinn
ynshands can we talk about how they were constantly looking at each other while being on teh carpet??? the winks? smirks? they're so in love
⤷harryupdates im so anxious because we said the same about h
⤷ynshands well, let's not talk about him. joe's the man now
⤷ harryupdates well, he just liked this post...
⤷ ynshands WHAT?!
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
okay, so... harry's house is out and i have some thoughts. im no youtuber so i didn't make a video (my phone has a broken camera, soo) but i cannot keep it to myself. i found some nice connections and im doing a thread of it here, enjoy babes (1)
10k comments 💬 67k shares 🔃 126k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
music for a sushi restaurant: soo, yns hot enough to cook an egg on her, that's for sure. she loves bubblegum, especially blue! they were seen together numerous times at the sushi restaurants (2)
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yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
late night talking: yn said she broke her camera one awful day. harry posted a story of broken lenses and a box of chocolates (yns favourites!) also late night talking was yns caption to her IG story containing a screenshot from her facetime with harry (3)
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yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 5h
grapejuice: so yn was so perfect for him, he said that in one of the interviews after releasing fine line. they spent a lot of time in Italy, drank wine, harry was seen buying yn flowers EVERY DAY, but now he just drinks wine - its all that is left. and he is NOT drinking dom perignon but the wine from 1982 which is the one yn was drinking with joe (her new year ig post) (4)
2,5k comments 💬 66k shares 🔃 125,8k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
as it was: well, let's face it. it's not about yn. it's olivias song. that's it babes (maybe its a stunt song or whatever, dont know.) the promotion for this song says it all. he didnteven make a post about it, just a comment. (5)
3k comments 💬 62k shares 🔃 122k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
daylight: so I don't think yn was doing cocaine but maybeee. i know for sure that bluebird is yn's favourite poem by charles bukowski (harrys fav writer). they were seen doing a race on bicycles. and there is a reference to adore you: ANTIDOTE that we know is about yn. its a love song, definitely. (6)
3,2k comments 💬 65,2k shares 🔃 124,9k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
little freak: harry spilled beer on timothee during one of the little women cast parties, and definitely wasn't sorry (jealous son of a bitch). yn loves yoga, and has a body of a goddess! side note: i think its a beautiful song of what harry WANTS to think but definitely IS NOT doing (liking all her and Joe's pictures, stalking fanaccounts, and so on) and a statement that even though he's in a new relationship he still thinks of the old one, of yn :((( (7)
5,2k comments 💬 66,9k shares 🔃 126,2k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 4h
matilda: yn put that film on her 'ten films I cannot live without' list, saying it describes what she went through during her childhood (poor baby😞) and harry used her experience to write a song without telling her - he admitted that during his latest interview (8)
7,4k comments 💬 70,5k shares 🔃 136k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
cinema: I mean???? you can argue all you want, but yn is THE director and olivia is actress/director. the song just suits yn better in my opinion. just pure filth is this song, pure filth. dirty man. (9)
11k comments 💬 61,9k shares 🔃 132,7k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
daydreaming: there is no hard proof. yn apparently said 'baby, loving you is a real thing' during her speech at the oscars after party. (10)
1,8k comments 💬 58k shares 🔃 123k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
keep driving: song about basically: should we still be together? connections? black and white film camera was harry's present for yn on their first anniversary. yellow sunglasses - yns iconic look in italy. the breakfast order - yns go to order while eating breakfast out of home. riot America- the attended multiple protests across america. kiss her and don't tells - they hid their relationship for months. choke her with a sea view - that one story from the yacht 🔥 (11)
16,5k comments 💬 65,9k shares 🔃 131,8k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
satellite: song after the breakup. yns got a new life with joe. Hard to explain but it just a song about harry bothering yn while she's being - in harrys opinion - sAd in her relationship with joe, he's waiting for her move. i beg someone to do a BIG break down of this song, it's just a heartbreak anthem. (12)
8,6k comments 💬 66,8k shares 🔃 132,6k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 3h
boyfriends: what can I say? harrys just calling himself out. he was seen out at the pubs drunk. just a perfect song for saying 'hi, im the problem. its me, im the problem' (13)
3,2k comments 💬 61,5k shares 🔃 124,3k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
love of my life: jonny is one of yn's best friends from university, yn and harry spent a week in his house to get out of all the news that had been spread about them. he admits to not knowing yn enough - it was present in the interviews he did (not knowing her favourite films or composers) (14)
4,3k comments 💬 57k shares 🔃 130,3k likes❤️
yn and joe r my parents @ianornotbabe 2h
didn't know it was going to blow up like it did. im glad you guys liked this piece of veery shallow breakdown. its a beautiful album, grammies are waiting for this man. and i hope we'll get some answers in the future. byeeee x
4,7k comments 💬 23k shares 🔃 109k likes❤️
harrysbtch @iheartharryandyn
bestie, this thread is a masterpiece. all the connections you've made?? couldn't do it better
788 comments 💬 2,8k shares 🔃 15k likes❤️
harryupdates @dailydoseofharryy
i really don't know what to think about this album. there's so many songs about yn. it's cool to see him putting it out, his thoughts and feelings. but also with yn being in a relationship and having these much written about her??? i don't know if i would feel comfortable
5,1k comments 💬 13kshares 🔃 37k likes❤️
ynupdates @dailydoseofyn
@harryupdatess harry's an artist so it was predictable that he would wrote about the experience during and after his relationship with yn. i hope it won't disturb yn an joe's relationship, they look so happy together
345 comments 💬 4,3k shares 🔃 21k likes❤️
joeandynfann @dailydoseofjoeandyn
and here we got yn and joe being unbothered queen and king, ignoring trending on twitter and being the cause of breaking IG and twitter for some time - yn's IG story
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celebrityupdates and enews
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liked by harrysmoustache, oliviashat and 173 098 others
celebrityupdates Harry Styles (28) and Joseph Quinn (29) are YN YSN's (25) respectfully past and present boyfriend. From what we know the breakup was rather ugly but now? It doesn't seem like it. On the photos you can see Harry and Joe wearing the suits from Harry's newest Gucci line HA HA HA. Is that the promotion? Or it's just another stunt relationship in the industry? Or perhaps Harry Lambert (Styles' designer and friend, as well as YN's friend) found a way to promote the fashion line he's a part of? Read more in our newest article, link in our bio.
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enews pinned! 'Harry in his latest interview let people know that one of his favourite books is Mans Search For Meaning by Victor E. Frankl. Book that YN was recommending to Joe Quinn.'
enews pinned! 'Joe Quinn played Eddie Munson in one of the Netflix hit shows, Stranger Things. In the last episode he was playing Master Of Puppets by Metallica. The said song was taught to him by Styles' friend and bandmate, Mitch Rowland. Our source said that it caused an argument between Harry, Mitch and YN. Harry apparently was furious that his friend was still in contact with his ex girlfriend and her new best friend (at that time YN and Joe weren't together yet).'
ynupdates the suits situation is messy. i can't imagine joseph being super excited about wearing his girlfriend ex's design. it's just weird...
⤷ harryupdates expecially that Joe was super happy about wearing Gucci, and the patch on Joe's sleeve doesn't have the HA HA HA logo. maybe it's just a similar design?
⤷thejoequinnupdates joe was wearing the suit before the clothes from HA HA HA collection were being sent to their ambassadors. imo it's an early lambert's design for HA HA HA. and because yn is his friend as well he did the suit for Joe. then Harry used it for the HA HA HA. promo at its best. HA HA HA is trending and the online store has no products available. Harry played it well.
⤷ ynupdates if that's true then i feel sorry for yn, really sorry. her ex is using her current boyfriend for promo which is sick and twisted. man just move on.
ynshands we thought harry moved on while still being in a relationship with yn but we were wrong. that bitch is still in love with her...
⤷ ynsmybestie can you blame him?
⤷ ynshands bestie, im so in love with her that it's unhealthy, something close to what harry's doing tbh 💀
hArrysbtch hes a simp 😭 woah
user618 those celebrities will do anything for fame smh
user917 that's ... toxic
text messages between YN and Harry Lambert
hrr lmbrt
hiii! i have some new suits for you and joe to try before your new movie premiere. when are you two free??
when did you plan to tell me you're going to dress him in the same thing as joe?
hrr lmbrt
it's not exactly the same suit, yn. joe had the cotton one and harry had a cotton+silk one. the print is also different.
people on the internet don't know that, lamby. they are sure joe is somehow connected to your new clothing line. they're making a lot off buzz around it.
hrry lmbrt
yn, you know how it works...
was he the one to propose it or was it jeff?
hrr lmbrt
i don't know, babe. got the information from above.
don't bullshit me, harry. you said you want to stay friends despite all the things that happened between him and I. act like a friend then, please.
hrr lmbrt
jeff's idea but harry wasn't really opposed to it
but please don't do anything you'll regret.
i already lost one relationship because of him. I'm not going to lose another one. I won't let him destroy my happiness again. I truly care about joe, lamby
hrr lmbrt
maybe go a little easy on harry. he's not doing well.
it was nice catching up, lamby. if the suits aren't or won't be part of that collections then we're free on friday.
text messages between YN and Jeff
yn ysn
next time you plan to get under my skin use me or my name, stay away from people I love, Jeff. your way of promoting him is getting out of hand.
hello yn, nice hearing from you. I see you saw the suit Harry was wearing. such a nice piece of clothing, wasn't it?
yn ysn
this is the last time you're hearing from me jeff. next time it's going to be Ronnie and eventually my lawyers. your ways are too invasive for my liking. you used my name and my relationship for years, i think that's enough. stay away from Joseph, he has nothing to do with you or him.
I don't understand why are you so dramatic about it? it's just a suit. it's not like only we got benefit from it. your and your boy's things got promotion as well.
yn ysn
it's not just a suit. you control him well, we both know that. you can prevent him from doing what he's doing. it's unhealthy.
also, i don't need promotion like that, never did. you just think that ploting behind people's backs is the best solution. it's not.
goodbye, Jeff. like I said next time you're invading my or my partner's life you'll hear from our lawyers.
can't wait, yn.
text messages between YN and Joe
hi, baby. i contacted lamby and jeffrey. i hope it will do the job, if not Ronnie is ready to contact them himself.
hello, lovie. how are you feeling?
to be completely honest? bad. i hate confronting people but they crossed the line. they could use my name all they want but they decided to use you and you have nothing to do with it, nothing.
well, im your boyfriend, that's probably enough.
it shouldn't be, we talked about it.
at least lamby said it was jeff's idea, just like i had thought.
enough of that, where are you coming home? i made pasta
im like 15 minutes away, lovie. i love you and see you soon, we'll talk about it more after the nice bath, what do you think, hmm?
i love you! im getting the bath bombs ready 🛀
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liked by josephquinn, tchalmet, florencepugh, harrystyles, taylorswift, ronniecoleman and 18 917 716 others
yourinstagram it was an honour to direct and star in a film like 'bones and all' is. it was also a challenge, I never thought I would take, and here i am in the film with one of the best actor out here. thank you to our whole team working on this film. thank you tchalamet, my best friend. thank you josephquinn, my love for all the tips and support and love and patience. see you in theatres, i'll be there 🦴
ps. don't ask me the colour of anything
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tchalamet the best director and the best actress out there! what you did with and in this film is extraordinary, yn! you are the true artist. it's an honour working with you. ❤️
⤷ yourinstagram you're making me cry, timmy 🤧
florencepugh ACTRESS AND DIRECTOR many tried, just a few succeeded. yourinstagram did. such a beautiful film, such a beautiful performance by timmy and yn. love you both so so so much 💗
yourinstagram, tchalemet and 176 918 others liked this comment
josephquinn that's my girlfriend! and her sidekick ☠️
⤷ ynshands how is joe so effortlessly funny?
⤷ ynsmybestie right? jealous but funny and hot 🔥
taylorswift i already bought tickets. so proud of you all!
annetwist ❤️
ynupdates yn acting????? im so confused. i bet its a masterpiece if she had so much do do with this film
hArrysbtch timothee's shade on harry, olivia and all of that? he's fucking the best
ynsmybestie timothee finally got to kiss yn, he must be delighted
tchalemet and 41 716 others liked this comment
⤷ ynshands he's so happy 😭
⤷ joemyman joe is probably fuming 💀
⤷ harrysmoustache im sorry, WHAT?
⤷ ynsmybestie check twitter, its all over it. someone videoed a scene during the first screening of the film. they are kissing kissing 👅
harryupdates congratulations you two! its going to be oscar worthy for sure
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♥️ 💬 ➤
liked by josephquinn, tchalamet, taylorswift, florencepugh, sadiesink, annetwist and 20 172 617 others
yourinstagram three years of knowing you. one year of loving you. thank you for being with me in my lowest and my highest moments. you are my person. ❤️
view all 716 929 comments
josephquinn thank you for loving me, sweetness. i love you.
florencepugh shootout to the best couple i know
tchalamet the most beautiful couple out there
taylorswift i am writing a song about you two, there's no way
annetwist happy anniversary! ❤️
sadiesink it really is your year, eddie - i mean joseph 🎸
ynupdates sleeping on a highway tonight, thanks a lot
joemyman what a sweet, sweet couple. happy anniversary!
ynshands you beauties
harrysmoustache well, harry didn't like this one
⤷ harryupdates he did but unliked it after a few minutes
hArrysbtch i love love love
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studentbyday · 6 months
catharsis: nearing the end
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counting down the weeks to freedom (🏫🙅🏻‍♀️) and in need of stress relief (💆🏻‍♀️🕊️🧘🏻‍♀️)...
1. october (tchaikovsky): maybe one day i will record this song bc it's one of my favorites. also really befitting my underlying mood in this latter half of the semester. under all the stress and frustration, i am just tired. i want to see the world. i want to feel the joy of living again. making my life revolve around the confines of school does not feel like living.
2. apparition de giselle (adolphe adam): the music at the part where she's spinning in circles in the "initiation" scene. that's what today feels like. a flurry of movement, a little desperate, and despite the energy, unfulfilled. even soulless. i'm tired, that's all. stupid insomnia - you know that feeling where you're physically tired and when you lie down on the bed it feels like such a relief, yet you can't fall asleep? i don't know why that happens. am i worried about something? possibly? maybe? but during the day, i don't think i feel super worried.
3. mazurka op. 68 no. 3 (chopin): the first piece by chopin i ever played. the way i heard it in my head and the way i played it didn't have as stately a character as this interpretation, but this was the recording i drew most of my inspiration from. i really miss playing piano and the youthful glow i had felt in that era. it feels like ages ago. and with every passing year, it seems i have more pressing priorities like learning how to be an adult, the desire to forge new relationships and tend to them, and establishing my career, so piano consistently falls to the wayside. i don't regret my career choice tho... gladly, after a long-drawn existential crisis in high school, trying to come to a career path that had the best chance of balancing my needs and wants with the world's, i'm still satisfied with my decision. i want to learn how to use my potential to be of service to others, including those beyond my inner circle. i also want to practice piano after my dreaded winter exams. i will make time for both. 4. rainy day coffee shop ambience with piano music and distant thunder: that satisfaction at having stumbled upon the truth, the solidness of it finding a home in my chest. ☺️ i finally figured out what's wrong mentally and now i have something to work with rather than just floundering, feeling "some type of way", unable to get out of it because i don't even know what "it" is. i'm 99% sure that's what's causing my insomnia. i feel so much more hopeful and peaceful now with my feelings validated and all. 🥺 (update: i had the best sleep i've had in ages ☺️)
5. i dreamed a dream (claude-michel schönberg): i seem to always cycle through the same songs like i'm constantly circling the same drain. do i really always cycle through the same set of feelings every couple of weeks? 🤷🏻‍♀️ i have dreams i don't know i can reach. some of them feel more like fantasies than dreams... in my mind, dreams are super ambitious goals i don't know if i can reach but that are in theory possible to reach (more variables are in my control and have a good chance of affecting the future in the way i want), while fantasies are dreams that are closer to impossible to achieve (fewer variables are in my control and may not have a good chance of affecting the future in the way i want). i don't know, maybe they just feel like fantasies for now, and really, it's not impossible. idk, i don't have a crystal ball...
6. the sound of silence: i literally mean the sound of silence tho, not the song 😂 so underrated when the mind has been a noisy mess. ... and then in random mindless moments, like in the shower or when clearing away the dishes, all the music comes rushing back, begging to be heard and felt and loved.
7. arabesque no. 1 (debussy): learned about CBT in psych so i'm trying out using the situation -> thoughts -> feelings -> behavior template in my journal so hopefully i can figure out why i do or don't do the things i do 😅 and then maybe branch into some small "behavioral experiments"...not really sure yet but hopefully it brings me some clarity!
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northstarco · 5 months
fact checks (ft. nikolas)
❝ nikolas checks facts, and answers questions.. at three in the morning ❞
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"did you break your arm again?"
nikolas chuckles mid-read, glancing down at his oddly placed right arm and shaking his head, the question makes him place a hand on his forehead. "no my arm is not broken, not yet, at least".
"how weak are your bones?— well it's not my fault that i somehow almost always manage to break something it just happens!" niko shrugs, acting like his answer wasn't the stupidest thing in the world and glancing down at the sleeping feline in his lap. "i have bad luck, don't yell at me" he mutters, as if trying to be quiet so he doesn't wake up susi.
where is that poster from?
niko narrows his eyes at the comment, turning back to the queen poster situated right above his desk. he allows for a small laugh to escape his lips as he thinks about where he got it from. "a fan handed it to me at a fansign like a year ago? i thought it was a mistake but she just let me have it.."
did you really forget your instagram password?
nikolas, ready to make an excuse, laughs again. "yes, i did, and until i figure it out again you're never getting another juno instagram update" the 96 liner doesn't seem too bothered by the news, much to the dismay of his own fans.
i didn't know you played the violin :0 that's so cool!!
"ah" niko pauses, clicking his tongue. "well mæ̀ is a violin instructor so it was one of the first instruments i learned how to play, it's not my favorite, though, the strings make my fingers hurt" he frowns slightly, looking down at his scarred fingers. "these days the scars are from my guitar, though".
do you dream in english?
the question is enough to make nikolas snicker, it baffles him that someone would ask that, but it's also too interesting to not answer. "that's such a strange thing to ask.." he snickers again, just the thought of the question alone is enough to make him laugh. "i guess so? i dream in a weird mix of english and thai, my dreams don't make any sense".
you need to write more songs hello??
the comment makes nikolas smile lightly, and he places his cheek on his fist. "i do write a lot of songs, i just trash most of them because they're.. well, not sm approved" he chuckles at his own wording, he'd explain why in more detail if he wasn't weary about his mangers watching. "most of the songs i write are about personal experiences, not general experiences".
juno solo debut when?
"never" niko mumbles, shaking his head as he un-balls his fist and places his chin onto his hand. he chuckles at his own response, watching as the comments explode into questions of why? and what do you mean? a small smile grows on his face, and he lets his face fall down. "actually i don't know, not that the company will tell me anything anyway, if they even have something planned.."
niko narrows his eyes suspiciously, staring into space as he thinks about it for a moment. "i'm not sure, maybe those songs will escape the drafts someday".
song recommendations!!
"song recommendations.." niko taps his fingers onto his desk, scouring his mind for songs he himself enjoys. "everything is everything by lauryn hill, uh.. alterlife by rina sawayama, and farewell by akmu, that's a good one".
"i feel like you'd be a good music teacher— i have no idea what that's supposed to mean! but thank you!"
why are you live at three am?
"hm.. well i can't sleep, i'm bored, and doyoungie would've killed me if i called him at three in the morning" nikolas thinks of more reasons he could give to answer that question, but as he's about to answer, he gets a notification from his phone. when he looks down at his phone, he snickers, covering his mouth with his hand. "aww, kim doyoung hates me everybody" he pouts playfully at his phone, presumably humored by a text he'd gotten from his best friend.
"let's hope he doesn't come for my soul, i can't die before rina's new album is released.. oh my god, speaking of rina—"
nikolas then goes on a rant about rina sawayama's music, much too immersed in it. it's safe to say, the viewers were very amazed by the sight of silent niko, who often sat back and let his members do the talking during group lives, running his mouth like nothing else in the world mattered.
niko's ramblings only stop when a certain question catches his eye. "i'm going to australia soon, have any snack recommendations?— oh my god you have to try tim tams, and fairy bread, and also anzac biscuits those are so good! i remember my mom sent me snacks a few weeks ago and i finally got to eat them again, i also made fairy bread a few weeks ago, it was as good as i remember it".
"what are tim tams? oh they're chocolate biscuits that usually have some sort of filling, the ones with caramel filling are the best trust me".
"go to sleep" niko blinks at the comment, a small chuckle escaping his lips. "no! you can't tell me what to do, i'm staying awake for the rest of time now that you commented that".
nikolas crosses his arms, remaining stubborn as ever.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
How's v name dropping jk any different than jk name dropping jimin? If I look at it from a non shipping pov.
I believe this to be a very fair question.
You asked me not to talk like a shipper so I will try not to bring up the fact that Jimin is his boyfriend so JK can talk about him as much as he wants 😳
Okay anon. When JK goes live, it's clearly with purpose. His lives are what, a minimum of 1 hour? He comes in, talks about himself a bit. Flirts with Army, laughs, answers a few questions then ends up singing at some point. When he mentions Jimin it's again, with purpose. He's talking about his music, he's reacting to his songs or his shows. He's not saying "Jimin" just for the sake of it. He actually has a reason for doing so. It's with context. And alot of it.
JK is not name dropping Jimin. He's talking about Jimin.
And most importantly he does other things too. I think that's the major difference here. Oh and he talks about other members too!
When we come to V, this man did a 2 minute live. He came live for 2 minutes! I mean, it's basically the norm now. We expect it atp. But 2 minutes? I guess to each their own but damn. I don't recall what the last live was about but 2 minutes is not even enough to tell us what he had for breakfast and if or not he slept okay.
When V comes online his fans are expecting to spend time with him, get updates on him, what he's been up to. U know? I remember V once came live, talked about how he was with JK unprompted, and then dipped. He didn't even care to clarify it was during an online game, thus leaving tkkrs causing a ruckus over JK being at V's. Which there is nothing wrong with JK being at V's, but I have an issue with V always telling Taekook stories halfway. He never gives the whole picture. It's a bad habit. And I know he knows that because he doesn't do it when JK is around.
That's suspicious.
And then anon, V doesn't mention other members. V doesn't do anything else. So yeah, V, name drops JK. He does. He doesn't talk about JK. He name drops. His lives as short as they may be, he still manages to say the word "Jungkookah." And its gonna be a single sentence. Almost like as long as the name has been said, there doesn't need to be more. U get?
I am personally immune to his behaviour, but I see why it looks shady to others. He has 5 other members he could talk about. Yet he doesn't. Not even to mention their name, once. Jin is a video game geek. Do u really want to tell me he doesn't play online games with V? V hangs out with Jimin and Jhope too so JK is clearly not the only one he's seeing but why is he the only one he mentions? 🤔
I won't pretend to know his reasons. I won't even speculate because I don't care. But I can admit it's... strange. It's just strange, anon. Maybe if it had purpose, it would make sense. But as it stands, it doesn't. It just doesn't. I'm sorry.
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maarriiii · 2 years
Simp (Part 2) | Wilbur Soot
A/N: Oh wow, thank you so much for all the love for the first chapter!!! It means a lot. Also, i have another fic called Happy (Sad) New Year if you’re interested in seeing. And another thing is that I might update this series weekly.
Summary: You might have a crush on Tommy’s cute tall friend with the glasses.
Pairing(s): CC!Wilbur Soot x gender neutral!reader, CC!Wilbur Soot x actor!reader.
Warning(s): None.
italics: streams
my masterlist :))
After your Twitter interaction with TommyInnit, The same thing happened again, funnily enough, was with a friend of Tommy’s and fellow streamer. You recognized him from the first vlog you’ve watched of Tommy’s, the cute tall one with the glasses. Wilbur Soot was his name or at least that was what people called him. Again, your fans tagged you in various posts, moments caught from his stream. In one of those clips, he jokingly banged his fist on his desk.
“That was suppose to be me, chat! I like them first! It’s not fair. Tommy keeps rubbing it on my face.”
There was another one where he talked about when he first liked you.
“I found this soundtrack, right, chat. And it was from this movie. I searched it up, watched it and just immediately it became one of my favourite films. They played one of the characters in it and I found out they wrote a song from the soundtrack that coincidentally is my favourite.”
The thing that got you though was when he complimented your singing and writing in the song that you wrote. You remembered being scared shitless for that particular role for two reasons. One, you never sang in front of that many people before and it made you nervous. Two, although you loved writing songs—you have a journal filled with unfinished songs—you didn’t think you had the ability to write one that was vital to your character’s arc.
“They have a very good voice in my opinion, no, a great voice actually. And that specific song was quite relatable for me—I’m pouring my heart out here, chat, and here you are calling me a simp. Fine, go ahead, call me a simp. I don’t care. Maybe I am a simp. What about it, chat?”
You thought it was really sweet how he thinks of you and you couldn’t help the slight fluttering in your heart and the butterflies in your stomach when his fans tell him that he has a crush. Also his cute smile didn’t help at all with the sensation growing inside you. Honestly, you could just watch a video of him smiling over and over again.
For days, you keep thinking about him which was frustrating and exciting in some way. You felt like a teenager again, crushing on a boy that smiled at you in passing. You haven’t told anyone about it, knowing that everyone was going to tease you if they knew and would try to convince you to reach out to him. You wanted to, badly even, but life in the spotlight has its ups and downs. You don’t want the paparazzi to be crowding and violating this man’s private life just for the sole reason of trying to find out who you might be dating next.
You were scrolling down YouTube again, filling the time as you sat down in the hair and makeup trailer, when you came across a band. From experience, artists you found on YouTube most of the time was your cup of tea so you clicked on the video titled ‘Taunt’ by Lovejoy. The already enjoyable song got more enjoyable when you saw the familiar face that had been invading your mind. You eyes grew wide, your head no longer bopping, and finally that feeling in your heart returned.
“Don’t smile too much. I’m doing your powder.” One of the makeup artist spoke, moving a brush across your cheeks.
“Oh shit, sorry Sloane.” Yet, you smiled again as the video plays out.
Sloane smirked, looking at your phone screen. “Know one of ‘em? Is that why you’re smiling all of the sudden?”
“I know that tone.” You glared at the older woman beside you. “And yes, I do know one of them if you must know.”
“Which one?”
“The one with the glasses and the hat. The tall one.”
Sloane leaned closer. “He’s cute.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, I can see why you’re into him.”
“I did not say that I like him.”
“You didn’t have to.” Sloane pointed the brush she was holding at your face. “Your smile already did.”
When you realized Wilbur Soot have a band, the obvious choice was to go on a rabbit hole of listening to their entire discography. It took a few listens but their songs grew on you and eventually made their way into your various playlists—some grew annoyed listening to you repeating their songs. Now that you found a perfect opportunity to try and talk to Wilbur, the only thing that’s left was the execution. You didn’t want to make it too obvious that you’re trying to reach this guy. You could only imagine the article they would write about and you didn’t need to be ask about “a mystery guy” when doing press junkets later on.
“What are you scared of? You’re just posting about this band that you like. You’ve done it a million times.” You said, trying to calm yourself.
With one last inhale and exhale, you began typing. Your heart beating vigorously with each letter that you pressed. It was incredibly ridiculous how nervous you were. You kind of wished someone was there to give you some emotional support but alas you were alone in your trailer.
“Okay, that’s good enough, I think. Not too long, not too short. All that’s left to do is post it.”
Your thumb hovered over the button, still contemplating whether or not this was the right choice. Maybe you should’ve chosen the lowkey route. Just slide into his DM’s like many of your friends did. What if he doesn’t see it? What if he doesn’t interact with it the way his friend Tommy did? What if he turns out to be an absolute dick? The possibilities were endless.
When the waiting and the doing absolutely nothing began eating you out, you decided it’s now or never.
“Fuck it.” You closed your eyes, pressed the button and the deed was done.
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henswilsons · 2 years
to love you, for god’s sake
buck/eddie | 4k+ | ao3
Mr LAFD Updates Man meets a popstar. aka bad s6 spec. aka im so sorry.
“Wait, the Palladium?” is the first thing Buck says when Bobby gets off the radio. “As in, the Hollywood Palladium?”
“I can imagine so,” Bobby says, as he starts the firetruck engine. They hadn’t even gotten back to the station before they’d been radioed for an extraction in the local area; next to Eddie, Chimney is frantically guzzling the coffee Ravi had fetched for them only seconds before. “Why, are you familiar with it?”
“I wonder,” Buck starts, and then nothing else, ears flaming red. Eddie touches their knees together. It’s mostly grounding, the way he always does whenever Buck gets cagey, but also—he knows that look.
That’s the I think we’re about to bump into an ex type look.
Eddie normally tries to pretend that Mr LAFD Updates Man is one extensive bad dream, but when he’s dating the most good-looking man in America, who has also probably hooked up with half of millennial Los Angeles, sometimes the fact he’s a semi-famous public figure comes in handy. Namely in that he watched a TED Talk about powerposing and is not necessarily above evoking the Wonderwoman stance at Buck’s shoulder if someone ever gets a little too familiar.
(Besides. He did not suffer through multiple shirtless of pictures of himself being memorialised on what Ravi has explained to him is gay Twitter for people to think his boyfriend is on the market.)
“You wonder?” he prompts mildly.
He’s expecting Buck to maybe shyly duck his head, admit that he once dated a concession girl who worked at the Hollywood Palladium, or maybe even that he hooked up with a roadie in one of the bathrooms there—but then fucking Ravi looks up sharply, too. “Did you say Hollywood Palladium?” he says.
Bobby frowns in the rearview. “Is there something I’m missing here?”
“No,” Buck and Ravi say, at the same time. Then they both wildly hold each other’s gazes like they’re daring the other to say anything.
“Wait,” Lucy says. “Isn’t that country guy doing a show there tonight?”
“Country guy?” Chimney says.
“Yeah, you know him. What’s his name—Gary something? He’s the one with the…” She does an ambiguous gesture, snapping her fingers to remember. “Glitter. And cowboy hat. Right?”
The image vaguely rings a bell in Eddie’s head. To Buck, he says, “Don’t you listen to a singer who wears glitter and cowboy hats?”
Buck’s face has steadily gone redder and redder and he’s stoutly avoiding eye contact, and oh, yeah, he so does, and yeah, this is so him. “…No.”
Eddie is delighted. “Yeah, you do. He sings that one song about moonlight, right, that you always play when you’re cooking dinner?” Cowboys Don’t Dance, is what it is. Eddie will never forget it—it’s the song they had their first kiss to, over a half-greased muffin tin and an attempt at bran cupcakes. “What’s it called again… Dancing Cowboys?”
“Oh, fuck you,” Buck says, cheeks scarlet. “You know what it’s called.”
“You’re right,” Eddie says, to be an asshole, snapping his fingers. “Cowboys Do Dance.”
“Cowboys Don’t Dance,” Ravi blurts, and then claps his hands over his mouth. Lucy looks like the cat who just got the cream. Chimney is glancing between everyone like he’s watching a ping-pong match and grinning maniacally. “It’s called Cowboys Don’t Dance and it’s by Gerald Rhinestone and he’s literally my favourite singer of all time and he’s got a show at the Palladium tonight.”
Everyone stares at him. Buck points a shaking finger at him. “You’re a Rhinestone?”
“Of course I’m a Rhinestone,” Ravi snaps. “I have a Twitter account.”
“His name is Gerald Rhinestone?” Chimney says. He looks like he’s trying not to burst into laughter. “Is that a stage name?”
“Yes,” Buck says, “obviously. His real name is Dom Simmons.”
Eddie is so, so fucking charmed. “Obviously.”
“Don’t even start with me,” Buck says to him. “I know you know what that song was called.”
“Now, I’m not insinuating anything,” Chimney says, “but all I am saying is that that name sounds like it belongs to a gay pornstar.”
“Are we about to meet Gerald Rhinestone?” Ravi says, panicked. “Cap, did they say anything?”
Bobby’s voice is bubbling with laughter when he says, “No, dispatch did not let me know if there was a popstar there as well.”
“He’s not a popstar,” Buck says, “he’s a country star.”
“There’s a difference,” Ravi says.
“Man,” Lucy says. “I did not think the inside of his firetruck could possibly get any gayer after Buck and Eddie got together. And yet here are.”
Ravi maturely sticks his tongue out at her, and she sticks hers out in return. Hen says, “Oh, Karen loves Gerald Rhinestone. She always plays his music around the house when she’s cleaning.”
“What does she listen to?” Buck says.
“Her favourite is that one about horses. What’s it called—Ride?”
“Ride Until We Die,” Buck says. To Ravi, he mouths, basic, and Ravi nods gravely. Hen catches him and kicks him. “Sorry, but it is!”
Before they can start squabbling, the truck comes to a stop. “Okay, we’re here,” Bobby says, and then, before any of them can get out, he turns around in his seat, hooking an arm over the back of it, and looks at Buck and Ravi. “If—and I mean if—your Gary Rhinestone—”
“Gerald,” Ravi mumbles.
“—is in there, I want you to remember that we’re professionals and we have a job to do. I understand being starstruck—goodness knows when I met Scott Hamilton I blacked out—but we’re going into an active medical scene here, and I need you to keep your heads on. Am I understood?”
“Yes, Cap,” Buck and Ravi say. Eddie squeezes Buck’s knee.
“Who’s Scott Hamilton?” Chimney says.
Bobby frowns at him. “You don’t know Scott Hamilton?” Chimney shrugs. Bobby looks at everyone in the truck, and is greeted by blank faces. “Scott Hamilton? He won the Olympic gold in the 1984 Winter Olympics?”
There is a pause. “Oh, that Scott Hamilton,” Chimney says, feebly. Bobby just huffs a laugh and climbs out the truck.
Everyone follows suit, Hen and Ravi still hotly debating at how many songs and which ones they are can someone claim themselves a fan, but Eddie lingers to the back, with Buck, whose feet slow on the sidewalk outside the truck as he gapes at the big neon GERALD RHINESTONE sign across the front of the venue. He looks completely awestruck, and even though they’re at work, Eddie can’t help but nudge their hips together, just a little, coming to a stop beside him: Bobby’s at the front, anyway.
“You doing okay?” he teases, softly.
“I think I’m about to die,” Buck says. “God, Eddie, what if he’s there? What if I meet Gerald Rhinestone?”
“It’s two in the afternoon, sweetheart,” Eddie says. “You really think he’ll be there this early?”
“I don’t know! Maybe!” Buck presses a grieved hand to his forehead. It’s kinda hysterical how nervous he looks. If Eddie were any less secure in their relationship, he might have started getting jealous. “How’s my hair?”
“It looks good,” Eddie says; means it, because of course it does, because it’s Buck, who’s beautiful even when it’s curling and hanging over his forehead, but who also takes care to gel and comb it into place every morning. Buck smiles, a little surprised, anyway.
“Yeah?” he says.
“Yeah,” Eddie says. “Of course. You always look good.”
Buck’s smile comes a little softer. “You knew the name of the song, didn’t you? In the truck?”
“I’m not going to forget something like that.” He means that, too, because it’s not every day you kiss the love of your goddamn life for the first time, yanking open the front door, still in his dispatch uniform, Buck having beat him home by twenty minutes and stress-baking muffins for Christopher’s bake sale that Friday, barely getting a “hey” out before Eddie had strode across the kitchen, taken his face in his hands, and kissed him fucking silly—but also because the song is called Cowboys Can’t Dance. That’s the name of the song they had their first kiss to. Cowboys Can’t Dance.
It could have been worse, is how he comforts himself. He knows Buck unironically has Wonderwall on that playlist.
“Buckley! Diaz!” Bobby calls, halfway up the steps to the entrance. “You coming?”
“You’re a romantic piece of shit sometimes, Diaz,” Buck says, but he gets in an ass-pinch before he’s dancing up the steps, laughing delightedly as Eddie chases him up. “Hey, this is workplace harassment!”
It appears he’s mostly forgotten about Gerald Rhinestone, but it doesn’t last long. Someone harried greets them in the foyer, leading them into the mostly-empty auditorium, which is predominantly populated by venue and tour staff carting around wires and roadcases. “He must have completely misjudged the end of the stage,” the woman is explaining as she hurries down the aisle, the 118 close at her heels. “They were just rehearsing for the set tonight and then he fell into the orchestra pit. He’s okay, I think, he’s talking and awake and lucid, but I think he’s done something to his ankle.”
“Thank you, ma’am,” Bobby says. “We’ll take it from here.”
She nods gratefully, clasping her hands into a worried knot beneath her chin, and steps back, allowing them to all peer over the edge of the orchestra pit.
To Eddie, it just looks like a regular guy on the floor, surrounded by people all still carrying instruments, but from beside him Buck lets out a squeak and Ravi mumbles something that sounds like a prayer for help. Eddie glances at them, but then Bobby is calling down, “LAFD, sir, just hold on for us a little longer,” and is herding them all down staircase on the side of the pit to enter in.
“How are you boys doing?” Hen teases as they descend.
“I think I’m about to die,” Ravi says faintly.
“I heard you praying,” Chimney says. “I didn’t know you were religious.”
“I was blaspheming and hoping God would just kill me.”
Eddie hides a smile. “There’s something kinda wrong with both of you.”
“Okay, funny, Mr Breakdown,” Ravi snits, and Eddie says, mostly on instinct, “LAFD Updates Man, actually.”
Ravi glowers. “I liked you better when you were straight.”
Buck lets out a hysterical giggle.
Eddie’s eyes adjust when they get to the bottom of the stairs. He’s never been one for live theatre—why see people from far away onstage when you could just watch a movie?—but he had definitely misjudged how big orchestra pits are. In his head, they’d always been huge, but this one is small, and crowded—both enough so that there’s really nowhere for Buck to escape to, though Eddie can tell he wants to as they all shoulder their way through what presumably is the band, still holding their instruments and looking worried.
And then—
“I told y’all,” says the man, still on the ground. He looks relatively okay, aside from his ankle, which is twisted at a nasty angle and beginning to go purple. Someone’s elevated it on a chair, and there’s a person behind him helping him sit upright. “You didn’t need to call 911.”
“Were you expecting to play the set with a snapped ankle, Dom?” a lady holding a banjo says to him.
“Well, no, but we could have just driven me. I’m so sorry about the inconvenience,” the man adds to Bobby, at the front of the group, and though he’s not talking to him directly Buck goes a pretty pink all over. “Thank y’all for coming all this way.”
“Not a problem,” Bobby says. “We were in the area.” He nods behind him. “Hen, Chim, can you check his ankle? Eddie, check for any head injuries.
“Cap, yes, Cap,” Chimney says, because he likes to think he’s funny, and then they’re swanning over, Hen and Chimney settling beside his elevated ankle and Eddie crouching next to him, pulling out his penlight.
“How’s your head, sir?” he says. The man turns to look at him, and—yeah, okay, Eddie gets the hype now. He’s more into the stocky guys himself, hence Buck, who is built like a barn, but he can’t deny that this is a beautiful man in front of him, all green eyes and dark hair. He can imagine this dude probably makes a killing on dating apps, especially if he looks at people the way he’s looking at Eddie. Damn, Eddie can’t imagine what he’d be like if he actually turned it on.
“Oh, all good,” the man says. He does a once-over of Eddie, probably verifying that he’s LAFD. “I didn’t hit it when I fell.”
His banjo player sighs somewhere above them. “Yeah, because you landed feet-first like an idiot and crumpled like a Coke can.”
“I’m just going to check your pupils, to be safe,” Eddie says, and flashes the penlight at the man’s eyes. (Or—he’s not really the man, considering Eddie knows who he is, but what does he call him? Gerald Rhinestone? Dom? Just Gerald? He feels as though Gerald Rhinestone must be in all capitals whenever he says it in his head.) The man’s eyes look more than fine, though his pupils are a little dilated. Eddie frowns, putting the penlight down. Maybe it’s just a little dark in here. “Can you tell me your name?”
“Gerald,” the man says, which at least saves Eddie the panic of deciding what to call him in his head. He holds out his hand, even though Eddie hadn’t been introducing himself. “And yours?”
“Uh,” Eddie says. “I’m Eddie.”
He shakes his hand. Gerald holds on for a little long. There is a choking noise behind them.
“Say,” Gerald says, finally. “You look kinda familiar.”
“Just one of those faces, I guess,” Eddie says. “Can you tell me the date?”
Gerald ignores him, squinting. It’s not until his friend holding him up sucks in a breath and says, “Holy shit, are you that Twitter guy?” that he seems to land on where he recognises him from.
And of course, it’s Twitter. It’s always fucking Twitter.
“Yes,” Eddie says, a little resigned. Whichever influencer slid into his DMs to reassure him that the internet’s memory was fleeting and he’d be back to his normal life in a manner of weeks was talking from their ass, because it’s been nearly a year and he’s still getting this sort of shit. (He supposes it doesn’t help that Josh is apparently still milking his likeness all over Twitter for dispatch interaction. Not that he knows this, because he deleted Twitter.) “Can you tell me the date, Gerald?”
“November twelfth,” Gerald says, and his eyes do another deliberate drag down Eddie’s body. It’s not until what definitely sounds like Buck from behind him makes a wheezing sound that Eddie realises, with a sudden start, that he thinks he might be getting hit on. “You’re impressive up close, Mr LAFD Updates.”
Eddie cannot be getting hit on by the man who wrote the song he had his first kiss with Buck with. This can’t really be happening.
“You should see him from far away,” Chimney jokes, from still beside his ankle. “Gets so much more handsome when you can’t see his face properly.”
Eddie is a professional, so he doesn’t flip him off, but then Gerald says, “Mm, I don’t know about that,” and he nearly chokes.
“Uh,” he says.
Thankfully, Bobby, his guardian angel, unknowingly descends on them, placing a hand on his shoulder. “How’s our friend, Eddie?” he says.
Eddie bluescreens for a second longer, Gerald still smirking at him, before he remembers, oh, yeah, technically in a workplace, and snaps back into action. “Doesn’t look like he obtained any head injuries—I think it may just be the ankle that got injured.”
“Good,” Bobby says. To Gerald, he says, “Our paramedics are just splinting your ankle so we can lift you onto a stretcher—you’ll be out of here in no time, sir.”
“Thank you,” Gerald says, though this is more of a leer to Eddie than anything.
To Eddie’s surprise, Bobby doesn’t move away at this; he stays, hand still on Eddie’s shoulder, as if deliberating something. Then finally, he leans forward a little furtively. “I have two firefighters behind me who are big fans,” he says, lowly. “Do you mind terribly if they come say hello? I think they’re both jumping out of their skin.”
Gerald laughs. “Of course. I love meeting fans.” He winks at Eddie, who feels himself traitorously blush a little. (Look, he can’t help it, okay? Gerald Rhinestone is a handsome dude.)
Bobby hasn’t even properly straightened before Buck and Ravi are making beelines, Lucy swaggering behind them, snapping at her gum with her arms folded. Eddie feels Buck’s hand dust across his shoulder, and he reaches up to smooth a hand over it before it then basically pushes him out the way and Buck settles in next to him, eyes huge and wide. “Hi, Mr Rhinestone,” he squeaks. “I’m a huge fan.”
He holds out his hand. Gerald laughs warmly and shakes it. “Nice to meet you,” he says. “What’s your name?”
Buck evidently did not anticipate getting this far, because he just kind of gapes. Eddie magnanimously steps in.
“This is Buck,” he says, and Gerald’s smile gets a little smirkier. “And that’s Ravi.”
“Hi,” Ravi manages, still stood. “I really like your vest.”
Gerald looks down at himself like he’d forgotten what he was wearing. For the first time, Eddie properly registers the pink sparkly waistcoat, unbuttoned to show off a lot of his tanned hairless chest. “Oh, thank you,” he says. “I like your… gear.”
Ravi giggles. (Fucking giggles!) Buck just keeps kinda gaping.
“I was just getting acquainted with your coworker here,” Gerald continues, and oh no. “He was just telling me about his stint as Mr LAFD Updates Man.”
“Oh, I wasn’t,” Eddie says, but it falls on deaf ears.
“I have to say, I’m a big fan,” Gerald says. “I turned on post notifications and everything.”
“Wow,” Ravi says, dreamily.
“That’s nice,” says Eddie.
“And when I saw him today,” Gerald continues, “I almost couldn’t believe it. It’s not every day you meet a celebrity.”
Buck and Ravi are nodding so intently Eddie’s a little afraid for their necks. “Sure isn’t,” Buck agrees, as Ravi says solemnly, “So true.”
Eddie laughs nervously. “Ah, well. I wouldn’t call myself a celebrity.”
“Mm,” Gerald says, still smirking. “Say, Mr LAFD Updates Man, I don’t suppose I could get a photo?”
Eddie—blinks. “Of me?”
“Well, sure,” Gerald agrees easily, “but I was hoping with you.”
Eddie glances at Buck. He’s not sure what he’s expecting, but it’s certainly not for Buck to be looking at him like he’s stupid. “It’s rude to keep someone waiting, Eddie,” he says.
And—okay. Well, then. “Uh, sure,” Eddie says, thrown. He’s had to get good at selfies, unfortunately, considering after the first one was posted online he has been exponentially accosted with more people asking for them, and due to the nature of his job this wouldn’t be the first that’s been taken on a medical scene—his personal favourite was with the girl who had accidentally been shot in the leg with a crossbow—but it is the first that he can see, in his peripheral, Buck and Ravi desperately trying to get in the frame of in the background. Gerald leans a little too close as he takes the picture—Buck’s eyebrow and birthmark makes it in, as does the flick of Ravi’s hair—and then, to Eddie’s surprise, passes the phone to him.
“To put your number in,” he says.
Eddie gapes at him, and then turns to frown at Buck. Buck prods, “Eddie, give the man your number.”
“Oh my God,” Eddie says, but does as he’s told. He doesn’t put a name, which maybe was a bad idea, because Gerald does so himself when he passes it back, as Mr LAFD Updates Man and a—Christ alive—eggplant emoji—yeah, after dating Buck for a year Eddie now knows what that means.
“I’ll text you, cowboy,” Gerald says, with a wink.
“…Okay,” Eddie says. This is bizarre. This whole day is bizarre. Buck vibrating next to him is absolutely bizarre.
“Can we get pictures too?” Ravi pipes.
And so Gerald fucking Rhinestone takes photos with both Ravi and Buck, and then also Hen for Karen, and records a video for Ravi’s Twitter followers, and then his manager asks if they want to take a group picture for his social media and Eddie somehow ends up between Buck and Gerald—who is still on the floor with a broken ankle, may he add—and feels like he’s stepped into an alternate dimension.
This is the weirdest fucking day of his life.
Finally, Hen and Chimney help him onto a backboard, and Buck and Chimney carry him out the auditorium and into the ambulance. By now, they’ve garnered company, and Bobby as well as the venue staff are standing shoulder to shoulder trying to keep the fans back. Gerald doesn’t help, waving to them from his backboard like a king on a dais, and then someone shrieks, “That’s Mr LAFD Updates Man!” and Eddie pretty much makes a run for the firetruck.
“Holy shit,” Ravi says, once they’ve all climbed in. “What just happened. I think I blacked out.”
“I cannot believe you got his fucking number,” Lucy says, with a laugh.
“Yeah, neither can I,” Eddie says, and knocks his knee pointedly into Buck’s. Buck is still vibrating a little—it’s kinda adorable, how fucking psyched he is, like a kid with an ice cream, but also Eddie needs some clarity here. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Uh, because Gerald Rhinestone was hitting on you?” Buck says. “Baby, I wouldn’t even be upset if you left me for him.”
Eddie gapes. Fucking gapes. Ravi says, “Word,” from behind his phone, probably live-Tweeting this whole conversation. Eddie wonders if it’s worth it to fall out the truck into moving traffic.
“What?” he says. “Why would I do that?”
He’s dismayed, actually, that Buck would say that, and Buck must notice, because he quickly takes his hand. “Hey, I’m kidding,” he says. “If you left me for him I’d be fucking devastated. Like, the kind of devastation I don’t think I could ever recover from.” The rest of the truck are politely pretending not to hear this. “It’s just… you know. He’s Gerald Rhinestone. I’d let you.”
Eddie is so, so confused. “Let me what?”
“You know. Have sex with him.”
Chimney barks with laughter and Hen elbows him. She is looking so pointedly out the window that her neck is almost at a full one-eighty turn. Eddie repeats, “Have sex with Gerald Rhinestone.”
“I’d be ashamed of you if you didn’t.”
“What the fuck,” Eddie says. “Why would I want to have sex with Gerald Rhinestone?”
Buck owlishly blinks at him. “Did you not see him?”
“I mean—yeah, I was there.”
“He’s hot like burning.”
“I mean, I guess,” Eddie says. “But why would I want to have sex with anyone who wasn’t you?”
“Oh, Jesus Christ,” Lucy mutters, and Chimney starts rolling down the window, probably to make his escape, but all Eddie can focus on is Buck, the way his face softens, eyes growing soppy—but also so in love Eddie aches a little.
“You sweet-talker, you,” Buck says, softly.
“I’m serious.”
“I know, and I’m mad, because if our positions were swapped I probably would have sex with Gerald Rhinestone.” Eddie elbows him. “I’m joking!”
“You’re so not,” Eddie says, and Buck grins at him, kinda guilelessly. Big burly overcoats and seatbelts be damned, Eddie throws an arm around his shoulders, and Buck obligingly tips, head on his shoulder. “It’s okay. I’d probably have sex with Ryan Reynolds if he asked.”
Buck bites a little at his shoulder. “Asshole,” he says, but his fingers find Eddie’s anyway, link together even when he sits up. They don’t hold hands much at work, at most just a quick squeeze, but here, neither of them let go.
Bobby says, from the front of the truck, “That was information I didn’t need to know about either of you.”
“This whole thing is going on Twitter, by the way,” Ravi says. “So you know.”
Buck squeezes his hand and smiles at him, bright-eyed and pink-cheeked. For the first time, Eddie can’t say he cares.
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nobodysdaydreams · 11 months
THE WOLF359 CAST IS INCREDIBLY TALENTED AND I LOVE THIS! (or my reaction to the Wolf359 Live Show)
"Another Wolf359 reaction already? But Bods, I thought you said you were busy?" Yes indeed I am my friends, if I wasn't busy, I would have finished the podcast by now. In my younger days, I did all of ATLA in a weekend. Sadly at this age, I can't be doing that kind of bingeing. I'm also tired, because I've been studying all day and figured why not take a little break and watch the Wolf359 Live Show?
I firstly wanted to give a shoutout to @commsroom for not only telling me about when to watch the live show (after episode 26), but also telling me that it is on youtube where you can watch it live so thank you so much!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts. Especially in this one because it is late, and I am tired.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell
Wolf359 Live Show Reaction:
"First ever life show" - are there other live shows?
Oh okay this is very helpful. So it's in the middle of Episode 26, so right in the middle of what I just listened to, that makes a lot more sense.
I honestly don't care about the audio quality difference this is amazing.
Uh...pretty sure Cutter is not the forces of good... see Doug this is why you always read the fine print! It's like that ominous song...the one that was a tik tok audio? The one about an evil corporation in space? I think it might have been video game music? You guys know what I'm talking about please tell me I didn't imagine this.
PLEASE- the way Doug is telling the story is the way I tell stories "Hilbert strikes back: specifically Doug's circulatory system" 😂
"Palpatine MD" 😂
I love how they enter in as their characters are introduced.
I love Hera though it is weird to hear her voice clear without coming through the intercoms.
Zach is doing a fantastic job I love how he's moving around Minkowski to play both Hilbert and Doug 😂 and he's doing a great job switch characters.
I love how he crosses over to whisper to Hera, I can just see Doug's character whispering into her intercom or in the general direction of the computer even though it doesn't make a difference to her.
I also like Hera's character position on stage away from the others, it's kind of symbolic.
"Team Eiffel's on the case" I have literally used the phrase "Detective Bods is on the case" multiple times on this blog, why do I relate so strongly to every ADHD character I come across sasjdkfjsl;kdfj;slk. Not the talking to himself too... NOT THEM LOOKING AT HIM IN THE BACKGROUND...oh no...
I love how Hera says "yeah we're all here" when she's always there.
17 months Doug? Oh dear...
"No one told me it was my job" Valid Doug, valid, what you're told when you're spaced out doesn't count. ADHD rule #1. Oh she told him multiple times? Well maybe they could have written it down for him. Would that have been too much trouble?
Hilbert shut up.
Poor Hera. The way she shuts them down 😂
Oh not the Pyrce and Carter thing again. Do we ever get to meet Pryce and Carter? Do they work for Goddard Futuristics? Is this a NASA textbook? At first I thought she said something about a price and then "Cutter", and I was like "PLOT TWIST" but never mind it's just the tips book.
Minkowski's Lovelace impression 😂 HIS HERA IMPRESSION IS JUST A HIGH PITCHED VOICE. Hahaha...his Hilbert is hilarious. Her Doug impression. 😂
"No no she's Eiffel, that's impossible" This is perfect, and then the switch back to Hilbert. Comedic perfection. I love it so so much.
"Hilbert you're fine try to be less fine" I love Hera.
"Can I ask you to act like an adult?" "That's not my thing" the comedic timing of this is excellent.
"What do you even do here?" Hold Hilbert's Decima virus of course.
Comms line? With who?
PLEASE 😂OH MY GOODNESS CUTTER. The way he stands up from the audience with his smug little smile...
You just know he's been waiting his entire life to play a role like that. Honestly me too, so good for him for getting to live the dream. DID HE JUST PAT THE HEAD OF A RANDOM PERSON IN THE AUDIENCE. HE DID. HE EVEN HAS A SUIT.
"We'll break bread, we'll dance, we'll kiss-" Cutter man, I'm pretty sure you can't say that. I know that you're an evil corporation that murders people on the regular and unethically experiments on people in space so the law can't get you, but you don't even have one HR rep?
Another call Cutter? What deployment?
"He remotely destroys station, then goes on lunch break" Yep sounds like Cutter.
The way Cutters reenters... it's so dramatic I love it.
They are really gonna have to make sure their stories match.
Huh. "Communication problem of our own." I wonder what that could be Cutter? A little issue at Command?
"Alone at last" That sounds creepy Cutter.
Oh so Cutter worships at the alter of the Pryce and Carter manual too. Maybe he forced them to write the book and killed them. Maybe he wrote it under two pen names to make it sound more legit. Either way I can't imagine him memorizing anyone's book but his own.
They are very low on toothpaste.
"I want to help in every way I can, but I can only do that if I know what's going on" Cutter I hope you die. Painfully. Very slowly and very painfully, and if it doesn't happen in the show, I'll write it into a fic.
Oh he's speaking to Hera now because of what she said... that's interesting. Cutter didn't think of Hera as a person or member of the crew before he realized that Minkowski did.
Doug is me cramming for my exams. DOUG IF ITS NOT A VIDEO CALL YOU CAN WRITE STUFF DOWN.
Or fake an illness.
Oh dear poor Hera.
"Manufacturing errors." I hope that doesn't mean anything bad for those robots, otherwise that has to be sad for Hera to hear.
Okay...I love how Hera and some of the other actors look straight at the audience like they can't see Cutter, but Cutter looks directly at them as if he can see them. It adds so much to the creep factor.
Oh my gosh that manual again. Why is he obsessed with it?
"You'd be shocked at how much I know about the Hephaestus" Cutter knows everything.
Oh my gosh Hera talked back to him for a second. I think she's the only one who ever does thus far, which is odd considering all her code that stops her from doing that.
"I don't know if someone like you can understand this. We're trying to change everyone's lives" CUTTER SHUT UP. YOU ARE THE ONE WITHOUT A SOUL YOU HAVE NO ROOM TO TALK.
Hera's memory files? Personality setting? oh never mind...this is awful that he can just go in like that. Maybe that's why he programmed her with the ability and personality that would talk back to him. So that he can get the truth from someone he can easily destroy.
"The people who made you decided you were a mistake, and you were so desperate to rise above who- what you are" Who made Hera? Are they important? Or did Cutter just scrape her up from a tech company that didn't want her? And Cutter "correcting" himself on that line I hope he's blown into space.
"Don't you dare" wow Hera's still talking back. "You have no idea." DID SHE JUST CONFESS THAT HILBERT IS STILL ALIVE. Oh Hera...
"To err is human" oh dear...
Doug looks terrified. Me too buddy.
It's okay Hera. You deserve better.
"I'm sick!" I love that.
Cutter's like wow, I should have started with him.
The way he puts his hand on Doug's shoulder as if they are in the room together, like he has a way to reach them even if they can't get back to earth, I love the choices the actor's are making.
He knows that Doug doesn't know Pryce and Carter. He's been listening in on him. For sure. Bro. Not everyone has read your manifesto that you by this point probably ghost wrote under two fake names and declared the best book of all time. It's like when a professor uses their own text book, I've heard this song and dance before.
Cutter. Doug should have memorized it but YOU HIRED HIM. He is CLEARLY in no way qualified for this line of work. YOU know that. YOU'RE using him as a science experiment. If I knew my professor was using me for lab science that could kill me at any second, do you think I'd waste time studying for their pop quiz on silly tips?
"How did Renee stop him?" Just say that it was all a blur Doug.
"Getting around security protocols, tricking a multiple PhD...stellar Doug" "Thank you?" Doug that's not a good thing. A target is on your back right now.
Not the arm on his shoulder again. Cutter for SURE killed their HR rep and their IRB rep, and ethics department.
"I would have had to skin you alive" There is no "had to" here Cutter.
3 seconds or incredibly painful things will start happening. WHAT THINGS?
"I got the feeling that I would be the same convo you and I just had" I love the fourth wall break.
"Is there anything I can do for you? I want to help you?" Get. Them. Back. To. Earth.
Cutter's little schoolboy laugh. Oh yikes. He's mad now.
Good job Doug, take the fall. Good solider. No, what are you doing, just say you forgot, don't say you kept information from him intentionally. Faking incompetence is so much easier when you actually are incompetent.
The ultimate sacrifice. He will memorize Cutter's stupid textbook.
"If you keep anything from me again, holiday's over..." I don't like it.
"I want to know the second anything new happens with those transmissions".
Haha...well as a matter a fact, after that last episode...
Exactly. Shut up Hilbert.
Yeah the book is unusually dark. Pryce and Carter have clearly been through some stuff, or it's Cutter being ominous with his ghost written book. At this point, he either wrote it under fake names, or he's a Pryce and Carter fanboy. (Is it spelled Pryce or Price, I just realized I have no idea. I've heard of the last name Pryce, so I'd assume that's how it's spelled?).
"Did I mention that I'm sick"
Careful what you wish for.
Well that was amazing. I loved the way the cast used the space to make the characters come alive, the way they moved, the choices they made, it all fit really well. I really enjoyed watching this. It brought me back to when I used to do high school theater. I kinda of miss it. Hilbert, Cutter, and Doug are exactly the kind of overdramatic and unhinged roles I always loved playing (that is if I was lucky enough to have a director who went for gender bent casting, we as a society really need more comedic relief and unhinged women roles with crazy accents). Although I did once win a medal at state in middle school for a 10 minute monologue that was very much in the tone of Minkowski. I was playing a babysitter.
And ask the show said: back to work. Thanks everyone for listening, I hope you enjoyed my reaction. Only two more episodes left in season two so we should be done soon. Excited to see what comes next!
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thatonefangirlly · 3 months
ABCD-Nayeon Review
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ONCE! Specifically, Nayeon biases! We got another one from your fav girl! Now, I came in AFTER "Pop!" and "No Problem" craze faded. I'm not gonna lie, I really like "Pop!" I have since then been listening to that and went about my day. Well, the time has come to review her new single and maybe her new album (Only if you want me to) With that being said, let's get into it.
Concept:8/10 It's cute but I've seen it. I find the early 2000s concept to be HEAVILY recycled for comebacks and although it's cool to see, it's starting to be a little.... boring. While I like what Nayeon herself has done with it, I wish she'd try something else.
Lyrics:6/10 Girl crush music again. Ya'll know I'm not a hug fan of that. She did have a few good lines in there with the play of ABCD. I thought that was cool. However, I think I'm looking for more girl power and "I'm an independent woman who don't need no man" type vibe. There's this part towards the end where she says "Ooh". Yeah that's the most basic word but it's the way she sings it. If you heard of "1 Thing" by Amerie(I'll link it below), you'll know what I'm talking about. She sings it in that tone.
Beat:6.5/10 Something was off and I'm not sure what it was. I felt like there were some notes to the beat that they cut out and when in reality, it should've been there. If I'm gonna be honest, it reminded me of "Eenie Meenie" by Chungha but more girly.
Visuals: 8.9/10 SO, I really enjoyed the video and it looks like she played into a lot of early 2000 music videos, that I enjoyed. Only thing is, it kind of bored me. Now it might be from the lack of sleep, it might even be my vibe of music is changing but I can say that I wasn't totally thrilled. But you can bet your bottom dollar I will watch it again and give you an updated opinion.
Overall: 7.9/10 While I did like the concept and what she was going for, it felt very familiar to me and very.... meh. Now ONCE don't tussle with me for do plan to watch the video again and take it all in and give you an updated opinion. But, for this initial opinion, it's basic to me and for Nayeon, she can do better. I believe it and I believe in her. I wish there was more creativity in it and I think with this song specifically it missed the mark... With that being said, this is one song I can listen to in passing or if someone intentionally turns it on, you wont see me go out of my way to play it.
This review isn't to hate on Nayeon or her new single. This is just my initial thoughts on it and I will give the single another try. I want to think it is from my lack of sleep that I am not feeling this. SO, trust that I would update if I changed my feelings on it. I encourage you to go and listen to it and get the vibe of it and if you disagree, let me know, I would love to have a discussion on it.
PLEASE please please please go and watch the video and form your own opinion. This another song that isn't for a girly like me and I'm ok with that, I wish an amazing outcome for Nayeon and her comeback. Also, if you would like me to review her new album as a whole, I will be making a poll so go and vote! Until next time!
This is the song I was referencing when I mentioned the "Ooh" in Nayeon's song
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bullet-prooflove · 9 months
Donna’s Thursday Radio Show Prompt List! - Sing Those Songs Baby!
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It’s that time again! The Radio prompt list!
Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
Everything that made you great only made you bad
But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles
The stars are shining for you
You can't bury the truth It's time to pay your dues
Midnight You come and pick me up, no headlights
Never really said too much Afraid it wouldn't be enough
He can't keep his wild eyes on the road
I know that you had big dreams That you had big plans
So much time's been wasted So many thoughts been lost on you
Did it frighten you How we kissed when we danced on the light up floor?
Remember when we lost the keys and You lost more than that in my backseat, baby
2 AM and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake "Can you help me unravel my latest mistake"
You got a white picket fence and your dad's got a gun
I don't love him, Winter just wasn't my season
And I'm possessive, it isn't nice
Cold wind rushes down on my face
And I got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
The door is open come on inside
I wasn't jealous before we met
 I say "I heard, oh, that you've been out and about with some other girl, some other girl." He says, "What you've heard is true but I Can't stop thinking about you," 
the signal keeps on breakin' up
Why don't you ask him if he's going to stay?
the band they played our favorite song And I held you in my arms so strong
I do my makeup in somebody else's car, We order different drinks at the same bars
there's no point in grieving
it's been a while since I have even heard from you
They've got blood on their hands
A grown-up woman should never fall so easily
'Cause honey I'll come get my things,
We danced so close, We danced so slow, And I swore I'd never let you go
Don't say that you love me
Don't say it's like a fantasy When you know this is how it should be
Ain't been sober since maybe October of last year
No one can find the rewind button, girl
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me
Sometimes I wake up in a different bedroom
You kiss me, I'm falling
I know about what you did and I wanna scream the truth
Your life collides with mine
On a night like this I wanna stay forever,
Words can never make me stay
I should just tell you to leave 'cause I Know exactly where it leads
A little small talk, a smile, and baby I was stuck
Try to leave a light on when I'm gone Something I rely on to get home
You've heard me saying that smoking was my only vice
I've had a few little love affairs
Takes me home Lights are off, he's taking off his coat, 
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i-did-not-mean-to · 2 years
Fic-year in review
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Thank you @cilil for tagging me. I've taken some days so think about it...so, here we go.
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post the top 5 works you're most proud of that you released in 2022 (not necessarily your most popular)
your top 4 current WIPs that you're excited to release in the new year
your top 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
your top 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year,
and your number 1 favorite line you've written this year!
Tagging: @lordoftherazzles, @laurfilijames, @last-capy-hupping, @lathalea, @polutrope, @cuarthol, @heilith, @mismaeve, @scyllas-revenge and everyone else who wants to do this. (Again, I've tagged a few people who I think might tag all the others :) )
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Five works I'm proud of
The Silm/Hobbit crossover because it shows the change I've undergone this year. (Maglor & Ori)
Sic vita est because it is - in my opinion - one of the best representations of who I am as a writer. (genderbent Fëanorians, multi-ship)
Some say the world will end in fire because it was one of the hardest things I've ever written. (In-universe Russingon with a twist)
Blood because it is very different from what I usually write as well. (Vampire Elves)
Song as old as rhyme because it proves that I can update and adapt my HCs and the way I write characters according to new stuff I wanted to try out.
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Four new WIPs I am excited to release next year
My (as of yet) untitled MSV fic (I am sweating bullets over it, but I am giving it my best shot)
My art exchange fic with @sortumavaara (Glorestor)
My calendar fic for @frosticenow's calendar event
Different Disney/Musical AUs where I don't know yet which one will make the cut. Depends on how I feel and what people would want to see the most.
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Top three improvements
I've taken part in about every event I could get my hands on and I've worked hard on overcoming (or at least challenging) my profound fear of being impertinent by being everywhere all the time.
I don't know if that is an improvement (some people might disagree), but I've taken on a whole slew of new characters. I now write canon x canon, LGBTQ+, queer smut, and an alarming number of elves and Valar.
I have ventured into new (and sometimes uncomfortable) styles, genres, tropes this year. I've dared trying to write some really explicit smut and some profound angst for example.
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Top two resolutions
Actually finishing something (really, I just want to bring 1! of my longfics to a close without it fizzling out, lol)
Furthering my nefarious AU propaganda...and maybe letting people in on a broader All-Tolkien (timeline what timeline) AU where I get to play with ALL my blorbos.
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Favourite line
How easy it had been to give up the crown of fire and wrath and hand it over to temperate wisdom instead; he could never have been the king Fingon had become and his ultimate failure to defend the one who had shielded him through perils galore was a proof of his ineptitude too terrible to bear.
(I chose one at random, even though I dare say that my favourite line is probably: I love you)
Lots and lots of love from me!
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