#I am too_
transingthoseformers · 5 months
If TFP Megop happens, do Optimus and Soundwave become in-laws? Amica-in-law?
In my opinion yes
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[Communications commence, Boris talks carefully. He’s noticeably more skittish and pauses in his speech often_] 
Day Twelve, salvage ship The Wretched. I am definitely not well. No one is meant to be alone this long I don’t think. My head is spinning and everything is… Not good. Still no reply from the Beacon_
I barely feel like I can get anything done_
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What if I tried to fix the engines today? It would be a huge task - almost impossible even. But what if I just tried? Tried to get it operational. Maybe I could do it. Maybe I can fix it all up and I can fly myself back to earth. No more waiting on the beacon! I just save myself!_
[He breaks into laughter, rustling about for tools_]
Crash land into earth and walk out alive! Show them all what I am about! Just leave! Hit the bricks! No more space for me! No more for Boris! Aha.. Ahaha… Engines… Yes. I will go try the engines_ 
[The recording cuts out for several hours. Resuming later. Boris sounds tired_]
I may have fucked up_
[Pause, there’s a loud creaking sound from the ship echoing_]
No I definitely fucked up. I tried fixing things. Spent the whole fucking day on it too. Look at me go mister Boris Strugatsky - engineering can’t be different from flight engineering right? I saw the schematics once. I must be an expert! Turns out I’m not. In fact - I’m a fucking liability!_
[He breaks into sad laughter_]
I think I might actually have made this ship even worse for wear. Wasting a whole bloody day to do it too_ 
I’m an idiot_
Failed Flight Engineer Boris Strugatsky Signing off_ 
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anomadscause · 1 year
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#ImLike: “.. #Dam. .. .Yeah. 🧐🤨'According to #yoUSE know what today is too— Luckily I’ve been the scapegoat / #OddManOut since this all started all of those years ago and "#Loneliness", I promise you!, is NOT as effective of a tortured emotion as whoever #theVillageIdiot trying to wish such a thing unto me (WHEN THATS BEEN and is ALREADY WHAT IT IS; #ThisIsAmerica) like as if I haven’t or wasn’t around when you #SecretSociety'#Manifestation idiots even BUILT the #RollerCoaster— Them emotions just be "#Annoying" at this point.🫤 **#notAnExaggeration** . ..I must not be #Human. not #COMPLETEly, anyway— -and, that’s not to brag. 'Been all through and down the halls of those #Classrooms, too_"😑. _______________________ #theSwitchAndSwap as told by theAmbitions of #Leeches and supposed onlooking #Vultures alike _______________________ :#tooManyTears. ..I’m all out— **basically just listening to #theScheming and #Whisperings and #Rumors and/or #Lies told or spoken with #SuggestiveMovement [Maneuvers] in order to get some kind of #Reaction out of me. Whether it be to #Post something (more #Ranty than I can to post anything) or do something and possibly end up exactly where my enemies or adversaries or simply just #theVillageIdiots want me to be** There are certain things that I KNOW I fuhk’d at learning. ..especially if I need to learn it and retain what I learned as fast as #possible(s) . ..I guess #IfYouLiveLongEnough.” —all while they claim to be in tune with and/or have created this “”Wave””.. A concept in which if your as “”Spiritual”” as you’d like to think yourself, will bother you too.. 🤦🏾‍♂️'LifeOnEarth, as man made it— So, "Yeah." I def’ think I’m ready.. cause I KNOW that I AM NOT and there’s isn’t a way to think that up otherwise.. While I wonder why said coincidences do not or did not or does not scare me. —but that’s an entirely different set of thoughts. "ChristmasIsntTheSame" **beyond what yah think 'presents' and bullshht like that does for this as holiday itself; In my lack of ScientificData and such imma just say… "People" have changed or just are different. The rest imma just—🤐🫢..that kind of thinking isn’t important here_🌎. (at North Pole) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmkeUHSJdB6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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greedlr · 5 years
DONT FORGET: You’re here forever_
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toricenby · 3 years
I really like she/her pronouns in an ethereal, pretty sounding sort of way. They’re inherently … romantic. That’s why I like still them.
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argentdandelion · 4 years
The Harvest Day Hack
Summary: It’s Harvest Day, a day of feasting with family and thanks-giving for bountiful harvests. But Asriel still hasn’t shown up for the holiday…and Kris is helpless to their own soul’s whims.
“Ah, is Asriel here already?”
The two stood awkwardly at the doorway, Asgore hunching over. No matter how many scrapes collected at the lintel, Toriel never expanded the door. Not then…not now.
Asgore glanced past her. “Oh! Kris, would you mind letting your dad in?” he said with a smile. Kris nodded, and Toriel, still glaring, stepped aside.
Suddenly, Asgore engulfed Kris in his arms, wiggling them about as their legs dangled. But then he gasped, too soon, sheepishly set them down. “I…forgot if you like hugs like that.” Asgore said, Toriel still glaring.
But then Kris’ head butted into their father’s belly, their arms wrapping around him.Asgore knelt down and hugged Kris back. The embrace felt firm, a little too firm, as if their father feared….feared…
That pressure on their ribcage didn’t matter.
Ring. Ring. Ring.
A tasteful orange tablecloth covered a table set with fancy glasses and proper silverware: the perfect Harvest Day tableau. The four chairs were arranged at the table, just as it should be.
"Asriel?” Toriel said, the phone tucked under her ear. “Asriel, dear, where are you? We’re all set up and waiting for you.” Asgore poured water into the four glasses, his mouth tight. Kris set out silverware by Asgore, their expression unreadable.
The minutes passed, and Toriel called again. Still no luck. She gazed over the table and grimaced. Everything was in place, from all the cutlery to the artfully-arranged foodstuffs. The three reluctantly sat down in two normal-sized chairs and one of the two small ones.
Something weighed heavily in Kris’s chest as they sat. They looked longingly at the other small chair: Asriel’s chair. The one that had long been_ too_ small for him…
Though he may be absent, the power of cooler older brothers still shines within you.
Kris gasped, a feeling of outright dread building up as their heart—no, their SOUL—pounded inside them. No. No no…
Just a couple times in, the words were starting to sound stale.
“Responsible? Responsible? You cannot even sell a single flower.”
The turkey was growing cold.
“I…I would rather not, it is so nice to receive flowers for free—”
The sweet potatoes were growing cold.
“How are you even in the flower-selling business? This foolishness has gone on long enough.”
Right on cue…right as before…the flames started.
Heavy was the head of the Flower King as he spoke. "I like flowers. And it is not foolish to be kind—”
“Kindness has nothing to do with it. It is nothing but wilful incompetence, Dreemurr.”
The turkey was perfect, but it still felt as if smoke coiled around the table. As much as they wanted to open their mouth…what would it matter if they could? They would still suffocate in the smoke coiling up from their mother’s mouth.
Their father’s face was shadowed. Distantly, Kris heard the chair shoved back from the table, and their father’s heavy footsteps….
…and then, the soft click of the door closing. A few moments of quiet.
Then again.
Asgore looked askance at Kris.
"Well, we could always try eating without Asriel. He will show up.”
The table was set with delicious foods, but Kris had no appetite. Their body said nothing.
“He deserves a proper Harvest Day, and we can all bear to a wait a little longer.” Toriel replied, her expression tense. The room’s warm orange light felt like a slowly-building house fire.
Talking. Yelling. Leaving.
Asgore looked askance at Kris.
“Well, we could always try eating without Asriel. He will show up.”
This time, Kris’s head nodded. And yet…still no appetite.
“Kris, dear…you would not like it if we started eating without you, would you?”
What did their father even eat? A single pickle, in that bare fridge? Nothing could wash out the taste of that unnamed, bitter blend of emotions in their mind.
Toriel stared blankly at Kris, her fingers twitching. “Fine. Fine.” The words shot out of her mouth like bullets, their target unknown. Kris would have flinched, if they could. What had their body done? Did it nod? What did Toriel mean?
Toriel lifted the carving knife with a look of disdain, and…
Kris’s throat felt tight. It was a horrible miracle they could choke down any food at all.
Then Asgore put on a big, fake smile. “I guess now it’s Kris eating you out of house and home! Hahaha!”
Toriel glared at him, stood up…
And threw the whole turkey at him!
….but it wasn’t funny.
Always, it started with them sitting awkwardly, quietly, at that table that somehow felt both empty and cramped. No matter what, someone would glance at that little chair, the one too small for Asriel, the one too uncomfortable. Then, inevitably, someone spoke, feebly trying to cut that suffocating silence. Then someone spoke back, and then Toriel started raising her voice, and then Asgore left. And then…the door clicked. And the world would reset that miserable script.
Kris found themselves at the table again, at that point where there were only subtle signs of tension: only a furrow in Toriel’s brow, and only a quirk on Asgore’s lips.
But there was no relief any more. And through it all…they could not move. They could not speak.
Could not even cry.
The name didn’t really matter any more, did it? If only it could be someone else’s name… someone else’s body stolen from them…
“Kris, are you alright? You’re crying.” Toriel leaned over in concern. From the side of the table, Asgore looked at them with a frown and wide eyes. Kris reflexively wiped away a tear.
Kris stopped. They stared at one of their hands. That…that was by them. Their hand. Their movement. Their tears.
But how long would it last?
“Oh, Kris…”
Two burly arms embraced again, and suddenly…the tears came pouring out. Kris tilted their head, and their bangs draped over their eyes. With only a slight pause, Toriel walked around the table and leaned over, hugging Kris too.
Kris cried all the harder, sniffling.
Why? Why so much, why now?
“It’s okay, Kris.” Asgore said.
“Asriel will come eventually.” Toriel said.
Suddenly, Kris’s eyes went wide. They broke out of their parents’ grip, the chair scudding.
“Oh? Did you hear him at the door?” Asgore asked.
A manic grin split Kris’s face, and they started shaking. They tilted their gaze like a bull about to charge, their bangs drooping even more.
“It’s all right. You can greet him first, if you would like.” Toriel said.
The two monsters stared at Kris in shock. Kris’s breathing got faster and faster.
Kris ran out.
Their footsteps beat a quick rhythm on the streets. Their path was lit only by the lights of their neighbors’ houses, and the autumn leaves crunched as they ran.
After an eternity and but an instant, they found themselves at the edge of town. Kris slowed down, walking aimlessly, their head bowed. Shadows stretched across the street from the sporadically-placed streetlights. A few paces away was the bus stop, now just a half-lit, rectangular blob.
Suddenly, Kris heard a sharp mechanical hiss. A bus. They looked up numbly to find pale fur shining inside it.The bus’s doors closed, and the figure said something, something drowned out by a diesel roar as the bus sped away.
Kris shivered, looking down again. “Kris!” the figure repeated, so much closer. Yes…that was the word hidden under the roar.
Though the bus’s lights faded into the distance, Kris could still tell who the figure was.
Not a lot of people were tall, white-furred horned monsters.
Kris’ hair slid back as they looked up. “Kris…I’m sorry. My phone ran out of charge, and it wouldn’t charge up again fast enough. And one of the buses I took to get here had some kind of freak accident…and since lots of people were using long-distance buses today, it took a while to get on another one.”
Tears glimmered at Kris’ eyes as Asriel hugged them. Their cooler older bro was so soft and comforting, just like a teddy monster. And although Asriel’s arms were scrawnier than their father’s, his hugs somehow felt so much better, and unburdened by emotions Kris couldn’t name.
“If I could have gotten here sooner, I would.
Let’s go home.”
“Oh, Asriel!”
Kris saw their mother make a genuine smile. How long had it been since she had smiled like that?
“I know, I’m late. One of the buses had a freak accident…”
“And you brought Kris, too! You know, Kris had run off earlier…I am glad you are here to bring them home.”
That tone _snapped _something inside Kris—their mouth clenched. Their muscles tensed. Their blood boiled.
“You always were the responsible one.”
Asriel looked over at Kris, startled. “Uh, Kris?” Asriel asked. “What’s wrong?”
Kris walked back to their room with their shoulders hunched, trying to hide an unsettling grin.
Mutter mutter mutter. “Asriel, you have been gone so long…”
How quickly their relief drained away, like a shower drain without any clogs of white fur.
Hey the trash can smells nice, does it?, this turkey is delicious Mom, did Kris get enough, they didn’t want to eat, I hope there are some leftovers because this is your best cooking yet wouldn’t want them to miss out…
Kris sat on their beige, undecorated bed, trying in vain to relax their closed fists. They tried to control their breathing. They failed.
Where’s Dad, he left early, do you think there’s enough for four people, if he wants to come over he can….
“Don’t forget—there’s still some pumpkin pie!” Toriel exclaimed sweetly, as if pie would fix anything. Kris gave up. They laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, their fists still clenched, their breathing still unsteady. The ebbs and flow of the two’s conversation soon degenerated from the chatter of strangers to nothing more than birdsong—meaningless. Or, at least, to those not of their own kind…
Eventually, the chatter ceased. Footsteps scuffled the carpet, and a door clicked. The silence roared in Kris’s ears, unopposed, inescapable.
They turned around to see Asriel silhouetted in the doorway. The red soul glowed like an unsettling nightlight.
“What…what are you doing?”
Kris frowned and covered the birdcage with a sheet.
“I…I know you’re quiet, Kris,” Asriel said softly. “But I got a feeling this has been bothering you for a long time. You gotta tell me what’s wrong.”
"I don’t want it.” Kris’s voice was hoarse, but firm.
“My soul.”
Asriel stood back. “That doesn’t make sense. Your soul is you. The culmination of your being…and…how can you even throw it out like that?”
Kris stood silently with an unreadable expression.
“Oh…” Asriel’s frown deepened with concern. “You don’t…like being yourself?” Kris’s head tilted—not a no, not a yes. Asriel’s bed creaked as he sat down.
“But…you gotta keep your soul in your body…I think,” Asriel said. “It’s better to be on the safe side.” Kris looked back to the soul in the cage.
“So…you got any…” Asriel’s words trailed off. “Uh, any new stuff you want to talk about, since I was away? Happy stuff?” For a second, Kris’s head tilted and their lips twitched.
“I have friends.” Kris said suddenly.
“Oh!” Asriel leaned forward. “You…want to talk about it?”
Eating chalk. Standing in front of the dark doorway. Walking on a path of strewn papers… Four friends sitting down in a castle. Finally getting that cake.
“Kris?” Asriel stared at them in concern.
“Tomorrow. I will show you.”
“Show me what, Kris?”
“Tomorrow…let’s go to the Dark World.”
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princethewriter · 4 years
DAY 28 ~ 6th Dec, 2020
People sometimes act strange. I will say.. people sometimes are unnecessarily inquisitive.. I got to know this today..especially when you are doing something randomly without any reason..to put it into a nutshell...just for fun.. you're doing something just for fun. Like it happened only today; I put a story/status on my WA profile, the status was something like this " ."( a dot) so, I have been doing this for a week now.. this is weird..but I like it when people rack their brains to know why am I putting that WA status daily.. I thought it was funny.. seeing people being unnecessarily inquisitive:)
I hope no one's going to think that I am nuts..no I ain't nuts maaannn!!! A man who is mentally stable ain't gonna write a blog regularly!!! Forget about writing it for straight 28 days, without missing a single day in between!!
Anyway..I have got some work pending...so I will meet y'all tomorrow.. bye:)
PS : For y'all too, here's something too_
.- ( A dot)
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switchoffthestars · 7 years
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irnhero · 4 years
tagged by @phalloutklaine - thank you!
rules: spell out your url with song titles, answer the quarantine questions, and bold the things that apply - then tag 10 people
i - i forgot that you existed by taylor swift
r - RAIN by ben platt
n - nobody compares to you by gryffin
h - home by catie turner
e - empty space by the story so far
r - ran by future islands
o - one day by hans zimmer (from the soundtrack for pirates of the caribbean: at world’s end)
quarantine asks :
•where are you isolated ??
•what are you currently reading or watching ??
i’m reading little women and i’m rewatching parks and rec for the 67th time 
•if you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time ??
i’ve been walking my dogs on the trail by my house a lot
•any fascinating concept you’re studying ??
i’m taking a beginning drawing class this summer cause i’m required to have a fine arts credit for my major, but it’s not exactly fascinating considering that i’m definitely not a beginner
•what kind of acts of creativity / forms of art are you currently doing ??
i’m writing like 4 fics at once and i’m drawing a lot
•a song that resonates with your state of mind at the moment ??
battle cries by the amazing devil (i’ve been listening to their discography on repeat for like 2 weeks and you should too_
•favorite impulsive / “bad” coping techniques ??
scrolling through tumblr instead of doing things
•favorite healthy / “good” coping techniques ??
drinking lots of water and getting fresh air
i’m over 5′5″. i wear glasses / contacts. i have blonde hair. i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing. i have one or more piercings. i have at least one tattoo. i have blue / green eyes. i have dyed or highlighted my hair. i have gotten plastic surgery. i have or had braces. i sunburn easily. i have freckles. i paint my nails. i typically wear makeup. i don’t often smile. i am pleased with how i look. i prefer nike to adidas. i wear baseball hats backwards.
H O B B I E S  A N D  T A L E N T S
i play a sport. i can play an instrument. i am artistic. i know more than one language. i have won a trophy in some sort of competition. i can cook or bake without a recipe. i know how to swim. i enjoy writing. i can do origami. i prefer movies to tv shows. i can execute a perfect somersault. i enjoy singing. i could survive in the wild on my own. i have read a new book series this year. i enjoy spending time with friends. i travel during school or work breaks. i can do a handstand.
i am in a relationship. i have been single for over a year. i have a crush. i have a best friend i have known for ten years. my parents are together. i have dated my best friend. i am adopted. my crush has confessed to me. i have a long distance relationship. i am an only child. i give advice to my friends. i have made an online friend. i met up with someone i have met online.
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell. i have watched the sunrise. i enjoy rainy days. i have slept under the stars. i meditate outside. the sound of chirping calms me. i enjoy the smell of the beach. i know what snow tastes like. i listen to music to fall asleep. i enjoy thunderstorms. i enjoy cloud watching. i have attended a bonfire. i pay close attention to colors. i find mystery in the ocean. i enjoy hiking on nature paths. autumn is my favorite season.
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle. i am the mom friend. i live by a certain quote. i like the smell of sharpies. i am (was) involved in extracurricular activities. i enjoy mexican food. i can drive a stick-shift. i believe in true love. i make up scenarios to fall asleep. i sing in the shower. i wish i lived in a video game. i have a canopy above my bed. i am multiracial. i am a redhead. i own at least three dogs.
i tag: @anthorystark, @yobucky, @fanfictiongreenirises, @starprincetony, @s-horne, and @imperialstark
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froyo-reblogaroos · 4 years
Yesterday I saw an old lady at a mall first I was happy cause I was taller than her which don't happen to often but then I realize _wait... I AM FATTER THAN HER TOO_ and then I get sad
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taemond-in-the-ruff · 7 years
Domestic Goodness (JIMIN FLUFF)
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Summary: Jimin and emotions. Two words that were never separated. (You are being emotional and you let it out on Jimin. and Jimin being the mochi he is, lets you) (fluff fluff fluff)
Paring: Park Jimin x reader. side Taekook
Word count:3850
Warnings: Make out session?
(A/N): this was supposed to be a drabble. but then this happened. if you are having jimin feels (which are the worst), i got u. hope you like it. plz leave your thoughts. let me know it you prefer reading (you said) more than (Y/N said) please
Jimin and emotions. Two words that were never good in one sentence. (Y/N) was going through all sorts of emotions and each one of them practically screamed Jimin. Jimin wiped sadness’s tears away. Jimin encouraged joy’s laughter with his own heart warming laugh. Jimin eased down frustration with gentle kisses across the forehead. Jimin Jimin Jimin. Problem was, Jimin wasn’t answering any of (Y/N)’s texts or calls.
(Y/N) lied down on her side with one hand between her knees, the other holding her phone close to her face. Her thumb kept tapping the screen every few seconds before it went black. She felt pathetic waiting for him to call like that. But she needed him…NOW! Honestly, where was he? Especially when he’s the type to throw a tantrum once (Y/N) has missed a few calls from him. He actually went angry with her for three days once because she simply forgot to text him goodnight and didn’t pick up the phone until the next day.
At this point, (Y/N) was so upset that tears slowly started to fill her eyes to the brim. Once she started typing another text _no scratch that_ punching another overly dramatic text that was probably something along the words, ‘Okay I guess you don’t love me anymore’ or ‘I won’t bother you anymore since you’ve obviously found someone else’, her phone vibrated in her hand, showing a photo of her and Jimin where he had his tongue glued to (Y/N)’s cheek and her face lost somewhere between disgusted and happy.
Her whole body jolted up straight and she immediately answered with a breathy “Jimin.”
“Hi. Sorry I was showering. What’s up?”
(Y/N)’s nostrils flared at his cold answer. Jimin was the master of pet names that he in whole seriousness had some of his friends’ names on his phone as flower, sunshine, sun kissed TT… But now, when (Y/N) felt as needy as she could ever get, he uses a pain hi? And what’s up? ‘WHO AM I? your buddy?’ (Y/N) hoped that she had actually said that out loud. Maybe then she could knock some sense into him and make him feel guilty.
“Are you kidding? I’ve called a thousand times.” (Y/N)’s hands flew everywhere as she spoke.
“I told you I was showering. What’s wrong?”
Now Jimin wasn’t being mean in any way shape or form, he simply spoke casually. But to (Y/N), she was so shocked that her anxiety told her, ‘This isn’t the Jimin you fell in love with.’
Her hands dropped to her side as she blinked rapidly. Unbelievable… Right?
“Hello,” Jimin said after a moment of silence.
“Just wanted to see how you were doing.” (Y/N)’s sleeve was caught between her teeth as she chewed on it with her front teeth.
She either, A: plays hard to get because ‘I’m an independent woman who need no man’ or B: Act all cute and girly so Jimin would melt and spoil her with pet names and shower her with kisses later.
“Jimin,” (Y/N)’s voice cracked slightly and Jimin instantly switched to his caring side. Mission accomplished.
“Hey, what’s wrong baby?” There it was, Jimin’s soothing voice washing her doubts away.
“You’re being mean today and, and I don’t like that.” (Y/N) started t hiccup.
“What? No no baby. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” Jimin’s baby voice started to make an appearance which was only used on (Y/N)… sometimes on Taehyung too. Because “Jimin you loved me first. Did you forget all the times I spoiled you with gifts and took care of you when you got sick?”
“Yes you’re my first love TaeTae”
“JIMIN.” Comes (Y/N).
“God, take me please.”
… “I tell you what, the boys are here. Why don’t you bring your pretty little ass over as well? I’ll bake you cookies.” He dragged out the last part and (Y/N)’s lips finally twitched upwards.
When (Y/N) rang the doorbell, she was holding a white flower with both hands and her smile reached her ears, but then Namjoon opened the door and her smile dropped.
“Close the door, I’ll ring the doorbell again and this time, Jimin will open the door. Got it?” (Y/N) spoke with her face close to Namjoon’s and her voice low, almost as if she was ready to take on some serious mission.
“Well, hello to you too_” (Y/N) pushed Namjoon inside and closed the door earning a ‘Hey, I’m your Oppa’ from poor Namjoon.
(Y/N) retook her position and rang the doorbell. As planned, Jimin opened the door with a teasing smile already playing at his lips.
“I got you this.” (Y/N) extended both arms and batted her eyelashes. Jimin’s eyes turned into crescents as he pulled her by the shoulder for a hug.
“Thank you baby.” He took the flower and gave (Y/N)’s forehead a hard kiss making a ‘mwah’ sound.
“Come in.”
(Y/N)’s two hands gripped Jimin’s bicep when he attempted to pull her inside.
“Wait,” she gave him a pout and looked up at him with innocent eyes.
“What?” Jimin teased and wrinkled his nose.
Closing the door after pulling him outside, (Y/N) wrapped her arms loosely around his neck.
“Miss me?” (Y/N) whispered as her teeth caught her lower lip. It’s been a few days since they’ve seen each other and all (Y/N) wanted to do was burry her nose in the crook of his neck and sniff him __‘Jiminie you smell like a nice flower that is surrounded by nice flowers sprinkled with baby powder and I just wanna kiss you and play with your chubby fingers and stick your pinkie in my mouth and wrap you in a big towel and carry you with me everywhere I go’.. an actual conversation by the imaginative (Y/N) when Jimin’s cuteness was too much to handle one day__
“Extremely.” Jimins’s fingertips grazed (Y/N)’s lower back under her shirt.
(Y/N) looked up at him and took in his appearance. His usually pushed back hair was down to the bridge of his nose. He wore a blue T-shirt with a star print in the center and plain black basketball shorts. Just how she liked him.
“Jump.” Jimin said as he bent down to hold the back of (Y/N)’s thighs. Laughing as Jimin twirled her around, (Y/N) hugged his neck tightly, her fingers pushing through Jimin’s slightly damp brown locks.
“You smell nice,” (Y/N) said with an exaggerated inhale.
“Did- did you just lick my neck?” Jimin’s eyes widened and his lips formed an ‘O’ shape.
“You smell nice?” (Y/N) said it like it’s the most natural thing to do.
“You’re weird.” Jimin chuckled as he tapped the tip of her nose.
“Where’s my flower?” (Y/N)’s voice raised as she looked around, almost in panic.
“In my pocket babe” Jimin laughed.
“Take care of it Jimin,” (Y/N) whined, “do you know the trouble I went through to pick it up for you?” (Y/N) pointed her finger at Jimin.
“No, you just plucked it out of the neighbors’ garden. Speaking of that, what did we say about neighbors and flowers?” Jimin raised an eyebrow. (Y/N) avoided the question and bit her nail.
“Hmm?” Jimin looked at her through his light lashes.
“It’s not right to do that without permission, but Minii, you love my flowers.”
“You’re my flower.” Kissing the corner of (Y/N)’s mouth, Jimin put her down after giving her bum two light slaps, grabbed her hand and pulled her inside.
Namjoon’s eyes narrowed (Y/N)’s way and she gave him a sweet smile accompanied by ‘Love you Oppa.’
“Your girl is a handful Jimin.” Namjoon said.
“Oh hush. You love her.”
“Hmm, you love me.” (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at Namjoon.
After a lot of hectic moments including Jin’s windshield laughter, Jimin’s entire body laugh, Hoseok’s deafening screams, Yoongi and Taehyung having a serious rapping battle, Namjoon’s horrible dancing skills and “Taehyung give me my phone back”
“NO! admit you’re into me too first”
“Jungkook confess to Taehyung”
Then Taehyung sitting in a corner with his back turned to the room and a deep frown on his face with Hoseok rubbing his back, “Taehyung you know he’s into you, he just doesn’t like it when we talk about it so openly.”
Jungkook finally came out of his way and pulled Taehyung aside _scratch that_ dragged him to the kitchen where they were alone, slapped his arm with a tsk and said, “Stop frowning”
“What’s it to you?”
“Hyung” Jungkook whined, “okay. Fine fine. Gosh. You win.”
“I win what?” Taehyung desperately tried to hide his smile as he twirled a strand of hair around his finger. In response, Jungkook mumbled something under his breath.
“I didn’t hear you. What did you say?” Taehyung took two steps closer to Jungkook, his face so close he could brush his eyelashes against Jungkook’s cheek.
“Hyung,” Jungkook whined again and attempted to push Taehyung aside which only caused Taehyung to grab his hand once it made contact with his chest.
“I said you’re right, I’m into you.” Jungkook admitted shyly, his eyes not leaving the ground.
Taehyung smiled so hard it was almost impossible for Jungkook not to give him a kiss on the cheek.
The house finally fell to a much quieter state. A much neglected movie played in the background as everyone was sprawled somewhere across the room. (Y/N) sat on the couch placed to the right side of where Jimin was sitting. As she looked at him with admiration, stars practically filled her eyes. She felt like she couldn’t possibly love anything or anyone the way she loved him. She felt as if she had the entire world handed to her on a silver plate. Jimin was half sitting up, his body slowly dropping lower and lower every few moments and his legs were spread. (Y/N)’s skin itched for some contact with Jimin and she simply felt he was too far and naturally, the Jimin magnet was working alright on its own. Getting up quietly, she slowly made her way towards Jimin, careful not to step on the mess of bodies. Jimin’s half lidded eyes looked up at her once they were foot to foot and grabbed her hand to give it three light kisses. With gentle fingers, (Y/N) pushed Jimin’s hair away from his eyes to the side and ran her thumb across his cheeks, giving it a light pinch at the end. Tugging her hand down, Jimin wrapped his arm around (Y/N)’s hip to pull her downwards to sit on his right leg. Almost immediately, (Y/N) tucked her head underneath Jimin’s chin after giving it a light kiss. Still in his laid back position, Jimin held both of (Y/N)’s hands in his left hand and rubbed circles on her back with the other one. This wasn’t uncommon for the boys. They have actually gotten so used to it that it was weird when they weren’t all lovey dovey.
“I wish one day kookie and I could be sitting like that together.” Taehyung once told them when Jimin  was lying down between (Y/N)’s bent knees, his back to her chest. Taehyung’s lips in a pout from where he was lying on his stomach, his legs crossed in the air. Jimin’s only reply was, “It will happen TaeTae. I never thought (Y/N) would actually take me seriously when I confessed and it took a while but it eventually happened. Why do you look like you’re about to cry?” Because like Jungkook and Taehyung, (Y/N) and Jimin were initially only friends. Then Jimin started to notice all the small details about (Y/N) that he never paid attention to, confessed after a while and (Y/N) almost threw up on his face from embarrassment, considered it, kissed him straight on the mouth when a girl once was practically undressing him with her eyes, dragged him home and kissed him some more and here they are.
Right now, with their fingers entertwined and their breaths practically one, all (Y/N) wanted to do was kiss, hug and hold him.
“Jimiiin,” (Y/N) whined.
“(Y/N)” Jimin imitated her with a smile.
“When are they gonna leave?” She whispered in his ear as she cupped the side of his neck. Jimin’s chest vibrated slightly as he asked, “Why babe?”
(Y/N)’s warm breath fanned the side of Jimin’s face as she nibbled on his earlobe, grazing her teeth over his ear shell after.
“I wanna kiss you.” (Y/N) looked up at him as she played with the ends of his hair at the back of his neck.
“Then kiss me” Jimin lowered his head to rub their noses together and closed his eyes when his forehead made contact with hers.
“No Jimin. I wanna kiss you.” (Y/N) emphasized.
“Hmm, what else?” Jimin pressed his nose against her cheek.
“kiss you and kiss you and kiss you, then maybe, just maybe if you’re lucky enough, I’ll kiss you all the way to your bed, kiss you some more, then kiss you lower and lower.”
“Yeah?” At this point, Jimin’s voice turned deep and hoarse, his eyes barely opened. (Y/N) has got him where she wanted him, and she was loving it.
“Uh-huh.” (Y/N) innocently said and Jimin wanted to bite her nose off.
“(Y/N)” Jimin dragged out her name with a desperate tone.
“Shhh, keep your voice down baby.” (Y/N) giggled.
“You’re a bad girl. You know that? Very naughty.”
“You love me anyways,” (Y/N) pinched Jimin’s side making him yelp.
“Confident, aren’t you?” Tilting his head to the side, Jimin cocked an eyebrow.
In a matter of seconds, Jimin flipped them so he was straddling (Y/N)’s torso. He pinned her hands above her head and blew raspberries on her neck… and everyone in the room jumped at the sound of (Y/N)’s laughter.
“Fuck you guys.” Yoongi mumbled as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.
“Anytime, any day hyung.” Jimin winked.
One would not think (Y/N) and Jimin could possibly make it to the bed dressed after everyone’s left, but in reality, they sat in complete silence on the couch. The television was turned off, light emitted from the kitchen across the living room slightly illuminated the room, making it give out a slightly blueish color. (Y/N)’s hand rested on Jimin’s inner thigh, her thumb occasionally circulating the area just under his ridden up shorts. Jimin’s arm was wrapped around (Y/N)’s shoulders, his chin resting on her head.
“Jimin,” (Y/N) said with her eyes narrowed.
“You said there would be cookies?”
“And there was.”
“Jimiin,” (Y/N) whined, “Jungkook doesn’t count.” She pinched the soft skin of Jimin’s inner thigh near the crotch area.
“Ouch” Jimin yelled, yanking her hand away.
(Y/N) stared at him with a blank expression on her face then sat with her back facing him and said with a raise of her hand, “I’m not talking to you.”
“Somebody wants attention.” Jimin chuckled, bracketing her figure with his legs from behind.
“I wonder who I learned that from” (Y/N) crossed her arms over her chest.
“Hey,” Jimin yelled, “and why are you smirking?”
“I said I’m not talking to you.”
“But you are.” Jimin’s arms snaked around her waist. “Okay, will you talk to me if I made you cookies?”
“NO! You lied.” (Y/N) attempted to get up but Jimin was pulling her back instantly and she fell back against his chest.
“I love you.” Jimin said, giving her neck kisses wherever his lips reached.
“Let go” (Y/N) desperately tried to act serious but it was hard when she could feel Jimin’s smile against her neck while his teeth grazed the area, and then Jimin was tickling (Y/N) and she was thrashing and kicking out her legs. They ended up on the floor with Jimin’s legs on each side of her waist, his hands pinning her arms up.
“Stop kicking” Jimin laughed.
Finally giving up, (Y/N) threw her head back, her chest rapidly moving up and down as she panted, trying to catch her breath.
“Now, behave so I can kiss you properly if you please.” Jimin’s eyes turned into slits when (Y/N) fisted his shirt and yanked him down.
“Ew. What are you doing Jimin? Stop licking me. Jimin ewww.”
Jimin’s head was buried in her neck as he laughed, his whole body practically giving up on him. after he’d calmed down, he wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her up. With his back resting against the couch where he sat on the floor, Jimin pulled (Y/N) by her arms to sit on his legs.
“Hi” Jimin whispered.
(Y/N)’s teeth caught her bottom lip in a teasing manner and said, “Hey.”
Jimin’s fingers lightly grazed the side of (Y/N)’s face then pushed through her hair, gripping at the roots gently. All of a sudden, (Y/N) felt shy under his gaze. Her eyes focused on the hem of his shirt as she fiddled with it. His hair covered most of his hooded eyes, lips slightly parted, tongue occasionally darting out to swipe his bottom lip causing it to glisten slightly. With gentle fingers, Jimin tucked a strand of (Y/N)’s hair behind her ear and swiped her ear shell after.
“Stop,” (Y/N) pursed her lips to the side and lightly slapped Jimin’s chest with her hand, which only ended up with Jimin holding it to give each knuckle a kiss.
“Stop what?” Jimin knew exactly the effect he had on her and the bastard was loving it.
Jimin’s hands gently pulled (Y/N)’s hands away from her face when she tried to cover it.
“Don’t hide that beautiful face away from me.”
“Oh my God, stop. You’re so cheesy” (Y/N)’s forehead made contact with Jimin’s chest, trying to hide her flushed cheeks away from him.
Jimin’s chest vibrated and with a deep voice, he said, “You’re so cute”
In response, he earned a whine from (Y/N) as she pressed her face deeper into his chest.
“Look at me.” Lord have mercy on her soul. Jimin’s voice had suddenly turned so scratchy (Y/N)’s stomach dropped.
After a little struggle, Jimin finally managed to pull her head away from under his chin and face level with his instead.
“Babe,” He whispered.
“Hmm?” (Y/N)’s eyes looked everywhere but into his.
“did I ever tell you that you’re beautiful?���
“What? You are.”
Finally accepting the compliment, (Y/N) leaned into Jimin’s hand where it held the side of her face and gave it a tender kiss. Her hands cupped the base on Jimin’s neck, her thumbs running along his jaw. She shivered as his breath fanned her cheek where his lips mouthed at. (Y/N)’s chest tightened when Jimin’s lips touched hers, barely but present. He gave her a light kiss and pulled back, which unconsciously made her chase after his lips. With a satisfied smile, Jimin finally gave her what she wanted and pressed his lips fully against hers. Hums and groans followed next with (Y/N)’s hand fisting Jimin’s shirt, clawing at his shoulders, his hands roaming her body. The kiss wasn’t gentle as it usually was and gentle was the last thing on their minds. It’s been a while and (Y/N) has had enough with Jimin’s teasing and his damn friends taking too long to leave and well, she just simply wanted as much of him as she could have. Besides, if she did want it to be sweet, Jimin wasn’t helping one bit with all these sinful sounds he was making at the back of his throat. With eyes closed, (Y/N) could picture exactly how Jimin looked like right now. Hair probably sticking out in every direction and (Y/N) is to blame for that with all the tugging and fisting she’s done. His eyebrows pulled together, his neck craned upwards making his adam’s apple pop out. Curiosity got the best of her, and (Y/N) barely opened her eyes to find out that her thoughts are confirmed. Jimin was pulling her so close, almost as if he wanted them to become one, and (Y/N) returned the feeling by tightening her legs around his waist. She wanted more of him, and with this thought in mind, she pulled Jimin’s head back by tugging at his hair and lowered her lips to his neck. Jimin was whiney and with (Y/N)’s teeth grazing his neck, he was losing his mind. He was desperate and (Y/N) wanted to satisfy him. she whispered sweet words between chaste kisses, tongue darting out to swipe the area and it had Jimin throwing his head back in pleasure. He was moaning out her name, telling her sweet words of praise and it had (Y/N) smiling against his neck.
Jimin’s hand searched for (Y/N)’s, his eyes unable to pry themselves opened, and released a content sigh when he found it.
“K-kiss me” He said while tugging at her hand.
“I am” and just like that, the teasing was back.
“No. here.” Jimin’s chest rose and fell rapidly as he raised her hand to place her fingers on his moist lips.
(Y/N) opened her mouth to say something but was immediately cut off by Jimin’s impatient lips. His tongue wasted no time to push into her parted lips. If he had lost his mind earlier, he’s insanely gone mad by now.
“I love you” He breathed out, continuing to kiss her.
After repeating the previous actions, the rush was slowly fading, a content feeling replacing it instead.
“Well, that was umm, what’s the word?”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) laughed, “wow.”
Jimin looked pretty like that, red lips plumper than they already were, his hair an unkempt mess and eyes lazy.
“Sleepy?” (Y/N) asked, her fingers brushing Jimin’s bangs to the side.
“A bit.” His eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of (Y/N)’s finger tips massaging his scalp.
“You wanna go to bed?”
“No. I wanna stay here with you.” Jimin pouted.
“I’ll be with you baby.”
Cheesy moments like that is what the pair lived for. Both Jimin and (Y/N) liked attention, and giving it to one another was never a problem. (Y/N) took Jimin’s hand in hers and walked Jimin’s hunched body towards his bedroom. Jimin fell face first on the mattress and watched (Y/N) with one eye opened as she changed into his clothes. He attempted to whistle but horribly failed with his lips pressed to the pillow.
“Baby, under the covers.”
Jimin groaned, struggling to get under the layers of blankets without actually getting up and immediately pulled (Y/N) to his side when she approached him.
“(Y/N), can I be the little spoon tonight?”
“Yeah, of course. Cm’ere” (Y/N) laughed, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.
Jimin rested his head on her chest and placed his hand on her stomach under her shirt.
“What, no kiss?” (Y/N) asked and Jimin could practically see her pouting without looking up.
“Yes kiss” He chuckled and tilted his head up, pursed his lips with his eyes closed.
(Y/N) gave each lip a gentle kiss and they shared ‘I love you’s
“Hey Jimin?”
“Please don’t snore”
“Screw you.”
“I love you.”
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skumars014 · 7 years
Tumblr media
i am india and the world too: I AM INDIA %+=& THE WORLD TOO: Iam india &world too_-and marching ahead with a certain pace altogether with worlds all countries,states.I want other countries of the world should develop ,with them in all my capacities of sience ,tecnology ,menpower & with other resoures .No jeoulsy compound is there in me towards any community ,states.
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I don’t want you to suffer, but I don’t want to suffer either.
I don’t want the anxiety that arises when the cellphone receives a new message.
I don’t want to think about the possible conversations, the possible polite behavior that would stimulate a celebration in an inappropriate post.
I would try to stop and listen to you, if you gave me the truth… but placing the blame on me for being ‘too jealous’ is just unfair.
But it’s okay…
I don’t what was the feeling/reason that made this guy come around… But I hope it’s still lasting.
I am not a toddler or afraid of being alone…
Been alone for a while, and it’s bad… But feeling this insecure is worse.
And just as food for thought: I was the only one to change the output of love that I offered.
From a weird guy that wanted to talk to you and know about you in Tumblr, to a cold liar dog fake person kinda thing.
And in the beginning I tried to help you even with my improper help, about your loneliness, about your self-esteem, about your anxiety, about all I could.
But time went on…
And little by little you lost the shame you had on getting naked or showing yourself to me.
Remember when you had an anxiety crisis when you thought about taking some clothes?
Time passed and I started retracting and retracting and retracting…
Galo art, ? And this cunt.
The first guy posting songs in your timeline disappeared with not a lot of problems.
I don’t remember if there was someone in the middle. There probably was a Brazilian girl that lives in Germany and your exes.
Guess that by the time this guy came around, you were already full of losing control of your life to someone else.
And the first time that you talked about what this guy was into… I remember I got stressed and asked you what did he meant.
But you guys kept talking in Instagram…
Then you got fierce, added him back on FB and told me to mind my own business.
A long while ago… You deleted the history of conversation with him because you needed space (you guys share files or smth? because text is super lightweight)
Then he kept the flow of messages and you started ignoring him, maybe… anxious to answer, anxious when I would read it.
Anxiety because you knew how that could affect me.
I’ve been feeling down with the whole thing that I got to read in Instagram. But we started getting back together, and in my own time I was starting to create roots again.
But a great day after classes exams and shit I get to read the celebration of this fucking asshole.. pretty much targeted at me, because it was not about the post and it was not about something you didn’t knew.
Teaching (maybe agreeing) with you on this pseudo freedom bullshit.
I remember checking his profile on your Instagram and he was blocked. And like (https://www.facebook.com/help/instagram/426700567389543/) I work with computers for a living and even though I’m not the brightest one sometimes… I can still know when things ain’t right.
And like you could tell me you’re sorry. That I’ve pushed you to unblock him and talk to him, you could have deleted his comment in “respect”(?)
But if you’re so certain that it ain’t worth to be an 'asshole’ to someone 'sweet’.
Then keep telling me how sick and jealous I am… And how I partially cause problems in the relationship, therefore I have to change entirely.
Therefore, you should come to talk to me if you think you’re being misjudged…
But I think you won’t. Because you ain’t used in asking for forgiveness, trying to argue that you did something wrong…
I think these are narcissistic-like characteristics and therefore
- you won’t try to approach. - you won’t be able to empathize with how lost I am. - you will think that as a human, I’m dealing with this whole thing poorly. - you will find all the right explanations to why I am so insecure, but you won’t listen to what I have to say.
If you can’t talk to me, it means that you’re just too conflicted with your own convictions. And between dropping some convictions and staying in bed feeling down with such an horrible bf, you will perform the second option and blame me for everything.
Its funny that in order for your friend to have a chance with her guy in a long distance relationship, they had to 'open’ their relationship.
When you freaked out feeling anxious because she was rubbing in your face that she was going to move out and etc…
I told you that she was not getting anything that was truly hers right?
I told you that it was not a good opportunity, that they still were too 'young’ and that only time would tell.
Now even with the open relationship, their feelings might still fade. After one of them doesn’t spend time to care for each other, because they’re too busy flirting with other people.
Can you imagine how awesomely nice it is to be working your ass off,
Waking up around 6:30 taking a cold shower in a fucking bucket,
then working/studying from 08:00 to 18:00 (sometimes even later)++, in a city with violence that has no water, where you’re robbed in your way back from university at 5pm…
while your partner is receiving the news of that special someone that has a crush on them?
- There are 3 tropical storms around here. - Ohhh you’re so lucky. - hahaha, _still_ coming to visit one day? - yeah, I would love to visit. 😁
- I miss you, don’t count me out of your life. - I won’t. - don’t you wanna fix this communication problem? I want to talk more freely don’t you? - _I want it too_. - maybe we/you could create a new acct. Idk.
You won’t know how it feels. Because you can’t empathize with me.
You will keep telling me that I’m the wrong one. That I’m the one with a fucked up head…
So we end up with in this shit.
If he talks to you and you’re sincere to them… He will probably keep getting in touch often. Sending random subjects to start a conversation and cheer you up.
Maybe you will just zone out for a while now and feel bad until you come back with the “new years” resolution plans.
The last thing that will happen is some action to try to fix this situation, repair my feelings.
My heart is falling apart and I feel as suicidal as always. But one thing I won’t do is to agree that I’m “too jealous”.
I guess it’s easier for me to block people when you ask that of me, because they don’t often give a fuck to me anyways…
34 weeks ago you posted a selfie of your #bangs and this guy started exposing his mind at least there 26w (6months and a half), filters from Snapchat on Instagram 25w ago.
Same fucking thing.💓
Since that time… I was doing what I could to keep things going.
I even suppressed my own self to put up with the comments that would appear in your fb. Block them, was the solution…
But it didn’t last long…
And now you don’t know what to do about it… Getting in terms with the disaster, is easier than coming around and trying to prevent anything.
Having to talk anything without sarcasm, without the intention to hurt…
And I know that it’s easier to try to be nice to those more distant from you… Instead of an asshole.
So I just let it happen.
Just don’t imagine me as a being that doesn’t feel anything…
I ain’t as talkative as in the beginning… But I feel the things just the same…
And I fell in love for some of your flaws, thinking that knowing hurt you would be okay to hangout with. I thought that being depressed, would make you feel with time more caressing of others… Since you know how pain can feel.
But this part of you, that wants to be free… pushed me away from the part that wants attention.
You said things that I have mostly forgot… But you started putting me in a place of a 'roommate’. I destroyed the morning that we went to call ganxo, I destroyed the trip, I would lose the flight if we hadn’t argued. (But you saved it) I destroyed most of your friendships… I made you spend a lot of money to not act to your expectations… I got obsessed over an asshole that has been lurking around for more than 7 months.
Therefore, I probably destroyed everything… Being this jealous. Over a trump supporter that is not my friend but I can’t be an asshole…
So I have to text him accordingly…
Argghhhhhhh the more I write the more it accumulates in the tip of my fingers.
I told you when we started dating that people are somewhat predictable and they are.
I will sink now… One exam Monday, another Tuesday, work…. The water in the pipes only arrives Monday. You probably won’t come over… And I will be labeled the jealous crazy fuck.
What I need is something simple… But it will probably not happen, you’ll not empathize, won’t regret, won’t approach…
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der-passagier-blog · 6 years
On the other day a young nurse asked me where I live and with who; like an insult_ She knew - she just wanted the other nurses to hear it too_ It’s funny how absurd it is_ Why would i have a house here? I am no rich kid_ I live with my grandmom when i am not at my universitys town - why is it a problem? I am old for it? Pardon me, no_  Last week an other nurse asked why my dad didn’t pay my school fees and everything, why it’s my challenge_ First of all, no ones business if a have a dad alive and kind or not, if i talk with him or not, what his job is and how much money my family or me have_ Secondly not all the med students have archean doctor families_ And the third reason to fuck you is: I am a responsible adult, I can pay for my shit, thank you very much_ I am not mommys little boy_ Geez_
Okay, I get it_ Being a doctor is a family thing_ Most of my group mates have doctors or nurses as parents and grandparents or have a big doctor as relative_ If not, the students have rich families_ For example a layer house with a wannabeadoctor kid_ The black sheep_ That’s a shit situation, i get it, but.. But_  I don’t have the energy to manage any other living persons burden and they don’t have energy to tolerate my stuff, so we don’t really blend_ Not all of us have the privilage to being rich and it’s so strange to everyone except us, the poor plebs_ Hahah_ Absurd_ Yes_
For me, they seems to live in an other world_ The doctor-kids, the rich-kids and the really rich&doctor kids_ We don’t really talk because we don’t get each others shit_ We don’t even drink in the same pubs_ Like with the foregin students_ It’s really strange, like we had three ot four caste in the university_ 
Haha, somebody please make a video game about it! It would be totally hilarious.. You can be the rich kid with depression, emptyness or drug problems, you can be the i-have-shit-grades student with alcohol problems and parent pressure or you can be the emo poor kid with barely enough brains and existential crysis_ And when you level up the suicide percent goes down a little_ Or you get money so you can feed your addiction.. 
No_ Most of the time tryind to find a way to not just be a doctor but be an excellent doctor is fun and full of intresting facts & experiments_ 
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