#I apologise if this is like. a horrendous take and I just don't realise it lol
alexgalaxyboo · 2 years
Wake up babe, new spy au stuff just dropped
(au co-creator: @hyperfixationwizard)
König and Horangi are kind of separate from the main storyline but do play a very important part somehow, (again lol).
König was in an underground fighting ring (run by two, very well known and detested by us, Americans cough cough).
Horangi worked there but didn't fight, instead had some general duties like keeping track of bet money etc etc.
They knew each other and were fairly close, if I may directly quote Hype, "they were each other's softness in a world that only gave them hardship for a while".
That was of course until Horangi got in trouble. It's canon that he's a "dogshit gambler" so who knows. Maybe he got too cocky, maybe he bet on the wrong kind of guy, maybe he couldn't pay his debt and Graves threw him in the ring instead.
Maybe he lost and had to pay the price otherwise.
Maybe that's when he got his scars ("You act all tough and you can't even win a fight? You call yourself tiger yet you don't look like much of one to me, maybe we should fix that, huh?")
Maybe that's when Nik finds him (when he was doing god knows what, probably trying to get info about Shepherd's dirty business for the team) and takes pity on him.
He has to call some big favours and pull some strings but he manages to get the poor boy out of there.
Takes him off the grid in some little village in the middle of fuck knows where, Eastern European countryside to heal both physically and mentally.
(Horangi is the first to bear witness to the most horrendous down bad pining behaviour from Nik on Price's urgent visit for a few days.)
When Horangi completes his Training Arc™ and goes off again he does end up doing shady business again but this time things end up a lot better for him and he manages to actually own a whole ass casino in the end.
He's very cool and badass and rich and stuff. König is a pathetic wet cat.
They meet like, a decade or so later after König has also managed to get himself out of Shepherd's ring and heard about Horangi from rumours.
He's very pissed off because he thinks that Horangi abandoned him and rose to power through Graves' help and initially he goes to confront him very angry.
Horangi doesn't recognise him at first (it has to do with the mask but when and what kind of mask he wears is still a wip, all I know is that he wore a different kind back then) so it takes a bit of miscommunication, some pining and a lot of bottled up feelings spilling over until he realises why König's angry and apologises again and again explaining how much he didn't want to leave him behind and that he would've contacted him if he could.
Once they've figured their shit out, they set off to find the 141 and co as temporary allies due to a shared interest (Shepherd and Graves' crumbling to the ground).
They're actually there in The Gala when shit hit the fan and Soap was shot but didn't manage to talk to either of them before disaster struck so they don't get in contact with them until a month or so later.
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leaderlamby · 7 months
TW: Rant/Long post
Alright so I've been thinking a lot about something and I just need to get it off my chest
No, nothing happened, I just need to vent a bit
So it's come to my attention recently that I have low social awareness, probably the autism
And because of that, I really tend to speak before I think. Even when typing and there's no pressure to respond immediately and I have all the time in the world to formulate my message so it comes off the way I mean
But sometimes I say things and I just don't realise they could be rude until someone points it out
A while ago when I was still in high school, I unintentionally made fun of my friend with tourette's
And that guy was just way too nice to correct me- not that I blame him, I get it can be a tough thing to do, especially irl
But I did genuinely care about him. Eventually after educating myself on TS, I did slowly start correcting myself, like simply ignoring his tics instead of trying to make them funny like an idiot (unless it was like excessive and I asked if he was okay)
And history has been sort of repeating itself in my discord server. It's not like I'm saying anything horrendous, but they weren't very nice things either
Unintentionally insulting one of my friends and their system, saying something to another friend that could come off as dismissive and disingenuous
And now I have a friend who will call me out if I do something like that, and they have, which is why im making this "social awareness" realisation now
The amount of shame I feel when they do (not that I'm upset at them for it, a huge part of this rant is how thankful I am they help me correct myself) - it's a really shitty feeling and I can never apologise enough.
THAT is how people learn. That is how I'm learning right now. Like I said, I have no idea these things are rude when I say them, so this is definitely teaching me to, one, be more educated on some topics and two, slow down a bit with what I say
Ever since I started this server as a public thing, I wanted it to be a safe space, especially now when I've gotten so close to these people
I would hate to be the person who takes that feeling of safety away
I still somehow feel like I'm not getting my point across well enough- this is not a pity thing for me, I don't wanna hear any "Oh its okay"- this is just me needing to vent abt these feelings and wanting to acknowledge how insensitive I am sometimes
It's not a public apology either, none of this stuff is public matter, I just cannot express how upset I am with myself for being the kind of person I hate - insensitive and non understanding
And when it comes to my friends, I ALWAYS want to understand, I ALWAYS want to learn. I always want to be someone they can talk to about their problems and not worry about how I might respond
I just love my friends so much, yknow? So indescribably much, which is why I'm making such an effort to not slip and say shit that could hurt them
Still doesn't feel like I explained this well enough but whatever
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anothermonikan · 2 years
I do think it’s a bit... weird that when lesbians use the terms WLW or NBLW and vice-versa, they can get people in their notes / comments saying that those terms are ‘TERFy’ because ‘Lesbians can be attracted to men too’, I’m not here to argue about that claim, Gender and sexuality is a complicated thing that’s different for everyone, however I never see this happen for gay men. If Lesbians can be attracted to men then by that logic gay men can be attracted to woman too, right? So why is it not ‘TERFy’ when gay men use the term MLM or NBLM? 
It just appears like....It’s a little Lesbophobic....Perhaps...
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worriedvision · 2 years
Modern au Zhongli angst?
Ik I said fluffy fics are coming up and that will be happening soon, but tonight got hit with an idea for this lol! Gender neutral reader. Yet another possible part 2, but I know if I keep writing it out it's gonna get way too big lol
You started your university life relatively bored. Only having just met your roommates, you realise quickly that out of the two, there was one you just wouldn't get on with. Respecting each other, you keep distant from each other, only talking when needed. The other one was always out, and at first you had a feeling they were going to be a party animal.
So you were pleasantly surprised when you found out that, turns out, they were a bookworm. One night, they had decided to come home earlier, and you found it relaxing to just be able to talk to them normally. The next day, they take you along with them for the day since it was a Saturday and they discovered you had nothing to do.
That's when you met him. Zhongli.
He looks up, smiling earnestly when he realises his friend has arrived. You expect him to give you some sort of glance, but he treats you the same way he treats his friend. All that was different was him asking who you were.
Zhongli was your type, you'll admit it. Tall, handsome, smart. Best of all, the both of you had similar classes. Your roommate, you discover, also has the same classes as him, and you tag along whenever they have a study session. Of course, some of their conversations make little sense to you, so you opt to take your own textbooks to work on your classwork.
There were times you had a feeling your roommate was dating him based on how they gazed at him as he spoke, but Zhongli's advances on you convinced you that perhaps it was simply them listening intently. You, selfishly or not, decide to indulge in the idea of Zhongli liking you back, flirting back.
A month after, you're on a coffee date with your two friends. Your roommate seemed off after you started flirting, but you brushed it off as university work getting the better of them. you insist on paying for the three of your drinks - it didn't cost much, but you knew Zhongli was broke and you felt bad for allowing your roommate to pay for their own coffee every time.
Zhongli excuses himself after he gets a phone call, going to the bathroom to take the call, and your roommate turns to you.
"I don't appreciate you making a move on my boyfriend." They whisper to you, taking a sip of their drink.
"W-wait, I thought you were just friends!" You begin, looking over to see Zhongli had begun to open the door, leaving your line of sight.
"Our relationship is complicated, I will admit that." They continue. "But we're working through it."
Your heart sinks, and you look back at your friend.
"I didn't know, I'm so sorry." You apologise, unable to think of a good response to back up your words. You knew that if you spoke about Zhongli's actions towards you, chances are it would make things even more awkward back at your flat.
"It's okay, really." Your roommate responds. "Zhongli has a habit of leading people on without realising it. As smart as he is, he seems to sometimes lack the understanding of how his actions come across."
A few moments of silence pass, and you decide to pick up your takeaway drink, suddenly glad that you could at least have your drink from this outing.
"I'm sure you have other things you need to do, so I shall see you later." Your roommate states, smiling warmly.
Returning back to your flat, you don't know what hits you emotionally, but you begin to cry out loud. Your other roommate runs out, thinking something horrendous has happened. When they see you in distress, they walk over to you, guiding you into their room so you could talk about it.
"I was someone's side piece, and I didn't even realise it." You utter, placing the drink onto the table before you could drop it. "I'm so silly for getting so attracted to someone that quickly." You shake your head out of disbelief.
Your roommate nods slowly, humming to themselves.
"I know we aren't exactly close, but I think you need to meet more people." They start, grabbing your attention. "How about you come out with me for a night out? I promise you're in safe hands with me."
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almaperegrineswhore · 3 years
Part 1
I've got you
Pain. Burning, agonising pain. It was all you could feel. It was truly horrendous, worse than anything you had ever felt before and that was an achievement in itself. You were currently laid in a dirty back alley surrounded by rats and you were bleeding out through multiple stab wounds located all over your bruised and battered body. It wasn't supposed to go like this, you were supposed to get the money and get back, but unfortunately, no thanks to your luck, that's not what happened. You were just trying to do your job, and you did manage to get the money, wrestled it off of your target as he tried to run, but you were jumped from behind and pushed to the ground, the force and the surprise meaning you couldn't catch yourself, causing you to smack your head on the hard ground. You didn't even have a chance to breathe before somebody was jumping on your back and pinning you to the floor, cackling madly as you struggled to get free. You were still disorientated from the blow to your skull and you couldn't concentrate fully as you were winded from the person's weight so you weren't doing your best and all you managed to achieve was exhausting yourself as you wiggled furiously. You were forced to stop moving soon after when a sharp object (a knife, you guessed) was placed against your throat and someone started speaking, 'tut tut' a deep voice said 'taking money that doesn't belong to you' and you gritted your teeth in anger, refusing to speak. 'not even going to apologise for taking what's mine?' the person asked and you took the bait, 'no idea what you're on about' you fumed. 'oh but you do' he said as he finally crouched in front of you, giving you a chance to look at his face before he was gone again, a pair of nicely made boots replacing him. 'you see, I own these streets, not you or that pathetic excuse for a leader, Silco'. He walks away slightly before turning around to face you again, not that you could see more than his shoes. 'I rule down here and I don't care how many of you stupid little servants I have to kill until Silco finally understands that he's nothing compared to me!' he's basically shouting at this point. Your anger increases tenfold and you let this stranger know, 'I don't know who the bloody fuck you think you are but everyone knows Silco's in charge and anyone who tries to say otherwise is asking to be killed!' you spit. He chuckles before shuffling around and suddenly the weight pinning you down is gone, replaced with a pair of rough hands that drag you up to your feet, knife still held against your neck. 'you know what to do boys', and with that the stranger walks away, leaving you in the alley with people who are clearly intent on hurting you. Before any of them have the chance to do anything you've smashed your head backwards into the face behind you, dropped all your weight and rolled out of immediate danger, taking off running as you listen to the pained shouts of outrage left behind. You don't get very far before you hear footsteps thudding close behind and you realise that you won't be able to outrun them so instead you dart to the left and into an even smaller alley, not realising your mistake until you see the dead end and by then the people chasing you have managed to catch up. They take their anger out on you, cutting you with no remorse, and leave you in shock from blood loss, shaking in the dark on your own.
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chibiranmaruchan · 6 years
I feel as though I should update about my job interview, this has all been doomed from the start. I don't have the job, because I couldn't get to the job interview. Despite leaving earlier, because I couldn't wear trainers, I had to wear flats which I've only ever worn once before a few years back. It was hard also because my ankle just went and my calves were hurting, deep into the muscle tissue; when my sleeping pattern is ruined (like it had been last night putting together a new cv), it always affects somewhere on my body and that's where it affected me today. The buses were horrendous, 1 has always been horrendous to use in the morning because of traffic (I had to use it to get to college), but despite it feeling like an eternity, it only took me half an hour to get to the place I needed to switch buses. I waited for the 2nd bus I needed to take for for 1 hour, at a stop near the beginning of that bus route and only one came by, which was full and the driver stopped and drove off once she realised everyone at the stop was waiting for that particular bus. There was 4 of the same bus heading the opposite way, so there was obviously a few being held up at the bus/train station. In the end, I knew I was going to be late and not get this interview, so I emailed the manager, apologised and left to go home. If I had actually managed (which I doubt for a very long time) to get on the bus that wasn't full, I'd be so late and they'd flat out refuse to give me an interview, they'd tell me I should of travelled earlier (despite the fact I did travel very early) and because I couldn't get there on time, despite it not being my fault, that I wouldn't be a good candidate for the job. I'm not an emotional person, I rarely feel, but I cried on that empty bus on the way home, I really thought I would finally have a chance after 3 years to get my life on track. It was like this was cursed the moment I accepted outside help on my cv and everything went wrong as a snowball affect.
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