#I apparently will find a way to connect all my hyperfixations
toctua · 6 months
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🥀The acquaintance and then friendship of Tom and Noctua was an ordinary coincidence: a filled Hogwarts Express and the only almost empty compartment where she boarded. They are 11 and both of them are eager to see Hogwarts from the inside and learn its secrets.
🥀Tom thought that he would tolerate her for a while, especially since Noctua turned out to be a pureblood. young Tom was going to take EVERYTHING he needed out of her and leave her. But this did not happen.
🥀Noctua was surprisingly flexible and, what Tom liked most, knew how to keep secrets. He loved the way she ignored conversations that didn't concern her, losing herself in her own thoughts. He liked that she seemed not to notice his inclinations, apparently due to the fact that she grew up in a completely deserted place.
🥀The first time he opened up to her, it all turned into a search for his magical roots and the terrifying truth about his origins. Tom didn't seem to care at all that he and Noctua were second cousins, and she was confused. He took advantage of this too, putting pressure on pity little by little, forcing her to become more and more attached to him.
🥀They often hushed this up among themselves, until one day, as a joke, she began whispering to him in Parseltongue, saying all sorts of stupid things. It was such a boring day that Tom didn’t even notice how he picked up this fun from her. And this is just one of the little things that have been following them since that day.
🥀Thread by thread, their friendship grew stronger by connecting themselves with such seemingly trifles. Tom was sure that she was the only one he could truly trust. His blood. A piece of his puzzle that so perfectly fills in the missing pieces of the picture.
🥀And over time, their constant presence with each other became an integral part of Tom Riddle’s life. They explored the castle together, year after year, collecting bits and pieces of knowledge that was not taught at Hogwarts. They studied everything inside and out, but working as a team this always seemed not enough.
🥀And when Noctua became seriously ill (in the fifth year of Hogwarts), and Tom remained separated from her, something inside him grated unpleasantly. Although he had followers, he missed the feeling of her walking side by side with him. For the first month, he came to see her in the hospital wing, until Noctua was sent to St. Mungo's for 3 long months.
🥀It seemed to Tom that a chink had appeared in his armor. It was as if he was walking with his back bare, into which the gun was constantly pointed. He missed this carelessness and the confidence that Tom felt next to her. He decided to fight this caustic feeling.
🥀This was the year they wanted to find the Basilisk, and Tom set out to do it alone, to prove to himself that Noctua was not so important. He definitely got carried away, so much so that half-giant Hagrid was eliminated and poor Moaning Myrtle died. Tom liked it, it wasn’t perfect, his hands were still shaking nervously, and something clearly clicked in his head.
🥀Noctua returned to school. She noticed changes in Tom, it was not difficult to guess that something had happened. He became emotional in front of her, swore that everything had happened so suddenly, he thought the toilet was empty, and then… His voice trembled… And she believed. He got away with all this theater so easily. Noctua was exhausted from dragon pox and Riddle happily took advantage of this.
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p/s/ omg I'm so sorry this is taking so long. I have already written the full text, but I have one more illustration to do. I'm currently overloaded with my hyperfixes and therefore I'm taking on everything a little bit at a time… I hope the second part won't take much time…
I know it's not perfect, but I tried to convey their relationship as best I could. It was much easier to do this from Tom's perspective, since the previous sketches from Noctua's perspective were slightly chaotic and did not give a complete picture of the canon…
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i-am-vita · 10 months
OPLA hot older guys headcanons
Yesterday was the longest working day I've had in a while and my brain decided to affect my concentration and performance by hyperfixated in one thing only: THE AMOUNT OF HOT OLDER GUYS IN OPLA.
(The highlight of the day being @fanaticsnail based her new Mihawk fic on the dream I had the other day. I can´t still thank you enough! ToT)
So now my brain won't let me live in peace without getting these reader-headcanons into the internet in a kind of kill, marry, kiss way but instead we kiss all of them at one point of our life.
👉 Masterlist, More here.
Warning: mention of sex, drinking and general horny thoughts (?) Probably very bad written since english is not my first language XD
So you, my gentle readers, are a semiretired white collar thief, former first mate of the misterious Phantom Pirates, who had to go into hidding to take care of your little niece after your older sister and her marine husband died in a shipwreck 8 years ago.
You're pretty set in giving your niece a comfortable and peacefull life, like her parents had, but she may have other ideas and be more like yourself than her own mother, because at 18yo she escaped home while you was visiting a neighbour island for business.
Now you're on full mama goose mode, searching for your duckling for the East Blue. And may reaquaint with some interesting men of your past.
Lets get a look at them ;)
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Current (VERY) interested. Doesn't know if he wants to behead you or fuck you.
You met during a heist at a marine's party going very bad a year ago. Your crew weren't aware of his attendance to the party (the man hardly attends his own warlord reunions), so you had to make a last minute distraction or you would've been discovered. So distracting Dracule Mihawk by heavy flirting with him and stealing his golden cross-knife was the best you could came up with.
You're an excellent knife wielder but your price habilities are in the infiltrate area so slipping away is kind of your thing. Nobody can keep up with you. Except a very pissed off warlord.
After an action packed chase, filled with you getting under his skin and him almost getting you more times than you're comfortable remembering, you considered it was enough time for the crew to had escape the party, so you released his cross and got the hell out of there leaving a very crossed (hah) Mihawk.
Since you semiretired 8ya, you pulled a job with your old crew from time to time and just if it was a very big score, but your reputation precedes you, and Mihawk managed to connect you with the infamous Phantom Pirates with many other thefts along the Grand Line and even inside Marine Bases in all the Blues.
The thing about the Phantom Pirates is that nobody knows who they are or how they look like. Your captain just known as a white masked man, no name but "Captain of the Phantom Pirates" 150,000,000. Your own wanted posters without photo but a ? and the epitet "The Ghost Rose" 80,000,000. Until now. Mihawk saw enough of you to recognize you if he sees you again but decides against informing the government.
You're his to find and deal with ;)
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The controlling and toxic angry ex we all should have for drama.
You met during your golden years as a first officer of the Phantoms, your crew and his having a brief alliance to work together several times.
You thought you were perfect for each other, both loving your plans and having similar habilities with knives and speed, but his controlling, manipulating, perfectionist and literal bloody tendencies sour the deal pretty soon.
He didn't see you as an equal but another pawn for his plans, apparently the only one good enough by his standards, but still a pawn. So you dumped his presumptuous ass and sailed away to never see each other again.
You didn't feel a little sorry after hearing of his passing.
Now you have tracked your niece to Syrup Village, the home of some old friends of her parents and whose daughter, Kaya, had keep in contact with through the years but haven't seen since before her own parents passed away.
There you came to know that indeed your niece arrived the day prior just in time for her friend's 18th birthday and, after a very eventfull night, she sailed away with a group of Kaya's new friends and saviors that same morning in a new vessel with a ram's head.
The fact they got acquainted with Kuro himself, who turned to be alive and posing as Kaya's buttler for 3 years, paled in comparison to discover this little group has a boy captain set to sail the Grand Line to find the One Piece. And if the witness of the shipyard got it right, already has a big ass marine ship tailing them.
Judging by their route, they were heading to the Sambas Region and there's only one place to dock there...
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The what-migh-have-been if he wasn't such a workaholic and you hadn't run away from home.
You met back in your previous life when you were a young debutante set by your parents to settle with a respectable marine husband, like your big sister.
He was just promoted to Garp's right hand despite his youth. Being one of the youngest officers with a promising career.
You were indeed charmed by him, but found yourself suffocating by the idea of a future like your sister's. Even after he confessed his plans of sailing the world and not being opposed to his future wife to be a marine too with him.
You did wanted a life of adventure and liberty, but not as a marine. You rejected his proposal and dissapeared days after. Your family came up with the story of you leaving to be an artist and study with the masters in the continent.
Truly nobody had a clue of you for years until you showed up after hearing of your sister's death to take care of your niece, looking like a well put together and wealthy art dealer.
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The one you ran away with to a life of piracy.
Days after rejecting Bogard and be sent by your parents to some "vacation" to think better of your life choices, you went to hide from your chaperones in a shaddy bar, full of young confidence that you could deal with it.
Plot twist: you did not. You found yourself in the universal female experience of dealing with guys not accepting a no for an answer and had to be rescued by a charming redhead in a straw hat whom you ran away with that same night after you both stole everything you could from those assholes ship and your chaperone's.
After burning out the initial passion, you and Shanks decided that maybe were better as friends, but still sailed together for a while, you learning everything about pirate life from him until you crossed paths with the Phantom Pirates. Captain Erik, being really impressed by you and your knowledge of the upper society, offered you a place in his crew, which you accepted, and kept training you.
Shanks and you remained good friends over the years, even assisting to his legendary drink parties from time to time. Your crew never having any reason to being enemies and even helping his if they needed intel on something.
Didn't expect to be precisely him to give you "parental advice" after you went looking for him when hearing he was in a nearby island, now minus an arm, and confessed you were semi-retired with a child to take care.
No, the child wasn't from him! Why would his crew would thing that?
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But your stupid crew'd never let you live down that.
Surprinsingly, your Captain Erik and Captain Buggy turned to be very good friends. Both with a flair for dramatics and love for certain aesthetics, but yours being happy with working in the shadows, which suited Buggy perfectly.
Every time your crews crossed paths, it was a full carnival for days. And it was in one of those that it happened.
Even if you like and hold very well your alcohol, that time you were really wasted, having just broke up with Kuro. There was no way you'd had jump the clown's bones otherwise. You had standards!
But who'd have thought that the mad jester was such a charmer while drunk? Whispering dirty while still sweet poetry to your ears. Had his eyes always been so pretty? And those arms looked like they might hold you up without effort...
You woke up in his tent with the worst hangover of your life, naked and with a surprinsingly good recollection of the night before.
Of course you took your clothes and ran away to hide in your quarters for the rest of the day.
Fortunately, Buggy hadn't such a detailed memory of the night prior and assumed he passed it with one of the hired women from the local brothel whom the crew invited to the party.
But of course, your captain saw you leaving Buggy's tent and wouldn't stop teasing you for the rest of your life.
That's it, my gentle readers. The headcanons for today and I'm already regreting it because my head is full of more ideas than ever and my job performance so down that I'm considering just dig its grave XD
👉 More here.
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sprixxistix · 2 months
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Don’t know what possessed me to make this but I really like how this page turned out
It’s based on an idea that I’ll ramble about, if you don’t wanna read it and you’re just here for the art, that’s cool! Just stop reading the post here bc I’m letting you know now the rest is just going to be me rambling for a while. Mild spoiler warning maybe? Not for any major game event, mostly lore stuff.
So, my idea doesn’t really work since I found out through the wiki that apparently the reason why the player character keeps reviving is because Mr. Lopee revives them for some reason? And is also the one forcing Sebastian to help the player further by running the Dead-Drop Shop and showing them documents. I haven’t seen the end of the game and I won’t until I beat it so I’m just working off my preexisting knowledge and what I read on the wiki (that I felt wasn’t a spoiler) But I’ll think of it like an au. The basics of it is some Resident Evil type shit with the black and green glowing substance that you can occasionally find infesting the Blacksite (I’m assuming it’s rotten coral and will just call it that for convenience sake) being collected, mixed with some other substances or whatever, and injected into selected expendables as a very experimental and last ditch effort because we’re 3000-5000 prisoners in before the player gets there and every single one of them is dead. And realistically how many can you take before people start getting suspicious or you run out and need to start sending actual Urbanshade workers? Plus, if it goes smoothly, maybe it can be used for personnel who are particularly at risk, like guards. Or even Mr. Shade himself to keep him alive and running the company. (because he should be like 118-119 years old. He was born in 1906 and somehow is still alive when the lockdown happened? Which is sometime in 2025 I think.) But this could explain why you revive, why sometimes HQ will tell you “don’t fear death. Fear failure” before a run, and why sometimes the text at the bottom of the screen speaks to you. (I’ve gotten things like “the Blacksite breathes, the Blacksite hungers” which ofc I included in the drawing bc that quote goes hard, or “(don’t) fear the reaper” and the most fascinating one to me of it saying something like “TAKE US BACK TO THE LIGHT” when I swam away to try and get the document for getting your pdg exploded) And you can tell I’m very inspired by Resident Evil because in my mind it’s like, if you die, you can be revived through either your heart being salvaged and brought back then you regenerate your body from there, or you just eventually crawl out of some rotten coral “hub” if there’s nothing left of you and go back down to do it all over again. And to me, the voices are either the thoughts of other people connected to the rotten coral, past lives of yourself warning you (which my friend suggested and I love that idea), or people who died near the rotten coral and had their last thoughts “recorded” by it, or a mix of all three. Sort of like the megamycete hivemind.
Anyway, I’ve rambled for way way way too long, thank you if you read it. I’m a simple creature whose mind is fully consumed by Pressure and I’m hyperfixated on it so much rn. Thank you again, have a nice day ^^
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kateofthecanals · 4 months
A Little Ditty About Jack and bi-Anne...
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Welp, it's been nearly a decade since I discovered my last big ship hyperfixation -- shoutout to my aunt for texting my mom and me and telling us we HAVE to watch "Black Sails" on Netflix. So we did and WHOOPS, new OTP! And of course, as always with my OTPs, it's a ship that comes with some controversy. It just wouldn't be a ship of mine if there weren't some other, annoying competing ship that I constantly have to side-step in fandom spaces like a freaking minefield. What sets this one apart from those other ships, though, is the not insignificant number of posts I see from people claiming to be JackAnne shippers but who say things like "I love them they're just such good friends!" or calling them "platonic" or closing their eyes to ANY romantic aspects of their relationship. To which I have to say... well, A LOT.
For starters, I need to point out a very telling moment from the very first episode of the series. Jack and Anne are hanging out at the inn on Nassau when Max slinks over and sits on Jack's lap. Anne immediately reacts out of jealousy, rising from her seat and grabbing for her daggers, but Jack holds her off. (Max is not soliciting Jack for sex; she is trying to sell him the schedule that John Silver stole.) This seems to make it very clear that one of both of them considers themselves an exclusive couple. Apparently, Jack is not even allowed to partake in meaningless sex with the many prostitutes that populate the island! But that seems just fine with him, because, throughout the entire 4 seasons of this series, we never once see him even come close to hooking up with someone else. Like, he does not even entertain the notion. Even when he and Anne are on a "break" at the beginning of Season 3 when she is shacking up with Max, Jack has every opportunity to find himself another lover too, but he doesn't. The closest he gets is employing a prostitute to play cello for him while he takes a shit, lol. We later learn that Anne met Jack when she was 13; she's about 25 or so during the show, so they have been together for at least a decade (when they actually became lovers, though, is not clear). So, the fact that they are apparently in some form of a long-term monogamous relationship at the start of the series is a very important detail to keep in mind.
Now, my hot take (which I'll probably get hate mail for) is that Anne either (a) had always been openly attracted to women but never bothered to act on it out of her duty & loyalty to Jack, or (b) wasn't particularly interested in women at all prior to Max. Either way, I do not think Anne was "repressed" or anything and needed Max to, like, coax it out of her, because I don't think it was about that at all. It is clear that Max's particular gift of persuasion and seduction, coupled with their shared trauma and Anne's increasing need for intimacy and connection (which she was obviously lacking with Jack) is what led to their affair.
It's essential to look at Anne's arc through the lens of her backstory in order to properly contextualize it. She was a child bride, physically and sexually abused, with no real power until Jack gave it to her by killing her husband. (Note how she knows how to properly and gently administer the anti-pregnancy treatment to Max -- something she no doubt learned to do during her marriage.) It perfectly explains why Anne was so upset by Max's treatment on the beach and her willingness to go to such extreme lengths to free her. Even Jack -- who Anne insists would have backed her up even if he had known about it -- does not quite understand the effect the situation had on Anne. He outright says this, but is also still a bit dismissive of it. In fact, we frequently see Jack be quite insensitive toward Anne's feelings throughout Season 1. (Though, tbf, Anne herself is a bit inconsistent here -- she admonishes Jack for calling Max "the whore" but she herself refers to her as much... even after they started sleeping together!)
And this kicks off an increasing pattern of Jack seemingly becoming more and more dismissive of Anne on the whole. He stops including in her plans, and he is unable to remain aroused while having sex with Anne. She's angry, frustrated, and feeling unseen. Then there is Max, who is aggressively pursuing her. (There is a conversation to be had about the optics of Max's constant disrespecting of Anne's wishes to be left the fuck alone if she were a man but we won't go there now...) She not only offers Anne fulfilling sex but also something else that has been missing in her life -- intimacy. It's worth noting here that every sexual encounter between Jack and Anne that's on-camera is initiated by Anne. (Yes, even the tied-to-the-bed one, because she's topping and she's frustrated by his lack of interest, so it was most likely her idea.) This isn't someone who's, like, just laying back and thinking of England out of some sense of duty, like she probably did with her husband and his friends. She has an appetite and Jack is a willing participant. However, despite their love for and devotion to each other, it apparently kind of stops there. So it's no surprise that Anne finally gives in to Max. But when she finally does show up to Max's door, she looks like this:
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This is not the face of someone who's anxious to start an affair. This is not the face of someone anticipating some world-changing discovery about herself. This is a face of... shame. This is the face of someone who knows they are about to betray someone else. Tbh if someone showed up to my door for a booty call looking like that, I'd tell them to just go back home.
But to Anne's surprise, Jack is... well, not exactly okay with it, but he accepts it, because it's clearly something Anne needs -- an itch she needs to scratch, as he puts it. And he's willing to give her that space rather than lose her completely. (Though Anne probably has mixed feelings about this too -- on the one hand relieved that Jack is accepting of it, but also partly wishing he would fight a little harder for her, that he didn't fly into a jealous rage... We all wanna be fought for, right?)
So Max opens up this whole new world for Anne, one where fucking can be something MORE. And whattyaknow, she wants to share this with Jack! Just because she is with Max doesn't mean she still doesn't want to be with Jack too. She could not be any more clear (save for actually SAYING so) that she wants to share this intimacy with him. The point is even driven home after their first threesome, when it's with JACK that she is doing her post-coital cuddling. Like DUDE she is trying to tell you something, PAY ATTENTION!
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Just a coupla bros snuggling after sex ☺️
Meanwhile, Max is coming to the very swift conclusion that she will never truly have Anne all to herself, so she tries to further drive a wedge between them by initiating a little "moment" with Jack during another one of their trysts. This after Anne had told Jack that she's aware Max is probably playing her, so she needs Jack close by to make sure Max does not succeed in driving a wedge between them.
Anne: "I need you to watch my back in there, Jack."
Jack: "SAY LESS."
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The ultimate wingman 👍
We also see Jack putting 2 and 2 together when he hears Max explaining to Idelle the difference between fucking and seducing (though he doesn't seem to take this hint for HIMSELF... sigh). So now another strike against Jack -- actually engaging with Max while in bed with her and Anne.
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The NERVE!!!
Then comes the straw that breaks the camel's back... the ultimate betrayal. When Jack's new crew gives him an ultimatum between Anne and Max, he chooses Max (for business and financial reasons). This sends Anne into a spiral. She even tries to join another crew but they tell her that if even Jack Rackham doesn't want her any more, why would they? She then has a full-on mental breakdown. She murders two innocent people (one of which is a member of Captain Flint's crew) and instead of trying to flee, she stays at the scene of he crime and waits to be discovered, and face the inevitable consequence -- her own death. Luckily, Max finds her and tries to help her, and it's here that we (and Max) learn Anne's backstory. Anne laments that she doesn't know who she is without Jack and wonders who she could have been if they had never met, if she could have found a way to save herself instead. Then Max gives her an oversized dress to wear and Anne basically reverts to her previous self before she met Jack -- a scared little girl silently following a strange man into the bedroom. Freaking heartbreaking!!!
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But Max affords Anne an opportunity to exist and operate outside of Jack by giving her a little spy assignment in another port. It's the longest period of time and furthest she has ever been separated from Jack and it gives her time to put things in perspective. She even at one point considers just taking off on her own somewhere entirely. But ultimately she decides to return to Nassau and to Jack, telling him that it was an impossible choice he was given. The way his eyes are all glassy and his voice cracks when they are reunited UGH....
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He wants SO BAD to hear Anne say that she came back to be with him (and possibly make it official?) and even presses her about it the next day. Thus comes Anne's infamous "I can't be your wife" line, which always makes me 🤨 because uhhhhh you WERE his wife, gurl lmao. But in the context of everything that just happened, it makes sense -- she wants/needs an identity outside of Jack. However she still wants to be by his side until the day they die. Kind of the king of mixed messages there...
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The tear!!! 😭
Following this, Anne enters her "Have Your Cake and Eat It Too" Era. She wants to continue her affair with Max, but she also wants to keep Jack near… ish. After returning to Nassau, she even moves out of Jack's room and into Max's(!!?). The threesome is over. She completely takes for granted that Jack will just always be there when or if things go sideways with Max (and lbr she’s right; he would 100% take her back no questions asked.) Jack complains that he barely even sees Anne anymore but he just has to suck it up and take it, even when it's being constantly rubbed in his face. Even so, it's never far from Max's mind that eventually Anne is going to have to choose between her and Jack and she will inevitably be left out in the cold. She even tells Jack this, even though he has his doubts. Anne resists the idea of breaking things off, but Max soon convinces her that they might as well call it sooner rather than later. And after all that initial hemmin' and hawin' and whimperin', Anne moves on pretty quick. Jack left her out of ONE sailing expedition and she became SUICIDAL, but she breaks up with Max, whom she is supposedly in love with, and she's sad for like a day, lol. Just sayin...
So now Jack and Anne are officially back together and making a clean break from Nassau to start a new life somewhere else with their cache of jewels. But of course, Jack being Jack, he's like "on second thought nah Imma go back get myself a pardon so I don't have to change my name brb!" He's obviously arrested immediately, setting off a whole insane chain of events that the entire rest of the series hinges on. (istg Jack is the Peter Quill of "Black Sails" lmao)
Now here is when Anne's declaration about not being Jack's "wife" enters shaky ground. This is also a good time to address the term "partner". This is a word bandied about and bounced around between several characters and dynamics throughout the course of the series, usually in reference to a financial or business alliance. Jack and Anne are frequently referred to as partners too, but when it comes to them, the term takes on a whole other more nuanced and deeper (and some might even say co-dependent) meaning. They are partners in every conceivable sense of the word -- they are partners in piracy, they are partners in companionship, they are partners in the bedroom, and they are partners in life. What is Jack's is also Anne's and vice versa. Any conversation about their futures is always intertwined with each other. After being captured by Woodes Rogers, Jack basically refers to Anne as his "wife" when positing a hypothetical scenario to Rogers in which their predicaments are switched. Meanwhile, Anne tells Flint that, in their plan to rescue Jack and recover the cache, Jack means more than the money or Flint's war, because "what I got to lose ain't so easy to recover from." So, you know, she can sit there and SAY she can't be his wife, but lbr.... SHE IS.
This point is driven home when she discovers Jack still alive in the wreckage of the carriage, she scrambles breathlessly inside, grabs him, and plants the biggest damn kiss on his lips. Yeaaahhhh Max WHOMST? ;-)
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Just a coupla bros high-fiving… with their mouths ☺️👊
Now, it’s conceivable, though perhaps unlikely, that this is the first time Jack’s ever had a real brush with death, or the first time Anne has faced such a situation. Either way, things seemed to have changed from this point on. Because this is the first time we've seen them kiss! Again, unlikely they've never kissed before but this is the first time WE have seen it, so it must be significant... right?
So what changed? My best guess is that, with Max now out of the picture - and she having lied to Anne's face about Jack being tortured while under arrest to manipulate her into giving up the cache - and with their futures currently on extremely shaky ground now that Nassau has been taken over by Woodes Rogers, Jack is really the only stable thing in her life at this point. No matter what else happens in the world, they at least have each other, and that is the one thing she knows she can count on. And having faced the very real possibility of his imminent death (either by the noose in Port Royal or in the carriage crash), Anne is realizing that he is her world, and she is determined to hold onto that for dear life.
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Soon the roles are reversed, when Jack and Anne are captured by Rogers while fighting on Blackbeard's crew. After brutally keelhauling Blackbeard, the rest of the crew are chained up in the hold and Jack forced to choose crewmembers to fight one of Rogers's thugs. One by one, the crewmen are picked off, until Anne convinces Jack to let them take her next, which he is obviously NOT about but reluctantly agrees. Indeed, she gets absolutely pummeled, and she severely injures her hands while attacking the thug with broken glass shards. She's able to get a hold of the keys and toss to the crewmen to break free, and they subdue/murder Rogers's thugs. But Anne is severely, almost fatally, injured. Jack cares for her as best he can with their meager resources on the ship.
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Here, have a Renaissance painting.
When they get back to Nassau, Max confronts Jack and tells him that the best way to defeat Rogers is by going to Philadelphia and appealing to the now-dead Eleanor Guthrie's grandfather for help. Jack agrees to the plan, and even invites Max to come with him. Which made me wanna pull my hair about because DUDE, you JUST got Anne back to yourself and were THIS CLOSE to leaving Max completely behind y'all and now you want to reintroduce her into Anne's space again?? Either he's feeling super secure or he's an idiot. (Since it's Jack, I'm opting for the latter...)
As expected, the first thing Max wants to do when she gets on the ship is see Anne, which Jack allows (duuuuuude!!!!). Luckily, Anne tells her to get the fuck out, and AS ALWAYS, Max initially refuses. But Anne insists so she finally leaves. The next time Jack goes to tend to Anne, all of her mixed emotions are stirred up again, which is honestly the last thing she needs. Jack confirms that he told Max to not visit her again and says "You can murder her another day." Which confirms for me that he really does think he's sitting pretty with Anne now, because it seemed clear to me that that was not what Anne was thinking at all. She just didn't wanna deal with it.
So they get to Philly, and poor tropical-blooded Jack is completely ill-prepared for northern weather. He tells Max to stay on the ship because he's pretty sure she will double-cross him and serve him up on a platter for prosecution at the first opportunity. When Jack finally gets in to see Grandpa Guthrie (but not before telling Featherstone to find a proper doctor in the city to tend to Anne), he blows Jack off, but his wife takes him aside and presents herself as the real brains behind the operation and is intrigued by the proposal. So, new plan: Jack brings Max to the followup meeting hoping to appeal to Granny Guthrie's feminist ideals or whatever. It seems to work, and Granny agrees to the plan, but with one caveat -- she wants Flint dead, and she wants Jack to pull the trigger.
Soooo at this point, I'm pretty much convinced this is a death sentence for Jack, because, well, Flint is the main character, there's no way that, if Flint does die, it's gonna be at Jack's hands. Jack seems to be feeling the same way, as he returns to the ship as if condemned. Anne, who is now up and about (and looking very Virgin Mary-esque), greets him on the deck where he tells her what he has to do. She doesn't seem to doubt that he can accomplish it -- she is more worried about how he will be able to live with himself after. But he reminds her of why he is doing any of it in the first place -- for them. He prepares to leave, and they share the sweetest frickin' kiss in the history of mankind.
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Just a coupla bros sharing a tender kiss
When I first saw this, I was nearly sobbing, because I was convinced this was the last time they would see each other. Jack may have thought so too, even if Anne didn't.
So Jack sets off to his fool's errand, leaving the door wide open for Max to turn Anne's head again. In the meantime, Anne, for some reason, enlisted Idelle to find her a list of other ships leaving Philly, because Anne intends on just peacing out, even though, as she tells Idelle, she's sure Jack will return. Sooooo, what, then Jack gets back, and she would just be gone?? Kind of a dick move! I have no idea why Anne was wanting to leave. There's a moment preceding Idelle's entrance where Anne attempts to slice a piece of bread but her injured hands won't work -- does she want to leave because she feels she would be useless now or something? That she would be some sort of hinderance to Jack? That she doesn't want to have to rely on him any more than she already does if it turns out she has lost some if not all of the use of her hands? And that she wants to leave while he's out to sea so that he doesn't have the chance to talk her out of it when he gets back? That is honestly all I can think of.
At any rate, Idelle then jumps into this whole dumb speech about how amazing and wonderful Max is, and how she wants to share all her successes and spoils with Anne. It's fucking annoying but LOOK, it seems to have kept Anne from getting on a boat and leaving Philly, so fine, whatever.
Meanwhile, Max has another meeting with Granny Guthrie, who has another caveat, this time for Max -- she wants her to marry the man she has picked out to be Nassau's next governor. It would be a completely political marriage, in name only. Max refuses. Why? Because it might interfere with her chances of getting back together with Anne.
Like GURL, did you not hear her?? She said SHAM MARRIAGE. Meaning, do whatever the fuck you want behind closed doors. Now, call me crazy, but I would have thought that Max would refuse this arrangement because, you know, she comes from slave culture where white men took advantage of brown girls in this way all the time? Max herself even gives this big speech at one point about how she had to sit back and watch the master of the plantation where she was a slave, who was her father, play with and dote on his other (white) daughter. You'd think THIS would have played a bigger role in her decision. But no. She's just really concerned about the minor possibility that she and Anne will hook up again. (Even Anne doesn't see an issue with the marriage proposal.) So, Max whimpers and whines all this to Anne, who doesn't say anything but holds out her hand to Max. Which was nice and all, but it really doesn't tell us much about Anne's intentions here. But it seems like Anne is indicating that she forgives Max for lying to her and that she at least is willing to be friends again.
Meanwhile, Jack finally reaches Skeleton Island, but instead of killing Flint, he rescues him, and together they decide to engage Rogers in one final battle. Indeed, they end up double-teaming him and defeating him and his crew. Jack refuses to kill him, though, deciding that getting Granny Guthrie to purchase and then default on Rogers's debts will be a fate worse than death for him.
And so, Jack returns to Philly, and Anne is right there to greet him, running through the busy streets and right into his waiting arms.
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Just a coupla bros hugging it out.
The moment is slightly ruined, though, when Max comes out and stands watching from a distance with a pouty look on her face. Jack catches her eye and suddenly looks... guilty? For WHAT?? For having the love of his life wrapped out him like a shroud cuz she's so freaking happy to see him again?? GO AWAYYYY.
Anyway, this is the last time we even see Anne and Max in the same space together. The series, and the story of Jack and Anne, wraps up when we see Jack back in Nassau, now out of English hands again and being governed by Featherstone -- but with Max the true power behind the throne -- insisting to a young recruit named "Mark" Read that piracy no longer exists in Nassau but okayitkindadoesbutshhhh. He invites "Mark" onto his ship, where "Mark" is introduced to Anne, who clocks “him” immediately (of course it's Mary Read, y'all!). She and Jack then take stock of the new and improved flag for their ship, which turns out to be the now infamous and iconic skull-and-crossed-swords emblem we all now associate with pirate ships. Cue credits! The End!
So, WHEW, Jack and Anne both made it out of this series alive, which honestly I didn't see coming. AND they ended up together again, as they should be. Of course, it's kind of bittersweet, because if you know anything about the real Jack and Anne, you know that the introduction of Mark/Mary Read means the beginning of the end for them. Still, the series ends on a perfect note, and you cannot convince me that, after everything we saw just in Season 4 alone, that these two won't rekindle their romance at some point -- if they haven't already. Because they just aren't the same people that they were when the series started, and their relationship is on a different footing now too. And even if Anne does decide to restart things with Max, or anyone else for that matter, the fact is, that person will never have all of Anne. It was always be Anne and Jack; they are a package deal. I'm not talking about a throuple situation here (even when Anne was sleeping with both Max and Jack, it was never an actual threesome, because Jack and Max didn't really like or trust each other); I mean that that 3rd person is always going to have the knowledge looming over them that Jack is #1 in Anne's life. Even Max knew this, and she decidedly not to delay the inevitable by breaking things off with Anne prematurely ("you can't fire me, I quit!"). And that's how it will always be.
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onepiece-oc-archives · 4 months
How does the berry system work? if i want to give my ocs a bounty what should i consider? how do i know how high the bounty should be? what would be considered too high or too low? what type of bounty for what type of character? what's considered high or low? what to take into consideration?
Hi, thanks for your question! I'm so sorry for not answering sooner - university has been very busy and I've been stuck in hyperfixation land for another fandom. BUT the answer for how the Berry system is actually quite simple:
Apparently, 1 Berry is about the same as 1 Japanese Yen. And there are hundreds of converters from Yen to any currency and the other way around.
As for bounties, what's considered high or low changes a whole lot depending on which sea your character is in - bounties in the Grand Line are generally higher than in the four Blues, especially the East Blue, which is the weakest of the four. For comparison, Luffy, at the end of OPLA, has the highest bounty of the East Blue: 30 Million Berry. But in the Grand Line, you can easily get over 100 Million or more.
Power scalers in the fandom like to see a character's bounty as a representation of their strength. I say: Don't do that. Bounties are given based on how much trouble you cause for the Marines/the Government. This means if you don't get caught, you don't get a bounty. If you don't seem particularly dangerous, you don't get a bounty, or at least not a very high bounty. On the other hand, if you cause a lot of trouble (perhaps even by chance or without meaning to), you get a very high bounty. If you're related to people whom the government sees as dangerous, you'll get a high bounty. You can get a bounty just for pissing someone in power off, even if you only looked at them funny. Being a revolutionary or being connected to the revolutionaries will most likely get you a high bounty just by association.
So, to sort of summarize: Bounties are very situational. They depend on where the bounty is issued, who issues it, and how much of an annoyance or even threat your OC is to the Government - perceived, not actual!
As a general guide, I'd use other characters as a reference on what your OC's bounty should be. If your OC is similar to a canon character with a bounty, you could give them a similar bounty. If your character is weaker then them, go a bit lower; if they're stronger, go higher. I know I said strength isn't what makes a bounty, but someone who's stronger will often be considered more of a threat, so it's good criteria.
Some more notes: Not all pirates have a bounty, but at a certain point in the Grand Line, it's likely they will have one. 99.9% of World Government bounties are issued as "Dead or Alive". Finding someone with "Only Alive" is extremely rare and you'd need to justify why the Government wouldn't want them dead at any cost. As for "Only Dead" bounties, I don't think any of those exist, and the Marines have been known to pay bounty hunters 30% less than the allotted bounty for a dead pirate than if they were alive. Also, a bounty poster will usually have the wanted person's full name if possible, but the more well-known name is often preferred in cases where nobody knows the person's actual name. Pretty much every character with a bounty also has an epithet to go with it, so be creative with that! Think of "Red Leg" Zeff, "Straw Hat" Luffy, Kuro "of a Thousand Plans", stuff like that. Those epithets aren't visibly listed on the bounty posters, strangely enough, even though they seem to become "official" and known along with the bounty. Don't ask me how that works, it just does.
There are also country-specific bounties, but those work by a different system entirely and depend on the country they're issued in, so I won't go into detail about those here.
So, I hope that helped at least a little bit! Sorry again for the late answer and I hope you're having a lovely day <3
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zavbees · 1 year
Y'all help. We Happy Few has me in a damn choke hold now. Apparently my list of favorite genres now includes "WDYM there's something wrong? Nuh-uh, take your happy pills" and i-
Idk what that says about me.
Just something about it scratches my brain so good. Like the aesthetic is so fucking good. Genuinely thinking about a society like that is fascinating to me. Like, people being almost forced to forget everything negative. I Utopian Dystopia. I am such a sucker for stories where everyone is happy (like really fluff heavy), and I am a sucker for angst and characters being put in tough situations. So like. Thinking about it I'm not surprised this is as exciting as it is to me.
It is a horror that isn't gore and super dark. Like, don't get me wrong, the game is plenty dark, but not in the way horror usually is. It's dark partially BECAUSE of everyone being "happy". It literally gives me the dark aspects I crave in the fluffy casing I need in order to be able to fully connect with it. And it's so fucking refreshing.
Also, I really want to make something about if Arthur took his Joy in the beginning of the game (so like he isn't a downer, at least not fully. Idk it's just interesting to me) and he and Sally reconnect. Like, it's just and Every Man being just a normal cog in the machine, and then this woman who he used to be closer comes back into his life. Maybe by that point he barely remembers Percy, because of his Joy use, and the moment that he would have remembered him by is denied (since he takes the pill instead). Then, once he has to choose to either turn Sally in or keep her secret, ESPECIALLY with her having a baby, I think that would also be enough to nudge him off of Joy. Even if it's purely becuase of the moral delema of a long lost friend taking a different path, so now he has to examine his own thoughts.
Like I find the world so fricken cool that they built in this game, but I really want to know what it's like as someone who's IN civilization. Downers are outcasts. That's just how they are. But what about the Wellies who take their Joy every hour on the hour and live in relative bliss.
I think it's just I really like angst, and the best way for this particular flavor of angst to hit best imo is to show just HOW good things are as a "normal person" for a decent length of time, then getting hit with the complete opposite of what you've been hearing and realizing you've been lied to for the past,,, 10 or 20 years??
Idk man. I've been hyperfixating hard. I just started playing the game like 3 days ago because I randomly remembered it existed like last week and now it's all I can think about.
And I'm loving it. I'm Snug like a Bug on a Drug.
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Hazbin Top 5
I was going to make a top 10 character list, but realized after the first 5 I didn't know where to place anyone- But in case you're curious, some contenders for the remaining 6-10, in no specific order, were Angel Dust, Charlie, Emily, Niffty, and Sir Pentious. Now here's my top 5 with reasonings and appreciation for them all!
5. Lucifer
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Obviously bro is relatable, not only for his awkwardness and hyperfixations, but he also happens to be the same height as I am at about 5'2" (according to the sources I've seen). Being the same height as Lucifer is my biggest flex lmao- I still have no idea why his hatred of Alastor seemed so instant. Like yeah, Alastor was trying to annoy him by being a better dad to Charlie, but the whole 'fuck you' moment happened before any of that started. Did he just sense the bad vibes off of him or what? Anyway, his awkwardness and desperation to connect with his daughter make for probably my favorite lines of the episode, such as the "Hey bitch!" and the whole "You like girls? So do I!" situation followed by him being so distracted he called Vaggie by the wrong name. Perfect comedy
4. Lute
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I love her an insane amount for someone who shows up so relatively little with so few lines, but here we are. I've already made an entire post about her, here it is if you want it, so I'll keep this short (Spoiler alert: I failed). I actually don't think I mentioned just how attractive this woman is, so let's get that out there right now. I know I'm not the only one who thinks this, about half the people I've seen react to Episode 6 have seen Lute without her mask, took a pause of recognition, and we all knew what they were thinking before the pressed play. Istg my taste in women (and sometimes even men, thanks Vox) is just "Can they murder me without a second thought? Yes? That's hot". My favorite line of hers is when she's hyping up the army with Adam and says "Rip Vaggie's cunt mouth out her ass!" and even Adam has to be like "damn girl chill what the hell-" She's so feral I love her so much
3. Rosie
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Everyone needs a Rosie in their lives. I don't just mean a regular therapist, I mean a person in your life, friend or family member, who will talk you out of your downward spiral and gently call you out on why those paranoid thoughts are actually pretty unrealistic (the other side of the same coin would be Husk, he's just more blunt about it). I'm also still completely convinced she has some interesting and sad backstory based on how she was talking to Charlie and I need to know about it so bad. "It can be difficult to admit to things you're not proud of, especially if those things hurt the ones you love" Ma'am what did you do? I find it hard to believe it's just about the cannibalism. I don't know if in this instance, she's the one who hurt someone or someone else hurt her and she was the one who failed to forgive them, but either way I need answers.
2. Vox
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Y'all know I love this man in more ways than one, he one the hottest Hazbin character poll for a reason. But I swear everything about this man makes me love him as a character more. First, I always love a technology based character, his electricity powers and literal screen head are the coolest thing in the world to me. He's voiced by Christian Borle, which was a fantastic choice, along with the glitched effect his voice gets when he's mad, I love to see it. Apparently it's also canon he can fly (with rocket shoes)?? He just keeps getting the best character design choices possible, this can't possibly be fair- The fact his first introduction was being done with Val, telling him to call tf down, and treating him like a child ("Now that's why they pay you the big bucks!") was a pretty good first impression for me lol, made even funnier when it was followed by him losing all sense of rationalism when Alastor entered his line of sight.
1. Alastor
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The character my blog is named after, this should not be a surprise. Shockingly enough, despite my obsession for him and acknowledgement of his charming nature and generally attractive design, I' do not simp for him in the slightest'm not personally attracted to him in the slightest. I simp for a TV and yet apparently deer man with permanent smile is where I draw the line idk- The most I want from him is to be as good of a friend to him as Rosie is (well that and to touch his ears but that's a given). But this is another character I love literally everything about. Who would've thought the concepts of 'radio host', 'serial killer', and 'literal deer' would work so well together to create this dapper yet terrifying fucking cryptid. Not only can he be either incredibly scary or a silly guy, he can and has done both at once. Example: Episode 3 when he's just casually eating a deer carcass in his room (in which he summoned a whole ass bayou). I was genuinely so glad when the 'this face was made for radio' thing happened in episode 1, confirming that they were still gonna lean into his creepy-as-fuck distortion and general vibe he had in the pilot. He's horrifying and evil and I love that about him. Meanwhile he also says shit like "Now he's pissy, that's the tea" (definitely taught to him by Rosie) and kicks his legs on the bed like a schoolgirl as if he hasn't committed countless atrocities. My favorite character, everyone-
Wow I wrote more than I meant to for this, sorry about the essay-
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deficd · 7 months
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respond to the prompts out of character!
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? oh man. uh. i guess, following my url's general meaning, i choose to write muses on here that have defied their fates/expectations in some shape or form. this is true for more of my older muses on here, as i've definitely added some recently where i have to kinda twist that a bit. aside from that, i really just write muses that i can connect with on some level. my apparent calling is sad men who are prone to violence and are also incredibly sad/lonely. the mains i have floating in my head are usually there because it's the current media i'm consuming (i.e. star wars: the old republic). i could write long metas on why i adore all of my muses though. c':
is there anything you don’t like to write? uhh, you know. i'm actually pretty open to most things. i need some sort of action going on, regardless of the type, to keep interested i suppose. like, if there's a lot of conversation, i tend to get stuck. that's just because i struggle with it and i don't want to bore my partner, though. aside from that, pretty much any genre you throw at me, i'll be interested in writing.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? I'm a sucker for redemption au's, even if it takes thirty threads to get there. i enjoy writing the aftermath of a character's worst arc, and all of the guilt, pain, and sorrow that comes with it. so do i want to write arcann's redemption? yes. do i want to write about nihilus somehow healing from being a literal wound in the force? yes. (or even, writing who he was before malachor.) ragnar going back to being a farmer? please. all of it, yes. aside from that, i really, really enjoy hurt/comfort, violent/gore threads, general sci-fi adventure, and general fantasy adventure (the campfires, the fights, the enemies in between destinations, etc.)
how do you come up with headcanons?  it's kind of a mix between being inspired by outside sources, such as media, music, mututals, and things that pop into my head after hyperfixating about a muse for three straight hours or something. i do adopt headcanons/partial headcanons from other people, but like sparingly and if it's appropriate/i know them/have asked. most of the time i really just get hit in the face with them though.
do you write in silence or do you play music? i am someone that requires music to write. i need to drown out distractions however i can. i really struggle with being easily distracted (getting tested for adhd soon lol) because i can very easily lose a thought before i'm able to write it down. i find that with music i can focus better, and i have playlists that help with whatever mood i'm going for in the reply.
do you plan your replies or wing them? i usually just sort of write what comes to mind first and then, if i have questions about something, i'll either approach the other mun or write things in the tags. sort of referring to the previous question, i try to write my ideas down as soon as i see a reply, or i'll be prone to forgetting them.
do you enjoy shipping? yes, 1000% yes. i love all sorts of relationships, not only the romantic ones. i don't really get to write about platonic/friendships too often, but i really enjoy the times i can. that said, re: romantic ships, i'm usually on board if there's chemistry between muses. i also encourage other muns to approach me if they think they might want to ship because chances are, i'm already on board.
what’s your alias/name?  Lee
age?  old
birthday?  December 25th
favorite color?  silver, purple, black
favorite song?  i... don't think i can choose? there are all sorts of songs that hit me in the right way. i can tell you a song i'm listening to on repeat right now is The Wind Weeps Eleanor by American Murder Song.
last movie you watched?  Hagazussa: A Heathen's Curse, but I hope to go see Dune 2 this week.
last show you watched?  just started Shōgun and it's wonderful.
last song you listened to?  Dwamn by Tech N9ne 🫣 
favorite food?  fry bread! or a step further: navajo tacos.
favorite season?  winter
do you have a tumblr best friend? um i think i'm close to a few people on here, but the only one i know i can tag for sure is @vuulpecula starbuck has put up with my nonsense on here for years and somehow still talks to me lmfao we have the greatest and the worst ships and honestly i am always always always excited to write with her❤️❤️❤️
and idk if i should tag u because this is an rp meme and this is one of my rp blogs but @oolathurman is my other bestie and i've known and adored them for literal years so. yeah sflkjdslf❤️❤️❤️
TAGGED BY @valorums thank you<3
TAGGING @vuulpecula @riiese @hcxcd @fasciinating @juramentum @mistrdctr / @respondedinkind @auroradicit @red-white-and-trauma @blue-eyed-banshee @helreginn @astridnorddottir @brittlefcrged and YOU!
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sherlockholmeswats · 5 days
Neurodivergence in Sherlock Holmes?
Hi, it’s me again, here to rant about a topic I’ve stumbled upon in the Sherlock fandom frequently. But also something related I want to talk about that I find interesting.
I have nothing against people with ADHD, autism, or any other disorder, diagnosis or condition mentioned in this post. I also have nothing against believing a character has something or acts in ways you can relate to. I have nothing against specific interpretations of Sherlock either. This is simply an opinion alongside research on the parallels between giftedness and neurodivergence applied to this character. Also, in headcanons you can do whatever you’d like as long as it’s respectful towards real people and/or scenarios; he is a fictional character after all.
My thoughts
I want to give my opinion on this. Sherlock definitely has neurodivergence, but it’s not in the way many might think. Let me explain. While yes, Sherlock most definitely shares characteristics with autism, this is because “gifted” people do in fact share 1 many characteristics with autism. Some have even questioned whether Sherlock had Asperger’s syndrome 2 (it obviously proves difficult to diagnose a 200 year old fictional character). While it is a possibility, I think this is unlikely because of my research, and my firm belief that he does not have autism. Intelligent people do share characteristics with autism, but they also often share 3 characteristics with ADHD. This is why, in 2024, more research has finally been started on giftedness to solidify if giftedness is really just another form of neurodivergence. 4 And this conclusion that it does completely makes sense to me.
As a gifted kid, like many, I’ve struggled. I never really fit in, or understood things the way other kids did. But I’ve always found myself relating to those I notice demonstrating characteristics of autism or ADHD. I never could say why— because I knew I didn’t act like them in totality, or sometimes even at all; I just knew that they had these traits, for some indescribable reason. The majority of my friends fall under this umbrella, being diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or sometimes both. Or being gifted. Same with the people I’m interested in and content I consume online, they also often have one of these diagnoses. It led me down a spiral questioning what was “wrong” with me for ages. Only recently have I realized the answer was right in front of me the whole time: I’m smart, it’s as simple as that. 5 And smart people have a tendency to overcomplicate things, as confirmed by this…
Yes I hyperfixate, yes I find easy tasks difficult to achieve, (actually, props to Young Sheldon, because apparently when my family was watching it, they noticed he used gloves to do dishes like I must do on every occasion) yes I’m a picky eater, a germaphobe, a perfectionist, unorganized, either sensing everything at once or nothing at all, and yes I’m so very bored when there’s an assignment that isn’t intellectually challenging, and so very frustrated when I make simple mistakes. But half of these are shared with autism, half with ADHD, and I’m sure some with OCD or any other disorder you could think of. And yet even my psychologist couldn’t diagnose me with any one of these; I just don’t share enough symptoms with one in particular. 6
The study on the connection between giftedness and neurodivergence is so fascinating because it opens so many doors. Does certain aspects shared with certain neurodivergence types cause higher intelligence in subjects? Does the ratio matter? There are so many more questions I could ask, but here I am again, getting ahead of myself. Let’s get back to the topic at hand.
Sherlock has been interpreted in various ways throughout the time since the original books, but I believe he acts the way he does in canon simply because of his high intelligence. Interestingly, in BBC’s Sherlock, I noticed they portrayed him sharing more characteristics with autism than in the original, like having him rocking. So yeah, it depends how modern media interprets him too. It’s possible in some adaptations that they gave him more symptoms associated with one neurodivergence than another, but to believe this is how the original Sherlock was based upon modern interpretations is not a conclusion that should be reached. I’m sure there are some that are highly accurate to the original books, but many, (ironically, like BBC Sherlock has been argued to be,) may not.
And with that my rant concludes. If you read this far, I’m impressed (because sometimes I can’t even deal with my own ramblings). But what does anyone reading this think, if you’ve read this at all? Apparently this has been a debate for some time. 7
update: I’ve noticed some people have called him AuDHD, which is more accurate, but still likely to be incorrect. The aforementioned reasons are why this isn’t quite right.
TLDR: Sherlock is gifted, which is why he is neurodivergent. It is unlikely his actions are due to autism or ADHD.
Sources (in order):
Giftedness, on the spectrum, or both? (1)
The Autistic Detective: Sherlock Holmes and his Legacy (2)
Gifted, ADHD, or both? (3)
Giftedness as a form of neurodivergence? (4)
High intelligence in children (5)
Misdiagnosis and Dual Diagnosis of Gifted Children (6)
Sherlock does not have Asperger’s or Autism (7)
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biigiiiii · 1 year
Me: how I would make Melven work in the context of the show without causing Will to be heartbroken, a hypothesis;
(Disclaimer - I am byler endgame truther and this is just to show that melvin most likely has been written to not work lol)
Season 1 - Will has a crush on Mike at the start, but Will goes missing and Mike meets (and subsequently hyperfixates on) El, cause autism and he’s-just-like-me-fr-disorder, where he gets his ‘hero worship’ out of the way and gets over it pretty quickly when he sees how El being a superhero literally resulted in her ‘death’. But he’s got Will back, and he’s happy about that. Mike was obsessed with being the first to get a girlfriend out of his friend group because he’s the most insecure about that (semi canon), that he tried to project that on to El but she was just super confused. “Will you be like my brother?”
Season 2 - before Will’s crush/feelings for Mike have a chance to get stronger/more like love (which I believe they start to do in season 2, when mike refuses to leave his side and seems to reciprocate), they need to not go through Will’s possession side by side. In this version, El flees Hopper’s cabin earlier on (so she can still have her s2 independence arc), to meet her sister (same circumstances as before, she argues with hopper, finds the box of information about the lab, meets her mom, goes to the city etc). Instead of a vision of Mike making her go home, it’s a vision of Will being possessed by the mind flayer. It’s already been shown by this point that they have some kind of connection in season 1, so she’s immediately concerned and needs to go back to help. So, instead of Mike refusing to leave, El is the one banging on the Byers’ door and begging to help Will because she saw a shadow monster attack him. So season 2 is where things really change, and El doesn’t have time now to obsess over romance movies or Mike, she’s got Will to look after. This is where the WillEl bond begins. At the dance, Will and el dance together platonically, and Mike sits alone, still girlfriendless and now all his friends seem to have beaten him in that department, which leads to…
Season 3 - Dustin has a girlfriend. Max and Lucas are still together, and Will and el are the terrible two, almost like inseparable twins, whispering to each other and playing pranks with El’s powers, and it pisses Mike off. Who does she think she is?! Stealing his bff and now she’s corrupting him? So Mike directs his annoyance at El, and it’s actually mike that ends up begging everyone to play dnd because everything is changing and he hates change cause autism and it’s all El and Max’s fault, he hates them so much! One day it’s raining and he confronts el about it, the classic ‘pick on the girl you have a crush on in the playground’ kinda stuff. After that, she ends up going off with Will and Max to figure out all that stuff with Billy and that ends up playing out pretty much the same way (plus Will). When they are all together in the hospital, Will and El are sat together sharing M&Ms. El is understandably annoyed at Mike, but he has since had some time to calm down and goes over to her to apologise. Will is reluctant to leave them alone, mostly as El had confided in Will (who, during their heart to heart, had admitted that he likes boys) about how Mike had really upset her (they had been good friends when they met and he had really helped her, so she is upset that he is mad at her for apparently no reason), but El signals to him that it’s ok. Mike apologises, she shares her M&Ms with him, and they seem to both show signs that they have a genuine crush on each other. During the Mall stuff, when they’re sitting together in the shopping aisle, Mike fumbles through a confession. El, who now understands attraction and romance a bit better through spending time with max and will, admits she feels the same and they share a small and quick kiss, like max and Lucas’ first kiss; shy and sweet. Then it all goes to shit with the mindflayer etc, and now we see Will and el moving away to Lenora. Mike shows his vulnerability about still being a bit childish about Christmas, but El reassures him he doesn’t need to grow up so fast. So they end on a cute note instead of the weird, awkward one they have in the actual show. Now this brings us to…
Season 4 - El and Will are even more insufferable, it’s revealed that between the mall ‘fire’ and now, that El had been to the library to ask for “books about gay”, to understand and support Will. Will has a love interest in California, who (Steve style) is on his way over to visit Will when he gets caught up in the crossfire, and gets dragged in to the pizza van. It’s so awkward, and Mike is like who tf are you the whole time 😂 but it plays out mostly the same way (except the earlier byler heart to hearts are more platonic, and not as necessary cause they wrote letters to each other and called often enough). This new guy and argyle bond over being dragged in to this unknowingly, and getting high. He gets jealous of Mike but Will reassures him. Then it doesn’t really affect the plot much, he’s just there. He chips in here and there with useful information. For mikes monologue, it’s more genuine and heartfelt - it’s still stressful cause it’s life or death, but he looks a lot less like he’s in actual physical pain lmao, and it focuses a lot less on ‘I love you the first time I saw you’ and more on ‘over time I got to know the girl behind the powers and realised how amazing you really are’ … and no mentions of her being a superhero lol. He also doesn’t need to lean too heavily on the I love you part, cause he’s already told her, he’s just reminding her how awesome she is as a person and how he knows she can do this. Then on the hill at the end Mike and El are stood together (they never fought because he doesn’t hesitate to tell her he loves her or write it), Will and love interest are together, etc etc. also Johnathan still gives Will the ‘I’m here for you’ talk, in episode 1 when he notices there’s something more than friendship between Will and love interest
Maybe love interest is a number or something to make him more relevant to the plot, idk.
I thought about all of this when I was reading a post about m1dleven fanfiction post season 4, and how it doesn’t really work in a satisfying way and I thought… hmm… how would melvin actually work? And then this is what I came up with. Basically what it reveals is that the show is way too deep in melvin bones, that it can’t really be pulled off in a satisfying way. You’d have to go back all the way to season 1/2 to fix it 😂
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void-tiger · 5 months
…the difference between me and my allo friend… she already has a friendship with her crush. Her crush jokes and texts and visits her back. He’s even hugged her. And if he isn’t attracted to her back, she’ll throw all that away. Is there ANY consideration for his feelings at all?!
While me? I will rip out my own heart by keeping my distance if that’s what would be needed from me—because of a lack of interest, or because things are just complicated; there isn’t a lack of interest back. The opposite, apparently. There’s an Old Guilt about Yet Again feeling unable to reciprocate back the way they wish to…when this whole time all I’ve wanted was to try and find a middle ground. I will aggressively and persistently defend the right to JUST friendship and gently but firmly tell everyone to Leave It Alone, Stay Out Of It, Don’t Pressure EITHER Of Us. Because actual trust and respect and building a solid friendship at whatever level the other person either wants or can offer back…that means more to me than “I’m romantically attracted to this person emotionally and if they feel the same way I’d be open to exploring that with them at whatever point in the future.”
I…dunno. Maybe it’s just the difference between allosexuals and asexuals. Or Lust/Infatuation and alterous/queer platonic attraction. I won’t claim that I’m immune to limerence because…I’m not. But the kind I experience isn’t built upon The Idea of a person and what they look like…but my brain refusing to not get hyperfixated on someone and struggling to pry its jaws open to Let It GO, and…hope, I guess. Hope to finally actually be accepted and not containing myself so tightly inside.
Who someone actually is, if we have a spark of a platonic rapport (over QPR or romantic), matters more to me than an Idea of them, how they look, etc.
And it’s hard to not feel exasperated with apparently…this isn’t how people experience things. I’m always worrying my desire for a connection is too heavy and ultimately selfish. Even as…I really Don’t Care what sort of relationship I have, I just want to discover what it is and fortify it then privately compartmentalize anything leftover. While the majority of people…really don’t take someone’s feelings into consideration at all. It’s only how they feel and how the object of their attraction makes them feel.
…how am I supposed to not feel completely furious about this utter objectification regardless of someone’s gender and sexuality being considered the Acceptable Norm.
Especially when I have always had to fight so damn hard to even have friends and platonic intimacy with friends. Forget when I do have “extra” platonic attraction at play as well.
#tiger’s roar#don’t mind me. it’s just ANGY Ace Time#and I DO have the respect and care and dare I say it affection and attraction more or less returned#but like. I had to fight SO FUCKING HARD for it#harder than anyone else would’ve bothered to#…but the draw just Wouldn’t Go Away and the Draw even existed at all because they ARE someone who’s acted like they yearn for that too#that they are kind. and accept me. and have similar/same interests and to some degree a similar sense of humor#the tension…is circumstances. and misunderstandings for like. 2.5 years. but I think I FINALLY got those resolved#because…I am. stubborn like that. if I’m not told No each time I Check For A No. if I can accept I’m Not A Bother#then…yeah. I’m gonna put energy into exploring for a middle ground and defending the right to friendship and understanding/accepting#in addition to the selfwork I’m going to keep on doing. for my own healing. my own future self.#but especially when it might/is affecting other people#’iT’s nOT tHAT dEEP TiGER!!’ okay but LISTEN. I have A LOT of trauma to resolve and yearning for connection to deal with#and social skills to be stuck practicing very much delayed because my developmental environment STUNTED them#but the pain of Not Dealing With It is poisoning me so…I HAVE to deal with the extreme distress of taking that on#so…yeah. it IS That Deep to me#and when people just…take the friendships they already have for granted… BRUH.
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themeganator5000 · 2 years
May... May I see why you agree with Scooter being gay
Oh god. Yeah, I suppose so. I literally just typed up what would basically be my script if I ever did a youtube video essay rant about this topic (i will never do this, but someone definitely should).
Bear in mind, I literally wrote this like an hour ago in a hyperfixation-induced daze so my friend @hails-the-geek would have something silly to wake up to 😘 So, not exactly written for public consumption, but since you asked so nicely:
SO HERES HOW WE CAN FIX SCOOTER. Scooter the Muppet started out as a nepotistic lil whippersnapper who had little to no morals and only cared about meeting famous people and having a high-paying, low-effort job. Now that's all well and good and a Scooter we have all grown to love BUT ever since Disney has obtained ownership of the Muppets, they have become less of the struggling underdogs and more of a lesser-known classic. This already raises some problems with the overall tone of the characters, especially Scooter, because the only way he was able to get Kermit and the gang to bend to his every whim was to remind them that his very wealthy uncle owned the theatre and the ground it stood on. The fun of his character was that he was a gofer (essentially an intern) whose job it was to take orders from anyone for anything, but with his familial connection to a person in high power he could inversely force any one of the Muppets to take orders from HIM to get just about anything. Now, since the Muppets HAVE no theatre and are usually performing on a soundstage likely owned by the Disney company, Scooter has lost his influence and no longer has the ability to be the narcissist, sassy, two-timing brat he once was. He has been boiled down to his face value as an over-enthusiastic, dorky, wide-eyed fanboy who eagerly goes along with whatever he is told to do. This, of course, was present in the original iteration, but it was always known that if Scooter ever DISAGREED with what he was told to do, he could always find a way around it. Helpful until inconvenient. It is also worth noting that in the original Muppet Show, Scooter was intended to be a young boy around 14 years old, but in more recent adaptations he seems to have aged, being given adult love interests and being shown cage dancing in a nightclub. This brings me to my conclusion; how we can fix Scooter in this modern age and bring back some of that charm that made us adore him all those years ago. The answer is quite simple, really:
🏳️‍🌈 𝗚 𝗔 𝗬 🏳️‍🌈
Richard Hunt, the Muppeteer who portrayed Scooter and many other characters until his untimely death in 1992, was openly gay and a well-loved part of the original Muppet cast. So much so, that Jim Henson personally requested that he be the one to host the memorial service at his funeral, which he did. Richard Hunt said that he based Scooter's personality on his own when he first started working with the Muppets, enthusiastic, eager to please, and definitely trying too hard. While all those personality traits are decidedly still present in today's Scooter, the absence of one crucial piece is blatantly apparent.
While never explicitly stated, Scooter's character can easily be interpreted as gay, exhibiting flamboyant characteristics, having a borderline obsession with Elton John, just kinda being twinkish and boy-toy-like in nature. Whatever the reasoning, there is no better candidate for Disney's First Gay Muppet than the trademark character of the original gay Muppeteer, Scooter. BUT! It is EXTREMELY important to note that there are two ways this could be played: either there are little to no changes in Scooter's personality and he just gets an off-screen boyfriend or something (lame) OR Scooter's personality shifts into a more goofy-sassy gay best friend type of deal where he hangs out with Miss Piggy a bit more and references more modern queer icons (like Beyoncé or something?? idk ask a gay man) and comments on the attractiveness of male guest stars whenever the opportunity arises. This was hinted to in the 2015 series ABC's "The Muppets", but they never fully committed to the bit. Calling Scooter a boy toy is one thing, but having him get caught making out with Walter in the storage closet is another. COMMIT TO THE FUCKING BIT, DISNEY. Let Scooter say "yasss, qween" and "slayyy" and lust over men's bodies I'm not asking for much. You have already denied me Bert & Ernie and Statler & Waldorf, but let me have Scooter. Let me have the one Muppet my ADHD-riddled lesbian ass choice to have a crush on at 14 years old. Let me live out my fantasy of seeing Scooter on a Muppet-themed float at a pride parade. Please Disney, think of the fucked-up adults. We deserve this, we've EARNED this. You've ruined every other part of my childhood with your dirty capitalism, you OWE me this 𝘖𝘕𝘌 𝘛𝘏𝘐𝘕𝘎. You will make Scooter gay. Scooter 𝗜𝗦 gay. Scooter has always 𝘉𝘌𝘌𝘕 gay. And there is absolutely 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 you can do about it.
Thank you for your time.
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daevite · 1 year
For the autism asks: multiples of 7
sorry for late response aaaa
7. Do you find it hard to make friends?
yeah tbh. even w/ the friends i have made going back to school they are not like...people i spend a significant amount of time with or have frequent conversations with + they usually came to me in some sense rather than me coming to them + they're usually also autistic and/or have adhd so we kinda vibe (though there are some autistic people i've met who i really clash wish) + a lot of them i don't feel especially emotionally connected to i'm still fumbling around in the dark when it comes to genuine connections with others
14. Are you currently in school?
yeah - i'm attending a uni to get a BFA in digital arts! and i'm very happy i made that decision because it has drastically changed my life for the better (the social aspect/experiences more than the education part. maybe that seems to contradict the above on its face but i have much more of something approaching a social life now than i've ever had before even if i still feel like i struggle with socializing.)
21. How open are you usually when it comes to being autistic?
i'll sometimes drop jokes or hints about it if it's at least semi-relevant (e.g. a coworker the other day jokingly called me 'ocd' since i seemed to have a strict system of organization to how i do things at work but i told him i was autistic - he wasn't exactly joking because he apparently though i said i had ocd at one point??) but that probably goes over the head of people who aren't like autistic themselves or sensible about the matter since allistic people have basically turned things amounting to "i'm autistic" into a meme phrase. if i meet someone and they share that they're autistic or that they think they're autistic i'm usually upfront about it at that point.
28. How long do your special interests usually last for?
the way i personally conceptualize "special interests" is something that'll probably stick around for the foreseeable future, whereas something like a "hyperfixation" is a brief obsession that might sometimes re-occur in "episodes" if it's "triggered" again (not the bets terminology but the best i can come up with.) the latter usually happens with media properties and doesn't really revolve around me collecting and sufficiently absorbing information. i would say that like abnormal psychology (specifically, like, mental disorders - especially those related to trauma or specifically complex/chronic trauma) have been one of those persistent interests that i store a lot of information and can recall pretty easily + one i still engage in to this day. the special interest stuff doesn't occur "episodically." i can rattle off facts about a lot of psych stuff all day but i seldom ever want to have an extended conversation about like dragon age or mass effect or fe3h because those are more "hyperfixation"-like where the interest can be "re-activated" but it's not as accessible to me as a special interest.
35. Have you ever used a weighted blanket?
nooo but i would love to have one...pressure stimmy good.
42. Tell us something about your special interest.
this sent me digging to find the paper again but i can't forget this one bit that i thought was pretty interesting: expressions of rage or other strong affect associated with what we understand as borderline personality disorder are primarily externally-directed (e.g. angry episodes due to "splitting" in the bpd sense where one might lash out against an attachment figure/"favorite person") while expressions of rage or other strong affect associated with what we understand as complex dissociative disorders are primarily internally-directed (e.g. internal reenactments of trauma by persecutory parts of the self, and even in the case of external reenactments, said external reenactments are usually self-directed.) i find this whole paper personally important because it helps me understand myself and my relationship to borderline personality disorder as a diagnosis better (as in it explains why bpd is not a helpful framework with which to understand many of my personal mental experiences irt my identity issues and dissociation.)
48. What is your favorite special interest related item you own? Show it to us if you want.
incidentally it might be "coping with trauma related dissociation" or "the coping book." most of the psych-related books i own are in the vein of self-help (like the complex ptsd workbook, dbt workbook, etc.) rather than based around research, though i read like eBook downloads of some more research-oriented ones like "the haunted self" for example.
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allforthe-gays · 3 years
reasons i headcanon neil josten as autistic with adhd
based off of canon and my own personal thots and experience:
the kevin & riko scrapbook shrine binder. this little man made multiple pages of news clippings and magazine clippings and put them in a binder with all of the coded documents his mom left him. he carried only essential items in his little duffle bag and apparently his fan pages were essential. hyperfixate much?
he has basically no impulse control when he's angry. he went on kathy's show scared for his life and then riko says one thing that bugs him and he immediately attacks riko. not to mention the iconic riko roast.
the way he interacts with people??? idk what says autism like not realizing someone's flirting with you but also being able to physcoanalzye someone's personality to create the perfect persona to befriend them <3
you can not tell me that neil knows how to sit still. he is always fidgeting with stuff. when andrew gives him a house key he connects it to his lanyard with his school id. he'll be walking to class and will twirl it because he likes how it clicks and it's just fun.
andrew buys him fidget toys and leaves them in places for neil to find, like in neil's waterbottle, in his bed, in an empty butter container on top of the fridge, in neil's running shoes, or he'll just chuck them at neil's head in the locker room.
he likes math and is allegedly good at it. my little baby man did not have a solid education but he was still somehow smart enough to major in it? gives me very much gifted kid with undiagnosed adhd energy. i bet he does math for fun when he's bored.
he doesn't like buying new clothes because it Does Not Feel Right. he had so much money but he kept wearing his worn out clothing. it is hard for him to wear certain materials becuase of the way the cloth sits on his scars. andrew figures out which cloth neil likes so he doesn't buy him clothing that makes his sensory issues worse.
he's on the ace spectrum. it is super common for neurodivergent people to be ace or aro. he has trouble understanding why people flirt with him and needs things spelled out for him before he realizes what they mean. me too neil, me too.
neil is hot and sexy and people with adhd and autism are always hot and sexy
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ourgreatergood · 3 years
Okay, since I wrote that long rant about how I imagine Albus being neurodivergent (more specially autistic and suffering from anxiety) and how it’s always prevalent in my mind, whenever I write him, I’m also sharing it on here:
‪I think it’s especially apparent in his relationship with his siblings (apart from the whole world calling him “eccentric” multiple times), but I always imagine that Aberforth (who I imagine to be incredibly empathetic) is very good with ‬Ariana bc they’re just well neurotypical kids (until Ariana’s incident) and Albus is - well - not. Always caught up in books, which to me, read: hyperfixation, which other kids consider weird and which adults consider adorable up to a point where he seems to be almost anti social bc he is so caught up in his mind that he doesn’t play with the other kids (I magine Kendra to be very ambiguous here too, very proud of her ‘gifted child’ but also at dinner she’d say things like “don’t you have anything else to talk about but that fairy tale?”, “you should go and play with the other kids more often” and he’d say “yes mother”, but really he’d feel very much like an alien in his own home) and Aberforth is just accepting him the way he is, he’s the one, who punches other kids, if they make fun of his weird brother, he’s the one, who listens to Albus’s ramblings about the three brothers even though he doesn’t care about it
And then Ariana is attacked and everythings falls apart and Aberforth is so good with Ariana bc he is just good at accepting people the way they are and Albus is terrified bc even with healthy people he always seems to say the wrong stuff at the wrong time, how is he supposed to interact with Ariana, who seems to have a breakdown at the littlest thing?
And then he goes to school and he’s brilliant and admired and suddenly his gift and power outweighs his eccentricities and he is kind and friendly and polite enough that people like him and his friends are nice and also he’s learned that people don’t want to hear hour long deliberations about fairy tales or dragons or magic, no matter how fascinating he finds it, he has learned the technicalities of lying, of keeping secrets, of holding back, not only because Mother told him to, but also because not revealing his true self was usually the best option, bc no matter how nice people seemed, they still made him feel alien one way or another, wether that is because he talked a little too much about transfiguration, because he can’t stop his leg from bouncing bc he doesn’t even notice but other people do and they find it annoying or simply bc as much as they don’t understand him, he doesn’t get what they’re on about either with their parties and ever changing love interests and gossip, but he learns to seem interested
I also imagine him learning legilimency initially in hopes to understand the people around him more, to connect with his family more, but it ultimately ends up (mostly) with people being annoyed bc he’s looking into their heads
And Aberforth, obviously also very much burdened by the fate of the family and angry about pretty much everything bc what are they even doing? Does love his brother and he knows how he is, but he also needs his older brother and he really has zero nerves to spare and Ariana needs his care while Albus seems to be sufficiently great at school and he really doesn’t understand why it’s so difficult for Albus to be good at school but not good at home, when they all love him
And then Mother dies and Gellert arrives and Gellert is the first and only person, who doesn’t make him feel like an alien, he actually likes to hear Albus’s thoughts, even for hours on end on the same topic (the Hallows for one, Gellert can talk about just as much, so he doesn’t even feel guilty or like a burden, bc he can actually believe he is not too much for Gellert) and how incredible is that? And Gellert is understanding, Gellert knows how his mind works bc his is the same! And what he’s feeling for Gellert is amazing but also so overwhelming and he really cannot focus on his siblings’ needs, which are a whole different can of worms (here comes in anxiety bc how in the name of Merlin is he supposed to manage that? And change is hard anyway and he’d just planned this whole tour and it should have been him shining and all, how everyone has always predicted and he really doesn’t want to be responsible bc he also not good at it, but magic, that’s what he’s good at)
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dreamteamspace · 4 years
We hit 400 so here’s a- ✨ DREAM APPRECIATION ESSAY ✨
(by Yours Truly. Much thanks to the one, innocent anon who just wanted to ask a small talk question but hit my serotonin-providing hyperfixation.)
1. Self-esteem
I love the way he’s confident in his abilities when it’s become such a “trend” to either be completely and utterly self-depricating about your own skills out of fear of being labelled an asshole or overconfident nowadays.
At the same time you can still tell he doesn’t want to pull anyone down ever, and will always be really careful with that and take every oppertunity to lift up the people around him. Dream has a very emotional voice that gives him away a lot, so you can really tell he genuinely admires the people around him and he’s never afraid to say that they could totally easily beat him in something if he doesn’t have practice with it.
He tends to be a bit too hard on himself, so his friends always encourage him in his abilities, and that’s just. So nice. He celebrates his victories! He gets so so excited and happy when he wins in the manhunts, and I think celebrating your hard-earned victories isn’t something that should be villanized.
He won, and we should KNOW by now that doesn’t mean he thinks he’s somehow better than everyone. He has a pretty good eye on his abilities, and that allows him to really use them to the max.
2. Morality
He isn’t afraid to change the game! His adhd picks out a Cool New Thing and he just goes, You know what? Why not! His adhd goes “do this thing repeatedly another 3847 times” and he’s like, yeah sure!
Nobody expected him to release a song, but he just went for it! He’s been speedrunning so much, but he isn’t afraid to stream it every day 5 days in a row for hours while his friends bicker in the background.
Dream genuinely does the things he finds fun, but at the same time puts in so much effort to make them good and entertaining to watch and never forgets about his viewers.
He’s kidfriendly because he wants to be! Fame-wise, at this point he could definitly swear more if he wanted to (and he does when in other people’s content who don’t care about swearing), but despite that he doesn’t swear on his main because he wants his content to be accessable for everyone.
Sure, on one hand it could be for clout/money, but consider: Dream doesn’t stream the DSMP because he doesn’t want to take attention away from other people. He participates in the videos of his friends. He lets compilation channels and the like do whatever they want and even monetize his content. He lets his friends stream Road Trip on twitch as much as they want for free.
Dream doesn’t not swear just for his fanbase, but he does it because he has so so much respect for people. No matter how high he goes, he’s always consciously focused on respecting and admiring the people around him.
He has genuine respect for creators so much smaller than him, and he has respect for people in his fanbase that are younger than him. He isn’t afraid to go against the norm and STAND for that, either (see the video where he defends his stans).
And he defends his friends so much too! So much so it could almost be a little bit of a flaw sometimes, but I feel like he truly wants to learn from his mistakes. He apologizes for things even when nobody asked him to, and that just shows that he does it out of genuine guilt and fear of hurting someone.
He’s always seemed like someone who is genuinely willing to change to be a better version of himself, who isn’t afraid to challenge what he thinks and what other people think and what the norm thinks in order to improve everything for everyone.
Dream also doesn’t let any of the fame get to his head! As I said before - he’s confident in the things he’s good at, but in a way that doesn’t pull other people down, and he still remains firmly admirable of other people.
And even when OTHER people let fame get to their head (it was a while ago, but there was a video he made about five block jumps, where he added in a clip of a video of another guy doing it complete with credit and link etc. The guy was 100% alright with it at first, but when his video started getting more views because Dream’s video blew up, he started accusing Dream of “stealing” his content (when dozens of other videos of the 5 block jump already existed, and Dream could’ve just put in a clip of himself doing the jump)),,, but he insisted in his reponse that fame gets to people’s heads sometimes, nobody should blame anybody, he genuinely was never upset at him and just said that this just... happens sometimes.
He’s a very forgiving person all around, in part due to being willing to challenge his own norms and give people the benefit of the doubt JUST in case he’s wrong. He lets people enjoy things so long as they aren’t hurting anybody, like allowing people to ship him w people who are also alright with shipping, but at the same time taking a hard stance on, say, how shipping minors is absolutely wrong and should not be done ever (and he’s right).
3. Fandom
He appreciates said fanart and fanworks as well! He thinks dnf fanart is cool and he even appreciates the fanfic part of his fandom, something many ccs wish to ignore or forget it exists altogether (and it IS ofc in their right to do so or be uncomfortable with such content!), but Dream sees the work put into it and how people find connections and friendships through the fandom and appreciates it all the same.
He loves his fandom. So much. But not in the overdone, fake-feeling way I’ve seen other ccs be,,,, he’s just. Quiet and shy and genuine about it but not afraid to defend it.
He’s said before - and I QUOTE - “If you send hate to people or have sent hate to people, in the form of hateful comments or DMs, you aren’t welcome in my fandom. You’re no fan of mine”, which is the HOTTEST take he’s ever uttered and I love that. He really just went and said that. And he’s right. I like that despite how he’s usually more held back and waits things out before taking a stance, he chose this topic to really take a hard stance on and not budge and stick to it.
Pmbata has also said that he believes his fans have his back no matter what!! And that he really loves them a lot!!! And I am!! Emotional!!!!
4. ND/Adhd
He has adhd which is something I relate to personally (I have it as well sdlkfj). He gets excited sometimes!! I love how he shows being fidgety in mc, always pacing and parcouring around,, the way that in manhunts you can SEE when he’s thinking or bouncing back and forth between two options,,, or the way he gets close to people in mc to laugh with them.... He shows so much with his movements by them being quick and daring and calculated (and it’s especially hilarious to watch other people react to it in the video “mc but three people control one player”, where he’s the one moving and Sapnap and George will gasp or go “Dream!!” in surprise when Dream was THIS close to falling off a ledge, but he just laughs sdlkfjsdf).
When he’s not moving around he stands perfectly, perfectly still (which, idk if thats what all adhd ppl have, but I know I have something similar? Like when I’m nervous I’ll sometimes just. Freeze in place. No movement at all). He’s just relatable sdkjf.
There was one Manhunt extra scenes where he,,,,, stims by clapping,,,,,, the lil excited clap in the background,,, I’m gonna cry. I’m so soft for excited Dream that one is such a comfort clip for me!
He also tends to stim by getting under trap doors and then jumping back out of them, or jumping up a block and then walking back down over and over (especially noticable in The Village Went Mad tftsmp episode, where they were all discussing who the murderer could be and he was the only one moving, hopping up the log and then running back down again).
Also it is. Really Soft when he starts rambling and overexplaining something. What’s even better is that George, who is usually present at such moments, will laugh a little at his antics, and Dream will automatically laugh with him.
5. Rp/Uplifting other ccs
Dream wasn’t all THAT into the rp at first, but his server has been so strongly supporting and giving attention to smaller creators that he’s since completely rolled along with it. Being a villain in the RP is a difficult role because you will, inevitable, as much as it is just roleplay and all scripted, always get some amount of dislike from people for it.
Despite that, he’s basicly the main big villain on his own server where he let a bunch of theater kids beat him up in character and imprison him on his OWN SERVER. He wasn’t as into the rp at first, but has obviously been practicing and joins every Tales of the SMP when he can, despite getting zero clout for it.
What Dream also tends to do is find small content creators, see their talent and lift them high. His entire discord server is dedicated to give smaller ccs a place to grow, and when he first found Tubbo, Tommy, Ranboo, etc., they were much much smaller than they are now. He truly wanted to help them make it big.
He’s also added Foolish Shark and Hannah onto the SMP, both much smaller ccs (not tiny, but you get what I mean), allowing them to grow. He doesn’t stream on his OWN SERVER. He let himself get imprisoned to let the good guys win on his OWN. SERVER. He’s willing to play the villain and everything.
An interesting thing though! A lot of people used to/still do clown on Dream a bit for his sometimes uncertain acting,,, but when he’s around people he knows well (Sapnap and George, Tubbo and Tommy) we’ve seen him go ALL OUT. I have the theory Dream might be genuinely afraid to accidentally be mean to someone in character and have them misinterpret it sldkfjsdf,,, so he’s rly careful when he goes into the rp, and sometimes even when he’s in it he goes quiet, especially with other people around.
But also the fact that he needs time to feel comfortable around ppl is,, a mood,,, and adorable,,, sdlfkjsdf-
Apparently he’s also shared his youtube algorithm secrets with Tommy?? Which he had only shared with Sapnap and George before?? Dream took one look at that chaotic kid and immedietly adopted him as his little brother. He literally got up super early to rp the prison visit. Idk about ya’ll but I would die for someone first and get up horribly early for them second-
6. Friends!!
Dream?? Considers so so many people his friends?? And despite having so many friends, he also has his few closest friends (George and Sapnap) whom he would absolutely die for in a heartbeat. He WILL defend them with everything he has and loves them so so much.
He listens to them and really, truly wants them to succeed. He respects them so much and will go OFF about how good they actually are and how talented they are and how important they are to him.
I can’t even COVER everything about how much he is SOULMATES with Gorg. They live in each others heads rent-free. He mentions him all the time. They get!! So happy when they’re around each other!!! Their voices get so soft,,
And I can’t even BEGIN to explain the energy of Sapnap and Dream just moving together permanently. Imagine moving together with your best friend. Like, permanently. Into one house. They’re best friends Your Honor,,,,
Also,, remember the Techno and Dream rivalry? And Dream has recently said that he’s hesitant to make a serious manhunt against Techno because he doesn’t want there to be any feud between them or have them be compared to each other. He said that while he absolutely wanted nothing more than to beat Techno at first, now that he knows him better he just wants to be friends with him. He wants to be FRIENDS. With his, essentially, mc RIVAL. Friendly rival, but still. He doesn’t even wanna fight Techno or have ppl compare them cause he,,, wants to be friends with him,,,,
7. Vulnerability
What I feel like really sets Dream apart from some other ccs for me is that he’s willing to be vulnerable. He will tell George he loves him. He defends his friends. He sounds so, so genuine when he tells his fandom that he loves them.
What’s just really rare to see, especially in male ccs, is that vulnerability. It’s becoming more acceptable as time goes on, but it’s certainly not easy, and a lot of people become and stay long-term fans BECAUSE they can see how genuine he is.
I know Dream looks up to Mr. Beast a lot, for example, but honestly? I think he’s a little better than Mr. Beast. Because he feels more genuine, more bound to what he believes is right. I’m sure Mr. Beast isn’t a bad content creator! But ultimately they have different target audiences and I’m very glad Dream is the way he is.
Less of that insecure masculinity and more willing to be vulnerable, to care about things, to get emotional and to encourage and uplift the people around him.
8. Pure Brainrot
Green boi has nice deep calm soothing voice. Little shy laugh. Wheeze laugh. Gorg live in his head rent-free. He lov friends. He lov block game. He good at block game,,, a little shy but confident,,, big heart,,,, soft voice,,,,, rambles sometimes....
He also Gender. He’s so gender. I don’t know how else to describe it. I want That. Whatever That is. My gender is Dreamwastaken
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