#I can't tell if it's just because I was losing steam by that point but the only one I was kinda meh on was 2: Real Person
sysig · 1 year
The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe screengrabs
Alright so the first few are just from replaying all the stuff that was in the HD Remix, just to see some of the texture differences, but I also took some screengrabs just because they’re fun!
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I’m so glad this one made it in lol (he is)
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I got the paper office! :D
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And the whiteboard ending!! Yes!!! Dog mode is terrible though haha ♪
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This was new! I knew about the Bucket but I hadn’t met them yet so I was just like Hmmm Hmmm Interesting haha
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Fall through the floor Part 2 - luckily this was the last one of the initial play session! Still though, load your rooms pls
Alright from here it’s all Ultra Deluxe so watch out!
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I want this. Sadge that it’s sold out </3
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I just got this one! :D
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They!!! So tiny <3 It’s nice to see Mariella’s model as well, I’ve seen Stanley’s a few times but never Mariella from the front!
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Just played with this one too, the grandfather <3
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Who is this!!! They’re so cute what!!!
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This image is probably especially funny to me because it reminds me of a meme I made lol
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Hi Stanley, Hi Stanley, haha ♪
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There he is. The Narrator turned him into a marketable figure
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Very cursed Stanley smile :) He deserves it
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See, this dark, infinite abyss makes sense! It all ties together! Brilliance in writing! Lol
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My previous point (also implying that Stanley is normal, really, Narrator, you should know better by now)
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I appreciate the serial code(?) nameplate lol - this whole section was too strange haha
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*heavy breathing* I mean literally what more could I ask for (I did also like the Stanley Parable concept art though haha, and the pause button stuff)
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I gotta be honest, I was not sold on this bucket at first, but after this-
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EEE, even better!! Yes, I’m onboard on the bucket now, I love Bucket
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There is an awful lot of Bucket death in this game huh. Like, Stanley dies a lot too, but we don’t get to see that usually, so it’s oddly visceral
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Employee 416 you say 👀 So there was somebody in there initially, until they were moved...? (I like to imagine they also drew the little Stanlurine doodle on the whiteboard lol)
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I forgot that this was flagged by the phone call lol, I wonder if anybody has actually counted them
That’s all for this playthrough! If I fall through the floor again, I’ll try to catch it!
#The Stanley Parable#The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe#WPTSP#Blood#There will also be spoilers in the tags so be warned! Haha#Don't mind the weird cropping on some of these I was trying to work around my little Windows watermark as best I could#At least before I remembered/paid attention to how to screenshot using the Steam overlay anyhow lol#The Bucket did not fare so well ah well it's charming enough on its own merit lol#I had a lot of fun little happenings that don't really communicate in screenshots ah#Like playing the 2: Escape Pod and 2: Mariella endings back to back (with an interstitial waiting period for the Bucket lol)#Being called a dork (<3) and a dolt (<3 <3) by the Narrator (<3 <3 <3)#And the updated Games ending for this version! Ah!! He's so bratty!! What a delight#And the differences in ''endings'' down the vent if you bring Bucket or not and the Narrator ''disproving'' some fanon#Tbf I don't think most people actually thought he was like Just a recording but rather the aesthetic of him literally Being a cassette deck#Like the monitor head! It's all good! All of it!! He's a strong aesthetic man <3#Also saw?? Alex Hirsch in the credits sorry?? Was he the cassette man voice or? I don't know where else he might've been#And the Curator was mean in 2: Museum!! Bucket really brings out the worst in people ♪#I can't tell if it's just because I was losing steam by that point but the only one I was kinda meh on was 2: Real Person#Retrofitting one of the best endings is always a tall task tho :P And I still prefer the HD Remix's version of the Real Person ending anyhow#Even the glitching was a little lackluster :0 The timing was a little off#But :) I still have the HD Remix if I ever want to experience it my favourite way hehe ♪ The more the merrier!#Now for some stress tests >:3c Gonna go back in and see just how many ways I can mess up the game ♪♫#WPVG
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triptuckers · 6 months
dawn - percy jackson
Request: nope Pairing:  percy jackson x child of apollo!reader Summary:  percy wakes early because of a nightmare and you're not next to him Warnings:  swearing, mentions of nightmares, percy being scared :( Word count:  900 A/N: SHIFTING INTO PERCY JACKSON MODE AGAIN !!! I cannot wait for the show !!! also this is based on a head canon I saw once and now it's my favorite, enjoy!
percy hears you scream again. he needs to find you now.
he's been running for too long now, you've been screaming for too long. he could tell from your screams you had gone from scared to absolutely terrified.
and he knows you've been through as much as he has. it took a lot to make you scared. and something has made you terrified.
percy runs around the corner, gripping his sword tight. up ahead he can see a shadow. that must be you.
he takes off running again but as he gets closer to the shadow, it's not you. it's someone - or something - that is holding two very long, very sharp swords.
percy turns around and bolts through a door. you scream again. and again. he can't get to you. gods, he's going to lose you.
with a start, percy's eyes fly open.
he's breathing heavily and his hands are gripping the bedsheets. percy's chest rises and falls rapidly as he tries to calm himself. he reaches out to you, but you're not next to him.
what if it wasn't a nightmare? fuck.
he pushes himself up with one elbow and notices the door to his cabin is slightly open. he can see you sitting just outside.
percy closes his eyes and lets himself fall back onto his pillow. he frowns when they're damp. great, he was sweating. that means it was a really bad one.
'shit.' he sighs, dragging a hand over his face. there's no way he's getting any sleep now. at least not with the adrenaline still coursing through his veins.
he can tell it's very early in the morning. the sun is starting to rise, but it's still pretty dark outside. percy looks over to you again and notices a mug in your hands, steam rising from it.
after the nightmare he had, he just needs you close. so he gets up and puts on a sweater and boots before joining you outside.
you look up when you hear footsteps on the wooden floor.
'hi. did I wake you?' you say, reaching for percy and pulling him down to squeeze into the chair next to you, careful not to spill your drink.
'no.' his answer is short.
'nightmare?' you ask, noticing the collar of his shirt that sticks to his sweaty neck.
'yeah.' he moves to get closer to you, needing to be near you.
'want to talk about it?' you say, lazily running your fingers through his hair near the back of his neck.
percy sighs softly. 'lately it's the same one.' he says. 'you're somewhere, I don't know where, I can't see you. but I can hear you. you're screaming for help, for me to come get you out of wherever you are. but there's this big guy chasing me and I can never get to you in time.'
he squeezes his eyes shut, trying to drown the image out.
'it's okay.' you say. 'I'm here now.'
'I know you are. you think I can ask any of the gods if they can stop the nightmares?'
you chuckle softly. 'it's worth a shot.'
'hey, wait. why weren't you next to me when I woke up?' he says, remembering the moment the nightmare shook him awake.
he turns slightly so he can look you in the eye, brows slightly furrowed. 'do you still have nightmares?'
'but they didn't wake you tonight?'
'wait, so you willingly got up at the ass crack of dawn?'
you smile. 'also no.'
'you're usually up early, though. even on quests when you're exhausted but we need to go on, you're always the first one awake. perks of being apollo's kid?'
this time you laugh softly. 'no, more like downside of being his kid.'
percy frowns again. 'what are you talking about?"
'well, everyone wakes at dawn. look, will's awake as well.' you say, pointing to your cabin in the distance. 'michael is just coming back from getting his coffee. I saw lee as well.'
percy still looks confused. you're tempted to give him some weird reason and have him figure out I fit's real or not. but he might not even believe the truth.
'you know how apollo uses his chariot to ride across the sky to give us the sunrise, right?' you say.
'yeah, you told me about that.' says percy.
'well, when he does that he blasts heavy metal at a frequency only apollo kids can hear. so we can see him in the sky in all his glory.'
'his words, not mine.'
percy laughs. 'that does sound like apollo, yes.'
'it's nice, tough. waking up before everyone else does. especially the younger kids.'
'hey, next time, wake me up okay?'
'I prefer to let you sleep. that's why I always get up quietly.'
'I know, and I appreciate it. but this is nice, just us.'
'us and all of my cabin.'
'well, yeah, but you're the only apollo kid sleeping in my cabin.' says percy, nudging your shoulder an smiling.
'and it better stay that way.' you say, smiling as well. 'I call dips on the shower.'
you lean in to kiss his cheek and get up, letting percy enjoy the rest of the sunrise on his own.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit
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partycatty · 4 months
Johnny cage and mayB some others being mind numbingly in love
Like they talk to reader and everytime just feel so stupid afterwards because theyre so in love and do stupid shit to impress
i love stupid men anon this works so well for me
johnny, raiden, kung lao, syzoth > stupid in love
warnings: big stupid hot sexy men (what else is new?), bojack horseman minor spoiler?? LMFOAMOF
+ bonus surprise character at the very end
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johnny >
• have you guys LMAO have you guys seen the. DLGHSDKJ the episode of bojack horseman where bojack gives diane the D in from the hollywood sign?? johnny is SO extra like that and for WHAT.
• "reader, reader are you watching - reader, reader watch -" as he's like about to absolutely FUCK UP a nerds rope or some stupid shit
• okay i'll be fr. johnny is by far the most concerningly extra of the entire group. he will put himself in stupid danger just to impress you.
• "watch me take on all these guys at once!" he'll call out to you during your time at the academy, surrounded by a dozen monks. he's in a sling and bandages the next day.
• "kenshi, i bet you sento that i can jump from the roof like bi-han did!" BAM.
• he'd randomly give you expensive gifts out of absolutely nowhere. or he'd give his one of many glasses away to you because he "has no use for them" or they're "out of style" (he's lying, he just wants to see you wear something that's his).
• oh? you briefly mention you're a tad chilly during training? oh no, johnny's top fell off, i guess he has to give it to you now. you know, to stay warm. oh, you don't want his top? okay, here's a comically fluffy, expensive coat! and it just so happens to be your size...!
• lowkey i headcanon johnny as, despite being an actor, pretty blushy if someone matches his energy or really gets under his skin. you'll pass by him with a witty comment about his fighting style, or even just to tell him he cleaned up nice after getting his ass kicked by raiden. johnny just stands there with steam spitting from his red ears, hand on his chest as he fights a stupid grin.
• he is down ASTRONOMICALLY. not even the elder gods can stop this man from being so drunk in love when you're around. he makes it everyone's problem.
raiden >
• we see how flustered he gets when he's called out by kitana. he's a grown man with dick and balls but he's also flustered very easily! he'll be decently vocal about his affection for you, but then word trickles down to your ear, at which point it's so over for him.
• walks into walls when he's so entranced by you training. like face first into a wall, his hat fluttering to the ground. kung lao loses it.
• he can't even hear what you're saying when you speak to him, it sounds like an angel muffled by the clouds of heaven. raiden's also not the greatest with his powers granted by the amulet. if you go in to touch his arm playfully, a jolt of electricity pricks your palm and you yelp. raiden can only sputter apologies as he bows down, his cheeks tinted.
• he's the type to do little favors for you, ones you barely notice. your spot at the table is tidied, the training dummy is prepped for your fighting style, or he's the first one to bring you something if you forget it. that, and tiny favors to butter you up to him.
• "reader, you said you were nauseous last training. i prepared you some tea," he'd slide the small cup over to you, fighting a goofy smile. he rehearsed his script a few times, so he sounded more static than intended.
• will ask you questions about training or the weather just to hear your voice. he couldn't even recall what you were saying, he just loved the way your lips moved.
• kung lao pokes at him for this often, nudging him or making comments about you being his partner when you're not. raiden will stomp on his foot to keep him from talking about his infatuation if you're around. as if you don't already know.
kung lao >
• he's totally the bouncing on his heels type of man. he'll stare at you with a stupid grin, like a kid in a candy store.
• "was there something you needed, kung lao?" you'd ask as you tended to your own duties, organizing various equipment into baskets.
• "ah, no, not at all," he'd wave you off with a grin. "just enjoying... the view."
• you cringe at his words, chuckling to yourself as he speaks you in a daze. his mouth runs off before his brain can stop it from happening, so his biggest downfall with his crush is yapping. he'll sit there and explain his family history to you, or how much he hated farming cabbage, or his favorite meal at madam bo's just to keep you around long enough.
• kung lao always has this desire to keep you close by, so he continuously does stupid shit to keep you by his side. including but not limited to accidentally slicing his hands on his hat, one that he swore was a genius idea. in concept, probably.
• he wants to impress you so bad. SO BAD. anything he does is deserving of a bragging right if he's the one to do it. lao would totally try to shrug it off so you could gas him up more. any compliment, forced or not, was music to his ears.
• "yeah, i totally beat raiden," he'll check his nails nonchalantly as he leans against the wall, telling you the story of the cabbage competition for dinner against his best friend. "really swept him."
• "that's just not true," raiden would try to interject when he heard lao's version of the story. kung lao just holds eye contact with you, grinning, as he shoves raiden aside by his face.
syzoth >
• you hear thumping when you're around, though you're never able to find out where it's coming from, so you chalk it up to the monks landing blows against the wooden dummies.
• but the sound lingers when you're at dinner. the table is... rattling.
• you look up to see if anyone else notices or if you were hit too hard during training. but, you see everyone staring past you. just down the table, syzoth is sitting with a pile of bugs on his plate, his tail thumping in and out of view.
• "syzoth," kenshi will gently say, leaning into his ear to whisper something. syzoth flushes a green tint and tries to resume to his meal, the bugs scurrying out of his chopsticks as he struggles to keep it together.
• out of respect for his dignity, you hold your tongue at his obvious affection. syzoth tries to keep it under wraps but he can't help it when you're just so cute!
• he'll stand close by you, inching closer and closer until you notice. he'll slip you little trinkets and flora with a small smile. anything from a rock that matches the shades of your eye, to a flower he picked by the gardens, to a stick. a nice stick, to be fair! you wonder if this is zaterran courtship.
• "it reminded me of you," he'd lean into your ear. your bedside table is decorated with various... outside decor.
BONUS! kitana >
• kitana knew she couldn't get entangled with the umgadi after seeing how risky mileena is with tanya, but my god were you breathtaking.
• you would often accompany her in the carriages as she waved to her people, eyes transfixed on her. you're devoted to her protection. it is your god-given duty. your eye contact was too much at times, and kitana would often catch herself staring at you, her hand suspended in the air. she'd forget to wave.
• "is everything alright, my princess?" you would ask innocently, in a low tone to avoid raising suspicion. kitana's mind short circuits when you call her... yours. even if you're referring to the umgadi's worship. she shakes her head and clears her throat, pulling her mask up higher to conceal her blush.
• if she were to give speeches on her mother's behalf or otherwise, she'd find herself forgetting what the rehearsed, or hell, struggling to rehearse. you were the one she'd come to for help with speeches, yet you made things ten times harder when you'd lean in to listen to her better. it makes her mind absolutely numb.
• "and you tell me to steer away from the umgadi," mileena would rasp into her ear as the sister sat on their thrones, you positioned by her side and eyes forward. "it seems you picked a favorite, sister."
• "i'm not the only guilty one," she'd hiss back to her sister, nodding at tanya. "it won't get in the way of duties, as long as mother doesn't know."
• you'd fight to netherrealm and back for your princess. as you fight off intruders or threats, kitana forgets to escape, instead transfixed on the way your muscles would contract and flex with each blow.
• she wants to be the one to care for your wounds. the power imbalance means nothing to her, you're her equal.
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tiyoin · 2 months
Now I'm thinking about twisted anxiety reader being able to sing really well. I feel like there could be some very interesting/funny moments (4 us not reader).
Reader probably only sings in a reclusive area like a forest around the dorm
I wanna say that the forest already has haunting rumors about it ,and when someone (jade or rook) hears reader singing they think that the "ghost" is up and active again. So students start doing a "test of courage" type thing.
I put Jade or Rook being the one to hear reader cuz they're really the only ones that would really be in that area without a reason.
I also know they're intelligent enough to know it's not a ghost ,but start the rumor anyways cuz they want to know who's singing. And it becomes this big thing the school trying to figure out.
Cut to reader losing her mind cuz she like "wow, I didn't know people thought it was that bad. How am I supposed to live, laugh, love ever again??"
When in reality they were just memorized by reader's singing. And they really want to find out who it is.
Bonus points if they film it and sent it to the group chat you posted about earlier. And reader just has to be like 🧍‍♀️ "whattt???? No way!! 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ a random voice in the woods 😱😱"
I'm sorry for sending 2 long asks back 2 back ,but twisted anxiety just gets my head going.
Also if you don't like being sent stuff like this just tell me and I won't send any more. I don't want to over step at all. These are just like head cannons I give to reader ,cuz I just love making things worse for her. Can't let her know what peace is
i’m going to give you the fattest smooch alive you don’t understand. AND I LOVE IT WHEN I GET LONG ASKS!!! so please! ask away i don’t mind, i actually get really flattered that people want to share with me their long, detailed thoughts !! i was actually nervous people wouldn’t like my long responses 😖
no cause that’s ALWAYS one troupe i ALWAYS go back to.
i was thinking about making them a singer, REALLY I WAS- but i had second thoughts cause i thought people wouldn’t like it / maybe people would think its too… y-nie or im trying to make twisted anxiety reader too much, ya know
BUT OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU MEAH MWAH (also dw i got your other ask and fully plan on answering it, this one was just at the top of my inbox 🫶🫶)
but oh my god,,,, HEAR ME OUT;
twisted anxiety reader getting pent up because they. have. no. outlet.
maybe they played a sport in their old world, but no longer can’t because seriously?? going up against beastmen, mermen, fae and just,,, men?! absolutely not.
they can’t do anything fun in ramshackle because of the ghosts can and will find a way to stick their noses into your business. also hello??? no privacy at ramshackle👎👎
honestly, twisted anxiety reader doesn’t have any friends so they can’t blow off steam that way either. and going to the gym is out of the question because 1. anxiety 2.gym bros- and working out at home is… different.
so there has to be a way to let off steam… good thing twisted anxiety reader dilly dallied in everything!!
they want to sing but aren’t confident enough to join the pop music club, and the walls to ramshackle are paper thin.
there’s absolutely no where you can go.
and yet… every time you glance at the forest. you can’t help but wonder…🤔
“everything stays” from adventure time
“love all mine” by mitski
“rises the moon” by liana flores
“sky fall” by adele
“memory” from cats
“listen” by beyoncé
“hopelessly devoted” by olivia newton-john
oh my god i have to make a separate post for this before i completely rot and accidentally write a whole chapter because i’ve been WAITING to write about this and i’d feel bad about making this SUPER LONG
but i can’t imagine rook going for a sunset “hike” (…sure, let’s go with that) and hearing you. belting your little heart to “hopelessly devoted” HAGFJAIWOFOSOWOFOAPEIFOZOQFOXOD
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such passion! such devotion! how marvelously beautiful! rook is stunned.
of course after you finish singing he can hear you moan and groan about trivial things but- rook hunt was not a hunt if he didn’t appreciate the gift the forest provided.
and yet, the carful hunter made a careless mistake. cursing silently, he glared at the twig his boots stepped on before he snapped his head up to the clearing up ahead.
ah, you fled.
to say rook was… upset was an understatement. yes he was able to marvel in your voice, but he lost the privilege to listen to more, to observe from afar.
the strange songs you sang and possibly wrote (what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him) are gone with the wind and the high step of your foot as you vanished into thin air.
rook could easily hunt you down, but he stopped himself after a slight muscle twitch. non non! he was the enjoyer of beauty! not the hunter! yes he hunted beauty but it would go against his very being to trap it instead of let it fly free and continue its song.
so let this be your little secret, okay.
jade would def walk into you singing ‘everything stays’
readers just like;
“time to find a new location☝️”
*there’s no where those two won’t be able to find you fyi*
please send more headcanons i love reading them 🙇🏻🙇🏻
babes this is me n u rn:
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btnclmrttn · 2 years
Guys I swear I am not trying to drag ass my remaining requests are just long and I want best effort take this in mean time I love u
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Ppl think it's just not something he thinks about that often, but he's a very low key pervert
He can be perceived as dominant, but he just slightly leans to it. He's blunt and assertive about these things. It's nice to not be the one always in control but he absolutely can take control if he felt like it. Just depends on how he's doing in life
Always checking you out and hardly anyone could notice. It's because he takes just one good look and starts spacing out with some thoughts of his
The more excited he is the more creative he is. Sometimes it's just some classic position but he's put you against a wall a couple times, holding you up with your knees to your chest
Even if he's being slow and gentle, you can tell when he's starting to lose it cause it gets just a little rougher and progresses from there. Take it if you can or just let him know
Decently vocal and very whiny when you're in control
Likes watching you put on a little show. Don't let him do anything to himself as he watches you and it gets him going
With his strength, you aren't going to have much room to squirm. If ykwim
Has great stamina, but he's just fine with one, maybe two rounds. If he really wants more but you really can't he'll just give you kisses all over your body and praise you. It don't bother him at all that you likely won't ever have equivalent stamina
By some chance you do? And strength? News reports in several cities for "earthquakes"
Always takes a bath with you after to get you cleaned and cuddles with you
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I REFUSE to argue. Switch
Honestly more perverted than you would think and is pretty shameless about it
Like he isn't gonna lie, he's upfront. Sometimes during situations probably best to not to say anything but oh well
He's always on his hero business so it's often he isn't around, so sexting came to be a thing with you two. Send him some pictures while he's out you'll be in for it when he gets back
Always at ur place so he doesn't disturb his teacher's peace
Anything squishy on you is an absolute. Tummy, thighs, chest, he wants it. He'll stare if he sees it. Rly likes body worshipping you. Guide his hands where you want he'll be steaming
As much as he's studied you, he knows by now what you want and has some things to try he thinks you'll like based on his studies. Like your horny algorithm
Excellent at keeping consistent motions. Great with his hands, although he'd likely have to put on a glove designed for finger activities to avoid injuring you
Tries his best with dirty talk but that's if he can even talk. It's easy to fuck him stupid. Isn't very vocal, his machinery sort of gets in the way of that.
He does not cum, and you can only overstimulate him so much before his body forcefully shuts down to avoid overheating his shit. Basically you could knock his ass out if you played your cards right
Aftercare KING over here. He got you best blankets, best snacks, he's a personal heater, best praise. Can't go wrong with it
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Menace to this society if given the opportunity to be horny
He likes to tease. Downright a shithead with how much he uses it, but it's so very worth it
It's sort of to cover up his inexperience. Quick learner and is down to try anything. Consistently spicing up the bedroom. Loves using toys and vibrators
Gets a bit nuts if you're in a bit of a helpless position, like bound up or pinned under him. You can just tell he's resisting just ruining you
He's fucking YOU stupid, whether it's intentional or not. Could make you see every god with each backshot.
If its more passionate and intimate he's more submissive and doesn't like it being pointed out. It will transition into straight fucking quickly if you do
Actually really big about petting and foreplay. He likes you on his thigh, or pinned with it, kissing you slowly and sloppily all over your neck and your lips.
I think it's obvious he's into biting. He bites to make his whining less noticable. He can get VERY loud and it embarrasses him how much you can make him loose it
He wants EVERYONE to know how good you get it, and leaves hickeys and bites in the most noticable spots
Dude loves some good ol' twist twist sloppy toppy, and gives it back just as good. He can hold his breath for a long ass time, and you taste like the best thing he's ever had
Let's be fr, aftercare took him a minute to get the hang of. He wasn't horrible but again, inexperience. Very clingy cuddler in all.
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livmadart · 8 months
conanon: woah babyfied shinichi be upon ye. i tried the drabble but idk if its good hope you like it :]
the thing is, Ran isn't dumb. many people tend to forget that, minds automatically rationalizing she sacrificed mind for body, utilizing the strength of her punches to break through problems than wit.
which is very stupid for people to think, Shinichi doesn't even have to be in love with Ran to know that she's the best, not perfect, but close enough to it, perhaps, her flaws are what make her human and that's the only thing that makes him think he has a chance with her.
but he's already losing his train of thought, was that because for all his mind was still sixteen, his body was ten years younger, brimming with energy he didn't even notice when he was this young before and therefore, quick to jump ship from the topic than to have a steady streamline?
he was doing it again.
The Point is, Ran isn't dumb. Shinichi knows that. Conan should know that.
but Conan isn't him and the lines between sanity and clarity over this frustrating situation just muddles things up a little. just a little. (it's a lot but he doesn't even have hands big enough to properly unpack the suitcase he's labelled his breakdown.)
so, he slips. he slips and slides. he doesn't know how to be six, even before, he's not what many call a normal six year old. his only saving grace is perhaps what crumbs of the acting lessons his mother once instilled upon him that he did manage to consume.
and he thinks Ran still finds out, she knows him, he knows her.
sometimes, he just wants to stop this farce and to tell her.
(and then he remembers dying. he remembers quiet screams and the steam of what could've been his evaporation, where did his mass all go, really? he doesn't even have time to think of it, mind quiet for all that he wished to speak.
the words always catch in his throat as fear and death grips it with it's nonexistent touch.
he'd never forgive himself if he lets the poison drip from his lips and it makes her feel death's kiss just like he did.)
Ran doesn't talk about it though, just looks at him and he pretends he can't see it, wills his eyes to fog over and retreat into his mind and goes through the motions of whatever kid activity he desperately picked up.
it's when he mimes falling asleep, that thing you do with closing your eyes to try and trick his brain to stop talking, stop thinking and fall, does she tell him.
she knows, she's always been smart, the rush of affection is suffocated by the icy grip of fear, of what ifs, of scenarios where she looks into it and—
she thinks he doesn't remember. she thinks Conan doesn't realize Shinichi is him.
he wants to laugh, hysterical and manic when she leaves and Mouri snores, his giggles are muffled and his ear drums ring.
the thing is, Ran isn't dumb. and honestly, he's starting to think she's right. he doesn't know who he is anymore.
WAHHHHHHHH THIS IS AMAZING?! INCREDIBLE?! I am running around the room rn cause your writing is so full of wonderful emotion!!! This is exactly the kind of angst I imagined in this au!!!
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Thank you so much for sharing your writing!!!
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WIBTA for insisting my roommate gets a clothes drying rack?
She has a lot of clothes she can't/won't put in the dryer (some of it does have to hang dry but some of it CAN be put in the dryer and she just doesn't want to for whatever reason) and instead she hangs them up all around the shower that we share.
I have difficulty showering due to mental health, so when I decide I need to shower, I have to do it before I lose steam about it, or else I might not shower again for many days. I'm trying to work on getting better about it, but.... Half the time I go to shower, there's clothes hanging in there. I have tried to tell my roommate a day in advance when I'm going to shower, and I've tried to stay somewhat consisent, but due to the aforementioned mental health, it's difficult. And she just ignores it anyway. So I tried to get her to tell me when she would need to hang clothes in the shower but she only did it a couple of times before just doing it without saying anything.
I have tried to get her to get a drying rack before but she always has an excuse about why she can't. Once it was because they're too small and there's not enough room for all her clothes and when I pointed out that they come in larger sizes, she claimed we didn't have enough room, and when I tried to point out where she could put it, she just brushed me off.
But I can't deal with these clothes hanging in the shower all the time. It's getting really old. It's not her shower that I use, it's a shower that we share. Also, I can't just buy her one because I'm very broke, but I know she has spending money because she gets packages of new clothes in the mail all the time and she eats out nearly daily.
So, I'm about to insist that if she can't find a less interfering space to dry her clothes, she needs to buy a drying rack or start using the dryer or stop washing clothes that have to be hung dry. WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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generalluxun · 5 days
So, at what point did you decide to ditch your initial pairings in Dog Daze?
Decide isn't quite the way it went down. It's more that it became increasingly clear Adrienette was misfiring. The post-Risk stress was getting to Ladybug, and her partner taking a more active role in heroing was both helpful and scary for her (a lack of control).
Adrienette actually had a date (Adrien:it's not a date, Sabrina:But it might be!) Alya set it up, the sneaky fox!
Marinette wanted to confess at the end of the movie. She was trying to, bit freezing up. Adrien wanted to comfort her, and used what he had recently learned from his time with Sabrina. He kissed her gently on the forehead. This has the opposite effect intended. Marinette panics and bolts. She's still got everything built up to be Very Important(TM) in her head and his intended gentle reassurance was instead seen as pushing too fast and doing things out of order.
So that didn't help.
When Adrien talks (he's confused) with Sabrina about what happened she figures out that it was probably a confession. Adrien... Doesn't know how to take this. On one hand he's floored, Marinette is amazing! On the other hand, he's worried loving him is causing her stress. *He has a very real example of love causing stress between Cat Noir and Ladybug*
Meanwhile Ladybug confesses... To Cat Noir. Marinette is building up her nerves by clearing the air. She reiterates that they can't *do* anything with their love, because of the masks, but hopes that being honest will help. It does! Ladynoir ends up in this nice place where they clearly love each other, even if it doesn't mean the usual things.
Adrien, not knowing Ladybug was going to do that, had reached out to Marinette to meet up and talk about what happened at the theater(and give her another chance to confess if that was what it really was, though he doesn't say that to her) They meet up on the way to school. She's putting on a brave face but clearly wired. He's trying to help. And finally she does confess! And it is sweet and heartfelt!
And in that moment, Adrien envisions the life Marinette wants, and it's set against everything going on. Monarch, his father, the trials of Ladynoir, all of it. He just can't subject her to that. He tells her she's wonderful, and if *he* were a different person with a different life it would be so easy to say yes. He tells her if life changes, then he'd consider himself lucky if she would date him, but also asks her not to wait. She's too special to be kept waiting in the wings.
Marinette- has a panic attack. She's put so much into this moment. not just her love life but as a sign that she's not a failure(after losing most of the miraculous) and that life is still 'in control'. It takes Adrien, Alya, and Sabrina's help to bring her back out. She ends up being shepherded by Alya while Adrien and Sabrina talk(he nearly had a panic attack in response to Marinette's) and there I think, passed the idea of adrienette working out.
There was just too much going on. It was a bad time, and they had very different needs. Adrien and Sabrina made their way slowly towards admitting they had actually already been dating for a while. It actually might not have happened but others kept poking their relationship and requiring definition.
I expected Marinette to end up with Lukanette. She contacted him soon after her failed confession. She was very open this time though about needing to blow off steam and feel lovable(despite the fact Adrien had said she was, you know how feelings are) They hung out a few times but Luka stayed resolutely in supportive friend territory by his own choice.
In the end (after Dog Daze, during a one shot) Marinette actually ends up with someone who lives life as frenetically as she does. They both spin out of control regularly, but they also both know what it is like to spin out of control and how to help each other through.
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richeeduvie · 1 month
Nacho's on my mind 24/7 right now 😭
I can imagine him being SCARY AF when jealous 💀
Like someone hits on reader and he totally loses it, trying to act all chill when he's boiling from anger because someone flirted with his girl
*clears throat* jealousy sex
Not to make this about his Princesa!AU, but I'm making it about his Princesa!AU. Because Lalo's already obsessed with it and it's very telling. The man is slick, but not slick enough to hide his delusions and desire from Nacho. Not that he really wants to.
It slowly leads to him believing every other man wants Princesa. Which...yeah, Princesa's sexy and shy and kind but also Nacho...come on, not everybody can possibly want Princesa.
He's a bit selfish in the blame. Nacho never wants to blame her when she's oblivious to someone coming onto her, but the jealousy on his head takes over and it strikes this look in his eyes that makes Princesa scared. It's not even her fault, guy - the woman is just so insecure that she cannot believe anyone would be attracted to her, she barely believes you're actually in love with her to the point she has no idea how deep your guard-dog like obsession goes for her.
"You have to tell me when they're hitting on you like that. It's disgusting."
"...I didn't know what they were doin-"
"You can't be stupid about it! Stop. Just...you have to tell me."
Nacho's face is just...nothing. It's still. If you didn't know him, it would be a man who just doesn't know how to look forward. But Princesa gets worried, tense because she sees him boiling. His eyes are steam.
"What's it to you, man?"
Princesa takes his arm. The man scoffs.
"I didn't know, my bad."
Nacho takes a step forward, another that's halted by Princesa's hold on him. She presses her face into his bicep.
He leaves her.
"I'll be in the car."
Nacho takes himself to the car, breathing heavy and staring into the wheel. He hates himself for how his hands resort to violence, but there's nothing else for him to do.
He slams his hands into the wheel.
Of course, the only person to ever make him feel like this would be her. You.
Princesa comes to the car, looking and feeling small - nervous on her nerves.
"...I'm sorry."
It's silence as she bounces her knee. Nacho looks slowly.
"I wanted to kill him."
She blinks. What can you say to that? What can you feel but fear, or if you're her - which you are, the feeling that it doesn't make sense? How can someone feel like that for you?
"I don't know how to stop feeling like this every time..."
Every time you exist with someone else. Every time someone notices you.
"...I'm sorry I do this."
Nacho closes his eyes are your soft, unneeded apology. He puts his hand on your knee. More of a comfort for him than you.
There's nothing he can do to stop feeling like this. You leaving is not an option. He'll just have to burn for the rest of his life.
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xstarkillerx · 1 year
Hey hey hey :)
I saw your post about wrestling Anakin into submission and I was just thinking...I'm 6'0 ft and a gym rat. I could literally take him in both ways. I dunno but wrestling for his cock, seeing the rush in his eyes at the challenge......
Omfg sorry
Original post referenced
NO don't be sorry because I legit think turning him on might be one of the only ways to avoid him being a sore loser. Because listen, he loves sparring, it's one of life's greatest past-times, but he can easily turn sour if he feels like he should be winning but isn't. * (Accidently went on a sfw, off topic tangent about Anakin and him being Shii-Cho critical because he's arrogant)
In the throws of it though, when it could be anyone's game, when you're both panting and sweating but your muscles still have some steam in there, that's when you see the rush in his eye. There's a subtle tell that a lot of Anakin's peers, people who don't quite know how to read him, overlook or attribute to his arrogance;
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if Anakin manages to disarm you in combat, gains possession of your saber, has the undeniable upper hand– if he wins and yet he chooses to discard the sabers and taunt you to engage in hand-to-hand combat, oh boy that's how you know you've got him. Because listen, Anakin likes hand-to-hand combat as much as the next guy, but obviously saber fighting is where it's at for him, he also fights in Djem So, with foundational roots (via Obi-Wan) in Ataru, ending the battle quick is what's fun for him... unless it feels like it's leading to something else.
So that's what I'm picturing, right. You were sparring, he disarmed you but instead of ending the fight as he usually would and resetting back to square one, he tosses the Sabers aside and continues the fight hand-to hand. Maybe that's when he starts to realize he underestimated you. Anakin can fight, he's a swordsman but you, you've got brute athletic strength. He's having the time of his life as you both lose your breath together, trading blows, dodging kicks, bruising each other.
He'd never let you win, you know this, so it's a very genuine thing when you do. He isn't even upset when you get him on his back with his arms pinned under you, I think he'd laugh a pure laugh just from the joy of it, the kind of laugh he lets out on the rare moments he feels at home in his skin, when he's racing, or flying, or after a good fight. It would be infectious, ticking the skin of your face with how close you are to him. The moment would settle though, and all that would be left is the thick air between you two, hearts pumping, bodies close, and a solid warmth against his stiffening cock. Adrenaline fueled sex, two warriors, two athletes, two friends and sparring partners, solid strong bodies against each other. I think there would be something warm and bright about it, the kind of sex were you can't stop smiling at each other, as your tired body works to make him know he's been bested.
In the post where I talked about dominating Anakin as a person much shorter than him, I talked about having to be smart about it, having to know how to shift the balance of power in your favour because he can easily flip you over and take the reins back. In this situation though, the battle for dominance was the foreplay. He'd make some playful efforts to regain control, flipping over, trying to make you cum first, but he knows he's been beat and gladly accepts you taking what you want from him.
Sorry this isn't as erotic as the other one was, as I was writing it I kind of realized how much joy he would probably get out of being challenged this way, to the point where it would bring out a very bright and joyful side of him. Intellectual, mental, or hierarchical domination, anything that may actually make him feel disrespected or less than, is a definite no-go with him, but this stuff I think he absolutely loves. It's fair, it takes a considerable amount of effort that he can feel in his body, it makes sense to him.
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suzuran777 · 19 days
Review: Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi No
A while ago the Nintendo Switch and Steam versions of Akaya Akashiya Ayakashi No were released, so I had to finally replay this game! It was originally released on PC in 2011 by Haccaworks, who are also known for their previous work Hanakisou. This game isn't technically a BL game, but I think BL fans would still like it! This time the game's also available in English and Chinese.
The story focuses on protagonist Yue, a human who lives together with a group of Ayakashi. He was born and raised there and never left the shrine grounds, but one night, his childhood friend Kurogitsune takes him to the nearby festival. During his very first trip to the outside world, Yue meets two boys who he grows interested in and wants to learn more about. After returning to the shrine, the shrine's goddess Mikoto informs him that preparations for Yue's "meal" have started.
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This game has 4 different routes and quite a lot of different endings. I used this guide which helped me a lot! It's in Japanese but even if you Google Translate it I think it should be clear what choices to choose. Other than the usual choices, you also get to choose the location you want to explore, so I often got bad endings when I wasn't checking the guide. The recommended route order is Akiyoshi > Tsubaki > Sagano > Kurogitsune, as some endings are locked.
In this game, the Ayakashi usually live far away from humans in the mountains, but they took a liking to the local shrine which was originally created by worshippers of goddess Mikoto-no-Nushi. Yue doesn't remember most of his past and has been living at the shrine together with the Ayakashi for as long as he can remember. He knows he's different than the Ayakashi, but he also doesn't fully remember why he's living with them. His best friend, Kurogitsune, is a black fox who's always together with him. He does have a humanoid form too but usually he takes the shape of a small fox sitting on Yue's shoulder.
During Yue's trip to the festival, he meets two of the characters who have their own routes in this game, a boy who always wears a mask called Akiyoshi, and a blond haired boy called Tsubaki. Tsubaki doesn't really understand what Yue's deal is, and Akiyoshi is immediately suspicious of him. Regardless, Yue wants to learn more about them.
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After returning home, Yue and Kurogitsune get scolded by the individual who owns the shrine (Sato). He's hoping that Mikoto, the shrine goddess, will punish both of them for secretly going to the festival, but she always forgives Yue no matter what he does lol. Yue doesn't really understand it when Mikoto tells him it's time for his "meal" and why he should choose between one of the boys he just met. Ayakashi eat humans and when a human is caught by them, other people lose memories of this person (being spirited away). But Yue is no Ayakashi, which is why he's confused.
During the next days in the game, Yue meets Akiyoshi and Tsubaki again and slowly becomes friends with them, even though both are still suspicious of him. Kurogitsune is also quite bad at hiding that he can in fact talk, so the others immediately know he's an Ayakashi too lol. The dialogue suggests regular people can't see him when he's in his human form, but both Akiyoshi and Tsubaki are exceptions because of their bloodlines and are able to see ghosts and Ayakashi.
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The town where the characters live in, Utsuwa, is permanently stuck in a night cycle, though it seems like the residents don't think it's anything unusual. At some point some strange things happen in town and slowly more and more people go missing. Additionally, monsters called Akujiki appear more frequently, who similar to Ayakashi, also eat humans. Because their abilities aren't as strong as Ayakashi, usually when they eat someone other people don't completely lose their memories of this person. As a result of this, Yue and the others run into people walking around town mindlessly, forgetting what they were doing outside in the first place. While investigating these incidents, Yue is approached by stranger called Sagano who tells Yue he's taking his body back. After trying to fight Yue though, he retreats because I guess it wasn't the right time yet. Sagano is kind of funny because he always looks ready to attack Yue but there's always some kind of excuse why he doesn't do it.
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Even though it's an old game I still love the character designs, CGs and backgrounds. It creates an atmosphere which really suits the setting of the game. The music in this game is also very good and quite nostalgic to me, I think many people who aren't familiar with the game at least know the opening song by Shikata Akiko! It's also really convenient that the Switch version lets you skip backwards so if you do make a wrong choice, you can easily go back and fix it. The game also has a button to skip to the next important event or choice, which is faster than just pressing the skip read dialogue option.
Final impressions
I was really curious what I would think about this game because the first time I played this was over 10 years ago. The original PC version is also unvoiced, and since I never had a PSP this is my first time playing the voiced version. I still really like the plot and characters, there's a lot of side characters but they all have their own charm. Many of the endings are quite bittersweet because the conflicts between the characters aren't something that can easily be solved. What I really like is that every main character in this game is relevant to the plot, even outside of their own route. The Tsubaki family has been targeted by the foxes from the shrine for a long time, while the Tochika family (Akiyoshi's family) is the complete opposite and the foxes would rather stay away from them. Sagano also has his connections to the Ayakashi of the shrine, but I won't spoil the endings!
Something I did notice is that even though the game's translated into English, there's a few typos in this version, sometimes in the game dialogue, but also in some of the menus. During one of the earlier scenes the dialogue randomly turned into the original Japanese text too, for about three lines I think? I'm not sure if this got patched and it probably won't ruin your playthrough, but maybe it's good to know. Overall I think the translation is pretty straight-forward and it doesn't change most of the Japanese terms
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solitarelee · 10 months
I actually have a unique reason why I can't use tampons and use pads instead!
Tampons make me pass out. Immediately.
Let me explain my tmi story.
Initially, I thought it was just a panic attack because I was freaked out about putting a tampon in. It happened twice, a couple years apart, so I just didn't use tampons. But, somewhere in my early twenties, I was like, I've had sex now and am comfortable with my body and tampons are no longer scary and I'm sick of pads. It was July 4th and I was wearing a cute dress and wedge heels. My sister and mom re-explained how to use them to me and I went and bought some. We went to my dad's house to pick something up and I decided to just do it there.
Now, my family is very open about bodies and sex and things like that, but I didn't mention to my dad that I was trying tampons again because it just didn't occur to me to do so.
I go upstairs, insert the tampon, pull my underwear (with a pad in it just in case) back up, and stand up to look myself in the mirror over the sink.
Immediately, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I've passed out many times in my life and know what it feels like. The color drains from my face, my ears start ringing, I break into a cold sweat, the works. I stumble over to the bathroom room, leaning heavily on the handle, and call for my sister.
Me: "[Sister]!"
Sister: *annoyed* "What?"
Me: *trying not to pass out* "[Sister]!!"
Sister: *more annoyed* "What?!"
Me: *losing steam* "[Sister]...!"
Sister: "Fine! I'm coming."
She takes one look at me and goes, "oh my god."
Thankfully, my sister was a certified nursing assistant and much stronger than me, so she has no trouble moving me back over to the toilet. I'm mumbling that I'm gonna pass out and she's trying to talk to me but I'm having trouble communicating at that point.
Then my head hits the back of the toilet and apparently I twitched weirdly.
My sister screams, "DAD, GET UP HERE!!!"
He comes up the stairs and, remember, he has no idea what's going on. Usually he's very confident in situations like this, but I think because my sister already had a hold of me and he had nothing to do, he just stood there in shock.
A few seconds later, I'm conscious again, but not fully lucid. My sister asks, dead serious, "Do you want me to remove the tampon?" And I say yes.
Hilariously, she tells my dad to turn around, even tho I would not have cared if he saw.
My sister, absolute hero, removes my tampon for me, tosses it, pulls my underwear back up, takes off my heels, and helps me into my bedroom next to the bathroom to lay down in bed.
Eventually my mom comes over to check on me as well while I have water and the a/c going to cool me off. We're all discussing it, trying to figure out what happened.
Panic attack? No, I wasn't nervous at all.
Incorrectly inserted? No, my sister confirmed it looked correct, since she got a look at it.
Toxic shock?? That shouldn't happen immediately tho...
Allergic??? Would I be allergic to cotton only vaginally??????
Unable to figure it out that day, once I was more recovered, we moved on to celebrate the fourth of July.
It was another year or two later, when I had to get my first pap smear as an adult, that I discovered that speculums ALSO make me pass out. They couldn't complete my pap smear because of it.
Was I allergic to cotton and surgical steel only vaginally?????? That made even less sense.
It was when I was seeing a different doctor the next year, this time at Planned Parenthood, for a pap smear that we discovered a probable explanation.
It's probably pressure on a vasovagal nerve, the rectal one specifically.
There's a rectal nerve that they have to be careful about with enemas and colonoscopies because it will sometimes make people pass out, according to this doctor.
But every body is shaped differently and the nerve must be just close enough to the vaginal canal that pressure will activate it. It doesn't help, I later discovered, that my uterus tilts fairly far forward (more than most people's but not outside the norm), so to get to the cervix, a doctor has to use the lip of the speculum to dip under my cervix and tilt it upwards in order to get the pap smear. So they're directly putting pressure downwards, toward that nerve when doing so. It likely doesn't happen during sex or masturbation because the area engorges with blood during arousal and the vaginal canal actually extends, so the pressure downward doesn't penetrate. Plus, during sex, pressure typically doesn't direct downwards anyways.
And that's why I can't use tampons!
I've considered the cups, but those seal with pressure and I worry that would press on the nerve as well. I have since been able to successfully complete a pap smear a couple times with caution, using a smaller speculum, and warning the doctor beforehand, altho I alway feel bad afterwards cuz I get close to passing out and feel nauseous for a while.
it's her.................... it's the vagina that makes you swoon dramatically
btw I also have a VERY VERY VERY tilted uterus (mine's to the point where it causes issues) and I have the same problem re: pap smears. my bro my guy my sis my fam they hurt so fucking bad when ur tilted and i don't think that's very known. my gyno is very apologetic about it but i get horrible cramps for weeks after due to the maneuvering they have to do to get in there.
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doodlesfromthebird · 1 year
Heya I've been drawing for a few years now but I'm still learning every day and I'm more than aware of the skill gap between me and others which is fine I am willing to work hard and improve. You and your art is a really big inspiration to me and I hope to reach your level someday. Can't help however but be really demotivated and easily affected by the difference between me and others and I know I shouldn't compare myself with people who have been drawing for wayyy longer than I have. What was your experience while improving your art? Any words of wisdom from the bird? I love drawing and I don't want to lose this kind of connection to it but most of the hours I spend practising are driven by spite and hatred over my own self aaaagh is this too personal lol thank god for the anonymous option lol I LOVE YOUR ART, I look at everything your passion for art overflows through your work.
Hey, pal! It's nothing to fret over, and I'm glad you feel comfortable sharing this! I think getting all your thoughts out this way is already good way to start, and I hope that alone was able to let off some steam on the subject.
I absolutely know how this feels, and it's still something that crops up for me time to time, too! It's gotten easier to manage over the years, but there's certainly times where it's taken the wind outta my sails and sunk my energy to be creative.
I think when you're wrapped up in that headspace, the best thing to do is stop the struggle and don't try to force progress. Don't even allow yourself to problem solve, or ask anything from yourself when that cloud's over your head. There have been plenty of times where I just end up making myself feel worse by simply asking "why do I like to create in the first place?" because I'll come up with overly critical answers "well, it's the only thing I'm good at"
Wait til you've distanced yourself from that frustration, and then give yourself time to reflect. Why do you actually enjoy making art? What about your connection to your creativity is so special to you? At what point in time did you enjoy drawing the most, and why? Why do you want to improve in the first place?
It's difficult because I think it's wonderful that you're pushing yourself to improve and practice. There's been many times where I've wished I could go back in time and tell myself to get more serious about practicing sooner. However, I absolutely don't think it's worth putting strain on your connection with your creativity. I think spite can be a powerful motivator, but when it's fueled by your own dissatisfaction and hatred for your own work, it cuts off the flow of that essential part of you that loves to create for the sake of it.
Sitting down to practice is going to feel like torture, because that spark of joy just CAN'T get to ya when you're trying to appease that part of you that thinks its you're gonna get left behind if you don't work harder. Brute forcing improvement has absolutely worked for some people! But it's also completely normal for that work style to make YOU feel miserable if it's at odds with how you actually enjoy drawing.
Is this all to say that you should only try to get better when you're in LOVE with how you feel about art? Not at all! You don't have to try and add any special feelings or force positivity, you just have to remove the resistance and the burden you put on yourself as best you can.
So if I could suggest anything, as corny as it may sound: be more kind to yourself. I mean it! Make peace with where you are. Celebrate your small wins. Detach yourself from it, if nothing else. Your art isn't always going to look better than it did yesterday, but look back on your work from a year ago! If you don't like the way your art looks, that's fine! That can be 100% true and it doesn't have to be a bad thing. You're going to improve. Take inspired action and practice in a way that draws that connection you treasure with art closer to you. Spend more time listening and indulging in what the creative in you wants to do in between study sessions.
I can comfortably say that I'm at the skill level where younger me would have wanted to aspire to be at. And yet, I have MANY days where I look at my work and wished it looked like someone else's. I still stare at a blank canvas with an idea in my head and feel dejected because my skill level isn't up to par with what I want to achieve. I promise you your art has value the way it looks Right Now.
Once you give yourself that grace, you're going to start looking forward to practicing. The inspiration that'll hit is going to motivate you to try things you might never have thought you'd attempt. Once you look at your work differently, your work is going to change. That's not going to be easy at first, but you can start by just saying "I am where I am, and I'm getting ready to be even better."
If you're interested in some suggestions to maybe get in the flow, while also satisfy the brain's need for Progress when practicing just isn't hittin' right:
Challenge yourself to scribble whatever pops into your head. Anything. Maybe it's absurdly complicated! Who cares. draw The Last Supper from memory in five minutes as best you can. Draw an insane fight scene with stick figures in weird angles. Your brain is going to !!HATE!! doing it, but that's fine! It's going to force you to detach from it. Allow yourself to create something that's bad and can be thrown away right after. Don't spend more than 30 minutes on these. Take the most complicated ideas off a pedestal by just Attempting them anyway.
Challenge yourself to draw only what would appease your inner child for a full day. If you used to trace over screenshots from a tv show to insert a fan character in, DO THAT. Draw something while listening to the soundtrack of one of your favorite video games as a child. Draw an alternative book cover for one of your favorite childhood books.
Practice anatomy by turning the models your referencing from into your favorite characters.
Color/paint a scene/character by picking colors from a screenshot in a movie you really like.
put on a favorite show/movie and draw for the entire duration of an episode/movie run-time. Draw passively without the intention of showing it to anyone.
draw a bunch of large, wonky shapes that fill up the entire canvas/paper and draw mini illustrations contained within those shapes.
IF ALL ELSE FAILS!!! GO TAKE A NAP!!! :) Don't be hard on yourself for being hard on yourself, either. Allow yourself time and ease.
I hope any of this brought hope, or comfort, or even just something to consider. I'm so glad you enjoy my art!! Thank you for your kind words. You and I and everyone else are walking this same road to improvement, and even though sometimes it might not feel that way, we're ALL walking side by side. You aren't alone, friend.
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altraviolet · 5 months
This is less about TEG and more about you as a writer, I hope that's okay!
What do you do if you lose motivation to write for a story? How do you keep yourself interested in your plot for so long? TEG has been going for years, but I can't seen to write a month's worth before I get bored of the plot and go pick up something new ;-;
Questions about writing are fine, no worries =)
Motivation... that's a hard one to answer, because my motivation really waxes and wanes. In fact, I posted about the anon box being open because I wanted to write, but I didn't want to write TEG. I thought if peoples' questions prompted me to write about TEG, that would motivate me to go write it. So, I suppose, if you have friends you can talk to about writing, that might help xD
As for ongoing motivation... yes, it is hard. I've been writing this story for almost 4 years. Perhaps if I were more motivated, properly motivated, it would've been done by now. But all I can say to that is: it's work to write it, now. Not always fun. There are no deadlines unless I impose them. Real life is *waves hands at the world*. So... so motivation comes and goes.
I can tell you what I find motivating:
1) Comments. Comments for sure. Hellllll yeah. Actually sometimes the thing that lights the fire is this odd feeling of viscerally wanting comments. I will write the chapter to get those comments. And I know that sounds bad or like an 'impure' motivation ("write for the sake of writing!"), but I'm not able to explain the feeling very well in words. It's kind of like dangling from the edge of a cliff by a bed sheet and watching, with growing horror, the woven fibers split apart. There is a desperate need for action. It's frantic. It's an odd drive I get every once in a while and, regardless of what it is, it does work. I do write.
But I suppose that answer isn't very helpful to you.
2) The last sentence of the fic motivates me. Ohhh I am excited for the last sentence. It's been written for years and it brings the fic together in a way that feels amazing. I'm so excited for people to read it. The only way they'll get to read it is if I write the story up to that point. Yes, I do get a little sad that the story will end someday. But sometimes I get a very "I wish it was over with already!" feeling. I just want to shake it, like, "Why aren't you done yet!!" Either way, when it ends, I will have a feeling of accomplishment. I've never written anything that long before. What will it feel like when it ends? I need to end it to know. I have predictions. We will see.
But if you're having trouble on the time span of a month, that answer probably isn't helpful, either.
Veering away from myself, I have some suggestions for you. Try any or all, at your own discretion:
-can you identify why you're getting bored with your plots? is it more fun for you to write a two sentence synopsis of the plot than to flesh out the story for it? if so, you could consider doing drabbles or short stories instead of worrying about completing long fics
-when you think of a plot you're excited about, write an outline for it. as detailed as possible. that way if you run out of steam, you still know what you want to do with it, and you can pick it up later
-if you have any writer friends, you could try a 'quilt story.' you write the first few pages and pass it on. they write the next few pages. maybe a collaboration would keep you interested
In the end, if you're not having a lot of fun or investing in a story, you can abandon it. No one is going to punish you for moving on. There is a lot of value in completing a fic- you learn more about storytelling and you get practice. There's also value in moving on if what you're doing just isn't working at all.
That said, it could be a matter of discipline. So it's boring... so what? If you really like the idea but you're bored, work on it anyway. Skip to the scenes that are fun to write. If you're bored because you got stuck on a scene and couldn't figure out how to progress, go back and brainstorm some solutions/alternate paths. Writing is work. Fanfic is a place where you can either flit from idea to idea having 100% fun, or you can practice writing in a serious manner. Maybe the fun is only 25%, but if your goal is to master storytelling, you are certainly practicing. What is your personal goal with fanfic?
I guess that's the best question, to be honest. Do you want to finish fics? Are you willing to put up with some boredom to do so? Or do you just want to have fun with some of your favorite lil guys? Both are valid ways to fic :)
This kinda went all over the place. I hope it was helpful. If there are any points I've made that you'd like me to expand on, just let me know. Personally, I would encourage you to finish ONE fic, no matter the length. Maybe shoot for a super condensed 200 word character study on your favorite character. A simple, but distinct, beginning, middle and end.
Either way, best of luck writing, and thanks for the ask =)
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variousqueerthings · 5 months
Please remain calm while your central nervous system is disabled.
I may be losing a bit of steam, but that could also just be the end of the year blues. but we watched "Oxygen" a couple of weeks back and I remember liking it and also what happened, enough that I think I can rate it... relatively accurately, if a bit more shortly than usual
sexism rank objectification (female character is ogled/harassed/turned into a sex joke by the doctor and/or a lead we’re supposed to root for and/or the camera): 10/10
sexism rank plot-point (lead female character is only there to serve plot, not to have her emotional interiority explored, or given agency to her emotional interiority): 5/10
interesting complex or pointlessly complex (does the complexity serve the narrative or does it just serve to be confusing as a stand-in for smart, this includes visually): 9/10
furthers character and/or lore and/or plot development (broader question that ties into the previous ones, at least two of these, ideally three should be fulfilled): 7/10
companion matters (the companion doesn’t always have to be there, but if the companion is there, can they function without the doctor– and overall per season how often is the companion the focus or POV of the story): 4/10
the doctor is more than just “godlike” (examines the doctor’s flaws and limitations, doesn’t solve a plot by having it revolve entirely around the doctor’s existence): 8/10
doesn’t look down on previous doctor who (by erasing or mocking its importance, by redoing and “bettering” previous beloved plotpoints or characters, etc.): 6/10
isn’t trying to insert hamfisted sexiness (m*ffat famously talked a lot about how dw should be sexier multiple times, he sucks at writing it): 7/10
internal world has consistency (characters have backgrounds, feel rooted in a place with other people, generally feel like they have Lives): 8/10
Politics (how conservative is the story): 7/10
FULL RATING: 71/100 (if I can count….)
I've got no smart words. spooky corpses in this one
OBJECTIFICATION: everyone's wearing the same spacesuit and everyone is pretty equal.
PLOT-POINT: Bill isn't really much of the focus in this episode, but she does overall continue to have some feelings about space around her and the like. also I believe she calls out to her mother right before she thinks she's going to die, which, of course her mum is a bit of a throughline this season
COMPLEXITY: it's quite a neat little plot, which I think I remember comparing to the earlier episode "sleep no more," in which one of my major issues with that episode was that it seemed to just be creepy for the sake of being creepy without knowing quite what to do with anything. this one has a central Theme, which we move towards and so keeps plottwists from seeming kind of pointless
CHARACTERS/LORE/PLOT: at the end of this the doctor is blind. my friend watching this episode didn't like the way that was revealed, feeling it came out of nowhere as a concept, and I don't totally disagree, especially considering where it goes next. I think because I like things to be character-driven, I don't think it tells us enough about how the doctor feels about things, beyond "it's hard to be suddenly blind and people can't know because I've got to keep control of situations" but that's... moooore next episode's Thing than this one, isn't it. stay tuned
beyond that, there's not much explored in character-dynamics, and by that I mean not much explored that holds weight for future episodes. we know the doctor is sacrificial, we know that sometimes it's hard to know what the doctor is thinking, we know it can be scary travelling with them. I think it's that bill has less to do this time around than tag along, which can be fine and I guess as a catalyst for the doctor making that sacrifice... yeah it does work, it's not super egregious, it's just that there's not much new information this episode on the whole
COMPANIONS MATTER: bill, like I said, doesn't reaaally do much other than be there and have a struggle, because her spacesuit is malfunctioning
also, nardole is along for the ride. is it contentious to say I don't enjoy nardole onscreen? I find him to be superfluous and I'm not a massive fan of matt lucas' brand of comedy. he can be good, but it's a m*ffat doctor who show, and I think he had outworn his welcome post husbands of river song. anyway, he also is mainly there to nag
I think that's a thing as well. I feel like it's trying to make nardole the voice of some kind of thematic relevance (or maybe it's not and I'm trying to be gracious) -- the doctor's conscience or something, idk, and it just translates to nagging. nardole isn't even really a character, so he (it?) and the doctor don't have the background to justify the not-really-repartee going on. I mean yeah, technically nardole was there back on darillium, but we never saw that and nardole wasn't much beyond a comic relief character in the episode, so yeah, just doesn't work for me, takes time away from other characters and plots and themes... like bill
“GODLIKE” DOCTOR: the doctor figures out some things bit by bit, and then goes blind. I like a bit of whump. this episode I think it's alright, although I don't feel like I remember it "mattering" sooo much in the end, and exists more as a setup for the next episode
PREVIOUS DOCTOR WHO: nothing much here. a callback, but otherwise this episode exists pretty much on its own
“SEXINESS”: so this is mostly fine... except for fucking nardole, who has a monologue with himself in one scene where he's reminiscing about a fling or something he had with an AI and tries to remember her name and then later randomly remembers her name was Velma, I guess... highly suspect
INTERNAL WORLD: this one is pretty cool. basically yer future capitalism taken to its natural conclusion type story, which is both the core of its setting and its politics. but yeah, station, workers on the station, eventually they go back to earth
I quite like as well that with bill we've had a bit of follow up in a couple of episodes -- so in this one the doctor tells her that there's a revolution of some kind six months later. this doesn't have to mean all good things afterwards, but it's just a sort of "ah yes, this has consequences that we don't see or know the exact outcome of, but it has some consequences." think vs the rebel flesh where I felt there was a teensy bit of "hey wait a second" to where they ended it (which, maybe pedantic, doctor who does that lots, but I'm here to rate on Criteria)
POLITICS: POLITICS! as in we have actual politics, right in yer face anti-capitalism politics. I dunno what else to say on that front, it's solidly saying "capitalism will sell air to you if it thinks it can get away with it, and it will kill you if it favours profit" and you're like... yeah that tracks
on the flipside of things, couple of little tidbits -- I felt kind of. yoooo at the sheer amount of corpses we start with in this one. 36 people are dead at the beginning, and their corpses are wandering around the station, and while we do have some dead people who centre the tragedy onto faces and names, I don't think it was done thaaat well on the whole, beyond the one woman who dies right at the beginning
it's something I was thinking about throughout m*ffat that sometimes worked out okay, but often death feels kind of meaningless, and I don't know what this one did with 36 that couldn't have been done with a few, but a few that were really connected to the other survivors. death does need to matter on this show in my opinion, for the themes to land properly
also slightly leery at the "you're blue" "racist" "lots of my friends are blue-ish" bit. it's just a very lazy nod to the idea of "racism taking on new shapes in the future" without really caring to do more than make it a joke. it's not the worst thing this show has done, it's just kind of badly thought out (also the "blue-ish" part of it... comes from fucking nardole... maybe I've decided to dislike nardole and therefore am looking for nardole things to dislike... sorry to people who enjoy nardole... I will be petty I think)
FULL RATING: 71/100 (if I can count….)
it's a good episode. spooky corpses. I dunno if I'm coming to this realisation late (or if I ever said it before), but I do note that it's not really necessary for every episode to do every thing perfectly. this isn't one of bill's strongest episodes, but it does a lot of other things well and it balances out relatively well for other bill entries
there are some things that could have been scrapped to give bill more space, but on the whole this one is pretty neat. this'll probably be the last of these I manage in 2023 so... on to 2024 for more doctor who (wooo)
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leonawriter · 2 years
I had this idea earlier of Akechi during PQ2 (and bear in mind I still need to go through the full game for full reference/context) - but, him feeling sort of freed by not having the rest of society constantly watching his every move, but also realising he's trapped himself anyway by how the Phantom Thieves know him as the Detective Prince, and he can't slip up in front of them or these other people, so he just... finds some corner of a film and starts hacking away at shadows, just to let off some steam out of sheer frustration.
And then Yu comes along, and he waits for a quiet moment before calling out and still manages to startle Akechi, a gunshot going wide at the last moment, Akechi giving a warning not to sneak up on him.
Akechi assumes that Yu is going to call him out on things that don't add up, or tell him he doesn't trust him, or worse, that he does. Instead, Yu says Akechi somehow reminds him a lot of himself.
Akechi wonders how that could be- surely Yu sees more of himself in someone like Akira? Both of them are the leaders of their groups, who openly use more than one Persona. So unless he's somehow noticed something about him that he shouldn't...
But that isn't it.
What Yu actually brings up is the way Akechi looks when everyone in the Thieves says how this will be their last heist. How he stays apart from everyone but gets drawn in anyway. Yu says - without suggesting anything about Akechi's background - how his own life was, never staying in one place long enough to make friends. How Inaba could have been the same, if it weren't for the murders that brought them together.
Yu admits that at one point, when they thought they'd caught the killer, it was some kid - but a kid who'd almost got them because he'd used Yu's own fear that the bonds he'd made wouldn't last past the crisis.
Akechi asks what this has to do with him, and Yu shrugs. "Naoto hasn't been part of the Investigation Team all that long, but she's still one of us, and she always will be. If you're scared of everything being over, and losing everyone... if you don't reach out, you'll never know if anyone was trying to reach back."
I just. Yu seeing the lonely kid who doesn't want to let go of his new bonds in Akechi, even without realising yet - or consciously - that he's a wildcard himself. And Akechi not knowing what to do with this because it's not like he can outright Say that the thing that's forcing the Phantom Thieves to disband, that'll make them hate him, is him and his own actions.
Part of me also wants Yu to find Akechi post-Royal and, in spite of everything, just greet him as an old friend and ask him how hes doing.
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