#I cant do this anymore guys im gonna go nuts
cosmobrain00 · 10 months
if horror doesnt make u uncomfortable then wht the fuck is even the point
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3416 · 10 months
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are you normal or do you wake up every day and think about this
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girlwiththegreenhat · 7 months
you ever hate on something you've never played/watched/read for what are still moderately good reasons given the circumstances, and then decide to go and play/watch/read the thing just to be fair. just to give it a chance
and then you were not only Right but its Worse Somehow and you're actually just more pissed off now
#liz blogs#vocaloid#this post is about project se\\kai. what a garbage ass replacement of project diva oh my god#i dont care about any of these random ass teenagers why does my vocaloid game have all these other guys in it#why are there 238928934 currencies why does it take so long to unlock new songs its just all too much and so convoluted#i wanted a rhythm game not a rhythm game that takes a backseat to visual novel and gacha game and watch 3298 ads#GET THIS OTHER BULLSHIT OUTTA HERE#i thought rhythm game on a touchscreen was a bad enough idea but i wanted to be FAIR because project diva doesnt get updated anymore#even though that was THE vocaloid game for a fucking decade and they replaced it with hot flaming dogshit oh my god#its just every other fucking mobile game im gonna start biting people#im in my Hater Year but i'm actually fucking right about everything aaaAAAAAAAAA#and look. i didn't play it for too long because it was just too fucking annoying and overwhelming. but it seems like you can only#play x amount of songs in a day before you run out of energy. which you need to Buy#you get more when you level up! it recharges! but it seems that it takes longer and longer to do that#thts the only Complaint i have that i cant actually verify because i would need to play longer and i am Not doing that#but if im right. thats the biggest load of shit of all#just go back to making project diva games. let me pay for the game so i can play interrupted without all this other BS in my face#AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA#the like... two little visual novel bits i saw that Just had vocaloids in them were cute. i will be real with u. but who are these like#six teams of random ass teenagers i dont know and dont care about. why did u put non vocaloids in da vocaloid game. are you nuts#maybe i just need to figure out how to mod project diva cuz at this point lord knows theyre not doing anything else with it#if you wanted to have other characters sega do u know how many Other vocaloids there are. you didnt have to invent random boring teenagers#pullin a fuckin transformers and backseating your Title Characters to a bunch of random ass humans im not here for#except you charlie watson from bumblebee i love you mwah
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moonsidesong · 19 days
just caught up with Your Turn To Die and absolutely adored it the whole way through. it goes unbelievably hard. calling it Danganronpa But Good feels like an insult. but like... yeah what if danganronpa was good? or rather. game that makes me wish danganronpa was good.
it really keeps you on your toes the Entire time, which is why i ended up saving like......... every five to ten minutes, most times. i would say the only slower part is the minigames during chapter 2? but, i thought those were fun, and they were still broken up by plot important stuff, so i really didnt mind.
ive heard the game had a soundtrack release on CD a few years ago, but i cant seem to find much information about it? much less any resell listings. how sad... i love cd...
i wanna talk more in depth from here on out so spoilers under the cut! warning thoughts very disjointed. and i havent seen absolutely Everything the game has to offer yet (havent done any of the side stories, we'll do them soon probably) so if my takes are disproven by anything ive yet to see please do not tell me htank you
first off OHHH MY GODDDD THIS GAME IS SO MUCH LESS CREEPY ABOUT THE MINORS AND ITS SUCH A BREATH OF FRESH AIR COMPARED TO DANGANRONPA. its not perfect, of course, i do not entirely love the jokes(???) about keiji (known grown adult man) going on dates with sara (known teenage girl), but like, this game does not make me feel gross all the time? thank u nankidai for not making your teacher character with a close relationship with one of his former students a groomer! the bare minimum! im gonna hit kodaka with a stick this should not be a point in the game's favor.
anyway! ended chapter 2 with Reko and Sou (shin) alive, ended chapter 3 having lost Reko .. . :( shes my favorite... i was so sad... ranmaru we're not friends anymore/.... you suck... you killed my best girl... we um, did make a grand total of 175 save files though, so at some point me and the friend i played with are gonna go back and scrub through anything and everything that we missed. maybe after we do the side stories though, not sure yet. reko yabusame i swear to god i will crawl into the screen and kill ranmaru myself for you. i will save you. i love you so much mwah
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for years ive only known midori as The Guy That Kids On Danganronpa Discourse Instagram Put Overdramatic Yet Also Somehow Extremely Haphazard Trigger Warnings on every post that included him, so i was really excited to meet him. and boy he did not disappoint this guys NUTS!!! HES CRAZAY!!!!!!!! he has such a perfectly striking look about him. i love how he almost never stops looking straight at you, and how his suit is stark black so it obscures a lot of his shape when he's in the dark, its so cool. they absolutely nailed the atmosphere whenever you're around this guy.
but the first jumpscare when he like reaches out at you from the coffin just kinda made me laugh. me when i get you
also, if you're this far in to care about my opinions on games you probably know that i am Known Danganronpa V3 Hater. i think in particular Kokichi Ouma is way too good of a character for how dogwater the game's actual plot is, and Shin Tsukimi, while not being the same, obviously, scratches that itch of a guy trapped in a death game that spends all his time lying and living under a persona because he's afraid of dying perfectly While Being In A Game That Doesnt Make Me Feel Like Eating Sheet Metal . i love this dude and his ugly several clashing colors outfit. he wants my ass like mega dead right now but thats not important surely
also, i think its sweet that joe and sara are just best friends and they rarely ever even entertain the idea that they had romantic feelings for each other. i think its extra sweet and tragic that joe was able to tell sara he loved her in the end, meaning it as his best friend. and the way the game completely ceases showing you flashbacks of him after that point and just lets the image of the hallucinations replace his actual memory overtime is so good and haunting. this doubled down by the way her memory of him is completely locked up as soon as she starts trying to actually remember the way he really was, its so good.
i think thats all i have to say for now, but umm!!! really really good im excited to go back and fill in the gaps i missed. especially regarding kanna becasue i have a lot of theories about her that i hope im on the right track about #lol. but even if i dont i want to see her i miss her. yaay!!! i love when video games are good. i love you video games.
ill probably make more posts down the line with more thoughts after i let them marinade in my brain for a while... mostly when i have thoughts ive been sending them to the friend im playing with so we can discuss theories together LOL
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eyenaku · 1 year
please tell about pierrot
holy shit this is gonna be maaaaddddd long i love you bryt
oh kay so. if u want easy to digest ver see my pierrot posters but ill go. bonkers and be abnormal and give u so much info under cut except i physically cant write serious tone rn so srry
picture this. it's the 16th century and commedia dell'arte is going nuts in italy everybody loves to watch silly little guys- one of which is the stock character pedrolino!! he doesn't wear a mask (unlinke many commedia characters) and has a loose white outfit, with ruff, cap, and large buttons down the centre of his shirt. he's a naive little guy- he's unlucky in love but it's endearing!! jovial! the youngest character!! pedrolino specifically is comedic and silly and happy!
ok now it's the 18th century and commedia dell'arte starts spreading across western europe. when it hits france, pedrolino becomes pierrot. pierrot being a diminutive of pierre, with -ot acting similarly to the spanish -ito which makes words smaller, often in the context of youth and endearment. in english, his name would be something like "petey" or "little pete". pierrot stays as a silly little guy, still the youngest role and a sideshow comedian, but don't you worry because he quickly becomes the sopping wet sad clown you know and love.
19th century comes along and BOOM. pantomine goes crazy in france and england. ppl cant get enough of watching these silly guys interact. jean-gaspard deburau, a famous mime, creates a rendition of pierrot during his time at the theatre des funambules, which becomes the stereotypical one everyone thinks of when they hear the name. he's pathetic, he's hopefully in love with columbine.
wait what? he's pining?? he's not being silly doing gags anymore? u heard that right folks there's a new storyline and it's a weird love triangle thing sorta kinda?? the melancholy recharacterization came with a new typical storyline of unrequited love between pierrot and columbine (columbine being his wife who is cheating on him with harlequin), though the story varies (sometimes they are not married, sometimes she is married to harlequin, etc). n e ways da general premise is that pierrot loves columbine, columbine loves harlequin, and harlequin loves columbine, so they both long for her affections and pierrot is a sad sopping wet lil bitch boy about it. very silly im love him anyways
oh yea deburau's super duper famous pierrot also switched up his costume- he got rid of the frilly collar/ruff (booooo tomato), gave him a skullcap instead of a hat, and made his blouse n trousers really big n wide-cut. he was no longer crude, timid, lazy, greedy, etc. etc. but rather a POET. a theatre kid. a melodramatic thing.
with pierrot being so intertwined to harlequin, naturally he was a pivotal character in the harlequin-centric "harlequinades", plays popular in england. however pierrot got displaced by the english clown :( dw tho he stayed popular in france
ok late 19th early 20th century. pantomime/commedia dell'arte makes a comeback????! oh em gee. new plays. many books of poems. 1884's pierrot lunaire saga was particularly famous, and was used as lyrics to a full orchestra composition. these poems are generally regarded as the first strong association between pierrot and moon motifs but they were seen before (supposedly around the deburau period) as a way to show he was "over the moon" in love with columbine.
oh yea pierrette also starts to exist during this time period. literally just female pierrot, who's sorta a rival for columbine but sorta not really? she's like. in love with pierrot, who's in love with columbine, who's in love with harlequin. they're all rlly dramatic about it. nobody wins (except columbine and harlequin lmaooo). they're both sad face emoji all the time and super melodramatic real for real.
ok now it's the 1920s. MORE PIERROT RESURGENCE. ppl in the 20s LOOOVEEED pierrot and pierrette. bibleots- french trinkets were super popular and were often pierrot/pierrette motofed, usually with moons. they were figurines, boxes, decanters, bookened, lamps, all sortsa stuff. their designs are a mash-up of all the previous iterations, typicalls looking very much like deburau's version but with a very prominent ruff added (WOOOOOOOO RUFF YAY) the modernism movement (art) has him as a reoccurring subject (picasso and dalí r some famous modernist artist who painted/drew him).
even charlie chaplin was a pierrot- little tramp, his most famous character and what u think of when u think of him was described in his biography as a type of pierrot.
david bowie described himself as a pierrot ! ! ! ! ! TWIGGY PLAYED A PIERRETTE IN HER FIRST MOVIE!! ggrarhhh
21st CENTURY HATSUNE MIKU PIERROT SONG. PIERROT IN FASHION.... pierrot was called a symbol for th epresent during covid...
anyways y yea im a huge fan. im abnormal about pierrot. thas a brief history. mwah kisses xoxo
oh also im making a game rn. commedia inspired. pierrot is in it. hoo ray
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trickstarbrave · 7 months
i dont wanna bug op but like
to the person who rbed from me specifically and posted these tags:
#this is hilarious because dricing the speed limit is not gonna get you hit..#you really think ppl will rear end you because Youre drivimg the speed limit?#do you understand that if you get rear ended it is quite literally always their fault unless they have PROOF#that you intentionally break checked them?#rear end is always the person in backs fault i havent ever heard it ruled another way and thats how my accident was ruled w no investigation#no one will read end you because they know it would ruin their life#theyd be out a car theyd get a ticket and possibly arrested you sue them and then they cant ever replace that car#literally they cant because the used car market is nuts#no one is going to hit you guys like cmon thats the worst excuse ive ever heard#you guys are really so impatient that travelling 20x the speed you could generate on your own is too much??#jesus christ...#this is why i dont make friends this behavior is ridiculous and if i get in a car w someone and their speeding all over#im getting out of the car and were not friends anymore like you dont invite someone in your vehicle and drive unsafe w them
you are correct that getting rear ended is almost always gonna have you ruled as Not At Fault. i actually recently got hit in the rear of my car. cops ruled me not at fault. i had to CHASE DOWN THIS WOMAN'S FUCKING INSURANCE TO GET THEM TO PAY FOR MY CAR. and do you know what they said? they said the car wasn't worth fucking fixing. they said it was totaled. it wasn't even that fucked up. but apparently repairs were FAR beyond what the car was worth despite buying a new vehicle costing WAY MORE THAN THAT. this debacle took literally MONTHS trying to resolve. eventually i had to get my dad involved, go to MY insurance, get the money up to what they determined my fucking car was worth, and then pay for the rest of the repairs out of fucking pocket.
i guess i could have chased this old woman down in small claims court for the fucking difference but 1. i dont think the court would have given a shit and decided its MY problem my vehicle is apparently worth only 1k dollars 2. she's an old woman that only hit me because she had fainted earlier, was trying to show her friend how to back up the car bc her breaks were fucked up, accidentally hit the gas too hard while disoriented, and hit my car. she was already at fault for her friend's medical bills. do you think i wanted to be the bad guy hounding some old woman for fucking money.
also like. it doesn't matter if they are at fault and we are going at the designated highway speed limit of 65-70 mph here. that is going to completely destroy the back of my car, potentially flip my vehicle or at the very least cause me to go off road, and i might actually die. "oh that won't happen grow up--" ive been in a near fatal car accident WITHOUT someone fucking read ending me on the highway. my wheel locked up when i was trying to make a pass and i ended up going off road and crashing into a tree. i was lucky it wasnt me going off road off a fucking mountainside bc those are common here and would have meant absolute certain death. sure they will go to jail for manslaughter but i dont want a pyrrhic fucking victory jackass i wanna live
i have driven the speed limit before. i had ppl up my fucking ass who then pass me and flip me off or deliberately made a point to drive close to the side of my vehicle in a passing lane to intimidate me. "but thats illegal they can't do that" astute observation shithead. do you think when i am worried about Not Dying as someone who has Nearly Died In A Car Accident Before because some jackass has decided killing both of us is a valid response to a mild inconvenience i wanna try and get their fucking license plate and call the cops who will tell me "we'll look into it" and do fucking nothing?
i would really genuinely love to not live in a shit place like this. our car centric infrastructure is also done in a way that de-incentivizes actually going the speed limit for most ppl (did you know ppl slow down if the streets are more narrow naturally? yeah they also speed the fuck up if there are like 7 fucking lanes on this road). people here drive like maniacs. i've also nearly been killed for even dumber reasons than someone deciding to ride my ass down the highway like coming to a complete fucking stop on the highway leading to me having to swerve into 2 other lanes. and i was GOING THE SPEED LIMIT DURING THIS INCIDENT.
"someone might rear end you bc u live in a place with insane ass drivers? yeah right thats illegal, people can't do that!"
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smolsammichowo · 10 months
I think my feelings on people arguing over if AEW or WWE is better is that one scene from the mickey mouse cartoon where Minnie Mouse finds a hat that is just the same hat she's wearing on her head & the group with her is like "oh I dont know maybe you should try it on..." & stuff ,
meanwhile Donald Duck, is like "ITS THE SAME HAT." over & over.
I'm Donald. except instead of hats, its pro wrestling. Its the SAME stuff. Its different companies & different styles of showing off stuff & different people but ITS PRO WRESTLING. ITS THE SAME OVER THE TOP VIOLENT SPORTS THEATER.
And I may say "Oh I perfer this stuff in AEW" or "I like this person in WWE" or "My favorite pro wrestler of all time is in AEW" or "Oh my gosh that match in wwe was the coolest ever!" but I just like them both in the end because they're both pro wrestling. Its more pro wrestling for me to enjoy. Same with other companies like NJPW, Impact/TNA (so happy more cool stuff is coming soon for them!) , Dragon Gate, ROH, and so much more !
I'm not saying "Oh! You dont like that company? Well you're bad!" You're fine to not like it, I'm just refering to the people who are like "Oh this guy who is super big star is signed with this comapny now! This company is trash now! Its gonna fail & die out! Haha!" & people who always focus on view counts and say "LOOK! This airing got a lot of people more watching than this show! They are failing!"
I wouldn't say that's failing. I would say all of that is pro wrestling is doing wonderful !
In the end for me, I just love pro wrestling & I'm just happy that I'm a pro wrestling fan in this age as there is so much content to watch (though a bit TOO much because I cant keep up with the fun madness AAAAA ) And I just find it silly that some people instead of enjoying it are just wishing the downfall of stuff! I
Also one more thing Im happier that tumblr has longer posts than twitter so i could talk about this!
Anyway heres a rant down below because here's a reason why I havent talked about pro wrestling a lot on twitter
I only mentioned on twitter that I dont talk about it much anymore given on twitter the fanbase there is a nightmare and people are scary (seriously compared to ANY fanbase Ive ever been in , sports fanbases especially pro wrestling where people REAAALLLY dont understand the "entertainment" part a lot of the time can be nuts. Especailly a shame given sometimes I really do want to talk about pro wrestling given its one of my all time favorite things & then I got people who just call me things just because my favorite wrestler either hasn't done much, isnt a champion, or isnt in their "favorite company"
Like bruh . If it makes you that miserable to just randomly comment on someones post talking about their favorite person like that why ya a fan . I used to be a huge fan of overwatch , still love the characters (after all i have two characters, one being one of my main online personas ) & such but I dropped the game because it made me miserable & that wasnt good for my mental health which then effect my physical. same with tiktok. I had 55k+ followers on there, that was my biggest following count on any social media site, but I dropped that shit because I was getting physically in pain from headaches from stress & being upset from that place & deleted that app & my account that had that many on there.
Aannnndd this just is exactly why I dont tallk about pro wrestling as much as I used to anymore. That above me happens. I just go off like I did lol . I apologize for that. But yea, I do still wanna do fanart for wrestlers in the future of course! After all they are a huge reason why I got back into art in a really fucked up time when I was younger in the first place .
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you mrs. rebellious and not an alcoholic honey nut cheerio lefty eyebag 😅
Poor you, I bet once you guys come back from Texas, all you would wanna do is take a break hahaha are you guys spending another week away or just a few days?
Sounds Iike it will be a fun and loud new years over there lol does Emily enjoy the fireworks? I used to always get so scared when they do that cone one, and the one the looks like a snake.. I don't know their names 😅
Hm you're going to get drunk? You be careful and not run into any doors or walls or drunk text people lol I'll try that coconut rum with coke. Does it taste a bit sweet then?
Nah, you're just a rebel! See, I asked for 3 scary movies and you gave me more again ahahahaha
I haven't watched knives out yet, but I want to. I also want to watch the glass onion one that came out. They both have good reviews. Also,Rent is a musical 😅 it's about a group of friends who struggle with life in New York.
Hm, that list is good. So you don't really like gory movies? Cause to me, Saw and Wrong Turn movies are just gory. Not really scary. Maybe if you were in their situation lol
Mine would be:
1. Annabelle
2. Any filipino scary movies - I don't know why it hits different but I just can't watch anything that has horror stuff and supernatural stuff based in the Philippines.
3. The Nun
Okay, next question, 3 movies that were rated badly but you actually enjoyed.
Hello hello u long nickname expert righty eyebag! 😅
Also, before i forget again, i wanna respond to what u told me about ur separate account n u start to write.. i forgot to respond to it twice.sorry! 😅
That's awesome that u start writing.. so u write something like incorrect quotes? Is it always funny? Because i always find incorrect quotes r funny n i love it! I know u wont tell me whats ur other tumblr account, but it worth a try, whats the tumblr? 🤭😆
I think it's a good start though n i hope someday u will start to write n i will gladly help u on it. 😊 also, as curious as u r, im wondering if ur other tumblr follow mine too? 😁
Haha i doubt that i can take a break, as soon as we get back, i will have to clean up again.haha. being a mom is endless hour kind of job.hahha. anyway, we will drive back home on 1st afternoon. Thats the plan.
Yeah emily likes fireworks. N the ones we gonna bring is something that really a long one when it blows up.. it's quite a show.. 😅
Hahaha im not sure yet if im gonna get drunk.. u r lucky that i dont know ur tumblr, so u r in clear zone n wont get any of my drunk text 🤣🤣 just kidding. I might reply ur ask in giberish text.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Yes, it's sweeter n it smelles good too. If u like coconut.
Haha yeah i can be a rebel sometimes 😅
Oh gosh, Knives Out is a very awesome movie! It blew my mind. The plot ,twist n turns.. the detail on it. My mind couldnt move on from thinking about it for few days after i watched it. U'll know what u meant after u watch it.. please watch it n let me know.. so i can have somebody to talk about that movie.hahahaha. i havent got the chance to watch glass onion, i plan to watch it as soon as i get the chance. Maybe i will watch it with my cousin. Not sure yet because i cant remember if she is that kind of audience who talks a lot while watching movie or not..i hate it whn people do that. 😅
Ah i see.. im not a fan of musical movies. I dont hate it but not my first choice.
Yesss i cant watch gory movies. I used to love it when i was younger but as i got older i guess my heart gets weaker n cant watch stuff like that. 😅🤣 but here i am writing a dark gory fics.hahaha.
Oh god, ur list of movies r crazy scary for me. I wont ever watch it. When i was still in indonesia, i dont really watch indonesian scary movie..but i watch the hollywood scary movies but since i movef here i dont watch it anymore because i feel like the "ghost" r closer..😅🤣
Hmm for this question i dont know what to answer because i dont really know if the movie i watch r rated poorly or not.hahaha. so i dont know about it. 😁 what about urs?
Next question?
Cheerio! (Not the cereal ones)
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ja3yun · 7 months
okkayyyyyy we're starting off the chapter STRONG. icb they're going at it like rabbits but then again this is hoonyn we're talking about 🤕🤕 LOVE LOVE LOVE YN FOR FINALLY PUTTING HERSELF FIRST?.!:!/! YOU GO BABY GIRL!!!! get that D 😋 & ofc they arent following the rules they set 🤣🤣 wbk tho they're too down bad for eo to actually follow their rules & hoon constantly saying words of affirmation and basically just showering yn w love 🥰 oh we love to see that!
ugh theyre just so cute 🥹 why did have to keep her feelings in check 🤕 went out for dinner 3 nights ago? THAT WAS 3 NIGHTS AGO BBGIRL in fact you should hang out w hoon everyday 🥰🥰 24/7 🤍🤍 FUCK FUCK FUCK SHE ASKED HIM IF HE WANTED TO GO TO HER AWARD CEREMONY FUCKKKKKK WE CHEERED!:!/'sbs I SCREAMED 😝😝😝😝😝 and he REALLY SAID FK HIS PLANS he's going to her award ceremony instead GET U A MAN LIKE THATTT and then he KISSED HER AND THANKED HER FOR LETTING HIM BE A PART OF HER LIFE?!;!:!/ FAWKKK SOMEONE HOLDME I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY R EVERYTHING TO ME!!!!! 😫😫😫😫😫 they r so soft so attached so astronomically down bad for each other i love that for them i want need them to always be this happy together 🙏🏻🙏🏻 and ofc she's gna give him a blowjob 😋
HER CONTACT NAME FOR HOON OMFG?:!/!/! not rina seeing right through them the moment she sees them interact ☠️☠️☠️ no bc mp!hoon is a literal DREAM guy like he may not be the biggest fan of rina bc of that incident but he's willing to set it aside and be at least neutral w her for yn? that is something not everyone can do and what more that hoonyn arent even tgt tgt 🫣 HE SAVED ADDRESSES ASSOCIATED W HER IN HIS GPS?:!:!/ yeap im gone. u lost me. this is my 192837293 time screaming abt them but how can i not when theyre literally that in love w each other 😭😭😭
everytime minhee becomes the sweetest & most caring older brother for yn i get why she tries to keep some distance w hoon and why she feels guilty but i also wish she'd just fk it for once and live HER life 🥺
i love it whenever hoon calls yn baby and esp sweets it rly cld be just me but its the sweetest thing ever 🥹 HE'S SO ENDEARING CHEERING FOR HER LIKE THAT UGH I LOVE THEM SO MUCH (as ive already said for the 1937263783 time 🤕) STOP FIRST THEY TAKE THE CUTEST PHOTOS TOGETHER AND THEN THEY SAID F THE NO LABELS?:!:!: i used to PRAY for moments like this THEYRE FINALLY TGT TGT 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 though its hush hush but a win is still a WIN 🏆
the "are you gonna stare or are you gonna fuck your girlfriend" is a crazy ass thing to say & hoon is stronger than me bc if i were a guy and i were hoon id nut right then and there. sorry not sorry 🤕 AND THEN SHE PROCEEDS TO LET HIM HIT HER RAW TO FURTHER THEIR CONNECTION?/!:&/ when ure in a which couple is most in love with each other competition and hoonyn r ur competitors. theyre immediately taking the crown soz i dont make the rules 🏆🏆🏆🏆 & then their confession to each other after everything >>>>
aj i get what u mean now this chapter is my favourite as well omfg. I JUST LOVE HOW U PORTRAY HOONYN LIKE 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 they fit each other perfectly like puzzle pieces 🧩 literally made for each other 😫😫😫 I LOVE HOW U GAVE US AN ENTIRE CHAPTER OF JUST HOONYN FLUFF AND SMUT LIKE THANK YOU FOR UR SERVICE <33333 i really love melting point sososososoooo much i feel like i can never thank u enough for sharing this masterpiece with us all i always look forward to fridays so i can catch the new update 😆😆 but im also lowkey scared for the upcoming chapters bc idk how minhee will react when he finds out? or when yn confesses? but i know hoon will be w her no matter what so its all good 😫🙏🏻
happy weekend <3 sorry if i yap too much i get excited whenever i read a fic that is long and HITS HARD
starting off the chapter with a sex scene was a risk i was willing to take icl. if i was yn i would also be fucking hoon any chance i got, i think it's realistic lmao.
sunghoon is the standard now when it comes to men bc he literally lays the world at her feet and i'll accept nothing less now 😮‍💨 i'm so happy they're finally together like i felt like it came around so fast but also not fast enough.
thank you so much for reading and coming to talk to me about it! i love when i can see people truly enjoying the fic, i'm super glad you are! ilysm and i cant wait for you to resd next week <3
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tigerdrop · 3 years
in lieu of doing more strenuous hand-based activities heres the Dogboy Gordon In Heat Megamix ive been talking about. i wrote this over the course of a couple months in an effort to feel okay about writing horny shit again and i only just realized there are nearly 6 thousand words here. and they only really fuck for like 10% of that
ive thought a lot about gordon being stuck back at gordonhouse after getting kicked out of barneyhouse. i think its ripe for a lot of pining. (and yes, he is pining over the guy hes actively banging. hes being a big mopey idiot over the fact that he doesnt get to have his fuckbuddy around 24/7.) absence makes the heart grow fonder or whatever and gordons already at a baseline of "wheres benrey. wheres benrey"......and now i am about to turn it up to 11
so lets say......gordons starting to feel weirdly under the weather. sweaty and irritable and tired. hes holing himself up in his room a lot, wrapping himself up in blankets to fight off a chill and a sniffliness that wont go away. and hes gettin awfully moody, too. real fuckin testy. starting shit with freemind for no reason and snapping at og gordon like hes a teenager. and......hes nesting, almost, or at least, gathering up a whole bunch of blankets and pillows and anything that smells vaguely like benrey. (hes not really aware hes doing this last thing.)
basically, long story short, feetman is fucked up. hes pathetic. hes being a huge bitch. at least og gordon feels vaguely sorry for him, and expresses this by way of observing him and trying to treat it. for science. its better than freemind, who just loudly complains about him being a huge bitch and reeking up the place. theres something weird coming from vr gordons corner of the house.....a musky, heady, hormonal kind of thing that makes freemind act simultaneously territorial and irritable and more lascivious than normal. and that also piques og gordons attention, because having both of them be wound up little freaks at the same time is enough to make even the most resilient person pull their hair out
now gordon primes got his suspicions as to whats going on, but hes not gonna tell vr gordon that he suspects hes going into heat. that would compromise the experiment, and all that. so poor gordons just going thru all this shit not knowing what in the fuck is wrong with him and getting more worked up and irritable about it by the day. hes convinced that hes just got the flu, or something......except, uh, haha, jesus christ he is horny all the FUCKING TIME
he doesnt get it! he feels like shit all the time, so why is he constantly fighting off boners and having weird wet dreams and thinking about-- well. his fucking boyfriend, he guesses. (are they boyfriends?? he doesnt know. he gets a weird, sharp pang when he thinks about them not being boyfriends, at this point, but its not like theyve ever talked about it!) gordons half-convinced that hes just losing his mind from being stuck inside all the time and he really just wants to see benrey again. its, like, all he thinks about. (see? hes losing it. theres the proof.)
the sucks thing for everybody else is that gordon is also Extremely Vocal about how shitty he feels and how much he wishes he didnt feel shitty so he could go see benrey and how much he cant stand benrey for not being able to read his mind and come over when he feels bad. eventually freemind gets so sick of his shit that he decides to cut out the middleman and get benrey involved directly. "come take care of your fucking dog before i call the aspca! animal neglect is a crime, asshole!"
(if pressed, freemind would adamantly reject the idea that hes being nice to gordon. but on some level, hes kinda sympathetic. the guys clearly miserable, and he just keeps asking for the same fucking thing. might as well humor him to shut him up.)
vr gordon is completely unaware of these machinations, however. hes just holed up in his room trying to work out what makes him feel better because, uhh, powerade isnt helping
jacking off doesnt do a whole lot for him anymore. like, it feels good, but its not very satisfying. gordon just ends up feeling more restless than anything afterward. and hes always stupid horny. more blankets. a box fan. less blankets. sleeping with one of benreys shirts pressed up to his face. grinding into his pillow when he wakes up hard from yet another weird dream. theyre all a little helpful, and he feels like hes working towards the right thing, somehow, but its never really enough to take the edge off
and then.....he tries......jerking off more. especially when he realizes that its bizarrely soothing to do so while he can smell benrey up close and personal on that stupid shirt of his. better still when he rolls onto his side.....and then his stomach.......rocking his hips into the mattress until he gets the idea to lift his hips a little. and......oh. cool. something kind of......clicks. in his head. as he raises his hips higher while he keeps his arms wrapped around a pillow and benreys shirt jammed against his nose. hes got that lil moment of realization that this is good, actually. this feels like a good move. and its making some of that discomfort melt away
and gordon thinks about.....how it felt. earlier. when they were with barmey. and benrey had him just like this, ass up, face down, and was spreading him apart and licking him open and making him submit and he groans so fucking hard that embarassment just rips through him like lightning. but his tail starting to wag a little faster.....electricity shooting through his belly......and he cant help but wonder. what if benrey had kept going? pulled back and-- maybe, replaced his tongue with his fingers, one at a time, curling them inside him and telling him how well hes behaving and-- and his dick throbs, hard, and gordon realizes he wants fingers inside of himself right fucking now, thank you, hes not fully certain how to accomplish it be he is going to fucking try
(sigh) so my guy figures out about the old fingers in the ass trick. and i need you to understand that i am fully convinced that this is one of those guys who has an uproarious reaction to getting fingers in his ass. mr repressed and uptight over here doesnt really get what the big deal is until he gets braver and pushes a little deeper and hes rock hard in an instant, goodbye, just like everybodys favorite creative writing exercise
and this is what he decides to do for a solid day or two without leaving his room, because, honestly, this is awesome. and the longer he spends jerking off the less time he spends stressing about the fact that his imaginations getting really vivid, here. sure, like, hes no stranger to weird dreams even before this, but this is the first time hes really letting his mind run wild and this dude is nonstop thinking about being bred and gordon still has no fucking idea that hes in heat. doesnt even occur to him
unfortunately this also does not solve his problems but at least it feels baller and it keeps him occupied. also, unfortunately, the increased rate of jerking off is causing a serious uptick in Dog Smells, the effect of which is turning freemind into a nightmare. its just not good vibes in this house. enter: benrey
now i need you to understand that when these two meet up again i want gordon to get Emotional. think about how genuinely excited he gets to see some of his pals in canon. the like......excitement and disbelief when benrey shows up outside his window throwing rocks at it before noclipping in. he forgets to even act pissed off at first. i think it would be super fucking cute for him to drop the game for a moment just out of shock, basically. his tails waggin, his ears are perked up, and hed probably tackle benrey to the ground if he wasnt also a sweaty, trembling mess whos been holed up in his room for days.
and benrey has No Fucking Idea what he has walked in on here. as far as benrey knows, freemind just demanded he get over there and take care of his dog.
(INTERLUDE: here is the part where i gin up a freemind POV of this exact scene. b/c i am out of my fucking mind
so. i had the thought of a freemind POV chapter where hes spying on gordon and benrey.....because. gordons in heat. ive talked about that scenario before too (literally so many FUCKING times okay i just need this dude to have the uncontrollable urge to be bred like a little bitch! and for benrey to take pity on him and make him feel better by nutting in him literally as many times as is physically possible!!!)
but i wanna manifest it in this specific way: from an outside perspective. voyeurism is great and also i have a one track mind and basically the only time i traffic in Other Guys in this fandom anymore is as a participant in gordon and benreys horse shit. Im not apologizing for this
lets say.....vr gordons behavior has been getting worse and worse for "unknown reasons" and freeman prime just sees it as a key observational opportunity for his research. while freeminds getting really irritated at how much its cutting into his normal way of life. for one thing, vr gordons room reeks, and he cant even escape it in his own room! and its turning him into a feisty, aggressive, and loud son of a bitch. but he cant even resolve it in his usual fashion at this point (baiting vr gordon into another competition/fuckfest) b/c gordons being a little sadsack holed up in his room and doesnt wanna play
but also.....he kinda just feels bad for the guy at a certain point. hes clearly really miserable and looks downright ill and all hes asking for is to see his boytoy again. (gordons convinced that hes dying, and feels the need to dramatically speak to benrey one last time before he croaks.) so freemind decides, in all his benevolence, to go over gordon primes head and drag the guy over there anyway. (with machinations, not his literal bare hands. what is he, a caveman?) he reasons that itll be a good opportunity to twist gordons arm into groveling at his feet later
and he spies on the two of them in gordons room.....why? idk. possibly something to do with investigating this relationship between a gordon and a barney that he had yet to fully analyze. tl;dr he gets trapped in their closet for a remix of that one barmey voyeurism chapter b/c why the fuck not
i just.....i dont know.....i think theres something really charming about a 3rd party not being able to fully make out what theyre saying or doing but piecing things together anyway.....like benreys weirdly soft tone of voice when hes talking to a super agitated gordon. as far as any of them know, hes not really like that. he either sounds bored or smug, but either way, its usually straight-up antagonistic
it would make freemind bristle to hear it b/c its almost a mocking tone, but.....it makes gordons shoulders drop and gets him to let go of some of that tension and thats probably fascinating to watch. literally soothing him like a stressed out dog, huh. smoothing back his hair and murmuring things in a low, even tone that freeminds enhanced hearing still isnt good enough to make out. (the guy mumbles, okay? he needs a fucking toastmasters meetup.)
it would equal parts horrify and fascinate freemind, in my onion. watching a version of himself fall that hard into the loyal pet role.....its pathetic! for all that gordon goes on about not being a slave to his instinct or whatever, he sure is doing a bad job of acting like it! its like watching himself, but worse.
and benreys having to soothe him like a startled animal b/c he doesnt even know whats wrong with himself, but theres something thick enough on the air that even benrey can smell it, and hes taking some stabs at the dark. especially with how charged some of the shit gordons saying is......"i cant fucking take it anymore", "you smell so good", "i dont know whats wrong with me, man, my dick hasnt gone down for days and im pretty sure i need a doctor-- no, a real one, not the other gor-- NOT a vet, JESUS"
and the whole time.....freeminds peeking from behind a closet door. watching them devolve from outright hostility into "gordon climbing into benreys lap and shoving one of benreys hands up his shirt and demanding that he fucking touch him already"
normally i dont think freemind would be averse to a little bit of voyeurism, here. if it was anybody else, hed probably at least engage in a little heavy petting. but this is getting weird, man. he cant shake the uncanny feeling that this is something too intimate for him to be watching. for one thing, gordons whimpering like a goddamn dog just from a little necking, and for two, hes never really been the kind of guy to watch people make out for 15 minutes before they get to the good stuff
its just kind of unsettling how much these two clearly really, really like each other at this point. its not like watching gordon prime give vr gordon a handjob as part of a "test". freemind expected more of a hatefuck kind of deal out of these two, what with how often gordons normally going on about how much he hates the guy, what a pain in the ass benrey is, how he just wishes benrey would stop jerking him around.....etc. freemind could shit himself right now. that lying bitch!
i imagine its also kind of painful, on a personal level, for him to watch this borderline-sappy shit. he cant even fathom being on the receiving end of that behavior, let alone from......well. theyve all got their barneys, right? and gordon primes basically doomed himself to incel status b/c he wont nut up and do anything about it. freemind just assumed they were all in the same boat: cursed to casual sex with their roommates/clones, forever, and unable to achieve any kind of intimacy b/c all 3 gordons are fucked up in the exact same way. since theyre all just diff flavors of the same fucking guy, right?
well, theres the evidence that hes wrong. and that vr gordons better than him, somehow. thats gotta suck, bro
anyway then he watches vr gordon get railed in the ass a bunch and jerks off anyway b/c its still hot. see ya)
“take care of your dog”. huh. hes got no clue what that means but, yknow, he does kinda miss his dog. hasnt seen gordon in awhile. and he immediately comments "wow. you look fucked up" in as blunt and unsympathetic a way as possible. but gordons so far gone that he cant even work up a good anger about it. he is pretty fucked up, man. and benrey sits on the bed and slaps his forehead with a palm to take his temperature (and that gets gordon to bitch at him, finally, that thats not how you do it, asshole) and judges that, uh, he is hot. in his expert opinion
and thats when gordon kinda grabs his sleeve and tugs it and starts tryin to say something. hes really bad at it, because he is having to perform the mortifying task of Owning Up To It, but eventually he manages to grind out that he needs benrey to touch him, please. just pet him. something. he feels really bad and he just needs benrey to scratch his fucking ears. this is the most gordon can cop to in one go, and it is such a sad struggle to watch, but benreys caught off guard by it and he feels weirdly bad for gordon upon hearing it so  hes just like "whoa, okay" when gordon tugs his hand to his head
gordon groans the moment his fingernails start scratching behind the ears and digging into his scalp. even just that much feels really fucking good. its comforting, for one thing, and its benrey, for another, and the physical touch feels so fucking good right now that goosebumps are crawling down his neck. gordon cant help but lean against benrey and bury his head in the crook of his shoulder. he wants to hide his face from scrutiny and he wants to get closer but he doesnt know how to say what his fucking problem is
and benreys weirdly quiet. just kinda mumbling and shushing him intermittently, awkward and not sure what to do b/c this is a level of intimacy he was not expecting but gordons sure is responding nicely to a second hand in his hair
so having both of benreys hands scratching at his scalp is really getting to gordon. hes scritchin behind the ears and gordons tails wagging at a mile a minute. the feelings making goosebumps race down his neck and arms. he starts kind of mumbling something into benreys shoulder, how hes been feeling so fucked up lately, and he squirms a little closer. hes not really aiming for anywhere in particular but every neuron thats firing in him right now is telling him to get closer. make contact. he missed the fucking guy, what can he say.
and one of benreys hands......slips down to gordons face. his jaw. a thumb pushing into that soft little divot between his jaw and neck, like hes trying to push up into gordons fucking teeth. its weird and bizarrely intrusive, but benreys hand is broad and warm and gordon leans into it anyway, groaning with relief. its not like its not doing anything for him. kind of the opposite, actually. then he palms at gordons neck, and gordon starts breathing harder. he can feel his heartbeat rabbit-fast, pushing against benreys skin (and theres no way benrey isnt feeling that, too).
benrey eyes are lidded and his breaths starting to get heavier, too. naturally, yknow, since gordons practically draped over him right now, melting all the more the longer benrey keeps petting him. oxytocin is crazy, man, especially when a guys in the full throes of some kind of chemical meltdown of the glands. gordons eyes are screwed shut, tail thumping furiously against the bed, and hes panting at benreys neck like hes a fucking dog.  he just doesnt know how to articulate what the fuck his problem is
benrey smells insanely good to him right now, and gordon just blurts that out. benrey gives him some shit for it, but when gordon only makes a weird noise in response and fists his hands in benreys hoodie, it makes him shut up real quick. hes squeezing out words about feeling like he needs something, but its clearly a fucking effort. its almost pitiful
so. gordons crawled right into benreys lap, too impatient after days and days of feeling like this (you know, being in heat, in so many words). hes been pounding off like crazy, that brand new collar of his strapped to his neck nearly every time b/c hes that desperate to feel… well. *benrey*. he cant fucking jerk off to thoughts of anything else - porn doesnt do it for him, and his fantasies slip right back to the same thing every single time. its frustrating! hes bisexual, for gods sake! its not like hes normally immune to the wiles of the Phat Ass White Girl, but lately he just keeps ending up on his hands and knees and whining benreys name into his pillow and he couldnt focus on a girls rack if he tried
point being. hes being awfully fucking demanding. (and also, hes wearing the collar *right fucking now)*. he shoves benreys hand up his shirt and shivers the moment he makes contact with gordons burning-hot flesh. and hes demanding that benrey touch him already, jesus, hes losing his mind! and benreys just crooning at him, “bossy, huh,” but hes scritching gordons ears and palming at his side and nosing at gordons neck and gordon starts to feel like hes melting into it. his protests at being talked down to are perfunctory at best
benrey licks a stripe up gordons neck and starts muttering his stupid horseshit right in gordons ear and it makes gordon clutch his shoulders so tight, claws digging into the meat of him. benreys kind of into it, though, and it just makes him laugh, low and harsh and right in gordons ear. that just makes gordons problem worse. he lets out quiet, nasal whines on every exhale, like a literal fucking dog.
he starts teasing, like, “haha, you’re *gagging* for it, bro,” but gordon doesnt respond with the defensiveness he expects. instead, its like opening a floodgate - he is, hes fucking *desperate*, okay, his dick hasnt gone down in days and he wants benrey so bad he cant see straight and he cant stop thinking about him and all of this comes tumbling out of him at once. gordons trying to press himself as close to benrey as he can physically get, legs straddling benreys lap and arms clutched tight around his back. and when benrey prods a little more, tells gordon to say what hes been thinkin about, gordon starts to pant, squeezing his eyes shut. but he cant bring himself to do anything more than choke and stutter on the words
hes half-hard in his underwear already (and, lets be be clear, he was only in boxer briefs and a tank top to begin with. hes sweating buckets and its the least amount of clothing he could get away with wearing around the house) and his tails thumping a mile a minute and hes so far gone, just from benrey talking down to him and kissing his neck and scratching his ears. but hes not budging yet, so benrey slides that hand on his ears over to his ponytail and *yanks*. tells him, “speak.” gordons dick twitches rapidly, and he lets out a sharp sound, and he finally says it: he needs benrey to *fuck* him, jesus
benrey lets out a harsh breath at that. “yeah? thats what puppy wants?” and the nickname should blister him, make him feel to embarrassed to continue, but gordons too desperate to care. he just starts spewing a litany of “god yes”s and “please”s. hes getting harder and harder, pressed up against benreys belly, and benrey can *feel* it. “good boy,” he mutters, and those claws dig harder, that panting gets louder and harsher
he slips a hand around to gordons back, rubbing slowly for a moment as if to soothe him, and then slides it under the back of gordons boxers. and lower still. starts rubbing at gordons hole. that gets a quiet “oh god” out of gordon.
gordon cant help himself - he rocks forward against benrey, just a little, rubbing his bulge against what he realizes is benreys *extremely* hard dick in his sweatpants. hes not the only one whos got it bad. but he *is* the only one whispering, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” as benrey pushes a little further, makes as if hes about to breach gordon dry. the poor guys so needy that he probably wouldnt even argue!
but benrey just stares at him, wide eyed and flushed, mouth hanging open a little. gordons so hot for this that it surprises the both of them.
anyway after some boring position finagling benrey coaxes gordon onto his hands and knees, running a broad hand down gordons shaking back. and he pulls back gordons tail, exposing him. its so fucking humiliating - gordons got his face buried in a pillow, and his ass in the air, and hes never felt so *vulnerable* before. he wants to argue, he wants to lift his head and look back to make sure that everythings, like, okay back there - benreys staring at his entire asshole, okay, and he wasnt exactly anticipating benrey making a house call to fuck him in the ass - but every time he lifts his head, or starts to say something neurotic about it, benrey chides him about it. clicks his tongue. tells him, “hey. dogs dont talk” or “i said *bow*, bro”.
for all his insisting that hes a real guy, that hes not just a dog, gordons feeling less and less like a human and more like something in thrall to his instincts. the condescension rankles like it always does, but doing what benrey tells him to feels good. feels natural. presenting himself like this feels like what hes *supposed* to do. it doesnt stop him from running his mouth entirely, but it helps to mitigate some of the embarrassment.
and then… benrey *licks*. gordon tenses and gasps. he doesnt know how benrey can stand it, its gotta be, like, unhygienic! but that didnt scare him off the last time they tried this, and its not like gordon hasnt thought about it since. hes thought about it a lot, actually. but hes been too neurotic to ask for it. benreys not stupid, though. hes a good dog owner (at least, so he thinks) and hes gonna take care of his dog. so he licks again, and again, pressing a little harder against gordons hole on each pass with the broad side of his tongue until he dares to breach it with the tip.
gordons rock hard again in an instant. his dick hangs between his legs and drips onto the sheets. he digs his fingers into the pillow now, tearing holes in its surface with those sharp nails of his, and he makes embarrassingly high noises that he muffles into into the pillow, too. hes tense, hes so fucking tense, he should be clamping down and making benreys task really fucking hard, but theres bright pink sweet voice dripping from his hole and benreys rubbing the side of his thigh in an effort to soothe him and both of these things work in tandem to get him to relax. and benrey works his tongue in further, further than a human ought to.
the tip was one thing, but it gets wider as benrey pushes it in, and its just as good as it was before - better, even, because now its just the two of them, just a master and his dog, and benreys the only one he wants to see him like this. bent over and whimpering. he cant— he cant stomach the thought of anybody else doing this to him. hell, there was a point once where the idea of stomaching *benrey* doing this to him would have made him laugh. but here he is. benreys fucking him open with his tongue and pressing against something thats making him see stars and gordon just wants *more*. he says it so sweet, too, voice growing hoarse and raw as he begs benrey to just fucking do it already, he doesnt wanna come like this!
gordon gets so worked up and emotional about it that benrey takes the time to scratch behind his ears again, shushing him and telling him to chill. benreys got him. hes been a good dog, and good dogs get treats. hearing the words “good dog” makes gordons entire body flush. thats all he wants, really. he wants to be a good dog. he wants to be *told*. he blurts out, “oh my god— say it again,” and benreys like, “huh? say what? youre gonna have to be more specific,” clicking the last syllable. it makes all the hairs on gordons head rise and prickle with shame. the best he can do is mumble it into his pillow.
benrey hears it, though, and tugs at gordons collar from behind, just enough to raise his head. “whassat? you want me to call you a good boy?” gordon cant bring himself to answer that directly, but his stupid body betrays him by making him whine. jesus christ, yes, thats all he WANTS! he needs benrey to be good and nice to him for once in his fucking life and give him what he wants instead of taking, taking, taking! but benrey just tells him that hes gonna have to earn it. gonna have to be *real* good for him. gordon could fucking snarl at that, but benreys pulling back to rub his dick between gordons cheeks and against his hole and that shuts him up pretty fast because hes *so close* to getting what he wants and hes not about to fuck it up now by running his big dumb mouth
and then… he starts to push in. that sweet voice has loosened gordon up enough to take even benrey, who, uh, is definitely the bigger of the two, in that regard. he goes slow, uncharacteristically so, and gordons chest heaves with the force of how hard hes breathing. a quiet string of “oh god”s spills out of him as he tries to crane his neck back to watch. the head breaches him with a strange popping sensation, and benrey groans, loud, as the rest of him slides in with little resistance in comparison. “good,” he pants in turn, “youre takin it so good,” and—
and gordon comes, in weak, aborted spurts. it snuck up on him. he clenches so fucking tightly that it winds benrey a little. he breathes out, “whoa. did you—” but gordon just begs him to shut up, keep going, hes not— hes not done yet, its always like this, its not *enough*. his dick barely even flags afterward, it just hangs there, achingly hard and dripping with cum. benrey cant even find it in himself to make fun of him. he wants it so fucking bad, doesnt he? and he feels so good, so fucking tight and slick around benrey that the only thought running through his head is “gotta take care of my dog gotta fuck my best friend gotta nut in him and make him howl”. so he pushes himself alllll the way in until theyre pressed together, skin to skin.
then he starts to move. slow, careful thrusts, more for benreys benefit than gordons. if hes not careful, hes gonna blow his load, right then and there, and hes trying to make it good for gordon, too, okay? unlike *some* of them, hes not gonna bust in two minutes and then spend the next half hour crying and trauma-dumping to the guy hes still got his dick inside of.
once he thinks hes got a grip, though, benrey starts fucking him in earnest, and that changes gordons vocalizations from weak little whimpers into something louder. less restrained. hes given up any pretense of being quiet so that his other selves dont hear that hes snuck his boytoy into his room. just loud, wordless moans on each thrust, initially muffled into the pillow but soon spilling into the wider room when he turns his head to catch his breath. the only words hes managing are “oh god” and “please” and “benrey, benrey, *benrey*”, and benrey just responds to him like, “yeah? thats good? fuuuck, bro, so good for me,” all short of breath and barely able to speak himself
he wants to see gordons face. he *needs* to see gordons face. needs to see what hes doing to him, needs to see that cute fuckin blush of his. so he tugs on gordons collar again, bringing him to his hands and knees properly instead of that bowing position. and then further still - pulls him back so that benreys on his knees, and gordons on his knees in turn, on his lap, cock still buried inside of him and fucking him in short, hurried thrusts. “paws up,” benrey tells him, and gordon does it. instantly. no resistance. just folds them at his chest like a real dog would.
“whos a good boy?” benrey croons, right in his ear again. gordon gasps, “i-i am!”
“yeah? youre a good boy?” nod, wail. “whose— whose good boy are you?”
and gordon chokes on his response. he cant say it, he *cant*, he doesnt want to be benreys but he does, he *does*. he doesnt want to be benreys because its not fucking fair! he cares so fucking much! so much more than benrey does, it feels like, obsessing over the guy like hes wrapped thorny vines all around gordons heart and he cant so much as shift in his seat without feeling the tug and the ache and thinking of benrey again. and benrey doesnt care, he never fucking cares, except—
except he showed up at gordons house, in his room. without even being asked. like he knew something was wrong. and he— hes always talking to gordon, shooting him stupid texts just to make him laugh. scheduling *date nights* for them. date nights where, yeah, maybe they couldnt see each other in person, and maybe they always end in some kind of depraved sexual act, but its not like gordons not into it. hes frighteningly into it, actually. and hes *so* into hearing benreys voice, low and crooning, right in his ear, and seeing him lean on an elbow and smile at him afterward. its— its practically genuine. and benreys always making excuses to talk with him, do things with him, watch stupid fucking movies that only gordon cares about and stream with him on twitch to help boost his subscriber count and—
oh god. maybe he *does* care. that might be more terrifying than the alternative.
then benrey yanks the collar again. presses the whole of gordons back against his front in one hot, unbroken line. and asks, “i said, whose good boy are you, bro? *speak.*”
“benrey,” he blurts out, a ragged moan, “d-dont make me sa-AY it, oh god—”
“no?” benrey stills suddenly. his hands keep gordon stuck in place, unable to move or bounce or feel benrey shift inside of him. “thats, uh… thats too bad, friend. this trains for good boys only. good dogs go to heaven 2. no bad dogs allowed. gonna have to, uhh, escort you off—”
“im not a bad dog!”
“i dunno, gordo. bein’ kind of, uh… disobedient.”
(sorry. thats all i got . byeeee)
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tohokuu · 3 years
for hard hours (mostly yunho surprise surprise) ^^
- if yunho had EVER found out you had a hand kink (as in, not telling him before hand, he just slowly started to pick up on your stares or how you would play with his fingers) oh my god. teasing little shit. if he wanted to make you flustered, he'd pull you close and just lightly run his fingertips along your jaw and the side of your neck, being able to feel as you tensed underneath him.
- i rarely have any wooyoung thoughts but recently,, woo being absolutely pussy drunk has me reeling. like more than "fuck... feel so good around me," like he is WHINING and MOANING HIGHLY because of how good it feels to have you wrapped around him. heavy breathing as he leans over your body, trapping you between him and whatever surface he had you on top of. bonus points if you kiss his sensitive neck during cause he would probably lose rhythm then and there.
- idk how much of a hard thought this is but hongjoong sampling one of your moans from a tape you two took and using it as an adlib in one of their songs🚶‍♀like its not noticeable enough to raise any questions from listeners but once he told you, you felt so embarrassed but he was like "my baby sounds so pretty, how could i not show our fans?" you would get all shy whenever that song came on, knowing its contents and hongjoong would think it's the cutest thing, almost wanting to do it again just to see how shy he can make you
- san just fucking toying with you and being a little shit has been on the brain. like youre BEGGING underneath him for anything and he's acting absolutely oblivious. he has many things to offer, but all he gives for the longest time is a shit eating grin and delicate hands on your hips until he feels you deserve more (as if he wasnt gonna cave anyways)
- mingi just being so gentle with you :( he knows exactly what you need emotionally and physically to feel better and hes willing to travel miles to make sure you get it. whether it be fucking you like an animal in heat or cleaning your body in a warm, shared bath (or maybe both); he's there to give it to you :(
- #1 yunho thinker right here SO i feel like if yunho has a size kink its not like "i HAVE to be physically larger" its more so the idea of it? like if he can hover over you in bed and feel larger than you, that gets him going just as much, maybe even more knowing that someone not that much smaller than him can look so tiny in other settings ANYWAYS LOL he'd love to see his partner bounce on him :( like theyre trying so hard to take all of him and he's just praising them and praising them and trying to help as much as he can and he just hfjkshgbsjgk he loves watching as you try to take control, knowing full well that he can just flip you both over and you wouldnt have a single protest.
okay im stopping here😃
the first yuyu one reminds me of the way i was wrestling one of my guy friends the other day. we would intertwine our fingers and try to push each other back but i was literally not making any fucking progress bc he was just so strong and i can just imagine yunnie playing games like this with you to make you all flustered and then pin you to the wall when he's finally won.
AND NO FR. IMAGINE WOOYOUNG CRYING BC YOUR PUSSY IS SO GOOD. he gets all sensitive when you touch his tip, downright about to start sobbing bc he cant take the pressure on his tip anymore. all he wants to do is fuck you stupid for teasing but now HE'S gone dumb and stupid and he's so ashamed of himself that he cries bc it's just so good to be inside you.
ANY BYE THE HJ USING UR MOANS IN A SONG IS SUCH A VIBE. like he'll purposely play the song sometimes just to make you all shy and when he finally has you all shy and shocked for him, he'll be like "aw, baby, what's got you all bothered ?" like he's not the one responsible
SAN WOULD JUST LOOK AND STARE AT YOU WITH A STUPID SMIRK LIKE HE'S NOT RUINING YOUR LIFE RN. he'd run his fingers over your lower lips but nowhere that would give you any kind of relief. he does it ONLY to piss you off and when he gives in, he needs your praise
I HAVE IMAGINED YUNNIE BEING IN BETWEEN MY LEGS FAR TOO MANY TIMES THAN I CAN COUNT NOW AND IT'S NOT HEALTHY ANYMORE. i need to stop, bc he'll moan right into your cunt and when you can't take it anymore, he'll keep your legs apart with his and stick his tongue deep inside you while your clit bumps with the tip of his nose
AND MINGI :(((( HE'S SO CUTE. BESTEST BOY AND HE ONLY WANTS THE BEST FOR YOU :((( he'd take a feel of everything happening before he settles his cock in you, going at the speed you need and making sure you're losing your mind in pleasure either way
i know we have readers and content creators of all sizes here so im so glad you included the idea of FEELING smaller and not actually being smaller ! but i am 5'2 i'm like a foot smaller than him- BUT ANYWAY he just gets so hirny thinking about how he can cage you in his arms and fuck you stupid like youre nothing compared to him. gets him going sm :(((
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You're still doing TF NSFW headcanons? Then could do some for one of, or all of, the TFA dinobots?
I will pretty much ALWAYS be doing lemon headcanons?? Again, you guys can ask ne for whatever you fucking want??? Unless its money because im a broke bitch. Anyway off we go!
Grimlock is big and powerful and he KNOWS it. If your his, he'll punch a fucker just for trying.
Having said that, he's never gonna share you. So no threeways or orgies for you my friend. You like Grimlock best, why would you need anyone else?
Expect to not use your feet so much. Grimlock LOVES carrying you, dino or robot mode.
Watch out if you flirt with him in public, hes combustible.
Is down to kiss 24/7. You cant find Grimlock? Just yell "Who wants kisses?!" And he'll tear down forests to get to you.
Having said this, dont talk to him like hes a pet. He's strong, powerful dino! Not pet!!
He loves it when you guys do it in front of others. It boosts his ego as the alpha of the group.
He's rather primitive in his fragging, so doggy ends up being his particularly favorite position.
Is a growly boy. Will snarl in your ear while giving it to you from behind.
Also expect bites and scratches. Lots of them.
You want the perfect fragging session? Play hunter and prey with him. You make him run after you, every step he takes is arousing. Be ready to be tackled then aggressively fucked.
Just because he's not eloquent, doesn't mean he can't dirty talk to you. Expect phrases like, "Grimlock own you." "Grimlock love fragging you" and "Grimlock love how tight mate gets when taking Grimlock's spike!"
Expect fights to break out over you. Its inevitable.
Grimlock feels loved when you tend to his wounds and scratch his helm.
Grimlock purrs. Loudly, like a sports car engine. It makes it fun when he puts his face in between your legs. You dont need a washing machine anymore.
Not much personality was shown, so im just gonna guess here.
Again, expect fights over you.
Hes not as strong as Grimlock, but hes easily as protective of you.
Hes a LOUD boy. Seriously, once he nuts hard enough, he literally screams like a banshee.
Hes into ovulation. No he cant lay eggs in you like insecticons, but if you can simulate that somehow, he's horny as a MOTHERFUCKER. Dont forget, these guys are primitive, so ALL of them are into breeding you. Be careful doing this though, Swoop is a protective father, and will be immensely disappointed when your 'eggs' dont hatch. Its fool proof for all of the dinos, but it makes them sad if they don't get offspring, so maybe not use this method.
Massage his poor wings. Seriously, they get sore after a while, and the compassion makes him swoon, and get that big, dopey smile on his face.
Unlike Grimlock, hes VERY into being a pet. Pet him, give him treats, tug him around on a leash, and he cant help but get excited.
He's the least aggressive of his mates. He's still gonna protect you and fuck up anyone who gets in your way, but hes more willing to relax and not go onto a rampage compared to the others.
Hes much into laid back fragging. Aka, you riding him. Its not that hes lazy, he just likes more relaxed approaches.
Loves just sunbathing with you.
Also loves kisses all over his face and chest. He gets all cuddly and loving.
Believe it or not, hes better at fragging in dino mode than robot mode. He just has more control, and he makes more sounds.
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saxxxology · 6 years
After getting bitten by a werewolf, Sam finds himself trying to adapt to a brand new lifestyle that brings him closer to the girl he loves, but threatens to tear him apart from his family for good.
PAIRING: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader
WARNINGS: non-consensual werewolf bite (not sexual), a/b/o dynamics: heat/rut, knotting, claiming, breeding kink, angst, time hop (season 9 to 12), and more.
NOTE: Edited by @kayteonline and @kittenofdoomage - please heed all warnings and enjoy! This is NOT intended to be a dark fic, but if you read something that bothers you, it is your responsibility to stop reading, keep scrolling past it, or contact me for content clarification.
Buy Sam’s scent from my Etsy shop
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Dean was in the kitchen when you walked up. He was cradling a large cup of coffee in one hand, and when he saw you emerge from the basement, his gaze fixed on you.
“How is he?” he asked urgently, “is he okay?”
You nodded. “It’s over. He’s fine, just hungry. Where’s Garth?”
“He went out with Bess. She’s in shock over what happened, so he took her to a safehouse out of state.” Dean watched as you pulled a pan from the rack on the wall and set it on the stove. “What do you mean by ‘fine?’”
“He’s not in pain anymore, his fever went down.” You cracked eggs into a bowl and whisked them around. “He just needs to recuperate for a few days, maybe a week.”
“Can I see him?” Dean asked.
You nodded and pulled a couple bagged chicken hearts from the fridge. “After he’s eaten. He’s gonna be stronger than normal for a while, so we gotta keep his human contact minimal.” You heard Dean exhale heavily as you started chopping the hearts into chunks. “Dean, I know you wanted to find a cure, but there’s nothing you could have done. I’ve seen people get bit and go through a lot worse. At least he’s alive. He’s a little different than he was yesterday, but he’s alive.”
Dean nodded and leaned against the counter. “You’re really intent on taking care of him, huh?”
“It’s my job to take care of my pack.” You replied, pulling four sausages from the fridge and tossing them in the pan, along with an entire pack of bacon. “Russ and Joba are gone. The Reverend’s… well, let’s just say I’m in charge of the pack, now. I care for Sam, deeply. If it were up to me I would have killed Joy myself so that didn’t happen.”
You heard Dean scoff, but when you looked at him you could see he was grinning.
“Nothing.” Dean finished his beer and set the empty bottle on the counter. “Just… I never thought you’d actually spook over a guy getting turned.”
You shrugged. “I know when to care about someone getting bit. I wanted Sam to leave, I wanted him to forget about me, about the pack. I never wanted him to get bit.”
Dean nodded shortly. “The way I look at it now is, he could have been bitten and left to die. At least this way he’s got you and Garth and Bess to look after him, make sure he won’t get into trouble.”
You finished cooking in silence. Piling most of what you’d cooked onto a large plate, you slid one of the sausage links, a small pile of eggs, and several strips of bacon on a separate one, which you offered Dean. He accepted it gratefully, noting that you’d cooked the chicken hearts in  a separate pan. When you re-entered the basement, you found Sam sitting up and stretching his arms above his head.
“I could smell that from down here,” he muttered, turning his head to look at you, “is that normal?”
You handed him the plate and watched him begin to devour the food, shoveling a mixture of everything into his mouth with a fork that seemed comically small in his large hands. “Yeah, it’s pretty normal. And don’t worry about eating everything there, your appetite’s going to be pretty out there for the next couple days.”
Within minutes, Sam had completely annihilated the food on the plate. He tilted his head back against the wall, his lips parted as he sighed in satisfaction. “There was a heart in there, wasn’t there?”
“Two. Small ones, just chicken, nothin’ special.” You took the plate from him and set it down on the floor before snuggling into him. “How do you feel?”
Sam exhaled heavily and slipped an arm around your shoulders. “Not hungry anymore, definitely not tired… I feel strong. Stronger than before.” He flexed his arms, examining the muscles that bulged under the gray sleepshirt. He seemed bigger. “Actually, I feel like I need to run, get out…”
“There’s the punching bag.” You gestured to the slightly misshapen tool in the corner. “I can’t let you out yet, gotta know you can control yourself around humans.”
“Humans…” Sam looked down at his lap and swallowed. “That’s right, I’m not human anymore.”
You shook your head. “That’s not entirely true. You’re still human here,” you put a hand over his heart. “You’ll still be able to function like a human, your instincts are just rewired a bit, that’s all.”
Sam scoffed. “Yeah, what happens when I wolf out and go nuts?”
“That won’t happen.” You nuzzled his shoulder and stood with him as he shuffled over to the punching bag. He gave it an experimental nudge with his fist. “Want to see Dean?”
He nodded apprehensively. “Yeah, but I don’t wanna try to hurt him.”
“Sam, you won’t—”
“You don’t know that. Make sure I don’t try to hurt him.”
You bowed your head and trotted back up the stairs, closing and locking the cage door behind you. Dean was still waiting in the kitchen, and he stood upon seeing you emerge from the basement.
“You can see him, but we have to be careful,” you said quietly. “If he smells you he could try to get at you, that’s gonna be his first instinct. The cage door down there has silver on it, so if he tries anything it’ll hurt, bad, but I need you to stay on the stairs, keep your distance.”
Dean held his hands up as if in surrender. “Trust me, I’ll be keepin’ my distance.”
You led him down the basement, slowly, his boots clunking heavily on the thick wooden planks. You could hear the dull, repetitive THWACK of Sam’s fists against the punching bag, but after the basement door closed, they ceased, and the space fell silent as you and Dean came down the steps. A little more than halfway down, you motion for him to stop.
“Dean, stay here.”
He nodded quietly and waited for you to slip past the cage, locking it behind you.
Sam was standing in the corner by the punching bag, his arms folded across his middle. You motioned for him to walk over, but he shook his head. “Y/N, I can’t… I don’t want him to see me like this. I can smell him, I can hear his heartbeat.”
“You won’t hurt him.” You walked closer to him, reaching for one of his hands. “Sam, come on, I’ll be there. The door’s got silver on it, you won’t be able to get out.”
Sam lowered his voice. “What if I hurt you?”
“You won’t. Now come on.” You led him slowly over to the wire door. His heartbeat increased with every step, and you heard his breathing grow more and shakier.
When Dean came into view, you didn’t know if Sam was going to recoil or lunge at the gate. He could hear Dean’s heartbeat, steady and slow, the rush of blood pumping through his veins, traces of whiskey and cedar covering up the thick, coppery scent…
...No, stop it! That’s your brother! You wouldn’t bite your own brother!
“Sammy?” Dean’s voice was quiet as he took another step down the stairs. “Hey, it’s me.”
Sam paused, took a deep breath. “I know.” He looked down at the ground and closed his eyes, trying as hard as he could to stop from hurling himself at the wall of the cage. “How’ve you been?”
“Uh, worried, for one,” Dean chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood, “I went out for a little during the night, tried looking for a cure or something…”
“Yeah.” Sam swallowed and clenched his fist. He didn’t know what the fuck was happening, but all he wanted to do was break out of the cage and rip his brother’s chest apart, get at the thick, pulsing muscle that was hidden behind bone and sinew, devour the warm, blood-drenched organ that kept his brother alive…
No! Goddamn it! Stop!
“I thought you’d be gone.” Sam cleared his throat as a fresh wave of hunger washed over him.
“Had to make sure you’re okay, didn’t I?” Dean caught your warning glance to stay where he was and decided not to take the last two steps down. Hell, he might be too close already. “How do you feel?”
Sam swallowed thickly as you increased the pressure on his hand. “Honestly, I feel good. I’m strong, I’m not hurting, just wanna get the hell out of here.”
“And why can’t you?” Dean shifted his gaze back and forth between you and Sam.
“Because if I get out of here I’m not gonna be able to stop myself from trying to hurt you or someone else,” Sam stated bluntly.
Dean seemed taken aback by Sam’s words. Apparently, he hadn’t considered just how dangerous Sam really was until he’d said it. “Sam, you wouldn’t.”
“You don’t know what I’d do, Dean, hell, I don’t know what I’d do.” Sam’s body trembled as he spoke, but he stood his ground. “The only reason I’m not going after you right now is that I know I shouldn’t, but if Y/N wasn’t here with me, if this happened somewhere else… I don’t know if either of us would be alive right now.”
You saw Dean swallow, saw his Adam’s apple bob in his throat, and heard Sam growl, low and deep in his chest.
“Sam, don’t say that.”
“You’re not in the place to tell me what to do, Dean.” Sam retorted. “I’m a monster, both of us know that. You don’t know how… how hungry I feel right now. I don’t have a friggin’ clue what’s making me feel this way, but if you weren’t my brother… I’d kill you, without thinking.”
Looking up, you noticed Sam’s upper lip beginning to twitch. He was starting to lose control. “Dean, I think you should go, this isn’t—”
Dean, obviously, didn’t listen. Instead, he did the worst thing he could. He took another step, closing the distance between him and his brother by another two feet.
Overcome by hunger, Sam snapped. You saw his eyes flash yellow as his instinct to attack sprang free. He snarled, his lips curling back over his teeth as his muscles bunch. He lunged forward, slamming all two-hundred pounds of his body against the cage. His long fingers were pointed in two-inch claws, which curled in the wire before he stumbled back with a yelp of pain; the silver on the wire had seared his skin.
Dean fell back when Sam crashed against the cage, bringing an arm up instinctively to protect his face.
“Dean!” You shouted, pulling Sam back against the far wall and holding him there. “Get out! Now!”
You saw Dean stagger to his feet his eyes fixed on the snarling beast of a man now ten feet away from him. He was staring at Sam with a mixture of fear, anger, and sorrow on his face. Sam took several half-gasping, half-growling breaths before reeling himself back in. He collapsed to the floor, his fingers pressing hard into the smooth concrete. He bowed his head as his body shook even harder.
“D-Dean, I’m sorry!” He gasped out. “I didn’t mean to, I couldn’t help—”
The door at the top of the stairs slammed before Sam could finish, and seconds later you heard the rumble of the Impala’s engine and the grind of her tires scraping on the dirt road as she tore out of the drive and down the road.
Sam’s shoulders heaved with a sob as he collapsed back, breathing hard as he fought to still his shaking hands. The claws had vanished and his eyes were back to hazel, but he still shook with panic. “I didn’t mean to do that,” he choked, “I didn’t—I didn’t—”
“Sam, it’s okay, he’s just gone to cool off.” You soothed him. “He’ll be back, I promise.”
Sam shook his head and reached to grip your hand as you rubbed his shoulder soothingly. “No way in hell. He saw me snap and that was it. He thinks I’m a monster.” He turned his head, and you saw tears streaming from his now hazel eyes. “I am a monster.”
You sat next to him and wrapped your arms around him as tight as you could. “Oh, Sam, it’s all right. You’re not a monster, you’re not. You’re adapting to a new lifestyle, and yeah, you have some different urges, but you’re just starting out. It’s barely been an hour since you woke up, I didn’t expect you to stay under control.” You hugged him tighter and let him bury his face in the curve of your neck. “Dean got spooked, that’s all. He’ll come back.”
“Will he?” Sam straightened his back and practically glared down at you. “How can you know that? Hm? Tell me how you know my brother’s gonna come back thinking I’m still the guy he grew up with.”
If you want to see chapter 5, reblog and leave a comment! Feedback is my fuel!
Forever tags: @atc74 @becaamm @bamby0304 @crispychrissy @crashdevlin @curly-haired-disaster @emoryhemsworth @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kittenofdoomage @kayteonline @kdfrqqg @littlegreenplasticsoldier @lunarsaturn88 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @manawhaat @mereka18 @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @serpentbaby @spnwoman @smallgirlbigpersonality @shaelyn102 @thelittleredwhocould @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @zombiewerewolfqueen @85natalie @81mysteriouslyme
“Bitten” tags: @linki-locks11 @lez-boatz-writez @wotinspntarnation
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obsessed-love · 5 years
Avengers: Endgame
My thoughts during the movie
Plus some extra notes
oh hi Clint
Your daughter is adorable!
the next Hawkeye!
oh noooooooo
That's so saaaad
Please don't go Ronin. Just go find the Avengers. Please! I love you
Oh shit Tony you look like a skeleton
Honey please eat
Wait its been 22 days? oof
Nebula and Tony interacting is adorable
oh no Tony don't you dare die
oh shit Tony is even madder than he was at the end of Civil War holy shit
he’s so skinny holy shit
oh shit Tony don't do that
Steve you don goofed
oh wow okay
Thor finally aimed for the head I guess
Wait 5 years?! HOly shit
oh look Steve is finally going to group theraphy
Natasha’s hair is gorgeous
I love her necklace
oh shit he’s gone Ronin
oh Carol your new haircut is amazing!
It looks so gooooodddd!!!!
oh shit that rat is the one that ultimately saved the world 
the rat brought Scott back
good job
oh they’re gonna mess with time travel?
like back to the future?
she’s so small!
tony is an amazing parent
look at her!
she’s adorable
“I love you 3000″
that's so cute!
Scott is me if I ever meet any of these actors
is that Bruce?
he looks so bad!
he sounds so dumb!
ok so this sucks
The band is almost complete
just Thor and Hawkeye
Thor first I guess
oh wait what? why is there so many cans of beer- 
oh shit is that Japanese?
oh this looks like a scene from an anime
yes Clint it does work
oh shit 
ok ok
it works
so sad he could not see his daughter though
This suspiciously sounds like the plot from back to the future
ok so group 1 goes to New York in 2012 to get the Space Stone, Time Stone, and the Mind Stone
Group 2 goes to 2014 to get the Soul Stone and the Power Stone
and Group 3 goes to 2013 to get the Aether Reality Stone
ok that's good
good plan
man that old outfit looks horrible on cap
shit hulk is so aggressive and its...
really fucking funny
professor hulk is bad at being hulk
hail hydra?
shit dude that's deep
y’all are busted
wait so Natasha and Clint are going to get the Soul Stone? 
oh noooooo
one of them is gonna die-
oh look cut to Thor now
Thor its ok bab calm down
Rocket you’re on your own buddy
awww Frigga
yes Frigga and Thor interacting! Im all for this
oh cut to Professor Hulk
be careful with that woman bruce
shes weird
oh nevermind
so let me get this straight, this whole time travel thing is like in Dragon ball?
ok so that's bad
they didn’t get the Space Stone
Loki just grabbed it and went bye bitch on all of them
Steve... fighting… Steve?
oh shit that's awesome
hah Steve is annoyed at Steve
gg no re
that ass thou
that’s a fine piece of American ass
oop and there he goes to the floor
wait is nebula dead?
oh no
wait what?
ok so lemme get this straight, nobody thought of upgrading Nebula, so now tHANOS CAN USE PAST NEBULA TO SEE OUR NEBULA’S MEMORIES?
Cut to Tony and Steve in the 1970′s
man they both look gorgeous
oh shit. is that Howard?
get away
fuck this guy
oh wait
he’s being nice to Tony
oh my god PEGGY!
is that JArvis?
Cut to Clint and Natasha
oh nooooooo
one of them is gonna have to die
*starts crying a bit*
she’s dead
I cant
well... at least they got the stones?
lets go bbs
wait shouldn't Tony do it?
oh wait no he would die
you go Bruce!
oh wait...
you go Gamora do the right thing!
yes Nebula kill yourself!
wait no don't actually kill yourself just the other you
wait no-
you know what
good job.
oop there goes Tony
what was that?
*crying starts again*
oh wait...
oh wait
“I am Irom Man”
*starts ugly crying*
“Mr. Stark we won”
mY hEaRt
“its okay you can rest now”
“we’ll be okay”
*continues on ugly crying*
they put his old arc reactor on a bunch of roses and just let it float on the river?
what a send off 
im crying cause it hurts
this is so sad
this reminds me of the scene where Tony throws the arc reactor to the sea
shit not like I needed my heart
everyone is here?
oh yeah
*cries even harder*
well at least…
everyone got a happy ending...
man tony stop talking you’re making me cry harder
“I love you 3000″
wait Steve is the one that is going to return the Stones?
just please come back
son of a bitch
wait who’s that?!
shit he looks so old
*continues on crying*
what is that?
Sam is now Captain America and I could literally not be happier
cut to Thor
wait Thor is not going to e King anymore
wait he’s going to go live with the guardians?
no matter how many jokes you throw at me I’m still not gonna stop crying
shit is that Ned?
cut to Morgan and Happy
she’s so cute
just like her dad!
she wants a burger.
oh and here come the end credits
and I’m still crying….
I loved the ending. It was Satisfying and wrapped up phase 3 really nicely. I literally don't see how someone is going to be mad about it. I LOVED IT. It was amazing. Everyone got a happy ending.
But my Fav Baby died
and my other baby also died
and one of my babies got old
one of my main babies one was depressed but only used for a pathetic excuse of comic relief
the other main baby got ugly and green....
I’m so sad
I am kind of intrigued about what will happen next in the MCU
I know Far from home is the ending of Phase 3 and I really want to see what will happen in Phase 4 now that Disney has ownership of Fox
Honestly all I want to see is Morgan Stark either becoming the next Iron Man/Woman or her own superhero called 3000
that’d be adorable
I’m so sad
I still cant believe Tony died
I cant believe they did Thor like that
I cant believe its 2023 in their universe like what?
goodbye phase 3! lets hope phase 4 (and the rest to come) is as good (or even better) than this one!
Lets see where the story goes.
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violentviolette · 5 years
21 Questions
RULES: Simply answer the following 21 questions and then tag 21 (or however many) people you’d love to get to know more!
Tagged by: @sociopathheart thank u gorgeous
1. Name/nickname: jack
2. Zodiac sign: pisces sun, cancer moon, sag rising
3. Height: 5’2
4. Hogwarts house: slytherin, as if that was glaringly obvious lol
5. Last thing I googled: mr krabs lmfao i was at work and drawing spongebob characters with chalk outside with the girls because theyre 6 so theyre super into spongebob. i got through spongebob, patrick, squidward, and plankton before i had to google what someone looked like tho so i count that as a win
6. Favourite musicians: rn its probably hozier. love that wild haired bog man.
7. Last song I listened to: something by billie ellish, i downloaded her album last week so ive been going through it
8. Song stuck in my head: nothing right now surprisingly
9. Followers: 1,239 which is genuinely insane to think about because like. i should not have that many ppl that voluntarily sign up to hear my garbage thoughts.thats nuts
10. Following: 477
11. Amount of sleep: i try really hard to get over 6 hours, it doesnt always happen but it definitely makes a difference and i pay for it if i dont.
12. Lucky number: 4 and 17
13. What I’m wearing: boxers and a tshirt that says “please not today.” im also sitting under a blanket patterned like sailor moons bed sheets and its so. fucking. soft. 
14. Dream job: absolutely nothing. i dont want to work and there is no for profit labor that i would ever enjoy performing. i want to live in my house and do what i want when i want with my very limited time in this existence. i dont care about making money or being successful. i dont have a passion that i would ever be happy monetizing like my art or my craftsmanship. i want to exist without having to “work” in a traditional capitalist sense, my dream job is no job.
15. Dream trip: anywhere. i love traveling and ill go anywhere at the drop of a dime. im always in for travel, my go bag is perma packed
16. Favourite food: cheese, literally anything with cheese in it i will eat. ive survived on cheese for weeks (not recommended but it will keep u alive) and like i could legit never get sick of it. which has been my biggest hurdle with the whole IBS diet changes. hard cheeses are still okay in moderation but i cant even smell goat cheese anymore and i used to eat that shit on the daily. alas. just another thing on the long long list of ways my body has betrayed me
17. Instruments: i used to play the flute in high school because of fucking course i was that asshole gay guy in the flute section, but i doubt i could still play now. at the very least the lip ring would be a major mechanical issue and i dont think the tongue ring would help things either
18. Languages: english, spanglish, and like, the tiniest bits of japanese and german
19. Favourite songs: taste of ink by the used, dark star by james young, it will come back by hozier
20. Random fact: i really love the water and im a fairly decent swimmer. i was on my schools swim team as a kid and did some competitions before realizing i wasnt at all competitive and that i fucking hated pressure and proceeding to never do that again
21. Aesthetic: lots of teeth, wings, long pointy black fingers, messy hair, garbage trash punk, 90′s grunge, nyc, raccoons
i dont even think i know 21 ppl so like im just gonna tag as many mutuals and followers as i can think of in this moment but hey if u see this and wanna do it just say i tagged u
@willowenigma @of-suns-and-guns @seanicus-prime @captainkiwitheboobian @h-oney-b-ones @azonus @sappholactone @manie-sans-delire-x @sternbeere @ukrainyan @coffin-bird @foxy-mulder @rococokara @gunpowderecho @chubby-elf-hux @anamorph-marco @ayghe @nogitsunewraps
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legion1993 · 6 years
December 23rd
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A/N: this is for the 12 days of christmas challenge brought to us by @thing-you-do-with-that-thing & @like-a-bag-of-potatoes... this also happens to be for JulesTheQuirky’s Winter Holiday Song Challenge brought to us by @julesthequirky.. hope you ladies enjoy them all. 
pairing: Jensen x Reader
day 10: Christmas ball
prompt: last christmas by cascada
summery: its a surprise!!!!
12 days Masterlist 
this is the story about how you were invited to a christmas ball but you just got your heart broken. but the hosts wanted you to sing a song, a christmas song but up until recently (2 weeks ago to be exact).
you had happily been dating Jensen Ackles one of the actors on the hit tv show Supernatural, but the littlest things would just bug you basically you made a list and sat down one day to discuss what the future looked like for the 2 of you. 
but Jensen had the same idea, your ideas didnt match so he ended things. but it was apparent that you were heartbroken. considering you hadnt left your apartment in the last week. 
by the time you received the invite for the ball you had found enough courage to face the music as it were. to come back into the world and face your fans, face your broken rhythm.
so you RSVP’d to the invite and started deciding what to wear as the ball was tomorrow, but you knew that this party was all the hottest and exclusive guests only. and every single year you were asked ever so nicely to perform but someone AKA Jensen was also always asked to perform. 
you hoped this year that you would have a chance to express your true feelings. for it was 2 years ago tomorrow that you confessed your love for Jensen as a tradition. so you definitely knew what song you would sing. 
you had picked a long flowy dress that brought out your natural curves and your nature about the season. but it also reminded you of Jensen, and this was okay cause for this event it worked.
tomorrow arrived quickly. the event wasnt due to start till 7pm but you had to be there an hour early to do a sound check and a couple other things.  so you got ready and my oh my did you enjoy spining around in that dress for a few moments before throwing on your heels, packing your clutch and walking out to meet your car.
upon arriving at the party, you told your driver to be on the waiting list for your text of when your ready to be gotten as usual.
looking up at the building you had yet to breathe but you knew it would be ok for soon it would be time to get up on stage and address the people.
you went inside got fit for your personal mic and heard a voice from yonder speak.
Jensen: "dude i broke up with her why the hell would i want to sing with her.?."
Jared: "she is miserable plus i kinda have been messaging her."
jensen: "why the hell are you talking with her.. what happened to the bro code."
jared: "cause she needed someone to talk her through her 2 weeks of solitude.... i was there for her. just listen to her rehearsal dude."
Jared nods for jensen to turn his head they both watch and listen as you do your warm ups.
stage hand: "when your ready... sing something so we can calculate your vocal patterns."
you stood still not knowing if this would be heard by many people... but you sang straight from the heart, channeling all your hurt, all your pain into this one song...
Y/N: "well baby ive been here before, ive seen this room and ive walked this floor, i used to live alone before i knew ya. and ive seen your flag on the marble arch and love is not a victr'y march its a cold and its a broken hallelujah..."
but at that moment another voice joined in your breaking tones  against the protests of his best friend. but the voice made you stop singing it made you tense up.
Jensen: "hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah..."
but you were so scared of what may come out of your mouth that in your dress withiut your shoes you ran off the stage, and into your dressing room.
~meanwhile jensen is getting talked to by jared who is just looking out for your well being.~
Jared: “Jay you shouldnt have done that, this is the first time in weeks that you guys have seen eachother and the first idea you have is to scare her by joining her in singing that song. do you have any idea how much emotion she expelled when she sang that part of the song.?.” 
Jensen: “what the hell is going on so badly that she would confide in you and not me? why would she confide in you and not me? what arent you telling me?”
Jared: “ever wonder why she was acting a little different, why she always took her time getting ready. why she started having to go to the doctor so much. why she got so emotional the day you guys split."
Jensen had to think about this for he had not noticed anything like that, well he had he just didnt say anything.
Jensen: "well what is her reasoning... and it better explain everything."
Jared couldnt believe how clueless his best friend was being... he couldnt believe how stupid he was acting...
Jared: "shes pregnant dude."
Jensen: "what? what are you talking about?"
Jared couldnt take it anymore his best friend was gonna drive him nuts if he didnt tell him.
Jared: "she called me the day you guys broke up, she had a doctors appointment and didnt want to go alone so i went with her... i saw it myself its true... doc said she is about a month along. baby is definately yours jay."
Jensen was so shocked at this point... he couldnt believe it you were a month pregnant, with his baby...
Jensen: "well i guess that explains a few things but why wouldnt you tell me.."
Jared: "cause it wasnt my tale to tell... but seriously dude if you want her back dont scare her please."
~Jensen knew he had to get you back but it wasnt going to be easy... thats when the party started~
announcer: “welcome one and all.. tonight will be full of love, laughter, dancing and song. tonight is gonna be the night of all nights. lets kick it off with some cocktails and a song... so every one grab your cocktails and i will introduce our first singer in a moment.”
the announcer came up to you and smiled.
Announcer: “thank you for coming i heard what happened through the grapevine. are you sure you want to go up there and sing.”
Y/N: “i cant sit and be afraid of the world and their opinions anymore.”
Announcer: “ok would you mind going first?”
Y/N: “k but if it looks like im gonna freeze cut the music...”
Announcer: “ok i’ll go introduce you..”
the announcer walks out on the stage as the crowd comes back to the center of the room...
Announcer: “ok so she just had a horrible break up but she still came out tonight here to sing something that describes what she is feeling here is Y/N...”
you turned on your mic pack as you walked out on stage to the beat of the music. you knew that anything else would have made you scared but you gave your best smile...
Y/N: “Last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away... this year to save me from tears i’ll give it to someone special. Last Christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away. this year to save me from tears i’ll give it to someone special...”
you were not sure if you would be able to do the rest of the song but you had to try.
Y/n: "once bitten and twice shy i keep my distance but you still catch my eye tell me baby do you recognize me well it's been a year and it doesn't surprise me. i wrapped it up and sent it with a note saying "I love you" i meant it now i know what a fool ive been but if you kissed me now i know you'd fool me again."
thats when Jensen came up on the stage view slowly. it startled you knowing how close he was but it didnt make you stop singing instead you turned to face him.
y/N: "last Christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day you gave it away this year to save me from tears ill give it to someone special."
you froze before continuing but Jensen instead pipped in..
Jensen: "a face on a lover with fire in your heart but im undercover but ive torn you apart... i mever meant to hurt you, now i know what a fool i was but if i kissed you now would you marry me.?."
you were shocked and just stood there in a shocked state then the music cut... the crowd just as shocked as you but anxiously awaiting your answer..
you instead of answering broke down into tears falling on your knees in front of Jensen you sobbed, for you knew that he knew about the baby...
Y/N: "im sorry Jay i should have told you as soon as i found out but i was scared, i love you Jensen Ackles. i would be honored to become your wife."
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