#I covered her in plastic bags so she should be okay
aestheticballpit · 8 months
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I found this Diva Starz Summer at an antique mall the other day. I had considered getting one for the past few months but wasn’t sure if I wanted to commit to another doll line. As soon as I saw her though my decision was made. She does work, though her speaker is a little muffled. I spent some time today washing and styling her hair, and I hope to eventually clean up some of the yellowing plastic on her face and feet.
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azzibuckets · 2 months
national what day [pazzi]
paige bueckers x azzi fudd
summary: a very random and unedited little blurb i wrote for national girlfriend day yesterday
word count: 1k
“You think I’d forget?”
Emerging from the bathroom, Azzi freezes midway through brushing her teeth, not expecting to see a huge inflatable Olaf, probably as tall as her, sitting on her bed. Even wilder is Paige standing next to the Olaf with a proud grin on her face, one hand holding a gift bag from Tiffany’s and the other holding a huge sign that said “Olaf you!”
Azzi licks toothpaste from the corner of her lip. “What’s this for?”
Paige’s face drops, the corner of her lips turning downwards as a pout starts to form. “You’ve gotta be kidding me.”
Azzi gurgles at the sink before spitting out her toothpaste. Wiping her damp hands dry on her sleep shirt, she returns and eyes Paige curiously. “This is super cute, babe, I love it. But am I missing something?”
Paige’s eyebrows furrow even further, her mouth agape. “You don’t know what today is?”
Azzi looks innocently around, as if an idea would conjure up in the air in front of her. “The first of the month?”
Paige’s mouth pulls into a even tighter line. She slumps on the bed beside the Olaf, throwing her arms around its stomach and burrowing her head into the plastic nylon material. “Maybe you can be my new girlfriend,” she grunts, her voice muffled.
Azzi nudged Paige in the back. “What’s going on?”
The blonde peeks up, one eye glaring at her girlfriend and the other covered by blonde hair falling across her face. “Did you honestly forget it’s national girlfriend day?”
Azzi, having busied herself with her bedtime routine, starts to rub lotion onto her face. “Is that a thing?”
“Of course it’s a thing!” Paige whines. “How do you not know it exists?”
“I’m not chronically online,” Azzi says slyly, smirking at Paige in the mirror.
“Babe.” Paige is behind Azzi now, hands splaying across her waist and pulling her in. She brushes a kiss across the nape of Azzi’s neck, fingers smoothing out the curly baby hairs at her hairline. “Did you really not know?”
The dejected look on Paige’s face forces Azzi out of her act. Bursting out laughing, Azzi turns in Paige’s room and presses a light kiss to her nose. “You’re so gullible it’s cute.”
“I’m cute?” Paige is smirking now, completely ignoring the first half of the sentence as her eyes glaze over with wonder.
Azzi pushes Paige in the forehead with her palm. “And you’re so in love with me you’re deaf.” Shaken out of her trance, Paige follows Azzi to the bathroom.
“That’s fucked up,” Paige groans. “Why’d you do me like that earlier?”
“You were gone the entire day and you said you’d be home by 7. It’s 10 and you just got back.” Azzi has a half smile on her face, but Paige sees right through it. She hates the thought of her ever disappointing her girlfriend, so she swallows down her pride.
“I’m really sorry, I was at Tiffany’s getting your necklace I ordered ahead but then it took a while and-,”
“Paige, it’s okay,” Azzi interrupts, reaching out to brush off a piece of lint from Paige’s shoulder. Her hand rests there and she squeezes. “I’m not mad at you, I swear. I just wish you would’ve texted me so I could’ve prepared better.”
“I made us dinner.” Azzi glances shyly away. “Spaghetti, steak, all your favorites. It’s in the fridge now, but it’s fine. We can eat it later, like meal prep.”
“Azzi.” There’s hurt and regret and guilt packed in only one word, and Paige’s eyes are wet when she clamps her hand over Azzi’s. “Baby, I’m so sorry, I should’ve texted. I’m gonna make it up to you, I promise.” Paige cups Azzi’s face in hers, beginning to pepper her face with kisses. “Tomorrow, just me and you. I’m gonna take you out, okay? It’s gonna be the best day of your life.”
Laughing, Azzi shakes her head. “Don’t feel bad, Paige, I told you it’s fine.”
“You’re too fucking good of a person,” Paige says, all serious now. “I messed up and should take responsibility for it.”
“I don’t know, your huge ass Olaf makes it easy to forgive you.” Azzi glances over Paige’s shoulder, eyes softening once she realizes that a necklace of polaroids is draped across its neck. “Is that us?”
Paige follows Azzi’s glance. “It is. But come on.” Dragging Azzi’s hand along, she leads them downstairs to the kitchen before they’re both staring at the fridge.
“Paige, it’s 10 PM.”
“You made us dinner. We gotta eat it.” Paige opens the fridge and immediately starts stacking the counter with the Tupperware containers marked with “P&A”.
“You missed the vegetables,” Azzi says pointedly when Paige starts to close the fridge.
“No, I didn’t,” Paige says breezily before shutting the door.
“Where are we going?” Azzi questions as Paige picks up the containers before hurrying out the front door.
“Somewhere more private.” Juggling all the containers on one hand, Paige opens the door to the back seat with the other and ushers Azzi inside.
“Sitting in a cold and dark car eating cold leftovers. Best national girlfriend’s day ever,” Azzi says sarcastically as she scoots in.
“Shut up.” Paige flicks Azzi in the cheek. “I wanna cuddle while we eat.”
“We couldn’t do this in our room?”
“You know your mom hates when we eat in the bedroom.”
Azzi shrugs, adjusting their bodies so that she’s lying in Paige’s arms as they sprawl across the three seats.
“This is what I used to dream of.”
“Huh?” Azzi looks up as she pops a piece of cold steak into her mouth.
“Calling you my girlfriend. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to be with you and I have to slap myself. I used to think about scenarios like this every fucking night before I went to sleep.”
Azzi smiles into Paige’s bicep. “You’re such a romantic.”
“You know that if I had the choice I would’ve spent the entire day with you?”
“I know. You’re pretty obsessed with me.” And there are a lot of words that Azzi wants to say. That she thinks that her heart beats for Paige, and she doesn’t know how she managed to live before this crazy beanpole white girl ran into her life and upheaved everything she knew. But she stores it inside the small part of her brain that’s been working on her vows since she was 14, and instead she says, “But it’s not like you forgot an anniversary. You and I both know today doesn’t really matter.”
“But you matter.” Paige’s grip tightens on Azzi.
Azzi nuzzles her head into Paige’s chest, sighing contentedly as her eyes flutter sleepily. “You make me feel like I matter.”
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shalomniscient · 6 days
“are you sure you have everything?”
lyney huffs a bit of a strangled laugh, but nods. he’s somewhat used to your fussing, but it still feels a little… not exactly embarrassing, but a warm heat makes its way from his chest to his cheeks nonetheless. he holds the magic pocket bag closer to his chest as you fix the fastenings of his fatui cloak yet again, fiddling with the clips and ensuring they’re secure and not about to fly off in the harbor wind as it blows freely around them all.
“i’m all set,” he assures you, then glances over at lynette. she’s still a little woozy—it is the break of dawn, after all, since father prefers moving under the dense cover of darkness, and though lynette is awake she’s certainly not ecstatic to be awake. as a result, she’s the next target of your fussing; you gently pat her cheeks to wake her up a little more, and she lets out almost a small, mewling noise before snapping out of her drowsy daze.
“you can rest a little more on the ship, lynette,” you say, and the young woman nods. “if you get seasick, i packed some medicine. and i made some food if you get hungry; it won’t last very long on a ship, so remember to eat it, okay? oh—i also packed earmuffs, be sure to wear them if it gets too cold, alright?”
“understood,” lynette answers, leaning into your touch as you pat her hair. she’s always been more physically affectionate with you, though she tempers herself when the familiar sound of boots and metallic heels on stone tiles echo behind all of you.
“i take it everyone is prepared to set off?” comes father’s calm, even tone. behind her is freminet; he isn’t dressed for travel, since he’ll be staying in fontaine, but followed along to see them off. she’s dressed somewhat similarly, but unlike lyney and lynette who seem to drown in their cloaks, father wears it like a mantle—the fur broadens her already broad shoulders, and she looks more like a king than ever. and yet despite that, you simply turn and stride over to her, your hands reaching out to smooth down the lapels of her cloak.
“just double checking,” you hum, though there’s a little bit of a sigh in your voice. “i think i packed everything.”
father offers you a mild look. “the children know how to pack their own things.”
“i know, but i wanted to help,” you reply, and lyney swears he sees the hard lines of her face soften imperceptibly. there’s a slackness to her normally tense posture as you do all your last minute checks—cufflinks? i have them. hand cream? yes. ID? all settled, dearest—and lyney has to marvel on the sway you have over their typically unshakeable father.
“we should head out,” she says gently, taking one of your wrists in a tender, dark hand. a brief flicker of stubborness flashes across your expression, before you sigh.
“ah, before i forget…” you produce a tiny pouch, and then place it into father’s open palm. she regards it curiously, tilting her head. there’s a rustle of plastic inside, but also the clack of a few hard objects hitting each other. “coffee candies,” you explain, “for when you feel sleepy.”
“thank you,” father says, her tone as warm and soft as it always is with you. she accepts the pouch, and slips it into one of her cloak pockets. “i will remember to have them.”
you huff. “you better. i’ve already told lyney and lynette not to let you skip meals, as you’re so prone to do.”
“is that so?” father asks mildly, glancing at them both, and it takes quite a bit to not shiver under her questioning gaze. lyney truly has no idea how he’ll convince father to eat later on this trip, but he figures dropping your name a few time should do the trick. he hopes.
“it is,” you say firmly, and then your tone softens again. you look up at father, and lyney cannot see your expression from here, but he knows the same is reflected in father’s—loving, with a hint of departure’s sorrow. “be safe. come home.”
“alwaus,” father answers, and lyney, lynette and freminet have the sense to look away when she leans down to kiss you chastely. they only look back up when father steps over to them, leaving you and freminet on the other side of the dock. she levels freminet with a look. “do not forget your duty, freminet.”
he nods resolutely, hugging pers a little tighter. “of course, father.”
(just a few moments ago, she’d pulled him to the side and gave him a direct order, as the fourth fatui harbingers and the knave.
“you will protect the house with your life,” she had said, her tone brookering no argument, though it wasn’t as if freminet was looking to argue. and though father has said ‘the house’, freminet had lived long enough there to know the truth of her words.
“yes, father. i won’t let anything happen to mom.”)
and then, with the bellow of a horn, their little ship sets off into morning light. lyney watches father’s face carefully as the dawn breaks, casting the harbinger’s expression in shades of warm gold. she’s uncharacteristically unguarded in this brief flash of a moment—not that she would ever admit such a thing, even upon threat of death. but lyney knows love is most felt when it is leaving, and so even as she turns on her heel to enter the cabin, he knows she’s already counting down the days before she can return home—return to you.
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fillinforlater · 9 months
Hii! Could you do a smut of Minnie x Yuqi x Miyeon please? I don't really have any specific things I want in it other than scissoring and all of them just all over each other lol
Sorry im in a mood-🤪
To Glide
Minnie x Yuqi x Miyeon
Length: 2.000 words
Tags: lesbian sex, lesbian threesome, LOT'S OF LUBE, annoyed sex, fingering, clit play, scissoring, lesbian missionary, fold in half (Yuqi), pretty and submissive (Miyeon), has had fucking enough (Minnie)
(A/N: Here is a random drop to start of the new year lol. This is what happens when you send the right ideas to me. Have fun and stay healthy!)
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“This is such a not-good-idea.”
Minnie sighs and pinches her forehead. To say that she has doubts about this new ‘project’ of Yuqi would be an understatement. She hates that this obnoxiously loud girl always pushes onward with her ideas without ever thinking of the consequences. Like last week, when she threw this party at Miyeon’s house—Minnie expected a handful of people—and suddenly hundreds of people turned up and trashed the whole thing. For some reason, Miyeon didn’t even care all that much.
Guess Yuqi’s tongue kept her busy all night, Minnie thinks, an envious blush on her cheeks. That’s the curse of Yuqi, she might at times be a bad friend, but in the end, she is just irresistible. In the end, Minnie can only blame herself for not rejecting Yuqi’s plans of filling a small pool with lube—in the middle of Minnie’s own living room. 
Your house is the biggest, Yuqi argued, and with a few adorable blinks, she got what she wanted. And now Miyeon is already ready to dump in over ten bottles of lube into the small plastic construction, definitely not made to withstand whatever crazy games Yuqi will come up with. Minnie can still say no, still send them home, hell, they can have enough fun with each other in Yuqi’s—
“Aw, why not, Nicha?” Yuqi complains cutely and wraps a sly arm around Minnie’s waist. “It will be so much fun, don’t you think? I can’t see how it can go wrong.”
“It’ll be such a mess,” Minnie argues, but it’s fragile, because Yuqi’s magic goes beyond puppy eyes and that deadly voice: she is already fiddling with the buttons of Minnie’s jeans, easily able to pop them open and dig her hand onto Minnie’s sex. The thought alone arouses her. “I-I don’t want to clean up afterwards.”
“Then I will clean up, okay? Pinky promise?”
“O-okay.” Dammit, she couldn’t resist again. Minnie is just too weak for Yuqi.
“Perfect. Miyeon, pour in the lube! Let’s have some fun.”
“Okay, babe~” Miyeon shouts back and gleefully squeezes out bottle after bottle until the clear liquid has thoroughly covered the entire plastic surface. “Should we get our bikinis?”
“Nah, screw those. Bikinis are for public pools.” Yuqi starts to unzip her top and jumps out of her pants. “At home, with my girls, I don’t want to wear clothes!”
“Oh~” Miyeon coos and Minnie can see that horny glint in her eyes. “I love that! Let me get undressed too.”
Minnie looks at them for a second, their bodies being revealed piece by piece, bare and completely spotless. Yuqi is a perfectionist when it comes to her own nude body, but at the same time, she does not give a single fuck about other people’s short comings. She just loves nudity, and so Minnie isn’t the only one starring when Miyeon gracefully removes her tight crop-top and moves her hips in quick circles until her black shorts fall down. 
“I see you came prepared,” Yuqi says in excitement, because of the lack of underwear on Miyeon’s stunning frame.
“I still have the bikini in my bag, but—
“I kinda knew you wouldn’t want to see it.”
A heat is rising up inside Minnie. No anger or annoyance can keep it down anymore; the arousal is too great, irresistible, like the sight of Miyeon and Yuqi flopping into the pool. The lube flies everywhere, most importantly on their legs, their chests, their hair, their bellies, their feet—Minnie does not notice the mess being made. 
She is depraved and horny, the way she tears off her jeans and top is chaotic, unplanned. Minnie has become a mess by just looking at her friends. Luckily, Yuqi does not notice. She's too busy with Miyeon and getting her fingers all over the elder’s skin. That is until Minnie bursts in and disrupts them, putting real strain on the edges of the plastic pool.
“Hey, watch out,” both Yuqi and Miyeon laugh. “You’re about to break it.”
“I- I don’t care! You two are being too loud, I need to shut you up a bit.” Minnie’s rebuttal is weak, because Yuqi gets a hand on her hairy cunt and starts to rub all over it.
“Oh, you want to shut us up by destroying this pool? Makes sense, makes sense.” Miyeon giggles and adds. “I think our friend here is tripping a bit. Tell us, Mi~nnie~
“How do you want to make us shut up?”
Minnie has never felt this ferocious, it’s like the spirit of a savage, unchained animal has overcome her. She wraps her entire arm around Yuqi’s tiny waist and spins her around. The small woman is still laughing, but with two lube-drenched fingers straight into her tight cunt, she is now Minnie’s prisoner. A happy prisoner, who quietly moans and hums with every curl the digits in her pussy make.
“Oh my~” Miyeon gasps and intently watches on as Minnie squeezes Yuqi tightly and makes sure to never stop pumping into that wet cavern. Yuqi still thinks this is all fun and games and tries to kiss Minnie, but the Thai girl goes straight for Yuqi’s neck and marks it with a frantic bite.
“Mi-Minnie, what the—I never knew you liked—”
“How about you shut your pretty mouth up and get on all fours? 
Yuqi twitches around Minnie’s fingers when she hears this command. After a bit of slipping and falling she finds herself in the suggested position with Minnie’s hand cupping her labia and slowly rubbing lube across it. Yuqi arches her back, eyes closed to intensely feel every touch on her folds, then inside her pussy when Minnie decides to penetrate her once more. Miyeon gasps again.
“How about you lay down too, pretty?” Minnies suggest to Miyeon who needs a few seconds to wake up from her slumber and lay down into the slippery mess. She instinctively opens up her beautiful legs when Minnie’s hand approaches her, then the girliest of moans leaves her lips when her cunt gets filled. 
Minnie’s heart is pumping up to her head, knocking on her brain and she loses all her senses except for touch on her fingertips, which become drenched in arousal. Every thrust, it doesn’t matter if they are hard or soft, makes her greedy, as if this scenario wasn’t enough. She has everything a girl could ever want, but now she needs more. 
Minnie needs Yuqi to ruin herself—which happens sooner than she could’ve ever dreamed of. Yuqi’s ass moves on its own, her hips slam backwards and swallow every inch of Minnie’s flicking fingers and when three of them finally pierce her pussy open, she cums. Face buried in ridiculous amounts of lube, Yuqi groans and trembles and falls over, eyes rolled into the back of her head—that’s what Minnie wanted. But her greed doesn’t stop.
She looks at Miyeon, her pout, her need for release in this slippery mess right in the middle of this living room—Yuqi will have to clean it meticulously afterwards, because Minnie plants her puffy pussy right on Miyeon’s and starts to wildly rub it over her. Minnie knows that Miyeon is quite familiar with scissoring, this is definitely no first for her, but she nonetheless reacts to it like a virgin. She desperately holds onto Minnie’s hip and through a voice broken by moans begs her to go slower. 
“Should I really go slower?” Minnie teases when Miyeon starts to grab her waist and bite her lip. Her face is so eerily perfect with all the wet lube and sweat on it, the blush that isn’t faint but blunt and bright. “Don’t you want to cum with your pussy, pretty princess?”
And then Minnie just continues, her hips slam down, against those aroused folds. She also makes use of her hands, spreading lube all over Miyeon’s boobs, midriff, down to the hard nub that looks like it’s about to explode if just—
Someone would—
“Not there, not there, Mi-Minnie, I’m about to—”
Minnie plays with it, rubs the clit side to side and Miyeon bursts into a loud and wet orgasm that has the pool suddenly filled with lube and girl juice. Minnie still doesn’t stop, instead she squeezes out every last second of Miyeon’s high by squeezing her breasts and squeezing more lube over her feet, which Yuqi is already eagerly playing with, in trance at the taste of Miyeon’s soles.
“Gosh, she looks so hot,” Yuqi whispers at the sight of Miyeon, who cannot escape the overstimulation. There is just no grip on anything, it’s like the entire universe wants her to glide back to Minnie and her pervy hands. Hands that can’t stop groping her, covering her in so much lube, she feels too heavy to fight back. 
“You’re one to talke,” Minnie responds and raises an eyebrow when Yuqi dares to look back at her. “She went down fairly easily, but I know I need more with you.”
Yuqi smirks and like the angelic devil on Minnie’s shoulder leans in and hums:
“Then give me more.”
It’s hard to tell if Yuqi regrets her witty remark or if this was the actual reaction she wanted. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself below Minnie, in the deepest mix of cum, sweat and lube she has ever been in. Minnie immediately goes for her limits, grabbing her ankles and folding her in half while looking absolutely unamused.
“I know you can fold like a lawn chair,” she snarks and Yuqi gasps when her heels are almost level with her eyes. “So you better keep this up, because I won’t stop.”
“Wha-what are you trying—?”
“You’ve never had it like this, huh?”
Minnie crashes her hairy cunt right on Yuqi’s perfect slit. The slap is loud, the sting is painful at first, but Yuqi gets no time to scream because Minnie just continues. She rides her fat lips all over Yuqi’s shaven crotch, spreads her arousal to add more wetness, to glide better.
Glide she does. Yuqi has to take deep breaths that quickly turn to moans every time Minnie glides over her clit. Back and forth is great, left and right is excellent, Yuqi’s mind starts to spin in the same rhythm that Minnie’s pussy spins. That is until she goes up and back down. That’s too much to handle. Yuqi’s nails dig into Minnie’s elbows and she can see the Thai girl only through tear filled orbs.
Hottest of all: Minnie shows no reaction to this athletic feat. She just leans down, lips right on Yuqi’s, but instead of kissing her, she spouts dumb, dirty bullshit that has Yuqi in an ultimate frenzy.
“You never had a girl take you missionary. I fucking know, because I always hear them moan, not you. You think you’re such a player, Yuqi, the girl that gets all the bitches—that’s over now. Now you’re my bitch and I will fuck you like it. You will cum on this hairy pussy and then I’ll make you clean it up.
“Do you understand?”
“Y-yesh, Ma’am!”
Yuqi whines, Minnie smirks.
“Good. That was easy, didn’t know you could be so submissive. I think you should get an orgasm, slut.”
As predicted, the final thrust starts of Yuqi’s climax, one that lasts for a while. While not as messy as Miyeon’s, Minnie can see how intense it was for the smaller woman below her. Yuqi is a fucked mess, messy hair, messy pussy, messy face, something that can surely be a seat in the future—nah, fuck the future. Yuqi won’t always be her bitch, might as well—
“I think you’re learning your place.” Minnie gives Yuqi some time to adjust her posture, time Minnie spends on a quick look at Miyeon, who is busy stimulating her nipples to the sight of what happened in front of her. Minnie has no clue how and if to include her; an issue for later. “Now eat me.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
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trickphotography2 · 20 days
'tis the damn season | Epilogue
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Julie/Cece (OC, no physical description)
Word count: 4.9k
Synopsis: After six years away from home, Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin was finally going to make his parents happy and surprise his family by spending Christmas in Magnolia, Texas. Introducing his pregnant fiancee to his family is a culture clash, with rural Texas meeting California influencer. Though unhappy in his relationship, Jake knows he has to buckle down and do the right thing with a baby on the way.
The last person he expected to run into was his high school sweetheart and the one that got away, Julie.
The holidays are already going to be hard enough for Julie. Her home baking business, which had started as a fun side project, exploded after a few TikToks went viral. Just when she was getting the hang of juggling her job and business, tragedy struck. Facing her first Christmas as an orphan, the last thing Julie expected was to hear that once familiar nickname - Cece.
After almost a decade apart, Jake and Julie can't help but feel that old familiar spark. Even with the realities of their lives pressing in, they can't help but wonder what might have happened if just one of them had fought for their relationship all those years ago.
Chapter 10 | Master List | Ao3
Jake rolled over and quickly silenced the alarm. The house was quiet, and he half expected Cece to be sleeping. She’d been exhausted over the last few weeks and took every opportunity to nap. But she was awake, thumbnail caught between her teeth as she stared at the ceiling. “C’mere, honey,” he rasped, tugging her so she rolled and rested her head on his chest. 
His parents had finally upgraded the bed in his room to a full-sized one, and Jake was surprised he missed the twin. There was a certain nostalgia for coming home and crawling into a small bed, limbs twining together to ensure no one fell off. 
Of course, back then, his parents hadn’t known that he was sneaking Cece into the room. 
Pressing his lips to the crown of her head, Jake gently pulled her nail from her mouth and rested her hand on his chest. “You sleep at all?” he asked. 
“Maybe an hour. Your snoring kept me up.” Her gentle teasing made him feel slightly better. 
“Shoulda kicked me.”
“I did.” Her head bounced on his chest when he chuckled, her cold fingers twirling in his chest hair. “We should get moving before your parents get up.” 
“Alright,” he grunted, glancing at the time and seeing they’d have to get up soon for chores. “First thing first, though.” He brushed the hair from her face when she hummed, turning so her chin rested on his pec. “Merry Christmas, Cupcake.” 
“Merry Christmas, Farm Boy.” Jake smiled tiredly when she moved closer and kissed him. Curling his hand around her cheek, he kissed the tip of her nose before pecking her lips again. 
“No matter what,” he said when she started to pull away. “Everything’s gonna be okay.” In the dim light, he could see tears welling in her eyes and kissed her again. 
“Promise.” With a nod, she climbed over him and stepped onto the cold floor, her arms wrapping tightly around herself. The temperature had been dropping steadily overnight, and when he tugged back the curtains, Jake wasn’t surprised to see that a couple of inches of snow had fallen with no sign of stopping. The rustling of a plastic bag had him flicking back the covers. “What me to come with you?”
“No, not for this part. I’ll… I’ll be back in a minute.” 
“Alright. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” The floorboards creaked as Cece tiptoed out of the room, and Jake collapsed onto the bed. Sleep tugged at him, but he refused to let his eyes close. 
A few minutes later, Cece crept back into the room and pushed the door shut, leaning back against it. “All good?” 
“Pretty hard to screw up peeing on a stick,” she replied, tapping the capped white sticks against her thigh. They’d had to drive two towns over to buy them, using the guise of last-minute Christmas shopping.
Even after being gone from Magnolia for two years, they knew the gossip mill would love nothing more than to talk about Jake and Julie Seresin buying pregnancy tests. 
While Cece was slightly panicking about possibly having a baby, Jake secretly hoped they had a little one on the way. They had been moving slowly, carefully rebuilding their relationship, and now that they were married, he was ready for the next steps. 
After deciding to move to San Diego, it took Cece another two months to get everything wrapped up. Reluctant to sell the house, she’d decided to rent it out and make the decision later. Many of their marathon video calls involved her cleaning the house. It hurt to watch her cry while sorting through her parents' things, trying to decide what to keep and what to donate. Complicating things was her decision to rent a room with someone rather than have her own space, further limiting what she could keep. As much as Jake assured her that they would have plenty of room between the farm and his own place, she wanted to make sure she did things on her own terms. She’d even turned down his offer to rent her a storage locker but later decided to get one and pay for it herself. 
From the night she’d told him about the move, Cece was determined to do everything on her terms. Including them getting back together. “We’re gonna date,” she’d told him. “I know my Farm Boy, but I need to find out who Hangman is.” 
So they’d taken it slow. His offer to fly out and drive back with her had been kindly declined, as Cece wanted to do the two-day drive solo. Instead, Jake was at her apartment when she drove in from Magnolia, pulling a trailer behind her SUV. He met her roommate, someone Cece had met while working at the hotel, and helped her unpack. While waiting for her business to grow, she returned to working at the hotel as an assistant pastry chef.
But Jake made sure she knew his intentions. Not a day went by when Cece didn’t hear “I can’t wait to marry you” or “When we’re married…” 
Between their work schedules, it was hard to find time together. It was torture, knowing that she was so close - in the same damn city - without being able to spend every minute together and waking up without her in his arms every morning. The first time he’d grumbled about it, Cece had kissed him before reminding him that she was trying to establish herself in a new place, and that took time. So he tried to be patient. He kept an overnight bag in his truck to stay at her place and invited her to stay at his whenever she wanted. His spare apartment key was quickly handed over. And when she started baking again, he offered to go with her on deliveries. 
Throughout it all, Cece kept posting. She was careful not to catch him on camera, scouring her videos for glimpses of him before posting. Her followers peppered her with questions about their relationship, but she didn’t respond. But one of her fans commented on her video, outing them when they spotted him behind the wheel when Cece dropped off an order. 
It wasn’t all work, though. While Cece wanted to explore her new home and find her own spots with the help of friends she made at work, Jake introduced her to some of his. He brought her to some of his favorite restaurants and haunts. And, instead of sitting at home on those nights alone, he forced himself to go out with the Daggers, repairing the friendships he’d neglected while with his ex. He still battled moments of jealousy when they left him in the office to fly. When he was forced to stay at his desk or listen to the cocky new recruits in his lectures without being a part of the team to humble them in the air. Slowly, he was allowed to join them in the gym, and their teasing of how weak he was after taking months off was all the encouragement he needed to push harder.
When the flight surgeon finally cleared him to fly, Cece was his first call. It took all of his willpower not to drop to his knees and propose again when he came home to find her there, having let herself in with the key he’d given her. Leaning against the wall, he watched her dance around his kitchen, headphones in as she cooked his favorite meal. Sneaking up behind her, he glanced at a plate of cookies decorated to look like his jet and his gold wings on the island. She jumped when he wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her from the stove and removing one of her headphones. He ducked his head to press his lips to his favorite spot on the curve of her neck. Felt her relax against him when he murmured against her skin, “Hey, baby.” 
“Hey, Hangman,” she replied, resting her hand on his arm and letting her head fall back onto his shoulder. Jake chuckled, running the tip of his tongue over her pulse point and enjoying her shaky inhale.
“It’s Farm Boy to you, Cupcake.” The music started again when he put her headphones on, and he chuckled at hearing a twangy song about a woman approaching a cowboy in a bar. After glancing at the stove to ensure nothing would burn, Jake took another step back and turned her, guiding one arm over his shoulder and holding the other, hips pressing together as he led her in a quick two-step. Cece laughed, eyes sparkling as she sang along.
“Excuse me, you look like you love me. You look like you want me to want you to come on home. And baby, I don't blame you for lookin' me up and down across this room. I'm drunk and I'm ready to leave, and you look like you love me.” 
After dinner, Cece met the Daggers for a celebratory drink at the Hard Deck. She was nervous, and Jake fought against her taking his cookies to the bar, but her kiss and promise to make him more somewhat made up for it. 
Unsurprisingly, the Daggers loved Cece. They especially loved when he’d snapped back at something Rooster had said, and she’d smacked his chest and scowled, “Be nice, Farm Boy.” 
“‘Farm Boy’?” Nat echoed.
“Nope, no one calls me that but her,” Jake said quickly, wrapping an arm around Cece’s waist and pulling her into his chest to kiss her temple. It was worth the teasing about being soft for his girl the next day because it was absolutely true.
“How long is it supposed to take?” Jake murmured as they sat on the floor beside the bed, backs against the mattress. 
“Five minutes.” His groan made her chuckle nervously. 
“That’s forever.” Cece moved the tests from where they rested on her thigh to the floor, crawling into his lap and burying her face in his neck. His hands slipped under the back of her shirt, holding her tightly. “Talk to me, baby.” 
“I’m just nervous. The store opens in a few months, and what if I can’t fill the orders because I’m huge and feel sick all the time?”
“Then we’ll deal with it. You’ve got staff that’ll help.” And she did. Along with a friend from the hotel, Cece was finally taking the plunge and opening her bakery, with her friend also using the space as a coffee shop. Her home bakery company grew quickly - especially after word got around that she offered a discount for first responders, military, and veterans - so much so that Cece had to become more selective with her orders. 
The last year had been a whirlwind. With both of their rental leases ending, Jake and Cece had agreed to move in together and had started looking at houses to buy rather than rent. Keeping her business in mind, they’d tried to find a big kitchen before deciding to find a fixer-upper and renovate. 
And, after a long, tearful discussion, Cece decided to sell her house in Magnolia. The couple renting it had let her know they were interested in buying, especially with their growing family. So they went home for a week to sign the papers, and Jake felt helpless when Cece sobbed after driving away from the house for the last time.
But that evening, when they’d gone out for a horse ride after dinner and ended up under his favorite tree to watch the sunset, she’d told him it was the right thing to do - her daddy had encouraged her to sell it, and, as much as she wanted to hold onto her childhood home, she knew that she couldn’t move back into that house again. The likelihood of her ever moving back to Magnolia became slimmer with every day she spent in California. 
Jake had been absentmindedly playing with her fingers as she talked, his thumb grazing her ring finger. “Hey, Farm Boy?” she sighed, lifting her head from his shoulder. He hummed, turning to brush his lips to her temple. “Wanna get married while we’re home?” 
Few things surprised him, but her proposal was one of them. Jake just stared at her for a long moment, mouth opening and closing without uttering a word. Finally, he choked out, “I don’t have your ring.” Smiling, Cece reached into the neck of her shirt and pulled out the chain, revealing her old engagement ring. 
“I have it. And yours is in my suitcase.” 
“Honey…I… I…” Shaking his head, Jake scrambled to his feet and pulled Cece up. She laughed when he spun her, fingers quickly undoing the necklace clasp and lifting the chain over her head. Sliding the ring into his palm, he spun her back around and sank to one knee, holding her left hand in his. “I thought I’d have more time to figure out what I wanted to say - ”
“We can wait,” Cece grinned, gently pulling her hand away. Jake tightened his grip, not allowing her to move an inch.
“Not a chance, Cupcake. Just gimme…gimme one second.” Staring up at her, he swallowed hard against the lump in his throat, blinking away tears. Her smile softened, and she lifted her free hand to run her fingers through his hair. His eyes fluttered closed as he leaned into her touch. “I love you, Julie Louise,” he rasped. 
Movement forced his eyes open, and Jake watched as Cece knelt before him, cupping his cheek and drawing him closer. Her lips brushed his before curving into a smile. “Yes.” Tears clung to her lashes, her chin wobbling before she cleared her throat. “I don’t need a fancy speech or promises. We did that before. Just promise me I’ll have you forever.”
“I promise,” he breathed. After slipping the ring back onto her finger, Jake tugged her into his lap and kissed her hard, slowly lowering her onto the ground. 
Plans came together quickly. Given that he was in the military, they were able to waive the 72-hour waiting period. But what they imagined as a trip to the county clerk's office was derailed when word of their engagement spread across Magnolia like wildfire. Jake and Cece couldn’t go into town without someone stopping and congratulating them on finally working things out. Even Betty Roberts offered them her blessing, saying that Julie’s parents were surely working some magic upstairs to get them back together again.
Cece had only smiled graciously at that, her fingers squeezing Jake’s hard enough that he had to keep himself from flinching. 
Mama and Lucy spearheaded throwing the wedding together in three days. Determined to make sure that they were celebrated appropriately, the two women quickly promised Cece that the only thing she needed to worry about was finding her dress and baking the cake when she tried to stop the fuss. Jake, meanwhile, was roped into renting a hall in town for a small reception after he was stopped a few too many times by firefighters who had worked with Cece’s daddy, none too subtly implying that he needed to do right by Cece and it’s what her daddy would have wanted. 
But the biggest surprise was when Ally and Will missed family dinner the Friday night before the wedding. Mama and Pops had gone upstairs to try and get Tyler down for bed, leaving Jake and Cece alone to finish their wedding cake. Jake was more of a hindrance than a help as he crowded into her space and continuously snuck tastes of the frosting and cake shavings. It was just past eleven when lights flashed in the yard, followed by loud voices. Distracted by licking the frosting from Cece’s neck as she piped thin strands of frosting and figured out where she’d put flowers in the morning, he didn’t hear it until she pushed him away and went to investigate. “Jake,” she breathed, eyes wide when she turned away from the window to look back at him. “Go get the door.”
His parents stood on the stairs, barely suppressed smiles on their faces. Flicking on the porch light, Jake opened the door and felt his jaw drop when he saw the Dagger squad piling out of a fleet of cars. “Didn’t think you were gonna get married without us, did you?” Coyote laughed, pulling him into a hug.
Which was why, after a morning of watching the idiots struggle with basic chores and almost getting kicked by the cows, Jake drove the truck out to his tree with his buddies in the bed. They set up chairs while Cece and the women worked on the hall. Once everything was set up, Jake retreated to Will’s house to shower and change while Cece got ready at the main house. Rather than wear his uniform, Jake pressed his button-up shirt and jeans before cleaning his boots. The casual clothes earned him some teasing from his friends as they put on their dress whites, but he didn’t care. They would die in the Texas heat in all that Navy Twill while he married the girl of his dreams. 
The ceremony was short, and Jake would be hard-pressed to remember their vows. But the image of Cece walking up the makeshift aisle on Pop’s arm, a bouquet of grocery-store flowers in her hand, and wearing a simple white sundress with her own pair of boots was something he’d never forget. The judge, a friend of her daddy’s, was happy to give up his Saturday afternoon to officiate. Other than a goodnatured jab - “I now - finally - pronounce you man and wife” - there was no comment on how long it had taken them to get to this moment. 
While everyone else picked up the chairs, Jake and Cece escaped. They had a stop to make on their way to the reception - they needed to pay their respects to her parents. The cemetery was just outside town, and after laying flowers on their grave, Jake sat and pulled Cece into his lap. “I wish they were here today,” she said softly.
“Me too. Your mama would have been gloating along with mine.” 
“Daddy would’ve asked me if I wanted to make a quick getaway.” When he squeezed her sides, she giggled before kissing him. “I woulda turned him down.”
“Good. Cause I woulda come after you, Mrs. Seresin.” Cece scrunched her nose.
“I’m gonna have to get used to that. Makes me think your Mama’s around.” 
“That right, Mrs. Seresin?” Jake smirked, pressing his lips to the curve of her neck. “I can work with that.”
After another few minutes, Cece pushed to her feet and reached down to help him up. “We should get going. They can’t start the party without us.” Jake let her lead him to the rental car, turning and making a silent promise to her parents that he’d take care of her. 
“That’s gotta be five minutes,” Jake murmured. Cece tensed, refusing to lift her head from his shoulder. “Want me to look?” At her continued silence, he sighed. “Honey.”
“I know.” Slowly, she lifted her head, tears glistening on her cheeks. Cupping her face, he ran his thumbs under her eyes and guided her forehead to rest against his. 
“We’re gonna be okay, no matter what.” 
“I know. I just... I wish my Mama and Daddy were here.” His arms wrapped around her waist, crushing her to his chest. “It feels… different this time.” 
His heart swooped as his stomach dropped. Jake hated that Cece had gone through two pregnancy scares without him and knew that she missed her parents at significant moments. But the idea that this time was different made him feel a little hope that their family of two might grow in a few months. “I know, baby. I wish they were here, too.” And as much as he was itching to pick up those tests, he was happy to wait until his wife was ready. 
Eventually, she pulled away and wiped at her face. “Alright.” Crawling off his lap, Cece flicked on the bedside lamp and settled beside Jake. Reaching over him, she grabbed both pregnancy tests and handed him one with the results face down. “On the count of three?” At his nod, she took a deep breath. “One… two… three.”
Jake grinned. He turned and looked at the test in her hand, showing she was pregnant. Tears streamed down her face, and she brought a hand up to stifle a sob. “Julie, we’re gonna have a baby.” Nodding, she flung herself into his arms and cried. “Hey,” he cooed, rubbing her back. “We’re gonna be okay, honey. I promise.” 
“I-I’m happy, I s-wear,” she gasped. Pulling away, Cece smiled down at his blinding grin. “We’re g-gonna be p-parents.” 
“You’re gonna be a mama.” The words made her gasp, and Jake managed to get them back into bed, holding her tightly as she sobbed. “It’s alright, honey.” And as much as he wanted to touch her stomach, to feel where their little one was growing, Jake didn’t want to push it. So he held his wife - the mother of his child - until her tears turned into hiccups. When the alarm went off the second time, he reluctantly let her go and tapped the phone to silence it. Cece sniffled, tucking herself closer to him. “How’re you feeling, sweetheart?” 
“‘M okay… tired.” Nodding, he brushed a kiss to her forehead and squeezed her tightly.
“Why don’t you take it easy this morning? Sleep in for a bit.”
“Gotta make breakfast.” Even as she said it, her eyes remained closed. 
“Mama can put the casserole in, and you made the scones last night. Relax. Take care of yourself and our little one.” A hint of a smile tugged at her mouth, and Jake felt himself relax at the sight. When her hand drifted down to rest on her stomach lightly, he took that as permission to do the same. 
“‘M scared but ‘m happy,” she whispered again. 
“Me too.” Slowly, her eyes opened and met his, and he couldn’t help but grin. “Best Christmas present ever.” A tired smile graced her lips, and she shook her head. 
“Can we keep it just between us for now?” 
“Yeah,” he agreed quickly, as much as he wanted to shout the news from the rooftop.
Getting Cece to stay in bed only took a little more convincing. Jake felt her eyes on him as he dressed, and he climbed back in to kiss her, one hand resting on her stomach. Only the sound of his parents' footsteps in the hall and the call to “get a move on, son” forced him out of the room.
Even the bite of the cold and the sting of snowflakes pelting his face couldn’t dampen Jake’s happiness. And as soon as the last cow was put back into the barn to shelter from the snow, he was hurrying back inside to check on Cece. He found her in the living room, Tyler sleeping curled on her chest as she dozed on the couch. The sight of the toddler in his wife’s arms, his towhead tucked under her chin and his thumb in his mouth, made him ache. “Ally said she’d help Mama if I watched him,” she said softly. 
“I’m surprised he’s still sleeping and didn’t check to see if S-A-N-T-A came,” he chuckled, glancing over at the presents stacked under the tree. But she pushed against his chest and wrinkled her nose when he leaned down to kiss her.
“Would you…uh… mind showering first?” Laughing, he kissed his fingertips before pressing them to her forehead.
“Gonna get you under the mistletoe for a do-over, Cupcake.”
“Count on it, Farm Boy,” she smirked. “Once you don’t smell like a cow.” 
Less than an hour later, they stood in the kitchen, Cece leaning back against Jake as he leaned against the counter. She held their shared plate of French toast casserole and the orange cranberry scones while his arm wrapped around her waist, thumb tucked into her sweatpants and lightly pressing against her stomach. Jake watched Will and Ally at the table, trying to get Ty to eat breakfast now that he’d spotted the presents. Every time the kid looked toward the living room, his brother cupped his cheek and blew a raspberry, turning his head back to his mother. Tyler shrieked with laughter, face a mess of syrup and half-eaten bread, while Ally huffed and tried not to smile.
Jake thought that could be them in a year, pulling his wife closer. 
As soon as Pops came downstairs from his shower, he clapped his hands. “Whose ready for presents?” he boomed. Tyler squealed, throwing up his dirty hands toward his grandpop, who scooped him out of his chair. Mama quickly cleaned Tyler’s hands and face, wiping some syrup from Pops’ face as well. 
Jake and Cece sat on the couch, watching Tyler open his gifts as they sipped their coffee. They made the appropriate noises with each gift as the adults unwrapped theirs.
When it came time for them, Jake was surprised when Mama handed them each a light package and told them to open them at the same time. At first, he was confused about why she would have knitted him a light blue sweater until he realized it was a little blanket. Cece had a pink one, her wide eyes flitting to meet his. The blankets were pretty and clearly took a lot of time to make. “Getting a bit ahead of yourself, aren’t you?” Jake asked, forcing a laugh. 
Mama just shrugged and gave them a knowing smile. “Had a dream a couple of months ago. Pops and I were visiting you in California with Julie’s folks, and her mama and I were getting ready for a first birthday party.” 
“Got somethin’ to share with the family?” Will asked, his eyes darting between the two. He and Ally had been gifted a blanket a couple of months before letting the family know Tyler was on the way - and, unbeknownst to them, another baby blanket was sitting under the tree, waiting to be unwrapped. 
“Nope,” Cece croaked before clearing her throat and blinking back tears. The idea of her Mama and Daddy being at a party for their baby made it hard to speak. “Nothing yet. And besides, as pretty as this one is, you know we’d end up using this one.” Reaching out, she lightly stroked the blue blanket - after all, everyone knew the Seresins had boys. There hadn’t been a girl in generations.
“You never know - the odds are 50/50,” Ally quipped. “Maybe Mama’s hedging her bets.”
“Maybe,” Mama smirked. 
Seven short months later, Jake smiled down at his son while walking around the hospital room. Just a few hours old, he looked like a grumpy little man, nose scrunched like his mama’s. He looked so tiny in his arms, and Jake swallowed hard.
A grunting noise made him turn in time to see Cece reaching into the bassinet. She grimaced slightly at the movement, and he quickly strode over. “Here, take him. I’ll get her.” 
“I can do it,” she huffed. 
“Lemme take care of my girls.” Shaking her head, Cece relaxed back against the pillows and held her son, sighing when he started to root against her breast. “Looks like he’s hungry.” 
“I’m sure she will be in a second.” 
“Well, Daddy’ll distract her while you take care of brother,” Jake grinned, lifting his daughter from the bassinet. She’d gotten her pink hat off while sleeping, revealing wispy hair that looked just like her mama’s. Unable to stop himself, he pulled his phone from his back pocket and snapped a picture of his little girl - it probably looked just like the other fifty he’d taken of her in the last couple of hours, but it didn’t matter. 
Despite his best attempts, she started crying and wouldn’t be soothed by her daddy cooing at her. Jake carried her back to Cece. “He’s not done yet,” she said, glancing between the babies. Her free breast ached at the sound of her daughter’s screeching, and milk beaded on her nipple. Too tired to figure out the logistics of feeding the twins alone, they called for a nurse who helped Cece get the babies situated on a nursing pillow. Once both babies were latched, she quietly slipped out of the room.
“Damn,” Jake breathed, carefully sitting on the bed next to her, afraid to jostle anyone. 
“Make one joke about cows, I dare you,” Cece said, dropping her head back onto the pillows and fighting the urge to shift away from the uncomfortable tugging sensation in her breasts. 
“Never crossed my mind,” he assured her. Dropping his arm across her shoulders, Jake leaned over to kiss his wife. “I love you so damn much, Cupcake,” he murmured against her lips. 
“Love you too, Farm Boy.” 
For just this moment, Jake was able to ignore his buzzing phone demanding updates. He didn’t hear the voices in the hallway or worry that they’d left the house a mess when Cece had woken him in the middle of the night when her water broke. That he needed to make sure his paternity leave was submitted. That they needed to make sure her business partner knew her maternity leave was officially started. 
All that mattered to Jake was that his whole world was safe in his arms.
His perfect family of four.
And that was enough.
Author's Note: This chapter was very bittersweet to write. I didn't expect for this fic to take so long to write, but I've loved every moment of it - from the brainstorming with May after seeing set picks from Twisters, to actually writing, to seeing your reactions to it.
There are parts that I didn't get to include, like Pops giving Jake and Cece the part of the property with his tree, so they'd always have roots in Magnolia. And Jake and Cece coming home with the twins over the summer to help paint the house when they're a bit older, and four Seresin kiddos chasing fireflies in the field (Ally and Will had another boy). I didn't include the names for the twins, but their middle names are Cece's parents.
As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. I appreciate you so much. And I'm always happy to revisit these two if you ever want to see more of them.
Taglist: @buckysteveloki-me
If you would like to be tagged for any or all of my writing, please fill out my tag form (hyperlinked)
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nsoulnet · 5 months
ghostface ellie hcs??
summary: in which ellie is a ruthless killer with the meanest personality... and she has a new york accent
warnings: MDNI!!!!, dom!ellie, sub!reader, manipulation, smuttt, ghost face!ellie, mentions of gore and murder, bdsm, did i mention reader is a loser!!, degrading kink, breathplay, impact play, overstim, probably more that i forgot to list
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this is insanely experimental, bear with me here 😭
ghostface!ellie who meets you by accident. she's in her backyard, disposing of a huge black bag whilst covered in blood when a ball suddenly flies over the fence. unexpectedly, you rush in to grab it, catching her in a compromising state. she decides to just make up an excuse. "hey! 'm preparing for halloween early, how d'you like my costume?" ellie says, taking her mask off and smiling at you. you gaze back at her flustered, looking like a deer in headlights. you didn't know your neighbor was this pretty! or that she liked halloween as much as you did- you were so nerdy, and spooky month was your favorite time of year. you found yourself unable to speak. "i- it's very realistic," you say finally. ellie noticed how timid and shy you seemed, and her eyes caught a certain glint. she was going to play around with you.
ghostface!ellie who begins to realize, the closer you two get, that you're actually pretty loserish. you don't have many friends, and you sort of keep to yourself, focusing on your interests. you're so mousy and passive, she just finds it terribly easy to control you. and when she discovers you're unsure of your sexual orientation, she has to choke back a smile.
ghostface!ellie manipulates you into thinking you're just romantically inexperienced, so she can swoop in and be the one to provide that experience. she takes advantage of your attraction to her, purposefully doing things to fluster you. she makes you sit in her lap when you watch scary movies, claiming you're "too jumpy" and might break something or hurt yourself if she doesn't hold you. she kisses your forehead whenever you complain about a headache. fuck, she even buys things for you- nice, pretty things, based on your interests and needs. it's not long before you start dating her.
ghostface!ellie seems to hate everyone but you. you see how mean she is to other people, and it makes you feel weird because she's hot when she's mad. you almost want to do something to make her angry... and your opportunity comes when you visit her house one day to find she's not home. you have a key, so you just enter. ellie has always made it clear you should never snoop through her stuff, and you know she'd be pissed if she caught you... but that only makes things more thrilling. you explore her house beyond what she usually lets you see, and everything seems okay until you discover she has a basement. curious, you enter, only to be surrounded by darkness and a weird, sticky liquid on your hands. you eventually find a light switch, but what you see makes your heart skip a beat... large plastic bags are everywhere, with blood seeping onto the floor. you panic immediately, turning the lights off and running back up the staircase to find ellie standing there. your heart drops; there was a look you'd never seen before in her eyes.
ghostface!ellie is livid at your unexpected disobedience. usually, you were so good for her, so obedient and compliant. she felt almost annoyed that now she had to teach you your place- sure, she knew you wouldn't tell the police, but she needed to make sure you'd listen to her in the future. so she needed to be mean.
ghostface!ellie shoves your head into the pillow when she fucks you. her hands are heavy as they slap your ass, but you come to find the sting pleasurable. you can't help but like it when she tucks her arm around your neck, pulling you off of the bed and forcing your back to touch her stomach. you feel so lightheaded from the lack of air in your lungs- ellie doesn't care, of course. she can feel your sticky cum everywhere, making a huge mess, and proving to her how much you like being fucked while in a headlock. "els, nghh, can't breathe, can't think," you cry out, feeling an orgasm building. instead of at least mock sympathy, you're met with cruel laughter. "can't breathe, huh? that's good, maybe now you're gonna think twice before doing stupid shit," ellie retorts, before tightening her lock on your neck- it'll definitely leave some tenderness and bruising. she also begins to slam into you at a much quicker pace, relishing the sounds of your gushing cunt pulling her strap in. she notices when your legs start to shake. "what, you gonna cum? i'm not done yet, baby. you cum now n you're just gonna keep cumming again after that," she teases, and ellie doesn't make empty promises.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩.✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
this account supports palestine 🇵🇸❤️
do not buy any tlou games! neil druckmann, the creator, is a zionist who's funding a genocide! do not give him your money!
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syntheticavenger · 2 months
I remember there was a drabble about reader being intercepted by Fury and Sam in a store and Ari was there; and steve got taken away. What happened after that?
Ooh I am so glad you asked! Here's some insight to what happened after Steve was taken away.
the beautiful gif by @flordeamatista
Word Count: 764
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, alpha/omega dynamics, language, everything in the fragile AU.
Summary | After Ari intercepts Steve, Fury and Sam get hints of what actually transpired after the incident at the Avengers compound.
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“You’re making a mistake, Sam.”
Sam looks in the rearview mirror at Steve, his friend’s blue eyes focused on him without a single blink.
“No, I don’t think I am. We have to get her to safety.”
“She’s safe with me.”
Sam checks the locks on the doors, even though he knows that Steve could break through the glass – he’s seen it before.
“I saw the bite, Steve. She was missing and you didn’t say a one goddamn word.”
“I knew where she was.”
Sam lets out a breath, the SUV accelerating as he heads down the street.
“She wanted to be free to do her job.”
“She needed me. All those business trips? She’s an Omega. She would have been in harm’s way.”
“That’s why we have protection.”
“That’s why she has me,” Steve replies, sitting back against his seat. “You’re an Alpha, Sam. You know our kind and you know how dangerous it was going to be if she would have gotten hurt.”
“Fury had it covered.”
“Fury hid her designation.”
“And it wasn’t your business to make it known.”
“You don’t know how far back she and I go, Sam,” Steve replies with a shake of his head. “You’ll never know.”
“Safe house,” Fury repeats with a scoff. “Safe place is what they should call it. A little apartment, fully furnished while we get you checked out.”
You say nothing, watching the highway as Fury clears his throat.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.”
“How long?” you finally speak, Fury turning down the radio.
“How long what?”
“Am I going to be there?”
“Depends on Steve. We assume there is a lot of trauma. Dr. Cho wants to look you over, make sure you and the baby are alright.”
“Not Helen,” you whisper, a tear slipping down your cheek. “She can’t see me like…”
“She knows. She offered to help. She wants to help, hell, we all do. I promise we will get you all the help you need.”
You can feel him in the bond, eyes closing with the simmering anger that you can almost taste.
“I need air,” you gasp, your fingers searching for the button for the window. “I need… please…”
Fury assists, slowing down on the shoulder of the highway as you breathe in the air, eyes closed tight.
He knows exactly what is happening, opening a bottle of suppressants from the bag he had grabbed from the last of your things, only to find one pill left.
“Here,” Fury offers you, the pill spilling into your hand as you look at it.
Alpha won’t like it. Don’t take it.
Your hindbrain hums with disapproval, his voice nearly taking over your thoughts when you take it, swallowing it down with water as the plastic bottle creaks loudly in your grip.
“He’ll know,” you whisper tearfully. “He’ll be upset.”
“He can be upset in his cell for all I fucking care,” Fury replies, pulling back onto the highway. “You take deep breaths for me, okay? You panic before the suppressant has a chance to work, you could have a panic attack and I already lost you once. Breathe.”
Sam doesn’t look back when Fury opens the door, still watching as Steve sits at the table.
“Has he said anything?”
“No,” Sam sighs, feeling Fury standing next to him. “Not since we got out the car. He thinks she belongs to him.”
“Even a Captain can be wrong.”
“How is she?”
“She’s with Hill. Fine, a little scared but hell, who wouldn’t be. Stockholm syndrome is a bitch.”
“He said they go way back. I don’t know what that means.”
Fury sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Long time ago, there was a classified file. Some type of bar, hell, I don’t know what it was but either way, Steve started tracking this perfume maker. He wrote notes, lots of ‘em and they were all detailed before he went into the ice. If the allegations are true, then he’s been tracking her bloodline since we pulled him out. Would explain a lot.”
“You knew?”
“Not until she disappeared, Sam,” Fury shoots back. “I asked for it when she disappeared, had a hunch when Sergeant Barnes mentioned a certain perfume. Matches her DNA.”
“What do we do?”
Fury stands closer to the window, Steve’s expression darkening.
“I gave her a suppressant.”
“She’s already bonded,” Sam reminds him.
“Quiets the hindbrain,” Fury counters, seeing Steve stand. “Gives her some clarity.”
Steve looks at the window, glaring as Sam stares at him.
“He just realized she’s shutting him out.”
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julieverne · 7 months
"You sure you're okay," Jane asks for the seventeenth time.
Maura's been counting.
She is okay. Just abrasions and contusions. But the longer she stays quiet, the longer Jane's hands brush over her, trying to find whatever wound has left her breathless. Maura nods bravely, but Jane's hands don't stop auditing her injuries. Eventually she digs in Maura's bag for the little drug-store first aid kit she keeps on her because Jane is 'irresponsibly reckless' and always needs bandaids. She uses an alcohol wipe to sterilize the little scrapes on Maura's hands and knees, trying to uncurl Maura so she can check the rest of her.
"I told you I never learned," Maura pouts, and Jane chuckles with relief. Jane's bike lies scratched and discarded beside them. Jane examines Maura's hands for embedded gravel, and Maura flinches. Jane's mouth mous in apology, but she doesn't let go, cleaning the wounds. Maura is wearing shorts, and Jane checks Maura's knees next, putting a band-aid over a bleeding wound. She lands a little kiss on top of the plastic, then covers another wound on Maura's elbow, then her palm. She kisses each of these too. Then she turns Maura's hand over and kisses the knuckles too.
"There. All better."
It's not the exact truth, but it's so close to being everything Maura wants - to be able to fail without judgement, to fall and be picked up, be comforted after being hurt. Maura licks her lips and tastes blood.
"You missed one," Maura says, and Jane watches her tongue, then uses her thumb to touch the wound, hissing when Maura flinches.
"You always say the mouth and uh... other orifices... heal pretty fast."
"They do," Maura admits.
"But just because it's you, I guess I should kiss it better," Jane says. She looks shyly down at their joined hands, then quickly up at Maura to make sure it's okay. Something she sees on Maura's face reassures her, because she leans in and presses the softest, gentlest kiss Maura's ever had on her lips, pulling away slowly looking hypnotised and satisfied.
"All better," Maura agrees, finally catching her breath.
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mistymisfit · 7 months
So long, Marianne I
Summary: Reader is a spy working undercover in Gotham when she meets Jason Todd, who despite her better judgement she forms a very close friendship with. This story follows their escape from Arkham asylum, their fall out and the times they run into each other as they get older.
Relationship: AK!Jason x Meta!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence (I'm serious, tho- in canon it's also pretty violent), angst, hurt/no comfort (for now), this series is just my excuse to write angst lol.
A/N: *CIPA means Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis aka people who are unable to feel pain. see the end for more notes :)
Word Count: 4,2K
Read on AO3
Part 2- Masterlist
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He repeats his question one more time before kicking your stomach again, "Who are you?". He's been asking the same thing for the past... month? Time gets blurry when you're kidnapped. Fuck, undercover work sucked no matter who you did it for. Whether it was your actual boss or the big bad bat himself, they should all make it up for making you endure this--make it up by dying, you thought. God, whose stupid idea was it again? Letting yourself be kidnapped by the Joker so they could track his lair and see if he had any connections to your current case, ah yes... your boss. Not even Batman would ask you to do that, at least the man had some moral code he hung onto, maybe a little too tight. You've earned an early retirement after this assignment, almost two years living in Gotham, out of everywhere. But what neither you or your boss expected was that he'd know your "secret identity" was fake, that he would torture and kill the agents who worked with you and pretended to be your family--or that they'd sell you out. You whisper, they were not even words just an unintelligible sound. He lowers down, putting his ear close to your mouth to be able to listen better and asks you to repeat yourself. You bite him, as hard as you can and draw blood, lots of it which you spit out with a smirk.
"Fuck you" You taunt and he just laughs, holding his wounded ear. The laughing is excessive, it reverberates around the entire room and you brace for the next impact. But it never comes.
"I think it's time you met a friend we have in common" His smile makes dread set in on you, who? By his standards it could be anyone, from someone you actually knew to someone you've never met but was there to pick up on his dirty work as he went to do other things. He pushes you with his feet until you lay on your stomach and begins to cover your hands, you count the layers. First some kind of cloth, then plastic wrap, then aluminum foil, then a bag to hold it all together. Right, you let everyone believe your healing abilities could only work with your hands.
He drags you up, grabbing one of your arms as he walked you to a different room. The side of his head still bled, and you watched the blood fall down and how it got no reaction from him. He must be used to pain or there must be something wrong with his pain nerves. Maybe not enough to be CIPA* because you have seen him wince and experience pain before. Your feet fail you, you can barely take steps due to how weak you are. Every bite of food you've been forced to take ended up being spat or thrown up moments later. You can feel how chapped your lips are, how tangled your hair is, how deep the bags under your eyes must be, the way your arms hurt from being tied behind your back for too long, how much you must look like shit. He opens a door to a mostly dark room, you can only make out a figure sitting on a chair under the singular light in the entire room. He--yeah, it's a guy definitely, you think--he's got his head low, his posture isn't close to being okay and upon further inspection you realize he's tied to the chair. He's pushing to walk in his direction, and you recognize that hair, even though less dirty, and that side profile way less hurt. You knew that person, you knew him maybe a little too much for your mission.
Jason Todd was once your friend, possibly the only friend your age you've ever had. You met him when he was Robin, being instructed that working with Batman may end up being beneficial at the end of the line you were told not to antagonize him. Even helped him every once in a while to get at least his respect. The first time you ever talked to Jason-- or rather Robin at the time, was when he sprained an ankle one night. You were there, trying to gain info on an illegal arms shipment that was arriving that night "We just have to know who bought it" they told you. You weren't there to stop them, you barely were allowed to actually stop bad things from happening and sometimes you envied that in them. They were their own person, they could have lives, make their own decisions, have agency of their own. Instead you, poor you, you had nothing but your work, no family you knew of, no goals of your own, nowhere to go if you wanted to quit. You healed him, at least that you could do. Maybe word would get out of a new vigilante with "unspecified healing abilities", they didn't have to know you actually manipulated time and just turned time back to a moment they weren't hurt. And from that moment on, unknown to you, he had a crush on you.
He started following you around. It's not stalking he'd justify it, he was just investigating. Making sure whose side you were on because after all you were on the harbor the day he stopped some local gangs from getting their hands on bigger guns. But he found no more than your cover story, neither he or Batman could leave a secret identity be secret. He believed your cover story, no one had any reason to question it. You were just Marianne, a simple girl. A simple girl with superpowers who healed his ankle. Later, when you became closer, sitting next to each other on the rooftop of a building looking down on the city lights, and the traffic that still moved late at night, you explained to him that your powers came from a freak accident in a lab when you were a kid. That much was true, most of the things you told him were true. At the time you felt he was someone who understood you, and he felt the same. And that's how the both of you started developing feelings for each other. It was more than just a crush and the need to have the other closer kept getting stronger. You kept reminding yourself that you couldn't, that you were being so unfair to him, keeping him in the dark about who you really were, if he knew the truth he would never have trusted you. So when you were told he died, how Batman was so sure of it, you regretted everything. You were so decided on telling him the night he disappeared, why didn't you do it before? You've been living with that ever since, the regret, the guilt. And it only got worse when you found out he was dead, knowing he died not knowing your real name, he died believing your lies.
"No," you try to stop, not to get closer to his corpse. "what kind of trick is this?"
"Ah, come on- he's still your friend, isn't he?" You struggle, not letting him move you and putting your entire body weight into it, every strain of energy you had in trying to stop it. How sick is he? He kept his body all this time. Tears fell on your face just thinking about it. How much he suffered, how violent his last moments were, how he didn't get justice or a proper burial.
"You can't even respect the dead," You cry "I'm gonna rip your heart out of your chest with my bare hands, do you hear me? I'll make your death so violent even Batman will feel sick"
Your threats started falling out of your mouth faster than the logic in your brain could work, you shouldn't be saying those things. You couldn't be making empty promises like that, you knew you couldn't kill him. You would never be allowed to do it. He laughed, and laughed and pushed you to fall on your back right at the feet of your dead friend. You looked up, just a peak to see his face one last time but he didn't look decomposed, in fact he even had fresh blood on his face. You also saw his chest moving up and down very slowly, was he sleeping?
"Ah, how sweet of you" The man awes, pretending to be flustered by her death threats "but I didn't kill him"
He steps closer and slaps Jason's face, yelling "Wakey, wakey! You have a visit!"
You watch in shock at how he his eyes open so fast, how his head shoot up and the fear in his expression starts to settle in. He wore an orange jumpsuit, as if he was just an inmate more, his cheeks were stained with tears, there was dry blood on one of his nostrils and his lower lip had a cut. Not to mention the "J" scar on his face too.
"What did you do to him?" You ask, sitting up from where you were.
"We were just having fun together, right Jason?" He grabs his head from behind him to make him shake it, saying yes. "and you and I can have just as much fun, soon as you start telling the truth"
"Ma-Marianne?" His voice is rough and low, it was the first time you heard him scared.
"Yes," You crawl closer to him, and look up at him before resting your forehead in one of his legs to hide your face as you started to weep inconsolably "I'm so sorry, they said you were dead, that-"
There is a deadly silence filling the room , where you can only hear your ugly sobs. Jason doesn't respond and you didn't expect him to, but at least they let you cry in peace. Taking in the fact that he'd been alive all this time, thinking about what he's been put through as you mourned like an idiot when you should've kept looking for him. How you abandoned him, how everyone abandoned him. And that made you feel even worse than your initial thought of Joker not letting him rest after he died, because in that case there was nothing you could've done but now... You felt his leg move lightly and you looked up, maybe you were making him uncomfortable and this was his way of saying it. He mouthed a little "I love you" when he knew your captor wouldn't see it. Just then as you gave him a small nod and mouthed "I love you too" you saw he was crying too. Soon his tears fell on you, and he moved his shoulder and turned his head to wipe them off as he sniffed.
"Aww, isn't it romantic, Mr J?" Harley's voice sounds from behind you but you couldn't bring yourself to look away from him. You were getting out there tonight, fuck your cover, fuck your job, he was the only thing that mattered right now.
"Young love," He sighs, dreamy, as if he knew what he was talking about. Like he knew what love felt like at all in any way, shape or form. "We'll have a little menage a trois, It'll be fun dont cha' think?"
And soon enough you felt Harley's arms holding you down as he put a rag over your face and proceeded to throw water. Jason screamed, asking them to stop, that you had nothing to do with them. You coughed when they stopped, at least maybe your face was clean and free of the blood you bit from him earlier. You could handle getting waterboarded, you've been trained to endure all sorts of torture methods. What you couldn't handle was hearing and seeing him like that.
"Now, your little girlfriend hasn't been entirely honest with you"
"I don't know what you're talking about, I've already told you who I am" You insist, this time actually desperate.
"Ah- and who are these two then? Liars?" He shows him, not you, a picture of your fake parents dead. Then he shows it to you, of course Jason thought they were your parents, you gave him no reason to believe otherwise. "Cause you see, I thought you were just another annoying kid, getting in the way of my game with the bat- but you're much more than, you're too good"
Silence, you were trained better than this. They put the cloth on your face again, trying once more to get the truth out of you.
"Hey, maybe he knows" He switches up quickly, and takes a piece of broken wood to hold it over Jason "Come on tell me, who's her? And why is your old man protecting her?"
"Her name's Marianne, and he's protecting her because she's my friend"
"Ah-" He imitates a buzzer noise, like he was in some game show "Wrong answer" He hit him.
"Stop it!" You yell, as he repeatedly hit him. You struggle trying to break free from the woman holding you. Until you managed to hit her with my head somehow. You feel the pain in your scalp from her teeth hitting you too.
"This is useless mista' J," Harley spoke, doubt filled her voice. Maybe you were telling the truth, maybe you were just who you said you were and he was too lost to see it. "the girl's been saying the same for months, and her parents weren't even that convincing when they said they weren't her folks"
You watch them leave, him being visibly angry at her for questioning him. Only for him to come back moments later, almost bolting to Jason saying "I have a show to run outside, could you two behave and wait for me here?" Like you had much of a choice, then he said "And hold this for me, boy" before stabbing him. Of course he couldn't stop by without leaving him with an open wound of any sort. You rushed to him before the door was even closed, you removed the knife from the wound with your mouth, your hands still tied behind your back and wrapped up in multiple different layers in a failed attempt to stop you from using your power. Your eyes lit up as you healed him, his pained grunts eventually coming to a stop.
"I bet I look like shit right now" You joke, resting your cheek on his thigh once more. T rying to hide the fact that, despite the situation you were in, you were still a bit embarrassed that he saw you like that.
"You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen in my life" He confesses, not a single strain of joke or sarcasm in his statement and it makes you blush before you move to the back of his chair to untie him.
"You only say that because you want me to free you" You say before grabbing the rope with your teeth, taking longer to undo the knots than it would with your hands on your back and not being able to see what you were doing. If only they didn't think your powers worked from your hands.
"His ear, you did it?" He asked, getting a muffled sound of confirmation from you. "That's my girl"
The scoff in which he said it made you blush again, your cheeks were heating up tonight. He knew if anyone was ever getting him out it would be you, not Batman. His mentor probably started to look for a replacement as soon as he went off the grid. He knew you would never betray him, that's the only thing the Joker couldn't torture or manipulate out of him, the one thing he could hold on to. His kidnapper was wrong, he was never Batman's or his. He's always been yours, probably since you healed his ankle. The ropes around his arms loosen until he's free again, his muscles were sore but soon the adrenaline would kick in and rid him from all pain. He frees his legs in a hurry as you stand up in front of him, he stands up too again. The stretch felt good, moving on his own felt good, and seeing you again felt even better. You turned around, it was his turn to get rid of the ropes now. He grabbed the knife that you couldn't use and cut through your bindings. Still he couldn't help but think about the worried look on your face, what are you thinking about? How to get out? Him? Whatever it was, he took a moment and the second you turned to face him again he wrapped you in a hug. Feeling your warm body against him for the time in so long, you return the affection hugging him just as tightly. He feels relieved, finally a gentle hand lays on him, a hand that he knew could never hurt him.
"Jay, I-" You hesitate, hiding your face in his chest while trying to hide and get the courage to tell him at the same time "I have to tell you something"
"Can it wait until we get out?" You shake your head no, he had to know so you could break out from there. I mean, it was kinda hard to break out of Arkham without help.
"No, uhm, we need to call for help" You start "There's a chip on me, I need you to cut me and take it out"
"What? Help from who?"
"My agency" You admit in a whisper, and just as fast as you got him back you feel how you're loosing him a second time. He lets go of you, and you can feel the distance he's putting between you two more than any torture Joker put you through.
"Where is it?" He asks, his tone cold and detached. You try to hide how hurt you were, you should've expected it he had every reason to be mad.
"Here" You lift your shirt up and point to the place where the tracker was, on your lower stomach right above your hips, on your left side.
He nods, and you lay down on the floor so he can get to work. He touches you, only to get a feel of where it was and you try not to think that this will probably be the last time you feel him so close as you put your arm over your mouth to stop any noise that may come out of you. He cuts your skin, and you bite your arm and hope it's quick. With the end of the knife he swiftly pulls it out in between all the blood coming out of you. You tell him to step on it so it gets destroyed and sends the message, as you heal yourself. He wasn't even watching you, his eyes were fixed on the door processing yet another betrayal.
"Jay, I wanted to tell you-" You try to explain but he cut you off shooting a serious glare at you.
"I don't care," He was cold, his voice severe and it even scared you "get me the fuck out of here and we'll talk"
You nodded on the verge of tears, then deciding that holding on to the hope than when you two were somewhere safer he'd be open to have a conversation was your safer bet to maintain some sanity. Maybe then he'd listen to your apologies. At this point you weren't hoping for absolution but a truce would suffice. Why did you have to go and fuck it up? Why did you have to go and fall for him? You knew who you were, a spy trained for most of the life you remembered who worked undercover in Gotham, you knew you were not supposed to have any ties or emotional connections. You cursed at whoever gave you feelings and made you human, instead of whoever turned you into a machine.
"We should get moving, get to the extraction point"
He just nodded, it was short and formal, so unlike what you were used from him. He followed behind you as you carefully opened the door. There were no guards outside, so you moved. Soon an alarm started to blare through the rotten and worn down asylum wing, that's why the hallway was so empty. Two inmates run past both of you, pushing you to a wall in the process. You reach to grab Jason's wrist to make sure he's behind you but stop halfway through. Probably being touched by you was the last thing he wanted. So you just walk, decidedly pushing through this situation you were in. Armed with nothing but your fists you take out a man twice your size, you easily dodge his punches and swiftly move around him to hit him in key points that he leaves open. Jason watches, and realizes as you jump to the man's shoulders and snap his neck that you had been holding back all this time. He understands you have been capable of using lethal force but chose not to, though he doesn't know the reason for that. Was it because of Batman? Was it because you were ordered not to? He pushes down the thought, as he should be more focused on the guy he was fighting instead of you. You keep moving, going up to were a helicopter would be waiting for you. What you didn't expect was the Joker's backup plan, Death-stroke, pointing a gun right at your head. Shit, you didn't even tell him about your powers yet, he was going to be even more pissed if you didn't find another way out of this soon.
"Out of my way kid" He tells you "I'm only getting paid for not letting him leave alive, but I don't mind wasting a bullet"
"Oh, fuck off" you sigh tired, you just wanted to get out of there. You were exhausted, you wanted a shower and to sleep on a real bed and if it wasn't too much to ask maybe see the light of the sun. So you froze him, time stopped for the man in front of you. "move, it won't last long"
Jason wants to ask, he's itching to know. How did you do it? How did healing people translate into what you just did? He had so many questions for you, about you. Every time a new question came into his head he felt even more offended, he thought he knew you so well and turns out you'd made him out to be an idiot. He feels like an idiot and for that he's even angrier at you for lying, for keeping things from him when he had been so vulnerable to you. That you knew everything about him yet he knew barely anything about you and even what he knew he doubted it was even real at all. But out sheer stubbornness he wasn't going to ask, he'd rather take the curiosity to his grave.
The loud noise of a helicopter becomes more clear as you head up, and then you recognize the all black uniform and standard weapon of your agency. Confusion painted your face, why would they send backup instead of it just being an extraction team. Usually they didn't have a care in the word if you got out in time or not, even going as far as leaving you behind once. They weren't usually this helpful, or willing to use resources on a simple rescue mission. The help didn't last long since you heard the gun shot coming from where you came from. Shit, it wore off you better leave quickly. You tell him to run, to keep up the pace and he does, promising himself this was the last time he would trust you. It was all fine and well, you could see the escape route clearly you almost made it when you heard it. Jason held the bleeding wound from the bullet, stumbling until you helped him. You stole a gun from a passing agent, they wouldn't notice since it was just their back-up, and shot at the mercenary. Your aim was just a little off, since you were also holding a person with your other arm but you managed to hit his arm. The bullet just grazed him, your friend didn't have the same luck. You shot again, just to create some cover so you could move. It worked, you made it to the helicopter before he passed out from the blood loss. Sadly you couldn't heal him since the bullet was still there, so in tears as you took off you managed to stop his bleeding until you got help.
Of course your supervisor wasn't happy about you escaping earlier than expected or that you bought him along. But after some promises and insisting, they agreed not to let him die and took him to the closest headquarters. You knew the conditions they put on you were harsh but you thought nothing was worth more than his life, so you agreed. Even if it mean never seeing him again, why did it matter anyways? It's not like he wanted much to do with you after today.
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A/N: Like I said on the notes on ao3, I'm sensitive and this is my first time posting what I write in a LONG time so have patience with me lol.
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dwonfilm · 6 months
Come hell or high water. | Dean Winchester X Reader.
Summary: Looming over the Winchesters and [Y/N] is the war between heaven and hell. Dean will ultimately be faced with a choice he’d never be able to make. What will happen?
This will be a multi-part story, not necessarily set in a specific season but around 4-5 would be the best fit.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings: None
Mentions: Sam Winchester, Lucifer, random made up characters to further the plot.
Here’s Part II if you haven’t read it.
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Dean was the first to come to, coughing several times as he looked around to try and determine where the hell he was. Blinking several times to clear up his eyes he’d look from left to right—the surrounding area was dusty, dark, musty smelling and had rugs or blankets covering the windows. All the makings of an abandoned building of some sort. “Damn it.” He said aloud, realizing that they’d been hunting vamps and must’ve gotten jumped at some point. Though his memory was fuzzy for some reason. Now that he’d sort of figured out the location, he turned to the left and saw [Y/N] who was still unconscious. “[Y/N/N]. Babe.. [Y/N]!” He tried to be assertive but not too loud, after all he didn’t know where the vamps or whoever got the jump on them were. They could be anywhere.
It was no use though, [Y/N] wasn’t budging or waking up. This made Dean turn to the right, seeing his brother in a similar scenario. “Sammy. Sam.. Sam!” He spoke, same thing as seconds before—using an assertive tone but not raising his voice too much. Unfortunately Sam wasn’t budging either, still out cold. Sighing now, it was time for Dean to formulate a plan to get them awake and then to get all three of them the hell out of here.
They’d been driving for seventeen hours now, all three of them swapping out and taking turns to drive so they could sleep or just rest in general. Right now Sam was driving and instead of taking the passenger seat once he’d passed his brother the driving responsibility, he slipped into the back with [Y/N] even though she was napping. They’d stopped at a gas station and Dean ran inside to grab some snacks and a couple drinks—coming back out and seeing his girlfriend asleep in the backseat. “I’m glad she’s finally getting some sleep.” Sam spoke, finishing up with pumping the gas. “Yeah. Me too. Sad it took this damn long but at least she’ll be rested when we get there.” Dean replied, only glancing towards his brother for a second or two before looking at her again. It was clear that he was worried, Sam was too, after the conversations they had with [Y/N] at the motel in New Orleans. She took two separate shifts driving already and hadn’t slept until she finally knocked out a few hours prior. Dean circled around the Impala and gently opened the back door. Luckily [Y/N] hadn’t moved too much, she still had her legs tucked in towards her butt and so it left enough room for him to sit and be comfortable. Leaning forward the eldest Winchester placed the plastic bag with the snacks and drinks on the floor by his feet. Sam got into the driver’s seat and accidentally closed the door a little too hard, which was met with a glare from his older brother. “A-Are we there yet?” She asked, eyelids slowly opening as she noticed the car had stopped. “No, sweetheart. Almost.” Dean answered, rubbing her calf gently. “Dean? When did you get back here?” [Y/N] asked before tilting her head up to see her boyfriend sitting by her feet. He’d smiled at her while continuing to rub her leg. “I came back when I switched out with Sam. I wanted you to keep napping and you did until right now, since someone’s got a heavy hand.” He replied, again glaring at Sam who looked apologetic. “Dude I’m sorry I didn’t realize I had that momentum.” She smiled as the younger Winchester spoke up. “It’s okay, I probably should be up anyways.” [Y/N] sat up briefly and gave her body a little bit of a stretch. “Nuh-uh-uh. Nope. You’re gonna go back to sleep.” Dean insisted. “I’ve been asleep for hou-“ she began to say but Dean cut her off. “Three hours. You’ve been asleep for three hours and we’ve been driving for seventeen.” She sighed, not realizing they’d been on the road that long.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to feel..” She started but then was met with a glare, albeit playful, from her boyfriend. “Alright, alright.” [Y/N] chuckled not wanting to push it. Sam had put the key into the ignition and Baby’s engine purred to life. As the car began to move, she’d look over towards Dean. “Do you mind if I lay my head on your lap?” She asked, keeping her tone lower mostly because she was just tired. “Of course you can, baby.” He replied with a smile. [Y/N] leaned into him and pressed a soft kiss to his lips which he happily returned. “Get some more sleep okay? We’ll have to hit the ground running when we get there.” She simply nodded, pushing herself down a little so that she could lay down again. Positioning her head onto his thigh, [Y/N] would soon fall back asleep.
Four hours later.
Sam had pulled the impala into the motel parking lot. Dean had actually called ahead and booked their room so that they could start working immediately. After putting Baby into park and turning the engine off, Sam would exit the vehicle. Softly Dean would shake [Y/N] to let her know it was time to get up. “We’re here babe.” He spoke, keeping his tone low so he wouldn’t scare her and make her jump. Slowly she lifted her head up and yawned. “Okay, thanks D’. Just give me a minute.” She replied before sitting up and stretching in the backseat. Slowly both the older brother and [Y/N] exited the impala. It was at this moment Sam came back from the main office with the room key. “Alright I got the key so let’s get in and get sorted.” Now the younger brother would insert the key into the lock and twist, granting them access to their room. Dean had told his girlfriend to just go inside, he’d grab the books and the bags. [Y/N] walked in and looked around the room briefly. “So, Dean and I figured we’d do a little work ahead of time. We called the coroner’s office and told them we were FBI, inquiring about the murders and setting up an appointment to see them.” Sam spoke, throwing his stuff on the right-side bed. “So, sounds like vamps?” [Y/N] asked, nervously fidgeting with the sleeves of her hoodie. Sam offered a sympathetic smile. “Yeah.. as far as everything they said. Of course we’ll know for sure when we go see them.” She nodded, this information was promising but it didn’t settle her nerves much. Dean would walk into the room and throw his bag and [Y/N]’s onto the left-side bed. “So, our appointment to go see the bodies is within the hour. I think we just gotta suit up and move out.” Dean spoke, both Sam and [Y/N] nodded. “Alright, I’ll go change first.” She spoke before headed into the bathroom with the bag she’d packed her clothes in—the two brothers pulling out the suits they’d brought to make the process quicker. Soon enough all three were dressed in their FBI best, Sam and Dean in classic black suits and ties while [Y/N] was dressed in a black pencil skirt, white blouse and a black blazer. Packing up their badges and bringing the essentials on them, they headed out.
“Hi, I’m Agent Hetfield.” Dean began. “These are partners Agent Ulrich and Agent Tomasi.” First to wave was Sam, [Y/N] offering a nod. “We’re here to check out the murder victims from a couple days ago.” All of this information was taken in by the receptionist before she’d press a few buttons on phone and informed the coroner that the FBI had arrived. Within a moment or so, a man dressed in scrubs came out and greeted the trio. “Hi, I’m Doctor Cortez.” He greeted, shaking everyone’s hands. “Right this way.” He’d then begin leading them towards the morgue. It was a short walk and they pushed through the doorway and into the room. Dr. Cortez opened two of the drawers to reveal both murder victims. “This is Alicia Monroe, 24, found in the middle of a ranch field. This is her boyfriend Charles Feldman, 26, also found in that same field.” [Y/N] was the first to speak after that. “So, my partners here were the ones discussing some things over the phone. What did you determine was cause of death?” This made the doctor sigh. “Honestly it’s been pretty difficult to pinpoint what was the exact cause.” He replied. Sam raised his eyebrow at this, confused. “What do you mean by that?” Dr. Cortez looked towards the younger Winchester and looked rather defeated. “There’s a couple of things that could have caused death, but one doesn’t stick out more than the other.” Dean sighed. That wasn’t a good sign. He pulled his card from his pocket and handed it over to the doctor. “If you can determine cause of death, or have any additional information just call that number.” Dean spoke, a nod coming from the doctor. “We’ll leave you get back to work, thanks Doc’. We appreciate your time.” [Y/N] said before the trio exited the morgue and began walking back towards the front of the building.
“There’s definitely something.. wrong here. Have you ever seen a vampire kill that wasn’t easily called as exsanguination or a broken neck?” She asked, looking towards the brothers once they’d exited the entire building. “Not that I can think of, no.” Dean answered. “Yeah I’m not recalling any.” Sam added. This was causing [Y/N] to feel increasingly nervous again, looking down and toying with the buttons on her blazer. “Hey, breathe okay? We’ll figure it out. We always do.” Dean tried to assure her, but she knew that something was very wrong. “We’ve got the strongest team between us, we always find out what’s going on one way or another.” Sam reassured, but their words unfortunately weren’t going what they’d hoped. “I got their names so, we can talk to their families and see if something weird had been going on.” She said, finally gazing up—her eyes flicking from one Winchester to the other. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. I’ll look it up while you guys grab coffee.” Sam replied, getting into the backseat once they’d all reached the impala. Dean pulled the keys from his pocket and got into the driver’s side as [Y/N] got into the passenger seat. No one else had said much in the drive which Sam would be directing once he located the addresses of the victims families. [Y/N] was zoned out, lost in her brain and wondering why this case had seemed so weird. Once they made it about ten minutes up the road they found a place for coffee, Sam bringing in his laptop and setting it up on the table. [Y/N] sat with Sam while Dean waited in line to order their drinks. It was silent between them, just the little bit of hustle and bustle of a local cafe. “What if..” she began, debating on whether or not she’s gonna vocalize her theory. “Yeah?” Sam asked, flicking his gaze up to look at her face. “Those holes in their necks.. they were weird. They didn’t look like they were really made by a vampire. If they were, it was.. I don’t know. Weirdly not used? They didn’t look like the normal holes vamps leave behind.” [Y/N] sighed, knowing it probably sounded crazy. “Say that’s true, what the hell could’ve caused them?” He asked, clicking some keys on his laptop. “That’s something I can’t put my finger on, but Sam something is incredibly off..” she sighed as Dean had approached the table and placed his brother and his girlfriend’s drinks in front of their respective person. “What’re you guys talking about?” He asked, bringing his own drink up to his lips and taking a sip.
“[Y/N] got a good look at the holes on the victims necks, said they don’t look like regular holes from vamps.” Sam answered, using one hand to move the cursor around his laptop and using his free hand to grab the coffee cup. Quickly bringing it up to his lips and taking a drink. Dean looked puzzled, gazing over to his girlfriend. “What’s that mean?” He’d ask, eyes watching her closely. “I don’t know how to explain it other than.. they weren’t used? Like, it looks as though they were made to throw us off but it doesn’t look like blood was sucked out.” She answered. Truth was, she still wasn’t sure what the hell that meant. Eyes flicking between the table and her boyfriend’s green eyes. “So what, something or someone wants us to think it’s vamps and not something else?” Dean asked, focusing his gaze between his younger brother and his girlfriend. “That’s my best guess, like I said.. something just isn’t right here.” [Y/N] sighed before grabbing her coffee and finally taking a drink, finding momentary comfort in its warmth. “Alright well, I found the addresses for the victims and their families. What if you guys go investigate their apartment? I’ll go talk to the families and see if they know anything that could help.” Sam spoke, writing things down on a piece of paper he’d brought along. “Alright, yeah, you drop us off there and then drive since you’ve got two destinations and we’ve just got the one.” Dean answered, knowing she wouldn’t mind—especially considering it meant she didn’t have to act entirely okay in front of strangers. [Y/N] continued to sip on her coffee, sighing quietly. She wished that she didn’t feel so apprehensive about this case but her gut was telling her something was wrong. Dean kept his eyes on her now, silently watching as she struggled and wishing so desperately that he could ease her worry and her pain.
Coffees were finished and soon enough the trio was piling back into the impala. Sam in the driver’s seat with [Y/N] and Dean in the backseat. He’d taken her hand into his and interlaced their fingers together, gently rubbing the pad of his thumb along the bottom part of her hand. Slowly stroking from the base of her thumb to about her wrist and back again. It was roughly a fifteen minute drive to where the couple had been living, Sam briefly put Baby in park. “Alright, anything goes wrong or you learn anything text or call.” Sam tells them, earning a playfully annoyed look from both his brother and [Y/N]. “Thanks dad.” She said, chuckling softly which prompted Dean to chuckle. “You too, though.” He spoke with his eyes on his little brother. “Will do.” Sam smiled after saying, the back door opening and Dean slipping out first. [Y/N] smiled at the younger of the brothers and placed her hand on his shoulder for a moment. “Be safe.” She said, he nodded. “You guys too.” He replied and in similar fashion she nodded. [Y/N] slid out of the backseat and flattened her skirt to assure it wasn’t caught on anything. Once Dean closed the door again, Sam slowly took off down the street. Luckily the place that the couple was renting wasn’t difficult to get into—[Y/N] slicing through the police tape with her knife. Dean pushed the door open gently and the two of them made their way inside. Upon their entry the smell had both of them look towards one another with a widened gaze. “Do you smell that?” He asked, immediately prompting her to nod. “Yup—that’s never a good sign.” She sighed. “It’s just a hint, maybe it’s coincidence?” He sighed. “It’s never just coincidence for us.” She spoke up, both clearly more tense and on higher alert. Dean and [Y/N] both drawing their guns just in case. Slowly they moved as a unit, clearing every room but the worry in their guts was only reaffirmed as they moved deeper into the house. There was only one room left after a few minutes, which was the couple’s bedroom. “I’ve got you covered.” [Y/N] said, gun aimed forward just over Dean’s shoulder. He nodded, keeping his own gun aimed forward while he reached forward using his free hand and quickly turned the doorknob. Pushing the door open, they both slowly entered.
They looked in opposite directions once inside, assuring there would be no sneak attacks. Eyeing the shelf in front of her, she ran her finger across the substance that had been left behind. Briefly smelling it made her heart sink. “D, look—we were right.” She spoke up, leading to him turning to face her and seeing the residue. “Sulfur.” They said together in unison which confirmed their suspicions upon entering the house. “Why the hell were demons here?” Dean asked, pulling his hand over his face as everything had just become more difficult and more dangerous. “I don’t know, but if demons are involved..” she began, sighing again. “..that means Lucifer is involved.” Both of their expressions had hardened with irritation mixed with confusion. “I guess that’s why you felt so strongly about this being something more than what it presented as..” Dean was frustrated. It was evident and he was trying to keep composure for [Y/N]’s sake. She hated being right in times like this, but, there was no denying it anymore. “I just don’t understand the game plan here, like what does he even want from us?” She asked, eyes scanning around the area for any other potential clues or signs. “I wish I knew, sweetheart. Your guess is as good as mine.” Dean didn’t like this, not even a little bit. Slowly pulling his cellphone from his pocket he began to type a text to Sam.
📲 Dean: {Hey Sammy, we’ve got a problem. You get to the first family’s house yet?}
📲 Sam: {Yeah, man. Just got here. What’s the problem?}
📲 Dean: {We’re at the house and the minute we walked in the door something smelt off. We get to the couple’s bedroom and [Y/N] and I found sulfur residue.}
📲 Sam: {What.. why the hell are demons involved?}
📲 Dean: {No clue. We’re looking into things here just wanted to give you a heads up.}
[Y/N] had been looking around while Dean texted his little brother. Trying to make sense of what was happening. She walked towards the nightstand and looked at a picture that was standing in its frame. “They seemed decently happy, at least in pictures.” Her voice broke Dean from his daze and he looked towards her now. “Maybe they reached out to the demons? Make a deal?” He offered an explanation but, it didn’t seem to fit. “I mean, maybe but that seems unlikely. I haven’t seen anything in here that screams ‘devil made me successful’. Besides if they made a deal, why not just wait to collect. They weren’t old enough to have made that deal ten years ago—they’d have been teenagers.” [Y/N] replied, wedging the nightstand drawer open and grabbing a stack of envelopes. Flicking through them to see if anything stood out. “Anything?” Dean asked, beginning to look around the other side of the room. “Just seems like bills for the most part, nothing crazy.” She sighed, throwing them back into the drawer. Finding nothing more really, [Y/N] began walking towards where her boyfriend stood. However she was stopped in her tracks—Dean hearing a loud thud from behind him, slowly he goes to turn around but feels two fingers press against his forehead and everything goes black.
Present time.
Dean had been trying to wrack his brain, trying to formulate some sort of escape route. However it was difficult for just him, he had no sense of time—no idea how long it had been since he tried to wake his brother and his girlfriend up. Suddenly a bit of noise began to break the heavy silence. Dean’s eyes immediately moved to Sam who was moving around, figuring out rather quickly that he was tied to a chair. “Sammy, hey, you’re awake.” His younger brother slowly turned his head in the direction he’d heard Dean’s voice from. “Dean..? Where the hell are we?” He asked, blinking repeatedly to clear his eyes. “I don’t know, some abandoned building. I’ve been trying to figure it out but I can’t get free.” Dean would sigh, his eyes moving to where his girlfriend was restrained. She still hadn’t moved. “Where’s [Y/N]?” Sam asked, almost like he sensed his older brother’s actions. “Right here, other side of me. She’s still out.” His eyes didn’t move from his girlfriend even when he’d spoken. It’s like he was trying to will her into waking up, just so he could know that she was okay. “Man, the last thing I remember was leaving the male victim’s family’s house—then nothing.” Sam spoke, not too loud, who really knew who was out there listening to them. “I heard a thud behind me in the couple’s room, I’m assuming it was [Y/N] hitting the floor. I went to turn around and then boom, nothing.” Dean too trying to recollect anything that would give a hint to where they were or who’s behind holding them captive here.
“Have you seen anything moving while you’ve been awake?” Sam asked, glancing around trying to see if there was any evidence that someone or something was nearby. Dean shook his head. “No, it’s been pretty silent. I’ve been trying to figure out how the hell we get outta this..” Sighing the older brother turned his gaze towards [Y/N] with concern and love glimmering in those green eyes. “C’mon [Y/N/N].. you’ve gotta wake up babe.” He whispered, seemingly at the perfect time or maybe she’d heard him. “W-where am I..? Dean? Sam?” She asked, keeping the volume down—her voice was raspy from not being fully awake yet. “Hey, hey, I’m here. Sam’s here too. We’re.. well we don’t know where the hell we are.” Dean confessed, [Y/N] doing what they’d each done, blinking the blurriness from their eyes. Once she had, she met Dean’s gaze with her [Y/E/C] eyes and it made him feel incredibly safe. He was still worried about how they were gonna get out of here, but knowing she was okay gave him so much relief. “I don’t remember anything after a certain point in that couple’s bedroom..” she admitted, looking over to see Sam as well. “Who the hell got the jump on us?” She asked, to which the brothers could only shrug slightly. “We have no idea, honestly.” Sam spoke up. “Wait..” Dean spoke out loud, realizing after a fair share of movement that his arms weren’t in as tight of a grip as they had been. “..I can get out of this just gimmie a second.” He spoke before wriggling around against the wooden chair, after another few moments the rope slid off of his arms and onto the floor. Both Sam and [Y/N] looked relieved as Dean grabbed his knife, cutting his legs free. Immediately running to his girlfriend and cutting her free, followed up by his little brother. Sam stood up to stretch his limbs and [Y/N] had too, but she was almost immediately engulfed by Dean and a tight hug. “Hi, I’m here. I’m right here.” She replied, knowing he’d been worried about her and having to see her like that with no means to help. “I know I’m just glad you’re awake.” He said with his lips pressing against her head, kisses being placed periodically.
Suddenly a voice broke the tender moment. “Awww, how touching is this?” it said. Dean, [Y/N] and Sam all turned to see where the voice had come from. Sure enough, all their previous suspicions were proved correct. “Lucifer.” All three said in unison, scowls on their faces. “C’mon, why the long faces! I think I look good today.” He laughed, which had the hunters all rolling their eyes. Lucifer finally took a step outside of the shadows and came into view. His face wore a smirk that spread from ear to ear, reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat. Seconds passed and he let his gaze linger on all three of the hunters that stood before him, an uneasy feeling now lingering in the air. Sam was the first to speak up, irritation coating his tone. “What do you want, Lucifer?” He asked, glaring towards the devil himself. “Oh let me bask in the glory of what’s about to happen before I deliver the blow Sammy! You just have to ruin all the fun.” Lucifer replied with an ever wicked grin still painted upon his lips. “Cut the shit, Lucifer. We’re not here to live in your monologue.” [Y/N] spoke, still holding onto Dean while her gaze was shooting daggers toward the fallen angel. However instead of gaining the usual level of irritation they’d get in talking back to him, Lucifer continued to grin. This set off alarms in all three of the hunters as they exchanged looks of concern. “What? Expecting some other reaction are we?” He asked, his gaze now falling solely upon Dean.
“What’s your angle then huh? Get to it already so we can get the hell out of here.” Dean spoke, returning the devil’s gaze and not backing down an inch. Silence again overtook the room, Lucifer’s eyes unmoved from Dean’s. Sam and [Y/N] turned their heads to look at one another. Something was happening, something was shifting and it wasn’t good—especially if it had Lucifer this happy. “Fine.” It was a simple statement from the fallen angel, but it wasn’t followed by further information. Not at first. “I’m here to inform you, Dean Winchester, that you’ve got an incredible choice on your hands. One that will alter everything you stand for and everything you believe in—a choice that will tear you apart inside until you’re asking to be Michael’s meat suit.” [Y/N]’s stomach dropped hearing this, because that meant it was something bigger than even her intuition could’ve imagined. “Yeah? What’s this ‘important choice’ then huh?” Dean asked, Sam watching from the other side. He had just as bad a feeling about this as [Y/N] did—neither had any chance to speak up though, Lucifer answering immediately. “It’s simple really. You, oh you’ve got the choice of who gets a one way ticket to pain and suffering. Dean Winchester, it’s your decision who gets sent to hell here today. Little Sammy-boy..” he paused, gesturing towards the younger of the Winchester brothers. “or..” Dean’s heart was racing, knowing exactly what was coming but dreading having to hear it said aloud. “..your beautiful, so very beautiful, girlfriend [Y/N].”
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kining-the-evil · 7 months
Pitty Party
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/Summary/: After a mistake on a mission that led to another member of the team getting hurt May is there to help bring you back to earth
/Trigger warnings/: talks of death, talks of being in jail, panic attacks, no pronouns are used but reader is meant to be they/them, may is a mentor to the reader
/Requested by/: @mellifluous-fics
Agents of shield Masterlist. Other masterlists
/AN/: I am so, unbelievably sorry this took almost a year to get out. I’m going back and trying to get all of the old fics out that were the original requesters. I really hope it was worth the wait.
You listened to the way your fists hit the punching bag in front of you. Your hands were starting to go numb, but you ignored it as you continued to hit the bag. You didn’t want to stop, you couldn’t stop. Not after today. Not after you fucked up the way you did. Not after you let Fitz get hurt on a mission.
You heard someone come into the room, but you ignored it, just like you had every other time someone from the team came in to try and talk to you. You ignored Sky, Colson, and Grant. Even Simmons left Fitz’s side to try and talk to you, but you refused to stop or look over at her as she told you Fitz was going to be okay.
“I didn’t come in here to be ignored.”
You hesitated for a second when you heard May's voice, but the moment you did, a flash of what happened went through your mind and you went back to hitting the bag. May let you continue for a few minutes before speaking again.
“You’ve been at it for two hours, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
“‘M fine.” You finally mumbled, but her words got to you slightly. You started to feel the exhaustion from not only the two hours of active work you just did, but the mission you’d been on before this. You felt your body stagger slightly, your arms getting heavy and you could suddenly feel the sweat covering your body.
A hand touched your shoulder, pulling you back from the bag, and you let it. Your hands fell as you were led back a few feet, and you had to work to stay upright.
“Sit.” May commanded, though her voice was slightly softer than it normally was. She pushed you down onto a bench, walking away to grab you some water, not that you drank it. Instead you just looked at the water as you tried to catch your breath.
“Don’t throw yourself a-“
“It’s not a pitty party.” You snapped through labored breath. You knew this speech, it was the same thing May had given you a thousand times. When she was training you and you had a tough day, when you failed a mission for the first time, even when she came to recruit you for SHIELD. You could remember it like it was yesterday, how you were in a ‘correctional facility,’ no one had visited you the entire time you were there, your parents making it clear they didn’t want anything to do with you after the ‘incident.’ That’s when May showed up, offering you a place at their youth training center, and you happily took it instead of being stuck in that facility for any longer than you had too. You could remember exactly what she said; ‘you can stay here and throw yourself a pitty party or you can make a difference.’
“It sure looks like one,” May told you. “You’re ignoring you team, Fitz is going to be fine-“
“He’s not fine!” You finally snapped. “Fitz isn’t fine! He got shot because I could do my damn job and clear the building!” You stood up and threw the plastic cup of water to the ground. May just watched you, her hands crossed across her chest. “Say something!”
“Say what?” She sounded like her calm composed self, and it pissed you off.
“Anything! Yell at me! Tell me I was an idiot that doesn’t know how to do my job! You should be angry with me, everyone should be!” You yelled at her as your eyes filled with tears. “I’m the reason my teammate almost died! I’m supposed to protect you all, that’s my job, and I couldn’t even do that!”
May just watched you yell as tears streamed down your face. You were sure everyone could hear you at this point, but you didn’t care. You wanted May to tell you off like she did every other mistake.
“How many missions have you successfully completed?” You frowned at her words as you cried.
“How many missions have you completed successfully?”
“I don’t know… a lot?”
“And how many have ended with a teammate hurt in a way that could have been lethal?”
“Two.” May’s face softened at your answers slightly.
“That time wasn’t a mission-“
“That’s what we called it. And because I didn’t watch the owner of that convenient store we robbed my best friend that I considered family died. And now another friend I consider family almost died because I didn’t watch for any threats like I should have been doing! So don’t make this into a ‘it only happened once, everyone makes mistakes,’ because this isn’t that! These two times matter more than any other mission I’ve completed!”
By the end of your little rant you were full on crying, almost hyperventilating as you wrapped your arms around yourself. A panic attack. You used to get them a lot when you were younger, but you hadn’t had a bad one like this in years.
You were so wrapped up in your struggle to breath and the flashing memories that you didn’t realize May had moved closer to you until her strong arms were being wrapped around you.
“Follow my breathing.” May told you,and you did your best to match your shaky breaths to her strong ones. You don't know how long you stood there together doing that, but eventually you were able to slow your breathing. Even after that May kept her arms around you.
“You aren’t getting sent away for this mistake, none of us are going to leave you because you made an honest mistake. Okay?”
“I should still be punished.”
“Normally I’d agree to a good punishment for a mistake, but I think you’ve done plenary.” May motioned to your split and bleeding knuckles. “Now, come on. Fitz was worried sick that you were punishing yourself over this.”
You nodded and let May lead you out of the room and back to your team.
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newtonsheffield · 11 months
A gift for @folklauerate
“Mary, Mary, Mary, Mary!”
Mary laughed at her friend’s voice in the crowded bar, taking a sip of her drink, “No, don’t get excited, Rach. I can’t stay that long.”
Rachel groaned, swaying a little, clearly far drunker than she should be at this time of night, “No! You never come out anymore since you started working! You were supposed to be here two hours ago and Mark was asking after you.”
Mary rolled her eyes, “Mark, will find someone else to fuck tonight, I am positive.”
She didn’t bother to deny the fact that she was late. She’d known she would be as soon as Tharman got home and he’d picked Kate up with a roar, his hair falling in his eyes and his smile bright and her stomach dropped when he looked at her.
“Hey, do you have time for a coffee tonight?”
It had become their little routine, somewhere along the way, Kate laying on the floor in the living room, enjoying her TV time and just for a moment Mary could pretend that this was her life. Tharman’s leg brushing hers as he told her about his day and everything about him drew her in closer. The stupid little crush she’d developed on him, threatening to drown her.
So even though she knew that if she didn’t leave right that second she’d be late for her friend’s birthday she nodded, “Yeah, of course.”
He’d grinned at her as pulled a bag of pastries from his satchel, “I was hoping you’d say yes.”
What was she supposed to say to that?! To the man who had absolutely no idea the fact he had on her. The man who saw her as his friend’s daughter.
“You’re boring now that you have a job.”
Mary clicked her tongue, “Well I do have to be responsible for the care of a child in the morning.”
“Not to mention the fact that you want to impress Daddy.”
Mary laughed, taking a swig of her drink, feeling her head starting to buzz just a little. “See, that’s why I don’t need top hook up with Mark anymore. I have a brand new vibrator and the memory of DILF Daddy Sharma’s hands on my waist when I slipped on a wet step this afternoon.”
Rachel guffawed, “Oh I bet the step was wet you dirty bitch.”
Mary rolled her eyes, letting out a groan of frustration, “He’s so fucking hot. And his daughter’s so fucking cute, she’s so sweet and he’s such a good Dad and I want that?”
“You want to have a good Dad?”
“I want a cute Dad for my fictional child.”
“Oh, she wants a daddy.”
“I do want a daddy.” Mary sighed, “Just as one little treat, I want to stop fucking guys like Mark and fuck a sweet little aeronautical engineer. Is that so wrong?”
“I don’t think it’s wrong, but you objectifying a man who wears Birkenstocks is fucking wild.” Rachel laughed, gesturing to the bartender for a round of shots, “Okay, let’s have some ore drinks, and forget all about DilF Tommy boy.”
“His name’s Tharman.”
“Imagine your dad’s face if you fucked his friend though. Hilarious.”
“Unfortunately I think the closest I’m going to get to that is his battery operated namesake.”
“You’re disgusting.”
“I’m your best friend.” Mary hummed jerking her head, “Do your shot before I change my mind.”
“Alright Katie Kat, time to clean up, Appa will be home soon.”
Mary’s head ached a little as Kate clapped her hands over her finished artwork of what appeared to be a dog co-piloting a plane next to her, all the colours bleeding into one another. It made Mary smile, swatching the tiny little girl with so much joy on her face as paint covered her hands and face and all over plastic table cloth Mary had put down to protect the table.
“Can we hang this one up? It’s a good one, Mary-Mary.”
Mary smiled at the nickname, kneeling down in front of the tiny girl whose curls were hanging down in her face. “Of course we can, Your Dad will want to see this one for sure.”
“Daddy loves all of my pictures.” Kate said proudly.
Daddy is fucking right.
“Why don’t you run upstairs and wash your hands and I’ll pop this one outside to dry?”
Kate hugged Mary tightly around the middle before she ran off and Mary smiled after her, her heart fluttering in her chest. She sighed, a little glad to finally have a minute to herself. She took Kate’s painting, walking it carefully out to the tiny back garden and weighting it down before making her way back inside for the water and the paint palette to wash.
she should have been paying more attention but she let her mind wander as she stepped outside, sighing. She was thinking about how her fingers had typed out a text last night to Tharman and how her cheeks had burned this morning when she’d seen it, mercifully unsent.
“Fuck’s sake!”
The jar of dirty water had slipped through her fingers and splashed all over her white Tshirt, followed by the paint palette. Mary pulled the sopping shirt away from her skin, the string smell of the paint making her gag a little with her hang over. She spotted a sweater over the back of a chair not too far away and deliberated for a moment before she sighed.
She pulled her shirt over her head, dropping it to the floor and reaching out for Tharman’s sweater, the fabric soft under her fingertips. She could nearly smell his cologne clinging to it as she lifted it up and-
“Oh my god! Oh my god! I’m so sorry!”
Mary let out a surprised squeak at the sound of Tharman’s voice, spinning around. He was staring at her, with his lips parted in surprise and his hand was stopped halfway to his hair. She could feel his eyes burning into her skin and something tense rippled through the air as she stood half naked in his garden, the moment stretching on longer and longer. Heat flickered in the pit of her stomach as she saw Tharman’s throat bob convulsively and his hands tightened to fists at his sides.
She cleared her throat, “Sorry, Kate and I were painting and I… very stupidly got paint all over my short. I was just going to…” She pointed at the sweater, “Pop this on while I washed mine.”
Tharman seemed to shake himself, swallowing again and shuffling awkwardly, “I um… sorry, you um… you caught me by surprise. Yes, please, take that. Why don’t you… keep it actually I um..” He pointed back inside, “I just need to take care of something.”
He scrambled back into the house leaving Mary staring after him and goddamn it, when she went home that night she pulled the sweater over her nose as she fell into bed.
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hanadulsetaad · 5 months
part 9
part one part two, part three, PART FOUR part 5 PART 6 part 7.1
part 7.2
TRIGGER WARNING: Body Image Comments (DONT READ THE HIGHLIGHTED RED PART if you dont want to read such comments)
Y/N saw Yeji shaking, her eyes were red. Y/N went closer and crouched down, asking Yeji,
"Yeji, I'm gonna call Hyunjin and Yuna, okay? Till they come, I'll stay here with you." When Y/N was about to pull out her cellphone, Yeji held her hand and said, "No, please don't call anyone. Please, Y/N, I just want to be alone." Y/N said, "Yeji, something happened with Hyunjin?" Yeji replied, "No, everything is okay with him. I just... you won't understand, Y/N. Please, just leave me alone." Y/N took two minutes to think, then she sat next to Yeji on the bathroom floor. Neither of them said a word to each other. Yeji's phone buzzed again. Yeji looked at Y/N and said, "Did you open Twitter?" Y/N replied, "No." Yeji said, "Well, I am trending on Twitter, and my mom keeps sending me tweets." Y/N looked at Yeji with a confused look. Yeji weakly smiled while tears rolled out from her eyes.
Yeji opened her phone and showed Y/N what her mom texted. Her mom's messages were just random screenshots of people on Twitter. As Y/N read those tweets, which said, "I wouldn't be caught dead wearing what she wears. It's like she's trying to repel everyone with her hideous outfits."
"Her body is so disproportionate, it's like she's been assembled from spare parts."
"She's so old and wrinkled, it's like looking at a raisin. Maybe she should just retire and disappear."
"She's so ugly, it's like staring into the abyss. I can't believe anyone would find her attractive."
"Her hair looks like a rat's nest. Maybe she should invest in a wig or a paper bag to cover it up."
"She's such a disgrace to womanhood. She should do us all a favor and disappear from the public eye forever."
The message Yeji's mom sent was, "I told you to stop eating like a pig and get plastic surgery. Now you're bringing bad press and harming the family's reputation, Yeji."
Yeji said, "This is my life, Y/N. Since I was born till now, I had to be perfect at everything, even when I was doing my best, it was never enough. Every time you or anyone else in our circle achieves anything, my parents made sure to put me on more diets and classes to be better than anyone else." Y/N said, "Yeji, I didn't know. Why didn't you ever tell me this?" Yeji replied, "I never wanted anyone to know how miserable my life really is." Yeji looked at Y/N and said, "Please don't tell anyone about this, except Hyunjin. No one knows." Y/N asked, "Why don't you live with Hyunjin and his parents?" Yeji said, "I can't. If anyone finds out about my parents treating me this way, I don't know what they will do to me.
And without any reason, Hyunjin's parents won't allow us to live together; they have a very traditional mindset." Y/N said, "Yeji, if you want help, you can stay with me and Woo. You don't have to go back. Take a few days to clear your mind and decide how you want to live your life." Yeji looked at Y/N with tears and asked, "Are you sure?"
Y/N replied, "Of course."
yeji, y/n came out of the washroom and everyone had troubled expression. y/n asked what happened? felix broke the slience and asked did you see twitter?
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taglist: @lee-knows-cats @luvvvash @rockyhedgehog @chansbabygirlsstuff @nilas-posts @midsoulz @hynnnpic
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winter-leftovers · 11 months
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter fifteen: Homecoming (15/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Y/n finds a new connection to her past. Jim comes back
Word count: 2200
Warnings: daddy issues!!!!! dw douxie is there!! Also my dyslexia was insane this week so maybe some mistakes?
(Episodes Season 2 Episode 4,5,6 )
Song?: You’re on your own, kid by Taylor Swift
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Y/n rubbed her eyes. She had spent the last twelve hours reading all of Blinky’s books about Camelot. Her search had started with The Pale Lady but there weren't many books about her.
She wondered what connection she had to Camelot. She remembered when Alfred let slip out that she had a connection with Merlin. But what bothered her the most was, if she was connected to the kingdom, why wasn’t any of the books helping her remember? Was the spell that strong? Maybe trollish books weren’t the ones she needed to read. Maybe she needed to go to human books.
Y/n got into her car and started driving, maybe if the traffic wasn’t bad enough she could stop by the library before work. She looked at the clock.
“Fuzz..” she whispered. She was late. She ran out the car into the store “sorry…sorry”
“Good morning” greeted the man behind the desk.
Y/n took a step back and looked around. She wasn’t at the store, she wasn’t anywhere she recognised.
“Good morning” she said back.
“Oh. I know you. You’re Y/n. Right?” The man smiled. He looked older than Barbara.
“Yes” she returned the smile. She had never been to this place before.
“Wow. You look incredible” the man laughed. He seemed honest.
“Thank you?” Y/n walked to the desk.
“I guess you’re coming to check your stuff” the man turned to the computer.
“You came for your storage? Right?”
“Oh, yes. Right” She nodded.
“Okay. Follow me” the man opened a door next to the desk and started to walk along a maze of storage units
Y/n didn’t know what to do. She wasn’t sure how she got there. She was sure she had driven to the store, that she had made the right turns. She looked around. This didn’t seem like a dream. She remembers waking up, beside all her dreams seem to be set in the past and this one is clearly in the present.
“This is 555, Ambrosius, Y/n”
‘Ambrosius?’ She thought. The name brought a burn to her chest.
“Thank you” she smiled.
“You’re welcome” the man smiled back and returned to his desk.
Y/n looked down at the lock. She didn’t have a key. She didn’t even know if she really was Y/n Ambrosius. She sighed and closed her hand on the lock, a small puff of red smoke appeared opening the lock. The unit was small, there wasn’t much inside: a couple boxes taped shut, a coat rack covered by a plastic bag and in the middle, there was the only thing that seemed not to be touched by the dust, a long wooden box
Y/n looked side to side and kneeled next to the box. She inspected the box, with her fingers traced the golden details. She touched the place where the lock should be and the lid lifted. Y/n looked over her shoulders and turned back to the box and opened it. A warm light blinded her. She took both her hands to shield her eyes. The light quickly died down and she was able to put her hands down and to see what was inside the box.
Inside, there was a staff that appeared to be made of dark iron detailed with red stones, with a big red gem on one end and sharp point on the other.
“Wow” she whispered.
She stretched her hand to lift it but the staff light up and lifted itself from the box.
“Oh god. Oh god Oh god” said to herself as she looked back to the door. Praying no one would see her.
The staff flew from the middle of the room to Y/n’s wrist, shrinking itself into a modest bracelet. Y/n stared at her wrist for a couple of minutes in awe. She couldn’t believe what just happened.
Y/n spent her whole day observing her wrist, the bracelet had settled comfortably on her arm but her eyes would constantly drift back to it, scared that her bracelet would turn back into a staff in the most inconvenient time.
She played with her new accessory as she walked down the stairs of TrollMarket.
“Home is the same, school is the same, TrollMarket is the same” Jim's voice resonated through the stands.
“Jim?” Y/n screamed, pushing all of the trolls out of her way until she had her brother in front of him.
She laughed. It really was him.
They ran into each other, hugging themselves tighter, scared the other would disappear again.
“I can believe you’re okay” she said into the embrace.
“Me neither” he chuckled.
“Don’t ever do that again” she let go just enough so she could see his face and hug him again.
“Stinking, horrible, traitor” Blinky screamed.
The four of them ran to the library to aid the troll.
“Blinky?” Called Jim
“What are you doing?” Asked Claire
The troll was stacking all his books and burning them.
“You love your books! This isn’t like you” screamed Toby, grabbing his head.
“Aaarrrgghh?” Y/n ran to the troll and hugged him tight “you’re alive?”
Aaarrrgghh sniffed her hair “Forget me nots” he smiled.
“What?” She chuckled.
“Not my books! I’m destroying anything that bear my traitorous brother’s name” Blinky threw another stack of books to the fire “Full of lies” he screamed looking at the fire “My gumm-gumm brother cannot be trusted and neither can these!” He threw another book to the fire.
“Gumm-gumm? What are you talking about?” Y/n frowned. She was confused. Blinky loved his brother.
“Blink!” Jim ran to the bonfire and started to take the books out “but they’ve been useful before, so they can be useful again
“Aren’t you gonna stop him, wingmam?” Toby giggled as Aaarrrgghh sniffled him “Uh, what’s with Aaarrrgghh?” He ask as the troll wouldn’t stop.
“Leave him. Ever since he’s returned from death his sense of smell has been curiously heightened. He’s been sniffing everything for hours” Blinky said uninterestedly as he kept throwing more books into the fire.
“What?!” Y/n ask. Time would pass and no one would explain anything to her. How did Jim come back from the Darklands? What happened with Blinky’s dead brother? And how did Aaarrgghh come back from the dead?
“Mmmmh you had italian” the troll stated and gave one more sniff “Carbonara”
“Yeah, like three days ago” Toby smiled.
“Enough” Y/n said to herself. With a quick movement of her arm she put out the fire and turned to the teenagers and the troll, leaving Blinky fighting with his books in the background.
“Cool” whispered Toby.
“You are going to sit down and explain to me what happened” Y/n cross her arms.
The three teens looked at eachother. Jim put down the bucket of water and sat down next to his friends.
“Toby?” Y/n took a step forward and crouched down putting her face as close as she could “what. are. you. hiding. from. me?”
Toby looked everywhere except at Y/n’s face, he was terrified. He felt the sweat travel through his body. He couldn’t hold on for much longer.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I’m really sorry!!” Toby broke. He started to scream making Y/n take a couple of steps back “It was all so confusing. Kanji-Aaarrrgghh opened the bridge so we could rescue Jim and Vendel said no and I was out of nugat nummies. I swear I didn’t mean to break your guitar in second grade. It was an accident” he kneeled down and grabbed her shirt.
“That’s…a lot” Y/n petted Toby’s head.
“We should have told you about the plan” said Claire.
“It’s okay. I’m just glad we are safe” Y/n smiled and pulled Toby’s hair “You broke my guitar?”
“Oi oi, it was an accident” he screams as he triess to pulls Y/n’s hand away.
“Talk to Jim yet?” Asked Aaarrrgghh.
Y/n and Toby turned to the now pile of ash and books to see Jim who had escaped to try to rescue the books that survived Blinky’s wrath while Y/n and Toby settled an old dispute.
“He says he hasn’t found the right time” said Claire.
“It’s not just me, right? Ever since he got back, he’s acting super weird” said Toby.
“Can you blame him?” Said Y/n.
“Hey, guy, you know what we need? A calling!” Jim turned “I’m sure there’s been tons of stuff pilling up for us to take care of now that I’m back. Uh, a curse box or a loose monster troll, huh?”
“Actually, Claire and I kinda took care of that stuff while you were gone” said Toby.
“What about some training? It’d be good for us to get back in the Forge and…”
“I smell Usurna” Aaarrrgghh interrupted.
“Oh dear” Blinky stopped his angry rant to see two gigantic troll enter the library followed by Usurna and Vendel
“So…It’s true. The human trollhunter has returned from his frolic in the Darklands” Usurna says.
“The human trollhunter humbly apologizes and throws himself at the mercy of the Troll Tribunal” Blinky bows.
“Tribunal?” Jim turns to Blinky.
Blinky hit him in the side.
“The tribunal has already voted on your fate” Usurna remembers.
Y/n rolls her eyes.
“And, by the barest of margins has ruled to dropped all charges so long as you cooperate from this moment forth” Vendel steps forward.
Everyone sighes in relief.
“Your rash choice to save one child put all of TrollMarket at risk. If any evil had been unleashed unto this world, the blood would have been on your hands” Usurna took a step forward to Jim.
Y/n grabbed her brother by the arm and pushed him back a little so Usurna’s finger wouldn’t touch him.
Before leaving she turned:
“Are you sure nothing followed you on your return?”
“Draal never left his post guarding the bridge” exclaimed Blinky but Y/n didn’t see her friends so convinced.
“Are the Krubera really staying permanently?” Asked Blinky once Usurna left. He was annoyed as Y/n.
“Usurna feels their presence is required in light of my questionable judgment” Vendel turned as his new staff got tangled in the light “Speaking of such, have you made any progress in tracking down the culprit who stole my staff?”
“We will not rest until we bring them to justice” said Blinky.
“Yes, of course. I’m sure whoever took it had a good reason and will return it as soon as possible. I’ve put my neck out far enough for you ungrateful fools any further, and she’ll be sure to lop my head right off” he finally was able to get his staff free.
“Thank you, Vendel. It’s good to see you, too” said Jim.
“Yes, well, if you want to thank me, go look into the goblin mess that one of our trolls discovered on a salvage run”
“Goblin mess?” Toby repeated.
“There appears to be some droppings in a dumpster behind the Arcadia Cinema” Vendel explained.
“Goblins? we haven’t seen any of those in months” Claire said.
“Oh my gosh! Is this a call? Like, a good old trollhunting mission?” Jim was excited.
“Just go” Vendel got his staff tangled in his horn.
“Vendel, could I have a word with you? Something ha…” Y/n took a step forward and helped the troll with his staff.
“Can this wait? I’m too busy today” the troll disappeared through the door leaving Y/n along, the trollhunter team long gone.
“It’s okay” she said to an empty room. Her hand playing with her bracelet. The ashy smell takes her back to an old familiar place she doesn’t want to go.
Y/n walked out of TrollMarket in silence.
“Not now, Y/n. Can’t you see I’m busy?” the voice of a man she knows so well yet doesn’t, stabs her heart.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry” she repeats like she could be forgiven for the cardinal sin of asking for the attention of a loved one.
She keeps walking and the memory of the man standing in front of a window won’t get out of her mind. His back to her and the desperation of her hands to grab his.
“That’s lovely, birdie, but why don’t you go find that friend of yours and show him? Huh?” The man asks without taking his eyes from his work.
Y/n looks down at her hands and wonders what's so wrong with them.
The bell chimes.
“Y/n? Darling? What happened? Why are you crying?” Douxie jumped from his seat at the register and went to the door.
“Huh?” Y/n looked around. She wasn’t in TrollMarket anymore, she was in Douxie’s library “I don’t…” she took her hand to her cheeks, they were wet. She had been crying.
“Did someone do something? Are you hurt?” Douxie grabbed her head and with his thumbs wiped away the tears.
“No. I just… I think my father was kinda of a complicated asshole” Y/n hugged him, hiding her head in his chest.
Douxie chuckled and hugged her back “Yeah, I understand”
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A/n: the mood at the end was: ‘hey dad i exist!’ because that was my mood honestly
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laundrybiscuits · 10 months
Spotify wrapped #13 (my lucky number😋)
Unfortunately sparklyslug got there first, so I pulled up a random number generator and it served up #36! Hope that’s okay.
baby why don’t you come over / red wine supernova / falling into me / I don’t care that you’re a stoner / red wine supernova / fall right into me
The first time Stevie meets her is on Halloween, which doesn’t seem strange at the time. Stevie’s wearing her mom’s old go-go boots from the sixties and she’s teased her hair up into a beehive; it’s silly, but she thinks she actually looks pretty hot in her little minidress.
Eddie agrees, apparently. She’s got some kind of tacky vampire costume on, and not even a sexy one. It doesn’t even look like she’s put that much effort into it: just a faded waistcoat that looks secondhand, a garbage-bag cape, and plastic fangs that keep slipping off. 
It should look ridiculous. It does look ridiculous. But the way Eddie keeps glancing over with hot dark eyes from across the room is…it’s not something Stevie’s really considered before, and if she had considered it, she would expect it to be just about anyone else. Someone normal, ideally. 
Anyway, she doesn’t think too hard about it when she sees Eddie leaning on the railing of the deck all by herself, a little past midnight. She slips out the screen door, wrapping her arms around herself to ward off the chill, and walks over.
“Hi,” she says. “I’m Stevie.”
“I know,” says Eddie. “I’m Eddie.”
“I know,” she says. She’d asked around. 
“You know, huh?” says Eddie, raising her eyebrows. “Okay, Stevie. You’re not scared to be out here in the dark with a creature of ze night?” Eddie makes a dumb face, baring her plastic fangs. 
“Terrified.” She’s had a glass or two of cab, nowhere near enough to justify the bold way she reaches up and plucks the fangs right out of Eddie’s mouth. “Or I would be, if these weren’t fake as hell. Did you get them at the dollar store?” 
“Those are fake, sure,” says Eddie. “These aren’t, though.”
Stevie’s been a little distracted glancing down at the shine of Eddie’s spit on her fingertips. When she looks back up, Eddie’s watching her carefully, lip curled back to show a set of long, curving canines. 
“That’s, um,” Stevie swallows. “That’s fake too.”
Eddie runs the tip of her tongue along the edge of her impossible teeth. “Not gonna get grabby again?”
Stevie sees herself reaching out like someone else is moving her hand, and brushes her finger down a fang. Even before she makes contact, though, she knows.
“So, pretty little Stevie Harrington,” says Eddie. Her voice is like smoke. “Why’d you come out here? Do you even know?”
“No,” says Stevie honestly. “But—I think you do.”
“Good answer,” says Eddie, and bites down.
Eddie jumps when Stevie slides onto the barstool next to her.
“Jesus, are you stalking me?” 
“No!” Stevie’s really not. Asking around about where Eddie might hang out, and then trying to be in those places at the appropriate times—that’s not stalking, that’s just. Showing an interest. Being proactive. A real go-getter move, like her softball coach used to say. 
“I just…thought you might want some dinner. Or breakfast. I don’t know if you, um…” Stevie trails off uncertainly. She’s only ever seen Eddie after dark, but Eddie doesn’t seem like the kind of person who kept normal hours even when she was alive, so she’s not sure if the whole daylight thing is true or not.
At any rate, she’s come prepared in a low-cut dress, no necklace or anything, faint wounds on full display. She’d thought about covering them up—maybe vampires like it when girls are totally innocent and, like, unpunctured? She’d run, if Eddie wanted to chase her. She’s given a lot of thought to Eddie chasing her, and even more thought to what might happen if Eddie caught her. But Stevie loves catching a glimpse of the marks in the mirror too much, and anyway concealer probably tastes bad. 
Eddie’s eyes keep flicking between the marks and Stevie’s cleavage in her push-up bra, so that all seems to have worked out okay. 
“I don’t…usually eat breakfast,” says Eddie slowly. “Not really one for, like. Pancakes.”
“I didn’t bring you pancakes,” says Stevie. 
“Is this—are you a hunter or something?” Eddie asks abruptly. “You have to tell me if you’re a hunter, it’s the law.”
Stevie wrinkles her nose. “There’s no way that’s true. But wait, vampire hunters are real too?”
“Buncha small-minded dicks who don’t even—anyway, what is this then, some kinda revenge?” 
“For what?”
“I don’t know! Despoiling your maiden form!”
“I don’t remember a lot of despoiling,” says Stevie, tugging her dress down a little just to watch Eddie’s eyes snap down and back up, lightning-fast. “But you could refresh my memory.”
“You do remember the, uh.” Eddie glances around at the dimly-lit bar; the nearest people are a couple of leather-clad women swaying together by the jukebox halfway across the room. Eddie flashes her fangs, and Stevie’s entranced by the way her normal teeth shift out of the way. 
“Uh-huh,” she says. 
“I guess I’m a little confused,” says Eddie. 
“It’s not that complicated.” Stevie reaches out to tuck her fingertips underneath the cuff of Eddie’s jacket. “I’m saying I live a couple blocks away, and you should come over. Have a drink. See how it goes.”
“Well…okay. Jesus.” Eddie tilts her head, looking at Stevie with something unreadable in her eyes. “Pretty little Stevie Harrington. Guess you figured out what you want, huh?”
“Guess I did,” says Stevie. 
“This isn’t, like—I’m not promising anything,” says Eddie, but she lets Stevie wear her jacket the whole walk back.
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rarilight · 2 years
And They Were Roommates
Ficlet for @pr3x inspired by @punkitt-is-here wonderfully hilarious Sigma Mare Rainbow Dash's comics.
In Rainbow Dash’s humble opinion, it was very cool for Fluttershy that they were now roommates. Sure, it sucked that the cottage was under renovation due to some freak firestorm, but until that was fixed, Rainbow was determined to make sure her dear friend lived the GOOD life. 
We probably need more furniture, Fluttershy had suggested, which Rainbow didn’t understand—what else would you need besides a fridge, a sleeping bag, a chair, and a TV—but she wasn’t about to say no to her friend. 
Taking on the task of finding furniture while Fluttershy did the sweeping she insisted on doing, Rainbow Dash took off into town and came back thirty minutes later with the mother of all sweet hauls. 
“Hey, Shy, check this out!” she exclaimed excitedly, slamming open her door and dragging in her loot. “We’re set for life!”
Fluttershy flew in from the kitchen, delighted. “Oh! Let me see.”
And see she would, as Rainbow proudly dragged in: 
Four milk crates of varying sizes
Several cinderblocks with 2x4 plank shelving
A standing lamp that was all twisted in a super cool way
A big plastic table that had the SICKEST graffiti on it
And that was it
“Oh,” said Fluttershy. 
“Right?!” Rainbow exclaimed, slamming a hoof on her new table. “Can you believe all this shit was FREE? They were, like, outside this house and stuff!” She puffed up her chest. “We’re lucky I saw them before some bozo took them first, huh?”
Fluttershy didn’t say anything and just stared at her new furniture, probably overwhelmed by how awesome it was. Which was great, because Rainbow loved making Fluttershy happy. 
“Where should we put these?” Rainbow asked, wanting to include Fluttershy in the process. Mi casa es tu casa stuff and all, you know? She gestured to the table. “Let’s figure that out first.”
Fluttershy gingerly approached the graffiti’d table, inspecting it before focusing in on something written in the center. 
“Uhm,” she said, softly. She looked to Rainbow. “That’s a bad word.”
Rainbow blinked. Looked at the word. Back to Fluttershy. “That’s a bad word?”
“Uhm, yes,” Fluttershy said. “A really bad word.”
Ah, fuck, Rainbow thought. 
“Uuuuuuuh…” she said, calm and collected because she was calm and collected. 
She could still save this. Right. She just had to THINK, which she was really good at. Okay. The other day when they were at Rarity’s house, Rarity’s table had this long stretchy tablecloth in the center going from one side to the other, length-wise. Rainbow thought it was stupid because it was, like, fifteen inches wide so it didn’t cover the entire table, but Fluttershy said it was nice. 
So she needed something like that. 
And then it hit her. She had one.
“Wait, I’ll be back!”
She rushed into her room and came back with something she bought once that happened to kinda work like that. Colored like the rainbow, it was called a ‘Runner’ and she’d bought it at the store to help her run. It didn’t, though, and she couldn’t return it, so she stashed it in a box in her closet. 
But, now, finally, it had a use. 
Quickly, she placed it on the table and was stoked to see it perfectly covered the bad word, even if it looked just as stupid as Rarity’s. 
“There!” she exclaimed, hopeful. “Better?”
Fluttershy nodded, pleased. “Oh, yes. That works for now.”
Nailed it, Rainbow thought, pumping her hoof in the air while Fluttershy went to one of Rainbow’s Boxes of Stuff. 
“Maybe there’s something here we can put as a centerpiece,” Fluttershy suggested. She opened the box, stared at it for a moment, and then pulled out a nail gun. “What’s this for?”
Rainbow snorted. Wasn’t it obvious? 
“To hang posters, duh.”
“O-Oh, dear.”
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