#I did not expect a VP AU from My Stand In but I guess I got it
sjsmith56 · 6 hours
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Cold Hearted
Summary: AU one shot. A marriage of convenience between the son and daughter of two CEOS to benefit their companies leads to a friendship between the couple, then more.
Length: 6.7 K
Characters: Bucky Barnes, unnamed and undescribed female character. She is occasionally referred to as “Sweetheart” or “Pretty girl.”
Warnings: unresolved emotional trauma, Bucky is a bit of a party boy at first, loneliness, unrequited love, feelings of worthlessness and betrayal.
Author notes: There’s some angst in this but it’s part of the growth process for the couple as they learn to trust and rely on each other.
🥂 🏥 🐚
It was just a business deal according to my father. I marry the son of his biggest competitor and they signed an agreement to split the market between them. It sounded like something a mob boss would ask of their daughter, but my father wasn't in the mob, at least not so far as I knew. He was the CEO of a billion-dollar company, just like the competitor was and both of them had spent almost two years fighting to corner the market for a stupid product that would be outdated in a year, two at the most. Then someone, a VP or maybe my father's mistress (same person) suggested a marriage of convenience. After all, you wouldn't screw over family. So, here I was, standing in a church next to a total stranger, both of us facing the minister as he droned on and on about the sanctity of marriage.
We each said I do, when it was asked of us, then put a ring on each other's left hand, while not once making eye contact. When it was time to kiss, he looked at me then and kissed me hurriedly on my cheek; his blue eyes looking quickly away as if I was something unexpected. We signed the register, were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes, then he offered me his arm and we stepped down the aisle towards the open doors at the end of the church. All I had to do was pull away from him, sprint through the doors, hail a cab and I could run away. But I didn't. I took the long walk, stood in the receiving line, shook hands with my father and my new father-in-law's business colleagues then was told it was time to leave. My husband offered me his hand, led me out the doors, past the people throwing rose petals at us and into the limousine. Our wedding party piled into the second vehicle. At least it was quiet in there and as it pulled away; he looked behind us then let out a breath of air, seemingly glad that was over with.
"You thirsty?" he asked. "I think there's water in the mini fridge."
Without waiting for an answer, he opened it, took out two bottles and uncapped one, offering it to me before he opened his, draining half of it almost immediately. I sipped mine several times, then placed the cap back on.
"What did you father offer you to do this?" he asked.
I looked at him. "Nothing, just said I better do it if I wanted to still be part of the family and get my inheritance."
He frowned. "That's cold. My dad offered me $10 million. I talked him up to 25."
I looked out the window. Swell. My husband had to be paid to marry me.
"Sorry," he murmured. "I guess that sounds crass. You seem nice but I'm not the faithful type. I like my freedom."
I looked at him. He was a handsome man and in real life would never look at someone like me. He was all nightclubs, parties, exotic vacations and I was a quiet, shy wallflower, who had only ever had a handful of boyfriends. At least he was honest, if telling me he wasn't the faithful type meant he was probably going to cheat on me.
"James, you know the contract stipulates grandchildren, at least two."
"I know. I thought we could use IVF. I wouldn't expect you to sleep with me." He was quiet for a moment. "Call me Bucky. It's my nickname. James is what my father calls me when he's about to chew me out about my lifestyle."
"Okay. So, we'll have separate bedrooms?" He nodded.
"If you want but I won't bring anyone home," he said. "I wouldn't embarrass you like that and I'll be as discreet as I can." He frowned. "Your dad say anything about the divorce agreement in two years?"
I looked at him. "No, what divorce agreement?"
"You get $100 million as a settlement plus a house and a car, child support. I saw the papers and you signed it."
My mind went blank for a moment. There were so many documents that I signed when this was proposed, and I just put my signature where the lawyer said. Why wouldn't they make it known I had a divorce agreement?
"I can ask my lawyer, if you wish," he said. "I mean, you are my wife now, and your wellbeing is my concern. I'm not a complete cold-hearted asshole."
I smiled at him, and he squeezed my hand then he drank some more of his water. We pulled up to the reception venue and waited for the driver to open the door. Bucky got out, then offered me his hand to get out. There were several flashes from the paparazzi, as Bucky was well known in certain social circles, then we hurried inside and made our way to a private lounge for our formal wedding pictures. As the pictures of me and my attendants were being taken, I noticed Bucky talking animatedly with a man. He seemed bothered at what the man was explaining then when he was called for our pictures he turned to him.
"Get it done," he said. "It's not fair and I'll expose the whole thing right now if it isn't fixed."
He smiled at me as he approached, then stood where the photographer told him, right behind me. As the photographer directed the others into position he leaned towards my ear and spoke in a low voice.
"My lawyer said you signed over the proceeds of the divorce agreement to your father. I told him that was false, as you didn't even know about the agreement. If they don't fix it, we'll get an annulment and he'll get nothing. Since I already got paid by my dad, I'll give you half. It's only fair." My mouth was open, and he placed his hand under my chin, closing it, as he grinned. "I told you, I'm not an asshole, well, at least not to those who are my friends."
My smile during the photographs was genuine. It had been a long time since I had anyone that stood up for me; certainly not my parents or any of my siblings. My grandmother, before she died, was the last person who ever advocated for me, and I had forgotten how good it felt to have someone in my corner. When the pictures were done, Bucky went over to a table filled with liquor bottles and poured out shots for everyone. I looked at him dubiously, as I wasn't much of a drinker.
"Come on, it's your wedding day," he smiled. "Open your mouth, pour it in and swallow."
I did as he said, feeling it burn down my throat. He laughed then did his own shot, before pouring another. With his encouragement I drank that one, then another before the wedding planner came in to say we had to make our entrance. Grabbing my hand, he pulled me out the door and waited for the rest of the wedding party to go in as they were introduced. Then it was our turn and he looked at me, then smiled.
"You ready, Mrs. Barnes?"
I nodded and we danced our way into the reception room, as the guests clapped in time to the music. As we passed my family's table, I noticed my father was glaring at me. Bucky noticed too and leaned in close to me.
"Kiss me," he said. "Let your dad know that we're fucking with him."
"He'll be angry," I answered.
"So? Let him. He's arranged this so that only he benefits from this marriage. You deserve a piece of the action."
He twirled me around until our lips were just inches apart, then with an almost evil grin, he kissed me, and I kissed him back. As the guests hooted and hollered, we gave them a good show, then he stood up and pumped his fist in time to the bass beat in the song. I looked at my dad again and he was livid. Before the wedding, I would have been terrified of my dad being like this but maybe the three shots, the kiss, and the encouragement of my fake husband changed something because I suddenly didn't care what my father thought. Pumping my fist and jumping in time to the music I joined Bucky as we continued our entry dance around the room, before finally collapsing into our seats at the head table. He pushed my water glass to me, while he drank his then leaned close to me again.
"The trick to partying is to stay hydrated," he said. "Always drink water when you drink alcohol. It takes care of the hangover as well."
The evening went way too fast as we ate, drank, danced our first dance (Perfect by Ed Sheeran), then cut the cake, threw the garter and the bouquet. Every time my father tried to come over to me, Bucky whisked me away to dance or to meet some of his friends. When it was time for us to make our getaway, he picked me up, threw me over his shoulder and carried me out to the limousine, making me laugh. As soon as we got inside, he told the driver where to take us, then took my hand and kissed it. If I hadn't known better, I would swear that this was a man that really loved me. By the time we got to the hotel, I was quiet again, realizing that everything that Bucky did that night was a lie. It was fun but it was still a lie.
We checked in, went up to the hotel room, where our bags had already been dropped off, and Bucky tipped the bell boy before locking the door. Then he sat on a couch and patted the seat beside him. I didn't come over right away and he looked at me with puppy dog eyes, so I sat next to him.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"Are you always this good of an actor? You had me believing for a moment that you ... that we were real."
"We are legally married," he answered. "I wasn't acting. I had a good time tonight. At first, I thought you were kind of a stick in the mud, but I realized that you just haven't really lived. You've been kept on a pretty short leash by your family, haven't you?"
"It's obvious, isn't it?" I sighed. "I don't like confrontation and I tend to let people have their way."
He nodded his head. "Like me. I'm sorry. I was just trying to get you to have a good time. You did have a good time, right?" Bucky was right about that as I did have a good time. I nodded. "Look, if there is anything good to come out of this arrangement one of them will be you allowing yourself to have fun. No matter what happens, I kind of like you, so if we become friends from this, I'll be very happy. Finally, getting you what is due to you is the top priority. I'm not going to let your father cheat you out of what was negotiated."
I smiled at him, then bent over and undid my shoes, slipping them off. Bucky gestured to his lap, and I changed positions, so my feet lay on top of his legs. Gently, he took one foot in his hands and began to massage it. I groaned and made a face as he hit every spot that was sore, making it feel so much better. When he was finished with that, he did the other foot. When I withdrew my feet from his hands, he got up and went to the bathroom, coming out drying his hands on a towel.
"I've drawn you a bath," he said. "Take your time, play your favourite playlist and I'll get set up out here."
"I thought ...." I looked at him, puzzled.
"What kind of husband would I be if I abandoned you on our wedding night? We won't have sex, but we can sleep in the same bed. I'm tired and it's been a long day."
Opening my bag, I took out my toiletries and pyjamas. He grinned at the pink elephants on them, then showed me his pyjama bottoms, with cookies on them. I chuckled, then went to the bathroom and closed the door. When I came out half an hour later, Bucky was changed into his bottoms and a plain white T-shirt, there was soft music playing and a bottle of champagne was open. On top of the bed was a plate of chocolate covered strawberries. Patting the space next to him, he offered me a hand as I crawled on, then poured me a glass of champagne. Holding our glasses up he made a toast.
"Here's to having a good time together, not a long time," he said. "Hopefully, we come out of this as friends because good friends are rare, and you can never have enough good friends."
We sipped the champagne, then he held a strawberry for me as I bit into it, before popping the rest of it in his mouth with a cheeky grin. For an hour we talked about ourselves, growing up in families that were focused on business more than anything else. I learned that Bucky lost his mother at a young age when she died of cancer. He went to boarding school, which he admitted could have made him bitter, but he formed some deep friendships and found some adults to have a meaningful substitute parent relationship with. His college years were spent mostly partying, but he did enough work to get his degree in finance and understood enough about business to agree that this marriage arrangement would keep both of our father's companies from inflicting fatal blows on each other. As I told him about being the quiet child in the family who seemed to always be ignored and forgotten when decisions were made, he frowned and held my hand, kissing it from time to time.
It was easy to talk to him and I cried a little that night. But he comforted me and when my yawns started coming more, he insisted I get under the covers. We curled up and faced each other in the dark. Before I closed my eyes he whispered.
"Sleep tight, pretty girl."
No one had ever called me pretty before.
For the next month, Bucky was pretty attentive. My father finally succeeded in cornering me to ask what the hell I was trying to do by bringing up the divorce agreement. Maybe being so much in Bucky's presence had rubbed off on me because I asked him why the lawyer thought I signed the money over to him. He grabbed my wrist and began to twist it when my husband walked in and quickly grabbed my father's wrist, surprising him with the strength of his grip.
"You don't ever touch my wife like that again," said Bucky, gritting his teeth a little. "I brought up the divorce agreement and was shocked that a father would be so cold-hearted to his daughter to literally try to pick her pocket before she even had any money in it. You want this deal to go through? Then you restore the agreement to what I signed; the money belongs to her. Otherwise, we get an annulment, and you get nothing."
"You can't annul the marriage," huffed my father. "You were together on the wedding night."
"We were but we didn't consummate the marriage," replied Bucky, throwing daggers at my father with his bright blue eyes. "Make sure you amend that divorce agreement and I want to be there when my wife signs it. You got that?"
He released my father, put his arm around me and led me away. We signed the amended agreement two days later that stipulated the money, house, car and child support, when we divorced, would go to me and only me.
Once a week, Bucky went out with his friends, partying. He always wore his wedding ring when the paparazzi took photographs of him and for quite a while he was careful, as there were no pictures of him going off with another woman. I knew he was seeing them, because he would come home smelling of their perfume, before he showered, put on his funky pyjama bottoms and slipped into bed, usually spooning behind me, something that he said he liked even though we had separate bedrooms.
Since the marriage agreement called for two children, Bucky arranged for us to visit the IVF clinic and we both underwent testing. He must have paid the doctor and staff there a lot of money to keep their questions to themselves because none of them ever said anything about why two healthy individuals who just got married didn't make a baby the old-fashioned way. I had to undergo shots to stimulate my ovaries so they could harvest multiple eggs. Then Bucky provided them with semen to fertilize the eggs in preparation for insertion into my uterus. Over the next few months, none of them implanted and I began to develop anxiety about it. He was great, never once blaming me. There were even a couple of occasions when he didn't go out with his friends and stayed home to comfort me when my period started, dashing our hopes once again.
Somehow, somewhere along the way, I realized something, about how I felt about him. It wasn't something I expected, falling in love with a man who made it clear from the start that friendship would be the most he could offer me. For as long as I could, I kept it to myself, not wanting to appear needy to Bucky. He had been wonderful and so kind to me. But after that realization, every time I saw him get ready to go out and knew that he would return smelling of someone else, it was inevitable that I finally said something.
"Don't go out," I whispered, one night, just as he came out of his bedroom, dressed in one of his Armani suits. "Please."
He looked at me as if I was joking then saw the pain in my eyes.
"What's wrong?" he asked, sitting next to me.
"Stay home," I answered. "Don't go out with your friends tonight."
"I have to," he said. "We're on the VIP list at a new club opening. I'll be back before morning. After a little sleep-in we can spend the day together, maybe take a drive out to the coast." He smoothed my hair, then kissed my forehead. "Sleep tight, pretty girl."
He left without a backwards glance, and I cried. It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last, especially when the paparazzi succeeded in acquiring a picture of Bucky and a starlet kissing each other. He apologized but the crack between us was there, and it would only get worse. The night it was the worst was the night I almost died.
We were supposed to be at a charity event together, but he texted to say he was running late, and he would meet me there. Of course, when I showed up without him, I was swarmed by photographers, all of them asking where Bucky was and who he was with. Ignoring them as best as I could I entered the venue and was shown to my table, seated with several other wives of prominent individuals. Even though I had improved my social skills and learned to have more fun, these women weren't inclined to be friendly and after enduring their whispered comments with no word from Bucky I decided to go home. A car service had dropped me off but expecting Bucky to arrive in his car we didn't book a return trip. There were no taxis available, so I began to walk, trying to hail one as I walked. Somewhere, along the way, I began to cry like the pathetic little individual I always knew I was. Funny how quickly I crumbled, when I figured that even Bucky had enough of me.
I woke up in the emergency room, with a bright light glaring down on me, a collar around my neck, a tube down my throat and IVs in my arms. A doctor leaned over me until I looked at him then began asking me questions, but I couldn't speak, not with the tube blocking my voice. He told me I walked out into traffic without looking and was hit by a car. My heart stopped twice but they brought me back. Was there anyone they should call? I tried to point at my wedding ring as Bucky was the only person I wanted to see, but my arms were splinted as apparently, I thrashed around too much when I was out. He figured it out and held up my phone. Painfully, I signalled the code numbers with my fingers, and he unlocked it then phoned Bucky. Returning a moment later he bent over me again.
"He's on his way. Hang in there, okay? Nothing's broken but you do have internal injuries."
I moaned since there was really no other way to communicate. I must have fallen asleep or passed out because when I woke up again, I was in an ICU hospital room, there were the sounds of several monitors, and Bucky was sitting on a chair, with his head in his hands. He looked up at a sound I must have made and immediately came to my side, placing his hand on mine. All I saw in his eyes were guilt and sorrow.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," he said. "This is all my fault. I was supposed to be there with you, but I let others distract me and before I even realized that I had missed the whole event I got the call from the doctor."
I closed my eyes, feeling the tears streaming down from them. His apology, though sincere, really meant nothing. He promised to be my friend and instead, he did what my family had done my whole life, ignored me. To me, it was proof that I was truly meaningless in this world, that I was insignificant. I felt a cloth on my face and opened my eyes to see Bucky wiping my tears away with a washcloth. Painfully, I turned my head away from him.
"Please, don't," he begged. "Don't be angry with me. I fucked up. I know I did. I thought we could get through the two years and be friends, but I haven't been a good friend to you."
I still didn't look at him. I wasn't angry but I was disappointed. He tried to take my hand in his, but I pulled it away, bringing a distressed sound out of him. It must have affected me because a nurse came in to check the monitors and suggested that Bucky go home and come back in the morning. He put up an argument, but she convinced him that I needed to rest. Reluctantly, he agreed and bent over me, kissing me on the forehead.
"I'll do all I can to make it up to you," he whispered. "You were the last person I ever wanted to hurt."
He left then and I eventually fell asleep. Those first few days he was there from early in the morning until late at night. His father visited the second day, and I was aware of a fairly emotional whispered conversation between him and Bucky. None of my family visited. Three days in they took the tube out of my throat, confident that my bruised lungs and ribs were strong enough for me to breathe on my own. It still hurt to speak, almost as much as I was hurting emotionally. Bucky watched me with glassy eyes after the doctor and nurse left, seeming almost afraid to say anything. I looked at him, and the tears began to fall again, in earnest this time. Even though my body hurt I sobbed, and he was right there, his chair pulled up to the edge of the bed, kissing my hand.
"How can I make it better?" he asked. "Please, tell me."
"You won't," I answered, my voice raspy. "You made it clear from our wedding day that you weren't the faithful type. We can't be friends anymore."
"No, please, don't say that," he pleaded. "I need you. Don't you know that?"
I shook my head. "I don't know anything anymore; except every time you walk out the door to be with someone else it hurts so much. Loving you wasn't supposed to happen, but it did."
"You love me?" he asked, not quite believing what I was saying.
I looked away, then nodded my head. "You were nicer to me than anyone I ever met. Then suddenly you were gone more and then you didn't show up last night."
I covered my face with my hands and wept. The edge of the bed dipped slightly as he sat there, then he was carefully lifting me up in his arms to hold me.
"I'm sorry." He stroked my hair. "You know there are times I wake up at night and you're talking in your sleep. Strange, weird stuff, about kangaroos and jungle roads, and stuffing your face with hot dogs at a ball game. One night, I spoke to you, and we carried on a weird conversation. When I finally said you should go back to sleep, you said okay. Then you said good night and that you loved me. Just the way you said it I knew you were telling the truth. It frightened me because I'm not a good person. I party and sleep around too much, I spend money like it will never end, and I never once told anyone other than my mother that I loved them. She died, and it got into my head that if I loved someone, I would lose them someday." He touched my wedding ring, running his fingertip on it. "Then I almost lost you and I never once told you that I was falling in love with you, a love that I was scared to feel."
"You don't love me," I scoffed.
"I love that you listen to me and follow my lead, even when you really don't want to at first. I love your goofy pyjamas and how cuddly they make you feel when you're sleeping in my arms. I love that I would rather ... be here in the hospital begging for your forgiveness and love, than partying with people who only want to ignore the real world. With you, I have real fun, where I laugh and feel good about helping you and being there for you, because that makes me feel good about myself."
"That's not love," I murmured.
"Maybe not but I know that I don't want to be anywhere but near you."
I looked at him, truly looked at him and saw a man with bags under his bloodshot eyes, his hair was sticking out at odd angles because he had fallen asleep in the armchair of the hospital room, and he had several days of beard stubble on his face because he hadn't shaved. This from a man who took pride in how he looked. He wasn't dressed well, like he normally was when he appeared in public. He looked like a mess, and it was because he loved me, and thought he had lost me.
"Do you think we could start over?" he asked, those puppy dog eyes suddenly prominent, even in their bloodshot state. "After you get better, we can go away and just be ourselves, without any family or the business bothering us. I don't care where and it doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. I just want to be with you."
"No more partying with your friends at nightclubs?" I asked. "No more sleeping with other women? Just you and me?"
"Just you and me," he repeated. "The only person I want to sleep with is you, when you're ready."
I couldn't help it. I sobbed again and began to cry. Immediately, Bucky began to kiss my face. Then he looked in my eyes, placed his hand on my cheek and kissed me for real, a soft and sweet kiss that said I was the most important person in his world.
He was as good as his word. Once I was released, he leased a guest house on the coast. It was quiet, far enough away from the other houses on that stretch of windswept beach that we could pretend we were alone. We visited farmer's markets, picking up fresh food for meals that Bucky cooked for me, trying but not always succeeding in his attempts. It didn't matter because we were together and that was the real reason we were there. We walked; short distances at first as I got my strength back, then longer where we would take our time and pick up interesting shells and rocks on the beach. Sometimes we kept them, sometimes we tossed them back into the ocean. Not once did he look at his cellphone. In fact, the charge ran out and he left it on the kitchen counter as a reminder that he wanted all of his attention on me. At night, we curled up in front of the fireplace until I fell asleep, and he would carry me in his arms to bed, helping me into my comfy pyjamas, before changing into his own and spooning behind me.
One night we had a storm, with pounding waves, thunder and lightning, and a wind that rattled every window in the house. He held me until I fell asleep. When I woke up, I looked at his sleeping face, admiring his straight nose, defined cheekbones, and the cleft in his chin. He must have sensed I was looking at him because he opened his eyes, those blue grey eyes that seemed to change colour like the ocean did whenever it was peaceful or angry. There must have been something in my eyes that morning because Bucky kissed me differently, then looked at me in a way he never had before. As his hands moved under my top, and caressed my skin, he shifted so that he was looking over me. I nodded yes, and he smiled softly, before kissing me again and pressing his body against mine.
As pieces of clothing were discarded, we explored each other's bodies, responding with soft sounds as we awakened our sensuous side. It was lovemaking that started out slowly, then built in intensity as Bucky showed me physically how much I meant to him. I had never been that intimate with anyone before, even though I thought I had with the few boyfriends of my limited experience. None of the others made me feel what he did and any last doubts I may have had about his devotion to me were erased. I was in love, truly in love for the first time and so was Bucky.
For six weeks we lived in this bubble where only we existed. Then Bucky plugged his phone in, and all the notifications sounded, one after another for almost an hour. He deleted the ones from his partying friends. They were part of his past now. There were a couple from my father, demanding to know where we were. Then there were the others from his father and lawyers. As he read them, he sighed then looked at me and sat in an armchair, pulling me onto his lap.
"When you were in the ICU, I asked my father for a favour," he said. "I asked him how we could take over your father's company."
"Why?" I asked. "Our marriage was the agreement to keep the competition equal with him, wasn't it?"
"Yeah, it was but when I demanded that your father amend that divorce agreement, he did something stupid and frankly, unethical. He entered into a secret agreement with an overseas company and contracted with them to provide him with the same product at a fraction of the cost. They aren't the same quality, but he is selling them for a bit less than ours, and he makes more profit on them. It's cut into our profits. We'll be alright because Dad's R&D division are already testing the update that would have been brought out at the end of the two years when we were originally going to get divorced. Of course, now, we're not getting divorced."
"We're not?" I asked, my heart racing a little.
"Nope. You've got me for life." He shrugged. "But it means you don't get your 100 million, although you do get a house and car. They were my late wedding presents to you." He cleared his throat. "Do you know how your father has his company structured?"
"No, I assumed he owns and runs it himself," I said.
"Well, he is CEO, but he doesn't exactly own it, at least not all of it," said Bucky. "It's actually shared between your dad, your siblings and yourself. He's never paid you dividends or anything from the company, has he?"
"No, I didn't know any of it," I said. "I feel stupid now, but I always assumed he had total control."
"I think you were kept in deliberate ignorance of it, and he used some shady tax loopholes to keep the money that was yours out of your hands. It doesn't appear he did the same thing to your siblings which led me to wonder why he has always seemed to be so cold-hearted to you."
It was true, my dad never really liked me. I was aware of that from my earliest memories. Bucky's hand on my mine drew my attention back to him.
"He's not your dad." I opened my mouth then closed it. "He was married to your mother when you were born but your father was someone else. The company was her's and he had no choice but to declare you as his daughter at your birth. When she died, she left the company divided up between all of you."
"My mother's not dead," I said.
"She's not your mother, she's your stepmother," he replied. "Originally, she was your dad's mistress. He married her a month after your mother died, when you were two years old. Since then, your father has cheated you out of everything that should have been yours."
"What do I do?" I asked.
"You could launch takeover plans of your own, but I think it would expose you to investigation and possibly prosecution if the full story of how your father operates becomes public." That wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing considering how he cheated me. Bucky smiled a little. "I think you should turn him in. Report him to the FBI, the IRS, and any other regulatory agency that oversees corporations. They'll freeze all the assets of the company while they investigate and once they confirm what my dad found out; you won't be a subject of investigation. You'll be recognized as a victim of a long-term plan to swindle you out of your inheritance. You can even bring a private civil suit against him. At the least it will expose your father and your family to some pretty intense public scrutiny. There might be some criticism about you, but I'll be with you while this happens, and I won't let anyone associate you with them."
I considered his words. For someone who said he barely passed his university courses he sounded pretty sure of himself and of what we should do. Just at that moment I felt like I had to throw up and I ran from him to the bathroom, emptying my stomach. His hands were on my hair, gently pulling it back so it didn't get soiled. Then he gave me a glass of water as I sat on the floor. A strange but satisfied smile was on his face.
"You haven't had a period since we first got here," he said.
I stopped drinking the water and looked up at him. "Do you think I'm pregnant?"
He shrugged then kneeled down to play with the ends of my hair. "Maybe. We can pick up a pregnancy test on the trip back to the city."
Something occurred to me. "The grandchildren clause ... who asked for that?"
He smiled. "My dad. I'm an only child so he wanted to make sure that I had heirs before I died because of my partying ways. If you are pregnant, I'll be happy and so will he. I'm going to be more involved in the company but not to the extent that you feel left out. In fact, my dad thinks you might be a good fit for the Board of Directors. We can work together and take over managing it when he retires."
"I don't know anything about business," I protested.
"I'll teach you," he smiled. "Say yes, to staying as my wife, the mother of my child, and partner in business. There's no one else I want to have it all with."
I agreed and his smile lit me up inside. When we returned to the city, the lawyers that his dad retained helped me turn my father and siblings in for the irregularities of how they ran my mother's business. Like Bucky said, several agencies became interested, and they confirmed that I had been cheated out of tens of millions of dollars worth of income and compensation. There were many shady deals they engaged in, and even the ones that weren't shady, like the marriage arrangement between Bucky and me, weren't always honoured. It took a long time for the whole thing to wind its way through the legal system but when it did, it was my company, and mine alone, as the Board of Directors fired my father and siblings after they were forced to divest their holdings in order to pay years of back taxes on the income they didn't declare. When Bucky's father, George Barnes, proposed a merger I accepted, being offered the position of Chief Ethics Officer in the combined companies.
There was something else that happened. On the way home from the coast, we stopped and picked up a home pregnancy test. The next morning, we waited as the stick processed the urine sample. The word Pregnant appeared and we accepted that our life was going to change. Bucky left behind the party lifestyle completely, becoming the partner in life I had always dreamed of. When our son was born, he was hands on as a father and stayed that way with each child we had, four in all. Some people said we lived a charmed life, but it wasn't always that way.
I never felt truly loved until I survived my accident and confessed my love to my husband. Bucky, who had dealt with his own trauma of his mother's death and being sent to boarding school at a young age, had lived a life of shallowness, afraid to truly be intimate with anyone, until he almost lost me. Our sham marriage ultimately brought him and his father closer together, healing the rift that had kept them apart. With the trust we built between us we formed a new family, made richer by the birth of our children. Although my biological father was dead, he did have children, born after his affair with my mother. We got along well, and they became my new siblings. Whatever cold-hearted life I suffered before I agreed to marry a man I didn't know didn't matter, as Bucky and I showered our own family with all the love we could muster. Above all else, we were happy.
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yujeong · 1 month
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In case anyone was curious about Ming's book of choice, it's The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy, "a novel that weaves together the stories of people navigating some of the darkest and most violent episodes of modern Indian history" (Wikipedia).
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43 notes · View notes
baepsaesbae · 3 years
None of Your Business
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Pairing— Jung Hoseok x reader  
Genre— SMUT, enemies to lovers au, business/professional life au, slight angst, slight fluff, mutual pining bc im a slut for that
Warnings— inappropriate workplace behavior, explicit unprotected sex, face sitting, slight biting, one (1) butt slap, dirty talk, swearing, switch!Hoseok, Hoseok being a god damn nuisance, (also I’m not a business person so if you are and I state inaccurate/dumb things I apologize in advance)
Word Count— 8.9k
Summary— You have a shot at attaining a huge promotion at your company. The only problem standing in your way is the same one that annoyed you in college. Jung Hoseok. How will you manage to spend an entire weekend at a conference juggling impressing your supervisors while simultaneously battling Hoseok?
A/N— This super cool banner was made by the one and only @kimtaehyunq​, thank you so much! Please let me know what you guys think. Feel free to leave a comment or send an ask! 
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The business world has always been mercilessly cutthroat; that’s one of the first things business students learn when they enter college. The competition to get an internship at a top company was fierce. Recruiting has to start at least a year in advance if you even want to give yourself a chance.
Luckily for you, you were the top student in your program. Well, one of the top students. Over the past four years, your position had been flip flopping with some surprisingly competent bonehead who annoyingly plagued your life.
“Excited to be graduating this semester, ___?” an all too familiar voice interrupted your studying.
“Excited to graduate as top of the class? Yes, of course,” you replied coldly. 
“Top of the class? That’s a little presumptuous, don’t you think?” the handsome boy sat on your table.
“I think it’ll be pretty much set in stone after this last final,” you returned your attention to your notes.
“Well, even if you’re number one, I think experience matters a lot in this field,” the boy refused to leave you alone. 
“Then it’s a good thing I did an internship with one of the top companies over the summer,” you glared at him.
“Oh yeah, how could I forget about the internship that you stole from me?” the boy pouted.
“I was obviously more qualified. And how could you say that when you stole my opportunity to go on a study abroad trip with my favorite professor last Spring Break? I’m still furious that he chose you over me solely because you were sleeping with his daughter,” you retorted.
“That was a coincidence! I don’t know how many times I need to tell you that,” he tried to defend himself.
“Whatever. Do me a favor and leave me alone, Hoseok. Hopefully today will be the last time I’ll ever see you.”
“That’s kind of sad to think about. Who else will get under my skin and annoy me every time they open their mouth?” Hoseok bantered, “Also, I told you to call me Hobi.”
“That would imply that we’re on friendly terms. I don’t like lying, Hoseok.”
“Fine. Good luck on that last final. See you around,” Hoseok hopped off the table and patted your head.
“Don’t touch me,” you grumbled as he walked away.
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That was five years ago.
The company that you interned with gave you a job offer immediately after graduation. Quickly moving up through the ranks proved to be an easy feat since your tenacious nature made you the ideal employee. 
You were currently waiting outside of the CEO’s office. Seconds felt like hours as you mindlessly bounced your leg. It was eerily silent, and all you could hear were the click clacks of the receptionist’s keyboard as she worked. You looked around at the bleak décor that was a sorry excuse for modernism as you racked your brain. Were you in trouble? Did something happen? You were summoned up for a meeting but had no clue what it was going to be about. 
Once you were finally called in, you were greeted by both the CEO and VP of the company. 
“___, please take a seat,” the CEO politely smiled, “As you know, I am getting old. I am unmarried, so therefore I have no one to oversee the company after I’m gone. The executive council and I have been looking for people to fill my shoes. Or at the very least, take a seat on the executive council if one of them were to take my place.”
“Your numbers have been exceptional this month,” the VP chimed in, “And every month prior. After much deliberation, your name has been cast into the lot.”
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. Being a member of the executive council at your age was almost unheard of.
“There is one other candidate that has also been hand selected at the other branch. You both are to attend a conference in which you will mingle with executives from other companies. There will also be a time in which you will pitch an idea to me on how to make this company better,” the CEO continued when he saw your loss for words.
“First and foremost I would like to thank you for this opportunity. I will do my best to live up to your expectations,” you bowed to show your gratitude. 
“Perfect. The conference is in two weeks. I believe that should give you ample time to prepare your presentation,” the VP shook your hand.
After shaking hands with the CEO, you turned to leave. However, something was nagging you. 
“May I ask who the other candidate is?” you inquired.
“Jung Hoseok from the northern branch,” the VP answered without missing a beat. 
“Ah,” your brain exploded.
“Do you know him?” the CEO asked.
“We went to college together. I know of him,” you said curtly.
“Well you’ll finally get your chance to meet him. I’ve heard he’s very popular with the ladies at his branch. That’s not pertinent to his skills; however, you can’t blame an old man for wanting to know the gossip of his own employees,” the old man chuckled.
“Of course,” you smiled politely as you excused yourself from the office.
Jung Hoseok? That douchebag? Just your luck to run into him again (to fight for the next step in your career no less!). You think back on all the run ins you had with him during your collegiate days. Nothing but irritating memories of the two of you competing for the top spot came to mind. 
Whatever. It didn’t matter who the other candidate was. You had to get to work and come up with a brilliant plan that will impress the CEO. You brushed the thought of Hoseok aside. It had been a couple of years, maybe he wouldn’t even remember you. There’s no need to stress out over something so trivial. 
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The weekend of the conference had finally arrived. You were instructed to travel together with Hoseok. You waited alone at the airport terminal. If you were lucky, Hoseok wouldn’t show up at all. You weren’t. 
“___!” Hoseok called out your name in a sing songy voice.
“Hello Hoseok. Glad to see you haven’t changed,” you were already irritated.
“How are you? It’s been so long. You look great!” he went in for a hug but you turned away. 
He stood awkwardly with his arms in the air for a second until he bounced back. He took the seat next to you and began chatting. You answered his list of questions apathetically. 
“Did I do something to offend you?” Hoseok finally asked.
“I just think it’s funny that even after all these years, I still have to compete with you,” you retorted.
“Still hung up on that? It doesn’t even matter anymore. We got good jobs and now we’re here. Together! Isn’t that cool?”
“No, not at all. Although I guess it will be nostalgic coming out on top once again,” you smirked.
“Your competitive nature always amused me. You’re so cute when you lose,” Hoseok teased.
“I never lost to you,” you gasped.
“That’s not what that one study abroad trip with Professor whatshisname says,” he cooed. 
“Professor Namjoon! You knew he was my favorite, you prick. At least I graduated as top of the class with honors,” you argued. 
“My GPA was off by thousandths of a point. That doesn’t really bother me. But I’m glad you have something that makes you happy,” Hoseok shrugged. 
‘This is gonna be one long fucking weekend’, you thought. 
The flight was short and pleasant since Hoseok left you alone. You wanted to see as little of him as possible during this trip. You intended to get that promotion no matter what. 
After the plane landed, the two of you made your way to the hotel that was hosting the conference. 
“Hi, last name ___ and Jung?” you smiled at the hotel concierge. 
“Ah yes, you guys are here for the business conference?” the concierge asked.
“Indeed we are!” Hoseok chimed in from behind you.
“Alrighty, I got you guys all checked in. Enjoy your stay!” the concierge handed you a singular set of keys.
“Oh, I’m sorry, there must be a mistake. We’re in two separate rooms,” you politely tried to hand back the keys.
“The reservation is for a singular suite,” the concierge explained.
“Probably cheaper that way,” Hoseok reasoned while nodding.
Your fake smile faltered for a second. How the hell are you supposed to spend an entire weekend sharing a room with the most despicable person on the planet?
At least the hotel itself was grand. There was no way you’d ever be able to afford to stay in such a swanky place. The lobby was decorated with ornate marble pillars that were laced with gold trimmings. It even had a fancy fountain in the middle to greet incoming guests, which you thought was a bit overkill. 
“Excited to sleep with me, princess?” Hoseok teased, obviously picking up on your annoyance.
“Fuck off. Stay the hell away from my bed and my things,” you spat.
“Who’s to say that you won’t be able to stay away from my bed?” he smirked. 
“You wish,” you rolled your eyes as the elevator finally stopped on the top floor. 
You led the way to your shared suite with Hoseok. The trip was exhausting; you couldn’t wait to take a nap on your large luxurious bed that was probably topped with Egyptian cotton (one can dream). 
You immediately dropped your bags on the side of the room and flopped onto the bed, shutting your eyes. 
“Interesting,” Hoseok said.
You ignored him.
“Very interesting,” he continued. 
“What? What is so interesting?” you sat up and glared at him in frustration.
“Take a quick glance around the room,” he suggested.
Your heart sank, “No fucking way.”
You loved this trope in fanfics, but in real life? Fuck no, not with this asshole. Yes, there was only one luxurious king sized bed in the room. 
“Well, looks like you're going to sleep on the floor,” you smiled sweetly at him.
“The bed is huge, we can definitely share,” Hoseok argued.
“I think the fuck not,” you dropped back onto the bed, “I’m sure you’ll whore your way into someone else’s bed each night anyway.”
“I don’t think I need to, not when I’m already sharing a bed with you,” he flirted.
“Bite me, Hoseok,” you sighed, not in the mood for a tit for tat.
“Are you into that? I’d happily oblige,” he responded as he sat on the other side of the bed.
“I’m afraid that’s confidential information that you are not privy to,” you huffed, turning away from him.
“Are you really going to make me sleep on the floor?” he asked quietly. 
“Would you listen to me if I said I wanted you to?” you were curious to know.
“Look, I’ll admit that I can be an asshole, but I’m not a creep. If you’re really not comfortable with sharing a bed with me I’ll sleep on the floor. All I’d ask of you is to spare me a pillow.”
There was a short silence as you mulled over your options. 
“Fine, we can share the bed. But I demand a pillow divider to be set between us,” you caved.
“Wahoo! Thank you so much for your generosity, ___. Do you want to use the bathroom to get ready for bed first, or shall I?” Hoseok celebrated.
“I’ll get ready first,” you lazily rolled off the bed and trudged to the bathroom.
You were so tired that you missed hearing Hoseok’s soft chuckle as he watched you stumble to the bathroom. He patiently waited for you to finish before it was his turn to get ready for bed. You were sound asleep by the time he was done.
The blankets were haphazardly sprawled out on your side of the bed. One leg was under the covers while the other was completely exposed. Your mouth was agape with a bit of drool seeping out, and your shirt lifted up to expose some of your tummy.
Hoseok smiled at the sight. Never in a million years did he think he’d ever be lucky enough to see you like this. He pulled down your shirt in an attempt to make you look decent, but there was nothing he could do about your drooling. He tucked you into the sheets properly, making sure that the blankets covered you up to your neck.
He settled into his side of the bed. You forgot to put up the pillow divider. Hoseok stared up at the ceiling, unable to sleep. He turned over to face you in an attempt to get comfortable. 
‘She looks so sweet. Almost cute,’ Hoseok thought. 
He quickly brushed the thought aside. You were his rival, and have been since the first day of college years ago. He sat up and created a pillow barrier. Bickering with you first thing in the morning was the last thing he wanted. 
The first day of the conference was filled with attending various meetings while attempting to make as many networking connections as possible. You got up early and left the room before Hoseok was even awake. The less time spent with him, the better. 
Of course, completely avoiding him was impossible. You were to sit with your respective company during the meetings and presentations. The VP sat between you and Hoseok, while the CEO switched between sitting on either side. You were thankful for the separation, but nervous nonetheless.
The CEO would occasionally lean over to ask you questions about the presentations, and he intently listened to your responses. The VP would merely look over occasionally to give you a smile or wink; he acted more like moral support. You knew the entire weekend would practically be an interview, but you underestimated how anxiety inducing it would be. 
The higher ups finally left you alone when lunchtime came around. You picked up your lunch in the hotel’s decadent ballroom that had been turned into an eating area. You scouted an empty table in the far corner of the room in the hopes of finding some peace and quiet.
Hoseok had other plans. He saw you sit down at the table and happily followed you.
“Hey there buddy!” he greeted you as he sat down.
“Shouldn’t you be networking with new people?” you rolled your eyes at him.
“I could ask you the same thing,” he retorted as he took a bite of his sandwich.
“I’ve been doing that since before you were awake. I think I deserve a break,” you replied.
“I forgot that you’re quite the hard worker. I couldn’t have asked for better competition,” he said.
“Was that a compliment?” you asked with an amused grin.
“Yeah, and it’s the only one you’ll ever get from me. Is your pitch to the CEO ready?” Hoseok inquired.
“It has been. And no, I’m not going to tell you what it is,” you proudly answered.
“Oh c’mon! Mine is ready too! You’re a damn fool if you think I’m gonna steal your idea. I’m just curious,” he pouted.
“Fine. I’ll tell you if you tell me yours first,” you offered.
“So distrustful,” Hoseok feigned offense, “Okay, so I think offering higher bonuses for working overtime would be a good start. There could even be competitive bonuses in each department for the person who gets the best numbers that month.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” you said at first, “But don’t you think that would just create more animosity between coworkers?”
“I think competition is a healthy motivation factor. It worked for me in college,” Hoseok defended his idea.
“Everyone is competitive in college. Especially in the business schools,” you argued.
“Yeah, but not everyone is you,” Hoseok stated. 
“Excuse me?”
“Honestly, I probably wouldn’t be here today if you weren’t always on my ass,” he admitted, “Being your rival was kinda fun. You got flustered so easily, it was almost cute.”
“I do not get flustered easily! Plus, it was always you who was on my ass,” you huffed.
“I see that you still do,” Hoseok laughed, “But seriously. The universe brought us together again so I guess it’s telling me to thank you.”
“That’s uncharacteristically nice of you to say,” you looked away from him to hide your reddening cheeks, “You pushed me too, so thanks for that...I guess.”
“Mhm, no problem buddy. I’ll see you in the next presentation room,” he got up to leave.
“Wait Hoseok!” you called after him.
“Yeah?” he turned around quickly.
“I didn’t tell you my idea--”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s brilliant,” he winked before walking away.
The rest of the day passed by quickly. You retired to your room, exhausted from all the forced socialization. Your mind was stuck on what Hoseok said earlier. Maybe he wasn’t as big of an asshole as you thought. Perhaps you mistook a friendly rivalry for toxic competition.
You were sprawled out across the bed in your pjs when Hoseok entered the room.
“Are you gonna sleep like that?” he asked.
“You’re gonna have to forcibly remove me from your side if you want it that badly,” you replied with your eyes still closed. 
“That’s fine,” Hoseok said as he abruptly rolled you over to your side.
“Hey!” you squeaked out in protest.
“It was either that, or I laid on top of you and suffocated you.”
“Hmph,” you let out a displeased noise.
“Oh my god, you’re so bratty. How old are you?” Hoseok chuckled.
“Old enough to know that you’re a meanie,” your response was muffled by the pillow you buried your face in.
“Sorry I’m a what?” Hoseok teased.
“A meanie!” you quickly got up and slammed a pillow into Hoseok, catching him by surprise.
“I’m the meanie? You just pelted me with a pillow!” he cowered away from you.
“And I’ll do it again!” you threatened.
“I don’t think so,” Hoseok suddenly lurched forward, tackling you back onto your side of the bed.
You’re both laughing at this point. Seeing Hoseok up close and personal made you realize how handsome he truly was. Had he always been this attractive? Hoseok’s cheerful laugh echoed throughout the room as he loomed over you, pinning you down.
“I’ll get off if you promise not to hit me with a pillow ever again,” Hoseok tried to say in a serious tone, but his smile betrayed him.
“Sorry, I can’t make such a ridiculous promise,” you sassed.
“God, you really are so bratty. Kinda cute, kinda naughty,” Hoseok tsked.
“There’s nothing you can do about it,” you stuck your tongue out at him.
Hoseok leaned down to whisper in your ear, “Oh, I’m sure there’s something I could do.”
That sent chills down your spine. This was perhaps the most intimate moment you’ve shared with someone in a long time. 
“Keep dreaming then, lover boy,” you said. Truth be told, just that one sentence turned you on, but you couldn’t let him know that.
“As you wish,” Hoseok released you and retreated back to his side of the bed. 
“Maybe you aren’t as big of an asshole as I remembered,” you chuckled.
“You thought I was an asshole?” Hoseok laughed.
“I did. Maybe I still do. Not that it matters, we’ll never see each other again after this stupid conference.”
“That’s not true,” Hoseok disagreed, “I’ll be on the executive council, so you may see me from time to time.”
“I like the confidence. Too bad it’s in vain,” you teased, “I’m going to bed. Our day starts early tomorrow.”
“The. The day starts early tomorrow. Just go to bed Hoseok,” your turned over to conceal the faint smile on your face. Maybe he wasn’t so bad afterall. 
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The second day of the conference started off as boring as the previous day. The various presenters droned on about different strategies regarding the improvement of a company with a plethora of charts and numbers to back it all up. The CEO wasn’t as talkative today to either you or Hoseok. The VP still made his reassuring gestures to you, flashing smiles and winks here and there.
“Can I see you privately after the last morning presentation?” the VP whispered to you.
“Yes, of course!” you excitedly answer. Currying the VP’s favor may come in handy later. 
After the last presentation, the VP discreetly led you to a vacant corner. His tone became serious as he began to speak.
“The CEO discussed his initial thoughts with me last night. I know I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but he’s currently leaning towards Hoseok,” he explained.
The news made your heart sink.
“I’d rather see you on the executive council, if I’m being frank. My pride is on the line since I recommended you,” his voice lowered, “However, I think there is a way to sway his opinion.”
“Which is?” you eagerly asked. 
“Someone might overhear here, meet me in my room in an hour,” the VP covertly handed you his room key.
He walked away without another word. The fact that the VP was on your side gave you a faint sliver of hope. The next hour of free time was spent frantically networking while your mind was obviously elsewhere. Every now and then you heard Hoseok’s voice, and just the sound of it spurred you on to make even more connections. By the end of it, your face began to hurt from all the fake smiling. 
You were standing in front of the VP’s hotel room exactly an hour after your secret rendezvous. The door opened immediately after you knocked.
“You’re extremely punctual; that’s wonderful,” the VP observed as you entered, “Make yourself comfortable.”
You scoured the room to find a place to sit. Your uneasiness must have been obvious, as the VP gestured towards the bed.
“Thank you,” you said as you awkwardly sat at the edge of the bed, “What is your plan?”
“It’s quite simple actually,” the VP sat beside you, “I just need to get to know you better. That way I can give an authentic and flawless review to the CEO.”
“So, you’re going to conduct an in-depth interview?” you asked timidly as you noticed him scooting closer to you.
“You could say that,” he voice lowered as he rested his hand on your thigh, “We have about 45 free minutes remaining. I believe you should make the most of this interview, Miss ___,” he smiled slyly as his hand began to travel upwards.
“How dare you?!” you yelled as you abruptly pushed him off of you, “I’m going to report you to HR!”
“Then say goodbye to your promotion. You really think you were chosen just because your numbers have been decent? You definitely were not the CEO’s first choice. He didn’t even know who you were. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be here,” he explained with a shit eating grin. 
“Then why the hell would you even bring me up to the CEO? Just so you could try and sleep with me?” you were enraged.
“Don’t blame me for wanting some eye candy to entertain me during this god awful convention,” he smirked.
“Fuck you, you fucking pig,” you spat.
“Ohhh feisty. I like that in a girl. If you leave now, you can kiss that promotion goodbye,” the VP called out to you as you stormed towards the door.
“And you can kiss my ass, and shove that promotion up yours,” you snapped, flipping him off before slamming the door behind you.
Tears welled in your eyes as you made your way to your room. You were absolutely distraught. Had all your hard work been for nothing? Had you been nothing but a pretty sight for men to stare at for the past five years?
You entered your hotel room to find Hoseok laying on the bed. You quickly wiped away your tears; you hadn’t expected him to be there. He appeared to be taking a nap. You watched his chest rise and fall slowly as you snuck into the bathroom. You freshened yourself up to the best of your abilities. Maybe a little power nap would help calm your nerves. Too bad Hoseok was taking up the bed. Fuck.
You left the bathroom to see if maybe you could curl up in one of the corners of the bed. Luckily, Hoseok was on his side of the bed. You set a timer for half an hour and slowly crawled under the covers. Your eyelids felt heavy as you closed them.
“If you wanted to cuddle you could’ve just let me know,” Hoseok’s voice surprised you.
“Well, I don’t. Leave me alone,” you responded.
“What if I want to cuddle?” he asked.
“There is an abundance of perfectly good pillows for you to use,” you sighed, then sniffled a little.
“Are you sick?” Hoseok asked with a worried tone.
“No, I’m fine,” you answered quickly, panicking. 
“___, what’s wrong?” Hoseok was sitting up now.
“Nothing, leave me alone,” you turned away.
“If you insist, I won’t push it. Just know that you can talk to me if you need to,” he offered.
You heard him get off the bed. You pulled the sheets over your head to hide your face. You cried silently as Hoseok shuffled around the room, presumably getting ready to leave. Suddenly, he pounced on you.
“Hoseok! What the fu--” you cried out as he yanked the sheets off of you.
“Surprise attack!” he gleefully exclaimed. 
His expression quickly changed when he saw your tear streaked face. You looked up at him with puffy eyes. You were too exhausted to hold your cold stare. Instead, you looked away in embarrassment.
“___, what happened?” he asked softly.
“It doesn’t matter. But congrats, you basically got the promotion,” you laughed in defeat.
“You spoke with the CEO?” Hoseok was shocked.
“No, with the VP. That stupid son of a bitch. He--nevermind. I blew my chance, so the job is all yours. I am almost positive that I am unemployed now as well,” the tears returned and you couldn’t stop them.
“Hey, ___, it’s okay,” Hoseok tried to comfort you, “If the CEO didn’t tell you himself, then you can’t be 100% certain.”
“I was literally only invited because the VP tried to get in my pants!” you blurted out.
“What?” Hoseok was dumbfounded.
“He just told me that I’d have the job if I had sex with him. Can you fucking believe that? How long have I not been taken seriously? This has been so demoralizing,” you let it all out.
“Aw, c’mere,” Hoseok pulled you up and gave you a warm embrace, “What did you say to him?”
“I told him to shove it,” you sniffled against his firm chest. 
“There’s the you I know. You haven’t changed a bit,” he chuckled, “We can talk to the CEO together tomorrow about this.”
“Why would you help me? The promotion is basically yours because of this,” you sighed.
“I don’t really care for it, if I’m being honest. I’m satisfied with my job now. I don’t want any more responsibilities,” he answered while stroking your hair. 
“Then why are you here?” you looked up at him.
“I only agreed to come after they told me that you’d be here,” he admitted. 
You didn’t know what to say. Too many things have happened in the past hour alone. 
“Don’t get it twisted, I was just curious to see how you’ve been after all these years. Plus a free trip is always enticing. Getting to share a bed with you has just been an added bonus,” he smiled.
Your timer rang, causing you to break away from Hoseok’s arms. 
“Guess it’s time to go to more boring meetings. Yay,” Hoseok feigned enthusiasm. 
“I’m gonna stay here. There’s no point in me attending anymore,” you stated.
“Nope, you’re going. I’m dragging you with me! You gotta show the VP that he didn’t frazzle you at all. Fuck that guy. Well, not literally,” Hoseok was pulling you out of bed.
Hoseok subtly made sure that you sat between him and the CEO the entire time. You caught him giving the VP dirty looks, which made you feel a little better. 
You quickly excused yourself after the last meeting and tried to make a break for your room. Unfortunately, Hoseok prevented you from doing so. 
“You got a date for the banquet tonight?” he asked.
“No. It shouldn’t be too much of a problem because I’m not going. Have fun with your date though,” you shook your head.
“Who said I had a date?”
“I’m sure women were basically throwing themselves at you.”
“You’re not wrong, but I turned them all down. I have my eyes set on one gal.”
“Lucky her, I guess,” you rolled your eyes.
“Indeed. Although I still gotta ask her,” he looked around the room as if he was searching for her.
“You better hurry. Isn’t it in a couple hours?”
“Yep. Alright, here goes nothing!” Hoseok rushed off, finally giving you the chance to disappear.
You let out a sigh of relief as the elevator doors start to close. However, someone’s hand shot through at the last second. Hoseok stumbled in as the elevator doors reopened. You groaned. Why can’t you escape him?
“Did she say yes?” you asked with an indifferent tone.
“Not sure yet. Will you go to the banquet with me?” Hoseok asked.
“Fuck off.”
“Alright, well she just said no. Ouch,” Hoseok clicked his tongue. 
“Wait, are you being serious?” your eyes widened.
“If the word ‘date’ threw you off, then I’m happy with going as friends,” he proposed. 
“I’m flattered, but I’m really not in the mood to party with random strangers.”
“You don’t have to. Just party with me. Why would I let you be sad and mopey all alone in a hotel room when you could be drinking free booze?”
“Is the alcohol is free?”
“Duh, it’s all being charged to the company. Plus dinner is served.”
“Ok fine, I’ll go. I guess I didn’t pack that stupid dress for nothing.”
“Let’s not allow a gorgeous dress to go to waste,” Hoseok agreed.
“You haven’t even seen it,” you suppressed a smile. 
“Anything can be gorgeous if you’re the one wearing it,” he winked.
“Oh, shut up,” a small smile cracked on your face.
Hoseok was the first to get ready for the banquet. He wanted your look to be a surprise so he insisted on going first. You were beginning to find his weird yet endearing antics kind of cute.
You weren’t prepared when he came out of the bathroom. You were well aware that Hoseok was a handsome guy, maybe even handsome enough to model. However, you weren’t ready when Hoseok emerged in a grey suit with his hair styled to reveal his forehead. His radiance was comparable to that of the sun, and he only shone brighter when he smiled at you. 
“You look good,” you tried to act cool.
“Thank you! I’ll admit I do enjoy dressing up from time to time. But who doesn’t, am I right?” he beamed.
You nodded as you hauled your things into the bathroom. After about an hour, you were ready: fully dressed, makeup done, confidence soaring. You had forgotten how therapeutic dressing up could be. 
Your dress was a deep emerald green that was elegant yet seductive. It had a side slit that flirtatiously showed off one of your legs. The neckline gracefully outlined your cleavage while still remaining on the classy side.
“Holy shit. You look amazing!” Hoseok praised you as soon as you stepped out.
“I was only trying to match you,” you said shyly, trying to hide your flushed cheeks.
“I think it’s safe to say that we’ll be the most breathtaking duo there. Shall we depart?” he extended out an arm.
The dinner started out with boring speeches by people you didn’t care to remember the names of. Hoseok elected to sit at the table furthest away from the stage, which was an excellent choice. That allowed the two of you to chat the night away in hushed voices. You both had already gone through five glasses of wine by the time the speeches were finally over. 
“The dance floor is now open! Enjoy the rest of the night, and don’t forget that there’s an open bar!” the MC shouted through the mic.
The lights dimmed and a disco ball lowered in the center of the room. People began to crowd the dance floor. You laughed with Hoseok as you both observed various awkward shuffles and sways. 
“Wanna dance?” Hoseok yelled over the music.
“I can’t!” you yelled back.
“I’m sure you can! Let’s go!” Hoseok didn’t wait for a reply.
He dragged you to an empty space on the dance floor. The two of you began drawing attention to yourselves as soon as you stepped out. Two beauties were dancing in the open for everyone to see. You shyly swayed to the rhythm of the music and laughed at Hoseok’s silly moves. However, Hoseok began to move in a way that was absolutely bewitching. He looked like a professional dancer with the way he commanded his body to hit every beat. Hoseok had drawn a very large crowd as people began cheering him on. 
You were amazed by his stage presence. You’ve always had a thing for dancers, and he looked downright sexy. The song ended and Hoseok gave his audience a dramatic bow, awarding him deafening applause. 
“I didn’t know you could dance!” you shouted when he returned to your side.
“I like to dance in my free time! Did you like it?” he shouted back.
“I’ll admit it was sexy,” you laughed.
“You think I’m sexy?”
“Maybe I do,” you winked.
You had more fun than you expected while dancing with Hoseok. He made you feel secure, so you were able to let loose. You didn’t care what you looked like, as long as Hoseok was there with you. 
The night progressed and you began to feel bold. A particularly raunchy song came on, as if it were asking you to grind on Hoseok. And that’s exactly what you did. You guided his hands to your hips as you grinded into his crotch
“You sure you wanna be doing that?” Hoseok spoke into your ear with a low voice.
“Absolutely,” you replied.
Hoseok spun you around and gazed at you intimately while he brought you closer into his body. Various body parts were rubbing against each other now. The sexual tension was palpable. 
Hoseok’s hands were running up and down your body, and your mouth was dangerously close to his neck. The scent of his cologne was intoxicating. You couldn’t help yourself; you leaned forward to plant a soft kiss on his neck. His low growl was an indication that he liked it, so you kissed him again with more vigor. 
“You’re going to have to stop,” he scolded.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Did I overstep your boundaries?” you were embarrassed.
“Absolutely not. But I can’t fuck you out here in public now can I?” he towed you off the dance floor and made a beeline for the elevators. 
Thank god no one else was in the elevator, neither of you could keep your paws off of each other. Hoseok’s hands were unabashedly feeling you up and down while his crotch was slowly grinding into yours. Your arms were wrapped around his neck as you planted kisses along his sharp jawline.
Hoseok couldn’t stop whispering naughty things into your ear during the entire elevator trip up to your shared room. His lowered voice sent chills down your spine as he expressed just how eager he was to finally have you. You felt yourself getting wetter by the second.
“I wanted to strip off that dress the moment I saw you wearing it,” he cooed, “God, I can’t wait to see how beautiful you’ll look underneath me.”
“Hoseok, do you ever shut up?” you teased with a coy smile.
“I dunno, you might have to make me,” he played along.
“Maybe sitting on your handsome face will do the trick,” you said as you nipped his ear.
“Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”
The elevator doors finally opened, and Hoseok quickly dragged you out. He immediately tore off your dress the moment the hotel room door was closed. You did him the same favor as you frantically unbuttoned his shirt to reveal his toned body. 
“Why don’t you be a good boy and wait for me on the bed?” you suggested.
“Yes ma’am,” he complied, his eyes never leaving your body.
“Like what you see?” you asked, turning around slowly to fully show off the lingerie that perfectly complimented your body. 
“You are so fucking sexy, ___,” Hoseok smiled in awe.
“I’m so glad you think so. You’re not too bad yourself,” you winked at him.
You finally joined Hoseok on the bed. You kiss his body from his abdomen all the way up his chest before stopping at his mouth. You took a second to relish the feeling of his plush lips against yours before he deepened the kiss with a ferocious intensity. 
“Wanna try and shut me up now?” Hoseok lifted his eyebrows suggestively once the kiss broke.
“With pleasure,” you responded as you began to position yourself above him, “Wait, do you want me to take this off?” you gestured to your undergarments.
“No need,” he said before abruptly pulling aside your panties.
You slowly lowered yourself onto his face and stopped when you felt his breath on your pussy. Hoseok impatiently gripped your hips and pulled you directly onto his tongue. The sudden contact made you gasp. Hoseok didn’t waste any time getting down to business.
He flattened his tongue out to cover as much area as possible as he licked across your folds. He expertly flicked and lapped your pussy in the perfect places. Your legs began to tremble, and you had to grip onto the bed’s headboard for support. 
You looked down to see the beautiful man’s face buried in your pussy; that sight alone was almost enough to bring you over the edge. Hoseok’s hands slithered their way up to your chest, where he began to twist and pull at your sensitive nipples through your bra. 
“You taste--so good,” Hoseok panted out from underneath you.
“Should I get off--fuck!” you were interrupted by Hoseok sucking on your clit.
His mouth was heaven sent. Your body began to heat up and soon you lost the strength to hold yourself up even against the headboard. 
You cried out as you came all over Hoseok’s face. His face was glistening with your juices as he smiled up at you. He seductively licked his lips to taste you again.
“Your turn?” you asked.
“As much as I wanna see your pretty lips wrapped around my cock, I think I need to be inside you more,” he replied as he repositioned himself.
He stripped off the rest of his clothing. You watched with admiration as more of his skin became exposed.
“You can take off the fancy underwear now,” he said once he caught you staring.
“You don’t want to see it anymore?” you fakeed a pout.
“___, you’re drop dead gorgeous in it. However, I advise you to take it off yourself because I won’t hold back. I don’t want to ruin your underwear, just you,” he replied.
Hoseok mixed in little nibbles while he kissed along your neck. Your voice dripped with bliss as you quietly moaned. 
“I guess you do like being bitten, huh? What about this?” Hoseok licked your neck, causing you to squirm underneath him.
“I think I like that too,” you whispered, biting your lip.
You wriggled out of your undergarments, leaving yourself completely naked in front of Hoseok. You pull at the hem of Hoseok’s underwear, eager to see what he was packing.
You were not disappointed. Although he was well endowed, what he lacked in length was made up for in girth. 
“Do you want me to use a condom?” he asked.
“I’m on the pill, and I’m pretty sure I’m clean. I haven’t been intimate in an embarrassingly long amount of time,” you admitted, blushing.
“I find that hard to believe,” Hoseok said while kissing around your face, “Since you’re so damn beautiful,” his lips found yours and led you into a passionate kiss. 
His hips began to grind into yours, his dick rubbing against your bare pussy. You wrapped your legs around him, bringing him closer.
“Please don’t tease me,” you pleaded.
“What are the magic words?” Hoseok teased.
“Fuck me, Hobi,” you begged.
“Oh my fucking god,” he growled.
He slammed his hips into yours, not giving you enough time to adjust to him. The stretch was intense at first, but it soon turned into nothing but pleasure. Your euphoria grew as he rhythmically bucked his hips into you. 
Hoseok spread your legs out as wide as you could go, giving him quite the erotic view that only aroused him more. You tried to stifle your moans, but were failing miserably.
“Don’t hold back baby, let me hear you. Show me how good I make you feel,” he leaned over to whisper into your ear. 
You complied instantly, your moans resounding around the room. Hoseok’s position allowed him to hit you deeply with every stroke. Without a word, he pulled out of you and flipped you over onto your knees. He roughly forced your chest down, leaving your ass in the air for him.
“Your ass is so fucking fat,” he said as his hand connected with your bare skin, causing you to shriek.
He kissed it afterward while his fingers teased your clit. He realigned himself with your entrance. This new position was even better than the last. You could no longer hold in your moans even if you wanted to. Hoseok repeatedly hit your g-spot, and you could feel another orgasm welling up within you.
“Hobi, I’m gonna cum,” you cry out.
“Say that again,” he demanded.
“I-i’m gonna cum!”
“No, not that. That’s hot but call me Hobi again,” he chuckled.
“Hobi!” you said with an exasperated tone.
“Yes princess? Fuck, I’m close,” Hoseok’s movements were becoming more haphazard by the second.
“Hobi, right there oh my god keep going please,” you begged, “Hobi...ah shit!” you came undone.
It wasn’t long after until Hoseok followed suit, pulling out to cum all over your ass. He rolled off the bed to get something to clean you up with. 
“How are you feeling?” Hoseok asked.
“Better. You?” you answered.
“Doing pretty well. I fucked the girl of my dreams,” he said gleefully.
“Shut up,” you playfully pushed him.
“I’m serious. I’ve adored you since college. I lived for your playful banter,” he began to explain.
“It wasn’t playful,” you interjected.
“Yeah, I know. But that’s what made it fun! All the other girls just wanted to be with me for my looks or whatever. None of them knew the real me.”
“And I did?”
“More so than most. You always pushed me to do my best. I really just wanted to be good enough for you. Kind of silly huh? I even dated that girl in an attempt to make you jealous. Which backfired since her dad was Professor whatshisface who took me on that trip,” Hoseok opened up.
“Hobi I...I’m so sorry. I was such a bitch to you back then. And now too I guess. My competitive side gets the better of me. I was always annoyed by how you were seemingly good at everything. It even irritated me that you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life,” you began to apologize, “Oh, and his name is Namjoon. Professor Namjoon.”
“Thanks for reminding me. I hate to admit it but he made me a little jealous. I wanted you to praise me the way you praised him. Anyway, things can change now that everything's out in the open,” Hoseok smiled, “You’re even calling me Hobi! I’ve been dreaming about this moment.”
“Was it everything you ever hoped for?” you joked.
“You said it when you asked me to fuck you, then you said it multiple times while I was balls deep inside of you. So yeah, I would say it was everything I could’ve hoped for, if not more,” he pulled you into his chest.
The two of you continued talking for what felt like hours while cuddling. You hadn’t been this relaxed in ages. You were nearly asleep on his chest when he stroked a strand of hair from your face. 
“Tomorrow will be interesting, huh?” he said softly.
“I guess I still have to pitch my idea to the CEO,” you sighed softly, “What a waste of time.”
“It’s not a waste of time if you’re gonna get the promotion,” Hoseok reprimanded.
“I already told you, I’m not. The VP will make sure that you get it. This is good for you. Don’t worry about me,” you kissed his cheek, “We should get some sleep now.”
“Alright. Goodnight, ___,” he kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight Hobi.”
“Fuck, I really love when you say that.”
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It was time. Time to pitch your idea to the CEO for no damn reason. You were beyond nervous, and Hoseok could tell. He tried to ease your nerves by giving you a firm shoulder massage as you both waited to be called into a small conference room.
The VP emerged, ignoring your mean scowl, and called Hoseok in to present first. Of course he would go first, no need to waste time hearing your proposal.
It was an anxiety riddled wait. You recounted the previous day’s events, which was a mistake because that only infuriated you. The whole situation was an affront on your character, and you will not stand for it. You debated giving the VP another piece of your mind at the end of everything. 
“___, you’re up,” the VP called you after Hobi finished.
“You’re gonna kill it,” Hobi encouraged you, coupled with a pat on the back.
“This is pointless and you know that,” you sighed.
Hobi shook his head in disagreement. It was heartwarming to see how supportive he was being. Maybe it was due to the fact that the job was practically his already. It doesn’t matter now. 
“Good morning gentlemen,” you greet them.
“The floor is yours, Miss ___,” the CEO responded cordially.
“I’ll keep it short and simple. I propose that the best way to improve the company is to shorten work day hours and increase PTO days,” you said confidently.
“Is that it? Can you expound on that?” the VP cynically asked. 
“Yes, I’m so glad you asked,” you smiled coldly, “Studies show that employees are exponentially more productive when they are happier. Not only will the company become more efficient, but the overall company atmosphere will become more positive. Interpersonal relationships between employees and bosses will improve in an appropriate professional manner,” you glared at the VP.
“That’s a very interesting take,” the CEO said thoughtfully, “Do you have any suggestions regarding the actual work that the company does?”
“No sir. The company has been thriving, so I believe that the way things are running now are proficient. However, as a company, we should always be willing to listen to our employees’ concerns,” you stated.
“You’ve brought up interesting points to the table. As an employee, do you have any concerns you’d like to express?” the CEO asked.
“There is one pressing matter that comes to mind,” you stole a glance at the VP to see him shift uncomfortably in his seat, “I firmly expect that employee/supervisor relationships should be strictly professional.”
“Are you just giving us your opinion on office romances?” the VP sneered.
“I believe that trying to use intimacy as leverage is highly immoral, if not a fireable offense,” you held your ground.
“Of course,” the CEO agreed.
“Then said employee would simply need to file a complaint with HR,” the VP dismissed you.
“What better way to get my complaint heard than speaking directly to the CEO?” you smiled sweetly, “Sir, yesterday the man sitting beside you crudely suggested that I sleep with him in order to gain the promotion. He also alluded that all of my accomplishments are for naught, and that I am purely ‘eye candy’.”
“Is this true?” the CEO asked his VP in dismay.
“Of course not. She’s grasping at straws. Look how desperate she is to get the job,” the VP quickly defended himself.
“I am not lying. I am fully prepared to be fired on the spot. I cannot continue to work at a company that allows this kind of sloppy behavior to go unpunished. Thank you for your time,” you bowed and quickly took your leave.
You released a huge sigh as soon as you were outside of the room. Hobi rushed over to your side. Suddenly, you began to laugh hysterically. Hobi looked at you nervously, obviously concerned about your mental state.
“Isn’t it so funny? All my hard work had just been flushed down the toilet by a stupid man drunk on power. I love that!” you wheezed.
“___, ___ calm down. What happened?” Hobi inquired. 
You told him what just went down. A smile crept across his face as you got to the part where you put the VP on the spot. 
“I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet dude,” Hoseok shrugged, “All we can do is wait.”
“Yeah, I’ll be the first one to congratulate you on your new job. Then I’ll begin my search for a new one,” you gave him a thumbs up.
The VP stumbled out of the room and angrily stomped towards the both of you.
“You fucking bitch! Who do you think you are? Do you even know what you’ve done? I know people. I’m gonna make sure your life is hell!” he yelled at you.
“That’s enough! You have been dismissed. I do not want to see your face around here again. Clean out your office on Monday,” the CEO ordered, “Would the both of you please follow me back into the room?”
You both timidly followed him, curious as to what he had to say.
“I apologize on behalf of the company for this incident. This isn’t the first time a complaint has been filed against him. Unfortunately, he always told me that they were just futile grasps for leverage and I foolishly believed him. However, his loss is your gain,” he smiled, “How would you like to be my new Vice President?”
You were agog. Hoseok’s eyes widened as he stood beside you.
“Surely there are more qualified people,” you stammered in disbelief.
“There definitely are. But none of them are what this company needs. It takes a special person to have their rival pitch all the reasons why you are a better candidate than they are,” the CEO happily nodded.
“I- he what?” you cast a surprised look at Hobi.
“Oh yes. He spent all his time highlighting your best qualities as an employee. It was quite a shock,” the CEO smiled.
“I will humbly accept your offer. Thank you so much sir, I will work even harder!” you bowed gratefully.
“That brings me to Mr. Jung. The position on the executive council is yours, if you want it,” the CEO offered.
“If the offer is unopposed, then I have no choice but to accept. I will do my best!” Hobi joined in your bowing. 
“Wonderful! It’ll be refreshing to see some lively young faces at those atrocious meetings,” the CEO laughed, “Oh, and one more thing. The two of you will have to relocate to the main branch, I hope that’s okay. I look forward to working with both of you.”
You both nodded gleefully. After the CEO dismissed the pair of you, the trip back up to your hotel room was nothing but joyous. It was like you were in a dream that you never wanted to wake up from. You even pinched each other to make sure it was all real. 
“I can’t believe you were advocating for me,” you hugged him.
“You deserve it. Your impressive diligence should not go unrewarded,” he squeezed you tighter, “Plus, this ended up being pretty sweet! Congratulations to both of us!”
“We need to go out to celebrate!” you wiggled.
“Yes! Let me take you out,” Hobi tackled you onto the bed.
“Where shall we go?” you playfully ask.
“Maybe we should go explore our new city together?” he suggested.
“Yes, our. And when I say I’m gonna take you out, I mean as a date. Because I want to date you. And have been wanting to for years,” Hoseok charismatically emphasized.
“I’m looking forward to starting this new chapter of my life with you then, Mr. Jung Hoseok,” you press your forehead against his. 
“Imma be all up in your bidness girl,” he joked.
“Your business is my business now loser,” you teased back. 
Looks like all that hard work had paid off, and there’s no better reward than finally being with Jung Hoseok.  
Published May 13, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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mosylufanfic · 3 years
The Game’s Afoot
Merry Christmas, @halflingmerry! I was your Secret Santa! You asked for a modern James Bond/Lara Croft AU, and I hope this delivers.
The Game's Afoot  
Report: Target arrived in town. She has been supplying herself for an excursion, indicating a local temple she wishes to investigate. The consensus is that she's just another bored, rich tourist who will probably die in the jungle.
Reply: Proceed as you see fit.
Jyn hired a guide in Merida. Tenoch spoke very little English, but Jyn's map and pesos communicated for her very well. He gave her a skeptical look when he saw the destination, but she added more pesos to the pile and he shrugged. 
They made good time the first day. She checked her GPS after they made camp for the night and did some calculations. If they kept this up, they were about two days out from the temple, which was what she'd planned for.
The satellite signal on her phone was a little shaky this far into the jungle but she could still get a video feed of her foster brother, Bodhi. "Oh good," he said when he saw her face. "You haven't been eaten by a jaguar."
"The night is young," she said. 
"You've got a good guide?"
She glanced at Tenoch, squatted down over the fire, stirring something in a little tin pot. "Seems to be. We're not doing a lot of talking. You know how crap my Spanish is."
Bodhi started to say something, then paused and changed it to, "As long as he stops you getting crushed to death by a - " He looked off into the distance. "Wait, what's that snake? The one that wraps around your throat and squeezes you to death?"
She rolled her eyes. "There are no boa constrictors in the Yucatan. I'm more concerned about falling down a cenote."
"What're those then?"
"Bloody great sinkhole with a lot of water in the bottom. If the fall doesn't kill you, the drowning will."
"Are you sure you're going to make it to that temple alive?"
"Probably not," she said cheerfully. "You'll inherit my millions."
"I'll be very sad about that," he promised solemnly. "I promise to wipe my eyes with thousand-pound notes at your memorial service."
"I only get a memorial service? Wanker."
"Yes, because your body is somewhere in the jungle, swollen to twice its size after being bitten by some hideously poisonous bug."
"Venomous," she corrected. "Poisonous is when you eat it." She thought. "Or touch it."
"Right," he said. "I stand corrected. I'm glad you called, anyway, and not just because it's proof of life. Saw Gerrera's been in touch."
She let out a heartfelt groan. "Come on, Bodes, none of that business stuff. It's so deadly dull."
Bodhi, who'd been neck and neck with her all throughout their MBA program, looked taken aback. She cut her eyes to his left, where his tall, dour new assistant was sorting out the day's mail.
He adjusted and sniffed, "Well, sor-ry, but it's your money, and you should know what's going on with it."
"No," she retorted, studying her nails, "your job is to know what's going on with it, Mister CEO. I'm the owner. I just have to sign the checks."
"And go gadding about the world."
"That too."
"As long as you're back for the founder's ball."
She sobered. "In twenty years, have I ever missed my mother's birthday?"
"No," he said, voice equally gentle. "Not even once."
They chatted a little more, Bodhi sharing some misadventure his youngest sister had got into over the weekend and Jyn telling him about her flight from London to Merida.
Just as Bodhi was asking her about her preparations for the excursion, his new assistant hove into view like an iceberg looming over the Titanic. "Mr. Rook," he said. "You have a meeting with the VP of finance in exactly seven and one-half minutes."
"Thank you, Kay," Bodhi said, giving Jyn a look through the video feed.
"I would end your call with Ms. Erso as soon as possible."
"Thank you, Kay," Bodhi said again. "Do you have the reports we'll be going over?"
"They are on your tablet."
"I'd like paper copies, please."
Somehow managing to impart that Bodhi was the most ridiculous and unreasonable boss in the world without changing his expression, Kay stalked away.
Jyn snickered. "Go on to your important and scintillating meeting," she said. "Me, I'm going to shovel down some rations and sleep like a log."
"Pace too rough for you?" he teased.
She flipped him off. "Jet lag, if you must know." She rolled her shoulders. "Love to your mum and the girls."
"Stay safe," Bodhi said, and signed off.
She shut her satphone down and leaned against a tree, thinking hard.
Bodhi's old assistant, Tivik, had left suddenly for a new job, and Kay had turned up as if by magic. They were neither of them stupid, and they knew Kyber Limited had its fair share of business rivals. Corporate espionage was to be expected. But she'd always felt it best to keep your enemies where you could see them.
Her satphone slipped from her hand and she made a grab for it.
There was a high-pitched whistle and a reverberating thud. 
Jyn's head jerked up. Her guide was a dark shape looming over her, both hands gripping a machete handle. The machete itself was stuck fast in the tree that she'd been standing under.
If she hadn't ducked her head to grab for the satphone, the blade would have gone through her neck.
Her heart hammered in her chest as she stared up into his shadowed face. Only a faint glint showed her where his eyes were. She had a knife in her boot and the machete was stuck fast. Could she reach her weapon before he could retrieve his?
A thump and a rustle by her feet caught her attention.
Half a snake flopped over the ground, still writhing, the mouth gaping open and fangs glittering evilly in the dusk. Instinctively, she kicked it hard with the steel toe of her boot, and the body soared into the campfire.
Tenoch watched it disappear into the flames with sizzling, popping noises, and then said, "Una vibora."
She swallowed hard. "Si. Yo se." She nodded stiffly. "Gracias."
"De nada."
He wrenched his machete from the tree trunk, and the other half of the snake crashed to the ground. Put together with the front half, Jyn guessed it had been two feet long at least, and she swallowed bile.
Seemingly unaffected, he used the bloody machete to flick the second half of the snake into the darkness. "La comida está lista," he said, jerking his head toward the fire and the little tin pot he'd been stirring.
Thank god he'd covered it.
She followed him back to the campfire with shaky legs, cursing at herself. She'd been so deep in thought she hadn't stayed aware of her surroundings.
She of all people should know that the jungle would kill you to death given half a chance. It was what had happened to her mother. 
She and Bodhi might joke about it, but Lyra Erso had gone into this jungle and hadn't come out. Jyn was well aware she might not find a trace of her mother at the temple that had been her last, failed expedition, but she'd been planning this trip for years, and she wasn't about to let a snake or a bug or a jaguar or a cenote or even a taciturn guide stop her.
They agreed that he would take the first watch, and Tenoch settled himself cross-legged, with his back to the fire to preserve his night vision. From the corner of his eye, he could see Jyn Erso crawling into the tent.
He listened to the rustling and shuffling sounds of her getting ready for bed. The zip of the sleeping bag, the further shuffling of her getting comfortable and settled. He waited half an hour more, eyes tracking the jungle for animal or human intruders, ears cocked to the noises from the tent, patient as the grave. 
Then he rose soundlessly and made his way to the tent. He eased the zipper open silently, eyes and ears both attuned to the slow-breathing form in the sleeping bag. 
She lay curled on her side, one hand knotted up under her cheek like a child. The traces of light from the campfire behind him outlined her face. The line of her chin remained stubborn even in sleep, and her chapped Cupids-bow lips were ever-so-slightly parted . . . 
He shook himself. He was here to do a job, not moon over a pampered English heiress.
Although for a pampered English heiress, she'd done very well on the trail today.
Her pack was settled at her feet, right at the opening of the tent. He closed his hand around any buckles and metal pieces that would jingle and lifted it out of its place, letting the tent flap fall closed behind him.
He checked the outside pockets first. First aid kit, extra foldable canteen, iodine tablets, sunblock, insect repellent . . . All manner of small necessary items, but no top-of-the-line satphone.
He moved to the central compartments, pulling each item out and mentally noting the way it had been packed so he could replace it exactly the same way. Rice, dried meat, beans, carefully and thoroughly wrapped in plastic. Extra clothing. Soap, again wrapped in plastic. Rain gear. Toiletries, in more plastic.
No satphone.
His own, with its mirroring app pulled up and ready to do its job, waited in its pocket against his thigh.
She'd kept hers on her all day, gripped in her hand or locked into its case on her belt. He'd attempted to mirror it this morning as they set out, jostling up next to her on the trail, but the security on it was rather better than most. He needed more than mere proximity; he had to get his hands on it, possibly unlock it, in order for his own to do its job. 
Did she keep it on her body even as she slept? When did she charge it? The things sucked down power like a drunk swallowing rum.
Their trip would take at least a week more - two to the temple, one or two to explore, and three more back to Merida. He would surely have a chance to hack into it. 
But the longer he took, the more information his superiors could miss. 
Frowning to himself, he re-packed everything scrupulously back in its place and fastened it tightly closed. He lifted it off the ground and turned to go put it back in the tent -
And found the supposedly fast-asleep woman standing behind him, her heavy walking stick ready to swing at his head. In a deadly pleasant voice, she asked in perfect Spanish, "Find anything interesting?"
He went still, staring up at her, calculating which of several stories he could use.
“Don’t waste either of our time playing innocent,” she said. She switched to English. “And don’t pretend you don’t understand me, either. I know you were listening in on my call."
Some of the possible stories were discarded.
“Do you blame me?” he said. He layered his English with extra helpings of his accent. “I could sell this pack and all its contents for many pesos.”
“And what would you have done with me?” she asked silkily.
“You have experience, hiking the jungle. You might have made it back.” He shrugged, as if to say it was in the hands of a higher power. “Then again, you might not.”
She gave a little huff of amusement. “I might buy that if you hadn’t had a brilliant opportunity to let me die of snakebite earlier this evening.”
He wanted to scowl. He did not. 
"You're not just some con man out to make quick money. Not the way you ignored all my easily pocketed supplies and tools. You were looking for my satphone. You've been pointedly ignoring it all day, after you tried to mirror it this morning."
He felt the scowl almost emerge, in his forehead and the corners of his mouth, and purposely blanked his face. He was usually much better than this at controlling his expression. 
Her mouth quirked up smugly. "Who do you work for? Alderaan Corp? Mos Eisley and Company?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "Not the Hutt brothers?"    
Calculations churned. 
It was a common misconception that spies always lied. Sometimes, if it would get them what they wanted, they told the truth.
He let the pack fall and rose to his feet, not missing the way she resettled her grip and her stance in response. "Interpol,” he said. 
"Interpol," she said with deep and withering skepticism.
He shrugged. Believe it or don't, the shrug said.
She eyed him. "And what does Interpol want with Kyber Limited?"
"Perhaps Interpol wants you."
She snorted. "It comes to the same thing."
Damn. He should have known better than to believe her loudly proclaimed disinterest in business. Not after she'd done an MBA at Cambridge. But the woman flitted around the world while Rook stayed in London at the Kyber Limited offices.
He tested her out. ""What do you know about Imperial Industries?"
She shrugged. “Weapons manufacturers. We don’t have much to do with them.”
“An energy company could have a lot to do with a weapons manufacturer.”
“Yes, well, the company my mother started doesn’t.”
“And your father works for Imperial.”
She snorted. “This is about Galen Erso? You’re barking up the wrong tree, Interpol. I haven't spoken to him since he left for California, the day after my mother's funeral."
"That's a very long time to ignore your only child."
"I didn't say he hadn't tried. I haven't responded. Kyber Limited does very well without Galen Erso." She frowned at him. "What's he done?"
"Interpol has reason to believe Imperial Industries is building a device that contravenes international standards."
"Those naughty boys," she said.
"And by international standards, I mean the Geneva Convention."
"A super-weapon, " she said. "How delightful. I'm sure we'll all sleep cozy in our beds, knowing the Americans have that."
"It may not be the Americans. Not if they're not the highest bidder."
A moment. Then - "Ah." Her thumb rubbed over a knot in the wood, the only betrayal of restlessness. "And my father's building that, is he?"
"His research has applications."
"Well, as I said, Interpol - "
"Andor," he said.
"My name is Cassian Andor."
She could run his name and get proof that he was who he said he was, and he had no doubt she would at the first opportunity.
"Cassian," she said, and his eyes narrowed. "As I said, I'm not in touch with my father, and I don't intend to change that." She narrowed her eyes back at him. "I think if I did, he might get suspicious."
Cassian thought otherwise, but he kept it to himself. 
"So," she finished. "You can traipse off back to your superiors if you like. Let them know I'm a dead end."
"You hired me to guide you to the temple," he said. "I prefer to finish a job I've started."
"Do you even know the way?"
"I grew up in Merida," he said. 
"Merida's the state capitol. Lots of people grew up there. That's not an answer."
"I know the way," he said. "And I have my own reasons for wanting to check it out."
"Do you now? Because as far as I know, my father's never been here."
"No," Cassian said. "But his boss has."
"His boss," Jyn echoed.
"Orson Krennic," Cassian said. "In fact, he went at the same time as your mother's last expedition."
Her face went to stone. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying nothing," he said. "I'd merely like to do some checking of my own at that location. See what there is to see."
Her thumb rubbed over the knot on her walking stick again.
Cassian tested the waters. "Or we could go back to Merida. You could hire some other guide."
"No," she said, and cleared her throat. "No," she said. "We're already a third of the way there and I don't feel like wasting the trip. As you say, we've both got reasons to go."
"True enough," he said. "And perhaps we could help each other."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves, Interpol." She scooped up her pack. "Just you keep your mitts off my satphone, and I'll do the same for you."
Once back in her tent, Jyn slid her satphone from her pocket and texted Bodhi. You were right, he's Interpol. Counter-terrorism. Apparently, Imperial is being very bad indeed. What’s Kay after?
Bodhi texted back right away. Either his meeting was done or it was a crashing bore. So far he’s been digging through most of R&D. Nice to know he’s not going to sell the false leads I’ve provided. Have you got your fellow hooked?
Oh, yes. He even brought up Krennic himself. Now let's see where our two fish lead us.
Back by the fire, Cassian sent a text of his own. I dangled Orson Krennic in front of her and whetted  her appetite. Continue to monitor her communications with Rook. If her father reaches out again, she'll tell him. Galen Erso is the weak spot, and his daughter is our way in.
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theamberwriter · 5 years
Levi’s Secret [Mod!Levi Ackerman||Fem!Reader]
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Pairing: Levi Ackerman x Fem!Reader [Mod!AU]
Word Count: 2012
Warning: Cursing, pregnancy
A/N: I posted this a while ago on Quotev, DeviantArt, and Wattpad (I think). I updated it for you all!
Levi Ackerman, co-vice president for one of the most powerful companies in the world, Titan Industries, has a secret. Nothing dangerous - well, maybe it will be if anyone finds out, but it'll only be dangerous to their health. He plans on keeping it that way as long as he can. The shitheads he works with don't need to know about his personal life.
But what is that secret?
If one were to go into the upper left-hand drawer, supposing they got the key, and found the insert in the bottom of it. One could find a mysterious paper object lying flat in the bottom of it.
But what is this object?
Well the other VP Hanji Zoe is determined to find out. She's continuously caught the short man looking at – something – in the drawer. But even the security cameras can't reveal what it is. She only knows where the mysterious object is located. News spread quietly around the office when Hanji blabbed, and some people began to take bets; a porn magazine, nudes of his wife and just regular ole important papers were among the guesses.
Almost everyone wants to know what is in that drawer.
Even the president, Erwin Smith, who is an old friend of the co-VP, is curious about Levi's mysterious drawer.
Hanji knows better, though, than to ask the stoic short man about his secret. She knows he’d blow her off, or threaten her, or move the thing – whatever it is. Hanji also knows better than to ask his wife, [Name], who will only give her a mysterious smile and tap the side of her nose to tease her.
No amount of begging will force [Name] to give out any of her husband’s secrets. And not in fear of Levi getting angry, but because she loves to mock the nosey woman. [Name] knows a side of Levi nobody does, knows things that no one else knows – and that drives Hanji crazy, she wants to know everything. Mostly just so she can pester and tease her short friend about it.
Currently, it is a Friday morning – about 10:54 AM. In the main HQ of Titan Industries, in front of a large set of double doors up on the 34th floor, can be found a certain brunette Hanji Zoe and a young office worker from the floor below. Eren Jeager is the long-time friend Levi’s younger cousin, Mikasa, who also worked in the office.
         “Hanji,” says Eren, looking nervously about him. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
         “Of course, it is,” reassures the woman as she slowly opens the door. “Shorty’s in a meeting, and shouldn’t be back for a while. Besides, I know exactly where to look. I’ve seen him do it a million times on the cameras. – look, just signal me if something goes amiss, alright?”
         Eren sighs, his shoulders slumping. “Right.”
         The woman creeps into the room, after ruffling Eren’s hair, and slowly makes her way over to the pristine desk. She is going to try not to mess it up – it’s so tempting! But she is also trying not to get caught, so she resists the urge.
         Ever so gently, Hanji removes the pen she always sees Levi use from its place in the mug on his desk. It’s one [Name] gave him Hanji notices (even after having seen it a million times, she never took note of what was on it), it’s pictures of their wedding and honeymoon a few years before. But, to Hanji’s dismay, there is no picture of the man smiling or being anything but his usual self! [Name] must have made this specifically for his desk.
         With a sigh, Hanji shakes her head and kneels to retrieve the key from under the desk. If one didn’t look closely, they would miss the small key held in brackets screwed to the top of the desk. The brunette carefully slides the gold key out, glancing it over once, before shoving it in the lock and turning it. She flinches as it makes a soft click sound.
Sliding out the drawer, Hanji then looks for the spot where the tip of the pen would fit. It’s hard to spot, even with the sunlight streaming in the wall of windows behind her. But she does find it. She grins to herself as she lifts up the insert. Standing, Hanji puts her hands under the panel and feels for the edge of the object. When she finds it, she fishes it out and drops the insert.
Placing the pen on the desk, the woman looks at what’s in her hand. At first, it appears to be a white folder but as she flips it over, she finds it’s something else. Hanji’s eyes widen, a squeal escaping her throat. So it was none of the dirty things the office workers conjured up.
She completely ignores the loud, ‘Hello, Mr. Ackerman!’ that Eren just about yells from outside the door. Nor does she hear the growl from the short man as he snaps at the boy to ‘quit fucking shouting’ and ‘get the hell away from his door if he’s just going to stand there like a dumbass.’ Hanji also completely ignores the short man as she runs out of the office to tell Eren of her discovery, even though she tosses him a ‘hey, shorty.’
“Eren, you will never believe –” starts Hanji, but then stops as she realizes that the short man is seething behind her.
         “Oi! Shitty Glasses!” grits Levi, his fists clenched as he glares her down. “Who in the hell gave you permission to go in my office when I’m not there?! And how the fuck did you get that – give it to me!”
         But Hanji simply turns and runs, ditching her heels and knee-highs as she does so that she doesn’t trip or slip. Levi immediately takes off after her, but not before glaring at young Eren and snapping at him to get back to work; Eren shakily does as he’s told.
         Hanji, meanwhile, sprints down the stairs and runs to one of the desk lined floors. Waving the thing in the air, she yells, “I’ve got it!”
         When people look up, all they see is her running with Mr. Ackerman hot on her heels. She only stops when Erwin enters the floor, having seen the commotion on the cameras. Levi stops as well, and then he and Hanji begin to sprint and jump in circles around the president. But this stops as Erwin takes the thing from Hanji, who’s now behind him, while Levi glares down his friend from in front.
         “Erwin. Give. Me. That!” spits Levi, but Erwin sighs and shakes his head as he holds the object high above his head – knowing that his tiny friend can’t reach that without assaulting him.
         “Sorry, Levi,” mutters the blonde. “Everybody’s just curious.”
         “It’s none of their damn business! – and why do those shitheads know that I keep that in my – four eyes, what the fuck?!” Levi’s glare shifted over the broad shoulders of his boss, to where Hanji’s eyes were just popping over them.
         “Well I couldn’t keep to myself that you had a secret, now could I?! – and anybody who said it was porn or nudes has lost their bet, I hope you know!” calls Hanji, at this Levi whips around the glare down everybody in the room. Especially those forking over money, or claiming they had to go to the bank.
         “S-So, what is it?” stutters poor little Armin Arlert from his desk nearest the trio.
         “It’s none –” starts Levi, but he is cut off by Erwin.
         “You might as well tell us, or else Hanji will,” states the blonde. From behind him, Hanji agreed and began to bounce excitedly.
The raven-haired man glares but then sighs in defeat. “Fucking fine! Give it.”
Erwin carefully lowers the object into his friend’s expectant hand. Turning, Levi faces the floor with the white side showing. But then, he turns it around and looks grumpily away.
Slowly, people gather to get a better look – it’s a thin paper picture frame.
DADDY’S LITTLE BABY is hand done in pale orange block letters across the top of the paper frame. Around the outside is decorated in swirls and dots, it even has a mint green bow tied in two holes punched in the corner. In the frame, lies a black and white ultrasound picture.
“Levi’s gonna be a daddy!” shouts Hanji, running around to throw her arms around the man. Levi growls at her but says nothing.
Erwin puts a hand on Levi’s shoulder, smiling lightly down at him. “Congratulations, Levi.”
“Yeah, thanks,” is all he mutters.
Hanji chuckles, “you could be a bit happier!”
“How the fuck can I?! You damn bunch of shit minded assholes weren’t supposed to fucking know! You shouldn’t even know I’m fucking married, but somebody had to go running her damn big shitty mouth!” Levi spits, glaring around the group gathered.
Hanji and Erwin roll their eyes, Hanji ruffling Levi’s hair. “How could I not?! It was exciting! Also, how were you going to explain the fact that [Name]’s in here all the time?! She probably would have told us herself!”
“What would I have told you?” [Name]’s voice cuts through the chatter. People move to the side as the woman pushes her way through with a box in hand. She smiles sweetly lightly as she sees Levi seemingly presenting the picture frame she made him three months ago for his birthday. “Aww, Levi, you’re showing off our babies!”
The plural catches Levi’s attention, any thought of a blush disappearing. Levi raises an eyebrow slightly. “Babies?”
[Name] giggles, nodding and holds out the box to him. Slowly, he takes it while handing her the frame. He eyes her warily as he opens the box. Inside is a new ribbon and an ultrasound picture clearly showing two circles – twins?! Levi about drops the box at this, but only [Name] notices.
“Twins?!” yells Hanji, causing the man to flinch away from the loud sound.
“Yes, Hanji,” [Name] chuckles loudly. “Levi and I are having twins. Can I have a small hole punch someone?”
More chatter flutters through the room, and then Armin shuffles up with a punch. He mutters a ‘congratulations’ to which the woman smiles. Punching through two more holes in the frame, [Name] hands the punch back and walks up to Levi. He just stares intently at her.
[Name] ties the new ribbon through the holes, and then slips in the new ultrasound. Also paper clipping on a matching ‘S’ that was hidden beneath it onto the end of ‘baby.’ The misspelling makes Levi cringe, but he knew it was his wife’s attempt to be funny.
“How long have you known? When the hell did you get that done?!” utters Levi, watching [Name]’s face intently.
[Name] kisses his cheek with a smile. “I went about two weeks ago, when you were out of town.”
“And you’re just now telling me?! We have to go get more shit for the nursery!” hisses Levi, causing Hanji to laugh loudly.
“Don’t worry shorty! We’ll throw you a baby shower!” she says, as though it’s simple. Levi goes to glare, but [Name] cuts in.
“I’d appreciate that Hanji,” she says, “Levi wasn’t going to let me invite any friends.”
“Forget just friends! We’ll have the whole damn building doing in on it! All 35 floors!” announces the insane brunette, bouncing up and down again.
Before Levi could stop her, Hanji began to ramble on and on about all that could be done. As well as going around and assigning things to each employee, who was still in shock that their grumpy boss was going to be a father.
And, though he despises the brunette sticking her nose in his business, Levi knew it made [Name] happy to have everyone finally know.
Suddenly, Levi doesn’t mind sharing his secret.
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cherry3point14 · 6 years
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DESCRIPTION: You are VP of Sales for a company with stores and major distribution links across the country and your executive assistant, and only real friend, is leaving. A temp is brought in to replace her, on probation, for you try him out. Of course, nobody told you that it was a him, or that his name was Dean Winchester, or that you’d want to try him out.
A/N: This is an office AU basically from this post. Yep, it’s all a setup for that joke.
[Characters: Dean x Reader, OFC, OMC Words: 3,708. Warnings: workplace drama kids, shit hitting the fan, fucking patriarchy]
Ao3 link if you prefer. Series Masterlist
“No. Shit. No.” It was all he heard before he looked up in time to see her head fall into her arms as they rested on the desk. Until this point, he doesn’t think he’s heard her say anything more than ‘heck’ and even that was just one time late after everyone else left. So, for her to be shouting ‘shit’ in the middle of the day, loud enough for him, and he’s sure others, to hear? Well, that’s a problem.
It’s not concern that forces him up from his chair at the sight of her, it’s just, they were supposed to start their meeting five minutes ago. When she hadn’t called him in he was being polite but now maybe he can distract her. That’s all.
He grabs her a drink first, what assistant goes into an appraisal without one? An idiot assistant that’s who. Dean is decidedly not an idiot so it’s with her drink in his hand that he knocks on the glass door like he’s not been dreading hearing what she thinks of him.
“Dean, what are you…?” She looks up at him confused, her question dying on her lips as they form a perfect ‘o’.
He wants to be annoyed that she forgot about him. Frustration is his knee-jerk reaction. Except there are these worry lines on her face that he hasn’t seen before so he doubles his efforts to let his own emotions go with a heavy swallow.
“I’m so sorry Dean, please sit down.” She searches for a minute as she speaks eventually picking up her phone and typing something furiously.
If he’s honest he wouldn’t have minded her postponing this, or canceling it, whatever. He knows she’s not going to let it go. Eventually, he’s going to end up in this situation, the receiving end of one of her meetings. And he’s not scared of her it’s just what she’s going to say that worries him. It’s one thing to think that your maybe your boss thinks you’re too dumb to do your job right, it’s a really shitty ending to his week to actually hear the words. That’s the sort of stuff you can’t just leave at your desk to have a nice weekend.
“Ok. Let’s go.” She says putting her phone down and giving him her full attention. “Why did you come to work here?”
Wow. She’s going straight for it. Her face is totally unreadable while she waits for an answer and he can’t fight the doubt in his gut. Obviously, he tries to bullshit his way out of getting fired at this point.
“Well, I mean. The company has got such a good reputation of-”
“Dean?” Thank god she stopped him because he had no idea where he was taking that sentence.
She smiles, the first time he’s seen her smile all day, and it’s more soothing than he knew he needed. “I’m sorry this is my fault. I forgot you haven’t had one of these with me before so I’ll be honest. I’ve never even looked at the template HR sent me. I’m really only looking to have a conversation with you, just be honest with me. It all stays in this room and I swear this isn’t a test.”
He lets out a giant puff of air he didn’t know he’d been holding in and his shoulders drop thankfully. It’s pretty impossible not to smile back at her or be sucked into her pleas for honesty. He lets himself get too comfortable with her so it all tumbles out too easy. So quickly that his brain doesn’t even approve the words.
“I really, really hated temping, getting treated like a thing and passed about for whatever. There was one guy who didn’t even bother to learn my name. He just called me ‘sport’”
She wrinkles her nose as she nods, “that I believe.” He also sees the flash of guilt that breezes across her face then and wonders what it’s for, she’s called him Dean since day one. “I think we’ve all been there, I know I have. How are you liking it here though? I know the hours aren’t great but how are you finding the actual work?”
He struggles to think about the question straight away because he’s distracted by her admission of being a temp herself. He’d forgotten that she didn’t pop up in the world as this put together sales VP that she is. It kind of blows his mind to imagine her running around after someone else getting them lunch and printing out memos but he supposes she had to start somewhere. The pads of his fingers itch like her story is something for him to scratch at. But this meeting isn’t for him to ask about her, as much as he wants to.
“It’s fine, great even. Everyone is great, the work is great. There was a lot to learn but I think I’ve got a handle on it. I guess everything is just-”
“Great?” She finishes his sentence with a grin and he’s not even bothered by being cut off. He should be, would be usually. Except he’s not because she’s joking with him and slowly it’s starting to turn into an actual conversation which means his palms aren't nearly as clammy as they had been then he’d come in.
“I know this question is going to sound like I’m trying to trick you but I promise I’m not. Where do you want to be in five years? Or, should I say, do you know what you want to do?”
He’s too comfortable again. That and he heard her say shit earlier. His answer is so automatic and honest that he doesn’t really have time to censor it, “not a fucking clue.”
His eyes widen the second it slips out and she freezes for way too long.
And then something unexpected happens. She laughs.
He’s heard her laugh before but he’s never been the one making her laugh. Maddy gets it out of her when they have lunch every now and then, and she’s laughed down the phone. This one is for him though, a laugh he’s never heard before. It’s all unexpected and coming from somewhere deep in her belly, and he did that. His embarrassment melts into a relieved chuckle of his own.
“That might be the most honest answer I’ve ever heard.” She manages through the amusement as it dies in her throat. She has to suck in a quick puff of air for how suddenly it had hit her and pride flutters in his chest.
He shrugs, “it’s true I guess. It’s why I put up with temping anyway. I wanted to see what was out there.”
Now there’s something determined on her face. “I’d really love to help you figure it out if you’re ok with that? I think we can put a plan together so you can try your hand at a few things. How does that sound?”
He really hadn’t expected this. He’d almost called in sick today to avoid sitting in this room. And he knows he hasn’t got the feedback part yet but he can’t imagine she’d be offering him this if she didn’t have some modicum of faith in him. She makes it so easy for him to nod gratefully as he answers, “that would be awesome.”
You look up from your desk and before you notice the source of your name you see how the lights of the office are brighter against the darkness flooding in the windows. The last time you’d looked up it was daylight. Only after being crushed at having lost half a day to your panic, do you notice Charlie. Not for anything she’s done, but she’s probably the last person you want to see considering today’s various email chains.
You plaster a smile on your face as best you can, trying to maintain your usual light conversation with her, “now I know it’s serious since you’ve come to see me.”
She grins that same loveable grin that she always seems to have for the few people she genuinely enjoys talking to. You’re torn between being pleased she’s still smiling at you like that and thinking that it makes all of this so much harder.
“Word on the street is that you haven’t left this office all day so I figured this was the only way to get some face time.”
Word on the street? You glance at the clock on your computer, 8:45pm, and then you look over at the desk on the other side of the glass where Dean is still sitting. Not without a yawn you notice.
“Come in, take a seat, just give me a second.” You jump up with more fire than you’ve had all day and stand at the door where Charlie had been leaning. “Dean, go home.”
His head whips round to look at you, an argument on his lips no doubt, but you belay it before he has the chance, “call me a car for nine-thirty and then get out of here. Please. It’s Friday night.”
He nods, his curled lips vaguely apologetic even though it’s your fault he’s still sitting there for crying out loud.
“See you Monday.” You order again before shutting the door behind you, he doesn’t need to hear this conversation while he’s going home.
“I’m surprised you’re still talking to me.” You don’t waste any time avoiding the elephant in the room once you and Charlie are alone.
She laughs and you’re genuinely surprised by her attitude, you knew she was pretty laid back but she had to turn the website off five hours ago because the distribution center is out of stock of the top 50 lines. Because of your sale.
“You’re one of the few people around here I actually like talking to, besides, it’s only stock. Nothing wrong with my actual site. Now Doug? Yeah, he might be mad at you.” There’s a playful twinkle in her eye, no one truly likes Doug after all.
You grimace even though you don’t want to, you want to stay calm and collected but he already thought you were public enemy number one before this all happened. “When isn’t he mad at me?”
Charlie sits forward in her chair so that her elbows rest on the edge of your desk and her head sits innocently in her hands, “I only wanted to check you’re ok. I know you’re probably sitting up here blaming yourself-“
“It’s my fault, so yeah. I am.”
She purses her lips and raises an eyebrow for being interrupted, “it could have have happened to anyone. And you’re smart enough to know that at the end of the day we just made money. Yeah, we’ve got some issues to fix but we’re still turning a profit.”
The smile you crack is half appreciative and still half fake. “It didn’t happen to anyone though, it happened to me. Micheal is going to have my ass. He wants to see me when he’s back in next week.”
“Ass?” She can’t stop herself from beaming with a mock affronted tone, “Y/N! Such language in the office!”
Your eyes dart about excessively as you lean in to whisper, “fuck off Charlie.”
It sets you both off and for the first time since the now infamous RE: The Website email chain you feel genuinely lighter. Yes you’d still have to deal with Michael next week and yes you’d be working all day tomorrow to help try and find stock in any of your stores to transfer over, but as you laugh with Charlie you can’t help but think that maybe you have at least one more friend in this company than you previously thought.
Everyone hates the dick that runs off the subway as soon as the doors open, pushing past people and diving through crowds with no consideration for anyone else, like they’re the only one trying to get to work.
Today Dean is that dick.
He’s late, again. While it might be the second time there’s no backup today. No Maddy to cover for him until he arrives. And it’s only 30 minutes but that’s enough that she’ll already be there, wondering where he is and sending out a search party for her goddamn coffee probably. He’s one of the few people that has seen her before her first coffee of the day and he knows how much she needs it. If she’s a little crazy the rest of the time she’s fucking certifiable without caffeine.
It’s kind of deja vu when he arrives. It’s normal that he’s the first person on the floor but it’s still empty when he arrives, the same as his first day. He looks at his watch to confirm and, yep, he’s definitely late and she should definitely be here. His movements are slow and cautious like she’s waiting to pounce attack from somewhere with an empty mug in her hands, except she doesn’t. He makes it all the way to his desk, his messenger bag dropped unceremoniously at his feet and still nothing. It’s only once he logs into his computer with an overhasty sigh that he sees it, a new email at the top of his inbox.  
Got called into an emergency meeting, won’t be back till 9. Cancel my 8am call.
Fuck. He is so fucked. It’s Monday morning and he’s late but worse than that, she’s gone into a two-hour meeting without a drop of caffeine in her system. She didn’t even sign her name, which, she always does. She’s hot on that email etiquette shit even when she’s firing one out from her phone.
He looks down at his bag and wonders if he should even bother being here when she gets back before he remembers that meeting with her on Friday. She’d given him real work to do, she’d made promises to get him experience in other departments, but mostly she’d been normal. Like an actual normal person, halfway to being a friend, and that’s what he’s clinging to. That version of her wouldn’t fire him for being half an hour late. Once the panic subsides he thinks the crazy version wouldn’t either.
Pinging open the meeting room calendar he sees that it’s that dick Doug who’s booked the room and his decision is made right there. There’s no way she’ll survive and he doesn’t intend to leave her to suffer more than necessary. So, he makes her usual, with an extra shot by way of apology, and heads to the elevator. She didn’t say do not disturb or anything and he’ll just knock, take it in and leave. Let Doug hate him, as long as she doesn’t.
The biggest challenge is not spilling hot coffee over himself when the elevator chugs to life and then stops two floors up with an equally bracing shudder, but this is not his first rodeo and Dean has nimble fingers. After surviving the trip knocking on the meeting room door is no problem at all, he doesn’t even hesitate.
“Come in.” It’s muffled by the wood but it’s definitely a male voice that orders him in.
Maybe he would have hesitated if he’s known that the entire VP team was in here. Or maybe he wouldn’t have come faster when he sees the look on Y/N’s face.
They’re all sat like any other meeting except they all seem a little more constipated than normal. And they’re all facing her. She’s sitting there flushed with what looks like shame, her forehead resting in one hand as if she can barely hold her own head up to face them. Dean has no clue what’s going on but he doesn’t like it.
It takes her three seconds to look up and spot him at the door but it feels like three hours. It’s worth the wait anyway because as flustered and broken as she looks staring into the table her face melts when she looks at him. She smiles big and bright and for a moment it reaches all the way to her eyes. And she’s not even looking at the coffee in his hand.
“Sorry, just came to bring you this.” He says to her, ignoring the other men in the room who’s sphincters appeared to have tightened even more at his interruption.  
She nods, “thank you, you’re a lifesaver.” He can tell she means it and he thinks it’s about more than the coffee.
He smiles back at her and then straightens his face out to offer the briefest of acknowledgments to the other VP’s before leaving. He almost doesn’t go back to his desk when he’s out of the room. He considers setting up camp outside just in case she needs him or so he’s there when she gets out because she looks like she needs something, then he remembers that’s ridiculous. She’s his boss and tough as nails at that. Plus it’d probably be a waste of two hours.
When he gets back to their floor he’s surprised to see someone sitting on his desk. Not at it, on it. She turns to him at the sound of his footsteps and beams.
“You must be Dean!”
He knows the voice as soon he hears it since he talks to her at least once a day. Although he had no idea the voice was attached to someone as hot as the woman standing in front of him.
“Hey Dean,” she draws out his name while she sizes him up, ending with a satisfied grin as she reaches out to shake his hand. “It’s great to finally put a face to the voice.”
It might be half-past seven in the morning but Dean raises an eyebrow like he’s just bumped into her at a bar, “same here. I had no idea what I was missing out on.”
This woman in the short skirt and power jacket, that any other day he might call a boss bitch, giggles and then pouts her lips at him for eliciting the reaction.
“So, where is our boss?” He doesn’t miss the reminder that Sabine isn't his boss.
“Stuck in a meeting, she won’t be back for over an hour.”
Dean not being in the office when she arrived that morning had been disconcerting. Doug calling her within five minutes and summoning her to a meeting had been terrifying. The room itself, the faces and the conversation had been hell on earth. It was, of course, a thinly veiled ambush. An outlet for the other VP’s to vocalise their displeasure at the sheer amount of work her problem would require from all of their teams. Doug’s being the hardest hit. Him already hating you the most. You’re surprised he wasn’t spitting bile by the end.
You want to say it was better once they got it out of their system but that would imply that they stopped with the aggression. Even once you were all talking logistics and solutions they couldn’t hide their frustration. You didn’t even want to think about the eye rolls and mutters when you got up in the front of the room and lead the charge in making a list of tasks and assigning jobs. There was no appeasing them, not even by taking more than you should yourself.
You get it. You messed up. Although that wasn’t really harsh enough, you fucked up. Even if you kind of didn’t. You did the research and even in your worst case scenarios, this being one of them except for the shutting the website down part, the margins weren’t terrible. Yes, there would be a slight knock-on effect for selling that quantity at a sale price but you still sold the stock.
It’s not enough. If you try and point that out, or talk about the fact that you’d still made money they brought it back to the shame of it all. It’s such bad PR. Social media is raking us over the coals. Commercial suicide.
And people say women are dramatic.
Thankfully you’re all out ten minutes early, probably because they all need to go and think up some more insults for later. Regardless you feel like you’re floating when you get back to your floor. Freedom does that to a girl. Other people have started arriving now and Dean is at his desk typing away. He seems surprised when you stop in front of him and his eyes flick to the time in the corner of the screen.
“Sorry. I really don’t have a good excuse. My alarm…”
You hold your hand up with a smile, which is much easier to do out of that room, “it’s fine. You start work two hours earlier than anyone else just to be here for me. Just text me next time?”
He rubs the back of his neck as he agrees but stops as you try to walk away.
“Sabina is here. Well, not here, she went downstairs but she’ll be back at nine. Said she just wanted half an hour?”
You feel yourself perk up a little at this information. Sabina would be incredibly helpful right now and considering her sales area includes fifth, which still has the sale on, she could potentially be bringing you good news.
“That’s actually perfect, can you send her straight in when she gets back please?”
“Sure thing.”
You look at the lock screen of your phone and note the time as you slump into your comfortable chair. You have seven minutes to breathe and try to forget the last two hours. Well, not forget since you have a considerable list of actions points from the meeting, but forget the experience anyway. You have seven minutes to try and expel the embarrassment and failure that clings to you.
Michael isn’t back in town till Thursday so that gives you three days to fix this. If the website isn’t back up before he arrives you will be a thousand percent done here. You’re actually fairly confident that as long as the site is back up then you’ll be fine. But if you’ve made the mess and not cleaned it up? That would be a cause for concern. 
Continue to Chapter Five
5eva tags: @divadinag @darthdeziewok @fluentinfiction @assassinofmasyaf Dean babes: @thewinchesterchronicles  Story tags: @mannls @22sarah08
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cocobaek · 6 years
Crossfire | 03
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Bodyguard AU!
Pairing: Namjoon x reader
Genre: Angst (more so in later chapters) | Fluff | Slow burn
Word Count: 4.4
Previous Chapter: 02                                                  Next Chapter: 04
With the newly formed plan, the rest of my day flew by, fueled by the excitement I had for the night ahead. Before I knew it, the sun was setting, and I was sitting on the floor of my bedroom, doing some last minute touch ups of my makeup, using the reflection of my full length mirror. “Hey, you think this is a bit too much?” I heard a voice from behind me. I continued looking into the mirror, but looked upwards to see the reflection of Namjoon standing in my doorway. “Holy shit,” I muttered quickly, instantly hoping he missed it.  He was leaning against my door frame, attention focused on the small piece of fabric he was loosely lying around his neck, like a makeshift tie. I had gotten rather use to seeing him in business like attire, so seeing him lean there, light denim ripped jeans, and a very loose fitting white shirt, tucked into said paints, was a shock to say the least. And boy, did that man pull it off. “No, no way, you’ll fit right in,” I said, turning my top half to look at him properly, “you suit that.” He glanced at me finally, a small smile on his face, “I’m glad you think so,” he said smugly. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the mirror. “What time are we thinking of heading off?” He asked, and I shrugged in response. “Jungkook is making his way here when he’s ready so we can all arrive together, so probably not a little bit yet,” I said, placing my lipstick on, the last thing to do. “We could have a few drinks now? You do drink right?” He laughed again, a deep, rumbling laugh, “Usually I do, but i’m still on the clock remember, can’t do much protecting if i’m drunk.” “Oh come on,” I stood up, cleaning up my makeup and placing it back in it’s home on my desk, “i’m sure a drink or two won’t hurt.” We held eye contact a moment before he sighed, giving in. “You’re a bad influence you know.” I flashed a toothy grin, “so i’ve heard, i’m rather proud of it.” He laughed again, before turning and making his way to the kitchen, giving me the opportunity to quickly get changed into my playsuit for the night. I was out in the living room rather quickly, and almost missed the brief look over Namjoon gave me. His eyes looking me up and down when he thought I wasn’t looking.  A part of me was excited at this movement, but it was quickly hushed by the rest of me, reminding it he was here as a bodyguard, that there was no way I could get my hopes up. And besides, a guy like him probably had the most beautiful person you could imagine just waiting for him at home. “You a beer girl?” He asked, handing me one of the drinks from the fridge. “I’m an anything type of girl, but yeah, as you can see i’m kind of in a beer mood,” I laughed, realising my fridge would’ve been at least 50% alcohol. He nodded, taking a seat at the other side of the couch. As he did, I brought my legs up and crossed them, shifting my body so I was facing him, cross legged on the couch. He remained sitting normally, but slightly twisted his top half, facing me also. “So..” He started. “So..” I repeated, a small smile on my face. We had been so busy, there weren’t many moments where we were just sitting, talking. “Do you do this often? Go out?” He asked. I pursed my lips, thinking a moment, “mm, I wouldn’t say often.. But it’s not like i’m a hermit either,” I lent back, “I’d need to be in the mood to go out you know? I mean, in saying that, Jungkook is very good at getting someone in the mood to go out.” At the mention of Jungkook, Namjoon looked at his beer. “You two seem close?” “Jungkook and I? Oh yeah,” I laughed at the understatement. “He’s like a brother to me, has been for a long time.” “And he’s never met your father?” I nodded, “Yeah.. Well Mum and Dad separated a while back, before mum got sick,” I answered casually, “so when I started high school it was just mum and I. My brother would come over every other week, but we didn’t really talk about Dad, and Jungkook just never ended up asking about it.” Namjoon nodded, “does anyone know? That he’s your dad.” “Not a soul,” I shrugged, “I just don’t really see the point of it, I don’t want to be treated as ‘the VP’s daughter,’ I just wanna be [y/n].” Namjoon must’ve liked my answer, as he smiled kindly, before sipping at his drink, “well, that sure does make finding whoever is stalking you a bit harder aye.” I laughed at his casual tone, “yeah, i guess it does.” We fell into silence after that.. The mention of the stalker bringing down the mood. It was easy to forget that was the real reason Namjoon was here. It was easy to forget that anything was happening at all. “Hey, I have an idea,” I finally said, wanting to get my mind off of it. Namjoon simply raised an eyebrow, prompting me to continue. “Let’s play Never Have I Ever.” Namjoon scoffed, “wow, i didn’t know I was babysitting a highschooler,” he joked. “Oh come on, we are basically strangers with the amount we know about each other,” I said. Even after the quickfire this morning, I had only found out general, rather boring things about Namjoon. If I had any opportunity to find out something, it was here. “Yeah alright then,” He agreed, pulling one leg up to he could turn to face me. “Since it was your idea, why don’t you start us off.” I thought a moment, “ok.. Hmm, Never have I ever, been arrested!” I said, diving straight into it. Namjoon smirked, his beer staying exactly where it was, “sorry to disappoint.” “I don’t know what I was expecting to be honest,” I laughed, leaning back, “alright big shot, your turn.” I watched something briefly flicker in his eyes at the nickname, but as quickly as it had arrived, it was gone. Must just be the alcohol kicking in. “Alright then, Never have I ever purposely used my looks to get something I wanted.” I furrowed my brows, “Oh come on I don’t believe that for a second,” I said as I took a sip from my beer, indicating it was something I had done. “I cross my heart, never intentionally..” I rolled my eyes, “you keep saying that Namjoon.” “Ok, never have I ever slept with someone 10 years my senior,” I said with a grin, looking directly into his eyes. He held the eye contact, before at the last minute taking a sip from his drink. “I knew it!” I called with a laugh, “what, you just seem like the type,” I said, seeing the look he gave me. “I don’t want to even ask why you think that but ok,” he said with a smirk, “never have I ever slept with someone I really wasn’t supposed to.” I gave him a curious look, “what’s that meant to mean?” “Exactly what I said,” he said, “for some reason or another, you broke a rule to sleep with this person.” I felt my heart leap at the question, the bad part of my brain once again speaking up, relating his question to our situation. I took a drink, thinking back to when I slept with my ex not long after we had broken up, much to Jungkook and Hobi’s displeasure, but didn’t share that fact with Namjoon. I wanted his imagination to run wild. “Ok, never have I ever slept with a client,” I said, starting to push the boundaries a little. He didn’t hesitate to shake his head, “nope, never.” “Then never have I ever wanted to sleep with a client,” I said before my brain could stop me. That one, I know for a fact was because of the alcohol. The small amount we had consumed already beginning to make me bolder than normal. The look returned to Namjoons eyes, his mind obviously going to the same place as mine. I was unsure if he felt anything, or if he just realised what I was asking, but I knew that whatever he was thinking, I was included in those thoughts. The pause grew excruciating long. He hadn’t denied it like earlier, but his bottle wasn’t moving. The tension in the room was unreal, you could cut it with a knife. He opened his mouth slightly to say something when a knock on the door almost instantly snapped us out of it. I cleared my throat, “must be Jungkook,” I said, quickly moving to the door, hiding the blush that had appeared on my face after the realisation of what I had said hit me. I opened the door to see Kook smiling brightly at me, having had some drinks himself, he looked very ready to go. “Holy moly girl, if Jimin didn’t want to bang you before that outfit will sure change that,” He said with a whistle, which I quickly scolded him for with a hit. “Oh stop it perv,” I said, finishing my drink quickly. “Ready to go then Namjoon?” I asked, finally looking back over to him, ignoring the feeling in my gut when we caught eyes again. “Yeah, sure am.” Jungkook nodded, “man, it must be cause I see you in a suit every day, but you should really dress like that more often, you look sick,” he complimented. Namjoon laughed, “[y/n] said the same thing.. Looks like i’ll have to consider it now,” he joked. “It will be a gift to us all,” Jungkook said, opening the front door, “ok, there’s a difference between being fashionably late and missing the party let’s go team let’s go.” I shrugged on my jacket and joined Jungkook in the hallway, before the three of us began the trek to Jimin’s
“Man, Hobi is going to be kicking himself for missing this,” Jungkook said, chucking his hands in his pockets. “Hobi?” Namjoon questioned, the name not being mentioned to him yet. “The third member of our wee gang,” I answered, “we met him last year when we started Uni, he’s amazing.” Jungkook nodded in agreeance, “he has to go see his mum for the break though.” Namjoon nodded, “right, right, well I hope I get to meet him then.” I looked up at Namjoon. It hadn’t occurred to me really that Namjoon may have to be here for a long time, it always seemed to slip my mind the original reason he was here. “You’ll love him, everyone does,” Jungkook smiled as we rounded the corner, Jimin’s house coming into view. Jungkook let out a whistle, “this place never fails to amaze me, how he landed that flat I have no idea,” he said, marvelling at the house as we got closer and closer. “That’s not his parent’s house?” Namjoon questioned. I shook my head, “Jimin got crazy good luck and him and a few guys scored this place for cheap rent,” I sighed, “how they did that will always amaze me.” We walked into the open home, greeted by the typical stereotypes of a college party. Loud music, dancing people, and a whole lot of alcohol. “I’m gonna go find the old guys, see you later?” Jungkook shouted to me over the music. I nodded, and the moment I did he was gone. “That didn’t take long did it,” Namjoon chuckled, scanning over the crowd, “and neither did Jimin.” “Huh?” I looked up at him, unsure what he meant until I felt a hand on the small of my back. “[y/n]! You made it! Jungkook said you might have to miss it?” He said, running a hand through his blond hair. “Family plans fell through, we got to escape,” I laughed, looking briefly too Namjoon, but Jimin tightened his grip, pulling my attention back to him. “Shall we go somewhere less loud?” Hearing this Namjoon stepped forward, “Sounds perfect Jimin, outside maybe?” Jimin opened his mouth, looking like he was going to argue, but soon his signature charming smile graced his face, “Yeah, outside is good!” He began guiding me outside, still wrapped around me. “Does he know anyone else here?” he asked me, trying not to sound like he was trying to get rid of Namjoon, but a part of me knew that’s all he was trying to do. I shook my head, “only Jungkook but he’s already lost in the party.” Jimin chuckled, “I’m just hoping to get a little time alone with you is all,” he said, lowering his tone so prying ears couldn’t hear. I couldn’t help but blush, looking to the floor at his words. He didn’t say anything else until we got outside, and finally I stepped away slightly, enjoying the amount of space there was. “Geez, I didn’t know you could fit this many people in your house,” I said. “Yeah, well, it’s amazing the things that can happen when a little bit of effort is put in,” He said, grinning slightly.  He glanced to Namjoon before looking back at me intently, “you look amazing tonight [y/n], like, really, really good.” I smiled sweetly, tucking some hair behind my ear, “Thanks Jimin..” I didn’t know why I was acting like this. No part of me liked Jimin in that way. Sure, he was extremely attractive, and if given the opportunity I’d probably spend the night with him, but there were no feelings there, no longing to be with Jimin. Behind me, Namjoon cleared his throat. I looked back at him and the look in his eyes nearly sent me into a frenzy. It was something I had never seen before, there was something slightly dangerous about the glint in his eyes. “Hey, I think I saw Jungkook, I might go see what he’s up to,” He said, placing a hand on my shoulder gently, “come get me if you need anything.” I nodded, unsure what he was doing. Didn’t he want to protect me? Shouldn’t he stick by me? I was for some reason rather bothered when Jimin said a short goodbye to Namjoon and he disappeared into the crowd of people. “Your cousin’s a bit odd isn’t he?” Jimin said light heartedly. “Just protective is all,” I said, looking back and smiling at him, “he hasn’t been to a party like this with me before, i’m sure he just wants to make sure i’m safe.” “Well, i’ll stick by you, make sure you’re as safe as can be.”
Meanwhile, Namjoon didn’t take long to find a spot where he could watch Jimin and [y/n] through the party without being noticed. Or so he thought. “Leaving them to it huh?” Jungkook said as he sidled in next to Namjoon. Namjoon nodded, “not really the best wing man if I stand over her watching like a hawk. Jungkook nodded, “you’re very right there,” his gaze followed Namjoons to the pair. “It’s weird, we have known Jimin for ages and never once has he showed any interest in [y/n].” This caught Namjoon’s attention, as he glanced to the pink headed boy beside him. “Then, when we started uni, and after [y/n]’s mum passed he was all over her, like he had been into her the whole time,” he shrugged. “I don’t like that,” Namjoon said, looking back over, shaking his head, “something seems off about it to me.” “You’d think so,” Jungkook said, “but I know Jimin, even though we weren’t close, we still went to school together, the guys a softy, popular yes, good with the ladies yes, but he’s not an asshole, he wouldn’t do anything to intentionally hurt her.” Namjoon wanted to believe Jungkook for [y/n]’s sake, but he knew that he had to consider everyone a threat, and unfortunately for Jimin, his interest in [y/n] was all too convenient.
The night continued to move, and I was still outside with Jimin. It was nice, we hadn’t really sat and caught up properly before, and with boys from school coming and going, it was all a rather nice reunion.  I couldn’t ignore the fact however, that Jimin’s hands began to ghost a little too intimately. He always had to be touching me somehow, sometimes being brave and resting a hand on my thigh, but mostly just rested it around the small of my back. Usually, I would be all too into this. The affection, the contact, everything. But my mind kept going to one thing. No. One person rather.
It bothered me that he was all I could think of. The moment before Jungkook interrupted us replaying over and over. What was he going to say? Was he going to drink? A part of me hoped that I was the one he wanted to sleep with, that he wanted to break protocol just once. I wasn’t sure where this sudden longing came from, but it wasn’t something I was all too bothered by. “You ok [y/n]?” Jimin asked, seeing me off in my own world. I looked over to him, smiling sweetly, “yeah, fine, just haven’t seen Namjoon in a while, i’m a bit worried.” Jimin chuckled, and pointed just to the left of where I was looking, “I think he’s doing just fine.” I followed his line of sight to see Namjoon speaking with two girls in our class, a large smile printed on his face. He was leaning against the wall, making them laugh with every word he said. As if he knew, he glanced up at me in that exact moment, his smile fading as our eye contact grew strong and heavy. I clenched my jaw, and looked away. The reality of the situation dawning on me. I was crushing on him. Hard. I couldn’t let that happen. This was the man who was being paid to make sure I was safe, not some boy I could try woo and get into bed with. One of those was sitting right beside me. “I’m bored Jimin,” i said suddenly, placing a hand on his chest, “i’m sure you have somewhere else in this place we could... hang out.” I surprised myself slightly with this boldness. But all that was racing through my mind was Namjoon and that look he gave me. I needed him gone, I needed a distraction. “I thought you’d never ask,” Jimin said, lacing his hand in mine and standing up. I followed him through the crowd, ignoring the gaze I could feel from the other side of the room. I knew he would be unhappy with this, that I would get the lecture of a lifetime when we were home. But I couldn’t have him in my head a minute longer. Jimin opened one of the many shut doors on the second floor of his house and ushered me in. It was his room, one I had been in before when we were working on our project. Not much has changed, he had instruments littered around the place, band posters on the wall, everything you’d expect from a young male. “[y/n],” he started as he shut the door behind him, causing me to turn around and face him. “I hope I haven’t been too forward.. If you don’t want to do this we can-” I shook my head and interrupted him, “just kiss me quickly please.” He smirked, and didn’t take one second longer, striding towards me and capturing my lips in a heated kiss. It was nothing like what I had experienced before. There were no feelings behind it, no longing, no secret hidden meaning. Just lust, and passion, and honestly that’s all I wanted in this moment. My hands didn’t need any time to lace their way into Jimin’s hair as his own explored my body, lingering places he found the most interesting. I tilted my head back as he made his way down my neck, stopping and taking his time as much as he could without losing the intensity of the moment. I shut my eyes, but as soon as I did I wish I hadn’t. All I could imagine, all I wanted to imagine was those lips belonging to someone else, someone who was downstairs and someone who I really, really should not be fantasising about. I was pulled from these thoughts when Jimin moved a hand up to cup my face, making direct eye contact with me, a smirk on his face, taking in how I looked in front of him before leaning in and capturing my mouth again. His hands finally traced down to the zipper on the back of my playsuit, and began slowly pulling it down. It didn’t take him long to reach the bottom, letting go of it. But before the fabric could fall off of my body, the door behind him swung open. “What the fuck man,” Jimin said quickly, turning to shelter my body from the intruder. In front of him towered Namjoon, looking none to impressed. “I am so sorry to interrupt,” he said, sounding not sincere in the slightest, glancing from Jimin to me. “Uncle just called me, there’s been a bit of a situation,” he said, spinning the lie well. I nodded, trying to catch my breath and quickly zipping up my playsuit before any more of my body was revealed. “Right,” I said, my voice a look weaker than I ever wanted it to be, “I’m so sorry Jimin.” He spun to me and smiled sweetly, “don’t worry about it yeah? Next time?” I was going to reply, when Namjoon coughed. My eyes flickered to him a moment before back to Jimin. I nodded, “yeah, maybe.” The moment Jimin wasn’t blocking me from the door, Namjoon had a hold of my wrist, and was dragging me out of the room before I could say anything more to him.
“What the fuck Namjoon!” I hissed as he roughly moved me through the party and out onto the street. His pace didn’t slow the way home, and everytime I tried to say something to him he would ignore it. It wasn’t until we were back in my dorm when he released my hand, looking back at me, “are you really that stupid [y/n]? I get the fact you wanted a fuck but someone is out there trying to kill you, you don’t think that going into a room alone with some guy is dangerous?” He said, his tone no louder or faster than usual, but there was something about it that frightened me. “He’s not just some guy, i’ve known him forever,” I defended myself, “anyone else and I wouldn’t’ve.” He shook his head, “no, no, you need to start thinking more.. Everyone at this university could be the one looking for you, you don’t think it’s strange he started trying to get you alone after your mum died?” “How did you-” I went to ask, but he was on a roll. “Look, [y/n], it’s not my job to be your babysitter, it’s my job to keep you alive. You should value your life and your safety more and think before you act.” I was stunned. Everything he was saying was correct. I didn’t take any of this as serious as I should. “You really think someone is out to get me? To kill me?” I asked quietly. His expression softened, “yeah... yeah I do now.” I let out a breath. “I didn’t believe any of it.” “Yeah I gathered that,” he said, calming himself down a bit, taking off his makeshift tie and sitting on the couch. “I’m sorry.” My apology must’ve shocked him, cause he looked over at me quickly. “I didn’t mean to make you run around or make you think you need to baby me... I’ll think more.” He couldn’t help but chuckle, “to be quite honest with you, i was expecting more of a fight, i was expecting to have to wear you down to see my point of view.” I joined him in the quiet laughter, “yeah, well, something is just telling me that I need to trust you.” He looked back to his hands as I said that, “god, [y/n],” he whispered, “you need to stop doing that.” “Doing what?” I asked. “That look.. When you say stuff like that, you get this look in your eyes, so innocent, one day a man is going to take advantage of that.” For maybe the hundredth time tonight, I felt my heart leap. “I should say sorry too,” he said, filling the silence, “I know you wanted to... to be with Jimin. I interrupted that.” “I- I don’t think I wanted to be with Jimin,” I said softly, causing him to meet my gaze one more time. The look was intense. As if he was understanding the meaning behind every word I was saying. I didn't want to believe that was true however, I couldn’t let myself believe he wanted me. I couldn’t be disappointed again. “Let’s consider it a good thing then,” he said, “it stopped you from doing something you’d regret. Being drunk can do that sometimes, make you think you’re interested in someone you are not.” His words seemed pointed and I swallowed, picking up his message loud and clear. “Yeah..” I agreed, moving towards my room. “I hope you had a good night,” he finally called out before I disappeared. I leant my head out, “do you look after all of your clients this much?” I asked. Instead of flashing his usual smirk or grin, he simply stared directly at me. “No, none of them actually. If you were anyone else I would’ve quit by now.” I felt my breath leave my body. I didn’t imagine that. That happened. “Goodnight [y/n],” he said, dismissing me one final time, not wanting to linger on the situation.
I nodded, “yeah.. Night Namjoon.”
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bing-suho · 7 years
VOLTRON COLLEGE!AU KEEF (KOREAN!KEITH) - moody art major with focus on mural arts + art as restorative medium - keith as low income who used to do graffiti but then saw how mural arts actually change communities - KEITH WHO VOLUNTEERS AT PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL ARTS PEOGRAM - KEITH WHO WILL FORGET TO EAT SOMETIMES WHEN HES RLY CONCENTRATING ON HIS WORK UNTIL EITHER SHIRO OR HUNK (later lance) REMINDS HIM TO EAT AND FORCES HIM AWAY FROM HIS ART TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF - keith who is SICK OF CULTURAL APPROPRIATION BULLSHIT IN ART COMMUNITY - keith as hellllla gayyyYyYy - KEITH IN DIRTY DOCS AND RIPPED BLACK JEANS + RED SHIRT THATS BEEN STRETCHED AT THE NECK AND HIS HAIR IN A PONY TAIL USUALLY (but he still had a mullet!!!!!!!) - KEITH FROM TEXAS - KEITH WHO LIVES WITH HIS COUSIN SHIRO AFTER HIS PARENTS DISOWNED HIM AFTER BEING OUTED - KEITH WHO DECIDES ITS BETTER NOT TO OPEN UP BC OF THAT(until ppl HIS SUPPORTIVE AF FRIENDS change his mind) - AWKWARD BB KEITH WHO NEVER??? HAD REAL FRIENDS??? - KEITHS BEEN WORKING SINCE HES BEEN IN HS SAVING UP FOR COLLEGE/ADULTHOOD - Keith who also works at campus bookstore across the street from lance and likes TO READ?????? - KEITH WITH HEADPHONES AND STILL LISTENS TO ANGSTY EMO/SCREAMO MUSIC - KEITH WHO ALSO LISTENS TO PODCASTS ESP ABT S P A C E - KEITH WHO DID TRACK AND FIELD IN HS AND CONTINUES TO RUN LONG DISTANCE TO KEEP IN SHAPE + ZONE OUT/MEDITATE/DESTRESS (think that one taekook fic i gave yall but less angst or the same lvl) - KEITH AS A CAT PERSON AND LOVES SOFT PLUSHIE THINGS BC THEY C O M F O R T HIM - keith who hates lance's guts/attitude when he initially meets him and makes assumptions abt him as a "typical frat bro" and complains to shiro one day and shiro fuckin defends lance by telling keith abt how lance is the one who doesnt tolerate toxic masculinity practices at ALL and is the one who brings it up during meetings AND THEN KEITH KEEPS LEARNING DIFF DIMENSIONS OF LANCE AND WELL SHIT - KEITH AS ULTIMATE LIGHTWEIGHT WITH PIDGE - KEITH WHO IS NATURALLY GIFTED ATHLETICALLY AND ARTISTICALLY (that doesnt mean he works FUCKING hard) - keith who sort of fumes into the library and tries to burn down the math section BC FUCK MATH WHO THE FUCK CREATED THIS BULLSHIT ALL U NEED IN LIFE IS ADDITION SUBTRACTION MULTI AND DIV until hunk + lance + pidge try to stop him and help him with his math hw and shiro will be there for moral support bc shiro is just as clueless abt math as keith is 😀 - keith who is gets caught up in everyone's competition during monopoly but is a p okay player - keith who bumps into lance after volunteering at the afterschool program and begrudgingly says hell treat lance to boba as payback for math tutoring bc pidge and hunk both arent the best at explaining concepts sometimes and lance's were the easiest to understand I JUST DONT WANT TO BE IN DEBT TO YOU OKAY? (lance offers indiv tutoring and keith initally REFUSES until he sees the practice midterm and ???? what the fuck are these symbols FUCK) LANCEEEE MA BOOIII (CUBAN!LANCE) - lance as marxist econ major who DOES MAJOR RESEARCH ON #FIGHTFOR15 AND CUBAN/LATIN AM ECON POLICY ESP DURING US IMPERIALISM AND HOW THISE AFFECTS HAVE LASTING EFFECTS ON LABOR + ECON - LANCE AS BISEXUAL AS HELL - lance who TUTORS AT SAME PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM EXCEPT MATH - LANCE WHO's FROM FLORIDA AND IS FIRST IN THE FAMILY FOR COLLEGE - LANCE WHO SEES HIS FAMILY GO THRU WAGE THEFT FUELING HIS WORK IN UNDOCU LABOR RIGHTS AND ECON POLICIES - lance who joins latinx affinity club with hunk (whos half filipinx) and while hunk is the master chef taste+recipe wise NO ONE MAKES _______ LIKE LANCE CAN BC HIS ABUELITA TAUGHT HIM THE FAMILY RECIPE - LANCE AS A FRAT BOI WHO FUCKIN SERVES AT BEER PONG AND FLIP CUP - lance as vp of said frat and wont let shiro pick the music at parties bc shiro only listens to old 80's classics, shiro we live in the 21ST CENTURY THESE PPL WANT BEYONCE AND NICKI OKAH (lance who listens to hella pop music) - lance who KNOWS HOW TO DANCE AND RELIGIOUSLY GOES TO ZUMBA CLASS WITH ALLURA WHO DRAGS PIDGE's LAZY ASS AS CARDIO BEFORE DOING HIS MUSCLE WORKOUT WITH HUNK AND SHIRO - lance who works at the campus hip coffeeshop/cafe and fucking snapchats the shit out of his shift - LANCE WHO LEARNS ABT HOW DRAWING/DOODLING CAN HELP WITH ANXIETY FROM KEITH AND STARTS TO CARRY AROUND A SKETCH NOTEBOOK - LANCE WHO IS EQUALLY AS GOOD WITH KIDS AS KEITH IS BC HELLO? SIBLINGS??? - LANCE AS AN ANIMAL PERSON BUT LEANS TOWARDS DOGS - lance who needs to be alone at the library when studying and mutters to himself softly a lot when thinking but is on top of his group project/study game with HELLA STUDY GUIDES + tutor tips - lance who chews on pen tips 😭 - LANCE WHO HAS ANXIETY THAT HE ISNT GOOD ENOUGH/SMART ENOUGH AT SCHOOL AND CONSTANTLY THINKS ABT THE SACRIFICE HIS PARENTS AND SIBLINGS MADE FOR HIM TO GO TO SCHOOL AND HIDES HIS ANXIETY+LOW SELF-ESTEEM BY TRYING TO BE RLY EXTROVERTED AND FUN AND FLIPPANT LANCE WHO OVERCOMPENSATES - lance who is initially jealous of keith's "easy" art degree until he fuckin sees the work that keith puts into his art AND THEN APOLOGIZES FOR UNDERESTIMATING KEITH - LANCE WHO ALWAYS LOSES AT MONOPOLY AND STARTS RANTING ABT DECAYING FORMS OF CAPITALISM SHEEREROOOOOOH - shiro as a senior after taking a gap year from a life-threatening injury on his arm FROM A CAR ACCIDENT (SHIRO WITH A PROSTHETIC LIMB??) - SHIRO WHO IS SCARED OF CARS IN RELATION TO INJURY WILL TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORT UNLESS HE HAS TO TAKE A CAR - SHIRO AS A POLI SCI MAJOR BUT HES NOT A BRO AND INTERSECTIONAL AF - SHIRO WHO IS STARSTRUCK WITH ALLURA's BRILLIANCE IN A CLASS THEY TOOK TOGETHER ONE TIME - Shiro who gets approached by allura for his insightful comment about aapi's for blm during a blm meeting AND THEY CONNECT - SHIRO AS FRAT PREZ AND STARTS CHANGING FRAT CULTURE TO BE LESS TOXIC/PATRIARCHAL/FUCKEDUP - Shiro who has to do rehab for his arm but also works out!!!!!!!!!!! HUNK WHO SPOTS HIM AND MAKES SURE SHIRO ISNT RUINING HIMSELF - SHIRO WHO ALWAYS CONSIDERED KEITH A LITTLE BROTHER SINCE THEY WERE KIDS AND RLY WORRIES FOR HIM SHIRO BEING AWARE OF KEITH's HURT AROUND BEING DISOWNED - SHIRO WHO WANTS TO BE AN IMMIGRATION LAWYER????? - SHIRO WHO GREW UP NORMAL MIDDLE CLASS (will think of family tree later) - shiro who listens to classic 80's pop and rock HE IS A REAL DAD - SHIRO WHO MAKES SURE EVERYONE IS SAFE WHEN PARTYING AND DRINKING ENOUGH WATER (ESP LANCE AND KEITH WHEN HE DOES COME TO PARTIES) - SHIRO WHO GETS ACTUALLY HELLA TACTICAL WHEN GAMING WITH HUNK LANCE AND PIDGE TO THEIR SURPRISE (the unknowlingly competitive type) - shiro who is merciless at monopoly/settlers of catan - DEMISEXUAL SHIRO B Y E PIDGE - GENDERQUEER!pidge - White!pidge (is this even, like a thing or do we already assume pidge is white?) - aromantic!pidge - Pidge as compsci/math slave major who always ends up doing their allnighters to finish their labs - pidge who lives off caffeine - PIDGE WHO IS SICK OF SHITT CISMEN IN GENERAL + MALE DOMINATED TECH INDUSTRY AND WANTS TO EMPOWER WOC/QTPOC IN TECH - pidge who is MORE ruthless during monopoly than shiro - pidge who is a fuckin genius at video games will whoop anyone's ass - PIDGE WHO IS AFRAID NO ONE RLY LIKES THEM AND USES SARCASM AS A DEFENSE MECHANISM - PIDGE FROM A DIVORCED FAMILY AND ADDS TO THEIR GENERAL DISTRUST IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS - PIDGE WHO HASNT MET THEIR BROTHER IN 10 YEARS BC OF THE DIVORCE - Pidge who met lance and hunk in compsci 101 when lance accidentally stepped on pidge's toe when they hadnt had their morning coffee yet (pidge hisses extremely loudly at lance and hunk giving them death glares) - pidge who forgives lance (and in extension hunk) and started hangin after lance got them an aesthetic avocado toast on the house the next day at the cafe - pidge who actually has a hella basic instagram + PIDGE WHO IS OBSESSED WITH GETTING THE PERFECT FOOD SHOT FOR THE INSTA - pidge and lance's snapchat streak is over 9000 - PIDGE WHO CANT EAT SPICY FOOD (i'm FUCKIN WHITE STOP LAUGHING GUYS) - pidge who studies with hunk in the library bc they need background noise/study partners until lance emerges from the quiet floor and they all do a study break leave to get fruit snacks - PIDGE AS LIGHTWEIGHT - PIDGE WHO IS ALSO COERCED INTO BIRD CLUB AT FIRST AND STAYS FOR THE MEMES WAIT HUNKKKKKKKK - hunk as PREMED/VETERNIARY TRACT - HUNK WHO VOLUNTEERS AT ANIMAL SHELTERS AND IS ALSO A ENV JUSTICE ACTIVIST - HUNK WHO LOVES ALL ANIMALS AND IS THE FAIRY OF ANIMALS IS GOOD WITH ALL OF THEM - HUNK AND LANCE AS FIRST YR ROOMMATES TURNED BFFS - HUNK WHO DESTRESSES BY COOKING/BAKING OBVS - Hunk who is actually p insecure abt his body type and isnt comfortable with showing a lot of skin - HUNK WHO WAS BULLIED FOR BEING "GIRLY" AS A CHILD AND WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT KIND OF SHIT AT ALL HE IS INTERSECTIONAL FEMINIST AF BC FUCK GENDER EXPECTATIONS AND MACHISMO - HUNK WHO IS THE BEST SPOTTER FOR WORKOUTS - hunk who cant touch HIS TOES BB - HUNK AS HALF FILIPINX/LATINX - hunk who comes from the east coast but cant stand the cold at all and wears 50 layers - HUNK WHO RUSHES FRATS WITH LANCE BC HE WAS WORRIED ABT LANCE GETTING TOO FUCKED UP AND KINDA ENDS UP IN A FRAT I GUESS BUT HE LIKES SHIRO's LEADERSHIP AROUND GENDER EXPECTATIONS - Hunk who'll be the realest with anyone being an asshole, even if its his friends - HUNK WHO IS PERCEPTIVE AF ESP WITH LANCE WHO TRIES TO HIDE HIS ANXIETY/LOW-SELF ESTEEM - HUNK WHO FUCKIN KILLS AT KNITTING - HUNK IS IN BIRD CLUB BC ACTUAL INTEREST W A I T - Hunk who gets regular morning coffee check-ins with allura and buys coffe for pidge when they come crawling into the cafe - HUNK WHO ACTUALLY RLY LIKES THE BACHELORETTE AND WATTES WITH ALLURA - HUNK WHO MEETS SHAY WHO ALSO VOLUNTEERS AT THE SHELTER AND HAVE A WARM SHY BUDDING RELATIONSHIP ALLURAAAAA MY QUEEEN - Black!Allura - allura who was adopted after living in foster care for so long (Corran adopts her) - Ethnic studies and polisci double major allura who DOES NOT tolerate polisci bros/toxic af bros in general - ALLURA WHO WANTS TO BE A CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAWYER - ALLURA GOES TO ZUMBA WITH LANCE AND FUCKIN KILLS THE ROUTINE BOTH BOND OVER DANCING - fierce sorority queen who believes greek life shud be accessible to all fuck this elitist bullshit - ALLURA IS AS OBSESSED WITH INSTAPERFECT SHOTS AS PIDGE IS - allura who meets shiro at a #blacklivesmatter meeting and hits it off - ALLURA WHO HAS A RLY STRONG SENSE OF JUSTICE but sometimes it makes her rigid when it comes to giving ppl the benefit of the doubt which she did with keith+lance until she gets to know them better + apologizes for making assumptions - CORRAN's NICK NAME FOR ALLURA IS PRINCESS OFC - allura who sees a father figure in corran b l e s s - ALLURA WHO IS AFRAID OF COMMITMENT DUE TO EXP IN FOSTER HOMES AND SHIRO BEING UNDERSTANDING OF THAT - allura who gets competitive at all games MOST ESP with monopoly - allura who works at the cafe with lance - ALLURA ASKS HUNK TO TEACH HER HOW TO KNIT (SHE KINDA SUCKS BUT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!) AND THEY BOTH WATCH THE BACHELORETTE TOGETHER - ALLURA WHO KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS - allura who drinks tea instead of coffee - allura who will join hunk and pidge at the library bc she also needs background noise to work - allura who teaches shiro math bc shiro is actually useless at math - allura who is actually heavy weight af when it comes to alcohol - ALLURA JOINS BIRD CLUB BC THEY ARE JUST FLUFF BALLS OF SOFTNESS (hunk: what bird is that allura: A GOOD BERB) - ALLURA HAS 3 HAMSTERS AS PETS OFC???? CORAN - your eccentric ass prof in the soci/anth dept with an INSANE mustache - teaches intro to soci/anth which a lot of students take for requirement credits - fuckin speaks 7 languages (two of them are coding lang to pidge's surprise) - loves puns + trivia - invites allura's study group for dinner and burns the pasta so hunk and him end up collaborating with the crew making dinner fest - your favorite uncle - always gives wise ass advice in times if need but will usually give out badly translated sayings (he speaks 7 lang give a break) - rigorous activist scholar - is mistaken for "easy prof" bc of his air-headed nature but actually doesnt take bullshit papers esp for a course that introduces race theory to a lot of privileged straight cismen (who underestimate coran) - will fuck u up with knowledge - asks lance for skin care tips and they bond over latinx music (lance hella impressed with coran's dancing actually) - cooks with hunk - pidge exasperately tries to teach coran abt sns: what is this chat that snaps??????? and these instant grams???? - shiro allura and him with have deep ass convos about systems of oppression + lance sometimes when he gets a chance to join + keith who will quietly absorb their convo if he's nearby (but pretend to read a book) - everyone needs to REST BC SELF CARE IS IMPT DONT KILL YOURSELVES BC OF THESE UNREASONABLE DEADLINES - voltron crew all take coran's class for variety of reasons and meet each other when they all rush to office hours and only to find coran's mess of trying to throw popcorn into his mouth - will stop by library during midterms and finals to give out encouraging messages + snacky snacks (will sneak extra for voltron crew's table) some moments id like to consider (klance and otherwise): - LANCE SEEING THE GWIYOMI VIDEO AND FORCING KEITH TO DO IT IN A GAME OF TRUTH AND DARE AND KEITH DOES IT A GLARE THAT FUCKIN BURNS UNIVERSES AND LANCE AND PIDGE RECORDS THAT SHIT shiro sigh-laughs hunk laughs nervously next to keith allura laughs brightly corran does not know what the fuck keith is doing - Keith and Lance find out they listen to the same NASA podcast when lance annoyingly takes out keith's headphones while abt to enter the school for afterschool program - Keith searches out soft things when he's drunk like hunk's hair or pidges sweater or lance's skin-WHATINTHEFUCK - lance teaches keith how to REALLY dance when he brings voltron crew to a latinx heritage month party (and keith secretly enjoys it) - keith had a big ol crush on lance the minute he saw him until he started acting like a "frat bro" and was turned off (but not rly?) - SHIRO AND KEITH GO HAVE BROTHER BONDING DATES AT SHIRO's INSTANCE BUT KEITH LOVES IT INSIDE - lance and hunk both cry when they watch titanic together - pidge lance and hunk become better friends over avocado toast and rly annoying debugging procedures during lab in compsci101 - they also bond over video games - the voltron crew have board game bight which usually ends up being monopoly and things get fuckin ruthless - the crew once tried to play mario party wii but people broke windows when their remotes went flying off their wrists and they vowed to never play again - they all meet each other (like ALL of them) in corab's intro to socianth class and create a study group-ish thing for it - lance and hunk rush shiro's frat thinking its gna be rly shit but shiro genuinely wants to do teamwork bullding exercises and talk abt feelings and lance and hunk are fuckin set on a frat if shiro's gna lead it - hunk will secretly let keith play with the cats in the shelter - hunk will also secretly let lance play with the dogs - pidge starts to memorize the zumba moves unconsciously and their body will move automatically when they hear the musIC FUCK - they all go out for kbbq on keith's bday bc keith loves korean food bc its home before his home abandoned him and voltron fam try to repaint those memories of hurt with memories of love and NEW family B Y E keith is kinda speechless - keith shows lance how to make ssam with lettuce garlic kimchi meat and miso paste and laughs as lance stuffs it into his mouth - allura fuckin kills at meat grilling - pidge refuses to eat veggies until hunk gives them the mom look - corran is vegetarian but loves seeing his students sated and full - shiro and allura keep their pinkies intertwined the entire bbq when they can under the table - keith and lance hook up once after a frat party one night and the morning after they kinda ??????? oh?kay????? thishappened???? at the memory until they fuckin realize theyre attracted to each other - keith gets slurs thrown at him by other frat fuckbois and lance goes fuckin livid until hunk is there to stop an imminent fight and hunk gives off some p threatening vibes to fuckbois - voltron crew help pidge try to reconnect with their brother by calling diff numbers going thru yellow pages - keith recommends books for lance to read and lance makes keith playlists and tells him to "listen to smth bubblegum happy for one" (keith kinda likes it?) - the art kids start to recognize lance when he drops by to pick keith up to go home together after the program js over - they all do secret santa at coran's house for christmas - coran gives shiro some salad tongs that are decorated with rhinestones he found in a vintage store and shiro is just ??? okay?? (he uses it when they all have dinner at shiro's place a few weeks later) jk coran also gives him some hella effective medicine for muscle and bone ache for his injury hes not that insensitive - shiro gives hunk a rly nice apron that says youre a FINEapple and baking mittens and hunk almost cries - hunk gets allura like new knitting needles and yarn as well as hand-knit cap. allura squeals bc FLUFFY - allura gets keith some good books both nonfiction and fiction + live podcast tix (she got from a raffle) and keith's eyes glows a little brighter - keith gets pidge some yellow tinted glasses bc "pidge your eyes are gna get worse and youre basically already blind" and a fisheye camera lense for smartphones and pidge yeLLS AESTHETIC PHOTOOOOOOOS YESSSSS - pidge gets lance some face masks and a customized snapback that says QUIZNAK on it and lance's eyes go all sparkly ✨✨ - lance gets corran some bombass latinx music cds from his favorite artists and a mustache care kit that coran just "✨✨"'s at - for dem romance: keith invites lance to the podcast with him and lance just smiles his lopsided truly happy smile while handing keith some cute hair-ties ("??? what am i supposed to do with these????" "wear them so that u can look even cuter than u already are????" keith goes beet red and punches lance in the shoulder as lance laughs. lance finds keith wearing them the next day) - shiro gives allura a note planner with her favorite quote on the front and allura gives shiro a handknit scarf its zSo fuckin SWEEET - hunk and shay go in their first dare - pidge and coran have rly fuckin good hot chocolate on the kitchen island and revel in their friends' happiness and recount good memories of the past year - they then bring out the wine and the karaoke machine - pidge gets p drunk and both them and lance sing one of the zumba songs pidge can somehow remember all the lyrics to hoW THE FUCK do I RMEMmber this?!?! (allura laughs evilily) - allura fuckin perfectly raps superbass - lance sings taylor swift ironically but not rly - corran tries to sing a thai song and its gets like awk quiet as ppl are like ?? okay ?? - HUNK STARTS TO BELT OUT BONJOVI AND SHIROS LIKE HELL YE AND JOINS IN - shiro then tries to sing country music but everyone reaches for the cancel button - shiro and allura sing Lucky (jason mraz and colbie caliat or smth) - pidge starts to sing linkin park's numb and gets rly into it. everyone is hype esp keith - keith tries to sing screamo song next but lance cancels before he can start and instead turn on the tune of gwiyomi from his phone and keith chases after lance with intent to kill lance cackling he runs away everyone else shrugs and continues as if nothing happened (keith and lance later return looking a little disheveled and everyone gives them knowing looks: lance averts his eyes and starts to whistle while keith just goes rly red and face palms) - everyone gets spectacularly drunk and decide to all sing bohemian rhapsody together. it kinda works. - They all go to the beach one summer
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