#I died and nobody noticed
sigurdjarlson · 21 days
Why does no one but alleria care khadgar “died” tho
Like jaina was like “we’ll mourn him in time” and then no one but Alleria and Anduin mentioned it at all after that
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my favorite parasocial part of dungeons and daddies is the audible grin in will’s voice when he knows he’s about to drop a joke/reveal that’s gonna destroy the whole table. top tier no notes
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“Stop excusing Jason killing just because he died!!1!111!!1”
We don’t excuse his killings, you ignorant fool. We actively encourage it.
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shripscapi · 2 years
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Pod squiring, Brienne in Renly’s tourney, and Ser Hyle Hunt certified loser
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nutcasewithaknife · 4 months
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A-Fei threw a stone at him for lying. they should've done this more often
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spineless-lobster · 2 months
Don’t mind me just thinking about elpenor again
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madtomedgar · 2 years
Wen Ning being chained up in the Jin treasure room/murder basement when Wei Wuxian is resurrected is actually the part of the story that makes the least sense to me.
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sandyisswag · 2 months
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It’s him the one and only... Elpenor
Aka the one who died and nobody noticeced nor cared
The one who drank wine from a chalice on top of circe’s palace and fell and broke his neck in shame
But why would ody care so many deaths happend under his reign
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ferncloud · 10 months
hmm i wonder if tumblr user ferncloud likes ferncloud...
/.\ MAYBE...
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nervocat · 3 months
I want to delete my account.... disappear for a bit........ but I WON'T I WON'T I WON'T I PROMISE
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bitchfitch · 6 months
I'm finally watching the Quinton reviews Sam and cat videos and itheres this moment two and half hours in thats kinda funny to me because he brings up the fact that it is absolutely possible to be both POC and white, this is what I and a lot of other biracial folk are, and hes using this to segue into the fact that Victoria justice is biracial too, latina/white, and mentions that made it weird that in one of the movies, Nickelodeon cast a lil ginger boy as her brother.
and like. I get where he's coming from. But in Hispanic families, having a random kid who looks Nothing like the rest of the family bc of how the genetics dice landed is like. normal. something something the history of colonization and also recessive genes kicking around. and it's funny bc the entire rest of the bit is an extremely like. nice acknowledgement of the weird place white biracials are in culturally, that trips and breaks it's nose halfway through on a tangent.
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melanodis · 6 months
ummmmmm. the horrors. again.
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sigurdjarlson · 27 days
Jdjdjdjd why are Anduin and Alleria’s the only ones to mention Khaddy since he died. Like I can count the number of times he’s been mentioned one one hand (and it’s only these two saying it) so far
Turalyon didn’t even comment when he reunited with Alleria
Why you doing my man like that Blizz come on 😂
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honorthysalad · 7 months
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Well if that’s a glasses case, then the glasses randomly sitting in container in ch10 are Yoshiki’s dad’s.
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goated33 · 8 months
So do you think if Vaggie died for altruistic reasons she’d end up in heaven or
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walls-actual-ly · 8 months
my brother just came back from a school skying trip and it made me think about some slight cultural differences between Germany, and lets say, the US
my brothers friends found booze that someone forgot/left at the hotel, told the teacher, the teacher took the beer, drank it and left the vodka for the kids
they had a party and everyone over 16 was permitted to buy alcohol
one teacher stopped taking his medicine a few days prior so that he could get wasted with the kids
the teachers assistent invited my brother and his friends on a beer
one of the teaches was so drunk he danced on the tables
some kids invited other guests from the hotel to join them.
one of the kids (17 yr old) apparently kissed one of them, a lady in her 50s?
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