#I do have the speed draw if anyone’s interested 👀
puppyeared · 2 years
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Fool’s Gold
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stagefoureddiediaz · 2 years
hey kym!💕 i’m probably the 100th person asking, but what can you tell us about the checked shirt and black undershirt buck is wearing in that bts? i feel like black is a rare occurrence for him…?
thank you!
Hey Iri!!!
You got in first with the ask so gold stars for you!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
 To all the Nonnies who also asked - I’m answering you here!!
I have definitely not spent to long staring at this 😬😬😬😬😬
andI very definelty haven’t spent any time trying to figure out if he’s wearing a necklace!! 👀👀👀👀👀
I don’t think he is - I think its the way the light is hitting the monitor screen - I’d die if he was wearing a necklace - because there is only one reason Buck would suddenly develop a taste for neck jewellery and that would be if he was given a St. Christopher by a certain someone - its way to early for that to be something like that happening imo so I’m happy to rule it out! as a concept!!!
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This outfit is the same as the one from the bts with Ryan - I’ve brightened it and altered the contrast so you can see Oliver lurking in the background (Sorry Ryns arm!)!
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As for what I think about Buck in Black - its actually a colour we’ve seen him in a fair amount - mostly around Taylor - when we saw him in lots of either black or black and white check (and some grey and navy blue) or in connection with something Taylor adjacent (the trip to the equestrian centre for example) 
Then we have the more recent black top from his lunch with Connor and Kameron. 
The fact that Buck has been wearing almost entirely blue (and white) tops since deciding to end things with Taylor, with the exception of the russet one in 6x04 and then we’re presented with two black tops is a pretty loud connection if you ask me - especially as this latest one is for either 6x05 or 6. The choice of black directly connects Buck to that lunch - and this is important to do - as it keeps the sperm donor theme running in the background even when its not directly being addressed. Putting him into check/plaid and black in this way is foreshadowing that the sperm donor topic isn’t going to go smoothly when it does come back up (seemingly in 6x07 Cursed) - this isn’t just a generalised plaid = bad things inbound - because they could’ve put him in any plaid they wanted, so the choice to use black and white  - it directly connects it to this specific storyline and I love the wardrobe team for doing this!!
This likely to be the next time we see him doing something social (as in multiple people and not just one other al a Hen or Eddie) with the firefam, and the fact that its in the Grant-Nash back yard - which is interesting considering that last time we saw Buck outside at theirs he was also wearing plaid and then promptly coughed up blood all over the patio! (and for something to happen that leads into cursed and thus draw that parallel would be something!) 
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(above you can see the string lights that prove the bts content we’ve had is in the G-N back yard this is from 3x06 Monsters if anyone was wondering!)
We know Hen and Karen are there and you can in fact see Karen in the bts video - her skirt under the monitor and the top of her head above it - the way it looks to me - Buck is talking to Karen (and possibly Hen) while looking at someone or something else (possibly Eddie we keep our fingers crossed). The thing with this is that I’m also intrigued by the fact that Karen is in the same colour way (green and white) that she was wearing when Buck, Hen and Karen had their conversation about HenRens sperm donor in 3x01 - never mind it being the last time we saw Buck in the G-N yard, its the last time we saw any of the firefam outside in the Grant-Nash yard in this way - my brain is whirring at the speed of light over this fact!!! 👀👀👀
Tagging @theladyyavilee as she’s sent me several asks on t he subject and I’ve answered them all here!!
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littlemisspascal · 1 year
Hellooooo :D
I need to know more about Formula 101 characters 👀
Did you draw inspiration from current drivers? Is Frankie and Javi's relationship inspired by anyone in particular? Also what drivers usually get penalties for either causing crashes or speeding? Who regularly ends up last at races? What type of YouTube videos that drivers make does Oddball look forward to? Guess the song? Language sessions? I need to know everythiiiing. I love the world building so much!!!!
Hello dear Anon thank you for reaching out with these questions and for the kind support! I'm not used to really talking much about my fics so it might come across as awkward 😅 but I shall do my best to answer them all 😊
Did you draw inspiration from current drivers? - Yes 100% I draw inspiration from current drivers and also a few drivers who were part of the grid these past few years and have since retired/moved on. Looking at their stats helps me design/mimic ones for my characters, so it adds an extra boost of realness to the story.
Is Frankie and Javi's relationship inspired by anyone in particular? - I honestly think these 2 characters would get along if they ever met, idk why I can't explain it but there's just something about their ✨ vibes ✨ There are several real-life F1 friendships/bromances that definitely help give me ideas of how to write scenes, but there's not anyone in particular nope.
Also what drivers usually get penalties for either causing crashes or speeding? - I haven't found time yet to really dive into the season yet of the story, we're still in the pre-season period. But I do imagine Dave York + Omar Assarian as the type to let their aggression get the best of them on track, the fierce desire to win overtaking logic and thus leading to bumping tires or even speeding in the pit lane. And since they're both teammates, that's an extra dash of drama I'm interested in exploring.
Who regularly ends up last at races? - One of the Bravo brothers--Dieter or Gio, for sure. Not because they're lousy drivers or anything negative about their skills--it's just they've got the worst car on the grid and everyone unfortunately knows it. Doesn't help their team principal, Dustin Melray, has a lot of marriage problems that bleed into the grand prix weekend more than he'd personally like 😬
What type of YouTube videos that drivers make does Oddball look forward to? Guess the song? Language sessions? - Grill the Grid is something Oddball's seriously looking forward to--and maybe that's just because she's a rookie who's never done it before. Some of the older drivers get this glazed over look in their eyes at the mere mention of it lol. Also Guess The Song, yes, she's got excellent musical taste so that's an easy win. Language sessions I feel like would be really cool with Javi offering to expand her Spanish knowledge while she teaches him some of the common phrases from Sorgan (I'm thinking words in SW/Mandalorian. Lol she'll try to slip in dank farrik only to have their media agents threatening to duct tape her mouth)
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big-brainrot-hours · 3 years
First off, can I be 🌟, and Fatui! Xiao, I'm interested 👀
Fatui!Xiao Headcanons || SAGAU Xiao x Reader
Absolutely you can!! It’s nice to meet you 🌟!! Also,, here we go, fatui xiao :)
Part of this is gonna be copy pasted from another post of mine because I’m not sure if anyone saw it lol
Also!! This was supposed to come out yesterday but I got a bit carried away with my drawing so I hope yall like that too lol
Warnings: SAGAU, obsessive/cult behavior, mentions of past abuse/torture, fatui!xiao, fatui!reader
First off, here’s my drawing of Fatui!Xiao (if you’re on mobile you’re going to have to tap on it because i think tumblr destroyed the quality lol)
Headcanons under the cut
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— — — — — — —
Fatui!Xiao doesn’t change much from the regular Xiao. The only difference now is that he doesn’t do anything for anyone other than himself and darling anymore. Like, you know how he tells the traveller to call and he’ll be there? Yeah, that’s not a thing anymore for anyone except darling.
At first, he does cover up from the cold, but he finds that all the layers of the bulky clothing you’ve asked him to wear makes him a bit slower. It’s barely noticeable; only a fraction of his speed has decreased, but he notices it and he doesn’t like it. So he goes back to wearing his regular clothes and finds that the cold really has no effect on him. He figures it’s because of your sheer desire for him to stay warm, and once again he thanks you for your divine presence.
So he’s not cold anymore, but he sticks close to you. As time goes on, he eventually shows you the markings that he was born with but have been damaged by his past. Instead of reacting with anger or disgust, though, you ask him if he’s okay and comfort him. And he starts to hate himself a bit less. It’s around this time that you two get your custom fatui outfits commissioned, and he chooses to get his looking like that. It combines aspects of both his old outfit and the Fatui uniforms.
Him showing off his markings isn't just about him looking cooler. It's also that his markings aren't what they used to look like. Before, they were clear and crisp and vibrant, almost like works of art across his skin.
After his time with Osial, though, the marks have changed. Osial hated the fact that Xiao was blessed with divine marks and would tear them off over and over again until they were unrecognizable once the skin and flesh finally grew back. They're warped and faded, and you can't tell what they used to look like.
His marks are also damaged by all the scars he has covering his body, so the reason he always covered his arms (why he always wore his old gloves) is because he was ashamed of the way they looked now. He thought his ruined markings were a sign of his god abandoning him. Why would anyone want something so damaged and ugly? He's grown to hate his own body and the way it's been ruined, so he covers it all up. It gets to a point where people have forgotten he even has them. Even Morax has forgotten that he has them.
So him showing them now isn't just about looking hot (although that's definitely part of my reasoning tho lmao), it's also a show of devotion to his god, and his way of learning to love (or at least not hate) his own body again.
Xiao in the fatui is a horrifying concept for everyone involved, except maybe Xiao and darling. Xiao’s not known by mortals; none know either of his names, and no one really knows who he is, but everyone knows about the legends of the last light of the god. And now that Xiao is here, markings and scars and light on display, there’s no denying who he is. And all the markings on his body, cut through and warped by scars, go to show how powerful he is, to have been through as much as he has and to still come out alive.
The thing about Xiao is that, as stated many times before, he is loyal to no archon or nation, only to darling. So the real difference would be determined by you and how you choose to treat him.If you want him to be a ruthless murderer, he’ll do it. But if you want him to be the somewhat soft boyfriend that he’s depicted as in some fics? It’ll be hard, but he’ll definitely try.
He does hold somewhat of a level of respect for the harbingers and Tsaritsa. Of course, considering he pretty much hates everyone else in Teyvat right now, it’s not that big of an achievement.
He and Childe get along better now than they did before. They’re still not friends or anything, but they do have a sense of mutual respect. Also, now that they’re getting along somewhat, Xiao occasionally entertains Childe’s demands to fight. Of course, he doesn’t have to put that much effort into it (given by how I destroy Childe in minutes lmao) but it’s still a satisfying fight for both of them. Especially when their wonderful God is cheering them on from the sidelines.
He’s allowed to attend meetings with the Tsaritsa and the harbingers. They’ve been plotting ways to make the other nations pay for what they’ve done to you. He stays in the meetings and gives them ideas from time to time or tells them when one of their plans is something you wouldn’t like. They listen to him because, despite how much they envy him, they know that he’s your favorite and he knows you better than anyone else in Teyvat.
Basically, he’s more willing to hurt people now so long as you ask him to, and most of the fatui are either envious of his position as your personal guard and favorite, afraid of him since you can tell how experienced he is in battle by just looking at him now, or some mix of both. And also, him and the harbingers and the Tsaritsa are plotting revenge for you.
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mors-venus · 2 years
hey el! how are you? hopefully ur doing alr with school and such but anyways i had this idea of levi from obey me and a reader who was a kpop idol or something similar and how their relationship would play out 👀 idk i just think it's neat thought you would like it :)
hey anon! ty for the request! this was a lot of fun actually it was super cute to think about and write ^^ i did headcanons if that's ok! and i'm doing fine, studying for my ap exams and trying to catch up on work :) hopefully your day is going well and i hope you like the hcs <3
part ii. part iii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader headcanons
ok here we go !!!
you, y/n, also known as vega to your adoring fans, had just been enrolled in R.A.D.
who's vega, you might ask?
you're part of an idol group called galaxea and are the group's main vocalist and lead dancer (and resident moodmaker)
you and your members all have astrology related names and you chose yours, vega, after one of the brightest stars in the sky <3
your group is fairly popular amongst the 3 realms bc you guys are so super duper talented and very well rounded !!! there's nothing you guys can't do and you're always open to experimentation and trying new things which is part of the reason why your group is as popular as it is — you guys always come back better than before
anyways, bc galaxea is an extremely popular idol group amongst the 3 realms, your managers have special makeup designed for every member in your group
spoiler alert: it's magic
a charm was placed on them so that when you weren't wearing the personalized enchanted makeup, nobody would be able to recognize you as a celebrity
it's almost as if you exist as two separate people
tl;dr: nobody knows your actual identity
this is important both for keeping up appearances and to protect you guys' privacy :)
anyways !!! now that we have some backstory, let's continue
it's been a bit of time since you arrived in the devildom and you're steadily growing closer to the boys
they were all apprehensive about your arrival at the house of lamentation but all you had to do was like talk with and smile at them one (1) time and that was it they were pretty much whipped
except for one avatar of envy
this man istg
he probably hasn't had an actual genuine convo with anyone in awhile we all know this
so he's pretty awkward which is a given
he wouldn't admit it but he's actually really curious about you and your background but at the same time he doesn't want to come off as creepy or like a weird pathetic otaku with no social life who totally doesn't know how to talk to people normally
he gives you space and just leaves you be for the most part
you two haven't really interacted, whenever you ended up passing each other in the hallways levi was glued to his phone or had his headphones on
to be completely honest, you felt a little nervous to talk to him since you've heard from his brothers that he can be very intense about his hobbies and interests but they won't actually say what they are, probably to let you find out yourself or to embarrass him later on
that, and you think he hates you. like a lot. he refuses to interact with you but in reality this boy is just super nervous :(
sometimes when you're just chilling wherever and drawing in your sketchbook he'll walk past and take a split second to peek and one time he swore he saw you drawing what looked like an idol that he recognized, but he speed walked too fast to tell who it was and now he doesn't wanna walk back because that would be really stupid and obvious and you'd totally find him gross and—
when levi snapped back to reality he was back in his room, probably having subconsciously walked there 
he internally groaned, scolding himself for being a coward
he seriously did want to talk to you !!! he just didn't know how :(
he was so nervous over what you might think about his interests (esp bc of how much he got made fun of for them) and he figured you'd enjoy spending time with his brothers better anyways
you were also facing the same dilemma ☠
levi was the only avatar you hadn't properly interacted with (besides belphie, but you didn't even know he existed yet </3). you were pretty close with the others at this point given how it's been a few weeks since you began your stay in the devildom and every time you tried talking to the purple haired boy he ignored you !!! and you didn't know if this was intentional or not or if he really was just that zoned out lmao
one day, however, you guys were finally forced to talk 😌
asmo had ordered a haul of skincare products off of akuzon at the same time levi placed a new manga order, so the avatar of lust asked you if you could go get it for him because it was pretty likely levi just picked up all the packages without reading the labels
"alright, but are you sure? he doesn't… hate me or anything, right?"
"WHAT? are you kidding me?" asmo practically screeched
he could literally see how obvious it was that levi wanted to talk to you but he was just being a stubborn little shit about it and it was physically killing asmo to watch it happen
"no no no. he's just nervous! that's how he normally is. he doesn't take to new people very well since he's pretty reserved, but i'm sure he'd love you once you guys actually had a convo! and if he doesn't, then at least i don't have to share you even more than i already do <3"
a small giggle escaped your lips before you thanked him and went off to go meet your doom
you tried to stay calm but really didn't know what to expect and just hoped for the best
you reached his door and took a breath before gently knocking on it
a few moments passed before you heard any semblance of sound.
"what's the password?"
you blinked in shock. you didn't expect there to be a password, and knowing how practically everyone was banned from levi's room, you figured that it would be useless to ask anyone else for help
so !!! you decided to ignore his statement <3
"um, levi? it's me. asmo asked me to go pick up something from you? i think you took one of his akuzon packages by accident"
levi started internally screaming
he literally almost dropped the controller he was holding
you were here ?! at his room ?!?!? NOW ?!?!?!?
how could he have been so stupid ???
he goes through an error 404 moment rq before rushing to pick up some things off of his floor bc jfc his room was a mess and he did not want you to see that
he grabbed the box he had set down by one of his shelves and stared at it
in all honesty, he had noticed it was addressed to asmodeus a little after he had unboxed his manga, but he really wanted to start reading it asap and felt too embarrassed to go and give the package back almost immediately after he entered his room 😭
he sighed and opened the door wide enough to slip the box through
he heard a quiet "thank you" from the other side before a tiny gasp sounded and his internal alarm started going haywire
he tried to close the door as quickly as possible but then he heard you say "is that an aquarium?"
he froze.
now what?
if he shut the door on you he'd be a jerk and you wouldn't ever talk to him again. on the other hand, he didn't know if you were,,, cultured,,, or not. he assumed you were a normie, but maybe, just maybe, he was wrong?
he sighed and opened the door a little wider for you to clearly see behind him
"yeah, it is. what about it?"
and the moment he saw your eyes light up in awe his heart stopped
later at night he'd shake it off, thinking he was just actually going insane, but he swore in that moment he felt his heart flutter (to his dismay and vast disapproval)
he didn't know what it was exactly but he felt something and that was bad enough as is in his opinion
and when you excitedly asked "is that a demon slayer poster?" as you noticed it hanging on one of his walls, he practically pulled you inside his room
"you — you know what it is?"
"oh, um… yeah! i loved the manga, it was amazing! who's your favourite character? mine are giyuu and nezuko (or whoever you prefer :)"
you could practically feel the excitement radiating off of him and your spirits started to lift
levi let you look around a little and while he didn't want to come off as too enthusiastic, internally he felt so, so happy that someone else shared his interests. now he just had to see how far he could stretch it
you made small comments and squealed excitedly when you recognized certain posters and figurines and asked questions about the ones you didn't know, to which levi would happily provide answers
you teased him a little for all the ruri-chan merch he owned, and the boy just scoffed in response, suddenly a little self conscious about them
and when you gushed about how pretty his room is and said "you're so lucky to be in here all the time!" he knew. that was it. he's done for.
him? lucky? he had never thought that about himself, ever.
and when you turned to look at him, he felt his face flush and he stuttered slightly from embarrassment as a response
he could only hope that the ambience in his room concealed some of the bright pink dusting his skin
you on the other hand?
the light from his aquarium made you glow like a million little stars, and your smile looked like the sun itself had manifested into a single human being
why you, of all people?
this was so stupid. he couldn't believe this was happening.
no wonder his brothers were so soft on you already
but then something caught your attention
there was a poster above his bed that had been hidden by the shadows so it was hard to notice unless you really stared at it for a few seconds after letting your eyes adjust
you decided to walk closer to it and felt your mind go blank.
that was you. as vega. on the poster. with your members.
and when you looked closer, there were aesthetic polaroids, photo cards, and notes with your song lyrics from your different albums surrounding it, like a collage.
while levi's anime merch was an organized chaos and cluttered his room, covering almost every available space, this was neat and meticulously placed.
you turned to him, surprised to see him wide eyed
however, all you got in response were nervous, incomprehensible stammers again
levi sighed before arranging his thoughts into actual words. "l-look, it's a little embarrassing, a guy stanning an idol group like this, but i can't help it! galaxea's music is so good, and the meanings of their songs are really poetic, and their performances are amazing, and their personalities are so genuine and fun, and they're only one of the biggest bands in all of the realms right now! can you blame me?"
hearing him say that made you want to start sobbing (ik i would 😭). he really thought that highly of your group? 
unsaid words lingered on the tip of your tongue. part of you wanted to see what would happen if you had told him that you were there on the poster, but you had a contract to honor and an identity to protect
besides, now that you were finally befriending levi, would he then only want to get closer to you because you were an idol he practically worshipped?
the odds were slim, but you had witnessed it too many times to take any chances
besides, messing with him and letting him figure it out himself would be a lot more entertaining 😌
it had been a few moments now, and levi was growing increasingly more embarrassed over his mini tangent. why did he say that? jfc levi way to go y/n definitely thinks you're weird now—
"you listen to them, too?"
and that was it, he might as well have fallen right there /j
not only were you actually into anime almost just as much as he was (and let's be honest, nobody will ever top his level of otakuness), but you had the same taste in music, too ???
he might as well be dreaming
needless to say, you guys ended up chilling a bit longer and talking about everything and anything you liked until you received a frantic text message from asmo asking about his precious skincare supplies 😭
you jumped up and quickly grabbed the box before apologizing, slightly embarrassed. rushing to get out the door to avoid even more of asmo's wrath, you added a hurried "sorry, i completely forgot about this! i hope asmo won't be mad… well, it was nice getting to talk to you for real! you're pretty cool, you know that? sorry again for this taking so long, i know you were probably busy! if you were playing something, let me know how it goes! anyways, i'll see you later :)"
and with a tiny wave and a small smile, you were gone
levi sat there on the floor, astounded
did that really just happen?
what the fuck
as soon as he knew you were out of earshot he started excitedly shouting and pumping his fist in the air. he actually talked to you !!! and you thought he was cool ??? him, of all people ??? oh my god what was he doing oh no what is this warm and fuzzy feeling make it go away
as for you, well, you expected to get scolded for taking an hour and a half, but you didn't expect asmo to tease you this badly
"huh, y/n. your cheeks sure are flushed! what type of blush do you use? wait, don't tell me…"
"asmo, wait—"
"oh my god what happened what did he do tell me everything"
"you were gone for quite a long time, did he really talk that much~? or, judging by your reaction, did you do something el--"
"ok, ok, i get it,,, but i do need to know the details and please tell me you got a picture or video or something i desperately need new blackmail material"
"what? i didn't say anything."
asmo never let levi live that down afterwards, yelling "simp" at him whenever they passed each other
where's the lie though 😭
on a different note, that night levi couldn't sleep.
sure, he deals with pretty rough insomnia (which is why he stays up all the time playing games and watching anime — it keeps him occupied and helps pass the time) but he literally was about to scream
his head was pounding. his thoughts were loud and chaotic, and he needed something to quiet it down before he officially lost his mind.
he instinctively looked up at the collage above him before connecting his headphones and shuffling the galaxea playlist he had made specifically for nights like these.
he felt embarrassed, but he kept replaying his interaction with you over and over and over again in his head, analyzing and committing the tiniest details to memory.
the way your hair fell, how you smiled, the sound of your laugh and the light, clear sound of your voice. your presence alone was comforting, and he hoped some of those feelings of safeness and security would stay a little longer just so that he could sleep. but something was… off.
he had never met you before, he was 1000% sure of it.
so then why did you seem so familiar?
talking to you was so much easier than he thought it would be. it felt natural. he was surprisingly relaxed just hanging out with you — any anxiety had almost completely disappeared in your presence.
you felt like sunlight, and even if he hadn't felt the warm rays on his skin in,,, a very long time, there was no other way to describe this feeling.
and he only got that fluffy, warm feeling when he was watching his comfort characters on screen and listening to idol groups he liked, specifically the one he was listening to right now
and as vega's crystalline voice rang out and sang "let's get lost at sea in these cold waves of the universe, as long as we're together, anywhere is home with you," he smiled, thinking that maybe a friend really is what he had been wanting all along. and as he was finally dozing off, he found himself eager for the next day to arrive — something he hadn't felt for as long as he could remember <3
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lollipopmixclo9 · 2 years
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I feel like I designed the Red-Crown Crane abilities so complicated 😂🙈 but here it is! As of now he is called Aka Shogun!
wonder if anyone notice the pattern of weapon or tool I'm giving to both of my miraculous ocs XD
Decided to put a read more as further explanation for some of the stuff 🙈
Abilities: Unlike Rôdeur des Rues who's relatively weaker in terms of strength, Shogun is within the same super strength level as the other heroes. However, as somewhat opposite to the casual and childish tanuki, the red-crown crane is graceful and elegant, so Shogun is "heavier" in a sense he's slower than the general heroes' speed (and cuz he big bird hurhur). And, despite my fondness for bird miraculous holders (hah Vandal and Oracle from a fanfic I read cough) I thought it'll be unique for him to be able to walk on air and water instead as a form of transport.
Weapon/Tools: Where Rôdeur has his temari balls, Shogun has his furisode! Thought that it's really interesting to continue the pattern (anyone notice the pun yet?👀) of using normal everyday objects as weapons/tools for miraculous holders that have "good luck" as part of their symbolism! Shogun would mainly be relying on hand to hand and surprise attack for combat but also his power! Also, why furisode? cuz cranes have wide wings! 🥳😆 They hold a lotta weight!
Power: In the drawing, his power describes as using his voice and commands to instill enhancement and power, and yeah, it's literally that. The best inspiration of this power is Noel Stollen from Notorious Talker whose job class is a talker support class that improves the party's capabilities during battle. He also applies peer support to calm down a group of people and an order to stun foes. Another unique aspect Shogun has is that his power only allows him to use it for 4 minutes. This is mainly because his miraculous is a hairpin of a pinwheel and yeah idk if I can reason the center of the pin as part of the minutes 🙈
The Cap: this one's part of his miraculous pin and could be reason why he only has a relatively short detransformation time. As he is a crowned-crane, the cap holds part of his ability to reign or magnetize people's focus to him, without it he can still give orders but the chance of those orders being credible is a lot less (think of a king among a sea of ordinary people, and if he removes his crown, how else can you tell who's speaking?). The cap can be given only to other miraculous holders in order to further enhance their abilities. However, they'll be "silenced" in a way that they can't speak to give orders. If he gives it to a civilian, all it would do is to focus attention to that civilian (like a dummy bait).
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