#levi x idol!reader
mors-venus · 1 year
the fourth and second to last (fr this time) part of the series is here! this is going to be a long one so buckle up. thank you everyone for the love and hopefully you enjoyed :) stay tuned for the official official final! not proofread because i just wanted to get this out asap so be warned
part i. part ii. part iii. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader: part iv
your heart pounded as you finally reached levi’s room, guilt festering in the pit of your stomach.
you’re not quite sure what he wanted to tell you, or why he left so suddenly (but then again you completely fumbled your excuse), but you knew that something was up
as hypocritical as it was, it felt like he was hiding something from you, and you felt confused, saddened, and kind of pissed off at the thought
what reason could he have to ever hide something from you? (… ignoring the hypocrisy ofc, this was about him rn 🫶🏻)
you raised your fist to knock on his door, but hesitated.
that was all he needed.
“i know you’re there. i don’t wanna talk to anyone right now, so just turn around and go back to your boyfriend or whatever.”
inside, levi was still sitting in his chair, but his game was long forgotten as he was completely consumed by his sin.
envy coursed through and seeped out of every scale of his devil form, his pupils narrow slits, his breath hot and ragged, his fangs bared.
all he could think about was your betrayal. you were his. his alone. didn’t you know you had promised yourself to him the moment his insignia appeared on the nape of your neck? did your pact mean nothing? did all these months mean nothing?
levi’s seething voice snapped you out of your daze, and you bit your lip again, the confusion building. what did you do wrong? even if it wasn’t true, did the thought of you having a boyfriend set him off?
you knew he was more susceptible to certain thoughts and behaviors as the avatar of envy, but regardless, you wanted to get to the bottom of it.
“sorry, but i’m staying, whether you decide to open the door or not. we need to talk.”
you sighed, gently resting your head on his door, closing your eyes. “please,” your words barely above a whisper.
you wanted to talk? fine, he’d let you talk.
his door opened suddenly and you were yanked inside, the entrance slamming shut behind you.
levi’s claws dug into the soft skin of your arm, threatening to draw blood as you struggled in his grip. he towered over you, his snake-like eyes void of all emotion as he stared down at your form.
“then talk,” he hissed.
you cried out in surprise and pain. he was visibly upset, but you didn’t know why. what was happening?
“levi, i don’t know what i did, but i’m sorry—“
“you don’t know? you seriously don’t know? oh, it’s just so convenient to forget about my mark on your neck?”
your eyes narrowed in confusion. what was he talking about? “you mean the pact? of course i didn’t forget about it, but what does that have to do with anything? can you please just let me go and we can—“
“it means you belong to me, y/n,” he snarled as his grip tightened. “it means you betrayed me by going out with some other guy, some human—“
“levi, stop, you’re hurting me!”
“do i mean nothing to you? was this just a game? were you just stringing me along this whole time just so you could go and break my heart?” his claws clamped down.
you screamed as scarlet dripped from your arm onto the floor, and the sound of your pain drew levi’s attention to where his claws sank into your skin.
his world stopped as he pulled his hands away, the tips covered in your blood. the sound of you crying. the smell of your fear.
the envy, the rage, dissipated in seconds, now replaced with horror. what had he done?
he stammered as he shrank, reverting to normal. he was going to vomit.
his ears started ringing as you backed away from him, trembling.
what had he done?
he reached his hand towards you in a feeble attempt to do something, anything to remedy the situation, but when you flinched away, his heart broke even more.
he hurt you. he didn’t even mean to, he was just so jealous—
why was he jealous? because you betrayed him—
how could you have known if he never told you how he felt? you should’ve known better—
but you didn’t. it wasn’t your fault, it was his. it was all his.
levi felt like he was suffocating as the walls of his room closed in on him, and he sank to his floor, stuttering.
when he blinked, his room was cold and empty, your warmth long gone. you had left ages ago.
on the opposite end of the house, you frantically knocked on asmo’s door. “a-asmo?”
after a moment, the 5th brother opened his bedroom door, yawning as he lifted his eye mask. “how dare you interrupt my beauty sl—“
his jaw dropped when he saw you cradling your bloody arm, and within seconds, he was patching you up on his bed as quickly as he could.
he was about to ask who would dare to harm you in this way, but when he removed a shimmering purple scale from the inside of your wound, his heart dropped.
at the sight, your sobs started up again, and he pulled you close to embrace you, rocking you gently. “y/n, sweetheart, i’m so sorry— what happened?”
you relayed your story, his eyes widening after every detail. and when you were done, your wound clean and bandaged neatly, he looked away, biting his lip. he knew something you didn’t.
“asmo?” you asked upon noticing his guilty expression.
he sighed, brushing the hair out of his face. “well…”
“well?” you gave him a look, and he smiled sheepishly.
“i don’t want to interfere, since this is something levi should be telling you rather than me, but… when he saw you had a boyfriend, it caused his sin to spiral out of control. jealousy, y’know? he wasn’t in his right mind. i’m not trying to excuse his behavior, and he definitely needs to apologize, but i doubt he wanted to hurt you. once you’re in that headspace… it’s hard to think clearly. it’s like your sin controls you, and all you can do is watch.”
you bit your lip. that made sense, as demons were certainly more prone to emotional outbursts, but that didn’t explain the meaning behind his words.
“what about all the things he said? he was really possessive…”
“well, that’s because he… uh… he felt threatened. you’re his best friend, and maybe he thought that you were replacing him… especially since you’ve been distant this past month and because you’re leaving at the end of next week, he got scared you wouldn’t or didn’t care about him anymore. and with your pact? that kind of makes it worse, given how special it is and all.”
you nodded, feeling saddened. why on earth did you have to make that excuse? you’d have to clear it up eventually, but you weren’t sure if telling him it was a lie was a good idea right now…
while levi’s outburst had scared you, now that you knew the likely reasoning behind it, you wanted to go find and reassure him (again). you had your own apologizing to do, as well.
asmo noticed the signs and rested his hand on your arm before you could get up, looking at you sympathetically. “i know you want to go find him, but give him a little space to cool off. especially after he scratched you up… i can imagine that he feels really guilty. he might not be ready to face you yet.”
you nodded, pulling the demon into a gentle hug. “thanks, asmo. for everything, actually. you’ve been a huge help.”
he returned the gesture, patting your head. “of course. be sure to visit me again before you leave. you deserve to have a makeover befitting your temporary departure from the devildom,” he beamed.
you smiled in return, sliding off his bed, ready to leave. “thanks, asmo. good night!”
“nighty night~!” he called, and once you disappeared down the hall, his door slowly shutting with a gentle creak, he grabbed his nearest pillow and screamed into it.
“these two are killing me, i swear…” he whined. “levi, please grow some balls already, for the love of diavolo.”
you headed to your room, tuckered out for the evening. friday was fast approaching, and you needed to rest for your last day of classes before finals.
determined, you brushed your teeth, did your skincare routine, changed into your favorite pj’s, then hopped into bed, waiting for sleep to take you.
… except it never did. you were lying there for what felt like hours, but when you rolled over and looked at your phone, only about 30 minutes had passed.
then another. then another.
by now, a good couple hours had went by, and it was well past midnight. there was no reason for you to be awake. usually, you were out like a light the minute you were under the covers. why wasn’t it working now?
you knew the reason. but asmo said he needed space…
you looked at your phone again. 2 am. was that enough space?
yes, you decided. it was.
before you knew it, your feet were carrying you down the hall towards levi’s room.
soon you reached his door, and readied yourself to knock, but realized something peculiar — his door was ajar.
you cautiously stepped across the threshold, peering around the corner. “levi…?” you called softly, your voice echoing ever so slightly in the aquarium confines of his bedroom.
you heard some shuffling before levi’s head rose from within his bathtub, the tear stains glimmering on his face like little jewels. his eyes widened, as did his mouth, but when he saw your bandaged arm, he let out a soft exclamation of horror.
“y/n, i’m so sorry—“ the apology slipped out rapidly, the words jumbling together.
“i didn’t mean to, i swear, i didn’t… didn’t realize—“ he lowered his gaze, sinking back into his tub.
“i’m sorry. i lost control, i don’t even know why… it’s stupid, i’m stupid. i’m pathetic. you must hate me…” he whimpered, sniffling as the tears started up again and as he began to curl back into himself.
while he rambled, you slowly moved closer to where he rested, and it was only when you were leaning over him, casting his form in shadow, did he stop and look at you.
why were you coming to him? why weren’t you running away?
he spluttered as you began to step into the bathtub, and he pressed himself against the wall opposite you in an attempt to create distance in the narrow space.
“what are you doing?” he squeaked as you leaned towards him once more, flabbergasted and flustered. “aren’t you scared of me? i’m a monster—“
his breath hitched as you pulled him into a gentle hug. “i’m not scared of you, levi. or upset. you’re not a monster,” you murmured, looking up at him.
he blinked in shock, and despite his whining as well as his protests that he was gross and disgusting and pathetic, he had pulled you close faster than he’d like to admit.
he could only hope that you wouldn’t notice how his heart was practically beating out of his chest.
“you’re none of those things. you’re my best friend,” you reassured him, and when you looked up at him, chin resting on his chest as your arms were wrapped around his waist, he was trying to fight the tears that were beginning to sting his eyes... and stop his poor heart from exploding.
“i’m sorry, levi… for being so distant and not being completely honest,” you looked at him with all the sincerity you could muster. “you didn’t deserve that, especially when you were so worried about me.”
levi nodded, but realized what you were saying.
“wait, y/n, no, i should be apologizing—“
“you already did—”
“no, i mean really apologize,“ he sighed. “i’m sorry for invading your privacy and just barging into your studio, for one… you were, err, obviously in the middle of something important. and i’m sorry for my outburst—“ he winced at the thought, glancing at your bandaged arm. “that was horrible, and completely unfair, especially since you didn’t do anything to warrant it, really… and i hurt you too, god, i’m just so path—“
you shushed him. “cut that out, you’re not, although i appreciate it. and hey, at least i’ll have something to remember you by now,” you wiggled your eyebrows. “imagine what everyone will say when i tell them i survived a brutal demon attack,” you teased, giving him a smug and playful look.
levi rolled his eyes, a smile playing at his lips. “are you trying to call me a weakling? that i was so easily defeated?”
you snorted. “well, in my defense—“
“i’m the naval captain of the devildom, y/n, i’ve downed thousands of ships in my lifetime, i could easily take you down if i wanted to,” he huffed, averting his gaze.
you shook your head slightly, chuckling. “yeah, i bet you did, mister.”
when he turned to you again, his heart jumped and lodged in his throat. the way you were looking at him with those eyes of yours, sparkling and half lidded…
his gaze lowered to your lips, plump and glossy from your impeccable care routine… he so wanted to kiss— wait, no, you had a boyfriend, what was he thinking? cut it out, he internally scolded himself, forcing his gaze back up.
“levi…” you hummed, and he blinked, caught by surprise.
“i think you wanted to tell me something?”
i love you.
“y’know, the super duper important thing that had you barging into my dance practice?”
“i, uh… well…” levi cleared his throat, remembering his original intentions. “no point in hiding it anymore, so…”
he smiled at you, the giddiness returning. “i got tickets.”
you stared at him, confused. tickets?
and then it hit you, and when he saw your jaw drop, his smile widened.
“that’s right. don’t ask me how, but i got soundcheck, barricade, and backstage.”
you opened your mouth to speak, but he brought his finger to your lips as if he was shushing you, and he chuckled a little.
“i thought i just said to not ask! anyways, the best part is, you’re going with—“
you pushed his hand away. “i’m not.”
levi blanked, smiling to divert the wave of hurt and confusion. “what? what do you mean?“
“i… i can’t. i’m already going with someone else…”
his heart sank. he could feel the wave of envy start up, and he felt sick, but managed to choke out “is it your boyfriend?”
“no, it’s not. i’m going with my group of earth friends… we’re gonna be traveling together for the break.”
“oh… that’s— that’s cool, yeah.” he was doing everything in his power to stop a flare up again.
“i’m sorry, levi. that sounds amazing, but i’ve been planning this trip with them for… so long now, it wouldn’t be fair to cancel on them.”
“yeah… i get it,” he scoffed, looking away, the bile rising in his throat… but what he really wanted to say was, “what about me?”
“so… that’s it, then? you’re leaving after exams?”
you nodded, biting your lip.
“i see.”
and then it went quiet.
“… levi?”
the silence was deafening.
why wasn’t he responding? why won’t he face you?
“leviathan. look at me, please.”
whether it was on his own volition or because of your pact, he quickly turned his head, his eyebrows furrowed as tears streamed down his face.
you could feel your heart breaking, and quickly pulled him into a tighter embrace, tears forming in your own eyes as you placed your head right above where his heart rested, tuning in to the rapidity of its beat. the guilt was already eating you alive, but this was the metaphorical truck that finished you off.
levi couldn’t find the will to do anything but sob into your hair, holding you against his chest.
“i’m just—“ his voice broke. “i’m not mad… i’m just gonna miss you… so much,” he lied. well, it was only partially— he was definitely going to miss you.
you nodded, closing your eyes. “i’m gonna miss you, too… more than you know.”
“okay, well, i’m gonna miss you the most, soooo… there,” levi laughed into the fabric of your shirt, and you couldn’t help but to roll your eyes.
“yeah, yeah. is there anything else you wanna tell me while we’re at it, you big crybaby?” you felt him huff. “why do you care so much about my boyfriend, anyways?”
levi suddenly stopped sniffling, and you felt him tense up. bingo.
“i… i’m just surprised you never told me, is all! i’m your best friend, y’know? i should be the first to know about these things, duh.”
“mmm, i’m not convinced.”
levi thought for a moment. should he really tell you? would he really go so low as to homewreck?
the short answer is yes, he would. but not right now. this was a nice moment, and he wanted it to last a little longer.
“so… anyways,”
you bursted out laughing. “very smooth, levi.”
“shut up. i was only going to ask what you wanted to do… seeing as this is one of the last times we can properly hang out, i guess.”
“i’m STILL not convinced, just so you know.”
“whatever helps you sleep at night, y/n.”
the bickering went back and forth a little while longer before the two of you decided on a proper agenda: scavenge for dessert and one last binge viewing of galaxea content before it was time to hunker down for finals.
except… you really didn’t want to get out of this position. not only was it cozy, but his bathtub was also really slippery and ridiculously hard to get out of without stepping on each other.
that, and you could tell levi didn’t want to move, either. besides, it was so warm… and his hoodie was so soft… and his breathing was so relaxing… and the way his fingers brushed over the pact mark on the nape of your neck made you feel fuzzy…
before you knew it, you were waking up to the sound of his alarm. your body was sore, and you groaned as you struggled to move your limbs, but paused at the sight before you: levi, face soft and peaceful as he snored away blissfully, arms wrapped around you tightly as he hugged you close to him, your legs intertwined. most surprisingly of all, his ruri-chan body pillow was long forgotten, probably being slept on top of.
you couldn’t help but to trace his jaw with your fingers, softly carding them through his hair once you had mapped out his face. you felt heat burning your cheeks, and suddenly, there was only one thing on your mind.
has he always been this pretty? or did you just never notice before?
you felt a foreign emotion bubble in your chest, and you had to stop before… you didn’t know what, exactly, but you couldn’t risk it. plus, his alarm was starting to annoy you. how come he hadn’t woken up yet?
“levi,” you said a little too loudly, and his eyes shot open. you jumped back a little in surprise, but a smile tugged at your lips afterwards.
he rubbed the sleep away from his face, groaning in annoyance. “why did you… wait.”
he blanked, looking back at you. you were here. in his arms. in his bathtub. was it morning? was he dreaming?
he stared at you in surprise, his cheeks visibly turning the shade of a ripe tomato, and small giggles escaped you.
he looked down, only to see you were both fully clothed. of course. why wouldn’t you be? ahaha…
his alarm was starting to seriously get annoying, and he grumbled as he dug his phone out of the pile of pillows beneath you, turning it off the minute his hand closed around his device.
you both had a full day of classes and studying ahead of you, and knew you had to go and get ready, but… even after all of this…
you both weren’t ready for this to be the end.
due to your conflicting schedules, you’d be the first one done and would be leaving while levi would still be testing, so this was goodbye for the next few months.
you gazed at each other, communicating everything wordlessly, and as you pushed away, beginning to climb out of his tub, he grabbed your hand, squeezing it.
you squeezed it back, smiling as you started gathering your things, slowly making your way to the door.
you heard him sniffle again, and suddenly felt him pull you into him from behind, embracing you tightly. you didn’t even hear him get up.
“goodbye, y/n. don’t forget about me, okay?”
you turned your head to look up at him, the moment bittersweet. “i’d never forget about you, levi. how could i?”
stay, he wanted to murmur in your ear. stay, and let me hold you a little longer. stay, where it’s just us two. where i can have you all to myself. where you don’t have to leave.
but he didn’t.
the two of you stayed like that for a moment longer, before he suddenly let you go, gently pushing you away.
“alright, now go. before i start crying again,” he whispered, watching you sadly as you walked to his door, opening it.
the faint light from the hallway cast your figure in a golden glow, and the last thing he heard from you before you were gone was, “i’ll see you in a couple months, okay? i’ll find you at the concert, i promise. look for me.”
the days blended into each other, and the afternoon you were supposed to move out, levi kept himself holed in his room. he was supposed to be writing an essay, and as the timer slowly ticked away, he heard the muffled sobs and goodbyes of his brothers. mammon’s dramatics and asmo’s fussing stood out the most, but he could also pick out lucifer telling everyone he’d be back shortly as he would be dropping you off along with diavolo.
proctored test be damned, he closed his eyes, attempting to hear any trace of your voice one last time… but all he caught was the loud shutting of the door. you were gone.
as you were escorted to the portal gate, you expected to hear from a certain someone. they wouldn’t just let you leave, you knew they’d message you.
and when your phone buzzed, you peeked at the screen, a little giddy... but it wasn’t from who you expected.
the last message you got on your phone before exiting the devildom wasn’t from levi, but from asmo.
“you’re not being honest with yourself. i know you love him,” was all it read, chills shooting down your spine.
lucifer and diavolo’s voices blurred into the background as you shook their hands. what was he talking about? you were about to respond, but when you looked back up, you were standing in front of your company’s building, your devildom phone gone from your pocket, like it had never existed at all.
you were home.
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dulcelovestoomuch · 1 year
Devildom's Idol // Obey Me Brothers x Idol!Reader Headcanons
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As you stand on the stage, you realize after a long journey that you have made it. A mere human singing on a stage, surrounded by hundreds of demons singing along to your music.
It took time for them to recognize you, but no one could deny your voice or impact anymore. You sung your heart out on stage and that alone gave rise to the fanbase before you. You were truly an idol that transcended the realms.
The music blared and you raised your microphone to your mouth.
"Are you ready, Devildom?"
The crowd screamed and you smiled. You began singing, listening to the chants of fans and watching swirling light-sticks in the crowd. This was everything you ever wanted, but you didn't do it alone.
You glance to the person staring at you behind the stage, waiting for you to finish your last song. He had been with you every step of the way.
Definitely proud of you and having a famous partner is probably some type of ego boost to him.
Would be protective of you though, from fans and both the industry itself.
Not afraid to put any creepy idols or executives in their place.
Looking over contracts with your manager for sure.
You're just sitting there as they go back and forth on the prices to negotiate for.
Would be like a second manager to be honest.
Makes sure you eat and take care of yourself.
"MC, did you take a break, yet? You've been practicing since early morning." "Uh..."
Will pick you up and force you to sit down and rest.
He knows how hard your work to give your best performances.
You will have to do the same to him sometimes.
You both work too hard.
Definitely would ask for like 10,000 grim whenever someone wanted a picture with you.
Partially out of jealously even if he denies it.
Would sell some random things of yours, nothing too personal, but a pen is definitely going missing when he can't fight the urge.
"Mammon?" "Yeah, MC?" "Where's my pen? "..."
He bolts every time.
Photoshoots together 100%
People would definitely realize you were together at some point.
There would be rumors and gossip, sometimes people talking bad about Mammon, but you didn't tolerate that at all.
He may not be perfect, but he was yours.
He secretly doesn't understand why someone as great as you is with him.
May or may not know some fan chants, but that's his business only.
Probably stans you
"I-I can't believe the idol MC hugged me???" "Levi... We've been dating for six months..."
Can't believe he's dating an idol
Is this an anime plot???
Posters of you in his room
Definitely fights to get merch of yours even though you could give him freebies
Would be jealous at other fans talking about you, but would then realize he's the only one that actually has you.
Still gets jealous though.
He tries his best to attend your concerts, sometimes he's overwhelmed, other times he's waving his light-stick and chanting in perfect harmony with the other fans.
You are both in awe and horrified at how perfect he does the fan chants.
Sometimes when he wants background noise while reading he'll put on your music.
Always manages to go to your concerts.
If anyone tries anything, they better be careful.
Once a demon tried to grab your hand and pull you close.
Satan got involved.
You prayed for that random demon.
Secretly feels like he has a one-up on Lucifer by dating you.
Not that it's the reason he's dating you, but it's a bonus.
Definitely would buy all the magazines that featured you in someway.
Front covers?? Interviews??? Boy has got it all.
He makes even the most dedicated fans look like fake fans with his collection.
"Satan, you don't have to buy every magazine I'm in," "I don't have to but I want to."
You wore cat ears a fan gave you once and it literally broke him.
Selfies everyday, and I mean everyday.
Everyone in Devildom would be delusional if they didn't notice you were together
The most sought after demon and the most sought after idol??
Definitely lots of talk about you two.
You used to sing at his "Asmo Nights" but the crowd got too large at some point and Diavolo had to step in to prevent a hazard.
So, only sing at concerts please, for Diavolo and Barbatos' sake.
You find out that boy can sing and the Devildom is flipped upside down when you two release a duet.
However, even with all the attention, he would always make sure that you know he's loyal to you. He doesn't care about others or fans as much as he cares about you.
Your love is what he needs most.
"You know I love you the most, right? <3"
Feel like he would be proud of you, but in the end it wouldn't matter to him if you're famous
He just likes you for you
And your cooking
I can see him going to every event though, waving a light-stick in one hand while munching on something with the other.
Seeing how hard you work makes him hungry.
He would be protective of you though, not afraid to step in if a fan was getting too close.
Brings extra snacks into the practice room and tries his best not to eat them so that you can eat when you're done.
"MC, take a break," "I can't Beel, I still haven't got this step down," "Well, I brought your favorite," "..."
You try to say no, but your stomach growls and you end up beside him, munching together on your favorite snacks.
Sings your songs while he's asleep.
You recorded him singing in his sleep. You watch the videos whenever you need to pick yourself up.
Tries his best to stay awake during your concerts, but if he can't, he'll find all the posts he can about it.
That way he can see if he missed anything.
Definitely makes it a goal to have you rest.
You are booked and busy, but you can't forget to sleep.
Admires how hard you practice.
But is possessive and hates when can't spend time with him.
Sleeps in the practice room as you learn new dances.
You wake him up when you're done and he just pulls you close and cuddles with you awhile.
"Belphie, I'm sweaty," "And?"
Eventually will let you go so you clean up.
Hope you enjoyed. I tried my best to make things accurate, I'm still new to writing the boys and Satan gave me the toughest time. This is my second work and my first time doing headcanons in the fandom, hopefully I can do more soon, and maybe make this one a series!
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gogoani · 2 years
Anime Characters in Real Life..
Here are some Kpop idols who look like Anime Characters 🫣
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mindyco · 1 year
I'm bringing back the idol MC because it needs more love! Why can I imagine these scenes so well!!! I just love the love and pride that these boys would give you, fully supporting what you do and love. Honestly, thank you Anonymous for giving me this idea!! ( ´⌣`ʃƪ) Artwork credit: @mys_s3
Scenario: The brothers' reaction to seeing idol MC on TV
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Lucifer's pride swells within him as he watches you on TV, feeling a surge of admiration for your talent and hard work.
He can't help but notice the way your eyes light up with passion and determination, and it only strengthens his belief in your abilities.
He watches you with a keen eye, analyzing your performance and stage presence.
Deep down, Lucifer is beaming with joy, his heart brimming with affection for you and the way you shine on the stage.
He may not show it openly, but a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he watches you do what you love.
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Mammon's excitement is infectious as he jumps up and down, unable to contain his pride and joy for your achievements.
He showers you with praises and adoration, constantly reminding you of how amazing you are.
He proudly boasts to anyone who will listen, "That's my MC right there! Look at how amazing they are!"
Mammon eagerly clings to every moment of your performance, capturing screenshots and sharing them with the other brothers, boasting about how lucky he is to have such a talented girlfriend. (teehee (´つヮ⊂))
Mammon may even try to mimic your dance moves, attempting to match your level of energy and charisma.
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Leviathan's heart swells with adoration and devotion as he watches you on TV, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen.
Unbeknownst to anyone else, he secretly learns your choreography and practices it in the privacy of his room.
Leviathan sings along to your songs with unbridled enthusiasm, losing himself in the music and imagining himself dancing alongside you on stage.
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Satan's intellectual curiosity is piqued as he analyzes every aspect of your performance, appreciating the artistic expression and the underlying messages in your music.
He appreciates the thought and effort that goes into your work and takes pride in your achievements.
Satan secretly researches your music, delving into the history and meaning behind each song, wanting to fully understand and support your artistic journey.
Though he may not show it overtly, Satan silently supports you and may even surprise you with in-depth discussions about your music and performances.
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Asmodeus squeals with delight, overwhelmed by the beauty and glamour that you bring to the screen.
He instantly becomes your biggest cheerleader, spreading the news of your appearance to anyone who will listen.
He can't help but imagine all the fabulous outfits and fashion collaborations he could do with you, his mind already spinning with ideas.
He may even invite you to his room to discuss fashion and styling, excitedly suggesting glamorous outfits for your next performance.
Asmodeus showers you with compliments and offers his styling expertise, eager to see you shine even brighter in the spotlight.
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Beelzebub's eyes twinkle with pride and genuine happiness as he watches you on TV, unable to hide his genuine joy for your success.
He reaches for snacks to munch on, savoring the flavors as he cheers you on silently.
Though he may not be the most vocal, his eyes never leave the screen, filled with admiration for your talent.
Beelzebub may even find himself humming your songs while doing daily tasks (working out, cooking, etc...).
Beelzebub's heart swells with warmth and love, feeling grateful to have you in his life and cherishing the moments when you bring happiness not just to him but to the whole world.
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Belphegor's initial reaction is one of disinterest and feigned indifference.
He lounges on the couch, barely sparing a glance at the TV. However, as he catches glimpses of your performance, a small smile tugs at his lips.
Belphegor may pretend to be indifferent, but deep down, he finds comfort and solace in your music, embracing the calm and contentment that washes over him whenever he listens to your voice.
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Actor Levi has been plaguing my mind since yesterday so I wrote headcannons about it
he rarely ever does interviews with just him, he hates how the press is and he knows how easy it is for his words to get twisted
he's constantly shipped with anybody the press see's him with, just because he's never confirmed anything
he's very cautious when posting things, so most times it's his team running his accounts
wouldn't be the type for PR relationships, but I think it would be something pretty important if he did do one
he hates twitter with a passion, like he HATES it
he gets a lot of fan mail, and most of the time he just lets it sit in a room in his house
his house is big, nothing too huge, but definitely too big for him by himself
I feel like he would live in a more secluded area, like a gated community almost, but for rich fuckers yk
hange's house is considered the 'hangout' spot, so whenever the cast meets up at they're place Levi always shows up either really early or really late, he's never on time to friend gatherings
that being said, he's also never late to shooting a scene
like he will be there an hour early practicing lines and making sure he's good to go
season 3 really took a toll on him and he was mixing his lines together
if he has an affair with anyone he makes them sign a NDA, not that he cares, but he doesn't like his business out in the world
he's a 'one time hookup' type of person, with regular people that is
if it's a cast member he'll only engage with them while they're filming, once it's over so is the fling
he's left MANY broken hearted, but he does warn them before it starts
he's a man of work, and right now settling down isn't what he wants, so until he does want it, flings are his thing
also probably is seen as one of those guys that almost every woman loves, like every girl has found him attractive at one point or another
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nicngyu · 3 months
smau ; right place, wrong person.
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pairing ; idol!beomgyu x gn!reader
summary ; in which a failed proposal at a txt send-off leads y/n to beomgyu, who can't help but meddle a little bit.
genre ; idol!au, strangers to friends to lovers, slow burn, fluff & crack, beomgyu being a menace.
featuring ; txt(ofc), sunghoon & jay and jake from enha, dino from svt, probably more enhypen and svt cameos.
warnings ; profanity, suicide jokes, attempt at humour, secondhand embarrassment (only first chapter lol), limited to no knowledge of an editor job, this plot started as a silly little joke in a conversation with my friend - fangs lu 4 da help!1
author's note ; this is my first fic pls dont eat me. also ignore time stamps pls the app is hard to manage T_T
start ; 24 june 2024 status ; in progress
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⤷ enha kidnappers ‼️ ⤷ TUBATU TEAM
zero ; hybe hates ME
one ; this is awkward (written 1.06k)
two ; i sent a spy
three ; pack your bags x
four ; dig a hole and rot in it
five ; he'd start barking and snarling
six ; hot enough to steal my girlfriend
seven ; JAKE and others
eight ; beomgyu's a loser
nine ; choi beomgyu in your dms
ten ; you div
eleven ; bro's begging
twelve ; just got scammed by enhypen
thirteen ; this y/n person
fifteen ; y/n in da washig machine
sixteen ; i've lost the battle
seventeen ; seungcheol giving bias
eighteen ; ok alpha calm down
nineteen ; ok one direction
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current taglist ; @serenityism00 @choppedballoondetective @starchasing-cryptid @lun4kazumii @xoxobela @calx-bdo @junhuicosmo @noraimp @isa942572 @huethusiasm @miyawwn @kumabeom @darlingz99 @redsockssuck @woncheecks @flowzel @sugawara-levi @20-cms @paradiseoflosers @222brainrot @blossommi @stwq2439 @taysfairies @istglevi-gotmesimping @thisrandombitch @missychief1404 @petralovesbonedo @channieismylove
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anlian-aishang · 9 months
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Tags: levi ackerman x reader, mutual pining [coworkers] to smut, only one bed, non-sexual spitting, alcohol mention, reader wears levi’s shirt, cunnilingus, penetration, modern AU, fem!reader Word count: 10,000 A/N: thank you to @lostinwildflowers for betaing this! Birch is one my writing idols, so I am truly honored. I hope you enjoy <3
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This can’t be happening.
Unknowingly, the two of you shared a silent sentiment. After a late taxi, long lines of airport security, and racing to the terminal only to be delayed for several hours, the cherry on the shit sundae - as he would put it - was the midnight arrival to a hotel with only one bed.
“You’re sure?”
The look on the nervous teenager’s face conveyed the answer before he even uttered the question. Still, Levi knew he had to ask, audibly enough for you to hear - just so you would know that he did. In the face of liability, you had to acknowledge that he had tried his best.  
“I’m really sorry, sir.” Their eyes were darting in panic between you and Levi as if you were the antidote to this angry customer. But he wasn’t angry, at least, not at them. Wasn’t the brat’s fault that Erwin booked the wrong room. “I have that in the afternoon of September the 15th, E. Smith booked a single king bed for one adult guest.”
“Two adult guests.”
They shared a lengthy eye contact. From the background, you watched their miscommunication unfold and cringed with secondhand embarrassment. You nearly burst into nervous laughter when they shrugged, “I can provide you with extra complimentary toiletries.”
At his sides, Levi unclenched his fists in defeat, “...We’ll manage.”
The plastic key cards made a satisfying sound as the receptionist slid them across the marble countertop - equal and opposite to the dissatisfaction on Levi’s face. In one smooth motion, he handed you your copy while simultaneously whipping out his cell phone. Two clicks - speed dial and call. Two rings - Erwin answered.
You couldn’t hear the other end, but you had your guesses.
“You fucked up.”
“As you should be.”
For what? 
“Stuffing two adults in one bed, what made you think we’d appreciate that accommodation?”
Given the looks you’ve been giving each other at the office, I thought you might. 
Levi violently snapped his phone closed in hopes you couldn’t hear that. Thrusting his phone in his pocket, he used his free hand to snatch luggage from yours. “Give me that.” 
A kind gesture, but irritation in his voice made it confusing. You thought to grab it back and insist that you could handle it, but instead, held your tongue. Clearly, he was steaming. Any objection, even a well-intended one, you doubted it would better his mood. Walking towards the lift, you concluded that nothing you had to say would supply ice to his ire. Though, the walk, time, and your calming presence, seemed to be working, you thought as you watched him delicately pad the UP button. 
In the intimacy of the elevator, Levi allowed himself one venting word, “Idiot.” He sighed, placed his thumb and pointer finger on each of his temples, and rubbed wrinkles into his skin. “As if we haven’t already been through enough.”
Today and long before, the two of you had been through plenty together. Tonight was the first time you would pin it on Erwin. All other times, it had been your own selves and each other to blame. 
He loved the way you looked in those small pencil skirts and see-through tights, but he hated what it did to him. Meetings in which he could only stare, absorbing nothing. In the middle of a phone call, when you walked by, he would forget its purpose and stammer aimlessly. Nights kept awake, staring at his ceiling, a blank canvas for projecting his wandering thoughts: how you would look with the skirt yanked up and the tights pulled down, how you took your outfit off after work, and if you wanted his help with that. 
Countless times, you had cursed the man you crushed on. The way he ran his fingers through his hair when overworked made you want to try it yourself, to take his stressors away - or better yet - serve as the relief to them. On hot days, he loosened his top button. On lucky days, the top two. On his way out the door, he would tug his tie out from under his collar, creating a loop wide enough for you to slip your hand through and use it to pull his lips to yours - or so you imagined. Each day, Levi had fed you tastes. Over time, your craving for him had grown unbearable. 
Ultimately, this out-of-town assignment was a test, and a final exam at that. Years of studying one another were culminating in one night, on one bed. The chime of the elevator interrupted your thoughts as if it was a warning: ground yourself. The plain of Levi’s expression and calm in his pace on the way to room 845 echoed its sense: he was unriled, uninterested. 
Your read was wrong. Levi was thankful that you trailed him: with his back to you, you could not see his rouge tint, the bite of his lip, or the twitch of his cheek. As he pressed his key to the reader, held the heavy hotel door, and slugged both of your belongings atop the desk and dresser, you admired the way he moved so suavely - when actually, he considered his motions stiff, careful, and calculated. 
Neither of you bothered to turn on the light. Taxed bodies, tired eyes, and tempted temperaments shared a desire to finally climb in bed. No need to delay things any longer. Levi unzipped his suitcase, the sound garnered your attention. Immediately, you noticed now neatly he had packed, admired his organization and pristine folds, then planned that when it came your time to unpack, you would aim to shield your messy methods from the clean freak’s vision.
A gray cotton tee - matching his eyes, black sweatpants - same shade as his hair. A navy canvas travel bag topped the pile. Levi leaned effortlessly against the white bathroom door and stated, “I’ll change in here.”
You nodded vehemently, as if he had ordered you on an important mission, “I’ll be out here.” 
Cute. And at that intrusive thought, he silently ducked away. 
Unbuckling his belt, tugging his zipper, freeing his legs from his slacks, Levi tipped his head back against the wall and sighed. Every muscle in his body finally untensed, he was set free from one cage of many. His business-casual confines had been done away with. Now, he just had professionalism, work relationships, and his fucking hormones to maintain. 
His boxer briefs were agitatingly taut, struggling to constrain years’ worth of tension in their cotton threads. Levi looked down to his lap and cursed himself. Hovering around thirty, yet all the composure of a fresh young bachelor. Gradually, Levi hooked his thumb beneath the elastic waistband and loosened just a little, allowing him room to breathe. Too much room maybe as the chill thermostat air contrasted harshly with his warmed passion and drew a loud hiss. Levi clenched his teeth hard in an attempt to bar his vocals, praying to whatever power that you wouldn’t knock on the door and call Levi, you alright? It was just the kind of person you were, and Levi had come to know you well. 
That anxiety turned out to be false, for your ears were ringing: ignorant of his desires, overwhelmed by your own. Gingerly, you unzipped your luggage and fret at the sight: a little black nightgown with lace on the hems. Its sight hit you like a load of bricks, lightning to the thunderous memory of your midnight, sleep-deprived, frantic packing. That woman was giddy for the business trip with her office crush and, in that frenzy, picked her sexiest pajamas for the special occasion. Goddammit! If only you knew that he wouldn’t be seeing it from across the room as a tease, he would be sleeping next to it, maybe even feeling it if one of you crossed your half of the mattress. Cursing yourself, you dug frantically in search of something - anything - else to wear to bed, but were rudely met with only pantsuits and blouses. You bunched your nightgown in your trembling fists, but its thinness and shortness allowed it to fit wholly in your hands - foiling your coping strategy. All you could do was tip your head back and sigh to the ceiling, Fuck me.
That feeling echoed when you draped it over yourself and saw your reflection in the hotel window. Your hair was disheveled from the long day. Makeup smeared and ran down your face, eyeliner to eyeshadow. Wrinkles in your silk dress. Looks like you were already fucked. 
On the other side of the door, Levi was thinking the same thing: he was absolutely fucked. His erection stood high after minutes of waiting. Cold water splashed on his face, but his fever seemed to evaporate it. Trying to think about humbling topics, but he couldn’t get you off his mind. To make his arousal vanish, there was one thing he could do, but there wasn’t enough time for that. Even if the shower were running, Levi doubted that the downpour of water would be able to suppress the noises of slapping skin or his embarrassingly heightened vocals. Fuck. Levi clutched the bathroom countertop and sighed at his reflection. His exhale fogged the mirror just before he hung his head down and conceded. God, help me. 
His prayers ignored, you ended up knocking on the bathroom door eventually: “Levi?”
Every nerve in his body froze. He stammered more times than he would have liked before managing a stern “What?”
“Sorry! I just -” humiliated heat seemed to radiate off of you, “- take your time, I just -”
Half listening, half panicking, Levi seemed not to pay mind to your take your time - stepping into his joggers and throwing on his shirt as fast as he could.
“- can I brush my teeth?”
You were startled when his response was a quick and loud turn of the handle, wordlessly letting you in. Levi was surprised to see you the way you were: temptress dress with a toothbrush and toothpaste innocently perched in each hand. The eye contact lasted for three seconds, but you could have sworn that it was that many years long. 
The twitch of your hands and your heart’s lofty goals placed a dollop of toothpaste twice as big as you normally would. Had to have perfect breath, just in case. Not even just in case, you were going to lay beside him - mere inches away - for the next several hours. In those seconds of pondering, gravity began to spill your toothpaste off the bristles and towards the pristine marble vanity. With haste, you jammed the toothbrush into your mouth, causing you to gag on your device. 
Levi felt his erection press against his waistband and rolled his eyes at his own stupid urges. You assumed that eye roll was for you and offered an innocent grin. Not so innocent, however, was your curiosity. His t-shirt was tight, leaving little to the imagination. One arm’s reach from an array of muscles, you kept your eyes deliberately on the mirror ahead. However, your doppelganger had a mind of her own apparently, gaze falling from eye contact and onto his chest, waist, abdomen. Without even having to turn his head, Levi could see your staring, obviously more obvious than you thought it would be. With your attention on his lower half, Levi allowed himself a smirk. 
Such a silly thing, but was this the first time you brushed your teeth next to someone? This handful of minutes was inexplicably romantic, oddly domestic. Pajamas, double sinks, and the end of a long day. You had been coworkers, acquaintances, and unknowingly requited lovers, but for this one moment, you were husband and wife. 
White toothpaste lined the gap between his top and bottom lip, and for some reason, you felt your knees buckle. Levi ducked down to spit, a polite attempt to hide it. Your eyes rejected his offer, instead widening as your pupils honed in on the sight. Leaning forward ever so slightly, you savored yet loathed the way his rejection ran down the pipe. What a waste. 
Levi sheathed his toothbrush back in its protective case, a neat freak through and through, and slid it back into his tote. Sifting through, he stumbled upon a mini bottle of mouthwash, making him freeze with indecision: added freshness at the cost of spitting in front of you again? He felt that once had already been rude enough. Levi shot you a side-eye and made an unexpected eye contact: he was trying to read you, you were already staring. Mutually miscommunicated guilt, both of you felt you had been caught and snapped back to aversion. 
It came your turn to rinse your mouth, and he couldn’t help it. Levi could have blamed his peripheral vision, could have blamed the bright lights that lined the mirror, but hard-pressed, he could not come up with an excuse for why he watched you then. The streak of white that shot out of your mouth, its wake dribbling down your lips. Goddammit, you cursed your clumsiness and hastily wiped your mess with a washcloth. He knew it as well as you did: he should have been grossed out. Only Levi realized, though, how much he liked it, he was just too ashamed to admit it. 
Though his arousal screamed, his lips stayed silent. There was a time and place.
Was there? You’ve worked together for how long? All those years, they never had a time or place?
A long inhale, a slow exhale, his fingers curled underneath the cold countertop, hoping its chill would thwart the flush of his chest. Fuck how badly he wanted to kiss you then, to thumb that white stain off your chin and into his mouth, to clutch the backs of your thighs and hoist you onto that vanity. Your waist in his hands, your sex in line with his -
His rapid response, you mistook it as anger. While the voice on his shoulder was lust, yours was insecurity. Surely, you’re the last straw. Having to share a bed with a dork like you? He’s had a tough day. Don’t make him endure this.
“Do you want me to take the floor?”
A dumbbell dropped to the pit of his stomach. Of course not, but for you to bring it up, he must have been hasty to assume that you would share the bed. Levi grit his teeth, annoyed with his lofty goals. Two slow blinks, “I can.”
That was the last thing you wanted. “N-No… I don’t - I don’t mean…” Your lips parted in stammer. Eyes darted as if the tile walls would whisper you the answer. For a moment, you cursed the beautiful neutrality of his face: impossible not to love, but impossible to read. His stillness was contagious, though, and brought you to settle on an answer, “I’ll meet you under the sheets.”
Ears burned red as they checked: was that selective hearing or was that what you really said? Before his eyes could study you, you turned on your heel and closed the door shut.
Once again, on opposite sides of the door, your sentiment was shared: Phew. 
He took a few minutes after that. When he finally walked out, he found that you had been lotioning your legs over that time. Dim glow of the bedside lamp reflected on your smooth skin. If not for the way he had come to know you, to respect and appreciate you, this sight could have been the cover of some sketchy magazine. Eagerness glazed your eyes. Your hands had been massaging your inner thighs, now a perfect shield for the gem between your legs. Levi gave the slightest shake of his head, not disapproval, but disbelief. How did you manage such effortless perfection?
Was that not everything about you, though? The most minute smile in meetings. Biting your lip when you were bored. A laugh so beautiful that it served as its own positive reinforcement, beckoning others to amuse you again. Were you the one? 
Or was it the eyes of your beholder? Maybe you weren’t perfect, maybe that’s why you were in his eyes. Despite all the signs of your singlehood - never in a rush to get home, never a mention of a date - he never truly believed it. It was a war of his flawless intuition and steep infatuation. Either you were the one for him, or he had been wrong all these years. 
Get in the bed, idiot. 
His stride was steady, captivating, as he made his way to the side of the bed. In habit, Levi crossed his arms across his torso, prepared to lift up, but caught himself halfway. No, he would not be sleeping shirtless tonight. Neither would he sleep in his loose and breathable boxer shorts, but instead, stifling fleece. Already, for one reason or another, he was sweating. Upon approach, the layers upon layers of sheets, blanket, and comforter looked even more suffocating. He caught a glimpse of the thermostat, but then of you, and found your skin laden with goosebumps. Lips rolled beneath his teeth, bargaining, but he could not bring himself to turn the AC up while your body temperature was down. Just as strongly, he refused to do anything that might make you uncomfortable, like taking off his clothes, no matter how badly he wanted to. More words would have served you both well, tearing down the artificial barrier your doubts were constructing. 
Can I take this off? 
I would love nothing more.
But you were both stupid to imagine that dialogue.
Levi slowly reclined back, sighing as he sunk into the sheets. Already, his skin was burning. He combed his fingers back through his bangs and released a heavy sigh. A heavenly trial, you read it as a hellish endurance, and instinctually apologized, “...I’m sorry about this.”
You have nothing to be sorry for, Levi pondered the response, but deemed it too much. Instead, he feigned a disinterested mumble, “It’s Erwin’s fault.”
You, on the other hand, indulged your gut feeling, “He’s done worse.”
Levi huffed a single exhale, his version of a chuckle.
You turned on your side. He loved that you chose to face him rather than the wall. He hated that he even thought of that. You were so close, he could feel the mattress dip between you, could feel your breath cool against his skin. Eyes fluttering shut, your voice was either sultry or exhausted, a glass-half-full kind of thing. “Good night, Levi.”
Fuck, what a fight, battling the urge to kiss you then and there. Your eyes sparkling, noses nearly touching, he had sworn that this was how all the shitty romcoms went, but he failed to find anything lackluster about this scene. His lips yearned to close that distance, arms ached to perch themselves at your sides. Levi redirected that energy to his hands, fisting the comforter hard as he draped it gently over your shoulders, “Night, (Y/N).”
But how were you going to sleep like this? Although you were running off a 20-hour day, you felt that sleep would be a waste. Queueing for tickets to see your favorite artist, only to close the window the moment your turn came. Styling your hair just to go and get it cut straight after. Champagne dumped down the drain. Mentally, it was an unbearable thought. Physically, your body was even more resistant to the idea. Your middle was fucking throbbing. Nipples stood tall against their skimpy silk covering as if reaching for more contact, his contact. Legs squirmed against one another, trying to smother the burn between them, but you willed them frozen: don’t wake him up. 
In your best state of mind, you would have recalled the symptoms of his insomnia: always a tall thermos of caffeine on his desk, perpetual circles under his eyes, especially the times you both worked late. On your way out, you would peek through the pane of glass on his door to wave good-bye. Now and then, he would be hunched over his desk, imprints of the keyboard on his cheek - a makeshift pillow for his crash naps. With a shred of thought, you would have realized he was likely already awake, but you were incapable of even that. It was midnight when you crawled into the king bed. Red digits at your side now read 1:40 AM, yet you knew that not one of those one-hundred minutes had been spent in sleep. Coffee in the morning, nerves on the plane, hormones now, you had left composure back at your apartment and you weren’t sure you’d get it back at any point of this business trip. I mean shit, you swore, this was only the first night.
Only the first night. One of many sure to come, right? How many nights had he gone to bed alone, kept awake with longing of having you by his side? How many mornings had he woken himself up with a sleepy mumble of your name, only to find one half of his bed empty? It couldn’t all be for nothing. Now that he was sharing the bed with you, it was all he ever wanted, yet you were still out of reach. Uncharacteristic, the most reliable man you knew was spiraling in thought. 
But to you, it would make sense: the only one who could bring Levi Ackerman down was none other than himself. He saw it a different way: you were the only one who could dismantle him like this.
You could feel his heat emanating, could see his sweat reflecting. Before you could stop yourself, your affection had boiled over, “Levi…” your voice was hoarse, having gone hours without as much as a whisper, and unexpectedly loud. His silver gaze drifted to you, depleting the last of your reserves, you mused, “...you’re hot.”
A statement, not a question. In near pitch blackness, he allowed himself a rare smirk. Levi waited until it faded to turn towards you. 
You pinched the hem of his shirt in your fingertips, nails accidentally scraped his abdomen on the way. “Want this off?” You tugged lightly, “I don’t mind.”
At the same time, you shivered, and Levi filled in the blanks to ground his wandering mind. “Cold?” His hands brushed yours on the way to the bottom of the garment. Levi bunched fists in his fabric and lifted it effortlessly up, over, off his head - as he wanted to do all those hours ago. Pent-up relief, he thrust his shirt to you and offered, “Could’ve just asked.”
You were right all along. All along, those loose button-up shirts had covered a chiseled body. He must have been curling with arms like that. A pull-up bar on the back of his bedroom door, how many repetitions did it take to get these muscles? Your eyes scanned every inch of him but could find not one flaw. Your lips were moving, but words failed to emerge. There were a million things you wanted to say to him, to tell him, but only one came through. You received his gift gingerly and muttered, “Thanks.”
This was a moment you had distantly fantasized over for years. Turns out, this was even better than you dreamed. His shirt carried a garden of mint, lavender, and tea leaves in its scent. In putting it on, you felt that you gained a glimpse into Eden. The fabric was satin soft and sheer thin. In watching you wear it, Levi felt in the presence of an angel. It highlighted the curves he loved and introduced him to ones he had never noticed before. Brows narrowed, pupils dilated in his gaze - concerned and deviant. The straight cut forced your waist and hips to confine. The small-pattern chest was clearly never meant to accommodate a body like yours. Threads were spread taut by your cleavage, nearly torn apart as they strained to cover you. In his eyes, he thought it fit you perfectly. 
Arms finally through the sleeves. Beneath them, your hairs stood on end. Again, you shivered, but could not pinpoint why. It did not take the shiver, though, to convey your state. Your erect points stood above all. Levi looked to you with both pity and admiration, his voice their lovechild: “Look at you.”
You simmered, embarrassed yet teasing, “Looking isn't helping.” You crossed your arms before your chest and bundled yourself together, “If you really care -”
He did.
“- then do something about it.”
Unfolding the quilt from the foot of the bed, turning up the room’s temperature - those were the most straightforward solutions. But Levi was not thinking straight, and he had a feeling that was what you wanted. Slowly, Levi sifted his arm behind your shoulders, when you snuggled in, he sealed his wrap with a hand at your side. 
His gaze descended to meet yours. Likewise, you raised your gaze to meet. Painfully aware that this was a first for the both of you - neither his passion nor your arousal would shut up about it. At the same time, watching you shiver reminded him of all the times he had silently substituted your needs. Behind on work, you never asked for assistance, but would hurriedly throw things his way if Levi offered his help. When your car wouldn’t start that one winter day, who knows how long you would’ve paced in the parking lot had he not pulled his sedan beside yours and given you a jump? A sharp pang seized his heart in realization: he thought you were close, and now you were physically there, yet you still were not comfortable enough to ask him for anything - even though you both wanted it.
“Y’know,” his thumb rubbed your shoulder, “you should learn to just ask for what you want.” 
Indeed, 2 AM haze was shrouding his awareness, too - particularly his self-awareness. Was it not him who steeped your tea in the mornings and tidied your desk before he left each night? He could have - should have - just asked you out all those times. How much sooner would this night have come if he had? Levi swore to live without regrets, but that did not stop him from acknowledging the opportunities he had missed thus far. He tossed you the takeaway he wished he had learned long ago: “Makes things a lot easier.”
At first, you thought he was chastising you. The stern monotone of his voice could chill you to the bone at times, but when you took in his expression, you felt warm all over. His brows were not knit, but perched in a tender lift. His breaths were not terse, like when he got annoyed, but slow and calm. At the same time, though, you could feel his heart pounding hard, could hear it when you placed your ear over his chest. Clouded moonlight softened those hardlined features, and again, you wondered if this was your first night together or actually your honeymoon: wasn’t this kind of pillow talk reserved for spouses alone?
A deep swallow, and the last time you checked yourself. Could he have looked any more genuine? Any more readable? Transparent? You didn’t think so. For the man of few words, this was all but an admission of his feelings for you, and it was the best look you had ever seen on him. His advice, his command, invited you to try that outfit on.
“Practice with me?”
One slight nod, so slight - you knew no one would have noticed it but you. In that, you felt your confidence soar, pulling the words from your heart to the air between you both, “Hold me tighter?”
He did.
“Pull me closer?”
He did.
“And kiss me already.”
Levi could not describe it, the feeling that overcame him when he heard your demand. Proud of you. Relieved. At peace yet exhilarated. The serenity that all was right in the world, yet the anticipation of what he had wanted all along. The nature of the kiss aligned with the latter. For two agonizing seconds, he examined you. Assured by the sight of your smile, he longed to taste it for himself. Thumb pressed to the curve of your chin, index finger perched under it, slowly yet with unwavering passion - that was the way Levi brought your lips together. 
Soft, as he expected. Expert, as you had. Initial contact was delicate, the warmup slow. Levi always went so hard at everything he did, held such a sharp tongue, which was why the way he brushed against you made your heart stop. You knew strength to be his greatest, most innate feature, and therefore you deciphered that this tenderness was a display of exertion. Levi showed no signs of struggle, though. Touch-starved for you, yet his lips chose to waltz rather than tango. His hand on your chin drifted to the back of your neck. Nape cupped in his palm, he used that leverage to drift you here and there, allowing him to taste all of you - encouraging you to do the same with him. 
Levi tasted like peppermint, the brand so sharp that it made you sneeze now and then, he had learned after enough lunch breaks. You tasted like cinnamon, the stick that baristas stuck in his chai come the colder months. When your tongues met, they created a new taste. After minutes of exchange, they became addicted to it. Their craving demanded all efforts in that search: Levi’s grip pulled you closer, you threw an arm over his back. Breaths turned to gasps, a wordless understanding of all you would do for the other: grab his mail on the way in, walk you to your car at night, and kiss until you were out of breath.
The thought had never crossed your mind, but his actions disintegrated it - the possibility that this was some selfish, opportunistic spell. Levi was nearly shaking with anticipation, his erection pained with neglect, but that did not influence his pace. Each time you thought the makeout might end, he would catch his breath with “pretty girl…” before joining you once again. His kiss was lovely, as was the spark at your middle, but his ardor was gas to your flame, and before you knew it, you were ablaze. You found your body rise against his, pushing off the mattress, and rolling to grind against the friction of his rigid figure. Levi was everything you ever wanted, and maybe you were just that desperate or just that greedy - the fact that you needed more. He wouldn’t have you any other way.
You thought twice before breaking from the kiss, one last deep plunge of your tongue to his throat before pulling away, conscious to savor the taste. “Levi…” you sighed.
A string of saliva hung between you, the clean freak calmly closed his fist over it, and you felt yourself shudder again, “can we keep practicing?”
His lips were one degree north of flat, about as big of a smile as anyone would see on Ackerman. Tonight, just the two of you here, it felt inexplicably, particularly special. “Make love to me.”
An advanced learner, you always went the extra mile. Back then, Levi had no doubt, it was the reason you had been promoted so quickly. Now, it was that you had aced the first lesson and jumped to the next: no longer asking, demanding already. Sentimental was not a feeling he knew, but proof that you were this comfortable with him was indeed something. 
His praise reflected that feeling back onto you, “That’s right, good girl.” The back of his hand brushed unruly strands from your face. A kiss on your forehead rewarded, “like that.”
Once more, he pressed his lips to yours, but it was not even a second that he stayed - just a starting point to the journey that was exploring your body. Lips slid to the corner of your mouth, down your jawline, neck, then chest. A trail of hickeys and teeth grazes was left - tomorrow’s meetings and your professionalism having vanished from his mind. His hands joined the excursion: one gentle yet relishing in its caress of your neck, the other crawled up your - his - shirt. The familiar texture of his old garment contrasted with the novel feel of your skin. Muscles twitched with satisfaction, disrupting the fluidity of his motions, but you found beauty in the unpredictability of his touch. Rose-colored lenses were blind to the signs of his weakness, instead chalking those movements up to Levi’s expertise. As you tipped your head back and sighed, Levi figured it was the first misunderstanding that had done you two any good tonight. 
On his descent, he could not help but take a stop at your breasts. Turns out, it was never just his imagination, but given your curvature, of course your buttons would have been stretched to contain you. Those blouses had been his guilty favorite for that very reason, but his tight t-shirt was taking a close second. No, that slip you wore when you joined him in the bathroom, that must’ve been the best, right? Blood rushed, pupils dilated, his body anxious for a visual refresher.
You were going faster than he could have hoped. Already, he was proud of you for having graduated to demands. Now, you had learned to act on your own - either having read his mind or listening to your own desires. Levi could not decide which possibility he preferred, but when you lifted your top and perched it at your clavicle, he was ashamed to admit that his mind had discarded all other affairs. 
Levi nestled his cheek in your cleavage, and though you were over a thousand miles away, he felt he was at home. Warm pillows cupped him, and both of you felt that the space was made for him to fill. Levi’s breath was hot on your skin, yet your nipples appeared as though you were in a winter wilderness. Of course, he took notice in all your details, and sighed in mutual enamor, “Fuck, baby…” 
It was a tone you had never heard in his voice before. Desperation and desire in a man so ever assured and disinterested, you felt your panties drip from damped to soaked. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
You, too, was what you thought to say, but somehow, the word seemed inadequate. His body was artwork: a symmetric abdomen, muscular forearms, veins that stood against his skin, you longed to trace him as such. Bangs that fell perfectly imperfectly over his face, begging that you run your fingers through them: mess with them now, gel them straight in the morning. You could slice paper on that jawline, could get lost in his eyes. No matter how long you stared, and stared you had, Levi was like the sunset: even after a hard day, always breathtakingly gorgeous.
Especially with the perspective you had now. One hand cupped your waist, the other your breast, perching you into his mouth, eye contact deliberately maintained throughout his movements.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Levi’s tongue swirled your nipple before his lips audibly slurped. “To get what you want…” 
Again, the fog of the nameless hours between night and day had blinded him to the relevance his words had to himself. How long had he wanted this? How good did it feel? He had no verbal answer for it, only the fervor of his actions: sprightly tongue and rocks of his hips. As you always had, you filled his gaps: while he could not fathom the words, yours overflowed. 
“Oh, Levi… Fuck, Levi…!” your desperate cries of his name made him leak onto the hotel sheets, no longer pristine. Your harsh exhales ran currents through his hair, and suddenly, it seemed you two had traded temperatures. Now, he was the one shivering while you sweat through the shirt. For his fever, he craved one antidote. Crawling down your body, his approach to the medicine cabinet. He prepared to ask for his dosage.
“My turn.”
You propped yourself up on your elbows and took a good look. A good look: Levi had wedged himself between your legs. Fingers caressed your thighs with a precise pressure, a touch that tickled in a way that made you want more, yet was strong enough that he could push your hips to the mattress and pry your legs apart. You had to bunch your fists and rub your eyes to check, maybe 3 AM was just fucking with you. 
Levi read your search for reassurance and inserted conviction into his tone. His stare and voice unwavering, “Can I taste you?”
Yeah, 3 AM was definitely fucking with you, for this was too good to be true. His sharp chin dwindled above the soft of your sex. His gaze set on your soul. Both of you agreed: his hands had never felt so calloused until they met your smooth thighs. It was a dream you would have woken up thankful to have had bestowed on you, but the grip he had on you was so perpetually undeniable: this was real. Head spinning, mind raced to catch up, yet Levi’s wait was so astonishingly still. Levi knew he would make you feel good. Based on your state, it seemed he was already doing that. Now, you just had to say yes, but he would not push you towards any one answer, nor would he do anything more until you arrived at it. If you wanted it, you had to ask for it, sweetheart.
A flood of thoughts swirled in your mind, each one screaming over the other, you felt you were drowning. In your search for stability, you relied on your sense of sight: Levi Ackerman between your legs. What the fuck are you waiting for? 
“Y’Yes, Levi.” You reached down and held his forehead. As you brushed his bangs from his face, he offered another half-smile, but it was brief, for he was past the point of eager. Still, the calm in his pace remained. Slowly, his hands snaked from the backs of your thighs to the sides of your hips. Thumbs hooked between the straps of your panties and your skin. His fingers clenched over them, bringing the garment past your knees, down your shins, and off your ankles. From chest to toes, you were now entirely exposed. At first, you wrangled with embarrassment, but his infatuation was your comfort. Hunger seized his vision, thirst drove his actions. You had nothing to be afraid of. 
His earlier route, lips to neck, neck to chest, chest to torso, was now mirrored. Levi cupped your heels in his hand and lifted your feet, allowing him to plant kisses up and up your legs, drags of his tongue followed to connect the dots. Minutes gone by, and even after having pocketed your consent, he still had yet to put his mouth there. Spending time to appreciate your thighs, he wanted you to know how long he had been anticipating this, and now that he had finally landed his spot, he would be damn sure to save the best bite for last. 
Left arm wrapped around your thigh, Levi nestled his head against it, allowing his perspective to stay sound on your sex. His right hand trailed from your knee to your middle, and at last, you knew he was getting started. At first, it was his fingertips, and at that mere first touch came your sudden awakening as to how dire your desire had grown. Your hands flew back and clutched your pillow, Levi admired the tendons that rose in your wrist, and your voice, “A’Ahh!!” 
He shot one glance up to check on you, but the look on your face ensured you were more than okay. With that, he decided to repeat the pattern of his rubs. Index and middle finger paired as they rode the sliver between your lips, your arousal slickened his knuckles. Once wet enough, he would split his digits into a V, each one taking responsibility for one of your folds. When that friction ran dry, he would return to your core, a seemingly never-ending source of lubrication, to run the process back again. You should not have been surprised, for everything with him was purposed - in the office or in the bedroom. With your interior and exterior in a coat of your own clear, he would have the freedom to run his mouth, no need to lick his lips or garner more saliva. Years of anticipation, now that the moment had arrived, he was going to spend the extra seconds to make sure this went according to plan.
Your glisten was so thorough, looking at you, Levi swore he could see his own weak reflection, the blush on his cheeks, the sweat on his forehead. In that way, his plunge was accelerated: preferring to trade the sight of his unruly state for the taste of you. Lips circled to match your curves, and you quickly identified this as a familiar feeling in an unfamiliar place. Levi was kissing you with the same tenderness he had displayed in your makeout, only now, he was between your legs. His jaw stretched wide to ensure he could reach every inch, from the top of your cleft, along your crescent sides, and to the spot where they rejoined. With his mouth in control, he let his hands indulge in your body, adorned upon your delectable waist, light squeezes of your ass, and massaging the divots of your inner thighs. His lips practiced that motion with a goal of perfection. Meanwhile, his tongue distracted you from any signs of his learning. Slow, purposed drags from bottom to top made your love pool on the tip of his tongue - each accumulation swallowed with a satisfied groan. Levi’s oral was pristine, only an occasional slurp and smack, allowing both of your vocals to take the stage. Your sky-high gasps, his low and satiated moans. He lived for the moments you would syllabize his name “Le-vi…” His “there you go” always followed, implicitly begging for more.
His neck began to bob in support of his movements. With that came a whole new level of pressure and slate of angles. His sharp nose slanted against your curves, lovely opposite to your soft. Your scent and your taste moved mountains within him, and in that, he noticed: his emotional pull was just as strong as his physical. All his life, he had grown to love bitter tastes, perhaps because they had been force fed to him. You were the first cube of sugar to have landed in his drink. Now, he had honey straight from the source. Levi felt his erection press hard against the mattress, “Fuck…” he whined, “you taste so good.”
Breath caught in your throat, all you could manage was a light sigh. As your lips twitched, he generously helped, taking the words right out of your mouth. “You have no idea…no idea -” Levi moaned, “how fucking long I’ve been waiting for this.”
At those words alone, you felt you might climax right then. Had he been eavesdropping on your dreams? How did he know that you had been fantasizing over that exact sentence for an unspeakable amount of time? “Me - Me too, Levi…” 
Your admission was even sweeter, lifting his feelings from indulgence to fulfillment. All the nights he had spent awake, wondering if you were thinking of him the way he was of you, your confession was confirmation that this had been requited all that time. Levi found it both gratifying and maddening: gratifying to have discovered that your feelings were mutual, maddening how many years had gone by until that discovery. Levi grew determined to make up for all that time, revenge reflected in the acceleration of his actions.
Levi shoved his arms beneath your thighs, lifting you into a shameless, unhideable angle. Good thing, he mused, no more hiding. Shoulders propped at your midthigh, keeping you perched apart. Fingers wrapped around your skin, he pulled you down the bed and crashed you onto his face. Your gasp was exhausted as you tried to keep up. Both of you knew, though: you were no match. As his tongue thrust to unfathomable depths, you likewise could not conjure any idea of how to withstand this. Nose rubbed against your swollen bud, brows narrowed in determination, he looked nearly angry. Working hard for your climax, harder than he had for anything else, even his own. 
If this keeps up…
A telltale tide turned in your tummy, spasms sparkled along your legs. Fingernails pierced the pillowcase, fighting off your impending loss of control. You could not delay it, not unless he - You fisted your hand in his hair, and he thought this was it. Instead, you pushed him away. “L’Le-vi…” a series of rapid pants, “hah, hah, ho’ld… on!” 
His tongue flattened still. Between the vertex of your legs, his steel attention rose to you. Not anxious, but concerned, You alright? 
“I, I want -”
At those words, he once again simmered with pride, thankful you had taken his ask for what you want to heart. After a few more breaths, you managed the minimum composure to plead, “I wanna cum with you.” 
Levi’s first thought was one of generosity, you know you can have - I can give you - more than one, right? But he knew you better, and he knew what you meant. You wanted your first to be with him, and though he was parched with thirst, desperate for the taste of your cum in his mouth, your wants were foremost his. With a deep, patient breath, he watched your twitches slow to still. When the threat of your orgasm vanished, he calmly laid one final kiss to your core, etching your taste into his memory. His silver stare swallowed you down, a mental polaroid of your pose. His palm massaged your sex in physical praise, promising that he would never make you wait again, and that he’d definitely make you cum next time.
He started to ascend back up your body, but you flung yourself forward and met him halfway. Brows arched in shock, his eyes widened briefly, you closed them with another kiss. Mint flavor of before had been washed away by the taste of you. Further evidence of his devotion, you desired to prove that you were just as committed to him. You hooked your elbow to his nape and threaded fingers through his undercut - your turn to pull him here and there, granting yourself the freedom to explore the parts of him that you had always wanted to. Most of all, the length growing harder and harder to ignore. 
Still, you were conscious to withhold your rush. You endeavored to slow your pace so that you could match the one he had performed on you. How good it felt - he deserved to feel it, too. You ran your hands down his chest the way rain slid down a windshield. Levi felt his boxers turn wet when your palms pressed upon his pecs, the buds of your hands kneading his tender patches. His exhales turned crackly, his inhales uneven. Laying kisses on each of his abs, down and down his torso, your contact held the compliments you were too shy to say. He heard them and reciprocated them: arm wrapped around your waist, bruises where his fingertips pressed - he hoped they would stay till morning, and that when you saw them, you would remember the love he had shown you tonight 
Finally, you dipped your fingertips below his waistband. Sweat glazed his hips, allowing you to slide your hands in, but at this point, there was not much room for you. His erection had taken all his threads had to offer. You spared him the begging, sliding his cotton down his outstretched legs and finally releasing him from their confinement. Soaked in his own anticipation, veins visible, his arc steep. The shade of his member matched the one of his cheeks: the pink of a vulnerable blush, the crimson of ardent lust. As he watched you watch him, another dribble of clear dripped down his length. Levi grit his teeth and cursed. From stifling heat to cool air, that drench turned from comforting to exhilarating. In the wake of his tried swears, you gently cupped your hand around his girth and cleaned him as best as you could, spreading the leakage of his tip down to his base - his shaft your path. Contrast to his stress, you soothed him as you always had, just a different context this time. 
It was his turn to cling to the sheets. Hands clawed into the comforter, you watched without shame, enchanted by the way his forearms flexed. Heels ground to the mattress, toes curled in sheets. Each motion was accompanied by either a sharp inhale or short exhale. Was it sadistic or considerate of you to keep pumping him despite that? 
Levi loathed the way he stuttered through your name, on the other hand, you adored it. Levi cupped the back of your head in his hand and tugged your ear to his lips. His breath was hot on your cusp, yet somehow, it sent chills through you. Your sex had landed atop his lap, his cock nestled between your folds, still wet from his prior excursion. Pleasure had him growling, the look in his eyes both commanding and desperate, “Let me take you.”
Obliging and insisting: as one, you leaned back and he pressed forward. Your head landed atop the plump pillow, his hand beside it. Before you could blink, he had plummeted onto your lips again. This kiss was so opposite of all prior: his tongue demanding entrance, grazes of his teeth, and bites of your lip, loud and messy. You had cut Levi Ackerman to his last thread of composure, that was where you had always wanted him.
And this was how he had always wanted you: your most unabashed, honest, purest and filthiest self. He always found it so painfully obvious, how much you strained to stay prim and proper, polite and professional at work. It was why he lived for the times you slipped up: an eye roll in meetings, the long sigh after a conference call. Levi knew that the real you was there, and now you were here: in this shared bed with his shadow cast over your skin. 
There was just one thing, though, that differed from his expectations. Desire was painted on each of your features, but they were glossed in nerves. Twitches in your lip, rattle in your lungs, eyes glistening, he feared they were tears. You cinched your hand around his wrist, and he recognized that smile. It was the kind you donned when you spilled your coffee or showed up late. Adorable, but unassured, and that would not do in this context.
“You’re nervous.” Levi did not ask you, for he knew his intuition was accurate. “Wanna stop?”
You shook your head and insisted vehemently, “No.” With a tilt of your chin and arch of your back, your lips brushed his with each word you spoke. Seeped down his throat, understanding swallowed: “I want to start.”
Levi returned your characteristic smile with one of his own. Tipping your foreheads together, “You’ll let me know if you change your mind.”
An order or a question? Either way, your heart scoffed at the idea. You know how long I’ve been waiting for this? There was no chance in hell you would change your mind.
“Or if it gets too much.”
That, there was a chance of. It had taken him mere minutes between your legs to bring you to the point of screaming and to the brink of climax, but that was what you wanted. His consideration fed you calm, you fed him reassurance. The flicker in your gaze settled, meeting his of solid steel. You tucked his bangs behind his ear and affirmed, “I’m ready, Levi.”
Fronts pressed, heartbeats matching, there was only one connection left to make. By the grips of his hands on the backs of your shoulders, Levi pulled himself those last crucial inches, and closed that final gap. His tip slick with precum, your slit dripping with anticipation, yet accommodating him was no easy fit. He had spent all that time down there with the goal of making it easy on you, but watching your face scrunch and hearing your voice whine was not half bad, either. 
In fact, he had not even made it halfway in yet, and you were already writhing. Levi bit the inside of his cheek and knit his brows, careful not to push you too hard, conscious for signs of your apprehension. You sensed his wavering and clawed his back, pulling yourself further down his length.
Looking up, his expression was strained. Reaching new depths, pushing past your initial walls, his voice poured exertion. Still, he did not stop pushing. Toes arched into the mattress, calves flexed with each labored drive. Each fuck brought the two of you closer. For him, one more inch of his length. For you, one more stretch of pleasure. For the couple, a proximity you had always wanted. Each of you felt a tremendous responsibility to be the one to close that distance.
Repetition after repetition, his muted grunts melted to audible groans. The air between you was no longer saturated by your gasps alone, but his as well. His strain was the only thing that could ground you from nirvana and back down to earth. Despite his squint, he caught that transition: from the throes of sensation to the snap back to reality, all because you were concerned for his well-being. More than any sense of pleasure, your affection was what made his heart pound in his chest. Doe eyes gazed upon him, You okay?
After a series of hahs and ahs, Levi managed just a couple words, “It feels - It feels…”
Good? Bad? Your heart tensed in anticipation. Pleading and ordering, “Tell me, Levi.” 
Knuckles tight, fingers trembling, “...good!” Levi clenched his teeth and pulled himself forward with an aim of backing his words with his actions. After struggling to past your entrance, the force of this fuck brought his tip to your end, drawing shrieks from you and shock from him. Strength of his magnitude had pros and cons, he supposed. His flaws, you deemed them his perfections.
The damp of your cunt was audible, resounding throughout the room. You found yourself at an impossible choice: which was more embarrassing, your voice or your sex? Levi’s thought was similar and opposite, the same choices, just which was better? Levi decided that their symphony was best, and realized he could turn up its volume if he accelerated his pace. 
“Levi, Levi…!” To say his name came naturally, practically a swear word: the satisfaction of cursing after injury or mistake, so wrong yet so right to scream it out loud. 
Pleasurable pain when he hit your weakest points, a delightful exercise as your walls stretched to accommodate him. His eyes remained set on your face, ears tuned to your voice, translating your body language into instructions. Rapid thrusts to make you pant, but only until you started to choke on your own gasps. Then, he would decelerate, replacing speed with strength. When he filled you up, you would sigh and roll your eyes back. To Levi, that was the sign to dial it back up and get you there. 
Since this started, his read on you had been perfectly accurate. You were almost there. Simultaneously yet unknowingly, your inner voices warned: you won’t last much longer. The thing was, you didn’t want to, for you had endured so much already. The heat in your middle was unbearable now. Each nerve had been fried to its last end. This sex had gone on for hours, but your yearning had been years long. In your haze, you were blind towards any reason to deny yourself any longer. You wrapped your legs around his waist and relied on your calves to pull him closer. Bringing him to your end made Levi approach his. “Fuck…!” His voice was a low singsong, an adult lullaby. “(Y/N), (Y/N)...!” No longer a choice between deep or fast, Levi somehow managed both. Physiology threatened to overrule now. No, already…!
“(Y/N), I…I’m - ! ” His mind was racing now. Should he ask to cum or tell you he was? Should he withdraw so that you could get there first? Levi labored to open his eyes, looking to you for an answer. His senses of sight and touch told him: you were already there.
The pulsation around his cock, the steep arch of your spine, your parted lips and blissed-out face. The scrape of your nails down his back, ignorant to the possibility of hurting him. This was how Levi had always wanted it: to be the one you clung to, to offer himself when you were overwhelmed. Count on me. The orgasm that overwhelmed you now, that had been his doing, right?
Once again, it was as if you had read his mind. Without him having to ask, you answered: “Levi, Levi!!” Your hands squeezed him tight, white patches beneath your fingertips. Clinging to him, the life raft through each of your waves. “Y’Yours… I’m yours…” 
He had gifted you tissues for your crying spells at work, had picked up your lunch on the way back from break, but this provision was far preferable, much more fulfilling. Even as you turned his skin red, even as your legs clenched him and squeezed air from his lungs - no, even better - those were precisely the motions that pushed him over the edge. 
One hand clutched the top of the headboard, tight enough that you heard the wood wince. The other caressed your face with feathered tenderness. In that difference, you were once again reminded of his duality: on one hand, a hardass, but for you, a soft spot. Those dimensions were reflected in his voice, too: swears that made your ears burn and groans that turned the air heavy, yet arid gasps that lifted your soul and praise fit for a princess. While your cunt had run raw and slippery from his fucking, his warm cum filled you and soothed your stings. 
As you both came to, Levi lingered inside, patiently waiting until each of your waves crashed - savoring them. With a deep swallow and a delicate nod, he ensured he would handle your aftercare. Kleenex from the nightstand folded and padded against your sex. You sat up in panic, worried about the clean freak’s reaction, but he seemed particularly satisfied. Maybe it wasn’t that he hated filth, but that he loved clean-up. You bit your lip and bit back a smile, believing that the sex tonight had evidenced that.
Though his aftercare was doing much for your affection, it did pathetically little when it came to cleanliness. Both of you realized, not even the entire box would be enough. Levi looked at the wad of tissues in his hand, shook his head, and scowled, nearly laughing at the ineffectiveness. “We’re filthy.” 
Slowly, you made your way to his side. Carefully, you reached your arms around his back. Wrapped within your grasp, you leaned him back against your chest and whispered into his ear, “Good thing there’s a shower.”
Levi spun just enough to meet your eye contact, once again checking to see if he had heard you right. Three hours ago, he would have defaulted towards the no, always having believed one could not be let down if they did not get their hopes up. Over the years and especially tonight, your optimism was swaying that opinion. Your sound smile and unafraid stare confirmed: after all that mess, you were also keen for cleanliness. In post-coital clarity, he saw how stupid he had been to wait this long, and Levi almost said those three sacred words right then and there. 
But this was only the first night of the trip.
And the first day of the rest of your lives.
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707 notes · View notes
another-lost-mc · 11 months
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candy prompts: leviathan + spicy + spooky
leviathan is your biggest fan. he doesn't realize that you're his biggest fan too.
pairing: leviathan x siren!gn!reader
content: nsfw. monster!au (reader is a siren). leviathan has two cocks. implied oral sex (levi receiving).
word count: 1k omg how did this happen
a/n: I like to imagine that aquatic races of the devildom worship and totally want to bang the grand admiral.
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This isn't the way tonight's backstage meet & greet with one of his favourite idols was supposed to go.
Levi bought the most exclusive package as soon as the pre-sale link arrived in his Dmail. On the day of the concert, he put on a t-shirt featuring your logo, and he even shrugged on the new zip-up hoodie that he bought in the VIP section before the show. He waited in line with the other backstage pass holders so he could get an autograph and photo with you. Some of the lust demons in line ahead of him were radiating pheromones so strongly that it made his mind groggy, and he shook his head to dissipate the fog of giddy excitement that permeated the air around him.
When it was finally his turn to see you, the other fans had already been escorted away by security. He glanced at you nervously from under the hood he pulled over his head to conceal his identity; it wasn't a secret that the Avatar of Envy was a fan of Devildom's top idols, but he didn't like the unwanted attention from randoms in the crowd.
He handed you his poster and backstage pass to sign and he hoped the tremor in his hands wasn't too noticeable. The black marker squeaked against the thick paper and plastic. You smiled at all your other fans earlier, but even from his place at the back of the line, Levi thought your smile looked forced and insincere. He would know-he's forced that same expression on his own face countless times.
"Th-thanks," he mumbled when you handed him his autographed merch. He cradled them delicately in his arms so that they wouldn't get wrinkled or torn.
"Fans can get a selfie too," you reminded him with a gentle smile. "But maybe we can find a nicer backdrop than this grungy hallway. What do you say?"
Levi glanced around nervously. The security crew that loitered in the area earlier had vanished. There was something enticing about the teasing glint in your eyes but he blinked and the look was gone. He took a deep breath, not realizing how close he was standing to you. When did you get so close? The scent of your fragrance and sweat was staggering and he forced himself to stand still and avoid the temptation to lean even closer. He hesitated for only a moment before nodding.
You beamed wildly and grabbed his hand; he gulped as your fangs tipped over the curve of your lips. "Perfect," you purred before leading him down a dark hallway. "My dressing room is this way."
You were kind enough to take his precious memorabilia and set them down safely before shoving him against your dressing room door. Your lips crashed against his while your hands reached into his sweat-slicked hair. You slid the hood down and cradled his jaw so you could tease the skin of his neck with your fingernails. He broke the kiss with a gasp, and you didn't hesitate to slip your tongue into his mouth and flick it against his before pulling back with a very satisfied smirk.
"I recognized you the moment you stood in line," you admitted, voice quivering with excitement, glassy-eyed and pupils blown wide. "The Avatar of Envy, the Grand Admiral himself, coming to see me perform? I'm flattered."
Levi stared at you like he was seeing you for the first time. Maybe he was seeing the real you for the first time, the version none of your other fans knew existed. In the privacy of your dressing room you could finally be yourself. The magic that concealed your oceanic heritage slid off you like a veil and revealed your secrets to the demon you worshipped like a god. He was entranced. When he licked his lips to chase the taste of your kiss, it reminded him of salt water and the ocean breeze.
You preened under his curious scrutiny, satisfied that he was captivated by you as much as you were of him. When you realized you had his silent approval to continue, you unzipped his sweater and pushed it down his arms. It fell into a heap on the floor at his feet, but he didn't seem to care.
By the time you settled on your knees before him, the delicate pattern of pearlescent scales replaced your once-smooth skin and frilly gills appeared on the sides of your neck. You gazed at him innocently, your third eyelid blinking quickly over your lovestruck eyes as you nuzzled against the bulge in his jeans. Dainty fingers with long nails flicked open the button at his waistband. You bit your bottom lip between rows of jagged teeth and eagerly tugged down the short zipper next. Both his cocks sprung free when you slid his boxers down. He was panting heavily above you, and you licked your lips with a forked tongue, smirking when his eyes followed the movement.
"I've wanted to meet you in person for so long, sir," you whispered reverently. His cocks twitched when your lips imbued his title with just a hint of lust, and you couldn't resist the urge to touch him anymore. You kissed the tip of one of his cocks and smeared precum across your mouth with a satisfied hum, lapping at the salty taste as your mouth watered, eager for another taste. One of your hands curled delicately around the other cock and squeezed him lightly in your grip. He moaned loudly when your webbed fingers began stroking him in a soft, slick rhythm.
"I think I might be your biggest fan," you confessed in a breathy whisper before closing your eyes and finally taking his cock into your mouth.
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read more: halloween 2023 masterlist || obey me masterlist
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Could you please do the om brothers x reader where the reader thought they were home alone so they were doing chores while listening to music and dancing but then the brothers find them? If that makes any sense
the older brothers catching you dancing
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includes: the older brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .6k | rated g | m.list
a/n: oml this was so so so cute! i hope you enjoy! my inbox is temporarily closed to reqs but still come chat w me!
please reblog :3
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lucifer leans against the doorframe, watching you. you don’t note his presence, too absorbed in your activity, which seem to be less cleaning and more dancing.
you’re not trying to be good, or impress anyone, and lucifer can’t hear whatever music you’re listening to, so the overall effect is more comical and than impressive, but as lucifer watches, he thinks it’s actually quite cute.
then you begin to sing, and it takes everything in his power for him to stifle his chuckles, not alert you to the fact that you’re being watched.
you finally turn around, freezing when you see him. “um, hi,” you say, pulling out an earbud, and your embarrassment is quite adorable.
“hello,” he says quietly, unable to hide his smile. “quite the moves that you’ve got there.”
“ugh, don’t even!” you cross your arms. “why didn’t you say anything! this is so mortifying!”
“because it was cute,” he replies simply, honestly, and somehow, you get more embarrassed.
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mammon calls out for you, knowing you’re home, but when he receives no answer, moves further into the house. when he finally finds you he can’t help but stop, struck by how funny you are.
you’re totally in your own world, using the duster like a microphone.
normally, mammon wouldn’t hesitate to whip out his ddd and take a video, as it would doubtless garner thousands of likes, but something stops him. he kind of wants this moment all to himself.
eventually, when a few minutes pass and you still don’t notice him, he moves further into the room, reaching out to you. at his touch on your shoulder, you spin around, startled, then break out into a grin.
“oh, hey!”
“how goes the cleaning?” mammon asks with a wry smile, and you shrug, unashamed.
“eh, well enough. how was your day?”
“better now that i’ve that,” mammon says, and you roll your eyes.
“yeah? well, you know what would make my day better?”
“what?” mammon asks, folding his arms. he already knows the request is going to be dumb.
“if you dance with me!”
you stare at him with an expectant smile, then hold out your hand. with a half-sigh, half-laugh, mammon takes it. “i can’t hear the music,” he warns, and you shrug.
“that’s okay. that only mean’s i’ll have to lead.”
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levi is struck by a cuteness overload. “oh my gosh!” he mutters to himself. “this is straight out of one of my domestic, slice-of-life animes like i find my partner dancing in the living room while they’re supposed to be doing chores. how lucky am i!”
on top of that, he can hear you humming the tune and it’s totally one of ruri-chan’s theme songs! you’re like, the most perfect person ever!
eventually, you seem to tire out and stop for a break. levi moves in then, heart pounding.
“mc, that was so cute! you should totally become an idol and dance and sing on stage!” he pauses. “wait, no, don’t do that! i couldn’t bear to share you with anyone else. i’ll get jealous!”
“when are you not jealous,” you ask, turning to face him with a smile. “and don’t worry, i don’t have any plans to go pro. how ling have you been home?”
“oh, you know, a few minutes,” he answered nebulously, and you squint at him.
“you’ve totally been watching me, haven’t you?”
“it’s like when a fan sees their favorite being cute,” levi defends. “i wasn’t going to spoil the moment.”
“you’re such an otaku,” you say. “but, thankfully, i like that side of you so i suppose that’s fine.”
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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fandoms-x-reader · 2 months
Carnival of Love
Requested By: @o-livias-posts
Summary: Levi wants to spend time with you at the carnival but it's hard to do so when his brothers are constantly getting in the way. Leviathan x GN! Reader Word Count: 2, 612
Levi slumped down on a nearby bench, his eyes glowing the faintest orange color as he slowly felt his sin getting the better of him. 
He cast his gaze downwards, attempting to focus on the details of the ground beneath him instead of the scene that was happening in front of him. The scene that was causing his jaw to clench as the all too familiar feeling of jealousy slowly began to build.
Levi wasn’t the biggest fan of going out and doing things. He called himself an otaku shut-in and while most of the time it’s in a self-deprecating tone, he genuinely enjoyed his lifestyle. Especially when you were there with him.
He enjoyed having marathons of his favorite series with you, both of you analyzing every detail as it comes up.
He liked reading his favorite manga with you, comparing the written works to the animated series that were made after them.
And he loved staying up all hours of the night with you, playing any and every game the two of you wanted to.
That’s what Levi enjoyed doing with his time. Not venturing into the outside world that was filled with normies and problems everywhere you looked.
Most of the time when his brothers invited Levi out, he politely - and sometimes not politely - declined their offer. He believed there were better things to be doing with his time. There were so many idols to praise online and so many communities that would suffer without his knowledgeable input.
And while that’s how he preferred to spend his time, that didn’t mean he didn’t ever feel left out. There were quite a few instances where Levi couldn’t help but scold himself for rejecting his brothers after seeing what a great time they had together.
He never wanted to feel that way when it came to you. He never wanted to feel like he was missing out on spending time with you.
So when you decided that you wanted to go to the carnival and invited everyone to go with you, how could he refuse? Especially when his brothers were so enthusiastic about going, wanting to spend every second with you.
You had sent the invite in the group chat and Levi watched as all of his brothers replied one by one almost instantaneously. Reading about how excited they were to do all of the activities with you was enough for Levi to get a spark of envy.
What if you held Lucifer’s hand while riding a particularly scary roller coaster? Or what if Asmo pulled you into a photobooth and tried to give you a kiss? He had seen his younger brother use that move many times.
Beel would probably eat all sorts of food with you and Belphie and Satan would probably let you cling to him as the two of you went through the haunted house. And the thought of you sharing a romantic Ferris Wheel ride with Mammon was enough to make his head spin. 
He could feel his anger starting to build and he began to question how many times his sin intertwined with Satan’s.
He had a fool-proof strategy though. Instead of letting his brothers take all of the fun for themselves, he was going to go as well. And he would make sure to not leave your side so that his brothers couldn’t have stolen, intimate moments with you.
But when the eight of you got to the carnival, Levi realized that he underestimated his brothers’ desperation for alone time with you. They were like hawks circling their prey, waiting for an opportunity to strike and steal you away.
Levi had tried so hard to stay on top of his game and make sure you didn’t leave his sight. But, every time Levi turned his head to look at something, you were being pulled in another direction. 
And when he would try to chase after you, either random people would somehow find a way to block his path, or whichever brother was currently pursuing you would be too quick for Levi to see where they went.
It felt like an impossible task to spend any time with you at the carnival and what’s worse was that he felt like he was being left out even more than if he had just stayed at home.
Which all led to Levi going to the nearest bench to sulk at the unfortunate turn of events. He was doing everything in his power to not lose control.
You looked like you were having so much fun, and just because Levi wasn’t getting any time with you, didn’t mean he wanted to ruin your time by lashing out. If he let himself lose control, it would ruin the night for everyone.
But would that be such a bad thing? If everyone had to go home, there would be no opportunities for his brothers to make any kind of advances on you.
And, if you all went home, then he could whisk you away to his room and finally get the privacy with you that he wanted.
Levi was in an internal struggle between rational thinking and letting the green-eyed monster take what he so desperately craved.
He liked to believe he had a good set of morals and cared about others, even if he didn’t admit it. But, at the same time, he was a demon. Could anyone blame him if his dark side slipped out every now and then?
Levi didn’t realize how much his sin was starting to usurp his logical thoughts.
Ideas of you and his brothers just kept running through his mind. Horrible images of you falling in love with them. It should be him.
He was on the verge of a breakdown, teetering on a dangerous edge. And that’s when he looked up.
You had just gotten off a ride with Satan. Your eyes were scanning the area as if you were searching for something but Levi wasn’t sure what.
Mammon approached you before you found what you were looking for and once again started dragging you off to a different ride. 
Dread filled every inch of Levi as he saw the ride that Mammon was taking you to. The Ferris Wheel.
That was it. That was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Levi snapped.
He felt like he was in a dream as he transformed into his demon form.
His head felt cloudy as his mind was overridden by his emotions. And suddenly he felt like he couldn’t just sit there on that bench any longer. He wanted - needed - to do something.
That voice. He would know that voice from anywhere. It was your voice. But why was he hearing it when you were on the Ferris Wheel with Mammon?
“Hey, Levi?”
His heart skipped a beat as he suddenly felt someone’s hand on his shoulder.
His breath hitched as he slowly turned to look at the person next to him. He was wishing harder than ever that you weren’t a figment of his imagination.
When his eyes finally reached where you were, he was instantly relieved that you were in fact sitting next to him. His one and only Henry.
You were looking at him with concern as your eyes met his glowing ones. “I’ve been looking for you,” you told him with a small smile.
“You…were looking for me?” Levi asked. His voice came out strained from the effort he was putting into holding himself back.
“Of course, I haven’t seen you all night. I wanted to go on at least one ride with you,” you replied and Levi felt a blush rise to cheeks.
Slowly, he could feel his sin starting to relinquish control over his body. He began feeling nervous, the way he always felt when he was around you.
Levi hadn’t said anything in response and you could see that he was having a hard time fighting off his darker side. 
“Are you okay?” you asked him, bringing his attention to you once again.
You felt guilty for leaving Levi for so long. You had gotten distracted with the other brothers, and while you had fun going on the rides with them, the brother you really wanted to go with had been on the sidelines the entire time.
You had been so happy when Levi agreed to go. You had fully expected him to decline your offer and opt to stay inside instead. And yet, even though he came along, between all of the brothers, you didn’t get to see him all night.
And when you finally did find him, he was already in his demon form. You could only imagine the thoughts that were running through his mind to cause him to feel this way; and, you wanted to dispel each and every one of them.
Despite the other brothers’ attempts to romance you, Levi was the one you felt the strongest for. The one that you wanted to spend the night with.
“I’m fine,” Levi replied, taking in a deep breath. He was genuinely starting to feel better. You were like a magic charm - you always knew how to provide the perfect comfort to calm him down.
“What ride did you want to go on?” Levi asked, wanting to keep the conversation going. If he kept talking to you, he would be back to himself in no time.
“Maybe the Ferris Wheel?” you asked him, a hopeful glint in your eyes as your hand moved from Levi’s shoulder down to his hand.
That snapped him out of his trance real quick.
“The Ferris…THE FERRIS WHEEL?” Levi asked a little too loudly, his heart now racing in anticipation as his cheeks turned a deep shade of red. Everyone knew that the Ferris Wheel was the most romantic ride.
You let out a small chuckle at Levi’s response, happy to see him back to his normal self. You gave him a simple shrug before innocently asking, “Do you want to?”
“U-Um…yeah…I guess that would be fun,” Levi managed to reply, his brain once again in a fog but this time for a completely different reason.
“Come on,” you told him, your fingers interlacing with his as you led him over to the Ferris Wheel.
The line was surprisingly short, allowing you and Levi to almost walk directly onto the ride. You just had to wait for one more cart.
As you were waiting, Levi’s mind couldn’t help but wonder what his brothers must be thinking watching you take him to the Ferris Wheel instead of one of them. 
Lucifer would probably be the most stoic, a slight grimace on his face as he did his best to try and act like he wasn’t affected by your decision.
Mammon would undoubtedly be complaining - loudly - about how unfair it was that you chose Levi.
Satan would do his best to keep his composure but any object in his hand at the time would be crushed to smithereens.
Asmo would act like he was happy for Levi and then go to social media to get his fill of love from his fans since you wouldn’t be giving your love to him.
Beel would be shocked, possibly choking on whatever food he was currently eating.
And Belphie - well, Belphie was probably asleep. But, if he wasn’t asleep, he would probably be watching the two of you with a pouty glare.
Basically, they would all be so jealous. And it felt nice for Levi to know that others were feeling jealous for once instead of him.
You led Levi onto the cart as soon as it was ready, and the two of you sat close to each other.
Levi was panicking. Every introverted instinct in him was telling him to give you some space, that you didn’t want to sit that close to him.
But, even if he wanted to, he couldn’t. They made the carts on this ride surprisingly small, barely fitting the two of you.
But you didn’t look uncomfortable or try to scooch away in the slightest and so Levi followed your lead, allowing himself to feel comfortable with you.
You wore a large smile as the ride began moving and Levi couldn’t help but smile too as he admired you.
As soon as you looked over at him though, he was blushing and apologizing for staring at you. And his embarrassment only grew as he realized what he had admitted to. There was a chance you wouldn’t have realized he was looking at you if he hadn’t blatantly stated it.
“It’s okay, Levi. I don’t mind you staring at me, I stare at you too,” you replied, trying to be reassuring. Levi was at a loss for words.
The two of you reached the top of the Ferris Wheel and you let out a small gasp as you leaned slightly forward, taking in the sight. You could see almost the entire Devildom from up there, the lights creating a beautiful picture below you.
But, Levi’s mind was too overwhelmed with thoughts to take in the sight. He had seen this moment in anime. He had read about it in manga. This was the opportune moment that everyone talked about where you were supposed to confess your love for each other.
But, what was he supposed to say? Was he supposed to give you a grand speech about how you changed him? Was he supposed to tell you that you looked amazing tonight? He was so bad with words. He should have written something out in preparation.
He let out a gasp as the Ferris Wheel started moving again, ready to take you both back down to the ground.
That’s the thing about moments - they were fleeting. And his opportune moment was slipping through his fingers.
If he wasn’t frantic before, he certainly was now. He had to do something before the moment was over.
You had heard Levi gasp and turned to face him when he suddenly grabbed your face in between his hands and pulled you into him, his lips landing on yours.
The kiss took you completely by shock. Not only did it come out of nowhere, but this was Levi. The shy otaku who didn’t want to be caught dead making the first move. And he just kissed you.
Your eyes were wide until you finally registered what was happening and kissed Levi back. He wouldn’t ever talk to you again if he thought that you didn’t want to return the kiss. 
He pulled away as the Ferris Wheel came to a stop and you were left completely breathless as your mind tried to catch up with what just happened. 
Levi’s confidence dissipated as his lips left yours and he turned into a flustered mess. Every bone in his body was telling him to run and he was about to break the safety bar to do so. Thankfully, the attendant released it just in time and Levi quickly disappeared.
A smile crept its way to your lips as you felt the tingle of where his were only moments before.
You wore a blush as you approached the other brothers who had all seen what happened. Luckily, none of them said anything.
They didn’t know what to say. Who knew their bashful brother had moves?
Levi locked himself in his room for the next few days, refusing to look or talk to you. Every time he saw you, he would immediately run away in embarrassment. 
But, you made a promise to yourself that when he did start talking to you again - you would put the moves on him.
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devildomwriter · 9 months
Believe In What Your Heart is Saying | Leviathan x Reader
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.6K Words | GN! Reader | CW: none
Leviathan struggled to calm his heart as he paced his floor, occasionally bumping against the jellyfish lights as he did so.
Henry watched from the aquarium concerned. Leviathan didn’t usually get like this over anything other than his anime and idols and this time Leviathan mouthed the same thing over and over again. The red shade on his face didn’t dim no matter how many times he practiced.
“___, will you, b-b-be, be-b-b-be! Aaaack I can’t say it! Why can’t I say it!?” Leviathan bemoaned and turned to Henry. He placed his hand against the tank and asked Henry for help but the fish did not know how to respond.
Leviathan nodded. “You’re right! I’m too pathetic. They’ll just say no, so why bother?”
Henry blew bubbles at Leviathan trying to communicate he’d said no such thing and Leviathan continued to belittle himself until the clock struck eight and he jumped to his feet, panicking.
“I-is it already time!?” He gasped and quickly requested the password.
“The Christmas password is Ruri’s Santa uniform is the cutest in the worlds!” You called from the other side of the door.
Leviathan swallowed the knot in his throat and opened the door with a shaking hand. He had to keep it together, he couldn’t let you notice anything was different.
But when he saw you in your cute Christmas sweater with a bucket of popcorn to share with him, his blush deepened.
“What’s up with you, Levi? You’re redder than Rudolph’s nose.”
Leviathan laughed awkwardly at your Christmas reference and gestured to the beanbags in front of his TV.
“L-let’s sit down n-now.”
You raised a brow at him curiously, knowing he was acting oddly but agreed. You sat down on the beanbag and Leviathan rushed to grab a throw blanket for you. He wrapped it around you and you beamed up at him.
“Thanks! You’re the sweetest.”
“Wh-huh? Like lol…no j-just…being a good host!”
Leviathan sat down next to you but not as closely as usual.
“What happened with you? Did I finally lose to Ruri-Chan?”
“Huh!? What? Like that’s even possible you’re a million times cuter than Ruri!”
You weren’t expecting that direct of an answer and blushed. As soon as Levi realized what he’d said his face turned even redder than it had been all day.
Henry watched in anticipation from the aquarium as Levi hid in his sweater and tried stuttering an excuse.
“Wh-wh-what I meant was—“
“You’re cute too Levi!” You exclaimed.
“C-cute…?” He didn’t seem too enthused at being called cute although he was still blushing.
“Yes. And handsome.” You said matter of factly.
“Huh! N-no way. Not some gross normie otaku like me!”
You shook your head and glared at him and he gulped in surprise.
“Stop putting yourself down. Are you saying I’m a bad judge?”
He looked shocked and shook his head. “N-no. Everything you do and say is perfect.”
“We’ll I wouldn’t go that far…”
“Oh no, did I say something stupid? Ugh!”
Levi tried to back away but you didn’t let him and wrapped your arms around him. “Don’t worry. You didn’t say anything wrong. Now come on. We’re watching Christmas movies, aren’t we? I’ve been really excited about this.”
“M-me too. I’ve been excited too…B-Because…” he whispered the last part too quietly for you to hear so you leaned in face close to his.
Leviathan blinked in surprise. Assuming you’d heard him confess his feelings, he leaned in to meet your lips.
You were surprised he’d be so bold and realized what he must’ve said as he cupped your cheek with his hand. You blushed and grinned into the gentle touch of your lips.
The kiss was a little awkward but it meant everything to you. He finally pulled away, red and you’re face matched his. You weren’t expecting him to finally confess, it caught you by surprise.
“Hey, Levi…”
“Tell me again.”
“What? Like, do you want me to want me to have a heart attack? Lol.”
You shook your head and batted your eyes teasingly. His demon form slipped out in his excitement and nodded.
“Then I’ll tell you as many times as you want! I-I love you!”
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mors-venus · 1 year
part iii! thank you for all your support so far and hopefully you’re enjoying the series! stay tuned for the final part :)
part i. part ii. part iv. masterlist
leviathan x idol!reader: part iii
everything had changed within a few weeks.
during breakfast, you were less talkative and cheerful than usual, but that was overshadowed by levi’s incessant rambling about — you guessed it — the upcoming galaxea concert. asmodeus surprisingly took interest and kept him entertained enough to the point where your quiet demeanor was barely noticeable, easily being written off as tiredness.
throughout the school day, you paid no mind to your professors despite your upcoming exams and final projects as you zoned out, worrying about what you’d have to sacrifice and how you’d possibly make the devildom concerts work without risking your friendship with levi :(
and at dinner, despite beel’s best efforts, you barely touched any food at all and were the first to leave the table, usually saying something along the lines of “need to study.”
your hang-outs with levi slowly stopped as you began to spend every weekday isolated, either practicing in your studio or pulling all-nighters to make up for what you missed in class. levi was sad, of course, but he knew how seriously you took your grades, so he left you be… but he was starting to have his doubts.
it wasn’t so bad at first, but one day, when you didn’t show up to eat at all, the boys just about had it.
“okay, what‘s happening? where the hell are they? this is ridiculous,” mammon said, his eyebrows raising slightly in disbelief.
satan brought his hand to rest on his chin as he thought for a moment. “did anything happen recently to make them withdraw? mammon’s right, for once—“
“—this is unprecedented.”
mammon leaned his chair back, crossing his arms. “i’ll have ya know, i’m a certified y/n behavior expert. usually—”
“no, you’re not. that’s me. who do you think you are?” levi grumbled from across the table.
“oh, then why don’t you—“
“i don’t know! i’m just as surprised as you are!”
“okay, okay, let’s calm down a bit everyone,” asmo exclaimed. “i’m sure it’s just stress from the upcoming exams, and we all know y/n takes their grades very seriously. plus, with the semester break coming up, they may be thinking about going back home for a few weeks, and i can imagine that’d take awhile to plan out, as well.”
levi paled. you? leaving?
i mean, it made perfect sense… earth was definitely more pleasant than the devildom, and it was your home. but…
levi had started to hope that you now considered the devildom your home, too :(
however, if that was the case, levi had just the thing, and he cleared his throat as he excused himself from the table. “i’m gonna go talk to them,” he called as he went to go find you.
as levi’s footsteps echoed throughout the halls of the house of lamentation, he allowed his thoughts to wander, feeling slightly giddy.
while he missed your presence, maybe it was for the better that you had distanced yourself… since he knew he would’ve spoiled his surprise otherwise.
a month had passed since he found out about the surprise galaxea tour, and putting his otaku powers to use, all his sleepless nights had paid off when he managed to get two VIP tickets to the final day of their tour — D2 of their devildom concerts. these tickets included sound check, front row barricade, and backstage… no, he wasn’t going to think about how much they cost. this was the opportunity of a lifetime, and if these weren’t reason enough to make you stay or come back early for break, he didn’t know what was.
that, and it was going to be the perfect moment to tell you about his feelings for you. as one of the first things you bonded over, he was sure of it— he was going to make sure it all was perfect, the whole thing.
quickly reaching your bedroom door, he knocked on it gently, his voice soft as he called your name. “y/n? i know you haven’t been feeling the best lately, so i have a little something for you…”
he waited a few moments, but received no response. he tried again.
“y/n? you okay in there?”
his eyebrows furrowed as he sighed, turning away. if you weren’t in your room, where were you?
he trudged back to his room, chewing on the inside of his cheek as he tried to figure out any possible explanation for your behavior. what if you didn’t like the tickets? he knew it was silly, but now that the idea was in his head he was starting to feel anxious…
his head started to pound, but it was then levi realized that it wasn’t from a headache, but rather from the room to his left… your studio. even with the door shut, he could immediately recognize the song that was playing, and the floor shook every so slightly from the bass.
usually you didn’t let anyone in while you were practicing, but he was your best friend (and had given him exceptions on multiple occasions) and he had a good reason to interrupt. you’d understand, he knew you would.
levi quickly input the four-digit code and felt the tension in the door disappear, quickly swinging it open and entering the room to see you dancing to vega’s solo from galaxea’s latest album… which didn’t have an official choreography yet. were you creating your own? perfect. it was like the stars were aligning.
“y/n, you’re never gonna believe this, but…”
upon realizing his entry, you froze in place and stared at his reflection in the mirror in front of you.
the lyrics of your song echoed throughout the room, a stark contrast to the sweet melody: baby, life is painful sometimes, but your love doesn’t even come close
your breath hitched as you quickly turned to face him, cheeks flushed from the physical activity and from the fact that he caught you.
he grinned, eyes shining as he pulled out his phone to show you the tickets, walking closer… until he noticed the tablet on the ground, recording you.
or… was it a call?
sure enough, the face of a smiling young man, your choreographer, appeared on screen, but he stopped when he noticed the intruder.
“ummm… y/n, who’s that?”
it wasn’t a secret who galaxea’s choreographer was, and you didn’t want to give levi enough time to recognize him. you had to come up with an excuse to make him leave, quick!
“levi… this is my boyfriend.”
that was literally the worst excuse you could’ve made.
you wanted to throw yourself off a cliff for that one
you’d apologize to your choreographer later, as you could hear him snickering in the background, but the important part was that levi actually believed it…
and he did.
in the background, your voice sang: baby, your words are like a knife, why do the best things hurt the most?
levi’s world felt as if it had shattered, raining around him and cutting his skin as it pooled by his feet.
he had to come up with a reply so he could get out of there.
“oh… cool. i’mgonnaleaveyoubenowi’msorrygoodbye,” was what slipped past his lips as he bolted for the door, gone as quickly as he had came.
the minute the door shut you were sinking to the floor, your head in your hands as you let out a groan.
your choreographer erupted into laughter, the audio occasionally breaking here and there.
“i’m sorry, boyfriend? that was the best you could think of?”
“okay, okay, fine. but you should know i already texted the others about this so come saturday, you will not be living this down.”
there was a brief moment of silence, then:
“you need to be more careful. look, i’m not going to tell you how to live your life, but i’ve worked with a lot of people, and unfortunately, i’ve seen some of them get hurt by who they trusted the most, especially regarding…” he gestured vaguely, “… this.”
you nodded, biting your lip.
“i’ll cut practice short since he’s your friend and i know you wanna go after him, so… from the top. one last time.”
your song restarted, and as you twirled to the rhythm, levi was doing a dance of his own.
“boyfriend ???” he screeched as he mashed the buttons on his controller, mouth open in shock.
“henry, can you believe this? i bet that’s what they were doing every saturday…”
he blanked.
“wait, no, not doing that guy— well, maybe— no, i meant, hanging out with— whatever! what difference does it make?”
he huffed as his body tensed, eyebrows furrowing in concentration.
“no, i’m not upset. i’m reacting reasonably, don’t you think?”
henry stared at him, deadpan, and levi rolled his eyes.
“shut up.”
his character on screen got knocked over by a series of blows, and he growled in frustration.
“i just don’t know why they never told me.”
his fingers flurried across the buttons, eyes locked on to the screen as his character resumed the fight, and after a few minutes of quiet, he muttered, “i’m so stupid.”
louder, “of course they’d choose that guy over me.”
louder still, “why would i be worthy of them? have you seen me?”
and when his character emerged victorious, the level complete, he shouted, “okay, fine, i’m upset, are you happy?”
and when he turned to face henry, his friend only looked at him sadly as hot tears rolled down his cheeks, splashing onto his thumb and the plastic of his controller. he didn’t even realize he’d been crying.
“i’m so pathetic, aren’t i? i’m a coward. i never had the guts to actually ask them out and look what happened,” he laughed dryly.
“yeah, maybe i overreacted a little, but i was just… hoping…” his voice broke.
“fuck,” he sobbed before trying to turn it into a laugh. “maybe it’s better this way. they’re human. of course they’d have a human boyfriend. since when has the whole human-demon thing ever…”
and then he thought of your pact, his mark resting on the back of your neck…
and as his eyes flared up in envy, his body trembling, he knew one thing:
vega was right. love hurts.
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the-traveling-poet · 6 months
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Coffee Shop
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The day had finally arrived; in which you would meet your idol for a late lunch at a local cafè. And what a head rush just the idea of such a thing gave you. Amidst the not so subtle interrogation and polite pleasantries passed back and forth between the two of you over tea, the spark that had started this whole ordeal grew into that of a flame. A flame he seemed to take and run with…
Pairing: Actor!Levi x Fan!reader
Warnings: modern!au, language, fluff
Taglist: @21aurora @deepzombieyouth @braunsbabe @pelicanpizza (if you’d like added to the taglist for Levi Fic updates, just DM me!)
A/N: The long (somewhat maybe?) awaited pt. 3, finally posted! I took much, much longer in completing this than I wanted to. But life happens; losses, injuries, illnesses, grievances…the list goes on. But since my motivation came back, I’ve returned to my most passionate hobby; writing Levi fanfiction. I would have finished this sooner but the added feature of the BOOP got me distracted for a full 24hrs lmao. In this fic, I added in my own mix of hc’s for the sake of modern!au, and Levi’s a little OOC but…It’s a modern AU and I can do what I want :p
So without further ado, enjoy!~
Pt. 1 | Pt. 2
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The day had come….
Steeling your nerves, you took in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. The door stood closed before you, and only a gentle tug would open it up to the cafè inside; yet you paused with your hand hovering over the silver handle.
You’d already peered through the shop’s windows to see if he was here yet, and concluded he wasn’t. And with the lack of some shiny, expensive looking car parked near the curb out front, you figured you’d beat him here. You were early, after all. So why couldn’t you just make yourself go in and have a seat?
Relax, you thought to yourself as you finally grasped the handle in the palm of your hand. You’ve gotten this far already, you can’t mess this up…
Walking into the rather aesthetic looking cafè, you looked around with bated breath. The cafè was small, but very pleasing to the eye; menu boards written in cursive print above polished countertops, floors spotless and organized, windows without a single speck upon them.
Even the scarce customers sat strewn about the tables seemed poised and of a higher class than you were used to seeing on a daily basis.
Suddenly, you felt just a tad under dressed.
Shaking the thoughts away, your eyes continued to study the room around you, until you were met with the steady gaze of a man sat a table at the back wall of the cafè. And oh, how those silver eyes always managed to captivate your entire attention; in person even more so than from through a screen.
Stiffening your posture where you stood, you shook yourself out of your daze with a mental slap in the face.
“Shit…” you whispered, shuffling your feet forward to approach his table. Of course he would be early and beat you…to being early.
Once you stood only a foot away from his table, Levi took a stand. After subtly looking you up and down, he reached out and pushed back the chair opposite him and gave you room to take a seat, after silently motioning to hang your coat up on the back of your chair for you.
With a whispered thank you, you shrugged off your coat and let him place it on the back of your chair before scooting you forward and then returning to his own seat.
“You’re early,” you blurted out after he sat, still in a bit of a daze.
“I’m always early; though, I’m surprised to see you’re twenty minutes early. I’m impressed.” He commented softly, keeping his gaze firmly fixed on your ever shifting eyes.
Once you managed to hold eye contact with him, you noticed the worn leather jacket hanging off the back of his chair, contrasting the grey turtleneck shirt he wore. The look was quite dashing on him, and you had to refrain yourself from blurting out this observation.
“You’re extra early,” you pointed out, taking a moment to look out the window to your right.
“I didn’t see any overly expensive cars outside, so I had assumed I’d beaten you here.”
“I always am. And, didn’t drive my car,” he answered plainly as he too looked out the window. Before you could ask, he was already pointing to a sight just near the curb. Perched on its stand near the window was a bike; sleek black and shining in the dull spring sunlight.
“That’s the bike you drive?” You nearly gasped, ogling over the bike. Sure, you’d learned enough about him from your obsessive research to know he rode. But never once had you seen the actual bike he owned.
“No, stole it from a man a couple blocks back.” Levi scoffed, but not aggressively so. When you looked back over at him, he seemed more curious than sarcastic when he looked over at you from the corner of his eye as he continued to face the window.
“Though, I never told you I rode.”
Realizing you’d soon be found out about your obsession into his personal life, you decided to downplay the fact you knew with an absent smile.
“Oh…well, you mentioned it once or twice in interviews. I’d never seen the bike itself, though.”
“I seldom post to my socials, unless one of the guys naggs me to,” he shrugged, picking up a menu off the table previously stacked by the rack of simple condiments lining a thin rack at one edge of the table.
“You seem more informed about me than I had assumed you’d be. Are you one of those fans who obsessed over and took to heart every interview and discarded show clip they can get their hands on?”
Gulping down you nerves, you hastily waved your hand in a dismissive manner.
“Oh pftt, no. I just…liked the show a lot, and had some free time to binge its content.”
He regarded you with a deadpan expression, as though not fully buying your half truth. But after raising a brow, he seemed content to let the matter sit.
“Well, either way, it’s nice to be out of the spotlight for a bit and unwind. I’m still surprised with myself that I gave my number out to a fan, but…I can’t say I regret it after this past week. You’re entertaining.”
“Is…is that a compliment? Or should I take offense to being generalized?” You smiled, also picking up a menu to look through.
“Which would you prefer?” He hummed, already seeming to have decided what he wanted, as he folded his menu back up and set it aside.
“I’ll take it as a compliment. A compliment from my favorite actor seems nice,” you hummed, beginning to loosen up a little more now that conversation had moved along.
Levi only hummed thoughtfully, peering over the top of your menu to see your crinkled eyes as you scanned along the cursive print. Unbeknownst to you, he made sure.
By the time you decided and set the menu aside, a waitress came along to jot down your orders. Listing off the tea and pastry you desired, you glanced back at Levi, who had yet to speak.
“I’ll take the black tea. No sweeteners, please. Thank you,” he said softly, briefly looking up at the waitress with a nod.
The waitress sent him a dazzling smile, loitering by the table a moment longer than was needed, before scurrying off towards the kitchens behind the front counter. With a snort, Levi resumed his attention towards you.
“I have a funny feeling there’s not much about me you don’t know. Am I right? You seem the type to do your research.”
He murmured, propping his chin onto his hand as he leaned ever so slightly closer across the table towards you, with his elbow supporting him on the table top.
Blushing, you opted to stare down at the napkin holder to your right.
“That-that may not be true-“
“How old am I?” He interrupted, with a brow ever so slightly raised in amusement.
“Twenty five…but that’s common knowledge to anyone who has access to Wikipedia.”
You huffed, crossing your arms as you defended yourself.
“I suppose so. That was a silly thing to ask…alright then, I’ll test you further; what was my favorite shoot?”
“The ‘Royal Government arc’,” you answered immediately. Too fast, you realized, only a moment too late.
“Alright then, something not related to the show…What’s my cat’s name?”
“Eros,” you sighed, already knowing you’d lost. “But to be fair, you’ve brought up your cat numerous times in interviews-“
“Keep digging sweetheart, you’re just burying yourself further here,” he hummed, a hint of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
“Alright, alright…So I may have gotten a little obsessed.” You murmured, feeling your cheeks burn a tad hotter than before as you finally admitted to his claims.
“To the show, or my character? Better yet, perhaps me?” He lifted his elbow off of the table and leaned back in his chair with crossed arms. And for a moment, you could have sworn he was teasing you. It worked in flustering you, if that had been his angle. But before you could finish stuttering out a response to his cocky claims, he flashed a minuet smile your way.
“I suppose you do know quite a lot about me, so I’ll ask my own questions. Ones I didn’t ask over the phone already.” He stated calmly as his boot nudged your foot under the table.
Ceasing your poor attempt to stutter out any form of defense, you nodded with an embarrassed sigh.
"Alright, that sounds fair." You murmured, mentally bracing yourself for any kind of question he might throw your way.
Seeing your compliance, he started firing off his own questions.
It nearly felt like an interrogation; like last weeks interview role’s had been switched on you. Only, he wasn’t so shy in asking what he pleased.
Your place of employment, your college major, your pastimes, family, social life. Hell, he even asked for your favorite arcs in the show and which of the scenes he starred in you liked the most.
By the end of it, you’d relaxed significantly and opened up more than you had expected to. And in turn, he became a tad more expressive himself.
“Ever rode a bike?” He asked after finishing his cup of tea, with his unoccupied arm resting over the back of his chair as he raised a brow. His sudden curiosity threw you off a bit.
After calming down from a fit of giggles from his previous question, you raised a brow his way.
“No, I cant say I have.”
With a tilt of his head he regarded you curiously, as though coming to a a silent decision with himself. After a brief span of silence he sighed and placed his hands in his lap.
“Well…Perhaps I could make an exception and allow you to ride with me. I could use a backpack.”
“An exception? To what rule?” Furrowing your brows, you regarded him curiously.
A backpack? What rules?
Hiding his slight smirk with a tilt of his head, he replied; “The rule I have against anyone touching my bike. I’d hate for it to get dirtied or scratched, but I’m sure you’ll be carful.”
“You’re asking me if I’d like a ride?” You murmured, suddenly feeling as allert as you had the moment you wanking into the cafè. With a nod, he confirmed your suspicions.
“On your bike?” You asked, incredulously.
“Unless there’s something else of mine you’d like to ride?” He replied with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Though after just a moment, he cleared his throat and looked away.
“I’m sorry, that was a bit…abrasive.”
“No! I-Id love to!” You grinned, unable to help but stare once more out the window towards his bike as you discreetly hid your blush.
“I’d be down for any kind of ride.”
Now it was his turn to appear surprised and maybe a tad flustered, for the first time this afternoon. He opened his mouth, then abruptly closed it; eyes darting about the table between you. Suddenly, two feet of table never felt so far of a distance before.
With a grunt he stood, taking his jacket in hand as he reached into his left pocket.
“Well then, unless you have plans this afternoon…My bike and I are free.”
Biting at your lip, you also stood.
“No, I’m free. If…If you’re offering.”
“I was under the impression I was doing more than that?” He grumbled back in responce as he fumbled out his wallet. Catching his movement, you went to do the same. That is, until his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist at your waist to stop you.
“Ah ah, I proposed this meet up. The least I could do is pay.” He scoffed, a click of his tongue to follow. Though you attempted to disagree, he placed your hand holding your wallet back into your back pocket; much to your stunned surprise.
“I’ve got it,” he whispered, placing down a check on the table top. Only seconds later, you found yourself standing outside near the curb, watching him mount his bike. And oh, what a sight that was.
Unexpectedly he pulled out a secondary helmet, similar in appearance to his own. Taking is hesitantly, you fumbled with the chin straps as you took a step closer to the bike as it roared to life.
“You just carry around a second helmet?” You questioned uncertainly as he reached out his hand to you.
“No…Stopped by a store before arriving here,” He mumbled, his voice becoming more muffled as he adjusted his own helmet. Swallowing down your growing nerves and hiding a grin behind the helmet, you allowed his hand to guide you into the spot just behind him.
Suddenly, he revved the engine, causing you to startle, only slightly. One look around the smaller bike showed you there were no handle bars to hold onto, causing your eyes to flick to his expectantly.
Oh shit…
“Well? Hold on, else you’ll go flying off the back.” He rolled his eyes before pulling down the visor of his helmet and slipping on a pair of leather gloves. Doing the same, you gave a nervous nod.
Hesitantly you reached out, your arms barely grazing his sides as color filled out your cheeks. With the noise of the bike revving, you missed the way he groaned to himself.
“Fuck’s sake…”
Suddenly the bike jolted forward, sending you crashing forward into his back with a muffled gasp of shock.
Behind the tinted visor, Levi allowed himself a smirk and a satisfied hum, as he used one of his gloved hands to hold yours into place at his abdomen.
“Like I said; hold on, stubborn brat,” he called out, barely turning his head to see you. Though you couldn’t make out every feature of his face through the shield, you gave a shaky chuckle and nodded back; tightening your grip around his middle. He was quick to look away, before fumbling with the kickstand and shifted gears a second time.
As he skillfully merged into the lane, you raised your chin up just slightly over his shoulder.
“Where are we going?” You called over the wind as it gradually picked up speed.
“I figured around a couple blocks; unless you have another idea?” He called back, still able to hear you surprisingly well.
You thought on this a moment, before an idea struck you. Humorously, you called back.
“Well, unless you have another photoshoot this evening, there is a nice city park a few blocks up.”
You never heard a response from him, until he pulled you both up pulled to a stop light. He raised the visor of his helmet after putting down his kickstand once more and raised a brow over his shoulder towards you.
“A park, huh? I can do that…but I’m taking the longer route.”
“The longer route?” You questioned uncertainly.
“The highway, yes. Wouldn’t you like for first ride to be memorable?” His eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke.
“So long as you don’t kill us,” came your mumbled responce. Yet he seemed to hear it, as he only rolled his eyes.
“Don’t you fret, princess. I wouldn’t let my first ever passenger fall off or become injured. Cant let our first date become our last.”
“First date?”
He merely chuckled at your sudden squeak as he turned to face you better.
“Unless you’d rather not call it that. Would you rather this be considered a VIP backstage pass?”
Your heart twisted and flipped pleasantly in your chest as you quickly lowered the visor of your helmet once more to hide the expression of bewilderment on your face.
“You’d go on a date with a fan?” You managed to croak out just as the light turned green.
Tugging down his own visor once more and lifting the stand, he hummed thoughtfully before reviving the bike.
“I gave my number to one, didn’t I?”
Holding your hand tight to his chest, he used his free hand to push forward, rushing through traffic as you gradually increased speeds. All the while his hand stayed on top of yours, until the need to pull away became undismissible.
And you didn’t dare to let go. Not now, nor ever. Especially if he was promising a second date…
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anime-fan-05 · 1 year
Started: 10th September 2023
Last update: 17th September 2024
Total works: 77
My rules are here. Please, read them before asking me.
♥️: fluff
⚡: angst (my angst are never too violent or sad and they usually have a happy ending)
Sailor Moon
Nothing yet
Inazuma Eleven
With a reader like Roxy (Endou, Gouenji, Kidou, Kazemaru and Fubuki) ♥️
Mermaid Melody
Nothing yet
Hunter x Hunter
Nicknames (Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Leorio) ♥️
Sweet (KilluGon) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Shin ♥️, Nobu ♥️, Ren ♥️, Takumi ♥️, Nobu and Shin part 2 ♥️, Yasu ♥️
With a legendary singer who's very connected with her singing partner (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
Jealousy (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Cuddling (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
With their crush (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Boat's capsizing during your cruise (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With an idol reader (Nana) ♥️
With a professional dancer (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With a J-pop idol reader (Nobu, Shin and Yasu) ♥️
With Nana's younger sibling but totally different from her (1st part) (Shin) ♥️
With a very famous singer and dancer, chill and kinda flirty in public but actually shy and sweet reader (Nobu, Shin, Yasu, Ren and Takumi) ♥️
Wait, you're what?! (2nd part) (Shin) ♥️
Blindness (Takagi Yasushi x reader) ♥️
My Hero Academia
Receiving a kiss on the cheek from their crush as thanks (Midoriya, Bakugo, Shoto, Mirio, Tamaki and Hawks) ♥️
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Calling them 'handsome' 1st part (Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Genya and Yoriichi) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 2nd part (Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them 'handsome' 3rd part (Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza and Gyutaro) ♥️
With a reader like Stitch (Muzan, Kokushibo and Akaza) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 1st part (Tanjiro, Giyuu, Kyojuro, Sanemi and Muichiro) ♥️
Calling them by their first name 2nd part (Obanai and Tengen) ♥️
Boyfriend headcanons: Muzan ♥️
With a young admirer (Obanai) ♥️
Cheater? (Muzan, Kokushibo, Douma and Akaza) ♥️⚡
Assassination Classroom
With a VKei singer reader (Karma and Itona) ♥️
Sick (Isogai Yuuma x reader) ♥️
Fullmetal Alchemist
Nothing yet
Break up prank (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Sawamura, Sugawara and Azumane) ♥️
Getting a girlfriend (Kenma) ♥️
Proposal and marriage (Kenma) ♥️
With a short reader 1st part (Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Nishinoya) ♥️
With a short reader 2nd part (Oikawa, Kuroo, Lev, Tendou, Goshiki and Atsumu) ♥️
Is that my jersey? (Kageyama, Sugawara, Oikawa, Kenma and Akaashi) ♥️
Akatsuki no Yona
Cupping their cheeks (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
SFW alphabet: Hak ♥️
Sleeping together 1st part (Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha and Zeno) ♥️
Sleeping together 2nd part (Hak, Yoon and Soo-Won) ♥️
Together (Shin-Ah x reader) ♥️
You weren't the right one (Hak x reader) ♥️⚡
Yu Yu Hakusho
Calling them 'handsome' (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a reader who thinks they're funny (Yusuke, Kurama and Hiei) ♥️
With a very feminine reader (Yusuke, Kazuma, Kurama, Hiei and Koenma) ♥️
Three times (Jin x reader) ♥️
Big proposal (Jin x reader) ♥️
Terrible day... but maybe not that much! (Jin x reader) ♥️
Attack on Titan
With a small reader (Eren, Armin, Levi and Jean) ♥️
Hugging them for the first time (Reiner, Bertholdt, Porko, Zeke, Colt and Falco) ♥️
General headcanons with OCs: 1 ♥️, 2 ♥️, 3 ♥️, 4 ♥️, 5 ♥️, 6 ♥️, 7 ♥️
Sweet domestic life's scene (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
My children are titan shifters?! (Eren, Armin, Reiner, Bertholdt and Falco) ♥️
Kamisama Kiss
Nothing yet
Code Geass
First kiss (Lelouch, Suzaku, male Kallen and male Cornelia) ♥️
Ouran HighSchool Host Club
Finding out their crush is being bullied by their fans (Tamaki, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey and Mori) ♥️
First kiss 1st part (Naruto, Sasuke, Sai and Shikamaru) ♥️
First kiss 2nd part (Gaara, Kakashi, Obito and Itachi) ♥️
Forever (Madara x reader) ♥️⚡
I'll always stay with you (Naruto x reader) ♥️⚡
Death Note
Nothing yet
Blue Lock
Nothing yet
Nanatsu no Taizai
Nothing yet
Jujutsu Kaisen
Being called 'darling' by their crush 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Being called 'darling' by their crush 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Playing with their hair 1st part (Itadori, Fushiguro, male Nobara, Inumaki and Okkotsu) ♥️
Playing with their hair 2nd part (male Maki, male Mai, Gojou and Getou) ♥️
Cat called? Not when I'm around! (Inumaki x reader) ♥️
Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
With a sweet, shy and awkward reader who has difficulty communicating (male Miyo, Kiyoka, Kouji, Kazushi and Arata): crush ♥️ and boyfriend headcanons ♥️
Marriage (Arata) ♥️
Children (Arata) ♥️
Pharaoh's Concubine
Nothing yet
Sabaku no Harem
Nothing yet
191 notes · View notes
mindyco · 1 year
hi i hope you’re doing well!! i was wondering if you would write hcs of the demon brothers with their s/o who’s apart of a popular idol group in the human world? 🤭 thank you ♡
I’m doing so amazing thank you for asking! I hope you're having a wonderful day today! (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ)♡ Oh my goodness, an idol group sounds so cool!! I got you, babe! It also gave me another idea to write about how the brothers would react to MC on TV. I can just imagine their proud faces.... ♪~( ̄、 ̄ ) Artwork credit: @mys_s3
Scenario: The brothers reactions to MC getting stopped by paparazzi
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Lucifer's initial reaction is a mix of concern and annoyance as he sees the overwhelming swarm of paparazzi surrounding you. He swiftly steps forward, his authoritative presence commanding attention. With a stern expression, he shields you from the cameras, positioning himself as a barrier between you and the intruding paparazzi.
"Back off. Can't you see she needs some space?" Lucifer's voice cuts through the chaos, his tone firm and authoritative. He ensures your safety, using his commanding presence to create a path for you to escape from the paparazzi's prying eyes. He worries about your well-being and despises the invasion of your privacy.
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Mammon's protective instincts kick in the moment he sees the paparazzi swarming around you. He rushes to your side, his brows furrowed with concern. Though he may not be able to shield you from the cameras like Lucifer, he's determined to offer his support in any way he can.
"Oi, you vultures! Back off and give her some space!" Mammon's voice resonates with authority, despite the anxiety bubbling within him. He takes your hand in his, holding it tightly, and guides you through the chaos with a mix of determination and loyalty. He may not be the most composed in such situations, but he's fiercely protective of you.
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Leviathan freezes in shock as he sees the paparazzi closing in on you. His initial instinct is to retreat, feeling overwhelmed by the sudden attention. However, as he sees the distress on your face, he quickly gathers his courage and steps up to shield you from the prying cameras.
"Leave her alone! Can't you see she's had enough?" Leviathan's voice trembles with a mixture of anxiety and determination. He tries to create a protective barrier, blocking the paparazzi's view and giving you a chance to escape. Despite his insecurities, his love and concern for you outweigh his own discomfort.
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Satan's composed demeanor remains intact as he assesses the situation. He swiftly analyzes the best course of action, recognizing the need to protect you from the intrusive paparazzi. With a calm yet assertive presence, he steps forward, commanding attention and respect.
"I suggest you all back off before you face the consequences," Satan's voice carries a sense of authority, and his piercing gaze sends a clear message. He creates a safe passage for you, ensuring your privacy and well-being.
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Asmodeus thrives in the spotlight, but even he recognizes the limits when it comes to invading your personal space. When he sees the paparazzi closing in on you, his expression shifts from delight to concern. With a graceful yet commanding presence, he maneuvers through the crowd, making a glamorous distraction.
"Darlings, the real show is over there! Follow me for an exclusive interview!" Asmodeus' voice oozes charm and charisma as he leads the paparazzi away from you. He ensures your safety and privacy, all the while maintaining his glamorous persona. Underneath it all, he genuinely cares about your well-being and wants to shield you from unnecessary scrutiny.
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Beelzebub's protective instincts kick in as he sees the paparazzi crowding around you. His expression hardens, and his eyes narrow with determination. With his towering presence and strength, he moves swiftly, creating a path for you to escape.
"Step aside, or you'll regret it," Beelzebub's voice rumbles with an underlying intensity as he uses his physical presence to intimidate the paparazzi. He wraps a protective arm around you, guiding you through the crowd with a sense of security and strength.
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Belphegor's initial reaction to the paparazzi swarming around you is one of irritation and annoyance. However, as he sees the distress on your face, a protective instinct takes over. With a nonchalant yet effective approach, he swiftly steps forward, creating a diversion to allow you to escape.
"Oi, you pests! Get lost before I decide to take matters into my own hands," Belphegor's voice carries a lazy yet threatening tone. He creates a distraction, drawing the attention away from you and providing an opportunity for your escape.
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londonfog-chan · 3 months
Eddie Munson x Reader: Ulterior Motives
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Warnings: Minors DNI, 18+. Mentions of smutty things and pot. Also mentions of being high if that doesn’t sit right with you. Please use your better judgment and be safe out there with edibles y’all.
I fucking told you all this shit would happen one day. I told you I was working on that Ulterior Motives fic. Here it is babes.
It was the sexy beat of the drums that probably caught you off guard.
The wet sound of his tongue against your neck intermingled with the sinful sounds blaring on the television. You tasted like Betty Crocker chocolate.
And then the keyboard came… Maybe a Yamaha or Lowrey.
The sexy percussions…
He couldn’t hear you, fumbling for the fly of his jeans as your underwear went sailing over the couch. An unintelligible groan rippled through his throat as the actress on the flick began to sound off, and then the vocalist came on…
“-ing in yo… yes make me realize...”
“Eddie get off I can’t hear!”
You pushed Eddie Munson off you abruptly and his head smacked hard into the coffee table, making him yelp in pain.
Clutching the aching part of his skull and ruffling the messy waves of his brown locks, he looked indignant to see you crawling out from under him on all fours. Your pathway was clear ahead: straight for the glow of the television that beckoned in the dark room like a forbidden idol against the teal carpet and wood panels of your family’s home. The haze of pain sadly didn’t allow him to admire the curvaceous view he currently had of your behind as you crawled on hands and knees. Which was a shame, because you were clad in nothing but his Black Sabbath shirt, and the view from the back was spectacular.
But for you to push him off that quickly… Maybe he did something wrong?
“I’m sorry!” he began quickly apologizing, pulling up his underwear and zipping the fly of distressed Levis quickly as though someone had just walked in, “Sorry! I guess I just got carried away and I thought you wanted…”
Eddie froze. His face contorted further into worry. He thought you were going to tell him you heard the characteristic car door slam of your mother’s 1979 Dodge Aspen from the adjacent garage. Evidently the last thing on your mind was hearing anything except for the television. You were pressed against the speaker, trying to listen in to something, although he doubted it was the wet noises or the groaning currently playing out.
Guilt and dread filled his chest. It was all going to shit. This had all been his idea and the whole experience had been one long string of bad luck altogether.
Originally it was a simple plan concocted after you finally passed Mr. Mundy’s remedial math final with a C. Weeks of struggling through understanding your homework and your boyfriend’s high proficiency help finally paid off. Eddie had taken you out to Palace Arcade to spoil the shit out of you with as much time as you wanted on the new Elvira pinball machine, but he felt that treat was just too tame in comparison to achieving such a big goal. Considering Mundy was the last obstacle standing in your way for graduation with him, Eddie thought of something more enticing to welcome you into the ranks of those who would walk for their diploma.
He'd proposed the idea when you called him to tell him your mother had to leave for a few days on business. A different scenario was pictured then: a fun night in with a sleepover at your place with some greasy burgers and crinkle cut fries from Big Top, homemade Munson Special Treats, and a suspiciously obtained copy of one of his favorite porno flicks, Angels of Passion, for the evening’s viewing pleasure. Concluding the evening with a stoner’s nightcap and eating everything the two of you could get your grubby hands on afterwards.
It had been going well up until you flipped out on the shitty music.
“Baby… are you ok?” Eddie asked, rubbing the back of his head as he sat up.
He got scared when you didn’t respond at all. Hardly acknowledging he was there.
“Oh fuck me Freddy… Green out babe? You’re not having a bad one are you?!” He asked, his heart racing with fear. “Was it too strong for you? I told you to tell me if you started feeling-…”
You turned around with a scowl, putting your finger to your lips as you shushed him harshly. Whether it was Eddie’s ‘special treats’ working their magic or it was the actual shitty pop that Eddie hated, you were simply unmovable. The tune wasn’t Eddie’s style at all, then again if he was watching an adult film he wasn’t really paying attention to whatever out of tune noise the director chose for music. But you seemed fascinated.
You hummed softly along to it, and when the scene ended, you immediately rewound the tape.
“Woah… ok, what are we doing here baby? What are you listening for?” he asked, crawling over to sit next to you as you worked the Betamax.
“What is this melody?!” you asked, using a mocking British accent that you often took on for your rogue character during Hellfire’s current Battle for Baldur’s Gate Campaign.
“… the shittiest stock music known to man?” Eddie responded, and it took him a while to formulate a coherent answer that was both kind and not outright laughing at you, “It’s porno music babe. If it ain’t metal it means nothing to us.”
“Holy fuck…” you hissed through your teeth, “This song… it… it’s really fucking awesome?!”
Okay… Now what the fuck else were you eating besides badly made pot brownies from Uncle Wayne’s tiny kitchen?!
“… You’re kidding, right? Baby… it’s a POP song! Since when do we listen to pop?! Bad pop at that, some of the shittiest music imaginable and you’re here acting like it’s Mr. Crowley.”
Eddie was flailing his arms, almost hurt with you for turning against his strict metal only code in his presence. Normally you had varied tastes, and he tolerated it to a point; the only rule was nonmetal did not exist in your shared van, but anything goes on your Walkman where you could plug in your headphones and Eddie could blast something else on the cassette deck of his 1971 Chevy Van.
“Yeah that’s it… you’ve had way too much.” Eddie said, beginning to try and pull you away from the television, “No way would you find this crap enjoyable if you weren’t completely baked and tone deaf.”
“Eddie no, you don’t understand this is… how the fuck is a porno song this good???” you hissed to yourself.
It had to be the brownies… Had to be… What the hell else could it have been?! Pulling at his hair, Eddie reasoned you had to have eaten too much against his advice. Admittedly he’d bitten off a little more than he could chew today as well, and he could feel it settle in the longer he tried to pull you away from the tv. He usually could pull off pregaming a joint before a treat and still maintain some modicum of law and order of the two of you, but you’d never done this before. You had insisted earlier you would be fine, but he suspected you had bitten off more than you could chew. Definitely on the verge of a green out if your taste in music was declining this badly.
“Eddie this is so good… how the hell did they get like actual musicians to perform for a porn?” you asked, almost desperate. “I wish I could hear the rest of it… if this stupid bitch wasn’t moaning her little bimbo head off…”
“Sweetheart, that’s the whole point of the flick…” Eddie said, holding you against him as he looked deeply into your eyes. “It’s just something to have on in the background while the lead gets plowed like a cornfield. Doesn’t have any other kind of special meaning beyond that.”
You weren’t even paying attention. Completely transfixed, possessed even, as you began to hum along with the song, shaking your backside slightly with the beat. When you began to sing, Eddie had a moment where his brain began to short circuit. You had quite a captivating voice, deep and contralto, although he could never convince you to sing for him beyond screaming along to Rainbow in the Dark while parked out at Lover’s Lake.
“… everyone knows that… ulterior motives… what the hell did he say…?” You muttered, trying to follow along with the lyrics.
You rewound the video at least eight times, each time ignoring Eddie complaining and trying to get you to stop. The music was so bad, he didn’t even notice that after a while, he started feeling like maybe he’d also had a little too much. Shit! He definitely fucked up and pregamed a little too much in anticipation of your sleepover. He should have been paying attention. There was a point where he’d thought he’d rolled tobacco and not the reefer, and cautiously ate a little more of the brownies when after an hour he hadn’t felt the high, but he certainly could have just checked better and stayed with eating only half.
Each time you rewound the tape, you learned a little more of the song, until you perfectly memorized the lyrics that you were able to hear.
“Oh my god Eddie…” you said, completely out of your mind. “Holy shit… I think this is the best song ever written?”
“Jesus H. honey… What, are you a little preppie cheerleader that listens to Madonna now? You a jock?!” There wasn’t much lyrical genius that he could make out above the obnoxious moaning of the actress currently being engaging in the illicit acts. “Listen babe, let’s forgo the porno, okay? I’ll put on our album instead and we’ll listen to real music. You want that baby? I know you love Holy Diver?”
“Eddie just… Just trust me… ha… haha…” you suddenly had a fit of giggles, excited and tickled that you were able to learn the lyrics so quickly. You could hardly talk. And Eddie could hardly even get himself together enough to just shut the damn tv off.
But what happened next suddenly changed everything: you stood up quickly, and began swaying.
“Oh good God above now you’re dancing, babe, come back here…!”
At first Eddie scrambled to his feet, he was afraid the love of his life was going to fall and crash into the entertainment center, but you seemed to really be dancing, following the rhythm fairly well for being baked out of your mind. Your dance was sloppy, wild and reckless, you gyrated your hips mostly, dancing like you were the only one in the room.
Eddie froze. He was almost transfixed, more so on the way you danced rather than the fact that you were transfixed on the song still.
“Eddie watch just… just listen to it again…” you stopped to have a fit of laughter.
“I don’t like this...!” he said, more cautious than curious at this point.
“Eddie! Just trust me! Let me listen to it again, one more time…! Please?”
He hesitated. Every fiber of his being screaming about the dangers that having both of you out of your minds could cause. The logical part of his brain screamed danger, saw it lurking in the sharp corners, odds and ends and angles of the room. He should get you both to bed before one of you got hurt. He should be the responsible one for once in his goddamned life instead of being the bad influence…
“God dammit…” he growled, wiping the final remnants of shame from his face. “Fine. One more time, and then we’re shutting shit down.”
You couldn’t press rewind fast enough. The scene began all over again with the drums, a soft ‘oh yeah’ from the blonde star being worked over by some stud, honestly at this point Eddie had seen the blonde get railed under the giant Coca Cola poster so many times and was getting so high as time marched on he couldn’t even find it in himself to get hard. He was utterly desensitized to the scene, until he saw you begin to dance again, and you were looking at him like you were starving.
“Something in your eyes makes me realize… how strained this feels...” your voice was smooth, a low alto so unlike anything he’d heard in his life. Although you weren’t practiced, and still very high, something about the way you seemed to just be enjoying yourself, letting loose… through the floating giddy feeling creeping up on him, Eddie was just completely captivated watching his beautiful lover have unabashed fun dancing to terrible music.
You reached out to Eddie, fingers beckoning him to dance with you, hips swaying as you continued to sing along.
Now how could he resist you like that? All hot and bothered, needy for him, beckoning him in for a dance…
He moved automatically in, moving slightly to the beat as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressed against him while singing the chorus, sweet little voice softening when you sang ‘tell me the truth’ in a cadence that lilted up at the end, as if you were trying to flirt with him. It was actually very endearing… and Eddie was finding the longer the song went on, he didn’t actually mind the song so long as it was you singing to him.
The longer you danced together, closely pressed against one another, the greater the intensity of the passion was as the raw sexual tension built up. You slowly slid your hands down Eddie’s body, massaging and teasing him as you then slipped your hands into the back pockets of his jeans. You gave him a firm, loving squeeze. Your eyes were watery, squinting up at him in the dark, but to him you looked like an angel.
It had to be the sounds from the television getting to you both on some subconscious level, because the next thing he knew Eddie was being pulled backwards until you both hit the couch, Eddie pinning you to the cushions as you continued to dance, swaying and moving against one another. He didn’t know when it started happening, just knew that at some point the Levis were pooled at his ankles and there you were. Surrounding every sense all at once. Buried in warmth. He was so consumed by a passion that burned hot and heavy, following a rhythmic pattern of give and take, soft and wet, hot and heavy all at the same time, the once terrible music becoming a symphonic masterpiece as you and he made music of your own.
When he pulled away from you, after the most earth shattering peak of enticement, he noticed you were staring at him with stars sparkling in your eyes.
“Best song ever written, right?” you asked, mouth hanging open as you both panted in the aftermath of love.
“Yeah…” he breathed, trying desperately to catch his breath as you took it away with your beauty. “Best song ever written babe…”
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