#I do not want any of the kids near Hollywood
aleppothemushroom · 2 days
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE SEE TRANSFORMERS ONE! It is exactly the type of movie Transformers fans have been waiting for while also working as a great entry point for newcomers. It also, surprisingly, takes itself fairly seriously and isn't afraid to go into some darker subject matter. If you're wondering why the trailers focused so much on the comedy, that's just how the Hollywood suits think an animated movie will sell. The movie itself is more in tone with other Transformers movie but also really dives into themes of political corruption, injustice, inequality, and idealism versus extremism. The friendship of Optimus Prime and Megatron (or Orion Pax and D-16) and they're inevitable falling out is one of the film's strong points. Sure, it' pretty much is a family-friendly comedy for it's first half. But once it gets into the juicy stuff, you're glued. I would even say that first comedy-centric first half is necessary for the more serious second half to really hit you. And Cybertron is so fucking beautiful. It feels like a full, alive world. The voice cast is also stellar. Chris Hemsworth surprisingly works as Orion Pax and shows he can pull off the wise and powerful Optimus that he becomes near the end of the movie. Brian Tyree Henry steals the show as D-16 and Megatron, perfectly capturing his turn to villainy. There are also some twists and turns to keep the movie from being too predictable.
If I had any complaints, the film can feel a little too fast-paced at times. The important stuff is given time to develop, but everything else feels like it's in fast-forward (Elita and Bumblebee's friendship with Optimus feels a little rushed). This also applies to the action which can feel overwhelming. Not all the time, but most of the time. Bumblebee I can also see being a bit divisive. Some people may find him hilarious, others I can see being incredibly annoyed by. But I'm sure he'll be popular with the kids.
This movie apparently isn't doing so well, which sucks because this feels like THE Transformers movie. If you've enjoyed this franchise in the past, I'd highly recommend it. I want there to be so many sequels to this thing, I'm not even kidding.
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dancerachanation · 1 year
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brandyllyn · 3 months
Silk from their soul (14)
The Ghoul / Cooper Howard x f!reader [no use of y/n]
Rated: T Words: 1.2k Summary: Florence Fucking Nightingale
Series Masterlist My Masterlist
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She’s passed out when he comes back with the gear he’s salvaged. Not a one of them assholes was carrying more than basic first aid which makes them ignorant as well as useless in his opinion. He’d drug the bodies a fair distance away, rolling them down a hill into a nearby ravine. Hopefully it would be enough to keep the scavengers away.
There was already too much blood in the air.
Dropping the things he’s found to the floor he stirs up the fire, hoping the smell of it will cover her injury. Then he digs in her pack, searching for what she bought from the trader. There’s a couple more packs of Rad-Away, and the bottle of Rad-X.
“You didn’t buy any damn stimpacks?” he growls, glaring at her from the corner of his eyes. “What kind of idiot-”
He stops himself before he can go further. Maybe he should have paid better attention at the trading post - maybe they hadn’t even had any stims. He’d been too caught up watching for trouble he’d barely paid attention to them.
“Looks like we’re doing this the old fashioned way.”
He pours antiseptic over a pair of needle nose pliers and unstoppers the bottle of rotgut he finds with his teeth. Crouching next to her he pulls his gloves off and gently tilts her face up, pressing the bottle to her mouth.
“This is going to taste like the south end of a northbound mule, but you’ll thank me later.”
She splutters but he manages to get a good amount down her throat before she refuses to take any more. He lets her lay back down then cuts at the dress near her waist, exposing the wound. It’s jagged, likely not a recycled bullet, and has all the makings of an infection.
“I am sorry about this,” he tells her before settling one hand on her stomach to hold her still. The hand holding the pliers wavers only a moment before he digs in.
“Son of a-”
“Hush,” he chides softly, barely glancing up at her as he applies more pressure to hold her still. “I gotta get this outta you before it festers.” She lets out a whimper and what’s left of his heart turns over. “Talk to me, darling, keep your mind off the pain.”
“About what?” she asks through gritted teeth.
“Anything you want.” Whatever she was shot with isn’t coming up easy and he resigns himself to having to dig. “Why’d those boys call you Daisy Mae?”
“Daisy Mae Jackson, Hollywood’s Honeypot.”
He freezes, tilting his head up at her. Now that she says it… “You look a bit like her.”
“I look a lot like her.”
Daisy Mae Jackson was before his time, she’d been an elderly matriarch off the stage when he was still coming up, and her movies weren’t the kind he was much into. But he remembered the films, the gossip that had surrounded her six marriages, the ignominious end in Palm Springs.
“She your grandma?”
“Something like that.”
“What do you mean ‘something like that’?” He asks it more sharply than he intends but he finally found the damn projectile and it’s slippery as a fucking eel.
“I’m her clone.”
The thing slips through the pliers once again and he curses under his breath, wiping at the wound with a cloth and glaring, barely listening to her. “Never knew she had any kids.”
She laughs and he looks up at her face, frowning. “What’s so funny?”
“Not related, same person. Kinda.”
The words finally sink in and he gawks at her. He’d thought she’d looked kind of familiar when he first saw her. But now - she’s a dead ringer for Daisy Mae Jackson in her prime.
“Vault?” Is all he can think to ask.
“Kinda, more of a… facility.”
“Lot of you down there?”
“Off and on.”
He finally catches the edge of the thing and slowly retracts it, breathing a sigh of relief when it comes loose entirely. It’s a bit of scrap metal, ringed red with rust and blood.
“You’re liable to have some trouble from this.”
“I’m always in trouble,” she jokes weakly, giving him a wane smile.
He drops the pliers to the side and reaches for the antiseptic. “Don’t reckon I’ve met a clone before.”
“Well I’ve got a few sisters if you want to go look.”
A thought occurs and he glances back at her, “Thirteen perhaps?”
She nods, holding her hand up and putting her thumb and forefinger almost next to each other. “Missed unlucky thirteen by this much.”
“What happened to the others?”
“Can we not?” She asks suddenly, reaching for the rotgut. Before he can say anything she takes a massive swig, spluttering at the taste before taking another. “I’m gone from there, I’m not going back.”
He can’t help but wonder how badly they might want her back. Say, 5,000 caps worth?
There’s no more talking while he bandages her up, taping the edges down and frowning at his work. It doesn’t look like it’s going to hold for long - he’ll need to keep a close eye on it. She continues to drink like a fish while he cooks up a bit of bounty hunter. She’d never said anything off about the bits of man-jerky he’d been feeding her - and what she didn’t know wouldn’t hurt her.
“Here,” he passes a piece to her, his back propped against the side of the cot, “you need to eat something.”
She chews slowly, cracking an eye open to look at him. “I wanna kiss you, you know.”
“Oh?” He tries not to sound too interested. She’s three sheets to the wind and as liable to pass out as give him state secrets.
“Yeah,” she drawls the word, making it take several seconds.
“Why don’t you?” he asks, not looking away from the fire.
“Can’t. Not ever.”
Suddenly her hand is grasping his shoulder in a viselike grip and he nearly falls over in shock when she sits bolt upright. “Darlin’ I-”
“Promise me. Promise me you won’t ever try.”
“I…” Her eyes are wide with fear and he covers her hand with his. “I swear it.”
She nods in return, falling back to the cot. He frowns at her and searches for his pack, tucking it under her head.
“Anything else you want me to-?”
A delicate snore interrupts him and he snorts. He shifts so he can check her bandage, worried she might have aggravated the wound with her theatrics. He ain’t no doctor, it might have been better to leave it exposed, but with things the way they were it just felt like keeping the dirt out of it was the best course. Anyway, it looks good.
Real good.
He frowns and touches the edge, near the open wound. It had been a bit bigger in his memory, big around as a brass button. Now it was no larger than his thumbnail.
A clone of a Hollywood star who healed almost as fast as he did?
“Who the fuck are you?”
☢ ☢ ☢
For updates follow and turn on notifications for @brandyllyn-writes
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knifegiver · 3 months
Man, how bad has the hotd fandom had to become that I, the most non-confrontational person ever, am doing two rant posts in less than a week...
Seriously? Body-shaming someone? And kink-shaming in the same sentence, I guess? Like, seriously.
There has been said a lot about the fact you shouldn't body-shame people. And guess what, behind characters on tv are always very real actors. No, I don't want to even start on why body-shaming is fucking shit. People have done that, and they did it more eloquently I ever could.
What really, really pisses me off is that last season everybody was gushing over how lean Aemond is. How his waist is so snatched. I mean... what do you expect? Did you expect him to have tight-laced a corset for that look? Someone who looks lean with clothes on will look lean without them!
That said, let me add one thing, though. Personally I was taken aback when I saw his whole ribcage. Because, even though I grew up in the 90s when that was the pinnacle of beautiful, I don't worship ribs. I don't like seeing people's ribs any more than I like seeing animal's ribs. I'm always worried when I can so clearly count ribs on someone; and that's because that is how my mother looks, and she desperately tries to keep her weight and not lose any more. So I was worried that maybe Ewan had fallen to the very unhealthy Hollywood standard of starving and dehydrating himself for that scene. A lot of it was the angle in the scene, though. We can see that when we see Aemond naked in ep3. I can't count his ribs in that episode. If I curled up like he did in ep2, you would probably see my ribs, too, and I'm nowhere near thin.
And now for the kink-shaming. I find that disgusting. Maybe the scene was shocking to some people, I don't know. But most of the Aemond fans have been daddy-fying him. Big bad daddy Aemond is a dynamic that is in so so many fics. But the other way around is disgusting? A mommy kink that isn't even sexual as far as we know is so disgusting that you have to pretend to vomit at it? Really.
All of the internet preaches emotional vulnerability. It's a good thing, right. Being vulnerable with people you trust. But we're shaming a character who understandibly has problems with being vulnerable? And I wonder, is it because it shattered all the daddy dom fantasies? Or is it because it's a sex worker, and one older than him, too? I have to wonder if the outrage would've been the same if they had Aemond go to Helaena for comfort? Everyone bent over themselves to logic in Helaemond after s1, how would it be received if Helaena had been in the madam's position? But who am I kidding? I would bet then people would dig up the incest arguments all of a sudden. Anyway, I'm tired now. Thanks for reading.
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sassy-man-apocalypse · 3 months
HELLO NEW FRIEND AND COOL PERSON I FOUND THROUGH A MUTUAL OF A MUTUAL!!! please please please tell me about the WC AU !!! I want to draw them,,,
HELLO TUMBLR USER MAROONPALT :D I'll tell you about out best friends the bayoutrio and how they've been fairing
Cast !!!
Forager — Rolan Deep
Catnip — Timothy Rand
Rockstar — Kian Stone
Rat — Richie Rat Sanders
Chipmunk — Rachel
Remember that burnt down twoleg place? Yeah that's where they used to live ( rosefeather did too ! But thats a story for another ask ). In this au the bug apocalypse was just a very big fire caused by a car crashing and exploding near a gas station, which then managed to spread its fire all around town in a very short amount of time. Most twolegs evacuated and moved out soon after, only leaving remnants of their old lives there, such as the Bayoutrio who saw it all go down.
Rat is apart of this too! Unfortunately he was ran over by the aforementioned car before everything went to shit, and Catnip talked to him one last time before he went.
As for Chipmunk, she drowned. Catnip blames himself for not paying attention to her.
Before all of that happened —
Catnip & Chipmunk were adopted by parents who only wanted to shut their kid up. Seeing as the child was too young to take care of them properly, and the adults didn't care enough, the both of them simply got used to living outside. Catnip's owner actually named him Munchkin, but he didn't like that name, so he named himself after a drug instead. Naturally.
Rockstar's owners had recently moved in from Hollywood, where they picked him up from the street — he tries to convince everyone the other cats in the alleys would cheer his name on like he was a celebrity. Soon after moving in, Rockstar's owners opened up an Instagram account for pictures of him, dyed his fur ( ethically ), etc. They didn't show him much attention past that though.
Forager was brought into an old woman's home and lived pretty comfortably before the fires, though she passed away when it happened. He watched it happen and couldn't do anything to help.
Thats all there is on them for now ! If you'd like to draw them or any other guys, lots of them have set designs! You can find them in my masterpost :) tag me if you ever post your art of them, I'd absolutely love to see :D
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idpreferyoudead · 4 months
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There’s a lot of movies I haven’t seen yet this year because going to the cinema is bloody expensive and you can have a couple of months of nothing grabbing your interest and then suddenly 4 movies come out in the same week and somehow I’m meant to choose which movie I want to see the most? Well last month I didn’t pick Abigail and I’ll admit that was solely on the fact the film was by Radio Silence and the focus was on Melissa Barrera. I thought Ready Or Not was a great film but I hated what they did to the Scream franchise. I haven’t really seen Melissa in anything else but I just hate her character in Scream so much it’s hard to separate her right now. So with Abigail hitting streaming services, I finally gave it a viewing.
Now we all know what this movie is about thanks to the trailer: a little girl comes home from what is presumedly a ballet class, is kidnapped by a group of criminals and she turns out to be a vampire. That is basically the extent of the entire plot. Six completely random crims, where none of them look like the type capable of pulling off something of this magnitude even if it is just glorified babysitting, but it only takes Joey (Melissa Barrera) 30 seconds to prove she’s incompetent for the job when she believes everything Abigail tells her. The second hand embarrassment was real when Joey did this not once, but twice, then stands there saying how smart Abigail is for manipulating them. I feel like Joey would be really susceptible to TV advertising. The kind of person to believe something on wikipedia because nothing on wikipedia is ever wrong – and it is, you should look up the plot to Robert the Doll on there. It’s hilarious but oh so wrong! They all realise this little girl is a vampire and stand around discussing the ways to kill a vamp. Of course, Twilight is mentioned. Garlic, sunlight and holy water are the obvious answers, 2 of which are useless to them at 3:30am barricaded inside a large house but the dumb got dumber when Sammy (Kathryn Newton) runs out of the kitchen with a bag of garlic and she gets a quick lesson on what an onion looks like. I wish I could say the movie gets better, but for me, it didn’t.
Early on with teaser trailers, people were very quick to make comparisons to M3GAN – all because of a young girl and a dance routine – and that’s not much of a comparison. Honestly it’s kind of insulting to compare a Tiktok dance to ballet. Though for a kid that’s been around for a few centuries, I’ll guess ballet is a relatively new hobby for her but her ballet skills are better than whoever was in charge of giving Sammy tattoos. I don’t know what is going on in Hollywood right now where every ‘edgy’ character that exists in a movie must have some of the absolute shittest tattoos that ever existed. The kind of tattoos that look like they were done in your mates crack den with the tattoo gun he bought from Temu. Harry Styles is not the poster boy for how to look cool with tattoos, okay? Just employ someone from Ink Master, they could draw you up something real nice compared to the random black drawings that look like were done with a felt tip pen.
Plot wise I was mostly pretty bored to the point where I started wondering if I should count how many times the word FUCK was said in the movie, because that one word is definitely like 30% of the script. Total overkill, just like that time someone let Chris Rock near a Saw film. Even the way some of them were dying – just fully exploding bloody messes – was straight out of Ready Or Not and didn’t feel very imaginative.
I’m sure to have no fans with this but Melissa Barrera’s acting just doesn’t do it for me. This was just another character I couldn’t stand where she was gullible at every turn while also being holier than thou. Can we normalise not praising a movie just because some actor/actress you’re fangirling over is in it? Let’s raise the bar a little!
Any rating I give this movie is going to Alisha Weir. She pulled off playing a terrified and vulnerable little girl, a vampire child who likes to play with her food and she was definitely the smartest person in the room. Her ability to switch between meek child to ruthless killer and back again makes her someone to watch – I’ll be interested to see what she does in the future!
Lastly, I’m saddened that after hearing ‘Tiny Dancer’ a few times in the beginning, not once was Elton John played in the movie. What a missed opportunity.
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
I agree that it was extremely important to Austin to delay a breakup announcement so that if there were any Gerber blowback, it would not affect the film or the many professionals for whom he has such deep respect.
I am BEYOND thrilled that the end is near.
I believe in hoping for the greatest good for all parties involved and I truly believe that these two have absolutely no reason to be together (and never did).
Before I knew about PR relationships, I actually assumed he must really care about her because on the surface they didn’t seem to have anything in common — and their puzzling age gap also fed that assumption. I thought she must have had so much substance to her that he wasn’t concerned about the age difference. But that’s what she wanted him to think and it worked — for a short while. I think in part because Austin knows that kids in Hollywood do have to grow up quick and so it wasn’t outside the realm of possibility that she was mature beyond her years. But that was a massive lie.
However it began, I do believe that Austin tried for real. If only because he found himself caught in a trap (Elvis reference intended) and wanted to do his best to try to make something meaningful from it.
Turns out she is so shallow and entitled that there was no way he was going to continue in a serious vein with her unless she made the effort to grow herself up. That was an option for her as he let it be known that he was “encouraging” her to take her career seriously and train as an actor. But she wasn’t interested. She only wanted the benefits of riding on his coattails without doing any of the work.
I went from giving her (them) the benefit of the doubt — and even rooting for her — to finding her one of the most distasteful people I’ve ever observed. My flip in sentiment is entirely because she has shown herself to be so unbelievably phony, so offensively entitled, so grossly affected, and so abusively controlling.
She is young and she can turn herself around if she wants to. I doubt she wants to.
I can’t wait until I never have to think about this vapid brat again in my life.
I get the strong sense Austin feels the same.
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Hell yes, MJ.
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shefanispeculator · 1 year
The 'Voice' coach opens up in PEOPLE's latest cover story about marriage, raising three boys and staying inspired in her peaceful new chapter
Gwen Stefani can't quite believe it: She's turned into her parents.
"When I was young, I'd walk home from school and see my mom in her shorts doing her gardening, and my dad would be cutting the trees and make me pick up the branches. I'd be like, 'I'm never having a tree at my house,'" she recalls.
Yet these days, when she and her husband Blake Shelton are at their home near Tishomingo, Oklahoma, the rocker tends to far more than just a lone tree.
They have sunflowers. Zinnias. Even plots of corn. "I just had the most incredible dahlias ever," says Stefani, 53, beaming as she describes herself as a "garden flower nerd" after her PEOPLE cover shoot in Los Angeles. "When we get to Oklahoma, we're constantly working — and it's a different kind of work. It's probably what my mom was doing back in the day, and now I get it!"
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Stefani — who wed Shelton in 2021 — still feels surprised by the decidedly un-Hollywood turn her life has taken in the past decade.
"I didn't see any of this coming with Blake. This was just a big old 'What?' It was an amazing gift to experience love like that for the first time," she says of falling for the country superstar, 47, and his down-home life after meeting in 2014 on the set of The Voice.
"He's changed my life ... when I [started dating] Blake, that's when I felt home, like, 'Oh, this is where I'm supposed to be, with this guy."
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A doting stepdad, Shelton introduced Stefani and her boys (their dad is the rocker's ex-husband Gavin Rossdale) — Kingston, 17, Zuma, 15, and Apollo, 9 — to a more adventurous world outside the glare of Hollywood.
"I am not really a dirt person, a bug person, I don't like that much humidity," jokes Stefani. "But it's so beautiful [in Oklahoma], and you kind of feel like you're going into this vortex. Nature — and God — is all right there."
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The peace she's found has reinvigorated her passion for music and creation. Throughout her 20s and 30s the singer hustled nonstop in music, fronting the rock band No Doubt before going solo and embarking on multiple international tours while raising her boys.
Looking back, she feels protective of her younger self. "I took Kingston on a world tour [when he was 9 months old]. I would have to nurse him, then get onstage, come off, and he would twirl my ponytail," she recalls. "That's when things got really hard for me emotionally. That time is so precious, and you don't want to miss anything."
At the time, Stefani says she powered through with a personal goal in mind: "When my kids were teenagers, I really wanted to make sure that I was home for them — and here we are," she says.
Shelton announced he was stepping away from The Voice after 23 consecutive seasons last fall, and it "was a huge family choice," says Stefani. "I am happy for him because he has space to do all these other hobbies and things he wants to do."
When the show offered her a coach chair alongside John Legend, Niall Horan and Reba McEntire, Stefani felt uncertain.
"I was really weirded out like, 'What's it going to be like without Blake?' But we are having so much fun," she says. "At the end of the day, coaching these humans who are so gifted ... I love it."
Aside from working on NBC's singing competition show, Stefani is also writing and recording new music. "I'm never going to write anything that's not just completely reflective of what's going on in my life," she says. "Before I wrote my first song, I was this dyslexic girl who didn't know how I fit in. Then I was like, 'Oh, this is my magic power.' I'm so honored that I got the gift to be able to write music, and I take it super seriously."
She's also leaning into her other first love: beauty. In March 2022 Stefani launched her makeup line GXVE — and she's found purpose in helping others feel confident.
"Everybody pretty much knows that at one point my life fell apart. It was terrible, and there's so many people out there that have gone through the same thing. When that happened, I had to literally start over again. It was a reset of my life," she says of conceiving the brand while navigating her divorce from Rossdale in 2016.
"There are so many people that are around my age that want to still feel pretty and feel good when they wake up in the morning. It gets harder," she adds. "I think with makeup, it doesn't matter what age you are. It gives you that confidence, that feeling of creativity."
She's feeling more fulfilled than ever these days, but after decades of juggling a packed schedule Stefani acknowledges life can still feel "chaotic."
"It's literally schedule, schedule, schedule. [But] there is a balance," she says. "For me the only way that I've gotten this far is with my spiritual faith and being able to take time out to pray. You see the miracles, and that's inspiration and fuel to keep it going."
For all the details on Gwen Stefani's return to The Voice and her life in Oklahoma with husband Blake Shelton and her sons, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday.
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stabknives · 2 months
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The V/B half of this ask!
I hear all of you asking me: what is V/B. Who is V/B. Can you please shut up about V/B it's very annoying how you keep talking about them like we should know what those letters even mean.
Well, I'm here to tell you, they're my little guys. And one of them is a girl that's not a girl. And the other one is an evil indie film director. Yayyyyyy.
TW for stalking, threats, noncon, violence, psychological torture, and more!
1. Starting simple, how did they first meet?
Hooboy! What a doozy. Need to give some context first. It's important to know they have several 'first meetings', thanks to the way V steals faces...
Anyway. B has always had an intense and wide eyed love for Hollywood. He's been a cinephile for as long as he's been alive, and would watch old vcr tapes until they broke in his family's garage on a beat up old box tv.
Movies were kind of his escape from a rough home life. He was the youngest of nine kids in an evangelical household, and his parents were… not very nice people! So he dreamed of one day escaping the farm and leaving for the big city.
So he leaves the very day he turns 18, hoping to make it big someday. Part of him desperately wants to be an actor, but he doesn't think he's cut out for all that attention. Instead, he'll settle for being a costume designer. He's great at sewing, and as long as he's involved in film, he knows he'll be happy.
He knows it.
B passes V on the street one night after coming out of another interview for an internship he definitely won't get, downtrodden and teary eyed after just. Utterly embarrassing himself throughout the whole interview. No, he doesn't have any references or credentials. But he's willing to work, and he's good with clothing and makeup, honest! Please don't send him away again- you'll call him back? You really swear you'll call him back…?
He leaves. And he knows they're not gonna call him back.
It's pretty important to me that B wasn't doing anything special or wrong to have what happens to him next happen. Sometimes violence just finds you. And follows you. Regardless if you deserve it or not.
B collapses under a streetlight crying really hard. He's embarrassed but there's nobody around, and he's been in the city for months now and he's still working at a dirty video rental store, no closer to his goal of working in showbusiness. He doesn't have any friends in the city, he's lonely, and he kind of wants to give up.
He's mid sobbing session when someone taps him on the shoulder. It's some guy with a handkerchief smiling down at him. Very friendly. And handsome. The guy sits with him for a while. Tells him not to give up on his dreams once B volunteers his whole life store like a. Naive Simpleton. To this perfect stranger.
This guy is really funny. Charming. He's a good listener, and he's got kind of an offbeat sense of humor that shocks a few giggles from B. B really hopes they can be friends, but the guy leaves before he can give B a name. (But he said they'd see each other again 😬 and they will.)
This guy is V. And he takes a shine to this. Crying farm boy he saw on a street corner. V loves the way B looks crying! Very photogenic. A face made for filming. But V has all the time in the world, and he likes to savor his meals. The thrill of the hunt and all! Yuck. So for nearly three years, V plays. Tag. With B. Idk what else to call it.
He leaves things at B's door. Gore in brown bags with a smiley face drawn on the stinking wet paper. Deranged letters shoved in his mailbox talking about how B is going to end up raped and choked and dead in a ditch near his house, so his siblings find him covered in blood and bodily fluid. A bouquet of flowers from a secret admirer, and if B reaches in to pull out the note B gets cut up by a bundle of razorblades hidden in-between the dethorned rose stems (how ironic! I'm sure V was laughing it up at that one. 🙄 You're so clever.)
And all the while, V and B are having other first meetings. Each time, with V wearing a different face. The face of a friend. A shoulder to cry on. The face of a stranger. Someone following him home, too close for comfort, enough to have B hyperventilating by the time he stumbles into his rundown apartment and slams the door shut, looking through the peephole to see someone's eye staring right back at him.
B is coming unglued. But he's still pretty when he cries, and they're about to have their last 'first' meeting.
He goes to the bar with a friend, someone he's known a long time. They're visiting the big city from out of town, and they wanna treat B to a few drinks. B is excited. It's been ages since he hung out with J, and he kind of has a major crush on the guy. J is a laid back guy, super relaxed, and he's exactly as B remembers him.
B's phone dings again. He's gotten these mysterious texts for years now, and if he ignores them, bad shit always happens. (Someone breaks into his apartment and soaks his sheets in fluids. Audience gets to pick the fluid. You're welcome. Things go missing, or. Sometimes a single stuffed animal is left on his pillow. Just to mix things up.)
So he goes into the bathroom, and asks for the hundredth, thousandth time, Why Are You Doing This To Me, and gets no response back. Which is odd. Usually they respond. They must be busy… but thn why send a text in the first place? Hmm.
B goes back to his table. J hands him back his drink, and B slams it back, before confiding in his friend about what's been going on. J comforts him, but B is suddenly slumping over. Drank too much, maybe.
B wakes up in a house he doesn't recognize, but J is there to reassure him. This is one of J's places. Having a wealthy family comes with perks. You're safe, B. And B is so glad to have such a good friend. Someone who takes care of him.
He can't help himself. He confesses, and J is flattered. Returns the feelings. They make love. How cute. Perfect end to a perfect scene.
V really enjoyed playing this part for him.
V drops the charade halfway through. B panics, because who wouldn't? Your new boyfriend just morphed into a stranger. You're getting assaulted by a monster. A doppelganger, a face stealer.
You thrash. You scream. You cry those tears V likes so much. Smile! You're on camera, btw. V finishes, choking B until he sees spots, mocking him, berating him. ("Do I look like J to you now? No, of course not. Oh well. Got anybody else you want me to be? Got a mother? A brother? A highschool bully? Or do you want a round with yourself? Aww. You look faint!") V does this for a living. He's a movie maker, and B is his new star.
So. Nice to meet you. Again.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 3 days
Did Oprah Forget to Extend an Invite the Multiple Times she Saw Meghan? by u/millioneura
Did Oprah Forget to Extend an Invite the Multiple Times she Saw Meghan? MODS CAN WE PLEASE HAVE AN NFI FLARE ADDED?! How do we go about doing this?SEPTEMBER 2024 GRIFTING & ATTENTION-SEEKING TIMELINEApologies if my timeline is incorrect but let's see if we can figure out this NFI Snub. September 2: Meghan walking to the bookstore with the $400 keychainhttps://preview.redd.it/hkm4pewh0eqd1.png?width=750&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa953568487d8b7b93491f8954d5d1c8a5934743September 7: Meghan gives speech, famously interupted by Oprah where her mask slips which is what every headline focuses on. She then runs out to make dinner for the kids. https://ift.tt/bZku0Qy 8: Harry tags along, Picture of Meghan & Oprah hugging to show all is good and pictures with former WME exec who now owns the shop. Maria Shriver attends as well (member of the Kennedy royal family through her mom and ex-wife of former Cali Governer Arnold S.)https://ift.tt/crv8Ibt 12: Hollywood Reporter releases the bullying story that Tom Bower promised in April. They tell HR to take down the story and they respond "No we have signed affadavits" NOTE: After this report is released, Meghan is not spotted at any events or with other celebs to this day. Hazbeen goes to Kevin's event alone and is off to NYC without her for a week of activities. I wonder if she will have the nerve to do some parking lot strolls or if she's laying low to not draw attention to the HR article. https://ift.tt/c1vPsnC 14: Tyler Perry bday bash with Oprah and Harkles although it's just pictures of them driving in seperate cars but no photos with Tyler Perry or Oprah or at any event. #PicsOrItDidntHappen https://ift.tt/NrQ1z7p 17: National Voter Registration Day in the US. Archscam writes letters urging Americans to register to vote. Did Meghan hear about Oprah's planned interview and do this so it would be linked in the news as "While the Harkles wrote letters, their close friend Oprah did this" to make up for the NFI/snub?https://ift.tt/RyIbGia 19: Oprah hosts star studded voting event where she brings her talk show back. Archwell who are huge proponents of voting + the Harkles are NFI. Meanwhile Chris Rock (who opened the door for Hollywood to laugh at Meghan publically) is a guest and other celebs who don't even speak or do anything for democracy attend. https://ift.tt/Fy4fizZ Sinners at least 1 confirmed visit and 3 speculated and yet no invite to a star studded voting event after pushing Archwell to the forefront of 2 elections? Did Oprah simply forget and it slipped her mind to extend an invite or was the Hollywood Reporter right and she is persona non grata in Hollywood? I don't think Kamala wants her anywhere near her campaign, the Democrats don't answer her calls and refused to back her for Governor/Senator and Meghan doesn't like successful women which is why the Harkles refused to back any candidate. Meghan thinks she is punishing Kamala by not endorsing her as if anybody cares. post link: https://ift.tt/Bn8hg0M author: millioneura submitted: September 22, 2024 at 07:14PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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creedslove · 11 months
I literally hate deuxmoi with all my heart. They always spread misinformation about celebrities from random people who can easily fake things. Like a while ago a person said to deuxmoi that Pedro was their neighbor and he was living with his girlfriend there cause he was filming something and they said how Pedro was always so rude and called him an as*hole psycho (like bffr) and he always shouted at them for parking near his house. Like what??? What’s the reason for posting things like this when you don’t even know if these are true and putting in the shadow a celebrity, someone like Pedro who has worked his ass off to get where he is after 30 years of acting. Like seriously, what’s the reason? Now this pregnancy rumor and him and Bella not talking to each other??? Wtf is wrong with people cmon now. I personally don’t believe the pregnancy thing either the beef with him and Bella (or whoever the other costar is)
Anon this is gonna be the last ask I reply about gossip about his personal life, just because I don't like this kind of content in my blog, the only reason I replied to that first one it was just TOO bizarre not to
I have no idea where these info come, as deuxmoi states: some of them are real and some are bullshit, just like Hugh Jackman's divorce, if someone had told me he would divorce his wife I would've laughed my ass off but turns out it was true.
These rumors are either true or false, there's no in-between, if they are false that's great if they are true also nothing to be done.
An accidental pregnancy could happen to anyone, regardless of both parts wanting a baby or not, and well, in January I saw some sketchy gossip websites saying Liev Schreiber (my former crush lmao) was going to be a dad again and I just shrugged it off because I was sure he wouldn't have a kid and well, his baby is about two months old now 🥴
The pregnancy thing could honestly fit half of Hollywood, I guess people are projecting too much on it because of the constant speculations of his sexuality; idk if Pedro is queer, honestly, he probably is, my guess is that he is bi so having a girlfriend and going out with men wouldn't be impossible to happen just as accidentally knock someone up
idk like, I feel some part of it holds onto this rumor with hope he isn't dating another guy (who's way too ugly for him in my opinion btw lmao) while other people are just so into the idea of him being "gay" they treat it almost as a fetish making up conspiracy theories to prove it obsessively, to the point they can't see him STANDING next to another man they are sure they are together, i mean wtf (yes I'm talking about that ugly bitch from tiktok)
Now, about him and Bella, idk I guess everything is possible, sometimes you get angry with people you love the most and you need a break from them, or sometimes you just drift apart from someone you like when you don't work with them anymore, things just change, your routine changes you know? For example, there's always that one co-worker or classmate whatever you used to like a lot, but once you don't see each other all the time anymore you grow apart, you might still like the person but you aren't on the same vibe anymore so honestly, all these rumors can be true or they cannot be true
and even the neighbor thing could be true because like, everyone is entitled to be angry sometimes and especially at neighbors lmao
what we need to do is to remember that pedro is a human being, apart from being an amazing person he's still got faults like everyone else so yeah, the rumors can be true or not true like I said before, what we really need to think is: does it even matter?
You will be less of a fan if he has a secret girlfriend and got her pregnant or if he has a boyfriend? if he isn't friends with Bella anymore?
Honestly, to me he's is so unproblematic I don't really see why anything around him needs to turn into a fuss, he can date whoever he wants, fight or befriend whoever he wants, it simply doesn't change my life, at the end of the day I still need to bury myself in a job I don't even like to earn enough to survive lmaof that's way more dramatic to me than any of those gossip combined together 🤷🏻‍♀️
And once more: no matter if you besties agree or disagree, please don't send me any more asks about it because I'll not reply to them. Enough with gossip/drama ❤️
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the80srewinders · 4 months
this anon sent hella misinformation so I'm going to debunk all of it.
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first off I never had an iPad? I hate apple, I only had an iPod touch bc it was someone else's old one and I didn't want it to go in the trash bc it's a collectors item. I don't even use it anymore.
and sure I hate the outdoors, but you don't need to go outside to have sense and be a decent person. people put too much emphasis on going outside and less emphasis on learning how to be a good person.
and most of my time indoors isn't social media time. I'm researching a lot of topics and learning a lot of skills that I can with my mental and physical disabilities. I want to be worth something and help people, so I learn how.
a lot of people with DID use social media because we're just like you? we deserve to have normalcy too. and social media hasn't done near the damage Hollywood has to us. ask any "real" did system.
npd and DID can be co morbid. in fact most people I've met with DID have npd. where did you get this opinion from, the narc abuse believers?
I never revealed too much about my trauma. I have kept much more secret than you know, the trauma I've shared is just the mildest or the safest to share. there is much more nobody will ever know.
my younger cousin wasn't my first abuser and you're acting like I said she was my only abuser. hell no if that was true I wouldn't have did because her abuse didn't happen in the DID development time frame. and you can be abused by people younger than you. what you said just erased elder abuse.
also two minors can't consent even if they think they do, it's not right for two innocent kids to fuck and it shows that the kids have been abused and need help.
and the fact I have disabilities makes what she did even more so abuse.
also, I never blamed a child for my disorders or all my trauma.
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I never said I hated the ramcoa community. I said I didn't like how they make it seem like it's all cult abuse. there's other forms of ritual abuse besides cult abuse, and there's people who've been sex trafficked without RA or MC. there's survivors who are sensible and know that the ISSTD and dated stereotype that "ramcoa is mostly the most unimaginable cult abuse" is unrealistic and you'll find many of those. I just wish the ramcoa community focused less on cult abuse.
you can be trafficked in your own home. the person who sexually abused me first did so by making me their prostitute *and* they were being paid to do so with money they used to fuel their drug addiction. that, even if I was never "dramatically ripped from my mom's arms, sold and abused more horrifically than you can imagine" it legally counts as child sex trafficking because it's fucking prostitution of a child. and there are ramcoa survivors who have callback programming and feel worthless unless they're being abused. that's a fucking normal part of RAMCOA. that's what I have been expressing, that and invalidity caused by people in the "trauma survivor" community who say things like you.
also, abuse is not love. it might feel like it to a programmed system, but it is *not* love and I have alters who hate it and tell me how much they hate me for wanting abuse. these alters have made me cut and caused me to attempt suicide because we can't stand to be in the same brain with each other.
also, people with developmental disabilities, especially intellectual disability get abused more often. they're so naive that abusers use this.
and as far as hoping I get r@p3d again goes, I have been raped once again this year, and I've been sexually assaulted as recently as a few days ago. I felt hurt, scared and sad all of those times and thought "why did I want this to happen? maybe I deserve it. why am I not enjoying it like I thought I would?" don't fucking say shit like that because you don't know how much it can push a victim over the edge.
and I've been fighting suicidal thoughts like hell lately. I've came so close to attempting but haven't, I've self harmed a lot and go back and forth between planning suicide. reading that almost made me really do it.
also, I'm not Internet addicted? I rely on Internet to have a life because of how mentally and physically disabled I am. id love to put my phone and coloring books down and ice skate, ballet, hang out alone w friends irl, work, yk be a normal human and not a waste of space? unfortunately the Internet is the only place I can matter or be worth anything to anyone, I've tried making friends irl and have trauma with it bc all my irl friends left except one. I also put the "iPad" (that I never had LMAOOO) down and do other things, like paint, draw, make jewelry, write and therapy which you should get.
you've spent too much time on systemscringe. real systems are nothing like what systemscringe makes did/OSDD out to be. they spread misinformation just like ENDOS.
and no I ain't gonna kill myself, I wanna stay alive and spite all the haters.
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beevean · 1 year
The more I read about Shankar and his way of adapting old franchise the more he genuinely strikes me as your average edgelord fanfic writer from the mid 2000s that would just make everything super edgy for the sake of it and everyone would laugh at them
Seriouslu an R-Rated Mega Man adaptation!? The X and Zero series may be dark but nowhere NEAR R-Rated!! And he wanted to do this for the Power Rangers!
“If I’m not a fan of something and I don’t organically understand what is cool about it, then I’m simply not going to get involved,” he said. “Even though I have one foot in the door in Hollywood, I’m not trying to rape and pillage culture for profit. I’m trying to take the things I loved as a kid and bring them to life in an interesting way.”
lol. lmao, even. rofl, if you will.
You know, I think we found the real equivalent of Flynn. Ellis was very honest about his lack of caring of the franchises he worked for, and as little respect I can give that individual, I can respect that he didn't pretend to have any more credentials than he actually has.
Now Shankar and the Deats brothers are more familiar in their "We're totally fans, we swear! We care about the original products! We're fans like you! We're one of you, we're bros!"
And I don't want to say that they're fake fans, but they seem to be that kind of fan who have their very narrow vision of the franchises they love, unaware or uncaring of how distant their vision actually is. And their idea of what's cool and interesting can end up rather... juvenile.
Which, whatever if they were simply writing fanfiction in their corner. But when said fanfiction becomes the face of a whole franchise, well, :)
As for R-rated Megaman, I wonder if they'll turn the movie into a gorefest much like NFCV, because something something robot rebellion but let's give them blood i guess. Well, the Zero series can get rather grim, but the Classic series? Unless you have Wily spouting profanities, how are you going to make that R-rated?
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chrisevansluv · 2 years
Wait, can I ask your thoughts on all of this, I know you said they are not just PR and I have to agree, are they doing some PR stuff to promote her show yes. I think they met in person around september last year and continued to have a FWB type of thing that died down around february, when he started working/promiting. And then she moved to the US I assume to start to try to launch her career in hollywood and since Chris has talked a lot about not wanting to be awat for months filming and just takes project that keep him close to home, the rekindled whatever they had and now it just got serious enough to make it public, yeah it overshadowed his SMA tittle but he did gis girlfriend a solid, people will watch her show because of him and her insta its growing tremendously.
Having said that do i believe they were together for over a year the WHOLE time, no. Like I said maybe from september 2021 to february 2022, went off and pick it up around september this year when she moved to the states. Do i also think they are maddly in love and they will get married? No, maybe the are in love but not enough to jump the hurdles they have, in the sense that Alba wants to grow her career and not to be mean but marriage and specially kids will trunk her career -maybe marriage not so much, but I think for Chris marriage is the pathway to kids, like if he gets married I see him trying to have kids sooner than later- And I just don't see Chris wanting to wait IF they are/get engaged in the near future (also he seem a little scared of commiment when it comes to marriage) so either Alba pauses her career or Chris agrees to wait wich as I said I dont see him doing it (as much as I love him, he seems selfish in that sense, like he wont move for her, he wont follow her around in any case he probably would expect her to do it wich again with put alba in pause). So I wouldn't be to surprised that in some months we get articles saying they broke up because they were in different places in their lives.
Or maybe they will make me swallow my words and are truly maddly depply in love, an he has changed so they could get their happily ever after
I really can't add more to what you said 😅
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papirouge · 2 years
i still kinda like taylor swifts music but fell down the swiftie rabbit hole and went back to 2012 when she actually dated Conor Kennedy when he was still in high school. She’d drop him off and even sign him out of school because he couldn’t do it himself because you know… hes still a student. She was obsessed with the old money Americana aesthetic then and tried to dress like Jackie O and other old money types to impress him. According to his friends from school, she was clingy. But he was really weird too since he thought it was appropriate to bring her to his mothers grave site (his mother committed suicide) early in the relationship with other family members while his dad brought his mistress. She bought a house near the family. She also crashed his family’s wedding once too. I have friends that come from that old money world on the east coast of the US so I love to hear the tea from them. And let me tell you, it’s hilarious that they think they’re better than other people for having generational wealth and famous names. When they are messier than the kardashians lol why taylor wanted that is beyond me but she was obsessed when she was around 22ish and the age when most people are graduating university. But she chased high schoolers. But bring any of that up now and you’re called a misogynist
kgkfkfkeoskgkroe not you tea dumping on Taylor Swift xDDD
Honestly I'm a VERY nosy person but Taylor Swift is just.....not that interesting for me to check on her like that 😅
I heard of her fling with that Kennedy kid and the creepy age gap though. She really was your typical 'pickme' back then, but tbh I won't judge her because I have been 23 too and I know how stupid and male identified we can be at that age....though pursuing a barely legal teen was creepy and she was old enough to grasp that. So it's very ironic to see her diss Jake Gyllenhaal profiting off the dynamic unbalance in their age gap relationship. Like..sis, that's you 💀 you actively pursued a barely legal teen who wasn't that much into you... should he also make a song dissing you abusing his youthful cluelessness about romantic boundaries? 🤔 People are right to call her out about she acting like she's ALWAYS the victim somehow......
That being said, I think the people who say a bunch of mainstream media & scrote despise/hate her bc she never let herself being sexualized or display sexual availability is true though. But I also think we shouldn't be naive and act like she didn't have skeleton in her closed like EVERY celebrity of that range has, just bc she writes unproblematic cutesy lyrics...
Genuinely good people cannot make it in Hollywood/music industry. Or they reach a glass ceiling and/or eventually nope out. That's how you know an artist or band didn't sell out. Some artists have actual steady popular success but you never hear of them bc they're not supported by mass media & sponsors who back up only 'their own'. That's also why you have many talented artists who had a very promising career and disappeared overnight.
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wack-ashimself · 2 years
One of the best metaphors I have seen in less than 30 minutes about children working in the movies...
Atlanta, S4, E5.
For fun and extra cash, Vanessa takes an acting gig at an all black movie studio. Brings her kid in tow.
Slowly, her kid seems to be stealing the spotlight. To the point, she gets a ton of acting gigs, and is basically KIDNAPPED by the movie studio.
The rest of the episode is Van trying to find her kid (I would flip the FUCK out), then confronting the studio head, which was Donald Glover dressed in crappy makeup.
IMO, I think they were totally mocking Tyler Perry in full. Saying how he's a hack, crappy writing, random shit, uses black people tho he says he's trying to lift them up. Maybe not, but when you see the movie posters near the beginning...they look like Tyler Perry movies. lol Also when they talk about the movies, they sound like...Hallmark meets Tyler Perry vibes. Just saying...
Anyways, she gets her kid back. They offer her kid an easy life tv show contract. Kid wants it. She's been having fun. Mom is exasperated and drags the kid out kicking and screaming.
Later on she gives a touching speech about only trying to protect her (I'm gonna quote it on another post).
This touched on SO many fucking themes:
-parents forcing their kids to do something against their will.
-parents being jealous of their own kids.
-parents pushing kids to say or do something passive aggressively.
-how hollywood steals your youth (and maybe souls).
-that sometimes people of an oppressed group who claim to want to help them could just be using them, and good with PR if the need arises.
-mom having to turn down a real much needed lifeline just because it is for the benefit of her kid.
-that just cuz you make a lot of movies doesn't mean any of them are good
and finally
-I love you Donald Glover, but you should have fucking hired somebody for that role. You just didn't work for it.
This show made me feel what I've heard from a LOT of child actors, but a behind the scenes look: parents using their own kids as piggy banks, and not caring about their well being. I mean the lead does all the right things, but you could tell she was tempted...
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