#I do take issue with larger queens getting told they need to do more than their skinny competitors to attain a ‘flattering shape’
TW: discussions of body image/eating disorders/fat shaming/etc. Rant under the cut. This is about drag and body image as it pertains to Drag Race in the United States.
Thinking about Drag Race in the US. 16 seasons of Drag Race, 7 seasons of All Stars (excluding winners’ seasons), however many Vs The World seasons, and there has *never* been a winner that isn’t skinny.
Oh, some competitors get close. Supposedly, drag is open to all body shapes and sizes (with the right padding and shape wear and makeup). Supposedly, no matter your body, you can shapeshift into something beautiful. Over and over and over again, Drag Race has competitors who pride themselves on being “big girls”; people who grew up fatshamed, but turned it into their brand. Many of these queens are incredibly skilled performers, artists, and entertainers. And yet.
And yet.
Somehow, when the judging gets close, the fat queen usually gets cut.
I think about RuPaul’s background before Drag Race, as a runway model. How the Tic Tac Chit Chat is a running joke; “oh, RuPaul can’t finish a tic tac”. How many queens on the show are *frighteningly* skinny, and this is seen as a compliment. Producers will stitch together storylines of queens recovering from eating disorders, and in the same breath, cut to RuPaul and Michelle Visage complimenting a queen on how small her waist is in that corset.
I think about how many of these queens have had plastic surgery. At least one a season, usually more. How queens will come back for All Stars and I can no longer recognize them, not because they’re painting differently, but because their faces have entirely changed shape in the past few years. Hollower cheeks. Larger lips. Shaved jaws. Cutting and slicing for some proportion that makes them look slimmer and more feminine. How Morphine won the finale Lalaparuza Smackdown, with a $50,000 prize, and excitedly told the camera how she was going to “invest in her body”. “You get a BBL, you get a BBL, everybody gets a BBL!”.
Some of that is gender-affirming surgery, or other medically necessary surgeries. Detox got reconstructive surgery after a car crash, for example. A lot of it… isn’t. A lot of it is an “investment”. Part of the job.
I think about how a queen walked a runway with a look critiquing plastic surgery, all nude illusion and dashed lines, carving away at her waist and hips and butt. How Michelle Visage called it “overdone”. So many queens have talked about that already. It’s not new. It’s old news. Step up your game and talk about something more compelling.
16 years and not a single fat queen has won.
My friend and I aren’t watching seasons in order, but rather by how much they like a particular season. We’re working through season 7 right now. Violet Chotchki wins that one (sorry for spoilers). Violet also spends the entire season focused on emphasizing her body. How young she is. How skinny she is. Look, her “Death Becomes Her” runway is just her in the tightest corset possible, with an IV drip stuck into her arm. Cinched to death. The judges coo at how her waist is *so* small-
How many queens have come onto this show and bragged about losing 50 pounds? How many queens come back for All Stars, gleeful that they’re not a “big queen” anymore? Just “thick and juicy”, just “don’t need any padding”. You can have fat… as long as it’s in the butt or breasts and looks sexy enough. Otherwise it’s a hurdle to cry about in the cutaways. You can be as fat as you want on this show, sure, but if you lose weight you’ll get a camera in your face talking about how much “healthier” you are.
I think about how fashion runways are infinitely, horrifically worse. How most of these winners would, should they walk the runway, be put into a boring pencil skirt in the “plus size” category. They should be so lucky.
I think about Latrice. I think about Ginger Minj. I think about Eureka. I think about Mistress. I think about Megami in the Lalaparuza Smackdown. All these queens that get *so fucking close*. But some little thing-
Some intangible, unnameable thing-
Some unspoken qualia just barely makes their slim competitor stand out enough to take the crown.
I love drag. I really enjoy watching Drag Race. It’s a pocket of explicitly queer media I don’t get to see much of anywhere else. Disabled queens have won multiple seasons. People of color have won multiple seasons. Trans people have won multiple seasons. Just this year, the first East Asian queen won Drag Race in the US. Drag Race is incredibly inclusive to people from all backgrounds who are talented artists showing off their skills-
RuPaul makes another joke about skipping meals and getting surgery to maintain a queen’s “girl body”.
I turn the TV off.
#blue chatter#this makes me want to chuck rocks a little bit!!!!!!#this is not the only issue with the show by far; part of this is that it’s reality TV and they play up cultural biases and such for drama#I know that#there’s also plenty of examples of pervasive racism and classism on this show#even forms of queerphobia#and I understand that this is a show about a very particular subculture of queerness and that expecting it to be unproblematic isn’t fair#the reason I’m talking about drag race specifically is bc my roommate loves it and I’ve been watching a lot of it bc of that#so I’m more familiar with it and better able to call out what I see#please do not start discourse in my notes. I am aware that having a show like Drag Race continue to air is incredible#but please for once can there be a queen who looks like me who doesn’t have to talk about her weight constantly#I don’t think fat queens get judged fairly. I think there is still an association between fat and ugly that shows up in judging decisions#And I think there is a very real danger of encouraging behaviors that are harmful to the queens on the show and the viewers#yes I know part of this art form is being able to alter your shape. I don’t take umbrage with corsets and padding and such.#I do take issue with larger queens getting told they need to do more than their skinny competitors to attain a ‘flattering shape’#violet chotchki walked that nude illusion runway with literally no clothing and won that challenge#despite putting no effort into her look. that gets under my skin. that speaks to me that skinniness gets rewarded over talent#yes it absolutely takes confidence to walk the runway naked that’s not the point. the challenge was focused on altering your body shape#so that even with only your shape you were still giving an appearance of femininity and fashion and *drag* on stage#the most Violet did drag-wise on that runway was tucking. but because she was skinny and attractive it was feminine enough to win.#that makes me upset.#anyway. bat; meet wasp nest.
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Against All Odds
Part 265
Delight had filled McCoy at Francine’s permission, even if it had been given slightly begrudgingly and with the need for permission from his parents. He knew they would give it, after all, even way back on parent day his mother had commented on how he and Scotty should be near each other.
Though, that had been about sitting together for a meal, not their sleeping arrangements. A slight frown pulled McCoy’s mouth. No one at home had said anything during Scotty’s visit. Perhaps his parents hadn’t paid any attention to where Scotty had spent his nights. The palace was much larger after all…
Dinner was delicious and he told Scotty so as they ate. Scotty’s knee pressed tighter against his own at the compliment. McCoy didn’t linger after the meal. Jim and Spock had gotten up to clean up and McCoy had excused himself to go wait for his father’s call.
He found himself nervous as he walked upstairs. How would Father look? David had always projected an air of quiet strength; McCoy had never seen him differently.
He didn’t have long to wait. He had gotten himself settled on his bed in the guest room, and was tapping between messages he’d received from other school friends when the call came in.
McCoy’s finger trembled slightly as he tapped to open the call. David’s face greeted him with a weak smile. The king’s eyes were lined with fatigue, and he was a few shades paler than normal.
“Hello Leonard.” David’s voice was a slight bit raspy.
McCoy looked at his father, taking in his face before he found the words to reply.
“Hello Father. I’m…, I'm so glad you’re alright.”
“Me too,” David said, his smile growing stronger. “I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“You couldn’t help this happening!” McCoy exclaimed.
“I know, but I’m still sorry for any worry or fear.”
McCoy’s eyes pricked as he remembered how scared he had been that morning. He just nodded at David.
“How’s Mother?”
David gave a chuckle. “Well, I haven’t smothered yet. Dr. Boyce finally convinced her to go get some air.”
McCoy nodded again. He knew the great love between his parents. He couldn’t imagine how his mother must have felt, worried she might lose her husband. He tried to think how it’d feel to lose Scotty, but stopped himself. This wasn’t the time.
“And how’s Leah doing so far in her new role?” McCoy couldn’t stop the small smile that accompanied the question.
“So far, so good, but we shall see.” David’s smile disappeared. “Leonard, you must tell me the truth; the papers are already beginning to write that I’ve cut you out of your proper role, how are you feeling about Leah being the acting queen?”
McCoy’s eyes widened in surprise. Of course the tabloids would say he’d been snubbed from his role as heir.
“I have no problems with it at all. I’ve told you I don’t want to be king. This is a great opportunity for Leah to show that the rules of succession need to be changed.”
“Georgiares has never had a queen as ruler before,” David reminded him. “This would be a very large change.”
“I think it’s time for that to change,” McCoy said. “There’s no reason for us to be so forward thinking and yet backward about this.”
“Well spoken Leonard. You realize that if Leah is queen, she rules over you as well?”
McCoy laughed. “She’s my older sister, hasn’t she done that my whole life anyway?”
David laughed with him. “Good point.”
McCoy saw his father yawn. “I should let you rest,” he said slowly.
“I’ve slept so much of the day away, and don’t feel rested yet at all,” David admitted.
“Oh, umm, I have one more thing.”
McCoy swallowed and felt his face warming.
“You, umm, you didn’t have a problem with Scotty staying in my room did you?”
David gave McCoy a curious look.
“No,” he answered slowly. “You’ve demonstrated how much you love each other, and as long as you’re being safe and protecting yourself, I don’t see an issue.”
The heat on McCoy’s face burned hotter.
“Ok. I just…, I wasn’t sure… what you, if you, uhh, were ok with it.”
“What two people in love do behind closed doors is their business son.”
“Ok,” McCoy managed to get out.
David yawned again. “I’m glad you’re doing well Leonard. We’ll talk again soon. Be safe. I love you.”
“I love you too, Father. Keep feeling better.”
Smiles passed between the two and the call ended. McCoy sat the PADD aside and lay back for a few moments absorbing all they had spoken about.
Part 266
"Ye think he's okay?"
Scotty sighed before he looked over at his brother who was sitting next to him on the couch.
A shrug was all he could answer.
"I sure hope so. As long as David's alright."
They stayed silent for a moment.
Jim and Spock were taking care of the kitchen while Francine and Granddad had gone out for a walk. The brothers were all alone.
"I'm worried," Robbie eventually declared and Scotty tilted his head in a questioning manner.
"About what?" Though if he was honest, the Scotsman already knew the truth. His brother's facial expression told him everything he needed to know.
Of course. Robbie had to be worried about the princess. Just like Scotty was worried about his prince.
"I'm sure she's fine," Scott tried to soothe his younger brother's mind but Robbie slowly shook his head.
"She's all alone. And... she's queen now."
At that Scotty furrowed his brows in confusion.
"What? How would ye-"
"The tabloids. They've written about it."
Right. Scotty had almost forgotten about the articles which must have been written by now. He had tried to avoid them most of the day, for Leonard's sake.
"It's so much pressure. What if she can't handle it? I mean... she's only 18. What if it's too much responsibility?"
Scotty chuckled.
"I honestly doubt that, laddie. Leah is made to be the ruler of a kingdom."
His brother looked at him in disbelief.
"And... and what if they find her a partner now? A queen needs a partner at her side, doesn't she?"
Ah. Now Scotty could see what this was all about. It wasn't Robbie's doubt in Leah's abilities... but the fear that they wouldn't get the chance for anything to happen between them.
A sigh escaped his mouth as he wrapped one arm around his brother's shoulder, pulling him closer.
"Leah... is only queen for a few weeks. I doubt that they'll find her a suitor now. They have other concerns on their minds at the moment."
Robbie didn't say anything. So Scotty continued.
"Besides, ye... are aware that sooner or later it's gonna happen, right? I thought that ye talked about it before you kissed."
Scotty felt his younger brother tense next to him.
"It's not fair..."
It was merely a mutter but Scotty still heard Robbie's words.
"Why does she have to be forced to marry someone?"
"I... dinnae know. It's just... royal life I guess. Their heirs must be royal too after all."
Robbie swallowed.
"But she's not even meant to be queen! She's not the one responsible for heirs."
Now Scotty was the one to tense.
"What... are ye aware of what ye're saying?"
By saying these words, Robbie indicated... that Leonard was supposed to be the king. And the one to have heirs.
"Aye, I am."
Robbie backed away slightly, determination written on his face.
"They... they would have found a suitor for her one way or another..."
"Yeah well... maybe they'll find one for Leonard too. Did ye ever think about that?"
Scotty didn't know what to say, mouth hanging open. Finally he found some words.
"What's going on with ye? Since when are ye... so jealous?"
Robbie was up at his feet in an instance.
"I'm not jealous! I'm just warning ye of what could happen!"
No... no. It wouldn't happen. Leonard loved him. He... he had said that he'd abdicate for Scotty. That he'd run away with him.
"It's... no."
Scotty shook his head, but before he could say anything, Robbie was already gone, heading upstairs.
The older Scott brother stayed behind on the couch, thinking about what had been said just now.
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So this is definitely in response to that certain dark section of our fandom (you know exactly who you are) who are throwing a fit about the Arya and Daenerys fandoms enjoying the possibility of a canon Daenarya friendship in the future.  So let’s look at all the quotes that possibly foreshadow a future Arya and Dany friendship and put it into context.
It was very dark right now, she realized. She hugged her bare knees tight against her chest and shivered. She would wait quietly and count to ten thousand. By then it would be safe for her to come creeping back out and find her way home.
By the time she had reached eighty-seven, the room had begun to lighten as her eyes adjusted to the blackness. Slowly the shapes around her took on form. Huge empty eyes stared at her hungrily through the gloom, and dimly she saw the jagged shadows of long teeth. She had lost the count. She closed her eyes and bit her lip and sent the fear away. When she looked again, the monsters would be gone. Would never have been. She pretended that Syrio was beside her in the dark, whispering in her ear. Calm as still water, she told herself. Strong as a bear. Fierce as a wolverine. She opened her eyes again.
The monsters were still there, but the fear was gone.
Arya got to her feet, moving warily. The heads were all around her. She touched one, curious, wondering if it was real. Her fingertips brushed a massive jaw. It felt real enough. The bone was smooth beneath her hand, cold and hard to the touch. She ran her fingers down a tooth, black and sharp, a dagger made of darkness. It made her shiver.
"It's dead," she said aloud. "It's just a skull, it can't hurt me." Yet somehow the monster seemed to know she was there. She could feel its empty eyes watching her through the gloom, and there was something in that dim, cavernous room that did not love her. She edged away from the skull and backed into a second, larger than the first. For an instant she could feel its teeth digging into her shoulder, as if it wanted a bite of her flesh. Arya whirled, felt leather catch and tear as a huge fang nipped at her jerkin, and then she was running. Another skull loomed ahead, the biggest monster of all, but Arya did not even slow. She leapt over a ridge of black teeth as tall as swords, dashed through hungry jaws, and threw herself against the door. - Arya III AGOT
Here is the initial passage that has to do with dragons in Arya’s story.  She comes across the dragon skulls in the dark and feels afraid of them.  She feels as if the eyes of the skulls were watching her and did not like her. She also doesn’t recognize them for what they are.  She initially refers to them as monsters, but later she comes to realize they are dragons: 
This time the monsters did not frighten her. They seemed almost old friends. Arya held the candle over her head. With each step she took, the shadows moved against the walls, as if they were turning to watch her pass. "Dragons," she whispered. She slid Needle out from under her cloak. The slender blade seemed very small and the dragons very big, yet somehow Arya felt better with steel in her hand. - Arya IV AGOT
Now admittedly the first quote does sound like the foreshadowing could suggest antagonism between Arya and Dany, but the second quote doesn’t suggest this.  Arya thinks of them as if they are old friends.  That is the most notable sentence of the paragraph, not the fact that she slid Needle out.  But when you actually look at this paragraph you actually see a duality here.  The monsters did not frighten her.  They seemed almost old friends.  Yet she slides her blade out and feels better?  So for me this quote just seems to foreshadow that Dany will be Arya’s friend, yet Arya will remain wary of her dragons like anyone naturally would be.
So putting these two quotes into context, it tells us that if Arya and Dany will meet they will initially be antagonistic and wary of each other (most Daenarya fans I’ve seen acknowledge this will likely be the case).  However it also suggests that this wariness will eventually fade and they will become friends.  Arya doesn’t need to think she is wholly safe from the dragons to have a friendship with Dany.  EVERYONE is wary about the dragons, just like most people would be unsure and most likely afraid if they were in the same room as a large cat or a bear. 
But this isn’t Arya’s only dragon connections in the narrative.  Arya’s closest relationship is with Jon, who is half Targaryen.  In Braavos Arya is fascinated by the courtesans and the Black Pearl in particular:
"The Black Pearl," she told them. Merry claimed the Black Pearl was the most famous courtesan of all. "She's descended from the dragons, that one," the woman had told Cat. "The first Black Pearl was a pirate queen. A Westerosi prince took her for a lover and got a daughter on her, who grew up to be a courtesan. Her own daughter followed her, and her daughter after her, until you get to this one [...] - Cat of the Canals AFFC
The woman with him could not have been more than a third his age. She was so lovely that the lamps seemed to burn brighter when she passed. She had dressed in a low-cut gown of pale yellow silk, startling against the light brown of her skin. Her black hair was bound up in a net of spun gold, and a jet-and-gold necklace brushed against the top of her full breasts. As they watched, she leaned close to the envoy and whispered something in his ear that made him laugh. "They should call her the Brown Pearl," Mercy said to Daena. "She's more brown than black."
"The first Black Pearl was black as a pot of ink," said Daena. "She was a pirate queen, fathered by a Sealord's son on a princess from the Summer Isles. A dragon king from Westeros took her for his lover."
"I would like to see a dragon," Mercy said wistfully. - Mercy TWOW
There is even foreshadowing that Arya will form a closer relationship with the Black Pearl in the future by becoming an apprentice for her so Arya can refine her highborn manners so it’s easier for the FM to place her into highborn society to do their work, because why not utilize a highborn girl in this way?
But also notice that Arya/Mercy is friends with a girl named “Daena” which is ridiculously close to the name Daenerys.  And in the same conversation with Daena (Daenerys) Arya/Mercy also said she wished to see a dragon.  And no this isn’t “Mercy’s” wish, this is Arya’s wish:
As Arya crossed the yard to the bathhouse, she spied a raven circling down toward the rookery, and wondered where it had come from and what message it carried. Might be it's from Robb, come to say it wasn't true about Bran and Rickon. She chewed on her lip, hoping. If I had wings I could fly back to Winterfell and see for myself. And if it was true, I'd just fly away, fly up past the moon and the shining stars, and see all the things in Old Nan's stories, dragons and sea monsters and the Titan of Braavos, and maybe I wouldn't ever fly back unless I wanted to. - Arya X ACOK
Doesn’t really sound like Arya hates dragons or have any issues regarding them.  She wants to see them irregardless of any fear they may inspire within her that everyone would naturally have upon seeing a dragon.
Arya also expresses a wish to fly throughout her narrative and she also has wing symbolism in her arc:
If I was a crow I could fly down and peck off his stupid fat pouty lips. - Arya X ACOK
If I had wings I could fly back to Winterfell and see for myself.  And if it was true, I'd just fly away, fly up past the moon and the shining stars, and see all the things in Old Nan's stories, dragons and sea monsters and the Titan of Braavos, and maybe I wouldn't ever fly back unless I wanted to. - Arya X ACOK
I wish I could change into a wolf and grow wings and fly away. - Arya XIII ASOS
She might be bald and skinny, but Mercy had a pretty smile, and a certain grace. Even Izembaro agreed that she was graceful. She was not far from the Gate as the crows flies, but for girls with feet instead of wings the way was longer. - Mercy TWOW
Also lets not forget how similar Arya and Dany are to each other and how many parallels they share.  They are both lost princesses exiled and sent to Essos, specifically Braavos, after their father's deaths at the hands of Lannister's.  They each know what it's like to be bought and sold and to be enslaved – Dany as a child bride and Arya as a child soldier.  And they both have pretenders trying to take their claims.  Both have been forced into becoming smallfolk, living in poverty and starved.  And they both know what it's like to be hunted and scared.  They adapt exceedingly well into other environments and cultures, and their morality and sense of justice are very attuned, as they seek to protect those that can not protect themselves.  Very protective, they are both empathetic and maternal and care for the sick, ailing, and dying.  Both of them are survivors and have both suffered abuse and sexual assault (more so for Dany, but it's still there).  They are both clever and know how to manipulate people.  They are both polyglots and both of their deepest desires are for home and family/pack.  They both try to live up to the image of their older siblings (ie Sansa and Rhaegar).  Arya is said to look and act like Lyanna and Daenerys is compared to Rhaegar by the people that knew him.   They are both very close to their house sigils and even dream about them and the mystical beasts they both own.  They both love horseback riding and they both have encountered mystical prophets.  Wanted/considered becoming sailors and they both have fantastic people skills.  Not to mention that it was Arya who said that the slaves should have killed the masters, while Dany is leading a slave uprising to overthrow and yes, execute the masters.
Dany is also not some “mad queen” and she does listen to the people who knew her father and Rhaegar.  She is learning the truth about the monster her father was and learning to accept that.  So there is no reason why Dany should continue to feel antagonistic towards the next generation of Stark’s for something they didn’t do.  
I’ve also seen comments about how the fire devastation that is within Arya’s story must clearly mean “Dark Dany” and that Arya and Dany will be antagonistic towards each other in canon when they meet.  I’m assuming these people are referring to the burning barn scene:
"You take her!" she yelled. "You get her out! You do it!" The fire beat at her back with hot red wings as she fled the burning barn. It felt blessedly cool outside, but men were dying all around her. She saw Koss throw down his blade to yield, and she saw them kill him where he stood. Smoke was everywhere. There was no sign of Yoren, but the axe was where Gendry had left it, by the woodpile outside the haven. As she wrenched it free, a mailed hand grabbed her arm. Spinning, Arya drove the head of the axe hard between his legs. She never saw his face, only the dark blood seeping between the links of his hauberk. Going back into that barn was the hardest thing she ever did. Smoke was pouring out the open door like a writhing black snake, and she could hear the screams of the poor animals inside, donkeys and horses and men. She chewed her lip, and darted through the doors, crouched low where the smoke wasn't quite so thick.
A donkey was caught in a ring of fire, shrieking in terror and pain. She could smell the stench of burning hair. The roof was gone up too, and things were falling down, pieces of flaming wood and bits of straw and hay. Arya put a hand over her mouth and nose. She couldn't see the wagon for the smoke, but she could still hear Biter screaming. She crawled toward the sound. - Arya IV ACOK
Arya rolled headfirst into the tunnel and dropped five feet. She got dirt in her mouth but she didn't care, the taste was fine, the taste was mud and water and worms and life. Under the earth the air was cool and dark. Above was nothing but blood and roaring red and choking smoke and the screams of dying horses. She moved her belt around so Needle would not be in her way, and began to crawl. A dozen feet down the tunnel she heard the sound, like the roar of some monstrous beast, and a cloud of hot smoke and black dust came billowing up behind her, smelling of hell. Arya held her breath and kissed the mud on the floor of the tunnel and cried. For whom, she could not say. - Arya IV ACOK
This chapter does not mean that Dany is going to go “evil” or “mad” and start burning stuff to the ground.  You guys do remember that Dany has three dragons right?  And that Dany is only the dragonrider to Drogon?  That leaves two other possible dragons that could be stolen from Dany.  We have Euron/Victarion who has the dragon binder horn and then we have Aegon who may or may not be able to claim one of those dragons for himself.  There is also the possibility that Euron dies or Aegon dies and someone else will take their places as dragonriders via Targaryen blood or use of that horn.  So besides Dany we have Aegon, Jon, Euron, and Tyrion who may all ride dragons within the story as they all have the proper set-up and foreshadowing for it to be a possibility.  So why is it the automatic assumption that it will be Dany burning shit down?   
Not to mention, wildfire has the same types of language used as the two quotes above:
And then some vast beast had let out a roar, and green flames were all around them: wildfire, pyromancer's piss, the jade demon [...] From bank to bank there was nothing but burning ships and wildfire. The sight of it seemed to stop his heart for a moment, and he could still remember the sound of it, the crackle of flames, the hiss of steam, the shrieks of dying men, and the beat of that terrible heat against his face as the current swept him down toward hell. - Davos I ASOS
So considering there not only is there a ton of foreshadowing that it will be Cersei who destroys King’s Landing with wildfire, but also there is foreshadowing that Jon Connington will do something incredibly drastic to win and keep the Iron Throne for Aegon.  And may I remind the audience that the fires Arya went through and experienced in the Riverlands had zero to do with Dany.  They were the direct result of the Lannisters.
So if Arya IV ACOK is foreshadowing a future fire she is stuck in, there is no evidence that the fire will be caused by Dany nor that the fire is dragonfire.  And if you are going to point out the show as evidence, let me tell you something, go to the youtuber The Dragon Demands and watch his videos dissecting everything about the scene of Dany burning King’s Landing by using the script, listening to BtS content, looking at the storyboards, actually noting that a scene of Cersei looking out the window, depicting her watching people put barrels of wildfire on the battlements, etc.  Because the compilation he makes proves that Dany burning KL the way that she did in 8x05 was a last minute change.  It was supposed to be an accidental wildfire explosion before they changed it so they could justify Jon killing her.  But I’m sure even with the evidence you’ll still cling to the idea of Dark!Dany because you are incredibly insecure about your fictitious ship and your blatant mischaracterization of your favorite “pure as the driven snow /s” character, because there is literally nothing in the books that foreshadows Dany going “mad” or “dark”.  So why don’t you take your jealousies about Daenerys and Arya and the very possible Daenarya friendship somewhere else.
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canary3d-obsessed · 3 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 21, part one
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Stuff) (Previous Post)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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All together in The Unclean Realm, The Yunmeng trio find a spot inside where they can sit down and have a proper Yanli-Wuxian reunion, while Jiang Cheng sits across the table watching them. 
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For years Jiang Cheng has been rejecting Wei Wuxian's free and easy affection; now Yanli might be the only person Wei Wuxian offers to hug until Wen Yuan comes into his life.
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Jiang Cheng is really going through it. He'll do nearly anything for Yanli--except, uh, stay in the goddamn inn with her when she's sick and the Wens are hunting them--and what makes her happiest is Wei Wuxian. He's brought them together, and so he's happy, even though he's excluded from their dynamic. This absolutely fucking kills me.
Here Jiang Yanli and Wei Wuxian are sweetly pledging to always keep the trio together and put each other first. Neither of them will keep this promise. 
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Wei Wuxian will leave first, to take the Wens to the Burial Mounds. Jiang Yanli will leave second, staying in Lanling at Jin Zixuan's request instead of accompanying Jiang Cheng to retrieve Wei Wuxian. Jiang Cheng will be the last to let go.
(more after the cut)
Nie Huaisang comes literally running in, filled with joy at Wei Wuxian's return. When he goes to pat his shoulder Wei Wuxian flinches away.
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I feel like something important is happening in this rapid sequence of glances and expressions between Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang. NHS is startled, and WWX realizes he's shown something about himself that he didn't want to show. He glances at Jiang Cheng and back at NHS before laughing and covering his slip with a squeeze of NHS’s hand.
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NHS switches from shocked to cheerful just as quickly, helping with the coverup. It’s like they have a quick mutual agreement, rooted in their history of shared shenanigans, to not point out that something is wrong.
Meanwhile, Lan Wangji is wandering around the grounds, having feelings. At this point it's presumably been at least a couple of weeks since their breakup fight. 
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He sees Wei Wuxian sitting contemplating his flute, and as he sees him he goes from sort of neutrally apprehensive to full on angry judging, complete with sword clenching. 
Part of this may be that his feelings are hurt over their fight, but the larger issue is his distress over Wei Wuxian's apparent heretical cultivation.  That, at any rate, is what's on his mind when he's selecting music, later in the episode, and when he's selecting flashbacks. 
Party Time
Later, the Nies host an excruciating party to celebrate Wei Wuxian's slaughter of Wen Chao return. Jiang Yanli is sharing a table with Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng is sharing a table with his crippling social anxiety. 
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Everyone starts grilling Wei Wuxian about his sword, because that's suddenly all anybody cares about even though Jiang Yanli, Nie Huaisang, Meng Yao, and probably plenty of other people don't carry swords most of the time.
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Wei Wuxian says "after the Wens caught me, Wen Zhuliu crushed my core, so I can't use my sword any more, too bad so sad, can we change the subject?" And everyone is very understanding and admires his resiliency. HA HA HA HA HA. Of course he doesn't opt for that simple lie, but instead mopes audibly without saying anything.
Nie Huasiang tries to change the subject by asking how he killed Wen Chao. Apparently "I had a sexy ghost mostly flay him" isn't good party chat, though, so neither Wei Wuxian nor Jiang Cheng opts to tell the story. 
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Everyone lapses into awkward silence, all the more noticeable because there are no dancers, musicians, or entertainers of any kind at this event. OP has gone to audit-kickoff meetings that were more fun than cultivator banquets.
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Moment of Clarity
While the awkwardness builds, we hear the sounds of the Song of Clarity. Lan Wangji is skipping the party, which is part of why Wei Wuxian is so mopey. But instead of sitting and stewing in his anger, Lan Wangji has shifted gears, and is starting to work on his "save Wei Wuxian's soul" plan.
This isn't the God-botherer version of soul saving, however. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian disagree about correct practice, but they both are still practitioners within the same spiritual system, and the majority of their beliefs are closely aligned.
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Lan Wangji has powerful magic at his disposal, and now he's taking a step back from his plan of forcing persuading Wei Wuxian to give up heterodoxy, and instead he's preparing to use his magic to offset the consequences of Wei Wuxian's choice.
He still isn't ready to accept that choice, but he's working on it. This is a big moment for Lan Wangji's relationship with Wei Wuxian. Lan Wangji is a deeply, deeply uncompromising person, as well as being super bossy, and he’s taking his first steps toward supporting Wei Wuxian’s free agency. 
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Wei Wuxian leaves the party in the middle of Yao's toast, saying "I have to see you and your lover all over my tumblr dashboard but I am NOT going to listen to you talk!" He takes his wine to go roam around near Lan Wangji's quarters to pine and feel conflicted.  Lan Wangji has thoughtfully set up a projection scrim to catch his shadow and make the pining easier.
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Jiang Cheng comes looking for Wei Wuxian, partly to reprimand him for rudeness and partly to see what the hell is wrong with him. Jiang Cheng is trying very hard to be pleasant. He's bad at it, but he's trying.
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Wei Wuxian is trying to be unpleasant and he's pretty good at it. He won't say why he isn't using his sword. He’s obviously super fucking depressed about it, calling his former self childish for liking to spar, and only smiling once during the whole exchange.
He finally tells Jiang Cheng that he will always want to do the opposite of what Jiang Cheng tells him.  Jiang Cheng lets this go with an eyeroll.
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(Point Break Quote Alert)
But actually this is a sign of trouble, right here in River City, with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for abandoning the Jiang Clan. Wei Wuxian has just told Jiang Cheng he has no intention of obeying him; not just about the sword, but in general. That's no way for a disciple to talk. 
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OP has nothing to say about this gif. OP watches gif over and over and over and over
Wei Wuxian ends the conversation by tapping Jiang Cheng's chest with his flute and then walking away. The (still nameless) flute has no problem with this - does it, like Subian, recognize Jiang Cheng as an extension of Wei Wuxian?
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The next day, Wei Wuxian is chilling in his room, looking ungodly sexy in his bold slashed robe, holy frack. I mean, he is sex-on-toast at all times, but the cut of his post-burial-mounds combo is particularly heart-stopping when he decides to stick a knee or two out. 
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He's meditating and flashing back to being in the burial mounds, where he was also meditating. I admire his ability to fractally meditate about meditating. 
He didn't put a sock on the doorknob, so Jiang Yanli comes in and startles him. He brandishes his flute at her before calming down. The flute definitely does not see her as an extension of Wei Wuxian, because when she touches it, it smokes and then knocks her out of the frame so fast it's comical.
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Did they put her in a jerk vest for that shot?
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Wei Wuxian hides the flute from her, freaked out by its behavior. She, however, is unfazed, and gives him the first & only affirmation he's gotten about his new cultivation path, and says the flute is "like Mother's Zidian."  She kind of walks him through the whole "first class spiritual tool" concept, beaming with approval and telling him he must name the flute.  
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Jiang Yanli is hardcore Jiang Clan, seriously. Freedom and impossibility. You survived 3 months of mystery trauma and now you're all fucked up? We'll roll with it. You have a demon flute now? Rock on. You're going to use necromancy to beat the other clans in a group hunt? Gold star for you.
He names the flute Chenqing, which @hunxi-guilai​ translates and explains in depth over here.
Lan Wangji has finished practicing the Song of Clarity, and regardless of whether it's had an effect on Wei Wuxian, he himself seems much calmer. 
As Wei Wuxian contemplates Chenqing, Lan Wangji contemplates Bichen and remembers Wei Wuxian's assertions about resentful energy way back in Gusu summer school. 
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This time when he grips his sword, it's loosely, as if he's made some progress with his anger.
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Jiang Yanli sits Wei Wuxian down for some soup, and talks to him about what's going on with him, saying he's changed. He insists he's fine and works very hard to be convincing.
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She's not convinced but says she won't press him, and then abruptly shifts tone and works very hard to act like everything is fine. She leaves, taking a lot of soup with her, and Wei Wuxian remarks that it's unfair she is giving so much to Jiang Cheng. But of course, some of it is secretly for Jin Zixuan.
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Everything isn't fine, as Wei Wuxian scream-meditates with resentful energy just rolling off of him. He's got some of the dark energy stored in the Yin sword in his bag of holding, but I get the impression that a lot of it is just stored in his body.
Club Ruohan
At some point in the episode we stop in to check on Wen Ruohan. He and his wind machine are mad that Wen Chao is dead. 
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Meanwhile, his interpretive dances with the Yin iron now turn his puppets into...Klingons? Sure, why not. 
Literal Stand-Up Meeting 
Jiang Cheng needs Wei Wuxian at games night a meeting and comes running to Jiang Yanli to find him. He is freaking out and she tells him to chill. 
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No matter what fuckery is going on in the world, Jiang Yanli is going to find herself a nice little outdoor table and she is going to sit her ass down and have some tea and civilized lady activity. Queen.
This shot of the meeting is composed so nicely. The blocking (placement of actors) in this scene encapsulates the familial dynamics, and I’ll talk about that as soon as I finish admiring Jiang Cheng’s proportions. 
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Here we have four clans represented by four family pairs around the game war table. The Jin cousins, despite their differing personalities, are side by side, matchy-matchy, in lockstep. Jin Zixuan lets Jin Zixun do the talking for him, so maintains his own rep as a reasonable guy.  
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The Nie brothers are even closer together, also in matching greys, Nie Huaisang giving all of his attention to his brother/clan leader. You can see his careful watching of his brother's temper...not fearful for himself, but fearful for Mingjue.
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The Lan brothers have a growing distance between them; they are in different colors (which is pretty usual for them), and Lan Wangji is standing well away from his brother and the rest of the group. Partly this is his personality, but it's also symbolic of his growing distance from his brother and other proper cultivators. He's carrying WWX-related secrets, and he's wrestling with what he's learned.  
While Nie Huaisang is looking at Mingjue, Lan Xichen is turning around to see what's up with his own volatile sibling.
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Lastly you have Jiang Cheng, alone in the room, with his shidi nowhere to be found, and seriously feeling the heat because of his isolation. 
He's alone in his purple, but the color value (lightness/darkness) of his robes exactly matches Xichen's. 
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And Xichen, bless him, makes a point of speaking to him respectfully as a fellow clan leader, gives him a path out of the "where is your brother" conversation, and is just generally his kind and helpful self with Jiang Cheng.
Next: Awkwardness Increases!
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blazingparker · 3 years
What’s Up, Danger? (Chapter 3)
Here it is! the final chapter of What’s Up, Danger? As I’ve said before, I was totally blown away by the response to this fic. Thank you to all of you who commented, left kudos, reblogged, and everything else!!
read it on ao3!
“JARVIS, what time is it?” Tony called out as he fiddled with repairing one of the gauntlets on one of his older suits. It had gotten damaged during the battle of Sokovia, and he’d just built a new one rather than ever repairing it. Now, with his refusal to go after Spider-Man and the lack of other missions, he’d had plenty of time to catch up on lab projects and even fix up his old suit.
“It is currently 2:37 in the morning on Friday, January 25th, sir. Might I suggest you retire and get some rest?” Tony frowned, setting down his tools. Peter still hadn’t called him, and he never stayed out patrolling this late when he had a class the next day.
Peter. The last few weeks with Peter had been some of the best of Tony’s life, hands down. While they still hadn’t defined their relationship, they were more than friends and there were definitely too many feelings involved for them to just be fuck buddies.
For once, Tony didn’t dread the early hours of the morning when JARVIS would hound him to head to bed. He’d talk on the phone with Peter, listen to how his day went and maybe tell him about his latest project before they would hang up with whispered words of affection and head to bed. On particularly good nights, he’d meet Peter in his apartment with takeout (Tony wasn’t going to fool himself into thinking he could cook, come on) and they’d cuddle up on the couch with a movie. Sometimes, he’d need to stitch Peter up or help him out of his suit to tend to his injuries, which he was always more than happy to do. Things were perfect. They were perfect.
In fact, the only reason why Tony hadn’t asked Peter to be his boyfriend yet was because he knew the young man had enough on his plate without adding the media frenzy that came with dating a billionaire. Not to mention the Avengers would find out, and that would make it even harder for Peter to keep his identity a secret.
Tony wasn’t really known for being a patient man, but for Peter? For Peter, he’d wait.
Well, not tonight. Tonight, he was done waiting. It was close to three in the morning and Peter still hadn’t called, which was highly unusual.
“JARVIS, pull up the local news.” Tony turned and leaned back against the lab table and brought his mug of coffee to his lips. Maybe Peter had gotten held up with a bigger issue, like another burning building or a larger threat that required more time to take care of. If that was the case, the local news would definitely be covering it.
What they were actually covering made him drop his coffee mug, the ceramic dish shattering when it made impact with the floor.
A blonde newscaster was speaking, but Tony tuned her out in favor of reading the tagline and watching the footage.
Spider-Man Abducted by the Avengers. There was a shaky video, likely recorded by an unassuming passerby, of Peter standing on a roof with his chest heaving. Then, out of nowhere and seemingly for no reason, he tensed. A second later, a dart could be seen sticking out of his neck. Tony’s chest filled with dread as he watched Peter pluck it out and stare at it, swaying in place. When Peter collapsed, Tony actually made a move as if he could catch the young man, and felt fury bubble up when he saw what happened next.
Steve fucking Rogers caught Peter, quickly restraining him with a pair of vibranium cuffs before slinging him over his shoulder and carrying him off.
“--people of Queens are furious. There are talks of a march on Avengers tower. They have protected us from larger threats, yes. But Spider-Man was the one looking out for the people of Queens and New York at large every day. Where were the Avengers when Lacy Collins was almost assaulted last week, when Spider-Man rescued her? Where were the Avengers--”
Tony wasn’t listening anymore. The newscaster was right, of course, Peter was better than all of them. Peter deserved nothing but the Avengers’ respect and instead he’d gotten a dart to the neck and vibranium cuffs. He stormed out of the lab, grabbing his cell phone.
“JARVIS, dial Patriotic Fucker,” he all but growled as he got into the elevator. “And take me to the suit lab on level forty. The one with the landing platform.” There was no way they’d bring Peter back to the tower, which meant Tony needed a suit. Now.
“Tony, we caught him!” Steve cried out after picking up on the first ring.
“How fucking dare you,” Tony said lowly. “The mission was to learn his identity, Rogers. Not drug him and arrest him!” By the end, he was yelling into the phone. “Where the fuck did you take him?”
“Tony-I thought this was the best course of action. He was avoiding us even more.”
“Because Clint took a fucking shot at him! If an Avenger tried to take you out, would you really be peachy-keen and excited to chat?!” Tony screamed. “You star-spangled shit, you’ve compromised everything! As if he’s ever going to work with us now, after this little stunt! Not to mention they’re talking about protests against us on the news!” Taking a deep breath, he exited the elevator and made a beeline for the nanotech suit he’d just finished up. Grabbing the little housing unit, he placed it against his chest and double-tapped it, allowing the suit to encase his body.
“Clint and I are with him at the compound. We’re upstate.” Steve’s reply came after a beat of silence, and he actually sounded remorseful. Fucking finally, Tony had a location. He blasted out of the lab and away from the tower, JARVIS automatically plugging in directions for the fastest route to the compound.
“Did Natasha know about this? What about Banner, or Thor?” Tony barked out, determined to get as much information as possible before he got there. He wanted to be able to put his full focus on Peter, not these idiots.
“No. Clint and I made the call. They’re not to blame for this, Tony.”
“Oh, and that makes things better? You kidnapped my-” Tony hesitated. Peter wasn’t technically his anything. “My Spider-Man,” he finished lamely.
“Yeah, we’re gonna have a chat about that, Tony. About the Stark Tech he’s wearing, and how your number is saved in his phone under the name ‘Snarky Bitch’. You’ve known. You knew this kid and didn’t tell the team.” Tony found his blood running cold for the second time that night.
You knew this kid.
“Steve Rogers, did you take off his mask?” He yelled, and the silence on the other end was enough of an answer. Feeling fury take over, Tony let go of any semblance of restraint he still had. That was the final straw. Peter had taken his secret identity incredibly seriously, and he deserved to reveal it to whomever he chose. Not have that choice taken from him.
“Yes, I know him. I know his name, and I’ve been helping him out,” Tony seethed. “Unlike you, you frozen fuck, I got him to trust me. He trusted me, and I helped him in return. He deserved that much. He’s sweet and kind and everything the world seems to think you are. But they were wrong. The great Captain America that the world knows would never drug and kidnap a college kid just because they didn’t do what he wanted.”
“Tony.” The voice on the other end cracked, and Tony smirked. Steve knew he was right.
“I expect you to be gone by the time I get there, which will be in about twenty minutes. You’d better stay away from him until I say otherwise, or I swear on my mother’s grave that your face will be meeting my gauntlet. Capische?”
“Understood. And-for what it’s worth, Tony, I’m sorry. I really thought this was the right call.” Tony huffed out a sigh.
“For future reference, if the plan involves drugs and kidnapping, it’s not the right call.” With that, he hung up on Steve and focused on getting to the compound as fast as he could. After a painstakingly long flight he arrived, storming through the doors and down to the detention level where he knew Peter would be. Tony exited the suit and put it on sentry mode, striding purposefully down the hall of cells, looking, searching--
Tony came to a dead stop in front of the last cell on the right and felt his heart fall right out of his body. It was Peter: restrained to a chair, in his suit but without his mask. His head lolled to the side and if Tony couldn’t see the rise and fall of his chest, he might have thought the young man was dead. Each of his legs was tied down to the chair and his hands were behind his back, likely in the vibranium cuffs still.
“JARVIS, unlock,” Tony whispered weakly, and rushed in as soon as the glass door slid open. Gently brushing Peter’s curls out of his face, he dropped to his knees in front of the man. “I’m so sorry, Peter. So, so sorry,” he whispered before making his way around to the cuffs so he could get Peter’s hands free.
Peter woke slowly, blinking against harsh light and instinctively letting out a groan of pain when his headache made itself known. Instinctively, he tried to rub his temple and couldn’t keep from whining softly when his hands were held down.
“Sit still, Pete. Please. I’m trying, okay? I promise, I’m trying.” Tony’s voice? That didn’t make any sense, Peter had been on patrol.
It all came flooding back to him - the dart, his dizziness, and the vague feeling of being restrained and carried off. After that, nothing. Now, he was awake and clearly restrained and Tony was there.
Tony had sold him out? Peter didn’t want to believe it, but it was the only thing that made sense. Tony was doing something with his cuffs and he was tied down tightly, unable to move. Tony knew his routines and when he liked to head home, and could have told the Avengers when it would be best to strike. When he’d be the most exhausted.
You idiot, he thought to himself. Peter dropped his head to his chest and tried desperately to fight back tears, not wanting Tony to know he was awake. As Spider-Man, he’d been shot, stabbed, punched and kicked. But this? This hurt the worst of anything he’d ever experienced.
All of a sudden, there was a loud bang and the pressure on his hands was gone. Peter pitched forward with a squeak of surprise, not expecting to be freed. Strong hands caught him and gently eased him back into the chair.
“Peter? You back with me?” Tony was in front of him now, face etched with concern as he brushed Peter’s hair out of his eyes and moved his hands down to his wrists. The older man gently massaged them, trying to ease any soreness as Peter slowly looked up at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He asked, shocked at how raspy his voice sounded. Tony just stared at him, confused.
“Because Steve and Clint are idiots, and this never should have happened. Bambi, I’m so sorry I didn’t check in sooner, I thought you were patrolling.” Tony started to ramble, and Peter’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“You didn’t...do this?” He asked, and winced at the horror that instantly took over Tony’s face.
“I’d never. I’d never, ever do something like this to you. You’re my Danger, my sweet-hearted vigilante who puts everyone ahead of himself and who I adore. I’m so sorry. If I’d known-” Tony was cut off by the swift press of Peter’s lips against his. Peter didn’t know why he’d doubted Tony for a second. Of course he would never sell him out - why would he help him and why would they be...whatever they were...if Tony’s whole endgame was to unmask him? He would have bailed after Peter pulled the mask off that one night all those weeks ago if that had been the case.
“I’m sorry,” Peter said, hiccuping as he tried to keep the tears at bay. “I just-I woke up and felt you doing something with my hands and I thought-I thought-”
“You thought I was putting you in the cuffs instead of taking you out of them,” Tony murmured in understanding. Peter just nodded as the other man focused on releasing his legs.
“I’m sorry-” he tried to repeat but was stopped by a finger against his lips. As soon as the finger was removed, it was replaced with a set of soft lips.
“No apologies, Bambi,” Tony whispered, and Peter just nodded again. He still felt exhausted and sluggish, likely because of the drugs making their way through his system. Luckily, Tony seemed to read his mind. “How about we head up to my private rooms, get something to eat, and watch a movie? Hm? Just like we always do.”
“That sounds nice,” Peter murmured back, pecking Tony’s lips one more time. He then grasped the man’s hand, slowly standing up and yelping in shock when his knees immediately gave out and he went crashing towards the floor.
That never happened, though. He was caught in a pair of strong arms and lifted up in a princess carry as Tony prevented the cold concrete from greeting his face. Peter’s arms instinctively wrapped around Tony’s neck.
“I’m sure I can walk if I could just try again,” Peter tried to protest, and Tony leaned their foreheads together.
“Let me do it. You’ve probably still got some stuff in your system, and I’ve been worried sick ever since I saw the news. Just let me take care of you. Let me take care of my-” Tony cut himself off, hesitating.
“Boyfriend,” Peter blurted out before staring at Tony with wide eyes. You don’t know that he wants that, Parker. His friends literally just drugged and kidnapped you, he’s probably just feeling protective--
“Boyfriend,” Tony repeated. A huge, real smile was plastered on his face as he held Peter even closer. “Let me take care of my boyfriend.” Blushing, Peter responded by simply pressing his face into Tony’s neck as though it would allow him to hide. After a split second, he pressed a soft kiss to the skin there. Tony nuzzled his face into Peter’s hair for a moment before turning and walking out of the cell.
“You know, I never got to hear about your night. Before all this, I mean,” Tony remarked as he carried Peter towards the elevator.
“I guess not,” Peter mused, pulling back just enough to look up at his boyfriend. Boyfriend, he could say that now.
“So...what’s up, Danger?”
“Oh my god.”
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esther-dot · 3 years
"The Maiden lay athwart the Warrior, her arms widespread as if to embrace him." I know this line is used as jonsa foreshadowing. But to me it's rather omnious. After seeing got, I found Jaime-cersei fit the bill. At one point Jaime consider himself as warrior to Cersei maiden and they both died in their arms. The passage in Davos chapter where Stannis is destroying Seven statues is wholly negative. If it represents Ned, Cat and Robb death then how it would be positive for jonsa?PS I'm jonsa too
I totally understand your concern, anon. I worry about the negative connotations to certain things too. Also, you’re right about the Jaime quote and the Davos scene. To me, the difficulty is that nothing means one thing, it’s usually tied into several purposes, so unless we’re very careful parsing it out (or use my preferred method of declaring something is a thing but having no clue what to do with it!) we get a real mess. The Seven is involved in the broad representation of the interaction between religion/politics/war, the criticism of religious institutions/religious fanaticism, and the examination of what faith gives and takes from a person. Everything presented in the context of religion will not* (edit, I forgot that kinda important word!) play out in the individual stories in a precise way. It has a larger purpose.
Burning the sept and burning the weirwood branches and the idea of burning the godswood are part of the big issues. I am not worried about it indicating death for the Stark kids. I mean, Arya is mentioned in connection to the Warrior and Cat prays to the Maiden to protect her innocence. Cat thinks of Jon in terms of the Warrior, and we connect him to the Stranger as well since he, ya know, dies (or seems to). Sansa is connected to the Maiden and the Mother. Anyway, I guess the thing is, it’s not clear cut, and it certainly doesn’t indicate that these characters will die.
As individuals we can find parallels between the characters as Jaime and Cersei are foils for Jon and Sansa, and I think their relationships (Jaime/Cersei and Jonsa) are apposed as well. Brienne and Sansa have a lot of similarities, and Cersei and Dany have parallels, so I think you’re right to look at the end of GoT and connect it to Jaime’s line about the Warrior and the Maiden (AFFC, Jaime IV). In the end, he chose Cersei, his “evil queen,” and it felt like a reversal of his self-righteous “I’ve been deceived!” routine from earlier. He knows what she is and loves her. More importantly, he knows who he is and chooses her. Their relationship is mutually destructive, their union ends in death, so, it does make sense to relate that back to the worst interpretation of the warrior/maiden imagery.
But, we still need the positive view of warrior/maiden. We need one that has an upside and results in life. In the show, even though D&D claim it wasn’t romantic, Jon and Sansa hit those beats. It is the inverse of Jaime/Cersei and the Jon/Dany scenario is as well. Jaime tries to save Cersei, Jon kills Dany. Jaime chooses Cersei and dies with her, Jon chooses Sansa and lives. In that way, Jaime isn’t entirely wrong that Cersei is the stranger (death) because she is the foil to Sansa who represents life (the Mother). Dany obviously, is not the maid, and while she is called the mother of dragons, we know that association with the mother is not about life anymore than Cersei’s is. The connection still stands, but it isn’t positive.
It may be that D&D fabricated romantic jxnerys (most of us hope so), and if that’s the case, all we have to do is think back to Ygritte and remember that Jon has already rejected a violent love interest. We already have that contrast between him and Jaime, we don’t need a redux. What we don’t have is the positive relationship, and I am sure that is what Jonsa will be.
As for the Davos scene, I think we have to remember these quotes:
"Each of the Seven embodies all of the Seven," Septon Osmynd had told her once. There was as much beauty in the Crone as in the Maiden, and the Mother could be fiercer than the Warrior when her children were in danger (ACOF, Catelyn IV).
The Warrior was Renly and Stannis, Robb and Robert, Jaime Lannister and Jon Snow. She even glimpsed Arya in those lines, just for an instant.(ACOK, Catelyn IV)
And the seventh face . . . the Stranger was neither male nor female, yet both, ever the outcast, the wanderer from far places, less and more than human, unknown and unknowable. Here the face was a black oval, a shadow with stars for eyes. (ACOK, Catelyn IV)
Martin doesn’t want things to be clear cut in any aspect of the story, and when it comes to these gods, he is specifically telling us, it isn’t one parallel per character. Cat and Cersei have a connection to the Mother even though Cersei is evil. So, what happens to these figures in Davo’s scenes relates to both the good and the bad character associated with them. The Hound is often associated with the Stranger because of his face/animal name, but I also associate Jon and the Stranger because of the wargy stuff/rising from the dead thing. I always try to check myself when I think, “Is this about Jon?” by looking for another Jon reference in near proximity. So, this quote about the Stranger makes me pause,
They were all afire now, Maid and Mother, Warrior and Smith, the Crone with her pearl eyes and the Father with his gilded beard; even the Stranger, carved to look more animal than human. The old dry wood and countless layers of paint and varnish blazed with a fierce hungry light. Heat rose shimmering through the chill air; behind, the gargoyles and stone dragons on the castle walls seemed blurred, as if Davos were seeing them through a veil of tears. Or as if the beasts were trembling, stirring . . . (ACOK, Davos I)
And that connection I see between the Stanger and Jon is reinforced by the reference to stone dragons so soon. To me that means Jon was on Martin’s mind. And, it’s interesting because these are not Jon’s gods, Davos explains that he is not a particularly pious man, but he feels “ill” when they are burned because this is mostly about Stannis adopting something that is incompatible with a big part of Westerosi culture (in this area). And I just realized that we have a direct contrast between Davos and Jon because Jon, when tempted with the thing he wants most in the world, refuses it because he will not burn his/his father’s gods. Huh. It’s almost like he wont be as compliant with a fire happy monarch as our good man Davos. Interesting.
Continuing with that passage though. “The Maiden lay athwart the Warrior, her arms widespread as if to embrace him” comes directly after mentions of how these statues were decorated and painted and repainted. To me, that ties into how the songs have painted over the brutality of Sansa’s world, how the ugliness is always hidden away, so I think reading her as the Maiden in this scenario fits. The Mother on the other hand, “The Mother seemed almost to shudder as the flames came licking up her face. A longsword had been thrust through her heart, and its leather grip was alive with flame” (ACOK, Davos I)….well, if we’re making connections to the show, one incarnation of “the mother” was stabbity stabbed in the end. 😬
If we keep reading, we read this about the warrior:
Melisandre was robed all in scarlet satin and blood velvet, her eyes as red as the great ruby that glistened at her throat as if it too were afire. "In ancient books of Asshai it is written that there will come a day after a long summer when the stars bleed and the cold breath of darkness falls heavy on the world. In this dread hour a warrior shall draw from the fire a burning sword. And that sword shall be Lightbringer, the Red Sword of Heroes, and he who clasps it shall be Azor Ahai come again, and the darkness shall flee before him." She lifted her voice, so it carried out over the gathered host. "Azor Ahai, beloved of R'hllor! The Warrior of Light, the Son of Fire! Come forth, your sword awaits you! Come forth and take it into your hand!" (ACOK, Davos I)
I accept @trinuviel's interpretation that Dany is Azor Ahai, so even if she (mother of dragons) is killed by the warrior (Jon) to protect the maid (Sansa), she too is the Warrior (in a way) Of course, I think she, like Cersei, is also easily connected with the Stranger (daughter of death).
Anyway, the point is, we can make a lot of associations here, we’re meant to, and we sorta have things stacked on each other as far as negative and positive ideas, but that doesn’t mean the negative applies to the all the characters equally or in the same way.
It isn’t unreasonable to read the burning of the gods in Davos’ chapter and think, “the world is on fire, the Warrior/Maiden are dead (Jaime/Cersei), the Mother is stabbed (Dany)” because you’re right, that is what we saw in the end of GoT. But since Cersei and Dany are both the Mother and Stranger as well (in a sense), it is also reasonable to say, well, Sansa is the Mother (life) who survives, and Sansa is the lover (Maiden) who is embracing the Warrior (Jon), and their union is not in death, but life. With Martin, it seems to me that more, not less, is always his preference, and just because there are multiple truths doesn’t make any of them less true.
So, I think that an interpretation like @istumpysk‘s comparing the Starks to each of the Seven is great and true (link) while I also think all of the above is true. If each of the Seven embodies all of them, I think Martin wants us to see all the facets of his characters which means, at different times, they have stronger connections to certain archetypes because that’s what the Seven also represent and by making each character evolve, he is breaking the archetypes down and making his characters feel more real than they would otherwise because people are not one thing. Jon may be the Warrior, but he was the maiden too, Sansa is the maiden, but she has had to be her own hero.
TL;DR: I agree with you that Jaime and Cersei played out a version of the Warrior/Maiden idea in the show, but I’m not worried that it means something negative for book Jonsa.
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hannahthedragon · 3 years
I was talking with my friends about the knew champion, though we all have some mixed opinions the general consensus was we're pretty excited. One thing lead to another in our rambling and I mentioned that why would she make a doll with the royal crest? Was it for her or maybe a child? It was a sad theory but even in the trailer Isolde and Viego are both looking at her stomach. Eitherway struck with inspiration I wrote a fanfic around this idea.
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⚠️So major warning!⚠️ This features pregnancy and the death of the carrying mother. Don't read if these are sensitive topics for you!
Viego sat at the head of a long table, advisors, treasurers and practically everyone else with any authority in the kingdom sat along the sides. They all debated back and forth about what to do next, something about the financial situation of the kingdom, but their king couldn't bother to listen, instead, he sat there with his head resting upon his hand. He dreamt of his queen, his lover, and the only girl who could seem to hold his attention, Isolde. She had been feeling sick lately, was she going to be okay while he was away? How dare this meeting keep him from more important matters, he thought. 
"Your highness." A voice snapped him back to what was happening around him, along with a tap on his shoulder. Kallista, his trusted General was who the hand belonged to, she stood behind him like a shadow whenever his kingly duties were to be fulfilled, being a far larger help than Viego ever was. "What is it you want to do?"
"Whatever you all can come to agree on. It matters not to me." Viego half-heartedly replied.
"You are the king. And this is your kingdom. It does matter to you." The treasurer replied, barely holding back his anger. Luckily however someone else spoke up suggesting a compromise of their plans, taking the heat off Viego for the time being. Finally, after what felt like an excruciatingly long time, the meeting was over, the king being the first to stand and leave. 
Although Kallista followed at first for his protection, he waved her off, requesting to be alone or for better phrasing, alone with his love. She did just that, having other duties she could attend to with the time. Now alone he entered his chambers, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of Isolde. She sat at the end of the bed seeming to be waiting for him, she looked happy, though nervousness filled the cracks in her smile. "Viego… there is something that I need to tell you."
His smile morphed to concern as he shut the door behind him, moving to sit by her side, "what is it my stars?" 
She took a long pause and a deep breath, then spoke, turning to look Viego in the eyes. "We're going to have a child." A warm smile grew on her face, clearly happy about the announcement. 
Viego seemed just as happy, leaning over to wrap his arms around her, kissing her on the neck. "Finally someone to love just as much as you." He whispered in her ear. Finally leaning away getting his joy contained he asked a question. "How can you be sure?" 
"All the signs were there. So I went for testing. All the best they could offer. Every single one said yes. I should have told you sooner but I wanted to be sure."
"The surprise was well worth the wait." He said, unable to stop himself from kissing his love again.
"I'm sure she'll be strong and kind. Just like you." Isolde ran her fingers through Viego's long hair, hoping to see his face better. 
"She?" He raised his brow.
"Yes. Many of the tests pointed to a girl."
"That's lovely. I'm sure she'll be just as beautiful as you are." Isolde could only reply with a light-hearted chuckle at the complaint, something she received from Viego daily. 
"I can't wait to meet her." She smiled looking down at her stomach, still yet to show any sign of a child. 
"She'll have a kingdom when we do." He said looking as well. Despite the arrogance he knew he was not fit to rule, he never was. This was his brother's throne, cast upon him unexpectedly. He didn't know what to do. So he could only hope to raise their daughter to be better. The lovers spent the rest of the night talking about their future, and the future of their child. This had to be the second happiest day of their lives, only beat by the night of their wedding, and just as they did then, the two fell asleep in each other's arms. 
Time passed, though the king, holding little concern for those of his kingdom made no effort to announce the news to the kingdom, word had gone around inside the castle of the Queen's expectancy. Though little of them could be excited with the kingdom's trouble still being front and center, this only serving to distract the king more. Isolde remained blissfully unaware of these issues while Viego actively ignored them. Mutters went around of how this problem might have been avoided if the king had chosen to marry another royalty as they advised, the kingdoms being able to partner and help each other. But his heart was set on the peasant lady he had fallen for at first sight, and no one could deter him. 
Now Isolde sat in her workshop, a small room filled with her many supplies from her days as a seamstress. A hobby she had kept even when ascending upon the throne. It was obvious to anyone close to her she loved her days before belonging to the kingdom, often dressing in surprisingly casual clothes when not among the public. Simple dresses with aprons atop them. All sewn herself. Even Viego couldn't convince her to ease up on this part of herself. Despite having more than enough resources and power, Isolde sat alone in her workshop sewing small garments for her soon to be daughter. Though it was possible the test could be wrong, such a thought never even passed her by. Blinded by the idea of raising a princess with the world ahead of her. Never having to work long tiring nights as she had done before her new life. 
A candlelit up the simple room, as a music box slowly turned on the desk as music, the same she had received as a wedding gift, and treasured since that day. Isolde and Viego dancing to its tune on late nights, twirling endlessly. Having now made enough clothes to last the first year of the child's life at all stages, Isolde had to start making other things for her to fill her excitement. Laying on the table in front of her was a doll. Cute as she could possibly make it. The spitting image of everything Isolde thought of a princess, something she struggled to see herself in. She was almost done, large bright blue yarn hair filling her head, a frilly dress adorning her body, and button eyes smiling towards the sky. She was just finishing the last touches, sewing to it the ribbon brooch she wore with many of her formal outfits. It carried with it the crest of the royal family, a sign that she would be part of theirs. Viego entered the room just as the music came to a slow, the door creaking open to announce him. 
"Hard at work my love?" He asked, laying his hands over her shoulder to look at what she could be making now.  
"Yes. I just want everything to be perfect when she's here." Isolde smiles, brushing his hands off and standing. Bringing the doll across the room to sit on the pile of clothes she had made. 
"You shouldn't have to work so hard, let others do the work for you." 
"I know, I know. But I enjoy this. Really. This is more than I could have ever asked for." Isolde commented, looking over the collection of colorful fabrics she had access to. 
"Just don't tire yourself," Viego advised, stepping behind her once more resting his head on against hers, one hand resting on her stomach, which had now formed a small bump to it. "Come. Rest with me. You can return here another day." 
"Mmh." She nodded in agreement, resting her hand atop Viego's, they were tired and worn from her grip on the needles and scissors she had worked with all day. She blew out the candle and left the dark room by the side of her beloved.
However the day she returned to her workshop didn't come. Instead collecting dust along the shelves of clothing and the doll of the little princess. The kingdom had enough of the king who was casting their land into ruin, attempting to strike him down, they failed, taking Isolde instead. Though the dagger only grazed her arm, the strong poison acted quick. She wasn't quite dead. Not yet. Instead in a state of lasting sleep. This was a twisted hell for Viego, watching his queen's life drain day by day, as he could do nothing about it. He never left her side but commanded everyone who could to search for a cure. He was advised against this, begged to stop as every last resource of the kingdom went into saving her. He didn't care. What was the point of having a kingdom if his queen couldn't rule it by his side? If his daughter wouldn't be here to see it. 
Everything he could do wasn't enough though. Isolde silently passed one night, Viego by her side. He couldn't accept this. Never. He had seen magic before. Even rumors of immortality, something he remembers hearing his uncle ran to pursue. He knew there was still a chance. He grew more hateful by the day, locking himself away with his wife's body. 
Finally, Kallista, his most trusted General had arrived back from her searches. The torment of the situation had made the king come to despise her, the one who deflected the attack to his stars. He would have killed her on sight if not for her news. An island of blessed water, able to heal the queen. Though when she heard the news of the queen's fate she resisted helping, she gave in. Viego carefully lifting Isolde's body, he carried her to the docks, sailing off to their last hope. His last hope for his family and the last hope for Isolde's hard work. 
The rest of the kingdom joined the workshop in collecting dust after that.
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raviotherabbit · 3 years
royal pain in the ass - chapter 1
Chapter 1: Era of the Wilds Queen Zelda rebuilds her palace.
[first] - [next] read it on ao3!
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Three months ago, Link started this time travelling journey. Before he left through that portal, with eight heroes waiting behind him expectantly, he held onto Zelda’s hand and promised he’d tell her everything.
They were a good bunch, by Zelda’s judgement. She was relieved knowing that the Hero of Twilight was looking out for her former knight. And the Hero of Time and Hero of Warriors seemed to have good heads on their shoulders, so she certainly shouldn’t be worried there. And Link was even friendly with the others, like the Hero of Hyrule and the Hero of Winds! She was glad there were at least some people there to indulge him, once in a while.
One of their visits landed on a beautiful day, right on the edge of summer. As a bit of a treat, Zelda let the Hero of the Four Sword and Hero of Legend loose on what remains of her library. She idly watched as her Link—Wild, the others called him—disappeared into Castle Town with Wind in tow, both of them giggling.
“We should probably follow them,” Twilight grimaced.
Zelda startled, caught off guard by Twilight’s suggestion. They were sitting against the wall below the castle’s observation room, comparing and contrasting their respective monarchies when he’d abruptly changed the topic.
“What for?” she questioned. “There’s not much trouble for them to get into. Let them have their fun.”
He sighed. “Wild’s idea of fun usually involves explosives.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re exaggerating. He can be very responsible.”
“You were there when he launched himself halfway across Hyrule, right?”
Zelda paused for a moment, glancing back to the palace gates Wild had disappeared past. Their last visit, he had wanted to show off to Hyrule just how far he could launch himself with his bombs, and, somehow, he’d made it all the way to Hateno.
“Perhaps I’m a bit lenient with him,” she relented. “I suppose I just like seeing him happy.”
Twilight said nothing, but he arched an eyebrow at her. Something about his scrutiny made her heart drop, and for a split second, she wondered how much he knew about her and Wild’s shared past. What happened to him, how she couldn't save him before-
“I mean, he deserves as much, doesn’t he?” she hastily explained. “He’s got a second chance, now.”
  △ ▲△
Queen Zelda Sarya Hyrule awakens for the day, leaning her hands on the balcony as she looks over her kingdom’s sunrise. It’s a bright, fresh morning, the smell of last night’s rain still in the air. This morning marks three months, officially, since Link's last visit.
Zelda sighs. She supposes she ought to be used to this. She’s got a hundred years’ worth of experience waiting for Link, she can survive however long it takes him to finish this mission. She could spend her time worrying over her friend’s safety, but really, eight other heroes from eras past? He couldn’t be in safer hands.
It’s only a shame they had to halt their weapons training, for the time being. Zelda’s getting tired of sparring with dummies.
She steps away from the balcony, stretching her arms out. She’s been using the observation room as her temporary quarters. And it’s not that she wouldn’t rather stay in her old room, if it weren’t for the broken bridge and collapsed roof, it’s just…
Well, Link always referred to his life as a new beginning. Maybe this can be one for her, too.
First thing to do, get dressed. Yesterday was laundry day, so her clothes are nice and clean.
Second, get some breakfast. What she wouldn’t do for some coffee-
“Oh shit!”
“No! The pallets!”
Upon further analysis, it appears Zelda won’t have any time to get dressed before her day begins.
She shows up to the moat wearing an old, plain shirt and shorts, her pajamas since she’s woken up. Her hair is messy and tangled, and she’s still having trouble keeping her eyes open. But when Bolson and Karson notice Zelda, the latter bows to her as though she were the picture of beauty.
She has to resist rolling her eyes. What would her father think of this?
“What’s the issue?” she asks them as Karson rises. “I heard something about palettes?”
“Ah, well-” Karson stammers. “You see, your majesty-”
“Our horses,” Bolson explains, mercifully cutting Karson off. “They were carting pallets of material for our work today, when something spooked ‘em. Knocked the pallets into the water, ‘n Karson and me were trying to figure out how to fish ‘em up.”
Zelda raises an eyebrow, glancing at each side of the bridge. Aside from the rushing water and the slight breeze, all is still.
“What could have possibly scared your horses? There’s nothing up here, and-” She peeks down at the river. “The Zora aren’t supposed to arrive for a few more hours.”
Karson speaks. “I’m sorry, your majesty, I don’t know-”
She holds up a hand. “I’m not blaming you, Karson. I’m simply confused.” She sighs. “Don’t worry about your supplies. Do whatever else you can for now. When Prince Sidon and his guard report to the palace, I’m sure I can convince some of them to scavenge your belongings.”
“Thank you, Queen Zelda,” Bolson responds before Karson can make a fool of himself again. “Hudson went after the horses. Karson, we should see if he needs any help.”
Zelda watches as the two of them leave. Link had personally attested to the quality of work Bolson Construction could do, and truth be told, she’d hired them on his recommendation alone —though the fact that one of their members had built an entire town by hand had been particularly alluring. Her father would have thrown a fit at Bolson’s “manners”, or lack thereof, but that very trait was the reason she enjoyed working with him so much. He understood that she was in the same boat as the rest of them.
But that story about the horses had her worried. On such a calm morning, when most of the kingdom had yet to stir, she couldn’t help but fear that whatever had spooked them so bad had been malicious.
She looks back over the bridge, trying to peer down into the dark water. It wasn’t so long ago that the castle had been teeming with monsters, after all. Sure, they aren’t quiet, but is it possible some of them were missed?
Well, whatever it is, it could at least wait until she’s dressed.
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“I’m worried about excavating the Great Hall.”
Zelda is enjoying her breakfast (buttered bread, Hylia, how she misses Link’s cooking), when Yunobo approaches her. He, along with several other young Gorons, volunteered to help clear the debris from Hyrule Castle and its adjoining town.
At first, Zelda had been a bit concerned about having not only Vah Rudania’s new pilot, but Daruk’s direct descendant working so closely with her. Daruk had been a dear friend of hers, after all, and she wasn’t sure she could bear having a reminder of him walking around her home.
But right away it had become apparent that Yunobo is nothing like his grandfather. He’s innocent where Daruk had been optimistic, hesitant where Daruk had been a leader. It was easy enough for Zelda to pretend that there was no relation at all.
Wordlessly, she motions for Yunobo to sit beside her, which he does.
“Link got your slate to you, correct?” she asks, pulling out her own.
Zelda had been quite shocked when Purah had presented her with a brand new slate, a replacement for the one she’d given to Link. Apparently one hundred years of research and a now-peaceful world meant technological advancements could happen fast. And with the correct payment, she was willing to make a few more for the rest of the new Champions.
Yunobo nods, shyly taking his slate out. His is much larger than the ones provided to the rest of the Champions, on account of his larger hands.
“Perfect.” Zelda pulls up a file, a diagram of the castle’s interior, and taps their slates together. “Did that transfer work? You should have a copy of the castle’s blueprints now.”
“Oh wow!” Yunobo holds his slate to his face, marvelling at his screen. “This is amazing, your majesty!”
Zelda can’t help but smile along with him. “I thought the same thing when I first started playing with the first one,” she admits. “You can use this to show me what’s troubling you.”
“Right.” He points to the main entryway to the Great Hall. “See, we’re focusing on this part here, because it’s easier for us Gorons to move around. But I’ve been noticing a lot of rocks in the rubble from further up the castle.” He sighs. “It’s unstable. If we keep going as we are now there’s going to be a hole in the rock right up to the Sanctum.”
Zelda frowns, eyes fixed on the blueprints. So far, they haven’t had any issues like this. Most of the ruins have been from the stone lining the hallways, not the mountain itself. And, despite being a researcher, she’s not exactly an engineer. Can something like this even be fixed?
“Well, first of all, we’re stopping construction on that area immediately,” she instructs. “Make sure the rest of the Gorons know that. Then, go to Bolson with your concerns. His work has been temporarily delayed, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to help you figure out this problem.” She tucks her slate at her side. “Does that work for you?”
“Thank you!” Yunobo beams, and isn’t that a sight? Link told her he used to be very anxious a while ago. “I’ll get on that right away, your majesty.”
What she wants to say is ‘No need for that. Call me Zelda.’ But something about it gets caught in her throat.
“If there are any other issues, let me know,” Queen Zelda says.
  △ ▲△
There have been talks, lately, of turning Castle Town into a trading hub for the rest of Hyrule, and Zelda thought it was a wonderful idea. It was, after all, how the capital had been established many years ago, and returning to its roots would be a good way to build it back up again. She’s already gotten the word from several villages that they’d be willing to send merchants. The only thing left to do is to strike up a deal with the Gerudo.
Lady Riju is wise beyond her years, and Zelda can’t help but see herself in the girl. Forced into a role of importance at such a young age, carrying the burdens of loss and leadership on her shoulders…
“Using Castle Town as an in-between for your trades with the Gorons would make for shorter journeys in the long run.” Zelda and Riju are seated at a table in the dining hall, which the Queen has converted into an office of sorts. Both are flanked by several guards, yet their attention is focused on the slates in their hands, displaying a map of the kingdom.
“We would get our gemstones faster,” Riju reasons.
“Exactly,” Zelda says. “Not to mention, this would also open up opportunities for you with Zora’s Domain. I’m not sure whether you would appreciate their fish, but one of their other major exports is Luminous Stones.”
Hearing this, Riju raises her eyebrows. “Now that is interesting.”
The Gerudo are lucky to have Riju, Zelda decides. She knows there’s only one jeweler in Gerudo Town—aside from a few hobbyists—and yet, the chieftain was clearly interested on her behalf. Now that the Calamity is gone, the Gerudo may as well expand their horizons a bit.
Urbosa would be proud.
Zelda immediately shakes that thought off like a dog out of the water. “Of course, you’ll have to work the details out with the Zora themselves, I’m just offering the venue. But Prince Sidon is supposed to come by later today.”
Riju hums to herself. “Buliara,” she says, turning to the guard by her side. “Make sure we get a meeting with him before either of us leave.”
“Yes, Lady Riju.”
With that assurance, Riju faces Zelda once again, standing. “Well, Queen Zelda, it looks like we have a deal, then.” She offers Zelda a hand.
“Thank you, Lady Riju.” Zelda takes her hand, and the two shake. And that’s where Zelda assumed it would end.
“Actually,” Riju clears her throat, and suddenly it isn’t Riju, Chieftain of the Gerudo standing in front of her. It’s Riju, the thirteen year-old child, eyes wide and pleading, awkwardly holding onto one of her arms. “I was wondering, if you’re not doing anything for a while…”
Zelda winces, and in that instant she sees Riju avert her gaze. “Oh, Riju,” she says. “I’d love to, but…”
Riju holds up her hand. “It’s no matter, your highness,” she claims, displaying strength as if Zelda didn’t just see her put a wall up. “I should discuss the changes to our trade routes with the Gorons, anyway.”
Some other time, Zelda promises herself. She’ll make time for Riju soon. But as Riju beckons her guards and leaves, she can’t find it within herself to say it out loud.
  △ ▲△
Zelda really thought she could do it this time.
Ever since she’d gone through the process of selecting new Champions, new pilots for the Divine Beasts, Zelda has spent quite a bit of time with them. Training, maintenance, everything to help them move along as smoothly as possible. And it’s been fine with all of them!
Well, with the exception of one.
Riju and Yunobo are both generations removed from their ancestors, and if Zelda doesn’t remind herself, she can almost pretend there’s no connection at all. And Teba isn’t even related to any of the former champions. But Sidon…
Zelda storms into the makeshift infirmary, a large tent just outside the castle, to find Sidon having a wound wrapped by a nurse. Noticing her arrival, the nurse offers a bow before sliding out of the tent past the Queen.
“Prince Sidon,” she fights to keep her tone diplomatic. “Please tell me Captain Bazz lied to me.”
Sidon is so Mipha.
“Queen Zelda-”
“Stop,” she commands, and some part of her mind recognizes it as one her father took often. “You-” She points a finger at him. “-the crown prince of the Zora, a race known for their weakness to electricity, decided to take on a Lynel, of all things. Is that correct?”
Somehow, in all her five-foot four-inches worth of glory, Zelda has successfully gotten Prince Sidon, a fish towering over ten feet, to cower under her glare.
“Yes, Queen Zelda.”
Of course, Mipha wouldn’t have been nearly as brash as her brother. She knew her limits, knew the risks of facing a Lynel head on, especially a Silver one. She knew she wasn’t the one to take on that task.
Sidon, for some reason, didn’t.
“Okay,” Zelda sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Why?”
“Why?” Sidon echoes back at her. He finally meets her eyes, matching her own harsh gaze. “Your highness, that Lynel was too close to Helmhead Bridge! If I hadn’t stopped it, it could have gone on a rampage throughout Castle Town!”
But he had her passion, that’s for sure. Where Mipha had been drawn to healing the injured, Sidon found himself drawn to battle away every danger that could befall the innocent. In that sense, the two of them were the same.
Sidon, like his sister, is a protector.
“You were under orders to clear out the Military Training Grounds! That’s it!” Zelda counters. “That Lynel was not your responsibility!”
“Hyrule is my responsibility! You made it my responsibility when you gave me Vah Ruta!”
Sidon is Mipha in every way that Mipha wasn’t. And how dare he come to her castle, acting the brasher, braver Mipha?
How dare he, Mipha’s most precious brother, risk himself for her?
“I’ve already led one set of Champions to their deaths, Sidon!” Zelda shouts, tears forming at the corners of her eyes. “I’m not going to let you die as well!”
Sidon reels back, looking at Zelda with wide eyes.
Zelda covers her mouth, and her spine goes rigid, like ice. She turns on her heel, making a beeline out of the tent.
“Your highness!” Sidon calls after her. “Zelda! Wait!”
But Zelda ignores him. She pushes the flap out of the way, and once she’s finally outside the tent, she runs.
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Of course it’s her old room. Zelda hadn’t even realized it was her destination until she arrived there, eyes blurry with tears. She slams her door shut behind her and sinks to the floor, finally letting herself cry. Sobs rake through her body, and she’s reminded of the times a hundred years ago, when she would lock herself in this same room after yet another day of failing to unlock her powers.
It’s been a century since then, and she’s right back where she started.
The Champions, all of them, deserve this future much more than Zelda does. She failed them all.
She’s not sure how long she sits there, curled in on herself, crying like a toddler throwing a tantrum. Seriously, what’s wrong with her?
Suddenly, there’s the sound of wings flapping from the literal hole in the room, rattling Zelda out of her sorrow enough to look up.
It’s Teba, because of course it is. Who else would fly all the way up here? His expression is difficult to read, but he’s focused on her.
“There you are,” he says, landing on the ruins of her wall. He hops down. “You scared Sidon, back there.”
Zelda looks back to the floor, head turned away from Teba. Her face and chest burn with shame.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbles.
There’s warmth next to her, Teba sitting by her side. “Now, why are you saying that?” He drapes one of his wings over her shoulders.
It’s disgustingly casual, certainly not the image a distinguished queen should be projecting. But Teba is concerned for her, and Zelda can’t remember the last time she let someone do that. Even Link, her closest friend, she’s kept at a distance. He’s been struggling so much, how was she supposed to burden him with her own issues?
“I keep ruining everything,” she admits, choking back a sob. “His sister is gone because of me. I let Hyrule fall.”
“Zelda-” and how great it is to hear her name. Not your majesty, your highness, the great and wonderful queen who could do no wrong. Just Zelda, the person. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known what would happen.”
If only it were that easy.
“I should have,” she retorts. “How stupid were we to believe that pig would fall for the same trick twice?”
“You’re a kid.”
Zelda can’t help but laugh at that, though it isn’t particularly funny. Some of her loose hairs fly away from her face as she does so.
Teba, unamused, sighs. “What are you doing here?”
She rolls her eyes. “I came to my room to cry, obviously.”
“No, I mean-” Teba tries again. “Why are you at the castle?”
“To rebuild Hyrule,” Zelda answers automatically. “To lead my people.”
“Who told you to do that?”
Zelda blinks, and she realizes she doesn’t have an answer for that. Rarely does she ever find herself in this situation.
“Well, no one, but…” she struggles. “It’s what my father would want.”
Teba points at her. “There’s your issue,” he says. “You’re putting yourself in this box, trying to be the person you think everyone wants you to be. And in the process, you’re ignoring yourself.”
“The reconstruction effort doesn’t necessarily need you, Zelda,” he tells her. “We’re glad to have you, but if you need to go off somewhere on your own, we’d get along just fine.”
Zelda scoffs. “Where would I even go?”
“I don’t know.” Teba shrugs. “Maybe you could check out what Link’s been up to?”
  △ ▲△
Teba’s suggestion rings in Zelda’s mind. She tries to sleep, truly, she does. But she ends up kicking her way out of her bedroll in frustration.
So, just as her day began, Zelda finds herself standing on her balcony, staring out at Hyrule. The night is cloudless, the vast sky full of twinkling stars. Hyrule Field is still, save for the breeze that passes through it. It catches her hair, long and golden, bringing it to sway.
Maybe she should cut it.
Hyrule is large. She’s heard from Link of his journey and saw much of it herself. Their initial tour had been half a year ago, when the Calamity had finally been defeated. Sadly, they’d been limited to the main settlements, focusing on making peace with their leaders and spreading the news that, yes, it was over. They hadn’t had much time to divert from the path, to see the little wonders Link spoke so fondly of.
Zelda knows Link would want to show her these wonders himself, but perhaps she could find some of her own to show him? Do something nice for him, for once.
If he ever comes back, that is.
Once upon a time, Zelda told the Hero of Twilight that she was happy for Link, happy for his second chance. Oh, what she wouldn’t give for a second chance of her own.
Behind her, she hears it. The sound of reality tearing, ripping at its seams. It’s a sound she’s heard before, everytime Link and the other heroes dropped in unexpectedly. She turns around, and there it is, the oval portal glowing a soft, golden light.
She leans against her balcony and waits, patiently, for Link. It’s rude of them to show up so late, especially when she’s so underdressed, but she can make an exception for the heroes.
But nothing happens. Instead, Zelda feels a tug in her own chest, an instinctual pull that says ‘Hop in’. And she’s reminded of what Link told her about how the group finds their portals:
They’re drawn to them.
  △ ▲△
When Zelda doesn’t show her face the next morning, they go looking for her. They find the observation room scarce of most of Zelda’s belongings, her bedroll and clothes all missing. The queen herself is also gone, and in her place is a note.
Dear all,
I went to go see Link. Keep up the work without me. I will return sometime soon.
Your friend, Zelda
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readbythestarlight · 3 years
c2e141 (part 1)
Okay this is so long I’m splitting it into 2 parts pre and post break so I don’t just end up with something horribly long that clogs up the dash
I’m already emotional just over the intro you guys i’M GONNA MISS THEM SO MUCH
"Skin cradle idk what to call it" how about NOT THAT MATT
I’m so glad his family is all there and safe
Awwww that’s so sweet, showing him the cards <3
"Hey Molly! Go fuck yourself!"
M: :D
Poor Essek is so lost
A night’s rest yes that would be good for ALL of you
Also it’s time to fake his death
"And will you face the consequences of your actions, or run?"
"I need a night’s sleep first, if you don’t mind."
That’s fair
I’m worried tho
Cad this isn’t allowed to be goodbye
Not yet
Not this early into the episode
Don’t do this to me
Okay, if they’re all gonna stay that’s okay that’s fine
I mean yes go see
Oh no wait
We can’t split up this early y’all I can’t handle it
Yes good bring them here don’t split up
So many HUGS
Oh no
Plz don’t
Please choose to stay, Frumpkin!!
30 minutes and I’m already crying
At least Marisha is crying too I’m not alone
"I needed him when I needed him. That time has passed."
Please adopt all the stray cats
"The last couple of years" baby it’s been less than a year canon time
"YOURE a good person"
"I could be"
"You are"
"There’s just a little more to do"
"She’s not wrong. Trust me, I know a few bad people, you’re not one of them." ESSEK
I’m gonna cry AGAIN
"I think you’re a good person" THAT’S IT IM GONE
Aww Molly bringing them flowers
They have a valid point though, like is this Molly anymore?
Jester curling up next to Fjord I cry they’re so cute
"Hey Fjord? I love you"
I can’t handle them
Veth going swimming?? Willingly??
The DM will remember that and Sam’s character will be the first to die next campaign
"There’s not even any bugs? That’s not meat"
Fjord is describing my entire week rn
Clarabelle is the sweetest
I’m gonna miss Jester’s messages xD
Jester omg I can’t breathe
Yeza is gonna be so worried
"Okay… ‘honey’. I think I know who this is but I take it as good news" I LOVE HIM
Woman?? In a red?? Coat?
Sad angel okay yeah
Y’all need to give him some TIME you can’t just fix this super fast
Awww he remembers Yasha a little that’s good
Poor Molly
What woman??
Is it his goddess?? The moonweaver?
He’s gonna change his name to King Tealeaf lol
Why don’t y’all chill and let him pick his own stuff and figure his own stuff out
He wants a parasol lol
Travis like what even is a parasol lol
So like
We’re not actually getting Molly back in the end huh
Oh boy temporary splitting up
lol Yasha with the "I can definitely message you"
Y’all can’t just bamf into places like that lol
Oh dear please don’t walk in on your parents
Dad aaaaaaaaand? Is mom there? Momma? Are you theeere?
I’m so delighted
Y’all had better get married by the end
They’re so sweet I love Marion and Jester bless Laura and Matt for giving us a healthy parent/child relationship
LUC lol
Poor Yeza is probably going prematurely gray dealing with this lol
"I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything, it was—it was mostly flesh" I almost shot tea out my nose
"Dad I won’t sink to the fucking bottom"
Oh dear
That was the most accurate child thing Matt has ever done
Marion is the queen of this place she doesn’t need your cemetery Jester lol
I love the way things turned out with the Gentleman it’s so soft
Jester sweetie you literally told him NOT to say anything back
I’m emotional y’all
Fjord like Jester babe NO
I’m going to stab this bitch myself
YOURE a tragedy
Fuck you Ikathon the answer is NO
Oh my god okay are we doing this
We’re doing this
How did he know they were there???
And Veth just brought her family there too
I can’t believe I’m getting my wish for them to fuck up Trent after all
Fuck fuck fuck how many people can he transport out??
Also you can’t burn down Cad’s home!!
Oh god Essek is going to have to face him too
There’s too much going on here I’m STRESSED
Does he have dunemancy magic?? Is that what that is?
"We had issues larger than your ambitions" OOOO BURN
Suck a dick Trent
"Erase these errors, so I don’t have to look at it" FUCK YOU
What is happening holy shit
What is this????
Run Luc and Yeza run!!
Poor things :(
Poor Caliope
Poor Clays
Essek booiiii
Oh my god I looked at the stats on this spell and it’s BAD
Wilting what what what
Thank god
Oh my god he rolled BAD thank god
I was just saying thank god he’s alone at least but NOPE
Astrid had better not wait in the shadows to see who looks like they’re going to win and then only joining the winning side
Caleb protecting his maaaaaan
they’re so FUCKED
Thank fucking god
I don’t care what Astrid’s game is I’m tired of it and she needs to die along with Trent
And so does Wulf if he’s gonna play the same game
Come onnnn Wulf do the right thing
Mood, Fjord, mood
Ooooooh nice!
“Caleb’s produce flame” her one wizard spell is a Caleb spell omg
Nice SHOT Veth
Come ON
Why can’t they hit him??
Come onnnn Essek do something baby
Oooooo! So what does that mean?
Does that mean when one takes damage the other does too?? That’s amazing
Caleb noooooo
Thank god
Okay but the stars haven’t done as much damage as they COULD yet which is good
STOP calling him Bren
Fucking HELL come on
Oh thank God
Too little too late bitch
Wulf is gonna die though I can feel it
A second shield UGH
No you stay AWAY from Caleb
Come ooooon Jester!
“Come ooooon!” Boy you’re tethered either way
I have a feeling we have too much time left until break for the collar to work but GOD I hope it works
E: “Caleb! I’m scared!”
I shouldn’t be laughing but I am
God god god
come onnnnnn
Good Wulf smart man
Ouch oh shit Caleb no
Wulf, Astrid, soembody DO
What does Caduceus say to the god of death? NOT TODAY (respectfully)
70 HP niiiiice!
Hot DAMN Veth nice call I love it
Oh come ON
Activate it!!
I still hate Astrid but fine
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lunasquared · 3 years
Protect the Ones You Love (Save Them From the Hurt)
By @lost-lunar-wolf for @potts89 ( @friendly-neighborhood-exchange)
Rating: Teen and Up
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Pepper Potts, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts
“Peter, Tony seems like a really nice guy, we’ve been talking for weeks now-”
“You’ve been talking for weeks? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Pete,” Virginia sighed, resting her hands on Peter’s shoulders and looking him in the eye. “I wasn’t sure if it was even going to go anywhere."
After starting a new life and opening a cafe in New York, Peter gets a little worried and protective when his mom starts dating again. If only Tony didn't seem so dang perfect.
AO3 Link
Living in the city was very different from living in other places.  Peter knew that very well even though for most of his life he had lived in the city.  Before living in the city he and his mom had moved around a bit while he was younger before finally settling down in New York City after some particularly rough years.
Even for him and his mom living in the city was different for them than it was for others because many people worked some sort of corporate job while his mom opened and ran a small cafe only a few blocks from Grand Central called Caffè e Dolci.  It was a small hole in the wall type place on the outside but the inside was a good size filled with lots of seating and had different plants hanging around with vines that framed the windows and pictures.  Peter’s favorites were the Queen Marble Pothos that framed the picture of Venice Italy.  
Overall though, the cafe did pretty well.  In the mornings there was a rush as people made their way to work then it slowed down a bit then picked up again around lunch time then from there the cafe was typically on the slower side until closing.  Though on weekdays Peter was never there for the lunch rush or part of the morning rush because of school.  But after school and on weekends Peter would always work in the cafe to help his mom.  He enjoyed helping his mom in the cafe, it meant he got to bake almost all the time and make coffees and different drinks and secretly snack on some of the foods he baked and it also meant he got to spend time with his mom.  It was enjoyable to say the least.  A lot of work yes, but enjoyable overall.  
Typically after work for the day, Peter and his mom would head upstairs to their small apartment above the cafe and have dinner together before Peter started on his homework.  It was nothing big or fancy, but it was enough for him and his mom and Peter couldn’t ask for anything more.
But that was a typical day, and today was not a typical day.  It was a change in their routine and Peter didn’t like change.
“Wait you’re going on a date?”  Peter clarified after his mom had said she was going out with someone.
“I guess it’s a date.”  Virginia said, pulling her hair out of its tight bun as she and Peter walked up to the apartment.
“Mom are you sure that’s a good idea?”  Peter pressed slightly.
He was worried to say the least.  Maybe it was just him being over protective of his mom but-
“Peter, Tony seems like a really nice guy, we’ve been talking for weeks now-”
“You’ve been talking for weeks?  Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Pete,”  Virginia sighed, resting her hands on Peter’s shoulders and looking him in the eye.  “I wasn’t sure if it was even going to go anywhere.  Tony’s a regular, he normally comes in right after the lunch rush and we just— I don’t know, we hit it off and today he asked if I wanted to go to dinner with him and I said yes because he seems like a very genuine guy and I like him.”
“I’m happy for you mom.  I just, I don’t want you to get hurt again.  It was-”
“I know Peter, but I don’t think Tony is like that.  I wouldn’t have said yes if I had any doubt.  I’ll give you the restaurant address and I’ll share my location with you so you can make sure I’m okay if that would make you feel better.”  Virginia laughed ruffling Peter’s hair.  “Heck if you’re that worried I’ll even let you sit across the street to spy on us if you want.”
“Do you want me to?”  Peter questioned.
“No, but if that’s what it will take to make sure you’re not sitting here pacing a hole in the floor then that’s what you’ll do.”
“It’s okay.  I’ll be fine here, just, yeah restaurant address and stuff.”
“I love you Peter.”  Virginia said softly, placing a light kiss on Peter’s forehead.
“I love you too mom, now go get ready for your date.”
Just because Peter didn’t spy on his mom's date, did not mean he wasn’t worried out of his mind.  The entire time she was gone Peter was on the couch, not pacing a hole in the floor per his mothers request, with his phone next to him open with her location.  Peter didn’t officially meet the guy, Tony apparently, before they left, but he did catch a glimpse of him out the window and okay Tony did look like a nice guy and he gave his mom a small bouquet of orchids, which are her favorite but not important, but what is important is that his mom did look happy and the guy looked equally as happy if not even a little shy.  
But aside from his worry, Peter did manage to get his homework done, but having nothing to do meant he was sitting with his phone constantly refreshing the location to make sure everything was okay.  He tried watching a movie, but that failed miserably as he didn’t pay any attention to the tv screen at all.  By the end of the night Peter did end up pacing around the apartment until he heard the lock turn around 11:30 and he stopped in his tracks, his eyes fixated on the door until his mom walked inside and locked the door behind her.  
“So?”  Peter questioned taking notice of his mom’s expression slightly worried by the unreadable look until she broke out into a smile.
“It was really good.  We’re gonna go out again sometime soon.”
“And he’s nice?”
“Really nice.”  She confirmed placing the small bouquet of orchids in a vase.  
“I’m happy for you mom.  I really hope it goes well for you.”
“Thanks Peter.  I’m happy too.”  Virginia smiled and pulled her kid into a hug.  “Now bedtime, we have to get up early tomorrow if you wanna make those chocolate croissants you were talking about before school.”
Virginia and Tony had been going out for a few months now and Peter was happy for them, he really was.  His mom was happier than he had seen her in a long time and the few times he had seen Tony, he seemed like a good guy.  But the only problem was Peter hadn’t really met him.  He knew they were taking their relationship kind of slow, which wasn’t an issue at all, but Peter did want to meet the guy before— well before things went on longer and he could know if Tony was actually a good guy or not.  And well he also kind of wanted to meet the guy that was kind of taking time away from him and his mom.  Peter knew he couldn’t complain, he still got his mom in the mornings and most days after school, but it was starting to become more of a regular thing for his mom to go out with Tony at night instead of hanging out with him.  But he would never tell his mom that.  She’s happy and it’s not like Peter doesn’t get anytime with her at all, he’s just being selfish that’s all.  
“Peter!”  Virginia called when Peter walked into the cafe after school.
“Hey mom, what’s up?”  Peter greeted giving his mom a quick hug before setting his stuff down behind the counter and tying an apron around his waist so he could start prepping some of the bakery items for the next day.  Typically he would just get up a little early in the mornings before school to prep everything for the day, but on the weekends they tended to have larger crowds so Peter liked to have some stuff ready the night before so he could bake it in the morning and help his mom out a bit more on the floor rather than being in the kitchen the whole time baking.  
“So you know how Tony and I have been going out for a few months now.”  Virginia started, and helped Peter pull out some of the ingredients she knew he would need.  “Well I was thinking that it might be a good time for you to meet him.”
“Yeah, I think that would be good.”  Peter agreed.  “When were you thinking?”
“I mean- yeah that’s fine, I have a little homework that I want to get done tonight, but that’s fine, I can probably finish beforehand.”
“You sure tonight is okay?”  Virginia questioned.  “Because I can tell him we have to reschedule.”
Peter nodded.  “Yeah tonight’s fine, worst case I do some of my homework over the weekend.”
“Okay well, he’ll be here around 6:30-7.”  Virginia said and pressed a light kiss to Peter’s temple.  “I’m excited for you to meet him.”
“Yeah me too.”
Right as Peter finished up his homework he heard a knock on the door knowing it was Tony.  Part of him was glad that they weren’t going out, but at the same time Peter wasn’t too fond of having a stranger in their apartment.  And while technically Tony wasn’t a stranger to his mom he was to Peter.  He didn’t like strangers in his home, but he guessed that it was better than going out or going to Tony’s place.  
He heard talking in the kitchen which let him know that his mom had let Tony in but there was no way-
“Peter, come on out to meet Tony!”  His mom called, and that was what he was waiting for, to be told to come out and not go on his own.  
There was no other reason for that other than he didn’t want to seem anxious or eager to meet Tony.  He was, but he didn’t want Tony knowing that.  
Peter walked out of his room and into the kitchen trying his best to conceal his anxiousness, though he knew it showed in the fidgeting in his hands — he wasn’t really sure what else to do with them.  
“Hi.”  Peter greeted with a little wave when he got to the kitchen.  “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Nice to finally meet you as well.”  Tony said, offering his hand for Peter to shake which he accepted.  “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“All good things I hope.”  Peter said with a little chuckle.  
“I can assure they were.”  
“That’s good to hear, I’ve heard very little about you.”  
“Oh?”  Tony questioned.  
“Just a few things, nothing like my mom was dating Tony Stark or anything.”  Peter said with a glance over to his mom who just smiled and shrugged.  
“I guess it never really came up.”  Virginia laughed.  “Well dinner is ready if you guys are ready to eat.  We’ve got spaghetti aglio e olio and garlic bread.”
“Thank you for cooking.  I bet it will be delicious.”  Tony said following Peter’s lead of sitting down at the table.  
Tony got lucky he didn’t sit in Virginia's spot.  
“Thanks mom.”  Peter said as his mom sat down at the table bringing the large bowl of pasta with her.
For the most part dinner went smoothly, it wasn’t nearly as awkward as Peter was expecting it to be.  He was also proud and somewhat surprised of himself that he wasn’t freaking out over the fact that Tony freaking Stark was sitting at his table eating dinner with him and his mom.  Here Tony seemed like just a normal guy not the one that was always shown on TV.  But just because it was Tony Stark did not mean Peter still wasn’t worried about his mom.  Of course he was she’s his mom, and he wanted to protect her and make sure no one hurt her, even if he knew she could take care of herself.  To an extent he was still a bit wary of Tony.  He knew a bit about Tony’s past, though that was his past, and Peter had noticed in the more recent years that wasn’t who Tony was anymore, and he knew people could change, so he wouldn’t judge Tony for that.
All of that aside, Peter was a little upset his mom hadn’t told him more about Tony.  It wasn’t that his mom was required to tell him everything there was to know about Tony, heck he didn’t expect her to.  But his mom barely talked about him to the point where Peter knew they were together because they would go out a couple times a week, but Peter knew little to nothing about the guy.  Virginia was happy and honestly that was all Peter cared about, but he wished that his mom had told him a little more about Tony.
“So Peter, are you enjoying school?”  Tony asked, and Peter panicked a little as he was mid chew but Tony kept going which made him relax slightly.  “You’re mom said you were going to Midtown tech, that’s a really great school.”
Peter nodded as he swallowed his food.  “Yeah I enjoy it.  It’s a bit — I don’t know-”  He trailed off trying to think of the right word.
“Hard?”  Tony supplied questioningly.
“More like boring.”  Peter settled on.  
Peter only shrugged and took another bite of pasta.
“Peter is at the top of all of his classes.”  Virginia supplied with a proud smile in Peter’s direction.  
Peter ducked his head at the praise.  “I usually already know what they are teaching and if not I tend to pick up on it pretty fast.  Top of the class isn’t that big of a deal.”
“Not that big of a deal?”  Tony raised an eyebrow.  “Kid that’s amazing!  That’s a hard spot to get, it takes a lot of effort to get there.”
Peter only shrugged, he had never been the best at accepting compliments of any sort.  “I mean — I don’t know — I’m not really interested in a lot of the stuff they teach.  I prefer chemistry and robotics and engineering type stuff.  Yeah we have a robotics club at school and I’m taking chemistry, but like I said I already know most of that stuff so it’s a little boring.”  
“Pepper, your kid is a genius!”  Tony exclaimed.
Peter shot a questioning glance between Tony and his mom.  “Who’s Pepper?”  Peter asked, making no effort to hide the sass or maybe it was disapproval? In his voice.  
“Peter.”  Virginia said sternly, immediately making Peter back down.  “It’s a nickname, it’s not a big deal.”
“But-”  Peter started before cutting himself off when his mom gave a slight head tilt and eyebrow raise, he knew it was irrational to be upset over something like a nickname, but part of him felt like maybe he was trying to find something to not like Tony over.  He seemed to… nice.  Too nice.  Too good to be true.  “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.”  Tony assured.  “Giving people nicknames is just something I do.  I can stop if you don’t like it.”
This guy would be the death of Peter!  He was too nice!  There had to be something wrong!  They were never this nice and had no baggage.  Something always went wrong if they were this nice.
“No it’s all good.  I’m just not used to people giving my mom nicknames that’s all.”
There was an awkward silence for a few moments and Peter internally cursed at himself and balled his hands into fists for causing it.  Of course he would be the one to mess it up.  He was so focused on trying to find something about Tony that wasn’t good and protecting his mom, he forgot that his mom was actually happy.  
“Peter,”  Virginia said, breaking the silence.  “Tony was telling me the other day about some of the stuff he’s working on.  I think you’d find it interesting.”  She shifted her attention to Tony.  “As long as you’re able to share.”
Tony nodded eagerly.  “Yeah so right now I’m working on a Binarily Retro-Framing type thing — holographs if you will — but I’m currently working on transforming its usage for therapeutic purposes.”
“Was that not its intention?”  Peter questioned.
“Yes and no.  That was my original intention for it, however one of the technicians working on the prototype was trying to have it be used for something else.  I can’t go into much more detail, but long story short they were found to be unfit to continue working on the project and other projects and were laid off.”
“Are you trying to make it into like a trauma therapy of sorts?”
“Exactly.  I’m still working out some of the major issues, but it’s usable.  I’m mainly trying to ensure that when it comes to actually using it for trauma, it’s completely safe and the person using it understands that as well.  It basically hijacks your hippocampus which isn’t the most fun experience, so I’m working on ensuring it doesn’t tap into the brain too much while it’s still doing its job.  Right now it’s glitching so you can’t choose the memory it plays. You can typically get out of it easily by yourself and still be aware it’s a memory, but the problem is you don’t know what it will be until it forms and that’s a big problem.”
“Yeah that makes sense.”  Peter agreed with a nod.  “You want to make sure it gets into the hippocampus enough to pull a specific memory and be able to live through it, while still being aware it isn’t real and having enough awareness within that to get out whenever needed.”
“Precisely.”  Tony confirmed.  “You should come over sometime to check it out.  Heck maybe you’d be able figure out some of the parts I’m struggling with.”
“That- that sounds fun.  Mom is that okay?”
“Yeah that’s perfectly fine.”  Virginia agreed.  “Tony is there a day that works well for you?”
“I’d have to check to be completely sure, but I’m pretty sure I'm free next Wednesday.”
“I guess it works out that you don’t have anything after school on Wednesday.”  Virginia smiled at Peter.  “That work for you?”
“Y-yeah that’s good.”
“Is it okay if I have Happy pick him up from school on Wednesday then?”  Tony asked.  “I would feel bad if he had to take the subway, or if not I could grab him if you wanted.”
“Happy can grab him, that's fine.”  
“Uh who’s Happy?”  Peter questioned looking between the two adults.
“Happy is my driver and bodyguard.”  Tony answered.
“Wait does that mean-”  
“No, I drove here, so he’s doing whatever he does on his off time.  Happy mainly drives me to events or more high profile type things.”  Tony explained.  
Peter nodded.  That made sense, well kinda, it really didn’t, but then again Peter had never known someone who had a driver or bodyguard.
The rest of dinner went smoothly.  Peter got to learn a little bit more about how his mom and Tony met and how that led to dating.  It was all kinda lovey dovey mushy stuff that Peter was sure they were exaggerating on just to make him uncomfortable, but he was happy for them.  They seemed happy together and Peter liked seeing his mom happy.  He hadn’t seen her this happy in a long time.  
Wednesday couldn’t come fast enough and now that it was here Peter couldn’t seem to shake off the nerves.  He was going to Tony freaking Stark’s lab, which is the coolest thing he’s ever done in his life.  And well technically he hasn’t done that yet as he was outside of his school waiting for this Happy person to pick him up.  Both Pepper and Tony had told him to look for a larger guy in a suit driving a black Audi.
Peter was brought out of his thoughts when he heard a horn honk and saw a guy step out of black Audi and make eye contact with Peter.
“Are you Pepper’s kid?”  The man, who Peter assumed was Happy, who didn’t look very happy, asked.  
“Uh yeah.”  Peter answered slightly cringing at the nickname for his mom.  “Yeah, I’m Virginia’s kid.”  
“Tony said he’ll meet us at the Tower, he’s finishing up a meeting so…”  Happy trailed off and nodded towards the car and Peter took that as a sign to get in.  
Peter got in the back seat and went to introduce himself a bit better to Happy, but the man put up the divider between them and Peter sunk down in his seat.  The ride to the tower was uneventful and Happy didn’t roll down the divider at all.  For a man who’s name (nickname?) is Happy he doesn’t seem very happy Peter decided.
When they arrived at the Tower Peter got out of the back seat and thanked Happy when he rolled down the window.  
“Will Tony meet me down here?”  Peter asked before Happy could roll up the window.
“Yeah Tony should be down in a minute.”  Happy answered rolling up the window before Peter could say anything else.
As if on cue the elevator behind Peter dinged and the kid spun around right in time to see Tony walk out.  
“Hey kid!”  Tony greeted.  “Ready to head up?”
“Y-yeah I’m ready.”  Peter replied following Tony back into the elevator.  “Is Happy always like that?”
“Like what?”
“Not happy?”
“Ah,”  Tony nodded in understanding.  “He’s like that until you get to know him so don’t take it personally.  I promise he’s not always like that.”
“It’s okay, I just thought I may have done something wrong.”
The rest of the elevator ride was filled with silence that Peter was sure he was making awkward as he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet with his hands fidgeting behind his back.  Peter wasn’t sure what type of lab he was expecting when the elevator doors opened but it sure as heck wasn’t what he saw before him.  He slowly trailed behind Tony as the man walked out of the elevator and put in a code that opened a sliding glass door that led into the lab.
Peter stood in the entryway of the lab his eyes wide and his mouth slightly hung open as he took in the sight before him.  The lab was huge, filled with machines Peter could have only dreamed of ever seeing.  There were holographs scattered in different places, that Peter could only assume were part of projects Tony was working on.  In one corner there were a few bots that were beeping excitedly at the sight of Tony and in the other was a half taken apart car.  The whole thing was such a dream for Peter.  He never in his life thought he would one day see a lab as advanced as this let alone a lab much bigger than his small corner in his room where he worked on projects he pulled from dumpsters.  
“Like it kid?”  Tony asked with a small chuckle as he pat one of the bots on the claw.  
“This is amazing.”  Peter breathed taking a few cautious steps further into the lab.  
“Yeah it’s pretty amazing.”  Tony laughed coming back towards Peter and away from the bots.  “You wanna see something cool?”
Peter only nodded still too in shock to get many words out.
“Jarvis?”  Tony said with a glint in his voice that Peter had never heard before and a smile on his face that was similar, yet very different, from the one Tony had around his mom.  
“Welcome back sir.”  A voice with a british accent said and Peter looked up to the ceiling trying to figure out where the voice was coming from.  “And welcome Peter, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“Uh you too?”  Peter said back questionably before looking over to Tony.  “What is that and how does he know my name?”
“That’s Jarvis, he’s an AI,”  Tony explained.  “He runs the lab and the entire tower  and he knows everything.”
“And what exactly does he do?”
“He does pretty much anything.  Here he helps me run different diagnostics for whatever I’m working on to make sure it doesn’t blow up, and other times he’s just someone to talk to.  Obviously he does a lot more than just those things but that does sum it up pretty well.”
“That’s so cool!  Does Jarvis help you with your Binarily Retro-Framing thing?”  Peter asked.
“Yeah, so how it works is— actually I think it would make more sense if I showed you what I’m talking about while explaining.”  Tony started walking and motioned for Peter to follow him.  “So over here I have a room that is dedicated to B.A.R.F.-”
“B.A.R.F.?”  Peter questioned internally cursing at himself for cutting Tony off.  “Sorry.”
“No apologies, it's a valid question.”  Tony assured.  “B.A.R.F. or Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing, and yes I know I need to work on that acronym, but that’s what I’m calling it for now.  Anyways I have a room dedicated to it because of how it works.”  
Tony opened a door at the other end of the lab and Peter followed him inside.  It was a simple square room with a small cut out section with glass that allowed one to see to the rest of the room.
“Why a room like this?”  Peter asked.
“It uses drones to project the memory into the room.”  Tony explained.  “With a set up like this, it helps contain everything and it ensures that nothing gets destroyed anywhere else in case the person using it starts to panic and it also makes sure a second person who is helping with controls doesn’t get hurt and can shut it down if needed.”
“That’s smart.  Having like a backup thing.”  Peter said half not paying attention as he took a glance over some of the controls.  “So how exactly does it work?”
“Like I said it uses drones to project the memory, but you use a special pair of glasses that I created to actually access that memory through the hippocampus.  Once the memory is accessed, the glasses and drones are linked and the drones will project it.  Then the controls you see here,”  Tony gestured to the control panel that Peter was studying before.  “These are for the outside person to manually control the drones if needed.  It can shut them off or rewind the memory or go to a different part, things like that.”  
“That’s amazing that you can even do something like this.  But you said you were having some problems with the memory access?”
“Kind of.  Since dinner when I was telling you about it I got it working a little better where you can choose the type of memory, but from there you can’t choose a specific one, which is still an issue.”
“And being able to get out of that memory?”  Peter asked.
“That part is working great now.  As long as the person is aware they are not actually in that situation and are experiencing it through B.A.R.F. they can shut it down easily by themselves.  Even if they aren’t completely aware, by taking off the glasses it shuts down the system.”
“That-”  Peter trailed off his hands ghosting over the controls before turning back to face Tony who was standing in the doorway with his hands in his pockets watching Peter.  “Sorry I’m just- this is insane, I’m just trying to process it all.”
“You’re alright kid, take your time, it is a lot to process.”
Peter looked over the controls and at some of the drones for the next few minutes before turning back to Tony.  “How exactly are you fixing the memory override thing?”  
“Ah yes that part, here I can show you what I’m attempting to do back in the main part of the lab.”  Tony said, pushing off of the wall and going back out into the main part of the lab making sure Peter was following him before going all the way.
The two sat down at one of the desks with a computer screen and a few holograms around.  Tony typed a few commands into the computer before grabbing one of the holograms and moving it between him and Peter.
“So this is the brain obviously.”  Tony said gesturing to the hologram.  
For the next, who knows how long because Peter stopped paying attention to time too entranced in what Tony was explaining, Tony explained to Peter where exactly the problem was, the tactics he had tried to fix it with, and how he was planning on fixing it now.
“The problem is, I’m not sure if that will work or not.”  Tony finished.  
Peter turned the hologram a little before taking a quick glance at the screen with Tony’s newest plans calculations on it.  
“It looks like it should work because you’re toning down that electrical signal which should allow for more localized control.”  Peter shrugged and pushed the holograph closer to Tony.  “Then again I’m not an expert in neurology so that could be totally wrong.”
Tony laughed as he caught the hologram.  “Me too kid, which is why I’m having problems with it.  Jarvis is saying what you’re saying and what I was thinking so hopefully it will work.”
“Can I try it?”  Peter asked a little cautiously unsure if he was crossing any lines by asking.  
“Are you comfortable trying it?”  Tony questioned.  “Because I’m fine with you trying it, I just want to make sure you actually want to.”
“Yeah, I think with this implementation, then me trying it, I might have a better understanding of how it actually works and can be a bit more helpful.”
“As long as you’re sure, kid, then let’s get you set up.”
After the two of them ensured the update on the system was complete, Peter followed Tony into the B.A.R.F room and put on the glasses that Tony handed him then stood in the middle of the room while Tony was by the control panel.  
“Just think of a happy memory or something kid, then it should start to form around you.”  Tony said.  
Peter closed his eyes and tried to focus on a good memory of him and his mom in the cafe.  When Peter opened his eyes he wasn’t standing in the cafe though, he was in an old apartment he and his mom had in another state.  From the looks of it though and from Peter’s memory it was a good memory.
In the middle of the room was a table where Peter and his mom both sat smiling at the chess game they were playing.  Peter was younger here, 8 at the oldest.  He was winning the game, like he almost always did and was getting ready to move the last piece before he won.
“Checkmate!”  Little Peter said watching his mom laugh and reach across the table to shake his hand.  
“Great win Peter!”  Virginia said reaching across the table further to ruffle Peter’s hair.
“Mom!”  Little Peter whined attempting to duck away from the assault on his hair.
“Dinner’s ready.”  A new voice said as a guy about 6 feet tall with light brown hair walked into the room.
The new voice scared little Peter and he jumped back scattering the chess pieces across the floor in the process.  The fear on little Peter’s face as he looked up towards the guy was the last thing Peter saw before he ripped the glasses off his face and stormed out of the room pressing the heel of his palms into his eyes as he paced through the lab trying to get the memory that resurfaced out of his head.  Even though B.A.R.F. didn’t show the ending, it played clear as day in Peter’s head.  
“Peter?”  He heard Tony ask cautiously.
Peter pulled his hands away from his eyes and balled them into fists at his side.  “Why do you think it’s just me and my mom huh?  It’s better when it’s just us, it’s always been better that way.  Then- then you just show up here all perfect nice guy billionaire and act all- just act too perfect.  They always started like that you know, always.  They were always too nice, then they turned to shit.  And- and all you’re gonna end up doing is hurting my mom, that’s what they always do and I won’t let that happen again.  I won’t let her get hurt, I won’t let you hurt her.”  
Peter didn’t wait for a response from Tony and stormed out of the lab.  He didn’t care that he and Tony had a good time in the lab beforehand, Tony would hurt his mom and he wouldn’t allow that to happen.  
When Peter got back from the Tower it was almost 9 o’clock.  The cafe had long since closed and he was dreading having to go inside his apartment and face his mom.  Maybe it was slightly irrational to think Tony was like every other guy, but at the same time he couldn’t shake that ‘what if’ thought from his head.  Maybe he had overreacted a little, but he was panicked and that memory brought up too many unwanted emotions for him to have any clear thought of what he was saying at the time.  He was sure that after he left the Tower, Tony would have called his mom and he knew his mom would probably try to talk to him about it, hence the dread of going into his apartment.  With a deep breath knowing he would have to face his mom eventually, Peter opened the apartment door and to no surprise his mom was waiting for him at the kitchen table with a serious, yet soft, look on her face.  
“You wanna tell me what happened?”  Virginia asked nodding to the seat across from her at the table.  
Knowing there was no way Peter was going to get out of this he sighed and set his backpack down near the door.  “I’ll get the hot chocolate.”
“And that’s when I left.”  Peter finished explaining what happened at the Tower to his mom.  
“Tony called me right after you left, you know.”  Virginia said, taking a small sip from her mug.  “He was worried about you, said you seemed really upset, he wasn’t sure how much was actually directed at him and how much was just stuff you needed to get off your chest.”
“He’s nice, ya know?”  Peter said, dropping his head into his hands.  “He really is nice, and I want to believe that, I do.  He welcomed you into his life, then me, and he makes you happy, heck he invited me to his lab and we got to talk science for hours, I doubt he does that we just anyone and I- I don’t know- he’s nice, but he’s too nice- and that sounds ungrateful, but-”
“But you don’t want a repeat of what happened last time.”  Virginia finished reaching across the table gently taking Peter’s hand into her own.  “Neither of us want a repeat of last time Peter.  I know Tony being in our lives has been different, and I know you just met him, but he isn’t like the others Peter-”
“How do you know that?!”  Peter exclaimed, running his hands through his hair pulling his hand away from his mom’s in the process.  He took a deep breath and lowered his voice to a more reasonable level knowing that raising his voice would get him nowhere.  “How do you know he won’t end up like the others?  He’s nice, and he’s kind, and-”
“Do you want me to be honest with you Peter?”  Virginia asked cutting Peter off, for which Peter was honestly thankful for, he wasn’t sure if he could have stopped his ramble otherwise, so he nodded.  “I don’t know that he won’t be like the others, but what I do know is that none of the signs are there.  I know that I don’t get this little voice in the back of my head telling me something is wrong.  I know that from whatever life of his we see on TV and the life of his that he has shared with me, that he worked his hardest to become a better person and he still is working to be better.  So yeah Peter, I don’t know that he won’t end up like the others, but sometimes, sometimes you have to take a risk, and this one is one I’m willing to take.  I’m happy Peter, but I’m only happy if you’re happy.  I’m not saying you don’t have to be cautious of him, you have every right to be.  I’m not even saying you have to like him right off the bat, but I am asking that you at least try to get to know Tony.  And if you actually try and you don’t like him because of a bad feeling then we’ll go from there, but for now can you please try?”
Peter rubbed his eyes and nodded.  “Yeah- yeah I can try mom.  I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize Peter, it's okay.”
“I love you mom, I just don’t want to see you hurt again.”
“I know Peter, I love you too.”  Virginia said before standing up and pressing a kiss to Peter’s forehead.  “Now go get ready for bed, you’ve got some muffins to prep in the morning.”
It was over a week before Peter saw Tony again.  Then again he wasn’t actively avoiding him; it was just slightly consciously avoiding him, like making sure he was already in bed when his mom and Tony got back from their date on Friday and making sure he stayed in his room until Tony left Saturday morning.  (Which Tony staying the night was a new thing and he wasn’t sure how he was feeling about that, but that’s a thing for a different time).  But what he was not expecting was to see Tony in his apartment after school the next Friday drinking a cup of coffee at his kitchen table.
“Uh hi.”  Peter greeted closing the door behind him as he took calculated steps into the apartment.  “I didn’t know you were here.”
“Sorry, Pep- uh Virginia was finishing up a few things downstairs and said I could come up here because the one of the board members called and-”
“It’s okay, as long as my mom said it’s fine then it’s fine, you don’t have to explain yourself.”  Peter said, setting his backpack down by the table before going to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.  
“Peter,”  Tony said as Peter stepped out of the kitchen and back towards the table.  “Can we talk?”
“Yeah, we probably should.”  Peter replied sitting down at the table across from Tony.
“Look Peter, I’m sorry-”  
“No, don't apologize.”  Peter said cutting Tony off.  “You don’t have to apologize for doing nothing wrong.  I’m sorry for storming out the other day and for kind of blowing up on you.  It’s just- look it was hard for us for a few years after that and I know at least for me there’s somethings I haven’t gotten over yet.  I shouldn’t have taken it out on you.  I know you mean well and I can see you make my mom happy it’s just- I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, you know?  Like it’s all so good, what’s gonna go wrong, because something always goes wrong, and I don’t want it to be that my mom gets hurt, because I don’t know if I can see her hurt again.”
“Peter I’m not saying I understand, because I don’t, but I do hear what you are saying and it makes sense why you would be extremely protective of your mom and wary of me.  Those feelings are completely valid.  I’m not going to hurt your mom and I’m not going to hurt you, I can promise you that.  I doubt you’ll believe that, but I’m still going to say it.  I know I’ve only been seeing Virginia for a few months, but I really like her and I can see this going somewhere farther.  I’m not saying it will anytime soon, but I think you get the point.  I can’t promise much for the future other than what I already have, but if you’re willing I’d like to get to know you as well Peter, because from the looks of it we’re gonna be in each others lives and I don’t know about you, but I don’t want it to be like walking on eggshells all the time, so what do you say?  We try again and get to know each other?”
Peter nodded and let out a small chuckle.  “Yeah that- that sounds good.  You’re right I don’t completely believe you when you say you can promise that, but I’ll hold you to that so take this warning as you will, you hurt my mom and I make no promises of what I will or will not do after that.”
“Peter if I ever do anything that remotely hurts your mom you have full permission to punch me in the face as hard as you can.”
“You say that now Tony, but I won’t hesitate.”
“Good, I don’t want you too.”  Tony stuck his hand out across the table.  “Truce?”
“Truce.”  Peter said, reaching out and shaking Tony’s hand.  “So do you want to see this old record player I’m fixing up while we wait for my mom?”
Peter wasn’t sure how long he and Tony were working on the record player for when Virginia came upstairs, but they were both nose deep in it and she scared the crap out of both of them when she came into the apartment.
“What are you guys doing?”  Virginia asked her eyes flicking between Peter, Tony, and the record player.
“I was showing Tony the record player that I found the other day and he was helping me fix it.”  Peter explained.  
“So I take it that you two talked then.”  
“Yeah we did, we’re good now.”
“That’s good.”  Virginia said setting her stuff down on the counter.  “So I take it, it would be okay if Tony stayed for dinner then.”
“I mean sure, but that’s not up to me.”  Peter replied, glancing over to Tony.
“If you want me to stay then I’ll stay.”  Tony replied.
“Alright then, how about we order some Chinese food and play a game while we wait?”
“Sounds good.”  Peter and Tony both replied.
“I’m picking the game!”  Peter exclaimed, shooting up from his seat and running off to grab a game.  
“You two okay now?”  Virginia asked Tony now that Peter was out of ear shot for a moment.
“Yeah we’re okay now.  I don’t think we ever weren’t just a big misunderstanding, and lack of communication is all.”  Tony said and stood up from his seat and walked over to Virginia.  “Hug?”
Virginia nodded and Tony pulled her into a hug right as Peter came back into the room.  
“You know just because I said I would try does not mean I want to see this.”  Peter proclaimed loudly.
“What?  You mean this?”  Virginia said before placing a kiss on Tony’s lips earning a gag from Peter.
“You two are gross I don’t want to see that.”  Peter said rolling his eyes and sitting down at the table pulling the cards out of the bag.  “Oh yeah and we’re playing Uno!”
Almost 15 minutes later they were 2 card shuffles deep into the first round.  Peter had only 1 card left, Virginia wasn’t far behind with 2 cards, and Tony, Tony had a mischievous look on his face as he got ready for his turn with 3 cards in his hand.
“I don’t like that look.”  Peter said, staring at Tony as he got ready to place the card.  “I thought we called truce.”
“Yeah, but it’s an unspoken rule that all truces go out the window while playing Uno.”  Tony said then immediately placed down a draw 4 card directed at Peter who was sitting next to him.
Peter stared at Tony wide eyed in shock, then moved his eyes to the cards then back to Tony.  “What the fuck Anthony.”
“Whoa language.”  Virginia and Tony said at the same time.
“You can’t expect me to not say that when he places a draw 4 card when I have one card left.”  Peter said as if it would help his case at all.
Tony tried not to laugh at Peter’s statement while his mom just shook her head and sighed.
“Just draw your cards Peter, accept your fate.”  Virginia said with a laugh.
The game continued on for a few more rounds and right before Peter went to play his last card there was a knock on the door.
“Welp guess that’s the food so we gotta call it good.”  Tony said standing up from the table to answer the door.
“You’re just mad you’re gonna lose.”  Peter called out before placing his last card down onto the pile; a draw 2 card that would be directed at Tony due to the direction shift a few rounds before.  “I mean you can play for second place if you want, but that’s just the first loser so you might as well accept your defeat here.”
“Alright kid I get it, you won.”  Tony laughed bringing the paper bag full of take out over to the table.  “I don’t know about you guys, but I’m hungry so we can rematch another time.”  
With the three of them sitting at the table laughing over take out, Peter would say he was pretty happy with Tony being a new addition to their little family.  He wasn’t sure where Tony and his mom’s relationship would end up, but he was happy for them and there was a bit of confidence inside of him that told him it would work out in the long run.
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itsmariemccurdy · 3 years
It’s been 87 years, and I’m still rewatching Black Sails and parsing out S4, primarily the break down of the Flint-Silver-Billy triad. Primarily because this season could have used a few more episodes to both set up and flesh out this conflict as it came to its head. I love this show, the writing is close to perfect, but S4 was rushed.
Billy hates Flint re: possibly letting him fall overboard, Gates, and chronic lying often at the expense of what he views as the crew’s welfare.
Flint likes Billy and Silver insofar as they are going along with the program and, in Silver’s case, insofar as Silver can talk him through whatever the issue is.
Billy gets x amount of time on the island as more or less a captain with a crew 10x the size of any Flint ever led. Billy has more than a taste of being the one in control and can no longer abide standing by as Flint goes on about his business.
Silver is in love with both Flint and Madi, however Silver is and always has been Not a True Believer. 
Madi falls in line with Flint’s thinking that it is somehow possible to overthrow the entire English Empire (?!?!?!) to create a new world order.
Silver still ultimately wants to support Flint (bc ya know, he does love the guy) while also protecting Madi from what he views (thanks in large part to Billy’s insistence on the topic) as Madi’s inevitable downfall due to her closeness with Flint. He sees no outcome for this scenario in which either Flint or Madi get what they want, so throughout S4 he continues to back Flint’s play while working out a play of his own where he can save at least one of them from certain destruction.
This puts him at odds with both Billy and himself, as Billy wants the only feasible solution (aside from Max’s, which, I mean, none of them are that smart so it’s the only feasible solution *to them*), which is to turn Nassau into a glorified maroon camp. Since Silver recognizes the folly in Flint and Madi’s plan, I have to assume that some part of him must agree with Billy on this topic. But Billy had already shot himself in the foot where Silver was concerned.
Billy fucks up with the Underhill Plantation. Big time. Not only does he shatter any trust the slaves might have had with the pirates, but he also makes a direct attempt on Flint’s life and, intentionally or unintentionally, put Madi’s life in danger. Short of crawling to Silver on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness and promising to never do it again (which Silver more or less asks him to do shortly before the Spanish attacked) there was nothing Billy could have done at this point to garner Silver’s agreement. If Billy told him the sky was blue, Silver would have argued it was red just to make a point. Once he endangered both Madi and Flint at once, Silver was never going to let him back into the fold.
Seasons 3 and 4 deal heavily in the idea that everyone is just going along with Flint’s war on civilization just because they’d already invested too much to turn back. Silver grapples the hardest with this internal conflict, compounded by his affection for Flint. Unfortunately, even Flint seems to sort of what an excuse out.
Billy forces Silver to pick between him and Flint, and this is the part where Silver fucks up (though his fuck up is sort of shunted aside and then later resolved by the Maroon queen). We got some foreshadowing about what would have been the right choice to make in S3 when Silver handled the Mr. Dobbs situation like a master. When Mr. Dobbs fucked up royally with a Maroon, Silver handled it himself. More accurately, Madi facilitated this, so it might ultimately be Madi’s fuck up, too, for telling Silver he needed to hand Billy over. Because Madi didn’t turn Dobbs over to her own men to mete out their justice, she forced Silver to handle it in house. When Silver handled it in house, he not only corrected the situation, but he, with one order, turned Dobbs into a loyal follower. When Billy fucked up royally, on a much larger scale, Silver did exactly what he did the first time with Dobbs: he handed him right over to those he’d offended, only there wasn’t a Madi present among Julius’ men to remind Silver there was a much better way and Madi herself had pushed for it. By handing Billy over, Silver fucks up the alliance with Julius, who takes it as confirmation that pirates can’t be trusted. Why, they not only hand their own people over, they hand over people they call their friends.
At this point the triad is completely fractured, only Flint doesn’t know it because he doesn’t know that Silver has been quietly working out an alternative solution, actively working to take him off the board in the name of saving Madi from herself. The irony here, again, is that Silver and Billy want basically the same thing: Flint out of the picture so Silver can move on and Billy can take control of Nassau. But Billy’s actions at the Underhill Plantation rendered him incapable of earning any sort of agreement from Silver.
The real tipping point at which Silver chose Madi over Flint was Madi’s hostage situation. I think up to that point, the ideas Silver’d been working out to remove Flint had been just that: ideas. When Flint dragged his feet on rescuing her, it was all over for him. He knows then that he must choose one or the other, he cannot have it both ways. Remember, Silver’s choices are a big sticking point this season (”Fuck Flint, don’t fuck Flint. Fuck Billy, don’t fuck Billy, but fucking choose.” “You chose, live with it.”). He chooses to fuck over Billy in the name of protecting Flint and Madi, supporting their war. Then he chooses to fuck over Flint and Madi, in the name of saving Madi, knowing Flint will never make that same choice, even as Flint says the right words.
ANYWAY, that’s my long-winded breakdown of why Julius was right, you can’t trust none of these sheisty hoes.
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modern-inheritance · 3 years
Modern Inheritance: The Medic
(A/N: Takes place somewhere around ten years after Arya leaves Ellesméra and joins the Varden. I’ll probably do another fic going into the injury that sent her back to Ellesméra for further healing {something that occurs probably every other year or so, as she’s not a skilled healer and none of the medics in the Varden know elf biology} at a later date. Cheers! Oh, and a reminder, 20 years old is around 10 in human years apparently, or at least how we’re going for MIC. Cheers again!)
Arya leaned back in her chair, eyeing the elf across the small camp table as he scribbled out another note in the Varden medical file spread before him.
Glenwing was the first and only person on Arya’s personal, official squad. He had trotted up to her a day before she was to leave Ellesméra and handed off orders straight from the Queen that he was to become her medic in the field. Even after multiple readings and consultations with Oromis, the orders were clear and gave no leeway or loophole through which Arya could escape. Despite her obviously annoyed acceptance at his sudden addition, Glenwing seemed unfazed and calm throughout the entire process, and set out with his new commanding officer the following morning.
They had reached the edge of the forest now, camped upriver from Ceris at Arya’s request. Three weeks in Ellesméra had left her antsy and entirely fed up with the prim and proper etiquette that made open speech so damned difficult in the pines, something she had not missed in her years with the Varden. Glenwing hadn’t protested in the least, and had spent a majority of the time setting up camp asking her questions about her previous injuries, examining scars, and doing his best to ease into the more personal questions of mental health that he hadn’t had time to ask before they left Ellesméra.
The silver haired elf signed a stop glyph at the end of his most recent note in the margins of Arya’s file before tapping his pen against his lip. “Any trouble sleeping in the past six months? Falling asleep, staying asl–”
“Are you going to report all this to the Queen?” Glenwing looked up, somewhat startled by the sudden interjection. Arya had her arms folded now, regarding him with that solid stare that expected answers and would take no deflection or lie that he could give. “I’m assuming that’s why she assigned you to me. People weren’t exactly lining up behind me to join the Varden, so I doubt you volunteered. Plus, after this long she’s probably realized that I need to return to Du Weldenvarden to be fully healed after larger injuries so she’s probably not keen on giving me more time away from her influence and reach. So there has to be another reason that supersedes that. A way for her to influence and keep tabs on me while I’m away as well as while I’m in the pines.”
Glenwing straightened from where he had been leaning on the table and carefully placed his pen parallel to the top of the file before meeting Arya’s hardened gaze with his steady one. “Do you want me to?” There was a soft curiosity behind his golden eyes.
The question seemed to catch the other elf off guard. Arya blinked, lips parted to snap a retort that now didn’t seem necessary.
“I won’t lie to you.” Glenwing continued. “The Queen has asked– or rather, she has ordered– that I report back on your status and any developments in your mental and physical health.” Anger flashed through Arya’s countentance, but before she could spit out a string of swears the elf across from her held up a finger. “However. You’re wrong about me volunteering. I’m here because I want to be, not just because the Queen accepted my offer. That means that I have willingly taken you on as a patient, and while I am a subject of our Queen’s rule, I am also your medic and doctor.”
“Look, I don’t care if you’re a ‘subject of the Queen’ first.” Arya snapped. The phrase seemed to have set her off enough to break through the final barrier of elvish manners that remained as she cut him off. “If you’re going to be telling the Queen every little thing about me, I’m just not going to accept your help. You might as well go back home, alright?”
“That’s not what I’m saying at all.” Glenwing replied, voice calm yet lacking the patronizing edge that Arya had expected. “I’m saying that as my patient, you have complete control over your care, including who, and when, I give information to regarding it and your status in the past, present and future.
“If you don’t want me to inform the Queen as she ordered, I won’t, and I’ll tell her as much. I’m one of the Queen subjects, yes, but now that you are my patient my purpose here is to keep you alive, and I can’t exactly do that if you refuse care or don’t trust me.”
Arya was silent for a long moment, the silver haired elf’s words sinking in. The elven nation was a monarchy, yes, but there was always an understanding that any elf could act independently unless called to war in defense. Even then there was a choice of remaining behind to tend to the forest and those who returned. Orders given in common elvish, even from the Queen, were considered the rule of law, but in actuality could be challenged or even ignored if the individual thought the orders would cause more harm than good. It could incur the wrath of the Queen, yes, but there was no formal system of punishment beyond the decision of the council. Or, in personal cases such as Arya’s own, the decision of the Queen herself.  
That being said, most people followed their orders when they were given, and as such things were rare it was unusual to find an elf that was quite as willing as Arya to bend or break the rules so to speak. Yet here one was, practically raising his eyebrows in quiet eagerness to open loopholes and ignore centuries of custom all for a chance to…
…to what?
Arya chose her words carefully. “Glenwing…why are you doing this?” She gestured to the square photographs that were scattered on one side of the medical file, images detailing the numerous wounds of note, most in their unhealed state, that the young elf had incurred over the course of just a little over a decade of service in the Varden. “You’ve seen what it does physically. Magic can heal but I think we both know that the scars of the mind do not close so easily. I’ve almost died more times than I can count and watched countless others who were not so lucky lose their lives on and off the battlefield.”
“I’ve seen war, Arya. I’ve not participated in one, but I’ve seen the damage it does.”
“Then why join me?” Arya leaned her elbows on the table, shoulders hunched as her brows furrowed. “Why? I have my reasons, some of them more morally sound and others more or less reprehensible, and the things I’ve already done to further the goal of toppling Galbatorix… I’ve done some terrible shit. I’m not going to skirt around that. You know that you’ll probably have to do similar things, get blood other than that of your patients on your hands. So why? Why risk everything like this?”
Glenwing held her gaze for a time before lowering his eyes to the table. With a fingertip he rearranged the pictures, aligning the edges so that they fanned out and displayed a gruesome line of war wounds over the years. “…I’m not much older than you are, you know.”
His lips twisted up slightly in sad eyed grin. “I was eighteen when the Fall began. My father was a healer, my mother a warrior.” Gently, with the back of a fingernail, he dragged out one of the pictures, the one of the ragged stab wound to the abdomen that sent Arya back to Ellesméra most recently. “She died of an injury similar to this one. That’s what they told me at least.” Glenwing raised his eyes to meet Arya’s, gauging her reaction to his next words. “She was in the final group that the King led. My father died beside her as he tried to heal her. They were bathed in dragonfire. Nothing to bury.
“I watched my father treat wounds like all of these as the injured returned. He never stopped trying to help, down to the last second of his life, and mother never stopped fighting for our people.” He spread his hands out. “I cannot sit by knowing that I could do the same.”
The he paused. “And there is another thing.”
Arya swallowed. The mention of her father and the battle that had felled not only him but Glenwing’s parents as well made her mouth go dry. The final moments of the conflict before Galbatorix hunted Vrael always did. “Oh?”
“You said that I should go home if I was to report on your condition to the Queen. I cannot return home, which only leaves obeying your orders and remaining as your medic my only option.”  
Glenwing’s feral, bared tooth smile shocked a flash of familiarity and kinship through Arya’s mind. She had seen that smile on her own face before, that wild unrestrained drive to right the wrongs of the world, to take on war and violence so that others could be at peace, tenuous as it was.  
“You see, Arya…I was born in Ilirea. With Galbatorix on the throne, I have no home to return to.”
To Queen Islanzadí, Your Majesty.
After a lengthy consult with the combat liaison I have been assigned, it has come to my attention that the mentioned patient, Arya, house of none, is against the sharing of medical information beyond a set of predetermined ailments and injuries. As I am bound first to act in the best interest of my patient, I must oblige by her requests. Arya has also indicated that any sharing of information without her consent would result in her refusing any treatment or healing by my hand, which has further forced this issue as she has displayed sufficient aptitude for wards that would block any of my attempts to heal her if the conditions presented were broken in any way.
However, Arya has agreed to allow the sharing of some small yet vital pieces of information concerning her health as seen fit. Thus, any injury resulting in amputation, permanent blindness or hearing loss, traumatic brain damage, complete mind breaking or death will be reported. Arya has impressed on me that she will continue to aid the Varden in the event of non-lethal injuries, and any report of the previous wounds will also include an evaluation on how she can continue to aid the Varden in her current state.
I apologize that I cannot carry out the full extent of your orders. Unfortunately, it is clear that any deviation from the agreed upon conditions that Arya has set would likely result in severe injury to Arya’s person and would constitute reckless and wanton disregard for my patient’s safety and health on mine. I cannot in good conscience go against her wishes, nor can I do so if my conscience were to tolerate it. Arya has forced me to agree to these conditions in the Ancient Language, and I cannot break my oath.
I continue to serve to the best of my ability, and will do my utmost to ensure Arya’s health is taken care of.
May the stars watch over you.
Yours in service,  
Glenwing of House Svanran.
Islanzadí folded the letter again, put her elbows on her desk, and allowed herself a long, frustrated sigh.
Leave it to Arya to ferret out her reasoning for accepting Glenwing’s offer and so quickly appeal to the young elf’s sense of ethical duty. A political force the Queen’s daughter was not, but she still had a knack for picking up on a person’s true motives and finding ways to fit them around her own.
However, this was faster than anticipated. Maybe this Glenwing’s true motives weren’t what he presented to Islanzadí at all. There had been something about his energy that seemed familiar. The Queen now recognized it as a glimmering thread of that determination and wild resolve that Arya so openly displayed.
But what to do now? Islanzadí rubbed her temples, a headache coming on. She knew that there was little she could threaten them with if she ordered Glenwing to return to Ellesméra. The young elf had volunteered after all, and even under duress Islanzadí doubted she could convince any other elf as skilled as he was to abandon their calm life in Du Weldenvarden for years of conflict and uncertainty outside the forest’s protective stands. And she couldn’t just call him back and not send a replacement, not with the state Arya had been in when she finally made it back to Ellesméra. What little Oromis had told the Queen of her wayward daughter’s injuries past and present clearly indicated that an attached medic was a necessity if there was any hope of Arya making it through the war alive.
So what to do….
The clatter of talons on well-polished wood sent a cascade of jolts through Islanzadí’s burgeoning headache, the pops and clicks that followed doing nothing to help the pain.
“The latch is open, Blagden.” The Queen leaned back in her chair and massaged her forehead as the white raven swooped in. Blagden alighted on the desk with a gentle flap of his wings to slow his speed and cocked his head at her, looking smug as he always did. He parted his beak slightly. “Don’t you say i–”
Even as the Queen winced at the cried word the raven flipped a small, densely folded paper onto the desk with a flourish of his leg. He pecked at it twice before fluttering to his carved stand on the back of the chair, settling in before starting his usual fastidious preening.
Confused, Islanzadí picked up the folded note. It hadn’t been but an hour since Glenwing’s letter had arrived, but the glyph that graced the fold of this paper was the one Arya always used. Blagden must have dropped it while flying and went back to retrieve it. The Queen unfolded it with a hint of trepidation in her heart, as always accompanied any correspondence with her banished child.
The young elf’s handwriting had started to take on a sharper shape, but was no less bold in its strokes. It still held the same familiar base that reminded Islanzadí so much of those days that Arya would scamper into her mother’s study and throw notes of love for her mother and records of her daily adventures onto the desk before scampering out, giggling as she departed for her next escapade. All those notes still sat in the drawer to Islanzadí’s left, bittersweet.
The headache throbbed, chasing away the memories. The Queen focused in again, and was somewhat surprised to find only a few short sentences.
Stars watch over you.
Good medic. Intelligent, can toe lines if needed. Fixed a scar issue in short order. I like this one. Requesting permanent assignment.
~ Arya of Du Weldenvarden, combat liaison officer  
Islanzadí frowned slightly as she caught sight of a different handwriting in the bottom corner. It was Glenwing’s, and she couldn’t help but chuckle as she read it aloud. “Please?”
Maybe this Glenwing would be a good influence after all. With that in mind, and the comfort of Arya now less likely to return maimed (or not at all), Islanzadí picked up her pen.
Granted.  May the stars watch over you. Queen Islanzadí.
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lilhawkeye3 · 4 years
This Ohio discourse has got me dying to create discourse about every other state now hehe so I officially present:
Hawk’s review of 36/50 US states!
In alphabetical order because that fuckin song “50 nifty United States” has been stuck in my head since fourth grade.
Arizona: Phoenix is hot. Can’t believe y’all choose to live in a place that gets haboobs. Saw Sen. John McCain in the airport. I feel that sums up the state well. 4/10
California: as a resident of the state of Oregon, I’m legally required to say fuck California😌 unless anyone else talking shit about Cali and then we got your back😤 SoCal vs San Fran vs Northern Cal are totally different worlds though. 7/10
Colorado: damn idk how y’all breathe there, them air is thin. But really pretty out there! 7/10
Connecticut: oh my god fuck New Haven. And Stamford, and Hartford, and— Yknow what? Let’s just toss the whole state into the Sound. For real, traffic is the WORST here and I’m so sorry that y’all gotta live like that. 3/10
Delaware: I cannot believe this is considered a state. There’s no difference between Delaware and Maryland/Pennsylvania. 1/10 should not be a state
Florida: “the only hills in Florida are the highway ramps and the Matterhorn!” —the shuttle driver at Disney World. He was right. Shit is flat as fuck here. And hot. And humid. The Gulf Coast is nice? But tbh it’s just all very touristy which is kind of a bummer. 5/10
Georgia: ...I can’t with the humidity or thinly veiled racism. But y’all got nice peaches! Also Black Panther filmed there so thank you for blessing us with that. 6/10 for fruits
Hawaii: okay pineapple farms are cool. Tbh I just feel really bad for how much mainlander/tourist bs all the islanders put up with. Ik price of living is v high and keeps going up. That said I did love Hawaii... although I was stung by a jellyfish. Hate those little bastards. 8/10 for wonderful people and nature
Idaho: as an Oregonian I’m required to also say fuck Idaho 😝 you da hoes. Okay for real tho southern Idaho has become v white white and kinda scary tbh. The northern part of the state is pretty chill tho. Also Oreida kettle chips are partly made in Idaho so I gotta give you half credit for that. 4/10
Illinois: at least you’re not Indiana. 4/10.
Indiana: I never want to step foot in Gary, Indiana again in my life. (Passed a Mack truck hauling a race car to Indy 500 though so that was cool.) 2/10
Iowa: I almost moved here. I’m so glad I didn’t. Why are the Quad Cities actually a group of five towns? I hate that. Also the roads were all cement, felt like driving on a sidewalk. Was also interesting because the second we got out of the city proper, it was just... corn fields everywhere. 2/10 y’all raising children of the corn.
Kentucky: I really don’t have anything to say about Kentucky. I thought the trees were pretty? 5/10 yeah idk
Maine: my relative has totaled two cars by hitting moose in Maine. Maine scares me. Or rather, the moose do. Also the lobster roll hype is real. And the coast truly is beautiful. 8/10 but an extra point for the moose bc I hate that relative so 9/10
Maryland: oh god Baltimore. Also I’m blaming you for the DC traffic because it’s on the land you gifted them. 3/10
Massachusetts: Patriots fans are the worst NFL fans (the racism is real, especially after fans burned the jerseys of Black players who knelt for the anthem). Liking Dunkin’ Donuts is not a personality trait. The North End in Boston is truly the best place to get pizza in the entire country. Western Mass is not the same state. And the Cape Cod bridges give me nightmares. 5/10 but cause I had to pay taxes two years and it really is Taxachusetts, knocking it down to 4/10
Michigan: it’s a lot bigger than I initially thought. 5/10
Minnesota: it’s Canada but in the US. Pretty driving through the southern part. Cops suck tho. 5/10
Montana: okay Montana is downright gorgeous. (Except Billings. Sorry, Billings.) I must include a photo. I wanna get a cabin here and just exist. 8/10
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New Hampshire: can’t decide if it hates Massachusetts or wants to be Massachusetts. All it knows is that it’s better than Vermont. Which... y’know, valid. (If you wanna see NH culture watch North Woods Law tbh). 4/10
New Jersey: why are there so many goddamn highways in this state? Also there are more places to weekend trip than the Shore or the Poconos. Although you do have people pump gas for you just like Oregon, so... that’s valid. Things my friends have added: Newark airport is cursed (valid), the jughandles are nightmares (true), pork roll/Taylor Ham is good and so are bagels and New Jersey pizza (allergic so idk), and everyone is split on whether the shore is actually decent or not 😂 I give it a 3.5/10 out of spite
New York: NYC is fun, Upstate is MASSIVE but really beautiful. Long Island is... yeah I don’t have anything nice to say about Long Island. 8/10 For NYC, 6/10 for Upstate, -2/10 for Long Island, gives us an average of 6/10
North Carolina: very good peaches. Isn’t South Carolina. Keep it up👍🏽 6/10
Ohio: I already told y’all how I feel about this flat ass boring state. I feel no need to slander it any more lmao. 3/10
Oregon: she flies with her own wings, mi amor🥰 to list all the reasons I like Oregon (and the issues too bc it ain’t perfect), I would need a whole other post. I’ll just leave you with this picture I took of Mt. Hood, the queen of our Cascades. 11/10
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Pennsylvania: so apparently PN is three states hiding in a trench coat like NY. There’s upstate, philly and Pittsburg. Personally I think they’re just trying too hard and wanna get the same recognition as NY. Meh. 5/10
Rhode Island: THIS FUCKIN SHAM OF A STATE Just merge it with Connecticut and be done with it!! It’s tiny. Providence sucks. There’s nothing unique about this state that you can’t find in Southern Mass (except MA has cheaper taxes so y’all come to work and shop in MA anyways smh). Also the fingers are really annoying to drive down to get to some beach areas haha. 2/10 you’re barely better than Delaware.
South Carolina: my Black father was invited to a party celebrating General Robert E Lee’s birthday. So... 0/10
South Dakota: very gorgeous, didn’t realize the Missouri River went this far west, but VERY LARGE. I mean it looks big on a map but then you get there and... yeah. No speed limit on highways is a great time though. And the Badlands have mountain goats! 6/10 bc while pretty, living there seems really hard. (Picture is me in the Badlands).
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Texas: gave us Juneteenth and Beyoncé and JJ Watts. Thank you Texas. But is very big, got independence from Mexico to keep slavery (yikes), is like 97% private land (yikes) and is like the second or third largest state. Very big. That said, everyone I’ve ever met from Texas is lovely. 6/10.
Utah: Other than Idaho, this is the whitest state I’ve been to. Or it feels that way. Like a, the people crossed to the other side of the street and held their bags because I’m brown, state. And I don’t ski so I can’t even say that’s a good thing (I fell off the ski lift the one time I went, long story). Yeah 0/10.
Vermont: wants to be New Hampshire or Canada and can’t decide which. So it’s just kinda there. Pretty hills though. 3/10
Virginia: let’s be real we all forget that Virginia exists west of Richmond. Nova is a beauracratic and traffic nightmare and half our neighbors had to pass security clearance checks. Hampton Roads and beach area is a tourist and mosquito nightmare. But there were dolphins and I made snowmen on the beach. Good times. 6.7/10
Washington: again, legally required as an Oregon resident to say fuck Washington because it’s all your fault we now are getting a toll on the I-5 border. But you’re better than California. And the Sound is really cool for fishing, love Wicked Tuna. And the fish market. Best salmon I’ve had. Eastern Washington... y’all got Spokane but the rest is kinda sparse. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 8/10
Wisconsin: cheese is actually good. Again, pretty state, much larger than I initially thought. 7/10
Wyoming: this was the ONLY STATE I lost cell service in when diriving cross country. Kinda surprised it wasn’t Montana, but no, it was Wyoming. Views are gorgeous though so I was distracted either way. 4/10
Thank you for joining me on this cross-country edition of Tea Time with Hawk. Please respond with any reactions, corrections, addendums about any and all of the states mentioned. And thank you for taking part in this wholesome Clone Wars fandom discourse with me 🥰💕
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eirian-houpe · 3 years
Modern Wonders - Chapter 2
Fandom: Once Upon a Time (TV), Alice (TV 2009)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Relationships: Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Characters: Belle (Once Upon a Time), Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold, Mad Hatter | Jefferson, Jiminy Cricket | Archie Hopper, Evil Queen | Regina Mills, Snow White | Mary Margaret Blanchard, Prince Charming | David Nolan, Red Riding Hood | Ruby, Grumpy | Leroy, Hatter (Alice TV 2009), Dodo (Alice TV 2009), Queen of Hearts (Alice TV 2009), Carpenter (Alice TV 2009), Mad March (Alice TV 2009), The White Rabbit | Agent White (Alice TV 2009), Doormouse (Alice TV 2009), Widow Lucas | Granny, Captain Hook | Killian Jones, Henry Mills (Once Upon a Time)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - In Storybrooke | Cursed (Once Upon a Time), Wonderland, Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Pining, UST, Violence, Psychological Torture, Torture, Exploitation, Revenge, Eventual Romance, Eventual Smut, Reconciliation
Summary: Revenge, they say, is a dish best served cold, and when Regina casts Rumple's Dark Curse, just a few words here and there creates Storybrooke in a very different place, with a very different atmosphere, and very different issues to deal with. Alliances and enmity permeate the lives of the citizens of Storybrooke, (and beyond), as they tiptoe around the various dangers they face every day. Who is awake? How can they break the curse within a curse? And what of the power struggles rife both within, and outside of Storybrooke itself.
Read previous chapters on AO3
Chapter 2 - Storybrooke
The gold handled cane did him little good in the surroundings outside, the broken terrain, but within the confines of the shanty town that was Storybrooke Gold’s stride was long, and confident, more like a lord measuring out his demesne than a poor crippled pawn broker living on the deals and heartbreak of others. He smiled wickedly to himself to think of the impression he gave to others, and the thrall he kept them under in spite of appearances.
Oh, if only they knew.
Storybrooke was not as ‘dead’ as they thought - or rather, as Regina thought - because Storybrooke was a tiny little bubble within the larger cesspit that was Wonderland, and he had the advantage. He had been here before… with Jefferson - and he frowned.
Since their arrival he couldn’t remember having seen Jefferson, not even lurking in the mansion that Regina had meant as his prison… his torment, to be shut away from his Grace. He made a mental note to pay the man a visit, determined to unlock the conundrum. Of course no one else cared. No one else was awake… and he wasn’t meant to be, he was sure of it - another conundrum for him to unravel.
“Um… Mi— Mister Gold, I ah… that is…”
Gold halted on the paved sidewalk, and turned his head to watch as Archie Hopper, umbrella in hand - in preparation for what rain, Gold wondered - cross the deserted street toward him.
“Doctor Hopper,” he greeted the man with false cheer. “A pleasure, but out with it, man, I haven’t got all day.”
“Oh, I… um…” Hopper pushed his glasses up along his nose, back into place, “I wondered if you’d had a chance to consider my… ah… proposition?”
“Ah, yes,” Gold purred.  “Walk with me, won’t you?”
Gold turned without waiting for the good doctor’s agreement or otherwise, and set a slower pace toward Granny’s diner. With the library still closed, it was the one place left open for informal, communal gatherings. Of all of Storybrooke’s other, cursed, inhabitants, the proprietor was someone for whom he had a good deal of respect. Tough as nails, no nonsense, Widow Lucas was as upstanding a pillar of the community that Storybrooke possessed.
All the rest were crumbling; as crumbling as the buildings and the streets of Storybrooke itself. Gold wondered if anyone else had noticed.
It was subtle. The odd crack in a sidewalk here, the tendril of a vine there, a wall, beginning to crumble and weeds reclaiming a spot or two in the well manicured gardens. Subtle, but unmistakable. Wonderland was reclaiming its own.
“I’ve give it a good deal of thought, as a matter of fact,” Gold told Hopper before he allowed his observations to run away with him. “And while, obviously, as an upstanding member of our town council, I can’t condone what you’re suggesting…” he left a long pause as they reached the diner’s doorstep, whereupon, lowering his voice to a dangerous growl, he blocked Doctor Hoppers path with his arm, stretched across the doorway, and said, “I think it might be just what some people in this town need.”
Whale growled softly and turned away from the window. It wasn’t the paint, peeling, that was the cause of his frustration, but the fact that he couldn’t reconcile the feeling that was flowing through him, and the sky outside of the hospital. It was almost cloudless.
He was, he tried to tell Sheriff Humbert when the man called in to find out about his latest patient who had been found wandering - raving by all accounts - about some kind of ‘door,’ a doctor and not an investigator. The sheriff however, refused to help him get to the truth about his patient’s ramblings.
“This isn’t Narnia,” he said in a somewhat poor display of bedside manner, “there are no doors to other, magical kingdoms. No witches, no wizards, no—”
“Yeah?” the citizen interrupted. “How do you explain this then?” Whereupon he pulled back the sleeve of his jacket to reveal the strange, abstract shape standing out raw and painful looking on his arm.
“A uh… tattoo?” Doctor Whale suggested in an overly patient tone. “And a somewhat fresh one from what I can tell.”
“Uh-huh,” the patient argued, “And you get em just like that,” he snapped his fingers somewhat inexpertly, “do ya?” He jerked his head toward the window. “When the sun shines on ya?”
“Sheriff Humbert, please,” Whale turned his attention to the man hovering uncomfortably in the doorway, looking as guilty as sin and extremely distracted. “You see?  You can at least tell me where you picked this man up, and if there were, indeed, a door there?”
“I’m sorry, Doctor, but… there’s nothing I can tell you,” Humbert answered. “I’d like to tell you I saw a door, but the truth is, I was far too worried about your patient here to pay too much attention. His safety was my priority.”  He took a breath and added far too hurriedly in Whale’s opinion, “Anyway, I just called round to see how he was getting along. Can’t stay though,” he said. “I’ve a council meeting, that I have to get to in,” he glanced at his watch, “ten minutes. And the mayor doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
Then he left, and Whale remained, alone and without explanation standing beside the hospital window staring at the wrongly colored sky.
Gold sighed softly as the bell over the shop door tinkled to announce an unwanted caller. He wasn’t sure why he expected that simply displaying a ‘closed’ sign would discourage random visitors, and mused to himself that perhaps locking the door might be a more effective deterrent.
Taking his time, he picked up the cloth from the workbench and carefully began wiping his fingers clean of the gear oil which he had been using on the innards of a delicate clock, even as he made his way out of the back room, and into the shop, limping as he went.
“Madam Mayor,” he said as he set eyes on Regina standing practically tapping her foot with annoyance at having to wait. He kept his tone light, appreciative, as if to imply he respected that someone so important was going out of their way to be in his presence. “What a pleasant surprise.”
“Cut the crap, Gold,” Regina snapped, by way of a return to his greeting. “What did you do!”
So she has noticed.
“I’m… sorry,” he said slowly, “I don’t follow.”
“It’s a simple question,” she growled. “What. Did. You. Do? Everything’s coming unraveled.”
“Unraveled?” he echoed, deciding that he would continue to feign ignorance for as long as he were able; see what he could find out - what she would let slip. “I’m afraid I haven’t done anything, and I really don’t know what you’re talking about.” He put the slightest hint of pique into his voice at the end of his assertion, to make it convincing, then for good measure, added, “If it’s something woven, or a knitted blanket, I’d be happy to take a look at it. It wouldn’t be the first time that—”
Regina’s hand slammed down onto the top of one of the glass cased, rattling the contents within as she snarled, “Drop it, Gold. I know you’re awake. Not that you’re supposed to be. Jefferson was the only one I—”
So, my old friend is in Wonderland too. He’s not going to be happy with that.
“Awake?” Gold interrupted, then with a confused laugh in his voice he added, “Regina, you’re not making any sense. Of course I’m awake. I’m standing here, talking to you - was just fixing a clock out back, so unless I fell asleep while I was working and this is all a dream—”
He made a mental note to take another walk around Storybrooke some time very soon, to check on Grace, and hoped with all his heart that she was safe; almost that she wasn’t here - that whatever had diverted the curse to Wonderland had spared her.
Regina growled, cutting off his words, and his train of thought. He raised an eyebrow, undecided whether to reveal himself in that moment, or to play the game a little longer. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“The borders are failing,” she said harshly. “This wretched realm is encroaching on my town. So if you had anything to do with that, Gold, so help me…”
It was the threat that broke his resolve to pretend he was not awake. No one, least of all Regina threatened Gold on his own turf, and the shop was his turf in more ways than one.
“Well, well, well…” his voice was more of a low rumble in his chest, and he took his cane in hand and walked toward, and then around Regina until he was barely behind her, and purred in her ear, “…Dearie…” Even so, confessing he was awake was one thing, revealing he had magic, that was quite something else. “Things not going quite how you planned?”
“I know you have something to do with this,” she accused.
He circled around the rest of the way to come and lean against one of the display cases, looking far more casual than he felt as he looked her up and down, before he said, “Now, what makes you think,” he pointed at her, “that even if I had the power to - what was it you said - ‘unravel’ this little town of yours, that I’d even waste my time trying.” As he spoke of himself, he jabbed his thumb against his own chest, the grandeur of the gesture far more reminiscent of his Enchanted Forest form than the upright, uptight Mister Gold of Storybrooke.
“What you should be asking, dearie,” he rumbled, “is who would have the kind of magic necessary to mess with my Dark Curse?”
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aboveallarescuer · 4 years
Daenerys Targaryen in A Storm of Swords vs Game of Thrones - Episode 4.1: Two Swords
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In this series of posts, I intend to analyze precisely how the show writers downplayed or erased several key aspects of Daenerys Targaryen’s characterization, even when they had the books to help them write her as the compelling, intelligent, compassionate, frugal, open-minded and self-critical character that GRRM created.
I want to make it clear that these posts are not primarily meant to offer a better alternative to what the show writers gave us. I understand that they had many constraints (e.g. other storylines to handle, a limited amount of time to write the scripts, budget, actors who may have asked for a certain number of lines, etc) working against them. However, considering how disrespectful the show’s ending was to Daenerys Targaryen and how the book material that they left out makes it even more ludicrous to think that she will also become a villain in A Song of Ice and Fire, I believe that these reviews are more than warranted. They are meant to dissect everything about Dany’s characterization that was lost in translation, with a lot of book evidence to corroborate my statements.
Since these reviews will dissect scene by scene, I recommend taking a look at this post because I will use its sequence to order Dany’s scenes.
This post is relevant in case you want to know which chapters were adapted in which GoT episodes (however, I didn’t make the list myself, all the information comes from the GoT Wiki, so I can’t guarantee that it’s 100% reliable).
In general, I will call the Dany from the books “Dany” and the Dany from the TV series “show!Dany”.
Scene 1
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While seeing show!Dany with her dragons is always enjoyable on its own, I have some problems with this moment. The first is that we'll begin season four with show!Dany worrying about her dragons' behavior here and, later, end it with her locking two of her dragons away. These scenes don't focus as much on show!Dany herself as they focus on her relationship with her dragons, which I think is quite a problem in comparison to how ASOS and ADWD (which will be the book that the writers will adapt starting from episode 4.6) begin and end:
Dany begins ASOS hopeful and happy that she's finally going to Westeros. She ends the book disillusioned because her efforts to help the former slaves didn't pay off like she expected, so she calls off her dreams of home in order to stay and fulfill (what she thinks is) her moral duty as queen. 
Dany begins ADWD distraught because she's still dealing with the nobility's backlash and retaliation against her authority even now that she has tried to be conciliatory and rule in peace. She ends the book a) disabused of the notion that peace is possible and b) directing her eyes to Westeros again.
As we can see, these two books begin and end displaying Dany's multiple dilemmas: home vs duty, other people vs herself, peace vs war, conciliation vs use of force and so on.
In the show, while her last scene in the season four finale at least highlights her compassion towards her people, I'd argue it still mainly focuses on her relationship with her dragons (which is only one of many issues that Dany deals with in the books) rather than on grappling with the questions above in a way that centers primarily on show!Dany herself, like the books do with Dany.
My second problem is that having show!Dany be concerned about her dragons' behavior that much earlier than in the books poses another problem:
In ADWD, Dany ultimately failed in protecting her human children during her tenure because she chose peace with the slavers and was, therefore, detached from her dragon children, from her Targaryen heritage and from her identity as the Mother of Dragons. By meeting Drogon again, getting in touch with who she was and choosing fire and blood (war), she will be able to protect her people again and be a better mhysa. Ultimately, mother of dragons and mhysa are complementary parts of who Dany is.
In the show, however, the dragons begin to seem troublesome before we get to Meereen, before show!Dany begins to rule and before the issue of peace vs war becomes a major dilemma for her. This happened for two reasons: a) D&D are bad writers who dismiss themes as only being necessary for eighth-grade book reports (here, I imagine they probably just wanted to add more shock value to show!Dany's plotline) and b)  D&D think that peace = good (even if it privileges a status quo that normalizes slavery) and war = bad, so killing slavers = bad, dragons = bad and continuing on with an anti-slavery revolution = bad (failure to understand reason 1 of why Dany's storyline matters).
My third problem is that, in the books, it's clear that what really upsets Dany is not that the dragons are eating goats, but rather that, as they grow and become more independent, the chances of her dragons a) hurting other people or b) running away increase:
“They have been wild while you were gone, Khaleesi,” Irri told her. “Viserion clawed splinters from the door, do you see? And Drogon made to escape when the slaver men came to see them. When I grabbed his tail to hold him back, he turned and bit me.” She showed Dany the marks of his teeth on her hand.
“Did any of them try to burn their way free?” That was the thing that frightened Dany the most.
“No, Khaleesi. Drogon breathed his fire, but in the empty air. The slaver men feared to come near him.”
She kissed Irri’s hand where Drogon had bitten it. “I’m sorry he hurt you. Dragons are not meant to be locked up in a small ship’s cabin.” (ASOS Daenerys II)
There was no sign of Viserion, but when she went to the parapet and scanned the horizon she saw pale wings in the far distance, sweeping above the river. He is hunting. They grow bolder every day. Yet it still made her anxious when they flew too far away. One day one of them may not return, she thought. (ASOS Daenerys VI)
Her dragons were growing wild of late. Rhaegal had snapped at Irri, and Viserion had set Reznak’s tokar ablaze the last time the seneschal had called. I have left them too much to themselves, but where am I to find the time for them? (ADWD Daenerys I)
If I look back, I am doomed, Dany told herself … but how could she not look back? I should have seen it coming. Was I so blind, or did I close my eyes willfully, so I would not have to see the price of power?
[...] At Astapor the slaver's eyes had melted. On the road to Yunkai, when Daario tossed the heads of Sallor the Bald and Prendahl na Ghezn at her feet, her children made a feast of them. Dragons had no fear of men. And a dragon large enough to gorge on sheep could take a child just as easily. (ADWD Daenerys II)
Before what happened to Hazzea, she was okay with the fact that they were hunting and devouring sheep:
Viserion sensed her disquiet. [...] “You should be hunting with your brothers. Have you and Drogon been fighting again?” (ADWD Daenerys I)
Her dragons had grown too large to be content with rats and cats and dogs. The more they eat, the larger they will grow, Ser Barristan had warned her, and the larger they grow, the more they’ll eat. Drogon especially ranged far afield and could easily devour a sheep a day. (ADWD Daenerys I)
Basically, this is my way of saying that, if they needed to have a scene where show!Dany is uneasy about what the dragons were doing, they should've shown them almost harming one of the people in her retinue or something along those lines (rather than being shocked at seeing them hunt and eat), for that would showcase her empathy like in the books.
My fourth problem with this scene is that we see part of it from show!Jorah's point of view:
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JORAH: They’re dragons, Khaleesi. They can never be tamed. Not even by their mother.
In the show, he gets the first line of show!Dany's season four storyline, he gets to be anxious about the dragons before show!Dany is (which undermines how reflective she is in the books) and he is the one who warns her of their wildness when, in the books, she is aware of it without anyone having to tell her. It's another subtle way of undermining show!Dany's agency in comparison to her book counterpart, unfortunately.
My fifth and final problem is that, well, this scene was written by the same people who thought that it was necessary to have show!Dany's dragons taken from her in season two (which never happened in ACOK) and show her going "back to being a really frightened little girl" because she is "so defined" by them. It's the opposite in the books: the dragons only turned into weapons to fight against slavery because of her choices. So, with that in mind, I don't like how they made them so important in her first and last scenes of the season when they never were in the books. And all of this conflict feels superfluous in retrospect, when one remembers that show!Dany doesn't struggle to control them in the last three seasons at all.
DAENERYS: Ser Barristan.
BARRISTAN: Your Grace.
DAENERYS: Where’s Daario Naharis? Where’s Grey Worm?
BARRISTAN: Gambling, Your Grace.
DAENERYS: Gambling?
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I have problems with how show!Barristan and show!Dany are being portrayed here because it feels like the show writers switched their characterizations when we consider what we know of them in the books.
First, why is show!Barristan holding his laughter about this situation? In the books, Barristan clearly dislikes Daario and his influence on Dany:
On the day that he returned from his latest sortie, he had tossed the head of a Yunkish lord at her feet and kissed her in the hall for all the world to see, until Barristan Selmy pulled the two of them apart. Ser Grandfather had been so wroth that Dany feared blood might be shed. (ADWD Daenerys VII)
“This is your gift? A scrap of writing?” Daario snatched the parchment out of the Dornishman’s hands and unrolled it, squinting at the seals and signatures. “Very pretty, all the gold and ribbons, but I do not read your Westerosi scratchings.”
“Bring it to the queen,” Ser Barristan commanded. “Now.” (ADWD Daenerys VII)
“...Poor Daario, her brave captain … she will never forget him, no … but better for all of us if he is dead, yes? Better for Daenerys too.”
Better for Daenerys, and for Westeros. Daenerys Targaryen loved her captain, but that was the girl in her, not the queen. [...]
Her love for Daario is poison. A slower poison than the locusts, but in the end as deadly. (ADWD The Kingbreaker)
Now, Barristan is a product of his misogynistic society and I do think he's wrong for thinking (in the last quote above) that Dany's love for Daario is a sign of immaturity, but my point here is that he wouldn't be laughing about something that Daario was doing behind Dany's back; in fact, he would've most likely informed her as soon as he learned about it because he respects her authority.
Additionally, he's known for lacking a sense of humor and not being relaxed, which makes this scene even more OOC for him:
The old knight was a good man, but sometimes very literal. It was only a jape, ser, she thought, but she sat on one of the pillows just the same. (ADWD Daenerys II)
“She needs a spear,” Ser Barristan said, as Barsena vaulted over the beast’s second charge. “That is no way to fight a boar.” He sounded like someone’s fussy old grandsire, just as Daario was always saying. (ADWD Daenerys IX)
Second, why is show!Dany being portrayed as the uptight one here? In the chapter that they are drawing from, there are several moments displaying her carefree side:
“Five, were there? Well, that’s a confusion. I could not give you a number, my queen. This old Plumm was a lord, though, must have been a famous fellow in his day, the talk of all the land. The thing was, begging your royal pardon, he had himself a cock six foot long.”
The three bells in Dany’s braid tinkled when she laughed. “You mean inches, I think.”
“Feet,” Brown Ben said firmly. “If it was inches, who’d want to talk about it, now? Your Grace.”
Dany giggled like a little girl. (ASOS Daenerys V)
He tried to spare me the sight of the dead children too. He should not have done that, but he meant it kindly. And Daario Naharis made her laugh, which Ser Jorah never did. (ASOS Daenerys V)
Besides admiring Daario's sense of humor and swagger, Dany also appreciates that she can let go of the burdens of queenship (and luxury) and be more spontaneous and frugal when she's with him:
In Meereen I was a queen in silk, nibbling on stuffed dates and honeyed lamb, she remembered. What would my noble husband think if he could see me now? Hizdahr would be horrified, no doubt. But Daario ...
Daario would laugh, carve off a hunk of horsemeat with his arakh, and squat down to eat beside her. (ADWD Daenerys X)
Unfortunately, the show never allows any of those aspects of Dany's characterization to come across onscreen because the writers wanted show!Dany to appear very stoic, which we know because Emilia's said in an interview that they wanted her to "sit up straight and don't smile, you're not funny", which is quite a shame; not only the writers would've been more faithful to the books by allowing her to smile and laugh and enjoy herself, it would've made show!Dany more endearing.
Ultimately, I think the change in these characters comes down to a) D&D not really understanding any of the characters of the books and b) their sexist assumptions that men are funnier than women and that powerful women are all ice queens.
I also need to talk about how show!Dany's connection to the Dothraki, the Unsullied and the freedmen is being undermined onscreen in comparison to what we get solely from ASOS Daenerys V.
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In the show, the Dothraki only appear briefly in the background of this episode to never be seen again through the rest of season four and the entirety of season five.
In ASOS Daenerys V, we see how Dany's time with the Dothraki influenced her when she judges the slavers' reaction to her army or assesses the way that Oznak fights:
They are pissing on slaves, to show how little they fear us, she thought. They would never dare such a thing if it were a Dothraki khalasar outside their gates. (ASOS Daenerys V)
Oznak zo Pahl charged a third time, and now Dany could see plainly that he was riding past Belwas, the way a Westerosi knight might ride at an opponent in a tilt, rather than at him, like a Dothraki riding down a foe. (ASOS Daenerys V)
We also see her interacting with her khalasar and considering that her bloodriders a) are too important to send to fight against Oznak and b) aren't the most adequate men to send to Meereen's sewers:
Her bloodriders were in such a fever to go meet him that they almost came to blows. “Blood of my blood,” Dany told them, “your place is here by me. This man is a buzzing fly, no more. Ignore him, he will soon be gone.” Aggo, Jhogo, and Rakharo were brave warriors, but they were young, and too valuable to risk. They kept her khalasar together, and were her best scouts too. (ASOS Daenerys V)
“When cowards hide behind great walls, it is they who are defeated, Khaleesi,” Ko Jhogo said.
Her other bloodriders concurred. “Blood of my blood,” said Rakharo, “when cowards hide and burn the food and fodder, great khals must seek for braver foes. This is known.”
“It is known,” Jhiqui agreed, as she poured.
“Not to me.” (ASOS Daenerys V)
“These sewers do not sound promising.” Grey Worm would lead his Unsullied down the sewers if she commanded it, she knew; her bloodriders would do no less. But none of them was suited to the task. The Dothraki were horsemen, and the strength of the Unsullied was their discipline on the battlefield. Can I send men to die in the dark on such a slender hope? (ASOS Daenerys V)
So, despite not getting enough characterization to be set apart as their own individuals because of GRRM's racism, the Dothraki people's influence on Dany's decision-making is still clear. Unfortunately, this is completely absent from the show.
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On HBO, when show!Dany passes by the Unsullied, they are shown standing still in silent ranks for no reason while their commander show!Grey Worm is on a contest against show!Daario because the writers wanted it to happen, even though it doesn't gel with his characterization (more on that later).
In ASOS Daenerys V, when Dany passes by the Unsullied, a) they are shown separated in groups that are either training (along with Grey Worm) or bathing and b) we get information on their hygiene practices:
As they rode past the stakes and pits that surrounded the eunuch encampment, Dany could hear Grey Worm and his sergeants running one company through a series of drills with shield, shortsword, and heavy spear. Another company was bathing in the sea, clad only in white linen breechclouts. The eunuchs were very clean, she had noticed. Some of her sellswords smelled as if they had not washed or changed their clothes since her father lost the Iron Throne, but the Unsullied bathed each evening, even if they’d marched all day. When no water was available they cleansed themselves with sand, the Dothraki way. (ASOS Daenerys V)
It's lovely to see Dany returning the Unsullied's greeting, which is another example of how she (relatively speaking) sees lowborn people as equals to her: 
The eunuchs knelt as she passed, raising clenched fists to their breasts. Dany returned the salute. (ASOS Daenerys V)
We also get to see the Unsullied cheer for Belwas after he won his duel:
The besiegers gave him a raucous welcome as soon as he reached the camp. Her Dothraki hooted and screamed, and the Unsullied sent up a great clangor by banging their spears against their shields. (ASOS Daenerys V)
We get to see Grey Worm openly objecting to Daario's suggestion that the Unsullied are immune to the boiling oil that the slavers would probably throw at them if they tried to storm the gates. While he and the Unsullied would still do this if Dany had given them the command, this is a subtle sign of his character development because it displays that, unlike with the slave masters, he's at least now able to speak out about the risks that he and his men would face:
 “...We can storm the gates with axes, to be sure, but ...”
“Did you see them bronze heads above the gates?” asked Brown Ben Plumm. “Rows of harpy heads with open mouths? The Meereenese can squirt boiling oil out them mouths, and cook your axemen where they stand.”
Daario Naharis gave Grey Worm a smile. “Perhaps the Unsullied should wield the axes. Boiling oil feels like no more than a warm bath to you, I have heard.”
“This is false.” Grey Worm did not return the smile. “These ones do not feel burns as men do, yet such oil blinds and kills. The Unsullied do not fear to die, though. Give these ones rams, and we will batter down these gates or die in the attempt.” (ASOS Daenerys V)
And then, we see Dany deciding not to endanger the Unsullied's lives (similar to how she sought to prevent too many former slaves of Astapor from dying in the battle of Yunkai), which highlights both her compassion and her intelligence (since she shows knowledge of the Unsullied's particular strengths to conclude that they shouldn't be sent to the sewers):
Dany sighed. “I will not throw away Unsullied lives, Grey Worm. (ASOS Daenerys V)
“These sewers do not sound promising.” Grey Worm would lead his Unsullied down the sewers if she commanded it, she knew; her bloodriders would do no less. But none of them was suited to the task. The Dothraki were horsemen, and the strength of the Unsullied was their discipline on the battlefield. Can I send men to die in the dark on such a slender hope? (ASOS Daenerys V)
Sadly, the show ignores all of this.
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On HBO, show!Dany walked past the freedmen on her way to meet show!Daario.
In ASOS Daenerys V, Dany chose to go meet the freedmen because she didn't want to spend time distracted by her feelings for Daario:
“Missandei,” she called, “have my silver saddled. Your own mount as well.”
The little scribe bowed. “As Your Grace commands. Shall I summon your bloodriders to guard you?”
“We’ll take Arstan. I do not mean to leave the camps.” She had no enemies among her children. (ASOS Daenerys V)
We learn that the fighting men were provided with weapons from the other two cities and were now being trained (though not at the particular moment that she chose to meet them):
South of the ordered realm of stakes, pits, drills, and bathing eunuchs lay the encampments of her freedmen, a far noisier and more chaotic place. Dany had armed the former slaves as best she could with weapons from Astapor and Yunkai, and Ser Jorah had organized the fighting men into four strong companies, yet she saw no one drilling here. (ASOS Daenerys V)
Besides the fighting men, we also get information on children and women:
They passed a driftwood fire where a hundred people had gathered to roast the carcass of a horse. She could smell the meat and hear the fat sizzling as the spit boys turned, but the sight only made her frown.
Children ran behind their horses, skipping and laughing. [...]
Dany had stopped to speak to a pregnant woman who wanted the Mother of Dragons to name her baby[.] (ASOS Daenerys V)
Then, there's also how the freedmen perceive and act around Dany:
Some of the freedmen greeted her as “Mother,” while others begged for boons or favors. Some prayed for strange gods to bless her, and some asked her to bless them instead. She smiled at them, turning right and left, touching their hands when they raised them, letting those who knelt reach up to touch her stirrup or her leg. Many of the freedmen believed there was good fortune in her touch. If it helps give them courage, let them touch me, she thought. There are hard trials yet ahead ... (ASOS Daenerys V)
Instead of believing that she has a "glorious destiny" (like the show writers put it), Dany's actual thoughts display that she only allows the freedmen to revere her because it helps them to feel safe; this is another sign of her empathy, not of her self-gratification or entitlement as many often think.
Finally, the chapter shows the freedmen killing a man for Dany:
Mero went sprawling, blood bubbling from his mouth as the waves washed over him. A moment later the freedmen washed over him too, knives and stones and angry fists rising and falling in a frenzy. (ASOS Daenerys V)
In the books, the former captain of the Second Sons, Mero, hid among the freedmen and bided his time to kill Dany out of revenge for having been deceived by her in Yunkai. Barristan defended her and defeated Mero with a stick, which then led to the freedmen ultimately killing him for their mhysa (and to Barristan's identity and Jorah's treason being revealed).
On HBO, because a) show!Barristan's identity was revealed right away and b) show!Mero was killed by show!Daario (who is part of the Second Sons onscreen rather than the Stormcrows onpage), this scene never happened, making this another example of Dany's connection with the freedmen being undermined from books to show.
If the writers really cared about "the people who may be suffering the repercussions of the decisions made by those heroic people" (which was their justification for leaving show!Dany out of the picture in the second half of the episode where they had her decide to kill thousands of innocents out of nowhere), they would've shown the (already limited) interactions between Dany and her khalasar, the Unsullied and the freedmen at the very least. In fact, if the writers really cared about them, they could've gone further and explored characters that GRRM himself didn't:
“Nine, the noble Reznak said. Who else?”
“Three freedmen, murdered in their homes,” the Shavepate said. “A moneylender, a cobbler, and the harpist Rylona Rhee. They cut her fingers off before they killed her.” The queen flinched. Rylona Rhee had played the harp as sweetly as the Maiden. When she had been a slave in Yunkai, she had played for every highborn family in the city. In Meereen she had become a leader amongst the Yunkish freedmen, their voice in Dany’s councils. (ADWD Daenerys II)
Rylona Rhee was a character whose existence we only learned about in ADWD, after she was already killed by the Harpy's Sons. As the quote shows, though, she represented the Yunkish freedmen's interests in Dany's court and had a lot of potential as a character that GRRM didn't tap into. The show could've easily improved this... Think about it: if Rylona was among the Yunkish freedmen, this means that she met Dany at the end of ASOS Daenerys IV (which, in the show, was episode 3.10). From that point until ADWD Daenerys II, the entirety of season four and the beginning of season five went by (this happened because the show writers reaaaallly stretched out the events of ASOS Daenerys V and VI and parts of ADWD Daenerys I and II). This span of time would've been the perfect opportunity to introduce Rylona's character, flesh her out and give us more information about the freedmen.
Now, the show writers would've never done something like this, of course; they only cared about the lowborn people's deaths and the shock value that would come with them, not about their motivations and lives in general.
DAENERYS: How long have they been at it?
MISSANDEI: Since midnight, Your Grace.
DAARIO: Ser Worm is stronger than he looks. But I can see his arms beginning to shake.
DAENERYS: What’s the prize to winning this stupid contest?
DAARIO: The honour of riding by your side on the road to Meereen.
DAENERYS: That honour goes to Ser Jorah and Ser Barristan, as neither of them kept me waiting this morning. You two will ride in the rear guard and protect the livestock. The last man holding his sword can find a new queen to fight for.
I already talked about my first issue with the scene, which is that it portrays show!Dany as rigid and strict while it ignores that her book counterpart is allowed to be playful and not take herself seriously in several moments in the books, including in this chapter (see above).
My second problem with it is that ... why would either show!Grey Worm or show!Daario think that this contest would give one of them "the honour of riding by [show!Dany's] side on the road to Meereen"? Did they forget that this choice is show!Dany's to make? Did they forget that she is their leader? By comparison, this is what Grey Worm says when Hizdahr tries to give him orders after Dany departs Meereen:
Hizdahr’s blunder with Grey Worm had cost him the Unsullied. When His Grace had tried to put them under the command of a cousin, as he had the Brazen Beasts, Grey Worm had informed the king that they were free men who took commands only from their mother. (ADWD The Queensguard)
Considering that Grey Worm only respects his queen's authority in the books, I doubt that he would've accepted to join this contest because he would know that its "prize" is worthless to begin with. Same goes for Daario. Unfortunately, this goes in line with how the (sexist) writers of this show have show!Dany's men make decisions among themselves and forget that show!Dany is their liege (another example: show!Barristan asking show!Jorah (rather than show!Dany) to take part in the battle of Yunkai), which is something that would've been fixed by simply paying more attention to the books. Unfortunately, this will only get worse as time goes on.
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DAARIO: You like this girl? Must be frustrating.
GREY WORM: You are not a smart man, Daario Naharis.
DAARIO: I’d rather have no brains and two balls.
I'm fine with the show introducing a romantic relationship between show!Grey Worm and show!Missandei (which doesn't happen in the books because Missandei is 10-11), but it bothers me that the writers thought that the very first scene suggesting that show!Grey Worm has feelings for show!Missandei should feature show!Daario making an eunuch joke. Not that this would've been better if it weren't the first scene hinting at MissWorm, of course, it's needlessly offensive regardless and, while GRRM isn't immune to stuff like this either, it's true that this doesn't even happen in the books to begin with.
Scene 2
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DAENERYS: Have you ever been to Meereen?
MISSANDEI: Several times, Your Grace, with Master Kraznys.
MISSANDEI: They say a thousand slaves died building the Great Pyramid of Meereen.
DAENERYS: And now an army of former slaves is marching to her gates. You think the Great Masters are worried?
MISSANDEI: If they’re smart, Your Grace.
This detail about a thousand slaves having died while they built the Great Pyramid of Meereen is a show only invention.
Show!Missandei telling show!Dany that the Great Masters should be worried about the latter's army if they are smart is also a show only invention (which leaves a really bad taste in my mouth in retrospect, since this original bit of dialogue most likely stems from their impression that show!Dany is "becoming more and more viable as a threat" based on her campaign in Slaver's Bay, which will also inform why, six years later, they'll think that it's okay to say that show!Dany's actions in King's Landing were foreshadowed by her "willingness to go forth and conquer all [her] enemies"; failure to understand reasons 1 and 2 of why Dany's storyline matters).
It makes no sense that the writers felt the need to add original lines when we could've had what ASOS Daenerys V actually gave us:
When she looked over one shoulder, there it stood, the afternoon sun blazing off the bronze harpy atop the Great Pyramid. Inside Meereen the slavers would soon be reclining in their fringed tokars to feast on lamb and olives, unborn puppies, honeyed dormice and other such delicacies, whilst outside her children went hungry. A sudden wild anger filled her. I will bring you down, she swore. (ASOS Daenerys V)
As the quote above shows, Dany's discomfort with the Meereenese slavers' privileges and traditions stems from the fact that they only have these things to begin with because they've maintained and benefitted from the slave trade for centuries. That's why she no longer enjoys eating puppies:
“...We give each boy a puppy on the day that he is cut. At the end of the first year, he is required to strangle it. Any who cannot are killed, and fed to the surviving dogs.” (ASOS Daenerys II)
“Good dog in Astapor, little queen. Eat?” He offered it with a greasy grin.
“That is kind of you, Belwas, but no.” Dany had eaten dog in other places, at other times, but just now all she could think of was the Unsullied and their stupid puppies. (ASOS Daenerys II)
Or why she asked Jhogo not to use the whip inside Astapor:
He stopped before a thickset man who had the look of Lhazar about him and brought his whip up sharply, laying a line of blood across one copper cheek. The eunuch blinked, and stood there, bleeding. “Would you like another?” asked Kraznys.
“If it please your worship.” (ASOS Daenerys II)
“Make way for the Mother of Dragons!” But when he uncoiled the great silverhandled whip that Dany had given him, and made to crack it in the air, she leaned out and told him nay. “Not in this place, blood of my blood,” she said, in his own tongue. “These bricks have heard too much of the sound of whips.” (ASOS Daenerys II)
Or why she considered banning the tokar, though she ultimately kept it in an attempt to help to make peace with the slavers:
Walking in a tokar demanded small, mincing steps and exquisite balance, lest one tread upon those heavy trailing fringes. It was not a garment meant for any man who had to work. The tokar was a master’s garment, a sign of wealth and power.
Dany had wanted to ban the tokar when she took Meereen, but her advisors had convinced her otherwise. “The Mother of Dragons must don the tokar or be forever hated,” warned the Green Grace, Galazza Galare. “In the wools of Westeros or a gown of Myrish lace, Your Radiance shall forever remain a stranger amongst us, a grotesque outlander, a barbarian conqueror. Meereen’s queen must be a lady of Old Ghis.” Brown Ben Plumm, the captain of the Second Sons, had put it more succinctly. “Man wants to be the king o’ the rabbits, he best wear a pair o’ floppy ears.” (ADWD Daenerys I)
Or why she was intent on keeping the fighting pits closed:
“Ask her if she wishes to view our fighting pits,” Kraznys added. “Douquor’s Pit has a fine folly scheduled for the evening. A bear and three small boys. One boy will be rolled in honey, one in blood, and one in rotting fish, and she may wager on which the bear will eat first.” (ASOS Daenerys II)
“Why?” she demanded, when Ithoke had finished. “You are no longer slaves, doomed to die at a master’s whim. I freed you. Why should you wish to end your lives upon the scarlet sands?” (ADWD Daenerys II)
Or, finally, why she chose to replace the previous throne for an ebony bench:
Her audience chamber was on the level below, an echoing high-ceilinged room with walls of purple marble. It was a chilly place for all its grandeur. There had been a throne there, a fantastic thing of carved and gilded wood in the shape of a savage harpy. She had taken one long look and commanded it be broken up for firewood. “I will not sit in the harpy’s lap,” she told them. Instead she sat upon a simple ebony bench. It served, though she had heard the Meereenese muttering that it did not befit a queen. (ASOS Daenerys VI)
All of these examples highlight that Dany struggles to accept the Meereenese slavers' culture because of her desire to end slavery and achieve equality. The quote from ASOS Daenerys V above could've easily been added in the show during a conversation between show!Dany and show!Missandei like this one.
Now, one could argue that this couldn't have happened in this episode because show!Dany hadn't yet a) seen the one hundred and sixty-three dead children, b) arrived in Meereen, c) seen the Great Pyramid and/or d) faced the risk of her people starve during the siege, all of which increase her righteous anger and determination to move forward with her crusade and do justice. That's true, but it leads to another question: why didn't they let this episode begin with show!Dany in Meereen like how ASOS Daenerys V begins, that is, with her having to face Meereen's champion?
Meereen was as large as Astapor and Yunkai combined. Like her sister cities she was built of brick, but where Astapor had been red and Yunkai yellow, Meereen was made with bricks of many colors. Her walls were higher than Yunkai’s and in better repair, studded with bastions and anchored by great defensive towers at every angle. Behind them, huge against the sky, could be seen the top of the Great Pyramid, a monstrous thing eight hundred feet tall with a towering bronze harpy at its top.
“The harpy is a craven thing,” Daario Naharis said when he saw it. “She has a woman’s heart and a chicken’s legs. Small wonder her sons hide behind their walls.”
But the hero did not hide. He rode out the city gates, armored in scales of copper and jet and mounted upon a white charger whose striped pink-and-white barding matched the silk cloak flowing from the hero’s shoulders. The lance he bore was fourteen feet long, swirled in pink and white, and his hair was shaped and teased and lacquered into two great curling ram’s horns. Back and forth he rode beneath the walls of multicolored bricks, challenging the besiegers to send a champion forth to meet him in single combat. (ASOS Daenerys V)
That's a problem that I have with how they adapted ASOS Daenerys V. The chapter can be divided in a list of four parts, which goes like this:
How Dany deals with Meereen's champion (this happens in episode 4.3)
Discussions on how to take Meereen (this never happens in the show)
Dany's thoughts on/flashbacks with Daario and Jorah (this more or less happens in episode 4.1; some are show only inventions)
Dany a) meeting her children and Mero and b) finding out the truth about her knights (a never happens; b happens in episodes 3.1 for show!Barristan and 4.8 for show!Jorah)
Despite being a chapter jam-packed with action and drama, the show adaptation diluted its impact by 1) fragmenting it, 2) overfocusing on certain parts over others, 3) creating new (and often unnecessary) scenes and 4) displaying its events out of the intended sequence. Problems 1-3 were already present in the adaptation of Dany's first four ASOS chapters, but I'd argue problem 4 is more serious in ASOS Daenerys V.
In the case of this particular scene, again, because it takes place before show!Dany reaches Meereen (and because the show writers never understood reasons 1 and 2 of why Dany's storyline matters), we don't get to see how her problems with the Meereenese slavers' culture are tied to their practice of slavery. This, unfortunately, is another case of the show undermining Dany's characterization from page to screen.
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DAENERYS: You were told to ride at the back of the train.
DAARIO: Yes, My Queen. But I need to speak to you about something important. A matter of strategy.
MISSANDEI: Your Grace.
DAENERYS: All right, what is this matter of strategy?
DAARIO: A dusk rose.
DAENERYS: Would you like to walk at the back of the train instead of riding?
DAARIO: And this one’s called lady’s lace.
DAENERYS: Would you like to walk without shoes?
DAARIO: You have to know a land to rule it. Its plants, its rivers, its roads, its people. Dusk rose tea eases fever. Everyone in Meereen knows that. Especially the slaves who have to make the tea. If you want them to follow you, you have to become a part of their world.
DAARIO: Strategy. Harpy’s Gold. No tea from this one. Beautiful but poisonous.
DAENERYS: You are a gambler, aren’t you?
DAARIO: Your Grace.
This exchange is adapted from this part of ASOS Daenerys V:
On the road from Yunkai, Daario had brought her a flower or a sprig of some plant every evening when he made his report ... to help her learn the land, he said. Waspwillow, dusky roses, wild mint, lady’s lace, daggerleaf, broom, prickly ben, harpy’s gold ... (ASOS Daenerys V)
I have some problems with it, though. The first is that they have show!Daario tell show!Dany that she has "to know a land to rule it". In the books, at this point in time, Dany does not have any intention to stay and rule Meereen because she thinks that abolishing slavery was enough on its own; she only changes her mind after seeing the aftermath of the sack of Meereen, hearing news of Astapor (where her council was deposed and slavery is being reinstalled by a former slave named Cleon) and Yunkai (which was rumored to be making alliances with sellswords to defeat her) and understanding that her anti-slavery measures can be easily undone if she leaves so soon. Additionally, I dislike that they chose to only adapt a (veeery brief) scene from the chapter where she's shown to lack knowledge. Why not also adapt, for example, the scene in which she chooses Belwas to fight for her against Meereen's champion and we get to see her whole line of reasoning for doing so? That they even added the detail (that isn't in the books) about how a ruler should have knowledge of the region (which show!Dany doesn't yet) only adds salt to the wound, since it subtly indicates that the show writers themselves find her ineffective as a ruler when she certainly isn't.
The second problem is that show!Dany's feelings for show!Daario are not that clear onscreen in comparison to what we get in the books:
Dany found herself stealing looks at the Tyroshi when her captains came to council, and sometimes at night she remembered the way his gold tooth glittered when he smiled. That, and his eyes. His bright blue eyes. On the road from Yunkai, Daario had brought her a flower or a sprig of some plant every evening when he made his report ... to help her learn the land, he said. Waspwillow, dusky roses, wild mint, lady’s lace, daggerleaf, broom, prickly ben, harpy’s gold ... He tried to spare me the sight of the dead children too. He should not have done that, but he meant it kindly. And Daario Naharis made her laugh, which Ser Jorah never did.
Dany tried to imagine what it would be like if she allowed Daario to kiss her, the way Jorah had kissed her on the ship. The thought was exciting and disturbing, both at once. It is too great a risk. The Tyroshi sellsword was not a good man, no one needed to tell her that. Under the smiles and the jests he was dangerous, even cruel. Sallor and Prendahl had woken one morning as his partners; that very night he’d given her their heads. Khal Drogo could be cruel as well, and there was never a man more dangerous. She had come to love him all the same. Could I love Daario? What would it mean, if I took him into my bed? Would that make him one of the heads of the dragon? Ser Jorah would be angry, she knew, but he was the one who’d said she had to take two husbands. Perhaps I should marry them both and be done with it. (ASOS Daenerys V)
As one can see, Dany's crush on Daario is significant for highlighting a) how Dany is a romantic person who associates sexual attraction with love and marriage (hence why she compares Daario with her first husband) and b) how her feelings for Daario are tied to her desire to find a home or, in this case, someone who she can rely on (hence why she remembers the prophecy of the three heads of the dragon when she thinks of him). 
It was particularly important to display her crush onscreen because of what happens later in ADWD. Unlike what certain people think, Dany's dilemma between Daario and Hizdahr doesn't just represent the choices that she needs to make as a ruler (war or peace), it also illustrates the clash between her main motivations, home and duty: Daario is the former (what Dany wants for herself) and Hizdahr is the latter (what Dany thinks she must do for her people).
Unfortunately, this doesn't come across in the show. To be fair, at least we get to see show!Dany shyly smiling here, but this will be undermined later. In episode 4.7, show!Daario will say:
DAARIO: Never met a woman who didn’t like wildflowers.
In episode 5.7, this is how show!Dany will answer to show!Daario's marriage proposal:
DAENERYS: Even if I wanted to do such an inadvisable thing, I couldn’t.
Then, in episode 6.10, this is what she tells show!Tyrion after rejecting show!Daario:
DAENERYS: Do you know what frightens me? I said farewell to a man who loves me. A man I thought I cared for. And I felt nothing.
I wouldn't be surprised if the show writers made these changes because they a) are among the readers who think that Dany is unlikable/irresponsible when she expresses her romantic feelings for Daario in the books (whereas I happen to think that that makes her more relatable) and b) wanted her to appear more regal (based on their ideas of what that means, of course) in the show because she's older, but, regardless of why they did so, this is quite a problem: if show!Dany isn't in love with show!Daario, her conflict becomes much less pronounced in comparison to her book counterpart's (which, as we'll see later as the show progresses, it did).
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JORAH: There’s one on every mile marker between here and Meereen.
DAENERYS: How many miles are there between here and Meereen?
JORAH: One-hundred and sixty three, Your Grace.
BARRISTAN: I’ll tell our men to ride ahead and bury them. You don’t need to see this.
DAENERYS: You will do no such thing. I will see each and every one of their faces. Remove her collar before you bury her.
This is my favorite moment of the episode because it's a major example of how Dany's leadership style is defined by her desire to protect the ones who can't protect themselves (which applies to both book and show versions). Now that she wields power, she won't remain passive when she sees injustices occur, in fact, she'll want to confront them in order to remember why is it that she's fighting:
“I will see them,” she said. “I will see every one, and count them, and look upon their faces. And I will remember.”
By the time they came to Meereen sitting on the salt coast beside her river, the count stood at one hundred and sixty-three. I will have this city, Dany pledged to herself once more. (ASOS Daenerys VI)
Being a queen is not about self-gratification for Dany, it's about her responsibility and duty towards others, which is what this scene ultimately reinforces.
That being said, there are still some problems with the scene.
One, while the scene on its own does illustrate the kind of ruler (and person) that show!Dany is regardless of what the show writers were intending, I think that their primary intention was to provide shock value with the sight of the dead children (which is also the most likely reason as to why they succeeded in depicting how horrific the Unsullied's training was). If they had intended the scene to showcase show!Dany's selfless motivations like in the books, they wouldn't have later stated that her war in Slaver's Bay was defined by "that willingness to go forth and conquer all your enemies" or by how "she's not seeing the cost" (failure to understand reasons 1, 2 and 5 of why Dany's storyline matters). Unlike them, Dany knows that some wars are morally righteous because there are cases in which the status quo is not worthy of being uphold, especially not one that allows children to be murdered without their killers being punished (which also informs her views on Robert, his supporters and the Baratheon regime in general).
Two, the show leaves out the fact that, in the books, the Meereenese slavers burned their own city's lands in order to prepare for Dany's arrival:
The Great Masters of Meereen had withdrawn before Dany’s advance, harvesting all they could and burning what they could not harvest. Scorched fields and poisoned wells had greeted her at every hand. (ASOS Daenerys V)
This is important for two major reasons.
One, it raises the stakes of the conflict in the moment. If Dany continues to besiege the city for too long, her people will starve. If she gives up on conquering Meereen, on the other hand, not only slavery will remain, but her people will die of starvation on the way back to Westeros. If she wants to protect the freedmen that followed her, then, her only choice is to take Meereen.
Dany set great store by Ser Jorah’s counsel, but to leave Meereen untouched was more than she could stomach. She could not forget the children on their posts, the birds tearing at their entrails, their skinny arms pointing up the coast road. “Ser Jorah, you say we have no food left. If I march west, how can I feed my freedmen?”
“You can’t. I am sorry, Khaleesi. They must feed themselves or starve. Many and more will die along the march, yes. That will be hard, but there is no way to save them. We need to put this scorched earth well behind us.”
Dany had left a trail of corpses behind her when she crossed the red waste. It was a sight she never meant to see again. “No,” she said. “I will not march my people off to die.” My children. (ASOS Daenerys V)
When she looked over one shoulder, there it stood, the afternoon sun blazing off the bronze harpy atop the Great Pyramid. Inside Meereen the slavers would soon be reclining in their fringed tokars to feast on lamb and olives, unborn puppies, honeyed dormice and other such delicacies, whilst outside her children went hungry. A sudden wild anger filled her. I will bring you down, she swore. (ASOS Daenerys V)
Two, it raises the stakes of the conflict in ADWD. By scorching the fields, the slavers deprived Meereen of one of its main sources of income: olives. Now the city's economy is stagnant because it has neither olives nor slaves (because, as we know, Dany abolished slavery) to sell:
For centuries Meereen and her sister cities Yunkai and Astapor had been the linchpins of the slave trade, the place where Dothraki khals and the corsairs of the Basilisk Isles sold their captives and the rest of the world came to buy. Without slaves, Meereen had little to offer traders. Copper was plentiful in the Ghiscari hills, but the metal was not as valuable as it had been when bronze ruled the world. The cedars that had once grown tall along the coast grew no more, felled by the axes of the Old Empire or consumed by dragonfire when Ghis made war against Valyria. Once the trees had gone, the soil baked beneath the hot sun and blew away in thick red clouds. (ADWD Daenerys III)
“The sea provides all the salt that Qarth requires, but I would gladly take as many olives as you cared to sell me. Olive oil as well.”
“I have none to offer. The slavers burned the trees.” Olives had been grown along the shores of Slaver’s Bay for centuries; but the Meereenese had put their ancient groves to the torch as Dany’s host advanced on them, leaving her to cross a blackened wasteland. “We are replanting, but it takes seven years before an olive tree begins to bear, and thirty years before it can truly be called productive.” (ADWD Daenerys III)
However, because the show didn't bother to depict how the slavers destroyed their own city's fields, we don't get to see neither a) how it becomes harder for Dany to sustain a siege (and how conquering Meereen became her only choice if she wanted not only to free the slaves, but also to protect the freedmen that came with her) nor b) how, later, she struggles with reforming the city's economy (which is one of the many ways that the show adaptation undermined her political arc in ADWD).  
For this review, there’s no comment of mine on any Inside the Episode because D&D’s Inside the Episode 4.1 doesn’t talk about show!Dany’s storyline. I’m not commenting on show!Dany’s clothes either because she’s wearing the same clothes from season three and I’ve talked about them before in past reviews.
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mhdiaries · 4 years
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Frights, Camera, Action! – Hauntlywood Elissabat Diary
This 2nd Day of August
On the eve of my coronation, 400 years ago tonight, I slipped into the moonless Transylvanian darkness and disappeared forever. I remember it like it was yesterday; The Vampire’s Heart casting its red glow over my room as Lord Stoker explained that I was much too young to be the queen without his help and that if I simply did exactly as he instructed, my unlife would be perfect for us all. I had not been acting all that long by then, but I knew enough to recognize a bad director when I heard one, and I was fangsolutely positive I did not want a starring role in this production. Fortunately for me, I had made friends with a young explorer and mad scientist named Hexiciah Steam. Hexiciah and Lord Stoker did not exactly see eye  to eye on, well, anything, and so, partially to help me and partially to tweak LS, Hexiciah helped me escape to a waiting ship that would take me to Londoom. I asked him about the Vampire’s Heart, but he told me not to worry about it and that it was safe from the reach of LS. Thus I became known as Elissabat the First, not because I was the first queen to have that name, but because I was the first to choose self-imposed exile over the throne. I often wonder what kind of queen I would make today, 400 years older and hopefully wiser. I’m certainly wise enough to keep two diaries now, especially since several pages of Veronica Von Vamp’s private musings somehow ended up on a celebrity gossip site. Good thing Veronica never breaks character even when she’s writing.
7 August
My agent sent over a script today for me to read. It’s about a young ghoul who is chosen to be the queen of an ancient kingdom, not because she is the true heir but because the Lord Chancellor wants to control the kingdom through her. Except the ghoul finds out and takes off before she takes the throne, only to be chased all over the world by the Lord Chancellor’s hench-monsters. Besides being completely implausible it involves multiple locations, chase scenes, stunts and a very large cast of characters. It sounds exhausting. I would love to do a small picture next. Something shot on location in Scaris at a small outdoor café where there are long pauses in between conversations and shots of me staring off into the distance as I ponder the deep secrets of unlife. I can just see my agent’s face now. His left eye will start to twitch, and he won’t be able to control it so he’ll put his shades on and then he’ll break into a sneezing fit and have to excuse himself while he leaves my trailer to try and regain his composure. He’s actually a very good agent who really does have my beast interests at heart, but he is such an excitable little goblin that I can’t help but tweak him just a little bit. I do sometimes tire of playing larger-than-unlife roles, even though my fans really do seem to love the films. I would just like to stretch myself as a performer, and I’ve done so many of these... oh well. I love to act, the fans love to watch, and we’re all happy in the end - except the critics, but they’re never happy, so I don’t waste too much time thinking about them. V3
This 10th Day of August
Each day now I hear about growing unrest in the kingdom and how the vampire lords are mounting pressure upon Lord Stoker to find a queen. Personally, I think they are overreacting, since 400 years is just a drop in the coffin for a vampire, but they are a rather stodgy bunch. Order, tradition and discipline are the code they... we... live by. I have applied those virtues in the way I have chosen to pursue my career, and they are the secret to my success. I have been accused of having a photographic memory, but that is not accurate. I simply work as hard as I can to be as prepared as I can so I do not make careless mistakes. My stage fright has never gone away, and I doubt it ever will, therefore intense preparation is the only way I can stand in front of a crowd and do my job or jobs. I think my intensity intimidates other monsters, and I know I am perceived as not being “approachable”, but it takes a lot of concentration to be Elissabat playing Veronica Von Vamp playing a completely different character on stage or in film. It is why I need to not be in “character”, and for that to happen I need to be myself. I should be getting ready to be Veronica again, since a car is about to arrive not to pick up not a queen of the vampires, but a queen of the silver scream. Some days I do wish that I only had one role to play, but which one do I choose?
16 September
I’m making the press circuit to promote my new film today, so I’m bringing Viperine along to do my makeup. Viperine has been doing my makeup for a while now, and I simply adore her. She is chatty but not intrusive, and I completely trust the job she does, which is good since there’s really no way for me to check the work. She started doing my makeup quite by accident, when my regular artist got cast in some unscripted reality show... shudder... and left without any notice. Viperine was just an intern at the time and was cutting her fangs by doing makeup on creatured extras, but when I stepped out of my trailer and called her over, she didn’t even hesitate. She’s also that rare monster that is completely content not being in the spotlight. I asked her if she would like to be in front on the camera one day, and she told me that she felt like she was in front of the camera every time I stepped on stage. She has a fright future in this boosness, I think. 
This 20th Day of September
By the pricking of my thumbs something fishy this way comes. It is all over the news that a new vampire queen has been found and confirmed by Lord Stoker who said that he used the Vampire’s Heart to verify that this ghoul is the true heir. Well this is certainly curious, since I know for a fact that the VH is as lost as Hexiciah Steam. Well, perhaps “lost” is not the proper description. Maybe “unavailable for questioning” would be more to the point. I know this because if Lord Stoker had the real VH he would have used it to track me down soon after I ran away, and I would have spent the last 400 years issuing rulings on property disputes, meeting with Yeti ambassadors and doing Lord Stoker’s bidding. I do wish this “new queen”, whomever she is, the best of luck, especially with old LS lurking around. He knows everything there is to know about how the queendom runs, but he couldn’t lead a one-zombie parade. I feel sorry for him, because he could be a real asset to the throne if he didn’t want to sit on it himself.  
1 October
I’ve been nominated for another award, which will make the fans happy and the critics not. I think this may be my best performance yet, but it is a rather popular film, and monsters have been creeping to it in packs. Personally, I believe there is a direct correlation between how well critics like a film and how many monsters have actually seen it. The more obscure the film and fewer monsters that have seen it, the more worthy critics seem to heap praise upon it. I suppose it makes them feel superior, especially when they dig up that old line about it being “the most important film of the year.” ‘Tis tiresome, mostly because they hold up a film that very few have seen as the gold standard by which all others must be judged and then sneer at any comparisons to it, which is convenient. I’m not saying that every film I have ever acted in has been perfect; in fact, some of the acting choices I made as a young ghoul I wish I could go back and remake, but regardless of the role or film I always strive to give a performance worthy of the ticket price. 
This 6th Day of October
So the new queen they have chosen is Draculaura! I had purposely been avoiding the news because I have been feeling guilty about the situation, so I did not know that she was the one. We used to play together when we were young ghouls back in Transylvania, and I still recall monsters mistaking us for sisters. This is not fair. I like my unlife and I do not want to give it up, but can I really allow another monster, especially one whom I consider a friend, to take over duties, obligations and responsibilities that were meant for me? I ran once. I am not sure that I can do that again. 
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