#I don’t know what Klingons would be
spockedandloaded · 1 year
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My brain said “lion king au” and I had to comply, part 2 with the rest of the crew coming soon
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catsharkie · 8 months
what if ds9 had tumble
the wormhole :) 
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i-identify-starships-in-posts follow
klingon bird of prey, cloaked.
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skrainfanboy5997notdukat follow
Gul Dukat did nothing wrong.
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
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If another thing breaks on this station i swear to the prophets
the replicator just sent someone to the infirmary. our doctor is running on negative 60 hours of sleep at least
i just want a raktajino
@miles-edward-obrien get your ass in here
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come to quarks, quarks is fun, come right now, don’t walk, run!
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
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no sleep for 55 hours and counting!
56 hours and counting!
57 hours!
where is miles
julian please
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ah yes. me. my bestie. and his 50k word fanfic draft.
YOU asked ME if you could beta
its funnier if i blame you
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no sleep for 55 hours and counting!
56 hours and counting!
57 hours!
where is miles
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I thought I had work today, but no, the time loop.
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So many accusations in my inbox! You people certainly are creative.
I know you’ve killed before. You’ve barely tried to hide it
Oh? You hate me and my whimsy?
I’m going to make a callout document on you.
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if the voles had subspace i think it would look like this
i love being in conduits undisturbed
pittering-pattering follow
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the scuttler
easy website
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the station is under attack stop vole blogging
do you think skittering-002 and pittering-pattering were in love
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Apologies for the high pitched whining! Our shields are activated, we are currently under attack. There is also an ion storm passing through.
If I get stuck in a time vortex again I swear to god
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Apologies for the high pitched whining! Our shields are activated, we are currently under attack. There is also an ion storm passing through.
If I get stuck in a time vortex again I swear to god
(203 notes)
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if the voles had subspace i think it would look like this
i love being in conduits undisturbed
pittering-pattering follow
(201 tiny notes)
the scuttler
easy website
(10032 tiny notes)
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i really wish women were real
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guldukat follow
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2K notes · View notes
zineobiology · 6 months
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Welcome to the Zine O’Biology (closed! Release early 2025)
A multi-fandom Star Trek Zine.
Do you have strong opinions on Vulcan fra’als, Cardassian tails, or how the heck Trill symbionts reproduce? We want to hear from you!
The Zine O’Biology is a fictional comparative xenobiology academic journal set in the Star Trek universe. If you’ve always wanted to wax eloquent for up to 3000 words about your theories on alien biology, welcome to your new home!
We want all your theories about all your favorite aliens! This is a friendly but competitive academic journal where the content of every paper is a little bit suspicious (is this paper based on rumor or fact? What is the methodology?) and some competing authors leave snarky comments on one another’s work. So just like a real academic journal, except ours features the Great Green Anthurium.
We welcome xenobiology articles on all Star Trek aliens from all series!
The final format will be a PDF that you can scroll at your leisure or print at home in order to have a physical copy of the Zine. (This way there is no money involved.)
Alien biology articles
Alien biology artwork
In-Universe advertisements
Letters to the editor
How do Andorian genders work? Are Cardassians actually lizards? Why do Klingons have so many redundant organs? What’s the biological purpose of Bajoran nose ridges? What’s the best cement mix for emergency surgery on a Horta?
You’ve been pondering alien biology for years. This is your chance to infodump all your favorite theories to an eager audience of your fellow nerds!
Articles will be separated into two categories: reproductive biology or general biology. Yes, we also want all your theories on what every species is packing downstairs…and how they use it.
Journal articles should be fun and engaging, but also written in your interpretation of a pseudo-academic style, since this is a highly respected Federation xenobiology journal. If you want to keep things more lighthearted and less academic, check out the section on Letters to the Editor.
If you have independent illustrations about alien biology we would love to see them! If you would like to provide illustrations for one of our journal articles, tell us what species you want to illustrate and we’ll do our best to match you up!
Art should be in a square, scaleable format, printable at high resolution at 4x4 inches.
Even in a post-need future, academic journals will need a little extra funding. Submit your ads for Ferengi Oomox Creme, Self Sealing Stem Bolts, Gently Used Federation Technology, and, of course, “reproductive aids.” The weirder the better! Have fun with it!
All art needs to be printable at high resolution
Ad Sizes:
full page: 4.5" x 7.5"
Column: 2.21" x 7.5"
Half Page: 4.5" x 3.75"
Square: 2.21" x 2.18" (i know its not a perfect square but trust me)
Half square: 2.21" x 1.1"
Banner: 4.5" x 0.83"1.75
Do you have a great idea, but it’s not enough to fill out a 3000 word article? Submit it as a “reaction” to a previous journal article. Feel free to lay into a mythical researcher who does NOT understand why their biological theory is wrong and yours is right!
Max length 800 words. Enjoy making these plenty frothy!
The creators of this Zine are all notorious Vulcan Fuckers. Since we want the Zine O’Biology to be open to all alien species, it is only logical that we seek your expertise.
We’re seeking fans from all over the Star Trek universe to spread the word that yes, it’s time for us to all come together in the spirit of explaining how our favorite aliens come together.
Sub-Editors will be in charge of helping us solicit articles and art for their specific race of aliens and editing those articles in order to fit into the Zine. If we don’t have a sub editor for a species, we’ll do our best, but the chapter on that species won’t be as good as it would be if folks with real fanon knowledge were involved.
Graphic designers to help with Zine layout
Social media promoters
Alien art and article wranglers (ie: get your fannish friends involved!)
Fill out the Art or Writing (Applications now closed) Google Form letting us know your interests or reach out to the Editor in Chief at [email protected]
August 1, 2024: Last date for everyone seeking an art or writing partner to submit their request. We don’t guarantee you’ll be partnered up. It depends on how many people are interested and what aliens they want to draw/write.
August 18, 2024: Art/Writing partners notified. NOTE: it’s both fine and encouraged if you want to submit as a team from the start! This is for people who do not have a partner and would like us to find them one.
August 30, 2024: Final call for all journal authors, artists, and advertisers to let us know what species they’re working with, how many submissions they plan to send, and whether their submission will be general or reproductive biology.
October 20, 2024: All art, advertising, and journal submissions are due
We hope to have the Zine O’Biology ready for your enjoyment by New Year’s Eve 2024. We all have full time jobs and lives, so that date may change depending on the volume of submissions.
What if my biological theories are totally different from another author’s?
Yes. Perfect. We love it.
We want to see everyone’s theories! Canon gave us scraps, but together we will make a meal! Expect to see many mutually contradictory articles. That’s part of the fun!
What about Smut?
Yes, we are accepting E rated submissions! The journal will be separated into two sections:
General Biology
Reproductive Biology
General Biology is everything but the genitals
Reproductive Biology should include actual descriptions of the mechanics and biology. Think of it as creating reference material for smut writers and artists.
461 notes · View notes
cozyforjate · 1 year
It surprises me when people say Chapel doesn’t have a trait, personality, or plotline other than being Spock’s love interest... Let me list all the things we know and have seen about this amazing character.
Christine Chapel is a nurse on The Enterprise. She is on civilian exchange from the Stanford Morehouse Epigenetic Project. She is also a part of Starfleet’s initiative to better observe alien cultures without contamination.
M’Benga treats her as an equal. Pike called her “doctor” in the very first episode which suggests that her medical knowledge and experience must be impressive.
She is an expert on genetic modification. She can mess with your genome and temporarily turn you into an Alien. And she makes it look easy.
She is also interested in archeological medicine. She is doing fieldwork, making discoveries, and writing papers on the subject while doing her other duties on the ship.
Long story short she is quite the genius!
She is outgoing, friendly, witty, funny, adventurous, strong, brave but also compassionate and emotional.
She doesn’t judge, she accepts people for who they are.
She is confident in her abilities. She doesn’t take anyone’s BS. “I don’t think the Vulcan Fellowship is ready for me”… No one, not even Vulcans can bully or make her feel insecure.
But when she was a kid she was bullied. Milo, her Malamute, bit one of those bullies. Good boy!
As it was implied in one of the episodes she is most probably bi.
She has a vulnerable side. She is afraid of commitment. Afraid of romantic relationships getting deep. Perhaps even afraid of falling in love. She uses humor when things get too serious or personal for her. There is a story waiting to unfold in time. And i can’t wait to know more of it!
She was in the Klingon War with M'Benga. They witnessed the ugly face of war and had to make some hard decisions. They used (perhaps even developed) an illegal serum that temporarily gives them enough power and stamina to survive against Klingons. This left a scar on her as much as it did on M'Benga. We will revisit this story in episode 8 (i guess).
She knows how to fight. She is a quick thinker during stressful situations. And she is a badass. For example, she can handle space pirates and all she needs is a hypospray! She can deal with baby Gorns and survive!
She is heroic. She would jump into space without an EV suit to prevent a war.
Oh and she is also Spock's love interest and it's a delicious relationship that enrichens both characters.
This is what we got in 15 episodes. I'm sure we'll learn more about her and she will get new storylines in the seasons to come.
421 notes · View notes
t0ast-ghost · 27 days
The last one… it’s been coming for awhile…
Here’s my thoughts on Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
(Spoilers for- well— everything)
- Before watching this movie I was trying to figure out why they chose this name and was told by my mom it’s a Shakespeare reference which.. I should have guessed
- “A Nicholas Myer Film” Cool! Now we know who to blame or bow to
- The music is so fucking intense I’m worried now
- I know Christopher Plummer is famous, I can’t place the face though and I want to say I know the name from the muppet show
- WAIT. Michael Dorn… WORF
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- Wanna let y’all know that there was a guy (Harve Bennet) who wanted to create a completely different sixth movie that would’ve been more like a prequel where they recasted everyone to have an “academy era” movie with Kirk, Spock, and McCoy shenanigans. Gene Roddenberry didn’t fucking like that idea (cause only he knows how to cast apparently)
- explosion :)
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- Teacup that tells you what ship you’re on. I now understand why everyone hates Quark trying to spread his own brand when Starfleet clearly is trying to push their own into every single crevasse
- It’s nice that they gave him the ship he kept saying he was hoping for in voyage home
- I won’t make a fart joke out of “gaseous planetary anomalies” and I definitely won’t say that Q did it
- DAMN NOT THE TEACUP. NBC Hannibal would fucking hate this movie
- Forgot how much I freaking love George Takei and I am so happy they gave him more stuff to do in this movie
- Falling… for about 7 seconds which is about 4 seconds more than normal
- Fairly certain that’s Janice Rand (5:32) (edit: it is! Hi Janice!!!)
- “We have no need for assistance,” and “Stay out of the neutral zone,” sounds like challenge
- Kirk says “What are we doing here?” STARRRING IN THE SIXTH STAR TREK MOVIEE BABEYYYY
- Scotty bought a boat, Uhura teaches seminars at the academy, I love hearing about their lives, keep going
- “Where’s Spock?” Asked in the saddest wettest voice. Kirk’s got his priorities straight. Er- well- not straight exactly but they’re there
- Them trying to hide that the “special envoy” is Spock when Kirk is sitting there looking at him like this
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- Sorry babygirl not taking in any of that information. I am taking in those beautiful eyes tho <3
- Ooooh starting this one off with Kirk and Spock on opposite political sides
- Kirk being the one who has to offer the olive branch probably because Spock thought he could trust him to be on the side of peace (which was a miscalculation cause he’s probably still pretty angry with the whole “you Klingon bastards killed my son” thing…)
- “I remind you this meeting is classified” as everybody splits off into chattering gossip
- Kirk actually getting angry at Spock for “volunteering” them. The giant empty room with Kirk in the shadows and only Spock in the light (plus that random person standing in a dark corner for some reason) augh the mise en scène is wonderful
- I don’t even know how to unpack all that. Kirk so prejudiced against the Klingons (finally taking a more antagonistic stance) and saying “You should have trusted me” WHICH IS WHAT SPOCK HAS ALWAYS DONE. Because he trusted that Kirk would ultimately want peace no matter how battered and broken he became.
- They changed Spock’s ears, made the points more curved into themselves
- Why does every new lieutenant like quoting regulations to Kirk? How many does he just regularly break?
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- I love how shape her hair is (draw it draw it draw it dammnit)
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- Whenever creating a Star Trek movie you need someone on the production team who loves the ship departing from space dock scenes
- “I can never forgive them for the death of my boy.” Kirk says my boy
- Okay yes, Valeris should have knocked before entering his room but Kirk should also know to lock his door when he’s talking to his diary
- Why is Valeris so involved in this movie? First she’s talking to Kirk and now we’re following her to Spock’s? Strange (my guess. She’s evil.)
- “It is a reminder to me that all things end.” Like your life. Twice. Also that’s a nice sentiment and all but it’s so sad with the context that even his own original timeline ends
- “Logic is the beginning of wisdom, Valeris, not the end.” YEAHHH OLDER SPOCK he’s got a more balanced view on the world and himself
- OKAY I absolutely adore the costume design, especially for Gorkon. Like the golden clips in the hair? The red suit adorned with studs and the giant silver necklace?? The beard??? Amazing
- I like that there’s a “chief of staff” for the Klingons. It’s like the manager at a party city
- “They all look alike” BRO THEY MOST FUCKINGLY DO NOT
- I love the chief of staff being so confused over what the napkin roll thing is. I feel that.
- Ah yes my favourite meal. Blue. With a side of orange of course.
- “I offer a toast. The Undiscovered Country…” Welp. He said it. Time to wrap up the movie
- YEP ITS SHAKESPEARE BABEYYY (thank you Spock for saying that it’s Hamlet, act III, scene I, cause I didn’t wanna look it up)
- “You’ve not experienced Shakespeare until you have read him in the original Klingon.” Quoi???
- Spock actively trying to stop Kirk from starting a war
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- I think this is such a good part where the Klingons are trying to state their worries. The gradual (or not so gradual) need for assimilation to be apart of starfleet. This is a particularly big problem for the Klingons because so much of their culture has been entwined with violence which Starfleet seems almost hellbent to take away. As well as hearing troubling language such as “human rights” thrown in their faces
- IM SORRY. Kirk. You didn’t. You didn’t just compare someone to hitler.
- Spock looks actually so fucking pissed at Kirk
- “If there is to be a brave new world, our generation is going to have the hardest time living in it.” Gorkon dropping all the good lines
- McCoy just standing there adjusting his outfit and looking like the most tired man alive
- “I’m going to sleep this off.” “I’m going to go find a pot of black coffee.” Both Kirk and McCoy leaving Spock :(((
- The shaky swoop of the camera as Kirk and the rest of the bridge realize that somehow they just fired on the Klingon vessel
- Don’t care about the rest of the movie I just love the scene where everything starts floating on the Klingon vessel
- Love me some good ol’ bad 3D graphics blood
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- Times like this I wish I’d never skipped my tlhIngan Hol classes
- Floating dead Klingons. What. A. Scene.
- Aw Fuck Dude. The one guy getting gravity back online and everything falling to the ground and blood splattering and AUGHHH. Every time I think this scene can’t get better, it does!
- HIII MCCOY!!! He got to rush onto the bridge just to ask “are we firing torpedoes” and I appreciate that :)
- Kirk and Spock fighting over who should go to the Klingon ship and Spock saying “perhaps you’re right” and then putting his hand on Kirk’s shoulder made me more nervous than it should have. Darn you Wrath of Khan! You’ve given me trust issues. (but you're telling me this isn't supposed to look like a nerve pinch???)
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- Also Kirk ultimately still trying to maintain peace. It’s his knee jerk reaction to this. He’s got what he’s said he’s wanted when incased in his own emotions about loosing his son but he knows it’s not right
- and finally, yay! McCoy gets to go on the mission!
- The actor for the Klingon that greets them is so good at the rage mixing with grief and sadness
- McCoy to the rescue!!
- Either Klingon blood is pink (like in that one game) or they wanted to keep it pg-13
- “He’s gone into some kind of damned arrest!” McCoy proceeds to straddle the Klingon on top of the table so he has leverage to do proper CPR… I have no thoughts on this that I’d like to share
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- I do not believe McCoy’s punches would be strong enough to restart a heart. I’m sorry but they look so puny
- The blood bubbling as Gorkon dies is so fucking good oh my heart
- This is all happening at 2:00 fucking AM??? No wonder Kirk is tired
- “I sympathize, Mr. Scott.” Love when they make Spock say he ‘understands’ or ‘sympathizes’
- SAREKKKK!! Hehe hiiii
- “We are experiencing technical malfunction. All backup systems inoperative.” “Excellent. I… I mean, too bad.” A banger scene from Uhura and Chekov
- Rosanna DeSoto as Azetbur (the Chancellor’s daughter) plays the part so well. Again their portrayal of grief and anger while trying to get to peace is so fucking amazing. LOOK AT HER FACE
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- Maybe I’m not so happy about McCoy being on this mission after all…
- The giant circular judgement chamber is so fucking cool
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- The sparking gavel <3
- I love the beginning of a translator translating all the Klingon’s words
- That one Klingon that laughs at McCoy’s joke, wanna be friends?
- “You say you are due for retirement. May I ask, do your hands shake?” “Objection!” “I was nervous!” “No. You were incompetent.” This is like watching reality tv for me. That’s some good drama
- phew thank goodness they’re not killing McCoy. He’s too pretty to die
- The back and forth slow zoom in on McCoy & Kirk and the judge didn’t have the intensity they were going for but I appreciate the effort
- “Better to kill them now and get it over with.” That’s nice Scotty
- Oh shit Spock loosing both of his husbands in one sentencing. That cannot be good for the economy
- “An ancestor of mine maintained that if you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains however improbable, must be the truth.” Ancestor? You mean fucking Arthur Conan Doyle?? Or Sherlock??? Either way that’s a hecking lore drop
- They’ve got a murder mystery aboard the Enterprise, this is my dream
- Hey babe, new Klingon dog beast just dropped (Jackal Mastiff)
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- I let out an audible “aww” of pity when I saw McCoy wrapped up in a blanket
- I can’t believe I’m only halfway through this movie what is even happening anymore
- Had a brief pause to voice crackedly yell a little bit. Something along the lines of “I do not care. I do not care! I don’t care! I just want Spock- I just want them with Spock! I do not care!” And then let myself breathe for a second or two (and then made chicken nuggets). The outburst was born of a deep sadness from the fact that they can’t just be happy and retired together. Ok, back to the movie.
- Martia just handed Kirk a blunt change my mind
- “Somebody up there wants you out of the way.” of course, it can’t just be about actual politics between the Klingons and Federation, it has to actually be about Kirk and somebody trying to kill him. Dang it.
- “But the killers may still be among them.” …wait a damn minute.. you’re saying there’s imposters- *pulled away forcefully*
- I love how every commanding officer comes into the kitchen absolutely furious that someone fired a phaser
- On that note: why is there a kitchen? And why are they preparing various cooked birds? Who’s having a banquet tonight?
- What kind of bullshit evolution puts a species genitals in their knees?
- Hate how Kirk just lets McCoy go treat the highly dangerous being alone
- YASSS SULU!!! Now get your rest you beautiful man
- Spock will literally leave no stone unturned for his husbands
- Either Martia has some really good prosthetics in the cave or she’s wearing someone else’s skin… NEVERMIND haha she’s just a shapeshifter
- Chekov was so proud of himself dammit. Too bad he was so utterly wrong
- Also Valeris is so expressive, kinda loving it
- The planet seems kinda nice in the daylight.. minus the dead body I’d say it’s pretty similar to winters in Canada (yes I made the joke, please delete it before posting) (edit: nope <3 just like Canada. Made your bed, lie in it)
- “Leave me. I’m finished.” Goddamn this man’s worst enemy is the cold. Both times McCoy just gives up and tells Spock or Kirk to leave him (First time being in All Our Yesterdays)
- “If they’re even looking for us.” Bones. Spock would literally NEVER leave the both of you. That aside the rest of the Enterprise crew also loves you like crazy
- Everyone laughing on the channel with the Klingons is so funny
- Holyy shit. Is Kirk going to fight.. himself???
- McCoy angel <3
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- “I can’t believe I kissed you.” Yeah. Me neither. You didn’t actually have too.
- Poor McCoy holy cannoli oil. He’s knocked out and when he wakes up immediately gets trampled by two versions of his husband
- “Since you’re all going to die anyway, why not tell you.” When I go to watch the cinema sins video (I know I’m sorry) on this movie I bet they’ll say “klingonposition” or smt like that here
- If it’s just Chang that wants Kirk dead that’s so disappointing
- McCoy looks over and sees this
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- “What you want is irrelevant, what you’ve chosen is at hand.” SPOCK IS ANGRYYYYY SPOCK IS PISSSED
- Please someone let McCoy take a shower, he stinks
- The distorted wavy angle that almost feels like it’s going side to side dutch angles with each of Spock’s footsteps as he nears Valeris
- Valeris is fucking crying omg what the actual fuck
- I honestly don’t know how to take that apart. I’m still shocked and screaming a little. The reactions from each crew member being just absolutely horrified
- I’m still reeling from that but I gotta acknowledge the fact that Spock says “I prefer it dark” when Kirk enters his quarters. So did I as a teenager and my mom would tell me it was bad for my eyes
- “You and the doctor might have been killed.” “The night is still young.” They are three months from retirement. Goddammnit let them just get to be retired together on a farm or condo or smt. I don’t give a shit just let them rest.
- “Spock, you want to know something? Everybody’s human.” NO THEYRE NOT IN THIS CONTEXT. That was kind of a big point made in this movie. I think the point you’re trying to make is ‘everyone in the whole galaxy forever will always make mistakes.’
- “Doctor, would you care to assist me in performing surgery on a torpedo?”
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- Chang just said, “ah the games afoot” why are there so many Sherlock Holmes references in this one? Like I know they have a hard on for famous literature but this one is named after a Shakespeare quote. Just saying it’s a bit crowded.
- They really wanted McCoy to say smt doctory while making the torpedo so they chose “we’ve got a heart beat”
- I think it would’ve been better if Chang said to be or not to be in Klingon like they did at the dinner table
- So they saved the day? Yay? Kirk and McCoy should legally not actually be there- oh they’re all clapping for them who cares
- Kirk did not just fucking quote Peter Pan. Shut the fuck up.
- McCoy’s look says it all. And by that I mean just let him retire with his husbands. Oh my goodness.
- Just for my mom I'm mentioning the flared pants (Spock and McCoy look kinda goofy tho)
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- Ohhh so this is where they change it from “where no man” to “where no one”
- And the Enterprise rides off into the sun. What kind of Grease ending is that?
Awwe okay all of their signatures at the end was a nice touch
I don’t have much more to say here, I forgot how fun but time consuming it was to do these thought posts. I really really appreciate everyone who likes these posts because it means y’all took the time to read this which is just something so meaningful to me.
Thank you all so much <3
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
Logos and Pathos (AOS Edition) Chapter Three
AOS! Spock x Empath! Reader
Chapter Three: After the Academy
Summary: (Y/N) and Spock have become friends and run a simulation for a very strange cadet, Cadet Kirk.
            “Cadet Kirk is trying the Kobayashi Maru again?” said (Y/N), walking towards the testing observation room with Spock. “This is the third time.”
            A few years had passed since their first meeting. Spock and (Y/N) had, surprisingly, become friends. Well, it had been a surprise to everyone else, but to them, it made perfect sense. (Y/N) could sense emotions, yes, but they were very logical and intelligent. Spock respected that. And because Spock saw beyond the labels others had put on them, (Y/N) respected him. The two were known for working very well together and being an efficient, effective team.
            “It appears so,” said Spock. “He still has not understood the true test of the program.”
            (Y/N) sighed and shook their head. “He gets frustrated, not scared. He has the intelligence and resourcefulness to do well—after all, he started a year after Uhura but caught up—but this is the one thing he hasn’t understood yet.”
            Spock nodded in agreement. “Perhaps a third loss will teach him the psychological lesson.”
            “Well, psychologically speaking, I have to admit, he’s tenacious,” said (Y/N). “Not a terrible quality.”
            “We shall see what other qualities he displays this time,” said Spock.
            “We are receiving a distress signal from the U.S.S. Kobayashi Maru,” said Uhura, voice bored with the redundant situation she’d been put in since Kirk wanted to try the test for the third time. “This ship has lost power and is stranded. Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them.”
            “ ‘Starfleet Command has ordered us to rescue them, Captain,’ ” said Kirk from his place on the fake bridge.
            “I believe the human word for this bravado is ‘cocky,’ ” said Spock from behind the observation glass.
            “That would be the common vernacular,” agreed (Y/N). “And his emotions confirm it.” They cocked their head. “Strange, though. He doesn’t seem worried about the results of this test at all.”
            “Could it be he’s desensitized to failure now?” said Spock, considering the options.
            “His had less anxiety the second time he took the test, just more frustration,” said (Y/N). “But he has absolutely none now. That doesn’t seem likely. He should still have some worry about failing.”
            “Hm.” Spock laced his fingers and gazed at the test as it continued. “Let me know if his feelings change.”
            “Do you think he’s up to something?” asked (Y/N).
            “I do not jump to conclusions. I need more facts to make any educated hypotheses,” said Spock.
            “You’re making a guess,” said (Y/N).
            “No, it’s an educated hypothesis,” said Spock.
            (Y/N)’s smiled in amusement and shook their head.
            “Two Klingon vessels have entered the neutral zone and are locking weapons on us,” said Bones—real name Leonard McCoy—another cadet in his final year and a friend of Kirk.
            “That’s okay,” said Kirk confidently.
            “That’s okay?” repeated Bones incredulously.
            “Yeah, don’t worry about that,” said Kirk, leaning back in his chair.
            “Did he say, ‘don’t worry about it?’ ” said another test operator.
            “Is he not taking the simulation seriously?” said a third.
            “He’s…amused,” said (Y/N), blinking. “And happy.” They crossed their arms. “Put that together, and he’s gloating.”
            “Gloating?” repeated Spock, furrowing his brow ever-so-slightly.
            (Y/N) and Spock had the same thought. What could Kirk be gloating about?
            “Three more Klingon warbirds decloaking and targeting out ship.” Bones looked back at Kirk and sarcastically added, “I don’t suppose this is a problem, either.”
            “They’re firing, Captain,” warned another cadet.
            “Alert medical Bay to prepare to receive all crew members from the damaged ship,” said Kirk, calm and nonchalant as ever.
            “And do you expect us to rescue them when we’re surrounded by Klingons, ‘Captain?’ ” pointed out Uhura.
            Kirk just spun around in his chair. “Alert Medical.”
            “Our ship is being hit. Shields at sixty percent,” warned Bones.
            “I understand,” said Kirk.
            “Well, should we, I don’t know, fire back?” said Bones.
            “No,” said Kirk, pulling out an apple and taking a bite.
            “Of course not,” muttered Bones.
            The lights on all the displays flickered. (Y/N) frowned. That wasn’t in the program. Spock had it running smoothly. Any glitches were when he improved it and tested it himself. For cadets, it was efficient and timed to perfection.
            “What is this? What’s going on?” wondered the confused test operators.
            “Spock, is this a new part of the test? Equipment failure?” said (Y/N).
            “I would have informed you beforehand. You know that,” said Spock.
            “I do,” said (Y/N). “But then that leaves us the question…what is going on?”
            The computers came back on, and the cadets looked around in confusion before focusing on the readouts (Uhura was the first to concentrate, which (Y/N) noticed proudly).
            “Arm photons. Prepare to fire on the Klingon warbirds,” said Kirk.
            “Yes, sir,” said a cadet.
            “Jim, their shields are still up,” said Bones.
            Kirk took a bite of his apple. “Are they?” His amusement grew.
            Bones turned to look at his readout, and his face fell into an expression of shock. “No, they’re not.”
            “Fire on all enemy ships,” ordered Kirk cheerfully. “One photon each should do. Let’s not waste ammunition.”
            “Target locked and acquired on all warbirds. Firing,” said another cadet.
            On the displays, the Klingon warbirds exploded as they were hit by photons. Kirk mimed pistols as he chewed his apple.
            “All ships destroyed, Captain,” said Uhura in a mix of being impressed, frustrated, and shocked.
            Kirk stood up. “So, we have managed to eliminate all enemy ships, no one onboard was injured, and the successful rescue of the Kobyashi Maru crew is underway.” He took another bite of apple and looked at the test operators smugly.
            “How the hell did that kid beat your test?” said an operator, turning to question the programmer himself.
            “I do not know,” said Spock.
            (Y/N) didn’t need to sense his emotions to know he was frustrated. Spock didn’t like not knowing.
            “It isn’t possible to beat your test. It’s designed to demonstrate failure,” said (Y/N).
            “And yet Cadet Kirk did,” said Spock. “I don’t believe there is a flaw in the current program, but I must investigate every possibility.” He was running through the code as they spoke. “There.” He tapped on the code. “A subroutine. Recently installed.”
            “I suspect—hypothesize—it was by Kirk,” said (Y/N). “He wasn’t surprised by the change in the test and wasn’t worried beforehand. That suggests he knew about it.” They crossed their arms. “It was clever, but it’s cheating.”
            “Indeed,” said Spock, nodding.
            Between his discovery of the subroutine and (Y/N)’s deductions—which made logical sense even from their empathic observations—they had all the evidence they needed to convene a hearing. Spock was fortunate to have (Y/N) as his partner in his work. Their skill and hard work made everything easier. Better.
            “We should go and submit our claim, then,” said (Y/N), turning to leave.
            “(L/N),” said Spock. “Thank you for your assistance. You did not need to stay after the test while I examined the code, but you helped my conclusions with your observations.”
            “Of course, Spock,” said (Y/N), smiling. Their chest warmed at Spock’s thanks. “You’re my friend. I wanted to support you since people were doubting your work. Wrongfully, but still.”
            “Your support was appreciated,” said Spock, nodding.
            “It was no problem,” said (Y/N), smiling. “But Spock, come on, I’ve told you to call me ‘(Y/N).’ ”
            “It isn’t formal,” said Spock.
            “We’re friends,” said (Y/N). “That isn’t formal.” They grinned and started the walk out of the room.
            Spock paused a moment before following. There was nothing to argue there. Spock and (Y/N) were friends.
            “This session has been called to resolve a troubling matter,” said the head of the disciplinary committee, still Barnett.
            This time, everyone had been called to the hearing, likely because this situation was much more egregious for the academy as a whole. Cheating was unacceptable. Cadets whispered to one another, but the murmurs quieted as the head of the committee spoke. (Y/N) sat beside Spock, reading for the hearing to begin.
            “James T. Kirk, step forward,” said Barnett.
            All heads went to the cadet in question, whose face fell. Kirk stood and walked down to face the committee like (Y/N) had years ago.
            “Cadet Kirk, evidence has been submitted to this council suggesting that you violated the ethical code of conduct pursuant to Regulation 17.43 of the Starfleet code,” continued Barnett. “Is there anything you care to say before you begin, sir?”
            “Yes, I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly,” said Kirk.
            The head of committee looked at (Y/N) and Spock and nodded to them. They rose, and (Y/N) felt the ripple of surprise from those that knew of (Y/N) and Spock.
            “Step forward,” said Barnett.
            Spock and (Y/N) headed down to the other podium at the center of the hearing room.
            “This is Commander Spock and Lieutenant Commander (L/N). They are two of our most distinguished graduates,” explained Barnett. “Commander Spock has programmed the Kobayashi Maru exam for the last four years. Lieutenant (L/N) currently works with psychics in the Academy.” He looked at Spock and (Y/N). “State your case.”
            “Cadet Kirk, you somehow managed to install and activate a subroutine in the programming code, thereby changing the conditions of the test,” said Spock.
            “You are undoubtedly the culprit since you requested the third test and had no surprise when the test changed. You knew it was coming from the beginning,” said (Y/N). “No nerves, no surprise.”
            “Your point being?” said Kirk.
            “In academic vernacular, you cheated,” said Barnett.
            Kirk didn’t back down from the sharp down. “Let me ask you something I think we all know the answer to: the test itself is a cheat, isn’t it? I mean, you programmed it to be unwinnable.”
            “Your argument precludes the possibility of a no-win scenario,” said Spock.
            “I don’t believe in no win scenarios,” said Kirk firmly.
            “Then not only did you violate the rules, but you failed to understand the principal lesson,” said Spock.
            What a repartee, thought (Y/N).
            “Please, enlighten me,” said Kirk.
            “You of all people should know, Cadet Kirk, a captain cannot cheat death,” said Spock. The reference to Kirk’s father was clear.
            Kirk swallowed, and (Y/N) felt the pressure of profound grief wave over them.
            “I of all people?” he said.
            “Your father, Lieutenant George Kirk, assumed command of his vessel before being killed in action, did he not?” said Spock.
            Spock, that was a low blow, thought (Y/N), giving him a look.
            Spock noticed it and avoided their gaze. He never liked when they were upset at him.
            “I don’t think you like the fact that I beat your test,” said Kirk, his sadness sharpening to anger.
            “Cadet Kirk,” said (Y/N). “You didn’t beat the test. You failed to learn its lesson. Three times now. It’s not about beating it or failing it.”
            “What is it about then?” said Kirk.
            “Fear,” said (Y/N) simply. “A captain must learn to face fear and handle themself accordingly. You have to learn to control yourself, your ship, and your crew even when afraid.”
            Silence fell over the room as Kirk processed those words.
            “Excuse me, sir,” said an officer, walking in from outside the chamber. He broke the quiet tension. He walked up with a report to Barnett.
            Worry clouded his aura, and (Y/N) frowned. Barnett’s emotions changed to concern and confusion, and (Y/N) tensed. Something was going on.
            “We have received a distress call from Vulcan,” said Barnett.
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened, and Spock straightened. His expression didn’t change, but they had known him long enough to see he was concerned. It was his home.
            “With our primary fleet engaged in the Laurentian system, I hereby report all cadets to report to Hangar One immediately,” said Barnett. He stood. “Dismissed.”
            Everyone followed suit and rushed towards Hangar One. Spock was the first one to begin moving, and (Y/N) hurried after him.
            “Are you alright?” they asked.
            “I must ensure my assigned ship is well-staffed for the trip to Vulcan,” said Spock. “Then I—we—can handle the distress call.”
            (Y/N) nodded. He was focusing on the issue at hand. That was Spock’s way of dealing with problems.
            “Whatever ship I’m on, I’ll do the same. We’ll be able to face this,” said (Y/N) assuredly.
            “You’ll be on the Enterprise as well,” said Spock. “You’re efficient and skilled. You’ll be needed.” And if (Y/N) was with him, if there was trouble, he could keep an eye on them. He didn’t want them to be put in harm’s way where he couldn’t help them.
            “And I’ll do my best,” said (Y/N), smiling at Spock. “I can help with staffing so it’s not all on your shoulders.”
            Spock nodded. He was glad (Y/N) always concentrated on the tasks at hand. They were an excellent officer. “You handle communications and command. I’ll handle medical staff and science officers.”
            “Spock,” said (Y/N), pausing. He stopped, and (Y/N) touched his arm gently, supportively. “Whatever’s happening, I’m with you, alright? I’m here to help.”
            Spock looked at their hand. There was a subtle warmth from their hand on his arm, and although he knew they would never use their abilities on him without permission, he felt calmer knowing they were there.
            He nodded. “Thank you, (Y/N).”
            (Y/N) smiled. “Of course, Spock.”
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trekkie-polls · 4 months
Yes I straight up plagiarized the plot of saga, but it would be good wouldn’t it? What are your ideas?
Soap box below the fold! You were warned!
To be honest I’m usually not excited about the new series rumors. Sometimes they turn out great, and I’m wrong. But they’re never about the stuff I really crave. There’s so much that’s unexplored in trek! So much we don’t know. I get really disappointed when I see another borg story or Klingon remake or tos prequel.
I want to know how trill symbionts reproduce, or what it’s like the first lifetime they join. I want to know what happened to the Denobulans in the 24th century. I want a post-dominion Vorta society. I want to meet the Iconians. I want more animal and plant biology. I want to know how giant spacefaring creatures evolved. I want to encounter cultures that aren’t just archetypes of peaceful! or warlike!, but who are so different they do things in ways I never would have thought of. I want mystery and exploration. I don’t want endless nostalgia. I want to be caught off guard.
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cactusnymph · 19 days
A Former Borg And A Half-Klingon Walk Into A Bar
“You did not tell me that we would be going to a bar”, Seven says in that tone of hers that always sounds judgmental, no matter what she says. And, as always, it pisses B’Elanna off.
“I don’t want to be here anymore than you do, alright? I was volunteered.”
“You would think that after all that time in the Delta Quadrant there would be more Klingons in Starfleet to be ‘volunteered’ for this sort of mission”, Seven responds, looking around warily. Her hair is in its usual perfect updo and she’s wearing—well. At least she’s not wearing one of her usual cat suits. But to say that she’s dressed well for the occasion would go a little too far. She looks extremely bland, dressed in a dark sort of suit.
B’Elanna thinks that maybe someone should have briefed her better on what exactly it is that they’re doing down here.
“Open some of those buttons”, B’Elanna says, gesturing at Seven’s button up shirt. Seven raises one perfect eyebrow.
“Excuse me?”
“Your buttons. You look like a business woman who took a wrong turn. This is a Klingon bar. If people in there are supposed to believe that you came here voluntarily you have to slut it up a little”, B’Elanna says. Seven’s eyebrow raises even further.
“’Slut it up’?”, she answers.
“Have you met Klingons? All they do is fight and fuck. So if you want to go in there and not do the fighting, you have to look like you’re there for the fucking.”
There is a pause in which B’Elanna thinks that Seven is going to punch her in the face or simply turn around and leave. Instead, she slowly raises her hand to undo four buttons of her shirt, revealing a terribly perfect cleavage. B’Elanna was never self-conscious about her body—aside from its Klingon features, of course—but standing next to Seven can make even the most confident woman feel a little lackluster.
She nods emphatically and tousles up her own hair while Seven stares at her unblinkingly.
“I am simply trying to infer how your clothes look as if you are here to ‘fuck’”, she says. B’Elanna crosses her arms in front of her chest. She’s wearing simple dark pants and a vest that shows off her toned biceps.
“Seven. No offense. But this is a lesbian bar. Lesbians love a good biceps.”
Another pause.
“Lesbian. As in homosexual female Klingons.”
B’Elanna can’t help but snort.
“Yes. Why else did you think they would send you here? Could’ve gone with… I don’t know. Someone who’s not a walking fridge.”
“I assume that many biceps in this bar will be more impressive than yours, seeing as to how you are only half Klingon”, Seven says and B’Elanna could swear that there’s the hint of a smirk beginning to form in the corner of her mouth.
“Yeah, what can I say. I’m counting on being a fuckable novelty. Let’s go. And try not to look so—well. Like you.”
Being back on Earth has allowed B’Elanna many things. Taking a guest teaching job at the academy, getting back in touch with some old friends and also… well. Getting to know some of her new friends better now that they’re back home. She’s spent an astounding amount of time with Harry, seeing as to how the two of them couldn’t be more different. And after a while off from the whole Starfleet thing, she also decided to go back to active duty, ending up more often than not with Seven.
B’Elanna never thought she’d ever help anyone else adept to Starfleet Academy or find herself arguing on behalf of it or going on an undercover extraction mission with Seven to a lesbian Klingon bar. But when the Captain asks nicely, B’Elanna is bad at saying no. She owes that woman so much.
“Would it not make more sense to pretend that we are a homosexual couple”, Seven says, pulling B’Elanna out of her thoughts and back into the real world in which Seven’s cleavage is very distracting and the Klingon hard-rock coming from inside the bar is still very loud.
Now it’s her time to pause.
“You want to pretend to be a couple. With me”, she says.
Ah, there’s that eyebrow again.
“It seems the most logical course of action. And I would, in fact, not need to look as if I was searching for sexual conquest if I am already there with a partner.”
B’Elanna can’t help but laugh about that, but she decides that maybe now is not the best time to explain the Klingon love for an orgy or the concept of polyamory to her. Instead she grabs Seven’s arm and puts it around her own shoulder before she loops her own arm around Seven’s waist.
“Well then, Ensign. Are you ready to be a lesbian?”, she asks.
“I do not think—“
“It was a joke, Seven. Loosen up.”
“Right. A joke”, Seven says, not commenting on how she has never loosened up in her life or how ‘I am Borg. I do not loosen up’. B’Elanna thinks it to herself and chuckles quietly, trying not to think about how well they actually fit together like this as they step towards the bouncers—two enormous Klingon women, wearing very little—and push open the doors.
The music thrums inside B’Elannas ribcage as they make their way towards the bar. Most of the women in here are drinking bloodwine, but there are some non-Klingons who carry fancy, colorful drinks that sparkle in the low light. B’Elanna takes note of the brawls taking place over in a corner, of the door to a separate room that probably leads to something Seven has never seen before in her entire life, Borg or no Borg, and she scans the room for their target.
“I have found our target”, Seven says next to B’Elanna. “She is sitting at one of the round tables, playing what looks to be a game involving daggers and three very lightly dressed women.”
B’Elanna doesn’t need much longer to find Sukav Resh after that particular description. She is indeed surrounded by three women who wear barely more than leather underwear and some jewelry that proudly and clearly proclaims their sexual preferences to the entire room. Most people out in these types of bars wear it. It’s not because Klingon’s are too shy to ask, they simply value efficiency. Threatening someone and buying them drinks to get laid only to find out that they’re not compatible with you is a waste of time for everyone.
“Should we attempt to join in this knife game to get the information we need?”, Seven asks and B’Elanna can’t help it. It’s simply all a little surreal.
“Would you say that you’re a submissive bottom looking to be thrown across a room, bitten extensively and spanked all night?”, she asks.
“I am unclear what my own sexual preferences have to do with our target”, Seven says, looking puzzled. B’Elanna wishes it was easier to rile her up. No fun at all.
“The women she has at her table all wear jewelry signaling that that’s what they’re looking for and look at Resh’s chains and the metal piece on her right hand. She’s signaling that she’s looking for someone to rough up, to put it mildly. So I doubt she’d want us there unless we advertise ourselves as such”, B’Elanna says, stepping up to the bar and shouting at the barmaid in Klingon to get her attention and buy her and Seven a drink.
“You have extensive knowledge about these things, Lieutenant.”
B’Elanna hands Seven a drink.
“I dabbled. Back in my academy days.”
“Dabbled”, Seven repeats. “You have had many relations with male crew-members over the course of our journey, but none with female crew-members.”
“Seven, I’m not going to discuss my sexual preferences with you while we’re on a job”, B’Elanna says and Seven opens her mouth, closes it again and sniffs her drink before pulling a face that makes B’Elanna laugh.
“That’ll put some chest on your chest”, she says with a big grin and throws her drink back.
“I doubt that I need more ‘chest’ on my chest”, Seven says and it makes B’Elanna laugh more. She looks at Seven’s cleavage and then back up.
“Yeah. Maybe not.”
Seven sips her drink and looks as if she would love nothing more than to spit it back out. But, like a brave Klingon warrior, Seven swallows her small sip and then turns her back to Sukav Resh.
“If you have intricate knowledge of these… mating rituals. Then we should make use of them to get to the target. What kind of jewelry do I need to—signal all of that. What you said before.”
“You mean that you’re a submissive bottom who wants to be—“
“Yes. That”, Seven interrupts. Maybe her cheeks look a little red, but maybe it’s just the drink or the lighting. Either way, B’Elanna finds herself weirdly charmed by it. It’s not often that you see Seven of Nine even remotely flustered.
“You don’t have to do it. I doubt you’d survive two seconds at that table. I can do it. I’ll get the information we need and when I have it we’ll find the backroom they do their business in”, B’Elanna says, opening up her vest and starting to rummage around in her pockets. She finds what she’s looking for and hands Seven a heavy necklace while she puts three metal bracelets on her left wrist.
“You had all of this at home”, Seven says and it’s not a question. B’Elanna does not comment on it. She takes Seven’s drink from her, throws the rest of it back and then tousles her own hair some more before walking over to where Sukav Resh is sitting. She can immediately feel herself be appraised as she approaches and there’s a familiar tingle that makes its way up her spine and back down into her fingertips.
It’s been a very long time since B’Elanna went to a bar like this and what Seven said is true. But it’s surprisingly easy to fall back into old habits, even if those habits have been put away for a long time. She has no idea what Seven is up to, if she’s watching or buying another drink. The dagger in Resh’s hand spins and B’Elanna smiles before she punches one of the women sitting at Resh’s table square in the face, sending her backwards over a chair.
“So. I can see there’s a seat free here”, she says, grabbing the drink of the woman she just hit and throwing it back. Resh stares up at her and then she starts laughing, hitting the table with one hand.
“I can appreciate some healthy competition. You here to play?”, she asks, looking at the bracelets on B’Elanna’s wrist and the chain dangling between her boobs.
“Why else would I sit here?”, she says, holding out her hand for the dagger. Resh’s grin grows sharp as she hands it over.
“Well then. Let’s play.”
One of the reasons why B’Elanna stopped going to these kinds of bars is because of her non-existent ability to regulate her own risk-seeking behavior. Getting through the academy days was already shitty enough without running to the medical facilities every second weekend. The looks of the nurses when they saw the bite marks were usually enough to make B’Elanna’s skin crawl with old, internalized issues she never really dealt with.
Being thrown back into it is… weird. And thrilling. B’Elanna likes being rough and she likes it the other way around too, she simply has a preference of roughing up men and being roughed up by women. Seven doesn’t need to know that. B’Elanna might have thought about Seven being just as strong as a Klingon with her Borg enhancements. Usually the people B’Elanna fights—or fucks—can’t hold a candle to her strength. Most of them are humans.
But Seven could probably—well. It doesn’t matter. It’s not a road B’Elanna should go down. She has a job to do and a kid to raise with a husband she’s getting divorced from. Adding sexual desires for her former Borg colleague to the mix would simply complicate things too much.
After half an hour B’Elanna is tipsy bordering on drunk, has three minor stab wounds in her arm and has been promoted to sit on Resh’s right thigh. This is definitely not how she saw the night going. She has the info. But she needs an out so she can reconvene with Seven to find the backroom for that damned business transaction. Resh grabs B’Elanna’s chin roughly and turns it towards her face. B’Elanna maybe licks her lips, trying her hardest to remember that she’s here on a mission and that she’s on duty—but she doesn’t have to ponder this for very long, because right as she’s about to elbow her way out of this situation, she’s pulled out of Resh’s lap and before B’Elanna can say anything to stop it, Resh is thrown halfway across the room.
“The game is over”, Seven says, cheeks a little flushed and hair in slight disarray. It looks really good on her.
“What are you doing?”, B’Elanna hisses, trying not to stare at Seven’s cleavage or to think about how hot it is that Seven can throw a Klingon across a room as if they weigh nothing. Thankfully Klingons love bar brawls, fights and any kind of violence, so the second Resh is thrown over to the dance-floor, three full brawls erupt and they manage to duck away into one of the side rooms.
“Do you have the information”, Seven says, making her question sound like a statement as she’s so often want to do.
“I do. I could have gotten out of there by myself, you know”, she says, feeling a little flustered. Seven raises one eyebrow.
“I am sure you could have. But I was being propositioned by nine different women while you were gone and I was tired of waiting.”
B’Elanna snorts and looks around.
“The backroom is down this corridor. Third door on the right”, B’Elanna says, looking around. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be here—“
Right on cue there’s a commotion at the entrance of the corridor and some shouting about “They went that way!” and B’Elanna doesn’t really have any great ideas aside from the one.
“Follow my lead”, she hisses and grabs Seven by the collar. Seven looks quizzical, eyes darting around to find an out. There is none. So B’Elanna does the only thing she can think of to justify them being in this corridor without immediately being thrown out by a bunch of angry Klingon lesbians.
She tucks on Seven’s collar, hard, pulling her down and forward before she presses herself against the wall, hoping that Seven gets the gist of it. The seconds their mouths collide Seven makes a sound that is half surprise, half something else and B’Elanna finds herself reveling in it, blood boiling and heat rushing through her body.
Seven’s lips are incredibly soft and incredibly clumsy.
But despite her obvious discomfort and surprise, she reacts immediately, grabbing B’Elanna’s wrists and pinning them to the wall above her head. B’Elanna tries to tug on them and yes. It would take her serious effort to get out of this. She makes a big show to struggle against Seven’s grip, kissing her hard and with most likely too much tongue and teeth for Seven’s liking, but the second the voices come closer and two people stare down the corridor there’s just loud laughter and some crude whistling before the women disappear to leave them to their make-out session.
B’Elanna almost forgets that this is her colleague and that they’re undercover, because her tongue in Seven’s mouth feels incredible and the tight grip restraining her is making her heart soar. Seven’s boobs are pressed up against her and… yeah. It’s hot. Hot as fuck.
The second they’re alone in the corridor again Seven releases B’Elanna’s grip and pulls back from the kiss. Her cheeks are bright red now and her hair has given up on staying tied up entirely. B’Elanna thinks she should wear it like this more often. They stare at each other, both of them breathing hard.
B’Elanna licks her lips.
“Sorry. That was my only idea”, she says a little sheepishly. Seven swallows visibly, then turns her head away.
“I will live”, she says, deadpan. B’Elanna laughs, a little breathlessly. So they make their way down the corridor and B’Elanna tries to think as clearly as possible through the alcohol and the aroused haze that has taken over her brain now.
There’s a beat of silence as they inch forward. Then.
“Will you explain the jewelry to me after this is over? For… scientific research.”
B’Elanna has to stifle a laugh and presses a fist against her mouth. The mouth that was just kissing Seven a few seconds ago.
��Sure thing, Seven. I can help you do some research.”
This mission definitely didn’t go as B’Elanna expected. But apparently that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
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cornflakesdoesart · 1 year
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So like, what if B’elanna and Kes dated each other, instead of their lousy boyfriends? Like what then?
My thoughts about them is under the cut, I just wanted to say some stuff in the tags but then I had too much to say :” D
[ID: digital drawing of B’elanna Torres and Kes from Star Trek Voyager, B’elanna is wearing her uniform with added elbow and knee patches and pockets to the design, Kes is wearing a multi layered green and purple outfit, they are sitting, embracing, looking at each other and smiling. The background is a lilac square, yellow stars and pale green flowers around the characters legs. End ID]
this is basically a crack pair lmao I think they never even interact in canon, but I had this ooold drawing of them that I wanted to redraw and then I had so much fun with it
Basically my thinking behind this was that I think their personalities have a nice contrast. At first I think B'elanna would think Kes is a bit of a pushover, but with time I think Kes would be someone B'ellana could feel safe with because she is so non judgemental, and that would be a good mix with how selfconcious B'elanna is of her klingon heritage and temper, that a lot of other characters give her shit for and neg her even when she is acting perfectly normal tbh. I think they would appreciate each other's work ethics and persistence slash stubborness when it comes to things they believe in. and I think Kes is maybe not written very consistently but I remeber her being very even tempered and I think maybe she could benefit from picking up some of B'elanna expressiveness or “temper’” so to speak. And yeah I think Kes could become someone B'ellana isn't constantly self monitoring and holding back in front of when they are together in fear that she is too much, too aggressive, too klingon, and maybe it could start that it's B'elanna who is helping out in the infirmary not Tom!
Basically their canon boyfriends are often/can be jelous, possesive, negging or controlling, especially and mostly Neelix, I wouldn’t say Tom is ever controlling and he gets pretty good as a husband, but still I didn’t really finish the series being swept up in their relationship so that’s probably why I was like but what if...women loving women? And you know if I was writing fic or could bend time continuum to my will and change the show I wouldn’t want Kes/B’ellana to be pure unproblematic fluff either cuz I do love some drama, but not the realisticly lousy boyfriend kind of drama I guess :”D
thank you for coming to my ted talk, and don’t take me too seriously, this is just a bit of fun :”))
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cdr2002 · 4 months
Hi again
Wanted to plug another fanfic of mine for anyone interested. This is Star Trek: Fixing the Mirror, a story chronicling the mirror Spock’s revolution following TOS’s “Mirror, Mirror” all the way to the downfall of the Terran Empire. It is currently a lot less further along than Mortal Kombat Requiem (see my previous post) but I’m currently working on a new chapter for it and aim to update it as consistently as possible.
additionally, this story is the first part in what I am calling the Mirror Revolution Saga, and I plan on eventually writing two 24th-century based follow ups: Star Trek Shards of Change; centered around the rebellion against the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance and the fight to become something better, with Miles “Smiley” O’Brien as the main lead, and “Voyage Through the Looking Glass”, a mirror universe take on the events of Voyager, centered around a hybrid Rebellion/Alliance crew trying to make it back to the Alpha Quadrant so they can go their separate ways and continue the fight. I don’t know when I’ll be able to start on these, but is my hope to complete this project, and I would be honored if anyone was interested enough to follow along with me 😊
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pinazee · 7 months
the writers trying to make chapel a “she’s stronger than she was in tos and has more agency hashtag girl power!” character meanwhile they got her crying in an elevator at the drop of a hat all bc boimler said spock shouldn’t be so smiley like what is this going on here
Oooo okay. So first of all, my apologies to all the ppl in my inbox. I keep forgetting to check that 😬
I can’t remember if i posted this or not, but Chapel has been the hardest character for me to, i dont know how to put it, adjust to. I want to word this very carefully because i like Chapel, but she’s just missing something for me.
On the surface she’s written as a character i should like. She’s a badass who’s not afraid to take huge risks, she’s brilliant, and she’s snarky. But the problem, for me at least, is I don’t think this “fixes” how she was written in TOS, which is what it feels like they’re trying to do. its like they overcompensated to the point where she almost doesn’t feel like a real person.
Like personally, i think it would have been fine to keep chapel more maternal like she is in TOS, and still make her a badass. She didn’t need to be a combat pro with m’benga in S2E1. I actually think it would have felt more badass for her to not really know what she was doing but went a little crazy and beat some klingons because drugs haha
i dont know, i think maybe my real problem is that her character arc is so wrapped up in Spocks, she feels like a secondary character to her own narrative. Like in Under the Cloak of War, they gave her this dark war background and they focused so much on how her being unable to talk about it affected her relationship with Spock. Which is fine, thats a real conflict people have, but don’t then focus on how Spock handles it. Focus on how this maybe makes her feel isolated or alone because she can’t bring herself to talk about it with anyone.
Plus, we don’t really know much of anything about her. Most of the time she’s on the screen its to serve spocks arc. I dont know if thats because they’re focusing on our more well known characters first to try to draw audiences in (because we also haven’t really had any Sam or Erica screen time which is a shame), or if this is purposeful, as she self describes as being distant with people. And we know she has some murky relationship history thats left a mark.
So maybe it’ll shift in her direction in upcoming seasons. I hope it does. Im really looking forward to getting to know Chapel and her backstory, without it being a plot foil for her relationship with Spock (or korby if it comes to that).
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sinkthoseshipspoll · 1 year
Welcome To The Ship Poll
Round One Master List
Round Two:
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Side One:
Moby Dick from One Piece VS. Ever Given from Real Life
Millennium Falcon from Star Wars VS. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[Enterprise-D] from Star Trek
Gigantic from Zero Escape VS. Ship of Theseus from Real Life/Philosophical Thought Experiment
B'rel class Bird-of-Prey[Klingon Bird-of-Prey] from Star Trek VS. Thousand Sunny from One Piece
Side Two:
The Aurora from The Mechanisms VS. Battleship Halberd[Halberd] from Kirby
S.S. Anne from Pokémon VS. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) from Star Trek
USS Voyager from Star Trek VS. Going Merry from One Piece
Lor Starcutter from Kirby's Return to Dream Land VS. Ghost from Star Wars Rebels
So, you may know my original ship poll @bestshipsmackdown (currently doing pre-qualifying rounds to fill out eight missing spots in the official bracket), and you may be wondering, ‘Hey why are you doing a whole separate ship poll?’ And you’re right! That’s super weird of me.
However!! This time it’s not about relationships! It’s about vessels! This is all about what’s the best ship, whether it be a steamboat or space voyager! You get to submit the contestants!
General Rules:
No people or relationship ships should be submitted.
Real ships can be submitted, but I would definitely prefer if people stuck to fictional ships.
Use internet etiquette: curate your own experience. If you can’t simply block the blog and move on, when you don’t like something, you’re too young/immature to be on the internet unsupervised.
While you’re here, why don’t you check out these cool poll blogs while you’re at it!
@vs-coughing-baby @super-shapeshifter-showdown @let-them-say-fuck-tournament @best-fanfic-trope @camebackwrong-tournament @fictionalband-bracket @gender-swag-bracket @fashion-disaster-tournament @childr3ns-book-bracket @namedafterflowerstournament @least-sexy-man-competition @ultimate-poll-tournament @thecompetitionshowdowntournament @cringefailloser-tournament @lighthairdarkhair-battle @catgirlgames @dead-character-showdown @rock-swag-tournament @certified-dumbass-competition
And of course, here’s the form to submit your ships! [closed until season 2 of the bracket is ready to commence]
Have fun!
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sshbpodcast · 8 months
Character Spotlight: Lwaxana Troi
By Ames
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Lwaxana haters, see yourselves out (or stick around and see how wrong you are!), because A Star to Steer Her By loves our black-eyed Betazoid mama. She’s the daughter of the Fifth House, holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx, heir to the Holy Rings of Betazed, and also one of our favorite characters from The Next Generation!
Like Katharine Pulaski (whom we also stan with the best of them!), Lwaxana Troi is a character who gets way more hate than she deserves, who grew substantially every time she appeared on the show, and who has way more nuance than even some of the main characters we’ve discussed from the show so far! And that fashion sense? Holy cow. So pack your absurdly huge luggage, don your fluffiest wig, and meet up with us and Mr. Homn as we celebrate (and occasionally criticize) all things Lwaxana below and this week on the podcast (sashay over to 55:22 for the convo). We’re going on a manhunt!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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Murderers! Assassins! While her first couple of appearances in TNG were fairly annoying, as you’ll see in our next section, the one thing Lwaxana gets emphatically right in “Manhunt” is figuring out the two Antedians the Enterprise was carrying are actually assassins. And she drops this information in the most nonchalant way possible, cementing her status as a major boss.
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Release them and I will stay with you willingly Oh boy is “Ménage à Troi,” a tough episode to gauge. While it certainly has its lows (Lwaxana constantly crashing Deanna’s day, Ferengi shenanigans at their worst, and some sexual assault and implied rape swept under the rug), Mrs. Troi does put her daughter first and insists to Daimon Tog that Deanna and Will be released if she sacrifices herself like any mother would.
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Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? The other great scene that Lwaxana inspires in “Ménage à Troi,” is one we mentioned in our Picard Spotlight post, when she and JL work together to trick the Ferengi into releasing her. Even from across viewscreens, she compels the beautiful diatribe of Shakespearean poetry from Jean-Luc that ends up saving the summer’s day!
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What does that little one do, Mister Woof? I don’t know why, but it always tickles me the couple of times on the show that Lwaxana calls our Klingon security head “Mr. Woof” as she does in “Half a Life” and others. Is she doing it just to evoke a reaction from him? Does she actually know his name at all? Regardless of the answer, it’s a cute joke that the writers play.
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It is the custom for your loved ones to join you at this Resolution, is it not? Our fuller opinion of the character really started getting formed once the show reached “Half a Life” – one of our TNG faves – and we got a different look at this man-hungry helicopter parent. Suddenly, Lwaxana has nuance. She fights for people other than herself or her immediate family. She becomes vulnerable with Timicin, something we didn’t think possible from her character. And when she decides to go with him to his Resolution, it feels personal, complex, and complete.
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A child who is trusted becomes worthy of that trust We gave Deanna some rightful criticism for thinking that writing up a contract between Worf and Alexander would be a good idea in “Cost of Living,” and Lwaxana waltzes in like a fairy godmother and throws that terrible idea in their faces! Immediately, she knows how to better parent Alexander than anyone else on the show ever had, low bar that that is.
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You’re telling me you’re not going to be naked at your own wedding? It feels like such a triumph for Lwaxana to so brazenly show up naked to her wedding in “Cost of Living,” fully embracing her Betazoid heritage and throwing her strong will and individuality in Campio’s and his little toady’s faces. Now why she was engaged to that uptight twat in the first place is another story, but good for her anyway!
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Whatever it is, we can face it together Here’s an actually good moment she shares with her daughter: That tear-jerking moment in “Dark Page.” It’s another instance in which we see Lwaxana as having more personality traits than we were led to believe she had as she comes to acknowledge the death of her daughter Kestra, and also we see Majel Barrett nailing some acting we’d never seen from her before.
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Nobody’s ever seen me like this By the time we reach Deep Space Nine, the writers have figured out what to do with Lwaxana Troi to make her an impactful character. Sure, she’s still a great comic device, especially against rigid characters like Picard and Odo, but it’s in the way that she is humanized (or Betazoidized?) in scenes like the truly remarkable turbolift scene in “The Forsaken” that she really shines.
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Then sway with me, Odo. Sway with me. While Lwaxana’s constant pestering of Picard gets tiring really quickly, her relationship with Odo proves something more interesting. In one of those Odd Couple kind of pairings, she’s able to get Odo to come out of his shell, even if it’s just a little bit, so when she gets him to dance with her in “Fascination,” it’s delightful and shows more layers to their respective characters.
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Before I met her, my world was a much smaller place Okay, so the weird inspiration vampire side of the plot of “The Muse” may be idiotic, but the Lwaxana-Odo scenes are pure gold. Lwaxana and Odo, again, find each other to be the only people they can be vulnerable with, and Odo agrees to marry a very pregnant Lwaxana to get her out of an existing marriage, delivering the purest, most intimate and beautiful speech we’ve heard from him (until Kira, at least).
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Strut your stuff on the catwalk Finally, we just have to give massive points to her remarkable fashion sense. One of our favorites is this blue number from “Fascination,” with the perfect wig to complement it and accessories like whoa. Make sure you check out our full screenshot assemblage that we put together previously to give fair credit to the excellent costuming of this iconic woman.
Worst moments
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Momzillas gone wild Mrs. Troi is not without her faults, however, and most are man-related. How much pressure she puts on her daughter to get married is more than uncomfortable, it can get downright offensive. When the arranged marriage she initiated between Deanna and Wyatt comes due in “Haven,” it’s clear that this momzilla doesn’t always have her daughter’s best interests in mind; just her own.
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Use your mind, not your mouth We also found it just plain rude how much Lwaxana insisted on communicating with Deanna telepathically in “Haven” and other episodes. a) Deanna has made it clear she’d rather speak out loud, and b) Picard and other crewmembers can’t hear what’s being said and that’s impolite, especially coming from someone of such standing in the Federation.
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Oh, Jean-Luc, what naughty thoughts It becomes a running gag for the first couple appearances of Lwaxana how much she makes sexual advances on Captain Picard, who is just trying to do his job most of the time. But “Manhunt” really takes the cake for just going overboard with presumptuous behavior unbecoming for a woman of her stature. Leave the poor guy alone!
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Until death us do part Later in “Manhunt,” it’s even grosser for Mrs. Troi to declare that she and Riker are to be wed. Whatever physiological state she was in is no excuse for how she goes out of her way to mortify her daughter, to put the moves on Deanna’s imzadi without consent, and to make scene after scene all for romantic attention. Why Gene Roddenberry would make his wife act like this is beyond us.
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No man has ever been such a mystery to me Lucky for the flesh-and-blood men that Lwaxana spends most of “Manhunt” sexually accosting, apparently she has no idea what a hologram is. I don’t know how, but she’s so horny that when she meets Rex the bartender, she’s so intrigued by her inability to read his mind that she doesn’t even realize it’s because he’s not a real person. We can just imagine how far it went before it dawned on her.
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Oo-mox is only the beginning It’s only fitting that someone like Lwaxana Troi should be there for the introduction of oo-mox on the show, and one time was already too much. During “Ménage à Troi,” Lwaxana unknowingly performs what’s essentially a sex act on her captor, which is gross enough as it is, but we learn later in an episode of Deep Space Nine that she also slept with Daimon Tog, and I vomit in my mouth.
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Swipe right! We learn in “Cost of Living” that Lwaxana has gotten engaged to Campio, whom she effectively met on a dating app and whom she has absolutely no chemistry with. It strikes us as entirely out of character that she’d accept marriage to someone who wouldn’t allow her to be who she intrinsically is just because he’s rich. Thank the Four Deities she found a way out of it!
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My name is Mud While we gave Lwaxana credit for spending more time with Alexander and treating him better than Worf ever does, we have to admit that the jacuzzi scene in “Cost of Living” is off-putting. Sure, it’s the future and we know that in Betazoid culture, nudity is entirely normal, but we’re still not sure it’s something Alexander is accustomed to or had any ability to consent to and that’s weird.
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The worst thing that can happen to any parent This is a complicated one because it’s so triggering. I’m not sure it would be fair to blame Lwaxana or anyone for the accident that befell Kestra as we learn in “Dark Page,” but it’s very clear that Lwaxana blames herself. This is truly the lowest her character had ever been, and it explains a few things about how she so tightly latches on to Deanna, but it is a bad, bad time for her.
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Bad thoughts, they hurt her What’s more accurate to say about the events from “Dark Page” is that Lwaxana had handled her trauma in an ultimately poor way. By blocking those memories as evidently Betazoids do with triggering events, she never was able to mourn or accept the loss of Kestra, instead avoiding the memories entirely in a way that turned out to be harmful to her and not fair to her late daughter’s memory.
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Does no one understand quarantine procedures? I’ll nitpick about it every time some disease breaks out in an episode and no one seems to understand you shouldn’t go around touching everyone around them. So when Lwaxana has Zanthi Fever in “Fascination” and suddenly her horniness becomes contagious, I’m doubly pissed off because it resulted in a really, really stupid premise for an episode.
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What I’d mistaken for love was nothing more than a prison After we mentioned just now when Lwaxana leapt at the chance to marry Campio in “Cost of Living,” we see she’s made the same mistake with Jeyal in “The Muse,” except now there’s a baby involved. The most irritating facet of Lwaxana’s personality is how man-hungry she always seems to be. It always clouds her perception, making her make bad decision after bad decision, and worse: making her compromise who she is.
Give it up for Majel Barrett Roddenberry, who could really do it all. Stick around next week for more kickass recurring characters on the Enterprise-D, and for our continued ride through the series Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you podcast. You can also send us love notes over on Facebook and Twitter, but stop marrying every eligible dude you meet!
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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_ “I apologize again for the inconvenience.”
“It’s fine,” B’Elanna said. “We’re both going the same way.”
The Klingon woman was walking with him through the quiet city streets. They were both on their way to the transport station and Tuvok had decided to walk rather than ride with anyone else. The fresh air would be…beneficial. 
It was surprisingly calm for a city at night. Even on Vulcan, nighttime was usually when the city came to life. Tuvok glanced up at the sky, looking for stars, and found only a swath of smooth black interrupted by jagged buildings.
The woman straightened. “Yes?”
“Have you ever heard the word pelrinah?” 
B’Elanna nodded. “Yeah, it’s Terrelian right? For gotcha.”
Tuvok narrowed his eyes. “Forgatcha?”
B’Elanna gestured but Tuvok didn’t know how to interpret it. He was still intoxicated and it was dark. He could only really see her in the lights from the businesses they passed.
“You know…um…gotcha! Like, fooled you.”
Tuvok blinked, turning forward once again.
B’Elanna smiled. “Did someone play a prank on you?”
“It would seem so,” Tuvok said thoughtfully.
“Maybe you should get them back,” B’Elanna suggested.
“I believe it would be in poor taste given the person in question is either in hospice or-” he paused, remembering that Terrelians did not have graves or funerals. He remembered the red bag. What did they do with their dead, if they didn’t bury them? 
“It just hits you sometimes, huh?” B’Elanna asked.
Tuvok tilted his head.
B’Elanna continued. “I’ll just be walking along, minding my own business and suddenly it’ll crash onto me like a ton of bricks aimed right for my chest; oh, she’s dead. He’s dead. They’re all dead.”
“You’re referring to the Maquis,” Tuvok guessed.
B’Elanna hummed in affirmation. “I know you probably don’t care about them but they were my friends. They were like family to me, really.”
“On the contrary, I believe that any loss of life is unfortunate.” Tuvok looked at the woman’s hazy profile. She seemed strangely energetic. From what he remembered of her she’d usually been somewhat agitated, frowning, she’d most often seemed…upset. Dissatisfied. He’d expected her to be even more so after ending her marriage to Tom Paris.
“Though I do not ‘care’ in the way you might feel is warranted, I do appreciate that their loss is not something to celebrate.”
B’Elanna exhaled, perhaps laughing. “Thanks Tuvok.”
They walked in silence for a few minutes and it occurred to Tuvok that they’d never really spoken like this aboard Voyager. There had never been any occasion for them to. When they spoke there had always been a reason or some sort of pressure behind it.
He stumbled and held out his hand to stop B’Elanna from touching him. She held hers up and backed away, watching him carefully as he continued on.
“Can I tell you something?” she asked after a moment.
“You are free to do as you please,” Tuvok replied.
“Great, well…” she hesitated and stilled as if considering whether or not she’d like to speak while sedentary but then began to move again, even faster. Tuvok kept up with her pace.
“Sometimes when I think of them it’s that thing I said before. The bricks and the sadness and the…the hollow feeling. Like, ‘what’s the point?’ where nothing has meaning anymore.”
Tuvok remembered the ex-lieutenant’s past troubles. Kathryn had been disturbed by her self-destructive tendencies and Chakotay had been frightened. Tuvok had not understood why a living being would intentionally seek to injure itself. In truth he still didn’t but he understood the mindset that B’Elanna was speaking about; the urge to do nothing, to stop and stay down. 
Unlike her however, he did not desire to feel anything.
“People get that,” B’Elanna continued. “People are sympathetic about that but then there are things they aren’t quite so sympathetic about. Like the anger.”
“Anger?” Tuvok asked, avoiding a puddle. It had begun to snow. It reminded him of ash.
B’Elanna shook her head. “It’s horrible but sometimes I think if I could see them again all I’d do is scream. It’d be all I could do to keep from wringing their necks; How could you do this to me? What were you thinking? Nothing in the universe was more important to me than your life and you threw it away for some ideal that never took hold.” 
When Tuvok didn’t respond she brushed her hair out of her eye. She’d let it curl a bit. “The ones in jail thought I’d berate them for being cowards. I said I’d rather be friends with a live coward than a dead idealist. Some days I don’t know if I believe that, others…”
The snow began to come down harder and B’Elanna sighed, muttering about the weather on Earth. Tuvok held out his hand and let a snowflake hold against his skin, melting slowly. 
“Neat trick,” B’Elanna said.
Tuvok wondered where Elieth was.
“Look, I know I’m getting all…” a frazzled hand gesture. “A lot with you right now but I just thought maybe you could use someone. I know you’re Vulcan and all but…the captain feels too guilty to even face you, Chakotay’s gone, Seven’s gone and the rest of them don’t really know what to say. I mean, I don’t either but…”
Tuvok turned his hand over and thought about the ashes sitting in an urn of T’Pel’s making. She had worked tirelessly for several days while Tuvok slept or attempted to meditate before sleeping once again. He remembered Wari’s effigy.
“It is important that I move past this,” Tuvok asserted.
“Your son’s death? I think even Vulcans-”
“You know nothing of Vulcans,” Tuvok said icily before lowering his hand. “I am not…processing my grief as I should. It should not be so…present.”
Several nights he had laid awake in bed, aching. The longer the ache lasted the more fright chased after him, attempting to devour him whole. He was frightened of how much he was grieving. Vulcans could not allow themselves to become victims of their emotions. It could kill them. He was well aware of this, having nearly died from the shon-ha’lock in his youth: the burning, being engulfed by the flames of affection. 
This was a different sort of engulfment. It was weighty and draining and whenever he slept there was a voice in the back of his mind that told him this time it might be forever and that always brought with it a…relief.
“You’re right,” B’Elanna said, voice slightly rougher than it’d been previously. “I don’t know anything about Vulcans or how you’re feeling- or not feeling right now. But despite everything, we’re friends. And because we’re friends I just wanted to let you know that I’m here if you ever need anything.”
She looked up at a passing hovercar. Snow was sticking to her hair but it melted the moment it touched her skin. “...You’re a good father. You care about your kids in your own way and if I ever lost Miral I know it’d be the end of the world to me. That’s all I know. The rest I can’t imagine.”
She looked at him and quickly wiped her eyes, clearing her throat. She’d always been overly sensitive. “You’ve probably heard this too much but I have to say it. I’m sorry, Tuvok. I’m so sorry.”
“Elieth-” Tuvok started before knowing how he was going to finish his sentence. “I did not feel his death. He shut us all out from his mind the moment he decided to forgo evacuation. He did not leave his katra behind or it did not come to me. The ash Starfleet gathered for our mantle holds nothing of him.”
Tuvok’s eyes burned. He tilted his head. It felt as if he were observing his body from another, detached, perspective. He disliked the weak creature he had become since his experiences in the Delta quadrant. He had no control over himself. Though the world had stopped spinning he was still stumbling and acting like a fool.
“One moment he existed. On Deneva, within my mind, and the next he did not and there is nothing but…absence, to confirm that he lived at all.” 
B’Elanna didn’t speak but she stepped closer to Tuvok as he sat down on a bench. His head was in his hands. She was blocking him from view.
“Elieth…” Tuvok began again, voice low as the snow came down around them; the vigilant Klingon and the Vulcan with tears in his eyes. “...I wonder if he sang.” _ This is a snippet of 'Tuvok: Patron Saint of Love' which you can read in full as a member of my patr*on (any tier) or on my itch*io! I hope you enjoyed regardless!
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greatestrival · 12 days
in celebration of star trek day (which i am. three days late to) have this star trek maxiel au from an abandoned star trek au that i won't finish until aos4 comes out. which will probably never happen. but enjoy!!!
879 words.
“Are you staying onboard for shore leave?” Daniel asks.
They’re both in Max’s quarters. Which doesn’t mean much considering Daniel’s quarters are only four rooms away. Though, everyone on the Nomad knows that Max’s quarters have been the Verstappen-Ricciardo quarters since the start of her second voyage. The medical crew would ping Max’s quarters if they ever needed Daniel, same with any urgent messages from the commanding officers. Daniel’s clothes are stacked inside of Max’s closet and Daniel’s blue uniform hangs beside Max’s red on the rack. 
“Max...” Daniel whines. They’re both lying on the bed. These beds weren’t made for two people. Even if both of them have lieutenant commander privileges, Starfleet isn’t particularly encouraging bed-sharing between personnel. They make it work. Daniel is a chronic cuddler and Max is a chronic Daniel-er. 
Daniel is lying on Max’s chest. They’re both wearing loose shirts and shorts. Both of them know that with all the privileges of being high-ranking officers, they have the responsibility of being the first people called in any emergencies. In short, they don’t have the privilege of sleeping naked anymore. 
Max already has his eyes closed and only lets out a short grunt as Daniel pokes him in the chest. The thing is, Max enjoys a good night out as much as anyone whose job is to be cooped up in a skyscraper-sized Starship. But it’s already passed the halfway point of their deep space exploration. Which means that the Nomad will need more reparations and inspections before they can come back to Earth. During shore leaves, it’s the best moment to do inspections since there’s no rush to turn on the warp core for a speedy exit. Max knows it. Daniel knows it too. 
But the thing is, it’s been a while since Max has gone out on a date with Daniel. During their last shore leave, they were running the warp core a little too much after a hostile encounter with some Klingons. Forcing them to retreat after attempting to contact any nearby vessels for aid. Starfleet informed them to dock on a nearby known friendly planet and Captain Horner declared a shore leave as the engineering and operations team worked night and day to fix everything. Safe to say, Max did not have enough time to enjoy the days off. 
Neither did Daniel. 
After the announcement, Max told Daniel that he should spend some time off too. He and his crew were running on fumes after taking care of all the injured. The planet that they docked at was known for their night markets and after a quick search, famous for their grilled—something? Daniel read out loud from an article that the flavour is similar to an Earth grilled barbeque and Max knew that it was one of Daniel’s vices. 
Daniel had taken a look at him and told him that he’d bring something nice back. On the first night of the leave, Daniel showed off all the things that he brought back and hand-fed Max something grilled on a stick. Max had been too tired to notice what it was he was eating other than the fact that it was good and Daniel was feeding him. Then Daniel proceeded to hole himself in Max’s office for the rest of the shore leave and declared himself the “Max recharging station!” whenever Max got too frustrated during repairs. 
It was safe to say that many engineers only had their heads still stuck above their shoulders because of the “recharging station.” 
(What Max doesn’t know is that the engineering department had sent Daniel a box of nuts-free chocolates.)
“Where are we going?” Max decides to say. 
Daniel rolls over him to grab his data pad off the table and the screen immediately lights up. Max scrunches his nose as he tries to cover his eyes with his arm and Daniel says a quick, “Sorry.” 
“Holy shit Max. We’re docking on a beach planet,” Daniel says.
Max mumbles an affirmative. 
“You wanna go surfing? Look, Max,” Daniel rolls back to face Max and tries to shove the data pad in front of his face. Max barely opened his eyes before he turned his body away. 
“Max, c’mon babe.”
Max mumbles—“Whatever you want.”
“Sorry I didn’t catch that babe, what’d you say?” 
Not wanting his sleep to further be interrupted, Max fully opens his eyes before rolling back to face Daniel. He’s scrolling endlessly on the datapad, more than likely just looking at what the planet has to offer. Max huffs. 
“Daniel. I obviously have no preference over what we should do. I just want to enjoy some time with you,” Max says earnestly. Daniel turns his head to look at him, smiling widely. He turns the datapad off and puts it back on the table. Then, snuggles closer to Max until their noses touch each other. 
Max had closed his eyes already when Daniel suddenly asked him, “D’you wanna know something, babe?” 
Max simply acknowledges him with a nod. 
“I like you so much.” Max still has eyes closed but he blindly throws his arm around where he guesses Daniel’s waist is to get them closer together. He uses the opportunity to nuzzle his nose to Daniel’s collarbones. 
“I like you so much too.”
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t0ast-ghost · 4 months
S3 EP13 (Elaan Of Troyius) fully don’t know what to expect.
Start it up:
- Spock and McCoy banter in the turbo lift and Kirk gives them a smile before leaving
- Kirk is immediately a little hostile towards the ambassador
- I like how Kirk just looks around like ‘guess we should bow now’
- They stopped Spock’s infodump to Kirk. Sad.
- “Captain, the Dolman is dissatisfied with the quarters provided.” Spock is already done. So done.
- things getting thrown
- Kirk is also done. He’s so done.
- I like episodes where they’re on the ship with someone vaguely annoying
- Time to play ‘who does the random spaceship belong to’
…. That’s right! It’s the Klingons!
- Oh yep. She killed the ambassador. Who would’ve guessed. (Edit: he lived lol)
- “A man whose flesh is once touched by the tears of a woman of Elas has his heart enslaved forever.” So.. who’s it going to be? I’m guessing Kirk right now
- She should have the right not to marry someone. Like it’s not great that they’re basically selling her even if it’s for peace
- Every time someone slaps them, they just slap them back
- Kirk is THAT BITCH
- Did the red shirt get his neck snapped?
- Kirk planned to have Spock shoot the guards. He’s feral omg
- YEAH! Bite him!
- what. this is her problem? Or no she was manipulating him to make him touch her tears. Great… and they’re kissing
- WAIT SHE ASKED ABOUT THE SPANKING (whoever said Star Trek was for kids is a fucking liar. Side note: why did my parents show me TNG)
- Her guards are working with the Klingons aren’t they
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- They both caught him
- Kirk’s walk over to McCoy and Spock is so awkward
- “(Talking to Spock)Well, we’re in trouble. (Turns to Kirk) Now, listen, Jim. Petri told Christine that the Elasian women have a sort of biochemical substance in their tears that acts like a super love potion, and according to him, it doesn’t wear off.” Only Star Trek would have tears that act like a super love potion
- Stop just letting people on the bridge
- Only people who can break Kirk of his love potion are Spock and McCoy
- Kirk’s character is all about loneliness. How someone can be captain, an entire crew to watch over and command, but he’s always lonely. Spock and McCoy may be the closest thing he has, but they can never know about his feelings because he has to protect them under any and all circumstances
- Swivel chair
- “I’d say our strategy wasn’t totally effective.” I like how Spock just nods along with him
- “I want to die with you.” He considers this a minute because imagine that, someone who wants to be there with you as you die
- She gives him her dagger..
- “Bye.” “Good-bye.” I love the shortness of their farewells.
- damn McCoy was so happy to bring the antidote to Spock (he wants Spock to be happy with him)
- “In this particular instance, Doctor, I agree with you.” McCoy is shocked
- They share this look and then remember not to kiss on the bridge
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This episode was… interesting.
Episode written by John Meredyth Lucas
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