#I remembered lion guard was a thing and was like
spockedandloaded · 1 year
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My brain said “lion king au” and I had to comply, part 2 with the rest of the crew coming soon
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devilsrecreation · 1 month
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Oh look another TLK/TLG parallel
Bonus head tilt cuz look omg look at them 🥺
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horuslupercal · 27 days
ranking the primarchs as boyfriends
Lion: honestly I can't see him dating cause he doesn't like women and Caliban homophobia but let's pretend. he is better than you. you both know this. makes no particular effort to pay attention to you. bad at social cues. will take care of you, kind of. will tell his astartes to guard you in a dangerous situation at least. uncommunicative. 2/10 loveless political marriage
Fulgrim: canonically emotionally tapped out. okay boyfriend in public, does not really interact much in private. RSD.Primarch. decent amount of gifts. might actually catch feelings for you and then pull away even more. 1/10 are you really dating
Perturabo: also RSD.Primarch. it's difficult to make him happy and very easy to upset him. you will end up on life support when he kills you in a fit of rage and then panics about it. if you tell him you like his artsy endeavours he WILL shower you in them so there's that. you cannot fix him. 3/10 more unstable ground than eggshells
Khan: knows what he's about (sexual). writes very pretty letters but this does not quite make up for him being gone all the time. more interested in his friends. emotionally mature primarch. pretty good at interacting with mortals like he respects them. not a guy who's good at (or likes) commitment/being "tied down". 5/10 you should just be fwbs
Leman: well groomed. likes to feed you good food. more interested in his friends than you. braggart. surprisingly good at remembering important things and dates. 6/10 a thoughtful frat boy
Dorn: primarch most likely to indulge in a "shut up" ring. has emotions about you and literally tortures himself about it. claims he's controlled or whatever but he is an emotional time bomb. won't engage in relationship conversations. knows he's better than you. 3/10 dime a dozen in a philosophy class
Konrad: well fuck if he doesn't love you. believes in thought crime and possesses some moral OCD qualities. will trail bits of guts home. might accidentally kill you during a vision. he really does love you. swinging between obsession and apathy very quickly. 2/10 you knew what you were getting into
Sanguinius: afraid of you? (or of hurting you). half the time he has no energy for anything he gets off work (campaign) and lays down on the couch and doesn't answer his texts. impulsive. kind of incapable of turning "off". sad. tries to be sweet. 4/10 is he really interested in you?
Ferrus: throws tantrums. knows he's better than you and his legion knows it too. jokes about your weakness with a little too much regularity for it to feel like a joke. won't fix this if you express being upset about it. 1/10 /fit/ (4chan) regular
Angron: will kill you in his sleep. will cry about it. doesn't really think of himself as a complete person anymore and makes it the problem of everyone around him. doesn't want to date you and ruin you. won't even tell you his newest scheme for glorious combat based suicide. 1/10 he's not in a good place
Roboute: arrogant. busy. "I was a TA for a logic class-". says he's willing to communicate but leaves halfway through because something happened and doesn't pick it back up. will bring you to beautiful cliffside locales and spin you like a movie. 5/10 you are a side project
Mortarion: unwashed. kissing him will poison you. doesn't come to bed on time. appreciates you from a distance but does not pay much attention to you. would be very upset if something happened to you. his legion definitely thinks you're stupid. 1/10 he doesn't you he needs SSRIs
Magnus: knows better than you. horror movie protag's boyfriend who says it's just a joke as he reads the ancient texts from the creepy book. flaunts you around, he's very proud of you. either constantly asking what you want or completely dead to the world distracted in some project. 5/10 he will get you killed
Horus: lovebombing: the primarch. knows what he's about (sexual). more than a little self absorbed. occasionally loses his temper and then is very good about explaining it away until you feel bad. you are spoiled to hell. 4/10 emotionally abusive boyfriend with a magic aura
Lorgar: you are his world. his light. his life. he knows best and you should just do what he says. you will no longer be human but something higher (socially) (literally). gets so invested he lets other things fall to the wayside and it's kind of disastrous. 5/10 at least you're god
Vulkan: trying his best to actually respect you. occasionally fails. means to spend time with you and then gets wrapped up in duties and projects. cuddlemaster. cute relationship gestures. 7/10 your best option
Corvus: won't communicate. ghosts away when things get awkward. really random, overly intense opinions and he will slay you on those hills. busy. hypocrite. 1/10 teenager
Alpharius Omegon: either they're both in on this so they can use you or only one of them is in on this and the other one is plotting your death because this wasn't the plan. 1/10 actively dangerous
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 2 months
ANYWAYSSS, so i was thinking... what he do if reader suddenly stopped coming to kayak, because they got sick? How would he react when they finally started coming back again?
Love your works btw😉💋💖💖
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Where's my Human? || Yandere Merman x Gn Kayaker Reader
Characters: Ranee
Summary: He gets so worried when you're not there to kayak
Warnings: Yandere themes, possessiveness, violence, stalking
A/n: Yeah that's how you spell it, I'm so happy you love him nonnie! He's my special merboy! And thank you! Also, mention of Malakai
Let's be real, Ranee has no concept of sickness or injuries. Fin rot is the closest thing he knows, and it's only common within pet fish. There are parasites and other ocean germs, but nothing like human sickness. So if you stop showing up for a while brings up so much concern. He straight up thinks you're dead. Though it takes a bit of build up for him to actually think of that conclusion.
The first day you don't show up to the beach, he just thinks you got busy. You usually don't come to kayak every day. That's something you told him when he freaked out the first time you didn't show up. Something about sore muscles. He was too focused on you when you told him so he didn't listen.
The second day is when he becomes a bit panicked. This is the stage where he starts swimming the coastline and asking other sea creatures that swim the coast about you. When they say they haven't seen you that's when his brain starts to spiral. Ranee just swims up and down the coastline for the next couple of days, watching the beaches for any sign of you in case you moved and forgot to tell him.
Then a thought comes to his mind, much to his distaste. Ranee thought and contemplated on visiting your human friend. One reason he was against it was because your human friend was trying to take you away from him. Didn't this human know that you were his mate? Beside the point, he didn't have you to guide him out once he swims in, and he's so easily lost.
After grumbling and pacing around in his sea cave to the nearest fish who have no clue what is going on, he decides to visit your human friend. He managed to remember the way there, you better praise him if you ever come back.
He groans as he sees your human friend on his dock of his very shiny home. Malakai prepares himself for any mischief Ranee has brought today but is caught of guard by the merman talking using the limited language he has. Malakai eventually catches your name in the merman's garbled up human speak and barely catches on.
“Oh, you mean Y/n? Yeah, they're sick right now. Texted me they won't be by the docks for a few days.”
Thus leads into Malakai trying to explain what sickness is to the very confused Ranee. After a few hours of body anatomy lessons Ranee comes to the conclusion that you are in fact dying. So the merman is trying to find any way to your home only to realize you don't live near any body of water.
A few more days of your absence leaves Ranee all mopy. Just invite him to your funeral okay? He couldn't live with himself if he didn't at least part with you properly. He's slumped over on a rock, holding the things he had taken from you. He peppered each in tiny kisses. Oh, gods please hear him and give your soul back to him. That's the leas they could do for torturing you like this!
All the fish that came past his cave would swim in and nibble on his skin. Sea lions and seals alike would come in to push him out of the cave. Ranee didn't want to come out to play like he usually does. Not without you!
His life is so meaningless without you. The seals were barking at him to come out of his cave until a ray had swam over. His mopy attitude switches when he gets news from the ray that it saw you back on your kayak and was paddling out in the open. Ranee is completely overjoyed that you were back.
Swimming as fast as his fins could take him, Ranee jumps out like a dolphin and tackles you into the water. You're startled and thrashing but Ranee's cold, scaly face calms you down. You can only chuckle at the merman's clingyness.
“You don't have to almost drown me if you want my attention every time, Ranee.”
He shakes his head as his tail coils around your legs. You shiver as you're pulled closer to his cold body. No way is he letting go. You worried the hell out of him! Making him think you were dead. Bad mate! He only hits the top of your head, scolding you in grumbles.
“Never allowed, fish sticks and fries.”
You were practically an expert in Ranee talk at this point. You came to understand that he was demanding you to stay and never leave him again for that long. As much as you wanted to comply with such a request, you were going to get sick again if you didn't get out of this cold water.
Begrudgingly did Ranee help you back onto your kayak and pushes you back to shore. When you're drying off on the dock, you tell him what happen and give him a better explanation of what happened.
You're now stuck on that dock, listening to Ranee talk about what he had done while you were gone. He gurgles at your praises when he told you he swam through the harbor all by himself.
Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
SFW Alphabet : Sabretooth
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a/n: I wanted to write a few of these, obviously I'm writing a Nightcrawler one, but Sabretooth is one of my top favorites so I wanted to write one for him too. Plus I like seeing different points of views for him. So...yeah :) This is also my first time writing Sabretooth publicly, so I hope you like it. I will be doing a nsfw version too. I also want to note that I write characters with the comics and other media in mind so it's not just based on a single source.
Also picked a gif where you can imagine any variant of Sabretooth you want <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?):
Sabretooth isn't affectionate per say, but he is territorial. Being a primal mutant, he is driven more by his natural instincts than everyone else. Think of him like a lion, he doesn't exactly give out affection like others, but he would accept it silently. Brush up against him, sit or lay close to him, things like that. He will accept it.
Sometimes, I can see him taking initiative and brushing against you, or moving to be closer to you without saying anything. He isn't obvious about affection like hugs or kisses, but he would rub into you as he walks by. Simply letting you be as close as you are to him is his own way of showing his affection.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?):
I don't really see Sabretooth being a 'friend' but more like a wild animal who tolerates your presence. He is still unpredictable, but he tolerates you more than most. I can also see him being like a big cat around you, he would feel comfortable enough to nap around you.
A friendship starting maybe by helping him out if he was somehow wounded (let's ignore his healing factor), or maybe you allow him to stay in your home when he is trying to find someplace to stay. A small show of kindness might catch him off guard, especially if you know who he is and you still offer to help. He might remember you in the back of his mind and it builds from there.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?):
Big cat vibes. Like I mentioned, he isn't super affectionate by typical standards, but he would lay by you like a lion. He is huge, so his body would lay against your back, and he'd practically curl around you. Or he'd let you lay on top of him if he's on his stomach.
I wouldn't say he seeks out cuddling, but he wouldn't mind doing it. You'd never hear him saying his likes it though lol.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?):
WELL. Honestly, I don't think so. He wouldn't want to be tied down and have a family. He's had children in the comics, but he isn't the typical 'dad' you'd imagine. If you somehow managed to get him to 'settle down' he'd still be wild and free to an extent. He might make a deal where he is still able to run about how he likes, but he would always return to you in the end.
Cooking and cleaning...absolutely not. I do like to think he'd be good grilling meat...but his diet is almost exclusively meat and he just eats it fresh from a carcass so...
He'd probably laugh at you for eating a salad. I personally don't think he'd get involved with someone who doesn't eat meat. If he does he'd probably try to force you to change your diet.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?):
He's just straight up leave without a word. He wouldn't say anything to you, he'd just disappear and you wouldn't see him again. It's a habit of his. If you managed to see him again after that, he would tease you about being heartbroken and scold you about who he is and how you should've known better.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?):
I don't see him being into marriage. I do think that if he is sorta sleeping with someone, he might remain with them but in a silent, non-official way. Don't bring it up or he will retract a lot from you.
He wouldn't want his partner to be with anyone else if he is with them though, like I said, he's a pretty territorial dude.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?):
Sabretooth is extremely rough by nature, so gentle is...not exactly something he is familiar with. Physically he's just so large, so even touches he might not mean to hurt will hurt. He might try to grab you without meaning to be rough and it just is due to his size and strength.
Emotionally he is just as rough. He never speaks about feelings in a mushy way. He always blames habits on his instincts or primal nature.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?):
Hugs are hit or miss. He doesn't care about receiving them, he will accept a hug and reciprocate with touching your back or head, but fully hugging back I don't see him doing as often.
Hugging him is like hugging a massive teddy bear, he's so big, and he's naturally warmer than most people. When he does wrap his arms around you, it feels very secure without the hard pressure of squeezing.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?):
You'll never catch him saying it. Sabretooth isn't one to express his lovey dovey feelings with words, but he rather does so with his actions.
Letting you be close to him should say enough. Sleeping together, letting you call him by his name, etc.
He will bring you dead things sometimes, as a way to keep you healthy. Things like deer or rabbits so you can cook them and keep yourself fed. If you don't eat meat, he'd still do it anyway.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?):
Sabretooth doesn't get jealous, but as I mentioned, he is extremely territorial. He doesn't like when other men are around you. It triggers him to become more possessive of you.
If he catches the scent of another man on you, he will move close and seem like he's snuggling you, but in reality he is rubbing his own scent over you to get rid of the one from the stranger. He gets really possessive of you when this happens too, and he wants you to be with him at all times.
If the scent is too strong, he will mark you, and he isn't subtle about it. He will ensure you can't cover it up.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?):
Sabretooth isn't a kissy guy, but when he does, I feel like they'd be rough and they'd leave you breathless. He takes and takes, kissing and biting, plus those fangs of his would leave you with a bloody lip, (he licks it after).
He might rather lick, he likes licking the nape of your neck or the side of your neck. He also nips which are his way of kissing. I can also see him biting onto your hand or arm when you touch him, like sitting close on the couch. He doesn't bite hard to bleed or hurt, but firm enough to hold you in place.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?):
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?):
He is very cat-like so he is naturally more active at night. Mornings can either be spend with him sleeping, or he's still energized.
If you make him food, he will gladly eat it.
Sometimes he is out hunting in the mornings and he comes back with a kill, holding an animal in his jaws or wiping his mouth with the back of his arm from freshly eating a meal.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?):
Like I said above, he is more active at night. So he likes to be out and about. He likes walking around his 'territory' (where his cabin is), and hunting. On nights in, he will sit or lay with you to do whatever. He's pretty open to doing anything, he likes being scratched since he's a pretty hairy guy. Definitely a quality time person.
If you are sleeping, he will sleep curled around you. When he breaths, he makes deep rumbling sounds, almost like purring but deeper. He sleeps closest to the door incase something happens, which is another subtle way of showing he cares.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?):
I don't think he's going to be a very open guy about everything, but he certainly will be upfront with you if you show interest in him. He'd be open about who he is, what he is, and how he is. He wouldn't beat around the bush about his nature, and if you are willing to accept that, then you can't be shocked if he does something in the future that is 'bad' because he warned you about it prior.
I feel like he might make up some lies about his past or childhood if you asked, he might not want to reveal it all to you. It would take a loooong time before he was actually honest about it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?):
Sabretooth has a bad temper, naturally, he is more primal so he is in tune with his aggression. It's shown in almost every iteration of him that he is prone to aggression and violence very easily.
While I don't think he would harm someone he is 'partnered' with, he might accidentally or in an aggression fit where he doesn't actually realize he does it. He might say things he doesn't mean, or purposefully say something to hurt you. Once his temper calms, he might apologize indirectly by doing something nice or being unnaturally more gentle that day.
He will learn to be more patient with you as your relationship develops, so he tolerates you much more than anyone else.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?):
I don't think he would make it his mission to remember a lot of little things, but it would also depend on what you tell him. If you get triggers from things like trauma or anything relating to it, he'd probably remember those. Or if you told him about a bad relationship, he'd keep that in the back of his mind in case you cross paths with that ex.
He might remember things like your favorite foods or animals to eat (if you eat meat ofc), and bring you those when he goes hunting.
He will selectively remember things, it all just depends on what it is.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?):
I think he might remember back to when you first met, I can see him teasing you about how naïve you were to let him in, and how sweet and innocent you seemed to be for being kind to him. But secretly I think he likes to think about that a lot.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?):
He is the epitome of protective. No one is gonna mess with you if they know you're with Sabretooth. Just his presence before a lot of mutants and humans freaks them out. Sabretooth will not hesitate to kill in order to protect you.
If you ever ask him about being protective, he will tell you it's a 'territory thing' but he doesn't want to admit anything else to you. Imagine a male lion and he sees his lioness around other males, he reacts about the same which his immediate reaction is to attack.
A subtle way he protects you is sleeping closest to the door, he patrols around his cabin before bed, and he gets his scent all over you if you leave to go anywhere.
Sabretooth himself doesn't need to be protected, but he'd find it cute if you tried to protect him since he's so massive compared to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?):
Sabretooth isn't super sentimental. He's more of a subtle quality time type of guy rather than giving you gifts or saying something meaningful. His idea of a good gift is a dead deer on your porch.
I think if the day means a lot to you, he'd at least try to make an effort to spend it with you. He'd probably just go along with whatever you wanted to do.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?):
Aggression. Sabretooth is insanely temperamental. If Logan shows up anywhere near his cabin it's like all logic and critical thinking goes out the window and it's a near death match.
He lives like an animal, while he has a cabin and all that, he isn't super concerned about technology or anything of the sorts. If you want a tv or anything modern, you have to get it yourself. Some people might not find that to be bad, but when his cabin doesn't have an oven or a stove, or running water....it gets a little concerning. (He eventually gets that for you).
He tends to lack empathy, so if you ever get emotional or try to explain something to him that he might've done to upset you, he might not react or take it in the way you expect. He isn't super open to being tender.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?):
Dude licks himself clean so I don't think he is super concerned about his looks.
He will shower at your request lmao.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?):
I mean...maybe? It's hard to say. Sabretooth can be with or without a partner, I don't think he would feel incomplete, but since he can become so attached to you via territorial instincts, he might feel more angry without you. Like he doesn't have something to calm him down, so if you had a fight and you needed space, he would probably become more aggressive in general.
I think overall he would enjoy having a partner. He'd NEVER say that though. Without you around he would be more sulky and tend to me easier to rile up. He'd want space from everyone and he'd be more solitary than normal.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.):
Sabretooth smells like a mixture of fur pelts, pine trees, wet moss, cut wood, and musk.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If you don't eat meat, he probably won't fwy. He also wouldn't want anyone who would try to change him or tell him what to do.
He'd get annoyed if you got mad at him for doing something that he warned you about at the beginning, whether it be killing or aligning with the 'bad guys' because he warned you, so you should've known better.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?):
Sabretooth sleeps more during the day than at night. He catnaps a lot too, he likes to find secluded places to sleep.
He might find a spot high in a tree to sleep too, like a leopard would do.
He absolutely purrs but will deny it until the day he dies.
Thanks for reading <3
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billwidoll · 4 months
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It was Christmas Eve, and you were happy and excited. Your life was perfect. After adolescence, everything got better for you. You married a successful man, and had two wonderful children.
And his family was having a beautiful and luxurious supper
You didn't have to complain about anything. But one thing haunted you, when you were seventeen, you dated a twenty year old man named Rafe Cameron. Your relationship was totally toxic, but the important thing was that you loved each other. But there was a day when you couldn't handle this relationship, and you ran away from Rafe's house without him noticing.
You knew that if you told him you wanted to break up, he might be able to kidnap you and take you captive. So you ran far away and to this day Rafe has never found you. Good so far...
"baby, I'm going to get the box of wine from the car"
You tell your husband, who was talking to some friends
"baby, there's no need, why don't you send some of the security guards to do it?"
Your husband says, having his full attention on you. You roll your eyes and give a small smile.
"I'll do it myself, okay? I'll be fine, what could happen?"
And so, you did, you left the house where you lived, and went to the car that wasn't too far from the house. You got to the car and opened the trunk, but the box of wine wasn't there. So you assumed you were in the passenger seat
When you got into the car, you didn't see any box of wines there, so you were about to leave, until you saw in the car's rear view mirror, a look behind the car. And you knew very well who that look was from
"Hello my princess"
Rafe spoke with a deep and hoarse voice, and with an empty look. You immediately tried to get out of the car, but Rafe was faster, putting a cloth over your mouth and pinning you against the passenger seat.
And little by little, you lost the consequence, with Rafe's gaze glued to your eyes.
You woke up dizzy, with weak eyes, weak legs and your heart racing for hours. Your mind was still trying to figure out where you were, and how that happened so quickly.
When your eyes opened, you came across a small and cramped place, and there were several fisherman's things, you also felt as if the ground was shaking, and that place only had one Very small window.
"HELP!" You screamed, your head throbbing in pain "please! Someone help me!"
You scream even louder, and you realize there's a chain around your wrists, you weren't going to get it that easy.
But suddenly, you see someone opening the door, where you were. And he, he looks like a devil
"Hello princess....did you miss me?" Rafe speaks with a satisfying smile Your eyes fill with tears
Rafe looked different, he had cut his hair and seemed stronger and more confident.
"why? !" You scream to yourself, wondering how Rafe found you after years.
Rafe approaches you, and he touches your face gently. He didn't want to scare you but it was difficult
"because I love you, I loved you yesterday, I love you today and I will love you tomorrow"
Rafe says with a sadistic smile and you spit in his face
"I hate you!! You separated me from my children! From my husband!!!" You scream like a lion
Rafe gets angry when he remembers the ridiculous family you created after abandoning him. Rafe grabs his jaw and holds it.
"I loved you, long before these people came into your life! And I hope you love me, but they do"
Rafe says, clenching his jaw tightly.
"I don't love you, I stopped loving you years ago" you say in a whisper, dying of hate
Rafe saw that he had to scare you, for you to see what he was capable of doing.
"Do you want to play with me? You'll play with me better."
Rafe says, getting up furiously, leaving the small room where you were.
At that moment it made you distressed, and Rafe was crazy and you knew it.
It was exactly one minute that Rafe returned to where you were. And he comes back with his ring and an iron.
"what will you do?"
You speak with desperate eyes, and Rafe unlocks the chains, which were back on your wrist.
Rafe grabbed your arm and abruptly pulled you towards the exit of the little room. And you realized it was a ship. Rafe throws you around Fireplace
"Rafe....please! Don't hurt me! For my children!" You scream expecting the worst
Rafe takes his ring and puts it on the iron, And then he puts the iron in the fireplace and they stay there for 30 seconds.
When he takes it off he grabs your arm roughly and tries to put the hot ring on your arm.
"Rafe!!! Please stop!!!" you say struggling, but it didn't take long for Rafe to put it on your arm
And the pain was so strong, that there were no tears that could fall because of that pain.
"Do you remember the ring my father gave me, when we were still dating? It had the initial, the letters R and C"
Rafe speaks making you look at his arm, which had the initials R and C. Which was Rafe Cameron
Rafe carries you on his lap, knowing you were in a lot of pain, so he takes you to his room on the ship, which was probably his.
Rafe places you on his soft bed and examines you closely.
"Why Rafe? Why are you doing all this to me?" You speak with red eyes and your head down, you were already suffering too much.
"When you abandoned me...I fell into drugs, and became an alcoholic, I had nothing left to live for"
Rafe speaks and you listen attentively
"but later, I discovered that my father had passed away, and... I was the heir, who would own everything"
He continues to tell the story.
"and I decided to give up drugs and drinking and become a real loan, so I decided to look for you"
He says, running his hands over your face, giving you an almost friendly smile.
"but...I already have a family Rafe...couldn't you just move on?" You say crying once again.
"no, my love, you are the woman of my life! I fucking love you" Rafe says, changing a little but he takes a deep breath and continues
"I didn't bring you here just to have you for myself again, but to make you suffer all the evil I suffered because of you!"
Rafe says, pressing the place where you were hurt by him, And it makes you scream in pain.
"Welcome, The Revenge"
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Oooh how about some yandere headcanons of Tang , Redson and Azure lion with a reader who’s very reckless? They’re always throwing themselves into danger whenever the team is fighting, and reader just insists they’re trying to help. Please if not no worries XD
Sure thing! Also, I think I’m going to grind out a few more requests before I wipe my inbox. I let it grow shamefully out of care during my hiatuses. Then I’ll open up Character x Character (still platonic) requests for a while.
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“Y/N, I find that I have warned you many times about this kind of behavior…”
You look up to the leonine demon with a frown, gripping one of your upper arms as a form of self-support. How many times have you heard this lecture? How many times would you hear it in the future? Every time that you so much as try to help him in a fight, you’re sat down for this same spiel.
But you don’t remember him ever being this stern. In fact, he seems-
“Cub,” the lion says, carefully taking your chin between two massive fingers. He says it pointedly, as though preemptively arguing his stance- you’re young and small, still a child to him. One he sees as worthy of his love and protection, even if you might try to reject it.
“Y-yes, Azure?”
“I would like you to pay close attention when I’m talking to you, please.”
Even upset, the demon remains polite and gentle, if rather firm. His fingers are soft to the touch, claws carefully sheathed. He’s never used them against you, not even once. Nor has he even threatened you with them.
His massive hand shifts to your hair, stroking the unruly strands back into place. His metacarpal pad squishes into your cheek, and you can’t help but lean into it, savoring the brief moment of warmth he offers during this long scolding.
“It seems I must switch my methods- clearly, my words will continue to fall on deaf ears if I continue down this path.”
Azure outright scruffs you- snags you by the cape attached to your pauldrons and lifts until your feet leave the ground.
“Come along, cub,” the lion says, as though you have a choice at the moment. All you can do is dangle from his blue-furred hand and try not to squirm, hoping that your cape won’t rip and sending you tumbling.
The training grounds are a familiar sight, hours and hours spent here together, learning all of Azure’s skills.
He presses a wooden training blade into your hands, then takes up one of his own.
“If I cannot teach you, perhaps a full day of training will. We will be sparring from this moment to your bedtime,” he sternly informs, a blush creeping up your face at his final word. That your mentor saw you as so young that he enforced a strict bedtime was…
Well, you tried to tell yourself it was reasonable. After all, if you were growing stronger and exhausting your body, you’d need lots of rest, wouldn’t you?
Didn’t justify the constant checking on you through the night, tucking you in every time the blankets come loose, and ensuring that all the windows were shut and locked.
And you had no doubt that was where you’d end up, exhausted and face-down on your bed, letting Azure gingerly knead out your aching muscles with his massive paws.
But all of that was for later. For now?
You had a full eight hours of training ahead.
Good luck, Y/N.
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“Wuh- what the hell do you mean, no?! I haven’t said anything yet!”
“And the answer is still no, brat.”
This is the most frequent conversation you and Red Son seem to have, constant preemptive denial of whatever scheme you’re dreaming up.
He’s viciously protective of you, serving as an ever-vigilant guard. Not only is your every move tracked and monitored, but your actions are under constant and fierce scrutiny.
“I see you went to that cheese tea stall, Y/N. After I told you that you weren’t allowed to go.”
“Red, they moved it to the inner city! It’s way safer there, so all your arguments before don’t even matter anymore!”
“…hmph. I suppose I’ll let this slide, then. But I’m not going to be so merciful next time.”
Constant restrictions on where you go and what you do, which could theoretically be lessened to some degree, if only you’d just stop being such a damn fool.
To him, your actions are proof of immaturity, preventing Red Son from genuinely trusting you or letting loose the stranglehold grip he’s taken on your life.
To you? You are genuinely just trying to help the people you love, if a bit recklessly.
But Red doesn’t see it that way, and even when you try to make a convincing argument as to why he should, it’s promptly shot down.
So with debate and brute force both proving pointless in changing his mind, you switch to stealth and subterfuge instead. Expect to get caught about fifty percent of the time, then forced back inside and placed under lock and key.
He loves you, dammit! Why do you have to be so stupid?! Why do you have to try and sneak out?! Why can’t he love any other idiotic mortal around?!
Why does it have to be you?
Red Son can’t imagine that he’ll ever find out why he came to cherish someone as small and weak and stupid as you… but he does.
And since he can’t force himself to stop caring, he’ll just have to impose harsher and harsher restrictions until you finally submit to his care.
Maybe then he’ll finally be able to berate thoroughly talk you out of your heroic ‘delusions’. Maybe you’ll crack and break down, finally discouraged from your kindness.
Just this once, he’ll let you cry into his shoulder.
It’s the least he can do for the person he loves most.
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Oh, this poor man. Weak ankles, frail body, fragile heart. You are not doing him any favors by acting recklessly.
“Y/N, NO! Put that down! You- you can’t just go around swinging random swords- stop spinning it!”
“It’s fine, Mister Tang! Mei’s been teaching me!”
“Teaching you to what?! Get yourself killed as quickly as possible?!”
Yeah, he’s constantly on the verge of falling apart. Given that the scholar genuinely just wants to keep you safe and sound, it’s absolutely nerve-wracking for him to deal with you.
Expect him to turn to the Noodlefam for help eventually. Given that they cherish Tang as much as he cherishes them, it’s not hard to rally them into lending him a hand.
He’ll speak to MK about the whole matter, talking him into keeping an eye out for you. He might even convince the young hero to whip up a clone to keep surveillance on you, trying it’s hardest to keep you out of trouble.
As for Pigsy, well… if Tang sees you as a child, let’s be honest- so does the chef. Man has a ladle locked and loaded for the backside of your head, and a sharp remand to go with the sting. “Enough messing around, Y/N! Put the damn sword down and help me with these dumplings already!” And at his words you reluctantly clamber down from the windowsill you were crawling over, settling back at the counter to help the porcine demon prep a meal.
All three of them together have zero issue with keeping you under control, but Tang is clearly the most dedicated here, and sometimes on his own in tending to the matter.
You have to sit through hours of scoldings and lectures. When he’s finally done trying to impart upon you why what you’ve done is dangerous, Tang sends you off to bed with his worried words ringing in your ears.
He’ll stop by to tuck you in, of course. Even when caught in the maddening throes of obsession is Tang kind, always looking to dote on you in some way.
There’s definitely worse people to be dealing with, at least.
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australet789 · 10 days
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TLK: A similar kind of sadness
Vitani wasn't someone who liked romance that much. She was trained to be a warrior, a killer, so having a mate was something that never crossed her mind until she and her Outsiders pridemates joined the Pridelands. Meeting Malka and chosing him as her partner changed her life completly and allowed her to relish in her own desires, something her mother has forbidden for her to even think about.
And then Malka died.
She knew the risks of falling for an older lion. But Vitani always thought she was going to be the one out of the two to complete their journey in The Circle of Life first, considering the potential enemies The Pridelands could have — the scars on her chest showed that very well. The spirits seem to have other plans though. They probably believed she has enjoyed her life with Malka enough, that she has taken him for too long (he outlived Simba, for blazes sake). It shouldn't have been a surprise when the old lion passed on his sleep.
The emptiness still strucked Vitani. Hard. And since she was no longer the leader of The Lion Guard and her son Manukato was independent enough, Malka's absence took a toll on her, something that could only compare to when Nuka died. But even then she still had a goal (her mother's crazy dreams) and then a purpose (being The Fiercest). Now she only had her memories and her empty den, a den she rarely left.
So Vitani surprised everyone —even herself— when she got out to a diplomatic meeting.
An old ally, they have told her. A Princess, from Nala's mother old pride, that used to be the potential bethroted of the deceased first son of Simba, Kopa. Vitani had known the Prince, albeit not as well as her cousin Afua, so curiosity got the best of her, since that was a part of her life she didnt remember well. Her memories were fuzzy, of laughter and complicity. Of a family she used to have until Zira's madness took that away from her —another thing Zira would took away from Vitani.
She was not expecting to see a reflection of her own in the Princess eyes' when she meet her. A stoicism she knew very well, that was hiding the pain and grief of someone that had lost something important.
For a moment, the emptiness didn't feel as consuming.
Maybe she could try to talk to Princess Timira when she had the chance.
I mentioned Vitani is bisexual in my canon, so I wanted to give her a girlfriend in the future! And yes, I wanted to be a bit ironic with it being Timira (apparently an old idea of her being Kopa's future mate). And since it's Bisexuality Visibility month, it was the perfect moment to introduce her character. And yes, she is also a Marozi! Or well, part Marozi.
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cobaltperun · 8 months
Lost (19) - Where I belong
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Tara Carpenter x female Reader
Summary: To anyone on the outside, and to Tara’s friends, you were Tara’s fierce protector, the MMA fighter who’d take anyone on for Tara. The Guard Dog, as Amber called you. You had no idea you’d have to protect her from people who claimed they loved her. It didn’t matter. As long as you and Tara had one another there was nothing you wouldn’t be able to survive.
Story warnings: Scream violence, family issues, trauma, angst, certain sensitive topics
Word count: 4.1k
Story masterlist / First part / Previous part / Next part
-So take my slow beating heart, you are where I belong-
You stood in front of two gravestones, feeling ashamed that it took you this long to come here. “Sorry I’m late, I didn’t bring anything, didn’t feel like I deserved to,” you still knelt down to pull some grass that began growing around the two graves. No one really attended to them, they had no one, after all. In this huge city Susan’s life stopped when she lost Zack, and she no longer had anyone that might take care of the graves, no close friend, no family. She only had her memories and, ever since you brought Tara and Sam to Sacramento, she had you and Tara. “Tara would have come as well, but, I have to deal with someone, I didn’t want to put her in danger or leave her alone here,” you explained, remembering the resigned acceptance on Tara’s face when you told her what your plan was.
“Thomas… he brought up something, he said you were the only one who would choose me over anyone else,” you said, digging your hands into the pockets of your coat, it was getting a bit cold, and a strong wind blew in your face, forcing you to squint a bit. “I’ve been thinking about that. Somewhat. Would I have acted any differently last year if I knew you’d be in danger?” you didn’t have the answer. On one side you knew you cared about Susan even back then, simply because of the time you spent with her and Zack and, more importantly, because she was Zack’s mother. On the other side Tara was in danger.
“What-ifs are pointless anyway,” you spoke. It was a stupid question, a one or the other question where you’d be forced to choose. How ridiculous. Life wasn’t as simple as that. Take last year for example. At first glance it was a choice between Tara and Susan, but you did have the third option, San Francisco, where your gym at the time was. Or simply a hotel, if that didn’t work, if you knew you’d be putting Susan in danger you simply would have taken Tara somewhere else. Hell, just taking her to your apartment would have been a good way to keep her safe.
You still felt like you caused her death, even if you kept telling Tara and Sam they weren’t to blame for what happened you somehow failed to take your own advice. No wonder those two had such deep issues. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this, for not being there when you needed me,” you said as several tears slid down your cheeks. “I should have told you so many things,” you told her you loved her in a voice mail sent long after she was dead. Life had a funny way of being cruel sometimes and you would forever regret not telling Susan you loved her, she deserved to hear it every time you talked to her, every time you saw her, every time you had the chance, you should have told her those three words.
The house hasn't changed much since you turned eighteen, you saw they changed the doors, but other than that, it was exactly how you remembered it, at least from the outside. A three-story house that screamed 'we're rich!' to anyone passing by, with its over-the-top fence and decorations, and the damn marble lions looking down on whoever went through their gate.
You typed in the code, your father's birthday, disabling the locks on the first try. Of course, those two wouldn't bother to change it. You were just happy you managed to remember it. And so, you came inside the house and sat down in the living room, waiting for the parents to come back home. You looked around, the house was the same on the outside but on the inside? Brand new furniture. More expensive than comfortable, really, but you just closed your eyes and waited. If you looked at it for too long you were worried you'd start breaking things.
An hour later the doors opened, and you heard your parents laughing, joking about whatever they found funny that day. This was one of the reasons you felt so suffocated in this house, because, almost as if to convince you that you were the problem and not them, they were loving to one another. Laughing, singing praises of one another, exchanging words of affirmation, but never quite choosing to express their feelings through touches. Now that you thought about it maybe that was why you were so adamant about having Tara in your arms as often as you could, why touch was your preferred love language for her specifically. The instinctual need to be the opposite of your parents in as many ways as you could be.
"Long time no see," you enjoyed seeing them jump when they saw you, they looked like they saw a ghost, they looked afraid. Good, you wanted them to be afraid, you wanted them to have nightmares of you coming after them. "I'd say it's a pleasure to be here again, but we both know it's not."
"Y/N," your father spoke, and you saw him taking a step back. Funny how you never noticed just how little it took to startle him. He would have been less than average if he wasn't born into money, in fact, from what you read in Gale's brief research on the company it was in decline for years now, only surviving on old reputation and questionable deals. The fact that you and Zack were his children pissed you off.
"Let's be quick about this. Thomas is dead, I'm very much alive despite your efforts and I want to be left alone, so don't try to hire another hitman to kill me or my loved ones," you spoke evenly.
"Or else what?" he acted like he actually could negotiate anything here.
You stood up, and while you lost some muscle due to coma and slow recovery you could still look intimidating enough. "I die and your entire reputation is done for. I revealed everything, one wrong move and it all goes public," you saw fear in their eyes as you walked past them. For good measure, you stopped at the front door and turned to glare at them. "Six people came after me, one way or another, all six are dead and I don't mind adding a few more to that list. I'd just prefer not to dirty my hands with your blood unless I have to," you left no doubt that you would if needed. “I don’t care what your reasons are, just try to touch Tara, or anyone else I care about, just try to interfere in any way, and I will not stop until everything you ever created was gone. Your company, this house, any property you have, your reputation, and then your lives, there won’t be anything left.”
You wanted revenge for what happened to Susan, but you couldn't prove they hired Thomas.
So, this would have to do, unless they tried again. So, you left the house, slamming the doors behind you and hoping you would never have to hear or see them again.
You wouldn’t stick around Woodsboro for long, but you did drop by your former bosses to grab a bite and see how they were doing. The old couple did so much for you, renting that small apartment, giving you a job, they deserved your gratitude, but given what happened to Susan, you were cautious, afraid that being associated with you could cause them harm. Still, they were happy to see you, and you were just as happy to hear they were doing well. It was a busy day at the restaurant, and you were glad their business was doing so well, but it also meant they didn’t have time to chat, which was more than okay with you.
While you waited for your meal you went and called Tara, and she answered withing three seconds, which frankly didn’t surprise you.
“Y/N?” you could hear the worry in her voice.
“Hey, I’m fine, they won’t bother us again, they know what’s at stake for them,” you told her, easing her worries as quickly as you could.
You heard Tara sighing in relief and smiled a bit. “Thank goodness! I was losing my mind over here!”
“I’m okay, Love,” you assured her softly, your tone the complete opposite of her panicking, worry filled voice, even now that she heard you were okay.
“When are you coming back?” she asked, and you could imagine her fidgeting in your shirt with Sam trying to calm her down.
You looked around, no one was paying attention to you from what you could see. “I have the flight back in the morning, I’ll head back to Sacramento in an hour and spend the night in the hotel,” you told her, though you kept your voice low just in case. Were there reasons to be worried? Probably not, but you weren’t in top shape, you couldn’t fight that well right now.
“Okay, stay safe, please. I love you, Y/N,” Tara sent you a kiss through the phone and you smiled like a fool.
“I will, I love you too, Tara,” you replied.
“I see you and Tara are still going strong, not that I ever doubted you two,” you heard your former boss say as she brought you the food you ordered.
“Yeah!” you grinned at her.
Tara was waiting for you at the airport, she even let Sam drive your car because she knew you'd lose your mind over her driving it while you weren’t with her. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face, you called her after you left your parents' house, reassuring her you were perfectly fine and that you'd be on the first flight home. She was still worried, but she trusted you completely. You’d be fine, you knew how to take care of yourself.
Tara still couldn't quite wrap her head around the fact that your parents were involved. Her mother was definitely not a good parent, but as bad as she was, Tara doubted she would hire someone to kill her or Sam. Thomas' words came to her mind and her smile fell. Suddenly she felt vulnerable, surrounded by people she didn’t know. Everything around her felt too loud, too intense, there were too many people, and any one of them could put her and the people she loved in danger. She couldn’t live like that, she couldn’t constantly worry that she would somehow end up in the situation Thomas described. She had to move on, to the best of her abilities, and without parties and alcohol this time. The therapy was helping her, but more than that it was her desire to be as happy as she could be with you that pushed her to get even better. You’d be back home soon, and that thought helped her handle the bustling crowd a bit easier.
"What's wrong?" Sam asked her and placed an arm around her shoulders to comfort her.
Tara wanted to talk to Sam about it, but how could she? How could she say to her sister that she'd feel immeasurable guilt if she had to choose her instead of you? Prior to what happened at the bodega and especially before what happened at the theatre, she would say she'd never have to make that choice. You were strong. So, so incredibly strong, the idea of anyone actually being able to beat you felt unfathomable.
Yes, you technically were beaten when you first fought Amber and Richie, but that was because she was taken hostage and you still managed to get back on your feet and take her to safety. Stabs and bullet wounds, they couldn't stop you. A heart attack couldn't stop you. Even when you were hurt you could keep going, as you have proven time and time again.
When Tara thought of strength, she thought of you. To imagine a situation in which your life relied on her choice was almost impossible. To then add Sam being in a similar situation, and to further all that by saying Tara could only save one of you. It was beyond the realms of possibility to her.
But then you nearly died. Then it took you sixteen days to wake up and several days to even get up. You managed to lift her up off the ground right before you left New York, two days ago, and you struggled. You struggled to lift Tara up. You never struggled to do that, and Tara actually lost some weight since you nearly died. She just found it difficult to eat while you were in a coma, and she was yet to regain the weight she lost.
The image of an invisible MMA fighter was shattered and now Tara woke up, screaming and covered in cold sweat, from yet another nightmare that had you in that ambulance with doctors saying they couldn't stop your bleeding. That they were losing you. More often than not, when she would wake up like that you'd sit up and hug her right away and she could see in your eyes that you were awake long before she'd wake up. She still didn't know if you were having nightmares or if you couldn't sleep to begin with.
So, no. She couldn't say any of this to Sam. "Sorry, I was just thinking," she apologized to Sam, clamming up and refusing to talk. She still leaned to the side and returned the one-armed hug.
Tara noticed you immediately, even among the huge crowd she somehow always easily found you. And from the way you were already heading toward her, she knew it was the same way for you. She ran into your arms and despite some hesitation on her part, she didn't resist when you lifted her up, just a bit easier than when you left. "I don't think we need to worry about those two again," you muttered into her neck, once again reassuring her that everything would be fine in the future as you slowly set her back down.
"Mhm," Tara just relaxed, carefully remembering every detail of your hugs. She basked in the warmth of your touch through one of your shirts she had on. Your scent, your breath against her exposed neck, the firm grip on her waist it was all you and she loved it.
When she separated from you Sam took her opportunity and hugged you as well. "Welcome back," she said, prompting you to smile.
"It's good to be back," you said, and Tara understood you weren't talking just about coming back from Woodsboro. You were still rather thankful for waking up from a coma without any lasting effects on your health. "How's the apartment hunting going, by the way?" you asked.
"We found one, we like it, we think you'll like it as well," Sam said.
Tara, not wanting to leave your side for even a moment now that you were away from her for two days, took your hand and pulled you along.
By the end of the week, you moved into your new apartment. It had three bedrooms, once again you chose to have one bedroom for the nights someone from your group chose to stay over. It was a bit bare, without much of a personal touch, and you were sure Tara would take it upon herself to change that about it as soon as she got time for that.
You thought the new apartment would chase away the nightmares, at least until you got used to it, but it didn't. Not eve Tara right next to you managed to chase the nightmares away.
You saw them, sitting in Susan’s living room, looking healthy, alive, happy. That’s how it always started, you’d enter the house and see Susan and Zack just like that. And then, as if you were an intruder that interrupted their lives, they’d turn to you and they’d change. They’d morph from how you remembered them into twisted abominations, rotting and carved up and enraged.
And every time Zack would attack you, pushing you back and doing his signature spinning back kick, the move he taught you, the move you adopted as your own signature during your career. It would always send you hitting the wall, and making his gloves fall from it to the floor, and they’d always roll over into your view. He’d then put you in a chokehold, and even if you wanted to you just wouldn’t move.
“Why?! Why did you let my mom die Y/N?!” he would demand again and again, and you’d look up to see the disappointment in Susan’s eyes.
“You killed me, if it wasn’t for you I’d still be alive,” she’d tell you.
You didn’t beg for forgiveness, or to be let go, not anymore. You’d just wake up when his chokehold would make you pass out, covered in cold sweat and breathing heavily.
You couldn't sit up though, instinctively choosing not to wake Tara up, so at least there was that. She had her own nightmares to deal with and soon enough, perhaps twenty minutes after you woke up Tara woke up as well, screaming. So, you immediately pulled her into a hug, her inhaler at ready in case she needed it.
Tara crawled onto your lap and pressed her face against the crook of your neck. "What are you dreaming about?" she asked, almost sounding afraid. In fact, she probably was afraid to ask that questions.
"Susan and Zack, blaming me for Susan's death," you admitted and Tara just hugged you tighter.
"It wasn't your fault. It's none of our fault lunatics want to hurt us," she said, repeating your words right back at you, and you nodded. Reasonably, you knew that, but it would still take a while to have a peaceful sleep.
"What about you?" you asked as you slowly played with a few strands of Tara's hair.
"I have nightmares of you in the ambulance, only you don't wake up this time, you die, I lose you," you felt a tear landing on the skin of your neck and gently kissed the top of Tara's head.
"I'm awake, Love, I heard your voice," even when you were in a coma you were vaguely aware of Tara always being by your side, and when you were ready to wake up it was her voice and touch that sped it up.
Tara pulled away slightly. "About what Thomas said," she began, but you pressed a finger against her mouth.
"It doesn't matter. It'll never happen. The situation will never be so dire," you said firmly, you couldn’t let her get stuck in those thoughts, Tara already had enough to deal with without Thomas’ words fucking with her head. “I will never let anyone force that choice on you!" you promised, and you'd keep that promise as long as you were alive.
Tara took a deep breath to calm down. “I know it’s an unlikely scenario, but still,” she muttered. “I can’t stand the idea of choosing between you and Sam. It feels like I’d give anything up for Sam, other than you, and the same goes the other way around,” she told you, shivering due to the cold. It was December after all.
“I’d scold you if it was any different,” you told her, you didn’t want Tara to ever again go through losing Sam. That was one thing you were absolutely certain of. No matter the cost, you would keep your family whole and that included Sam. You lost Susan, you never wanted to lose anyone else you loved in such a violent way.
Tara nodded. “I know, I’m counting on you to do that,” she managed to smile a bit before kissing you softly and you gently returned the kiss. It took some time, but you were both slowly getting better and talking about your trauma instead of bottling it up.
A week later you finally settled into your new apartment, and Sam was finally fine with leaving you two alone to go on a, preferably long, date with Danny. He really came through for all of you, bringing the police and paramedics to the theatre, not to mention finding you, which probably saved your life. He mentioned he heard a loud thud and went to check, hoping it was nothing, but there you were, bleeding out next to dead Thomas. So, as far as you and Tara were concerned, he was clear to move in whenever Sam decided she wanted to take that step.
You just stepped out of the shower after a workout, which actually went really well. You finally felt confident enough to get up with Tara in your arms, to carry her whenever she wanted you to, plain and simple you were doing much better now that you were building your strength back up. Your eyes still glanced down at the scar from the rebar when you stepped in front of the mirror. It came in through your lower back and went diagonally, exiting your body just beneath your chest and it was nothing short of a miracle that nothing important was damaged and that only the scar remained. Sighing, you grabbed your clothes and put them on, a comfortable shirt that was a bit loose on you now, since you still haven’t regained all your muscles, and tracksuit pants since you wanted to just relax with Tara.
The moment you entered your and Tara's bedroom she threw her arms around you and pulled you into a kiss. She clutched the back of your shirt and ran her fingers through your hair, tugging gently as she deepened the kiss. You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her as close to you as physically possible.
"So needy," you chuckled when she pulled back for a moment.
"Like you aren't?" she challenged, looking fiercely into your eyes.
"Mhm, I definitely am," it's been too long, way too long since you could just relax and make love to one another. You leaned down, kissing her neck.
"Baby," she moaned when you nipped at the side of her neck and you immediately pulled back, looking at her wide-eyed. Tara blushed but kept looking at you. "Baby, please," she said again, acting as if she never stopped saying that word all the while gently caressing the back of your neck.
There was a reason Amber chose to persistently call Tara 'baby', specifically, you were the reason because Tara would call you like that jokingly whenever you weren't immediately giving in to her demands. She stopped when she got together with Amber and just never went back to calling you like that.
"Say it again," you demanded, lifting her up, taking a few steps to the side and pushing her against the wall.
"Baby," she moaned into your ear as you unbuttoned the top buttons of her, previously your, button-up shirt and yanked it down, and since it was way too big for her it just fell from her shoulders.
"Again, Love," every time she said it you were more and more certain she would be able to completely get over what Amber did to her, that she'd eventually fully heal.
"Baby!" she cried out, maybe even a bit too loudly as you began kissing her bare shoulders and tugging the straps of her bra down.
"You are where I belong Tara," you pulled back, pressing your forehead against hers. She quickly captured your lips, making you both get lost in the passion. When you separated to catch your breath you looked her in the eyes.
It was a demand fueled by lust and desire and need for Tara, all fueled by the love you had for her. Nonetheless, you doubted you ever demanded anything with as much conviction and seriousness. "Spend the rest of your life with me. Marry me," you'd go through all the proper proposal stuff at a more appropriate time, but you couldn't stop yourself from blurting it out.
Tara looked at you just for a moment. Taking the demand in. "Thought you'd never ask," she smiled and kissed you one more time. The pent-up needs, desires and all the emotions, you’d satisfy them all, getting lost in one another until there was nothing else left in to world but you two and your love for one another.
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marthawrites · 8 months
Red Lions and Hidden Dragons
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Unnamed male character x Lannister!fem reader & Aemond Targaryen x Lannister!fem reader
Word count: 2.9k+
About: Close kin to Jason and Tyland Lannister, you arrive to King's Landing with a party of fellow lions to celebrate the birth of Prince Maelor Targaryen. You weren't expecting to catch Prince Aemond's eye, but once you do, neither of you can forget it.
Includes: SMUT. This is porn with plot to set it up. Featuring lust at first sight, allusions to obsession (from reader and aemond), voyeurism, unprotected vaginal sex, male masturbation, allusions to exhibitionism, stalking, male receiving oral sex, reader receiving oral sex, minor degradation, vaginal fingering, and somnophilia
Note: Hello lovely reader! This might be one of the filthiest things I've written. Double warning: This fic is heavy on the voyeurism and Aemond is a creep. If you do not like that then do not read this. Reader is a Lannister and is implied to have blonde hair. Everything else is up to you! Reader's lover is implied to have ginger hair. Everything else about him is up to you. As always, I hope you enjoy this (filth)!
Golden sunlight warmed your honey curls as they cascaded down your back in gentle waves. Following close behind was a guard armored in the colors of House Lannister. A woman walked beside you who also donned your House's colors in a more practical attire–sword not included. “Is it everything you wanted it to be?” She asked you with bright curiosity as her gaze swept over the Red Keep's gardens. 
Spring's blooms weighed heavily in the air and if it weren't for a forgiving breeze all of those fragrances would be unbearable. Your nose tickled with an edge of a sneeze you could never quite expel. “It's absolutely lovely,” you replied with a happy sigh, leaning into your friend and lady-in-waiting. “Although… if I don’t go inside soon my eyes will be pinker than a pig’s bottom and leakier than a cracked chalice.”
She laughed. “I can bring supper up to your chamber if needed. Sneezing on any one in the royal family could be punishable by death!” She gasped with feigned severity.
You rolled your eyes. “The only one I’m worried about sneezing on is Princess Helaena. With her little Maelor only being just born the last thing she–and he–needs is extra germs.”
You and your family, closely related to King Viserys’ Master of Ships, Tyland Lannister, had only arrived this morning. It had been a long trip. Jason Lannister, Tyland’s elder twin, sent a party of lions to King’s Landing to celebrate the little princeling's birth. “Perhaps you will catch the eye of a lord–or Prince–while you’re there,” he had whispered to you with a wink upon your departure.
Politicking had never been your strong suit. Would it truly be so wrong to marry someone for happiness instead of glory, lands, and wealth? You thought not, but the rest of your family thought yes. 
“If the Princess even attends a public dinner,” she answered slyly.
With a light-hearted shrug you looked over your shoulder and asked the knight, “Ser? Do you remember the way back to the Great Hall?”
“I do, Lady Lannister. Ready to return?”
“We are.”
Once inside the Red Keep you immediately felt better. No more tickly nose, or itchy eyes, or scratchy ears. You arrived back just in time, too! Judging by the collection of people and their plates, supper had been served only a short time ago. You and your lady found a seat where you could. Nodding a polite greeting to Tyland, you sat and fixed a plate. While politicking wasn’t one of your strong suits, people watching was. 
You ate, and you watched. 
Who observed the watcher?
Smearing creamy butter on a still warm roll, you tried to keep tabs on the conversations around you. Truthfully, it was half a bore. Sooner than later it all jumbled to indistinct murmurings. Paying half attention at best, and once you finished all the savory flavors of meats and potatoes, you helped yourself to fruit for a sweet palate cleanser. Wonderfully ripened berries and crisp grapes took over your senses. On one particular juicy bite–when you barely covered your mouth in time to catch a dribble of springtime strawberry juice–a blush rose to your cheeks as your gaze swept over the crowd to see if anyone witnessed your etiquette mishap.
A few seats down, and across the table, the glint of a single violet eye danced with your mishap.
Aemond Targaryen. Prince Aemond Targaryen. Your napkin nearly slipped from your fingers as you realized he watched, and saw, and didn’t turn away from your guilty gaze. His one seeing eye trailed from your chin, down the front of your bodice, and back up to your face. The combination of his perfectly neutral facade and naturally bowed mouth made him impossible to read. But the glint in his eye? You swore it gave away his amusement. Perhaps even something more.
The blush in your cheeks dispersed–spreading and lowering–and with a delicate curve of your mouth you gave the King’s second silver-haired son an entirely different look. With extra care, now, you bit into a plump grape, daring to hold his gaze. Your heart hammered with anticipation and excitment and part of you wondered if he could see the pulsepoint in your neck thumping.
He squinted at you; so slight you might have missed it.
Desire roared in your belly.
It was nearly the end of the hour of ghosts when Aemond made his way to the library on silent feet. The castle was quiet except for a few guards and servants carrying out night shift duties. He paid them little mind as he walked with a small stack of books tucked beneath his arm. Sleep eluded him. Even reading did little to settle his mind. He thought, with a hint of hopefulness, that a walk might allow him to finally relax. 
A slight squeak of door hinges was the only sound announcing his arrival. It seemed no matter how many times it was oiled it always squeaked. Most of the time it didn’t matter much. But, on late nights like this, it made Aemond feel as if he interrupted something holy. Sacred. 
He’d always been a studious boy–so much so that it followed him into adulthood. Perhaps that is why he felt a pang of guilt upon midnight arrivals; he found as much solace in this place as he did the training yard. Sometimes he had half a mind to bring a pillow and blanket here to sleep in one of the chairs, the floor, or, more comfortably, a settee.
Quietly, out of habit, he walked between the rows of books, tomes, and scrolls, and placed each piece of borrowed literature in its place. Before he truly heard anything, the fine hairs along his neck stood. His pupil widened to take in the dark. A little voice in his head told him to stay quiet and look.
A phantom? He hadn’t felt the fright of ghost stories for a long, long time. 
But, no, it wasn’t a thing of nightmares lurking in darkened corners of this peaceful place that caught his attention. It was someone. And, judging by the sounds that perked the fine muscles behind his ears, it was more than one person.
Soft sounds made their way to Aemond’s ears as he stalked on silent feet. Heavy breathing. An inward hiss of breath. A muffled voice–low and sultry–sent his cock stirring to life in his pants. And then, right at the peak of a barely contained moan, a giggle.
Staying to the shadows Aemond peered around a bookshelf and what he saw knocked the wind out of his lungs. A woman–not just any woman, but you–straddled over the lap of a man with your skirts bunched up around your waist. The chair creaked beneath your combined weight, its legs thumping against the rug-covered floor with the force in which you rode him–in which he bucked up into you. Aemond saw why you giggled and a hot rush of blood flew up to his head and down to his cock alike. Your breasts were free from your crimson supper gown and they bounced as you fucked whosever cock it was that you were riding. One of the man’s hands squeezed a mound of your soft, perfect tits, letting it bounce against his palm as his mouth sucked your other nipple. 
Stepping further back into the shadows, Aemond, as discreetly as he could, moved a few books upon the shelf so he could watch between the newly formed gap. He had the best–truly the best–sight of you. Your cheeks were colored so prettily, lips parted in the epitome of bliss, and your eyelids fluttered as you ground down against him. Aemond saw your hand push through and squeeze your lover’s ginger hair as he nipped and suckled over your peaked nipples.
“Think anyone will show up here?” You asked, rolling your hips against him in a gloriously wonderful grind. 
If Aemond were any further away he wouldn't be able to hear you. His ears were perked right to you, however, and he heard your voice–all raspy with pleasure. He palmed at his cock over his pants, the bulge prominent and uncomfortable in its confides.
“If you keep being loud I bet someone will,” he teased before kissing you. He gripped your hips firmly with both hands and began to coax you up and down on him again. Before you could break away from the kiss those same soft sounds from before filled the air. This time they were louder, sharper, both of you chasing pleasure to climax. “Can't believe you wanted me to fuck you here tonight. Of all places in this big castle. Shit–Gods, yes, keep bouncing like that. Keep fucking bouncing like that.” 
You barely held your moans back and the little ones that slipped free had Aemond palming at himself firmer. Your moans, and slapping skin, and bouncing tits had the prince dizzy with desire. 
How in the actual Hells was this happening?
He nearly spent in his pants when climax washed over you. You were so lovey, and so perfect, and so greedy with your need it made Aemond want to tie your lover up and fuck you right there too. 
You could take it. He knew you could. You'd be debauched enough to take two men and still claw at them for more.
Your lover's seed covered your belly in a splattered mess and Aemond nearly groaned out loud.
He'd lingered too long. He shouldn't have even stayed like he did–should have left as soon as he realized what was happening. But that didn't stop him then and it didn't stop him now as he lingered behind for an extra moment, watching you fix your clothes back into place.
The edge of your desire was finally sated. For now, at least. With a satisfied sigh you smiled and tilted your head, looking down at your lover while he whispered something to you. You laughed and rolled your eyes. 
That's when you saw him. What? No… it couldn't be! The shadow of the prince just there! Just behind that book shelf. 
Aemond side stepped and ducked slightly. Shit shit shit. But it was too late.
“I think I saw someone,” you gasped with an excited warble to your tone. 
Whatever else you said, or whatever your reaction might have been, would remain a mystery. That's all Aemond heard before slipping out of the main doorway–the door's squeak the only evidence that anyone else had been in the library.
As much as Aemond wanted to see you during the morning meal, he didn't want to risk it. Would you squirm in your seat beneath his gaze, or would he beneath yours? 
Once finished, he exerted himself in the training yard–the image of your blissed out face and bouncing tits still seared onto his mind.
How long were you visiting the Red Keep? Surely Aemond would go mad before long.
After training and before lunch, the prince found himself loitering along a balcony that faced the gardens. It was a quiet spot, one not often frequented, and it served as a perfect place for him to relax and collect his thoughts after training. It proved to be an uneventful rest until a glimmer of golden hair and red breezy gown caught his attention from below.
He stared, watching like a hawk from above. You were on the arm of the same man from last night. Based on his attire Aemond recognized him to be one of the Lannister servants.
Pathetic. The man was a servant. Not a husband, or betrothed, or even someone worth your name. You were a loose wanton thing. Licentious. Aemond watched you drag your male servant off the main pathway until you were out of sight. 
And then, on a jolt of lust filled curiosity, he grabbed a nearby spyglass and looked for you again.
A few minutes passed before he saw you through the reflective lens. And when he did the front of his pants immediately became tighter.
Hidden amongst the garden's layout you and your secret lover kissed and touched and pressed together. He saw your mouths move with words he wished he could hear. You were light and playful and eager. Fuck–so eager.
Aemond watched as you sunk down to your knees and pulled his cock out. You took it in your mouth over and over, again and again, like you’d wanted nothing more than to have him in your throat.
Did you enjoy this more, you pretty little whore? Or did your red headed lover?
Aemond's need screamed for friction–for anything–but he remained painfully hard and untouched  as he watched, not wanting to miss a single second. 
Time ticked by so slowly, so quickly, and before long Aemond saw you swallow, smiling up at your lover as he tucked his spent, softening cock back into his pants. You turned your head, then, looking along the balconies, and Aemond barely had time to step out of sight.
You saw his silver hair and the reflective glare of his spyglass in the late morning sun.
The prince wasn’t half as sly as he thought.
You barely spoke to Viserys’ second-son–barely knew him–yet it did little to stifle the lust drowning your blood.
Two days had passed before Aemond caught you for a third time. Duties kept him busy and he wasn’t able to stalk around the castle after you.
The first time he stumbled across you had been a complete accident. So had the second time. Well… mostly. If he hadn’t caught sight of you entering the gardens he wouldn’t have begun spying on you from the balcony. 
The third time, however? He hoped for it.
Might have even prayed for it.
Watching from within the safety of a slim corridor behind the room’s main wall, Aemond peeked through a series of small holes specifically made for spying; servants and their incessant prying. You were sitting in a chair with your legs draped over each arm. Your male servant knelt between your spread legs and feasted on your cunt. His soft groans and slurps, combined with all of your sweet gasps and moans, made the sounds of Aemond freely stroking his cock nearly non-existent. 
It was too much. Too fucking much.
You were too perfect. Putting on a show for him and everything. He knew you liked being watched. Why else would you be taunting him, luring him, snaring him in your lewd traps time and time again?
The man slipped his fingers into you while staying on your clit, and the way you tugged at his hair sent Aemond biting down on his lip.
“So sexy like this,” the ginger’s raspy voice rumbled up at you. “So sweet and tight.”
You sighed and giggled, turning his face back against you. “I'm not done. Keep going,” you said, sultry.
He did and you lost yourself.
But before you could finish he asked, “shall I wear an eyepatch next time? Lean into your little fantasy with the prince?”
“Gods, yes.”
He worked you with fingers and tongue again, pushing you to the edge of pleasure. “Say his name. No one is around to hear. The one eyed prince here, right now, eating your sweet cunt.”
You squeezed both hands in his hair and came undone; a tiny, shuddered, “Aemond..!” escaped your lips at the peak of your climax. 
Aemond's cock pulsed mightily in the choke of his hand; streaks of his seed dripped down the finished wooden wall. He had to have you. 
It was the hour of the owl when Aemond prowled into your chamber. You looked peaceful sleeping, so pretty. 
He stood at the side of your bed, head tilted slightly as he looked down at you replaying all the visions of you in his head over again. The backs of his fingers traced along the slope of your face; silken. He dipped lower, sliding down the curve of your neck and across your exposed collarbone. You didn't yet stir and so he slid lower. The swell of your breasts were wonderfully soft beneath your thin shift; nipples peaked beneath. 
You teased him even in slumber.
He gently squeezed the mound–testing the suppleness of your body–and reveled in the sensation. With curious delight he pinched the bud and smirked when a small sound hummed between your lips. He did it again. Harder. Your nipples pebbled tighter and saliva built in Aemond's mouth.
That made you stir. Your eyelids trembled over your eyes as if you'd startle awake.
Aemond's hand sunk beneath your blanket and whispered up your smooth thigh. Within the span of a few breaths he found the waist of your smallclothes and tugged the ribbons open. His heartbeat thundered. He couldn’t help it. He had to know. Grazing his fingers lower, still, he ghosted over that delicate space between your thighs. You were warm through the thin cloth of your smallclothes. Insanity threatened to take him over.
Again, you stirred. And this time your eyes fluttered open. Those pretty pools widened and for a moment you couldn’t tell if you were still dreaming, or if this was truly happening.
Prince Aemond. In your room. How did he get in? You’d lusted for him since arriving. Now, here he was; perhaps the Gods indeed answered prayers.
“Shh,” he hushed, fingers lifting to his lips to shush you further; a smirk visible at the corners of his mouth. “Why pretend when you can have the real thing, lady Lannister?”
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed, please consider a follow, and/or reblog, and/or letting me know as it all makes me vvvery happy! ♥
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Main taglist: @watercolorskyy @melsunshine @girlwith-thepearlearring @arcielee @barbiedragon @aemondtarqaryens @succnfuccubus @fan-goddess @schniiipsel
Aemond taglist: @darylandbethfanforever9 @bellaisasleep @aemondsblog @khaleesihel @sirenofavalon @doublesparrows @aemonds-fire @nikstrange @abbyandizzysmum @aemonddtargaryen @lost-and-founds @castellomargot @avidreader73 @snh96 @boofy1998 @connorsui
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
You recently mentioned that you've been out since your teens. As a person who managed to overlook a shitton of signs and only realized she was bi in her early 20s, I am wondering how you realized you were bi and also how you found out bisexuality exists?
Sorry if the phrasing sounds weird, I only noticed I was bi because I stumbled over the term on tumblr in 2016 and was like "oh, that's possible??" and then my earlier identity crises during my teens due to feeling attracted to multiple genders and being like "I'm crushing on [female person]. Am I lesbian? Nah, I've also felt attracted to [male person]. But I can't be straight either because this attraction feels the exact same. Am I broken?" were suddenly resolved with the realization that bi is also an option and that I'm not broken due to zigzagging between heterosexuality and homosexuality, but rather just bisexual. In retrospect, it's absolutely ridiculous that it took me so long, considering that as a kid I had crushes on Anna and Carter and Doctor from Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, and Vitani from Lion King 2, and back in primary school, I used to go to the kids' section in the library and look at the first pages of a sci-fi comic which had one or two women get out of a lab or space station thingy and go bathe in the nude in the first few pages. I don't remember what it was called or what it was about, but tbh I'd love to find it and actually read it properly this time lol.
Horniness. The hornier you are, the easier it is to notice.
But also... well...
The 80s were all about combating the AIDS crisis and trying to get basic recognition of the humanity of gay people (at least in the US circles I was familiar with). The 90s saw the rise of a much more organized bi rights movement.
And then we backslid.
In the 2000s and 2010s, interest in bisexuality as a distinct thing fell off a cliff as far as I can tell. The "hey, it's not just cis gays and lesbians" energy moved first to trans topics and then to asexuality but without bisexuality joining the stodgy old guard.
The 90s were different. I was hitting my teens just as Anything That Moves hit its stride. I bought that shit at the bookstore. Yeah, this was the Bay Area, but they carried it at all the regular bookstores, not just the gay ones.
On Usenet where I spent a lot of my tween years, one of the big groups was soc.bi. I even spotted them having an in-person meetup in a restaurant in Berkeley where I happened to be having dinner with my parents. I didn't go say hi because I was like 14.
My big eureka moment, though, was on alt.tv.x-files when two groups were having a satirical argument about who enjoyed The X-Files more: people who got to lust over David Duchovny or people who got to lust over Gillian Anderson. Someone showed up and was like "Hah! I get to enjoy it twice as much as all of you! I'm bi!"
I was like "That's a thing????" I'd grown up with very liberal parents and lesbian neighbors, but like a lot of boomers, my mom was pro-gay and deeply clueless about all other queerness.
So the answer is unsupervised internet access in an age with no algorithms plus things like bisexual magazines actually existing.
RIP Anything That Moves.
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devilsrecreation · 3 months
Little Tamka: You know it don’t even matter that I just have one parent cuz my dad loves me twice as much, and I pay him back by filling the whole entire Pridelands with beautiful music
Tamka, at 3 AM: 🎶SOMEBODY CALL 911!
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itsmeyaspider · 2 months
Catched in a dragon's cave~
Yandere Aegon II x female thiev reader
Triggers: kidnapping?, unhealthy relation, power abuse, yandere
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𝑆𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠ℎ 𝑠𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑠ℎ
Several cold drops of water land on the far too bare, stony ground. Unfortunately, these are the only sounds to be heard in this deserted cellar. From time to time you could hear the jingling of the guards running back and forth to fulfill their duty as guards. If you were lucky, a servant would even come to you to bring you water and some bread with broth. The food was stale and not really edible, but you got used to it. After all, was it your own stupid fault that you ended up here, locked up in chains for several days...weeks or months? You can't remember the last time you felt the warm rays of the sun in your face. It was a miracle that you haven't lost your head and were alive. All the dangerous things the people say about the king and the prince and still nothing happens to you. Maybe it was because neither of them had ever visited you, after all they have a war to win and surely they are more important matters to discuss than punishing a thiev.
With a small sigh, you stretch as best as you can, your body starts to crack. Is this the end? Is the king going to leave you here to rot? Or is this for his amusement? If only you hadn't been such a fool and been caught stealing by one of the kings guards. You were just about to steal a beautiful golden necklace encrusted with many red rubies when you suddenly felt a strong grip on your arm. At the moment you knew you had no chance. You tried to defend yourself against the guard with punches and kicks, but this was more useless than a cat trying to fight a lion. Even your dagger, which you had since your childhood, didn't do much good. With a string blow, the guard brought you to the ground and your dagger as well. The last thing you could remember was that you woke up in that damn cell.
More nights pass and you feel more and more lonelier. You try to coax a few words out of the guards and servants, but this fails miserable. You are only greeted with total silence. But one day a guard spokes up but the only thing he said was "Silence, scum". And so you had given up your last hope that anyone would ever talk to you.
A few more days passed as you suddenly hear several footsteps. They didn't sound as heavy as those from the guards, but also not so light and quick as those of the servants either. You could also hear a moody, annoyed voice thar gets louder and louder. "I want to see the thief"
"My king, I don't think this is a good idea. A king should not associate with a thiev-" the man's voice is drowned out by the previous one. "Do you doubt my abilities?" The voice you could now interpret as Aegeon Targaryen, is getting angrier and angrier. A part of you couldn't believe that you would get to see the king, but you are also afraid. Inwardly, you know how moody he could be and how quick he is to anger. "No my king. I would never assume such a thing"
And so the footsteps become louder, as you suddenly see two people in front of you. One looks like and ordinary servant. He wears a white blouse and simple brown trousers. His hair is dry and very disheveled. The person standing next to him is Aegon himself. He wears his black robe, on which the huge sigil of the three headed dragon is depicted. He also wears his crown who is made of pure silver, with red stones inside. His light blonde hair is clearly visible even in the dark. No wonder people consider the Targaryens to be gods.
"My, my what a beautiful lady do we have here?"~ says the king with a slightly, amused smirk on his face as he begins to examine the woman in the cell. "Whats your name thiev?" He notices the beautiful (h/c) hair, and the piercing (e/c) eyes that look at him in disbelief. Aegons violet eyes stopped at her figure. "Have you lost you tongue or have I blinded you so much that you are no longer able to answer my simply question?" The arrogance in his voice is unmistakable, and you could see in his eyes that he somehow enjoyed this.
In fact, for a brief moment you have forgotten how to speak, you assumed that no one would come to visit you anymore, especially not the king himself. You also have an uncomfortable feeling the way he looks at you. Something feels dangerous. "My name is (Y/n), Mylord" you say in a nervous voice, you trembling is unmistakable. This makes the king even happier as he abruptly snaps with his finger. Immediately, a guard comes running over. "Mylord." He says while bowing. "Get her out of this miserable cell, make sure she is bathed and gets fresh clothes. Bring her to me afterwards." You can't believe what the Targaryen just said Not only you were suprised, but also the other two men next to him. "Mylord, this is-"
"Do I have to repeat myself? Is everyone out of their minds today?" The guard immediately regrets his objection as he bows again and looks at the cellar floor. "Excuse me, Mylord. I will call the servants" The king rolls his eyes in annoyance as he looks at you again, unable to hide his evil grin. "I'll see you later. And don't disappoint me" he says calmly, making his way back into the castle. Your whole body starts to shake again, this is definitely not what you ever expected. The gurad gives you a nasty look as he and the servant follow the king.
After a few minutes, two young servants come. One of them wears a green dress and the other one a blue one. Both looked really beautiful for their young age, and you could already tell that they going to be even more beautifully. Behind them came another guard who finally openes your cell and frees you from the heavy chains. Finally, after a long time, you had the feeling that you are somehow free. Of course, in a limited area, but at least it is better than be caged. The servants lead you into the castle, which is surrounded by only greatness. The corridors were long and everywhere are objects decorated with gold or silver. Carpets made of the purest silk lay on the floor and paintings of the former Targaryens hung majestic on the wall. Something inside you would have loved to steal some things, these objects were of great value and you would definitely get rich with them. But you knew that it would be a very stupid idea to steal here in the middle of the dragon's cave where you are constantly watched by guards who follow you step by step.
With a loud sigh, you follow the two as inconspicuously as possible, but you knew that everyone who passes you would look at you with suspicion and disgust. In the end you couldn't blame them, you would be the same. You probably smell like shit and you not looking really trustable right now. One of the servants suddenly stops in front of a massive wooden door that is also decorated with gold. Is there anything here that isn't covered in unnecessary wealth? You think to yourself, as you now enter a large room. There is a tub with already warm water inside, and also a large closet with many beautiful dresses in it. You also notices a mirror that is also so big as the closet. You are startled when you feel that one of the servants, start to take off your dirty clothes. "Sorry, but it would be the best if we hurry. The king is not the most patient." She says in a gentle, almost motherly voice. She is so young and yet already grown up.
You just nod, noticing now that you are already completely naked. You feel a cool breeze on your sensitive (s/c) skin, as you feel a hand on yours. The servant is slowly leading you to the tub, you carefully step inside and immediately let yourself fall in the warm water. You start to close your eyes and enjoy the moment. It's been ages since you had your last bath and this one feels much better than the others. You also notice two gentle hands that start to clean your back and then you (h/c) hair. The other servant took various dresses out of the closet, she looks at them for a while as she finally decides one, a dark green dress with gold hem. After a while towels are brought to you, which you gladly accepted. You slowly stood up as you took one of them, the scent of rose petals lays in the air as you carefully wrap yourself in the towel and get out of the tub.
A few more minutes passed as you finally dried off, your (h/c) hair is braided and the dress matches perfectly your gorgeous body. The two servants seemed very pleased about their work and you immediately took the joy with you. In fact, you no longer feel like a thief but more like a noble woman. Your childhood you would have jumped into the air and screamed so loud in happiness that everyone in the castle would hear it. A small smile crosses your lips as a guard picks you up, the walk is really quit and the guard didn't say a word. This is only a relief for you, as you didn't really want to hear his insults. When you finally arrived in the throne room, Aegon is sitting on the iron throne, which is adorned with thousands of swords. In his hand he is playing with a dagger. On close inspection, it was your dagger. A big grin appears on his face as he orders the other people to quickly leave the room.
As everyone finally disappears, he speaks up. "Well look at you. You even more beautiful than before." You didn't know how to react to the sudden compliment and so you politely bow. This makes his ego even prouder, as he speaks up again. "Tell me, do you know what the punishment for thieves is?" He asks in an unusual, happy tone. He stands up as he slowly walks down the stairs, as he throws your dagger away, again you feel fear through your body. "Y-Yes Mylord" you stutter out as your body screams to run. Run for your life and run so fast your legs could carry you. But nothing happens, instead you stand there like small mouse and watch the Targaryen who keeps coming closer to you. "You know, I could just have your hands cut off, that would be the right punishment for someone like you, but that would be boring..." He comes to you again, your heart beats faster and faster as you body starts to shake. "And besides it would be such a shame for such a beauty like you..."
He suddenly grabs your chin roughly, forcing you to look into his violet eyes, which sparks with malice. "You are lucky that I am such a nice king, and that's why I decided that you will be my personal courtesan. Not everyone has the chance to be given such a task..." His grin grew even wider as he could practically smell your fear. You would have loved to hit him right now and then run away from him but you didn't have the strength or courage to do so. Tears are Boe forming in your eyes as you feel yourself collapsing. Aegon doesn't seem to pay any attention to this as she starts to play with one of your strands of hair. "You belong to me now (Y/N), whether you want it or not. After all, someone like you has no oher choice, unless you prefer torture." His voice sounds pleased again, and when he notices that you are not going to answer him, he knows what you have decided. "Come on, I had a fucking long day and I want to have some fun"
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mask-of-prime · 2 months
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VG: Broken Birds
Next (Coming Soon)
The Outlands, Years Ago:
A very young cub Vitani ran into some young jackals that neighbored the Termite Mounds, and she'd confessed to her mother that she had felt a friendship coming on, but Zira snuffed that dream right out. Lions could not be friends with mindless food like little jackals.
"Oh, quit your sniffling. It's going to get you nowhere! Get up before I give you a real reason to cry! NOW!"
"Mother, please! I won't disappoint you again, Mother!" the toddler sobbed.
The young Vitani could feel her mother grabbing her wrist. The older lioness pulled the cub closer.
Suddenly, Zira seemed to change in appearance. She was now much bigger, sported a slick, red mane, and a scar across her right eye. It was now an unknown male lion.
"You're seriously going to let a bunch of crows get to you? Are you a helpless little lower animal like them?!" he screamed.
"Father, I'm sorry-y-y!" Vitani sobbed, except… this was not her voice, nor her body.
"A real lion doesn't sit here and cry! Get up, Zira! NOW!"
The bigger lion's paw came up, looking like it was about to swipe.
Vitani jolted awake, putting a paw over her racing heart. More nightmares of Mother, of course.
The images of Zira's sentient waterfall form came back to her vividly. No one would believe her. She didn't even believe herself the more she thought of it.
And her head… it still hurt from… something. Her friends said it had been a fall, right?
This didn't happen. No, none of this happened. She just fell… Right?
The Fiercest gasped and made a small noise. Before she went to investigate, however, she looked around to make sure no one heard her pathetic sound.
Luckily, no. But, only because Tiifu wasn't around. Odd. She'd be wrapped all over Vitani.
Perhaps the watery ghost did exist. Maybe it was a little like the case of Nuka's spirit. Maybe Scar's. Kion defeated Scar's spirit. Had he seen one made of water? How would he have dealt with it? She had to find him...
Vitani leapt to her feet and prowled about around the corridors of the Ponya. Her ears pointed to the noise. At the main part of the Ponya, she saw a bipedal form smearing paint onto the wall with precision.
Vitani looked all around the wall. It was a portrait of her brother and her sister-in-law. She smiled a bit, but it quickly vanished, remembering how disastrous last night went. She digressed, and cleared her throat.
"Um... that's really pretty..."
The mandrill jumped a little. Her hand made a jagged mark of paint on the wall.
"Sorry." Vitani winced, "I know that must've taken hours."
"Oh, that's okay!" the mandrill charmed, "I could make these all day!"
"I really admire the light colors and soft shapes. They really come together to create a distinct style."
"Wow, I didn't know you were so artsy!"
Vitani shrugged, "I mean, everyone makes me plot out patrol maps on the ground in the morning. I think my Guard does that just to watch me draw."
"Oh, right! You're the new Pridelands' Fiercest! What was your name again?"
"Vitani." the lioness introduced, "It's Makini, right?"
"You're, uh... the Mjuzi for Kion and his wife, now --" Vitani rattled her head, "Uh, Kion... Have you seen him? I need to talk to him. Saw some things I can't explain."
"Oh, the Night Pride already started heading back last night. I stayed back to catch up with the Pridelanders and paint —"
Vitani blinked, "What? Why?"
"Why what?"
"W-Why did they leave?!" Vitani began to pace.
"Can't leave the Tree of Life unguarded too long, I guess."
"B-But this is — Wha — I —" the Fiercest began seething, "Dammit!"
Furious, she smacked hard at something with her paw. It had been a husk full of vermillion paint.
Leaving her cloud of rage, she could see that she had gotten the paint all over her paw, and all over Makini's masterpiece.
"I... I am so sorry, I —" Vitani stammered, "I totally ruined your painting —"
"It's okay! I can make a new one any time. I'm always improving!" Makini reassured, "In fact, this gives me an idea..."
The mandrill began to wash the the rest of the painting from the rock with a soaked leaf.
"Here! Why don't you paint how you feel on this rock and maybe I can help you figure out what it means! It's called 'art therapy.'"
Vitani stared into her paint-covered paw. She didn't like the sound of just sitting here for therapy, but Kion was already gone. Kion may have had the advantage of defeating spirits with his Roar, but Makini must've known more about the past and spirits in general. That's what Mjuzis do, right?
Makini was the best option she had, it seemed. Especially with Rafiki opting to stay in his tree more often, lately.
Vitani got a good look at the rock in deep thought of how she would convey her anxieties. She considered Makini's suggestion, and began to make her first move.
Slowly, Vitani took her paw and brought it closer to her canvas. She squeezed her eyes shut.
"Wait." she finally said, eyes open.
She tried and tried to remember the images she saw, but they kept changing and becoming unclear due to the deliberate effort to recall them.
"I… I can't remember, now." her teeth gritted, "It's fading too quickly!"
The Mjuzi frowned, "Aww, that's too bad. I forget my dreams a lot, too. I'm pretty forgetful in my waking life too, actually, and Rafiki says I need to work on that if I want to connect with the past. Which, you gotta see all the old paintings to know what paintings to make in the present so everyone in the future will know what to paint in their present -- We were talking about something else, right? What —"
"My dreams, Makini. The whole reason I was painting?"
"Oh yeah! And how you can't recollect the pa — OOOOHH! I got it!" Makini suddenly chimed, "I got just the thing!"
"You do?" Vitani's eyes widened with a slight roll, her jeering tone going unnoticed by the mandrill.
Makini removed the two gourds from her Bakora Staff, opening the lids of each, and — for once — carefully — poured something onto each palm.
"Rafiki told me that these two gourds on my staff represent the past and the future, and I think I know why, now! So, this staff I have right now wasn't originally my staff, it actually belonged to the old Mjuzi at the Tree of Life..."
Vitani nodded rigorously, anxious beyond belief.
"I found these powders left in the gourds! I asked Rafiki what they were, and he said one is called Zamani, and the other is Baadaye. One lets you see visions of your past, and the other lets you see your future! Rafiki told me he used the Baadaye powder on Scar to show him his future. But, we all know Scar didn't listen to his warning."
Vitani looked at Makini's hand. In each palm were powders of a vivid blue and orange. Mystery of its appearance and origin almost gave it a slight radiance.
"Please tell me you know which one is which…" Vitani knew Makini at this point. It would be in-character for this to be the next thing to somehow tragically and comically mess up.
"Actually I do! I remembered their colors! Colors are the one thing I know I can remember good. You need the blue one!" she then inhaled shakily, "Buuuut…"
"Noo…" Vitani whined to herself, shutting her eyes.
"I kinda… sorta… forgot how the powders are applied." Makini shrugged sheepishly.
"Great…" the Fiercest groaned, stepping away as Makini kept the blue powder in her ahand and placed the orange powder back.
"Don't know if you eat it, or — No, certainly doesn't look like you should." the mandrill thought deeper, "Or was it —"
Suddenly, the wind coming from outside swept the blue powder from Makini's hand. Vitani was unfortunately in the splash zone. The powder had blown into her eyes.
Makini bit her lip anxiously, "Or that could work."
"OW! Agghh! Makini, what the —"
"Sorry!" the mandrill winced, "Are you okay?"
The Fiercest frantically began rubbing her eyes with a paw, preparing for the stinging and burning. Oddly, there was none. Instead, however, she felt a numbness. Testing to see if it really was such, she blinked a couple of times. She felt comfortable to fully open them.
She began to see little blooms of blue specks in her view. They were like eye floaters, but they glowed, and morphed into mandala-like patterns until it filled her field of vision.
She saw her surroundings change from a dark cavern to her old termite mound home. Everything was starting to look like where she was in her dream, with a blue tint on everyone and everything.
"Makini, i-it's working!" Vitani gawked, astonished.
Suddenly, where the mandrill would be standing, was instead Zira., who towered over Vitani and was berating her, just like in her dream.
"Oh, quit your sniffling. It's going to get you nowhere! Get up before I give you a real reason to cry! NOW!"
"Mother, please! I won't disappoint you again, Mother!" the toddler sobbed.
Zira's form once again morphed into another lion. It became bulkier with a red mane, and with a scar over his left eye. His voice was raspy and scheming.
"You're seriously going to let a bunch of crows get to you? Are you a helpless little lower animal like them?!"
"I'm sorry-y-y!" the cub sobbed heavily, almost unable to breathe.
"A real lion doesn't sit here and cry! Get up, Zira! NOW!" the red-maned lion yelled.
Zira curled into a ball. She was sobbing, but she felt frustration build up too. It wasn't fair, the way she was being yelled at. But she still failed him. She shouldn't have tried to befriend those crows, as lonely as she was when she would stay over at the Outlands. She mustn't be so desperate to trust just about any animal.
The lion quickly changed his tone as to not completely terrify his little daughter. Screaming wasn't helping, he used a disarming charm that worked on her before.
"You want to be a mighty lion like me, don't you? You want to make the Pride back home proud of you to be one of them, right? I want to be one of them again. Help me, Zira, help the family come back together, and you can see your mother again. Don't you want that?"
Little Zira sniffled, "Yes."
"Yes. There's my mighty lion. Always be stronger than everyone thinks you are. Lions Over All! Lions Over All!" he chanted.
"Wait..." Vitani said aloud, "This is —"
Vitani was seeing way beyond what she recalled in the dream. She realized now that the Zamani hadn't taken her to the recent past, but the distant past.
The vision continued on, and pretty soon, she found herself in a deep, red dystopia. It was the Pridelands, but from an era she'd never known. A time where all animals took on a much more primitive appearance.
She seemed to be chasing a group of a type of animal she hadn't seen in the Pridelands before. Others of her own kind were doing the same thing, even going so far as to needlessly massacring the animals for sport, or as a punishment for existing.
Watching all this activity with a cold and callous gaze was a leonine silhouette standing atop a towering kopje. He sported a familiar mark above his right eye.
"Lions Over All!" he bellowed for all of the ancient land to hear, as if he wanted the lions in the sky to hear him.
"Lions Over All!" the fleet of pillager lions echoed. The message deeply engrained into their minds and hearts.
The visions and voices of these lions of the past had swarmed Vitani. The flashbacks all becoming one and playing back-to-back.
Just then, a gray lioness with eyes and a tuft like Vitani's appeared before her. She spoke with a kind, gentle, and timid voice.
"What's wrong, my little Moonlight?"
The mysterious lioness' appearance fizzled, and there remained Vitani's reflection on a shiny rock. Back to reality.
She yelped and hyperventilated from the bizarre visions. So taken aback by the frightening sights that she felt like she couldn't swallow nor catch her breath. She lied on the ground against the rock, staring upward.
"Vitani!" cried Makini as she bounded over to the lioness, "Vitani! Are you okay?!"
"I... I think I would like some privacy to paint, please." was all the Fiercest could muster, absolutely dazed.
Up in the main den lied Kiara. Her eyes filled with tears as she anticipated the future. So many changes were coming their way, and she didn't know how to tell anyone.
"Kiara, honey? May we come in?" asked Nala, who peeked into the entrance.
"It's open." Kiara said flatly.
Nala could still sense Kiara's tension from the humiliation yesterday. It was probably time to talk about it, knowing Kiara's honesty about her feelings.
"Baby, I thought you were finally ready for your coronation. Your dad and I told you we trusted you with the crown."
"I know, Mom, but... everything's changing so much. I don't know what everyone will think about... Just... what if I forget about who I am?"
Kiara was too afraid to say heavier things that were truly on her mind. No, her family wasn't ready.
"Kiara, I know change can be daunting, but sometimes it makes you who you are." Nala rubbed a brow against Kiara's.
"Your mother's right." Sarabi added as she entered the den, "In life, you will always learn about yourself, and become a refined lion. Your father most certainly did, and so did your grandfather."
Sarabi's eyes became glossy at the last part. Her husband would always be a part of her.
Sarafina followed Sarabi, as she always did in life. She had fetched a tortoise shell of fresh, cold water for her granddaughter.
"There ya go, Sweetie." she said, "To calm your nerves, a little."
"Thank you, Nanna." Kiara said sweetly, but still glum.
"Kiara, we trust that you can become a beloved and capable Queen. We've seen your cooperation with herd leaders." Nala said, "And Jasiri. You changed the Outlands forever by welcoming her to the Summit."
"See? Even you've made big changes. You're famous for it! And we can't forget you and that boy Kovu making us all one big, happy family!" Sarafina chimed.
Kiara's heart jumped for a second until she remembered what her Nanna meant. Right. That.
"You're a risktaker, but an openminded and levelheaded one." Sarabi observed.
Kiara smiled nervously, but tears still welled up.
They all saw this, and exchanged concerned looks before they all rubbed foreheads against her in unison.
"Thank you..." Kiara closed her eyes as she embraced them, "But what about Kion...? I totally wasted his time. I made him come all this way just so I could flake on him."
"Kion and Rani would come back in a heartbeat for you." Nala said, "I know Kion doesn't show it a whole lot, but he really wants to see you become Queen."
Kiara again tried to crack a smile, but she was just so touched by her mother's words.
"I need time to figure this out." the Future Queen finally said.
"Alright, we'll give you some space." assured Nala, "Just remember: You will always be yourself, even when you're Queen. The Queens of the Past will guide you, and so will we."
Nala turned away to the exit. The elders looked on at Kiara with love and still with concern before following suit.
Kiara continued sulking long after they left, but she eventually gave into her Nanna's kind gesture of water. Slowly, she dipped her nose into the shell, and lapped up the cool water.
However, as soon as the water reached her stomach, Kiara felt... strange. It's almost like she had lost consciousness, but her body was still up.
Pretty soon, she was trapped in her own body, which began to lick its chops as the water dripped from its chin. Her eyes took on a vivid azure glow as she cracked a grin to herself.
"I feel... much better, now." she said with a sinister tone, one she'd never used before.
Finishing her very own masterpiece after several hours of hunched-over work on few hours of sleep, Vitani finally managed to convince herself to sit up and refresh. The lioness had headed over to Lake Shangaza to clean the paint stains from her paws.
As she rinsed her paws, she caught her reflection in the water. She saw her exhausted eyes, and — under her tuft — what appeared to be her gash from last night all patched up.
She wasn't sure if it was the sleep deprivation, or if she'd still been under the effects of the Zamani powder, but when she stared into her reflection in the water long enough, she could swear she saw her mother's ghastly face appear for a moment.
Her body jerked back from the jumpscare. She glanced back to find nothing there. She was confused, and genuinely terrified, even though it may have been an illusion.
Though, this reminded her; perhaps she could contact a ghost she knew was on her side...
She lit a torch and said her summoning phrase:
"Roho ya Moto!"
A puff of fire exploded from the flame of the torch until it resembled her brother.
"What?! What's goin' on?! Where's the danger?!" Nuka whipped around, his paws chopping the air defensively.
"No danger, here." Vitani deadpanned.
"Lookie here, Vitani," he scowled, "You can't just summon me every time you break a claw!"
"You know how much energy it takes to —"
"Nuka." she snapped, "I summoned you for a reason. I have a genuine question that only you can answer."
"Fire away." he said bluntly. He'd realized his unintentional pun, and snickered to himself a bit.
"Have you... have you ever seen Mother up there, or... wherever it is you go? What does she look like?"
"Um... not recently?"
Vitani's eyes became curious, "Really? What do you mean recently? What does she look li —"
A raindrop landed on Vitani's nose. She looked up to see dark clouds she hadn't even noticed rolling over the lake.
"OW!!" Nuka cried.
Vitani looked over to Nuka, and caught a worrying sight: Where there was fire around his being, there was now black, crusty spots that steamed.
"Nuka, what's happening?!"
"Ow, it's the rain! I can't be touched by rain, or I'll turn to smoke!" he cried, trying to blow fire onto himself where there wasn't.
"Well, we gotta get you out of here!" she cried, panicking.
"Ugh, come on, say the phrase!" he grunted as he waved his paws frantically.
"Okay, okay! Errr — Roho ya Moto!" Vitani said rapidly.
The flame shrank into the stick shortly before it could be snuffed another, more permanent way.
"Well, that was brief." she muttered, not knowing at all how to feel today.
She couldn't see that in the distance stood a lioness. One who watched her entire interaction with Nuka.
The lioness turned away, back to the direction of Pride Rock.
Not too long later, the rain had mysteriously stopped.
Imara and Kasi muttered to each other about the events last night, expressing concern for Kiara along with the odd weather. They spotted Vitani wandering close to Pride Rock. She seemed pensive, but also dazed. After seeing her stumble a bit, they rushed their stroll.
"Hey, 'Tani." greeted Kasi, characteristically arriving first.
"We're about to head to our patrol routes." added Imara, "We split into groups, today."
"Taz and Shabs already headed out." Kasi said, "You wanna go with them, or us? Please pick us..."
Imara nudged Kasi. The smaller lioness got a better look at her tired friend.
"Hey, you good?" asked the Fastest.
"Um, yeah..." Vitani slowly shook her head, "Headache."
"Right. You probably don't wanna be out here, huh?" Imara said, "You fell pretty bad."
Vitani's memories of her interaction with her mother suddenly flashed back into her mind, along with the frustration with Nuka, and her visions she painted. This day was chaotic, and she just couldn't think of it anymore.
"Uhh, you know what?" she smirked, "I'll go. Joining Team Kasi and Imara."
The two in question exchanged looks. They eventually shrugged, and let their friend take the lead.
"Right this way, Rafiki! I can't wait to show you Vitani's work!" Makini beamed with delight as she took the elder's hand and guided him to the Ponya.
"Yes, yes, Makini, I'm coming." said the old monkey. It was difficult to catch up to his protege, now that he was without his staff, and for a long time, now.
"Welp, here it is! Could you believe a lion made all of this? With her paws?!"
Rafiki put a hand on his chin and looked all around the walls of the Ponya, noting many changes outside of just Vitani's work. There were detailed paintings all around made by Makini. He smiled a wrinkled and weary smile to himself, feeling proud and confident in his successor, and hoped she could frequent the Pridelands more.
"Vitani's been feeling a little stressed, lately. So I told her to paint her feelings."
“Hmm, yes. Art therapy is a good form of expression. Excellent idea, Makini.”
Rafiki’s eyes continued to follow every painting on the wall. He could see that not every painting had been finished. They were… very different from a Mjuzi’s paintings, to say the least. Not only from the shapes made from non-opposable, blunt paws, but the paintings were dark in palette and in subject matter.
Murky, grayish browns and deep reds were the main colors used in these nebulous shapes scattered on the wall. Circling everything was what seemed to be black birds swarming every picture. Attempts to draw her own kind were made with as precise shapes as one could make with their paws.
The lions caught Rafiki's eye. Some resembled Zira what with the recognizable stripe on her head, but others seemed familiar as well considering the motifs that surrounded them.
"Makini, take your staff and touch the paintings."
"Oh, o-okay."
With a tap to the wall, the finished paintings glowed a hellish red. The cub Vitani cowered below Zira, and Zira cowered below a similar-looking lion with a scar. The birds circled around them all in a terrifying storm. Rafiki's jaw dropped.
"R-Rafiki?" Makini stammered, a bit horrified at what she saw, "What is it?"
He slowly put his hand down from the wall, and finally spoke.
"That lion... I have seen him before..."
Makini dropped her staff, "Really?"
"Yes. When I made a recent journey to the Outlands to find paintings I had never seen." he said, "How did Vitani see these lions?"
"Vitani had trouble remembering her dream while painting, so I had just the thing — I gave her the Zamani powder I found in my staff! Pretty smart, right?"
"Makini!" the elder mandrill snapped, "You have to be careful with these powders. You cannot just use it all up on something like dreams. This powder is very difficult to find, and can have side effects if used too much!"
"Really?!" Makini gasped, "Ohh, I didn't think of that! I'll put it away, Rafiki! I'll put it way away!"
"Good. Now, come! I must show you something!"
"Rafiki, wait!" Makini cried, still putting the powders in a safe spot — a nook behind some vines.
However, in an attempt to grab her staff while she hurried after him, she didn't see that she'd knocked a gourd from the hiding spot. A mess of orange powder lay scattered about the ground...
((Author's Notes: Yeah remember when I said this would be out July 12th on that one schedule post I made? The one where I basically irreversibly printed those dates that I had to abide by? Well, I was once again a couple of days late because a bunch of ideas and revisions came up. This has to be, like, the most despised production of a chapter/episode so far because this is a very transitional (and kinda filler) installment right after getting to such a high point with the last one. I kept switching a bunch of concepts and dialogue exchange scenes around to make sense of the chronology and why and when such things would happen. I've been so concerned lately with how much everything makes sense rather than just having something jotted down like how uploading this story used to be.
On a positive note, however, Makini was super fun and therapeutic to write. It was so fun to channel informalities like run-on sentences and rambling through her because she's so ADHD-coded lol.
Artist Note: This entire episode is highkey a meta commentary on my struggles to come up with things to draw, even down to overworking an image in my head so much that I actually lose the image altogether, making me give up before the stylus touches the tablet. The struggles with composition and making sense of this story were what played into such a debilitating 9-month hiatus. That, finishing community college, and taking forever to rid myself of a perfectionist art student mindset while making art over the summer is what finally got my head out of my ass, realizing that this story doesn't need to be so overly professional. I get that I wanted to emulate a nonexistent, hypothetical PG-13 show to succeed The Lion Guard, but I'm not a studio, I'm one person jotting down ideas and putting them in a screenshot art style. That's how Vitani's Guard even started, and it's okay if it goes up and down in how refined it is.
Also, I'm thinking of adding that little border with watermarks of the VG logo and episode/chapter number on VG art so we can keep track of when in the story an illustration takes place. What's confusing is that I refer to things as "Seasons" too, like this is "Season 3", for example.
Fun Facts:
The Zamani and Baadaye powder are based on the unnamed orange powder Rafiki used on Scar during the future hallucination sequence in the Disney Villains: Scar comic. DV:S is… not my favorite TLK installment because of how disconnected it feels, kinda feels like someone didn't watch TLK for years and only wrote something based on what they can remember of it. But! There were some aspects I liked, such as the aforementioned eye powder trip scene, these selfish and greedy vultures whose motives are actually established rather than just "hunched bald bird evil haha" that Disney always does. Also, just the general idea of Rafiki and Scar having a dialogue exchange. You never see that anywhere in any other TLK works, I don't think. I love how Rafiki sees something in Scar that no one else can yet, and how much Scar is like the Anakin to Rafiki's Obi-Wan/Yoda. The concept does get ruined by Rafiki seemingly knowing way too much about Scar's intentions, though, it kinda just makes Rafiki look like he just let Scar's tyranny happen :p. Think I'll write a full review on DV:S sometime.
Vitani and Makini's dynamic are an analogy of me taking the word of much younger, passionate artists who simply love what they make and have fun.
"Broken Bird", according to TV Tropes, is a term used to describe once idealistic individuals who had their dreams crushed through tragedy or abuse. The individual's demeanor and personality permanently change and they find it hard to love or get attached in any way again. Vitani and Zira's ideologies and emotional maturity were commonly deeply affected by the actions of their predecessors. Also it just so happened to go with the crow theme.))
Nuka trying to restore his fire by blowing it is based on the visual gag of Lumiere doing the same thing to his candlesticks.
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vinylfoxbooks · 3 months
June 17 - Dust | @jegulus-microfic | wc: 1210
“Jamie, what are you doing?” Regulus asks, walking into the main part of the tent. James has his wheel out and Regulus has watched him run back and forth then give up several times, “It’s past rehearsal time.”
“I know but…” James sighs, “Everyone’s getting new tricks for the season and I feel like I should be getting something new but…”
“You’re scared of your new trick?”
“I’m more scared of transitioning into it and the way to get into it and back out of it.”
“Tell you what.” Regulus hums after a couple seconds, “What if instead of doing this, since you’re hesitant about it, we figure out a new trick together.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Regulus hums, walking over to the rig that holds his lyra hoop and getting ready to release it, “We’ve been wanting to find a way to combine our acts for a while, what if we find a way that I can pick you up and we can do something on my hoop together then you get back into your wheel.”
James hums and starts messing around with a couple things on his wheel, trying to figure out the logistics of the trick.
It takes a lot of practice and talking to Mary -- who also helps with all of the rigging and controlling -- they eventually get together, a trick that no one other than the boyfriends and Mary know about.
“Alright,” Mary claps, watching as the guards near the entrances of the tent close up the flaps and nod to Mary, “Remember the order, I go out, Lily comes out behind me as I’m walking away, then Remus and Sirius, Marlene comes out and sets Remus’ whips on fire and starts doing her tricks, you three walk off, on comes Dorcas and Nimean come out, after Dorcas it’s Pete and Pandora, then Evan and Barty, and finally Regulus and James. I’ll be out with those two so after James rolls off, I’ll end the show.” Everyone nods, “Then we’re ready!” One of their workers says something on his headset to let the lighting coordinator know and the show begins soon after. 
The crowd roars when Mary comes out and her voice echoes the tent when she finishes her statement with, “Let the show begin!” As Lily comes tumbling into the scene, the crowd cheering at every unique trick she does. 
“Why are you going last, Regulus?” Pandora asks, watching her girlfriend with a fond smile, “You normally go out with Lily.”
“I’m doing my act with James this season.” Is all that Regulus says, “And since James does his act last, we’re doing it last.” They watch as Lily finishes up and Remus walks out with his whips coiled up. He meets level with Sirius, up on the tightrope and they begin working their way across the ring doing their own tricks -- Sirius doing his flips and dangling from the rope because he’s stupid and Remus whipping at objects -- before Sirius grabs the ropes that he uses to get down and meets Remus at the end, moving back and forth and allowing Remus to whip at him while he twirls out of the way. Marlene meets them halfway through, lighter in her hand and sets Remus’ whips alight before starting doing her fire juggling while hula hooping with a ring of fire. 
When Marlene is done, Dorcas walks out with their lion, Nimean, and has her do all of her tricks.
“Things are going really well.” Mary remarks as she does the thing where she magically appears behind people, scaring James, “which is good. I was worried since we’ve got so many new things going on.”
“The transitions are going smoothly considering we didn’t start rehearsing them until last week.” Regulus remarks, watching as Dorcas guides Nimean back to her cage and Peter and Pandora take her spot. The two take turns bringing people down from the crowd, reading their future and doing magic tricks on them and probably telling them about their tents outside the big top for them to find after the show. 
“Let’s just hope that Evan and Barty aren’t in a fight right now.” James jokes, watching as Barty rolls Evan out on a target just behind Pete and Pandora. When the two finish up, Barty places his boyfriend in front of him and starts to throw. Eventually, they switch places and finish by both of them standing in front of targets and throwing knives at the same time, landing each of them in relatively the same place on each other’s targets. 
However, Regulus didn’t see that, because he’s working his way towards where his hoop is rigged.
“You got this James.” Mary smiles, her hand on his shoulder. They walk towards where James has his cyr wheel propped up and James starts to roll out as soon as Mary gives him the cue, watching and guiding him so he goes in a straight line -- after all rolling through the dirt is rather annoying and it can get hard for him to see through the dust that he tends to kick up.
The two of them do their own tricks for a while, with Regulus behind almost immediately above where James is twirling around before Regulus’ hoop starts to lower and James starts to slow down his spinning. 
As soon as Regulus is close enough, he transitions from his previous trick to holding onto his hoop with his knees while dangling upside down. James twirls himself so he’s got one hand and one leg keeping him to his wheel and one hand and leg being grabbed by Regulus. Mary takes the wheel from James as Regulus and James get hoisted further into the air. They do their tricks after Regulus is able to help James grab hold of the hoop and eventually, the hoop is once again lowered right above where Mary is holding James’ wheel steady for him. 
When they’re low enough, Regulus holds James by the ankles and allows him to grab onto the top of his wheel, letting go and letting James spin around his wheel before getting his feet stable on the edge of the wheel. 
With that, the two of them finish the last of their act and Regulus allows the rigging of his hoop to take him away while James starts spinning away, doing the last few couple of tricks before Mary takes over and starts saying their goodbyes, informing the crowd that they’re more than welcome to talk to the performers once they’re out of the tent. 
As soon as Regulus and James are back to the backstage area and James is slightly dizzy -- rolling on and rolling off can be very dizzying despite all his tolerances to spinning around -- they’re being ambushed h=by their friends. 
“What the fuck was that?” 
James shrugs, “Our new act. We wanted to try something new as well.” 
“You’re a ground acrobat!” Sirius shouts, flabbergasted, “Since when have you ever wanted to become airborne?”
“You do realise that’s not the first time that James has been on my hoop with me, right?” Regulus asks, pulling James back towards him with a hand around his waist, “It’s just the first time that you’ve seen it.”
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viaoverthemoon · 1 year
Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Welcome back, Beloved Reader!
I was happy to see some of you guys were as excited as me for this chapter. I couldn't wait to post it ahhh!!
I hope y'all are ready for some questions to be answered.
Why did Leon bed Lady Ada? Will you ever forgive him? How does Lady Ada feel about all this? I don't know guys... It feels like the King of Duevaula is hiding in the shadows...
Let us continue!
☆*: .。. Behind Closed Doors .。.:*☆ Chapter 3
Medeival!Leon Kennedy x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lady Ada shares a few words with you, leaving you with harsh words and feelings burning the tip of your tongue. Meanwhile, Leon recalls the night he spent with Lady Ada and plans a way to explain what had happened.
Tw: Mentions of pregnancy, coercion into sex, sa(??), abuse, violence, angst
Please be careful reading this if you're easily triggered by these things and still want to read.
☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.
The garden has always been your place of peace.
Flowers of all kinds lined in rows and rows of different shapes, colors, and patterns. Large, well-kept, luscious trees planted sporadically all around the space. Bushes shaped like bunnies, horses, and lions.
For once, your mind has a moment to rest after this horrible week.
You'd spent most of your days locked away in your rooms, ignoring everyone's attempts to coax you out.
Albeit, by the third day your mother had had enough.
She'd stormed into your chambers, demanding you to get out of your head for five minutes and think about how you're going to win the prince back.
And that had caused you to spiral even further.
You abandoned indoors and took to the gardens, seeking the comfort of fresh air and solitude.
So now you sit on a bench, embroidery the only thing keeping all of your screws from falling out.
Your concentration is so deep you don't even hear the footsteps nearing you.
"Your highness."
You instantly recognize the voice, hands pausing the delicate work as you slowly look up.
Lady Ada offers a curtsy, much less deep than the one she'd done for the King.
She doesn't respect you.
You take a deep breath, setting the embroidery aside. "Leave us."
The guards, save for Jill, leave immediately.
"Lady Ada... To what do I owe the pleasure?"
A smirk spreads across her red lips, posture straight as an arrow as she rests a hand on her small belly. "I merely seek conversation with the princess I am to coexist with."
You try not to sneer as she gracefully sits beside you on the bench. "Apologies, I'm sure you don't mind," Her proximity makes your skin burn. "My God, this pregnancy sure is doing a number on my feet."
Your fists ball, your eyes unable to hold hers. "I'm sure."
She seems to notice your anger, smiling in a way the Devil would approve of. "Surely your highness isn't intimidated by me... She wouldn't think that I could take her place-"
You stand, turning and looking down your nose at her in disgust. "It would do you well to remember your place, Lady Ada." You bend to grab your embroidery, pausing when your lips near her ear. "You may carry his baby, but you do not carry the other half of his crown. Always remember that."
And with that, you turn on your heel and walk away, Jill three paces behind you.
☆ Leon ☆
Read. Flip. Sign.
He can feel his gaze.
Read. Flip. Sign.
He sees him flinch in his peripheral.
Read. Flip. Sign.
He clears his throat.
"What are you waiting for?"
His posture straightens, avoiding eye contact as his chin angles high. "Permission to speak freely, your highness?"
Leon waves a hand. "You always have, Chris. Do not fear me now."
Chris, Leon's personal guard, sighs as his body relaxes. He steps closer to the desk and leans his hip on it. "Why don't you just tell her what happened?"
Leon gives him an obvious look, causing Chris to glare at him. "I know what the King said, but you love her. She loves you. I'm sure her highness will understand-"
"She loved me."
Chris scoffs. "Do not be ridiculous. You two spent years sneaking beyond your palace walls just to see each other and you're to tell me she just... stopped loving you?"
Leon exhales, dropping his pen and slumping in his chair.
He needed to think.
The effects of that night... The possibility of a bastard child...
A mistress.
It wasn't even him. He never wanted this. Never wanted her.
If only he'd stood his ground...
But now, it was too late.
"Father... I can't. It wouldn't be right."
Dim candle light illuminates the chamber, casting a dark shadow over the King's face.
He'd never been the type of monarch that accepted the word 'no'. Anyone to do so were immediately thrown into the dungeon and left to starve to death or until they realized how much they needed their King.
"And why would it be wrong? A King is not tied to a woman, son. A woman is tied to a man. You need not hold yourself for her."
Leon shook his head. "I've promised myself to her. I will only bed Princess-"
His words are cut off by a hand around his neck.
His body is slammed into a nearby wall as the King towers over him. Tension builds as Leon fights for air, clawing at his father's hand. But he doesn't let go, heaving heavy breathes as he grits out his words. "Listen to me boy. I will not have a child in the body of a man for a son. You will not be a man until you have bed a woman."
Black shadows form in the corners of Leon's vision, breaths coming out in shortened gasps. But the King isn't done. "So make of your mind Leon. You either bed the woman I've set for you, or am I going to have to make an example of that pretty little princess of yours?"
Leon's eyes widen, shaking his head as best he could with the hand around his throat.
Not her. Anyone but her.
He doesn't have time to think about his decision, only worried about what he could do to you.
His answer comes out pathetic, a whisper that leads back to a broken heart. "I'll- do it-"
The King let's go instantly, inhaling deeply as his fist clenches. "Excellent."
He ignores Leon's coughs and gasps for air, clapping his hands. "Bring her in."
The doors open and the skirts of a deep red dress embroidered with black flowers flows gracefully into the room.
The woman drops deep into a curtsy and grins at the prince. "Hello, your highness."
That night was not one that Leon would ever forget. His father watched every second. Up until the end, after Lady Ada had been escorted out. After the lights had all dwindled and melted wax pooled at the bottom of candelabras. After Leon had wiped his tears and sat in the bed with slumped naked shoulders.
And then, The King stood from his chair to leave. But not without saying these words.
"You will not tell anyone. Not even your mother. If you do, you can kiss your princess goodbye." He'd placed a hand on Leon's shoulder.
"You are a man now. Congratulations, son."
"Ouch! Nara Vella!"
Your sister grimaces and loosens her grip on your hair. "Oh, sorry (y/n)! I've been practicing but I just can't get this braid right..."
You sigh, gently taking the braid from her and demonstrating how it should be done. "Over, under, untangle. You can do it Nara, just repeat those actions."
She gives a determined nod and this time, completes the braid just as you showed her.
"I did it!" She places the braid over your shoulder so you can see it. "Do you like it?"
You hum, smiling gently. "I love it, little sister."
Nara Vella giggles, throwing her hands up in triumph.
A knock comes at your door. Jill's uncertain voice a moment later. "Prince Leon, Your highness."
You roll your eyes, undoing the braid and grabbing a hairbrush. "Tell him to leave, Jill."
Nara Vella's eyes dart between you and the door, wringing her hands to ease her uncomfortability. "Um, perhaps I should come back another time...-"
The door burst open.
You look in the reflection of the mirror, eyeing Leon as he struts in like a King.
"We need to talk, (Y/n)."
"No. I don't believe we do."
A tense silence falls over the room. The two of you glare at each other in the reflection, both waiting for the other to say something.
Nara Vella clears her throat, lifting her yellow skirts and giving Prince Leon a clumsy curtsy. "I will take my leave now... Your highness."
She leaves, only smiling awkwardly in your direction before practically running out of the room.
Jill frowns apologetically and closes the door to give you privacy.
You huff a breath, continuing to brush the braid from your hair. "I would appreciate if you'd stop forcing my guard to obey you."
He steps closer. "We need to talk."
You hum. "So you've said."
"I want you to listen to me."
"And I wanted to be your first."
Leon's expression falls, something close to guilt overcoming his features.
"Though I suppose we can't all get what we want."
You put down the brush and stand, walking forward until you're right in his face, looking up into his bright eyes. You try not to drown in the weight of his gaze."...Do you regret it?"
His eyes flash. "More than anything."
You lick your lips, forcing the burning tears away. "Then... why did you?"
He reaches for your hand, but you're quick to yank it away. His brows furrow, breaths hollow and desperate. "Are you willing to let me explain?"
Are you?
He waits for your answer, both breathing the other's air. Your lips are close enough to share a kiss, something you'd normally kill for...
But you aren't ready to get your heart broken again.
You inhale, about to give your answer.
But then you see it. In his eyes, a flicker.
Pain. Desperation. Worry. Fear.
You'd once told him his eyes were like oceans. And it didn't help that his emotions hid poorly within those seas.
You could read him like an open book. It really wasn't hard.
Before... You suppose you didn't want to know.
You answer.
Words would never be enough to explain how you felt.
Horrified doesn't even begin to reach it.
You'd welcomed him into your arms as he rested his head in the crook of your neck, spilling the secrets that'd plagued his mind for years.
And by the time he's finished, you still can't get the disgusted look off your face. "Leon- That's-... I'm so-... Great Gods, I wish you'd told me earlier." You gently run your fingers through his hair. "I feel like such an ass. I'm so sorry for not hearing you out, my love."
You coax his head from your neck and hold his face, thumbs caressing his cheeks. "You are a man. To me, and by definition. It wouldn't have mattered if you had bed a woman first or not. I will never see you any different." His eyes begin to water and his lip wobbles. "Your father, is a fool to see you any different."
Leon sighs, removing his hands from your hips and placing them over yours. "And... You still love me? Even though I didn't save myself for you?"
You shush him, brows furrowing. "Of course I do. That wasn't your decision." You look him deep in his eyes, placing a hand over his heart. "It wasn't your fault."
His eyes close. "It wasn't my fault."
"It wasn't your fault."
Relief so strong his shoulders slump and he nearly falls to his knees.
You're quick to catch him, sliding your arms under his and clinging to the back of his shirt.
His arms wrap around your waist, holding you close as shuddered breaths pass from between his lips.
The truth will set you free.
☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.☆*: .。.
Did anyone see that coming? I know for a fact y'all didn't lmaoo
This isn't the end! We have 2 more chapters, me thinks.
Will Lady Ada continue to live in the Kingdom of Duevaula? Will anyone else ever know of the Kings harshness toward Prince Leon? How would the Queen react to such news? Do you still have the chance of becoming Queen?
See you next chapter!
-Via 💕
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