#I don’t know what to call this au lol I’ll come up with something later
lightlycareless · 14 days
Not really Naomi's first day of school, but more like your and Naoya's reaction to it. Mostly yours, Naoya tends to be quite... distant because of work ugh I hate it. 😿😭😭😭 I just like writing silly domestic things :)
warnings: fluff. domestic au; you have a beautiful daughter with Naoya named Naomi. He is a good husband!!! as well as an overprotective father, just like you.
Happy reading!
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“—but nothing too far, we must be able to answer quickly if something happens!”
“Then why are we even considering beyond the estate? There’s no safer place than here!”
“Well, you are right in some way… but she still deserves to make friends, you know? Hang out with kids her age, make friends… do things of her age! And not limit herself to me or my staff…”
“No one will be good enough for my little mochi. We might as well keep her here, you know? Besides, she actually doesn’t need to go to school. She has her whole life set up already just for being my daughter!”
“Oh, Naoya, just listen to yourself! We can’t deprive Naomi of the world! It’s her right, just as anybody else’s”
“But we can choose what’s right for her, and I think her being homeschooled is the best option.”
“…For us, not for her.”
Naoya sighs.
Seems that at the end of the day, no matter how much the two tried to avoid the subject, they always came back to the same conclusion: Naomi needed to go to school.
No homeschooling, no private tutoring, none of that. She ought to go to an actual building where she’d meet other people, from teachers ready to aid her growth, to kids who wished to befriend and play with her.
It was a day that everybody knew was coming, and yet, you and Naoya couldn’t help but feel highly unprepared; mainly due to both needing to prolong the inevitably.
And neither could be blamed, after all, you and Naoya had grown accustomed to having little Naomi around all day; hearing her cute giggles resounding across the estate, the pitter patter of her feet running from one side of the hallway to the other, her witty chatter that often made little to no sense, yet you loved hearing, for it filled the cold, emptiness of your home with her warm presence, to her adorable snores…
You didn’t want her to go. You wished her to stay…
But as good parents, this needed to be done. And soon, instead of taking Naomi to accompany you to your errands, or your quick runs to satisfy whatever sweet craving you had, you’d be taking her to school; to leave her there for seemingly endless hours, unable to know what she was doing.
If she was happy, if she needed you.
And yet, that was the beauty of watching her grow; another part of you wanting to accompany her through this special moment and all that pertained through it: from buying her first backpack, dressing her up in her first school uniform, to helping her choose what hairstyle she wanted for her first day—
It was all exciting for you and Naoya.
Didn’t mean it wasn’t difficult for overbearing parents like you to drop her off at the gates of whatever prestigious school both decided to enroll her in (only the best, Naoya required, anything less is just a waste of my time).
You naturally preserved the moment through thousands of pictures, a few selections posted on her dedicated Instagram and causing an expected commotion in your family.
naomis_grandpa: Naomi-chan looks adorable as ever!! I can’t believe she’s going to school already—time sure flies by! Why don’t we celebrate her first day of school by having a small gathering? I can arrange something over there!
l/n_hinata: Oh, I wish I could’ve been there but you know how work is 😥😥!! I’ll call you later to ask how her first day went (and if you’re faring well lol) Good luck, Naomi-chan!!
l/n_ren: Haha, she looks just like you on your first day, all the way down to the pout! The resemblance is uncanny, she really is your daughter.
zenin_y/n: I wasn’t like that on my first day..
the_strongest_one: Yes, you were! I remember! You wouldn’t stop crying once your mom and dad left you hahahaha!! I think I have a picture somewhere… anyways, did Naomi cry like you? Or was she strong, like me?
zenin_naoya: leave my wife alone.
the_strongest_one: sure sure, but does your wife know you just dm’d me asking for the picture?
zenin_y/n: Naoya.
But Satoru’s words did highlight an important point, one that you expected to happen yet surprisingly, it didn’t. Naoya was equally amazed when you told him about it…
In other words, contrary to all beliefs… Naomi did not cry. She did not whine, demand to be taken back home, nor did she tightly cling onto you as you guided her onto the entrance.
Nope, nothing at all.
Instead, she was excited to start this new adventure! See what this so-called school had to offer and seize the moment!
You won’t deny that seeing her so happy was both elating and disappointing in some ways, undoubtedly for having your expectations refuted—the two were virtually inseparable, after all, surely… Naomi was just as affected as you were.
But alas, the ones far more emotionally invested were you and Naoya, trying your best to move on with their day as if nothing had changed, behaving like Naomi was still at home, just around the corner…
Kind of dramatic, wasn’t it? She was to return home 4 hours later…
“Oh!” Your thoughts would be interrupted by the loud sound of your cellphone ringing, a call from the only person you expected to do so at this time, pausing your work and rushing to respond, a smile on your lips as your husband’s face appears on the screen. “Hello, my love! How are you? How’s work treating you?”
“Dreadful, princess—as always, every second I go on without you is pure torture.” He confesses, exhaustion evident in his face. Oh, how you wished to kiss his worries away. “Just wanted to check in on you, I didn’t call you on a bad time, did I?”
“No, not at all. I was just tending to the garden; I heard you asked the gardeners to change the flowers to something Naomi liked, That’s very sweet of you.”
“Well, she mentioned liking sunflowers—and you know I had to do it.” He states proudly, your heart flutters at his smirk. “And you? How is my pretty princess?”
“Tired.” You admit. “And a bit hungry too; it’s almost noon.”
“Don’t forget to eat, I don’t want to come home and hear you hadn’t.”
“I know, I know… it’s not like my staff will allow it anyways.”
“Good. It’s what I pay them from.”
“I know, I know.” He sighs. “No need to scold me.”
“I’m not scolding you…” you pout, Naoya laughs.
“You’re adorable—anyways, do you know how my beloved dumpling is doing? I’ve missed her so much.”
“Ah, right! Wait, I think she should be awake right now so you can see her!”
“Wait,Y/N—" Naoya tried his best to lessen the shock which you would inevitably encounter once acknowledging reality, called out your name a few more times, but it was all for naught for you were determined into getting to Naomi’s room, hoping to find her playing with her toys in the company of either your seamstress Hitomi, or your cook Haruko, the latter being her favorite nee-san at the moment (though you don’t tell Hitomi that).
To see the glow of your face dim upon entering your daughter’s room is a sight that will remain imprinted in the back of Naoya’s mind, filled with an overwhelming need to comfort you, yet impotent to do so while kilometers away.
There’s no doubt now that you remember where Naomi was supposed to be, pushing you into a vivid emptiness her absence placed in your heart: a sentiment you never thought possible until becoming a mother.
“Y/N…” Naoya murmurs, heart-stricken upon seeing the sorrow in your face.
“Oh, Naoya… how could I forget that she was at school?” you lament, defeated.
“She’s always been there, it’s only natural that you’d forget.” Naoya attempts to console you, you sigh. “…What makes you feel this way? Besides missing her, of course.”
“… I don’t know, I guess… I fear that she might not like school at all. That the teachers don’t like her either… that she doesn’t get along with the kids…”
“She’ll be alright, my love. Naomi is a good kid, she’s our daughter after all.”
“I know, I just… wished I could be there for her. I know I shouldn’t feel this way, but that’s how it’s always been! I’m there for her when she needs me… and she’s here for me when I need her…
I just… miss her, I guess.”
“I’m sure she misses you too.�� Naoya can be nothing but understanding of the solitude you must feel in a place like the Zen’in estate now that he, and your daughter, were away.
Naomi had truly come into your life at the best moment, a blessing of sorts, that is without a doubt. For not only was she remembrance of the ever-growing love you felt for one another, and the achievement of a personal milestone…
But also, the one to fill the void your husband’s absence had unwittingly given you.
Though you knew the type of relationship you’d have once getting together with Naoya and all that his demanding career entailed, it didn’t make it any easier to live out. There were countless nights were your heart ached so much to have him near, and yet, all you could do is anxiously wait for his return—hope there would be one, if fate hadn’t decided to cruelly rip him—
You worry that your attachment to Naomi might come to harm her in the long run, that you’d hinder her growth for your own personal desire…
But you just loved her so much to act otherwise. You just wanted the best for her, and nothing less. Was it all too wrong?
“She’ll be home soon, you’ll see.” Naoya adds, snapping you out of your thoughts. Your gaze returns to him, to his gentle smile, a reminder that he’ll always support you. “And when she is, I will call her, and she’ll tell us all about her first day at school.”
“Do you think she’s having fun? Or do you think she’s afraid? She’s never been that social, you know? At least not when meeting new people. What if she doesn’t get along with anyone? Or what if no one likes her? Oh, she’d be devastated….!” You naturally fret as a concerned mother; there is nothing you’d like more than your daughter to be liked by everyone!
“I wish I could tell you.” Naoya continues, understanding your concerns for he too considered them—experienced them, in fact. He’s known what it felt to be lonely, even when given everything in the world. So, the last thing he desired was for his daughter to go through the same. “But there’s one thing I know for certain.”
“What is it…?”
“That she’s an adorable kid. The type one could only love. And if they don’t, they’re stupid.” He shrugs. “And there’s no cure for stupidity, so don’t worry about anything; She’s perfect just the way she is… and I know that because she’s got you as a mother.”
“Naoya… when did you get all sappy on me?” you murmur, doing your best to hold back your tears.
“I—I’m not sappy, I’m just… saying the truth.” He stammers, and though subtle, you’re still able to see a tint of red in his cheeks. “How about I pick you two up after work and we get something to eat? It’s been a while since we’ve gone down to the city.”
“Oh, that sounds wonderful! And that way we can also celebrate Naomi’s first day of school! I can’t wait to hear all about it; I’ve always loved how cheerful she spoke, makes everything far more entertaining!”
“We just gotta keep this a secret from your father; he’s been calling me non-stop about a supposed reunion he wants to make for our daughter.” Naoya warns. “Haven’t seen him so enthusiastic since… well, he’s always like this, isn’t he?”
“I kind of feel bad for leaving him out…”
“Well, he is on the other side of the country.”
“If it were up to him, I think he would’ve liked her to be enrolled in a school over there. And as much as I love it when they spend time together…”
“…We’re a bit too much, aren’t we?” Naoya laughs at your words. “People might think we’re bad parents…”
“No, Y/N. I know for a fact that I have much to improve, but not you. Never.” Naoya smiles, wanting nothing more than to hug and kiss your insecurities away. For he could be nothing but glad that his daughter was unconditionally loved, cherished far more than his family even bothered to care.
Your worries and enthusiasm just proved what he always knew, what he saw the moment his eyes fell on you, what his heart sung when he fell in love:
“You’re absolutely perfect.”
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
24 moar asks :}
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..That’s.. That’s a good point.
I’ve noticed recently that I’ve been trying very hard to get all these projects done, but I just cant seem to get past this writers/artist block.. Ingo and Emmet part 3, my FNAF AU, the Rosalina comic.. all of it has just felt really draining. I think its because I’m turning these projects into work, instead of a fun hobby.
I actually was working on the Petey Piranha comic last night, but I just couldn’t get past the sketching stage. So I took a break to draw what ever I wanted and.. I had a lot of fun.
I think I’ve overwhelmed myself thinking I have to do all these projects and get them done quickly for.. what ever reason. And its made art really draining.
I think I’m gonna take all of my projects (aside from my FNAF AU) and just. Put them on the shelf for now. I’ll draw them if I ever feel like it. 
Thanks for the little push anon.
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When ever I want. And it’ll be what ever I want :}
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If you see that someone has reposted my art and you want to do something about it, first of all thank you very much that’s really kind of you-
SECOND OFF, report it if you can. If you cant then leave a comment saying its stolen and link back to my tumblr or just mention my name. Thanks again! Its really cool that you’d want to do that for me- 💕😭💕
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I had planned that he could eat a fire flower and spit out a fire ball, but I later took away that ability. Yoshi ain’t got no fire powers :(
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They do exist, and Bowser does care about them.. but he doesn't show it as much as he does in canon. He’s a lot more stern and ruler like. A lot less touchy feely you know?
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The idea is that the 1-UP mushroom has fully left Mario’s body. So any effects or pain he experiences all lies in his trauma related to the incident.
Now, if Luigi were to die and be revived by a 1-UP? It would be the same. If the experience was traumatic and he suffered a horrible injury, he would probably deal with phantom pains too..
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For most of them I just referenced clothing that relates to the attraction/style they have in the game.
For Chica I looked up kids rock star costumes and took reference of what I thought looked good. For Bonnie I looked up old vintage bowling ally shirts and referenced the one that looked closest to his canon shirt. For Foxy I referenced pirate coats and costumes. For Monty I looked up old golfing outfits and picked out aspects that I liked and mixed it with punk/rock and roll. For Roxanne I referenced punk rock I think..? And old racing fire suits.
For Freddy though I mostly made it up.. but I looked at a bunch of different artists that made redesigns for Freddy and tried to capture the vibe of the ones I liked. Mostly the collar on his coat was something a lot of those artists drew-
For Gregory I just gave him a new outfit based on the story. When he went back to the Pizzaplex his clothes were dirty and worn.. so Freddy went and got him new clothes from one of the gift shops. So I went to google and referenced the sweaters and clothes you find throughout the game and gave him stuff that looked similar. Hope this helped! :}
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There is! But its not that deep don’t worry-
When I was designing my sona, I wanted something on my hands. At the time my hands were covered in Band-Aids due to cat scratched and dry/cracked skin. So I thought hey! I could have bandaged hands! So I added them.
They also work if you call them my “artist hands” lol-
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No, thank YOU for engaging with my content and sending me lovely messages! :D
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Oh he’s in the AU, he’s probably one of the smaller gorilla types that just kind’a vibes and does old man stuff. He probably has to eat the sweeter fruits though because his jaw isn’t so strong anymore. Much to his dismay.. 
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She didn’t cause any problems per say, the Toads didn’t even know she existed. Although she does create these shooting stars every time she comes to the planet.. but that doesn’t bother the Toads either, In fact they celebrate them. So the toads have no issue with Rosalina.
Also she apologized to Mario and Luigi for “disturbing” them because they heard her crying and they went to investigate. :(
And thank you! I’m glad you like my interpretations! :D
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Well you’re in luck! My FNAF AU is the only project I plan to not drop and keep working on! Hahaha!... haaahhhh
(Also thank you very much that was very sweet 😭)
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I don’t actually have a specific name that I tag my AU under.. but if you were to search “mario” in my blog search you’ll find just about every Mario related post I’ve ever made. AU and not AU.
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Not yet.. 👀
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The reason why Mario experiences phantom pain is because his first death was very traumatic for him. So whether or not he experiences phantom pains with his future deaths all depends on how he died, and how it effected him mentally.
Same goes for Luigi. If he dies a horribly painful/traumatic death.. he’ll likely experience phantom pains too..
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There was a comic planned for how they met him actually.
They got lost in the woods and stumbled upon King Boos mansion. Like an idiot Mario goes in and Luigi follows. They both ended up getting tormented and pranked by the Boos. They were separated at one point but then met back up on the second floor. Mario sees a fire flower in an old flower pot and grabs it.
As soon as he becomes fire Mario.. the entire mansion goes completely silent..
Then, all the windows and doors slowly shut. Some of the lights come on and Mario and Luigi follow them. They follow the lights down the hall, down the stairs, through the main room and wind up led to the front door..
The front door is wide open. Mario and Luigi walk out.. only for the door to slam shut behind them. Locking them out.
Mario harnessing a fire flower was so bizarre, so impossible! That King Boo knew he was outmatched against him. So King Boo just silently let them out of the mansion without a fuss. 
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I’m not sure how they would react to the Koopalings, but I imagine they wouldn't hurt them. It doesn’t take a genius to tell that the Koopalings are just kids..
As for their behaviors.. I think its close to the canon interpretations, except for Ludwig and JR. I had planned that Ludwig was going to be much bigger and more stern like his pa. Because he is the heir to the throne.. but then google told me that Roy is the oldest so there goes that plan-
For JR though his plans stick. JR is supposed to be smaller and younger. More like a toddler then a kid. He’s the youngest and the one Bowser is most protective of. 
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Thank you! I’m glad you like my AU! :D
As for if anyone will find Gregory.. I haven’t planned if anyone will or who it will be. Although it will likely be Chica or Monty.
Since Chica is so close to Freddy, she is bound to find out about this entire child that he has kept secret-
As for Monty.. I liked the idea of Gregory hiding for some reason.. and he calls for Freddy through his fazwatch in a panic. After a few minutes he hears big thumping plasticky foot steps approaching. He comes out of hiding thinking its Freddy..
But it was Monty.
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I made them brothers because I could :}
Although I’m questioning it now. Maybe they could just be friends. They could just be two idiots who found each other and decided to reek havoc together.
Oooor they could be brothers., Hmm.. I’ll have to give it some more thought XD
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If Bowser had gone straight for Luigi, first of all he would have to land a fatal blow twice. Because the power of the Ice Flower would Protect Luigi from one big hit. That’s actually why Mario died in one shot. Because the Fire Flower had just run our of power.
But anyway- after loosing the ice flower and getting hit? Luigi would just die.. and stay dead. Only Mario had consumed a 1-UP mushroom at that point..
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I imagined them as these strange monsters that live in the woods. They don’t work for Bowser, or Peach, they just do their own thing. I also imagined them to deal with dark magic and rituals and stuff. 
Wanna hear how Mario and Luigi first met one?
The plan was that the bros and Yoshi were exploring when they found a shy guy with its leg caught in a tree root. Mario carefully approached to try and help.. but the closer he got. The longer and more deformed the shy guy became.
Yoshi ended up snatching them both up and running away. Mario mysteriously had a fever that lasted for a few days after that..
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Me waiting for my platonic kiss on the forehead be like:
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My favorite character? Oooo that’s a good question. There’s a lot to choose from.. but one of my favorites is Hal Monitor. Always love it when he’s on screen XD
I actually like stupid Mario sometimes, he’s pretty funny XD
So far my favorite arc is the lawsuit arc. Mostly because I’m not caught up on the other arcs. The little nuggets of Mario angst/wholesomeness we got in that arc was delicious XD 
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If the Monkeys were to eat the red beets they would gain more muscle mass overtime. But its not a matter of them not being able to eat them, they just don’t like them.
The blue fruits are very sweet and juicy, and the beets are dry and bitter. The kongs that like bitter flavors eat the beets and grow to be huge. and overtime they develop a dislike for sweet tastes. And vice versa.
341 notes · View notes
weak4skz · 1 year
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Han Jisung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, fluff, angst, idol au
Summary: Han and y/n have been friends since before they remember. But what happens if their friendship is severed by an unfortunate situation and Han goes off to be an idol while y/n is in college. When they connect through a mutual friend, what happens then?
CHAPTER WARNINGS: self harm, suicide attempt, eating disorder, body dysmorphia, reader isn’t in the right mind, body insecurities, just a lot of feelings, insecurities in general, self consciousness (tell me if I missed anything)
A/N: chapter 2 is finally up!! If you couldn't tell, my life has been kind of a mess lately and I've been really busy with school as well as personal matters. But thank you for sticking around and being patient <3
want2besomeoneelse lixie-jisung-stan jisuperboard mentoslol i-dont-know-me-either mooncallerautumn poisonivy21
Going home my mind was working overtime but at the same time not working at all. My body went into auto-pilot while I was absolutely mentally wrecked. My biggest priority was to drive home without dying or having a mental breakdown; so I focused for the 15 minute drive home. As soon as I was safe inside my house I allowed myself to go numb. To have millions of thoughts but at the same time have no thoughts. It was a coping mechanism I developed over the years. 
I found out I could get into this little headspace after Jisung caught me cutting myself. Since I didn’t want to be caught doing something so embarrassing; I had to find another way to cope.
And to think I thought my night couldn’t POSSIBLY get worse 
I know I told myself I had gotten past this; but I really needed to feel something. So I went to the bathroom and picked up my blade and started cutting.
 It’s not enough
The pain wasn’t painful enough to fix my broken self so I cut deeper than I knew I should.
 Ah… sweet relief 
While relishing in the floaty feeling, I hear a quiet ping come from my phone. I pick it up, reading the text on my screen.
Hey y/n. I wanted to tell you that I passed that audition that I told you about and got accepted to become a trainee at JYP Entertainment. The only thing is that I have to leave tomorrow; but I promise I’ll keep in touch. Don’t die while I’m gone lol
I let out a humorless laugh before making one more cut on my left thigh; it was so deep it gushed out blood. I didn’t really mind though; I needed the pain, maybe even liked it. Or I at least preferred it over everything that had happened in the past couple hours. The bathroom started to blur and I started to see stars; I decided to close my eyes and let the darkness take over.
I walk into the cozy coffee spot trying to spot my friend. When I do; I rush over and give him a tight hug while he gently sways the both of us back and forth gently. He hugs me so tight I pull back from a lack of air.
Now, one might think that our greeting is a little much for not seeing each other for two days; but there is nothing dramatic enough for the man who saved my life
“Hey Y/n”
“Hey Chan” I say back breathlessly.
Chan, the 5’7 father of seven who is the reason I’m still here today FOUR YEARS AGO
After receiving the news of my mom’s death; I was devastated. She was at the hospital more than she was home; but when she was home we had so much fun. I could remember nights when we would stay up until 4 am surrounded by our favorite snacks. We would talk about anything and everything: me, her, the new episode of our favorite drama, Jisung.
He hasn’t contacted me since the night of that party two years ago. I kept my old phone and number, even when I got a new one, just in case he called. I even pay the ridiculous rent for my childhood home just in case he came by. But maybe he just forgot about me; I mean, I am pretty forgettable. Not much special about me when he is a musical genius. 
I look out onto the bridge I’m on; the city looks so pretty from up here. Then, I look down at the water and the reflection of the city on it. Honestly, I would rather be in that city than the one up here. So I walk a little closer to the edge; not to jump, just to look. Or at least that’s what I tell myself. When I get to the edge and lean over it a little, reaching for the city in the water; I feel arms pulling me back. I immediately tense in the man’s arms, trying to figure out what type of person he could be. I lower it down to three options
A pedophile
A man that thought I was gonna jump and is trying to save my life
A drunk guy
‘Hey’ the man says in a gentle voice. “You’re a little close to the edge; why don't we back up a bit, yeah?” the voice says, gently pulling me back to a safe distance from the edge of the bridge. While still in the mystery man’s arms, I begin to analyze him. He’s strong, definitely stronger than me, so I can’t fight him. He also seemed to have the accent of a native English speaker. Before I could finish my detailed analysis the mystery man turned me around. 
“Hi,” he starts. “I’m Chan, Bang Chan. And you are?” he asks, looking at me with expecting eyes. “Y/n,” I responded in a quiet voice. 
“You looked like you could use some company. Why don’t we walk around and talk for a bit, hm? We can grab some food if you’d like.” 
“Oh, I’m not that hungry” 
That is the dumbest lie I have ever told
The truth is I am hungry. I have had nothing but a protein shake every other day. I skipped at least two days a week for the times I would go get food with friends or go eat with my mom at the hospital. But, I couldn't stop now. I've finally started to look normal, maybe even pretty. 
“Y/n, when’s the last time you ate, and I mean a full meal.”
Y/n, are you really about to spill all of your emotional trauma to some random stranger you just met?
Yes, yes I am
“About a month ago” his eyes automatically widened. “Yeah I have an eating disorder that I developed from body dysmorphia,” now Chan is looking at me like I’m crazy. Which, at the moment, I probably am. “Yeah I know. My mom died last week.” now even I know I’ve gone insane. 
“I wanted to jump” this time, I’m a little quieter; the fact I wanted to end my life a little harder to admit. “I’ve been cutting for years but after she died, cutting wasn’t enough” 
That was when I realized I was crying. It 's the first time I had cried since I was at my mom’s deathbed. Not while I drove home; not while I was cutting myself on the bathroom floor, not even at the funeral. 
I expected Chan to walk away. To consider me another depressed college student and to move with his life. But instead; I feel his arms wrap around me and his hands stand to gently move up and down my back. In my estranged state, I’m confused as to why the man I just met is comforting me. What’s even more confusing is how loved and cherished I feel in his arms. So, as any normal person would do, I cry my heart out into the man’s arms. 
After my loud sobs turn into quiet sniffles, Chan pulls me back and looks at my face.
“No offense, but you look like a mess”
“You look worse,” I sniffled.
Now that I got a good look at him, he looked a mess. His hair was  in messy, tangled curls, he had really dark bags under his eyes, and he was wearing different shoes.
“We both look like shit. But why don’t we fix our shit together, yeah?’
“Sure, why not”
“Ok, hear me out,” Chan starts. “What would you think of meeting the kids and becoming our manager for our upcoming comeback?”
“Let me get this straight. You want me, a broke girl straight out of college with no experience; to manage you and your friends' world-wide popular band?”
“Yes?” he says, but it sounds more like a question. 
“I haven’t even met them yet. First let me meet your so-called kids then we can talk about me becoming one of your managers,” I negotiated. Chan talks very highly of his kids; but again he couldn’t say a bad thing about anyone. 
“Ok great! How about right now?” he asked with a smile. 
“WHAT?” Chan grimaced at my loudness. “Bang Chan I am not dressed to meet a bunch of world-famous kpop idols!” Truthfully, I wasn’t dressed that bad. I was wearing a white tank-top, maybe a little too tight for a girl like me to be wearing; under a dark blue zip-up with some black, wide leg cargo pants. 
“You look fine,” he said a little more seriously. “They are at my apartment, we don’t  have to go if you don’t want to.”
“No, I'll go. I’ve been wanting to meet them for a while, this is just a little more sudden than what I had imagined.” are the words I force out of my mouth. “Yea sorry about that. I just knew if I didn’t ask you to come over today you would put it off for weeks,” he responded with a small smile.
This man knows me too well
He knows how I panic when meeting new people. How I get anxious about everything from what I say to how dirty my shoes are. He knows that I worry myself into panic attacks when it comes to first impressions
I let out a choked laugh, as if I were trying to laugh at a lame joke.
Except I am the joke
I tell him I’ll go, even if I kind of don’t want to. Don’t get me wrong, I do want to meet everyone; it’s just they seem so perfect. They just had to look good in everything: serious pictures, funny pictures, music videos, interviews, you name it. 
Slightly against my own will; I begin to get up, expecting us to leave.
“Y/n, you’re forgetting something,” Chan reminded me. I look at the table to see if I left my phone or wallet on it, but I don’t spot anything that’s mine. “What am I forgetting?” I asked him confused. “Y/n you forgot your sandwich”
My brain is working at 500 mph trying to come up with a better lie than ‘I had a really big breakfast’ because Chan knows I ever eat in the morning. “Y/n, did you eat at all yesterday? And I mean real food.” Chan asked, or rather scolded.
The truth is I didn’t, but it’s justified because the day before yesterday I went out with my old college friend, Yeji, and we ate hot pot; 3750 calories if I calculated correctly. And that’s way above my daily intake for two whole days. So technically, I ate enough for two days in one day which means there was no need to eat yesterday.
“Y/n,” Chan sighed; “Can you at least take a couple bites? Please?
“I can’t eat when I’m nervous,” was my excuse of choice. I mean, it wasn’t the complete truth but he didn’t have to know. 
Chan seemed to accept my answer and stood up. “Fine, are you ready to go?” he asks.
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 4 months
Hello!!! :D Hope you've been having a nice day so far! 💖
For whe writers truth & dare ask game: 🍓🥤🦷🏜️🥐
hi!!!! you too!!!!! it's been pretty uneventful for me lol.
thanks for the ask!!
heres the ask game if anyone wants to see it.
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
It was elementary school. 5th grade or so, but I was deeply invested in TMNT 2012 with a few of my friends. We would all talk about it, and at one point I wrote a little story in my notebook by hand without knowing what it was called about the show (its long since lost in a flood that happened years ago rip) but I found ff.net months later because I had two infatuations. TMNT 2012 and the original teen titans. I even remember reading fanfic on deviantart. I was really big into April and Donnie and Beast Boy and Raven. I didn't start posting anything until my Wattpad days around 14-16. That was about bandom, Pitch Perfect, then Citrus (I have made bad choices and I meme on myself now but I was JUST THAT STARVED for wlw ships.) Anyway wattpad account got deleted and there was a whole thing where my email got hacked and everything just is gone. (its really soulcrushing to lose work like that). But yeah!! I got back into fanfic during 2020 and the pandemic because I had watched a movie and just decided to write for it. I don't recommend reading anything of that era because it's cringe and just... no.
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
Can I give multiple fanfics I love though?? I can't add everyone due to time but I'll give a couple.
1.) learning how to be (with you by my side) by uniqueusernamegenerator (<- THIS is my favorite toh fanfic) 2.) I’ll Catch You by Black_Cat_Autumn 3.) all i got is my heart (and my pride) 4.) warm coffee, summer blues by uniqueusernamegenerator 5.) "I love you," ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by kfaerie 6.) The Rest is History by amityadmirer for Shannon_shannon_shannon 7.) No Tip Necessary by Rohad 8.) i want you to be here (but please don’t come near) by stongrays 9.) Tallmity and Petite Luz future au by the_Shan_yousee 10.) You're My Rainbow in the Dark (HAITUS) by Underw0rld
Arcane: 1.)the oldest game by thehaakun 2.) the heart is a bullet by thehaakun 3.) The World Ends, Or Doesn't by Misthios 4.) how big, how blue (how beautiful) by panglosian
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
Story sprints are a godsend. Also plotting helps alongside voice memos. I don't really have someone to bounce ideas off of but it helps me to verbalize what I'm thinking if I'm stuck so sometimes I talk through what I'm thinking aloud. Also making playlists or mood boards/collages of character outfits. Just giving you a more visual aspect of what you want to write.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Just genuine praise of my work feels nice. I don't get comments often. Sometimes they give me anxiety too. Maybe if you have any pointers of my fic to say something like that??
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
🥺, 😈, 👀, ✅!!!
Aaa thank you Nawy!! (Hi :D)
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
Being subconsciously protective. It gets me every single time: Chuuya tackling Dazai to safety in Stormbringer, Dazai keeping Chuuya’s head in his lap in Dead Apple while he sleeps (and the HAND) and Chuuya being genuinely concerned for Dazai during the Lovecraft fight — all of that!
To go on a brief related ramble, there’s this scene in a Miss Marple murder mystery that I read years ago where Miss Marple is watching this young couple touring a house. While the couple is on a balcony, the railing suddenly breaks, and the woman nearly falls down several stories. Instead of reaching out to grab her, her partner actually steps back off the balcony, leaving her to regain her balance on her own.
Miss Marple goes up to the woman afterwards and basically says “that young man will not make you a good partner if his first instinct is to save himself rather than help you.” And while it’s perhaps a bit of a surface level way to judge relationships, that always stuck with with me (and later got reinforced by a few Life Experiences), so that aspect has always been important to me with characters! (More reasons why I love Chuuya’s character so much alskdjfjf)
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
…Hmmm I’m actually struggling to think of one — tbh I’m pretty sensitive to angst (see blog title lol) so if I write things that are too mean I always end up making myself sad too 😅
…Oh except maybe the first chapter of “This is how it feels to take a fall”. That was very mean — BUT I would argue also necessary for the plot! (And again I did make myself very sad alskjdfj) (…come to think of it there were a few Howl AU cliffhangers that were also a bit mean)(oops)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
*Vibrates in place* I am so desperate to have more sleep and time so I can actually finish things alsksjdjfj BUT here are a few updates: I’m making progress (if slower than I had hoped) on the Howl AU epilogue, and after that’s finished I’ll be working on the next Skyline Pigeon chapter, as well as a Howl AU extra that I recently figured out I’m going to call “Rimbaud and the Man of Many Ways”! I am very excited to work on that >:D also the Howl AU sequel will probably be a long time coming, but it’s going to be called “Chuuya and the Castle in the Air”! I’ve been working on plotting it, because I’m working some setup/foreshadowing into the main story epilogue so I need to know what I’m doing at least somewhat lol
Also here is a preview of the beginning of the Howl AU epilogue because I have no self control and also this part has been done for ages, it’s just the later parts that are taking forever alskdjfjf (also apologies for the screenshot I’m currently too sleepy to copy paste this whole chunk and format it on mobile)
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✅ What’s something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don’t mean to?
…My first instinct is to say “cuddling”, but that’s pretty deliberate — I crave the FLOOF. So I guess the more accurate answer, for both my writing AND my comics, would be “cooking together”, because that wasn’t something I noticed I was doing until other people started pointing it out XD (I even somehow managed to get it into the Little Mermaid AU — in retrospect my friend’s note of “wait they’re cooking bread now??” was an early sign lololol)
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splendidreads · 2 years
Open Your Arms, Part 3
Mob!Bucky Barnes × Female OC
Word Count: 4692
Warnings: some mildly foul language, threats, protective Bucky is a warning in itself.
Summary: 'Arranged marriages are never easy. This one is no exception. Both sides will have to relearn their ways, and learn to trust each other. Bucky has all the love to give, but Katherine doesn't know how to accept real love. She's never been loved by anyone other than her best friend. Will she learn to open her heart, to New Yorks most notorious Mob Boss? Or is she too scared, that he's just like everyone else?'
A/N; This is my FIRST Bucky story. As well as my first AU story. If this first part does well, l'll keep on going. I'm incredibly beyond nervous about this. ALSO; things will pick up in the next chapter!! DONT WORRY!!
Constructive criticism welcome, but please be nice.
Please re-post and comment:)
I do NOT give permission for my work to be copied and posted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. PLEASE just reblog if you want to share my story!!
TAGLIST: @wintasssoldier
Part 4 Here
SONG: Finesse by Bruno Mars & Cardi B
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Katherine had slept pretty well that night, in her new big bed. She had actually slept into the morning, for the first time in years. Her bed was surely a mess, and she probably had the worst bed head of her life. But for the first time in what felt like forever, she felt rested.
A soft humming sound started in her throat, as she rolled over in the bed, hearing her phone buzz against the nightstand. She stretched her arm out, blindly smacking her hand around before she finally felt her phone. One of her eyes slowly peeled itself open, just enough to look at her phone.
10 text messages, and 2 missed calls.
It was then that she finally looked at the time, both of her eyes snapping open. It was nearly eleven in the morning, far longer than she’d ever slept in before.
She fell out of the bed with a loud plop, scurrying to get to the bathroom and start her day. As she turned the shower on, she went through her text messages.
Sage 7:46am ‘GOOD MORNING! Let me take Skadi out for a walk, then let me know when someone will come get me!’
Sage 8:03 ‘Skadi tried to drag me into the lake.’
Sage 8:30 ‘KATIE ARE YOU UP?’
Bucky 8:32 ‘Good morning, Katherine. I came to check on you, but you were so peacefully sound asleep.. I thought I’d just let you rest. I have meetings starting at 9, and hopefully will have a lunch break around noon. I hope you sleep well, and I’ll see you later (:’
Sage 9:10 ‘I’m ready whenever you are’
Sage 9:30 ‘…are you alive?’
Sage 9:47 ‘Did something happen..?’
9:52 Missed phone call, Sage
Sage 10:03 ‘I’m stopping by your house, or I guess your old house, grabbing a couple of things. Your dad isn’t here..’
10:13 Missed phone call, Sage
Sage 10:15 ‘Did I possibly steal someone’s phone number, because you left the letter on your desk? Yes, yes I did.’
Bucky 10:25 ‘Sage texted me. Steve’s about to head over to get her.. I know you said she worries a lot, but she seems pretty antsy to not hear from you. I told her that you were asleep, and she didn’t seem to believe me..?’
Katherine let out a long huff of air as she began brushing her teeth, reading all of the text messages. Her eyes rolled, reading the ones from Sage. But when she saw the texts from Bucky, she smiled. She hummed softly, her fingers tapping away on the glass screen.
‘Everything’s fine, I promise!! Would you believe me if I said that I slept in?’
‘Good morning! I’m so sorry, I don’t ever sleep in like this. Thank you for being so kind! Don’t worry about Sage, it’s just very uncharacteristic of me, lol’
She sent the first text to Sage and the second to Bucky, as she moved around the bathroom, prepping to get into the shower. Just as she was about to step into the shower, Sage texted her back.
‘I was preparing myself to fight a mob, just so you know..’
A rumble of a laugh passed Katherine’s lips, shaking her head as she quickly texted her back.
‘Lol I’m getting into the shower see you soon.’
Katherine decided to try and leave her hair down for the day, realizing she hasn’t had that opportunity in such a long time. Her hair was always in a slick bun, or a braid for work. It had been long enough that she was a bit surprised to see that the strands reached right above her rear. She had a hard time getting herself ready, her eyes glued to the body she saw in the mirror.. Noticing every detail that she despised about herself. She wasn’t a petite woman, that was for sure. Her hips were wide, thighs jiggling as she moved. Her tummy had a bit of a pooch, sticking out over her jeans, enough for her to grab between her fingers to fiddle with. Stretch marks across her hips and abdomen, even her thighs and breasts, from frequent weight changes. She would at least give herself credit for having nice curves.
A sharp rap of knocks at her bedroom door snapped her out of the daze.
“Hold on!” Her voice echoed through the bathroom, her bare feet padding across the tile as she pulled a shirt over her head.
“My hands are full or I would just come in anyways!” Sages voice sounded from the other side of the door.
Her hands were full?
Katherine pulled the door open, a confused look on her face as not only Sage but Steve as well both walked into her room with a few boxes and shopping bags. She continued with her confused expression, a hand on her hip as she watched them set everything in the TV area.
“So, I know that you’re not a very materialistic person,” Sage started, opening a few boxes, “But I also know.. That was never really a choice.”
Katherine walked towards them, peering into the boxes, “Okay…”
“I may have let it slip, that you’re a bit of an artist..” Sage shot her an innocent look, “I grabbed everything from my place that you had, and Bucky sent Steve and I out to get you new art supplies.”
Katherine’s eyes shot up, looking between the two blondes. She was silent for a moment, not sure what she wanted to say. Steve let out a soft sigh, a smile on his lips as he helped Sage take everything out from the bags
“He had already fully intended on taking you shopping.. But after talking to Sage,” His eyes went to her, a smile on his lips, “We all agreed you could use the surprise.”
Katherine stood there, dumbfounded. It wasn’t unlike Sage to try and take care of her, that wasn’t anything new. But the fact that it was Bucky, as well as Steve.. She watched as the two began taking things out, her eyes looking at all of the things.
“I also got a few things for you to decorate your room with.” Sage spoke, looking around the room. “This is the perfect spot!”
Sage stood up with a handful of rectangular frames in her hands. She walked over towards the television, and began placing them on the wall, trying to figure out the best spot for them. Katherine watched her for a moment, trying to look at the photos.. She could practically feel her heart swell, realizing what the pictures were. One was of Katherine and Sage, around the time they met. They were both so young.. Another was the two of them, a bit older, with a huge mess of paint. They both had big grins plastered on their faces, though she knew that after that moment they cleaned it all up. Next was a photo of them from their High School graduation..
“I thought you could use a few personal touches.”
Katherine’s lips curved up into a sweet smile, “Thank you.. Both.” She turned her smile to Steve, who just simply nodded his head, returning the smile.
Sage hummed softly, as she stuck the photos to the wall, satisfied with her arrangement. She then went back to all of the things on the table, and began to move some stuff around. Soon, all three of them were going around the room, decorating. Sage had suggested putting music on, and Katherine didn’t argue. The girls were dancing around the room, having a great time.. Katherine didn’t even notice that Steve had been gone for about fifteen minutes.
“Ooh, don't we look good together?
There's a reason why they watch all night long..
Yeah, know we'll turn heads forever..
So tonight I'm gonna show you off!”
Sages voice sang the words happily, both girls laughing as they danced around. Katherine smiled, walking into her closet to hang up the last of her clothes.. There wasn’t much, but it was at least a little better now. Sage had brought the clothes that Katherine left at her house, wanting her to have better options. Katherine had gone deep into her walk in closet, the music flooding her ears, and didn’t have any idea that Steve was back.. And that there was someone else in the room as well.
“You must be him.” Sage smiled, putting her hand out, “It’s good to officially meet you.”
Bucky offered her a kind smile, shaking her hand, “You too.” He glanced around the room, raising an eyebrow, “It looks nice. Thank you for doing this..” He seemed like he had more to say.
Sage hummed softly, “No problem. I’m just thankful that you’re not a big meanie,” She chuckled a bit, before lowering her voice, “She would kill me for saying anything… But I feel like it’s my job.”
Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed on his face, listening intently. He could hear Katherine in the closet, humming along to the music. He wondered if she liked to sing.. But he was also very curious to know what Sage was about to tell him.
“I know way more about what you do, than she does.” Sage crossed her arms on her chest, looking directly to Bucky’s eyes, “She has no idea.. The reality of what she’s about to put herself in.”
Bucky nodded his head slowly, though his eyes narrowed a bit, “And just how do you think you know?”
Sage chuckled softly, proving his gaze ineffective, “Deputy Chief Alexandria Chambers.”
Bucky’s gaze softened, hearing the name. He looked to Steve, who simply nodded his head as if he already knew the information that was being revealed. He was confused.. How did she know her?
“She was my mother.”
Bucky swallowed a lump in his throat, “She was one of the best, that’s for damn sure.. I was very sorry to hear about her passing.”
Sage nodded her head slowly, “Thank you. She was always fair.. And I know that she was on your side of things. Well, you and your mob family.”
Bucky wasn’t exactly sure where this conversation was going, but he continued nonetheless, “I’m assuming that uhm..” He cleared his throat, “She made sure her daughter was well aware of the world she lived in.”
Sage nodded her head, “She was very thorough about it.” She seemed like she was about to say more, though a smile crept its was back onto her face when they could all hear Katherine’s voice.
“When I'm walkin' with you..
I watch the whole room change..
Baby, that's what you do..”
Katherine had absolutely no idea about the conversation that was taking place, as she hung up her clothes. If anyone had been paying close attention, they might have noticed the sweet smile that tugged on the corners of Bucky’s mouth. ‘She sounds wonderful..’
“Listen,” Sage looked to Bucky’s eyes, a serious expression on her face, “I just don’t want Katie to get caught in the crossfire of your world.” She let out a huff of air, “She deserves the best.. Even if she doesn’t think so herself.”
“No, my baby, don't play..
Blame it on my confidence..
Oh, blame it on your measurements..”
Steve walked over, grabbing the now empty bags. He was listening to Sage speak to Bucky, and he knew where she was going with her words.. Sage had told Steve quite a bit when they went shopping. She was quite the protective friend.. And for good reason. He glanced at Bucky, their eyes meeting for a moment. Bucky’s eyes shifted back towards Sage, and they watched each other for a moment, listening to Katherine sing. He put his hands on his hips, as the two of them shared a bit of a staring contest. Until Sages words broke the moment of silence between them.
“I will do anything for her.. Anything.” Sages eyes squinted, “I’m not trying to get on your bad side or anything.. I just want to make sure what your intentions are with her.”
Bucky watched Sage for another moment, and was starting to understand why she was interrogating him. “My intentions are what they’ve always been.. I intend on marrying Katherine someday.”
“But do you intend on loving her?” Sages words were sharp, and quite clear.
Bucky thought about those words, his eyes looking around the room. It’s not like he was heartless.. But love was never really on the table for him. Love was dangerous. It could be used against him.. Who would ever truly love a man like him anyways?
Sage shook her head, her eyes looking over the photos on the wall, “She deserves to be loved.. Taken care of.. And cherished.” Her lips curved downwards, “She hasn’t gotten much of that. Her mom died too soon, and her dad just became even more of a piece of shit.. Yet somehow, she’s still a ray of sunshine in this shitty world.. and I don’t want anything to diminish that.”
Steve cleared his throat, taking a few steps closer to them, “I can tell you that she’ll be well taken care of here, Sage.” He offered her a kind smile, before glancing at Bucky, “Even though everyone thinks that Buck is some scary monster.. A hard ass, who has no heart.. There’s a big ole teddy bear under that facade.. And I have a feeling that Katherine’s going to find him.”
Bucky glared at Steve, for saying such mushy words.. But, he could potentially be right.
Sage returned Steve’s smile, “I hope you’re right.. But I still want to know what Bucky’s thoughts are.”
Bucky took in a sharp breath, looking down at his shoes for a moment, trying to think over his words, “Steve’s right. Everyone does see me that way, and they’re not exactly wrong.” His eyes flicked up to Sage, “But I know how to be a gentle man, Sage. I would’ve never made a deal to marry someone, if I didn’t think I could… Be a decent husband.” He let out a soft breath, “I promise you that my intentions with Katherine are genuine. I will take care of her, and maybe we will grow to love each other.”
Sages lips curved up into a wide grin, and she brought her hands together, clapping them. “Well, alright then. Then I have a job for you.”
Both men’s facial expressions changed to one’s of confusion, looking between each other before turning their attention back to Sage.
“Katherine needs to change. She needs to learn that she deserves love.. And I want you to help me do that.”
Before Bucky could respond, the music suddenly stopped.
“Hey Steve, I was wondering if you-“
Katherine had come out of the closet, holding a clothing rod in both of her hands. Her eyes widened slightly, seeing that Bucky was standing there.. Her lips curved up into a sweet smile, their eyes locking. She felt her breath hitch in her throat, admiring his steel blue eyes.
“Hi.” Her voice came out soft, the grin on her face not faltering.
“Hey.” Bucky responded, his lips curving up to return the grin, “Uh, what happened?” He asked, pointing to the rod in her hands.
Katherine looked at it, then chuckled, “Fun fact, if you’re too short to reach something, just ask for help. Or you’ll end up taking down all of the clothes you just hung up.” Everyone in the room began chuckling, though Katherine’s cheeks tinted a light pink shade.
“I’m assuming you were about to ask for my help?” Steve finally asked, still chuckling a bit.
“Yeeaahhh..” Katherine chuckled softly, “It can wait until later..” She hummed for a moment, before looking between the three of them, “So.. What ‘cha guys up to?”
“Oh, I was just interrogating your new boyfriend, of course.” Sage grinned, sending Bucky a knowing look.
Katherine’s blush deepened, “Sage!” She scolded her, “We literally just met yesterday!”
Bucky’s lips turned up into a smirk, “Yeah, and I’m already introducing you to people as my girl.”
Sage raised an eyebrow, Steve tried to stifle a laugh. Katherine’s face was red as a beat, and thank god she didn’t have to come up with anything to say.. Because Annette knocked on the door, her warm smile peering into the room.
“Lunch is ready!” She announced, before motioning for everyone to follow her.
Bucky chuckled, sliding his hands into his pockets. His eyes watched as Sage grabbed Katherine’s hand, leading her out of the room. How cute. He couldn’t help the thought, seeing how she reacted to his words. Steve followed behind the girls, and Bucky went right behind him.
The next week went.. Well? Bucky had been pretty busy with a bunch of meetings, and Katherine found herself feeling pretty lonely. Sage had gotten stuck working overtime at the hospital, so Katherine didn’t really have anyone to talk to. She did, however, find herself in the kitchen a lot. Annette showed her where everything was, and was delighted to find out that Katherine was a quick learner. Baking, cooking, you name it. Annette started showing her everything that she knew.
“You know, I think Mr. Barnes has a soft spot for brownies..” Annette said, smiling as Katherine took them out of the pan.
“Really?” Katherine’s eyes looked at her, “You think.. You think it’d be okay if I took some up to him?”
Annette nodded, “If the door is closed, just make sure that you knock. But yes, I think he’d be pleasantly surprised.”
Katherine slowly nodded her head, and decided to grab a plate. She put four brownies on it, not knowing who else might be in his study with him.
“I’m going to finish up the laundry, then I’m done for the weekend!” Annette said, as she came around to the side of Katherine, taking a brownie.
“Alright, thank you for your help. Let’s hope that he likes them!”
Katherine took the plate in her hands, and started to make her way through the house. She was a bit nervous about going to Bucky’s study. She hadn't been in there since her first day here, and he’s been so busy lately.. Maybe brownies might be a nice offering. They hadn’t spent hardly any time together, shy of quick ‘Good morning’s before he had meetings. As she walked down the hall to the study, she found that the door was open. Perfect! She hummed softly, deciding to just walk in.
“Hey Bucky, I’m sorry if I’m bothering you.. But I made-“ Her words were cut short by the stares of five men.
Bucky stood at his desk, towering over scattered papers and files, a frustrated expression on his face. Steve stood next to him, the same kind of frustration.. There were three other men gathered in the room, none of which Katherine had met before. As soon as she had stepped into the room, all the men’s eyes snapped up to look at her. It startled her enough to make her stop dead in her tracks. She gripped the plate tightly, her eyes shifting between each man, finally landing on those icy blue orbs.
“Brownies..” Her last word finally came out, her voice much quieter than it started.
Her eyes glanced at all of the papers on the table, and they widened a bit when she realized what they were. Crime Scene Photos. As soon as she had that realization, the photos were all scooped up back into a Manila folder.
“Who the hell are you? Snoopy little bitch..” One of the men voiced, his words sharp. Italian. “Who said you could barge in here?”
Bucky’s head snapped towards him, and as he opened his mouth to speak, Katherine’s voice was first.
“Excuse me? I live here. If I feel like bringing my man some brownies, I’m quite sure I can do just that. And, the door was open.” Her words came out much stronger than she expected, so she kept that strength and walked further into the room. “Learn some manners, bitch.” She walked around to the side of the desk that Bucky was on, and he greeted her with what seemed like a proud smirk.
“You are quite correct, doll.” He hummed, her words feeding his ego a bit. My man. His eyes looked towards the man who voiced against Katherine, “You’re lucky you still have your tongue. Katherine is right, you should learn some manners.. That’s no way to speak to a woman, especially mine.”
Katherine felt a chill run through her, Bucky’s flesh hand resting on the small of her back. She gave him a warm smile, silently thanking him for his words.
The man in question scoffed, rolling his eyes, “Whatever. She just marched in here like she owns the place.”
This time, Bucky’s metal hand reached out. He grabbed the man by the front of his shirt, pulling him to be halfway across the desk. Katherine let out a soft gasp, though Bucky’s flesh hand stayed gently on her back. Steve stepped around Bucky, putting Katherine between the two of them.
“Her name might not be on the title yet, but this is her home. And no one will speak to my girl like that. Next time, there will be no warning. Capiche?” Bucky’s voice was loud, commanding.. And it startled Katherine a bit.
The man’s eyes widened, his hand grabbing onto Bucky’s metal one, and he just nodded his head. Bucky finally let go of him, not until his eyes seemed to peer straight into his soul. The man stood up straight, fixing his shirt. Bucky’s gaze softened, turning towards Katherine once more.
“You made brownies?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. His voice was much softer towards Katherine.
She cleared her throat, nodding her head as she held the plate up, “I only brought four.. I wasn’t sure who all was in here..”
Bucky took one, giving her a grin, “Good thing there’s only four of us. Amato, you can leave.” He didn’t even look over to the man as he dismissed him.
The man grumbled something in another language, which Katherine assumed was Italian, before storming out of the room. The other two men looked between each other, before turning to look at Katherine with small smiles.
“Katherine,” Bucky hummed, “These are two of my best men. Clint Barton, and Bruce Banner. Bruce is the head of our science division, and Clint is head of the security team.”
Steve took a brownie as well, “It’s nice to meet you both.” Katherine smiled, extending the plate over the table.
“Likewise.” Clint said, nodding his head as he took a brownie. Bruce took the last one, giving her a nod with a smile.
Katherine watched as all four men began to eat the brownies. She hadn’t even tried one yet, so she wasn’t even sure if they were good or not. Though, based on their silence, and that they continued eating them..
“These are so good, Katherine.” Steve grinned, plopping the last bit of the brownie into his mouth.
“They really are.. Reminds me of my moms.” Clint said, a soft chuckle on his lips as he ate.
Bruce smiled, “Did you make these, or did Annette?”
Katherine couldn’t help but laugh at them, “Annette supervised, and I made them. Found an old recipe we wanted to try.”
Her eyes went up to Bucky’s face, still awaiting a reaction from him. His eyes were closed, as he slowly ate the brownie. A soft hum came from him, as he finished the brownie, his eyes opening to find hers looking at him.
Katherine’s lips curved up into a big smile, “I’m glad you guys liked them. I’m starting to really get into baking, maybe I can bring some stuff up for you guys every so often.”
Bucky smiled at her, his hand still on her back, “I think that’s a really nice idea.”
Everyone was quiet for a moment, Clint moving to collect all of the papers on Bucky’s desk. Katherine glanced at them, curious about what they were.. And why that man was so rude to her.
“I’m sorry if I interrupted something important.. The door was open, so I-“ Katherine’s words were cut short by Bucky raising his metal hand as if telling her ‘stop’.
“The door was open. You did nothing wrong, doll. Amato needs to learn his place, and keep his trap shut.” Bucky’s fingers on her back slowly began to caress her, sending another chill up her body.
Katherine nodded her head, though it didn’t exactly make her feel better.
“I think it was a shock to him though, hearing you talk to him like that.” Clint said, giving her a grin, “You’ll need that sharp tongue, being in this world.. Especially being Bucks girl.”
Katherine returned the grin, “Anyone who dares to calls me a bitch, will get this sharp tongue. I don’t care who they are. I’ve dealt with a life of assholes, I’m not doing it anymore.”
All four of the men began chuckling, Steve patting Katherine on the shoulder.
“No one will ever treat you badly, doll. If they do, they’ll have to answer for it.” Bucky said, the other men nodding their heads.
Katherine’s eyes looked up to Bucky’s, searching.. All she could see was a strong, kind man. He wasn’t as scary as people made him out to be. He had only been kind to her.. She almost couldn’t believe that there was blood on his hands. She gave him a small smile, nodding her head.
“Alright boys. Now that this is taken care of..” Bucky motioned towards the folders, “I’m done for the weekend. I’ve been putting a few things off, trying to get this done.” His eyes glanced back down to Katherine.
Steve chuckled softly, nodding his head. Bruce nodded his head, “It was nice to meet you Katherine, thanks for the brownie.”
Clint smiled, “Yeah, it was nice to have a snack.”
“Of course.” Katherine smiled to them, watching as all three men walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.
“So…” Bucky cleared his throat.
Katherine raised an eyebrow, turning her body in his hand to face him, “So?”
He let out a soft breath, “I’m sorry that I haven’t spent any time with you, Katherine. Business has just..” he shook his head, “It can be very time consuming at times.”
Katherine shook her head, gently resting her hand on the arm that was still around her, “Don’t. I understand, you’re a very busy man.”
He smiled, lifting the hand from her back to gently caress her cheek with a finger. Katherine’s lips parted ever so slightly, her breath getting caught in her throat.
“Well.. I intend on spending the weekend with you.” He hummed softly, “I’d like to take you to dinner tonight.”
“Is it.. A date?” She asked, chewing on the inside of her cheek.
He chuckled softly, “As long as you want it to be..”
Katherine’s lips curved up into a happy smile, “Well, we’ve got to start somewhere, yeah? I think a date is just what we need.. You need to solidify the fact that you call me your girl.” Her words were meant as obvious teasing.
“Oh? Well, you did come into my study, and call me your man.” His lips quirked into a handsome smirk, “I think we’re on the same page, don’t you?”
“Hmm.. I suppose we’ll see, depending on how well our date goes. Maybe we’ll get somewhere.” Her expression changed to match his.
“Maybe.. I’ll steal our first kiss tonight.” His words were soft, barely above a whisper.
Katherine’s cheeks darkened, “O-Oh yeah?”
“Only if you want me to, of course..” His fingers cupped her face gently, “I don’t want to force you into anything, doll.”
“Oh, I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” Her voice was soft, her eyes peering deeply into his.
“I hope not.. I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day we met.”
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
Precursor To A Love Song (A Frankenwolf Fic)
heeeey!!! I know it's been a while since I wrote a fic, I've been both busy and having a severe case of writer's block, but I've finally got something new!!! It's a Hyperion Heights AU one shot (which I could use as a springboard for a proper chapter fic if I ever feel up to it) and I think it's pretty cute. Props to @stardreamer28 for putting up with me talking about it for a couple weeks and procrastinating on the end lol. Read on and enjoy!
Liza Whale was finally taking a night off.
It was well-deserved, she knew that, but she had been slow in taking it. Her little boutique on the corner in the heart of Hyperion Heights kept her busy, and she didn’t have anyone to help with it. Business had gotten a little lighter after the Christmas rush, though, so Liza had decided to just close early that Thursday and go out for a couple of hours.
She ended up in a bar a couple of blocks away. It was classy place—no blaring neon or loud jukeboxes, no peanut shells on the floor, no casual clothes. It wasn’t the kind of place she thought she might come back to often (a little neon and a jukebox never hurt anybody, after all) but it was nice for an evening of self-pampering.
Liza sat down at a table for one, laying her black wool jacket across the back of her chair and smoothing out a small crease in the skirt of her deep red dress. It was one of her own designs; the things she sold in her boutique were produced by proper brands, but she created most of her own wardrobe in her spare time. Her favorite thing in the closet she didn’t even remember making, even though it matched a lot of her other clothes: a long red cloak with a warm hood and floral embroidery. She had ripped it last time she wore it, and was planning on fixing it when she got home later that night.
As she waited for someone to come by and take her order, she glanced around the bar. Her eyes fixed on a man halfway across the room, seated at an elegant piano. He was blond, with striking blue eyes that sparkled in the light of the wrought-iron chandelier. When he caught Liza’s gaze, the corner of his mouth lifted in a half-smile.
Liza couldn’t help blushing. He was cute, and if she was reading her signals right, he thought she was cute, too. It had been a while since she had had any romance in her life—actually, she couldn’t remember the last time, it had been that long—and she liked the idea of drawing the eye of a handsome piano player.
After about half an hour of them sneaking looks at each other while he played and she sipped at a drink, the piano player got up for a break. Liza’s heart sunk when he walked right past her table, then skipped a couple of beats when she realized he was just getting a second chair from nearby.
“Julian Wolf,” he said, setting his chair down and holding out his hand for Liza to shake. He had smudges of what looked like paint on the side of his thumb. “I play piano here a couple nights a week.”
“You’re brilliant,” Liza said, grinning. She liked that it took him a couple of seconds to release her hand. “What do you do the rest of the week?”
“Freelance artist.”
It was paint! Liza smiled a bit wider. “That’s cool,” she said. “I do some drawing, too. Nothing big, just for the clothes I make.”
Julian smiled too. “Well, now I know we’re both artists, but I don’t think you’ve told me your name yet.”
“Elizabeth Whale. If you call me Lizzy I’ll kick your shins—I like Liza, though.”
“Well, Liza, I have to go finish my set, but I’ll be off in about an hour. Do you want to go for a walk with me then?”
She nodded. “I’d love to.”
Julian returned to his piano, where he started playing again, soft and sweet. The music sounded…familiar, Liza thought, but she couldn’t bring to mind a specific instance of hearing it before. Maybe I heard it in a past life, she thought, chuckling to herself. The music made her giddy, like any moment something wonderful might happen.
Well, maybe it was the music. Or maybe it was the charming young man playing it. Either way, Liza was really looking forward to that walk.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
*Sets a table with tea and snacks in your inbox*
I say the story that always leave me like “???? Wtf” would be the one with the ocs, also probably the tamest
Me and my ex had a mutual friend(I met him through my ex) who had ocs that me and my ex loved and found cool and loved their stories
And of course with people with ocs we playfully ship them and sometimes do ship them with other ocs
I had an oc called Gemini(his story is kinda being reworked but his vibe and design is mostly the same as before and i do have designs for the other star signs because i took the star signs and had fun with it and the world does have magic and a mix of fantasy and modern day theme and the star signs are immortals) and is the oc that I look at and lovingly call him “Wh0re💜” and our mutual friend liked him as well
And one of his ocs he shipped with Gemini and of course we like to play around with the idea of other ships with other ocs but he loved Gemini for his snarky, sassy, crackhead energy, skinny ass self, and my ex liked Gemini too and tried to do shipping stuff but the ocs my ex made just, well, kinda felt like an “I can fix him” kinda vibe
Gemini’s story isn’t all happy, it gets dark and does have some psychological torture and also dealing with horrible things he has had happened to him and things he has done, and i did like adding some fluff to the end of the story but he does have trauma and habits that never leave him and stick with him for forever
And my ex did also do things with their own ocs, but mostly their self insert, which was their main “”oc”” and tried to kinda do stuff with him which i felt was awkward and also doesnt really go well with Gemini and we did do rps with our ocs because it’s fun and i like writing and playing around with Gemini(he’s my favourite ti hurt and also comfort)
If they had done it with some of my other ocs that are on the more not as dark or forever mentally and psychologically scarred side, i would have felt a little bit more okay with it
But also with Gemini, he does have kids later and with certain other ocs and my ex was like “Well what if my oc was the one to have the kids?” And i told them yeah that would be a whole thing and it wouldnt work with their own stories but maybe he has another kid but with your oc? And yeah they pouted and kinda didnt like that
And back to our mutal friend’s ocs, they really liked one that i’ll call Brandon, who was a nerdy librarian who goes through a lot and me and our mutual friend had playfully did a ship with Gemini and him(cause mutual friend oc’s story was also with darker themes and not a happy ending but aus and fun and all that) and my ex didn’t like it
Was like “I’ll share Aaron and Damien but i don’t want to share Brandon!!” And got jealous when I liked stuff mutual friend did with his ocs, or when he drew my oc and his oc together
And kinda was like “He’s my favourite and i don’t wanna share him >:((((“ like, he aint your oc bitc-
But for the sake of peace because my ex would ignore me and not answer my messages or calls when mad at me, i kinda just let them do it but with Gemini instead of shipping i was like “Well maybe he’d see you as a little sibling instead?”
That was okay to them and liked it but dang it them being like “Well my oc would give Gemini the side eye and judge him for having a kid with that person” like, Gemini does bad choices and had to do things that he isnt proud of and regrets a lot of it and your oc is judging him when he comes to your oc, raw and hurting and if they had grown up together they would have seen he had one of his masks of nonchalance to hide his true feelings of fear and hurt and see that his body is tense and knowing he’s lying(which i did point out but they kinda responded with “Lol they’re dumb so they wouldnt have noticed” and didnt like that i made that have consequences with Gemini and their oc’s relationship later because Gemini needed to be reached out to, to be helped and not judged for something he hadn’t wanted and wasnt prepared for)
Also we did like aus and played with them but it always had to be the aus they liked and the themes they liked and trying to find a way for modern no magic no immortals coffee shop au with Gemini, who has a shit load of trauma and pain and bad decisions to fit in the au was fun(not)
Also wanted their oc to be the centre of attention all the time and to be doted on and it felt like they wanted them to be the main character
Also our mutual friend stuck with them in the end and unfriended me and was like “You didnt get social cues i gave and so like bye” and left and stayed friends with my ex
(I have like three other stories to share but one of them is destroying some google docs of mine and replacing it with stuff that I don’t want anyone to have done to their work and the other is cheating stuff and doing stuff with Adults online like they were still underage and not immediately saying no to someone who was like “You wanna do stuff with your dog” and they said that they were trolling the guy but like, thats something you report and block not try to troll???
And the last is a kinda forced polyamory situation too so that was fun cause i didnt want to speak out because they seemed happy and when i spoke out i again, got ignored and not talked to and they got upset when i didnt agree and so that was fun(not))
Sorry if this is too long and like, doesnt make sense at some parts, its 2:30 am and had been working like four hours ago and super tired but also cant fall asleep
-Seo Simp Anon🖤
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ANON?!!?!? How the FUCK is the OC bit what you are thinking about when you just casually mention the cheating? The shit with the dog? The forced polyamory?
Hold my medicine, brb-
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intoxicatingintimacyy · 5 months
Criminal Minds anyone??
Hey hey hey!  I’m currently craving a Criminal Minds roleplay, which I know is kind of a longshot, but it’s worth it to at least try… I hope!  Anyway, I’m 25 and located in PST, although I don’t mind which timezone you’re in, I’ve had partners from all over.   I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well.  As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends.  I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time. 
Just a few quick rules that are important to me are as follows: 
All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance - I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal.  I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs.  Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
As for what I’m looking for specifically, it would be someone to play Spencer Reid against an original character of mine.  While I do have a bio/background written up for her, here’s a quick lil summary for you to get a feel for her: she’s an investigative journalist and very much in the same vein as Gale Weathers, just not as bitchy lol.  Due to her history though, she definitely has a dry sense of humor and is sarcastic to a fault.  She has a history with the FBI due to her father’s murder and I’ve always liked the idea of Rossi having had something to do with the unsolved investigation.  
I'd also love to include other characters, I think they’re important to who Spencer is but I’d also love to see Olivia interact with them.  We can split them up, but this isn’t a necessity if you don’t want to!  
For this pairing I have a few little snippets of ideas for the most part, but I also have a decently fleshed out one that I can tell you about if my rambling hasn’t put you off yet haha.  Even though I don’t wish harm on my favorite boy, I would also, maybe later down the line, like to explore his addiction a bit more and perhaps a relapse?  I feel like the show sort of glossed over it and I’d love to dive deeper into what it’s done to Spencer, as well as those around him, and how he handles it.
As far as potential partners go, this is kind of what I’m looking for: 
Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or move off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
If you’re another Criminal Minds fan and want to give Spencer a go, I’d love to hear from you!  Either PM me on here or add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
If you do message me though, PLEASE send more than a ‘hey’, maybe introduce yourself and your history with writing/roleplaying or the fandom?  Idk, just something to let me know this is the ad you came from haha.  Hope to hear from some of y’all!
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devondespresso · 10 months
WIP Ask Game
tagged by the lovely @itsthestrangestthings and with perfect timing too! I've just finished the outline for the next arc and need to get words down
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
(per usual I only have my one wip, so I'll be listing scenes from my Steve Henderson AU instead of different files. I'm also listing them with the short details i remember them by because they dont really have names lol)
The Old Office (where's dustin's dad?)
Before Bed (we try and fail to talk about important things)
Family Dinner (with a side of overthinking)
Nightmare, but worse (for the love of god just talk about things)
Breakdown in the club(house) (as in the little play fort in dustins backyard)
(and tags below)
Most of my work in the last 7 days has been trying to figure out what has been feeling off in some of my scenes i already jotted down, then putting together the outline for my next arc, so im being pretty loose with "words in the past 7 days" Chucks of this snippet were the most I've rewritten recently, but I'm definitely sharing more than just the rewritten parts because i can (Steve and Hopper has been one of my favorite dynamics to explore, especially within the context of the hospital and Hop's background)
But then a nurse came in, asking if his parents had been notified of his admission. She offered to call if they hadn’t yet, but Hopper promised he would take care of it.
He stood by the wall waiting for someone to pick up on the other line while Steve sat on the side of the bed and El curled up in a guest chair nearby.  Hop stood there listening to several minutes of dialing sounds and voicemail over and over with no sign of stopping.
“If they won't pick up after 5 minutes they're not going to pick up after 10."
Hop glared over.
"Thank you, Harrington, very helpful." he grumbled but still gave up and set the phone back.
“Just tell the nurse they know and don’t worry about it.” he offered, laying back down.
“Yeah and just leave ‘em in the dark about their kid in the damn hospital.” 
“I’ll call them later.”
Hopper huffed from the other side of the room. Steve tried not to focus on it, but after too long of a silence, especially after the building frustration, he had to look over.
Hop stood silent, leaned back against the wall. A mixture of thinking and working through his frustrations.
An unnerving amount of thinking for Hop, and his expressions were harder to read than most, having his own more subtle tells Steve hadn't known him long enough to recognize.
He looked over at Steve, gathering clues or something. Steve shot a face back, asking for an explanation.
He thought for a moment, then crossed his arms and walked over to him.
“Why don’t you want anyone here?”
Steve scooted back, sat up and crossed his arms back.
“Because it’s not that big of a deal-”
“That's a load of bull.”
Steve rolled his eyes, projecting annoyance to say This is not going to go anywhere.
“I’ve already dealt with a concussion on my own before and, surprise, it was fine.”
“That’s not it.” he said slow and cold: the tone he used to shut down that argument with Mike. “Tell me why.”
“I told you!” he said, pushing down more nerves to throw that tone back at him.
"No, you haven't."
"Well, what do you want me to say!"
“The truth, Harrington!” he yelled.
Steve froze in place, holding the scowl in place, keeping his eyes glued to Hopper to hide his reaction. Hopper caught himself, sighing and looking away in a self-directed disappointment. Only after the break in tension did Steve look away, staring at the wall.
Calm down, it was an accident. He didn’t mean to.
“I just want to know the truth, kid.” he backed up a good few feet, leaning back against the wall and looking at him firmly, “Because I can’t think of anyone who’d want to be completely alone in a hospital. Let alone a kid.”
He’s not like that, he’s trying not to be. He’s stopped.
His throat was tight and he could feel tears invading his eyes.
Not here, not here, not here
“You trying to prove something?” Hop guessed, taking his silence for stubbornness. He can work with that.
Steve threw a glare at him, getting up and going to the room’s bathroom, putting a lot of effort into appearing completely steady despite the dizziness. Hopper followed.
“Kid, I'm just trying to help.” He said, putting a hand on the door to keep him from opening it.
He’s not gonna drop it. Not trusting his voice to hold, Steve ripped out his wallet and shoved over a business card. Hop took it with his free hand, confusion distracting him enough to let Steve yank the door open and slip inside.
He slammed the door right behind him with a loud thud that made his breath catch. He quickly locked it, then held his breath a moment and closed his eyes. Then he breathed out slowly, quietly, and flicked the light on. Waited to hear Hopper’s footsteps leading away from the door back towards the phone before opening his eyes again.
@stobinesque @fag4dykestobin @museumgiftshoperaser @sharpbutsoft @spicysix @blushweddinggowns @marvel-ous-m @alexcharmsyou
(no pressure ofc 💕💕)
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hey hey hey!  I’m currently craving a Criminal Minds roleplay, which I know is kind of a longshot, but it’s worth it to at least try… I hope!  Anyway, I’m 25 and located in PST, although I don’t mind which timezone you’re in, I’ve had partners from all over.   I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well.  As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends.  I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time. 
  Just a few quick rules that are important to me are as follows: 
  All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance - I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal.  I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs.  Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
  As for what I’m looking for specifically, it would be someone to play Spencer Reid against an original character of mine.  While I do have a bio/background written up for her, here’s a quick lil summary for you to get a feel for her: she’s an investigative journalist and very much in the same vein as Gale Weathers, just not as bitchy lol.  Due to her history though, she definitely has a dry sense of humor and is sarcastic to a fault.  She has a history with the FBI due to her father’s murder and I’ve always liked the idea of Rossi having had something to do with the unsolved investigation.  
  I’d also love to include other characters, I think they’re important to who Spencer is but I’d also love to see Olivia interact with them.  We can split them up, but this isn’t a necessity if you don’t want to!  
  For this pairing I have a few little snippets of ideas for the most part, but I also have a decently fleshed out one that I can tell you about if my rambling hasn’t put you off yet haha.  Even though I don’t wish harm on my favorite boy, I would also, maybe later down the line, like to explore his addiction a bit more and perhaps a relapse?  I feel like the show sort of glossed over it and I’d love to dive deeper into what it’s done to Spencer, as well as those around him, and how he handles it.
  As far as potential partners go, this is kind of what I’m looking for: 
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or move off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
  If you’re another Criminal Minds fan and want to give Spencer a go, I’d love to hear from you!  Either PM me on here or add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
  If you do message me though, PLEASE send more than a ‘hey’, maybe introduce yourself and your history with writing/roleplaying or the fandom?  Idk, just something to let me know this is the ad you came from haha.  Hope to hear from some of y’all!
I read the rules, but idk how to put an emoji in here on my computer lolol! 
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
Hey hey hey!  I’m currently craving a Criminal Minds roleplay, which I know is kind of a longshot, but it’s worth it to at least try… I hope!  Anyway, I’m 25 and located in PST, although I don’t mind which timezone you’re in, I’ve had partners from all over.   I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well.  As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends.  I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time. 
  Just a few quick rules that are important to me are as follows: 
  All partners must be 18+
I’m a fan of smut and think it can lend itself to the plot, so as long as it makes sense in the plot I’d love to include it!
Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance - I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal.  I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs.  Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!
  As for what I’m looking for specifically, it would be someone to play Spencer Reid against an original character of mine.  While I do have a bio/background written up for her, here’s a quick lil summary for you to get a feel for her: she’s an investigative journalist and very much in the same vein as Gale Weathers, just not as bitchy lol.  Due to her history though, she definitely has a dry sense of humor and is sarcastic to a fault.  She has a history with the FBI due to her father’s murder and I’ve always liked the idea of Rossi having had something to do with the unsolved investigation.  
  I’d also love to include other characters, I think they’re important to who Spencer is but I’d also love to see Olivia interact with them.  We can split them up, but this isn’t a necessity if you don’t want to!  
  For this pairing I have a few little snippets of ideas for the most part, but I also have a decently fleshed out one that I can tell you about if my rambling hasn’t put you off yet haha.  Even though I don’t wish harm on my favorite boy, I would also, maybe later down the line, like to explore his addiction a bit more and perhaps a relapse?  I feel like the show sort of glossed over it and I’d love to dive deeper into what it’s done to Spencer, as well as those around him, and how he handles it.
  As far as potential partners go, this is kind of what I’m looking for: 
  Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times.  (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing.  I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up.  It’s all so fun!
In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or move off of discord.  I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot.  I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that. 
If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect!  And bonus points if you use tupperbox! 
  If you’re another Criminal Minds fan and want to give Spencer a go, I’d love to hear from you!  Either PM me on here or add me on discord - toxicdeliquency 
  If you do message me though, PLEASE send more than a ‘hey’, maybe introduce yourself and your history with writing/roleplaying or the fandom?  Idk, just something to let me know this is the ad you came from haha.  Hope to hear from some of y’all!
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8beats-per-minute · 1 year
Uncanny Valley AU Designs!!
You can skip to the designs if you want then come back, I wouldn’t blame you but I would like to apologize.
I don’t know what happened, I started this right after Christmas 2022 then worked on it basically nonstop for a week and a half. I basically finished Mikey’s design with a few changes and started brainstorming for Raph then my brain was like “lol no”.
It might have been part finding reference poses for Raph or stress from school and exams or burnout or idk. Whatever it was made my motivation disappear. For 3 1/2 months.
I was like “yes stuff is coming!!!! I’m making stuff!!!” And then that just didn’t happen.
Again, I’m sorry.
I’m not going to do much in descriptions (unless I add them later) cause it’s late and I’m tired. I’ve been actually busy for the past 2 weeks.
General design notes!!
I need up doing the connected ears to head idea so that’s why they look so flat
These are meant to reflect Black and Japanese features. I AM NEITHER. If I did something offensive to one of these groups in these drawings I can guarantee I did not know and did not do this on purpose.
PLEASE CORRECT ME IF I DID SOMETHING OFFENSIVE AND I WILL CHANGE IT. I would appreciate it if it is done in a calm matter but I understand if it’s not. Just please don’t call me stupid or racist cause I also have feelings. You can yell at me if I take longer than a week to respond. It would also be best if it was in the comments so it’s easier to respond.
They all have naturally really sharp and thick nails, I just couldn’t show for some of them
I tried giving them masks that incorporated how they wear fabric in their hair. It looks okay but a little weird, especially for Leo and Donnie
I’m writing/posting this between 11pm and midnight after a very long day and with a long day tomorrow so I’m not writing the (aaa I forgot the name for it. The text that explains what the picture looks like) I’ll add it when I have time I’m really sorry tho
Now, without further ado…
The designs!!!
(These might be changed, I have a tendency to change things after and be like wait I like that more but these are basically the designs. They’re also all post-movie so if you want to see pre-movie, as kids or apocalypse let me know :)).
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I gave Leo both vitiligo and red birthmark stripes. Everything is blue (of course) and I’m not a huge fan of what I did for his clothes design but oh well he’s allowed to switch styles. I was stuck between giving him short hair and long hair and blond extensions or not but this is what I settled on. He’s also 10% the type of person to have little bracelets on (Mikey made him the braided one obviously). I have this headcanon that he’d look the most similar to Splinter (as a human obv so Lou Jitsu) so I tried to do that, it’s just hard to go from animated to semi-realistic. Anyway he’s got that superstar dazzling smile/mysterious troublemaker grin. You can’t see but his hair tie is blue. Maybe an actual hair tie maybe a strip of fabric, maybe a scrunchie. It changes every few hours. 
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I was actually pretty excited to do Donnie’s face specifically (him and his very square face). I had a really fun time with his shell tho and all the little spots and scars and spiny parts. I tried to make him look similar but not the exact same and I think I did okay. I definitely think they’d look pretty similar just cause it’d be like “haha were twins :)) -Leo”. I was going to give him headphone but forgot so just pretend there’s headphone plz lol. I also believe he’d wear very baggy clothes but I made his collar way too high cause I feel like he’d hate the feeling of stuff on his neck (no this is not me projecting 👀). He also has sharp teeth but I didn’t show them.
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Oooh boy. I was so excited for Mikey!!! I also gave him vitiligo on his face, arms, hands and legs )not visible). I also feel like he’d change his hair around A LOT so I gave him a few different hairstyles. He also definitely has paint on most of his clothes and paints on them intentionally. He’s a cool sock guy I just KNOW it. I tried keeping his little shell stickers on his “casual” design but had to move it to the other one cause it looked weird. I did put them on his knee pads if you looks close. I had to keep his other cool face knee pads of course, they’re iconic. And I of course kept his off-centre gap tooth.
Last but certainly not least…
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I had so many ideas for him and I got most of them but they’re so half-assed I’m sorry Raph 😭. Especially the pose ughhhh it’s so bad. And the shoes 🥲. Anyways instead of focusing on what I did badly were going to focus more on the idea. A few thoughts I knew I wanted was the scar on his eye and shoulder and to add markings cause Raph deserves to glow too. I added some markings on his forehead and just below his ears if you look close. I also added some on his shell and the spikes on his shoulders. He definitely has the most obvious shell out of his brothers but it’s still smaller than how it is in the show. AH I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT HIS RAPH CHASM 😭. Sorryyyy. I also wish Raph’s markings were lighter but oh well.
That’s all for now! Now that I can stop stressing about finishing this I can try and post more about this, whether it be art or talking about it idk.
Also I plan on making a proper logo soon I just have a very busy month ahead of me so we’ll see how fast that gets done
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Okay, while this won’t be the best, or most well written, I can’t spend too long on this. I don’t know how long it will be until the creature realizes I’m awake and ends me, so I’ll be quick and straightforward.
I had just gotten my new game for my stream, I don’t remember what it was called, tiny adventures or something, i don’t know. I had gotten it at a discount, being the last one on the shelf or whatever, so I was fairly sxcited to play it. Hat really got me excited was the old fashioned vibe i got from it.
So. I put it in my computer, and loaded up my stream. It’s karl jacobs on twitch if anyone wants to look at it, kidding this is supposed to be serious.
But i started the stream wne thtrough the normal routine, whatever. I booted up the game to see it as a happy little adventure/rpg. With oyu as a shrunken person.
So i played. My viewers were more suspicious about it, worrying about why myh hand was suddenly too small to hold the mouse.
I continued playing although the mood of the game shifted when i noticed a clocked, cloaked sorry, figure following me around. Hte respawn messages became nicer and nicer, telling me that i can do it or that i could keep going. That got my viewers. Attention, but noit mine. I wa happy because it was so nice and gave me the courage to continue.
Until i got to the boss battle.
I suddenly couldn’t even reach my desk so it was too easy to die. Chat was paniced, so was i. Until it got worse. There was a new face on my screen who looked strangely human and sweet. I panicked as I saw this person pull themself out of my computer and reach down to grab me.
I was held up on stream to danglr over theur mouth as they spoke two words.
Your mine.
And i was dropped in their mouth and swallowed.
I ave been here for hours now, tryingt o find a way to escape as this creature began talking to my friends. I think my friend has tried to talk to the creature, and maybe even called the cops, but nothing’s worked so far. Ive beren keeping contact with my friends for a bit through tezt so they know im alive but i don’t know how lobg i will be.
Plese send hekp soon im starting to worry
are you in danger? creature?? is this like a game ????
yoo a streamer in my inbox? :0000 honored :DD
tiny adventures lol that sounds like that old au i gave squishy,,, and ???? i've never heard of this game,,,, i NEED more g/t games cause god all of my g/t content comes from a few movies & tumblr efjgjdsf (anyone who sees this give me game ideas. preferably free like on itch.io or smth? are all the games on there free??)
aha yeah very likely mr jacobs BJJDDVJD shoes off on my blog pls
H i want a game like that oh my godddddd
ohhh it was? honey the computer shrunk me DSFJFDV
ohhh weird i love games like that! does he have a significance to the story later on i wonder?
boss battle okay cg for getting that far! was it against the cloaked figure? that'd be quite the betrayal
is this like a dream you had ??? it's interesting asf!
a vore dream oh my goddd i want a vore dream :0
a vore lucid dream, even better!
cool for sharing this w me, thank you! :DD
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linklethehistorian · 2 years
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.  ❌ What's a trope you will never write?
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
Hmm… Does angst count as an answer? lol But seriously, definitely sadness/sorrow is a common theme throughout — *looks at all my fics I’ve posted so far* — yeah, all of my fics that are out there right now, even if it isn’t the main point or focus of all of them, it is still a common thread and important element in them. 
Another common thing I like to use in fics is what I call the “callback line” — a line that appears at or near the beginning of a fic or chapter, that seems innocuous or has one meaning, but will later have another, more powerful and/or darker meaning and spin on it than initially seemed the case. Of course, what this line is and how many there are will vary greatly depending on the fic and how long it is. I don’t think I’ve done it in every fic, but it is something I like to do in a lot of them.
Also. Sunsets and sunrises. Just sunsets and sunrises. Because yes. Opening with cold air has also always been an unintentional common thread between a lot of fics, I guess, though that might not be completely evident from just the ones I’ve shared online.
Loss and failure, and/or fear of loss and failure also basically applies in some shape or form as a theme in all of the ones I’ve posted online, at least.
You know, I’ve never thought about most of this that much until now. lol Interesting to consider. I’m sure there are other things, too, but at the moment that’s all I can come up with.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Uhhhh, I don’t really like to box myself in and discount anything, to be honest. lol A lot of the things I write today are things I once would’ve said I would never write, so… Plus, I’m not too familiar on — nor do I really care — what all is considered a trope. 
Still, if I have to pick something I’ll never write —  I’m not sure if this counts as a trope, but I don’t ever imagine myself intentionally writing for certain kinds of kinks like, idk, golden showers or something. I also don’t think I’ll ever write a joke fic, myself; I can’t see myself wasting my time and energy on creating whole joke fics by hand, as it’s not something I’m that interested in doing.
I’d probably also never write a coffeeshop AU unless it had some kind of really interesting twist. I’m not really into the concept of making mundane AUs unless I can really take them and make them into something grander and more angsty. But who knows. The future is uncertain.
Other than that, yeah…I got nothing.
Send me another emoji and I’ll tell you about myself as a fic writer.
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
With how much I am really not vibing with Picard Season 3 (look at me being all diplomatic lol) I am thinking more and more about the season 3 I had plotted out and had intended to write prior to the real season airing.
It started life as an AU of them being in the Confederation for longer than an episode. I then backtracked it to branch from the season 1 finale, picking up some of those plot threads from season 1 so it turned into a season 2 rewrite, then season 3 my way fic.
It was going to be epic length and last year was the “year of moving house” and I didn’t have the bandwidth to focus on such a big project. I don’t have the spoons at all at the moment to do anything, so moping around wishing I could write this epic fic is ridiculous. If I have any spoons they are spoken for many times over. This isn’t on the radar.
And yet I keep thinking about it.
There was so much. Synths, xB’s, origin of the Borg, Q Continuum etc. for plot stuff but also characters. I was going to be bring in Harry Kim and B’Elanna, there was slow burn Saffi obviously. I mean Seven and Raffi would have been the main characters where I do get they aren’t because Picard is the title character on the show. But hey doing ‘my version’ means I can focus on what interests me and not have to invent something random to attempt to keep Picard relevant. Obviously he would still be a character and have a role to play but probably not any bigger than Rios or Jurati.
I don’t know it would have just been cool. Maybe it’s egotistical to say I like the idea? But hey when writing fanfic I am my target audience. I can’t guarantee that anyone else will read or like it so I might as well enjoy it myself.
Like my “Raffi on Voyager” idea. I miss that one too. I had so many thoughts, so many notes, and dammit one day fic or no fic I am drawing them kissing in a Jeffries tube. Of course I want to be better at art which is why I delayed that drawing originally. Now we’re like a year later and I am no more skilled. Lack of spoons is very sad :(
I think I get irritated when stuff happens like “big sentient robots” trying to come through a portal and then bam never mentioned again. Like wouldn’t the ‘killer robots’ that the Romulans were so afraid of? That an advanced race reconfigured a solar system to say “hey look here important warning” about not contacting said killer robots? Wouldn’t those robots wonder who had contacted them and why and maybe make their own way here? The old fashioned way. I mean seriously big deal and just nope not a thing anymore. Like I get having plots persist for multiple seasons isn’t very accessible to new viewers but it makes for a richer, deeper world.
I prefer plots that come from continuity. Not random new stuff out of nowhere. But also not calling on past stuff due to ‘nostalgia’ like make it make sense and have purpose.
Anyway I’ll stop rambling but dammit I am nostalgic for my own idea. I just wish I had the spoons to share it.
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