#I don't have the patience and time for webcomics so that's out too
roseofhybrids · 2 months
i put a microphone near your face
how are you feeling after that md stuff huh
Well, the fact that it'll be the end of the series makes it a bit bittersweet, but it had to end at some point. If the story can be told in 8 episodes then so be it. 8 is a lot more than what I had a little over a year ago when I first decided to watch it
I've been invested in quite a few projects that I've never seen get a conclusion to (mostly webcomics, so so many unfinished webcomics). Which is probably where I got the patience to wait as long as I do for these sorts of things. It's easy to wait a few months for an episode to air after waiting multiple years for things that never came to be
Having an ending is much better than the limbo of always being stuck somewhere in the middle, just being left to wonder forever what was meant to happen. So I'm overjoyed that we'll get to see this story get a proper ending
But it is still bittersweet. The show will end, and for a lot of people that means the fandom ending too. I don't believe that's the case, no matter how old something is or how long it's been over for, I see no reason to stop getting as invested as one does with a brand-new piece of media. But still, not everyone can stick around forever. So I'm preparing myself for people to move on. It's sad, but as inevitable as the show itself ending. No matter how long-lasting a fandom, members will move on to other things eventually. Personally, I don't see myself stopping the fan art any time soon. I've never had a reaction to a show like this before. I've gotten really invested in things the same way before, but all those instances it eventually died down after a few weeks and I could stop binge-watching/reading the thing over and over and just be normal about it.
Murder Drones on the other hand. It's been well over a year at this point. I managed to pull my shit together after two weeks like I usually do, but a fraction of the intensity lingered. Now I'm here, with 109 post tagged "murder drones fanart" and 623 just tagged "murder drones" according to the Tumblr archive
I still get giddy rewatching the episodes, still have a long ever-growing list of drawing ideas, still think about the little robots on a daily basis. So yeah, I think I might just be stuck like this the same way I'm stuck forever liking animals, ghosts, and roller coasters. Eventually I'll have to get back to drawing my own characters and one day make my own comics and such. But as things stand, I can see myself still drawing MD art for years. One can only hope I can balance the two out
So yeah, how I'm feeling, Excitement for another episode and finally seeing how this all ends. Dread for the inevitable change, not looking forward to that part, (the joys of living with an anxiety disorder am I right fellas? c'est la vie, c'est la mort) and just a touch of nausea, because this is a lot of excitement after just waking up
so anyhow, gunna go watch the trailer on repeat a couple times and then see if I can't calm myself down a bit afterward
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peculiarpeace · 3 months
Hello! My name is Charlie, and you may know me from my own comic, ABC. But! I also have another one, He's Just There, which is in development.
I currently have a team of four artists working on my second comic while I write. However, we need one more person to color, so that people aren't doing too much and get overwhelmed.
You're also welcome to help out with other jobs like lineart, backgrounds, character design, and even sketching! And I or other artists will fill in the gaps with color if you need a break or something else comes up.
This is a Webcomic to be published on Webtoon, and possibly Tapas, and is a long term project!
Whenever we get big enough, the plan is to start a patron, and if you choose to participate you will get any money that is made from profits of your own work! But this is entirely based off of comfortability, some artists may work on it while others don't. I will write for it! Any other opportunities for compensation will be distributed fairly and equally, but will always be your choice. Otherwise, for now this is an unpaid project.
Expectations Of This Role Are:
1. Communication, you MUST be able to communicate issues or problems that come up. You're welcome to give as much or as little information as you'd like on why, but if you need breaks, help, more time or information, or anything else you must communicate it as soon as you are able to!
2. Discord is needed
3. Discussion with me and art style sample to see if you fit the style and dynamic before any role is offered
4. Patience and the ability to work as a team: We all have lives, and so far as far as I know we're all highschoolers, so we need Patience as we try to navigate time and coordination. We also need each other to be supportive, helpful, engaged, understanding, hardworking, and a team player. You need to be able to work with other people.
5. You must be accepting of different communities! This comic represents as many as possible for us to accurately potray! (Unfortunately for example, that does not currently include indigenous people's. None of us are a part of these communities, and don't feel we have the accuracy or experiences to represent them.)
6. The ability to enjoy characters and worlds, help make it special and have fun. This is a great environment, and I'm sorry if this post was too serious or intimidating, that wasn't the intention. This environment is professional at times, but generally the point is to enjoy your work, and we definitely goof around our fair share.
My discord is @notaluma and you're more than welcome to DM if you're at all interested!
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nerdy-talks · 1 year
Do u read webcomics? If so any recommendations? I need new stuff to read so I’m asking around lol thnx!
I do, lovely anon! ^u^
My top three favorite webcomics/manwha are Killing Stalking, Bloody Sweet, and Dreaming Freedom.
I actually just started reading Dreaming Freedom a few days ago. And I'm hooked! Maybe it's just me ... but every time I look at Siyun's adorable face, I can't stop myself from imagining Yandere!Solomon (from Obey Me! obviously lol)
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I am simping HARD for this man! And not just because he's beautiful... I am seriously in love with his entire personality! I tore down the red flags and raced towards Siyun without looking back lol
There's also the fact that Siyun is a lowkey(?) Yandere, which is a major selling point for me. Honestly... He reminds me of an overprotective puppy dog, which is actually a huge compliment even though it may not sound like it
Not to mention the fact that I ALWAYS have a thing for characters with tragic/sad backstories, especially characters that have white hair at one point or another (for some unknown reason... it usually just works out that way xD )
Plus Siyun says things like this :
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Oof! My heart!~ 💙
Next : I was extremely happy to find out that Bloody Sweet is getting a physical release. And you can bet I picked up Volume One the first chance I got!
Naerim is super relatable, and Fetechou is beyond adorable. He can have my blood anytime >:3
I've only read Bloody Sweet once before online, and as far as I can recall.... Fetechou also has a very tragic past.
He also says things like this ~ :
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Oof!! *clutches my chest* My heart!!! 💙
Fetechou's heterochromatic eyes and lil' fangs are everything. And I ADORE his personality <3
Then there's Killing Stalking. Not exactly a wholesome, heartwarming story by any means. It's actually loaded with plenty of potentially triggering content. But I still love it.
Killing Stalking is another manhwa that I was sooooo surprised to hear was getting a physical release. I'm all caught up (three volumes have been released so far), and I cannot wait to finally own the entire series! ^^
To be fair, I was rooting for YoonBum the entire time. I wanted the absolute best for him. I wanted him to get a happy ending. YoonBum deserved someone who could give him a stable, loving, nurturing home filled with patience, acceptance, and understanding. Someone who could shower him with positive affection, boost his confidence, and give him a sense of self worth in the best ways possible.
Sangwoo, on the other hand... I have mixed feelings about him lol
I really do feel bad for him. But thinking in a realistic sense.... Sangwoo's personality would keep me on eggshells, I don't know how I would be able to comfortably manage a situation like that.
Although, when he comes off with lines like this :
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Bad enough you shatter legs, but then you have to go and mess with my heart and mind too?! 💙
Not gonna lie.... I'd rather stay with YoonBum. At least I'd be able to trust him better and rest easier near him haha xD
Anyway! Judging from my picks and these characters, can you see the overwhelming desperation that resides within me to receive any form of genuine intimacy and the crushing desire to feel truly needed due to being deprived of such things for so long? Because it's there! Just look closely and you'll definitely see it! Hahaha! Haha...ha.... T^T
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elizabethplaid · 3 months
friday notes - june 14, 2024
Neighbor-S had her baby yesterday, her 5th child and 4th girl. They haven't picked a name yet. I suggested Libby (Olivia) and Abigail. Libby could also be Liberty, now that I think about it. We briefly mentioned the Puritain-virtue names, though I think dad did it for laughs, eg "Patience".
I would have lounged in bed longer, if not for bladder and beverage needs. Another nice day for lounging with the window open. Not feeling many effects from yesterday's late meds.
I've been binging some webcomics again, mostly focused on romance. I tried reading some public-domain smut recently, and I got squicked; didn't read the tags, oops. I'm still dropping a lot of titles I've browsed on the Readict app. "Life is too short for bad smut," I said to someone recently, paraphrased. They returned, "For any bad story," paraphrased again.
Tonight is Junk Food Friday, as dad will also be buying pizzas for Neighbor-S+J's family. Tomorrow is my weekly phone call.
Still don't know when I'll return to the library. Trying to push myself or squish myself into a schedule/deadline will just cause stress. I'm waiting for when I wake up and I say, without prompting, "I'm ready to go back." If I'm not actively seeking it out, I can't confidently say that I'm ready to return.
Idk, I'm sure it'll feel like an excuse to LL-J (who is older than my dad), but eff that. We have one loyal patron there and a handful of scattered visitors. The community won't be hurt if we close. I'll be a bit sad to not have that routine, but I feel more confident that I'll be able to find a replacement activity.
Sometimes I wonder if there are enough hours in the day, between the things I want to read versus the time and headspace I should be devoting to letting my brain rest. That's always been a challenge for me, though. I just have to put down my phone, close my laptop, and close my eyes. I have to dedicate the effort into making it happen.
But the internet is full of distractions, so... there's only so much I can worry. I trust myself, trust that things will work out when I'm ready. It's just a passing thought, not something I'm worried about.
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feralfennecfox · 4 months
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@secretlyawizard I have anxiety so I don't talk too much abt my OCs because I don't want people to think I'm annoying but here are the ones I mentioned in that post <3
Mira is a trans werewolf girl in a polyamorous triad relationship with Rona (a selkie) and Ziri (a kitsune), she finds them while trying to clear her name as a suspect for the mysterious disappearance of her human roommate Shannon Murphy. Or as the summary in the google doc I made of her reads: "One night, Mira comes home and the light is on in the kitchen. She runs in to ask her roommate where she’s been, only to find a fennec fox in her kitchen, who jumps out the window and turns into a cute girl! Mira meets and befriends this girl, a kleptomaniac kitsune named Ziri, as well as a whimsigothic selkie girl of Lenni-Lenape heritage named Rona. Rona, Ziri, and Mira become a polyamorous lesbian triad, and Mira discovers a vibrant underground community in New York City of fellow 'therians' like her and her girlfriends. At the same time, they try to solve the disappearance of Shannon, who was admittedly acting quite odd before she vanished…"
This story does not yet have a name yet, and is in early planning stages.
Sloane is a nonbinary retired magical girl dealing with PTSD-induced alcoholism from being a literal child soldier. (Their story is a deconstruction and eventual reconstruction of magical girl tropes... with Norse mythology monsters.) They're a deeply deeply flawed character, and when the next generation of magical girls shows up on their doorstep for training, they fall into an on-again off-again relationship with Roxy Parker, single mother of one of the new magical girls.
Sloane's story is called Magic No More, and I originally wanted to do it as a webcomic but I just do not have the patience to finish a comic. The first chapter is completely outlined, though.
The two stories technically take place in the same universe but don't really cross other than the same rock star, Mercy, showing up in both as a minor character. (She is a vampire.)
I have some other stories kicking around in my head as well, but none of the others are currently connected to these two stories :3
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chapter 5, page 50
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. "probably should have transformed before this, bit late now but- huh?" jade says, looking over at lewis who has his arm held out to catch her attention while looking down at somthing. "what is it?". more of the kitchen is shown, it's mostly bare still, aside from a now visible high shelf on the empty wall behind them, containing a few items, the most notable being a carboard box stained with blood. "ovens on. cheese sticks?" lewis replies, crouched down next to the oven, jade leaning over to see what he's looking at. "don't know word or spelling. pizza cheese" "you don't know how to spell mozzarella?" jade asks, eyebrow raised. "i may be a bit stupid" lewis replies, from off panel. the panel only shows jade's head, and the rest of the kitchen behind her, including the now open door and the shadowed figure in front of it. their body is mostly in shadow, all that can be seen is their lower half in boots, jeans, pinkish-purple shirt. the shillouette of their upper half implies pointed ears, and wavy hair, and mst notably, pink glowing eyes with slitted pupils peering out of the shadow. end id]
owo who's this?
anyway place your bets for what's up next
ooh "going to try and finish next weeks page early so there's no repeat because of this week's con!" yeah that didnt fucking happen. but here we are and heres a cliffhanger for your patience!
also as a change of pace from my recent "really want to make sac into a printed comic" rambles, i did actually make something else into a published work so i'm a published illustrator now! not just me- there were 6 of us and i specifically was one of 2 illustrators! a fun guide aimed at and created by young trans people
"A guide for trans, non-binary and gender queer people to help navigate through life and the systems around them as well as educating others on the experiences and truths of trans people. Whether you are questioning your gender identity or wondering what being trans even means, this book is for you! From accessing trans health care, being an ally exploring your identity and getting answers about who you are, this incredible guidebook will hold your hand through it all and show you the safest most accessible ways to being your true self (and supporting people in your life to do the same). In a world full of systems that can be a maze to navigate, especially as a marginalised person, we have got your back and are clearing the way for simple support."
so yeah you can get that here!!
anyway con ramble: con went better than expected at least! i mean i'm not going to that one again unless i get a dealers table, but i covered all of my costs so better than it was in birmingham febuary! i took a bunch of stuff from the hotel when i left to since i got a nicer room than i meant to which came with fancy coffee pods which i nicked and spent too long on sunday trying to give them away to people but nobody at the con had the right coffee machine if they had one
also i dont know what it is but no matter how much detail i try and put in the background it always feels too empty. i blame this mostly on my own bedroom where i am most of the time im at home. picture howls bedroom from howls moving castle but all the trinkets are all art prints, stickers, plushies, and assorted bullshit. thats where i live. also my art program keeps throwing a hissy fit if i add too many things
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azoreaneve · 2 years
aw what made ya lose interest in opm?
Look, we first had that exasperatingly long ending of the MA arc, when the hype and craziness were dragging people along. At that point, I too wanted to see where things would lead to but was ultimately disappointed with the time travel bs and the over-the-top everything.
Then we had a month of hiatus.
Now we have moved onto the fallout of the MA arc, sorta, and I can't shake the feeling of being cheated because I was looking forward to an adaptation of the webcomic, and things have changed too much for that to happen.
I did like the woldbuilding side of things during this arc in the webcomic but now I just don't have the patience for it, to be drop fed things that leave us wondering for weeks only to repeat the process next chapter. I'd much rather take another break from OPM, and read stuff at my own pace in a year or so.
There's also nothing in the fandom keeping my interest. I mostly see people talking about ships I don't want to hear about, or insisting there's shippy or gay stuff in canon when there's none of that. To make matters worse, those who do have an opinion on my fave character mostly seem to be holding onto every little reason they can make up to hate him.
Like, I'm not sorry, I'll just be in Ancient Magus' Bride hell for now and catch up on other stuff before taking another peek at what ONE and Murata are putting out.
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40sevenoff · 8 months
40SEVEN© is a book I am writing about my two characters Cassadora Blake and Josh Moore. This was originally supposed to he a webcomic but I unfortunately don't have the time, patience, or skill to draw out all of the scenes (I would but there are fight scenes and I don't think I can do them justice with drawings).
I will be posting the chapters/chapter sections here and eventually will be able to get them printed into an actual book !!
If you would like to support my journey, u can commission me ! Info on my insta pinned (also linked in pinned post)
About the author:-
My name is Lennon'Grace, I am 21 y/o and I love making OCs. I had a book I was originally writing but the character and story was so old I ended up scrapping it :( I am motivated with this story right now though and plan to see it through !! This book will be self published and I am honestly not too worried about grammar 😅😅 I am doing it for funniest and most likely won't sell it. However, if the time comes and ppl want a printed copy. I may work something out. That's a long way away though.
About the book:-
Cassadora was one of the lucky....kids to compete in highly anticipated trial games hosted by Richard Moore. Cassadora does win the games, along with a few hundred other teens, but at what cost? A lie and a betrayal capsize Cassie's life and bring him to a world of torture and fighting. Can he and a young Dr. who showed him kindness escape this life?
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I see that you are going through a hard time but I miss seeing your art. If you have the time I recommend drawing how you feel and watching some complex ptsd crappy childhood fairy YouTube videos. Also, I believe this book called The Artist Way could help you out in your creative journey. Anyways, prayers for you and your well-being, my fellow Ryukishi07 fan.
I'm sorry I haven't been putting out art much lately. I'm going through the worst time in my life. I had a mental health crisis, and it caused me to hurt a friend of mine. They decided they no longer wanted to be friends, because they were too hurt and didn't believe we could have a healthy friendship after what happened.
Because of my mental health and my stupidity, I lost the best thing that ever happened to me. I have to live with the knowledge that if I had only done some things a little differently, I could still have them in my life. For the rest of my life I have to know I ruined my one chance of happiness.
We were friends for six years. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with them. We talked about becoming roommates one day, about visiting each other's countries, about writing stories together into our 30s. When I lost them, I lost not only my present happiness, but my future happiness as well.
I have no hope in ever being happy in this lifetime. One day I'll die and go to heaven, and then I can be happy but until then I can imagine nothing but misery and loneliness. I can only pray she changes her mind and comes back to me one day, but I begged her for 2 hours to reconsider her decision, and she seemed pretty final about it. She was my everything, and I know that's unhealthy. My codependence on this friendship was ultimately what tore us apart.
I want to make art again. I have so many ideas and wips, but I'm trying not to kill myself and bathe and keep food down. All of my energy is going into surviving right now.
It doesn't help that I got better at art for her. We used to do art trades all the time, and she was so much better than me, I actively sought to improve myself so I could be worthy of her. I had always liked art, but right now art is too tied up in my memories of her. Maybe it always will be. I don't know.
It makes me happy to know someone likes my art. One day I want to make art again. One day I want to make visual novels and animations and webcomics. But right now I just can't do anything but cry and miss her and pray and hate myself.
I'm really sorry. When I start posting art again, I hope you're still around. I hope I can still make you happy, but I always made art from a place of joy, and I have no joy with which to create right now.
Please keep me in your prayers. Pray for our reconciliation. Pray for my strength to overcome this or the patience to wait for her or a quick death. I don't know. And I'll try to make art again. And I'll try to watch youtube videos and reach that book you recommended. It's been showing up on my tik tok a lot lately, and I've been getting into reading again so maybe it's a sign.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope I can make art for you again soon.
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localrobosexual · 6 years
I’m like,, , , lowkey considering shipping Soundwave and Shockwave. And like. Making that A Thing. But I’m not sure about it yet. I know wavewave is a pretty popular ship as far as TFs is concerned, and while I admit it’s pretty cute (esp within G1 omg), do I wanna bring that over to my ocs?? I’m really unsure, and very torn about it. I’ve never done this before, I’ve never paired any of my ocs together in the past, and I don’t know how I feel just yet about suddenly realizing I have this kind of power omg omg omg
The main driving force for this idea came from an amv I wanna make to this one part in Aishite Aishite Aishite (That Part y’know the one everyone uses for amvs like that gshgdndns). It’d be about an experimental AU in their shared story where at one point Shockwave would develop feelings for Soundwave, but they’d be unrequited, and the amv would kinda play that whole thing out. But the more I thought about the whole concept, the more ideas I’d get. I have another REALLY GOOD amv I wanna make to Aurora Borealis, another to Decoy World, and another to Hours, and yet another map-inspired one to this one part in Attention, a couple animation memes, and I even have a really nice anGSTY SAD AU I made up with a pal on discord at one in the morning (we call it the Crystal Death AU and it has to do with disquette-prone diseases, and it was all inspired by crystal gore artwork we were sharing at the time. If u wanna hear about that lemme know I’d be more than happy to explain bc I’m super into the idea?? I still haven’t drawn anything for it yet but I very much want to sometime HA)
like on one hand I keep finding myself coming up with all these cool amvs and story ideas centered around them being together, or having more significance because of that, but at the same time I’m hesitant about really pursuing it. So I’m not sure. Maybe once I make that Aishite amv and get some more feedback on the concept I’ll be able to make a decision, but for now, it’s not canon.
There’s a lot of concepts and ideas I have and are currently developing that have to do with their lore that I haven’t really talked about anywhere actually?? Mostly because 1.) there’s three more characters that are in it that I don’t have yet bc they’re all a part of closed species so like. I’m technically Not Allowed to have them but I still have whole developed ideas for how I wanna use them for when I do eventually get them, and 2.) I’m still working on fleshing it all out! Like I said I have some concepts I’m putting together and like bits and pieces of polished stuff but nothing really solid or definite. Not yet. I may eventually try to draw some of them out just to get them out there, because I really do like it a lot, I love these ocs a lot, and I’m loving getting to develop this little story for them?? I’ve never really done this before but it’s so fun?? but for now it’s all just in my head.
so yeah. Idk my dudes, but I’m very, very tempted.
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kintatsujo · 2 years
So like, i know it's not the weekend anymore but i was deciding what to write. Remember a couple of years ago? I was 18 or about to be 18 and i told ye that i started writing a comic because you were an inspiration to me? That went nowhere sadly. It might have been too big and unfocused to ever work as a first comic project and i have made my peace with that. Later i made a simple 4 page watercolour comic based on a dream setting. Feels good. January 2019 my future best-worst frenemy begged me to write a script for their webcomic. I did it reluctantly. But i got the expirience of writing in a set schedule, sure, it was a shaky schedule l, but i made a complete story that I really enjoyed and i got a hang of writing scripts that would, mostly help set in stone what kindn of visualisations i wanted. So i immediately started writing a comic long strip format that would take that to its fullest. Wrote 11 episodes, sketched the prologue, then my wind died out. I read it again recently and i still really love it, might rework it and put it in my pot. What's my pot? July 2020 i started drawing a comic based on a dream i had, and decided to like. Not bother too much with how i drew it. Drew badly on purpose, and currently it has the most done out of anything i ever made (4 chapters drawn, another two sketched out, and overall plot planned out), erm, only 2 chapters drawn in that first year but still. It made something click in me, and now heres where the pot comes in. I started drawing a practice comic for a different story, i actually managed to work consistently on that. How, i just, i am working with my adhd brain and just tunnel hyperfocus when i can and when i cant i work a small bit on each story that is in the pot. Some are just written, some are comics. Those hands i showed you last time? Thats the third comic that is like most active in the pot. Will i finish anything in the pot? Maybe not, but ill definetly finish the badly drawn comic if nothing else, out of spite. This is a bit over 1500 characters.
Anon, every bit of that is wonderful, and I mean it; no bit of effort is a waste if you're having fun, and it's good practice to try
And managing a big project of any kind when you've got adhd is pretty much like that, you have to learn how to direct your energy when you have it and how valuable working on things a little at a time is.
It's not what neurotypical patience looks like but it's definitely a kind of patience.
I like this "putting it in my pot" phrase, that's similar to what I mean when I talk about putting a project on my back burner X3
(also I very understand being hesitant to work on a project with a "frenemy" bc working on projects with someone takes a kind of chemistry and mutual respect you don't see in a lot of marriages.)
I am enormously proud of you for continuing and keeping on with your art and comics, and I'm just absolutely honored you're continuing to share with me about it. Thank you for that. <3
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bludragongal · 7 years
Hey, This is probably one of a couple of hundred asks saying the same thing but how is part 3 of the Nightmare Comic coming along? I'm completely obsessed with the idea and hope you don't feel rushed by any of these asks. I'm just very curious. Any update would be amazing. Thank you so much.
Shockingly, this is the first ask about it that I have received! Though, I expect, the more time goes on, the more shall arrive. I’ll only answer this once, though.
WHERE IS THE COMIC RIGHT NOW?It’s still in my head. I’m still trying to settle on what I want to do with it. I have several ideas, but I’m struggling to make them come together. 
WHEN WILL IT BE DONE??????I’m really, really glad and grateful for the support and enthusiasm the Nightmare Comic has received. It’s really validating and I love that it’s inspired and resonated with so many people. You guys made the second part possible, and have done the same for a third installment. But….
Here is my current task list, listed by order of priority:
My Full-Time Job (50+ hours a week)
My Webcomic (2 pages per week, ~16-20 hours per week)
Patreon Obligations (~1-2 hours per week)
Social Life (husband, friends, etc - hours vary)
Being an Adult (exercise, eating, cleaning, running errands, buying groceries, car maintenance, etc - hours vary)
Sleeping (ideally 56 hours per week)
Nightmare Comic (???? hours per week)
The Second Part of the Nightmare comic wasn’t completed until about a year after it received the number of notes I challenged y’all to hit, and although another year of waiting is something I want very much to avoid, it will take a very long time because there are other things that simply demand a lot of my time and attention. Writing, for me, takes a long time, because I want to make sure I have a solid premise before doing any writing, and I’m struggling with this one. I don’t want it to get too long or out of hand, because I don’t have a lot of time to spend on it. 
So what I’m trying to say is: please have patience. I’m really glad you like the story, and I like working on it when I have the time, but there are far more demanding things in my life that take priority over the interests of strangers on the internet. This sounds harsh, but that’s the way it has to be. As hard as it is to accept, artists do not owe you anything, especially if they are producing free content for you to consume when they have other obligations, and rent is due at the end of the month. 
BUT LISTEN HERE, ORIGINAL ASKER: you didn’t ask me an entitled question. This is just me generally addressing the others who will inevitably ask, with far less politeness and glowing enthusiasm than you have showed me. You are great. Thank you so much for liking my dumb stuff. I want to make sure I do a good job and that I’m trying not to rush it or deliver a product that’s half baked. I wish I worked faster and had more energy, but you gotta admit where your limitations are if you want to be happy with yourself. Life is hard. People like you make it easier and more enjoyable. Thank you.
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