#I don't know why. it just felt cozier
huntersapprentice · 10 months
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little probe in the sky
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billthedrake · 7 months
I pulled up at Coach Stanley's house around 2:30. I had on a parka, which I bundled tight over my T-shirt as I walked up his yard. It was cold out and overcast, the kind of whether where you expect it to snow any minute.
Ed was standing out on his front porch to greet me and was apparently thinking the same thing. "Think we're getting a white Christmas, Russ?" he asked as he watched me walk up his driveway. Coach's place was at the end of a dead end street and while not 100 percent private, maybe he didn't have to worry what it would look like having a former student coming over on Christmas day.
"Can't remember the last one we had, Coach," I said as I stepped up to the patio and wiped my feet on the mat. I was enjoying how friendly and conversational the dynamic was between us. This could have been awkward as hell, but it was like this man was committed to make me feel comfortable.
I paused at the door and saw a smirk on his face and with it, a look of clear lust. He wanted to kiss me, and I wanted to kiss him right then and there, but instead he ushered me inside.
He was more dressed up than last I saw him, more in that button-down and khakis look I remember from the classroom. And that gold chain glinting from beneath the collar. He was hot as hell.
"Come in," he offered.
The inside was nice and warm, and I quickly took off my coat. I felt my heart pound. We hadn't made any real specific plans but I'd talked to him quickly and said I was free that afternoon and evening, if he was interested in spending some time together again. He was, barely concealing his excitement.
I could see his chest rise and fall some as he watched me set down my coat on a chair. "Good to see you, Russ," he said. "Thanks for calling."
I shot him a grin. I'm not 100 percent confident with guys, but something about Ed Stanley's bull-in-the-china-shop shyness made me feel like the more experienced one. "I'll admit I've been thinking about you a lot the last few days," I said.
The made him smirk and step up to me. In an I'm-gonna-kiss-you kind of move. "Is that right? I'm glad." His hands reached out and rested on my waist, almost pulling himself toward me as much as pulling me toward him. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christm..." I started until his lips cut me off. There was that soft tongue again, smoothly teasing and parting my lips, then touching my own. His mouth tasted a little bit of toothpaste and mouthwash and I could smell his aftershave. Heat emanated off his body, too, and I realized I was still a little cold from outside.
Maybe that's why I pressed into his embrace more. Or maybe I was just horny. Either way, Ed Stanley felt good, real good next to me.
Coach S had almost a dreamy expression on his masculine face when he broke the kiss. Almost lazily he reached up and ran his fingers along my torso, feeling up the leaner muscle beneath my long-sleeve T. "You know I like to take things slow, right, Russ?"
I reached down and rearranged the boner in my jeans. "Man you're killing me here, Coach," I teased, and Coach laughed.
"You didn't let me finish," he said, and I could see a playful smile as he reached down to adjust his own hardon. He walked over to the couch and patted me to sit down next to him. It felt cozier and homier now that the tree was up and fully lit. Or maybe it was the holiday spirit.
I sat down and Coach extended his arm for me to scoot closer. Even if I was taller, it felt nice to have his strong forearm draped over my shoulder. He gave me a peck and I felt the soft bristle of his beard before he pulled back.
"I was gonna say..." His blue eyes seemed deeper and almost darker in closer close up, the tree's twinkling lights and the dim outdoor illumination giving a dark sea look to them. He seemed almost nervous now. "I don't know what you're into, Russ, but I'd love to fuck you."
My heart pounded. "I'd like that Ed," I said. Then, "I wasn't sure what your deal was."
He smirked and ran his free hand along the front of my chest again. I loved his touch. "The deal is.... I have a very attractive man with me, and I've been thinking a lot how I wish I'd gone the next step with you on Saturday."
My voice cracked. "I've been thinking about that, too."
Ed's voice got huskier. "That would be an amazing gift, Russ," he said. I felt him pull me toward him and we were kissing once more.
I tried to match his skill, or at least his approach, with making out. And I ran my own fingers along his button-down shirt, feeling his hard body beneath it. This guy was such a crazy hunk, he could bed just about anybody, I figured. I was the right man at the right time.
We got deeper into the kiss. Not too fast, but definitely going past that soft, slow phase. I undid one of Coach's shirt buttons and slipped my hands into the opening, feeling up the soft fur and warm bulk beneath. Stanley let me feel him up before finally pulling back and undoing the rest of the buttons.
I greedily watched then even more greedily ran my fingers along his exposed chest. He let out a deep, mellow giggle "You like?"
I nodded. "Yeah, totally." I looked up into his handsome face. Coach S was always an authority figure for me but wasn't THAT much older than me. He still had some of that youthfulness ot his looks. "I think maybe it's a little bit of a fetish for me, actually."
"What?" he asked. "The chest?"
I ran my hand up to touch his nipples. Ed had amazing nipples. "Yeah, I'm a chest guy. But the open shirt thing, too. I don't know if I even realized it, but it pushes my buttons."
He gave me an encouraging look and said softly. "I'm glad, Russ." His tone got deeper and softer. "I like turning you on."
I laughed, unable to stop feeling him up. "You have no idea."
He didn't say anything, but instead reached down and started undoing his belt, then unbuttoning his khakis. I decided I liked seeing the horny side of Ed Stanley.
He reached in and hauled out his hard dick. Firm, meaty, not too big. He leaned back now in the sofa, his arms spread and the shift flaps pulled apart. His prick stood up into a full rigid position. His eyes were intense even if he was silent now.
I leaned over and started taking him into my mouth. I felt better at this now, since the angle was better than last time. I focused on the first few inches, up and down, slowly but surely, before working more of him deeper into my throat.
The second I went deep I heard Ed let out a soft deep grunt and felt his fingers run through my hair. "Oh man, Russ. Fuck... that's so beautiful."
I knew he was watching me blow him, and that just encouraged me to do my best. I worked him for another half minute and could feel his excitement. As I pulled off some and slowed my sucking, I could taste the salty precum.
"You getting close?" I asked, pulling all the way off.
He looked down and nodded, a puppy dog expression on his handsome bearded face. "Fraid so, bud."
I smiled, happy I'd given him that pleasure. If he hadn't mentioned fucking, I would have happily blown him to completion. But now, I kissed along his taut abdomen and up his furry chest. His fingers resumed stroking my hair as I did, until I made my way up to kiss him once more, leading Ed to wrap his palm around the nape of my neck to hold me steady as our tongues wrestled.
"Damn," he whispered when I finally pulled back.
"Yeah," I agreed. "You know, you're the best kisser I've ever met."
He cocked a grin. "There been a lot, Russ?"
"My share," I replied. "Nothing crazy."
He seemed to respect my answer. "You have experience bottoming?"
"With a couple of boyfriends, yeah," I answered. I now leaned back, as much to relieve the tightness in my crotch by spreading my legs as anything. I blushed now. "I don't know how to bring this up tactfully," I said. "But I usually do some preparation before I do."
Ed smirked. "I may have some supplies in the master bathroom for just that."
"You may, huh?" I laughed. This was a man of surprises.
He shrugged. "Call me an optimist."
"OK, Mr. Optimist," I said.
"God, you're so sexy, Russ," Ed said and scooted back toward me for a kiss. We made out again, and Coach S guided me back down to the sofa. I liked that he wasn't rushing it. It had actually been nine months or so since I'd bottomed, and I felt a little out of practice. Holding on to Ed's thick, fit body and being beneath him was getting me turned on and more assured.
By now his shirt was untucked and I was able to run my hands all over his strong back as he humped into me. Still in his khakis, me still clothed. This guy was unlike anyone I'd been with.
Finally he pulled off with a lusty look. "All right, bud... you feel up for getting ready?"
"Yeah," I said.
I watched him raise his body off the couch, his khakis still open and his dick still rock hard and sticking out. He offered a hand to help me up.
"Stuff's under the sink and there's a bath towel on the shelf. Make yourself at home," he offered.
In all of my mental holiday bingo cards, I never had being in Coach Stanley's bathroom cleaning myself out to be one of the options. But here I was.
I showered off and took one last look in the mirror. Maybe like a lot of gay guys my age, I was able to be both conceited about my youthful looks and deep-down insecure about my body. But Stanley seemed into it, so I took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door.
I'd lost my hardon and the urgency of my sexual excitement, but the sight in front of me had my cock filling out quickly. Ed Stanley was lying back on his bed with a fully hard prick, naked except for his open dress shirt and that gold chain.
"Whoa!" I said, my dick bouncing up to rigidity with each step toward the bed.
"I decided to keep the shirt on. You seemed to like it."
"Hell yes," I said, climbing up on the bed and positioning my naked body above his half reclined one. "You must think I'm silly," I said.
He laughed. "I'm pretty naive in some things, but teachers have a pretty good idea when students have the hots for them."
I settled against his furry body and felt his strong hands land on my ass. "Did you have the hots for me, too?" I asked. It was a question that had been in the back of my mind since Saturday.
"Truth?" he asked. "I always that you were incredibly cute, but no I never had the hots for you. Not till I ran into you..."
Our mouths met. Any hesitation I had about giving my ass to Coach Stanley was way out the window. I was turned on like mad, but more than that I just wanted to give him this.
It was my turn to hump into him as he held me and matched the ferocity of my kiss. For a man with the smooth moves, he seemed happy to switch gears. Before long, I felt his fingers work deeper into my crack and play with my still shower-damp hole.
"Hmmph," I muttered into our kiss. When I broke, I actually laughed.
"What?" he asked, with a cheeky grin.
I shook my head. "I guess I'm getting my head around you being aggressive in bed."
"Too much?" he asked. "We don't gotta, Russ." I could see a real lust in his blue eyes but to his credit he was giving me an out.
"Nah, not too much," I replied.
"Good," he growled and with a surprise move, he used his superior strength to maneuver and flip up over, so I was on my back and he was above me. And just as quickly his lips were attacking my neck, licking and kissing. Stanley was a sensual lover, very different from the men I'd been with before. My dick was rock hard and dripping against his stomach fur as his mouth sought mine out one more time.
"Fuck!" he muttered, breaking the kiss and already kissing his way down my body. Down my sternum, over my six pack and then licking my cock. "You got a big dick, Russ," he muttered.
I felt so outmanned by this stud, so it felt nice to be bringing something to the table. Not that dick size mattered much for me, but Ed seemed into my prick as he pulled it up and examined it before licking its length again.
"Tell me if you get close," he said, then began swallowing.
I knew Coach S hadn't had any dick sucking practice in the last few days, but this BJ was a lot better than the prior one. Maybe he was just less nervous and more into it. My quick trigger wasn't kicking in, but after a minute I had to tap his shoulder. "Coach...."
He spit my out and started tonguing my balls. Normally I don't crave that sensation, but I loved the sweet torture of it now, the way his oral attention kept me rock hard and dripping while prolonging the pleasure.
And when he put his hands beneath my hamstrings, I got the idea. I pulled my legs up and back for him.
Some men are hesitant to rim, but Ed wasn't one of them. He dove in, licking me and teasing my ring. I was surprised by that combination of eagerness and soft tongue. And the soft scruff of his beard tickled my cheeks in the best way possible.
"Oh fuck..." I hissed.
He pulled back, shooting his blue eyes up to look at my face. "You like this, bud."
"Please don't stop," I laughed, pulling my thighs back further and hiking my ass up back toward his face. Maybe it looked slutty, but I didn't care. Coach Stanley was that good at eating ass.
He got a cocky look on his face then dove back in.
I got a few more minutes of that royal treatment, then Ed methodically set up to prep me with his fingers. He'd set out some lube, and I watched his intent face as he slid one finger inside me, his eyes darting back and forth between my hole and my facial reactions.
"You feel amazing, Russ," he said. "You're pretty tight."
"Yeah," I admitted. "Just give me a little time and I'll be good." I wasn't an expert but I'd bottomed enough to know it was like riding a bicycle. And with a top as hot as Coach Stanley I wasn't gonna have a hard time getting into this.
"You got it, bud."
His eyes were locked on my face when the third finger slipped in. I expected my hole to resist or my guts to clench tight. But it felt amazing.
"So, bud...." Ed said in soft, low voice. "I generally play safe."
"OK," I muttered. Maybe because he was a teacher and authority figure, I wasn't surprised by his caution. "I'm on PreP... if that matters."
I could see his chest rise and fall between the open flaps of his shirt. "It does," he said. He pulled his fingers out and set out to slick down his thick boner. Ed dizzled some on my boner. He set down the lube and looked back at me. "I'd love to fuck you raw," he hissed. It was SO wild to hear Coach S talk so lewdly, so directly. "I've never done that."
My voice was cracking I was so horny. "You're missing out, Coach. It's amazing." My eyes met his, and I got off seeing his prick jerk some.
He leaned forward and kissed me. Not a Coach Stanley kiss but a hard, sloppy kiss. I held onto him and did my best to return it, even as I let him take the lead with his plunging tongue.
Already he was reaching down to guide his prick into place. I realized then he was real wet from lube, like a crazy of amount of slickness to his prick that kept me from clenching my defenses shut. Not that I wanted to, but Ed was already pushing in.
I grunted into his mouth.
He was breathing heavy as he pulled back and looked at me. "Sorry, man... I just..."
"It's OK," I said, gamely. After all I wanted this more than anything. My fantasy served to me on a silver platter. "It always stings a little going in."
He nodded. Like he wanted to learn how my sexual responses were wired.
"Trust me, I want this, too, Coach," I said, reaching up to feel his chest. "I want your cock."
He slid just a little more into me, like a half inch more. It felt good. But the real thing that changed for me was seeing Ed Stanley above me, hunky as hell. Furry chest, rounded pecs, gold chain, button down shirt undone. I was transported back to my high school JO sessions, only this was better than I could have ever imagined.
My guts flowered open and Ed's dick sunk in. The sensation felt good for him, and was a real turn on. His lips curled into a smile.
"Yeah, Russ.... oh fuck."
He gave me a second but quickly realized I didn't need more. Then, his arms steadying himself above me, Coach S started fucking me. Nice steady pumps as I wrapped my legs around his waist and touched any part of him that I could.
"Fuck me, Coach," I hissed. Then corrected, "Ed..." Honestly I didn't know if the ex-teacher/ex-student thing bothered the man in a moment like this. I didn't want to spook him, even if I was tapping into that forbidden fantasy with every single stroke of the man's thick cock.
"Russ fucking McAdams," he hissed, his fucking getting more urgent. Not hard or fast, but with more power in his hips and glutes as he worked my hole.
I was SO hard right then. It was tempting to stroke my cock but I didn't want to blast off right away. I looked up into the man's eyes, his handsome face, and asked, "Barebacking what you expected, Ed?"
He nodded. "Uh uh. And more. I think I like this too much." His breath was catching some, and I could tell he was focusing on not cumming quickly.
"You gonna cum in my ass?" I growled. Even if the physical sensations of raw sex were night and day different for the top more than for the bottom, the idea of being bred by Ed Stanley was really getting to me just then.
"Oh buddy... fuck...." He slowed his thrusts some and looked down on me. "You wanna stroke off while I do you?" He seemed surprised I wasn't already.
I cocked my grin. "I'm pretty sure the second I start I'm gonna cum. Why don't you go for it, and tell me when you're close."
"Probably not gonna take me long, Russ," he said. Then I felt it. Gone were the gentle thrusts. This one was hard and deep, surprisingly deep given Ed's cock size. Then another, perfectly timed.
"This OK, bud?" he asked.
"God yes," I answered. I was in the zone now. Stanley had gotten me into the zone.
For the next minute I got fucked by a real stud. Ed's meaty ex-jock body clenching rhythmically above me. His prick hitting my internal spot with steady repeated force. His muscles clenching, his shirt tails flapping, his gold chain dangling.
"I'm so close," he gritted through his teeth.
I wrapped my hand around my dick. I was gonna get there with Coach S. "Do it, Ed. Breed my ass."
"Oh FUCK!" he cried. Not orgasming yet but his hips working faster as he got closer. My hand was a blur on my cock and I could feel the rumble in my balls. I opened my eyes wide to take him all in. My dream man, fucking me hard, his face now starting scrunch up as he came.
"Coach!" I let out as my prick fired all over my body, from my neck to my abs. I just shot it all out and enjoyed the orgasm of a lifetime. Only as I came down from the intensity of that high, I hoped my lifetime would have a lot more like this ahead.
Ed's hips were slowing to a halt, and I could tell he was riding the aftershocks of a deep cum. "Whoo buddy," he breathed out. "That was something else." He leaned forward and gave a soft kiss. Not too long since I think he intuited that I was gonna cramp up bent back in this position.
We uncoupled and Ed rested up in a kneeling position on the mattress. Shirt still on and open wide, his prick still rigid and coated with lots of lube and cum. His chest still rising and falling. "Thank you so much, Russ... that was incredible."
"For me, too," I said as I stretched out my legs. "OK if I rinse off?" I asked. I didn't want to kill the afterglow, but sometimes after a hard cum I have to piss. And maybe a part of me felt self-conscious for getting into bottoming so much with Coach S.
He nodded. "Like I said, Russ..." Make yourself at home.
I went to piss and take a quick shower. I was back out in about five minutes. Ed had pulled on some sweatpants but still had that button down shirt on, open to reveal his hairy chest. I don't know if it was for my benefit, but it was a great sight. He was standing at the window, the blinds now open.
He looked at me, with almost kid-like excitement. "It's snowing."
I walked over, towel around my waist. Indeed, white flakes were coming down, hard.
"Whoa," I said.
He clasped his hand on my bare shoulder. "You got your white Christmas, buddy," he said, his eyes taking in the snow.
"Yeah," I said. I turned to look at him and saw his eyes were no longer on the snow. They were on me.
"You gotta rush off, Russ?"
I shook my head. "I'm good," I said. "If you don't mind the company."
"The opposite," he said. "Listen... I have some stuff for a holiday dinner, if you want some."
That surprised me. "You cooked a holiday meal?"
"Store bought," he assured me. "But I've worked up an appetite."
"I'm pretty hungry, too," I admitted. Brunch had now been many hours ago.
We kissed, and I saw the return of soft, gentle Ed Stanley. Until I felt his strong hand fiddle with my towel and undo it.
I was hard again, but maybe not ready for a second round. "You horny again?" I asked as I pulled back.
His blue eyes twinkled. "Nah. Just like playing with my Christmas present," he laughed. He gave my ass a light slap. "Come on, let's get something to eat."
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glorianamultistan · 1 year
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I do not own the image.
I will be uploading more soon; this has been in my drafts for over six months. P.S.:- you can support me by buying me a coffee; link's on my page.
Lee Know x Male Reader
Part 1
Summary: Prince Lee Know has fallen for Y/n.
It was early morning, around 4 am, when Lee Know was sure that no one was following him; he departed towards the left wing of the manor, the ones where the guest rooms were located.
Y/n felt a light knock on his door and before he could ask who it was, the prince slipped in.
'Your Royal Highness!?' y/n whispered as he got up from his bed and felt a bit embarrassed because he was not in a very presentable state.
'Ah! You are up! Great! Let's go, we need to go to the lake; it will take some time. You wanted to look at the sunrise. So let's go.' Lee Know stated as if all this was a preplanned enterprise.
'Uhm... But sir. I just said it lightly.' Y/n could not understand how his light comment made the prince be present here at such an hour with all this enthusiasm.
He saw the older flinch a bit and feel a bit out of words, so he just complied with the request and 'You took such measures so early in the morning. I apologize; let me just get ready. Oh, don't worry, I can get ready without helpers, sir. If you could please turn around.'
Lee Know stood there, his face towards the door, with a feeling of restriction in his throat as he heard y/n rustle in and out of the clothes.
Lee Know was restless the whole night. He saw y/n for the first time last year at a ball held by his cousin, where the latter was introduced to him with the sole intention of a matrimonial alliance between the l/n and Lee families, both being two of the few most powerful ones in the southern region of the kingdom.
Lee family was also a branch of the royal family, with princes and princesses ornamenting the upcoming generation of family heads. So Lee Know, or Prince Lee Know, was an heir to the titles and extravaganza, and he knew how to use them to get the work he wanted to be done.
Y/n, on the other hand, was an honorable person, not with high titles, as he was not the direct heir and had three elder siblings. But it was truth universally acknowledged that he was the best catch out of all his siblings and hence was courted by a legion of princes and dukes and marquises and all the remaining titles of the realm, even the high-ranking government officials of the other nations and royalties of other empires wanted to have him as their son-in-law.
Why? Just because he was blessed with the supreme combination of mind and grace. He was, at his current age of 23, already an established author and a formal martial artist. He was mannered like no other person, full of the right protocols and courtesies. He was the gem the crowns of all the empires lacked. And, he was utterly clumsy and naive to love approaches to the level of irritation for his suitors.
'We can leave now, sir.' Lee Know turned around to see y/n in casual wear for a walk; he was still affected too much. 'Uh, yeah, let's go, let me, yes, just okay, let's go.' 'But this is my room, sir; I should be the one closing the door.' 'But I insist.'
So, y/n stood in the hallway as the prince closed the door and walked down the few engraved steps that his room had to them, a medieval design.
'Were you comfortable in the room? I got it arranged for you, especially because you like cozier spaces.' 'It is an honour, sir, that you took such measures for me.' Yes, y/n clearly has no idea that they met last year as a probable couple; his parents never notify him of such occurrences as he gets anxious and is not able to present himself. So now, it's the prince's turn to think that y/n is not interested in him and probably thinks of this all as a once-in-a-while opportunity.
'Will you be comfortable on the same horse, or do you want a separate one? Or do you want to drive there? I can ask for the cars too if you don't like horse rides.' Lee Know asked repeated questions to ensure he asserted that he was doing it all for the younger's comfort.
'I have no complaints about sharing the horse, sir.' Y/n liked such escapist endeavours. He was surprisingly cheerful this morning to go and look at the sunrise properly. He had heard of the majestic view of the sunrise which the lake of the Lee manor had. It was sublime, in his older brother's words.
The lake was situated in the little valley formed by ancient hills now eroded to moors. Here the duo reached just a few minutes before the sun was about to emerge through the horizon, and so there was a hazy lavender-maroon sky waiting for them.
'It is indeed sublime.' Y/n whispered. 'Huh?' Lee Know looked at the boy looking over to the climbing sun. Rays shined over them softly, and a light breeze ruffling the long hair of y/n made Lee Know to realise that he might actually have fallen a bit too hard.
What was to be done now? The sun was roping up, and the firmament shone, and so did the face of the younger, watching it all with awe as the mist started to clear up. Lee Know knew he had to take them back before breakfast, but he did not have enough courage to disturb the scene in front of him.
'Uhm, we-we should head back now, we need to be present there for breakfast, or your brother would think I kidnapped you.'
'Yes sir, we must hurry. I don't want to be caught slipping out like this.' There it was again; Lee Know felt a jab at heart; was he really not going to even get a chance?
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babygirl-diaz · 25 days
Nest of Lies and Wonder (Omegaverse)
Based on the prompt by @ofstarlightandbows: Maybe Tommy finding buck building or curled up in his nest or Tommy's/their bed?
When Tommy came home, he found Evan's jeep in his driveway and immediately knew the alpha was there.
"Evan?" He called out entering the house but was met with silence. "Baby?" He called out again but got nothing.
Worry settled in the pit of his stomach. It was probably nothing, but all sorts of horror shows started running through Tommy's head.
He looked in the kitchen and the bathroom, but found no sign of Evan.
When Tommy wandered into his bedroom, his heart stopped for a second. There was Evan, sleeping peacefully in Tommy's nest. He had his arms wrapped around the dark brown teddy bear Tommy got from his 3-year-old nephew. Evan's clothes that Tommy had stolen were all still in their place and Evan had paid careful attention not to move them around or sleep on top of them.
Tommy's heart raced in his chest as he approached his nest. Evan looked adorable lying down in the middle of it, but Tommy dreaded what would happen when Evan woke up.
As if sensing his presence, Evan slowly started to come to. The alpha smiled softly when he saw Tommy, much to Tommy's surprise. "Hey," he whispered.
"Hey," Tommy whispered back.
Evan yawned and slowly sat up, while still holding onto the teddy bear. "So... You're an omega?" He asked. "Well, it's either that or you're cheating on me with an omega but I am inclined to think it's the former."
Tommy immediately shook his head. "I'm not cheating on you!" He assured him. Wringing his hands together, Tommy sat down on the edge of the bed. "But I AM an omega."
Evan put the teddy bear away and shifted closer to Tommy. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I couldn't," Tommy replied as dread settled in the pit of his stomach. "You, like everyone else, always thought I was an alpha, and I didn't want to correct you. Besides, I look nothing like an omega."
Evan stayed quiet before asking, "Are you ashamed of being an omega?"
"No!" Tommy quickly told him. "I am not. I love being an omega. I just- I love my job more and they don't let omegas into Air Operations. At least they didn't used to until two years ago. But by then it was too late. Everyone already thought I was an alpha and I knew there would be repercussions if they found out I wasn't."
"But you could have told me." Evan sounded hurt. "I wouldn't have ratted you out."
"I know you wouldn't," Tommy sighed. "I just- I- I didn't want you to know. You loved me because I am an alpha and I feared losing you."
"Tommy..." Evan reached out and touched Tommy's face. "I don't love you because you're an alpha. I love you because you're you. The man who's sarcastic but sweet, who cares about others, and who isn't scared to stand up for what's right. That's the man I love."
Tommy felt himself well up a little and he immediately threw his arms around Evan, hugging him tight. "I love you so much, Evan," he told him.
"I love you too," Evan said, wrapping his arms around him. When he pulled away, he asked, "Where did you get my clothes, by the way? I've been looking for them."
"I stole them," Tommy chuckled.
"You sneaky sneaky omega," Evan teased and kissed Tommy's cheek. "Okay, come on, I have some ideas for your nest. How we can make it cozier." Evan told him, getting out of bed. "Oh, by the way, I'm sorry I fell asleep in your nest without your permission."
Tommy shrugged. "It's okay. I don't mind," he replied. "Now give me your ideas."
"Well, we're gonna have to go to Home Depot and possibly a fabric store," Evan replied.
Tommy was a little confused, but he went along. Evan drove them to Home Depot and bought fairy string lights in a cool blue color and then drove them to JoAnn Fabrics to buy an entire roll of nylon tulle fabric in the color white. By the time they got home, Tommy had an idea of what Evan was planning. He draped the tulle fabric over Tommy's bed and nailed the edges to the wall, after which, he hung fairy string lights inside the nest.
"Baby, I hope that doesn't catch fire," Tommy teased.
"Nah, these are safe. They don't heat up," Evan replied and turned on the lights.
Tommy's nest looked like it had been transformed. He stared at it in awe. "Wow."
"Right?" Evan asked, practically bouncing on his feet.
Tommy grinned and kissed Evan's cheek. He got into his nest and held out his hand for Evan.
Evan got into bed with him and held him in his arms as they both looked at the lights together.
"Thank you," Tommy said.
"You don't have to thank me. It was nothing," Evan replied.
"No, not for this. For forgiving me," Tommy told him.
"I had nothing to forgive you for. I was never mad. I understand why you did what you did," Evan assured him.
"How did I get so lucky?" Tommy asked, snuggling further against Evan and kissing his chest.
"I always wonder the same thing," Evan replied.
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Flufftober 2023
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Day 7: "Close your eyes" [Reader x Saitama] {One Punch Man}
This couldn't be any cozier. All the things your friends were going on about when you said Sai was your favorite hero had been completely untrue. Yeah, he was a little lazy and stayed at home when he wasn't doing his job; but that wasn't a bad thing. It had been so weird asking him out, you wondered if he even read your letter.
He had been kinda cute, flustered like that.
But now you were snuggled up to him while his roommate went out. Genos was a good guy, real sweet and all that. It was super easy to see why your friends liked him, but Sai was just as sweet. It just took a little prying.
Curled up against his, surprisingly slim chest; you felt safe. Relaxing with a movie that you were pretty sure Sai wasn't interested in, but he loved spending time with you. He told you directly that he didn't care what you two did, as long as he could spend time with you. At first, it sounded horrid, but the way Sai asked to go do things made you realize he really didn't care what was going on around himself.
He only cared that you were there with him.
"So, what's the point of her cat?" Sai thought out loud.
You shifted a little under the covers, "Do you really want me to answer, or did you want to find out on your own?"
"Hm?" He dug into his ear, "Nah, I'm good. Just a little weird that its the only animal that talks."
"There is an answer to that." You snuggled under his chin carefully, "If you want me to tell you."
"Nah, it doesn't really mess with the story or anything. It doesn't talk to anyone else so it's not like a plot hole or whatever."
You snickered a little, just enjoying the time you had. His arm wrapped around your back, slowly rubbing your back. It was extremely soothing, especially with such a 'do nothing' movie in the background.
"Sai, you're gonna put me to sleep doing that."
"Hm?" He didn't stop, "It'll be fine. You can just stay the night if you do fall asleep. I'll make sure you get up in time, promise."
"I don't wanna make things difficult for you or Genos though." You stifled a yawn.
"It's not a problem [Name], it'll be fine."
"You sure?"
"If I didn't know any better Sai, I'd say you want me to stay the night."
"Well, yeah. A little."
You couldn't help but chuckle as you relaxed a little more.
"Okay, so a lot." Sai continued, "It would be nice to cuddle you tonight."
"Then maybe we should tell Genos so he isn't blindsided by this. It's just rude to not give him a heads up."
"Yeah, sure. Lemme get my phone real quick."
You nodded while sitting up. Stretching and popping your back, all the while trying to stifle a yawn. Sai wandered back in with his phone in one hand, a second pillow in his other hand. He was prepping for your stay. The fact that he didn't just keep a pillow in his room for this specific reason. But he never wanted to force you to do stuff you didn't want to. Maybe he felt that it was too pushy to keep a spare pillow on his bed.
"[Name], I know it's not that late," Sai walked back in, "But maybe we should... go to bed?"
You lazily eyed the movie, seeing where it was, "Hmmm, yeah. Sure. I guess Genos isn't going to be back until late?"
"Yeah, something about..." He checked his phone, "Being asked to a dinner meeting with that movie star guy."
"Wait, the hero that does all the movies?" You tilted your head as you approached Sai.
"Yeah, I think."
"I mean, I guess that makes sense. But I don't get it."
"He just seems like a jerk." You leaned against Sai's shoulder, "Like who let him be pretty when he's just gonna be snobby and petty?"
You could have sworn Sai snickered at your, admittedly tired musings. There could be a hundred reasons why, but you really didn't care. Especially as you settled in next to Sai.
"Hey [Name]?"
"I love you."
"Love you too Sai." You nuzzled against his shoulder, "Close your eyes, okay? This was your idea after all."
"I know. Night."
"G'night Sai."
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vehadelecut · 4 months
This is love, boy
It was another evening of their hike to God knows where, when Tavel sat down next to Shaodan with a sly face.
- Well, boy, you got caught, right?
The fiery Karlach joined their company today and the half-elf could not help but notice the looks the sorcerer was giving her. To be honest, he was impressed himself, but the horned one was clearly smitten.
- What are you talking about? - The tiefling answered with a sincerely uncomprehending face, twitching the tip of his tail.
- Come on, you still look at how she dances, moving around the camp, - Tavel smiled.
He spoke almost in a whisper so that his friend’s interest would not overhear their conversation. And the rest shouldn’t even eavesdrop by accident.
- No, have you seen her? - Shao hissed, leaning a little closer to the elf. - Not a woman - FIRE!
- And literally,- the dark one laughed, - but I understand you. Just when we go to the paladins, be careful, otherwise you want to impress, prove yourself, and you’ll end up in the front row.
- Well, I want to protect her, and not die at her feet, so... I’ll try, - Shaodan glanced at the girl briefly and made a movement with his tail again. - I didn’t think I’d ever react to someone... like that. I don’t know her at all, she’s a warrior from the underworld, and I... For some reason I believe her. It’s not just “we need allies, and then we’ll look after each other so that there are no betrayals.” I... believe her.
- Me too, - said Tavel thoughtfully, - it seems that this is the case when someone really has an open soul, and does not intentionally create such an image for themselves. Moreover, you saw her memories and emotions, and I have no doubt in your retelling.
- What I saw and felt... I want to wrap her in a blanket and give her a cup of hot tea, assuring her that everything will be fine, - the tiefling smiled, scratching his wrist (and how is he not afraid of scratching with such claws?). - But she obviously doesn’t need it. Maybe. At least we still don’t have a fire-resistant blanket to test.
- The only option left is tea, - nodded halfelf, - and although you know, we have so much wine accumulated in our supplies, you can easily throw some spices in there, and she will already make herself some mulled wine, it’s in some ways even cozier than tea.
The ranger laughed, however, this little joke was not evil. Their company was so diverse that it was simply impossible not to play up the characteristics of each.
- I’m not sure if she can drink alcohol, - Shao secretly looked at Karlach again, and didn’t notice how he smiled. - Although people like her are usually very supportive of it. You know, I love the way she laughs. Enjoys every minute of freedom. She knows that this freedom is still fragile, that she can still be returned to the front line, forced to kill against her will. But she's not worried... She tries to seize every moment without control, to feel everything she has time for.
Tavel sighed. It seems that they should all take an example from Karlach, because who knows when tentacles will start sprouting from their faces. What kind of freedom is there then...
- So go and ask if she can have some wine, why are you seated, - he pushed the tiefling, - maybe she knows. Brighten up the lady's evening!
- I... I don’t know, - the guy frowned. - I'm afraid to “drive the horses” too quickly and ruin everything.
- As you yourself said, she enjoys every minute of her precarious freedom, - the elf shook his head, - and would rather enjoy normal communication and a tasty drink. Just don't act like a pushy idiot, that's all, although you won't be anyway.
- Not sure. I look at her and... I want to do stupid things! Like a boy, by God, i’m funny myself, - the tiefling scratched his wrist again, shaking his head.
- Shall I go with you? - The ranger squinted cheerfully. - Then it wouldn’t even be so suspicious if you came yourself!
- Yes, lets do it! - Sheo looked at the dark one with gratitude. - You’ll be stepping on my tail if the smile disappears from her face because of my stupidity.
- Go ahead, - Tavel clapped him on the shoulder, rising to his feet.
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miniscule-meow · 1 year
Next Best Thing
888 Words
"Do you actually like it this cold?" She asks looking up at him. They're watching a movie inside today. Normally, they would set up a projector to show the movie on the side of the house, and Felix would grow to his full height. But the weather outside is too cold and wet to try to do that today. He's larger than his true height, which is about the same as Charlie's height at 5'9", but he is significantly smaller than the full height he would typically grow to. She isn't sure how tall that is exactly. She just knows that it's so large he wouldn't be able to really fit in his house. Currently, he's just oversized, sprawled out on the couch next to her. Still, she is easily dwarfed by him.
"It doesn't bother me." He shrugs, "Why? You're cold?" He asks looking her way.
"How are you not?? I'm seriously freezing! Do you have like a blanket or something?" She looks around, most people would have a blanket on the back of the couch or something, but Felix isn't like 'most people ' in more than one way. Maybe it has something to do with his ability to be so large, he doesn't need to be as warm. Or maybe he's just odd and likes being cold.
"I uh... Not really actually, sorry." He looks at her apologetically.
"You don't own... any blankets?" She asks.
"I have the comforter on my bed. That's about it. You see, blankets are more annoying than anything when you're my size. Because, they're never as big as you want them to be, but then if your normal sized they're just too big and" he rambles before he catches himself, and sees her shivering next to him, "Ah, sorry... Here." He reaches over, his extra-large hands wrapping easily around her middle, and he pulls her onto his lap. His massive arms fold around her, surrounding her with his warmth.
Immediately, her face gets hot, but that's just from her blushing. She didn't think that Felix was a particularly cuddly person, so being pulled this close to him just caught her off guard. Typically, when they hang out they're either somewhere like a restaurant or the library, or he's absolutely massive. So, she supposes that he doesn't get a lot of opportunities to be very physical, even if he wanted to be.
Now that she's thinking about it, he's only ever held her twice when he was gigantic. Once when he saved her from that bear, and they both learned that she was afraid of heights. Then the other time - well, she doesn't like thinking about that very much. The other time was during their stupid fight. She remembers dangling roughly from his fingers, held high above his head. The apathetic look he had in his eyes as he let her free fall for a moment before snatching her out of the air with his other hand. No, that wasn't a great time, but it's behind them now, they're fine. And now, here he is, cuddling her like a stuffed animal.
"Next best thing, yeah? Oh, I should've asked. Uh, is this alright?" His voice rumbling through her breaks her from her thoughts.
"I've never related to a housecat more than right now." She laughs, his arms start to pull away, "Wait, I don't mind! This is nice." She grabs his wrist, or at least trying to, her hand isn't big enough to really grab him. She guides his arm back over her. "It's - yes. You're really warm... Thank you."
They settle in to continue watching the movie, his cheek gently rests against her head. Charlie's heart just swells; there's just something about being completely surrounded by warmth. His heartbeat thrums against her, his breathing rustles gently through her hair. She feels completely safe, and cozier than she's probably ever felt before. She is really glad that Felix is apparently a cuddly person. She really didn't expect him to be. She would have been fine with a blanket, but this is so much nicer.
She decides that she quite likes him at this size. He seems very comfortable like this. A lot of times when he gets really big, he seems stressed. Even when they're just hanging out. She supposes he has a lot to think about being that size. He has to be mindful of where he is and where she is, how loud he's being, and how fast he's moving. But at this size, he can still be inside, he can still talk normally and he doesn't have to worry as much. He just can't use the TV remote very easily. It was kind of funny honestly, watching his massive fingers fumble with the tiny buttons before giving up and handing it over to her.
About half way through the movie Charlie notices that his breathing slows, becoming long and even. She shifts a bit, but her movements are limited in his arms. He doesn't respond to her wiggling. She thinks he's asleep. She tries to peak up at his face, but she doesn't have a good angle. Her cheeks grow warm once more, he's actually fallen asleep holding her. Well. It looks like she'll be stuck here for a while. There are worse places to be.
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A Whole New Ballfield: "ALN" Story (Pre-Serum Omega!Steve and Alpha!Bucky Modern Domestic AU)
"Grandparents," Bucky beamed, still in awe as he helped turn down the bed.
"I know," Steve giggled, just as giddy as his mate. Then, it dawned on him that his baby was going to be having a baby. Sitting on his side of the bed, he worried, "Are they ready for this?"
"Well, I sure as fuck hope so," Bucky good-naturedly scoffed. Hooking his prosthetic up to the charger, "They've had three years to get here."
"I know," Steve's brows furrowed. "But they're young. Younger than we were."
"Doll," Bucky climbed into the bed, wrapping the petite omega in his arms, "They're not like us. They've got good heads on their shoulders. And they've been planning for this moment for years."
Nodding, Steve sighed, "I just know how worried I was in the beginning."
"I know," Bucky assured, kissing his temple. "But just think! We get all the fun of a baby without having to have the baby. That's gonna be the best part!"
"Yeah, that's nice," Steve chuckled, agreeing. "It'll be nice having another baby around again."
"Right?!" Bucky beamed, "Plus, we can get to pawn the poopy diapers off on their dads instead of them being our duty. And we get to spoil them rotten."
"Oh please," Steve shoved at the alpha's broad shoulder, "You spoiled our own kids rotten, that's nothing new."
"Still," Bucky dismissed. "This is gonna be the best! Sleepovers with no bedtimes and sugary treats that ruin their dinner. And tellin' 'em to pull my finger. I think being a pappy is my true calling."
"You better not tell Ollie that," Steve chuckled. "We want them to want us to watch them."
"Please, I'd like to see them try to stop us." Nuzzling into the crook of Steve's neck, Bucky giddily continued, "I just can't believe it! A baby! Another little baby Ollie."
Lacing their fingers together, Steve asked, "Do you think this is what your parents felt?"
"When I told them? Oh, hell yes," Bucky confirmed. Then joked, "But when Becca told them? They looked like they were about to keel over."
Yawning, Steve teased, "You're constantly trying to make it seem like our kids are the favorites."
"Hey," Bucky playfully defended himself, "I'm not doing anything but speaking the truth."
"Uh huh," Steve shook his head, pushing back into his mate so he could get cozier in their bed. "Not doing anything at all, I'm sure."
Kissing his mating scar, the alpha changed the subject. Rolling his hips along Steve's ass, Bucky teased, "You're the hottest grandpa I've ever seen."
Steve couldn't help but laugh at that. "Clearly, you haven't looked in a mirror anytime soon."
"What's the point? Everything I wanna see is right here in my arms," Bucky gave his midsection a squeeze.
"Oh, stop," Steve yawned again. "Don't gotta flatter me, I'm a done deal, Barnes, remember?"
"Nuh uh, none of that," Bucky dismissed. "Even when we're married for fifty years, I'm still gonna sweet talk ya. Just wait and –"
Knock, knock.
Looking over at the door, Steve's brows furrowed. Of course, that didn't stop him from climbing out of bed to unlock the door. Bitsy stood there and asked, "Can I get some ice cream?"
"Why do I care if you get ice cream?" Steve good-humoredly scoffed.
Bitsy seemed surprised while Steve noticed how Cori was twirling her keys around her index finger. Putting it together that they weren't asking about the leftover ice cream in the freezer, Steve glanced at the alarm clock. Since it was summer – and they were still in such high spirits – Steve agreed that it could be nice. After all, it wasn't curfew yet, and they were such good kids.
"Make sure to bring me back a pistachio shake," Steve decided.
"Does dad want anything?" Nevie asked, fixing her Edison High School hooded sweatshirt.
Glancing over at Bucky and how he was about ten minutes away from falling asleep, he smirked, "How 'bout it, babe?"
That familiar smirk tugged at his lips, "You could say I have a sweet tooth."
Playfully, Steve rolled his eyes, muttering, "Dirty old man," under his breath. Redirecting his attention to their eighteen year old daughters, Steve said, "Scratch the shake for me. We're going to bed."
"Gross," Bitsy deadpanned while Cori mocked, "Just as long as you're done by the time we get back."
Shaking his head, Steve repeated – enunciated – "We're going to bed. To sl–"
"Yeah, we are," Bucky joked, just loud enough for the girls to hear and further grossing them out.
"We should go before it's too late," Cori loudly mocked, shoving Nevie through the mudroom.
"Drive safe," Steve instructed as Bitsy followed her sisters out through the garage. "Let us know when you get home!"
"We will," the trio assured, leaving the house.
Closing his bedroom door, Steve crossed the room and good-humoredly punched his mate's bicep. Climbing back into bed, he warned, "One of these days, one of them is going to write a tell-all about how embarrassing their dad is."
"Hey," Bucky chuckled, pulling the petite omega closer, the way they had been prior to the interruption. "If the only bad thing our kids have to say about me is that I'm embarrassing, then I'm doing my job right."
"Yeah, you're right," Steve agreed. Relaxing further into his husband's warm embrace, as he teased, "But it's a good thing they have me. If nothing more than to balance your embarrassment out."
"Doll," Bucky held Steve tighter, "It's a good thing that we all have you. Especially me."
Lacing their fingers together, Steve closed his eyes while Bucky kissed his temple. Their, I love you's, unspoken but not unknown. More than two decades together, they didn't need the words, they knew how each other felt. Even if the bond wasn't there to solidify it, they knew.
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maiboo-e · 2 years
The big 3-0
There's always been a sort of stigma around turning 30, especially in our society, for obvious reasons. So many specific statuses are expected to be reached, whether marital, financial, or societal, in order to define one's success. "A life well lived". It's all about what you would've gained by that point, but what they don't tell you enough is how much you shed.
To begin with, I was never in a rush to grow up. Not in fear of growing old, per se. But I just never understood why anyone would want to rush the now which is already so fleeting. The happiness is felt now, the sadness is felt now, the living is happening now! Pace yourself, Mai, for someday you'll be clawing at the remnants of days refusing to last.
I'm more humble than to claim I've stumbled upon some great wisdom billions before me hadn't already reached. But I revisited my memories and discovered some nuggets from my experiences and revelations that I wish someone could have bestowed upon me on my rocky road to 30. So here’s a letter I want to send to myself in the past…
Finally leaving our 20s is a blessing! Yes, my body aches in places I never thought could, and the sun goes down and I can't think of something cozier than snuggling up on a couch with my cup of coffee and a good movie, and I miss the days I felt immortal and like the streets had a magic binding me from going home. Just like Cinderella, you feel as if the clock would tick 12 and the fairytale would wear off, right?
Our parents did try to warn us a lot about the turbulent 20s and we didn't necessarily think they were lying, but we assumed they came from a time completely irrelevant to our then-current reality. "They couldn't possibly understand", we said. The things I can confirm from their imparted wisdom are these two…
First, the best friends we'll most likely ever make are the ones we met in school or college. The bonds we’ll have created just by being these two clumsy earthlings in each other's lives trying to figure out what kind of persons we want to be is priceless. It means we’ll have been in some of our rawest and purest versions of ourselves together, before we decided to try out an emo phase or a partying phase, or whatever we thought we needed to do to fit in or find ourselves.
Second, we'll realize we wasted so much thought and effort trying to reinvent ourselves from year to year out of regular bouts of identity crises just to impress others or feel less like an alien. Honey, we're all aliens in our 20s. And it's true that everyone's too busy recalling that one stupid joke they wish they hadn't said earlier today to even focus on that famous song only we didn't know. We're all stuck in our internal trivial battles and we aren't even full human beings to have earned the spot to judge anyone, let alone ourselves.
Now on to some things I wish they had given us a head's up about…"Bad influence" friends aren't only those our mom warned us about in school, they exist everywhere, even well into our young adult years. We can so easily start to become like the handful of people we spend most of our time with, and that can either drown our potential or morph us into something we can't be proud of. And God forbid you aren't proud of yourself in your 20s! You don't need to be adding any more insecurities, really.
So I now know to keep people whose life values I share or at least can understand or respect. You gotta meet on the same grounds somehow because you'll now have little energy to give anyway.
Marie Kondo, the Japanese organizing consultant, keeps advising to retain only belongings that "spark joy". I've learned this applies to people too, even places and activities, but let's elaborate on the people part. Energy does deplete, and so does the capacity to trust, open up, and even love. We'll regret reaching the finish line of our 20s feeling too spent, wondering if we have anything left to give. Surprise – we weren't invincible after all! So prepare yourself to find out that friends will become few and far between. They may not grow in numbers, but if you've got your head screwed on right - AKA have put in efforts to better understand who you are and what you need - I can promise you that they will grow in quality. It will get lonelier when we start becoming selective of the kinds of people we keep around, but we'll feel there's a lot less "noise". And that calm will be a blessing at times we're too busy becoming more responsible and accountable for ourselves and our loved ones. To touch up further on the topic of invincibility, I cannot stress this enough: you're a feeble human being in your 20s. Stop pretending to be so strong, 'cause that one person (or two…or three) will come along, and do great damage to our foundation. It'll become increasingly harder to find a big enough treasure trunk in our mind to tuck and lock away that baggage, trust me. Okay, let's talk about some perks - where that "invincible" power you thought you had seems to truly come to fruition. Your power is you. You’ll realize you can dream things and work towards their realization, all on your own, believe it or not. Without mommy or daddy's help.
And this piece of advice needs to be stripped of any descriptions or superlatives: Patience. Patience. Patience. You heard me. And all those things we learned - time to unlearn them! Yep, we can learn all the wrong things too. Education isn't always positive. Finally, we'll experience this nearing 30, after spending some time with those born a decade or two after us, I guarantee you won't be able to knock off that endearing and grateful smile off our face at some point when you realize how far we’ve gone, how many lives it feels like we’ve lived, and how many stories we’re surprised we have, stories that can fill a trilogy of books. And guess what, we're only just getting started. -Mai E.
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opheliajupiter99 · 2 months
Once Upon a Rapture Pt.5
A private bathysphere quietly docked in Olympus Heights, an area of Rapture mostly used for housing, though there were shops and such as well. Specifically, the pair of Frost and Kremy made their way to Mercury Suites, containing high end residential suites for the wealthy and influential.
Kremy's living space was private, unknown to most beyond Gideon and Twig, he felt it was necessary when he had so much competition in his field, and while he did indeed want to help Frost, he didn't trust him enough to take him there. Besides, he'd already checked it over for any indication of where Gideon might've ended up and found nothing. So instead, they travelled to Frost's residence.
Frost was what one would likely expect of a scholar of his stature; an enormous library stacked high with rare and ancient books, so tall that one needed a ladder to ascend to the highest peak, while his actual living quarters were a simple bedroll tucked off in the corner, and from the messy state of his desk, it seemed most days he didn't even managed to -get- to the bed before passing out in a mound of books.
The section of the house reserved for Gricko and Hootsie however were much cozier, a blanket fort constructed in one corner, string lights hung from the ceiling, stickers and toys scattered all over the floor, and crayon drawings of various adorable scenes hung up on the walls. Drawings that once made Frost feel hopeful, but now he found it difficult to even look at them.
The pair investigated Gricko and Hootsie's section of the house, since all that was really of note in Frost's section was empty EVE hypos scattered about and page after page of nonsense equations and deduction, most of which he didn't even recall writing. Gricko searched around the bedroom area for the pair, while Kremy was nearby searching through a small bookshelf, which mostly contained children's books for Hootsie. It was clear from just a passing glance at the room the man had focused almost all of his attention on his daughter, very little within the entire area that related to himself.
As Kremy glided his fingers over the spines of the books, he hummed in thought. He'd been mulling over something in the back of his head most of the ride here but wasn't sure the best time to get into it. He shrugged, deciding it was best to just get it out of the way now.
"Hey, Frost?" Frost looked up, having been just about to look under Gricko's bed for any possible clues. "Yes?" He said, his eyes looking as tired as ever, but now held a faint glimmer of hope, even if it was a drop in a vast ocean of despair.
"Look fella, ah don't wanna be rude, and ah ain't tryin' to imply anythin'...but ya don't gotta be a genius to see the state ya in, and with how much ya been tellin' me ya've been splicin'...is there anythin' ah should be worryin' about?"
Frost paused for a moment, frowning deeply. It certainly wasn't that he couldn't think of anything; of course, Kremy already knew about the rabid researching and illogical thoughts, but he knew he meant something more...dangerous than that.
He took a deep breath and let it out as a somber sigh. "I...I don't handle, blood well." He said in an ashamed tone. Kremy tilted his head. "Like...how ya mean?" He said confused; at first, he thought he meant he was squeamish, but why would he say it like that? Frost huffed, rubbing a hand over his face. "I...like it, too much...okay? I don't know if it's because of the ADAM in it, or if it's something...much, much worse...but sometimes I...crave it, I suppose you'd say. On occasion, when I'd be r-reading by books, I'd...look down and see I'd been chewing a-at my own hand for God knows how long, without even realizing."
Kremy blinked twice at that. "...Yeah. Yeah, think that qualifies as ah problem, fella. Ah want ya to know, ah ain't gonna do anythin' rash, ah'll try to snap ya out of it first. But if I can't?" They stared at each other for a moment. He didn't really need to explain further, Frost understood, giving a somber little ghost of a smile. "I understand. It's okay."
Kremy nodded, looking back to the bookshelf. As he did, Frost looked down, lost in his own sorrowful thoughts for a long moment. He was so lost, it took him almost a minute to realize there was an audio diary at his feet. They were specially built and created to be...well, audio diaries, tape recorders but much more complex, even able to display a small, but detailed picture of the person that recorded it.
He picked it up, the glint of the metal catching Kremy's eye as he turned to look as Frost hit play on the tape.
The tape itself was bad enough, but Frost was further stunned by the picture the audio diary displayed; a stout, bearded Irish woman with a bloodthirsty expression plastered upon her face. He recognized that face from the papers, the Tribune speaking of a serial killer that had been brutally butchering people across the city, her calling card being the corpses all being crushed with modified Big Daddy boots. Of course, it being a lawless city, the Tribune couldn't do much more than warn people.
"He....was being...s-stalked?" Frost stammered finally, blinking rapidly as his heart pounded. "W-Why didn't he tell me? And...h-how didn't I notice?" He took a deep, shaky breath. "H-Have I already gone that mad? That I couldn't notice someone like that breaking into our house, over and over?" He started to hyperventilate, Kremy standing and moving over to him swiftly, gripping his shoulders.
"Come on fella, stay with me! This don't gotta be bad, okay?" Frost glared at him for a moment, breathing heavily. "A'ight yeah, ah know how that sounds, but let me explain! If this lady's been stalkin' this fella, then she must know where he ended up, right?" Frost processed that for a moment, wide eyes staring into Kremy's for a long moment. Finally, his breathing started to get under control again, still a bit shaky as he gripped himself tightly for support. "Y-Yeah..." He mumbled.
"So, we find this lady, and we find Gricko, right?" Frost shakily nodded, Kremy offering the most comforting smile a shady fella like him could manage. "Good. And don't ya worry bout findin' here. For a fella in my line of work? Findin' a shady lady like her'll be no problem, ah guarantee it."
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smartycvnt · 2 years
Alexa's Playhouse
pairing: alexa bliss x reader
prompt: 15. "you just love the feeling of my hand wrapped around your throat, don't you?" + 40. "so wet and needy like a good slut should be."
warnings: smut, choking
If you hadn't recognized the handwriting on the piece of paper you found taped to your backpack in the locker room, you definitely wouldn't have come to this address. Warehouses weren't your normal hangout spot, but even this one was giving you the creeps. It didn't help that you were in an unfamiliar city at 1 in the morning by yourself. However, Alexa had requested that you come alone and well, you had been waiting for an explanation as to what was going on with her. Hopefully you wouldn't end up as some tragic dateline special, not that even the most deranged version of Alexa Bliss would have harmed a head on your head like that.
"Lexi?" you called out as you pushed open the door. Inside of the warehouse, it was dimly lit, not that you expected any different. You were probably lucky that the light source wasn't some sort of fire in the middle of the seemingly vast and empty space. This was creepy and every fiber of your being told you to turn around, but you ventured further in.
"Shut that door behind you. I wouldn't want anyone to see us." Alexa popped out from around a pillar, effectively scaring the absolute piss out of you.
"Jesus fucking Christ!" you swore loudly. Alexa smirked to herself as she watched you try to calm down. You shut the door like she asked, even doing the padlock up for her so she didn't have to. "Alright, why am I here?"
"Because I've missed you." Alexa reached forward and caressed your cheek. As unsettled as this entire experience was, you had to admit that you felt the same way. Things before whatever this was were good for both of you, but good things never seemed to last long in your life. "And I've been watching you on TV, I've been seeing all the things you're doing out there."
"Here to give me a piece of your mind then?" you asked her. Alexa tilted her head as she stared at you. Whatever her initial response was going to be got scrapped. Instead, what would have been a verbal answer was instead her pushing you down onto your knees in front of her.
"Is being a champion really worth aligning yourself with someone like Charlotte Flair? She's not going to let you have it Y/n, she'll destroy everything that you love to prove a point. Stay here with me, we can get gold together," Alexa offered. You liked the idea of teaming up with Alexa, but you didn't like the thought of staying wherever the fuck you currently were. "I know you want to. I know you miss me."
"I know I do too, but I can't do this. I can't live like you do, not anymore," you told her. Alexa's eyes darkened angrily at your rejection, but as soon as it had started, it stopped.
"You could at least spend a night here first. It's cozier than you'd think, my little playhouse," Alexa said as she tilted your chin up a little. Her thumb ran along your bottom lip, successfully baiting you into opening yourself up to her. "I can make it nice for you."
"Please," you breathed out. Alexa leaned forward, just enough to brush her lips against yours. You would have surged forward, but Alexa kept a strong hold on you. She knew that you wanted her, but she also knew how much more fun you tended to be whenever she let you get desperate.
"My fingers are just itching to touch you," Alexa said as she let her hand fall down to your neck. You swallowed as her fingers adjusted to wrap loosely around your throat. This time when Alexa bent down, she captured your lips in a heated and passionate kiss. She remained perfectly reserved as she kissed you. Beneath her, you were quickly devolving into an absolute mess. Alexa's hand tightened briefly as she shifted, eliciting a squeak from you. "Do you like that?"
"Yes," you breathed out. Alexa tightened her grip once more, this time earning herself a gasp. She looked proud of herself, and for the first time that night, it was obvious that you were affecting her like she was affecting you. "Please, more.'
"You love the feeling of my hand around your throat, don't you?" Alexa cooed. You nodded as you stared up at her, awaiting her next move. "Do you want me to touch you now? I bet you're already so wet for me."
"Please?" you asked her. Alexa briefly dropped the hand around your throat to kneel down in front of you. She didn't bother removing your clothing, instead just unbuttoning your jeans enough to stick her hand in. It felt rushed and dirty, and the feeling of it sent a blaze of heat straight to your core.
"So wet and ready like a good slut should be." Alexa sank two fingers inside of you, moaning quietly to herself as she did. You head dropped back as she curled her fingers inside of you. The hilt of her hand rubbed against your clit with each thrust of her fingers in and out of you. You moved your hips to match with the thrusts of her fingers, desperately chasing after your own release.
"Alexa, please," you whined as she began to slow down. Alexa looked at you, questioning what it was that you were begging for. "Faster. Go faster, I need to cum."
"I want you to stay with me for a little while longer," Alexa told you. "Promise me you won't just leave when we're finished."
"I won't run away," you promised. Alexa happily sped her fingers up after that, throwing you over the edge and sending you tumbling through your orgasm. Alexa helped you onto your feet afterwards and led you over towards a bed, where you could lay down and recuperate a little. You closed your eyes for a few moments, ignoring the feeling of Alexa watching you as closely as she was. "I meant it, Alexa, I'm not just going to run away."
"Eventually, you'll leave. The playhouse isn't for everyone," Alexa warned you. "No matter how nice I make it for you."
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littlest-dark-age · 3 years
Let me in (I'll be your boy)
Remus lupin x reader
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Remus sat across from the fire, a worn muggle book in hand that he'd gotten ages ago and fell in love with. Leading to the book being well loved over the years. But he couldn't seem to focus on the oh so familiar words on the paper. His mind seeming to drift off every time he tried to properly read.
You, it always came back to you. Why did it always come back to you? These thoughts ran through remus's head more then he'd like them to. But so did you. The way you'd given him a soft smile whilst asking for a quill during potions due to you forgetting yours in the rush to leave the dorms this morning. How you'd always seem to know how to send electricity shooting up his entire body, practically making all the hairs on his body stand straight. Your ability to seem to calm him just by being close to him, even if your touch made him seem to lose his mind…
Remus realized his mind had started to leave the world the book tried so hard to create. Snapping the book shut with a groan and a ruffle of his hair followed by dragging his hand down his face, rubbing it roughly. Feeling the scars splayed across his skin that seemed to taunt him ever since he's been getting them as a boy, the same scars that were causing him even more of a conflict then a normal boy would due to pining after someone.
No, you deserved much more then someone with his…..condition. A thought that's crossed his mind, a thousand times maybe, and couldn't stop running through it when he lay awake in his dorm. No matter how much sleep seemed to call to him, he could never slink into her arms as easily as so many could. Knowing that once he was asleep, it wouldn't last for long due to the things that always seem to plague his own dreams.
He's able to recall the worst one to date so vividly. One he's had before but not quite like that one. This time? It was you. Instead of sirius, or james, or lily, or peter or anybody else it could have been. No it had to be you, didn't it? Remus could hear your earth shattering scream as his long claws sank into your soft and warm flesh, feel the way it tore so easily under the pressure he applied. James nor sirius able to get you away from the beast that he was in time.
He gets jolted out of the uncomfortable memory by the sound of bare feet against stone, brows furrowing as he wonders who would be up at this time? Everybody should be in their beds as it was past curfew.
It's not until he sees your figure, at the last step of the stairs leading to your own dorms. Seeing you jump slightly at the unexpected figure sitting in front of the still crackling fire that seemed to illuminate him with the warmest colors, making him appear even softer and cozier then he was in his oversized sweater that seemed to reach the tips of his fingers.
"Oh, I didn't expect anyone else to be awake. Not gonna bust me, are you? Mister prefect." By the soft grin that's on your face, remus knows you're simply teasing him
With a roll of his eyes, remus mumbles out "been spending too much time with sirius, you have"
Unable to stop his own smile that seems to creep onto his face at the laugh his response pulls out of you. Finally he turns to see you properly, noticing the blanket wrapped around your shoulders as if it's a shawl and a book of your own in the hand that's not holding onto the soft looking blanket.
You seem to notice him looking at you with a look of slight wonder on his face behind his smile that sends butterflies fluttering about in your tummy.
"I couldn't sleep and the others in my dorm didn't want me to turn on my light to read, I figured the fire would still be going since it isn't too late"
Once again, remus hears the sound of your feet against the cold stone of the common room, watching you disappear from his field of vision to go around the back of the love seat he's tucked into. Shuffling over to make a bit more room for you to join him in the plush furniture.
Unable to stop his stare as you tuck into the other side of the loveseat, opening your own book and letting your blanket drape over your legs. Watching as the fire seems to highlight over your features and light up your face with it's cracking warmth that feels like it manages to crawl its way into his chest and heart. With the way his body is feeling, if he didn't know any better he'd thought you'd pushed him into a fire and forced him to sit there while you watched the flames lick at his scarred skin.
"Might I ask why you're staring at me?"
Your sudden question had him gaping like a fish on land and he quickly starts to stutter out a response.
"Im- I, sorry, you're just- so pretty. Sorry, sorry- I'll stop"
It's your soft laugh that once again brings his eyes back to you, taking them from the spot they seemed to be glued to on the floor. A frown tugs at his lips, thinking you're laughing at him
"I didn't say you had to stop you know? Just asking why you were in case I had a bit of chocolate on my cheek" your soft tone makes remus melt a bit, glad to know that you're not laughing at his expense.
"I can't help it sometimes," he lets out a shaky breath and gulps ",I just- I can't stop even though I probably should" Remus's voice fades to be a whisper by the time he's done
"What are you talking about remus? You can look at me, I don't care" You look over at him with furrowed brows, confused by his words meaning.
"It's so much more then looking at you….it's the way you make me feel and how I can't get you off my bloody mind but you….you….you deserve so much more then I can offer you. Hell, I don't even deserve you with the risk of how I could end up hurting you…."
Setting your book down, you hoped that he couldn't hear your thundering heart that felt like it was about to beat out of your chest. Gently reaching over to lay your hand on top of his large one that seems to radiate heat, as remus always did. The gentle touch made him clench his eyes shut and take in a slow breath.
"I know what you're about to say and I don't want you to feel bad about saying no" you can hear his voice crack a few times
"Why would I say no, when I've been yearning after the lanky sweetheart who seems to fund honeydukes personally since our third year?"
Your words cause Remus's eyes to fly open and look at you with the softest eyes, slight tears forming. The sight alone almost shattered your heart into a thousand pieces, but for remus? You'd pick up every single piece to put back together, not minding the cuts along your hands and hand it over to him to look after.
One of his large palms comes up to stroke the apple of your cheek so sweetly before cupping it, leaning a bit closer so you can feel each other's body radiating heat in waves but greedily sucking up the others warmth. Looking up at him with wide eyes as you close the gap and lean your forehead against his own, your own free hand coming up to rest over his that was holding your cheek gently.
"Please…" comes out much softer then remus had intended but the whisper seems like a screech in the otherwise silent room.
His eyes fluttering shut with a shaky breath fanning over your face. Slowly leaning in even more, more then he'd ever imagine he'd be able to get, to softly and slowly press his lips against your own.
No need for quickness, or to be hurried. Just a slow and sweet love that seemed to blossom by the light of the now dying fire, nobody to witness it. Nobody to witness the way Remus's other hand reached up and cupped your other cheek. Not that he minding, he wanted you to himself completely. The one good thing in his life and he'd be damned if anyone took it away before he got to relish in it.
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treaddelicately · 2 years
Sam/Sharon #27? 👀
things you said on the phone at 4am
(post-CA:CW, not canon compliant)
"So why'd you kiss him?"
Sharon's answering laugh was startled, unsure. "What?"
"Steve," Sam replied. His boot had come untied and he cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder to rework the knots in the laces. "How'd that happen?"
Silence stretched between them, rolled out lazily like a threadbare rug, tenuous but comfortable. They'd waded through much more difficult memories together, companions on each end of an intercontinental call. Sam knew the cadence of Sharon's breath by heart.
She wasn't offended. She was thinking.
"I don't know," she finally sighed. "Haven't you ever kissed someone who turned out to be a huge mistake?"
Sam grinned to himself and the owl in the nearby tree.
"Stephanie Parcell, tenth grade."
"That bad?"
"She had braces and I had an overeager tongue. You can imagine how well that went."
Sharon laughed. A quiet sound, muffled by what he could only imagine was her pillow or her mouth pressed too close to the receiver, but it was there.
He kept a notebook tucked in his gear on the Quinjet, safe from Natasha's prying eyes and Steve's furrowed-brow scrutiny, for nights like this. Nights when they didn't have a safe house to bounce to, when being on the run meant living a little more rugged, when Sam drew the short stick to stand guard overnight.
Towards the back of the notebook was a page filled with tally marks, each one an indicator of a laugh he'd drawn out of Sharon Carter. Nonsense to anyone else, but to him it felt like victory.
"It was stupid anyway," she yawned. Sam imagined her laying in bed, one arm over her head, toes pointed as her long legs stretched the length of the mattress. "I mean, look how it all turned out."
"Says the woman who ain't on the run."
"Yeah, well, it's not exactly five star motels and luxury living over here, pal," she reminded him.
She didn't have to. Sam was well aware of the sacrifices she'd made to help them.
Sharon insisted she didn't want to come along on their little road trip. She was plenty capable, Sam knew, otherwise she probably would have ended up on the Raft with the rest of them. He worried about her safety, sure, but mostly he worried if she was okay.
She balked at his concern during every phone call. Swore up and down she was fine, making the best of whatever undisclosed location she'd ended up in, that she was being smart and avoiding the feds.
But Sam kept calling, and Sharon kept answering.
"You got a nice cozy bed, at least?"
"Mhm." Her voice sounded filed rough at the edges, thick with fatigue. "Cozier than yours, I bet."
Sam chuckled. His butt had gone numb from the cold, hard ground an hour earlier and the flicker of the campfire he'd built was slowly dimming. He was freezing, his stomach twisted angrily, and a tingle up his back promised a spasm in the morning.
"It ain't so bad," he told her. "Company's decent."
Sharon let out a rush of air that crackled through the speaker, and Sam's fingers itched for his notebook.
"Just decent?"
"Yeah, she's alright."
A pause where he could almost feel her smile, and then, "If I could do it again, I wouldn't kiss Steve."
"Too much tongue, huh?"
"I don't know why I even talk to you."
"Cause I'm a bundle of fun," Sam reminded her. "For the record, I've tamed my tongue since tenth grade."
He heard another muted sound and imagined Sharon rolling over, blonde hair trailing over her pillow.
"Is that so?"
"I have it on good authority. Could always test it out, if you're curious."
Sharon laughed outright then, so loud and pure that Sam gave himself two whole tallies.
"I'm going to sleep now."
He grinned so hard his cheeks hurt. "Hey, that ain't a no."
"Goodnight, Sam." Sharon yawned again, the rest of her words a near afterthought. "Be safe."
"You too," he told her.
Sam tucked his phone away and checked his jacket pocket for a pen to scribble out his score.
He was still pretty damn cold, and he hadn't really gotten an answer to his question. There was no way of knowing how many miles there were between him and Sharon, or the next time he'd see her, or if she even wanted to see him.
But he knew the next time he called, she'd answer.
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mywonuderful · 3 years
WEi reaction to you wearing their shirt
anon’s request: Hey hai! Idk if this is categorized as smut but I think it's not too explicit so I wanna try hehe. Can I request WEi's reaction towards us only wearing their shirt? Thank you! ><
a/n: sorry this took longer than expected I was finishing up with finals when I got this request but nonetheless, I did this in bullet point form instead so I hope you don't mind it! thank you for requesting anon!
main masterlist
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i just want to say how smol he looks when all the members team up to make fun of him
but regardless of that let's say he's over at your place to watching a movie together
"hurry up! the movie is going to start without you!" he yelled from the living room
you were in your room, changing into something more loose and cozier for the m o o d so you just grabbed whatever came into your sight without giving much thought
you walked out into the living room where Daehyun was sitting on one end of the couch, arm resting on top of the armrest
he glances over his shoulder as he heard your footsteps approached and did a double take as you stood in front of him. he doesn't move, eyes fixed on you and then the shirt you're wearing before you looked down, cheeks turning pink as you realized that you were wearing his shirt
"is that-"
"i just grabbed the first thing i saw" you said in a hurry as he tried to hide his smile and his blushing cheeks
the commercials were finally coming to an end as the opening scene started playing. You motioned him to scoot over but he doesn't budge.
"the movie is starting..."
"nevermind the movie, that can wait. let me admire you in my shirt for a moment." he reached for the remote, pressing pause before gently pulling you to sit on his lap as the both of you exchanged soft eyes and chuckles.
"you should start wearing my shirts more often"
you were at the boy's dorms as they didn't have any schedules for the day. everyone was scattered around the living room, doing their own things as they spend their time relaxing.
Yohan suggested to open the window because of how bright the sun was shinning but you couldn't help but to feel goosebumps on your skin as the afternoon breeze brushed your skin.
you stood up from Donghan's embrace as he was sharing his advice on some new device that Seokhwa wanted to get and headed to his closet. opening the door to his walk-in closest was racks of shirts from different style, colors and fabrics. you tapped your chin, deciding what to wear before you felt a pair of arms hugging your waist.
"welcome to Donghan's closet, what can I do for you today?" he rested his chin on top of your shoulder was in hummed, eyes scanning the line of clothes
"hmm, maybe something warm" you commented before the weight on your shoulder was gone as you were turned around to face Donghan. "it's a little chilly with the windows opened" you added in your defense before he gave you the 'i told you to dress warm yet you come here wearing a t-shirt' look
"I can't even tell if you planned this or not anymore" he sighed in defeat as your cheerfully smiled.
"Well I guess I would be lying if I said I didn't like you taking my clothes anyways." he confessed as the two of you laughed before he helped you picked out a sweater
I apologize for my lack of knowledge in (combat) gaming in advance as I only know super smash bros and street fighter
"what took you so long? I'm going to start the game without you!" was the first thing you heard from Yongha as you set foot into their dorm.
he was starting at the edge of the bed, legs crossed as he choose his characters, eyes not even taking a glance at you. you pouted at his actions as you purposely dropped you bag on his coffee table, making a loud thud
still no reaction from him :/
feeling disappointed, you sat beside him as the two of you went for a couple of rounds (?) of super smash bros
"c'mon Y/N, I swear you're not even trying" the screen showed your character in defeat as his won. He fell back on his bed, letting out a irresistible smile.
"okay okay how about this. next game, loser of 2 of 3 pays for chicken." he sat back up, hoping to get you some determination on actually playing the game when his eyes widen from taken notice of what you were wearing, his face changing from his smooth honey skin to a shade of a tomato.
"is that my sh-"
"finally someone is taking a notice." you grumbled as he placed his controller down before hugging you, nuzzling his nose on your neck to hide his embarrassment. "you know I can never back down on a deal. Let's get it over it." you picked up your controller, already knowing that you can't stand a chance from Yongha
but to your surprised, after 3 rounds, you won 2 of them, making Yongha the loser of his deal
"I won! Chicken is on you!" You cheered as you jumped on his bed. He sat there, staring at the screen dumbfounded from reality.
"thats not fair." he whined as you sat back down. he pouted his lips as you squished his cheeks. "I was distracted by you wearing my shirt."
"well now I guess I know what your weakness is when it comes to playing games"
he planned a little date with you to go strolling down the city streets. you decided to wear something causal and went with a pair of jeans and his t-shirt that you tucked in.
you were waiting at the spot that the both of you agreed on meeting as you glanced at your phone for the time. you were early by a few mintues.
from a distance Yohan was making his way over when he turned in and saw a familiar figure but couldn't tell if it was you since it was the back.
you hear light footsteps approaching before you lifted your head from your phone, turning around check who it was
*cue fading starlight by annyeong bada*
he stops at his steps as you stood in front of him, eyes widen from since he didn't expect it to be you
"ah, why is it so bright all of a sudden?" he squinted his eyes, trying to cover your brightly shining appearance as your playfully punched his chest from his cringe-worth line. he looked at your outfit as you did the same to him, before looking back on your own, seeing the same thing
"isn't that my shirt?" the both of you said at the same time before he raised an eyebrow at you as you were about to explain yourself.
"your shirt? I was looking for that shirt for the longest time!" he pointed at his t-shirt you were wearing. You looked down at it with guilt before he pulled you into a hug. "I'm just joking, love."
"hey, didn't you say you always wanted to try couple pairing?" you suddenly recalled him mentioning it as he looked down at you.
"well, I guess we truly are meant to be having that we wore the same thing without even planning it."
you promised Seokhwa to help take some photos for him for his Instagram post and so here you are, getting ready to head out to the shooting shot that he suggested. Since you were only taking pictures, you didn't try out on dressing, knowing that Seokhwa finds you looking effortless in anything you wear
you made your way over to the spot as he stood with a few of his members as they all finished their schedules today.
you quietly went behind Seokhwa before jumping in attempt to scare him. he turned around to meet you with a smile before pulling you into a hug his members pretending to throw up
"it's that-"
"that looks familiar"
"Seokhwa's shirt?"
"So she can wear it but not me?"
all the members started to take notice of you wearing his shirt as your unconsciously covered your body with your arms
"hey hey hey, but in all seriousness when you take it?" he turns to face you as you let out a cheeky smile
"last week when I came over and you were too busy fanboying over Apink, mister hardcare pink panda" you crossed your arms, narrowing your eyes at him as he looked away, pretending now to hear.
"I'm sorry love." he kissed your forehead "but you know i'll always be the biggest fanboy for you? Especially when you're wearing my shirt, it's making me hard to keep my fanboying to myself." He bent to whisper into your ear as a flushed creeps past your face and ears
"a little heads up but if I let my fanboy self out today, it's on Y/N" he confessed to his members as they all broke out into fits of laugh and teasing
my bias wreaker in WEi because he's t h a t handsome and my self confidence drops because of him
after 2 weeks of their recent comeback which meant hectic schedules and performances, you finally have Junseo for yourself as he was over at your place for a sleepover. You were cuddling in his arms as he showed you pictures of places and food he wants to try and visit in Jeju.
"We have to visit the Sunrise Park if we every get a chance to visit Jeju." you hummed in response as he took notice that your eyes were getting tired. "Do you want to sleep?" you nodded in response as he kissed your nose. He got up to use the washroom as you changed out of your loungewear into your pajamas before hopping back into bed. He got out and crawled onto bed before joining you.
you faced each other as you traced his features with your finger as he playing with your hair when he noticed you wearing his shirt, making him sit up.
"is there something wrong?" you followed and sat up as you saw his face tinting into red.
"is that your pajamas?" he pointed at what you were wearing before you feel into a shade of pink, getting caught red-handed for wearing his clothes.
"a-ah... I'll wash it and-"
"come here" he cut you off as he laid on his side, facing you as he patted the spot beside him, telling you to lay beside him. you silently followed. "you can keep it. I think you look better in it than me" you let out a muffled chuckle
"I only wore it because I missed you." You admitted into his chest, feeling regret as the last words left your mouth.
"what? I couldn't hear you clearly?" He lifted your chin for you to look at him. He has a smile that you knew you wouldn't escape unless you repeated your words.
"you were busy for the past 2 weeks... So this was the closest thing I could get from having a breakdown from missing you" you shyly mumbled as he stroked your back, making your eyelids get heavier and heavier.
"well, you can forget about that shirt because I'll be the closet thing to you."
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foodieforthoughts · 3 years
I Would Do It Again - Twelve
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Summary: Anya Adams, a troubled soul but fierce on the outside, stumbles over a stranger at a party and ends up sharing more than just her name. She’s in for a whirlwind encounter when he turns out to be her boss. Striking up a deal for pleasure, Anya soon finds herself mixing work and play. For someone who swore off love, would she let the handsome Brit break down her walls?
Pairing: AU Henry Cavill x OFC
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: a little bit of angst but mostly fluffy, implied smut
A/N: Hello beautiful readers! I know I have been super duper late with the updates, I don't even remember when was the last time I updated this series, but here's a quick one tonight. I promise to finish this series though, but just bare with me as it is difficult to write with real life catching up.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
| One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Eleven | Twelve |
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The large room was silent as the night except only the sounds of our lips moving against each other and our ragged breaths. It was late in the evening and our colleagues had long left the office. Our clothes were piled on top of a chair while Henry and I enjoyed each other’s company dressed in only our underwear, despite the off chance of getting caught by security. It was our Friday night and this time we had waited until everyone left the floor, snuck into the conference room and taken refuge inside. I was the brilliant one to come up with the idea and when Henry hadn't objected, I had pulled him away from his office to spice things up.
After christening the conference table, we were now settled into a single chair and enveloped in each other’s arms. His hands were gently caressing my back while I let my hands wander and thread my fingers through his hair.
“You are amazing.” Henry left delicate kisses on my neck as he whispered against my skin.
“So are you.” I giggled as he licked a line from my collarbone to the back of my ear, grazing only the tip of his tongue and tickling me in the process.
“You are staying over tonight, yeah?”
I pulled myself away from his body to sit back on his lap and placed my hands on his shoulders. Henry looked at me expectantly for an answer, a smile on his swollen lips from all the kissing.
I had been staying over at his place almost every alternate night. Sometimes we didn’t even have sex. We talked, where I mostly bitched about Johanna and Henry told me about his life in England while cooking delicious dinner. I told myself there was no underlying reason for me to stay back at his apartment besides that his bed was cozier and fluffier than mine. But somewhere I knew I was only fooling myself.
“I was actually thinking about going back to my apartment. Get some R&R with a warm bath, wine and maybe a book?” I played with his curls while I spoke, looking everywhere but his eyes. They were too beautiful, and he knew he could reel me in with them.
“You can do all those things in my bathtub too.” He shrugged his shoulders, raising his eyebrow at me. “Maybe you’ll also get a bath buddy?”
I chuckled at his suggestion and gently punched him in the shoulder. “I don’t have clothes and I have to go shopping in the morning. I will have to go home anyway. I really don’t want to be going up and down the city for a bath.”
“We can take my car.” He ran his hand through my hair, letting my tresses fall behind my shoulders. “You can pack whatever you want. Although I have to ask, why do you want to go shopping in the morning?”
“Macky’s housewarming party. I have to get him a gift. Did he… invite you?” I scratched the back of my neck, unsure of whether I should have brought up the subject. Henry had said how much he had started appreciating his team and he felt like they were beginning to like his presence as their boss too. But I had been so busy basking in the afterglow of all the sex and the engaging conversations he had been providing me, I had forgotten to mention the party to Henry.
“Actually, he did. I haven’t gotten a present for him either.” Henry adjusted his legs and balanced my bum on his thighs.
An eureka moment occurred in my mind but I bit my lip as I came up with the thought. I debated whether I wanted to give voice to my idea, running over reasons for why he might not be on board with it.
“What is it? What are you thinking?” Henry squeezed my butt, making me squeal. I smacked him on his shoulder again and pushed up from his lap to try and sit on the table. But his strong grasp on me kept me put on my place.
“I was thinking, maybe we could go together? To buy something for Macky?”
The instant the words left my mouth, I saw a twinkle in Henry’s eyes.
"I would love that." He exclaimed, standing up in one swift move to place my ass on the table. I 'wooped' at the sudden movement, holding onto him in surprise. "But what is your status on staying over at my place?"
I laughed at his quick change of topics. But to tease him a little, in an exaggerated show of confusion, I brought my arm and crossed them over my chest, bringing my other hand to scratch at my chin. "Hmm… I don't know. I might need more data to come to a conclusion."
Henry let out a 'hah!" as I laughed at his expression before being silenced by a fierce kiss and pushed to lie flat on the table.
"I am sure I can provide all the necessary data." He smirked before pulling off my panties and dropping down to his knees with my legs over his shoulders.
I smiled from the balcony of the bedroom loft as Henry stood talking to a couple of guys from his department. Dressed in a dark denim and plaid shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, Henry looked ethereal even in simple clothes.
Like that time around the city with him, we had made a day out of our gift hunting agenda. It wasn't really that difficult to decide what to get for Macky, but somehow we had travelled almost upto Harlem for something that could have been bought in Midtown too. Our separate gifts sat on Macky's coffee table, unknown to anybody that we had decided to write on each other's gift stickers with quirky one liners.
"Not being discreet." Kaira's sing-song teasing voice surprised me, causing me to jump a little.
"Sheesh. Stop keeping an eye on me." I tried to dismiss the fact that I had been caught admiring my boss red-handed. My cheeks warmed up and I pushed away the stray hair away from my face.
"Didn't you tell me right at the door that we need to act like we don't know him?" She leaned against the dark metal fencing, letting her long black hair fall to one side.
"Yeah well everybody knows I know him."
She rolled her eyes at me, turning her attention to my object of interest a few minutes ago. Sipping from the drink in my hand, I couldn't help but relish in the memory of last night as I watched him laugh along with his company.
After another super satisfying session of steamy sex on the conference table, we had driven down to my apartment. I always knew I was a little awkward about letting people in too deep in my life, so asking Henry to come up to my apartment was weird. The argument could have been we already had slept together, several times, but even then he was a friend from work. My hesitancy must have been too obvious since he offered to wait in the car.
With no questions asked, he had taken us to his apartment while engaging in casual conversation. And like he had suggested, his bathtub was a hundred times more confortable than mine with the added bonus of him as my bath buddy. With a bottle of wine and a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries, Henry had given me a relaxing massage until I was sure I was going to fall asleep.
"You are doing it again, sis." Kaira bumped her shoulder with mine, shaking her head at me. I was ready to protest when I felt an arm thrown around my shoulder.
"What is she doing again?" Macky asked Kaira while keeping me locked in his hold. "Criticizing my apartment, I'm sure."
But I managed to duck under his arm and playfully shoved him away. Running my fingers through my disheveled hair, thanks to Macky, I straightened my blouse and glared at him.
"I actually liked this place. Unlike your previous apartment with that awful sewer smell from the streets, this one seems like a huge upgrade."
Unbeknownst to me, Henry had made his way up the stairs to join us. I tried to ignore it but his presence had begun to have an unusual effect on me. Somehow my heart beat had started skipping at the proximity of our bodies and I was trying really hard not to show that on my face. He acknowledged Kaira with a slight nod, sliding a hand in his pocket whilst sipping his beer.
"You cannot compliment me without an added insult, can you?" Macky huffed, chugging his beer while shaking his head.
Before I could come up with a reply, a voluptuous woman with curly ginger hair joined us. Kaira and I moved to the side as she threw herself at Macky, hanging onto him like he was a tree and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. I couldn't quite place a finger on it, but I recognized her from somewhere.
While they cozied up in front of us, I spared a glance towards Henry who looked like he had been caught by surprise as his eyebrows were raised and lips pressed tight to suppress a smile. When the lady turned around, keeping her arm around Macky's waist whilst being glued to his side, I coughed awkwardly to pull my friend's attention to us.
"Oh, sorry." He laughed, prompting a chuckle from his lady friend. "Guys this is my girlfriend, Amber."
Then realization struck me. She was from NYU and I vaguely remembered how we did not have a good relationship back then.
"Anya! I remember you!"
And of course she did recognized me.
"Is Jake around too? My God you guys were perfect. Hash tag couple goals, am I right?"
The instant she took his name I saw the energy shift around me. Macky stood straighter, Kaira let out a 'oh no' and Henry glanced at me. I looked at all their faces for that split second, feeling the heaviness beginning to settle in my heart. I wasn't sure if it was because my past was so blatantly out in the open or because she just reminded me of a time when I was content with my life.
"Uh... We aren't together anymore." I watched as her face dropped, looking at Macky innocently. The awkwardness hung in air as the moments stretched on. When I felt Henry take a step towards me, I quickly downed the remnants of my drink and stepped to the side. "Excuse me." I weakly smiled at them and nearly ran down the stairs, walking out the front door and towards the elevators.
I chugged a big gulp of the chilled wine while looking at the skyline of the city. The lights were turned off and Henry was asleep in the bedroom while I contemplated about my life in the living room. It was quiet, the city noises drowned by the barrier of glass window helped me think about what had happened at the party.
With my back resting against the ottoman and spreading my legs out in front of me, I sat with the bottle of Pinot Noir in between my legs. It had been so long since anyone had brought up Jake; Macky always dodged the topic and Stephanie chose to never talk about him. The uneasiness that had ensued between all of us after Amber mentioned him… I could still feel the cold shiver that went down my spine.
“I thought you snuck out on me.” I jumped a little on hearing Henry’s gravelly thick voice. I turned to peer at him from behind the ottoman, throwing him a smile. Dressed in only his boxer shorts, Henry stood with his hands on his hips with the waning moon casting a soft glow on him.
“I told you, I won’t sneak out again.” Henry rounded around the couches and came to stand next to me. “I helped myself to some wine.” I raised the bottle up for him to see. He nodded slightly before sitting down next to me. “What are you doing?”
“Keeping you company. I noticed you had been quiet since the party, I was concerned. Is everything okay?” He looked at me with worried eyes, waiting expectantly for me to answer.
Averting my gaze, I sighed heavily. I never went back to Macky's apartment for the rest of the party, choosing to sit on the steps of his building instead. I was almost ready to hail a cab back home when Henry had texted me to wait for him.
From the side glances he had thrown my way in the car, in fact ever since the Amber debacle, I knew he was going to ask me about it sooner or later. It was a weird decision for me to divulge my personal life in front of Henry; I wasn’t sure if I wanted him to know about my past. But I really needed to talk to someone.
“Amber brought up Jake, my ex-boyfriend.”
“I figured.” Henry stretched his legs in front of him, resting his back to the ottoman. “Do you want to talk about it?” He placed his hand on my thigh, making me look up at him. His eyes were soft and understanding.
“We… we started dating when I was in second year of college. Jake was a senior, his family had moved to California for work a couple of years ago and we were friends before we started dating. He was charming, and very intelligent. I fell head over heels for him, completely gone.” I shook my head at the flood of memories. The date nights he used to plan for us, making me sneak out to the park with him and lay down blankets for us to stare at the stars. I ran my hand through my hair, blinking as my eyes started tearing up.
“Anya…” Henry began but I stopped him.
“No, it’s okay.” Sniffing away the tears, I took a gulp of the wine. “So, when Jake graduated, he came back to New York. While I was completing my term, he joined our company for internship. We stayed together still, made the whole long-distance thing work. A year later I followed him to New York and we both joined NYU.”
I took another swig from the bottle before placing it to the side. "Everything was perfect. I had him, I had a life, I had friends... I had everything I could wish for. But I guess it wasn't enough for him."
Like a movie played on reel, my memories began flashing in front of my eyes. I could starkly remember that night I had asked him to meet me at the diner for our date night. He had been staying longer at the library and something had felt off to me; thinking back on it now I guess it was my attempt at trying to save something I already knew was about to be over.
"You know, when Amber mentioned him today, I was sad for a moment but then I realized it's not because I want him. I would love my life to go back to those days of happiness though, but I don't imagine it with him." I brought my knees up to my chest and wound my arms around them. "Am I even making sense?" I laughed, sniffing at the tears that were beginning to subside.
"Yes. I understand." Henry replied as I turned my head to look at him. His eyes were looking forward, distant even, and his face dispirited. "You want the memories and the feeling but not them in it."
I could have stopped myself, but I didn't. And so I asked, "Did you have someone too?"
"Yeah." I thought that was all Henry was going to divulge about but then he went on. "Our families had been friends for years, we practically grew up together. I always thought she's the one I would spend the rest of my life with. So I proposed. Six months before our wedding, I found out that she had been cheating on me."
I sat up straight, my mouth falling open in astonishment. Henry glanced at me and shrugged his shoulder.
"She didn't even care to deny it when I confronted her. I had watched her pack her stuff and leave our house with no remorse." He shook his head like he was trying to shake off the bad memory.
Instantly I scooted closer to him, extending my arm and reaching out for his hand. Entwining my fingers with his, I laid my head on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I guess you can do everything right and yet everything can go wrong."
I felt his cheek rest on top of my head, letting go of my hand to throw his arm around my shoulder. He held me close, silence enveloping us as we gave each other a moment to let the overwhelming feeling pass. I listened to the slow beating of his heart and placed my hand over his chest. He took a deep breath and gently kissed the top of my head.
"We've never actually talked about our past before. But I'm happy we did." I could feel the vibrato underneath my hand on his chest as he spoke. "I was only planning to escape London, all that dread and heartache, but then I found you."
I instantly looked up, feeling a flutter in my chest. With affectionate eyes, he smiled at me gently. I knew I didn't want Jake but I also knew I might not be capable of letting myself be emotionally dependent on anyone again anytime soon.
I patted his chest and sat up straighter. "You know you can always have a friend in me, Henry."
"And you have a friend in me." He agreed, winking at me and patting my thigh.
I felt at ease as I realized we both were on the same page in our 'arrangement'. Picking up the almost empty bottle of wine, I took the last sip from it and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.
"Ready to go to bed?" Henry asked as he stood up, stretching his arms over his head. The sides of his torso stretched, taut muscles flexing with the movement and causing me to reach out to him. He chuckled as I mouthed 'wow' and ran my hand down the side of his body. "You are unbelievable." He pulled me up on my feet by my arms.
"Unbelievably adorable, right?" I grinned at him, feeling warm and fuzzy with the alcohol but mostly because I was with him. He nodded before he scooped me up in his arms and started walking back to the bedroom.
As he placed me down on the soft mattress, I crawled over to the pillow and climbed under the covers. "Henry, tomorrow is Sunday and you better not wake me up before noon."
Henry chuckled lightly and joined me under the covers. Spooning me as he pulled my back to rest against his chest, he rested his chin over my head and whispered, "Yes, ma'am."
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antiherocorner · 3 years
Huh... Alright, I'm doing... I think I'm doing it...
This is my very first fanfic ever... I'm still learning... This is a part 1 thing... I'm currently in the middle of a university exam period, so I couldn't finish the whole story yet, but I will as soon as I can, but I don't want to wait anymore... My English is okay-ish... It's not my native language, so there maybe some grammatical mistakes, I hope it's still readable... I tried my best... Just bear with me, I'll try to learn and improve... I'm very nervous...
Facts about the story: there is no age mentioning, Reader is around 25-26, I made Daniel younger in my head, 34-36 (single, no wife, no kids, let's respect the real Brühl family), Reader is female, I am Hungarian as well (possible Hungarian language in the future), I'm studying Russian (possible Russian language in the future), and I just started learning German, I used translater (sorry if I messed it up but, I really tried, please tell me if it's horrible), and one more thing... I have never met Daniel, nor I went to Berlin (yet, I really want to, and planning)... All of this are imagination, dreaming, and a little searching...
Warnings: none?... i think?... Apart from the horrible language uses and horrible jokes... Maybe swearing.
(Bad) Summary: a Hungarian girl goes to Berlin with a Russian friend of hers, as tourists. They always wanted to visit the city (not because Reader has a crush on the one and only Daniel Brühl, and wants to go to his tapas bar...of course). When the Reader goes back alone to the bar, Daniel is there too... The big meeting, adventures, fun, love, shitty romcom vibes ahead... (i hope the story is better than the summary...)
And now, after this awkward rambling, I present to you:
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With Love from Berlin
Part 1
You couldn’t believe it. Finally, after months of preparation, you and your best friend were finally here, in the heart of Germany, Berlin. It was very different from what you were used to. Coming from a small city from Hungary, this was way bigger than your imagination. All kinds of people from different cultures merged into one. Museums, cafes, bars, restaurants, you didn’t even know where to begin. You took a deep breath in your hotel room. Your friend insisted on getting different rooms, in case she or you find someone to have a good time, if you know what I mean. Well, rather your friend, than you. You wanted to come here after many years, and you were finally here, so you want to experience as much of this city as you possibly could, you’re not gonna waste your time on a random (or more, glancing at your friend) man. 
You arrived at the hotel around 1.00pm, so you decided to go get some lunch somewhere close. You were a little bit tired of the long hours on the train. Just around a corner from where you were staying there was a tapas bar. Bar Raval. Your friend wasn’t really into movies that much, or actors in particular, but you knew that place, although you have never been there. You didn’t think about yourself as a “fangirl”, but you really admired the work of Daniel Brühl. You knew there was little to no chance that you could get even a tiny glance of him, but in over all: you would be happy just to say that you were in his bar. Your friend liked Spanish cuisine, so it didn’t take much to convince her to eat there. 
A Hungarian and a Russian woman walked into a Spanish restaurant in Germany, Berlin. Sounded comical. The place looked very friendly and funky. There were some people, not really a crowd. You decided to sit in the corner, with your back to the wall, so you can observe your surroundings. Your friend sits down opposite you. A waiter comes up to you:
- Willkommen! Was möchten Sie gerne? - he asked, looking between the two of you.
- Oh, sorry, we don’t really speak German. - you said with quite a thick Hungarian accent, because you got nervous due the potential language barrier.
- I see, It’s okay. We usually have all kinds of tourist here, so you’re good. What can I get for you two? - he asked with a welcoming smile.
You weren’t sure what you wanted to eat, you weren’t familiar with Spanish food at all, so you just trusted your friend to order something. She ordered something with pasta, and another thing with pasta. You had no idea what she just said. And some juice. She smiled at the waiter who scribbled down your order, and of he went. You looked around while you were waiting.
- It’s nice isn’t it?
- Yeah, it is. Quite bohemian. I would have guessed you would want to go to a traditional German restaurant. Why are we here? - smiled your friend knowingly.
- Well… You know…
- Is this the place of your man?
- What?! Shut up… - blushing - I just like his movies, that’s all… Anyway, I just liked the pictures of this place…
- ...and him…
- ...AND I wanted to check it out myself, ok?
- Ok-Ok...
You smiled at each other. You were best friends for years now, you could communicate without much of words. The waiter arrived with your plates. The food was good. In fact, more than good. In general, you prefer other cuisines, but you really liked this Spanish place. In Berlin. Odd, in the best way. After the lunch you went back to the hotel. Your friend wanted to go to a small club in the evening, so you decided to just chill throughout the afternoon. 
The traveling took the better of you, as you didn’t just not feel fresh after your nap, but you actually felt like shit. Your friend on the other hand really wanted to get going. So you assured her and yourself that it’s fine if you didn’t go to a club. She was a strong woman, and the club which she picked was just a couple of blocks away, so she decided, after she made sure that it is truly okay, to leave you behind in your room. You have never been a party-animal anyway, and you really just wanted to plan for tomorrow. There were so many things you wanted to watch in the city. After a few hours of planning and searching, you eventually fall asleep on the couch.
In the morning, luckily, you felt much better, more of yourself than in the previous afternoon. You took a shower, get dressed (purple converse, dark skinny jeans, blue tank-top and a blue/black checked shirt...nothing can go wrong dressing like this, you thought), grabbed your camo, ex-military little gym bag, locked your room’s door, and went to knock on your friend’s door. It took a few minutes, some groans, and other small noises, when she finally flung the door open. The sight was hideous.
- The hell happened to you? - you really tried not to laugh.
- Laugh, as you like… I had a good time. Drank more vodka that I could handle though…
- Are you alone or…?
- I am… Calm down, I didn’t get lied… Although I tried… But I didn’t!!! - she said quickly after she saw the frown on your face. - But I feel very shitty… My hangover is killing me, I didn’t give out anything yet… But I might throw up at any minute now…
- How can I help you? Stay with you? Bring you something from that little shop we saw yesterday?
- Some water would be nice… But I don’t want you to see me like this… And I will be fine, i’m just gonna rest today… You can go on on your sightseeing trip.
- Are you sure? I’m gladly staying with you…
- No, no! You wanted to come so badly, I don’t want to take a day away from you. I will be alright.
- You promise?
- I do. Please, just go. - she smiled at you.
- Alright. I’ll go grab you some water, and… I don’t know, go for a walk or something. Get breakfast.
- For the mentioning of food, your friend’s face went green and particularly jumped into her bathroom.
- I’m coming back in a minute or two! - you shouted after her, than closed her hotel room’s door.
You went down to get some water, some bread and some crackers which would be easy on her stomach, yet she still would be able to eat something throughout the day. You knocked on her door, which opened just slightly, an arm came out to take the bag from your hand, a small, weak “Спасибо” and just like that the door was closed again. You giggled to her door before you headed down to the street.
You honestly didn’t really want to explore many things without her, so you tried to keep your excitement low. You decided to go back to that bar where you ate your lunch yesterday. You liked it a lot, and it wasn’t a new place to discover, which meant that your friend wasn’t missing out on anything. You went to the bar. It was still early morning, not many people were there. A few old people, some of them are couples. The younger generation (yours) was probably still sleeping. Besides, the place was more like a lunch/dinner kind of place anyway. The waiter looked up and recognised you.
- Good morning! Alone this time?
- Good morning to you too! Yes, my friend had a wild party last night, and she is standing at the gates of Hell right now.
- That sounds bad. - he laughed.
- It is, she looked scary… - that made him chuckle.
- So what can i do for you today?
- I would like just a cappuccino, please.
- Alright, just sit down, I’m on it.
- Thank you!
You sat down at the exact place where you did yesterday, next to the window, with your back to the wall. You put down your bag, and looked around. With less people, the place looked cozier. You really did like it a lot. Eventually, your cappucino arrived. You thanked it, and tasted it. It was delicious. You were one of those people who liked to read next to a fresh coffee, and you always had a book around you. You took it out from your handy-dandy bag and started reading it, holding it a little up in your hands, leaned back on your chair. You were reading one of your favourite books (Pushkin - Anyegin), while sipping a good morning cappuccino, in a nice place. You just relaxed to the small sounds of the bar and sounds of the city, which infiltrated through the door and windows.
- Eine interessante Wahl von Buch am Morgen. Interessanter als eine Zeitung, das ist sicher...
No. Just...no. You were hallucinating. You felt like everything was frozen around you. From out of 2.8 millions of people (roughly), you would recognize this voice. His voice. You physically could not look up.
- Omm.. I’m sorry, I didn’t understand what you just said… - you said with the weakest voice and in the thickest accent ever, in your whole damn life. You hoped that if you make this man say another thing you fall back to reality.
- Oh, my bad - he giggled - I just said that it is an interesting choice of read in the morning, it sure is more interesting than a newspaper.
Shit, this was the reality. 
You dared to look up, and your eyes met the most chocolaty eyes ever on this whole planet, but at least in the whole of Berlin. The owner of those eyes was leaning on the chair opposite you.
- Hello. I’m the owner of this Bar, I’m Daniel. - he offered his hand to you.
- Hi, I kno...i mean I’m (Y/N), I’m the costumer…? - you finished with a questioning voice and all you wanted was for the ground to open, swallow you, and with that wipe you out of this universe. You shook his hand, without looking at him directly. His hands were warm and secure. After he released you, you closed your eyes, already feeling the burning sensation in your face. You heard a deep chuckle.
- Yeah, I guessed that. You’re not from Germany and you aren't British either, aren’t you?
You opened your (Y/E/C) eyes only to meet his curious ones.
- No, I’m not. I’m just a tourist here, I’m from Hungary.
- Oh, I’ve been there. It’s a lovely country. Would you mind if I sit down? - gesturing to the empty chair opposite from you.
- Yes… I mean no… - you took a deep breath - If you would like to you can sit with me. - This is just going great...
You earned another deep chuckle from the man in front of you, while he sat down.
- So… What are you doing here alone, in Berlin?
- I’m not alone.
- Oh… Anniversary? - for a moment you thought you saw something in his eyes. Sadness?
- Not that either. I don’t have anyone to celebrate such things. I came here with my friend, but she got wasted last night, and probably at the moment she is agonizing in her bathroom above the toilet.
- Hm… that’s not nice. - curiosity was coming back to his face.
The two of you stayed in silence. It wasn’t really uncomfortable, you were just terribly shy, and couldn’t stop blushing. You even tried to hide some of your face by leaning on one of your palms, and sipping your coffee.
This is aweful. Daniel f*ing Brühl is sitting opposite me, and I can’t even look at him. He must be thinking I’m one of those fangirls who just can’t keep it together before their idols. Which is true, but he shouldn’t have to know that…
But he wasn’t thinking that. Quite the opposite actually. You were so out of place in his bar, he had to approach you. There was something in you which made him intrigued. While you were trying to hide, which he found a little bit cute and entertaining, he tried to study you as well. There was something in you. He felt like he wanted to know your story.
- So what’s the plan for today?
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