#I don't mock picky eaters
I've been trying to explain the joys of adzuki beans + paste to my mum and she just keeps saying things along the lines of "sounds disgusting to me" like this is the woman who berated me for being a picky eater as a child but whatever I guess 🙄
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jessimiko · 1 year
If I ever see you reblogging that "fUcK yOuRsElF iF yOu DoN't LiKe MiNt IcE cReAm" post or anything in that same "fuck you if you don't like this food" genre I will kill you with my bare hands, jsyk
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harrysfolklore · 4 months
oscar piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation
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Oscar Piastri was known as the introvert and reserved driver on the grid.
While other drivers basked in the spotlight and didn't shy away from sharing details about their personal life, Oscar often preferred to keep his privacy.
However, when it came to his girlfriend, it was a different story altogether.
Oscar was what people called "a total simp" when it came to his girlfriend, always bringing her up in interviews, promo videos and casual conversations, and fans couldn't miss the opportunity to make several compilation videos and tiktoks about it.
The most popular one was called "Oscar Piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation" and the 15-minute long video was filled with moments that made fans both awe and laugh.
It started with the clip of the first time he publicly talked about her during a podcast interview, rumors about him not being single were spreading around but nothing was confirmed.
"I do have a girlfriend, yeah," Oscar said, a small smile playing on his face.
"You're not very public, aren't you?" the interviewer asked.
“We keep it to ourselves and try to be out of the spotlight and just live normal lives,” he replied, “We have been dating for over four years now, she has been there for me since the start of my career and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She's my biggest supporter and keeps me grounded.”
The next video showed Oscar and Lando sitting next to each other wearing their McLaren shirts, filming a game called "Green flag or Red flag."
"Picky eaters," the interviewer asked and Lando immediately waved the green flag.
"He's a very picky eater that's why," Oscar said, making Lando laugh, "But, what if they eat fish, cause you hate fish."
Lando dramatically raised the red flag, making everybody laugh again.
"You wouldn't date a pescatarian then," the interviewer said.
"No," Lando shook his head, "They shouldn't be here."
"My girlfriend's a pescatarian, actually," Oscar said, looking at his teammate with a raised eyebrow, "I'll pass that on to her.”
"Noooo mate!" Lando immediately shook his head, waving his hands in mock horror, "Don't tell her I said that, I don't want to be in trouble with your missus! She's a lovely girl."
"She is indeed, but I don't think she'll like you very much after this."
The next segment was from his "Day in the Life" video with Quad Lock, where Oscar gave fans a glimpse into his daily routine. In one particular clip, he was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"So, this is where the magic happens," Oscar said with a cheeky grin as he poured pancake batter onto a hot griddle, "My girlfriend loves pancakes, so I make them every Sunday. It's become sort of a tradition for us."
The camera then panned to a candid shot of his girlfriend, who was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping coffee and smiling fondly at Oscar. She blew him a kiss, which Oscar caught with a playful wink.
"There she is, sitting pretty while I play housewife."
The next clip in the compilation was from a press conference, where a journalist asked him how he manages to stay focused with such a demanding schedule.
"Having a supportive partner really helps," Oscar said earnestly, "She understands the pressures and the demands of the job. She’s my rock and makes everything a lot easier."
"Does it get hard for her when your schedule is too busy for your relationship?"
"My schedule is never too busy for my girlfriend, I always make sure to make time for her. That's why we've been going strong for four years now."
Another McLaren game with Lando was included, this time they were playing Finish the Lyric with Taylor Swift songs.
"Do you feel confident about this game, Oscar?" Lando asked his teammate.
"I do, actually," Oscar nodded confidently, "My girlfriend is a huge Taylor Swift fan so I know a lot of her songs."
"We should get your girl to come and play then," Lando teased.
"She'd probably beat us both, hands down. But I'm not giving up just yet." Oscar chuckled, shaking his head.
The compilation video then transitioned to a moment in the McLaren garage before the first quali of the Hungary Grand Prix. Oscar was off to the side, chatting with his girlfriend, who had joined him for the event.
They seemed to be in their own little bubble, Oscar's attention completely focused on her and his smile wide as he listened to her talk. The camera captured a sweet moment where he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about their relationship and fans absolutely melted at the interaction.
The next clip showed Oscar at a fan event in Australia, hundreds of fans gathered to meet the drivers and see them up close, Oscar was answering questions from the interviewers when he suddenly addressed one of the fans in the front row.
"I've got a girlfriend, thank you," he said into the microphone, making everyone laugh but look confused at the same time, "For everyone wondering, she just asked what my number was," the crowd laughed again even louder, "But I'm a happily taken man. You're nice but I'm not interested."
In that same event, he got asked what did he miss the most from the UK when he was back in Australia.
"My girlfriend," he immediately said, "Other than that the food is better here, the weather is better here. So my girlfriend, that's it."
The following video was also a fan interaction, this time it was a fan recorded video while he was signing stuff for those waiting for him as he arrived to the paddock for the Austin Grand Prix.
Oscar was signing autographs and taking pictures, when a fan handed him a photo of him and his girlfriend from a race weekend.
"Oh, this is a great picture," Oscar said, grinning as he looked at the photo. "This was taken at Silverstone, right? It was her first time at a race with me. She loved it."
"What's her favorite part about the races?" The fan smiled and asked.
"Probably the adrenaline and seeing me in action," Oscar chuckled, "But she also loves hanging out in the paddock. She gets along really well with everyone here."
The next clip showcased Oscar during a Twitch stream, where he was playing a racing simulator. His girlfriend walked into the room, and the chat exploded with excitement.
"Hey, love," Oscar greeted her, pausing the game.
"Am I interrupting you?" she softly asked.
"Nope, come here," he encouraged to come closer, "Everyone, this is my girlfriend," she waved at the camera, and Oscar wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into the frame. "She's the reason I'm still sane," he joked, earning a kiss on the cheek from her.
The video included one of everyone's favorite interactions between the couple, captured by McLaren's instagram team.
Oscar had just finished a quiali, earning a P2 position, the camera caught as he reunited with his girlfriend who threw her arms around his neck as soon as she saw him.
"Hiii," he shyly said, a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
"You did such a great job, baby," she said, still wrapped around his arms, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I couldn’t have done it without you cheering me on," he replied, his voice soft and genuine.
The final clip was from the FIA Prize Giving ceremony, Oscar stood on the stage, dressed in a sharp suit, the Rookie of the Year trophy shining in his hands.
"First of all, I want to thank my team, McLaren, for believing in me and giving me the opportunity," Oscar began, his voice steady but emotional, "But most importantly, I want to thank my girlfriend. She's been my rock through it all, supporting me every step of the way. This award is as much hers as it is mine."
The camera panned to his girlfriend, sitting in the audience with tears in her eyes, smiling proudly. The fans watching the livestream couldn't help but gush over the touching moment.
As the compilation ended, the screen faded to black with the text, "Oscar Piastri: The Ultimate Simp, and Proud of It."
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"I don't really think you're autistic. You don't seem autistic" that's funny you seem to have consistently mocked me for having flat speech and obsessive interests and social anxiety and overreacting to certain stimuli and being a picky eater and being bad at socializing and not understanding social norms and
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sickness-stricken · 9 months
Casual warning that if you rant about people who are picky eaters but then get mad at anyone who brings up ARFID I'm pissing on your toothbrush
"But I'm not talking about you guys!!!" You're literally ranting about picky eaters. ARFID is the picky eater disorder. Yes you are.
And sidenote, almost nobody gives a fuck about people with ARFID because as far as they know we don't even exist. I've told my family numerous fucking times about why I eat the way I do and how it's almost certainly linked to the autism diagnosis I got in middle school and they still don't get it. I've been buying my own meals since I was 14. I can't go to gatherings including meals without fully expecting to get ridiculed and mocked by at least one person, whether that's because I didn't take enough food or I didn't clear my plate. It's exhausting.
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Aita for laughing at my niece's reaction to trying pumpkin pie?
Cw for food and mentioned vomiting
So my sister and I are picky eaters and our mom was really shitty about it. She'd force her to finish food and she would've done the same to me except I'd throw up whenever she did. For obvious reasons, mom was not invited to Thanksgiving.
My niece is pretty picky as well, but if she doesn't like something, one of us will finish it for her. It's not a problem and we've never made her eat anything she didn't want. After dinner, we told her there was pie and she was excited for it, but she didn't like it, which was fine. I used to really hate pumpkin pie too and it was funny how similar she is to me and my sister. She gagged once, and I laughed a little, which made her mom start yelling at me. The kiddo started crying because thats what she does every time there's something gross in her mouth. We gave her something to drink and she quit crying but my sister was still pissed at me.
I don't think it was that bad to laugh at her kid, since we weren't being mean to her and helping her calm down. I told her it was okay and finished the pie for her, and she calmed down pretty quick, but was done with trying new foods for the day. I know that my sister is sensitive to being mocked for not liking food, but I wasnt mocking her kid. I was laughing because she's so similar to us and also to show her it's not a big deal if she doesn't like something, because fussing over her makes her scared that something is wrong. So was i the asshole for laughing?
What are these acronyms?
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stardustdiver · 3 months
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saw an Autism Awareness tshirt out in the wild today and it got me mad for multiple reasons
the tshirt was the lady with a messy bun/sunglasses with the jigsaw pieces in the primary colours with "Autism Awareness" in cursive on a blue tie dye background. and stupid primary colours jigsaw pieces i hate em (personal taste i know some of you enjoy that aesthetic)
THE MAIN KICKER and the bit that made me the maddest: we are still on 'Awareness'?
like, sure Brenda you are aware that someone may be autistic on paper, but are you Normal* when they start acting Weird? how about that person in the store, or at the park, on the bus?
*Normal: Don't mock or shame the individual, Don't record to upload to social media, Don't belittle or infantalise them. Just go about your day.
are you normal when:
they start pacing, rocking, humming, flapping?
they have poor volume control?
an adult is in public with a soft toy?
they are speaking with a monotone voice and relying heavily on scripts?
an autistic adult is unable to work?
unable to fulfill basic personal needs like eating and/or hygine?
when someone is unable to speak and is perhaps relying on tools to speak on their behalf?
picky eaters?
kids that refuse to hug and/or kiss grandma and grandpa goodbye?
theres so much more i could list.
but at the end of the day, are we normal about them? are we normal about people that are A Bit Too Weird for your personal preference? Awareness only goes so far. What we should be on by now is Acceptance.
Also while i have you here, a bonus thought brought to you by the google search results i found looking for this shirt: can you neurotypical allistic abled parents/family members STOP using your childs disability as your whole entire personality, thanks
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sillygoofyqueer · 5 months
The Untamed review: episode two!!
Yes, Wei Wuxian, Little Apple IS a picky eater, because he deserves only the best and KNOWS IT
Bro's complaining about a donkey to a donkey, what a guy
"You're like MY master"
"Yo, there's a well!" Wei Wuxian immediately moves out of the way, what a gentleman
Wei Wuxian helplessly listening to them argue over his inventions is so funny to me
The way that Wei Wuxian just gives up and peaces out
Fighting with a donkey now
Take the fucking apple, you dumbass
How old is this woman? She looks about twenty five
Push her off, it'd be so funny and no one would know
Yo, what is Yan doing?? She's busting some moves
Does he just flick any random person?
Ohhhh, I see
Got killed by the mist, that's an embarrassing way to go
Bro is dead, goddamn. Poor lass has no soul
This woman has been through so much, she doesn't deserve it
Someone's catching humans, cannibals in every universe
JIN LING!!! <3
Laughing at the richness of people
"Naur, stay up there. See you later xoxo"
How is this woman here????
It's fine, he's wearing a mask that covers his eyes
"It's you?" Aw shit, the guy who was a baby when you were around is onto you
Joking, he knows Mo Xuanyu
Mock him and see how it ends up
Stop trying to get up, jesusss
Nice throw
He looks so done with people's shit
Oh, hey Jiang Cheng, you're baby girling quite hard today
No need to crush it
"break his legs? No, feed him to your dog, kiddo"
His boyfriend has come to rescue him
"I'm so unlucky today", on the contrary, I think you're very lucky, these characters are key to the plot and you didn't even have to go looking for them!!
I like the music that plays when the Lan Clan is around
Lan Jingyi stepping up for his father- teacher
Lan Sizhui, how do you know so much
He says it like a slur hahahaha
Lan Wangji is too busy mewing, don't break his streak!!
"If you don't get that spirit, don't come back to me!!" Jin Ling was never seen again 😔
He's like a grumpy toddler, I love him so
"Don't worry, we'll pay for the nets we broke!" "Nuh uh!!" Lan Sizhui, you're an angel, don't listen to him
Nice voice though
"I thought I saw my boyfriend 😔"
There are spirits in the lake, I wouldn't suggest drinking from it
Jiang Yanli 😭😭😭
Stop smiling, you're hallucinating
Slander my boy and sees what happens
Slap yourself, go on, like the books
Don't put the blame all on him!!!
Nice, like the books
Feel the shame
That cannot be comfortable, those are literal rocks
He's like they're little leader
That's a fast old man
Lan Jingyi's first instinct is to point a sword at an old man, lmaaoooo
"anything strange here?" "Duh"
Leaving him alone while he's trying to give important plot information, rude
Glowing grass, what the fuck
I think you should eat some
He just wants to clean, leave him alone
WEN QING!!!!!!
Flashbacks lmao
Where'd the old man go
No way is that naturally formed
Lan Jingyi, you're surprisingly knowledgeable..I didn't know you could read
Jin Ling and his group of people
"what's up baby girls"
Ugh, it's been moving for a while now
Maybe you should, I don't know, LISTEN TO THE GUY WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING??
Also, y'all ditched him, minus points
"We're out" "fuck, y'all are gonna soooo be punished"
The look he gave, as if this isn't like, a sixteen seventeen year old. No, wait, he's probably eighteen...how old was he before Wei Wuxian's death? ANYWAY
Criticising the Lan education system while you're at it
"wait, you can't be crazy, because that makes sense!!" Lan Jingyi my beloved
Shit, my cover as a crazy person has been blown
Are they having a mewing contest or what?
Well done, Lan Jingyi
I swear it wasn't that big before
Y'all are doing a shit job at running from something this slow
Nice attack, it's still stone though
Dude, listen to Lan Sizhui
"Hey, my sword 🥺😔"
Considering this flute playing is supposed to be shit, it's not too bad
"ugh, you're playing the flute this bad? You must be crazy" Lan Jingyi, make up your mind
Nice kick, it's still stone though
WEN NING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They both look mildly terrified
Dude killed it so easy, well done. Naur, it's just an illusion.
"y'all, no need to be scared, the Yiling Patriarch ain't here" he's standing over there, wearing a mask
Luring him over with shitty flute playing
His robes are even blowing, just for you
Me leading my next snack away from the bag
Walk faster, goddamn
"hey bbg, it's been a while"
Listen guys, I know you're in love but there's a corpse there
He flew away, like Jesus
So...how is everyone surprised when they do turn out to be gay???
Uhh uh oh. Mom and dad are fighting again
Lan Wangji already looks so bored
The fucking GLARE I CAN'T
"Take off the mask!!!" "Nuh uh, I'm too handsome"
Lan Jingyi needs to stop being smart, it's scaring me
Stoooop, he didn't kill his brother
Okay, so he did, but he didn't want to!!!
He passed out, okay man
Answer the stupid call
They're so happy 😔
Give him what he wants, it's SYMBOLISM
Lecturing him better than Lan Qiren
You lost him already, not very good at this, ey?
Of course he will, it's Wei Wuxian
They're so happy :(
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starkandthewaynes · 2 years
Ghosts from the Past Pt 3
"Are you sure this is okay? I'm not underdressed?" Jazz asks, standing on the porch with Danny in her arms. "You look amazing Jazzy!" Danny says, making Jazz smile. "Thanks, Danny," she says as Jason puts a hand on her back and smiles. "Master Jason, who are your guests?" Alfred asks, opening the door. "Alfred this is Jasmine, and Danny, they're my neighbors from across the hall, ran into them today as we were all leaving," Jason says as Alfred nods. The two adults had decided that They weren't going to tell anyone that Danny was Jason's little brother just yet. "Hewo," Danny says as Jazz puts him down to take off his coat. "Hello to you too, young sir, and how old might you be?" Alfred asks as Danny holds up four fingers. "I'm this many," Danny says excitedly. "Oh my, it's been quite some time since we've had a guest so young. I'm afraid we don't have many toys anymore." Alfred says as Danny smiles. "It's otay, I have books!" Danny says as the four make their way to the dining room. "I'm surprised the others didn't race into the parlor to meet you two," Jason says, as Alfred chuckles. "Master Bruce instructed the others to remain at the table when you arrived, Master Jason." Alfred says, as Jason nods. 
"Jason?" Tim asks as they walk into the dining room. "Hey everyone, This is Jasmine, and her son, Danny," Jason says, pulling out a chair for jazz, and helping Danny into his. "Hewo, I'm Danny, I'm this many," Danny says, holding up four fingers, making Cass, Steph, and Babs coo. "And how did you meet them, Jay?" Dick asks as Jason shoots daggers at dick. "We're neighbors, Jason helped me grab one of Danny's toys we had dropped on our way to the park today." Jazz says as Danny giggles. "JJ played space with me," Danny says, as everyone turns to Jason. "Space?" Damian asks. "Yeah, we wecweated a couple of scenes fwom the mawsshian." Danny's lisp had come out full force, making Jazz give a knowing smile to Jason, he was allowing himself to be his age. "The martian?" Tim asks as Danny nods. "It's my favorite book, I've read it twenty times," Danny admits as Alfred brings out the dinner; chicken alfredo with some mixed veggies, and mashed potatoes. "Jazzy do I have to eat the bwoccoli?" Danny whines, making the older kids chuckle. "Eat five pieces of broccoli, and then we'll see." Jazz compromises as Danny nods. "Hey, little specter, it's not mac and cheese." Jason poorly whispers as Danny nods and digs in with a ferocious fever. "This is so yummy! Thank you!" Danny says, mouth half way full, and plate was almost gone. "I will have you and my son know that I can make other things then mac and cheese, my son is just a picky eater." Jazz says as jason chuckles. "You made her mad." Danny sends a glare to Jason. "Nah, she ain't mad at us." jason says as Jazz blushes. "No, bad mommy, no more badboys!" Danny says, flinging a pea at his mom. "Daniel!" Jasmine screeches as Danny stops smiling and tears start.
"Oh, oh shit, I'm so sorry, Danny. I'm so sorry." Jazz says, picking Danny up, and rocking him. "Danny, Danny, Danny." Jazz sings to the tune of mocking bird. "Is he alright?" Bruce asks, as Jazz looks at Jason, who nods. "Danny, do you want me to tell them?" Jazz asks, as Danny shakes his head violently. "Okay, we wont tell them, yet." Jazz whispers, as she consoles Danny. "Jazz." Jason says as she looks at him. "Danny, we need to tell them, you don't have to be here for it though, I'm sure Damian would love to show you his room." Jazz says as Danny lifts hs head. "Dammian?" Danny asks, as his eyes lock onto the 14 year old. "As much as I'd love to entertain the child, I have to meet up with my group for a school project." Damian says as Bruce sends a glare to Damian. "Perhaps we could meet here and watch Danny? It'll be Jon, Collin, and Billy." Damian says as he quickly texts his friends. "Thank you Damian."  Jazz says as Danny looks up at Jason. "JJ?" He asks as Jason's full attention is on Danny. "Did you mean your pwomisse?" Danny asks as Jason smiles. "Of course I did, little Tyke, I don't break my promises." Jason says as the door opens. "Then JJ, kick thosse basstawdss asssess." Danny says as he gets put down to follow Damian.
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*sigh* I just want to rant. I am SO sick and tired of people making fun of my food sensory issues! A few information before I start, I was raised a vegetarian, like my parents went on a vegetarian diet before I was born so I literally never had meat in my life, therefore, my body isn't quite used to it. (oh btw, someone secretly fed me meat under the pretext that it's vegan meat at a party once to "prove me wrong" after i "would've felt fine eating it", i ended up vomiting my guts out before they told me about their prank) I am also autistic, and have sensory issues when it comes to smells especially, for example, if i can't smell completely odor less air sometimes if i want to....it can get rough to say the least. I am also a picky food eater in general, combine all of these things and I can get sick if I smell meat based products, especially cooked. (i also really really wouldn't like it if i was told to "just take it off, you won't even taste it" in general) I'm not an entitled jackass, I don't tell people to not eat meat in front of me or get the meat away from me or if you have meat at this event I won't come. I simply sometimes want to remove myself from these environments for a little because of too many smells, when it gets too much for me But I always get mocked and fun of as the "pretentious entitled vegan who's too good for us meat eaters and is obviously superior", when I'm really not, please leave me alone, i've literally never told you to do anything for me nor have I insulted you in any way. Or who knows? Maybe I really am an asshole
Hi there,
I would’ve been horrified if I was secretly fed meat like that. Jesus. That’s not nice for a person to do.
I’m also a very picky eater. I order the same thing at restaurants. Eat the same processed foods, which I know isn’t healthy, but the texture of most fruits/vegetables bother me and feel so weird in my mouth.
I don’t think you’re an asshole. You just have sensory issues with foods. Im sure even NTs have this problem too.
Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ❤️
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colorisbyshe · 7 months
i know people love to dunk on picky eaters for whatever reason
but it really is sooo fucking miserable to have a limited palate. trying new stuff means possibly gagging in front of people, wasting money, offending the cook, or pissing yourself off because you spent so much time actually making it.
you get bored eating the same shit over and over.
sometimes, you eat a bad version of something you like (an ingredient went off, it was cooked poorly, you got a different brand) and you have to convince yourself to give the version you like again because your brain automatically shoves it into the "DO NOT EAT" zone.
people CONSTANTLY harass you to try shit, even if you told them you HAVE tried it before, which is extra odd to me because like... no one harasses them to eat food they know they don't like?
"not all X taste the same, give this one a shot!" i'm not stupid, i know that. and yet the quality of X i don't like is still present in all versions, so... leave me the fuck alone!
i feel like for some people, not liking the taste of something just means like going "ugh" and spitting it out or swallowing it. but for some people it means gagging, stomach aches, and almost a full body tension. like... even if it was just "ugh," no one should be mocked for... how their taste buds work... but... some picky eaters genuinely suffer when trying shit that doesn't taste good or has bad texture
so.. maybe let's all lay off
the idea of what food you eat being tied to maturity or whatever is genuinely ridiculous. not even going into how taste in food is shaped at an early age (and thus class and culture), can be influenced by things like ADHD/Autism/ARFID, and isn't like... some bizarre choice
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blue42fox · 2 months
Questions 9, 18, 28!!
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For those who don't know, Alchazar is my dragonborn in Baldur's Gate 3 ! And the questions come from this post ~ 9. Favorite food? least favorite ? are they a picky eater ? do they have any dietary restrictions ? He loves sweet things but don't really have a favorite food. On the other hand he doesn't really like vegetables... Can be very picky if he suspects veggies are in his food (manchild behaviour...) 18. Their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing ? Lying is fine if it's to obtain something that will benefit the majority/loved ones or to protect someone. Stealing is not ok unless it is absolutely necessary. Same thing for killing EXCEPT if you're a follower of the Absolute or some thing like that (murderer, slaver, ...Cazador lol). Then it's free kill 28. How do they show that they care about someone ? how do they express that they don't like someone ? If he likes you, he will stay near you, too often ask if you're ok, ask your opinion on different things ("I was going to cook this for dinner, what do you think ?"), offer his help even for the smallest things... If he LOVES (romantic) you, he will also randomly kiss you on the forehead/cheeks/lips/hands, grab your waist, hug you,... But only in private because he's pretty shy. In public, he will gingerly take your hand If he doesn't like you , he will avoid looking at you, avoid all physical contact, he'll lie to you or respond in a very evasive way... Can even be a little jerk by mocking you
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borealtwilight · 1 year
sorry i saw your tags on the picky eating posts - would you be willing to talk about ARFID? ive also got it and it fuckin SUCKS man. especially as an adult who should “just get over it”
I will start things off by saying that I'm not officially diagnosed, as such, but the shit my brain pulls pretty much lines up with what ARFID is, so I like to say I'm self-diagnosed ( I highly doubt I am ever going to be able to obtain a professional diagnosis, and this is stuff I have put up with for as long as I can remember, so! ).
You are absolutely not alone. It sucks. It's miserable. Being able to eat safe foods is just not always feasible.
If I'm out an about, and I cannot find a Safe Food ( aka something my brain deems me able to eat ), it upsets me. It leaves me cranky, tired, hungry, and feeling like a piece of shit, because I cannot go out and just buy anything like anyone else. I need to find something that I am able to eat. Why? Who knows! I'm just saddled with a brain that's wired this way.
And I'm sick of the stigma. The bullshit. Of seeing posts on tumblr and twitter and reddit of someone asking how to deal with bringing their own food to a social event, and people mocking the original poster in the replies, calling that person a ""picky eater"".
I've been there. I've been judged by my extended family for requiring my mom to help me find food to eat if I know ahead of time that there won't be food available that I can eat. And yes, some of these adults are ""picky eaters"" themselves ( for reasons I don't know ) which makes it all the more bullshit... and hypocritical. Even if they don't say anything, I can feel their stares, and it makes me uncomfortable. I feel embarrassed and ashamed.
I just want to feel normal about it.
I hate the fact that my brain will think about me eating food that's perfectly normal and going "no actually we will throw up if we try to eat this" or "this looks bad textured, this is not going into our mouths", or declaring, during a mouthful of a safe food meal, "hey! we don't like this! we have the Urge To Throw Up if we keep eating this, so please spit out your current mouthful and get rid of the meal". It makes me feel abnormal and wrong to experience shit like this, and lack the words to be able to explain the fact that I, hands down, cannot eat what my brain refuses to let me eat, and that I cannot just "get over it".
What's so wrong about a grown-ass adult eating a meal out at a restaurant that you'd find only kids eating ( e.g. a bowl of chips ), because it's the only thing on the menu they know they are able to eat? Absolutely nothing, I say.
So screw anyone who makes you feel like a piece of shit for eating differently to everyone else. You already have to deal with your brain doing that, for crying out loud!
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downinthehull · 2 years
I believe we don't talk about tiny Stede enough, so here's some.of my headcanons, projection included
• he has a pretty wide age range, 3-12
• definitely a very calm little one, not prone to tantrums or general chaos
• his interests don't change depending on his current age, but he expresses them differently
• the boy needs a routine and gets very upset if its disturbed
• artsy kiddo
• so many comfort items
• very independent no matter his age, but craves a cg at every point
• he probably tries to hide his regression because he's the main cg of the ship and also because he was mocked/bullied for it relentlessly, both by his peers and his father
• in higher ages, he will still lead storytime for the crew after he's out of the cubby
• his love language is physical touch
• an extremely picky eater
• very very shy
- honeylamb
yes! small stede definitely isn't talked about enough! which i can understand because he has big cg energy, but c'mon-he's also just a lil guy :>
a lil guy who still wants to talk about bugs or theater or his books to his cg or any of the crew that would listen. no matter how old he's feeling.
he's able to go around and check in on everyone by himself, but he's definitely prone to dragging his cg behind him, not wanting to let their hand go for very long.
he's definitely on the quieter/calmer side when small, whether it's because of just how shy he is, or because he's trying to hide his regression.
and he'd hide so many of his comfort items in the many secret rooms and compartments on the ship! there's so many places to hide things, he could have some sort of comfort item in almost every room.
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heartscfvalor · 4 months
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Stop mocking picky eaters. Stop acting like picky eaters are the fucking antichrist. Stop treating picky eaters like we're fucking idiots.
I am a picky eater due to my autism; I am a texture eater. Food texture needs to be consistent enough for me to feel safe to eat it. If the texture is off even slightly, then I will gag. I will feel sick, I will lose my appetite and I will refuse to eat, which leads to me losing a mealtime, which could -- and almost did -- result in an eating disorder.
I don't want to be this way! I never asked to be this way! I wish I could eat more things, there are a lot of foods that look so delicious, but I am terrified of the texture making me sick. I'm not restricted to chicken tenders and french fries, I love fruit -- apples are my favorite, my inner Lucifer is so happy about that -- and I love carrots. I once ate a whole bag of baby carrots in a single day (WOULD NOT RECOMMEND btw, I got so sick.)
But I go online and there are people slamming picky eaters, proclaiming them to be childish, berating them for not trying new things, or acting dramatic if they refuse to touch something they don't want to eat. Some people have ARFID. Some people have dietary restrictions or allergens. Some of us are autistic. And really, it's not anyone's business anyway.
Food is one of the few things I can control. And I am going to control it so that my comfort is priority. I never make people eat what I eat, I never make them choose new restaurants if we go out. I want picky eaters to stop being the butt of these cruel jokes. Trust me, if we didn't have to be picky eaters, we wouldn't be. Some of us just are.
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Rei Takeo/Cure GoldenAsh Being A Mood (Sketched Artistry Pretty Cure) (Part 2)
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Episode 13:
Jiro: “And according to my calculations, an Inkling appears once every week, so you will be fighting a monster every. single. week."
*everyone bursts out laughing*
Rei: "That's a good one Jiro! There's no such thing as a monster of the week! You're full of it!”
Rei: “Scavenger hunt. Great."
Botan: “And I see the rest of you are chic's."
Rei: *cracks her knuckles* "Oh, you think you're funny!" 
*Shes about to charge, but Keiko and Sora hold her back*
Botan: “Overreaction. Typical chic." 
Rei: “Chicks are idiots, and I'm looking at one right now."
Botan: “I deal with stoves every day, that doesn't hurt me.”
*Rei snarls*
Keiko: “Don't worry about it, it's all okay, Shiro's probably a picky eater, maybe more so than Rei is-"
Rei: “At least I'm not a brat about it!"
*Cherry Azure GoldenAsh and Crimson are stuck in a pot*
*GoldenAsh snarls and punches the walls with fire and metal*
Cherry: "Cure G, that won't work-" 
*She dents the pot*
Azure: “Oh wait... That works somehow."
Rei: "You better explain yourself right now Nikko!"
Shiro: "What? Why? What did I do?" 
Rei: “You were working for Botan! Giving away Midori's full name to him, so Midori could cut herself and lose the game? Your mean comments from earlier, telling Midori-Chan to quit?! It adds up!"
Shiro: “I didn't even know who that egomaniac was until today, alright?! I just moved here!! How could I have had an alliance with him?!"
Rei: “Oh okay… 'Just moved here', tense to wear anything other than black, rude as can be... Are you working for those aliens that've been attacking?!"
Shiro: "Alien things...?! I-I haven't seen those until today either-! H-how c-could I possibly-?!" 
Shiro: (thinking) Kaede, you were wrong, they're smart! This one knows! She already knows!! What do I do?! They know!!!
Midori: “Rei-Chan, seriously? That's way too far of an accusation! Give her a break!"
Keiko: "Sorry about Rei-Chan, she's impulsive like that..." 
Rei: “I'm telling you-!" 
*Sora and Akemi put their hands over her mouth*
Episode 14:
Sora: “Ah, here we go! You want one of us to warm up your vocals?"
Keiko: “Oh! I'll do it!"
*Sora and Jiro run to the back and plug their ears*
Akemi: "This is..."
Orenji: "TERRIBLE!!!"
Rei: “HEY!" 
*grabs Keiko by the wrist*
Rei: "You are a disgrace to the very concept of warm ups."
Jiro: “That was actually, the dumbest thing we could have ever done. Why did we do that?"
Keiko: “Because it's fun!" 
Rei: “You three are actually insane. Guess Akemi and I are the only sane ones here."
*Akemis happy enough, giggling*
Rei: “I will show you how to dance the steps!"
Keiko: "Like you can do better!"
Rei: "Unlike you guys, I actually know dancing choreography and took lessons from my dad, before he left, I mean."
*Rei demonstrates for Akemi*
Rei: “Second position vertical. Hand up and over. Bend the left leg. Hands to the chest. Hand out. Raise it. Right foot step in front. Transition to a twirl from there. Tip toe to right stage. Scroll hand through the balance beam as though they're human artifacts. Lay on the floor. Look frustrated.”
Keiko: “That's you everyday.”
Rei: “Leg over the back. Roll over. Sit up. Look up. Hands to the chest. Aim right hand at the ceiling- That's your left.”
Akemi: “S-sorry. Shall we do it all over again?"
Rei: “Is there something I'm doing wrong?"
Akemi: "What? Oh no, it's not you. You're cynical and you're aggressive, but you're not necessarily doing the wrong thing by calling me out."
*All the Cures get muted.*
*Azure is trying to explain what’s happening, but is muted.*
*GoldenAsh mocks Azures lip sync with her hand, but is muted*
Noir: “Voice cancelation aura! That doesn't affect Erasers! I just erased all your voices in an instant. Frankly, it sounds so much better in here."
*GoldenAsh is screaming something. Probably bad words. But she’s muted.*
Noir: “Music to my ears.”
Akemi: “I don't know what path my life is going, and I don't know where my voice will take me, but... it's just nice having one, ya know?"
Rei: “Oh yeah, definitely. Honestly, the nerve Noir had the guts to take away my pleasant voice! I mean come on, everyone likes it when I talk!"
*Keiko, Sora, Jiro, and Midori give iffy looks at her.*
Rei: "What? It's true! Don't give me that look!"
Keiko: “Maybe that Kaede girl had a wig.”
Rei: “Or it was Shiro.”
The others: “Rei, no!" "Seriously?!" "Come on, Rei!"
Rei: “What?! Don't you think I have a point?! Shiro shows up, and then there's this new Eraser?!"
Midori: “You don't have proof besides that!" 
Rei: “I think it's proof enough! There's eyes on us! They're trying to get us from the inside! Sure, we foiled their plans on Akemi, but it's not stopping there! Keiko could be next!"
Keiko: “D-does that mean I get Rei protection?"
*Rei nods yes*
Keiko: “…sweet."
Episode 15:
Keiko: "I told you that you weren't good at math!"
Rei: "Yeah, like you are any better!"
*They both got bad grades*
Rei: "I still did better than you.”
Keiko: “Like, by two questions!"
Rei: “It's a basic equation, I get two questions more than you, therefore I get a higher number than you do, therefore I get more questions right, therefore I did better."
*Keiko draws a little medal around Rei's neck in her head, reading 'Not as bad at math as you could have been'.*
*Keiko and Rei are coming over*
Keiko: “Sora-Chan!" 
*Sora doesn’t answer*
Keiko: "How'd you do?"
Rei: "Oh please, I'm sure she got a perfect score and she wants to rub it in our faces."
Sora: “I failed, I failed so bad, I'll never recover from this, I'll never recover from this..."
Rei: “It's a 97! Get over it!"
Akemi: “Yeah, that's still an A.”
Keiko: “I did so much worse than you."
Sora: “You don't understand... I can't get any job whatsoever if I don't get good grades. Let alone with my father... he's gonna kill me."
Rei: “Over a 97, who cares?!"
*Soras on the desk bawling*
Rei: "I dunno about you guys, but... I find this to be absolutely pathetic to cry about."
Orenji: “Alright, Pretty Cure! I'm just concerned about one thing... where's Ayano-san?!"
*They only just now noticed she’s missing*
Rei: *face palms* "How do we not notice she's not here?!"
Jiro: “…she was screaming. That's it. Screaming. For no reason at all. It was like she was possessed by a ghost."
Rei: “I guess she's really insane, then... I mean, hanging out with Keiko so much earlier than the rest of us..." 
*Keikos offended*
Orenji: “Sora-Chan sold her soul! Sora sold her soul! Sora sold her soul!!"
*Keiko, Rei, Midori, and Akemi charge at the door, trying and failing to yank it open*
*They fail and collapse on each other*
Jiro: "That's a push open door."
Rei: “Why does it have an arched handle then?!"
Keiko: “Sora-Chan!! I-I know you're in there, Sora-Chan! You love fashion! You can't give up on it! You're smart, and beautiful, and you can do anything you put your mind to! Don't let the Erasers take you over!!"
Sora: “Uh, Keiko? I'm not brainwashed."
Rei: “Exactly what brainwashed people say..." 
Rei: “She is not invested in that marketing test.”
Jiro: “Can you blame her?"
Shiro: “Wow..."
Rei: "Why are you here?"
*Rei is locked outside the classroom. She’s banging on the door. No one notices*
Sora: “I get at least a hundred on this test, I can do the edit. That'll be my reward. I'll deserve it."
Rei: *trying to get a bird out of her hair* “Deserve it? Girl, no one said you had to deserve doing the things you like! I don't like that mindset. You like doing something, do it. You don't have to earn it."
Shiro: “Of course she does."
Keiko: "N-Nikko-san! What are you...?"
Rei: “Painting birds.”
*The bird continues to use her hair as a nest. Rei groans and gives up*
*All the Cures are studying the same textbook together*
*Keiko falls asleep on the desk*
*Rei falls asleep on Keikos shoulder*
Rei: “Seven hundred eighteen inches divided by four! Go!"
*Sora hesitates*
Rei: "Did I stutter?"
Sora: “No, just, I don't know how to do that in my head.”
Rei: "Write it down. I'm not stopping you."
*Writes it down*
Sora: “One hundred seventy nine and five tenths!"
Rei: "Nineteen hundred fifteen divided by twenty three!"
Sora: “What?!"
Rei: "Eight hundred one divided by twenty!"
Sora: “Okay, I didn't mean 'what' as in, 'I can't solve it', I meant 'what' as in, 'why should anyone have to answer that?'"
Rei: “Tell me about it!"
*Rei snaps her pencil in frustration of the test*
Rei: "Hey hey hey! This isn't mine!"
Teacher: “Is there anyone else here named Takeo Rei?" 
*Rei slumps in her chair over the 59% on her test*
Keiko: “Thought you were smarter than that, Rei-Chan.”
Rei: "Math is not my strong suit, okay?"
Shiro: “Ninety seven?!! Ninety seven?!! That's impossible! I ch- I... was just picking random answers!"
Sora: “That's... strangely good luck.”
Rei: "Oh please, Nikko-san cheated. She's just mad that the tests are rigged against us."
Shiro: “Cheat? Me?! I have no idea what you're talking about!"
Keiko: “You did better than me and Rei.”
Rei: “It's an A! You aced it! You're this upset over a 93?! Who cares?!?! You still did better than so many of us!!"
Sora: “I care, Rei! I don't need your mean jabs right now!"
*Rei stops talking*
Shiro: “It's not mean when you're just telling the truth. You said you had to get a hundred to be able to do this dress edit. Your reward. Well, you didn't get a hundred. You can't do the edit. You didn't earn it."
Rei: “Get out! Sora doesn't need you to throw her down right now!"
Shiro: “She's throwing herself down!"
Rei: “Get. Out!" 
Shiro: “We're in class. I want to get out. But I can't."
Rei: “Then... go to a corner, read a book, or something, I don't know! Just don't be near Sora-Chan!"
Rei: “Well... Not what 'please let us get there first' being wrong, is exactly what we had in mind..."
Keiko: “W-who are you...?"
Kuran: “I believe the question should be, who are you?"
Rei: "We're not scared of you Shiro!"
Kuran: “Shiro? Don't know who that is, but sounds like a human's name. Bleh!"
Midori: "Shiro? Really?"
Rei: “It's obviously her! She just dyed her hair and she's wearing different clothes."
Keiko: "Or, you just don't like Nikko-san, one or the two."
*Kaede aims a scythe at Rei*
*Rei tenses up*
Inkling: “What is a theme?"
Cherry, GoldenAsh, Teal, and Crimson: “Huh?"
GoldenAsh: "Be more specific."
Inkling: “6/2(1+2)"
Inkling: “Cure GoldenAsh!" 
GoldenAsh: “Of course... Nine!"
Cherry: “I thought you were bad at math!"
GoldenAsh: "I'm bad at math that has no relevance to life. There's a difference."  ~
Cherry: “That's not even a question, that's..."
GoldenAsh: "Oh my gosh, it's simple multiplication! You got this!!"
Cherry: “Eh... You see... depends, what kind of crackers are they?"
Inkling: "WRONG!!"
Cherry: “I never studied that!!"
Teal: "Yes we did!" 
GoldenAsh: “You actually have the IQ of a ROCK!!"
Teal: “Eh?"
GoldenAsh: “Oh come on, that's an easy one!"
Kaede: "No giving away the answer! We'll eliminate you automatically!"
GoldenAsh: “When was that a rule?!"
Teal: “I blame my job not being related to this…”
Crimson: “Just guess!!"
Teal: "The setting affects the plot by affecting the plot!"
GoldenAsh & Crimson: "You call that a guess?!!"
Inkling: “9 - 3 / 3 + 1"
Inkling: “Cure GoldenAsh!" 
GoldenAsh: “How is anyone supposed to solve that?! Nine, minus three is six, divide that by three is two-"
Inkling: "TIME'S UP!!"
GoldenAsh: “Wha-?! Since when was it timed?! You never said that!"
Kuran: “I just did. Your fault you can't find the answer fast enough. Such a failure."
*Shes not happy*
Inkling: “The answer is 9! Cure GoldenAsh: Eliminated!"
*GoldenAsh gets trapped in sticky notes*
GoldenAsh: “That's not fair!!"
Kuran: “I'm sorry, it is fair. It's your fault you're not good enough."
Crimson: “What was I thinking?!"
GoldenAsh: "I don't know, but I don't get how you miss that!"
Crimson: “There's no purple in our group! That's how my director describes spotlights!"
Azure: “Hit me with your best shot!"
GoldenAsh: “Azure! You don't have to do that!"
*She says while trapped on the wall by a sticky note*
Akemi: “Well?" 
Sora: “She loved it!"
*Keiko, Midori, and Akemi squeal and throw Sora into a group hug*
*Rei smiles but tries to stay out of it. Keiko drags her into the hug*
Episode 16:
'April 8th,'
'It's me. Takeo Rei.'
'Even to this day, I hate the fact my mom made me move to this boarding school.'
'Not to say it's all horrible. She's doing her best to keep us financially afloat in our shabby little place. Other girls at my school stay in these cozy little dorms. Not me. Can't afford it.'
'I will admit this, I told myself for awhile that I was done with friends. I didn't need them. They only tore you down. Then like some anime, a talking bird comes down to force you to become your fantasy superhero self insert, Ash Goldenflame... kinda. Okay, so they only allow you to have 'Cure' at the start of your name like some cult, but point is, I'm a superhero.'
'I also associate with girls now, which is... kind of a huge shift for me. Like, I'm not 'the tough sarcastic outcast' anymore.'
'Gina Akemi is actually a really nice girl, and I relate to her quite a bit.'
'Chokawa Midori is a girl I have huge respect for, even if I don't always agree with her.'
'Ayano Sora, I admit, we're still working things out, but I do think we've overcome her... jealousy?'
'Over who? Well, her best friend, Sakura Keiko, who...'
‘I have mixed feelings about.'
*Rei goes after her, seeing Ichiro bullying Keiko*
Rei: “What's your problem?! Why don't you just leave her alone?"
Ichiro: “Relax, okay?! I asked the chick if I could see what she was drawing, she agreed, so I took her book so I can see, and suddenly she's mad when I turn the page!"
Rei: "Don't. Mess with her."
'Ichiro is problematic to say the least. I do everything to slap sense into someone immature as him, and yet he never listens. Treats me like I'm the bad guy. Hey, I'm a very noble person.'
Ichiro: "This is why no one likes Takeo."
*He leaves*
Keiko: *blushing* “Rei..."
*Rei hands Keiko her sketchbook back, realizing there’s a drawing of Rei*
*Rei blushes hard at that drawing*
'I'm upset she drew me without permission. I'm upset she drew me without permission... I swear!'
'Frankly, I have a reputation in my school. It goes like this: I mind my own business, then someone thinks I'm pretty, walks up to ask me out despite not even knowing me...'
Boy: "Come to claim that kiss beautiful?"
Rei: “I told you no! Never gonna happen! Not when you act like this around me!"
Boy: "You're so annoying... aw, that beauty of yours is a waste!"
'...I give the logical answer. And then they find out my personality, and bully me for the rest of the year.'
*A guy throws paper at Reis head*
*Rei catches the paper and tears it up*
Rei: "You better have a proper definition of what a trash can looks like buddy!"
*They run away*
'It's always the same. Sometimes I... I don't know if it's me, or not me.'
Teacher: “How about Takeo-san?"
Rei: "I didn't raise my hand."
Teacher: “I called on you. Not paying attention, are we?"
Rei: “If I wasn't, I wouldn't have responded.”
Teacher: “Give me the book."
Rei: "It's private!"
Teacher: “I'm not gonna read it. Your attention needs to be brought onto the things that'll benefit you in the real world."
Rei: “Okay." *goes back to the book*
Ichiro: “You are impossible, Takeo-san... Was she always like this?"
Rei: “Yes! It's called being real."
Teacher: “Alright, that's it.”
*he throws textbooks on her desk*
Teacher: “Send these to the library. Now."
*sees Rika*
Rei: (thinking) Go in. Set the books on the front desk. Get out. Go in. Set the books on the front desk. Get out... No. Go in. Set the books on the desk. Get out. Go in... Set the books on the desk... Get out! Get out before she sees you! There's no way she's here... she can't be...
Rika: “Taki?"
*Reis frozen*
Rei: “Suki?"
*Rei and Rika stare at each other, Rika with a smile*
*Then Rei turns her back on her*
Rika: “Wait, why are you-? Taki-sama!!” *grabs Rei* “Please don't tell me you forgot about me!"
Rei: “Your name is Suki Rika.”
Rika: “It's so great to see you again! I didn't think you'd be in this school! I mean, I thought you quit writing after you..."
*she hugs Rei, who is uncomfortable*
Rika: “It's so great to see a friend again! Oh, did I mention how great you look? Takeo Rei with short hair? Gloves? What?!"
Rei: “Great, bye Suki!"
*she tries to leave. Rika follows her*
Rika: “Taki! I got so much to ask!"
*Rei is doing schoolwork, ignoring her classmates getting into a paper fight*
*At the door window, Rika is banging on it and waving at Rei*
*Rei is having lunch behind the stairs, minding her own business*
Rika: *popping out of nowhere* “Hi!!!”
*Rei is jumpscared*
*Rei is at the library reading a book*
Rei: “I can see you!" 
*Rika is hiding behind a bookshelf*
Rika: “Coincidence?"
*Rei gets up and leaves*
*Rei is walking down the hallway*
*She whips her head back behind her*
*No Rika*
*She jumps the turn*
*No Rika*
*Rei sighs in relief, walking ahead-*
Rika: “Taki!!”
*Shes outside. Banging on the window. She has paper that says ‘I love you Taki-sama’*
Rika: “I love you!!! Taki!!!! Talk to me!!!!”
*Rei, embarrassed, walks away*
Rika: “Wait!! Taki!!! Come back!!! Taki!!!!”
*Rika falls off the windowsill*
*Rei is exhausted, head on the desk and book over her head*
Shiro: “Tak-"
Shiro: “U-uh..."
Rei: “Oh… Thought you were someone else, Nikko-san..."
Shiro: “Someone push your buttons?”
Rei: “Why do you care?"
Shiro: “Hey, who are you avoiding anyway?" 
*Rika shows up and charges at them*
Rika: “Who are you?! What are doing with Taki-sama?!"
Shiro: “Excuse me?!"
Rei: “She's not my friend."
Rika: “I'm already starting to like you! Miss...?"
Shiro: “Nikko Shiro.”
Rei: “I see you two are perfect for each other.”
Rika: “You think so?"
Rei: "Yeah, you're both stalkers and you're obnoxious."
Shiro: “I've been called much worse."
Rika: "Taki-sama! You should go!! You should do this with me! We could be friends, be a little trio with us an Nikko-san... who knows? They might teach you a think or two on originality."
*Rika leaves. Rei looks at the poster of the book club*
*She crumbles the paper and throws it away*
Keiko: “Rei? Rei-Chan? You're not going?"
Rei: Too much on my plate.”
Keiko: "You don't even do anything!"
Rei: “I don't want to go! Okay?"
Jiro: "Rei-Chan, I really think this will be a good experience for you, as a writer, and since you know people, you can... talk more?"
Rei: “I can't write."
Sora: “Rei-"
Rei: "I'm not going, and that's final!!"
*Sora steps back*
Rei: “Sora, I'm sorry, okay? I-I said that badly... I-I know you're trying to help, but... I can't do this..."
Rei: “I get that. I do."
Shiro: “Sure you can! I know you can! You are a brilliant strong girl, and you're scared of a little book club?! Come on, I'll be there with you!"
Rei: "The cure to my curse..."
Shiro: "You know, Suki-san will probably force you to come anyway."
*Rei is dragged to the library by Shiro*
Rei: “Nikko-san!!!"
Shiro: “This will be fun!"
Rei: "Getting pulled by the arm is not fun!"
*They get in, and the entire book club stares at Rei*
*Rei is shaking*
Rika: "You came!! Taki-sama!!"
Rei: “Let's get this over with..."
*Rei takes a seat next to Rika*
Rika: "Don't worry! As long as you earn it, you're fine."
Rei: "Like how you earned the markers I gave you."
Rika: "Okay seriously, what is your problem?"
Shiro: “This is a book?" 
Rei: “It's mythology. Read the room."
Shiro: “How do humans read these things and not get bored? There's no pictures."
Rei: “Your head is a picture.”
Shiro: “Wow, Takeo-san's insulting me!"
*Rika shoves Rei to make her raise her hand*
Librarian: “Takeo-san! Participating!"
Rei: “U-um... Person versus self."
Librarian: “That is correct!" 
Shiro: “You know this stuff?"
Rei: "It's beginners writing class."
Shiro: “There are classes?" 
Rei: “Yes, and guess who took them. Since she was four."
Rika: “She said she was self taught. That's why she's always writing and not paying attention in math class."
Rei: “Suki..."
Rika: “Then she reads a lot of books, books that nobody wants her to know that she likes."
Rei: “Suki!"
Shiro: “Oh, what kind of books? I'm curious."
*Rika holds up the book*
Rika: "The Chibi Gold Games?"
Rei: *embarrassed* "Suki! Stop it!"
Rika: "She has all nine books. Her social media account is filled with reviews on them. As well as some other books she dunks on."
Rei: “It's a good series for kids!"
Rika: “She's 'BookBurner58' if you want to find her.”
*people look at them*
Rika: “Yeah, she's THAT chick! She doesn't want to tell anyone that! Her own mom doesn't know she has social media!"
Rei: “SUKI RIKA!!"
Rika: "She ships Mai and Mia! She has one shots! And she has a knock off of-"
*Rei duct tapes Roma’s mouth*
Shiro: “Takeo, what gives?" 
*Rei buried herself in her book*
Rei: (thinking) I can never talk to humanity again. I'm just gonna be friends with the Chibis for the rest of my days. Their lives are simple... so much so that book eight was the worst of the saga...
Rei: (thinking) Whatever. This can't get worse.
*she enters the club room*
Rika: “She's great! Isn't she?!"
Rei: *dropping her stuff* “What are they doing here?!"
Shiro: “Was only introducing Rika to the rest of your friends.”
Rika: “I'll be honest, surprised Taki-sama even had friends.”
Rei: “Har har.”
Akemi: “Weren't you Rei's friend?"
Rika: “Yeah! Of course! I was shocked to see Taki-sama in this school, considering how much she 'can't write'. But we were great friends in elementary school! Then, one day, Rei just... stopped talking to me and... I don't know why."
*Reis fists are clenched from her seat. She’s not happy. She’s standing up*
Rei: “Alright, we have club stuff to do, and you're not a member! The exit's over there!"
Rika: “What?! You can't force me to leave!"
Sora: “Yeah Rei! What's the problem?!"
Rei: “Suki-san isn't a poet, she's a hack! She just copies and pastes, changes the subject, and then somehow nobody catches onto the plagiarism!"
Rika: “Ha! Wow! Saying something that only applies to YOU! Just great!”
*The Cures are confused*
Rika: “Fine. I'll leave. I thought I was talking to Taki-sama. Guess not."
*Rika and Shiro leave*
Keiko: “Rei...? Something you're not telling us...?"
Rei: “I don't want to talk about it."
Keiko: “Rei-Chan?"
Rei: “You can't keep away from me for two seconds, can you?"
Orenji: “Hey, Keiko-Chan's worried about you, and so am I."
Rei: “Oh I'm fine, I'm just... reading a book!"
*She’s holding up her Chibi book*
Rei: “Wait..."
Keiko: “So you're into that, huh?" Rei: “O-of course not! My account is secret to my family, and-" 
*Now it’s even more embarrassing*
Rei: “It's training for writing! Writers train a lot..."
Keiko: “They do? Wow! Can I follow you?"
Rei: “It's not mine! It's for a friend... you're my only friends..."
*Rei face palms*
*Keiko holds up a drawing*
Keiko: "So for this friend, you kept this doodle of these two chibi girls making out for them?"
*Rei uses her Neon Pen to burn that doodle* 
Keiko: “Okay..."
Rei: “I like it. So what? It's been with me since I was a kid."
*Keiko elbow bops Rei to get her to loosen up. It works*
Rei: "If you tell anyone about that, you will sleep on pencil shavings."
Orenji: "So what's the deal with Suki? Don't like her?"
Rei: “Don't like her? That's putting it lightly! And for the record, she didn't win any of that stuff. She didn't do anything with her life besides draw emo sketches! That stuff was... my rewards."
Keiko: “Figured. If she's using your accomplishments to look cool, she must like what you do."
Rei: “Did you not hear me? She's lying to you to make herself seem friendly and cool. At least I'm straightforward."
Orenji: “And yet you're not telling us what's going on! Please, we care about you Rei."
*Rei sighs, slumping on the edge of the bridge*
Rei: "She didn't lie about one thing. I was friends with her once. A pretty long time ago. Then she... then she... then she said I needed to be 'tougher', that I needed to work on my mean sprit... and then I moved on to better things."
Keiko: “Who said you needed to work on meanness? That makes no sense."
Orenji: “I mean, it did rub off on you-"
Rei: "Did not!"
Rei: “There's such thing as a 'true friend'. Rika isn't one of them. Sometimes... sometimes relationships can't be fixed. Sometimes dark colors can't be made bright again. I mean, that's like saying an Eraser, our sworn enemies, can become a Pretty Cure."
(Are you sure about that?)
Keiko: “We all have stuff to work on, but that's why the past is... whatever! Who cares?! Right here, right now, Takeo Rei is a golden gal! Nothing will change the core of that!"
Rei: "Goodness..."
*An Inkling shows up*
Rei: “You gotta be kidding me..."
*Kaede and Kuran appear*
Kaede: “Nope. We’re pretty serious.”
Kuran: “When I feel like it, at least."
Rei: “Who did you rob this time? Huh?!"
*Notices the Rika statue*
Rei: "Okay. That's fair."
Keiko: “You're not supposed to like this!!"
Rei: "Did I say I wouldn't save her?!"
Kaede: “Now now sister, all good things come to those who wait."
GoldenAsh: “Yeah I don't believe that policy."
GoldenAsh: “I am not nothing. I have my faults, like everyone does... but I'll make up for them and protect everyone! Suki, Nikko, my friends, Canvas Corner, EVERYONE!! And I can do so much more than be firepower!"
Sora: “Are you gonna tell anyone?"
Shiro: “Oh yeah, I'm announcing it to the entire world as we speak."
*All the Cures become shocked. Except for Rei*
Shiro: “I'm kidding. I gain nothing from telling people."
Rei: “You meant that?" 
Shiro: “…Yes. I was wrong to accuse you before I even knew you and what you... I'm sorry."
Rei: “I'm not innocent. And I... this is a lot of trust I have to put on you now. I'm not comfortable with that. Seems I have no choice though."
Shiro: "Is that forgiveness?"
Rei: "You need me to spell it out?"
Rika: “I didn't know what I did was gonna be... tone it down, will you?!"
Rei: “Please get off me."
*Rei runs up to see Ichiro bullying Keiko*
Rei: “Ichiro, get a job! You want to see her drawing? Keiko-Chan is gonna present it."
Ichiro: “Is she now?"
Keiko: “Rei-Chan..."
Rei: "You will never feel better if you keep that stuff hidden. Are you an artist?!"
*Keiko shows them a drawing of the sun*
*Ichiro’s impressed, and Rei gives a thumbs up*
'Would have been better if she drew me to be honest.'
'Frankly, I have a reputation in my school. It goes like this: I mind my own business, then someone thinks I'm pretty, walks up to ask me out despite not even knowing me...'
Boy: “Come to claim that kiss beautiful?"
Rei: “Hey, I am not ready for that yet."” *points to Rika* “Did you know she's single?"
*the guy chases after Rika, who’s scared out of her mind*
'...I offer a new situation. And then no one bullies me for the rest of the year.'
'It's always the same. But that's just me being me.'
Teacher: “How about Takeo-san?”
Rei: “I didn't raise my hand."
Teacher: “I called on you. Not paying attention, are we?"
Rei: “That's a thirty degree acute angle."
Teacher: “…I stand corrected. My bad."
Librarian: “Takeo-san, were you always so good with literature?"
Rei: “I'm a bird."
Rei: "I did something right today!"
Sora: “So... are you getting back to writing?"
Rei: “Uh-m-maybe...? I...? C-could I...? I could... I have a lot of ideas..."
Keiko: “What kind of ideas? More Chibi shipping fanfics?" *She’s reading one* “I didn't know you had a thing for rainbow colored kids!"
Rei: “AAH!"
Keiko: “Sheri? And her pink bun? Is that me?"
Librarian: “Get out of my library!" 
*Rei chases Keiko out of the room*
*They’re still loud outside*
Keiko: “Aw come on it's addictive!" 
Rei: “It's private!" 
Keiko: “You left it open in the library!" 
Rei: “Keiko, give it back!" 
Keiko: “You're just asking me to say I love you at this point!" 
Rei: “My story needed a lo-loafer! A loafer!" 
Keiko: “Now you're calling me a shoe?!" 
Rei: “Ye-I mean no! No! Keiko!!! Give up!!! I will chase you across the country!!! Give it back!!!"
Akemi: “Should we help them?"
Sora: *drinking coffee* “I say let them have it."
Episode 17:
Cherry: “I am so sorry! I-I tried to get here, and-"
GoldenAsh: *shivering* You left us in freezing temperatures! Other than that, I don't care. You saved us."
(This is one of only two lines she has in this episode)
Episode 18:
Rei: “Orenji, it's the weekend. We're meant to sleep."
Sora: “We need to know how they're even broken, right? Like, what's clogging the ink to work?"
Rei: "Maybe we should open them up and find out..."
*she tries to break the Neon Pens. It’s not working*
Rei: “O-okay, hang on, I can get it. I can get it..."
*Orenji snatches the pens from her*
Orenji: "These Neon Pens are not replaceable!"
(Flashback to Episode 11 when she nagged Midori for attempting the same thing…)
Orenji: “Okay, so first thing we need to do: We find Keiko's third pen!"
Rei: “How do we do that? You want Jiro to make a Neon Pen tracking device?"
Keiko: “About Shiro... Do you think she'll come back?"
Orenji: “I don't know.”
*Rei looks up from her seat*
Rei: “She took advantage of you. How can you forgive that right away?"
Keiko: “…Rei, I... I'm so sorry!"
*Rei turns around*
Rei: "Sora-Chan? Do you know anything about this place?"
Sora: "I don't. This is kind of Keiko's place."
Rei: “Yeah... Keiko's place..."
Orenji: “I guess this is Keiko's old school?"
Rei: "Keiko's old school? But..."
Akemi: “Rei, what's wrong? You've been awfully genuine ever since we started this trip."
Rei: “Wow..."
Sora: “Do you know this place?"
Rei: "To tell you the truth... this isn't just Keiko's old school..."
Keiko: *banging her head on the desk* “NOTHING!" *bang* “NO IDEAS!" *bang* “NOT FOR HOURS!" *bang* “USELESS.” *bang* “STUPID.” *bang* “HEAD.” *bang* “OF NOTHINGNESS!!" *bang* "That is now probably concussed..."
Rei: *writing in her notebook* “Wow..."
Orenji: “You don't know how to make this?!"
Rei: “That is a first for you, I have to say. I don't know how I feel about it."
Jiro: “I'm gonna go get ready to eat out.” *leaves*
Keiko: “Okay...?" 
*Keiko looks at Rei, who is blushing at her* 
Rei: “U-uh... I-I'll go too... starving..." *runs away*
Rei: "She's like a blank slate. Not the writers block kind, but like there's nothing going on in her head."
Keiko: “Maybe she was raised differently?" 
Rei: “Either way, our point is, she's like diet Keiko, but without the cutesy appealing density."
Keiko: “The soldier represents war. The ramen represents peace after the war. And the noodles represent... the grandparents?"
*thought process broken*
Keiko: “It sucks! I'm sorry!"
(Delicious Party roast)
Rei: “Have you tried... uh... N-nevermind."
Keiko: “Rei? Are you okay?"
Rei: “I-yeah-I-I take back what I was gonna say. Really, it would make things worse and..."
Keiko: “I never said that, I would like your input, actually.”
*Rei blushes*
Rei: “U-uh... jelly! W-would that work?!"
*Midori, eating some, nods yes*
*Rei chuckles and fans her red face*
Rei: “It’s hot in here. I’m dying.”
Sora: “Okay, I guess Rei's out of the idea list..."
*Rei sighs in relief*
Shiro: “And I thought grandparents were supposed to be cooks.”
*Rei pinches Shiro’s feet*
*It makes Shiro fall over*
Shiro: “What is that for?!"
Rei: “If you want to stay with us, you better be nice. Senior Sakura does so much for us while we're here."
Akemi: “I haven't had chili in a long time..."
Rei: “Great. You two can try it together."
Seikai Takeo: “Loud crowd, huh?"
Rei: “Hi dad.”
Seikai Takeo: “You okay, sunshine?"
Rei: “I'm fine."
Seikai Takeo: “Okay... fine as in you're fine, or fine as in you're not fine and you just don't want to talk about it?"
Rei: "Why do you feel the need to do that?”
*He stares down his daughter*
Rei: “It's my... friend... We came on this trip for her. This is all about her needs. And you know, Sora, Midori, Akemi, they're all supportive. They have no problem helping her with what she needs to get done for the best of... everyone. I can't support anyone for the love of me."
Seikai Takeo: “That's ridiculous. Why can't you help the Sakura kid?"
Rei: “I'm... me. I open my mouth, and bam, everything becomes about me and my bad mouth. Keiko doesn't need that, she can't afford that, so... I'm doing her a favor. Then of course, doesn't help that you're here, and..."
Seikai Takeo: “You speak, and it's about you. That's the basis of life for anyone. In one of my classes, a kid cracked a joke about Pluto. Kids laughed at the joke. It became about the kid. But I didn't react, and I let it be."
Rei: “We're teenagers now. Doing dumb girly teenage stuff..."
Seikai Takeo: “You want to help her."
Rei: “Of course I want to help her! Are you kidding me?! But this is about HER. Not me. She knows what's best."
Seikai Takeo: “You know... if she didn't need anyone's help to find her inspiration, she wouldn't bring you here."
*he tries to hold her hand, but she moves it away*
Seikai Takeo: “You were your own inspiration with writing. Since the day you told me about a kid being made fun of at school, you wanted to write a happy ending for her. Since the first black light sequence of the fair you saw, you drew your own characters. Keiko may not be like that, but I don't know her well-"
Rei: “She's... I didn't know how I wanted to approach her, other than she was nicer to me than anyone has been for a long time. On the one hand, she can do really stupid stuff with her mind, which is both chaotic and cute-I mean-uh-crass! It's crass! That's a bad word to use... But any way, she doesn't know what to do, which is a first, so I don't know if she needs me-of course she doesn't need you, what are you thinking-UGH!! Y-you get it! I'm bad. She's great. Even when she's not great, she's somehow better than me..."
Seikai Takeo: “Sounds like you won't know if she needs your help if you don't help her. I met Satomi and Koi at these fairs, and your mom was helping clean their house floors. She needed help, but she didn't want to disappoint anyone either. From there, you can tell what came of us. And seeing how she's raising you, I think the messy parts are my favorites. Yeah?"
Rei: “Yeah... It's... messy... I just thought I hated people and people were dumb, but since Keiko... I'm seeing good sides of people I never knew were there. I'm feeling things I never knew I could feel..." 
*She looks over at Keiko in the fields, admiring her* 
Rei: “Puberty sucks. It sucks."
Rei: “What's your problem?"
Shiro: “H-hi Takeo... Okay, about Keiko-"
Rei: “Save it. You're being no help."
Mei Nikko (Kaede): “Don't tell me how to deal with my sister-"
Rei: "You can chill out."
Shiro: “Huh... I thought darkness was bad."
Rei: “It is. That's why people do this."
GoldenAsh: “Cherry, your call?" 
*No answer*
GoldenAsh: “I say we go silent fist.”
Azure: “Cherry, we are in no condition to get her! We have to get her some other time..."
Cherry: “But-"
*She thinks about it*
*She sighs and back off*
*GoldenAsh puts a hand on Cherry’s shoulder to comfort her*
*They both hug each other* 
Cherry: “I thought they were gonna take you too..."
GoldenAsh: "I know..."
Rei: “If that was me, and one of my friends was kidnapped, and all my loved ones were turned to stone, I'd probably be that upset too."
To be continued…
(I both love and hate this character)
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