#I don't think I missed any lore with this but IDK if I did I'll update it
hurlumerlu · 3 months
Extending the same level of courtesy: 9, 12 and 22 for dragon age
Sorry about the delay, I started to think about my answers and promptly went insane. Then the trailers for DA4 droped and despite having 150 grievances and 236 fears - or maybe because -I went insane some more. I did get a few somewhat coherent thoughts out, though !
9. worst part of canon
So I typed like half a LibreOffice page on why the way Inquisition deals with the mage/templar conflict was an incredible example of setting things up for almost no payoff, and then I went on a tangent about my frustrations with how Orlais in general is written, and then half another LibreOffice page on the fact that so much of canon is in supplementary material and how that does negatively impact my enjoyement of the games, with a long parenthesis on how Alistair being a half-elf makes the lore actively worse, all the while taking numerous breaks because I was not being normal about all of this and I wanted to be normal about all this, but clearly I cannot be normal, about any of this. Anyway, worst part of canon is still the use of the term Tranquil Solution in DA2. Pretty sure we already talked about that but it's just. It's so bad. Why.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Well, as you pointed out this fandom is big enough and discoursey enough for pretty much all characters to have their ardant defensers - which is actually a good thing I think. I also think that the nature of the games necessarily means that a playthrough can never cover every aspect of a character and that you might easily miss an interaction that could nuance or improve your opinion of them. Vivienne is kind, warm and extremely straightforward with her goals if you take the time to befriend her. I didn't like Blackwall in my first playthrough, and never brought him anywhere, but his romance turned out to be my favourite of all Inquisition. It's pretty obvious Fenris and Sebastian don't fear all mages if you have Bethany in your party. If you don't blame Aveline for your mother's death, she gives you a speech on grief that I personaly find deeply touching. Sten often approves having his views challenged. Oghren is not just a walking crude joke, if you try to view his character with just a bit more grace, etc. So rather than pick one character people should like more I'll just say that if someone ever replays the games, they should try to put aside everything that annoyed them about whichever character they dislike the most and spend some time interracting with them with fresh eyes. It's often worth it. (I did write a love letter to Aveline, though)
22. your favorite par of canon that everyone else ignores
DWARVEN SOCIETIES. okay, i'm exagerating a bit. Idk that it's my absolute favrite part, and I know the dwarven lore is enjoyed by at least 20 people worldwide. But the fandom as a whole does not seem to care about the dwarves, except to ask if Varric is fuckable (no judgement, I get it). But there is so much there! Their rigid cast system and conservatism that are fucking everyone up, their disconect from the fade/lack of dream (and yet they can be made to dream, as shown by a dwarven warden or inquisitor), how that helps them handling lyrium but only to a point, their especially high resistance to the taint because of their proximity with the Darkspawn, their proximity with the Darkspawn, THE LEGION OF THE DEAD, the paragons and the Stone, the Titans, Sandal? And surface dwarves are also deeply compelling. Cut from their roots, otherized by what everyone else around them insist on calling "their people". When Varric tells a story of his brother blowing up at him for breaking a plate and ends with something like "that plate was the whole city of Orzammar to him", does that get to no one else? just me?
Chose violence ask game (I did not particularly chose violence)
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alitgblog · 5 months
volume ix thoughts wooooo we're out of casa
first off, return of a legend: the beach hut
i was fully expecting the compatibility test to be more like the season 1 compatibility test with the zodiacs because that's fun but i guess that's less of a pot stirrer than a fun game to have. though the narrator poking fun at it i guess is making fun of the fandom for thinking it was gonna be horoscopes 🤣
so very obvious ass test though especially with the two answers only about the two guys you're pursuing, which I think is a missed opportunity to throw more lore about the guys in there. or at least make it not as obvious? really goes to show how surface level the characters are compared to, say, the Mr. and Mrs. Challenge towards the end of S2
I'm going for Jin and Max rn so I thought it was funny their personalities were boiled down to "funny" vs "extroverted" and my MC had to pick between the two as if they were mutually exclusive
anyway just nearly got Jin lmao
I'd like them to stop with the Claudia/Theo storyline because it feels like they've already decided they're done with each other and are ready to move on? However, Claudia being compatible with Theo on paper but like not really feeling it is an interesting idea. Like she feels she's got no other option to stay safe except for him and they like each other enough. Meanwhile Bea's settling for Liam because he's shown any interest in her at all. (Let them date each other if MC can't! They deserve better!!)
also I know that I joked about Theo being just some mildly attractive white guy to fawn over and settle for but the way that Claudia is just settling for him? actually upsetting like I'm so sorry, Theo 😟 I didn't mean it I thought he was fine after the first dates 😖
Hari mention! I was pretty sure the game forgot about him lmao
anyway the compatibility thing still doesn't make the most sense because like,,, why did all the guys get the Villa girls and none of the casa girls? I just think we should stir up some shit. I know it's annoying but it is the perfect opportunity to try to make Emel angry at Oakley again by saying he's most compatible with some casa girl. And she can show growth by not getting upset this time.
idk why but Kyle's poem to Emel is giving wannabe rap crew vibes (i.e. I'm missing S1 I'll take what I can get). Also, Claudia said he's giving game player vibes?? I'm actually so upset with how the LI's are all interchangeable because simply this cannot be the same Kyle y'all are fawning over (it's not 😭)
I'm kind of curious what it's like replaying on a straight route bc personally my heart hurts every time they show Claudia's little sad face but like I have to talk to Max it just makes more sense because MC can't couple with Claudia in stick or twist
Close your eyes and pick at random is actually hilarious as an option for stick or twist and I almost did it
i've already said my piece about Sienna, I love her design. I will admit though, her open mouth smile is a little stilted but people get botox so... not out of the ordinary lol. The bigger problem is how her hand on her hip is a little fucked up (color in between the lines, fusebox!)
as someone not on a Theo route, I really don't understand why he's sticking with Claudia unless he's got some personal turmoil he's working through and trying to actually reform his player ways. And I wish MC could talk to him as a friend and we'd see that. like in the way S2, you get to know Rocco's insecurity about never finishing university and Gary's anxiety even if you aren't on their routes
Anyway I'm still upset at the forcing MC to couple because she's single thing. They could've still had her coupled with Jin (or even with Hari it would work) and then she can either walk in single or with a casa boy. And then she's the main character: just say that the single islanders don't get dumped post casa (like it's SUPPOSED to be) because in that situation, she's the only one! Or if you need the numbers to be right, literally Emel is right there. She can come back to Oakley later if anything
still not the best stick or twist could've gone in terms of drama (or maybe that's just bc I've been looking at spoilers), but compared to S5-6, not too bad (I assume also s7 but tbh I did stop right at stick or twist for that season)
So fyi when I played Casa, I had my MC go for Shawn most of it, and then last minute switched to Max because I remembered she's a musician and I thought that would be cute. That being said, I wish it was like in the too hot to handle game where you unlock certain dialogue if you happen to have something in common with a character. Because why is Max explaining music stuff to my musician MC?
is Hari not an LI? Because they made him seem like one and then just all of a sudden we're not talking about him, it's only about Jin and Casa Boy. And I'm fine with not all the boys being LIs, but it is odd the way he's just shoved to the side in the story
Okay so I'm writing this as I'm playing and it seems like maybe he is. They just forget to mention him most of the time.
Hari and Hazel are a hot couple though. like I don't love Hari's design but like if he was drawn better?? I see it.
the swimming game is a fun idea but imagining everyone splashing around to get to MC is so funny. like I can hear it in my head and it's not the best game, but for the fictional game in the app it's fine.
although why tf is Theo suddenly interested in MC? I haven't been romancing him at all but for the chat at the pool I couldn't decide between any of the characters I'm actually kind of interested in so I had MC go talk to Theo and then he was also flirting? then the pool game he also thinks MC has the best chat?? sir I barely know you
omg not emel deflecting the drama to Claudia (and it's about her hookup with MC???) oof this is the drama I crave I think we're gonna need a movie night soon
so not too bad yet I just hope these storylines can come through!!
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shzmluvrs · 1 year
Hi! I'm the same anon that requested the "Batson and The Bat's son" imagine. I'm so glad you had fun writing it ❤️ and honestly- I can't stop rereading it 😭 words can't describe how it makes me feel (in the best way ofc!). I'm hoping it isn't too soon to be asking for a (kinda) sequel 💀 or prequel- depends on you!
Basically Billy talks about the reader to his family but he's kinda vague, since he doesn't wanna reveal too much and he knows Freddy would bombard him and her with questions if he says too much. They also haven't met the reader yet so they start joking that she's imaginary. One day the team gets themselves into a situation they can't get out of. So the reader comes in and saves them and in the heat of the moment Billy says smth like "SEE- SHE'S REAL". After he says that he has to inevitably introduce the reader to them. Idk what else I want to happen 😭 tho I trust your creative mind 🛐 pls take your time and have a good day ✨💖
Omg haii😼!! I'm so happy you enjoyed it, like, I wasn't sure how well it was going to turn out, but I think I did right by you, which is always the goal for any requester🫶🏽. Anyhow, yes, I am happy to continue your "Wonder-Daughter dates Billy" lore, I'm super into this, and I really hope you like it😙💕.
~ Star✨️
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Themyscirian Girlfriend
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Prompt: The duties of being an "average" teenage boy are proving to be quite difficult for Billy. School, chores, being a superhero, keeping your family safe from supervillains, magic, and monsters... And, oh yeah, making sure you don't get beat up by your superhero girlfriend's best friends. OH, and make sure you don't reveal her secret identity to anyone...
That last bit is extra difficult when you have a nosy, superhero obsessed, younger-by-a-month little brother, though.
Timeline: Post S!:FOTG
TW/Content: Freddy teasing TF outta Billy⚡️Bizzaro cameo😱?!⚡️Swearing, cuz teenagers do that⚡️You (reader) being so awesome-powerful-cool⚡️Billy loving you so, so, so much🥺⚡️So many references, be like Ash and Ketchum all
Reader: Fem! She/Her/Hers Pronouns! Wonder Woman's Daughter!
Requested By: Anon
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The golden light casted above the two of you dowsed your body in gold, creating an aura around your figure that Billy wished was nothing short of permanent. Not that he didn't already believe you to be a gift he had no clue how he earned. He just thought the added halo effect seemed fitting, even if it was just a result of a house/porch light that needed thorough cleaning.
"Thank you for joining me today." You spoke once he disconnected his earbuds from the jack of his phone. "I had a great time with you, as always."
"Of course! I'd never miss a chance to go out with you." He admitted, a lot quieter than his voice had previously been on the walk back to his home. But swiftly, the confidence returned as he clicked his phone off and smiled.
"Next time, I'll introduce you to some Steve Lacy."
You tilted your head while he went on in better clarification.
"He's another musician. You'll like him."
Your lips formed an 'Oh' shape as you nodded in understanding before placing a gentle kiss on his cheek and then his forehead.
"I'll see you next week, okay, Billy?"
He nodded, ignoring the heat rising through his body at your simple acts of affection. Maybe he had gotten a little used to giving it, but receiving it back was always such a hassle for his mind. Though you couldn't help but find it endearing when he'd trip and stumble over his words or be genuinely left in surprise whenever you'd reciprocate whatever love he had to offer.
But not this time, because he had focused himself on a heavier subject matter, his words catching you before you could walk away.
"Do you really have to go?"
"Hm?" You hummed in confusion, your head turning to look back at him. It was once you saw the look of forlorn glossed in his eyes that you gave him your full attention again, making your way back in front of him as he explained.
"For the week, I mean. Do you really have to go all the way back to Them... There-is... Themu...uh..."
"Themyscira?" You finished, Billy nodding at the correct pronunciation of your birthplace while you giggled.
"You can just call it Paradise Island. But, thank you for trying."
Billy nodded respectfully, almost laughing while he talked.
"Yeah, I bet it is paradise if there's more girls like you over there..."
"Huh?" You quirked a brow at his statement, Billy immediately sensing his slip-up and grasping at loose straws to fix it.
"I... I just mean, because like, I really like you and since you're from there, there's other women like you, or...your mom."
"What?!" You gasped, Billy letting out a curt sigh at his own, horrible explanation. So, he just gave up instead. It was probably for the best. Or, more accurately, in his best interest.
"I just-! I'd...! I love you, and I'd never breathe in another person's direction because nobody can compare to you...?"
"...Much better." You praised his statement that came out as more of a question waiting for your approval, giving him a playful narrow of the eyes while he gave a breath of relief.
"But, yes, I do have to return to Themyscira. I am due to compete in this year's Amazonian Olympic Games. They will determine whether or not I am worthy of my title and abilities. You, of all people, should understand this given you have a magical wizard looking out for you and your family, yes?"
"Well, yeah, but-"
"-Plus, I just..." You sighed, looking off for a moment in melancholy. "I just really want to make my mother proud. She was much younger than me when she first competed, and though she didn't win, I still have a lot to live up to since I haven't returned in nearly eight years."
Billy nodded, showing his understanding for the matter while your gaze remained glued to the porch floor beneath you.
"Are you nervous?" He asked, and almost instantly, you nodded. Hell, just thinking about the whole ordeal made the jitters appear in your stomach and hands.
With a warm smile, Billy gently took both of your hands into his, cupping them so they'd stop shaking while making sure he was able to hold eye contact with you.
"Well, I just want you to remember that you'll do amazing. No matter what happens, you're still worthy to me, and you'll always have a place here. Just, y'know...be careful. And good luck; don't let them get in your head."
"Oh, Billy..." You sighed in fondess but didn't get to express any further gratitude for his kind words as he went on.
"And also, call me if something happens."
You gave him a look, one that was a clear expression of, "Do you really think we have those silly little phone-thingies on the island...?" He caught it, nodding side to side a little before re-wording.
"Send me a bird letter if anything happens. And like, seriously, be careful because I know it's probably a long trip there and back. Which reminds me, please come back soon. And-!"
He hushed.
"...I will, don't worry yourself. I'll be careful, I'll send you bird letters, and most importantly..."
Just as you had before, but directly on his right dimple this time, you placed down a gentle kiss. A reminder and a promise.
"I love you. And I will be back as soon as I can be."
You watched in amusement at the boy in front of you beginning to grow even more bashful than before, unable to look you in the eyes for fear he'd just crumble beneath you. And honestly, neither you nor him would have it any other way. But, just to be on the safe side and make sure he didn't actually do so, you were quick to capture him in a real kiss. Billy eager to return it with a passion that was predictable yet always appreciated and matched.
"You know I have super-hearing, right...??"
The voice went echoed into the air, the same place your skirt and hair went flying at the sudden gust of wind that almost knocked the two of you over.
"The hell...?" Billy commented as he held you to keep the two of you from falling over, looking around in confusion while you merely rolled your eyes.
"Jon..." You all but murmured, and in reference to his super-hearing, he responded with another burst of speed and more echoed words.
"I'm just saying, like, are you two done now? I don't wanna hear you guys swap spit."
"Obnoxious with the use of your powers, I fear you may hardly deserve them...!! Bring yourself here so you don't have to keep listening in!" You shouted in a scolding tone before letting out a breath and shaking your head.
"Sorry. He's my ride." You both explained and apologized to Billy, the boy nodding in understanding with a slight chuckle before the two of you smiled at Jon's very fast appearance. Stopping right in between you with a quickly dispersing cloud of air behind him, he was quick to give you a joking snarl as you shot him a deadpanned glare.
"Can we go, now? I have a cerfew, too, y'know."
"Yeah, well, some of us can't fly, nor have super-speed. Consider yourself lucky."
The raven-haired boy simply shrugged, sticking his hand out towards Billy to initiate a greeting that the brunette returned with a smile.
"'Sup, Jon?"
"Nothin' much, just, y'know... saving the world. No biggie."
Billy nodded in understanding as they dapped each other up, a smug smile gracing both of their lips.
"Same, same."
"Idiots..." You sighed, unable to contain your smile at the friendship that had blossomed between the two. Damian, on the other hand... was still a work in progress, hence is absence.
It wasn't long after their brief moment of catching up that the two of you took your leave, Jon carrying you as you waved down to your boyfriend for the final time this evening, him waving back until Jon was swiftly out of sight. A loud, crashing boom of him breaking the sound barrier to follow up after that caused the front door to swing open.
"I thought I said no Shazaming in the house...?"
Billy whipped around to face Victor, thinking quickly to come up with a viable excuse.
"It wasn't me!"
Nice one, Billy.
"It was my girlfriend, she just left, like... two seconds ago."
Victor raised a brow at his son's explanation, watching as he scratched the back of his neck while continuing to ramble on.
"Well, technically, it wasn't her. She was getting a ride from someone else and he- It- Whatever, nevermind, it doesn't matter."
The man chuckled while his son slipped past him and into the house, letting out a teasing, "Girlfriend, huh? I guess that explains the..." and circling around his own face to imply something. Billy, who didn't even spare a look back, hadn't caught on upon making his way to the dining room.
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
All five of his siblings, his parents, and welcomed guest Anthea, watched as Billy shoveled spaghetti into his mouth at an ungodly rate. Which one would think would be impossible for a literal demi-god, but here they were. Alas, it's not like anyone could really blame him. It was his favorite meal, it was Rosa's cooking, and he was sick of the vegetarian meals Darla had been making for the past four days.
Although, it wasn't the main reason he was being gawked at in the moment, Freddy and Eugene the ones to be stifling laughter while the rest wanted nothing more than to tell him. It was clear he didn't realize, it was just a matter of how to approach the subject...
"Um... Billy?" Mary began gently, the teen not even looking up from his plate as he continued to eat, unknowing of his entire family's attention on him.
"You have... a little something, like, all over... your face right now." She made the same circling motion around her face as Victor had prior, not that he saw that one either. Just missing it, actually, finally looking up to notice all of the odd stares towards his seat at the table.
"Oh." Was his only reaction, setting down his fork to wipe his cheek. It gained more unseen giggles for some reason, but his only goal was to get back to eating, so natrually, he brushed then off with a curt, "Thank you, Mary." and continued is stuffing.
"No, you still..." Anne spoke aloud this time, her words trailing off when she realized she hadn't caught him in time once he started eating again.
"You just made it worse, dude." Mary giggled, having to lean her head down on the back of her hand to hide it.
"Oh." Billy spoke again, brows furrowed in the slightest while Rosa had set down her own fork. She motioned for her son to come closer, picking up a napkin and slightly dipping it into her water.
"C'mere honey, let me just wipe them for you..."
"Mom- No, stop it, I got it." He reassured, slightly embarrassed by her offer while going for his own napkin. "I'm not five."
And with one quick motion of his napkin up and down his face, it was clear to everyone but him he had simply made the situation much worse.
It drew in more laughter, this time from everyone, as he stared around the table in confusion that slowly turned into annoyance. It was like being on the outside of an inside joke, and if there was one thing he was tired of feeling in his life, it was being left out.
"What...?" He questioned, Darla the first and very eager to ask simply out of her own and pure curiosity.
"How come you got kissies all over your face?"
. . .
Everyone burst into laughter, Billy's questioning gaze soon shifting into one of realization as he thought back. Back to moments that felt forever ago, where you had placed kisses across his face. Kisses with your lips coated in dark red lipstick...
"Oh... my god, (Y/N), why... just, why...?" He cursed your name lightly, now taking up Rosa on that offer to clean his face. Not that it mattered, his face still as dark red as the kisses that had now been wiped clean out of sheer embarrassment.
"So that's her name?" Victor pointed out, his voice and chest swelling with pride for his son's unadmitted achievement in life. Getting himself a girlfriend. "(Y/N)..."
He moved his hand across in the air as though your name were the title to an upcoming movie or a fresh take. A new and interesting topic, something this family thrived in, especially during dinnertime. And Billy, natrually, was not at all prepared and internally scolded himself for not being careful enough with his words.
It only grew more chaotic from there, Mary, Rosa, Darla, and Anthea letting out squeals loud enough to rival the TV playing in the living room as background noise.
"Billy, you never told me you had a girlfriend! Since, uh, when...?"
"Why would I ever tell you...?" Billy countered Mary's words, Darla already voicing her fantasies on merging her into the already big family.
"Her name is so pretty! Is she pretty, too? I bet she's gorgeous, like a princess! D'you think she'll play mermaid princesses with me?!"
"She must be...!" Rosa agreed swiftly with a laugh, motioning towards Billy fondly with her hand. "You saw all of the little besos she gave him. She probably thinks the same of you, Billy... My sweet boy with his own girlfriend, aww...!"
She just couldn't take it, placing a hand over her heart out of pure happiness for her son who had seemed to have finally found his love. His first one, at that. Which yes, he did, but-
"Mom, stop it, it's not that big of a deal, please..."
Not what he was thinking when you first asked him out, but whatever.
"Oh my gosh," Anne gushed, already jumping in with her own opinion to give. "With a name like that, she's bound to be amazing."
"I-" She kept going, Billy hardly even able to inhale as his siblings gushed on.
"Does she go to Fawcett, too? How come we've never seen her around?"
Freddy's scoff of a laugh caused the attention to leave Billy for a split second and move onto him, the curly-haired boy casually taking a bite from his own plate while he spoke.
"Pro'lly 'cause she ain't real..."
He jumped slightly when Anne quickly landed a slap to his arm, his mouth full and chewing as he laughed and went, "What?" Before it was his mother's turn to scold him verbally.
"Be nice, Freddy, this is probably a big deal for your brother."
Billy rolled his eyes. Not at Freddy (even though he debated kicking him under the table for his implication). But at the sudden attention he was receiving on the topic of his accidentally mentioned girlfriend. He hadn't even known whether or not if he was ready to tell them about you, let alone introducing you to them. Plus, he didn't trust himself enough not to slip up about the fact that you were Valkyrie. Or Wonder Woman's daughter. Or... both facts.
But on the other hand, he wouldn't tolerate any slander of your name, nor would he allow either of you two to become the target of any teasing from the family, so...
"Well, first of all, yes... she is real, Freddy..." Billy glared in his direction, the room going quiet at his words while he continued to clear the case of your existence up.
"And second, Darla, she is... beyond gorgeous. Like, angel levels of pretty, it's unbelievable."
"Wow!!" Darla squealed in excitement as Freddy gave a small tilt of his head to the side.
"Unbelievable, wow, you don't say?"
But nobody heard, too focused on the description of your person and enthralled with just the way he did it. Full of passion and care they hadn't even realized the boy possessed for anyone outside of the family, let alone a girl. A love that couldn't be replicated or replaced, something that'd make you glow red if you had been in the room to hear it.
"She's got this amazing hair that frames her face perfectly, and she wears glasses, but when she takes them off, you can see how, like... just wow her eyes are. They remind me of a type of jewel or something because they literally sparkle when she's happy or are firey with determination when she's- uh... doing something that requires a lot of focus.
Her entire face is just something I can't stop looking at, and gosh, that girl is... her body is-..." He coughed. "She's a little bit taller than me, so... yeah..."
"And you just... never thought to maybe bring her over? Y'know, just 'cause..." Freddy shrugged, holding back his complacent tone as Eugene bobbed his head in agreement.
"And, let me guess, she texts you all the time, and you go on walks around the park together every Saturday."
At their back-to-back quips and hushed laughter, Billy shot them a scowl as Rosa began to nod in oblivious agreement.
"Yeah, sweetie, why don't you invite her over for dinner tomorrow night? It's a Friday, after all. You can tell her we'd love to meet her."
With a chorus of agreements settling consternation into his chest, he blurted out a slew of excuses as he waved his hand up and down as if to brush the idea of you coming over away.
"Nah, no, that's... she- We already have a lot of people here, she might get... overwhelmed! Yeah. And, y'know, it's just not a good idea."
"And whyyy not?" Freddy pushed, leaning against the open palm of his hand while feigning an affable smile and forcing his brows to jump up and down in silent suggestion.
"She's busy." Was his simple statement, Eugene following up on his claim in an instant.
"Busy doinggg...?"
"...Work." He filled in the blank awkwardly, practically squirming in his seat at the expecting silence. He conjured up some of your favorite hobbies in his mind, anything as far away from superhero work as possible, so he could word it as some type of job that you "have".
"She works as a (Favorite/Hobby), and she's probably gonna' be, like, swamped with stuff to do, so... tomorrow wouldn't work."
"Oh, how wonderful!" Rosa praised, impressed by your skills and interests. "We'll certainly have to make time for her over the weekend or next week then!"
"She can't. She'll be busy all week, too."
"Natrually..." Freddy poked with a theatrical eye roll and a closed-mouth grin. "She must be on the 'twenty-four-seven, forever' shift, which I'd expect from a girl with an imaginary sense of work-life balance."
"Harhar, you're hilarious." Billy mocked, now going through with his actions to send his brother a kick to the shin under the table.
"She's actually going to-...on...uh..." He had to stop himself. What would've been a smug brag about you visiting Paradise Island, becoming a realization that would just throw you under the bus. Plus, it's a lot more unbelievable than everything he had said so far. As much joy as it would bring Billy to rub a trip to Themyscria in his face, he'd just have to make Freddy jealous another time. Besides, he didn't necessarily have to lie. He could just not tell them the full story.
It wasn't a lie if he never told them otherwise to begin with.
"She's going on vacation. With her mother. So, she's gonna' be gone for the rest of the week."
"Oh, really?" Mary piped up out of genuine curiosity, having always wanted to travel herself. "Where's she going?"
. . .
"Out of the country."
"How convenient!" Eugene chirped while he slid his phone towards Billy, as if he were telling him to go ahead and prove it. "Why not just FaceTime her, then? You know, just check in like any good boyfriend should? Maybe even shoot her a little text."
"I can't do that!" Billy exclaimed. "I wouldn't wanna bother her or be rude or anything. She's- it's a... mother-daughter bonding thing, it's different. Hard to explain."
In a sense, that could also be construed as truth, considering you'd be competing in an Olympic event, racing and fighting against others and the elements to both claim and prove your status. Something that would ideally make your mother very proud. Billy himself didn't even one-hundred percent understand the whole event, so it was right for one to assume that he probably would have trouble explaining it to his family. Should he ever have to, of course.
Good thing he won't.
A silence loomed over the family as Billy loosely twirled his spaghetti around his fork. He'd almost be grateful for it if it weren't so uncomfortable. He was sick of being pressed about you, not that he wouldn't take any chance to show you off otherwise. And if it wasn't that, he was annoyed at the way Freddy and Eugene didn't seem to even believe you were real, Mary and Anne able to sense this as they gave each other an unsure look.
"Uhm, well..." The goddess coughed, playing with the hem of her (Freddy's) sweater. "How'd you two meet?"
Finally! Something Billy knew the proper answer to!
"Oh, we were-"
Ohp-. Wait, nevermind. No he didn't.
You two were saving the world when you first met, battling a beast that wasn't even real because it turned out to be a test? He didn't know the details of that dilemma very well, either. All he could remember fondly was the way you looked at him when he accidentally revealed himself. Warm and promising, full of care and will-power that he'd been drawn to ever since.
The same look you gave him when you asked him out on that very first date, where he-
Oh, great idea...!
"At an ice cream shop. I was at an ice cream shop, and that's where I met her. She had never had any before, and so I suggested she start off with something simple, like vanilla. I bought some for her and we spent the rest of the afternoon together. We've been going out ever since."
"Awww~!" Rosa and Anne chorused, Freddy already calling nonsense at the story with a few chuckles hidden behind his hand.
"Wait, so... lemme' get this straight..."
"Frederick..." Anne warned with his full name. He ignored (and he'd be apologizing for it later, no doubt).
"You mean to tell me, this girl has never had ice cream before? Like, in her seventeen-to-eighteen years of life, she had never had one singular scoop of frozen milk and sugar?"
"-Nevermind the fact that you just, outta' nowhere, decided to rizz up some random girl you didn't even know inside of an ice cream parlor."
"Yeah, Freddy, I did." Billy snapped, waving his hand around in the air for a moment as if he were magically conjuring up the false memory. "And apparently, it all worked out because we've been dating for months, now. Thank you very much."
Jaws dropped at this, having not expected such a bond. It was one thing for Billy to have started a fresh relationship. Maybe for him to even be a little secretive about it until things had proven to be smooth sailing for a long time. But months? Either he forgot to brag about it, or she most definitely didn't exist.
Freddy and Anne almost immediately turned to give each other a knowing look, as if they were reading each other's minds before speaking in unison.
"Is this like a Canadian girlfriend thing...?"
Billy huffed through his nose, knowing better than to let insults fly at the dinnertable with his parents present. But regardless of that fact, Mary was the first to tell he had grown fed up, nudging Victor on the arm while she murmured.
"Here we go again..."
"She's real, okay? (Y/N) is very much real, and you two are just jealous because it took an entire dragon rising from the depths of hell for you two to get together."
And off he went, storming away, leaving Freddy and Anthea's mouths agape in shock while Pedro and Eugene practically sobbed from their loud chortles.
"Do you think he'll come back this time if I call him?" Victor cheesed, Mary shaking her hide from side to side at his reference from the last time Freddy had pissed Billy off at the table. Speaking of which...
"Alright, yeah, whatever...!" He called as if the older boy was still listening. "At least we can all actually see my girlfriend...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Is it her?"
Though Freddy's index finger was very obviously directed towards a young girl in the hallway, his brown eyes remained glued to Billy's green ones, waiting for them to change in recognition. They didn't, remaining as stoic as they had when Freddy first began this little game of "Point Out The Person That Looks Closest To Billy's Imaginary Girlfriend."
"Okay, then it's her." Freddy suggested next, his arm practically flying across Anthea's person just to point his finger at the girl they waltzed past. Billy swore that if the poor thing wasn't in between them, he'd tackle Freddy to he ground, in the middle of the hallway and all. So, maybe it was a good thing Anthea was there.
Billy's eyes drifted to the next victim, a short girl with scene hair and huge platform demonias that stared them down in confusion. He quickly shook his head.
"No, it's not her. (Y/N) is way taller than her. Genetically, without platforms."
"Fine, what about her?" Freddy waved lazily in the direction of someone ahead. "She looks like your type."
Billy huffed.
"That's literally just a guy with long hair."
Freddy's face twisted in disbelief, shaking his head as though he knew better.
"No it isn-"
"It is." Anthea cut in before her boyfriend could finish, turning him towards the person who had finally spun away from his friend and proving to Freddy that he was, in fact, just some dude with a gorgeous head of hair.
"Oh. Mm-."
"Can you just-?" Billy started a desperate plea that went ignored as Freddy smiled in satisfactory, spotting the next girl. Who, yes, was actually a girl this time.
"What about her? Look, she's even how you described, glasses, tall, (Your/Feature), the whole shaza-...shebang..."
Billy hardly wanted to entertain this any longer, but upon looking her direction, noticed swiftly how oddly her features did line up to yours. And yet...
"No, that's not her. I told you already last night, (Y/N) doesn't go here. She's... homeschooled." He excused, quite proud of how fast he had come up with it. Plus, it was kind of true, Diana the one who had taught you most of your studies. And when not her, a private tutor Bruce had graciously spent his money on for you to have.
Yes, the Bruce Wayne.
"Oh, of course. What an awesome coincidence."
"Freddy, stop it." Anthea nudged him, not allowing the teasing to continue any further upon seeing the scowl from last night returning onto Billy's face.
"I'm sure he's probably telling the truth, I mean, what reason would he have to lie? Besides, she's probably just...shy. Maybe she's shy."
And though the girl was satisfied with her answer, Billy could only laugh giddily to himself while remembering the time you had allowed him to watch a very special training session you had in the past.
"Yeah, if you call accidentally bodyslamming Superman "shy," then sure. Most timid girl I know..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing...!" He brushed his remark away when he had almost been caught, quick to change the subject before he could be questioned any further.
"Guys, look, just drop it, alright? I know you don't believe me, and you know what? I don't care anymore. I'm happy, outside of the fact that you're really working my nerves, and that's all that matters. I'll see you two later..."
"Billy, hang on...!" Anthea called, having not meant to cause a fuss on the matter. She couldn't help it. She was entirely too good-natured. But, there was Freddy, always there to ease her own tensions and make her laugh in the process.
"Agh, don't worry about him. He'll get over it. You know, the imaginary girlfriend thing is a common phase, cited by phenomenons all across the globe of people with the exact same conditions and symptoms. Lois Lane even wrote an article on it way-back-when she was first starting out."
"Oh, yeah?" Anthea entertained smugly, Freddy nodding fastly as he droned on.
"Totally. It was a very interesting article, but it made total sense. I mean, even I went through a phase just like it, and I turned out fine."
And then it clicked, Freddy's face growing a deep shade of red under his freckles.
"Yea- Only when I was like, super tiny-young, I mean. Like, it was- I..."
His rambles stopped when he noticed Anthea's raised brow, almost laughing to himself while they paused in front of her classroom door.
"Just...forget I told you that. I love you my very much, my real and amazing girlfriend. I swear, my pillo- I mean, Jennifer was just a quick fling and nothing compared to the goddess that stands in front of me...?"
Through her giggles, she nodded, pressing a kiss to his cheek and taking her leave.
"That's what I like to hear~. Now, don't go off 'saying the word' while I'm gone, 'kay?"
Freddy nodded at her parting heed, knowing it was a reference to the way he'd ditch class to go off and do hero work without warning.
"I won't, I won't...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Alright, what's the plan?!" Freddy shouted as they all gawked up towards the threat, Billy shrugging casually while he shook his head as though he were literally wracking his brain for a proposal.
"Uhh...Ahhh... No idea! I think we should just wing it, to be honest...!"
"That's a terrible plan!!" Mary and Anthea shouted in unison, the shorter girl using magic to cloak over herself and change into her armored attire.
"Superman's weakness is Kryptonite, right?!" Mary swiftly informed the group, Freddy nodding in confirmation. "Good! If Bizzaro is anything like him, it should be the same! If we can distract him long enough for one of us to catch him from behind, we'll have a chance at detaining him! Then, we can send him back to his world...!"
"Yes, awesome, Wisdom of Salamander...!" Billy praised, leaving all of his siblings to groan.
And with that, they put her plan into action, Freddy and Pedro flying up high until they were facing the Kryptonian clone with complacent, challening grins.
"Hey, Bizarro-Man...!!" Freddy called, nudging Pedro. "Since you're a copy of Superman, is it really true you have super strength like him?! Betcha' we could take you in a fight...!"
The villain merely scoweld, sending a sudden breath of flame towards them. Freddy dodged, Pedro just missing his chance to do the same before being his with the blast and being sent flying into the nearest billboard.
"...Fire breathing?! You can breathe fire?!" Freddy yelled in a panic, unable to add on how that was very much unlike Superman's notable ability of freeze breath before realizing Bizarro was barreling straight for him. Freddy took off, both of their super speed rivaling each other as he crated a path for his siblings to follow.
"Where are we gonna' get Kryptonite?" Darla gasped, all of their heads turning as the two flew by. Mary pondered the situation deeply, having never even seen the green emerald herself, let alone come into contact with it. She figured it was a lost artifact, a gem only the most powerful would have. Except for Superman, all things considered. So maybe more like magical powerful people.
People like...
"The Wizard!" She shouted. "He's the most powerful person we know, having kept all of his powerful objects in his lair, right?"
"Yeah," Billy agreed. "But what does he have to do with anything? He's not the-"
"I know, but the lair is ours, now!" She explained further. "Which means so are all of the things in it!"
"Anthea, Darla...! Go help Freddy and make sure to keep Bizarro busy! Eugene, go help Pedro, make sure he's alright!"
"On it!" Anthea gave Mary a nod, Darla having already dashed away as Eugene made his way towards his brother.
"Billy, you come with me, hurry...!" Mary instructed, grabbing his wrist and practically dragging him along as he followed in confusion.
"Mary, where are we going?! This is really not a good time to ditch them, we-!"
"We're not ditching them." She insisted, opening a random shop door with the intention for it to open a portal to the Rock of Eternity. And luckily, it did just that as she went on with a rapid explanation for her actions.
"You know how Eugene has been mapping the place out? Well, I've been helping him. Mainly making sure he doesn't get lost, but also because I've been studying it all. Making sure we know that everything that's in there is actually safe."
They wandered past the main part of the lair, the area where everything had been decorated freely and most obviously lived in, to the more labrynth-like parts that always confused Billy and Darla whenever they tried their own hands at exploring. But this time, Mary was there to lead him, having a clear sense of direction seeking out whatever it was she was searching for.
"We came across this space or...cave or something. Like a mine, y'know? And at first, I wasn't sure what was in it. Neither of us were, I mean, I couldn't find any of them in any books or articles. It's like... all the gems that are in that cave aren't from here or something. From another world."
"Mary, this really is some interesting stuff, but I don't get wh- woah..."
Billy's rambles were cut short, the two siblings having stopped in front of the very cavern Mary described. The entrance was glowing due to all of the luminous crystals buried off inside of it. Hell, the cave itself seemed neverending, branching off into different routes, holes, and other tunnel systems that were surely easy to get lost in.
Luckily, they didn't need to go too far in, Mary stopping Billy from doing so with the tug of his arm back closer to her person. She was slightly bent over, hovering above a large chunk of what he assumed to be an emerald. Practically matching the color of his eyes, they both sparkled at one another while Mary began to confess her opinions.
"I can't believe I hadn't thought of it before, but if my assumption is correct...if these are otherworldly artifacts...then I don't know what else this could be, other than-"
"Kryptonite..." Billy finished, turning towards his sister with an ecstatic grin. "Mary, you genius, you! Here, c'mon, help me get this stuff out of the wall...!"
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Where the hell is Mary with that Kryptonite...?!" Freddy whined in an almost sing-song tone, blasting a continuous bolt of lightning directly at Bizzaro. It had no effect, merely slowing him down by a second until Darla, Pedro, and Eugene all joined in. And though it didn't hurt him, he was stuck in his tracks, trying his hardest to deflect it.
"She said she had an idea...!" Darla grunted. "But I dunno' what! She just took Billy back to the lair and- AAH!!"
Bizzaro had used all of his strength to blast the lightning back, sending the group soaring backward at the impact. As he began to stalk closer towards Darla, Eugene was quick to jump in the way with a protective, "No!" leaving his lips.
A bolt of lighting shot from his hands, Bizzaro quick to blast it with-
The beam of icy blue turned Eugene's lighting into a solid rod of frozen air, the large block dropping to the ground and shattering beneath their feet. Freddy had... never seen a power like that before. It confused him, all of them, long enough to be a stall as Bizzaro quickly let off another beam towards them.
"Watch out...!!" Anthea warned, quickly hopping in the way with her hands out. Her palms glowed, swirling with golden power until the buildings and structures around them began to move and shift rapidly. Power of Axis, always a helpful tool in changing perspective, but not in changing the course of a blow to its intended target. Given the girl had learned this fact the hard way in the past, she was quick to turn to them in haste.
"We have to move, hurry! If we don't, we'll still get hit!"
Almost as if on cue, they watched the blast of ice cold vision barrelled towards them through a park, just barely missing all of the different play structures as the group swiftly managed to fly off in different directions. Freddy was sure to take Anthea in his arms, watching as the beam instead left a jungle gym frozen solid into a dome.
Looking towards the voice, they were happy to spot Mary and Billy flying back towards them with a glowing, green gem in hand.
"No way-No way-No way!!" Freddy gushed as they approached, showing it off with pride. "You two actually found Kryptonite?! Do you know how rare this is?! Like, it's literally thought to be a myth, like, it's more believable than your imaginary girlfriend...!"
"Oh my god..." Billy groaned as the rest giggled. "C'mon, man, it's been like a week!"
"I'm being totally serious!" Freddy held his hands up as though he were giving surrender while Billy shook his head in dismay.
Mary sighed, floating in between the two boys with the gem in hand.
"Not the time, guys. Look, if we can keep Bizzaro distracted for just a little longer, this should definitely do the trick. We got this."
She held out her fist towards Billy, sending him a sure smile.
"You ready?"
"Yeah," he nodded, giving a smirk of his own before scanning the land beneath for their foe. He bumped her fist back. "Let's kick this dude's ass."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Dude, we're getting our asses kicked...!!" Eugene grunted, struggling to pick himself up from the ground as he clutched his side.
"It's like he's more powerful than before!" Anthea alluded, wiping the blood from her lip as she helped Mary from the ground and onto her shoulder.
"I don't... understand..." She coughed, grateful for the support as she looked up to her two brothers, trying their best to subdue Bizzaro hand-to-hand.
"The Kryptonite should be working. It should...be making him weaker."
"Maybe it isn't what you thought it was..." Darla whimpered, sending her sister a look of vanquish.
Billy watched as Bizzaro landed a blow onto Freddy's chest, the man in blue being sent flying back into the earth with a loud yelp and a crash. He wanted to call for him but reminded himself to focus on the battle at hand if there would be any chance of defeat. Even if he was scared, as much as he didn't want to admit it.
You'd be scared, too, if some weird copy of Superman was hurdling towards you, Kryptonite wedged into his bleeding shoulder (blue blood, which was quite jarring when they first stabbed him) with some obtuse goal to destroy the world he deemed "lesser" than his own.
Because of this, he'd frozen up, unsure of how to counter his speed let alone his attack. Instead, he took it like a champ, as he had many punches even before he was a superhero, and went hurdling towards the ground just as Freddy had.
"Oh. Hey, man..." Freddy groaned when his brother appeared next to him.
"Having fun, yet?" Billy haphazardly joked, referring to Freddy's "love" and "enjoyment" for his "superhero duties."
"Oh, yeah, loads." He nodded unconvincingly, wiping the blood from his nose with his arm. "I love the smell of iron in the morning. And, y'know- the sounds of terror and destruction really just...pull it all together."
They helped each other up, checking themselves for any fatal injuries. And, when they found none, regrouped with the rest of their family in doldrums as they watched Bizzaro inflict his reign of dismantling on the city.
"What're we gonna do?" Darla asked, looking to her brother in worry.
"Your realm is not capable of destroying power such as this. How are we to do the same?"
Anthea's words had been directed towards Freddy but left Billy's mind swirling instead. Was she right? She had to be...
If the Champions of Magic and an entire goddess couldn't decide the fate of their opponents on the battlefield, who could?
. . .
Their heads whipped up at the sound of a furious battle cry, a shimmer of gold and the quick blur of your (H/C) locks barreling towards the enemy. Your sword drawn and in position to leave its target slain as you attacked from above, a ferocious look on your face for none other than the mockery of hope and justice below you.
When your weapon made contact, you knew better than to think it'd actually cut through Bizarro. But, it did send him hurdling towards the dirt as he had Freddy and Billy moments earlier. You had cut a large chunk of the green Kryptonite from his shoulder, dimming him back to his normal level of powerful abilities. And yet, you knew this wasn't the end, much more work to be done as you announced your threat.
"My mother and her colleagues have defeated you once, and you dare to return to this world and cause its people pain and anguish once again?!" Your booming scolds might've reminded someone that of a parent, pointing your sword below you at Bizzaro's stunned figure.
"How dare you have such audacity?! Let it be known I will not allow you to do so, and you will now fall by my hand, even if it kills me!"
"Valkyrie?!" - "(Y/N)?!"
Both of your aliases spoken into the air at the same time, yet it was Billy who wanted to slap himself after being the only one to have said your real name rather than your well-known, hero one. He even tried to ignore the looks his siblings (and Anthea) gave him, pure shock just oozing from their figures.
"That's (Y/N)?!" Mary shouted in bafflement.
"She's real?!" Freddy's tone of incredulity made Billy's eyes roll for a split second.
Not alloted any time for anyone to question or answer further, your head whipped back, you're firey (E/C) eyes glaring deeply into Billy's.
"You...!" You bellowed menacingly, and suddenly, he was a lot less excited to see you.
"Wha-?! Are you-? Oh...my gosh, are you mad at me right now?..."
From a bystander's point of view, it definitely looked a little silly, your shorter and younger appearing figure stomping towards this grown adult man, who was fearfully stumbling back away from you as you approached with anger. His face was dowsed in fear, and yours?
Where to begin...
"I leave you on your lonesome to protect your people for a week! A week! And this is what I'm fated to return to?! Do you even know what it is you've done allowing him to remain in such close proximity to green Kryptonite?!"
"I- Uh...Well, technically, it wasn't even really my idea, 'cause-"
You seethed his full name, cutting off his excuses, which consisted of throwing his older sister under the bus. She thanked whatever God above for that one, not even having been in your presence for a mere two minutes, and was terrified of your wrath.
The groan of Bizzaro rising from the dirt stopped the rest of your reprimands, leaving you the sigh in simple vexation before pointing a finger at your incautious lover.
"I will deal with you later."
A silence passed over as you leaped into action, everyone still left a bit shaken at everything you had to offer so far. Including Billy, even though all he could muster up was a quiet, "I told you she was real..."
"That's your girlfriend?!" Freddy nearly exploded. "Valkyrie is your girlfriend?! Dude, I-...! You-! You do know she's Wonder Woman's whole ass daughter, right?! How the fu-?!"
"-Clearly...!" Mary interrupted loudly before he could heavily cuss around Darla. "He's got a type!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever!" Billy exclaimed, already beginning to hover above the ground in hopes to aid his girlfriend. "It doesn't matter right now. We have to help her, c'mon!"
It was once Anthea and the Champions joined the fight, Bizzaro was left with a slim chance of winning. Especially without the enhancement of that same green jewel that always seemed to leave Superman weakened and withered. Mary was still lost on such fact, and Freddy was searching his mind for any possibility of how that could be so.
"I don't get it!" He finally wailed, exhausted from the fight and from using his brain overtime. "He's just like Superman, almost...! If he's such a copy, then how come none of our plans are working?!"
"That is because he is not a copy." You stated plainly, no evidence of normalcy left in your voice. What was left was that of a warrior. A warrior thick in the ways of battle and strategy, knowing your enemy much more than your allies seemed to.
"He is a mirror. Bizzaro, El-Kal, is from a twisted world he created. Everything there, including himself, is some backwards nuisance of what we're so used to here on our planet."
"Hold...Hold'up..." Eugene paused, unable to believe the information being told to him. "This guy's is from another planet just like ours?"
"Yes and no. His world resembles ours, but it is not. It is cubed shaped and docile, with a blue sun that amplifies El-Kal's strength. Much like how this earth's yellow sun aids Superman's. Kal-El."
"Ohh, ha, that's funny, I get it." Freddy chuckled. "It's all backwards over there, so Kal-El is...yeah, that's...that's bad..."
"Well," you smirked, the first and only hint of positivity you had exuded from your person since you had arrived. "Not all bad."
From the latchel which normally held your Lasso of Truth (well, a more miniature one, technically, because your mother wouldn't dare give up her own), was a medium-sized vile of blue liquid clipped in its place. You unhooked it carefully, showing it off to the group as your smirk stretched into a satisfied grin.
"What are the great and powerful without their weaknesses? Blue Kryptonite, liquefied. When I first arrived home this morning, I had seen the news. Trouble here in the heart of Philidelphia, and I immediately recognized that... that..."
"That dumbass question mark on his chest?" Billy spoke up for you. In much more vulgar terms, sure, but you couldn't help but agree with an admitting nod.
"Yes, precisely. I knew what he was capable of, and I knew that you all more than likely didn't have the proper contingencies to stop him. So, I asked Damian for a favor..."
Freddy leaned in towards Billy, putting a hand up as if it'd conceal his bad whispers.
"Who's Damian?"
"Don't worry about it." Billy ignored, slapping him away lightly as you finished.
"...With this, we will surely defeat Bizarro. I can detain him, and I will convince him to leave this world in peace once again."
You opened the vile, neon blue smoke immediately pouring from it like dry-freeze until you began to dump some of the contents onto the blade of your sword.
"All I need for you all to do, is keep him busy. Until then, hold out your hands..."
They all did as told, watching as the rest of the liquid went dumped into their palms while you explained such actions.
"Should any of you come into physical combat with him, your touch will now weaken him, leaving him vulnerable. Easier to take down."
"And what about you?" Billy asked, his tone laced with worry for your well-being. Your gaze softened as you moved closer, hardly used to having to look up at him. But, you could admit, you found it a nice change of pace as you reached up to hold his face in your palm.
"I will do what I have to. Don't worry about me, okay?"
"That's literally impossible, but okay."
You chuckled.
"Fair. Your only job is to make sure all goes well. And... don't make anymore 'dumbass' decisions. You keep that green Kryptonite away from Bizzaro."
Billy nodded, laughing at your use of his improper language before floating upwards to complete his task.
"Alright, guys...!" He called down, his siblings following in suite while you motioned Anthea to remain with you at ground levels.
"Let's kick this guy's ass. For real this time, though."
──────────── •⚡️• ────────────
"Who is that?!" Rosa shouted as she stared at her TV in horror, scared for her superhero children tackling the evil Superman imposter with some random girl who had just shown up, as any mother would be.
Almost as soon as Victor moved to grab the keys for his van, the front door opened and in waltzed their children. Like ducks in a row, Mary, Pedro, Eugene, Darla, Freddy, Anthea, Billy, and-... ??
"Hi, mom!"
"Hey, Ma!"
"Hi, Mommy!"
"'Sup, Dad?"
The choruses of their greetings eased their nerves and tensions, but the sight of a new girl with glasses and her hair in a fancy, braided updo took them by surprise. She remained close to Billy, seemingly glued to his arm as he quietly attempted to convince her of the kind nature of his parents.
"Are you sure? I don't want to impose if it's trouble..."
"(Y/N), don't worry. They've been wanting to meet you for forever, you have nothing to worry about. They'll love you."
You looked towards him in surprise, already growing more anxious by the second.
"You told them about me?"
"Only the important stuff." He winked jokingly.
"Ah! My babies...!" Rosa shouted her greeting, more grateful than ever that they had returned safely, running over and planting a kiss on each one of their foreheads and pulling Darla and Anthea into bone crushing hugs.
So...! Uh," Victor started, already interested in your figure remaining quiet by the door. "Who's the new girl?"
Billy smiled this time, neither embarrassed nor annoyed by the inquiry of you while he proudly pulled your body into his by the waist.
"She's the coolest, ever!" Freddy announced, Darla practically jumping up and down as she agreed.
"Uh huh! And she's so pretty, just like I knew she'd be!"
"She literally sent that supervillain back to where he came from...! Like, without even breaking a sweat!" Eugene praised, leaving your cheeks to grow red with bashfulness.
"I have to admit, I think she'd be a good influence on Billy. She's super smart."
"And a good fighter."
Mary and Anthea were happy to admit such facts, Pedro the last to give a reserved shrug and a polite smile.
"I like her. She's dope."
Rosa and Victor were left to stand awkwardly, unsure of what to make of all the high-end words being spewed about like lightning while you struggled to fight back your grin.
"As I was saying...!" Billy exclaimed, giving his siblings the "Shut Up So I Can Talk" look. "This is (Y/N). My girlfriend."
Victor was the first to happily greet you, explaining how he'd heard so much about you, all good things (as you could clearly see), and that he was happy to have finally met you. Rosa, on the other hand, was leaned back with her eyes glued to the news on the TV. They would flicker back to you every now and again, making your heart beat faster in nerves until...
"Crazy question, I know... but...that doesn't happen to be you on the news... yeah?"
Immediately, you looked towards Billy, who could only shrug and scratch the back of his neck.
"The important stuff, huh?"
"Sorry...I tried..."
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose before giving a polite nod and announcing your introduction one final time...
"Yes, that... would be me. My name is (Y/N), otherwise known as Valkyrie. Daughter of Wonder Woman, Granddaughter of Zeus, and last born... of Themyscria."
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Don't make me steal this idea and write a full-fledged book, Anon, I'll do it🤨 (I probably won't cuz writer's block likes to eat me alive). But seriously, I really hope you like this because again, I adore this, and I defo want more of your ideas/scenarios🥰🫶🏽.
~ Star✨️
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fallstaticexit · 11 months
well i maybe have some theories/questions
you already know i came from tiktok😏
1. so i’m sensing that Edin is going to be Adie’s future love interest/friend/enemy/?… I MEANN they’re both toddlers currently and they’re both supernatural
2. I know you mentioned before that you wanted to do like a magic school type of story for Adie which I think is so fucking cool!! Maybe they’ll meet when they enroll whether that’s as children or teens.
3. And for miss Ellie she’s currently a human right? Will she become a werewolf like her siblings when she becomes old enough? And if she does will she be going to that school as well or is it just for spellcasters? And is that the same for Rhys who’s currently a child or is he going to just stay in normal school? I assume Amir is too old to go and he already has a story of his own.
4. This one may be a stretch but I love reading the Sims 4 lore. There’s a character with a similar name to Adelina— Avelina who was Greg’s late wife. We’ve seen Greg fight Amir in that one episode and we know that Greg is miserable because he’s all alone now (lore wise). If they are related we know that Greg and Avelina used to be mooncasters (idk if it’s the same as spellcasters) before they became werewolves. Is there any link here or am I tripping? I mean I know you read the lore too because Lux DeMarco appears in Amir’s story (😉)
5. off topic but I love Amir. Like that’s my son with his little boyfriends. 💙💙 You got 2 men obsessed with you I know he’s living life.
6. L. Faba is obviously up to no good.. I mean she is the sage of mischief magic. This ties into my first statement about the magic school story. We know there’s going to be more to the plot then Adie just going to school. She’s gotta fight someone and save the day right??!!!! So I wondering if Miss Faba is trying to cause something to happen— I assume to Tomax because she was deadset on trying to make the man practice Dark Magic.
What if something happens to him that makes him evil?? Or even do something to Simeon or Grace?? We know in the lore Grace and Tomax are roommates (and they were roommates..🤭) and in your story they’re very close.
ok this is it for now i feel like my brain is fried
SO glad you came over to Tumblr with me, your comments give me life everytime lmao 🥹🤌🏾✨
maaayybbeee 🤭
I did want to do a magic school type beat but that was a bit before I expanded the lore. Right now (In the next update, I'll touch on it a bit) Nora does NOT want Adie in the Magic realm or any of the sages to know about them. at all. She wants nothing to do with them, the past, her involvement in the war, all of it and honestly, her little magical trigger finger is itching to finish what she started tbh , more on that later.
1000% Ellie will be a werewolf. At this point it's kinda like a family business/rite of passage. Amir is grown grown now 🥹 but Sonny and his bunch will continue to hold down their ranch and keep vampires in check. But they actually play a pretty big part in what's to come and when my Briar legacy and Fallen Angel series meet, we will see ALOT of them.
No link. The only link werewolves has is that they are descendants of Mooncasters and once upon a time they lived in the Magic Realm with all the occult before the Spellcasters got all high and mighty. Now werewolves just do their own thing and fight vampires. But I really don't see them having much involvement with Spellcaster drama other than possibly whooping vamp ass when needed.
I love those boys. Other than my OGs Honey and Amina, def my favorite couple(s) 🥹
L. Faba really about to put Tomax in a world of hurt...which is crazy because he's really already emotionally and mentally in shambles. I suppose that's why she picked him. He's the weakest. This update should be out in a little bit
I saw that they were roommates which made me go hmmmmm 🤔 interesting 🧐 and exactly why we'll see them roll around in the hay from time to time. But from my most recent update, I expand on Grace's ability to heal a little and really she's all about making people feel better via touch...so maybe there’s romance involved maybe she’s trying to help out an old friend because therapy doesn’t exist in the Magic Realm ig lmao 😵‍💫
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tacticalfiend · 4 months
okay so I have one more ep left to watch of the Fallout tv series and while my opinion of the show has improved somewhat, I still think it's pretty mediocre.
I see a lot of people reeeaaally love Cooper, seen many people say he "steals the show," but he is easily my least favorite part of this series. Usually his character archetype is one I really like, but in Cooper's case he's missing a certain something. Not quite sure what it is yet. I also am really bothered by the new ghoul serum thing. The concept on it's own is fine I guess, but I can't help but wonder how this serum is being manufactured. What is it made out of? Who's manufacturing it? It seems like some ghouls need quite a lot of it to prevent themselves from going feral, but considering how persecuted and feared ghouls are I struggle to see WHO would be willing to do this besides a good samaritan or another ghoul. However, ep 4 seemed to suggest this whole serum business is a business. Like these two random humans just run this supposedly profitable business selling serum to ghouls, which is weird to me. I just don't buy that this would actually make them bank or be sustainable (literally see NO OTHER GHOULS until ep 4!?!?!). I will acknowledge this is something that won't bother someone who isn't a world building/lore obsessed pervert like myself. My questions may also be answered in the next season or whatever too, I'm simply not sure they will be able to provide an explanation I'll find satisfactory.
I also do not have much to say about Lucy or Maximus. Both of them had similar issues to Cooper for me. I see the foundation for good, fun characters, but they fall short of really sticking the landing. I like Lucy the most out of the three of them, I think. Part of what holds Maximus back for me does have to do with the BoS though. I am... not a fan of the direction they took in this show. They seem so interchangeable with every other like overly militaristic, power hungry faction in any other story that has one. They kinda remind me of ceasar's legion, but lacking the way they neatly fit into FONV's overarching themes (desire to return/inability to move on from an idyllic past). The BoS were interesting in Fallout 1 and New Vegas because they weren't just the obvious "bad guys" or whatever. They were kind of mysterious in Fallout 1 initially. They were a little weird, isolationist, and ultimately rather selfish and distrustful of humanity. While they were very effective fighters, they weren't really militaristic... atleast not from what I remember. They weren't "the good guys," but they weren't villains either. Regardless of what you, the player, felt about them they were at least interesting and memorable. The version we get from the TV series is so fucking passe imo. So forgettable, so unimaginative, and it naturally rubs off on Maximus. It makes him less interesting by extension. It would have been cool to see a version of Maximus that did grow up in a BoS more akin to what we see in Fallout 1 and New Vegas. It would give a point of commonality between Lucy and him as well. Both being out of touch with the wasteland due to their isolated upbringings, but in different ways/varying degrees.
Speaking of the wasteland, it feels so empty. Maybe "compartmentalized" is the better word, though, none of the locations we visit feel interconnected. Funnily enough, it feels very "video gamey," like we're going from one hub/level to the next rather than exploring a vast wasteland. I think this problem stands out for me so much because I am not particularly invested in any of the characters, and by extension the narrative, so everything surrounding them just becomes even more distracting. idk, this post is getting way too long. I have a lot of other thoughts I'll probably share later. Need to watch the last ep too.
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hyobros · 4 months
2 years later, did the ssum get better? As in : is it more f2p? Did they make Teo less boring? Are the newer routes more interesting?
I haven't played for several months now because i dont agree with the direction it's taking. I'll be talking from what I've seen acquaintances saying and screenshots they send
1. More f2p? Don't think so, actually from what I've seen they've made a dumb amount of piu piu function texts only viewable if you spend batteries
2. Teo never has gotten an update. Also how dare you call him boring smh smh /hj
3. Harry's route is good but the team decided to leave him unfinished. So-called route ending is summarizing what the rest of the plan for his route was. When i looked in the files teo had 365 days listed, but harry ended on 200 something idk it's been a while but you can see the real number on the wiki probably. The phone calls used to be audio only but they updated so all of them are "video" calls like june and im sorry they look so dumb and they only restrict imagining what's going on on his side. Also the video calls use ai art for backgrounds. June's route pissed me off so much I quit. If you want mystic messenger melodrama and retconning of both the ssums lore and mysme then sure i guess. Haven't really seen any of henris besides what ppl say about it. June and henri's routes use ai art btw.
I personally wish the ssum was allowed to remain a slice of life sorta game instead of forcing it to be mystic messenger. V and Rika and Jumin are huge in june and henri's routes. In teo and harrys the references were annoying but I'd take that over a dead game overshadowing what's supposed to be a new project.
Teo's boringness was charming to me and a lotta other people. It was nice feeling like he's another internet friend (well. More than a friend after d14 lmao) that i can chat with throughout the day and it wasn't a big deal to miss anything. It was especially nice since the game came out shortly before i had a falling out with all my friends lmao. I don't feel like continuing and this went beyond ur ask 😕
But i think it says a lot that these were the winners for a contest last month
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edit: I DO NOT GET NOTIFS FOR ASKS OR MENTIONS!! if you send or answer an ask to/from this blog, please LIKE one of the posts so I get a notif and am prompted to check this blog because I have too many.
i dont wanna make an intro post again ack. hi welcome to my second unit shuffle blog my first was @jail-x-break-official and that blog has all the links to my other blogs which have all my information. here wee have sweet ♪ poppyseeds comprised of rui, mizuki, emu and saki. I'll differentiate their activity by emojis 🎈🎀🍬🎹 respectively and the entire group is represented by 💐.
the Lore. um. find out about it by prying them but ill give you necessary context under cut
so I will say that wxs did almost form in this au. think of it like if wxs never tried to reconcile after the fight between nene and tsukasa (and in turn tsukasa and rui). do with that information what you will.
edit: tsukasa has become relevant. he isn't a part of s♪p and as such won't be interacting with them and such, but I didn't want to make another blog for him or his unit because I didn't think I'd use it. His tag here is #🌟 tsukasa (other) 🌟 and signoff is - 🌟
secondly I will say that I havent the slightest clue what I want these guys to...do. part of the reason I made this blog was to try and iron it out. I feel like I want them to do something theatre adjacent but idk what. That said this blog takes place during their kind of formative stage, when these 4 are all just starting to hang out all together.
uhh. while a song didnt inspire this entirely the way jxb did, theres a couple songs that serve as thematic inspo; torinoko city, mephisto, and becoming potatoes 👍
uhh rp style: speech, actions, [thoughts], //ooc
shipping interaction is absolutely welcome. hcs time.
rui: pan aceflux transmasc demiboy. he/it/they. masc terms. autistic & bpd.
mizuki: bi w/male preference, transfem girlflux. fem and neutral terms. she/her. adhd & bpd.
emu: transfem lesbian demigirl + xenos. she/they/candy/wonder/star. fem and neutral terms. hyperverbal autistic dyscalculic.
saki: lesbian transmasc demipangenderfluid. she/he/they/it. any terms. hyperverbal autistic, hard of hearing & cane user.
also on account of saki being hoh all of the group knows jsl and rui and saki know asl as well.
uhh yeah I think thats all u need to knowww i don't think I missed anything. peace have fun w them
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Hello Hello! I've spotted the Deck of Phoenix tag enough times on my dash now that I HAVE to ask. Whats it about? Care to share the cool oc universe story thing? If you're interested in doing so of course! I would love to hear about it (:
This is going to be long and barely coherent/word salady but here you go friend Merin :)
Okay so... Deck of Phoenix. Prefacing this with with the fact DoP's message is about finding your own way to deal with trauma of all kinds. All of the characters have their own trauma and deal with it in different ways for better or worse LOL! LMAO! The main 6 we have for the cast are Neptune, Vikki, Teresa, Twilip, Ichigo and Salem. Salem is Ollie's OC that got absorbed into the story and became one of the linchpins in Ichigo's backstory (Childhood friends who were kinda romantic then shit happened and then OUAHGAHFDHGgeF anyways)
The magic system in the story is really complicated to explain because it really only makes sense in my brain at the moment and it's supposed to be universal across many different alien worlds :) Hehe! Did I mention this is a fantasy sci-fi? In the way of a fantasy world in a sci-fi setting!!! HEHEHHE!
Every person/soul is born with an ability that aligns with two sigils (magic types) and it can range from something extremely powerful and useful to something that never even manifests. An example of the latter would be a character we have; she seemed powerless until she died because her power was to revive permanently when brought back by a necromancer. Back to the main characters! Neptune canonically has schizophrenia, he has the ability to see the future of someone when he looks them in the eyes, which is how the story starts and also how he finds out he saves the universe from an evil tyrant called Paradox (Name might be temporary, idk lol) But yeah he has a character arc that might be spoilers so i'll explain on discord but it makes his schizophrenia so so soooo much worse <3 <- Projecting my problems onto him. (Also he is the only human in the group)
Vikki's powers are under construction but! She is basically the glue holding the crew together and is a satyress :3 She likes ballet and is the sweetest person you'll ever meet unless you get on her bad side HFGJEHFVQ Also she's built like a centaur and it's so cool to meee cuz I love drawing non-human characters
Teresa is like if Doc was a Loverboy and also a necromancer >:) I'm thinking about giving her the weird gender swag just to make one of the others the only cis person in the group TKYURLF (Twilip) Xe's an alien from a desert planet and is kinda a cyclops lynx/kangaroo mouse and she kinda looks like a vortigaunt now that I think about it..
Twilip. How do I even explain... He's like if Boomer (bubby x coomer) was a person tbh.. Cranky old man who gives tutorials and worked at a library and he misses his late wife so so much :( BUT he has a swag ass pen that can make drawings come to life and he's about the size of a cat btw if you even care <3 /ref
Ichigo... WHERE DO I START. Ichigo's been our OC since we were a KID! So they technically have the deepest lore due to sheer time scale soooo.. They use any pronouns with a preference for they/them and ze/zir and zir sooo everything to me <3 Imagine Leading Light with cloud's buster blade and soooo many more insecurities... Yea :) I can't even begin to dive into their backstory because I will be here FOREVER but long story short, canon system allegory with being 3 souls meshed into one body by the US government to be a super soldier (A human, an alien, and an inter dimensional being) and the alien part is destined to destroy the universe but that's beside the point! Teehee!
For Salem I suggest asking Ollie because I don't wanna misinterpret anything about him <3
That's all I have for now because my fingers are starting to hurt from typing /g /lh I hope you enjoy!!!!! >:)
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the-pigeon-queen · 5 months
every day i laugh about how i followed you for your webcomic, and saw your yugioh art and was like "huh thats cool. i dont think i'll ever be into ygo but its cool to see art for it!" and then i fell assbackwards directly into the ygo fandom. and then i saw that you did tf2 art and i was like "huh that's cool. I'll never get into tf2 but the art is neat" and here i am drowning in how much i love tf2. do you have any other fandoms you want to try to get me into? anything niche? (i love love love your art btw. its absolutely beautiful and i still get butterflies when i see it)
lolol sometimes the fandom chooses you I'm afraid XD
It's super sweet to hear that you followed me for my original art :']c And I'm glad ya stuck around through my different fandoms lolol
Also I'm really happy you like my art too, that's very sweet to hear :']!! <3
And I can certainly list some fandoms/things I've gotten really into! I feel like my interests are kinda scattered, but if you like both tf2 and yugioh too, yours might be too lol :']
Now, the number of fandoms I've participated in is fairly small. To keep this list tolerably short, I'll only mention the fandoms I have or currently look up content for.
Big Fandom things you've def already heard of or might already be into:
Fallout 4/Fallout - Were you here during my Fallout4 phase? It was after tf2, I think lol :0 If not, Fallout in general has a great aesthetic, some fun lore, fun characters, and a pretty extensive fandom :0 I also really loved the game itself, and I suck at fps games :']
Stardew Valley - I haven't really dove into fandom for it, I just look at the pretty art :'] (Elliot my beloved,,,)
Balders Gate - It lived up to the hype for me, I've loved playing it ^^ Haven't participated in the fandom for it myself, but I know there's plenty of people who make plenty of good stuff. Great characters :'] I do wanna draw my player characters,,,
Undertale/Deltarune - Don't let the fandom scare you from the games if you haven't already played them :'0 they're so genuinely good
Steven Universe - were you,,, were you here during my steven universe phase,,, just ignore the infamous part of the fandom :'0 (I did not enjoy Steven Universe Future, the spinoff, I'm sorry if I missed the point but it missed me,,,)
Smaller Fandom things:
Castlevania on Netflix - All of the characters are exceptional, the animation is exceptional, the story is action packed but the characters have room to breathe. Isaac is my favorite character, hands down!
Dislyte - yeah,,, it's a gacha game,,, and I don't even know if it's a good one lol BUT hear me out: the character art and the settling/world concept is so good. There's so much room for good stories, I just wish the game would give us more than what it currently has :'0 I'm currently writing a fix-it fic for the main game story :']
Tiger&Bunny on Netflix - It's an anime with two seasons, and I believe there's been two movies, and there's a short manga add-on (it's an anime first, so the manga is supplemental) It's about superheroes that are sponsored by their network to fight crime. I really enjoyed the characters and world building :0 BUT IT IS CRIMINAL WHAT THEY DID TO LUNATIC MY BELOVED they'd better walk it back if season 3 happens
Petshop of Horrors - I... I don't know what to say lol it's an older manga, and it might not be perfect, but something about it just got me idk. It's def the most niche thing on my list that still fits the criteria of 'I liked it enough to actively try and consume fan content of it'
That's all I can think of atm, if I think of any more I can always revisit this and list em :]c
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Hi! Could I get a redacted matchup if they're still available?
-my current favorite song is optimism (as a radical life choice) by Spanish love songs. I love the lyrics "don't take me out back and shoot me, I know my wires are faulty, I've only ever been a kids, pointing out dead dogs in the road". IDK, the whole song is pretty relatable but those lyrics really stand out visually and emotionally. I'm also tired but still want a chance to be, ya know?
-my ennagram type is 6(w5 I think) my Myers Briggs is INFP(-t?) if it matters
- I LOVE YouTube video essays. I'll watch any, mostly on videogames stuff since I don't really like playing them but I love, like, lore and stuff. I really enjoyed the defunctland fast pass one too. The longer the video the better imo though
- I don't remember my childhood imaginary friend. I used to be super extroverted and had a lot of friends so I didn't really need one? I was also so chill playing by myself so I was okay without friends too. I miss that lol
- best way to fall asleep is fan on full blast, 1 giant comfy blanket, TONS of pillows and a stuffed animal
- I did change my name, picked it off a baby name list since that's what my parents did for the first name, not super special, does come with several easy nicknames though which is cool, but no one uses them :/
- I love any of guys videos, but I really like the failed sleep aid. He may not be super relaxing but at least he's trying!!! He's so funny and chill and I like that
- I don't really like David, Aaron, Damien's(just the x listener ones, I love him w/Huxley) audios. Not super into the Tsundere kinda stuff, I'm a little too insecure for that, I like open feelings and stuff
- I don't really have a book or movie I know all the words to, I don't like rewatching/reading things I already know for whatever reason, I will but it's less enjoyable
- I'm platonically attracted to Gavin and Huxley, they'd both be soo kind and supportive in their own ways, a little hype squad
- I ramble about people when I'm tired. Human interaction stresses me out so bad,, people are hard to understand and there's a whole lot of societal pressure to be a certain way and I just don't get it and I'm so tireddd
- I don't really stop at gas stations, but it'd probably be lemonade and chips of some kind
- my current favorite playlist is my 'cringe' playlist, all the edgy alt/emo/rock songs I was into in middle school, they're not great but they're so fun, they're also my guilty pleasure media. I know people hate them but they make me happy
- other stuff - I do have anxiety so social interactions stress me out but I'm trying to get better, I'm a lot more outgoing when I'm comfy with someone, I'm also super artistic and stuff, I enjoy painting and drawing and do that stuff regularly. I believe sharing your music taste with someone is v. Intimate and I hate putting on my music for others for fear of judgement lol
I'm sorry it's so long,, thanks!
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Easy-peasy, perfect- I know just the guy. Let me work my magical, match-making powers and tell you why everything about you, especially temperaments and your music taste, make you and Asher Talbot a fantastic match.
There’s so many little, charming things that would make your everyday lives together so cute and fun. Asher’s favorite band is canonically Fall Out Boy, so we know y’all are bopping to the same playlist in the car. He’d be your biggest hype man, hanging your painting all over your apartment. Not to mention, dude could be a walking Halo video essay, you know? Come home after a long day doing adult things, and listen to him ramble about campaigns or whatever happens in those games I have no idea.
On a deeper level, you two work even better still. Not only is Asher wonderfully emotionally intelligent and available behind his goofy, silly demeanor, he is the social butterfly. That’s why he’s the Beta, the soft diplomacy to all David’s alpha-ness. Asher would be the perfect, like, emotional support golden retriever boyfriend for all social occasions: handsome, huggable, attentive to your needs, and a mood-making goofball.
The more I think/ The more I wish/ That we could lie here for hours/ And just reminisce/ On the good the bad the ugly/ The smiles the laughs the funny/ Or all the things/ We put each other through/ It's for you
This was a fun excuse for me to go through Lexi Moon and I’s emo playlists for a cute, throwback love song, so thank you for that~ I decided on NeverShoutNever because emo has always had random men with ukuleles, it seems, but goshdarnit, they sing fun songs, and I can see Asher knowing all the words to this one. He’s a big sap, and I can see him singing this when you’re feeling down or anxious, doing it silly and over the top just to make you smile.
Lasko is a runner-up for you because two introverts together can be really cute, you know? Let’s be alone together, just the two of us, vibes. However, I like Guy better as a runner up because of how bubbly and social he is. I think he’d help bring you out of your shell and manage social situations, just not quite as tactfully as Asher.
note: you don’t have to apologize for it being long the more information you send the better 💕
Read this post and send me an ask if you’d like a match-up of your own! 💌
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makerofmadness · 2 years
Releasing my weird/not commonly shared FNAF headcanons out into the ecosystem:
*I think Michael Afton is Mike Schmidt but I don't think he's any of the other guards (minus sister location and pizzeria simulator). I hc that the other three (Fritz Smith, Jeremy Fitzgerald and the FNAF 3 guard) are the other three FNAF 4 bullies.
*I place Sister Location after FNAF 1 in the timeline
*I have... unique opinions on whether or not the toy animatronics are possessed (don't know how to quite explain it and I'm not even sure if I'm understanding some lore aspects right that lead me to my conclusion but- idk I'll try to explain if asked-)
*I believe in Glamhenry but in a way similar to how I feel about the toys
*I think the midnight motorist minigame portrays how one of the kids went missing/the orange person is one of the missing kids' parents
*I don't think Ballora is Mrs. Afton (I think William might've built Ballora to resemble his wife but I don't think she's possessed by her or anyone period)
*I think Endo-01 was possessed by Phone Guy 'cus sometimes it just does shxt like this
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*I heard this theory once from a Dawko video and I haven't seen anyone else talk about it but I think the Blob is possessed by all of Vanny's victims.
*I am in the club of "Toy Chica did the Bite of 87" and I will die on this hill
*Honestly my opinions have shifted over time on this but now I don't think Montgomery Gator was directly responsible for Glamrock Bonnie's decommissioning. (I don't think the gator was a murderer)
*I honestly... don't think Sun was entirely innocent, albeit my reasons for this include something that I have not verified (just read about it on tv tropes once). Will be willing to explain this one if asked too.
This is all I can think of right now time to post this and pray to god that it's received well-
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GAD I really like reading your analysis on Earth and Monty. Like yes! It's very surface level and it really do be feeling like they're just together because of the VAs. The whole opening her to romance and such is just bleh, why is it somehow always a trope for female characters who don't have any experience with love to have that happen to them when they get a love interest? At this point, I am BEGGING for Davis to come up with an OC or something that he can utilize in the flow of the current lore AND be a better love interest for Earth because holy shit.
This is not to say that Earth doesn't have her imperfections here. Recalling when Lunar came back and he said that Monty would chase him around and hit him with a golf club, and Earth was immediately "What? That doesn't seem like a fun game." And Lunar said that Monty was just joking. Then Earth said "I don't think that's something to joke about. It doesn't seem funny." Like what happened to that? Why is she all "hehe you're silly" when Monty makes shares a violent thing he did or what she thought was just a violent joke now?
Yeah, Like I don't know man.
It's highly unlikely they'll come up with another oc or something to make the relationship work.
I mean, I can accept Monty for now.
Like he helps Earth realize some things about herself. But I kinda don't like the throwaway jokes of
"haha... Monty's violent and she looks past that isn't Earth wonderful"
It just kinda... idk, sometimes makes her feel like a background character when Monty gets involved. Especially in MAFS
I love Earth, but I wish she had more agency.
Usually when Monty is written in LAES, he's fine.... Like the kiss episode was cute, the most recent Laes episode where she talks to Monty what her feelings are about her dad and her past with him are good....
but if there's an Earth and Monty episode written in MAFS....... it's a sign to run. (at least for me.)
I wish she had a serious discussion about things Monty does that upset her instead of brushing them off, or rolling her eyes and ignoring them. Or just putting a pin in that for later and later never comes.
I know I'm one of the few who advocate "just cus it's off-screen doesn't mean it didn't happen." (Like Sun's therapies everyone complains about that I personally think are expertly handled)
But they've shown a lot of Monty and Earth's relationship, I don't get why we can't just get more of those discussions other then "why do you like me I suck" from Monty.
I mean, I'll see where it goes, but.... idk. It's just an element that's here.
Doesn't ruin much for me.
I will say tho, I think Monty had way more chemistry with OldMoon even if they brought out the worst in eachother, I kinda miss that dynamic... But Solar as at least fulfilling the role of NewMoon's smart soundboard and willing ear now.... When previously Monty filled that role.
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i had to reread n edit this before posting like i was going over an essay jesus christ ((tristamp spoilers))
tldr; i was honestly disappointed but i still don't think it was completely awful + i hope if they do a 2nd season it's better *wants to see milly*.... fuck the director though
EDIT!!! 2nd season was confirmed so you can ignore the points where i question if it will happen lol
EDIT 2 actually idt i'll watch the 2nd season... for reasons that just hit me so.... + fuck night*w as well
most of this was written before the finale eek
the major problems were that the pacing was soooooo weird n some of the changes (both story wise and design wise) they made were questionable esp towards the latter half
my positive points:
i do still think individual eps at the first half were really good
i loved the animation + how they used colors
the backgrounds are cool
the artstyle shift in wolfwood's flashback was cool
i've always been "ok" abt vashwood honestly (sorry) but i will acknowledge they were very yaoiful here. i saw a person who didn't ship vashwood say the ep in tristamp where they literally just met made them ship it which was really funny bc how did that change your mind so fast
i'm ngl the milly + eriks name drops made me *JAWDROP* but that's something that only matters to ppl who watched/read the ogs first
my negative points (uh oh):
white washed wolfwood (+ his skintone is soo inconsistent in merch)
they gave vash no room to breathe n he doesn't get big sillay moments after ep 3
^ this is true for every character except i guess roberto? more on roberto later
^^^ goes with the previous too points but it felt like they were way too focused on the drama n sadness without enough (long lasting) happy or hopeful moments to contrast or balance it out overall - to the point were the characterization of our main cast suffered for it bc there wasn't enough there with them to make that properly work. and THEN the silly moments ended up suffering too bc they start feeling out of place. the drama beats kept happening one after the other at breakneck speed without breaks, messing up the pacing as well (i can kinda blame this at least partially on the fact they only had 12 eps when the og was 26 eps but i've watched plenty of 12 ep series with great pacing so i don't really know what happened here?)
i disagreed with this at first, but the lore with vash being front-loaded really did hurt the story a bit in the long run. obviously they did still spread the full details out over the course of the show but it was :\
specific to "the running man"- it's my fav ep tbh but it was strange how all the townsfolk were partying w the nebraskas with no indication they'd arrest them after they did so much damage n vash didn't even get to fix the damaged plant?? so why were they so joyous when the initial problem wasn't solved?
roberto.... was such a weird character... he managed to be both a dick n a guy w no personality, he was there to give exposition + attempt to be funny? n then die. also the marketing staff fucking hates him he's never in any merch wtf ((edited after the finale: well now we know he wasn't meant to replace milly (i had a whole paragraph complaining abt that lol) + now i feel like they added him just to kill someone other than wolfwood off))
i can't speak much on elendria bc i had so much trouble reading trimax forever ago that i never retained anything abt her other than she's trans, but everything involving her in tristamp felt strange/ like it didn't work. i have essentially same feeling about livio here. they threw legato to the side??
what the fuck was the thing with the plants towards the end. it just hit me what the hell
minor nitpicks:
i miss the old anime's ost :( tristamp's ost isn't bad by any means n there are tracks that i really like it's just idk man. especially with the the op song, i couldn't get myself to not skip the op SORRY. could you imagine how hype it would've been if a new rendition of H.T. or NO-BEAT started playing
i'm fine with stamp vash's design (blasphemous i know) but man would'n've one of his og coat designs worked well in 3d? i feel like it would've ((added after the finale: the new coat did look nice in black + they brought back his old hair in the last ep tho so. MAYBE... IN SEASON 2.... CLASSIC COAT....? *delusional*))
NO LOVE & PEACE?!?!?!?!
one of my nitpick points was that they technically didn't give vash the black hair bc i really wanna see it animated one day but assuming they are teasing a season 2 maybe they will eventually. but then how...?
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fencecollapsed · 1 year
hi!! i don't remember if i've already asked this question (apologies if i did) but i was wondering if you could give a spoiler-free list of the other hatchetfield media i'll need to consume in order to enjoy npmd? i kind of fell off hatchetfield after nmt s1 and as a result haven't seen any of the nightmare time season 2 stories or other hatchetfield stuff (idk if hey melissa is included in nmts2 or its own thing so that's what i mean by general other hatchetfield stuff) and it didn't really interest me BUT seeing posts about npmd makes me really excited to see that show and since it won't be out for a bit i thought getting a list of hatchetfield stuff to catch up on now would be helpful. thank you and have a nice day!!!
okay so personally I'm of the opinion that if you haven't consumed ALL the official hatchetfield content, your experience watching NPMD will be incomplete. I don't really recommend skipping anything, because each story gives you Something that adds to the experience or understanding of what happens. so my completely honest list is just all of NMT2
(note: Hey Melissa isn't NMT2, and isn't technically official because it was read as part of the NPMD livestream, so it's exempt from my above statement. you won't miss anything at all in NPMD if you skip that one. that's up to you though!)
BUT since you asked I've done my best to consider what I think is the bare minimum Absolutely Required viewing from NMT2 for the best experience without watching all of it. imo you should at the very least watch:
Perky's Buds
if you want to get an early impression of Steph, Pete, and Grace, Abstinence Camp is good for that, too, but it's really not essential at all. NPMD does a solid job of introducing them as if it's the first time they've appeared. you will however miss out on a joke or two without AC context, one of which made me SCREAM when I saw it but it's not like. a mega important lore thing. this is what I mean when I say you'll have an incomplete experience, yknow, there's a lot of little things that'll make it better if you've seen everything
I also want to softly recommend Honey Queen, because I think it's the best Nightmare Time story of both seasons and you definitely will get something out of it that'll add to NPMD, but I also wouldn't call it ESSENTIAL the way I would Perky's Buds and Daddy
that's just my opinion though! if you're open to it I still highly recommend giving all of NMT2 a watch, but in a pinch you really only NEED those two stories
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taruruchi · 11 months
I just finished the archon quest.. and.. UHUUUUUUUU WHYYYYYY 😭😭😭
Warning: Long post ahead. Sorry ^^"
Tbh, I wasn't that fond of Furina when I first met her in game. I guess she was an okay character for me? Though her personality was.. interesting to say XD Though I didn't like Fontaine's culture of making a trial look like a show because.. well, being in trial at a court is a serious thing.
Anyways, further along the story, a part of me did think Furina was possibly pretending, but I couldn't of a reason why. I also thought that maybe Neuvi was the real Hydro Archon? But then we find out the truth and... Gosh. 500 years of having to pretend. I feel that. I feel for Furina. Furina the human. And for Focalors the divine to sacrifice herself, and ohmygosh. Her message for Furina before she vanished. To live her life. UHUUUUU I CRY. THE PAIN. THE SORROW. UHUUUUU 😭😭
And after finishing the Finale, I don't know where she is. Like, is she okay? What will she do now? Will she return to Fontaine? I haven't started her companion mission yet. Will probably find out soon but it still makes me think. SHE NEEDS A HUG!! TT
Also, I thought the big fight would be.. well, bigger. I feel like the fight was too short for me XD And I need to know what happened to Childe while he was in there!! I want to see it with my own eyes!!! And why did he leave so soon after the battle TT (I missed Childe huhu)
Hmmmmm.. let's see, what else.. I feel like my mind is overloaded with information. I'm thinking about a lot...
Does it mean that Fontaine doesn't have an Archon anymore? Why does Sigewinne look more human than her fellow melusines? And that thing with the Gnosis being "remains of the Third Descender"?
...I'll be reading some lore. But maybe not now. Again, the story leaves me with more questions than answers XD
God bless the archon quest was a RIDE. And don't worry about it being long, I will talk about fontaine ANY day
I get how you feel. Especially the law part because I've always had an interest in it and know a bit about it sjdnkfks Their legal system is definitely weird, from the way they treat their trials to the laws themselves. Which leads me to realize this really is the tarucore nation because it's the land of justice and I personally think they should let me be a judge or something /j
(More under the cut bc it's getting long!)
THAT PART IS THE PART THAT MADE ME CRY. She did it for so long and for others' sake, even in the moment where he wanted to badly to share to the traveler SHE STILL PICKED THE PEOPLE OF FONTAINE OVER HERSELF 😭😭😭 I love all the fontaine characters dearly, hoyoverse did well with this region
Now that you mention it, maybe it was a bit shorter than one would expect? Raiden's DEFINITELY felt longer and so did Scaramouche's. But the Furina's whole story distracted me from that fact, so I don't have much of a problem with it. I still don't really get why Skirk had to appear though? But maybe we're getting closer to more stuff about Celestia and stuff 👁️👁️ I'm curious what was going on with Childe though. What did the guy do in there.
Focalors is dead + Furina is fully human now without a curse and she's not presenting herself as the archon, so I guess they don't have one? But Neuvillette has the archon's power so?? I guess this means he'll also be the one handing out visions? Eh idk I don't wanna think about it or else my brain will explode jsmdkfks
I'M CURIOUS WHY SIGEWINNE LOOKS MORE HUMAN TOO. She says she's a melusine and she does act similar, but she doesn't look it? Maybe hoyoverse just wanted to make a playable melusine but needed her to look more appealing to players 😔
I'M ALSO CURIOUS ABOUT THE DESCENDER STUFF!!! I'll admit, I didn't pay attention to the sumeru quests after the dream loop thing, so idk the other context sondkfkdf but it means there were other "travelers", right? 🤔🤔 But my brother told me that the other sibling doesn't count as a descender so...??
YEAH I'M JUST. I DON'T FEEL VERY SATISFIED. Maybe because I don't want to leave fontaine too but it felt so short 😭 And it actually IS shorter than Sumeru's. I'm hoping there's still a biiit more, I'm not ready for fontaine's stories to end :(
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this is part 2 of my extremely long lore update of my missing month in tumblr. here's part 1 <3
i'll also put this one behind the cut just in case
26. we start when this extremely important event happened !!!
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[there is a lyric in música ligera [go listen to it. or else] that goes 'la música de fondo en los supermercados' so 'the background music at the supermarkets']
27. when spring officially started and suddenly life was bearable once again
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28. the sequel.
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bomb the ucm [yes. i tweeted the exact same thing]
24 nearly 25 years old and i just learned how to sign stuff with the electronic certificate. i want to shoot my foot i can't do this anymore
the thing is today i've been 3 hours calling the same 4 fucking numbers every 10 minutes only for them to tell me 'hahah everything you did last week is useless lol. but don't worry the deadline is thursday you still have time :)' [this was on a tuesday btw]
the world if the digital certificate and autofirma didn't exist
so yeah. everything i did on march 15th was useless. lol. i sent proof of my physical deposit of the application and they told me i couldn't <3. in the end i had to sign it digitally through a different administrative process and lol. i hate bureoucracy so fucking much.
28. i do love taylor swift but yeah
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the eras tour: bellodrama tour:
-without ana mena -with ana mena
-52728€ tickets -22€ tickets
-she doesn't sing 'las 12' -she sings 'las 12'
the choice is yours
29. it's time for the 'hole in the bedroom' arc <3
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[pic 1]
today my bedroom disappears
it wasn't a joke
[pic 2]
do you like my new setup?
SO. i honestly can't remember if i said this here but idk almost a month ago now i guess some of my floorplanks strated to lift. out of nowhere. so we called people to look into it and there was a water leak. so they had to dismantle my bed (you can see the frame in the lighter floorboards lol) and now i sleep in the attic; a room my dad has always used to hoard stuff <3 yesterday they filled the hole so that's nice, but now they have to slash the floor and for that they need all of the furniture gone. my house is basically just a long hallway so there just isn't enough space. it's gonna be fun :) oh and also we've decided to paint the room while we're at it. so i'll probably won't be able to sleep here for at least a month i imagine. this is my current setup btw, i'm writing this from here:
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30. this one's a preamble of what's to come. i'm so sorry.
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me: existing at any moment
my brain: i think it's time to play 'me he pillao x ti' on a loop
[now it's doing the same but with 'un clásico' <3]
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i'll do the small tweets first and then go in chronological through pics 5, 6, and 7
the way i know for a fact that 'me he pillao x ti' would've appeared on skam españa s2 if the show had been made now
if i am already annoying with ana mena the day i fall for someone i'll be incredibly unbearable i want y'all to know it
i want ana mena to know she's changed lives today
[pic 6]
the pause in the first listen of bellodrama to listen on loop to 'me he pillao x ti' is so real actually
no words with 'un millón de lunas'
MENAmoro [i fall in love]... her mind
ana mena has made me want to go out and party for the first time in my life i can't
[pic 7]
why all songs in bellodrama have their titles with the first letter capitalized Like This except Tomorrow god Will Say? what is she trying to tell us
reply to the tweet: atheist legend
[pic 8]
i didn't choose to be anamenista i only was lucky
ana mena you gave us everything
ana mena you are the pop artist of this generation. you are everything and you are summer and the sun and margaritas. you give everything and you're the best.
i love you ana mena
32. i went back to working on my fantasy book :)
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i am gonna try working on my fantasy book after more than half a year. wish me luck.
665 words #slay
33. i know you missed me talking about fictional shows that don't even exist but here you go
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i need there to exist some kind of glee españa specifically so a character can sing this song to their crush and i can finish losing my mind
33. this is the last ana mena post I SWEAR
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half of the views are mine
the way i hadn't listened to it before the album dropped and now i'm OBSESSED
34. la caixa incident
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can someone explain to me how la caixa, a catalan business, is telling me to send them documents in english for the scholarship??
so yeah. the sent me an email telling me they needed some documents in english i had sent them in spanish (which lol) and after doing so proceeded to accept my application :) apparently it's a pretty fucking good scholarship so i'm a bit hopeful i'll be able to make it <3
35. places i've been to in spain!
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i know i have to visit the north more i know
36. my most listened to songs in march 💀
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i am fascinated with the fact that one day laura gallego wrote three fat ass books projecting herself into a unicorn girlie that's involved with two dudes without knowing that with them she would forever change the brain chemicals of a new generation of spanish writers
38. and that's it :)
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