#I don't wanna say too much cause I want this one to be a delightful surprise
isjeonginsoup · 9 months
this new au is gonna seriously just absolutely consume me I can't even read a fic without going "hm. wanna write Them"
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satinroses · 2 months
How Yan! Adepti react to feeling jealous (separate)
A/N: I FINALLY finished all the 10+ story quests I had lined up that I was procrastinating doing. It was gruelling. I've never pressed space bar so much in my life. By the end I couldn't feel my ass as I'd been sitting on it for too long BUT on the positive, doing Xianyun's story quest made me nostalgic for Liyue and got me motivated to write a little bit! I may do a harbinger one if I feel a bit silly, I'm not sure yet but please let me know if that's something you might be interested in! <3
(also i’d usually give this a little final read through but i am so exhausted so i just wanna get it posted so please forgive any silly mistakes or inconsistencies)
Word Count: 7.0k words
Includes Zhongli, Xiao, Xianyun, Ganyu
Warnings: Yandere Behaviours, if you are uncomfortable with dark themes please don't read! obsessive/possessive behaviours, younger Zhongli has serious issues - honestly all of them do, threats, violence, murder, manipulation, stalking, implied somno (depends how you read it) in Xiao's excerpt, some truly earth shattering delusions
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Renowned throughout Liyue Harbour for her mild manner and keen work ethic, the overworked secretary of Liyue Qixing was always a welcome sight around the harbour. It had taken Ganyu months to push past her bashfulness alongside countless encouragements from her colleagues and friends to confess her feelings to you.
It had only been once Captain Beidou had drunkenly declared that she would tell you herself if Ganyu didn’t muster up the courage that the Qilin had decided to tell you. Her cheeks flushed pink as she stuttered out her confession to you in the evening lantern light of Liyue Harbour.
Much to her delight you did not coldly reject the woman, instead you pressed a soft kiss to the corner of her lips before muttering that you felt the exact same way.
In her thousands of years of life Ganyu cannot recall a time she's known more peace than the time she has since shared with you. Your mere presence coaxes the insomniac into a gentle slumber. Every day she gets to spend by your side is a day in which the woman is glowing with giddiness, so much so that even the conqueror of demons had noted the positive change to Ganyu’s disposition.
Ganyu had always adored her position as secretary even if it had caused her immeasurable stress, she had always strove to serve Liyue in whatever way she could and never resented her position in spite of the responsibility it entailed however now that Ganyu had something to treasure, someone she wished to hold close she couldn’t help the annoyance that crept over her when she was asked to work overtime for the 5th time this week.
The Adeptus wanted nothing more desperately than to return to your shared home (she had insisted you move in with her as soon as possible and you simply couldn’t say no to her large violet eyes as they glimmered with unshed tears at the thought of you rejecting her offer) and monopolise you for the evening, ushering you into bed and holding you as tightly as the poor qilin could, whispering sweet nothings into your skin.
Ganyu prided herself on her maturity but even she couldn’t prevent glowering when she was denied yet another precious night in your company after Baiwen begged Ganyu to stay and help fill in some paperwork. 
She had dedicated herself to ensuring the smooth running of Liyue harbour yet even she could not fend off the envy that shadowed her as the thought of you running around the harbour without her. Every single person that was allowed to gaze upon your face while Ganyu was away from your side were rapidly earning spots on the Qilin’s list of enemies (a list she had only created 20 seconds prior)
Due to Ganyu’s soft and sensitive demeanour it’s easy to forget the sway she holds over Liyue. Several of the Qixing owing her favours after her years of servitude, she is in possession of countless embarrassing secrets she has gained access to due to her position. She holds the ears of the wealthiest people in teyvat as well as having fought ferociously in the archon war in bygone millenia.
Ganyu helped construct the very nation of Liyue into what it has become, moulding it with her very hands into the prosperous land it is. The people of Liyue have seemingly forgotten that Ganyu’s servitude is entirely her own choice. She does not serve the Qixing because she sees them as above her, she serves the Qixing because she wishes to, because she understands Liyue would collapse without her guiding hand.
Perhaps people will remember that when a man who makes a flirty remark to you will have a letter left on his doorstep detailing a solemn secret he long thought buried.
Perhaps people will remember that when the girl who blushed when your hands brushed as you both reached for the same bag of wheat is arrested for fraud despite her desperate claims to the contrary.
Perhaps people will remember that when the vendor who overcharged you goes bankrupt the following morning.
Perhaps people will remember that when the treasure hoarder who accosted you for your mora is found weeks later deep in a cave in Minlin, impaled with countless frosty arrows.
Rest assured, if people forget just how fierce Ganyu can be then she is more than happy to remind them.
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Xianyun often considers herself above such petty emotions as jealousy and possessiveness. 
She loudly declares herself one of the most measured of the Adepti, harbouring centuries of combat prowess and mechanical genius, raising two independent and fierce young woman on Mount Aocang, remaining a fierce and honourable servant to Morax and enduring the insults that flying rat that accompanied the traveler spewed at her, intentionally and not. Xianyun regarded herself as a dignified and patient woman.
After centuries of not being proven to the contrary, to the mighty Cloud Retainer there is no issue that cannot be overcome with the technical brilliance she has acquired or the thrumming power of the illuminated blood in her veins or so she had believed until recently.
Despite the mystery and majesty the Adepti commonly shrouded themselves in as they dwelled in their mountainous retreat, Xianyun had always been vigilant in ensuring that she honoured her vow to Rex Lapis and safeguard any of his subjects she comes across.
After doing her divinely ordained duty centuries ago and saving a young man from a rock fall she had since become accustomed to receiving offerings from the man's family and his descendants in the centuries since then. 
As an adepti offerings of thanks and acknowledgments of her mercy were not uncommon, especially to one so revered as cloud retainer. Even so she continued to be surprised that his descendants remained vigilant in offering their sincere gratitude towards her centuries after she saved the man.
If you asked Xianyun herself she would claim she holds none of the descendants in higher regard than the other however if you were in her presence when a certain individual climbs up the path to Mount Aocang you would be able to see in the way her breath hitches and she stops her sentence, her entire being frozen as she watches them set down the home cooked meal and offer a gentle prayer of thanks.
Even in her crane form her eyes never once stray from the visitor. She trails her vision over them, intaking every aspect of their appearance. how their hair falls over their face, how their breath comes out in warm puffs after the exertion of the climb, how they let a satisfied grin fall upon their face as they set the meal down.
Despite her tenacity and confidence Xianyun has still not formally introduced herself to her visitor, instead opting to watch from afar. She goes out of her way to personally ensure that your journey to Liyue harbour is safe and uneventful as she trails after you in her avian form, her eyes on the path ahead of you. She is more than ready to dart down and defeat any hillichurls or geovishaps or clear the rock slide blocking your path before you’re even aware the obstacle is there.
If anyone were to inquire about her vigilance in ensuring your safety she would puff her chest out and remind them of her contract with Rex Lapis and the duty she had to guard Liyue Harbour and all its inhabitants. 
Shenhe and Ganyu have long given up on inquiring about you after a flustered cloud retainer gave them the same monologue about her sworn duty to Morax for the 27th time.
Does she do this with every visitor to her domain? For thousands of years one has been a most faithful servant to Morax, to question one fulfilling their duty is to question ones-
As far as Xianyun is concerned she is simply doing her duty as an adeptus, there is no ulterior motive and she will ensure that she emphasises this to every person who inquires about her interest in you.
She even goes so far as to have Shenhe and Ganyu give her regular updates on your life when you haven’t been out Mount Aocang in a long time (read: over 24 hours)
Upon formally moving to Liyue Harbour, Cloud Retainer assumes the name of Xianyun and decides to use her mortal form to officially introduce herself to you. She will not allow you to know of her true identity as the subject of your reverence until she believes you are both adequately acquainted. One wishes simply to know you she thinks to herself
Again this is merely her curiosity at work she convinces herself. she merely wishes to know you are safe or so she attempts to convince herself, ignoring the tender fluttering in her chest at the thought of seeing you up close. 
No this is simply her duty as an adeptus. She takes her contract seriously, nothing more. 
She doesn’t seem this invested in any of the other citizens? One does not have to justify Oneself to the likes of you.
From the updates she had instructed Shenhe and Ganyu to deliver when she still resided on Mount Aocang she knew you frequented the Yanshang Teahouse. Unsure of when you would decide to visit it again she simply decided the best course of action would be to go to the teahouse every night from midday to closing until her eyes could meet yours.
On the 4th night of waiting to see you again she was growing antsy and entertaining thoughts of banging down every door in Liyue until she found you once again, her eyes darting around the room frantically. Her vision danced from face to face in a frantic tango until it settled on a familiar one.
Her entire being relaxed as she saw you seated at a table, soft hands clasped around a cup of tea taking tentative sips. The warm glow in your eyes made her feel as though she was feeling the warmth of the sun on her skin for the first time yet seeing that tenderness and affection directed at the person seated opposite you made her illuminated blood simmer as violent imaginings filled the adepti’s mind, a thousand different inventions to bring nothing but distress to your counterpart.
Equally Xianyun’s mind raced with a dozen different ways to fix this situation. No one but her deserved to see the soft glow in your eyes. No one but her was worthy of your reverence. To see you sharing the admiration she thought was only reserved solely for her... One would not stand for it.
You do not survive fighting in the front lines of the Archon war and a thousand tribulations afterwards by allowing slights against you to go unanswered. Xianyun was no stranger to seeking out her own justice. 
Such a shame for the person next to you that they are visiting from Fontaine and as such she has no obligation to hold back. Even if they were from Liyue she is not entirely sure even Morax could prevent her from exacting her bloody vengeance.
Although she had originally decided to stay in Liyue harbour permanently she now found herself longing for the recluse of Mount Aocang, her only little world where the only people that mattered were the two of you. That was all she needed. You would soon learn that was all you needed to.
She would pack tonight and leave for Mount Aocang at first light. 
The next time you would set foot on the mountain you would not be leaving again.
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The conqueror of demons
The vigilant Yaksha
The bane of all evil
Throughout his many millennia of life Xiao has been called by countless titles but from you he longed only to hear his name on your lips.
After saving you from a few hillichurls he had anticipated the usual stuttering of gratitude that was so common from mortals, however what he didn’t expect was how his heart tugged at the sight of relieved tears in your eyes. Large wet eyes looking up at him with unabashed admiration.
The adeptus was puzzled by the clear reaction his body had to the tender gaze you bestowed upon him. With flushed cheeks and dilated pupils the vigilant yaksha quickly fled from the scene, not even muttering a word. He spent the night attempting to disregard how the gentle trembling of your lips replayed in his minds eye or how he simply couldn’t rid himself of the thought of how soft and supple your skin had seemed in the cool moonlight of Liyue.
The following day and night the yaksha busied himself with slaying the beasts and scum that loitered within the vicinity of the Wangshu inn. When you disregard the fervent replaying of your interaction yesterday that thrummed through his brain, the day had passed exactly as he had anticipated. 
These were parts of his day that was not foreign to him. They certainly were not comfortable but there was an air of familiarity around these emotions. Perhaps his day would have ended in a similar way had it not been for the sound of hesitant feet making their way onto the top balcony of the inn. 
He peered down from his position on the inn's roof inquisitively. Verr often made a point of ensuring any visitors to the inn avoided the top floor in order to grant the Adeptus much needed solitude. 
Instead it was… you. Again.
In your hands sat a plate of almond tofu, your fingers gripping the porcelain plate almost hard enough to smash it as you called out hesitantly
“Adeptus Xiao?” 
His hairs prickled as he heard you call out his name. Hearing his name on your tongue, echoing your pronunciation of every syllable, rewinding and replaying the noises you made. The hitch of your breath before speaking, the breathiness of your words, the fondness in your tone despite your nervousness.
He wanted desperately to drop down and greet you, to ask you to say his name again. He would beg if he had to yet he couldn’t move
“If you’re here… Miss Verr told me you enjoyed almond tofu so I’ll just leave it here for you. I-” 
You cleared your throat, your voice gaining some timbre as you gained some confidence speaking to what you hoped was the Adeptus that had saved you
“I wanted to thank you for saving me yesterday, without you i wouldn’t be here now”
You placed the plate onto the balcony before giving one last hopeful glance around. No sign of the adeptus. Regardless you whispered a soft hopeful prayer that the adeptus would find the token of gratitude you were leaving him.
As he heard your footsteps retreat down the staircase of the inn he finally allowed himself to breathe again. Leaping down onto the balcony of the inn with feline grace, he picked up the dish you left for him. His mouth pooled with saliva, his appetite was not for the almond tofu before him. As he traced the sides of the plate where your hands had once been, his heart fluttered like a teenage boy with a crush.
Xiao had spent the day thinking of you far more than he would dare verbalise but this new interaction with you had fanned the spark of interest into a blazing obsession. To think that he had been on your mind too, it was overwhelming for the adeptus, he almost didn’t want to believe that one such as himself could be blessed with something so tender to cherish as you.
He took care to watch over you vigilantly, rarely straying from your side. Ensuring your safety and acting as your shadow became his priority, however he still maintained a distance between you both, fearful that perhaps he may frighten you away with the intensity of his desire to guard you his karmic debt might overwhelm him in your presence.
The yaksha’s usual post at Wangshu inn was quickly abandoned in favour of his new perch on your roof. Of course he would never wish to invade your privacy but when you leave your bedroom window open like that… surely you must have some idea that the yaksha has taken an interest in you. Perhaps you know Xiao is there, you’ve seen him in the corner of your eye and this is your way of inviting him inside and you're simply too timid to declare it.
Even if you haven’t seen him and this isn't an invitation, clearly your senses are rather dull and you cannot be trusted to watch over yourself. He has been trailing you for weeks now so if you truly haven't noticed him then that’s all the more proof that he should slip inside your bedroom window… to keep a better eye on you while you remain defenceless as you rest.
Those are the two primary justifications he cycles through as he tentatively slides through your window, his feet silent on your floorboards after thousands of years mastering the art of agility. He wanders around your bedroom, flitting through the little trinkets you had scattered about; pretty seashells, crystals, a vase of silk flowers, your outfit for the following day. 
He huffed out a breath at your mortal amusements, countless little testaments to your interests, a dozen tributes to your fascinations. Despite the superfluous nature of these curios you had scattered about, because they were small remnants of you he simply couldn;t bring himself to feel disdain for them, not when they brought him just a little closer into your world.
After he had thoroughly explored every countertop in your bedroom, his eyes darted to what he had been attempting (and failing) to ignore this entire time. Watching your peaceful slumber brought him more relief than he cared to admit. He perched tentatively on the side of your bed.  Despite his attempts to restrain himself, he simply couldn’t prevent the wandering of his hand across the soft blanket that covered you.
Once he had traced his hand against your form, separated only by the blanket, he let his hand grasp onto a corner of it. Slowly peeling the blanket off of your form like a present that the archons had carefully wrapped just for him, golden eyes darkening as he drank in your body, covered only by sleep wear. 
His deep, trembling intakes of breath stopped only when he saw your brow scrunch as you tossed in discomfort, reaching for the blanket he had since removed. Any moment you would wake up, he was sure of it. With no time to cover you back up with your blanket and even less to put your ornaments and baubles back in their spots he slipped back out of your window silently, returning back into the shadows to observe you faithfully.
The following nights he didn’t dare creep back into your bedroom. You now kept the window shut and curtains drawn. He would be dishonest if he said he wasn’t slightly frustrated by this development but moreover he was glad you didn’t simply ignore such an occasion. After all you didn’t realise it was him in your room, for all you know it could have been some debauched pervert. He would be thankful that you’re so vigilant about your safety if that was the extent of your preventative measures, however it was not.
You now had a friend staying with you. Admittedly you could just be having them stay with you as a deterrent or precaution to any unsavoury folks and yes he likely did give you quite the fright but you have no need for anyone's protection but his. You need only speak his name and the conqueror of demon’s is at your beck and call. He would be your undeterred shield, your unyielding blade to set upon any who would harm you if only you would let him.
Being around you makes Xiao feel tender and breakable for the first time since he signed his contract with Rex Lapis. He should hate how you make him feel but he can’t… he’s not sure he could hate anything pertaining to you. Well perhaps one thing: that friend who seems insistent on escorting you everywhere. Perhaps Xiao wouldn’t mind it so much (he definitely would still mind) if your friend wasn’t so liberal with his gaze, just by analysing the man for a few moments Xiao could tell he had less than noble thoughts about you.
After about a week of being on such high alert your friend convinces you to get out of the harbour, that perhaps some time away would do you some good. Perhaps you could go to Mondstadt for a week or so together. Usually you would be inclined to disagree with his spontaneous ideas but for almost a month Liyue has been smothering you. Initially you attempted to ignore the oppressive gaze you felt upon you, convincing yourself it was a mere delusion, a cruel trick your mind was playing but after last week you were certain there was a real cause for concern behind the gaze that followed you wherever you roamed.
Upon overhearing this conversation Xiao’s blood ran cold. Going to Mondstadt means leaving the area in which he can best protect you. Going to Mondstadt means you’re in far more danger than he could allow, sure he could ask that troublesome bard to keep an eye on you but that simply means opening himself up to questions he’s not even sure he knows the answers to just yet. 
The accursed day finally arrives despite Xiao’s feverish wishes to the contrary. You begin the trek to Mondstadt when the sun is high in the sky, he keeps his eye on you, eagerly awaiting any moment you might need help, any opening for him to sweep in and keep you in Liyue for even a second longer. Perhaps this time he might mutter a word to you, tell you ‘you’re welcome’ when you inevitably drown him in gratitude or extend an offer of an escort all the way to Mondstadt (of course he’ll be escorting you regardless of whether you’re aware of it or not). 
Instead you make it all the way to Wangshu inn without issue, much to the yaksha’s irritation. As the sun began to shrink into the horizon and the stars began to glimmer softly in the gloam coated sky, you beg your friend to stop in the inn for the night, hesitant to continue on with the daylight quickly dwindling however they refuse, insisting that you were practically at Stone Gate already and to keep on going for a little while longer, spewing empty promises of protecting you if anything might attack you. You shifted nervously, your eyes looking askew but you conceded, following dutifully after your companion through Dihua marsh.
As expected you didn’t get far in the dark without bumping into several hillichurls however much to your misfortune it wasn’t just a handful of meagre hillichurls. The mitachurl towered over you, his thick club raised in the air before slamming down next to your head as you rolled to the side. You darted out from under the beast, your eyes searching through the chaos for your friend only to be met with a distressing view. Your supposed friend fleeing the battle, their eyes searching for yours, tinged with pain as they mouthed a quick “I’m sorry” before continuing their desperate flee, leaving you to fend against the hillichurls alone.
Betrayal and dejection flooded you as you watched the person who had promised to protect you both from whatever had been watching you and whatever beasts you may bump into in the darkness. The stinging in your tear ducts and burning in your chest became dampened as you felt a swift tap to the back of your neck as your world faded into darkness. You felt no pain, no more betrayal as you collapsed. 
Xiao had originally intended to take advantage of this situation. To appear by your side when the battle seemed lost, saving you if only to see your eyes light up in recognition of the yaksha before you but when he realised that wretch was fleeing from the battle, surely leaving you for dead he couldn’t stand still for another moment, his fingers curling around the air, instinctually craving the weight of his weapon to rest in his palms. 
Using the end of this spear he hit you with just enough force to send you into the soft slumber of unconsciousness, catching you gently before laying you down on the grass, cradling your head like one would a newborn babe. With you carefully positioned out of his path he donned the mask of exorcism that usually sat at his waist, the karmic debt swirling around him in much higher intensity.
Slaughtering a small camp of hillichurls was a small feat for the conqueror of demons however he would not stop there. Xiao refused to rest until he felt that justice had been served for you, his most beloved.
Xiao scooped up your sleeping body before taking you back to Wangshu inn. When he first took up the mantle of protector of the inn Verr had offered him a room as thanks for his service and until now he had little need for it. He entered the dusty room and lay you down on the bed, brushing hair out of your face. The room was filled with only barebones furniture but perhaps tomorrow he would go to your home and bring you some of your pretty ornaments to make it seem more homely for you.
He allowed himself one small indulgence before he would head back out again to seek retribution for you. He removed the glove on one of his hands and took his bare, trembling fingers he traced across your lips. Memorising every inch and crevice of your soft lips beneath his fingers brought him a sense of unfathomable peace he had not felt since… he couldn’t remember anytime he had felt a sense of calm remotely similar to this.
Despite it paining him to do so the yaksha managed to force himself out of the stupor you had coaxed him into with your gentle breathing and sweet scent. Placing his glove back on and summoning his Jade winged spear the adeptus took off into the night once more.
When he returned to the remnants of the hillichurl camp, it didnt take long for him to find a trail. Following the dragging footsteps in the dust led him directly to your ‘friend’, now curled up at the foot of Wuwang hill, snot coating their face as their sobbed into their hands, wracked with grief and distress at their actions.
Even now the adeptus couldn’t muster even an illusion of sympathy or understanding, seeing them in this state only made his loathing for them grow.
They had truly deluded themself into believing they were a worthy protector for you? They couldn’t even defend themself.
With the hatred clawing up his throat like bile, Xiao couldn’t contain the Karmic debt slithering over him. His grip on his polearm tightened as he raised it above his head.
The fact that they truly believed themself to be a competitor for your affections would have almost been humorous had it not been for their display of cowardice not even an hour prior.
He plunged his weapon into their soft flesh methodically, his grip not faltering for even a moment. If it weren’t for his concern about you rousing afraid and alone, he would have taken his time and drawn their suffering out. He would have shown them that a few measly hillichurls were the least of his issues, instead he gritted his teeth, deciding to place your happiness and safety over his own desperate lust for vengeance.
Xiao quickly turned to abandon the scene. Even staring upon the filth’s body, thinking of the warmth and affection you had shared and how quickly they had forsaken you… No, he couldn’t end it like this. He turned back around to the almost corpse- the last few vestiges of life were flickering. Xiao resolved to make the last few breaths of air your friend would take as painful as possible. Digging his foot into their chest before he raised his polearm once more. Cutting and slicing, skewing and carving until all that remained after the frenzy was a mound of meat, muscle and bone.
Xiao crept into the room hoping you still remained asleep. A rare smile blossomed across the pale face of the Yaksha as he saw you curled up on the bed.
Dropping his spear by your bed Xiao stared at you longingly 
He had waited so long for the moment in which he could express his feelings to you properly. He wanted to show you he loved you without fear. Now that you were lying in his bed, eyelids closed and breathing deep, Xiao made the decision that he could indulge himself fully before you woke up. 
Just this once as a reward for saving you.
He’s sure you won't mind after all the time and energy he has devoted to ensuring your safety he’s almost positive you would be fine with him taking his fill. 
Surely after two millennia of selflessness he has earned the right to be a little selfish.
With one swift step Xiao turned around to lock the bedroom door behind him.
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The reaction of Zhongli varies significantly depending on which phase of his life he is in. The man who goes by the name Zhongli has mellowed out considerably since his days as Deus Auri, If someone had stolen your attention away from him they may be greeted with several snide remarks and biting threats, if somebody stole your affection away from him then Zhongli would have a much less pleasant reaction however if either such thing occurred during his younger years as the Lord of the Adepti and God of contracts it is unlikely any potential suitors will escape unscathed.
In his youth Zhongli was far more of a slave to his draconic instincts than he was willing to admit. Upon the realisation of his intense feelings for you, the warrior god is far more frightened than he lets on. You are so fragile in comparison to him, so breakable. Not only that but humans are so flighty. Where Adepti may be content to sit on the same mountain top for centuries in solemn meditation, the same cannot be said for mortals. He has watched them flit about, to and fro for centuries and he would be lying if he didn’t find the mortal proclivity for change rather unnerving. 
He has watched humans profess undying love for one another before turning around and betraying their vows to each other. It’s not that he thinks you’re anything like those adulterers, really he doesn’t but… you humans are slaves to your desires (he says, completely unaware of the irony his statement brings), he doesn’t want you to bring harm to your relationship because your human heart is fickle (you have not been made aware of your ‘relationship’ with the Lord of Geo) so he shall personally ensure that no one and nothing will allow you to stray from him.
And yes this is all because he cares about you and definitely not because when he sees other mens eyes flit across you he has to use every ounce of self control to prevent him from smiting the filth where they stand for allowing their lecherous eyes trail across you like a cut of meat at the market or a pretty jewel to possess (again, completely lacking in the necessary self awareness to recall how his own lustful eyes rake across your form).
Any man that makes an advance towards you shall meet a grisly end.
The shopkeeper who gave you an extra bag of rice on the house flees Liyue harbour muttering nothing but reverent prayers and desperate pleas for mercy to Rex Lapis for his transgression.
The Physician who helped bandage up your torso after you were wounded by a follower of Osial was offered a far more lenient punishment. Any place his skin may have made contact with you is carved off, his life is only spared as he was helping you however Morax cannot help the way his claws dig into his palms leaving fresh welts in the calloused skin, still unused to this humanoid form, unable to contain his rage at the thought of another touching you in a state of undress, even if only to heal you. Your bare skin is for his hands alone. If someone had to dress your wounds then they should have summoned him (please note that he has not made his affections for you known to you or anyone else for that matter)
After his most recent battle, felling yet another God who rivalled him for the position of Archon, Morax who had decided to take some weeks to allow for Liyue harbour to recover and the Adepti to rest. However when he learns it was a follower of Osial who dared to mar your delicate skin… He is rallying his Adepti with a fervour and aggression unseen from the warrior god. No one is entirely sure what has incited Morax to take such a devotion to ensuring Osial is destroyed but with his pupils in slits and his grip on Vortex Vanquisher so tight it looks as though the staff may snap, none of the Adepti are brave enough to question their lord.
Despite being renowned as the most fearsome of fighters no one, not even the closest of Morax’s allies had seen such a slaughter brought down by the Draconic lord of Geo. 
A slaughter.
Countless words could be used to describe the massacre Morax unleashed upon Osial, the Overlord of the Vortex and all his followers; however those were the most commonly repeated in the months following the extermination.
All knew to be wary of Morax, however that was the day the people of Teyvat truly learned to fear his wrath.
He hoped that when you looked out of the bay of Liyue Harbour and saw the Guyun Stone Forest, a complete destruction of every remnant of Osial and his forces, you would be reminded of his love for you, you would realise Morax is clearly the superior choice compared to all the other men around you.
Who but Morax could give you Teyvat?
Who but Morax would engulf the world in flame if only to see you smile?
Who but Morax could and would give you every comfort mora could afford?
He had frequently entertained various plans for his courtship with you; however the one his mind spun most frequently was to win the Archon war and assume his role as one of the chosen seven. Then he would raise you up as his consort, granting you immortality and binding the two of you eternally in a contract of marriage. 
Of course that didn’t mean he couldn’t let his mind wander to other fantasies, his mind swirling with thoughts of spiriting you away to his palatial domain and keeping you there for days, weeks, months, years, however it took for his insatiable desire for you to be satiated. Only then would he leave his domain to win the war and return to you as the victor of the brutal war and one of the seven, finally able to rest a crown upon your head. 
Admittedly he had yet to confess his desire to take you to wife or even that he loved you so desperately and fervently that it was one of the few things that managed to frighten the lord of contracts.
But surely you knew, even if he hadn’t verbalised it. He refused to believe you didn’t feel the tug between you both, reeling you together. You simply must understand what it's like to look into his eyes and feel as though you’re seeing clearly for the first time in your life. You have to know what its like to feel as though every step apart is energy wasted. You too must crave to feel his bare skin against your own, willing to merge into one if only to bring you both closer together.
Even if you somehow did not feel the same things… surely you must feel his gaze upon you. When he looks down at his city his eyes rest only on you, no matter how much he tries to break his gaze away from you.
Besides he doesn’t need words when he has made his romantic intentions towards you more than obvious in the way his draconic instincts have been roaring for him to. You have accepted his gifts of courtship happily, you clearly understand that he can fulfil his role in providing for you and any young you may have. He has seen you wearing the glaze lily in your hair, the very same lily he had his adepti scour the war torn lands for days to obtain. 
Admittedly you seemed rather hesitant to accept the chests of mora and countless jewels he had left on your doorstep but equally you didn’t reject the gifts. As far as he was concerned that was proof enough that you had accepted his offer of courtship. By all draconic standards you were now officially entered into a contract with the rising Lord of Liyue and he would not take any contract lightly.
Despite the occasional event where some filthy wretch had to be taught to keep their lecherous eyes and hands off the Lord of Contracts future consort and the fact that he had not been able to converse with you about the future of your relationship, he believed his ‘relationship’ with you was going exceedingly well. 
In spite of this and much to the rage of Morax, another reprobate had decided to give you an offer of courtship.
Morax can feel rage thickening in his veins, viscous and violent. Watching you blush softly at the Mortal’s meagre proposition. He understood mortals were far more inclined towards change and adaptation than a being such as he could even begin to comprehend as a deity that stands unchanging as stone, refusing to be eroded by the sands of time or the winds of change. Even so he did not expect such a flagrant betrayal. You don't even have the decency to look shameful as you forsake every thoughtful gift the lord of contracts had spent countless hours pouring over to ensure you received only the best.
Even if Rex Lapis didn’t currently have the time to display his affection verbally he had ensured that he had more than made up for it with his opulent gifts, only the finest for his future consort.
He had been desperately trying to restrain himself from stealing you away to his personal realm every time he saw you pass through the centre of the harbour. He had managed to restrain himself, displaying such self control and patience that he surprised even himself but a man has limits and the prime adeptus could stand no further insult.
How dare that vermin stand where he should, face to face with you, gazing into your eyes, drinking in the warmth that pooled into your cheeks, his arm extended with a meagre sweet flower clutched in his sweaty palm, the stem already drooping from being clutched so tightly.
Perhaps if you begged softly for the poor fools life Morax may bestow a rare act of mercy and only remove the man's eyes or tongue rather than his life, if only to see his beloved happy however all thoughts of Mercy were dashed when you accepted the flower with a soft smile gracing your face.
He didn’t think it was possible for his beloved’s glowing smile to inspire such a primal rage within him.
The city of Liyue harbour came to a stand still as their mighty Lord descended upon their city with a swiftness imperceptible to the naked eye to stand between you and your would be suitor. 
A clawed hand clasped around the mortal man’s throat, blood trickling out of the small incisions the razor sharp claws of his humanoid form.
The man gasped for air however Morax’s grip was not dissuaded. His hand only faltered when he heard a familiar voice cry out
“Lord Morax! Please! Please release him i beg of you” 
He turned his attention to you now perched on your knees, grasping at the bottom of his robe in a desperate plea and display of reverence. Although his blood still simmered with the fury of betrayal both at you and the wretch that had tempted you away from his side, seeing you now on your knees for him, tears welling in your soft eyes he simply couldn’t stay angry, not at you at least.
He threw the young man down on the ground with a sickening crack, watching him writhe around desperately clutching at the wounds on his throat.
No more waiting and no more distractions. This little infraction has persuaded him to do exactly what he needed to this entire time. 
Taloned hands scoop you up, pressing you close into a solid, warm chest as you are quickly whisked away from the harbour and everything you had ever known. He should have known better than to allow you to wander freely without his stewardship or guiding hand to lead you.
Thankfully here in Morax’s private domain you two will be able to remain unbothered for as long as he sees fit, remaining far away from any man that may dare to tempt you away from him and he can rest easy knowing you will be tended to by the servants whilst he goes out and deals with the rodent that tried to damage he and his beloved’s relationship. 
Not that it shall matter anymore once the mortal is disposed of. After all, despite his reputation as a war monger and monster, Morax is capable of understanding and empathy. You cannot help the fact that it is human nature to wish to try every experience, to culminate a portfolio of countless events and adventures, it really was a failing on his behalf to not keep a closer eye on you. Not to worry, from here on out he shall never part from your side, he shall be with you every moment of every day to remind you of your vow.
Of course if he wins the archon war, and he will, he knows in his very bones that he was born for the role of archon then he shall have the power and authority to raise you up by his side, as his consort and bestow you with eternal life and only then you shall truly remain at each others sides, forever. He shall not even entertain the thought of you being stolen from him again, covetous creature that he is.
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alltoowelltom · 7 months
Thinking about Oscar buying his gf flowers for the first time (holding back tears)
-🌷(can i possibly be🌷anon?)
he would be determined. thank you for requesting and of course you can be 🌷 anon!
"Can I help you find anything?" the sales assistant asks kindly. She's got an amused smile on her face at the sight of the young man who appears overwhelmed at the selection of flowers laid in front of him. He'd considered leaving - there was too much variety, too many different options - but when he had laid eyes on the small floral store earlier he had become determined to buy a bouquet for you. He'd never bought you flowers before, never bought anyone flowers before. But you'd been together for a few months by now and he wanted to surprise you.
"Uh, yeah, maybe." He replies. "I wanna buy flowers for my girl- but which am I supposed to get her? How do I know what she'll like?" He rambles.
The woman only smiles at his nervous excitement, clearing off her table.
Oscar spends nearly half an hour listening intently to her explanations, taking in all the information as carefully as if he was hearing about the team's new car. He takes notes on his phone, making sure to write down the meanings of the flowers he chooses with her guidance.
He chews his lip lightly as she wraps the bouquet of hydrangeas, zinnias and baby's breath in translucent paper, tying a shiny white ribbon around too.
"Did you want to add a card too?" she asks, offering him a small pink card and a pen. Oscar thanks her, taking the pen and filling in both your name and his in the respective 'to' and 'from' spaces. His mind blanks as he tries to think of a message to add. How could he possibly find the words to explain how much you've become to him in a short period of time? He draws a shaky heart instead, hoping it will be enough to explain how he feels. The shop assistant loops the card onto the ribbon, tying it in a neat bow and handing the bouquet to Oscar who thanks her profusely for all her help.
"Don't be so nervous," she reassures him. "She'll love it, because you chose them for her."
"Hi baby," he calls, pushing the front door behind him. You'd stayed over at his apartment the night before and at his delight you'd opted to stay there all day too, promising you'd still be waiting once he got home from work. Despite it being early on in your relationship the thought of you usually being there when he got home (or vice versa) made his heart skip a beat.
"Kitchen!" you call, stirring a pot of pasta. He follows the sound of your voice.
"Hi," you greet him happily, turning the stove down and turning to give him a kiss. You stop short seeing what he's holding.
"Uh, these are for you." He says bluntly, holding them out. You can't hide the grin stretching across your features as you take it from him, flipping over the card and bringing the flowers close to your face.
"Thank you Oz," you say almost shyly. "What's the occasion?" You're already hunting in Oscar's cupboards for something vaguely vase-shaped. Unsurprisingly he has nothing of the sort so you settle for a clear Camelbak water bottle, filling it and placing the flowers inside.
"I don't need an occasion to get flowers for my best girl." He says, reaching one hand behind your head to press a sweet kiss to your mouth. You kiss him back happily.
"You like them?" He asks between pecks to your forehead.
"Yeah," you nuzzle into his chest and he's happy to just hold you in the middle of the kitchen. "I love them, 'cause they're from you."
🌼Hydrangea - gratitude
🌼Zinnia - constancy
🌼Baby's breath - everlasting love
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littlemissaddict · 2 years
Too Clingy - Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: After overhearing Steve tell Eddie that he thinks she's too clingy and that Eddie should aske her to tone it down, she worries that she is being too much. Eddie disagrees.
Word Count: 758
Eddie was in the bathroom and had been since she'd climbed under the sheets on his bed. Usually she would lie in the middle of the bed as she waited for Eddie to join her, tonight however, she was laid on the far edge of the bed, facing the wall with her arms wrapped tight around herself in an effort to make herself as small as possible in hopes that she would disappear into the worn mattress.
Unfortunately that didn't happen as she found out when Eddie finally joined her in the bed. His arms automatically reached for her, always wanting to feel her close as they slept although tonight she tensed at his touch which halted his movements as confusion overtook him. "Sweetheart, what's wrong? Did I do something to upset you?" He asked, his voice wavering as he tried to wrack his brain for anything that he could have done, only he came up empty.
She sniffed, blinking back tears that were threatening to fall as she kept quiet and unmoving in her spot. She could feel Eddie's hands rubbing up and down her back soothingly as she fought the urge just to turn over and bury herself within his arms where she loved to be. Instead she kept the distance between them, half hoping that Eddie would just break and pull her in but she knew he wouldn't, he would let her make the next move so as not to risk making her uncomfortable even though he could tell she was upset and holding her in his arms was his first instinct in comforting her.
"I'm sorry" her voice was quiet and her words were followed by more sniffles.
"Sorry? What're you sorry for?" Eddie repeats as his hands pause their movements on her back, he’s even more confused now than he was before.
"I don't mean to be so clingy, I just enjoy being with you and I miss you when you're not there" she pouts, finally turning around to face him but still keeping her distance much to Eddie’s dismay. Although at least now he knows what's wrong and he feels a little relief that he's not done anything to cause this.
"You heard Steve earlier" he states, his heart sinking that one little comment is upsetting her so much and worst of all depriving him of her touch. When she nods in response, Eddie sighs, "You know I really wouldn't take any notice of him"
"Why? He's Steve Harrington, King of Hawkins High, surely if anyone is an expert on dating it's him" she replies, very aware of Steve's past up until Nancy that is, since they split he's not had much luck in that area.
Eddie rolls his eyes as she speaks, he still doesn't like being reminded that he's friends with the former 'king' anymore than Steve likes being reminded that that's who he was. "Maybe but considering his best dating advice is to act like you're not interested in someone I wouldn’t say he's the best judge in that department" Eddie smirks, retelling what Dustin had told him about the night of the school dance back in 83'. She listens with a bewildered look on her face, although she has moved closer to him which he delights in, "besides you're my girlfriend not his and I don't think you're clingy" he reassures her, a smile taking over his face as she shuffles closer to him and he slides his arm around her until it settles in its usual place.
"So you don't want me to tone it down?" She asks, eyes wide and innocent as she gazes up at him.
"Never" he clarifies, glad to have her back in his arms where she belongs, "but we'll have to be telling Steve to mind his own business next time because I can't go this long without cuddles again" he jokes, though in the way her eyes widen be can tell that she thinks he's being serious.
"No don't, I don't wanna cause any problems between you and your friends, Eds"
"Relax, I'm kidding sweetheart" he soothes  tilting his head down to press a kiss to her forehead despite the awkward angle, "not about the cuddles though, I would never joke about those" he chuckles as he pulls away and he hears her laugh along with him.
"Nope, never" she agrees, her words being cut off slightly by a yawn as she snuggles further into him as she hums into his chest "I love you Eddie"
"I love you too baby"
824 notes · View notes
darlingshane · 1 year
Kiss the Cook
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Pairing: Michael Berzatto x F!Reader
Summary: When you wake up, you find Michael cooking breakfast, wearing only the apron that you bought for him.
Content/Warnings: 18+, Explicit, Smut, HJ and BJ (m. receiving), Friends with Benefits, Crack, Pet Names, Crass Phallic Humor.
Word Count: 1,1k
A/N: This is a second part to Afternoon Delight. They can be read separately since there's not much plot.
— You can read below or at AO3.
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Though Michael doesn’t own the most comfortable mattress, when you wake up on his bed, you feel completely rested. You were spent last night when you came here under the premise of decompressing after a long day of work just for a quick fuck, instead you must have ended up falling asleep cause besides your feet being free from your shoes you're still wearing all your clothes. He must have moved you to his bed too cause you don’t actually remember getting into his room at all. The last thing you saw before you drifted to slumber was the glow of the TV.
One shoulder cracks when you stretch your arms before getting out of the tangled mess of the sheets.
Minding your steps, you walk into the bathroom to relieve the pressure on your bladder, and after washing your hands, you rid your mouth of the awful morning breath by using some of his Listerine.
As you head out to the living room, you catch a whiff of something cooking and the next second, you're met with Michael's backside in the kitchen wearing only an apron while he cooks something on the stove top. His cute little bottom is on full display between the edges of the apron. His ass cheeks jiggle a little when he quickly reaches with one hand to grab a spatula that was sitting further away on the counter.
You can’t stop yourself from sneaking on him and giving a small pinch to his butt.
“Morning, tushy,” you laugh as his head promptly turns for just a second.
“Hey, go back to bed, baby, I was going to surprise you with breakfast.”
“Too late. I'm already up,” you link your arms around his waist while he keeps working on an omelette that smells delicious. “Is this the apron that I brought you?”
“It is. Thought you'd like to see me wearing it at least once.”
“I do like it, baby. It looks good on you,” per the fabric’s suggestion of 'kiss the cook' you lean in closer and smooch his jaw.
“How did you sleep, sweetheart?”
“Good, I think. I haven't slept that much since… Forever. Thank you for taking me to your bed.”
“Of course.”
“Though, you should have taken off my clothes.”
“I thought about it, but it felt weird to do so while you were out. And I didn't wanna wake you up.”
“Aww, such a gentleman.”
“That's right,” he glances over his shoulder and kisses your nose before transferring the cooked omelette to a plate. Then, he pours another bowl of whisked eggs into the pan to make a second one. “Do you want anything else, sweetheart?”
“Hmm, I'm in the mood for some sausage.”
“Sorry, I'm out of sausages.”
As you slip your hands under the hem of his apron on both sides, you say, “really? Cause I think you have a perfect sausage ready for consumption right here.”
You curl both palms around his soft dick and jerk him slowly.
“You're literally playing with fire, baby,” he hisses, trying to keep his focus on the pan as he folds the omelette with the spatula.
“I know. That's the fun of it,” you smirk, getting his cock to harden in your hold. “How about some chorizo?”
“Uh-uh, the best I… can do…” he scrambles to get his words out as he grows more solid, “...is ham.”
“No ham. I need something with more sustenance. What was that thing you ordered the other day with the weird ass name?”
“Yeah, that.”
“Don't have any, either.”
“That's too bad. I guess I'll have to settle with this one,” his full erection fills both your fists now, and leaks some precum that you extend along his shaft to ease the motion.
As you grip harder around him, you watch him struggle, promptly putting down the spatula, and bracing his hands on the edge of the counter.
“Sh, sh, sh. Keep cooking for me, baby. Don’t let it burn.”
“You're a fucking menace, girl,” he grumbles, and against his body’s wishes he collects the spatula and finishes that second omelette while you keep toying with him.
“You're the one who decided to wear just an apron to surprise me. We both know what you were up to when you made that decision.”
Despite your best efforts to get him to mess up, he manages to finish that second omelette with flying colors. Then, he turns off the stove and closes his eyes, enjoying the undoing of your eager hands around his hardness.
“Can I have some of this now, please?” you purr and nibble against the curve of his neck.
Michael can't and wouldn't ever deny you a request like that. Especially from you. The way you make him feel is something unexplainable. He becomes putty in your hands every time you come around. This is proof of it. So, as you take a step back and kneel on the floor, he turns around, and watches your teeth sharpen, and mouth water, at the prospect of taking him between your lips. You roll up the hem of that ridiculous apron over his hips to uncover that impressive erection you've proudly baked.
“Wow, you really put the long in longaniza,” you quip, bringing one hand up to hold the underside of his cock.
“You’re so fucking dirty,” he snorts and watches your tongue mischievously flick across your bottom lip before pressing a quick kiss on the blunt head of his dick.
“Don’t complain. I know you like it when I’m dirty,” you place a string of kisses along the shaft without taking your eyes off his.
Michael traps his bottom lip beneath his teeth and watches your lips sensually wrap around him. He places a palm on your jaw and draws with his thumb the hollow of your cheek when you take him shamelessly deeper into your mouth. It's a damn sight better observing you from above, fiercely wanting to please him. More than the act itself, it's the passion you put into it that makes his cock ache and throb. It's something unparalleled to watch how you almost take every inch of him into the depth of your mouth.
Your head bobs faster as you take him closer to the edge, you see his eyes glare behind a layer of gloss and lust. You grip harder at the base, revel in the way he tastes in your mouth, and use your other hand to massage his balls.
“Attagirl, keep going,” he deeply encourages between grunts, grasping your face tighter, with both hands framing your head now, as his hips automatically jerk into your mouth a few times. “You like it when I fuck your dirty mouth like this?”
You hum in response and let him drive into you during that final stretch. You keep your lips tight, your jaw slacked, that hand still holding his scrotum, and let his cock use your mouth until your tongue is covered with every drop of his warm, sticky cum.
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unluckywisher · 6 months
Y'all asked for fluff back in my last poll (which was two weeks ago 😭), so here it (finally) is:
He turned tiny! (This is a reversal of one of my previous posts where MC is tiny)
You encountered a Wanderer by surprise while hanging out with him, its unusual fluctuations affecting his body, luckily you evaded them. You defeated it and turned back to look at him, but the fluctuations seemed to linger...
If you were hanging out with Xavier:
He looks at himself with confusion, but then says: "Ah, I think I've encountered a Wanderer like this before. The effects should last until tomorrow."
You're too busy kneeling besides him and gaping at his size to hear what he's saying. "Xavier... You're rabbit-sized now!" You poke his torso.
He laughs, finding your reaction cute even though he's the one who's cute at the moment. "Care to pick me up and carry me home, then?" He climbs your kneeling figure and stands on your thighs. "Of course!" You wrap an arm around him and bring him up to your chest, putting your other hand under him to support him, then stand up. "I should be tiny more often." He smiles.
On the way home, he falls asleep in your arms.
When you arrive at your apartment, you leave him on the couch to sleep. However, as soon as he notices your absence, he wakes up.
"Are you going somewhere?" He rubs his eyes. "No, but I thought I'd let you sleep while I change out of the Hunter Equipment." "I'll wait, just don't sneak away while I'm asleep. I'll think you're leaving me." You could swear he's acting cuter than normal. And not just because of his appearance. It's like he's using his increased cuteness to make you want to be with him at all times.
"Okay." You go change and come back to the living room. "Can I sleep on your lap?" "Sure." You sit and let him climb your legs, resting his head on your tummy. "You're very comfortable." The last words fizzle out as he falls asleep, not even five seconds having passed.
You sigh but smile, looking down at his sleeping figure. You grab a nearby blanket and drape it over your legs to cover him. Resigned to the fact that you're gonna have to spend a while sitting here, you start playing with your phone.
Eventually he stirs awake and sees you playing. He tugs on your shirt to catch your attention, so you pause the game and look down. "Can I play too?" "Uh... I don't know if you'll be able to..." You lower the phone to his level.
He uses his whole palm to press continue and starts swatting at the screen with his hands. He's surprisingly good at it. Well, he's good at almost any game he plays, so not that surprising.
The level ends and displays the score. "Is that good?" He asks, looking back at you. "...you beat my record." He laughs. "I'm sorry." "It's okay, now I have a goal to work towards the next time I play."
You put the phone aside. "What do you wanna do now? Don't tell me you want to take another nap..." "Can we cook dinner together?" "Sure, I doubt you'll be able to do much damage like this."
You bring him to the kitchen and let him down on the counter. He looks around the utensils as you check the ingredients you have, thinking about possible recipes. You choose something that Xavier will be able to help with and start cooking. He is very excited to cook alongside you.
The end result is quite good. His size indeed prevented him from causing any disasters, although he almost fell into the frying pan at one point while carrying the ingredients. You both enjoy the meal, Xavier especially delighted.
You finish washing the dishes and he yawns. "Do you wanna go to bed already?" You lean down. "Yes... I'm tired. Being small is exhausting." "Alright, let's go."
He passes out as soon as his body makes contact with your bed. You carefully lie down next to him, pulling the covers up. You curl an arm around him protectively, then fall asleep too.
If you were hanging out with Zayne:
When you wake up, he's still asleep, but he's back to his normal size. The arm you curled around him is now on his neck, your hand buried in his hair. You caress the side of his face to wake him up. It takes him a moment to get his bearings, but when he realizes, he smiles and wraps his arms around you to bring you closer. "You owe me, you know?" "What do you mean?" "I took the brunt of the Wanderer's fluctuations, which is why you weren't affected." "...really." "Mhm." "What do I owe you, then?" "Hmm..."
He looks at the defeated Wanderer, then at you, then at himself. Then he pinches the bridge of his nose. "This is going to be a long day."
You rush to his side, unsure if you want to laugh or worry. "Dr. Zayne, do you feel okay?" "Yes. Aside from the physical change, I'm fine." "Hold on, I'll use my Hunter's Watch to analyze you."
You do, and find out that the effects won't wear off until tomorrow. "Seems like I'm sticking with you for the rest of the day." "Why do you say it while smiling like that?"
You pick him up and put him inside your jacket to carry him to your apartment. Although he won't admit it, your warmth feels really nice.
On your way home, a sound catches your attention. It's the neighborhood cat meowing. You find it and crouch to pet it, letting Zayne down as well.
"Look, it's bigger than you!" You giggle. Zayne looks at it, tilting his head. The cat tilts its head in response. "It's not running away from you. You should try to pet it." "That might be because it sees me as food." "Aw, don't say that." You pet the cat to show him that it doesn't have any malicious intentions.
Carefully, he steps closer and extends his hand towards its head. The cat watches the action, then bumps its head against Zayne's hand, closing its eyes and purring. The corners of his mouth tilt up the faintest smidge.
*Click.* Zayne turns at the sound. "Sorry, I had to take a picture, you both look really cute." "You better keep it to yourself, or I'll delete it myself as soon as I turn back." "I'm gonna make it my lock screen background." He sighs.
The cat nuzzles up closer to Zayne, and he ends up having to hug its head in order to keep petting it. He seems to be in a state of pure bliss. "You know..." You start saying. "That already sounds like a bad idea." "I didn't even say anything yet." "You don't need to." "I was going to say that you could ride the cat like a horse." "I was right in my assumption."
In the end, you say goodbye to the cat and resume your way home. Zayne still has the slightest of smiles as you walk away.
At home, you let him down on the table. "What do you want to do?" You ask him. "I feel like whatever I choose, you're going to end up making fun of me." "I can't help it, it's not everyday I get to see you doll sized."
Suddenly, you remember something. "Wait, I have a slice of cake in my fridge that I was saving for later. Do you want to share it?" He lights up at the mention of sweets, nodding.
You take out the cake and present the plate to Zayne. The slice reaches up to his chest, the strawberries decorating it at his eye-level. He looks completely lost in the size of the dessert before him, his eyes sparkling even if his expression remains stoic.
You cut a portion for him and take out a spoon for yourself. "I don't have spoons your size, so you have to eat it with your hands." "...I see." He starts literally digging into the cake, and although you don't consider him a messy eater, the way he's munching on the strawberries and whipped cream makes you preemptively pull out a napkin for him. You eat your slice while watching him.
Both of you finish eating and Zayne cleans himself with the napkin, acting as if he didn't just ravage his portion. "It's getting late. Let's go to bed." He says. "Eating the cake made you tired, huh, Dr. Zayne?" You giggle. "I could get used to eating sweets half my size." He smirks. "That doesn't sound healthy." "Smaller creatures tend to have faster metabolisms, which means their sugar intakes need to be higher to keep up with their active lifestyles." "I think you just made that up."
You pick him up again and bring him to the bedroom. As you both get comfy in bed, he moves closer. "Can I rest my head against your chest? Listening to your heartbeat helps me fall asleep..." "Of course." With your permission, he does just that. You wrap an arm around him.
The next morning he's back to normal, his arms around your waist and his head still on your chest. You caress the side of his face to wake him up. He opens his eyes and moves up to face you. "Good morning." He whispers. "Good morning." "You know... Now that I'm my usual size... Yesterday's cake felt like such a small treat. I'm craving a little bit more of something sweet..."
If you were hanging out with Rafayel:
"Hey!? Why am I still tiny?" He says, extending his arms and looking down at himself.
You move closer and crouch, covering your mouth with your hand to hide your laughter.
"Don't laugh at me!" He stomps on the ground, balling his fists at his sides.
This time you laugh out loud. He huffs and crosses his arms, looking away. "Sorry, Rafayel, you look too cute to be taken seriously."
You point your Hunter's Watch at him to scan him, revealing that the effects will last until tomorrow. He sighs, but then smirks and says, "As my bodyguard, I expect you to take care of me while I'm like this. Who knows what could happen to me." He puts the back of his hand to his forehead.
"I was planning on doing it anyways." You roll your eyes. You lower your hand for him to climb on, which he does, sitting cross-legged on your palm. When you raise your hand as you stand up, however, he clutches your fingers and shuts his eyes. "Too high up! Too high up! Crouch again! Aah!"
You cover him with your other hand to comfort him and crouch again. "How am I supposed to carry you home then?" He opens his eyes and lets go of your fingers, blushing at his embarrassing display. "Well, you could tuck me in your boot." "Won't you get dizzy from my legs constantly moving?" "I prefer that over the alternative."
You carefully put him in your boot, and he clutches the laces. This time, you manage to make your way to his house, even if he is nauseous when you arrive. You leave him on the couch to rest.
"This is the worst. Why did this have to happen in a day when I actually have inspiration for a painting? By the time tomorrow arrives, all the ideas will have left my brain." You kneel next to the couch. "You could make tiny paintings." "I don't have tiny tools." He retorts, glaring at you like this is your fault.
"Aw, come on, don't be mad." You extend a finger and pet his head. He tries to avoid it, putting his arms up, but obviously it's useless. He turns red at your touch. "I'm not your pet! This is disrespectful as your employer!" You giggle, rubbing your finger to the side of his face. He attempts to push it away. Unsuccessfully.
"Now you're actually fish-sized. Maybe I should put you in the tank with Reddie." You laugh. "I should fire you." He pouts angrily. "I want to put you in my pocket and carry you around with me all the time."
You spend the day teasing him, and he spends the day waxing poetic about how cruel humans are.
Later, you bring him to his bathtub and fill it to the brim. You look away while he takes his clothes off - although he tries to tease you into looking - and he dives into the water in his lemurian form.
You sink your hand to play with him, his fins tickling your palm. He moves a lot faster than you expected, barely a colorful blur against the white porcelain. He pops out for a second and uses his tail to splash water at you.
After a day of fun, you carry him to bed. "You'll stay until I've turned back, right?" "Yes, yes, you don't need to make a fuss about it."
"Hey!" You cough, wiping your face. He laughs heartily, diving to hide from your attempt at grabbing him.
A while later, he lets you pick him up so you can dry him off. You sit him on the sink and use a towel. "No need to be so harsh!" "You could dry yourself instead of having me do it, you know." "Just be careful."
He makes a point to sleep well away from you, facing the wall as a sort of punishment for having teased him all day, but once some time has passed and he thinks you're asleep, he crawls closer and hugs your arm.
The following morning, you find him wrapped around you, his head on the crook of your neck. You pet his hair softly to wake him up. He groans. Realizing the fact that he's back to normal, he tilts his head up. "It's over, huh...? I think it's time to get some revenge for all that teasing you did yesterday..."
Me fr in this situation:
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hey hey it's welcome home!
May or may not be doing this cause its a description of one of my ocs, but uuuh- Wally, Poppy and Frank with a 'reader' who is basically Robbie Rotten from Lazytown, just an obligatory 'villain' who lives to cause trouble and come up with 'schemes' for the rest of the cast to deal with even though... Uh... They would also completely bail out on whatever they had planned if they got sick because they don't wanna spread it to anyone else shfjsjfhd
In the show, you're basically the villain character who has a knack for causing many of the plights/perils in each episode.
Like you could be out to sabotage Sally's plays, ruin Wally's pompadour, take a wrecking ball to Home, etc.
Your home has an underground lair with a bunch of high-tech inventions that help you carry out these "evil deeds".
Oh, and you absolutely have a villain song, too.
You can even "hijack" Wally's introductions and proclaim to the viewers that you're gonna take over the neighborhood by the end of the day.
In some episodes, you'd kidnap him and keep him hostage--only for the rest of the neighbors to come to the rescue.
It's a game that you seemingly always lose, but you find it fun!
Yet even as a villain, you have standards.
For instance, Wally was expecting you to show up and interrupt his painting session...but he sees you off in the distance going to the pharmacy with a mask on and wonders what you're up to.
It turns out you got the flu, so you wanted to forego whatever scheme you plotted until you felt better.
"You won't try...spreading your sickness to us?" He tilts his head, confused.
"....I'm a villain, Darling." You huff in a tired, stuffy voice (yes, you refer to everyone by their last name). "Not a monster."
As the main "villain" of the show, sometimes you'll pick on Poppy for being a "big scaredy chicken" and thwart her cooking attempts.
You might discreetly add something to her food that makes it taste yucky, or remotely crank the oven 100 degrees extra so her pie turns to charcoal.
Of all the cast, she's the most intimidated by you. The others usually come to her defense.
However, one day you visit her barn, and while she freaks out at first...she notices you look rather exhausted and sickly (not to mention keeping your distance), and her motherly side still manages to come out.
"O-Oh, are you okay, dearest? You don't look well.."
"...I caught a cold. Do you..have any tea?" You ask softly.
Of course, she can't say no and turn you away. So she makes you some hot tea, which you sincerely thank her for, and you two chat for some time before heading back home without incident.
Since then, your schemes against her became just casual teasing and stealing a few of her ingredients.
Maybe you're not so bad after all, she thinks.
You like targeting Frank solely because your antics make him furious.
He acts like you don't bother him..but when you make a giant butterfly-catching contraption and abduct all the butterflies from the park? He'll be seething red and demand you to release them.
Or if you release a swarm of bees/wasps/hornets when he's trying to have a nice picnic with his fellow neighbors? He'll be shouting at you as he runs the other way.
You just grin, finding delight in pissing him off at every opportunity.
However, one day you catch a cold and decide to put a pause on your evil schemes, opting to sleep in and leave your neighbors alone.
Yet that day so-happens to be the day that Frank plans to give you an earful about your behavior, as he marches over to your house to confront you.
But since it's locked behind a high-tech security gate, the system asks him for the entry password and he keeps getting it wrong.
In the end he storms back home, but that's where you call him and explain you were sick and didn't want him getting infected.
You do admit that seeing him shouting random words at your security system made you laugh the sickness out of you, so you felt much better now--and you thank him for that.
He just grumbles a "you're welcome" and hangs up.
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judasgot-it · 1 year
Ello again o/. So I eventually experience this… may i req Dazai has feelings for the reader but no intention to confess to her instead teasing/and helping Kunikida having feelings for the reader which ended up with Kunikida actually confessing. What would Dazai react tho–
AAAAAAAAAA this is horrible, caim I'm so sorry if you were put into that position cause that sounds like purgatory.
I'm gonna write from Dazai's POV cause he's a lil stalker who would watch as his heart gets broken and shattered into pieces because of this (I don't hate Dazai IDK why I treat him like this lol?)
Scenario: Dazai teases Kunikida about his feelings, without ever confessing his own before it's too late
(Side note, you used she in your request so I'm using that throughout this, I hope you don't mind !!)
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"C'mon Kunikida, you keep saying you have your 'ideal wife' and 'ideal life' all planned out - but you like her, don't you?"
Dazai was smirking, folding one of his documents into a butterfly. His folding was rather sloppy, but it got the shape just right anyway - better than reading the drawl that was written throughout the document. He could just do it later anyway - there was always tomorrow in his mind.
Kunikida took it from his hands, carefully unfolding it. He used his pen and flat desk to carefully take out the creases, line by line.
"Don't put off your work. This needs to be done sooner, rather than later."
"Like how you won't tell Y/n that you like her?"
Kunikida looked up at him from underneath his bangs, glaring at him as hard as could. If looks could kill, Kunikida would have murdered Dazai one thousand times over.
Dazai returned it with a smile, placing his chin over his folding hands. Kunikida looked down, staring intensly at his work. His hands worked as if they were writing the Bible itself, clutching the pen and going over each now non-existent line.
"You like her so much it makes me wanna cry Kuni, it's like watching a little puppy follow its master around."
"Please refrain from referring to me as a dog. Also, she's not my master."
"Oh. I bet you're a bottom. No way you actually would do missionary, trust me I know you're a virgin but take it from an expert-"
Dazai felt the desk shake as Kunikida slammed his hands down on it.
"I do not need your advice! We shouldn't be talking about my crush, we should be doing our jobs."
There was a short pause as Dazai placed his hands over his mouth.
"So you admit you have a crush on her?"
Dazai was grinning, watching Kunikida's face turn red at his implications. He loved how the blonde couldn't hide his thoughts, especially not from him. It entertained him.
The argument was cut short by a voice.
"Dazai, do you have the paperwork from that last case? The coroner's office wants us to drop it off by today since the case is sensitive."
The two looked up to see you, walking into the office. Your hair was a mess from the humidity of the port, your face flushed from walking up the stairs. Kunikida tried not to stare, since he knew Dazai would make a comment.
"Sorry my sweet Y/n, it seems to have passed my mind. Kunikida did it for me though, maybe you guys can take a walk together and drop it off, hm?"
Kunikida did everything in his power to not tear Dazai limb from limb. Dazai couldn't keep the grin off of his face, watching as Kunikida tried to stay calm fruitlessly.
"That won't be necessary. I don't want to bother her while she's doing her work."
"What? Today is kind of slow. You can take a break, and we can go and drop this off and get a coffee. You need to relax more Kuni, you deserve it."
He blushed as you boldly took his shoulders in your hands, not letting him escape. You were looking down at him, your eyes watching his golden ones with an intensity that made him want to look away and hide.
Dazai found this rather delightful, although a part of it disgusted him. He enjoyed watching Kunikida curl up inside, but he saw the way your fingers curled up underneath his jacket lapels, fingering around the edges.
Your hands should have been on him.
"Yea Kuni, why don't you take one? You barely had a lunch."
"You know my name Dazai."
"But Kuni suits you! I think it's cute."
"See! Y/n agrees with me."
Kunikida held his head in resignation. You smiled, like a cat that caught the canary. Your hands were still on his coat, trying to keep the man close to you.
Dazai smiled back, a rather false grin. He won but he wasn't sure what it really was.
"Let's go. They want it as soon as possible, right?"
Kunikida was quick to pack his things, carefully placing the paperwork together in a folder, all bounded with a large paperclip. You wouldn't even be able to tell that it was once origami due to his careful and dedicated work.
You were quick to follow, waving goodbye to Dazai with a smile splitting your face a part cheek to cheek. There was a feeling that crept into his body as he watched the two of you leave - amusement, fondness, and a little bit of disgust.
Although he found that last bit of emotion, that disgust, was more towards himself than anyone else.
"Here Y/n."
"Aren't you supposed to be doing these?"
In Dazai's hand, was a small origami crane. It was near perfect, except for the fact that you can see the creases from the amount of times the paper was crumbled into a ball and folded over.
"Are you really going to reject it? I made it just for you."
"When I'm in the middle of work? Yes Dazai, I will. I don't wanna force poor Atsuhi or Kyouka to pick up our slack."
You went down back to your laptop, your fingertips tapping away at the keys softly. Dazai leaned into your space, his nose breathing in your shampoo.
"Really? It's not too bad, you can handle to slack off a bit Y/n. Cmon, have some fun with me for a bit."
"I'd rather not. I have to finish this anyway, since I dont wanna be late for my date tonight."
Dazai backed away a bit, giving you room to breathe. He blinked, a little in shock.
"You have a date tonight?"
"I said that. Yes."
The brunette shook his head, his fluffy hair shaking around his face. It wasn't real.
"With Kunikida? Seriously?"
"Um...is it that obvious?"
You turned your body to face Dazai, looking dead straight at him. The man was near completely frozen in shock. He didn't want to believe that this happened.
He knew Kunikida liked you, but enough to break his 10 year plan? To break his ideals of a perfect-life and perfect-wife? Would he even sleep with you before marriage?
Was this somehow his fault?
"Don't look so disappointed about it."
You were still staring at Dazai, now with a questioning gaze. He had to keep his face neutral to hide what was brewing underneath, a strange sort of sickness that was crawling underneath his skin.
"No. I'm happy for you two. I hope it works out."
He felt nothing but resentment brewing underneath his skin, especially as he saw you smile at his words. He tried his best to swallow that feeling down.
He liked Kunikida. He liked you.
But right now that disgust was crawling, making him want to vomit out nothing but anger.
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HAAAAAAA this is super short and idk I keep writing a very angst and mean dazai, I don't mean too ?????
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perspectivestarters · 4 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; Preacher's Daughter by Ethel Cain (Part II)
TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, abuse, religious themes, ect.
You knew you had to see it all.
You had to get out and go chasin' its sweet call.
Don't run, I'll take you anywhere.
Hey, do you wanna see thе west with me?
Lovе's out there and I can't leave it be.
Love's never meant much to me.
I'll come with you if you're sure it's what you need.
Every small town diner saw our faces at least once or twice.
I started to see you differently.
For the first time since I was a child, I could see a man who wasn't angry.
It's been a long damn time since I left.
Now that I met you, I finally know just where I'm headin'.
You got lost in it and yet you found yourself. We finally reached the edge after all this time.
I didn't find my love, but I still made it this far without it.
Maybe not, 'cause look at what I've got.
You might not be my love, but, baby, I doubt it.
In your pickup truck with all of your dumb luck is the only place I think I'd ever wanna be.
You wanna love me right now.
You wanna get alone with me.
You wanna get my clothes off.
You came alone to me from however far away.
You're all the same.
He's cold-blooded so it takes more time to bleed.
Obsession with the money, addicted to the drugs.
Says he's in love with my body, that's why he's fucking it up.
I can be immoral in a stranger's lap.
Something they all want that only you can have.
You wanna fuck me right now.
You wanna see me on my knees.
You wanna rip these clothes off.
If you hate me, please don't tell me.
I would show you something you can never have.
I followed you in.
I was with you there.
You love blood too much.
You’d do wеll to say yes to me.
Suffering is nigh.
Even the iron still fears the rot.
Hiding from something I cannot stop.
I can't lead him back.
You poor thing.
There's nothing you can do.
It's already been done.
Show me your face.
Please don't look at me.
I can see it in your eyes.
Tell me, what have you done?
Make it stop, I've had enough.
I am the face of love's rage.
I am no good nor evil, simply I am.
I am here now as you run from me still.
You can't hide from me forever.
They talk all about that money and how their babies are always changing while they're breathing in the poison of the paint.
God loves you, but not enough to save you.
Good luck taking care of yourself.
That's how my daddy raised me.
If they strike once then you just hit 'em twice as hard.
In the end, if I bend under the weight that they gave me, then this heart would break and fall as twice as far.
We all know how it goes.
The more it hurts, the less it shows.
I still feel like they all know, and that's why I can never go back home.
I spend my life watching it go by from the sidelines.
God, I've tried, but I think it's about time I put up a fight.
I always knew that in the end no one was coming to save me.
I just prayed and I keep praying.
If it's meant to be then it will be.
I met him there and told him I believe.
I forgive it all as it comes back to me.
I can't let go when something's broken.
It's all I know and it's all I want now.
Don't talk to strangers or you might fall in love.
You devour like smoked bovine hide.
I never considered myself tough.
You're so handsome, walking over to me.
I tried to be good.
Am I no good?
My memory restricted to a Polaroid in evidence.
I just wanted to be yours.
Can I be yours?
Just tell me I'm yours.
We'll make love in your attic all night.
Euphoric in some strange delight.
I'm happier here 'cause he told me I should be.
You're so handsome when I'm all over your mouth.
Am I making you feel sick?
Found you just to tell you that I made it real far.
I never blamed you for loving me the way that you did.
While you were torn apart, I would still wait with you there.
Don't think about it too hard, or you'll never sleep a wink at night again.
Just know that I love you.
I'll see you when you get here.
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0alanasworld0 · 2 years
Size Difference (Yassine Bounou x reader) *smut
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Description: You grow sick of Yassine holding himself back.
warnings: smut idk
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“Please, Yassine!” you moan as he keeps up his usual routine. He’s halfway in and shallowly thrusting into you. You’re clenching around him, ready to cum already even if he hasn't bottomed out nor has it been a very long time.
“You’re fucked out and I only have half of it in, you’re not gonna be able to take it all sweetness. I don't wanna hurt you.” he says through his teeth, squeezing his eyes shut. He feels you pulsing around him and he’s doing everything he can to stave off his orgasm. The hand cradling the back of your head combs through the hair and tugs and you cry out. His other hand massages your clit in tight circles and you see stars with the nth orgasm of the night. You both break your kiss to moan out as you cum together. You’re both breathing heavily, hands wandering all over each other's bodies, blissed out, eyes fluttering to a close as the exhaustion hits both of you.
Admittedly, you’re still frustrated. He’s always the most attentive lover he can be, making sure that you’re almost completely fucked out before he even thinks about his own pleasure. He’s always mindful of his strength and size with you. The idea of causing you any sort of pain made him sick to the stomach so in his eyes, being gentle was the way forward. He had you thoroughly overstimulated every time he made love to you so it was much easier to hold back what he wanted to do to you. It was a lot easier to stop halfway when you were gushing around him quickly with just his fingers. Even when the images he conjured up of you taking him in his entirety ate away at his patience.
Being tall generally meant nothing to him aside from a means of making his job a little bit easier but when you came into the picture, he saw things very differently. He remembers the moment of awakening vividly. The two of you were laying down to go to sleep together for the first time. His first night over and he was extremely excited. The pair of you are attached by the hip already but he’d take any excuse to get closer to you with open arms. And there you were, back against his bare chest, you’re swimming in a shirt he lent you: the first sign. You’re all cuddled up, comfortably enveloped in his strong arms. He runs a hand up and down your body, you hum in delight at the additional warmth. His hand pauses at your thigh as the realisation settles properly this time. He squeezes your thigh as he processes it. Are you tiny or is he huge? His arm returns around your body and he buries his face in the crook of your neck as he revels in it:  the feeling of your frame completely encased in his own. You’re just as affected, you’re already drowning in his embrace and the fact that he can’t stop trying to get closer has you biting your lip and rubbing your thighs together to relieve the tingling. What has this man done to me?
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His hands are currently gripping your hips tightly as he pushes in and out of you. Your head is buried in the pillow, hands turning white from you gripping the bed sheets. You don’t know how long it’s been but you’re grateful that he’s taking the reins here, you have no energy left. As he finally comes to his high, a hand leaves your hip and combs through your hair, tugging on it so your back is against his chest. The other hand leaves your hip to wrap around your throat, squeezing ever so slightly and you release a broken moan at the feeling. The hand in your hair slides down your body to pinch your nipple and continues its journey towards your clit which he rubs quickly, slapping it to send a blissful shockwave through you. You can’t help but try to wriggle out of his grip and away from the pleasure.
“Yassine, it’s too much!” you cry out, your hand squeezing his forearm as he chuckles darkly, pressing your clit so hard that you’re seeing white. The way you clench onto him unexpectedly sets him off into one of the most mind-numbing orgasms he has ever experienced. Spending two weeks away to you hasn’t been kind to him and he just can’t help but let go. You’re hardly in the state to hold yourself up either so when he involuntarily loosens his grip, you fall back onto the soft mattress, sighing out as you decide to let him enjoy the moment. While trying to catch your breath, you realise that he’s still recovering and you regain some energy with your new idea. He’s still inside you, hardened once again and you readjust your legs. You bite your lip with a smile that he can’t see, take a deep breath in and push yourself back onto him.
You can feel absolutely everything and he’s now nestled so deep that you can feel him rearranging your guts already. Every vein and ridge feels so much more prominent and he’s properly pressing against your spot now; it's intoxicating, it's too much. He has you filled to the brim for the first time and just like he said: you can’t take it. It's so overwhelming, your legs are shaking, your eyes are rolling back and you’re seeing stars in a way you never have before. Your orgasm is earth-shattering. You expected to be done pretty quickly but he hadn’t even had time to react before you tightened and squirted all over him, moaning and crying out loudly in relief. Nothing could have prepared you for just how good it was going to be but you were so glad it happened.
He gasps and hisses at the feeling, hands immediately going to grab your ass in a weak attempt to stop you but it's too late, you’ve already gushed around him and all while he’s now recovered from his previous haze. His cock is still hard and he’s only now able to process what has happened. He looks down at where you are both now completely connected and releases a groan that causes you to clench around him again. His hands have a bruising grip on your hips as he quickly ruts into you, growling at the feeling of you fluttering around his entire cock for the first time. He can’t think anymore. No more holding back. You twist your hand back to push at his stomach as you seek to slow him down; the pleasure becomes too much. He lets out a breathy laugh at your feeble attempt and grabs both of your wrists in one of his giant hands, using this as leverage to thrust even harder into you. If you wanted to feel all of him, you were going to feel all of him properly.
He flips you onto your back, hands on the backs of your knees to keep you spread for him.
“Oh my baby girl thinks she’s so smart, huh? Think you can take it all?” he mocks, his forehead pressed up against yours so you can feel his warm breath on your face as he pants. The tears in your eyes continue to flow as you’re still trying to come back from the release you just had. The heavy fullness only serves to stimulate you further but you have no means of moving away from it now.
“That’s perfectly fine with me, sweetness. I thought I was being so nice but my greedy little girl doesn’t want that, does she?” He captures your lips in a searing kiss that makes you even more dizzy and has your mind racing. Yassine is overjoyed by the debauched image in front of him. He had imagined situations like this with you more times than he could count but the imagination was nothing in comparison to the real thing. You were so warm and soft and silky and he wonders how he held off from shoving inside you completely this whole time.
“Oh I’ll give it to you now, sweetness. You’re gonna take it all.” He pulls out almost entirely and you begin to whine but it's cut short when he drives his hips to slam back inside you completely. You cry out at the stretch and fullness and he revels in the feeling of not holding back. He sets a brutal pace to the point where the bed frame creaks and groans, headboard banging against the wall as he acts out his desires. Every once in a while he would pull out completely and rub his cock over your folds, pressing the head against your clit before slamming inside again. His pace is unrelenting as he harshly pounds into you and you drag your nails down his back, loud moans reduced to squeaks of delight. Your senses are taken over by the way he feels against your skin, his scent, his appearance, just everything. All you can see, smell, feel and hear is him and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
It’s rough but you still feel his love shine through: his eyes haven’t left your face for a moment, frantically looking for any signs of discomfort; any indication of wanting to stop. He’s met with none of that so much as pure bliss and excitement.
“Such a good girl, aren’t ya? So tiny but you’re still so desperate for all of me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dreamed of this, gorgeous. Didn’t think you could take it but look at you? So good for me, baby I love you so much.” He coos, hands leaving the backs of your thighs to cup your face as he gives you a passionate kiss and you can just feel the love he has for you. When you part, you look into each other’s eyes to see the same swirling pools of lust and love. One hand snakes down to where you meet and his thumb presses against your swollen, puffy bud. His mouth feverishly laps and sucks at your neck; leaving dark, splotchy bruises in his wake. You’re already so sensitive that one slip of his thumb sends you spiralling into another mind-blowing high that leaves you completely limp by the end. Your legs, that were tightly wrapped around his waist, are now flailed out on the duvet as he collapses onto you and opts to grind into you. He isn’t lasting much longer and is desperate to be surrounded by your softness and warmth. You’re really able to feel him properly like this and you moan softly in delight. He breathes out heavily as one final thrust sends him crashing down to his own high. Your hands move to card through his hair and glide down the soft skin of his back as you both calm down your breathing, heartbeats pounding against each other and dopey smiles plastered onto your faces.
Once he regains some sense, he lifts himself up onto his arms so he can see your face. Concern washes over his features as he notices that you’re barely even awake. He knows you’re exhausted but he has to make sure you’re okay so he shakes you lightly until he sees your eyes open up again, confusion apparent on your face.
“Sweetheart, are you feeling okay? That was a lot and I didn’t even prepare you!” he says, thumb stroking your cheek.
“You’ve been teasing me for months with that. I was very well prepared, actually!” you sneer and he rolls his eyes. He falls back into your chest and your hands return to massaging his scalp and rubbing his shoulders. 
“You’re so good to me.” he says, a love-drunk haze glossing over his eyes as he looks up at you.
“You’re one to talk! We spend a couple of weeks away from each other and you manage to bring the whole souvenir shop back home!”
“Don’t give me ideas!” you both laugh for a while but the silence takes over eventually. It's comfortable and you’re both still blissed out from the events upon his return. You feel a slight rumble against your chest and look down to see Yassine fast asleep and you smile softly. All of a sudden, exhaustion hits you too and you pull the covers over the pair of you, pressing another kiss to the top of his head and he tightens his grip around your body, nuzzling further into your chest as he revels in the joys of his return. 
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Happy valentines day, lovelies. This is a shorter one but i hope u enjoy anyway xxx
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phoenixeclipse-lmkau · 3 months
the fact that teenager mk willingly joinged the brotherhood Makes me think that reuniting with His mom is going to look like that: XIAOXIAN : but ma! i don't Wanna go home, please this is life i wanna become a great pirate like u 😭😩
PHOENIX:no!! Pirates are dangerous and selfish bastards Who Do Nothing but harm to other, you are going back wether u like or not young Boy😡😡🔥
Okay I love this! Though that's not exactly how I had planned for it to go. Instead the Brotherhood had decided to stop in a town which is how Phoenix is able to catch up to them. Phoenix runs into Xiaotian alone in the market place and Wukong and Macaque arrive halfway through the conversation a little bit shocked.
"Mom!?" Xiaotain was both shocked and excited to see his mother when she arrived.
"Xiaotain! Oh my gosh honey are you okay? I saw the wanted posters, what is going on?" Phoenix had run up to him and gripped his forearms tightly, her son being stronger than her for the last few years meant it didn't hurt at all.
"You saw the wanted posters? Am I that famous!? Awesome!!" He jumped at the news, his eyes sparkling with delight.
"Awesome?" Silence sat between them for a moment, "What do you mean awesome?"
"It means I'm pretty good at this pirate business, obviously," He explained as a matter of factually completely calm about the ordeal.
He gently pried her hands off of his arms to pull her into a big hug, his eyes looked up to scan the area as his ears twitched. He had to make sure no one was watching. He was a famous wanted pirate, he didn't want people hunting down his mother too. He had no idea that his mother had been a pirate once too and had a larger bounty than him right now.
"Don't tell me... you want to be a pirate..." She hoped he would say no, she had tried to raise him so he wouldn't act like her... like at all.
"YES!! IT'S AWESOME! They are teaching me so much like how to properly steer a ship, Captain Wukong is really laid back about it too. He let me steer it! It was so fun! Of course Mac had made sure that nothing was around to crash into first but it's a start!" He grinned happily gently pulling away to jump up and down for a moment.
Phoenix's heart pounded in her chest. Why was her son so much like her younger self? Why did she have the excitement about pirates like his dad, why did he have to get involved with them. As Xiaotain kept rambling on and on she had to stop herself from yelling.
"Enough!" His words stopped as he flinched back from his mother's anger, she never got angry like every. Frustrated? Sure a lot with how rambunctious he and Mei were especially.
"I cannot let you be a pirate, especially not with them," She was barely holding back her anger, not only did they have to haunt her sleep but now they were actively trying to put her son in direct danger.
"W-with them?" Xaiotain asked slowly as he processed her words. What was she talking about, what would she know about the captain and his mate? Was it because they were also really famous?
"Yes with them. They are selfish, arrogant, and highly dangerous bastards. I will not have you associate with them," She crossed her arms over her chest as she started shaking.
At first Xaiotain thought it was from anger making him angry too but then figured out it was something else. Something else entirely, when he looked into her eyes she looked truly terrified. He hated the expression that graced her face.
"Mom- I'm not in danger, I'm really strong remember. Besides they have also been training me other ways too! Mac has been teaching me how to use shadow magic and I can lift the Captain's staff! Still not sure why, but it's awesome! He said I couldn't have it but he'd show me how to use it. I'll be fine," He tried to console her unintentionally causing her more fear and sadness.
"They know...?" Her words were barely a whisper but her son heard none the less. Her incredibly dense son heard with his six beautiful ears that he got from who she had deemed is Baba.
"They know what?" Her whole body froze when she heard the next voice, that was not the voice of her son. Slowly she turned her head as she came face to face with The Six Eared Macaque was had his face mere inches from hers.
She blinked a few times but when she found that it wasn't an illusion she did the only thing she could think of. She clocked him in the face with her fist, his head snapped back more from shock than anything else. Grabbing Xiaotain's hand she didn't have time to run when arms wrapped around her waist.
"What do we have here?" Captain Sun Wukong asked a sigh escaping his lips as he rested his chin on her head. He was using transformation magic to be taller than her. It sent a chill up her spine.
"Hey! Let her go," Xaiotain growled. He liked his Captain he really did, but he didn't trust anyone with his mom. Not a single person. With narrowed eyes he cocked his head to the side when he saw his expression.
"Yeah, I'm not going to do that. It's been 19 years of pure torture without her, I am not letting our love slip away a second time," Sun Wukong said tightening his grip ever so slightly on the woman frozen in fear.
Love? The fuck was he talking about? They had talked about killing her and how she was so weak and pathetic. Why the hell should she trust anything that he said? No she didn't trust what he said, not a single bit.
"Love? What do you mean love? And how do you know my mother?" Xaiotain's eyes flashed with protectiveness, she same protectiveness that was a nightmare for anyone that hated or threatened his mother.
"Mother? She really is your mother?" Macaque asked slowly, shadows covered most of his face as he tried to hide the psychotic smile that graced his face. "I see there is much to talk about between the three of us."
"What is there to talk about?" Xaiotain asked whipping his head looking between the two quickly. He was so confused.
"Of course we know your mother bud~ How else would you exist? Come on you have to had realized it by now," Wukong began with a chuckle nuzzling Phoenix's dark brown hair.
"Don't you dare," Phoenix snapped trying to get out of his grip but his grip didn't budge at all.
"Fine, why don't you tell him? I mean it's kind of hypocritical of you really darling. You were one of the best pirates that there ever was and yet you don't want OUR son to be a pirate? He does such a good job at it though, and we keep him safe. Not that he need it," Macaque said his eyes twinkling as he gently cupped her face in his palms.
She was really here standing in front of him, trapped in his mate's grasp. A single thought passed through both his and Wukong's head in that moment. She wasn't going anywhere. Not this time. His heart swelled with joy, she was resisting but she had sealed her fate way before Xaiotain was even thought of.
"W-What?" Xaiotain's grip on his Captain's arm loosened from his shock. What was he talking about?
"Come on now, you have to have realized by now. You said it yourself you can pick up Wukong's staff, you have his gold vision, you have even transformed like him, you're six ears are a clear indication, you can use shadow portals, and have even summoned a shadow clone. You'll learn even more as we train you but come on you have to have realized by now," Macaque said calmly as he explained, his eyes turning from Xaiotain to Phoenix. Her face was full of fear as she started shaking with tears in her eyes. Something happened, and he would figure out what, but in the meantime.
"You are our son, and that is obvious," Wukong added giving Phoenix an ever so slight tug closer to him, he was careful not to have a painful grip but he wasn't going to let her go at all.
Honestly that should have been the most shocking part of the situation. However Xaiotain's brain locked onto a different piece of information. "YOU USED TO BE A PIRATE!?"
TADA!! This is how the convo kinda goes! Hope you like it! Thank you so much for the ask!!
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tragedyandterror · 7 months
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ive made some playlists i thought i would share if anyone might like some bjr tunes! i have a serious one, a silly one, and one for the nebulous modern au tht lives in my brain
the last two i'll most likely still be adding songs here and there, but the 1st playlist is complete! i'll add the 1st playlist's tracklist+some lyric excerpts in the read more
black black heart - david usher
Something ugly this way comes Through my fingers sliding inside All these blessings all these burns I'm godless underneath your cover Search for pleasure search for pain In this world now I am undying I unfurl my flag my nation helpless Black black heart why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core I'm eating all your Kings and Queens
dark entries - bauhaus
I came upon your room, it stuck into my head We leapt into the bed, degrading even lice You took delight in taking down my shielded pride Until exposed became my darker side
dissolved girl - massive attack
Shame, such a shame I think I kind of lost myself again Day, yesterday Really should be leaving, but I stay Say, say my name I need a little love to ease the pain Need a little love to ease the pain It's easy to remember, when it came
on the bound - fiona apple
You're all I need And maybe some faith would do me good I don't know what I'm doing Don't know, should I change my mind? I can't decide, there's too many variations to consider No thing I do don't do no thing but bring me more to do It's true, I do imbue my blue unto myself, I make it bitter
i think i'm paranoid - garbage
I think I'm paranoid And complicated I think I'm paranoid Manipulate it Bend me, break me anyway you need me All I want is you Bend me, break me, breaking down is easy All I want is you
symphony - dorian electra
Something's funny when I grab my guitar Feeling lonely like a dead shooting star I'm not the only one who's crashing your car (crashing your car) Need something louder just to drown out the scars (Make some fucking noise) Come on, baby, can't you see? (Can't you see?) I'm gonna need a symphony (symphony) And I'm gonna need to hear you scream
lecher bitch - genitorturers
I am the Lecher Bitch and I call on all who feed on danger Taste of the whore. Suffer my seed Crawl with the heretic and the world outside gets a little bit stranger
the bondage song - london after midnight
Innocent child, how you thought you knew me Understood my ways, my dark needs The hunt is not the thrill I'm after I want the kill, the conquest, to be your master Wrap your arms around my pale skin, it's too late to back out you're in On your knees and praise your new lord, deeper now And here's your reward, take me to bed and rip me apart
mercy - hurts
Fill me with rage And bleed me dry And feed me your hate In the echoing silence I shiver each time that you say Don't cry mercy There's too much pain to come
touch myself - genitorturers
I love myself, I want you to love me When I feel down, I want you above me I'll search myself, I want you to find me Forget myself, I want you to remind me I don't want anybody else When I think about you, I touch myself
nihil - 3teeth
Bound by flesh Freed by blood
this s*it will fcuk you up - combichrist
I am a bitch How do you want me? From behind Or on my knees? I am a slut Please hold me down I'll be your noise This shit will fuck you up
you spin me round - 3teeth
I set my sights on you And no one else will do And I I've got to have my way now, baby All I know is that to me You look like you're havin' fun Open up your lovin' arms Watch out, here I come
closer - nine inch nails
(Help me) I broke apart my insides (Help me) I've got no soul to sell (Help me) the only thing that works for me Help me get away from myself
you've seen the butcher - deftones
I wanna watch the way You creep across my skull You slowly enter 'Cause you know my room And then you crawl your knees off Before you shake my tomb
hey - pixies
Hey, must be a devil between us Or whores in my head Whores at the door Whore in my bed But hey! Where have you been? If you go, I will surely die
And the whores like a choir: Uh-uh All night And Mary, ain't you tired of this? Uh, is the sound That the mother makes when the baby breaks
hail mary - skating polly
She got hit so hard she just got up from the ground If she ever hits back, I won't tell Hey Mary, follow me out and we'll never walk back Hey Mary, tell me honestly you'd never want that Hail Mary, trust me, don't look back or it's gonna end badly
if you really love nothing - interpol
When I find my home The next artery Splendid I bled my whole life So it's probably a kiss Goodbye then
tangled up in plaid - queens of the stone age
Come, lets play along And let each other lose A win would cause an alarm Don't matter to me, don't matter to you
spaceboy - smashing pumpkins
And spaceboy, they'll kill me Before I'm dead and gone And any way you choose me It won't be wrong And any way you choose me We won't belong
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furrbbyx · 2 years
M👹NSTER March Day 8: Lake
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Ok this little shortie was inspired by some tumblr art of a slutty, fish-stealing scalie. Look, I made y'all a cover image!
Croc-Manxafab!reader (Black)
Sfw-ish, no seccs but much horn.
cw: bratty behavior, mentions organs, mentions a dead fish, snark
Do not copy, do not reproduce.
Approx 600 words
You take the fresh trout you'd bought on to your hook and toss it into the lake. The familiar zzzzsh of the unwinding reel feels like its zinging through you body. You wait for your bait to be taken with a giddiness and a growing creaminess between your legs
It doesn't take long. You can see a large figure swimming out of the lilies, towards you, from the far side of the lake.  You squeeze your thighs tightly and try not to fall off the rock you sitting on and humping slightly.
You wait to feel the pull on the line, but it doesn't come. Instead a big hulking croc rises up out of the water before you with a terrific splash.
You squeal and kick your legs pretending to avoid the water as it soaks through your flimsy crop top and bikini bottom. 
"I don't know what kind of beast you take me for. I must have really lost my mind taking a dead fish off a line." The thickly scaled anthropomorphic croc-man growls, causing your heart to flutter.
He sounds bored, annoyed and utterly bratty about the fish he's holding in his clawed hand like a ...well like like it was a dead fish.
You grin widely and take in his dripping wet, powerful body, his bright reptilian eyes and his tail cutting  lazily through the water beside him.
"Oh come on." you purr" "Didn't anyone ever tell you to be nice when someone gives you a gift?"
"Cheap gift." He scoffs
"Nuh uh! I paid a pretty penny for that trout."
"Yeah cuz you can't catch your own."
"Or somethin steals 'em" You grumble turning away with a smirk.
He yanks on the fish and you suddenly find yourself face first in the lake.
Your big, sexy croc-Man crush plucks you out of the water and holds you against his broad smooth chest so that your shirt rides up, exposing a generous curve of underboob flesh. You wrap your thighs around his trunk of a torso and squeeze him.
"If you don't want it" you splutter "Give it back!" You grab at the fish but he holds it out of your reach, above his head.
"No way, I'm hungry" With two snaps of his fang filled jaw he devours the fish to your delight. Bits of the fish, scales and blood splat on your cheek causing you to squeal again.
Watching him annihilate the food you'd brought him makes a hot little feeling squirm in your belly, and watching him swallow in big gulps that distend his throat turns your nipples into stiff points.
You roll your eyes, pretending to be the annoyed one now.
"Ugh, gross!" you exclaim, but you reach up to wipe a bit of organ meat off of his chin and narrow your eyes in pleasure when his long rough tongue snakes out to curl around your fingers.
"You better have more where that came from." he demands. 
"Mmmph, I thought bought fish was too good for you." you sass him.
"Maybe if you feed me by hand I wont notice."
"Hmm, I've got some squid and shark in the cooler"
His eyes light up.
"I've always wanted to try shark. But I imagined gutting one in battle."
"Oh wow, you're impossible to please."
"I can think of a few ways you can please me." He coos and lowers his head to nuzzle your neck. You revel in the the touch and the feeling of your crop top slipping further up your breasts as he crushes you tighter against his side.
You roll your hips in encouragement and wrap your arms around his shoulders. He begins to carry you toward the shore and you lean in to say quietly
"I wanna feed you while you split me open"
He just grins and makes his way towards the shore.
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famina · 1 month
The miserable accordeon player
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Sooooo, I tried something new this time ! A bilingual fanfic ! Don't worry, no knowledge of French is needed ! There's even all the translation at the end ! But try and get the story without them the first way through! I wanna know if I did a good job being clear while having a characters that don't understand each other ! SO YEAH ! ENJOY !
TRIGGERS : Hunger, mugging, knife.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------You’ve made it. So long you wished for it, and now, finally, here you are : Paris ! The city of lights, where la crème de la crème of the 20th century resides. Which is the current century. You had heard the tales, but being here it is so much more…disappointing. Sure, the architecture, fancy boutiques and the food is to die for. But other than that…it’s just like any other city. Dirty, smelly, and full of poverty if you look just a bit closer. Somehow, the postcards failed to capture that.
Nevertheless, you are happy to be here. Your dreams are but slightly crushed and you are not going to let such little things bring you down. You walk around happily with star in your eyes. The elegant buildings all around you seem to glisten under the sun. You aren’t sure, but you believe you must be on one of the richer streets. All the boutiques and cafés are so refined that it cannot be otherwise. It must also be one of the most touristy places since it is swarming with street performers, colporteurs and beggars. One of them approaches you gleefully:
1“Hé ! Une p’tite piécette pour une chansonnette, ça vous dit?? »
A disheveled individual armed with a old accordion shoves his open hand in your face with an annoyingly large smile. What did he say?? You have not learned the language and so there is no way of knowing. But clearly he wants something, and clearly…it’s money. You are not the richest, and you have better things to spent it on then an obnoxious beggar! With an awkward smile, you shake your head and try to get away from him.
2“N-non? A-alors une dance peut-être? » The beggar starts doing a few dance steps.
3“O-ou j’peux vous présenter des coins sympas? Juste pour un sou, aller! » His smile is becoming just a bit desparate.
This is too much for you and you simply start running in the opposite direction of this oppressive weirdo. The weirdo in question is a bit baffled by your reaction, but then regains his dumb smile as he waves you goodbye while shouting : 4“Moi c’est Ernest ! J’suis ici toute la journée ! Bienvenue à Paris!”
You don’t return his gesture and simply enter the first open door you see. As you catch your breath, you realized you’ve entered a lovely café ! Which is wonderful because you were getting thirsty. You take a seat and order a drink and a delightful pastry. While you savor your little treat, you take in the ambience. The richly decorated interior is simply charming. And the coarse smell of brewed coffee paired with the colourful language makes this such a French experience. But as you get settled in this picturesque picture, a hand comes near you. And in a flash, swipes your bag!
You felt only a brush past you for a second, but when you look up to see the cause of it, you simply see a fast figure fleeing the scene with your bag. “HEY !” You shout, but it only makes the culprit run faster. Without a thought, you gave chase ! Across the streets, through the alleys, over the bridges, you followed him. Until suddenly…you lost him. And as you were catching your breath, you noticed that you also lost your way.
The sun is gone, you are now surrounded by tall old buildings in a narrow dead end. You retrace your step, but somehow end up in front of another dead end. Let’s face it. You are lost. Now, all you can do is ask a passerby for help, and hope you can understand each other. Luckily, many passersby appear, unluckily…they don’t look like the friendly type.
It’s a group actually, composed of what seems like young mans, you think, they are so dirty it is hard to tell. One of them steps forwards with a bad grin on his face.
5“Hé, p’tit bourge. On s’est perdu? On veut d’l’aide peut-être? Mais l’aide, c’est pas gratuit, tu sais. » The manacing man pulls out a knife from his pocket. Your blood runs cold.
“N-no ! Please !! W-What do you want??!” The assailant comes closer and closer, knife in hand.
6“Ah, aller, fait pas ton radin ! Et donne nous ton frick! »  
You back away against the wall. How did this come to be. You where lost, alone threaten by an individual you couldn’t even understand and probably about to die. What to do?? Panick overtook you and your mind went blank. Until, a new but familiar voice erupted.
7“Hé ! Mais c’est p’tit Paul et sa bande ! » suddenly appeared the beggar you had run fron earlier today. With the silliest of grin and no idea of the situation he just stumbled into.
You didn’t particularly like that beggar, but you didn’t wish harm to him. You hoped the ruffians wouldn’t attack him. But to your surprised, your assailant became very nervous now that this smiling beggar had appeared. He even hid his knife back into his pocket as he spoke shyly.
8“E-Ernest? T-tu fous quoi ici?...On était occupé là… »The tall smiling guy gives a look of scolding to the ruffian.
9“Ouais! Occupé à terroriser les touristes ! Allez, p’tit Paul. On sait qu’t’es doux comme un agneaux. Alors arr^te de jouer les durs! » The accordeons player ruffles the hair of your assailiant affectionately.
The assailiant takes it for a second before pushing his hand away. 10“Ouais ! Bah on partait de t’façon ! Aller les mecs, on dégage ! » And as quickly as they had come, the group of ruffians left but with way less threat in their step. Leaving you with your unlikely savior who was waving them goodbye as he yelled. 11“Et passez l’bonjours à la belle Jeanne !” The tall street musician then turned his attention back to you. 12“Hé! Mais on s’est vu plus tôt ! Z’êtes partit un peu vite, j’ai même pas eu le temps d’me présenter, haha ! Moi c’est Ernest! » The man extends his hand to you again.
Ah. Of course. He did all that for money. They do say that money runs the world. Oh well, it was nice of him to help in any case.  Unfortunately for him, all the money you had on you was on that bag that was stolen. And so, you cannot reward him for his deed. You try to tell him so by showing your empty pockets. He seemed a bit confused.
13“Hein? Quoi? Des poches? OH ?! On vous a fait les poches?! Aaaah…la galères… » He seemed sad for a moment. 14“C’est pas de bol, mais ça arrive. J’vous dépannerais bien, mais j’suis plus pauvre qu’un gueux. Ce qui..est c’que je suis. Haha! » He did a funny face that made you think what he just said was a joke. Was he trying to cheer you up? It would be a bit rude not to laugh then. You offer him a quiet little laugh. This seems to cheer him up as well.
15“Mais, c’est pas vot’ coin ici, non? Z’êtes perdu? J’peux vous ram’nez sur la rue principal si vous voulez! » With a playful gesture he seemed try to get an answer out of you. But of course, it was hard to do without understanding the question.
“I-I’m sorry…” You start saying. “I…I don’t understand”
16“A-ah?! De l’anglais, hein? Hmm…MMMMMHH » He seems to think deeply and struggle. he then suddenly speaks with the most atrocious French accent and a lot of hesitation. “You…hum…want too…go back...Mane street???”
Oh ! He wants to take you back to the main street ! Great! But…can you really trust this hobo who knows ruffians. Well, what’s the alternative here? Stay here alone until the next gang comes to attack you. So, reluctantly, you nod. “Yes ! P-please…” The man’s enthusiasm grows even larger.
17“Super! Alors, suis-moi!” With eagerness he takes your hand and your starts walking with this strange new guide to Paris. This guy is very happy to have a companion. He rambles on and on about things you’re pretty sure you wouldn’t understand even if you spoke French!
18“Alors, z’êtes de où? Bon, v’pouvez pas répondre, mais, vous trouvez comment Paris? Bon…C’est sur que c’est pas toujours la joie, mais c’est bien non ! Quoi que...j’suis jamais aller ailleurs donc je saurais pas dire ! Haha ! Mais y’a plein de coin sympa ! J’connais un cirque vraiment sensass ! Bon..y traite mal leurs employés, et ça, j’vous l’dis d’expérience. Mais sinon, il est hyper classe ! J’ai un ami qui y travaille ! Y fait un peu peur, mais c’qu’il est gentil ! j’vous dit. Aaah. Je d’vrais aller lui rendre visite un de ses quatre..Mais bon. J’essaie d’lui amener d’la bouffe quand j’peux. Mais ces temps-ci, c’est vraaaaaaiment la galère alors…j’peux pas trop…euh….. »
Progressively, his enthusiasm had faded and so had his walk speed. He was now supporting himself on the wall as he panted. You gave him a worried look. A look that tried to say “What’s wrong?” with just your eyes. He seemed to understand your question. And with a pained smile he said:
19“Ah? Ça? C-C’est rien…z’inquiètez vous pas pour moi…. » He stop walking all together. Now leaning hisback on the wall trying to regain some strength. 20“C’est juste….euh…haha..”
21“Que j’crève la dale comme pas permis ! Hahahah! » Through his apparent pained he gave you a genuine laugh.
Was that his stomach? He must be starving? Then…why is he smiling like that. He is now sitting on the ground, cradling his roaring belly while trying to keep smiling through it. You crouch beside him with a worried expression. The hungry beggar seemed displease to see you like this.
22“Euh….J-J’ai juste besoin d’un moment, après on y va!..d’accord? »
Was he trying to reassure you? What a sweetie. Maybe you had misjudged him this whole time. He WAS pestering you earlier today for money. But if he was this desperate for it..it makes sense.
His ravenous tummy gave out another loud cry that made the man ache in pain. You should have given him a loose coin or two earlier today. Now it was all gone and you had to leave your new companion suffering. Or maybe!
You ruffle through your pockets! You know it’s in there somewhere ! The starving musician looks at you with curiosity. And finally, you find it ! A small hard candy in a wrapper ! It was given to you at the hotel you reside at and you have kept it in your coat pocket for later ! Well later was NOW!
You hand the candy to the famished man and he looks at you in disbelief. 23“Hein? Pour…moi???” You nod happily ! Stars start illuminating his eyes as the happiest of smile appears on his lips. 24“Pour de vrai!? Ouah!! Merci !! Tu m’sauves la vie, sérieux!!”
He takes the candy and eagerly takes it to his mouth. He’s so pleased, you’d thinks his eating a feast. You’re glad you could bring such joy to him with such a little gift.
After a few seconds, the man seems to full of energy again. He springs back up and announces : 25“Aah ! Ça fait du bien par où ça passe ! Alors, on y va? » He extends his hand to you to help you get back up. You take his hand, feeling like you just made a new friend.
The rest of the walk, Ernest looks like his walking on clouds. He skips and hums a little tune. This makes you chuckle. You finally get back to the main street where you two had met that day. It is now empty and all the shop have closed.
26“Bon, ben, on y ait ! Tu pourras retrouver ton chemin à partir d’ici? Euh..j’veux dire…You..can..finding..home..now? » Ernest says with an awkward smile.
You laugh. “Yes ! Thank you very much. Hmm..Mer..cy??” you respond shyly. He beams!
27“Ah ! Mais y’a pas de quoi ! » He tilts his hat to you playfully. 28“Allez, à la revoyure!” He says trotting away gleefully. What a character.
You go back to your hotel and the rest of your trip goes on without problems. You never crossed path again with the excentric but nice street musician. But you hope you can travel back to Paris one day and treat him to a nice dinner!
1“Hey ! A coin for a song, what do you say?”
2“N-no? M-Maybe a dance then?”
3“O-or I could show you some cool places? Just for a penny, come on! »
4“My name’s Ernest ! I’m here all day ! Welcome to Paris !”
5“Hey, lil rich champ. Are we lost? Need some help? Help ain’t free tho, you know.”
6“Ah, Come one, don’t be stingy! Give us the cash!”
7“Hey! If it isn’t lil Paul and his gang !”
8“E-Ernest? W-What are yad oing here?....W-We’re busy, okay.. »
9“Yeah ! Busy terrorizing tourists ! Come on, lil Pau, we all know you’re a sweet as a lamb. Ao stop trying to play tough already!”
10“Yeah ! Well, we were leaving! Come on, boys, let’s get out a here!”
11“Say hi to pretty Jeanne for me! »
12“Hey ! We’ve met earlier, right? You left pretty fast, I didn’t even got a chance to present myself, haha! I’m Ernest!”
13“Huh? What? Your pockets? OH! You got robbed?! Aaaah….that sucks…”
14“It’s a shame, but it happens. I’d help you out if I wasn’t as poorer than a beggar, which is…what I am, Haha!” (A play on word with a French expression.)
15“But this isn’t near your place, no? Are you lost? I can bring you back to the main street if you want.”
16“O-oh? English, huh? Mhhh….MMMMH.”
17“Great! Follow me then!”
18“ So, where ya from? You can’t answer, but how do you find Paris? Okay…It’s not always great, but it’s pretty neat, no? Well, I say that, but I’ve never been anywhere else so how should I know ! Haha! But there are some cool places! I know an amazing circus! Well…They don’t treat they’re employees well, and I speak from experience. But other than that, it’s pretty great! I got a friend who works there ! He looks scary but he’s the nicest guy ever ! I tell ya! Aaah, I should visit him some time soon. The thing is, I try to bring him food when I can. But lately, things have been veeeeeery tight. So…I can’t really…uh…”
19“ Oh? This? It’s nothin….Don’t worry about lil old me… »
20“It’s just that…uh…Haha…”
21“That I’m starving so much it should be illegal! Hahaha! »
22“Uuh….I’ll just need a moment here, we can go after…okay?”
23“Huh? For…me???”
24“For real!? Wow!! Thanks ! You’re a life saver, seriously!!”
25���Aah ! That hit the spot! Ready to go? »
26“Well, here we are ! Can you find your way home from here? Uh..I mean.. …You..can..finding..home..now? »
27“Ah ! It was nothin ! »
28“Well, see ya around!”
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whimsicalcotton · 3 months
Radio -- before I forget:
Amberfield, 7
7 - to shut them up
this one's just some fun silly nebulous amberfield. everyone's fine AU but everyone is Actually fine this time
Contrary to her usual shy, mumbling nature, Max talks a lot when she's nervous. 
Maybe nervous isn't quite the right word. 
Flustered is far more suiting to their current predicament. 
“I– I know you're probably mostly in this for Chloe,” she says, an anxious smile plastered across her freckled face. She's got her sweater sleeves flopped over her hands, but Rachel can still see her fiddling with the seams and toying with her fingers just beneath. “I don't blame you. I'm really not much to look at.”
Rachel frowns at that. “Max, you–” 
“And I'm kind of a huge dork, and you're really cool, and I totally get it if I'm not exactly your type.”
“And you guys have already been together for a bit, so maybe it feels like I'm intruding, and I promise I'm not trying to.”
Rachel takes a step closer. Max hardly notices, too busy staring holes into the floor between them. “Hello? Earth to Max?”
“If I'm ever, like, in your way or anything you can tell me to buzz off. It's totally cool, I won't mind.” 
When she does finally clue in to just how close they’ve gotten, she makes that little rabbit whine she always does when she gets startled, and takes a step back. Rachel gives chase.
“Uh, yeah, I just don't want anyone to feel, uhm, bad or anything,” she rambles on, growing quieter by the second. “Y'know?”
Max has her back to the wall now, shrinking in on herself. She's starting to resemble a cherry with how red her face is getting, but Rachel elects not to bring it up for fear of her trying to hide it. 
“So, n-no hard feelings, right? ‘Cause I really don't wanna, uhm, upset you or anything. You're–” Her voice catches, she gulps. “You're really close,” she finishes in a small, silken whisper. 
Rachel can't help the delighted grin that paints itself across her face. Such sweet, precious prey she's caught in her sights. She can see why Chloe is always tormenting Max, if this is the sort of reaction she gets to see on the regular. 
“N-Not that I don’t like it,” Max continues, in spite of the way she squeaks the sentence out and visibly winces at herself afterwards. “I do– Well, uh, I’m not used to– Sorry, I’m probably talking too much and–”
Rachel lays a hand on Max’s cheek, runs a thumb across her multitude of freckles and watches the way her eyes go wide as saucers. She leans in to place a kiss to the corner of her mouth, smirking to herself as she listens to Max’s breath hitch in surprise.
“I like looking at you,” she says upon pulling away, shamelessly admiring those big blue eyes while she has the chance. Max blinks up at her, face growing somehow redder. “Awh, what’s the matter?” Rachel asks, unable to resist adding the lilt and lull of teasing to her tone. “Lost your voice all of a sudden? Oh, speak again, bright angel.”
Max reaches up to hide her face behind her sleeves, leaving just enough room to meet Rachel’s eyes with one of her own. “I-Is that… Are you..?”
“Quoting Shakespeare to you?” Rachel finishes for her, still wearing her most roguish, wolfy smile. “Yeah. You’re not the only dork around here, Caulfield.”
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failedaethercore · 5 months
The Missing Messenger
Inspired by @wolfofcelestia's amazing work found here.
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This (my fourth fic ever lol) was written in a fever state to get it out of my system since this had been consuming me all day today while I did my adulting. Please be kind, I know there are likely a lot of mistakes, But I am trying my best to learn and grow as a writer while writing all these fics.
Also I know I wrote something similar in my last fic, but I think I've ironed it out better this time. So bear with me while I work towards a new theme haha
Rafayel x fem!MC/reader, Xavier, Zayne, confessions, fluffy stuff at the end I swear ;;
Please be warned, this is a dark work and is not a good idea to read if you are easily triggered.
CW: torture, depression, allusions to rape, blood, guns, death, please let me know if I need to add any more (can't think of what else, I swear I'm not here to hurt any of you lovely people)
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Rafayel was laying on his sofa, one arm artfully draped over his eyes as he sighed in defeat. His latest piece was causing him so much trouble, which made him feel like just giving up and moving on to something else. But he was too far along to call it quits just yet, he wanted to see it finished.
So when his phone hummed quietly near his hand, he let out another dramatic groan and picked it up, praying it wasn't Thomas bothering him to find out when the painting would be done. It was just a text. From you.
Y/n: Hey, I saw there's a new cafe down near the plaza, you wanna go when we both have some time? Apparently they have rose flavored milk tea and really good snacks. I really wanna try it!
Rafayel smirked and sent a quick series of replies.
Rafayel: That might be a little difficult, I'm in the middle of my magnum opus and cannot be torn away! Even if it caught fire, I can never leave my studio until my vision reaches fruition!
Rafayel: But maybe you can bring me some when you come visit...perhaps...this afternoon?
He could sense you rolling your eyes as he sees the word “read” next to his texts. He lets himself full on grin, hoping you'll agree.
Y/n: I do have today off...but wouldn't you like a break? You've been cooped up all week, I thought.
Rafayel: Don't you understand y/n? I must see this through! ...But I could use a little break, if you're willing to drop everything right now and bring me an iced latte with soy milk and plenty of brown sugar boba.
Y/n: And a slice of cheesecake?
Rafayel: You know me so well, it's almost like we're friends.
Y/n: Or enemies.
He chuckles to himself, texting you always managed to brighten his foulest moods, despite the aching in his chest when his thoughts lingered too long on how you were unlikely to ever want to be more than that...just friends.
He sighed and waited for a moment, staring at the screen to see if you were going to say anything else. When it had been long enough, he figured you were getting ready to come over, and he slumped back onto the sofa once more, leaving his phone on his chest as he stared up at the blue coming through the skylights in the ceiling.
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He didn't think it would take this long to get ready, but he was patient. He may whine and complain and give you the hardest time for making him wait...but he had already waiting so long for you, what is one more hour? Or two...o-or three...
His phone vibrated again, alerting him of a text messsage. He stopped his idle paint mixing, having wanted something to do while he waited for you, and looked down at his phone set beside him.
Y/n: I love you, Rafayel
His chest suddenly felt full and warm, he could feel his heart beginning to beat quickly, and he swore he could feel his ears redden in the delight that phrase had brought him. He reread it several times, pinched himself, even slapped his face with his free hand, just to make sure he hadn't fallen asleep while waiting for you.
He quickly typed a reply once he had confirmed he wasn't dreaming.
Rafayel: Well it's about time! Thought I would have to be the first one to admit it, at this rate...
But the message wasn't read right away. Maybe you were walking over from the cafe now? And you just wanted to confess before your visit. He had no idea why you were being so honest with yourself (and him), but he was so happy he couldn't care about that right now.
He hums happily for a while, waiting even more impatiently for you to arrive. But now it's been an hour. Then two. He checks his phone. Neither of you had ever agreed on a time to meet, but he didn't think you'd make him wait so long...
Rafayel: Y/n? Are you coming? Are you okay?
His joy started to melt into chilling fear, dripping down his spine as he realizes that his confession was left unread, after all this time. That's when the panic sets in fully. Something is wrong.
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
Rafayel is in his trendy sports car before he can even think about what he's doing. Acting on pure instinct alone, he's already across the bridge and meeting the afternoon traffic that Linkon City is known for on a normal Thursday. For a moment he ponders if he should break the law, eyes darting hastily around the intersection before he floors it through a red light, not even bothering to slow down. He was a madman behind the wheel already, notorious for making you white knuckle the armrest whenever you rode with him. But now he was terrified, and determined.
He regains his senses while swerving to avoid a line of slowed cars, and quickly presses a few buttons on the car's touch screen, attempting to call you. Maybe your phone had just died. Please let him be a silly fool who worries over nothing. It rang for a while, before rolling over to voicemail, your standard message of “Hey, this is y/n, sorry I missed your call, leave me a message after the beep! Beep! No, not that one” followed be a giggle and then another beep. “Y/n please be okay, you've been quiet for a while, just starting to worry about my bodyguard here...I'm heading over to see if maybe you just fell asleep, since it's your day off! You better answer your door!”
Before he forgot, he decided to make one more call, pressing another button and starting a call with Thomas.
Thomas sounds elated to hear from Rafayel, thinking he had finally finished the painting and that Thomas could set up a new exhibition around it and the other dozen paintings Rafayel had finished earlier.
“Rafayel! It's about time, do you kno-” Before Thomas can begin nagging Rafayel about making him wait so long for just one painting, Rafayel cuts him off. “Something's wrong with y/n! She won't pick up her phone and I need you to track her down somehow. She's usually not this quiet, you have to help me Thomas!” The man was taken aback, his feet falling off his desk that he had leaned up there confidently at the beginning of the call. He sat upright and had no idea how to respond for a moment, Rafayel never begged for anything. Ever. At least not to him, anyways.
Rafayel waited for Thomas to reply, then shouted at the man. “Thomas! Go find Y/n! I need to know she's okay!” Thomas broke his silence with a stuttered “Y-yeah sure!” before hanging up quickly to make some calls of his own.
Rafayel pressed the gas pedal to the floor, as he sped down the road to come to a screeching halt in front of your apartment complex. He jumped out, not even bothering to make sure the engine was off, but just managing to remember to put the damned thing into park.
He bolted up the stairs, taking each step three at a time, as his long legs screamed at him from the sudden exertion on his usually lazy muscles. He knew your apartment number by heart, knowing exactly where you slept every night, just to occasionally check in and make sure you got home from a hunt okay. Even if he never knocked on the door, he looked up at the window in your apartment until the light came on, and he could see you open the window to let in some fresh air.
He knocked hard on the door, urgency spurring his continued knocks on as he waited impatiently. “Y/n! Hey! You home?!” There was no evidence of tampering that he could detect, the door looked like it always did, so when he had to break it down to get in, he felt a little guilty. Nevermind, he could easily replace it with a better one and the building's manager would be fine with it. He was praying you were just half asleep on your bed and would just scold him for freaking out over nothing.
When he found your apartment empty, not a soul in the place, while the windows were left wide open...his heart, already halfway down to his stomach, finishes it descent into his gut, while tears threaten his eyes. No...this can't be real. He's dreaming, all of this is a lie. He pinches himself again, and again, trying to bring himself out of this nightmare.
When he decides that he is truly not dreaming, he tries to call your phone again, only to hear your phone ringing under the sofa. The song you set as his ringtone would have probably made him chuckle and tease you if this wasn't such a terrifying scenario.
He picks it up from the floor, and looks at it. A photo of him smiling with you while you both pose in front of the camera glows before his eyes. That's when it all starts to blur a little, as tears begin to truly tug at the edges of his sight. He couldn't hold them back anymore, and let out a shout of your name, unable to contain his emotions because he had just found you again.
Moments later, a silver-haired man came barging into the apartment from the balcony, obviously drawn by the commotion from below. When Rafayel saw him, he was immediately on guard, drawing a dagger from behind his back, summoned from a plume of flame in his hand.
The man looked around quickly before drawing his own weapon, a sword borne of light held aloft and pointed at Rafayel. “Where is y/n. What are you doing in her apartment?” Rafayel stares down the weapon with indifference, not even registering the question before he lunges forward, another dagger being summoned to his empty hand as the sound of metal hitting metal fills the space.
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The fight only lasted a few minutes, but both men were so fast, and so evenly matched, they both fell to the floor quickly, panting, covered in cuts and bruises. At some point Rafayel had punched the man in the face, and at another point the man had gotten a good slice into the front of Rafayel's expensive shirt.
While both of them caught their breaths, the man asked another question. “Where is y/n...and who are you?” He had never met a match in battle, and was honestly a little stunned.
“Well who the hell are you? How do you know her name and where she lives?!”
The man slumps his back against the wall near the television, running his hand through his starlit hair. “Xavier...I'm her upstairs neighbor, and her Hunter partner.” Rafayel lets out a sigh and withers at the fact.
“I'm...Rafayel...she's my bodyguard. Did you hear anything in here earlier?” He is immediately brought back to the entire reason he was even here. “Y/n left her phone, she never leaves without it.” Xavier stares as Rafayel holds up your phone, the tiny charm hanging off it indicating it was definitely yours. He had no idea who gave you the tiny red fish charm, but he had always secretly been a little jealous.
“Then...the noises earlier...” Xavier stares down at the floor. “I thought y/n was exercising for some reason, even though it was her day off...I heard some shuffling noises...but I didn't think anything of it because I couldn't sense any Wanderers.” Rafayel's eyes narrow with every word, until his glare can be felt like a radiating heat from the depths of hell. He would bore a hole right through Xavier's head if he could.
Xavier sheepishly looked away, his quiet and sleepy demeanor made meek in that moment as guilt struck him like lightning. “I didn't realize. ...We need to find her.”
Before both men departed your apartment, Rafayel making a call to get your apartment door repaired, Xavier promising to contact your old friend Zayne who works at the nearby hospital, they agreed to exchange numbers and keep in touch. Their expressions grim as they went their separate ways.
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Rafayel's soul had now been shredded, drowned, disintegrated, and finally blown away like sands in the storm. This happened nearly on the daily for him, as every moment of you being missing driving him further into madness.
It had been weeks so far.
Where were you?
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
You had been texting with Rafayel when you had nodded off, meaning to get up and get ready to go get tea and snacks to bring to his studio and spend time with him. You were excited, but work had been draining your energy of late, so you let yourself nod off for a bit. Rafayel could wait, plus you enjoyed his bratty pout when you made him wait a little bit.
You awoke to the shufflling sound of something opening your window from the balcony. Or rather...someone. You realized how late it was in the same moment you realized what was going on. Men in neutral and dark clothes, face coverings, and holding rope and other supplies silently entered your apartment, thinking you were still asleep.
You quickly sent a text, knowing there was no saving you now. You could beat them up, you could take out maybe three of them in your current condition. Your energy still low from that last mission. “I love you, Rafayel” the last thing you send, as you don't know if you're going to come back from this as more figures climb into the room, you can hear their boots quietly touching onto the floor.
You jumped up from your position on the couch and ran to secure your concealed weapon you kept in the kitchen. A firearm for in case a Wanderer got too close to the apartment complex, or something like this happening. Unfortunately for you, one of them had a taser gun, and shot you in the back, taking you down before you can even reach under the counter for the weapon strapped there.
You can't make out much as your senses are blacking out from the pain. But you make out a low chuckle from one of the figures, a man with piercing eyes glowers down at you as he puts his boot on your head and grinds it into the floor a little. “...You're going to regret going for that.”
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It had been what felt like an eternity. Your figure was chained to the floor, the shackles on your wrists and ankles constantly chafing and making your joints ache from their weight. You were losing your muscles from all the lack of exercise, but that didn't mean you didn't still suffer the brutality of your captors.
Every single day, at some point during the day, the door to the pitch black cell would open, light would pour in, and then it would begin.
The first time, you had let yourself feel a glimmer of hope. Rafayel? Had he found you? But no...it was the man with the piercing eyes, everyone wearing masks still despite clearly being in a safe location. They could never be too cautious, it seemed. “You're going to tell us everything you know about Lemurians and where we can find them.”
Your face went a little slack. You knew very little about them, and only knew maybe...two? Three? One of them...you would never reveal their identity to these monsters. You had just arrived at this point, but the shackles were already hurting you, and the taser to your back still stung and caused your nerves to shiver with what you hoped didn't look like fear.
“Don't worry, you don't have to answer right away. Let's have some fun with this first...” At first your face distorts into disgust, until the man pulls out a blade and you see the cloth mask over his face wrinkle in a way that could only mean he was smiling maliciously. His eyes glint with joy at the prospect of hurting you.
But you never broke. Not once. You swore to yourself that death would be better than letting them know about Rafayel. After everything he had confided in you, after everything he had given to you, you would guard it with your dying breath before this scum found a drop of information. So you didn't struggle, you didn't fight, you let the torture continue for forever, as the outside world spun on without you. You wouldn't let others suffer because of your weakness, your failings.
You blamed yourself for being too lax, being too comfortable in your life, when you knew danger was a constant part of your everyday life. Your vigilance had slipped for a moment, and you were the reason you were in this situation now.
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Once Zayne had been made aware of the situation, he had stopped working for a few days, searching in his own way to find you. The days turned into weeks, before he had to return to his work, guilt riding him on both fronts as he didn't want to give up the search, but he couldn't leave his patients to die.
Xavier had assured him he would be notified as soon as you were located, and Zayne tried his best to take comfort in that, at least. Rafayel was being driven mad, to the point of having barely slept and not eaten for far too long.
He was delirious, laying on the floor of his torn apart studio, as it was too many reminders of you, in some ways. His heart was gone, he felt numb all over, and his mind swam as he stared up at the darkening sky in the ceiling. He had searched through his underworld connections, but couldn't pry anything from anyone. No one knew a thing about it, apparently. But he knew you didn't just vanish into thin air.
So when all felt lost, he decided to try his last resort. You had his heart beating in your chest. From lives lived long ago, you have been reborn with that same heart time and time again. You were breathing because he gave you his everything the first time you had met. And now he had to pull it to him. He struggled for a while to try and tune into whatever frequency it was, he was rusty and hadn't really done anything like this in what felt like centuries.
So when he finally knew he had it, he could sense other Lemurians in Linkon City, he could sense the vast ocean and the creatures that reside there...he could even faintly sense others further still, but not you.
You were a blank space. An empty void stood where your usual place in the universe hung. He didn't realize he had stopped breathing until his lungs screamed for air. He sat up suddenly and gasped, choking on the air briefly before he coughed and started to sob into his hands.
You were gone. Not a trace. Nothing.
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
You were bloody and covered in scarring wounds, broken bones and twisted muscles. Today had been burns on your bare flesh, followed by mild drowning in sea water. But they lost interest, saying you probably liked it, since clearly you liked fish and all that.
You were struggling to breathe through your broken ribs, but you tried to keep steady, breathing through your nose slowly as you kept a stoic expression on your bruised and puffy face. Every day had been something new, something awful. But the taste of the deep salt water had hardened your resolve. You didn't know why Rafayel couldn't find you, but you would escape. You would find him and he would keep you safe again. You had to believe that, despite the fear that this was actually some elaborate play to make you loyal or something.
You were given too much time in the darkness by yourself. Your mind would race to horrible scenarios at the drop of a hat already, but now you had concocted a horrible fantasy where Rafayel had been the mastermind behind all of this, and that you were being tested to be sure you were loyal to him no matter what. But that made you more fearful that whoever Rafayel was running from must be even worse than this.
So you steeled yourself every day, when the shuffling of feet could be heard outside your door, you would sit up and just stoically stare at a spot in your vision that did not exist. Grounding your mind in what you had to tell yourself to survive this.
He was looking for you. He would come. As soon as you could make your move, he would find you. Somehow. If he was truly behind this, then Xavier and Zayne would find you. You had been gone far too long for you to not be missed. This was your courage. And you would be doubly damned by the Gods if you let yourself fail now.
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The day finally came. They had become less vigilant, as you had never once made an effort to break free, and the fire had quickly died in your eyes. They were almost ready to just let you go, figuring you didn't know anything. The only things they could ever extract from you were screams and grunts of agony. You had even overheard them talking amongst themselves several times, talking about their personal lives as if it was another day at an office job.
So when you were ready, you had snuck a small thin object, you think it was a broken paperclip, to pick the locks on your shackles. You made quick work in the inky darkness that surrounded you, but left the shackles on, to lure them into your plan.
The shuffling sounds came up again, and you were ready. You waited for them to casually open the door, like they had been doing so recently, as you let your eyes adjust to the change in light. They were chatting as if it were just a Tuesday, while you let yourself sprint to the door, pushing through the armed guards. They had forgotten you were a trained Hunter, apparently. Because you managed to pull one of their guns and shoot the other point blank.
The one whose weapon you had confiscated had fallen to the ground and to be sure he wouldn't follow, you shot him in the leg. You made a run for the stairs, apparently you were deep underground. It explained the lack of windows and fresh air in the cell.
The stairs were narrow, so it made it difficult as more and more guards began to pour down to apprehend you, and you could only climb over so many grasping bodies as they struggled to hold you while their injuries otherwise incapacitated them. Before long you were forced to throw the empty gun aside and take things head-on. You punched and bit and kicked your way as far as you could, every ounce of your being put into surviving and escaping. But before long you were dragged down and pinned to the stairs, a boot holding you firmly in place by the center of your back.
The man with the piercing eyes chuckled darkly. “I see you have more fight in you than we had thought...I like that.” He pulled your head up by your hair, at least what was left of it, and forced you to look at his other boot. “Lick it, peasant.”
You blacked out from exhaustion before you could do anything, and he tsked angrily. “Fucking bitch...she shot so many of these idiots. Now I have to clean this up.” He turned to those of his men who were still standing or able to stand, and began barking orders. “Carry out the wounded, shoot those who won't make it, and put her back in the cell. This time...I won't let her keep this worthless hope she keeps clinging to. I will take her tonight, and break her.”
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
It had been months now, and Rafayel was wallowing in the abyss of life without you again. But this time was different. You had been ripped from him and he couldn't even find your body to bury. Every day he prayed you were alive, but then cursed himself for it, knowing if you were, you were most likely suffering.
The day had come, and he was burying his face in a hoodie you had accidentally left in his studio one time, sobbing uncontrollably as his phone kept ringing in the background. He ignored it, Thomas' frantic motions against the drowning undercurrent of Rafayel's soul would never be enough to save either of them.
So when he felt your presence, he bolted upright, tears staining his otherwise beautiful but now gaunt face, and he stared in the direction of where he felt you. He had checked there. Many times, in fact. He had suspected you were in the N109 zone, but how you had eluded him for so long, he had no clue. But now you were somewhere he could find you. And he would be damned by the ocean once more if he let this chance slip by.
His flashy sports car was in need of a wash, and so was he, but he hopped in, before speeding off to reach your location all the faster, once again a demon behind the wheel.
But no sooner had he gotten oriented enough to know which road to take, you vanished again. But he suspected you were in that general vicinity, and wasted no time to get to his usual spot where he could enter the zone without interference.
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
You were reshackled and struggling to breathe as the man with the piercing eyes was holding you by your throat so that you were partly suspended in the air. Your eyes were squeezed shut. Your escape attempt had failed, and now you knew the final thing that could be taken from you, aside from your life, would be ripped from your body forever.
Tears sprang to life in the corners of your eyes as you imagined Rafayel finding your body after all of this, somehow, and how it would break him. You couldn't give in, but despair was gripping your heart harder than the man currently holding your neck.
“I'm going to break you in so my men can each have a turn. After your little stunt, a lot of them need some comfort and closure from what you did.” Your eyes shot open, and you glared up at him with all the defiance you could muster. And it was greater than the will of the Gods themselves, as the man actually stilled for a moment in shock.
His composure resumed quickly, and he took off his mask to reveal a sinister, toothy grin on what might have once upon a time been a handsome face. There were scars and an obviously previously broken nose, but seeing the rest of his face only steeled your resolve. If he wanted to break you, you would put up the fight of your life.
So when the door opened slowly, the faintly brighter light from outside peeking in to drape across a shadowy figure, he snapped up to yell at whoever it was. “Don't you know I'm busy in here?! Wait your turn, ya filthy fucker!” He dropped you to go push the figure outside and shut the door, but before he could reach a hand out to touch the shadow before you both, his hand was sliced off in a blur.
He paused, taking a moment to process what had happened in a fraction of a second. Then he screamed. That's when the shadow stepped into the light filling the cell, and your eyes adjusted enough to see him.
It was Rafayel, covered in soot and blood, a dagger held in his delicate hand as he stared down the man shouting about his hand that was now laying on the floor, blood draining down to the center of the cell, where a drainage grate resided underneath you. Your eyes welled with tears as you stared in shock. He had found you.
Finally. He was here.
His eyes snapped to you, the look of murderous intent softening before he looked over your frail figure. Clearly they were starving you slowly, and all the scarring and blood, filth, everything that they had done to you, rushed into his mind before he snapped back to the man who had finally regained his senses enough to pull out a dagger.
Rafayel slit his throat and turned him to ash before he could so much as aim the thing. The dagger fell to the ground with a clatter, as well as any other metallic accents to his clothes. You gasped as Rafayel's eyes nearly glowed with hate. He would never forgive anyone who so much as glanced upon you in this state. But when he was done, he swiftly softened, his hands finding the shackles and unlocking them in one smooth motion before you register what's going on.
You manage a hoarse, quiet whisper of his name. “Rafayel...” He softly shushes you and picks you up gently, holding you close against his chest as your thin frame drapes across his arms. “You're okay...I've got you, y/n.” You smile, for the first time in a millennia. It hurts so much to smile, and the tears sting your wounds, but you can't stop it. And before long, you're blacking out as Rafayel ascends the stairs slowly, being sure not to jostle you while he tries to still his heart.
It ached so much to see you in this state, but it brought him so much exuberant joy to see you at least still alive. You drew breath, and that meant he could hold your warm hand again, and slowly help you regain your footing after this harrowing experience.
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
He took you to your friend Zayne, since he was a doctor, before anyone else. Xavier was soon notified, and before long you were in your own VIP hospital room. Rafayel never left, even when you were being stripped naked and washed down carefully, and even Zayne had to look away with a blush. Rafayel kept watch, and nearly hissed at a nurse who tried to shoo him out of the ICU room.
Zayne had asked all the staff attending to you to be very careful, and even warned them that Rafayel might not cooperate if asked to leave the room. He had acquiesced to the fact that the purple haired man was going nowhere. Which he secretly couldn't blame him. He remembers the night you were admitted.
When you had been carried into the hospital by Rafayel, Zayne stood still in his tracks when he glanced up to find you looking half dead in his arms. Zayne shouted orders louder and faster than ever, and before long Rafayel was following a gurney into an operating room, despite many personnel pushing against him. He was firm, and unrelenting, so Zayne sighed and made him clean up and put on scrubs to stay sterile.
Rafayel silently watched over the surgery, his eyes looked like he was making a prayer to the last God or Goddess still listening, and asking for the only wish he would ever ask again.
That was a week ago.
You were looked after, and whenever he could, Rafayel held your hand. His sharp eyes kept staring into your soul, praying, willing you to wake once more. He kept his focus on you, unless a nurse came in with a new IV bag, a new drug, then he became vigilant to ensure it was safe. Zayne had given up on assuring him that he would never do you harm, because Rafayel nearly interrogated every nurse that came into the room, even to check your temperature.
But he finally relented to his situation, when he demanded Xavier keep watch while he passed out in the chair next to you, hand still holding yours. Zayne also stood vigil whenever he could spare the time, and a rotating shift of sorts came into being while you were unconscious.
A nurse had taken pity on your hair, as it had been pulled out in places, and shorn in others to shame you. She had done her best to wash it and trim it so that it would look better than it had been (she made sure to do it while Zayne was taking a shift, so she wouldn't have to fight a certain someone over it). Another nurse would bring food for whoever was on shift, though it was usually barely touched. Rafayel especially couldn't bring himself to eat, except when he collapsed once or twice, and Zayne pointed out how guilty you would feel knowing he was starving himself to death.
So after a great deal of staring down from Zayne and Xavier collectively, Rafayel conceded and ate some food. But he never left the room, even then. He thought the food was disgusting, and could barely swallow. But he willed himself to do it, for your sake.
Another week passed, and you were finally making stirrings. Your hand flexed a little in Rafayel's grip, and he sat straight up in that same moment, light returning to his dulled eyes, the numb restless sleep escaping from his form. You stirred, making a groan as the morphine had worn off. “Nnnnh...” Rafayel had to resist tightening his grip on your hand, as your poor fingers had been broken when punching a guard in the dick. If he had known that fact, he would be so proud of you, broken fingers and all.
He hit the nurse call button immediately, and started to shush you as you struggled slightly. “Shhh...y/n, you're safe. You're at the hospital. It's me, Rafayel...I promise...you're okay now...” You heard his voice over the high pitched tinnitus piercing your senses, and you sighed, settling back into the bed as you could barely move anyways. You tried to turn your head to look at him, but your muscles ached even doing that. “It's okay, I'm right here.” He squeezed your palm gently to let you know it was true. “I'm not going anywhere, okay?”
Zayne was notified upon Rafayel's press of the nurse call button, and came rushing in within a few minutes, despite being on the other side of the hospital. He was panting as Rafayel was talking softly to you, as your eyes began to close again. “Did she wake up? Did she say anything?” Rafayel nods then shakes his head, as he strokes your cheek through the bandages, as you fall back into your slumber, this time your muscles relax and you let yourself drift into a dream, instead of the never ending nightmares from before.
It took another two days before you woke up again, but this time you were more coherent, and you managed to sit up with the assistance of the adjustable bed. You stared at Rafayel for a long time before a whisper managed to escape your lips. “...you found me...” Rafayel almost didn't hear you, but he gave you the saddest smile upon realizing your words. “I did...I'm sorry it took me so long...” You tried to shake your head, but it was too much, so you just whispered. “No...you made it just in time...thank you...”
Your voice was hoarse and weak, but your once tight and guarded heart now relaxed and relished in the affection as Rafayel still held your hand, and gently brushed the hair out of your face, or caressed your cheek to comfort you, and many other tiny gestures that melted your heart as he whispered soft words to you. “You're going to be okay, y/n...Zayne is here, and Xavier will be in soon too...everyone missed you so much...” He looks down at his hand holding yours for a moment before he lets out a soft whisper you almost don't hear. “...especially me...”
You give another smile, although it hurts, it is genuine and happy. Hearing that somehow gives you confidence that you were right to trust him. He would never have done this to you, he would have never put you through hell like this just as some sick test. He clearly cared about you, how could you ever have thought those horrible things?
The nurse call button was pressed once more, and soon Zayne came rushing in, while Rafayel was texting Xavier with one hand to do his due diligence and let his new...I guess he'd call him a friend? Know what was going on. Zayne began to check on your wounds, checking every inch of you that he could to make sure you were mending.
“You seem to be doing better, y/n. Do you think you can manage some water?” A tiny nod from you prompts him to step out to hail a nurse, but there's already a crowd of them outside the door, and he sends one to get water for you. You glance at Rafayel as he just smiles warmly at you, his haunted face being pulled into a new expression for the first time in months. “...I want rose milk tea...” You let yourself smirk cheekily as Rafayel gives your hand a quick squeeze. “Soon, y/n...just wait until you can manage something more than water first, okay?” You nod a little and then turn your head slightly when a nurse brings in a pitcher of water, a glass, and a straw on a tray.
You have your first sip of water for the first time in what feels like forever, and you feel refreshed once more in that moment. The cool water slides down your throat and then sinks into your empty stomach, where it suddenly growls loudly in response. “O-oh...” Rafayel chuckles a little, and Zayne clears his throat. “You'll be able to eat solid foods soon, y/n. Just please be patient until we can take care of the bigger problems first.” You nod, and take another sip. You try to take a long, greedy sip, but Rafayel pulls the straw away.
“You're going to choke if you drink too fast...” He chides gently as you pout at him a little. But you understand, as you almost choke on the water you managed to get into your mouth.
Xavier comes in, panting, as he had to push past the mass of nursing staff and hospital personnel outside the door, and leans on the foot of the bed staring at you, mouth agape. “Y/n...you're awake!” You give him a small smile and nod. Your voice is still weak and rough, but you manage a teasing “...and still kicking.”
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
It had been a month since your first day awake, and you had been released from the hospital to your apartment yesterday. You had to hobble around with a cane, as you still suffered from muscular atrophy, and some serious fractures. Bone mending had come a long way since the need for casts or months of recover, but you still had to be careful while you puttered around your apartment, already bored out of your mind.
You got to catch up on some shows yesterday, but that started to bore you, and some of the darker elements brought you flashing back to your time in that cell again. So you'd turn off the tv and stare at the black screen's reflection of you, still thin, weak, and pale. The scars would fade with time, but you also figured it might make you look tougher to other Hunters, so you were almost proud of them.
Your phone buzzed against your thigh, as you looked down. It was Rafayel texting you.
Rafayel: Are you home?
Y/n: Yeah...I'm under house arrest for the foreseeable future...
Rafayel: Good. I'm outside, I can see your light on. Can you meet me at the door?
Y/n: Just wait, I can come unlock it
Before you have a chance to grab your cane, there comes a gentle knock at the door. You grin a little as you slowly make your way to the door, where Rafayel stands behind a large bouquet of...yellow dandelions? How did he know they were your favorite? And don't most people regard them as an annoying weed? You let out a gasp at the display before you. He was wearing his best suit, and had something behind his back, as he beamed a beautiful smile at you.
He had been with you at the hospital the entire time, but he had been eating more, resting more, and spoke more and more like himself once again. So you had watched him come back from the brink of an abyssal spiral into depression he might not have survived, while he watched you come back from the brink of death.
He handed the bouquet to you before gently guiding you back into your apartment. “Come on...I have a treat for you, y/n. I promise you'll love it...” Before you can say anything, he shuts the door behind him and goes to set a large bag of takeout on your small dining table. You let out a weak laugh, as it still aches to strain your ribs too much. But you smile at him as he sets out all the containers on the surface, going to grab some plates and utensils, as you slowly make your way to the chair nearest you.
“Rafayel, you didn't have to do all this...aren't you tired? You barely slept yesterday...”
Rafayel shakes his head adamantly, like a spoiled child being told they had to do something they didn't want to do. “I had to, y/n. If it's for you, nothing is too much...” You blush at his statement, having been reminded recently of the last text you had sent Rafayel before you were sure you were going to be killed.
“O-oh...by the way...Rafayel...y-you can disregard that text from before...y-y'know...that one...”
He stops what he's doing and strides over to you in two long steps. His eyes are piercing through your soul and deep into your heart, exposing every facet of you in a far more embarrassing way than simply baring your naked skin to him. He takes your free hand in both of his and gives your aching knuckles the softest of kisses. “I will never forget that text...” He whispers a breath over your knuckles. You blush more and try to pull it away reflexively. “A-ah...i-it's okay...” He shakes his head and holds your hand against his chest now. “No, y/n. It's not okay...I didn't find you before everything happened to you...” He takes a hand away from yours to gently stroke along your jaw and then run his thumb across your cheek.
“I love you, too, y/n.”
✧𖤐✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧𖤐 ✩
a/n: this kept me up all last night writing an outline on my phone, so if I didn't finish this I would be upset with myself haha
If you have any requests, please feel free to send an ask, I would love to hear them!
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