#kind-of-daemons au
isjeonginsoup · 9 months
this new au is gonna seriously just absolutely consume me I can't even read a fic without going "hm. wanna write Them"
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idkaguyorsomething · 11 months
a support group for people with “unconventional” daemons. jeff with his flounder he has to carry everywhere in a huge tank. lois with her poison dart frog everyone is afraid to touch. sam with their elephant that’s the reason they can never go higher than two stories in most buildings.
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atopvisenyashill · 8 months
Thoughts on the Alysanne is Maegor's daughter AU? I feel like it has some interesting potential, and it vastly recontextualizes different parts of Jaehaehae (I do not like him sjsjsjs) and Alysanne's relationship (such as Jaehaehae's treatment of their daughters) but I wanna hear what you think about it!
I’ve touched on this a bit before but since you actually want to hear my thoughts, allow me to present to you my Jaehaerys Is The Goddamn Worst, And Alysanne Annoys Me Too: An Essay lmao but my answer is basically “yeah all of what you just said.”
I think it makes Alysanne much more palatable (to me) as a character because as she stands, she just fixates on forcing her daughters through these fucked up marriages at too young an age bc it traumatized her to be married and pregnant at 15 too but she’d never admit that being a willing participant in her own kidnapping by her brother-husband was the single worst thing that ever happened to her, and because Alysanne doesn’t want to admit it (and Jaehaerys would never see it as wrong or a mistake) F&B really shies away from delving into the fact that Alysanne is as deranged of a mother as Cersei is. So as she stands, she’s very flat to me because she’s presented very flatly and inconsistently. She’s so in love with Jaehaerys, she’s maritally raped by Jaehaerys, she’s a loving and doting mother, she forces her daughters into marriages when they’re the same too young age she was, she accuses her teenage girls of being scheming whores then gets angry when her husband accuses their teenage girls of being scheming whores, and worst of all we are just told “Maegelle tells them to make up so they do” so we don’t know why Alysanne gets over all of this. What is the point of riding a dragon when you never use that dragon to protect your daughters from unwanted teen marriages? We’re just not given a good enough justification for why her behavior is so weird and frustrating towards her daughters.
Make her Maegor’s daughter though…most of her behavior as an adult makes more sense. Like a worse version of Rhaenyra’s childhood almost - a father desperate for a son, but lowkey obsessed with his daughter, who makes all his hang ups about his parents the problems of every woman around him, except Maegor is out here blood sacrificing and torturing and starting wars and forcing babies on wives he discards quickly and brutally. Then here comes Jaehaerys on a white horse green dragon to save her from the horror her life has become, and he loves her so much he runs away with her even though Alyssa says they shouldn’t marry because people won’t like it. And they have beautiful children, and a beautiful marriage, and build a beautiful kingdom.
Then her pregnancies start getting dangerous. Gaemon, then Valerion, die. Alysanne thinks of the shriveled up mutants she called brothers, if Maegor’s taint has passed to her. Her perfect husband ignores her no, and forces Gael on her. Alysanne remembers that he said nothing to Rogar when Alyssa died, merely wept. Then her daughters start to die. Daella, Alyssa, Viserra, all within a few years. Then Jaehaerys makes Saera watch as he murders her boyfriend, calls her a whore, and says Alysanne cannot follow Saera to Lys. Alysanne thinks of Maegor torturing the Harroways over Alys’ presumed infidelity. Jaehaerys says he’s sorry, and her daughter badgers her into forgiving him, and she remembers how she helped Jaehaerys badger Alyssa into forgiving Rogar. Not two years later, Jaehaerys passes over Rhaenys. Alysanne thinks of how she was never enough for her father, how she felt so superior to Rhaena banished to Dragonstone and resented by Aerea, yet there she is dragging Gael away from court because she can’t stand to be with Jaehaerys. How her father was surrounded by dead women and dead babies and how Jaehaerys is surrounded by his own dead daughters, but surely she did the right thing, surely Maegor was worse, surely the realm is better off? Is he right to pass over Rhaenys? Is she enabling a man just as monstrous as her father? She will never decide, because Maegelle will guilt her about keeping Gael isolated at Dragonstone, and Alysanne will do as she’s told, just like Rhaena, and Alyssa, and Jeyne, Elinor, Ceryse, Alys, and Tyanna, just like every one of her daughters.
I do get why Alysanne is Alyssa & Aenys’ and not Maegor’s. The weird Targ babies, the line not descending from Visenya, Jaehaerys and Alysanne being held up as the perfect Targaryen couple specifically because they are brother and sister and dragon riders. I do even think canon Alysanne is likely traumatized by her time as a hostage on Dragonstone, and the ensuing war, and the trauma bond that caused with Jaehaerys, and it makes her idolize Jaehaerys, and then he isolates her at Dragonstone so he can swiftly and safely marry, groom, and knock her up. It’s not like,,,, a fun time, and it’s enough to make anyone crazy and weird about their daughters, but I think having her father be Maegor makes Alysanne herself much deeper because it gives her, as the most beloved Targaryen queen, a blood tie to the most hated Targaryen king, and a marriage to the most beloved Targaryen king. It fits better with a lot of the themes of the main series (again, imo) - forcing the spotlight on the outsiders to see how the affect the story from behind the scenes. The fall of Aegon’s sons, and The Long Reign, not told from the PoV or to serve the PoV of any of the kings or princes, but of the queen that tied them all together.
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moonshynecybin · 9 months
#once again thinking of that rosquez daemon au where they both have crows/ravens <- daemon au !!!! i need u to elaborate. i’m not going to be able to stop thinking abt this……
i love you... many moons ago (like two months) i sent tumblr user its-always-silly-season an anon about what daemons various racers would have and the absolute scholarrrrrrs in the replies (@whatwepostintheshadows) added to me saying marc had a crow daemon by saying that in their au they had already come up with vale ALSO had a crow daemon. which is hilarious. brilliant minds!!!!
like i think it would make vale's myriad neuroses about him and marc being the same so much worse/funnier. what if you were both generation-defining motorcycle racing talents. what if you were both uncompromisingly ruthless on track. what if you were both aquariuses. what if everyone in the world could see that your souls were so similar that they took the literal same exact physical manifestation. what if you got divorced about it.
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tragicotps · 9 months
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Young Masriel au [part 6: the green-eyed monster]: in which Marisa gets jealous over Asriel meeting with certain witches in the North and tries to make him look bad in front of her husband. Unfortunately, and to Marisa's surprise, Asriel has been paying attention and likes to play this game as much as she does. He should've anticipated she'd be angry about this. Completely hypocritical of course, since she's the one that's married here. First she couldn't get rid of him fast enough, and now she's acting as if he put her through the worst betrayal imaginable. If she wants to play dirty though, he's more than willing to participate. He's been watching her when she thinks no one is looking. Her daemon straying uncomfortably far from her at times, testing his boundaries. If there are any, that is. she never even flinches. Anyone else would be appalled by the very idea, but he's just fascinated by the science of it. The Northern witches, their magical abilities and way of life have always intrigued him. Marisa seems to be less impressed. Asriel would be lying if he said he doesn't enjoy the look on her face when she realises he knows about her little secret.
(part 1/ part 2/ part 3/ part 4/ part 5)
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bi4demibuddie · 4 months
The 911 daemon au brainworms have found me again. It’s probably overdone but Buck’s daemon would totally be a golden retriever. Eddie I’m on the fence between a canine daemon or a feline one.
For a canine daemon I’ve though the African wild dog, which often symbolizes family, teamwork and loyalty. That’s Eddie in a nutshell.
For a feline one I’ve chosen the cheetah, mainly because Eddie has spent most of his life running away: from Shannon, from Chris, from his emotions (from his sexuality). And an added bonus is that they use golden retriever puppies to help socialize baby cheetahs and come on, Buck’s a golden retriever, it’s a match made in heaven.
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acaciapines · 7 months
I just had a thought: do you think that in a world where daemons are out & about as an everyday fact of life, societies would veer more towards largely pedestrian, just because a lot of settled daemons might not be able to fit into vehicles?
okay so i've been thinking about this nonstop since you sent it lol and i am. going to go on a very long answer. so um apologizes in advance??? i'm sure i'll answer the question somewhere. the short answer is do whatever you want forever, and likely in a real-world scenario it would be a sort of case-by-case basis on the local cultural values and historical patterns of settling.
my gut answer is "no," actually, for a few different reasons. i have a few different ways of writing worlds with daemons based on what i want to say with the story, but most of them are sort of based on interrogating the text of his dark materials because it presents a very interesting and incredibly unsatisfying picture of daemons, at least to me. and so because of that, i think a core concept is like, okay, what DO people settle as??
because, like, that's what this question is based on--this idea of, what do people settle as? i think probably early human societies would veer pedestrian, but i also think early human societies wouldnt actually settle young, or maybe even at all. bc of how hard survival is back then, the ability to change form is like, a premium. its sort of a privilege for a daemon to settle as a sparrow, and not, like, need to be a wolf sometimes to defend the town's sheep, or a horse to haul up the materials for building. i think actual animals would still be used for these tasks, but like, if you can turn into a horse, sometimes its easier to just do it yourself, rather than having to build trust with an animal, you know?
but blah blah blah, things keep developing. people want to go further, and keep pushing further. so, we are still going to get ships, because sea travel is still really hard even if half of you can turn into an orca whale. and i think as societies develop so too do like, humans put meanings onto the animals around them, and now settling SAYS something about a person, and i feel like you can come up with all sort of stigmas. like, if you settle as a working animal (think horses, oxen, etc) you're seen as inherently lower class than someone who settles as a lion. and now its a bit easier to keep the predators away, so people dont need to hold out on settling for so long, and now theres MEANING behind settling. and this means you can do it wrong.
so, like, what i'm getting as here is i think most people would end up settling pretty small anyways. like, big dog-sized being the larger end of things. if you look at hdm there's already a mammal bias, if you look at daemonfic as a whole there's a canine and feline bias, and i think this would hold true in a real world situations, too. settled form is (as i write it) influenced very much by what a kid is exposed to growing up--as time goes on the idea is you settle younger, and younger, and you settle as the RIGHT sort of animal, the sorts that are good and noble and say something good. you dont settle as, like, a sea cucumber. and an elephant, well--thats so BIG! you really like to take up space, dont you? how...interesting.
and so as things industrialize i think trains, cars, planes all still come to be. i think the expectation is you settle smaller to make up for it. lowkey i think something like the americans with disabilities act is passed for people with larger daemons, but i think the same sort of stuff happens--like, yeah, this school is accessible for people with bison-daemons! you have to call ahead so somebody can set up the fright elevator for you, and you can't go out in the main halls, and like, maybe it follows the law technically, but. like. its not great.
um. basically i think a world with daemons (if we base it off of HDM, which i do more often than not these days) has a lot of biases and discrimination regarding settled form that would lead to places not really being any better than they are today. because the assumption is you settle small. and if you dont settle small, well thats a you problem, isnt it? its not for the "normal" people to fix.
BUT ALL THAT SAID i think a society that is more pedestrian is also perfectly plausible. i think its just down to what sort of story you want to tell. and right now the most recent daemon au i wrote is my owl house daemon au, wherein the way i built out the human world was entirely based on my issues with hdm, and the entire central conflict on the story is around the idea of settling, so...this.
uh, i hope that answers things! feel free to send in followups lol i have Many Thoughts About Daemons.
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hatigave · 1 month
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@toxicmalicex said [ palm ] sender places a hand on receiver to stop them from doing something - for Dennis
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HE IS REMADE IN THE IMAGE OF A VENGEFUL GOD. cruel and vicious as his teeth snap down on the bitter and heavy aftertaste of a lie. Dog chases its own tail but never manages to truly catch it and rip the foreign limb off. HAND HOLDING THE BLADE TREMBLES, undecided between which flesh to split open. Holy omens speak to him and tell him that the unconscious man is unworthy of breath. The drugs were easy to slip into his drink, trailing after his swaying steps even easier still. Now, the edge of his knife is pressed against the sinner's throat. ( slice. slice. slice. ) but no motion is made all the same.
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Her hand on his shoulder is enough to draw him back. Enough to have his trembling hand drop the knife in an answer to an unspoken demand. Please, please, you do not understand ! Or perhaps she does, for her omens are red and frantic like blood rushing out of a cut-open artery. Ragged is his breath when he snarls at her in response to the hand placed on his shoulder.
❝ He has to go. ❞ Dennis proclaims. Convinced of this. All this dog knows is how to bite.
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bigdaddydaemon · 1 month
@quccninchains liked for a lyric based starter !
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" 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐 𝖞𝖔𝖚'𝖛𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖓. " an observation said aloud , the prince's hands clasped together , elbows resting atop his knees as he sits hunched forward. no , there was no WINNING in this arrangement his brother had made , but likely a PUNISHMENT at the expense of an innocent young woman ──── his lady wife. certainly not the one of his choosing ; no , his king had granted his wish of annulling his marriage to lady rhea , only to stick him with yet another wife he hadn't wanted. he had been vocal in his desire to wed rhaenyra , and , perhaps , that had been his undoing. " and then , it is all GONE. "
𝕳𝖊 𝖘𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖘 , 𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖎𝖓 his chair and grabs for his goblet of wine , downing it in a few gulps. their wedding night , and lady alicent had entered the bedchambers with the prince as nervous as a green young knight stepping out on his first battlefield. " don't worry ──── i am not the MONSTER your father believes me to be. i've no desire to take your maidenhood. " he brings the goblet back to his lips , attempting to sip the last few drops left behind. when he is satisfied , he sets the goblet back atop the table. " take the bed , lady alicent. i will sleep in this chair. "
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ryoko-san · 1 year
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I miss drawing swap magic au d(a)emons soo i ended up drawing my favorite demon that i wrote which is sadism demon! Cam :>
[(Tw: violence) here's some details I'd like to point out about his character:]
I'd like to describe Cam in this AU as a wolf in sheep's clothing, His appearance is incredibly pretty and trustworthy– which is exactly how he wanted it to be. His appearance is purposely a bait to humans so that he could trick them into feeding off from them.
This bitch is basically well-fed 24/7, his kind of way to slowly torture people is through poisoning them. Some did barely survived but most of them ended up dead. (He hardly feels any strong feelings after, he'll just stare and then leave.)
He mostly thinks the sounds of agonizing screaming are music to his ears.
(Inchoate!) Vega does not like him very much as much as Cam would love to fantasize so much about him.
He does have a bit of a soft spot for a certain empathy daemon, but it isn't out of pity or care–he was just easy to manipulate.
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isjeonginsoup · 5 months
It is here!
Now would be a good time to mention that this is a minchan fic :D IT BEGINS!!!
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fluffypotatey · 2 days
Mk daemon never settling. It actually being impossible to settle as the harbinger of chaos. Or maybe she did settle (not really, she was kidding herself) but as mk reveals his monkey form she shifts too, and it doesn't feel comfortable to stay in a form for too long
and this is one of the reasons why MK felt a kinship to Sun Wukong because his daemon never settled either, always fluctuating (it is also why Tang first told these stories to MK. sure, this was his area of expertise, but he knew that MK would find something to truly connect to with it that he couldn’t find in the other legends Tang told him)
it’s one of those rare things MK can actually talk to someone about and feel seen and heard. Wukong and W also now know someone who has a similar daemon likeness as them. W would never admit it, but she had always felt some kind of distance from other daemons. like she was too alien for them to understand. M never mentioned feeling it with her but W knew there would parts of them they could never truly understand. but here is another daemon who shares a unique ability just like her! it’s one of the best feelings in the world
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x-i-l-verify · 1 year
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「Dream SMP Daemon AU 」
Piglins, as denizens of the Nether, do not have daemons as Overworlders do. Rather, their souls take the form of weapons, called morai-kelul ("forged-self"). Morai-kelul come in all shapes and sizes, from swords, knives, spears, bows, maces, hammers, sickles, clubs, chains, brass knuckles, and many, many more. When a piglin child reaches the equivalent of one year of age, their main adult caretakers, blood-related or not, will bring them into the village forge, and begin construction on the child's morai-kelul in a very sacred series of rituals that take months to complete. The construction always involves at least some amount of gold, a spiritual, coveted metal to piglins. Once the weapon is forged, it is named for an aspirational virtue or concept that their caretakers wish to impart to them, such as "bravery," "insight," "candor," etc.
As the piglin grows and changes over time, however, the first morai-kelul forged by their caretaker(s) will eventually break. This happens to everyone at some point in their lives, and is a very painful event mentally and emotionally. When this happens, the piglin must construct a new morai-kelul with the pieces of the old one, which always takes a form different from the first. A spear might become a dagger, an axe might become a crossbow, a sword might become a shield, etc. Outside of this event, morai-kelul are indestructible by most normal means unless their piglin dies, in which case they become a normal, inanimate object.
Unlike Overworlders and their daemons, there is no limit to how far a piglin can travel away from their morai-kelul, and they can summon them from over great distances. The only exceptions to this are traveling from the Nether to the Overworld, the Overworld to the End or the Nether, or traveling between servers; if a piglin tries to go between servers or dimensions without their morai-kelul, they will instantly become like a zombie, with a living body but no conscious mind.
Piglins have no issue with touching each other's morai-kelul. In fact, it is common for piglins, especially the children, to go up to someone with a really cool-looking one and ask to hold it so they can examine it more closely. However, the morai-kelul must be handed to them in order for them to hold it. For example, if Philza tried to pick up Aleksaix off the table or off the ground, he would not be able to; Technoblade would need to hand it to him in order for him to carry it properly. Mates swap morai-kelul during their wedding ceremonies, and fighting with someone else's morai-kelul is considered the highest show of intimacy and trust a piglin can display.
Morai-kelul do not speak with an audible voice like facets such as daemons do. Rather, they communicate in projected feelings and images. Normally, only its piglin half can communicate directly with it, but if it is being held by someone else, it can communicate with that person as well. They also are always referred to as "it" rather than with gendered pronouns.
Technoblade is wary, blunt and insincere. Aleksaix embodies his idealistic, sensitive, trusting side.
NAME MEANING "Aleksaix" means "responsibility" in the piglin tongue. It is rather uncommon for piglins to freely tell others the name of their morai-kelul without knowing them well first, so Technoblade has taken to saying the name of his is Orphan Obliterator as in inside joke. Very few people are familiar enough with piglin culture to call him on this.
SOURCES I took this concept and many ideas surrounding it from this person's concept for Asgardian daemons, so credit where credit is due.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 4 months
WIP Wednesday Thursday
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
I was tagged by @queen--kenobi, @vampire-exgirlfriend, @murmel-malt, @darkwolf76, & @rainwingmarvel7
ily guys, but the only thing I wrote sharable yesterday also got posted before anyone tagged me. So I wrote a tiny bit in something else before work, that should suffice right?
He grabbed his phone, unlocking it and frantically searching for something before handing it to her. A paused youtube video of police sirens. Red and blue lights started blinking at the corners of Myranda's vision, the strobe lights stuck to the windshield that Grandpa D refused to get rid of “for emergencies.” Everyone knew moments like this was what he meant, and right now she was glad of that.
Tagging: whichever of my mutuals are working on something rn
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tragicotps · 1 year
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Young Masriel au > in which Marisa comes to find Asriel, hiding in a cafe sometime after their trial, for a last goodbye
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hauntedfalcon · 1 year
("make the au more fucked up, I dare you" you say? well, who am I but to oblige)
marion hid the scar from his father for an entire year. a physical mark can be covered up, but how do you hide the absence of a daemon? a little kid wandering around, a dead canary clutched in his hands, and suddenly there's no more birdsong following him about. he has to hide her, because even if she's not moving she's gotta be alive, because he's alive, and he knows with a seven-year-old's certainty that if the adults notice then they might get rid of her. he finds an empty matchbox for when she's a butterfly and tries to keep her in his biggest most comfortable shirt pocket when she's a bird and he tells the finnerty boys - all three of them, with their shepherd dog souls nipping at their heels - that they've made a game of seeing how long she can stay hidden for, or that she's asleep in his pocket, or that she's right over there but she's pretty small so maybe you just can't see her, and ignores the sensation, the creeping dread, that something vital inside him is rotted. (sean finds out, and so do his brothers, and he swears them all to secrecy. in the end, it's his own slip-up that gets him caught.)
jinnah watches her father cut the boy away from the dead bird, and tries to remember the feeling of insect's legs walking along the back of her hand. he kicks and screams in all the ways she didn't, watching it turn from avian to insect to avian to nothing but dust, and she wonders - only for a moment - if the empty hole in her would have finally settled into a beetle, or a spider, or a maybe even a snake, like the great python winding about her father's neck.
okay all right okay you know what
I was just thinking about how maybe in this universe, maybe the first time Sean understands that a soul isn't the same thing as a conscience
isn't necessarily all the times that his Saoirse doesn't keep him from getting into trouble, what kind of daemon would she have been if she stopped him from doing stupid stuff
but maybe it's the time that he looks up after finishing that mission for Dr. Nero, and sees Saoirse returning to him with the remnants of blue and gold Dust on her jaws, already fading away to nothing
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