#I dont remember when I've last written so much for just one character/ pairing as over the course of the last week
elvenbeard · 1 year
To Bad Decisions
Notes: aka the "I love you"-game-of-chicken story inspired by this otp ask game the other week! @wanderingaldecaldo here you go xD First I wanted this to be just light-hearted fluff and fun, but then the angst grabbed me and it got looong, hence to be continued under the readmore!
Cyberpunk 2077 drabble, Kerry Eurodyne x V, set a few months post-ending, rated M for the opening paragraph mostly XD
V struggles with putting his feelings into words, scared that Kerry might be catching on - or is he potentially struggling with the same thing? No, that can't be, right?
The first time V almost said it out loud would have been at one of the worst moments possible to do so: pinned down on their bed, on his stomach, Kerry fucking him so good his head was spinning, barely able to even think a coherent sentence.
“I - …” he gasped, but caught his breath just in time, closed his eyes, and buried his burning face in the heavenly cold pillow.
“You…?” Kerry purred into his ear, out of breath as well, and that alone almost sent him over the edge. He didn’t recall what he ended up saying, a jumbled mess of words and noises… but thankfully not the three originally on his mind.
It was silly, really. Firstly, that he struggled so much with just expressing what he felt, and secondly, trying to find the perfect moment to do so when such a thing would never exist. Or well, maybe perfect moments did exist, but he always only seemed to recognize them once they were gone. The morning after the yacht trip, when they’d woken up together in Vs bed, warm and safe and comfortable, just peacefully existing side by side… Kerry blinking at him through tousled hair, smiling softly… that had been a perfect moment, it would have felt right. But it also would have been way too soon. They’d known each other for how long, two weeks maybe? Three if he counted the whole mess surrounding the organization of the SAMURAI reunion, but that had been mostly Johnny doing the talking, not himself. At that time, V had still feared his feelings could have been just brought on by Johnny actually, and whatever kind of thing that had been going on between him and Kerry a long, long time ago… that with Johnny the butterflies and their connection would also disappear, sooner or later. That it was not right to lead Kerry on, should it eventually happen, no matter how much he’d already liked him on that one perfect morning, on that beach, on that balcony…
But then his feelings didn’t fade. Things were different now, but better than V could have ever dreamed of. Kerry made him happy in a way he hadn’t deemed possible anymore, after all that had happened, after so many past disappointments. And yet, or maybe because of that, he couldn’t silence the nagging voice in his head – his own this time – that for whatever absurd reason Kerry didn’t feel the same. That by saying what he felt out loud, he’d ruin everything, again, for both of them.
“Remind me, what’s the plan for today again?” Kerry yawned as they sat in the kitchen the next morning, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and scrambled eggs still hanging in the air.
“That one client I told you about… Cancelled last minute because “something important” came up. Again,” V muttered, scrolling through the sheer never-ending list of appointments on his holo.
Kerry scoffed.
“Told ya. It’s never gonna happen. This is what, the fourth time he’s postponed?”
“Guess you’re always right after all,” V teased and got up to put their empty plates and mugs in the dishwasher.
“’Course I am,” Kerry said; after a short pause he added “But it’s his loss, not yours.”
“True,” V said, “And it also means I’ll have an hour or two of spare time to fill around three. Could swing by the studio, if you want?”
He didn’t reply for a few moments, causing V to look up from the dishwasher. Kerry sat leaned on the counter, his chin resting on his hand, and he stared at him with an expression he couldn’t quite figure out.
“I… would love that,” he then said with a smile, but for a split-second V thought he was going to say something else, his heart beating harder and faster instantly.
“Bring some coffee and bagels maybe?” Kerry added with a wink and V laughed.
“Sure thing.”
Maybe it was not even necessary to say anything out loud. Never touch a running system. Why accidentally ruin something that was working out so well, against all odds? Living with Kerry felt so easy, so natural. Of course, it wasn’t always smooth sailing. They’d had their struggles and fights over the silliest and also the most serious things. But there was never malice, and they were constantly working on their communication, stating their needs, their wishes, and getting to know each other’s boundaries. Kerry was a lot more in touch with his emotions and feelings than V though. Maybe that was something that just came naturally with age and life experience. Or it was just how he’d always been like, not afraid to state his mind. V had always struggled with showing or even allowing feelings. Surprisingly, Kerry was still just as good as him, maybe even better, at masking his real intentions around people whom they did not concern – be it managers, medias, even fans and the like. A long-honed craft for sure, his badass, laidback rockerboy persona, and essential to surviving in the corporate-run world the music industry was. V knew from his own experience only too well that everything you said, every hint of weakness you showed, would be exploited and used against you mercilessly and shamelessly – for money, for power, for fame.
When they were alone though, or around their closest friends, Kerry was so much softer around the edges… carried his heart on his sleeve, really. Or so V had thought.
“Alright, gotta bounce,” V yelled, grabbing his sunglasses from the counter before rushing to lean over the sofa’s backrest to give Kerry a quick peck on the cheek, “I - …”
“I… will give you a call if anything unexpected comes up.”
Kerry looked up from his guitar, one eyebrow slightly raised.
“Alright, come back safe,” he then said, reaching up to grab his collar and pull him back in for a proper kiss.
“’Cause you know, I…” he paused as their lips parted, again causing V’s breath to hitch for a moment, “I still need you.”
He smiled that heart-melting smile he was so good at, and V was half-tempted to call the client and tell her he’d run late, or just cancel altogether. Reluctantly he pulled away and walked out the door.
In the elevator he kept wondering though if “I still need you” was really what Kerry had been meaning to say.
Over the course of the following week, V kept noticing more and more of these little moments, caught himself almost slipping up a lot more often. At first he wondered if Kerry was as aware of it as himself. So many “I… hope you’ll have a good day”s, “I – will miss you”s, “I… I’ll talk to you later”s couldn’t just be flying past him. The longer it continued on, the more he wondered if maybe, just maybe… Kerry was playing along on purpose? Or was he also avoiding just to say the words, out of fear to mess things up between them? He couldn’t quite believe either option. Maybe he just ignored it, to not make it even weirder, or maybe it was not as obvious as V thought.
By the end of the week, V asked himself, did it actually matter? That they said it, if and when they said it, who’d be the one to say it first, if at all? Maybe he was overthinking it. He knew he loved Kerry, more than he’d loved anyone before. And he did feel loved by him just as much. Sure, it would be nice to hear it out loud, now and then, but maybe actions did speak louder than words. Little gestures, touches, just being near each other, picking the other up when he was feeling down, being encouraging, or sometimes also just silly. Making commitments, promises, and keeping them. Daring to plan for a future neither of them had thought they’d get, together. It was not important to say it when they lived it, is what V decided for himself eventually. Why ruin something, maybe not perfect, but pretty fucking close to it, with a bunch of words so loaded with bad memories and regrets for both of them?
“I… have an itch for new ink,” Kerry said one night at the villa, where they regularly hid away from the noise and the stress of the city for a few days. They had settled down on the sofa together, Kerry lying on his back, his head on V’s lap, Nibbles dozing by his feet. V was running his fingers through Kerry’s hair absentmindedly as they’d been watching a new show on TV. It didn’t turn out to be as good as they’d hoped for though, so at this point it had devolved into background noise to their conversation.
“Where? And what?” V asked, and Kerry gestured across the left side of his chest.
“To compliment the one on the right, kinda,” he said, “But I’m not sure if I’d wanna to go for a traditional design, too, or something else.”
“Well, you have a traditional and a neotraditional sleeve each,” V said, “Could go with something neo for that side?”
Kerry hummed.
“Good point…” he said, “Ooor… something a bit smaller first maybe? After all, I have some space left here.”
He lifted his left arm, twisted his wrist around.
“But I’m even more clueless about that. I guess it’s really just an itch still that might pass…”
“I know the feeling,” V chuckled. After a short pause he asked, “Any tats that you ever regretted getting?”
“Actually… no,” Kerry said surprisingly fast, “I’ve lived long enough to collect all sorts of regrets, but that’s thankfully none of them. Although, this part here…” – he pointed to the crook of his left arm – “That was a fucking bitch to endure. No machine, the ink literally hammered in by hand, for hours. The. Fucking. Worst.”
V chuckled.
“It’s fucking preem-looking though,” he said.
“Beauty knows no pain or what?” Kerry snorted.
“No, not that even,” V said, “More like… it’s worth it to endure the pain sometimes, for the outcome?”
Kerry hummed approvingly, smiling up at V.
“That’s pretty much the tradition. One of the many at least, a coming-of-age ritual. You’re old enough to endure this pain, you’re old enough to endure all other pain life might be throwing at ya at a certain point.”
“I keep learning new things with you,” V smiled.
Kerry shuffled around, then sat up and stretched before scooching a little closer to V again, putting his left arm around him. V’s heart did a silly little bounce in his chest, causing the voice in his head (that sometimes still eerily sounded like Johnny) to say, “What are you, twelve?”. But simultaneously he hoped these little things his body did would never stop happening, no matter how many months… no, years, they’d be getting together. Positive thinking, he needed to remind himself.
“Okay, that was my answer to the regrets-game for today,” Kerry said, “Your turn: what’s the decision you’ve made that you regret the most, looking back?”
“Shit… lemme think a moment,” V sighed, slumping against the backrest and into Kerry’s embrace.
A few things came to mind immediately. Not leaving his abusive home sooner, as a teen… but then he might not have ever met Jackie. Everything would have gone down completely different. Letting Jenkins rope him into working for Arasaka, after thinking he’d left that world behind for good? But he’d be so much more clueless, maybe even careless about how to survive in this corporate-controlled world. He’d be a lot worse at what he was doing now… if he’d ever even gotten this far without what he learned during his time at Counterintel. Maybe one of his many failed past relationships – but he could think of at least one reason for each of them that had let him grow as a person or learn something integral about what he wanted and needed in a long-term partner. The closest he came to almost picking as his biggest regret so far was not taking Evelyn’s offer of screwing over Dex – but at the time there was no way for him to have known how this would all play out. In hindsight, Evelyn hadn’t been telling him the full truth, so his intuition hadn’t failed him completely. If he could change one thing, he would have wished for Jackie not to die that day. But by now he had accepted that it had never been in his power, it hadn’t been his fault… a hard thing to unlearn, blaming himself. Had Jackie not died though – and for a moment he hated himself for the thought – the Relic would have gone to Brigitte. Had Jackie not got hit by that bullet, V’d likely never heard of Johnny Silverhand or SAMURAI besides the occasional radio show…
“Can I be super cringe for a moment?” he eventually asked, turning his head to a snickering Kerry.
“You’ve let me get away with so much cringe already, only fair if I return the favor,” he said.
V took a deep breath, looking down on his hands for a moment, circling his personal link port with his right thumb. Then he blinked back up at Kerry.
“I don’t regret any of my decisions, even the bad ones,” he said, “Because if the summary of all my bad decision means I’m ending up here with you, in this moment… I’d gladly make all the same mistakes again.”
Kerry stared at him, not wide-eyed or anything, but intensely. The tiniest noise escaped his mouth, less than a sigh, but he said nothing. Then, very slowly, his lips curled into a smile. V half expected a snarky remark, but instead Kerry pulled him a little closer and with his free hand took V’s, calloused fingers intertwining with his. He looked away for a moment, and V tried to read his expression, scanning for any hints to give him at least an idea of what was going through his head, if he’d overstepped, said something wrong…
“It’s weird…” Kerry then quietly said, looking at him again, eyes glistening slightly, almost sad, but not quite, “… how you keep managing to put into words what I can’t seem to. God knows I’ve fucked up along the way, over and over again. But if any of that hadn’t happened, who knows if we’d ever even met.”
V smiled, sighing with relief. Kerry leaned over, resting his head on V’s shoulder.
“I know, it’s still scary to think of the future, to plan ahead too far,” he said quietly, “But no matter what happens tomorrow, or in a week, a month, a year… I hope you know that you’re gonna be stuck with me. I… hope you know that… that I love you.”
V couldn’t suppress a gasp, to his own surprise. Kerry still held his hand, his other arm loosely around his waist, when he shifted again to see his face. He looked concerned almost, questioning, worried, but trying to keep up his smile, lips shaking a little. He sat up a bit further, inching away just slightly, and V realized how he’d just been staring at him in shock for the last few moments of silence.
“I… uh, I mean,” Kerry mumbled, voice almost turning frantic now, as if he’d also just realized what he’d said.
V’s hand shot up to grab Kerry’s face, to pull him back, to reassure him. Before he really knew what he was doing he pressed his lips on his, kissed him over and over again, held him close, did not ever want to let him go.
“I love you, too,” he gasped between urgent kisses, and simultaneously it was as if he was able to breathe freely again, for the first time in a long time, “So much. I love you so much.”
“Vince,” Kerry panted, and only with some mild force managed to get him to stop for a moment. V realized how much he was shaking first, and then that he was crying, for some reason. The last time he’d cried was the night he’d stumbled out of Arasaka Tower, more dead than alive. Shit, why now?
“It’s all good, you gonk,” Kerry said softly, cupping his face, wiping his tears away. The same way he’d done that awful, awful night.
“It’s all good,” Kerry repeated, then put his arms back around him, pulling him in, and they just sat there, holding each other, reassuring each other, gently swaying, for minutes that seemed to last hours, until V had calmed down again. Nibbles was quietly snoring, the TV babbling endlessly on low volume, and soft rain pattered against the large windows, Night City’s millions of lights a distant, colourful blur.
 “Fuck, I was so scared for a moment that I’d ruined it all…” Kerry eventually said, and V laughed weakly, nose stuffy and throat still tight.
“You were scared? I was scared shitless to say it too soon, or in the wrong moment… I kept almost slipping up… just saying that out loud now, how stupid.”
“Well, you’re welcome then,” Kerry chuckled, “And I was wondering if I was imagining things or if you really just tried your hardest not to say it.”
“We’re both fucking gonks…” V concluded, and Kerry laughed. They slowly moved apart just enough to be able to look at the other again, still holding on.
“Perfect match then, hm?” Kerry smiled with his head slightly tilted, his gorgeous eyes glittering in the lights of the city, “Now we just have to start being less scared of making bad decisions.”
V smiled back at Kerry, vowing to make sure to tell him just how much he loved him at every opportunity from now on.
“Yes,” he said, “To bad decisions.”
“To bad decisions!”
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yunxi-11085 · 1 year
“The star of the void.”
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× part 1 - meeting
part 2 - the voice
˚ · . pairs ¡ hsr men(&women) x gn! reader
˚ · . sypnosis ¡ “you didn't know how you got here, in the world of your favorite game.
You just remembered being approached by a man, you dont remember.
Why- cant you remember?
You were the newest member of the astral express somehow, and - yet why do these characters- people, like you so much?
"don't worry, i have the perfect little plan."
TLDR; You were suddenly thrown into the world of Honkai Star Rail, right after speaking to an unknown man. but it doesnt seem to be the only confusing thing happening. ”
₊˚ପ⊹ tw ¡¿ : (none)
·˚ ༘ tags // @
send me an ask if you want to be tagged in my stories!!
"hello, there."
a young man slightly taller than you, approached you. leaning against the balcony and facing you.
"hm?" you hummed, looking back at the man.
"i was wondering if you played Honkai: Star Rail, the game that recently launched" he said.
your eyes lit up the moment you heard that name, and the man noticed as well. he chuckled as you said "i do! its my favorite game!"
"how did you know?"
"your bag has quite an interesting amount of HSR merch" he pointed at your bag, you realized and flusteredly nodded. you are quite a fanatic, as someone once said Star Rail is taking over your life quite literally.
"soo.. what are your favorite characters?" you said, leaning on the balcony. you smiled excitedly. wanting to know more of this person
"haha, i must say, i like [▇▇▇▇▇] the most. that character is my favorite." that— you don't remember, you don't remember which character they said. but you remember getting super excited when you heard it.
as the conversation goes on, you felt— something warm building in your chest. It made you feel giddy. you don't know how, and what to call it.
was it love? or the joy of meeting a fellow HSR player? what was it?
that was when the question popped up. "If you could choose to live in star rail, would you?" you replied, "absolutely!
i think i would be really happy if I could live in a world like star rail."
maybe in the future, you would regret ever saying this
you said as you stared at the dark sky, gazing at the stars. you didn't notice the man smiling.
"i agree. in a world like star rail, i would be happy despite the many dangers, like stellarons. atleast the trailblazers could save us" you nodded at his words, agreeing.
you felt lightheaded at his words, you blinked your eyes at him. "mhm..." you hummed, eyes threatening to close on you
you look at the man, and he smiles at you. "it seems like our time is up"
you were confused, but you couldnt say anything as you felt darkness creep at the edges of your vision, and he raised his hand and covered your eyes.
the last thing you heard, was
"good night, although you might not remember me. but we will meet again."
and you fell in the arms of the man.
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end note¡ : its been so long since i've last written a fic??? i swear its been months or prob a year.. also hi 1st hsr fic, i have another one in drafts but i have no idea how to write it.
crossposted on AO3 ¡ here.
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sunshineandviolets · 1 year
Barley developed lol say you don’t watch the show without saying you don’t watch the show. And coming from a korras/ami fan complaining about one half of the ship having a male love interest is hilarious. Your allowed not to like the show but it’s clear you are just making shit up for the sake of making things up. Also that locked tomb couple isn’t even canon which is hilarious your not shitting on that couple, book, or it’s writers like your doing with bumble/by. Grow up and ignore it.
mate i had been watching that show from volume 1 to the end of volume 8. i've been in this shitstorm of a fndm since volume 3, i think i know what the fuck im talking about.
also I wasn't complaining that blake had a guy love interest prior, more so stating the fact that the bees weren't 'always set up from the start' like how the shippers want to believe. and thats fine - writers change their minds about the direction of the show, but its irritating when these writers/cast act like its not the case. that they always planned from blake/yang to be a thing from day one when its clearly not true.
if they planned it, they would've acknowledge Yang flirting with girls (like she does with guys), would've shown more pining and actual romantic interest on her part towards Blake thats not just written as her 'charming personality'. Like y'all bring up that wink moment from v2 likes its evidence, but in reality thats just what Yang likes to do to anyone! she's winked to that dude from the club, Weiss & Ruby.
Then that dance scene, it lasted for what? a few seconds? Then Yang happily let Sun have a dance with her without a care. They could've had a small scene where Yang let her chill persona down for a second to see Sun/Blake dancing and with that being her realisation moment. Maybe talking with Ruby or Weiss idk. but in canon - none of that happens. cause the show rather focus on jaune/pyrrha & the whole weiss/jaune/neptune bullshit.
Why should i be happy that we spend episodes focusing on Pyrrha and Jaunes relationship, having Jaune constantly trying to flirt with Weiss despite her not liking it - but have to settle for crumbs of the bees that can just be easily read as platonic to please the homophobes.
R/WBY was very much a straight show with two transphobic jokes till like volume 5, when Ilia mentioned she had a crush on Blake. then we see her for one scene at the start of v6 and she disappears.
I'm not making shit up, y'all are just too up your own asses and licking crwbys boots to see the real picture.
Also I haven't mentioned the locked tomb cause i havent read the books, so have no authority to speak about it. And its not the fact of a ship being canon or not, its getting tired seeing that ship over and over again (despite having it blacklisted) and shippers acting all high and mighty now cause its 'canon' despite acting like the fucking worse towards other shippers.
cause apparently Blake & Yang can't be paired off with anyone else or you'll get harassed / angry comments. I dont even like b/lacksun - but Sun was treated like absolute shit by the bees. like in v4, i remember seeing posts of calling him a 'stalker' and glad he got slapped. When in reality he was a concerned friend who saw his friend running away again/ isolating herself.
I didn't want to hate the show, i had hope for it for a while - because i genuinely liked the characters and potential. but overtime that hope for potential faded and i grew up to realise... R/WBY aint shit.
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csamhp · 5 months
Pelipper Mail - Birthday Gifts for Polaris!!!!
A rather large package arrives. opening it reveals a bunch of gifts.
[The first is a rather large cake in a brown box. It. Looks cursed to say the very least.
The icing is menacingly red and clumpy and written on the top in blue is "Happy birth" with the rest of the word smudged off in travel. On top of the cake are the number candles 36. Pink sprinkles have been put atop it to make it look less menacing. Upon slicing and eating the cake you would find it actually was perfectly cooked and mixed, the decoration had just gone awry.
The first proper present is a landyard with a bunch of hisuian pokemon on it, and some keychains and badges already attached to it.
The second is a thick set of pink gloves with purple accents, and a matching pink gas mask, custom made to fit polaris.
The third is a bunch of Pochacco from Sanrio merch. Including a bracelet, a fluffy hat, and a plushie, along with a bunch of trinkets from a familiar arcade.
The fourth is some books, a book of poems, written in ancient Sinnohian, a childrens book about two cyndaquil going on adventures and a book on enamourus.
The fifth is a bunch of johtoian candy and parischu themed beanie with big blue spikes.
And last, is a bunch of letters]
"Happy birthday!!!
We thought we would all send our stuff together to save on shipping, but I think you can guess who sent what!
Sorry the cakes a disaster, we were going for good but ended up with memeably bad. We couldn't find a 27 candle, so congratulations, you're 36 now! I'll let everyone write their peices now (making them change colours to seperate whose who)
I notice you're always loosing your things, I hope the landyard helped. Sprite helped me decorate it. Please take care of yourself. -Beedrill
Helloo proffesorr!!!! Hope you like the glvoes!! I know you're immune to poison but i think they could still be helpful handling the quilfish at the santurary (they ouch) also im purple because Tari "bagsed" blue smh
-Casey (^._.^)
Happy birthday Proffesor Polaris!! I really like sanrio- idk if you do, but you've always reminded me of Pochacco and, everyone else has matching bracelets for the character I've assigned them so I thought it would be cute idk
Much love Tari xoxo
I thought of you when at a bookstore. I also have something else to show you when you're home. I love you Polaris.
Finally !! Happy birthday from your son, who loves you very much. I've been looking at games to play when you get back home, 'n a couple have caught my fancy. 'm sorry. for messing things up. But. 'm. I hope I can be better for you.
You're amazing bubs.
-Sprite Crimson Chroma :>"
i dont...know what to say. i had completely forgotten today was my birthday, but you all remembered. i feel very loved. thank you so much. i'm going to write a separate bit for all of you.
first of all, the cake made me laugh. congrats i am now a decade older. oh my. it tasted wonderful, despite its appearance.
Beedrill: The lanyard is lovely and very cute. I've put my keys on them, and as such will never lose them again. It's a very thoughtful gift. The keychains and pins are very sweet as well.
Casey: The gloves are very nice. I was thinking about buying a pair for myself and you beat me to it, so thank you very much. The pink gas mask is also very cool, and I'm sure it'll do me well when we inevitably introduce the stunky line to the sanctuary haha.
Tari: I remember your sanrio critters. You made Delta Kuromi i think. Pochacco is a very cute little character. I think you picked well for me. I'm wearing the bracelet on my lanyard, as I fear it would snap on my working hands. The plushie and the hat are very very soft and nice. And the arcade trinkets are wonderful, they will go straight on the shelf once im home
Delta: I've never seen nor heard of this book of poems. It's incredible Delta. And the cyndaquil book- I had a very similar one growing up. It's gone now of course but- You act like you aren't good at giving gifts but you are very adept. And the Enamorus book is also wonderful. They will give me wonderful things to read on the plane home. And of course a secret other thing. I shouldn't be surprised haha.
Sprite: Hello, my wonderful, loving son. I miss you so much. The beanie is very cute. There is a pachirisu litter who came into the sanctuary. They are named after stars. One of them is very sweet and a bit too comfortable with people. Will you laugh at me if I come home with her? She comes to my window and she makes me smile. I hope I can play video games with you soon.
And for all of you: I love you all so much, and I miss you dearly. I'm trying to come home as soon as I can, but I barely have the energy to get out of bed, let along push my wheelchair without- him. (Beedrill: I promise Bird is being well taken care of. She still sleeps by me and I read her bedtime stories.) I promise I will come home as soon as I am feeling better. I promise. I love you all so so very much.
Oh. and Skie wanted to attach this video for you.
[A video is attached.]
[Watch it?]
[Skie and Bird are walking in front of the camera, Skie seems excited while Bird seems a bit nervous. Skie is holding....what could be considered a cake, with the candles "36" lit up. Bird gently pushes open a door to what must be Polaris' room. The lights are off, and Skie quickly turns the light switch on.
Polaris grumbles from their bed, and Skie snorts, gently ushering Bird over to go properly wake up Polaris. Bird trots over to the bed, gently and shyly nudging at Polaris to get up. They sit up, rubbing their eyes and murmuring something unintelligible to Bird, who gives them a shy smile, and points to Skie.
(Polaris doesn't look well. Their hair is messy and tangled, and there are obvious tear streaks on their face.)
Skie counts to three, and xe and Bird break out in what seems to be a rendition of Happy Birthday in Ancient Sinnohian. Polaris' eyes go wide as they realize what's happening, and a small smile crosses their face. As the song ends, Skie brings the cake over to Polaris' lap, and Polaris lets Bird blow out the candles for them. Skie turns and gives a big grin and thumbs up to the camera.
The video ends.]
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saksukei · 4 years
wen junhui college au
other college aus; wonu minghao mingyu
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you're damn right if you think that wen junhui is a theatre arts major because he iS and that too with humanistic studies as a minor aH and he's also on the rowing team,,, he started rowing as a joke and now he has one of the best times??? like. how.
and everybody knows he has too much energy and he uses it in the best way possible
like the plays? dude has a separate fanclub
you keep on seeing new tweets about “who’s the black haired guy in the play?” like wen junhui’s popularity is straight up no joke,, EVERYBODY KNOWS HIM
you on the other hand are an exercise physiology major with nutrition as a minor and you're also part of the rowing team,, and you have the best time for the women’s team,, which means,, you see junhui every other day,,
the coach pairs you guys often,, but there’s only one small issue,,,
he's such a pain in the ass,, he teases you every time he sees you,,, he always challenges your skills and makes you doubt yourself,, oh the amount of times you’ve wanted to deck him in the face,,
and today was the same as well
“you're not dead yet?” you hissed, as you saw jun approach you,,
“dont sound so disappointed, I might think you don't like me,” he retorted, a smug expression on his face, as he set his bag right beside yours.
“but I really don't like you,” you roll your eyes,,
jun chuckled, as he clapped his hands together, getting everyone's attention.
you guys were practicing indoors, on the rowing machine because there was some trouble with the equipment and the coach had to go get new stuff
which also meant he left jun in charge,, the teams assembled,, looking at junhui for directions,,
“alright everyone, warm up for ten and then start with a thousand metres,” he instructed. “and y/n, you're my partner.”
you rolled your eyes while everyone was whistling or smirking
it was no secret that you and jun didn't get along and he purposely tried to get on your nerves,,, heck everyone in the club said you two would fall in love at one point or another but you assured them by saying you'd rather choke
“your IQ is lower than room temperature junhui if you think that I want to train with you,” you hissed, as the two of you walked towards the machine.
“oh I'm sorry, I don't compare my intelligence quotient to someone who was deprived of oxygen when they were born,” he snapped, as he started warming up.
“you know what,” you spoke. “i'll just aggressively ignore your existence until you disappear.”
“maybe you should try doing it with that bird hair of yours, looks like worms will crawl out of it soon”
“why don't you look at your face first– ass clown?”
“why don't you look at your face first ass clown” he mimicked in a high pitched tone and all you wanted was to stab him there and then
“CAN YOU TWO SHUT UP WE'RE TRYING TO PRACTICE?” one of the team members yelled, causing you two to fall silent and warm up.
the next day,,, one of your best friends had begged you to go to her department because she had misplaced one of her things,, you only agreed on the basis that you'd be getting pizza
you were passing by the theatre to the class she told you to go to,, and you heard someone rehearsing their lines,, you went ahead to see who it was,,
of course it was jun with a script in his hands,,
and you don't know what it was,, but something just pulled you into the room,, maybe it was the way his words echoed of the walls,, the emotion in those alluring eyes of his,,
you actually sat down and listened to him instead of wanting to kill him,,, understanding what the hype was around him,,
like? you didn't even know this side of junhui existed??? excuse me? he was the biggest dick alive to you so you never really paid attention to anything nice that he did but this,,
you didn't even realize he had stopped until someone snapped you out of it
and you saw jun standing right in front of you
“well well well, it looks like I have a fan,” he smirked, folding his arms as he bent down to your level
“h-heck no,, I was just,,, looking for the um.....” you cursed your memory internally for forgetting.
“umm?” he teased,,
“shut up, I really was looking for something,” you snapped
“alright, alright” he surrenders,, raising his hands in defeat. “how was it though?” he asked.
“the lines,, i'm sure you heard some of it.”
“they were um,,, good,” you reply,, shyly,, you've never been used to giving him compliments,,
jun nods as an awkward silence befalls the both of you,, you take it as a que to leave,, but then his voice stops you,,
“hey,, why don't you rehearse with me?” he suggested. “my actual partner is really busy and I need someone to rehearse with.”
“uh,, yeah sure?” you reply,,, as he hands you the script,,
jun started reciting his lines and you responded with the same enthusiasm
but the only thing that worried you was the last,, scene
in the script, it was written that jun's chracter would walk over to where you were, push your character against the wall and would try to initiate a kiss but your character would push him away
and so jun recited his last line, “i don't think I've ever tasted lips so fine, heck i'd taste them over and over again” he walked towards you, eventually pushing you against the wall
and his face was an inch from away from yours and you could feel his breath tickling your ear and you realized,,, how pretty wen junhui was,, how perfectly sculptured his face was,, those lips,, those cheekbones?? wait what??
and you were so mesmerized with how he acted on stage you didn't really realize you had to play a part as well
jun broke his stance, “you know you're supposed to push me away right?”
“y-yeah uh–but I–um remembered that I left the stove on!” you lied. “aND I DID SO BYE JUN!” you grabbed your bag and yEETED YOURSELF OUT OF THERE
and jun was confused but he ignored it and started rehearsing again
you on the other hand were trying to calm yourself like ???? It's just wen junhui? what the FUCK? Why is your heart racing so fast?? you were so confused? wHY? why is this happening
and the next time you saw him at training, oh dear god
“well if it isn't miss sunshine,” jun grinned.
“shut up jun, your existence makes me want to die,” you muttered,,, you felt your cheeks getting warm,,
“well, great, I think I'd be doing the world a favor.”
“jun if you're going to bother me one more time during practice I'm going to kick you so hard you will lose the ability to entertain a partner” you hissed, as you started warming up.
“nah,, you don't have the balls to do it,” he grinned, especially proud of the pun he used.
“you know what,,, I don't give a damn, so just leave me alone.”
“you give so many damns, they're visible from space,,,” he says,, his face is close to yours,, and you stop BREATHING
jun grins,, he thinks he has rendered you speechless,, as he goes up ahead to train with the boys,,
and now you were noticing all of these little things about him,, from his silly smile, to how he rolls his eyes, copies every small thing someone else does, to his goofy jokes, how his hair falls on his face, or just,,, him in general
all the while trying to keep your angry/annoyed facade so that he wouldn't pick up on it
but oh boy, it's wen junhui
and he notices every goddamn thing
including how much you've been staring at him especially in today's training session
he knew you were acting really weird since the rehearsal thingy but he was letting it slide because he thought you were upset or something and he didn't want to get on your nerves more
regardless, you decided to ignore jun from today onwards,, to stop feeling whatever you were feeling,,
and every thing was going great
you barely talked to him in rowing practice, you didn't attend the plays or even go anywhere near him
and jun,,,, he stopped annoying you as well
for two months
the whole damn university noticed but nobody dared to say anything ,,,,, in fear that you guys won't talk again
you were casually walking to the cafeteria and you heard something that just ,,,,, made your heart stop
“did you hear that jun got injured really badly? He was practicing in the theatre and this glass fell on his foot,,”
you had no idea why you suddenly cared so much like sure yeah, it was bad he got hurt but you were running so fast you felt your heart would pop out of your chest
the nurse eventually led you to where he was
and you saw his leg covered in bandages???
and your heart just broke
“hey what are you doing here?” jun asked. “i haven't seen you in like,,, two months?”
“jun I'm sorry–” you felt tears slide down your face. “i'm sorry I ignored you every time you tried to make a conversation with me or whatever I just,,, I had all these feelings that I couldn't figure out and I got scared–”
“hey hey hey, it's okay,” he cooed, as he opened his arms wide, only for them to wrap around you, as you cried in his chest. “no harm done, I promise.”
“no but jun– I was really inconsiderate and I just kept on feeling like I was missing something but I couldn't figure out what it was,” you cried out. “i felt ignoring you would be a solution but I just, I don't know?”
“hey, okay listen to me– what happened in these past two months happened–” he wiped the tears from your face. “but I hope you understand that the only reason I used to bother you a lot was because,, well,,, I really geniunely like you.”
“l-like me?” you stuttered.
“why do you think I annoy the crap out of you?”
“because you're an idiot, you like doing stuff like this,” you answered.
“but you're the only one I annoy?”
“okay that part I missed,” you give him a weak smile,, jun chuckles,, ruffling your hair,,
“in all seriousness though, I hated these two months. I felt like you were upset or something and I didn't want to risk hurting you even more so I stopped talking altogether because I thought you'd talk to me if I did,,” he admitted.
“its my fault this happened in the first place,” you responded. “and I now realize how stupid I am.”
“you're not stupid, you're just an ass clown,” he joked, a playful smile on his face.
“but i'm still sorry, junhui,” you sighed. “i really didn't want this to happen.”
“hey, it's okay– we both were right in our own places.”
“so um now what do we do?” you asked.
“well it depends,” he answered. “does someone want a cute, charming, handsome and brilliant boyfriend?” he grinned.
“only if he wants an amazing, beautiful, smart and talented girlfriend,” you answered.
“oh he sure as hell does,” jun grinned.
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fragileizywriting · 3 years
Hii, how are you?! I wanna ask number 7 "Was there a scene/ part you enjoyed writing most from this fic?" But like, from all the fics?! Like, what was the scene/part you enjoyed writing the most, ever, from any story of yours?! I changed the question bc i wanted to ask about your favorite part from each fic, but that may be too much and i dont want to bother you, so im asking in general, im sorry lol and sorry if i didnt make myself clear i have a sag mercury literally idk how to communicate
hi!!! how are you!!!!! i hope the new year has been kind to you so far!!!
you're not bothering me at all, don't worry, i love this question so much!!!
what was the scene/part you enjoyed writing the most, ever, from any story of yours?!
this is such a hard question to answer!!! i've been trying to figure it out for like, forever!! i usually enjoy writing most of the things i post (unless i mention it in the fic itself) but maybe i guess it would be the first chapter of eight for two? kitty!marinette is one of my favorite characters of all time, so it really just worked for me.
i think about her almost every day, which is such a shame considering idon't write her very often at all these days-- something about the first chapter just flowed. it was quick. it was snappy, and punchy, and i was really in the groove to write it. i was super impressed and proud of myself, for sure, and honestly i think it's the best thing i've ever written ever. which is strange. but i think that's when i peaked, tbh, nothing can top it for me (unless i actually finish the fic.) the entire fic is something so personal to me that i have a hard time sitting down and actually writing it, which is a shame, because the last chapter is something that i literally want to write down so badly D: i dream of that last chapter. hoh.
i wanted to ask about your favorite part from each fic
i think i had the most fun writing wing showin' when i first wrote it back in april? march? i was really needing some love-comfort to write, and that one really hit it on the head for me. (i haven't read the entire series through, but i've reread the second chapter so much because of the cuddling. where there be cuddling, there be izy!) fallin' is in the same boat. luka feeling upset and me feeling upset is such a good pairing, i'm telling you! we work great as a pair.
also, the first chapter of DL of course, was insane for me because i wrote the whole thing in a day. i blinked and there was a fic in front of me. i had completely pulled the story out of thin air. to this day, i have no idea what happened, but i'm really glad-- last year january was an amazing thing for me. i wrote, like, 100k+ words in a month for no reason at all. i hope to get close to that this year, too! that would be really nice.
my favorite part from locker talk was writing the third chapter!!! it just worked!!! i had found my groove!!! i was really happy with it!!!
bad days are always going to happen, but it's nice to have favorite things to read and write. some of these fics i wrote while going through some pretty heavy stuff, so when i think back to the entirety of last year, i can't remember what i was doing during that particular chapter, but i remember certain lines coming from me personally. like i said in the beginning, fallin' was rough. really rough. writing was the first thing that came to mind when i was having a bad day-- and when my long-term relationship ended, it was even harder. september was rough, but i remember writing comfort givin' just because i had to write it and get it out, and i really enjoyed writing it. like, a lot, it was so therapeutic!!!
i had a blast writing fire lily petals, especially since it was a challenge to write 5k words and publish every two days, that was a lot of fun-- even if i haven't finished it (yet!)
there's so many things i want to finish, and yet so little time!! i want to write every single story i think about and share it with y'all, even if it's not your interest, but this ADHD is so bad that if i do that i'm never going to get any of my fics done. i have to focus. i'm telling the truth when i say there's so many little oneshots i have that i can't work on because i've got Bigger Stuff Planned!!
thank you for asking anon 🥺 and you made perfect sense, don't worry!!! have a good week~
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fandomscraziness22 · 2 years
fic writer asks: 1, 2, 7, 29, 38!
hi shelly my beloved
Describe your comfort zone—a typical you-fic.
answered here
2) Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
hmmmmm i think 'there's only one bed' maybe? i freaking love that trope but i dont think i've ever written it (maybe con au????)
7) Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
answered here but i'll find another one for ya. heehee from a fic you HATE here's a bit from i miss the days when
The day itself is no different than any other day, save for the chocolate cake his mom makes and the few presents his parents give him. Luke manages a small smile and thank you at the sight of the necklace and new pair of socks, but inside he feels like a ticking time bomb, just waiting to explode.
The loneliness he’s felt every day over the last few months increases ten-fold. His friends should be here, celebrating this landmark occasion of Luke surviving till adulthood. It used to be the running joke between them all, mostly lighthearted teasing mixed with a touch of concern about his runaway life. But now it just feels like the universe is laughing at him, seeing how much it can screw with Luke before he gives up completely. 
He looks in the mirror and flinches at the realization that he’s older than Reggie was. Than Alex was.
Luke hates the fact that he has to talk about his brothers, his family, in the past tense. They should be here. They should be smiling and laughing and basking in the glow of the Orpheum even months after the gig. But they aren’t, and Luke is left sitting in front of a mirror begging to go back in time, to a young and innocent seventeen year old that didn’t know this kind of pain. 
i'm proud of this fic for a lot of reasons, and one of them is how i was able to get the mental anguish across well, as the physical pain is easier for me to write.
29) If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
oh man, i have no idea! can't think of anything off the top of my head
38) Talk about a review that made your day.
literally all of them lol. but i searched through my comments and found this one on right this way from @cassiopeiakaleidoscope (which you probably don't even remember bc it was soooo long ago lol) but it means a lot to me because this fic was one of my first truly self-indulgent fics. i wrote this because i really wanted to read it, and to have such a positive review made me feel like i truly knew what i was doing!
Yes!! This is so good, I absolutely loved it!! You did such an amazing job of capturing all of those sweet, sweet parallels, and your characterization of all of the band members is spot on. I loved that you were drawing comparisons to both moments in the musical/show and the characters in them. I was so happy that you had Reggie acknowledge Johnny and Davy's jokes; in my mind, Reggie's personality is somewhere between Johnny's and Davy's, and I think you did a really good job of showing how the characters are similar not just in their trauma and experiences, but in their humor and friendships, too.
I also particularly enjoyed your interpretation of Luke's reaction to the "I don't need to be rescued"/"What if I do?" scene, which is one of my favorite moments from Bandstand. Both of these couples really are just out there rescuing each other, aren't they?? Ugh, it makes me so emotional!! And the idea of Julie doing the lift from Nobody--yes, please lol  
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