#I feel like drawing them again
quibbs126 · 1 year
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I just wanted to show you these guys. As evident, I never finished the page, but still
So these are two characters I made around January last year, named Felix and Helix (Felix is the left, Helix the right)
They’re identical twins, if you couldn’t tell
I got the names from a book I read a long time ago, though I don’t remember much about it. What I do remember is that the main character’s name was Felix and he got transported to another world, and in this world, people kept thinking his name was Helix, I think because that’s a more common name there and “Felix” was just odd. I thought the names worked because of the twin thing, so I used them here
They’re supposed to be based on birds, I think ravens, though as is probably clear, they aren’t the most accurate depictions of bird people, such as the lack of wings. But I kind of like how they look here. The red sketch was from me afterwards trying to figure out their anatomy for future reference (also the dot eyes was a reference to the fact that I was initially planning on Felix having dot eyes, while Helix had normal, but eventually I decided against it since they’re supposed to be identical)
The expressions you see on the page were supposed to be me trying to figure out some expressions for them for practice, the top right being Felix and the bottom left being Helix. As you can see, I never got around to Helix’s. They were supposed to be more indicative of their personalities, like these were expressions they’d reasonably make
I’ll explain the weird pictures in a bit
So why don’t I talk about the characters themselves? So as listed, Felix and Helix are twin brothers, and they’re both magic users. They were from an RPG idea I had that admittedly I don’t really have other ideas for other than these two. I think the pitch was “RPG where every character was an animal” but I’m not sure. Anyways, back to them, so Felix is the main character you’d play in the game, and he’s basically the mage of the group (it’s an RPG with a party), as you can probably imagine. Felix is an absolute sweetheart with a love of magic, always wanting to learn and always willing to do the right thing, hence why he decides to help take on the evil force plaguing the land or whatever. Oh, also another thing I should mention, Felix doesn’t talk, he’s a mute protagonist, though Helix can talk perfectly fine, and technically, so can Felix, he just doesn’t for reasons. Helix on the other hand is one of the antagonists, for reasons I’ll explain in a bit. However, he does eventually become the final party member, but again, we’ll talk about that in a second. He’s not as open and a bit more socially awkward than his brother, and he’s not that great with people, his only real friend growing up being his brother. He also gets flustered easily, but he doesn’t want people knowing that. I feel like he’s your typical “edgier foil to the goofball main character” sort of guy. Though he’s not inherently a bad person, he will go to great lengths if he feels the ends justify it, something Felix doesn’t agree with. Also he can be a bit of an ass sometimes, particularly to strangers or people he inherently doesn’t like. But another thing to mention is that their brotherly bond is very strong, or at least it used to be, with both of them loving each other and doing whatever they feel it takes for the other
So we’d first meet Helix relatively early on in the game, though not at the very beginning. If this were like a 15-20 chapter game, he’d first show up around Chapter 4. Or I suppose another good comparison for time would be like, an area soon after leaving Midgar in Final Fantasy 7. Anyways so basically the party goes to a town, and there, everyone seems to already know Felix, despite him never having been here, and they may not be too fond of him. The rest of the party questions why this is, assuming perhaps it’s an impostor trying to steal Felix’s identity for selfish reasons and/or tarnish his name, though Felix already has an idea of what’s going on. Sure enough, with enough investigating, they find this “impostor”, only for them to learn that this guy isn’t pretending to be him, rather it’s Felix’s identical twin brother. There’s clearly tension between the two but neither really go into it, as Helix is kind of vague about it (since Felix already knows the details), and Felix just doesn’t want to talk about it. We fight Helix, defeat him, and then he flees, with Felix hesitant to see him go, but has to accept it nonetheless. At this point it’s not entirely clear that Helix is part of the villain group, but we learn it in later encounters, with Felix pretty appalled at this, with Helix angrily explaining he had to for Felix’s sake, again to the confusion of the party. Throughout their encounters their conflict gets more heated, up until late in the game when Felix starts to get through to Helix, and he starts having second thoughts. Either that or Helix learns what the villain promised him wasn’t what it was, or he’s starting to think that the actions they’re taking aren’t really worth it, and his sense of morality is kicking in
So the main conflict between these two has to do with Felix. When they were young, they were both just regular kids, with Felix talking perfectly normal just like his brother, but one day something happened to Felix, and afterwards he just suddenly stopped talking, to the confusion of his parents and brother. He never seemed bothered by this, but it was odd to the rest of them. As they grew older, it was clear something odd was going on with Felix, and Helix grew increasingly concerned. While I never fully fleshed out what this “thing” was, the idea I think I had was that young Felix made some sort of deal with this eldritch entity, and they now share the same body. Felix doesn’t talk because talking had something to do with the demonic being, like letting it out. Felix is the only one with all the details of what exactly went down, and he’s always seemed perfectly fine with it, but Helix is afraid of it and what it’ll do to his brother. While he’s never seen it himself, he knows that when Felix gets angry enough, he turns into this eldritch horror being and when talking to the people affected (typically they were other kids their age), they were legitimately terrified of him. Also, as you can likely guess, those sketches I haven’t elaborated on are supposed to be ideas for that form. In Helix’s eyes, Felix was most likely cursed, and is potentially being used as a host for whatever this thing is, and he wants to get rid of it for his own sake. Felix however, disagrees, implying that the deal the two made wasn’t inherently malicious, and neither was the creature/curse. Helix however, doesn’t listen, thinking the thing is manipulating him into thinking that way, and becomes increasingly determined to stop it. This all came to a head a few years before the main story starts, with a big argument that caused Helix to leave and go off on his own, having never returned since (oh I should probably mention how they argue. Basically the idea is that while yes, Felix doesn’t talk, Helix knows him well enough that he can tell what each expression he makes means, essentially letting him “talk”, at least in that sense. Felix is a very expressive person). Felix regrets the argument, but he didn’t know where Helix went and knows he can be hard to stop, so he’s just been waiting for Helix to come back on his own so they can make up. Meanwhile Helix joined the evil team because the leader promised him a way to get rid of his brother’s curse, so long as he followed their teachings and did their bidding, and Helix agreed
Oh, another thing I should mention (which I probably should have mentioned earlier but saved for here for dramatic effect), Felix is the older twin, while Helix is the younger. I know that doesn’t change much about their ages, but it does have some effect on their dynamic, at least for them
As for the curse itself, while there are some references to it and it does occasionally somewhat manifest itself, such as in that death glare Felix has, we’re not privy to what exactly it is or what it does, at least not until the final stretch of the game
Speaking of which, so at the end of the game, when getting to the final boss area (probably a castle), we see Helix having a change of heart, whether because he had come to the realization this wasn’t worth it or he learned his boss wasn’t going to help him cure his brother, but rather use his curse for their own purposes, and he decides to try and stage a coup of his own, trying to stop the villain, only to fail horribly as he gets caught, and the others refer to a punishment, but we cut away before we see what. Then later on, once the heroes show up to the castle and to a certain area with large pits with seemingly no bottom, they see Helix bloodied and beaten on the floor, and Felix, in distress, tries to go to him, only to be stopped by the main villain who reveals themselves to the heroes and probably monologues about their plans or something (as is clear, I never really thought much about the main villain). Then, in a moment where Felix is pleading for his brother’s safety, possibly even trying to strike a bargain with the villain, the villain decides against it and instead strikes Helix potentially fatally, with him letting out a scream in agony, and then tossed away into the pits, seemingly to his death. Seeing his brother presumably die in front of him invokes a rage and despair unlike any Felix has ever felt, and for the first time in game, we hear him speak, and he turns into his eldritch form, though much bigger than any he has before, going completely feral (we also later find out the reason Helix has never seen Felix’s form is because when they were younger, he was relentlessly bullied which sometimes led to him getting knocked unconscious, especially as he’s not particularly physically strong, and upon seeing this Felix would go into rage mode). As we enter a fight with the boss, “Felix” attacks with his magic (as the creature is a magical beast, not so much a physical attacker), and it now has no magic limits and does tons of damage, it also damages the other party members as well, as “Felix” has no restraint and is just going ballistic. The battle ends once the rest of the party is down, and as we see in the cutscenes, his attacks go so wild that he ends up causing the other party members to fall into the pits too, destroying the area around them
We would then follow the party as they’re in the pits, which do in fact have a bottom, even if everything is complete darkness. As they walk around, they find Helix, who is miraculously still alive, but is only barely holding on. While the rest of the party don’t really like Helix (he’s been kind of a jerk to them and was also part of the evil team), the altercation they had above told them that he had at least tried to turn over a new leaf, and they know he’s probably their best shot at getting Felix to calm down, so they have their healer heal him. He tells them all of what he knows of Felix’s curse, explaining how he had just wanted his brother to be safe, but he thinks he was a fool for trusting the villain. He’s fully aware the party doesn’t like him, and expects them to leave him down there to rot, but they (reluctantly) take him with him, and he agrees to help them stop the villain and calm down Felix, and Helix becomes the final party member. How the rest of the story goes, I’m not sure, but the two brothers do end up reconciling at the end
So that’s about it for the story of them. Oh, but maybe I should also mention how their skill systems are supposed to work, since it’s relevant to the whole “game” part and I just thought it was interesting
Okay, so Felix and Helix are magic users, and they cast spells by reading from tomes. When you start the game, Felix has your typical fire, ice and lightning spells. But throughout the game (probably by finding them in the areas and not by purchasing them), you can find other tomes, and they give you different spells. For example, Felix might find a tome with wind spells, and he can equip it. However, he can only use the spells from the tome he has equipped, so it’s not necessarily just a case of “get new tome with better stats”, it depends on what spells you want to use. I’m not sure if this applies to just him since he’s the magic user or if it should apply to the whole party, but I feel like having all the characters being able to equip weapons where each one gives you certain abilities you can use and having to figure out which one to best use in which situation could be an interesting system. Now for Helix, while he uses magic tomes like Felix, due to his dark ties, he only uses dark magic spells, though I’m not sure how much variety you’d get out of his equipment, given you get him in the final area, though admittedly that area could be long, so there might be more tomes for him. Also not sure if he should be able to use Felix’s tomes, as you’d eventually be able to use both, and I don’t just want two of the same character. I dunno
Oh yeah, another random tidbit pertaining to dark magic, but Helix now has a transformation ability of his own that he gained during his time with the evil team, namely that he can transform his cloak into a pair of wings to fly with. We see it before this part in the game, but I thought I shouldn’t mention it before his powers. It definitely shocks Felix when he sees it
But yeah, that’s Felix and Helix. I know people usually come for my Cookie Run stuff, so this probably won’t be looked at that much, but I do like these two and was reminded of them today, and I just wanted to share them with you
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Michael Afton draws FNAF tape girl for Vanessa,,
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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learning to love
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ducktollers · 7 months
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best friends
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hinamie · 8 days
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"I'll show you every day that choosing to live was worth it"
some of my favourite scenes from @hijinks-n-lowjinks' fic things i would miss from the other side . this fic tore my heart out fr but like in a good way and i wanted to pay it homage the only way i know how <3
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sysig · 9 months
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Permission to headbutt: Granted (Patreon)
#My art#UT#Sans#Papyrus#Ft. something smol and I do on a regular basis ♪#This could be Handplates or it could be classic Undertale I leave that up to you lol#I definitely picked up a lot of the style quirks lol - but there are some of the ones that I like myself! Like Papyrus' darkmode clothes lol#And Sans' shorts having the stripe in the front haha - little details ♫#Realistically it probably is Handplates tho just based on where my head's at lol - I love the Handplates dynamic :D#Handplates#I talked myself into it! Pfft ♪#I found myself relating a lot to Sans especially while rereading - I want nothing more in the world than for my siblings to be happy! <3#So I gathered up a bunch of ideas of things especially me and smol do together and this was the most obviously cute one haha#Easiest to do! Tho I did still go a little extra on this lol#I'm trying to do more digital stuff ♪ It wasn't the best art day and I'm still a little nervous to jump right in :')#Not doing any sketches on paper beforehand feels weird but I guess it is thematic in a way lol#And I'm still pleased with how they turned out hehe#It really does feel nice to be drawing them again <3#And doing silly sibling things! Hehe#I dunno how clear it is since it's so ingrained into how smol and I talk to each other lol family language!#One of us will literally just announce ''bonk'' and the other will prepare for/lean in for a headbutt haha#She is a tiny bit taller than me - it's not quite /this/ extreme but she does lean down for me! S'cute <3#I like to think Papyrus would do the same hehe ♪ Let your lazy brother headbutt you! He can only reach so far!#On minimal effort anyhow hehe#It's just a fun way to be silly together ♫♪#Also yes I did show this to her and she cosigned lol - ''Cute'' -smol
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petricorah · 6 months
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scenes i loved from Real Enough to Get Me Through by @marriedzukka <333 [ids in alt]
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POV you’ve informed the Queen and the Court’s Sorcerer of something and they very clearly know something that they’re not letting on
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gen-toon · 6 months
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chiricat · 6 months
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ryomina demons are winning
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the--nightcrawler · 1 month
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On shore leave ✶⋆.˚ Part 1 ♡ Part 2, Part 3
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cloudyydraws · 9 months
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more mario and luigi doodles but i took their mouths away
+ extra unfinished stuff under the cut
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bacchuschucklefuck · 7 days
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space sweepers but they're delivery people and are at no point on screen through the entire movie
#fantasy high#riz gukgak#kristen applebees#gorgug thistlespring#adaine abernant#fabian seacaster#figueroth faeth#the bad kids#half tempted to say these names are forum handles they use so much it pretty much became their professional names lol#I keep them teenagers bc its funnier that way#no real lore I just like drawing this. but I do think abt how theyre all weirdos too also bc thats funny to me#riz is a huge conspiracyhead who does everything by hands. he has a casio fx-570 in mint condition. nobody knows how he's maintaining it#he is nonetheless Really Good at his job. which somewhat tracks bc it's a job that requires keeping up with interstation conflicts#and new policies and an obsessive amount of planning. but he is Too Good at it. and also he dresses like that#kristen has the atomic engine that theoretically lets her unmake and remake matters with her mind. but it consumes a huge amount#of energy so it's mostly useless. she's still a cult survivor also#gorgug lives his entire life on a ship with his parents who quit a cushy deal maintaining a space station bc he wouldn't be allowed on#the low gravity let him grow very tall but also his oxygen saturation is pretty bad so he's got breathing support#fig is a robot who just found out she's a robot like two months ago. she's been assuming everyone's a robot like her and she's been feeling#very betrayed by her mom lying about that part. she's on a body mod spree which is rough bc system-specific parts are expensive#and so is adapting random parts to her system#fabian's still a pirate captain's son. can't say anything that'd be able to get the vibes across clearer than that#adaine went to tech/business school. she put her monthly allowance towards an ecoterrorist group in her academy which turned out to be an o#and she's currently wanted by UTS. more than fabian. which makes him slightly mad#she's also acquired a passion for low-tech weaponry on the way. she likes ice picks and cleavers#I think up all of this for no reason except that once again the idea of all these people being 1/teens and 2/on the same ship to be posties#is hilarious to me. esp. if they were in a forum group chat beforehand
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cloudcastor · 2 months
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secret rendezvous
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zu-is-here · 2 months
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who are you without your battle body?
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nihilmachina · 3 months
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Committed crimes and attempted human Ramattra and Zenyatta.
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