#I feel like haggling is acceptable in that situation but like ANXIETY
rheawritessometimes · 3 years
Lines Get Blurred
{ Childe x GN!Reader }
{ Summary } Sometimes we don't understand our feelings, and that's okay. Series Masterlist
{ Warnings } Swearing, Undefined Relationship, Physical Intimacy, Mild Anxiety.
{ Notes } Written for @sailormakoto. Usually, I'd wait longer to start another part to make sure people were interested, but they said they'd like it, so... Now you have to like it even though it's a dumpster fire rolling downhill fast. Reader isn't good with their emotions and it very obviously shows. It's really just messy and bad but I don't know what else to do or how to make a cohesive, logical plot. Masterlist
{ Word Count } 1,783
Childe’s guard nearly jumped out of his skin, letting out a yelp of fright as you swept out of the apartment in a hurry. But in your rush, you hardly noticed him at all, the entirety of your focus was currently on your goal of escaping the embarrassment that was on the verge of consuming you whole. With your body moving on autopilot through the busy streets of Liyue, you retreated into your mind to wrangle your thoughts and gain some sense of control.
Why was it exactly that you felt such an overwhelming urge to run away? It wasn't that you didn’t like or want the kiss, it had been rather enjoyable for you. It had happened so easily between you, and that was the part that you found weird. You couldn’t understand why it felt so easy with him, things weren’t normally like this. It was certainly safe to say you had never wanted to kiss your other friends, and that’s what you and Childe were. Friends.
It’s not like you were in love with him, you were pretty sure you felt the same about him as you always had. Sure, it had been a few months and you’d gotten to know him better and found spending time with him more enjoyable, but ultimately he was still the same person he was when you first met. You got along with him, you laughed together and now sometimes you casually made out with each other. That was fine, friends could do that, right?
Perhaps you were blowing things out of proportion. A few kisses didn't change anything, really. It's not like Childe had confessed to having feelings for you or anything drastic. You two were just friends and everything was fine, things would eventually sort themselves out.
You hadn't even realized you had been mildly hyperventilating by the time you regulated your breathing back to normal and managed to get out of your head. With your focus now on your surroundings, you found yourself in Liyue's bustling market among the fresh produce. You decided it would be best to pick up some groceries while you were here, as you said you would. Picking out what looked best and haggling with the merchants over prices seemed like a good way to pretend your problems didn’t exist clear your head.
As it turns out, grocery shopping became infinitely more difficult when you didn’t know what was needed. It was clear Childe liked to cook but you didn’t know what it was he liked to prepare. Going back to get a list from him now would be incredibly awkward, so you decided to play it safe and buy a large quantity wide variety of ingredients. You decided you had enough when the bags in your arms felt like they were getting too heavy to carry. Fitting this much food into Childe’s kitchen was going to be quite the struggle. Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequences of your actions.
Dragging all your purchases back to the apartment was going to be quite the workout. You wondered if next time it would be possible to get one of the low-ranking Fatui to help you carry things. A few pedestrians gave you some odd looks as they saw your mountain of purchases, but no one offered you any help. Things only got worse once you remembered you had said you were going to buy some things from Bubu Pharmacy, too. You were going to be strong as fuck after going up all those goddamn steps.
The man at the counter wore a worried expression as he noticed the amount of bags you were dragging along with you. You brushed off his concern with something about how you were an adventurer and stronger than the average person, trying not to let it show that you were indeed struggling to carry everything. Even with superhuman strength, you had your limits. Unfortunately, the man accepted your words and busied himself with finding the ice packs you requested, along with an herbal tea you asked for because it had a divine aroma you noticed upon walking in. It's not like he was likely able to help you with the groceries, so you supposed it didn't matter.
By the time you returned to Childe’s apartment, your arms were ready to fall off and the scowl on your face must have been quite intimidating because the guard stationed at the door immediately did as he was told when you ordered him to open the door for you. He didn't say a word, not even giving you a nasty look for the first time. Despite the non-hostile treatment by the guard, you promptly kicked the door closed on him after entering the apartment, heading straight to the kitchen and letting out a sigh of relief after dropping all of the bags in the middle of the floor.
You hadn’t seen Childe on your way in and you couldn’t hear him moving around the apartment but you assumed he was home, the guard probably wouldn’t have been quite so willing to let you in otherwise. Even if you wore a scary expression. Not to mention, surely the Harbinger wouldn’t appoint a guard foolish enough to allow you in unsupervised, there were likely sensitive documents somewhere inside. You assumed it had been Fatui reports he was reading earlier.
Finding room for all the groceries you had purchased took your mind away from wondering about the location of your temporary host. Putting everything away proved to be a time-consuming task, but by the end of it Childe had yet to make an appearance, or even any noise indicating he was in the apartment. This was worrying, if he had left and gotten himself hurt you’d have to go out in search of him. After purchasing, carrying, and putting away all the food you had bought you weren’t sure you were up for tracking him down.
Taking one of the newly purchased ice packs to use as an excuse, you wrapped it in a towel before making your way to his bedroom. It seemed like the most likely place to find him if he was indeed still in the apartment. It was hard to imagine he'd have spent so much time silent in the bathroom. You felt strangely on edge as you stopped in front of the door, knocking softly three times.
No reply came but you weren't convinced he was truly not home, so you slowly pushed the door open, holding your breath. It didn’t make sense for you to feel so nervous about this, it wasn’t the end of the world if he wasn’t home. Maybe you were more worried about seeing him than not.
The sight of Childe sprawled out in the middle of his bed peacefully napping greeted you as you quietly entered. His blanket appeared to have been thrown off him in his sleep and his shirt rode up just a little bit. His room was tidy, but you were too busy appreciating the revealed section of his abdomen to take a proper look around. You were only granted a few moments to stare before he opened one eye, peering at you for just long enough to register that it was you in his room.
It was unsurprising that the Harbinger was a light sleeper enough sleeper to be woken by you entering his room, considering his line of work. Vastly more surprising was when, after determining it was you who had woken him, he closed his eye again and went back to dozing. You couldn’t help but smile fondly at this, a pleasant warmth filling you at the show of trust. Or maybe he was too tired to care.
Of course he trusted you, you were friends after all. The thought had your smile fading, but you weren’t sure why that displeased you. Pushing the thought from your head, you silently made your way to the bedside and placed the icepack at his side.
The sudden cold had ocean eyes fluttering open before focusing on you. You smiled playfully at his slightly disgruntled expression. That was much easier on your emotions than his prior vulnerability.
“Sorry, but it needs to be done.”
“Mm, whatever. Hey, did I make you uncomfortable earlier?” the Harbinger asked, causing your heart to pause. He certainly was good at getting straight to the point. You had to take a deep breath before answering him.
“No, not at all. I’m sorry, I don’t even know why I ran away like that,” you told him, the words rushing out of your mouth. Your heart was racing faster than you thought it should have been in this situation. It’s not like any of this was that big of a deal, certainly not the end of the world.
“Well if you’re not uncomfortable then how ‘bout you nap with me?” the Snezhnayan offered, and you were pretty sure it was almost entirely because he wanted to get back to sleep himself, “You look exhausted, you probably need it.”
High flags of color appeared on your cheeks at his words, you must not be looking your best for him to offer such a thing. It couldn't be that he was actually worried for you, but you couldn't reason out why he would offer such a thing. However, the prospect of rest was tempting, but you couldn’t help but think it would be easier on your heart if you just went to your room for it. Then again, if you rejected him it might seem like you had been lying about being comfortable with him.
“Stop thinking so loudly and just come here,” Childe said finally, opening his arms to you. You clenched your jaw, feeling even more embarrassed, but began climbing into bed with him.
“Fine,” you mumbled, letting him pull you close before covering the both of you with a blanket. He gently tucked your head against his chest before pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, luckily for you, it wasn’t possible for you to get any redder at this point. Not that he would see considering he had closed his eyes and was already nodding off again, but maybe he was able to feel the heat radiating off your cheeks.
“You worry too much. Relax and go to sleep.”
Despite your internal anxieties, you found yourself complying with his suggestion thanks to the fatigue already weighing you down and how comfortable it felt to be in his arms. All of it felt a little too intimate for being just friends, but you didn’t get much time to worry about it as you drifted off into unconsciousness.
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sportacringe · 4 years
The Deal
After Robbie Rotten discovers that Sportacus isn't as human as he pretends to be he brings him down into his lair so that they can hash out a Deal
Sportacus watched in mute horror as Robbie spooned hot chocolate powder liberally into his coffee before adding a sizable splash of cream, and barely held back a wince as Robbie proceeded to essentially pour the mixture down his throat in three long draughts. In the deafening silence Sportacus half-imagined that he could hear Robbie’s heartbeat.
It was only after the mug was emptied that the villain lowered it to regard the hero before him, steady hands cradling the warm ceramic, a pinkie finger tap tap tapping against the vessel's handle.
"So" Robbie began, his voice pitched dramatically low "You want me to keep your secret?" The lair was damp and chilly, but Sportacus shuddered with anxiety rather than as a response to the cold. It was hard to find words—harder yet to speak them.
"I...yes" The pressure of the lair made him feel like he was choking. Prior to their visit he had assumed that it was merely the space’s unpleasant atmosphere that had made the hairs at the back of his neck prickle throughout every blessedly short visit, but now that the wards were active Sportacus recognized them for what they were. It was the kind of magic that he had never mastered, and he cursed himself for his negligence—across from him Robbie was eerily still. 
“Now Sportanerves, why would I go and do a thing like that?” He was teasing, in control in a way that he had almost never been in Sportacus’ presence. The gloating was different too, self-contained and smug rather than loud strutting about. It stood in stark relief, and made Sportacus wonder what else had laid dormant, unnoticed for the entire time that he had resided in Lazytown. It was a manner that for a moment made Sportacus understand how Robbie could have been considered a high ranking villain, rather than the local public nuisance that he often seemed to be.
Sportacus spared a brief moment to be thankful that they were located in what must have been Robbie’s kitchen, it was as dark and utilitarian as the rest of the lair but it did contain a table as well as three dusty hard metal chairs. He shuddered to imagine how vulnerable he would have felt standing before Robbie and negotiating in the cavernous main room while Robbie lounged comfortably on his atrocious orange armchair. It was almost as through Robbie had brought him here, in an attempt to even their playing field. Sportacus couldn’t imagine the villain to ever be the sort to give up an advantage when it was presented to him, but as he felts the wards pulse he reminded himself that he didn’t really know his adversary very well. Perhaps it was simply manners, Robbie already had the upper hand.
Robbie poured himself another cup of coffee, repeating his process and stirring it all together with deliberate movements.
“Well it is nice to have you beg” The villain took a sip of his concoction, sweetened to almost syrup, but still at its heart coffee. The shadows under his eyes seemed nearly bruised. “I have a proposition for you Sportacus 10”
“What would you have me do?” Sportacus asked. His voice was strained and words mispronounced, stress had always worsened his accent. His brother would have chided him for having so many tells. Sportacus let his eyes focus low on the table between them.
“Leave” Robbie answered promptly, taking another sip “but that’s not what I’ll ask of you. Not tonight” as Sportacus looked up again the shadows seemed to darken, bony shoulders becoming more angular as Robbie’s true nature revealed itself in turn. Sportacus had known, of course he had, but like many things he had allowed himself not to see.
Now he had been revealed himself, lost the little advantage he’d had. Everyone knew that there was something more to Robbie—he hid himself as carelessly as he did everything else—but no one cared to look at him too closely. Sportacus lived in the light, in the people’s eyes, but now the veil that covered his one secret lay in the hands of a lazy but clearly antagonistic creature and the hero was bracing himself for it to be pulled away for all to gaze upon.
Everyone had always looked at Sportacus closely.
Robbie was avoiding his eyes.
“Come back tomorrow, at this time, and maybe then I will know what I would have you trade this little scrap of information for” The villain said finally, the words less formal than they had been a moment ago, but just as steeped in power. It was an open order, rather than a solid trade for a secret kept. Robbie kept him in the air, the deal intentionally vague.  Sportacus in his heart knew not to take it—that if he did then he would be beholden to Robbie for as long as the villain saw fit to play with him. Tomorrow could easily become a week from now, which could become a month, the undefined power that Robbie held over Sportacus could not be allowed to fester or warp. When dealing with creatures such as Robbie said deals must be closed and finished with as quickly as possible—lest favors be called in at some fatally inconvenient moment.
“I need you to ask something of me tonight, this must be finished” If a bargain was made then it would be over, and then maybe Sportacus would be able to salvage his life here in Lazytown, Maybe he could continue on as if nothing had happened. If Robbie was willing to trade something for the secret of Sportacus’ true nature, then Sportacus might be willing to take that Deal and cope with the consequences as they came.
Now Sportacus hears his own heartbeat.
“Fine” Robbie bit out, familiar drama contrasting with the new heaviness of his presence—in the dim light Robbie was like a black hole, drawing light and shadow alike into himself. “Though it would be more fun just to tell them…let them find out that their beloved Slightly Above Average Hero was something else entirely”
He took another sip, grimaced, and spooned in more hot chocolate powder—this time Sportacus actually did wince. Robbie grinned in response.
“In trade for my continued silence I request continued honesty.” Sportacus looked up, startled. Robbie’s face was uncharacteristically serious as he peered through the dimness of the lair. He watched as the villain placed his mug onto the aluminum table that sat between them, the click of ceramic against metal ringing through the lair.
“One hero coming raised questions that I never got a satisfactory answer to” Robbie continued “Now there have been two—here in my town—and if you aren’t human then I’m sure that the last one wasn’t as well. This is my home and I need to know why it’s attracted such attention.”
Sportacus stopped breathing.
“If I were to tell you everything that you want to know” The hero began “would your continued silence extend to the information that you learned?” Their current conversation was proof enough in itself that information had immense power, and now Robbie was asking of him a share in all that Sportacus had. Unless Sportacus added a qualifier to their Deal then the price would be more valuable than the service. Haggling had never been his strong point, but if Robbie was as much of a softie as Stephanie claimed he was then he would accept the compromise—his curiosity would be sated without taking the means to further blackmail Sportacus.
“Yes, if that is your only compromise.” The tension in the air lessened noticeably as Robbie leaned back, apparently satisfied. Sportacus breathed again, before steeling his courage.
“Actually Robbie, I have one more condition”
“And what makes you think that you’re in a position to push a bargain?” Robbie looked appalled, face pulled into a familiar grimace. The harsh light of the lair had softened slightly and the syrupy liquid in Robbie’s mug appeared to be congealing. The mug was slung loosely by the handle in the villain’s bony fingers, the movement carelessly casual.
They stared at each other until Robbie sighed, resuming his tap tap tapping.
“Tell me, what else do you want Sportapush.”
“I want to the reserve the right to refuse to answer a question.” Sportacus replied, feeling his hands ball nervously into fists. “I will agree never to lie to you, but I cannot—I will not—tell you every secret I know, many of them are not mine to tell” He braced himself for an explosion, Robbie was prone to fits of temper and their situation was tense. Asking for more while already at a disadvantage was likely crossing a line, but Sportacus could not agree to Robbie’s terms without that qualifier. Still Robbie had been more lenient during their discussion than the hero had expected. When Sportacus had initially allowed himself to be lead down into the lair he had been bracing himself to be given the choice of either leaving or having his secret revealed to the public—he had been imagining microphones and banners, all with his secret scrawled across them in true ostentatious Robbie Rotten style.
What he had received instead could almost be called a kindness. He had been granted the dignity of a negotiation however stilted and awkward, and Robbie had not tried to force him to leave town. Sportacus still could not fathom why; Robbie’s questions, whatever they might have been, must be important.
Robbie’s tapping increased in volume for a moment before he placed the mug on the table with a harsh clink, the sound echoing against the metal walls.
“You’re in luck then—If our Deal had been intended to force you to answer every question I gave you I’d have specified.” The villain seemed almost offended “I may be lazy but even I’m not that sloppy.” They stared at each other for a moment; Sportacus could feel the tenseness of his shoulders as he mulled over the fact that Robbie had essentially just admitted to leaving an intentional loophole in their deal, one that would allow Sportacus some continued control over what information was to be passed on to Robbie. It was kind, in the sort of way that witches in stories could be kind—a backhanded compliment in the form of a riddle.
“Okay” He sighed, feeling a similarly conflicting mix of triumph and defeat “Okay I think we have a deal” Robbie’s expression turned unreadable for a bare moment before morphing into a smug smile. The villain reached out a hand to shake
“Yes Sportacus 10, we have a Deal.”
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Send me a “🖊+an OC“ and I will talk about that OC! It can be a headcanon, a fun fact, a small paragraph of backstory- anything!Alternatively, send in just a “🖊“ and I will talk about any one of my OCs at random!
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You sendin’ 20 pencils? you gettin’ 20 ocs. You asked for this.
1. Sileves
I love Sileves, I love her big generous heart and how eagerly she accepts friends of her children and her husband as honorary family members. I wish I could talk more about her job as a healer because she takes such immense pride in it and she is what I would want any nurse or doctor to be; so caring and patient and kind.
2. Methenor
Methenor is a soft boi hidden under layers of icy indifference, sarcasm and dry etiquette and I love it. He cares for his family so much ;-; And like I feel incredibly bad for him because no wonder he’s cold as ice when pretty much his entire family left him in Rivendell; His parents sailed, his older sister is who knows where, his younger brother ran for Lothlorien and now his only son left him too.
3. Malgelir
Chirpy social butterfly with a small bit of a “ME FIRST” complex towards her siblings. Malgelir always wanted to get married and have a child, and the fact that she did so before her siblings does make her prouder than she probably should be. Thankfully this isnt out of pure malicious intent because I don’t think she ever had an evil thought in her life.
She also cares so much about her hubby and her son ;-; i cry
4. Rhoscthel
Fun fact I aint got a single clue about what goes into fashion design and yet here Rhoscthel is being a tailor. Send help. Plz. I’m making this up as I go and I just hope nobody notices I’m bluffing my way through anything that takes half a glance at her skill as a tailor.
I also wish I knew how people Actually Flirt TM because Rhos is supposed to be a charming she-elf with bargaining powers that could almost rival Caranthir’s but idk anything about either flirting or haggling. The woes of an introvert trying to play a socially savvy extrovert TM
5. Amathel
With Amathel I’ve been contemplating switching her social status of engaged to married but Amathel kind of has concerns and worries about the act of getting married so idk how to really.. change her status? Like should I just change it or drabble it or..
Like it’s not that she doesnt want to be married to Lagoron, she loves him very dearly, but there’s certain expectations that comes with having a wedding especially as a highly valued member of the Rivendell guard.
Idk I kinda want to dive more into the complex nature of her always wanting to be on top and number one in her class despite the fact that she has a lot of… performance anxiety, I guess you could call it?
She doesnt like to be put on the spot or even necessarily in the spotlight even though she has an ambitious drive and is always looking to improve as a guard.
6. Innith
With Innith I’m kinda having the opposite problem I do with Rhoscthel. I don’t get to use her much because she’s a shy, introverted scholar who would really only want to interact with coworkers and patrons of the library in Rivendell; and unfortunately there’s not a lot of those muses around.
this is very much me asking you to throw Pan at her sometimes I think they could be fun together plz
I’m also a bit sad the one ship I had for her has long since sailed away. F/F ships are so hard to come by.
7. Nethel
You would think I have a similar problem with Nethel like I do with Innith but since Nethel is such a drastically different character I actually dont find it hard to find interactions for her lol. People seem to be rather drawn to her even though she’s brutally blunt. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Nethel is a lot like Feanor just minus the genius linguistic part. 
Plus while Nethel is cooped up in her workshop most of the time she does need to come out and tend to her biological needs like eating, bathing, sleeping, much to her dismay as she has little patience for small talk.
Aside from that I think most of the muns I toss her at are aware that she’s a deeply insecure person under all that brutal facade, and people generally seem to have a little more patience with a character like that? like idk, just something I noticed. 
8. Miston
Honestly without Miston this blog wouldnt exist and I wouldn’t be here to gush about all my characters, so needless to say Miston is incredibly important to me. I feel like he has grown as a character a lot since the beginning of this blog but that he has also remained true to the description I give him in his about section. He is still a character who doesn’t like sharing his feelings and rather deflect them, ignore them entirely or distract you with conversations about literally anything else.
Miston is very near and dear to my heart.
9. Eredhon
Baby. Precious soft child. Eredhon is such a sweetheart and it’s truly thanks to a lot of brainstorming with @legolasgoldy that he has been crawling out of his shell because for quite a while I myself didnt even know all that much about Eredhon.
He is a soft, gentle soul with a lot of deep running emotions and his social anxiety can definitely play cruel tricks on him, but with the right support system he blossoms into a very sweet and devoted friend who will always try to help you through any emotional problems. He’s also a lot more emotionally intelligent than I originally gave him credit for. He’s usually paired with social butterflies (see Malgelir) because he does get those type of characters to kind of.. relent the walls they build around themselves and let him see the emotional struggles they tend to ignore
He’ll also never apologises for feeling his emotions. He’ll apologize for snapping, for raising his voice, for letting his anxiety drive him up a wall and for anything that deserves an apology, but he won’t apologize for feeling sad or anxious or happy or in need of comfort.
10. Calithilon
I’ve been thinking about aging canon Cali up to at least a talkative elfling because honestly because he is so young in canon I haven’t really gotten a chance to use him all that effectively in the main storyline.
Most of Cali’s development comes from modern aus with @hclliish where he’s a teen, dating her Sleipnir (another precious child, just not one of mine lol)Cali takes after his mom in looks and unfortunately for him after his dad in personality, making him a rather shy and quiet person with a lot of insecurities. Being born to two singers makes him a natural singer as well, and his voice is higher in tone than that of his father.
Despite being an anxious teen (because when is puberty ever kind) he does find a lot of comfort in his parents unconditional love for him. They’re a very solid parents-child unit tbh.
11. Lagoron
Another character that I don’t get to use all that much, which is unfortunate because I find Lagoron an incredibly funny and interesting character. He’s a very un-elvish elf, in fact he’s more a hobbit in an elven disguise. While also being a guard, he is an entirely different type than Amathel; where Amathel yearns to be the best and the strongest, Lagoron is a team player who believes in the strength of numbers and strong bonds between guards to drag them through the most difficult situations; and that hasn’t exactly made him the top performer of the class. 
He is however truly the kind of person you want on your team, and in a fight he’s surprisingly endurant and likely to exhaust his opponent by focusing on dodging their power attacks rather than wasting his energy in fighting back.
Always has food on him and will offer it to anyone he feels like stricking up a friendly conversation with. 10/10 good friend.
12. Hinnoron
Hinnoron is definitely more of the tradtional elf. He’s radiant, and ethereal, and pleasant to be around. He also has a natural calmness about him and a certain kind of wisdom. Y’know, typical Tolkien Elf TM stuff.
Hinnoron gets interesting when you dive into his deeper relationships. His relationship with his eldest sister is on a very low pit, and the one he has with Methenor has definitely taken some blows. When Gelwenil left to follow the stars, Methenor got rather clingy towards Hinnoron, who felt suffocated in return.
Hinnoron left for Lothlorien, and to this day regrets that he abandoned Methenor when Methenor was clearly struggling with the departure of their parents and their sister. While they have mended their bond since, this kind of guilt does seem to creep into his relationships with Haldir ( @thehiddenhero ) and Oropher ( @oropherrrrr ) He often doesn’t tell them when things about the relationship upset him and bottles his emotions up to an unhealthy degree, all because he fears of upsetting their feelings or even damaging the image they have of him if he’s not the perfect, ethereal and unconditionally supportive partner. For someone who gives love so easily and unconditionally, he seems to have a hard time believing that the love he receives doesn’t come with the condition that he has to be a perfect lover or it’ll be revoked.
Someone plz teach him that he’s allowed to have needs and that he’s allowed to have those needs tended to.
13. Gelwenil
Ah yes. The lost one. Well no, not lost, she knows exactly where she’s going but nobody else does. Gelwenil honestly never meant to upset Methenor or Hinnoron when she left to follow the stars. Like Methenor was definitely struggling when his parents left for Valinor, but in retrospect Gelwenil left several years after that. Maybe not enough for him to have healed and moved on, but I don’t blame her for thinking that with his wife, children and their youngest brother Methenor would have enough of a support net to justify her wanting to explore the skies.
Gelwenil is an avid believer in the power of Varda, and also deeply respects Tilion and Arien. Any type of celestial Maia can be expected to be treated with the deepest respect from her.
Out of all my characters Gelwenil deserves the most TLC tbh I feel like she’s underdeveloped compared to everyone else because I dont use her a lot.
14. Faerveren
Uuuugh I miss Faerveren so much. Mistons second cousin twice removed, and probably the only person to ever leave him flabbergasted and when Miston is the voice of reason in a duo, you know somethings up.
Faerveren is also an interesting character because with her I wanted to present the idea of people assuming you’re always emotionally fine as long as you’re physically strong enough to be virtually invincible.
15. Nengelon
Local edition of the “I’m so fucking done with this shit I don’t get paid enough to deal with” club, together with Feren and Lindir. Nengelon tends to fall into an elven variety of Welsh when he runs upset with the leader of the Sabaid elves, and just about no one knows what he’s saying.
There’s also the implication that he basically ran away from the Riunnag (waterelves, maybe related to the Teleri through distant blood but sources (ie me) dont confirm that yet so its just rumors) tribe he belonged to because of his secret romantic ties to said leader, but Nengelon doesn’t speak of his romantic outings to anyone so it’s just a rumor.
16. Braigon
Ah, big, bulky, burly, 7 foot something Sabaid leader Braigon. Rides a grizzly bear as a warmount, wields a gigantic twohanded battle axe, and is an absolute terror on the battlefield… when he bothers to get his tribe of warrior travelers involved. Braigon tends to stroll around like he owns the place, because not many dare to defy this mountain of an elf.
Maybe thats why people are so bewildered when 5′9 sized Nengelon curses him out on his bullshit in some incomprehensible tongue they don’t know.
Braigon is actually a pretty solid leader of a tribe where elves can pretty much do as they please as long as they do their job as either warrior or provider (finding food and other supplies) outstandingly. The Sabaids aren’t a big tribe, there’s only a couple hundred of them, but they make for fantastic allies… but only if you can manage to convince Braigon to risk any of his people in any given war; and he usually isn’t concerned with fighting the battles of others for them without a good reason. 
 17. Bereneth
Bereneth is an interesting case. An accident between a Sinda lady and a Noldo refugee, at a time when those relationships weren’t exactly accepted after the reign of destruction left by the line of Finwe. (I like to believe thats something that took a generation or two for elves to get over dont @ me.)
Because of this, Bereneth was relentlessly bullied to the point where as soon as the oppertunity rose, her mother left for then newly settled Rivendell. Being under the rule of Elrond, she figured her daughter would be safe there. Bereneth remained there and bore three children to Carandolon and sailed to Valinor when their daughter in law was pregnant with her first child
18. Carandolon
Chieftain of a squadron while Greenwood was under the rule of Oropher, Carandolon was a bright eyed and wanderlust filled soul, born to two fullblooded Silvan elves. When on a mission to Rivendell, where he had to accompany a diplomat, he saw Bereneth and for him it was love at first sight.
When the mission was over and he returned to Greenwood, he immediately requested to be dismissed from his chieftain status and to be allowed to move and live to Rivendell.
A reckless and bold move, and it did take him a while to woo Bereneth, but they ultimately fell in love, got married, and had three children. He sailed with his wife when their daughter in law was pregnant with her first child
19. Nemiron
The missing link that connects Miston to the line of Finwe. Nemiron is the bastard son of Írimë and an unknown father of Vanyarin descent. Nemiron lost complete vision in his right eye when the healer tent he worked at got raided by the enemy in that war; and he threw himself as a shield between the blade and the wounded soldier it was aiming for.
During the war, he was usually found in the company of either Finrod or Edrahil, as he needed help to adjust to his new lack of depth perception. Sometimes during that same war, he left to settle in Lothlorien, where he met the weaver apprentice Dillothés. They married and moved to Rivendell as a position for an experienced healer was open there, and they had their family there.
Nemiron remained in Rivendell, despite yearning to sail, for the sake of his only daughter, and he ultimately sailed for Valinor when she was pregnant with her third child.
I havent decided if the power of Valinor heals Nemiron’s injury, but if it does (and I doubt it), it would do so only partially. His right eye will never be 100% functional.
20. Dillothés
The third and last born daughter of her parents, Dillothés worked as a weaver’s apprentice in Lothlorien before moving up to becoming a weaver of her own, selling her selfmade fabrics to tailors and others interested and making a comfortable living out of it
She became infatuated with Nemiron, who was often found in the library studying Lothlorien native herbs to aid in his small healer practice. After she learned of his injury she never backed away from him once, and helps and supports him to the best of her ability. This remains the case when they went to Valinor and whether or not he partially heals from his injury
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microsstinatir-blog · 5 years
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Things I learned during my trip to Nepal – confessions of a travel blogger
Hello, I’m home again! For a few days already by the way, but I decided to extend my vacation by a few more days. Apart from occasionally posting a social media message, I did almost nothing online. Most of all acclimatize back home again (especially to the nice and warm here in the Netherlands!), but also the horror that is called pollen allergies and I’ve enjoyed some outdoor time with my boyfriend after being away for two weeks.     Even though I truly enjoyed my trip to Nepal, it didn’t really go as planned. Far from that, in fact. Sometimes that is fun, sometimes that is not so much fun. In my case it mostly was a learning journey. Those who think that after years of traveling you would have learned all there is to know … Nope! Think again, none of it is true. The most important journey I made in the past year was probably the the journey to finding myself and who I really want to be. Now that may sound a lot more dramatic than it is, but I have to say that I had to work fairly hard during this trip. Both mentally and physically. Curious? Then continue reading below in this article about five things I learned during my trip to Nepal.  
1. Trust your gut feeling. Always!
The most important thing that I learned during the past two weeks during my Nepal trip is to trust my feelings and intuition. Even if that goes right against what is generally accepted or what I am supposed to do. It sounds a bit vague, but I’ll try to describe it with an example.     From the end point of my hike I had two options to travel back to Kathmandu. The first was by jeep (I had done that on the way there) or with the local bus. Now I know that the local bus is an adventure in itself, but since the price of the bus is 10x lower than the jeep, I decided to take it. The route to be covered is one of the worst in Nepal but well, a bit of an adventure seemed fun.     Until the bus arrived. It was rightfully the most horrific bus I had ever seen and I really had the idea that it could break through its bottom every moment. My guide and I were the only ones on the bus, all the curtains were closed and within five minutes I was bumpy along a deep abyss already with my head between my legs because of nausea and anxiety. Just remember those videos of buses in India that are bumbling along an unpaved mountain road along the ravine that you’ve probably seen on Facebook.     I was sick within in five minutes I told my guide to get off at the next opportunity. The € 100 that I had to pay for the further journey by jeep was a pain in my wallet, but no way I was going to be on such a bus for another ten hours. And that turned out to be a good choice because in the end even the journey by jeep already became an entire undertaking of eight hours on a route of seventy kilometers. I am endlessly grateful that I chose to leave that bus for what it was and continue to travel in a safe and responsible manner.  
2. Sometimes your body just doesn’t cooperate
And that is just plain sh*t but you’ll just have to deal with it. I have been struggling with an injury in my hip since last fall. I have already gone through various treatments by a physiotherapist and a mylogenics practitioner and although only the latter helped me off my pain regularly, there is something wrong in my body somewhere. Because after a few hours on the trail my hip started nagging again. The first day I arrived at my destination with a great deal of pain and by the end of the second day I had decided for myself that walking like this for 11 days was just not going to happen.     And so on the fourth day I made the painful decision to return to the beginning of the track instead of crossing the mountain pass. Where I was deeply disappointed at first, I soon felt at ease with the situation. “It is what it is” has become one of my quotes during recent years and instead of feeling bad, I have taken the opportunity to return to Kathmandu earlier than planned and fully unwind for a couple of days there. Which also brings me straight to the next point:  
3. Going on an active vacation is just a bad idea when you’re utterly tired
I called home once during this trip and when I told my boyfriend it didn’t feel right for me because I was so tired, I got the answer ‘yes but dear, we have been together for about a year and a half now for the same length of time you say that you went on vacation far too tired! Maybe it’s time to do something about it?” He sure was right about that!     As an freelancer I find it quite difficult to go on vacation. The last time I did that was last summer when I traveled with the Rudolph de Volvo through Sweden and Norway for five weeks. The other trips I made afterwards were always work-related and I was constantly busy taking photos (Iceland), following online SEO training courses (La Palma) and doing social media (Germany).     As there is nobody who just pays you (after all, you are your own boss), it means that in the weeks before my vacation / travel I am always busy making preparations so that some things can still go on while I travel. In addition, I sometimes take on extra work to fill the financial gap that arises when I’m not working. Two weeks of vacation means two weeks less income for me. Fortunately I have now found a number of ways to create a “passive income” whereby I earn money without having to be online, but these are not yet sufficient to provide a complete monthly salary.     All this ensures that I often work extremely hard before my vacation starts. I thought I had planned it quite well this time, but due to some unforeseen events it all went a little differently than expected. The most important note to self was therefore: “prepare for the unforeseen.” Going on a physically demanding trip when your body is exhausted is not a good idea.    
4. I find the Asian fiddling with money thing really crappy
Of course I know that the hassle with money is just part of Asia, but as I wrote in my blog about things I learned about myself in Indonesia, I feel uncomfortable with haggling. In addition to that, I am also convinced that being scammed just pisses me off.     When I got off the aforementioned bus, the guide asked for a jeep and one of the drivers knew a man who wanted to take me to Kathmandu for 11.000 rupees. Once at the next stop I got out and after an hour of waiting there was no one yet. My guide then had the story that the person concerned was sick (huh? one hour ago he wasn’t!) and now wanted me to pay 15.000 (= 32 euros more). There you are in the middle of nowhere. I ended up cheating with my cash and showing that I only had 12.000 and I was allowed to pay for it. To be honest, I have felt bad about it for a while. The famous scam story in Asia and I had fallen for it again. And yes, I know that it is Asia and that it comes with the adventure, but I just don’t see the charm of being scammed.  
5. “It’s not the mountain we conquer but ourselves”
This quote by Sir Edmund Hillary (who was the first to climb Mount Everest with Tenzing Norquay) is really completely true and I experienced that again during my last trip. Although this was probably the one Nepal journey (after Everest Base Camp and Annapurna Base Camp) I had trained the most for and I was the best in shape in terms of fitness, I had an unbelievably hard time walking, especially the first few days. Add to that the snowfall and the fact that I barely slept the entire trip (think: yaks next to your window, a room next to the shared toilet, snoring neighbors) and you have the perfect mix for complete exhaustion. Both physically and mentally.     Yet I see this journey as a victory. I kept taking steps while I though I could not continue, I decided trust my feelings and chose the safe option (return instead of continuing). In addition, I spent four days in Kathmandu where I really did nothing but sleep, read, watch Netflix, drink beer and laze around. Four days in such a mode without feeling guilty is perhaps the biggest victory I made. That is why the day before I flew home I got a tattoo of the word “Sahaash” or “courage” in Nepali. Because it takes courage to be me, but even more courage to make certain choices in life.     “Did you actually enjoy this trip?” was the legitimate question my boyfriend asked when I told him all of the above upon returning home. I had to swallow and think. It was not the trip as planned and all in all it turned out to be more than 1.000 euros more expensive than expected (because: Jet Airways is almost bankrupt and I had to buy a new ticket last minute plus extra costs for jeep and stay in Kathmandu). But whether I have enjoyed it less? No, in the end I did enjoy it still. When you get back home to the Netherlands you can be disappointed that everything has turned out differently and you can complain about this on social media by means. Or you can choose to cherish and share the beautiful moments and accept that things simply do not always go as planned. I choose the latter. That’s called courage.  
The post 5 Things I learned while traveling in Nepal appeared first on we12travel.com.
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doesitreallywork · 6 years
Check out the latest and greatest info we could find on Beat The Market Analyzer, read our review, and see precisely what it can do for you – read now!
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Beat The Market Analyzer Review – Does It Really Work?
The economic climate attracts attention as a substantial variable that can tip the equilibrium of the globe. Different facets like national politics, faiths, battle simply to discuss a couple of impact the economic situation in an extensive fashion.
What likewise attracts attention is financial investment; the best time for financial investment that will certainly provide you significant returns. If your understanding on the last is superficial, after that you head out of your means to look for brokers that can make financial investments in your place.
The element of obtaining significant returns by spending right is what specifies an organisation mind. This exemplary reasoning is what introduces Forbes that prices magnates and also magnets. The exact same facet is what is utilized to identify the largest gains as well as losses scooped on the market.
Allow me present you to a revitalised item, Beat the Market Analyzer that I’m specific you’re mosting likely to enjoy as a result of its ingenuity. Continue analysis this overview and also you will certainly learn exactly how to beat the market pass on.
What is Beat the Market Analyzer?
This outstanding program reduce the inconvenience that includes supply investing. Beat the Market Analyzer provides to your inbox over 10,000+ evaluated supplies on once a week basis.
The program resources this info based upon a 100% legitimate truths and also supplies that have actually been considered similarly versus each other. The item streamlines this additional by figuring out firms based upon just how excellent or poor they carry out in the market; the riskiest firms near the bottom as well as the crème business on top.
This program removes for you all the unneeded troubles that drops by from evaluating much less beneficial supplies. This conserves both your money and time due to the fact that a lot of it is vested in selecting your financial investments from just the leading ranked firms.
The guy behind Beat the Market Analyzer, Give Gigliotti
The writer much like a lot of us made a willpower to produce his household passive earnings that would certainly maintain them also right into the future. Give began his wish by spending.
The writer was and also still is mentored by the realistic investing methods of Benjamin Graham as well as Warren Buffett. At the end of the evaluation, the writer’s purpose is to streamline supply financial investment even more and also make it a stroll in the park for you.
Give proceeds to state just how ignorant as well as overwhelmed he went to very first prior to he ultimately realized the entire idea of supply investing. This sought he located 3 finest publications that offered him a much more comprehensive understanding concerning stock-investing which are:
The Buffettology Collection
The Warren Buffet Means
The Intelligent Capitalist by Benjamin Graham
The writer vouches for the reality that he reviewed the audio publications of this treasure, analysis and also paying attention to them for means over previous 20 times. What captured the writer’s fancy was the basic realistic technique that they all made use of, making supply spending much more useful and also straightforward to recognize.
He afterwards began using the methods as included in the electronic books he would certainly undergone when he learnt that they were all from reality information. In contrast to various other hyped evaluations on loan that he continued reading the net and also the TELEVISION, this attracted attention plainly in distinction.
As time passed, the outcomes of the using the methods started to reveal when the writer since the writer obtained strong returns from simply duplicating the techniques that his 2 coaches utilized to assess supplies.
The writer extremely suggests the program to you due to the fact that it’ll assist you begin gaining risk-free as well as rewarding returns on a constant basis.
Just how does this program job?
The BTMA Financial investment items offer a system that’ll encourage you to buy supplies based upon standards; extensive and also tried and tested that has built-in security margins.
The program writer provides often responses on the efficiency of his very own profile. He even more overviews you down helpful prices details on the supplies that he markets as well as gets to make sure that you can make an evaluation of his realistic technique to supply investing.
The program makes the Financial investment Discovering procedure much more degenerated with:
The Riches Builders Club
Supply Spread sheet
That get great deals of effort you’re bound to run into in the program.
Rates as well as exactly how to obtain The Beat the Market Analyzer
You’ll be pleased to learn more about the unique path cost that the program implemented for you in an initiative to load their vacant areas quick.
You can obtain the 2 week cost-free test on Wide range Builders Club where you’re bound to conserve as well as maintain pocket adjustment due to the affordable cost established. Additionally, you access a sensible rate you obtain complete accessibility to the club.
Will this program help you?
Various websites available will certainly inform you where you ought to spend all your loan and also exactly how to select supplies. Such testimonials have a tendency to be puzzling in determining the rip-off ones from the legitimate ones.
This program reveals you that it is essential to adhere to the areas you recognize ideal whilst choosing supplies. Whether it remains in transport, medicine or software application, this program has its origins installed in these locations to make you select the ideal supplies to conserve your cash.
This should certainly place your worst anxieties; selecting the incorrect supplies hence shedding your loan to remainder. All you need to do is get the Beat the Market Analyser and also begin to make elder as well as enlightened financial investment choices.
Why you require this program
You enjoy tv and also motion pictures concerning cash that make you believe just how it simple it would certainly be to get a supply and also obtain abundant immediately.
The program highlights the much research study as well as a great deal of job that enters into every supply idea. Beat the Market Analyser is your finest choice to widening your understanding on the stock exchange. This is due to the fact that given that the year 2000, the program has actually been an excellent device, effective one at that, and also has actually defeated the market for method over 85% of time.
The program networks Worth Spending; an approach made use of by several millionaires amongst billionaire capitalist Warren Buffet. What this procedure utilizes is that you purchase a haggled cost the trademark name acknowledged business.
This program has something devoid of various other evaluations; a finding out contour for the stock exchange. The important things concerning investing is that choosing the best supply regularly so regarding stay clear of choosing the incorrect supplies that will certainly make you shed cash.
With this system, the complex globe of financial resources is damaged down to comprehensive understanding. All over the world has no trusted system that can do this that makes this program among the leaders in the stock exchange evaluation.
Final Verdict
Financial investment for a newbie capitalist might appear difficult. Skyrocketing to wonderful elevations out there takes some time as well as adhering to the realistic strategy clearly so regarding tease the ideal supplies and also make even more cash instead of choosing incorrect supplies and also shedding cash.
All you need to do is to get this overview and also obtain efficient financial investment today, like various other prominent billionaires like Warren Buffet that increased to magnificence utilizing facets of this program.
– This program is evaluated as well as accepted therefore you do not need to stress over its credibility.
– Given that the year 2000, this program has actually confirmed clever in the feeling that its whole personification has actually defeated the market system.
– Offers you expertise on when to spend right by choosing the best supplies constantly.
– Welcomes an essential financial investment procedure utilized by distinguished billionaires as an included benefit to the customers.
– You may still wind up making the incorrect supply options also after having this program.
– To adjust to the program takes some time as it provided for the writer prior to he lastly damaged the glass ceiling.
I see no much better means to begin your amateur financial investments besides resought to this overview. Its incredibly valuable as well as I ensure you optimal return for you in your financial investment efforts.
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The post Beat The Market Analyzer Review – Does It Really Work? appeared first on Does It Really Work?.
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reneescustoms-blog · 6 years
Commission Deal Breakers
Hello everyone! I plan to take commissions in the near future. But I want to talk about deal breakers for me. You know, the things that will make my decision to deny your commission request on the spot. Most of these have to deal with people trying to get a free commission. Yes, I am aware there are people in the world who struggle financially but people will lie about their situations to get something for free.  This is a list of the No-No's I want out there to avoid getting bratty commissions. I'm aware this will not stop them but hopefully this will decrease the numbers. If you want to get a commission from me or any artist please respect them and don't try to screw them over. It's rude, disrespectful, and of course you'll get nothing if you try to screw them over. 1.) Gross Entitlement  I don't understand why or how people who follow an artist or liked their stuff for, like about a month, get the idea the artist owes them free art just because they're a fan... That is not and never will be the case. I don't care if you've been a "fan" of my work for several years I don't owe you anything. If you were a real fan you'd be happy to support my career and throw around a couple bucks for something.  2.) Manipulation For Free Art  I've heard every Lie/Excuse/Tactic people use to swindle people out of free art. The grossest would be the "My Parent/Guardian is dying in the hospital and I would love free art from you, It'll make me feel better." If it's not their family/friend/pet dying its them who's dying from cancer or they're about to commit suicide and want free art to make them happy. I'm not gonna fall for any sob story...If this stuff is really happening to them, I’m not gonna give them something for free because it’s disgusting they’ll use their family’s misfortune for free stuff. Clearly getting something for free stuff is more important to them than their family member’s health.    When they're not lying about someone dying they try to guilt trip an artist. Some people think just because an artist has commission prices that are "Too high", like for example a well drawn fully detailed digital painting with characters and a background being $50, they assume that artist is filthy rich. Also that person thinks because they're a "supporter" of the artist then that artist should give them something for free as a token of appreciation. Since, you know..they're rich and don't need the $50 from a fan. When they're denied they go on calling the artist selfish, greedy, scammer, or the old "You don't care about the people who support you!" in order to make the artist feel bad. What kind of mentality do you have where you think just because you click on a heart icon the artist should take time out of their schedule to do unpaid work for everyone who followed them in order to show how much they appreciate their fanbase? I'll say it again... Just because you follow and like an artist's stuff doesn't mean they owe you....They're not indebted to you just because you click like on their stuff.... 3.) Tricking Me Into working  The people who do this must think they're clever...(and I use “think” loosely”) They act like they're fully intent on paying for the commission, but when you're almost or you have completely finished working they all of a sudden "don't have the money." You can probably understand how this is really irritating. The person who asked for the commission will try to back out of paying...even though they agreed on the price when they made the request. When this happens they will notice it’s finished and will ask, "Since you're done can I just have it anyway?" I don't draw very well and since I won't be drawing people's OC's I will sell the commissioned prop/collectable online to someone who will appreciate it more. If I end up making props for people who are cosplaying as their OC I'll have to be extra careful when accepting their commission. It won't be a total loss, but I won't appreciate brats like that and will never accept a commission from them again even if they come back swearing up and down they have the money. 4.) Lowballing/Haggling   My perlers are sold at a fixed price based on their size or how many are in a set. My custom collectables/custom props are priced based on quality, time, and effort that's put into them. That‘s very reasonable when I’m selling things I spend days or even weeks working on. If people don't like your prices and try to get you to sell them at an unrealistically low price that should tell you a couple things. Like they're a child or they're ignorant on how much work/effort you put into your art and/or how much your materials actually cost. If someone wants a commission they need to respect the effort the artist puts into their work. These people who make their own "Estimates" based on the artist's tools (assuming they think the artist uses cheap quality material) and expecting that "better price" is disrespectful to the artist. Expecting dollar store prices for a high quality piece of art is really disrespectful and rude. People need to understand they're not paying for the tools/materials, if that were the case the artist should ship them to scammer so they can make the commission themselves. When commissioning you're paying for an artist’s service & time working, NOT for the materials they're using. 5.) Temper Tantrums  This connects to 1-4 since this is a highly plausible reaction when people get denied their free commission. When people see through the beggar's ruse and call them out, the entitled beggar will get angry and throw a tantrum like the petulant child they are....as if that'll get them what they want...They'll cuss you out, say the dumbest shit, threaten to have your accounts banned, and whatever in order to scare you into giving them what they want. I’m not gonna put up with childish tantrums over how the $3 keychain/fridge magnet I'm selling is "too expensive". If you want to go off on me like a fussy baby when you're quest to obtain free art fails, you're not getting anything period.  To all my fellow artist These brats will say anything to retaliate when not getting free art. Things like, “Art isn’t a real job, no one buys art, you’re suppose to do art for fun not for money so you’re selfish and greedy”....and the classic....”you’re the reason the art industry is dying”...these things are so stupid and without logic.. Like saying "Art isn't a job".....What?....People are putting hours of work into their art....and they sell it for money.....working for hours.....to earn money....sounds like a job to me. "But digital art isn't a real job...because it's digital.." Incase you haven't noticed we live in the digital age! Movies are sold digitally! Video games are sold digitally! Songs are sold digitally! SCHOOLS are digital with online classes and in schools students do their work/take tests DIGITALLY via a school issued computer/tablet. So...the people who make these movies/songs/games or even teach online classes...they don't deserve money for their work? Then I guess online streaming services like Netflix should be free and everyone working for Netflix deserves to make $0 because they're working for a digital service! ….There are jobs that are or even require going digital...there's work that requires being digital.....art is one of them....because we live in a digital age   These kids need to understand that commissions are jobs for artists and expecting us to work for free because "Art is fun and they should work for exposure!" is like saying a McDonald's employee should have their pay cut when they serve happy meals because, "a Happy Meal feeds a hungry child and with a toy it makes them happy! So a smile from a child is all the payment the employee needs." and telling that employee that complains about their pay getting cut over serving a happy meal is "Selfish because they care more about money than making sure a child gets a meal in their tummy." Some of us don't have second jobs to support ourselves and rely on every penny from these commissions to feed ourselves, pay bills, and to hopefully move out of our parents house. So yeah, just because people have high commission prices doesn't mean they're rolling in the monies. They're probably high because that money is going towards their living expenses.  "But why can't you get another job to earn more money?"  There are many reasons why. It's probably because there aren't any jobs available, they do have a part time/full time job but it doesn't pay very well, the artist has really bad anxiety or mental disorder that makes it hard to find/keep a job, they don't have a car or any means of transportation to jobs/interviews, or maybe because they want a career mostly involving their skill/passion for the art that they create. For example, I hope to be making props/Special effect props for movies and become the next Tom Savini or more realistically be a well known cosplay artist. Maybe some artist want to become animators and have their own cartoons, perhaps they want to work at DC/Marvel and draw comics, or maybe they want to be on an art team creating artwork for video games, or they have a dream to be a fashion designer. Also with Cosplay becoming more and more mainstream artists have been making a name for themselves making props and costumes.....hmm....it seems like there’s a lot of jobs out there for artists....doesn't seem like the industry is dying.  The whole "art isn't a job because it's fun' argument....if you can call it that....is really...really stupid. It show's their ignorance that they assume jobs are miserable tasks that can get you money. It's not a sin to have a job that makes you feel more fulfilled in life. I'd rather be a happy starving artist living paycheck to paycheck instead of a miserable desk jockey swimming in money. Keep that in mind the next time someone gives you shit for putting a price tag on your art. 
Also be sure to remind them that, Art is a luxury you can live without since it’s not a necessity that you need in order to live like food or water. 
Thank you for reading
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