#lazytown fic
bananaphone---t · 2 years
SportaRobbie | Sportacus Purring Fic (WIP)
"D-did you just... Are you... purring...?"
Sportacus froze in shock, eyes snapping open. "Uh..." He pulled away from the hug. "N-no?" he lied, even as his rapidly reddening face and continual stream of purrs were giving him away.
Not buying it, Robbie raised a brow. "Really?" "Mhm! N-no purring here! I-if there is, it's... it's probably just the kitten nearby! Which reminds me; I better go make sure the little one is okay! Bye Robbie!" Before Sportacus could walk farther than two steps, he heard a soft, but firm, "Sportacus."
The hero stopped in his tracks. "Y-yes, Robbie?" he asked, tentatively. Robbie took one long stride over to Sportacus, then forced the man to face him.
"Sportacus... Tell me the truth..." he encouraged gently. The blue-clad man searched his eyes to find rare, but genuine concern in them. He let out a sigh, looking towards the ground. A beat and he looked back up at the taller man. "Promise you won't tell the kids...?" he asked quietly.
"Cross my heart," the villain confirmed, making an 'X' across his heart. Sportacus let out another sigh before looking both left and right, then over both his own and Robbie's shoulders. With another sigh, Sportacus kept his eyes downward as he began to fidget with his Crystal's casing. "It... I-it happens sometimes when I'm happy... I-I've done my best to hide it from the kids but... Well, Stephanie knows... but to my knowledge, the rest of them don't, so please, Robbie? Please... Don't tell them?"
Now, this was interesting. Sportacus pleading with Robbie for once to keep a secret instead of Robbie pleading to be rescued? That was new. He might be able to use this to his advantage-
Sportacus mistook Robbie's hesitance as an indirect way of telling him that he'd reveal Sportacus' secret to the kids. With a sigh, Sportacus stopped his fidgeting and began to turn away. "I... I guess I'll just have to leave town... No one wants a freak like me in their town," he mumbled.
Robbie froze for a moment before grabbing the shorter man's shoulder and turning him back towards him, then putting his other hand on the other shoulder. "Now, listen here, Sportakook! I haven't been trying for years to get you out of this town only for you to leave on your own accord! If you're going to leave, it's going to be my doing! Not anyone else's, much less yours!" he shouted, then, with a sigh, brought his hands up to cup the man's face with a small fond smile, "Besides... Everyone already knows you're a freak... A health freak," he finished, lifting the man's hat slightly and placing a kiss on his forehead, earning a small laugh from the shorter man.
Sportacus' face had just been starting to return to its normal color and his purring had quietened, only to have his face flushed pink again and the purring to grow loud enough to sound like a tiger roaring from inside his body.
A laugh escaped Robbie's mouth as he pushed the elf's hat up more so he could ruffle his hair, earning a small shriek from Sportacus at the prospect of one of the kids seeing his ears, though that didn't stop him from laughing as well.
A content sigh escaped the elf as he hugged his boyfriend. "I love you, Robbie." Robbie wrapped one arm around the elf's waist while bringing his other hand up to cup the back of his head, resting his chin on the shorter man's head. "Love you, too, Sportaflop."
[So, I'm a big fan of the Sportacus purring head-canon. This is something I've had in the works for about a month or two now, but I'm still not sure how to continue it. So for now, here's the snippet of what I have... Feel free to comment, reblog, or dm, ways for this fic to lead up to the purring and/or maybe a better ending! When the fic is complete, I'll make sure to give you credit for your contributions. 💕 Anyways, hope you enjoyed! 💕]
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retrobr · 5 months
So it's a canon fact that Sportacus is an elf.
But now, when I know it for sure, I can't help but wonder how Robbie knows that he's an elf, since there are no visual hints at that.......
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xbydefault · 4 months
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I'm never going to finish this one because I just can't seem to get the face right
WIP fic art back from when I wrote Definition of Insanity flower scene
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honeyvanity · 9 months
things of all time*
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*fics of 2023
i couldn't find last year's font :(
again, template and idea from @witchyficbindery - i swear i was so, so, SO excited for this, and, again, it's so good to have a look back! i read a truly incredible amount of wonderful stories this year and you all made me cry and laugh and stay alive, and i couldn't be more grateful. choosing was truly hard. (this year's finalists: self-exploration through the kink!) happy new year, and thank you. READ THESE EVERYONE!!!!
Death Kindly Stopped by @kushielsmercy (The Witcher, Geralt/Jaskier)
there you are by @wingedquill (The Witcher, Geralt/Jaskier)
bet on losing dogs by f0urshame (OFMD, Ed/Izzy)
All I Have, I Give to You by @round--robin (The Witcher, Eskel/Geralt/Lambert)
Wrong Place, Wrong Time by @sssrha (HP, Dumbledore/Grindelwald)
lessons in wayfinding by @penandinkprincess (TLOU, Ellie & Joel)
of wounded minds and wounded souls (we are coming home) by @cardigains (TLOU, Ellie & Joel)
Try to Remember by hobbitdragon (The Witcher, Borch/Geralt)
And This, Your Living Kiss by @asecretvice (Supernatural, Dean/Castiel)
Definition of Insanity by @xbydefault (LazyTown, Robbie Rotten/Sportacus)
Twisted Ivy by @autistichalsin (Baldur's Gate 3, Astarion/Halsin)
Telling the Bees by @cibeewastaken (HP, Draco/Harry)
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arkos404 · 1 year
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short comic based on a scene from bound by @trixie-troubleby, an amazing sportarobbie fic whose praise i cant sing enough and the thing that singlehandedly pulled me into a fandom i havent been invested in in years, i really recomend it even if youre not that into the show because honestly its just that good, here’s the summary!
Robbie and Sportacus both preferred to keep their distance from the courts of intrigue and political rivalries of their respective people. But when an alliance is proposed between the trickster court and the northern elves, they are forced to try and continue their normal lives, while magically bound to each other.
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wendigoruble · 3 months
Don't Tell: Very short One-shot
Trixi tells Robbie something important.
"Ugh that Sportaflop is just- just!! Ugh! I cant do anything without him flipping about! Him with his muscles and his crystical,"Robbie makes mock beeping sounds and taps his chest with his fingers,"Oh someone's in trouble! What do they see in him!? His great attitude!? His smile!? It's not hard to smile! Why I-" 
"Hey Robbie!" A voice calls out from behind him.
Robbie whips around and he's met with the girl in red.. Tricky? That sounds right. She's looking up at him with this almost knowing glint in her eyes. He frowns and stands himself up right with a huff.
"What do you want Tricky?" 
"Its Trixi! I just noticed you watching the basketball game they're having. Did you wanna play with them too? I bet they-"
"No! Why would I way to play with them? I hate sports!" Robbie cuts in.
"You've been watching them for twenty minutes,"Trixi reasons as she looks back at the court. Sportacus is now sitting on the ground to rest with a happy little smile on his face,"I just thought you might like to play... Sportacus would like it if you played." 
Robbie opens then closes his mouth. Something here feels off.. It feels like the red kid knows something that he doesn't and he doesn't like that one bit. He narrows his eyes and leans down to her level. With his chin tilted up slightly he asks with an annoyed sing-song tone.
"Why do you care about that?" 
Trixi takes a step back and the seems to be thinking for a moment. Maybe weighing her options before she responds with a,"Sportacus told us he likes you." Its said with an air of certainty and almost smugness.
"WHAT!?" Robbie shoots back up and nearly slams himself into the wall in doing so. He doesn't know how to respond to that. He doesn't know if he actually can. Sportacus likes him? But Sportacus likes everybody! What weight does that hold to him, especially coming from a kid? 
Before either of them can continue their conversation, as if on cue, Sportacus runs over with the white and blue basketball still in his hands. He looks concerned as he glances between the both of them. 
"Are you okay? I heard yelling." 
"We're fine,"Trixi smiles,"I was just telling Robbie about how much you like him."
"I like everybody!" Sportacus laughs softly and puts a hand on his hip,"Even Robbie, deapite our many differences." 
That doesn't seem to be the response Trixi wanted to hear but Robbie certainly is blushing up a storm and grumbling as he walks away from the situation. Once the villain is out of sight that's when Sportacus looks at Trixi with slight concern. If his ears were exposed right now they'd be laying flat back. He kneels down to her level and sets the ball aside.
"Trixi, that was very rude what you just did." He says calmly. 
"But you said you liked him! I heard it, you said it yesterday! "
"I know that, but you can't go confessing peoples feelings for each other like this. I wasn't ready to tell him yet. This can make people very uncomfortable. Robbie seemed very uncomfortable with this, I would have liked to tell him myself."
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lagomort · 1 year
wait you met your gf writing lazytown fanfic lol????
Yeah. If you sort LazyTown fanfics by hits, uh... there we are. #1 and #2. Sugar Plums and Talk is Cheap.
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My girlfriend @gunsforeyes is #3 on kudos, though. Slot #2 when you sort by kudos is taken up by @edgebug's fantastic (like a hero) in the half-light. Very well deserved given they're a great writer, though. If you want to read some vintage Lazytown fic I think they were big on my old fic rec lists.
But yeah. Me and my girlfriend have been together for 6 years now and only got together because we talked about my Lazytown OC. Robbie Rotten gay blessings etc.
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trixie-troubleby · 1 year
“Sportacus… even if you say you’re sorry, Robbie doesn’t have to forgive you.” Stephanie said awkwardly.
Sportacus stopped, lowering himself to sit on the wall. “I– I know that.” He said. “I just… I want to be able to coexist in Lazytown with him. I don’t want him to spend the summer locking himself in his lair and not spending time with you all just because I left.”
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musicalpancakes77 · 2 years
It’s that time of year again, I got off my ass and made sure to finish a chapter! This time someone very special has finally arrived in Lazytown, oooo :]
As usual, I hope you all enjoy, and thank you for reading!
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sportacringe · 2 years
Iterations - a Lazytown Fic
My submission for @spookysecretfriendday as a gift to my secret friend @electricityisinmysoul
Summary: Sportacus begins to remember things that he should not. There used to be more people in Lazytown, and they had different names.
(to be cross-posted onto AO3)
It started with a sense of deja-vu.
Flashes of something as Sportacus went about his day, helping the townspeople and playing with the children. In a moment someone’s face would seem to change, or he would feel the wrong name at the tip of his tongue. Sportacus ignored it. He had a whole town and its children to keep him busy.
As summer drew to a close and the leaves of Lazytown’s lush trees began to change, the children returned to school, and so were eager to run and burn off all of their excess energy in the evenings–teaching the other children what they had learned in their physical education classes, and asking Sportacus for clarification of any rules they might have forgotten. It was the kind of studying that Sportacus found that he could get behind.
 Still the days became somewhat lonely with only the danger-prone adults for company.
 Sportacus had more free time to think.
Sometimes as he jogged down the empty streets Sportacus could have sworn that they had once been filled by a whole ensemble of townsfolks of all ages. In the back of his mind he could hear their voices, see their faces, and then he’d blink and they’d be gone again. He felt as though he were dreaming even as he was awake.
Solitude was not new to Sportacus, he knew that he had been alone many times in his life. His memory was as clear as a script, as sharp as thorns. 
But the feeling was eerie.
On some days the only person he spotted before three o’clock was Robbie. It seemed that the villain had decided to take advantage of the quiet the school year provided by napping more conspicuously above ground. He sprawled out in benches, in patches of sunlight, and sometimes even in soft colorful piles of fallen leaves–Sportacus made a point not to step on him, no matter where he lay.
 When the bells signaling the end of the school day sounded the villain would either pick up his pillow and slouch off, or roll over and snooze on until one of the children tripped over him.
Despite himself, Sportacus found his adversary’s presence comforting. In a world that was quickly becoming full of echoes the antagonist’s presence felt comforting. Solid. Like he was supposed to be there.
It came to a head one day as the children were dancing, full of energy after a long day of sitting at desks. Pixel had brought out a sound system and set it up along the basketball court, and Stephanie and Trixie had decided to compete to see who was the better dancer–the entire contest was to be choreographed and judged by Stingy who had taken the leadership role with vigor.
Sportacus watched from the side, learning the choreography along with the girls and hopping and flipping along to the beat. Ziggy had already declared the hero as the best dancer before Sportacus reminded the boy that he was not technically a part of the contest.
As Stephanie had finished off with a flourish Sportacus found himself clapping enthusiastically, bounding towards the girls-
“Great job Solla!”
And with that utterance something clicked.
Sportacus could feel himself freeze as the girls turned to him simultaneously, confusion written across their faces. It was like seeing double, even as he looked at his own young friends they seemed to flash in and out, a riot of color and body types and names echoing within his skull.
“Who’s Solla? Stephanie asked, even as she warped and changed shape before his eyes. There were so many, different faces and eyes and hair, all with the same expression of earnest confusion.
“Ah... No one…” Sportacus chuckled nervously. Even as he glanced away the other children seemed to shift, hauntingly it seemed like there were new children, or children who he’d somehow forgotten, dancing at the edges of his vision. Over Ziggy’s shoulder a youth in a green beanie stood, his expression sleepy and warm. Sportacus blinked and the youth’s hat turned yellow as his face changed, then before his eyes the youth vanished. “You just looked like someone I knew a long time ago for a moment there Stephanie!” 
After the hero’s reassurance the other children seemed to relax, looking at one another and laughing. Trixie nodded and rejoined the group, while Stephanie lingered. She seemed unconvinced, but said no more. With some effort Sportacus pulled himself together and they continued their games, dancing along to the music as though there weren’t unseen children dancing along with them.
Robbie approached him the next day.
It was yet another lonely morning, mist hung about in the streets obscuring empty neighborhoods that Sportacus had never taken the time to look at before. It soaked the piles of leaves on the ground, sending a chill spray through the air as the hero jogged through them. The children–however many of them there were–were at school, Bessie was puttering about her house, and Mayor Meanswell was in his office. He had not seen Robbie yet. 
Try as he might, Sportacus found that he could not picture any other adults in this town. Logically he knew that the children had parents, that the post office and grocery store functioned, that a police station stood proud and tall on Main Street, but there was no whisper of voices inhabiting these places.
Sportacus jogged on.
Just as he was nearing the end of his run he spotted Robbie, who was approaching him with purpose, his prominent features and bright clothing shining like a lighthouse through the persistent mist. 
The villain strode up to him with uncharacteristic speed, the cold morning light moving through lingering mist and twisting the villain’s features. At one moment Robbie’s face seemed to stretch and rubberize until only a particularly dead-eyed puppet remained, the next he seemed just a man. His features became less and then more exaggerated until they settled upon the familiar shape and profile. 
“You’re slipping Sportadork.” Robbie sneered at Sportacus’s flabbergasted expression. “Come with me.” 
Robbie’s lair looked the same as ever. 
Sportacus found himself walking behind Robbie through a ground level entrance–the difference from the status quo simultaneously dreamlike and unsettling–and down a set of winding stairs into the main atrium where the villain’s orange chair sat. This as well was the same as ever. It was only the eerie silence from Robbie, and Sportacus’s own measured footsteps that were different. 
Robbie led them further inside.
Off a hallway, deep in the bowels of the earth was an office space, a desk and two chairs. One a large pink wing-back, and the other plain and wooden. They sat.
“My name is Glanni Glæpur.” The villain began, something haunting in his eyes. For a moment his distinctive features shined like plastic. Sportacus blinked. “And you’re Íþróttaálfurinn.”
It was a long name, multisyllabic and heavily accented in a way that echoed the way that Sportacus himself spoke. There had been times when Robbie’s cadence had matched his like a set, but his inflection was usually less profound. Now he seemed to speak with an echo, as though two languages were coming through at once.
“At least-” Robbie continued, seemingly choosing his words carefully “Those are our names most of the time. Like how you called Pinkie Solla, and how her little friend Tricky is Halla.”
It sounded familiar. Sportacus didn’t want to believe Robbie, but as the words left the villain’s mouth it felt as though something had clicked into place in Sportacus’s brain, like changing gears on a bicycle. Íþróttaálfurinn. Já, ég er Íþróttaálfurinn.
“Robbie” Sportacus continued, not quite ready to try out these new–old–names. “What is going on? How do you know all of this?”
In response Robbie sighed, his expression exhausted. He rubbed his face with a long-fingered hand and when the hand fell away his face had changed. His hair was messier, his chin less distinct. Even his makeup had smeared, taking away the fine arch that had been painted meticulously upon his brow.
“Every story needs a hero, and most of them need a villain too.” Robbie–Glanni?–began. “I know I’m a villain, an antagonist, I talk about it all the time. It doesn’t matter because no one takes what I say too seriously, so my knowledge doesn’t interrupt the narrative.”
The what?
“The narrative” Robbie responded, as though Sportacus had spoken aloud. In truth he had simply pulled a remarkably dramatic face. “The story. You’re the hero, I’m the villain, and all of the children in town are audience stand-ins who exist to move the narrative forward.”
This was making less and less sense. Sportacus’s heart and thoughts raced, but he listened on. Robbie seemed honest--desperate even.
As Robbie spoke on he stood, his arms raising as his gestures became more and more emphatic. “Bessie and the Mayor are supporting characters. There were other adults, they’re gone now, and the kids keep changing. I think it’s because the audience is changing too, I don’t know. All I do know is that every time the story repeats it gets a little more streamlined.” 
“Wait wait wait Robbie!” Sportacus stood as well, stepping in Robbie’s path to stop his pacing. “The story? The Audience? What are you suggesting?!” 
“What I’m telling you” Robbie’s face morphed again, this time right in front of Sportacus’s eyes, the change made him dizzy as the villain’s face lengthened again into the frightening rubber puppet. For a moment he looked almost like the rest of the town folks–by the stars the town folks looked like Robbie. 
“What I’m telling you is that we’re not real Sportaflop! We were characters in a book, actors in a play that repeated over and over, and now we’re in the middle of something else…” Robbie trailed off “Something else, something that doesn’t repeat itself the same way.”
For a moment silence lingered between them as Sportacus struggled to process the half-formed memories and impressions that rose up from deep within his mine.
“We were men on a plane…” Spotacus finally whispered, his head fuller than it had ever been, stuffed tight with echoes and colors and melodies. 
“NO!” Robbie stopped abruptly. “Never ever think back that far. Don’t try to remember that.” He reached a quick fingered hand to tug at Sportacus’s mustache and the sharp pain made him blink. Robbie’s face had returned to normal. “Those men aren’t us, and dwelling on them won’t help us.” 
“Okay.” Sportacus agreed. It felt like all of his energy had left him, as surely as if he’d taken a bite from a cupcake, or sprinted to the North Pole and back. “Okay Robbie, then what will?”
“Play your part.” Robbie responded, his eyes serious. “Play it well, don’t create any reason for changes or rewrites, don’t focus too much on the children or on Mayor Meanswell and Bessie. If they keep doing what they’re doing, maybe they’ll last. They’ve made it this far.”
“What happened to the other people?” It was cold in the lair, and Sportacus was tired. More and more Robbie’s words seemed true for all that the very idea was ridiculous. There was no other way to explain why he remembered songs that he’d never sung, people that he had never met. 
The whole strange tale of Glanni Glæpur’s gambit of enslaving Lazytown and locking Solla and Halla away was clear in his mind, as though he’d lived it and then lived it again and again. Clear as a script, as sharp as thorns
“I think they must have been written out.” Said Robbie, whose voice was unsure for the first time since their conversation had begun. “They weren’t useful to the story anymore–it keeps changing.” 
Sportacus nodded, before asking “Will that happen to us?” 
Robbie shrugged, his normal formalwear seemed wrong now, to Sportacus’s eye, as though it was taking the place of the black catsuit or the pink coat. He ignored the feeling.
“Maybe this is the last version of the story that will be told. Maybe not.”
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tonnbonn · 1 year
OKAY SO to start off, 1980s to maybe early 2000s still deciding, but a high school au around those times and OF COURSE sportadweeb is like the new exchange student yeah yeah sue me IT GETS WORSE BEFORE IT GETS BETTER OKAY anyways robbie ofc has his lil dream team and through out the course of the story, it'll basically be based off of sayyyy a little bit of grease (musicals inspire me it'smandatorybeing a theatre kid), maybe oh idk pretty in pink, DIFFIDENTLY THE BREAKFAST CLUB, and for aesthetics I'd like to heavily incorporate a wes Anderson feel (did I also mention itll be in the format of a silly little picture book) SO YUP TMRS MONDAY AND AT SCHOOL I'LL START ORGANISING CHARACTERS and if I'm lucky enough I'll start writing the PROLOGUE YAAAAYYYY
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bananaphone---t · 2 years
"I can't feel my legs." or "You're shaking." for the prompts list? >:)c
Hello, Anon! So sorry it's taken me so long to get to this! Regardless, I hope I was able to bring whatever you visioned to life, and if not, I hope you still enjoy it. 💕
Prompts list
That's What I Was Gonna Say
“You can do this, Robbie. You can do this. It’s just asking that stupid, flippity-floppity blue elf on a date. It can't be that hard,” Robbie said.
The villain was finally going to do it.
He’d been secretly pining for the love of his nemesis for years. He’d tried time and again to leave small hints of his feelings for the elf, but it seemed that the blue-clad man was too oblivious to catch on.
So, it was up to Robbie to initiate the first step in taking their relationship further. And that day would be today. And if things went south? Well... He’d be crushed... devastated... heartbroken...
Robbie shook the thoughts from his head. “No matter. If he says no, I’ll just... use those feelings to fuel my intense hatred for him and his gross... healthiness... ness... ”
“Hi, Robbie!”
Letting out a girlish shriek, the villain jumped a foot in the air, before being caught and held by a pair of strong arms. After a moment of clinging for his life to the hero, Robbie looked around. Upon noticing nothing that frightening was nearby, he began to squirm in the other man’s arms. “Let me go!”
Sportacus smiled slightly. “As you wish,” he said as he gently set the other man on his feet, “Sorry for scaring you, Robbie.” Now with both feet on the ground, the taller of the pair tugged on the bottom of his vest, straightening it out, then ran a hand over his slicked-back hair. “I... I wasn’t scared... I... I meant to do that...” he said, tone nonchalant.
Sportacus smiled fondly, nodding his head in playful agreement. Robbie cleared his throat. “But, uh... even if I was scared... You can...” He stood taller. “You can hardly blame me, considering your habit of sneaking around, Sportascare.”
Sportacus’s smile seemed to dim slightly. “Sorry, Robbie.”
Oh, no, no, no. Not a fading smile. No... If it drops any further he’s going to get that terrible kicked puppy look on his face!
“Uh... Don’t worry about it... Anyways, I...” He cleared his throat again, standing at his full height. “All right, now listen up, Sportaflop. I’ve something very important to say, and I’m only going to say it once, so you better be able to hear me even with those pointy ears of yours being hidden.”
Sportacus subconsciously reached on of his hands up, grazing it over the side of his hat where the tip of an elf ear was hiding underneath, wondering how Robbie seemed know about them when he’s never taken his hat off.
“I know what you’re thinking and I’m not stupid, okay?” Robbie sighed, upon noticing the behavior.
Sportacus’s frown from earlier deepened. “I know that, Robbie... What makes you think I would think that? You’re...” He a took step closer to the other man, taking his hands in his.
Robbie raised a brow, a frown forming on his own face—different than his normal scowling frown; rather than it’s usually malice, this one held... concern. “You’re shaking.”
There. For the first time since their interaction, the blue kangaroo’s smile actually came back, albeit small.
“To tell you the truth, I have been shaking ever since I came down from the airship to talk to you...” A deep breath. “An-anyways... You... You shouldn’t sell yourself short, Robbie... You’re really smart, smarter than I think you give yourself enough credit for... When it comes to plans and inventions... you’re an absolute genius!”
The elf turned his head away, though as he did, Robbie could swear he saw his cheeks beginning to take on a rosey hue.
“You’re smart... and funny... and handsome... and kind... and... even though we're complete opposites, I... I’ve kinda found myself... liking that... about us... I... I like that you challenge me... and Robbie, I just... I’ve gotta say this before I lose my nerve...” He then turned his brilliant blue eyes up to meet greenish-grey ones—Robbie always reminded him of the ocean; calm and gentle until something sets the waves into further motion, and his eyes were a perfect example of that; calm and greenish-grey now, but stormy when he was sad or angry, bluer when he was happy- okay, he’d better stop.
“Robbie Rotten... I love you...”
Robbie’s eyes widened.
“Y-You...” he pointed a finger at Sportacus, “love... me...?” he then pointed his finger toward himself.
Sportacus’s gaze shyly turned to the ground as he rubbed the back of his neck, making the man before the him look a far cry from the usually-so-confident hero. “Y-yeah.”
A grin grew on Robbie's face before he let out a laugh. Sportacus looked up at him with a mixture of surprise, offense, and confusion. “What’s so funny?"
“Nothing really,” Robbie said with a slight chuckle still. “It’s just that... Well, that's what I was on my way to tell you!”
Sportacus’s own eyes widened before he let out a small chuckle of his own. “Really?” “Yes!”
The two of them continued to laugh together, before finally, Sportacus grabbed the front of Robbie’s vest, making his eyes widen.
“I love you, Robbie Rotten...” he said softly, then pulled the other man into a kiss.
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retrobr · 4 months
GAHDAMMIT I've been thinking about one idea for a potential fic for quite a while, but since I'm a lazy ass and probably won't write it I decided to share it with y'all (because if I don't share it I'll definitely explode)
This post is a little bit long but AHHHHH WHATEVER JUST-
Imagine: Chef Pablo stays in Lazytown under any circumstances; maybe he grew fond of the kids and the citizens and decided to stay there; or maybe he has nothing much to do in his hometown. He becomes nice friends with Sportacus since they both like healthy food, and after a while they found out that they have quite a lot in common. Due to Pablo's expressive and sort of passionate nature, he doesn't keep himself from making nice comments towards the hero and even flirting friendly with him—it's just the way he is. 
And oops, one day Robbie, being the sneaky and kind of nosy guy he is, "accidentally" stumbles upon one of their cute conversations (mostly led by Pablo because I already mentioned why), and for some unexplainable reason he feels an odd sort of anger about it, only to realize a little bit later that the aforementioned anger was a simple jealousy: someone who's way more charming and successful than him gains a lot of trust from the hero and even seems to try being sweet on him? An unpleasant discovery, like a nasty slap in the face.
Since Robbie just couldn't sit still and do absolutely nothing after that, he thinks about all that situation for some time and decides to do something bad and even risky: he could disguise himself as Pablo and take his position, and then, after he's gained enough of Sport's trust, get rid of him by cruelly breaking his heart and make him leave the town forever.
Robbie kidnaps Pablo once again, keeps him in his lair, and, after that, disguises himself as a popular chef. It takes him some time to get used to his new role because from now on he has to behave like Pablo, not for one day but for a longer time.
This time, wearing his disguise, Robbie's actually trying to be nice towards Sportacus and stay in character as neatly as possible; he mimics Pablo's behavior, accent and intonations of his voice, characteristic phrases, and even some of his flirty lines and side-comments, which he happened to hear that unfortunate day. The hero, on his part, doesn't seem to mind it all or notice something odd about it: he keeps being kind as ever to "Pablo" and spending his free hours with him.
But there appears to be one very unexpected thing: Robbie notices himself liking his new role more and more with each passing day (even though it means that he has to cook healthy meals and be kind to those brats). And, even more surprising, he begins to actually enjoy Sport's company; making him smile by telling some amusing made-up stories from Pablo's life and even complimenting him from time to time became one of his favorite pastimes.
As a result, he doesn't want Sport to leave the town anymore. Robbie doesn't even want to go home some days (where, I should point out, Pablo still remains and complains about his kidnapping) because his company urges his chest to bubble with happiness and affection, which never ever happened before, and it makes him feel sort of giddy. 
And then comes the day when Robbie decides to finally push their friendship to a new level. But — oh, what an unfortunate plot twist — the hero doesn't reciprocate his initiative because, surprise-surprise, his heart already longs for some other person. And then there is some sort of dialogue like:
'W-wait, but for who?!' Robbie is incredibly disappointed and left heartbroken himself (what an irony); his facade of his new role shatters, and his voice unintentionally breaks into his characteristic hysterical intonation.
'Well, his name is Robbie, and he's actually a very amusing and smart person. I feel like I could trust you, so that's why-'
And that is the moment when Robbie's poor brain just goes completely numb and dumb, and then he does something unbelievably stupid: he takes off his disguise and reveals his true identity.
What happens next? Who knows. Probably something good, but, you know, since I've shared this idea with y'all, it's up to you guys to interpret its ending 🤭
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xbydefault · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LazyTown Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robbie Rotten/Sportacus Characters: Robbie Rotten, Sportacus, Very Brief Bessie Busybody Additional Tags: Drunken Confessions, sick fic kind of, two tropes in one in other words, rated T because of inebriation, this one goes out to what we locally refer to as 'Drunk Moose Season' Series: Part 3 of Tropes Summary:
Sportacus has a bad apple and Robbie finds himself with little choice but to look after him, until his stupid airship decides that he's fit eough to enter it anyway. Awkwardness ensues.
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nosferatufaggot · 2 years
Probably have said this before, but everytime I watch Lazytown I get kinda sad. I have so much fun watching Lazytown and I always leave the show wanting to be Sportacus. Let out all the energy inside me, jump over walls, do backflips, kick things high up. I want to have all the fun that the show tells the audience to have.
But then the final song comes on. I know the dance. I dance along in my haste to get out all the energy. I'm so happy and excited to play along with the show, alwaysforgetting what's most important in that moment. I'll never be Sportacus. I'll never be Stephanie. I have asthma.
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h0u-h0u · 2 years
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Welp my hyperfixation lazytown slithered back again, so here are some old doodles that I made of young!robbie a few months ago
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