#I get that people are excited to see Harry in the wild
bbydoll18xx · 3 months
She's Such a Good Girl
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You move in across the hall from Paige Bueckers. It doesn’t take long before she tries to shatter your innocent persona. And you just let her. 
Paige Bueckers x reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Themes: reader is a shy lil baby, a few inappropriate thoughts, paige being a huge flirt
A/N: hiii cuties! So I had a few ideas I've been toying around with, so I merged them together and came up with this. Also the third part of 'I Can Do It With a Broken Heart' will hopefully be out soon but I'm still trying to figure out the direction I want to take it in. Enjoy!
Your breaths are ragged as you lug your final suitcase through the front door of your new apartment. It was your senior year at UCONN, and you and your roommates had been assigned a new apartment, which you were ecstatic about. Long gone were the days of being squished into an old dorm room. And you were very excited about the lack of noise, which had kept you from your much needed 10 hours of sleep the past few years. 
The August heat was stifling, but you welcomed the cool air coming through the vents, as you began organizing your new bedroom to perfection. Eagerness bubbled in your chest as you thought about your upcoming year before graduation. You’d finally be free. 
College was supposed to be the time to find yourself before being inevitably dragged into the cruel pits of the real world. It was the time to go wild, get drunk often, and maybe even meet the love of your life. But you had spent your weekends studying and fine tuning the ‘good girl’ persona that you had adopted when you were a child. 
You were the eldest daughter with a raging people pleasing complex, and it was starting to feel like your downfall. Your two roommates had found adoring boyfriends, and they often found themselves drunk as hell on the weekends, reveling in being young and carefree. You were growing to hate your crippling shyness.
You’d be lying if you said your lack of experience hadn’t started to weigh on you. You really wanted to learn how to put yourself out there. But you were dreadfully shy, and the idea of dating or hooking up was terrifying. Your innocence was fucking embarrassing. How would you explain to someone that you were a virgin? And what if they thought you were too timid to be good in bed?
So you just continued on as you had been throughout college; you studied, and you buried yourself in your imagination, and you prayed and hoped that someone would be willing to overlook all of your own insecurities. 
Your thoughts of pity are interrupted by your two roommates calling your name. You walk out of your bedroom into the living room where the two girls are sharing shiteating grins, and you send them a questioning look.
“You’ll never guess who is across the hall from us,” Sarah says slyly, causing a pang of worry to shoot through your chest. The smirk on her face grew as you asked who it was.
“Paige Bueckers,” your other roommate, Taylor, shrieks as your face turns bright red.
“You’re fucking joking, right?” You whisper, eyes automatically flitting towards your door. 
“Nope! I saw her and Aubrey Griffin walk out of the apartment literally five minutes ago,” Taylor announces, laughing as you fall backwards onto the couch.
“This is not good,” you whine dramatically, hands covering your face. 
“Now you can see her pretty face every day,” Sarah all but sings, taking great pleasure in how uncomfortable you felt.
You scoff in indignation. “I can see her pretty face every day from the safety and comfort of my phone. It’s not like I’m actually ever going to talk to her.”
Your roommates pout at your sheer stubbornness. They had been trying to get you out of your shell from the last few years, much to your displeasure. 
“C’mon, you’re so hot. You could totally catch Paige’s eye. You gotta have more confidence, girl,” Taylor all but whines exasperatedly. 
“Yeah, sure,” you snort derisively. “Maybe while I’m at it, I can rizz up Harry Styles.” You roll your eyes at their ridiculousness.
They sigh in unison, stopping their pleading.
“We’ll just have to see what happens,” Taylor says with a dramatic wink, causing you to stick out your tongue childishly. 
“I have spent the last three years avoiding Paige Bueckers’ beauty. I can do it one more year.”
Little did you know, though, that it would become quite hard to avoid the tall blonde.
Friday evening rolls around quickly, and because it was the last weekend before classes started, the students were eager to party it up. You had hoped the apartment building would be quiet, empty from the throngs of students out partying elsewhere. But the girls of the basketball team had other ideas.
The last few days, you had seen multiple girls coming and going from Paige’s apartment. The noise had been loud, but nothing too crazy. It was well known that the girls often went live on tiktok or instagram, and you had heard their laughter across the hall last night. So far, though, the volume levels had maintained a respectable level. 
You had obviously jinxed yourself by thinking that, as the laughter and music pounded through your own walls. The cacophonous sound sent you spiraling. If you wanted them to be quieter, you would have to go ask them to turn it down, and you hated confrontation.
But you were alone tonight, and if you wanted to go to sleep at a decent hour, that was your only option. 
You move in front of the mirror in your bathroom, subconsciously fixing your hair and muttering words of encouragement to yourself. You could do this. Paige is just a regular person. Sure, she was ridiculously attractive, but she was just a girl.
You walk out of the apartment into the hallway, your heart pounding dangerously as you near the door. The volume was insane, and you felt momentarily sad that you were wasting your Friday night alone at home, while everyone was having the time of their lives. 
You shake your head, internally chastising yourself for the brutal thoughts, and with all the courage you could muster up, you knock loudly on the door, hoping the basketball team could hear it through the noise. 
A few moments pass, and you momentarily think you’re about to pass out before the door opens and you are met with the glorious face of Paige fucking Bueckers. 
You gulp, immediately grabbing a lock of hair to play with, desperately attempting to mask your anxiety. You bite your lip and look up at her.
“H-hi,” you stutter, feeling the blush bloom in your cheeks. “I’m so sorry to bother you guys, but the music is a little loud.”
Paige's face morphs into a look of surprise. “Oh shit. I’m sorry. I told KK to turn it down, but no one listens to me around here,” she jokes. “You live across the hall, right? I’m Paige!”
Her friendliness doesn’t necessarily shock you; she was well known for being a genuinely kind person around campus, but the fact that she knew who you were does shock you.
“Uh, yeah I do.” You introduce yourself with a shy smile, growing warmer under her gaze.
“Why don’t you come hang with us?” She prods, gesturing towards the living room with a large grin on her beautiful fucking face. 
Your carefully crafted plan to forget about Paige this year was crumbling around you. And before you could even begin to thinking about stopping yourself, you shyly accept her invitation.
There was no going back now. 
Paige ushers you in, leading you into the chaos, where most of the basketball team were enthralled in making tiktoks. 
As you walk in and stand next to Paige, you look around, all but staring at the tall girls. The whole basketball team was ridiculously attractive, and it made your shyness increase tenfold. Paige gets their attention, and their eyes turn to you as Paige introduces you. 
“She just moved in across the hall. And I told you the music was too loud, KK,” Paige adds, sending a sharp look towards the younger girl. 
She grins mischievously, walking up to you with the swagger you could only dream of having. 
“Sorry, girly pop, we’ll keep it down next time,” KK says, sending you a wink. You giggle in response, feeling more at ease already. 
Paige introduces you to the rest of the team. They’re all so friendly, and your nervous demeanor slowly melts away as you acclimate to their boisterousness. They take turns talking to you, but Paige stays beside you, never being more than an arms length away. 
You weren’t going to read into it. But the little voice in your head was screaming in both apprehension and glee. In the same way, you did not want to leave her side. In an insanely short amount of time, her presence had become a comfort to you, and you weren’t quite ready to give that up yet. So despite it being well past your respectable bedtime, you powered through, Paige’s aura energizing you. 
As you mused over your thoughts, Paige was stuck in her own head. She had seen you around campus before; your pretty face was a difficult one to forget, and she was secretly delighted when she had opened her door to reveal your timid face. 
She was determined to break you out of your shell. Little did she know how much she would. 
You look down at your phone a while later, and you’re shocked to see that it was just past midnight. You could not remember the last time you were out that late, and a yawn threatens to escape from the depths of your throat. You subtly rub at your eyes, and Paige doesn’t miss it. 
She nudges you, and you look up to gaze at her bright blue eyes.
God, she was so pretty. 
“You sleepy?” She asks teasingly, and you nod, a blush creeping up your neck again. 
“I’m not used to staying up this late. I should probably head back home,” you say, regret lacing your words. 
Paige nods, standing up to walk you out to the door. You don’t miss how her hand grazes your waist as she guides you. 
You wave goodbye to the girls who still remained, and they enthusiastically bid you a goodnight, making you promise to join them again soon. 
“Thanks for letting me crash,” you profess, heart still pounding dangerously from the subtle touches, tingles on your waist left in her wake. 
“Course,” she shrugs, a smirk on her face. She hands you her phone. “Let me know if we’re too loud again,” she whispers, leaning down to your ear. 
Her closeness has you flustered, and you quickly enter your contact information, avoiding the heat of her gaze. 
As you hand her cell phone back, her fingers brush across yours, and you subconsciously bite your lip to hold back a shaky breath from the view of her long fingers and her big, veiny hands. 
The smirk doesn’t fade from Paige’s face as she notices you staring, and your face erupts in a vicious blush once more. . 
With a bashful wave and a smile, you leave, all but running back into your apartment. Your heart was pounding, and there was a slight ache down in your most intimate area that had you squirming in desire. 
Your little crush on Paige had been unrelenting the last few years, but it was still just casual. Things had changed, though, and now your feelings were undeniable. Long gone were the days of ignoring your sexuality.
Paige was so hot. And you were so screwed. 
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Please, please, please let me know what you think and if you want another part (or more)! Again, thanks for all the love and support!
xoxo katy
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definegirlfriends · 2 years
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emeritusemeritus · 1 month
Breed like Gnomes [Fred Weasley]
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Title: Breed like Gnomes.
Pairing: PregnantWife!Reader x Fred Weasley
Timeline: Set after Canon (Fred lives!)
Summary: At Ginny and Harry’s wedding, you find yourself facing Aunt Muriel’s unpleasantness, so Fred decides to have some fun.
Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy, babies, sexual references.
Word count: 1.2k
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June 4th 2003, a joyful and long awaited day for all in attendance. The marriage of Harry Potter and Ginevra Weasley. It was a family affair, both in blood and bond, the entire venue packed with loved ones sharing in the happiness of the newlyweds.
Being Ginny's long standing friend and now sister-in-law, you were naturally made a bridesmaid along with six others who proudly stood by Ginny's side as she said her vows. It was beautiful, joyous and utterly heartwarming to see them unite and be declared husband in wife in front of the many people attending. The couple had initially wanted a much smaller affair than what had transpired but in the end, they were too deeply cared for by so many and the numbers were ever increasing, only made worse by Molly's excitement and welcoming nature.
It had been a truly magical day; getting to support your new sister in law, to see your daughter throw wild flowers down the aisle and most of all getting to check out your husband in his tux as he sat beaming beside his twin brother in the front row, holding back a tear at seeing his little sister suddenly looking so grown up.
"You alright sweetheart?" Fred asks worriedly as you lower yourself gently into your assigned seat inside the bustling marquee. It was getting late now, the party stretching into the night as people danced merrily around you.
You were exhausted from the day, the early morning, the usual nuptial stresses and from the shoes that were growing increasingly uncomfortable around your slightly swollen ankles.
You simply smiled warmly at Fred with a little nod, leaning into his touch when he placed his arm behind you on your chair, his fingers fidgeting with the strands of hair that had fallen down your back.
You both turned your heads in the direction of delighted squeals and watched as your children danced around, chasing each other and their many cousins with beaming smiles on their faces. Their nice outfits were quite frankly ditched at this point and they'd eaten more cake than you cared to admit throughout the day but as you looked at the three happy faces on the dance floor, you couldn't care less. Their uncle George took turns spinning and twirling them and you couldn't help but watch in devotion at seeing your oldest dancing with your brother in law, no doubt standing on his feet as he glided her around whilst the twins ran in circles around the dancing pair.
You let out a little surprise gasp when you felt a sharp kick to your side, just underneath your rib.
"I thought you were asleep," you say quietly with a loving smile as your hand drifts down to your blooming bump, gently rubbing over the spot where you'd felt a little prod.
"Letting you know he's there?" Fred asks with a smirk, noticing your movements. He moved closer and places his large hand over yours, wanting to feel for himself the little kicks that had you smiling at your bump.
"He?" You question sarcastically, with a slight raise of your eyebrow.
"Fathers intuition," Fred smirks with a slight shrug, "never been wrong yet."
"You didn't know there were two last time," you countered teasingly, nodding your head towards the two litttle boys causing havoc on the dance floor. He lets out a boyish chuckle and for a moment you both catch each other's eyes, both twinkling in delight and bound with love. You'd been married for nearly five years, together for much longer but it still took your breath away how much you loved this man, and how much he loved you in return.
"Good heavens!"
The nice moment passed as soon as the loud, screechy voice sounded out on the next table, forcing you apart. You jumped slightly at the unexpected noise before realising that Fred's great aunt Muriel had taken up a seat at the table beside yours and as usual her presence was unwanted. Her voice went through you, like nails on a chalkboard. The high tone and the derogatory, unpleasant undertone to her words, accompanied by the constant hateful look on her face were enough to cement a negative association in your mind. Both you and Fred deflated a little at her presence, with Fred letting out an audible sigh that you felt in your soul. Even your baby let out a sharp kick as if to announce their own displeasure at the sound of her voice.
"Yes aunt Muriel?" Fred says in the most monotone voice he can muster, not even attempting to hide the dismay in his voice, or his face.
"Godric," she mumbles under her breath, casting her eyes between the two of you, focusing her beady eyes on your bump, and where your children were currently hanging off George like monkeys in a tree. "You breed like gnomes!"
You hope your face doesn't show the depth of your exasperation at her words but you doubted your ability to keep a straight face. Fred, of course, finds it hilarious and can't keep the smile off of his face. You can feel his shoulders moving up and down with silent laughter but he manages to contain it and simply clears his throat to hide the laughter.
"Have either of you considered simply reading of an evening? Instead of what I assume are your usual activities?" She says with a bitter tone, face downturned into her usual grimace.
Fred snorts at her words and though you feel slightly offended by her accusation, just as you always did by her comments, you can't help but chuckle yourself at the strangeness of the situation. Was she really commenting on your sex life?
"Onto your fourth already! And only 25! You’re worse than your mother, all of you breed like Gnomes."
"You see I've never been one for reading, but I tried," Fred replies coyly. From his tone of voice you can tell that he's teasing, about to prod the bear. "But it only gave me more ideas. What was is called sweetheart? Some muggle book... Kama sutra! Eroticism for begginers. Let me tell you, it's changed my life! Couldn't put it down... or her," he says, nodding his head towards you with a wicked smile on his face as his hand snakes around to cradle your bump once again.
You can't hide your smile this time as Muriel lets out a disgusted squark and turns away with a deeper grimace than before. You turn your head and snuggle into Fred's shoulder to hide your laughter whilst he openly chuckles to himself, head thrown back slightly in glee.
"You're terrible," you mutter with a smirk, pulling yourself away from the soft fabric of his shirt where it stretches over his muscled shoulders. His smile is wide and wicked as he takes in your words, hearing nothing but compliments.
"Hilarious is a better word," he quips, eyes shining in delight.
"Completely irreformable," he agrees without a single care. "But I think you like me like this."
You look up from under your lashes at him, matching the look in his sparkling eyes and can't help but agree.
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Taglist part 1 ♡
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soleilars · 3 months
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summary: you spent the night with your loving boyfriend
pairing: percy jackson x fem!reader
warnings: kissing, percy hating on hayes campbell
a/n: oh is this one of my favorite book boyfriend?? yes it is
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the bests days at camp were the ones when you would spend your evenings at cabin 3 instead of going to the campfire. percy would smile the whole time you were at his cabin, he really just couldn’t stop his lips from turning upwards. this boy is so clingy bc the moment the door was closed he was all over you
who could blame him tho? he saw the opportunity and jumped straight at it. as he should
so when you mentioned over lunch you would skip campfire he was glowing
like, people could feel it. he was under girlfriend air effect even before spending the night with you. he’s just 😆😆😆😆 all day long. I swear
he rushed to the door when he heard your footsteps getting closer and fully pulled you inside (it didn’t hurt tho he just was so excited)
like I said, all over you
my man reclaims the lip gloss you’re wearing as his from the insane amount of it ending up on his lips instead of yours
you two have basically girls night, the only difference is that in between all the activities you guys take a break to make out
percy is the best person ever to gossip with I just know
“and then she said she just wanted to get back at him ‘cause she was jealous of him with a girl from her class!”
“bullshit, she broke up with him ‘cause she liked another guy this can’t be possible.”
“shit, it is”
“and he got back together with her!!!!!”
“nah I can’t do this anymore ma boy just got played at and didn’t even cared”
i feel like he enjoys horror movies bc somehow he finds them funny
if you don’t like watching them he’ll never force you but if you do it will be the non-scary shit ever
like in the scene character one runs from character two (aka movies bad guy) and ends up tripping
this man would start laughing so loud you had to pause the movie
would recreate the scene so you could see from his pov
he was right tbh it was indeed funny without the scary movie background
watched the idea of you with you
I feel like he hated nicholas galitzine in this movie
“harry styles would never!!!!!”
“he actually was dating olivia wilde not to long ago”
“10 years older than him?”
this one time you told him one of you favourite movies was ttihay he acted nonchalant but inside he was totally thinking about how to convince you to dress up as patrick and kat for halloween
spoiler alert: you two did it
you let you do his skincare routine while he talked about everything and anything honestly. it could be about his day, school, his family, the fact he feels like so many people he cared about died because of him and is absolutely terrified of losing you, the new show he’s watching, et cetera
would encourage you to do the same
he is your number one listener but also your number one yapper
he loves being the little spoon
it just makes him feel so loved🥹🥹
would never reject holding you in any way so big spoon is also perfectly fine
taints your face with kisses until both of you fall asleep
everyone knows he drools in his sleep so he would do his best to try not to
he ends up failing but you don’t care at all
sucker for waking up before you and watching you with that lovestruck look in his eyes
he feels so glad he’s actually dating you he’s kinda off relieved that he’s the one who has you. no one else
disclaimer: pls do not ever cheat on this man he would be absolutely and utterly destroyed
anyway, that was it
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laurentpark · 1 year
Behind Closed Doors — Yoo Jimin
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pairing: karina x aespa! reader
summary: you and your girlfriend managed to keep your relationship a secret and away from the public eye, but that doesn't mean people are convinced you two aren't inlove.
genre: fluff
warnings: none
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Being bored inside the dorm's bedroom with no one else in it but yourself, you decide to open youtube in hopes to find something that could cure your boredome. You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head to the side, seeing a certain video sparking your interest.
"Hm, what is this?"
Karina and Y/N being madly in love with each other for seven minutes 'straight'
You let an amused laugh escape from your lips and examine the thumbnail of the video; It was you and your member, Jimin, known as Karina in the kpop industry smiling while looking at each other, lovingly.
Why not?
You thought to yourself before clicking on the video.
Scene 1
"So Y/N I've heard you're a massive fan of the harry potter franchise?"
After the interviewer mentioned the name 'harry potter', she managed to grab Y/N's attention and nodded her head, squealing in excitement. The girl then proceeded to go on a four minute rant about the entire franchise.
Jimin gazed at her the entire time, listening to every word her member said with a loving expression and smile placed on her face.
Jimin didn't even noticed how she was staring at Y/N the entire time until her member looked at her with a confused expression.
Once they made eye contact, the leader immediately looked away, avoiding her gaze and dropped her smile.
"Why did you look at me like that?"
"Like what?"
Scene 2
"Is it starting?"
"It is."
"Hi everyone!"
Y/N's cheery voice greets everyone who was watching their v-live. It was just her and Jimin at the moment since the other members have already fallen asleep.
"Pipe down, they might wake up." The leader refers to the other members and scolded Y/N, which she laughs and apologises for.
Jimin furrowed her brows, confused to why you were covering your face with your hands during the live. She turns to look at Y/N with a concerned expression.
"Why are you covering your face? MY's can't see you." Jimin comments.
Y/N shrugs her shoulders, still covering her face. "I'm not wearing any makeup, I look ugly."
The leader shakes her head and gently brings Y/N's hands down, to reveal her face, no longer covering it.
"You look beautiful." Jimin couldn't help but smile after seeing her member's face getting red at her comment. "You are beautiful."
Y/N smiles back at her leader and holds her hand. She looks back at the phone, seeing the comments go wild after witnessing their wholesome moment.
Widening her eyes, Y/N drops Jimin's hand. The leader looked at her offended, but Y/N gestured to the phone.
Jimin snapped back to reality, realizing they were on live and smiled at the camera nervously.
Scene 3
"This is so pretty!" Y/N comments after a certain bracelet caught her attention at the store.
Jimin, who was the one holding the camera looked over at her member's direction. "Then buy it."
Y/N first checked the price and lets out a defeated sigh, "It's too expensive. Let's look around a bit more."
Jimin frowned once she saw Y/N putting the bracelet back, "You sure? It seems like you really wanted it."
"I'm sure I can find something much more cheaper. Let's just go."
She takes her leader's hand and drags her away from the store and Jimin lets her. Unbeknownst to Y/N, Jimin looks back at the store, taking note of it's name.
The camera focused on the group, arriving at the airport. The aespa members waved and bowed at the countless paparazzis and fans who waited for their arrival.
However, there was something that caught the fans attention after watching their NYC vlog.
Y/N was wearing the bracelet that she wished for during time there.
Scene 4
"My most prized possession?"
Y/N reads the comment on her live out loud, while taking a big bite of the pizza that she ordered. She thinks for awhile before looking down at her bracelet and smiled at it.
After munching down her food, she lifts her arm up so they viewers could see the bracelet.
"This bracelet because someone very special bought it for me."
After the comments flooded her with the question to who bought it, Y/N laughs at them and answers,
"It was Jimin-unnie. Who else could it be?"
Scene 5
"Y/N-unnie, alot of people are curious. You're really pretty and we were wondering what's your ideal type?" The fan questioned her, through the fan call.
"Hmm..." The girls thinks for a moment, before replying, "Someone caring, hardworking, and thoughtful. That's it."
"I see..." The fan trailed off before continuing, "Do you have Karina-unnie in mind?"
Y/N bursted out laughing, covering her face so they won't see the pink tint that's starting to appear on her cheeks after hearing the fan's witty comment.
"I'll leave that up to your imagination."
Scene 6
Karina glared at the male model who posed with you for the givenchy shoot, her jaw clenching once the model placed his hand ontop of your head. A snort can be heard beside her and she turns to the side to see her member, Winter pointing at the camera directly at the leader.
"Karina-unnie, what's wrong?" She teased her.
Jimin pouted her lips and turned away from the camera and soon walked out, so she wouldn't have to see Y/N with the male model again, leaving Winter laughing at the leader's action.
Scene 7
"Y/N, don't you look beautiful for tonight!" The male interview complimented her look for the Cannes festival.
Y/N stopped by and smiled at him, "Thank you! I'm so nervous because there's so many famous people here but I'm also really excited!"
"Oh, pretty girl. Don't be nervous! We all love you and I'm sure you'll shine like a jewel this night!"
"Thank you so much for your kin- oh!"
Karina interrupted your interview by giving you a quick kiss on your exposed shoulder, leaving her lipstick mark on it before walking away.
She looked at the leader with a confused expression, before turning back to the interviewer with a confused smile.
"Oh, I didn't know you and your member were dating. Seems like she got jealous didn't she?"
Y/N widened her eyes and immediately shakes her head. "No, no! We're just very close friends."
The interviewer didn't seem too convinced and narrowed his eyes at you out of suspicion but went on with the interview anyway.
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"What are you watching?"
After the video ended, Jimin appears out of nowhere inside your room. She walks over to your bed, and you moved so she could get more space. You showed her the video you were watching with a giddy smile and she laughs at the title.
"Do you really think they're convinced?" She asks you, wrapping her arms around behind you and places her chin on your shoulder.
"There's alot of videos like this." You chuckle, scrolling down the recommendation page. Blinking in confusion, you tilt your head to the side and show her a thumbnail of a certain video with you and giselle.
"This one's about me and Giselle."
"That's ridiculous." Jimin states, rolling her eyes in annoyance and holds on to you tightly. "The videos should only be about me and you."
You giggle when you felt her pressing wet kisses against your cheeks.
"Do I have to make our relationship more obvious and be much more affectionate to you in public so that the videos can only be about you and I?"
"You get jealous too easily, you know that right?"
"Can't help it. Everyone's trying to steal your attention away from me."
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anomaly-hivemind · 1 year
Horror Convention || No. 9 Gloryhole w/ Horror Characters x Fem! Reader
Kinktober Masterlist
Word Count: 1995
Warnings: gloryhole, free use, exhibition, overstimulation, large cock, vaginal sex, gangbang if you squint, vagianl fingering, mask kink, stranger sex, cosplaying oral sex, blow jobs, hand job, spit as lube, multiple orgasms,
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You were going to a horror convention, it was your first one and you couldn't be more excited to go. You were wearing a slutty freddy krueger outfit excluding the knife coves because they sold out at the spirit halloween. It was too late to buy any online. You were wearing a ripped up black and red cropped top, a jean mini skirt, some stressed thigh-highs and wedges.
When you finally got inside the convention center, there were a lot of things going on with an unsettling low amount of security personnel around. It was a bit overwhelming but you were going to push through it just fine. It was full of cosplaying horror characters, new and old, popular and niche. Even horror shorts films, tv shows and games.
“Can I take a picture with you? I really like the freddy outfit,” the muffled voice of a guy said behind an old respirator.
Oh yeah sure, I like your outfit too. It's from my bloody valentine right?” you lean into the guy so he could take the photo. The guy pulls you close to him for the picture, then he turns to face you.
“Yeah I've had this for a while now.” he laughs and crosses his arm.
“Well it's super cool, practically identical to the movie.” you look him up and down, he was a carbon copy of the original.
“A bunch of my buddies and staff are hosting an event on the west wing in an hour. You should totally go. “ The Harry warden cosplayer handed a pass for the event. ‘Glory Horror’ printed on the card.
“Yeah I will be there.” you nod and take the pass. You can't believe you got an event pass for free.
An hour had passed, you had bought a scream poster, a friday the 13th shirt and the regret of your shoe choices. You push past the last part and make your way to the event. It was a ways away from everything else which was a bit suspicious but not enough for you to turn around. You show the bouncer guy your pass and ID, because you guess this is an 18 plus event.
You take a seat in the front, the seats were really comfortable. The lights were dim and the walls around the panel looked sound proof. This was super fancy for a panel. It makes you wonder what's going to happen, especially with how fast the room is getting filled with horror fans such as yourself. Most of them were wearing masks from what you can see in the dark space.
A bright red stage light hits the middle of the stage. The familiar guy from earlier that gave you your pass to this event walks to the center. Two other people dragged something onto the stage behind him, also dressed up, one looked like Amanda the pig from the jigsaw moves or the dead by daylight game. The other person was dressed like the monster from Jeepers creepers. There was a large box with a set of holes of different sizes, odd but you find the tv and cameras placed inside and outside the box.
“Welcome to this year's Glory Horror event. Many of you who know about this event already know what's up, but for our virgin Marys let me explain what’s up.” Harry warden cosplayer says through the microphone, his mask muffling his words.
“We’re going to pick a lucky Slasher Slut in the audience to go into the box.” The man snickered as the crowd went wild. Harry looked into the group of seated people, presumably to find someone to put in the box.
“Anything goes when you're behind the veil.” he points to the closed door.
You look around the audience that you were in and they all seemed excited to either be picked or see who was going to end up being picked. You just stare at everyone in confusion.
“You, are you willing to take a dive into carnal pleasures and try out the box?” He points to you from the crowd, when you point to yourself he nods. You stand up, nerves run down your spine as you walk onto the stage. You were surprised with how excited every person in the audience seemed to be that you got picked.
“What am I supposed to do?” you asked while looking at the box.
“It's pretty self explanatory, but you get in the box, the cameras are already set up, we gave you a screen to see the reactions you're giving people.” You nod at him and step into the box, it was large and you could stand up right without being seen by anyone, not counting the screen that was broadcasting you to the outside.
“You can strip down any point and if you want out of the box just push the button to unlock the door.
“You want me to do what now.” you asked from behind the wall, your voice muffled mostly.
“Strip, take off those slutty clothes and either open that pretty mouth or a hole. Prepared to get stuffed in whichever you choose and you can switch at whatever time doll.
You think for a moment, you could back out right now but a part of you wanted to see what happened. With a shaky breath you take off your freddy krueger fit and finally take off your dreadful shoes. You were just in your bra and underwear, taking a seat on your knees in the middle. The bigger hole was covered with a black sheet.
A knock on one of the sides catches your attention, you turn your head and your eyes widen. A veiny cock filled the hole, making it look smaller than it was and it makes your mouth water. You looked over at your screen to see what you're working with, a guy wearing a Michael Myers mask. Your lip quivers as you wrap your fingers around his length.
His balls twitch as you tighten the grip on this stranger’s cock. You use your saliva to wet the tip of his dick. You hear the faint groan of the Myers look alike, it was hot and a turn on for sure. You take his cock deeper in your mouth, almost gagging on it, using your hand to massage his balls and or stroke the rest of his meaty meat.
Another knock from the others size makes you pull your lips off Myer’s member. Someone else had slid their dick into the other hole, the screen splits so you can see the masked figure. It was Brahms, down to the black messy hair, even matches the drapes decorating the base of this man’s uncut dick.
You take your other hand and start to rub at his cute dick. Both of your hands were being filled with their cocks. You were soaking wet from how hot this was and if your hands went filled you would be touching yourself right now. You placed licks on both the dicks one after the other. Even the thought that there were a bunch of people on the other side of this box, watching and listening or maybe even waiting to take a turn with you.
It was hot, you felt hot and you wanted more of all of it. You squeeze the guys dicks as you jerk them both off with determination. Michael myers’ dick twitching was the only short warning you get before he shoots a hot load onto your chest. Your bra ruined with cum makes you pout for a moment before you take the thing off. You put your mouth onto the remaining man and take him down your throat. Brahms cums down your esophagus, his seed tasting weirdly sweet on your tastebuds.
You lick your lips after pulling away the dicks both gone from the holes, making you sigh. You slide off your panties and just as you thought you dripped in arousal. You rub yourself and let out short moans, a guy that was looking like Jason Voorhees pushed his phat cock through the hole. It looked heavy, craving your touch. You touch yourself with one hand while sucking off this fat dick. Even if you couldn’t fit all or even most of it into your mouth you sure as hell tried. You moan against the length of this Jason.
Your fingers thrust into yourself at a similar pace as you sucked and stroked his dick. You come to a stand and turn around, your wet cunt fluttering with horniness. Lining your slit with a guy who looked like a slasher’s dick. You let out a hearty moan as this fat cock stretches you out. You could feel his dick twitch and the man moan from the intrusion. He bottoms out in you, your walls clench around him and then he starts to move slowly in and out of you. You rub your clit as your hole gets pounded into. Another dick pops into the hole in front of you and wraps your hand around it with hesitation. Peaking at the screen in the box you see that it's a guy dressed up in a ghostface outfit.
“Ohshit ohshit ohfucking hell.” you were on the verge of coming and the mix of a Jason hitting all your spots with his girth was making it harder to focus on stroking the guy in front of you.
You try your best to get the other guy to completion but your own impending orgasm was a bit of a distraction to say the least. This Jason guy’s thrust was getting relentless and it was super hot to say the least. You hold on for as long as you could but when you feel the man’s load start to pool down your leg sends you down the edge. Before you could complain about how fast the guy pulled out another guy pushed into you, somehow even thicker and longer than the Jason guy.
You squeeze the hell out of the ghostface and your thumb pushes on his slit. It makes the guy come all over you and hand it a messy gush. The new masked covered hottie was fast enough to work you past that previous orgasm but Jason had given you but now you were getting a bit overstimulated. The faint tapping of the man's pyramid helmet on the box wall makes you giggle. Yet the humor in all of this was cut short from the brutal thrust this pyramid head was giving you.
You were already about to fall into another climax, you couldn't help but scream out a moan that you're sure everyone in the panel heard. Maybe even people outside nearby could hear your whorish moans and whales. This massive curved dick was rubbing your insides just right and your lower half couldn't take much more of it, not standing up like you are right now at least. You reach another chaotic mind altering, pussy spasming, leg trembling, back arching, toe curling climax that almost gives you whiplash an.
You feel the sticky seed fill your cunt and pull out with lackluster pace, almost like he didn’t want to leave your warmth so it takes a minute or so before he actually does . When the pyramid head finally pulls out, your body drops to the stage ground with a thud. You were panting like a dog, cum was dripping out of you and sticking to your thighs. Your heart is pounding in your chest as you try to catch your breath.
“This is the best Horror con ever.” you say breathlessly, as you look at another dick slipping into one of the holes. Checking your provided inside the box you see who it is, the host of this event… it’s Harry warden.
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bunnyteetharry · 1 year
Full Throttle
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summary: Harry get’s into a bad crash during a race which leads to the exposure of your secret relationship
warnings: none-ish
pairing: formula1driver!arry x bossesdaughter! reader
————⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ —————⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚⋆ ˚。⋆ ———��—⋆ ˚。⋆
The sound of people chattering and cars zooming loudly filled your ears
You were sat in the box with he other race engineers, all eyes glued to the big screens that were mounted onto the wall, you fixed the position of you headset you don’t know how many times already, your leg was bouncy up and down like crazy
Growing up surrounded by this environment you would think you would be use to this already but of course that changed when it was someone you cared about on that race track
Your Dad was The Managing Director for Ferrari, since you can remember, you and your sisters would always tag along and watch the races sometimes out in the stands with your Mom or by the technical team, watching them fix up the cars quickly in the box and getting overly excited when they rushed back into the race which blew a huge gust of wind your way and brushed your hair all over your faces
You met Harry when he was freshly up incoming for Mercedes at 21 years old, whenever you come around during the summer and help your dad, while learning some things about the different roles when it comes to the sport, he would roam around till he found you in the snack room and you started talking since
Well mostly him bugging you any chance he could, when he won in The Australian Grand Prix, he hopped off the car and ran straight towards you “I think a congratulations kiss is in order” his smirk was spread wide across his face, you rolled your eyes, arms crossed against your chest “Beat it before my dad see’s you over here Styles” he smiled and ran back to his team, jumping on them to give them a hug, resulting in almost crashing all of them into the ground
Four years later he joined Ferrari at 25 years old, you were currently finished with being an intern and joined race engineers, imagine the look on your face when you walked into the schedule meeting and see the sly smirking British man sitting there next to your dad
“Where’s my welcome to the team kiss?” He was leaned again the wall of the snack room, right where it all began “Can’t push me away now since we’re teammates” you rolled your eyes “Are you here just to annoy me even more? Cause this is a huge step that may resolve in a restraining order” he shrugged and picked up a water from the mini fridge “Who knows but I see this as a win win situation” before he was about to leave the room he turned back around and leaned down to your ear whispering “No getting rid of me now sweetheart” he pecked your cheek, smiling wildly out the room leaving you stun in your spot
Throughout his time with Ferrari, there was an odd thing going on between you and Harry, everyone noticed it, but you tried to ignore it as best as you could, sure you couldn’t help the sigh of relief you let out each time he finished a race in mint condition or the small smiles you would send each other across the rooms
At one point you finally admitted to yourselves that you had attraction towards each other and went on a few dates, at night of course as you didn’t want to bring an up roar in the morning with the press if you were seen with one of Ferrari’s top driver, especially with eh position your dad is in, you just knew the headlines would be wild
Even with secretly dating for a year now, it’s hard to do anything, let alone hold hands, it’s a good thing you’re families okay with it or else this would make your relationship ever harder then it already is
“He’s going to be okay love” your dad squeezed your hand tenderly, you tried your best to hide your worries into your smile “I know, it’s just you know how nervous I get sometimes” he nodded and smiled “He’s the best of the best, nothing can go wrong even with his track record” he said before heading back to his spot next to the track
The beep of the starter lights began to sound off
All three of you scooted to the end of your seated and breath hitched once the lights turned green
Half an hour in and the charts were looking good, Harry was close to second place coming behind his teammate Leclerc, right when he’s about to hit that mark Lewis Hamilton looses control of his breaks and crashes into Harry’s rear right tire, sending both of them tumbling toward the edge of the track
“Fuck” you mumbled quickly standing up from your seat, “Harry, you alright mate?” Roger the technical manager called out from the headset, it was quite for a minute but it felt like years before Harry answered “Yeah I’m good” he coughed, from the corner of the screen you could see the Marshalls already on the scene to make sure Harry and Lewis were safe from the impact
Minutes later Harry was back in the box, his face covered with debris and scratches
Everyone came up to him to congratulate on a good job he did so far before the crash happen, after the crowd settled down you dropped your headset onto the counter and ran towards him
He immediately reacted and wrapped his arm tightly around you, the other clutching your head, “I’m okay baby” he whispered pecking your forehead, every stood and starred at you both, a look of shock scattered on their faces
Letting go you cupped his face, looking for anymore injuries he may have “Hey, hey I’m fine love” he smiled softly bringing your hands down and wiping off the tears on your cheek
“Don’t ever scare me like that again” you lightly punched his chest “No promises” he smiled down at you
a/n: sorry for the long wait (and the quick ending), I was so busy with college I lost track of time but I’m trying to get as much writing as I can done, hope you enjoyed this one! <3
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ellecdc · 6 months
Dude, I don't know why I am asking this. But do you think poly moonwater will choose to be child free? I do think so. I mean, regulus past story and remus fury problem, I don't think they'll want kids at all
But if reader accidentally gets pregnant. Do you think they gonna keep their distance an arm lenght? I mean, I remember in the book remus trying to leave nymphadora who's pregnant at that moment (or is it after she gave birth? Can't really remember) by trying to help Harry looking for the idk the name of it, voldemort collections?
oooouuuu this is a fun question! thanks for asking; and I think that happened before teddy lupin was born and they were searching for Voldemort's horcruxes! - also, in regards to canon, I think the reason remus felt willing to take off was because he truly was sort of all alone: no parents, no siblings, no family, no friends. Plus society constantly shitting on him, plus there being a war etc etc, he felt very desperate and didn't feel like he could handle being responsible for nymphadora and a child
But of course since WE DON'T LIVE IN A WOLD WITH VOLDEMORT OVER HERE 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I think this is a valid question
(my answer is going to be SFW until the page break below - I will put warnings ahead of time for minors)
My answer would be yes, I agree that Regulus and Remus would perhaps wish to be childfree. Like you said, Remus feels like society views him as a stain and he wouldn't want to pass that legacy onto a child (biologically his or not), and he also wouldn't want to put a child through the pain of seeing their father suffer through every lunar cycle. Regulus had a horrific childhood and would be very scared to be anything like his mother or father, and I kind of see him as this guy who really doesn't know what to do with kids...he never had a childhood really, and never was around other kids until he was at Hogwarts, and by then he was right traumatized soooo yes I agree, he would be worried about having children.
As for our darling reader finding out she was pregnant? I have some thoughts on that.
I think Regulus has a deep rooted sense of duty and loyalty to his people, and ultimately, Remus and reader would be his people. Even if he hated the idea of reader being pregnant/having his child, I think he would shove that down so deep and just completely take on this role he never really wanted but hey, he's here now and he's going to do what he has to do. It was why he ended up in Slytherin (duty/loyalty to his family), and it was why he took the dark mark (duty/loyalty to his family). He took the mark because he believed that to be his role, his job in life - and if reader ended up pregnant, well, that was his duty then.
I think Remus would be a wild card. Remus never had a proper childhood either; he had to grow up really fast as he was bitten at only 4 years old. This means for as long as he can remember, he's been a werewolf. He didn't get to attend school (due to injuries/pains, scars, unexplained absences etc), he never had siblings, and he couldn't play with the village kids. So not only does he not necessarily know what to do with kids, I think he'd still have some of those "the kid would be better off without me, I can't curse another life to me and my lycanthropy) BUT I think he'd have been around Harry and loved that kid so damn much, and he'd have his friends and loved ones to help him come to terms with it.
This could be a cute fic request.
now.....as for the NSFW stuff (18+, minors don't look down here)
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I have this headcanon that pureblood's have a breeding kink....they were literally bred, born, and raised to carry on the bloodline and produce heirs - so I don't think Regulus was fucking innocent in that conception LOL he would have been very excited thinking about spilling inside of reader and getting her knocked up.
in a similar vein, I also believe that there is a primal side of Remus with his lycanthropy which would ALSO support a breeding kink - truly fucks like an animal tbh and gets so turned on at the thought of filling reader up
okay sorry for being a dirty horn dog thanks byeeeee
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Not Another Time
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[ or Part 2 of Could We Not ]
<< Request >> "I loved could we not. Can you maybe also write when that guy came running on stage and he maybe pushes reader out of the way or something like that😅" - anon
<< Request >> "Omg PLEASE could you do more parts or ‘could we not’ literally loved it!!!" - @loza--may
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Summary: Harry is used to things getting crazy on tour. What he wasn't ready for is how much he misses YN during the Latin American leg of his tour. But at the Rio de Janeiro show, he needs to expect the unexpected.
AN: Highly requested part 2, which I wasn't expecting but am so honored to have written for you all. Sorry it took me FOREVER to write and post this. I hope you like it.
Warnings: Some explicit language, attempted attack by a fan, mild head injury
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Not much can shake Harry when it comes to wild moments on tour, throughout his entire career. There once was a fan hiding in a trash bin, dildos thrown at his face, wedding proposals, canceled shows due to illness, and there was even a time when a girl tried to dolphin her way onto the stage, back in the early days. But he still loves it, loves it all. It's titled 'Love On Tour' for a reason.
Now, he's in Latin America. Any and every performance here has such a special place in Harry's heart. He has a 'brasil' tattoo on his thigh, after all. However, the time is a little different.
The horn players have not accompanied the band for these shows. No trombone, no saxophone, and no trumpets. Which means no YN. No sweet but subtle winks onstage, no flirtatious comments backstage, no seeing her bright smile, no hearing her pure laugh, or getting lost in her beautifully deep eyes. No gazing at her lips and wishing so desperately that he could kiss them again.
Unfortunately, their first kiss was their last. Harry hopes that's not forever. But after it happened, he got sick, putting a crimp in his plans to further things with her. When he recovered, their time was taken up by those last few shows in Los Angeles. Then he was off to Mexico. And she wasn't.
Needless to say, her absence is very apparent. To him, at least.
So, like he has done every show since Guadalajara, Harry checks his phone after getting dressed. He wants to make sure he hasn't missed any 'good luck' texts before going on stage, but a disappointed sigh releases as he sees that he has no new messages.
"Alright, H. Ten minutes." The stage assistant announces.
Harry nods, handing his phone over and grabbing his mic pack from the sound tech. The band gathers around for a little pre-show ritual and Harry feels the tug on his heart, wishing there were four more members in their huddle, so there could be one particular member tucked under his arm. But he commits to staying focused on his performance, to put on a good show for the people of Rio de Janeiro.
Despite a few fans fainting in Bogota, things have been relatively smooth so far, and this night should be no different. All he has to do is get out there and get through it.
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"Do you know the words to this one Rio?" Harry shouts to the crowd as the band begins to play 'What Makes You Beautiful'.
Despite his efforts, this song always makes him miss YN. The trumpets in the backing track just don't do this song, or any of the songs, as much justice as when she is there, with him, playing live. The other three too, of course, but he has always been able to distinguish her trumpet from the other horns, and he would always dance near her while this song played. Without that, without her, it's just not nearly as exciting.
As he begins the second verse, Harry moves to his left, twisting around to tug on the mic cord that feels as if it's caught on something.
"I don't know why you're being shy…" Harry's eyes shoot up and then around as a security guard strides past him, settling his gaze on a figure charging towards him. "And you turn away when I look into your eyes."
It's like a flash. He is walking, then swiveling around, moving over, and then backing up into another security guard. All within a matter of a few seconds. It takes a moment for him to fully understand what's happening, as multiple crew members grab hold of the man.
Watching him be dragged offstage, Harry moves back to the center mic, still in shock of what happened but still wanting to continue the song.
He glances over to each side of the stage, shaking the disbelief away when he meets the gazes of a few of the band and crew. Each one reciprocates the sentiment, yet seem to keep their caution, as a few of them motion over that way. Harry turns back, just for a quick check, and notices a small group of people gathered in a huddle. He turns back to the crowd. He trusts his team, he knows they are handling whatever it is, and he won't let this one moment take away from the show. It can't stop him. It won't stop him.
As the song ends he takes a quick moment to gather himself and take a breath before turning to the crowd.
"Well that was different…" He states sarcastically, though truthfully. It's probably one of the more accurate ways to describe that moment, especially if he's trying to keep this a 'family show', as he always claims. "Is everybody okay?"
The fans laugh and cheer, seeming to answer his question with the same disbelief he feels.
"I'm shooketh… I'm shooketh!" He exclaims, receiving another laugh from the audience. At least they are recovering and feeling good. Now he can recover and feel good too. He twists around, looking from one side of the stage to another, meeting the gaze of a few security guards and crew as he does so. "Thank you, thank you. You saved me!"
That's when he catches it. The glimpse of a familiar face, of YN's face, off to the side of the stage, among the small group he had noticed earlier. However, her expression is not one he's seen before. Well, only once before. It's pained, again, but this time it looks worse, and Harry feels his stomach drop.
He transitions into a quick acknowledgement of his band members, his mind wanting to focus solely on the one who wasn't even scheduled to be there, but as soon as he's done, he takes advantage of what's next.
He uses the band mic to let everyone know he'll be off to the side while the extended introduction to 'Late Night Talking' plays on the screens, and once the lights dim he swiftly makes his way over.
"YN. What's-... what are you-… umm, hi." He fumbles, his thoughts racing with so many questions. He didn't even know she'd be in Brazil, or at the show, let alone on the side of the stage, and now she's standing there in front of him, with an ice pack on her head.
"Hi." She chuckles minimally, hurting Harry's heart with the lack of usual enthusiasm and joy. "I came… to surprise… everyone."
"Well, you did that!" He exclaims, managing as best of a smile as he can. His gaze travels from her eyes, to her lips, and then up to her head, and his expression immediately drops. "What happened?"
"It's nothing." She attempts to play off, much like the last time he saw her injured. "Don't worry about me."
"That's impossible." He retorts. "What happened?"
"The guy… the fan, just… knocked me down… on his way out with security." She shakes her head, scoffing, though Harry feels as if she's directing it towards herself more than anyone else.
"Okay. Umm… go backstage and get checked out." He states, his ears picking up on the music, knowing he'll have to return to center stage in just a few moments. "I'll… I'll see you after, yeah?"
"Harry, I'm fi-"
"Just do it!" He exclaims, immediately wincing as he watches her eyes widen with surprise. He's never talked to her like that, never even raised his voice even remotely in her direction without it being out of excitement or flirtation. But he cares about her, and now he will only worry more seeing her there in pain. "Please."
She nods, opening her mouth with a reply, but seemingly deciding against it.
Harry gives YN a quick kiss on the cheek and hustles back over to his mic stand, shooting his gaze to the side for one last glance of her as she walks out of sight.
It's not as if he's going to stop worrying, but maybe it'll be a little less than it would if she were still there watching him. He knows she'll be taken care of, and he'll see her when it's over. Right now, he needs to get through the rest of it, preferably without any other issues.
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"... on a Summer evening, what is happening? An-... you're the end of… we are going to stop the song."
Technical difficulties. During 'Watermelon Sugar'. Of course. As if Harry's mind wasn't already somewhere else. He knows it's an easy fix, hopefully, but it's just another thing added to the existing thoughts already causing chaos in his mind. He's a professional, sure, but everyone has a limit and he just doesn't want to find out where his is.
Get through it. That's all he has to do, just get through the next song, the show, and the night. Just get through it and then get to YN.
'Love of My Life' is next. Thankfully it's a slow song, so he can calm his mind and body down, even just a little, before the break in the set. And at that point he can finally regroup.
It works, for a moment, until he notices that some fans need help, and despite making his team aware, they are still there struggling. He lifts the mic stand up and turns his head back, motioning with his finger, with some intensity, for someone to help them and get them out of there.
He feels himself spiraling, just a bit, and has never looked forward to the end of a song as much as he is tonight.
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As Harry waves to the crowd, with a mouthful of water, he impatiently waits to spit it up in the air, thank the crowd, and get the hell off stage.
The crowd continues to applaud and cheer as he says goodbye, turning around and using the last bit of energy he has to run backstage.
He stops among the hustle of the crew, realizing he isn't sure where to go, or where to even start looking for YN. The most likely place is his dressing room, so he swiftly shuffles his way there, doing his best to acknowledge anyone he passes by that congratulates or compliments him. He feels bad, he usually takes time with each person, always grateful for their work and feedback. But not tonight. He only has one person on his mind. One person he wants and needs to see.
He swings the door open and takes a quick scan of the room, finding no one. Not anyone. Not her. He runs his fingers through his now very sweaty hair, inhaling deeper to catch his breath and figure out where to go next, where to look next.
He takes a seat on the couch, elbows resting in his knees, and glances over to the table in front of him to find a note that wasn't there before. He grabs it immediately, blinking the salty moisture out of his eyes as he looks over the words.
"Hey H.
Went back to the hotel.
Hope you had a great
rest of your show!
- YN"
"Fuck." He mumbles, suddenly remembering how he yelled for her to go backstage. Well, he could argue that he only raised his voice, but in that moment, that hectic moment, it didn't matter. He shouldn't have done it at all. And truth be told, it would've made the entire night better if she had stayed. But he yelled, and sent her away. Now all he wants to do is go to her and make it better, make her feel better.
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After the fastest shower and outfit change of his life, Harry found Jeff and discovered that his manager helped YN get there, so he knew which hotel room was hers. At least Harry didn't have to spend countless hours searching all of Rio for her.
He stands in front of her door and takes a deep breath, nerves on edge as he knocks, and fully prepared for her to open the door and ask him to leave. Immediately.
"Harry?" He hears, causing his gaze to lift from his shoes to the woman in front of him. She's dressed in cotton shorts and a t-shirt, looking comfortable and yet more beautiful than he's ever seen her. He just wishes she wasn't also holding another ice pack to her temple.
"YN." He breathes out, unable to form any other words as he looks her over, hopefully more subtle than he fears it might be. "Are y-... how… I mean, umm…"
The sweetest sound grabs his attention and he watches her step aside as she lets out a small giggle.
"Come in."
He nods, and without hesitation steps into the room. The sound of the door closing causes him to swivel on his heel, and his eyes stay fixed on YN as she motions him over to the edge of the bed.
"What's up?" She asks, casually, removing the ice pack and placing it down beside her.
"I, umm, wanted to check on you." He answers, not convinced his volume was even loud enough to be heard. "How are you feeling?"
"Sore." She swiftly responds, and he cringes at the lack of emotion with it. Even though it was only one word, he feels as if he knows her well enough to know that's not her normal tone. "Hit my head when the guy knocked me to the ground."
"I'm so sorry, YN. I didn't know you were there tonight, or I would've…" He pauses, looking down to where his nails pick at each other. "I don't know… I could've done… something…"
"No, Harry, I'm sorry." She states, causing his gaze to shoot back up to find hers filled with, what looks like, embarrassment. And maybe even regret. But definitely with insecurity, which is not something he's used to seeing from her. "I shouldn't have come."
"Oh." His heart drops.
"I feel like I may have been in the way. Well, I was for that fan…" She states, the smallest smile lifting the corners of her mouth, despite the roll of her eyes and shake of her head. "But I definitely didn't want to be in yours."
"No! I'm glad you're here!" He replies, without hesitation, and watches as her eyes widen, now allowing him to see the depths at which they usually take him to.
"You are? Because it seemed like…" YN clears her throat, confirming for Harry that she is in fact nervous. Not confident. And it seems to be his fault. "It seemed like you were upset when you saw me."
"No! Not at all." Harry replies, his frustration with himself appearing in the crease between his brows. "I wasn't upset seeing you there, I was upset seeing you hurt. Really upset. I didn't mean to yell at you. I'm sorry."
"It's fine, H. I'm alright."
"I know. I know that. I just… I was worried for the rest of the show, wondering if you were okay. It was torturing me."
"I didn't mean for that to happen. I'm really sorry." She lets out a sigh, and it almost breaks Harry's heart as she drops her gaze and squeezes her eyes shut.
"No, don't-... that's not-..." Harry lets out a low growl in frustration. He doesn't know how to express what he means, and if he even should. But at this point, he doesn't know if he can hold back. "It was torture because all I wanted to do was fix it for you. Like last time."
"Like last time?"
He hears her breath hitch, and his heart races more, feeling each beat thump against his chest. They had shared a kiss the last time she got hurt. They spent the rest of the night together, hanging out and talking until the sun was almost rising. But then nothing. Was that it? Was it just a one time thing, just a momentary thing after an adrenaline-raising show? No, it wasn't. Not for him. And she needs to know.
"I… like you, YN. A lot. And that night… meant a lot to me." He fully turns his body towards her, gaining a fraction of the confidence for himself that he has always seen in her, and since she is now there in Brazil, he won't waste another minute without sharing his heart. "We didn't really get to talk much afterwards, or see each other even, but I just need you to know that… I want to be with you. If… if that's something you want too."
Harry watches as she pulls her lips inward, hoping that the expression he sees underneath is pleasant. Pleasant for him. But he suddenly realizes that if she doesn't feel the same, he doesn't want to lose her. For the band.
"If it's not, no problem. We can move past it." He swallows the lump caught grasping against the walls of his throat. "I don't want you to be uncomfortable, and don't want you to leave the band over it. You're very talented, YN."
"Thank you." She replies, looking over at him with those gorgeous eyes and a tenderness she's never given him before, and despite him offering to move past his feelings, for the sake of his heart, he desperately hopes that she feels the same. He wants her to only look at him like that from now on. "And that night meant a lot to me as well."
"Yeah?" He responds, shifting in his spot at the edge of her bed, with all the giddiness of a lovesick school boy.
"I want to be with you too, H."
His palms fly up to her cheeks, receiving a warmth from them that flows right to his chest. His gaze flickers to her lips, yearning for them, desperate for them.
"Are you going to kiss me or not?" She chuckles, and his heart swells from the self-assurance that she always expresses, that he has fallen for.
He grins, wider than he ever has, but only for a moment. He's not going to wait any longer. He leans closer, and her eyes close, pursing her soft lips to meet his in a gentle kiss.
Her hands run up his arms, applying pressure as they move over his shoulders, and connect behind his neck. She pulls him closer, and his tongue teases her lips before she parts them, each sighing as they deepen the kiss.
His chest tightens, this time out of need for air, so he pulls back, only leaving enough room for a breath, and smiles as he hears her release her own, happy exhale.
"How are you feeling now?" He asks, resting his forehead against hers as one hand strokes over the hair covering her temple.
"Much better. I do need to rest now, though." She whispers. "But, you know, I may have a concussion…"
"That's not funny."
"No, it's not. It's very serious." She pulls away more, hands still behind his head, and his mind fills with worry. Worry and confusion, as he watches her smile reappear through her solemn expression. "I should probably have someone stay with me tonight. To make sure I'm alright, of course."
"Of course." He smirks, feeling his heart burst, following as she scoots up the bed and rests her head on the pillow.
He does the same, laying down to face her, and sees her eyes begin to flutter shut. It's been an exhausting day for the both of them.
"Come here." He whispers, opening his arms for her to settle in, wrapping them around her body, and pulling her to his chest. "You doing okay?"
"More than okay." She utters, drowsiness now coating her words. "Thank you, for fixing things."
"Anytime." He replies, placing a tender kiss on top of her head. "I'll fix things for you anytime."
A silence falls between them, and as he hears her soft breaths leave her even softer lips, Harry hums in contentment, allowing his own body to succumb to the rest it now needs too. He shuts his eyes, and one last thought appears as he feels himself happily drift off to sleep.
Despite all the chaos, this night didn't turn out so bad after all. With YN, it's been the best one yet.
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Overall Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @mrspeacem1nusone @thurhomish @harrystylesrecs @vickiii17 @itsbebeyyy @divalovesyou @bxbyysstuff @jessitpwk @sunshinemoonsposts @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @boybands-baseball @austynparksandpizza @missmielyhoran @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @matildasatellite @cherryshouse @yatebe-kohayu @perfectzinenerdperson @babyiamperfectforyou @daphnesutton @around1302 @daydreamingofmatilda @swiftmendeshoran @one-sweet-gubler @jerseygirlinca @carey86 @lomlhstyles @vrittivsanghavi @fdl305 @sunflowersloverr
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allthelovehes · 1 year
A game of UNO*
Summary: Harry and Y/N play a game of strip UNO. The rules are made up by Harry himself.
Pairing: bestfriend!harry x reader
Word count: 4K
Warnings: No actual smut, as in P in V. Just a LOT of tension and ofc sexual topics such as stripping, making out, boners etc.
A/N:  It's been soooo long since I last properly wrote something. So I'm so excited to have a brand new one-shot for y'all. Please let me know what you think!! Enjoy! <3
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Like they say; as we mature, the relationship matures with us. And so does the friendship between Y/N and Harry. The countless weekends going out to pubs are now spent mostly in the comfort of their own homes playing board games and watching movies. Of course, they like to drink, and God they still drink quite a lot. But they don’t care for loud music and sweaty people all around them.
Nearly every weekend they come together and spend time like they always do. Downing a few bottles of white, munching on a delicious charcuterie platter, and just enjoying each other’s company. Today was like no other. Harry perched down in the corner of the comfy sofa and Y/N is getting the glasses ready for the delicious liquid.  
“Can we watch The Notebook tonight?” Y/N said as she walked into her living room with two wine glasses and the bottle of white she had been craving all day. Harry simply chuckles and gives her a judgemental look. “What?” She asks him.
“Haven’' we seen tha' movie like a billion times already?” He laughs. Secretly Harry is a sucker for a good romance movie and Y/N is all too familiar with his preferences. When they were both still in their teen years and just met in school, Y/N had never seen The Notebook before and Harry insisted she needed to see it.
“I mean yes, but you know I love this movie.” Y/N states, remote control in her hand to turn on the movie with a smirk on her face. She lets out a sneaky giggle, getting all comfy against his body stretched out on the sofa. Harry’s strong arm wraps around her body so naturally. His musky scent immediately relaxing her. 
Halfway through the movie, Harry gets bored. Each of them are two glasses of wine in and Harry is just ready for some action. He lifts his body off of the couch making Y/N whine at the loss of contact. He makes his way to your board game stash. His feet drag across the floor and his hips sway from left to right, dancing his way to the cabinet. She laughs at him, the dork.
“What are you doing?” She questions, he is so cute dancing around your living room with his glass in his hand. 
“I am done watching tha' movie, again. Wanna play a game.” He says with a mischievous smirk across his face. The little twinkle in his eyes tells her he really is up to no good. He opens the top drawer of the board game cabinet and pushes around some of the stuff in there. 
“Ah! There i’ is.” Harry chuckles. He turns around holding her pack of UNO in his right hand. He brings it back over to the coffee table and opens up the little box as he sits down on the floor. 
“You don’t want to watch a movie we’ve seen a billion times yet you do wanna play a game we have played a billion times?” She questions Harry, although she has a feeling that there’s a catch. The look on his face tells her he is not about to propose a simple game of UNO.
“See, you go' tha' wrong love.” The smirk on his face is only growing bigger and bigger. “There's a twis'.” The scared look on Y/N’s face is priceless to Harry. She grabs the remote control to press pause, putting all her attention on the man in front of her.
“How abou’ we add some spicy rules to the game?” The room falls silent aside from the heavy breathing escaping her lips. 
“What do you mean, Harry?” She whispers.
“I thin’ you know exactly wha’ I mean, dear.” He says as he starts shuffling the cards. “Okay so, since it’s jus' the two of us, we shouldn’' make too many additions. How abou' every time you can match a numbered card or wild card with the mos' recently played card, the other person has to take off one clothing item.” His gaze never leaves her eyes. He starts dealing the cards as if he expects her to just go along with his plan. “Let’s also say for every +2 played, the other person also has to take off one item instead of drawing two cards.” And that’s how the rules are played out.
“I don’t know, Harry.” She says looking down at the cards as she picks them up in her hand one by one. Her first card is a yellow 1. She looks at the second card before she adds it to her hand, a red reverse card. The third card she picks up has her widening her eyes, a yellow +2. She picks up the rest of the cards and she joins Harry on the floor beside the coffee table. She has already decided to play along. 
“What if this ruins our friendship?” She asks.
“Then we’ll stop bein’ friends.” Harry chuckles, lust covering his eyes.
“We can’t stop being friends just because of a game of UNO, Harry.” 
“Wha' if afterwards, you don’' wan’ be friends and you want’ be more than tha’.” The flirty smirk on his face is weakening her entire body. Fuck. She’s had the longest crush on the man in front of her. Her whole body is yearning to be close to him. Of course, she wants to be way more than that.
“This would have to be the most seductive game of UNO for that to happen.” She tries to shrug off the nerves in her body. Not really doing a great job at just that.
“Shu' up and play your firs' card.”
Harry flips over the top card of the deck. A green 1 laying flat on the table. She takes a look at the cards in her hand. There’s no green so she decides on a yellow 1. She places down the card and a hissing sound coming from Harry’s lips pulls her attention to his eyes. The look on his face looks like pure mischief. His long fingers drag through his cards. He pinches one of them in between his thumb and pointer finger with a big smirk on his lips. God, he looks so kissable. 
She takes a big chug from her glass. Harry slams down his card, showing the yellow 1 matching your card perfectly. 
“I would’ve never guessed I’d be getting you ou' of your clothes so quickly.” His voice was low and husky. Her wine glass barely touches the table before she brings it back to her lips for another chug making Harry chuckle at her nerves. 
She thinks for a second before she hooks her fingers on the welt of her right sock. Her knees press into her chest and she takes both socks off, one by one. 
“Hold on, this ain’' fair. You’re wearing more clothes than I am.” Harry states as she see his brain calculating. They’re both wearing socks, jeans and a T-shirt. But Harry refers to what’s underneath that. Suddenly she feel thankful for deciding on wearing a bra today.
“Well, I guess that’s just my advantage of being forced to strip for you.” She shrugs.
“I did no' force you.” He pouts making her giggle. She looks at the table to check back in with the card that’s last been played before diving back into her cards. She can’t help but let the slightest smirk appear on her lips before she plays the yellow +2 in her hands. 
“Fuck.” Harry laughed. “Off with the socks we go.” He continues as he takes both of them off in a swift motion. He adds them to where her socks are piled up together. 
Harry looks in his cards. There is a red +2 in his hand which he could just play right now but he decides to keep that one in his hand for a little longer. Instead, he takes out a yellow 5.
Y/N sighs, feeling relieved that she doesn’t have to get rid of any more clothes right now. The anxious yet thrilling feeling is riling her up. She have never felt any excitement like this before. Harry and Y/N have been friends since forever and she has had the biggest crush on him for nearly as long. Her eyes always lingered a bit too long when they went to swimming together and he was in just his swimming trunks. Or the goosebumps his touch left on her skin as his fingers danced along her arm as a small sign of affection. Friendly affection, but it still made her feel all sorts of ways.
Both of them play a couple of cards before Harry has a big smirk plastered across his face again. Uh oh. His fingers stride along his cards again before he picks one. He places a red 7 on top of your blue 7. 
“Wouldn’' i' have been fun if your seven was blue too?” He says as he scooches a bit closer, their legs now touching. 
“Stooop, you make me nervous.” She blushes.
“Don’' be. It’s jus' me.” Harry reassures her and wraps his empty hand around her ankle. His thumb moved in soft strokes up and down. She knows he tries to calm her down but every stroke of his thumb is sent straight to her clit. 
Y/N plays a red reverse card. Allowing her to play another card since it’s a two-player game of UNO. She’s all out of red so she draws a card, a red 4. She places it down and look back up to Harry who still has his hand on her ankle. 
“Isn’' tha' fortunate?” Harry teases. 
“Just from you saying that, I know there’s nothing fortunate about it for me.” She mumbles as she frightens the next card that he will put on the table. 
Harry has a twinkle in his eyes looking at the card in his hand. The red +2 is going to get rid of her first clothing item that’ll actually reveal some skin. Harry too had been pining over her for years. He started loving her in a bit more than just a friendly kind of way around the age of 16. Now 13 years later, nothing had changed. Both of them had been dating people, trying to distract themselves from the massive crushes on each other. But at the end of the day, they always came back to each other.
He finally places his card down, an excited look on his face. But she quickly takes her green +2 and smack it down on the table.
“Hah!” She yelps. “That makes two items for you to be gone!” 
“Nah, ah love. Haven’' you read the rules before?” He states. “We both have to get rid of one item.” Harry smirks. Mr know it all, why does he know all rules of UNO? Probably because they have played it so many times.
“+2 plus +2 equals drawing four cards. Simple.” She argues but Harry already pulled out the rules from the box. He reads out the bit about how when your opponent plays a +2 card, you have to draw two cards and afterwards may continue your turn. Y/N is kinda sad that Harry isn’t going to get rid of both his jeans AND t-shirt.
Harry takes hold of the hem of his shirt with both his arms crossed before he drags the fabric over his head. In the meantime, she stands up to unbutton her jeans. She gets distracted by the beautiful sight in front of her. His abs are gorgeously on display with his tattoos on there like a piece of art. Harry had always been hot. But he started working out with a personal trainer roughly two years ago and he got so muscular after that. 
“Wha' are you doing?” Harry asks as he throws his shirt on top of both of their socks. He softly chuckles at her eyes staring down at his torso. 
“Ehm, sorry. I was taking off my jeans.” She states, causing Harry to groan. He wagged a disapproving finger. “What?” She asks him.
“Should’ve jus' taken off your shirt.” He mumbles before he picks up his cards from the table. His eyes go from the discard pile on the table to the cards in his hand. There are no more green cards in his hand so he draws a card. Luckily it’s a green one so he places it on the pile. 
“Hmnf, nah. I’ll keep my shirt on for a bit longer.” She mumbles softly. Being shirtless always makes her feel so exposed. Her insecurities would peak without a shirt so she’d rather keep it on for as long as possible. Harry notices how she tries to hide herself. His hand finds its place back on her ankle and slowly travels up to her calf, stroking up and down.
“Y’ have no idea how god damn beautiful you are, don'' you?” He reassures and she tries to shrug it off.
Both of them have a few cards left in hand but none of them are useful. They draw a few cards, and some of them are played immediately. Y/N look at her cards and forges a plan. With a smirk on her face, she plays a wild card allowing her to change the active colour to blue. But she has instant regret when she sees a smirk on Harry’s face that’s even wider than her own. 
His fingers pick a card from his hand but before he places it down he tugs it back and picks up another one to play. A simple blue 9 lays down on the table. But the twinkle in his eyes never left.
She sighs and take a big sip of wine to empty her glass. She places her cards down on the table and gets up to grab the bottle of wine in the fridge.
“Cute undies.” Harry coos since her shirt doesn’t reach past her bum.��
She comes back with the cold bottle and fills up both of their glasses, emptying the second bottle of the evening. The glasses are a bit full but who cares? She places the bottle down on the coffee table and sits back in her spot.
The plan she made a few minutes ago still works, she plays a blue reverse card allowing her to take another turn since it’s just the two of them playing. Next, she plays a blue skip card to grant her another turn. And last up she plays a plain blue 6. During all three of these cards, the smirk on Harry’s face grew back more comprehensive and she just knows what is coming. 
The blue +2 that hits the table was expected, and is followed by a shout of UNO!
“Fuck.” She mumbles and takes a gulp from her glass. “Fine.” She continues before she grabs the hem of her shirt. She drags it out, trying to hold off for as long as possible. But the anticipation is turning Harry on even more. Of course, he has seen her in a bikini before, but this is different. This feels different.
Her shirt is added to the growing pile in front of the sofa. Harry notices how she feels a bit uncomfortable. Her eyes avoid his and she is unsure where to actually look. His hand reaches out for her and slides from her upper arm all the way down to her hand. He holds onto it for a little while, squeezing ever so softly.
“You really are the pretties' thing I’ve ever seen.” He reassures her by giving her the exact confidence boost she needed. 
After Y/N plays her second to last card, Harry is able to finish the game by playing his very last card. Leaving him in his jeans and boxers and her in just her bra and panties. 
“Let’s go for another round.” She states and already starts collecting all cards to shuffle them. Harry chuckles at her newly gained confidence. He is so ready to play a second round. 
She deals the cards, places the deck back on the table, and flip over the top card of the deck. A yellow 4 is laying on the table. 
“Since I won las' round, you may star' this round." 
She places down a green 4 on top of the yellow one on the table. A simple but steady start, she thinks. 
“Oh shi’.” Harry says and places down the green 4 he already had in his hand, ready to play. “I’m so sorry, love. You don’t have to…” He adds, suddenly getting nervous at the realization he is finally going to see her topless after years of wondering and imagining what she’d look like underneath.
“The game’s the game.” She states and lets her hand travel to her back to unclasp her bra. Harry gulped, feeling more nervous than he ever had before in his life. His heart was pounding as he looked into her eyes and saw the unmistakable desire there. He had no idea what she is thinking but he is fascinated by her daringness.
He watches as she pushes the straps of her bra off of her shoulders and drops the garment to the ground. She lets out a deep sigh of pleasure as her breasts become the focus of his attention, and the look in his eyes tells her he wants her just as much as she wants him.
She feels incredibly sexy and alluring. For a brief moment, their eyes meet. She feels a strange and wonderful stirring in her stomach. Her cheeks flush, and she quickly looks away. At that moment, she just knows that she is in trouble.
Without saying anything, she swiftly moves on with the game by placing down her green 8. Harry can’t seem to keep his eyes away from her for too long, giving her an enormous confidence boost. 
Both of them place down a few more cards before she places down her Wild Draw 4 card and change the colour to blue. Harry draws his four cards and takes a good look at his cards. He’s having a hard time focusing on the game with the gorgeous sight in front of him. 
He places down two cards in one go, a blue skip causing him to have a second turn, and a blue 5. 
She places down her blue 8 and shout UNO! Harry looks through his cards again to find any card that may cause her to not finish the game. A Wild Draw 4, a +2, anything at all. But all he has is a blue 2.
“Oh my god, Harry. What are the odds.” She chuckles. 
“Wha’d you mean?” 
She places down a blue 2 on top of his. She’s been waiting for this moment ever since he took his shirt off. Her thoughts have been flooded with the idea of him naked in front of her. It’s all she’s been thinking about for the past years. 
“Well, shi’. Y’ win the game and I have to take off my jeans?” He laughs. Without another word, he gets up, unbuttons his jeans and zips down his fly. His thumbs hook into the waistband of his jeans to pull them down painfully slow. A soft sign, nearly a moan is heard when his bulge is released from his tight pants. Ever since she had to get rid of her shirt Harry’s cock started hardening beneath him. 
She gasps at the view in front of her. She makes it her mission to get him out of his boxers as soon as possible. The lust in her eyes is inevitable, not knowing where to look. His eyes? His hands, where he is pushing down his jeans? Or his bulge, which is honestly where she just wants to keep looking at.
Tension is rising and she can’t wait for him to add the last bit of his clothes to the growing pile. His jeans finally drop to the floor and he lifts his right foot trying to step out. His ankle gets stuck and she reaches out instinctively to hold the jeans down, helping him get out. She allows him to step out before she adds the denim to the pile of clothes. 
Harry sits back down close to her. Both their legs touch again but now theres no fabric in between holding back the skin to skin contact. She looks down at where her legs touch and look back up to him.
“Hi.” He says with a soft smile across his lips. God those lips, they have never looked more kissable. Or is it just her mind playing games? Her thoughts are all over the place. All she wants is to just push him over, straddle him and kiss him. Everywhere. 
“Hey.” She chuckles before a nervous laugh is heard from Harry’s side. Her eyes drop down to his boxers. He chose to wear navy blue Calvin Klein’s this morning and she is so thankful for his choice. The dark fabric accentuates his skin perfectly. An outline visible around his growing member. 
“Eyes up ‘ere, love.” He snorted as if he isn’t having the hardest time keeping his own eyes away from her tits. 
“Sorry.” She whispers before Harry holds out his hand for her to grab. His thumb dances on the back of your hand. Both of them are quiet for a little bit as they soak up each other. 
After what feels forever but actually are only 1,5 minutes, Y/N speaks up.
“Harry? What are we doing?” She questions him, still holding onto him as she looks their connected hands. 
“Hmn, I don’ know actually.” He replies. His free hand reaches with his forefinger for her chin and pushes her face up so she’d have to look in his eyes. “All I know is tha’ I want you. So, fucking, bad.”
Her eyes light up. She can’t believe he really admitted what he just said and without a second thought she gives in to her desire of just a few minutes ago. 
Y/N lets go of Harry’s hand and pushes him onto the floor by his shoulders. Simultaneously she climbs on top of him, causing a muted “oh” to fall from Harry’s lips. He is surprised by her actions and honestly, so is she. His hands grab her by her hips as she sits down on his tummy, avoiding contact with his aching cock. 
Their lips finally connect. Thirteen long years are coming together in this sweet and lustfull kiss. Harry’s right hand travels up and down her side as his left nestles into her hair. The two of them sink into the living room floor, both desperate for the connection they have been longing for. 
His opens his mouth and gently sucks Y/N’s lip between his. He lets go after a few seconds and licks softly over her bottom lip. Her heart races as her spine arches under his touch causing him to naturally pull her closer. She opens her mouth to allow her tongue to join his, going back and forth. 
She moans with pleasure and their tongues intertwine even more vigorously, entangling with one another in a desperate search for more pleasure. Each movement they make is somehow more tantalizing than the last. Their hands exploring each other's body with a deep hunger for more.
Y/N wishes this moment would last forever. She is scared of what might happens next, what if this is just a heat of the moment kind of kiss and they really can’t go back to being just friends. Or maybe that is exactly what Harry meant with his ‘Then we’ll just stop being friends’. 
Harry’s hand roam down her back. He moans a bit louder when he finally touches her bum. She feels a firm squeeze on her left cheek, ripping a moan from her thoat. Y/N bucks her hips instinctively at the sweet tingles in her core.
Their lips part for a second and she presses her forehead against his. Both of them are a panting mess, feeling completely out of this world. With Harry’s hand still squeezing her bottom he speaks up.
“How abou' we take this to the bedroom, love?” He whispers.
Taglist: @justmystyles Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist! 🤗
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fa-headhoncho · 7 months
Old Men
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(Eventual) George Weasley x Malfoy!Reader
Summary: Aftermentioned gits put their plan into motion.
Word Count: 2453
Reader: Female
Warnings: Admitting your wrongs :(
Author’s Note: Inconsistently back as ever :)
Series Masterlist
The group lets out a booming roar as Cedric drops his name into the goblet. You half-heartedly join in, clapping along with his friends while the blue fire eats his name. The sound of singeing seals Cedric’s fate; if his name is popped out tomorrow night, he was in the game. 
The Tournament was filled with hard tasks, doubling the intensity most likely since the volunteers were at legal age. Times were pretty messed up right now and you wouldn’t put it past whoever was behind this to make the students work for the reward. The uncertainty is what would kill you… and possibly Cedric. 
Alfred already has the blonde in a chokehold when you turn back to them. You watch as the rest give him pats on the back or words of positivity, the worry slowly dissipating when you see the smile on his face. He lets out a laugh before pushing his friend off of him and lurching off him and onto you. 
You barely have time to hug back as he starts to squeeze you, letting out another laugh. 
“Oi, Cedi, I don’t think they’ll let you participate if you’re in Azkaban for suffocating me to death,” You joke but he only tightens his hold. The pressure and his excitement rubbing off of you makes you giggle. 
He pulls back slightly and stares at you for a moment then he places a wet, sloppy kiss on your forehead and disappears back into his crowd of friends. A large blush appears on your face from his affectionate action. It wasn’t like you weren’t touchy with your friends, far from it, but the new crowd of students intimidated you. You could feel the eyes burning into your skin and you just wanted to combust. 
A tuff of red hair comes into view and you reach out for safety. Ron’s head turns as he feels a gentle touch on his elbow, his confusion dissipating when he sees you falling into step with him and Harry. 
“Oh, hi (Y/N).” He greets you with a small smile which you half return, “Pretty wild that Cedric put his name in the cup, huh?” 
You nod absent-mindedly, looking around the students standing about the room to see if you spotted the two nimrods you were searching for. “Have you seen the twins?” 
He shakes his head and you turn to Harry who does the same. You let out a sigh, dropping your hand from your hold on him and looking down at your shoes. You wanted to find the twin before they finished their potion, hoping to help them out instead of having them kill themselves prior to them even putting their name into the Goblet. There was an apology in order from you once you realized how your words had a double meaning to them. You weren’t trying to undermine them, you were just scared to lose them. 
Harry seemed to notice your face fall and the gears turning in your head, “Why are you looking for them? Is everything okay?” 
You bite your lip, debating telling the two what happened. “I kind of… yelled at them this morning for wanting to put their name in.” You shyly admit making Ron let out a light laugh. Your eyes immediately snap to him and send him a scowl. He doesn’t seem to get the hint until Harry knocks his shoulder with his. 
“Yea, I would be mad too if I were as close as you were with them.” The black-haired boy consoles, “Who would want to put their life at risk for a silly title and some galleons?” 
Sometimes you wonder how someone could be so rude to that boy. You didn’t interact with Harry a lot but when you did it was always pleasant. 
You open your mouth to respond but it dies in your throat when the room fills with cheers and hooting. All eyes turn toward the door as the twins bounce through causing an uproar. People clap as they hold up the long glass vials, showing off their finished product. 
Their cockiness makes every bit of guilt and remorse you feel fly out the window. Sure, it was kind of impressive that the two could whip up such a complicated potion within less than 24 hours but still. They were prancing around like it wasn’t going to be the thing that killed them. 
Maybe you were being a bit extreme. But, still, it was a stupid idea. They had an age restriction for a reason. 
After a brief conversation with Hermione who pointed out that the age line would just knock them out (something your brain failed to point out before your emotions took over), they make a show of linking arms like a couple at a wedding and down the liquid. 
Your breath hitches when they drop from the bench and leap over the age line, the room going silent in anticipation. When nothing happens, the crowd resumes praising the two. You can’t help yourself from smiling, a weird sense of pride replacing the worry since they outwitted Dumbledore himself.  
The boys dance around the circle, yes-ing and throwing thumbs up to everyone. They then both raise an arm and drop their papers into the Goblet. The same bolt of panic that surged through you when Cedric put his name in shoots through your spine again. You didn’t have any time to dwell on the feeling before their whole plan turns sour. 
Blue flames twist out of the goblet, swirling in the air before shooting out and blasting the red-haired nitwits. The blow sends them flying back, students circle them once they land. You’re too far away to see what they’re doing, too busy processing what just happened before chants fill the air. 
“Oh Merlin,” You finally snap out of it, rushing around the circle and rushing towards them. You wiggle through the crowd, pushing people out of the way and halting when you come to the front. The twins were rolling around on the floor, greybeards and all, wrestling each other. 
You let out an indigent sound, angry at the two for getting themselves into this situation in the first place but also at everyone who is just sitting back and watching. 
Rushing forward, you try to pull the two old men apart. You tug at whoever was on top’s robes and a hand flies back to hit you. You gasp at them, grabbing the hood and using all your strength to at least give them a hint. The twin on top rolls off beside the other and they both look up at you. 
You stare down at them, they both have long grey hair and matching fluffy beards. There was a small skip of a beat in your heart as you looked at what the two would look like when they were old. Hopefully, this won’t be the only time you would see the two like this. 
Shaking your head to knock the paranoid thoughts out, you focus back on the situation at hand. “Are you two stupid? Even Hermione told you that it wouldn’t have worked.” They just share a pained glance with one another. You snap your fingers, grabbing their attention again but all you get is their puppy dog eyes. “Why don’t you two listen to me ever?” 
They send you a sheepish smile, barely visible under their large beards. You let out a dramatic groan, “Get up, nimrods.” You signal them with one hand and turn around, not bothering to see if they are following. The sea of students part for you, the scowl on your face enough to strike fear into them to clear a path without question. 
None of you say anything until the three of you were out in the corridor, the only words being spoken along the way were Ron wishing the twins good luck. Once the doors shut, the two start bickering once again. 
You’re tempted to stomp your foot like a child, but you are too busy focusing your energy into not tripping up the staircase. People stare as you march through the corridors, some Beauxbatons students whispering in French as you pass. 
The twins bump into you when you stop abruptly. Both of them are about to mouth off something yet decided against it when you raise a finger. “Could you two stop for one second?” One of them, Fred presumably, opens his mouth to spit something back but George stops him with a light smack to his chest. You give him a grateful smile before digging into your robes for something. 
Two potions daggle in front of the two boys making the older, well usually older, one roll his eyes. “You really made a bloody antidote. Do you have zero faith in us?” He scoffs but takes the potion and storms off. 
You call after him, giving up when he turns a corner and disappears. As much as you like Fred and appreciate the friendship he forced upon you, he was quite difficult to make amends with when a problem arises. A frustrated huff escapes your mouth and your shoulders slump. Would he have rather gone to the hospital wing and get in trouble?  
Deciding it was better to talk to him when he cools off, you turn back around to face the remaining twin, “I’m sorry, Georgie.” A guilty smile crosses your lips, “You have to be a wiz at charms and potions to pull the pranks. I didn’t mean to insult your guys’ intelligence, just your decision making skills.” He rolls his eyes, “I mean, I just don’t understand why you two would just jump on the opportunity to basically kill yourself for money.” 
“Well, we’d rather die than not get the money.” 
“George— “ 
A small smirk appears on his face when your voice raises a few octaves, anything to release some of the tension built up between the three of you. “Love, I’m kidding.” He runs a soothing hand over your scalp, running it down your arm and ending its journey when his hand slips into yours. You lean into his touch easily, glad they’re not the wrinkled ones from moments before. “You really don’t get it, do you?” 
His tilted head makes you frown, you truly had no idea why the two were so adamant about joining this tournament. The risk outweighed the reward by miles. You felt guilty about calling them stupid, not about being protective of them. You just shake your head in return and let him guide you to a nearby bench. 
The red head opens his mouth then closes it, not knowing how to express his feelings without you taking it the wrong way. “Fred was right when he said we don’t have money like you do-- not that he said it in the nicest way,” He quickly adds when he sees your head tilt down in shame, “Nor do we have the same notoriety that comes with your last name. There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just--” He trails off and looks past you, trying to reorganize his thoughts. 
“I don’t know my privilege sometimes.” You finish for him, and he nods to confirm. “I’m sorry, I guess I didn’t realize that.” The connections make sense, the glances shared between them when you went to the shop together, the nervous expression on George’s face every time you exchanged gifts during holidays, the staying at home during Hogsmeade weekends with “doing homework” excuses. 
“We needed the money to open the joke shop and the allure it would get being owned by a Triwizard Champion, not because we wanted it for anything else.” He explains fully, glad to the realization on your face. 
“What about the money from your bets at the cup?” 
“Bagman said we needed a lesson about underage gambling.” 
“That no good--” 
George lets out a chuckle at how easily you switch moods. “Love, it’s fine.” He doesn’t know what’s gotten into him when he goes to run his other hand over your head again. The clarification of you worrying about him -them- waters his insides as his crush on you blossoms even more, “We’ll figure something out, Fred and I already have some plans.” 
You huff and lean into him, “I am truly sorry, George. I really didn’t mean to insult you guys. I worry about Cedric but if something happened to you.” You look down at your intertwined hands, enjoying the moment before your eyes widen, “--Or Fred!” You quickly add, realizing what you said. If he heard your slip, he didn’t mention it. But, if you took a daring glance, you would see his bright red face. “Is there anything I can help with? As an apology?” 
He fiddles with a loose string on the sleeve of your robe, debating between his options. “Do my potions essay?” That earns him a slap on the wrist making him giggle and squeeze you closer to him. 
“I’ll be your first employee.” You offer, running through different ideas through your head. “I bet I can stock shelves faster than you.” A proud claim yet there is a mischievous glint in your eyes as you look up at him. 
His mind goes blank at the thought of you suggesting a future event with him after graduation even if it was to make up for some silly understanding. Add that to the way you’re looking up at him, he couldn’t tell someone his name if they asked. He’s glad Fred stormed off because if his brother saw him this way, he could never live it down. 
You call out to him, pulling him back into reality. 
He feels his cheeks start to heat up, so he just pushes your head back into his shoulder, “We’ll see if you’ll have time once you’re traveling the world saving creatures.” You easily tuck into his side and fall into step with him as he starts moving the two of you down the corridor. 
You falter a little at the mention of your dream career, the possibility of it slowly dwindling as time goes on. “I’ll always have time for my favorite Weasley.” The response comes so immediate, like it’s something you’ve said to him a thousand times. It’s like you don’t know what you do to him when you say those words— well, you couldn’t have since he’s never told you. 
“I mean Ginny, of course. Not you.” 
One last blow to regain the normalcy between you too. George recovers rather quickly this time, pinching your sides to make you as frazzled as he was. You let out a squeal, surprised by the action and push your face into him more. 
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metorea · 9 months
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HP boys as Hozier Songs
All characters aged up + smut & fluff separated
Harry: Like Real People Do
♡ Harry has always felt alienated from others. That is, until he met you.
♡ You have always made him feel like a real person. Like he existed beyond his reputation as the boy who lived. To you, he was no one but Harry.
♡ “We should just kiss like real people do” Harry finds a home in you that he's never had anywhere else. When things seem impossible you are a light at the end of the tunnel, a persistent reminder that sooner or later, it will all be okay.
♡ You were so beautiful that it made him want to cry. Sometimes he'd catch himself gazing at you and forgetting to breathe, entirely enraptured.
♡ This morning was one of those mornings. He'd seen horrible things the night before, being an auror and all- but you, at the counter, fumbling with eggs he assumed you'd intended to cook for breakfast… the cruelty of some wizards was lost to him in the flow of your movements.
♡ Gentle, gentle touches.
♡ He worships you and he wants you to feel it in every brush of his fingers. The bend of your elbow, the back of your knee, it was all so perfect. So magical.
♡ His hands on your hips from behind felt like worship, your gentle moans a prayer.
♡ “So good, so perfect”, He'd murmur, nose buried in the crook of your neck while other parts of him were buried elsewhere- eggs long forgotten.
Ron: Movement
♡ “When you move I'm moved” Ron watches you and is inspired by your every move. For you, he wants to be so much more than he is. You make him want to be better, smarter, stronger- all while making him feel loved just as he is.
♡ He admires you. He always has. You look to him with these big, gentle eyes and he knows at once that nothing could ever make him happier than a home with you.
♡ He dreams of a quiet life but he gets lost in your motion as well. In your excitement, your passions- it's infectious. He builds his life around you and he doesn't mind one bit; he never could.
♡ He shows everything he feels for you that he can't articulate in every move he makes inside you.
♡ Your hands pinned above your head and his face flushed, he's determined to be the best he can be for you.
♡ It's wild, it's passionate, just like the two of you. The fire of his hair matches the fire of his heart as he trails bite marks and kisses down every bit of you that he can reach.
♡ The room grows warm with the fervent way he moves, not that you'd ever dream of complaining. You love it, every bit of it- your legs wrapping around his hips to drive him impossibly further
Cedric: Would that I
♡ Cedric loves every bit of you, in all your duality and ever shifting parts. If anything, it makes him love you more. And you do the same.
♡ He's a consistent man. He likes things to stay the same. His schedule, his plans- but you wreck them every time. You blow in like a breeze from the sea and he watches as you tear up all he thought he knew, smiling all the while.
♡ And God, he loves it.
♡ He would never dream of taming you, of trying to control you. The wildness is what he yearns for, it keeps him alive.
♡ He'd never try to tame you. Except when you're beneath him. That, is a different story entirely.
♡ He knows how powerful you are. How smart, how driven, how dedicated- he tells you every day. This only makes it that much more enjoyable to see you fall apart the way you do for him.
♡ “Go ahead honey, let go for me.” He'd whisper, moving you up and down against his hips with strong hands.
♡ He loves relieving you. He sees you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders every day, nothing brings him more pride than affording you this release.
♡ Getting his dick wet is just a happy bonus.
Fred: Nobody
♡ “I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave”
♡Fred is mischievous, reckless, impulsive. He's a hazard, a concern, a risk. And he's content being all these things. Hell, he takes pride in the labels stuck to him by his parents, professors, and other authorities.
♡ He is certain that he will never meet anyone who can match his energy the way George does, until he meets you.
♡ You, a firecracker. You, who speaks without thinking. You, who casts jinxes like you were born to do it, faster than even he can.
♡ The first time he sees you inflate someone's ears he is in love. Absolutely head over heels heart eyes.
♡ He knew he had to have you right then. And have you he did.
♡ As recklessly as the two of you did everything else, you did this. But this was not haphazard, like the assignments you both so often failed to turn in. This was precise and messy, gentle and harsh, satisfying and yet always leaving a need for more.
♡ His lips crashed into yours and fireworks erupted in your belly. He shoved you against the wall and you hooked your fingers through his belt loops, grinning wide into the kiss.
♡ “You're gonna be the end of me, baby” He'd whisper against your lips. “Not today,” You'd reply, leaning in to kiss him again. He is more than happy to oblige you.
George: Damage gets Done
♡ Life is full of surprises, and George has always preferred to go with the flow. You have been his favorite surprise by far.
♡ He fell in love with you slowly. He fell in love with your smile first, and from the first time he saw it, it has been his personal mission to see it as many times as he possibly could.
♡ You fell into his life all at once, without any sort of warning. And as shocked as he was that he was so taken with someone, he knew at once that this was not something to be wasted. No, with you, he could not go with the flow. He could not just let things happen. By some stroke of luck you came into his life, he could not let you go.
♡ You fell into his life,
♡ And now you fall into his lap.
♡ He buries his head in your chest while you move up and down atop him, nails digging into his freckled shoulders as your head falls back.
♡ He looks away from his ceaseless kissing and sucking to look at you, taking in the art that was you falling apart for him. He'd grin at you, wrapping his arm around your waist to lean you back so he was on top once more.
♡ He'd bury himself inside of you with each thrust, nipping at all the skin he could reach before tracing a gentle hand over it, completely lost in you.
♡ Your hands tangle in his ever messy hair and he feels more purpose than he ever has before, right here, with you pressed against him.
♡ “Give your heart and soul to charity, because the rest of you, the best of you, honey- belongs to me.”
♡ It shouldn't come as a shock that Tom is a possessive man. You aren't just his partner, you are his. Period.
♡ “Nothing fucks with my baby” As cruel as he can be to you, he would never tolerate such behavior from anyone else.
♡ Someone glares at you, and they have been cursed. Someone dares to insult you, and it's the last words they ever say. And God help anyone who ever hurts you, really hurts you. For them, death would be merciful. You are his, and nothing hurts what belongs to him except for him.
♡ He fucks you with that same spirit of ownership. This is not necessarily a good thing- unless you're into that.
♡ He cares little for your pleasure. It doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things- you're his. You couldn't leave if you wanted to, not that you'd ever want to. Right?
♡ He fucks you to clear his head, to clear his body. You're a dumping ground, but you're his dumping ground. You're pathetic, but you're his. Perhaps that's enough. For him, that is enough. For you, it has to be.
Blaise: It Will Come Back
♡ From the first shred of kindness you showed Blaise he was weak for you. Rarely were people sweet to him the way you were without an ulterior motive. A taste of love was all he needed, and he was hooked.
♡ From then on, to pry him away from you was difficult. Though he kept his physical distance the majority of the time, his thoughts never left you.
♡ He had a reputation to keep up, but you knew what it all meant. The gifts, the letters, the looks- he was all yours. Once or twice you forgot to reply to him, and there he was the next day, outside your dormitory. Like a moth to a flame, he was, and is, drawn to you.
♡ He makes love to you like a ritual. You are a God and he is your humble servant, this is the only place in his life where he is anything but in charge. For you he is weak, he is malleable.
♡ His eyes hold a depth you drown in as he stares at you from just above, forehead pressed to yours.
♡ His thrusts are slow and steady, always sure and confident in what he's doing.
♡ His hands make quick work of you, again and again and again. He's amazingly controlled as he moves. He is locked in on you and every reaction you're giving him, completely unbothered by his own growing arousal.
♡ “It can't be unlearned, I've known the warmth of your doorway. Through the cold, I'll find my way back to you.”
Draco: To Be Alone
♡ “When you kill the lights and kiss my eyes, I feel like a person for a moment of my life.”
♡ Draco is a bad man. He knows this, his friends know this, everyone knows this.
♡ Except you. You don't seem to understand that the arms that hold you are soaked in unfathomable amounts of blood, that the eyes that stare into yours have seen unimaginable things.
♡ For this, among other things, Draco loves you.
♡ With you and you alone, he feels innocent. He feels pure for the first time since he was a child, bathed in your light and temporarily absolved of the guilt he carries.
♡ The voice that reminds him what he's done will always be there, but so will yours, always there to quiet it. He has found a sanctuary between your lips, a gift he never could have dreamt of, but something he no longer knows how to live without.
♡ Your bedroom is a sanctuary of sorts, for the same above reasons
♡ You put your mouth on him and the tension leaves him all at once. His knees nearly buckle, he has to seek support from the desk you have him backed up against.
♡ He has to stop his hips from bucking forward of their own accord, not wanting to startle you
♡ His hand moves down, stroking your cheek and tangling in your hair while you move up and down his length, staring up at him
♡ How could you ever expect him to last when you look at him like that?
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xx-thedarklord-xx · 9 months
saw your name on the erised particpant post and i'm so excited to read what you wrote! it's like seeing authors in the wild when they do fests and stuff. can't wait
Ahh thank you! I've participated three times in Erised and unfortunately, this year will be my last time for that particular fest, but I am glad you are looking forward to it! There's another fest I participated in as well that will get revealed in the next couple weeks. If you are interested in my past fest fics, I'll link them.
-Dear Cousin, Love Regulus [Harry/Draco Big Bang 2018] As the sole Malfoy heir, Draco understood that his path was set long before his birth; who to be, how to act and what his choices should be. What he had not counted on was the power of outside influences. Letters from his deceased cousin caused him to realize that he did have choices, starting with the choice to be someone else, to be who he wanted to be. The road to self-discovery was difficult and navigating that path in the shadow of Harry Potter was its own challenge but maybe, just maybe, his friends would help him along the way. And he would owe it all to Regulus Black.
-Ardour of Karma [H/D Erised 2019] “Malfoy knows something is going on with you and unless you both want to go back to fighting and death glares, you should fix it.”
“How do I do that? Just waltz up to him and say, ‘I know I’ve been a prat but your scent makes my dick swell. How’s your day?’”
“Mind repeating that?”
The familiar drawl had Harry’s throat clamming up as his blood ran cold. Oh no.
-The Forsaken [Harry/Draco OwlPost 2019] When Draco imagined his future as a child he thought he'd be a Potion Master, get married and maybe have a kid. But the reality was he was a retired Assassin, bitten by a Vampire and mated to a reckless, idiotic, foolish ex-Auror now turned Veela—Harry Potter.
-Borrowing Courage [H/D Erised 2018] After years of being a Magical Artist and painting for other people, Draco decides it’s time to paint for himself for once. The secrets pile up as he tries to unravel the mystery of his relatives but the only thing he didn’t count on was having to go to Potter of all people for approval.
-Save a Horse, Ride a Malfoy [HP Kinkfest 2020] Riddles are woven throughout life, some never answered and many lost in frustration. Whatever riddle it was that defined what Harry and Draco had was a mess of a riddle that worked for them, despite what everyone else thought, even if there was no answer—yet. Sex was another riddle, only that was one they had solved many, many times over. 
-Still Standing [H/D Fan Fair 2019] Not many know the evil origins of a Philosopher's Stone. When Draco discovers that the Goblins found one and kept it, he'll stop at nothing to see it taken care of. Even if that means having to deal with Gringotts' very own resident twat: Harry Potter.
-Augury Forecast [HP Drizzle Fest 2018] Draco had always known that teaching at Hogwarts would be an experience, he just didn’t think that meant a flash flood in the kitchens, a windstorm in the Great Hall, or a sandstorm in the Quidditch pitch. Months of extreme weather would grate on anyone’s nerves, but to have Potter, the ever annoying Divination Professor, around every corner was even worse. So much for a quiet life at Hogwarts.
-Teach Me [HP Contest Fest 2018] "If you can’t learn Occlumency, then you can’t become an Auror.”
No. All of this couldn’t be for nothing. Harry hadn’t spent so much time proving himself, proving that he was more than just a famous name for all of this to go to shite. “This can’t be the end.”
"I have someone in mind that could teach you if you are willing, but I can't guarantee he will help, especially considering your... past." 
"You don't mean Malfoy, do you?"
-Worth Betting On [HP Joggers Fest 2018] The easy way Malfoy breezed into the arena in an unprofessional attire—grey joggers that outlined far too much, and a white dress shirt open with nothing underneath—which showed off his chest, his sweaty sweaty chest—had Harry sitting up straighter. It wasn't unusual to see Malfoy in such a state of undress, it was a signature move that he refused to change.  
Not that Harry wanted him to change. 
 Or the one where Draco is a professional Duelist, and Harry can't stay away from the matches.
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goldsainz · 2 years
POPSTAR!Y/N — series.
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pairing: harry styles x reader
NOTE: this is to celebrate 1k followers!!! thank you guys so much, it is actually insane that so many people follow me and like my content, so i'm very grateful. harry is back, and with a trope/series i have not planned out but i feel will develop beautifully!! also i added “‘s finsta” to celebrities bc i was too lazy to search if they had them or not… i too wanna thank @harrysfolklore for all of her help while i made this!! happy reading 🤍
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liked by harrystyles, livkatecooke and 13,104,826 others
yourusername i can love me better.
view all 196,572 comments
devonleecarlson hugeeee slay
ynfan2 miss y/n stop giving me heart attacks pls
user1 when’s she gonna let liam go omg
ynfan3 new album alert!!!
gemmastyles I’m obsessed already
↳ harryfan1 gemma what are you doing here?????
ynfan4 this new era is gonna slay
billieeilish 👏mother👏
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liked by ynfan21, ynfan22 and 31,928 others
alistupdates Y/N Y/L/N was seen arriving at a restaurant in NYC! We don’t know for sure who she was meeting, but word has it Harry Styles was also there!
view all 479 comments
harryfan21 what would harry be doing there tho?
↳ ynfan23 maybe going on a date w her
↳ harryfan22 as if harry would go out with someone like her
user21 This John Galiano look on her 🔥
ynfan24 MOMMY!!!!
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liked by harryfan31, ynfan31 and 187,254 others
ynupdates y/n’s reaction when asked about harry styles!
view all 2,809 comments
harryfan32 “harry’s… haha… um, i haven’t had the chance to meet him properly…”
↳ user31 girly was struggling hard to deflect the question
ynfan32 her face was priceless
ynfan33 best bit was when she mentioned her manager to stop herself from revealing anything
↳ ynfan34 How so?
↳ ynfan33 jimmy asked if the rumours of harry being on her upcoming album were true and her eyes slightly widened and then went “i guess you’ll just have to wait and see, i mean… i see my manager glaring at me, i hear you loud and clear, sharon!”
user32 ugh get her away from harry now
harryfan33 they’d be a better couple than him and olive for sure..
↳ harryfan34 anything is better than that
liked by florencepugh, selenagomez and 11,897,032 others
yourusername i’m very excited to announce that my latest single ‘Flowers’ will be out this week! this song is for anyone who was heartbroken over a relationship but knows they are worth much more than that relationship. love yourself because no one will do so better!
view all 178,455 comments
ynfan41 already a bop!!!!!
harrystyles 🌺🌸🌼
↳ harryfan42 the flowers😭😭😭 i love him sm
sabrinacarpenter so mother of you
↳ sabrinafan41 i just know her management team is sighing
ynfan43 the queen is back bitches
user41 i can feel myself relating alr
dualipa this song is pure beautyyy ✨
↳ yourusername you’re pure beauty!!! 🌼
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liked by bellahadidsfinsta, harrysfinsta and 147 others
yourfinsta me and my (alleged) bf out in the wild🔥
view all 7 comments
harrysfinsta Looking good! 😊
↳ yourfinsta can’t tell if you’re being narcissistic or complimenting me
↳ harrysfinsta Always compliment! ❤️❤️
victoriapedrettisfinsta You guys are so cute it sickens me
bellahadidsfinsta MY BABIES!! 💕
↳ devonsfinsta ours***
↳ yourinstagram i love you both sm💋
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liked by ynfan61, ynfan62 and 76,430 others
ynfanclub guys someone sent this account which is supposedly y/n! it has a childhood pic as the pfp which we could not find ANYWHERE!! there are no apparent celebs who follow it, so it could be fake… what do you guys think???
view all 1,146 comments
user61 if it is her, respect her privacy. there’s a reason she made a finsta
ynfan63 i don’t think it’s her tbh
↳ ynfan64 same here!
↳ user62 not the first time someone faked being her…
ynfan65 i’d be so annoyed if i had a finsta and someone exposed it, just saying
user63 if it has that many followers, im betting it’s her
ynfan66 i requested too!!!!
↳ ynfan67 as if she would accept😭😭
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hp-bodiceripper · 1 year
Bodice Ripper 2023: masterlist revealed
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Reveals are here!
Thank you to all our wonderful participants for your skill and creativity. It's been a joy to host this fest for you again.
Thank you dear commenters, rebloggers, kudos givers, and enthusiastic supporters. We hope you feel properly romanced.
See you next year!
🖋 collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart by @lqtraintracks (Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, E, 4k)
Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
🖋 Cool About It by @oflights (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 16k)
Harry is so excited for his first date with Draco. But what follows isn't so much a date as it is an all-night odyssey including a malevolent lift, a Gringotts heist, a Sleeping Curse, a trip to the kebab shop, a lack of dancing, a Muggle drug, a rooftop pool party, a black eye and, eventually, a sunrise over a Quidditch stadium.
🖋 Love Me Meow by apricitydays (Arabella Fig/Minerva McGonagall, E, 2.5k)
After the students leave for the summer, Headmaster McGonagall and the new Muggle Studies professor have a chance and sensuous encounter at the beach.
🖋 Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage by @goblinmatriarch (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, E, 21k)
Lord Draco Malfoy may be a young man spending time in Dumbledore’s summer court, but that does not mean he needs to succumb to its licentious frivolity. He carries the burden of his lineage, the shadow of rumours, and the dignity of his betrothal to a good match. He is certainly not fool enough to be distracted by the dark curls and ready grin of the court’s stableboy, who seems to have taken up with every courtier who looks his way.
🖋 The Real Thing by @skeptiquewrites (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 5k)
Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
🖋 this is how we become timeless by @evadwrites (Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans, T, 10k)
Narcissa is in eternal servitude to the Dark Lord, bound by the tears of a burned-down phoenix. Lily belongs to the Order, bound by the tears of the same creature. They’re the only two people in the world in the position of time turners, tasked with teetering the outcome of the ongoing war into their respective side’s favor. They are light years away, yet they’ve never been closer.
🖋 Wild Horses (couldn't drag me away) by @purplehotmess (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, E, 36k)
Koi no Yokan (Japanese) - The feeling of excitement you get when you first meet someone and know that you will eventually fall in love with them. A more realistic version of ‘love at first sight’, it roughly translates to ‘premonition of love’. A story of magic, horses, magical horses, and two men who fight all odds to find their way to each other.
🖋 Yesterday by suhtmuikkis (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, T, 10k)
Harry doesn’t intentionally kidnap Draco Malfoy. Really it’s debatable if you can even call it kidnapping but the git surely seems to think so.
🎨 Harry And Draco Wearing Kilts by @ladderofyears (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, G, digital art)
Our favourite wizards, dressed in traditional Scottish attire.
🎨 I Bloom Pink For You by @crazybutgood (Narcissa Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, M, craft)
Pansy has been starved for love her whole life. All she needs is someone who will give her the approval she craves. An origami comic inspired by Schmem_14's fic.
🎨 Joy Exposed by @getawayfox (Fleur Delacour/Ginny Weasley, G, Digital art)
Ginny and Fleur give an interview for Daily Prophet’s new Weekend Magazine and spend hours doing an accompanying photoshoot. When it comes to approving the selection of photos for print, they unanimously choose the candid one taken on their break, rather than all the styled and posed images.
🎨 Monday Murder Club by @vitaminpops (Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Lavender Brown/Padma Patil, T, Digital art)
The members of a crime-solving club find love and friendship amidst the blood.
🎨 The Professor's Passion by @digthewriter (Narcissa Black Malfoy/Hermione Granger, G, Digital art)
Hermione is a professor and Gryffindor head of house. She loves her job... until Narcissa Malfoy is hired on the school's faculty, and is now head of Slytherin. God, that woman is insufferable. Hermione despises her so much she can hardly think about anything else. (She must hate her... that's why she always feels so hot and bothered when she's around, right? And does she have to be so damn beautiful?)
🎨 You Pierce My Soul by @reliand (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, digital art)
Harry's eyes were on him almost as soon as Draco entered the ballroom. It was as if he'd been watching the door, and now Harry's eyes were wide and his mouth open.
🎵 Masks Off by @roseszain (Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Teen, 3h 15 min)
Draco had followed his parents to this Caribbean island as a matter of course, even though no one had told him what they were doing here or why his father’s ships were frequently attacked by masked pirates. And, honestly, Draco’d had no intention of actually finding out either.
🎵 wasps and honey by swoons by cailynwrites (Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy, M, 1 - 1,5 hours)
After ten years on parole in the Muggle world, newly widowed Narcissa Black is finally allowed to do magic again — as long as she can complete all the spells on the Ministry course list. Her Ministry of Magic representative? Hermione Granger.
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mysticalrambling · 2 years
Familial Bliss (H.S)
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My Main Masterlist is here.
Harry Styles Masterlist is here.
Summary: Y/N surprising Harry on his concert with their baby.
Warnings: none :)
Thinking of surprising your husband on his tour, you decided to take your little munchkin with you to his LA concert this time. Normally, you would never do anything like this because you both didn’t want Phoebe to be showcased all over the TMZ articles. 
The phone beside you kept popping up with texts but your focus was currently on the two-year-old. Phoebe, who has recently been keen on making posters and family pictures, is currently sitting next to you and trying to make her version of a fan poster.
You come to help her after her mini tantrum of not getting it right. She is a perfectionist like her beloved father. Gently guiding her hands on the paper, you quickly completed the writing part of the poster. Phoebe then comes up with an idea to fill the blank sides with her colored handprints. Soon, the whole poster appears as a unicorn thrown upon it. Some of the letters might have even been caught in the chaos. 
Soon, the time to leave for the stadium came so you made sure to double-check all your things. The trickiest part was to get into the stadium without the fans spotting you or Phoebe. However, Jeff always came through and you made it at the exact moment Harry was about to step on the stage. 
Instead of going backstage to wish him good luck, you made your way to the VIP section in the pit. Phoebe had her noise-canceling headphones placed the moment you entered the stadium. Safety always came first. You were excited to see your husband’s reaction because this was the first time your daughter was coming to one of his concerts.
“Hey, New York! ‘m Harry and I think y’all are here to listen to m’songs.” The smugness in his voice couldn’t be hidden but the crowd didn’t seem to mind. 
Little hands shifted your line of vision towards herself. Looks like she can't share your attention with anyone. After all, she is her father's daughter.
The crowd went wild the moment the ‘Golden’ tune came alive. Phoebe stared out in wonder towards the expanse of the crowd cheering for her father. She has never seen so many people together in her life. The moment Harry’s figure came into view, you tilted your daughter’s head towards the stage. 
“Look, there's daddy!!” You hoped that she could make sense of your words a little bit because you didn’t want her to miss Harry’s entrance.
He didn’t notice right away but when his eyes landed on you both, a mixture of surprise and excitement passed through them. Phoebe gave her father a toothy smile and you are glad that Jeff is recording the whole encounter. 
“Looks like we have a special guest with us tonight, ladies and gentlemen.” You came into focus on the big screen behind him and the crowd is instantly in awe of the little girl in your arms.  Waving at her father, she lay her head on your shoulders. “Alright, you are here for me so all attention should be on me.”
“Ever the narcissist.” You are quite sure that Harry can read your lips because a crooked smirk appeared on his lips. 
Harry starts the concert instantly after your little family interaction. You started to lightly dance to TPWK. However, you couldn’t do the whole routine like always because you couldn’t let Phoebe down. Sure, there were not a lot of people in the VIP section but you didn’t want to risk it. The smile didn’t leave your daughter’s lips for one second and you were glad that you thought of this surprise. 
There was an extra hip in his step today because he wanted to show off in front of his little love. He has been secretly wishing to take Phoebe to one of his concerts for a long time. You have been hesitant regarding this in the past but now it didn't matter. He spends extra time giving attention to the two of you throughout the concert and your daughter is enjoying every little bit.
“This song was written for m’little dove.”
“She knows the routine better than me. But she’s forgiven because of her cuteness.”
“Y'all, don't be jealous but m’daughter is my biggest fan.” 
Soon, Phoebe fell asleep due to exhaustion and excitement. Your daughter could sleep anywhere anytime; It is a trait you and her share. You held her in your arms because only the last song was remaining. You really didn’t want to miss the ‘whale’. 
“I need y’all to be a li’l quiet because m’princess is taking a nap. Guess she finds her dad born’.”
“Boohoo!” The whole crowd was really eating the small interactions between Harry and his family. It was extremely rare to get a glimpse of the rockstar’s private life. 
“Now now, we don’t ‘boohoo’ m’angel. Her sleep is more important than m’concert.” Looking at the crowd, he playfully shrugged his shoulders. “Those are just the facts.” You laughed along the fans at his mischievousness and brought Phoebe closer to yourself. 
The moment the concert ended, you made your way backstage to meet up with your husband. After giving you a kiss, he took Phoebe from your arms.
“H, I think I should carry her. You must be tired right now.”
“It’s okay, baby. I missed her so much. Thank y’ for the surprise, I loved it.”
“Anything for you, H.”
"Now let's get her t'bed so I can properly thank you."
"Shh, someone might hear you."
"So wha', this baby in my arms is a living proof that we did it." A laugh escaped his lips after seeing you blush on his crude innuendos. "Let's go home, baby."
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: I have been giving my pre med entry test for the past two months and I have finally gotten around to opening my blog. I know I haven't been the most active but I had to focus on my studies. Now that they are out of the way and I'm about to be done with my uni applications, I finally will be able to focus more on my writing. Thank you for waiting for me guys, I love you. Special thanks to @peculiarpenman for helping me out with life in general; be it writing or my daily mental breakdowns. @pettinesspersonified I hope you like this because you are a part of my writing journey as well. Thank you both❤️🧡
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