#I get too invested in dead fandoms all the time it's okay
poppydedicant · 2 years
The Quarry Verse Expanded
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A camp counselor who is quite rowdy, loud, and active, Popshi is the type of person who adores a thrill and encourages others to do the same. Despite this outgoing personality of his, no one really knows much about him on a personal level. His devotion to the dark arts and witchcraft can only be spotted by his strange way of speaking and the subtleties reflected on his expressions and physical appearance. Once the group is stranded for another night in Hackett’s Quarry, Popshi is more than happy to go out exploring with the group, hoping to find any arcane books, runes, or artifacts that can further his studies of witchery and of nature itself. Yet, even though he is in love with the craft, he will not at all welcome the threats that are soon to take over.
SPOILERY SECTIONS INCOMING FOR DETAILS and death mentions for Popshi by the end:
Details Relationships with the group:
Popshi is definitely an asshole, for the most part. Has no filter, likes to tease the possible couples forming, and also likes pushing people to the most dangerous of situations. That last one can backfire for him, especially if his relationship with the others is dangerously low. He can be left to try and save himself when in danger instead of being helped. 
Mostly gay gay homosexual gay. He’s very into the fellow male counselors, but just surface level, for the most part. Like the “want to makeout a little?” type of vibe. He won’t hold back from flirting with them and purposefully making them uncomfortable. He also likes Abi quite a bit cause she’s cute and sweet and intelligent, but he knows him and her could never work because he’s such a bad person overall and he knows she likes Nick. He cares for her enough to steer clear from her path and also minimize the teasing towards her just a bit less. 
Clashes with Kaitlyn because they’re both very similar with how they treat people. He thinks Emma is basic so he doesn’t bother with her much, very rude to her. 
If he has a higher relationship with all of them or most, being accepted despite how hard he is to deal with, he’ll definitely take the lead during the night and ultimately sacrifice himself (in extremely high amounts of fear; hyperventilating, shaking, but standing strong type of way. His shrieks would be horrible to hear cause he’d be panicking and desperately wanting to live and be saved but he wouldn’t at all say it) if there is no other choice.
By himself and other details:
Oh my god he will not stop talking. He will talk every step of the way. If you find a card? He’ll comment on it. Hears something? Whisper a comment about it. Nothing to comment on or you remain idle? He’ll start singing. He will talk and talk (and sing) during your run with him. 
Initially, he’ll have mostly rude choices as answer. Taking the least rude choice of those would probably help the rest of the group be more accepting. Also, when he talks directly to Abi, he’ll have a nice choice, always. One will be a little more teasing but gentle and the other would be outright nice or mellow. 
Full of cringe quotes.
He tries to make rituals but the group always refuses and stops him, much to his dismay as he assures he’d gain powers if he did this. Will comment on it as the story progresses, complaining about his lack of powers when he needs to survive.
People tease his badly-made small twintails, but he loves them so he uses them all the time. They probably get worse as the story progresses, since he doesn’t have chances to (badly) fix them.
He does NOT get along with figures of authority in Hackett’s Quarry. That includes if he meets Travis, the Hackett’s family, Laura and Max (even though these two aren’t figures of authority). He just doesn’t trust them enough to try and understand them. If he finds the chance, he’ll try to dispose of them for sure. He’ll use the vial Ryan tries to give Laura if he’s around, so DON’T LET HIM CLOSE. 
Definitely will accept being turned if he gets in danger, no way in hell he’s gonna accept dying without trying to save himself.
If he has to shoot someone or something to save himself, HE WILL DO IT IN A HEARTBEAT. He’s probably the main cause for other’s deaths if they’re in danger close to him, he’ll try to use them as decoy. He’ll try not to with Abi but he will do it by impulse and try to save her immediately after. If he develops a bigger relationship with her or another member of the group, he will advocate for their safety and even forcibly hold his impulses or tell people not to be too close.
He’ll love taking detours to gather intel and possible arcane books or artifacts. Delighted to obtain the tarot cards. If you miss one with him, he’ll comment feeling somehow disappointed or like he missed something that would’ve made him feel joy or something.
He’ll follow the voices he hear even though he wants to preserve himself. He’s a thrill-seeker through and through, curious as well and sometimes convinced that it may be the voice of a witch, leading him to the right choice.
He’ll fall for any traps, like beartraps and the like, he’s not too aware of his surroundings.
The breathing meter for him is probably lower than usual, you’d always have to use it until a second before it depletes or else he will take such a loud and deep breath that he’ll be heard. 
He has decent stamina and he’s good with firearms; aiming with him should be a little easier than with other characters. 
He says the forest reminds him of his home (his home is an secluded orphanage) and that the voice that looms around it is like the voices he used to hear when he was small (voices of witches). No one believes his story, usually.
He says lots of tall tales with mixed truths in time, so when he speaks complete truths, people tend to not believe him. 
If he’s turned, he’s a huge threat because he’ll kill mindlessly unless someone finds a way to snap him back to his scarce senses. Abi is probably your safest bet but this can backfire because he’d probably be jealous of Nick and end up raging at her and everyone else around. 
If he develops a good relationship and is turned, he will actively keep himself away from the group and give them at least two chances to run away from him. After that, he’ll lose his mind in the desire for carnage.
I wanted to write his possible deaths, but I haven’t seen all of the paths and choices to develop them all. Anyway, the usual; pinned down and bitten to death, decapit...ation, blood loss, cru...shed, self-sacrifice (rare case), pushing someone to danger only to get himself hurt in the process (the usual), drowning (doesn’t know how to swim), captured and eaten, shot, electroshocked (trying to escape), etc... I may come up with explanations later.
I may add some details later if I’m inspired or something. There must be stuff I’m inevitably missing and forgot to write, after all.
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prince-simon · 4 months
AIGHT I thought DBD was gonna be a fun lil show. You have: two dead boys with AMAZING chemistry (I LOVE their different accents/slangs/outfits to reflect the times they're from), two living girls with AMAZING chemistry (deadass thought Crystal saw the lights around Niko because maybe she liked herrrrr and the lights were psychic related instead of LITERAL SPRITE INFESTATION), two wildly horny demons who I believe need to get it on and leave Crystal and Edwin alone please and thank you (David and the Cat King), TALKING CATS, a witch cosplaying as Cruella de Ville (I thought she was MURDERING her poor bird Monty!!!!), the cutest adorable most precious little astrology nerd I've EVER SEEN (the aforementioned Monty who wasn't a victim of animal abuse after all), a cursed walrus (still salty Edwin interrupted Tragic Mike's story of how he was cursed, I was INVESTED) OH AND A SUPERHOT BUTCHER LADY!!
ANYWAY this show was supposed to be fun. I watch Supernatural and yeah there were scary episodes but I can't think of anything as traumatic as the Devlin House episode! 😭 Just... watching the dad murder his poor family over and over was awful, seeing how affected Charles was broke my heart, the dad having a secret room to spy on his family was creepy and disturbing and OH MY FUCKING GOD?!?! THAT MISERY WRAITH?!?! I ALMOST THREW UP!! I NEARLY DIED!!! ABSOLUTELY AWFUL TERRIFYING 0/10 WOULD NOT RECOMMEND I NEVER WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN!!!!!
I can't wait to watch more DBD tonight!
PS sorry for the essay
okay okay first of all. i'm so excited about this ask. don't apologise haha i've got things to say!!! (i hopeee i'm not spoilering you for anything with this longgg reply lol)
the chemistry between all of them is soooo insane i'm so happy about it!! and yeah lol i think the entire fandom thought it was gay lights for crystal and niko lmao (and you know what? just bc it was parasitic lights who's to say it's not ALSO gay!! sksk i was spoilered about this particular thing before i watched the show and when i saw that scene i STILL thought it was gay lol
sksk thank you for clarifying that by demons you mean david and the cat king bc i was like ??? david and edwin's demon??? interesting take but sure. let's go with it slfjsldfj but yeah calling the cat king a demon works too lmaooo i just love how pathetic the cat king is kssksk
the talking cats are sooo iconic hahaha
omg i totally thought esther was killing monty too. when i first watched it i did a bit of a live reaction with friends and i literally was like noooo not monty!!! he doesn't deserve it!!! i was FLOORED when he turned human skjdflsj in general esther is such a good villain. like i fucking hate her so so so much but man. i LOVE to hate her she just steals every scene she's in ("ouch my ghost skin" lives rent free in my head tbh)
SUPERHOT BUTCHER LADY yesss i love jenny so much. her "oh my fuck" cracks me up every time. fun fact before i watched the show and only saw stuff on tumblr i thought she was gonna be the bad guy sksksk
the show is so camp one second and then soooo devastating the next!!! the devlin house absolutely broke me!! fun fact- or actually not fun at all, idk if you noticed but when the camera is on charles when they're watching the murder happen, you can hear him begging his father to stop hurting him in the background. also another not so fun fact i was listening to jayden revri's charles playlist and the song that's playing in that episode is on there and when it came on i literally had to skip it after a couple seconds bc it triggered me sooo much lmfao but yeah omg don't get me started on the misery wraith!!! the first time i watched it, i was binging and i'd started pretty late already so when i got to that episode it was already dark and i was supposed to go to bed soon and i literally had to cover my screen bc i usually can't do horror at all!! so i was like nopenopenope this isn't happening nope
enjoy the rest of your watch and you're always welcome in my inbox for more yelling!!
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
Words: 1742
Fandom: MHA x reader
EraserMic family platonic
Summary: Shinsou and you are watching a movie when a particular scene comes up and you get a little jumpy... !!TickleFic!!
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You and Shinsou were sat on the two ends of Present Mics home couch, this was because the whole of the hero course was doing their internships for the week, and you were finally starting up again after healing for two days after the whol Stain incident.
Shinsou however wasn't a hero student, but after the sports festival was granted permission to leave for a week to pursue training with a pro hero at the school, Eraserhead. Otherwise known as your homeroom teacher, Mr Aizawa. Additionally known as Present Mic's (aka your English teacher, Mr Yamada) best friend.
Well- for the most part at least.
So while the two adults had gone out for a little while, Shinsou and yourself had decided to watch a movie on the couch, resting before tomorrow's training.
"What about this one?"
"Nah, too boring"
The two of you scrolled through tins of movies on Netflix before finally deciding to just watch a movie you'd both first seen come up in recommended.
You had prepared food and snacks while Shinsou prepared the drinks. Happily making himself a coffee and yourself your own favourite beverage. And the two of you had gotten halfway through the film when a particular word popped up and surprised you.
All of a sudden you'd chocked on your drink and began coughing, Shinsou putting his food on the ground to pat your shoulder to your back, pausing the film to check you were alright.
Funnily enough though, even in the short two weeks you'd known Shinsou, you'd gotten along quite well. You'd met him prior to the internships and so when you were chocking he couldn't help but smirk a little as you laughed yourself at seeing his face, even almost dying.
"Are you alright?" The purple boy asked, a smirk on his face but also checking you were okay. You'd finally fixed your throat and smiled, nervous and embarrassed of the situation but overall smirking at it yourself.
"Y-yeah" you muttered out, him helping you out with another pat on the back. "Just choking on my drink" you laughted nervously.
"What happened?" Shinsou asked, wondering why all of a sudden you decided to cause a scene.
"Oh I just wanted to test your loyalty, congrats I'm still alive!" You joked, wanting to push the topic away and setting yourself up straight again.
Shinsou just gave you an odd look but didn't seem too invested. He just smiled and turned the movie back a little bit.
"You sure you're good?" He asked, double checking before getting comfy again. You nodded and got comfy too, he continued the movie and it had annoyingly been reset back before the scene and word had taken place. But you knew it was coming. You could be prepared this time-
Nope. Just as you were thinking that the scene showed up and your whole body tensed. And Yamada may be rich but the couch wasn't big enough for the other to not notice when you've turned into a brick.
Shinsou looked at you for a moment, glancing over before seeing your stone dead tryna look normal I'm not being normal face as you glared at the TV.
Shinsou wasn't stupid. Funnily enough the character is actually rather smart in his own ways, and with one look at you and the TV he immediately knew what was wrong.
He paused it, looking back at you as you looked away from him, still embarrassed to look at him but also trying to seem normal.
"Why's you freeze the movie?"
"Why's you freeze your body?"
You gave him a look, trying to look annoyed but overly just absolutely horrified and terrified of his discovery. The grin on his face saying it all.
"I did not-"
"Yes you did"
You didn't argue with him, just gave him a blank horrified look before looking back at the screen.
"No clue what you're talking about sorry" you shrugged, a terrible liar.
"Is the tickling really what almost killed you?" Shinsou's grin just got wider and your eyes jumped. You glared at him and then looked away, your face in your hands trying to cover your blush even in the dark.
"No- shut up"
"You don't like tickling?"
"It's not that-"
"You do like tickling?"
You flipped your head up to look at Shinsou with a death glare, however compared to your red cheeks and your big eyes it wasn't much of a death stare.
"Are you ticklish?"
"Put on the movie and be quiet-"
"Well I tried and you kept dying!
You rolled your eyes and couldn't hide your smile of embarrassment. It was horrifying.
"Do you like being tickled?"
You laughed, unable to keep it in from embarrassment. "Why are we even talking about this?"
"You do?!"
You turned to him, "No! I never said that-"
"Do you want me to tickle you?"
Okay now he was taking the piss. Funnily enough he was never like this before you decided to play uno with him AND HE WON EVERY TIME. Man got cocky after that and loved to tease and fluster you. And now you'd just given him the jackpot. And so soon?
"Shut up Shinsou" you laughed, putting your hands on your face again.
Shinsous face brightened though, jumping up and turning to you excitedly "SO YOU DO?"
"You didn't deny" the boy replied, laying back in his seat, one arm over the back of the couch.
For a moment you had no reply, just an open mouth wanting to argue back but just staring at him. Slowly realising you didn't have an answer, nor an argument for him. He sat back grinning, little shit.
"Just play the movie-" You decided on saying, laying back and ignoring him. But of annoyingly, for some reason he'd rewound the scene a third time and the twonofnyou sat silently watching it, however you tensed slightly and the boy yelled out an AhAh!
Whinsou just grinned at you, and you just couldn't help but grin back, even if you couldn't help it.
"Fuck off"
"Tickle tickle"
You cringed hard at him saying the words, adjusting yourself slightly to feel comfortable.
"How come you like being tickled?" Shinsou grinned, teasing you as you ignored him.
"Do you want me to tickle you?"
Your eyes went white and next thing you knew he was above you, your arms forced to be above your head as he tickled your sides and armpits, happily watching you struggle beneath him after awaking from his quirk. Obviously after training together and gaming together, you'd developed a close relationship. Even in the short amount of time knowing one another.
You yelled at him but couldn't take yourself seriously as he made these funny feelings all over your top half of your torso, making you scream out when he'd let go of your hands for a moment and bring his own hands down to zap your sides, sending a jolt through your body before gripping your hips and making you jump and thrust to get rid of him and the feelings all over your hips.
"Tickle tickle" the smirk on his face absolutely priceless however you barely being able to comprehend anything didn't help at all.
You then tried to hug yourself and wiggled a bunch, before hearing shinsou ask "How is someone like you so ticklish?"
And in the state you were in, obviously having to answer and putting yourself again, under a trance. Again you were trapped in a position where he was open to your whole body and he decided to use two fingers to walk up and down your ribs which had apparengly become very sensitive due to the ingeries you'd accessed.
"Isn't this what made you choke? Is it ticklish?"
You shook your head, laughing hard and telling him to piss off. Never would you have thought the exhausted looking boy, threatening to take a place in class A, the grumpy, tired, serious boy would be sat here, teasing you about how you saw a tickle scene and tensed up.
"Here, up we go..." he then walked all the way yo your ribcage and then into the hollows of your arm. You couldn't help your squealing and squeezed your neck down to try and hide yourself like a turtle.
"Nah I'm alright"
He then took his hand and made his own star spidering motions over your tummy and then went back to squeezing your hips and sending you through that whole frenzy again.
You continued to weakly fight, bearly truely fighting however wiggling around as much as you were allowed. Your laughter drowned out any other noise and the two of you were so in the moment you hadn't noticed your idols walking through the house door and walking in, watching through the doorway as you were tormented by a friend.
"Don't you like that? Tickle tickle~"
"I CAHAHANT- I CANT!" You then need up rolling onto the floor by using the little strengths you could muster.
Yamada and Aizawa watched through the door, both wearing their own smiles and grins as they watched as Shinsou's purple hair disappeared and a thump was heard, signalling the two of you falling to the floor.
Yamada looked to Aizawa, grinning. "You remember when we were like that?"
Whatever smile Aizawa had on his face disappeared as he rolled his eyes at his friend. "We were never like that."
"Oh yeah we were, you were quite the giggiler as I remember~" The blond teased slightly, poking his friend before his hand was gripped tightly, the smallest smile formed on his friends face.
"And I remember you were quite the screamer." The statement sent pure terror into Yamada's face as Aizawa grabbed his waist and began squeezing, the loud yells of laughter echoing through the house.
Shinsou jumped in surprise and pushed himself up, his knees either side of you and looking up to see Yamada pushed against the wall frame with his own mentor tickling his best friend senseless.
Aizawa just looked over with a grin, "keep going, they both probably deserve this" the man knowing exactky what type of kid you were like.
Shinsou grinned and went right back to work, you yelled out to your sensi but it didn't matter.
Good thing was, that night you slept well on the couch.
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flares-of-arcadia · 2 months
Some messy thoughts on RE7 (with mentions of 8)
just beat RE7. I wish I had paid more attention when it first came out and I watched my brother go through it, because holy shit I fucking loved it
Under a read-more for length
After playing through 7 on my own, it's hard to believe that I didn't really get into the fandom until Village. Or, well, it does track that I saw scary women in 8 and started paying attention... I am nothing if not predictable
And honestly, a big part of why Village sunk it's claws into me is because it's flawed, or at the very least felt like it had a lot of missed potential. All of the antagonists were so interesting, and I felt like they didn't get as much attention as the Bakers did (there are so many things to look at, storytelling in the environment, AND we learned more about them in the DLC). Wanting to fill in those gaps for the 4 Lords and Miranda is what made me so invested in the fandom
(also because I'm really gay)
If you're familiar with my main blog, you might know that my biggest gripe with Village is that we don't get anything between Mia and Miranda. Having now played through 7 (and read literally every file), I feel even more strongly about what was missing. Or, at the very least, what I wanted from it.
Annnnd that's just in terms of story, gameplay is a whole other thing, but I'd want to replay 8 before getting too much into it.
But back to just talking about 7 for a tiny bit longer, as chaotic as my thoughts are:
Loved the soundtrack. Also hated it because, as a horror soundtrack goes, it was Very Effective. Didn't appreciate one of the tracks having some monster noises, tho. That was already a tense section and I hated getting false alarms about whether or not there was a Molded around the corner. And!!! Honestly the version of Go Tell Aunt Rhody didn't need to slap as hard as it does. I'd listen to that shit in my free time
Ethan is an interesting protagonist? I love him, don't get me wrong, but there are a couple kind of quirks that make it hard to interpret him. Most of the time he feels like a silent protagonist, but in cutscenes he's very vocal. It gets weird once the cutscene ends with something dramatic and he immediately shuts up.
Like, after we first reunite with Mia, we reach a dead end, Ethan goes to check another room, and while our back is turned we hear Mia scream. Ethan yells her name, we rush back to the room she was in, and then Ethan just doesn't say anything else. Doesn't call out to her, doesn't say anything about the new pathway, nothing. There are more examples but this was supposed to be quick
I love Mia. She's a badass, she's a liar with temporary amnesia, and she's a Fucking Badass. Seriously wish we had a chance to play as her again in Village. I do kinda wish we got more glimpses into her relationship with Ethan, but hey that's what fanfiction is for
I feel so bad for Eveline. I get that she was beyond the point of saving, but fucking hell, you read the files and you look at the photos (and you think about what we know from 8 about Miranda's role) and she's suddenly very understandable. It's tragic, everything that happened to her, even if she went on to inflict tragedies on others.
Okay I have more thoughts but my thumbs are tired from gaming + immediately typing on my phone. Love y'all byeeeeee
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kiigan · 6 months
NAME: Theia
PRONOUNS : she/her or they/them
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord please! It's faster and it's easier and it has a lot of extra functionalities for both chatting and roleplay. I don't mind the tumblr DMs but they are very unreliable and more than once I've experienced not being notified that somebody messaged me or vice-versa.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Itachi, basically. However, on discord I've dabbed a bit at writing Kimimaro, Temari, and Rock Lee mostly for fun with friends. And I suppose I should mention I also write muses in other fandoms? Though the Naruto hyperfixation has been real as of late, but yeah, I also have muses in Star Wars, Fullmetal Alchemist, Resident Evil, and several Final Fantasy games.
BEST EXPERIENCE : I would say it's that moment you look at a reply from your partner and 1) you are in awe at their writing and portrayal and wondering how did you get so lucky to write with someone so talented, and 2) you can't wait to get to replying back, no matter how long the thread may be, and in fact you find yourself having so much fun with it and getting so engaged that you easily write back twice as much.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : Uhhh I would say it's probably to feel that my partner isn't as invested as I am. For example, if we agree to plot but I'm the only one suggesting ideas and coming up with scenarios, and all I get back is short replies or something generic like "I'm okay with anything". Or if we have a ship together (doesn't even have to be a romantic ship) and I'm the only one coming up with headcanons and sharing stuff that reminds me of our muses. By all means, we don't need to talk/ plot/ roleplay every single day! I get very busy myself and sometimes go radio silent. And, as someone who's autistic, trust me that I know very well the feeling of being socially awkward. But roleplay is a partnership and requires mutual investment. If I start feeling like I'm the only one excited about our muses and plots, that's gonna make me feel like I'm annoying you and, in turn, that's gonna be the fastest way to make me withdraw from it.
MUSE PREFERENCES: I have recently confirmed that my muse type is Tall and Handsome and Full of Trauma, and occasionally also full of eye gore. But also I am very drawn to "accidental" heroes, heroes that are heroes not out of a prophecy but because, within their limitations, they choose to do what is right and what is needed. And I am also very drawn to big brother figures?? A lot of my muses seem to end up adopting orphans and/or raising other people's children lmao.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I prefer plotting because, from my self-experience, non-plotted interactions get dropped far too easily (either by myself or by my rp partners). That said, I am also a big fan of letting the muses talk and choose what they want, even if it may go against something previously plotted. And I don't think this is incompatible with memes? I do love memes and they are super good for breaking the ice between people who never wrote together! And also super good to provide new scenarios with which to plot and develop upon.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : I have the tendency to write a lot, so I'd say long replies? Which doesn't mean I'm not interested in short ones! Especially because, sometimes, my brain is too mush to handle the long stuff so it's nice to have short ones to get some writing done. I just find it that, with muses like Itachi who rely heavily on introspection, it really is easy for me to get into it and write a lot more than originally planned.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : Whenever my brain is not dead from work, I guess. As of late, it's been a lot easier for me to write during weekends for this reason. I care a lot about my replies and I don't like to give back half-assed stuff, so really the best time is whenever I can sit down, relax, blast some music, and get to writing.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : I am definitely a nerd like Tachi and his perfectionism + obsessiveness come from my own. We are also both introverts and we both often occasionally have... trouble to keep a normal conversation going lol. And, honestly, we are both idealists.
tagged by: @fightaers & @fighterbound ♡ tagging: if you're reading this you're tagged by default~
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jezabatlovesbats · 8 months
2023: The Year of Milestones
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What a crazy year it's been, am I right? I graduated high school, and I'm now a college freshman. We got some new films that were memed a lot and made a lot of cash. The Owl House and Summer Camp Island ended. I got into some new things as well. Unikitty: Big Bright World turned 5 in January 2023, which is why I crappily edited in the milestone doodle I did for it. You can find it here because I made an ask blog for BBW. For anyone who doesn't yet know me, Unikitty and the BBW AU mean a lot to me.
Following that milestone, I realized there were more things I liked that were turning 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 that year than I thought, and those are very noteworthy digits to me. I wanted to create anniversary drawings for them in celebration. But, because I was procrastinating from them and I also had other stuff going on, I couldn't. 
Instead of individual milestone drawings, I decided to compile all of them into one big tribute. For the same reasons, though, I had to delay it to January of 2024. I was aiming to have it ready to go by about New Years' Eve. But then on Christmas day, me and my brothers were surprised with a trip to California, and we left three days later.
Without further padding out, I'll talk about the things from which the characters are here partying with me, and what those things mean to me. I'll also talk about what the 5 on my hot chocolate mug means, because I'm not 5 years old, and I wasn't born on Leap Day. Here we go! 
We're starting with the oldest thing featured, The Nightmare Before Christmas, which came out in 1993 and hit 30 years. Me and my family went to see it in a theater back in October of 2020, leading to me growing fascinated by it, its characters and its worldbuilding. I LOVE ME SOME COOL AND INTERESTINGLY DEVELOPED WORLDS, OKAY? THE HOLIDAY FOREST IS NO EXCEPTION! I thought of some other towns based on New Years, birthdays and Earth Day. I also thought up some backstory for Lock, Shock and Barrel because they're my favorite characters and I need more of them. Honestly, I felt like I was late to the party. Like, why hadn't I watched it sooner? But let me tell you, you can get invested in something at any time, no matter how dead its fandom is. I think the reason why TNBC stuck with me is because of its spooky-fun atmosphere. I'm not a fan of horror movies; when I go into the garage or go to pee at night, I have this subconscious fear that something's gonna jump out and slash me in two. I sleep with a nightlight on, too. But if it's clear that the spooks are non-threatening (which the Halloween Town citizens made clear in This is Halloween) and there's no graphic violence or gore anywhere, I'm all for it. After all, I enjoy both cute and dark things, and that's how I present myself. Also, I made an entry for TheITinFIT's YTP collab for TNBC in observance of its 30th anniversary, and you can watch it at the link in the replies!
Finding Nemo came out in 2003, so it's hit 20 years. Let me tell you- I was scared of this movie when I was younger. I wouldn't watch it because of the part where Marlin and Dory were sucked up by that whale, or when that pelican swallowed them (not Nigel; he's a good egg). I was also scared of that Octonauts episode where Dashi gets stuck inside a whale shark. I've always had this fear of getting swallowed by a larger being. And this is just my personal opinion, but I'm disgusted by vore. It's not for me, and it's never been. I can handle those scenes now- after all, Dory and Marlin made it out alive both times (and Dashi did, too). Later on, I had a greater appreciation for FN. Like spooky-fun stuff, another favorite, uh, aesthetic of mine is oceans and the sea. I dunno- sea animals are cool, and I've been fascinated with them since I was a kid. I had this phase where I wanted to be a marine biologist. There's just something so relaxing, but simultaneously exciting about Finding Nemo, and for that reason, it's now one of my favorites from Pixar. 
I was listening to the theme song for this show while writing this. Teen Titans also premiered in 2003, and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that I was introduced to it by Teen Titans Go. In 2018, we saw Teen Titans Go To The Movies in theaters, and I followed TTG up until, like, 2021. By that point, it just wasn't enjoyable for me anymore, but I still very much enjoy the classic series. I watched it from start to finish in 2019 and got super into it, especially the HIVE Five. On Wattpad, I created a random story that was basically a blog for the HIVE. I wrote them profiles, let my followers ask them questions, and did incorrect quotes. It's deleted now, though. I was weirdly obsessed with See-More to the point where I made an OC that was his cousin, made OCs based on the other four senses, and shipped him with Scorpion (though they broke up later on). My mom printed the HIVE symbol on a black T-shirt, and it's still in my closet today. Besides them, one of my other favorite characters is Raven. Any character with a purple and black color scheme will catch my eye, but I also found her history and character traits interesting to the point where she influenced one of my favorite OCs I've made. I've got the entire Teen Titans series on DVD, including the Trouble in Tokyo movie. It was one of the first things I could say was one of my fandoms, so it's got a special place in my heart. By the way, I’d LOVE a (good) HIVE Five movie. 
Another thing I absolutely ADORE that came out of 2003 was the Mario & Luigi RPG series. I mean, I've been playing games in the entire Super Mario franchise since I was young. With this series, I'd always be playing Partners in Time, Bowser's Inside Story and Dream Team on my DS, but in both games, I could never get past two parts. For PiT, I couldn't beat the Swiggler, and in BiS, I couldn't get past the Pump Works area inside Bowser. (Like, I couldn't find the Stingler, even though it was actually super easy. You know, the sparky bzzt thing that opens that one door?) Dream Team was the only game my younger self actually completed, and I think that's why it was the game I liked the most. We got Paper Jam when it came out, and though me and my brothers fought over who got to play it for a while, I played it and beat it. I REALLY started getting invested in the M&L series in 2017, when the Superstar Saga remake came out. Now, as I said earlier, big, elaborate worlds with multiple places to explore and lots of characters will have my attention! So, I was hyped to traverse the Beanbean Kingdom. I never played the original Superstar Saga because we never owned any type of Gameboy. But, I got the remake, played it, and beat both SS and Bowser's minions. One thing led to another, and I fell back down the M&L hole. I even wrote a Prince and the Pauper-like story about Prince Peasley and Red, one of my OCs, but it's also deleted now. I had the idea that the series would be a great TV show, leading to me developing an AU in which I write it like one, with my own characters and kingdoms. Some of you may be thinking that if the M&L series appeals to me, then I would enjoy Paper Mario, too. If you are, I think you might be right! 
As I just said, I loved Dream Team the most, and it's still my favorite game in the series. For this occasion, I was planning on writing a post on why Dream Team was, in fact, a CLASSIC, but again- because of personal business and procrastination, I didn't. I forgot all of my points anyway. But I will say this: even with all the long tutorials, the visuals in the game are absolutely GORGEOUS. I love how well-detailed everything is. The colors were so vibrant and dream-like (just like the game title, guys!). And, the music is AWESOME. In fact, it's one of my favorite game soundtracks ever. I want more of the music with lyrics! I already wrote some for three of them! Luigi really got his time to shine, and his and Mario's brotherliness thoughout the game was just SO amazing and sweet. Luigi believes in Mario so much, and he's willing to fight alongside him, and they're unstoppable together! Also, the Pi'illos were and still are an extremely interesting concept to me, to the point where I thought up a whole Elena of Avalor-type character arc for Prince Dreambert. To me, he seems like a prince learning to rule his land in a different time after being stuck in a nightmare chunk for who knows how long. Anyways, Dream Team is amazing. I freakin' love it. Not much more needed to be said. 
Hitting 15 years in 2023 is one of my all-time favorite movies ever, WALL-E! I have loved and appreciated this movie ever sense I was a literal toddler! I made a bunch of little WALL-E stories, so I’ve been writing fanfiction as early as then. I just didn’t know what that was yet. I remember pretending to be EVE and M-O, the latter of whom is my favorite character. I loved it when I was younger, but I didn’t realize just how amazing it was until I started fixating on it again in 2021. When you revisit something, you can notice lots of things you hadn’t seen before and understand why you love it and what makes it so great. Like, I came to better understand WALL-E’s story and themes, and appreciate how gorgeous it is. I watched Hello, Dolly because of WALL-E, and the parallels I noticed blew my little mind. Those old stories I wrote when I was 5 influenced that WALL-E human AU I made. I think I might bring back my gijinkas and create ones for other things with non-human characters because I miss them. I think the reason why this movie appeals to me is because WALL-E himself is fun and perky and curious (and music-loving) in a similar way to myself. And, I’m a firm believer that there’s more to life than my job. I think that because of WALL-E, I enjoy sci-fi stories and worlds just as much as fantasy stories and worlds. I’m also a sucker for stories that combine sci-fi with fantasy. I still love and appreciate WALL-E so, so, SOOO much, and it’s such a huge part of my life. Autistic WALL-E is real to me. 
A movie that came out the same year as WALL-E that I also still love a lot is Ponyo. It came out in the US a year later, but I’m still including it here. Ponyo was my introduction to Studio Ghibli, and I watched it as often as I did WALL-E back in the day. Me and my brother LOVED this movie and would watch it while in in the car a lot of the time. I remember that my brother even started pretending to be a character called “Sonyo.” I think he also started liking ham. I already said how much I love oceans and fantasies! I don’t really watch a lot of anime or movies from Japan, so this was actually my first time drawing Sosuke and Ponyo. I think they came out pretty great. If it hadn’t been for this movie, though, I don’t think I would have wanted to check out Ghibli’s other films. I did watch Doraemon, Yokai Watch and some Pokémon XY Kalos Quest, so I think I still may have wanted to see other anime shows like Eizouken (which I watched all 12 episodes of). But, I’ve got Ponyo to thank for introducing me to Japanese animation as a whole, and in 2021, I watched all of Ghibli’s other movies (except for Grave of the Fireflies). I think I’ll rewatch Spirited Away and Arrietty sometime later on. I really want to see The Boy and the Heron.
There’s a good number of 10s here, by which I mean these things all came out in 2013. The earliest of these is Steven Universe, which came out in May of that year. I got into Unikitty when the last few episodes of SU were being hyped up. I remember watching a clip for Tragic Magic before YouTube slapped the For Kids thing on it, and most the comments were like, “Give us Legs From Here to Homeworld!” So later on in, like, 2019, I got curious and started watching the show from late Season 3 onwards. My first episode was Earthlings. Then, I watched the whole show from start to finish when CN did the Every Steven Ever thing before the movie came out. I watched the movie past my bedtime ‘cause it premiered on a school night. I made myself a gemsona, my brother started watching the movie and getting interested, and I watched the whole series with him including Future. Even with its flaws, and despite what people say about it, it was an enjoyable watch for us! It’s not the best thing ever because nothing is, but I’m on the side of defending it. Even with its flaws and all the shade it got thrown at it, it paved the way for lots of great things and helped so many people feel understood. This show is legendary in more ways than one, and it still has my respect. 
I’ve been interested in Ever After High since it first launched in 2013. I never had any of the dolls, but I think I watched a few episodes of the series. I remember reading Shannon Hale’s books and owning some of the other toys (like a lockable diary). I was interested in Monster High as well (creepy/fun and cute style! Right up my alley!), but I mostly leaned towards Ever After High. I’d also search the web and look up information about the characters. Raven’s included here because, once again, purple and black color scheme! Yay! But it’s mainly because I remember wanting to be like her. I wanted to be a rebel, and I began calling myself one. Back then, I interpreted her as being so defiant of her prewritten destiny that she believed following it was dumb. But I’ve grown since then, and I came to realize that she isn’t like that. Far from that image, in fact. It’s such a HUGE shame what happened to EAH, but I’m glad there are still people out there who show interest in it. I currently follow someone who’s got lots of ideas for a reboot! Sign me up!
I loved lots of other games in the Super Mario franchise, like Mario Party 9 and New Super Mario Bros. for the DS. My great enjoyment of Super Mario 3D World pretty much goes hand-in-hand with Ever After High. Why, you may ask? Because of the weird crossovers I wrote. Let me explain! Hear me out! I was a well-known enthusiast for the game’s Sprixies. You know, those little fairy creatures? I even had names for the Sprixie princesses based on their colors: Greenia, Yellowlina, Bluia, Orangia, Violet, Aquamarina and Redna. (Get it? Edna, but red?) These days, I still call the purple one Violet, but I gave the rest of them other nicknames. Also, back then, I had the red one be the queen of the Sprixies even though the green one is implied to be the face of the seven. Back to the ridiculous EAH crossovers. I made Sprixie sisters for the female characters in the series. The male characters had Toad brothers. It wasn’t just canon characters, either- I also made Sprixie and Toad siblings for people’s OCs I found on the internet. I even typed up a story about the characters and their, quote-unquote, siblings. But yeah- Super Mario 3D world was ridiculously fun, the music was bouncy and catchy, and the graphics are actually really pretty. In the last worlds, whenever we didn’t have enough green stars to advance, I’d organize the Daily Green Star Hunt. Games like this are the reason why I love searching levels for treasures and trinkets as I go along, and I don’t want to advance until all is found. I’m at a point in my life where I completed SM3DW (and also Bowser’s Fury, since we got that edition) to its entirety with everything you could collect in the game. This game stands as one of my top favorites in the Mario franchise as a whole, so much so that I wanted to include it in Mario & Luigi Rewritten.
I love a lot of films from Pixar, but when I was 9, I especially loved Monsters University. The most noteworthy memory I have with it, which is also the most important one to me, is when I had my tonsils removed. By the way, that’s the only time I ever had surgery done on me. After it happened, the next three or so weeks consisted of me eating nothing but ice cream, taking nasty medicine, and messing around with an iPad on this app called Toontastic (if anyone here has heard of it, you’re a legend to me). I also rented MU out on the TV without my parents’ permission and watched it on repeat. I loved to doodle the movie’s background characters and include my doodles of them into my Toontastic cartoons. (Yeah- the app had a thing where you could draw your own characters and backdrops. Also, off-topic, but Toontastic is the reason I know about Deng Xiaoping.) Also, I shipped the frats and sororities with each other. Like, all six of each one. The RORs with the HSSs, the EEKs with the JOXs, the PNKs with Oozma Kappa. Except for Mike, whom I knew was with Celia, and Sulley, who I shipped with… Carla the Killer Claws lady? That wasn’t the best idea. Johnny x Rosie is a ship I still remember quite fondly. Like I said with WALL-E, the older you get, the more you notice why you love a film so much and what makes it good. I really appreciate MU’s message about how it’s okay to fail. And yes, it is! Because if failure wasn’t an option, you wouldn’t know how to pick yourself back up on your feet when things go wrong. Even if you don’t achieve the dreams you hope for, that doesn’t mean you’re done for and there aren’t other doors you can go through. You still matter. My brother and I made a bunch of jokes about MU when I started college. Of course, it’s not what college is actually like, but I still love it and the original Monsters Inc. If I ever see Steve Buscemi, Billy Crystal or any of the other people from this movie in real life, I’m telling them about me watching it while recovering from surgery.
I’ve always gravitated towards the Mario franchise more than the Sonic franchise. And while I have played Mario and Sonic at London 2012, I didn’t like to play anything solely Sonic except for Sonic Lost World. I know, I know- it wasn’t well-received, but that doesn’t make me any less of someone who enjoys Sonic. Back then, I loved watching cutscenes and walkthroughs of the game, and I was particularly fascinated by the Deadly Six. I can only remember looking up pictures of them and reading fics about them. But, that led me to come back to my affinity for them in 2020. I became interested in fleshing out their characters more and imagining what their pasts were like. I do that a lot when I hear people say a thing is half-baked or cookie-cutter of mediocre/bad. I also created my own Zeti characters as well. I played other Sonic games like Colors and Forces, I saw the movies, and I thought up my Mobian characters. Also, I watched Snapcube’s SA2 fandub. I was there to witness Eggman go on the moon. I’d love to branch out to more Sonic stuff, so if anyone would like to recommend me some, please do! I’m all ears! If you’ve seen Take Me To Snurch (Snail Church), a version of that with the Zeti is stuck in my head now. 🎶 Take me to zurch. I’ll worship like a Zeti at the zhrine of your zife… 
Oof… I’m just gonna say that Frozen fever was inescapable back in the day to tons of kids, including me. When I was a kid, I was a huge copycat. I’d be into things because my friends were into them, and I’d plagiarize other people’s stuff almost all of the time. So, I don’t really remember if I was genuinely interested in Frozen. But apparently, I was enough to have my 9th birthday party be themed around it. Also, I remember that shortly afterwards, I had a sleepover with my friends from dance class, and we watched the movie together (not all of it). Right before we went to bed, we were all singing Let it Go as loud as we could. Frozen’s impacted my young life enough for me to take inspiration from it for Broken and Frozen. But, I agree when people say we need to warm up.
Lastly, there’s my milestone, which just so happens to be Christmas. On Christmas of 2018, I got a new computer, and my parents told me they’d set up the Wattpad account I’ve wanted since before I turned 13. I was first introduced to Wattpad after watching a video about fanfiction and reading the MC:SM Rewritten series (even though it’s now inactive). I talked about the weird little things I liked in real life, but while people listened, I never felt like they really knew what I was talking about. I started uploading my random thoughts, characters and stories to Wattpad, and I started making friends with people who were interested in the same things as me. When I did that, I really felt understood. The same happened when I joined DeviantArt in 2019, and for a while, it was just those two. Later on, in 2021, I hopped on Tumblr, YouTube and AO3. Then came Discord, and most recently, Amino. I was and still am fiercely loyal to my creations and my pals online. Through my high points and my mess-ups, I’ll want to connect with my closest friends and mutuals whenever I can. I’ve found enjoyment in lots of things, and I’ve come so far in terms of developing my artistic skills. When online, I found it easier to connect with people because I could more easily seek out people I had things in common with. What’s especially important to me is that connecting in this way is how I met one of my best friends ever, and while on my trip, I got to see them in real life. I hope it happens again someday. It’s not good to be chronically online, of course. But, being here has helped me discover myself and find peace within this world in ways you can’t even imagine. To everyone I’ve ever interacted with, thank you for five wonderful years! 
Wow! This sure was a lot. To everyone I’ve ever befriended and followed over these things and others, and to everyone who followed me, I can’t thank you enough for being here! You guys are the reason I keep logging in almost every day and why I’m still on my feet. Especially you, Hino! Thank you so, so, SO much! 
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librathefangirl · 10 months
i need to know about all of these fics NOW (no pressure take your time ofc ofc)
Wrath of a Captain
Moment of Rest (a Decade Too Late)
Hitmen!Demon bros AU
Galand exposes Meliodas' demon secret
How to Demon (Yes, Captain, This is Really Necessary)
Meliodas and the Kids AU #1
also never realized how silly i name my documents till now 😭😭😭‼️‼️‼️
Ahh hearing you excited about all these is making me excited to write them again (hoping to get back to writing more soon - october was a mess and a half :( but I have 2 whumptober fics that I almost finished that should maybe might be posted soon?)
Okay so...
Wrath of a Captain
Fun fact about this one is that it was one of (possibly the) first nnt fic ideas I wrote down when I first got into the fandom. Tho in what - 1-1,5 years? - I've still barely started writing it (oops). But not for lack of interest! I'm still excited about this one, I just haven't been able to specify the scenario enough to start writing (I keep getting distracted by other fic ideas lol).
To summarize the idea in three words: Protective Captain Meliodas.
And here's a rough summary I wrote for myself:
The Seven Deadly sins were a well-known force only fools would take lightly. Though faced with a captain that was small and short, and seemed the complete opposite of wrath itself, it was easy to underestimate him. But just because the captain didn't get angry, didn't mean he never got close. Especially if one were foolish enough to dare attack his team.
A Moment of Rest (a Decade Too Late)
This is a fic I started this summer and then kinda forgot about (oh the art of finishing a fic before moving on to the next one). It takes place after the Capital of the Dead arc and deals with the aftermath of Sins being split-up for 10 years from King's perspective. Now, I can't remember, if it originally was supposed to be "Meliodas was alone for 10 years" angst or "Meliodas was alone for 10 years and demons don't do well in isolation" angst, but it's probably gonna end up being the second one now. Which means the rest of the Sins, while not knowing Meliodas' full story, knows he is a demon and how these past 10 years would have affected him because of it.
Here's a little sneak peek:
The princess had already retired into the Boar Hat, while Ban had simply settled for grabbing Meliodas and sprawling out on the ground. He wasn’t sleeping. His ease was a facade at best. King knew that he too was plagued by these past ten years, and the guilt they brought. It had never been supposed to go this far… Meliodas seemed dazed. A state hopefully only brought forth by the lull of sleep slowly claiming him. He wasn’t quite asleep yet though. To an outsider he might have seemed to be, but King knew him better. His guard was still firmly up, although slowly but surely being picked apart by Ban’s hand repeatedly running through his hair. Meliodas was curled up tighter than he normally would, yet at the same time more relaxed than King had seen him since before they were framed. His head was neatly tucked on top of Ban’s chest. Ear over his heart, no doubt. He’d always had a particular fondness of that, their captain. Easily soothed by the beat of a heart – by the beat of their hearts at least.
Hitmen!Demon bros AU
Oooh this one. thiiiis one! I'm still mostly in the planning stage for this one, but I can't wait until I get to share the full thing with you all. Like the name suggests, it's a modern (possibly slight futuristic) AU where the DK raised his sons as hitmen. It's gonna be a multichapter fic (probably my longest wip yet) and there will be lots of demon bros angst!
Fun fact, while the I had thought about this AU a bit, I wasn't necessarily planning on writing it at first. Then my mind provided me with this super angsty demon bros scene and an awful chapter cliffhanger, and well, now I'm invested. I need to know how this story ends. (If this sounds familiar, I did mention this once before).
Anyway, I have written the first 300-something words, setting up the angst before a jump back in time, so here's a sneak peek:
Perhaps one of the most defining moments in Meliodas’ life happened on January 29th the year he was turning 26. The day Meliodas found himself on a rooftop staring down his own little brother, a raised gun in both their hands aimed at each other. The only sound was the falling rain as the world itself seemed to hold its breath waiting for who would make the first move. At that moment, Meliodas had thought he had known exactly how the day would end. He had known it in the calculating part of his mind that he never could quite shut off, and had felt it in his heart that seemed to break every time he saw his little brother. He had thought he knew what would happen. He had been wrong. Everybody has a choice, but sometimes it doesn’t matter what you chose.
Galand exposes Meliodas' demon secret
Now this one I've shared a bit about before - partly to complain about my (still going strong) habit of stopping my writing in the middle of a sentence. Sadly, I haven't really made any progress since then. Mostly because I can't remember where tf the story was supposed to go (did I even have a plan?? I found the story aka the snippet of writing in a school notebook I hadn't used for months, so who knows).
Anyway! What I do know is that Galand fucks everything up on purpose, and is the one to reveal Meliodas' demon secret to the rest of the Sins. How the story continues from there, well, I'll figure that out eventually. For now, the last part of the fic looks like this:
It had all started with a confrontation with one of the Ten Commandments. Galand of Truth. He hadn’t even seemed to be looking for a fight – not in that moment anyway – King had noticed. He’d just been there to stir up trouble. Always playing games as usual¸ Meliodas had said. Well, games or not, Galand really had caused trouble. The demon had been quick to pick up on the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins’ surprise that Meliodas seemed to know him personally, and then deduced...DEDUCED WHAT??
How to Demon (Yes, Captain, This is Really Necessary)
This is actually a request/fic idea I got from a reader on ao3. It's also mostly still in the planning stage, having taken a backseat to my Febuwhump fic. But the idea is basically Melin giving a lesson on demons to the Sins with the (reluctant) aid of Meliodas. Or in other words, Merlin is sick of being (almost) the only one who knows how to keep Mel alive and will make it everybody's probably whether they want to or not. It'll also take place in the same AU as The Heat of the Storm (which means more of my demon thermoregulation, yay! - oh, actually, sidenote: I'm working on a post about that hc).
So, we'll have random demon lore/headcanons/stuff, some humor, and, of course, angst (probably more angst than should come from this otherwise humorous idea).
Meliodas and the Kids AU #1
The first of (at least) three fics taking place in the Meliodas and the Kids AU (aka Meliodas Adopts the Sins). In this AU, instead of the Sins becoming knights together way down the line, Meliodas ends up adopting/taking them in as kids* over the years.
Now, I use the term kids loosely here since neither King nor Gowther will actually be kids in the normal sense. But Gowther will be on his own for the first time and also still new to the world, and King, well, I still got some ideas for his relationship with Mel (and also, he is still significantly younger than Mel, so I say he still counts as his kid).
This first fic will consist of six chapters (one for each "kid"), exploring how Meliodas ended up taking them all in, and the dynamics of this mismatched little family (mostly the kids relationships' with Mel).
(Also Elizabeth is probably gonna be dead-dead in this AU).
Here's a sneak peek from the first (Merlin's) chapter:
When you find yourself stuck in time, it’s good to set up some rules for yourself, unless you want to lose yourself to madness. Meliodas didn’t have the luxury for madness. Madness was not going to solve anything. He would still be stuck here, unaging and undying, without an end in sight. Submitting to madness would also be admitting that the only purpose his life had left was suffering. An eternity alone in the human realm as a punishment for his crimes against the Demon King. His father was a huge asshole, okay? Meliodas was not about to give him the satisfaction of watching him break. So, he made some rules. The most important one was: do not get attached. [some other stuff not included in this sneak peek] Do not get attached. It was simple and important – and Meliodas had broken the rule before he had even made it.
(also I love your wip titles XD and will definitely send an ask for some ramblings of your own - but that will have to wait, I've got an 8am lecture in less than 7 hours and need to get some sleep, so Imma put a to be continued on the wip talk for now)
WIP Tag/Ask Game!
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pro-crastinate17 · 11 months
hello this will be a reaction to black friday starkid because i like to talk about the things i like
(it ended up only being act 1 bc it got super long lol)
ths is only my third time watching it and the first time was like. 2 years ago (the second time was only a few months ago but i didnt absorb enough or write this so here we go again)
will be VERY long btw
in the jingle when angelas sniggle says "we're the sniggles! don't be scared!" she winks when she says dont be scared. this is. foreshadowing :thumbsup:
never getting over "hes deep down in drowsy town, sleepng the dreamless sleep of the dead!"
also JAMES TOLBERT!!!!! his VOICE im so <3 [heart]
also oh my god im reading WAY too far into this but. "hes riding santas sleigh cause hes friends with all the elves" wigglys main allies are uncle wiley and linda monroe, who are played by joey and lauren, who both play elves in santa claus is going to high school!!!
OUGH i love the announcer whose voice is that?? it is reminiscent of big bill hells lol
"i wanted a salad, but now i have a child" never gets old lol. also the exposition in this scene is FLAWLESS mwah
THE LA DI DA DA DAY MOTIF IN THE BACKGROUND LMAO (it is definitely NOT a la di da da day)
"i do not get flashbacks!!! ...i remember bad things vividly." TOM IS SO ME CODED LOL
emma doing paul's "okay" thing gives me LIFE
DYLAN SAUNDERS APPRECIATION MOMENT i love tom houston so much i love dylan saunders oh my goodness gracious literally flawless acting !!! and his VOICE i cant even (also him holding up his hands like the steering wheel is such good foreshadowing for him having been the one driving!!)
tom is COMPLETELY unable to read sarcasm. tom houston autism confirmed. (/silly)
OK OK I KNOW that "bud" is a common way to refer to weed. however. lex smoking weed in hatchetfield and says "bud" specifically?? PERKYS BUDS REFERENCE!
the "to nordstrom? ah shiiit!" he sounds so canadian?? i cant be the only one hearing this lol what was that
COREY DORRIS APPRECIATION MOMENT!!!!! HIS VOICE HIS ACTING HES SOOOO <3 [heart] also the frank and uncle wiley interaction is SO FUNNY !!! and the condescension paired with calling lex "alexandra" is a rlly good way to make it obvious how icky frank is i love it
"honest?" "cross my heart, hope to die" BUT HE WAS LYING AND THEN HE DIES. I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE STARKID
am i the only one whos curious about the gerald cinnabon story lmao. what did he DO that was so bad that gary goldstein attorney at law couldnt save him from the consequences?
"thats called a BRIBE and its ILLEGAL!!!" *skeptical look* "...or it SHOULD be." IM GIGGLING
im osrry the "my CHILDREN were accidents" line KILLS ME lmao. esp bc she literally IS making it everyone elses problem (by demanding 4 wigglys)!!
ik this fandom talks a lot about "stop crying gerald i wasnt talking to you" but i dont think we pay enough attention to lindas stanley monologue. like holy shit.
ALSO TOM TAKES THE SPOT BEHIND BECKY IN LINE AND DOESNT PAY ANYONE and no one even notces bc theyre all too busy gossiping lmao also what do you say is SUCH a good song aaaa!!! (why is the homeless man so invested on
"tHe YeArS hAvE pAsSeD"
unrelated but i just noticed curt (the farmer who has peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel during what if tomorrow comes) does not currently have peanuts the hatchetfield pocket squirrel! how does he come to be in possession of peanuts? was peanuts also drawn to wiggly (since he is canonically a sentient being?) what is really going on here? maybe this was the real conspiracy all along /silly
JEFF BLIM WIGGLY HANDS (also distinctly resembles the wiggly hands jon does as wiggly in npmd!!)
also feast or famine is an INCREDIBLE song like actually AAAAAA !!! chaos reigns!!!
is ethan wearing a kilt? or a skirt?? also him saying "more bad" instead of worse GIGGLE
tom scaring gary off just by looking scary is PEAK comedy i take no criticism
"aHhH yUmMy!!!!!"
the resurgence of hello naughty list?? does sthat mean uncle wiley originally wanted lex to be the prophet. DOES THAT MEAN UNCLE WILEY ORIGINALLY WANTED LEX TO BE THE PROPHET.
i cant stop saying "i have pepper spray and i use it more than you can possibly imagine", also "ohh i dont know if you wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna FUCK with me miss monroe" ITS SO SILLY
when he sings the little "why should you give when you can get" BE STILL MY HEART (i have gender envy for joey richter)
"all you gotta do is just do what you do best-" "SHOP." "-be a mother." "...right." I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC.
"yEs I fUcKiNg SeE hIm"
"iLL bItE yOuR nIpPLe OfF"
the way the wiggly is damaged is NOT what wouldve happened from being shot. but thats ok bc its my babygirl general john macnamara <3 [heart]
MONSTERS AND MEN IS SO GOOD. I LOVE JEFFS VOICE SM JEFF BLIM APPRECATION MOMENT !!!!! also he looks Rigjt at the camera when he says "its nothing on your phone" GIGGLE
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
honestly i feel bad for clubchalamet cause i really do feel like fans like this do have something going on with mental health. i don't want to armchair diagnose but listening to this i'm like omfg girl, you are not okay! a lot of times when stans get way too invested in actors love lives, there's something else going on. she really needs to step outside and try to enjoy her own life, i listened to part of the spaces talk and she's just like all the delusionals in chris evans and tom hiddleston's fandom, and the tz antis who all deny that their fave is dating. like no one should be spending that much time upset about something they have no control over, with someone they don't even know! i've been there in the past when i was much younger and it just makes me sad that these ppl aren't growing out of it, i think they'd be a lot happier if they did
Yea Anon... I agree... 😔 It's just sad. Some of these fans get into parasocial relationships with their faves and it goes too far sometimes. 😔 I feel bad for her too. I mean, she freely admits that she's 30 years older than Timmy (so, she's obviously older than even 45 👀), and she swears that she's not infatuated with him, but idk girl... 👀 I don't usually put THIS much attention on someone's relationship that I'm not infatuated with, ykwim? Like, I may not like certain couples, but I just shrug it off and don't even give them a second's thought. But when you're THIS invested in a relationship, usually there's some infatuation involved lol.
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But hey... I could be dead wrong.
Either way, I don't understand how people can be so upset over people they don't even know. Yea, I don't care for their family, but I also don't know how Kylie is with Timmy in private. He seemed happy from what I saw last night. She seemed happy with him. Maybe they have things in common we don't know about. Idk...
Even if the mother and Kylie orchestrated this relationship, isn't that how it USUALLY is?? Like, women go after men ALL the time lol. Especially GOOD-looking, eligible men with good careers. That's nothing new. 😅 That's how a LOT of these relationships in Hollywood have started in fact. Some actresses will have their team reach out to the actor's team to set up a date or an introduction. This is nothing new at all in Hollywood. You think it's only the men going after the women all the time??? Chiiiile...PLEASE. 🙄 Mothers too have been trying to hook up their daughters with some eligible single men. That's been done since the dawn of time lol. I don't really see the crime??
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linkspooky · 2 years
People always talking about the innocent people dabi killed like WHO? some villains in an alleyway? I assume the rest were also criminals so I don't understand why this fandom pretends to suddenly care about some unnamed villains when they want the league to basically suffer ain't the heroes killing criminals and it's okay?
Until i see dabi kill someone innocent and someone who has an actual name i genuinely don't care plus he lies he probably made up the number anyways
As I said in my previous post, if motivation doesn't matter because life is sacred then all life is sacred. If Dabi is accountable for the villains he burned in the alleyway, then Hawks should be held just as much accountable for the act of killing twice. But it’s also deliberate these deaths are offscreened. 
There's also a writing technique that Hori is using at play here. I think a lot of people miss that My Hero Acadmeia is meant to be an incredibly optimistic work rather than a tragic one. The heroes aren’t the Punisher, they don’t fight by putting bullets in the heads of those beyond redemption, they’re optimistic kids who want to save as many people as possible. By offscreening those deaths Dabi is made more sympathetic to the audience,. You could argue that's cheap writing, or that it minimizes the cost of Dabi's violence but entirely different conversation. I'm just talking about how Hori is writing his story, because we have no personal connection to the people he's killed, we're allowed to warm up to Dabi and learn he has different sides of his personality besides the violence. I mean, that doesn't make it okay if he killed characters we don't care about, but it makes it easier for the audience to get invested in the character, we should want to see them saved. That's the point I'm trying to make, we see many different sides of the character, they're not written as one-note violent monsters, but rather as people.
One example of this is Gran Torino surviving. Most of Shigaraki's kills are nameless characters, but he basically punched a hole in Gran Torino and he survived. A lot of readers considered that a cop out, but Hori probably made it that way so Deku had an easier time sympathizing with Shigaraki, rather than wanting to fight him to avenge a dead mentor. We are supposed to care of course that the villains are hurting people, the characters remind us of that fact, but at the same time the villains share half the narrative, they're written to be sympathetic. If Hori was writing them to be beyond redemption or sympathy he would write them in a way to show that.
After all, I don't think anyone is too busted up about Crust's death.
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caatws · 1 year
I honestly think things went south for Gamora because all creative parties involved (Russo's, Gunn, the writers etc) were so focused on the big splash and shock and awe that would be created when Thanos killed Gamora they never stopped to think about the ramifications for her character, arc or how it would influence audience reception to her. I think this tends to be a problem across the board with how easily women are killed off to create drama, angst or some big stepping stone for other characters.
I also think Gunn didn't think about the ramifications when writing Gamora's more limited role and arc in vol 3. There is no way he's unaware of how he created confusion with the not dead comments and he has to know he didn't explore how anyone but Peter felt about her life and death. He's not stupid and he's written her role much better than this in vol 1 and 2. He's written the aftermath of a character dying better before too. He chose not to focus on her. He took shortcuts. Saying this doesn't invalidate the things he's done well with Gamora before. It's not all mutually exclusive. It does no good to blame everything on Infinity War when Infinity War isn't why Gunn chose she's dead to us as one of the responses to what's going on with Gamora instead of I'm sorry you're hurting. It's also silly to pretend Gamora having a relationship with the guardians doesn't matter when if she had no relationship to Peter or Nebula she wouldn't have had any focus at all in vol 3. She spent most of her time with the guardians because they're the stars of the movie. The different relationships the characters have with eachother has been one of the main talking points of fan reactions. Many people get stuck on the idea that single lady equals strong character and that's needs to stop. Gamora wasn't stronger in vol 3 because she didn't get back with Peter. It's not stronger to have less screentime, development, interactions with characters and to have some people leave the theater not knowing if you're a different version of yourself or have amnesia. It's also not stronger to be missing from merch.
Peter and Gamora didn't end up being endgame and that's okay but it gives me a headache seeing people pretend shipping doesn't matter in fandom when it's what makes up a large portion of fandom. We could get into a philosophical debate about if that's good or bad but the reality is many female characters sink or swim in fandom based on if people think they're worth shipping or if they have a canon relationship people get attached to. That's if they aren't being tossed aside from their relationship by fandom so some other man to get all the focus. Fandom has been trying to ignore or toss aside Gamora from day one. That's doesn't mean the canon had to go in a different direction but people do need to be honest that some fans were quick to think that's means she's not worth investing in anymore and think up new people that have to be with Peter because for some reason he deserves a love life while she doesn't.
yuuuup to everything here
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I’m late as FUCK but I also took a look through your dgs liveblog tag and WHOOH. Congrats on finishing such a life altering game 🥺
What did you think of the game? Any favorite characters? Any ships? And I also happen to talk wayyy too much about this game so if you ever need to yell or scream incoherently my dms are always open! I WILL yell back
Also I am legally obligated to ask what you think of susato. Thank you, and have a nice day/night :)
I'm tentative about talking one on one with people before i really know them just because I am a very awkward and socially anxious person and tend to warm up to people easier in group settings-- however!! i'd love to chat with you! you seem cool i'm just a lil guy who needs to be approached slowly like one would approach a wild cat therefore if you ever wanna chat at me through asks and stuff i love talking to people that way so i'm always down to hear your thoughts or if you ever wanna ask me more stuff <3
1] What did you think of the game? I LOVE IT IT'S ONE OF MY TOP TOP FAVOURITE GAMES OF ALL TIME???? IT'S. IT'S. Okay what you need to know about me is 1) I LOVE extremely linear plot-heavy games. I have somehow never played a visual novel before ace attorney despite the type of game I would most enjoy being the ones you're basically just reading instead of playing. 2) I have been super interested in murder mysteries ever since I was very young but NEVER found anything that I felt I could get into before finding ace attorney. mainline AA already filled so many niches there but DGS just completes something in my soul. that's my house. that's my home. i live there. I love it SO much it's so perfect it's everything I've ever wanted in a game, being able to put things together and figure things out as I was playing was SOOOO fun and it was SOOOO . just. GOOD. HJOUOUOUUOGGHH.
2] Any favourite characters? IS IT . CAN I SAY ALL OF THEM??? HFJDKFKD. I have several friends who are still playing DGS and every time they get to literally any character I'm like "that's my blorbo ":3" every time. to all of them. I love all of them they're all my beloved family you couldn't possibly make me choose. Anyway it's Kazuma my favourite is kazuma. JKFDHDFKJKGJFE. Like yes I love all of them completely equally and this is the complete and utter truth however I have been so emotionally attached to Kazuma since several months before I ever even touched the game. I have openly cried on the couch in the dead of night over Kazuma several times. Before I touched the game. I'm dead serious. He means a lot to me <3 However everyone else is an honorable mention and by everyone else i DO mean everyone else. EVERYONE in the main cast + my obscure side character blorbos (haori and inspector hosonaga i love you)
3] Any ships? eehh?? Kind of? I don't really do shipping in the way that fandom does? Usually I'm not as invested in ships much because I care way more about the platonic relationships. so there's a lot of ships that i just kind of shrug and go "yeah, sure! i'll take that as headcanon" and accept it without being invested, and otherwise most other ships i'm just neutral on. when I AM invested in romantic pairs i still am like. completely chill with them not being romantic it's more of just an investment in that pair and their dynamic lol
THAT BEING SAID. Asoryuu. Susahao. Ginasusa. Uhhhh. whatever the ship name for holmes & yuujin is. Those are the ones you'll see me reblogging. I'm either very invested in them or at least have them as my headcanon depending on which it is but! those are them <3 susato polyamory real. everything else is generally just a "eh not for me" or "yea sure why not"
4] Thoughts on Susato My thoughts are uuummm she's me! HSDJKHF. I'm usually pretty quiet about kin stuff on tumblr but. [gestures to my tag masterlist with one of them labelled "kin tag" pretty openly] not necessarily hiding it either lol lol. Hi! She's me <3 I'm her <3 i am incapable of pretending to be a normal average person about dgs. those little guys in there are my family. I mean this so genuinely
That fact that I'm kin with her aside though I think she's a really good character I'm just like. kinnie lens makes character analysis interesting lol. To an outsider's perspective though I suppose she'd technically be my favourite character? I'm gonna write a whole ass fic going over the entirety of the events of the game from susato's point of view just to put all my thoughts somewhere so. FKJDFDLK if that gives you any idea of how frequently i am thinking about her.
Come talk to me about her introductory line in 1-1 that is just "in my darkest hour, with nowhere left to go, she appeared like a bolt of lightning." i'm SUPER fucking normal about it i'll wax poetic about it for hours. honestly i'll wax poetic about ANYTHING re: susato for HOURS because listen. listen. i have the insider knowledge. i have so many thoughts all the time i'm bark bark bark
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watertribe-enya · 1 year
For the ask game. 13. 14. And 15.
I'm gonna go ahead and do this for different fandoms I'm invested in, if you have a specific fandom in mind please send it with the ask ^^
13 worst blorbofication
Can I say the Colletor from The Owl House? I cannot even blame the fandom too much, since the show did it too. But as soon as the little guy was freed from his prison and got a cuddly child form many seemed to forget the terrifying behavior he showed beforehand. Like he was supposed to be an ancient, morally grey entity, not a n overgrown toddler whom everyone was mean too. And then came For The Future and he really was just an overgrown toddler whom everyone was mean too. Him laughing at some of Belos' cruelties? That was actually Belos fault, because he taught him opposite day logic and that pain was funny! (An actual take I've seen) Actually children don't have a single mean bone in their bodies, unless they were abused! Nevermind the fact that children do cruel things all the time, without any abuse involved. Hell, even King himself showed plenty of cruel and mean behavior earlier in the show. And I doubt that Eda was as shitty as a parental figure as Belos was (even though she was highly questionable too earlier on)
And although I haven't seen any really bad takes along with the character, Zolf "I committed genocide and enjoyed it" Kimblee getting ranked relatively high in character polls. Higher than Scar and Hohenheim at least. How? Why? What does this guy actually bring to the table that's so enjoyable? Okay, he called Hawkeye and Mustang out, but so did Scar!
14 that one thing you see in fics all the time
Dead Guy Jr. naming syndrome. It doesn't bother me as much if it's one or two characters doing it for a kid, but if half the cast does it for all their children it gets weird. It's especially prevalent in Fullmetal Alchemist fanfictions in my experience. You can seemingly pick any fanfic about the further adventures of the characters and always have little Ninas, little Maes, little Trisha, little Urey, little Sara and the list goes on.
Furthermore, Roy Mustang the excellent father figure. You know, the guy who's first reaction was to shake a crippled little boy wildly, without even confirming it was the kid he was looking for and mad at XD. The guy who never interacted with either his best friend's widow and/or his daughter. Who picks fights with a kid half his age. Name one parental thing he actually did for the Elric's, aside from trying to shield them from Hughes death.
Also portraying certain (usually villainous) characters as sexual abusers/predators when there were no hints of that in canon. To be clear, I'm not judging you for dealing with such dark themes, it just gets a little exhausting for me personally. For example I really like Rex Godwin from Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's, a character who is morally grey on the best of days, and usually behaves really shitty and manipulative towards the main cast, and it often goes "Oh a new fanfic featuring him, what a rare occurence...oh it's one of those".
Having Jonathan Joestar as this innocent almost virgin, who only had sex because canon dictates it, and even then only once. I get that he's victorian and all, but the guy was married for five days before his untimely death, not one night.
15 that one thing you see in fanart all the time
Portraying Dio Brando as Jonathan's dearly missed brother whom he would hug instantly after reuniting in Heaven (that goes for fanfics too). It's okay, completely ignore the fact that Jonathan would have massive beef with him for once again trying to kill his family. Or killing all those innocent civilians. Or having children and dooming them to live with their usually abusive mothers.
And pretty much all of the above things apply here too.
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epickiya722 · 2 years
I am very new to the anime and manga, so I'm playing catch up, at least with the anime because I caught up to the manga, so I'm familiar with upcoming storylines. I just finished season 4 and Endeavour's big hero moment. I gotta say I really like how he's written, well enough that it makes me want to see him succeed in making amends, but I do feel a big, self sacrifice moment is coming. What are your thoughts on him and his path?
Hm, off bat, Endeavor isn't one of my favorite characters but as I think with a lot of the characters, he is entertaining and an important piece of the story.
Yes, he was a terrible father, but at least he acknowledges that. He could have easily been a character that never saw what he did is wrong, he could have said "Dabi lied about being my son, he faked those results", but he admitted to it.
Overall, the Todoroki Family storyline isn't a storyline I think much about. So Endeavor isn't a character I think about too much.
Although, I'll admit when watching season 2 way back when, before I picked up the manga, I just had a feeling he was gonna get hit with the character development stick. Do I like it or hate it? Personally, I like it on the sense of it is interesting watch Endeavor develop. I have to know what may happen to him at the end.
I think it's well written so far because truth be told, it would have been worse. Like once he started to acknowledge his faults, his family would have been "Oh, We forgive you" right then and there, but they didn’t. After this all over, I doubt the rest of the Todoroki's will make it easy for him. Natsuo definitely won't, I know he won't.
His career won't be the same, that's another thing. Already people are putting all, or at least most of the blame on him because of Dabi. The public is divided on the situation which is to be accepted. There's a lot of "what if's" there.
An alternative worse situation if Endeavor never acknowledges his faults and it gets swept under the rug.
Do you know how many anime dads there is that suck? Some don't even get their karma! And when they do, when it's the end for them, the guy is still an asshole.
So I do like this pace for Endeavor. He's a bad dad, but for one of the few times, he knows that he sucks and tries to make it better. So I am like "Ooh, I gotta see how this plays out for the guy 👀".
I have a feeling that Endeavor may just have a self sacrificing moment, too.
Now, I'm banking on it's going to be his career. However, him dying is possible! Never know with this story!
What makes me think it's his career because that was what important to him.
He wanted to be the best, he wanted to be better than All Might. And he wanted that so bad that he formed a dysfunctional family from it. He hated that All Might retired.
Which now that I'm thinking about it, brings up a question.
You know how he wanted Touya to be better than him, better than All Might and then wanted the same for Shoto?
Okay, what if All Might was still active by the time Shoto was a Pro and All Might retired then? Would he been upset that Shoto didn't get a chance to take the #1 from All Might or...?
You know what, we're gonna ignore my question.
Anyways, yeah, I do feel like Endeavor is going to make a sacrifice. Could be his career, could be his life. Who really knows? I just know whatever happens, the fandom will blow up.
Kinda funny that most of the fandom wants him dead and hates him, all that jazz, but let's be honest here. Without him, there would not be Shoto or Dabi and no one would be invested in the Todoroki's as much. The fandom loves them to bits. Don't blame them, I don't. I like both characters (But Natsuo is my favorite brother) and I do like the family, too.
But I digress... again...
I hope that answers your question, Anon, and that you're having a lovely day!
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marquisguyun · 2 years
For the ship ask game: Jingsu!
Oh this is fun okay!! Thank you for the ask
I Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
This is actually really funny to me. I started watching the show and quickly got obsessed (not with jingsu yet). I was really enjoying the MCS/MNH dynamic! Which I still do, but now I'm in Jingsu hell so.
We were partway through the show when this year's Yuletide Exchange had sign ups, and I could tell the show would have too many fics to be eligible next year, so I wanted to go ahead and request it. I'd be done watching the show by the time reveals happened anyway!
The crazy thing about this is that it means my Yuletide letter is a kind of time capsule about my Jingsu feelings when I was halfway through the show. If you aren't familiar with Yuletide, you request characters, not ships, and your author has to incorporate all requested characters unless otherwise noted. I requested Mei Changsu & Xiao Jingyan--aka "the two characters whose relationship I'm currently the most invested in"--but at the time I "[did]n’t have super strong opinions about whether you write the two characters in a strictly platonic or more romantic relationship."
Lmao. I did get a fantastic Jingsu fic for Yuletide tho
I guess I continued getting more invested in their relationship in the latter half of the show, and tbh Nihuang wasn't around much. Still like her tho! And then once I wasn't going to terribly spoil myself I devoured the show's tag on AO3 and some really good fics cemented my interest in Jingsu as a ship!
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Their canon relationship hits on a lot of elements that I enjoy, and I feel like as a ship I can explore these to the extreme! The stakes are a little different, and you can introduce other issues beyond the ones already present.
I love devotion, duty, and identity porn, among other things! I love the way Jingyan is just talking about Lin Shu all the time in front of Mei Changsu. In fics where they get together, I love having to deal with the fact that Jingyan is not a normal man, as a prince or emperor he can’t just marry whoever. And that’s before you get into your love interest being technically assumed dead/wanted for treason.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think so? I'm not plugged into the fandom enough to know, I guess. Outside of Jingsu fans tho it might be unpopular in some circles to ship it at all? Since they're first cousins.
I guess I don’t have strong top/bottom opinions for this ship either, which may also be unpopular.
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tsuki-sennin · 2 years
Hey there, everybody! Happy Halloween~!
Of course, our Halloween special was last episode, so we have to resort to something very scary.
Oden. The story of a certain Don Momotaro and Sonoza of Ideon in that other Toei superhero team show I'm currently obsessed with features this Japanese culinary delight prominently. This food certainly brought smiles for them, but how will it fare in this adventure with our good friends in Oishi-Na Town? With baseball apparently!
Spoilers, I guess...
-Yuin, good morning!
-Ah... your grandma made a mean Oden, huh?
-Ah, so Matsaburo-san is... not your grandpa, gotcha.
-...still a GILF.
-Ohhhhhh, I see.
-Come to think of it, I don't think Takumicchi was in the Halloween episode. That must've stung, forgot to invite the poor lad.
-C'mon, hit me with the deep oden lore!
-Mari-chan is... mostly at a loss for words!
-The secret flavor.
-Oh hey, Takumicchi's home!
-100 years of intense SHEF POWER!
-I wonder if
-Hot damn, do ALL the people who know Takumi and his dad have history with the CooKingdom? That boy is a magnet for culinary wizardry!
-Catboy confirmed
-Ah... I see.
-Ah, here we go, the conflict of the episode!
-Wanna play ball, but gotta become shef
-Takumicchi! My man!
-...does Yuin's jersey say 13 or 15? I think it's 15?
-Awww, fairy cheers :)
-How long do you reckon it took Amane to braid all that hair?
-Damn, everybody's here!
-I believe in you, Ranchi! Koko-neechan... well, she's definitely got the spirit, at least.
-Okay, I'm gonna be quite honest, I don't know an awful lot about Japanese baseball. I know that there're several bats in OFF named after famous players, and there was this one episode of Jimmy Neutron where Jimmy invented equipment that let him and his friends cheat their way to the major league only to get turbo curbstomped in the World Series when they decide to finally play fair because they never practiced a minute of it. It was a favorite of mine when I was a kid lol
-By the way Sheen, the Japanese word for "ambulance" is "Kyūkyūsha".
-Ahhhhhh, Takumicchi! Lad's got you pegged! Quick, deny it as vehemently as you can! You can't let this youngster know you think a girl is cute! What if spilling your secret releases the goblins who hide underground eating peeled grapes and peanut butter bacon banana sandwiches, waiting for the perfect chance to make fun of a teenage boy's feelings!?
-You may not realize it, but Black-Pep is an essential part of Yuin's PreCure Polycule. The PolyCure!
-I'd just like to clarify, I just find this whole thing extremely funny and don't really have any strong opinions on romantic relationships in this season. But, y'know, there might be a war involving Yui as the centerpiece in the shipping side of the fandom that is happening in the astral plane no mortal eye can see, I wouldn't know.
-Girl was like "Yep, but he DOES have a girlfriend in Canada I've never seen!"
-Ahhh, 15! I was right!
-Amane's got quite the arm.
-Going above and beyond for the sake of a gal, huh Kosuke-kun? Y'know, I notice that ladies tend to not recognize these
-Get doubled, Idiot.
-Yeah okay lad, you'd take that fastball right in the face for Yuin.
-Kome-Kome comin' to catch!
-Damn, her tail is strong!
-...well, if Kosuke's impressed then I suppose that's okay then!
-Spiritoru... you seem so dead inside, buddy.
-That was fun!
-Bagaa time!
-Baseball, borger... I wonder what kinda American cartoons he watches?
-Miss all your friends, huh Grandpa?
-I didn't expect to feel.
-I was gonna go crazy go stupid over every possible parallel between Yuin and Tarou but now I'm just really invested in this story.
-Don't know what you've got until it's gone.
-Yeah, let's go!
-Getting lectured by Takumi, you have really fallen.
-Oh fuck, we're interrupting lunch at an oden stand.
-You don't fuck with the oden, Seccy! You have officially gone too far!
-Sally forth, companions! Our delicious party festival has begun!
-Wahahahaha! Matsuri da, matsuri da!
-Curve balls! Suppose it is fitting for the baseball theme of this episode.
-Damn, Spicy's real pinned down.
-Yum-Yum do a run
-Smooth moves, Don Precious.
-That Precious oden!
-Hot damn, Precious bounced back real quick! Omoishiroi!
-A transcendent victory for the ages!
-Ei! Ei! Oh!
-The bonds strengthened by oden have returned to their strength!
-Yeah well have you considered paying for oden like a normal person, Seccy?
-We did it! A bond has been preserved! And just as much, a new bond has been formed with Kosuke-kun!
-Oden get.
-Donbura ko, donbura ko DON DON
Yurari yurete
Mezasu wa donna Happy End?
-Y'know, I'm kinda surprised there's not a lot of crossover fics between Donbrothers and Delicious Party. It'd kinda write itself, huh?
-...though to be fair, the Donbrothers are absolute lunatics, I'd imagine it'd be difficult for any writer to leave Oishi-Na Town in one piece after and have it feel natural.
-...y'know what, that's a fantastic challenge. I might have some ideas.
-Next episode!
-Feelings to share now, huh?
-Don't worry folks, Kokone's probably gonna be staying here, but that's not what the episode's all about, right? It's about her relationship with her family, that'd be wonderfully interesting.
-Alright, Happy Halloween again! Later today, I'm going to be talking Don Don Donbrothers! Not entirely sure when, but it will be before nightfall.
-If you'll pardon me, I do believe it is time for me to make my lunch~!
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