#I had a 3h discussion with a friend
astrobiche · 2 years
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🌸 Cancer rising 🌸
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As one myself~
Disclaimer : energy manifests differently for different people, take this w a pinch of salt. Photos not mine, credits to owner(s). Don't steal my work.
• The eyes chico they never lie : it is true that cancer risings eyes are watery, they can be big or their pupils look big and innocent. This is especially true when the house is empty or the moon is in a water house from what i noticed.
• people we just met trauma dump on us, and sometimes, we dont really mind it as it shows these people trust us enough with their secrets to open up.
• if feminine presenting, we have the wifey image projected on us, the amount of times i heard this, especially from conservative men..
• we grow into our aries mc sooner or later and go from the people-pleasing, taking people's bs for the sake of peace approach that we learned at home (4h libra) to a more outspoken, bold disposition. Some people reach this transition sooner (teens) while others a bit later in their 20s or more.
• we navigate the world through our intuition and feelings, we tend to feel strongly about our environment , for example, einstein had his love for research dimmed (feelings) because of his hatred for the school environment and exams (environment), this laster for a year after uni before he got back into it.
• people can be confused by how changeable we are. Like the moon, we can be as loud and attention grabbing as the full moon or be discreet like a new moon.
• we know how to read a room, we can sense when things are off.
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• we can get away with stuff (Example : cancer rising dude from my class didnt do his presentation and the professor not only marked him as present, but she thought he participated too lmao)
• the innocent face/aura and people apologizing for cussing around us haha
• being the mom friend. No matter the gender.
• seeming like different people when we're doing our hobbies. (5h scorpio)
• nervous but neat communication. Getting into details when discussing. A mind fit for debating. Can make good lawyers or consultants. (3h virgo)
• intense in love and possibly late bloomers. With 5h scorpio and 7h capricorn, we may avoid engaging in flings because we can get attached. Its either all in or all out. We can get obsessed with what brings us pleasure. With 7h capricorn we may get in a rs later than our peers or get serious too young.
• secretly freaky haha bouncing off of the last observation, 5h sexual scorpio and 8h experimental aquarius can definitely throw people off. The soft and somewhat timid demeanor is yeeted out the window and morphes into kinkiness behind closed doors.
• most likely night owls. With a 12h gemini, we can have trouble sleeping and shutting our brains off. This is why i recommend my fellow cancer risings to avoid reading a lot before going to bed if u want to have a good night's sleep or sleep early.
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📱11H Persona Ruler(s) Persona Chart📢
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📱If you're 11H has a co-ruler you can check it's persona chart as well but mainly focus on it's ancient ruler first IMO this also is focused strongly around friendships
📱You're 11h rulers ASC is likely what your friends assumed you we're like before befriending you for me it was my friends saying how I was seemingly so pure & innocent UNTIL I revealed my true authenticity👹 this could apply to societies view of you before you express yourself & if there's a planet(s) in your 1h this is possibly how your friends thought you expressed yourself after knowing you for ex: Aries Rising 23 degrees with Jupiter 1h before you're freinds met you they thought you were a chaotic b*tch but after they commuinicated & befriended you they might see you currently as a lit person who loves to party but still could act up due to rowdy behavior.
📱You're 2h for you're 11h persona chart(s) might be how you sound when talking with people & how you view your own self-worth, your possessions etc. ex: lets say your 2h ruler is leo & your 11h persona chart(s) sun sign is virgo they might see you as a person who loves to get there point across & very talkative & is not afraid of an open discussion esp if aspecting Mars the degree of you're 2nd house is how you sound to them if yours is at 20 degrees you might be more quiet but if somebody has provoked you then some verbal intensity could come out.
📱You're 3h 11h persona chart could be how they think of your reputation & friends at school & view your siblings, you're mindset & the things you say for ex: let's say Saturn is in that 3h you're school friends & youre siblings could have really dry humor & might see what you have to say as bland or mean but moving the 11h persona's 3h ruler in the chart might show the class you may excell at to them & society.
📱The 4h being how they view your roots obviously the degree of your IC is the degree of your MC & that degree could be what you seem like publically having Sun there might mean they assume you're childhood was simple & your parents positive if it's opposed your MC they might think that you're positive self-expression stayed with you & if your MC ruler is 7 they may think your childhood had a lot to do with beauty & being fair & publically you may seem relaxed or quiet this house for your 4h 11h persona shows the placements of friends that treat you like family
📱5H THE HOUSE that shows IMO 👏YOUR👏Best👏friends👏 the types of friends you want & have the most fun with this could also show what you're community & friends find fun about you for ex: let's say your 5h has venus in it you probably feel like you deserve aesthetically pleasing friends in your life lets say your 5h ruler is mercury then these same friends might be good company & somebody you would like to have a strong connection with verbally the degree could be how you & your friends are seen since it's also your 11h degree & how you react when hanging out
📱6H this shows likely how you are around you're friends the degree is how you act with them for ex: let's say your 5h degree is 21 degree's of capricorn as soon as they visit your crazy, saying the most out-of-pocket roasts to some of you're friends lets say uranus is there to & you start behaving like your tripping everytime they've said "hi" this could also show what you're co-workers think of you when a friends near
📱7h this could show the friends you attract & they're attitudes this might show how your friends see you handle an open enemy the friends you attract might be overprotective seeming if you have cancer there they could also be generally prone to outbursts if it's at 25 degree's or they might seem hard to chill AS for how you handle open enemies again you might think you get emotional but if you have the 7h ruler as moon in scorpio that can makr you're friends think you get violent when somebody has angered you due to your emotions
📱8h these are the people you don't want as your friends or whatyou dislike about your friends & tbfh this should not be ignored if you have a friend that's doing something you generally dislike tell them how you feel same with somebody yk you dislike trying to befriends you & for ex: lets say the 8h signs Libra & what you despise about people who seem like they want to befriends you or are friends is how whenever it's a fight they play peacemaker & that makes you feel like they don't have your back with a gemini Venus at 12 degrees check your 8h ruler & if your dealing with people like this- the awsners simple drop them period or yk verbalize your opinion yk solve that.
📱9h ruler this could be how you are when traveling with friends & the friends you make traveling or the friends who traveled from afar & met you at some point this could also show your college friends for ex: lets say you have neptune in the 9h & your college friends where really eluisive or in the sense that they traveled then maybe you're friend left said college or left you somehow this could mean the class you & you're college friends may of mainly met in for ex: an art class
📱Your MC or 10h is what you seem like to people publically the planets in there could show what you seem as publically ex: if it's pluto people might think your tense seeming & what it rules for ex: the 1h might mean they think your observant of people & brutal just from looks alone, the house a planet rules could show where your meeting a type of friend/person if your mc & 11h are involved somehow or include beneficial planets people might see you as popular for ex: 10h venus
📱11H of the 11h persona you & you're friends & how society sees you this is also the type of friend you are to your friends & how it is you recieved them this is your gang for ex: your 11h sign's capricorn with mars there & the ruler is saturn conj. mercury your friends might be athletes along with you this could indicate acquiring these friendss during a race or P.E. this could also make somebody an intellectual with masculine traits & society could see you & you're friends as intense
📱12H these are who your friends say are your hidden enemies if it's in Leo maybe the person gossiping about you is somebody very regal or loud or theatrical but it depends on 12h placements co-rulers degree etc. 🖐️😮‍💨
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1111jenx · 3 years
Haha hey love,
I do admit I've been ghosting tumblr more often recently, trying to finish some of my work and completing readings have been a loooot🥲 But now i'm back and i'll get right into it:)
🎬Lilith in the 3rd house🎬
check out my on-going Lilith series here
Besides talking about communication and one's intellect capabilities, the third house also is know for covering one's relationships with their siblings, their aunts and uncles and even their relatives in general!
The third house like the other two air houses, discuss a lot about the people and communication.
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Hence with Lilith - signifying restraints here, it is possible that natives with Lilith 3H never felt understood or felt as if they struggled to find people who share the same vision, the same way of approaching the world. Its because when they were younger, i'd say that around their primary or secondary education, their ideas and intellect abilities were questioned and were not listened to by their surroundings, neither by their friends or by their close family (third house rules over one's education)
Either amazing communicators or people who are terrified of speaking up.
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While I think a lot of them were indeed talkative and sociable people when younger. However, there's a high chance that natives with 3H Lilith grew up often hearing questionable rumours about them from random neighbours to their close friends. This in turns demotivated these people and they'd then tone down their more extroverted side and are less likely to debate or raise their opinions. It is rejection they're afraid of.
It's funny how most people I know with this placement are extremely intelligent and knowledgeable about a series of topics. They can go from discussing such abstract ideas such as philosophy to ideas that are so close to our lives like politics. One thing I notice is that they're usually the quiet observer in the crowd. They see everything. They just don't say it. For their own sakes sometimes even😌 ( Karl Marx has his Lilith in the third;)
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Because of this dynamic, a lot of Lilith 3H people have the ability to swerve their way out of trouble like no other. They're the one that would talk their way out of murder type beat. Ruthless and sometimes had a harder time tapping into their more emotional side. Lilith enjoys being in an air house and then gifted these natives with amazing communication capacities granting that they're taking in horrendous rumours&backstabbing from others. They traded their credibility for their own gain from others. Would really make their way out of a money scam if they wanted to.
Consequently, every story has a story behind it. I think Lilith 3H natives grown to be such sweet talkers is because when they were younger, not only did they experience rejection in terms of their ideas and knowledge, someone within their close family or friend group could have been the reason why they obtain their more cunning traits. This person, whether a family or friend, was emotionally unavailable and they focused a great deal on winning people over rather than understanding people. They wouldn't stop until they get what they want, often by using their charming words and fascinating minds.
Natives with 3H Lilith model this but they also despise this. A deeper part of them resent their lies so much they started to question their own sanity. Is it possible that they too, are starting to believe their own lies? If yes, what would that make of them? A true intellectual, it is these questions that keep them up at night by themselves, while they no longer need to speak to anyone but their vulnerable selves.
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When they enter the real world, they can sense that sometimes people recognize their power immediately as they speak up. They're cunning, suave but powerful and domineering with their words. They are demanding and detached but smooth within their communication, leaving people wonder if they actually care as much as they say. It's like their words trigger some thing in others, they have the ability to manipulate and control people. If harsh aspects are present, they will not think twice before using it against others.
They can literally be seen as a sl*t or received horrible slut-shaming banters as they go to school, work or even near their own house, on the street they live. Once crossed, these natives are merciless and you would not even realize it.
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Think about how Lilith is very primal in the sense that she's our deepest nastiest lil secret, but she's also natural to us. Depends on other placements, one might reject her while another might celebrate her. Lilith 3H natives, being in an air house, the same element as Lilith, own the ability to control others thoughts and minds simply by talking. Plutonians heavy or air heavy people might recognize these people ability yet others have a harder time seeing through their friendly facade.
They're that random person you met at the bar whom you slept with simply because they knew "what to say". They're that toxic ex who would tear up and talk their way out of serious issues, who would lie without blinking twice and let you think you're the one who's delusional. But they're also the ones with a welcoming nature when you first meet yet as time passes you realize while they're surrounded by people, they do not have their own people.
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Not gonna lie, they're so very prone to having a god complex. Similar to their sister, Lilith in 9H, their thirst for knowledge is insane and insatiable. They'd want to know more and more about someone before leaving them because they now know enough. I truly think that deep down, these individuals are just as lost souls as anyone else, 7H struggles with partnerships, 11H struggles with communities but 3H struggles with creating meaningful or healthy casual relationships. Could have been labeled as the blacksheep of the family. (even extended one)
Their siblings may or may have not been very cruel to them or they could have had a fall out. Or they could have a deceased sibling(Need to look at other placements to further determine) Nevertheless, their siblings/neighbours/earlier education is crucial to explaining why they are the way they are today.
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True students of life. They don't just read book, they consume them. They inhale the words and knowledge as if its their last breath and they couldn't help but yearn for more and more. Could very much surprise other with how passionate they're when it comes to obtaining new information.
I would have to warn these people though. Their minds are their strength yet it would also be the dead of them. Avoid gossiping, bullying at all cost. As in with Lilith 3H, the price that comes with these actions are doubled.Trust me on this, I have seen a great deal of people who have Lilith 3H ended up paying for this.
Charm your pants off type beat. They love dirty talk and people who know what to say turn them on. They would whisper someone name and the other would start to blush. It doesn't even have to be in an intimate setting, something about the way they carry their words are so sensual and personal. In the bedroom, they love a good conversation as well as degrading using words. Compliment them and then drag their esteem to hell and watch them enjoy it a lil too much.
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So good with their mouth😉But you didn't hear this from me.
Assert their dominance with words. They find it hilarious when others try to manipulate them. You really can't finesse the og manipulator. Will use your words again you and they'll do it so well you'll start questioning your own actions.
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Somehow, these individuals lowkey appreciate honesty and loyalty so so much though. When they see someone who's a bit naive and perhaps even too straightforward, they find this very lovable and endearing. It's like a fresh air for them, seeing others having no front up. They fall for people who they deem as intellectually equal to them, if not higher (depends on how well they're managing that hidden god complex:) People who are real, who are adventurous with a hint of innocence win their hearts over.
I literally just remember this but i'd put an abuse trigger warning here ⚠️ It's also possible that with very dominant or harsh Lilith 3H aspects to personal placement, someone could have lied to these individuals and abused them when they were younger. (close families, peers&teachers at schools, neighbours) Some kind of similar events happened and this marks a defining point of their life. A complex relationship with confiding in others. They could not risk themselves getting used all over again. Serious trust issues.
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They think honesty is a liability sometimes. I'd highly recommend people with harsh aspects to go into therapy, where they can freely say whatever they truly think&feel deep down without being judged.
These people will never stop knowing. Information is their power. Not just any information but things that can royally fuck someone life upside down. Scarier than they look.
So thats it for now guyssssss. I'm so glad I could stop procrastinating and work on some better content for you guys:) Cant wait to share more of my Lilith knowledge to ya😤
saint jenx🪐
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butwhatifidothis · 2 years
I think the only reason why your reading of TEaG is considered “bad faith” is because Edelstans really suck at ever actually fully reading what their opposition is saying. Every time I see one of these discussions, it’s the same thing: an awkward reading that doesn’t address the point properly or a strawman.
There’s no having discussions with these people, it’s all about their fragile attempts to win. So long as you differ from them, they’ll scarcely ever admit to your merit.
It may also have to do with the fact that once a certain thing becomes "the right take" in a subsect of a fandom's view of canon, it can be really, really hard to convince them otherwise.
I once again bring up Bleach as an example lol but I gotta lay a bit of groundwork: Ichigo, main character, starts the series pretty bummed. This feeling - his despair - is almost always visualized as/likened to rain. He has friends and family he wants to protect but felt as though he lacked the proper strength to do so - enter Rukia, soul reaper girl, shit happens and she transfers her power to him, he gets his own soul reaper powers to protect his homies, and he says that finally the rain has stopped.
With me? Hope so. He's protectin' he's fightin' he's doin' his shit livin' his life then BAM, two more soul reapers come up, Renji and Byakuya, to take Rukia away cuz actually her giving her powers to Ichigo was illegal and she's goin' to jail. Ichigo tries to stop them, does aight against Renji for like two seconds and then WAH-POW, he gets his ass handed to him. Byakuya does shit that I don't feel like explaining and oops, Ichigo no longer has soul reaper powers and it begins to rain. Ichigo's face down ass up on the ground shiddin' and cryin' in the rain, and then this guy who'd been croppin' up here and there named Kisuke walks over to him and holds an umbrella over Ichigo. And, like, literally the next scenes are him giving Ichigo (some version of) his powers back. Those powers which, remember, were what dried the rain - gotten rid of his despair - in the first place.
Now, because of BABY'S FIRST VISUAL METAPHOR, you would likely come to conclusion that Rukia and Kisuke dried Ichigo's rain, because one gave him the power to protect and the other gave it back to him once it was stolen. But if you were to ask Those IR stans? They will DIE on the hill of "Kisuke didn't dry Ichigo's rain he just held an umbrella over him, you're being too literal, it doesn't mean anything! Only Rukia ever dried Ichigo's rain!"
Meaning that Kisuke protecting Ichigo from the rain - which, again, symbolizes his despair - and then immediately afterwards giving him his powers back - his powers, again, which had gotten rid of the rain in the first place - ... is just a bunch of completely random things happening for no actual reason that just so happen to look a lot like Kisuke also saving Ichigo from his despair. And now where have I heard that sentiment before 🤔
My critiquing of the fic being considered one of "bad faith" by certain Edelstans doesn't really surprise me, given that I've seen this kind of mindset before. There's a certain idea of both Edelgard and the game itself that's sort of cemented itself into Edelstan circles - CF being the route that "breaks fate," Byleth becoming fully human being a good thing, Edelgard caring for the people and just being kind and caring as a character overall, Faerghus Toxic Masculinity, Rhea Bad - and pointing out all of the things in the game that contradict those ideas isn't ever really going to fly over very well with them.
Which is just as well, because I'm not going over the fic to try and change their minds (though that would be a bonus lol) but to go through this "meta piece" and see what all's wrong with it in regards to keeping to canon as well as going over why it also doesn't work as a fic, or even a story independent from 3H. It's seen as such an important piece of Edelgard meta, after all, so imo it ought to be scrutinized to make sure no incorrect or, uhh, worrying narratives are being spread - whether about the game itself or more general things, like any other meta piece. And, well, it's certainly an eye-opener in that regard 😬
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hoedorokishoto · 3 years
Trust - Part 1
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Shoto Todoroki x Reader 
+ Minors DNI
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“You know, if you just stopped getting kicked in the head, I wouldn’t need to fix your gear all the time.” I said, my hands running over the smooth metal of Hitoshi’s voice modulator. Different from the first one I had made him 2 years ago; small changes being made to help your best friend become the best hero he could be.
“Maybe I miss hanging out with you. You are worth a swift kick to the head.” He said from behind me, walking around the room as he spoke. Looking at the various machines, weapons, and other projects I was working on in the workshop. I laughed at his response, shaking my head as I screwed the missing panel back into place.
“You flatter me.”
Hitoshi Shinso had been your best friend since before both of you were even born. Your dad and his parents, living next to each other since their early 20’s, experiencing drunken nights, sad days and the trials of parent hood together. So in turn you and Toshi had done everything together. First steps, first words and first days of school.
“I saw you and Mr Aizawa on TV.” I said beaming, the thought of him realising his dreams and making them a reality enough to make my heart soar.
“Oh yeah, it was pretty weird. Don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Neither will Mr Aizawa.”
“Lucky you guys are so chatty.”
It was him who laughed this time, coming up next to me and hugging me into his side. I did miss him, his hero work and my support work taking up much of whatever spare time we had. Especially being 3rd years, our futures looming over us even more, having to make final decisions about our future. Gone were the days of dressing up as our favourite heroes and running around our homes catching our parents who pretended to be villains. Now all I seemed to think about where internship offers and upcoming exams, mathematic equations often overtaking my thoughts even in my dreams.
The gear didn’t need much fixing just a loose panel and a few scratches, something easy that I could fix in a matter of minutes.
“Good as new!” I said, holding up the voice modulator and admiring my handy work, then passing it back to Hitoshi.
“You’re the best Y/N, ramen is on me next time.” Hitoshi said, winking and taking the equipment from me. Placing it over his face and making the necessary adjustments.
The workshop was surprisingly quiet, usually filled with the noise of machines and steel clanging together. The music usually turned up to max volume as the other support course students worked on support gear for other heroes. Hatsume clearly wasn’t here because it had been a whole 3 hours with no explosions nearby.
“So how is Kaibara?” Toshi asked, quirking his purple eyebrow at me. I rolled my eyes at his question, stepping around him and back over to my tool bench.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask him?”
“Well I only ask because you seem to know him a lot better than I do. Intimately I would say.”
“Ew, don’t say intimately. Are you 95 years old?” I said, faking chills and a look of disgust on my face.
Sen and I weren’t dating, I didn’t want to date him but the time we did spend together proved effective in helping relieve the everyday stress of living at UA and being a Hero Support student. The sex was good, and he was handsome, always considerate of me and never did anything I was uncomfortable with. The more I thought about it, the more perfect he seemed. He very well might be, but just not for me. There was never any substance behind my feelings for him beyond the attraction to sleep with him. If we did interact outside of the bedroom it was purely platonic, just friends and nothing more. As bad as it sounded, I was using him for personal benefit and nothing more.
"He talks about you a lot.”
I looked into his eyes and flipped my hair, a cocky grin overtaking my features.
“Well… what can I say?”
“Not like that you weirdo, he asks a lot of questions. He wants to know more about you.” Hitoshi laughed, slapping my arm, scratching the back of his neck.
“Do you guys not talk?”
“Why would we need to?” I asked, not quite understanding the question. My back to Hitoshi now, tidying my workstation as I waited for his answer. We knew what we needed to know about one another, our names, birthdays, and a few general things but beyond that it seemed irrelevant.
“I think he likes you.”
“Well I hope he does he puts his penis inside me Hitoshi.”
“You know that isn’t what I meant. He like likes you.”
I stilled; my back still turned towards my friend. My view of relationships was always clouded by indifference. I could blame it on the fact that my parents didn’t work out or I could blame it on my preferences, hell I could even blame it on my star sign. Whichever excuse I chose I always knew that deep down I knew that relationships would never work, and people were better off alone, if I didn’t fully give someone my heart there is no way that they could rip it out of my chest and step on it. I would never put myself in that situation.  
“That sounds like his problem, not mine.” I said coldly, picking up my bag and heading to the door, hopefully hearing the end of this conversation.
“Ramen is on you remember. I’m hungry.”
Without another word I flicked off the light by the door and headed out of the workshop, Hitoshi picking up speed to walk beside me, not saying another word.
The walk back to UA was always killer, that dam hill being the bane of my existence for the last 3 years. The silence was almost deafening, I could feel Hitoshi holding something back. Wanting to say something, something about the conversation earlier no doubt.
“What is it?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I can feel you being gloomy, more so than usual. It’s irritating.”
Hitoshi sighed, rubbing his eyes with one of his hands. Shaking his head as he stopped.
“I want you to be happy! Is that so wrong? What’s wrong with Kaibara?”
“If you like him so much why don’t you date him.”
“I don’t want to make jokes!” He said, stepping past me, and continuing up the hill.
“Why is this so important to you? You’ve never really cared before.” I asked, jogging to catch up to him. He didn’t answer, he just linked our arms and continued up the hill. Pushing whatever he was feeling down and sealing it away.
“Denki is having a party in the 3A dorm this weekend. Wanna come?” Hitoshi asked changing the subject and tightening his arm around mine.
“Mr Aizawa is allowing that?”
“Yeah, apparently it will be good for us to blow off some steam before the school year really kicks off. His words not mine.”
He sensed my hesitation.
“Hatsume is going to be there, she even convinced IIda to go.” He said raising his eyebrows.
“Wow, that is impressive.” I said matter of factly, nodding my head. The class rep of the 3A was known for being a real stickler for the rules. Keeping everyone in order and always being the epitome of a model student. Bless his soul, but he wasn’t really the party type. The picture of him in that environment was enough to convince me to go.
“Please, who is going to help me stop Denki from being an idiot?”
“Literally any of his other friends?”
“Yeah but you are so pretty, and he is a simp.” Toshi said matter-of-factly.
“Fine, but if I don’t see Tenya do his little arm thing at least once then I’m gonna be so mad at you.” I said giggling and tightening his arms once more.
“I can guarantee it, it will be Denki and a party. It’s like you don’t even know him.”
Me and the rest of class 3H had been instructed to be at Ground Gamma for a joint training session between 3A and 3B, the hero support students were to observe and help with gear whenever needed. Taking notes on current gear and seeing where adjustments were needed. As the future heroes got better at handling their quirks and being in tense situations some fights ended with a lot of damage. Whether it be to the heroes themselves or their gear, that’s where we came in.
I always seemed to forget just how big the facilities at UA really were, most of the grounds built to look like entire blocks of actual cities. Ground Gamma was made up of various exposed pipes and machinery, the combination giving a labyrinth affect perfect for heroes to improve theirs fighting skills in tight spaces.
Watching them was impressive, just how far they had come in a few short years was a credit to just how hard they trained every day. I felt safe and content knowing that these people were going to be patrolling the city one day and keeping people safe.
“Hey stranger!” a voice yelled in the distance, Sero’s tall body coming into view as he walked closer to me. Denki and Toshi following closely behind.
“Afternoon.” I said, saluting the boys as they got closer, standing on either side of me examining the work bench and tools that we had set up before anyone else arrived.
“How is my favourite little nerd?” Denki asked, nudging my arm with his and hugging me.
“I’m good, excited to see you guys train today.”
“Aw babe, prepare to be amazed!” Denki said, winking at me, his arm still slung around my side.
“Y/N could watch me burp the alphabet and be more impressed.” Hitoshi said sarcastically.
“You guys are so harsh.” He replied, clutching his hand to his chest and feigning sadness.
The group laughed as I turned around and prepared for this afternoon’s events. Ready to take notes and sketch new designs. The students had started filling up the platform, sitting in the groups they had been assigned, discussing the best plans of attack depending on their quirks.
“Everyone gather around!”
“Today will be a bit different, after today’s exercise we will be assigning you with new support students based on where we think the heroes need improvement and previous projects from the support course students. We will also be looking at your scheduled internships and work studies and matching you based on that so we can get all heroes and their gear to the best they can be before graduation.” Mr Aizawa said, commanding the attention of everyone on the platform. He wore his usual nonchalant expression, hair down and hands in his pockets.
Everyone talked amongst themselves about the recently learned information. As of right now I worked on Bakugo, Uraraka and Hitoshi’s costumes and support gear. The first two hero costumes were my entrance exam task, getting a rough design, a file on both students and their quirks and having to design according to that. Now making adjusts when needed or wanted. The most recent addition was two earpieces for Bakugo to reduce the noise of his explosions but still allowing him to hear regular noise, so he didn’t lose any sense while fighting. In hopes that his explosions wouldn’t damage his hearing anymore than it already had.
New projects were always welcome, in hopes of keeping my grades high before graduation. Hero Agencies always quick to offer students internships based on good grades and successful support gear.
“So to get this started, give it your best and good luck!” Allmight finished, the first two groups of students heading to their assigned bases to start training.
The training finished, class A’s teams winning the most training battles and celebrating accordingly. Cheering and hugging each other. My notebook already full of notes and sketches for potential changes and brand-new designs.
“Everyone please look up at the screen and look at who you have been given as your support students. There will be no changing so no complaining.” Aizawa said, already walking off the platform. Probably to wrap himself up in his sleeping bag.
There in large blue writing was my name.
Y/N Nanase – Hitoshi Shinso, Katsuki Bakugo, Shoto Todoroki
I looked over at the student who was newly assigned to me, there Shoto Todoroki was in all his half and half glory. One blue eye and one dark grey already staring back at me.
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fireemblems24 · 3 years
Speaking as a Hongkonger who has friends wrongfully arrested and worse, killed, just for supporting the independence and autonomy of our homeland, I, along with many of the people I know who have played 3H, am absolutely disgusted by Edelgard's "your homeland belongs to me because it used to be a part of my country and what you think doesn't matter, so my war of conquest is justified because I say so" mindset. It also reminds me too much of the CCP for me to ever truly enjoy Edelgard's character
Add the oppression of free speech, secret police, art sanctioning, propaganda, demonising religions and religious persecution, scapegoating a minority race which led to the genocide of their people, hiding parts of history to justify yourself, a meritocracy with a dictator on the top who has all the power in the country concentrated on them and no term limit as well as being the one who chooses the successor, assassinations of people who oppose them, putting down rebellions bloodily, starving your people for a war of ego (let’s be real, the only reason why Adrestia wants Faerghus and Leicester back under their reign is because the Emperors’ ego is hurt by how certain people don’t want them to be their leaders), calling people of a foreign nation fighting for their country traitors, victim blaming all the defenders hurt by her war, experimenting on people to be used as weapons, organ harvesting of a certain oppressed race and writing out an entire nation out of history which destroys their culture because she refuses to acknowledge their sovereignty plus, you know, all the brainwashing Edelgard is doing to your character and all the other Black Eagles, I have to say, unapologetically, that I absolutely loathe her. From what I’ve heard and seen from the polls on the gaming forums in our parts of the world, Edelgard is immensely unpopular, if not the most hated character in both Hong Kong and Taiwan, and interestingly, China as they also have experience with Imperialism in WW2 unapologetically, especially since this game came out during the height of the political turmoil in HK, made me vomit. Ironically, seeing how Faerghus triumphs over Adrestia in the end despite being in shambles at the start, despite the hopelessness and the powerlessness the Blue Lions felt, how they manage to overthrow the tyrannical Cornelia (seriously, she also reminds me of Carrie Lam, the Chief Executive of HKSAR. I mean, evil incompetent puppet leader installed by the tyrannical conquerors?) by working together, AM actually brought me the hope I needed during my darkest times. (ask ends)
This is pretty serious and heavy and there’s a lot to unpack here. There’s a very good chance I’ll miss something, and I’m really underqualified to discuss some of this I feel. 
First off, I’m so disgusted about how people in power have treated China lately, turning a blind eye to atrocity after atrocity. I stand with Hong Kong, and I’m so, so sorry you’ve had to go through that. I literally can’t even imagine what that’s like. 
I can easily see why someone who’s dealt with what you have would have such an overwhelmingly negative opinion of Edelgard. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if countries who do most of the Imperializing have a better opinion of her overall and the ones who have suffered at the hands of countries doing the Imperializing have an overall more negative one. I think I remember someone saying there was some poll saying South Korea wasn’t a fan - and not at all surprised they’d react badly to her - written by the Japanese no less. And while I do feel there’s more to her character and beliefs, I feel it’s highly tainted by this very black/white portrayal of her conquering. 
But that’s quite the laundry list of accusations against Edelgard. I’m not going to touch on all of them except to say I’ve definitely seen her do some things (enabling human experimentation, scapegoating a minority race, etc . . . ), but I don’t really remember anything about art sanctioning or starving her own people. Regardless though, just her “I will enforce my enlightened beliefs on your country because I know better than you and it’s for your sake” getting portrayed straight-up and unironically is enough. You wouldn’t even really need any of those other things to have some eyebrow raising about some of the decisions IS made in the writing room about her. 
That said, I’m glad the Blue Lions route was such a powerful and uplifting story for you. I’m always amazed at the power fiction can have even though I’ve experienced it myself. The Kingdom is by far the biggest underdogs among all the players in all routes, and I’m so looking forward to the cathartic moments when I inevitably take down Cornelia and eventually triumph over the Empire too. Blue Lions going to such a dark place is going to make the victory all the sweeter and more meaningful.
I’m really glad you sent this ask, and I hope I didn’t leave anything out. It’s really amazing how much this game connects with people for better or worse.
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firespirited · 3 years
So I just moderated an argument (which derailed into nitpicking for an hour over whether the word “bully” implies full intention to be cruel vs a distressed parent lashing out: intention vs effect basically) that ended with both parties understanding each better. Great.
but after the fact, I’m in bed with my migraine and I can tell something more than just a migraine is going on in the way i’m trembling and feeling hit by a truck and i’m like “Oh that was me, those were things they both witnessed happen to me and interpreted in different ways, they’ve just had a 3h long argument over whether dad was a bully or not in 3 different situations where I was the target and I saw it all so clearly and the various shames are currently happening on a physical level because this junk is stored in the body”. So as soon as I could get up I went and asked them seperately to please keep any such discussions to their own, clearly more delicate and complicated, experiences and feelings, at least when i’m around.
Now how do I stick tinfoil to my scalp and zap to reset my brain and body from this state? off to test diving response. I need local friends with weed for real.
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wraithwritten · 2 years
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@heartwilled​​ asked: 4, 12, 18
Munday Meme
4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
Oh my god, how do I pick a single favorite? I’ve been a part of this hobby for so long that it’s genuinely hard for me to single out one thing that I would consider a favorite. I’ll go ahead and list a couple in that case, but one of the things that immediately comes to mind is how people genuinely encourage in-depth discussion and introspection into their characters and source material. It’s so enjoyable to see other people’s interpretations and spins they put on characters and being able to interact with said interpretations makes it all the better. And also? This has been my main platform for making acquaintances and friends for the longest time since I struggle with it irl. It’s been great that this has allowed me to socialize and honestly feel like I can be truest to myself too. No need to mask how autistic I am and sit there like :) the whole time around other people when I can say something absolutely off the walls and people go YEAH WOOO
12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
Absolutely! One of the very old muses I plan on bringing back is Shad from twilight princess. I wrote him for a few months in like, my first year of RP and through him I got a VERY good handle on how to manage an RP blog, setting up themes, figuring out character aesthetics, figuring out how to make headcanons for characters that are relatively minor and fleshing them out, things like that. He was basically a good learning muse for me as a beginner RPer and I clicked with him so well. Now that I’m at the point where I’m at, I just think it’s right I bring him back, especially because he is one of my fave side loz characters too. I do have a couple others I have been thinking on, but I’m not sure if I wanna go through with it since I’d be very protective of who I interact with when it comes to them (though tbh everyone I follow on here is good in my book so that would end up as a non-issue).
18. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
I JUST made a post on it because this question made me think of it, but I am going to do a 3H AU for Hayato since everything clicks together pretty seamlessly. It’s something I’ve mulled on them when I first made them around this time last year, but couldn’t get the details together and didn’t have a reason to get into it until recently with me getting into RP with them. Other than that? I have a plethora of AUs I’d love to do but it would take too long to list lol. As a rule of thumb, I am an AU enjoyer and I am always up for pretty much any of them.
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strawberryybird · 2 years
12, 13, 22 for the FE16 ask meme! 💖
💖 oooh these were very fun qs, thank you!! 💖
12) Favourite final map? ashen wolves!!! i fucking LOVED the final map. it was the only map in the dlc i absolutely stormed, to the point i beat monster-mum before she used her special ability lmao, i was so confused as to why my brother got so frustrated!! i went back and did it a couple more times to play it properly and i had SO much fun playing that map!! it was my kind of challenge!! also Thematically, the whole retroactive foreshadowing for the ends of the other routes with the whole body-horror-monster-autonomy-free-will-devotion-dragon-mum-in-a-church-and-we-killed-her-with-other-thematic-buzzwords content. Now That's my kind of story. i fucking Loved ashen wolves, it might get the edge for my favourite route overall!!
13) Favourite song in the soundtrack? Oh it simply must be Colour of Sunrise. it's absolutely colour of sunrise. i love that track completely unironically, it's just marvellous on every single level to me. not only for the Fire Emblem Emotions it instills in me, but i'd also probably listen to it if it was on spotify. honerable mentions go to; Chasing Daybreak (rain) for the emotional decimation it wrought upon my ears when the timeskip turned all my little students into hardened war criminals; A Promise bc it, again, heavily tied to my favourite moments of the game; Broken Routine because i didn't expect the MUSIC to mourn jeralt as well. literally the music from this game is so, so good. i love how cohesive it is.
22) Unpopular or rare ship/support you really like, and why? ohohohoo well. my 3H otp is hubert/dorothea/edelgard/byleth. and ferdie too, why not. any combination of those 5, really. I saw the found family trope in the eagles and went 'is someone going to add romance to that' and did not wait for an answer. poly eagle rights. 'co-dependence' feels a little.. like a damnation, but when it comes to shipping, i very much enjoy those complex war-weathered relationships that are too entangled to separate. (sidenote: that's not exclusive to my fire emblem fanning. i see a fucked up group of fictional friends and i start making polycule onboarding jokes.) The other ship i'm ride or die for that counts as rare is dorothea/hubert!! I'm obsessed with their no children by the mountain goats vibe. their canon end card is probably one of my favourites, and honestly i just think they have some Discussions^tm to have with each other, which is why i crave their ship content lmao. my other otp that i do not think gets enough love is leonie/ignatz!! mostly based in my own headcanons about them, but I love them very very much. I think they'd have such an interesting post-war dynamic (as archers, as 'commoners', something something their utility to the deers/world in a post-war ceasefire environment flipped, both grapple with the idea of debt - to jeralt/her village and to his parent's wishes/raphael) and honestly i would sell off the remaining inch of my soul for more of them. i love them so much. I've been chipping away at a deers post-war!au fic about exactly that, but i lost a solid few months worth of work on it and now i'm so unmotivated to finish it :') i'm also SO on board for Edelgard/Ingrid as (and idk if it's rare or unpopular, but) most of the work i've seen for them has been absolutely class, and the very, very niche (to the point i'd almost consider it a crackship) Edelgard/Leonie. but that one's purely self indulgence <3
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teaveetamer · 3 years
Also this is weirdly perfect timing because I just replayed an old indie darling, Always Sometimes Monsters, and tbh some of the ways that game preaches about choice and consequence line up pretty well with what annoys me about 3H fandom discussions about choice and consequence.
For those of you who weren’t around during 2014, or just don’t remember anything about a 7 year old game, the premise of the game involves the down on their luck Main Character trying to make it across country in 30 days to win back their ex... who is set to marry someone else. The main draw of the game isn’t the destination so much as the journey. Your character travels through several different towns, mostly scraping by on what little money you can earn along the way, and you have to constantly make decisions of varying degrees of morally questionable and it’s literally impossible to come out of it squeaky clean. I won’t spoil too much just in case anyone wants to go back and play it for themselves, because really it’s a great game (aside from it getting a little preachy at times).
But in the first town at the very start of the game there’s a plotline with your character, your character’s best friend (Darkeff. A semi-famous, recently sober musician), and your best friend’s ex-girlfriend (Viper, definitely not sober). It begins when Viper shows up to the club Darkeff is supposed to be playing at with a baggie of heroin. If you tell her to get lost, she leaves the heroin anyways. If you don’t pick it up and flush it down the toilet, Darkeff will get a hold of it and he will relapse and OD. Later, when the MC and Viper are hanging out in the hospital, you can call her out for bringing the drugs around Darkeff in the first place, and she will try to wash her hands of all guilt and insist that it’s not her fault he OD’d because she “didn’t force the needle into his arm.”
And it’s like... No you didn’t, but there are ways in which your choices affect and narrow other people’s choices.
While you didn’t force the needle into his arm, you brought the opportunity right up to his door step and laid it at his feet. At this point in the game Darkeff is very, very recently sober. He’s definitely been working on limiting his access to drugs because he knows if he has them in front of him then he won’t be able to resist (hence why he dumped Viper, it’s hard to stay sober when you’re around people who aren’t). By bringing drugs directly to him and waving them right under his nose you’ve effectively removed one of his strategies for keeping sober, which makes the decision to avoid doing the drugs infinitely harder for him. And we see that if she hadn’t done that then he wouldn’t have fallen off the wagon (because if you do dispose of the drugs before he sees them, then it’s Viper who ends up in the hospital after ODing).
And that is the thing that drives me crazy about how the Three Houses fandom treats choice and consequence. No one exists in a vacuum, and your decisions never only affect you. When you create the circumstance that drives people to bad things, you absolutely bear some responsibility for the outcome.
Now obviously that doesn’t quite map 1:1 onto Three Houses. I’d argue up to that point in the game Darkeff seemed to be doing everything right to stay sober, and addiction is one hell of a monster so I’d personally place more blame on Viper for bringing drugs around someone she knew was trying to stay sober than I would if she’d brought drugs around someone who had never tried them. The point is, it’s complicated and the way the 3H fandom talks about choice and consequence is so often not.
I do think Dimitri demonstrates this complexity well in his interactions with Fleche and the orphan kids in his Byleth support. He is both the result of circumstance that pushed him to do bad things, and the cause of circumstance that pushes others to do bad things. If he hadn’t killed Randolph then Rodrigue would probably still be alive, since Fleche wouldn’t have tried to kill Dimitri and forced Rodrigue to make the sacrifice. If Dimitri hadn’t killed those orphans’ bandit parents then they would have never tried to kill him in return. Was he justified in killing Randolph or the orphan parents? That’s up to you to decide (personally, I think he was, but that’s just me). At the same time though, he never would have killed Randolph if Edelgard hadn’t started a war and sent him to kill Dimitri, and he never would have killed those orphan’s parents if they hadn’t become bandits terrorizing innocents in the first place. And you can take that out as far as you like. For instance: why were they bandits? Would they have been bandits if the economy in Faerghus was better? If Lambert hadn’t been murdered and political turmoil hadn’t destabilized the whole place? But of course now we’re getting extremely hypothetical.
In real life there’s infinite threads leading to infinite causes and effects and the whole thing can get as messy as you like, but in fiction there’s only so many places those threads can go before we’re into baseless speculation. Unfortunately, a whole hell of a lot of those threads stop at Edelgard and a whole hell of a lot of people flat out refuse to acknowledge that, or they only want to acknowledge one half of that equation (I’m talking the “It’s okay for Edelgard to do bad things to other people because TWSITD/The Seven did bad things to her, but it’s not okay for Dimitri to do bad things because Edelgard did bad things to him” types of arguments).
At least to Always Sometimes Monsters credit, I do think you could argue that this is just Viper trying her best to assuage her guilt. If you don’t get rid of the heroin before Darkeff sees it, it counts as one of the “morally questionable acts” you’ll get called out on near the end of the game. Which implies that the MC should feel some responsibility for their choice to leave the heroin around despite Viper’s “no one forced the needle in his arm” speech. I don’t know if that was the dev’s intention--personally I don’t think it was, since this theme comes up in other places of the game--but you can absolutely make the case for it. I can’t really say the same for Three Houses, since it never really seems to want to explore Edelgard’s responsibility in the conflict.
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randomnameless · 3 years
what annoys you the most with 3H? The fandom or the missed opportunities from the game?
The fandom takes the first place, because while it was funny to craugh seeing those bad takes, 2 years after the release of the game those takes are still endorsed and built upon and it’s just impossible to discuss about FE16 without being sure that the person you’re talking to is talking about the game, or the redshit takes.
Still, I firmly believe fandom wouldn’t be that cesspool of incessant drama if the localised version (especially NoA?) didn’t take wild directions with the game. It’s incomprehensible how a game in its OG version can be saying green but the localised version everyone talks about “corrected” it to “blue”. 
Scripts are more or less the same, but the directions given to the VAs?
rant under the cut about directions, voice acting and people arbitrarly pushing an agenda despite the media they’re supposed to translate/bring to non-jp crowds.
I pointed it in an earlier post (or earlier posts?) but as a french person I grew up with the 4Kids dub, which was infamous for, uh, “translating” things for western audiences, even at the cost of coherency and let’s not even talk about the source material this thing doesn’t exist. Remember the Shadow Realm from YGO? .
I watched a short anime a few years ago about the anime industry (Shirobako?) and I remember a character trying to become hired as a voice actor/seiyuu - she had to learn and to feel the character - she has to know the character as much as the author who created them. 
A few years ago, I didn’t feel as if the dubbing cast worked on their characters as much as the OG!voice actors. For a recet exemples I was rewatching a certain anime with the fr dub - basically a former underling fights against his superior who became a traitor, and even if his superior doesn’t regret turning into a traitor and ultimately became a giant fly, the underling always respected his superior and treated him with proper forms of adress. In the “early 2010 dub” I watched yesterday? Yeah no, guy’s talking to him as if he is talking to his friend in a pub.
Even now, while the quality of the voice acting has improved (and I feel like people take their jobs way more seriously for the dubbing industry) - i was the first surprised with SoV’s VA - we have now directions. Because the manga/anime/game isn’t, uh, good enough or whatever, the dubbing team decides to go off and do its own thing, regardless of coherence or, worse, what was the intent/core of the og game.
I am playing MH:Rise, the game is set up in a more or less traditional “ninja” village, with a lot of old japanese (? feudal? idk) aesthetics. The devs said they wanted to return to the roots of the saga and based new monsters on Yokais, mythological monsters from the japanese folklore. When you meet a new giant monster to hunt, you have small cutscenes to introduce said monster sung with a Noh theater aesthetic (i just looked up on wikipedia i thought it was kabuki but kabuki isn’t the only form of theater whatever the more you know). 
NPCs in the MH series speak their own language, often called the MHese (a bit like the sim language). IDK if it is because this opus has a japanese aesthetic, but you can pick a jp voice acting instead of the MHese (same voice actors but talking in a different language). Or you can pick the US/ENG dub, with, I suppose, US VAs. I’m not complaing about the lack of FR dub, I’m rather happy with it tbf. But, for some reason, despite the aesthetic, the yokais, the pagodas in the background, the samurai flagship cat, the katanas and whatever, I thought the Noh style cutscenes weren’t going to change, or maybe someone would try to sing in English. But it isn’t the case, the US/ENG version of those cutscenes aren’t Noh style sung, they were completely revamped, so no traditionnal songs and instruments in the background, instead have a dude describing the monster you’re about to face in a cheap National Geographic imitation.
Why remove this? Was it because US!Capcom thought the western world wouldn’t understand the Noh references (but could still understand the general “aesthetic”, just, ban on the songs?) or some shit? They couldn’t remove the flagship cat’s samurai armor to swap it for a GI uniform, so they banned the Noh cutscenes? Why?
It is the same shit NoA pulled out with the Fates localisation, Suzukaze became Kaze because... reasons?
Maybe I’m biased because I’m french, and apparently Wonder France is one of the biggest consumer of anime/manga outside japan, but the mere idea that something can be changed because it’s not “western enough so the audience wouldn’t get it” pisses me to no end, and this is why, in the beginnings of Internet (YT videos with 4 parts, megaupload etc etc) everyone I knew who watched anime ditched everything dubbed to watch the very same episode but subbed (one of my friends even worked on her english with subs!).
Back to FE16 because this is your question and I ranted enough, I cannot stress it enough regarding Rhea, but while I do not doubt Cherami Leigh made a great effort and worked her best with the tools given to her (to this day I still cannot fathom how she managed to dub Mae and Rhea, they’re so different or not seiros is genki!rhea if only leigh was given that script) Leigh!Rhea isn’t Inoue!Rhea. NoA (I harp on NoA but I suppose NoA oversaw the dubbint process/effort, NoE is inexistent) had an agenda and a reading of Rhea that isn’t the same as NoJ.
“You worthless piece of garbage” doesn’t exist in the og!script - but more importantly, delivering this, Inoue!Rhea isn’t furious, she is upset and desperate. Leigh!Rhea is furious, Cherami Leigh does an admirable job at conveying NoA!Rhea’s fury - but this is not the same character NoJ wrote. If NoA gave the same directions NoJ gave Kikuko Inoue to Cherami Leigh, I’m pretty sure the “Rhea BaD” crowd, the eating babies takes and whatever shit redshit comes up everyday would be way reduced.
Maybe @nilsh13 has redshit take saved talking about this, but if we’re not talking about the same character, what kind of discussion can even happen? (I’m sure someone someday pulled the “well i played the localised game so i’m not talking about the og script with you but with the localised script” to defend some smelly take)
Missed opportunities can be fuel for fanfics.
Discourse based on fandom drama (at this point NoA itself is part of the fandom with their “religious extremis/zealot” take)? Nothing can salvage it. I genuinely like to talk about FE16 (especially lizards), but since every topic became a landmind because of the fandom drama, even making posts in good faith can be used as a fuel for drama, or completely diverted from their original goal to suit, again, some faction war between lizards and a certain someone.
Tl; dr : Fandom.
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rose-demica · 3 years
Gif Drabble, A ruined date
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So @mariekoukie6661​ sent me an ask with this gif... my new kitten jumped on my keyboard and somehow managed to privately answer it before it was finished. Thanks to my friends at the @fanficocean​, we were able to figure out where it went, and get most of it back. (I also have definitely learnt my lesson, and will be now solely writing on docs outside of tumblr again).
It does mean I lost the original gif, and despite searching for the gif, and having the original poster’s ID, it hasn’t helped me find it. So it’s just a screenshot for now. 
A sigh of relief passes your lips, eyes darting to the clock as your manager bustles in the door, mouthing apologies as you kept helping the seemingly endless line of people. It was 1am, four hours after your shift had been supposed to end. Everyone else from the other supervisor’s team had arrived on time, allowing the rest of your team to leave, but your own relief hadn’t shown up, hadn’t even had the decency to call in and warn the managers in advance. They’d asked you to stay later while they scrambled to find someone to cover the absence… you hadn’t expected it to take four hours. 
You had hoped for a moment to text your date, tell him you’d be delayed, or just cancel. It was a bad look for a third date, but you had no choice, the store couldn’t run without a supervisor, and there was no way you could close up the store, not two days before Christmas. Not when, even at 1 am, the lines for the registers winded back down through the aisles.
It was bad, really bad, to just ghost a man on your third date, but hopefully, he would understand. He had to understand, you really liked this guy. If your co-worker had cost you one of the sweetest guy’s you’d met, you would never forgive her.
“Just give me ten to set up.” You nodded as the manager breezed past you towards checkout control, turning your attention back to the woman who was insisting the sale sign didn’t specify a size. (It did, this was the 73rd time today you’d had this argument over this specific product.)
Those ten minutes dragged by, but finally, finally, you did your hand over and clocked out. Your first stop, once you were off the floor, was to check your phone. There were only five text messages, and two missed calls. Your heart hit your stomach, chest seizing up, did this mean he had given up? He wasn’t as interested in you as you thought. 
A shaky breath escaped your lips as you opened your conversation with him and read your messages. 
Hey, I’m here early, but don’t feel like you need to rush. There was a mess up with our reservation, so our table won’t be available for a little while. I’m at the garden bar, I can’t wait to see you. 
So I guess you’re running a bit late? Our table just opened up. I’ll order a drink and wait for you there. If you want I can place your order in advance? I know you tend to skip your breaks when it’s busy, and I hate to have you wasting away longer than necessary. 
2215. One missed call.
Are you far off? I’m getting a lot of dirty looks from the staff. Who knew they don’t like people who sit at tables and never order more than a drink?
I gotta be honest here, I really like you, which is why I am praying you aren’t standing me up or ghosting me. It’s also why I’m going back to the garden bar. They’ve shut the kitchen down, but they said I can wait there until they close. I think they feel bad for me, and think I’m stupid for waiting this long... maybe I am...
Well, it’s just me and the bartender left. The last stragglers from the restaurant left about 10 minutes ago, and now the staff have to. I know they won’t tell me to leave, not as a paying customer, however discounted my drinks might be, but I will. They’re allowed to close up early if there are no customers, and I don’t want to be the one keeping them open, not this close to Christmas when everyone is so busy and wants to be with family. So I guess I’ll... to be honest, I don’t know what I plan to do. Maybe I’ll head home, let me know that you’re safe please, even if you are ghosting me. 
0027. One missed call.
Your fingers were automatically typing out a reply as your brain tried to figure out what to say, but as soon as it was typed you deleted it. What could you possibly say to apologise for the fact that you had stood him up, as much as you hadn’t wanted to. He had waited at the bar for you for at least three hours. You didn’t know if you would be able to do the same, endure all those looks from the staff and other patrons. Just sit at the bar, constantly casting glances at the time and trying desperately not to think-
“Goodnight.” You glance up in shock, only to see one of your staff members passing by on their way back onto the floor. You slid your phone into your pocket, step one was getting home, then you could put your feet up and figure out how to apologise for your disaster of a shift, and missing the date without giving any warning. 
You feel your body relax as you step off the bus, nearly home, it was nearly all over, you were nearly home. You dropped your bag at the bus stop bench, sitting down and peeling off your work shoes, feet screaming after a long day of standing on them in cheap shoes. The snow was nice against your feet, at least, it was for now. The cold bite of the snow numbing the pain receptors. It would give you enough time to get home before it got too cold, or your feet gave out on you.
You were quick to pick up your bag and get moving, there was only so long before your feet would turn to icicles. Your eyes were glued to your phone as you walked the familiar route home, no one would be out at 1.30 in the morning. You barely looked up to type the code that would let you in to your apartment building’s lobby, nor as you approached the stairs, it was only as you made to dodge a person sitting on the bottom one that you looked up. 
Stunning blue eyes met yours, knocking the wind out of you. 
“Sorry beautiful, I just had to make sure that you’re alright. Please don’t think I’m a stalker or anything.” The man spoke, raising his hands. It took you a second more to tear your eyes from his, give yourself the chance to scan his body and recognise the man rising to stand before you. Your date, Clint Barton.
“Wha-” He chuckled at your stunned expression, 
“You never replied, I was worried that maybe someone had kidnapped or ambushed you, figured the least I could do was check-in to make sure everything was all right.” He motioned to the phone in your hand, before tucking his hands into his pockets and shuffling awkwardly. 
“I’m sorry, I was going to reply once I got home, I had no idea what to say to you.” You found your voice, putting your phone away. It hadn’t occurred to you that he might swing by to check on you, no one had ever done that before, it was sweet. 
“No worries, I understand, have a good life Y/N.” He took a few steps away, and you reached out quickly, your hand reaching out in an attempt to wrap around a firm bicep. He could have kept going, easily pulled his arm from yours, but he stopped, turning back towards you. 
“No. No-” It couldn’t all end, not like this. “I meant-” You breathed out heavily, searching for the same words you’d been looking for, ever since you’d read his messages. “Come upstairs? I still haven’t eaten, we can talk over a midnight snack.” His smile took your breath away, nodding slowly, almost as if he was waiting for you to take it back. “Great, my feet are killing me.” You smiled back, turning to eye up the stairs. You were only on the 3rd floor, but you weren’t sure you could convince your feet to carry you up that far. 
‘Allow me.” You turned back to Clint, offering him your bag, but he only shook his head, stepping closer to sweep you off your feet and into the bridal hold. “You’ll have to let me know which floor and room, I’m afraid I only managed to figure out which building was yours.” You wanted to complain, insist you could walk yourself, but you couldn’t deny the sheer relief that you were finally off your feet. 
“Just this once.” You meant to say it in your head, but the words accidentally fell out of your mouth, Clint chuckling at you. “3H.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, tucking your head into his neck. Eyes falling closed, feeling safe in his arms.
“You seem exhausted.” 
“My co-worker never showed, took them four hours to find and get someone in so I could get off. It was so busy I couldn’t even send you a message.” You sighed heavily, “I love Christmas, I really do. But I hate it.” 
“I had hoped it was something like that.” He spoke softly, before pausing, setting your feet back on the ground, one arm staying wrapped around your waist. You turned, looking up at him, arms staying looped around his neck, holding him close to you. 
“I’m sorry I kept you waiting. I wanted to be there.” He lifted another hand, running it down the side of your face, before cupping your jaw. 
“I waited as long as I could.” He responded, leaning in closer to you. Your eyes flicked down to his soft pink lips, able to think of nothing but how badly you wanted to taste them. 
“I know.” You stretched up, pausing when you could feel his breath roll across your face, waiting for him to close the distance. “Thank you.” You felt more than heard his quiet groan, lips rushing against yours a moment later. You responded tangling one of your hands into his hair and holding him. 
It was your stomach growling that interrupted you, Clint pulling back with a smile. 
“Let’s get you inside and fed, then we can discuss continuing this.” You stretched up, stealing another kiss from his lips, savouring the way they felt moving with yours, before pulling back and searching for your keys, eager to get inside and salvage what you could of your date.
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astral-lucy · 3 years
HEYYYYY this message/feedback is long overdue but you answered my ask earlier this month for a taurus sun 12h, leo moon 3h, & gemini rising (3.7 in ur masterlist) and you really got me down to a T!
you discussed a few actions i could do if my placement was undeveloped (i.e. talking bad about my friends, gossiping, playing the victim), and you got that really accurate too LMAO i used to be like that before (i’m ashamed of it) but yea i just thought to include this in my feedback bc i’m just like wow you really read me like a book👁👁
also, you were really spot on with me actually being more introverted than i come across and that ppl’s idea of me is often the complete opposite to how i actually am (sometimes to the point that I don’t feel like anyone knows who I really am)
anyway, thank you again for taking the time to interpret my placements i really appreciate it 10/10
hi sweetheart!
thank you so much for this!!
we all have been there about our undeveloped placements, don't worry about it, the important part of it it's to recognise the behaviour and evolve.
and that happens often with geminis in general, but since you had earth placement (which are usually more introverted) i thought you might be so hahaha
and thank you for leaving feedback, i also appreciate it a lot!
hope you're having a great day 💛
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1111jenx · 3 years
libra risings /1H for sureee 🥰🥰🥰
Hey luv,
Since a lot of people has been asking for this and I realized I have not yet to post an air rising post yet, let's start off with one of my personal favourite rising signs, Libra Rising🌸
Libra Rising/ Venus in the first house
my full rising series can be found here
Venusians are stunners, let's be honest here it's not even something new to people. They can honestly have the most unconventional (air) beauty ever but generally, they're still so sooo attractive for some reason🥰
they look approachable. they simply do omg. lemme elaborate on this!! venus is already a very sociable planet and is loved universally. hence people can immediately like them upon the first meeting. if they don't have harsh aspects or other placements that cancel this out, they generally look extremely chill and laidback.
^ even the men with this placement can look so soooo easy going or they might know literally everyone. like trust me on this i'm surrounded by libra rising guys🥲
their partners are usually kinda um... lowkey aggressive? or their relationship/love life can be a bit chaotic than others🤣 they like this tho. they love it when people bring out their wilder sides (aries 7H)
omg i have to talk abt this!!! the straight men with libra rising(esp if they have aqua/leo placements) are SUPER PRIDEFUL!!!!! the type to like being on top in the bedroom to assert "dominance"💀💀 but if well aspected would be down to switch though.
the type to be sippin the tea HOT. but wouldn't necessarily get into drama because they're so "over it" because when they were younger, they may have been a bit dramatic and had so many beef with people LOLLL
family oriented people if well aspected (capricorn 4H) HOWEVER, if there are harsh aspects to their 4H ruler, very much likely to have grown up in a strict home, or home that are too hard on them and expect them to thrive "academically". when they were little they were taught social cues and manners pretty early on, were very much aware of why security and stability matter😌 they want to raise their children this way too, are actually pretty realistic people!
^ one or both parents/parental figure was very very VERYY conservative and may have tried to make them conform to these values. the type that tend to grow up faster in terms of social skills. libra risings hesitate to show their real emotions a lot!!!!!!! could be closer to one parent than the others, see this parents as their "ally".
i've noticed that libra risings women are highkey daddy's girls🥺 their mom may have tried to spoil them wayyyy too much but/and was also strict to them?? they hesitate to show a lot of emotions as they truly hate how their parents would use emotions to guilt trip them.
libra men can also be closer to their dad!! usually come to their dad/father figure for advices🖤
despite all of this, a part of them will always have their family back. the more water houses they have, the higher chance they're closer to their family.
yes. they are naturally charming. can you blame them tho? these individuals make connects like no others, would literally start talking to their uber for fun. they like harmony and learning more about people! they like discussing about deeper aspects of life too🤣 you wouldn't expect this from them though as sometimes venus energy can be seen as superficial HAHAH, but that sag 3H means they are so happy discussing philosophy, adventures, life experiences or even one's belief. libra risings make great conversationalist when they put in the effort!!!!
will sound like they don't really care sometimes though, give off the "unbothered" vibes but trust me. they do. they seem so careless with their words but they will almost never slip up. smarter than people think.
they're actually so criticizing sometimes. and they know this omg my libra rising friends learn to shut her mouth now because her dumbass slipped up once and told someone to "mop your floor" because she can "see dusts all over it and some muddy shoes prints"💀💀 like please shut up.
EXTRA JUDGMENTAL WHEN THEYRE DRUNK. will never tell you what they rly think unless they're close to you🤣(virgo 12H) their need to be liked is insane. softer aspects physically can't take it knowing someone hates them for no reason.
they don't notice how they actually love being of service to people they care. it's actually scary. i blame their virgo 12H this, literally don't realize how sacrificial they're being with their loved ones sometimes.
lowkey believe that "jealous is very flattering👍🏼😌"said this as a denial and coping mechanism HAHAHAHA
their relationship with their siblings are complicated LOL, but generally fairly giving and dedicated yet can be hella competitive at times??
suffers between their head and their heart all.the.time.💀 a part of them are sooo excited walking into the unknown but the other part hates this, control issues deep down (virgo 12H) so prone to let others use them tbh. please don't do yourself like that.
^ realistic & a dreamer. they dream BIG, but also are so scared of what the future have for them.
not aware of how they are actually people pleaser🦋 strong need to be liked. if you're benefiting them in some way they'd never forget it and would try to reciprocate you!! know how to get people to assist them.
ability to make people feel special, loved and important LMAO my boyfriend used to pull one if his classics on me while we were talking "i've never met someone like you before" "you're so different" LOLLLLL he thinks i'm that basic and stupid huh😃
warning: libra risings men + water/air influence= hoes. my bf also says i can say this so there you goes ladies. its out there.
women are honestly so hot they can play however they want:/ if they decided to have fun with you be appreciative😌 they're pretty picky dear and if you know you're not even all that, take a good look and see if you're benefiting them in some way HAHAHAHAHAHA
ok i'm sorry for wronging a lot of libra risings here. but what's with yall and obsessing over your physical health? libra risings = self care. they just clean themselves so well?? does that sound weird? mentally sick when they arent physicslly healthy too!! the type to have 14 skin care steps or intense beauty routine🤣
value youth and beauty. love loveeeee intense arts and arts that are complex than usual! ( scorpio 2H ) artistically gifted in some way! may inherited a lot of money fron their family if harmonious. other wise its simply extreme.
scorpio 2H discuss wealth gained by prior generations. it can also talk abt debt. very tiring connections with finance or managed their finance very well!! they might be very lowkey with their financial situation though, feel like they shouldn't open up too much about their finances!
obsessed with sex. sex = basic needs. (taurus 8H) thrives on sex too!! intense, soul deep sex can get them so so turned on.
otherwise may actually have the potential of making money off sex. can become hella wealthy off sex if they have more beneficial! (think people making 7k a week on onlyfans🥰)
goofy. sense of humour that feels so personal and will roast you pretty well once y'all are close!
they LOVE their friends omg. like they literally take pride in their friends. if you're dating a libra rising they'd make sure that you are good with their friends. if not they'd be lowkey sad:( Honestly if placed with even more fixed placements in their 11H, watch them donate their kidneys to their friends omg💀🥰 sees the best in their friends and their friendships are usually pretty public! are so picky though so maybe very sociable but have a tight cirlce. (leo 11H)
may follow a career thats popular in their family of consult their family when it comes to career wise issues!! (cancer 10H)! come to the parent that they're closer to for professional matters. a need to be rich so they can be a provider for their family🥺🥺🥺
these natives can be soooo interested in astrology though!!! may start off as a curiosity but if they have more 9H in their charts they would literally LOVE to learn more about spirituality!!! (gemini 9H) also, lowkey are hella superstitious😌 my bff is a virgo sun libra rising and she would go on and on on how she's an atheist and astrology doesn't make sense but would always write down everything i tell her in her notepads during mercury retrograde or some significant astrological events💀💀 so much for hating on us huh
so many interests! they can have a lot of hidden talents! know a lil bit of everything and could have been super active in school! they were those charming kids in debate clubs while juggling between student council or a sport team🤣 they love learning so much and once given freedom, they would honestly thrive✨
the type that would want to give their children EVERYTHING. they would want their children to be able to interact with the world on a deeper level. may teach their children the importance of free will, self discovery and individuality! will want their children to be socially active and charitable🖤( aquarius 5H )
"lets fuck and put no labels on it" this is what they'd most likely to say to their s/o but watch them end up dating a person for yearssssss if they met the right one😌 most likely to grow feelings for a friend w benefits, will either ghost them because they're terrified of deeper connection but the other part of them CRAVE commitment and would wanna eventually settle down! (unless they have bad aspects to 5H and 7H rulers)
fun fact: have you met a couple with double libra risings? well i have and trust me, libra risings just gravitate towards one another its scary. they vibe so well around people who think like them and despite saying "yeah im open to anyone and anything" they're not. i'd know this💀💀
don't want to hurt your feelings if they think you're pleasant so will lie to protect you. i'm serious. you have to look at their eyes to tell if they're lying. notice their tone too HAHAH it's so obvious. my libra rising friends and s/o lying to calm my butthurt leo rising like "😃👍🏼 yes babe that looks fAbUlOuS on you" like shut upppp💀 yall think i'm blind huhhhh
okay but for real, if they want to, they could have get away with anything simply by manipulating. people oftentimes don't think they're capable of lying for some reason??? probably the venus energy covering their asses🥲
for a long term partner, they need a psycho that matches their level. they know their worth honey. but also need someone who understand their indecisive and FORGIVING nature. once they love you they put so much efforts into it. they want to enjoy the ride while it lasts! (aries 7H)
can't make a decision immediately. and they also shouldn't. give them time to process stuff. dont push for an answer they'll look physically uncomfortable 😀
not the type to start talking shits about people to others that they don't know well. like yeah they're wayyyy more opinionated than you know(and they like it that way) but they're not gonna sabotage their life&the harmony by telling you what they "truly think"💀 they don't trust you if they agree with everything you say, there i said it.
it's so funny but they're literally freaking geniuses when they're high(on weed) like come on💀 their productivity increase insanely when they're on something. watch them do a 10 pages of work in under an hour LOL
^ i think people don't discuss this enough. they get detached from ppl because they know they get addicted pretty fast, especially if you become a part of their lives. and they're pretty selective, so they don't allow themselves.
can detach like this ✨ literally a blink of an eye and you're gone💗 (only if they never cared deeply for you, if not, they'll always reach out randomly)
ohhh also, i know way too much libra risings who are stoners LMFAOOOO esp with pisces/cancer moon/taurus moon get help yall😐💀💀
libra rising+fixed venus are so fucking possesive lowkey. over their friends AND their lovers. my libra rising besties hated one another before they had the chance to meet because they were lowkey possesive over me🤩 just kidding but not really. my leo dom ass feel appreciated okay🌸
spectacular style. the women are so soooo charming they could pull off any aesthetic!! the men dress so well or always look very stylist. like it when you compliment their styles (take notes ladies) my s/o get such an ego boost when i compliment on his styles rather than his looks😐 trust me their cocky asses know they're hot. dont feed into their ego dear.
(surprisingly) emotional. yeah i know, its always the cold ones that feel the most. their flighty ass will be there for you and try to make jokes to cheer you up tho.
(surprisingly) low self esteem. especially when it comes to their partners or close circle. they feel as if they're not "physically good enough"? i know a lot of libra risings that tend to be very lost until they find their own styles.
have wayyyyyyyyy too much haters for their own sakes. when they were younger they could have been so much more aggressive and as they grow older they just got more relaxed. people may sometimes make random comments on their appearance and business? they're either loved or hated immediately by people.
"i dont care lol" they do. trust me. they do. if they didn't they would have blocked you wouldnt they? but they're still talking.
rational about others issues. impulsive with their own.
say HORRIBLE stuff when they're angry but never rly means it, they know how to damage your egos like no others.
good vibes only mentality✨🌸💗 they don't need any bad energy in their life!!
Soooo here are some very biased( and honest) as well as some details I've noticed from Libra rising natives hehehe. My Leo rising keeps attracting so much of them it's annoying at this point HAHAHA. just kidding but i love taurus/libra energy and my friend asked me not to expose them further so this post barely scratched the surface tbh🤭 I'm just saying, if you're trusted and confided in by a Libra rising, you're different.
saint jenx🦋
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rhetoricandlogic · 4 years
The release event of RoW - digital this time. I normally wouldn’t have posted a link to a >3h video, but thankfully some angel by the username of JDB  segmented the whole thing finely, so you can jump directly to the stuff that interests you. Here’s what they wrote in the comments (spoilery parts are mentioned in the link description:
00:00:00 [Waiting with the title card.] 
00:36:41 [And we are live! Unfortunately, the stream is rendered speechless by the set.] 
00:37:46 [The audio recovers!] [Brandon mid-sentence talking about where the questions will come from and the plans for the stream.] 
0:37:58 [The mutual appreciation ceremony begins.] [A big thank you to the whole team! 😊 ] 
00:41:11 [Brandon on the challenges his team overcame.] 
00:42:14 [Brandon alerted by Adam that our friends the tech gremlins crashed the party.]
00:43:28 What is your favourite question. [Calling it the delaying question wasn’t cool!]
00:44:52 [Tech check.]
00:45:26 What’s your favourite art on a Magic the Gathering card?
00:47:16 [Tech Check 2: Electric Boogaloo.] <Brandon’s Speech With Readings Interspersed By Questions Part 1> 
00:47:33 Brandon’s Speech Introduction [Opportunity cost and his career.]
00:55:46 How do you feel about the release of Rhythm of War? Is it different from how you felt about releasing any of the previous Stormlight books?
00:59:08 Is there only one Seon for every given Aon? 
00:59:26 Brandon’s Speech Part One [Brandon Era 1] 
01:03: 54 Brandon reads from his fifth novel, The Sixth incarnation of Pandora. [01:06:46 reading begins.  01:14:38 reading ends.] 
00:14:39 [Back to the speech.]
01:17:40 Of all the magic systems would awakeners most be able to quickly utilize acquiring a Dawnshard? [NO spoilers, RAFO.]
01:18:38 Can a Radiant join multiple orders and/or become a squire of a different order? And if Dalinar became a Lightweaver squire, or had the Lightweaver Honorblade, could he create the Roshar map himself? [No spoilers.]
01:19:20 Are any of your characters based on somebody you know?
01:22:53 As the years of your career have progressed, as the World and your worldview has changed, has your Cosmere, your vision of a fantastic universe become more defined and detailed or has the picture become muddled by shifts in perspective? 
01:23:50 Brandon’s Speech Part Two [Brandon Era 2.] 
01:32:10 Brandon reads from an unpublish novel that he isn’t yet happy with, The Liar of Partinel. [ 01:33:34 reading begins. 01:45:42 reading ends.] 
<Isaac’s Segment> 
01:46:37 [Screen blanked during setup.] 
01:46:50 [Rhythm of War cover art on screen.] 01:49:20 [And we are back with Isaac!]
01:49:21 [Isaac introduces himself.]
01:49:40 [What Isaac will be talking about in this stream.]
01:50:53 Where did the art for Rhythm of War start? 
01:51:46 [First cover concept description on screen.] [Pre-Rhythm SPOILERS for Shallan.] 
01:53:07 [Rhythm of War cover template on screen.]
01:54:27 [Greyscale thumbnail concepts overlaid on the cover template.] 01:54:49 [Even more of these.] [Fortress of lasting What Now? The Tower on the back of the cover is name dropped.]
01:56:02 [Shallan traveling clothes concept art.]
01:56:21 [Adolin uniform concept art.] 01:56:51 [The cover art is now available as a print.] 
01:57:00 A video of Michael Whelan talking about creating the cover. 
02:01:40 [Back to Isaac thanking Michael. Muted for a few seconds at the start.]
02:02:12 Back to the creation of the cover. 
02:03:29 [Radiant Spren sketches from the book set 1. Mist, Cryptic and Ash Spren] [Visual spoilers kinda, if you can read the text.]
02:03:48 [Radiant Spren sketches from the book set 2. Honour, Cultivation and Light Spren] [Visual spoilers kinda, if you can read the text.] [Onscreen again at 02:05:06.]
02:05:54 [Radiant Spren sketches from the book set 3. Hight, CPeak and Ink Spren] [Visual spoilers kinda, if you can read the text.] [Teeny Tiny Jasnah audio spoiler as well for the first book.] 
02:06:38 [Isaac starts talking about endpapers here.] 
02:09:28 [Rhythm of War front endpapers. Heralds Pailiah and Kelek by Magali Villeneuve.] 
02:10:10 Howard Lyon to talk about painting the physical versions!
02:10:07 [Physical painting of Pailiah revealed.] 
02:14:40 A video from Magali Villeneuve on her process creating these Heralds.
02:18:13 Back to Isaac discussing the paintings 
02:18:32 [Closeups of Howard’s Pailiah.]
02:18:34 Isaac on the endpapers by Karla Ortiz.
02:19:05 A video on creating the art for the endpapers by Karla Ortiz. 
02:23:59 [Back to Isaac thanking Karla.] 
02:24:14 [Rhythm of War endpapers. Heralds Nalan and Chanaranach by Karla Ortiz.]
02:24:25 [Closeup of Chanaranach.]
02:25:04 [Closeup of Nalan.] 
02:25:37 Isaac on making notes on manuscript pages to direct art later. [With image, NO spoilers.] 
02:26:06 [Book map of where the illustrations will be placed, NO spoilers.]
02:26:54 [Urithiru Atrium map/illustration.]
02:27:55 [Viewpoint Icons. Rysn and Taravangian.]
02:27:55 [Viewpoint Icons. Eshonai and Venli.]
02:29:06 [Art log.] 
02:29:27 [Isaac on Dan dos Santos doing Singer fashion plates.] [Image on screen.]
02:30:35 A video from Dan dos Santos on this. [Louder music on the intro and outro of this.] 
02:34:31 [Back to Isaac thanking Dan.]
02:34:37 Isaac on Navani’s notebook pages. 
02:34:56 [Notebook pages on screen by Kelly Harris.]
02:36:04 [Some more pages on screen.] 
02:36:43 [Maps on screen by Kelly Harris!]
02:38:08 Isaac says goodbye and ends his segment. <Brandon’s Speech With Readings Interspersed By Questions Part 2> 
02:38:43 [Brandon Introduces a video put together by his sister Jane.]
02:39:05 Video by Jane regarding the Lightweaver Foundation.
02:40:41 [Back to Brandon with questions.] 02:40:55 What do you think you will do after the Cosmere is finished? 
02:41:13 We have seen Wit tell stories that others told incomplete versions of earlier in the book. Is this an in-world coincidence or is he aware of those stories being told?
02:41:39 Nale seems to be able to sense Lift7s Stormlight, even before she uses it (after she eats the roll) is this an ability of his as a surgebinder, as a Herald or something external he’s doing or using? [No spoilers beyond the question, RAFO.]
02:41:54 After you decided that you don’t need to be cagey about Cosmere references, did the structure or plot of the Cosmere change?
02:43:11 Brandon’s Speech Part Three [Brandon Era 3]
02:47:24 Brandon reads from an unfinished book, I hate Dragons. [ 02:48:26 reading begins. 02:54:06 reading ends.] 
02:54:15 Happy Birthday to Tyler Schmill!
02:54:40 What’s the longest amount of time in one sitting you’ve spent entirely writing in this series? 
02:55:12 What culture inspired the Horneaters?
02:56:41 Which is your favourite somewhat lesser known fantasy series?
02:57:47 We’ve seen that metalborn siblings can end up with different powers. What about metalborn twins? 
02:58:00 Were there ever characters you have written that got a surprising reaction from readers? 
02:58:53 Out of all the characters you’ve created, which one do you most personify with?
03:00:08 How do you balance creating new and wonderful series, while continuing to develop the worlds you already created? [This answer bleeds into Brandon’s Speech Part Four.] 
03:02:49 Brandon’s Speech Part Four. [Brandon era 4.]
03:04:44 Brandon reads from the unnamed sequel to Sixth of the Dusk. [03:06:35 reading begins. 03:30:07 reading ends. MASSIVE SPACE AGE COSMERE SPOILERS!!!] 
03:30:30 [Thank you and goodbye.] 
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I've seen a lot of posts - here and elsewhere - where people have expressed discomfort or shame about being an Edelgard fan, because she's so controversial and so vociferously disliked by some. I assume most of you saying that are pretty young. Maybe this is the first time you've liked a character quite so polarizing in something quite so popular. Maybe that's not you, and this just hit really close to home.
But as a 20+year veteran of online fandom spaces, may I offer some advice? (And yeah, most of it can be applied generally - I just happen to be on my own road to hell with El.)
1. It is okay to like Edelgard
Don't let anyone tell you who to love from media. It's fiction. You can love the darkest villain, the most Mary Sue-esque perfect princess, the pretty boy, the monster with a heart of gold. You can love characters you disagree with, because they're interesting or you like their story arc. You can love simple characters. Complex ones. Stereotypical ones. And you can love Edelgard. Someone wants to call you "stan" or "deluded" or whatever nonsense they intend to make you doubt your own ability to make decisions for yourself, to know what you like?
Well, that brings me to point #2.
2. Block is your friend
Block. People. Who are just looking to start shit and be nasty. Honestly. What are they going to do, have a hissy fit? Let 'em. They mean nothing. They didn't get their trouble, and now they're behaving like a toddler. Well, that's their choice.
Is it hard to do? Yes. But if it hurts your feelings, reading their words, whether directed at you, directed at a fandom, or just written as a general screed, don't engage. Block, and move on. They cannot hurt you.
3. Temper your own words
Two wrongs don't make a right - we've all heard it, right? If you don't want to be called "delusional" for defending that "fascist" Edelgard, don't turn around and accuse Dimitri/Claude/Rhea/Dorte/whoever fans of being the same. No fandom is a collective. Which leads to...
4. Again: No fandom is a collective
Fandoms are as diverse as real human communities. You'll always have your loud assholes. You'll always have your quiet creators who just do their thing and never enter the fray of the drama. But most people are just there to meet some like-minded folks and headcanon and have fun. No fandom is wholly "toxic," and I honestly hate that term slapped on a whole group of people. That said - be what you want the fandom to be. You can't be the fandom police, but you can make your small part of it welcoming to both new people and new ideas (even if you disagree with them). Leading nicely to...
5. Discussions are not arguments
I have friends who adore Dimitri. Claude. Mercie. Dorothea. Shamir. Ashe. Rhea, even. Do you know how much fun it is to have long discussions where we pull in all our different interpretations and viewpoints and personal favorites? It's delightful. We aren't fighting, even when we don't agree. Which is another reason not to dismiss someone simply because they lean towards a different house than yours - think of how 3H might have turned out if Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude hadn't essentially had zero communication with one another. Reach across the aisle and have discussions - not arguments and pettiness.
6. Keep a sense of humor
I know how important Edelgard is to you. Believe me: I know. I've been the kid who cried in desperate desire to talk to fictional characters who I absolutely knew would get me better than any of the assholes in real life. Yes - Edelgard is an anchor for you, and that is fine.
But learn to laugh at her - and sometimes, at yourself. Learn to mock it. I know, I know, El doesn't understand teasing. But you do. It's okay to laugh at just how ridiculous it all is sometimes. It doesn't mean you love her any less. Laugh at them all, this ridiculous motley crew. It's a lot of fun to poke fun.
7. It is okay to like Edelgard
Yeah, I'm saying it again. Like her. Love her. Don't let anyone ever make you believe it is wrong, or that it means there is something wrong with you. Because it isn't, and it doesn't.
It's okay to be a fan of Edelgard.
Say it with me:
It is okay to be a fan of Edelgard.
Go forth, Black Eagle. ❤
(But no throwing daggers at anyone!)
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