#I have a one shot concept very similar to this ngl
jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
If the main villain were a human, I feel like making them a narrative foil to Lady would be best. Both because she's the only human demon hunter we really see much of, and it has interesting character opportunities.
I really like the idea of a human who's not using demonic power being the villain. It opens a lot of doors about how they'd operate against the extremely powerful Sparda family. I personally have the idea that someone has had to have found out about Dante being half demon before and absolutely not been okay with it. The series has touched upon how demons feel about the twins being half-human, but not really about how humans would feel about them being half-demon. I feel that'd be an interesting motivation.
I love the ideas anon!!
Yeah, a Lady foil feels like it fits the best. The closest she's gotten to demonic power is being a battery for Artemis (which logically should have some sort of effect on her but that's for a later post), so she's the best fit for a 'plain Jane' human antag. Truth be told, I've considered lots of different ways a Lady foil (or just a Lady centric villain) could play out in the series before, so expanding it to a hypothetical anime plot isn't much or a stretch.
The repercussions of being half demon in a human society are never fully fleshed out in DMC, but I imagine it is very complicated. Not everyone knows that demons even exist pre DMC5, but the people who do know tend to have a bad reason for knowing that information. So, my hypothetical anime villian is jumping off with that conclusion.
My main idea is that they initially hire Dante n friends for a job, but a trap and/or weapon they bring reacts to Dante's presence, which immediately pisses off our antag because of trauma. Thus beginning an arc where they repeatedly attempt to kill Dante by virtue of being a demon, all because their family was killed by a demon pretending to be a person (sound familiar?) Lady gets to show up to defend Dant ein the climax because character moments, people, Character Moments.
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shinyzango · 4 months
So, about that "A Steampunk Carol" graphic novel...
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I totally did not forget to make the post about it like I promised I am so sorry.
For those who are not familiar with it, long story short a while ago I came across a Kickstarter project for what seemed to be a steampunk adaptation of the Nutcracker story and was bummed that I missed out on it and wasn't able to support and secure a copy for myself, but a fella made me aware that it did actually get published in Italy a few years ago, and that it was sold on Amazon. And after discovering that there was literally only one copy left, I bought it on a whim to both read it and to hopefully attract more attention to it for reasons I'll discuss in just a bit.
I'm just going to say that I'm very back at writing reviews so apologies if this doesn't say anything at the end or if you didn't get the answers to your questions dkfjgn
Alright, now for the book itself.
First things first, the story. I won't go into details right now as I do not want to spoil folks in case this does get released in english to a wider public, but I can add a Spoilers section in the future where I explain in detail what happens if I get asked about it.
The story, like I said, is an adaptation of the Nutcracker And The Mouse King, but it is quite different in many elements, and spices things up quite a bit, especially after the introduction.
Sadly it feels quite rushed in its execution imo, I assume it's because they had to fit everything in a single volume. Which is a shame because there are many concepts and ideas that are very fascinating and interesting, both for the plot and for the characters themselves.
Speaking of the characters, they are quite unique and interesting.
The main kid, Caitlin, who is the Clara/Marie of the story, can be a little sassy, but she still feels grounded and has a good balance between putting down her foot and being nervous about the situation. I don't mind her character.
The Nutcracker, who is only called Schiaccia (just a shortened "Schiaccianoci" which is nutcracker in italian. I assume he's called Cracker in english if they kept that logic), feels solid. He's a loyal soldier, skilled but does show hints of insecurities. A good lad.
The mice are great as well, I'm really intrigued by the lore they cooked up for them, and the Mouse King is actually not bad, and I like what they did with his character.
There's also another supporting character, a tin soldier who goes by Sergeant Idle. He is basically a companion to the Nutcracker. He is basically a plot tool, helping with the backstory and moving the story forward, but not in a bad way. He's very enjoyable.
I would have loved to see them all explored further, but like I said it all feels rushed probably because it had to stick all in a single volume. I don't know if the authors ever considered this to become a series or if it's just a one-shot story, but I would honestly love to see this evolve into a series, if only because I love the characters and I would love to know more about the lore they cooked up for it more in detail, letting all the elements have the time to shine.
Moving on to the graphic...
I love Lorenza's art style. It looks very sketchy, with a clean roughness to it if that makes sense. And I really like all the designs of the characters.
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(Apologies for the glares, I tried my hardest to limit them as much as possible. also ngl I'm giggling a little seeing how Schiaccia looks similar to my Hans skdfkjhn)
All in all, I really like this adaptation. It's unique and enjoyable, if only a little rushed.
Like I mentioned before, this was Kickstarted a while ago to get properly published in english. It was successfully funded and as far as I know, they're currently in the process of printing copies if not even shipping them for the backers. I still don't know if the folks at Last Ember Press are planning in making it available to purchase outsite the Kickstart, but I really hope so because I do think this deserves to be available to everyone.
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neophele · 2 years
hows everyone feeling about ay-yo ?
((it might be a surprise bc ive only written for dream but 127 are actually my ult group shdjfjfj )) pls feel free to share hehe, my thoughts are under the cut but they might be a bit incoherent cos im tired and mostly just ranting ....
ngl i love it for the most part, the chorus feels a bit lack luster, it didn't really keep up with the verses in terms of the chill kinda swag in my opinion (it starts good then loses itself a bit idk) but the rest of the song? especially the second verse?? YES. super sexy vocal kings bridge?? YES. kinda Punch vibes [which imo punch went underappreciated cos she had to follow up Kick It which was a) super catchy b) public friendly and c) super in your face hypeness] which super slay.
song: 7.5/10 !
but that kinda laid back confidence as opposed to the in your face confidence of songs like 2 baddies and kick it is what i rly like hehe, tho idk if it has that Pow Pow feeling title tracks usually have? maybe after watching a performance i'll feel differently?
the overall vibe and especially the beat for the verses are gorgeousss though, it's really my style and the rap parts ESPECIALLY ((did i say that already?)) the styling is simple and okay, nothing new or groundbreaking ... but we did get spikey almost punk tyong which i like hehe
styling: 5.5/10 !
lastly this might be controversial but .... even though the mv is super pretty it seems a bit ... low budget ? maybe ? like it's pretty but feels like concept-wise a bit.... lost. the only thing that seemed pretty cool to me was the shot of Jaehyun in the tunnel that seemed like a 007 kinda homage, but nothing else felt super 'wow !' yk? though in general, I think 127 MV's haven't been as good since regular though, especially concept-wise... like compare how their MV's started off, firetruck had a clear direction other than just looking good; limitless had a super clear retro vibe; cherry bomb wasn't super theme oriented like firetruck but had incredibly clear styling and vibes; touch was cutesy and clearly meant to be pretty and lighthearted; regular portrayed the concept SO WELL; and then simon says, superhuman, and highway to heaven all felt a bit... empty... Kick It delivered a bit more but in terms of 'a concept' but really relied on the good styling and one or two good sets, and then other than favourite, everything else feels a bit wishy-washy... like 2 baddies had a concept but it still felt a bit like it could've been done better. idk .... SM mv's have been going downhill a bit for a few years in my opinion ....
MV: 4.5/10
then as for b sides:
DJ - i like the rap parts but the melody feels very familiar? almost too familiar? in a way ..... didn't leave a huge impression but i think it's one that will grow on me with more listens hehe
Skyscraper - def prefer it to DJ, but didn't like jaehyun's flow in the first verse (it's very similar to his rap part in lemonade around the 30 second mark which i also don't like, it's just a preference thing cos i don't think it suits his voice or style, and it's just a flow i don't like lol) It did feel like the song could've been like a minute shorter? i don't think anything after about the 3 min mark added much to the overall sound [vocals are gorgeous don't get me wrong, it just felt a bit redundant....]
love the continuing of the whole video game sound kinda vibes permeating the whole album :]
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bloodypeachblog · 3 years
My Junji Ito Manga Collection (plus one more!)
Hey, so while I’m still writing part 2 of False Impressions, I ordered 3 manga books to add to my collection. They came in today, so I decided to show them off to you all!
If you told me to tell you who my favorite mangaka is, I would have to say Junji Ito. I love the way he writes his stories, how he makes the most mundane things in life the most terrifying thing imaginable, his body horror, and his ability to make every woman hauntingly alluring. Ever since I discovered his work, I always wanted to write a horror story or manga similar to his version of horror. But alas, that has not come to fruition yet. 
Anyways, let’s start the tour!
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First off, this is my shelf. I had to make do with my mother’s cabinet and make my own corner to keep my books in one place. My boyfriend recently got me a plushie of my boy, Inosuke, and I like to think he guards my books with his life. Meanwhile Spleenz is just chilling on top. 
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First off, we’ll start with one of his most famous works, Uzumaki. It’s about a city cursed with the concept of a spiral, hence the name ‘Uzumaki’, from the perspective of two people, Kirie and Shuichi. I won’t spoil anything, but let’s just say it goes from 0 to 100 real quick. I love this story so much, I admire the idea of making things you see in everyday life, like a spiral, into something horrifying. If you have the chance, go read it. You won’t be disappointed.
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Next up is another famous work of his, Tomie. It’s basically a collection of stories with one thing connecting them all, a beautiful girl named Tomie. But there’s something wrong about Tomie... I haven’t fully finished this one yet, but so far, I love it. When you read it, notice that the art starts out as cruder and not as polished as Ito’s other work, because the first chapter was his second work he had ever done, made in 1998. Of course, Tomie is hauntingly beautiful, enough to draw you in for more. So if you’re interested, go ahead and check it out!
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This next one is one of the ‘selected stories’ series, which is a collection of his one shot stories. This one, ‘Shiver’, includes famous tales, like The Hanging Balloons, Glyceride, The Long Dream, and the only story from him to actually make my skin crawl, Shiver. These stories are great and you are in for a treat if you read this. But pair it along with the next entry.
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This is the second entry in the ‘selected stories’ collection, Smashed. This includes stories starring one of Ito’s most infamous characters, Soichi. But others include ‘Splatter Film’, ‘Blood Slurping Darkness’, and many more. Go ahead and give it a go. 
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This is Junji Ito’s retelling of Osamu Dazai’s novel, No Longer Human. It’s a sad tale focused on one man and his life of troubles, his actions making him feel ‘no longer human’. Now it’s needless to say that this story gets real sad and depressing, so heads up if you decide to read it. The ending was pretty haunting, but you’ll have to check it out yourself if you want to know how it ends.
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Now this isn’t a manga, it’s more of an artbook showing off Junji Ito’s best art. You’ll see artwork from many of his stories I previously mentioned, and it is amazing. You'll wonder how he was able to draw all of these with such detail and realism, like I have whenever I read them. I would say use this as reference for any large tattoos you want to get, especially the front cover (that would make a sick back tattoo, ngl). 
Now these final three I just got today and I either haven’t read or finished them yet, so I can’t really go into detail that much. Please bear with me.
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This is, as you can tell, Junji Ito’s retelling of the Mary Shelley novel, Frankenstein. It also contains other stories, but what, I can’t really tell you until I read them. Now if you haven’t read the actual novel, when you think of Frankenstein’s monster, you’d think of some large dim-witted brute who rarely talks. But in the original novel, he’s actually quite intelligent and very handsome, with white irises and yellow sclera (they’re actually only described as creepy, but I like to think of it as that). But a lil story time for me, I’ve always wanted to make a story focused around Frankenstein’s monster, mostly a romance between the monster and a woman with a dark past. You know, a ‘Beauty and the Beast’ kind of tale. I might talk about that more in depth if anyone is interested, but for now, let’s move on.
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This is yet another collection of stories, but it’s not in the ‘selected stories’ collection. This is ‘Venus in The Blind Spot’. It includes stories like ‘The Licking Woman’, ‘The Human Chair’, ‘Army of One’, and his most popular short story, ‘The Enigma of Amigara Fault’. I’ve started to read this one and so far, I’d recommend it for first timers of his work. Interestingly, this includes some color pages of the stories, although they are a bit blurry compared to the text in the speech bubbles. But it goes back to classic black-and-white soon enough. So if you wanna start reading Junji Ito, I recommend starting with this before you go in the big stories.
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And finally, in my Ito Collection, we have ‘Remina’. I’ve read a chapter in Uzumaki called ‘Hellstar Remina’, so I think this is a more expanded, fleshed out version of that story. This is also the most recently published work from Ito by Viz Media. The story is basically, there’s a new star discovered by scientists and is named after one of the scientists’ daughter, Remina. However as things go on, this star comes closer to the earth and there’s a reason it’s nicknamed the ‘Hellstar’. This one, I haven’t read yet, but I really look forward to it. 
Bonus: The Poe Clan by Moto Hagio
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And finally, we have this classic series by a founding mother of modern shojo manga, Moto Hagio, The Poe Clan. It follows a family of ‘vampirnellas’ and shows their stories of love, loss, and immortality. I discovered this on Amazon and read the summary and went ‘I gotta read this’. And let me tell you, I was HOOKED. I loved the classic art style (fun fact: this was published in the 70s!) and the tragic stories of the characters. The author also worked on stories like ‘The Heart of Thomas’, ‘Lil Leo’, and ‘They Were Eleven’. I already pre-ordered volume 2 of this omnibus series, so I’ll be looking forward to that.
And there we have it. My manga collection as of 2022. I have more miscellaneous manga books, but they’re all in boxes in my garage that I don’t feel like digging out at the moment. So I hope you enjoyed this little tour of my collection! Feel free to recommend me any more horror manga or any other kind of manga and we may talk about it more in the future!
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logicheartsoul · 3 years
You know what there’s not enough of? Mistaken identity fic when it comes to Sam Wilson and the Smiling Tiger (aka Conrad Mack). Like, there’s all these fics that love his look (which that was an amazing outfit, ngl) and hardly any fall out from it. I’ve probably read a couple of fics where Sam gets accidentally mistaken as him (including one where a woman comes up to him and starts reaming into him thinking he’s Conrad and when he explains he’s Sam, she apologizes and they get on a better footing and it’s a very cute fic) but like... 
Conrad Mack has a reputation in Madripoor that’s well known -- he’s got to look so similarly to Sam that no one, including the bar tender in the (I had to look this up) the Brass Monkey, thinks too much of it. And yeah, I get it, plot convenience, etc, especially the shots of Conrad Mack in the blue suit are basically Anthony Mackie with his Infinity War beard, but another thing I wish there was more in fics (and in stories in general): twin strangers.
Twin strangers is basically a term created by a group of friends who wanted to find their doppelgangers in the world. One of them, a woman, actually did manage to find one (and then several) and meet up in person, and then they set out to create a website that could help people find, match, and meet with said strangers. There have been many articles and news reports about it and a couple of mini-documentaries -- including some that have dealt with research on biological twins and comparing the data with some of these identified pairs (or groups) of twin strangers.
It’s all fascinating, but not the point. My point is that it would be fun for fics to really take this concept with Sam Wilson and Conrad Mack and explore it. All people know is that the “Smiling Tiger” shows up to a meet with Selby, then Selby gets shot and killed. There’s a bounty on their heads but Sam’s last name is never mentioned -- so does that mean Conrad Mack has to deal with the fallout of Sam’s (and the group’s) fiasco? Would he want revenge for what Sam did to his rep or even worse, the fact he has someone who can impersonate him?
But then too, finding out that Sam Wilson, the person who impersonated him, is the new Captain America. They share a similar looking face. That can really do a lot of damage, especially if he does a pretty good job of impersonating Sam Wilson. Being Sam Wilson could get him into places and doors he never thought of and only people who know Sam Wilson truly well would be able to see through it. By the time the word could get out, who knows how far the damage could be?
And yes, the fics where Sam yet again assumes the Smiling Tiger persona is interesting but what if they find out the people they’re meeting really also know Conrad well or also have beef and take it out on Sam? (Or if they just go undercover not knowing the place they’re going is bad coz Smiling Tiger has a bad rep there) Or people want to take advantage of the fact Sam has a similar face to Conrad and demand Sam go to Conrad’s main place/hideout/lair/etc to get something Conrad took/has/etc? Perhaps in exchange for something else (whatever that else is up to the writer, especially if there’s hostages involved or etc)
Or even taking the Sam has to impersonate Conrad thing even further, they are looking into some individuals/groups and they find out they have ties to Conrad, and then they have an opportunity to get them if Sam actually can impersonate him well -- and not with the meager, last minute scraps of knowledge Zemo provided, like deep dive, into personal history thing. If the fics are gonna go there, it would be nice to see it go there you know? Sam still protesting with the whole “I’m a soldier not a spy” shtick or being like “do you remember the last time I tried to be a spy and impersonate this man??” but knowing there might be no better opportunity/choice but at least if he’s going to do it, he’d better be more prepared.
I’m sure there are more ways to milk this out but it’s 6 am and I feel I’m getting a bit wordy but yeah. 
(Another idea, maybe perhaps on a sting, they accidentally uncover Conrad among the few, but they need Conrad to specifically be the one who makes some kind of exchange or whatever, so Sam has to go in his place if they want things to go the way they want and so the two of the work together. That would be interesting lol)
Anyways, there’s so much untapped potential here. And that’s not including if Conrad was smart enough to fool people like Bucky or Joaquin or something. That would be fun. Or, if people are into the idea of Power Broker!Sharon (coz not everyone is and I understand why), the kind of united, brilliantly scarily executed plot of Sharon and Conrad using that similarity to advance their agendas?
Just things to think about.
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 312 Spoiler Analysis: Hero Turned Assassin
It’s Friday, my dudes!  That means the leaks for the new chapter is out!  This time, we’re focusing on our new lady assassin villain who we ended with last week.  Ngl, I love her design and concept.  I actually wouldn’t mind if she stepped on me 😳  All that aside, this was a damn good chapter, but I really hope Deku’s going to be ok taking her on by himself:
Alright, the chapter starts off with a little flashback of Hawks talking to Deku as Deku is suiting up to leave Central hospital.  Hawks reassures Deku that he should be ok from AFO and Shigaraki for now since they aren’t at full power yet.  Their best option would be to take Deku in alive rather than dead.  Hawks can only think of one person who might be capable of capturing Deku: the assassin woman.  Turns out, that woman was his senpai back at the Hero Safety Commision and she’s dangerous.
So, as far as we know, Deku’s most likely going to live several more days even if he does get captured.  However, he’s being hunted down by a highly skilled assassin who was also Hawk’s senpai back in the day.  The fact that Hawks of all people is warning Deku to run away from her if he can say something about her skills.  I can only guess how good her skills are, but I’d say they’re probably somewhere in the S-tier range if Hawks is afraid of her.
The next couple of pages help properly introduce our new villain: Lady Nagant!  A few points here: 1. The bullet is made from her hair which is colored dark blue and pink.  I personally love those two colors, so I’m glad to see that color scheme used on her.  Also hair bullets is such a great concept, 2. That rifle is definitely coming from her elbow which she can bring out and retract at will, which is badass as hell, 3. I looked up the word “Nagant” and it’s actually type of (Russian?) gun that ranges from a 7-shot revolver to a sniper rifle, so that’s a good Villain name for her, 4. She was a former hero under the Safety Commision who decided to go to the dark side for some reason.  Like, did she see the bad side of Hero Society and that caused her to change?  Did she see something in Villainy that caused her to change her POV?  I want to know what?, 5. Again, love her design like hoo boy, Horikoshi snapped with her. 
So, Deku’s on the run from her and he is completely on his own now that his phone is broken.  He doesn’t even know what happened to All Might 😭!  He’s also afraid that All Might and Hawks will be targeted by her.  Deku’s debating wheaher he should run or face Nagant face on.  With someone like Muscular, I wasn’t worried about Deku because he’s not only improved a lot since last time, but he’s taken on Muscular before so he knew what he was fighting.  But, this is a brand-new villain.  Not much is known about her and Deku has never fought her before.  I’d say run, but someone has to take her out.  Maybe Hawks will swoop in and have a reunion with his senpai.  Though, he doesn’t have wings now, so I’m not sure what he can really do against her besides have a chat…
And Deku is shot!  Not fatally thank god, but he did get hit.  Turns out Lady Nagant can actually curve her shots.  Even Deku’s Danger Sense couldn’t detect it in time good lord.  So she can just straight up made bullets that can curve too that is absolutely insane.  Any marksman would be jealous of her.  
Fun Fact of the Day: Based on Horikoshi-sensei’s comment of the week, Lady Nagant and her curve bullet are actually based off the 2008 film Wanted staring James McAvoy and Angelina Jolie (he even thanked Ms. Jolie!)!  I decided to IMDB the film to see if I remembered it and it turns out that I have actually seen a little of it before.  You know that gif of McAvoy smacking Chris Pratt’s face with a keyboard and the loose keys spell out “Fuck You”?  Yeah, that’s from Wanted.  Also, the curved bullet Horikoshi is talking about is when Jolie manages to “curve” a bullet enough to kill a group of assassins who were standing in a circle.  Look, I don’t know if physics can actually make that work in real life, but I’ll be damned if that doesn’t sound badass.
Back to the story, we have a bit of flashback to an old TV special that interviewed 100 active Noteworthy Heroes.  The 25th Pro Hero being interview is none other than Snipe, one of UA’s teachers!  It’s been a hot couple of years since we’ve seen him around.  Actually, we don’t even know if he’s alive…  Let’s assume he is and continue with the story.
Anyway, Snipe was having some good friendly competition in the Long-Range sniping with Lady Nagant back in the day.  He explains while his Quirk, “Homing” allows him to lock-on to anyone within a 600 Meter range, he can’t choose where his attack hits and the hit isn’t that powerful (Shigaraki could’ve actually gotten killed back in the USJ if Snipe wasn’t careful enough damn).  Lady Nagant, on the other hand, has a range of 3 Kilometers with insane accuracy.  I did some quick calculations and it turns out that 3KM = 3,000M!  That’s 5 times farther than what Snipe can do.  That is absolutely nuts!
Lady Nagant’s Quirk is called “Rifle”!  Turns out that the secret lies in her bullets made out of hair.  When she mixes her duel colored hair, it works like epoxy putty.  Epoxy putty is a substance that hardens over time.  It’s normally used as a seal for cracks and holes, and it’s both highly-resistant and unshrinkable when hardened.  So, when Lady Nagant pulls strands out of her hair to mix and mould them, she can harden that hair into a bullet which explains the dark blue and pink fibers in the speaker bullet she fired at Deku’s phone.  Apparently, she can make any kind of bullet she wants ranging from hollow bullets to curved bullets.  She can then load and fire those bullets from her rifle into her right arm.  God, there’s so much potential for a Quirk like this.  The only limit I can think of for this Quirk is if she runs out of hair for bullets similar to how if Ibara Shiozaki from Class 1-B (or 2-B now I guess) would run out of hair to use her Vines.  I wonder if Lady Nagant using her hair so much is the reason why it’s shorter now than when she was a hero.
I gotta say, I think this is one of the coolest and unique Quirks Horikoshi has come up with in a while.  It’s just so unique and imaginative!  I don’t think I could ever come up with an idea like this.  I like that her Quirk is almost like a 2-in-1 thing: the putty hair and the rifle in her arm.  They’re both different functions that work in tandem together.  I also love Nagant hero outfit!  She was rocking the long ponytail work, had a visor and antenna on her right eye for accuracy, and a belt holding her hair bullets.  She’s also freakin’ stacked as hell, but I’ll let this one slide because her design is so freaking great.  
Back to the present, Deku managed to catch the bullet, but his left gauntlet has been damaged.  So, it looks like Deku won’t be punching with his left arm unless All Might has some backup Mid-Gauntlets.  Thankfully he’s found out where Lady Nagant is based on where she shot from just twice.  She’s only about 1KM away and Deku wants to get in closer.  God, Deku is so freaking smart.  I want to know his IQ because it must be insanely high for him to figure out where a trained sniper would be after just 2 bullets.  Nagant also says that Deku’s the first one to deflect 2 of her bullets, so yeah, goddamn Deku!
Now we’re finally getting a look at Overhaul (I’m cool with calling him by his villain name instead of his real name for now btw).  Dude’s broken.  Just completely mentally broken.  I don’t think he even notices Deku.  All he can think about is how he wants to go back to his adoptive father, Eri’s grandfather, the man Overhaul put in a coma.  I thought that Overhaul would be confronting Deku himself, but it looks like he can’t.  Maybe him not being able to get his father out of his coma traumatized him real bad with a lot of guilt.  He probably wants to go back to try to heal his dad.  If he can do that, again, I wonder how now that his Quirk probably functions somewhere else besides his hands.
Anyway, Lady Nagant is kind of protecting Overhaul for now.  She most likely has a plan for him later since she mentions helping Overhaul as soon as she’s done with Deku.  Overhaul would be a useful ally since his Quirk can literally destroy and restore matter both living and non-living.  There’s also that glowing effect on her arm again.  If it’s not a taser like I thought before, then maybe it’s some kind of strength enhancer her Quirk gives her.  That arm gun has to be heavy.  IDK it’s not really explained.  
Flashing back to the Tartarus Prision Break, AFO and his ugly mug are talking to Nagant, calling her the “Traitor Hero” and how it’s an honor to meet her.  Again, Lady Nagant’s skills must be incredibly high enough to be recognize by AFO.  Also, her turning her back on Hero Society must’ve been a big story at the time.
AFO tells Lady Nagant of his plan to capture Deku as he predicted this earlier.  So, either AFO is stupidly good at predicting things or he has a future-sight Quirk like Nighteye had.  I want to say it’s the latter since AFO probably did pick up a Quirk like that sometime in the past.
Lady Nagant originally refused to listen to AFO in a very sassy way LOL!  But, AFO seems to have made a deal with her.  He even mentions that Nagant killed many of her fellow heroes to cause the fall of Pro-Hero Society.  Yeah, killing your fellow colleagues will definitely get you sent straight to Tartarus…  I REALLY need to know what made her turn to the Dark Side Anakin Skywalker style.
Also, personal theory that I highly doubt is true, but I wonder if Lady Nagant is the real “UA Traitor” not any of the students.  If she can make bullets that she can remotely talk through, then she could probably make bullets that can eavesdrop on people.  Maybe she listened in on UA and told the LoV about the training camp.  Or she was locked in Tartarus before then and I’m just projecting my hopes/fears onto her.  That could be it too.
Actually, I just realized that she could probably wrap objects around her bullets and fire them.  So, she probably wrapped a speaker around her hair and that’s how she remotely spoke to Deku.  Eh, she could still wrap some listening device around her hair and eavesdrop that way.  I’m just Pepe Silvia’ing the possibilities of Rifle at this point.
AFO uses Overhaul as an example of someone who became a victim of Pro-Heroes.  This give him enough leverage to make a deal with Lady Nagant.  So, as part of the contract, AFO granted her his Air Walk Quirk!  On paper, a passive Quirk like Air Walk doesn’t seem very useful.  But, this series has proved to us time and time again that passive/support Quirks can be just as/if not more amazing than raw-powered Quirks.  So, a Quirk like Air Walk can get Lady Nagant to so many places for her to fire her bullets.  It’s an incredibly useful Quirk for a sniper.  I do wonder what the limits of it are (because all Quirks have some sort of limitation), but I guess we’ll find that out later.  I really do wonder how Deku’s going to handle Lady Nagant and Overhaul though.  That’s going to be interesting.
Oh boy, that the chapter!  Solid chapter per usual.  Gah, my fingers hurt after typing so much.  I’m glad we got to know more about Lady Nagant!  She was a mystery for weeks, but we finally got some backstory on her.  So, some answers, but a lot of questions are left behind.  I’m actually glad we’re still sticking with Deku so far.  I still want to see Bakugo and Shoto, but we also haven’t gotten a purely Deku-centric arc for a while, so this is good.  Horikoshi truly doesn’t miss!  Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to be screaming about the next anime episode and Shoto Todoroki sakuga for the next week I will not apologize.         
Me @ Horikoshi every chapter:
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Also, this is the Wanted scene I was talking about before:
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unordinaryquotes · 4 years
UnOrdinary Chapter 189 Review
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-It’s almost like beating people up and sending them to the hospital makes them afraid of you. What a weird concept am I right guys?
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-I can’t tell if Cecile’s being truthful or not. Sure, she’s a liar and John calls her out on it but her face here does look pretty soft and devoid of negative intent. Maybe she’s warming up to John? I’d be fine with the two of them getting together since they’re both bitches
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-Thank you for spreading the truth Isen. We’ll make sure your grave is adorned with beautiful flowers
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-I’m guessing Isen’s gonna get caught, but not know it. Then maybe he’ll have to deal with a meeting with Keon or even Arlo’s aunt. And if it is his aunt, then Isen could realize who she is and tell the others.
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-Bruh, I got fucking blindsided by this. Because so many people in the subreddit were saying that Sera didn’t care about John and wouldn’t figure out what happened between him and Keon. Now I know to equate the subreddit’s opinion to a piece of garbage but with how many posts I thought “I guess the Keon thing isn’t brought up yet”. BUT NOPE! It’s right fucking here! Are these people incapable of reading?!
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-Sera asking Arlo if he’s okay is really cute. It shows she’s starting to learn how to express concern for friends and take their problems. (Not to mention we get some sweet Arlo x Sera fuel)
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-Now she’s even proposing talking about it. This is really sweet. I can definitely see Sera being the first one to comfort Arlo when he figures out his aunt’s secret.
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-I think not being King anymore is a good thing for Arlo. He really needs a break since he’s been showing that he’s cracking under the pressure. He was running Wellston alone a good bit and you can tell it affected his mental state badly since the moment he learned their was another high tier (John) he tried to pull him in an instant
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-However Arlo does seem to be taking this hard, which Sera notices. Now, he brushes it off as just being a similar situation but I think it’s something deeper. He placed a lot of pride in his King title, even swearing to Rei that he’ll remain King his entire school time. Also looking at his eyes, they seem really sad. He’s probably mentally beating himself up now or something
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-Another panel proving the r/UnO subreddit can’t read. They talk so much shit about none of Arlo’s past activities being brought up or how he’s portrayed as a good guy. This panel proves that no one has forgotten what Arlo did. Not Sera, not the author, and not Arlo.
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-Arlo’s on the revenge path, mostly doing this to find Rei’s killers. This is gonna be even more fucked up now. Imagine Arlo finally finding the person who killed Rei and being happy cause he’ll finally get revenge for him and then he figures out it’s his Aunt. Soul crushing. We might need a suicide hotline on speed dial for this man.
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-The group has finally put together that these are two different groups. I wonder if Ember and these mid tiers might battle it out. The mid tiers did yeet Sera’s ability before Ember could snatch it. Maybe they hold a grudge? Arlo’s aunt vs Sera’s sister when?
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-Despite butting heads, Arlo and Sera think very similarly. I’d love if in the future the two just end up finishing each other’s sentences or talking over one another with the same point.
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-Ngl, this shot pretty cool. Mostly cause of Cecile. Though I can’t help but notice it’s similar to the way Arlo bust through the door during chapter 174. John can’t come up with anything original can he? Stealing fighting styles, abilities, and now epic door slams.
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-Sera has zero chill and I love it. She just basically said “And who the fuck do you think you are?” I’m happy to see Sera asserting dominance and truly come out into her own. She went from her parent’s puppet, to the school’s puppet, to John’s puppet, and now she’s becoming independent and breaking away from what other people think or say.
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-Once again, on a certain brain dead subreddit, people were calling this hypocritical of Sera. But it’s not. Firstly, Sera never had beef with John telling her not to hang out with Arlo, she had beef with him lying to her so she wouldn’t talk to him and figure out the truth. Secondly, there’s a big difference between telling a person not to hang out or be around a person and thinking it. Sera isn’t telling John off, she’s simply thinking it’s sad that he’s fallen into Cecile’s trap. Also low key hoping for Cecile to pull a Scar, but with the best of intentions.
Next chapter’s gonna be juicy. Two chads vs two bitches, who will win the speaking match? Will Isen live to see another day? And when can I finally see Arlo shirtless? 
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cbspams · 3 years
ONF - New World (Performance MV)
The last one. Ahhh, when I first committed to watching RTK, I wasn't sure what to expect and I didn't know anything about the other groups. I'd seen TBZ's Reveal (Catching Fire) which lured me in and I'm grateful for it because I got to see all the other amazing performances everyone pulled off. Beyond just the performances, it was really heartwarming to get little glimpses of the hard work everyone puts into each stage and how they're always supporting each other, within their own teams and outside of it. I would definitely recommend watching RTK if you're interested in getting into any of the groups featured, and even if not I would still recommend watching the performances because they're all so unique in their arrangements and stages. It's the kind of thing that can only happen on a competition show.
Thanks for putting up with all my ranting and know that I love you if you've read all my different thought posts. I hope you all look forward to Kingdom: Legendary War as well, it's gonna be HYPE!
Alright dudes let's get down to it.
Admittedly I did not love ONF for a lot of RTK. They're a great group, but I felt like their stages didn't favor the same kind of theatricality other groups had. And when they were ranked highly for We Must Love + Moscow Moscow (2nd round, My Song) stage, I was frankly a little miffed.
I adored their stage for It's Raining though, and all throughout RTK even if I didn't love them I still thought they were wonderful. Their reactions were so entertaining to watch and their stages were all fun and well executed.
I struggled watching New World a bit because I couldn't get over the fact they went back to more simple performances when It's Raining had been so elaborate.
The performance MV for New World is amazing. I understand the live performance had to be filmed indoors and that because it's indoors and because the stage is black and the stairs are black and the bleachers are black, the impact is different. But I'm really sad about that because the open air film location they did for the performance MV fit the song's vibes so much better. The kind of controlled sunlight, the open air lattices of the building they were standing on, the contrast between the dark outfits the members had and the bright cream of the building's plaster. All of those contributed to such a different vibe for the song, which is so bright and fun.
The opening to the light performance is a short film, similar to ONEUS and Pentagon. I'm not too sure about this but it seems to start with fast cuts from their previous MVs? And then slows down marginally to give a bit of storyline that seems to be a combination of pre and post apocalypse/societal collapse in a fantasy/cyberpunk mix world? Yeah, I dunno I've watched it 4 times and that's the best I could come up with. Especially because the ending shot is several very large meteors crashing through the atmosphere and like, those are pretty deadly so...?
In the pre-performance bit with the ONF members, they had discussed a theme of Pandora's box. Most people know that Pandora's box is a symbol of curses and tragedy, often tied to themes of humanity's greed versus humanity's innocence in listening to the gods. On opening the box, all the diseases and negativity inside flooded out to torment humanity but Hope remains in the box to allow humanity to maintain light in the darkness, and only humanity can give up hope.
NGL I was really excited to see how they would execute that theme. But then?? They kind of treated the box as a time capsule? I could kind of see it like them put their hopes into the box, which is an interesting twist on the tale of Pandora's box but also Confusion because that's definitely not the theme of that story. I kind of let it go though, because maybe they were just borrowing inspiration from the story and not actually trying to represent it.
Moving onto the actual performance and song. The intro is so intense! It's a really interesting fit because the rest of the song is way more dance upbeat/electric. But as far as openings go, pretty impactful and very pleasing to watch the ripple effect with the backup dancers down the aisle.
Again with the colorful flashing lights. Cool? Yes. Contributing to the aesthetic? Not particularly. Productive to the storyline? No. Part of the performance? Yes. Shruggy on this one, I don't really have anything to add that I haven't mentioned in previous commentaries.
I do really like the song though. Just as a piece of music, it's so fun to listen to and has definitely joined the ranks of my usual kpop bops. The kind of light, fast electro beat is something to jam to. Wyatt's voice is just so good, especially as part of the pre-chorus. The contrast makes it delightful to go from verse one to chorus. The lyrics and message of the song are really well thought out and executed as well, talking about reaching a better world and turning away from hurting each other/the environment/generally being hurtful.
OKAY. So this part is actually something I really adored: the sort of robotic formation. Wherein the members stand in the center of several backup dancers who seem to place on pieces or armor or something onto the member's limbs. A very clean cut, fast paced dance sequence that really strongly reminded me of early iron man scenes in which the different parts of armor were installed on the body. Also lowkey reminiscent of magical girl transformation hahahaha. But it's done so cleanly and while the camera angles make it hard to focus, it's still such a treat to watch. AND THEN. The members come up to the shoulders of the backup dancers and for Wyatt's lines, they're just!! In control! If y'all have watched power rangers or Gundam or Aquarion or Neon Evangelion or like, any of those then you know what I'm talking about, in which the human character slides into some massive machine and controls them from the inside to fight monsters (kaiju) and stuff. And the next bit with J-US and the hands! Creative, interesting imagery, just a complete delight to watch. It's just sooooo fun and I love that for ONF, I really do.
I genuinely think that their theme doesn't make much sense without the context of the lyrics and even then it still feels clunky and sort of inspired by rather than actually embodying the concept. So I'd dock point for them for that personally because I think that when themes are introduced and performed, they should show up as more than just a simple prop. But also I acknowledge that dance and musical performances like this (not musicals) aren't necessarily intended to be storytelling, especially in 4th gen kpop. I do like their theme with the keys and opening, I feel like the performance would have been enhanced if instead of using pandora's box, they choose to use the gateway to the new world. A bit on the nose but a lot more impactful with the key turning bit after the second chorus.
On the key turning bit with the weird holographic box: Dude. Those backup dancers? So clean. Nice stiff steps that feel very robotic which goes wonderfully with the costumes. The keys they each take actually read RTK ONF if you go clockwise from the left (MK). Just a neato little fact. Attention to detail is so good. And the timing of the key turns, of course it was gonna be to the beat but like still! Satisfying af.
Why Wyatt grabs the box and slams it to the ground I don't know. Maybe it has to do with the line dive into new world.
The high notes. Again. Literally just. What the fuck guys, they're so good. I'm gonna cry. The stability, the pitch, just. (sobbing)
The LED screen in the back is interesting? Is it supposed to be a door into the new world? Probably?
Dance break!! Guitar solo!! The door tradition into the weird stripey LED screens that just feels so chaotic and kinda like I'm going through a movie warp portal. Somehow when combined together it all works lmao??
I love the bridge. There's no reason for it, I just love Wyatt's fast paced lines and the kind of dun dun dun fast tempo beat tapping.
The ending of running away from the camera, towards the little cliffs and the LED screen was a good choice because the last lines refer to how they'll never stop as long as they're alive. Not the most impactful ending but definitely satisfying given the song's lyrics and meaning. Again, that lack of pandora's box kind of haunts me?
Overall if I consider this ONF performance compared to their others it doesn't feel quite as thought out and executed. Similar to their We Must Love + Moscow Moscow performance where I couldn't really see the marionette theme, I couldn't really understand the idea of Pandora's box in this performance and I really wish they had chosen perhaps a gateway to the new world or some other theme instead because it would fit much better. It's also a little lackluster compared to the performance MV that had a lot of contrast which created more focus and contributed more to the atmosphere of the performance.
Still, as a performance on it's own, it does pretty well and I'm really happy for ONF to have performed it. Thank you RTK for introducing me to this song and to ONF in general, I hope they continue to release some really good stuff.
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weebsinstash · 5 years
dude im like soo totally hungover the buyer au (the one where reader wakes up in a elegant cage) it gives off heavy a/b/o feels where reader is an omega,which are extremely rare in society. but to go further in description: reader is a pro hero, a somewhat popular one at that. during a villain raid they got the best of her before knocking her out. eventually they find out that shes an omega and as a sick joke they auction her off to a scene full of villains. all watchful eyes on her now
Ngl I've been thinking more about it too especially on the ABO part 💀 god like I said it's a concept I love so much I could write it in so many ways for different peeps
The scenario that keeps coming to me is AFO and Shigaraki showing up to this event bc it's a big get together for villains (though shit I could do a villain au and have some of our favorite heroes being evil af) and while it's more to show up for clout and business dealings, the auction is a bit of a surprise
Reader has recently manifested her omega traits (like giving off a scent, her voice making alphas weak in the knees) but she's an oddity in that she isn't really affected by other people in terms of tones that make her naturally submissive or being overwhelmed by smells. She's dressed up all pretty and perfumed in her sheer white dress and golden jewelry like some greek goddess when Shig or AFO or both starts talking to her, since there's a trial period before the auction for people to "feel out" their purchases (and also run their hands over them through the bars). They take an interest even if she isn't the most forthcoming talking to them, though they aren't as nasty or outright filthy like some of these other people so she does say some things back. imagine Shigaraki just jabbing out a bony finger like "I like this one" and AFO just smirking like "then I'll buy her for you"
but it's not an immediate buy, it's a bidding, though the auctioneers and event runners are panicking a bit. An omega is lovely, but one that isn't as affected by alphas and scents and all definitely kills her value for potential buyers, and they want to milk every last dime out of her that they can. When all the villains leave to go to the auction room which is similar to a big theater with a stage, the event staff make a decision. They hold her down and give her a shot, a special hormonal mixture that sends her into her very first heat and wheel her out to the stage
Of course her pheromones just FLOOD the room, mingling with "scared omega" and she's got tears, maybe even 👀 lactating a bit bc of the hormonal change (biology y'all) which is an indicator for a GRADE-A PRIME QUALITY OMEGA and the buyers are FOR IT. Some of them think she's just so adorable and want to "save her" from some of these other buyers, sadistic ones that take delight in how vulnerable and terrified she is
The auctioneer is dleighted as people throw out huge bid after huge bid until AFO throws out this MASSIVE number and the room goes quiet. Not only is it a huge amount of money but none of them want to challenge the essential king of villains. And so the auction ends, and Reader is now in the hands of All For One and Shigaraki 👀👀👀
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planet-bryyo · 5 years
Metroid vaccine turning Samus into a space vampire. Your thoughts?
NGL I dig it and I’m so disappointed that official lore says Samus’s Metroid genes were cancelled out at the end of Fusion (....this can be retconned Nintendo.)
I would really love to see Samus taking some Metroid features from her DNA modifications. It could make for some awesome gameplay features. Maybe something similar to the grapple voltage thing in Corruption, but with more value in battle? Something that allows her to drain energy either directly or over distances (maybe as an upgrade from her basic contact-only version). Perhaps other powers related to Metroids- maybe even an adventure which involves Samus discovering her own powers simultaneously along with discovering that Metroids have previously unseen abilities? Like imagine if it turns out e.g. actually all Metroids can teleport interdimensionally (bs example I know but I can't think of a better one right now) and Samus finds this out randomly... No cutscene, just you're battling some and then they start vanishing... And then in a climatic moment, Samus WHOOSHES out and you're thrown terrified into a new plane of existence, surrounded by Metroids. Stuff like that!
I wonder how it would be implemented? As in, a big feature of Metroid games is that you are often stuck and unable to move on until you successfully locate a certain object. But this wouldn’t be item-unlocked- it’s something inherent to Samus. Maybe start with one minor Metroid ability and gain a couple of others? Perhaps plot begins with Samus waking up after a crash-landing, hunted by the Federation or something dramatic like that, and she was shot down. But she realises she’s saved herself using a unique ability she’s never seen before, which kicked in due to instinct at a tense moment.
There would be plenty of other items for the player to locate, so a few that are gifted out of the player's control at certain plot relevant times (e.g. entering certain rooms or battling certain bosses) could make for an interesting shift, with the implication that Samus is slowly discovering her own abilities. Maybe you think you’re hunting a certain item which you’ve seen through the walls but can’t access, but you KNOW you need an item to get to the next region. Then you actually unlock a Metroid ability after running into a boss, and that ability allows you to move on (the item you saw being just a tease! You come back for it later, or after the boss with your newfound power even.)
You’d need limitations of course. Perhaps e.g. the draining ability would require VERY precise timing to pull it off, or you risk putting yourself in a vulnerable position. E.g. being stuck and allowing you to get hit a few times, or taking double damage from an incoming attack. But also, it would let the player make some tricky choices. You have 2 energy points left and might die anyway, do you try to avoid enemies on the way to a recharge point or do you try and drain some off an enemy knowing that if you fail, you will likely die?
It could work a bit like Aeion even, with a charge that powers up abilities. Maybe the draining thing is needed to charge it up so you can do other Metroid things! Like float, teleport, whatever Metroids do. (One thing I would be worried about is that it would make the game as melee-counter-reliant as Samus Returns; it’s a very fun move to pull off but can disrupt the flow of the games sometimes because you’re basically intended to stop and use it for most enemy kills. Maybe only have certain enemies attack in a way that lets you counter and drain, or have certain triggers for it? Idk I’m brainstorming here)
And there’s implications for future titles- presumably you don’t want to start the next game with Samus being OP and full of new abilities. Would Samus have to lose her powers? Would she have to put them under control for her own safety, maybe using an item or something? Would this be the official end of the timeline?
I think it’s a cool concept!
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Trigun 6 - 9
I wanted to watch more eps but I'm very tired so these four will do!
episode 6:
- oh hey this ep actually takes off where the previous one left off i like that. Heck yeah
- i like the style, and sometimes the art gets kinda rough which is fine in that "the action scenes look pretty so this is acceptable budget balance"-way,  but sometimes the faces are so thin it's kinda terrifying?? 
- Vash angst? 
- Elizabeth's design is the first one i dislike BUT since she's a shady lady i will accept it. Like boobs out is not a look for an engineer, but it's a look for someone trying to mislead someone else. I just don't think that kind of design ever really looks nice... I can't list examples from the top of my head, but I feel like I've seen similar designs - They're always supposed to be pretty dresses but then they get designed by people who have zero sensibility for what a pretty dress actually _is_? Like slapping on some ribbons isn't instantly gonna make it look good. IM SORRY THIS IS SUCH AN ANIME PET PEEVE OF MINE
- Wait meryl's twenty, does that mean Millie's like eighteen??
- (Seriously though Vash Angst, Im ready)
episode 7: - I really don't know what this story is doing in this scene with these sex workers. Like they're treated nicely and the person who hired them for Vash is talking to them like normal people and it's a rather unsexy convo which I really like. I just don't understand why Vash, who takes 0.01 seconds to be attracted to cute women usually, pretends to be asleep. Like it'd make sense if he was in love with someone and the narrative wanted to be all "oh no i can't cheat on this person i like" or it makes sense if it was all slutshamey and it wanted to be all "oh no gross women can't sleep with many people for MONEy no no i can't participate in that" but it's ..... none of those things. It's funny because the entire show is about Vash doing dumb shit nobody gets, and I trip over this one scene where for once that isn't the point ahhaha.
- Vash adopting this random stray kid though?? a good boy
- Who the fuck is this neon jojo man
- i do love a good shounen protag who cries a lot, like ngl, my favourite thing about shounen stuff is that boys cry a lot in them.
episode 8: - Vash you look like Chiyo's dad and i hate/love it as is always the case when Chiyo's dad is involved.
- Vash i appreciate your values but please don't just walk around when someone shot you
- OHSDJKHSDF OH THERE THEY ARE, literally during the same scene as i wrote the previous comment they return and i should not have worried bc they're Goood.
- everyone's celebrating but that one dude who was operating this ship is still dead like uhh - oh well i guess it doesn't matter if you can't steer the ship!! - oh oops i guesss it does, idk about this weird streak of predictions on my part
- THIS IS THE LEAST CONVENIENTLY PLACED EMERGENCY BRAKE I HAVE EVER SEEN, like i get not wanting guests to use them but behind searing hot pipes is Perhaps too much.
episode 9: - Millie YOU'RE AMAZING but how do you two not have money for the bus
- Also im the bg character who needed to pee very badly
- well i guess Vash and Wolfwood are now forever friends since Wolfwood just did a nice thing for kids. 
- I will say this ship is already approx as good as Millie/Meryl so im excited. 
- this action priest is a disaster
- I also know Wolfwood’s VA .......... aaaaaand oh boy we got Aizen and Muraki now that's about as bad as it gets and we will ban this info from my brain right now.
- There's something i always really like about religion surviving the apocalypse. Like in this case of Christianity, you have the concept of the rapture right? And I really like the idea where like if the world ended and you could assume you got left behind by your god, you won't just abandon your faith like that. Regardless of which faith that is. 
- Wolfwood I will commend you on your good taste but please do not use Millie as a pillow to sleep against WITHOUT ASKING
Okay though what I ideally wanted was something of an overarching storyline and what i got was not only angsty implications of exactly that, but also a story that took up two eps & continuity in where we're actually at, so I'm pleased. 
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studioweus · 3 years
yesss space themes. and it was so nice how they used that narrative to introduce the new members. bubble tea just isn't popular enough around here :(( one day, hopefully u_u but I really liked the ones I've had, yes :') I don't like matcha tho so I doubt I'd like this one as bubble tea 😔
I do like reading! I try to do it as often as I can :') I was reading "Any way the wind blows", I absolutely love the trilogy. I also have started "And then there were none" some time ago (i know, different vibes here XD), I really need to finish this one. do you like reading ? or do you have other hobbies?
ok ok ok I already knew your taste is ✨exquisite✨ but ERROR??? that's legit one of my fave mvs too 🥺 everything vixx does is always top tier, but they clearly outdid themselves with this one. I also put tagtagtag in my top 5 hehehe. I have never seen golcha's mvs so I'm gonna trust you on that, but the other 4!! I actually listened to ONF We must love bc I saw so many gifs of it and I just HAD to see that mv yk, very pretty and all (though I'm too stupid for theories, I'll leave that to you). Heart attack is iconic, and All in is, in my humble opinion, mx's best mv ever. they really went all in with this one (im ashamed of this one ngl)
but ahhh my top 5 ;; ask again tomorrow and it'll probably be different, but tonight I'd say (not including error/tagtagtag bc i mentioned already) : 1. xia - flower 2. a.c.e. - savage boys 3. loona - butterfly 4. nature - girls 5. nu'est - goodbye bye sounds like a decent enough top 5 :')
I've been ok!! it's colder here this week so I'm happy, I can sleep the whole night without being woken up by the heat :') also it is august already (i'm answering late again 😬), time feels so fake this year, I have not seen it pass by at all yet every day feels soooo long ;; -🌊
aww but hey! fruit teas are really good!
ooh i had to google that one but whoa it's by rainbow rowell! i haven't read anything by her but i remember my friend read fangirl and eleanor & park and she seemed to have liked them 👀 and yes!! an agatha christie book! the taste ✊ how are you liking it so far!! hmm i used to love love LOVE reading growing up but after i got into university, i sort of fell out of it for a bit (mainly because we had to do so much reading for classes, i was too burnt out to read leisurely 😢) but i'm slowly getting back into it for sure! i've been re-reading a lot of my older books but i'm always down to read new ones ofc! what are your fave books?
yES vixx is just 👌👌👌 the quality, unmatched. SHIGLKES I LOVE THAT ALL IN PUN OMG 😂 DO NOT BE ASHAMED, I APPRECIATE IT LOTS
ok i had to sit down and watch the mvs you listed because idt i've watched any of them apart from loona - butterfly SO!!
1. wHOA I LOVE THE CONCEPT FOR THIS it's very modern fantasy-ish, and there are also some steampunk elements and just wow 😱 plus the choreo was hella smooth
2. ooh the sets for this one are very exquisite!! + their looks 😭👌 this song is very catchy LOL
3. can we just talk about the people who were featured in this mv bc i really appreciate that diversity 😌 and the choreo is just a++
4. i watched the uncensored ver. because i remember vixx had a similar thing with voodoo doll LOL but i just love the horror concept 😩 that end shot made me close my eyes haha
5. the 2010s style mv is very strong in this one and it's so nostalgic!! why did he eat the fish (or did he)
ah i'm glad you were able to sleep properly 😌 it feels so uncomfortable having to wake up because it's too hot :< happy august!! haha time feels so fake, i wholeheartedly agree what even is time?? before you know it, it's gonna be december and then a whole new year will start again!!
EDIT: i watched dreamcatcher’s because mv and let me just say this might end up in my top 5 mvs LOL 
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*hesitantly slides my trollswapped kids for you to analyze* Rose Peixes (I thought Rose with a horrorterror for a mom figure would be a neat concept), Dave Ampora, John Vantas, Jade Megido
Rose Peixes! Queen of Alternia, with a shot for the throne, a giant huge large big thousand-tentacled lusus for a mom. Gl'bgolyb is a lusus that makes demands of her charge, but we know from Feferi that she also does engage with her child frequently. Feferi spoke with her lusus, and learned about the encroaching destruction of the universe from her, and then was also able to speak with other horror terrors, which were more vast and horrifying than their emissary, and make friends with them AND gain a boon, so what I can glean from that is that Gl’bgolyb, despite having relatively high demand, was also pretty warm and loving as far as lususes go. Maybe not an authoritative parenting style all across, because she did make high demands and there WAS threat of real and devastating consequences, but not all parents are perfect. Anyway, Rose, raised with all the power in the world, and a lusus that loved her but required some pretty tasking stuff from her with threat of killing her friends if she didn’t cooperate, would result in Rose being a very, very driven person, I think. The throne is hers to seize, if she can fight for it, Alternia is hers to govern, and Rose is not someone to half-ass things. She would be privileged, as anyone from that station would be, and maybe not fully understand the social order on account of being very young still, plus she would be socialized with Alternia’s definition of “fairness,” but I think she would be more concerned with personal achievement than doing stuff like Trizza tbh. She’s relentless, driven, always clawing for bigger, better, harder, faster, someone with a ravenous pursuit of excellence, someone who is dissatisfied with herself unless her idea of perfection is achieved. Rose Peixes and Azula from Avatar would probably be pretty similar tbeh. She’s here to WIN. As Seer of Life, Rose would be the one to foresee the “onward march of positive progress.” That’s pulled straight from the extended zodiac page, btw. Hussie tells us that Life players are “concerned with the betterment of themselves and those around them,” so Rose is all about seeing the way things can be improved, interested in using her sight to propel things forward, make them better, refine them, take the future by the horns and drive it in the direction of progress. Yes, she’s spoiled and privileged, and yes, she needs to learn that her own definition of progress might not always match with other’s, but Rose likes to learn and is quick to adapt to new information, so I have full confidence that Rose Peixes, Seer of Life, would be a harbinger of that which is good.
Dave Ampora, hmmmm. Well, his attention seeking ways are going nowhere. Dave gets raised at the top of the spectrum, full royalty, with only one person in all the world who outranks him by blood, and he just so happens to be childhood best friends/moirails with her. Definitely still a hipster, definitely still takes photographs of weird deep-sea shit and scenic ocean views, absolutely looks up to and adores his ancestor a lot, creating an ideal image of him in his brain that he tries to pursue. Living in the wrecked ship of his ancestor instead of an actual hive is also a very hipster thing to do sooooo. Probably doesn’t like it when people tell him that ancestors aren’t real, or that his was lame. Rose is probably the one telling him how lame his ancestor was tbeh. Dave VERY likely wouldn’t want to help Rose with feeding Gl’bgolyb, that doesn’t strike me as something Dave would want to do, or that Rose would need help with, so he’s more focused on the emotional and caretaking elements of their moirallegiance. Primarily: Rose go the fuck to sleep it’s 3 in the afternoon the sun’s been up for hours I don’t care if you haven’t gotten it “just right” yet you’re never gonna get it “just right” because you’re a fucking perfectionist now get inside your goddamned ‘coon you absolute madwoman or so help me god I’ll swim down there and dunk you in that pile of slime myshellf! Needs constant validation for himself, which on one hand, that’s fine, on the other, he doesn’t ever want to confront when he’s been the one to make a mistake, or that he’s the one who’s overstepped, and that’s something he has to work on and work through, as someone born into immense wealth and power. As Knight of Hope, his task is as the group cheerleader, sort of. He’s the one protecting and sustaining everyone’s ability to look up, look forward, he’s the one that helps and allows Rose to pursue that better future, he’s the one giving John the emotional support and assurance that yes, John is valued and loved and definitely one of the group and not an outsider, Dave is the one to offer Jade support when she thinks the world is resting squarely on her own shoulders and help her keep her cheery disposition, even when life looks hard. He is an odd mix of deeply empathetic and loving, but also selfish at times, and too certain of his own rightness.
John Vantas has a screechy dad and mutant blood, which means he’s really, really good at laughing off conflict. If someone is mad at him, it doesn’t really touch him, which, on one hand, is good for conflict deescalation because it means he’s never sending off the signals that would lead to a back and forth of conflict getting worse and worse and worse. On the other, it can make having serious conversations with him an ABSOLUTE nightmare, because John isn’t taking them SERIOUSLY and he needs to LISTEN! Probably also has a very fatalistic sense of humor, as a way of coping with the fact that he could die at pretty much literally any second. “Whoops, almost got hit by a bus, ahaha, should’ve moved into that street a little faster ;B” *minor inconvenience happens* “Guess I’ll die.” It doesn’t help that Alternia is really violent and unsafe just, like, in general. Every goddamned troll has PTSD and I will stand by that. But humor is John’s coping mechanism, as well as just, he’s a dude who likes a laugh. He’s here for a good time, not a long time. Since he’s a mutant, he defines himself in society primarily based on who he’s friends with! With the Heiress and a fishprince as his good friends, plus his dear sweet darling burgundy moirail, that makes him… relatively well off, actually? He’s not sure how this is happening, but he does know that he loves Rose Dave and Jade so so so so much and ngl I think flush DaveJohn and pitch, playfully-competitive “i’m a bigger little shit than you are” JohnRose would be… excellent… I ship everything y’all I don’t know what you’re expecting of me. He puts a LOT of stock in his relationships with his friends, which unfortunately means that he gets very depressed if he’s left alone for too long. He’s an extrovert with a blood mutation that makes it so he can’t actually GO OUT and engage in activities for fear of revealing his blood color. How does he deal with it? More fatalistic humor. Hahaha… he’s so lonely… haha… At least Jade knows, that’s probably an immense comfort, and when Dave and Rose find out Dave’s immediate assurances that they still love him and this doesn’t change anything would do wonders for John’s outlook on life, as is Dave’s role. As Heir of Blood, I mentioned this already but John places a LOT of his identity in his bonds with others. In many ways, his quest is learning how to balance that with constructing a personal identity. He’s a lowblood, offspectrum mutant on Alternia, that doesn’t allow for a lot of individual value to be placed on himself, so that’s something he’s got to learn and grow away from, but at the same time, his friends are his anchors, what keeps him sane and happy and healthy, so it’s important too for him to grow alongside them, entwined with them, part of their group, part of the whole, part of the community that is no longer stacked unfairly against him. It’s a balance, but he’ll find it.
Jade Megido, raised by a kangaram, low socioeconomic status but magic powers that can break mountains. Nothing can possibly go wrong with this. She’s pretty relentlessly positive, angry at the society that labels her as “lesser” but with a sort of learned helplessness about her that makes her think there’s nothing truly to be done to fight back against it. So fuck the system altogether then! She’s here for a good time, not a long time, her lifespan is short and that’s provided she can even make it that long! So she’s gonna go PET BARKBEASTS and DO SCIENCE and EXPLORE THOSE COOL RUINS NEAR HER HIVE and visit her moirail who she loves dearly. She doesn’t have any of the funding necessary to get the parts and chemicals that she needs on her own, but luckily for her Dave is a people pleaser and vastly wealthy and also flush with her moirail so she can pester him for favors. She fears neither god nor death, pass her some fucking robot parts. A real “Fuckit” mentality, I think, but here to have a good time! Still deeply compassionate as a person, and still lying about how sucky her situation truly is, to her friends and also to herself. She likes to think of herself as just making the most of a bad situation but really she’s just avoiding confronting the fact that Alternia really, really SUCKS for warmbloods and there’s nothing she, one single person, can do in the face of the vastness of it all. As Witch of Time, she is confronted with her own corpse again and again and again, forcing her to look at the fact that life isn’t fair and doesn’t care about her, that she’s mortal, that death comes for them all. But as Witch, she is given the opportunity to CHANGE things. She’s handed the ability to make a difference, to grab the Game and make it do as she tells it to. And so she must first confront her own mortality, and then step forward and change it, she must learn confidence and drive. She cannot just ignore or lie about her problems, she must fix them, and that is where her growth lies. This has some immediate backlash of making Jade think, once she realizes that change lies in her hands, that she is responsible for everything, and that the tables have been flipped entirely and she stands alone as the sole savior of their group. But Rose is there with her sight, and Dave is there with encouragement and compassion, and John is always there to help her, listen to her, talk with her, and Jade is not alone in this. As always, their success lies in all of their strengths working together, and they are triumphant as a team.
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nepenthendline · 8 years
Kpop tag game
Tagged by @edenalieth :)
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop ? Used to be 1D trash, Little Mix, Ariana Grande, Ella Eyre, Hailee Steinfeld, Pentatonix, Selena Gomez, Troye Sivan, Fall Out Boy and Nicki Minaj
10 favorite non-kpop songs ? *currently*
(this is gonna be a lot from the same artists lol)
Little Mix: Salute, Power, Touch and Freak, Ariana Grande: Into You and Forever Boy, Justin Bieber: Love Yourself, Hailee Steinfeld: Rock Bottom and tbh I can’t think of another 2 lol
10 favorite movies ?
I don’t watch movies often so I’m not sure...
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons
Haikyuu, The Librarians, Yuri On Ice, Kuroko no Basuke, Toddlers and Tiaras fight me, 90 Day Fiancé, Noragami, Death Note, Ouran Highschool Host Club and No. 6
10 favorite manga/comics
The only mangas I’ve read all/the majority of are Haikyuu, Ouran and Death note
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above ?
taking photos, fashion, makeup, interior decor stuff, writing, looking at fanart/fiction, hanging with friends, funny videos, walking and food
Another Tag Game
Nickname: Coco is the main one and butterfly by one friend
Starsign: Leo
Height: 165cm
Time right now: 11:09pm
Last thing googled: Southeastern exucse dice (uk train memes ;))
Favorite music artists: top faves are: BTS, Little Mix and Ariana Grande
Song stuck in your head: I always have blood, sweat and tears stuck in my head ok (apart from yesterday it was breaking free from hsm...)
Last movie watched: I actually don’t remember oh no
Last TV show watched: The Librarians
What are you wearing right now: oversided black top, black leggings and black trainers so colourful
When did you create your blog: I think like 4 years ago just before summer
What kind of stuff do you post: Mostly BTS or anime with some shitposts and Little Mix
Do you have any other blogs: I had a fashion one that I never used
Do you get asks regularly: as if
Why did you choose your URL: nevermind was taken (I love that song) and I love yoongi so min-nevermind
Gender: Female
Hogwarts house: I did it a couple years ago and got Slytherin so I re-took it and got Ravenclaw lmao
Pokemon team: Psychic (on pokemon go im team valor)
Favourite colour: Grey, blue, white and black
Average hours of sleep: ah.....like 2-4 hours
Lucky number: Don’t have one
Favorite character(s): Aomine Daiki, Tsukishima Kei, Ezekiel Jones, Ootori Kyoya
How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 duvet
Dream job: Something in fashion so styling, media journalism stuff like that
Following: People I’m following? Mainly kpop blogs
BTS Would You Rather
Would you rather:
Build a snowman with V OR have a snowball fight with jhope
Get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with jhope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v 
meet jhope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with jhope OR film a sketch with V
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook (both pls...)
go to paris with jin OR go to London with suga
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple tshirt at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore the city with jhope (how about city with suga ;))
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR v sing you to sleep (serenades seem kinda awkward ngl)
have a dance party with jhope OR sing karaoke with suga 
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin OR bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with  jungkook, suga, v and jhope OR Christmas rap monster, jimin and jhope
~NSFW Time~ *SOS* i really hope no one I know sees this ok
Would you rather:
dom jhope OR sub jin
wear lingerie for rap monster OR put lingerie on jimin
tie up jungkook OR get tied up by v (y’all...)
pull suga’s hair OR get your hair pulled by rap monster
have shower sex with jimin OR have sex pool with v
perform oral on jungkook OR have jhope go down on you (i feel like im gonna be picking both for everything ok)
have a romantic sex with jin OR rough sex with jimin
have angry sex with v OR make up sex with suga
suck hickeys onto jungkook’s neck OR get hickeys from v
put a blindfold on jimin OR get blindfolded by rap monster
have phone sex with rap monster OR Skype sex with jhope
ride jimin’s thigh OR ride jungkook’s thigh
have jin call you “kitten” OR rap monster call you “babygirl”
wear a collar for jin OR put a collar on jimin
beg for suga OR make jungkook beg for you
have sex backstage with jhope OR in the kitchen with jin
get teased under the table at a dinner by rap monster OR tease jimin
play never have i ever with rap monster, suga and jungkook (although I don’t drink so...)OR strip poker with jhope, jimin, v and jin
do body shots with rap monster, suga and jin OR get lap dances from jhope, jimin, jungkook and v
Pick A Member | BTS
Rules: Pick ONE of the members listed for each question and explain why! Be honest ad don’t just pick your favourite for every answer. Do not choose a memeber who is not listed and try to answer every question.
1. Amusement park date ? Jin/Taehyung/Jimin
• He’s the loudest and most crazy so I think it would be more fun with him. If I’m around energetic people I get energetic too
2. Spend a lazy afternoon with ? Jin/Jungkook/Yoongi
• Would be pretty chill, some banter, music and sleeping prob
3.Play 1v1 sports with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• I wouldn’t want to take it seriously lmao J-hope gonna have my back when I fuck up
4.Make out session with ? Yoongi/Jungkook/Jimin
• my boi suga
5.Cheek kisses ? Jin/Hoseok/Jimin
• He’s so cute who wouldn’t?
6.Do a YouTube boyfriend does your make up tag with ? Hoseok/Taehyung/Namjoon
• Like he’d probably try really hard yet also probably poke my eye out but it would be funny lol
7.Introduce to your parents ? Jimin/Jungkook/Taehyung
• Although my mum loves Jungkook the most, Jimin is so cute and I wanna see how he would act in that situation lol I bet he’s so polite
8.Go to a haunted house with ? Yoongi/Namjoon/Hoseok
• I don’t get scared easily so I want someone to laugh at lmao it would be entertaining ok
9.Drunk nights with ? Hoseok/Jimin/Jin
• Just gonna say none bc I don’t drink
10.Who would you want to see do aegyo for a whole day as a punishment ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I would die it would be hilarious
11.Who would help you pick out outfits ? Taehyung/Namjoon/Yoongi
• I really like Yoongi’s style so he would do great. I’d pick Namjoon but like I might end up in some weird shit 
12.School dance date ? Jin/Namjoon/Hoseok
• He would take it the least seriously/least awkward out of the other two lmao I’d rather have a laugh than take it seriously lol
13.Sing a duet with ? Taehyung/Jimin/Jungkook
• I think our voices would suit best and his voice is some good shit
14.Would make you breakfast in bed ? Yoongi/Jin/Jungkook
• Ok but like imagine Jin bringing you breakfast...a great thought
15.Go on a late night adventure with ? Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon
• I was gonna say Tae but we’d probably end up in a ditch somewhere and I see Jungkook liking walking around at 2am instead of some crazy stuff 
16. First time ? Taehyung/Jimin/Yoongi
• again, my boi I can’t say anyone else lol
17. Whose clothes you’d steal and wear ? Jin/Taehyung/Hoseok
•  He wears a lot of oversized clothes and I love that 10/10
18.Late deep night conversations with ? Namjoon/Yoongi/Jungkook
• I think we have quite similar personalities/thoughts so I would wanna know whats going on inside his head
19. Who’d you have a play water fight with ? Jimin/Hoseok/Taehyung
• It would just be so fun and careless lol I love his energy
20.Who would you say you’re most compatible with ? (Choose any of the 7 members but remember, favoristism and compatibility are two different things).
• Everyone I know who knows about bts say I’m very similar to Yoongi and I think we tend to get along with people who are like us in some way bc we understand eachother
Bias Tag
Rules: pick 10 biases and answer the questions. No specific order.
(trying to think of those outside of bts lol)
1. Between 3&6, whose most recent concept do you like more?
• BTS - BS&T
2. Between 2&10, who would you rather be stranded on an island with ?
• Jeongyeon -  as much as I love Jimin more I feel like he’d probably have a breakdown or something
3.Between 4&8, who would you trust to take care of you when you were drunk ?
• Suho.... why do I think he’d act like a dad...I don’t know...
4.Between 1&2, who would you go in jail for ?
• Jimin
5.Between 5&9, who is a better visual to you ?
• Both...
6.Between 7&8, who would you rather save from a sinking ship ?
•  I can’t... Jungkook...? 
7.Between 6&10, who would you rather have a movie marathon with ?
• Jeongyeon Idk why lmao
8.Between 1&10, who do you think makes a better impression ?
• Jeongyeon, I know a lot of people don’t think Yoongi gives off the better.
9.Between 3&7, who would you prefer to kiss in the rain ?
• Jungkook
10.Between 5&6, who would you rather have a summer fling with ?
• Jinnnn
11.Between 5&7, who would you rather do drugs with ?
• Neither lmao
12.Between 3&8, who would you rather take home to your parents ?
• Jeonghan 
13.Between 9&10, whose wardrobe do you want more ?
• Taehying! I love his style
14.Between 4&10, who would you be more surprised to see cry ?
• Suho
15.Between 1&4, who would you rather have kiss you on the forehead ?
• Yoongi!!!
16.Between 2&3, who would you rather have hug from behind ?
• Jimin
17.Between 5&2, whose group do you stan more ?
18.Between 4&9, who is higher up on your bias list ?
• Taehyung
19.Between 1&7, who would you open your door up to during the purge ?
• I’d trust both a lot however I feel like Jungkook is less likely to like...go insane or something lmao
20. Between 6&9, who would you rather go to a haunted house with ?
• Tae - I was gonna say Jin but Tae would probably just scream then laugh at everything lol
I tag : @jeonify, @aykook, @seokgenie and @yoongiied (feel free to do it or not)
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miyaio · 8 years
finishing these up from last night!  gonna do fe8, since i have it on the brain atm
My favorite parent-child relationship
- ever since i wrote that one l’arachel/eirika drabble abt eirika coping w/her father’s death, i’ve been really interested in what fado and eirika’s relationship was like during peacetime.  they obviously had a strong bond, since seth physically had to pick eirika up and carry her away from fado at the beginning of the game.  i wonder, tho, if fado and eirika’s relationship was more like her dynamic w/seth (where she’s an idealized Lady whose agency he quashes while thinking he’s doing what’s best for her) or her dynamic w/ephraim (where he helps train her to fight and amplifies her voice b/c he knows she gets shot down a lot).  
My favorite sibling relationship
- forde and franz have a really under-rated dynamic, and i love how the very tight continuity in most of forde’s supports gives you a lot of different views of their relationship.  i like their take on an older sibling having to raise the younger in the wake of parental death, esp since forde doesn’t become a distant or overbearing figure to franz.  franz definitely idealizes him, but it’s more in terms of wanting to be like his big brother than it is desperately wanting the approval of someone who’s half-brother, half-father to you.  in a similar vein, i also love tethys and ewan for many of the same reasons.
My favorite family relationship (other)
- l’arachel and her uncle!  even tho he’s only in a few chapters, it’s really clear how much he loves and trusts his niece, and how much he means to her in return as a parental figure.  
My favorite friendship between two people
- ig i’ll plug ephraim + myrrh here?  they’re obviously going for a found family sibling dynamic (blessedly free of anything gross, as low as that bar is), and lifespan gap relationships are very interesting from a platonic angle, too.  i just like how sweet ephraim is to myrrh in their supports/on his route.
My favorite friendship between a group
- there are so many Layers in the relationship between the twins and lyon that ppl much more articulate and much better-versed in fe8 than i am have talked abt.  i love all the ambiguity of who lyon really was/is, how much of what we see of him ingame is formortiis and how much, even in the flashbacks, was the ugly corners of himself that he’d kept from leaking out until then.  eirika gets a lot of flack for her scene w/lyon at the end of the lava chapter (20, iirc?), but i think it’s a pretty realistic reaction on her part--a friend you thought you knew so intimately going thru a drastic change is stressful and confusing even w/o war and demonic possession in play.  despite its fantastic elements and Token Nonhuman Final Boss (tm) (who is at least not a dragon), i think fe8 is much more of a human drama ala fe4 and esp fe5, w/the twins’ and lyon’s various relationships really at its core.  if you buy into eirika and ephraim’s split chapters taking place simultaneously, the different ways lyon presents himself to each twin are especially effective in drumming up a sort of psychological horror air, almost?  it’s just a really interesting group dynamic to consider from any angle.
runner-up goes to l’arachelsquad, mostly b/c they’re fun levity to the subtly grim tone w/o getting too hackneyed in their comic relief.  dozla crying at l’arachel’s wedding to eirika gives me the Fee Fees, too.
My favorite mentorship
- i had to restrain myself from answering amelia and duessel under the parent-child section, since they read so much like a found family.  their supports are quite possibly my favorites in the game, and their ending is infinitely more satisfying than any of amelia’s romantic ones.  in my dream 3ds remake of fe8 w/voice acting and modern mechanics w/o modern mu dating sim bullshit, i’d love to see them get an a+ support.  
My favorite rivalry
- i get a good chuckle out of ephraim and innes’ shounen manga rivalry, ngl www  i was amazed at their lack of supports, which i think would have good potential for a balance of comedy (at both of their expenses lmao) and exploration of both as leaders.
My favorite hatred/antipathy
- does lyon/himself count, b/c like.  in seriousness, i love how eirika gets to give valter what for--cormag has just as much of a stake in that unique battle dialogue, but i usually let eirika take valter out b/c it’s just so satisfying.  valter def teeters on the edge of cartoonish villainy, but i think his particular brand of creepy misogyny stays believable and scary simply b/c there really are so many men out there who are just like that, minus the wyvern-riding bit.
My favorite potential relationship between characters who never talk in canon
- EIRIKA AND CORMAG, they don’t even need to have a romantic ending, i just want them to interact more, esp wrt how they see the concept of revenge.
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