#I have a wrist mounted lightsaber and blaster
iamcrimelord · 1 year
Character Sheet: Daigo Gwyn Belfir, The Iconic Crime Lord, "The Baron of Bloody Bones"
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Name: Daigo Gwyn Belfir "The Baron of Bloody Bones" Race: Dhampire Occupation: Crime Lord Mythic Class: Lich Alignment: Lawful Evil Magic Specialties: Necromancy and Pyromancy Weapon of Choice: Damion the Phantom Blade. Affiliations: The Collective (Ex-Member and Exile) The Circle of Nemesis (Ex-Member and Exile) Founder of the Laughing Dead Mafia. Bio: A man with a very turbulent past Daigo founded the Laughing Dead Mafia after going into exile some years ago. He however has returned from the grave to exact revenge on his former enemies and allies and to rebuild what was taken from him, with interest.
Gear and Weapons:
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Sickle of Urgathoa: A weapon that was granted to Daigo the day he ascended to being a full blown lich. Any who are killed by this weapon are turned into lesser undead or greater undead depending on who is slain by it.
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Whaling Knife: Knife that Daigo found upon his return to the city. He's been working on it and etching on it to give it a unique flair.
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Numerian Wrist Blaster: A unique find during his adventures as a former crusader. A secret underground lab filled with experimental weapons was discovered by Daigo where he found this wrist mounted laser gun. The only hint to its origins is a small etching on the underside that says, "This is the way."
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Hidden Blade: A man in a white hood tried to assassinate Daigo and in fact managed to stab him where his heart would have been, had he not replaced it with something far sturdier. He spared the assassin out of respect for the skill the man showed, as well as on the condition that he drew him schematics for his hidden blade. Daigo remade the weapon, albeit with a few modifications of his own.
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Rosa (Left) and Thorn (Right): a pair of hand guns that Daigo developed to use together. Thorn fires bullets that will cause hit targets to sprout black thorns all over their bodies and explode like a meaty bomb, where as Rosa is an Armor piercing hand canon.
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Skull Shotgun: Modified shotgun with detachable stock.
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Hundred Mind's Bolt: A creature called "Hundred Minds" attempted to turn Daigo into a cybernetically fused slave to his will. Daigo however had other plans and killed the creature. He then took this bolt from the base of his neck and attached it to his shotgun to give it electrical damage.
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The Black Cross of Evermore and the Black Ring of Nevermore: The cross allows Daigo to channel positive energy to heal himself and his allies and to harm enemy undead who refuse to submit to him. The Black Ring allows Daigo to take a scroll with a spell on it and load that spell onto his ring. The ring is able to hold 21 spells of any level. Though Daigo tends to be very reserved as the more powerful spells are much harder to find.
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The Heart of Ira: A medallion that Daigo found during his time away, the necklace creates a field of pure destructive void that damages anything within a 30 foot range. There is an inscription on the back of it that says, "Every ill deed shall be avenged, and every charity shall be repaid in kind."
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The Ring of Gluttony: A vampire artifact that allows Daigo to drain the life force of another being at a range of 30 feet, but he must have a clear line of sight in order for it to work and restore his health.
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The Shields of Dulac: Enchanted Shields that Daigo can conjure up to float around him to act as a barrier either as a phalanx, a dome, or any other sort of defensive formation. They do break over time but can be summoned again later at full strength.
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Daigo's Blood Saber and Kyber Crystal: One of the weapons found by Daigo at the ancient underground lab. I'm breaking character for this one...I just though Daigo having a lightsaber would be friggen sick. LOL.
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Elven Ferryman's Coin: A mysterious ferryman was under attack once by vampires. Daigo managed to step in and save the man’s life from the attack. As he was needing to get to the other side of the river he asked if he could get a ride from the ferryman to the other side. “This boat is not for you” the man said. But instead gave him a coin with a single white diamond in it. With it, Daigo can once a day summon four ancient elf warriors as phantoms to fight along side him.
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Death Walkers: Boots made for Daigo by one of his court tradesmen. When anything dies near Daigo, his speed is increased for a brief amount of time.
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Knives of Crucifixion: Knives used to nail Daigo’s hands to a tree when he was betrayed by his former associates. He took them with the purpose of someday using them to get some long overdue revenge.
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The Grail of Bacchus: Usable Item. A grail that Daigo got after slaying a powerful vampire, drinking from the grail boosts his speed, strength, and senses for a short time.
Professors Hat: Top hat that Daigo found during the foundation period of his kingdom. The hat acts as a bag of holding and can also produce masterwork crafting tools, allowing Daigo to craft, repair, maintain, brew, write or any other crafting task that needs doing while away from his castle.
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katarvitz · 2 years
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So, this is the purely lore and finished product of the last upload. If you want to see the breakdown of how this was made, please take a look here - www.deviantart.com/katarvitz/a… --- Inquisitorial Report Delta-Gamma-Epsilon 00974
Agent: Ragar Korshunov
Priority: Sigma
Type: Enemy Intelligence
Sub-Category: Weapons & Resources
Work continues throughout Arx to deal with Collective holdouts and suicide bombers. Even after they were repelled and denied resources, they have fallen back on increasingly desperate attacks to overcome us. It’s only good fortune that the Collective placed little value in guerilla tactics that we continue to win out against them. Given their clear advantages on several fronts, the men and women of the Iron Legion under my command have been tasked with recovering anything of value for R&D.
One particular item uncovered recently is being dispatched today. It was mounted to the forearm of a combat cyborg, replacing the flesh and blood entirely. Such implant weapons are not uncommon within the ranks of the Technocrats, but this particular creation appeared to be a form of prototype upgrade, intended for both melee and medium range engagements.
The first point of note is that the forearm stores an immensely powerful generator for its size, capable of recharging multiple battle rifles. This would be enough to keep a cannon in full operation, but it exists purely to serve the weapon arm. This is a departure from typical Collective designs, as they otherwise favour utilising a single central power core to keep their systems active.
From the wrist upward, the arm retains three distinct weapons and one shield. The latter serves a purpose akin to molecular shielding. It is capable of not just reflecting but absorbing incoming fire, and uses this to recharge its core. When projected, this extends into a circular energy shield, measured in thirty inches in all directions from its middle. Its effectiveness against lightsabers is limited, as proven in the skirmish where we acquired this item, but it appears able to briefly resist them. We can assume that influence from Mandalorian gauntlet weapons was a key inspiration in this design, likely born of their effectiveness in fighting the Jedi Order.
The design itself is by no means wholly reliant upon the shield. Fitted with durasteel alloys, it can withstand multiple hits from standard blaster rifles, and these are linked by an energy-resistant fabric which nullifies the impact of low yield weapons.
The first of the weapons is the hand itself. The enlarged fingertips serve as a focus to wiring connections and a series of cables, which allows it to snap closed with immense force. This is akin to a crushgaunt in design, but with a far greater emphasis on delivering force at its points. This allows the wielder to inflict far more damage from sheer strength, while the enlarged surface area means it can inflict harm across a broader section of an opponent’s body. This makes wielders of this bionic upgrade especially dangerous when performing grappling moves, as they can completely destroy shoulder joints. I would not be surprised if they can be utilised to completely dismember an enemy.
The more notable weapon, mounted into an emplacement on the back of the hand, is a kyber crystal enhanced beam weapon categorised as a “laseron destroyer”. While incapable of firing the beam in singular extended blasts as might be expected, it makes up for this through repeated bursts of fire and rapid recharge rates. This has proven to be highly effective against infantry and light vehicles, even those protected by energy resistant armour.
Finally, the large weapon mount on the palm is a four-point Composite-beam laser, serving as a heavy weapon. The damage it inflicts is comparable with a direct strike from a man-portable cannon such as an E-Web repeating blaster. The details behind this design are still being examined, but it poses a clear threat against heavily armoured targets. Furthermore, the beam can be fired for up to sixteen seconds at a time, and redirected depending upon the wielder’s aim, allowing them to carve apart anything in front of them.
Thankfully, experimentation has already indicated a number of key weaknesses in the design. Although it benefits from having dedicated power generators, these need to be fine-tuned and occupy almost the entirety of the forearm. This is prone to overheating when constantly demanded from use, and we believe that this could inflict potentially lethal harm on the user if overtaxed. Furthermore, while heavily armoured, it would only take a glancing hit to its internals to trigger a catastrophic feedback of energy, completely destroying the implant and the user as well.
The laseron destroyer is an effective weapon, but it requires cooldown periods between use. After a number of rapid blasts in quick succession, the weapon can overheat entirely. This can fuse its circuitry or even breach the tibanna gas containers, rendering it useless until field repairs can be made. The risk of this damage is only further enhanced by the volatile nature of kyber crystals when fitted to blaser weaponry. The housing is also extended above the arm, but this weakness is offset by the substantial armour covering the device.
The composite beam laser suffers from long recharge times, and even cracking a single point can render it useless. It takes several moments to switch between it and the laseron destroyer, and the fact they share a single power generator means that the two cannot be simultaneously utilised. Some indications suggest that damage to one can also render the other inoperable due to the way in which power feeds have been fitted into internal components.
Finally, the fingers of the crushgaunt are unwieldy and ill-suited to delicate motions. It is purely dedicated to heavy damaging motions and individual fingers are prone to jamming, especially when performing rapid repeated gestures. We are, as of yet, uncertain if this is a true weakness however, due to other discoveries in the design. Many internal and external components show obvious time-saving methods, apparently favouring a need for a swift construction over fine-tuning all parts. This is obvious on the exterior of the device due to the thick welds across the plating, but haphazard wiring seals and flaws in its mechanisms have been cited as well. This may also be the cause for fabrics being used in place of fully encasing durasteel armour as would otherwise be expected. I believe this is a result of the Collective attempting to push as many of these items into the field in as short a time as possible. They are constantly diverting resources to new projects and pushing to upgrade their current designs.
Given the treatment of their troops, it would not be surprising if this particular bionic weapon underwent little to no field testing or was built with no concern for the life of its user. This is not unexpected, but it might herald a wider weakness that can be exploited in the next stage of this war.
I will keep you updated with further discoveries.
Hail Cantor! - Inquisitor Korshunov
You can find out more at Clan Odan-Urr in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
If you are interested in joining then take a look here.
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missiletainnyt · 2 years
Me and my Friends building characters in SW5E: “this is cool, ooo this is cool” Me, 5 seconds later: “UTINI!!!!” My friends, in unison: “UTINI!!!!”
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fallenrepublick · 4 years
A/N: Shorter than normal, but I figured you all needed a little break from me being depressing and all, so have a fluff piece. This one is based off of my headcanon #2, which you can find right here.
Warnings: Blood, weird ass dialogue which makes it really obvious that I don’t know what I’m doing
Left. Right. Left. Left.
“Shit!” The blades of your lightsaber retracted and the hilt fell into the grass below you. Light gray smoke softly rose from the back of your hand. A black burn mark was left where the training droid hit its target. “Wonderful.”
Huffing, you picked up your hilt from the soft ground and stalked back to your ship. You’d been parked there long enough that you’d taken it upon yourself to waste away hours honing your skills to a sharper point than they had been before. You’d been more distracted today, though, and the scorched skin on your hand was proof of that.
You flicked the lights on and rustled through the cabinets lining the walls for the first-aid supplies. You snatched the roll of bandages from a shelf and haphazardly wrapped it around the wound, tearing the end of it and patting the edge down to ensure that it would stick. Rhythmic, metallic beating on the floor of the ship made your head snap up, greeting the entrance of the Dathomirian Zabrak you couldn’t help but love. Out there, he was terrifying and threatening to his enemies, but in here, he was gentle and caring. Maybe a little too caring.
You shoved your hands behind your back, clasped firmly together. “Maul,” you smiled brightly. “You’re back already.”
He pulled his hood off and placed his own saber on a low mounted shelf. “Yes, the mission took a turn that required an abrupt halt in progress, but I-” He stopped in his tracks, his eyes wandering from your face to your arms, a question building beneath them. “What happened?”
Innocently shaking your head, you hummed, “Nothing happened.”
He walked closer to you and brushed your cheek with the back of his hand, resting one on your shoulder. “I don’t believe that.” The hand on your shoulder slid down and pulled your wrist from behind your back, revealing to him the crudely bandaged hand that had begun to soak the coverings in red. His expression turned quickly from concern to shock. “Starlight, how did you-”
“It’s nothing,” you interrupted him. “I was being careless when I was training and the droid clipped me. It’s no big deal, so don’t freak out about it.”
“Why,” he sighed heavily, “is the setting so high? It should not be drawing blood.”
You shrugged, looking away from his mildly panicked eyes. “I don’t know, the thrill of higher stakes? I can handle it. I’m not a kid.”
It was always like this. Little things here and there that Maul would obsess over, refusing to leave you alone until they were fixed. The moment something would go awry, he would worry and worry as if you were a three-legged puppy.
He took your arm and led you to your quarters, sitting beside you on the bed you shared, before pulling back your bandages to reveal a dark blaster bolt covering your skin, interrupted only by cracks that revealed a steady flow of blood, mirroring lava spilling from the surface of a volcanic planet that hadn’t quite cooled yet.
“Darling…” His voice was quiet, concerned. His mouth seemed to waver as if he was considering his next words carefully. “What have you done to yourself…”
He ran his fingers lightly over your joints, tracing the area around the burns in fear that you might fall apart. His touch sent chills down your spine, a calming, cooling presence against the heat that seemed to emit from your flesh. And after studying it close enough, he went to work, spreading a soothing salve over the cracks and covering it with a different bandage. He wrapped slowly, taking each second to ensure the burn’s entirety was covered and the fabric was secure.
The bandages were thicker and tighter than what you had done before, keeping every piece of you in place for proper healing. You took his hand up, holding it still. “You don’t have to do this.” His expression was difficult to read, even for you, a complex emotion taking hold of the proud Zabrak.
“I do,” he finally replied, setting aside the extra supplies. “I am… destructive. As much as you enjoy pretending I’m not… I’ve found a way to tear apart all that I touch in a single motion. I was raised to destroy, to annihilate all that stood in my path, for that was the fate decided for me. But this,” He traced your wrists once more, sliding down to rest your hands in his own, rubbing the backs with his thumbs. “You,” He reached up and felt your face, following the lines of your jawbone just as gently as he had touched your fingers before. “Are the one thing that I can heal. I don’t care what it is. Any pain you are caused, I swear to satiate at any cost. As long as I live… nothing will break you.”
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Force User- Anakin Skywalker
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x Reader (Platonic)
Characters: Anakin Skywalker
Warnings: N/A
Request: Anon - “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that, you can look after yourself… I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.”
Word Count: 423
Author: Aaron
You stood strong and watched as the two blaster bolts hurtled towards you, you braced your form and stood ready to dodge the attack. Anakin’s driven shoulder barged into your side and hurtled you into the thorny bush that climbed from the ground up to your hip.
“What are you doing!?” You called from the brush as Anakin deflected the blaster bolts back towards the pair of attackers.
“Saving you!” He smirked as the bolts sparked against his lightsaber and scorched the custom built armour that opposed him. “Just a few bounty hunters, nothing too serious.” He stood proudly with a cocky grin plastered across his smug face as he brought his blue blade down, severing one of the greedy hunters’ arms from its shoulder and force pushing him into the other one. “Do not worry, I won’t let you come to any harm.”
From the scratched plate of the bounty hunters wrist mounted launcher, a rocket flew, careered towards the two of you and caught Anakin by surprise. He dived onto the ground, where he stood previously the projectile hovered in the air. Its thrusters fought valiantly against you, but your control of the force was too great for it.
“You… you’re a jedi?” Anakin asked wide eyed and hopeful as with a push of your hand you plummeted the rocket in between the bounty hunters, knocking them to the ground. Anakin scrambled to his feet, firmly grasped the handle of his saber and violently thrusted it into each of their chests. “I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have done that, you can look after yourself… I shouldn’t have… I’m sorry.”
“I don’t practise too much, don’t really want to be a part of that lifestyle. I’d rather just call myself a user of the force.” You explained whilst picking prickly brambles from what felt like all of your exposed skin.
“You could be a jedi?” He knelt down and rolled the horned helmets from the wannabe captors as if the swirling stench of burnt flesh was not a give away of their status. “What’s stopping you?” He looked up from his crouched position as his hands rifled through the plentiful cache of pockets on the uniform.
“I prefer staying here with Padmé, the life is so much simpler.”
“You’re missing out on a lot of power doing that. Think how strong you could grow if you properly trainer under a Jedi Master. What you just did there was impressive, who knows what kind of damage you could do.” He smiled at the thought.
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prongsisabadger · 3 years
TWP Chapter 20
It hadn't been a separatis attack, we all knew that. There were no blaster wounds on any of the fallen troopers, and droids -as far as we could tell- did not make a habit out of parading their victories by putting clone helmets on spikes. All deceased clones had either been stabbed to death, had their necks or spines shattered or died of internal damage. There was no way this had been a droid attack.
Chairman Cho insisted otherwise. While both Jedi masters followed Rex and his squad to an abandoned separatist base, I was left to keep the dignitaries safe. While they argued over which party was responsible for the attack, I helped Nax and his men bury their brothers. We scanned the wrists of every fallen man and buried them in the most dignified way we could. We took their helmets and used them to mark each grave. A total of thirty men had been killed.
"I know clones, for the most part, don't believe in the Force," I started, once all the bodies had been buried and all that was left was to honour them. "I know that becoming one with the universe seems far-fetched at best to some of you. But believe this: they died as soldiers. They died fighting for a cause they believed in: not for the republic, but for their brothers. They died so that we didn't have to. Let us honor their sacrifice and make it count."
Four troopers stepped forward and aimed their rifles to the sky where the wind made snowflakes fly like bullets. Four rounds were shot, and for the next minute, only the storm could be heard. It was getting worse, and Masters Kenobi and Skywalker were still out.
"Commander, I just got back word from Rex. He and the squad are on their way, but both the Generals decided to keep investigating." Nax said when he approached me.
"Good, do me a favor and check if the team inside managed to get systems operational. We are going to need them if we are to survive this weather." I answered.
"At once, Commander." But the man hesitated, he stood in place as if wanting to say something else.
"Anything else, Nax?" I asked.
"Just- thank you, Commander."
Rex brought troubling news: as we had expected, it had not been a separatist attack. The CIS base had also been overrun and decorated in a similar fashion to our own. Thing is, they had found surveillance footage, and the planet was, in fact, populated. The news brought no joy to the Chairman, the man all but called the Captain a liar and denied the fact that Orto Plutonia could be inhabited. Pantora had had the planet under its protectorate for generations, after all. But we all kept our mouths shut. Rex did because he was a professional, I did because if I said something I would probably start yet another intergalactic conflict. That and Obi-Wan would be pissed at me. Call me what you like but if there was something I hated it was disappointing people.
I decided to leave the command center to the politicians, maybe then they'd have a sense of control and stop harassing troopers. So I went to the hangar to "oversee" inventory and reparations.
"You know, Rex? I really admire your self control, it took all the training I had not to kick Cho's ass back there." I said as I jumped on the hull of a speeder and sat down.
The captain chuckled underneath his helmet as he crouched to check that the speeder's systems were working properly.
"Oh, kid, you wish it was self control," he said, taking the tool I offered. "Trooper helmets have different communications settings and they can cancel audio input and output. You'd be surprised at how much chatter's been going around today."
"The amount of gossip must put a Hutt's spy network to shame…" I chuckled.
"It's not all bad," he said, turning the speeder on and running diagnostics. "Most of it was troopers wanting to see how Cho would fend against a Jedi Padawan. For all his talk, most of us think seeing him bested by a seventeen year old would be quite entertaining."
I shot him a playful glare. I knew it was wrong, but Force did I want to kick his ass. He was arrogant, rude and a total womp rat to senator Chuchi. Patriotism died in the face of toxic masculinity apparently.
"You know I can't do that, however tempting it might be…" I said.
"We know, but watching you try to hide the impulse is very entertaining."
He dodged the snow ball I threw at his head, chuckling as he made his way to the next speeder bike.
As soon as Master Kenobi and Master Skywalker returned, I realized for the first time that my lightsaber was the wrong color. I did not have the patience to be diplomatic with people like Chairman Cho, the man deserved a roundhouse kick in the ass and absolutely no authority over other living beings. And everyone around me agreed. Master Kenobi was so done with the man, he couldn't even bring himself to be sassy anymore, and even worse was the fact that Master Skywalker wasn't speaking at all.
The only person who was genuinely interested in changing the Chairman's mind was Senator Chuchi and to be completely honest, the woman deserved an award. I would have beaten some sense into him but Obi-Wan's seriousness frightened me more than the frustration the Chairman provoked.
The Chairman insisted that the Talz had no jurisdiction in Orto Plutonia, that they were savages trespassing on Pantora's territory and that they were a threat to them. It didn't matter that they didn't have the technology to leave the planet, or to get light that didn't come from a fireplace for that matter. Nothing mattered, only that we were all on his land.
To be fair, those kinds of situations were the reason I'd decided to become a Jedi, but every time the Chairman opened his mouth I wondered whether it had been the right choice. I decided to just keep silent and follow Master Kenobi's lead, I couldn't trust myself on this one. If I had, Pantora would have had to hold elections for a new Chairman. there was nothing I hated more than entitled beings.
To be honest, I didn't really think the Masters' efforts to resolve things peacefully would work -not if the Chairman was the one carrying out negotiations. And we all should have seen the result coming clicks away. The first indicator was when we were setting off for the meeting with the Talz and Cho told Rex to gear up for war. Granted, General skywalker told him there would be no war, but someone had yet to tell that to Cho.
The Chairman had had every chance to change his mind. The Talz had proved to be intelligent enough to monitor us, to have scouts follow us, to have evaded our scanners. Their status had been put in question when it was proved that they were intelligent enough to have developed not only a language but also a writing system -however rustic. The Talz had every right to be respected, they just didn't have the luxury of a sensible person on the other side of the negotiations table.
And the Jedi? We could do nothing about it. Chairman Cho had declared it all an internal affair, and not even Senator Chuchi had the authority to denounce his authority. So war was declared. Ironically enough, however eager to declare it an internal affair, Chairman Cho was ordering our troops around as if he had any right to them. It was sickening to watch, and I could stay silent, but never idle.
"Master Kenobi, I'd like to escort Rex's squad." I said as soon as Cho started ordering troopers to gear up.
"Kriari, the Chairman has declared this an internal affair. the Jedi cannot intervene." He sighed.
"Then he has no right to our troops, Master." I insisted. "I know you are not going to let him go undefended, but at least let me go as backup. The men don't deserve to die for his arrogance."
Obi-Wan seemed to consider it as he looked me in the eyes. Maybe he was searching for something. Maybe he found what he was looking for.
"Very well, but you are not to intervene for anything other than protection. Understood?"
"Yes, Master," I said, and in my relief I hugged him. "thank you."
The only good thing I had to say about chairman Cho was that at least he rode at the very front of the suicide squad he had assembled. The clones followed him only because thos had been their orders, they were not stupid. The enemy was only the enemy because the man at the front of the charge had made them so -even if they had reason to resent them. The Talz were in their homeland, they knew the territory, the best spots for ambushes, they were not hindered by the weather conditions. We were at a disadvantage, a big disadvantage. And still they followed orders, because above all, clones were good soldiers, and good soldiers followed orders.
Good soldiers died that day, for a man who was not worth the life of a single one of them.
It happened so fast yet so slow, as battles often do. We were ambushed and as we had expected, the Talz weren't messing around: colonizers were not welcome in Orto Plutonia. I jumped off my speeder and took point, cutting spears left and right and deviating others with the force. We were surrounded, Rex got the men to take defensive possitions. We were all doing our jobs tight, everyone was in possition, but we were being overrun by an enemy who had the numbers and the terrain on their side. Six troopers went down.
"Retreat!" I yelled over the noise of blaster fire and the growl of the beasts Talz rode. "Rex, get the men out of here!"
The Chairman tried to protest, to call me a coward, to say they could never retreat when faced with beings so inferior. I cannot say if I could have prevented him from getting stabbed when he did. I was too busy making sure the troopers lived to fight another day. It might have been wrong for a Jedi to admit, but I didn't care if he died.
Rex took the wounded man and mounted up. I covered as much of the retreat as I could before jumping on the back of Nax's speeder. We were not in the clear, not yet. The canyon stretched around us and the enemy knew the terrain well. Even in our retreat we were losing men. Some got shot down, some got caught in a trap. I tried desperately to Force push spears away from the troopers, to cut down those that got past me. It was difficult work when trying to hold onto the back of a speeder bike.
To our dismay, the enemy had booby trapped the ice bridge that led to the tundra as well. two more troopers went down when they were trying to get across. The bridge collapsed, and with it our only way out. We were surrounded, the storm had jammed communications, and as far as we knew, no support was coming.
"Just like in Christophsis, ey, Commander?" Said Rex beside me.
I smiled sadly at him.
"Tighten up formation, Captain. I'll do my best to redirect enemy fire away from the men." It had become a habit of mine to default to 'business mode' when in a tight spot. Compartmentalizing was a lot easier when the lives of others depended on you thinking clearly. "Ger Coric to tend to the wounded right in the middle of the formation. Hopefully we'll make it out without any more losses."
But hope was often worth jack shit in war. We lost three more men before the gunships showed up. The sound of the LAAT/i engines over the roaring storm almost made me cry, and the ceasefire on the enemy's side even more so. I turned my lightsaber off and grabbed Rex's forearm. He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed. We had made it through another one, if barely.
"You okay, Rex?" asked Skywalker as soon as they got off the ship.
"Just a scratch, sir." he said.
"Tell me." He said, voice low and grave face.
"Eleven dead and several injured including the Chairman. Would have been a lot worse if the Commander hadn't been here." He said patting my shoulder.
Master Kenobi had been looking at me the whole time, waiting for me to say something maybe. Or maybe just checking for injuries. I shook my head, I didn't want to talk about it, not right now. The price for one man's arrogance had been too high. Too many men had died needlessly because one man decided colonization was worth more than peace.
I am not ashamed to say I was glad when Chairman Cho died. In my eyes, he deserved it. Maybe his death would at least be a little consolation for the eleven troopers who lost their lives that day. I didn't hate people easily, but I hated that man, and I was glad that he had died. An even better consolation was Senator Chuchi denying the man his dying wish. There was cruel satisfaction in knowing that he failed to achieve his aim even when he had died for it. The fact that the Talz had been recognized as sovereign over Orto Plutonia gave me ever lasting satisfaction if only because that meant all those troopers hadn't died in vain. And then, there was one less war to fight in the galaxy.
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Uuuhhhh minor spoilers for Fallen Order? In the sense that it’s not story destroying spoilers, I was just surprised when it happened in my playthrough. I took liberties with the dialogue and it’s set up the way it happened in my game, from my research (re: me looking up lets plays on youtube trying to figure out the proper dialogue beforehand) it happens in different locations and with different bounty hunters, it’s pretty unique for everyone. This is where it happened for me and while I don’t remember exactly which bounty hunter I got, this is the closest estimation. Everything after Cal passes out is entirely from my brain though, I just wanted an excuse to write whump and BD-1 wound up being way more of an anxious little droid than I expected him to be lmao whoops.
"What do you think, BD-1? Should we check in with the Mantis?"
BD-1 beeped in agreement. Best let them know we're alright.
"Yeah, you're right. Mantis, can you hear me? Cere?"
There was no reply, only static coming through the comm. 
"This doesn't feel right. We should get back. BD, what's the quickest way back?"
BD perched on Cal's shoulder, shining a projection onto the rocky ground. The looming wreckage of the Venator stood behind them where they stood at the edge of the lake. 
"Down to the ice caves and up the elevator looks fastest, let's get going."
BD whooped as Cal jogged down through the cave, perching high on the humans shoulder as he swam through the deeper section towards the back. The elevator that would take them down to the ice caves was still stubbornly refusing to be summoned from above so he made a running leap onto the ice slide down into the cavern, BD-1 excitedly trilling from where he clung to his back, the little robots feet tucked firmly into the belt that crisscrossed Cal’s torso.
The slide was a relatively short one in comparison to some of the others they had done, but exhilarating and twisting. As Cal slid around the last blind corner BD-1 could only beep in warning. There’s something up there! 
There was no way to stop and nowhere else to jump except for straight across the chasm and onto the icy platform. The lightsaber hilt was already in Cal’s hand when his feet hit the ground and in the same moment a blue dome surrounded the whole area, blocking the way to the elevator that would take them back to the Mantis.
A figure stood in front of him, a long sniper rifle cradled in their arms. They wore a helmet that covered their entire face and a combination of leather and durasteel armor, banding wrapped around their arms and legs and a tattered cape clasped at the throat. They gave him a cursory glance before dropping to one knee and firing their sniper at him. Cal quickly evaded, rolling to the left and circling around, igniting his dual blades as he popped to his feet again. He swung down in an arc, aiming for the barrel of the blaster.  The figure rolled away just as quick, snapping off a couple more shots that Cal easily parried, sending one to the side and the other back to the sniper, catching them across the shoulder. They stumbled back a couple steps, shaking their arm out before dropping to a knee again, taking aim at the Jedi again. Cal rushed his assailant, charging directly at them with the intention of dealing a deadly blow.
Before Cal could strike, the figure lobbed what looked to be a grenade but instead of throwing it as his feet, they threw it at his chest. The small device stuck firmly to his front and small wires exploded out of it, quickly encircling his torso and trapping his arms to his sides. Electricity crackled through the cords and his entire body went rigged, his muscles tensing. His jaw snapped shut and he threw his head back with a strangled groan as he dropped to the ground. 
BD-1 beeped in distress as Cal collapsed, sending the little droid tumbling across the ice. BD popped to his feet and scurried back to Cal’s side, beeping in concern. The Jedi was tense and seizing as the cables snapped and hissed around him. BD turned to the figure that was rising to their feet again, angrily shrieking at them. 
“Shut up,” the figure said, swooping down to snatch BD-1 up by a leg. Before BD could use any of his tools to defend himself, the figure snapped a restraining bolt to his chest plate, rendering his legs and compartments inoperable. BD shrieked at them, his voice the only way he could express his anger and frustration and concern for his human. 
The figure dropped him to the ground again and he came to rest a few feet away from Cal, facing towards the human so he could see as the figure approached the Jedi. 
Cal lay on his side where he fell, curled nearly into the fetal position with his head thrown back, his cheek scraping against the cold ice as his muscles spasmed. BD-1 could hear when the tazcable finally stopped crackling and Cal went limp, his arms still trapped against his body. The figure crouched in front of him and with a gloved hand tilted his face towards them as though checking that he was well and truly unconscious. There was no response.
The figure tapped something on their wrist and the blue dome surrounding the area dropped. A large droid that stalked on two legs approached and without a word exchanged between the droid or the caped figure, they each burdened themselves with a load, the large droid draping Cal across it’s arms and the caped figure plucking the much more manageable BD-1 off the ground and hooking a strap around his throat to dangle him from their belt. BD-1 gave an indignant trill at the way he was handled, fuming at his inability to do anything about it with the blasted restraining bolt stuck on him. 
At least from here, bouncing against the figures hip, he could catch glimpses of Cal. He had no sort of life signs detecting abilities, but he could see the occasional puff of vapor from Cal’s mouth as he exhaled into the cold air.
BD-1 didn’t know the route they took out of the caves, it wasn’t one Cal had found on their explorations. It was tucked into a back corner and the tunnel they went through was dark, only lit by the flashlights mounted to the caped figures helmet and the top of the large droids body. Eventually they emerged into daylight again and BD-1 was able to see the Venator wreckage towering above them. They had emerged from the west side of the wreckage after having traveled through the mountain parallel with the Imperial Headquarters from what BD could piece together with his existing map.
In front of them stood a ship slightly bigger than the Mantis, a yellow and black emblem emblazoned across the side and if BD-1 had a heart, he would feel it sink as he connected the dots. Bounty Hunters. What would they do with Cal? Were they going to turn him over to the Inquisitors? Surely there was a significant cost on his head by now.
Their captors boarded the ship and dumped them in the large open area at the top of the entry ramp before stomping off towards the front of the ship. 
BD-1 sat upon the ground a couple feet away from Cal, his useless legs sticking out in front of him. He beeped in frustration again, unable to do anything else but wait for whatever their fate would be and hope for Cal to wake up or even show any sign of life.
He didn’t have to wait long. He felt the ship jump into hyperspace just as Cal groaned and his eyelids fluttered as he fought his way back to consciousness. He opened his eyes, blinking in confusion at his surroundings. He tested his strength against the cables still encircled around him and was rewarded with another strong shock that caused him to writhe against the ground and scream so hard his throat ached.
The figure from the cave returned with another tall skinny humanoid figure, also wearing a face covering helmet so BD-1 couldn’t identify their species. 
“What are ya trying to do, kill him?” A gruff voice barked out from under the helmet of the new arrival. “He’s human, his body can’t take too much of this kriffing thing!”
The new arrival stepped towards Cal in two long strides, clicking a button on a remote that appeared from their pocket and the tazcable went silent again. Cal sagged against the floor, gasping as he tried to gather his bearings again. 
“I’m taking my tazcable back but we can’t have you using your weird mind powers to get away now, can we little Jedi?” The tall figure said with a laugh that sounded like he was gargling rocks. They produced a device with a nasty looking needle on one end and a vial of clear liquid on the other, sticking the needle into Cal’s exposed forearm before he even knew what was going on. They moved to put the needle away at the countertop along the front of the cargo hold and by the time they returned to the young Jedi’s side Cals eyes were glazed over and he was limp again, his breath even and slow. 
“Have a nice nap,” the figure said, pushing the button to release the tazcable and return it to it’s storage setting again, “You’re going to need it.”
Cal’s eyes slid closed and his head tipped to the side as the drugs took him under. The tall figure stood and kicked Cals foot as he walked away, leaving the captives alone again. 
For a few minutes the only sound was the hum of the ship traveling through hyperspace, which BD-1 eventually tried to cover by quietly beeping a tune to himself. He had been by himself for so long on Bogano and such a relatively short time traveling with the human Jedi. It was all he knew though, he couldn’t remember anything before his time on Bogano began. Was that where he was made? He didn’t know. But he knew he needed the human that was laid out before him. Without Cal, he didn’t have a purpose and if Cal was being taken to the Inquisitors, what would happen to BD-1? Would they just turn him off and dump him in a corner? Try to rip the encrypted files from Cordova out of his memory drives? Reprogram him so he forgot everything and make him loyal to them? He shuddered to think of any of it and beeped louder, his distress growing.
He paused when he heard the hum of the engines change. They had dropped out of hyperspace and slowing down as they came in for a landing almost right away.
The two bounty hunters from the cave appeared again, the large droid none too gently dragging Cal down the ramp by the strap across his vest that BD-1 usually clung to. 
BD-1 was picked up by the caped figure again, who tossed him into the air and caught him like a ball before tucking him under their arm. 
“Leave the Jedi’s blade with me and put him in a cell,” The gruff voice of the tall humanoid growled from behind them. “Put the droid with the rest.”
The caped figure gave a mocking salute and BD-1 saw the large droid walking down another hallway with Cal dragging behind him before his own captor turned the opposite direction, blocking his view. 
A moment later he was deposited on the table top at the back of a cell full of dead droids. The caped figure gave him a pat on the head and left the cell without a word, the door slamming shut behind them.
Stood there in the dark, not knowing where Cal was or what his fate was, all BD-1 could do was beep quietly to himself.
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muses-darling · 5 years
Fire & Fury - A Star Wars AU - Ch.6 Gambit
Thick sluggish rain fell over the boggy planet of Nal Hutta, a planet that resembled the cesspool of seedy underbellied beings that called it home. Alucard stopped Honey taking her by the wrist and pulling her into his arms pressing kisses over and over, “Just in case this goes wrong I just want to make sure you know how much I love you. How much I am sorry.”
“Hey we got ourselves into this mess.” Honey smiled tracing a finger under his chin. “You defeated an undead multi-milienia old Sith Lord how can a group of Hutts be that hard? Once this is over, we can turn a new leaf. Maybe start that family you were talking about? We could go live on Naboo? Or Alderaan? Or anyone of the many planets here in our Galaxy. Leave all this behind. Your sisters can find work more than likely at Godwin’s and all will be well.”
Alucard nodded, “so you were listening that night?”
“Of course, I just didn’t say anything because the dream you were weaving was so lovely I didn’t want it to end.” Honey smiled up at him before stepping back, she was dressed in her old Sith Robes. “Now let me cuff you it will be more convincing that way.”
“Kinky,” Alucard said with a smirk.
“Hey now we have company approaching.” Layla said getting into her cuffs. Nikki following suit. “Are you two sure this is going to work?”
“Please I worked as a Bounty Hunter for spare credits, being a Sith doesn’t fill one’s belly just one’s mind with the darkside.” Honey smiled. “I have a reputation.” She locked them all in their cells before going down below. “Achutta,” She greeted in Huttese. “They are in their cells, be careful with them they are much more than they appear.” She made her way coolly through the others that had come to see their criminal overlords. 
Being forced to their knees Alucard and his sister’s feigned compliance.
The immense being that sat before them clearly enjoyed the opulence that surrounded them. Though the lighting left much by human eyes to be desired, the Hutts saw into the ultraviolet spectrum. The Hutt greeted Honey with a chuckle demanding that she come close that he might get a chance to appreciate such a lovely bounty hunter.
Honey neared him, “Look all you like but I cannot imagine you will survive for long if you touch me.”
This made the Hutt laugh who then gestured to the three behind Honey. “Who might this be?”
“A trio of would be insulters to your magnificence.” Playing up the Hutt’s ego was all to easy. “They stole from you on Cantonia.”
“Did they now?” The Hutt looked to Alucard and his sisters. “Well they shall be amusing until their inevitable deaths.” 
HK-47 sat up from the rubble of the ship his system emergency reboot finished, if he had an ability to breathe he might have noticed that there was smoke in the air. He saw the lightsaber cuts in the seat where his Master had been. He followed the tracking signs. “Statement: My Master someone has taken him.” He saw fallen Sith coin. “Continuation: Dark side or not, Jedi.” He readied his blaster then proceeded to take into account his situation further before setting about finding a ship off of this planet. He had a Master to find and protect it was his Master’s orders. 
The screaming of the enraged ship Jacker was cut off when HK-47 sent a bolt through his skull. “Statement: Boring conversation anyways, even for a meatbag.” He pulled the body off of the chair in the cockpit. Then smiled as he honed in on the tracking bead that Hades had put on Kit’s necklace. “Ahh there you are Master!” He punched in the coordinates that came up from where Kit was. For his Master’s sake he would search.
Toussled golden curls blew in the winds as the small boy ran through the tall grasses of Alderaan. Giggles intermingling with the breeze as he made his way to the hut among the trees in the distance. Nerfs grazed and Thranta’s flew above in the clouds. Kit scurried passed the door and inside giggling as he moved to where his Mother was sitting into her lap, “Mama! MAMA!” he patted her shoulder. “Look!” He held up his surprise for her to see, a flower.
Demeter opened her eyes made soft and the color of dark hazel if only around her small boy smiled. “Oh how precious! Just like you.” Let him be sweet, let him be kind, when it came to corruption there was plenty of time...
Kit sat looking over the man and the woman who sat before him the resemblance to his own countenance. It was astonishing, the woman was very clearly his mother, the man was clearly his Father just as much. The most startling of these revelations though was that they had never stopped looking for him, well in their words. “You’ve found me. Now that you have what happens now?”
“We become the family we were always meant to be.” Demeter stood, “If that is what you want.” 
Kit frowned softly his parents had been absent most of his life, however if they had been looking for him then perhaps it was for the best to let them into his life. They had missed so much....
“Oh my son, we have so much to share with you, so much to teach you.” Demeter reached out taking Kit’s hand. 
“Teach me?”
“Yes son.” His Father smiled. “Your legacy.”
A Legacy? Kit wondered what it could possibly be. His senses in the force seemed to be so blinded. Kit looked to the hand holding his. “Teach me then.”
“Oh darling boy we will.” Demeter smiled. “You will learn all you were meant too.”
“Uncle Crow?” The tiny voice asked out loud as the red head looked for Crowley. “Uncle Crow!?!” Where you go?” She wandered along the ship till she found him. “THERE YOU!” She pounced on him making Crowley squawk with surprise. 
“What is it Jules?” he scooped up Juliet. 
“I had a bad dream! This spooky place!” She gestured to the planet beyond. “I had bad dream about Kit!”
“You did?”
“Uh-huh.” Juliet nodded. “He was mean! He became bad. I don’t want him to be bad Uncle Crow! He good!”
“Yes he is sweet girl, and I’m sure Kit is just fine. I’m sure he and Hades are having a wonderful marvelous time.” Crowley cuddled her close. “Probably getting away laying low like we are.”
“And not for long.” Azirphale said entering in. “Crowley, look at this.” He handed Crowley a data pad. Upon it was a report from the Jedi Council that the Republic was ready to mount an attack on the Sith Empire. “They are making it sound like it is the battle to end all of this once and for all. It isn’t just them saying it. I intercepted a transmission from one of the Sith ships. They are aiming to end this war as well.”
“Any idea where they might meet up?” Crowely asked feeling Juliet cuddle tighter to him with a whimper.
“Chorlian sector was made of mention in the reports I deciphered.”
“The edge of Sith space?” Crowley was dumbfounded. “Don’t they know that is no place to meet? The dark side alone has seeped into those planets so deeply that it corrupts many who go there.”
“I think they want to push back the lines they found one of the weaker areas of the Empire and if they get it moved in favor of the Republic it could mean victory. An end to all of this violence.” Aziraphale said softly. “I’m sure they have a plan and I’m sure it’s- good.”
“Don’t say that, Angel this war has casualties, blood and other unspeakable acts on both sides.” 
“But the Republic-” Aziraphale started.
“Has as much blood as the Empire.” Crowley interrupted. 
Crowley was reminded of the small one in his lap, “yes Jules.”
“Are we gonna be safe?”
“Of course little duck.” Crowley smiled at her. “Uncle Crow will keep you safe. As will Uncle Aziraphale. Now don’t you worry yourself.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
“Ok!” She hugged Crowley then Aziraphale once she had climbed down. “I wub you Uncle Ziwa!” She hurried off to go find something fun to play.
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jedimordsith · 5 years
Because it’s Valentine’s Day, Have the Mandalorian Wedding I Cut From Gift
This is unedited and was summarily hacked from Gift when I cut out/replaced the arc in which Mara makes peace with her mother’s family and accidentally gets adopted by a handful of former Death Squaders. In this version of things, Mara inherited the title of Countess and her cousin Korkie Kryze, ruler of Mandalore insisted that he be allowed to officiate a proper wedding for her.
There was a dais at the center of the hall, ringed by concentric circles of people broken by two aisles directly opposite one another. The outer circle consisted of Alliance and Mandalorian guests, who parted as Luke came through. Luke entered from the left. Passing by the Alliance cohort to the middle ring, he found Rogue Squadron replete in its best service dress, pressed, polished and dripping with gleaming, rarely worn medals of honor. Every one of them wore at least one blaster prominently strapped hip or thigh, and their salutes were crisp as he passed into the inner ring, just at the edge of the dais.
Leia, Han, and Chewbacca waited. Mounting the wide, shallow steps, he stopped on the last one, just off the platform. He had no armor to remove, but took off his service jacket (heavy with his own medals) and handed it to Han. Pulling his blaster from his hip, he handed it to Han as well. Anakin's lightsaber he removed and gave to Chewie; his own, made under Mara's tutelage, he handed to Leia. Last, and with the most reluctance, he removed the wrist holster containing the hold-out blaster Mara had given him and relinquished that to Leia as well. Satisfied that he was unarmed, his family stepped aside and Luke took the final steps onto the dais and into its center to stand before Duke Kryze.
“I enter this place of union unarmored and unarmed, cognizant of my dependence on my clan for my protection and honor.” The Duke nodded affirmation, and they both turned toward the opposite aisle.
Your turn, Jade.
A moment later, Mara appeared, walking with an even, regal stride down the aisle toward him. Her eyes never left him as she approached. One hand went to the long skirt of her halter dress as she mounted the steps, passing first through her Mandoade, bristling with armor and weaponry, then reaching her family. She turned her back to him to face Corran, Mirax, and Madine, and Luke's jaw dropped. He felt ripples of amusement, but ignored them, transfixed by Mara's dress. Or rather the gloriously bare skin of her back where her dress should have been. Satin fell from the halter neckline and dipped deep into the small of her back, baring silky skin, and scars in an unprecedented display.
Nothing left to hide from, Farmboy.
Luke watched, transfixed, as she removed a wicked vibroblade from the top of her boot, a tiny blaster from her thigh, her purple bladed lightsaber, and – as reluctantly as he had – her hold-out blaster. The saber he had made for her, she held out, flat in her palm, toward Korkie.
“In keeping with the tradition of our people, my betrothed gave me this. Made by his own hands of parts precious and hard-won from shared enemies we vanquished together.”
She slid the blood-stone ring from her finger and handed it to Kryze as well. “In accordance with the ways of my father's people, he gave me this as well.”
Kryze examined the pieces solemnly. “You find these gifts, and their giver, acceptable and worthy of you, Mara Jade?”
Mara turned her head, meeting Luke's gaze firmly when she answered. “Yes. I find him worthy.”
Part of Luke sighed with a deep-seated relief, the words a balm to the hidden, wounded part of him that had despaired of ever hearing those words. The failed farm boy, child of a mother who did not live to raise him, the struggling Jedi – in that moment, Mara's limitless acceptance found it wholly healed.
Kryze nodded. “Who speaks for Mara's house?”
“I do,” Corran said, stepped forward.
“Do you also find her betrothed worthy?”
“House Halcyon is honored to bring Mara's beloved into our family. He shall be embraced as son and brother, blood of our blood, with pride and without reservation.”
“Who speaks for Luke's house?”
Leia stepped forward, alongside her brother. “I do.”
“Do you find his betrothed worthy?”
Luke felt Leia draw up her courage, but when she spoke her voice was clear and calm. “House Skywalker considers Mara one of our own already. We have shed our blood together, and will continue to love her with pride and without reservation.”
Leia felt her brother's startled gaze flick to her face, and felt the rush of emotion from him in the Force. Felt him staggered that she would, for him, align herself with the Skywalker name and all it carried with it in this moment. She smiled at him slightly before stepping back.
“Then it is time for the vows. Take note of where you stand, betrothed. Engrave it in your hearts as you do the Mand, for, within it, you will find everything you must know to meet the future with courage and honor. House Skywalker, begin.”
“You stand together,” Leia said, her voice clear and strong. “United in purpose. So should you face every day, until death takes you.”
“You stand unarmed and unarmored,” Mara’s Vod intoned next, as one. “Seeking neither to hide nor hurt - only to be, just as you are. So should you face one another every day, until death takes you.”
Corran stepped forward. “You stand among your kin, sharing your strength with us as we share ours with you. Whatever the future brings, Jorso'ran kando a tome - we shall bear its weight together.) So should all remain, until death takes us.”
Korkie lifted a hand. “With these truths held close to your hearts, you may speak your vows.” Mara reached out, taking Luke’s offered hands and clasping them tightly in her own. “Luke. Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome, mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde - and Jedi.”
“Mara, my heart.” It wasn’t part of the plan, but he lifted her fingers to his lips, needing a moment to gather his composure. “We are one when together, we are one when parted. We will share all. We will raise warriors and Jedi. Until death takes us. Together.”
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Inspired by @reverseblackholeofwords comparing her version of the Host to Yoda.  I... may have gone a little bit overboard at first and then got reeeeaaaally lazy as I went on ^_^’ Tbh, my Star Wars knowledge isn’t super extensive (I know the most information about the Jedi and Sith, and not a ton about non-Force users), but I tried my best! 
Many of these ideas are based on Reverse’s interpretations of the Egos!  Please go check out her writing if you don’t know her.  She’s amazing!  Some ideas are based off my own interpretations of the Egos, so if something doesn’t match perfectly with Reverse’s universe, that would be why.
And now...
Starring the Iplier Egos!
-Sith Lord 
-Incredibly strong Force abilities 
-Less adept with his lightsaber (which is normally dark red, but will occasionally flash blue, or purple when connecting with another saber or blaster bolt) 
-Has two Force ghosts (Damien and Celine) that he has bound to himself to increase his power (check out the “Sith Inquisitor” quest line from Star Wars: The Old Republic for more information about this concept)
Wilford Warfstache 
-Smuggler, armed to the teeth with blasters and vibroblades 
-His favorite blasters are his DT-29 heavy blaster pistol, his Model J1 "Happy Surprise" Palm Blaster, and his X-30 "Lancer" target blast pistol 
-Has some Force abilities, but its use is rather unpredictable and chaotic
-Flies a Class 720 freighter
Bim Trimmer 
-Newly initiated Jedi Knight/Force sensitive individual 
-Unbelievably strong untapped Force abilities that he either doesn’t know how to use or can’t fully control 
-A very average lightsaber duelist, his lightsaber is a blue-green
Dr. Iplier 
-Medic with an engineering background 
-Actually quite competent and has invented several more effective stimpacks
-Also able to repair droids
-Re-purposed and malfunctioning assassination version Protocol droids (similar in personality to HK-47 from KoTOR)
Blue: Base model, most balanced; most able to control his secondary objective
Red: Aggressive model, strongest; most likely to activate secondary objective
Green: Knowledgeable model, answers questions fastest; most likely to malfunction
Oliver: Diplomatic model, most organic; most likely to physically break
The Host 
-“Old” Jedi Master
-Concealed in his cane, has a golden lightsaber that he rarely uses
-A strong Force user, but especially adept Jedi Seer
-He lives in isolation somewhere in the Mid Rim. Some believe he lives on Kashyyyk, others Naboo; in reality, he lives in a library deep in the mountains of Naboo
Ed Edgar 
-Bounty hunter
-While not a Mandolorian, he managed to scrape up some Mandolorian armor and weapons that he uses in his main arsenal
-He says his ship is of a Corellian-make, but its specs are unknown, so most people he tells that fact to think he’s lying (but the ship is in the Corellian style, so no one’s been able to prove him wrong yet)
Silver Shepherd
-Low-ranking officer
-Equipped similarly to an Imperial officer
-Most of the time, wears his battle armor
-Assassin/bounty hunter
-Mostly works on their own for their own purposes 
-Quite often broke, but if they happen to have a personal target that coincides with a bounty, they will collect 
-Has an arsenal similar to that of Cad Bane, including a wrist mounted flamethrower and rocket boots
-Modified Security/Protocol droid 
-Basically a non-lethal and more annoying Google
-Unknown Force user, possibly a Gray Jedi, possibly a Light Sith, either way, this person is a neutral party Force user that several of the Ipliers know of, but no one has seen
Ft. the Septic Egos
-Dark-side affiliated Force user (NOT A SITH)
-Has several cybernetic replacements and enhancements
-Uses a Mandolorian darksaber 
-Hangs out with the Googles
Chase “Bro Average” Brody 
-moisture farmer Pilot/Smuggler 
-Wields a DC-17 hand blaster 
-Has flown several starfighters, but now flies an “Ugly” starfighter he built himself out of X-wing and TIE-interceptor parts 
-For any smuggling he does, he uses a Helix-class light interceptor
Dr. Henrik Schneeplestein
-Medic, famous for prosthetic work
-Slightly shady business practices (known to help criminals), but generally considered a good doctor
-Also managed to create a serum that can temporarily weaken Force abilities; the exact length of time it weakens for is dependent on dosage and how Force sensitive the individual is
Jackieboy Man
-Heavy-weapons trooper 
-Similarly equipped to Imperial heavy troopers, specializing in melee combat, with armor that provides light resistance against lightsabers
Marvin the Magnificent
-Light-side affiliated Force user (NOT A JEDI) 
-Often provides young Force sensitive individuals on the Outer Rim their first exposure to the Force through his shows
Jameson “Dapper” Jackson
-Cantina owner on Coruscant
-The cantina is called “The Dusty Holodisc”
With special guests…
-Former Sith Lord who taught Darkiplier 
-Skilled Force-user and quite an adept Duelist 
-Has been hiding for years due to her former apprentice’s rise to power
-Force user 
-Descendent of the Nightbrothers and Nightsisters of Dathomir, and learned in their practices
-Eclectic engineer/scientist 
-Infamous for his FZB droid line and several… questionable experiments on organics
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getters-blog-index · 7 years
Ka’rta Tor
Chapter 4
“DON’T HOLD BACK!” “CLANKER ON OUR RIGHT FLANK!” “GOT HIM!” “WATCH YOUR FIRE!” Commands, warnings, hurrahs. They all were being thrown left and right as the battle waged on. The separatist battle droids were being mowed down by the miniguns, but they only had so much time before they ran out of power. And the tanks were still advancing. The next wave of droids included Super Battle Droids, larger and bulkier soldiers with wrist-mounted lasers. They took a lot more effort to take down.
         All the while, Jerard fought to keep them at bay, blaster nailing whatever droid made it past the shower of blaster bolts from above with the assistance of Lock and Dux. The three commanders kept up the fight, doing what they could to keep up the morale of the troops. However, they weren’t without losses. They had the fortune of being able to move the wounded inside to patch them up, but that meant less guns to fight against the droid army.          “Things are getting a bit messy, Jerard. We should press the attack. Keep them out of the shield altogether.” Dux suggested. Jerard nodded in agreement. He holstered the large blaster on his back and reached across his belt to reach his lightsaber, a sleek and simple design with triangle shaped pieces adorning the top. When activated, the blade shined a bright yellow glow.         Dux similarly unsheathed his own weapon, his mounted to his left gauntlet, shining a blue blade that looked like an extension of his own arm. The two mandalorian commanders charged the front line, slashing at the droids to carve a path to the enemy. They were joined by two clones and two mandalorian soldiers that shot at any enemies their leaders didn’t get.         Their efforts would get them passed the Super Battled Droids, and out of the safety of the shields. The droids turned their efforts to the commanders. Jerard used his blade to deflect shots as the other five shot at the droids. “Nareen is never this late. Where is she?” Jerard asked his friend. He had faith in Dux’s wife, but they needed the support. “You worry too much, Jer. She’s coming. I’m sure of it.”          As if to dash their hopes, Magna Guards appeared from the brush, staffs at the ready to strike. “She better come faster. I’m not about to let our troops die here.” Jerard responded to Dux before engaging with the IG-100 droids. They were programmed by the separatists to fight against Jedi head to head. This would not be an easy fight. He blocked one of their attacks while the other was blocked by Dux’s gauntlet-mounted sabre. “Have a little more faith. I know she’s on her way.”          Artillery shots could be heard. Nareen must’ve completed her mission, as it sounded like the tanks were shooting at each other beyond the Magna Guards. “Dux, go help your wife. I’ll handle these droids.” Dux nodded and motioned to the four that had followed to go with him. Of course, he didn’t leave without taking one of these clankers down, lashing across it’s midsection after it had failed to hit his head.           The five soldiers left, leaving Jerard to fight against the two remaining Magna Guards. He reached for his beskar’kad, his sword, with his left hand, and fought the machinations with both blades. He swung at their heads, finding his attacks blocked by the agile droids. As the blades held there, he searched out with the force to get a feel of the battle. The droids continued their advance on the temple, but he could sense the tanks were now fighting their own battle, no longer advancing. Still, there was another regiment of droid reinforcements on the way further out. He hoped that Dux and Nareen would finish their battle soon so they could regroup at the temple. The larger droid force would decimate them if they took too long.          Which meant, Jerard needed to finish up here in order to get to them. He focused on himself, using the force, and the emerald, to improve his reflexes. He would cleave these droids to scrap with a decisive move. All he needed was an opening. He released the effort he had one their electrostaffs. The battle returned to dodging and striking by both parties, seemingly perfect strikes missing their marks. Them he saw his moment. Jerard used a surge of adrenaline fueled by the force, to slice through the two droids, one with his saber, the other with his sword. Though, there was something amiss. Jerard turned to see the droids standing in place. He could see where the blades had struck. They were perfect killing blows, but the droids had yet to fall...in fact, he could no longer feel the breeze, or hear the sounds of battle. It was as if time itself had stopped...            The moment soon ended, and the battle resumed. The droids fell to pieces. Jerard stared in amazement. There was no way that someone could use the force to stop time...unless. Jerard took the brief moment to take out the yellow emerald from his belt pocket. It was shining even brighter now, suddenly unleashing a flash of light. It faded soon after, but it was clear that Jerard had found their trump card. This emerald granted him improved power in the force. He would use that power to help lead them to victory in this battle. He hurried to the tanks, in order to assist his allies, unawares of the consequences of tapping into such great power.
             A flash of light was unleashed from the emerald still in the center of the temple in response to the light that came from outside. The true effects of the warlord’s efforts were revealed, as a group of mobians were now laying on the ground within the chamber. Sonic and his friends had been unwittingly pulled into the conflict, as were four others. Two hedgehogs, one ebony, and one ivory, a bat, and an automaton of destruction.             Sonic was the first to see their surroundings. “Uh, I think it really was Chaos Control afterall.” He turned to the other newcomers. “Shadow? Silver? Where did you guys come from?” He inquired.           The ebony hedgehog, no doubt the one called Shadow, shot him a look. “We were being sent on mission to another zone in order to ascertain the threat that they posed to our zone, though, it looks like they made a mistake, since you’re here.”           “Aww, I knew you cared.” Sonic said teasingly, causing Shadow to roll his eyes at his comment. They both looked to Silver, the ivory hedgehog, awaiting his answer. The seemingly younger hedgehog stood up. “Er, well, I can’t say I was doing anything too unusual. I tried traveling to the past again...I’m guessing it worked since you’re both here, but, what is this place?”             The automaton spoke up. -LOCATION: UNKNOWN. I HAVE NO ACCESS TO THE EGGNET NOR G.U.N. CONTROL. TRAVEL TO NEW ZONE SUCCESSFUL. TARGET ZONE: NEGATIVE. REQUESTING PERMISSION TO RELIEVE FRUSTRATION ON THE SURROUNDING STRUCTURE.-            “Permission denied, Omega. You’re not going to cave us in just because you’re not happy with where we ended up.” The bat spoke up. “So, Sonic, you said that this may have been Chaos Control?” She asked the blue hedgehog, who responded with a nod. She held her chin as she processed. “Whoever used the Chaos Control did it at a perfect time to distort where we’d all end up.”             “Only one problem with that theory, Rouge. We weren’t trying to travel anywhere.” Sally spoke up. “We were investigating an anomaly near New Mobotropolis. We all saw visions of...something. It’s hard to describe.” As the princess spoke, Rouge smirked.              “Honey, if you were investigating an anomaly, then it doesn’t really matter if you were trying to travel across zones or not. You were at the sight of something. I think that’s good enough to get you pulled through, though I’m a bit surprised that your team wasn’t all there.”            “Maybe for the better. We don’t know where we are or how to get back. Having Freedom Fighters back home at leasts puts my mind at ease while we focus on getting home.” Sally retorted to the bat’s comment. She turned to the Master Emerald in the center of the room. “It’s entirely possible we’re on Angel Island, if the Master Emerald is here.”           -WARNING: I HAVE DETECTED A SURPLUS OF LIFEFORMS AND ROBOTS SEVERAL METERS ABOVE US ENGAGED IN COMBAT. PERMISSION TO JOIN THEM IN GLORIOUS DESTRUCTION.- The entire group looked to Omega with surprise. He looked at all of them with confusion at their expressions. -IS THIS BECAUSE I WANT TO DESTROY OR BECAUSE OF MY OBSERVATION THAT YOU HAVE ALL FAILED TO DO WHILE YOU WERE HERE DISCUSSING USELESS SEMANTICS AND ‘FEELINGS’?-            “He’s right, I’m detecting a large number of lifeforms above us, most of them matching human genetics.” Nicole interjected.            -MY QUERY WAS NOT ANSWERED.-           Shadow rolled his eyes. “I’m more concerned that you’re ready to jump into a fight with an enemy or people we haven’t even met yet. So Permission Denied.”           -YOU WANT TO RUIN ALL OF MY FUN.-          “Well, if there’s people upstairs, I say we go say ‘Hi’.” Sonic said before dashing out of the room at high speeds. Tails looked at Sally and shrugged following Sonic to the upper levels of this unknown location. The princess huffed at the situation. “We need to handle this delicately. Come on everyone. We should go see what we can do before Sonic gets on their bad side.”        “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Silver said ominously.        -I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU FEEL, FLUFFY MEATBAG.-
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