#I have no faith it would happen though. it’s too fun and good and logical an idea.
itstimetodrew · 4 months
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You give me this and Willem Dafoe Waluigi and I’m sold, I’m gonna play every Mario game ever and become a Wario x Waluigi truther for the rest of my life
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girls--complex · 1 month
hi, love your work a lot! it manages to blend coherence with layers of esoterica, in a fun & meaningful way. do you have any big influences with your style?
Writing this as a narrative because my whimsicall mind can't seem to organize information logickally otherwise
When I was a child my Dad would show me a lot of comics/cartoons in all different styles/eras and so I was internalizing comic book logic from the very beginning. He really liked American comix both capes and Indie stuff but was also into franco belgian artists and let's be clear my papa has good taste so I was readying good stuff though I couldn't remember it all too reliably... Also Comics Journal, so I was reading comics & meta about comics. So basically I have like a deep archetypal brain stem dark spring of mind that spits out raw comic information like a dream that I can't place until I rediscover them, and a lot of deep unremembered imprintations that R kinda roiling around under the surface #Stupidsoldier
N then I was a deviantart kiddo and a reading manga at barnes and noble kiddo, and then I went and got a formal art education and learned about all these artists that sort of did pseudo comics or cartoons but didnt articulate it that way-- The German xpressionists are a big example of this -- and also about overall principles of like scale and hierarchy and time and presence -- and also just that I really like drawin the human figure in particular :)
I'm really grateful that my parents especially my dad were actually really supportive/invested in me being an artist even though they had very little faith in my character or overall competence. so I was always doing art activities to make me better at drawing because that was like the one redeeming quality I had, a lot of household resources went into me having art tutoring or doing community classes, and I was really strongly encouraged to get ma BFA
So 4 influences well I like things that are very stylish but very specific in how they represent figure N physiognomy... Naoki Urosawa & Jeff Smith were fascinations 2 me along this line... Arakawa is good too... I feel like this is a strength of American and British cartoonists generally but struggling to think of names
My favorite painter is tied between two commies: Siqueiros, who was a Mexican muralist and chaotic socialist, really specific markmaking and texture, pathos drenched figuration, charged epic landscapes, and Petrov-Vodkin, Russian ikonographer who became a propagandist for the USSR, semi-social-realist, semi-ikonographic compositions in which space is wrapping around itself to organize human figures according to a mythological logic, flattish, very cartoons/comics aligned, strange treatment of color but all really effective
History painting overall is everything to me it really doesn't show in Coward but I think it shows elsewhere some of my other dramatic sensibility is a lot from 00s action movie shlock which I would always enjoy to go see when I was younger and was somehow fascinated with the environment of government buildings and prisons and secret operations happeningunder the surface of every day life erupting into wet violence of men punching each other
I love the movie THE RAID redemption !!!!
I learned a lot of the logic of pacing N building pages around Tezuka's work as well as FMA N Death Note I think were big 1s to teach me that logic. Tezuka is a really good artist to look at for how to compose a page that supports the energy of the events that are happening on it, not that that's something I personally am good at. Favorite mangaka for tone and environment and visual identity are Katsuhiro Otomo, Tustomu Nihei, Suehiro Maruo, Nishioka siblings, Hideshi Hino
A lot of my sense of timing is also from news paper strips tbh. It's just a gut thing to me at this point hehe , Character design is also a gut thing for me I draw a little thing and I can either ensoul it with psychosexual fixation or I can't
I was born in the hospital Henry Darger worked at St. Joe's he's an ancestor to me but ofc inimitable by virtue of GOD being his sole audience
As for the esoterickal dimensions I feel like it's all it's own post let's just say I lack the inclination and ability for systematic and rigorous study but I am really interesting in gathering little packets of information and arranging them into dioramas and the longer I do it the more packets I accrue
I want to make a list of artists on here that I like/admire sometime too but that's too much for me rn. I also suspect a lot of people R mad at me for arbitrary reasons just as I also am mad at a lot of people for arbitrary reasons so I dont wanna bother no one ...
Oh well so I'm intentionally reorganizing how I draw right now because I sense a shift in my trajectory again so thanks for making me reflect
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bittertarot · 9 months
since youre doing our new yr requests, im curious about your new year if you dont mind me asking
Initially I wasn't gonna answer this but I decided to for fun! I don't mind you asking, I won't format it in the same style as my events I'll just do it the way I would do a regular reading and use 3 cards for this. How will my 2024 go? *6 of Cups* - 6 represents harmony and compassion, whilst cups talks about emotions and relationships. There's a feeling of nostalgia, memories and reunion associated with this card. I feel like it's talking about how my closest friend and I will be celebrating nearly 6 years of knowing each other - or meeting with someone from my past that brought me a lot of joy! Either way, I can't wait to figure it out !! :] Any significant events in 2024 for me? *The Star* - This card is associated with healing, faith, hope, rejuvination. I feel like it's telling me I'll go through a lot of changes spiritually (I'm not too surprised by this tbh), I'll start having more trust in the universe. My heavy reliance on making plans for myself, my future, etc, might decrease due to having more trust in the universe. Perhaps a (potential) spiritual awakening that could occur by some trigger? I'm not 100% certain that will happen, though! Is there anything I need to note for my 2024? *10 of Swords* - Not good, oh gosh. 10 represents completion and finalty, whilst swords represents ideas and logic. I feel like this card is talking about ending a friendship, I might get betrayed or back-stabbed by someone? It's a situation definitely out of my control, something inevitable/bound to happen some point. I might feel a bit defeated about it, but I'm not too fussed - it's how life works. Will I find love in 2024? *6 of Pentacles* - Yeah (forcing myself to do self-care and whatnot is actually paying off), 6 meaning compassion and harmony + cooperation, whilst Pentacles represents materialism and sensuality. They might have a decent job or something? They'll be someone charitable or generous, we might meet through working on a charity-based project together or volunteer work. Though, this card is telling me to proceed with caution into the relationship. This person won't be my FS due to *The Emperor Reversed* appearing when I asked that. Anyways, this was for a bit of fun and entertainment purposes! Thanks for asking <3 I'll get back to doing readings for ya'll now LMAO
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tonedeafkunst · 11 months
assorted helluva boss sentiments
I knew it from the moment asmodeus appeared on screen. I felt it in my soul, I could see the heart eyes. I wonder how it ever felt to be a doubter because I was never one
2. While I do enjoy Fizzarozzie as much as the next guy I do hope the series continues to be about IMP instead of shifting focus every season? or at least concluding some type of arc for Millie and Moxxie? It feels weird that we haven't seen them in the last two episodes.
3. Speaking of weird things that don't fit. Musical numbers. 4 in one episode is way too much if they're going to be full-length musical numbers. Fizz's song should've been cut after the first verse -like the distraction one- and it should have been way less pop. Get fucking weird with the songs please I dare you. ALSO TOM CARDY. MORE TOM CARDY ALWAYS PLEASE THANK YOU
4. speaking of things that stop tempo to a halt and are way too based on the internet's love for the trope rather than the actual quality: Stolitz. not the ship in itself but the conflict it's going to endure in the next episodes. Please. for the love of god. "Oops" was without a doubt one of the best episodes in the series by virtue of the fact the characters TALK AND COMMUNICATE TO ONE ANOTHER. and as Oops shows, this doesn't mean having less conflict or interesting stuff happen! You can have Stolitz without getting this played-out fanfic Will-they-Won't-they bullshit and still make it interesting! I'd usually trust the writers cause Helluva Boss is one of the best-written series I've ever seen, flat out, but Stolas' backstory episode makes me weary. PLEASE have them communicate, Blitzo's problems aren't going to be carried away by it all because he's the protagonist and the story centers around HIM, having Stolitz be an arc of personal growth rather than the end point of said arc will make it MORE engaging
5. silly things interruptions. The Major Sin Design Debacle was obviously bad faith bullshit, and I enjoy every one of the Deadly Sins' designs, but I especially enjoy their theming. Lust isn't tied to any particular negative environment because this show, rightfully, doesn't want to depict lust as a sinful thing in the first place lmfao. Beelzebub as a party queen completely incapable of holding back is good, Sloth being depicted as hospital land is fun and I hope they expand the joke further, Wrath being a fiery and desolate land is appropriate. Greed is fun as a design and I find it very apt that a group of animators would depict the sin of avarice as being into entertainment and the merchandising of said entertainment and the people behind it. I do wonder why he's an insect? maybe there's some catholic lore behind it I don't remember but considering they (rightfully) are only kind of inspired by it as Beelzebub shows I would have preferred to see Mammon as a bit more parasite-like. Also, did I miss something. WHy is he Australian. he should definitely be British. though if you apply that logic I guess everyone should be British in hell
6. and last but not least... why oh why, if your show wants to focus on inter-character relationships (and it clearly does and it's the correct choice in every kind of storytelling) would you ever bring in class warfare and make the anticapitalist the asshole. Striker might want to kill our fave bird bottom but he's right. "ooooh but he works for Stella he's part of the system" hey the fact S2 stripped her of all her nuance doesn't excuse making Striker's cause into a joke as well. I just pray the writers KNOW what they're doing (and if Stolas' Harvest Moon Festival characterization is still canon, then they should be aware of what they're writing) and... I don't know if I'd prefer they ignore the entire theme by closing it off with a joke or at least give a satisfying ending of """compromise"""" to the entire system in hell. Considering how every romantic relationship between an imp and an overlord has been shown to either be incredibly positive or at least healing, and how the only negative relationships we're shown are -by nature of the show- character-focused and don't really touch on the systematic oppression of imps, I don't trust SpindleHorse will ever actually give space to the Imp Socialist Revoluton, which is a damn shame.
I'm going to go ahead and make the mistake of tagging this because I'd really like to find other fans to discuss with but please. for the love of god. If you read this until the end and aren't able to recognise this criticism is born out of LOVE for this show and a desire for it to become even better than it is. do us both a favour and ignore me.
Mediocre bad shows don't elicit this type of reflection and engagement and if they do for you I urge you to stop letting media make you more miserable
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pommunist · 6 months
i hope i dont sound like i am immediately picking apart what you said because i basically agree with 99% of it i just wanted to add a couple of thoughts i had (this got so much longer than i intended i am so sorry)
I don’t like how he said to be mindful about the intentions of people who raised the question, because a lot of them had genuine concern about it being a possibility and this could have been a very serious and dangerous thing if it had been true.
i fully agree with what you said here - however i feel like the death threats/harassment he was getting kinda justifies what he was saying to an extent. in his position, i doubt he is looking at each and every account to figure out whether the individual was coming from a place of concern or was adding onto the harassment. i don't think outright dismissing things like this is a good idea so to speak, but to me it does make sense, from his pov, to tell people to be mindful. many of those people were coming from a place of concern, but i can see how some of it could have came off as less than such in addition to the threats he was getting even though they were mostly separate situations. if this hadn't been the case it would have rubbed me more in the wrong way, but i can understand why he would say it in this scenario even if its like :/.
however this is something i would encourage of everyone - he is not wrong to basically be saying check the source of where you are getting your information from. i would say 90% of the people talking about it were acting in good faith, but that is not always the case, and people acting in bad faith can still have good points that should be taken seriously. it is just something that i think everyone should take note of - in any situation everyone is going to have bias and if you're going to take someones words as fact you should recognize that. that goes for quackity's words too. he is obviously biased in one way in this situation which doesnt mean he is lying in every word he says, but take that into account when looking at what he says. same goes for the admins who speak out you know?
And great that he’s saying that there has been some restructuring made within the team, and hopefully these changes will only leave the studios with competent people who are good intentioned towards everyone involved. I won’t like though, I fail to see how asking for everyone’s feedback and taking it into account to make these changes wasn’t an option. Also the fact that this restructuring ended up causing them to massively letting go of all the twitter teams as well as some other admins is still an issue.
this is a double edged sword imo - im gonna take it in two parts. he says that the restructuring is good and full of people who are good intentioned, but there really is no way to know that? i am under the assumption that he thought the first set of people were good and they weren't, and im not saying we can't trust these people/his judgement, but there truly is no way to know until things progress. id like to trust that the new management is good, but im wary just because of everything and it is hard to put trust into the new managment without seeing anything come out of it. i know these things take time, but its hard to blindly trust that these guys are good when there is nothing to prove it.
on the twitter admins/other admins, as much as i do not agree with it, it does make sense. it sucks and i hate that it happened, but it was pretty clear that financially keeping the same amount of admins on the team wasn't going to work. removing the twitter admins seems like a logical choice (i loved what they did. i wish they weren't removed. but in the grand scheme of things it does make sense to let them go first because even if it sucks the life and some of the fun out of it, their jobs were not essential to keeping the server running) but the way it was gone about was so... not it. the way they were all informed of how they were fired was just not good. point blank not good. i dont know if there was a way to keep them on while being able to pay them, im inclined to believe at the moment he probably wasn't lying and there wasn't, but it doesnt change the fact that that situation was not handled well. they could have let them go with more communication to the situation. thats what bothers me the most.
Meanwhile people will discuss these topics that are so far removed from the main issue and focus less on what the admins went through.
THIS!!! i do understand why people have brought talks about lore and stuff into this conversation - it highlights what the admins went through using tangible examples lol, but part of me wishes they hadn't because exactly as you said. people focus on these issues and not the other ones! it happened at the start of this too, where people focus on the lore/story related problems (which isn't a wrong thing to point out) but in doing so kinda push away the other issues even if that isnt the intent. sharing these stories was not to complain about pushing x creators lore to the front and holding y creator's back but to highlight some of the conditions and i wish that didn't get misconstrued as much as i feel like it has.
Hey anon ! sorry if i took so long to answer but I’ve wanted to take the time to answer everyone of your point !
-I can also see where he was coming from, and I also don’t doubt that there were bad intentioned people in the lot (thinking of a particular group of people, i think you can guess who 🟩). It’s just that it paints people who have genuine criticism/concern as just being haters, and it’s not the first time he used the "things said by people with bad intentions" point so I’m kinda over it
-YES to everything you said about researching information !!!! Jumping to conclusions or blindly believing any piece of info you see is literally doing for harm than good for anyone involved, always always try to find sources source, fact check and look from an unbiased POV the things you see. Will never forget when the union released their first statement and I saw people either saying that they were a fake account trying to smear the reputation project or that quackity was going to jail, I was like « oh my, we are cooked » 😭
-Also agree with your next point, but as you said we don’t know who these people are (and I don’t necessarily think we should know btw), so we can only hope that they will be competent and caring people who will run the studio in accordance with the law and with better work ethics.
-On the twitter admins getting fired well first we can agree that the way it was done is fucked up. And I understand the difficulty of the financial aspect (to an extent, don’t ask me details about finance, idk shit about money numbers lmao), but it’s giving « Your work was very needed and appreciated while it was free, but now that we may have to pay you we can actually do without it, bye guys ». Especially ehhhh about it since multiple Twitter admins have expressed that getting paid wasn’t an issue, the working conditions were. Though to be fair idk exactly how volunteer work is regulated in every country the admins were from so this may have played a part in their firing.
-And finally yes, the distracting from what matters. Like fans can discuss whatever they want obviously, my argument is more about Q here, like dude are you really sure the main point of contention here is to debate whether or not you were overly interfering in other ccs lore ??? Don’t get me wrong, great that you’re saying it wasn’t the case but the main point of everything was missed by a mile.
Also don’t worry your ask didnt came across as you picking apart what I had said but even if it was, as long as you’re not rude i dont mind people coming to my askbox like « tumblr user pommunist you are wrong about everything and let me tell you why »
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rayless-reblogs · 1 year
Gailardia Galan Gardios
Ooooo, good one, thank you!
How I feel about this character:
LOVE him. He's not my favorite Abyss character, but then Abyss has a lot of characters I really like. I like that he's dashing but not conceited; affable but secretly kind of dark and vengeful; mature and easy going, but able to snap into pure emotional irrationality. He's the man who tried to give Luke a moral compass, but before the Tower of Rem we see him trying to get Luke to be selfish and think of himself first, and one of his skits has him saying he doesn't really believe in good and evil. He tries to find peaceful solutions, then when the peace talks finally come, he's the man putting a sword to Ingobert's throat. The contradictions are intriguing and (I think) believable, and they keep him from feeling too perfect or stereotypical.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Guy's one of those people I don't have a particular ship for, but I can see the logic and appeal for most ships. Faithful best friends turned lovers GuyLuke? I can see it. Chivalrous warm second attempt at love GuyNatalia? There's an appeal. Vengeance turns to passion turns to commitment GuyAsch? Makes sense. Two old(er) guys who like tech and argue a lot JadeGuy? Yep. Secretly lord and family retainer GuyTear? There's potential. Adorable fontech love GuyNoelle? Sounds great. VanGuy, PeonyGuy, GinjiGuy -- any of these feel possible to me, but none of them speak that much to me. (More of my thoughts on GuyNat over here.)
At the same time, I'm just as happy seeing Guy end up with no one. If people want to characterize him as ace, that sounds believable to me, and if people say he isn't ace but also isn't in any relationship, that also works for me.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Like I said, I can see the argument for a lot of ships, but for me, I see Luke and Guy as more of a sibling/parental thing. Seeing GuyLuke doesn't make me mad or anything, but it wouldn't be my first choice. Otherwise, I love their relationship, the dysfunction in its past, the way they fail each other a few times, but the absolute trust they still have for each other. Guy becoming utterly enraged and irrational over Luke's welfare in the latter stages of the game is really powerful.
My unpopular opinion for this character:
I'm not sure I have any? I guess it bothers me that his name is spelled Gailardia, but the flower is spelled Gaillardia.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Some sense of what his plans were after leaving the Fabre household and reclaiming his old identity. We know he's not planning on being Peony's Forever Rappig Wrangler but... what exactly are his options?
Like I said, I don't have one! GuyFontech.
My crossover ship:
Just to limit this vast pool to other Tales characters... Judith from Vesperia popped into my head and that could be kind of fun. They're both pretty laid back, but potentially vengeful and dangerous. She'd tease him a lot though, they'd have to work on the gynophobia thing.
A headcanon fact:
After the game he gets a phoenix tattoo and grows a beard.
Thanks again!
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thefinalwitness · 1 year
R, S and T for the A-Z meme?
hi thank you!!
Rebel: Do they follow rules, bend or break them? Do they find rebelliousness in others attractive?
l'aiha is mostly a rebel out of necessity, i think—she's not one to stick to rules if they're unjust or particularly nonsensical, though she often weighs the consequences of doing so, and is much more likely to break rules for others' sakes than her own. she can accept unsavory rules that have a logical or sympathetic purpose, even if they're unpleasant, but she tends to disregard rules that are just cruel or exploitative.
i wouldn't use the word 'attractive', but circumstantially she does find it admirable! examples include people who've outsmarted their way through life as a refugee or low-income person in ul'dah, like her friend l'khilo tia. there's a lot of necessary-but-unpleasant rules she's encountered where she didn't know what was best, so people who are able to deconstruct these situations and forge better ones are admirable to her; they have a skill she doesn't.
Seeker: How do they go in search of new information? Do they accept information on faith or do they need to test out ideas for themselves?
l'aiha is VERY practical-smart, so she'll almost always seek knowledge in a scholarly fashion. she most often looks for writing and documentation on the subject, as well as asks people that would be well-versed in that subject. pre-amnesia, she traveled to thavnair to learn firsthand about akasha (dyanamis), as it was prevalent to her studium thesis, and she felt it would be negligent not to study the theory at its source.
she's also very good at "doing the mental math", so with practical information she can usually figure out if what someone says is possible or makes sense. a lot of things she'll accept at face value because she can 'test it out' in her own head. generally, she needs more time with subjective ideas, or things that aren't so firmly based in a practical application, such as people's accounts on if someone else is 'a good person' or not. she'd have to see that for herself before making a decision either way, and once she has, she's unlikely to change it—though she tends to reanalyze constantly, in case it SHOULD change. (luckily she likes a lot of people and dislikes very few. like. i can think of 3 and they're all genocidal LMFAO. no wait 4. the last one's petty. you get the idea.)
Teacher: How often do they have to teach others? How do they go about it? How do they learn best? Do they dive in first and reflect later, or study the theory of something new before putting it into practice?
l'aiha is not PARTICULARLY charismatic, and she falls into the nerd trap of "explaining things with too much Terminology™️" often. she can be difficult to follow because of this, but she'll make an effort to water it down once she realizes. it's not a conceited thing, it's just—here, an irl example. i was doing leveling roulette and encountered two players, including a tank, who had NEVER played an mmo before. i thought, oh nice, i hope they're having fun! it was THE first dungeon in ARR, so i instructed the tank to 'attack the mobs'. they did not know what a 'mob' was. i realized even what was the simplest terminology in this context would be useless to them at this stage. that's kinda what happens with l'aiha a lot!
as for studying, l'aiha as she is post-amnesia is VERY cautious. she'll research anything just about forever until she's certain she understands it thoroughly, before ever putting it to practice, especially because the aforementioned amnesia gives her short-term memory issues, and it can take multiple rereadings to fully absorb something she's trying to learn. since most of what she wants to learn involves magic, she's careful not to make any true attempts until she understands it, and can set up an appropriately safe environment for testing if it's destructive or dangerous (or has the potential to be when executed incorrectly) in any way. again, she'll often seek documentation and experts on the subject!
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harudnae · 8 months
Great Draft Eradication Plan, etc., you know the drill.
Today Rayleigh has it bad for Gaban and he's not the only one.
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Also posted on AO3 on 2024.02.08
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Roger x Rayleigh x Gaban
Summary: Rayleigh's crush on Gaban gets stronger. Fortunately, Roger knows how to ease his mind.
Content warnings: polyamory, threesome
Word count: ~1.1k
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✨ Intimacy
Gaban is a fairly good recruit: he proves his navigational skills early on, as well as his reliability in a fight. He never tries to take charge, but he's often one step ahead of what Roger and Rayleigh expect from him. He's honest and straightforward too, not to mention hard-working and pleasant company around a drink or two.
Roger is proud that they recruited someone good, and he's getting more and more eager for the next part of their adventure.
Up until he met Gaban, Rayleigh never thought he'd work as well with anybody else than Roger, but Gaban somehow brought their dynamic a new strength. Still, Rayleigh won't change his mind and open up to Roger about his blooming crush on their nakama.
(Rayleigh can't explain why he sometimes has to fight the urge to card his hand into Gaban's mane. And now, when Roger removes Rayleigh's glasses before claiming his mouth, Rayleigh can't help but wonder what would happen if he removed Gaban's own ones in a similar way.)
Rayleigh grows more and more fond of their new recruit over time, as well as very much physically attracted, and the fact that they have to share the same cabin for a while doesn't help one bit.
(He blames one particularly warm evening where the other two decided to go to sleep fully naked. Not only he had to leave their shared cabin in the middle of the night, to sleep on the deck instead of between two very attractive men he actively daydreamed about; but when he came back in the morning he found them both curled against each other with morning woods standing at full mast. The image would remain etched into his memory forever, and did absolutely not help with the daydreams at all.)
He remains faithful to Roger though, so he might indulge in discreet looks Gaban's way a few times, but he never crosses the line, not even once tip-toes around it. Exclusivity was never questioned in his relationship with his partner so he doesn't want to raise trouble now.
Roger, on the other hand, is basically unable to hide his feelings. Eventually, when he's alone with Rayleigh at night, he bluntly asks him, "Say, Rayleigh... Do you like Gaban too?"
Rayleigh warily squints. "Too...?"
Roger grins wide. "Wahahaha, I knew it." He leans in and wrap his arms around Rayleigh, hauling him up for a fierce kiss. "Gaban's a good man. And he's hot. And it was eating my mind until I saw you lookin' at him. Because if you want him it's okay that I want him too, right?"
Rayleigh shakes his head and laughs, awed at Roger's irreplaceable way of tackling any subject with simple straightforward logic, once again deflating any worries he might have had. He kisses Roger and murmurs against his lips, "Yeah. Yeah, it is."
Roger's glance shines with mischief. "Wanna invite him?"
Rayleigh raises an eyebrow, not really surprised with Roger's impatience but uncertain about Gaban's reaction to such an invitation.
"Come on. I bet it'll be fun", Roger presses, squeezing his partner tight against him.
"Okay, okay", Rayleigh breathes out, wriggling to get out of Roger's smothering embrace. He goes to their shared cabin when Roger leaves, and he's slightly anxious while he waits.
"What's the matter?", Gaban asks once Roger brings him back.
"No matter, just a question", Roger grins wide.
Gaban frowns, seemingly a bit ill-at-ease.
"See..." Roger glances at Rayleigh, then back at Gaban with a growing smile. "Seems like we both like you, and we'd like to know if you like us, too... I mean– like like us."
Gaban's mouth falls agape for a moment, then he closes it and swallows. His gaze flickers between Roger and Rayleigh, waiting for the moment the joke will fall.
But there isn't any, and Rayleigh grows more tense at his silence.
Roger's smile softens a little, and so does his voice when he adds, "If you don't you're good too. We just wanted to know."
Gaban clears his throat. "I do", he quickly says.
Roger instantly perks up. "Ooh? Do you like Rayleigh or do you like me?"
Gaban's cheeks turn a shade darker. "Both", he quietly says.
Rayleigh exhales an interested hum.
Roger throws his partner a knowing look and a smile. "Well, well."
Gaban fidgets with his hands, until Rayleigh raises one of his own towards him, beckoning him forward. He walks to the edge of the bed and sits next to Rayleigh, posture stiff and breath short.
Roger sits on Gaban's other side and slightly leans in. "Say, Rayleigh."
Rayleigh's gaze is intensely studying Gaban, but he gives Roger an acknowledging hum.
"How long have you wanted him?"
Rayleigh briefly glares at Roger, then turns his attention back to Gaban, observing the way his chest heaves with every breath, the way his Adam's apple bobs when he swallows. Repressing the sudden urge to plant a kiss just there, Rayleigh licks his lips and said, "Since he joined."
Roger flashes a smile. "That makes two of us."
Gaban's lips part open and he exhales a soft sigh. "Three", he quietly says, glancing left and right.
Rayleigh feels like he's going to explode from anticipation alone, now that the cat's out of the bag and everyone seems to be as eager as each other.
Roger's smile turns dangerous. "Well, I think I'm done waiting", he lowly says, and with that he leans in to kiss Gaban's neck, nibbling his skin and giving the occasional gentle bite.
Gaban gasps under his Captain's ministrations and leans into his touch, turning his head around for better access.
Rayleigh smirks at the instant surrender, and he raises his hands to gently remove Gaban's glasses. A warm wave goes through Rayleigh's body when Gaban makes eye contact and flushes darker, and he leans in for a kiss.
(There is indeed something special about these glasses: the way Gaban's pupils dilate when Rayleigh removes them and meets his gaze. Rayleigh is pretty sure he can get rock hard just with that look.)
That night Gaban is showered in attentions, sandwiched between Roger and Rayleigh who spend hours showing their nakama how much they like him and how much they want him.
(Rayleigh preciously keeps the mental image of Gaban's face when he took him to the hilt and down his throat, somewhere in the back of his mind for later perusal, along with the sight of Gaban's lips wrapped around his own cock when he and Roger spit-roasted him, and the way Gaban's eyes rolled back when Roger fucked him and Rayleigh through him, and–)
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Copper, Silver and Gold: 1 - [2] - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
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lazzies123 · 8 months
Good Night
Good night, Hunnie. Thank you so much for everything. No one has ever treated me like you did. All my life, I've always been the second option. You, on the other hand, made me a priority. For the first time in my life, I knew how it felt to be prioritised by someone. For the first time in my life, I felt someone genuinely cared about me, not just with words, but with actions. That alone has made me head over heels. I hope you will never change.
Things may not work out between us, but I know how good of a person you are. Even when you were tired, you always had time for me. You tried your best. I knew. You are so perfect. With you, I felt the luxury of "walking together," struggling with life, sharing pain and happiness. Truly, Hunnie, I've never felt anything like that before. Sometimes, I wish you were here. Supporting each other. If these are not two people genuinely in love, I do not know what is.
Did you know how happy I was, listening to your stories every day? I rarely expressed my feelings, but those were probably my happiest moments in so many years. For so many years, I've never had someone who listened to my story and did not make fun of me. You never judged me. I knew you, and you knew me. We shared a lot of precious moments together.
Of course, we had bad times too. Do you remember when I accused you of lying to me? I thought you lied to me so that you could spend time with another man. I was so sorry. Even now, I cannot handle lies well. However, whenever we had troubles, the more I fell for you so badly. How many times now, have I assumed bad things about you. None of them were right. All were false assumptions, and I had it in me. For more than 3 years, I had it in me, to assume unnecessary things. I guess I had never changed. Even so, you always forgave me. And then we became even closer than before. That's how I knew that this love was not a mistake. No matter how many bad times and how we made mistakes, we would always recover, and I would fall in love with you even more, and more.
Hunnie. Moving on is going to be hard. You were the best I've ever had. I love you. Even tonight, I really miss your voice. I am so sorry it had to be this way. Please do not blame the situation, okay? I thank God for getting to know you.
You're the best, that's what I always said. I really meant it, every single time. Please believe in Him. God has plans for us. Trust me. I was so happy with you, and I knew you were happy with me. However, this happiness is not for us. One day, you will find even more, more, more happiness than it is with me.
To me, it is not logical. I find it hard to believe that I will find someone like you, let alone better than you. However, God is fair. All the beautiful things, they came from Him. If He could make us together, imagine how easy it would be for Him to find even someone better for us. Well, someone "better" may not be the right word. I still believe that you are the best. But please, do not lose faith. Do not give up, okay?
Remember, you always find a way, no matter how difficult it is.
Shiro. I will share with you something that I always believe in. Do you believe that every encounter has meaning? Meeting you was like a miracle. Imagine. I was just playing Phasmo, and then I met you. And then I played Dota 2; you just happened to play the game, too. And then you added me on Discord. You asked me to join voice chat a lot. At first, I was annoyed. I did not like it when someone was clinging to me too much. However, with you, it was different. I would love to spend my time with you, every day.
Even when my head hurt, even though my eyes were heavy. Even though I really hated talking on Discord because it drained my energy a lot. You remember, right? I refused to talk with two of your friends when you invited me into voice chats. One was to play Dota 2, and the other one was to play Palworld. That's just how I am. Whenever I get invited into a voice chat, I will think twice. If I feel like I do not have much energy left, I will refuse to join anyone. Again, with you, it was different. You could ask me to join voice chat anytime, and I would get so excited. I would join you without even thinking twice.
So yeah, Shiro. These were good times. None of these would be possible without you. Honestly, it is still hard for me to believe I must let go of all of these. This happiness, it is what I've been asking for so many years. You were the one I've been looking for.
Shiro. I know you'll see this writing of mine one day. I'll say it again. Please do not give up. Let's do our best. I will find my happiness, and you shall find your happiness. This is not the end. Okay?
I love you.
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atozphantomsquadron · 2 years
V - Darkness
(cw: suicide)
After the rigors of basic training, classes began.  Every day went much the same way: class in the mornings, training in the afternoons, spend what I had of the evenings either socializing with the nine other women or writing letters home.  One of the big reliefs I had about the school was that fraternization between the cadets was strictly prohibited, which was fine by me as all of my experiences with matters of the heart or sex were of a negative nature.
During that time, I made more female friends than I could remember having before, considering my only previous friend had been Heather.  The first of these was my barracks-mate, an African-American girl named Jeneal Morris.  Jeneal was louder than many of my other friends had been before, but then again that loudness also made her friendlier.  Then there was another of the small group of female cadets, Ginger Snyder, who I later learned was a bit of an agnostic.  Jeneal took it upon herself to try to convert Ginger, but there was never any pressure, and every conversation was in good fun.
Unfortunately, the rigors of the school were too much for many of the women who tried to enroll.  By the end of my freshman year, six of the nine female cadets had withdrawn.  Jeneal, unfortunately, was one of them: I guess she was too gentle of a soul to manage the overbearing training.  My old friend, that isolated feeling, returned in force with Jeneal’s exit, especially since Ginger was no good to talk about matters of faith with.  My second year there, I withdrew into myself, content simply to write letters home to my mother, only emerging from my private hole in the wall infrequently to attend informational sessions or further training.
In that second year something both horrible and miraculous occurred.
On a cooler spring day, midway through the semester, I returned to my barracks after a particularly rough day of training to find a note affixed to my door.  The note was from the school’s assistant chaplain, the same man who had brought me there in the first place:
-It pains me to inform you that your former bunkmate Jeneal Morris was found dead outside her home.  I felt you should hear about it from me before the news tells you.  I know she was a friend in Christ and very close to you, so I urge you, if at all possible, come to my office if you need counsel.  I will be more than willing to excuse you from classes or field training.
Jeneal’s death was a shock to me.  Such a happy person, such a cheerful soul, suddenly extinguished like a used cigarette.  It made my heart hurt.
A tap on my door broke my sadness.  Ginger was on the other side, in tears.  I quickly ushered her inside.
“You heard about it too?”
Ginger sniffled and nodded.  “All that time she spent, knocking me with the Bible … it’s just too much.”
I gently put my arms around Ginger’s slender shoulders.  “It’s okay.  Jeneal was a believer, she will find a place by Christ’s side.”
Oh how I wish I had not said those words.  Ginger erupted at me, wrenching away.  “How the hell do you know?  What the hell kind of God lets a good person like her get killed?”
My heart dropped.  “What do you mean?”
Ginger paced, her agitation palpable in the room.  “What do I mean?  What the hell do you think I mean?  Jeneal didn’t just drop dead, girl, she was gang-raped and shot in the head!  What kind of merciful, loving God lets something that … that sick happen to one of His most loyal worshippers?  I’ll tell you how.”
“Ginger, don’t say anything rash …” I pleaded with her from the bed, tears starting to flow.
“I’ll say what I damn well please, Ariel.  There is no God!”  Ginger slammed the door behind her to punctuate her point.  Her words had found purchase, though, and my faith was now fully on trial as their logic started to sink in.
How could God have let that happen to Jeneal?  Didn’t she sing loud enough, didn’t she pray hard enough?  If God was truly up in Heaven, would He have “rewarded” His servant with such a violent entrance to His Kingdom?  Why did such a bad thing happen to Jeneal?
Then it hit me.  No bad things had happened to me, not a single one, since I had come to the Institute.  No boys had tried to paw me, no girls had tried to rape me, nobody had teased or made fun or denigrated me.  Was Jeneal’s murder my punishment for getting too comfortable?
It must have been.  In that case, why should I live and Jeneal die?  What right do I have to continue living when such a wonderful example of Christian living cannot?  The questions raged from one side of my brain to the other, threatening to rend me limb from limb, spiritually kicking my heart up into my throat and down into my gut.
Then an even worse thought came to mind.  What if Ginger was right?  What if there was no God, and it was simply life, or fate, or whatever that had caused Jeneal to be in the path of danger?  What could have stopped it?
I could have.  I could have been a better friend, I could have helped her stay at VMI, I could have kept her out of harm’s way.
The guilt was too much.  My tears would not stop flowing, they coated my face in a dull wet sheen.  I tore apart my barracks room, searching through my possessions.  There had to be something …
A razor.  I found it hiding under my towel.  I felt along my left arm, searching for my pulse.  It tapped against my finger, gently, weakly, much like I was feeling at that moment.  The tool’s blade felt honed and straight.  I brought it over to my wrist.
Two quick slices.  Quick, almost painless, like paper cuts.  The vein was open.  Dark red blood flowed down my arm, covering my wrist and the palm of my hand in seemingly no time.  The liquid pulsed along with my heartbeat, pouring out of the wound.  My thoughts became cloudy as the blood left my brain, leaving me lightheaded and off-balance.  I staggered against the door and slid down it.  Blood stained my clothes, blood stained the linoleum floor of the barracks room, stained the furniture and my skin and my eyesight.  I closed my eyes and thought only one thing as I plunged into darkness:
“Jeneal, I’m so sorry.”
I don’t know how long it was, but the darkness opened up to a light.  It was gentle at first, almost like the first rays of pre-dawn.  I saw a vague shadow in the weak light, a male shadow.  He looked up at me from a crouched position, his hand touching the ground.  I then noticed that he had most of his weight on a sword, an old-time longsword.  When the man looked up at me, I recognized him as the young man from my dream: his eyes were pleading with me.  His voice was barely a hoarse whisper, but I could make out his words as surely as I could make out his shape.
“Not yet.  Go back.  Need you.”
My heart sank.  “Why?  No one needs me, except to die.”
He stood up.  Now I could see that his silhouette appeared to be encased in armor.  He continued his hoarse whisper.
“Need you.  Important.  Must live.”
I shook my head violently.  “No, no, please … please let me go.  Please let me pass.  I’m no good to anyone here, no good to defend anyone, no good …”
“Must live so others may live, so others may love.”
This statement stopped me short.  No one else had ever loved me, other than my mother and possible Aunt Irene.  Certainly no one else was dependent on my existence in order to live.  Right?
“So others may live?”
“So others may love, be saved by your love.”
This man, whoever he was, had a very persuasive argument.  If I were to love someone in the future, then I would save their life?  It made no sense to me, but that was when I decided I probably needed to find out.  It was about this time that my eyes opened in the hospital.
The first person I saw was a nurse, who quickly summoned a doctor to look in my pupils and check them.  The stale, sterile smells of a hospital room quickly came to my nose, while the doctor scribbled notes on his chart.
“You’re a very lucky young woman, Ms. Vibria.  Not a lot of people cut that vein like you did and live to tell about it.”
I gently raised my left hand and looked over.  The wrist was simply encased in gauze.  I also noticed a pink bracelet hanging gently above all of the dressings marked “SUICIDE WATCH” in black block letters.  My voice was barely a cough as I asked the doctor, “how did I get here?”
“In an ambulance.  They called from campus, I think it was a couple days ago.  You’d been bleeding out for a while, so it’s no surprise you have no memory of it.”  The doctor wrote some final notes on his clipboard.  “I’m keeping you under observation for another day.  If you don’t show any other suicidal tendencies, we’ll release you.  Now, I think you have some folks who want to see you.”
The doctor retreated, only to be replaced by a friendly face, the assistant chaplain.  He had a gentle smile as he took my good hand.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get to you sooner, and I’m sorry you took the news so hard.  I’m here to talk to now, if you want.”
I gently tried to sit up, but in my weakened state could only manage a slight movement of the pillow.  I smiled up at the assistant chaplain sheepishly.  “I’m sorry, I would try to come to attention if I could.”
“It’s all right, Ariel.  I’m sure you have questions.”
I nodded.  “The main one is who called for me?”
The door of the room opened, and Ginger walked in.  She looked like she had not slept in days as she approached the bed.
“I’m so sorry I upset you, Ariel.  I didn’t think you’d try … well, this.”
I sighed.  “It’s not your fault, Ginger.  Have you been here the whole time?”
The assistant chaplain nodded.  “We both have, Ariel.  We’ve been praying for you every day.”
I raised an eyebrow as I looked back over at Ginger.  “You’ve been praying?”
Now it was Ginger’s turn to smile sheepishly.  “I guess there’s a God after all … ‘cause He brought you back, and that’s what I’ve been praying for.”
She came to the other side of the bed from the assistant chaplain and gently hugged me.  With both of these people in the room, I felt secure and at least cared for, but I still pondered what my near-death vision had meant.  It would be a long time before I came to realize what the message had meant, as well as who that messenger had been.
(Transcriber’s Note: At this point, the sun was starting to set and Alanna came back into the house insistently, asking her mother to come outside.  I joined them both in the back yard, where much to my surprise both Alanna and Ariel sprouted wings and flew into the air above the canyon.  After the harrowing story of her suicide attempt, I felt I could not blame Ariel for wanting to blow off some emotional steam, so once both of them returned to earth I offered to come back the next day to continue the interview.  Ariel graciously offered me a room for the night.  So ended my first day’s worth of interviewing, and while it was fascinating I had learned absolutely nothing about CIBO #A13.  I left a note to myself on the recording, hoping that she would progress into the more shady parts of her history the next day.—DAM)
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
Helluva Deal (Miraculous X Helluva Boss)
Well, since Miraculous crossovers with Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel are a thing now, I figured I’d write my own on how I think it would likely go. Since this IS the Helluva Boss universe, expect mentions of death and the afterlife, allusions to violence, innuendos, and general inappropriateness:
“Let me get this straight.”
Blitzo stared down the demon before him.
Said demon simply looked back, unimpressed. The little thing was small with blue skin, dorky-looking round glasses, and uneven horns. It wasn’t even a notable demon. Just a random weaker demon who somehow got the funds to pay for their services.
And normally, Blitzo was hardly one to turn down money—or a job that offered money. But this…
“You want to pay us to kidnap someone from Earth—not murder, which is in our company’s name, but kidnap. Which is decidedly more difficult and less fun.”
Blitzo steepled his fingers together and held them up to his face. “And you want this person kidnapped—not so you can kill her yourself for whatever issue you may have, but because you want her to make you a jacket.”
“A plain old jacket you could just get anywhere here in Hell.”
The demon gasped in offense. “It’s not just ANY jacket! It’s an MDC original piece and I want one!”
Blitzo took a breath, getting the feeling he was going to regret this. 
This…made the demon pause and eventually shrug. “Well, I did say I would have died for an MDC jacket. And I’m dead now, so…gimme.”
Well, who was he to argue with that logic?
“That is going to require quite a bit more effort…” He started, obviously leading…
The demon gave a flat look. “I’m not paying you double. I need the rest to pay her for the jacket.”
“Why would you want to pay for it?” Blitzo demanded. “This is Hell! You’re a demon! Just steal one!”
“It’s a commission! I have to pay for it!”
Blitzo would have spit out his drink if he’d had one.
“What are you even in Hell for, anyway? You won’t kill. You won’t steal. You just want to pay some human for a jacket you could get anywhere. What’s the point of that?” He asked, giving the other demon a strange look because really, what kind of demon WANTED to pay for things?
The demon stared flatly at Blitzo, his tail flicking against the chair in apparent increasing agitation.
"Are you saying that a commission shouldn't be paid for?” The demon asked curiously, sounding a little...too polite. “Because the last guy who tried to skip out on paying for a commission died. Eyes stabbed out and everything. Do you want to risk that kind of thing happening to you?"
Blitzo paled.
The silence lingered to the point of long past uncomfortable as the demon continued to wait for an answer and Blitzo’s not so subtle attempt to desperately press his secret security button under his desk had no effect.
This would turn out to be because of Loona disconnecting the thing due to her hangover. Though in the moment, Blitzo would choose to blame Moxie.
After a good minute of no response from his team, Blitzo started to sweat when the determined artist demon seemed to grow bored and pulled out a pencil.
He jumped to his feet.
“We’ll take the case!”
And immediately fled the room.
Once on Earth, the problem came up rather quickly that they had no idea who MDC was or how to access them. The client only knew the target was a fashion designer in Paris, which narrowed it down to one city at least but still was little help when the city in question was one of the fashion capitals of the world.
Blitzo, naturally, took the lead in trying to work out a means of information gathering.
And by “naturally”, what was really meant was “horribly failing”.
“I’m telling you, the plan is foolproof. We hold someone for ransom until MDC trades herself.” Blitzo said with apparent glee.
“Sir, that would be the exact opposite of subtle and get us the wrong kind of attention!”
Moxie, for his part, was trying to come up with what he would call “sensible plans”. Millie was simply scouting the area while the two argued. Ever faithful Loona stayed behind to try using her own connections…a magazine.
Needless to say, Blitzo was the one carrying the team. Or at least in his not-so-humble opinion.
Blitzo rolled his eyes. “I don’t see you coming up with any plans, Moxie.”
The smaller demon gave his boss a disgruntled glare. “I already told you! We should just go back and ask the client for more information!”
“Hmm…” Blitzo paused, before pulling out his phone. “Hey, Loona. The client still in my office?”
Blitzo immediately closed the phone. “Yeah—nope.”
“He gouged a guy’s eyes out, Moxie! I need my eyes! I’m too pretty to lose them! They frame my face!” Blitzo exclaimed, bringing his hands up to his head in a fit of dramatics. “Is that what you want, Moxie? Do you want me to lose my precious, precious eyes?”
Moxie stared at the man like he was insane. Granted, Moxie had long had doubts about his boss’s sanity, but still...
“Hey, fellas?” Millie called, interrupting the two as she waved them over to the side of the building they had set up a temporary base atop of. “Listen to this!”
Blitzo immediately headed over, with Moxie following along behind looking annoyed. As they got closer, they heard what Millie had called them over about. Blitzo leaned over and peeked into the room in question.
Below them was an open window of the building where apparently a number of teenagers were gathered within for some inexplicable reason. And in this specific room, a group of the teens were gathered around one particular girl with a large forehead and hair that appeared to be made of meat. It was this girl who had their attention.
“—really friends with MDC?” One short blonde asked, looking overly excited like Blitzo did when he got a paycheck.
“Of course!” The meat-girl replied, looking smug. “We go way back! I was even the one who encouraged him to start in fashion and inspired his Heroes line.”
Blitzo looked back up at his team. “I thought MDC was a girl?”
Moxie shrugged. “If no one knows their real identity who's to say if they're a boy or a girl?"
“What else are they saying?” Millie asked, which returned the focus to the room.
More talking from below, using words that none of the demons really understood or cared about.
“—which was why he even made the Fox outfit for me!”
“Wasn’t that design based on Rena Rouge rather than Volpina?” One other girl with blue hair asked from the doorway of the room. She appeared to be rather annoyed for some odd reason.
The meat-girl looked somber. “Well, that was before he had to change it. After all, as bold as he is, not many people would support an akuma line, even if he had kept my idea to donate the funds to charity for the victims.”
The group “oo”-ed over the girl and praised her for her thoughtfulness. The meat-girl preened at the attention. The bluenette rolled her eyes. Some other blond guy looked on in disappointment.
“How amazing!” The little blonde exclaimed, clasping her hands to her cheeks. “I’d love to be able to meet MDC!”
“So would we!”
All eyes fell to the window which Blitzo, Millie, and Moxie used to make their entrance.
Honestly, he thought it was one of his better displays of dramatics. It certainly warranted some applause. Or screams of fear. Maybe one fainting.
Honestly, he was rather disappointed by the underwhelming response.
“I know we're demons and all, but I thought this place was French, not Japanese!"
“Nevermind that.” Blitzo replied to his workers before stepping forward to face the students.
Or rather one student in particular.
“Greetings! I am Blitzo. The two behind me are Millie and Moxie.”
The class stared as one of the two glared at them while the other waved cheerfully—or would be considered cheerfully if her teeth weren’t so razor sharp.
“We represent IMP, a for-hire group out of Hell. We take contracts, complete tasks, and make wishes come true!”
The teens looked at the demons in wariness and confusion.
“That sounds nice…” The little blonde in pink said.
“Those wishes generally involve murder.”
“I take it back! That sounds horrible!”
Blitzo grinned. “We are the ‘Immediate Murder Professionals’, dealing with the unfinished business of those poor wretched souls who are seeking some small vindication in their current status in Hell.”
“Then…why are you here?” The bigger male demanded.
Blitzo ignored him in favor of his true target.
“You! Ugly girl!” He shouted, grabbing the meat-girl.
“Hey!” She exclaimed, insulted.
He shook her. “Take us to MDC and we’ll rip out those sausage-links you call hair!”
“…don’t you mean ‘or’?”
He grinned ferally.
She shrieked in fear.
“Lila!” Others cried out in horror.
Ah, yes. There was the fear. This, Blitzo was good with. It made him feel better about the previous lackluster response to his entrance.
“Why do you want me?!” The girl—Lila shouted, looking panicked. “I don’t know where MDC is!”
He raised an eyebrow at this. “But you said you were friends.”
She glanced around, taking note of the fact that her cohorts were still in the room. Though he didn’t know why that should matter for her answer.
“We are! But…I don’t know where he lives now! He’s moved since his name got out there and hasn’t given me the address yet!”
A glasses-wearing girl frowned in confusion. “But didn’t you just say that he invited you to his house for fittings?”
“Yeah, you said it was for the latest line that just came out.” Another girl with multi-colored hair added.
“That was months ago. Before he moved.” Lila replied quickly. “So I can’t help you.”
“Sure, you can!” Blitzo replied jovially. “We can just use you as ransom until MDC agrees to hand himself over.”
Moxie approached the two, keeping his gun leveled at the other kids. “We can save some time and see if she can’t call him.”
“Hey, yeah!” Millie agreed, grabbing Lila’s bag off of her and searching for her phone. “If they’re friends, she’s gotta have his contact info!”
“It’s not in there!” Lila replied quickly. “I was worried someone would steal my phone to get his info so I don’t keep his number in my phone!”
Millie frowned, before holding the now open phone up to Lila. “Then just type in the number yourself.”
Lila glanced around the room in growing agitation. “I can’t! I don’t have it memorized!”
“Then where did you write it down?”
“I lost it!”
The demons were looking particularly vexed.
“When and where?”
“It was a while ago. I don’t know where.” Lila replied.
A girl with glasses looked at her in confusion. “But didn’t you say you just called him this morning to congratulate him on the new line? And that he promised you a free outfit as thanks for all your help?”
Lila paled. “I—”
“Then the number should still be in the phone under its call history.” Moxie noted. Millie grinned and looked back to the phone screen to look through the data.
“I deleted it right after!” Lila shouted desperately.
Millie looked up at her in irritation.
Then promptly crushed the phone in her grip.
Lila shrieked, though it would be up for debate as to whether it was in shock at the loss of her phone or in fear that she may soon share that same fate.
Blitzo seemed similarly put out, but ended up shrugging it off as he pulled Lila closer to him. “Then it’s back to Plan A to hold her for ransom. Or torture her to see if she can’t remember the details.”
“No, please!”
“Let her go!”
Lila grabbed at the arm holding her, panicked but not enough beyond reasoning. She couldn’t afford to reveal she lied now. She could only hope that these monsters would take her somewhere private where she could manipulate them with less witnesses.
Marinette, for her part, was also analyzing the situation.
These were three unknowns. Definitely not akumas. If they were to be believed, they were actual demons. From Hell. Which existed, apparently. And was where Lila would likely find herself in the next hour if she kept this up.
But from Lila’s expression, it seemed she was insistent on staying tight-lipped about her lies. Marinette figured as much due to her history. But she would have thought that Lila would have had some measure of self-preservation. Though perhaps that only applied to the preservation of her lies and manipulations rather than her own well being.
It was clear that Lila wasn’t going to get herself out of this. Not in any way that would spare her and everyone else in the room, at any rate.
As it was, the classmates were about to rally in Lila’s defense. While they had stood their own against akumas in the past,Marinette didn’t want to see how well they would fare against demons. Nor did she want to have to test if the Miraculous Cure would be enough to fix whatever would be left of them if they tried.
Marinette looked to the doorway.
No one was paying any attention to her right now. She could escape. She could go out, find a place to transform, and come back to deal with these…demons.
But by the time she returned, who was to say what could happen. The demons could kill Lila. They could kill all of her friends for being witnesses.
Ladybug may not be able to fix this.
But Marinette…as Marinette, she could.
“I’m MDC.” Marinette admitted.
Everyone froze.
“Come again.”
“MDC.” Marinette enunciated. “It stands for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. My name. I’m MDC. I’m the one you want.”
Alya stared. “Girl?”
Moxie looked at her in consideration. “That would fit with the client’s report of MDC being female.”
Millie, frowned in suspicion. “How do we know she’s really MDC?”
Marinette took a breath and slowly pulled out her tablet. “Well, my signature is in the clothes, so if you’ll let me pull up one of the shots, I can point it out and—”
Blitzo cut her off, grabbing her arm. “Yeah, I think we’ll just take you both and let the client sort it out. Sound good? Good, because we’re leaving.”
“Bye all!” Millie said, waving to the group. “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do!”
Moxie rolled his eyes. “That’s a pretty short list…”
Blitzo ignored them an opened a portal, dragging both girls after him. Without a glance back, both Millie and Moxie followed him through the portal. Before anyone else could move, the gateway closed behind them.
A long pause followed.
“Not so fast!”
Suddenly, the door was kicked open as Chat Noir burst into the room.
The much less enemy-filled room.
“Um…did I miss the party?”
The room they soon found themselves appeared, for all intents and purposes, completely normal. It looked like an office of the sort they’d find anywhere in Paris. Complete with a secretary’s desk, a few chairs, and a table littered with magazines.
The difference was made quickly apparent, however, through the view out the window. The landscape the deceptively quaint room was mostly a collage of red and black, with a sunless sky above and a myriad of strange buildings. Also of note where the various denizens of…distinctly non-human appearance wandering the streets outside.
“All right, ladies! Welcome to Hell!” Blitzo announced with a flourish, causing the girls to pale.
Lila fell back with a screech, landing on her butt and immediately attempting to scuttle back away. Her path was quickly halted as she bumped into something. Looking up, that “something” was actually a wolf monster, making Lila panic even further.
Loona, for her part, was not having a good morning—ignoring, of course, that it was actually the afternoon. And as if it wasn’t bad enough that her hangover still hadn’t cleared, now some…thing had shoved into her, followed shortly by an ear-piercing shriek that only made her head feel worse.
Seeing the way the wolf demon growled, Lila opened her mouth, possibly to scream even more when Marinette quickly shoved a hand over her mouth with a smile to Loona.
“Oh my! Your hairstyle is quite lovely!” She lied. Blatantly lied to the wolf girl’s face.
“It’s bed-head.”
“I couldn’t even tell. It looks so sleek and shiny!”
“Whatever.” Loona grumbled and stormed off to the break room, slamming the door behind her (and then immediately regretting it due to the noise agitating her headache).
Marinette decided to take the initiative. “So…what do you want with us, anyway?”
“Our client paid us a pretty penny—”
“Basic contract.” Moxie interrupted.
“Pretty. Penny.” Blitzo continued as if he hadn’t heard. “For a chance to meet with MDC.”
Okay, they had mentioned that before.
“Then what?”
“If you are MDC, you can do whatever the client is wanting. If you’re not, you’ll at least make for a decent distraction while we escape and blow up the building.”
The humans in the room blanched at that.
“I know. She was a beautiful building.” Blitzo said mournfully as he actually wiped a tear from his eye. “And I just got my office arranged how I like it, too. But it
Marinette stared.
Lila whimpered.
“I second that ‘what’.” Moxie interrupted. “Nobody at any point discussed blowing up the building!”
“It was on page 3 of the handout I gave you this morning, Moxie.” Blitzo exclaimed, covering his eyes in exasperation. “At least read the mission briefings!”
“Sir, the ‘handout’ was a paper napkin. There was no third page!” Moxie insisted.
Beside him, Millie for her part was looking over the aforementioned napkin for the part that was supposed to mention the circumstances in question…or really any of the plan.
“We’ll discuss it later.” Blitzo said over his shoulder to Moxie as he proceeded to grab both human girls and drag them over to a previously closed door.
“Hey wait—!”
“Hang on!”
Within seconds, Blitzo opened the door and proceeded to shove both girls through before slamming it shut behind them, the last thing they heard being him mentioning where to buy explosives.
Hell was real. Demons were a thing. And the two human girls were getting a first hand view of the less than pleasant or holy side of the afterlife.
Marinette was…actually taking it all in stride.
Lila was less so. She was sitting ramrod straight in the chair, keeping a tight grip on her knees and trying very hard not to move as her eyes glanced quickly around the room at the assembled demons.
Marinette actually felt bad for her. And probably should have been panicking herself, all things considered. Maybe she would have been had it not been for her extensive experience as Ladybug.
Sure, it was Hell, but floating gods and people turning into monsters had already broadened her horizons of the possibilities of the universe. Plus despite the name of the company that had kidnapped them both, murder didn’t appear to be on the table. All in all, despite the circumstances, Marinette didn’t feel that scared.
The fact that the “client” in question who hired the group was actually a fan of hers wanting a commission helped quite a bit with that.
As did the flattery.
“OMG! OMG! I can’t believe it! It’s you! Can I get your autograph?! No—wait! I need to focus! Can I get a jacket with your autograph?!”
“Thank you.” Marinette said, somewhat flustered. Honestly, she hadn’t thought she had gained THAT much fame. Especially not enough for someone to want to commission her from the afterlife.
…was that a thing? Could that be a thing?
“What I don’t get is why the other girl had to tag along?” The demon asked, curiously. “Is she your assistant or something?”
Lila brightened, looking ready to speak—likely to try to lie her way out of this. Or mess up what little peace Marinette had managed to create.
“No!” Marinette interrupted quickly, ignoring Lila’s petulant glare. “No, she’s not. There was just a mix up since they didn’t know where I was or who to bring.”
Blitzo rolled his eyes. “Well, how were we supposed to know?!”
“You could have asked me when I contracted you.” Said the demon, somewhat annoyed.
“I have a website, you know.” Said Marinette, very annoyed.
They paused.
“…the fuck’s a website?”
Marinette coughed. “In any case, you wanted to commission me?”
“Oh, yes!”
It didn’t take long to make the arrangements. Marinette named her prices and the demon was more than willing to pay her for her services. They made use of Blitzo’s office to negotiate and fine tune some details regarding the arrangement. From determining the materials to writing up the contract to negotiating the costs, it was all pretty professional.
And ultimately involved the humans not being murdered and the building not being blown up, which was always preferable.
It finally came down to determining just how the demon customer wanted the jacket to look, and Marinette started drawing out some sample sketches on spare paper in the office that may or may not have been important documents for Blitzo which she may or may not have particularly cared given the whole “kidnapping and being used as a sacrifice” matter.
The only issue seemed to be that the demon customer wanted the jacket to be made of materials that were only available in Hell. Which made sense, she supposed, since she wasn’t sure how long anything she made on Earth would last in this environment. Millie and Moxie had been sent out to gather the necessary material in question, and what they returned with was a strange sort of leather. It was unique and of a color she had never seen before, and part of her really wanted to get a bit more detail about the make.
…given how pale Lila had already gotten, Marinette kindly decided to refrain from asking questions.
“Well then, let’s go over a few sketches and determine which one you like.”
The demon looked almost giddy at the prospect. The IMP team looked relieved. Except Blitzo, who still seemed to be pouting over their takeover of his office.
Lila was…less enthused. “WHAT?! What are you thinking?! He’s a demon!”
Marinette shrugged. “Well, I do have a non-discrimination clause.”
“That shouldn’t apply to demons!” Lila hissed lowly.
“The demons who have brought us to Hell and are currently our only way of getting back.” Marinette pointed out, dryly.
Lila huffed and went back to her chair.
So, with Blitzo and his team begrudgingly kindly being forced willing to donate their office for her use, Marinette sent to work to try and design a jacket to the client’s taste as quickly as possible.
The sooner she got done, the sooner they could go back to Earth.
Lila, for her part, was terrified and miserable and just wanting to go back to Earth. Immediately would be preferable. Even without Marinette.
Yeah, thanks Lila.
“Why do I have to stay here? Why can’t I go back home? Or do anything else?”
The client tilted his head. “Are you saying you don’t like art? Because the last person who told me they didn’t like art had their eyes stabbed out. With pencils. Would you want that to happen to you?”
“…can’t I like art and not stay in Hell?”
Lila paled and sunk lower in her seat, where she remained quiet for the next couple of hours while Marinette worked.
It was mostly in silence as Marinette drew one sketch after another. Asking occasional questions about preferred length, how many pockets, special embellishments, and which parts of the various jacket styles did he prefer. Eventually, they had come to an agreement about the set look he wanted, the materials needed, and when he wanted it completed by. And from there came the matter of payment…
“Um…I’m not sure what the exchange rate is for Hell currency.” Marinette said, looking at the coins he handed her.
The demon frowned, tilting his head in consideration. “I could always rob a human bank and pay you with that.”
Marinette paled.
“This is fine. Really. I can probably buy some things from Hell with this.” She said with a forced smile.
“There are tons of things you can only find here.” Millie said, brightening. “We could deliver them for you!”
Well, that was a good point.
“That’s true.” Moxie agreed. “You could make other things with the fabrics here. Hats. Shirts.”
He paused, looking over his shoulder at Millie who was busy chatting with the customer regarding the fabric he chose. Seeing she was suitably distracted, he turned to Marinette. “So…how much would it be to make a dress. Just out of curiosity.”
Aww. Even in Hell there was love.
She smiled. “We can certainly discuss it.”
The moment was ruined as Blitzo stepped in and slung an arm around Marinette’s shoulder.
“How about one of those sexy maid outfits for the bedroom? You’re French, right?” He asked before giving Moxie a nudge. “You could stand to have a little more fun in the bedroom.”
“Sir, I’m 14.” Marinette replied dryly.
“And what we do in the bedroom is none of your business!” Moxie rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Didn’t we just have a discussion about this last week?”
Marinette coughed as the two started to argue. “So…um…are we going to return to Earth so I can start working on this?”
Blitzo sighed. “Fine, fine. Killjoys.”
Lila heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh thank God.”
With an agreement forged between Marinette and IMP to have the customer’s order completed and delivered within two week’s time, Marinette and Lila were safely deposited back in their classroom no worse for wear.
…well, physically. Mentally, there were probably going to be a few scars.
Several of their classmates had apparently remained since the earlier incident. Perhaps it was out of worry? Or maybe classes had resumed after their disappearance—akuma attacks and strange circumstances had become rather common, after all.
Still, it was Alya’s cry of surprise and then being pulled into a hug that assured Marinette she was, in fact, back home.
“You’re back!” Alya exclaimed, relieved. “We were so worried!”
It wasn’t every day your best friend and classmate was dragged to Hell, after all.
“—and I’d been trying to reach out to Ladybug and Chat Noir, but only Chat showed up and Ladybug must be busy or maybe she already knew? Did she help you? How did you escape?”
Part of her wondered if Alya had even stopped to breathe. The rest of her was just basking in the happiness that they had made it back safe and nothing too terrible had happened in the meantime.
The absolute LAST thing she needed was to come back and find out Hawk Moth had let loose another akuma that destroyed Paris while she was gone.
Alya suddenly gasped as though struck by a thought.
“Oh my god, Marinette! I can’t believe you did that!”
Marinette smiled. “Well, I had to—”
“You claimed to be MDC just to protect Lila! And here I thought you hated her!”
Happy feeling gone. Gone like a punch to the face. Knocked out. Dead, even.
Alya beamed. “I’m so proud of you, girl! I knew deep down that—”
“Nope!” Came a quick interruption. “That’s not what happened. It was just a lie. Completely and utterly.”
The interruption was half expected.
The fact that it came from Lila was not.
Everyone froze.
“I never met MDC.” Lila explained, wasting absolutely no time with subtleties and just blurting it out. “I never knew Marinette was MDC. I just lied about knowing him because I thought he was the next big thing and I knew you would all believe me.”
Lila sighed. “I lied about knowing MDC. And being the muse behind his fashion line—well, hers. Since Marinette is MDC. She never lied. I did.”
The classmates were startled, but seemed to be taking in the information.
Rose, for her part, tried to be positive. “Oh...well, you didn’t have to lie about knowing MDC—”
“No, I mean about everything. Ever. In fact, there’s probably not a single time we’ve known each other that I was ever honest with any of you.”
Everyone stared.
“I’ve been lying since the moment we’ve met.” Lila continued. “I am a liar. Always have been. I am a horrible lying liar who lied about everyone I ever claimed to know and everything I ever said I did just to get you all to admire me because it was easier to manipulate you that way and get you to do things I wanted. From interviewing me for the Ladyblog to carrying my lunch tray to buying me things. I lied about having tinnitus just to get to sit next to Adrien and lied about not being interested in him to manipulate Nino into guilting him into letting me come to his house. Ladybug herself even called me out for lying. And when Marinette got upset that day I came back over the seat change? I threatened her in the bathroom because she was wise to me from the very start.”
A few stares were sent Marinette’s way. She didn’t have any explanation for them though. She was just as surprised as they were. More, even.
Lila shrugged. “Everything I’ve said. Everything I’ve done. All lies. Ever.”
Everyone gaped in shock. Nobody even really knew what to say.
Marinette started. “But why—”
“Because that was Hell, Marinette. HELL. The bad place you go to after you die, reserved for bad people. And until today, I didn’t even think it was real. Or that there could be a chance I could end up there. But I imagine if anything would warrant that, it’d be lying, manipulating, and trying to get revenge on a superhero.”
Nino blinked. “Wait…what was that last one—”
As if a great weight was lifted from her shoulders, Lila sighed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go join a convent to try and save my soul now that I know I have one.”
With that, she promptly exited the room, leaving the group staring after her in complete bewilderment.
Alya gaped. “...what?”
Marinette completed her commission to the demon and later for Moxie. Her fame increased in both realms and she eventually did open up her own design house. The only issue came in the customers who wanted to pay her by removing her competition, which she was mostly able to prevent until IMP took a hit on Gabriel Agreste. While Marinette did stop the attempted murder, this did still reveal his secondary identity of Hawk Moth, allowing the Butterfly and Peacock to be recovered and peace to return to Paris.
The classmates were shocked at the reveal of Lila’s true nature, but were more bewildered than anything given how it happened. They did all feel foolish and embarrassed for trusting Lila, but considering what could have happened, they all chose to take it as a life lesson to be more cautious in the future. They all remained friends and moved on to live quite fulfilling lives.
IMP formed a contract with MDC and gained a secondary job of delivery service as well as assassins, which increased their profits.
And Millie loved her new dress.
Lila Rossi convinced her mother to send her to a convent, where she became one of the most pious and devout members, spreading the message of being good in life more than any other.
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basic-otaku · 3 years
My thoughts on Xue Yang's character (based on the drama and novel)
Xue Yang is a character I didn’t fully understand until I finished The Untamed. I looked back on him with a bit of pity but little understanding. It wasn’t until I listened to his character song that I truly began to dissect his character. Reading those lyrics completely flipped my perspective on him, and I went back to watch the Yi City arc again. I was shocked by how much I had missed. Xue Yang has since become one of my favorite characters of the series. I’ve spent so much time thinking about him and his motives that I finally decided to write down my thoughts. This analysis comes mostly from what I perceived, so it may differ from other people’s opinions. You are free to disagree with me.
Let’s start with what we know: Xue Yang was a street kid with a hard childhood. We know he was abandoned at a young age, but we don’t know how young. However, he must have been old enough to survive, so he couldn’t have been younger than four when he started fending for himself. We don’t know who his parents are because he doesn’t remember them, nor does he remember anyone else who had potentially taken care of him. His parents could be dead for all we know, or they could have dumped him somewhere when they no longer wanted to take care of him. It’s all up to speculation. He also has a very high pain tolerance, probably due to constant beatings as a child.
When you’re all alone in the world, you have to learn to put yourself first. There’s no one to care for you, so only you can care for yourself. I believe that Xue Yang wasn’t always a bad person because no one is inherently evil. However, because he was alone, there was no one to nurture him and teach him right from wrong. When all you experience is violence and hatred, that becomes your response to similar situations; you don’t expect kindness or want to give it in return.
One of Xue Yang’s flaws as a child was his naivety — he was much too quick to trust. That’s how he got himself into such a bad situation. He was eager to have something he was never able to have (candy), so he immediately trusted that shopkeeper when he said he could have some as a reward for running an errand. What he got in return wasn’t candy, but a brutal beating and a severed pinky. If Xue Yang had still had any faith left in humanity, this is the point where it would have left him. The remaining childhood innocence in him was gone. This brings me to an interesting piece of dialogue. In Yi City, when Xue Yang confronts Song Lan and tells him what he’s been up to, Song Lan curses at him, calling him an animal. Xue Yang laughs at him and says, “I quit using those words when I was seven.” And what happened to Xue Yang’s finger? “One finger was ground into battered flesh on the spot. The child was seven.” Even Xue Yang himself knows that moment was when everything changed, and he still carries the resentment with him now.
Back to the cart incident. This event scarred him for life and was the primary reason he became a sociopath. Now he’s bent on revenge. He was powerless as a child; just another street rat who shouldn’t be treated like a human being nor spared any pity. So, when he realizes he can do the same to those that hurt him, he takes it much further. When he was old enough and strong enough, he exacts his revenge. He wanted to make the Chang Clan feel his pain — not only for the finger he had lost but for his whole miserable life up to that point. If no one deigned to understand him, then he’d make them understand in the only way he knew how. With violence.
Xue Yang was only fifteen or sixteen when he slaughtered the Chang Clan, killing more than fifty people. This is where he meets Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. From the first moment, Xue Yang hates Xiao Xingchen. He’s so righteous, so full of light. He thinks he makes the world better just by doing a little good. What a hypocrite. Where was he when he was needed? Where was he when Xue Yang was a seven-year-old boy left crying in the streets after having his finger ground to a pulp? No, nobody can be that good.
When Xue Yang is captured by Wei Wuxian and the others, Xiao Xingchen takes him back to Qinghe to be apprehended, and Xue Yang vows to get his revenge on Xiao Xingchen for it. It isn’t long after he escapes from Qinghe that Xue Yang slaughters Baixue Temple, blinding Song Lan in the process. According to Xue Yang’s logic, hurting Xiao Xingchen’s friend is just as bad as hurting Xiao Xingchen himself. This is what causes the rift between Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan. Without this incident, Xue Yang and Xiao Xingchen may never have met again.
A few years have likely passed while Xue Yang was working for Jin Guangyao. He is probably closer to eighteen or nineteen when Jin Guangyao injures him and throws him out, which is how Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing find him. Xiao Xingchen doesn’t hesitate in bringing Xue Yang back to Yi City with him and A-Qing and caring for his wounds. Xue Yang wakes up pained and disoriented, but he immediately tries to back away when he realizes who is tending to him. He doesn’t know Xiao Xingchen is unaware of his identity, and probably thinks that Xiao Xingchen is getting ready to take him to face justice or something. But Xiao Xingchen insists that he doesn’t need to know who Xue Yang is and that he’s only doing what’s right. Xue Yang is clearly shocked by this admission. He truly cannot comprehend kindness, and this is the first time he’s ever experienced it.
This is also the first time we get to see his genuine smile. It’s shocked and incredulous, like he can’t believe this is happening, but it’s there. Throughout the series, Xue Yang’s snarky words and sly smirk are a token of his character, but now we know they are just a mask he uses to hide the small, broken child inside of him. If no one can see the hurt he hides, then no one can hurt him further. But with just one kind gesture, Xiao Xingchen was able to bring out the young boy who just wanted love and comfort.
This kindness is such a foreign concept to Xue Yang that he doesn’t think it’s genuine for a long time. But as the years pass, Xue Yang comes to realize that Xiao Xingchen isn’t a threat. This is something he scoffs at. Xiao Xingchen is ridiculously naïve; so stupid. If he knew who he was living with, who he was eating with, he wouldn’t act like this. He would treat Xue Yang the same way everyone else had. So, Xue Yang decides to trick Xiao Xingchen into murdering innocent people for revenge. Xue Yang can’t wait for Xiao Xingchen to find out what Xue Yang has made him do because it’ll break him. What this revenge is for is up to interpretation. Maybe he’s still angry about being captured and sent to Qinghe. Maybe he’s angry at the world for treating him so badly. Maybe Xue Yang wants to show Xiao Xingchen that his worldview is stupid and that there are no good or pure people in the world. I choose to believe that it’s the last one.
At least, this is his motivation at first — he slowly loses the will to harm Xiao Xingchen. This brings me to another interesting point. In episode three, Xue Yang says he doesn’t fear death, he fears boredom. But isn’t this domestic life he’s living with Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing considered boring by his standards? I think the boredom he speaks of is really the fear of being alone and having nothing at all. Now he’s happy, however reluctantly he’s willing to admit it. He wouldn’t have put up with A-Qing’s petulant behavior if he didn’t enjoy the time they spent together. Although they didn’t get along at first, Xue Yang protects A-Qing and takes care of her like an annoying older brother. He teases her, sure, but he also cuts her apple slices in the shape of rabbits and gives her advice on how to scare away the people who bully her (even though killing them isn’t great advice). Xiao Xingchen and A-Qing were the family he never had. Now he would do anything to preserve the life he is living.
After about a year, Xue Yang’s plan stopped being about revenge. I’m not completely sure how he justified this change of heart, but I like to think he told himself he was still biding his time and that he’d get back to it eventually (even if he had stopped thinking about hurting Xiao Xingchen). Based on what A-Qing told Song Lan when he arrived at Yi City, Xue Yang hadn’t taken Xiao Xingchen out on one of those night hunts in a long time. And most of the people that Xue Yang made Xiao Xingchen kill were the merchants that made fun of his blindness and cheated him with bad vegetables and high prices. It was a messed-up way to get revenge for Xiao Xingchen. Xue Yang hates being looked down on, so shouldn’t Xiao Xingchen feel the same way?
Nevertheless, the time they spent in Yi City was probably the only time Xue Yang had been happy in his entire life. Xiao Xingchen was so in tune with what Xue Yang needed that Xue Yang came to care for him deeply. Whether those feelings were romantic or platonic in nature is up to the viewer, but I believe Xue Yang had fallen in love with Xiao Xingchen in the only sick and twisted way he could. Xiao Xingchen understood him more than anyone ever had, going so far as to listen to his idle ramblings and bring him a piece of candy every day after hearing that he had loved sweets as a child but could never have any. He managed to tame the savage beast in Xue Yang’s heart with only his presence and basic human decency. Xue Yang’s bloodlust was satiated as long as he had Xiao Xingchen to take care of him. At this point, I don’t think he would ever actually kill Xiao Xingchen. He had stopped wanting to hurt him a long time ago. A-Qing? Sure. She’s expendable, but Xiao Xingchen is irreplaceable. Even if Xue Yang reluctantly came to care about her, it wasn’t the same kind of bond. She had never shown him the same kindness that Xiao Xingchen had. He wouldn’t hesitate to hurt her if she betrayed him, but she was important to Xiao Xingchen, which meant he couldn’t do her any harm if he didn’t want to disrupt their happy life.
If Song Lan hadn’t found them, how long would Xue Yang have stayed? I don’t even think he knew. He just knew that he didn’t want to leave anymore. Xiao Xingchen gave him too much for him to want that. The viewer can easily see the happiness in his eyes when he looks at Xiao Xingchen. Xue Yang acts like a kid around him — playing games, joking around, making him laugh with childish remarks. Even in the quiet moments, he’s happy. This was especially noticeable in the campfire scene. It wasn’t shown in the original drama, but in the special edition, Xue Yang smiled at Xiao Xingchen from across the fire, and the look in his eyes as he gazed at his daozhang was so tender that it honestly caught me off guard. It seemed to catch Xue Yang off guard too because he caught himself, and the smile slowly fell. It’s like he realized what he’s doing and remembered that this should be about revenge.
Where in the past, Xue Yang hated Xiao Xingchen for his righteousness, he now loves him for his naivety. Without it, Xue Yang knows that Xiao Xingchen would be disgusted with himself. There would be no more laughs, no more games, and no more smiles. Then Xue Yang would lose the one person who didn’t treat him like dirt. So, when Song Lan finds them, Xue Yang immediately perceives it as a threat to their domestic life. He knows how important Song Lan is to Xiao Xingchen, and there’s no doubt in his mind that Xiao Xingchen won’t hesitate to leave with Song Lan when he discovers Xue Yang’s identity.
Furthermore, Xue Yang resents Song Lan for taking Xiao Xingchen’s eyes (even though it was voluntary on Xiao Xingchen’s part and was essentially Xue Yang’s fault). His logic tells him that having Xiao Xingchen kill Song Lan would be the perfect way for Xiao Xingchen to get his revenge. What Xue Yang doesn’t understand is that not everyone thinks about things in the context of revenge. I don’t believe Xiao Xingchen ever truly regretted giving up his sight. But Xue Yang can’t comprehend how someone could be that selfless.
This is where it all falls apart. A-Qing sees what happened to Song Lan, and she runs to Xiao Xingchen and tells him everything. When Xiao Xingchen comes back to confront him, Xue Yang spills it all. There’s nothing left for him to lose. His mask falls again, and he basically bares his soul to Xiao Xingchen. This is probably the first time he’s told the story about his finger, and I think he genuinely thought Xiao Xingchen was going to understand him; that if he knew what Xue Yang went through, he’d sympathize with him and justify his action (thereby justifying his feelings). Instead of that, however, Xiao Xingchen calls him disgusting, and it flips a switch inside of Xue Yang. How can Xiao Xingchen call him disgusting when he’s killed people too?
I think one of the reasons Xue Yang led Xiao Xingchen to kill those people was to bring Xiao Xingchen down to his level. Xue Yang doesn’t think that anyone can be as good as Xiao Xingchen claimed to be, so he had to taint his perfect record. Maybe if he killed people, Xiao Xingchen would understand him. Xue Yang thought that when Xiao Xingchen found out, he’d stay with him. Now he’s not the same righteous person he used to be, so how could he be good enough to travel the world with Song Lan? No, he should stay with Xue Yang instead and live a happy life together.
So, when Xiao Xingchen calls him disgusting, Xue Yang was probably confused and upset, which made him instinctively put his mask back up. Being vulnerable only hurt him again, so he’s back to harsh words and smirks, telling Xiao Xingchen that this is why he’s always hated him and that all of this was fun. Fun in every sense of the word: the killing and the happiness.
Xiao Xingchen finding out that he killed Song Lan was the last straw. Xue Yang is still laughing as Xiao Xingchen slits his own throat. It takes a moment for the realization to set in, but as it does, the smile falls from Xue Yang’s lips, and his hands begin to shake. This is the third time his mask has fallen. His eyes begin to well with tears, but he tries to keep up his act, saying that dead ones are easier to control, but the only one he’s acting for is himself.
The next scene is the one that really solidified Xue Yang’s feelings for me. He cleans the blood from Xiao Xingchen’s skin with the same care that Xiao Xingchen had shown him when he first found Xue Yang in that ditch. Xue Yang clearly thinks that Xiao Xingchen is going to come back and that the ritual will work, that he staves off his tears and sets out food for both of them. He considers eating his candy but then decides he should wait until Xiao Xingchen comes back. If he’s back, then Xue Yang is sure to get another piece.
When he realizes that the ritual isn’t working and Xiao Xingchen isn’t coming back, he breaks down. The tantrum he throws is so full of rage and anguish that it really shows the depth of his feelings for Xiao Xingchen. Again, he goes back to acting, trying to guilt Xiao Xingchen’s dead body into coming back to life by telling him all the terrible things he’ll do to Song Lan and A-Qing if he doesn’t reawaken. Obviously, Xiao Xingchen can’t hear him, and Xue Yang knows this, even if he doesn’t want to admit it. He finally dissolves into tears, screaming and crying over Xiao Xingchen’s corpse. This may have been the first time he’s cried since he lost his finger. Crying is for innocent, naïve children, and it doesn’t help anybody. But now Xue Yang has had a taste of pure sweetness and doesn’t want to go back to the bitter life he has known, so he finally lets himself weep for all the things he could have had.
Xue Yang spent the next seven years trying to bring Xiao Xingchen back to life with no success. We don’t know much about his activities after Yi City, but we have gotten information through rumors that Shuanghua was being used to kill innocents. It seems like Xue Yang wanted to keep a part of Xiao Xingchen with him. He even continued his sick revenge plot after Xiao Xingchen’s death by gouging out the eyes of and killing the remains of the Chang Clan, including their leader, Chang Ping, by lingchi. Xue Yang doesn’t blame himself in the slightest; he just thinks that Xiao Xingchen’s death was an unfortunate consequence of the situation. He will put the blame on anyone and everyone other than himself. Thus, instead of performing lingchi on himself like Wei Wuxian suggested, he takes out his anger on the remains of the Chang Clan.
Everything Xue Yang does in the present is tied to Xiao Xingchen, yet he still can’t bring him back. So, when he heard that the Yiling Patriarch had suddenly come back to life, Xue Yang knew it was his last chance. The sword ghost/ghost arm is what led Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji to Yi City. It was pointing to its murderer. I’m sure Xue Yang could have avoided a confrontation if he wanted, but this was intentional. As for the juniors, I have a feeling that Xue Yang was behind the cat corpses that led them to meet up with Wei Wuxian. This is still unclear though because Xue Yang doesn’t have a real reason to get them involved. The only person he needs is Wei Wuxian.
Xue Yang has tried everything at this point. So, when Wei Wuxian finds him in Yi City, pretending to be Xiao Xingchen, he is completely desperate. I do wonder if that is something he has done more than once. Did he often go around dressed as Xiao Xingchen? Was he playing with the life they had in Yi City? Pretending he was still there? Or was it a one-time thing to trick Wei Wuxian into dropping his guard? I also wonder how often he used his own sword because only after Lan Zhan took Shuanghua from him did he pull out Jiangzai. That could be because he was acting as Xiao Xingchen, but we can’t be sure. However, that isn’t the point. Right now, Wei Wuxian was Xue Yang’s only option because the Yiling Patriarch surely knew things he didn’t. Xue Yang had lived with Xiao Xingchen’s corpse for those seven years, keeping him in pristine condition. I’m pretty sure the only way Xue Yang could have done this was by giving him spiritual energy every day, which would be incredibly draining. I don’t think Xue Yang had an exceptionally strong golden core to begin with either. He is primarily a demonic cultivator, which means he doesn’t use his golden core often. It must have taken most of his strength to keep Xiao Xingchen’s body in such good condition. But anything for daozhang, right? Xue Yang needed Xiao Xingchen’s body to be perfect when he returned. He also put aside his pride and used Song Lan for protection all those years. He kept the one person he continued to hate with a burning passion around him for so long.
When Wei Wuxian tells Xue Yang he can’t bring Xiao Xingchen back to life because his soul is too broken, Xue Yang refuses to believe it. It’s been seven years already; he can’t give up now. Deep down, I believe Xue Yang knows Xiao Xingchen wouldn’t want anything to do with him even if he did come back, but he can’t figure out why. Because nothing was his fault, of course.
Something Wei Wuxian said really struck me as I went back to rewatch episode 39. Before the fight, Wei Wuxian turns to Xue Yang and says, “you disgust him to the core, yet you still want to pull him back to play this stupid game.” Xue Yang responds with “I want nothing of the kind.” And he’s being honest. He doesn’t want a stupid game — he wants something real. He wants a life where Xiao Xingchen knows his identity and stays with him in spite of it. He just wants one person to accept him as he is, but that will never, nor could ever, happen —not with all the crimes he has committed.
When Lan Wangji cut off his arm, leaving Xue Yang bleeding on the ground, I think he knew it was over. There was nothing left for him now. He was never getting Xiao Xingchen back. He never had him in the first place, not in any way that counted. So he laughs, blood spilling from his lips, to cover up the tears he wishes he could cry.
He’s ready when Song Lan stabs him, dying with a smile on his face as he gazes at the last piece of candy Xiao Xingchen had ever given him. It’s blackened and inedible, yet Xue Yang held on to it for so long; it was a reminder of his daozhang and of why he was fighting so hard. Like his character song said, he was “too determined to let go.”
It’s kind of sad that even in death, he was never respected by anyone other than Xiao Xingchen, and all of that was built on a lie. He didn’t even get a proper burial, although I suppose he kind of deserved it. Xue Yang is the character I pity the most in this series. He isn’t a good person, nowhere near it, and he deserved the end he got, but I wish things could have been different. What hurts is that it just as easily could have been Wei Wuxian. If Xue Yang had been taken in as a child; if he’d had his own Jiang Fengmian, his own Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli, he could have been happier. Maybe none of this would have happened. Maybe he would have met Xiao Xingchen and Song Lan and started a sect with them. Realistically, he and Xiao Xingchen would never be lovers because Xiao Xingchen was so strongly connected to Song Lan, but I think they could have been friends.
However, one question I still have is did Xue Yang fall in love with Xiao Xingchen because of how he treated him or because of the person Xiao Xingchen really was? If they had met under different circumstances (and if Xue Yang had had a support system when he was young), would Xue Yang have still fallen in love with him? I guess that’s up to the viewer to decide.
Ultimately, Xue Yang is still a sociopath who can’t understand empathy or feel remorse, so I don’t think he regretted any of his crimes. However, I do believe that Xue Yang regretted the consequences of his actions in Yi City. He didn’t want Xiao Xingchen to die, but his actions were what caused his death. It’s more of a dissatisfaction with where things ended up than feeling guilty for his death. Although I don’t think Xue Yang felt remorseful, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t grieving, nor does it mean his feelings for Xiao Xingchen weren’t as genuine as they could have been.
I don’t know where Xue Yang or Xiao Xingchen will end up now, but I hope they’ll both be happy in their next lives. The same goes for A-Qing and Song Lan (when he finally meets his true end). There are so many things that contributed to Xue Yang’s unstable mind, but I think the moral of the story is that it pays to be kind. If just one person had taken pity on him as a child — had shown him that there was good in the world — I wonder what kind of person he would have become.
I already know how cruel fate is
Not looking, not asking, not grieving, not hating
Waiting to relive my life just for a single person
Ups and downs in life
I would leave no regrets
I tried searching in the darkness of night
When I am trapped in the past
I still hope that a flicker of light will appear in my heart
The legend of this lonely city
Who came here before?
And gifted to me my karma
I am waiting for this karma to liberate spirits, liberate souls, and liberate me
Even though I am already too determined to let go
If I get rid of these inner demons
Would you forgive me?
Gaining freedom from destiny, starting all over again
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tainted-wine · 4 years
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I didn’t apply all of these descriptions but these are the main three I had in mind while writing this. How did I attract so many fans of the crusty boi? Either way, welcome to the club!
Words: 1.5k (how the hell did that happen there’s barely any sex)
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The website didn’t explain what the “LOVER” cheat does. Probably unlocks a deleted path that didn’t make it into the official game. Or maybe he just gets a head-start on his Affection progress with you at the very beginning. Or maybe it doesn’t do shit – that could be why there’s no explanation.
Well, now that he knows how to do it, it wouldn’t hurt to test it himself. Shigaraki absently scratches at the irritated skin on his neck as he boots up the game. The directions were fairly simple and easy to remember.
1. Start a brand new file.
Ugh, he despises games that hold only one save file. It’s not like a visual novel holds up much space. What if you want different files in order to experiment with different choices? It doesn’t matter in his case anyway; he 100% completed the game months ago. With no regrets, his original game was deleted and a new one began.
> What is your name?
He might as well stick with the one he used last time.
The introduction cutscene began, the protagonist going on about the new town he just moved into. Pretty by-the-books, as far as romance openings go.
2. Finish the intro. Once you meet Y/N, go to the menu. 
After skipping through a bunch of fluffy dialogue, you finally appear in all of your cute glory. Once you’re done introducing yourself, Shigaraki brings up the main menu.
3. Type in “LOVER”
Just like that? Alright then...
Right after inputting the final letter, a sparkly ping sound straight out of a magical girl anime could be heard, and that was it. Okay...it sounds like he did it correctly.
When he returned to the game, his success was much more evident. You were staring directly at the screen - almost through the screen - with a glowing expression he’s never seen. Each and every one of your reactions have been seared into his brain after so many hours of gameplay. This was new.
“You...do you really mean that, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
What? Voice acting? Though you did say his name pretty stiffly, as expected when a computer tries to pronounce custom text, but what the hell? Why would this be hidden as a cheat?
“But it’s so soon, and I’m not very experienced...” You blushed and shyly twiddled your fingers.
“But I already trust you, and I want you too.”
It’s that kind of path.
A hidden adult route. Shigaraki really likes that, even though this would’ve had a much stronger impact if it happened on his original file, the one where he was fully bonded to you. Sucks that he needs a fresh file in order to fuck you.
Shit, he’s not even prepared for this. Maybe he should go grab the lotion and a couple of tissues, assuming that this special scene will make for pretty decent fap material.
But the dialogue continued automatically. You creeped closer to the screen as you gushed about your feelings for him. “I want to make love to you forever and ever!”
You were getting really close, and with a show of impressive animation, your hand reached out to touch the fourth wall...
And the screen began to distort and ripple.
What the fuck?
“I just can’t wait to feel your amazing cock.” Your fingers began to phase through the fucking computer screenWHAT THE FUCK?!
Just like that, a full-sized bitch materialized out of the game and onto his lap, nearly toppling his gamer chair.
Even in the darkness of his room, your eyes shined brightly as they studied his pale face. “You’re even more handsome up close!”
Shigaraki was still too stunned to even respond to the rare compliment. Only when you began to pull down his pants did he finally find his voice again.
“Wha–ah–who the–hey!” He knows that he shouldn’t be afraid of a hottie touching his cock but ooooh shit she’s already stroking him.
“Ah, you’re so big!” You stared at his untouched manhood in awe, watching him become more erect after every pump of your soft hand.
“Fuck, am I?” He gasped.
“Mmhmm! And I bet you’re really tasty too!” You say before he’s suddenly engulfed with the very real warmth of a mouth.
Fuck fuck fuck he isn’t gonna last. He was ready to jerk off, not actually get his dick sucked. It feels more amazing than he ever imagined, your tongue working along his sensitive flesh, and those lips sucking at him so eagerly.
When his hand grabs the top of your head, he realizes too late that all five of his fingers are tangled in your hair.
You nearly fall over from how suddenly Shigaraki rolls back in his chair. You look shocked, confused, and...very much not a pile of dust.
“What’s wrong, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
He looked at his hands, then at you, then at his hands again.
Then he takes hold of your face and shoves you back into his groin, because he can touch you, he can touch another fucking living thing without any worries about completely destroying it. Must be some crazy logic about you being data from a videogame or something. He doesn’t care, he’s so horny, feels so good having his cock so far down a hot tight throat, he just might burst...
Wait, he might have just done exactly that.
“Ah, shit,” he watches you pull back and swallow with the most satisfied grin.
“That was quick, SHIGGY-SENPAI!” You really need to stop saying his name like that. It’s fuckin’ weird. “I didn’t even get to feel you inside me.”
“Shut up,” the mixture of emotions he’s been experiencing ever since your ass crawled out of the screen like a girl in a cursed video is starting to piss him off. He’s so insulted and thankful that this fictional bitch gave him his first blowjob and made him nut in the span of sixty seconds. “Just give me a few minutes.” 
A few knocks on the room’s door startles both of you.
“Tomura, the Vanguard Action Squad is ready to move out.”
“I’ll be out in a damn minute, Kurogiri.” Shigaraki moves to get out of his seat, only to be stopped by his new partner.
Your sparkly puppy eyes are so grossly cute, yet it has his dick twitching again already. “Are you leaving me already, SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
“Quit saying my name in all caps.”
“Okay, ˢʰᶦᵍᵍʸ⁻ˢᵉⁿᵖᵃᶦ.”
“Not like that. I can barely hear it.”
“How about SHIGGY-SENPAI?”
He slaps a hand over your mouth. “Just stop saying my name.”
A much harsher knock rocks the old door. “Hey, you ugly bastard,” That sounded like the Dabi asshole. “The hell are you doing in there? Jacking off to anime girls?”
Shigaraki scoffed. When’s the last time that burnt Stain fanboy got his dick sucked?
As much as he wants to join in on terrorizing the brats at U.A, he really wants to get laid today.
“Just go without me!” He yells through the walls. He nearly misses your muted squeak of joy.
“Eh?” Hearing Dabi’s annoyed muffled voice was pretty amusing. “You’re just gonna sit on your ass in your room while we do the work?”
The villain’s retort catches in his throat when you take his hand and begin to slowly lick at his fingers, all while pinning him with an innocent gaze.
“Your fingers are so pretty,” You whispered.
It’s so difficult to pay attention to the words being uttered outside of the room while his hands are being placed on your chest. BOOBS.
“Please trust Tomura. I’m sure he has faith in you all handling this mission on your own,” Kurogiri tries to explain. Shigaraki knows him well enough to know that he’s probably irritated as well, but there are titties in his hands so who gives a fuck.
Dabi releases an exasperated groan. “I knew this whole League of Villains thing was bullshit. Shouldn’t have bothered.”
Shigaraki slows his exploration of your breasts to shout, “If I make you the leader of the mission, will you shut up?”
“Well, I pronounce you leader of the Vanguard Action Squad. I’ll even give you a Nomu. Have fun.” The two of you are rushing to lift your shirt off for better access to your skin.
“Fuck yeah,” Dabi’s voice is still fairly close. The sooner he pisses off, the better. “I can probably pull this off better than you, anyway. Come on, psycho girl, we’re gonna go round up everyone else.”
Toga can be heard squealing excitedly as they both step away and finally give him his privacy back. You look absolutely lovestruck by the entire exchange.
“You gave up an important mission just for me? You really do love me!” 
He just rolled his eyes and lowered his head to take a hardened nipple into his mouth, enjoying your sounds of delight.
He can’t wait for the next time he faces those stupid heroes. He’ll be smarter, stronger, and can even tell them that he got his dick wet.
Oh, the collapse of hero society is going to be glorious.
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stoneworldsimp · 3 years
the dying poet
senku x reader
warnings: angst, mentions of food/water deprivation, swearing
day seven.
fuck, fuck, FUCK!
it felt like you had been running for hours, trying to shake this wild animal off. you made sharp turns behind large bushes in hopes of losing it, you’d hold as still as possible behind large roots on the ground, but the animal kept finding you in one way or another.
“please go away,”you panted. “c’mon. you’ve been chasing me fucking forever, can’t you just give up?!”
you were tired; your legs were about to buckle in on themselves. dinner one night was suddenly ruined when you realized the fucker was watching you eat. in the beginning you thought it was only after your food, not you; you threw a random ration away from your camp in hopes to get it away from you. in hindsight, it only worked until you fell asleep.
you were lucky to wake up the next morning alive; your set up had been ripped to shreds, and footprints were on the ground around your body. it was painstakingly slow and nerve wracking to escape your position, but once you had everything you absolutely needed, you booked it.
sprinting for miles after miles proved to be very difficult for quite some time now.
the phone...it’s weighing me down. my bag of food isn’t even half as heavy as the phone.
looking down at the call button in your hand, you thought about tossing the phone. maybe i can fix it.. no, i don’t have any tools, the fucking animal chewed on them like dog bones. is there any way to put the wire back together...?
“FUCK my life!”
you took the phone off your back and threw it to you left, careful not to trip yourself in the process. immediately, you and your body felt the difference. with your new found energy, the run away was becoming easier, and helped you see a large cave just over the horizon. using the last of your energy, you took as large of steps as you can, and practically threw your body into the cave. the animal’s footsteps were nowhere to be heard, but you figured you didn’t want to take any chances and look behind you. you were finally breaking free from being chased, just a little deeper into this cave, and if i can find specific markings then i can backtrack—
a deep, loud rumble took you away from your thoughts. in no time, you were engulfed in dust and thick particles you didn’t know of.
the caved had closed in.
day one.
“i can do it.”
“are you sure? its a pretty perilous trip—“
“you should at least bring one other person with you—“
you sighed, exasperated that you had to defend your case once again. it had been days since the decision was made; you were going to make a trip to another part of the island in hopes to find extremely specific materials for one of senku’s projects... and it was far, far away.
quite frankly, you were the only one fit for the adventure. you were known to travel well on foot, had an exceptional sense of direction and you had a good eye for natural elements, as well as food; you also were unintentionally the least helpful when staying in the village. you didn’t have the crafting skills to successfully make glass or metal components for his experiments, and you never trusted your brain when helping senku with calculations and blueprints.
hearing senku and gen talk about this long trip to another part of the island was almost a dream come true. it was perfect for someone with your skillset, and kept you from being in the way of everybody else.
“it’ll be fine. c’mon, you guys have SOME faith in our traveler, right?”
you turned around, a smile on your face as you caught senku walking out of his lab. thank you, you mouthed.
once senku reached you and the group of villagers crowding near you, he spoke up again. “this trip is a straight shot from the bridge, the only problem would be that it’s going to take some time. possibly a month just to get there. but you,” he turned to face you,”have excellent outdoorsy-type skills that will make it really easy for you to spot what we need right away. everyone needs to stop worrying, because you’ll be there and back in no time. two months will pass like nothing.”
as the rest of the group walked away, mumbling their skepticisms, senku took your hand and tugged you back to the lab.
“what’re you taking me here for? oh wait,”you planted your feet at the front of the lab curtains, keeping the both of you from entering. “are you making me help you with your math again? because—”
“no, you’re pretty terrible at calculations,”he replied. “i have something for you.”
you puffed out your cheeks in embarrassment, but your expression completely changed once the curtain was opened.
on the table, there was a telephone. if was the size of a backpack, but it still had a speaker, a microphone, and a call button.
“i made it for you to take on the trip, in case you have any emergencies. i fully trust you in your own survival skills, but you never know if something extreme happens.”
you gave his hand a squeeze before letting go. as you walked closer to the table, you touched the outer fabric. you turned back to senku. “thank you.”
“you don’t have to thank me. i’m only making something that’s essential to your travels.”
“even still,” you trailed off. “i appreciate it.”
you turned back around and beamed at senku. “i’m not going to call you until i get there. i want to make sure that no enemies try to tail me if they hear me, as much as i’d want to give in right away and hear your voice. something like that...”
“how corny.” senku smiled and pulled you close while you laughed. you jumped a bit when his hands made their way around your waist.
“a bit touchy today,” you asked, grabbing hold of his shoulders. “but i’m not complaining.”
“i’m stockpiling the feeling of you for the weeks to come. we’ve never spent this much time apart before; it’s only logical.”
“i guess you’re right.”
he kissed you, multiple times; each one was deeper than the last.
day eleven.
he brought me a flower every morning, because i always slept in later than him. he’d wake up at the asscrack of dawn, just to have more time to jot ideas down. i used to try and pull him back to sleep with me, but he was so overflowing with plans, i didn’t want to stop him.
you turned on your side.
i remember he went to explore with chrome really early one morning, and apparently they found some huge meadow with a bunch of plants. ever since then, he would bring me a different kind; it was always a single flower, too. they were different colors and shapes, and some were enormous and some were smaller than my finger. he never woke me up for it, though. he would just leave it for me when i woke up on my own. it was always a surprise, almost startling when i’d open my eyes. it was my own pick-me-up for the day, in a sense.. no matter what happened the night before, waking up to a new type of flower would put me in a good mood every time. it was better than a coffee in the morning.
i wonder if he’s looking at the flowers with chrome everyday while i’m gone. man, i still wake up hoping to see a new one in front of me.
sure, reminiscing was fun and felt good, but what’s the point? you had eaten all of your food approximately two days ago, you only had about a teaspoon of water left, and there was no getting out of there. the way you came in had been covered in a dam of rocks. you couldn’t even dig yourself out.
you furiously wiped the tears that fell from your eyes. “senku...why did i think i could go alone?”
day fifteen.
poke, poke—
something was touching you. no, someone was touching you. your head bobbed side to side, in an attempt to shake them off.
damn, that’s persistent.
opening your eyes, you woke up to senku smiling. he was knelt beside your form. “wake up, sleeping beauty! it’s been almost three hours.”
it’s only been three hours?!
you sat up way too fast, and felt lightheaded as you tried to ask,”but...why didn’t you.. wake me up earlier? did everybody...did everyone eat already?”
he laughed. “yeah, sorry. we all thought you were out doing something with chrome. but,” he turned around, to grab something behind him,”i saved some in case you got hungry when you came back.”
you took the food in a dizzy haze. was it even food? you didn’t care too much, it felt like you hadn’t eaten for a long time. any food at this point was good food.
you couldn’t even swallow the first bite. “do you- is there..any water?”
“what?” senku pulled away from you, a look of disbelief painted across his face. it was clear as day.
you hesitated, feeling more lightheaded than before. “w- water?”
“don’t you remember?” he asked. he turned away from you. “there hasn’t been any water in days.”
it’s been days.
your body jolted from its spot, and harsh reality hit you square in the face.
yes, right. you shakily rubbed your eyes to make sure they weren’t cemented shut.
in the cave, finished your food, no water to be found. making yourself walk around was no use, either; without the fuel, your body was essentially just a trembling mess.
you scowled at yourself; unsure of what to do, what to even think.
day eighteen.
you remembered how he kissed you. the first kisses the most; you always had to tell him to not look so terrified. you also had to remind him to not stand like a statue when you kissed. pretty soon, after some reassurance, he got comfortable. there was nothing but confidence in the way he caressed your face in his hands. usually he was the one to pull away; you were so mesmerized, it felt as if the world completely stopped.
they were always quick and out of the way in public. usually, it was on your forehead or your one of your cheeks. the deep kisses you felt when you two were alone were incomparable. soft lips remained on yours for what felt like centuries. he tasted sweet, in his own way—
wait, who?
you licked your lips slowly, trying to think.
it was no use; you couldn’t even remember what he looked like. you lolled your head to the side and stared at the outline of a rock a couple of feet away.
once i get out of here, i’ll kiss him. whoever it was. it won’t matter if it’s just us, or more people. i’ll kiss him forever.
maybe if i go to sleep.. i can see him again.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 episode 10: Megaleech
(Spoilers for the new episode below)
-Okay so Myléne is preping for the protest. Hyping herself up.
-OMG Myvan is so f***ing cute! He calls her his little mouse!
-Marinette cant sleep because of the construction. Which sucks and is a mood.
-Side note, i paused and got a look at her picture board. Some are from the instagram, and then How did she get some of these?
-So the Oxygen tower? Like its suppose to make more oxygen? but they need to cut down trees to make it? IDK the logic. Also call back to the space trash program.
-Roger trying to be nice. But they wont listen to him.
-Myléne spitting facts
-Well not really but they are being taken home.
-Marinette made it to class barely and told everyone what happened to myléne.
-HOLD THE PHONE! Did Ms.Bustier... did she just do something a GOOD teacher would do? Oh the bustier salters are not gonna like this.
-Ms.Bustier about to step in. with a spontaneous trip for REAL Education.
-Now you can tell that Caline in season 4 f***s. Because she is about to RAIL the mayor for this bulls***
-Alya informing her bloggers s*** is about to go down
-THE FIREMAN IS THERE?! NO you have been tricked man.
-Wow Officer Roger out here making me feel bad for him
-Oh no it tricked marinette... well to be fair. Adrien does make the blatant corporatism very attractive.
-Alya just there to point her in adrien's direction so she stops daydreaming.
-Wait! Adrien didnt know?! He thought it was a perfume ad? HIS DAD TOLD HIM IT WAS AN AD. Wow.... I dont even...
-And Chloé is there to just make things worse. Right on cue
-And Marinette pointed out that all of the plastic that the thing creates for artificial air does not solve the problem. Which was very Succinct.
- Which to be fair I liked Myléne's explaination better, but Marinette got the mayor to slip up so Points.
-Myléne is channeling Captain Planet right now
-Marinette is like, why didnt you mention this sooner.
-And they both are like "We did, for months."
-Now I honestly think you cant blame the class for that, I too ignore those people in vests in the city that try to talk about the environment.
-Alya is filming it as the class intervines
-Oh now the families are getting IN ON THIS! You go Nora!
-OMG THE MIME IS BACK! YAY! I missed him.
-And Adrien is joining in the cause (CUE MARINETTE HANDHOLD BLUSH)
-Marinette is caught in 4k staring, but no one else is seeing it
-Gabriel seeing his son rebel, he gets a call from Andre and basically said.
-"Lol you figure it out slut."
-And Gabriel goes to be evil
-And now the mayor gets overwhelmed.
-And Gabriel makes an amok and akuma.
-And Maledikator is back
-(wait is everyone just standing there WATCHING HIM GET AKUMATIZED?! WHAT THE F*** EVERYONE?!
-Welp the vore of the episode is there.
-Nino's head has a little podium in his head. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS
-And Chat noir is here!
-Alya drop the phone... to late
-Daww kitty, he is scared.
- Myléne took Marinette before she could transform.
-Myléne is too pure
-Marinette, that was brilliant, but also... wow just wow
-Tikki was just like "Really bitch"
-Wait, they all have akuma and amoks.... Wow shadowmoth that is... really clever. Points.
-Myléne gonna get her miraculous! yes its time
-WAIT, SHE HAS A FEAR OF BADGES!? Thats hilarious.
-Myléne trying to deny being a hero. But ladybug encouraged her.
-the mouse miraculous!!!! mullo!
-Mullo laughed at her, poor Myléne
-Mullo get squeky thats cute. And the transformation sequence is very cute.
-Leap of faith time!
-Oh wow, her use of multitude just made Marinettes use look like weak sauce.
-Polymouse is killing it!
-Oh no they got chat noir.... WAIT HIS CAT EAR IS REAL.... so many questions...
-Ladybug made fun of his puns.
-And zoé is there.
-Chat noir made sure he was in the team pose
-Okay this was clever on how all of them used their powers.
-Oh neat wind was finally used.
-Ladybug just broke the record for de-evilization.
-and the mayor got the charm.
-Ah yes bureaucracy, the best way to say things get done without actually getting done.
-So the mayor decided Trees. Not gonna lie. I liked the Lorax plot. It made me laugh
-Marinette caught daydreaming again... but thankfully adrien didnt notice. (she yeeted herself out of there with alya.)
-Adrien got in trouble. Though I dont think he is a sentimonster. He got cataclysmed in season 3 and didnt start short circuiting. So Gabriel is just fidgeting with the ring because whatever reason.
I give it a 7/10
It was a pretty chill episode, but its ending was a bit quiet.
I liked Myléne in it and I didnt really feel the cringe.
It was nice seeing Bustier act like a teacher.
Not a bad episode. it was a pleasant watch. Though i am glad I didnt rush off to go see it.
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ravenadottir · 3 years
❝casa amor girls❞
so, a while ago i made brief profiles for the casa amor girls, and since "hold the line" is getting to those days, i thought this would be a good opportunity to introduce them again, with more details.
i took inspiration on this post to use faceclaims and more. so here they are:
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emily, 23, new castle, fashion designer, “wants to find a pin for her pin cushion”
emily has a really bright personality, always making fun of things with the boys and girls. she really has an easy way to make friends, and adapted pretty easily to the villa.
the public immediately liked her, and will ship her and bobby right away.
canon: the boys hoped she would be picked at the 'stick or switch' ceremony, but unfortunately that didn't happen. cat person, started sharing the bed with jakub, after spending the night with him, proceeding to go with a different boy after the body builder dumped her for siobhan.
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laura, 21, liverpool, guitar player in a band, “i know when to drop the beat’
laura has some trouble to connect with people right away, and despite having a good sense of humor and being open to new things, it's still hard to not overthink some situations.
she doesn't have much patience for stupidity and that's why she and erica will have an instant connection. also, she'll have a huge crush on one of the boys, and even share the bed with him. he might be as receptive once they spend more time together.
hitting the villa is basically for herself. she wants to find someone, and still holds hope something good will come out of this experience.
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siobhan, s23, from cork, med student, ‘has heard all types of ‘playing doctor’ pick up lines
siobhan was into jakub since day 1, but still waited for him to share the bed with emily. she's really sweet and patient, especially when it comes to love.
with the help from gary and bobby, she was able to chat with jakub and let her feelings show.
very dedicated to her studies and dreams of becoming a pediatrician. her style is definitely on the glam side and she loves some heels, even though her feet only see trainers during most of the school year.
in the villa she didn't have much faith she would find someone that would spin her head, but still went for it. she's persistent and doesn't wait too long to go after what she wants.
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erica, 22, from cardiff, business major, ‘known to run away from a date that asked her ‘why not just printing more money?’
erica is looking for someone that can keep up with her. in a way, she reminded the boys of marisol a little, regarding her future occupation.
she joined forces with gary and bobby to make fun of jakub at all times, which was very unexpected but just as welcomed.
immediately interested in rahim and his shy ways, but he was already smitten for shannon, so she'll find someone else to share a bed, and hopefully a connection.
practical, cat person, good sense of humor, loves math pick up lines and jokes, playing games involving logic are one of her number one hobbies.
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shannon, 24, from dublin, professional poker player, ‘that girl who loves true crime podcasts’
at first her eyes were set on lucas, but given blake had a thing for him on the first day she invested on rahim, who didn't make any effort to hide how much he was already into her.
attraction was there, for sure! she fancied the shorts off him and vice versa. once the challenges had to be done, the ice was broken for good and they were able to be comfortable with each other.
she has a lot of respect for priya and sophia, and that will be a plus once the girls are back.
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blake, 22, from kensington, graduate student, “i’ve got the brains, i’ve got the looks…”
immediately had her eye on lucas, and will give it a try. blake is not very tolerant, and will lose her temper easily.
she's currently a grad student, and doesn't quite know where to go from there.
gary and bobby will have a lot to say about her, and even more once casa amor days progress.
she'll spend the whole time glued to shannon's side. they became friends right away, and admired each other's strategy.
lucas will also have something to say about noah and blake getting friendly.
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