#I have relocated
sacha-da-1 · 1 year
It would be so awesome, it would be so cool
If there weren’t so many ladybugs in my goddamn room
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literatureaesthetic · 30 days
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18th april '24 — london
this was such a special trip for me. my first time travelling entirely on my own, discovering and falling in love with a city. i've been to london a few times growing up, but i've never had the chance to really explore and live in it until now. forever an experience i'll cherish <3
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creekfiend · 2 months
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floq · 5 months
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character redesign
experimenting on how to convey albinism in my art style
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sesamenom · 17 days
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more of Mae's adventures in Castle Dracula
aka: Maedhros used Punch! It's super effective!
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violent138 · 2 months
You think the Batkids ever shoot awake at night, furious because they finally figured out a better witty response to the comments made by their rogue during a fight and break into Arkham/Blackgate/Belle Reve, just to let them know?
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the-fibre-stuff · 3 months
Double teaching joys today!
A couple of the boys were watching me cast on for someone and decided that they needed to learn the cast on I used, because it was so fast. (I do the long tail cast on, the version where you hold the yarn in one hand and most of the motion is with the needle). I got the "wait, look what I just did, that's so cool" look TWICE from one of them as he figured it out.
And I had pulled up Ravelry to help one of the students look for something to make. (This kid has TAKEN to knitting, and was looking for a bit more of a challenge, and I goofed and returned the book with the pattern they were interested in to the library). I realised afterwards that I had been less clear than I probably ought to have about the fact that that wasn't a site for 12-year-olds. Given that I had an e-mail address for their mom, I dropped her a line to clarify and apologise. She replied with a huge thank you for teaching her kid to knit. They have taught her now, and the both of them knit together. (This kid really needed something productive and positive to do too, last I heard from the mom she was a bit worried about some of the decisions they were making.) I'm still smiling over this.
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hella1975 · 5 months
very interesting to me that the big three of the current hero gen in mha - shouto, midoriya and bakugo - are often portrayed as also being the closest in a lot of fics bc it's like. you've got shouto's two best friends as a boy with a volatile personality fuelled by his blind ambition and desperation to be the best, and a boy whose quirk destroys his body. like if you combined two of shouto's best friends you'd get touya but we're just not supposed to redeem him. okay
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blueteller · 6 months
Aipotu: possibly facing Dragon overpopulation Xiaolen & Nameless 1: not enough Dragons
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Well hello Dragons would you be interested in Free Real Estate-?
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Hi, im very sorry if this has already been answered or established somewhere else but im curious, with your Kazumaji stuff, around what time did they start dating (i.e. after the events of Yakuza 0 and all that) and how?
tbh, I dunno!
I don't really have an established date for that cuz sometimes I'm like man they'd be really cute during y0 and then other times I set it between post y0 and the beginning of y1. The latest they would start me thinks is some months after the events of y1 but in general it sorta depends on how I'm feeling and what silly scenarios play in my head
ideas under the cut tho 👀
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if we're talking y0: I like to think Kiryu has to go to Sotenbori for some reason, be it business or he's there with Nishiki for some partying. he sees Majima at the Grand being depressed and is like "damn girl those bags under your eyes makes my dick go *boing sound effect*" and asks him out 🥺 Kiryu gets rejected immediately cuz Majima's in this cycle of 'I deserve nothing but pain and suffering' but Kiryu can't read the room so he is persistently showing up at the Grand despite Majima very obviously wanting to kick his ass. eventually he relents and goes on cute™ dates with Kiryu and realizes oof maybe human intimacy be kinda gucci
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if between y0 and y1: Majima's fresh in his mad dog era starting shit with people just to be annoying and Kiryu's one of his targets mainly due to the events of y0. he's kinda like "lol this goober really did some important plot stuff, huh?" and his curiosity gets the better of him because Kiryu is an enigma who eats bugs and Majima cannot suppress his need to get some sense of understanding on this weirdo. in this timeline, it's more one-sided affection from Majima that comes in the form of stabbing while Kiryu is desperately trying to fight the gay allegations and failing. eventually he caves but it's a sorta unofficial, on and off thing that Kiryu doesn't really know how to evaluate for himself. Majima doesn't really care what they are since he's high on life atm and has a cute dude with big boobs on his arm
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if during y1: literally just everything Majima Everywhere. Goromi. GOROMI 😩💦 Kiryu is all: I LIKE PUSSY but everyone's like okay big man then why's Majima pole dancing for you huh. the two braincells he has start to click and he realizes maybe Majima wants to hold hands or something unthinkable like that. ngl I like to think Kiryu's thing for Yumi is like a demisexual bi thing where he's like, I do love her but she don't zap my brain quite like the bowlcut freak who knows how to punch me real good and it becomes sorta his personal introspective journey during this time. Majima is also floating in the space of am I doing this for his benefit cuz "training" or am I falling for this dork. he's pretty sad about it cuz of the Saejima reminder vibes but eventually Kiryu falls into his own person that Majima really meshes with and the two of them struggle to actually voice how they feel all the while their pants are down in some dirty alley
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if after y1: (going to insert shit from a fic I'm working on) Kiryu's absolutely devastated with what happened in the Millennium Tower + now having to take care of Haruka that he's shut himself off from everyone and everything other than doing the bare minimum to live. in comes Majima being a menace like yo you can't like, let a child parent herself you gotta get outta this slump and Kiryu's all fuck you stop breaking into my house. so it's a long pain in the ass process to help Kiryu deal with his grief while Majima keeps unintentionally making googoo eyes at him and both of them are like boy I sure hope this doesn't awaken anything within me. there's also a lotta dadjima stuff going on and Kiryu's like wowie zowie so you do have a heart and Majima's like no way loser while being just 😳👉👈
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whatawonderart · 3 months
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the voices from the far reaches of the ether told me to tell you they said they wanted no pickles
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kingofthewilderwest · 25 days
So much music. So much music. After nine years of lost activity, I've been reinvesting in classical music. It's been great fun!! I'm wanting to do all the things that I slacked on even when I was doing a composition degree - score studies, performance opportunities, etc. I am trying to remind myself that returning for another music degree is a bad, bad, highly implausible idea.
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creekfiend · 10 months
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these are my porch wasps they're my friends
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spearxwind · 9 months
Thag one post wasnt lying, using indeed may not give you a job but it does give you every single mental illness ever conceived
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I love the thought of...Peppino being absolutely Livid but still a Very down to Earth guy. And that even though he's angry, anxious and desperate he still grabbed/saved as many people as possible when the tower fell and I think that says a lot about him tbh, love this man I would eat at his restaurant-
I saw a comment on some reupload of the final rush out the tower and it was like ‘you can interpret it two ways and i love them both. 1) as much of a hassle as they gave him, the bosses were kinda like hired muscle to stop peppino from getting to the end. They dont really have any issues with him personally and he doesnt think theyre Bad people. He still makes sure everyone gets out okay. Or 2) this man FUCKED them up, they saw EACH OTHER get fucked up, and if theres anyone who can tear through this building fast enough to escape, its this guy’ and i think about that soooo much its so funny
Obv the game mechanics make it so that Peppino simply walks over them to pick them up; you cant mess w gameplay, and honestly keeping the speed up for each character pickup made everything flow so well.
I do like to think that he was actually panicking trying to find everyone. He didnt know the fucking tower would COLLAPSE he just wanted the fucking Pizzeria Explode Beam to be gone !!! And now everyone is trapped!!! When i played that last level i LITERALLY was like (wide eyed) OKAY WAIT I REMEMBER THIS. THE GNOME LEVEL like i was trying extra hard to remember where i was so i could determine how close i was to the bottom AND who else was left. I like to imagine peppino doing the same; hes running and looking for everyone he remembered bumping into earlier bc he doesnt want them to get trapped in the rubble 😭 like YEAH they made my life fucking hell but they dont need to like. Die for it 😭
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clove-pinks · 3 months
Domino Effect meme but it goes from "I think I will read Mr Midshipman Easy" to "I love living in the Great Black Swamp!"
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