#I have so many OCs
acesentialsketches · 9 months
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Hey hey! You wanna see a gallery of my work?! Check me out on furaffinity! They'll be slowly updated to get them both up to date!
Check this for my regular art!
And here for my transformation art!
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cosmo-the-overseer · 5 months
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This is Brigid
she’s perpetually exhausted with everything and also a feared knight👍
I may have Mary-Sued her a bit but it’s ok
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its-wabby-stuff · 8 months
The Red Slider
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Where LFLS meets Battle Scars meets The Winter Soldier
Chapter One:
Despite making this badass looking poster, I’m not sure I’ll get around to finishing the actually fic. But I hid a lot of details in this, so if anyone has questions, I’d be so happy to answer them!!
The sketch
If you don’t know, Like Father Like Son belongs to @eternalglitch and Battle Scars is an AU by @kaysdenofchaos
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changeling-fae · 3 months
random OC ask: what is the most unique thing about your OC? what is the most mundane thing about them?
how do they feel about those two aspects?
Thanks for the asks! I found this one a bit challenging which is always a treat. <3
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Her most unique thing is probably her convoluted conception/lineage. The granddaughter of Graz'zt through a cambion mother who stole Bhaal essence and combined it with her reproduction with a divine soul sorcerer of Eilistraee drow man. So she's got ridiculously powerful blood as a strange little godling of chaos, evil, and good divinity.
Her most mundane thing is she spends a portion of everyday tending to her body. She's got extreme scar tissue (both old and fresh) on her shoulder blades that cause her pain frequently that she has to tend to every morning with a salve to help with stiffness. She's also a dancer and acrobat and tries to keep herself limber. She was trained as an assassin but she has genuine enjoyment in performance arts and that means keeping her body in shape through cardiovascular and flexibility exercises and resistance training. And then of course rest so as not to damage anything.
How she feels about these two aspects is she loathes her abyssal blood (specifically about her mother), has contempt for Bhaal (though it's hard to differentiate her violent urges being from him or her demonic influence; it's both through amplifying each other), and has very complicated feelings around the spark of Eilistraeen divinity passed on from her father. The spark of divinity and her abyssal blood are constantly at war inside her so anytime she uses magic, it hurts her to some degree.
Pain is just a part of her life and she's learned to cope with it (both healthily and unhealthily depending on the cope).
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His most unique thing is being a tiefling born in the hells and being a former spy of Glasya who has survived being a prisoner of war in Zariel's domain for over a decade.
His most mundane thing is he likes to smoke a tobacco pipe and knit. The smoking is a vice but he finds comfort in the smell (my grandpa was a pipe smoker, smells so much better than cigarette smoke), and he finds knitting meditative.
He's a very... in the moment kind of person. His history doesn't cause him much pain or anything, just how the chips fell. If anything he's proud about his ability to not crack after the literal hell he endured and lived through.
Being on the MP means he has much easier access to tobacco pipe goods (not an expensive import like in the hells markets), he totally bought from Arron immediately when he saw it and had the best smoke of his life after a decade of imprisonment. And again, knitting is just meditative for him.
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Most unique thing is being the daughter of an archfey but technically a tiefling because her mortal mother was tricked by a night hag.
Her most mundane thing is she plays fantasy solitaire with herself often. Or plays against herself in lanceboard, just to keep her mind sharp.
Her thoughts on these aspects are pretty straightforward. Her father is her patron to help her get out of the night hag's contract and while she's naturally clever, she's had to work her whole life to keep ahead of both the marks she's forced to deceive and to survive the hag's hagspawn son who was holding her reigns before her abduction. So she's a survivor first and foremost and keeps her mind sharp for adaptability.
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Most unique thing about him is he's draconic sorcerer half-drow part of a prophecy which he's actively rejecting.
Most mundane thing is he's very knowledgeable about wool quality as a resource.
How he feels about those aspects is he's spent over two decades running from the prophecy he overheard about how he has to destroy himself to save the world, something he very much doesn't want to do. And with the wool quality thing, he feels nostalgic and melancholic mostly, given that he was born and raised on a sheep farm before he ran away. He'll judge the quality of wool with both a hidden pride and feelings regret towards his mother (and sisters), who he never said goodbye to.
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Most unique thing about her is she's a drow adopted and raised by gnomes in Baldur's Gate (deep gnome father and forest gnome mother) who has made a career in underdark cartography.
Most mundane thing about her is she loves to read, draw, and cook. Just does really well in domestic settings and is a real homebody, despite her hands on approach to underdark exploration.
How she feels about these aspects is she's very happy and proud of her family and is very close to both her immediate family and her extended family (she has so many cousins and nieces and nephews). No one in her family treats her any differently for being adopted or drow (her father found her abandoned in the underdark and brought her home) and they're all supportive of her career, which she initially started to help with designing maps to show the safe routes for her family's frequent expeditions for their jewelry shop in the city.
Her family is the most important thing in her life.
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Most unique thing about her is she's fey-like creature that can naturally shrink to the size of a thumb thanks to her mother being a feylost mortal who had been stuck and pregnant in the feywild for a number of years (not that she knows this, she never knew her mother).
Most mundane thing about her is she likes to whistle to herself. She can carry complex tunes and can be caught whistling little ditties to herself.
How she feels about these aspects is a sort of "it is what it is" attitude to her abilities. It was harder on her sense of self as an orphan child on the streets but it also gave her an edge once she started thieving for survival pretty early. Now it's just who she is.
As far as the whistling, it's like someone who crackles their knuckles a lot, doesn't really notice or pay much attention unless given a reason to.
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birdifulhuman · 15 days
hii i really like your art and i was wondering if you can share more about your ocs? :0 i remember i saw you post tiny crumbs about them
So my main Oc at the moment is name Tyler Adam Bryce, he is an 'average' teen trying to learn that it's okay to be weird. Basically going against everything his parents have taught him.
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He has a lovely partner named Otto Corect (Made by @corncandraw) and his partner helps him with learning that being weird is okay. He has two older siblings, Lila, and Perfect. Perfect is the only one who kept his Og Name.
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He is typically an angry person, mostly due to the stress and pressure to be totally perfect. However, he is cruel and mean to Tyler, even so much as locking him in his room sometimes.
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Lila and Tyler have a rocky relationship, and they don't always like each other, but in the end they do care about each other, because they've all they have in their fucked up family.
anyways, Tyler Art Dump
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dystopyx-blog · 25 days
I have so many ocs. Yall don't even KNOW Planning on posting various characters for various stories of mine. There's gonna be a lot so prepare yallselves 🫵🫵🫵
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saltciphblr · 10 months
the only art i post on here is DCA stuff but i may be about to start posting minecraft roleplay ocs so uh apologies in advance for That
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teeth-farie · 10 months
Proposed solution: make a fem oc you like and write reader inserts of her 👀
AOUGH I actually have some fem ocs I’d like to write more of, as well as some I don’t think I’ve introduced on here yet
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bibbiedunks · 1 year
Most of my art is OW related I need to give my other OCs love-
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trysafrog · 2 years
You guys ever have an OC that you clearly prefer so much, that you draw them way more than any of your other OCs
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the-punforgiven · 2 years
god I want to make a fighting game so bad
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callilouv · 2 years
hmmhhm so many oc ideas in my head
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meelysant · 1 month
Artes mais antigas minhas, mais um dos muitos ocs que eu usei principalmente pra rpg, esse é o Misaki Takuya, ele foi meu personagem em um rpg de Blue Lock.
Ele era um pródigo meio brasileiro e meio japonês, assim como um jogador de futebol de rua, suas principais características eram estar entediado e indiferente a maior parte dos jogadores, ser bem desagradável e direto ao conversar, ser rancoroso pra um caralho, e sua incrível habilidade de arranjar treta com todo ser humano no projeto.
Teve uma breve amizade com Shidou e uma rivalidade com Barou que era puro suco de rancor.
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Eu adorava jogar com esse moleque arrombado.
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m3phist0p3l3s · 2 months
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There's lore to drop
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ripmyfictionalfriends · 3 months
one day i'll habe enough money to commission artists to draw my oc's !!
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maxtothemax · 6 months
incomplete list of ocs who i could write a dissertation on completely unprompted: Zipper, River, Gavin Gray, Evil/Clone!River/Bailey, Andy Sisko-Volitation, Wren Argent/The Phantom Prince, Axton Vale, Vivienne Thorn, Drew Sawyer/Shadow
incomplete list of ocs who i want to hit on the head with a comically large mallet: Axton Vale, James Ryker, Wonder Man, Vivienne Thorn
incomplete list of ocs who i want to kiss on their little heads: River, Drew
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