#I have sooooo many hidden details
its-wabby-stuff · 1 year
The Red Slider
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Where LFLS meets Battle Scars meets The Winter Soldier
Chapter One:
Despite making this badass looking poster, I’m not sure I’ll get around to finishing the actually fic. But I hid a lot of details in this, so if anyone has questions, I’d be so happy to answer them!!
The sketch
If you don’t know, Like Father Like Son belongs to @eternalglitch and Battle Scars is an AU by @kaysdenofchaos
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rekino2114 · 15 days
So I’ve recently fallen deeply mad in love with Ena (the blue/yellow polygon gal-) and I can’t stop thinking about her (I won’t apologize for it though she’s amazing and neat-)
If I may, can I ask for Ena x male reader where reader is hard crushing on all forms of Ena and it’s pretty obvious that he loves her, but can’t bring himself to tell her since he doesn’t know how she’ll react
You crushing on ena
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Pairing:ena x male reader
A/n:You don't need to apologize. ena is indeed very awesome and cool. Sidenote but I am obsessed with the idea of ena having more forms than the ones we see so I might make a post detailing some fanmade ones I've seen around,with the reader of course let me know if you'd like that
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"Come on, dude, just tell her"
"No, who knows what might happen"
You're currently talking to your friend moony about your crush on your mutual friend ena
"The worst she can say is no"
"That's a factually wrong statement for most people, but especially for ena, with how many forms she has, I might get punched in the face or she'll start crying and wallowing in self pity"
"You're such a coward, man"
"Listen, ena is like one the best friends I ever had, I can't risk losing her friendship. She's the best"
"If you don't tell her I will"
"Don't you dare-
You were interrupted by the voice of your crush approaching you
"Ah here are my two bestest friends in the entirety of this digital plane, how are you good chums?"
"Oh hey I-na me and y/n here were talking about you actually"
"Oh is that true? I hope you were spreading good word of me then"
"Oh, trust me, he definitely has~"
You were very embarrassed at the possibility of your crush being revealed and decided to run away from your friends while blushing
"Waaaahh y/n hates me"
Your sudden leave caused ena to glitch and turn into her sad form while crying on the ground
"I can't bwame him, evewyone should hate me, I'm howwible,howwbile, I should just die"
"Geez what a crybaby, y/n loves you like love-loves you"
"*sniffle* w-weally?"
"Yeah, dummy, you didn't know? It's sooooo obvious. He always blushes when he's near you and don't you see how he always comforts whenever you get like this? That's l-o-v-e"
After hearing her friend's words the polygonal girl stood up and went back to her normal form
"Oh such splendid news, I must go confess to y/n this instant"
"Wait, you like him too?"
"Indeed, I have had hidden feelings for him for quite a while. Whenever I'm around him, my face turns pink, and I can't help but want to fill him with compliments and physical contact, at first I didn't know what this feeling was but now I believe it is love"
"Pffffft whatever vena just leave me out of your lovey-dovey loser stuff"
"Do not fret, I will go talk to y/n now. Hopefully, the next time we meet, I will have a romantic partner"
Ena left the scene and practically teleported to where you were sitting, still embarrassed at yourself and a bit angry at moony
"E-ena, I'm really sorry for running away"
"Salutations, my dear companion, do not worry about that. Please don't stand there being unhappy, I have some splendid news I think you'll enjoy hearing"
"What is it?"
" I have an announcement:I.....believe I have feelings for you....feelings of love""
"Precisely, I do, every time I'm near you, I feel something beyond happiness, and with my friend moony's help, I understood that it was love"
"I-i don't know what to say ena, I love you too"
"Oh happy days, might I suggest that we enter a relationship then?"
"Of course I'd love to be your boyfriend"
Ena smiled happily before avoiding your eyes and blushing (she blushes two different colors on her two sides)
"Wonderful......could we perhaps formalize our relationship with a kiss?"
"*giggle* yes if you'd like"
You approached ena's lips and kissed her (I just realized she only has a mouth on her yellow side and doesn't really have lips....uhhh, I dunno I guess you could still kiss her like that, her anatomy is weird anyway it doesn't have to be realistic)
"That felt so so amazing, thank you so much my dear"
"You don't need to thank me, it felt great for me too"
Suddenly, ena hugged you, and you did the same. Despite her polygonal body, she actually felt very soft and nice to lean against, and so you did. You stayed like this enjoying your newfound love with your new girlfriend.
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pottermeow22 · 29 days
Sooooo, I just managed to watch the whole of Kalki-2898AD in one sitting today.
And what a masterpiece!!!!!
I know that reviews about the movie have been mixed, (Arshad Warsi, eyes on you, man👀👀👀) but amongst the abundant comedic relief, were to me atleast, many buried little Easter eggs and clues that only someone with a knowledge of the Mahabharata, and someone willing to look with a more thoughtful eye will catch!
Bhairava's whole characterisation is the single most largest example of this! After Ashwathama's first little flashback, the suspicion of Bhairava being Karna began to itch at me, because who else could be a greater warrior than Arjuna on the field of the Kurukshetra battle?
The first similarity I found was this.... The way Bhairava has spent a large portion of his life trying to enter an elite society simply because he believes that the circumstances he was born to are not the determiners of his capacity. The way he almost KNOWS in his heart, that he has a fate larger than this coming for him, yet blinds himself into believing that it is life at the Complex! The first mistake that Karna committed in his life is the same. His first step into adharma, was brought about by his desire to be considered equal amongst the Kshatriya warriors of the Kuru clan. To not be limited by the circumstances of his birth or upbringing as the son of a sarathi....
The second clue to me, was his attachment to Bujji!!! This one is less of a parallel, and more of an indirect clue as to the background Bhairava might have, though. Karna was the son of a charioteer, who was expected to be one too, and strongly disliked the idea of being forced to be one when his interests lay in becoming a warrior that people spoke of even eons later. And at the end of the epic war, it is his chariot again, and the kshatriya king Shalya as his charioteer that pave the way to his death! The first time Ashwathama hurls Bujji and Bhairava loses yet again, this was straight where my mind went.
Then, there are the more subtle character nuances. Karna in his time, was considered a warrior second to none, and yet people often only acknowledged him as an equal to Arjuna. And in one modern iteration of the Mahabharata that I'm not sure where I read it, Krishna says that while Arjuna competes with himself, looking only to better himself, Karna strives to be better than Arjuna. And in that, he holds himself back to Arjuna's level. A clear sign of a hyper competitive person, is that not? And the first time we see any sort of a serious don't mess with me attitude from Bhairava, is when he is losing. When he has lost. And so goes his patience with the wind, his need to be undefeated, to WIN leading him to his following chaotic course of action...
And finally, the centrepoint of Karna's story, his Identity.... Karna's whole story, his cause and consequence, his curse and his many boons, are the result of his birth, and the way it was hidden from him. Bhairava too, seems to have an origin story that he either does not know, or does not remember, instead covering it up with comedic relief sob stories (according to Bujji, not me!!!) of adoption and a Captain father, which Dulquer was sooooooooo cute in his 10 minutes of screentime! Does Bhairava have a Radha too, who brought him up as a bosom son and he refuses to give up her memory to anyone? Why at the end of the movie did he lose recollection of the climactic fight? Has he been cursed with forgetfulness and therefore does not remember the legends of his own story?
Overall Kalki 2898 AD, to those watching with an open mind and a thoughtful eye, is a minefield of curious parallels, and a reversed good vs evil that with more detail from part 2, could make for a blockbuster winning combination!!!!
PS The way he looks at Sumathi/Deepika before picking her up in his arms was so 🤯🥵🤤... And is the baby somehow his and not a result of Project K? Because I do remember Sum-80 saying she was negative after the last attempt at seeding. Curiously endless possibilities!!!!!
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reckless-avacado · 3 months
um hi. I just watched agggtm the tv series and I have a bone to pick with everything.
THis is ur warning if u havent watched the show Bye.
Don't get me wrong, ive read the books and i LOVED them but this tv show did not do them justice, it changed sooooo many details that didnt need to be changed and left out a lot of stuff, leaving them with no set up for season 2. Good Girl Bad Blood. I will now rant.
Ravi - No hate to the actor that played Ravi but he sucked. The line delivery on so many things was severly lacking. They also made him miss out on an iconic line "Real men wear floral when trespassing". In the show they made it so Ravi didn't rlly help Pip at all. He was simply there for Pip to tell her theories and information to.
Stanley - Stanley was just non-existent. he just wasnt there. This leaves no set up for season two. Bad choice on behalf of someone
Becca Bell - It may have just been me who thought of Becca as this frail 20 year old who was still grieving. But that wasn't represented in the show. They made Becca straight up find Pip and get angry at her instead of Pip just finding her in a cafe or whatever and asking her a few simple questions.
Ant - Ant was there, but not a part of Pip's friend group, he was just known as this dude that asked Lauren out.
Howie Bowers - First of all, his last name wasnt mentioned in tv show i dont think and it came off as this terrifying dude with a scar, when in the books he was just a drunk dude that was tryna sell drugs and didnt want to get called out by a bunch of teenagers. We never saw his house, Pip never tracked him down, he just happened to be at the Calamity party.
Da silvas - They made him more of a character than he needed to be. It was annoying. Also he did this weird nose grabbing thing eww. They also made Nat da Silva one of Andie's best friends instead of it being Chloe and Emma, it was Nat and Emma.
The cave - This cave shouldn't have existed. The calamity party that Pip was supposed to go to the track down the drug dealer, was in a cave. She didn't pretend to smoke with a guy on a garden wall, she simply asked where he was and he took her to Howie.
This stupid cave was also where Andie was hidden, it was like a well or something in the cave that Becca dragged Andie into instead of the Farm house
Isla - In the books Isla was this mentally unstable girl Elliot found on the side of the road that he believed was Andie, Isla being unstable then believed she was Andie. Elliot then hid her away in his attic and looked after her. When Pip finds her the girl introduces herself as Andie, Pip then realises it's not. In the stupid TV show, Isla is a poor girl living at a bus stop that Elliot thinks is Andie but quickly realises is not but offers her a place to stay for the night because of her condition, the next morning he confesses to the murder of Sal to her, which he then traps her in the attic. When Pip finds her she says, "I'm not Andie" UGH, it removed that whole plot point.
Barney - Now i was prepared to ball my eyes out at Barney dieing, (I warned u abt spoilers). A few things were different. First Barney was lost at Josh's bday party, not on a walk like in the book. Secondly (spoiler for book three) Barney wasn't drowned. He was discovered dead on the side of the road after being hit by a car which I can't see how they could make that Jason killing him on purpose.
Jason - They didn't make this man more of a suspect. They needed to make him suspisious to set up for a possible season 3. They made Dan da silva a suspect.
Pip showing up at ppls houses - The main way pip interviews ppl is by showing up at their houses, the show eliminated a bunch of these interactions. Pip met Ravi when on a walk with muffins, not his house, Pip met Max while waitressing for a party, (yes at his house but didn't show up on his door step like in the book) Nat da Silva, Pip interviewed her in the locker room after a tennis match when she was half naked.
There are propably so many more big things wrong with this show. It needed more of a budget, they ended up using some of the same shots, like Pip driving the same road, and Young pip. It was very annoying. I had such high hopes for this show to stay close to it's source material becasue Holly was so involved in the filming process, she even has a mini cameo in the hotel episode (look for the guest in a robe). But i was very disappointed so many things were changed. They even missed the whole renactment of murder to prove Sal's innocence. They just left out so much and it's very annoying.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 2 years
100 Follower Special!
Thank you sooooo much for 100 followers! 🥰🥰 (technically 101 now, but semantics, semantics) I know that's a relatively small number, but I've been here for about 3 months, and I'm still happy anyway. Love you guys so much! 🩵🩵
TW: minor violence, bruises mention
Villain knows this. They've spent the past few weeks studying every detail of Hero's base meticulously. This was why Supervillain had chosen them for this mission. Because they didn't get distracted easily and they kept their full focus on their task.
Sneaking inside admittedly wasn't easy. Villain had spent hours racking their brain for answers as they typed away on their keyboard, trying to hack into the system. And after many sleepless nights and one too many large mugs of coffee, they'd finally gotten through Hero's security.
The positions of every door, every hidden door's placement, every secret passageway, and even where all the cameras were (they'd managed to disable them) were all etched into their memory.
They almost glide around with such ease, they might as well have owned the place. But their outwardly calm and collected demeanour was a somewhat fragile façade. Hero may have kept up a friendly persona and thrown quite a bit of banter their way, but they were dangerous in their own right, with deadly control over their power. The scattered bruises lining the villain's body are a testament to that.
They weren't sure they'd like to imagine what Hero would do if they caught them sneaking around in their own house.
But they're Villain, for God's sake. They'd fought and won against people much worse than Hero. Yet they'd never been even half this nervous.
Steeling themselves, they take a deep breath as they try to push all the negative thoughts out of their head. They place their ear to the door, listening for any noises, and the action brings a comfortable sense of familiarity to them from the number of times they'd done it. Hearing no sound, their hands work as swift as machinery, taking the lockpick out of their suit's pocket and working on the lock.
They finally manage to get it open, the door leading into their nemesis's living room. What kind of psychopath locks their living room's door? But the criminal didn't find that a surprise. Carefully lifting the dark green plush rug off the floor, they manage to loosen the fake floorboard underneath, leading to the trapdoor. Another detail they'd discovered spying on Hero through their computer.
Lifting the door, Villain wills the air in the room to return the floorboard and the carpet back to their place as the door shuts. They smirk to themselves at how smoothly their power works as they carefully make their way down the long staircase.
When they finally reach the end of the staircase, they are almost giddy with excitement. One that you could never read off their somber face. The same rush of blood and adrenaline pulsing through them as their first heist.
Walking carefully around Hero's base and resisting the temptation to explore the sleek, well-equipped place, they quickly find exactly what they were here for. The flash drive in the shiny glass case, more precious to Villain than any treasure. It may have looked so easy to get a hold of, but simplicity was impossible with Hero. There was a sick, twisted puzzle only a psychopath or a bitter STEM major could dream up that they had to solve first.
Their heartbeat quickly grows erratic, and their hands shake as they go through the bloody puzzle. Their eyes light up with glee as the glass case unlocks, and they reach inside, fingers almost closing around their prize.
"Well done," a silky voice croons. It sounds proud rather than annoyed.
The crime-fighter stands there, leaning against the wall, arms folded over their chest with an amused glint in their eyes. They were dressed in a dark, satin robe thrown carelessly over their figure and tied at the waist, not even bothering with a mask. They regard Villain the same way one regards a child who'd been caught sneaking yet another cookie.
They chuckle lightly. "Ya know, if you wanted an invitation, you could've just asked. I believe I gave you my number last time we fought, hm?"
"Hilarious," they counter, whipping around and making a run for it, flash drive in hand. They try to send a blast of air towards their enemy, except there was barely any air in this damned basement. So all their attempts served was to send a pathetic, little breeze towards Hero.
As though they needed any further humiliation.
It barely takes a moment for the crime-stopper to confiscate the flash drive, twisting the villain's arm somewhat painfully and shoving them into the wall, and they toss the drive back into the case. It locks automatically.
Villain does not appreciate their current position at all. Pinned against the wall, a horribly overused cliché, leaving them mortified, if the look on their face is any indication. Said face is now flushed a bold red, their normally sharp tongue now rendered useless.
Worst of all is Hero's smug, lopsided smirk and the way that they look at Villain in general, with their prying eyes, their gaze sparkling with curiosity. It made them feel like a specimen being examined.
"Shh, it's no use struggling, darling," Hero purrs somewhat soothingly. And their words hold truth because Hero's super strength doesn't falter, and Villain's squirming serves little to no purpose but to embarrass them, and apparently entertain their nemesis.
"W-what are you going to do to me?" they all but squeak.
The crime-fighter laughs, and they feel their heartbeat quicken to impossible degrees, not just out of fear, but out of something far more dangerous. . .
"Relax, I won't hurt you. I'd hate to mess up the oh-so-beautiful artwork, hm?" they murmur
Heat spreads through Villain's body like wildfire. Their words catch in their throat, and their breathing becomes shallower. They'd kept it all professional when responding to Hero's flirtations, being dedicated to their job meant adhering to the concept that they were strictly enemies. But then why are they an incoherent mess of emotions right now?
Hero's honey-sweet tone, the blinding grin flashed on perfect white teeth against dark tan skin, and the flowery scent of their fragrance don't sit well with the criminal. But nothing compares to the way they fix their gaze on Villain, as though they were someone to be admired, someone alluring, more than just a weapon. And, it's not like their life had been devoid of romance, but no one had ever looked at them with the same awe-filled fiery passion like Hero did.
"What do you want?" they breathe out. An honest question.
"Right now at least, I want to invite you to have breakfast here with me, it bring pretty early in the morning. It'll be fun, sweetheart," They run the fingers of their free hand along their nemesis's jaw, a feather-light caress.
Whatever the hell Villain was feeling had just intensified to impossible degrees. They are intoxicated with the almost magnetic charm that made it difficult impossible to think straight. And they didn't want it to end.
"Fine," they answer, trying to keep the shakiness out of their words, which come out at a higher pitch than they intend. Damn you, Hero.
Their enemy's whole face lights up, and they flash them a huge grin. Not one of their seductive, lopsided smirks. But a big smile full of utter joy.
That's adorable. Am I growing soft?
"Sure, but I just have one more request."
"Enlighten me."
They trace the shape of their mask in the air. Well, if they're going to have breakfast with this hero, in an outright romantic setting, then the usage of the mask didn't seem to make much sense.
Hero lifts their arm off, and Villain had half a mind to run off and get a hold of the drive. But one look into those gorgeous sea-green eyes, and all their plans were swiftly discarded and shredded to smithereens.
They peel the mask off, heartbeat now erratic.
"Y-you're absolutely breathtaking in every sense of the word, Villain," Hero coos, snaking an arm around Villain's waist and pulling them close against their side.
"You're not so bad yourself, hotshot," they laugh, pleased to finally have anything on the hero.
This was foolish, risky, and it broke every single goddamn rule in Villain's book. But never in their life had something ever felt so right.
Tagging for this one specifically: @thelocalnemesis @deckofaces @onlywhump @justalittlecorrupted (u usually ask me to tag u on my stuff, I hope this isn't too presumptuous, Corrupted!) @featheryvee
Also, some of y'all r alr on the taglist, so you'll just be tagged there.
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-whump @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @dodo-docs @vernilliom @sirrsnakesssss
Wanna be on the taglist? This will take you there!
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neetily · 23 days
꣑୧ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ── MATCHUP EVENT: Date #10
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♡ cupid's victim number ten!! ♡
yippeee!!! i had a lot of fun with this matchup, so i really hope you enjoy it too, even if it's not who you'd expect!!
─ you have one new message from...
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Elliott . . .
love, would you perhaps like to continue yesterdays date in proper privacy this time? you know that my cabin is open all hours to you, so please— come visit when you can, okay?
Why? introverted besties turned lovers, i think! you did mentioned that elliott would be one of your fav picks, and i can see why! you both match energies so well, the quiet introspective types, i think. in my HC, elliott loves going for coffee and writing in cute cafes, which provides you ample opportunity for dates with him! he'd encourage you to try as many drinks as you please, taking notes on your favourite ones, just so that he can better appease you in future too! a man of note taking, he's always remembering those little details about you, which i think you'd appreciate! he'd love for you to site and brush his hair while he relaxes, maybe even braid it for him, test out new and pretty hairstyles on him; anything so long as he's spending time with you! and, of course, you both share a love of reading! im imagining you both having your very own private book club of two, swapping notes and questions and theories over shared stories together, taking turns on who gets to pick the next shared read, excitedly waiting for the other to catch up on chapters.
you both just give off this air of sophistication, i feel. something that would help you both get along well! oh, and i also think he would go CRAZY over having a flat chested partner, like it's his preference. thinks you're just sooooo cute ugh <3
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Book Nook . . .
this was a bad idea.
not solely due to the public setting, stowed away in a relatively private booth at a corner cafe, big comfy seats providing ample support as he sits with your weight in his lap, doing his best to look as casual as possible when sipping away at his coffee; but he can't focus properly. even if he knows that no one is looking at how hard his hand trembles on the bland cup, or how he's not even glancing at his open book at the moment, he can't help but to stay vigilant.
only because he doesn't want anyone else to see you right now, so vulnerable and cute for him. a protective arm coming up to wrap around your tummy, pausing for a brief second as he checks his surroundings before coming up to squeeze at your flat chest once or twice. he smiles to himself at the short gasp you let out in response to his perversion.
it's not a bad idea simply because he can barely stand to sit still, not with the way you consistently squirm and shiver on his cock, warm wet little cunt just begging for him to give in, to offer her some movement. an intended stern "princess..." escaping his tense lips, but it comes out more like a whine as opposed to anything else. a plead for more himself, tapping the cafe table idly as if doing so would somehow help calm him down from this little hidden sex game, lessen the heat radiating his cheeks, allow his cock to fuck so deep into you that you're left gasping for air in the middle of everybody's daily lives.
but it's a bad idea because of how addictive it is, from the get go too. to claim you so publicly, his pretty princess, sitting on her rightful throne. cock buried balls deep in you as you pretend to read with him, a squirmy little mess on his lap— it feels sooooo good to have his arms wrapped around you too, huffing in your scent against your neck; surely it just looks like a big hug, right? the way your skirt flows over him, hiding the degenerate secret behind layers of fabric.
he never knew cockwarming could be so exciting, honestly. but as per usual, you always seem to surprise him. perhaps later, when he's decided he's had enough of idle sitting and instead wishes to give you want you deserve, he'll let you wobble on over to the cash register to buy yourself a nice little sweet treat. one for him too, to take home.
then, he's rushing you to the nearest private spot. nursing an erection for however long it takes, just so that he can show you exactly how much he loves and appreciates you.
— you like to... do something creative when alone! here is a moodboard that i think fits your matchup!
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raviolirash · 3 months
I think people overindulged in analyzing the characters to the point of them being their projections and not the characters anymore. Like, yes, they are fantastic little guys, but it's usually not that deep. Stories like theirs are pretty common among D&D players. Maybe it's because I'm new to TheFandom™ world, but I've seen takes sooooo stretched that I wonder if we did play the same game.
Yes, there are some meaningful messages about grooming, hubris, trauma, manipulation and corrupting power, and that's great, but it's not a philosophy treatise.
It's a D&D game, a BG3 one: there will be Bhaal, bad guys (squiddy, in this case) and a party of adventures that will do funny things. And that's frankly ok. I'm more surprised on how Larian gave us a great freedom on choices, not just with the dialogues, but also with ambient interaction. Or the great effort that they've put in acting every single line and writing the description of every single item.
I'm happy that people felt seen and happy playing the game, but sometimes an interaction is just an interaction, no need to try to find a hidden message or a great meaning behind it.
I agree and disagree and here is a rant.
Tldr. It's healthy to write analysis and it's good to make your brain think and David Cage should have his fingers cut off. Also the "it's not that deep" crowd is incredibly annoying.
I don't think it's particularly good to have a "consume product, get excited for next product" mentality when it comes to media and just drift through life. I'm not saying that every piece of media deserves a deep analytical philosophical treatment as some of it is just horseshit, but it can be a very fun exercise to just think about things. Even thinking about why something sucks in detail is an exercise in clearly laying out your argument, which is a valuable skill to have. It's also okay to say "Hey. This thing is objectively terrible, but I nonetheless love it without any elaboration." That's me with Cube Zero. It is an awful movie, I love it so much! I think writing unironic deep thoughts about how the plot of the movie is actually deep and it is commentary on the prison system and capitalism is incredibly stupid.
I think when we resort to mindlessly consuming content without giving much thought to it with a "it ain't that deep" mindset is when good writers get burnt out and we allow hack frauds such as David Cage to fester. And that is criminal to me. Because fuck that guy. We get a video game where a robot is forced to sit in the back of the bus in an incredibly poor analogy for racism, and people enable him and say that it's good writing and he announces a new game and we are in hell! Who keeps giving him money?
That being said. There are many times when writing actually means something and it's frustrating when people dismiss it as "lol silly dnd game". Some people do over-analyze it, yes. Some people say something incredibly insane like that woman with a 7 minute video about how Wyll is a cop with NPD. What the fuck was that. But here is the thing with writing: Unless you're Steven Moffat, words and actions in a story are almost always written to actually mean something. It's written to be important and it's healthy to think about it. In TV shows, yes: sometimes the curtains are just blue because the person decorating the film set just felt like blue curtains would look neat. It is an entirely different thing when explicitly pointed out in written form or said in dialogue.
I often think of that one interview with Harlan Ellison, where he discusses Ellen in IHNMAIMS. A reader of the book didn't know that Ellen was black. Harlan being Harlan, asked them what the fuck the reader was talking about as he literally wrote the line "…her ebony skin in the snow" in the goddamn book. The reader didn't forget that line! In fact, they thought that it was some unimportant metaphor and it wasn't that deep. So he pushed extra hard for Ellen to be black in the game adaptation because people were just that fucking stupid.
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alltimefail-sims · 7 months
LORE TIDBIT TIME WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Did you know Vlad was apart of the settler colony who mysterious disappeared? This is obviously a nod to the Roanoke colony which I think is sooo cool. What do you think happened to Vlad's colony? I like to think Vlad was turned or became a vampire and whipped them out.
I'm going to treat this as a "deep dive" into Vlad and Forgotten Hollow, so I'll be adding it to my Deep Dive Series tag. Unsurprising to literally everyone, but this is gonna be a long one.
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So… let’s get into it! ↓
Going into this I will admit that I actually did know this about Vlad!! I've been wanting to talk about it for forever but have never gotten around to it haha. 🤭 I'm a bit of a history nerd and I love a good spooky story/conspiracy, so naturally the Roanoke Colony was one of my obsessions when I was around 11 or 12 years old.
I think it's an interesting tie in from the sims team, I'd even say it's a bit meta because I feel like the game normally sticks to making references toward itself and its own canon characters/events while generally staying away from anything that would be too direct of a reference to "our world." Personally though I wish they broke the fourth wall more! I like easter eggs or hidden details that make it easier to imagine the characters existing not in their isolated, imaginary worlds, but in ours instead.
It's interesting to think about why the sims team might have made this connection - was it just a cheeky, unserious little wink to a well-known unsolved mystery, or was it done for the purposes of creating implications and expanded lore regarding Vlad and Forgotten Hollow (a case of them showing us instead of telling us). There are so many theories archaeologists and historians alike have had about the lost colony of Roanoke over the years: some believe the Roanoke colonists could have all died by disease or famine, some believe they could have been victims of a deadly storm, some believe they were attacked by neighboring tribes or by Spanish soldiers. Nowadays there are scholars who will argue that no tragedy befell the settlers at all and that they simply relocated (that would be why they left "Croatoan" behind - there was a nearby location referred to as Croatoan Island, now modern-day Hatters Island).
With that in mind, along with Vlad's own refusal to recall the details of this event, it's safe to assume that the sims team isn't referring to the happier Roanoke theories...the 25 colonists of Forgotten Hollow likely faced an unfortunate end.
Your theory of Vlad being turned and thus wiping out the colony (I'm guessing due to new-turn bloodlust) is sooooo compelling, the implications of that scenario are delicious and I personally never thought of it from that angle! My theory is only a little different: I agree that Vlad was turned on the day that the colonists "disappeared" (whatever that implies), but I have always played Vlad's story not as if he was turned and then killed everyone after, but rather that the thing that turned him successfully killed the other colonists but accidentally turned Vlad. It's a really long story that I play around with for fun in my brain but the short-ish version is: Vlad awoke outside - cold, alert, sweaty, dirty and covered in his own blood - but somehow alive, which he was thankful for. His new immortal condition is still unbeknownst to him at this point, but he felt an ache like never before, so deep in his bones it was excruciatingly painful, but his senses were heightened tenfold. He didn't remember much, just that the colony had been under attack the night before. His relief to be alive rapidly melted into abject horror as he found everyone else (friends, neighbors, family, children) dead. He realized soon enough what had happened to him and stayed in Forgotten Hollow where he would be memorialized as its "founder." He spent his days hellbent on retaliation and retribution, but was also steadfast in continuing the work that was began there before the attack. Eventually he does get to face off with the vampire who attacked him and his people, killing it and rising to power in the vampire world. He keeps the events close to his chest because they were traumatizing and cause him sadness, and he's worked diligently to remove himself from his humanity/human memories and from emotions in general (thus how he has become the person we see today). I always thought if he killed the colonists himself the other vampires in his circle - at least his closest confidantes - would know (as he's got quite the massive ego), but they don't seem to have knowledge of this event and they never mention it. I've thought that it could be possible that sharing the memories of this event would make Vlad feel weak, and he's not one to boast in his weakness. He'd much rather rewrite history in a way that is beneficial to his image; dragging up emotions about dead people would not bring them back to life, and by burying this history of a massacre in Forgotten Hollow he is also creating some mystery around himself and making it easier to play the role of a great-great-great-great grandson (or whatever he's pretending to be, relationship-wise) to the original founder.
But that's just how I play with Vlad! 🤷 I could be way off-base lmao!
Regardless of what happened, we know Vlad is the sole survivor of this event and he is scarred by it, impacted so deeply that he only ever vaguely alludes to it with no clear explanation. Whether he killed the colonists himself or just witnessed their death, the sims team will probably never give us concrete answers (and frankly, that's probably for the best considering their track record). But the clever connection of the LOST colony and FORGOTTEN Hollow are clear as day and I just think that is freaking cool! The occult lore in TS4, especially regarding Vlad and Forgotten Hollow, make interesting framework for storytellers and lore-lovers alike! Vlad is one of those characters who has sooooo many interpretations, and I eat up each and every one!
Okay, I think that's all I've got for now! Sorry about my word vomit! Somewhat related: here's an article I recently read on Roanoke that talks about the archaeological finds which have changed some of the discussions surrounding whether the colonists survived or not! I found it pretty interesting and you might as well!
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bonefall · 2 years
besides the thistle and honeysuckle parables, any other neat stories/parables the clans or tribe have? i find this stuff some of the most fun :]
Parables are one of my favorite things to write and it's the reason why the field guides are sooooo underrated
List of parables I have so far:
Salmon Mother's Lullaby
This one is actually a song and I'm working with @spottyistired on a couple of other ones, but this one specifically is an actual narrative as opposed to the others. It comes from RiverClan, who has a salmon run every leaf-fall
It's about the devotion of salmon and the lives they spend in a faraway land before returning home to have their children, detailing their, "final wishes to their little fishes". Like many other lullabies, it has a hidden message imparted to kittens; that they should be loyal to their homes and that the continuation of the Clan is true immortality
Moonmane's Days
If you went back in time to the very beginning of the ancient society, before the Tribe and before the Clans, you would still find this story being told. It's a truly ancient tale, and secretly about the deity that now goes by Rock.
It's a parable about a father-lion who hunts down the moon and rips it into pieces to feed to his cubs, portioning time into digestible chunks. He kept the full moon for himself as the lion's share.
Rock HATES this story and insists he just wanted to know what day it was, and he is NO ONE'S father, and also he tells you to leave him alone
Deadly Nightshade
It is said that there was once a medicine cat who was incompetent. She would confuse her meadowsweet and her hemlock, and she would poison the cats under her care. She was exiled and died alone, and StarClan would not let her hunt with them... but all of her actions were only accidents.
So they turned her into a poison plant, and she lives on as a warning. It's customary for medicine cats to uproot deadly nightshade whenever they see a young sprout, as a territory choked with the stuff is a sign they haven't been foraging very much.
The Parable of the Thistle & The Parable of the Honeysuckle
There's also, of course, for the sake of completion, the political parables of the Thistle for Thistle Law and the Honeysuckle for Traditionalism.
Aaand there you have it, the parables I have so far. I think I mentioned Nightshade offhand once but never officially included it, it was an old headcannon of mine.
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satelitis · 3 months
congrats on 300!!! u deserve it so so much,, i was wondering if it's okay if i have;
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐋𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐆 — give me a movie and let me yap about it!
id like to hear u yap ab hereditary pls and thank u!!!
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(also originally this was super long but then i cut it down SIGNIFICANTLY)
sooooo if you couldn’t tell hereditary is my favorite movie! ummm where do i begin?? it’s just such a beautifully executed movie and ari aster + the cast & crew did such a wonderful job. toni collette DESERVES an oscar for her utterly brilliant, breathtaking performance as annie. this movie isn’t just a horror regarding the occult and supernatural aspects but because of grief and what that can do to a person. it’s a movie about loss, love, grief, and it’s just so so so beautiful and such a intresting portrayal. there’s something just so unsettling about this movie is wonderful. at the dinner scene the fighting and bickering makes us as an audience uncomfortable and in so many other scenes and areas. this movie doesn’t even feel like acting. all the hidden easter eggs are so great because everytime you watch this movie you find something new. each character is going through they’re own struggles and we get to see how it is affecting one another and bounces off of each other. the characters are all so interesting and they’re dynamics are so intricate. all the details, lore, background and everything behind this movie and in this movie are EVERYTHING and more. ari aster the man you are. he is so talented and i’m so excited to see more from him.
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alfairy · 11 months
So! I finally saw the fnaf movie! And I’ve got many thoughts about it!!! Here’s my review and random reactions and thoughts about it. Spoilers for the movie under the cut. Proceed with caution!
I thought it was really good! Definitely wasn’t perfect but I had a lot of fun watching it! My mom was with me, and she doesn’t really know anything about fnaf but she also enjoyed it. I didn’t really get scared at any point during the movie (I was more scared by the horror trailers they played before it started haha), but that’s fine! Maybe I’m just immune to jumpscares.
The effects!!! All the animatronics looked so good in motion, and the sound design made them feel even more real. Every heavy metallic movement or blink of an eye, it was just perfect.
There are sooooo many Easter Eggs! Sparky the dog! Ella from the books as a prototype circus baby spring lock suit!
The soundtrack slapped, especially the opening credits. Blumhouse was cooking in the music department fr 🔥🔥🔥
BLANKET FORT SCENE! EVERYONE CHILLING TOGETHER ON THE FLOOR AND BEING FRIENDS! I wish they could’ve stayed friends like that, it was my favorite scene of the whole movie and was so sweet
I heard everyone say there was a matpat cameo but I didn’t see it? Either I somehow missed it or the theater cut the scene or something? I SWEAR I didn’t see this man or hear him say his iconic line. I did have to get up at one point to use the bathroom really quick, so many that’s when I missed it.
Coryxkenshins cameo! I love that guy, he did really good for his quick scenes! I think they should make him a reoccurring character actually. Have him run over springtrap in the next movie.
Also the aunt character was evil. But like, comically evil. She hires people to break into the restaurant to make Mike look bad so she can get custody of Abby and get the government paychecks for it. And she got murdered in Mikes house by Golden Freddy, and they never resolve that??? Last we see her she’s lying dead on the floor and then the last scene with Mike and Abby they’re happily eating spaghetti at home like their aunt wasn’t murdered in the living room lmao. And we know Vanessa couldn’t have covered for them because she’s in a coma soooooooo. 🤷‍♀️
The coolest kill was when Freddy bit that girl in half and her bottom half fell onto the floor like DANG! The rest of the kills they either cut away from or don’t really show detail, which I thing is a weak point. Next movie I think they should push it a little bit further, but I understand why they shot it the way they did.
Is this a good time to admit that I’m kinda down bad for Josh Hutcherson in this thing hhahghshdh 😳🫣 boy stopping looking at me with them big sad doe eyes
Matthew Lillard was also serving cunt in this, even though he got 10 minutes of screen time 😔 he gave it his all. Hopefully if we get a sequel he gets to do Springtrap stuff.
Mike during this whole movie be like: 😴. I’m surprised it took so long for the band to attack him in real life (dream sequences don’t count) when in literally every other scene he’s popping pills and taking naps. He naps every few scenes and yet looks like he hasn’t had a good nights rest in 30 years 😭
So… Garret isn’t one of the spirits? I would’ve thought he was Golden Freddy but he’s not…. Maybe in this universe Garret is the puppet? There was a hidden message in the end credits that says COME FIND ME and the puppet music box is playing. That seems to be what theyre trying to set up for a potential sequel, but…. That’d make me a little sad tbh, this is Charlie erasure ;-; Also can we please have Henry Emily do something for once in this franchise, WHERE is this man.
The finale was cool! When Spring Bonnie walked in everyone was like “YESSS!!!” And after he started talking my mom was like “😯 I think I know who it is!”
William smacked Mike so hard he did a damn triple flip through the air and got his ass knocked out cold. Mans him so hard that it probably sent him back to the bite of 83 💀💀💀
So. The big thing. No Michael Afton in the movie. In fact, Vanessa is William’s only child.
Honestly I’m kinda down for the strange role swap that this universe has going on. I don’t think anyone expected Vanessa to be Williams daughter, but that was cool, and it gives a little insight as to how William managed to get away with this for so long. He’s literally got a kid in the police force keeping tabs on Freddys and covering his tracks for him. Now it suddenly makes sense why in the trailers Vanessa seems so knowledgeable about the animatronics and already knows they’re possessed.
Tbh I had a random thought. If Vanessa gets to take over Mikes role in this world as Williams kid, then Mike should get to have his own “reluctant follower” villain arc. Put that man in a rabbit costume. It’s only fair. Equality 😤 ✊
And with those final thoughts…. Yeah! I’d say the movie was a solid 8.5/10 for me, I’ll probably go see it again with friends when they get off work this weekend! The critics are wrong yet again, it’s a perfectly enjoyable movie and the fans will love it.
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vallany-was-here · 3 months
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I'm so fucking tired
I'm so fucking tired of people who always assume the worst about me. So, so fucking tired.
I absolutely fucking love how so many people out there paint themselves as welcoming to people with adhd/autism, but the moment that person starts to display the "non-fun" signs of their disorder, suddenly they're the worst person ever.
It's all fun and dandy for as long as that autistic person is cute. For as long as their misundrstanding of a joke is funny, as long as their special interest is socially accepted and deemed cute or quirky. As long as their hyperfocus is on something you, too, think is interesting, or as long as they're an UwU Clumsy Baby Bean, as long as you deem them adorable or innocent or another form of infantilization that is, quite frankly, patronising as fuck and not okay.
But then that person becomes too blunt for your liking. Suddenly the joke they misunderstood leads to awkwardness and kills the conversation. Suddenly you don't like they're too honest. You don't like their "special interest" or whatever, because suddenly it doesn't align with what you think is interesting or acceptable as an interest. Suddenly you think they're rude and mean and negative when they misunderstand social queues and subtext in your speech. Suddenly they're a bad person when they get impatient, snappy, forget something, struggle with complicated, unclear instructions.
Suddenly they're lazy and disgusting when they can't keep up with the washing or dishes, when they're overwhelmed and paralysed by simply being alive, and then you feel like it's your place to judge them with a sense of superiority because hurr durr, how hard can it be to fold a basket of fucking washing, right? How hard can it fucking be to wash a few plates? To keep a room tidy? How fucking hard can it be to remember simple shit like taking out trash or walking a dog or keeping track of someone's birthdays?
Because you, a neurotypical, find that shit sooooo easy. So why can't they? Oh, they have a fucking disability? Well, I guess they're just not trying hard enough to overcome it! They aren't trying hard to remember, to not be awkward in conversations, to not be blunt! If I can do it, they can too! After all, autism and adhd is just about being Cutesy Quirky UwU Clumsy Baby Beans that hate the ceiling light and talk with the speed of a hamster on Redbull, right? And if I don't like the "negative" symptoms of their disorder, I can just call them rude and mean and ostracise them from an entire community! From their family! Take their employment away! After all, nobody wants to work with an awkward asshole, true?
I am. So. Fucking. Tired. So fucking tired of people that just assume I'm rude and mean and an asshole or fucking whatever because my fucking disability makes it hard to communicate. Do you honestly think I want to be this way? That I purposefully paint myself as a rude asshole? Are you for fucking real? When I say time and time again that I find it hard to socialise and to read the room, do you think I'm saying that just for shits and giggles? As some kind of word salad? Or maybe, I'm putting it out there in (vain) hopes that your fucking brain will pick up on it and maybe, just maybe, realise that I'm not purposefully "mean" and "rude" or fucking whatever?
And I fucking hate how no matter how many times I try to explain myself, how many times I spit out paragraphs upon paragraphs of detailed text in hopes that I will not be misunderstood, it still fucking happens. All the time. Because no matter how hard I will try to express myself as precisely as I can, they will always look for hidden context that is not there. I can't count the amount of times someone accused me of "putting it in the context" of a message I wrote that upset them or others. My motherfucker in christ, are you seriously telling me what the meaning of my words is? Are you for fucking real? Do you hear yourself?
I can't count the amount of times this happened over the years. People just assuming the worst about me, no matter what I say or do because they are used to putting "hidden meaning" into their text. And when it suddenly isn't there, they're gonna make it up themselves I guess. I am so sick and tired of being accused of "hiding it between the lines" or fucking whatever, while I could not have been clearer on what I am trying to say.
What I am sick and tired of the most is their secrecy. Why won't you come and tell me you don't like my vibes, so we can talk about it and sort it out? Why are you gonna hide your dislike of me FOR YEARS, acting all friendly and shit, only to then toss it in my face when it gets convenient for you? Why would you be all sugary and nice to me for years, only to then out of nowhere complain to my boss that I am too blunt and too socially awkward for your liking and you wanna let me go? Without fucking talking to me first, maybe? No? Why would you be all friendly with me for years, only to then tell me you you can't stand me and didn't like me since day one?
How about maybe being honest with me? How about maybe, just fucking maybe, you bring up what you think about me and discuss shit with me like the adults we are? So we can resolve it? So we can come to an understanding? Or are we gonna all act like highschoolers? Like fucking children? I am twenty fucking five years old, I can get over your dislike of me. What I can't get over, however, if your fake-ass bullshit of pretended friendliness.
Am I just extremely unlucky with the people I encounter, or is this how all neurotypicals are like? As much as I wish I didn't have to struggle with this disability, living in a world where everyone wears a mask of fakeness sounds worse than being the blunt rude bitch, to be honest.
I just fucking wish people didn't assume shit about me and instead talked to me first. What is the fucking point of talking behind my back with your friends? What is the fucking point of badmouthing me to your Parent Group? What is the motherfucking point of telling my boss you want to switch employees without ever saying a word of this to me? Because I said something you interpreted as mean? Because I poke logical mistakes in your flawed parenting and don't budge when you tell me to shut up? Because I am awkward and not as talkative and misunderstand your unclear instructions? Are you for fucking real?
I am beginning to struggle to undertand how the lack of effort of communicating your issues with me are my problem. How the fuck can I know I come off as blunt? As mean? As rude? As inconsiderate and obsessive? When my fucking disability is causing all of these? Disability that you know I have?
And how the fuck is it my responsibility to somehow figure out you have a problem with me, when you do not give me any indication whatsoever that you do? When you're being all friendly and shit on the outside, but think the worst things about me on the inside? Should I ascend and become a fucking mindreader to fix this somehow? Or maybe, just fucking maybe, you stop acting like an angsty highschooler and approach me when you have a problem with me?
Oh, but sorry, it's all my fault. Silly me, I forgot only the cute kind of autism is accepted as a reason. It's all fine and dandy as long as all the others find your disability "okay" enough to their liking, so you're the cute and the quirky and the smart little guy of their friend group.
All is nice and dandy until you make things awkward, until you don't read through the lines of someone's speech and say something rude, until you're deemed obsessive in your interests because they don't find them attractive in one way or another. Until you share an opinion they don't like, until you display traits they don't like.
Then the "reason" stops being a reason, and suddenly it's an "excuse." Suddenly telling them all that you misunderstand social queues is an excuse for your rudeness. Suddenly being autistic is an excuse for hurting someone's feelings. Did you really think I meant to hurt someone? That I am mean on purpose? Really? It comes back to the detailed explaining like a fucking circle of madness. No matter how hard I explain that I don't mean to be rude or hurtful, people will always misunderstand me. They will always say I meant it, that I am now backtracking on my words that I got caught, that I am a little snake trying to put people down for my own amusement. Why always assume the worst about me? Like, fucking excuse me? How can you advocate for people with autism, yet villainize them the moment they start displaying symptoms you don't like? I am fucking disabled, my guy! Would you get angry at a paralysed person for not wanting to participate in a cyclist race you organised? No? Then why is it somehow fucking okay to demonise me for displaying clear signs of my own diability?
I don't even fucking know where I am going with this. I just need to scream about it, I guess. I am just so tired of this. So fucking tired and so fucking upset that no matter how hard I try to prevent being misunderstood, it's like an uphill battle I can never ever win. Something that just never gets better no matter how hard I try.
What even is the fucking point, then?
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allisoooon · 3 years
Klaus never told his siblings about the fact he’d summoned Ben - it was more of a plot point in s2, but the siblings clearly didn’t know about Ben in s1 either (best example being when he tried to tell them in the bowling alley & they didn’t believe him)
I don’t really know what to make of this, since Ben clearly missed his siblings a lot and Klaus knew that, and vice versa (ie Diego/Vanya & Bens interactions)??
(Also when Ben & Klaus argue, all the things Ben says are valid: as much as I disagreed with Ben possessing him then kissing Jill, Klaus also slept with her knowing Ben liked her, all while pretending not to even know Jill’s name, which isn’t exactly good behaviour on his behalf either)
I spend a lot of time trying to un-sugar-coat this relationship, and I feel like these characters are too often let off the hook for their treatment of each other, but I’m gonna try to be fair to them both here.
I’m not sure if Klaus never tried to tell the others about Ben. I’m not sure he’d hear the end of it from Ben if he kept it to himself, and he might try just to shut him up. It’s been many years since then, as opposed to the few days he keeps Ben hidden from them on the show. That could be a lot of years of heartfelt pleading Klaus would have to be some kind of sociopath to ignore. He couldn't even handle Ben badgering him about Dave for five minutes without caving. I don't think Ben would have given up easily if it had been his siblings.
The others may not have believed Klaus at the bowling alley, or the first hypothetical time he told them about Ben, because Klaus tends to run off at the mouth. Things Klaus has alluded to that probably aren’t true include dating twins more than once, sleeping with multiple Baldwin brothers, and waxing his ass with chocolate pudding. Addiction also brings out the liar in you pretty strongly. Moreover, what Klaus was saying seemed impossible—a ghost saved Diego’s life and punched him in the face. We’re not talking about them not believing he can see Ben. We’re talking about them rejecting his entire story because of details that make no sense.
I don’t think Klaus knew Ben liked Jill until the morning he tried to confess to the rest of his cult. Before this point, Ben was being extremely vague about why he wanted to remain with the cult, and the most specific he ever got was that “I have unfinished business.” While Klaus is doing yoga, Ben slips up and starts describing Jill’s “almond-shaped eyes you get lost in” in a dreamy voice. Klaus immediately sits up, his entire face lighting up like this is simultaneously the cutest thing he has ever seen and something he is sooooo going to start teasing Ben about. If this reaction is anything to go by, Klaus had no idea he’d slept with Ben’s crush.
Even then, I don’t think he knew. The implication is that Klaus has so much indiscriminate sex that he doesn’t remember which of his followers is “Jill.” I don’t think he was obfuscating here.
Lastly, the whole possession thing seems to be a metaphor (which is subjective as fuck and is going to depend on the viewer’s interpretation) for the lack of boundaries Klaus and Ben have. But as much grief as Ben gets for this episode, they did explicitly negotiate the rules around sex. I say negotiate, but it was Ben being quiet and letting Klaus set the limits. And to his credit, once those ground rules were set, he followed them.
Their struggle to gain control over Klaus’ body is where I see boundaries being crossed, but like…that’s kind of the point of the metaphor. Unless things are spelled out between them, any gray areas are fair game. Usually when they do try to set boundaries with each other, it's spur of the moment and the follow-through isn't always great. Before this, Klaus fully expects Ben to be a last-minute accomplice to stealing a truck just so he doesn’t have to wait for a bus. This moment, as well as the “Your business is my business!” scene, are great examples of one setting boundaries and the other getting pissed about it.
But let’s be real, I’m not sure these kids were taught about boundaries. Even if they were, they tend to go right out the window in a relationship as codependent as this one. Still, even though they’re very bad to each other sometimes, they’re not monstrous.
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laitoslittlemacaron · 3 years
Some Laito Appreciation!💚💚💚
So, What do I Love about him:
Honestly, what do i not love about him? He makes me feel so so happy, for over 6 years now. I love him from the bottom of my heart and with all my soul.♡´・ᴗ・`♡ He's so unbelievably precious, important and special to me, I really want to make him feel happy too, he deserves so so much. And I hope that someday i can find someone in real life who can give me such strong lovely feelings..
Anyways, for me, he's such a well-written, amazing and the most interesting character. He has so many layers and sides, there is so much personality and so many hidden thoughts and feelings inside him. There are so many details. So much to love. And to understand, comprehend and analyze what's going on inside his mind, not to mention just how intelligent he actually is. I cant really say what it is but there just is something about him i cant explain, which makes me just super addicted to him.
Especially his way of using and playing with words. There often is this Dark Poetic way of talking, with quite a bit of Horror in this Aesthetic way, i loveee it. Just, dark poetry, but more bloody. Cruel and twisted but still beautiful in it's own way. These specific metaphores he uses, these comparisions he makes, those references, sometimes he gets philosophical and i love a lot of the specific words he loves to use. (」゚ロ゚)」♡♡ And have a special mention for when he goes Yandere/possessive please ovo♡
But right next to his sadistic word play he can also get really romantic, not that often, but it stuns me everytime he does it. How can you make such beautiful sentences and comparings♡´・ᴗ・`♡ (And theen destroy them in the next few seconds to keep your mask x'D ) And for example the fairy tale references he sometimes makes! There are so many favourite moments i have as well!
Or when he finally opens up and not locking away his heart and feelings anymore, which takes so much time and work, how truly and genuine he means his love then..o(╥﹏╥)o❤ And how, Protective, he is then!!💕 and how he is able to handle serious and dangerous situations(to protect you..)!! Its so amazing. also oml his "ideas" and date ideas,, owo And I love how sensual he is and what he does and likes to do (okay most of it XD boi can be psycho) , you would'nt believe me how fast i get hug starved, i think i would have died by now if i didnt have all this cuddle stuff of him XD And hell yesss to when he calls you a princess and carries you like one!♡♡♡
Also he's the one you can have the most fun with and do the most stupid things with. Just think back to the halloween cd for example xD Or the make-up cd! (And pranks pff) He's pretty often the only one or one the few who's up for fun stuff, or how he was the one who planned your birthday party while trying to convince all the other ones:'3 Oh to go over a fun fair with him or to my favourite theme park qwq❤ He also can be sooooo adorable sometimes i cant even.. And he makes me laugh so much! He can be so funny. This also includes some of his ideas(and being fully confident in them) (its also stuff like him calling himself a gentlemen which cracks me up; or him being whiny for attention or pretending to be sick)..x"D Especially in scenarios with his brothers, oof i cant. Also him, teasing, his brothers, for example putting a bow into Subarus hair?? omygod.. And then other times he plays the big bro.. :') or sometimes plays the little brother, making them feel horrified xD
Ah andddd i can take PuriKuras with him!! That was way too cute (╥_╥)♡ And i can drag him with me on every rollercoaster!! hehehe ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌ ♡♡ Aand into every cute cafe as well since he enjoys them as much as I do! He can also dance the waltz 🥹💖💖
Can we also please appreciate his voice?? It's so smooth and absolutely beautiful. Thank you for making me feel happy, making me laugh, calming me and making me nervous as frick, strongly giving me the doki-doki's, goosebumps and many many heart attacks. (and for the Voice Drops!!!♡♡ hehehe ovo and these dangerous sounding breath-ins (???idk what to call it but i luv) ah and the little giggles x'D) also wtf hirarin how are u so good at this, like, way too good,, ??¿ ?????
I also want to mention that his eye colour (Green-Turquoise, "Viridian") is exactly!! my favourite colour (◍•ᴗ•◍)💚 also goddamn, his beautiful eyes. Way too pretty, with that gaze in them. And he rly does have style👀 And oof his beautiful autumn coloured hair. i want to run my fingers through it and make him a ponytail. Maybe braid it a bit or give him twin tails for fun👀 Ah i know he doesnt play it very often but i lovee the sound of Piano, so when he does i would love to just listen to him play♡´・ᴗ・`♡ And i reallyy reallyyy want to give him a smooch on his cute birthmark 👀❤
What also makes me happy is that he loooves Macarons! They're my favourite thing to bake and ive gotten really good at them (´∀`)♡ I would love to bake them for him whenever he asks for, and whatever flavour he wants ♡´・ᴗ・`♡💚 And I want to take him with me to my favourite Patisserie!
Okay i think that's enough for now😂💚 I tried to keep it short xD there are quite a few things im too embarassed to admit lmao but in conclusion; Laito I love you so goddamn much, I'm going to explode. 🥺👉👈💚
//I know today is favourite moment/quote day but there is way way too much i dont want to spam whole games and cds😭😂💕/
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taechnological · 2 years
saeeeee, I was listening to friends (I love that song sooooo much) and I just wanted to say that I love all the little details in the melody, like the sound effects and words that are shouted in the backing vocals (at one point you can hear a kchu kchu?? sound, idk, and then there's Jimin shouting 베프 and 웬수)
idk I just love it soon much and none ever talks about it but I think it adds so much to the songgg
YES YES YES !!! yes very true the sound effects! almost all bts songs have hidden sound effects added in them like the cassette deck at the end of seesaw and the camera softly clicking in scenery and the gunshots in many of their songs and so much more
the adlibs!!! yesss friends is such a precious song my fav part is "even when the cheers die down, stay" "hey" it gets me each time 😭
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arthurflecksgirl · 4 years
Hi sweety❤️ Can I have a fic where Arthur helps x reader who's having a panick attack? him calming her down, cuddling her... thank you so much 😘
My dear friend. Thank you sooooo much for your request. I really really hope you like the result.
Summary: You`re greateful for how far you and Arthur had come in your relationship, how much progress he made to experience true happiness. But then you discover one of his journal entries. Is he still in the same dark place he was before? Just the thought of him suffering is giving you a panic attack. But Arthur is right there with you...
The dim light from the tv screen was the only light that filled the living room. Murray Franklin was talking to a well known comedian. You watched Arthur resting on the couch. He was falling asleep during the live show, even though he was looking forward to this episode all day, he was so tired, his eyes got heavy when Ellis Draine and his Jazz Orchestra started playing already.
"One day" you thought watching him breathe in and out like it was the easierest thing to do when you suffered from waht he had been through. One day he will be sitting on Murrays couch and telling his own jokes. And his idol will be proud of him like a father. Because he deserved it. He deserved the world.
Arthur seemed at peace with himself sleeping. That was new. Which made you proud of how far you two have come in your relationship. He was getting better.You felt it every morning waking up, receiving your good morning kiss from his coffee stained lips and cigarette tasting breath. He was making baby steps but looking at it now, over a year later it was a total different world he was living in. The one you created together. Ever since you met him you wanted to cure him. To support and comfort him through everyday life. To help him out of his mindset which was all that he had known since he was little.
People kept telling you that it was impossible to heal wounds like his. To heal someone that experienced his kind of trauma. That all he needed was proffessional help. But you knew that they missed out at something. Just because he needed his meds didnt mean that love wasnt the key for his cure.  You knew that there were some scars hidden inside of him, buried so deep that it would take years to get through and be able to work on that. But you also knew that being  loved was the only thing in this world that could ease Arthurs pain and make him the man he always wanted to be. He was destined to be.
And every single day  spent together was proof that he was making progress. His smile became more and more genuine. His laughing fits didnt happen as often anymore and if so they wouldnt last that long because you would hold him and help him breathe until it was over. He also told you about his journal entries and how they changed. His therapist was also seeing the changes. He was talking about how much more poetry and beautiful thoughts filled the pages.
You gently stroke his hair. Watching him sleep always felt pretty intimate to you. He was so vulnerable and unaware of his beauty. But you knew that even in his sleep he was aware of another thing- your love. Thats why he was even able to get some sleep.
You took another close look at his face. You could never get enough of him. It was risky to give him a kiss on his closed eyelids. Arthur had a very light sleep and could wake up any second but there was no way to fight the urge to do so. His eyelid fluttered under the soft touch of your bottom lip, but he didnt wake. You let your index finger travel over his dark eyebrows. They were shaped so perfectly, matching his piercing eyes and the slight circles underneath them. His body was still stressed out from work. His fragile body which was trying so hard not to break down while starving.
His stomach problems caused by his meds was another thing you had to work through. You looked at the bowl on the table. he almost finished his soup today, which was a good sign. You smiled, got up from your knees and walked to his desk to get the empty cups of coffee from the morning. It was time to make the dishes.
But the moment you grabbed the cups his journal distracted you. It was opened. You wondered about his last entries, the ones he wanted to show you because he wrote some new poems lately.
It took you a moment to think about if it was even okay to have a look at the opened page but it was already too late. One sententence was marked, the letters thicker than the rest of the written words. It caught your eye without a warning. And when you read it, your heart stopped for a second.
"I just hope my death makes more cents than my life"
Why the hell would he write something cruel like that?
The letters started to blurr through your tears. One tear was falling upon the page. Right on the word HOPE.
Shit. Now he would notice that you came near this page. You nerveausly grabbed a handkerchief and pressed it on the spot where the tear was soaking through the page. It was too late, making it look even worse.
You started to cry , throwing the handkerchief on the floor.
Yo thought he was getting better. There was so much proof.
Did he felt like his life was worthless?
Didnt make any sense?
Was he feeling like all of this wasnt making sense?
You thought you helped him.
Was it al in your mind? His proress? Him becoming a happier version of himself? Was it all a lie you told yourself?
The possibility of Arthurstill being the same tortured soul as when you met him simply broke your heart.
Why was a beautiful and gentle soul like him suffering so much? How cruel can the world be to him?
Was he still wishing he was dead? Was he still lying in bed at night, fantasizing about ending his own life?  Would he ever hurt himself again? Risking to being locked up at Arkham, so there was no chance to share a bed together? Just visits with him being handcuffed on the other side of the table? Was there still a chance he was that unhappy inside?
Tears fell like rain.
The pain inside your heart grew with every thought that crossed your mind. If life was still torture to him, why wouldnt he talk about this to you? Didnt he trusted you enough? Was he embarrassed about how he felt? Or was it simply because he didnt wanted you to get worried about his condition?
It was all too much.
You started to feel like your throath was getting tighter. Like the walls were closing in. Everything inside of you screamed. There was this nameless fear inside of your guts. Possesing you, hurting you. It was getting harder and harder to breathe.
Dizzyness overcame you with all its power. Cold sweat. All of the sudden the happiness you felt while watching him sleep was being sucked out of your body. And now all you knew was fear.  Liek it was the only emotion left in the world. Pure, naked fear in its rawest form.
A panic attack.
You had experienced this before but never this intense.
You sat down on the chair, trying not to look at the opened journal again.  It hurt so much. All of it did. Your body. Your heart. Mostly your heart. And your head. Both heavy from tears and the thought of Arthur being suicidal.
Your breathing got heavier as you started to sobb.
And then you heard Arthurs footsteps. His naked feet on the floor. You woke him up. He was finally resting and you woke him. This made you feel even worse.
"Oh my god Y/N, darling. What happened?" He noticed your tears and heavy breathing.
"Dont worry....Arhur....please....just go back to sleep okay? You need your sleep.  You`ve been working hard today...."
Arthur checked your pulse "Oh shit, your heart is racing. Did you took any medication? "
"Did something else happen?" He checked your forehead, noticed your shaking hands. "Looks like you`re having a panic attack. I know the symptoms very well. I had so many in the past when I woke up from nightmares."
You nodded. Still sobbing like a baby. Arthur gave you one of his handkerchiefes and started to stroke your hair "Oh darling, I kow this feels terrible. But it will pass. Just try to breathe. Breathe with me okay. Remember when you helped me breathe during my laughing fits? I will do the same with you now okay?"
Arthur lifted you up and carried you to the couch.
"Is that okay? Is it comfortable?" you nodded. He was so caring it broke your heart. He cared so much about you, while inside he was suffering from so much pain.
He positioned himself behind you, resting both of his hands on your tummy and told you to breathe in and out like he did. Until you felt your breath becoming one with his. Just as calm and deep.
"Good" he whispered, his gentle fingers under your shirt. He knew that skin on skin contact helped calming you down.
"You`re doing great" his voice was everything you needed to hear.
"Oh Arthur....I feel like I cant breathe...."
"Shhhhhhtt.....baby I know. I know how it feels. Your body is telling you lies. You can breathe. Just do it with me."
"You felt Arthurs chest lifting up and down, his warm breath in your neck. He was everything to you. You needed him to be happy.
Arthur placed thoughtful kisses all over your neck. As soft as a butterflies wings. You tried to concentrate on the details. His long , dark eyelashes crossing the spot behind your ears. The tip of his nose tickeling you. His muffled "I love you`s".
"I`m sorry I woke you up"
"Dont be!"
"There was this sudden fear coming over me. It was like....I thought I was dying."
"I´m right here with you Y/N. Nothing bad is going to happen to you, I promise!"
You nodded. Knowing he was right. Nothing could harm you with Arthurs arms around you. You just wished it was the same the other way around. Wasnt it the same?
His journal said it wasnt.  His written words hitting you like a knife.
"Do you know what triggered this?" He asked you, while his hand was caressing your chest.
Should you tell him? He would notice the wet spot on his journal page anyway.
"Arthur I am so scared to tell you this but...I was ...oh god....I was looking at your opened diary  page. It was lying on teh table when I was getting the coffee cups and there was this sentence that caught my eyes......" you started to sobb uncontrolable.
"What page?" he asked "Please dont cry. Ohhhhhh please ...." he pulled you closer to his chest so his heartbeat was pressed against you.
"You wrote....."I just hope my death makes more cents than my life...." Arthur. This hit me so hard. I didnt knew you still felt like this. I dont know.....what to say....I`m just.......oh Arthur....." you pressed yourself against him as if your life depended on it. Arthurs white shirt was now soaked with tears.
"Ohhh nooo darling. That was my old journal. My therapist wanted to bring it back to her to proof how much progress I made since I met you!"
You loosened your embrace to look him in the eyes "W-What?"
"Yeah" he shrugged "I just marked the darkest pages to see how far we have come and stopped at this one before going to sleep."
The weight of the world was falling off your shoulders "Really?"
"Yes.....oh  Y/N I am so sorry you had to go through these emotions just because I was so stupid to leave my old journal lying on the table. "
"You are not stupid Arthur!"
"Well this time I was"
"It was my fault....I shouldnt have looked at the page in the first place".
The air was finally coming back. Your body was starting to relax again.
Arthur held you close in his arms "That was the old me. And yes sometimes I´m still having dark thoughts but its just.....echoes from the past. Its not part of our reality anymore. Its just ghosts. They`re not real. Just trying to tell me lies. So I am not listening to them . I´m listening to you. To your words of love and comfort. I`m save with you. And you are save with me. Remember?"
"I remember Arthur. I love you so much!"
"I love you more"
"Thats impossible" you smiled, kissing his upper lip.
Arthur rested his head in the crook of your neck whispering "If I`ve learned one thing from being loved, its this: Nothing`s impossible - with you in my arms".
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@aarthurfleckk @mylovelycrazyworld @clownalog @ajokerfangirl  @the-one-who-is-chaos @sabrinaeileensnape @raven-romanoff
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