#and what could be romantic interests but doesn’t have to be
causenessus · 19 hours
love letters
part 0.05. intros
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suna rintarou °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
middle blocker for the msby volleyball team and wanted to major in something art related but ended up going into athletic training with sakusa. in high school, atsumu, osamu, and him would very frequently sneak out at night usually to graffiti a wall and atsumu and him have kept up the tradition. whenever they travel to other cities to play an away game, they’ll try and find the time to go out and leave their mark on the city. in college, he started to do things like leave little snippets of lyrics from romantic songs on walls in sharpie or spray paint </3 he’s been upset with himself ever since he found out y/n has a boyfriend. he never gave her any hints of interest in high school because he didn’t feel like she knew him well enough and wasn’t confident that he would return his feelings but then never got the chance to tell her because she started dating suga. instead, he’s been finding small ways to be closer to her. although he isn’t majoring in art, he started to hang around the art department more, and would follow her around whenever she came to develop photos. she’d let him come with her into the department’s dark room and explain the process to him while he just admired her <3 eventually he started to invite her to come wander the city with him in search of street art and told her he’d start sending her photos of art that he found in other cities (which he's totally not making and then sending to her as if he just randomly stumbled upon the most heartwrenching, romantic art ever). as long as he’s with her he could care less what they're doing; to him, the real artwork is right next to him <3 she’s taking photos of something written on a wall while he’s looking at her <3
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miya atsumu & miya osamu °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
setter for msby <3 made his bio in retaliation to his brother and then got upset when osamu didn’t care. didn’t even want to go to college but really wanted to play for msby and didn’t want to be left out of everyone else going to school so he’s chilling in communications with bokuto. loves to come to onigiri miya on days y/n works because she gives him discounts and he jokes that she’s a better cook than osamu (which psychologically, for him, is probably true. samu cooks for tsumu and curses the food while y/n tries to put at least a little bit of love into what she makes for him). at some point tried to flirt with y/n and then realized she did not love when he visited because of him but bc he would bring suna. often comes by himself to onigiri miya or brings bokuto with him to ask yn how things with suna, completely ignoring the fact that she has a boyfriend (which leaves her confused about every single life choice she's made) and then will immediately text suna being like “y/n and me are talking about u rn LL sucks to suck i bet ur wondering what she thinks of u"
always gives suna discounts when he comes and will immediately take over whatever order y/n is working on so that she can make suna’s foof <3 he’s like a double agent for both sides but doesn’t get too involved because things with suga are making it difficult. he’s definitely someone suna goes to a lot for advice and although suna tends to only come on days when y/n works, sometimes on late nights after practice when osamu is the only one left working, suna will come in and they’ll share a drink and talk about y/n and more
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bokuto koutarou & oikawa tooru °❀⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
wing spiker for msby and self proclaims himself as the ace <3 sakusa and him beef a little bit about it but the entire team is made up of doubles anyway so they kind of share the title. he’s matching users with atsumu and oikawa and also asked akaashi if they could have matching headers <3 akaashi sent him his current header which bokuto immediately started using <3 my guy has got so many friends and is loved by everyone so he’s actually having the best time of his life in college!!! besides when exams come around. then he’s hiding under a table and it takes the collective effort of akaashi, atsumu, and oikawa’s to get him out.
second setter for msby! atsumu and him actually lowkey connected immediately and the team often uses a 6-2 rotation to utilize two setters and it’s been working out pretty well. other volleyball teams quiver hearing about msby’s lineup LMAO. he’s also a photography major which has led to suna often asking him how y/n is doing <3 does a lot of portraits and posts his works on a separate photography account. has started to join atsumu and suna when they sneak out while on away games to find somewhere to leave a piece of art.
extras <3
suna, atsumu, osamu, bokuto, and oikawa all live together
it is either very peaceful or a living hell
atsumu and bokuto will get riled up about something together and start having an energetic burst while suna isolates in his room (or more often is slipping out to go hang with y/n)
oikawa’s pretty chill and is in his actually-studying-for-exams era
osamu’s usually busy at work
so it’s peaceful (according to their definition) when not everyone is home but sometimes atsumu will start beefing with osamu about something and shit hits the fan
suna is heavily heavily heavily inspired by this guy named @/greg_goya on instagram
when i had this idea for street art i really spent an hour on instagram and google combined looking for this guy bc the art he does is totally what i was going for
and when i say inspired i mean suna is literally greg goya. i will probably use screen shots from my man greg in this smau so ty to him in advance he's a king 👑
both "exhibits" or friend groups are lowkey one big friend group but there's a small natural divide bc most of the ride or die bros are from inarizaki and some of them (cough atsumu cough bokuto cough suna if he didn't want to be around y/n 24/7 cough) said that they NEEDED a bros only gc
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royboyfanpage · 3 days
What would you consider to be the defining characteristics of Roy? Like what makes Roy Harper well Roy Harper?
Please and Thank You ☺️
Hi! That is a really great question
Okay the first defining characteristic is easy to answer: love. Romantic, platonic, familial etc. He loves so strongly, and once he’s loved someone once he’s pretty much gonna love them forever. You can see it with Lian (which I think is particularly present during Lian’s early appearances- baby Lian era- but is also very evident all throughout her existence), you can see it with how he never stopped loving Jade, you can see it with how he lets his heart get broken for Donna, you can see it with Dick and Ollie and Dinah and everyone important to his life, and regardless of if these people hurt him he’s still gonna love them. Which leads onto his second defining characteristic-
Forgiveness, and emotional honesty. In my opinion, a good Roy Harper does not hold grudges, at least not for very long. This is something that I think’s most interestingly demonstrated in Titans (1999) #15, wherein the Fab Five are all on an island together where their emotions are being manipulated to turn them against each other. And the main reason I think this issue in particular is so interesting is because when everyone else is there bringing up resentments and grudges, particularly towards Roy, Roy doesn’t. The only times that it could be argued that Gargoyle’s manipulating Roy’s emotions to make him more hostile, it’s always in direct response to something else that’s happened there- take, Dick insulting Roy and calling him unreliable, for example. And when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Roy’s generally perceived as the “hothead” of the group and, while I don’t like it that much as a negative connotation (though there are undoubtedly some moments where it is a negative), it is in a way true. He’s very much an immediate responder- he won’t let things fester, he’ll immediately call things out when he doesn’t like them, and then once he’s gotten that out in the air he’ll drop it even without any apology (which, to be honest, 9/10 times he does not get an apology). He doesn’t hold grudges because he takes action immediately against things he doesn’t like, and then ends it there once he’s voiced his thoughts. He forgives incredibly easily, which unfortunately has made him a bit of a punching bag among his friends- everybody knows Roy as the one who doesn’t hold things against you, and so they don’t have many reservations about calling him a junkie or insulting him (which as a little aside is why I love Roy punching Dick in Outsiders so much- this isn’t a new occurrence, people have been calling him a junkie for years, but he actually stands up for himself which. Good for you baby.) Obviously this isn’t always the case, and a really interesting casual observation I’ve made recently is that it’s definitely something that came about more after Lian was born. I haven’t thought about this in great depth before, so I’m not taking into account the original Teen Titans run because it’s currently 5am and I cannot be arsed to reread it all looking for panels that back up my point, but Roy’s emotional honesty was definitely not as key pre-Lian as it after she came into his life, particularly surrounding Ollie. Maybe I’ll make a separate post about this at some point when I’ve thought about it more, but essentially my point is that Roy promised Lian that he wouldn’t lie to her, and a part of not lying is being more open and honest in all aspects of your life.
And then the next is Roy’s abandonment issues. Is he even Roy Harper if he doesn’t have abandonment issues. A key part of Roy’s relationships is that he expects them end, he expects everything to go wrong and for him to be once again left on his own. The most clear example of this is with Donna, particularly their relationship in Titans ‘99. In #5, he asks her on their date “With all the great guys in your life, why the hell are you out here with me?” To which her answer is essentially he’s not Dick, Garth, Wally, or Kyle, nothing about who he is, just who he’s not, which she later expands on in #6 by saying she wanted to date him for his “reputation”, so she could be seen as less of a nice girl, which again, isn’t really saying anything about Roy as a person, just what function he can provide as a boyfriend at that time. And then again in #15 (have I mentioned before that the Gargoyle storyline is one of the absolute best stories for Roy analysis? Because it is) when Donna tells Roy that she doesn’t intend on staying with him, saying “when we break up”, Roy just… leaves. Which I think is a really interesting juxtaposition against the last point I made, it’s one of the few instances where Roy actually can’t immediately voice his feelings because he just can’t handle having his fears confirmed one more time, he has to leave. And then when Donna and Roy finally have their heart to heart at the end of Donna’s “who is” arc (I can’t remember the exact issue), Roy has this… one split second, one single panel where you can see his pain, before he puts a mask on to go back to the carefree Roy Harper, essentially telling her he’s glad he chose her out of everyone to experiment and that he’ll always love her regardless of if they’re in a relationship, despite the fact Donna doesn’t really acknowledge his feelings- just Lian’s. I just think it’s really interesting how Roy’s usual openness about his emotions isn’t as present with Donna, and he’s way more likely to lie to her to hide his pain. And Roy’s abandonment issues are so important throughout his story- he can’t stand being alone, he’s hardly ever a solo hero, but he expects it. There are a lot of reasons why Roy got addicted to drugs, but the main one which was present in both the original Snowbirds comic (through Roy’s speech about how “someone” might turn to drugs in order to deal with an “older friend” leaving them) and his Secret Origins story is that he turned to drugs because he couldn’t handle Ollie leaving. I’m not gonna go into depth with Snowbirds here, I’ve already done that a lot, but his abandonment issues are absolutely a core part of his character particularly in the fact he’s proven right so often. But what’s most interesting is something I made a post about before is that Roy’s abandonment issues don’t manifest in the way you’d expect. Usually, a character who has abandonment issues will hide themself away, not let anybody close for fear of being hurt again. Roy? His arms are always open. He will let them into his life, fully expecting them to hurt him, and he’ll do this again and again and again. He’s attracted to it like a moth to a flame- he can’t be alone, he’s an extrovert to the highest degree, and he keeps getting his heart broken because it’s always on his sleeve.
There’s a lot more I could talk about here, but I’ve been typing for like an hour and my fingers hurt now. I hope this is satisfactory :)
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icyg4l · 3 days
PAC: Messages from Your Deceased Queer Loved One
Hello beautiful people! Happy Pride Month! This month has come to an end quickly, but we live on forever! I wanted to dedicate this reading to the people we have lost in the LGBTQ+ community to violence, suicide, illnesses and more. They deserve to live long lives without disruption. As the small pieces of progress rise, there comes more regression which is why it is important to emphasize the safety of queer people everywhere. Any queer person you have felt a personal connection to will be sought out for insight through my True Heart Tarot Deck. Rest in peace to the beautiful angels that have suffered on this Earth. Let’s hope that they have a peaceful afterlife. 
Before I make my temporary departure from this community, I feel that it is important for me to give you guys a proper goodbye. I will drop a couple more PACs before this month ends. But I want to remind you all that I have a Five Dollar Friday Sale coming on this Friday! If you are interested in my sale, please refer to my guidelines. Remember, if you have more than one question, that is an additional $5. I will get to you in a timely manner. But without further ado, please choose the iconic queer film still that you feel most connected to. 🫶🫶🫶
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-4)
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TW// mentions of familial abuse, violence, suicide, addiction, illness.
Pile One: Hello, Pile One. Your loved one wants you to know that you do not need to be living the fast life. I feel like I am talking to people who feel like they need to grow up fast. Something significant could have happened to you when you were sixteen or to your deceased loved one. You still have time, there is no need to rush the process. I feel like your loved one passed due to an overdose or because they succumbed to HIV/AIDS. They want you to learn from what they have been through. You do not have to fit in with what the crowd is doing. Be careful when you are out with certain people this weekend. Everyone does not have the best intentions for you. It feels like you need to clean house. Your circle does not seem mature enough to understand the transformation you are about to undergo. You are being protected, specifically by a younger person on the other side. This person passed away about 10-15 years ago. Maybe even longer. They want you to start acting like you care about your life. Let’s change our ways for the better, shall we? This may go unheard until a later time, when you really need to hear it but you will get the message. 
Cards Used: King of Swords, 8 of Wands, The Empress, The Moon, 2 of Discs.
Pile Two: This pile feels very heavy in comparison to the last pile. Pile Two, this death feels very recent, like within the last year or so. This also has some romantic undertones. This could have been your partner, or a friend that you never confessed your true feelings for. This person could have expressed suicidal ideations to you. They admire the way that you took care of them while they were depressed. You took them out of their comfort zone and introduced them to a new life. I am channeling the movie ‘Perks of Being a Wallflower’. I think this person left you with a lot of questions when you died. But they want you to know that you did all that you could. There is nothing that you could have done to turn back the hands of time. What’s done is done. They don’t want you to become obsessive over their spirit, but celebrate all that they’ve done and accomplished thus far. Don’t try to save everyone because everyone doesn’t need to be saved. You will never fully heal from this trauma but you will get closure. It feels like you need to move far away from where you are. It brings up too much drama and bad memories. You deserve to be in a place where you feel safe and grounded, even if it means making the move alone. Focus on moving forward from now. They will always have love for you, even in the afterlife. Even if you move on. In fact, when you start dating someone, they will pull the strings behind the scenes for the union to form. 
Cards Used: The Hermit, 3 of Cups, Ace of Discs, The Empress, The World, 2 of Wands. 
Pile Three: Hello, Pile Three! This is exactly who you think it is. If you have been smelling certain scents or have seen things randomly fall, then this is definitely for you. This feels like a cousin or a sibling. I feel like you found out some stuff about this person after they died and it shocked you. “Well, what now?”, they ask. Are you going to look at them differently? I feel like they had a bit of a reputation, but they’re highly misunderstood. They want you to focus on making peace with who they were. Don’t try to justify their mistakes/choices. It is what it is. Instead, focus on more important things like attaining your goals in the physical realm. Some of you may be in the gym using it as a coping mechanism. Make a goal so that you can beat your PR. Something about your childhood is significant here. Unfortunately, I feel like some of you were victimized as a child by this person and because of that, you don’t know how to view this person through an objective lens. It makes you feel guilty because you feel like you should be focused on the good stuff. You have a complicated relationship with this person, even after death. I am channeling this book called ‘All Boys Aren’t Blue’. The author opens up about an inappropriate relationship he had with his cousin and he addresses his cousin with respect, but still holds him accountable for taking advantage of him. For others of you, I feel like this person is sorry for exposing you to the wrong crowd. I heard “the secret is out”. At some point in their life, they stopped caring about themselves and in return, this affected those around them. They want you to find room in your heart to forgive them. It will be a long and complicated journey, but they have hope. 
Cards Used: 6 of Cups (RX), Temperance, The Moon (RX), 7 of Swords, The High Priestess, Justice, The Star. 
Pile Four: Pile Four, your loved one does not want you to keep up with appearances. Be as true to yourself as you should be. Not all of us have the privilege of being able to come out and be ourselves. Some of us have to blend in and be like everyone else because that’s what we have to do to keep ourselves safe. If you suspect that anyone was in the closet in your family (immediate family to be exact), then you were right. This person was family oriented, so they chose to stay silent about their identity. Plus, it’s no one’s business. But once again, this was not a choice. They feared being exposed or treated as an outsider. But they see what you are doing and they want you to keep doing it. Keep making friends with other queer folks. Go to pride events. You may find members of your chosen family there. You are a bit naive right now, so you might not understand the full complexities of what they’ve gone through. They understand that you could be upset with them but keep the family close. Do not isolate yourself; even if it means talking to two family members, please keep in contact. It feels like this person was a bit of a mystery. So, you should ask about their history. Get in contact with people who were close with them and get to the bottom of their story. They want you to make an altar for them, so you can connect with them. It will make all the difference in the world, love. 
Cards Used: 10 of Cups, Judgment, The Hierophant, The High Priestess, 10 of Discs, 7 of Wands (RX)
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audiblehush · 2 days
As a Penelope fan, I’m just sitting here wondering how people who claim to love her are happy with what the show (P2 specifically) has done to her.
Lady Whistledown arose out of Penelope growing up in emotionally abusive household where she was and is ignored and belittled, and she develops deeply ingrained trust issues as a result. As she grows older, society then also treats her pretty terribly (whether because of how she looks, who her family is, her shyness… all make sense in a way) and through luck or planning (since the show never tells us), she creates LW as a coping mechanism to be heard and to hit back… which I get - living that sort of life would be incredibly traumatic on a daily basis; I’m not surprised she got angry! But as a result, she ends up CHOOSING to cause hurt in the way SHE was hurt. She becomes a part of the greater cycle of pain and trauma.
That’s not to say the people around her are flawless; they’re not! But even when Pen is trying to (in her mind) help others, despite her intentions she DOES cause harm, to those she cares about AND strangers, and she does it behind a mask and a fear or exposure and censure. She chooses the nuclear option almost every time because she refuses to trust in or rely on others out of fear.
Penelope is perpetually stuck in a trauma-response and holding onto it like her life depends on it because to her, IT DOES - to her, it is the only way she has a say in her life, her way of surviving the grind of the social season, in the society she DESPERATELY wants to be a part of, but where she barely exists to others and is ignored.
And it was interesting; what a conflict!!Penelope, a young woman in a time where women had little to no power or agency, has created this massive machine that the ton is addicted to and feeds… but the power is heady, and she is ALSO addicted to it and can’t seem to stop despite the harm she KNOWS she’s doing, even when it blows up in her face, even when it harms her AND her precious people. Her hyper independence arose out of being emotionally alone nearly her entire life. She keeps her focus outward instead of internal at all costs, because what will she find when she looks inward?
All of this in S1 and S2 was fine with me because characters are allowed to (and should have) flaws. And I was under the impression that in S3, the narrative was going to finally grapple with Penelope’s trauma and the way she CHOSE to cope with it and how those who love her will grapple with this discovery. I was excited for Colin and Eloise to help her realize she is more than what her life has pushed her to be and what she feels she needs to do to survive. And then the show just… doesn’t.
The show’s answer to this was that LW was a victory for her character; that all she needed to do was “be confident” and that fixes all her pain she caused and that staying LW should be the pinnacle of her character growth.
To the show, Penelope “growing up” means actively choosing her coping mechanism over every relationship in her life and framing it as feminist… and that if she were to be rejected, it’s because those people were rejecting Penelope herself, and that she should be blindly supported… when the reality is that the show forces Penelope to reject everything except LW and never lets her consider a different option.
And I’m screaming into the void because how could they want that for Penelope?! Penelope, a hopeless romantic who reads romance novels to escape and because they are a “history of connection,” the thing she has lacked and seeks desperately! And in P2 she’s not alone; she now has Colin who loves her desperately!
Growing up means doing the hard work of self-reflection and acknowledging when you’ve harmed others and then trying to do better. To realize that you can’t live constantly seeking the validation of society because they will always move the goal posts, and that the harm done to you is a reason… but not an excuse to continue to harm others when you know better. But what does the show do?
The show has the briefest of scenes where she attempted a half-assed apology to Colin before the it barrels past any sort of meaningful conversation and then… ultimately keeps her right where she started… but public now (despite the fact that LW CANNOT function out in the open and the show is fucking dumb to pretend otherwise).
Pen is still focused externally on society instead of inward on her own thoughts and her own dreams. The show handwaves LW as “she’ll do better!” with no explanation for what that looks like or entails, (and ignores how people will weaponize gossip now that they know it’s Pen). The show forces Penelope to remain stagnant because they decided they NEED LW to frame future stories, and they would sacrifice everything, even the romance upon which the season is based, to keep that narrative framing as a crutch.
We could have had Colin finding out earlier in the show, still experiencing his RIGHTFUL anger toward Pen and what she’s done… and then having Pen WANT to fight for Colin but not knowing how! To her, who is she without LW? And Colin loving her enough to call her out and help her realize that only living and focusing on what others are saying is deeply unfulfilling when she has her own thoughts to share with the world… because he KNOWS that! He’s LIVED that! LW is mask for a broken, hurt girl but he loves her anyway and they can help the other heal! Polin against the world, against Cressida’s panicked blackmail, against the Queen… against the ton.
Instead, LW is validated every step of the way. Reconciliations with Eloise and Colin are rushed and hand-waved because the narrative demands it. Penelope and Cressida, set up as parallels, never come to together to realize how their actions were influenced by their similar traumas and that maybe they, along with Eloise, can show solidarity and tackle their problems head on. Nope, Penelope is forced to remain hyper-independent (because ✨girlboss✨ or something ) and never learns to rely on others who want to help her: not Eloise, and not Colin. Colin is regulated to her yes man and trophy husband instead of the love of her life who is her EQUAL and has just as much to share with the world if they support one another. Penelope never gets the chance to learn that you can comment on the failings of and imperfections of society without attacking others. That being a writer doesn’t mean you’re stuck as a GOSSIP writer. That she could in fact write about the “histories of connections” she so admires. Nope, for her it’s “I’m this thing that I do, deal with it.”
Her ending is a literal deus ex machina and that is why it is so deeply unsatisfying for so many viewers.
As a Penelope fan, I’m crushed the show didn’t allow her to grow up and move beyond what her emotionally negligent home life did to her, but instead completely shaped her character and ending around it and painted it as a victory. I’m outlining fix-it fic, but it hurts me knowing that this is “canon” and I’m mostly pretending P2 doesn’t exist (aside from a few sweet moments).
This season certainly wasn’t Colin’s, but it wasn’t even Penelope’s - it was Lady Whistledown’s and the writers don’t even realize that they created a tragedy as a result.
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ripplestitchskein · 11 hours
I don’t know if we’ll ever get into it, because the show at this point largely plays it off as a joke, but I do wonder if Blitz’s very misogynist language and his association with feelings as being “gay”or for “pussies” will be explored more as part of this. It’s really hard to tell at this point if it’s an issue to be examined in the narrative’s eyes or just Brandon’s particular brand of humor coming into play with no deeper character considerations beyond the superficial “he uses insults and abrasive language to keep people at arms length”.
I mentioned it in one of my episode breakdowns but Blitz’s interactions with women are very interesting. Whore. Slut. Titty Haver. He is exceedingly more aggressive with women he meets than he is with men. Yet Blitz seems to have very much loved, and from the little we’ve seen, had a good relationship with his mother. He seems to get along well with Millie, he takes good care of Loona. Barbie is the only character he hurt he actively pursues to reconcile with. Yet all his interactions with other women he is a lot more hostile and aggressive than in his interactions with other men and that’s present from Murder Family on.
Most of his disguises are him dressing in drag though? If he has to put a costume on he generally defaults to female presenting. He seems to enjoy it as well, based on expressions and animated body language he is comfortable and having a good time. Again, hard to tell if it’s just a bit, but Blitz has been shown as pretty gender non conforming many times for a guy who mostly uses gendered insults. Some of it could be as simple as hiding horns and tail being made slightly easier by a wig and a dress, it could be just the way the writer’s humor trends but it could be a lot more.
Especially when paired with his clear association with feelings = gay. A crux of his post Full Moon communication attempts with Stolas seem to be “Haha, silly feelings, that’s gay, let’s…have gay sex about it again?”. Feelings are for pussies. What you said is gayer than love ballads. Etc. etc. The dude has no issue filling a house party with his conquests from across the gender spectrum though.
It just reads as coming from somewhere else. Cash specifically. Blitz himself seems to default to queerness. He doesn’t seem to care about it from the perspective of his own sexual relationships or gender expression but at the same time he is very misogynistic and associates things that make him feel weak or could be perceived as weak with gayness or women.
We have some scenes from the trailer that could potentially explore his more. His scene with his mom possibly coming out about his feelings for Fizz versus Cash refusing to let him see him at the hospital. Those may just be more “your romantic reveal led to a horrible tragedy” but it could also hopefully give some insight into why he handles the Full Moon fight like a 90’s middle schooler declaring anything that makes him feel squishy inside with a “That’s gay.”
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sociopathicartist · 20 hours
hiii!! i really love and appreciate your work! i was wondering if you could do more more (classic) sans x reader (romantic) headcanons? whenever you get the chance of course! thank you :)
hi! thanks for requesting, i had fun writing these:3
Classic!Sans x Reader romantic headcanons.
I’m pretty sure I’ve talked about how physically affectionate he’d be, but It’s something I think is great to talk about with Sans.
After a bad day, no matter the reason, the first thing he wants to do is just be wrapped up in your arms.
The touch- your touch- is a big comfort and like of his, so if you don’t live together yet and he’s had a bad day at work or he’s just dealing with life, poof! He’s there in your house. There’s not even time to react before he’s practically buried himself in your embrace, nuzzling his face into your neck and wrapping his arms snugly around your figure to bask in the fact that he just has you. That everything is okay now. It’s so difficult for him sometimes to grasp the idea that you’re not going anywhere, and you won't leave him despite anything, even if it’s something that neither of you has control over. He’s been told by people to enjoy your little honeymoon phase while it lasts, that one day he’ll take it all for granted and you’ll both be sick of each other, but after a bad day where he can just cling onto you and take in your scent, your looks, your voice, the feeling of your fingers running along his skull and spine, he doesn’t see how he’ll ever get used to it. Sometimes he’ll sit there for hours just wrapped in your arms without saying anything until he’s finally ready to talk about his bad day, and other times he’ll just end up passing out and waking up 8 hours later confused about when he even fell asleep.
Since monsters don’t get sick until they are dying, you can imagine the fear whenever he sees you sick for the first time.
The concept of germs and infections is interesting to Sans. It’s so crazy to him how one little germ can just tear up a whole human immune system. Monsters don’t have this problem unless they’re dying, so hearing about other people getting sick was always so interesting for him to learn more about. Their symptoms, how it affects them, and how quickly they can recover.
Then he came home one day and saw you sick in bed, curled up under the plush covers feeling weak and tired.
He had no interest in germs and infections after that.
His obvious and immediate focus would be on you, rushing over to the bed and carefully pulling the covers back from over your head, and brushing some hair out of your face to see you.
‘baby, are you okay?’
‘you didn’t tell me you were sick. i would have come over sooner.’
‘i told you to take my jacket when we went out last night. are you sick from being cold outside?’
Even though he took care in raising Papyrus and has had experience in most caretaking situations, he had never dealt with a sick person before, he hadn’t even been to a monster funeral and seen them sick on their deathbed. Toriel had mentioned Frisk getting sick recently, right? What did she do?
So, his next focus will be on making you soup- or getting it from the store or his brother if his own attempts fail. (he hasn’t cooked in a while, give him a break). God forbid your throat start hurting too. He’s making sure you have enough blankets, a warm rag on your forehead, and despite being a bit worried you’ll throw up on him if he gets too cozy, he’s more than happy to give you small kisses and cuddles until you’re asleep or feeling better.
He talks about you to everyone.
It gets a bit nagging to hear after a while, especially for his coworkers who hear about you all the time.
‘oh my god, look at what y/n just sent me.’
‘check out this photo i took while we were out yesterday. aren’t they so pretty?’
‘that’s y/n’s favorite too.’
Everyone is aware both of you are together, there’s no avoiding the topic. How could he not talk about you to everyone? You’re so cool, amazing, and kind, there’s no reason he shouldn’t talk about you. A lot of people who you aren’t even aware exist know all about you. Sometimes whenever he takes you out to Grillbys or whenever you pop in to surprise him at his work with a homemade lunch, you can hear the snickers from his coworkers or friends whenever they realize who you are, practically famous to them now. He’s not sure if he’s talked about someone this much, but then again, dating you has had a positive influence on his behaviors and self-care, so maybe it’s not so bad that he never shuts up about you.
He can be avoidant to sentimental topics and conversations.
It’s not the best trait to be shut off about your feelings. Sans is very aware of that, and he’s trying his best to work on it now that he has you in the mix and relationships are built on a lot of sentimental topics and conversations.
Sans just has a hard time opening up about… anything, really. Most things people know about him are because they’ve seen him do it or they’ve heard something from someone else, almost never because he’s outright said something about himself. It was a hard adjustment to make whenever he started dating you, and still, even months or years later into your relationship, he finds himself getting nervous or choked up at trying to explain his bad day and why he’s feeling upset, or sharing past trauma with you that he wants you to know about, but it’s just suddenly very difficult to find the words, and it’s just suddenly very difficult to even speak. He might hit you with the classic subject change, or sudden diversion, but it never really works. Not whenever you know him so well and can easily see what he’s doing.
This takes a toll whenever it comes to arguments, big or small (which happen to everyone, no matter how healthy your relationship is). He really has to do his best to not just teleport away somewhere and ignore the ongoing situation like he used to do with 90% of his problems back underground, or really just before he met you. His stubborn personality also doesn’t help with any sort of arguments, but that doesn’t mean he’s manipulative with you (unless he’s cheating while you’re playing a card game together) and he doesn’t hesitate to call out one of your problems or apologize for his, it just makes it even harder for him to actually voice that he’s upset, or worried, or sad.
It doesn’t mean he doesn’t try, though. He does, and even though he still finds it difficult to share something with you sometimes, he does his best to talk with you about it anyways, and hold you close to him after any arguments.
Petnames. He never thought he’d be a pet name guy, even in the crazy future where he started dating someone (which ends up happening, surprise surprise), but he guessed he should have seen it coming. He does use nicknames for most relevant people in his life, even if a simple shortened version of their name, ‘bro’, ‘buddy’, ‘tor’, ‘kiddo’, so it makes sense for him to naturally pick up on some for you too. Dating just unlocked a whole new vault of petnames he gets to use.
Babe would be a classic that he likes, he’s a simple guy after all. He likes how easy and thoughtless it is, and he nearly substitutes it for your name all together with how frequently he uses babe on you in his sentences.
‘no, babe, i’m serious.’
‘Serious? I thought you were Sans?”
Baby is also an easy one that he likes, but he only really uses it whenever one of you is upset, or when you’re sick or something of the sorts. He doesn’t like calling you Baby around other people. Maybe that’s because it feels more intimate and close to him for some reason, but it just rings as a more personal nickname.
‘baby, what happened?’
‘oh shit, baby, don’t cry.’
‘are you okay? c’mere, baby.’
There’s a few petnames that he likes using for more romantic settings too, whether that’s a date or a more intimate setting, and he just doesn’t feel like baby or babe sits right in the moment. Once again, he’s a fan of the more classic petnames following EX: Sweet-stuff, beautiful, pretty/handsome. All of the petnames he uses on you coordinate to their setting, and if he’s being honest, he doesn’t even realize he does that. It’s just whether or not the petname feels natural rolling off his tongue to you in the moment, but those are the select main ones he uses for different times or settings.
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afangirl · 3 days
Life Is Strange 1, 2(kinda) and Double Exposure Reveal Livestream Spoilers Ahead!!!
Max is genuinely so traumatized no matter what ending you choose. Girl watched Chloe die, saved her, was attacked by Nathan, stalked by Nathan, investigated a murder, saw her best friend’s, best friend’s dead body, was kidnapped and drugged, possibly watched her friend commit suicide/talker her friend out of it, went through the nightmare sequence which was a whole thing into itself, and so much more, not to mention the end choice.
With the upcoming game, Double Exposure, I’m really interested to see how Max’s trauma carries over into the game. Obviously im hoping she’s healed, but considering the blackout that happened after taking a picture of the owl in the extended gameplay, I’m seeing traces of possible PTSD with the flashback.
While that could be interpreted as an event from the future, it could also be seen as a flashback, as the dialogue seems familiar to the end when Max reflects on the tornado.
“Max!” -Possibly Chloe calling for her or someone else?
“I cause this! I caused all of this!” -I could be wrong, but that sounds more like young Max then the more matured voice we see in Double Exposure.
Anyways, that’s all on that part.
I’ve seen a lot of people worried about Chloe not making an appearance, possibly having an offscreen break up.
“Is this about the blue haired girl whose picture you keep in your wallet?” -Safi in reference to a picture of Chloe
“We were just friends —— We were high school sweethearts” -Choices in response to this question.
I’d like to start off by saying, both options are in past tense. Chloe and Max’s connection, while romantic, is also rooted in a deep platonic love as well that blossomed into something more. If nothing else, they would’ve stayed in touch as friends.
I’d also like to point out that Safi says BLUE HAIRED GIRL.
In LIS 2, there is a photo of Max and Chloe (depending on players choice at the end LIS 1) where Chloe is alive, with Max, and with green hair. So if this is considered canon, which is likely, then Chloe doesn’t have blue hair anymore. In the livestream the photo Safi possibly references is also seen, and it’s Chloe with her old hairstyle in a Polaroid format, and not one that Max took. If they had just broken up, it would be more logical for Max to have a newer one, in digital format, considering that’s what she uses now. Not to mention that I believe in another scene there IS a digital photo that Max holds, paralleling the scene of her holding the Polaroid one.
Anywho, I think it’s safe to assume that this scene with Safi is taken from the Bay ending, where Chloe is no longer with us.
It’s worth mentioning that Max may just not want to open up to Safi about such a traumatic and personal part of her life just yet, considering she’s only known her 6 months.
In conclusion, Chloe is going to be in the game, at least objectively for sure, as the creators directly stated they honor the players decision. If no ending is canon, then they obviously wanna appeal to the player, which would include honoring the bond between Max and Chloe that the players love and cherish.
I may be looking too far into this, trying to hold out hope, but I’m going off of what I’ve got. So excited for this game!!!
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810nd1 · 2 days
How Niki acts in romantic relationships
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Omg my favorite moody teenager. I haven’t done a reading on him for so long
The eight of wands means Niki likes to take things slow. Very, very slow. Quite often he might be trying to delay the action on purpose to buy some more time to process his feelings. It could also be due to his busy schedule but Niki has some hard time to trust people that he gets into relationships with. He could even panic a little when he catches feelings and leave his love interests on read so he doesn’t have to deal with negative emotions that come with dating someone. Because of his attitude he often looses his chance to date some good people. He feels stoic about this but there’s the ace of pentacles which stands of lost opportunities. I feel like every time he gets a chance to date someone, he does something wrong and he’s single again. I see two scenarios here:
Scenerio number one: everything is moving too fast for Niki, they expect commitment too fast and he catches feelings for someone, he can’t control the situation and runs away because he’s scared
Scenerio number two: he takes things slow because that’s what makes him comfortable, but because of that and his job, his partner loose interest and leaves
Anyway Niki tends to need a lot of time to open up and match someone’s energy. I see here he might be quite the romantic type of a guy but he could be shy about it and hide it from the public. He doesn’t want to be seen like that but that knight of cups stands for romance, not very stable but he has some pure intentions at the bottom of his heart. I think right now he wants to explore more to find out what live really is so even if he is seen with one person in May and hanging out with someone else in June that doesn’t mean he is dating around. He enjoys meeting new people. He rarely catches feelings for them and the relationship doesn’t become anything else but friendship or just an admiration of his crush. Or someone having a crush on him but he doesn’t reciprocate their feelings so he ends the relationship. That’s because deep down he is looking for his soulmate (the judgment). He wants to have this feeling of falling in love at first sight. He is actively looking for his person. Which is funny cause he wants to be swept of his feet but is also scared of falling in love with the wrong person.
Or maybe he wants to find his “soulmate” because he has an excuse to avoid his feelings and commitment? 🤔
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its-wabby-stuff · 9 months
The Red Slider
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Where LFLS meets Battle Scars meets The Winter Soldier
Chapter One:
Despite making this badass looking poster, I’m not sure I’ll get around to finishing the actually fic. But I hid a lot of details in this, so if anyone has questions, I’d be so happy to answer them!!
The sketch
If you don’t know, Like Father Like Son belongs to @eternalglitch and Battle Scars is an AU by @kaysdenofchaos
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 months
i really do think the desire to paint ten as unambiguously The Worst™️ when it comes to his relationship with martha is out of this desire to uncomplicate their relationship. to decouple them as friends and people who profoundly impacted each other’s lives. it’s just an easier narrative to swallow: that ten was Awful to her and then martha kicked him to the curb when she realized she was too good for him. easier, maybe, then dealing with the troubles of unrequited affection don’t have to be anyone’s fault, or that ten shut martha out in a lot of ways but let her in in others that he wouldn’t let any other companion near, or that they were still friends, they still wanted to see each other and be around each other, even though it was messy and sometimes hurt. you know?
#sometimes the doctor is shitty. this is not news we know this. this is part of the package. its what makes their relationships with their#companions so interesting so important.#like. how do i put this. i see posts sometimes about how ten was ‘leading martha on’ implying that he was taking advantage of her feelings#to keep her around. and. okay. so. putting aside how that’s a weird thing to say about anyone period.#its also just. from my viewing experience. not true?#the doctor is just sort of Like That. he’s too intense he’s too quick to grasp for emotional intimacy he’s too messy.#but he’s not leading her on. he really is just Like That.#like i feel by getting caught up in the fact that martha is hurt by being compared to rose and is hurt by the fact that the doctor can’t or#won’t return her feelings. and like. yeah. of course that hurts.#but in being caught up in that. i think what im saying is that it feels like people sometimes forget that he’s. not required to do that.#like just because she has feelings for him doesn’t mean he needs to get over himself and return them or else he’s using her. that’s. that’s#not how relationships work. people can have romantic feelings and still be friends and not have anything come of it and that’s not a#terrible outcome. thats just how friendships are sometimes.#thats the core of it to me. they’re friends. the way people post about ten & martha sometimes i wonder if everyone’s forgotten that they#are friends. that they last parted as friends. that martha doesn’t hate him or secretely resent him for how he treated her.#like. she’s got complicated feelings about the whole thing. but they didn’t stop being friends.#i tell you what: if the doctor was in trouble and called for help. you could be damn certain that martha jones would be one of the first#people to answer. that’s what i know.#doctor who#the doctor#tenth doctor#martha jones
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otaku553 · 1 year
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The eventual kazuha and sanemi dynamic
#kny crossover#genshin impact#kaedehara kazuha#shinazugawa sanemi#one day I’ll finish writing the first chapter. one day#anyways I love thinking about these two#i think platonic relationships are so fascinating#like you could definitely construe so many different friendships as romantic ships but to me these two as friends has so much potential#sanemi canonically dislikes Giyuu because he gives off a ‘better than everyone else there’ vibe that is purely unintentional#and canonically is friends with Iguro for reasons I still cannot figure out#sanemi’s so interesting because it’s not like he’s a purely chaotic character despite what his first appearance would suggest#the manga and genya’s memories clearly show that he has a lot of respect for oyakata-sama because oyakata-sama is not high and mighty and-#does in fact understand every sacrifice that goes into the battles that they fight that he must sit on the back lines for#sanemi is a very loyal person I think once someone has earned his loyalty even though he owes about showing this in very aggressive ways#I think he goes off against genya especially because genya fighting as a demon slayer goes against everything that sanemi has fought for#since they lost their happy lives sanemi has been fighting for at least one of them to still be able to live normally and he probably thinks#that Genya spat on that sentiment by becoming a demon slayer anyways#anyways I think sanemi and kazuha would have such an interesting dynamic#sanemi has the authoritative upper hand as a pillar but kazuha isn’t even a demon slayer which means sanemi’s position doesn’t do much#beyond acting as an indicator that he is one of the strongest of the corps anyways.#they’ve both lost a lot but sanemi still has someone to fight for whereas kazuha is holding onto the last embers of a corpse’s wishes#and I think them having a talk about their motivations would be very good#because I don’t think at this point that kazuha has very much reason to live beyond carrying on Tomo’s wishes#if the swords are parallels to visions I think Kazuha’s turning point will be when he receives his own nichirin sword#sorry for the long tags lmao
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Me reading a cool new novel: hah wow this is cool it has a neat premise and a promising plot line let’s see our protagonist level up and learn how to use his new power in interesting and cool ways—
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and impresses her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and rescues her
*MC meets a beautiful powerful girl and defeats her PT 2
Me: Ah nvm it’s a harem novel god damn it
#it was cool at first but now I’m grinding my teeth like wtf#I was okay with it at first bc like. he defeats the beautiful cold hearted prodigy by a hairs breadth and we get this sad backstory for her#which could be better’d by the MC who doesn’t fear her and can teach her how to socialize and become a brighter happier person through their#developing friendship and potentially romantic relationship and it could have led to character development for both of them as they struggle#through the feeling of being cast aside as an ‘other’ by society and learning how to stumble through a relationship that involves#communication and admittance and honesty#something our MC and FL can’t get through their mentors#instead we get her genuine attempts at becoming friends being brushed off by him who assumes she’s going to eventually want a romantic#relationship by the end of it and ARGHHXHHD she’s a shy person!! she’s trying her best!!! you asshole!!!! and then the author has the#AUDACITY#to make her continue yearning after this guy who doesn’t give 2 shits about her and she’s only used as a support character for the#ensuing battle and then he promptly leaves her behind for his own adventure#and don’t even get me STARTED on the lack of compatibility with the other women in this story#they aren’t even being used as potential love interests they’re just there so the author can say he added strong female characters and then#IMMEDIATELY turns around and makes them fawn over this 19 yr guy who cAn pRoTeCt ThEM AnD HEs sO cOoL FUCK#I was holding out but now he just annoys me dude this is why I don’t like reading male lead perspectives if there’s a DROP of romance#it ruins it! romance is dead no one knows what chemistry is they only want to be fawned over by women to stroke their egos#not a reblog
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
currently fascinated with the concept of unrequited blackrose as per usual
#rtc#ride the cyclone#blackrose rtc#blackrose#also to be clear i am not villainising anyone who has unrequited feelings or is unable/unwilling to reciprocate unrequited feelings#i mostly think of it in a constance -> ocean way but ocean could have unrequited feelings for constance#i think either way the feelings-haver would feel so guilty. this is her friend and she’s corrupted it with stupid romantic desires#constance would bury it down deep. she knows ocean has no interest in relationships. she listens to all her words and remembers each one#and yeah ‘the truth sets you free’ but not if it traps the person you love#who is loving you back in every way they can#it’s so personal to me actually#if oceans having the feelings she tries to breeze past it. forget that thé thought ever came across her mind#but she cant. every look that constance gives. every smile that lets her personality shine through. every laugh that lights up her heart.#makes ocean think of holding her and kissing her and being her strongest defence from the cruel world.#but she can’t.#ocean has heard constance’s rants on the idea of settling down and how much romantic love is pushed#and she doesn’t disagree. far from it. that’s why she knows - for once - to shut up and let constance’s feelings dictate the duo’s actions#either way they stay friends. of course they do. and one never reveals the stupid crush she had on the other. because that would crush her#again! not villainising those who can’t/won’t reciprocate feelings. just looking at the guilt and confusion that comes from loving someon#e who can’t return it and what constance and ocean would do in such a situation#you’d think i’d be able to get over her more easily. wouldn’t you.
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noahtally-famous · 11 months
I usually don’t lean heavily on soulmate/soulmark aus, especially for td, but the random thought of a dashawn soulmark/soulmate au that's also sorta compliant with canon popped into my head and it’s got ahold of me simply bc of how utterly wack it is--plus a side dose of angst and obliviousness
(blaming shark with his "destiny brought them together and keeps them apart" line /lh)
#braindump here bear with me#so it starts from the beginning up until…like the finale#so the whole season basically#it’s the typical ‘your soulmate’s first words to you on your body’ au but with these two you bet it’s gonna be wack#debating between the words on dave being totally normal smth ANYONE would say so he literally has no clue if he passed his soulmate-#-without knowing#adds more to his ‘normal guy’ deal#OR it could be the exact opposite (bc this is Shawn’s first words to him so) and it’s smth so wildly abnormal BUT#he doesn’t hear it being said to him so he thinks he hasn’t met his soulmate when in reality he has#for SHAWN it’s more complicated#given the guy’s mentality I can see him being more skeptical abt soulmates and the marks#(prob thinks it’s a conspiracy)#so either it’s a fluke and he somehow doesn’t have a soulmark#OR he has one he just hasn’t looked or given it attention in so long he’s forgotten what the words are#he like literally doesn’t give a shit abt it which opposes dave’s more romantic view#and like there’s pining and frustrating obliviousness and idk who finds out first but damn imagine the feels#and they naturally gravitate toward each other bc of them being soulmates and they’re confused af but rolling with it#‘yeah idk why I’m seeking out your company but I’m chalking it up to wilderness insanity nothing more. you’re my best friend here man’#it’s all in the ✨perspective✨ and that’s what makes it interesting#wow I could actually take this somewhere#I wanna finish agtsta first though. or at least get halfway through it#plus I’ve so many other plot bunnies hanging around 😭#no but I’ve a whole set of bullet-points for this I might post it later on if this gets traction#noahtally-famous#total drama#kit stuff#dashawn
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azuremist · 1 year
I think that more fanfiction should be written with the aim to tackle the original meaning of hanahaki. Because when the concept of hanahaki disease was originally created, it was intended to be a metaphor for suppressing one’s feelings.
Your feelings are this beautiful garden of flora inside of your chest. When you express how you feel honestly, you allow for it to grow freely. But when you hide how you feel out of fear of rejection, and try to make it smaller and smaller, the flowers become cramped inside of you, until you choke on your own feelings. Every flower you cough up is something you’ve felt, but refused to say.
The whole “dying” thing is intended to be more symbolic especially. You’re killing off bits and pieces of yourself and how you feel, because you’re afraid to express yourself.
It’s not really supposed to be, “The one I love doesn’t love me back, and I’m dying from it.” Rather, it’s more along the lines of, “Repressing your emotions is bad for you, and it’s better and healthier to express them freely, even when it’s scary.”
Which is to say that, one, the cure for the disease should be telling the person that you are in love with how you feel. How the other person feels about the person afflicted should have nothing to do with it, as the trope is meant to be about feeling your emotions unapologetically.
And that, two, it’s not an inherently romantic trope. Obviously, it has romantic applications, but it can be written for any situation where a character is hiding how they truly feel. This can include a refusal to address a specific trauma, a desire to indulge in something that they’re ashamed of, and even really practical things, like wanting to ask one’s boss for a higher position.
Although (as an aromantic person myself) I don’t agree with this conclusion about the trope, this application would also avoid people calling it arophobic. When the thing killing the character is a refusal to be honest with themselves, rather than an unrequited love, it’s on nobody’s hands but their own to save their life.
There are a ton of ways that this interpretation of the hanahaki disease could be applied in new and interesting ways in fanfiction, and I’d love to read what things people could come up with!
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abyssruler · 10 months
roses are red, violets are blue, lynette is so done with the two of you
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lyney x gn!reader
lynette thinks fontaine’s worst kept secret isn’t how neuvillette wears blue underwear or how the hydro archon loves a good drama, no, fontaine’s worst kept secret is lyney’s massive crush on you and how everyone and their grandmother know except you.
comedy, pining lyney, lynette being so done
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Lyney’s frowning.
Most people would find it an odd expression on him, used to having him direct dazzling smiles and playful laughter their way. But Lynette isn’t just anyone, and the sight of Lyney frowning is hardly a rare phenomenon within the privacy of their household.
Freminet’s usually Lyney’s choice of victim for whatever nonsense he’s managed to build himself up in that head of his, but Freminet’s busy doing errands and Lynette is unfortunately the only person within vicinity that Lyney trusts with his secret—which isn’t even a secret by this point, people have been making bets on how long it would take you to realize that Lyney’s been pining over you since forever.
Case in point: Lyney frowning over two identical flowers. She doesn’t need to be a mind reader to know that her brother is having a midlife crisis over which flower to give you.
Lynette thinks he should just man up and confess. Preferably within the next week or so, otherwise she’d lose her bet.
“Lynette, which one is more eye-catching, the crimson one,” he holds up the flower in his right hand, then he raises the other one, “or the maroon one?”
Lynette gives him the deadest stare she can muster. “They’re the same color.”
“Oh, sister, have you no taste?” Lyney tuts, pouting at her for a moment before returning to that constipated look as he squinted at the ‘crimson’ and ‘maroon’ flowers. Talk about being delusional.
“(Y/N)’s not gonna care whether the rose is crimson or maroon or red,” she tells him. You’d probably accept a dead flower if it came from Lyney, with that starry-eyed look you always got whenever he so much as glances your way. Lynette’s not one to judge other people’s taste too harshly, but she does wonder what you see in her overdramatic and annoying brother.
Ah, well. They do say love makes people blind. Hopefully not literally though, Lynette’s not looking forward to performing shows alone because Lyney got blinded by his love for you—though if you asked Lynette, she’d tell you it wasn’t love so much as obsession. Only someone insane would spend hours picking out flowers and calling them ‘maroon’ and ‘crimson’. It’s just red.
Lynette squints at him. “And since when were you interested in the meaning of flowers?”
“Well, I suppose you could say I like to dabble in other pursuits.” Lyney gives her a cheeky grin.
“Right…” He’s clearly losing his mind.
“Red roses symbolize true love, though rainbow roses in particular pertain to passion, and…” He trails off, eyes blinking in astonishment. She can practically see the lightbulb appearing on top of his head.
With a flick of his wrists, the ‘crimson’ and ‘maroon’ roses disappear. Lynette watches him warily, wondering what kind of outlandish idea has formed in that head of his.
But he doesn’t elaborate more, only shoots a wink at her and says, “I’ve got a great idea.”
His great idea, as it turns out, is to corner you in an alleyway and make it rain rainbow roses around you as he asked you out on a date, all while Lynette is crouched on the roof, dumping sacks of rainbow roses and vindictively hoping one of them stabs Lyney in the eye. No such luck.
You, as the ever-crazy romantic that you are, are awestruck and amazed by what he’s done instead of weirded out like how a normal person would be. With an eager smile and a twinkle in your eye, you accept the rose in Lyney’s hand and say yes when he asks you to meet him for dinner tomorrow. Lynette wants to barf, but settles for dumping another sack of flowers on top of the two of you.
And if she uses a little bit of anemo to direct a few petals to Lyney’s face? Well, you removing a petal sticking to his cheek and having your fingers linger there for a few moments wasn’t part of the plan (the plan being: embarrass her brother by having him choke on a petal while he’s speaking), but she can’t entirely begrudge the result. Not when Lyney looks like he’s about to have a meltdown with just one touch from you. Good blackmail material right there.
Lynette’s happy that the two of you have finally gotten your heads off your asses and are actually going on a date. Though mostly she’s happy about the amount of mora heading her way soon.
She’ll have to thank Freminet for telling her about the bet about you and Lyney. Maybe she can start a new bet on when the two of you are getting married—probably soon, if the lovestruck look on Lyney’s face is anything to go by. She hopes he won’t be crazy enough to propose on the second date, because you’d certainly be crazy enough to accept if he did.
Oh, well. Lynette will put a bet on one month just in case.
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