#I have the right to call em’ kids cuz I'm older
alicornze7 · 4 months
how old are you
Due to privacy reasons I'm not stating my exact age
But I'm in my teens:)
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newtdrawz · 8 months
YESE AHHH I'm so glad cuz I love making them 😭
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I love Two-bit with my whole heart and I love their friendship SO MUCH 😭😭 the amount of older brother figures this kid has is insane 😭
Two honestly loves Pony, loves him like a brother and Pony does too
When Two first met Pony he was pretty young (idk the ages of the gang when they all first met and I cannot find it anywhere 😭 so I'm taking it into my own hands) and he was honestly obsessed with him
Two always wanted a little brother so whenever Pony would tag along with his brothers Two would be pretty happy abt it while mostly everyone else was a little annoyed lol
Two was never really bothered when Pony followed him around or asked him a million questions while they were all out with the gang
Two always tries to get Pony out of his comfort zone, but not the way Dally does 😭😭
Two tries to encourage Pony to get out of his shell and get out more
He tries to get him to talk to girls more too (which honestly most of the time goes south 😭😭)
Two was really the only one who was able to get Pony out of the house after Mr. And Mrs. Curtis died, he was persistent enough that it ended up working (Soda and Darry thanked him a million times but Two-bit said it was no big deal) (he does the same thing after Johnny and Dally)
Two will steal gifts for Pony while Pony makes gifts for Two
Two-bit will steal art supplies for Pony or anything that he see's and makes him think of Pony
One time he stole like a pack of bookmarks that he thought where funny ("you'll never believe what I found, it's bookmarks with worms reading books!")
Pony will try and draw Two's favorite cartoon characters, especially Mickey Mouse, and give them to him
Two gets really excited each time and he'll hang them around his room at home or keep them safe in a box
Two has unspoken permission from Darry and Soda to give Pony talking to's when he does something stupid
Two also tries to keep Pony out of trouble the best he can, he also tries not to steal when he's with Pony incase someone calls the cops or anything
If he catches word of Pony doing something dumb or hanging out with people Darry specifically told him not to hang out with (COUGH CURLY COUGH) Two will swoop in, pull him away and scold him a little before his brothers can hear anything about it ("You're lucky I caught word of you doin' somethin dumb before Darry or Soda did. I'm not gonna tell em, but don't let me catch you doin it again.")
Two honestly doesn't want Pony to turn out like anyone in the gang so he tells him out right to not do anything he's doing (like how Dally does) ("You see me stealin all the time but don't go out and try and copy me, alright?")
Two-bit is ALWAYS rough housing with Pony 😭
Any chance the two get they're wrestling on the floor
Two-bit's obviously a little stronger then Pony, but Pony's faster
Two will lift him up or hold him down to try and win but Pony will run and try and tire him out to win
Darry HATES when they wrestle in the house, Two-bit tries to remember to wait till they get outside but he always forgets 😭
Two-bit and school do not mix but Pony somehow gets him to do work
They end up having a class together and it's the only class where Two-bit does the work/homework, only cuz Pony tells him too
Pony is NOT about to mess around in class and he outright tells Two-bit that 😭 (he's not trying to get the teacher to call home and get him in trouble)
The teacher is honestly bewildered (a little scared too 😭😭) to see Two-bit sitting quietly and doing actual work. They're even more shocked when he turns things in (are half the answers wrong? Yeah. Did he still do it and turn it in? Yeah.) (It's not that he's dumb he just doesn't care 😭)
Two-bit always tries to sit with Pony at lunch and get him talking. (Pony's honestly so quiet at school so Two tries to also get him out of his shell there too lol)
Pony honestly thinks Two is the funniest person he knows
Pony idolizes a lot of people but Two-bit is definitely on that list, maybe top 5 of people he idolizes.
Pony would never tell him or anyone that but he really does look up to him
He gets a little jealous of how extroverted Two can be and how confident he is so he tries to copy him just a little bit 😭 (like how Johnny pointed that out in the book lol)
He honestly doesn't realize how many mannerisms he's picked up from Two until someone points it out (Steve's the first to point it out and Pony gets so embarrassed but Two is honestly overjoyed by it)
Ah ok!! This one was really fun to do too!! I loves this duo sm 😭
I hope I did them justice 🙏 again anyone feel free to add on!!
(Again sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or if this is ooc 😭😭 I'm trying man)
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Questions for your tmnt au, if you’re alright with them, you totally don’t have to answer if you don’t want! I also love them so much, their designs are amazingly well done!
1. When did raph find out he was trans?
2. Who is raph talking to on his phone all the time, especially in that one doodle in the first post about the au where they’re texting hearts back and forth?
3. How are April, Casey, and Splinter in this au (if they’re in it) ?
4. Is there any sort of plot you have 👀?
Again don’t have to answer if you don’t want! I really admire your art and creative abilities!
*cracks knuckles*
1. When did raph find out he was trans? Pretty early in life, so much that Mikey and Leo don't remember ever calling Raph a sister. He still uses his birth name, Aka (Red in japanese), and chose Raphael when he was around 9 with his siblings.
2. Who is raph talking to on his phone all the time, especially in that one doodle in the first post about the au where they’re texting hearts back and forth? Raph is always texting April when she's not around because they're besties. But as for the heart messages, I'm planning to give Raph two love interests/crushes. One of them is Monalisa ('cuz I LOVE Ramona) and the other is an OC i'm still planning. I just really love the little red turtle finding love and being s softie hehee~
3. How are April, Casey, and Splinter in this au (if they’re in it) ?
April is a childhood friend of the turts like in Rise, but I'm still planning how they met. The only things I have right now is: she's a lesbian, she's some years older than the turtles, is Raph and Donnie's best bestie and she's brasilian because,, because i need to give them a reason to speak my language lmao-
Casey is more undercooked than April, cuz I want to do some Jonatello like in TMNT12 but I LOVE Rise Cassandra. I'll probally split Casey in a pair of siblings. I plan to make 'em latino because yes, love latinoamerica 'till I die.
Splinter already has some good backstory thought out for him, but I crave to redesign him. I tried drawing him twice, but he looks too much like a mix of Lou Jitsu and 12!Splinter and I wanted to give him a more,, monstruos look? I don't know if that's the right term, but I'm looking for a bigger "rattier" mutant look for him. He's a very affectionate and autistic dad that loves his turtle children very much.
4. Is there any sort of plot you have 👀? Yes I have! :] I'm kinda bad at writing and explaining my ideas, but I can try to give a tiny sumary- Splinter is the reincarnated soul of Hamato Yoshi mixed with one of his decents, that was being kept in a lab for some good years having her DNA used to make tests. He "possesed" his current body while the original soul basically died in the process of getting mutated after the lab where she was being kept exploded. Thanks to various injuries he remembers little to nothing about none of his lives besides fighting and few other stuff. He almost completely forgot how to speak english and spent good years only speaking japanese with the turtles, that until they met April. In the current time (?) they're in, he can remember his former names and has memory lapses here and there.
The turtles and Splints will have family mystics abilities like in Rise, but I'm still thinking of how to implement it without being a straight up copy Shreder is still in the corner not being thought about, just like Draxum, Karai, Big Mama, Usagi, the Mutanimals, etc. Not very sure if I'm going to use all of them too-
As for mystical weapons, wich is a concept i LOVE, the only explanation I have for how this kids got them is: They stole it.
Is very little stuff, but i'm happy to share it anyway :)
Thank u for ur kind words about my art, it really means a lot lot for me! <3 /gen
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mesanthropi · 9 months
BAD KARMA! drabble: codax and the airheads (and a close call) cws: cursing, (empty) threats of violence
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"well, you can't see the director right now, because they're at school."
equinox needed to process that for a moment, codax's words echoing inside his unfortunately empty brain. he'd blink if he could, but lacking eyes and eyelids, he couldn't. and so, his disbelief had to be expressed in a different way; taking ahold of the archivist's shoulders and shaking them back and forth. violently.
"i ought to dye your jacket crimson, you gelid class virus!" the torrid class redhead shrieked with frustration, albeit his confusion. "there ain't nothin' called school! you tossed 'em in a freezer, didn't you? you'll be chatterin' yer teeth once i'm through with you, ya little-" he was interrupted by a yellow hand tapping his shoulder, prompting him to also stop shaking poor codax. "what?"
bebe cleared her throat, before taking her hand back. "i read this in a little book i found in the library, but school is an older term for an LHA! kids hated school during the zero era," she explained. "i think codax said school 'cuz the director's from earth zero!"
the taller male stopped to think about what she'd just told him, jaw slowly unclenching as his hold loosened too. "... wait, but that don't make a lotta sense. if the director's doddlin' in an LHA..." he turned back to the cyan-clad archivist. "how're they a director who's tellin' us to come 'nd go for some planet investigation?"
codax had his fingers rubbing circles into his temples, a bit miffed by this inconvenience. "they wanted to continue normal education, according to ebony and sylvester, but not the kind of 'normal' that we're used to. they specifically requested to follow the schooling and education system of earth zero, but have it adjusted so that it would fit their needs." his explanation was followed by a minute of silence, before a snort broke through it.
"ehehe, those are a lotta million dollar words there, cody!" bebe giggled, hiding behind equinox in case the other would grab at her. the aforementioned torrid class groaned though, unsatisfied. "but that'd mean that they're not at an age to be director! maybe yer lyin' t'me and they're actually isolated in pearl!"
but when equinox heard footsteps after the last word, it was actually the shorter man walking away with a deadpan and hands in his pockets.
"too much social interaction today. bye."
equinox will remember that.
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BAD KARMA! glossary gelid class : residents colored and sorted into greens, blues, and purples. torrid class : residents colored and sorted into reds, oranges, and yellows. zero era / earth zero : 1 BC - 202X (unknown fourth digit) LHA : Learning Hub (for) All, the earth five equivalent of school. pearl : not to be confused with the valorant map or the gemstone, pearl is a location on earth five which houses the director and their court. like the white house ig, but it… looks more like a house.
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astros-turf · 3 months
I'm watching one piece. I'm on episode 512. Major spoilers for the marinefort arc so if you don't want that spoiled don't read.
I have made a literal blog post blogging about my feelings when it comes to one piece. If you wish to read an essay of how emotional I get about one piece and how much it makes me cry written by a tired, high, queer guy... Then this is the post for you.
Okay. I have been incredibly emotional watching this show. It has the perfect ebb and flow with the major arcs. They build stories up so well. I could talk about this for hours. I sobbed watching the enies lobby arc. I think about Robins I WANT TO LIVE! Fucking constantly. At least once a day. I kinda want it tattooed but I don't know if I want the manga panel or just the words. And then also maybe that's a weird thing to tattoo. Anyway. She's my absolute favourite anime "girl" (quotes cuz she's a woman and it feels weird calling her a girl but this feels fedora-y i hate this). Robins just so cool and I wanna sit and hear about the lands history from her and I want her to tell me about all the theories that the archeology world has going.
But anyway I've been watching this marinefort arc and I had spoiled Aces death ahead of time for myself. So I was really struggling because I was really anxious to see it? Not because I was particularly attached to Ace, but because I'm very protective of Luffy and that's his brother so of course I care like he's my own brother. (I feel like I'm not making sense, I am high and also I have adhd lol)
But I didn't cry for Ace's death somehow. I think I was just so... Not shocked but like stunned? And also so angry that they worked so hard to get to him and Ace just had to stand his ground and I can even respect that but then the double whammy of he ultimately died to protect Luffy. And I just couldn't process that at the time. So I didn't cry. But the whole mini arc after that, the kid one? I was crying left and right at every single thing ace said. I wanted to punch Garp cuz he's an idiot. I wanted to punch Garp more for punching literal children. But mostly I cried because you learn about ace standing up to danger even when that's not the best option and you find out Roger did that too. And it turns out that ace has done it before, also to protect Luffy. Like bro Luffy is Ace's world man, like that's his baby brother and Ace is the fuckin best big bro ever. Made me miss being a kid with my brother when we used to wrestle and roughhouse all the time and have play fights and stuff. My brother is 10 years older than me, so it wasn't much of a fight ever but I remember having a blast. We don't talk anymore and that really sucks, but shit happened and I don't think the relationship will be quite the same unless he gets some therapy or a divorce or both. Anyway. Maybe that's why Ace's death is hitting me so weird, it's like too relatable?
Anyway. I've been off and on crying because of all the crew members finding out about the war and immediately trying to get the fuck to sabaody even if it kills em and I just was like oh my god everyone cares so much. Oh my god and when Jinbe was tryna get Luffy to snap out of it so he'd stop hurting himself and he was like don't you have something worth living for?? And Luffy is remembering his crew one by one I was like "Your crew! 😭" "I've missed our crew too! 😭😭" Bro I really wanna be a pirate on luffys ship. I have no idea what I'd do, I'm not superhuman smart or strong or have some sort of gimmick... None of my SpIns are useful in battle or could be adapted to be useful in battle lol. I'd have to eat a devil fruit for sure cuz there's no way I'd accidentally stumbled ass backwards into haki how I am now. Anyway. Crying.
The whole reason I made this post. I thought I was good. I thought surely, this is gonna be a time when I don't cry. They're finally telling us the full meaning behind what luffys message was and giving us a better look at the photo of Luffy. Cool. Ooo, crocodile. Oh shit? The new gay lovers are going to the new world? With what crew?
Awwww oh my goodness. Everyones home towns... Oh my god Dadan! DADAN. "REST IN PEACE YOU BRAT!" had me HICCUP CRYING. IT STARTED WITH A HICCUP TOO. I had to pause and do a reality check when you're like too deep in the media ya know? Cuz I was like holy fuckin shit get ahold of yourself man. And then I realized that this show feels like free therapy with how much I fuckin cry. And then I was like I gotta ramble about this so here we are.
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nityarawal · 9 months
Morning Songs
What's More Fun
To Be Happy 
Or Sad
What's More Fun
Why So Mad
What's More Fun
My Pappa Always
Let's Have Fun
Make It Dandy
Why Do We Love
The Joy Of Our Gays
Make It Fun
Psyche Yourself
Turn It Around
Take A Hike
Can You Do That
Cry If You Must
Just Don't Fall
In The Dust
Too Long
Cry If You Must 
We All Have
We'll Cry For Our Babies
Every Mothers Heart
You See A Child 
And Think
There Must Be
A Better Way
To Freedom
Write A 3rd Testament
Sing Your Way Out
A Psalm
A Book
Write Out
Of This Quickly
My Daughter
Anjali Begs
Is There A Way
To Free All Our Children
It's Not The Left Or
That Makes
Me A Mom
To My Spawn
Educating Them
Is There A Way
To Free Babies
From War Scams
Yeah- I'm Glad 
I Had A Plan B
But He Was A Neo
Nazi Friend
Cloaked In 12 Rabbis
For Courts
20 Years Older
Hollywood Starlets
Bought Out
We All Know A
David Farley Kaplan
I'm Sure 
Mr. Huntley
Wished His Best Bro
Hadn't Chased His
Persian Princess's
From 2 Years Old 
Or Daniel Smactenberger 
With Their Sex Clan
At College
My Daughter
Only 13 Now
For Prana
6 Years Of Apartheid
San Diego Marines
So Many Men I Would've
Liked To Save Us
Push A Hand
But They Can't Do It
They Couldn't Do It In Birth
We're Just Lucky 
Mammas Have A
Natural Instinct
Super Powers
So Band Together
Our Hearts Are Wide
We Love Your Babies
Of Every Tribe
Love 'Em Agape
Love 'Em Home
With Moms
This Isn't Democracy
In America Or Israel
When Woman Can't Get
Same Divorce Rights
As Trans 
Or Men
It's Not Democracy
Enslaved To Unfaithful
Iran Is Right
Moms Are Captive
Sunil Said He'd Protect
Us No More
He Took The Kaplan
Bribes Atty Court Package
Got The Dr. Gardner
Dr. Alan Silverman
Then Atty Jeff Fritz 
Almost Killed Me
With Dr. Singh
And Violent Bribed
Officer Assistants
King Pimp Ringleader
Of Sandiego Slaves
Traffic Moms
For Decades
Retired Now
Or Dead
Unaccounted For
Sue Got The Meanest
Nazi Atty
Lori Clark Viviano
She Died
Barracuda Mamma
Floundering In The Pacific
Yeah We Celebrated
RIPd Hell Out Of It
Families Do
Unfortunately My Atty
Tara Yelman Is No Longer
We'd Like To Sue Atty's
Like Michael Jackson's Scammers
His Estate Forever Pays
But Refunds From
On The Double
Sound Easier
Refunds On The
Rewind Lakshmi
CFO Jonathan Masters
Start Up 
Stolen With
Magistrate Judge
Benny Waggoner
Rewind Those Pendants
They Don't Work
We Haven't Gotten
From Violent Officers
Wearing Them
Mark Milton
Mark Ritchie
Mark Daughtery
In 6 Years
Of History
Close The Defense 
PD Jay Curatolo 
Is Right
"Courts Are Broken,"
And Pappa
Get Onto Something 
Do Us All A Favor
Listen To Sacred
This Time
And Embrace
Our Baes
Agape Divine
With Peace
And New Homes
Still Wasting
No More World War 3
Send War La
No More Secrecy
Looting Our Homes
No More Trust
Robert F. Kennedy
Could Get Relief
Just Fire Bush
Defense Teams
Their Prides
Not Mine
And We Need Our
Kids Now You See
So Agape Hearts
Mothers Call
Mothers Beg
Mothers Plea
Stop The War On Our
Stop The War On Our
All Sacred
Stop The War On Our
Stop The War On Our
Stop The War On
Stop The War On
My Kitchens'
'Cuz Picnics
American Lore
Originates In Our
Homes Where We
Make Nutritious
Healthy Thanksgiving
Mothers Call
Mothers Beg
Won't You Potluck
With Me Friends
Kids Happily
Nitya Nella Azam Davigo Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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cynicalfairytale4 · 10 months
"And loving is hard. It don't always work. You just try your best not to get hurt. I used to be mad but now I know, sometimes it's better to let someone go." -Older by Sasha Alex Sloan.
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"These images they sell, Maybe none of it is real and I could love the way I feel." -Pretty's on the inside by Chloe Adams.
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"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? Like you're not really happy, but you don't wanna die. Like a numb little bug that's gotta survive. That's gotta survive." -Numb little bug by Em Beihold.
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"Nothing's forever. Nothing's as good as it seems." -Hope ur ok by Olivia Rodrigo.
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"All the numbers in my mind are set out to ruin my life, I don't wanna let them win but they just might. And I know this is a problem that I'm improperly solving." -Math by Sara Kays.
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"I guess I could say I've learned to live this way. But it's still hard to find- reasons to stay alive. Accepting I'm pointless isn't the hardest when it's so completely obvious. My questions are countless looking for answers , so far I'm clueless. Go back to sleep. I reach for me but I'm not there. It's so lonely but who cares? It's fine it's okay. I'll die anyway." -I'll die anyway by girl in red.
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" Kids are still depressed when you dress them up. " -Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez.
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" Now she's terrified of growing older losing what's left of her youth. She'd reminisce about the sound of bliss before she knew the truth." - Ms. Protagonist by J. Maya.
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" If I'm pretty, will you like me? They say beauty makes boys happy. I've been starving myself , carving skin until my bones are showing. Teach me how to be okay. I don't wanna downplay my emotions. They say beauty is vain, you'll only be happy if you look a certain way. " -Prom Queen by Beach Bunny.
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"The prom queen looks real pretty but inside she hates her life. And the boy that starts on Varsity's dad doesn't treat him right. The quite girl that's in the corner has so much more to say, if only their minds weren't so damn opaque. She's the life of every party but she sits alone at lunch. Her reflection shows her ribcage but she thinks she weights too much.And they call each other best friends when it's a forbidden crush, one that their parents would never approve of. Isn't it sad the way it works that we think we're the only ones who hurt? So just breathe for a second. I know you're feeling so damn helpless. But before you do something reckless REMEMBER- magazines have editors and makeup does the devil's work. Don't cry cuz you're not her. She's staying up all night scars to cover.And everything seems fine when it's not yours but darling magazine have editors and everyone's a little hurt. " -Devil's Work by Andi.
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