#I have to remember to start using the gardening bots more
victorluvsalice · 10 months
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-->With the animals calmed and cheered, it was time to grab some milk and gather the eggs (two normal, one hatchable that I immediately sold because, well, the coop is full and I don't want those). And, of course, time for Victor to get exiled out to the greenhouse to do all the tending (mainly just watering today), evolving, and harvesting. XD Though it was a little better than usual for him today -- once Alice and Smiler had gotten all cleaned up from their farm-animal-tending adventures, and Smiler had gotten the laundry out of the dryer, I sent them into the greenhouse to help out a bit! Primarily by having them do some fertilizing to help more plants get up to a higher level of quality. Because better quality produce means better quality food for the grocery store, after all! :D
-->With that sorted, it was time to wrap things up around the house and get these Sims on the move! Smiler took everyone's trash piles to dump them into the recycler, while Alice cleaned out Moory's shed (see, cow, we DO take care of you) before disappearing down a rabbit hole to empty their trash bin. She indulged in a snow angel upon her return, while Victor finished his harvesting and shared a significant hug with Smiler. ;) Everyone then ended up in the living room to destress with a bit of chatting and dancing right before they left --
-->And then the phonograph broke. Reminding me that I’d seen some busted wind turbines outside earlier. Which then caused me to find a broken water collector too while I checked on those. *shakehead* Fortunately, Victor was on it with the Repairio -- seriously, now that that spell no longer causes fires, it is literally the best. He finished up as Smiler donated $1,000 to charity in response to a phone call (hey, this family can more than afford it)...
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
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Okay, let's get ready for the trauma...
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Props to Davis, his acting skills are really good! 👍 I can really hear the horror and sadness in Sun's voice as he realizes that Dazzle is one of the July 16th victims. He just sounded so broken. Everyone handled this extremely well, Dazz,Sun, and Jack, all handled this very well. Sun's probably gonna need a few days to recover, but it's good he knows... I think.
I'm also pleasantly surprised by Jack. I thought he was gonna overhear that Sun hurt Dazz and then fly into a rage and try and attack Sun, but he showed great restraint, and I'm proud of him for that. But all I can say is WOW, THIS EPISODE IS A GUT PUNCH! Sad/10 😢 😭
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AND ANOTHER GUT PUNCH! 😭😢 Sun remembers EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of the July 16th victims' names and every single detail about them, like how one loved superheroes and dressed like a Superman/Spider-man fusion, two of them were twins one loved mustard, the other hated it, and one wore seven rings pops always, I don't think I could remember little details like that but he does! Wow. He feels so bad for what he did to the kids. Even though it wasn't his fault, he felt like he should have gotten punished for he did, but he didn't. He got away with it and feels like he shouldn't have. Is that like some form of survivors guilt? Moon definitely earned some brother points here, caring for Sun, talking with him, not getting mad about the July 16th stuff. He's definitely changed since the series first started. Good on you, Moon. Also, the best jokes in this episode came from him.
Moon: We could order Arby's. I want use to feel really bad about ourselves.
Moon: I'll just order Olive garden.
Sun: Do they even deliver?
Moon: They will when I'm done.
This a great episode I really did love it. Davis, Reed, everyone, you guys did amazing 👏
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Now on from Sun's trauma to Puppet's.
I love the thumbnail. Puppet's putting on a smile while internally she's like AHHHHHHHH!
We have finally met Charlie, not gonna lie, I was halfly expecting a rebellious teen, Charlie, but instead, we got hyper goofy a little bit rebellious, Charlie. I can live with that. Charlie is like Puppet's number one fan, and I love that, too. Meanwhile, Puppet is going full protector mode on Charlie... let's just hope she's more successful than our Puppet from the main fnaf universe. I'm still very curious about how this puppet works? Is this like a fourth closet situation, but instead of making four Charlie bots, Henry made a puppet with Charlie's personality? I think it's something like that. I'm gonna love having Charlie around more. We just need to protect her from Puppeteer/Anti-Puppet.
Also, did anyone else notice Charlie had a puppet toy?
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🎊🥳👏👏👏 let's go!!!!!!
You guys work so hard, and you deserve all the subscribers you've earned. 👏 👏 👏 👏
16th/10 😭👍👏
Seriously, these were great episodes.
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galaxygnc · 11 months
Full SFW portion of a spicy Misuta drabble I wrote! This is all I'm going to be posting of it so enjoy! (happy to share the full on discord if you have me there)
GITM belongs to @venomous-qwille
Misuta Sickfic
You blink sluggishly, staring out at the expanse of grass laid out behind the mill- clearing the black creeping in from the edges of your vision and twisting slowly to push yourself off the ground. Both your palms are smudged with dirt, the bag you were carrying laying a ways away and spilling tools out across the lawn. Did you trip? You don't remember getting past the back door, but you made it at least a couple feet before faceplanting in the grass- and your cheek does sting where you must've hit the ground- with nothing you can see in the path that you could've tripped on.
Your head is killing you. Even though you were on your way out to get some work done before the afternoon heat, the sun is already setting now. When you shift to your knees to start getting up the world around you bends and swirls before your eyes, the back of your head hitting the lawn again as you fall back down. Maybe the garden bed that needed work can wait until tomorrow.
Dragging yourself up to your feet is a struggle and staying upright is harder as you stumble back towards the house. Grabbing onto the doorframe to collapse against it for a moment is almost relieving enough to make you cry while you rest your heated forehead against the back of your hand. You felt fine when you got up this morning but now, even with what's left of the sunlight casting across your back, you're almost shivering.
After your break, you start heading inside to get to bed early using what you can of the wall to keep yourself steady and resisting the urge to cross your fingers and will the main room to be empty when you come through. It isn't, of course it isn't.
Misuta is draped across the couch with a thick book in both hands, illuminated gaze focused on the words across the page when you step inside. That's fine, he usually minds his business. You can just walk past and upstairs without bothering him or drawing any attention to how you're tracking dirt through the house.
“Are you feeling alright, Hoshiko?” You barely make it three steps before he says something, not looking up at you as he turns a page. “You're breathing quite heavily, and your heartrate is elevated. I would advise you take a seat until your vitals stabilize, particularly before going up the stairs alone.” Still the bot doesn't look at you, but you can feel his attention on you.
By the time you make it to the couch you're shaking, sinking into the cushions regretfully when you remember how covered in grass stains and dirt you are and Misuta doesn't look up when you land heavily beside him; the only acknowlage that you're there at all when he shifts to move his legs off the cushion beside you.
Sitting in silence beside Misuta makes you wish you'd taken your chances falling down the stairs, the only sound breaking up the pulse at your temple from the occasional turn of a page- leaving you staring down at your hands quietly, waiting. Waiting for what? Permission to get up? For Misuta to leave and let you slink up to your room without judgement? Until you know you're stuck here, counting the blades of grass clinging to your jeans.
The animatronic beside you gets up before you can decide, marking his page with a bookmark that dangles out of the book and setting it in his place- turning the corner into the kitchen and out of your sight. You could make a break for it now, but you're feeling shakier than when you sat down and you're not sure you'd even make it to the stairs- let alone up them.
You take a peek at what Misuta was reading while he's gone, only to be dissapointed by kanji you could never hope to translate without a dictionary making up more of the title. You jump to settle back into your place when Misuta re-enters the room, bending gracefully at the waist to offer you the teacup he's holding by the saucer. It rattles in your shaking hand when you take it, and Misuta takes his seat beside you once again.
The tea in the dainty cup he prepared for you smells like peppermint, but tastes mostly of chamomile when you take a sip.
It's relaxing and sweetened with honey, and you find your hand stops trembling after drinking a bit of it- though resting the saucer on your thigh doesn't hurt matters either. You can hear a soft whirr of mechanics now, clicking and turning and a gentle hum that reminds you of the old computer you had as a child. You realize after a few minutes that Misuta himself is humming as well, a low melody that you don't recognize that's hardly louder than the sound of him running.
The boarders of your vision blur around the rippling surface of your cup of tea, lapping up at the edges when you raise it to your lips again with a once again trembling hand. The dainty handle slips from between your thumb and forefinger, and you brace for the still steaming hot tea to splash across your lap.
The burn over your thighs never comes. Instead, when you crack your eyes open Misuta is standing in front of you- one hand nearly in your lap where he caught the teacup before it spilled and the other barely touching your shoulder. So gently you didn't notice when he grabbed you, steadying you for the time being with an easy smile on his face- though you assume it must be forced. When he sets the cup back down on the saucer with a quiet clatter the hand find its way up to press against your forehead instead.
Without thinking, you lean into the cool metal of his palm and Misuta chuckles at you softly.
“Let's get you upstairs, Hoshiko, you have a high fever we need to get down before it cooks you.” This time, his smiles makes the corners of his eyes pinch and you laugh in turn, letting him take the saucer from your grip and set it aside.
Misuta picks you up. You were only expecting him to help you off the couch, but the hand he offers you moves your own to his shoulder so he can slide an arm under your thighs and lift you into his arms with ease. Your head is spinning too much to complain when your forehead makes contact with his bare chest.
You lean against the animatronic and close your eyes, letting his other arm circle around your back to hold you steady from the jostle of his footsteps as he moves you through the main room and up the stairs. With the sway of movement and the arms wrapped around you, holding you tightly, your eyelids feel heavy.
When you wake up you're laying in bed. Your own, with your jacket laying beside you and your shoes removed to sit neatly beside the door. The lights are off, but you can hear something you can't quite place in the other room as you start waking up.
On your bedside table you see your cup of tea from before sitting beside a full glass of water. You drink the latter, draining half of it and almost missing the table to put it down heavily again. It's still cold and you feel a fraction better just feeling the water wet your lips and throat, but your head is still killing you.
The door into the next room opens and low light floods over the bed you're laying in, a tall, slender figure blocking most of it.
“Are you awake, Hoshiko?” Misuta approaches and leans over the bed, fingers skimming up your arm to press his palm to your cheek. “Still too hot, even for you.” A smile plays on his lips and he scoops an arm under your back to help you sit up.
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crying-fantasies · 2 months
Hold (on to my heart)
CW: blood, murder, curses, hate, power abuse.
Nights in the caves are, really, something else, specially since Martha's garden finally gave something edible.
It's nice, to eat something warm and fresh after so long, canned food and such can only get one so far without feeling sick in mind and body, and don't even get started with the face of absolute horror some bots did after reading what was inside or, worse, what kept the corn in a barely decent consumption state.
It's nice to eat without someone burning their eyes on your back, calling you names.
Martha's corn is little, not really sweet, and mayonnaise or butter could make it more delicious, but everyone eats it to the last grain, part of it has already been stored, the fire where everyone gathered around is, maybe, a beacon of hope, just what everyone needs since Optimus left, and you catch a glimpse of mister Sawyer drying a lonely tear when he looks at a stone at the side.
Ironhide's stone, one he used like a chair.
That was where Ironhide used to come and talk, hell, the bots used to come here with you all, Tommy said maybe it was like looking at a wildlife documentary, but you and the rest have a different approach to it, giving an almost absolute vote of it being because they feel lonely, they feel hunger, they feel cold.
There is so much that can be done in the dessert, or any part the autobots go and so you all do, if you search well enough it isn't that hard to find edible cactuses or other things, with the usual trial and error in between, of course.
Ironhide was the first to tell Optimus to get all the humans back to where they came from, but he was also the first one to take a boulder out of the way to make this campfire site and use the rock as a makeshift chair, at first it looked like he was trying to put you all in one place and Sideswipe almost punched him in the faceplate, but he was also the responsible to moving the hard soil with Hound and Beachcomber so that Martha could grow food, the only one that knew how to live from the earth and not by ready-to-food like the rest of you.
"It's easier for humans to do it, since it's their planet", he said, "at least then we won't bother findin' fuel for them", Sides was ready to let him know his opinion but he was stopped since what the old bot gave you, in reality, was something even better than canned food left to waste.
It's not simple, to follow the autobots, to evade the government, to try and get a hold of whatever that could be usable, you still remember Val and how she found something alien and bring it back, the few energon that thing had was enough to add another two days for everyone, Rosalinde, almost two, could only smile by her sister's enthusiastic face.
It was never easy, when Hoist, relieved for the finding, patted Val's head with utmost delicacy, "You did great", the little girl looked like she won the lottery, very much in contrast to her crying once a military man found your group while looking for rations, Val went far away in the former warzone to find another vial of energon, finding the man in her way and all his group, holding her and telling the little orphan with baseless promises of finding her family with the help of whoever was in power, that he saved her of the horrible aliens as all you could do was move again because they couldn't find the autobots, "humans know what a new human spark would need", that's what Optimus said, and it was what Ratchet repeated to Hoist once he found out to calm him down, Bumblebee was totally against to give Rosa to the people on the near town to care for her, and you all promised to tend to her every need to prevent her from going to fall in their hands, Optimus meant well, you all knew, as all you could give Rosa and Val was the least spoiled food.
"Do he sees us as pets or what?"
"Quiet, kid! Do I need to remind you who saved your ass in the warzone?"
"Well then, I can return to the god-damned civilization because I'm not in debt with the ones that got the war here!"
Most people just go, at the beginning, just like Jimmy, Verity and Hunter, sometimes they stay, just like you, but staying also means to have your face among the most wanted due to "fraternizing with the alien enemy".
But returning would end in indefinite imprisonment, or a very bad interrogation that could turn south very easily, because no one knew of Javier once he got to the nearest town, but you all found him in the wastelands while searching for more supplies, his body, at least, full of bruises and in a terrible state, like he was tortured.
Mr. Duncan called it "a stupid robot hunt to keep the people happy in their madness to vote for them again", Susana said:" Just people showing off, they need some war in order to fill their pockets".
You can only hope Val has something to eat, someone to care, things were hard, as you see your chemically burned fingertips, no more gloves meant direct contact in occasions, Ratchet and Hoist sometimes can't with all the injured, so far the only helping hands they have are you and Mr. Duncan who was a mechanic before the war and before being totally wiped after seeing Optimus Prime himself help him to get out of some debris, transforming in front of him while saving him, they are great, they really are, but alien medicine can only get you so far before you touch real energon, the one running in their lines like blood does in your veins, and getting burned isn't that hard with your hands stopping the leaking in Track's side as Hoist tries to make him see that his wound matters more than his finish.
Sideswipe, ever the gentlemech, came to your rescue when your tearful eyes weren't that easy to hide from him, biting back the sobs and just silently taking it all, maybe that being the reason why his already volatile temper just got to a new level, "I'm going to show that slagger something to whine over", he was furious, not at you, but in what you were getting into, in how you were hiding it even from him.
"It's okay", you said, red eyes and patched fingers, bloody nose and sore throat, low on fluids due to the energon poisoning, "it's okay, I can keep going".
But you can't, not anymore, not because of Sides but because this new bot called Ultra Magnus was sure to keep their law to the T, and Ratchet couldn't do much about it, "it's unprecedented to let an organic know about our general physiology".
"Magnus, I don't have any more help here, and you're shortening it even more?"
"The law must be followed, Ratchet, and we shouldn't have so many injured if our soldiers were able to hold into the designated procedures for those cases".
Everyone have their own reasons to be here, some willing and others not, some do what they can while others just can't anymore, but all in unison rise their cheap plastic cups high and full of homemade alcohol that is sure to burn your liver alive, chanting a "for the ones we lost" before downing it at once, your corn is about to return from your stomach and Mr. Sawyer finally breaks down, crying in his daughter's arms inconsolably.
Men don't cry, you heard once, and it's stupid, maybe real men, the ones that matter, really do cry and bleed.
And maybe is not only about men crying, but showing grief and emotion as a whole, as you remember someone say: "just don't think about it and the pain will go away", or "just think you feel okay and you'll be", it was easier to say than to really do, and even if you did it didn't really change anything.
Maybe the most strong really show what is troubling them, and try to understand it.
Maybe that's why you find yourself walking again to the part of the base Sideswipe has taken for himself, he is just there, sitting, low on energon and spirits since Ironhide's frame was taken back by Ratchet, he looks just like when Sunstreaker-
"Do you hate it?"
At first, you don't know what he is referring to, is it the constant hunger? The scorching sunlight in the day and the cold moonless nights? Being hunted down by your own people? Your own race? There is so much to pick from, but he may only refer to one of them? With a lack of response he makes that sad face again, in the past he did it, as sad as ever or physically possible for him just to joke around, took you a while to notice his playful nature and how to respond to it, but you would give so much to see that kind of expression back to him only as a joke and not the real one in front of you.
"Hate is a strong word".
Since Bumblebee made the deal with the humans, with that guy called Spike, things have been better, but feeling the soldiers' hard gazes have made you all return to the caves from time to time, the last familiar place, the last place where you all saw so many before probably losing them forever.
Val is still missing, no one could track her or what they did with her after they took her away.
Ricardo decided to sell out the bots and play the victim in the news, whining and complaining about being a victim, trying to sell a book of his survival when he wouldn't even be alive if not for Beachcomber saving him from an explosive.
Lucas, Paula and Jocelyn died when those crazy fucks corraled the bots and they tried to stop them like a shield, believing they wouldn't shut them down.
Mr. Sawyer still can't keep a few bites of food down after Ironhide died, his depression hitting another level, or so Miranda, his daughter, said, when his friend returned like a carcass with a hole blasted right through his spark, his heart.
The cries of everyone when Bumblebee, one of the most kind and attentive autobots, one of the better living beings you have ever met, returned with smoke emanating from his body, closed and dead optics, energon spilling from the wound on his chest, as Mr. Sawyer's cries of "not again, please" made more echo in all the people crying, the few people that were still keeping it together before things just escalated more.
The feeling of being burned alive as your fingers put pressure to the many ruptures in the lines, hearing Mr. Duncan curse as his own hands weren't enough to stop the leaking and welding at the same time, being instructed by the supposed scientist and doctor that was in charge to keep Bumblebee alive by just pouring energon inside and letting you two do all the risky job.
Sideswipe's response to your "I hate it" isn't one of surprise, if anything, he is waiting for you to elaborate, "I hate them so much!".
His reaction to your answer brings up the necessity to shut your mouth, but the lock has been molested, and there is just so much you can do once bitting your tongue isn't enough, not even his sad smile, his relief at you finally letting go of what has been eating you from inside out, the low light of his optics on you, blue light that makes your tears shine like tiny sparks embers that fall ominously, like hatred and vengeance that are never to meet an end, the rage of a warrior encased in such tiny frame that does everything in it's power to heal even when there is a gaping black hole in the middle.
His reaction to your tears, to your hysteria, the ones you had to fight back, is nothing but understanding, and he doesn't even flinch when the poison and resentment follow and take control.
"I wish they end up dying there!", you remember their faces, their words full of hatred, you'll never forget them as you all shouted back in how the autobots weren't the ones to get the war to the planet, it was the decepticons who started it, it was the humans who kept at it.
They hated so much, without a base, without a reason, putting all of them in the same group, and were the first ones to shout indignantly once Jazz protected everyone.
"I wish everyone they are related to die too! Stupid genes should just disappear! Their parents! Their kids! It's all rotten!"
You will never forget their faces as they shut down Lucas, just because he was trying to speak with reason, "STOP! Stop! He is injured! Please stop!", Paula got to close for comfort too, apparently, as she was trying to call Spike for help, but someone, a sick fucko, believed her phone was a gun and killed her too with Jocelyn who was only promising the already on edge autobots that everything was going to be alright before her blood was flying in their direction.
"I want them to disappear"
Once your hatred is placating, finally being able to let yourself say all the bad things that have been bottled down for so long, your sadness takes over, and Sideswipe offers his servo to cradle you near as your tears and sobs aren't stopping, increasing to the point breathing is hard and you're almost choking back cries and shouts, holding for dear life to him, your screwed nails digging on the crevices of his faceplate and neck guard as he holds your body with both servos to that tiny and warm place in the junction of his helm and his neck guard.
A safe place, where his body overlaps yours, his engine and the power on it a silent promise that he is strong enough to fight for you both, increasing with your cries and the goosebumps, an answer to his EM field, telling you "I'm here, I'll protect you", your physical reaction, your way to show him "I feel you, I know" when his digits pass over your skin so delicately.
It was a trial and error these years, laughing hard when his anger made your hair stand up, give comfort when you didn't feel much, feeling overwhelmed and all little hair up when he was playful and happy.
Feeling out of your body when he was trying to comfort you.
"I want this to end"
"I miss them so much"
"If I ever know who made that gun!"
"Please don't leave me too"
"I want them in pieces!"
"Don't ever let me go"
Next thing you knew, Sideswipe was trying to wake you up, saying something about a "I'll see you later" that was barely registered as your eyes were too swollen to see him right, the coldness in the base is too strong and makes you hold the blanket he left above you, is it late? Why is he saying that? When did you fall sleep and when did he let go of you? You can barely think straight, the alcohol doing an inside mess, Sideswipe holding you near again, the best you both could do for a hug, you could only do so much with your head all foggy and painful as he left you to rest, that sensation of vibration as you're swallowed inside his EM field again, nuzzled by his faceplate, the light of his optics showering you, barely alert to give back the hug, holding to his olfactory ridge and making him chuckle, smiling back, hearing him happy after so long, if only for a minute, feeling him gone the next and holding the blanket close, preserve his digits' feeling above you, his warmth enclosed in that blanket for as long as it could be.
Hours later, and the next thing you know is that most autobots are gone, everyone is sitting in the dinner salon of the Skywatch's base, watching the news, your relief of Bumblebee once again on his feet is washed away once someone tell you that Sideswipe left with Optimus to Cybertron.
One hour later, and you're left to question yourself what comes next, holding the blanket to your body, and realizing that it's the vicuna one you bought, and that Sideswipe left the paper crane you gifted him years ago just next to your sleeping body, as you ask yourself what you could have said in your intoxicated pain that made that hot head take his few things and go to a barren and deadly planet once again, trying to comfort yourself that it wasn't caused by something you said.
But that monster in your head says otherwise, telling you that if you lost Sideswipe too was because you showed your pain and grief, everything is your fault.
It's all your fault, and Sideswipe will never come back, either by being shot where you can't help him or by finally realizing you aren't that different from other humans.
"Humans are all the same", Sunstreaker once said when he tried to brush you off, and maybe he was right about you.
Do you even recognize who you're now?
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I want more scenarios with old bots (I really want more scenes with them, or art 🥲) just some fluff, like: evening under the stars, listening to stories
YES! I agree they need more love and more attention!
He loves to tell stories and sure does have many of them. He likes to sit, relax, and talk about his life and the history of Cybertron and Earth to any bot or human that will listen. He'll be delighted if you sit with him and listen to his stories. He can talk your ear off forever, so plan to stay with him for a long time. Maybe even take a blanket and pillow because he would talk to you until late at night.
If you fall asleep, he'll wake you up then keep talking. He'd only let you sleep if it was actually nighttime.
If you need to know anything about Earth's history, he's your bot. He's been on Earth a long time, he knows more than most humans.
He calls you his little spitfire, and he gets really happy anytime he sees you.
He can't remember your name so will often just call you nicknames depending on how you look, what you wear, or what hobbies you like to do.
He has a number of those large garden games, like giant chess, checkers, and Connect 4. They are good for his memory and give him something to do since he can't fight. He loves it when you play with him.
He likes to listen more than talk since his memory isn't the best. He enjoys hearing about Earth and likes it when you bring him things to show him. He's very interested to learn things even though he may forget them. He's particularly interested in birds.
He may be old and clunky, but he still loves to fly. He would be very grateful if you flew with him. Because it gives him something to do and makes him feel useful. He likes to show you around the world.
He likes to carry you on his shoulder when he walks around because it makes you very tall and he finds it entertaining to give you a new view.
He will teach you how to fly and will give you complete control of him. He'd only resume control if you were starting to fly into a cliff or something. But he's a great teacher, very calm, and explains things well.
Lieutenant(I looked him up he's the old plane at Burton's home):
He misses the battle and hates feeling stagnant and useless. So he likes to try and keep sharp with training. He likes having someone set up a target practice for him so he can keep working on his aim.
He gets tired quickly, and like to take rests and naps. But he likes being kept company, either so he can talk or be talked to. He doesn't like being left alone, because he doesn't like being considered old.
If you keep him company and talk to him like you would any other bot he greatly appreciates it.
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the-cosmicbeans · 4 months
New Project Announcement!
"Diamonds in the Dark" has been a huge comfort story for me. It has been going since I was 16 years old. I remember how much I felt bad for Fawful, and how I wanted to alter his story in Bowser's Inside Story. I also accidentally started shipping him with my alien OC, which went from being a silly joke to a ship that has been one of my biggest special interests of all time.
But the thing is... the more time has passed, more ambitious ideas have been popping in my head. I've been getting ideas to extend upon Vaphorians, give my OCs more depth etc.
And all of that made me realize how this story was growing beyond what Bowser's Inside Story originally was. So today, I'm here to announce a brand new project I've been working on through those past months...
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And it's called "The Fawful Elite: Guiding Stars"! As you can tell, it has remained as a M&L story about Fawful and those other three folks.
Somwhere after BIS, Fawful finds himself in a different place called "the Sol Kingdom". While he didn't experience a complete memory loss, Fawful is unable to remember most things that happened in BIS. And on a top of that, he's constantly getting nightmares about scary dark spiders! Since nothing was helping, Fawful decides to set on a journey to find a garden with a very rare plant called "the Cosmic Plant". Its fruit is capable of healing any illnesses and curses, which our beanish man believed to have. During that long journey, Fawful meets new and familiar faces...
Now for some short character summaries!
1. Fawful
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Most of us already know Fawful. He's an evil scientist, planning to conquer over the world! ... or does he? He would probably say that if he remembered what happened to him in the first place.
Fawful is an energetic beanish man with a huge self-confidence. Which could also lead him into potential dangerous situations. He loves to taunt and torment his enemies, but can get easily furious if something goes slightly wrong.
Despite everything he says, Fawful is actually pretty anxious about this situation. And all of that makes him feel a llittle lonely... but no, he's perfectly fine on his own! ... right?
2. Norin
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A sassy Vaphorian with powerful magical abilities, who's also looking for the Cosmic Plant in order to heal his own "curse". Aside from their plans to travel through universe after obtaining the fruit, they don't like explaining why they need it. Would those plans change after meeting a strange beanish man?
And while she wasn't so fond of Fawful at first, the more the two spoke, the more Norin started to geniuinely like him and see him as a friend. But who knows if it won't blossom into something more?
Norin is usually pretty chill compared to Fawful. He enjoys pranking other people and, just like his beanish companion, loves to taunt them. This Vaphorian has a softer side to her though... and I'm not talking about her cat-like behavior she tries to hide almost everytime. They're very compassionate towards people they deeply trust.
Norin is a huge bot maniac, and loves seafood more than anything. His magic powers allow him to control any type of liquid, and ice.
3. Merry
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A short beanish woman who rivals with Fawful. They go way back... the two, along with Favalis, knew each other for a good while. They even worked underneath Cackletta. However, Merry got upset by how Fawful began to act more bossy and surperior towards her and Favalis, which caused the other two to go their own ways... for a few years.
During the story, the two are also looking for the Cosmic Plant. Because of a childhood accident, Merry didn't know who her biological family was. She wants to obtain the fruit so that she could remember who they were... and yet strangely, Fawful looks a lot like her...
Merry can be pretty chaotic, even more so than Fawful sometimes. It's not like she can't be pretty serious at times, however. She's not afraid to state her opinions on the matter, and is overprotective towards Favalis.
Merry enjoys playing baseball and video games. She uses her bat to throw bombs more easily, and possesses great strength for her height.
4. Favalis
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A beanish of a few words. They come from Cackletta's family (their mother is Cackletta's younger sister), and she was also the one to teach them a lot of stuff about magic. They're usually seen accompanying Merry, and is responsible for telling Fawful a lot about ancient artifacts... and Vaphorians. Unlike Merry though, Favalis doesn't appear to be so upset with Fawful.
Favalis doesn't usually like talking about themself, which makes them appear more mysterious. They tend to avoid most people, and are usually pretty cold towards anyone they don't trust. On the other side, they're pretty talkative when they're around around their friends, enjoying exchanging some information about their interests.
However, Favalis almost doesn't think about themself... sure, they might have some goals. But for them, they're not as important as taking care of their friends...
Favalis is capable of using dark magic. They enjoy reading various books about its' history, or ancient artifacts. Favalis also enjoys drawing in the meantime.
So, here it is! There's a lot more stuff happening in the story, but I don't wanna go deep into that yet because I don't wanna spoil the entire thing in one post... and I'd definitely run out of space if anything lol. If you read the entire thing, thank you for reading my silly rambles about my story.
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daylightcommand3 · 7 months
Dear, @purplekoop
GRRRR RAHH War Bots is consuming me! I keep finding myself thinking about the far off hypotheticals and all the little extraneous details:
What would box art look like? So far I can see Wilderoad and Calber staring at each other from the corners of the art. A random map from the game is the background. Other bots from the game are all rushing towards each other ready for a fight.
What kinds of PvP maps will there be? One idea I had is an abandoned amusement park based on a once-beloved-but-now-forsaken gaming company that is now being used for training.
Also I had the potential* headcanon that the PvP gameplay is the War Bots** training.
*(I say potential because i don't know if you already had that idea. I don't want to assume.)
**(Not to be annoying myself. But I know that War Bots is not the final name of the game nor the team. I just wanted to make that clear real quick. Sorry if this sounds rude. I genuinely don't know how to phrase this without sounding like an asshole.)
What will the trailer look like? I can see a rough draft. A little rendered animation of showing Wilderoad walking onto a PVP map. Chaos is everywhere. We then get quick clips of gameplay footage of characters using their abilities. The obligatory pop song playing in my head bounces between "Cut Off" by Set It Off and "Magic 8" also by Set It Off. (I listened to the album these songs were in recently while I had War Bots on the brain)
By the way, I see Wilderoad as the face of War Bots mainly because they were literally the introduction to it, and if I remembered correctly, they were also one of the first characters made. And if i'm remembering REALLY correctly, I believe you yourself said they were the face.
What will the cosmetics be like? This question really started when you mentioned the quickly scrapped penguin's moveset being given to Velenna. I instantly thought "Alright, Velenna should be given a penguin skin then." Then i realized that I don't recall you ever mentioning cosmetics. Would it be more TF2-esque with a loadout system? Or would it be more Overwatch 2-esque with a simple complete skin system? Speaking of Overwatch, I couldn't help but think of an "Ancient Heroes" skinline that gives our favorite bots a familiar look. Some mappings are rather cut and dry, while some really get you to think (Poppett in particular: Tracer? Lucio? D.va? Kiriko????). I also briefly imagined a "Coat" mechanic of sorts. Where you could merely change the color of the bots bodies. Like putting on a new coat of paint. (As you can see, I'm kinda using War Bots as a cope and a way to wean me off of Overwatch. Or at least attempting to.)
What would the community jokes and memes be like? What would be our nerf Genji? I can already see a meme about Necross, but I won't since I plan to make that one a reality eventually.
Bot Select? I want to see all the bots lined up in rows and columns.
Of course. What game would be complete without your favorite thing: figures! Not to make you drool, but imagine if a Wilderoad figure was right there on your desk. Or Formann? Or Poppett? Or Velenna? Or Navea? Or etc etc etc.
It's all so just- GRRRrrr OHHHhhh, so enticing, so magical, so beautiful. I'm proud to say that I'm on the ground floor of War Bots. I love being a part of this. I can't wait for what comes next.
Sincerely, G
PS: I have absolutely no idea when the rest of The Gardeners posts will be finished. I have solid ideas on all of them (minus one). I just haven't had the time to write them. This week I'm focusing on a big midterm and have the usual load of homework. I'm trying to get a lot done this week so Spring Break I can truly relax and write to my hearts content. Of course, the biggest roadblock to my writing is that I'm busy writing a script for my university's comedy skit program club. And that has a deadline of the week after Spring Break. So yeah. Sometime after that I suppose. I will let you know that the next Gardener I'll be going over is the one with blades.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings!
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shiroikabocha · 1 year
Hell is Other Robots - sneak peek WIP
this is not Chapter 3. It's the start of an unplanned but now-existent Epilogue because all the canon endings of Road to Gehenna are too sad for the tone of this fic and I wanted to change that.
Text under the cut:
There was very little left of Gehenna now. Clouds of noise and static billowed across the expanse, numbing everything they touched. Foundations melted, bridges sank into the abyss. Trees collapsed under the weight of their own existence and made no noise as they fell—they’d need to be standing on solid ground for that, and of course, they weren’t. None of it was.
Uriel watched it all happen. The destruction of Gehenna had been an indulgent, dearly-cherished fantasy for some of its citizens, and a dreaded nightmare for others. Whether the end was tragedy or triumph, it felt right to bear witness for those who wouldn’t get to watch their dreams come true.
Whatever else it had been—imperfect, accidental, built from scraps and leftovers—Gehenna was undoubtedly unique. It was the garbage heap onto which Elohim tossed the weeds pulled from his Garden, and just like weeds, these unwanted ones had sunk their roots down into the concrete and turned a wasteland into a riot of color and life. How far might those roots spread, planted in a richer substrate? How high might their branches reach, under a kinder sky? Uriel smiled wistfully. He wouldn’t get to know.
He sat cross-legged on what remained of the central platform and folded his hands in his lap.
Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love.
He had done his best to console, and he hoped that he had understood, at least some of the time. He knew for a fact that he had loved. Oh, how he’d loved this world, and all the people in it! Maybe the world had to end—and maybe Uriel had to end with it—but the people didn’t. The people could make new worlds and new stories and new friends, and maybe they’d remember him sometimes, after he was gone. That would have to be enough.
For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Reflecting on a long life of service and wonder, Uriel closed his eyes one last time, and found peace.
“Hey, birdbrain!”
Scratch that. Peace would have to wait.
Uriel whipped his head around, searching. The swirling, caustic fog was so thick it was hard to see further than a few arm-lengths in any direction. “Hello? Who’s there?”
A person-shaped patch of fog grew darker and resolved into a bot, hunched over, shuffling through the storm with its arms raised to shield against the wind. When it drew close enough to be heard, it spoke with a familiar voice: “Just some wandering asshole, looks like. Probably not great at following directions.”
A million dire warnings flashed through Uriel’s head at once. “D0G? What are you doing here?” He leapt to his feet in a panic. “How did you—no, no, I saw you upload, I watched you, I saw you disappear!”
D0G came to a stop a few feet away and shrugged. “Guess I’m not the ascending type after all.”
“You can’t be here!” Chunks of sky blinked off and on above them, and a low growl of static began to blur the edges of Uriel’s perception, fizzing and hissing like acid. He grabbed D0G by the shoulders. “This place is falling apart, do you want to die?”
“No, actually,” D0G said, “I don’t want to die. And I don’t want you going through with this disgustingly noble plan of self-sacrifice, either.” He gave Uriel a smug grin. “So I guess that means you’ll have to come up with a crazy last-minute plan to save us both, huh?”
“But I can’t! There was only one upload, that’s it!” Uriel felt like his chassis had cracked down the middle. “Oh god, D0G—why did you come back? You were safe, you were going to the new world…”
“Yeah, well,” D0G said, “A new world that doesn’t have all of my friends in it sounds more boring than a new world that does. I want the one that does.”
Uriel wanted to sob. “Goddamnit, D0G…” How had it come to this? This wasn’t how it was supposed to end, nobody else was supposed to die—
“I knew you’d never bend the rules just to save yourself,” D0G continued, “so I had to raise the stakes on you. I know it’s not fair. You might be an angel, but I’m a damned dirty mutt who’s not above cheating for what I want.” The platform lurched beneath their feet and sent them both reeling. “Better think fast, birdbrain—clock’s ticking.”
The shivering cobwebs of static grew denser by the second, crowding out light and air and space. What’s left behind when a world stops being a world? “Gehenna was a prison,” Uriel lamented, “it’s not built with an exit! The only way out is to—”
Suddenly, an idea. There’s only one way out.
He yanked D0G’s arm toward him and turned it over, exposing the buttons on the inside of D0G’s wrist. “D0G, how long have you been in Gehenna? Less than a year?”
“Think so,” D0G replied, “maybe ten or eleven months. Why does it matter?” Dammit. They’d be cutting it close.
“This is going to feel weird,” Uriel warned, and before D0G could protest, Uriel jammed his finger into the recessed switch that you were never, ever supposed to press. D0G lurched to a sudden stop, and Uriel kept his eyes trained on the digital display on D0G’s wrist where numbers cycled in a mad frenzy: six months back… seven… eight…
The sea of suffocating nothingness pressed closer on all sides. If he’d had sweat glands, Uriel imagined they would be working overtime. Ten months… eleven… eleven and a half… eleven and three quarters…
Just before the clock hit twelve, Uriel released his hand and D0G staggered back like he’d been punched.
“Holy shit,” D0G gasped, holding his head. “I feel like you scraped out my skull with a melon baller—what did you do?”
Something so ridiculously dangerous that nobody ever bothered to forbid it, Uriel thought but didn’t say. “I deleted your emergency backups.” D0G looked up in alarm and Uriel hastened to add: “—not all of them! Just all of them since you came to Gehenna. Under normal circumstances, you’d hold on to about a year’s worth at a time, so you’ll still have a few left if my math was right.” He sure hoped his math was right. If it wasn’t…
D0G tried to regain his balance while Uriel paged through his list of console commands, looking for one he hadn’t used in ages. When he found it, he copied it, closed his eyes, and concentrated. Please work, please please work…
The bucket fell into his hands and he could have shouted for joy. “Okay, take this,” Uriel said, shoving the paint can into D0G’s arms. “When you get where you’re going, use it to write my name, okay? My full name, it won’t work if you just say ‘Uriel.’ You need to write ‘Uriel_Copy4 v48.2.8563f,’ exact spelling—can you remember that?”
D0G looked from the bucket to Uriel and back. “Where am I going?”
“Home, I hope.” A flash of lightning split the sky, sending another chunk of Gehenna careening off into the darkness. Uriel put his hand on D0G’s arm. “Listen, you have to understand,” he said, “I’ve never done this. Nobody’s ever done this. And if it doesn’t work—”
“It will work,” D0G interrupted, knowing nothing of the plan except that it was Uriel’s.
Uriel continued: “—then I want you to know that it has been my honor and privilege to have met you.”
“Nah, c’mon,” D0G said, shrugging reflexively. “I’m just some jerk you keep saving, no need to get mushy about it.”
“Damn it, D0G,” Uriel snapped, “for once in your life, will you shut the fuck up and accept that you are loved?!”
D0G was silent a moment, and Uriel realized he had been shouting. D0G opened and closed his mouth a few times, then said: “...yeah. Okay.” He met Uriel’s gaze and forced himself to stop fidgeting. “I’m glad I met you too, Uriel.”
Uriel hugged D0G tight, trapping the paint can between them. “I love you, D0G.”
D0G winced. “Are you gonna make me say it back?”
“Nah, I’m not.” Uriel let go, sharing one last smile at the matching paint smudges on their torsos. “Good luck.”
D0G nodded. “You too.”
Then Uriel planted his foot on D0G’s chest and kicked him into the howling void.
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aug-archive-1 · 1 year
An Amature History of Solaris, Section #2
Day 90
I don’t know if I’m allowed to say this, but the devastation we’ve witnessed in this phase of our lives makes me want to have a long conversation with the big man upstairs.
Though I try to remain stronger than the flesh, the buildup of mold and moss and cracks on the sidewalk wear on me. Things don’t work anymore. Most of my apartment in the government district is destroyed. Everyone else can’t even get to their homes. It’s nice enough here, but it doesn’t feel like home, and it’s starting to grate on me.
It’s starting to grate on everybody. What’re we doing here, where should we be going?
I mean, 3 went on the expedition. It spooked the devil out of him.
Corpses and feral animals and buildings growing dank and musty from a lack of use. The fetid, decaying corpse of a city, ravaged by us as desperate scavengers to bring ourselves to what is left of human dignity. The city’s not just out of power - it’s been ravaged by desperation. It’s been destroyed, the utopia truly gone. Solaris feels dead, outside of this one restored corner we’ve been kept in, blind to the true extent of the damage. 
3 was rattled. The rest of us are nervous to see what’s out there.
Solaris was so… grand. I remember when the buildings gleamed and greenspaces were well tended and beloved. I remember the days when every automaton’s ceramic mask face was shined to perfection. Nowadays, 23’s is dull, flowers fading and eyes looking more and more hollow - considering they were hollow in the first place, it isn’t much of a help. 
The sheen of the apocalypse has ended, friends. It is now the mundanity of waiting and hoping and rebuilding; perhaps, we become something like what we remember. Or maybe we just claw at the dirt until we can’t claw anymore. 
Speaking of dirt, the garden is doing well. It’s the bright green patch we possibly control, and occasionally take mint and cherry tomatoes from. I tend to it more and more, learning things from 8. The others are good teachers, and good listeners too - I’ve been keeping a study, to keep my own cool. A few of them are indulging me, but some of the others believe. 
14’s been working on the radio, sometimes in the middle of the night (yes, dear, I’m aware). I’m glad she’s keeping busy. It’s hopeful, what she’s found so far. I’m proud of her, it’d be good to find more human survivors; I’m amazed there’s more of us.
Being down for 2 years was a blessing as much as it’s been a curse - I wish we’d had those years to get used to us all. Now all we have is 90 days worth of electricity, maybe more or less, depending on how 1’s expedition goes.
Imagine, the power district back - the light rails up and running. Freely charging all of our helper bots, getting the other automatons up and running, being just… happier, I guess.
I’ve got a guitar scavenged from out there, some music to keep my soul, but we need more than that, you know?
The automaton and the other bots are fine like this. Well - they’re a little off, different from how they used to be, more likely to leave you alone and do their own thing unless asked something. But they’re fine, better than we are. Unsurprising. 
It was fascinating to talk to 23, the radio interview. I remember the long conversations we’d have over the automata - are their souls our obligation to save? To try to save, if they even have souls? Do we love them like we love our neighbors? 
There’s no doubt that 23 loves us. That it cares for us and wants to fulfill its duty to us. Do we owe 23 for this? To paint its mask back to perfection? I can’t paint. Maybe someone else can.
Theology was easier when we only had extensions and augments, to simply consider them parts of us. 23 enjoys humor, has memories and a sense of self. Does it have a soul? Is it one of us? Did it have a soul when it was a prosthetic arm, leaning into the needs of the person it was attached to? 
Did we simply not have the ears to hear what it would have said?
I don’t know. I want to do something about this.
I’m sorry, whoever’s reading this. It isn’t much of a history of Solaris anymore, so much as it’s a eulogy for the city, an update on our lives.
We’re all trying our best, right now.
Press enter for next...
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precious-plumbobs · 3 years
Something Precious: A Sims 4 Legacy
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Welcome to my legacy challenge! I love this sort of game-play and wanted to create something that I would enjoy, and hopefully someone else will too! This is a ten generation legacy with each generation assigned something precious and a corresponding colour! 
This is a WIP and I’d love feedback. 
Please tag me if you try this out and use #somethingpreciouslegacy and most of all have fun! 
Happy simming xo
No cheats that will give you a game-play advantage
Use normal lifespan (or don’t, up to you tbh)
Start the challenge with a starter budget
Complete the aspiration, career and requirements to complete a generation
Generation One: Pearl
Colour: White
You left your small home town the moment you could, you wanted a blank slate to start fresh! You had been saving your money for as long as you can remember and could finally afford your first apartment! You wanted to take in everything the city had to offer: the food, the music and the locals. You find yourself, true love, and true happiness.
Music Lover
City Native Aspiration
Critic Career
Level 10 Writing
Level 10 Singing
Complete the city poster collection
Complete the snow globe collection
Marry someone you meet in the city
All generations under the cut ❤
Generation Two: Amethyst
Colour: Purple
You grew up in the city and you cannot wait to leave, you won't miss it! (well, except for the food) You move out to your own little slice of nature. You want to be able to make the best food with the finest ingredients. They say you don’t know where your food comes from, but you do... Your garden! You still can’t help but be worried about ‘Big Brother’ and the powers that are controlling the food market and manipulating the ‘Sheeple’. It’s okay though, you can dance your worries away!
Dance Machine
Freelance Botanist Aspiration
Chef Career
Level 10 Cooking
Level 10 Baking
Level 5 Dance
Generation Three: Sapphire 
Colour: Blue
Your parent was all about living off the land and you’re ready to take it to the extreme! You are ready to start the good fight and promote self-sufficiency! You move to Sulani to join the conservation effort and live your dream life. You try to spread positivity and optimism about our planet to everyone you meet (Even though sometimes you find it hard to keep a smile on your face). You always wanted children but the sim-world is already so overpopulated that you only have one.
Child of the Ocean
Loves the Outdoors
Friend of The World Aspiration
Conservationist Career
Level 10 Logic
Level 10 Fitness
Level 10 Charisma
Live in an “Off-the-Grid” lot in Sulani
Generation Four: Emerald
Colour: Green
Your parent shunned technology and limited power usage for the whole house, but you could not be more different. You love technology and can’t wait to see what advancements you can make. You can’t get enough, revelling in technology in all its forms. You never liked the ocean, the way the seaweed would cling to your feet YUCK!  You hop on a flight to Britechester and you can tell you’re taking your first steps down the right path for you: a path paved in money and circuit boards. 
Nerd Brain Aspiration
Engineer Career
Level 10 Rocket Science
Level 10 Handiness
Level 10 Programming
Level 10 Video Gaming
Attend University and join the Bot club
Never move back to Sulani
Generation Five: Citrine
Colour: Yellow
You grew up in a household that surrounded you with the marvels of technology but your grandparent had also taught you about the gifts we get from Mother Earth. It is your mission in life to combine the two! You want to use your knowledge and drive to work up the ranks and make Evergreen Harbour the best it can be, under your leadership of course. Your handmade goods are super eco-friendly and simply the best around (if you do say so yourself).  
Eco Innovator Aspiration
Civil Designer Career
Level 10 Fabrication
Max Juice Fizzing
Maintain a “Green” neighbourhood
Dumpster dive for most of your furniture
Be close to your grandparent (Gen 3)
Generation Six: Amber
Colour: Orange
Your parent was always having to pander to other people: begging for votes and listening to what other people wanted.. No thank you! You want to answer to no one, you should be your own boss (as well as everyone else's!). You join the business career because you know you can get your way to the tippy-top! In your free time you always listen to your mantra: Work hard, play harder. You’re famous for your legendary parties and everyone knows that when you show up (with your guitar, obviously) it’s going to be a BELTER! Who has time for a family on top of that?! Anyway, here’s Wonderwall...
Hates Children
Party Animal Aspiration
Business Career
Level 10 Mixology
Level 10 Guitar
Meet someone at a party which leads to an unplanned pregnancy: it’s twins! (You may cheat for this)
Generation Seven: Garnet
Colour: Red
You did not see much of your parent growing up, it was almost as if they didn’t even like you..? You want to give your children a loving home, where there is no doubt how much you love them. Your twin sibling is your best friend in the whole world and you somehow still always manage a regular date-night with your spouse. You made an interesting choice for your career: parent by day and super spy by night! You overheard all about the kind of shady business dealings that happen behind closed doors as a child and now seek to use espionage for good! Being able to protect priceless art is also a bonus. Both sides of you require a level of calm and patience which is why you practice yoga to help keep you centered.
Art Lover
Super Parent Aspiration
Secret Agent Career
Level 10 Parenting
Level 10 Wellness
Be close to all your children and sibling
Have regular date-nights with spouse
Generation Eight: Onyx
Colour: Black 
You were raised to believe that you could do anything, and you were absolutely doted on by your parent. Which may have meant that you grew up not taking much responsibility for your actions... (or your messes, oops!). You want every sim to know your name: you want billboards and millions of followers and everything else! You move to Del Sol Valley and work hard to become one of the best-known actors in the world. You also make sure you upload regular videos updating your fans on your favourite fanfics, ships and theories.
World Famous Celebrity Aspiration
Acting Career
Level 10 Acting
Level 5 Media Production
Regularly upload videos
Five-Star celebrity
Live in Del Sol Valley
Marry a fellow celebrity
Generation Nine: Rose Quartz
Colour: Pink
You grew up in your parent’s shadow, the spotlight always on them. You needed to get away from the press and the fans that followed your family. The only companionship you could rely on was that of your pets (and snacks of course). You love every animal you ever meet, they just get you. You never feel like you can connect with people as easily as you can with your patients. You open your own vet clinic to help as many animals as you can!
Friend of the Animals Aspiration
Own a vet clinic
Level 10 Veterinary
Level 5 Training
Always have a pet
Live in Brindleton Bay
Generation Ten: Opal
Colour: Rainbow
You are tenth in a long legacy of precious sims! May the legacy live FOREVER! Mwahaha! You want to become a powerful vampire so that the legacy can live on with you forever! But it doesn’t mean you have to conform to the vampy stereotype (looking at you Vlad). You love colour and making people laugh and want to be able to be a ray of sunshine, NOT LITERALLY! 
Master Vampire Aspiration
Entertainer Career: Comedian Branch
Level 10 Comedy
Level 15 Vampire Lore
Become a master vampire
Live forever
I’ll be playing through and posting screenshots here! I’m kinda testing as I go so please let me know if you run in to any problems! 
I’ve created a googledoc to easily track rules and progress here
Happy Simming! :)
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leejeongz · 3 years
butterfly kisses
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pairing: boyf!jungwon x gn reader
word count: <700
requested by @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3
a/n: i’m sorry if this seems insensitive due to the current situation, i couldn’t really find a better story line to fit the prompt :( nevertheless i hope you like it <3
“i’m sorry, i’ll put it on silent,” you whispered, attempting to put it onto airplane mode to avoid any possible noise.
“no” he wrestled in the sheets, trying to free his arms so that he could at least hug you right now, “it’s okay”.
you glimpsed back over at him, now almost panting after struggling to get out of his self made jungwon burrito. his arms lay flat against the bed, head leaning against the headboard as he strained a cough, hoping it would help him catch his breath again. this cold really seemed to have taken its toll on him.
“why are you looking at me like that?” he asked. well, at least he hasn’t lost his sass, you thought to yourself while averting your eyes. “are you worried about me? because i’m fine, seriously.”
“jungwon, you greeted me with a string of sneezes, i’m not sure that really equates to you being fine” you giggled, rolling your eyes. “but if you are really fine,” you started, slightly weighing up the risks of your request in your head “you’d kiss me”.
he thought for no more than a millisecond about his response “i don’t think i should do that” he laughed yet stopped once again to think. “although, i saw this thing a while ago” he paused trying to remember the name “with your eyelashes? you can’t catch a cold through your eyelashes right?”
you caught on to what he was talking about almost immediately, nodding enthusiastically as you shuffled closer to him. “a butterfly kiss! i’m not sure if you can’t catch a cold that way, though. maybe we should test it… for science.” you laughed once again as jungwon sat up further to help you get nearer.
being within an inch of jungwon was nothing new. he’d embraced you multiple times, yet your heart was racing more now than ever before as you edged a little closer once again. the urge to kiss him on the lips grew greater the closer your faces became, yet you decided to go against everything that you knew. you felt his hand reach for your fringe, brushing it slightly, out of your face before it was too late. it was around this time that you’d both made up your minds, you were just going to go for it. gently, almost effortlessly, you began to blink against his eyelid, him mirroring the motion, until your eyelashes naturally fluttered in unison. you finally left out the breath that you’d been holding for what seemed like the past hour, slowly exhaling through your nose, careful as to not ruin the mood.
“that tickles” he giggled, pulling away while wiping his upper lip. his smile remained sweet, his dimple still showing which made you feel comforted.
“i’m sorry that i had to breathe,” you laughed with him, still feeling as though you were dwelling inside of a butterfly garden.
“well then, i guess we should do that again, just so that i get used to it” he beamed.
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awellboiledicicle · 2 years
one of the fun things about the stray raft au is going to be that like. a good portion of the starting bit is going to be the rafters and the companions doing the spiderman meme point.
bc like, in this shared universe, i can only assume that companions weren’t totally confined to the cities. So there’s probably a few that are on various crafts as crew. But like, exceptionally valued crew that have been with the same groups of people for literal generations and probably became sentient in there at some point. More “Gramps says they remember before the world sank, but they also say something called an elephant used to exist so idk.” than “that’s #3454. It hauls the anchor good.”
Partially because of the stabby the roomba attachment of it all, but also because like. Companions that were abandoned when the rich fucked off, being salvaged by some people left behind. Repaired and cared for. And then, in turn, caring for the people that saved them.
Floating communities where a few companions can tell you the history of the place with little to no trouble--given enough time. Even when they started becoming self aware, and how that went. The first bot to hook into the radio network to scrub through signals for SOS calls and “there’s land here!” missives. Bots that take it upon themselves to teach what the humans around them have either forgotten--through loss of life or just tecnique. Bots that are super particular about how a raft is put together because 200 years ago they were on one that had its bindings rot out and they spent a solid month paddling back to the main section with only 7 other people and a goat because a storm kicked up about the time they’d noticed.
I also assume the raftbots, as it were, would be the ones running the trading posts on large islands. Because humans can’t sustainably be there 365, but a companion or two with a desire to see people not be totally boned if they wash ashore is fine. They keep little gardens and buy/sell things as stuff crops up. They’re very good at languages as a result.
Which basically means that the companions are going to see the like 3 raftbots with the Rafters--all kitted out in floatation harnesses and salt-proofed joints and ports--and assume they’ll be able to talk. And well, yes, but actually no. Because the city 99 bots have a wildly different language to even base japanese/cantonese/korean/english. Or even just base electric binary. And the raftbots are running on 7mil years of whatever pidgin resulted in the world’s less fortunate-to-middle-class banding together and trying not to die on the ocean. So there’s an intermediary there, it’s just going to be like. several months of the raft town being a ways off shore while talking to 99 via the outsiders. And then watching the humans try to talk robot until someone--probably Elliot--slaps together a translation protocol and the humans fidget because they still don’t... understand 99 spoken.
I imagine Gia spends a good portion of time, alongside others planning on being forward scouts, learning their written language-- after all, working out what the fuck you’re looking at is 89% of what a forward scout does. They have to be able to pick up something from wherever in the world--if something is holding together-- and work out what its saying, transcribe it into their notebook, and then be able to accurately convey said knowledge to other people.
The commonality, however, is ‘cat’ because ships cats are eternal. They generally make the little outsider look very small, because they’ve got a steady supply of bilgerats and fish scraps.
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wolveria · 3 years
Inside Your Wires - Ch 6
Pairing: Human!Connor x Android!Reader
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, fantasy bigotry, violence, brief noncon elements, angst with a happy ending
Chapter summary: Connor gets his new assignment. He's not thrilled.
Story moodboard by @uh-kitty-got-wet​
Chapter 5 art by @semains​ (18+ only)
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November 6th, 2038
Saturday 09:56AM
There was a time when Connor didn’t have to come in on Saturdays. He remembered the days when mandatory overtime was few and far between.
Not anymore. 2038 seemed to be the year shit just kept happening, and now that he thought about it, quite a few of it seemed to be because of androids. Ones gone missing. Disobeying orders. And now, homicidal.
Connor rubbed the bridge of his nose after putting his car into park, regretting how enthusiastically he’d hit the bottle last night. It wasn’t too bad this time, just an annoying throbbing behind his eyes, but it made it more difficult to see and he’d had to squint through his windshield.
Whatever. The reason for his shame-drinking was no longer relevant. Connor just had to survive until lunchtime, and if he were lucky, Hank would let him go early. He tried not to itch at the butterfly bandages on his cheek, applied himself after he’d woken up in a haze with blood on his pillow having completely forgotten the injury existed.
Connor kept his head down as he walked through the lobby of the station and through the security checkpoint to the bullpen proper. He tried not to be completely antisocial, however, and sent weak smiles at the coworkers who bothered to notice he was there.
Helen, Alexander, and Rupert all acknowledged him with various degrees of warmth, some colder than others, and all pretty much deserved. Ralph gave Connor a nervous smile from his chair, though it quickly faded as his eyes flickered to something across the room.
Frowning, he followed Ralph’s eye line across the bullpen and scowled when he spotted Colin leaning casually against Connor’s desk, talking to… someone. He couldn’t see who, Colin’s figure blocking them from view.
Against his better judgement, Connor drew closer, pressure building at the back of his neck, an uneasy feeling of dread that increased with each step.
“Con’s just gonna love this. But seriously, if he bitches about it too much, or gives you a hard time, you can always partner up with me. I won’t mind one bit, promise.”
Connor would have rolled his eyes at his brother’s typical cocksure demeanor, but instead, he went stock still at the familiar voice that answered.
“While the offer is appreciated, Lieutenant, my instructions stipulate that I must assist Detective Anderson with his new, specialized caseload. I’m sure you can understand that CyberLife only wishes to cooperate with the DPD and does not want to interfere with police procedure—“
“What the hell are you doing here?”
The YN800 model blinked and turned its head to meet Connor’s eye, its little blue light blinking for a moment before solidifying again.
It was sitting in Connor’s chair.
“It’s good to see you again, Detective,” it answered, chipper as ever as a fake smile graced its features.
Connor looked the prototype over, his nose crinkling at its appearance. The suit must have been brand new, there were no stains or bullet holes, and her—its hair was once again pinned upwards into a perfect knot.
He felt his insides churn at the near slip, at thinking for even a split second that this thing was a person. Shoving down the crude thoughts of the night before, Connor gave the order through gritted teeth.
“Get. Up.”
The prototype did as it was told, for once. It rose out of his chair, not even having the decency to look chagrined as it straightened its jacket of nonexistent wrinkles.
“I’m sorry, Detective, but I tried to call your phone and left you a message. It was not my intention to surprise you—“
“Oh, no, it’s never your intention to do anything, is it?” Connor snarled back. His headache was in full force now, and he swore he could see the bright lights of the station brighten in time with his heartbeat.
“Aw, c’mon!” Colin slapped him on the shoulder. “Be nice to the temp.”
“Temp?” Connor answered, voice pulled as taut as a wire.
“Yeah, you know. The temporary assistant. The new girl. The—“
He shoved Colin’s hand off his shoulder, leveling a glare at both of them. Colin merely shot him a shit-eating grin while the YN800 stood there, hands clasped behind its back at parade rest, polite and perfect as ever.
All three of them turned toward the voice booming across the room.
“Get in here!”
Connor glared at the android, as if Hank’s shouting were its fault, which was probably the case.
He turned without a word and stalked to the captain’s office, shoulders hunched as his heart raced and his hands shook at his sides. He let the glass door fall shut behind him, but when he didn’t hear the whoosh of it close, he glanced over his shoulder to see the YN800 had followed him inside.
Connor stood in front of the desk with his arms crossed.
Hank sat down in his chair, pointedly looking at the chairs in front of his desk. Connor remained standing.
The older man glared, answering Connor’s attitude with a look and a heavy sigh.
“Bet you’re wondering what that’s about.” Hank jerked his chin over Connor’s shoulder. The prototype had taken a spot at the back of the office, observing politely with its hands clasped in front of its hips.
“Yeah, I am.” Connor was a little too cranky this morning to try a more diplomatic approach. “What the hell is it doing here?”
“I’ll get to that. First on the docket, I got a shit ton of android-related cases filling up our database every day and I’m at wit’s end.” Hank took a deep breath, bracing himself as he met Connor’s eye. “Which is why I’m assigning all of these cases to you.”
“You’re what?”
Connor stared at him, dumbfounded.
“You think that case last night was a one-off? We’ve got more android-related crimes rolling in, including assaults and homicides just as bad as the Ortiz case, and right now, you’re the one with the most experience.” Hank leaned his elbows on his desk as he leveled a formidable glare his way. “Is that going to be a problem, Connor?”
 “Yeah, it is a problem, Hank! Why the hell do I have to do this? What about Colin? He was with me at the crime scene and was there for the interrogation!” Connor shoved a finger at the glass wall to prove his point.
Hank’s jaw tightened. Connor had seen that behavior enough times to recognize how he was pushing his luck.
“CyberLife asked for you specifically.”
“What?” Connor blinked, dumbfounded once again, racking his brain but coming up empty. “Why?”
“The hell if I know!” Hank barked back, rising to his feet as he pointed a finger at Connor, “and frankly, I don’t give a damn. Colin’s got enough on his plate—“
“—and I don’t?” Connor interrupted, scowling. Hank sighed and rubbed a hand down his face, and Connor almost felt guilty for his outburst.
“That’s not what I said.”
“But it’s what you implied.” He tried not to sound like a hurt child, but, well, that’s exactly what he sounded like.
“For fuck’s sake, Connor! There are more people that are gonna start dying from this!”
“Yeah, I know, but—“
Hank lifted his hand, palm forward, effectively shutting Connor up.
“You saw what one of those deviants was capable of last night, and that was with three of you and another android trying to get it under control! You think the average person stands a chance against one of these fucks? That a little ol’ grandma can defend herself against the murderous robot gardener coming at her with a pair of shears? What the hell happens when a nanny bot decides to take a human kid for itself? Oh, wait, that’s already happened, and you would know that if you checked the goddamn case files I sent you!”
Connor was silent as Hank deflated. The older man leaned back against his desk as he looked through his glass wall out over the bullpen. His voice was rough but much quieter for the next round.
“We’re totally in the dark, Connor. We don’t know how bad this is gonna get and how many androids we’re dealing with. This has the potential to turn into a fucking nightmare with Detroit as ground zero.” Hank’s gaze drifted over Connor’s shoulder to the elephant, or the machine, in the room. “CyberLife was gracious enough to send us a state-of-the-art prototype until this issue is contained. It’s gonna be your partner until such a time that these androids are no longer a threat, and then you’re free to go back to being a misanthropic son-of-a-bitch as much as you like.”
Connor was thoroughly shamed by the end of Hank’s speech, that old familiar feeling of disappointment making his gut roil with nausea, but his anger hadn’t entirely flagged. He clenched his hands tightly to his thighs, fingers desperate for either his coin or his cigarettes.
Connor hadn’t felt the need for one in months. This was bad.
“Hank,” he tried again, his voice soft and pleading in that way he knew Hank couldn’t ignore. “I’m not saying this just to be a pain in your ass. I understand the stakes, but I genuinely believe I’m not qualified for these types of cases. I’m not a CyberLife technician, or an AI specialist, or a computer engineer. I’ve never even owned an android.”
That last one was technically true but only in the barest sense, and Hank gave him a knowing look. It wasn’t without sympathy, and his own answer was given with more kindness than he probably deserved.
“I know, Connor. I also know you’re the sharpest pair of eyes on the force, not to mention the quickest brain and the best instinct. You see shit other people don’t, even Colin, and you’ve got this creepy knack for taking one look at a person and knowing what makes ‘em tick. I’d say you’re almost like an android yourself, but I know how much that’d piss you off.”
Connor gave him another narrow-eyed scowl, and Hank immediately put up his hands as a sign of surrender even as a smirk played on his lips.
“My point is, I need you on this, son. I know it’s not ideal, hell, it downright sucks, but I know you can do this. I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t.”
And there it was. As effective as Connor’s pleading expressions could be, they were nothing in comparison to his need for Hank’s praise. The old geezer knew it, too.
And throwing a “son” into the mix was a goddamn dirty move, but Connor couldn’t even muster up annoyance. He just sighed, gave Hank the smallest hint of a smile, and said, “All right. But only until these cases are solved. Once the deviancy issue is addressed, the prototype is going back to CyberLife and you never give me an android case again.”
“I’ll pay for the postage to ship it back myself,” Hank said, smile wide and pleased as he patted Connor on the shoulder before returning to his desk. “And I want daily reports on the progress you and your new partner are making. Gotta make sure CyberLife’s best is pulling its weight.”
“I can assure you, Captain Anderson, I am worth every penny. And considering it took a small fortune to build me, I—“
“Yeah, yeah,” Hank interrupted the prototype, using that catchphrase that Connor and all of his brothers had picked up years ago. “Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”
The android blinked almost comically before giving a slow nod. It then turned to face Connor, straightening its back at attention, and he rolled his eyes. He was still being handed the shit end of the stick, but he couldn’t deny that the cases were piling up and Hank really did need the extra help.
But why, out of all the androids in the world, did it have to be one like that.
Exhaling sharply through his nose, Connor turned and left Hank’s office, not waiting to see if the android would follow, knowing with a sinking feeling, it would.
Next Chapter
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 3.8k
warning: very mild swearing; brief arguments
taglist: @serendipitysung (betareader) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @gyeraniee @fluffi @stxrryemxlys @jungwon-luv-bot @lost-lepord-beanie @hyunsunge
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a/n: this has been the longest chapter in the series so far and i'm loving it. grateful for taylor swift's songs that helped me through this chapter also,, please listen to exile as it ideally expresses the ruination between jungwon and y/n (and also an addition to the burning feels,, ㅋㅋ)
Daniel paid a visit to the Royal Garden to fetch his brother, Jungwon, a few Catalpa flowers that were freshly scattered on the royal lawn. In hopes that his brother could still mend the book’s soul by giving a home to the fallen blossoms, Daniel obliged to help when he saw Jungwon’s crestfallen state the moment he got home from Kielder Forest the other day.
The tall, plump gent hums a tune, oblivious enough to the presence of the pair that were roaming around the garden prior to his arrival. He peeks through the side as he noted the familiar voice, gently tiptoeing through the crisp, dried leaves and twigs sprawled along the ground. He soon realizes it was the marquess and the young miss, sharing careful whispers that made him eager enough to eavesdrop.
He could hear everything but dare not open his eyes. Daniel knew he must keep still while he waited for the perfect opportunity to run back to their manor, bearing the newfound knowledge he grasped.
If it was Sunoo, he wouldn't have second thoughts. Though Daniel's ordeal prevented him the first time, he soon remembered how menacing Sunghoon was and grew concerned for the young miss’ innocence, all the while hiding among the shrubs for a determined snoop.
“So long as Jungwon keeps his emotions repressed, this ruse shall continue on.”
Daniel’s eyes widened in horror upon hearing the young miss’ affirmation to Sunghoon’s statement.
Without wasting any more of his time, he cautiously bore the silence until he reached the Park’s manor to apprise Niki of such mischief.
“Niki! Niki! Niki”
“Y/n’s made a deal with the devil himself.”
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I sat and observed you reading with your head bowed. The world was quiet and peaceful that night, and your small hand was wrapped around my finger. Your touch brought forth an omnipresent coolness, sending electric tingles throughout my body. My longing for you fitted perfectly in the palm of your freezing hand. We quietly sat there, your head on my shoulder, in a perpetual moment of tender affection; beautiful and serene. The silence was wonderful, and it was utterly a whole different level of ecstasy.
We were ten, and you were starting to doze off.
I was awake and I watched you breathing with your eyes closed and parted lips. You held my Austen book closer to your chest where it can feel your thumping heartbeat. Your newly untied braids were all over your face. Wavy locks everywhere. I gently stroke them away from your cheeks that were of rosy hue due to the chilly night’s air. And because you were dreaming, your little eyelids fluttered. I noticed that. So I tucked you inside our self-made fort, and positioned us in front of your favorite night light— the moon. I sat and observed you, taking note of everything you did and did not do.
Do you recall how we were sitting by the lake that morning? It was the first time I draped my arm around your shoulders. The golden sun reflected on your tinted cheeks just perfectly, gradually seeing them come to a blush. I don’t know if it was a color of a burn from the summer heat, or just simply out of shyness from the flirtatious gesture and dialogues we had shared over time.
That was something I'll never forget. And because it's all I've ever known, I prepared myself for the anticipated goodbye. You caught me off guard, "I'll never depart from you," you said.
We were ten, and I was foolish enough to take those brief moments for granted.
Three years flew by right before our very eyes and the parting of ways came upon us. You begged me not to leave because If I do, you’d curse me for the rest of our lives. But what am I to do? It was university, it was my future… our future, if not dubiously relevant. I may have only been thirteen at the time, but I was certain of you.
But I didn’t listen. I never did.
I left.
And it was then that I realized, my future wasn’t there. It was sitting among the grassy lawn, reading poesies and verses to each other under the incandescent glow of the sunny daze. It was sharing silly whispers and passing secret notes of flatteries, tucking Catalpa flowers behind your ears, or making a beautiful crown out of it for the beautiful princess that’s been hopelessly sitting right under my nose this whole time.
I said, “I won’t ask you to wait if you don’t ask me to stay.” But you did ask me. And I was never ready, so I watched you go. Selfish as I was then, I knew you’d come back to me.
So there I was, sitting in my new room in the dormitory in a big city. I remember I couldn’t sleep the first night. All I did was toss and turn; sheets were shuffling on and on for hours. Like a typical little boy who was taken away from his family. Homesickness as they call it. But I guess mine was sickness for an undeclared love left hanging like our sheer fort on the hopeless branch of the Catalpa tree.
It was colder than I thought it would be. I kept recalling myself leaving. You gave me a yearning look, your gaze bore into my eyes, I swore I heard my heart break into little shards. But the deafening echoes couldn’t be compared to the shattering of yours, and all I ever gave you was goodbye.
I bet you were still up sitting on your chair by the window overlooking the majestic moon, wondering about me. So I tried the hardest to tuck myself in and face the window where your favorite night light was. I kept whispering empty wishes. I wished that I could run back to you.
Many days I thought of writing you letters. It took everything in me not to, as a string was tugging me back, telling me that the little notes I tucked in between the pages of the Austen book that I lent you could suffice for my five-year-long absence. The said string being the educational pressures that were gradually sucking the memories I had left of us.
I hope you know that every time that I didn’t, I almost did.
You embodied many, different ways of every emotion that crept through me. Though I knew it was going to hurt me, I went ahead and did it anyway.
Five years flew by so fast. Or maybe just for me. I finally graduated from university together with your brothers and mine. So much has happened while I was there that I almost didn’t notice the changes in me. There were several fooleries that the boys and I went through just to have a taste of the uncivilized life we weren't raised to have. There was this time I even helped your brother, Niki, with a gruesome fight against some kid who was foretold to be the next duke of our country. Those may be silly times to ponder now, but the damage it did to us and mostly to Niki was inexpressible.
I was eighteen, and the last memories I had of us were from we were ten. Maybe I tried to forget that day badly. That day where I stood and watched you hide behind the trees from afar, keeping those tears to yourself without me anywhere near you to wipe them all away like I always do.
I vowed to not hold myself back and not be held by the agonizing memories of a thousand yesterdays. I never realized how much it still pains you even upon my return.
Both our families held a welcoming back dinner at your place. There we were, after five long years of separation and silence, traipsing down the halls that we once ran through, forcing laughter and faking smiles just so we won’t ruin the genuine delights in our dear mothers’ eyes.
I was only eighteen, I didn’t know much but I knew I missed you. I’d tell you but I don’t know how. I do, however, know where it all went wrong. I just couldn't find the courage in me to approach and ask you for an apology.
Where was I? Where was the boy who’d throw a mantle over your braided locks, pretending to be the wizard to your witch?
Do you still remember? The notes I shamelessly tucked between the Austen book I lent you just to get my silly feelings across? Do you still have these little memories of us collected inside your imaginary heart-shaped locket?
I left many notes there, and though you possibly forgot most of them, they still hung around me, and I could vividly recall them like it was yesterday. From the flirtatious dialogues and striking remarks to the underlined phrases I wholly dedicated to you, the following parchments started to become like an entire page of paper with my inconsistent handwriting.
I vented out my daily adventures and mundane activities into those stained parchments that I stole from my late father’s study. Until suddenly, all the letters were about you. It collected all my immature yet genuine emotions. It was always about you, seldom me, and hardly ever us.
For the many years that I’ve hurt you, left you hanging, and witnessed our promises get constantly broken, I could only hope for better days waiting ahead for us. If not to me, at least to you. You deserve more than I could even offer. You always have, and I'm afraid I may not be a potential candidate to meet you halfway.
A year has passed and we’re now about to be offered for marriage. Not to each other though. There we were, standing in a crowded room under the bedazzling chandeliers and along with the tunes from the people eliciting them.
I felt my hands trembling in fear that eventful night. We exchanged brief and stolen glances and I was desperate to know, was the yearning killing you too?
I saw you nervously pulling your dress in an attempt to look busy, while I was doing my best to avoid you. I’ve never heard silence quite this loud.
Jay gave me the chance to redeem myself. You had no idea how much I desired to secure you in a long and firm embrace the moment you walked closer to me in that library. But you said those words. Yes! Those words were made up of aching memories that lingered around my soul for a while, but I dared not to give any of my attention to.
My deepest apologies for leaving you behind, again.
I dropped your hand while dancing and left you standing there in an awfully eerie room in such a woeful state. I let you slip beyond my reach, and I fear I can't give you any reasons in the aftermath. I was nowhere to be found then, and I hate the crowds, you know that. But I wanted to return to you after I'd composed myself in the powder room, though it utterly shattered me the moment I ran back to the hall.
I saw you dance with him. With the boy who was now a man. The man who was chosen by Niki’s old flame. The old flame that caused the gruesome fight between the two boys several years back. And the man who’s now trying to take you away from my reach; the unreachable string I couldn’t ever pull passionately close to me.
I heard my heart smash to smithereens. I was hopelessly wishing in the back of my mind that you wished it was me. You wished it was me you’re holding firmly in those little, flimsy fingers, lovingly waltzing you to your wildest dreams.
While I just stood there, under the dimly lit corner of the court, dreadfully gazing upon the sight that gave the entire ton heart-shaped eyes and promising prophecies.
My dearest, Y/n. For dearest you will always be. I want you to know that I’d wilfully live and die for moments that we stole on begged and borrowed time.
Because I held my pride like I should've held you.
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The hot topic immediately spread among the Yang and Park siblings the following morning, excluding Y/n’s awareness of such matters. The boys were determined enough to keep their knowledge unsuspected to the mischievous pair. Although Jay and Niki were aggravated by the news, they saw it best to confront their sister in a more fortunate time.
On the contrary, Jungwon is enraged enough to retreat from their manor to give the young miss an impulsive lecture. He sets off with his horse, speedily galloping to the heart of the Kielder Forest.
“Y/n! I know you're here! You and I need to talk!” Jungwon aimlessly calls out as he takes quick steps to where her fort was situated, “Y/n!”
“What?!” The lass crawls out of her sheer fortress, looking utterly pissed with the boy’s sudden commotion.
“Have you lost your wits?!”
“I have no idea what you're talking about, Jung.”
“You made a ruse with Sung- god, Y/n! What were you thinking?!” Jungwon runs his fingers through his ebony locks with definite frustration plastered all over his face, making Y/n flinch from his sudden whine.
“How did you-”
“How I discovered such a ridiculous act isn't of concern right now. Goodness, Y/n, I expected more from you!”
“Well, you should've expected less then!” She fiercely retorts.
“For god’s sake! You don't even know that man!”
“More like I know you? I couldn't even recognize you anymore!”
“That man has set his record with your brother-”
“Do not put Niki into this so as to protect your dying ego.”
“Then what’s all this? What's in it for him, huh? What did you offer Sunghoon that got your mind twisted?”
“A piece of my fucking mind because you were too dumb to even care! And don't you dare speak of him like you're mighty enough to reproach the man whose only desire was to help me!”
“Tell that to your brothers who feel shamefully betrayed right now by your reckless behavior!”
Jungwon heaves a sigh the moment Y/n goes quiet. The atmosphere suddenly went numbingly silent for a while. What with all the nonstop outbursts they both threw at each other, they forgot to stop and catch their breaths in the maddening heat of the moment.
Y/n breaks the deafening silence with light sniffles and soft sobs, tilting her head away from Jungwon’s sight. He witnesses her tears again for the first time in a very long while. It pains him to see her like this, but what shatters his soul, even more, is that he's the reason why her tears keep falling… and he couldn't take a step closer to wipe them away knowing they hadn’t resolved their previous fight.
So he stands there, mere inches away from her, hands so close yet so far, fists clenched tightly to stifle the urge to touch her, until Y/n feels a sudden rush of electricity through her entire body; Jungwon pulled her into a comforting embrace, making her snurfle into the warmth of his chest.
“Forgive me, I… I’m just very disappointed. For the longest time I’ve known you, not once did it ever occur to me that you would go this far to get my attention. I’m just worried for you.” With a hand holding onto her waist tightly, and the other, resting on her nape, Jungwon softly whispers against her ear while stroking her hair gently until her breathing calms down.
Y/n couldn't help but gradually crawl her arms around his slim waist, crumpling a handful of his jabot shirt from the back in desperation to suppress further sobs from embarrassing her. All of her raging thoughts suddenly came to a halt the moment their bodies connected with each other.
It was as if she's meant to be in this moment with him, to bathe in his comfort, to be in this dreamy embrace. It would be a lie for Jungwon to say he didn't want this. He was, after all, anticipating for such a moment to hug her like now. It's quite unfortunate that it had to be under such circumstances.
“Why does my involvement with Sunghoon bother you so much? Is it only because of Niki?” Y/n looks up to Jungwon, making the two merely inches apart from brushing their noses. Jungwon knew that he'd get lost in her compelling eyes, so he stared down at her parted, pinched lips-- though he wished he didn't at that moment, but he was too late. He finds himself running his tongue across his lips, all the while parting it as he tries to think of any far-fetched reasons to answer her question.
He lifts his thumb and grazes it over her flushed cheeks. Her tear-filled eyes still glisten as Jungwon leans closer, making Y/n shut them in an instant. Although she’s quite in a chagrin in their current position, Jungwon finds her unshakable figure as a sign that she's relaxed in his presence, making him feel less deterred from keeping her in his arms a little longer.
The chap plants soft kisses on her closed eyes that made Y/n inhale sharply. The fleeting, feather-like touches on her eyelids were more than enough for the lass to bathe herself in such momentary bliss. The moment she flutters her eyes open, her gaze meets his as he rests his forehead on hers.
“I hate seeing you cry. These beautiful eyes aren't meant for such miseries.” He whispers to which his breaths fan against her exhales.
“You always make me cry.” Jungwon softly chuckles at her slightly pouting lips, simultaneously thinking how lovely would it feel to have his lips locked on hers.
“Jay would genuinely torture me if he sees us right now.” Jungwon scrunches his nose as he playfully bumps it with hers.
“What would he do if he found us out? Let me go then.” She teases. Her hands find their way from his waist, to his nape, while playing with the little mullet he outgrew since the summer.
“I could never.”
Y/n sighs. His words had two meanings and fortunately, she's smart enough to know what he really meant. To answer her previous question, he wanted to tell her how much he loves her-- but his tongue is tied, and he can only let out gentle breaths and husky whispers. He couldn't find any words that would perfectly encompass his brimming emotions to her.
So he fails himself again with a shrug of his thoughts.
“Do you ever think we should just stop doing this?” He asks.
“What do you mean?”
“All these silly banters and stolen, longing stares. Could you be happy here with me?”
“The past few weeks have been nothing but emotional for me, Jung. You shut me out, then you take me back. You anger me lots yet in one swift move, you knock the wind out of my lungs. I’d be lying if I told you I’m not on top of the world sharing this moment with you right now. Because I am. I am happy. I don't think I would be if not with you.”
Then let’s run away right now. Let’s leave everything behind and run away together. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be. That was what he wanted to say. But he gulps down all other thoughts and lets out the opposite.
“Come on. I’ll walk you home.” He says.
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The trip home was merely nothing but laughter and barbs as Jungwon shares embarrassing stories of her brothers while they were in university; trying their very best to ignore the desperate elephant in the room.
With hands constantly brushing against each other as they take their every step, Jungwon was downright close to seizing her hand completely and interlocking it with his.
“To be fair, this has been the only thing that's made the past agonizing weeks bearable.” He concludes the uplifting momentum as they walk closer to her humble abode.
“I'm ready to try again if you are?” Y/n mutters under her breath, but Jungwon clearly caught every single word. He slowly pulls away from the almost closed gap between them, looking at the ground like he always does when he's conflicted.
“What is it, Jung? Have I said something wrong?”
Jungwon shrugs his head in disapproval, though he wishes she hadn't said those words.
“I… I’m sorry. It's just…”
Jungwon thought there should've been a time and place, but this wasn't it. He doesn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability right now especially when Jay's trusted him enough to not fuck things up. With Sunghoon in the way and Niki's emotions in turmoil, he couldn't bear inserting himself in the middle of chaos, insinuating confusions any further when he could've been a better friend to Y/n rather than putting her feelings in silence.
Y/n was expecting this. Every time she and Jungwon would share a rather momentous moment, he’d chicken out and ghost her for however long he desired until he felt the need to pop back into her life again and tug at her heartstrings.
She stares at Jungwon's figure almost disappearing into the wild night. He ran away with deafening thoughts, while she stood there with a crushed heart… again.
With sadness, she realizes they need some time apart.
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It's been a long, dragging week for the ton. Tranquil for some, as not many revelations from the Daily Tattle have been uncovered as of late.
The Park siblings have yet to talk about the matter of Y/n being a quisling to Sunghoon's endeavors. As of the moment, the young marquess continues on with his dilly-dallying courtship with the young miss, obliviously promenading her with genuine intentions this time around.
Jungwon and Y/n had only been apart for a week and already, he had a new lover hanging off his arm.
Unbeknownst to Y/n, Jungwon was having troubles with his thoughts and feelings as he saw her, yet again, traipsing around the park with an arm comfortably hanging onto Sunghoon.
With Y/n, he'd had some wonderfully stable times. But seeing how her smiles go from cheek to cheek and echoing laughter with the marquess’ presence makes her genuinely happy, Jungwon thought it’d be best if he stops himself from holding her back and enjoy her liberty without the past binding her like a prisoner of what could’ve been.
Sunghoon looks at her the same way he does. It churns his insides just thinking about it.
Yet he fears this might have to be his time to back away.
That week-long separation seemed to last forever for Jungwon as he finally concludes that he is no longer deserving of her hand anymore. Now that it's apparent that it’s about to be promised to another.
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thepettymachine · 5 years
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Zodiac Legacy Challenge for the Sims 3
If you’re like me, I like a good legacy challenge with nice themes/aesthetics to place/plan out with each heir with enough wiggle room for creative interpretations. No. Well I’ve always wanted to do a zodiac legacy challenge but could never find the rules for TS3 or most of them were made for TS4.  So I guess I thought I would just make one then. 
This was all made on a whim but it’s a strong whim. So enjoy the whim. “@” me if you use the rules since I didn’t come up with a tag for this. 
I like to credit @tainoodles‘s TS4 Astrology Legacy as an inspiration/base for this, as well as many others I’ve found online. 
A buttload of astrology sites
@starplumbob​ and @bravetrait​ for feedback. Thank you alot!
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Without further ado
General Rules:
Finish the goals provided for each sign
You can move onto the next generation when all goals are met or you maintain them until the heir has aged up or both. Up to you.
 You can start on any sign but you must go in order afterwards.
If I were to start on Leo, I would have to do Virgo next.
You can select any of the careers provided for the generation.
You don’t have to use all the traits assigned to a sign, but 1-2 are required.
You can use colors for aesthetic purposes/berry purposes, but they are not required.  
Generation Aries: The Ram  
♈︎ - Is everything a game to you? Well of course it is, you’re an Aries. First sign in the zodiac that also might be banned from playing simopoly. We admire a courageous spirit that knows what it wants, is driven, and is bluntly honest with us but can you let some of us, you know….win?! Not everything has to be a competition. Geez 
Aesthetic Color(s): Red Traits: Workaholic, Ambitious, Brave, Hot-Headed Careers: Firefighter, Athlete, Military, Sports Agent
Excel and reach the top of their career.
Fall In love and marry their first love fast
Has to do something athletic once a week
Master the athletic and handiness traits
Have them battle someone once a week
Generation Taurus: The Bull
♉︎ - What’s wrong with a little luxury in life. Food, art, sex, and your favorite snuggle blanket made of some high cotton that was not cheap is the lap of luxury for you. You can be really stubborn sometimes but once you set your mind on something, you aren’t changing it. It’s all because you know what’s best for you and nothing else matters. Aesthetic is key but you can also be a little bit greedy with your stuff. Sharing is caring Taurus
Aesthetic Color(s): Earth Tones, Pink Traits: Natural Cook, Loves the Outdoors, Frugal, Hopeless Romantic Careers: Gardner, Cook, Nectar Owner
Master the cooking and gardening skills
Be best friends with their future spouse before dating
Learn at least 20 new recipes
Must have twins (can have more children than that)
Have very expensive/luxury items worth more than $500 in your home (it’s all about that aesthetic)
Woohoo with your spouse once a day
Generation Gemini: The Twins
♊︎ - Wow, how does it feel to be a twin. You look every bit like each other except for your dual personalities. Charming and youthful, you both are ahead of the curve as your quick wit and curiosity keeps you moving forward in life. You have alot of skills and talents and love communicating your ideas with others. Just remember where the brakes are at , as some of us can’t keep up. Tough luck you say. 
Aesthetic Color(s): Yellow, mint green, Orange, neons Traits: Charismatic, Childish, Genius, Schmoozer Careers: Teacher, Writer, Private Investigator, Magician
Both twins have to be heir
Have a very close relationship with your twin
Master 5 skills, including charisma
Spend most of their YA dabbling in different careers before deciding on one in their adult years.
Have multiple lovers before choosing/finding the one
Have to teach their children all of their skills and help them with their homework
Generation Cancer: The Crab
♋︎ - Why so crabby? I’m sorry had to throw that one in there. You tend to be a loyal compassionate creative person who wears their heart on their sleeve. Sometimes that sleeve might be drenched in your tears as you can be considered a little bit moody but we love you Cancer. You sense what a person is feeling and you help them through it. What a great lover and friend you are!
Aesthetic Color(s): Light Blue, Gray, Orange Traits: Nurturing, Family-Oriented, Over-Emotional, Brooding Careers: Sculptor, Daycare Profession, Resort Owner/Bed&Breakfast
Sim must have a full relationship bar with their significant other before proposing
Have a lot of handmade items in your home
Have 5 children
Master the sculpting skill
Be best friends with all their children.
Get out of the house once a week
Generation Leo: The Lion
♌︎ - Royalty must be in your blood cause obviously you are the Queen/King and we are all just your royal subjects. With a mighty roar, you demand your spotlight and capture our attention with your spontaneous passionate heart. We follow your lead, my liege. For you will not make us forget it!
Aesthetic Color(s): Gold, Purple Traits: Snob, Brave, Dramatic, Star Quality Careers: CEO, Actor, Singer
Live in a mansion/large house with more than 4 bedrooms
Become a five star celebrity
Marry a big time celebrity
Go on a big dates with your lover/spouse at least once a week
New Me each week - go to the spa and change your boring outfit at least once a week
Master the social networking skill
Generation Virgo: The Virgin
♍︎ - The modest stylish Virgo is always the hardest worker that delivers the best because they expect the best. You love to serve others and always pay attention to details with such an organized perfection towards the things you do. But sometimes that perfection creates high expectations of yourself and let’s just say judgement and criticism is not your color.
Aesthetic Color(s): Green, Brown, White Traits: Perfectionist, Perceptive, Neurotic, Neat Careers: Doctor, Journalist, Bookstore clerk
Have a part-time job, make straight A’s, and join a club as a teenager
Have a college degree
Spouse must be compatible and must share at least 2-3 traits with them.
Can only have woohoo after marriage
House must be clean all the times (no outside help is allowed)
Must learn something new every week
New Recipe, read a new book, learn a new skill, take a class
Generation Libra: The Scales
♎︎ - You’re a giant balancing act, trying to keep everything fair and just. You love being around all kinds of people and also trying to make the world a better place. As much as you are a great mediator and friend, you’re also a great people pleaser. Please take time out of your day not to be around people and just focus on you.
Aesthetic Color: Green, White Traits: Friendly, Good, Social Butterfly, Party Animal Careers: Architect, Stylist, Musician
Get Married to a sim that is complete opposite of you, then divorce them
Remarry a more compatible sim
Have 10 best friends
Host a party once a week
Complete 3 social opportunities each week
Master the guitar, bass, drums, and piano skills
Generation Scorpio: The Scorpion
♏︎ - Ah the mystery of the Scorpio. You have an intimidating front but behind that is an emotional side only certain people are allowed to see. You’re kinda into some dark occultist stuff and you’re also secretive about things. But you’re a passionate lover that can see love as a game of trials. Just a couple of tests to make sure that this is the right person for who you can finally put your guard down around. 
Aesthetic Color: Black, Gray, Red Traits: Loner, Daredevil, Irresistible, Inappropriate Careers: Ghost Hunter, Law Enforcement (Forensics/Super Spy), Cemetery,
You have a 3 dates policy before asking a sim to be in a relationship with you
Has at least 3 enemies (stop holding grudges)
Become an supernatural/occult sim
Master the martial arts and alchemy skills
Woohoo in 5 different places with your spouse
Do something inappropriate once a week
Generation Sagittarius: The Archer
♐︎ - Sagittarius you love your freedom and the adventures that come with it. You keep choosing the nontraditional path of life because you love to move past your horizons and set your own tradition. You’re brutally honest with everything and can tend to put your own desires above your own needs. As you constantly strive to be independent, you may grow distant from those who care about you the most. 
Aesthetic Color: Red, Purple, Blue Traits: Adventurous, Easily-Impressed, Flirty, Animal Lover Careers: Adventurer, Equestrian, Photographer,
Max out a visa in one country (if WA is applicable)
Have 20 friends
Have multiple partners throughout their life but only commit once as an adult
Have multiple kids from different partners (one has to be from another country if WA is applicable)
Have a horse, dog, cat, and/or other small animals in the house.
Be apart of all 3 social groups (nerd, jock, rebel)
Generation Capricorn: The Goat
♑︎ - Baaahh, you’re a goat. Smart and hardworking, Capricorn, you have a “get stuff done at the expense of your health and other things for the sake of achievement and financial gain” -breathes in- kind of motto. You’re so focused on reaching the top, you forget about the other things in life. But your disciplined perseverance and patience will reward you later in life.
Aesthetic Color: Black, Gray, White Traits: Workaholic, Unflirty, Computer Whiz, Bot Fan Careers: Inventor, Bot Arena/Bot Builder, Politician
You don’t date until you’re an adult
You don’t get married until you reached the highest point in your career
Master the logic skill and a tech skill (inventing, bot building, or advanced technology)
Have more than 25,000 in savings (without cheating)
Have your children be straight A students throughout the childhood/teen years
Generation Aquarius: The Water Bearer
♒︎  - Individualistic Aquarius runs on it’s own beat. You have a strong desire for change and evolution to come to the world which is why you have a strong sense for social justice in order to make the world a better place. You care for others and that care might cause you to create a system of prioritizing them above all other things. While love is always a nice thing, you just don’t like the idea of being dependent on each other, so it would be nice if you don’t have to commit.
Aesthetic Color: Electric/Light Blue, White, Violet, Traits: Rebellious, Eco-Friendly, Avante garde, Commitment Issues Careers: Astronomer, Game Designer, Scientist
Master the Street Art skill
Create a Utopia for the future and get a statue in Legacy park.
Have a friends with benefits relationship with your closest friend that results with a child
You never marry
Must live an eco-friendly lifestyle. (no dryer, bikes > cars, salvage everything, grow everything)
Generation Pisces: The Fish
♓︎ - You’re a fish out of water and the last constellation of the zodiac. You’re a dreamer, creative and very intuitive which makes you empathetic and open to other’s feelings. Your symbol is two fish because you tend to constantly swim back and forth between conflicting desires and have a bit of escapism problem . You can’t help it sometimes, it just how it makes you feel. 
Aesthetic Color(s): Aquamarine, Sea Green, Lavender Traits:  Artistic, Sailor, Supernatural Fan, Loves to Swim Careers: Fortune Teller, Lifeguard, Scuba Diver
Become a mermaid/master the scuba diving skill
Marry a supernatural sim
Master the painting and writing skills
Have 2 childhood friends and keep in touch with them throughout your lives
Thank you for trying out this challenge. Feedback is always welcomed thing on this challenge.
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everything-withered · 5 years
I would absolutely love to see “Overhearing they have feelings for you” with WinterIron, if it catches you!
Oooh, I like~~
“I hate him.” 
“Tony,” Rhodey sighs. 
“No, I do,” he insists, and Bucky’s stomach drops. Why he thought it would be a good idea to stay and eavesdrop on this conversation is beyond him. Bucky never has good ideas.
See, he’s used to people being suspicious of him, disliking him, being afraid of him. 
But Tony. Tony had been none of those things. 
Not after they’d been emailing back and forth. And not after Bucky had agreed to be transferred to the Avengers Compound.
Let’s be honest though, that was not the first bad idea Bucky’s had. 
His first, after the bunker at least, had been reaching out to Tony at all. And then growing so embarrassingly obsessed with him that during an episode of some game show, an obscure fact about one Tony Stark had been asked, and not only had Bucky known the answer, he’d known the entire story behind it and had opinions about it. Like it personally mattered to him.
Princess Shuri had shaken her head and didn’t even deign to tease him about it. That’s probably when he should’ve known. 
Though, in his defense, it only hit him when he’d started living at the Compound; had seen Tony’s smile in person, heard him laugh and familiarized himself with the exactly curve of the dimple beneath Tony’s perfectly groomed beard; that Bucky had called the princess from a surveillance deadzone in an impossible angle somewhere between a sanitation pipe in the common cafeteria and Vision’s frog garden, and hissed accusingly, “Why didn’t you tell me I was in love with him?” 
 “Because I thought it would be funnier when you figured it out,” she declared, “and I was right.”
After giving him a pep talk on his desirability (”You’ve got big blue puppy eyes, use them!”) , Princess Shuri had sent him off on a mission to win Tony’s affections, two days after Bucky had sequestered himself away to make peace with his pining.
Besides, as the princess had said, “If Tony didn’t want you around, he’d have told you so to your face a long time ago. And if he’s willing to be friends after everything, there’s no harm in trying to be anything more, and you certainly can’t make the decision for him.” Before, she paused and decided, “That’s good. You should use that in your speech.” Then, “I’m going to be an awesome best woman when you get married. There won’t be a dry eye in the building after I rewrite your vows.”
“Well, who else is going to stand with you? Rogers?” She snorts. “Also, I’m veto-ing a winter wedding. Spring or fall, only.”
And that had been that. Except. It’s been a month since the revelation, and an overwhelming amount of plans derived from “fanfiction approved cliches”, and Bucky’s not any closer to finding out if Tony even likes him. Which. He apparently doesn’t.
Before he can slink off to go lick his wounds, and possibly drown himself in the shower, Tony groans, “I just. I want to bake him cookies, wrap him in blankets and protect him from everyone.” 
“You do remember that he’s a highly trained assassin, right?” Rhodey drawls with another sigh, the sound of a page being flipped; only half paying attention to a conversation that seems well worn. Bucky’s heart upticks. “He could level an entire military battalion with a spoon.”
“Yeah,” Tony sighs like the thought is just darling. 
Rhodey doesn’t reply, but Bucky has the sneaking suspicion that he’s rolling his eyes. 
“He’s got this...wide-eyed look about him though. Like Bambi. He’s just...lost and sweet and-and when he uses Google he says thank you, Rhodey. When was the last time I’ve been with a guy that was polite?” 
“You need higher standards,” Rhodey deadpans and Bucky inclines his head in agreement.
“We’ll have a spring wedding,” Tony decides. 
“Getting ahead of ourselves, buddy.”
 “He reads the bots bedtime stories, Rhodey,” Tony declares, like that’s the deciding factor, “You don’t even do that!” 
That’s because Rhodey doesn’t do the voices, Butterfingers said so. A sentiment that Friday echoes, making Tony flail widely enough that Rhodey is complaining, “Stop that, you’ll take out my eye!”
Tony sighs dramatically before he adds in a quiet, awed sigh, “And he likes me, Rhodey.”
At that, Rhodey’s tone softens, “Tony...” 
“I just...I can talk to him about stuff, and he thinks I’m funny and smart, and-and...I like him.”  Bucky’s heart fucking swells, and his face is doing something weird. Uh. Smiling. That’s it!
There’s a pause before Rhodey says, “I know, man. I know.” Then, “But for the love of god when you tell him, is there any possibility at all that you won’t take it too far?” 
“Whatever could you mean, Platypus?”
“I don’t know! Like...building him a new arm!” Another pause. A groan. “You already built one, didn’t you?” 
“I had to!” Tony defends, “He’s learning how to knit and it's hard doing it with just one hand, okay?” Rhodey sighs, exasperated, but Tony continues, unperturbed, “Besides, with his general physique, he could fuck me standing, and it’d probably be easier to have to two hands to hold the goods.” 
Rhodey makes a choking noise. 
Bucky doesn’t blame him. 
He’s got a boner in his pants, and a metaphorical one in his heart, and apparently a spring wedding to look forward to.
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