#I hope you guys like it lmfao. This is part 2 of my 'drawing people until I'm good at it' series
k1ngl30n · 7 months
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But the stains are black -- just like your soul You tried to cut them out but you get left there all alone...
Sorry, it's their song, guys. I don't make the rules but I bet you wish I did
(I talk in the tags so if you want more, keep reading, lmao)
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
( hi is the person who sent you those next gen hcs. Sorry if this bothers you but I decided to make a part 2, hopefully better formated of more hcs or just expanding on the past ones. My interpretation of them!)
About the teddy lupin hc with his teeth- yes! He would most likely mess up his teeth worse then they already were so Andromeda had to get him braces despite his protests and begging. After being straped to the chair and wearing them for like 2 years his tooth gap was still there SO HE DID ALL THAT FOR NOTHING. (biggest L he's ever taken)
Lilly wears lots of colorful and wacky earrings just like aunt luna. They probably trade pairs or something.
James sirius is really into cinema especially horror. He loves being scared and most of the time he just laughs at the jumpscares. I also feel like he has written entire analysis in his head on the things he's fixated on but doesn't have the energy to write them down so he just rants about his favorite stuff to his family.
Victoire was the one making moves on teddy not the other way around. This made bills distaste for teddy even worse cause he wasn't even the one doing anything 🙄
Albus's room is filled with action figures, stuffed animals, posters ect of all the stuff he enjoys. Like people always talk about how much of a loser scorpius is but not so much albus. Trust me though he goes to bed reading fanfiction and was most definitely "the weird kid" at school. Probably grew up watching markiplier and jacksepticeye.
Teddy gives me those vibes where every time something happens teddy just goes "don't worry, I know a guy" and proceeds to fix the problem.
Victoire is really close to her maternal grandpa because everyone on the weasley family had lost stuff to the war including her parents so her grandfather was 1 of the only people in her family that didn't have any tragedy on her birthday so he was one of the few people who celebrated it without any sadness about the day. Then later teddy did as well.
Albus likes to draw and several pages of his sketch book is dedicated to just scorpius.
So when it comes to scorpius's appearance I kinda wrestled with it because on one hand there's no way he's not attractive because his mother is Astoria. Not even draco too just Astoria is enough to make that kid divine looking but if he was super pretty then there's no way he wouldn't be asked out even if it was just for shallow reasons. So in my head he is pretty but looks like a corpse. He has eye bags, beauty marks all over his body he's pale and skinny too so he doesn't look human. Albus of course thinks he looks like a sculpture but others think he looks uncanny.
Teddy loved being in the woods/forest cause he loved running around and getting all that energy out. Probably met a old man named Charles who taught him how to fish and scavenge or something. Nobody knew teddy was being fr when he talked about Charles because Charles was probably some urban legend. He was being real though.
(Anyway hope you don't mind me sending you these! if I wrote a fanfic I would include all this stuff but unfortunately I don't have the dedication or skill to do that)
aw ted babe noooo (little does he know a beautiful person without a tooth gap is like an angel without their wings so in truth he was saved).
i agree with all of these lmfao. i feel like luna makes lily earrings for her birthday every year like a tradition. i also heavily fw assertive victoire— i like to think teddy had always been the flirty, confident one in his other relationships and victoire had been shyer in her other relationships but the roles are just reversed when they actually get together. and james being a horror movie freak is soooo real to me, he laughs at all the western films and only genuinely gets kicks out of asian horror movies. victoire with her maternal grandpa is so cute man, its canon to me now. and i have ALWAYS said this about teddy but he is the definition of “i know a guy.” he could get you any job, get you out of any situation ever, “everybody’s got a cousin who can hook you up with something” type. and charles bro 💀💀 yeah you’re so right nobody believed teddy when he said he mastered muay thai until he whipped out martial moves, or when he learnt tagalog when rooming with this old lady in the phillipines until he started rapping a song in it 😭 the only person who would believe him immediately with no questions asked is andromeda. hes so freaky, now he could tell people he was the first one to set foot on mars and everyone will be obligated to believe him.
“not even draco too just astoria is enough to make that kid divine looking” this is the truest yeah 😭😭 ok ok you’re actually so right about this, scorpius would be attractive but unconventional-looking. i feel like his uncanny years is only in school though, no one saw the vision but albus and it paid off sooooo well in the end.
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fanofthelamb · 5 months
Hey just wanted to say about the most recent comic, I hope you dont feel bad or shame about it!! Its very lovely and I will personally fight anyone who says otherwise.
hehe ty,,,,,, this ask has been on my mind for a while tbh. it makes me feel so nice <3 so here's some sketches, new and old!!!!!!!!! ill throw it all under a cut so ppl dont drown in all the pics. enjoy anon!!!!!!! (sketch dump the squeakquel!!!!!!!!!!!!)
i made these like 3 weeks ago but i only really posted a cropped version w/ just the giant kallamr squid , featuring @aychama and @paintpaintpaintman lambs :D
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i've been sitting on them bc i wasnt entirely sure about how everyone felt about each other, and while i still am not I feel like everyone likes each other at least!!!
i also wanted to draw people's lambs reliving a bunch of my childhood memories, but i felt the idea wouldn't be accepted because i don't know how many people would related to em. these sketches are new since all i had was a jpeg of thumbnails, but they are @paintpaintpaintman , @spiderin-space , and my lambs!! the first pic is just them enjoying some honeysuckles, trying to buy some candy at the weekend market, and visiting kids in better looking neighborhoods than they lived in AHHSASHHSA i dont think i care to complete this but it is really fun drawing the lambs being lambs.
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a sketch of heket nd leshy i appearantly NEVER posted because i wasnt happy with how leshy turned out. a shame, really.
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i also wanted to draw all the cultists in different outfits, but it turns out i really was not interested in finishing it at the time. i do think valefar and narinder turned out kinda cute tho !!!!!!!
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some motherfuckers WAY too happy to see a corpse (i still think its hilarious when my whole cult gathers around a corpse and makes googoo eyes at it what is their problem LMAOOOOO)
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i ended up changing how i draw the 3 wives so the wifestack is no longer relevant (also there's 2 more that werent existing when this was drawn) but i still look at it sometimes. i think we should stack every wife on top of each other.
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and the last one is part of me figuring out how i wanted the lamb. ive always known i wanted them JACKED i just cant decide how ripped i want this lil bastard. i think the current lamb is a good fit for me personally.
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anyway that's doodlestack jr,,,,,,,,,,,,, SORRY FOR THE PINGS TO EVERYONE I PINGED I LOVE U GUYS LMFAO <33333333333 and everyone else CHECK OUT EVERYONE I PINGED THEY ALL MAKE ABSOLUTELY AMAZING CONTENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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memberment · 1 month
So the Trinitarians brain worm is back and Morning Glory is now longer and biting the dust as far as my focus goes.
But like, I genuinely want to talk to anyone who's invested in what's to come as far as part two goes. SO PLEASE. I IMPLORE THE FOUR OF YOU WHO PERPETUALLY TAKE NOTICE OF MY SCREAMS INTO THE VOID.
We're all aware that Trin is a time loop fic. That is confirmed.
Because like sure I'm writing it and like fuck everything else, let me tell my story. But it's the how of it all like if I'm gonna throw another 200 give or take hours into this I would at least like one person to be having a wonderful time drinking and driving (I have since remembered this is not a common phrase, I do not mean this in a literal sense, it's an expression) with me right?
Part two is going to be 50 chapters, give or take. (Part one is about 37 for reference.)
So the plan for part 2 rn is (ROGUHLY):
(1-10) is the second timeline. There are a lot of importants and I cannot just glaze over it all more than that. But we're also working in a bit of a shorter time period than the original events of the story and introductions do not need to happen again, right?
(11-40)ish would be me running through the next timelines in a set up structure -> what changes -> the results of said changes and then inevitably what sends our looper backwards. It wouldn't be running through all the timelines but the more notable ones in kind of a four chapter structure, I am not fully sold on four, but rough estimate yk.
And then 41-50 would be the finale of part two. It's literally the last timeline in its glory and then the epilogue which kicks off part three.
I personally kinda like it but if not a soul is reading this I am throwing myself on the curb with the rest of the garbage LMFAOOO.
Anyways, I'm going to work. I have off tomorrow and I broke the ff investment seal for today so insanity and updates will be here tonight and homework will be tomorrow.
(9:30) I am literally falling asleep as I lazily write this angel based on Danse Macabre. Expect all of maybe one more update tonight if the tacos I am abt to receive don't wake me up LMFAO.
Also, I am almost saddened by not having something to post tm. Anyone want an early chapter of something that isn't Genesis/Desolation bc they're both on Monday?????? (I am feeling like a menace rn)
(10:19) tacos and the absolute yap session I just had did wake me up a bit. MAAAYBE might write some more. Idk I slept like three hours last night and went to work I'm kinda dead. But we're at 98.2k!!!!!!🥳
(11:06) okay we made it to 99.6k everything besides the flashback for 31 is done. I'm about to relax and watch something and figure out mechanics of some of this because god this series is A BEAST. Like, I still have six planned chapters left.
Pure insanity. I love it here. I hate it here.
Holy shit wait I just came to the realization that I started this fic exactly one month ago. I have belted out 99.6k for THIS FIC ALONE. (Moreso if we're including future shit that hasn't happened yet)
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I may or may not be cooking we’ll find out in 6-26 business hours
(5:28) So I just had a very interesting past few business hours. I read a fic I've been waiting ever so patiently to finish. That's cool, right. I go for a walk at 4 in the morning because I'm insane. Fantastic. I get home at five and I'm like ohhhh well what do I do now it's not sleep time yet. Oh write I'm supposed to be drawing.
Nope I reread the epilogue of morning glory and realized Tweek's first address is for my morning glory and Craig's last sign off is your morning glory and now I'm ready to throw myself on the curb with the garbage as I sob. Someone call a trusted adult for me thanks.
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blurredcolour · 6 months
Okayokayokay, now that I've digested and reread the chapter approximately 5000 times, I'm ready to talk about it.
I can't even imagine how jarring it must have been to the reader to be back stateside after years in the war effort. And so suddenly too. One day you're sitting in briefing, discussing war strategies, and the next you're helping your mom grow cucumbers. Literally, how do you even cope with that?
I love that reader is keeping up with her knitting though 🥰🥰 Very insensitive of Zig Zig to be born in the summer and making her mom wait six months before she starts using the warmer wool garments smh.
I KNEW HER FATHER WAS BUILDING A NURSERY IMMEDIATELY!! A little project to distract him from the loss of his son and the impending arrival of his granddaughter. Love that for him. Also, I just know that he narrowed his eyes every time he saw Bucky's portrait in Clara's room like "your days are numbered if you don't do the right thing, Major >.>"
As usual, the letters were perfect. "Please let her know I'm thinking about her" aka not Bucky already wanting to make a good impression on the in-laws. "All sorts of baby animals" & "some have theirs in the summer" aka the army is so lucky these two are not codebreakers, they are so bad at this LMFAO. Alan Turing would have been in tears if they had been assigned to his team at Bletchley Park. And reader underlining "safely" in her letter? Please, she knows him so well. And him wanting to know how SHE is like stop, I love them. ALSO "film has always failed to properly capture the radiance of the sun" aka the moment I ✨ died ✨
And I love love love how reader keeps him informed of how his team is doing in the MLB. This is true love, people.
But let's take a moment to thank modern technology because like, six weeks to get a letter?? Letters are romantic, sure, but I don't know how these people cope with living in this Schrodinger's Cat situation. Couldn't be me.
Baby Clara "Zig Zig" Mae Egan, a trailblazer from birth. One of the first GI Bill babies? Please, this girl is set to conquer the entire world while her parents clap and encourage her in the background. I love how reader only sees Bucky in her because I BET that aside from the "Dumbo ears", Bucky only sees reader in Clara. I love this little family so much.
AND WE WERE BLESSED BY A BUCKY POV MOMENT AGAIN, THANK YOOOOOOU!! I just know Bucky went around camp showing everyone the pictures and the footprints like "this is my famous doll and this is our perfect daughter." And the pictures were always in his pocket for the harder times at camp. He also immediately went to Alexander in "draw me like one of you French girls" fashion. Poor guy thought Bucky was going to ask for a map of all the guard towers in the stalag, but nope. He needed a portrait to send back home to his girls.
A round of applause to Buck who apparently has a gift to scare reader shitless at any opportunity. Girlie for sure complains about this to Marge, who finds it utterly hilarious.
I have no words for them seeing each other again after almost two years. It was so sweet, and so tender, and sooo perfect.
But honestly reader's family is soooooo unserious. I died when they were like "Bucky can't sleep on the sofa, he doesn't fit there" like, babes, what are you talking about?? I thought y'all would say he couldn't take the sofa because he just escaped The Horrors™️. "He's simply too long" like dndiashdisohdio
I hope that morning reader pulled her little baby album and showed Bucky all she documented from the first months of Clara's life. And my headcannon is that Bucky planned Clara's first birthday party himself to make up for the time he lost in a way. Called Buck like "you and Marge have plans for the 22nd. If that's the day of your wedding, postpone. The fact that you haven't come meet my kid yet is frankly insulting. See you soon, bye." And just like me, Clara will take her first steps on the day of her first birthday, I'm speaking it into existence.
I love how reader and Marge started a friendship already. How did they find each other? And the other girls (Vi, Mary, Beth, and Myrtle)?? Has reader told them all about little Clara too?
And as I told you in the DMs yesterday, baby Clara will be the star of Buck and Marge's wedding. All the guys that were in the stalag with them will act like they're meeting a celebrity as a way to poke fun at Bucky for always showing them her picture.
I loved this series so much (will soon reblog all the parts to my sideblog, so warning for notifs lol). Thank you for sharing it with us ❤️❤️ I'm keeping my eyes peeled for that POW Camp fic you teased 👀
Beatrizzzzz your incredible asks are one of my favourite parts of posting a chapter hahahah
But honestly I cannot imagine the whiplash our dear reader went through after her ‘medical evacuation’?!
Like she’d never even been on a plan before and all of a suddenly she’s flung across the world in roughly one day, ripped out of Wycombe Abbey and plonked down into her childhood home to do quaint home front things and gestate her baby - incomprehensible.
Hahahaha I mean Clara didn’t really get to pick her due date, that was definitely Bucky and the readers doing 👀 but yes! So many baby things were knit! And skills were perfected!
I adore the thought of reader’s dad threatening Bucky’s portrait 😂 totally tracks with her fear that he might murder the man in the tool shed
I’m SO PLEASED you loved their letters - they were the first things I wrote in this part hahah
Wrote the narrative around them. But yeaaaaaah subtle as a heart attack these two. And she really really really didn’t want Buck to write her and say “your boy got shot running away to see you” hence all the underlining.
Of course we needed a Bucky POV the instant that reader finally came clean and laid all her cards on the table! Absolutely required!!
Poor Buck really means well he just doesn’t really know how to go about sharing news without almost making her heart stop first 🤣 never gonna live it down
Hahahahahha reader’s parents are practical people ok?! Boy showed up unannounced typically that means he gets the couch. They don’t really get what he’s been through, it’s all so removed for them - but he got a bed anyway!!! And his doll for a pillow 😏
You bet there’s another baby in that oven, honestly I think reader is gonna have a hard time NOT conceiving…her poor body
That baby book is definitely thoroughly combed through once Clara is taking her nap that day don’t you worry
And Bucky will refer back to it frequently when he finds sleep difficult to hold onto in the nights to come
The birthday party, the wedding, all very big events all within days of each other down in Texas
Reader and Marge’s friendship is based on an ask where she probably got Buck to forward reader’s address and they get along like a house on fire. Reader definitely has a wide circle of friends to send letters to including Ruth, Vi, Mary, and even Myrtle who might be opening her heart to a handsome RAF man.
And most definitely little Clara is the most popular girl at Marge and Buck’s wedding but thankfully Marge is kind hearted about being upstaged by a precocious one year old.
It has been such a joy to share this story with you all and honestly?! Already up to my eyeballs in research for the next fic!!!!
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nemir · 1 year
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We love a Welcome Home/Wally AU in this house. I’d like to introduce everyone to Concept Wally! He’s the product of a single brainstorming session by a failing studio, who needed to come up with an idea for a children’s programme. Unfortunately, the studio closed and everything was scrapped. The only thing that remained was a single concept sketch - that would be him, Concept Wally.
I’m just gonna copy/paste my notes from here because I’m lazy BUT please enjoy him and I hope you all love him as much as I do!! ;; He’s just a lil guy who doesn’t want to be forgotten!! Be nice to him.
welcome home in the early 70s; wally was going to be a fresh university graduate who just had a passion and desire to teach kids more than what school ever did, and he was going to do it with song! (specifically rock & roll genre, for a mass audience appeal)
 it never progressed the conception phase. somehow, he gained sentience - perhaps because of the sheer belief in the show his concept artist had
unfortunately, the studio closed only 2 weeks after wally was designed, and so the entire idea was scrapped.
wally was just a picture on paper. he hated that the idea was scrapped, didn't want to "die", so to speak.
somehow found a way to get in people's dreams, to "inspire" them to draw this character they dreamt of. and as they draw him he gains more power until he was able to tear himself from the page.
he's still able to go back into paper, and uses that to travel or get around quickly, and watch people (some 'take on me' music video type shit)
as above and so below: "as above" is being in the outside world, "so below" is being restricted to the paper. in order to stay out of below, he needs people to draw him. if they stop, he'll lose power and lose the ability to tear himself off the page
this mfer absolutely has gradient inky arms because I SAID SO. it is peak character design. (it wasn’t part of his original design, it just happened because of bleeding ink as paper ages, etc)
he cries ink. bleeds it. vomits it. it's his spit. it's literally what he's made of so no surprises there
the original concept was a life-sized puppet, or rather, someone in a thin felt-covered body suit, with a puppet head (think doodlebops but not painted). this wally is about 5'9".
his designed was loosely based on early 70s David Bowie.
the more people draw him in one type of way, that's how he'll appear when he's in the world. so if a bunch of people are drawing him like a lil Muppet man, then lmfao that's how he'll look until people start drawing him differently (which means people would have to be drawing him in a similar way for him to appear that way), otherwise he'll just take his initial concept sketch form on paper.
voice claim; g-man. half life. (he was never given a voice so finds speech odd. his words are stilted, and sound like something trying to mimic human speech. lots of weird emphasis, run on sentences. odd breaths here and there)
his main outfit is just a pair of trousers with a white button up that usually has the sleeves rolled 3/4, and a few buttons undone with a bright orange undershirt and heart patterned suspenders.
when his face goes dark and you can only see his eyes, there's ink dripping from his chin/cheeks (as if the ink is covering his whole face)
personality wise, he's a little odd. doesn't quite know how to "people", since he isn't one; they never got past concept art after all! but he isn't completely devoid of emotion or empathy. he holds strong affinity for the people who draw him (even if all you draw is a little stick figure of him!! he appreciates it so much ... and it still gives him power), calling them friends. he does get a bit jealous when he catches you drawing other things though! otherwise, he's completely harmless and just doesn't want to be forgotten
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allthingskakashi · 4 years
Heyy i just saw you enabled anon haha thank you for that, it does make it a tad more comfortable for us shy peeps. i really love how your blog is literally just Kakashi fluff it always makes me feel so good whenever i come here and well i saw your requests are open too soo can i please request some soft HCs for dates with Kakashi?? or just like being with him in general at his place, how he'd act and stuff to be w someone? thank you and ly
Hey OMG I’m such a dumbass lmao i literally figured out the whole anon thing a while ago haha I’m sorry, i totally feel you on the shy thing.  I’m so happy that my blog makes you feel good, having this blog is a big source of positivity for me too!
I got really excited about my first anon ask lmao and wrote this in like 20 mins,i hope it lives up to your expectations!
Dates with Kakashi / Being with him  HCs
Dates with Kakashi are gonna be low key, nothing extravagant or ott but you’ll love every minute of it
It’s mostly just the two of you chilling together and enjoying each other’s company. You’re so comfortable around each other that you don’t even necessarily have to be DOING something together. Just each other’s presence is soothing to you and that’s all you both need, no uncomfortable silences
Kakashi mostly prefers being alone with you in uncrowded places away from all the noise, or just cuddling with you at home, that’s literally all he wants
Mini dates involving just strolls around the town together
Kakashi won’t hold your hand in public but he’ll walk really close such that your bodies keep bumping
Will let you hold on to his arm though, he really likes it
He’ll sometimes keep one glove off and even keep his hands out of his pocket for a change, so that your hands lightly keep brushing against each other as you walk
He thinks he’s being so subtle and you won’t notice or realise but you do and you find it so cute??? And the fact that he’s trying to act subtle makes it x100 cuter
If you’re walking in a place away from people where he’s sure you’re alone like a forest or something though, he won’t shy away from gripping your hand in his
Will also rub his thumb over your hand and bring it up to his mouth to place a masked kiss on it, before giving you that cute smile of his
Picnic dates are the most common with Kakashi
The two of you lazing around under the shade of a tree on a pleasant day with a picnic basket;with Kakashi lying on your lap reading Icha Icha while you read your own book.
You both even have a special spot under a particular tree where you always go
Late night walks
He often walks around the village at night and visits the cemetery when he can’t sleep.
Notices the light of your bedroom window on one of his walks. He always likes to check to see if your lights are off because then he knows you’re okay and sleeping
But tonight you’re up cause something is bothering you and you can’t sleep either
*sudden tap on your window*
Uhm?? Kakashi???? Wtf? It’s 1??
“I noticed your light was on. Want to join me for a walk?”
That’s how your routine of going on night walks began and honestly, they feel so refreshing with the slightly chilly wind at night and the starry skies above you
These walks are also the ones where you both end up having the best convos cause you open up so much and talk about all kinds of things, things you might not be able to say during daylight
He’ll even share an ice cream stick with you even though he’s not a fan of sweets
Always walks you back home too and waits for you to wave at him from your window before leaving so that he knows you’re safe
Home dates!!!!
The two of you deciding to just stay in on a Saturday night. A few blankets, a bottle of sake, dim lights, home cooked meal by Kakashi, falling asleep on his chest while watching a movie = Heaven
You will often return home from a mission to this kinda treatment.
Will draw you a hot bath and give you massages cause your muscles are sore from everything
Holds you tight as you sleep, finally home to him
Kakashi LOVES to cook for you, he loves how happy it makes you and how much you love his food. He’s honestly the best cook
Will make you dinner and also breakfast in bed if you spend the night at his place
When he returns from his missions, he just wants a quiet night in with you without much fuss
Falls asleep on your lap as you stroke his hair
You surprise him by cooking for him once
Literally turns to a puddle cause…noone’s ever cooked for him, not since he was 5.
Tasting food made by someone else’s hand with so much love, just for him??? He’d almost cry. Won’t even care if it’s bad, he’ll eat it all and ask for seconds
You’d go out to eat once in a while but the both of you prefer the other’s cooking over anything else
Bookstore dates where the two of you spend hours browsing and buy like a 2 ft tall pile of books and then go home later and read for hours, cuddled up together, the both of you so engrossed that you forget it’s 3 am and you haven’t eaten dinner
You’re hungry as hell now so Ichiraku at 3 am
Will throw away everything and drag your ass to the theatre whenever any of his books turn into a movie lmfao and will fanboy over it and act like a dumbass
Who cares tho cause you’re just as big a dumbass as him and fangirling too
*both of you jumping together in joy like idiots*
In the beginning when you first start dating he’d be so awkward and shit at picking up hints and even if he does, he’ll overthink it a 100 times and not act upon anything
Which gets frustrating at times
She…..wants to…kiss ME…?
I’m sorry but this guy will not initiate the first kiss with you unless you do, no matter how much he wants it. He literally questions whether all of this is real every single day. He’s also hella awkward and he’s never done this stuff before and he doesn’t wanna mess anything up so you gotta at least say something CLEARLY or make the first move
Once you do though…..it’s kisses kisses kisses all the time
No more hesitation after that, he just wants to pour all his love onto you and will literally kiss every part of you
For someone with no experience, he’s one hell of a kisser
Maybe on your anniversary you would go on a weekend getaway to a hot spring to celebrate but that probably wouldn’t be until he’s retired
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gingus-doon · 4 years
Mishima for the character ask!
thank u for asking about one of my faves 😭😭💕
what i like about him
- THERE'S SO MUCH TO LIKE! first of all, he's very caring and that's just so endearing!! stg he would adopt like at least half of the cast unofficially had they not been in a death game / simulation– and his eccentricity makes him so much more interesting, as well! he's such a down to earth guy who's very sociable and nice but he's also pretty weird sjdbsn. the way he stands, his appearance, the way he throws (apparently) to his weird laugh. then there's also that scene where keiji told him he made the air smell like oil paint (WHICH SOUNDED LIKE SOME KIND OF JOKEY INSULT NGL) and mishima is like SO PLEASED about it??? AND IN REKO'S FONDNESS EVENT (1st i think) WHERE SHE JUST BERATES HIM BUT THEN MISHIMA'S LIKE "ACTUALLY THIS MAKES ME WANT TO BEFRIEND YOU MORE" SKFKSDN
i also just love his humility!! it's so funny sometimes, like when nao gives him that godawful bathing suit aND HE JUST AGREES TO WEAR IT FOR THE SAKE OF HER FEELINGS?? his willingness to work with people, as well, like how he didn't suggest gin take his cape off and how he literally took the time to draw on some shoes just for the sake of alice's safety. and then in that same fondness event, HE PROCEEDS TO BE ASSERTIVE IN THE KINDEST POSSIBLE MANNER LMAO. not to mention the selflessness in his sacrifice for nao?? like he's just too good and considerate and odd, we have to stan
what i don't like about him
- OOF there's not much for me to say for this part tbh KDKSDN. ignoring no-smoking signs is pretty bad akdjsj. i could say hypocrisy, as mishima also judged alice by his appearance, but i find that a very human flaw so it makes me like him more actually haha.
perhaps one thing that i actually was Spooked by was the existence in tragedy ending of ytts. it's really jarring and a little disturbing to see mishima so caught up in this own survival that his allies drop from his mind entirely (even nao!) but i can't really fault him for that since it is, again, a very human trait and it gives him depth. it's just spooky to see the juxtaposition of him caring so much to not even having them in mind, esp if you get one of the other endings first.
favourite scene
- there are sooo many good ones, it's hard to choose, but one of the ones i always think of is that leaf fondness event with gin!! i love mishima's consideration for gin's feelings (as mentioned before) and really, it's just so stupid and wholesome. like you'd think he'd would be smarter than to go back and forth like that but nope, gin's the one who comes in with the common sense akhsjdnns.
favourite line
- off the top of my head (as all these answers have been ekfhs) I LOVE HOW HE RESPONDS TO KANNA'S INQUIRY WITH "I'm eternally young, so I wouldn't know." LIKE THAT'S LITERALLY THE SMOOTHEST QUESTION DODGE EVER. WHAT A G LMFAO
favourite outfit
- ik he doesn't change outfits in the game but what if his default outfit was a dress shirt and a suit sjfhsjdn. i can't imagine him in casual clothes help 😭 i also considered turtlenecks but actually i think that would be kai's thing
- of course keishima 😔😔 i could just go on about how perfect they are for each other for hours lmao. keiji is also the only person i ship with mishima?? like kaishima is ok i guess but it just doesn't hit the serotonin like keishima 👊 shunshima is alright too but i think i'd prefer it platonically
- my bias towards the characters is absolutely being exposed because it's not nao, but instead shin and hinako– reko too!!
though it's less of a brotp and more of me thinking that mishima would be a father figure to them AKDHSDJFJ. for an actual brotp in terms of friendship rather than mentorship, i think kai and q-taro would be really good friends with mishima and would b more like peers than pupils to him sjfhdj
- i just think it'd be neat if mishima was one of those kinds of teachers who had an array of colourful and playful ties with a wide variety of dress shirt colours :> also maybe fun socks
unpopular opinion
- i'm really not exactly sure! the popular opinion on mishima seems to be that he's awesome, which i agree with lolol. and i haven't seen any content for him which i disagree with in particular (i think) so i don't really have any opinions to go against lol.
if i had to say something, though, i guess it'd be that he's not perfect ? as evidenced by the smoking thing (kazumi mishima is now a morally grey character because he ignores no smoking signs lmao) and the existence in tragedy ending, and any other subtle lapses in a flawless image. though, i don't think mishima is trying to keep up a flawless image so much as a moral one around children! he seems okay to discuss or touch on his deeper feelings in conversation in order to connect with people, and i think that's very neat
and i don't blame people for perceiving him as flawless, i often also struggle to grasp at whatever his more serious character flaws would be! especially since i usually write him with keiji, and keiji is... The Most Flawed so mishima comes off as an even better person in comparison.
a wish
- i don't think i have any wishes for mishima's character in the main game? like i don't expect him to come back to life or anything ajdhksn. SO, my wish is that nankidai will double up on the fondness events so that we'll see mishima from other people's perspective!! LIKE I AM SERIOUSLY HOPING FOR THIS SO HARD I NEED TO SEE KEIJI AND MISHIMA INTERACT MORE (and other ppl as well SKRHJSNS)
an oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
- i know this would like, definitely not happen because there's absolutely no good reason at ALL for this to happen, but it'd break my heart if there was a twist pulled like woaahhh mishima's actually a bad guy wjdhd. that goes against the whole message of "don't judge a book by its cover" that his character conveys 😭😭 honestly i probably wouldn't even think about evil mishima if it wasn't for that ai thing in chap 2. THAT WAS SO FUCKED UP, WHEN I REPLAYED YTTD AFTER PLAYING YTTS I WAS JUST LIKE "HOW DARE YOU DESECRATE THE MEMORY OF KAZUMI MISHIMA LIKE THAT YOU BASTARDS"
5 words to describe him
- funky uncle with misleading appearance !
my nickname for him
- i don't really have one haha. i just call him mishima– though sometimes i do like to use full names for the characters so i will just be out here typing "kazumi mishima" in its entirety sjdbns.
i have hc nicknames for what other people would call him though! other people being keiji JSFHS. "kazu" or "mishi"
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even more prompts catchup
April 5th: What was school like for you, or what is it currently like for you if you are still in school? Elementary, high school, post-secondary?
i Hate/d school lmfao......like i do Like To Learn and Know Shit, and of course Sometimes / on some occasions it was like, hey i'm having a good to pretty great time at school, but those were usually Special occasions or teachers going out of their way to give us you know, fun projects / go beyond the Standardized Testing curriculum, which natch they couldn't always do / did require sort of going Above & Beyond, rather than being the constant, guaranteed experience of like hooray for school......it's like, oh hooray re: the Play Scenes my fourth grade english class did that was like, an Extra thing, where we got to audition and i just had a great time like oh right, clearly Theatre in retrospect, or hooray re: the field trips, or projects we did In Class, since i hated homework.......i was always that accursed (i mean, not accursed for Me, but) combination of "really a terrible student but also gets great grades" lmao i forever do things Last Minute but like, when i was At school, in class, i'd just power through whatever work there was then & there usually, and in middle school would sometimes do hw on the bus, as i was the last on the bus route to be picked up in the morning or dropped off in the afternoon, but as soon as i got home i was in Home Mode and yknow. didn't just sit down and continue School Stuff asap. also hardly ever Studying unless it's the night / morning before a test lmfao but i had a great memory for that stuff, so studying that last minute was like "yep, i Do remember this from going over it 2 seconds ago" so yknow, despite hating school / no good Study Habits(tm) or anything, i did fine. i also read a ton, at home or at school and at any other point. so i was also like, quiet and generally ~well behaved~ or whatever lol (the like "how are kids (or anyone) supposed to stay focused and on task for 7+ hours a day..." thing), segue into next paragraph
i also remember like, 3 day a week preschool being the first time i was, you know, in some sort of School and also around other kids that much, i did have this sense that like, somehow there were Rules that i wasn't following, not re: Classroom Rules or something, but wrt socializing with peers, like that everyone else had something going on in how they interacted which i wasn't gonna get right, & i had this sense of like, not really being Allowed to interact lmao, even being 4 years old i have a few distinct memories re: this of like, a) choosing to play by myself in the classroom or when outside, and b) my "best friend" being the one person who just like, chose to hang out with me lmfao, but i was like oh cool Having A Friend lmao, like i didn't Not want to have friends, i was just already aware of like, i don't feel like i can just up and interact w/these people and i don't feel like they want me to, and c) re: that being aware of whatever Rules Of Interaction existing and that i wouldn't meet them / abide by them and thus there'd be some kind of repercussion for not meeting those rules, and not being allowed, i remember that like. there was this other indoor playspace in the lower level and there were toys i wanted to play with but Refrained from, and it was like, why did 4 yr old me get the idea i Wasn't Really Allowed, and most of what i can theorize is that it was like, well other kids might want to play with that, and the Normal / Better kids should get priority lmao, and/or being nervous that it just might otherwise lead to some sort of Interaction i wouldn't feel ready for.....and d) sitting at a table with like whatever 4 or 5 other kids or something and amongst ourselves someone was like "oh put your foot in the middle if you're [x]" and i tried to join in on a technicality lmfao and also just in, you know, active efforts to be Participating with these other kids on their terms, and it did not pay off, something that repeated uhhhhh, forever i guess lol. insert that post like can allistic people be normal for 5 seconds.....
like in elementary school i wasn't really making friends either, incredibly, i was Amicably Tolerated by many people then & like, again also at any point after at least lmao (and it helps that i was generally in teachers' good graces, not that i narced on anyone ever, but i had like, my Niche as the Academically Successful One, and also i was the kid who draws, another shoutout to some post and tweet about how being The Drawing Kid was like, some measure of respect but also disdain lmfao...) and sometimes people would again like. choose to interact with me repeatedly, and i'd sort of be nonplussed at best b/c it's like, okay thanks but in this situation i didn't Choose this any more than i choose [Trying to be in the group but being rejected/excluded], so it's kinda weird, i was friends with someone for a few years in elementary school but we just were Coincidentally in the same class for those years, when we were in different classes in 3rd or 4th grade and just weren't seeing each other it fizzled out, in middle school i made another couple friends where we were all being Funny lmao, but i didn't go to high school, so once again we weren't seeing each other, and [At School] was where i always had most Interactions with people, didn't see people much outside of school even if we were hanging out / being friends During school, for [a whole tangent] reasons, so. guess the good news is i'm still in touch / friendly acquaintances with some people from school from college, but even then, there was Some more social success or whatever, but not all That much, and i was still unhappy like, not having many friends, often being like "i'm going to the cafe a block away b/c i have no social occasions here and i want to get out of the dorm / be around people," that if i was with more than one other person i could end up the third wheel friend lmao or nobody is paying attention when you talk or oh no i put myself out there hanging with a friend group but maybe people thought you were a joke or something, thanks. smh
and that like, speaking of college, i went early but this was, for my part, truly primarily driven like "well i hate school so if i can Not go to high school, okay" and like, while i got in and everything it was still like "tf is college, i've never known what i Want To Do so i wonder if i'll figure this out, but i'm not expecting to last past the first semester / year b/c this is college and i'm a terrible student actually lol" but then turns out i kept doing well enough like A's & B's like oh woops i guess i'm still here, then, hope i can figure out what tf "credit hours" means (finally did lol).....then sophomore year was a bunch of just Agonizing over "what tf do i major in," something i never figured out, wherein i might bring something up & it got parentally shot down like "never heard you talk about that" like what tf Did you hear me talk about? are you thinking i had my life figured out by age 9, b/c i didn't think that, i'm only 15/16 even Now, even being the Regular college age it's like, nobody's figuring their life out then. also i didn't tell my parents things, so. and then i settle on something that sure, Might've been of interest, but also it was like, a) a program that barely existed and req'd taking classes at a like 30 min away campus and also the head of department had Just retired and the most heinous teacher in the related fields was now in charge, brilliant and b) the sort of thing you'd just wanna start taking prerequisites for like as soon as you set foot on campus, like, great. and c) i was like, hardly feeling all the Academic Ambition anyway b/c i never had, b/c i hate/d school, and b/c i still didn't Know what i wanted to major in, and i was stressed n depressed and also realizing oh right, i'm not cishet, and oh right, i'm never going to get along with my family b/c [long tangent] reasons and that's kind of concerning, here i am impending Being 18 and like, how do i get out of this b/c it's becoming clearer that i'm not just gonna start getting along with the 'rents now that i'm not an elementary schooler and also now that i'm realizing the Reasons being at home sucks. guess i learned stuff in college lol but also it was like, the experience of getting to be Away From Home and existing every day without parents literally / figuratively over my shoulder at some point every day, and getting to do shit on my own and figure things out while Not At Home.....i also had a lot of fun taking a couple classes from this one music prof lol. he was this weird really enthusiastic and really knowledgeable guy lmao like great, these evening classes where we go over to the arts building and he plays things on the piano off the cuff and tells a lot of tangential stories while we're learning about like, beethoven technically, or folk music. didn't need those classes but they were great, i've had these teachers who were totally into whatever they were teaching and had a great time with that
also acknowledgment to the fact i was a No Extracurriculars person all through school, k thru 6 and college alike really, although i took dance class for that k thru 6 period, just that was separate from school actually (and another fun "being away from home" thing and Theatresque performance thing i enjoyed) but besides that it was like, how do i figure out what i want to do without committing to joining this whole thing, i don't know How to sign up for stuff really either, and it'd probably entail "asking for stuff" and needing to coordinate more rides and etc and that's just a hassle, and i wanna go home from school asap anyways, and then like, when it came to college, i was again at first thinking like "well idk what i'm doing and i hate homework so i'll probably mess it up in this first year anyways" and figured that doing anything Extra outside classes was just gonna be too much, and also, it's like, i've never been in these kinds of groups before and why am i gonna start in college, where there'll probably be all these people who Have done this stuff before, and are also 18? e.g. even though it was like "hey you're away from home and don't have to ask/tell anyone else anything to do this club stuff or whatever!" supposed ideal environment for trying stuff out, it was like, maybe i'm theoretically interested in auditioning for the fall theatre production, but the last acting experience i had was like, "2 month drama class in middle school" or "that 4th grade [section of a] play" so like, not really Any education or experience or Training re: any of that stuff, and a bunch of 18 yr olds who might've, or [age peers] who were theatre people who had already done stuff so they weren't getting Lead Roles or anything but they were getting cast / taking classes / joining an a capella group while i'm like right on, i'm over here with some sort of Grade Honor Society (??) saying my gpa qualifies me to join and be able to experience some further academic rigor/requirements lmfao and i'm like absolutely not. get away lol. anyways so bit of a chaotique Post K12 Zone Education Experience there lmfao, all kinds of things i'd Like to Learn and even take classes on, but didn't like, right i love learning languages but never took classes, love math and shit but only got to a certain level of calc and even then seemed to miss some Lore, never did anything re: theatre, etc and so on. so you wonder if some advantages re: high school would be like, more chances for those extracurriculars (or regular curriculars) but, as though i wouldn't have the same qualms about getting in on any of it, and as if i wouldn't've still hated school but also still been at home, F. and i think people can be a lot more normal to each other when it's college and you're Not stuck in one building together 8 hours a day lmao, got some gentle "occasional Bullying style attention" in middle school, but had juuust enough like, [that Niche of good grades / kid who draws] and people who Were friendlier to me that it was you know, unpleasant, but didn't have to be that huge a deal, and then i was outta there soon enough. also, in college many people are 18 or older, as opposed to 11 to 13. anyways the rest of my school story was that in the end the problems were "i don't know what i want to major in and also now's a worse time than ever b/c i've realized my existence At Home is untenable, and naturally i am quite depressed & stressed about things, and i gotta say absolutely virtually every adult presence was either totally unhelpful to Counterproductive here lmao, like, not much anyone could do really but it's helpful when someone is like, i'll treat you like a person vs simply just going 'uh why are you not doing the academic stuff good enough'" lmfao like. the whole time Not having friends i'd wanna talk to through class and happening to get good grades in part b/c i somehow Could as easily as i did and also i was afraid of getting C's or worse b/c "tfw i wasn't even yet in a grade that gave you A thru F grades yet but my older sister caught shit for getting a C
like :/" and etc means adults are like My Student Is Fine, and also, what are you gonna do even if they aren't, i guess. i just had to figure out completely for myself Why and How i really wasn't Fine and that was quite difficult and also took a long time. then there was a mutual prank of "i drop out of college at the tail end of things" and "now i have to be at home with parent/s more resentful of your obvious Waywardness (insert: not being cishet, and the fact it occurs to me that my being autistic was always causing 'problem' behavior i was getting shit for like, the whole time lmfao, even if nobody knew / labeled it like oh this is for ND reasons, or if it was both true i tried to come out (smh, thought i Had to b/c that was part of Not Being Cishet) and it was simply ignored / unaddressed and yet it sure fueled further specific resentment of my not Performing Gender properly, or "worse," so that went well, in that i eventually abruptly left and did not maintain contact, in the interest of "the levels to which i was thriving was like, that if i bailed and like died 50 hrs later it'd still be what i want to do," true to that i did not / don't regret it. and what do you know, i was first able to bail to a relatively nearby friend from college's home, whose family also liked me lmao. shoutout to school still being where i made Any friends, except a friend i made who was a coworker of several years. and Online Friends, which, another school connection, that like, i can more readily Connect w/people via talking about interests, something that happened Sometimes at school in person lmao but not much, but also that i Talk About Interests in a way through Drawing, which, well shoutout to doodling in the margins of papers throughout school lmfao, it didn't hurt! that's my saga.
oh and that footnote, i also really enjoyed the "in middle school you either take language classes or 4 Electives you rotate through each year" and those electives sure featured some more varied and hands on activities i had a great time with. shoutout to like, cooking, and to shop class, my Car Designs were great apparently, idk how. shoutout to my Intuition re: engineering or something lmaoo.....very fun to just end the schoolday in that big garage space where you could actually open that garage door right to where all the buses were, beautiful. Oh, and that's another footnote, when my last class of the day in 8th grade was english, i'd sometimes finish work early and my teacher would let me go to our spacious library, with the v nice librarian who'd recommend books to me she thought should be checked out more often b/c she knew i liked to read that much, and also just generally had teachers / other adult staff kinda wandering in at the end of the day, talk about "i don't really relate to other ppl my age" where i did generally prefer to be around adults, so that was fun. oh and also shoutout to hating school lmao wherein during like, middle school when the schoolday started at like 7:30am or smthing disgusting and i just learned to like, view whatever time it was in a "at least it's almost [x]" like well okay, first period is math and that kinda sucks but at least once it's over this hardest part of the day will be over, then next class is kinda more chill at least, and then it'll be the last period before lunch, etc etc etc where i could sort of keep up that stamina like telling myself at any point it was Almost [a more encouraging time of day] lmao like. kinda fucked up to have to be dragging yourself through the weekdays like that, but
Oh! goddamn and i didn't even get into that if i ever got in ~trouble~ in elementary school it was stuff like Not Paying Attention, but where half the time that might be some other kid beside me messing around lmfao and i'm not gonna be like "uhhh follow the rules!!!" (and that even when i was In Trouble like go sit in the chair where you have to be quiet there for like 10 min i might say something to some other kid in that zone and they'd be like "um it's the quiet chair you have to be quiet!!" or "uh we're getting into the next lesson and you have to put that book back asap" like wow these other kids are dweebs about Rules lmfao) and there'd just be times like, it's 1st grade and i know how to read pretty well already but we're going over the alphabet like stoppp i know the Phonics already........or the ways ND people can kind of Intuit some stuff more successfully, like in third grade learning multiplication i neverrrrr studied but just broke it down like, okay i remember the Fives b/c of telling time, i know the 2x table and stuff, i know the commutative property, if we're all the way at the 8x and i haven't Memorized stuff, i can still like, break it down to say, [5 x 8] + [8 x 2] or something when i see 8 x 7, even if it takes a second lmfao.......and stuff like the tragedy of when i Did make a friend in like, 2nd grade, who i think we didn't even talk to each other ever?? i was playing legos or smthing by myself once during Indoor Recess and she just started playing agreeably along with me, aka someone socializing on My Terms apparently as our Introduction, and we just were friends past that but one time, not even during a Lesson Session, we were messing around quietly making each other laugh as the incredibly important process of "put papers in your folders" was going on, and since we were Not Paying Attention for some reason the teacher made a whole example of it where i had to carry my desk across the classroom for the Shaming Element of it and also so that i had to permanently sit way further from that friend, so that was kind of discouragement re: interacting at all. thank you to that teacher, who'd later once Gesticulate to me from across the gym that i should put my arms down at my sides rather than being crossed (we were rehearsing some class performance) & i had no idea what she was trying to convey, so afterwards she told me i had to have Reduced Recess Time or some shit because of Ignoring her instead of putting my arms down lmfao. and i was irritated at having been misinterpreted / my Intentions dictated to me and punished like that, but i was also used to it from adults lmfao and did not bother explaining myself lol like yeah god forbid i left my arms crossed on purpose and now i have to read some more during recess. tl;dr school has so much nonsense & i def had some Times re: being autistic & also just being someone who hated school forever lmao, think it was Also 2nd grade where one arbitrary sunday night i just cried out of frustration at having to go back for another normal school week. classic. oh and that also, while i wasn't like "oooo booksmart people who hate not having a Definitive Correct Answer to things &/or ohhh autistic ppl So Good at math, in a way everyone hates and disrespects, but they suck at Literature/Arts which requires you to reflect on humanity and shit," like, not only was i the drawing kid but i was also apparently ahead of the curve as it were at like, Literary Analysis lmfao where there was a few times in elementary school i'd be the kid providing the Interpretation like "what's this poem about / what's the theme or Symbolism in this story," but from elementary school to college it's like, for god's sake don't ask me to come up with a story / work with some really open ended prompt, i don't Invent in that way, and when i try to draw on Inspiration i'll get stuck on some specific source and be unable to do anything but just rip it off really lmao. but then again i was prolific in "it's 1st grade and you write and illustrate a little short story or smthing in these booklets
that we then have a simple little binding process for" like ohhh fancy, i got a tootsie roll lollipop at Awards Time for writing a shit ton of those lol. but that's like, when you're too young to have that much of a Creative Process anyways lmao. but then, my older sister, whose Thing was writing, has an incredible 2 Volume like, noir mystery saga from those elementary school times, it's a classic lmao. anyways once again so much to say about School lol closing the door after meandering on that one for this long lol
April 6th: Are you able to drive? If so, was it difficult to learn? What was difficult about it? If not, do you use any alternatives?
i did learn to drive, tbh just universally it's like, at any point you're driving there's A Lot to pay attention to at once, even if you think you're Good At That or whatever, which i sure don't think i always am lol, and it's pretty wild we just, you know, let everyone go around as fast as they want in machines that can kill you or someone else, and this is also Unnecessary b/c like, let's have accessible & reliable public transit so that everyone can travel without Needing to have a car / someone else who will drive them. i didn't think i had too much trouble learning to drive, but it had to help that i just took it very seriously from the start lmao like, well, i'm quite aware i could kill someone with this. the driving classes i took were alright, i remember the instructor being pretty chill and friendly lol. rip to the fact i could be tense when driving with parent/s, when driving a manual i'd always like screech the tires when accelerating out of a Stop, until all at once it was like "and i'm driving that manual car alone on a road trip & wouldn't you know it, only literally once did i have that issue of not getting out of a stop smoothly enough" lmao like the Anxiety......really like yeah i had an alright time learning and think i'm solid enough at driving / like doing it, theoretically, but Driving Is Wild just in general and let's have that public transit
April 7th: How are you with sarcasm and/or metaphors/figures of speech? Do you interpret things very literally?
i think i Usually get what people mean with these Devices but i can't really say lol, but anytime you know, someone is being more Implicit in what they say, plenty of times i can infer one implication and only later realize they probably meant a different one, or yknow, i make whatever initial inference i make and can be stuck like "???" and have to like, mentally run diagrams about the interaction lol......meanwhile i'm not always remembering that like, if i'm shifting context mentally that's necessarily able to be inferred by whoever i'm talking to lol, whether it's about getting into some adjacent topic or like, i don't think it tends to be very clear even in person when i've started being sarcastic lmao, like i know that can be true for anyone but it's like well, guess i gotta make it clearer i'm doing a bit......flipside of that or something lmao that people are more Obvious than they think they are sometimes about like, idk, when someone is sort of making some sarcastic remark to you but the sarcasm is also sort of only to themself, aka just like okay i know you mean this more dismissively / disparagingly than re: what you're saying just at face value lol like. just always fun >:/
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ebonybow · 5 years
**Not** A Tutorial
HELLO. I don’t know how helpful or informative this is going to be but I get a lot of questions about how I draw Shane and Ryan so I’m about to spill all my secrets here lmao*
*I’m a graphic designer, I didn’t study fine art or illustration so take my “advice” with a pinch of salt. This is just my process and how I’ve taught myself to draw them.
[Ryan voice] That being said, let’s get into it.
1) References are the best
I used to think drawing from reference was a shameful thing that TRUE artists didn’t use, because they just KNEW what the human body looked like. This just isn’t true for most artists. Including myself! I don’t have a fuckin’ clue, my friends. Pose references are incredibly helpful when drawing bodies and, as obvious as it sounds, face references are incredibly helpful when drawing faces!
So let’s look at Shane and Ryan. Here’s a screencap from the show that I’ll be using as a ref for this post:
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If you’re looking to draw something where the main subjects are extremely recognisable by their faces (i.e. some kind of fanart), face shape is important to take into account (again, I feel like this is super obvious but I’m saying it anyway). For example, Shane has a very angular face. His brow, nose, and jaw are all fairly straight lines. His hairline is squared. Ryan has more curves to his face (brow, nose, jaw, and hairline are all curves). 
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These features are pretty important when it comes to making the boys look like themselves? (particularly the noses, in my opinion, which are quite distinct.)
The point of finding these important lines and/or curves is that it helps you build the face shape. It’s like a basic blueprint for where all the rest of the stuff is going to go.
2) Analyse the features
I’m not going to go into detail about how to draw a basic face, there are thousands of tutorials online and this post will be rambly enough as it is.
So I already talked about their features a little bit in the first part but I’m gonna talk about them here too. Once you figure out the important lines and curves, you gotta work on some features.
For Shane, I like to take into account the following: 1) he has very expressive and angular eyebrows. They’re excellent. 2) he has downturned eyes (heavy lids/deepset eyes). 3) his mouth is quite catlike, it curves upwards at the corners when resting and dips in the middle. W-shaped. 
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With Ryan, I take into account 1) though his brow is quite defined, his eyebrows are not — they’re actually somewhat sparse I guess (or untamed?). 2) his eyes are big and round, but like Shane they’re deep set and he has a lot of lid. Both of them are Tired! Boys! and have bags under their eyes, it cute. 3) Ryan’s mouth curves downward. EVEN WHEN HE SMILES. It’s M-shaped, the inverse of Shane’s. His smile is heart-shaped.
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I try to always keep these details in mind even when I’m referencing directly from a photo, because it makes their facial shapes appear clearer to me.
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3) Just straight up practice lmao
I’ve been drawing these guys for over a year now and I like to think I have VASTLY improved since this time last year. At this point, remembering most of what I mentioned above is like second nature when I draw their faces. 
I’ll use my under-sketch (above) to create more natural lines and add detail to features like eyes, mouths, hair, and brows. Also, smaller distinguishing features like moles or wrinkles or creases.
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(Shane’s moles on his cheek and beneath his eye are extremely extremely cute).
4. Clean it up?? Maybe? Color?
This is optional. Sometimes stuff looks better as a sketch because the looser the lines are, the more room your brain has to interpret the whole image and pick the /correct/ line, does that make sense? Probably not.
At this stage I generally paint in facial hair too. Sometimes they don’t look like the boys to me until I’ve given them a little scruff (and honestly I like to go a little heavy on facial hair because I like it so much!!!)
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This is where I can’t really give a lot of advice (if you can call any of this advice lmfao) because I do something differently every time I paint. I’m fickle.
THAT’S IT, I think?? I dunno if any of this is helpful or actually teaches anyone anything, I guess it’s just an insight into my drawing process and the way I work? If there is anything specific anyone wants me to talk about, just shoot me a message and I’ll see what I can do.
Anyway, I hope the 3 entire people who asked me to do this enjoy this very useless post :’)
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mvjesties · 5 years
yeets this post 100mph onto the dash like a shit flingin monkey  AYoO it is i lacey and this right here is a short intro post for my newest Good Boy issa sooo...
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smiles weakly n hands u my trash. hit that ♥ and i’ll come to you for plots !
he is
foreign,, haven’t entirely pinpointed which country yet (ideally a small one) but i imagine issa is a mix of middle-eastern and caribbean.
as for his accent, if any of you watch game of thrones i’d like to think he has an accent similar (but not as heavy as) grey worm when he speaks english? rolled r’s, some hard consonants, most sentences are spoken in a low octave under his breath
aside from english, issa is fluent in arabic, spanish, and french in that order.
painfully well-intentioned. isn’t one to get involved in things unless he feels he must, but as far as others go, he always wants what’s best for them. 
selective of his company, but at the same time isn’t? he loves getting to know people plenty (and in more ways than one, wink wonk) but he does get critical about those he draws close. issa’s better known for being a kooky enigma of some sort, but he’s always open to be a confidant for anyone who feels they need one.
he enjoys deep conversations, isn’t afraid to ask intimate questions, and likes to understand others as much as he possibly can. he’s articulate although english isn’t his first language. he tries his best.
as i briefly touched upon earlier, issa isn’t totally closed off to familiarizing himself with those who spark an interest to him. he tends to get harmlessly (i hope jkdjfnk) flirtatious with company from time to time. the funny part is that sometimes it’s possible to catch him off guard when reciprocating the flirtation and the tips of his ears and cheeks will begin to glow bright pink
long story short he’s welcome to one night stands and friends with benefits but relationships is where it gets tricky,, he doesn’t understand the idea of being committed to a single person (not yet anyway,, he tried it once with daisey and she ended up cheating on him lmfao)
but he’s not afraid of being emotionally vulnerable to others in different ways. sometimes he’s blunt, and sometimes he beats around the bush. i guess it depends on the person and his connection with them
this isn’t to say that he necessarily cares or doesn’t care about others, but he would never go out of his way to cause anyone harm, is all. the boy just wants to have a good time.
a man of solitude. always has learned things best on his own, spent down-time on his own, and bounced back from hardships on his own. this isn’t to say that he’s not sociable, however. he enjoys company very much. he just prefers to be away from the crowds at gatherings, should he have the option to meander away.
unlike most magicians, actually doesn’t crave to be the center of attention. he still does the shows because they’re a good source of income aside from his shop, and he loves watching wonder flicker between darting eyes that second after he’s finished a trick. can’t promise he’ll perform magic for you every time you ask, but your odds of seeing a trick are much better than if you don’t mention it at all.
which brings me to the next section of information, the magic issa specializes in!*
(* you don’t have to read this part unless you’re interested. it’s just me going in depth about his magic style)
a very important thing you should know about issa is the style of magic he partakes in. while issa does happen to be a magician, we’re not quite talking your normal parlor tricks you’d see at a flashy show or a kid’s birthday party. issa’s interest lies elsewhere on a fine line between spiritual themes and something they call bizarre magic.
if you’re not sure what that is, allow me to explain!
akin to parlor tricks, bizarrists use sleight of hand and illusions, yes. but it incorporates a bigger purpose, thus making the magic tricks simply an element of the story, not the main focus. 
the difference, however, is that bizarre magic lies under an art form which utilizes mild discomfort for the full theatrical effect. this feeling of discomfort an audience may experience comes from a place where one might infer that the style of magic projected comes from an ominous place (in issa’s case, theatrical seance, etc). but, this is what makes the magic feel more real to those watching. so while magic is in fact, still part of the show, the audience is still caught on the notion that they have begun interacting with the unknown in order for such events to take place.
while he practices forms of magic that is conventionally seen as inauspicious, he doesn’t wish to portray any form of ill-will to those around him. i’d imagine he kinda gives off vibes of a witch-doctor or healer, perhaps? someone who does practice magic plenty, but never to harm anyone.
issa currently specializes in:
bizarre illusionism: close-up magic, misdirection, escapology
spiritualism: divination, mediumship
issa is currently working on:
mentalism: hypnosis, clairvoyance
kinda lazy when it comes to serious things, just wants to adventure around or take naps instead. pretty easygoing guy
soft-spoken, gentle in nature, and is kind to all that are civil to him. enjoys teasing company, however. but he never means any harm. can sometimes come off a bit sassy, but that’s the most problematic he wishes to be. doesn’t get involved in fights unless absolutely necessary
very big on tarot readings, the zodiac, crystals, the aura/energies people give off, growing his own herbs, etc. one would call him a hippie if he was a lil more drugged out jnfdkgj but he’s crazy enough without em. i imagine him coming off as some sort of gentle witch to everyone else in town JNDFK maybe givin off some eccentric healer meets witch-doctor vibes
someone get him a headdress like melman’s to wear around his shop
often seen in loosely-fitted button downs tucked into simple trousers. very summer style, since he’s known summer all his life where he’s from. pray for him when winter hits cos this man don’t know what a fckin jacket is. also wears a shit-ton of jewelry. we’re talkin at least 4 rings a hand, 2-3 layered necklaces goin down his chest (which explains why his shirt’s always buttoned so goddamn low), a tiny gold hoop in each ear,, he’s not satisfied until he looks like a mfin Christmas tree.
speaking of trees, the environmental conservation club is the only part of school he partakes in aside from classes. he has little care for being a part of the community, but he looooves his plants. talks to them sometimes because he’s a firm believer that it helps them grow
i also have headcanons that he gives inanimate objects pronouns and personalities and absentmindedly speaks to himself from time to time but thats about all i can remember about him for now jdskfbg
you get the general idea by now i Guess
i typed sm more than i thought i would,, oh my god i’m so sorry
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oh hi there, welcome to holiday, JAKE VALENTINE. oh wait, you’ve been here. has anyone ever told you that you look like DANIEL SHARMAN? you’re CISMALE and use HE/HIM? just checking. and you’ve been here for 2 YEARS? you’re 27 too, right? just curious. you work over at POLLYANA’S TEA still? you know people say you’re CREATIVE && DETERMINED but STUBBORN && SECRETIVE so i guess take that with a grain of salt. well, at least i do know you’re excited for HALLOWEEN. bye now! [al, 25, est, she/they]
here comes the trash man !! he’s just a real nasty boy !! have fun with him !!  tw: drug use tw: alcohol tw: bullying
ok here’s just the basics:
- jake is a messy, messy gay. he flirts with anyone with a pulse, yes including your mom. he was recently in a sugardaddy/baby relationship up until he moved to holiday and just sleeps around now. he doesn’t think he’s good enough for like.. a GENUINE COMMITTED relationship, so he just settles for good ol’ fwb and one night stands. 
- is a painter at heart. he came to holiday to get away from new york city. he came looking for inspiration and a place to paint without the hustle and bustle. this move was a result of a huge mental break down lmao but that’s ok! he’s been happier here! 
- if you come into pollyana’s tea, be prepared to get jake’s smooth moves and charms. that tip jar doesn’t fill itself and my god he takes his barista job a little too seriously. 
- is the type that will be like... ‘let me draw you like one of my french women.’ and then actually just draw you lmao
- his ‘art studio’ is just his two room apartment. ONE DAY HE’LL AFFORD AN ACTUAL ART STUDIO.
- he’s still a bit of a party boy, that part didn’t fully stay back in college. he likes to drink, smoke and get high on occasion
- he’s still a soft boy who has BIG EMOTIONS, but he tries to keep his ‘bad boy’ facade up always, only a select few probably know the real him. 
- WANTED CONNECTIONS: many many fwbs, maybe one serious ex, friends to party with, his MuSe, someone he doesn’t get along with but flirts with to aggravate, IDK MAN I’M UP FOR ANYTHING !!
Here’s just a more in depth back story for jakey.
- Jake was born and raised in New York City, his mom is a museum curator and his dad is a theatre director so his whole life has been involved in the arts. he has a baby picture of him crying in the arms of rum tum tigger bc the costume scared him so badly (don’t even ask him about the new cats movie unless you’re prepared for a full tedtalk)
- He’s a total mama’s boy, so he was always drawn more towards painting and drawing. his mom made her home office a museum of all of the terrible art he would create. 
- but as time progressed, he turned out to be a pretty decent artist? i mean for a kid lmao, he wasn’t a prodigy child but it was p impressive for a ten year old kid. 
- would go to museums and art galleries with his mom for fun, then go see his dad’s most current show. 
- was home schooled till middle school. entering public school, jake was an immediate target for bullies. he was soft and kind, spending most of his time drawing instead of socializing. since it was middle school and middle schoolers aRE THE FUCKING WORST, the bullying was really fucking bad and violent. they would destroy his sketchbooks, throw homophobic slurs, you know - the works.
- jake went into survival mode and became a troublemaker. he fought back, started hanging out with idk the ‘bad kids’ and generally put on this big fake tough guy attitude to be left the fuck alone. he only painted at home in private and when he realized he was gay - became a real ~ladies man~ to throw off any suspicion. 
- his parents ofc saw what was going on and transferred him to a new school by the time of his freshman year. at this school, while jake was still a bit of a rebel but was scouted by his art teacher and helped jake get back to his true passion, which was art !! 
- came out to his parents his junior year of high school and they were like lmfao OBVIOUSLY YOU IDIOT. 
- went to Pratt institute for art, where he got pretty heavy into the party scene. drinking, getting high, etc. etc. you know, messy college boy.
- OK COLLEGE IS WHERE HE MET HIS SUGARDADDY, AKA ONE OF HIS ART PROFESSORS. THEY HIT IT OFF AND STARTED A PRETTY TABOO RELATIONSHIP BIG YIKES. they didn’t start hooking up till after jake left his class just to have a single ounce of dignity, but it was free range afterwards. 
- the sugardaddy was reALLY into spoiling jake, which he was happy as hell about. they also got along well in general.
- after jake graduated, he felt pretty lost in life. he didn’t know what he wanted to do or where he wanted to go. his art wasn’t selling as well as he’d hoped and his mom was pressuring him to get in her business. 
- jake pretty much suffered a nervous breakdown after a while, sick of the noisy/chaos of new york city and found himself in holiday. he tells people he moved here to help his art and study quaint city life but he actually really loves it here. 
- sorry this is MESSY.
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borisbubbles · 5 years
ESC2019: Preshow #26
26. LITHUANIA Jurij Veklenko - “Run with the lions” SemiFinal 2, #12
Come on, come on, get those feelers out. 😈
Entry Analysis
In a bizarre fluke of fate, Lithuania has become my favourite countries of the Baltics for three years in a row O__O. I can hardly believe myself! In this year it’s mostly because Latvia and Estonia sort of suck, and not because of Lithuania’s own merits though. 🤐
Actually, the thing I like most about the entry is the Artist Formerly Known As Jurijus: Jurij Veklenko. He is BY FAR the hottest guy in the year for me (😍) and appears to have an irritating, but well-meaning and humorous personality (😍😍), who is also a notable Gay-curious Icon (😍😍😍) and voiced Lolita Zero’s ‘Get Frighten’ (😍😍😍😍) and who is an obnoxious insta whore on top of that, posting covers of other ESC entries, in all of which he is ‘miraculously’ shirtless (😍😍😍😍😍)  I’m mean, I’m bloody sold? Shut up and take my unmentionables!!
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The song however... eh. It doesn’t nearly set my world on fire in the same way Jurij ~as a human~ does.  It’s okay. Some parts are *really* good imo. It has cool verses, I enjoy the empowering message (especially because it’s an implied LGBT Support Anthem: ‘We got a love that can’t be caged’, mhm)
However, “Run with the lions” is let down by one of the most weaksauce choruses in this year. I know people complain about “Roi” and “Wake Up” but... “Run with the lions” unravels at the first chorus, and never recovers. As MUCH as I would a love which can’t be caged, I must let my feelings out and state that I’m only lukewarm to this entry as a whole 😭
NF Corner
I didn’t exactly follow Eurovizijos Atranka this year, but I did not need to! I’ve heard good things about it but there was ~ONE~ entry that gave me my fix w/r/t Lithuanian cravings. 
I am of course... not talking about Monika Marija 🤭🤭🤭 Honeys, this is year three of my tumblr blog, you should know my taste by now and she ain’t it. 🤭 I will give “Light On” credit for tackling the unusual topic of PHYSICAL HEALTH problems, aka whichever medical condition Monika almost DIED under O__O. Bonus points for creativity and for looking like Fievel Mousekewitz I guess.
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No, my favourite was ALEN MOTHERFUCKING CHICCO, D’UH!! A cosmic entity so radioactively homosexual he farts rainbows. During the three times this genderfluid fairy blessed us with his gaiety, he cosplayed as a paralysis-curing elf (complete with wheelchair prop lmfao), HIM from the powerpuff girls and a diamond-studded folk hero, 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
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Don’t be afraid of healing, this feeling is REAL!!! (DAYUM)!! Needless to say, we would be discussing THIS song at a much, MUCH later date had it actually WON ATRANKA but the world isn’t ready to be cured just yet 😭. 
Qualification Odds: Borderline (Disadvantaged)
Lol I have to remember I’m discussing Jurijus here, but okay, back on track. My assessment for Lithuania’s chances is a bit all over the place: First off, this semifinal should be an easy qualification on paper: Jurijus is a cute guy who sings well, and all of Lithuania’s Allies (Latvia, Azerbaijan) and diasporia havens (UK, Ireland, Norway) are present, with only Poland and Estonia being stranded in the other semifinal. 
However, this is where “Run with the lions” and its weak chorus come to gnaw at Lithuania’s qualification odds: Lithuania find themselves hopelessly outclassed by better songs in their half of the semifinal which target the same demograph. Russia have a better coming out anthem. Romania have a better dark poprock song. Their draw, which pits they right between Malta (a dark horse) and Russia (a possible Semi winner) is very, VERY unfortunate as well. If you’re between two strong songs, you need at least keep pace with the level of quality and Lithuania does not. Q. So, tl;dr: while Lithuania should theoretically be able to gather enough points for qualification, the only vote they really have are the built-in diasporia votes and that may not prove enough. If this were another country, this would be considered an easy NQ  (or at least BL in case of Sweden or Russia). Jurijus needs to hope that one of the other BL countries, specifically Albania and Malta bomb out. Sadly for him, Jonida Maliqi doesn’t do mediocre. Sorry JuriPoo. 😭
Projected placement: 9th-12th in the semifinal. If he qualifies, 20th-25th in the Grant Final. 
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Link to the masterpost
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softshelltaakos · 6 years
what’s up everybody! it’s time for part 2 of my taz graphic novel review.
part one covered (most of) my beef with the writing and storytelling choices. this part is gonna cover character designs!!! you should know going into this that my opinions are not positive. this post is also a lot less analytical in tone than part 1, because art is not my forte.
disclaimer: i love the mcelroys. i truly do. taz has gotten me through some very difficult stuff and i have a tattoo. all this to say i’m not doing this because i hate them or because i like hating things. if you feel the need to message me about how i am overreacting, specifically to green taako, or about how i should just calm down and ignore it, or about how it’s sad that i’m getting so worked up instead of just enjoying the show, i’ve heard it and i don’t care. you will not be taken seriously. save yourself the energy.
there are spoilers for the graphic novel under the cut.
alright. i’m getting the elephant in the room out of the way first because it’s the most important thing to address, and once it’s out of my system i’ll feel better goofing on the rest of the designs. as i mentioned in the disclaimer: Green Taako Is Bad.
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[ID: a panel focusing on taako. he’s skinny and minty green with chin-length light blonde hair and a big, pointy nose.]
now, a lot of people have made posts about this before, and i’m not saying anything new about it by any means. i’m also not the most equipped person to talk about why green taako is bad, because i’m a white gentile (i’ve heard conflicting opinions on whether or not green taako is antisemitic, but it feels remiss not to mention that there’s been discussion) and therefore not part of any groups affected by this whole debacle, but in short: when pressed for more diversity, specifically in taako’s case as a pretty large chunk of his arc involves literally inventing a mexican cultural food (fun note: that’s never mentioned in this book,) carey pietsch decided he should be green and the mcelroys were down with it. this is not an issue that cropped up when this design was released; it was something that there was already a ton of discourse surrounding, and it should never have gotten concepts drawn, let alone made it to publish.
this article by natt cuesta has been linked before on the subject, and i think it’s a good, concise explanation of why green taako is bad as well as why aracial characters in general are bad. this is a racist design.
now that we’ve gotten those ethical ramifications out of the way... i’m sorry, but it’s an ugly design, lmao. he looks like a palette-swapped version of pearl from steven universe with less character. the ONLY thing about this design that i like is the prominent lower lashes, if only because they’re the only thing that keeps him from looking entirely generic. because, like, y’all, when has anything about taako been generic?
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[ID: a panel focusing on magnus. he’s a muscular fair-skinned man with auburn hair, a bushy beard, and a scar over his left eye.]
generic is a word that’s going to come up a lot over the course of this review, because i genuinely can’t think of a more apt descriptor for pietsch’s designs. it feels like she went with the lowest common denominator of every character’s design, a synthesis of all of the most popular (and most boring) ones, except in instances where that would lend any personality to a character’s design. magnus fits what brief description we’re given in the podcast: auburn hair. beard. big. and i guess that’s all you need?
i understand that by appealing to the most common and basic designs for these characters you’re inviting a lot less ire than you might by going with something more individual, so i get the motivation behind it -- or i would, if her designs hadn’t always been about this dull. but it’s bizarre to me that in a story as unique as the balance campaign, we ended up with the most basic ass Fantasy Hero lookin’ dude in the world as one of our protagonists.
i just really don’t have a lot to say about this. i’m just bored by it.
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[ID: a panel of merle. he has medium-dark skin with a smooth white bun and beard.]
merle is simultaneously the design i like most out of the boys and the one that throws me the most, because i feel like he’s the most out on a limb one. which... oof. most merle designs i see give him a floral motif (i guess he has a few petals in his hair, maybe?) and big coke-bottle glasses, and i miss those things with this design, but at least it doesn’t totally feel like pietsch threw every merle she could get her hands on into a blender and poured it out on a page, although honestly, that might have been more satisfying. people do some really fun shit with their merle designs, but again, he’s. generic.
as the cuesta article mentions, with how much of an issue it was to get any of the boys to be poc in the first place and in conjunction with minty up there, this design also feels like tokenism -- an appeasement rather than an honest attempt at diversity or god forbid because the artist actually headcanons merle as a person of color. personally, i wish that she’d gone a step beyond re-coloring his skin and idk given him a natural hairstyle or something. he still feels very much like a recolor to me rather than a character who was designed as a person of color from the beginning.
i feel like he looks more like a cleric than he looks like a merle, which i feel like is pretty contradictory to who merle is.
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[ID: a cutaway showing griffin, a white man with brown hair and glasses wearing a collared shirt.]
i’ve said before that it feels a little odd to talk about her design of a real person, so i’ll keep this brief, but... you know how every drawing of a basic white dude looks a little bit like griffin mcelroy? you know how that one arthur character looks a little bit like griffin mcelroy? you know how everyone is constantly messaging mysillycomics about how her avatar looks like griffin mcelroy?
how did carey pietsch manage to actively attempt to draw griffin mcelroy and miss the mark? it boggles the mind. he doesn’t not look like griffin, i guess, but he doesn’t look like griffin, either. i don’t know, man
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[ID: a generic gerblin. he has yellowy-green skin, slight tusks or fangs, and weird, nubby little horn-type things.]
i hate these gerblins. they are ugly. next
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[ID: two images of klaarg/g’nash. he’s a bugbear with brown fur and yellow eyes as well as a mouth full of pointy teeth. in the first image he looks pissed off; in the second he’s starry-eyed and delighted.]
klaarg is probably my favorite design in the book, and that’s just because he looks like a cute dog for most of the time he’s on the page. he’s fluffy and i love klaarg anyway, so like. did not take a lot to reach this mark. especially considering how i feel about most of the other designs lmfao
i do definitely think he keeps up the trend of looking generic, though.
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[ID: an image of barry bluejeans. he looks like tom arnold, kind of; he’s square-jawed and white with thick-rimmed glasses. he also has a light brown mullet.]
i hate this. i hate the mullet. i’m sorry, y’all, i really, truly, cannot stand the mullet. i don’t feel like barry has mullet energy. i feel like it’s too powerful a move for him. it wouldn’t be a good move, mind you, but it would be a big one. i don’t know y’all it’s just bad
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[ID: an image of killian. she’s a green-skinned orc woman with prominent eyelashes, eyebrows, and tusks, and straight brown hair.]
i can’t have been the only one who was hoping for a badass, visibly muscular, maybe even butch killian design, right? that wasn’t just me being a big old lesbian, that’s a pretty common theme of killian designs? i guess kudos for going out on a limb again, but then, like, take the kudos back for going out on the most boring limb possible again. i could hang with the face if her hair wasn’t so boring, but it’s... it’s so boring
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[ID: an image of magic brian. he’s a drow with long white hair and an oblong face and oddly shaped nose.]
for how many of her designs are syntheses of popular ones, i..... don’t understand how this happened. i don’t understand how whimiscal and flamboyant magic brian who’s often drawn as taako-but-a-goth-dark-elf ended up looking like this. he looks like he used to play football and got his nose busted up and peaked in fantasy high school. he looks like the first quarter of a monster factory video where the thing’s just ugly but doesn’t have a personality or any endearing traits yet. he didn’t have to be the goth twink we all know he is but what.......... is this
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[ID: an image of gundren rockseeker/bogard. he’s a light-skinned dwarf with dark long hair and a matching beard.]
..........listen i know they’re cousins and distant cousins at that but all of merle’s cousins are light-skinned and, like, not to say that that can’t happen but having them be anywhere near merle’s skin tone would’ve been such an easy way to help bolster the obviously inaccurate idea that this is a work concerned with diverse character designs, or rather to help ppl claim it was being bolstered, and yet
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[ID: avi, a fair-skinned man with long dark hair kept up in a ponytail and slight scruff on his face.]
i feel like maybe avi is intended to be east asian so i think at this point that brings the count up to a whole two characters of color. we’re almost done with the book. cool. he’s cute, i guess, but guess what word i’m about to say again (it’s generic)
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[ID: a panel of several unnamed cameo characters. from right to left: carey fangbattle, a light blue dragonborn; brad bradson, a green orc man with a long brown ponytail; and presumably lucas miller, a tan human with glasses and dark hair.]
ok. deep breaths.
first off, there’s another panel w these three as well as boyland, who looks fine, but i didn’t grab that one bc it’s harder to make out detail. carey is cute. brad is fine.
i assume the third guy is lucas miller because i’m not entirely sure who else he would be, and... oof! as you may know i can’t stand lucas miller, which has nothing to do with his necromancy or nerdiness and everything to do with the various human rights violations he commits in the small time he’s got focus as well as the fact that he’s got a theoretical redemption arc that’s not actually an arc so much as us being told he’s better now. lucas is an entitled jackass who repeatedly uses other people’s bodies and minds without their consent, from the obvious offense of using the bugbears as brainwashed chore-doers (read: slaves) to the less-oft discussed dragging of noelle and others out of the astral plane into robot bodies, again to do his chores for him. because of this, it has always sat very uncomfortably with me when people make lucas a poc, because everything about him screams Shitty White Nerd Boy to me. it sits extra uncomfortably coming from carey pietsch, given how white all of her other designs are.
it’s a little hard to tell because i took all these pics with my phone camera in my room’s lighting so they’re not super high fidelity or anything, but pietsch’s lucas is noticeably darker than any other character we’ve seen so far save merle. maybe he’s just a white guy with a tan, but all the same, it strikes me as incredibly skeevy to have one of so few characters of color be this fucking guy.
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[ID: johann, a black man with an oblong face and textured dark hair.]
johann’s design is fine, although this is a similar face shape to that brian from earlier and i just. i don’t. understand it. it’s not especially interesting, but hey, at least he’s not another generic white guy.
that being said, as i mentioned in part 1 of this review, johann’s role is severely cut in this -- he’s reduced to three panels, when in the show itself he’s the one who escorts the boys to the voidfish’s chamber and inoculates them. as i mentioned in that post i understand that they shifted it some to give lucretia a more prominent entrance, but as i also mentioned in that post, they should have compensated for that. three panels.
johann is not a character with a great deal of screentime as it is, but he’s a character with a major impact. he is the reason story and song happens. his song serves as a direct foil to john’s nihilistic conversion of his own home plane into the hunger. the fact that he’s been reduced to three panels with little to no characterization at this point, especially in conjunction with the fact that he’s one of very few poc, makes me really, really uncomfortable. avi is in more panels in this book than johann is, and while i love avi and as i said i am parsing him as an asian dude, he’s also still light-skinned enough and the style is nondescript enough that there are definitely people who will parse him as white, and also, avi’s role in the story is not as big as johann’s.
it doesn’t sit right with me.
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[ID: an image of davenport, a fair-skinned man with a big red mustache and slicked back red hair.]
ginger davenport with a big mustache. groundbreaking.
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[ID: an image of lucretia, a slender black woman with short white hair dressed in blue layers.]
and finally, lucretia. now, i’m biased, and it’s hard for me to see a lucretia design i don’t like. i also think that this is, compared to a lot of the others at least, one of the more interesting designs in the book, at least as far as her clothes go. it’s not a long robe that would be hard to move in, and i appreciate that -- it strikes me as a pretty practical outfit while also being ornamental and wizard-y. and she’s pretty, and she’s not whitewashed, and that’s all great. i like her earrings.
all that being said, i feel like it’s not enough. luc’s hair continues a theme with merle’s and johann’s (as well as the preview we’ve seen of angus,) which is that it strikes me as very low-effort on pietsch’s part. it’s short and it’s definitely not straight, but it doesn’t feel to me like it had as much thought put into it as, say, minty green taako’s hair. we could’ve had a lucretia with a big beautiful afro, or long box braids, or so many other natural hairstyles; we got this. it’s not bad, but i do think it’s disappointing. without going looking for it and without being a person who reads a great deal about character design, i’ve seen a fair amount of discussion from black women (artists, writers, and none of the above) about the portrayal of black women as it pertains to their hair. they’re never designed to be as feminine as their white counterparts. their hair is never treated with the same amount of detail or respect as their white counterparts. it’s short, maybe curly if you’re lucky.
i’m gonna circle back quickly to killian’s hair. it’s long and smooth and kept down, despite the fact that killian is an action-oriented women and might not want it to be in her face all the time -- it could have at least been braided or in a bun. it could’ve been short! and that would’ve made sense. and i don’t mean to say that lucretia couldn’t have short hair, but she’s a very elegant woman whose dress is described as intricate. she wears business regalia. she could have any number of hairstyles, from something elaborate to something simple but more out-of-the-box than this, but she doesn’t. i found this on a quick hunt through my ref tag -- it’s a tutorial for drawing black folks with just a small selection of interesting things you can do with afrotextured hair. these resources aren’t hard to find! and i’m doing this for fun -- carey pietsch is a professional artist who was paid for these designs. if she’d put in more than the bare minimum effort, we could’ve had some really interesting shit going on, but she didn’t.
and that’s the core of the issue here. i truly do not feel like pietsch put the same amount of care into the designs for the few characters of color we see as she did into the white ones, and that’s upsetting and emblematic of a larger problem in the work: neither pietsch nor the mcelroys put in very much care at all for the fans of color who spoke up and asked for representation.i know i said i was getting taako out of the way first so the majority of the post could be goof-heavy, but goddamn, y’all, it’s hard to goof about when it’s so blatantly shitty. pietsch’s designs are boring at best and racist at worst, not to mention conspicuously lacking in anyone who is not skinny, muscular, or a dwarf. people have praised this thing so uncritically, including people whose opinions i generally really respect, as if the fact that the mcelroys signing off on green taako made it above reproach.
it didn’t, by the way. there’s no such thing as an unproblematic fav, because everybody fucks something up now and then, but even then, this is a pretty egregious fuck-up! and it was willful!
i’m not saying y’all need to burn your copies of the gn or stop listening to the mcelroys entirely or anything of the sort -- you may remember the disclaimer at the top of the post where i say i really, really love them, and more specifically, i really love taz: balance. but i am BEGGING YOU to think critically about their work. good, good boys can do bad, bad things. white people can produce work that’s racist even if they’re gay women. it’s not mean to critique the boys and it’s not homophobic (or god forbid reverse racist, which is still not a real thing) to critique carey.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the real kicker of this whole thing for me is that there’s a small fanart gallery in the back of the book. most of them aren’t labeled with the artist’s handles, just their names, but there are some truly beautiful pieces featuring diverse designs -- galacticjonah and milkychai both have beautiful latino taakos featured! galacticjonah’s is fat, too! but even after the backlash against green taako, even aside from that being the design that people are going to accept as canonical, there are pieces in the gallery of green taako, as if doubling down on it was the right move.
and by the way, yeah, i’ve read griffin’s apology. but i thought we all learned in kindergarten that an apology doesn’t count if you don’t act on it.
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ellie-bee242 · 6 years
Money Make Her $mile - Part 3
I’m literally only tagging my wifey @wittystiles​ because she is the reason anyone ever got to see this story in the first place.
Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4
Chapter 3: Come Closer
Song rec: All We Do by Trey Songz, Skin by Rihanna The songs play in the story so play this in order if that’s your thing :)
Warnings: Listen, it’s been forever since I read over this chapter. Swearing is a safe bet cause it’s p much a fixture in my fics. Obvi a lap dance. Other than that it’s a surprise for both you and me lmfao. Gif not really related but like. It’s safe per tumblrs new fucked up standards and also Aesthetic so.
Tumblr media
Two weeks later, Mitch was still coming into the club to watch Alexis dance. He would drop a minimum of three hundred dollars on her with each performance. Sometimes he’d give her even more. He followed her when one of the other girls asked to switch platforms, hoping to get some of Mitch’s generosity.
Now Alexis was coming back in after having changed shifts with the same girl, who’d been hoping to get Mitch’s attention when Alexis wasn’t present at all.
“Alexis!” The girl snapped the second the brunette had stepped into the dressing room.
“Rose, what’s wrong?” Alexis asked, confused on why she’d taken that tone.
“That guy! He came in while you were gone, and he gave me ones.” The bleached blonde huffed. Alexis frowned in confusion.
“I swear he’s never done that to me.” She promised.
“Maybe he just likes Alexis, and wants to get her attention.” Another girl piped up as she teased her hair at her vanity. Alexis snorted, thinking if only they knew the real reason.
After Rose’s complaint she realized that Mitch was probably trying to buy her continued silence. She refused to acknowledge why the information gave her a twinge of melancholy as she sat down at her vanity and began applying her makeup.
The second she stepped out into the main space Bryce caught her arm and tugged her across the room to a long hallway lined with doors.
“Bryce, what the hell?” She demanded.
“You’ve got a private lap dance lined up.” He told her.
“Okay, with who?” She huffed, tugging her arm free and massaging it to get her circulation back.
“That new regular of yours, he’s in room eight. Get in there and make sure we both get a good tip.” He pushed her down the hall when she didn’t immediately move.
“Uh-...” She hesitated. “The cameras are on right?” She asked.
“Of course they’re on. Now go. Make him happy because happy people blow more money.” Bryce huffed. Alexis sent him a quick glare before hesitantly opening the door and slipping inside room 8. She turned to face the room once the door was closed and locked, ensuring that no one accidentally stumbled in and disturbed them.
Mitch was standing casually in the middle of the room with his back to her, his form dressed in an all black suit, glancing around as if he was only politely interested in his surroundings. He turned when she cleared her throat, effectively getting his attention.
“Have a seat on the chair.” She directed as she walked over to queue a song up on the digital stereo that was built into the wall. The leather padding on the glorified folding chair made unpleasant noises as Mitch sat down on it, and when she glanced back she found him spread on it as if he was perfectly at home, his posture lax, his knees spread to each side of the chair, but his hands were obediently resting against the back legs of the small chair, since he wasn’t allowed to touch her unless she said so. “Comfortable?” She asked.
“As I can be, yes.” He nodded, leaning his torso back to rest against the back of the chair. She nodded and pressed play on the music before making her way over to him as her song of choice began flooding the room with its enticing beat.
She stood in front of him and softly placed her hands on his shoulders for support as she moved her legs to straddle one of his thighs. She started off with a slow grind, swirling her hips back and forth while her hands moved from his shoulders down to his chest. She settled her hands against his ribs underneath the suit coat, her fingers feeling the heat of his skin through the thin material of his black dress shirt as she all but rode his thigh.
She felt his eyes on her and ignored them as best she could, keeping her gaze down, her eyes half lidded as she stared at her hands on him. She had to move to hold his upper arms when they inched forward after a particularly hard rotation of her hips that brought her leg brushing up against his groin. He huffed out a breath, probably in annoyance over being reminded of his restrictions, and she stood up before flipping around so her back was to him, her legs on either side of his other thigh. She settled back down on him and pulled her hair from her back so he had an unobstructed view as her ass wiggled teasingly close to his hips but didn’t quite touch.
The smallest sound, not quite a groan but close, floated to her ears and she felt a small smirk steal across her lips, feeling powerful with the control she held over him in that moment.
She leaned her back up against his chest, consequently pushing her chest out for his viewing pleasure, and snaked a hand up around the back of his neck and into his hair. The position brought her backside in direct contact with his crotch and she bit her lip against the urge to smile at feeling his hard length pressing up against her.
Normally she’d be annoyed, counting the seconds and waiting for the blissful moment when the dance would be over and she could be paid, but Mitch wasn’t her usual type of customer. He wasn’t fat, balding, and sweaty, eagerly waiting and hoping that she’d allow him to put his hands all over her. He was built with lean muscle, unnervingly attractive, and poised in the way that a lion was as he coiled waiting for his chance to pounce. He had a predatory danger in the air about him and it thrilled Alexis as much as it scared her.
Her head leaned back against his shoulder and her eyes opened, unsure of when she had closed them, but remained hooded as she met his focused stare. His honey eyes were dark, whether from the dim lighting in the room or his arousal she couldn’t puzzle out, and his looked at her as if waiting. She didn’t know if it was that anticipating look or what, but she found herself turning her head and speaking into his ear.
“Feel free to touch me, if you’d like.” She breathed. His hand met the outside of her left leg, his touch almost hesitant as his fingers curled into the soft skin lightly and his palm dragged up higher. When she closed her eyes and hummed at the warm feeling he allowed his other hand to grab at her hip, his pinky finger dipping just under the edge of her metallic black shorts.
“Where am I allowed to touch?” His low voice asked against her ear.
“I’ll tell you if I don’t like where your hands wander.” She promised. With that open ended consent his touch began to roam across her exposed skin, looking for his boundaries.
He didn’t meet them, even when his fingers moved across her leg to her inner thigh, gripping and pulling her legs open wider. She felt his other hand trail up across her stomach to the bottom of her sternum, and had to withhold a shiver when his fingertips just barely teased their way underneath the fabric in the middle of her metallic black bikini top.
The song was drawing to a close and her grinding slowed, drawing out the feeling until the last note played. She stopped but didn’t immediately stand like she normally would, eager to get away from the client that was usually panting across the back of her neck. Mitch’s hands moved away from their provocative spots and settled on her hips.
“Can I pay for another?” He asked, his voice the epitome of calm even as she felt him twitch through his slacks against her backside.
“If you want, I can give you the second dance now and you can pay after.” She offered, standing up and stepping away from him, mourning the loss of touch as his hands slipped away from her body.
“I would like that, then.” He agreed and she nodded before heading back over to the audio control panel. She selected another song and walked back over.
“Any requests on how you want me?” She asked coyly. He took her hand in his and pulled her forward until she was standing over his thigh again.
“I don’t mind, as long as you’re facing me.” He smirked, watching her settle herself along his leg. “Can I still touch you?” He asked as he released her hand.
“If you’d like.” She shrugged, acting aloof. His hands moved to rest against her hips, loosely holding her as the new song started up and she resumed the grinding rotation of her hips against his body. Her rhythm matched perfectly to the music, her hips working over him slowly when the melody dragged out slow and sensual, and then she quickened her pace when the music picked up. She changed position, going from straddling one of his thighs to swinging her leg over his other until her hips were flush against his. She felt him push his hips up the slightest bit and nearly forgot to hold in her groan as she slowly dragged her hips back and forth across him.
Her hands moved along her own body, her fingertips trailing slowly up her ribs before she turned her palms around and began pushing her hands up over her chest to her neck and up into her hair as she leaned her torso back. She came back up with her chest mere inches from his face as her hands landed on his shoulders. Her hair curtained their faces as her fingers snaked up around the back of his neck and wove into his hair. She tugged gently and he tipped his head back in compliance, staring up at her with his now nearly black eyes.
“If you’re here to make sure I’m not talking to anyone about what happened, I promised I wouldn’t tell a single soul and I don’t break promises.” She said just loud enough to be heard over the music. Her mouth opened in an involuntary exhale when his hands slid down over her ass and gripped it tightly, tugging her over him roughly.
“I’m here because I paid for a lap dance, Alexis.” He taunted.
“You know what I meant.” She gave a deliberately firm grind against him and watched his eyelids lower slightly for a second as his jaw clenched before his gaze focused back on her.
“You interest me, Alexis. I want to learn more about you.” He explained earnestly.
“You could have come by and asked me to coffee, Mitch.” She teased. “Then you’d only be blowing four fifty instead of three hundred dollars every night.”
“I couldn’t care less about how much money it would take to entice you, Alexis. And if I’d approached you outside your apartment would you really have agreed to accompany me?” He pointed out.
“I would.” She promised.
“Out of fear.” He clarified. She didn’t deny it and he shook his head. “That’s not what I want from you. I don’t want you to comply with what I want because you’re afraid of telling me ‘no’.” He explained.
“So stalking me at work is a better option?” She snarked before she could stop herself. He simply grinned, happy that she’d revealed a sliver of her true sass to him.
“I’m a paying customer, Alexis.” He smirked.
“Lexi.” She corrected as the song ended. “I prefer Lexi. If you’re going to keep calling me by name.” She added.
“Alright, Lexi.” He agreed, releasing his hold on her body to allow her to get up. She stepped away and fixed the areas of her outfit that had been tugged out of place while Mitch reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He stood and handed her a few bills folded in half. “Thank you for the dance.” He said politely, buttoning his suit coat closed before he turned and left.
It was only once he was gone and she was left alone in the dark room that Lexi realized just how much his touch had affected her, as she felt a dull wanting ache throb from low in her gut.
< C2 - - C4 >
I’m not gonna re-add tags cause that’s just an annoying waste of time lmfao.
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System introduction.
Greetings, we are the Club of Homies, also known as the Homies’ club. We are currently a system of 26 and this will be a brief introduction of the ones of us that are comfortable with writing something. 
( n ) = nicknames.
Benji ( n ) : They / Them, Main host, Middle ground of system, Teen alter.
assuh dudes. im benji, the main host of the homie’s club. i enjoy art, baseball, memes and listening to trap music. im taken by axel, the main host from @fragmentedcollectors. theyre my best friend of many years, whos also the most adorable ginger in the world and i always want to spend time to with them because theyre fucking precious. a random fact about me is that i have a shit ton of water bottles because i have an unquenchable thirst.
Benevolence : She / Her, Insider / connected to Benji, Teen alter.
Hello, I’m Benevolence but you can call me Bene for short! I like watching makeup tutorials, kinky stuff, and dramatic love movies! I’m a bit of a talkative person and definitely am not able to keep my mouth shut when I’m interested in a topic discussion. I love the 90s fashion style and have a bit of a mixed music taste. I have a twin and two sort of brother figures in my life, one of them being Benji; We’re a very tightly interwoven family of sorts and I adore them all very much. Feel free to talk to me, I’m not very mean!
Vincent : He / Him, Protector, System manager, Leader.
Greetings, everyone, My name is Vincent. I am the main system manager of the Homies’ Club, working with many others to make sure that my system is stable and that all the alters in my system are always in a good state. I am one of the most flexible alters when it comes to jobs around my system and I am often seen working many jobs. Though despite me always being busy, I am currently in a happy and content companionship with James (@ceruleansaturdays). Some facts about me are that I enjoy songs from the 60s to the 90s and also have a leaning preference to always wearing suits.  Thank you for reading. 
Ace : They / Them, Main rationalist, System manager, Second in command.
My name is Ace, I’m the main rationalist of my system and the second in command, working under Vincent and his counterpart. I’m happily fucking taken by Al, the main rationalist of the Fragmented Collectors (@rationalisticsinner), so if you direct any flirty shit at me, expect to get quickly shut down. I’m in charge of how most of the system runs and am the one that usually takes charge in making plans. I generally don’t type in perfect grammar but for the sake of this introduction, I will. Just don’t fuck with my system and we’ll be on a good note. ♠️
Sky ( n ) : She / Her, Main caretaker of H, Emotional alter.
Hello! My name is Sky, I am the main caretaker of the child alter in my system, H. I love the colour yellow, flowers, spending time with children, reading on sunny afternoons, hot chocolate and having soft lights in rooms. I’ve been told that I’m a very friendly person and that I am a little too nice but caring for everyone is just part of my personal values. I love spending time during special days of the year, such as Halloween and Easter as that’s when I’m able to spoil H and see him have fun! : )
Jonathan : He / Him, Second unconsciousness.
what’s up? name’s jonathan. i’m an alter that’s usually responsible for the vessel falling asleep, not the main one as that’s usually my girlfriend, monet but.. as she’s not able to do the role right now, i’ve taken over. i like sleeping on couches and in the car while music is playing in the background. i’m interested in poetry, photography and am always a sucker for astrology because I just love looking up at the night sky and identifying constellations. i’m not much of a fronter as i generally only come out when it’s time to sleep but i am hoping to sometimes spend some time writing here. 
Evan : He / Him, Insider, Connected to unconsciousness.
Hey Tumblr, my name is Evan. I’m part of the small group of alters who play the role as unconsciousness ( Monet, Jon, Leo and myself ). We all used to be merged together until recently this year when we all decided to fully split and become our own people, though it’s unfortunate that by doing that, the numbers of alters increased but we all really did want to live individual lives instead of being one all the time. I like bands such as Panic!AtTheDisco, Falling in Reverse and Set It Off and prefer to nap during the late afternoons on beds. My best friend is Leo and there’s no one I’d rather ever be with than him because of how nice and caring he always is. 
Leonard : He / Him, Insider, Connected to unconsciousness, Fragmented.
Heeeeeey everyone, my name is Leonard but Leo for short. I’m part of the unconsciousness crew and am a pretty down to earth guy. I’m like the type of guy that sends you wholesome appreciation memes at 3am when you’re not having a good night so I guess you can consider me as a pretty good friend lol. Despite me always being tired and sleepy, I really do like spending time outside and sleeping in the sun or under a shady tree is always like the best thing ever. I also am very huggy and am a bit of a foodie. Will be honest though, my cooking skills aren’t like Gordon Ramsey quality, kinda just chucking stuff into a pot until it tastes good lmfao. Anyways, that’s me, just a random guy. ;)
- Leo
Ikere : They / Them, Insider, Emotional protector, Slider alter.
Heya~ <3 uwu My name is Ikere, I am an emotional protector of the system and is an alter that specializes in the love department, in the aspect of relationships and crushes. I adore people, love songs, walking in the park during spring and writing love letters and poetry. I like watching fashion shows, makeup videos, and anime in my free time. I’ve been told that I’m a good person to chat to and that I’m very nice so, if anyone would ever like to talk to me about interest or just about life in general, I’m always happy to meet someone new! uvu <3 
Avian : He / Him, Rationalist, Teen alter.
Hello, my name is Avian. I am much like the teenage version of Ace and we both are obviously very close and share many of the same things, such as similar signatures, food choices and music tastes. I am the backup rationalist in this system and work with Ace most of the time as well as with my own friend group whenever errands need to be run. I am taken to BZ in the Fragmented Collectors so like Ace said in their introduction, please do not try anything with me, I’m simply not interested in anyone else. Thank you for reading. Avian ♠️ .
Bradley : They / Them, Insider, Teen alter.
What’s up, Tumblr? I’m Brad, a teenager stuck between a punk and normal sense of style. I’m the younger sibling of Siobhan and have always wanted to grow up to be like her because she’s honestly pretty cool, despite her weird ways of eating takeaway at 2 in the morning and watching rock band interviews on Youtube. I like drawing and doodling on my hands and arms and I’m really into sci-fi stuff. I love my friends and I couldn’t ever live without them because they generally really complete my life and make me happy. In the future, we all plan to get matching tattoos. ^^’ Bradley
Siobhan : She / Her, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
Hey party animals, I’m Siobhan, leader of a group in the Homies’ Club and kinda always just co-leading with Vincent.. or at least just supporting the system. I’d describe myself as a pretty gay, punk, rebellious lover of technology and rock who also likes eating junk food and burgers instead of salads because who the fuck wants to eat kale and lettuce?? But yeah, I love rock music, leather jackets, tattoos, and burgers. My favourite band is Hollywood Undead and you best believe I jam out to their songs whenever I’m fronting. Not much else about me honestly, I’m just a simple chick. 
Marien : He / Him, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
what’s up my dudes and dudettes? i’m just a promiscuous nerdy blond punkster you can call Marien. i’m chill, relatively loud sometimes and love being with my friends or people I just genuinely like. i love video games, cyberpunk shit, loud music and watching people fail, gives me joy. i enjoy being reckless and a little too energetic sometimes and am usually the one at parties who jumps onto the table and chugs two bottles of beer before raiding the person’s fridge for food and passing out in a bush the next morning, so i guess you can call me the life of the party haha. anyways hmu whenever, totally free to chat
Marien Ⓐ
Nathaniel : He / Him, Internal self helper, Slider alter.
Hello, I’m Nathaniel. :D I really like pop music, the colour green, birds and coding. My wardrobe is always filled with green sweaters, hoodies and my favourite beanies. All the people in my friend group are my best friends and I always treasure my laptop and phone because they’re my most precious belongings. A lot of the times I make spelling mistakes but thankfully a lot of my friends point it out to me and I sometimes use an app to correct everything! Technology, ducks, and cereal are honestly my favourite things! Nathaniel :D
Oli ( n ) : She / Her, Emotional alter, Teen alter
Hi, my name is Oli. I love everything pastel, comfortable sweaters, and blankets. I have a little bit of trust issues and I’ll be honest, I’m not the strongest alter out there so I am very dependent on others sometimes. I like making cheesecakes, taking care of plants and sketching up fictional characters. I do promise that I’m nice and very approachable! :o <3 
Mallory : He / Him, Persecutor / Perpetrator, Slider alter. 
Hello. My name is Mallory but do feel free to call me Mal. I’m not an alter that usually fronts but I am a very important alter in this system, just preferring to spend time in my own place. I like to spend most of my time in the dark and with the people I like. Other than that, I also do like laughing. Always helps lift up the mood. 
Anyways, that is a short introduction from most of us. We’ll be posting and reblogging whenever we have time. Do feel free to chat if you’d all like, we’re always happy to make new friends.
- TheClubOfHomies
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