#I hurt an old woman because she shit in my sink
nectardaddy · 2 months
'88 Ford | Kita Shinsuke
chapter seven | stupid
no smau parts in this one, she's long
track seven . . . tourniquet
cw/notes: hurt/comfort (it's zach bryan's fault blame him), shit gets real country too oof, excuse me while I write a self indulgent blurb of how a father should be :'), nostalgic feelings, I proofread to the best of my ability
a very, very, very special shout out: thank you @mollyrolls @causenessus @froyaoya for listening to me talk about this WAY too much and letting me bother tf out of you guys over it. not to get sappy on main but genuinely thank you for all the comments, tags, and loving it as much as I do!!! I am forever in your favor for this
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"Because you're important to me." "You're just saying that, Shinsuke. There's nothing important about me at all." "Everything about you is important to me."
Three days ago - without a word since.
The woman sighed as she looked in the mirror, smudged with finger prints and specks of dust. Taking in her reflection with blurry eyes; the image of a woman with black and blue staining her right eye staring back at her. Swelling gone down from a bag of frozen peas, god forbid they had a real ice pack, still left on the kitchen table and forgotten about entirely.
It was stupid. A worker started something, she finished it. They swung first, though being thoroughly provoked, and she ended it. Winding herself up so tight from the conversation days prior, she found herself more standoffish than normal. Constantly thinking about it, never a waking moment without the words "you're important to me" haunting her. Racking her brain so much as to why he stopped talking to her since, her head hurt from the thoughts that pounded her skull.
So, it truly wasn't her fault the skin of her knuckles were bruised and busted, and her eye tender and discolored. It was his - goddamn Kita Shinsuke. At least that's what she told herself, shifting blame because it felt better. Because it ate her alive every glance he still gave her, despite his lack of words; always locking eyes for a fraction a second before he broke it with a nervous air about him.
Anger was easier to swallow than dejection. It was hot and fluid, boiling through shallow veins easily and bubbling over; while sadness was the lack there of, uncomfortable, and made her stomach turn. She'd rather feel the singe of rage than the emptiness of sorrow.
A door slam caught her attention, gaze snapping towards the sound; thoughts ceased as she watched the figure of her father near the bathroom door. Propping herself up by her hands on the sink, she closed her eyes and sighed once more; expecting the inevitable scolding.
"Did they deserve it?" An unexpected question that made her reopen her eyes, seeing him in the doorway with a ghost of a frown.
"Did you win?"
"Of course I did."
There was a pause. A length that lingered a bit too long, hearing the sink faucet drip water into the old porcelain, until he let out a sigh. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his work jacket, he turned. Stepping away from the bathroom door and into the small hallway; she followed.
"You gonna' tell me what's going on? Or are you gonna' keep skulking around here with a stick up your ass?"
"Rude," rolling her eyes at his words. "Nothing's goin' on." She crossed her arms over her chest, as if to guard herself, to keep the thoughts that wanted to flow out of her locked deep within. Unfortunately for her, he saw right through it. A bad habit of picking up more twang in her words when she lied, always becoming defensive to the point her accent was the focal point of discussion.
"You never were a good liar," he nearly chuckled at the woman in front of him. "You sound like a hick." He added, "so are you gonna' fess up? Or keep pickin' fights with workers?"
"They had it coming." A snarkiness shining through as she huffed out a breath; moving past him in the hallway as to further herself from the conversation. "And pickin' fights sounds pretty fun to me, honestly."
"Yeah? Well it ain't fun seeing my daughter with a black eye." His comment made her falter, stopping mid step just before the quant living area. Another sigh left her lips. It wasn't as if she didn't want to tell her father, it was bringing up the sickly feelings that came along with it. Admitting that it hurt, caused an emptiness, and made her ill to think about it.
"It's stupid."
"It ain't stupid if it has you out here raising hell."
Another pause, and feeling her father's worry made her want to wretch. To heave and slink right back into her skin; feeling all the more worse that she caused him panic in the slightest. She turned back to look at him a moment - she frowned, crumbling right there on the spot. Maybe it was her father's eyes swimming with concern, or maybe she just couldn't keep it in anymore. Which ever it was, she felt her heart fall to the pits of her stomach and she swallowed hard to fight the lump in her throat.
"Shinsuke said I was important to him and now he won't talk to me anymore, dad," voice cracking as she took a step towards him. She watched as his features fell through blurry eyes, and for a moment she believed she said the wrong thing. Tears slipped down her cheeks as she stood in front of him; he sighed.
"C'mere," holding out his arms to which she wholeheartedly obliged. Hugging him like her life depended on it - crying. Haven't shed a single tear in years, refusing to feel such hollow and empty emotions, it poured out of her. Shaking, clinging to her father, as she finally let her emotions swallow her completely.
"I'm in love with him. And I feel so fucking stupid because he doesn't even love me back; he won't even speak to me."
"I remember when he first got here," conflicting the tone of the conversation all together. "I never in my life thought you'd fall for someone so quiet." A seemingly random thought, but he continued all the same. "But then I saw how he looked at you and I realized why you liked him so much."
"What the hell are you talkin' about?"
"Maybe you don't see it, through that black eye and angst you have goin' on, but that boy is in love with you."
"He's not in love with me."
He pulled away from the woman slowly, looking in her eyes with a care that was meant for only her, but a seriousness that was as deadly as a heart attack. Holding her gently by her shoulders, he gave her a sad smile. "I don't like arguin' with you, you give me hell for it every time. But you're wrong."
She stood there a moment, looking at her father through foggy eyes. Features wet and tear stained, a numbing pain singing the right side of her face; irritating her bruised eye further. "Well, if you're so smart, why isn't he talkin' to me?"
He saw the puzzled expression on her face and couldn't help but laugh. "Because men are stupid." A statement he told her often, one she always laughed about, but held onto like a lifeline now. After every fight, every argument, and every failed past relationship; always telling her 'men are stupid. Don't let their stupidity stop you from doing shit.'
"So what should I do about it?" Breath stopped in her throat at the thought of the man actually being in love with her. A sickly sensation swirling in her stomach that didn't feel like the cliché butterflies, it felt like spiders. The feeling slowly caught up to her as her tears leisurely stopped. Eating away at her until she caught herself being frustrated all over again.
"Don't let it stop you from doing shit," he chuckled. "Tell him to stop being stupid."
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@wyrcan @chizunata @seroh @chemiru @froyaoya
@h3xi2g0n3 @localgaytrainwreck @mollyrolls @causenessus @diorzs
@rory-cakes @phoenix-eclipses @pattys-got-cakes @girlkissersco
@jaynawayna @aliensstolemyheart @le000xxgrd @cherrypieyourface @miliondollagirl
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bunniekittiee · 11 months
Hi!! Do you think you could possibly do some hcs for sissy x fem! reader? Fluff, angst, anything you'd like!
Gotcha! I’ll do fluffy/angsty headcanons because I don’t think there’s a lot of that for Sissy! Also this is really my first time writing for fem x fem so I’m trying lol
Sissy x Fem. Reader
Sissy has always been a ‘hippie’ at heart. She’s always wanted to be adventurous and free.
When running around with the Manson Cult, as she stayed there the longest, she experienced her many shares of male and female sexual partners.
So she doesn’t deny anyone because of gender or race. She’s free, she is happy with whoever.
When Sissy lays eyes on her, she knows that’s who she wants. That’s the girl she wants to take home to the family. Maybe even get her to work with the family.
Sissy is a daydreamer, and after meeting her, Sissy daydreams about her frequently.
She hoped that Johnny wouldn’t sink his teeth into her. He always got the girls he wanted, and she wanted this one for herself.
She would just have to beat him to the punch. And she did.
Sissy was v nice, she was warm and welcoming to her and that reeled her in.
Despite Sissy being sweet, she still has her blood thirsty tendencies.
And like the Slaughters/Sawyers, Sissy cannot convey her feelings in a healthy way, so she will kidnap the woman she’s interested in.
She’s not as mean as Johnny, but if she defies Sissy or isn’t open to being with her, Sissy will get angry and inflict pain.
That’s the only way she really knows how to convey her anger properly.
But Sissy will apologize, whether she means it or not is a mystery. She can be sincere, it really depends.
She’s affectionate, she will clean up her s/o while they’re tied up and bathe them, she will clothe them in clean clothes, she will try to feed them even if they rejected it.
She cared more than Johnny or the twins would for their s/o’s.
Once Stockholm Syndrome sets in, she is glad to see how stuck to the hip her girlfriend is.
She always follows Sissy around even if she’s doing chores or working on a few things. Sissy is happy as she likes to be in the presence of her girlfriend.
It makes her feel more connected and she likes that feeling.
Taunts Johnny when he eyeballs them and he sulks off. He was supposed to get the pretty ones, not Sissy.
Sissy thinks it’s funny.
When her s/o’s period starts, Sissy pampers her. She sympathizes how painful it can be, so she’s more than willing to help.
As long as she repays the effort back to Sissy when she doesn’t feel well. If she doesn’t, there will be consequences.
Arguments are not often, but when they happen, they can be scary.
Sissy will threaten her girlfriend with a knife or whatever is near that can kill her when it’s bad. She will get in her s/o’s face and is not afraid to fight it out.
Yes, she may be more sympathetic and loving than the others (besides Bubba ofc), but she is still a little unhinged.
She will hurt her girlfriend when she’s angry and afterwards, she may or may not feel bad about it. She will take care of the wound, but that’s not safe to say she feels bad.
It really just depends.
Sissy will stick up for her girlfriend if Nancy or Drayton gives her shit. She doesn’t really care for Nancy, and Drayton is just a mean old bastard.
No one will be mean to her lover, not even Johnny.
Sissy will fight Johnny for her s/o and even if she gets hurt, she doesn’t care. She was fighting for what’s hers.
The Slaughters and Sawyers do not like to share what’s theirs.
Sissy may still have murderous tendencies, but she can genuinely love another person romantically.
She just shows it in her own ways.
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maggyme13 · 3 months
Moving above the Underworld (1/?)
Ellie just moved into a new flat. Introducing herself to her downstairs neighbor with a cake she did not realize what the future held for her and him. And what had an asshole coworker to do with it?
AN: I never saw Sand Castle and only know about Captain Syverson because of the Henry Cavill Character Rabbithole of Fanfiction. But I thought he would fit the best (visually), so I chose him.
Don´t like-> Don´t Read Minors DNI
Warning: asshole Coworkers, This Series WILL contain dubcon! Wordcount: Around 2k
Masterlist Series-Masterlist
„Finally, the last box is empty. Only took me- what- a month?“, the young woman groaned. Her back was hurting from lifting too much heavy lumber at work. “Now, I gotta get food in the oven and take my hard owned shower. And why am I talking to myself again? If he hears me, he won´t look at me all grumpy but as I am crazy as well. Gotta tone it down, Ellie.” Stripping her dusty work clothes, she made her way into the small bathroom of her apartment. It had dark gray tiles on the floor, with Creme-colored walls, a toilet, a bathtub with a shower, and a sink with a mirrored cabinet above it. Her washing machine and dryer were in a small adjoined room next door. “Still got to introduce myself to my neighbor properly. Now that he is back from his holidays. Guess I could bake something. What do I have in the pantry? What do I have… Flour, sugar, eggs, milk, chocolate, baking powder. Mhm...”, she continued thinking out loud while washing her longish dark-blonde hair and face, “I could make some Straciatella cake with chocolate topping and split one dough into two servings. I could do with something sweet for my breaks.” Ellie fought getting some dried varnish off her arms. “Tomorrow is Friday. That means he should be home when I get off work, right? I still can leave it at his door with a note either way.” Dressed in some of her most comfortable clothes and with her hair up in a towel Ellie ate her Pizza while also preparing the cake dough. If she sat down to eat, she knew she would never be able to get back up and get her shit done. “Note to myself: Get more painkillers at the pharmacy tomorrow.”, she groaned again when a sting of pain spread through her spine, “Would only be half this bad if the idiot would have helped me instead of taking like ten smoke breaks.” She had just placed the pan in the oven when the sound of a door closing and being locked reached her ears; her neighbor was leaving it seemed. He was always gone at strange and unscheduled times, and the woodworker wondered what his job was that he had no schedule. But she was too shy to ask. Not that it was any of her business. “Forty minutes to wait. Hope this works out.” ___
Before she left her flat, she quickly the molten chocolate over the cakes so it would be ready once she returned late that afternoon. “Let´s see if I can even move tonight. Would be nice though.”, she wondered aloud after one last stretch. Just when she wanted to open the front door it was opened from the outside. Her neighbor had returned. He was a giant of a man. Nearly two meters in height with shaved hair, a short full beard, and muscles. His arms were close to the width of her lower legs, his torso as wide as an old beer keg, and his legs fit the rest of that body. When Ellie had seen him the first time she had believed a god stood before her. Cheesy, she knew, but that was the first thought that had crossed her mind. As usual, he was wearing all black: Black shirt, trousers, and shoes. That showed off his tattoo-covered arms and the crook of his neck. He was no one she wanted to cross paths with when he was angry or in a dark alleyway. “G-Good morning.”, she greeted as usual with a small smile on her lips. “´Morning.”, he rumbled back, not cold but tired sounding. Listening to her music, Ellie made her way to the nearby subway station that would bring her to her workplace. Each day she traveled one hour to and from work. And whenever she had to make overtime, she hated it even more.
“G-Good evening, Sir. I am sure- cut that- I know you know I moved into the flat a-above you a few weeks back. I- I had no time to introduce myself properly so here I am. Name´s Ellie Miller. I am a skilled Woodworker. Please let me know if I am too loud or do something wrong. And I can leave my number in case something happens.”, she stumbled over her words. Far too shy and nervous standing in front of her neighbor. “Mhrmm.”, he answered quirking one of his eyebrows. His gray eyes staring right into her soul it seems. “Oh- I. I made a cake as an introductory gift. I hope you are not allergic to anything.”, Ellie handed him the box with the cake, “I will leave you to it then. Ha- Have a nice evening.” Fighting the urge to bow (whichever), the woman turned and walked back up to her apartment, feeling his eyes on her back until she closed the door behind her. “That was scary.”, she breathed out, her back pressed against the closed door. The box was returned to her the next Monday morning, clean and with a note that stated: ´Thank you. Welcome to the house.´ The grateful smile that danced around her lips after reading those words only left when she stepped into the workshop and was met by her favorite coworker. He was in his early forties, friends with the boss, and believed women belonged behind a counter and not a band- or circular saw. But he could not get rid of her. Both her work ethic and the results of her work were perfect and not once a customer complained about her. “Boss wants to have a word with you.”, he sneered and Ellie sighed. What had she done now? “You wanted to see me, Sir?”, she asked once stepped into the office. “Your new tasks. Make sure not to mess them up this time. And no more leaving early. Now back to work!”, her Boss told her without looking at her at all. “Yes, Sir.”, she mumbled, taking the binders with her. She had three weeks to build a whole (though small) kitchen, one bedroom interior, one sideboard beneath a sink, and an office table. “Oh joy, over time. Again.”, she groaned, her head hitting the top of her workstation, “At least the table and bedroom are made of oak. We have enough of that lying around. Let´s get that done, I guess. No moving tonight again. Yayy.”
It was the Saturday after she had finished the given tasks (with high praises from the customers) and was finally able to relax a bit. And that usually meant doing nothing (productive) all day long, wearing her most comfortable clothes (or sleepwear), maybe some baking, and reading. This time her choice fell on a simple but delicious apple cake with cinnamon-sugar crumbles, and so she got to work. “This one will taste incredible with some fresh whipped cream.”, Ellie hummed. She had last made it a few months back and she yearned for it now that she smelled it again. Her kitchen was clean, she grabbed a cup of tea and launched herself into her couch with the book she was reading at that moment in time. “DAMN. It smells like a bakery in here! I am getting hungry just standing here.”, a man exclaimed in the hallway. He seemed to have a Latin-American accent,” Didn´t know you could use a kitchen without blowing it up.” “My neighbor. She tends to do it often.”, her neighbor answered in a neutral tone. “Think I could ask for some?”, the first man asked and Ellie perked up. “We have shit to do.”, now her neighbor sounded slightly annoyed. “Spoilsport.”, that last mumble of the foreigner made her chuckle, and decided to put some cake and whipped cream in a container and hang it on her neighbor's doorknob. A whole sheet was far too much for one person to eat. Even though when that person was a bit chubby. Two hours later, she did just that, with a small note attached that read: ´I overheard you earlier. Sorry for listening in. I made far too much for one person, so please enjoy it. I hope it was okay that I placed it on your doorknob. I did not want to interrupt whatever you were doing ~ Ellie.´ From that day on, whenever she made something, she would put it in a container on a little stool she placed next to the stairs leading up to her apartment. And every time the container would be empty and clean the coming day. She did not do that because she wanted something in return, but because she loved to bake and share (it). Around that time Ellie started to feel like she was being followed whenever she left the house. No matter where she went. If it was to work, on the way to customers, shopping for groceries, or simply for a walk through the neighborhood. At first, the feeling was only sporadic and every other day, but once she had realized the feeling. She got more and more aware of it, but whenever she was to look around, no one was there that looked suspicious. Up to a point where she had anxiety attacks only thinking about leaving through her door. Two months into that situation Ellie almost knocked out one of the Coworkers she liked with a piece of wood when he had startled her at work. She apologized profusely and promised baked goods as an apology. He declined. But asked if she was alright. She told him yes, that she was simply overworked and ready for her days off the upcoming week. But of course, it should not be that easy for her. The last Customer was screaming to her, that she was a failure and knew nothing about what she was doing. That she should quit and be a housewife like a real woman would. It took everything for within her to not start to cry, and because she had managed to do just that, she treated herself to a ´feel-good´ hot chocolate. Again, the dreaded feeling of being under surveillance crept up her spine and she hurried home to order some food from a local Italian restaurant. With how her day had been, she needed her favorite comfort food. Exited for a calm(er) evening with incredible food, she opened the door for the delivery guy. Who was in his mid-thirties, with oily skin, unruly hair, and some dirt on his uniform. He smelled of booze, but that could be caused by the large stain on his shirt. It seemed like someone had dumped his beer on him. Not being one to judge someone who was looking the way he was, anyone had a bad day once in a while. Heck, she just had one THAT day. Her friendly demeanor left though when the man whistled lewdly and
started to make inappropriate comments. “Thank you, for your delivery, Sir.”, she smiled, trying to close the door on him. He put his hand between the door and frame to stop her from doing so and pushed the door open again. “What are you doing tomorrow? Say at 6 pm.”, he grinned. “Nothing of your concern. Now have a nice evening.”, she tried again but he did not budge. “Go on a date with me and I´ll leave.” Ellie just wanted to tell him off again when the main door opened again. “Your Car is blocking my spot.”, her neighbor stated after a second he needed to take in the scene before him,” Get it moving or I´ll call your boss.” “Sorry, Sir. Think about it Sweetheart.”, the man winked before finally leaving. “No thank you.”, the woman whispered more to herself than anything else, before addressing her savior, “Thank you for that. H-he did not take No for an answer.” “You good?”, he asked, his eyes roaming over her like he was looking for any injuries. “Yes, Thank you again.”, and with that, she returned to her kitchen to hopefully be able to relax. Part 2
AN: Thank you for reading! Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated!:)
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wildladyimagination · 17 days
Fighter's Fight
Contains smut and adult language. Anyone under 18, read at your own risk)
Standing in her bedroom, Bailey continued packing her stuff into the boxes and suitcases. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. Even though she was 18 years old, she lived under her father’s roof, and he told her she was going away to live with grandparents because of the relationship between her and one of the fighters.
Her father Reed Cintron owned Cintron Club, a huge and well-known fighting club that not only trained fighters but also held fights. Bailey had fallen for one of the Cintron Club’s great fighters and tried hiding the relationship from her father. When Reed found out the 40-year-old fighter was dating his daughter, he lost it.
“Where is he?!” Bailey lifted her head when she heard the yell come from the lobby. “Reed! Where are you?!” Bailey dropped the shirt she was holding and made her way to the balcony above the lobby.
“I told you to stay away from her and that you were no longer allowed on the property.” Reed said as he walked up to Shaun, who went by the name LA Knight. The fighter’s chest was heaving as he tried everything in his power to keep calm.
“Look…she doesn’t deserve to be deported off.” Knight said as he calmed down. “I will never fight again or disrespect this club or disrespect you. Hell, I will tell everybody it was my fault, that I approached her, and I pursued her.”
“She is 18 years old, Shaun. You are a 40-year-old man. You should not be encouraging a relationship with a child.”
“She is not a child. Bailey is a woman. She is beautiful and she is smart, and she will go places because that girl has so much care for other people and will do anything to help people and damn it, I love her. I love everything about her. If I hadn’t met her and fallen for, my old habits would have come back, and it would’ve had been my death.
Knight was heaving once again with clenched fists. Reed could barely take in the words. He wanted so badly to have this guy beaten down and kicked out.
“You love her?” Reed asked.
“Yes. I love her so fucking much that it hurts. I’ve had the shit beat out of me for defending her honor and I’ve been inches from going to jail to protect her. I know are trying to protect her and keep her safe, but I would walk through fire to protect her and damn it, I want to marry her.”
Reed’s jaw tightened as he took in everything that was just said to him.
“Dad.” Bailey said quietly. Reed and Knight looked up at her where she stood. She had tears in her eyes once again as she had her arms across her chest.
Reed finally realized that Bailey wasn’t his little girl anymore and that he had to keep hidden away from her protection. Deep down, he knew that he didn’t think any man would ever be good enough for her. But he realized that if he could trust any man at all, LA Knight was someone he respected and he was somebody that his daughter would be safe with.
Reed nodded his head and walked back to his room.
Bailey let the tears flow as she ran down the stairs and met Knight at the bottom, jumping into his arms. Her feet dangled as he cradled her, burying his face in her neck.
As Bailey dropped to her feet, Reed came back out of his office and walked up to her and Knight.
“If you break her heart or hurt her in any way, not only will you be done in this business, but you will be non-existent.” Reed said and held out his hand in respect. Knight shook his hand and Bailey hugged her father.
Bailey and Knight went back to his place which wasn’t anywhere near as fancy as Bailey’s, but it was still nice. Bailey stood in the bathroom over the sink as she washed her face, trying to get the redness and puffiness to go away.
Bailey looked in the mirror and saw Knight leaning against the door wearing a pair of shorts with no shirt as he watched her.
“Sorry, I can’t get the redness and puffiness to go away.” Bailey said as she turned around. Knight walked up to her and grasped either side of her face in his hands. She put her hands on his as his thumbs rubbed her cheeks.
“Don’t ever apologize to me for the way you look.”  Bailey let out a quiet sigh and smiled. “You are the most beautiful woman I’ve seen. I really don’t deserve you. You are so innocent, and you put up with everything that comes with being a fighter. It felt weird to be my age and be attracted to you.”
“I didn’t care about that, Shaun. I’ve always been into older men and find the dad bod attractive.” Knight chuckled and pressed a kiss to Bailey’s forehead. “I’m going to take a bath if you want to join me.”
Shaun held back slightly. He was a little nervous because he had only kissed Bailey before, and they’ve made out several times but have not gone any farther because he didn’t want to pressure Bailey into anything. It made him nervous. He’s never seen her naked as well. He pressed his forehead against hers.
“I promise, I’m okay with it.”
“I don’t want to make you feel pressured into anything.” Bailey sighed then stepped back, pulling her shirt over her head, exposing her bare chest. Knight sucked in a breath and felt his lower region twitch. Bailey stepped towards Knight pushing her chest against his.
“I trust you, Shaun.”
Finally, the two stripped out of their clothes and Knight watched as Bailey sat in the hot bath. She looked at him, waiting for him to get in. Knight let out a quiet breath and slid in behind Bailey. She leaned back against him and closed her eyes.
Knight tried to fight back all the urges but was slowly losing the battle. He planted gentle kisses along her neck and shoulder blades, getting a hum in return.  Knight’s hand slowly slid down Bailey’s body until it got to her waistline.
Bailey looked at Knight with a smile and nodded her head. Knight leaned down and kissed her as his hand slid down and cupped her center. Bailey put her head back against Knight’s shoulder as he started to move his fingers up and down. Knight winced as his painful hard on bumped into Bailey’s back. Bailey’s eyes closed as she felt his fingers enter her and Knight kissed her neck.
Bailey shocked Knight as she turned around and straddled his waist.
“I’ve waited and wanted you for so long.” Goose bumps rose on Bailey’s back as she felt Knight’s hands rest there gently. Her eyes pleading with him.
“I’m not a gentle lover.” Knight said as his hand gently cupped the side of her face. “It’ll be rough for your first time.”
“Would you stop if I said something?”
“Of course.”
“Then I trust you.” Bailey leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “I’ve touched myself many times to the vision of you fucking me.” Knight quickly got to his feet, holding Bailey in his arms as he stepped out of the tub. His lips smashed against Bailey’s as he carried her into his bedroom. They fell on the bed with Knight on top of her.
Bailey’s knees bent on either side of him as Knight dominated the kiss. His hand squeezed her ass, earning a moan from Bailey.
Knight then tied her hands together to the bars of the headboard and looked back down at Bailey. She nodded her head letting him know she was okay.
Knight kissed her again and trailed the kisses down her body, latching on to one of her breasts. Bailey’s eyes squeezed shut as her head fell back at the sensation. Knight’s hand trailed down her body, landing on her core. Bailey let out a moan as Knight pushed a couple fingers into her and rubbed her nerves. His fingers moved at a fast pace causing a feeling Bailey had never experienced before. Knight looked up at Bailey who had her eyes shut tight. A small smiled appeared on his face as he looked at the beautiful young woman that he was so close to losing.
Knight lowered his mouth and the second his lips touched her center, Bailey’s hips bucked closer to his mouth. She let out a loud moan and unconsciously tugged at the restraints around her wrists.
Knight moved out from her center and reached up, undoing the restraints and Bailey’s hands flew around him, pulling their lips back together. Knight groaned against her lips as his hard dick rubbed against her.
“Please…I’m begging you.” Bailey said as Knight rested his forehead against hers.
“You’re not going to leave me?” Knight asked.
“Never.” Bailey replied with a smile. Knight kissed her again, wrapped her leg around his waist and pushed into her. Bailey’s fingers dug into Knight’s back as his kiss swallowed her moans. Knight fished the sheet beside her head as he hips moved at a slow pace, pulling out and pushing back in. It took every ounce of his strength to fight the urge to move his hips faster and harder. “It feels so good.”
Knight lifted his head and looked down at Bailey as his hips continued their assault on her body. He could feel his hips starting to twitch but he held back.
“More.” Bailey moaned out and looked up at Knight.
“Are you sure?” Bailey nodded her head and smashed her lips against his once again. Knight pulled out and pushed back in, smacking his hips against Bailey’s, feeling his stomach rubbing against hers. His hips began to move at a rough and fast pace.
He could feel his release building up and buried his face in Bailey’s neck, emptying every bit into Bailey. His thumb connected to Bailey’s nerves and her rubbed her as fast as he could. Bailey’s back arched and she let out a loud moan feeling her orgasm race through her body.
Knight looked down at Bailey as she tried to catch her breath, her stomach heaving with every inhale and exhale.
“Are you okay?” He asked as Bailey’s breathing slowed to its normal pace. Bailey reached out and put a hand on his sweaty drenched arm.
“Better than okay.” Bailey replied. Knight lowered himself down and rolled onto his side, cradling Bailey in his arms.
“I love you, so fucking much.”
“I love you, too.”
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littlemissfasd · 10 months
I wrote this a while ago, Unedited. Long one.
Warnings - mentions of alcohol usage, grief, vomiting, smut.
It had been almost six months since ellie broke up with Hayley, Ellie insisted there was no reason but you knew it was because she lost joel. Since then ellie had barely spoken two words to her, until christmas night.
Every year like clockwork, people would gather to eat, give and receive presents and get drunk. Tonight was that night, myself and a few others spent days helping Maria and Tommy prepare for it, and finally we were done. The chatter and laughter started to take over as more people started to show up. Tommy pats me on the shoulder and leans closer "hey..uh i know you and ellie aren't on the best of terms but she's really struggling."
I let his words sink in and sigh "i'll check on her." He gives me a sympathetic smile "how are you doing?" I ask, knowing its the first Christmas since Joel passed. God i miss that miserable old man.
"I'm getting there." I hand him a drink and nod "He'd be proud of you Tommy." His eyes light up a little as those words leave my mouth, he says nothing instead he pulls me in for a tight hug.
"Don't you ever forget that." I whisper before pulling away, i can tell he needed to hear it as his tears well up slightly. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I say, he nods waving at me as i start to walk off.
I walk around the crowd, knowing I don't do well in the midst of them. I walk down the street past Joels house, Maria insisted on putting all of joels favourite decorations up one last time. It looks beautiful. I kneel down placing a single flower on the grass "Merry Christmas Joel." I whisper as i stand up.
"Oh your here" I don't have to turn to know who it is. I can tell just by the attitude, i let out a dry chuckle "Hey Ellie." She says nothing and stays behind me, i turn and she stares blankly at the house.
"So stupid." I look down, staying silent and watching as the woman takes a few steps towards the house.
"He's dead, he cant see this shit." She says picking at the lights looped around the fence.
"Ellie~" she cuts me off with a laugh "don't give me the 'He'd like it' speech. Please." My eyes narrow seeing her hands, bloody and shaking "You're drunk." I comment and she turns to glare at me.
"Its Christmas." I shake my head "You can't handle drink." I say, not trying to sound mad but failing. "God! You're so annoying. You always fucking were. Checking up on shit that never concerned you. Insecure fuck man." My eyes widen at the insults that leave her mouth with ease.
"Wow." I say looking away "you know ellie..i was the one who found you. It was me who got joel back here. No one else fucking wanted to! I found you. I brought you back. I stayed with you. All for you to turn around and what? Throw me out? What, did it get to real Ellie?"
Her eyes widen as she listens to me rant.
"You hurting is not a reason to hurt me. I'm sorry about Joel. I am, if i could change it i would because i cant bare to see you like this." She stumbles slightly, i reach for her grabbing her sleeve to keep her steady.
"Can you take me home?" I sigh and nod "Yeah.." i keep ahold of her sleeve as we walk towards her house, once getting there she fumbles with the keys before dropping them "for fuck sake!" She screams slamming her fists against the brick wall.
"Jesus ellie!" I yell grabbing her hand, my own gets covered in her blood as it pools from her knuckles. I sigh and pick up her keys, unlocking it i turn to her "Go." She mumbles something i didnt catch as she walked inside.
"Sit down ill look at your hand" i say, she doesn't argue for once, she does as she's told. "How much did you drink?" I ask, grabbing the first aid kit she just points at the few scattered beers and a bottle of whiskey which doesn't have much missing from it.
"You know you're not supposed to drink on your medication." I say, i walk to the counter where shes sat and stand in front of her holding my hand out "stop trying to control me." She mumbles and places her hand in mine.
"Please find a dictionary and find the word control because what i just said does not fit under that." She winces as i wipes the blood from her knuckles, i can feel her staring at me but i ignore it and clean her up. "You haven't broken anything but it will be sore for a few days" she just nods, i take a step back closing the first aid kit.
"I don't know how to stop feeling like this." She says, digging her nails into the palm of her hand in an attempt to calm herself down. I don't know what to say, so I don't say anything.
"You came back." She whispers after a moment of silence.
"I promised i would." I mumble, she nods slowly staring into her lap.
"You should sleep. The alcohol mixing with your antibiotics..doesn't feel good. So lets get you to bed before then." I say, fidgeting slightly she nods and hops off the counter "Are you staying the night?" She asks as she walks around the kitchen and into the living room "uh..i can do." I offer, she nods "please." Theres a sense of sadness in her voice, one I couldn't ignore so i agreed to stay.
"Here." She says handing me one of her shirts and a pair of shorts, i thank her and head into the bathroom to change.
I wake up to the sounds of Ellie vomiting, i rub my eyes as i make my way to the bathroom. She sits against the toilet shivering "You alright?" I ask, she jumps at my voice and turns to me "I should have listened to you." I chuckle and sit beside her.
"Yes you should." I say matter of factly earning a small smile from her. She groans and rubs her forehead before throwing herself forward, i hold her hair back as she vomits. She lets out a frustrated yell after she finishes "i'm sorry im so dumb" she whispers, leaning her forehead against my shoulder.
"Everyone throws up, el. It's not an issue." She gives me a look and sighs "can you help me change my bedding?" I nod immediately guessing she didn't make it to the toilet fast enough.
"Just..get in the shower and clean yourself up, ill sort the bed out." I say, she doesn't argue and just turns the shower on and i leave giving her some privacy.
Her bedroom hasn't changed, the same posters sit on her wall, the photos of her and joel are gone now though. She used to have them on her nightstand but i guess it was too much.
I walk over to the bed and see a small puddle of vomit on the duvet, i strip it off making sure to put the sheets straight into the sink to get it off. I walk back and check the sheet, its clean but i change it anyway.
Ellie comes in around fifteen minutes later, looking a little better than before. "Thank you." She says motioning towards the bed. "Not a problem. Get some sleep okay?" As i walk past her she grabs onto the sleeve of my shirt "Don't go." My eyes connect with hers to see tears welling up "I'll be right out there, el" she shakes her head as a tear falls "Please. Don't leave." My heart shatters seeing her cry, i nod "okay.." i agree, still holding my sleeve she takes us both to the bed where we lay down.
She had sobered up, vomiting definitely helped that situation but you could tell she still felt rough. Her head leans against my shoulder as she fiddles with my sleeve. "I'm sorry. Not just about tonight..but everything. Yelling at you, breaking up with you. Im sorry."
I listen and nod, "i know." She looks up at me, her eyes look sad and dull "i lost..everyone." I shake my head "i'm right here." I whisper my hand slipping into hers, she tenses a little but softens again and holds my hand tightly.
"I tried everything to distract myself. Nothing worked." She says, her voice dead.
"This feeling wont last forever love. One day you will be okay." I don't even realise the use of the nickname until her eyes widen slightly reacting to it. "Uh.." i laugh awkwardly, shaking her head a small smile tugs at her lips "Don't worry about it.." she says.
I sit up, clearing my throat, she does the same "I mean it..It's okay." My eyes flicker down to her lips.
"Ellie.." i whisper, she hooks her finger under my chin pulling me closer, her lips graze mine causing a gasp to leave my mouth.
"Can i.." she whispers, i nod "Please.." i sound desperate, but in this moment I don't care, i just want her.
She kisses me, softly at first but she grips my hips pulling me into her lap deepening the kiss, i hear a small moan leave her mouth as our tongues clash against each other. I wrap my arms around the back of her neck, pulling away from the kiss.
"Are you..sure?" I ask, knowing her emotions are everywhere and I don't want to take advantage.
"Yes, please.." her eyes soften.
"O-okay.." i nod, she wastes no time and lays me down, hovering over me. "I've wanted this..for so long." She confesses pinning my hands just above my head.
"You could have said el." I mumble, humour in my voice.
"You never gave me an inkling that you..wanted to. Even when we were together" she says with a smirk, i nod knowing she's right.
"Well..now i am so stop talking and do something before i change my mind" her eyes widen at my words but she does as she's told and leans down, kissing my jaw and down to my neck, sucking gently earning a small gasp from my mouth. She likes the sounds that leave my mouth, they force her to lift my hips up forcing the oversized shirt up to sit on my stomach.
I can see the blush rise on her cheeks as she stares at my bare skin "I.." she start but stops herself by scooting down and kissing my bare stomach, with each kiss she goes higher, bringing the shirt with her as she goes. "Off." She whispers when she's sick of having to move it, i lean forward and she pulls it off me, chucking it off to the side leaving me in nothing but my shorts,
"So pretty." She whispers kissing around my chest, I don't have the tome to respond instead a loud whimper leaves my mouth as she bites down gently on my hardened nipple "Ellie.." i whine, she looks up at me almost as if she's trying to read me.
"What, love? Tell me" i shudder as her hands graze my stomach, going down to the drawstrings of my shorts, i feel them loosen and know she has undone them. "Use your words baby." She whispers, my mind is clouded feeling that warm sensation in my stomach worsen with every touch of hers.
"I just..i need you please." I beg, her hand slides easily into my shorts her fingers dip into my drenched pussy "what do you need me to do honey?" I gasp at her fingers, i can feel myself getting wetter by the second "i- i need you inside me. Stop teasing" i stutter like a fool but the smirk on Ellie's face reads she doesn't mind and likes this side of me, the side where i cant even form my words because im so weak by her touch.
"Say please" i let out a whimper at her words, a strand of her hair falls against her face as she stares up at me "please el.." She nods and sinks a single finger into me, i can feel her knuckle against my skin "oh~" my head tilts back against the pillow feeling her finger curl against my insides.
"Please move.." i plead, she says nothing and moves her fingers slowly, i groan and pull her face down to mine kissing her hungrily. Her free hand wraps gently around my throat, she knew i enjoyed choking, it came out in a drunken conversation when we were dating, im more shocked she remembered.
She pulls away from my lips and pushes a second finger in, a loud gasp leaves my mouth "good girl, taking me so well." She nibbles my ear gently moving her fingers at a fast pace, i cant even form words as the pleasure rips through my body forcing my back to arch and my head to fall back "i- im close" ellie looks at me as if she's going to use that as a challenge "Don't coms yet baby." She warns, her fingers pressing a little more pressure to my neck.
I whine at her words "please..i cant.." i pant, she shakes her head tutting at me "Do as your told, you hear me?" I her fingers slow down a little waiting for my response, i nod "words." Is all she says, the way she says it almost makes me finish right there and then. Dominate ellie doesn't come out often but i loved it.
"Yes- yeah" i stutter, she mumbles a 'good girl' before her fingers pick up there pace once more "oh god!" I yell out, covering my mouth because I wasn't expecting my moan to be that loud, she removes my hand "Its okay, i like your noises." My eyes roll into the back of my head as her fingers curl against that one spot, my hips buck against her, she can tell i wont be able to hold it for much longer.
"You need to come baby?" She asks, a smirk sits on her face "yes, please.." i pant, unintentionally trying to wriggle away from her hand. She grips my hip forcing me to stay "nuh uh pretty girl." I let out a groan, i cant hold it for much longer and she's loving every second of my struggle, she leans in close to my ear "come on my fingers baby." With that she thrusts her fingers once more, deeply and harshly forcing my orgasm to rip its way for me.
"Oh fuck!" I moan, my eyes stay shut as she keeps her fingers inside of me, watching as i come against her hand "f-fuck." I pant, my breathing is ragged and uneven as my orgasm ends "good girl." She whispers, she removes her fingers bringing them to my mouth.
"Taste yourself baby." I open my mouth, taking both of her fingers inside. My tongue laps my own release from her as she bites down on her lip at the sight. She removes her fingers, kissing my head.
"Your turn." I mumble.
Her eyebrows raise a little, clearly not expecting that.
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purplemys · 1 year
Go Back Couple/Couple on the Backtrack, Why Every Couple Here is Great and Why The Secondary Love Interests Add Well to The Story
Part 1 because of image limit.
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Go Back Couple is a korean drama uniquely about a divorced couple getting sent back in time to fix their mistakes and redo their regrets.
The main characters are Ma Jin-joo and Choi Ban-do.
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The introduction to the story was honestly great. I got more invested when this lovely wedding happened. Look at them!!!
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The first thing I knew about Jin-joo and Ban-do was that they're very happy and easy-going with each other. Ban-do is silly, energetic and a little awkward. His father-in-law didn't seem to like him, unlike his mother-in-law who was so fond of him from the look on her face alone. Jin-joo was obviously smitten.
The hard cut from them walking out from their wedding to them walking out of a divorce courthouse just made me raise my eyebrows. Like that was such a stark contrast.
The episode goes into further detail about what their life was like after around 18 years of marriage. They were tired and miserable and of course, they were taking it out on each other. I wish I could show more pictures but google and netflix hate me so just take my word for it when I say these two are some of the pettiest, rudest people I've had the second-hand embarassment of watching. Jin-joo dumped Ban-do's work journal into the sink after he forgot to get her an anniversary present. Ban-do was being rude to her in general. Absolutely horrid.
I think some of you might be wondering "Why should we root for such awful people?" Well, unlike certain media out there with such unlikeable leads - After and its sequels. This pattern of behavior eventually gets addressed and fixed. It's important for characters to have flaws and yes, flaws because episode 1 intro conveyed Jin-joo and Ban-do to be very sweet, nice people. What happened then? (god I wish I have pictures)
Ban-do's job essentially turned him into a subservient dog for the higher-ups, he'll bend over backwards to please them if it meant a possible raise. This showed me Ban-do's other flaw is being a people-pleaser and he was desperate to keep providing for his wife and son.
Jin-joo was a very tired housewife. She did everything and barely did anything for herself. She felt tired and looked the part. All she wanted was a break and for her husband to give her proper time and attention. The only flaw I could think of with Jin-joo was that she wasn't good at communicating her problem but immediately resorting to petty insults and destruction of his property.
This lack of proper communication between them culminated in Jin-joo breaking down and asking for a divorce when he couldn't be contacted (becuse his job is shit) and someone sent her a pic of Ban-do with another woman (that he didn't know) and she immeditely assumed the worst, which wasn't exactly her fault- her husband was often home late, barely paid attention to her, and when he did, didn't respect her as much as before. Yeah, sounds hella suspcious.
The scene here was so gutwrenching because I knew Ban-do didn't mean to hurt her in that way. He was a bit of a douche but he wasn't a cheater and he was about to go home and apologize with flowers for their anniversary when she called and asked for a divorce, not even giving him time to explain. Yeah, he also had the right to feel that way.
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Aight. They got divorced after this. Seo-jin (their son) was likely with Jin-joo's sister for the time-being. Where do we go from there?
Well, the scene of them throwing away their rings was awesome and google wouldn't give it to me. The way they threw their rings away was very reflective of their characters. Jin-joo was sad, lamenting about how this wasn't how her life was supposed to go, letting go of her ring by dropping it outside of the bus on her way home.
Ban-do was in his room at his old parent's house, angrily wishing they never met and throwing his ring out the window, reflective of his brash nature.
Bippity boppity fuck the space time continuum, they were sent to the past of 18 years earlier, with their memories in tact.
Them remembering their current lives at 20 years old is the key to their character development later on.
Cue past shenanigans, Jin-joo and Ban-do being petty as fuck especially after they found out that they remember their current lives. After some time of them being really petty to each other, some might think "Why are we still supposed to root for these people to get together?"
I think I wasn't supposed to. They made up their minds to try and pursue other people and I figured, nah, this isn't about them as a couple anymore but them as people. Jin-joo and Ban-do got married when they were 21 or 22. They were still their 20s selves, that being their worst versions. Jin-joo was stuck up and bratty and Ban-do was impulsive and brash.
Enter the secondary love interests. Jung Nam-gil and Min Seo Young.
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Nam-gil was closed off and elusive, prefering to keep to himself. Seo Young on the other hand was sweet and friendly.
I'll be honest, I got worried that they'd make Nam-gil a better option than Ban-do and Seo Young to be a real bitch deep down but no, neither of those things happened which was a pleasant surprise.
Nam-gil was great. He was awkward and despite his appearance, carried around this aura of inexperience to him. The reason why I don't think he would have been better for Jin-joo is because of when his attraction to Jin-joo started. While Jin-joo initially pursued him, thinking she was his first love that he never got over, she eventually stopped when he gave her a cold warning to "stop her weird obession with him."
Nam-gil started getting the real feels when he got into physical contact with Jin-joo twice. He saved her both times and she worried about him in return. Especially with the incident with his hurt ankle, she started mothering him, if you will and he got so smitten with this version of Jin-joo. While it's nice that he finds Jin-joo sweet and caring and he wants to return that (by asking her for her time, trying to defend her honor, gifting her things), their dynamic was more like her nurturing him to be a nicer person (by asking him to reciprocate people's affections and efforts) and him trying to pursue her to no avail.
His character added something to Jin-joo's. She understood that she was well, a brat who treated him like shit that one time, then assumed he was obsessed with her, then only wanted to get with him because of his status in the current life as a billionare historian.
Throughout the story, first loves's types and strengths were discussed. Jin-joo wanted to be someone's first love because it was supposed to be special. She truly became his first love in this timeline and she decided no, she didn't want him to be alone forever pining for her like she initially belived.
She wanted him to experience a life outside of her because he was a good, warm person deep down and that he deserved happiness.
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And he does at the ending. 😭 Look at him! He was with his kid in that shot!
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Min Seo Yeong was Ban-do's first love.
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Go Bo Gyeol and by extension, her character excuded innocence, softness, and grace fitting for the ballerina dancer that she was.
Seo Young wasn't as troubled and complicated as Nam-gil but she wasn't shallow. She was a popular school dancer, weighed down by the pressures of academics and theatre by her parents.
She greatly benefitted from having Ban-do in her life, pushing her to have fun and stepping out of her comfort zone. She started eating more, expressing herself more, getting outside of the house, walking around.
Her character change was all thanks to Ban-do finally working up the courage to talk to her and pursue her. Unfortunately, this backfired. His efforts at taking care of her, lecturing her (like Jin-joo did with Nam-gil), and barely physically pursuing her afterwards, led to her seeing him less like a boyfriend and more of a father figure. And he took it well, all considering. All this bonding with Seo Young, give us a little more about Ban-do's character.
He thought of himself as an average guy with nothing interesting going on, no hobbies, no special skills, nothing. He forgot his love of films since he pursued Civil Engineering, contrast to him telling Seo Young to do whatever she loved in the career she was actually passionate about.
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weabooweedwitch · 9 months
My sister is becoming such a hardcore alcoholic she's developing medical issues and doing brainless concerning really dirty nasty gross shit. the other week she found a random broken glass jar of pickles outside and literally brought it into our apartment to put the BROKEN GLASS in OUR KITCHEN SINK and. She ate the pickles she had no idea were out there for long or where they came from
It's after 2 in the morning on a weeknight in an apartment building and she has been continuously on and off the phone in our living room so drunk she's audibly burping and hooting and hollering and GASPING at like the top of her lungs and is continuously talking about me because she is trying to start a fight
Like literally actually not even a lie picture this: a woman who is 28 yeara old saying that she doesn't wash her hair because she dyes it (blue by the way, big shock there), so it is constantly visibly oily and greasy and literally leaving musty smells on the pillows she sleeps on. this woman then comes into the room where you are in and haven't spoken to her, haven't acknowledged her, and are clearly trying to avoid her and the person you are with is also avoiding her, and she's coming in not even needing anything, literally just coming in to tell you you're greasy because she has a disorder thar causes her to seek conflict and actually start fights where more people would walk away
Like literally actually she would be a small child and would go up to a grown alcoholic man who was known to have a violent temper and have an attitude directly to his face even knowing he hurt our mom because she literally WANTS to fight and she can't control it and actually it would be really sad if she didn't act like a white trash monster all the time
On Christmas she went to a bar and called my mom at like THREE IN THE MORNING to pick her up and a cop told my mom that a gas station attendant called 911 because she was so fucking drunk they were concerned and if my mom hadn't been able to come get her my sister would have been charged with a drunken disorderly, and if you ask her about it SHE JUST LIES, as if my mom wasn't directly told by a police officer what happened
It's just. It's so fucking hard because you have someone literally starting fights with you, like literally actually she got her feelings hurt and lunged at me and I had to defend myself and now she cries that I attacked her. I said something to hurt her feelings and she chased after me with a solid glass vodka bottle and was beating on my bedroom door screaming in rage while mom watched horrified. My mom and I are scared of her insane alcoholic mood swings and we want her to move out and we want to never hear from her again because all we hear from her is the same old story we've heard her entire life: Emily is getting drunk and emotional and constantly causing herself severe, significant problems
I have to keep working to help support my mom in case we get evicted because of, I don't even want to call her my sister anymore, but it's hard when she literally goes out of her way to try and run both of us down. Our mom is almost 60 with chronic physical pain and this loser will literally bully her for weed she doesn't even need, like literally actually waking her up for it. There's only a 20 pound difference between us and she acts like I'm over 500 pounds when she is the one who is binging so excessively when drunk that we started deliberately limiting the amount of food in the house and she just thinks we're being lazy and not going grocery shopping but it's because of her
We just want her to leave but she doesn't even realize how much money it would take to get her out of here so she's just terrorizing the entire building in the meantime. and the saddest thing is my father literally doesn't even care because my mom told me he actually never even wanted kids to begin with and it explains SO much about his behavior. He heard my sister and I gad a physical fight and he literally didn't even care, he just said we knew what my sister was like before we brought her here and we got what we asked for.
I guess we did? Because as sad as it is to say, she's literally the exact same as she was when she moved away from us over 10 years ago and we had just been expecting her to have grown up in all these years, and me and mom have realized the reason she even moved away was ultimately because she wanted to run away and do whatever she wanted and has been spiraling ever since
It's just sad. I'm still trying to cut her out of my heart because it only gets worse from here. If she doesn't get treatment she isn't going to survive and she doesn't want treatment and she doesn't want to survive either. And I have to keep telling myself and my mom.... that unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that. And it's hard.
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kitsunefyuu · 2 years
Hostility Toward Villains & AFO is Collecting on That
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I decided this question actually got my brain flowing sure I got chemistry but that can wait! This random person who made a random blog got me thinking.
First off, Villains always murder. Like excuse me are you saying that... GASP heroes are equal to villains? Because deary me if heroes can just murder whatever because the villains are bad- Well let think of Police Brutality.
But they are criminals. Who cares about their rights right? They don’t deserve to be helped because regardless you should be condemned for the rest of your life.
Right? Oh boy let look at the shit the villains all had to endure.
Chapter 265
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It not like they look the criminals in the eye and get to decide their fate. Acting like it for the best as someone just trying to survive and help their friends.
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It not like they are human beings who are constantly being hurt and betrayed by people.
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It not like the heroes put words in their mouths to make them seem more tragic just misled when it more like that is their only option. They can’t just abandon their friends but it apparently means they should die right?
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It not like there a sixteen year old girl on the villain side who TRIED to talk to the heroes.
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They let her go to ask the question they don’t JUDGE her for her affection and desire to talk to them. They just want her safe.
Chapter 289
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AND YET despite this Himiko still tries to talk. To reason to get her to understand her side.
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She mentions almost getting killed. This was by Curious a woman many would agree is a villain-
Then mentions she killed her because of course she would. The woman attacked her and tried to kill her, she almost died but she awakened to her powers.
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And so...
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Himiko heart broke knowing that Ochaco wouldn’t care if she died. That is what she understood, that Ochaco didn’t give a crap about her story. Her background, or anything, she will always be a villain.
Oh let show some other moments of heroes being very unheroic,
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Present Mic has shown that he lets his emotions get ahead of him. Since for all intent and purpose he is still a civilian.
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Every time they go to kill a villain it basically makes the villain more violent and aggressive.
Chapter 357
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Endeavor and Hawk’s attempts to kill AFO certainly didn’t work at all and instead made him use Rewind. Out of DESPERATION because he would have died from the burning.
Every time a hero tries to kill the villain or reject them it only made them fight back all the harder. People are like, they should just stop!
And do what exactly? Accept the possibility of being killed? Being trapped in a new tartarus where you will never see the light of day?
Chapter 372
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The villains are struggling with their demons. AFO preys on their emotions because the heroes never let them have an option besides following him.
Violence is all hero society knows and the cycle is going to continue. It ironically what AFO always said and spouts about how the world works.
 The villains are the underdogs constantly looked down on and struggling pitifully. Only Izuku is comparable to their status of constantly struggling and can’t wait to see if the heroes will learn to change.
AFO thrives on this violence because he knows, it will only drive the villains to him and allow them to grow all the stronger.
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And unless Present Mic can try to reason with Kurogiri who wants to protect Tomura. Who he has cared for years and likely genuinely even as Shirokuma wants to save him. That Mic will just continue the cycle.
Kurogiri tho will also likely change it so the villains aren’t constantly on the run. The heroes are only helping AFO sink his claws into them further by not giving them a choice.
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arthurmorganshorsey · 8 months
Big Sweet Vampire Lady OC x Hurt Gender Neutral human reader with mommy issues
You got into a fight with your mother, and you ran away from home. You run into this seemingly abandoned old home to find this beautiful vampire woman, and she has worked out a deal for you..
if only there was a tall, beautiful vampire lady for this sad lil nonbinary to cry on ):
this is on my ao3 too btw
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It was a cold winter night.
"I can't believe you'd say that to your own goddamn mother." My mother spoke with her eyes widened with rage. It was time for me to pack my bags and find somewhere else to go. Where to? No fucking clue.
"I did because you treat me like shit and I'm fucking tired of it!"
I ran up to my bedroom, slamming the door behind me. I quickly gathered all of my belongings into every bag I could find in my room. I only had about four hundred dollars right now. Not exactly survival money, but I needed to get the hell out. I quickly stuffed all my clothes into the drawstring bag I'd gotten on a trip, I didn't care how shitty this packing was. I heard my door open slowly behind me, my mother looking more distraught. She had tears going down her cheeks. The same sobby routine she'd give me after every argument.
"You know.. I love you, right?" Her voice was low, her eyes staring directly at me. I ignored her. She did this every fucking time we argued. She would make me feel guilty and forget about what she'd done. Not this time. I emotionlessly shoved all of my shit into bags. Not revealing anything to her. Not revealing how much this hurt me too.
I picked up the five bags I had packed and shoved my wallet into my front pocket.
I sprinted out of that door with zero hesitation, going past my mother. I made my way down the stairs with my heart pounding, my arms filled with bags and a backpack on my back.
I made it out of that door.
I was outside. In the middle of a remote and rural New England town. All by myself. With four-hundred dollars to my name. I sprinted out into the forest. My best bet was to make some campfire somewhere and first assess my situation. Then I'd make it a trip to start running to the nearest hotel.
As I ran mindlessly through the forest, making sure not to trip over any branches or roots, I noticed some strange little light in the distance.
I followed that light. What in the hell was out here?
As I approached closer, rain started to pick up.
Oh shit. I had on a pair of shorts, a tank top, and a hawaiian shirt. This wouldn't really protect me.
Then like a miracle, the light was actually the moonlight shining off the window of an old mansion. It looked very worn down, all of the plants and trees overgrown around it.
Could it be.. abandoned? I hoped so. Running to the front of the mysterious Victorian style mansion, the door was huge, over ten feet high at least. This place was massive. Everything about it.
The right side door had a rusty knocker, I took told of it and gave it and gave it a couple hits onto the door.
No response.
Another two knocks. I stood there impatiently.
No response.
I took noticed of the windows boarded up on either side of the first floor of the home.
It must be abandoned.
Sure enough as I took hold of the doorknob shakily, it was unlocked. As I pushed in the door to enter, it creaked loud enough to hurt my ears.
Definitely not seeming like the start of a horror movie right now...
I stepped into the old home, taking in my surroundings. The inside was much more beautiful than the outside. There was fine furniture and art everywhere. The sofa was red and elegant just in the hallway. I took a few more steps inside to find another door. Opening it, I find an even more elegant living room. Rustic wooden walls, and dark brown carpeted floors.
I stepped inside and took off my shoes, letting my tired feet sink into the soft carpet. I sighed and threw myself onto the couch face first, tears started to stream down my cheeks as I recounted what had happened in the past hour. I was all alone, nearly broke, and without a place to call home. As I curled into a ball and sobbed, I heard some noises coming from the next room over that I had to explore.
"I smell human." A deep female voice spoke, an underlying aggressive tone to it. The door was opened to the room on the right, her eyes directly meeting mine. Her eyes were cold and red, her face pale as the snow.
Oh shit. Her eyes looked me up and down, me standing up immediately, ready to run for my life if needed. There was something off about her, yet her beauty was haunting. She was over six and a half feet tall, her eyes sharp as daggers, and her black long hair protruded to the right side. She dressed in a black puffy collared blazer and suit pants.
"I-I'm sorry..." Was all I could muster out, freezing up at the sight of the large woman who stood over a foot taller than I.
"A human... That doesn't seem like they're here for my head? I mostly hunters or thieves. Trying to steal my most precious treasures. But your heart pounds and I can see it in your eyes, you have no bad intentions darling." Her voice was like honey, but deeper than what is expected. I had no idea how the hell she could hear my heartbeat. I didn't want any confrontation with her though.
"I-I thought this home was abandoned.." I answered truthfully, looking up into her haunting golden eyes. The woman let out a dark chuckle and stepped closer to me.
"Oh dear no. I live here and have lived here for centuries." She stared deeply at me, looking me up and down. My eyes were still watery from my crying earlier.
"Are.. you okay?" Her demeanor changed from mischevious to worried within a moment.
That's what got me. When anyone asked if I was okay when I clearly wasn't.
The tears came down more, standing there with my body trembling. She stared at me with full concern. I was still frightened of her. I couldn't stop crying, it all flowed out. I ran towards the door in shame, and slight fear as there was definitely something peculiar about this woman.
Her large, yet feminine hand planted onto the door above me as I tried to open it. She stared down at me with care and slowness, like she was approaching a small timid animal.
"Are you all alone? Is this all of your belongings?" She would point to all of my things being around the couch. I nodded anxiously.
"You poor little thing... I won't let you go out there alone. That is both a promise and an order. You're not safe."
She slowly let go of the door, wrapping an arm swiftly around my waist instead, pulling me towards her. Now I could really see how tall she was, my head barely at her chest level, it made for an awkward half embrace, but it was actually kind of comfortable. I continued to sob into her chest uncontrollably, not resisting her advance anymore, unable to. She had a death grip on my waist, leaving me no choice but to wrap my arms around her and cry. I didn't even know her name.
"It's going to be okay, young human.. Let's go over to the couch and I'll make some tea for you, does that sound nice?" Her hand caressed and stroked my hair gently.
"Y-yes.." I mumbled between sobs. She would take me by my waist and guide me over to the couch, me immediately collapsing into a fetal position and sobbing.
"What's your name, sweetie?" She held her gaze on me.
"(y/n)..." I sniffled and curled into a little ball, hugging my knees.
"My name is Eliza Dunn.." Her smile was warm, her teeth whiter and shinier than ever thought possible. She stepped into the kitchen for a moment to boil the kettle, then she came and sat back down next to me, staring at me for just a bit too long as I cried.
"How do you find comfort? Would you enjoy if I held you, dear?" The beautiful woman spoke words sweet as honey as she watched me cry.
I nodded silently. All I'd wanted was to be held.. She moved closer to me, pointing to her lap.
"You're very welcome to rest yourself here. I don't mind." Her deep and mature voice said, bringing me so much comfort I don't know I'd needed.
I plopped myself right onto her lap, my head reaching just her chest, my head between her large breasts. Her arms constricted tight around me, making me feel secure and safe.
"Shh... It's gonna be okay. Let it all out my dear." Her deep and beautiful voice spoke into my ear. I curled up into more of a fetal position, my head resting on her shoulder. I felt like a protected child in her strong yet gentle arms. She was cold. But the cold always comforted me.
Just as I was getting cozy, the tea kettle squeaked. She gently lifted me off of her lap back next to her as she got up and stopped the stove. Then she grabbed an antique little teacup and dish, putting in the teabag and pouring the water. She swiftly moved over and placed the tea bect to me.
"Thank you.." I looked up at her with so much gratitude. Her smile was so warm as she sat back down next to me, immediately taking me by the waist and throwing me onto her lap once again. The suddenness made me flinch at first, but I found so much comfort in her touch. She stroked my hair gently, basicslly petting me.
"So would you like to tell me what happened love?" Her gaze showed genuine concern. I shut my eyes and began explaining as I tried to keep myself grounded with her touch.
"So my mother and I got into a huge fight, I had to get up and leave. I can't go back there. She's just lost it." I explained in a quiet voice, trying to keep the tears from coming down.
"Oh honey... It's okay." Her face buried itself into the crook of my neck, her breath on it making me shiver. I could hear her inhaling there and then pulling herself back.
Her arms were tight around me, pinning mine to my sides. It felt good. I felt secure.
"I-I just don't know what to do..." My voice broke as I knuzzled her with my head and sniffled.
"Ohhh poor dear. I've thought of something." She removed one of her arms from around me and brought a cold, black gloved hand to my chin, tilting me up to face her.
"I'll let you stay with me darling. Free of charge. Except for one thing I'd ask of you."
Her hand sensually traveled down my chin and neck to reach the artery of my neck, placing her fingers there.
Oh, yeah.
I'd forgotten all of the obvious signs.
She was a creature of the night.
"Oh..." I sat there in shock for a moment.
She wanted my blood. I mean, it was better than paying rent. I couldn't afford any rent right now.
"Like.. how many times a week?" I stared up at her, noticing her gaze linger far too long on my neck.
"Oh don't even worry about that. I'll wait for you to replenish between every feeding. I can promise you that. I don't want a fainting sickly human in my care." Eliza gently pushed the hair behind my neck, examining it.
"T-then I'm in.." I was obviously a bit anxious and hesitant. It was better than dropping two-thousand a month on rent. She would smile and her lips came dangerously close to the base of my throat, hovering over.
"Don't be nervous, dear. It's not too painful. Mmm... You smell the best out of anyone I've encountered in the past century. I wonder why..." Her tongue went across my neck, making me weak in the knees.
"Are you hungry now?" I asked her a bit anxiously. My hand squeezed the couch I sat on in fear. She would hum and move her face away from my neck.
"Soon I will be. But first, I'd like to get you adjusted and comfortable here. It's not fair to ask that of you after what you've went through." Her cool arms wrapped around me, squeezing tightly. It felt so nice to be squeezed and held tightly. I felt secure. Like nothing could get me in her strong arms. I snuggled up to her without question, despite only knowing her for barely an hour. Her eyebrows raised as she watched me wrap my arms and legs around her torso, clinging like a koala to a tree branch.
"You're awfully comfortable already, sweetie. Surprising from such a timid little human." Her hands rubbed my back and she chuckled.
My cheeks flushed red and I took my arms back from behind her. She huffed and grabbed my hands, placing them back around her.
"No need to be embarrassed. You're in desperate need for hugs. I intend to provide them." She squeezed and squeezed, slightly constricting my breath for a moment, then she loosened her grip.
"T-thank you Miss.." I was in shock by her kindness. Getting the kindness I'd been refused my whole life.
"Of course." She smiled warmly and took hold of my cheek, her hand cold against my face. The cold touch of her ivory skin made me relax. My eyes were beginning to struggle to keep themselves open. I couldn't stop myself from sleeping on this beautiful stranger.
"Rest, dear. I won't leave you."
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aspiringsophrosyne · 2 years
Episode 10: The Depths of Deceit
The final episode before the two-part grand finale.
Before things pop off.
Let's get that projector going and get into it.
The Good
Right off the bat, excellent use of flashback. We knew bad things happened to Percy in the stream, but he was never incredibly specific. All he said when he was telling Vox Machina about it was:
Stream!Percy: "It was a long time ago, and I was not equipped for torture. I don't remember much."
So seeing Ripley go at a teenaged Percy with a meat hook was....ugh. And I mean that in the best possible way. I still look away when that scene comes up; and I honestly have to fight not to cover my ears, too.
Plus it was a quick and economical way of establishing how much of a bitch this woman is.
Kelly Hu is incredible as Ripley. There are future scenes that I am so excited to see because I know she's going to nail them. Her Ripley has this menacing yet hateable quality that makes you want to see something awful happen to her.
What Pike sees when she makes an insight check is striking and terrible. We knew something bad was going on there, but hitting us with some kind of wicked jack o' lantern bonfire of the soul shit out of nowhere was positively jarring.
The scale of this show never ceases to bring me joy. The sheer size of the tunnels under Whitestone. The refinement chamber. And the Ziggurat itself is horrifying. It's like finding a wing of the Paris catacombs in your basement.
It's interesting to note how the reveal of the new name on the Pepperbox is different in the show. In the stream, Cassandra's betrayal came first. Then her name appeared on the gun. Both versions denote shrewd manipulation on the part of Orthax, but in two different ways. The stream version plays on Percy's hurt and confusion in the wake of Cass's actions. Offering a course of action in the wake of betrayal. The show primes Percy's rage before he's even aware of what's happened. Points him in a direction before he starts running. Different. But both are, as I said, interesting. I might be unpacking that later.
Should also mention that Esmé Creed-Miles killed it dead. She's great throughout, but I wanted to wait to point it out until she had a moment where she got to really sink her teeth in. You can feel the genuine angry pain and despair in her voice when she berates Percy through the barrier.
The glint in her eyes is also a nice touch. It blurs the line between magic and plain old Stockholm syndrome.
I like the parallel drawn between Percy and Vex in both of them losing a sibling (if temporarily) to the Briarwoods.
The acid sequence was pretty cool. (Seeing that rat crawl by with its back half gone....*shudder*) Neal Acree, the composer for the show, described a pitch from Sam in which Scanlan's lute would play a heavy metal solo. So I was immediately like "Oh, that's where that's from."
This will not be the last time.
And of course. Of course Grog dived into the acid naked. Of course he did.
The Bad (or at least, not so great)
Time to talk about the plot and Anna Ripley.
I mentioned this previously, but: in the stream, the boys (sans Grog) found a note. Unfortunately it was too damaged for them to identify the author. However, in hindsight it was clearly Anna. And also in hindsight, it became clear that she'd been spying on Percy before he returned to Whitestone. And on his work. This lead to her trying to copy it, and eventually she managed a rudimentary pistol.
Not before losing her hand to her experiments, though.
In this episode, Ripley is revealed to have made a weapon that vaguely mirrors the Pepperbox. However, there is no evidence that she was ever spying on Percy prior to this episode.
If this Exandria is like the stream's, Percy's guns are the first in the world. At least since, possibly, pre-Calamity. So if Ripley wasn't spying on Percy, how in the hells did she make her weapon?
Percy makes it clear in episode 7 that he didn't start building guns until after he escaped. So she couldn't have rifled through his old room and found blueprints. It's possible a little smokey bird whispered in her ear too, but there's been no evidence of that so far.
On top of that, Ripley tries to get Percy to join up with her. Tries to flatter him, says she thought he was the intelligent one. Says they're both engineers and tries to peak his curiosity. She could maybe have made that leap of logic upon seeing the gun....like, seconds before, but it would've been a hell of a leap. (For all she knew, it was commissioned or bought.)
Anna talks like she knows Percy, but in this continuity there's no shown reason that she should. We'll have to see if there's something coming down the road that'll make that make sense....but right now it doesn't.
Nitpick: Percy cocks his gun way too much in the first couple minutes of the episode.
Nitpick: I'm sad we didn't get this line from the stream.
Stream!Percy: Anna, I am going to assume, against all evidence, that you are a smart woman.
Nitpick: Wouldn't it have been better to tie her arms at the elbows? She's missing a hand, she can slip right out.
Overall, pretty solid episode and setup for what's to come.
On to the two part finale!
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arieswrites2023 · 3 months
Entry 22
Nightmares verses dreams. You can always tell the difference between the one and the other, even thought it may not always be subtle. However, the difference is simple. Unlike a dream, a nightmare is a type of dream that causes a strong and rather unpleasant emotional response.
As of late, I have been having a lot of nightmares I do not understand. Just last night I had a very strange dream that had a Tyrannosaurus and a Sarcosuchus in it. I do not remember a lot of the details, it is all quite fuzzy, but I do remember this:
-> It was dark and raining
-> Someone was injured
-> The dinosaurs were chasing us
-> I did not escape
Jason woke me from my nightmares and had to hold me until I could relax enough to slow my heart rate and steady my breathing. It is not midnight the next night and I find myself unable to sleep. Even after the day I had.
~ * ~ * ~
My day started off with Jason waking me from my nightmare. After which, I got out of bed and started my day. I began with the dishes that were in the kitchen sink. When I was done with that, I cleaned out the fridge, removing all the old food and items that had expired. It took a grand total of four and a half trash bags to get it done.
After I was done with the fridge, I got dressed and made my daily cup of coffee. I had to make it a little differently because I had no creamer. What I did was make it black with three stevia packets and a shit-load of chocolate Sauce. It was the third time I have had to make it this way, If I am being honest? It was really not all that bad.
When my coffee was made, Jason and I walked up (he walked, I waddled) to Walmart to do our weekly Thursday food shopping. Upon reaching the parking lot, there was an older woman who was struggling with lifting bags of potting soil into her car. So, Jason helped by putting them into her car for her. It was a nice thing for him to do, considering that he could have said no. We spent at least an hour at Walmart, getting everything we need for the week. We even got lunch: An Alfredo dish for me, and a meatball sub for him. Normally, we like to spend $50, but I am pretty sure we spent around $90.
When we were done, we walked home with everything and put it all away before sitting down to eat. It was around this time that my day started to go to shit. Jason's mother Dawn called to tell us that she was coming by to pick up some things after she stopped by the bank to deposit an inheritance check. When we asked for the bank hours, I told her. In response, she demanded that Jason fact-check me by looking for the hours on the bank's app. By the way...banking apps do not list their hours of operation. Duh!
I was thoroughly hurt and pissed off with both Dawn and Jason. Neither of the two listened to me and made me feel like I was stupid and did not know what I was talking about. Dawn is an absolute narcissist, so her behavior does not surprise me. But Jason? Jason should have defended me, but he never does. After that, I tried to log onto my Social Security Portal to check on the status of my disability application but found out that I could not get on because the phone number had been changed. I did not change it. I was even more pissed off now.
At this point, I was thoroughly done with everything and decided that it was time to scroll through TikTok for a while. I got bored very quickly. I was in no mood to play any video games, or watch any movies or TV shows. I was ready to cry and almost did too. I wanted to. Jason sat with me for a while after this, hoping to help me feel better. It was not until after I took a shower and got some food into my stomach that I began to feel like myself again. Guess I needed something to eat.
After that, Jason and I snuggled up together while he watched Youtube videos on one TV and I watched Harry Potter on the other. That was...until he bought and downloaded Hogwarts Legacy on his console for me to play. I got through the beginning intro of the game, where you learn how to play. It was basically a tutorial. But I have to wait until tomorrow to play the actual game, so I am not up all night. Although, something tells me I will be anyway.
Any-who...that was basically my day. Started off good, had a serious rough patch, but then got better. If that is not pregnancy, I do not know what is.
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pizzacrustdisposal · 1 year
vent below :P tl:dr doing the dishes sucks I wanna break some bowls
I fucking hate my brother I don’t know if I want to kill him or myself
There’s always so many dishes in the sink. He eats upstairs and downstairs and lets them pile up. There’s a sink upstairs, two downstairs. He could wash them himself if he wanted to. But he doesn’t. He makes me do it for him, but only when they’re crusted up and mouldy.
I’m stuck doing the dishes for four people. There’s too many dishes in the house. Too many bowls and utensils and glasses for one old woman and three barely-adults. There’s dirty dishes soaking on the counter because there’s no room in the sink.
I get bitched at when the sink is full. As if that’s my fault. It’s my fault for not having any motivation. For being tired and sore all the time. It’s my fault that I have to do all these things myself, and take care of an animal on top of it.
My brother takes the dog downstairs where he hands out with his fiancé, then sends me 20 texts telling me to take her back upstairs. Hey. Dex. Dog. Dex. Dog. Hey. Dog.
I only ever go to sleep after 2am because I sleep on the couch so I can keep an eye on the dog. She can’t sleep in her kennel anymore, she’ll have a panic attack. I’m so tired.
And they complain that I don’t have a job, when micromanaging this hellhole takes up all my free time. When would I be able to work? How would I be able to stop myself from having a complete mental breakdown the moment I get away from this place for even five minutes?
I thought it would get better once we were away from my dad, but it’s only gotten worse. I’m tired of this shit. My head hurts. I just wanna sleep.
0 notes
bookfreek1964 · 2 years
The Mercenary’s Love
Chapter 1
This day started out like any other, but quickly went downhill. Namjoon, the former leader of the BTS K-Pop group, now leader of the BTS Mercenaries, who is the love of my life called me this morning to let me know Dorian, the kitchen manager at our compound, is going into to town to get some things for the compound kitchen could I go with him? He can’t get away because they are in the middle of drills. I told him that I could do that. Joon told me to make sure I took my tracker with me in case of trouble he can find me. Little did I know that would be put to the test.
Dorian and I complete our shopping expedition and return to the suburban. A crappy-looking white van  is parked next to the suburban. For some reason, this gives me a sense of unease. It is usually my habit to park on the outer fringes of a parking lot away from other vehicles, giving me a clear view in case of predators. Dorian gave me a questioning look as I stopped walking. I nod at the van parked next to the suburban. He gazes at it for a long moment. Neither of us can see anyone in it, so we cautiously approach the suburban. I slip around to the driver's side and unlock it. Dorian begins to load the groceries into the back of the suburban, but before I can help him, someone grabs me from behind. I watch in horror as another man hits Dorian on the head with the butt of his pistol, and Dorian sinks to the ground unconscious. I try to lunge away from the man behind me and get maybe one or two steps away from him until he brutally yanks my left arm hard enough to dislocate it. As I groan in pain, he slaps a white cloth over my nose and mouth. The cloth is saturated with Chloroform and it puts me out. The last thing I remember is being tossed unceremoniously into the white van. My final lucid thought is that Namjoon is going to freak out.
My captor, the Boss, Sergei Ivanovich, introduces himself mockingly in a thick Russian accent as he roughly yanks my head back with his fingers in my tangled hair so he can inspect his goon's handiwork. His eyes wander from my swollen, black eye and bruised face to my split and puffy lip. Finally, Sergei's eyes widen in recognition as my identity dawns on him. I smirk at him even though it hurts my split lip and say just as mockingly with false bravado, "That's right, I'm Namjoon's bitch. You, asshole, are a dead man because Namjoon will find me."
Sergei pales and curses viciously because he knows Namjoon by reputation and that I speak the truth. Sergei draws back his arm and slaps me hard across the face, rattling my teeth and rocking my head to the side, causing my ears to ring. I gasp at the pain and think Namjoon will find me, and this motherfucker will pay.
Sergei then wheels around and stalks across the room to where Dimitri and Ivan, his loyal goons, are loitering, bellowing at them, "You fucking idiots! You took the wrong woman; that is not Senator MacAnally's wife! This is Kim Namjoon's woman. Do you realize what you have done?"
Ivan and Dimitri look at each other and shrug, "No, "they both say in unison.
"But she looks like the picture we were given," Ivan whines.
"Your carelessness will bring down the wrath of BTS Mercenaries on us! We didn't need this shit, you fucking morons! We're supposed to be keeping our presence here lowkey!"
They both stare sullenly at Sergei as he paces back and forth, cursing vehemently in Russian while trying to figure out a way to fix this.
“Gag the bitch,” Sergei snarls at Ivan, the tall skinny goon.
"Aw, Namjoon ain't so scary," the short fat one, Dimitri, scoffs.
As if on cue, multiple explosions rock the rusty old warehouse. The staccato sound of gunfire and whistling bullets announce the presence of Namjoon and his crew. It didn't take him long to find me.
"I told you assholes he would come for me!" I laugh at them half hysterically before Ivan can gag me. They have no idea how this will end before Sergei takes a step in my direction with his hand raised with the threat of another hard slap.
He drops his hand in defeat, and resignedly, Sergei says, "Well, I guess you're about to discover how scary Namjoon is."
It is dead silent, and the door is kicked in with a loud crash, followed by Namjoon in his black leather duster and his crew behind him. Without hesitation, Namjoon throws a dagger through the throat of the tall skinny goon, Ivan, pinning him to the wall like an insect in a bug collection. A single gunshot from Min Yoongi, the second in command, goes through Dimitri's left eye and into his brain before he can even draw his pistol. Before Dimitri's body hits the dirty concrete floor, Namjoon has the barrel of his Glock 43 jammed menacingly to Sergei's forehead, his finger curled on the trigger. Sergei briefly thinks about the pistol stashed in the waistband of his slacks.
"Don't even think about it," Namjoon snarls. From the icy look in Namjoon's brown eyes, Sergei figures out quickly that he is a dead man walking. He swallows hard and puts his hands up meekly in surrender.
"Where the fuck is my woman?" Namjoon demands tightly.
"Now, Now," Sergei says, looking Namjoon straight in the eye, thinking he can negotiate with Namjoon over my release. But he doesn't know he is one little tiny step away from death, and when it comes to me, Namjoon doesn't negotiate. He would walk through the fires of hell and kick the devil's ass to get me back. I belong to Namjoon - end of the story. Sergei cringes as Namjoon's finger reflexively tightens on the Glock's trigger.
"Fuck!" Sergei mutters.
He is the only one of his crew left alive at this point, and he knows this isn't going to end well for him. Somehow, Sergei hopes he can preserve his life, his mind scrambling to figure out a way out of this situation, but he comes up empty. There is no scenario that Sergei can think of that he will come out of on top, so he points to the shadowy corner where I am tied to a heavy wooden chair.
I can't do anything except rock the heavy wooden chair back and forth because they tied me too tightly. Namjoon can barely see me in the shadowy gloom. Finally, Namjoon gestures to Jungkook, and Jungkook grabs the pistol in Sergei's waistband and tucks it into his own. Then he grabs Sergei by his thinning blonde hair, yanks his head back, and presses a lethal-looking 6-inch military knife against Sergei's throat with a predatory grin. Expressionless, Min Yoongi keeps his semi-automatic pistols trained on Sergei in case he gets any bright ideas about escaping. Sergei sighs, realizing how fucked he is, especially when Namjoon sees what shape I am in.
"Kill him if he so much as twitches," Namjoon says icily.
"With pleasure," says Jungkook wickedly, pressing the hunting knife against Sergei's windpipe hard enough that it breaks the skin and a warm trickle of blood runs down his neck. Sergei is afraid to move lest Jungkook actually slice his throat.
"Move, I dare you," Jungkook taunts him, ruthlessly tightening his grip on Sergei's hair, and whispers in his ear, "You don't know how badly you fucked up, dude."
Namjoon strides across the room, flanked by Jimin and Taehyung, to where I am tied up in the chair. The gloom hides my bruised face from them until Namjoon crouches in front of me and Tae shines a flashlight in my face, the bright light momentarily blinding me.
"Princess?" Namjoon looks at my bruised face and sucks in an angry breath, and his eyes darken with fury.
"What the hell?!" Namjoon says as unties my gag.
He pulls out another dagger and cuts the ropes that bind me to the chair, and I fall into his arms, holding my dislocated left shoulder. I can’t help but sob his name in relief and in pain. He tenderly picks me up and cradles me against his broad chest. I hiss a little in pain from my bruises and dislocated shoulder. Tae and Jimin are both sporting similar looks of outrage when they see my bruised face. Tae motions to Hobi and Jin to indicate they're needed as medics.
"Joonie," I whisper with tears in my eyes, relieved that this is over for the most part, but now I know that because I was taken, the dark side Namjoon is plagued with is taunting him non-stop because of this situation.
"I'm here, Princess. I'm taking you home," he murmurs against my hair, holding me tight against his long, lean body, "but first, let Hobi look at you."
I nod tiredly and lay my head in the crook of his neck as he carries me across the room to where Hobi has laid out a blanket and gingerly sets me down, so Hobi can do a quick assessment. Namjoon cups my cheek lovingly and presses a kiss to my forehead, and the corners of my mouth tip up a little. Then, Dr. Hobi takes over in a business-like manner asking me questions about my injuries while Jin is busy unpacking the first aid supplies needed from his backpack. Hobi's lips tighten as I tell him how my shoulder became dislocated.
Namjoon then pivots back to Sergei, and the raw fury on Namjoon's face doesn't bode well for him. First, a wet stain appears on Sergei's slacks as he pisses himself in fear; BTS Mercenaries have a fearsome reputation for completing the most dangerous and complex assignments. Next, Namjoon motions for Jungkook to pull the knife away from Sergei's throat, and he grabs Sergei by the throat, his long fingers digging in painfully, cutting off his oxygen. Sergei gasps and his arctic blue eyes start to bulge from lack of oxygen, his face taking on a distinct bluish tinge as he struggles against Namjoon's merciless hold. Namjoon clenches his teeth as he hears me groan in pain as Hobi probes my dislocated shoulder, and overcome with anger at the abuse I suffered at Sergei's hands, Namjoon shakes Sergei hard almost snapping his neck.
"Why did you take my Angel?" Namjoon snarls as Sergei grunts in pain. Namjoon draws his fist back to punch him in his paunchy gut; he just wants to beat the shit out of Sergei and appease his dark side. But, with difficulty, Tae and Jimin stay his fist.
"Stop! Jimin and I need to interrogate this asshole before you beat the crap out of him," Tae tells Namjoon, carefully watching his expression. Taehyung and Jimin are Namjoon's interrogation specialists, and as far as Tae and Jimin are concerned, Sergei signed his death warrant with your blood.
Aware of the modus operandi of Namjoon's dark side, Jimin softly chimes in, "Hobi needs to fix Angel's shoulder, and it's gonna hurt. Can you handle it?"
Namjoon grinds his teeth at the thought of what he imagines I went through as their prisoner as he struggles to keep his dark side under control. The monster in his mind is laughing gleefully in his father's voice as it tries to goad Namjoon by telling him what a fuckup he is because he couldn't prevent this. I am not merely Namjoon's love, his muse, and the queen of Namjoon's world, but I help keep his dark side in check by keeping him grounded in my love for him.
These Russian Mafia idiots, however, committed the unpardonable sin of kidnapping and slapping me around, and Namjoon fully intends to make them pay dearly for that mistake. Namjoon loosens his grip on Sergei's throat and drops him into a heap at his feet in disgust as Sergei rolls away and sucks in a deep breath. Then, Namjoon kicks him with his steel-toed combat boots in the gut, and Sergei doubles up in pain. Just a little payback for what Dimitri and Ivan did to you. Seeing you beaten and bruised like this scares Namjoon as much as it enrages him. Keep it under control, Namjoon tells himself.
"Tie him in that chair; I'm not done with him yet," Namjoon tersely orders Jungkook and Min Yoongi. They nod and drag a gasping Sergei by his shirt collar, across the floor to the chair you were tied up on. They throw him on the chair none too gently and tie him up tightly. Min Yoongi forces a dirty piece of cloth in his mouth, and Jungkook slaps some duct tape over that while Sergei gurgles in fear. Finally, they take up positions on either side of Sergei to keep an eye on him. Once again, Jimin lays his hand firmly on Namjoon's shoulder, looks him straight in the eye, and asks, "Can you handle this, or do you need to go outside until it's done?"
"Fuck! I can do this," Namjoon mutters. He’s never let me down, and he isn't about to start now.
His mind drifts back in time to the first time he saw you at Club Avenue 535 in the Gangnam section of Seoul, partying with your friends. He was in the VIP section of the club listening to a new deejay he was interested in, and you caught his eye while dancing and having a good time with your friends. Intrigued, he watched you for awhile and deliberately looked away; telling himself he didn’t need a romantic entanglement, but his eyes kept coming back to you. He watched as some guy kept persistently hitting on you and annoyed, you kept telling him no. Namjoon felt an odd twinge in his gut and “Mine!” echoed through his mind. Finally, the guy gave up and slouched his way to another unattached female.
Namjoon snuck up behind you, put his hands on your waist, and pulled your body against his on the crowded dance floor. You whirled around, startled, thinking that guy harassing you was starting to get aggressive in his intentions. Instead, you find this tall, gorgeous man with full, sensual lips and steel gray hair, dressed in black jeans and a tight white t-shirt offering his hand to you and asking you to dance with him. You couldn't look away once you looked into his warm brown dragon eyes.
Namjoon would never forget the music changing to the soft, sensual strains of Chris Brown's Under the Influence.
"Will you dance with me" Namjoon asks you as he holds out his hand to you.
You nod your assent. Wide-eyed, you stare up at him as his arms snake around your waist, pulling you flush against his hard body. Your arms slide up around his neck, and your bodies sway to the beat of the music. In the background, Chris Brown croons:
You don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight, speaks to me
I don't know what you did, did to me
Your body lightweight, speaks to me
Namjoon's head dips down, and he presses his lips to yours. You were so into each other neither one of you noticed when the song ended and segued into another. What Namjoon can't get out of his head is how right you feel in his arms – like a sense of coming home after a long absence. The two of you are instantly smitten, and you've been together ever since. Namjoon knew he had found the one he was meant to be with. He took you home with him that night, and you made love, talked for hours, and made love again, finally ending the night wrapped in other's arms in his king-size bed. You will always be his Princess.
"Hello?" Tae waves his hand in front of Namjoon's face to bring him back to the present, and Namjoon blinks.
"You sure about this?" Tae asks skeptically, also knowing how Namjoon's dark side works.
"Yeah," Namjoon replies shortly.
Namjoon walks over to where Hobi and Jin are treating my injuries. Hobi is holding me up as Jin just finishes taping my heavily bruised ribs. It hurts Namjoon deeply to see you like this.
"What do you want me to do, Hobi?" Namjoon asks uncertainly.
"Sit behind her and wrap your arms around her, but not too tight, as she has some bruised ribs," Hobi instructs. "This is going to hurt Angel. Are you sure you can handle this and not lose your shit?" But unfortunately, Hobi knows Namjoon and his dark side too well.
"Yes, I can," Namjoon frowns at Hobi annoyed.
Namjoon sits down cross-legged on the blanket. Hobi and Jin slowly sit me up in Namjoon's lap.
"I got you, Princess," Namjoon softly says. I lay against Namjoon's chest, with my teeth clenched and grimacing from the pain while I clutch my injured shoulder. I am really trying not to moan with the pain. He gently wraps his arms around my waist, mindful of my bruised ribs.
Hobi looks at me and asks, "Are you sure you don't want something for the pain?"
"No," I whisper, "Joonie needs me."
Hobi heaves a large sigh. "True, maybe I should give both of you something for pain," he lightly quips as Namjoon gives him a look.
"Just do it and get it over with," I mutter irritably, the pain is getting to me. "It's not going to get better."
"No," he agrees, "it isn't."
Jin places a piece of leather between my teeth as Namjoon lay his cheek on my head and closes his eyes, preparing himself for my pain. Hobi reaches up, one hand grasps my shoulder, and the other holds my arm out.
"Ready?" Hobi asks, watching me intently.
But before I can formulate any kind of answer, Hobi quickly snaps it back into the socket. My body jerks in Namjoon's arms as I scream in pain and blackness takes over my vision.
Namjoon holds you gingerly in his arms as your body sags limply against him. The atmosphere is tense as everyone waits to see if Namjoon will lose his shit and tear Sergei and this old warehouse apart. Namjoon clenches his jaw tightly, his pupils blown wide, and beads of sweat pop on his forehead and trickle slowly down his face. No one dares to move or say a word except for Sergei, who is trying his best to get loose as Namjoon fights this inner battle with his dark side that rides him like a jockey.
You moan a little and start to come around again, unaware of the fierce battle raging in Namjoon. Then, gently, he shifts you around so that you lay in his arms again, your head rests against his chest. His heartbeat thunders in your ear, and you can feel his body trembling.
My eye that isn't swollen shut flutters open, and I blink and gaze up into Namjoon's tense face. I quickly understand that his dark side is taking full advantage of this stressful situation and wants to come out and play. Nope, I can't allow that, so I lightly stroke his cheek to let him know I’m awake. He turns his lips into my palm and kisses it, nestling me against his chest. Finally, everybody can breathe again because Namjoon won this particular battle.
"Princess," Namjoon whispers hoarsely and softly strokes my cheek.
"I'm okay, Joonie," and I look deep into his dark brown eyes, reach up, and softly caress his cheek. At this moment, nothing else exists but the two of us.
Hobi cautiously crouches down to check my shoulder and tells Namjoon, "I need to immobilize her shoulder until we get back to the compound."
Namjoon nods and helps me sit up straight but keeps me close. I don't mind; I want to stay close to him. Then, under Namjoon's watchful eye, Hobi and Jin tapes my arm against my chest.
"Why don't you and I take Angel back to the compound so I can do x-rays and treat her injuries," Hobi suggests, "Put Min Yoongi in charge and let Jimin and Tae do their interrogation and then let the rest of the crew deal with the disposal of the bodies."
Surprisingly, Namjoon agrees, and we prepare to go back to the compound. However, Namjoon is afraid to let you out of his sight now that he has you back. Hobi understands this, so he is prepared to persuade Namjoon to let the rest of the crew deal with Sergei and the corpses of Dimitri and Ivan. While Hobi and Jin get you ready for transport, Namjoon stalks over to where Sergei is tied to the chair and plows his fist into his face with a good right hook, snapping his head back and loosening a few teeth in the bargain before Jungkook or Min Yoongi can stop him. Then, he shakes out the pain in his hand and ignores Sergei's moaning. Then, he turns to Min Yoongie, "You are in charge of the cleanup," he tells Yoongi.
Namjoon explains how he wants this handled to the rest of the crew he trusts implicitly. They nod and get busy before Namjoon leaves to take you home. Much to Sergei's dismay, Tae and Jimin are laying out the tools they use for interrogation, bickering about different techniques they think might work the best. Psyched out, Sergei pales in dread, and his eyes bug out. Meanwhile, Min Yoongi, Jin, and Jungkook are preparing to roll up the corpses of Ivan and Dimitri in plastic for disposal. Namjoon is satisfied that everything is working like a well oiled machine.
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hatred-shitposter · 3 years
Don’t let the haters put you down, when they say stuff like “stop having sex with the Mona Lisa” or “please don’t hurt my grandma she was only trying to use the bathroom” you just have to tune them out and accomplish your dreams
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frogtanii · 3 years
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iwaizumi was... overwhelmed, to say the least.
the past few days had been such a whirlwind of change that hajime could barely properly process, much less appropriately react to it all, so he behaved much like a zombie, saying yes when prompted, signing papers when told, and packing up what was his entire life for the past 11 months.
wow. iwaizumi collapsed on his bed as he scanned his now barren bedroom. he’d been here for almost a year and yet, all his belongings were in boxes within a couple of days.
hajime couldn’t keep the disbelieving chuckle from escaping his chest as he leaned back on his bed, dark brown eyes trained on the ceiling.
it felt like he’d spent such a large chunk of his life trapped in this house, under the foot of the woman who he thought he’d marry but in reality, he’d been in little leagues longer than he’d been in love.
iwaizumi scoffed and rolled his eyes. yeah, “in love”. it’d been about a week since his whole life started to unravel and he had hardly seen, let alone spoken to meiko throughout that entire time.
over text, she’d sworn up and down that she loved and cared about him but as she passed by him packing his things a few days ago, she’d barely spared him a second glance.
hajime wasn’t going to lie. it hurt. he’d opened his heart up to her, something he didn’t do easily, and she’d taken his trust and used it to twist him into her weapon.
he always believed he was stronger than this — he’d never forget his mother telling him so when he was younger. he had fallen and scraped his knee yet he refused to cry to keep from upsetting his mom. iwaizumi existed to live up to what his mother thought of him but here he was, completely enveloped in meiko’s shit, doing her dirty work and following her bidding like some mutt.
god, toorū was right. he really was her bitch.
“i could hear you thinking from down the hall, iwa-chan.” speak of the devil...
oikawa stood at his doorway, leaning against the frame with a posture that seemed relaxed at first glance but if you looked a little closer, you’d notice the tenseness in his shoulders and the tightness of his smile.
hajime quickly sat up on his bed before motioning for his old friend to enter. “uh, yeah,” he began, his voice cracking a little from disuse, “i have a lot to think about.”
the light haired brunette let out an understanding hum before wandering into the room, sharp observant eyes darting to look at all the empty walls. “looks like you’re all packed.”
“pretty much,” iwaizumi nodded before the room fell into an awkward silence, the two childhood friends completely avoiding one another’s eyes.
“look, i-“
“iwa-chan, i’m-“
they both paused for a moment before bursting into laughter, the sound carrying into the hall and throughout the house.
hajime wiped a few stray tears from his eyes, shaking his head at their awkwardness. “you first, shittykawa.”
toorū gasped in halfhearted mock offense before quickly sobering up, training iwaizumi with a completely serious look. “i’m sorry and before you go on some bullshit, self sacrificing rant, you’re not the only one to blame for what happened to our friendship.”
he sighed while making his way to iwaizumi’s bed, sitting down gently beside him. “i should’ve known better, okay? i shouldn’t have let my jealousy and insecurities get in between us but i guess i got swept up in the attention, yknow? meiko is actually charming when she wants to be.”
iwaizumi nodded in agreement, knowing all too well how compelling meiko could be. the room fell into a more comfortable silence as both boys escaped into their thoughts, questions about the future of their friendship flitting throughout their minds.
“oh!” oikawa was pulled out of his own head at hajime’s exclamation, his eyes moving to observe his friend dig through his pockets to procure a thick white envelope. “here. i’d like you to give this yn.”
all toorū could do was nod, his brain short circuiting at the sight of iwaizumi’s apparent kindness to the woman he tormented for so long. “uh, what’s in it?” he ventured to ask, his soft hands toying with the sealed envelope flap.
a soft chuckle came from across the bed. “don’t be so nosy toorū, just give it to her, yeah?” oikawa rolled his eyes but obliged, the bed creaking as he stood to his feet.
“so... this is it, huh?” it was like the reality of the situation was just now sinking in — they hadn’t been close in a while but iwaizumi was still his best friend and he wasn’t quite ready to let him go.
they’d been through so much together, practically growing up together and now, they’d only see each other on holidays, if even then, and then he’d never be invited to hajime’s wedding as his best man as they’d planned and he also wouldn’t be the coolest uncle/godfather of iwa’s children and—
“fuck no,” hajime scoffed with a bright grin on his face. “thought you were gonna annoy me til the end of time shittykawa. don’t tell me you’re quitting your job now.”
the hidden meaning behind iwaizumi’s words brought tears to oikawa’s eyes and before he could stop himself, he launched his body into iwa’s arms. hajime hesitated, his hands stuttering at toorū’s sides as though he’d forgotten how to hug but the feeling passed, his arms winding around his friend’s lithe waist.
“‘m gonna miss you hajime,” oikawa’s voice came out as a broken whimper, his arms tightening around his shoulders.
iwaizumi hummed instead of responding, too afraid of his voice cracking under the weight of his emotions. they stood there for a moment but the honk of the moving truck outside signaled the both of them of their limited time.
hurriedly, oikawa wiped the tears off his cheeks before waving awkwardly at iwaizumi as he left the room with a friendly, “don’t be a stranger.”
and then he was gone.
toorū finally allowed himself to collapse into sobs on his best friends empty bed, his palms pressing into his eyes as he sat there and just let himself feel.
apparently, he wasn’t crying very quietly because it took only a few moments for you to find him, your soft footsteps alerting him to your presence. oikawa scrambled to wipe away what he knew was an unattractive mixture of tears and snot as you got closer.
you were one of the last people he wanted to see him like this.
“hey,” you whispered, standing a few feet away from him. “um, i know this is probably a bad time but i just wanted to thank you for apologizing? back at the awards show?”
toorū sniffed as he looked up at you with confusion written on his face. “what? you shouldn’t thank me for apologizing. ‘s common courtesy.”
you laughed softly, nodding in agreement. “well, not always. so, thank you.” finished with your piece and not too keen on lingering where you weren’t wanted, you moved towards the door but were swiftly stopped before you got there.
“um, here. it’s from iwa-chan.” you gaped at the thick envelope oikawa was handing you before taking it and opening it, a low curse falling from your lips.
inside the package was a dense wad of cash, more money than you’d seen in months. accompanied with it was a letter, written in beautifully loopy handwriting.
you shut it quickly before oikawa could see, stuffing the envelope deep within your pocket where you could access it alone in the depths of your room.
“do you wanna come eat? last i heard, bokuto and tsumu were doing a cooking competition and i’m sure it’ll be fun to watch.” you were severely thrown off by the money and letter but you were determined to show toorū that you’d accepted his apology and were on your way to making amends.
he gave you a shy nod and trailed behind you to the kitchen, the loud sounds of fire and screaming coming from down the hall. you wanted to focus on the fun and merriment but the envelope was practically burning a hole in your pocket.
later that night, you finally got the chance to open the letter and read it, your former manager’s words bringing tears to your eyes.
dear yn,
i’m probably the last person you expected to hear from. you probably didn’t want to hear from me at all if i’m being honest and i don’t blame you. i know there is nothing i can say that could make up for what i’ve done to you but i’d like to try.
i’m sorry. those words don’t nearly express in and of themselves how truly remorseful i am but they needed to be said. there’s no excuse for how i treated you — not meiko, not my stress, absolutely nothing.
you deserved my common decency and respect and i didn’t give that to you. instead, i abused my position and made your life hell. i’ll never forgive myself for that.
uh, i bet you’re wondering what the money is? i promise i’m not trying to pay you off, it’s just all the money i’ve denied you since you moved here. i have a lot of wrongs to right and this is one of them.
sorry, i’m not very good with words but i just wanted you to know that i’m very sorry for everything that i’ve done. and i’m in no place to make demands or anything but i just wanted to ask if you’d keep an eye on oikawa for me.
he’s strong but he’s also vulnerable. he might be a pain in my ass but he’s my best friend and since i can’t keep him from drowning, i was wondering if you’d do that - not for me but for him.
anyways, this letter is shit but i suppose you get the gist. use the money for whatever you want and if you’re as unselfish as i’ve heard, you don’t owe me anything. you don’t owe me money, kindness, or forgiveness.
take care of yourself,
iwaizumi hajime
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℗ poker face
so... this is it
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an - soooo m back :D hopefully this is the last of my mini hiatuses!! this chapter sucked to write but i’m not mad at how it turned out?? pls let me know how i did skjdkd don’t forget to feed me <3333
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allthislove · 4 years
There’s a certain type of white woman that hates Meghan Markle on principle.
TW for su*c*de mention.
I said in the previous post that they hate that Meghan illustrates that white femininity is not the gold standard that they have been taught that it is. And this, in my opinion, is exactly what their problem is. And this is why I have no patience or sympathy or kindness for these women. It’s not a new phenomenon. I’ve seen it before in fandoms. The way a significant group of white fangirls hated and still hate Iris West on The Flash because she’s Black and is the love interest of the cute, white main character guy. They go out of their way to ship him with any white girl he knows, because they can’t wrap their head around him choosing a Black woman over them. They need to feel like their whiteness automatically makes them more desirable than any Black woman. Even when they are gorgeous and smart and wonderful like Meghan Markle or Candace Patton.
That’s all I see from these white women. I see obvious and transparent jealousy that, if they couldn’t have Prince Harry, it wasn’t another white girl they could project themselves onto. It was a Black girl (and in many of the British white women’s cases, an AMERICAN Black girl.) And yes, I know Meghan Markle is biracial, but that hardly seems to matter to white people. They don’t see someone who is white with them. They see tainted blood. The tragic mulatto stereotype. All they see is a Black girl who dared to sink her grubby paws into the Prince Charming they were told they were owed their entire lives. All they see is a street hoochie who saw dollar signs and isn’t good enough. An uppity n*gress who doesn’t know her place. 
I see it in the venomous way they say she ���wants attention” every time she does or says anything. If she touches her baby bump, or says “It’s a girl!” on TV. It doesn’t matter that it’s the daughter of a prince, one of the most famous princes in the world, and it would be huge news that he was having a daughter no matter who his wife was. To them, the tainted negro children might as well not even be Harry’s. They’re Meghan’s, and she’s somehow awful for daring to birth them or even be happy about it.
It’s in the way they call a millionaire actress a “gold digger”, or say nonsense things like “she was a washed up actress before she met him” (She was STARRING ON A CABLE TV SHOW, which is a good enough job for Jennifer Aniston, but when it’s Meghan Markle, it’s “washed up.”) 
They say things like this, because they can get the benefit of the doubt and claim they don’t hate her because she’s Black. Because if they say that, they’d show their true colors. But they do.
Because all in all, she’s done nothing wrong. All in all, she’s just a woman who married a prince. ANY woman on Earth, including Beyonce and Taylor Swift, would get a profile and position boost from marrying into the British Royal Family. Again, it’s THE MOST FAMOUS ROYAL FAMILY ON EARTH. There are other royals, but most of the world doesn’t even know many of the other royals, unless they’re from those countries or just happen to be interested in royalty in general. EVERYONE knows Harry and Will. 
Kate Middleton was a veritable nobody when she married Will.
Meghan Markle was at least a pretty successful actress with a following of her own. And SHE’S the gold digger? It’s thinly veiled racist language. It’s the image of the ghetto Black woman pumping out babies to trap a man. It’s the idea that a Black woman can’t be worth anything on her own so she chases a rich man.
I mean, I know Priyanka isn’t Black, but similar things were said about her when she married Nick, and she’s PRIYANKA CHOPRA. She was already a huge Bollywood star. And again, it was white women leading conversations like this, because again, they were faced with the reality that white femininity is not the gold standard. That a South Asian woman could get their favorite heartthrob and they couldn’t, nor did a cute white girl they could project themselves on.
DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE “MEGHAN MADE KATE CRY” LIE! This is a prime example of the weaponization of white femininity to demonize Black people. Been going on for centuries and will continue to. Weaponizing tears is the white woman’s bread and butter, especially if it can be used to demonize a Black woman. “Oh, boo hoo, that brutish Black thing made sweet little fragile, porcelain white me cry!” And to find out it was the other way around and NOBODY in that family said anything and just let the “angry Black woman” take the heat? It’s sick. And it’s common. It happens all the time. Because white femininity is soft and fragile and innocent, and Black women are never afforded that.
Even light skinned, biracial Black women like Meghan Markle. White women still refuse to believe she even has feelings. Crazy old hags like Megyn Kelly straight up think she LIED in the interview about HOW SHE FELT, because white people can’t imagine a Black person having feelings! They think we all just make it up because we’re trying to make them look bad or something, or that we like pretending to be hurt by their racism simply to make them look bad. So they don’t have to feel remorse for the racist shit they do and say. For making a pregnant woman hate herself so much that she didn’t want to live. 
Like, we all know how bad hormones make people feel during pregnancy anyway. They can’t even believe that a pregnant woman who was being disparaged DAILY by the British tabloids ... felt sadness or hopelessness because of it? 
Like, it really seems like white people think Black people have no feelings.
IDK, I’m still angry and hurt for her. And like, I’m so sick of white women only being feminists when it benefits them. I’m so sick of the absolute vitriol they have for Black women all the time. I HATE how they see us as beneath them, in every situation. 
I really think these racist hags thought Harry would pick one of them. And when he picked someone not white, they couldn’t take it. 
We have to stop letting white women hide behind this “I’m a woman, so I’m oppressed” shit, when they know exactly how to weaponize white supremacy to benefit themselves. And I don’t think Black women should have to be nice about it. White women need to get it to-fucking-gether and cut this shit out. Because it’s PERVASIVE, and like, when it’s a fictional character it’s one thing, but they literally drove this REAL, HUMAN WOMAN TO THE BRINK and they STILL refuse to stop. Inhumane cretins. 
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