#little shit she shit in my sink wtf
kairiscorner · 1 year
if u have time i wanna like request a 42!miles x reader where reader hears some girls shit talking miles about random stuff u pick !! and then she gets like super mad at confronts them and it turns into like this bigass fight a crowd forms and everything and maybe it could be like outside the building where miles is and him and ganke are eating and they hear the noises and stuff and miles is like “wtf is that.. 🌚” and ganke looks out the window and he’s just like “bro it’s ur girl what the fuck.. ⁉️⁉️😨⁉️” and miles is just like 🏃‍♀️💨 and pushes the big ass crowd away n sees his girlfriend beating the shit out of the person and he like breaks it up and takes her out of the area and she explains the whole thing ab how it was ab him and he’s jus like “you don’t even know how much i love you what the hell. ⁉️⁉️😣” and it’s just fluffy in the end ????
HELP WHY DID I MAKE THIS SO SPECIFIC.. if this is like too long don’t even worry about it pookie you already feed me enough w all ur fics im in LOOVVVEVEVE !! anyways congrats again 😼😼
say that again to my face. — miles 42 x fem!reader
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summary: sometimes, people forget that they should be minding their own business instead of giving their unsolicited opinions on matters they have nothing good to say about—and especially not to offend a guy's girlfriend by shit talking her boy when she's not taking any of your shit. pairing: miles 42 x fem!reader genre: slight angst and comfort word count: 1,519 author's note: AWW POOKIE, THANKIES !! man ngl, i like the thought of reader being the type of person to not take your shit and be the defender this time instead of miles, HE DESERVES SOMEBODY WHO'S WILLING TO GET HURT FOR HIM, TOO, OKAY !!! omg i hope you like this 💖💖💖
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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the shuffling of feet and excited, worried clamoring of other students as they drew more attention to the occurrence outside of the school building was creating more and more tension as nearly everyone exited the cafeteria and went outside to the school grounds. "what's... going on?" miles asked ganke as they exited the cafeteria, with ganke's eyes widening as he got a good look of what was going on and who exactly was the center of attention right now for a not-so good reason. he grabbed miles by the shoulders and dragged him to a spot where he could view the chaos a little better. "dude, it's your girl, she's going crazy on this other girl!" he exclaimed with a rushed voice, worried for you as much as miles should've been, had he known it was you all along being gathered around and filmed as chaos ensued.
as soon as miles heard that his girl was getting some unwanted attention–having a whole crowd surround her–he had to get her out of there immediately. he wove his way through the people filming, cheering and chanting, and merely watching as you throttled this girl you were fighting the best you could–repeating to her as she exclaimed and tried fighting you back: 'what, too scared to say it again? huh? i'll show you who you're messing with this time, bitch!' the crowd went wild hearing you cuss, it wasn't rare for you to cuss since practically everyone was aware you weren't the most innocent person around—but you were definitely a sweetheart, to the right people; no one could believe you were capable of hurting someone this badly, not even miles could believe you were saying all these awful things that sounded so uncharacteristic of you. as miles made his way towards you, his eyes widened, his heart sinking in his stomach as he watched you wrestle with this other girl and screaming at her–hurling insults and taunts at her through teary eyes, yelling out in pain as she pulled at your hair and tried scratching at your face.
"mi cielo, enough!" he exclaimed as he dashed over to you, nearly tripping over as he got in between you two and took the other girl's hits for you. ganke had made his way through the crowd and helped you up, with miles telling everyone the fight was over, there was nothing left to watch, as he jogged off to see you by the infirmary as the crowd gathered around the girl fighting with you just earlier. after you got patched up, ganke left you and miles to have a talk together. miles founs it very out of character for you to have done what you did–after all, you hated violence; there was no way you would've fought that girl for no reason, not unless it was a good reason. "babe, please... what happened?" miles asked you in a soft, worried tone as he placed his hand on your arm and gently caressed you, rubbing your arm slowly up and down, hoping you'd answer when you were ready.
you took in a deep breath and pulled out your phone. "i know this isn't the most justified reason, but, miles... watch this." you told him as you unlocked your phone, scrolled over to your gallery and clicked on a recently taken video of you on the thumbnail. miles obliged and took the phone from your hands, watching the video as it played out. the video started off as a sweet little video message you were gonna send miles, a cute little short of showing him the dance moves you were practicing for fun and ask him what he thought–you were filming this by the sinks at the girl's comfort room, with nobody else there–until midway in the video, a couple of popular kids that used to bully you had entered, and you soon took your phone away, forgetting to pause the recording.
you remained silent and pretended to wash your hands, propping your phone down as you washed your hands to cover up anything else you were doing earlier, not wanting to attract these girls' attention. they were in deep conversation about such shallow things–boys, clothes, victims of their bullying escapades and laughing at their poor, pitiful faces–and you were getting all the more disgusted the longer you heard them. one of the girls then mentioned a name you were quite familiar with, it was, of course, your boyfriend's name.
"oh, yeah, that morales kid... he's kinda weird, not gonna lie." said the girl, causing you to involuntarily look their way. the other girls agreed, stating that he seemed too quiet or too cringy in his outfits, in his shoes, in his choice of friends–or in their eyes, his lack thereof. they cackled to themselves how, for a cute boy from middle school, he ended up seeming like a real 'weirdo'. "it's such a shame... i honestly found his whole little sweetheart act in middle school so adorable, now he's just a killjoy. guess his dad not being around taught him how to turn girls away from him instead of making him even a bit likeable." "what did you say?" you butt in, drying your hands, the camera still rolling and you not noticing.
the girls looked your way with quizzical looks in their eyes, they don't remember you since you had quite the difference in your appearance from when they bullied you a few years ago, but nonetheless, you seemed like a bug to them–a pest–like every other kid at this school that was at their disposal. the girl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest, eyeing you up and down. "who are you?" "not important. now, what did you say again?" you asked her, your eyes narrowing at her, with her eyes narrowing down at yours. the girl chuckled and sauntered over to you, her face in the frame now–looking completely different than the beaten and battered girl from earlier. she smirked at you and neared her face to yours, which was still scowling at her. "i get it... you like him, don't you? figures, a little... nobody like you with a little freak like him, acting like little weirdos that think they're more than muck in gutters, thinking they're hot shit for standing up to me–" and with that, your nostrils flared as you fumed, and grabbed at her hair; furious that she had the gall to talk to you that way.
miles watched incredulously as you kept pulling the girl's hair, practically screaming at her to say what she said again as the girl retaliated and slapped at your hands, yelling for the girls with her to get you off her–but those girls did nothing to help. they walked out of the comfort room and presumably ran off out the halls to avoid your wrath. and after some roughhousing... you two ended up at the school grounds, where that all went down. after watching, miles looked at you with pain in his eyes; guilty tears soon filling his eyes as shameful tears filled yours as you clung on to miles' sleeve.
"babe, i'm sorry... nothing will ever make this better, but i... i never meant to hurt her, i never meant to hurt you, i never meant to cause a scene, i... i just couldn't bear to have them say that to you..." you mumbled out in choked sobs as you began to cry. miles shushed you and wiped the tears from your eyes, cupping your face and holding you close to him as he set your phone away. "mi amor... i'm sorry, i'm sorry you... oh, i can't even... you didn't have to do that for me. i... i'm okay with being labelled as a weirdo, a freak–just as long as you don't get hurt. that's all i want... i love you more than you could ever know, you don't even... i love you, mi vida..." he whispered as he kissed your forehead, eliciting more tears to fall down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held him tightly.
if he was gonna be honest, if someone else said the same things about you, miles would not hesitate to have done as you did–confront those assholes and show them what's what; but having that fone for him felt so... different. he felt guilty, somehow, that you got hurt and hurt someone for him–risked getting disciplinary action for him and getting a lot of people against you for him. he wants to make it up to you, but all he can do now is be here in the moment and reassure you that, no matter what other people may think of him, nothing matters to him as long as he has you by his side to be his strength to keep fighting every day and live. he'd gladly wear the title of 'freaky little weirdo' while hand-in-hand with you–because as long as you'd be safe, as long as you'd be okay, that's all that matters to him–nothing else, just you and him together.
tags !! @ii01vq @luvstarrstruck @maxoloqy @k4tsu3 @solecitoszn @toneystank-3000 @popeheywardssecretgf @lovefrominaya @onginlove @meowmoraless @euphovlq
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stillfrownyclownlol · 8 months
*slams my head on the sink* 100 questions for aidlyn.
I'm dead serious btw. This is long
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Aiden fell first and Ash fell harder. But they are both horrendously down bad for each other 🫠
2. Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their partner mind very much?
They're both kinda fussy in different ways, but Aiden is the one getting hurt more often so Ash is fussing the most. Not that Aiden minds he eats that shit up.
3. What is their love language?
I think I mentioned Ash's is quality time and for Aiden it's physical touch :>
4. Has either ever gotten a hickey off the other? What was their reaction?
I've gotten a hickey from somebody biting me (IN A PLAYFUL WAY get your minds outta the gutter 🤡) so I feel like Ash would get one in the same way?? Like. Aiden just bit her cheek or smth. Cuz he's bitey. And it left a mark. She was really pissed about it 😭 like "Ow wtf man-!"
5. What is something they like to do together?
Oh, they're not picky...Aiden likes doing everything with Ash so he lets her pick. Ash likes doing something calm because she likes seeing him more low energy and relaxed like binging a show or doing a puzzle. If he leans on her she's done. She gone fr.
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would the other answer?
Aiden would but just for fun and to not repeat myself lets imagine Ash asking 🤡 lowkey would be embarrassed and ask in the tiniest voice ever. Aiden ofc think this is adorable and tells her in great detail how he would get her a huge terrarium with the finest dirt and lots of food and Ash is just staring at him wondering why he put so much thought into it.
7. Who likes forehead kisses? Who likes hand kisses? Who likes neck kisses?
Forehead: Both :) Aiden likes her reaction and Ash kinda implodes whenever Aiden pushes her bangs back to give her a lil forehead smooch
Hands: Ashlyn, somehow it's easier than kissing him on the face or mouth but still conveys the intimacy she feels
Neck: probably Aiden, but it tickles Ash way too much for them to do it properly. He surprised kissed her nape once and she freaked out, so she threw her head back and broke his nose 🤡
8. Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Neither I STAND BY THIS. They sleep facing each other let me have this.
9. If there wasnt enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
Aiden steals the seat, makes a joke about how Ash can sit on his lap, Ash says she would literally rather sit on the floor, Aiden gives up the seat all pouty, then his restless ass spends the rest of the time finding a comfy spot before sitting on the armrest.
10. Who plays with whose hair?
Aiden 1000000% because he's obsessed with it. In the beginning Ash would pinch him whenever he did it, but after he started braiding her hair it didn't bother her as much. Likes fiddling with the tips or whipping the braid around like some weird ass stim toy lol 🤡
11. Who is clingy?
I think they both are in different ways...Aiden more tho, and he's more obvious about it 💀
12. What is something the other does that makes them flustered?
They're both idiots so they get flustered whenever they're soft with each other 🫠 for Ash, the aforementioned forehead kiss + Aiden praising her, and for Aiden it's whenever Ash touches his face really softly or initiates snuggling.
13. What is something they find attractive about each other?
Guessing this means physically?
Aiden: Her freckles. Or her hair. Or her eyes. Don't make him pick 🤡
Ashlyn: she's hard pressed to admit it but she does like his face- also likes his hands and looking at the scars.
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
Aiden isn't big on fighting in gen, he doesn't have the motivation for it. Ash usually just scolds him for his piss poor self preservation skills and he'll sulk about it. Not above picking a fight about smth stupid if it gets her attention tho
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Depends what is bothering them. Aiden usually goes for a hug if she allows it and tries to talk to her. Aiden usually prefers being alone if he feels like he's gonna get upset so it's a little hard for Ashlyn to help him, but normally tries to reassure him that she's not leaving, or holds his hands or face to help ground him. She's a very logical person so she tries to think of ways to solve a person's problem if they're upset, but most of aidens problems are internal/emotional.
16. Who is the better caretaker? Does their partner like being taken care of?
Aiden is better with physical injuries because...he's had them all before multiple times and he knows what to do haha. Ash appreciates the help but I wouldn't say she enjoys it. Ash is better with illnesses, which is great because Aiden acts like he's literally dying whenever he gets a cold (forcing him to spend all day In bed?? Just give him a death sentence while you're at it), so yeah he's a little baby that likes being taken care of.
17. Who steals whose clothes? Does their partner mind?
Most of Ash's clothes don't really fit Aiden...Ash steals his jackets/hoodies on accident because Aiden will give them to her (she gets cold easy) and she forgets to give them back (she's also a little weird about it and sleeps with them). He lowkey gets kinda smug when he sees her wearing them lol
18. They've had a major blowout. How do they handle it?
Like...the care tire blew out? Ash would probably change it (her parents taught her) and while she's at it she'd show Aiden how to do it too (he's never learned)
19. How good are they are communication?
.... C+ Probably rely on the gang a little too much to solve their issues. They're working on it, alr?
20. Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
Neither of them are afraid of bugs BUT Ash does not like insects partly because she doesn't know how they'll react to smth. Logically tho she knows spiders are useful so she asks Aiden to get a cup and throw them outside.
21. Who typically tends to initiate intimacy first (this can be a conversation, action or anything)?
Depends on the kind, Aiden definitely seeks out Ash's attention more often (like asking her if she wanted to do the puzzle), but he's a little nervous about physical affection, so in the beginning of the relationship that was Ash. Now that he knows it's usually okay he is more touchy, but now Ash looks for his company more often so she will start conversations.
22. What is something - either character - doesn't like about the other?
Ashlyn: above all, his own self apathy. She is...really not cool with him hurting himself all the time. She also thinks he's way too impulsive and irresponsible sometimes
Aiden: don't ask him! But sometimes he thinks she's very...cold. and it hurts his feelings.
23. Who said "I love you" first?
Aiden, they were already together so he thought he should let her know :P
24. Who kissed who first?
Ash told him she wanted to first and he initiated it (since Ash didnt know what to do)
25. Do they have any pet names for one another?
Ash doesn't really like them, she feels stupid saying them 🤡 the closest is Mr. Durable if he's being an idiot. All her "idiot, dumbass, stupid" are affectionate. Aiden has like a lot of batshit crazy weird pet names for her that Ash doesn't understand at all. Partially to annoy her.
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does the other deal with that?
Pffffff. Aiden definitely. Ash usually doesn't really notice ("he's acting weird...well, he's always weird") unless somebody points it out. She's very pragmatic about it, she just bluntly tells him he's being stupid and that she's not interested in anybody else.
27. Who tends to drive on long journeys? Who navigates?
Ash is designated driver because Aiden is an absolute maniac on the road (even tho he says he's a fine driver) and they have a GPS because Aiden gets to distracted to navigate 💀
28. Do they trust one another? Are comfortable discussing their fears with one another?
I think in canon, and even in this theoretical relationship, they're a bit away from being totally open with each other. But they do trust each other.
29. What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Aiden's BPD, even after everything, will flare up and he thinks Ash will leave him, especially cuz he's so "annoying and pushy", etc etc. This kinda bleeds into Ash's issue, which is the fact that she's putting so much into this relationship and she still feels like Aiden doesn't really trust her.
30. Describe how one would cheer the other up after a hard day.
Ashlyn: she says Aiden is like a kid, because to cheer him up she just has to hold him. A long cuddle session is in order, and some kisses for good measure :> Then she'll offer to go out tomorrow to do smth fun.
Aiden: she's probably overstimulted and exhausted, so he basically preps her/their room so she can relax to the fullest and does all the chores so she won't need to do anything. Orders takeout/goes to the drive-through so she doesn't need to socialize.
31. How would they describe one another?
Ashlyn: weirdo adrenaline junkie who doesn't know when to quit...and an idiot. He's still HER idiot tho.
Aiden: his guardian angel, bless her, because he must give her a heart attack per day at least.
32. Can they communicate private thoughts whilst in company? If so, how?
Not really haha. They're both difficult people to read, and they're not exceptions to each other.
33. Which one of them gives "that look" when they other is acting like a fool?
...Come on 🤡 You guys know. You know it's Ash.
34. How do they address a problem in their relationship?
...they'll probably ignore it for a while 💀 When somebody brings it up it'll be Ash. She is genuinely very invested in the relationship so like, she doesn't want it to blow up in her face haha, so she will look on the internet for a solution (or ask Taylor)
35. How does each significant other view any exes and former relationships?
Ash doesn't have any exes which is great because Aiden would probably be jealous of that too 🫠 Aiden doesn't have any like, real proper exes either. I guess she would be a little curious about his past relationships tho, just because he doesn't talk about them.
36. What is something that would break their hearts?
For Aiden, if she couldnt take him anymore...and for Ash, it kinda breaks her heart everyday that Aiden still thinks she'd leave him behind :")
37. Who is more likely to avenge their S/O if they were hurt or killed?
More likely??? I mean lowkey Aiden but they would both try- don't underestimate Ash's anger lol
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
I feel like they would binge watch a reality TV dance competition show or smth along those lines. Order a bunch of junk food, top it off with ice cream...Ash would probably fall asleep on him at like 1am and Aiden would fall asleep a little bit later because he sleeps easier with her next to him :)
39. Do they dance? If so, who's better?
They both dance!!! Ash is, ofc, an excellent ballerina and she knows some ballroom dancing. Aiden is better at freestyle and stuff like that, but Ash is better on a technical level.
40. What is a song that reminds you of the relationship?
Bro I suck at picking songs 😭 LOWKEY LOWKEY Acting My Age by The Academics 😭 Or No Time To Explain??? By Good Kid?? GODDDD I SUCK AT THIS SO HARD- Vampire Empire, Big Thief?? I'm gonna cry 😭
41. Who sings to the other? Are they any good?
Aiden tries to serenade Ash all the time lmao 🤡 he's not a really good singer or anything, but he's not terrible...
42. Who teases who? What about?
Aiden teases her more, but she'll drag him if it's necessary. He definitely type of guy to say "Omg you had a crush on me?? That's so embarrassing" when they've been dating for 6 months...
43. Who gets up early? Who stays in bed late?
Aiden can't sleep, so he gets up really early. Ash actually likes sleeping so if she can she's gonna sleep in 😭
44. Who's more likely to bring the other coffee or breakfast in bed?
One of the things Aiden can do in the kitchen is use the coffee machine!!! So he will bring her coffee in bed! No breakfast because...he doesn't know how to make breakfast... and he doesn't wanna cause her trouble by burning the pan or smth stupid like that 😭
45. What's the worst thing the other can say to one?
Ash: for him to leave her alone and to not talk to her again.
Aiden: telling her to leave like everybody else does in his life (he pushes people away)
They actually make me mentally ill /pos
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?
HA. They both do, no questions asked.
47. If it ever came down to it, who is turning to the darkside to save the other?
Mm. I think they would both do it, but Aidens morals are pretty loose when it comes to Ash lol. If you asked him to kill somebody to protect her he wouldn't feel that bad about it.
48. If they ever had less that 5 mins to tell their partner something before never seeing them again, what would they say?
Ash: To not be scared, because she wants him to know she's going to do whatever she can to find him again.
Aiden: absolute mess, telling her how much he loves her and that she made his life so much better and worth living (Aiden, buddy-)
49. Is there a word or gesture that makes either of them melt?
Ashlyn: I'm serious, the forehead kiss, she literally stops functioning 😭
Aiden: When she looks him in the eyes, he knows she doesn't like that very much so he feels really special. Bonus points if she's holding his hands or cheeks.
50. Who's the romantic?
Aww, definitely Aiden. He's so silly about it all. Doodling their initials together, daydreaming about her, getting her gifts.
51. Are there any characters who ship them?
Taylor and Logan lowkey.
52. Who cooks? Who does the dishes?
Ash definitely cooks, Aiden can barely make Ramen. Aiden usually does the dishes to be fair between them, but Ash needs to supervise because he's prone to leaving grease or not cleaning the utensils properly (he wants to finish quickly)
53. Who eats healthier? Who's got the sweet-tooth?
Aiden is like a human garbage disposal, he eats the worse trash food humanely possible (and somehow is still not sick); his diet is basically fast food joints, convenience store snacks, and soda 💀 So Ash eats healthier... BUT Ash is the one with a sweet tooth. She really likes stuff like cookies, cakes, and chocolate. Aiden prefers salty and savory snacks (tho he does like candy, ex. gummy worms or lollipops, stuff like that)
54. What's something that they don't really care for but tolerate because the other has an interest?
Ashlyn: Video games. In general she finds them kinda stressful and loud, but she watches him play for fun (especially horror games)
Aiden: ballet shows. He ADORES watching her dance but like if she's not on stage he's not gonna be into it...
55. Who spoils who? Does their partner tolerate it? Do they secretly enjoy it?
Aiden absolutely spoils Ash, he has cash to burn, so why not on things she wants? :) lowkey Ash finds this a little weird, especially if he gets something really expensive (like this espresso machine he got her one Christmas) but she doesn't really have the heart to complain besides a "You don't need to spend so much on me..."
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral?
Ha 💀 Ash genuinely does her best to be level-headed...but deep down they're both feral.
57. Who reminds the other to wear a coat when it's cold out?
Ash. Aiden is one of those guys who goes out into snow In like jeans and a t-shirt to buy ice cream, so she crams him into a jacket...he lets her, cuz she zips it up for him and he gets a little goofy over that.
58. Do they hold hands?
..yeah :)
59. Is there a spot they tend to kiss or caress habitually?
Aiden brushes her hair back, so he touches the area around her temple/back of her ear a lot. Also kisses the palm of her hand whenever she holds his face. Ash kisses his cheek a lot, near the corner of his mouth.
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason?
Well, Aiden doesn't really have a problem with it, but Ash is a little reluctant because it tends to draw unnecessary attention to herself and she does not like. Being perceived.
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word?
Ashlyn: "...interesting" (on a generous day, otherwise shes gonna say idiot 🤡)
Aiden: "incredible!!!"
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship?
Tyler calls it "barely functioning" which annoys Aiden to no end. Taylor thinks it's sweet how dedicated Aiden is to Ash...even though she's a little worried about him. In general everybody is kinda...pleasantly surprised the relationship hasn't exploded yet.
63. How would they describe one another while sleeping in the same bed?
Aiden normally kicks while sleeping so the first time Ash woke up with her shins really sore and bruised 🤡👍🏽 She's also not a fan of him snoring lmao. Aiden thinks she's a blanket hogger but, well, he won't complain about that. She also tends to curl up into a ball which he finds cute.
64. Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react?
Maybe when they were older and already living together, otherwise she needs to explain why they fell asleep on the same bed at the same time...lol
She'd be a little embarrassed that he finds her cute when she's sleeping haha. Aiden on the other hand would feel terrible about the kicking thing, AND the snoring (since she doesn't sleep with her earbuds in) 😭
65. Who tends to take the lead with intimacy?
Well, for kissing, Aiden tends to initiate it more, because he has a better idea of what you're supposed to do. But Ash sets the pace, if she doesn't want to do smth or stop, she tells him.
66. Have they ever been caught kissing? What would be their reaction if they were?
I dont think a peck is embarrassing...I guess this is like an open mouth kiss, but if they were doing that, I feel like they would only do it at Aidens house whenever it was empty because Ash is kind of paranoid about that stuff. If she got caught she would like. Die. Girl would be redder than her hair 🤡 Aiden would be a lil bit flustered depending on who caught them, but mostly annoyed at being interrupted.
67. Have they ever kissed anywhere questionable?
....In the phantom dimension lowkey
68. Who is more vocal? Who is the better kisser?
Aiden is just a loud person in general. He sighs a lot (he's lovesick fr), and sometimes he starts mumbling about how pretty she is and how in love he is with her.
They're both pretty bad kissers lol 🫠 Aiden loses his breath very quickly and Ash is super stiff.
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go?
Ash doesn't really like shopping...? Lowkey stressful and she doesn't like getting new things. Aiden goes shopping because he has the money for it (he likes buying clothes) but he wouldn't make Ash carry his own bags lol
70. If they went out to dinner, who is paying? Would there even be a discussion?
Aiden. Ash usually tries to pay for herself but Aiden is pretty insistent about it, and he's SO rich that she has a hard time feeling bad about it.
71. If someone were to insult their partner, how would the other handle it?
Ashlyn: would snap back with something equally rude, but she's not super worried about Aiden, he has a thick skin and she knows that.
Aiden: will kill them with his bare hands. If Ash lets him.
72. If someone flirted with or showed an interest in their partner, how would the other react?
Ashlyn: probably surprised, she forgets not everybody knows about his massive baggage lmao. Teeniest tiniest bit jealous...
Aiden: absolutely the type of guy to swoop in, put his arm around her, and call her babe in front of the person. Will probably pull her away from the situation and then death glare at the person from over his shoulder :>
73. Who knows the other better? Why is this?
I think they both know each other pretty well, but Aiden knows all this useless trivia about Ash because he's obsessed with her /hj
74. Who's more likely to bail who out of jail? Would they give the other one shit for it?
Ash absolutely 💀 (it's with his own money too). She definitely gets on his ass for getting arrested over smth stupid like vandalism or "being a public disturbance" (and when he's older for stuff like driving under the influence or smth)
75. Which - if any - other famous ship's vibes do they emulate?
Man idk any famous ships :0 Like, what, an unhinged guy x girl clinging so hard onto those hinges? Guys let me know if you know any!
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that?
I dont think they believe in spiritual stuff like that haha. They just know they love each other ^_^
77. What is something they would never forgive the other one for doing/saying?
Hhhhhh there's definitely a timeline where Aiden kills a person for Ash and I don't think she would ever really get over that, even if she still stayed with him. For Aiden...is hard, because it would be stuff that's not in character for her...maybe if he wasn't getting better and she left him. He would feel betrayed that she "abandoned" him when he was at his weakest. But even then...idk if she apologize for it I think maybe he would take her back...idk idk, they're complicated 🤣
78. Who has memorised the other's medical history?
79. Also, are they each other's first contact in an accident?
Technically its their parents but they would call each other right away, and when they're older Aiden would definitely change it to Ash. Doesn't help that they tend to get into accidents together tho 😭
80. What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
Grumpy x Sunshine, A Couple with Emotional Wounds, Battle Couple, Cannot Spit it Out (because fuck me that's why), Devoted to You (Aiden to Ash), Fire-Forged Friends...I'm this close to putting Heroes Want Redheads but...I'll control myself-
81. Did they have a meet cute? Or was it a train wreck?
More like a bus wreck, she literally ran away from him 💀
82. Make their relationship into a list of A03 tags.
Hm...Idiots in Love, Biting, Mutual Pining, Obsessive Behavior, Complicated Relationships, Blood, Hurt/Comfort, Bruises.
(All of this list is fluffy shit so let me think about the darkness for a second)
83. Who gets frustrated more easily? How does the other calm them down?
Ashlyn lowkey, she gets irritated when she feels like she's not being understood or smth isn't going to plan. Most of the time Aiden will try and talk to her, which has a 50/50 chance of working lol
84. Have they ever almost lost one another? How does it effect their relationship?
LMAO yeah 😭 they HAVE lost each other and they both blame themselves hard for it, it makes Aiden even clingier and more overprotective than he normally would be, and Ash is hard on herself because she feels like she can't protect him when it's her job.
85. Their partner is tipsy. How do they handle it?
Ash: semi-regular thing she deals with as an adult. He is usually a reckless drunk person so she tends to redirect his attention towards herself (so he will shift into flirty drunk mode lol) and hopes he'll fall asleep soon :p
Aiden: he'd get upset because Ash would never willingly drink enough to get tipsy- lowkey his first thought is that somebody drugged her 🤡 (Ash probably just didn't notice her own limits) she's a pretty quiet drunk tho so she won't cause him too much trouble. She's also more affectionate which he guiltily enjoys
86. Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?
Okay, so...like...it's not like Aiden goes for expensive gifts just cuz they're expensive, it's just like. Sometimes he just so happens to get something that is expensive for her! And he knows her pretty well, so he knows what she likes. Ash is always kinda nervous about gift shopping because she feels a little...apprehensive about buying people stuff...but she's not bad at it, it just takes her a while.
87. If they ever lost one another in a public place, how do they find the other?
Ashlyn: She just calls him on her phone lol, if she doesn't have it on her she will just walk around looking for him because...he's kind of hard to miss-
Aiden: Definitely starts yelling her name really loudly and bothering all the other people in the area asking if theyve seen her💀
88. What's the darkest secret they have ever told one another?
I feel like for Aiden it would be telling her about his past and stuff :p Ash doesn't exactly have a dark past or anything, I think at that point it would just be saying some dark thoughts she's had.
89. Would they ever consider marriage?
They don't really have strong feelings about it, Ash just asked him for the tax benefits.
90. Would they ever consider starting a family?
...I think Aiden is more into that idea than Ash is.
91. Who likes kids more? Who can't stand them?
Man okay neither of them dislike kids- Ash is just awkward around them and doesnt know how to take care of them 😭 Aiden has a lot of fun playing with kids but he's not exactly a responsible babysitter either lol.
92. There's a puddle in one's way. What does their partner do?
Ashlyn: ...??? Lmao she's not gonna do anything, maybe try and jump over if they really can't go around it 😭
Aiden: he's gonna jump in the puddle. It's for his enrichment. If Ash doesn't wanna get wet tho, he'll probably try and pick her up and put her on the other side lol
93. One has hurt their leg on a hike. How does their partner carry them?
Aiden is stubborn about that stuff and he's hurt his leg A LOT so he's only gonna lean on her for support. If Ash hurt her leg he'd carry her on his back.
94. Their pet has caused destruction. Who puts the pet in jail? Who defends the pet?
Ash is the disciplinarian, she's putting the dog in pet jail 😭 Aiden is probably going with the dog, he definitely contributed to the disaster...
95. Who gives flowers to their partner? What sort of flowers do they like?
Idk I feel like they're not big on flowers. Ash doesn't want smth that's gonna die in a few weeks- I feel like the only time they'd give each other flowers is if they were chilling in a meadow or smth. I think Aiden puts daisies in her braids.
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?
Aiden isn't big on reading- Not that Ash is either, but she'll skim the paper and give Aiden the funny strips.
97. How do they wake their partner up? Is it difficult to rouse them?
Aiden is a very light sleeper, so she just needs to call for him or touch him to wake him up. Ash is like....mid level, so Aiden will do annoying stuff to wake her up, like touching her foot with his (it's cold as balls), or tickling her nose with her blanket. 20% he'll start singing too.
98. Who would burn the world down for who?
It's easy to say Aiden, but I think they both would :>
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
I guess this is an unpopular opinion but like i just don't think Ash would care enough to go to the register, even if they got his order wrong 😭 So imo Aiden-
100. Make a meme of this ship.
Another one...? Alr
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If you made it here... *gives you a cookie* :)
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jeansplaytoy · 1 year
“Ain’t shit.” - c.springer
(part two here.)
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part 1
when you and your toxic ass boyfriend, connie get into what seems to be your final argument.
mentions of cheating, cursing, n word being used, afrolatino/lightskin!connie ;), angst?, toxicity.
^y’all i have no idea why the words r bunched up if y’all see that. lmao
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“don’t start wit’ that bullshit, y/n.” connie said, walking through the house while you followed him— with the bullshit.
“nah, because why everytime i go out, it’s another hoe screaming ‘bout how she fucked you whenever? you know what? i’m done wit’cho ass.” you followed him to the kitchen. it was exactly what it seemed too, everyday, another woman was talking to her friend about how connie did this and that to her, and you just wasn’t really having it.
“bro, what is you talkin’ bout? i ain’t fucked nobody since i been wit’ you.” he paused. “but you” he said, stopping by the sink and leaning on it, letting his head hang a little to huff at your words. “well that’s not what them hoes say.” you put your hands on your hips as you stood all the way across from him, on the other side of the island counter. one thing you weren’t gonna do, is let no man play you. ever. he can hit once and leave, but if a relationship comes into the picture then you take that shit seriously, and right now it seemed like his ass really didn’t care.
“you buggin.” he laughed to refrain his self from getting mad at you, but you were irking his nerves. like, for real. “oh i’m buggin’? connie, that’s what you always say when i catch you in a damn lie.” you tilt your head in a ‘wtf are you talking about’ way.
“so you gone listen to some random hoes on the street instead of me?” he crossed his arms. “yes, nigga cause’ you always doin’ something you ain’t got no business.” and that’s when you started walking over to him. his eyes followed you as he kept his attention on you. “now if i were to go around fucking on yo friends you’d be mad right?” you said before nudging his head. he rubbed the side of his head before looking at you.
“hell yeah i’d be mad, cus you always finding a way to piss me off when i don’t be doing shit to you. always believing what other females gotta say.” he shook his head before walking off. “man, stop acting like a bitch sometimes.” he mumbled under his breath while walking off.
you looked at him and narrowed your eyes. “what?”
it wasn’t like he was calling you a bitch, but that word being used in a sentence where he was referring to, and talking to you? no.
“chill out ma, you keepin’ up all that noise.” he said before sitting on the couch and propping his leg up. you stared at him for a minute before slowly nodding. “get the fuck out.” you pointed towards the door. he looked at you for a few seconds before laughing. “what?”
“i said, get out.” you repeated yourself.
connie looked at you again before his smile slowly dropped, but not into a sad face. this time, you really pissed him off. “ ‘t fuck?” he frowned. “oh, what? you don’t think i’m dead serious about what the fuck i’m saying?” you tilted your head. “since you wanna go with other bitches, go with em. go live with em. do whatever you want, we done.” you said before scoffing.
connie stared at you before standing up. “that’s yo problem. you believe everything everybody say. you too pretty to be acting this damn stupid.” he mumbled while standing in front of you. you looked towards the ground to avoid any further conversation with him.
“you think i wanna do this?” you asked. “hell yeah.” he said while tilting his head back a little. you looked up at him. “i hate yo ass. you make me sick.” you said before pushing him away from you and walking upstairs.
you weren’t being completely serious. you didn’t hate connie. but you hate how he acted everytime you got into an argument about another woman.
“how? cause you never did that crazy shit. you never went through my phone, asked about my female friends, if i even got any. but you tryna accuse me of cheating on you. ma, you know how dumb you sound?” he frowned while following you upstairs.
“connie just get out, for real.” you shook your head. “nah, what’s the problem? i thought you was all big.” he said while walking into your room where you sat on your bed. “leave me alone.” you exhaled. “and get out.”
he looked at you before nodding. “okay.” he said, grabbing only his charger as his phone was placed in his pocket. you looked at him. “get all yo’ shit, connie, you not coming back over here.” you frowned as you followed him back down the stairs. “connie, i’m so fuckin serious, get yo shit from upstairs.” you pointed behind you as you grabbed his arm to turn him around.
“i’ll come get my shit when i feel like it.” he mumbled before opening the door and slamming it behind him. you stared at it for a while before locking it and walking back over to your couch, sitting down.
“hoe.” you mumbled to yourself.
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yes the theme changed!
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elliespillowprincess · 8 months
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pt 1
pt 2
pt 3
a/n: this is my first ever (kinda) fic so it kinda sucks and is all over the place.. rockstar/band ellie has been on my mind too much lately so yk i had to.
c/w: modern au, reader is in college (premed), biker ellie!!! smut!, reader/ellie are high/drunk during sex, cum eating, fingering (r!receiving) mentions of smoking, drinking and drugs (reader and ellie), angst :(, fem reader, plus size reader, insecure reader, fluff, race of reader not specified, TERRIBLY WRITTEN, not proofread
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the next morning, you wake up unsure of where you are. you look around the room, its messy and there’s clothes, food, and drinks everywhere. you lift your head and look to the right and see none other, than ellie williams.
what the fuck happened last night?
you look down, noticing you aren’t wearing the clothes you chose yesterday. you’re wearing her fucking merch, no shorts on. she’s sleeping softly, her head pressed into the pillow.
did the two of you fuck last night?
you attempt to get out of bed silently, as to not wake up the girl next to you. standing up, you try to look for your clothes so you’re at least a little covered up. you see your phone on the table, and a million text messages appear on the screen as you wake it.
lili😦: where are u?
dude i saw abby
u ok?
when did you slip away?
where are you
do u have no service?
ur scaring me y/n seriously
please answer me
im going to security
they told me you left with ellie williams????
your stomach sinks as your haze ellie had over you caused you to not think straight. “fuckkkkk!!” you curse yourself, starting to type quickly.
you: omg i’m so so sorry lili
i didn’t mean to scare u
i saw abby she was saying all kinds of shit to me
i’m okay though ill be home soon
we’ll talk then ok?
you set your phone down and begin searching for the rest of your things. tripping over the bottles on the floor. as you’re about to leave, you look over at ellie. quickly, you grab a tissue and write a note for her on it. sorry, i have to go!! here’s my number if u want it? (xxx)-(xxx)-(xxxx).
“where the hell did you go?? i was so worried dude!!” lili shouts at you. you can tell she wasn’t really mad, just more concerned. you guys never go anywhere without telling each other. you have each others locations, but you absentmindedly turned it off while drunk last night. after leaving the hotel, you called an uber and headed home.
“lili im sorry, people were rude at the concert and i went to get some air!!” you defend yourself. “air? how did you end up with her? she’s trouble, y/n. did you guys fuck? were you sober?” you place both hands on your face, trying to clear your mind. “no, we just, cuddled? i don’t know.” liliana takes a deep sigh before pulling you into a tight hug. “just.. don’t do it again. you really scared me.” hugging her back, the two of you decided to go out to lunch and enjoy your day off of no classes.
“did you hear what happened with that camilla chick?” the two of you had been gossiping over your now cold soup for hours. talking about whatever drama was currently happening in your small town. suddenly, you get a text.
???: hey pretty girl.
your eyes widen and liliana immediately starts asking questions, being nosy. “what? who is it? what’d they say?? bitch tell me i can’t read your face!!” you smile as you say in shock, “it’s ellie williams!!” liliana lets out a gasp with you as she leans over the table, trying to see what she said. you turn your phone around when another text buzzes on your phone. “WOAH!!! bitch she really wants you!!” you flip around the phone to see what the girl texted you next.
???: where’d you run off to? reached for u this morning n u weren’t there
your face immediately turns a shade of pink. how is this happening? how many girls who hookup with her get a text the next day? you two didn’t even hook up!! you begin typing on your phone, more excited now. “what are you gonna say?” liliana asks you. “ummm… what should i say?” you keep typing and deleting texts, overthinking it. “ask her to hangout! you know, when you guys are sober?”
you: hey i’m so sorry!
my friend was really worried about me
i was with her and disappeared n didn’t respond
it doesn’t take long before the bubbles appear on your screen once again, a message appearing. you decide to change her contact name.
ellie🤭: don’t worry abt it
u free today?
heard there was a party on 97th tn? dk where that is
“she just basically invited me to a party! what do i say??” you look up at liliana, waiting for her to make a decision for you. “if you don’t go, ill kill you.” you weren’t a big party person in general, especially not on nights when you had an 8 am class the next day. “i don’t know, i have to wake up early tomorrow..” “she’s probably leaving town tomorrow, this might be your last chance! cmon you’re dumb if you don’t go.” you sigh, replying to her.
you: yeah i’m free!
nathan’s parties r always pretty good, he’s part of the richest family here
it was seconds before another reply came in.
ellie🤭: send me your address
picking u up at 8
it was 7:34, you’re adding touches to your makeup. you’re extremely nervous, i mean who wouldn’t be? you were about to hangout with a rockstar! you wanted to make a better impression than last night. applying a final layer of lipgloss, you look at yourself in the mirror. having asked for liliana’s help once again, you find yourself in a similar outfit to the night before. you’re wearing a pair of low rise jeans, another leather jacket to keep you warm, and her shirt. you dreaded washing it because it had the musk of cigarettes, weed, and her cologne. was it too bold to wear her shirt? probably. you tied it in the back, making it look tighter and shorter.
walking to the fridge, you grab a seltzer and wait for ellie’s text indicating she was there. plopping on the couch, liliana walks in. “look at you!! you’re bold as fuck for wearing her shirt, it looks good!” she says, sitting down next to you. “just make sure you leave your location on okay? and give me updates when you can.” you didn’t mind how much she checks on you, knowing you do the same thing. “i will, don’t worry.” the two of you talk mindlessly until you get a text.
ellie🤭: here
your heart skips a beat, and you quickly get up, grabbing your bags. walking to the front door, you take a deep breath as liliana walks behind you, waiting to lock the door after you leave. “it’ll be fun, don’t worry.”
“holy shit. you look gorgeous.” ellie says as you walk to her bike. you blush nervously as she hands you her helmet, helping you on. she’s wearing a pair of baggy jeans, paired with another one of her merch shirts. does she never get cold? “look at you! you look amazing.”
after speeding through cars, you arrive at the party. she helps you off and locks both of the helmets in her seat, grabbing your hand and leading you into the party. you were shocked at her straightforwardness, and partially worried that someone would recognize her. she notices your discomfort on your face, and asks you, “what’s wrong?” she asks, turning to you, stopping the two of you just before you step into the house. “nothing! jus worried people are gonna flock to you.” she smiles. “im only performing one song for them, ill make sure you’re right upfront ‘kay?” you smile softly and nod, following her into the house.
“next up, we got ellie williams!!” you hear the familiar voice of nathan say. “follow me.” she guides you to the front, pushing people aside to make sure you get the best view before she stands on the make-shift stage. she looks slightly annoyed, but grabs a guitar, tuning it and starting to play. cold heaven. you recognize the song as one she played at the festival the day prior. she’s strumming, singing, all while looking at you. it felt like a fantasy, it felt like the two of you were the only people in that room. girls were screaming and offering her drinks, to which she ignored. you just watched her, watched how her long fingers strummed the guitar effortlessly. how sweat dripped down her forehead. how her mouth remained opened in between lyrics.
she was hot.
your stomach began feeling warm as you sipped on whatever seltzer you found in the fridge of the house. the room felt fuzzy. the finished the song with a loud “thank you everyone!”, waving off the stage to find you. you wiggled your way out of the crowd, looking for ellie. that’s when you saw her, looking around for you when her eyes laid on yours, her face lighting up. she walks up to you, wrapping her arm around the small of your back. everything she did was so forward, but it also felt respectful.
“wanna get outta here?”
that’s how you ended up in your bedroom, sharing a blunt between the two of you on your bed. the room is filled with smoke. liliana had headed out for the night after you texted her that you were heading home, she knew. “whatcha looking at mama?” you hear ellie say. you were lost in a trance of her, admiring every little freckle on her face. her voice was raspy, and she was analyzing your expressions. “nothin’, jus you.” you smile at her. she inches closer to you, leaning in. “just me?”. her tone, her expressions, her hair falling perfectly, her hands inching closer, smoke entering your nose, everything is too much. you can’t control yourself, and the mix of alcohol and weed causes you to become confident. you lean in and grab her neck with both hands, placing a deep kiss on her lips.
what the fuck? why did you just do that? you barely know her! she probably gets girls begging for this constantly.
you’re just another girl.
she pulls you back, and looks at you closely. “are you sure? we don’t have to do anything.” you look at her, surprised at her even asking. you eagerly nod your head, looking at her expectantly. she puts the still lit joint into the ashtray next to your bed. “use your words, princess.” you grabbed her hands and placed them on your cheeks, rubbing your face into them. “yes els, i’m sure.” she smiles at you before placing a slow, soft kiss on your lips. you moan into the kiss, crawling to sit on her lap, straddling her.
she moved so she was against the headboard, with you on her lap. her long hands were wrapped around the small of your waist, pulling you closer, grinding you on her jeans. the room becomes more and more hot, your jeans begging to come off. “please…” you mumble between the kiss. she pushes your hair out of your face, “what was that baby? gotta tell me what you want.” she dips her head down, leaving marks along your neck and jaw. “fingers, mouth, you please..” you mumble incoherently. she lifts her head up, looking at you intently. “are you sure?” she asks, waiting for your response.
“more than sure.”
she lays you down on your back. she crawls on top of you. gently kissing your collarbone with your hands tangled in her hair. she gently removes your jacket, then your jeans. she takes a step back to admire you. “so fucking pretty. gonna fuck you in my shirt sound good baby?” she says, reaching under your back and unclipping your bra with ease. you can only moan in response. she lifts your- her shirt slightly so she can get a view of your boobs. air blows out of her lips when she sees them, immediately suckling onto the right bud, massaging the other. “oh fuckkk.. els..!!” you hold onto her head. she lifts her head slightly to say “is my girl sensitive?” before dipping back down to suck on the left one. my girl? did she really think of you that way?
you feel her lips travel down your stomach until her mouth is kissing the inner part of your thigh, getting close but not quite where you wanted her. you start to squirm and beg her to hurry up. “ellie please.. i need you.” she looks up at you, then down at your lacy underwear, noticing the wet spot. “let’s not waste any time then yeah? lift those hips for me.” you comply as she pulls down your underwear, immediately attacking your dripping cunt. it feels like an electric shock; the way her tongue laps at your clit, drawing circles. her skill immediately makes your back arch as you moan her name loudly. your hands are tangled in her hair as her middle finger prods at your hole, slowly slipping inside. her finger is so deep inside of you, and the feeling of her finger exiting, entering, curling, and repeating makes your pupils become blown and your vision to blur. when she adds a second finger, it’s over.
your legs are fighting to stay open and not crush her head, she’s pumping in and out of you while sloppily making out with your clit. the air smells like weed and sex, and everything is so overwhelming. you have one hand in her hair, and one gripping the sheets. she reaches up to hold your hand in hers as she fucks you fast and passionately. the intimacy from her holding your hand and moaning into your clit makes you dizzy. you feel so full of her. you feel the rope in your stomach become tighter and tighter, until you can’t hold it anymore. “ellie!! els m’gonna cum!” you babble out, tears brimming your eyes.
“give it to me, cum on my fingers, you can do it.” she somehow speeds up her pace, looking up at you and seeing how you begin to fall apart. you look down, and when you see her, everything comes loose. your orgasm rips through you as you scream her name; ears ringing, vision going white, body trembling. she fucks you through your orgasm, until you start squirming away. she places kisses along your thighs as you breathe heavily. then, she gets up without a word, going to the bathroom.
“where are you going?” you ask curiously, half expecting her to just leave. “where are your rags?” she’s rummaging through your drawers and before you can tell her where, she turns on the faucet, wetting the rag. “found it!” the water turns off and she walks up to you, still spread out on your bed, and cleans you up. you begin whimpering from the sensitivity, trying to push her away. “i know honey, just let me clean you up okay?” all of this felt too much like a relationship. sure, you’ve had plenty one night stands with people you barely knew, but this was different. she spent the time after to clean you up, kiss you, and tell you how amazing you did. you start feeling bad, wanting to return the favor. you try to pull her jeans down, when she looks up and asks you what you’re doing. “wanna make you feel good.” you tell her.
“you already did.”
after cleaning you, she puts the rag away in your hamper, crawling on the bed to cuddle with you. she admires your hickeys on your neck, and kisses them gently. you inch closer to curl into her body. “are you gonna change?” you ask her. “nah, i’m too comfy right now. hey do you wanna go get breakfast in the morning?” you look partially confused. asking, “don’t you have to leave soon? i mean, you’re still on tour no?” she smiles at you, brushing the hair from your face. “i leave at noon tomorrow.” you pout, hoping she’d stay a little longer. but what did you expect? she has her priorities. “yeah, okay. we can go.” she pulls you in closer, pulling the comforter over you to make sure you stay warm. she leans in and places a soft kiss on your forehead, causing you to drift off to sleep.
you’re riding on the back of ellie’s bike, again, speeding through the city. it’s 10:56, and the thought of this dream ending makes your stomach hurt. you’re wearing a simple outfit: jeans and a hoodie, while ellie borrowed some of yours. you arrive at the diner you’ve been to countless amounts of times living here, and hop off her bike, following her in. the two of you sit at a table, admiring one another. “do you really have to go?” you ask out of the blue. “i wish i could stay. i mean, you could always come with me?” she asks, looking at you with expectant eyes. you really wanted to go with her, but you couldn’t miss so much school. “i want to, i really do. just with school and everything..” you trail off, ellie looking slightly hurt. the rest of the meal it’s quieter; not uncomfortably but just quiet. she pays the bill, reaching her hand out to walk you out. as soon as you think you got through the meal without her getting recognized, you were wrong. a girl runs up to her, begging for a photo and an autograph. you watch the way ellie holds the girl around the waist as one of the waitresses takes the photo.
you feel sick to your stomach. why were you so jealous? i mean, you guys technically aren’t anything.
you awkwardly stand there, waiting for them to finish. when they do, she just walks out, holding the door for you. the two of you hop on her bike, heading for your house. she stops the bike, taking her helmet off and watches you get off. you take your helmet off, and go to hand it to her. “keep it, for next time.” she smiles, pulling you in for a deep kiss. next time? she smiles into the kiss, pulling you deeper. you feel like you’re floating. “you have to text me, okay? don’t go forgetting about me.” she says with a coy smile. “how could i?” she smiles at you before kissing you deeply one more time. you can’t help but think, what is this? what are you guys? will she be back? she places the helmet back on her head once again, starting her bike back up. she revs the handle as you watch her drift away. “bye!” you shout softly, but she couldn’t hear you.
will she be back?
sorry this was so short it just needed a little cliff hanger😣😣 pt 3 coming very soon!!!
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archangeldyke-all · 9 months
i am heartbroken. crying. sobbing. shaking.
about the fact that there wasnt a muscular masc fictional lesbian wrapped up in nothing but a little pink bow under my christmas tree.
will you do the honors of making the christmas of a heartbroken sad lesbian, a little better by writing one of your delicious sevika squirting blurbs 🙏
santa better know how to fight because i'm coming after him... he's letting all the lesbians down! i didn't get sevika under the tree either!!! wtf?!?!?!
men and minors dni
sevika's ranting. she's walking in tight little circles in your kitchen as you sit on the counter, getting dizzy just from watching her.
you're trying not to be distracted by how fucking hot she is when she's pissed... you're trying to listen and nod along and be a supportive girlfriend... but you're failing miserably.
sevika's been venting for a solid half hour now, and at this point she's saying more curses than words. she's running out of steam, you can tell, but she's still got that anger boiling under the surface and no way to get it out.
you can help with that.
with a sly smile, you slide off the counter as sevika has her back turned to you. when she turns back around to start another lap, she jumps in shock when she sees you crowding up against her.
"wha...?" she asks as you gently shove her further and further back until she's pressed against the sink. "what're you doin'?" she asks, caught complete off guard.
"keep going baby, i'm listening." you say with a sweet smile. sevika blinks.
"i'm just sick of silco acting like-- fuck are you doing?" she asks as you start fiddling with her button and fly.
you grin up at her. "c'mon, baby, tell me." you say. sevika's eyes go wide as your hand slips down her pants, gently cupping her cunt. she gulps. you smile. "what's wrong?" you ask, gently rubbing circles against her clit. sevika lets out a shaky breath.
"what are you doing?" she asks again. you shrug.
"helping you let off some steam?" you try. sevika blinks. "i can stop." you say. sevika's hand comes flying forward to grab your wrist, keeping your hand shoved in her pants. you giggle.
"don't." she pleas. you lean forward and give her a quick peck against her lips, and her grip around your wrist loosens as both her hands grip the counter behind her.
you dip your fingers down to gather up the wetness that's started forming between sevika's lips, teasing her hole for a moment before swiping back up to play with her clit some more.
sevika's ranting has ceased, replaced now with little sighs and gasps as you rub her clit. you smile at her, leaning forward to kiss her again. she whimpers against your lips.
"where'd all that fight go, honey?" you tease her. she shudders at the petname. "c'mon, tell me about how you hate silco." you encourage her as you increase the pressure of your movements.
"i--i..." sevika tries, blinking down at you. you grin.
"he made you do all that paperwork?" you fill in for her. sevika nods.
"yeah he... fuck, baby... he g-gave me a tower of files-- shit!" she gasps. you giggle.
"and then what?"
"you're so annoying!" she groans. you laugh again.
"'s wrong, your brain's not working?" you tease. sevika tries to roll her eyes, but the annoyance of the expression fails when she lets out a loud moan as she does. "you're so cute." you whisper.
"m-more." sevika whimpers. you grin.
"you want my fingers?" you ask. sevika nods and you shove your hand farther down her pants to start teasing her wet hole. "you're soaked." you moan.
"c'mon!" she groans, grinding her cunt against your hand in an attempt to make your fingers slide into her. you giggle.
"ask nicely." you say. sevika groans and throws her head back dramatically. you just laugh and admire her stretched neck as you continue to gently trace around her pulsating hole.
eventually, she gives in, glaring at you as she relents. "please." she grunts out, curt. you smile and push your finger into her cunt, but only to the first knuckle. she groans. "please!" she says, much more needy this time. you grin, and sink your finger all the way in.
both of you sigh in relief. sevika's cunt is warm and soaking fucking wet and clenching around you like she's close already. you grin up at her.
"fuck off." she grunts, knowing that you can tell how worked up she is. you giggle.
"you just want one or two?" you ask as you start fucking your finger in and out of her. you work slowly, making sure to press against her g-spot on every thrust. sevika's thighs are already shaking. "you're close already, you must've been so worked up." you tease her. sevika grunts.
"shut up."
"shoulda cut you off five minutes in baby, you're dripping." you say. sevika's cunt clenches again.
"two." sevika says, trying to distract you from your dirty talk. you smirk and start working your second finger inside her.
"you weren't even angry were ya?" you ask, leaning forward to start kissing up sevika's neck. "just needed your girl, huh?" you ask. sevika whimpers.
"i-i was angry." she tries to defend. you giggle.
"then how come you're about to cum three minutes into me getting my hands on you?" you whisper against her ear, nipping her earlobe. sevika's hands reach out to grab at your shoulders clawing at you. she's silent, her eyes shut and brow furrowed, her nose scrunched, her breaths noisy.
"b-baby." sevika whimpers. you coo and press your lips against hers, and sevika cums. you giggle against her lips as you continue fucking her with your fingers, upping your pace. sevika's eyes snap open as her knees go wobbly.
"w-what-- fuck!" she groans.
"you want me to stop?" you ask again. sevika whimpers, her hips jolting as her cunt starts squelching with your thrusts.
"n-no." she replies her voice breathy.
you grin, and lock your lips with hers again, humming happily against her.
your kiss gets nastier the closer sevika gets to cumming again. sevika's jaw is hanging open as she pants, and you're sucking and licking at her lips, fucking your tongue into her mouth as you fuck your fingers into her sopping cunt.
"i-i'm--" she tries, only to cut herself off with a whimper. you smile against her.
"yeah?" you ask, already knowing what she was trying to say. "again? already?" you tease. sevika shivers, her claws digging into your shoulders.
"i hate you." she whines. you giggle.
"no you don't." you say. the squelching of her cunt serves as your proof. sevika groans, and you trail your free hand up under her shirt to fondle her tits. "come on baby, cum on my fingers for me." you encourage her, sneaking your fingers under her bra and pinching her nipples.
"oh shit!" sevika curses as she cums again. you grin, and then gasp as she starts squirting against your hand. you continue fucking her, letting her soak your hand and her pants with her cum, until the fabric is saturated and dripping onto the kitchen tile below. sevika's shivering in your arms, her head falling forward to rest against your shoulder as you work her through her orgasm.
"oh, baby, that's it honey. there you go, let it out." you encourage her as she shakes in your arms. "you're so fucking sexy." you groan.
sevika whimpers against you, one of her hands reaching down to grab your wrist. you stop your thrusting, understanding her silent demand, beginning to pepper kisses against her face.
"that was so fucking hot sevika, shit." you whisper. "fuck, love when you get messy. love when you squirt for me, makes me fucking crazy."
against you sevika groans.
"you ruined my pants." she huffs. you giggle.
"you ruined your pants!" you say. sevika chuckles.
"'s your fault." she grunts. you giggle and slowly pull away from her, gently pulling out of her cunt and helping her strip out of her drenched pants and boxers. you press another kiss to her face as you help her out of her shirt and bra too.
"go shower. i'll throw these in the wash and mop up your cum." you tease her. sevika groans as she examines the puddle on the floor beneath her.
"fuck off." she says, flustered. you giggle, pulling sevika away from the counter and shoving her toward the bathroom, smacking her ass as she goes. she glares over her shoulder at you and you giggle.
as you're tossing her clothes into the washer, you hear the bathroom door swing open again.
sevika's voice calls for you across the apartment.
"what's up baby?" you call back, throwing in a cupful of detergent and fiddling with the settings.
"come join me when you're done?" she asks, her voice gentle and sweet. you grin.
"duh." you say.
as you flip the lid to the laundry machine closed, you can hear sevika's excited giggle in the bathroom.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian
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7s3ven · 2 years
jealous girl. cato hadley
( master list )
Cato Hadley x Female! District Two! Reader
This one shot is for a book I’m writing but enjoy this. Link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/336569852?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname=riddlesbleachdrinker&wp_originator=lNYFXKoKSwZS%2FwkVU%2FVInkUksEX5fvHuroL2fOpLQzYw324EJ7uS7vH9NrK7EKz%2FtWuSTO96oj3SPi%2F%2F4Z9sCfk8um5LCzNHP2dloSxR2TYkqun4bDC2EUvFGW59AGeP (JEEZ THATS A BIG LINK, WTF)
“Cause I’m a jealous, jealous, jealous girl. If I can't have you, baby. If I can't have you, baby.” 
“Let the 74th Hunger Games commence. May the odds be ever in your favor.” 
The moment the countdown reached zero, Y/N jumped off her pedestal. She was racing towards the supplies before the other tributes even had time to process what was happening. 
The H/C-haired girl grabbed the first weapon she saw, which was a sword. Cato wouldn’t be happy about that. Y/N slashed at the other tributes, not caring who she hit as long as blood splattered across the fresh grass.
“You took my sword.” Cato muttered as he stabbed a young boy with a curved knife. Y/N only hummed and shrugged. 
“The District Twelve girl is getting away!” Glimmer shouted over the screams of terror coming from the tributes. 
“I got her!” Y/N replied, throwing the sword at Cato’s feet and picking up an axe as she sprinted after Katniss. “Well, if it isn’t the girl on fire.” Y/N sneered as she grabbed the raventte’s braid, pulling her back. “You escaped from Glimmer’s arrows but you can’t escape me.” Y/N choked Katniss with the handle of her axe, listening to the way she gagged. Katniss scratched at Y/N’s arms, picking off bits of flesh until she realized that would do no good. 
With a choked gasp, Katniss harshly head butted Y/N. The H/C-haired girl yelled out in pain as thick, red liquid dripped down her face. 
“My nose! You little shit! You hurt my face! You’ve ruined it!” Y/N punched Katniss, screaming over and over again. She was like a vicious beast sinking its teeth into its prey. 
Y/N slashed Katniss’ shoulder with her weapon, knocking her to the ground. The H/C-nette attempted to stab Katniss’ throat but she rolled to the side, getting a mouthful of dirt in return. Katniss kicked Y/N’s ankles, causing the latter to topple over. 
Suddenly, Katniss was on top of her with a dagger pressing into Y/N’s throat, drawing a thin line of blood. Cato was quick to react. He grabbed Katniss’ shirt, heaving the black-haired girl off Y/N.
Katniss quickly scrambled up, sprinting away. Cato was too focused on Y/N to care. 
“I thought you had it under control.” Cato grumbled as the pair walked back towards Glimmer and Marvel. The bloodbath was over, allowing the tributes to rest before the Careers picked them off one by one.
“I did until she tried to slit my damn throat.” Y/N lifted a hand to feel the small, slightly wincing. 
“How much supplies did we get?” Cato questioned. There was a large array of bags on the bloody grass, and one of them was bound to contain medical supplies. 
“We only got a few bags of food. Marvel and I can go find some more.” Glimmer offered. By ‘finding some more’ she meant stealing from other tributes. 
“We’ll guard the supplies then.” Cato uttered, “Don’t take too long.” The blond began to rummage through the bags, searching for anything he could use on Y/N’s injuries and her bloody nose.
“This isn’t needed, you know. My throat will be fine.” Y/N mumbled as Cato forced her to tilt her head back as he cleaned her wound. 
“Say that when it gets infected.” Cato fired back. Y/N lightly scoffed, the corners of her lips twitching into a small smile.
“Are you seeing this, Cladius?” Caesar grinned at his broadcasting partner. “It seems the District Two tributes have finally began showing affection to each other, starting with Cato saving Y/N.”
“Yes, yes. We all saw the lingering stares between the two during the tribute parade. However, we have two couples in the games now: Peeta and Katniss from District Twelve, and Cato and Y/N from District Two. How will that turn out?”
“We’ll just have to wait and see.”
__  Y/N bit into a piece of bread, finally silencing her rumbling stomach. Cato was quick to snatch the food out of her hand, shoving it into her mouth. 
“Dude, seriously?” Y/N scowled, slapping his shoulder. Cato only laughed. “I was still eating that, you nitwit.” 
Night was beginning to fall, which only meant one thing for the Careers: hunting time. Peeta was with them too. Only so they could find Katniss, though.
“Fire alert.” Y/N muttered, pointing over at a dim light slightly concealed by the forest. Truly a stupid move. 
“Come on, let’s go.” Cato said.
With their backpacks fully stuffed and weapons in hand, the Careers went bounding into the forest in search of new targets. They followed the fire and found a girl warming her hands by it. She looked up, noticing the sadistic smirks on the Careers’ faces.
There was a loud scream and then a canon, signifying her death.
“Did you hear her shouting? Oh, please don’t kill me!” Glimmer loudly laughed as she imitated the girl’s plead. Cato chuckled, nudging her.
“Hey, that was a good impression.” He said, grinning from ear to ear.
Y/N, who was at the front of the pack, turned around. She saw Cato and Glimmer lagging behind, stuck in their own world. Y/N heaved a frustrated sigh.
She felt like her gut was being twisted. She clenched her jaw, trying to ignore the feeling. As Glimmer giggled again, Y/N’s grip on her axe tightened.
“Tribute, two o’clock!” Marvel announced, pointing at a boy who was sprinting through the greenery. He was making an awful lot of noise, which was the thing that led the Careers to him in the first place.
“I call dibs!” Y/N exclaimed, running after him. She threw her axe, hitting him square in the chest. It wasn’t long before another canon went off. Y/N ransacked his bag, grabbing everything she could and shoving them into her pockets and bag.
“Let’s set up camp.” Marvel uttered. It would do them no good if they were too tired to kill tomorrow. Cato, Marvel, and Glimmer lay on the ground while Y/N skilfully climbed up a tree. She liked climbing things. And turns out, it was a skill many Careers lacked.
Y/N swung her legs back and forth as she stared up at the artificial sky. She glanced down, staring as Glimmer cuddled into Cato’s side. He allowed her.
Y/N felt another strong pang in her chest as she absentmindedly played with a knife she found in her bag. She couldn’t sleep. The adrenaline and envy was keeping her awake.
“Are you ever going to come down?” Cato questioned. He slipped out of Glimmer’s arms and walked to stand underneath Y/N.
“I will.” She muttered, “Soon.” She wanted Cato to stay, but he simply shrugged.
“Alright. Don’t fall out of the tree.” He returned to his former sleeping spot, but kept his distance from Glimmer.
“Night, Y/N.” She heard him say.
“Night, Cato.”
It was another successful day for the Career pack. All of them, save for Peeta, were celebrating their latest kill. They walked out of the thick greenery, almost skipping with joy.
“Hey, look!” Y/N exclaimed, pointing at Katniss. She was wading in the shallow water of a river to relive the burn in her leg. As soon as she saw the Careers, her eyes widened and she bolted.
“Fish out of the pond!” Marvel yelled as they chased after her.
“She’s mine!” Glimmer playfully shouted.
Cato was at the front of the pack, Y/N not too far behind.
“Where you going, baby?!” Cato exclaimed, “There’s nowhere to run!”
Katniss resorted to climbing up a tall tree. She panted as she reached a high branch, looking down at the deadly pack.
“Get her, Cato!” Glimmer encouraged the blond as he began to scale up the trunk, jaw tightly clenched. However, he grabbed onto a frail stick and fell. He landed with a loud thud.
“Fine! I’ll shoot her!” But Glimmer overestimated her aim. She missed Katniss by a long shot. Cato angrily motioned for Glimmer to hand the bow and arrow over, trying for himself. He was just as bad.
“Maybe you should throw the sword.” Katniss sarcastically suggested.
“Or maybe you all should move aside and leave her to the one that can climb.” Y/N piped up, her arms folded over her chest.
The pack stepped aside, allowing Y/N to pass through. She held a dagger in between her teeth as she climbed the tree with surprising speed. Katniss scrambled away as Y/N stepped onto her branch.
“Hello again, girl on fire.”
Katniss pulled out a curved dagger, holding it in front of her. In such close range, her bow and arrows would be futile.
“You’re going to pay for ruining my face.” Y/N launched at Katniss, grabbing her by the shirt and throwing her back. Katniss hit the tree trunk and let out a strained wheeze. The Careers below cheered at Y/N stabbed the ravenette’s shoulder and kicked her burn so hard that Katniss screamed.
Katniss was skilled, but she was no match for Y/N, who was trained for this moment. Katniss heard a faint buzzing above her and she looked up to see some kind of wasp nest.
“Oooh, tracker jackers. If Katniss manages to knock it over, Y/N will be in a very dangerous position.” Claudius uttered to Caesar. The blue-haired man nodded in agreement.
“For those of you who don’t know,” Caesar said, “Tracker jackers are genetically engineered wasps. Their lethal stings can cause powerful hallucinations and, in some serious cases, death.”
Katniss clumsily jumped and sliced the nest off the tree. The tracker jackers emerged, buzzing around the two females. The Careers below were also affected.
Y/N fell out of the tree, screaming as she tried to swipe the wasps away. The pain was blinding her sense of sight as she scrambled to her feet.
“Y/N!” She faintly heard Cato yelling. Once Cato and Marvel realised neither of their District partners were behind them, the blond immediately ran back.
Glimmer and Y/N were both being attacked, trying desperately to run away from the wasps.
If Cato could save both of them, he would’ve. But time was running low and he had to choose. He chose Y/N without hesitation, leaving Glimmer behind to die.
“Shit! Y/N, come on. Wake up. Don’t leave me. Y/N!” Cato lay her on the ground and shook her shoulders, begging her to open her eyes.
“Cato?” She whispered, her cracked and bloody lips slightly parted.
“Yes. Yes. It’s me. It’s Cato.” He grabbed her face so Y/N could clearly see him.
“Why is Clove with you? She’s not meant to be here.” Y/N muttered, furrowing her eyebrows. “Clove, why are you here?”
“Y/N, Clove isn’t here.” Cato said, “But I am. Can you walk?” Y/N tried to stand up but she fell back down. Cato cushioned her fall.
“It hurts.” She whispered, lightly tugging his shirt.
“I know.” Cato gently uttered, stroking her cheeks. “I shouldn’t have let you go up there. I’m so sorry.” For a moment, Cato showed his vulnerability to the multiple cameras surrounding him. “You’re going to be okay, though. Just take it nice and slow.”
With Cato’s help, Y/N was able to stand up. She groaned, leaning against him.
“I’m going to kill her.” She muttered, referring to Katniss. She had gotten away from Y/N two times. It wouldn’t happen a third.
“You’ll get your chance. For now, relax.” Cato kissed the top of Y/N’s head, too distracted by her to notice the sponsor parachute. The small container hit him in the face and he clenched his jaw.
He opened the compartment, briefly reading the small note inside.
Nice romance, kids. Apply this to Y/N’s injuries. - E
Cato screwed open a round container, looking inside in confusion. “It’s, uh, melted oatmeal?”
“It’s ointment, you nitwit!” Y/N snapped, “For the stings!”
“Damn, the stings made her cranky. Here, let me help you.” Cato applied the ointment and Y/N sighed in relief as they finally stopped hurting.
“Thanks, Cato.” Y/N murmured, leaning against him.
“Any time, Y/N.”
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celestialprincesse · 6 months
hiii! how r u?
i just had this idea in my mind and i have to write it down lmaoo
imagine Price coming come from a several month long deployment during which he had to go no contact with you and when he arrives home, he finds the nanny with your toddler son and they say you’re at the doctors office. After the nanny leaves Price tend to his son (you know kisses hugs etc whatever, he just missed his so sm.) anyway. he asks his son what he’s been doing while he was away and the kid tells stories enthusiastically and then says ‘i also talk to the baby every day!’ and Price is like huh??? what baby wtf.
fast forward reader comes home later and Price IMMEDIATELY stops you like ‘you’re pregnant?’ and you’re like deer in headlights and apologise and shit. (but obviously you had no way of telling him so…) and then Price reveals that your son spoiled the surprise for him and you’re a nervous mess and then your toddler comes up to you and is like ‘mommy did i do something wrong?🥺’ and you’re just melting because he’s so frickin cute and you both know he will be the best big brother ever!!
idk it might sound ridiculous but i’ve been thinking about this for at least an hour lmaooo also it got really long im so sorry.🫡
I love this!!! I love military men n babies!!! I imagine as well though, Price is only semi surprised every time his wife comes barreling into his office, living room wherever with like 4 positive pregnancy tests because they go at it at it if that makes sense. Like they have a little stash of pregnancy tests in the cupboard under the sink, and after she gets pregnant with kid three or whatever he goes in for a vasectomy because he wants to keep hitting it💕
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cinamun · 1 year
Extras from today's updates because when I say the story writes itself? That's exactly wtf I mean...
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(spoilers under the cut)
First of all....
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It was already on sight when Indira materialized on the lot after that trip through the loading screen from DSV to Tartosa. This is your reminder that Darren is going through a midlife crisis and is absolutely NOT here for your fuckshit. And he's HAD IT because what REALLY sent him over the edge? HIS WIFE
He deadass wasn't playing with Dira because after he heard that Indya was hurt it threw ya boy's cerebral cortex off
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Indya still back there collecting her tears in the sink n shit, now Darren showing up to Dira's room like
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AND THEN they had a REAL for real argument and I don't know what the fuck happened. All I know is I was about to teleport Indira to her statue but forgot to pause it. So she casually strolls over to the papasan and sits her little lyin ass down and proceeds to
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now at this point I'm scared to pan the camera around to Darren because she done shouted some forbidden words with this shit too and I STILL don't know why SHE mad, but she gets her little last word in or whatever and braces for impact
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So I pause and pan the camera around to Darren and he
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Just goin OFF!!! Bro snaps the tf off and I'm shook because my volume was up because I was listening to some good ass music and Darren's voice sounds like if thunder and a bass drum were fuckin... so now me and Dira like
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instant regret.
Anyway y'all stay tuned because apparently we need to come up with a name before sundown smh
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tired-reader-writer · 3 months
Arslan Senki Chapter 130 Live-reaction Commentary
WOAH that sword landed just shy of Innocentis' family jewels LOL.
Arslan sweating and panting even after he won 😭
Gieve is surprisingly a good teacher, hot damn
Narsus and Elam and Alfarīd in the background of that scene!!
“Let them call me a coward. I've heard worse.” this line is so Gieve in ways I find difficult to articulate, it's just so him. Maybe it's that he doesn't care for stuff like honor and whatnot, he doesn't give a shit about those, and he's willing to go any lengths for the person he's loyal to. Looking at how he chose to make a villain out of himself in order to tap out of Peshawar before, yeah this tracks.
He only lowers his bow when it's clear Arslan has won.
Narsus turning back to nod at him! 👌
Oh god weapons do be going flying today, huh?
Okay, we all know there was no way Zandeh could've defeated Daryun, right?
But still, I couldn't help but wonder how much of a difference his new mace would've made in closing that gap of strength if his concentration hadn't been compromised by Hilmes' loss.
Like, he did say it's more suited to his strength so I couldn't help but speculate.
Him yeeting everything to the wayside in his desperation to get to his prince tho 👌
Arslan turns to Alfarīd knowing that Hilmes was the one who had killed her father... and Alfarīd understands that he, her friend, doesn't want to kill this man. They exchange knowing nods, and Arslan continues.
I really, really liked this little wordless exchange between them. The way Arslan doesn't forget Alfarīd, the way he turns to her, the way she understands him and the way she's willing to set her own grievances aside for the greater good... Sobs.
Zandeh's face after Arslan says, “But he bears responsibility for leading the Lusitanian army to this land and plunging my people into chaos. We will discuss this later. For now, find a room in the palace and wait there.” is... I don't know. It's doing something to me. Something about it just feels... raw. Vulnerable. Something like a kind of realization sinking in or maybe it's the adrenaline. Or maybe it's the adrenaline starting to wear off. Either way, it's quite something to behold.
Hilmes looking up, we don't get to see his eyes...
Merlaine, Merlaine pls arrive first I need you to be with Arslan.
“If my banishment were revoked, would that make me Crown Prince by your side once more... Your Majesty?”
I'm going to lose my mind.
No, legit, that face is creeping me out WTF
And that's it! That's the chapter! That's where it fucking ended!
Hoooooooly fuck
Now for some additional thoughts:
Gieve and Zandeh both came into clutch as protective forces for their princes this chapter. I highly approve.
And who can forget Saam? Ever the diplomat, beseeching for mercy for his prince.
The acknowledgement between Arslan and Alfarīd still gets me.
All his life, Arslan has been chasing Andragoras as a son, wanting for parental love and approval as Andragoras puts that distance between him and his “son”. But now? Andragoras is trying to invoke filial piety to get the sword, while Arslan takes a step back and puts an emotional distance between them. Your Majesty. Your Majesty. Poetic cinema.
(if you wanna see me talking about Andragoras putting distance between himself and Arslan, it should be under my reread tag: #arslan senki reread)
Howst the fuck did Innocentis go loose? He was zoinked out on illness and fever, and he was never that physically strong to begin with. I wonder if there was some help from Team Zahhak to get him loose beyond just controlling/manipulating him?
Aaaaaand that's all the thoughts I have rn, I think! Holy shit what a chapter.
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lightwise · 5 months
TBB S3 E10 Reaction
Life has been a bit busier the last few weeks so I am finally catching up on my episode reactions (I’m determined to do all of them this season!) And I apologize y’all, this episode made me very snarky apparently.
I’ll be honest. When this episode first came out I was nowhere near as surprised by it or horrified by it as reviewers seemed to be. Nothing about Palpatine hunting down force sensitive children as experiments and using Cad Bane to do it is a surprise, and the Vault feels so much like Andor. But even on a rewatch this episode holds up so well and honestly just starts to give a cold chill under the skin as the quiet horror of it sinks in.
- Cute kid. And the Batch nowhere to be seen. This is going to be a different episode isn’t it
- Oh no. He’s force sensitive 😫😫😫 hmmm how could that possibly go wrong
- This is giving Andor vibes 👀
- It’s always interesting seeing “regular people” in Star Wars and little markets and how they’re just trying to go about their daily lives.
- Don’t go around snitching people! Nothing good ever comes of it!!!
- Yeah this guy is worse than Timm from Andor. Wtf dude. You’re turning in a baby!!
- Also is it just me or typical Star Wars “houses” end up being pretty dark and depressing?
- Wait okay okay. So this is the CX chamber. Why can’t we see any of them yet 😩😩 what is this red fog? What are these weird conditioning pods? What kind of armor is on this datapad?? *trying to crawl inside my screen* I NEED ANSWERS JENNIFER!!
- “Do you trust me?” Ooooh why do I think that’s going to come back around
- But also, babygirl, I don’t think you actually know what you’re signing up for
- “I could be more useful” “you wish to be the new chief scientist Dr. Karr?” “I believe I’ve earned it.” Alright. This. This is interesting. This fully encapsulates the dynamic that these two have shared. Emerie knows that Hemlock only values things that are useful, and probably only sees her own value in the light of what she can contribute, due to how she was raised and the circumstances she has been trapped in. Hemlock’s tone of voice implies that he has never considered her as being the new chief scientist, and yet he acquiesces quite quickly, almost as though he’s just too busy to think about it and if it means things are brought back up to production standard then he’s fine with it. His utter disregard for Emerie as an actual human and someone with merit is disgusting though.
- But I get it, the man’s busy, he’s got a lot of evil shit he’s trying to do all at the same time 🙄
- So we have “the assets”, which is the area that Hemlock took Palpatine in the first episodes, where the orange containment pods are and the zillo beast is being kept. We still don’t know what those assets are. The Vault is something different.
- Well. Shit. It’s Andor and Narkina 5 for kids. Lovely 😳💀
- “There are few adults left with such characteristics” I WONDER IN THE NAME OF ONE EMPEROR PALPATINE WHY
- Okay so this entire exchange is awful. The kids are so cute! Hemlock is so cold. “Specimens. Assets” ughhh Emerie what are you getting yourself into!!
- Is this the first time we’ve heard the word glasses in Star Wars?
- Oh no. So THIS is why Cad Bane was brought back 🥺🥺
- The score in this episode is perfectly eerie
- Lol Todo is not good with kids huh 🤣
- That poor mama when she wakes up and finds her baby is gone
- I hope that dude has his entire life flash before his eyes as he’s trying to pick all of those credits up
- “My name’s Eva” 🥹🥹🥹 Emerie has no idea how to handle this 😂
- I still wanna know what’s happened with these commandos. No way a clone of Jango Fett is able to look a child in the eyes, call them a “specimen” and not have even an ounce of remorse as they stun them point blank.
- “Jax?” And Eva just points. The power in knowing someone’s name vs a dehumanizing number
- It’s also interesting that these kids are species that are red, blue, and green, and when they get Bayrn in, he’s white. RGB colors make up white light when put together.
- The little peeks of Emerie’s backstory we keep getting are so interesting. She was abandoned by Nala Se. She knows that these children don’t belong here, the same way that Omega told both her and Crosshair that they didn’t belong here either. Nala Se says that the Empire will hold these kids to control them. Emerie feels like she has no power to do anything differently. So much to unpack here.
- Why is Tarkin’s holo so large?
- Lol I honestly love getting to see the backbiting politics of how the Empire functions. It’s so bad and so funny
- Also love that Project Necromancer is so secret that even Tarkin doesn’t know what it is. He’s so nosy
- Okay why does he bring up the CX schematic again and why is it so different than the one we saw earlier??
- Whoa Cid was tortured???
- “The other operatives aren’t ready to join you in the field” why????
- We’re visiting a lot of space stations this season
- Man I wish Emerie had fudged this test
- Nooo let the poor baby go home 🥺
- Oh and now we’re putting kids in solitary confinement. Great.
- C’mon Emerie. Keep clicking that moral compass until it points north
- She kept the straw Lula. She’s giving it to Eva 😭. There’s hope for her yet
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writingforfun0714 · 8 months
So I wanted to wait and let the new Bad Batch trailer sink in before posting about it.
Warnings: Spoilers, some thoughts/opinions will be critical
Alright so I don’t think it’s any secret that I don’t care for the Bad Batch. Even ignoring the horrible, incredibly RACIST clone model, the writing is mid/passable at best and not even watchable for me. Most of S1 and 2 combined is the typical ‘mission of the week’ type of story where only a few Empire-focused episodes stand out. There are also instances of ableism concerning Echo in particular (CF99 are also super dismissive of him in general—going along with that whole fucking ‘superiority over regs’ thing—seriously wtf).
Most episodes were very bland and predictable. S1 had no stakes despite its finale. By Mando/ST it’s clear that something has happened to Kamino. Didn’t really need to see a 2pt ep of the city getting wiped. Plus AZI should’ve been sacrificed. Even Ahsoka learns the lesson that you can’t save everyone in S1 when she disobeys Anakin and Admiral Yularen. TBB S2 had no character development from anyone besides a little bit for Omega (and Tech—but that was always speculated by fans since S1 and he’s dead now so it doesn’t really matter). A lot of the dialogue felt…basic. I think the only thing that TBB does well is the music. It’s really amazing and beautiful along with the smooth, crisp animation/scenery. Shame they ruined it with racist clone models, racist tones with the ‘reg’ dispute in both seasons, and being ableist and dismissive towards Echo.
Which brings me to the trailer. Oh boy. First, right off the bat I noticed how similar the trailer opening is compared to the S2 trailer. I do like that Phee is back. She did take time to grow on me but I do like her character and am curious to see where they will go with her.
It’s interesting we are seeing Crosshair back with the group so soon. Personally I do believe that is Crosshair and not just someone else wearing his armor like some think. I like the idea of Omega and Crosshair escaping early on but Omega gets recaptured/separated and taken back to Tantiss.
I’m interested in Hemlock and his backstory (is his gloved hand robotic?). I wish they’d create more interesting and unique characters like Phee and Fennec Shand instead of relying on cameos of established characters/fan-favorites like Ventress. I loved Dark Disciple and I thought it was a great ending for her.
I know it’s officially said that Ventress’ story will follow Dark Disciple but I don’t see how unless they retcon her death or pull a ‘somehow she survived’. Either way that sucks. Reminder!! DAVE FELONY DIDN’T EVEN FOLLOW REBELS FOR AHSOKA. SABINE IS NOT FORCE SENSITIVE IN REBELS. DAVE RETCONS THE SHIT OUT OF EVERYTHING. I have no faith that they will remain loyal to DD. Anything that will be ‘canon’ will be mid at best because even Crosshair’s arc has been messy (which is due to the weird S1 ‘reset’ the characters go through. Like they totally should’ve appreciated ‘regs’ by the end of TBB arc in TCW S7–there was no need for that awkward food fight scene in S1).
I hate that this show has to rely on cameos to get the viewing numbers. Here is a list of every character cameo we’ve seen so far:
—The Lawquane Family
—The Syndullas/Chopper
—Nala Se/Lama Su*
—Cad Bane
—Bail Organa
—Riyo Chuchi
—Saw Gerrera
—Martez Sisters
—Muchi/Rancor from RotJ
—Taun We/Halle Burtoni
*I consider these important/relevant cameos and am not bothered by them like the others*
What a list right? I might even be missing one. These were just off the top of my head. Some are big players, others smaller and almost not-relevant to the plot. Not counting the one’s I asterisked, it’s 15 characters. There are original characters but a lot of them, especially in S1 felt like one off, not important characters. And I hate Cid so much—glad to see she was absent in the S3 trailer. I’m really starting to love Phee and I’ve always loved Fennec Shand, and Hemlock is definitely an intriguing villain and Emerie feels like a total mystery (though the reveal was not shocking due to the similar design and accent to Omega). Like why can’t they create more characters like these? The rest just feel forgettable. And it’s clear that characters like Saw, Gungi, Scorch, Cad Bane and even the Syndulla and Lawquane families just felt like fan service. The rest kind of make sense that they’d show up but it also feels a bit like fan service.
Moving on..
I know a lot of people think that new weird dark trooper at the 1:40 mark is Tech. While I’m inclined to agree as I think the ‘Winter Soldier’ story is an obvious choice to pick, I also think that Tech is dead. I’ve changed my mind and kind of hope that Tech isn’t brought back.
I hope this is someone new. I also wouldn’t mind if it was a bounty hunter we’ve seen before. Due to the frame and stature, I could almost think of Boba due to him being older than Omega but it’s definitely more likely to be Tech than either of these choices.
It’s interesting a lot of cameo characters from S2 do not make an appearance in the trailer. Bail, Riyo, Gungi, Gregor and Cody are all absent from the trailer. Trailers usually show action shots to avoid story spoilers, but with Gungi, Gregor, and Cody all being capable fighters, I’m surprised they didn’t appear (usually stuff with politics is a story spoiler).
Overall I’m skeptical of the trailer. I don’t like Ventress being alive/in TBB being a Dark Disciple lover. There’s a lot of mystery surrounding the story of S3 so I don’t feel like I can give an accurate take on that. I hate how Omega’s longer hair looks. Curly haired Omega is adorable!! The animation (everything but the clone model) is definitely getting better. However, based on how S2 was marketed as a ‘darker story compared to S1’ and was like 80% fetch quest I’m definitely skeptical.
Those of you that made it through this post, thank you for your time and I hope I gave you something to think about. If you wanna learn more about the racism and ableism portrayed in this show, check out @unwhitewashthebadbatch for more info.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
I’m screaming Clyde, what WAS that epilogue?! Also since semblances were just a discussion did you notice the moment when the guy tripped and Qrow caught him THEN we see the pin? Which is probably calling back to the mine incident where he tripped and Clover caught him? But now he’s kinda in the unique position of causing both. Looks like Qrow did indeed get a semblance upgrade without explanation. Maybe that’s why he’s so dang happy lol
Oh man you're right! That callback didn't occur to me, but it seems too big a coincidence to not be a callback. Yeah, I'm wondering now if we're meant to take this as further evidence that Qrow's semblance has evolved into a kind of...equalizer? The man near him still trips (bad luck) but now Qrow, in a mirror of Clover and his own good luck semblance, is able to catch him with a smile. I mean yeah, we could simply chalk that up to Huntsmen reflexes, but it seems a little too on-the-nose to not be meaningful, particularly after the miraculous save on the airship. That begs the question though of what this actually means for Qrow moving forward. I mean, if he has good luck and bad luck now, don't they just cancel each other out? That's just normal luck. Congrats, your semblance makes you like everyone else where some good things and some bad things happen in your vicinity.
Ngl, after RWBY semi-canonically introduced the concept of some semblances severely impacting mental heath via Ironwood, my mind immediately jumped to the possibility of Qrow's upgrade coloring his reaction to everything. Not that I think this is actually happening in the story (and not that I'd want RT to attempt such a story-line), but from a fun AU possibility my brain went, "Qrow is acting all content and optimistic after everything in his life has gone to shit. Salem won back in Atlas, she's two steps closer to destroying the world, a whole Kingdom is dead/displaced, his nieces are presumably dead and at some point he's going to have to tell Tai that... and yet he's smiling. Not even in a 'I'm holding it together through extreme denial' way, but acknowledging that yes, he's actually, surprisingly happy. That doesn't make sense! I wonder if this spontaneous upgrade that presumably revolves around generically Good Things is fucking with his head somehow." In more nuanced and respectful hands, it might be interesting to explore what it means for a magic-based power to influence someone's mood. Can it be equated to medication? Is it seen as an "unnatural" version of who they are (something that, again like meds, could be a bias the show works to unpack)? As events unfold, is it revealed that his semblance simply gives him a stronger, more optimistic will for shouldering such tragedy, or does it become clear that he's not reacting appropriately to what everyone recognizes as—formerly for him—crippling emotional blows? There's a difference between, "My semblance keeps me from sinking back into my self-destructive depression. No, I'm not like who I was before and that's a good thing" vs. "Ruby? Yang? Uh... sure. I guess I miss them? I recognize that I'm supposed to miss them... but I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be? They did a good thing, those girls, trying to save the world and all, but now it's time to move on. Chins up, everyone! :)"
In my attempts to work through Qrow's everything from the epilogue, I'm also dying to know how long has passed. This is one of those times when a firmer timeline makes a huge difference because it can make or break our acceptance of these characterizations. How long did it take for them to accept that Team RWBY aren't coming back? How long passed after that when Qrow goes to wipe dust off the grave? If it's, say, a few days or weeks then I'm like hey wtf they should still be DEVASTATED. If, however, we've jumped forward six months, a year... that at least makes a little more sense. I don't like that we've skipped over all the cliffhanger conflicts of Volume 8 as well as a long-term grieving arc for every character that would fundamentally change who they are and their approach to this war... but I find that slightly easier to swallow then Qrow strutting around the new slums with a smile on his face, happily telling the ghosts of his dead family that he's doing surprisingly good during the end of the world.
Also, in the realm of skipped-over character growth, I saw someone point out that Oscar's tiny smile at the group's arrival... might not be Oscar's. Or might not be Ozpin's. God knows the writers have proven that they don't know how to write the merge on screen—they just keep insisting it's happening without either of them changing in any meaningful way—so this would be the perfect opportunity for them to just skip over all the important bits and land on the final product, a la Oscar getting over his crisis in Volume 6. If we hypothesize based on what RWBY has shown us before (ha) we should expect for Ozpin to be gone for good and Oscar is now in control, but with mannerisms and knowledge that he's never displayed before; a fundamental shift in his personality. After all, we never got to hear Ozpin the host. The show acts like Ozma existed on his own after a certain point, a body without a voice in his head anymore, but living as a, you know, merged version of himself and whoever was last with him. Which I hate! And Oscar hated it too, as evidence by him understandably freaking out about it, but the story never bothered to let him work through that. (Or just solve it with the magical aura machine + android bodies that have already been introduced.) As a favorite of mine, I'm not looking forward to being told that they've merged now. It's not Oscar. It's not Ozpin. It's someone who sounds like both at times, but really the characters you enjoyed are gone... without fully being gone. Combined with worry that Ironwood might come back—someone commented that the "Don't come back" was directed at Weiss, though that doesn't make any sense to me?—if we do get Volume 10 I can't help but think that, like Penny, the writers aren't going to leave these characters alone, despite them supposedly having left the story.
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Supernatural S1 E2: Wendigo
"moms GOne and she isn't coming back" that's from the flash backs but ERM honey wait 12 years
back when they had plots and established side charecters and things lmao
au where Jess becomes a hunter when
i forgot dean was always a lille goober
dean y r u calling someone whos not cas sweetheart?????
also y r u at all u don't know this woman
sam is angry!!!! I remember why I'm samcoded now
the forest is silly y is it so far apart ur forest is cool Americans/candians (idk where it was filmed)
deans like flirting with someone there than cas is kinda so weird to me I'm too used to them being married lmao
i forgot his name but I liked the brother that was hanging out w sam
sams lille smirk is so cute ugh
overall like 6.5/10 kinda boring I may js be DISAPOINTED coz the pilot was so good
Supernatural S1 E3: Dead in water
deans such a dork wtf
deans so gender I want to she/her them
hes using his dad voice TM
ford and Hamil are such stupid aliases star wars is so famous
Dean DOES love kids sammy:(
I LVOE EVERY SCENE W DEAN AND LUCAS I'm a firm dean was mute after Mary's death believer
bro everyone's so shocked dean can connect w kids espesh traumatized kids so easily like bruv that was his childhood sam n being traumatized
the scene where the second person the dude gets drowned in the sink is pretty good. decent score cool shots, I like the sorta jerky motions
"my children are gone. its worse than dying" I feel like there is no way they're trying to set this up as anything other than John being a piece of shit for neglecting n abandoning his kids
"WHo are You and wHAt Have yOu donE w My BRother" don't get me wrong I love Sam BUT WTF ur kinda such a dick to dean in s1 ngl HE WAS DOING HIS BEST??? NO it wAsnT fair on either of them but CMON
i lvoee the ending scene I miss the little side charecters wrap ups ngl
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mrskillingjoke · 1 year
I'm Back on Tumblr, after a month 👍
My reasons we're literally: I know I can't watch good omens season 2 when it's released so until I can watch it I won't Go on Tumblr, 'cause I don't want to get spoilered.
And holy Shit it was the right decision!
First of all this season was so good and gay and fan-servicing, I mean: WTF!!! THANK YOU NEIL GAIMAN FOR THIS!
The Idea of Aziraphale and Crowley to playing Wingmans for a couple of cute lesbians is beautiful 🤌
Aziraphale and Crowley Love each other so much, I mean the Looks, the married couple vibes, the flirting, the careness, the touches, the Dancing how can it be that even Gabriel/Beelzebub have a Happy end and Crowley and Aziraphale DON'T!!
I mean it's kinda comprehensible why Aziraphale decided to Go Back to heaven. After all we all knew it.
He Loved Crowley but at the same time He Loved heaven and would Like to Go Back there.
Aziraphale and Crowley are Just two Boys, abused in their menage.
But Crowley Had been left behind so He Saw the abusement and refuses it. But Aziraphale is dependent to heaven. He Always got enough excuses to want to Go Back and make everything right.
Like a Kid who gotten Hit by His mother and then she bought them an ice for excuse and is very prudence with them all the way 'till the next Hit. The Kid know it's Bad but they want their mother and stay and make excuses and say it's Not that Bad and when they are an adult they have their own Family and don't want to do it the Same way.
As i Said we already knew that Aziraphale Had this. We saw His struggles in the First season. So we were prepared for Aziraphale to forgive heaven all the time.
Also I Believe that Aziraphale May know in His occiput, that metatron was the only Thing standing between him and being vanished of the book of Life. I mean when a mighty Person Standing between me and my end of existence I would say yes to everything they ask me, Just to be Sure that I will live.
I mean metatron don't need to officially speak Out a threat. We have Seen it with the demons and Angels before. And Aziraphale was uncomfortable to be alone with metatron in the First place.
He is Like a old Mafia Boss, smiling peacefully at you while Holding a gun right to your ribs. You wouldn't do anything that could kill, disembodies you or vanish your existence. It's Just a sane reaction.
Also we have Seen how He regrets His decision. I mean we saw the way He looked at metatron when He telled Aziraphale about "the second". He looked frightend, anxious, regretful...
And yes I know all of this and Think it's comprehensible but I still wanna Grab Aziraphale by His shoulders and shaking him 10 minutes to Sense and then get them all therapy!!!
Oh and I have a new tag: #prayforahappyendingforgays🙏🏳️‍🌈
Yes it's Long but I need to have people using this tag, Just for a Happy ending for our Gays 😭
And also... I Heared that Neil Gaiman needs the Fans Support for a third season.
And I know what you are doing Mr Gaiman. Manipulating Fans by having this much of fanservice in one season and then let it end with a Bad and sad ending were the Most Loved couple Breaks apart and than asking for Support to have a new season to make a (hopefully) Happy ever After for them!
And it works!!! I mean No one who have a Bit empathy for Crowley or who is at heart, just a little bit of a good person would let this be the end of our ineffable husbands!
I mean I sat in Front of my (unfortunalety faltering) Television and screamed and cried about this ending, begging for a miracle (one more miracle, Sherlock...) For Not lettin' my ship sinking in a storm, pulled down by the Kraken himself 😭
🙏🏳️‍🌈 I beg you make a third very gay-happy-ending season with our all favourite ineffable husbands finally gettin' really married by god themself, 'cause even they can't See all of this without forcing them to finally come around together!!!
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caffeine-clouds · 2 years
2 for Shadouge!
Oho, oh boyyyy... I ship it! - What are your favourite things about the ship?
HEAR ME OUT. HEAR ME OUT A SECOND. I love the Team Dark Found-Family dynamic just as much as the next person - I see them as platonic in most instances, but I also PERSONALLY BELIEVE that there is also a case for them to be made as a ship. I said it. Kill me, cancel me. I only have to include this because there is a strange amount of hostility around this ship that I could honestly write a whole essay about. Anyways, to answer the question: 1. They feel very much like a "Us vs. The World" couple. No matter how shit life gets, no matter how one finds themselves falling and sinking into the dirt - they'll always be by each other's side to support each other. They don't care about the opinions of anyone else, as long as they have each other - they are happy. And that kind of loyalty shit can kinda be romantic af. 2. Rouge is actually mentally stable enough to deal with Shadow's bullshit. No one else both fully understands where Shadow is coming from but also won't hesitate to call him out on his bull. She takes the time to understand him, but she can also tell him to his face when he's being stupid. And ignoring the most modern iterations of Shadow because I. don't. like. himmmmm. - Rouge is the only person you can find him consistently listening to. 3. Imagining them in a relationship is just very interesting to think about. I think Rouge is very used to putting up her flirty front but never really falling for anyone, and Shadow's gotta keep up his "hMPH, I don't care about anyone!" routine - I think it's a slap in both of their faces when they realise they have feelings for each other. Like - what do they even do now?? But in that, they find something to relate to each other about and they can both learn to navigate the relationship together. I don't think they'd be an overtly affectionate romance, most people around them wouldn't even know they're dating - they only feel comfortable showing this side of themselves and their relationship around a few select people. It's just - their relationship is something very personal and intimate between them that only really they can understand. 4. In fanfic, for ME, the ship is a really useful tool to explore Shadow's demisexuality. He reads as very ace or demi to me, I don't think he would feel attraction to someone unless being extremely close to them. And which person is he the closest to? Rouge! I think Shadow, after years of never even considering Rouge as a romantic partner, suddenly finds himself thinking of the possibility and wondering wtf is wrong with him all of a sudden. Just him dealing with his first ever romantic feelings? It's fun to explore, fun to write! And I dont think Rouge having a crush on him is out of left field either - she has just straight up flirted with him before, which can either just be her typical behaviour or her usual flirty mannerisms are simply benefitting her by masking how she truly feels - and she's liked having that barrier, because actual relationships are scawy. 5. "Even if you believe everyone is against you, know that I'll always remain by your side." - That line. That fucking line. Such a beautiful way to say "I love you" - romantically, platonically, I don't care just - hot diggity damn There, I've laid it out. Judge me ALL THY WANT. MY HEAD IS ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK, I HAVE LITTLE TO CARE FOR. Anyways, thanks for the ask lmao
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vivataurus · 1 year
I've finally finished the book in the series I was so scared of reading because someone wrote to me of how much of a dick D would act in it. After the last disastrous book, I was worried about reading another flop in the series. With that being said, here's my thoughts on Vampire Hunter D : Pilgrimage of the Sacred and the Profane with a shit ton of spoilers...
My fears were for nothing, since this is now one of my favorite books in the series I've read so far.
I love how each book paints a picture of the locations of places relevant to each story in their own preludes. Although hesitant to compliment the book in any way at first, I appreciated how short and sweet the introduction was. A little questionable with the bugs and pink petals, but nonetheless efficient in piquing my interest.
The first chapter was extremely enjoyable with the exchange between the best of the best on the Frontier including Granny Viper (the Frontier's greatest Finder), and the Bullow Brothers (the greatest warriors on the Outer Frontier). Their interaction perfectly captures how mind-boggling the whole scene was for the desert townspeople in the bar/brothel. Their heated argument and fiery prides were portrayed like a ticking time bomb, and just as things can't get any more shocking, fucking Vampire Hunter D shows up and everyone is floored.
Now I won't say that the person who warned me about the book was completely wrong, because D was indeed a bit of a grumpy pants in the beginning. To be honest, I couldn't blame him for it. He was sent to do a job by a questionable employer that randomly involved crossing this crazy ass desert that he had to find notes about from a dead guy! Meanwhile Granny Viper sinks her claws into him as soon as the Bullow Brothers refuse to help her and her "precious merchandise" across the desert. She literally pulled a Stewie from that episode of Family Guy where he goes "MOM. MOM. MOM. MOMMY. MOMMY." Her pestering was so bad, she literally just walks into his hotel room at night and triggers his dark Nobility aura that seeps into her very being. Dude literally said "no" "get out" "leave" so many times in not even 3 pages, and the lady would NOT take no for an answer. Then Bullow Bros who were acting fake as hell 'nicey-nice' to him at the bar were on his ass about crossing the desert with them after they pinned him for a 'biting incident'. It's like damn, can't a dude just exist without someone wanting him for something all the time??? I digress...
What the story really excelled in was characters and their interactions. Unlike the last book, I actually enjoyed all the characters that were written about. Everyone was interesting, down to the dead guy with the notebook in the middle of the desert! Viper's precious merchandise being one of The Hidden was interesting for someone who's delved into the world these books revolve around. You wonder what happens to those who get snatched up by the Nobility and never come back. And the whole time I fucking knew she was pregnant with a dhampir baby; I felt it in my bones as I was reading! It was so wholesome to have Lance the emaciated stranger turn out to be a genuinely good dude instead of some backstabber traitor, even though he had done so much in the past in his captivity with the mummies. Hell, even Clay Bullow and his hot-headed antics were enjoyable to read with his childish nature. In some strange way, although D never agreed to be part of any party, all of them came together and grew close with one another.
What the story lacked was explaining the main antagonist of the plot. Now after reading the end, it was meant to be that way, but as you're immersed in reading, you're kinda like "wtf that's it?" The desert they are traveling on is sentient, and is using people who travel on it as experiments to better understand people. Our party of main characters had been attacked by just about anything and everything,; including butterflies, undead mummy vandals, tornadoes, spider people, ...shit even a whole ass moving forest! And the final blow out with the heart of the desert ended in barely a page and a half...? Bruh.
When you get to last 20 pages of the book it makes sense why what you think is the 'big bad guy' and their last interaction is so short. Because in the end, there was an even bigger badder bad guy. You find out the Bullow Bros were hired to kill Vampire Hunter D by the same man who hired D in the first place! Him crossing the desert was just a ruse to have the bros kill him! I think D knew the whole time, but like damn! And when they get to their final destination of Barnabas, poor Tae the Hidden gets rejected by her remaining family so harshly! Literally her sister-in-law speaks for her brother and tells her to fuck off. And even after all that talk of "I just do my job and bounce" that Granny Viper talks about, she was so upset that Tae was rejected like that!
In the end, Barnabas was the true test for the whole desert-crossing party. Granny Viper is revealed to be a dhampir herself, and that's why she has hatred for their existence and why she wanted to kill Tae's baby so she doesn't have to face that kind of hardship of raising a dhampir. Then the Bullow brothers have to reluctantly face off against D after their employer kills Granny Viper and they hold a funeral for her. It was an emotional end, but ended in a heart-warming way regardless.
I loved how Tae is resolute in taking care of her baby and won't let anyone talk shit about it even if they're her family. I loved how they did a funeral for Granny Viper. I loved that D took care of Tae and sent her on her way to raising her new family. And I especially loved how D was able to genuinely smile at the end of this book.
VHD 6 Rating: 8/10
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