#I just let out the ugliest scream… anon who are you-
tariah23 · 8 months
Im writing two big long auish fics (I’m literally feral about them)! and probably some shorter ones that might be uuh nastier and more exploratory They might be mediocre but I’m so excited to create content for them. ALSO HELLO GOIJI DAUGHTER!! IM trying to be normal and cool I will literally be unhinged with you 🚬
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
Hello!! Since baking is constantly mentioned in one way or another in the game, how would each of the brothers be as a baking partner? Maybe you’re baking a cake for someone else’s birthday or just to share with the HoL - who’s good, who’s bad, who’s messy, who sneaks some of the batter (rhetorical, it’s Beel) etc?
AN: Sorry fellow Luci kissers he is a bitch and we love him. Also @ Levi anon just know I see u and I am going to try my damnedest to write smut and let it see the light of day
Anyways baking time!
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Lucifer is insufferable (affectionate). He will basically take over. Everything is measured exactly. He makes little to no mess yet cleans the counters every five seconds… and no, you can't add chocolate chips. The recipe doesn't call for it! Do not bake with him unless you can deal with his "No Fun. Only Task at Hand." mindset. Fun fact! This is all just a way to disguise the fact that Lucifer is really bad at baking! He will blame whoever he is baking with because "I followed the instructions step by step so it can't be my fault." 
Mammon is an absolute disaster in the kitchen. There are eggshells in the cake batter, a thin layer of icing sugar covering the entire kitchen, and don't think you are getting away without a food fight. The cake will be burnt because he was more interested in getting batter in your hair than setting a timer like you had asked. Just slather it in frosting and call it a day.
Leviathan can be coaxed out of his room to make anime related treats and anime related treats only. As for how good he is at baking… It takes a couple of tries, but Levi is a quick learner and will get the hang of things pretty fast! He has turned the stand mixer on too high once or twice and maybe added too much vanilla, but at the end of the day, you have some decent snacks from your efforts.
With Satan, it's organized chaos. Flour has spilled all over the floor, you impulsively added mint extract that the recipe did not call for, and the cookbook you were using is nearly unreadable. But you know where everything is and have all the right ingredients. Unlike Mammon and Belphie, Satan will actually clean up after himself without complaining. He is a menace, but he knows what enough is enough. 
Asmodeus is surprisingly good at icing cupcakes. He makes a perfect swirl every time. That said, while the things he bakes are pretty… they don't taste the best. It's not bad, but it certainly isn't good. I'm sorry, Asmo, but your baking skills are mid. At least you got some cute Devilgram pics! Asmo will also insist on wearing the cutest apron he can find and scream when he gets batter on it. 
Listen, we all know Beelzebub will eat the raw ingredients, cookie dough, and the finished product. Your best bet is to have snacks prepared beforehand for Beel to munch on. He really tries to restrain himself, but can you blame him? He's just a hungry little guy! Beel will 100% ask to lick the spoon, and the bowl, and the beater, and probably the counter… you get the point. But! If you have enough ammo (pre-made snacks) and patience, he's actually really good at baking! 
Belphegor is the laziest motherfucker around. Don't fool yourself into thinking you are using anything but a box of cake mix with Belphie. If he has some sort of motivation, he'll try but… just don't expect any miracles. He's basically the opposite of Asmo when it comes to baking. The cake is the ugliest thing you've ever seen but DAMN does it taste good. As long as you don't let him drag you off into a cuddle session while it's still in the oven. Because at that point it's guaranteed to be burnt. Sorry. 
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rynwritesstuff · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Reader
Warnings: Violence against Eddie, blood, broken bones, comfort, softness
“Fuck!” you cry out, leaping to your feet when you get a glimpse of what’s happening: Half the fucking basketball team is beating on Eddie. Your boyfriend is on the ground, trying repeatedly to get up and fight back, but they’re stepping on his arms and hands, keeping him pinned to the ground.
(A/N: Welcome, new people! Just a friendly reminder that my requests are open! Feel free to hop into my inbox, either on anon or off :))
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When people begin to cheer and shout in the middle of lunch, you immediately know something’s up. You assume it’s just another fight between two or three people that you don’t know, and you don’t even bother getting up. 
You turn in your seat lazily in order to see, and you do a double take immediately.
“Fuck!” you cry out, leaping to your feet when you get a glimpse of what’s happening: Half the fucking basketball team is beating on Eddie. Your boyfriend is on the ground, trying repeatedly to get up and fight back, but they’re stepping on his arms and hands, keeping him pinned to the ground. 
“Stop!” you yell as Eddie groans in pain. You push through the crowd and shove Jason aside. He’s about to land a harsh kick to Eddie’s stomach, and when you come into contact with him, he stumbles. 
Eddie’s eyes meet yours, and those pretty, dark eyes of his plead: Make them stop. Please, make them stop. 
“Let him up!” you yell as security guards and officers break through the crowd. “Leave him alone!” 
The guards and officers pull the teammates away from Eddie’s shaking form, and you kneel down beside him. Two black eyes. Blood pouring from his nose. Three or four visibly broken fingers. 
“Fuck me,” you breathe. 
“Ow,” Eddie breathes, his face scrunched up in pain. He tries to sit up, but is immediately hit by a dizzy spell. 
“No, no, don’t try to move, Eds,” you say, your hand on his shoulder. You look up as the principal appears at the scene. 
“He needs an ambulance,” you say quickly. The principal, who seems taken aback, spins around and heads back towards the main office so that he can make the call. 
“He was talking shit!” Jason says to the officer restraining him. “He doesn’t know how to keep that big mouth shut, so I shut it for him–” 
“Shut the fuck up!” you scream, turning back to glare at Jason before looking back at Eddie, who’s spitting out blood that’s running into his mouth from his nose. 
“What happened, Eddie?” you ask softly, rubbing his arm gently. 
Eddie winces, shifting slightly. 
“I-I was just messing around,” he says. He groans. Breathing hurts. Moving hurts. Everything hurts. 
You pinch the bridge of your nose, choosing not to say anything. Lecturing him right now isn’t going to make much of a difference. 
The ambulance comes minutes after everyone has been cleared from the cafeteria, but you remain by Eddie’s side even while the staff urges you to leave. You refuse to do so. 
You watch the paramedics help Eddie to his feet, and although he’s limping, he’s walking. You take that as a small victory. 
He glances at you before they help him onto the ambulance. Eddie offers you a small, lopsided grin. 
“Love you.” 
You huff, and before you can respond, the principal insists that you go back to class. 
You do so, but you’re driving to see Eddie the moment school is over. He’s at home with his painkillers and braces on a few of his fingers. You stand before him, and he sits on the couch with a beer, no shirt on, and the ugliest pair of pajama pants you’ve ever seen. 
“What happened?” you ask again. 
Eddie shrugs. 
“Just made a dumb joke.” 
“Basketball and how fucking stupid it is . . .”
“Oh my god . . .”
Eddie hurries to add to the story. 
“I didn’t think they’d get that pissed!” he says. “I’m sorry I freaked you out–” 
“Freaked me out!?” you hiss. “I thought they were gonna fucking kill you, Eddie!”
Your boyfriend looks away. 
“Don’t. Do. That. Again. Got it?” 
Eddie nods wordlessly, not meeting your eyes. You sigh, sitting down beside him. 
“I fucking love you,” you say, resting your head on his shoulder. He leans his head against yours. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he says softly. 
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Hi! A fan of your writing here. I just love the way you write Caroline. An Avoidable Heart is my comfort fic and I am constantly in awe with the way you write and craft the dynamics in that story. Caroline's inner monologue is just priceless and God! I just love that intro scene where Caroline is walking into the Mikaelson compound with vampires and hybrids in the surrounding ready to pounce on her.
I would love to hear how you would have visualized Caroline crossing over into TO or not? Like in what season and why? How it would have likely gone?
Thank you!
First of all lovely anon gimme a moment to breathe, asdfghjkl why are people so lovely 😭😭🥺✨ It means sooo much to me that you’d take the time to jump into my inbox and send these kind words, like please I’m not worthyyyyy, But you make me smile and feel really freaking warm so *handcuffs your hand to mine* you aint leaving 💖✨💞🙃
But OK ALSO oh my god dude THAT CAROLINE WALTZS INTO THE COMPOUND AND TAKES ON A COUPLE HUNDRED VAMPIRES BY HERSELF SCENE???? Ughhhhh I’m sorry but I have SUCH a boner for Caroline in that, like my badass -I admit kinda op- QUEEN IS HERE and she’s fucking shit up, I’m sorry but I love that scene so much it’s so dear to me I was killing myself over how self-indulgent and grossly Over powered Caroline is but like idgaf man it’s such a hot scene and Caroline is practically invincible and we just love to see that, so seriously lovely anon, you telling me you LOVE that scene??? Puts the biggest smile on my face and reassures me a LOT bc I was whining and cribbing over how absolutely unbalanced that scene is to literally everyone BUT LIKE YOU JUMPING OUT OF NOWHERE and pointing that exact scene UGHH…...meant to fucking be the both of us 💖💞✨
And ALSO Caroline’s monologue is quite honestly the easiest inner monologue out of the three voices I wrote for that work, Klaus’s is the real pain in the ass tbvh like it is NOT easy writing pretentious besotted losers with a Kardashian complex especially when you need to make them sound cool when they’re the lamest OP dude bros to ever exist - and no I don’t hate Klaus although I seem to try my darndest to convince ppl I do- I just personally believe that a feral fucker like that with a thousand years of existence under his belt can grow a pair and graduate from his kindergarten level of emotional maturity to adult sometime soon, But then on the flipside he’s so grossly adorkably smitten and feral for Caroline plus hella horny for her all the time that its usually easy to write the trashed and devoted idiot he is into something pretentious and powerful and potent when relating to his unflappable arrogance and his narcissism, but sometimes I also need him to be *deep* and ffs profound for the sake of the plot and jfc my muse just wont work with me on that, she’s like I’m sorry I’m not about to bust my ass to make this mongrel intelligible like no sir all I wanna do is make him uncomfortably horny for Caroline and leave him like that.
So smh yeah the struggle is real….but lmao Caroline is just so precious and fiercely protective and just so achingly lonely in that story, so desperate for connection and trust and intimacy yet so guarded and impervious to everyone like it hurts me to write her like that but it really challenges me as an author to balance out her inherent light with the “void” I create in her and through her, so yeah it’s a very fulfilling task and I wouldnt change it one bit, and also I had to balance out her physical op-ness w half a millennium of the ugliest emotional trauma lol so I guess that figures, but the point being….once again I am overjoyed knowing that you liked a facet of the story that I tried so hard to make as authentically Caroline and achingly real and moving as I can and I cannot possibly feel more accomplished than rn for it so ty ty ty ty for reaching out to me and telling me *tackle hugs* It makes me GIDDY knowing that you enjoyed that particular part of the story like ugh stab me please you're too sweet.
And ok NOW, coming to The Originals part of the ask, (also please note that when I say TO headcanon; Hope does not exist, Hayley is a dead in a ditch and ofc Klaus will stop being that lil bitch they tried to pawn off as Klaus in TO) 
Honestly my biggest headcanon when it comes to TO crossovers somehow always include non-humanity!Caroline like it’s just so perfect to me?? The opportunity to make shit BLOW UP b/w them like imagine the DEBAUCHERY, the heat, the SEXUAL TENSION, the repression of one Klaus Mikaelson, the EXPLORATIONS, and omg the role reversal when Klaus has to be the voice of moral reason between them and not bc he believes Caroline would not be able to stand herself if she does something heinous and monstrous but bc he wants her to be completely and utterly herself, and yk *aware*, when she DECIMATES ppl to the ground and is in full-on predator mode, like he wants her monster to come out and play with him when no part of Caroline is locked away or suppressed, so obviously when she is w/o her humanity KLAUS exercises restraint on her behalf, like can you imagine that, Klaus restraining himself and being the vague, extremely broken and just largely inaccurate moral compass between the two of them for ALL the wrong reasons- and the entirety of NOLA just standing there watching him herd this baby vampire who seems to be intent on riling him up and angering him when all she is doing is giving him a massive hybrid hard on, like IMAGINE THE GOODNESS of non-humanity Caroline wrecking NOLA and Klaus letting her wreck it bc he is helpless in the face of Caroline Forbes and also bc he is quite honestly *enjoying* the debauchery himself so why put a damper on the festivities.
-I might wanna add that I favour this headcanon a lot bc I genuinely do not even remotely *like* the idea of NOLA as Klaus's chosen place to set his roots so like I would love Caroline going to NOLA and destroying everything there just bc I detest NOLA and the storyline behind it in TO. (yes is it petty? Obvi, but like I am a petty soul and I make no apologies ma’am)
So yeah that’s my main TO headcanon, but my other one being, one I talk about very frequently, scream about in tag rants to an obsessive level, and like this is a cracky one but still very valid, where Caroline rolls up to NOLA humanity intact and all, finds Hayley preggo and is just laughing her fucking ass off bc anybody ANYBODY, with half a brain and a two minute convo w klaus would know how UTTERLY stupid the entire baby shit is especially when it’s with an immemorable one night stand, and Caroline’s just losing her shit about how like an entire city is obssessed w this baby and she just straight up tells Klaus he’d SUCK as a dad (which he really does tho like he was a shitty fucking dad canonically too) and Klaus is just like *sigh* girl tell me about it. I mean basically he’s finally relieved that someone is on his side about the whole baby thing and how he definitely does not want his entire millennium of life to finally sum up to this one squalling leaking stinky infant/unicorn Hayley is apparently baking in her oven, and I say this headcanon is cracky bc klaus would never have put up w this mess long enough for Caroline to come in and sort it out, there’s this preferred method of disposal of his called heart ripping that would've been employed quite early on and honestly saved us all a lot of brain cells and minused years of life, bc let’s be real any Klaus who’s NOT a lil snivelling bitch wearing a Klaus skinsuit would’ve yeeted the baby and the mama first chance he got, and that’s just how I see it.
Lmao I really hope I didnt scare you away w my *strong* opinions Ik they can be a bit much but I enjoy having them so theyre not going anywhere, anyways this ask answer got WAYYYY too long but I’m hoping I answered your question well with this or atleast left you slightly confused and bemused over my feral screaming....either ways I’m really really really happy to have got your ask and the chance to rant so much bs, Twas cathartic and honestly I had nothing to do today so I was more than happy to dish this baby out for you. Thank you so much sweet anon for putting a smile on my face today I am absolutely HONOURED by your words you’sa cutie 💖💞✨🗣🗣
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bloomists · 4 years
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—bts gets jealous of you being with another member
—requested by: anon
—genre: fluff fluff fluff
—warnings: none
—author’s note: wow this is kinda long but i’m proud of the result! it was hard coming up with seven different reactions but anyways! let me know what you think and request something if you want to! 🍮
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seokjin didn’t usually get jealous. he trusted you, you trusted him and that was it. but something was burning inside of him when he saw how close jimin was being with you.
first, it was how jimin just couldn’t stop looking at you, then, it was the subtle touches when no one was looking and now the blond boy had grabbed you by the hand and was whispering something to you in a frantic way.
having had enough, he strutted in a rapid manner towards your direction while you nodded and subtly touched his cheek. when he was close enough to see both of you he realized how utterly sad his bandmate looked while speaking to you.
he slowed down as you hugged him tightly against your body, as if stabilizing him, and saw the haunted look in your eyes as you turned around to found your boyfriend standing there.
“everything okay?” you asked shyness creeping on you while your arms wrapped themselves around his neck.
he understood. you were helping his bandmate solve something that was troubling him and that, for some reason, he hid his sadness around the other members. you had been that close to jimin because you were the only one that knew what he was going through and seokjin loved you even more than before.
“yes. everything’s okay.” and as he kissed you, he truly meant it.
everything’s okay.
he hated the way his heart ached when jungkook playfully tugged your hair to keep your attention on him. he loved both of you, in different ways but, regardless, it was love. so why was he trying to cut jungkook’s hand with his mind right now was beyond him.
noticing something was off, you got up from the crowded sofa and sat on yoongi’s lap. your hands were on his black hair in a mini second, caressing the soft texture and pressed a loving in kiss on his now reddish cheek.
“you know, jungkook is really handsome but i think i like rappers more.”
he silenty giggled, his chest moving with the force of his laughter making your body slightly move. now, with a new type of confidence, your boyfriend turned to you, his pale hand coming up to raffle his own hair and a smirk growing on his face.
“and why is that?” , voice deep as the waters of the oceans.
“i guess rappers turn me on.”
yoongi wasn’t laughing anymore.
your breath was coming out in rapid gasps as you struggle to breath after the heated make out session you just had. your plan wasn’t this. you had to pass by the dance studio to give the boys some coffees and delicious looking pastries that you saw on the way, say hello to hoseok and go back to campus.
however hoseok seemed to think that you were looking at yoongi for a little too much and believe me, hoseok is not the “you-can-only-look-at-me” kind of possessive jealous boyfriend but he just couldn’t help himself. a little make out session is something that is pleasant for the both of you, so, why the hell not?
museums were relaxing. a place to appreciate all type of arts and feel “intellectual” while you walk around the white-painted place. maybe that’s why you were admiring taehyung, namjoon thought.
taehyung was beautiful, he could admit that. what he couldn’t admit was that he was feeling one of the ugliest emotions in one of the most beautiful places. jealousy.
namjoon calmly walked behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist when you stopped to appreciate the hard work of an anonymous painter. you rested your tanned hands on top of him and let out a sight of content that told him something. you were happy. and the ugly feeling suddenly disappeared from his chest.
“cute!” taehyung’s scream made the spectators of the museum shush him with exasperated looks on their tired faces. he payed no mind as he ran towards the both of you, still on the same position as before.
“look at the picture i just took of you! you have to promise me that i will be the one who takes the photos at your wedding!”
his smile grew as he talked, shoving the device towards namjoon with great content and turned to you for confirmation.
you laughed. “okay taehyung.”
he cutely pouted his pink full lips as you explained again the reason of your close relationship with namjoon.
“how many times am i gonna have to explain to you that he was the first person i met in seoul? our bond is strong just like your’s and taehyung’s! just because i love him as a friend doesn’t mean i love you any less.”
you were a sight. wearing nothing more than his navy blue shirt standing near the opened window of the organized bedroom, the soft breeze of summer caressing your hair as it waved almost as if greeting an old friend. arms crossed aroun your middle, truth is, jimin had understood the first time but he couldn’t help but keep riling you up. he didn’t understand how someone could look so angelic when they were mad, but somehow you made it work.
a soft gleam shined in your eyes as you sat on the bed and pecked his, still, pouted lips.
“you know i will always love you baby.”
“i know and i will always return your love.”
he rolled his eyes for the third time in a row. your excited loud voice coming from the kitchen followed by a lame joke made him irritated. seriously could seokjin not flirt with you in front of him?
the sight of you walking towards him with an strawberry cake made him forget about how much he despised hearing you laugh with another man that wasn’t him.
“what is this?” one eyebrow raised at your shaking hands that were placing the cake that was almost falling apart. it was clearly made by you. it wasn’t a secret that neither of you knew how to cook and it was a running joke among the members. besides you didn’t enjoy cooking. so, why did you make him a cake? oh my god were you feeling guilty about something? were you dying? did you fight? when was your anniversary again?
“i noticed you were kind of stressed because of the comeback and you leaving again. and well i thought, that i couldn’t do nothing about it right? i’m your partner and i’m here for everything even when you are not on your best mood. so i decided to do the thing that you love the most! strawberry cake! seokjin helped me but well, i’m terrible so sorry if it doesn’t taste good.”
taehyung smiled
“you got one thing wrong. the strawberry cake is not the thing that i love the most.”
“i swear to god if you say ‘you’ i’m breaking up with you.”
“i was going to say sex but, sure, you!”
jungkook was sure that he was the person that loved hoseok the most. that was, until you couldn’t stop texting him about how good he looked on the fake love music video. he was considering reminding you who you were dating as the familiar sound of “ting” filled his room announcing he had another text message.
before he had time to react the sound of an incoming call was coming out of his black phone resting on his lit-up bedtable besides the bed he was lying on.
he lazyly turned as he cuddled the soft hotel pillow to his chest and pressed answer.
your face was illuminated by the soft touch of the morning sun and a wide grin accompanied it. he yawned as he looked at the moon greeting him from the window. he hated being in different timezones.
“hi! you weren’t answering and i wanted to make sure i didn’t annoy you with my texting? i’m sorry i know i can get pretty excited when i talk about you guys.”
“why weren’t you talking about me like you were with hoseok hyung?”
he flinched. well that didn’t come out as he being insecure at all. good one jungkook.
“w-what? of course i have been talking about you on the music video! i just do it with my friends because i think it’s weird to fangirl about your abs with you. it’s just embarrassing for me i’m sorry if you felt like i wasn’t appreciating you enough but...were you feeling jealous?”
the tone that started as apologizing ended with a teasing annoying voice that made him blush.
“what? no! of course i wasn’t feeling jealous! anyway keep telling me how much you love my abs baby.”
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secret-engima · 5 years
Oo! For your Nox verse you mentioned Axis and now I'm all ears for anything you're willing to talk about for the Kingsglaives. Is Axis Nox's assigned guard? Does Noctis have one he's close with like you hinted Arra is for Nox? Does Regis assign *Ardyn* a glaive? It might give more reason for him to interact with Titus? Just what is the Kingsglaive in general's reaction to the chancellor being not that bad actually and basically defecting to Lucis?
(cracks knuckles) Anon. ANON. Kingsglaive are a fav okay? I am always willing to talk about them. ALWAYS. In this AU though, Axis is not actually a glaive. The Kingsglaive was only formed a few months after Nox and Ardyn time-traveled, and Nox met him sometime not long after arriving in the past, so Axis was wandering around taking Hunts to get by. Axis, upon meeting Nox “I’m going to single-handed blow up ALL the Nif’s stuff” Izunia ended up tagging along a few times and then just … never really stopped. Be ends up becoming Nox’s official Shield after Nox is discovered by Regis, but honestly considered himself that well before (because someone has to keep these moron, and his uncle by extension, alive). Nox gets to know the rest of the galahdians through Axis after he’s discovered.
For the rest of the glaives (who are actual glaives in this), Noctis … I don’t think he has a particular favorite? Nox starts dragging Noctis down to the glaive HQ to “train” with them (read: play with them and endear himself to them) so Noctis kinda ends up adopted en masse by these guys (though honestly Tredd might glom onto being Noctis’s buddy/reckless older bro just to spite Axis, because how DARE his buddy in crime get his own LC and not share with Tredd?). Regis assigns the Kingsglaive and the Crownsguard in rotation to guard Ardyn because Chancellor of Niflheim, but Ardyn’s trolling tendency weeds out 98% of the Crownsguard pretty fast (Ardyn: ”It’s not my fault they can’t take a joke!”). Titus, being also Glauca (and secretly Ardyn’s newest minion) tends to volunteer himself after the first five trolling sprees just to keep this moron (who is also somehow his boss, Astrals save him) from driving the entire Citadel nuts.
For your last question. Hmmmm (straps on HC hat) warning this is gonna be LONG:
-Nobody in the glaive is happy when they learn that the Chancellor of Niflheim is a guest (actual guest, not prisoner) in the Citadel. The fact that he’s going to remain a guest for the indefinite future because their King apparently had a kid with the Chancellor’s sister just makes it worse. Nobody is happy and some Potentially Traitorous Things are often mumbled half-heartedly over their alcohol in the first few days when only the Crownsguard are allowed near him (mostly just different ways of calling Regis an idiot, nothing actually harmful or murderous). The glaive however, don’t think the Crownsguard are going to stay Ardyn’s primary keepers for long. Not just because of their general disdain for the organization that prefers to hide behind the Wall rather than fight, but because all of them saw Captain’s face when Ardyn’s arrival was announced. It was the same face he wore the last time the Nifs unleashed a trio of Behemoths onto the field. The one that screamed “Damage Control Inbound” and “This is Going to Become Our Problem and We’re All Collectively Doomed”.
-Then they actually start getting assigned to the man and he’s … nothing like what they were expecting. There is no brilliant tactician, no cunning, poison-tongue politician. No enemy infiltrating their second home using his own nephew as leverage. There’s just a man in tacky clothes and the world’s Dumbest Hat who hides from the irate doctors who insist he needs medical intervention for his weight and general health problems Right Now and only lets Captain or his nephew bully him into eating more than a single meal per day. There’s just an uncle who teases his nephew mercilessly but never lets the boy get lost in his own head (which is too easy for the kid to do, they all recognize the signs of Battle Trauma) and dotes on their crown prince like he’s a long lost nephew rather than the son of the Lucian king.
-There’s just a very, very tired soul who they sometimes find in the Hall of Arts, staring up at the picture of the Founder King and First Oracle with deceptively blank expression and a faintly cracking voice as he sings something Ancient that sounds like a lullaby for all they can’t understand the words, swaying to the melody of his own song like he’ll topple and shatter the moment someone puts pressure on the wrong place.
-Nyx is the first one other than Captain to find him like that, and for all he wants to hate the man who represents Niflheim (represents the empire that burned Galahd and killed his sister), he instead finds himself coaxing Ardyn away from the Hall with gentle words and steady hands, just like he would any of his brother or sister glaives. Nyx mentions it to Captain later, which is how he and the others learn that this isn’t an uncommon occurrence. That they should keep him away from the Hall of Arts if they can.
-It’s the first sign that Ardyn isn’t a vicious leader of monsters playing nice to trick an enemy, but a broken, tired man using his nephew as an excuse to finally escape his glittering cage of “Chancellor”.
-None of them are quite sure what to make of that, so they watch, they listen, they learn. …They get attached. Grudgingly. One prank and melodramatic smile and accidentally witnessed quiet moment at a time. There are a lot of sides to Ardyn Izunia, like the individual fragments of a broken mirror, and somehow the glaives keep being allowed to stumble on them. Somehow they keep getting attached to the shards, one by one and moment by moment without realizing that Ardyn is getting attached in return.
-Until one day, on a good day when Ardyn is wearing his Cheerful, Melodramatic Self and the glaives are hiding their snickers in the corners as they follow him like shadows, two of the King’s Council meet him in the halls. Look down their noses with contemptuous eyes, just like they do the glaives themselves and (in that uniquely flowery way only politicians can) start insulting Ardyn under the guise of casual conversation. They watch, seething despite themselves, as Ardyn takes it, smiles through it, tilts his head like he doesn’t know exactly what they are doing. Libertus finally ducks out of the shadows, bites out some made up excuse of Ardyn’s presence being requested by Cor (the councilmen wouldn’t prevent the Marshal’s orders from being followed and wouldn’t ask him about it later and discover the lie), grinds his teeth when the two councilmen turn their flowery poison on Libertus and the Kingsglaive (the Galahdian refugees) as well. Just like they always do.
-In the middle of taking a step to follow Libertus away, the glaives see Ardyn go still as a painting. See blue eyes sharpen like blades and then-. He turns around in one fluid movement, like it was intentional all along, his easy smile still in place but now dripping an unstated sort of malice that takes the glaive by surprise. They watch, gaping and confused, as Ardyn suddenly transforms into the monster they expected to find those first weeks he arrived in the Citadel, the vaunted Niflheim Chancellor who could ruin people with a smile and a few honeyed words. Where a moment ago he’d been passively taking insults, now Ardyn runs verbal mazes around the two councilmen, ripping them open and stripping them down to their barest, ugliest parts all while never dropping his friendly, polite mien. Somewhere in the “conversation” (massacre), the glaives are pretty sure Ardyn blackmails the two councilmen into supporting a bunch of refugee support programs that, as a technical enemy politician, Ardyn should not know about and they are definitely sure that Ardyn manages to pull it off while simultaneously insulting the two men’s family lines all the way back to the era of the Founder King. By name.
-As he suddenly bids the sputtering councilmen good day and trails along after a wide-eyed Libertus and a long-suffering Captain who arrived somewhere in the verbal massacre, his footsteps silent and predatory when around the glaive he’s always been easy and noisy (to let them know he’s there, to ensure he cannot startle them), the glaive realize that Ardyn is every inch the monster they were expecting. Every centimeter the poisonous, deadly politician they complained about before getting to know him. He just … doesn’t bare his fangs at the people that, by all conventional logic, he should. Somewhere along the way, this Niflheim Chancellor decided that he was more loyal to the line of Lucis and the ragtag refugees called the Kingsglaive than he was his own empire, and that if hiding his claws and acting oblivious around disapproving, snobby nobles was what it took to stay rather than having to return to his own country (his prison), then he would.
-Over drinks, they all agree Ardyn Izunia, former Chancellor of Niflheim, is the scariest person they’ve ever seen. And that they are all really glad he’s on their side.
(hope that satisfies your Ask, Anon! It … spiraled out of my control)
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fairycosmos · 5 years
whats up i am The Literal Ugliest girl i have ever seen im not even being sarcastic i am so fucking disgusting it makes me sick i hate my disgusting full of acne skin, my ugly nose, my nonexistent lips and my fat short body. i want to kill myself SO MUCH but im scared my parents will be sad. do you think they’ll get over it and i should just do it bc nothing is changing and ive been waiting for years for a change and now im 22 and im fucking tired i cant fucking breathe
hey, it's okay. listen, i'm really sorry you're in such a negative place right now and i can't imagine how hard it must be. like i can absolutely relate and i totally understand where you're coming from, but your pain is your own and i won't infringe on it. that being said, of course your parents won't just 'get over' something like that. the trouble with self destructive tendencies is that your brain will do anything to make them seem plausible. it will engage you in emotional, black and white thinking - it'll force you to believe there's no other options, it'll use your insecurities against you to the highest degree in order to blow them out of proportion and make you feel bad. your self hatred is spinning a false narrative about you. i know you know about the subjectivity of beauty, the pressure we're all under to reach impossible standards, the way they sell us these made up ideas about attractiveness because that's what makes money. you can be aware of all of that and still hate the way you look, but recognizing that there is truly no wrong way to have a physical form (regardless of your low self confidence) can really make a difference. clearly this runs deeper than your appearance, i get that. but you must understand that your conditioned mind is not reliable. ugliness is a) an inevitably for everyone since our purpose isn't constant prettiness, b) not set in stone, not defined as 'one thing', and c) not a reason to take your own life. i understand that as a woman everything seems to hinge on that, but you can find comfort and happiness regardless. others don't see you the way you see yourself, and your self perception is all messed up by your biased mindset anyway. it's something a lot of people struggle with, but there IS a balance to be found. i know it's hard, i know. but experiencing this world and trying to appreciate who you are is a million times more rewarding than punishing yourself for something so uncontrollable and insignificant and inconsistent in it's validity. youre not a walking advirtisment, your body doesn't exist to fill a quota. and that can be really difficult to accept but. it's just true, it always comes back to that fact.
you're clearly in a very intense and emotional state of mind right now, and i really don't blame you. when you're sad and dealing with mental issues and you feel like there's literally no way forward, the entire world feels like the enemy. but i'd really really urge you to take a look at your thinking patterns when you're able to, in order to realize how irrational and untrue they are. harming yourself is not the correct response to not liking your reflection. instead consider outside factors, whats influencing your opinions, what you can do to make yourself feel a little more stable in the moment (cry, write, talk to a family member or friend, take a walk.) take a breath, and be sure to remain in a physically safe environment for now. that's good enough, i promise. you're doing so much better than you think you are, just by getting through the moment. you have copious amounts of worth beyond the way you look. you were born with it and it'll never go away. you have so much to offer and to see and you should not allow the unnecessary guilt to take all of that away from you. a whole future is worth so much more than you realize. i know 5 more minutes with this feeling doesn't feel worth ten years without it. but i'm honestly telling you that there are so so so many ways to grow beyond this mindset and none of them involve hurting yourself. you don't have to do anything. you're in control, not your sadness, not your temporary feelings.
you sent this anon for a reason, and i'm unbelievably glad you did. it shows you have the ability to reach out, even if it's through an unconventional platform. so if you want to know what i really believe would be good for you, then hear me out. you need to talk to your parents and you need to look at your options in regards to seeing a professional about this. whether it's through a doctor, a counselor, a support group, a hotline. anything, there is so much available. please please please do not let the self destructive part of you write the idea off as if it's nothing. because your brain will try every trick in the book to make you think it's pointless but trying is never fruitless, not in this regard. you don't have to go into great detail, but i think it could be a real relief if you just sat your parents down and told them that you're having a really hard time, you don't know what to do, and you think you need some extra support. it is completely and utterly natural to be scared, to not want to do it. vulnerability is like that. but it's a much better form of fear than the one you'll feel by staying silent and letting this get worse and worse. the bottom line is suicidal thoughts, while somewhat common, are not normal and are an indicator that it's time to prioritize your mental health. even when everything in you is screaming at you to go the other way, to self destruct. it's hard to care about what happens to you when you just don't but i'm begging you to have some empathy for your future self, alright? that is what you're looking for here, i swear. you're going to be you for the rest of your life and while that may seem daunting right now it is something you can grow to enjoy as you create a whole lifetime of experiences beyond this pain. a professional will be able to get to the root causes of what's going on, while working with you to create a care plan so that you're prepared for these episodes in the future and showing you how to implement positive patterns into your daily life. disentangling your self worth from the way you look is not impossible and is actually very doable through small exercises and patience. minimizing the damage and building from the ground up, awakening yourself to alternative perceptions, is done through communication. it's ok if it's frustrating, it's ok if it takes time. i'm not saying you have to start loving yourself immediately, or that this will solve everything, but it is a great place to start. just making the initial choice to reach out to your parents will make a massive difference. i can't stress it enough, the importance of you realizing that your self hatred and your self perceived 'ugliness' aren't irreversible truths, they are emotional inconsistencies derived from underlying issues that can be addressed with time and small amounts of effort. where you're at right now is truly not where you'll always be no matter how much you feel otherwise. please, if you're a danger to yourself call someone and put your own physical safety first. i'm begging you, it is not going to solve anything and it is not what you deserve. you will find what you do deserve eventually but you have to stick around to see it. you're stronger than you realize. you haven't made it this far for nothing. i really hope you're alright and that you're able to talk with your parents, or that you at least consider it for now. i'm sure they'll appreciate the honesty, and that's where it all begins. just admitting to what's going on, which you've already proved your capable of. sending a lot of love to you, don't hesitate to hit me up if you need a friend. you're not alone.
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i‘m sorry ✨ | aaron hotchner x daughter!reader
this was requested by an Anon <3 
Prompt: #85 - “I wanted to apologize.” with Aaron Hotchner
Characters: Aaron Hotchner, Y/N Hotchner, Jack Hotchner, mention of Hayley Hotchner, Lola (BFF of Y/N), Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi
Warnings: none 
A/N: i worked really hard on this and i actually should be asleep by now bc of work tomorrow but i felt in the to write and please send me feedback! ily :))
wordcount: 2.424
„Still nothing?“, Lola asked Y/N, as the young teenage girl kept staring down on her phone.
„Nope. He didn´t reply or call.“, Y/N answered, sadness hiding in her big brown eyes. She had hoped so much that this one time her father would actually stay true to his word, but yet again, he broke his promise. Y/N wasn´t even surprised anymore.
„I´m gonna give him one last chance.“, she said as he dialed Hotch´s number again, hoping that her father would pick up and tell her that he´s on his way or that he´s just looking for a parking space. But nothing. He didn´t pick up.
Sighing deeply, Y/N hang up and turned her phone off.
„I´m sorry, Y/N/N.“, Lola tried to comfort her best friend who gave her a fake smile.
„It´s okay, I guess. He´s just busy saving the world which is more important.“, Y/N answered as she put her phone in her bag and grabbed her water bottle.
„But this isn´t right. You should be his number 1 priority. He promised to come tonight.“
„When did my father ever keep his promise?“, Y/N said as she walked towards the room of the room, „come on. Let´s go. We have somewhere to be.“, and with this the young girls got ready for their last cheerleading competition in highschool. A special event for which Y/N would have loved the presence of her father. But this would always remain a dream.
  Later as expected, Y/N came home from their victory celebration. They had won the competition with a perfect score. To celebrate, they went out to have dinner as a team. During this, Y/N completley forgot the time. During weekdays, she was supposed to be at home by 9. Now it was almost midnight. But Y/N found herself not caring about this. Her father didn´t care about her, so why should she care about pleasing him by coming home when he wanted her to? Carefully, Y/N put the key into the lock and tried to open the door as quiet as she could. When inside, she got rid of her shoes and jacket and placed her sports bag right next to her shoes. She then only grabbed her cell and went tot he kitchen to get something to drink when suddenly, the light turned on. Closing the fridge, she found her Dad standing opposite to her.
 „Care to tell me where you´ve been all night?“, he asked in his bossy voice.
Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to walk past her Dad who wasn´t having any of it and blocked her way.“
„Y/N, I think I asked you a question.“
„And I think you should find the answer to this question for yourself.“, Y/N hissed as she went to grab her bag. Right than and there, something inside Hotch´s mind clicked.
„Oh no..“, he groaned.
„Oh yes. I´m glad you´re remembering now, almost 6 hours after it.“
„Y/N, I´m…“
„Save it Dad! You´re not sorry. If you would be, you would finally change something. It´s not like we´re in this situation for the first time. I´m on this team ever since I joined Highschool 4 years ago and yet, you´ve only been tot wo competitions.“, Y/N argued, trying her best to keep her voice down, knowing that her little brother was upstairs sleeping. Jack didn´t need to her Y/N screaming at their Dad, which actually was, for once, at loss for words.
„Well, do you have anything to say about this or can I go up to my room now?“, the girl wondered as she stared at her father.
„I-I´m just…I´m sorry. You really need to believe me. I just forgot..work..it´s so busy and Strauss and I don´t know where my head is and I know this doesn´t make it better, but..“
„You´re right Dad! It´s actually making things worse! This was my last competition ever with this team. I´m graduating soon and there won´t be any more chances to see me compete. You missed the final chance. I told you how important this was for me and yet again you broke your promise….how in the world am I supposed to believe you that you care about me..about us?“, the girl hissed angrily, tears gathering in her eyes, which she tried so hard to hold back.
„This is not true and you know this. I care about the both of you, a lot. It´s just the job. It´s so stressful…“
„But JJ manages to be there whenever Henry has a game. How can she do this and you can´t? Why don´t you just say that you´re not interested in seeing me compete instead of building up my hopes everytime again, only to smash it back down in a heartbeat.“, and now, Y/N was openly sobbing.
Aaron stared at his daughter, his heart aching. He hated to see her like this, but there as nothing he could do right now to fix his mistake. He messed up, again. He wanted to change, to be a better Dad. But why is this so hard?
The duo stood in silence for about 5 minutes before Y/N whispered quietly: „You managed to break my trust in your promises completely. How am I ever supposed to believe a word you say again?“
„I know I messed up Y/N, and I don´t know what else to do instead of telling you I´m sorry over and over again.“
„You should actually mean it. Those shouldn´t be empty words, they should have a meaning.“
„They do. God, I care about the both of you so much and I´m so sorry that I hurt you this much. I can´t stand to see you like this. Please, what can I do to make things better?“, Aaron asked his daughter, basically begging her to help him out.
„Trade places with Mom.“, she said and went up to her room, closing the door to her room and breaking down against it.
   A few days passed by since the ugliest argument Y/N and Aaron ever had. The both oft hem didn´t speak to each other. Y/N couldn´t stand being in his presence right now; she only did so when they had breakfast before school, but only because of Jack, though the young boy could sense that something was wrong between the both of them. But Y/N also knew that the last thing she said to her Dad wasn´t okay as well. Nobody deserved to get told something like this and she felt horrible because of this. Yes, she missed her Mom´s and at the beginning, she blamed her Dad for what happened with Foyet. It had took her a while to understand that it wasn´t his fault and that he too lost someone very important. To wish him death just because he didn´t come to a stupid cheer comp wasn´t right, but yet again, Y/N wasn´t ready to forgive her Dad just like that.
The Hotchner´s just finished having breakfast when Jack grabbed Y/N by the arm.
„Y/N? Are you okay?“, he asked, looking up to his sister with sad eyes.
„Yeah…I´m fine. Why?“, she answered confused.
„Because you barely speak to us anymore and you just seem different.“
Y/N inwardly sighed and gave her brother the best smile she could bring up.
„I´m sorry buddy. I´m just…not really in a good mood. School is kicking my ass and I did something I´m not really proud of.“
„I´m sorry Y/N/N.“, Jack whispered as he hugged his sister tightly at which Y/N almost started to cry right there and then. He was so pure and innocent. She wished she could see life again through the eyes of a child.
When they let go of each other, Y/N grabbed her bag and went straight out of the door, only turning around to wave to her little brother and then she was gone.
„Daddy?“, Jack asked as he turned towards his Dad.
„Yeah, buddy?“
„You need to fix whatever happened. You´re the superhero. Fix it.“, and with that Jack got up as well, running up to his room.
If it only was that easy.
  „Hey Mom! Wow…it´s been a while since I´ve been here. I still think it´s weird to talk to you because all I see it this stone and some flowers but here we go.“, Y/N said as she placed down new flower she brought on her way to the cementery and than sat down next to the headstone. The young girl leant against it as she looked up into the sky. When she walked out the door this morning, she didn´t really have the intention to go to school. She needed a time out. So she decided to visit her Mom and get whatever was bothering her off her chest.
„I-I messed up Mom. Big time. I don´t know if I can fix this. I was just so angry and I said some hurtful things to Dad. I was just so furious that he didn´t keep his promise and put his job before me. And then, I just told him, straight in the face, that he should trade places with you. What kind of a daughter am I? I´m horrible.“, Y/N explained as tears ran down her cheeks, „I was hurting and still am. But I was so ridiculous. Really. I just….I miss you Mom. I miss you being here with us. I don´t know what to do most oft he times. I´m just so lost I guess. I still haven´t found my place after everything that happened and it´s been five years. It´s not Dad´s fault that he´s always so busy, but sometimes it just feels like that he doesn´t even care about us anymore. Like, I´m more at Jess´ place than I am in my own home. I just want things to go back to normal. But how do I do this? How do I fix this big mess?“
  „Y/N hasn´t spoken to me in over 4 days now and I think she won´t talk to me any time soon.“, Aaron sighed as he rubbed his face with his left hand, „I really messed up Dave.“
„Aaron, it wasn´t you´re fault that.“, Rossi started but got interrupted by the Unit Chief.
„Yes, Dave, it was. I promised my daughter to be there for her when she needed me and I broke this promise…again. How can she ever trust my words again? I´m her father for god´s sake.“
„But you´re also human, and human´s make mistakes. No one is perfect. It happens. You should just talk to eachother.“
„Last time we did that she ended up sobbing and wishing that I trade places with Hayley and to be honest, I sometimes question if..“
„Now stop right there, would you? We all know that she said that because she was mad and furious and that she actually didn´t mean this. So don´t put too much meaning into it. Here´s what´s going to happen tonight. You´re gonna leave this place at 3pm today to pick up your kids from school and then you sit down and have a nice long talk with your daughter..“
„How am I supposed to do that when she won´t even look at me?“
Right when Rossi was about to answer, Hotch´s phone rang and groaning inwardly, he picked it up.
„Hotchner? Yeah…that´s correct. What? Okay, thanks for informing me. I will look into it and get back to you. Thanks for letting me know. Bye.“, and with that he hung up again.
„What was that about?“, Rossi wanted to know.
„This was Y/N´s school. She hasn´t been attending classes today. Infact, no one heard from her all morning and since she or me didn´t call in sick for her, they called me and wanted to let me know.“
„I bet there is a simple explaination for that. She´s a teenager, going through a whirlwind of emotions right now.“
„I´m gonna call her. And then Garcia should track her phone.“, Aaron said as he picked up his phone and dialed the number of his eldest child. But nothing.
„She´s not answering. What if..“, Hotch started to panic. This couldn´t be it. This fight couldn´t be the last talk they every had. Where was she?
„Aaron, calm down.“
„I´m gonna calm down when I´ll know where my daughter is and..:“, and yet again, the two agents got interrupted by a know on the door.
„Come in!“, Hotch screamed and was greeted by JJ in the door. „Hey Hotch. You have a visitor.“, the blonde agent said and with that, she stepped aside revealing Y/N.
„Y/N…omg.“, the agent said as he stood up to go and hug his daughter who didn´t fight the embrace, „I was so concerned. The school just called and said that..“
„I wasn´t there. I was with Mom.“, Y/N whispered as she looked down on the floor.
Rossi and JJ slowly made their way out of the office to give the two oft hem some privacy.
„Y/N…I-I´m…“, Aaron started, but got interrupted by his daughter who started to sob and hug him hard.
„I´m so sorry Dad. I didn´t mean what I was saying. I-I was just s-so mad at you because you weren´t there a-and..“, she took a shaky breath, „what I said was mean and hurtful and not okay..and i´m so sorry. I feel so bad for it and I wanted to apologize.“
„Shhhhh, honey. No, it´s okay. You had every right to me angry at me. If all, it should be me apologizing to you. I´m so sorry that i disappointed you again. I really didn´t mean to do so, but everything just got a little to stressful and I´m just lost…you know. I mean, it´s been 5 years already, but I´m still not cut out to be a single father. And I-I don´t know. I´m really really sorry….“, Aaron apologized and also had a few tears in his eyes.
„Guess we´re both just a little lost in life.“, Y/N laughed and wiped her tears away, stepping back from her Dad.
„Maybe…but I´m gonna work on it. I´m gonna work on myself. For you guys. I care about you. I love you both. You´re my life, my everything. I need you guys. Please, give me a second chance.“
Y/N smiled up at her father, before speaking again: „I know you do and I´m sorry for thinking otherwise. Guess we both have to work on ourselves, huh?“
Hotch smiled down at his daughter and engulfed her in another hug: „I love you, Y/N/N. Always.“
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