#I just remembered that she saw my tiktok account
redroomreflections · 1 month
How Not To Become A Tiktok Star
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: Reader has a tiktok account and she decides to do the "I think you're bad in bed" prank on Natasha.
note: I really don't know what this is. I saw it on tiktok and decided to write it. if i cringed you also have to experience it.
this can be any universe really.
w/c: 1k
You and Natasha are about to head out for a drive, and you had a fun idea to capture a bit of the day for your TikTok account. You'd set up the camera before she slid into the driver's seat. You placed the phone on the dashboard, using a small, inconspicuous car mount that you’ve cleverly tucked away. The mount is just the right height to capture both of you without being too obvious. You adjust the angle, making sure the camera is aimed perfectly to catch the both of you.
"Are you recording us?"
You nod silently. "Just for memories." You inform her. You sit back into the passenger's seat and watch the scenery go by.
"So…I was thinking of going to Target later and getting us a few things for the house," Natasha tried. "I think I can get in and out without being recognized."
"Sounds good." You nodded. "If we need more detergent, I'll add that to the list."
"Ok, and maybe some new sheets. Those are getting pretty old."
"They are pretty old, aren't they?" You continue. The car ride is silent for the next few minutes and you glance at the camera to make sure it's still recording.
"You're awfully quiet today," Natasha mentions. She's so used to you talking up a storm whenever you get the chance.
"I'm just tired." You shrug. "It's been a long week."
"I feel that." Natasha nods. "Anything on your mind?"
You pause dramatically, picking at your nails before you look at her. "I need to tell you something and I kind of don't know how to say it." Your heart beats in your chest. How could you explain this? It's a prank so of course she will be clueless but you are unsure of how to go about it.
"You can tell me anything," Natasha said.
"Ok, so the truth is," You begin. "Lately, I've been feeling like you've gotten a little lazier in bed." You say.
Natasha looks over at you with a blank expression. "What?"
"Like you've been kind of boring in the bedroom." You repeat.
Natasha shakes her head in confusion. "What do you mean by that? Boring?"
"Well, last night, for example. It was your turn to go down on me and it wasn't really your best work."
"Really?" Natasha asks, surprised. "You didn't seem to have a problem."
"I was too embarrassed to tell you."
Natasha's face falls. "Wow. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's been like that for a while and I didn't want to hurt your feelings," You reach across the console to grab her free hand. "I just want us to have fun together."
"That's what I want too." Natasha agreed.
"We used to have fun."
"Yeah." Natasha agrees.
"So much fun." You nod. "I just think maybe you can practice a bit more? Try some new techniques or something."
"Oh...well," Natasha's face turns a bit pink and she glances between the road and you. "New techniques? Where do you suggest i practice this?"
"I don't know." You shrug, keeping the smirk off your face. "Maybe start with me?"
Natasha stares straight ahead. "Oh, well, I can try. But I'm not really sure where to start. Can you give me a specific?"
"Hmm, yeah. I'll just go into more detail." You decide.
"Go ahead."
"I guess when you have sex with a woman, you just have to remember the pearl is the center of the universe," You censor yourself for Tiktok of course. "I don't know if you've forgotten where it is or..."
"No, no," Natasha shook her head. "I'm very familiar with where it is. Yours especially."
"Ok, because I'm not sure if you're aware, but when you go down on me, you don't pay enough attention to it," You tell her. "It's almost like you don't like the taste."
Natasha makes a face. "What? That's ridiculous. I love your taste."
"But you're not doing enough."
"You need to be better. Not even just licking around my pearl, but actually sucking it. Really, just doing all that. All the things that are important."
"You know, I'm very confused about where this is coming from," Natasha turned on her indicator to turn into the parking lot. "Like I said last night you were very happy with my performance. Unless you were faking it."
"Of course, I wasn't faking it," You shake your head. "I've been wanting to tell you for a while but I didn't know how. But it's not only that, there are other things too."
"What other things?" Natasha asked.
"I feel like you're not very experimental. Like, I want to have sex in more than just the bed." You say.
Natasha nods. "I guess Tony's lab wasn't experimental enough."
"Babe," You gasp. You turn to the camera and sigh. "I'm going to have to edit that out."
Natasha parks the car. "Why are you saying all this? Is something going on? Are you recording still?"
"Yes, I'm still recording," You admit. "This is for my Tiktok. It's a joke."
"A joke? I knew it had to be," Natasha shakes her head. "Are you going to upload that?"
"Oh, wow." Natasha finally gets a good look at you. "I know this wasn't one hundred percent the truth. You're always so exhausted after we finish. Also, the things you say there's no way you're not getting what you want."
"What does that mean?" You play dumb.
"Oh, baby, fuck me," Natasha pitches her voice higher. "Don't stop. Don't stop." She fake moans and pretends to be you in the moments of passion and pleasure.
"Oh, shut up." You playfully swat her. "I don't sound like that."
"Yes, you do," Natasha chuckles. "Some days I can barely get you to go multiple rounds. You practically fall asleep with me still inside of you."
"Shut up!" You laugh.
Natasha shakes her head at the absurdity of it all. "I can't believe you got me so good. I really thought we were having problems."
"You're cocky," You scoff.
"And you're the queen of the universe, baby." Natasha grins, leaning over to kiss you. "Let's get this over with so we can get home and you can show me how much I don't suck in bed."
"I can't upload this to Tiktok," You sigh.
"Well put it with the other videos that we can't upload."
"Good idea," You reached for the camera and shut it off. So much for being a tiktok star.
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giuseppe-yuki · 1 month
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lance stroll x fennec fox shapeshifter!reader
w.c.: 2.1k
warnings: one suggestive comment, a bit of profanity
part of my shapeshifting!reader series
summary: lance makes a accidental purchase (ft. k-mag + laura)
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picture credits from pinterest :)
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after a tiring day, it was nice to decompress on you and your boyfriend’s xl california king memory foam mattress. covered with silk sheets and pillow covers with a thread count in the thousands, lance always made sure you both had the most comfortable, luxurious lifestyle. that’s what you liked about lance. he was always so kind and considerate, looking out for others. 
but, he wasn’t being kind right now. as you idly scrolled through your phone, splayed out on the bed, lance was next to you, eyes glancing up and down as he browsed through an online shop on his phone. you frown as you watch him continue to click through on the website. as his girlfriend, you deserved his utmost attention, right?
you sit up, and crawl towards him, wrapping your arms around his midriff and burying your head into his chest. he spares you glance and a pat on the head before continuing his shopping. 
“lanceyyyy!” you trill, voice a little muffled from your position, “what are you even doing? shopping for the latest clive christian or creed cologne?” 
he laughs, and you feel his chest vibrate underneath you. “no,” he laughs, “i still have the five bottles you bought me that random saturday a month ago!”
oh yeah, you think. he borrowed the expensive cologne from his friend just once, but you got hooked onto the nice scent and decided to buy him several bottles just because. as one of the youngest ceos ever of your own company, it was nice using your almost-bursting bank account to treat your boyfriend once in a while. 
“okay… then what are you buying that possibly is taking you twenty hours?” you ask, pouting at him. 
he looks at you on his chest, underneath his raised hands holding the phone. “well…” he hesitates a bit before continuing, “you know how chloe is having a baby with scotty?” 
you nod, adjusting yourself on the bed. 
“i’m going shopping for the baby!” he exclaims, flashing you a smile. “i’m buying him the latest toys that i just know he’ll love.”
“lance,” you say slowly, “you do realize that the baby is literally still inside of chloe, right? he’s not going to be born for a long while.” 
“yeah, yeah,” your boyfriend says, waving a hand dismissively. “i know, but i want to get a head start and get better presents than everyone else.” 
you roll your eyes. “mhm, sure, baby.” but, you get a little curious. tilting your head, you ask, “what are you buying though?” 
lance puts his finger in front of his mouth in a “shushing” motion. “it’s a secret,” he whispers. 
you sit up, reaching for his phone. “what? why can’t i see?” you protest. 
“nope!” he declares, snatching his phone away from you. 
you groan, and turn away from lance in annoyance. “fine, then!” you sulk.
pulling out your phone, you go back to scrolling mindlessly, back towards your boyfriend, while said boyfriend happily adds another item to his cart. 
as you scroll through tiktok, you notice the time. it was around four am, which was pretty damn late considering that you had media day tomorrow. you almost turn around to let lance know but remember that you are mad at him. sparing him a quick glance (he was still clicking around another expensive online toy shop, you bet), you turn back to your phone. that’s when you notice lando’s girlfriend’s profile lit up with a green circle on the corner. 
you shoot her a quick text, 
hey, what r u doing up? i saw your online bubble on tiktok like two seconds ago, lmao! u do know we have media day tomorrow right? 
it isn’t long before she sends a message back. 
i was gonna go to bed early but lando was streaming and forgot about the time.. you know i can’t sleep when he's yelling at the top of his lungs. anyways, what are you doing up at this godforsaken hour???
you snicker to yourself. oh yeah, you definitely know what she means. both of you guys gossiped about how loud they were playing their little pvp games, whether it be COD or fortnite. they say some of the weirdest things too, like ‘he’s coming! he’s coming!” like, okay, calm down there buddy. 
before you respond to lando’s girlfriend, lance lets out a shout. “i’m done!” he sing-songs. he sets down his phone on his nightstand and smiles out you sweetly, like he hadn’t just spend a million years ignoring you for shopping for his nephew who wasn’t even born yet. still mad, you glare at him, and get back to typing a response.
yeah girl, i get you. lance always starts raging at his monitor when he plays his video games 🙄 no but i was up because my bf was literally online shopping till like five minutes ago! like, what are you buying that is so important it needs to be bought now?? its almost four am, istg we are going to be so sleepy in the paddock tomorrow!
she replies swiftly,
omg, maybe he’s buying you that limited edition birkin you told me you were eyeing a couple of days ago! but yeah, we should get to bed. goodnight!
her profile shows her going offline then, so you shut off your phone as well. 
lying back onto the impossibly soft pillow, and tucking yourself under the covers, you look towards the white painted ceiling of your apartment. “so what did you order, lancey?” you ask. 
next to you, your boyfriend turns onto his side, hand propped underneath his head, smirking. “you’ll see tomorrow, baby.” 
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you wake up the next morning to the doorbell echoing through the whole apartment. lance is sprawled next to you, hair messy and mouth slightly open, snoring. his legs are tangled with yours, and the sun shining in through the windows makes the outline of him glow like a sleeping angel. god, you loved him. leaning over, you pepper kisses all over his face to wake him up. almost instantly, he awakens and starts laughing, trying to push you away and block you with a pillow. when you finally stop, he blinks sleepily at you with a smile on his face.
“well, that’s one way to wake me up,” he says.
you are about to reach forward to kiss him again, when you realize the poor deliveryman that was probably still outside has been waiting for the last five minutes. 
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after getting into your paddock-ready fit, (you had consulted with zhou’s girlfriend beforehand to find the best outfit to wear) while lance talked to the deliveryman, you head towards your apartment’s living room to start breakfast. 
you were surprised to see not one, not two, but at least twenty boxes in all shapes and sizes practically flowing out of your living room. 
“what the fuck did you buy, lance??” you exclaim. you spot pictures on the side of many of the boxes depicting their contents. “an indoor slide playset, trampoline, lego death star???” you cry in disbelief, pointing to each of the boxes. “baby, chloe’s child is negative one years old! he’s not even born!” 
“well, i’m just being prepared!” defends lance. 
you raise an eyebrow.
“the death star is for me though,” he says sheepishly. 
“alright,” you say, sighing. “i guess you get a head start on being the favorite uncle, although i’m sure daniel will be one of your biggest competitors in that field.” 
laughing from lance’s cry of outrage to your statement, you turn towards the kitchen to start breakfast when you find two identical boxes blocking your way. on both of them an identical smiling child in an aston martin electric mini car. 
you whip back towards lance, who is giddily running around opening all the other boxes. 
“lancey,” you say slowly, “did you buy two mini aston martins?” 
your boyfriend turns around, looking at you next to the unmistakable two boxes containing the luxury mini-cars. “erm.. it appears so! i guess i accidentally pressed the buy button too many times,” he states embarrassedly. 
you are about to tell him off for his silly mistake when you come up with a genius idea. “hey! actually, can i take one of them for a test drive in the paddock? i can safety test it for your sister’s baby!” 
lance looks at you, confused. “huh? you’re too big for the car, though!” 
you gasp dramatically, jokingly putting a hand on your chest. “lance!” you say insulted. “did you forget i can shift into a fennec fox? also, did you just call me big?” 
laughing internally at lance’s stunned expression, and panicked stutters, you decide to add more fuel to the fire. “that’s funny for you to say, when you’re not so big yourself!” you say haughtily, hinting at something else. 
all it takes for you is one look at lance’s distressed face for you to burst out laughing aloud. 
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it didn’t take much for lance to forgive you for the joke- just a big homemade breakfast with plenty of pancakes, bacon, and fried eggs that his athletic trainer would have a heart attack looking at, plus a few kisses on the cheek. after breakfast, lance happily loaded the mini aston martin into the back of his actual aston martin for you.
that’s how you found yourself racing through the paddock at the fraction of a speed that lance usually did on the circut. it felt fast to you though, wind coursing through your prominent fox ears and your fluffy fur. of course, you caught the attention of many fans throughout the paddock; it wasn’t common to see a fennec fox driving a pink mini aston martin being chased down by lance stroll himself. 
you use your paws to control the steering wheel as you race past fans in colored merch and even a few stunned drivers. you keep in control of the vehicle until you reach the haas motorhome.
your hand slips accidentally off the slippery steering wheel, so you accidentally drive the toy car straight into the first person that walks out of the motorhome- kevin magnussen. 
the collision wasn’t too forceful, but it was enough for kevin to drop the coffee he was holding onto the ground. 
“what the hell?” he shouts, clutching his shin.
behind you, lance sprints toward kevin, apologizing profusely. 
before kevin can start to ask questions about why lance's fennec fox was driving a mini aston martin in the paddock, lance snatches you out the vehicle with one arm, leaving your legs dangling in the air, and somehow lifts the entire mini car with his other hand. without another word to kevin, he dashes away. 
he doesn’t stop running until he arrives at his drivers room, passing fernando who gives him a weird look. lance shoves both you and the car into narrow doorway of the room before shutting the door behind him firmly.
“omg, that was so embarrassing. we are not doing that again,” he mumbles, leaning on the now-closed door and covering his face with his hands. 
you quickly shift back into your human form.  “what??” you complain. “that was kind of fun, though!” 
he cuts you off with a glare. 
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the next time you handle the vehicle, it is in the haas motorhome. 
along with a bottle of expensive champagne, you approach kevin timidly. 
“hey kevin,” you say shyly, “um, here is some champagne. i’m really sorry for almost running you over with my aston martin.” 
kevin looks at you, scratching his head. “oh! it’s okay. it didn’t hurt that much, it was just a bruise.” he gracefully accepts the bottle from you. he’s about to turn away when he spots a flash of familiar pink behind your legs. furrowing his eyebrows, he questions you, “why did you bring that wretched vehicle within my vicinity again?” 
“oh yeah!” you say with a smile. “since lance is prohibiting me from driving it ever again, i was wondering if laura and agnes would like it!” 
as if summoning them, the girls in question appear behind k-mag. 
you watch as their eyes grow wide with want. “omg pappa, yes, we want it!” they chime in unison.
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“the next toy shipment arrives tomorrow!” lance says happily, scrolling on his phone.
you roll your eyes as you both walk hand in hand through the crowded paddock the next day. lance was starting to get an unhealthy addiction to buying toys for his sister’s baby. 
“alright,” you remark flippantly. “as long as you didn’t buy anything too extreme.” 
lance’s response to your statement is cut short by a yell that sounds remarkably like kevin’s.
you both turn towards the sound just in time to see laura magnussen back up, then drive the pink aston martin straight into her father’s shin again. 
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taglist: @ilivbullyingjeongin @ale-522 @formula1-motogpfan @aceyalonso @my0hmary
@mbappebby @madkohi @rakshatos @heartsforleclerc @papaya-twinks
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alonetimelover · 1 year
pairing: Harry Styles x physicist!reader
summary: NYC is welcoming one of the most famous physicist and things seem to look great. More physics in pop terms and more of the sweet couple. For some time.
a/n: part 2 of physicist! reader. im so excited for you guys to read it! again i am sorry if i butchered physics in here - i hope my notes were correct...
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liked by scienceandharstyles, hArrysbtch and 34 302 others
harryupdates HARRY spotted in NYC today!
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hArrysbtch he didn't listen to Europe's prays, he can't leave America
harrysmoustache oh ive missed my husband SO MUCH
harrysmylife harries come on, what is his lockscreen?
⤷ hArrysbtch it looks like a building or something
⤷ harrysfan44 i think it's some old building, i posted the screenshot
⤷ scienceandharstyles it's one of the buildings on the Oxfords campus! Dr ysn has her lectures there
⤷ hArrysbtch so im assuming he has dr yn in front of that building, you can see a head on that lockscreen 😭
scienceandharstyles he can be there with Dr ysn! she said she had some open lectures in US!
⤷ harrysfan87 yes! imattending her lecture at NYU tomorrow! i can't wait
⤷ harrysfan33 and in three days she has a lecture with physics students at Colombia University!
meetcutesnyc 👀👀
⤷ hArrysbtch ohhhh, you know something
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liked by harryupdates, harrysmoustache and 22 301 others
harrynyc I SAW HARRY AND YN TALKING WITH THE METTCUTESNYC GUY TODAY! and then dr yn snapped this photo for me 🫠
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harryupdates oh im following that account immediately!!!
hArrysbtch harry answering questions about his relationship??? it can't be...
⤷ harrysmoustache maybe he finally feels comfortable
⤷ user48 I hope she isn't forcing him to
⤷ hArrysbtch he's a grown-up man, ha can make his own decisions
The video started with a grey pavement and part of the road visible on the screen and two pairs of sneakers approaching the cameraman. Hard-core fans of Harry would recognise those pairs of shoes plus legs wherever they would see them, they couldn’t be mistaken. The colours of them were unmistakable, taking away the need to be rather invisible. Sneakers pacing right next to Harry were just as funky as his, but in more pastel shades. They were slightly unfamiliar to the fans, but considering the account posting the video could mean the only one person - Dr YN YSN. 
“Excuse me, sorry to bother you,” started the voice behind the camera. “Are you a couple?”
Now, the camera was showing both of the faces. Harry’s partially covered by the navy hat and big sunglasses, and YN’s with a huge smile on her face. They both were wearing cosy outfits. A pair of Pleasing hoodies, shorts and high, white socks.
They both were interrupted mid-laughing. Harry slightly but seemingly tensed at the abrupt question thrown at him on the street of NYC, but immediately calmed down at YN’s hand squeezing his lovingly. He wanted to politely move forward, saying something like ‘yes, we are, but sorry we are expected somewhere near soon.’ But YN, his sweet YN, loved meeting and talking with new people. And he loved her for that. 
“Hi! Yes, yes we are,” she answered with a smile, but just like Harry - didn’t stop walking towards their destination. 
“Would you mind telling me a story of how you guys first met?” 
“Oh, I know you guys!” YN exclaimed. “You’re the ‘meet cutes’ account on Instagram, right?” 
YN stopped in her tracks, making Harry take a step back to join her. 
“Yes, we are!”
“I love those videos. They are so sweet. Remember the one I showed you with that elderly couple?” With the last sentence YN turned to her boyfriend, a big smile on her face. 
Harry nodded his head, mimicking her smile. There was no day when he could look at her without breaking a smile. She was such a ray of sunshine that shone over him and to him from the moment he first saw her. 
“Go ahead,” Harry whispered to YN. “If you want to answer some of the questions, I’m okay with it. I know how much you love those videos.” He encouraged her. 
YN looked at Harry longingly and with love spelled in her gaze. It wasn’t like he said that only for her happiness. They did talk about their public appearances, PDA, articles, her career, his career, fans, students, colleagues, professors. They talked about everything and came to the conclusion that those were their lives. Nobody should have decided for what they should and shouldn’t. It was their decision. 
That was how they decided that they would talk with YN’s dean and ask for permission for Harry to be on campus. Of course, it was granted - YN being one of the best researchers and the best lecturer at Oxford, and Harry being dean’s daughter's idol since his One Direction days. It just worked in their favour and as long as he wasn’t distracting students AND staff (including YN) it was very much okay for him to be there. Then they talked with Jeff (after YN insisted on it, ‘he is managing your career, Harry. Of course we should talk with him,’ she said one day). He obviously was happy for Harry, teasing him for the duration of their meeting, asking to be the best man at their wedding ‘after all I am the one who planted a seed of curiosity in that imbecile’s head’. 
“How did we first meet? Well, in person it was at our mutual friend's party, he introduced us to each other and the rest would be history.” She smiled at the end, gazing for a moment at Harry then back at the man, who asked the question. 
“In person? Was there any other occasion?” 
YN laughed and bumped her hip at Harry’s. “For me, the party was the very first time meeting him. I mean, my students talked about this lovely man all the time. I heard about him, I listened to his music. But the first time was at that party.”
“Have you met your partner earlier?” The question was directed to Harry. 
“Not met, no. But my friend actually sent me a link to a video where she called me a God particle. I couldn’t let that slide and looked for her wherever I went,” Harry answered, face turned towards the interviewer but his eyes were on YN, looking at her beautiful smile. 
“What were your first thoughts after meeting or seeing each other for the first time?” 
YN sighed, “you go first. You’re better with words.” 
“Uhm, after seeing that video I thought ‘how did she make physics seem so easy?’ and then ‘I’d love to see more of her.’ Just the way her passion for science beamed through the screen made me infatuated,” Harry longed. “Even though I'm very bad at understanding science.”
“But you’re learning!” YN interrupted him. “You now understand aspects that I teach, it’s very impressive.” 
“Thank you, love. Uhm, but when I first saw her in real life I thought that ‘I need to talk to her. I need to ask about that God particle and how much of a responsibility of being one is upon my shoulders’.” 
YN laughed, throwing her head back slightly. She loved when he was talking about that night. 
“What about you?”
“When our friend introduced us I greeted Harry with the thing that I firstly thought, ‘I've never thought I’d meet the God particle.’ And thankfully he laughed and it seemed to work for us.” YN explained with a smirk. 
“Now, could you tell me what is your favourite thing about each other?” 
“Her passion," Harry answered immediately, not giving YN a chance to do it first. "Or either wanting to learn and understand more and to teach others about what she loves. Watching her take time to help her students, staying after hours and grading all those papers, being the inspiration to others, to me - to be better and share my passion and knowledge with others. Yeah, that’s my favourite thing.” 
For his whole speech, YN was looking at her lover’s eyes trying to find that gleam that usually made her feel present and conscious in this fast paced world. 
“You’re gonna make my cry! No!” 
She hugged him, hiding her face in his hoodie. Harry embraced her body tightly, kissing the side of her head, murmuring ‘I’m sorry” and ‘I love you’. 
After a few moments for YN to calm down, she stood straight next to him (one arm around his waist, wanting to be close to him), taking a few breaths in. 
“My favourite thing about Harry is how deeply he cares and loves people close to him. It’s one thing being loved by him and a very much different thing seeing how his love is absorbed by his family. The way he showers them in so many different aspects of love is astonishing. It’s from mundane things like doing groceries to him driving to your house at night because you needed someone to talk to. I just love how he loves people in a poetic but human way.”
While watching that video people could tell how much those two loved and cared for each other. The way they looked lovingly at the other while they were talking said much more than a thousand words could describe. 
“Final question, what do you look for in the future?” 
“Woah, hard question,” YN started, placing her finger under her chin in a deep thought. “I think I look forward to spending more time with this guy. You know, just sitting at home and being around each other, sipping tea, holding cats and just being close.” 
“Seeing her happy with who she is makes me the happiest. So I’d love to see that for as long as it lasts,” said Harry squeezing YN closer to him. 
“Thank you guys, so much. What are your names?”
After Harry pointed at YN to tell it first, she introduced Harry and then herself with a little smile present on her sun kissed face. 
“It was very nice talking to you. You really made my day. Thank you!” She said and went to squeeze the interviewer's hand. 
“My pleasure. My sister became science obsessed because of the videos of you teaching. She’s 10 but started reading books about Physics for highschoolers,” said the man. 
YN pouted, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. 
“No way! That is so sweet! I’ve read some of the books about physics for younger kids. I’ll look over my library and just DM it to this account? Would that be okay? I’m sorry but I just love hearing about younger people being excited about science,” YN stumbled a little over her words, getting too eager about the subject. 
“Yes. She would love it.” 
“Fantastic. Have a good day!” 
“Nice talking to you, mate,” Harry said, shaking the guy's hand. 
While the camera was filming the couple walking away hand in hand, the voice could be heard from behind it, “that was the most nerve wracking interview I've ever done. But they were so cool.” 
meetcutesnyc Physics connects people
my parents!!!!!!!
i can't believe that you bumped into them
'at our friend's party' is a nice way of saying that CHRISTOPHER NOLAN introduced you to each other
passion? being the inspiration? dr yn ysn is the IT girl
'i love how he loves people' 🫠🫠🫠
just the way he looks at her... he may think we do not see his eyes behind those glasses but i did... I did and there was a BIG NEON SIGN SAYING I LOVE YOU
you can see how much they love each other
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liked by yourinstagram and 3 402 others
nyunicersity Because of the interest of Dr YN YSN open lecture, we are moving it to our main lecture room! There might still be some space for you! Come and learn with the infamous Dr YN YSN.
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yourinstagram Everyone is welcome!
harrystyles ❤️❤️
harrynyc Can't wait to attend it!
harrysfan44 finally the lecture I am wiling to attend!
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liked by harryupdates, hArrysbtch and 25 302 others
harrysfan44 Dr YN YSN at the beginning of the lecture. Later she did not stand behind the pulpit. She was walking around asking people if they understood everything, she answered questions. That was the best lecture I've ever attended. Now I understand the hype!
view all 2 492 comments
harryupdates she is the best!
hArrysbtch I just love the person streaming this after dr yn ysn said it was okay to film her because she knows that a lot of people weren't let in the room
⤷ harrysfan44 yes! she even argued with our Dean to let people in if they were okay with sitting on additional chairs and the floor. she just wanted everyone to be included!
user34 was there any topic explained in pop terms??
⤷ hArrysbtch yes! she explained the moment of inertia using music idols and dispersion was based on One Direction breaking up
⤷ user34 what?! really?
“Okay, so anyone knows anything about dispersion?” Dr YN YSN asked the full to the brim lecture hall. 
“Yeah, it’s a rainbow?” Answered one of the students. 
“Well, not exactly. Dispersion is the dependence of the refractive index of the centre of the frequency of the light wave in the centre. One of the effects of the dispersion is the fact that the light of different wavelengths so different taint, dropping on the line of two centres at the angle different than zero, refracts at different angles. You can observe that when the white light is being refracted on prisms giving you the beautiful rainbow. All in all, what is the most important. Rainbow is not dispersion. Rainbow is the effect of dispersion,” YN explained quickly the topic, drawing on the blackboard the prisms and various colours. “Do you understand?”
The lecture room was silent. Strangely silent which made Dr YSN turn around quickly and take a look all over the room. 
“Okay. What is not clear. Dispersion or prisms?” 
“Prisms,” was said by most of the people. 
“Yeah, they’ve just had a test on dispersion and failed on explaining the effects of it,” commented in rather rude tone one of the professors, causing Dr YN YSN to raise her eyebrows. 
“Okay. Ehm, another chance to make you understand. Give me a band I can work with right now to explain it. Don’t be shy, you can scream it to me, don’t hold your hand up. I want to hear the answer.” 
After a moment of whispers bouncing off the walls, one brave student spoke up, “what about One Direction?”
Dr YN YSN smiled and blushed slightly, looking momentarily at her left, right where Harry was sitting. 
“I see what you guys are doing. I’ll work with the thing you gave me. Alright. Uhm, connections. White light is the band. One Direction, right? Right.” Dr YSN started with drawing the prism and one simple white line almost touching the border of the triangle. “Here we have their path together, right? No obstacles, they shine together. But then boom!” She aggressively drew the line towards the border, touching it. “2015 happened. They met the obstacle, the 18 month hiatus, isn’t that right?” 
She turned around with a smile, making a room laugh and sneaking a glance at Harry who was putting his head in his hands. 
“Okay. So when they met that 2015 it was their line of two borders, border one saying ‘stay together’ and border two saying ‘it’s time to move on’." She touched the spaces on the board to visualize what was being said.
"As white light reacts, it cannot have the same opinion which in our case is the angle of the way the light is dropping. So, it bounces off in different directions, becoming different colours. All in all. They were all one name, yes? White light equals one direction. After meeting the obstacle - 2015, so line of two centres -  they are given different names - now blue, red, yellow, green, purple and so on. Do we understand it better now?” 
DR YSN once more turned towards the room, leaving the drawing of the prisms behind her. 
“We do.”
“Yeah, but that connection was uncalled for,” someone commented, making people laugh. 
“Well, you were the one asking for One Direction. I gave you what you wanted,” YN laughed. “Alright, any more questions?”
she is the moment
i love that woman with my whole heart
she is beautiful, she is successful, she is smart, she bagged one of the sexiest man alive ICON
she is the icon, the legend, and she is the moment
another time I understand physics only because of Dr yn ysn and not my professors - but really covering the hiatus was uncalled for
thank you, Dr ysn!!!!
the way she smirked at Harry when commenting on the 2015 fiasco? Icon behaviour right there!
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liked by harrystyles, scienceandharstyles and 201 201 others
drynysn Thank you to everyone who attended the lecture at NYU! It was amazing to see you all there! I cannot stress enough how unfortunate it was that some of you were not let into the room. I spoke up with the Dean, and we agreed on one more open lecture being held in two days. So if you still want to hear some cool facts about physics, cosmos, and more, come! I will be waiting and fighting for you to be let in!
ps. isn't it the coolest library?
ps2. This is the new account I will be using to post some little videos explaining some of the concepts in physics!
view all 17 301 comments
harrystyles There is a beautiful woman covering some of the bookshelves. I am too mesmerised.
⤷ yourinstagram you cheeky 🫠
scienceandharstyles this is the best way to get into young people's hearts!
harryupdates I loved the stream! I understand so much and learn even more. Amazing as always!
hArrysbtch the way she was fighting the old man to let people in??? iconic behaviour!
harrysmoustache the impact this woman has! this account already has more than 500k followers!!!
⤷ yourinstagram it's craaaazzzy
⤷ drynysn wrong account... but it is crazy
⤷ hArrysbtch I LOVE HER
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liked by yourinstagram, harryupdates and 5 302 391 others
harrystyles NYC 2023
view all 453 291 comments
yourinstagram Your support is all I need ❤️
harryupdates I lived to the day that Harry Styles posted a photo with his girlfriend
hArrysbtch yeah yeah yeah, you are in love (I am crying)
harrymylove NYC is looking god on you guys
annetwist Congratualtions you guys!
⤷ yourinstagram Annie! Thank you, xx
⤷ hArrysbtch what did harry do?
⤷ annetwist He's my son.
⤷harrystyles Thank you, mum ☺️
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 1 029 291 others
drynysn Hello! Here are even more physics answers to questions you might have had throughout your whole life. Hope you enjoy it because I loved answering those!
view all 283 492 comments
harrystyles Still no god particle, disappointing
⤷ drynysn Criticism accepted.
⤷ harrystyles Will there be a part 3?
⤷ drynysn Maybe. But still no Higgs boson.
hArrysbtch this is what I needed just before my classes
harrysmoustache she's doing her makeup and explaining quantum physics... she really is amazing
scienceandharstyles I will miss those lectures after graduating 😭
wired Oh, this is one of our best videos!
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liked by hArrysbtch, harrysmoustache and 34 291 others
harryupdates HARRY AND DR YN YSN spotted in Oxford today!
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hArrysbtch they are back!!!!!
harrysmoustache dr ysn has tattoos???
⤷ scienceandharstyles yes! she has multiple!
⤷ harrysmoustache she is even cooler, oh god
harrylondonboy it's a nice time of the year to take a trip to Oxford and bump into them
harrysfan39 the holding hands, the outfits, the camera???
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liked by user34, hater37 and 684 302 others
celebrityupdates Is this the kind of pictures that the professor of one of the most prestigious universities in the world should pose for? This and more pictures of Harry Styles and Dr YN YSN are on our website, link in bio.
view all 492 201 comments
harryupdates this is so sick and twisted, you should find some good lawyers
hArrysbtch you little bitches, this is invasion of privacy
harrysmoustache I remember the case similar to this, and the couple went to court and won. so prepare some money
harrysmylife fuck you, disgusting pigs
user47 absolutely not kind of pictures I'd think this good of a professor is part of!
user93 I don't like the picture (considering the role she has in young people's lives), and I don't like invasion of privacy.
harrysfan192 will that mean she'll get fired?
⤷ hArrysbtch they would be crazy if they even thought about it!
⤷ user92 there are different laws in different universities but I think they could do it
a/n: do we live it as a mystery or should i start preparing part 3?
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wuishu · 3 months
Hamzah yapping (II): Compilation
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(not proofread)
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Hamzah being this bad boy but sweet dynamic and Y/n being a caring person with a little attitude, who couldn't adore them. With the paring, no one could separate them.
People were finding more compilations about them, and seeing them more together it was bound to make more. The viewer's favorite compilation is titled: “Hamzah Being Obsessed for his girlfriend for 20 Minutes”
The first clip was in Y/n’s small youtube account, her being busy in life, she couldn't upload consistently, but she uploaded a barely edited vlog video with Hamzah. It was about changing each other's wardrobe.
“I bet this would be good on you, Hamzah” You showed the shirt to the camera, as he stayed still, “Try it on babe.”
“This is so ridiculous. I'm not doing that” You flipped the camera as you showed the camera a puppy look that Hamzah couldn't say no to. He took the shirt you were holding. He kissed you on the lips, as you smiled
“You're thankful that I love you,” He said. The video cut off, and you showed the viewers Hamzah’s new fit. “See, guys, he can be a fashion icon.”
“I found something you can wear,” he said as he hid it to his back, “And what's that?”
He showed it to the camera, and it was a revealing dress that would hug your curve, “Oh my god, what is that?”
He smiles and takes your phone to let you change into the dress, he hands you the dress, “You're actually serious?”
“UH huh!” he said like a little kid, and you rolled your eyes. You walked into a dresser, and he flipped the camera to his face
“Goodness gracious, mama Mia.” He saw you looking shy as he showed the viewers what you looked like. “Let's buy it”
“No, it's too expensive, babe”
“I'll pay for it! Come on, let's pay for it. Good lord, I can't wait for what’s under that dress”
You laughed, “You haven't even changed into your shirt!”
The next clip was a tiktok video on Hamzah’s profile. Martin and him wanted to “jokingly” show their fit like one of those tiktok boys, but their fit is ridiculous. Hamzah wearing an “I HEART MY GIRLFRIEND”
“This pants, thrifted. This shirt? Stole it. This watch?” Hamzah’s voice switches from manly to sweet. “Given to my girlfriend, who I love so much, I love you, babe, and I can't wait to see you. Shout out to my girlfriend.” The cameraman slowly walked away, and Hamzah followed the camera like a weirdo.
The video switches to little gameplay as you were in, as they played Roblox. You wanted to play Roblox with them, so you set up a little gaming computer to play at.
“I’m here, I'm here!” Hamzah jumped up and down as you followed him. Hamzah could see you slowly running. Martin is trying to become a barista in Brookhaven.
“How do you adopt kids here?” Hamzah said, as he took the stroller and tried to kidnap a recently logged-in character.
“You type, Abc for a kid I can adopt.” Hamzah and Martin could hear your clanky keyboard typing. You waited for a bit for someone to respond.
“Hamzah you can't be my kid, get outta my stroller,” you said as you unequipped the thing. “Goo goo gaa gaa, I want breastmilk, mommy,” the ‘WHAT?’ sound effect played
“Woah what?” Martin stopped playing, as you also froze. Hamzah laughed at what just happened.
In the next clip, it was an instagram story where you showed what you and Hamzah do in your own house.
Both of you were watching a movie. Both of you were lying down and showed what movie you were watching. You flipped the video to the front and can see Hamzah loving the place where he rests his head on your breasts. You caress your free hand to his curly hair
“Look at this stupid cat,” you said as Hamzah looked at your phone, he kissed your neck
“Meow,” Hamzah mocked purring like a cat. You were trying not to laugh.
The next clip was an OOC podcast about how they met you and Mandy. “I met Y/n, in college, she was one of those rowdy girls but once you get to know her, she's a nerd. I remember asking her on a date, and she said no.”
He laughed but continued, “But I kept asking her until she got tired of saying no, and we had a great time, which led to today, so yeah…”
“AND! I forgot I used to have this huge crush on her, but I was too scared to talk to her, so I told one of my friends to send her a letter.”
“Wow, so you pushed her into going on a date with you? That's such crazy behavior you did,” Martin said as Hamzah smug. “You can say I got that begging rizz”
The next clip is the recent video, where they show what's inside their bag. Hamzah showed a shirt that was too bright for Hamzah’s usual shirt colors. “My girlfriends shirt, which was recently worn, I can still smell her”
“Dude gross” Martin said as he held the black belt that was recently from his bag. “It's not gross, when I miss my significant other, I bring something to remind me of her. That's all.” He was trying to find something inside his bag. And he pulled out a cute plushie
“Like this one, Y/n gave me this for my birthday.” He shook the plushie and showed it to the camera. It was a beige bear that had a green knitted shirt.
The video switched to a new clip. It was another video from your small channel. You and Hamzah were just playing an old horror single-player game, and the youtube video title was ‘Playing Old Horror Games’. Both are in the same place as where Hamzah usually records when he and martin play their Fortnite gameplay.
“Okay, fuck, marry, kill. YouTubers Edition,” Hamzah said as he tried to disturb Granny.
“Hmm, I’d kill Jake Paul, ‘cause he’s a Paul, I guess.” You looked puzzled as you tried to rack your brain. “Fuck, jimmy Beast, and marry… Flamingo?”
“WHAT?” Hamzah was shocked at your response, and you looked at him confused. “That's the game, right? Or am I wrong?”
He paused the game and looked at you. The look of defeat was plastered on his face. “I’m a youtuber…” he mumbled as he placed both hands on your cheek. “I’m sorry, Hamzahhh”
“Lemme, answer it again.” You act like you were thinking again. “Kill the Paul brothers. Fuck, Hamzah from the slushy noobz. And marry Hamzah from the out of character podcast.”
“Aww, well, my answer would be… fuck, marry, and kill you.” you laughed, “Why kill me?”
“Well, I want you all to myself, so I'm killing you”
“If I end up gone, arrest him” You looked at the camera as you pointed at him. He looked surprised like he did not say something crazy.
The next clip is another mukbang, but they decided to cook their food to eat, and they brought you to the supermarket to know which one to buy and which not to. You were checking the spices as you tried to find what matched the other.
“We bought, chicken. We bought milk and vegetables. Because we are making — What are we making, Y/n?”
“We are making chicken curry” You showed the curry powder. He nodded “Curry!”
“Where the hell is the gingers? We need them” You said as Hamzah let go of the cart and left Martin. “I can help you find it”.
You hummed and agreed to his offer.
“Yeah, let's go,” He said as he held his hands like he was waiting for your hand to intertwine. You clapped your hand and held his hand tight. While you were walking, Hamzah was jumping in his every step.
Martin flips the camera so that the viewers can see his disgusted face. “Bunch of PDA in this market guys, not good. They need to be put down.”
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(Sorry this took so long to finish, i forgot abt this. Pls give me some ideas 🙏)
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il-miele-che-scrive · 6 months
the one where Carlos is spotted at a certain singer's concert
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y/nofficial Gracias por la noche maravillosa, España❤️‍🔥Te quiero mucho
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username1 Te amamos, Y/n ❤️❤️
username2 Estoy enamorada de ti 😍
username3 But can any of you tell me what was Carlos Sainz doing at the concert? 🤔
↳username4 Who? Is he like famous or something?
username3 GIRL-
username3 He's a Formula One driver... And currently single may I add
↳username5 I mean it's not like it's a secret that Y/n and Carlos know each other
username3 Wait, really? How do I find out about that just now?
username5 Y/n and Lando are in the same friend group literally, last winter break there were gossips going around about Lando dating Lily, Magui, Y/n, but they're all just one big friend group. Long story short Lando dragged Carlos to Y/n's concert
username3 How did I not hear about this 😭
username5 Well, maybe you just aren't on Tiktok, I hardly ever see people talk about this stuff outside of Tiktok
username3 That would explain a lot
username5 Yeah and they aren't very flashy with their friendship anyway, Y/n would sometimes appear in Romeo's post or be seen hanging out with Lando and Max but that's it
username3 Damn, to be a rich kid
landonorris we all know who that heart is for...
↳y/nofficial For the Spanish, obviously
landonorris for the spanish certainly
username5 Lando pls go be a menace somewhere else
username3 For the SPANISH?
username4 The concert was in Spain lol in case you can't read yet
username3 Yeah but you know who's Spanish? Carlos Sainz, that's right
username6 So Lando and Carlos went to that concert?
↳username7 It seems so, they were both seen there
↳username8 Someone said Lando DRAGGED Carlos there and I'm willing to believe it 😂
username9 I remember that live where Lando was unhinged and said Y/n is Carlos' celebrity crush 🤣 I don't think that's a coincidence
↳username10 The devil works hard but Lando Norris works harder
carlossainz55 Hermosa❤️ *this comment was deleted*
username11 WE SAW THAT, CARLITO 📸
↳username8 Saw what? 👀
username11 He commented "hermosa" but deleted it already 🤭
username10 Bro forgot to switch to his fangirl account😭
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y/nofficial Don't worry, going back on tour soon, had to take a little break to enjoy time with my new boyfriend whom I love very much
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landonorris that's not quite what soft launching means
↳y/nofficial What do you mean? Can you see his face? Can you tell who he is? Exactly. So it's soft launching
landonorris I know EXACTLY who it is
username1 Don't be shy Lando, tell us, we can keep a secret...
username2 Betting my right hand that it's Sainz
↳username3 Prepare to lose a hand lol
username2 Why? It's clearly him
username3 Doesn't he have a race like tomorrow?
username2 Nope, it's summer break
francisca.cgomes You're glowing lately ✨🩷
↳y/nofficial Oh, that's just the boyfriend effect 👹
username5 LMAO I LOVE HER
username6 i'm on my knees 🧎🧎🧎
↳username1 Lmaooo is that Carlos' fangirl account?
username3 Does he have one?
username1 I don't know, I'm joking, but if he did actually have an account like this, I can see him commenting this kinda stuff
username7 ngl guys I don't like her vibe, she has bad, dirty energy
↳username2 Stfu it's not like you ever had a chance with Carlos
↳username8 She has a bad vibe, because...? Because she took your man? Now your chances with him went even lower than 0?
username9 I get what people mean, she barely ever smiles, looks so grumpy on all photos
↳username1 I once had a chance to meet Y/n, she's actually a sweet angel!!
↳username3 She's just the normal black cat gf (and Carlos is the golden retriever boyfriend🥰)
↳username10 Trust me, she's that kind of person who seems angry/upset all the time, but when you approach them they're the nicest person you could ever talk to
username11 It's called a resting bitch face, I also have that 😭
username10 Same!!! People keep asking if I'm alright, but that's just the way my face looks lol
username12 Carlos bagged a baddie, I hope they never break up
↳username3 Never break up? Firstky they gotta make it official cuz for now we don't even know if that's Carlos
romeobeckham you're in love, we got it 🤮
↳landonorris yeah, she doesn't have to be so flashy about it, right?
romeobeckham literally
romeobeckham she never posts us, but the moment she gets a boyfriend everyone needs to know
landonorris did you see how on the previous post people were surprised we're friends?
romeobeckham maybe they wouldn't be if @/y/nofficial ever posted us
y/nofficial How about no? ❤️
landonorris you owe us
romeobeckham and you better pay up y/n
y/nofficial Chill out guys 😭 I'm getting us all out for dinner, how about that?
landonorris deal 🤝
romeobeckham i guess 🙄
username13 She owes them for what? 😏
↳username14 Probably for hooking her up with Carlos lol I wish it was a joke
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carlossainz55 Cooking up love and filling our hearts up with songs that speak to our souls. Te amo, mi vida
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y/nofficial Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar❤️‍🔥
↳carlossainz55 I think they can, I really like the latest release
username2 "In a world full of noise you've become my favorite song" 😭😭 of course it was about Carlos
username3 New parents alert and I love them
↳username2 I just hope they will never divorce like my real parents did
landonorris congrats or something for finally having the balls to announce it
↳y/nofficial Shut up or you're banned from the dinner
landonorris you can't ban me, if not for me you and Carlos wouldn't be together
↳carlossainz55 You should find a girlfriend too sometime
landonorris you told me the same thing a few years ago and it didn't work out, I guess I won't be taking any more love advice from you
↳y/nofficial The ribbon makes him so babygirl🩷🎀
username7 If she's usually the black cat, someone has to be the babygirl in this relationship
username5 I want a simp boyfriend in mi vida
username6 She made him a playlist 🥺 I wonder if it's her songs or love songs in general
↳y/nofficial There's some Adele, some Taylor Swift, some Shakira, just a bunch of romantic songs🫶
username7 Noooo I imagine them dancing to all these love songs while cooking and my single heart cries 😭 so happy for them, but I also what this kind of romance for myself
francisca.cgomes Can't wait to see Y/n in the paddock
↳y/nofficial Back at you!!
francisca.cgomes Matching outfits. What do you say?
y/nofficial I SAY LET'S DO IT
↳username8 They're about to become my favorite wag duo
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annabelle--cane · 1 year
it's fascinating to me the way that different social media platforms result in different types of fandom behavior. while s5 of tma was airing, I spent a good amount of time on tma tiktok (I log back in about once every two months now, going back to in-person school after a year a half of lockdown seem to re-blanace my brain and made me once again not really enjoy the format) while still using tumblr as my main socmed, and while there was a lot of overlap in the fan culture, some things were notably different.
tumblr tma fans had near-encyclopedic knowledge of the source material, but it was kind of an ongoing joke for tiktok tma fans that everyone binged the whole show in a week-long fugue state and lost memory of about 35% of it. tumblr has virtually no character limit and allows posts to be passed around by users indefinitely, which lends itself to fairly in-depth meta analysis being made and shared until most any fan could say "the time and space discrepancies at hill top road? psh yeah, I know all about them, I've read seven scrupulously cited posts that lay out all the details." for the entire time that s5 was airing, tiktok videos could still only be a minute long, and I know from a lot of personal effort that there's only so much you can fit into a one minute script that you also have to memorize and record (and cc manually with tiktok text stickers, as they didn't add the caption feature until april 2021) if you want the process to take less than four hours of your one mortal human life. and then you only see the video if your following or fyp algorithm shows it to you. there were a few tma meta-ish videos that got popular because other people would make their own videos referencing them and tag the account so their followers could see what they were talking about, but it's much harder to circulate content you like there. several times I saw people post videos saying "I got into cosplay to film some [agnes or annabelle or gerry or another secondary character] and I just realized I have no idea what their deal actually is 💀".
a thing that tiktok tma fandom was definitely better at than tumblr tma fandom was accurately remembering certain pieces of characterization and the flow of certain scenes. I've seen a bunch of posts on here where someone is trying to argue a point with excerpts from the text ("x character is nicer than you all give them credit for" "x character is so mean to y character in this scene" "z theory can't be true because y character said a line that disproves it") where the argument only holds up because the poster has gotten these excerpts from a transcript dive and hasn't listened to the episodes they're from recently, because while the text alone can be construed to mean one thing, the way it's delivered on-podcast clearly intends another. tiktok, being an audio and video based medium, allows audio clips to be shared around a lot, and cosplayers would often all make videos acting along to the same show clips of juicy interpersonal drama, and so tiktok fans, though they may have had less overall memory of what characters said, always had a better grasp on how they said it. an average tiktok tma fan might not have remembered melanie's subplot about war ghosts, but they would know the nuances of how the way she talks to jon changes between mag 28 and mag 155.
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be-missed · 10 months
Bad for Business
Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
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(picture not mine)
Summary: After receiving a text message from her manager, what would Jenna do? Will she and Y/N can still fix their friendship?
Warning/s: curse words.
A/N: Part 3, thanks for waiting, noticed you liked this one. Emma Myers is the Emma. Also, give me a name for Y/N's best friend, please.
Cool About It (Part 1) | Nothing To Lose (Part 2)
Jenna is currently sitting on the sofa on her manager's office.
"What is your problem Jenna? You have invited a big crowd and thank heavens we don't need to delete much picture from the both of you because they were so surprised from what you did. We only have a few twitter and tiktok accounts that still post what happened." Jenna's manager told her as he seats in front of the girl.
"I'm sorry..."
The only words that came out from Jenna's mouth ever since she was brought by her manager from Y/N's unit to the office, because inside her head, she goes back to the moment where Y/N admitted her feelings. She could've react differently instead of being silent, she could've agreed to Y/N and talk to her, or maybe she can kiss Y/N to prove that she also wants to kiss the girl, or maybe just maybe, she doesn't pull the shit from the park and just watched a movie.
There are so many 'what if's' and 'could've been' that's running inside Jenna's mind not until the voice of her manager removed her from her thoughts.
"Do you understand? We just need you to follow what we said and we will be alright" Jenna's manager said and looked at her intently, looking like he will never take a no for an answer.
Jenna then just nodded her head and quietly said "yes."
Jenna's team was now fixing the table and the papers that were scattered on the table not until Jenna broke the chaos "Please don't contact Y/N anymore. I don't need you in her business." She said and looked intently to her team, and directed it to her manager.
A long pause was given, half-heartedly, her manager nodded. That made Jenna feal at ease somehow, because she doesn't want Y/N to get stress about this issue, it is all her fault anyway.
Even though Jenna doesn't quite remember what are the rules that her manager and her team gave her, she just go with it, because it's normally lesser public appearance, lesser use of her social media, and sadly, lesser meet-ups with Y/N. She thinks she can handle it, because in a few week, she'll be back to filming Wednesday S2 and just will be facetiming Y/N. If Y/N will answer, she thinks.
Jenna was now in her bedroom, tired after the long night that she had. Fumbling with her phone, thinking if she should text Y/N and ask her about what happened, Jenna was pulled out from her thoughts by a facetime call, it is Emma.
Jenna was stunned because what the fuck is Emma talking about, she have no idea, "What are you talking about?" Jenna asked with full curiosity.
"You and your long time friend who owns the coffee shop inside the studio is dating!" Emma exclaimed like stating the truth, Jenna then replied "No, no, what do you mean?"
"Like bestie, your proposal in the lake is all over the internet right now, I should congratulate you, or not I guess" Emma stated as she started to send screenshots to Jenna from twitter to tiktok. Jenna then shakes her head "No, this can't be, my team deleted all the pictures and articles about this." Jenna was slightly panicking because she thought that her team have deleted any pictures and articles from the proposal.
"I'll call you later I promise, bye" Jenna ended the call without giving Emma a chance to reply and reactivated her twitter account just to see what Emma is talking about, and the other girl was right, the both of you are trending.
In her search list, the words that was associated to the both of you are I knew it, dumbass, and Her loss.
She saw tweets like stating that they knew it from the start that Jenna and Y/N was in a relationship, another tweet said that Y/N was dumb to reject Jenna, and some were begging Jenna that if she proposed to them they will say 'yes'. But Jenna thought, they are not Y/N, they are not the person that she likes.
After opening Twitter, she went straight to tiktok and search her name, which is probably not the right thing to do but she wants to see what people say to you, the last thing that she wants is for the general public to hate you and blame you.
And with that, almost all of the videos of Jenna and Y/N are edited with the song Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift. Captions in the videos are quoting the lyrics from "You won't remember all her Champagne Problems" to "I can patch up the tapestry that she shred." She also saw some comments in the video saying "she's fucked in the head" pertaining to Y/N.
That broke her, why are you getting all the hate if it is all her fault? You don't deserve this madness that she brought to your life because all you did was to bring her sunshine and be the silver lining to every dark cloud that she had. You were right, she thought.
Jenna then calls her manager and he answered fast "I thought you all deleted the pictures and the news? What happened now?" Jenna said full in rage, angry for what the public is labeling you as, "I thought you agreed?" Her manager replied "We would not delete the pictures and the news, but we would let it grow, we can handle it anyways, we just need to get Y/N out of the picture and make sure that she will not be part of any narrative. That woman is bad for business Jenna, we're telling you."
That stunned Jenna, all the time that they were talking inside the office she was so occupied with thoughts of you that she fucking agreed with this shit where you are scrutinized. Jenna then starts to cry and ended the call. What she did next will probably make her manager more angry with her.
She went out of her bedroom, grab her coat, grab her keys, ride her car, and drove to your apartment.
Currently in your apartment, you are with you best friend trying to read all the shit that was thrown into you in the internet. You told her the whole story and she thought that was a shit move for Jenna, because not only her manager hated you, but now, almost all of the people in the world hated you.
"I told you Y/N it was a bad idea to go that day didn't I?" your best friend told you proving a point but you can't even focus on her voice because you were so drowned out with your own thoughts that was coming in like a flood.
Your best friend kept on talking and talking until they noticed that you were just spacing out and sat next to you and pulled you in a hug which you gladly melt in to, "I'm sorry this is happening, I didn't mean to blame you, but your friend is fucking shit."
A knock to your door was heard which your best friend gladly attend to. Opening the door they were so stunned for seeing who is in the other side, Jenna.
"What do you need?" your best friend tells Jenna, which she answered "I need to talk to Y/N please." Your best friend just looked at Jenna not until your voice was heard from the inside telling that Jenna should come in.
"You have the guts to show up here, make this right." Your best friend threatens Jenna and left the apartment leaving you and Jenna alone.
"I'm sorry" Jenna started, looking at your back. You tap the empty space beside you and that is where Jenna is walking to, seating beside you.
"I wanna blame you for everything Jenna." Y/N blurted out, not facing Jenna, "I wanna blame you for everything that is happening right now." Y/N lets out a heavy sigh.
Jenna answered "I know, I know, and I'm sorry, I should be the one who gets to be blamed, I don't know what to say, I'm really just sorry and I wanted to tell that you were right." Jenna is now trying to stop the tears from falling while she looks at you, "Y/N please, look at me, just tell me what to do for you to forgive me, I'll do it, please" Jenna begs.
Y/N looked at Jenna with so much pain in her eyes, "be gone."
Seconds have passed, Jenna was too stunned to even speak, still processing what you said.
"No, Y/N please no, this can't be" Jenna said, "This was what your manager wanted in the first place, he wanted me out of the picture ever since you blow up. I don't fucking blame him for that because who am I, right? But this is not the way I imagined it" Y/N looked so defeated in Jenna's eyes. Y/N was willing to give up their friendship, even if it's not what she wants.
"No, that's not gonna happen Y/N, you are my best friend and I can't just leave you hanging, getting all the scrutiny from the media, from the public. This is entirely my fault, please, don't ask me to leave." Jenna plead, because that was the last thing that Jenna wats to do, to leave you.
"Jenna we can't be friends okay, don't you understand? You leaving me would benefit the both of us; it will benefit you since there will be one less problem to your management and it will benefit me because it can possibly help me to move on from you." Y/N said with a sad smile.
"Move on? The hell are you saying? There will be no moving on for you because..." Jenna said, making Y/N confused "because I like you too. I like you too, just like how you like me Y/N."
Y/N laughed "Stop with the pity Jenna, I know you are sorry but you don't need to tell me that you like me to give me a proper closure."
"No, but I'm not lying Y/N, I swear to God, I like you too and I'm just too scared to admit it to myself because I got so scared for what will happen to me, to us, to our friendship." Jenna said, trying to convince Y/N, but Y/N won't budge and just shakes her head.
"Jenna it's okay, you don't need to lie, I understand" Y/N said standing up from the sofa.
"But you don't understand Y/N, I like you, for real, without a doubt. Even before this shit happened, even before that dinner in our house, that night stroll in K-town, the first picture of us from the public, even before my manager knew you; I liked you since then" Jenna said standing up and getting a hold of your hand.
Y/N started to shake her head and retracted her hands from Jenna's hold "This can't be Jenna" Jenna then answered "How can you not believe that I like you Y/N."
"Because I'm just me Jenna, I'm just me and you're you. I mean, you can find someone who's better than me and who will be good for your name, but I'm just me Jenna" Y/N explained.
"But that's it Y/N, I like you because you are you, and I wouldn't want to like anyone because they are not you," Jenna said and continued "Please just tell me what can I do, please."
Y/N sat on the far side of the sofa, her mind twirling with the words that came out from Jenna's mouth. She's very glad that Jenna likes her back, but the damage was done, the media hates her, Jenna's manager hates her, and the public hates her. But most importantly, Jenna hurt her.
"I honestly don't know Jenna" Y/N confessed "You hurt me, and I don't know what to do. The public also despise me, and your manager hates me."
Jenna then kneels beside Y/N and said "I know, I know. I'm gonna tell you how sorry I am and I will apologize until you forgive me but I also know that it isn't enough for you to forgive me. The damage is big and let me just think of a way to handle it. As for my manager, let me just think again." and chuckled looking at you.
Y/N knows to herself that a simple apology from Jenna will make all the pain go away, but this is different, Jenna really hurts Y/N's feelings.
Y/N gave a sad smile to Jenna which Jenna gave back, she rested her head at Y/N's thigh and dropped a light kiss on her knees. Y/N tried to relax in the seat and puts her hand on Jenna's hair and caress it that makes the other girl relax too.
Minutes of silence have passed until Jenna bounced between Y/N's thighs and opened her camera.
"What are you doing?" Y/N asked Jenna and the other girl answered "I'm gonna do something. You just need to stay still, okay?"
Jenna puts her phone down, directed to your indoor slippers since the both of you decided to buy a matching indoor slippers because "it's cute", and captures it.
It surprised Y/N "Okay, what the fuck was that for?" Jenna then answered Y/N "Since my management is not dropping any statement and I didn't sign any contract to get you out of my life, I will be the one to make an announcement."
Y/N questionably looked at Jenna, not sure on what Jenna will do with the picture, not until Y/N saw Jenna opened her Instagram account.
"Jenna, NO." Y/N said while trying to get Jenna's phone, but Jenna knows that Y/N will gonna do so Jenna pushed Y/N away from her and starts to type.
Y/N then surrender, both of her hands up in the air and said "Okay, I'm not gonna get your phone, but please just tell me what you're doing."
Jenna then situated her phone between the both of them and made Y/N read what she typed.
With a surprised look Y/N said "Are you fucking insane? Are you sure? What the hell are you thinking?"
"Please trust me on this." Jenna said with a smile and Y/N just nodded and answered "This doesn't mean I forgive you" and Jenna bring her phone down and looked at Y/N directly and said "I know, I will do my best to earn your forgiveness and trust me back, I just hope you still love me then."
And that made you smile, because you know in your heart, you will always love Jenna, "I will promise to love you" Y/N answered with a small smile.
In his office, Jenna's manager was reading what Jenna posted and it is a picture of Jenna and someone's feet, but boy does he know who it belongs
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After seeing the post, Jenna's manager can feel the nerve on his right lobe pulsated with what he saw. Because what the fuck is this?
A/N: Thanks for waiting, I hope this satiated you all. Just play nice with the ig post please. I feel like I'm gonna have a headache, lol. I also don't know if I tagged the right people, I'm sorry.
People who wants to be tagged (I hope I get to tag you all):
@lilbitdepressed27 @jusnough @stalinf @mirage018 @geed-3 @atlafanforlife @adam-malkov @belatrixdragon @ijustlovemaths @canvascoloredin
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imlovewithpixels · 1 year
How does Quackity met you?
- Fem!Reader x Quackity little imagine
Pov: You became viral on TikTok for the wrong thing.
(( Remember that my request are OPEN - Spanish or English))
This is my first thing in english for the streamer community even if I see more content off the Hispanic Streamers
Also, If you like my work, check out my Masterlist . I need to update my fandoms <3
-  English is not my mother lenguaje, please be nice if I had any grammatical errors.
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You were just streaming Minecraft. It was a pretty chill and cozy stream where you were decorating your mushroom house and talking with your chat. You had a little community in Spanish and English but your viewers were around 1k per stream. 
Your calm voice was accompanied by the background music on Minecraft while you were mumbling to a song that was stuck in your head since last week. 
And then you saw your Twitch display.
Quackity was on stream…¿he was going to play garthic phone? 
You NEEDED to see that. 
— Okay…ma babies, I will end this stream right here.— You said, laughing a little bit. 
A lot of comments started to pop up. “Why???” “noooo pliss :c” “I just started watching TT” “mi casitaaa, don't go” 
— Well…you know, Quackity …he…he just started a Spanish stream and I want to see it. — You whisper to the microphone fast. Your cheeks were red from embarrassment. “So, all of you should go. We have one rule in this place, "If mi casita is streaming, go to see it” After a silly tone of voice you smile at the camera and wave a little wave. “Babays”
“She had a crush on him, umm. Our mommy is gonna leave us. TT” A last-time donation came up in your scream and the robotic voice read it. You open your eyes surprised and completely flutter. 
— I-I, I don’t, mierda. wHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS? — Your chat started calling you cute and being dramatic for leaving them when you turned off the camera. Your hot face and silly but cute expression were the last images that you gave them. 
Then, you went to the other stream, and continued with your Minecraft real, while listening to a lot of Spanish swearing. 
It only took one week to blow off. 
That little clip of your last stream kinda became viral on TikTok.
 “The girl that ends up her stream for Quackity” 
Oh god, oh my god. 
This was so embarrassing. On one side, you didn’t mean any of this but your account kinda blows up with a lot of new people and subs. But, there was also a thing that you have never dealt with before, haters. Who said that you only wanted attention, that you were just a fangirl who wanted to meet him. Just pick me.
That makes you uncomfortable, you didn’t know how to deal with all that shit, but still tried to look calm like always on your streams. With 5k viewers on you, it was a little hard to read all the comments while you were playing Valorant, but you could see a lot of comments referring to the Mexican streamers.
You’re nervous. You didn’t mean any of this, and first of all, you did not want to disturb Quackity. 
You just hope that this incident just passes like any other TikTok and were replaced.
“Have you seen the girl who just turned off her stream for you? Such a pick me” 
The robotic voice was heard after the donation and Quackity just could give a confused look. His chat seemed to know about the topic, and they started spamming his discord with certain TikTok. 
— What are you talking about, guys?  — He opened one of them and your voice filled his stream.
Quackity saw your relaxing face while singing, your brown eyes lit up when she saw something, and you had a cute little smile. And your wavy hair follows your head movements when you face the camera with an embarrassed expression. 
“Well…you know, Quackity …he…he just started a Spanish stream and I want to see it. “ 
He knew he had fans, a lot of them actually, but that little clip of you just ending your stream for him makes him kinda happy. His heart warms up while you shout to your chat, like, and intern joke. His cheeks feel a little hot and the smile across his face captures the chat's attention.
“She’s cute”
“New ship, new ship”
“She just wanted fame I think.”
“I follow her, pure mommy vibes”
“She has been harassed on her last streams for this, what a shame. “
That little comment took him back to the earth. 
— “Guys, you know that I don’t support any of this behavior. Please, if you comment shitty things to this pretty girl, you’re not part of my community” — Alex didn’t notice the pretty on his lips when he called you and almost immediately went to your stream to follow you. 
Little did he know that you were on a drawing stream, too focused on your work to look at your chat. Your live face was so beautiful, even if you were with a messy bum and frowning in concentration. 
He donated to you right away.
“Quackity had donated 10 000 bits. And applause for the sugar” Your alert claimed.
“ I like that drawing, I could request a commission someday. I’m sorry for any uncomfortable comment from my community, I thought that your gesture was really funny and sweet :) “
You just drop your pencil for the amount of money and then, when you see the username, your face goes from pale to red in two seconds. 
Shit. Shit. 
Did he just…. know that you fucking exist for a TikTok?
— “I-I…. Yo…deje mi comida en la estufa. Gracias por la plata. Sleep well chat. “ — And with that, you went off stream. 
Quackity blinked two times and then he just bursts off in a laugh. 
That was so funny, you were interesting. 
“You suck flirting.” 
— I was not….I didn’t mean to…fuck off, chat. Let’s enter the server. — He said, rolling his eyes, trying to distract himself from thinking about your last expression and how you couldn’t manage to erase the shy smile off your face. 
Did he have that effect on you? 
How cute. 
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dayoldtea · 2 years
Joe passionately rambling on about Y/N for six mins and thirty-four seconds video
Pairing: Joe Keery x Actress!Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
Category: Fluff. That's all.
Warning: None
Summary: Steve Harrington and Penelope Carter did not stay together at the end of the fourth season of Stranger Things, and the internet has a lot to say about that. In contrast, to warm the hearts of Stenny's fans, one fan shares a six mins and thirty-four second compilation of Joe Keery passionately rambling on about you, his girlfriend, and coincidentally Penny Carter herself.
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"Joe literally pinched himself upon seeing Y/N on set for the first time." Matt Duffer told during an interview with Variety in June 2022. "You remember that, right?"
Ross Duffer, sitting next to his brother, laughed as he shook his head, arms crossed over his chest. "There's no forgetting it." He joked. "They sat next to each other in the script room, and you could just see how nervous he was. It was a really fun thing to watch."
Matt nodded, humming as he did so.
"Yeah, I think that's why we can say that we were kind of prepared for the negative fan reaction regarding Steve and Penny's tragic ending in season four, you know?" He added. "We knew from the beginning that it would be hard to convince the audience that Steve and Nancy should be something when we had Joe Keery in love with Y/NY/L/N since the first time he saw her."
To say that the internet was in mourning would be an understatement.
The fourth season of Stranger Things had premiered some time ago, and for fans of the TV show, that was synonymous with hope. This time, Steve Harrington and Penelope Carter will finally be together.
The development from friends to lovers between the characters was something that fans had longed for since the first season, which unfortunately did not happen. Penelope received a tragic ending in Upside Down, and the scene in which her bloodied body was embraced by a miserably distraught Steve had generated thousands of disgruntled tweets and videos on TikTok — most of them featuring puffy-eyed girls, tears streaming down their cheeks as the scene in question played in the background.
Steve and Penelope hadn't gotten the ending they deserved, but you and Joe were the protagonists of another story, this one being in real life, and knowing that you two had been together for more than four years mended a little the crack left in the hearts of Stenny fans.
One video in particular, accumulating a little over 1,5 million views on YouTube, had been shared by a Twitter account along with the hashtag JusticeForStenny, on the rise since the last episode of the fourth season was aired:
@stennylover: steve and penelope didn't get a chance to be together and I know everyone here is heartbroken about it, but here is a compilation of joe passionately rambling on about yn for six mins and thirty-four seconds to warm your hearts
The video in question begins by showing the title text in white capital letters on a black background, the instrumental of Paper Rings by Taylor Swift playing in the background:
Joe Keery passionately rambling on about Y/NY/L/N for six mins and thirty-four seconds straight.
The first recording shows Joe standing in front of a white background during the Glamour's friendship test, arms behind his back and eyes fixed on the floor. He was wearing a plain black shirt, the length of his hair a little shorter than that sported by Steve Harrington indicating that he was preparing for another role.
"I— I was just mesmerized the first time I saw her, honestly." He shakes his head slowly, his lips curving into a comforting smile. "She was visibly excited to be on set. It was like it was her first time in an environment like that, and it was really adorable to see her so excited about every little thing that happened." He said before looking at the camera, the smile not abandoning his lips. "When we had scenes together— which happened a lot, I used get so fucking nervous." Joe laughed, his cussing censored by a beep. "I was constantly getting my lines wrong because of that, and she's always been so thoughtful and patient about it, you know? Which only made my situation worse, actually." He joked, scratching the back of his neck as his eyes meet the floor once again. "She would always ask me if I needed a break, because, you know, she genuinely thought that these mistakes were because of fatigue or something, when internally I was like, 'Oh, I'm fine, I'm sorry about that, I'm just, you know, thinking of a way to ask you out on a date.'"
The video then cuts to the Wired autocomplete interview granted by Joe and Gaten Matarazzo.
Gaten is holding the styrofoam board while the phrases with "is joe keery" remain hidden under white stickers.
"Okay, so let's see what we have here." Joe hums as he pulls out the first sticker. "Is Joe Keey," he begins, "Y/N/Y/L/N's boyfriend in real life?"
"I love the fact that your first question has to do with Y/N." Gaten joked.
"Yeah, I was about to say that, man." Joe played along, leaning forward with one hand on his knee. "But yes, I am Y/N's boyfriend in real life."
"Title he's most proud of." Gaten punctuated, raising his index finger.
Joe clicked his tongue, a smug smile adorning the corner of his lips. "I mean, my girlfriend is Y/N/Y/L/N." He makes a point of stressing your name as if no one knows. "You don't meet many guys this lucky."
Gaten contracted his face in a fake expression of disgust, shaking his head before looking directly at the camera.
"We are still on a mission to find out how much he is paying Y/N."
The next cut is from an interview of Joe to GQ Spain where he was responding to some comments from fans on the internet.
"Youtube." Joe announced before the edit added a lofi song along with a video of Stranger Things fan comments on a scene of Steve and Penelope in the second season, then focusing on one specific user. "I honestly don't know how Steve doesn't realize that Penelope has a crush on him. Is he an idiot?" He reads as the comment remains on the screen.
The video then turns back to Joe.
"I mean, yeah?" He laughs, the video returning to the commentary session as Joe's lines were added as a response along with a typing sound. "I see a lot of Y/N—my girlfriend, in Penelope, you know? Not just because she plays her, obviously, but also because they're both so smart and have such a gentle soul that it's almost like they're magnetic, so when someone asks me what the similarities are between me and Steve, I make it clear that I'm a little smarter when it comes to girls, because I would never let someone like Y/N or Penelope get away. Thank you."
The video then cuts to an interview of Joe on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Kimmel.
"Can we— Can we talk about Y/N/Y/L/N?" Jimmy asked as he leaned over his desk. The audience whistled and clapped loudly as soon as your name was mentioned, making Joe smile. "I mean, we all love her here, and we know you've been together for years— over three years, right?"
"Yeah, that's right." Joe squeaked, shaking his head. "We kind of got tired of just being on screen, you know?" He made a joke, laughing at the thunderous reaction from the audience.
"Man, this is so cool!" Jimmy exclaimed genuinely, causing Joe to nod his head and mutter an almost inaudible "thank you." "And how was the preparation for you two for this fourth season? If I'm correct, the recordings were interrupted due to the pandemic, right?"
"Oh, yes, unfortunately we had that setback and that's why there was a significant delay compared to the other seasons." Joe explained.
"And you two were together during that time?" Jimmy inquired curiously, arching his eyebrows. "Practicing the script together and all that stuff?"
Joe crossed his legs, interlacing his fingers over his lap.
"Well, we did a lot of fun stuff during those months, and of course discussing the script ended up being one of them, but we also kind of took that time to disconnect a little bit, you know?" Joe replied, "We cook together, we write songs together, we learn about gardening on YouTube…" He enumerated with his fingers, "just a bunch of cool stuff."
"Oh, that sounds amazing." Jimmy said in an impressed tone. "Just a couple discovering new hobbies, right?"
"Yeah, but Y/N, she's just— she's just a lot smarter and more talented than me, you know?" Joe said amidst a laugh. "She can act, she can write, she can sing, she can knit, she can read a book about what are the right garden pots for each kind of seed and suddenly become a big Wikipedia on the subject…" he rambled, gesticulating excitedly, "It's amazing. She is amazing. I'm one hundred percent sure she could build a rocket from scratch if she wanted to."
"Wow." Jimmy smiled, exchanging a quick glance with the audience before facing Joe again. "So I guess we can say you're a little bit in love, right?"
Joe blushes, his eyes dropping to the floor before turning to Jimmy. "Yeah, I kind of am."
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p-redux · 4 months
From one of the Team. The identity of the mystery brunette walking hand in hand with Sam Heughan in London on May 29, 2024 has been revealed!
Remember the pics we got from Just Jared of Sam Heughan and mystery brunette from May 29, 2024. 👇
Well, I've been told by one of the Team that her name is Lauren Marie. Age 29ish. Here is her IG account. 👇
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Definite match.
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She's American. Some are saying she's an escort. But as we saw with other women Sam has dated, lots of models get put on x rated sites but it's only their pics used. Even Cait has had this happen to her. I showed this in my posts when Sam dated Gia. She was featured on an escort site but it wasn't her, they were just using her picture. I don't know if that's the case here. I will investigate tonight when I'm done with work. And I'll post what I find. Let's not jump to any conclusions. And let's not badmouth Sam or Lauren. If you want to do that, there are other accounts for that.
So, my peeps, go check out her IG and she's also on TikTok. 👇
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I'll be back later with more...
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aziraphales-library · 5 months
Lost Fic #180
1. Good morrow dearest Mods Firstly thank you for all the good work that you all do for the fandom because this was really impressive when i first stumbled upon it and easy to sieve through. Really Wowwww I'm not much of a fanfic reader myself, but there was the monologue that stuck with me from a tiktok edit and I really want to find which fanfiction was it from (since i couldn't find the edit anymore :"") (Im regurgitating whatever i can remember so please bare with me, i hope it wouldnt be so painful.) It was from the POV of God but the narrator refers to God as "She". She talks about making Crowley and Aziraphale. Being the first to break Crowley's heart. And then she invents Creativity for Crowley because She owes him that at least. She gives Aziraphale a sword but then will give it away on his own will. She did not give Aziraphale a heart but he invented it himself. From what I remember there was no dialogue in this part of the piece. (But I wouldn't know for sure since I've never read it before...) I tried tagging From POV of God Good Omens in AO3, but I couldn't find it either If it happens to not have existed, that's alright, however are there some fanfictions that are similar to this? With the kind of emo yet touching written by God feel narration about the husbands with not much much dialogue, like as if She was just watching from above. The kind of outsider feel with the insider knowledge AHAHAHA I'm not sure how to describe it. Emotionally like bittersweet tea with a dash of honey. Thank you, and I wish you lovely days to come mods &lt;3 - @whiskedawaybythewind
2. I'm sorry, but I'm looking for a Fic it was a Muriel & Crowley, and there was this scene where Crowley finds out that Aziraphale regrets his decision because a Pen that he (Aziraphale) stole, and send with muriel so he can understand the message. I don't remember much more, :( - anon
3. Hi! I’m looking for a relatively new fic I read a while back. It featured Azi and Crowley living in the South Downs and Crowley is snatched while out grocery shopping by a gang of mafia guys, and they ransom him to Azi, who shows up and calmly scares the shit out of them by telling them he’s “The Bookseller.” I can’t find it to save my life and I want to reread it! - @doodlegirll
4. Hello dears! First off, thank you so much for all the work you do for the fandom. I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. Aziraphale is discorporated during WW1 and Crowley was sleeping and didn't know. During the church scene in 1941, when Crowley comes aziraphale has a flashback and is barely able to save them. They talk about it after. Thanks again! - @candysunset27
5. Hi!! I’ve been going through this account for a while and it’s been so so great finding tons of fics with all the tropes I love!! There’s this one fic I saw that I can’t remember and I was really hoping you could help me find it! From what I do remember in the fic, Aziraphale is suicidal, and keeps on discorporating himself. If it’s too much of an ask I totally understand- Take all the time you need !!! 💖💖💖💖💖 - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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jeonscatalyst · 18 days
Hi there
Sorry for any grammar or spelling issues English is not my first language. I was never a fan of bts I have heard about them bt was never really interested. So about a year ago or I think in the beginning of this year I saw a reel on YouTube abt TH and JK at the airport where TH was trying to hold JK hand and I didn't understand ppl where commenting abt how they were finally coming out and JK was shy or scared and all I could think abt was that JK body language was "the hell you trying to hold my hand for" that's what I got. Remember now I didn't know them didn't even know their names bt that reel was just cringe for me,and I didn't even know there was shipping going on in bts😩... Bt about 6or7 weeks ago a saw a funny video of them on insta and rm caught my attention so I searched their songs on YouTube became a instant fan bt then I got obsessed with jimin. Well suddenly all these tkk reels started coming on my tml and I was curious at first because there were so many tkk stuff and ppl always commenting under posts tkk is real I looked Into that first and I got to say I don't know how ppl can say they a couple bc I didn't even know abt jkk and those tkk stuff got me messed up coz when a saw a vmin reel I was like yeah they can maybe be a couple bt Def not tkk so I started searching jimin Omg that man is heaven Send... And low and behold jkk stuff popped up on my time line, my god when I tell you about the butterflies I felt when a saw that reel about 2018 where it looks like JK wanted to devour jm I knew a was at the right place.. Now I still don't know very much abt jkk I'm still looking into it bt for me who didn't even know bts or abt tkk, vmin, and jkk and learning about tkk before even knowing abt the other 2 bt saw at first glance that no a big hell No are the a couple, now for me that says alot because I would vmin a chance of being real before tkk. And can you maybe tell where and what I can watch to know more abt bts and jkk... I really love all 7 so much.
Hi anon.
No don’t worry, your English is fine and welcome to the world of BTS and shipping even though it’s crazy out here so buckle up lol.
I guess some people see something in taekook while others don’t and you happen to be one of those who doesn’t. For me, it’s always been clear that taekook are just friends not just because I couldn’t see anything beyond friendship but because all the evidence and common sense points to them being just friends but I guess not everyone sees things the same way and that’s why we still have tons of taekookers out there.
As for Jikook, they’ve always been the most likely pair to be real to me not just because of what I see or feel about them but because there’s been alot of that has strongly pointed to the possibility of them being more than friends over the years. I cannot swear that we are right about them being a couple because we never know but I know for a fact that they have and have always had an incredibly deep bond. Also, I am positive that taekook are nothing more than friends, no matter what taekookers would like to say about them and the solo era.
I would advise that you try to find and watch as much original content as possible. You can find some on Youtube, daily motion, weverse etc. Try to avoid youtube, instagram or tiktok edited videos because those tend to take out alot of context which makes you misunderstand alot of their interactions or moments. You can also check out @stormblessed95 blog. She has done an incredible job in explaining their dynamics and breaking things down. She is also the best person to go to if you need to find a specific content. To know more about the other members you can follow member focused accounts on any social media platform but make sure you are not following toxic or delusional shippers or solos because they could influence you to start hating on or being shady towards other members. Find content like run bts, In the soop, Bon Voyage to really get to know them. You can also watch their Vlives from weverse. Those are good places to start and you can always send in asks if you have questions about anything. Hope you have a great time catching up with content anon💜
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morganbritton132 · 2 years
Okay but after that flight twitter threat. Do Eddie and Steve see that threat at some point? Who shows it to them? What are their reactions? Do the gossipy news pick the story up? Does Eddie get asked questions about it in interviews?
I Love it and I have so many questions
They do see it!
Steve actually sees it first because Robin saw it first. She sent him a screenshot of the thread, but conveniently left out the tweet where the person realized it was Eddie and Steve. She texted him like, “This you?”
Steve’s like, “Whoa, you can’t have a conversation anywhere nowadays. It’s worse than when the FBI was actively bugging our phones.”
Robin texts back, “Hi to the FBI agents currently bugging our phones.”  
Steve says, “Yeah, hi.”
And that’s that for Steve.
Eddie, however, tracks down the original thread and Corroded Coffin’s official twitter account responds with a picture of Eddie’s ‘vintage’ SpiceWorld Tour t-shirt that he got in ’98 when the fruity four went to their concert. He’s like, “Yeah, they’re not very metal but are you gonna tell me that The Lady’s a Vamp isn’t an absolute banger? I think not.”
Then he goes to bed.
And the internet does what it always does and jumps to a conclusion that’s based in nothing. People are trying to figure out if Eddie was sitting next to his husband or if there is a cheating scandal on the horizon. The OP doesn’t remember what Turtleneck looks like and Eddie hasn’t posted anything since he reminded people about his interview.
By morning, the gossip sites are running stories about his rampant cheating. Eddie is throwing away ten years of marriage to his sick frail husband for plane sex with – gasp – a woman! Or a younger man! Or John Travolta of all people.
Eddie responds to all this with a Tiktok.
In the video, he starts out filming an article on his laptop about how he’s in New York right now cheating on his husband. He pans from the article up to Steve shoving their stuff back into their suitcase. Steve’s hair is a mess. He’s half-dressed and clearly tired, and there’s a line of hickeys tracing up the scar on his neck.
Eddie zooms in on them before panning up to Steve’s face. Eddie says, “Babe, did you see this? I’m cheating on you.”
“What, right now?” Steve asked, clearly just humoring him. He deadpans, “I’m devastated.”
“Yeah, tell me about it. I thought I was coming to New York to do a silly little interview and spend some time with my husband but, nope. I’m currently having sex with – Matt Damon. Really? If I’m blowing up my marriage, it’s not with actor equivalent of plain toast.”
“I’m embarrassed for you.”
“Yeah, tell me about it.”  
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coq-ue-tte · 1 month
𝐀𝐝𝐚𝐦 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
(this is my first tumblr post so don’t mind me)
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🕯 🧸 ☁ 🪐 🕊 🤎 🌙 📷
(𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐓𝐢𝐤𝐓𝐨𝐤 𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭)
♡❀˖⁺. ༶ ⋆˙⊹❀♡
• Lawrence felt so guilty about not going back for Adam that he used his power as an apprentice to anonymously stalk Adam’s family, find his parents and send money to them to pay for his grave or to go towards the vigil.
• In an argument with Scott Tibbs (probably to do with the new album photoshoot) he broke the last picture Adam had of his parents.
• He began smoking and doing drvgs in his early teens, and this was one of the reasons why he fell out with his parents and got kicked out.
• After everything that happened to Adam, Lawrence took up photography to help remember him.
• Larry would also go to the parking lot where they first properly met, to reconnect with him.
• Afraid of the dark.
• After the events of saw 1 (if he magically escaped) he would NEVER lock the doors to the bathrooms he would use in public, in case he got locked in one again. But it would kind of annoy you because you’d have to wait for him.
• Went to a rehabilitation camp when he was younger.
• Adam met Daniel at a ‘Wrath of the Gods’ gig. But he saw him as a little brother.
• Daniel would rant to Adam about Eric, but Adam would relate to it all because of his own relationship with his father.
• Adam would often compare himself to the attention Scott got from women, this would make him a lot more insecure and self conscious .
• The photo of Adam (seen in The Scott Tibbs Documentary) was the last remaining thing Scott got from Adam’s apartment, the rest of it was taken by squatters…
• Bailed Scott out a couple times, this is one of the reasons why he is poor.
• Definitely had that one teacher at school that he’d just linger with because all of the other people in his grade/year pissed him off.
• Taught Daniel how to skate.
~ Scott would definitely try and get with 18 year old groupies or Yk younger, but he’d definitely try and set them up with Adam too. Adam wouldn’t have any of this illegal shit and reassure the women that he was nice and didn’t want it.
• The iconic shirt of his seen in Saw 1 was probably given to him by his dad. It’s one of the last things he has.
• Gets into fights at bars bc he RUNS HIS MOUTH. But that doesn’t mean he wins them ….
• He waited every day outside of his apartment to see if Amanda was there.
• Liked Amanda because he knew that she wouldn’t run off with Scott.
• His parents definitely tried reaching out to him, but he didn’t want any of it.
• His parents put flyers and missing poster signs to try and get their son back. But it didn’t work …
• He had such a problem with Larry cheating on his wife because I get the vibe that Adam’s dad cheated on his mom.
• Died thinking that no one loved him. But there’s probably a lil bench put in his name in his hometown.
• Stalks his exes online.
• Got arrested for stalking and harassment.
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
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• Hates cheese.
• Went to a blink- 182 concert back when they were REALLY popular.
• He was close to his grandma, but when she died, he kind of spiralled (this is kinda sad but cute :))
• Donnie Darko is his comfort character.
• Gets outfit inspiration from people like Kurt Cobain and Billy Loomis. (If you know you know)
• His couch is COVERED in cigarette burns.
• Owns a tumblr account <3
• Owns a wrath of the Gods fan page. We love a supportive king.
• Owns one of those TikTok accounts that just low-key aims all of his posts about Taylor Swift and the swifties.
• Had a buzz cut back in high school.
• Definitely be one of those people like “Name 5 Songs !!! 😡😡😡” Bro would love pissing people off.
• Loved Smoking at night to Jeff Buckley’s Grace. Loved that man so much.
• Definitely a comic book collector.
• Would love all- inclusive buffets :)
• more than likely got expelled as a kid.
(that’s all for now <3)
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audristarzz · 2 months
I've been feeling anxious and stressed with this whole kosa thing im trying not to panic but sometimes it feels like no matter what we do they wont listen to us i just saw a tiktok saying that their not even reading up on this bill which pisses me off more. And we are telling them time and time again to not pass kosa. I remember so many content creators were talking about the dangers of the kosa bill i remember it being talked everywhere and now it's just silence which confuses me why is no concerned about this bill did everyone just forget or just doesn't care anymore. This is just reminding me of the whole tiktok ban thing again but so many people online were talking about that but not kosa at all like this bill is going to affect everyone and then everyone will start panicking if it does pass when they could've spoken out about the bill. I'm sorry for the kinda long rant im just stressed anxious idk what to do i have been calling emailing whatever im just so tired i've been spreading info in my twiiter/x account and none of my mutuals seems to care i know people are focusing about what's going on in palestine congo sudan etc so am i but you focus on multiple things at once this bill can censor people talking about these countries too so it makes me really confused why there's barley anyone concerned about the censorship and online safety thing and the whole government id like literally no one of my mutuals care their just only liking posts about me retweeting stuff about palestine sudan and congo like what about the kosa bill it can censor us talking about israels war crimes hello people you should be concerned and make some noise about kosa. I'll try to distract myself i guess but it's hard not to worry i hope it doesn't immediately go to the house once it fully passes the senate since from my understanding only a committee passed it so it might pass the senate tomorrow or some shit idk. Im glad there's slightly more opposition in the house it gives me hope also do you think even if it does pass that it can be stopped with congressman and the government being sued i heard something about lawsuits in a few posts on here and twitter/x but again sorry for the long rant you can ignore if you want it is a long rant sorry lol.
hello!! don’t apologize for ranting I can understand why it’s very stressful and scary especially since it feels like you have nobody to talk to about this, it is infact a scary time for us right now with everyone going on but I’m very proud of you for spreading awareness about KOSA, I myself am trying to stay positive since there could be things that stop the bill (opposition, the possibility of it getting sued and the fact it’s harmful for lgbtq youth and unconstitutional as fuck) but I’ll admit it the anxiety and stress of it does get to me but I’m not going to give up and neither should you. I learned about KOSA a year ago and the reason why it’s just NOW getting to the senate is because we voiced our opposition, Evan Greer is a reliable source where I get my information and she does a lot to try to keep KOSA from passing. A reminder that KOSA tried to pass before in previous years but didn’t because there was so much opposition of it. Maxwell Frost, a representative opposes KOSA amongst others which is good, Once again, there is more opposition and skepticism about KOSA in the House than Senate. I know it’s scary and worrisome but please, don’t panic and if it gets to the point where it’s to much for your health take a step back from looking at updates for a minute. KOSA won’t go straight into effect after it’s voted to the Senate, and IF it passes it will take 18 months to go into effect depending on which state you’re in. But it’s not to that point yet, It has to get to the House which if we keep voicing our concern and opposition will not pass and then get signed to the president, which given everything that’s been going on in the presidential race, may be a bit tricky or take longer to get too. Senate goes into a break in August so I’ve heard so that gives us time to keep calling/ emailing and faxing. If you have any trusted adult I would recommend voicing your concerns to them, i myself am in a very much homophobic republican family (democratic state tho) and i felt hopeless for awhile since I had nobody to voice my concerns to but then I talked to my older cousin and it made me feel a lot better since she voted for Biden. Im not an expert when it comes to politics and this, I get my research from other amazing blogs on Tumblr, articles and Evan Greer since I don’t have any other social media platforms. But I hope I was able to bring some reassurance to you, if not I apologize but please do not give up because the silence is what’s going to get KOSA to pass, keep voicing your opposition, calling / faxing and emailing. It’s going to be okay and please do not panic, whatever happens tomorrow will be a step forward or back but regardless we can fight it and not let KOSA pass. You’re doing great Anon. 💗
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Velvet and Veneer headcannons cause I saw an edit of them on tiktok and i have wanted to do this for ages so- 💚
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Veneer is actually a few years younger than Velvet, the just pose as twins to be even more unique and because of their similarities (Veneer totally didn’t want them to think he’s a baby-🤭)
so technically, I think Velvet is 19 and Veneer is 16 (which is why he acts a bit childish and follows velvet around a lot)
velvet is a Scorpio making her birthday October 24th, and Veneer is a Taurus so his birthday is April 28th
velvet was really protective of veneer as a kid, but it went down the controlling road
veneer is gay (you can’t change my mind)
veneer can actually sing, which is why he used way less troll than velvet did (I can’t remember the movie but I feel like he used Floyd like 1 time 😭 I remember velvet going wild with it tho)
velvets favourite cake flavour is red velvet (lol)
veneer is a Ariana grande fangirl - he’s on her twitter can accounts, on her subreddits, literally made posts insulting people who said someone is better than her, etc
velvet grew up having a crush on Robert pattinson and Tom Felton lol
velvet LOVES Selena Gomez
veneer was a icarly child - he knows the theme song off by heart
velvet watches keeping up with the kardashians
the both watch love island lol
veneer is a just dance child
their last name is faux 💀 (Velvet Diana Faux, Veneer Louis Faux)
veneer sleeps with 100 plushies on his bed (most of them are childhood ones)
veneer has that fear of letting something go, which is why he has all his childhood toys still (I have this too)
velvet got kicked out of her school because she kept skipping lessons
velvet grew up wearing wedges so she never doesn’t wear heels
velvets nicknames for veneer: ven, bro, baby bro, beautiful idiot, goody two shoes (when they were younger)
veneers nicknames for velvet: vels, sis, hun, love
veneer has a crush on harley Quinn lol
velvet was favourited by their parents as kids
velvet is always on the newest tiktok trends, she does them instantly (most of the time she makes the trends lol)
veneer had a wattpad account as a kid and wrote the cutest but cringiest stories ever
veneer is autistic since he struggles understanding sarcasm, he repeats actions a lot, he finds it hard to say how he feels, etc (I’m not autistic even tho my friends think I am so I am so sorry if I have anything offensive or not true here)
velvet has a purple lambo and veneers lambo is green
veneer was such a goody two shoes as a kid
velvet was not happy when veneer was born cuz she thought she was being replaced and wouldn’t be the favourite anymore - but she loved veneer as soon as she, in her exact words: met him
veneer is dating kid ritz
velvet is single - she thinks she’s too good for anyone lol
veneers Disney plus profile pic is Kermit the frog and velvets is maleficent
velvet as a meme:
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veneer as a meme:
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veneers fav movie is shrek 2
velvets fav movie is the hunger games catching fire
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