#I just spit out names in no order for my second example I don't even know if they have a trust rank with each other the first one is my mai
rasazys-ramblings · 9 months
If you have a Virtual Singer in your party and everyone else is from different Sekais does that mean you just made your own PJSK band
Because there's also trust rank as if they know each other- We will ignore the fact some trust ranks are unavailable-
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max1461 · 1 year
I don't want to keep discoursing on evilsoup's post, so I'll make a new home for this sub-discussion here. To reproduce the relevant bits:
@max1461 (me) said:
I find that a lot of anti-anti-civ discourse revives (or perhaps merely continues, since they never really died) the cheapest fallacies of Whig history. There's not merely an acknowledgement of the (true, I believe) fact that industry and modern medicine make the lives of their beneficiaries much better, there is an implicit de facto and sometimes almost giddy dismissal of the value of all that came before. You get the feeling reading a lot of anti-anti-civ commentary that people are itching to condemn anything and everything of the past, and more troublingly any way of life that they personally view as obsolete, just for the sake of it. Just for the discourse thrills. It's reductive and it's unpleasant to engage with.
@sabakos said:
Honestly I have to say that indoor plumbing and modern medicine is good enough that I'd gladly torch even more of what came before and gladly spit in the face of anyone who tried to complain about it. Hypothetically, if the Ancient Greek language had had to be lost for modern plumbing to appear I'd flush the last manuscript of Plato down the toilet and lose no sleep over it. Fortunately, it didn't, but if it did it wouldn't matter.
You can't name one thing that even comes close to billions of people not dying of cholera or starving to death. So it's not surprising that people are eager to shit all over anyone who tries.
@max1461 said:
This is fine but it's totally orthogonal to my point. You acknowledge that Ancient Greek did not in fact have to be lost in order to get modern plumbing, but then gloss over this as if it's a minor aside. No! My point is that internet Whig history enthusiasts sometimes seem to be out to shit on anything and everything that strikes them as obsolete even when it does not need to be lost for the benefits of modern life to be enjoyed, for reasons that seem to me more aesthetic than anything else. Surely not everyone does this, but it's a common enough phenomenon to get on my nerves.
@sabakos said:
It's clearly something that bothers you, so maybe you could give some examples? Because this is all very abstract and I have no idea what you're talking about - based on what you've said here I don't think I've encountered this sort of guy despite being ideologically very similar to how you describe them!
There are actually people who think Ancient Greek (read: Inuktitut, Gan Chinese, Oromo) has to die for us all to get indoor plumbing! This is not actually an uncommon shape of opinion for people to hold, in the world at large. There are of course two versions of this, one more harmful than the other but both destructive: "we have to stop wearing kimono and start wearing suits or the Great Powers will never respect us", and "you have to stop holding potlatches in order to become civilized like us".
The point is not that these claims suppose different values than you or I hold, the point is that they are wrong, factually wrong. Unexamined Whig history of the sort which, as I said, sneers at anything that gives off vague whiffs of being "traditional" is making a set of factual errors. It's also often used cynically (as in the second example above) to advance political ends, but that's not really what I'm talking about here. What I'm talking about are people who seem to have a reflexive distaste for anything that appears to them overly sympathetic to the old, any cause with preservationist or restorationist undertones, even when it in no way conflicts with people enjoying the benefits of modern technology. This kind of thinking does active harm in the world. Random tumblr users are of course not likely doing any harm by engaging in it, given that tumblr discourse obviously has no political sway. But it's still frustrating to see a stance that is both incorrect and harmful so casually taken up over (what I perceive to be) petty discourse bouts.
Sometimes, old things are fine, and wanting to keep doing them is fine. When people oppose this, especially on reflexive, aesthetic grounds, I think it is bad.
To be clear, I've never seen anyone in this conversation (you or triv) do any of what I've described here. But I do see it a lot and it kind of drives me up the wall.
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linhmiu201 · 2 years
Press F to pay respect to our Vanderwood, he never ceases to amuse us. :) He's basically promoted as Seven's nanny now. Give him some spotlight please Cheritz. 🙏🙏
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Finally, I read the Judge End. It's sad how the RFA basically torn apart (I did agree that there should be a name change but throwing away the name and breaking apart ain't the same thing... *insert sad V emoji*) And it's absurb how harsh you would need to act in order to unlock it. At least now I totally understand why it only took a few 'soft' choices to lead you to the other ending, and why Cheritz seems to push us into getting Forgive End. They feel the need to sink us with lessons about forgiveness and keep saying that's the right thing to do because of Korean culture, I suppose. Be warned, this is just my own speculation.
When I was in junior high school, a certain Korean TV series was aired at noon. It was unfortunate that I had to go to school every afternoon so I didn't get to watch all of it, but that series left such a big impression on me. Its name is Phantom, an SBS series about hacking and cyber crimes. I remember this detail the most: a girl was cyber bullied to the point that she committed suicide. At that time it was so unfamiliar to me that I remember it even now. If you guys read Chinese web novels then you'd know that the netizens there don't really care if news posted online is truthful or not. If it is said that this celebrity or that idol had an addiction, committed adultery,... then they'll just assume it's true, and swarm said celebrity's Weibo with hate speech. And do you know about a case where an actor in Japan was revealed to have a girlfriend, his fans felt so angry and 'betrayed' that they pressured a production he was starring in to cancel his role? In the end, he got removed from his role for real. Does this feel familiar? That's right, it's Zen's route in a nutshell right there, where Jaehee was so worried about MC and Zen dating, because she knew fans would turn hostile to Zen once they found out he had a girlfriend "who weren't themselves". I don't know what's it like in other countries, but here, in Asian countries, many of the netizens are just so... uncultured, if I dare say. It's not only these 3 countries, but probably all over the world, cases of cyber bullying are still happening. How convenient it is for people to just hide behind the screen and spit cruelty at others or play god. They curse and sneer at prople who they think that were in the wrong, while maintaining a high sense of moral for themselves.
With VAE, you can see such behaviors reflected in the 'wrong' choices, for example:
Rika: My thoughts are evil. No, it's all because of my head. This head of mine can think of nothing but dark things.
Rika: I wish this head of mine would stop working... So that I won't do anything. So that I can't do anything.
The players then have to choose from 2 options, including:
Maybe you've been too obsessed with saving others that you forgot how to save yourself.
You know, that'd be the way you can be the least of help for others.
To reach the Judge End, we need to choose the second choice (alongside a series of fixed choices before that of course). Honestly, that choice is way too cruel for me, we're basically telling her to shut down her brain and stop functioning here (which she did, she fell into a coma), but in order to reach Judge, I can't help but choosing it, since I knew even 1 'wrong' choice could possibly lead to Forgive and that sweet free talk would remain unlocked forevah. If judgement goes too far, it's no longer judgement but pure cruelty... is what I think Cheritz is trying to tell us here. They're telling us to be more understanding even only a little bit, and don't take malicious pleasure in judging other people, even if they are wrong, because you never know whether a life would be lost due to such malice. For me, sometimes it's hard to tell whether I was pleased to see Rika brought to jail since I felt bad for those she hurted, or because of pure pleasure in playing justice defender where you get to curse the bad person all you want. If it's the latter, then it's bad - said Cheritz, probably.
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Oopsie, I nearly forgot I took this picture. The wording is harsh, but I laughed for that savage line of Jumin. xD This is the Judge End where RFA members were utterly disgusted by Rika and shooed her away from their lives. It was all fun and games I honestly think their reaction was understandable given how badly hurted they were when suddenly we were introduced to a "Rika's Circus"... How could something be both hilarious and cruel at the same time?? Seven being the narrator, Jaehee's and Yoosung's exaggeration, Zen talking in monotone, especially Jumin's high-pitched voice and Vanderwood's "why the hell am I here again?" confusion, they were so hilarious I couldn't stop chuckling. ......Sorry that I laughed, what's the password for Wi-Fi in hell?
Entertaining as it is, the "Rika's Circus" thing is still something Cheritz made to guilt trip us. It wasn't real, it was only a dream MC had, but after laughing, we started to feel guilty. Brilliant, I must admit.
Anyway, although I did feel bad for her since V's route actually I still consider what she did is wrong, and no excuse for her actions. You and I, we can understand her, like her, but should never justify her crimes by blaming her past and mental illness. Likewise, V haters could hate him all they/you want, he kinda sorta deserves it with what he did wrong, but don't point fingers at him for the crimes Rika did. Oh yeah, now that I think about it, Saeran is a combination of both V and Rika, don't you think? He was a mentally unstable innocent like V who was exploited and suffered by Rika's hands, then became an abuser himself like Rika. Remember who locked and chained? MC in her room, starved her, verbally abused and kinda sexually harassed her? And then guess who had to sneak in to give MC food to eat hm?
My point is, these 3 characters are flawed as hell and they did so many annoying wrongdoings, but instead of purely hating them, how about trying to understand them? - was probably what Cheritz wanted to convey. Not my words since I have love-hate relationship with them where sometimes I hate them and sometimes I don't. And I still can't like Rika one bit if you ask me, never was, never will.
If you guys read this till the end and agreed with me, then you'd probably love this underrated masterpiece too. It's a parody that whichever fandom you go, you'd still see people using it... the ultimate scene we don't understand but can still enjoy... xD
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Let me give you my life
Pairing: Loki x Tesseract
Warnings: Major Character Death, Mourning, delusions, mental illness, alcohol, Original Character Death, Odin, fantastic racism
Summary: After Frigga's funeral, Loki starts hearing a voice. It changes their life completely.
Chapter 3: Verse 3
Chapter warnings: math, fantastic racism, death (not graphic)
Chapter summary: the orders
Previous chapter, AO3, next chapter
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If I'm a pagan of the good times / my lover's the sunlight
Loki storms the library once again, this time searching everything about the Tesseract and this Entropy they call him all the time.
Entropy still remains a mystery, but there are even more writings about the space stone than the ones they've seen before.
"It says here that they worshipped you," Loki says, but only internally. He's in public, speaking to the walls would make him appear mad.
"People express loyalty in different ways," they answer, always softer since the deal.
"Is that what you want? Loyalty?"
"Among other things, yes. But mostly trust that I will not hurt you, cause I won't," they promise. Loki already knows this.
Can't break something that's already in pieces.
"Brother!" Thor yells as he walks in. Loki's shoulders tense, this idiot never warns them.
"Tho-thor," he answers, eyes on Thor as they drab a chair and side beside him. "How come you be i-i-in here? You ha-ha-hate books," they raise an eyebrow at their brother.
"I'm here to see how you're doing. You've been acting oddly lately," he answers, those blue eyes scanning Loki.
"People grie-grie-grie-grieve in different ways, Th-thor. I a-a-a-assure you, I'm fi-fine," he hums, turning back to the book.
"Loki. After all this, just remember that I'm here for you, eh? You needn't face anything alone," Thor insists, placing a big and steady hand on Loki's shoulder.
Loki's body nods, and smiles, watching as Thor smiles back before leaving. Loki's mind wonders if this is all a mistake. Thor was, is grieving too. Maybe this is all too much…
But Thor wasn't there when Gæirasson offended Loki, neither time. In fact, Thor has been a ghost since Frigga's death.
"You have my trust and loyalty, until the end," Loki decides, feeling in their core how relieved the Tesseract is by the answer.
"Allow me to show you another secret then. Look at your hands but don't touch anything and don't let it spread," they answer.
Loki lets the book and brings his torn from the picking hands under the table, always watching them. Black ropes start appearing and tangling themselves on their fingers, creating a calming sensation and demanding more ground, but Loki doesn't allow it. Out of all kinds of magic, this is by far the most powerful one he has ever seen.
And the most chaotic.
To keep the Goddess on my side / she demands a sacrifice
Like every day, the official Tesseract session is late at night, while Loki should be sleeping. Signs of their decreasing amount of sleep are becoming more and more visible, but they don't care.
"The o-orders?" he asks.
"You need to know some things first. In order to keep you from dying, King Laufey made a deal with one of us. Your life for acts of service. You need to do some things before being free," they do speak like they did on the first days, but somehow still softer.
"Acts of s-s-service?" he questions. So, the stone just needs hands and will borrow theirs?
"Yes. There are things that will keep the stones safe from those who seek them to do harm. Asgard has two, and you need to make sure that some things are set to their protection. It's just one thing, really. But you need to use your new powers to do so,"
Loki nods, the movement small and cut, like a soldier's.
"Ready to-to comply,"
Drain the whole sea / get something shiny
"First order. Free yourself from everything, good and bad," the Tesseract says. Loki blinks in confusion.
"What bad do you carry into you? The possessiveness, the jealousy, this ego you named pride, all this fury… you don't need them from now on. Let them go," they insist.
"L-let them go?"
"Act as if they don't exist, don't give them your attention. The same thing goes for your bright side. You faith in your moral compass, your deep feeling for everything you care about. Both of those sides will keep you from moving on. You mustn't listen to them anymore," they explain, as if it's something easy.
"So… y-y-you want me to be-to be your li-little m-m-minion?" he raises an eyebrow. Is that what they agreed on? Being a tiny pawn but just on a different chess board?
“No. Not exactly. You are not to abandon them for my own good, but for yours. The acts might hurt these sides of you, you need them in one piece,” their voice softens.
Loki takes a breath, in and out as slow as possible, and nods again. “What-what sh-sh-should I-I do?” even though the stutter stays, he refuses to let his voice break.
They swear they can feel the stone smiling.
“Listen to me, and don’t act upon them. Also, learn how to control possibility magic,”
Possibility magic? Is that what the black ropes are?
“Learn how Midgardians think of possibilities. It’s close to how your new abilities work,” they advise him. So, this is what being under the orders of a stone is like? Homework and pretending? it’s nothing they don’t know how to do for hundreds of years…
“And after the-the week?”
“the fun starts.”
Loki smiles wide, wider than he has ever smiled even before Frigga’s death.
something meaty for the main course / that’s a fine looking high horse
The week passes peacefully. Loki doesn’t have to worry about how to do what, the Tesseract is there to help them with it and lets them just decide how to do what and, oddly enough, the Midgardian science was calming.
At least, more calming than war theory. And less graphic.
He was chilling on the training grounds and working on the newfound magic, until the Tesseract came.
“It’s time,” they say moments before a blinding blue light covers Loki.
With the blink of an eye, they’re at a castle’s yard, hiding behind a bush.
“Prevent the war, you know how,” the Tesseract says again.
On the contrary, Loki has no idea where he is and what he has to do.
At least not until a guard passes by, near the bush, their armour bearing Gæirasson's symbol.
They smirk, moving from shadow to shadow and into the castle, where they cast an invisibility spell to navigate without worrying about getting caught.
What you've got in the stable? / We've a lot of starving faithful
In the grand hall, Loki finds the old lord. They're discussing an attack, in which he is the main character, of course. They're to strike tomorrow evening.
Loki has to hold himself not to laugh. Instead, they sit and wait. Wait until Gæirasson ends the council and heads to their bedroom. And Loki follows. Until the corridors make a room, with six doors to navigate through.
It would be such a shame if they suddenly closed shut, locking the two foes inside.
The old fool chuckles. "I know you're here, Frost Giant. I can smell your people's blood," he looks around.
Loki chuckles back and drops the spell, standing right in front of the man.
"Is it this? Or do your aged joins hurt with the cold?" he titles his head, showing his signature mischievous smile.
"Why are you here? To negotiate? We've been past this part," they growl. Loki doesn't break the smirk, but lets a glow pass their eyes. Green, but with icy blue undertones, and a pitch black shadow.
"No. We are here to talk about monsters. For, as you can smell, the blood of my siblings who you slained are screeching for it"
That looks tasty / that looks plenty / this is hungry work
"Do you know anything of my people's belief regarding the Norns?" Loki asks, circling around the man like a predator waiting to strike.
"Why should I care about the opinions of monsters?" he spits, trying to mimic the glare.
"Oh, because it's interesting. We believe in the norns, like you do. But they don't create the strings, they knit them. Twisting and turning and combining and separating people, and letting us choose where to go on each knot. Fascinating. Oddly enough, the mortals have a similar way of thinking, at least the ones who are closer to science. They name it possibilities, and write it with numbers,
"Let me give you an example. There's a fifty percent possibility that I will continue this conversation with my normal face," Loki speaks, letting the Æsir glamour fade and rising to his Jötunn height. "But I won't choose this path because your ceilings are low and I would have to bend my neck," they continue, after walking a few steps and letting their horns scratch the ceiling. The glamour appears again, bringing him to his Æsir skin.
"And there's always the possibility that you die, because of your old age and the stress of the war you created. And the only reason people remember you is as an example of why not to piss me off," he grins, the black ropes tangling around his wrists.
"And the possibility, in Midgardian terms, is one hundred percent," they leap closer and grab the old man by his collar, staring right into the fear in his eyes.
"I have a message for my people in Hel, deliver it when you see them. Tell them to rip this old cunt apart, yet keep one piece for me for when I arrive," he spits, watching as the ropes tangle around their throat and mummify them in front of his eyes, making the fear and anger burn out.
They throw the corpse on the floor and open the doors as the Tesseract casts another light, revealing Loki's chambers as it fades away.
"You shouldn't have scratched the ceiling with your horns," they say, worried.
"And? I laughed at the face of one old fool already, what's a second one? And if I am to join my family, let at least my exit from the hypocrites be dramatic," he laughs, ready for the guards to storm in and take him to the dungeons.
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skzluvs · 5 years
Strawberry Cheesecake 🍰; Han Jisung
Genre: Fluff!
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 2.3K
A/N: Reuploading this one cause it had too many mistakes!
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She tasted the saltiness of the caramel Frappuccino she ordered next to her a strawberry cake her ultimate favorite.
"So tell me Y/N how's school" Chan asked with a smile while he sipped his iced americano.
You where sitting at table in a vintage local coffee shop surrounded by aesthetically pleasing neon signs and flowers.
"You know being a college freshman is way harder than I thought" You sighed looking at him. Discomfort written all over your face.
“I know that face you make when something is troubling you, what it is exactly? I truly doubt is school related" He spoke softly.
" I swore I wasn't going to fall for him Chan, then tell me why I can't take him off my mind" You almost banged your head on the table as a sign of frustration.
You just couldn't understand why he made you feel that particular way and why exactly had to be him the one who everyone wanted the one you absolutely just couldn't have.
“He just has that effect on people Y/N"- Chan laughed showing his cute dimples.
" He truly does but that's not the point Chan you are supposed to be my friend and tell me to stay away from him before I fall in deeper"
Chan knew him they're weren't exactly close but they both shared American literature and that means they have talked here and then. Also they share a lot of things in common for example they were majoring on the same career.
" I can't do that sweetheart because indeed I'm your friend and if you like him I guess I support it"- He raised his shoulders innocently.
" Christopher Bang Chan! I never said I liked him to begin with and second of all you are such a bad friend this is why Woojin will always be my favorite"- You replied to him with annoyance raising your voice a little. Causing some customers to look at you.
Yes, you had the guy on your mind 24/7 but you just couldn't afford to like him. It was not safe, there were a million reasons why you couldn’t fall on that trap and mainly because you didn't wanted to become another one of the so called “fans” he has too many of those already.
" I feel disrespected but let me remind you woojin is still mad at you because you ate his precious chicken" He snapped back.
"What part of I was drunk both of you don't understand I was about to passed out and that chicken was the only thing that was on the fridge it was totally not my fault in fact you guys should do the groceries more often just saying" you responded with a sassy tone.
You were too busy fighting with Chan to noticed that a group of guys entered the coffee shop. And in that small crowd of young boys the protagonist of your chaotic nonexistent love life.
" Y/N I think we are missing the point here" He said trying to go back to the initial conversation.
" And that is..." You said waiting impatiently for him to answer.
" To admit that you do like him" a grin spread across his face.
You wanted to beat him so hard for being such a cheeky bastard.
"Fuck you Christopher I'm just going to pretend I didn't heard you assume my feelings like that" You scoffed in disbelief.
" What are you so afraid of though" he questioned raising an eyebrow at you.
" I already told you. First of all he's never going to like me back we only talked like twice and that's only because my clumsy ass bumped into him in the library"
" Don't you guys share a clase together" Chan asked while taking a sip of his coffee.
" Yes economics, but you know Mr. popular sits in the back surrounded by girls who are staring at him all day admiring his beauty while on the contrary I have to sit on the front so I can actually listen to Wilson talk about Adam Smith and his invisible hand of capitalism for an hour straight"
" Sounds like fun" he repeated mocking you.
" Today you are acting like a real asshole and I'm questioning why I'm still friends with you"- You said sending him a dead stare.
"I guess someone not in the mood for jokes" He said grinning.
"I'm just stressed out okay!"- You growled.
" Well I'm just going to say, you can keep denying it all you want I know you better than anyone else and unfortunately I can tell you are already in love with the poor man"
Mental note never talk about your love life with Christopher Bang because he has no fucking clue about anything else but music.
" When did you gotten so wise ? clearly never because all you are saying is nothing but bullshit" You crossed my arms in denial.
" Whatever you say Y/N. Why haven't you eaten your strawberry cake yet this matter must be really affecting you today because you tend to devore that thing in seconds"
The straberry cheesecake was just there sitting lonely on the table dripping the red syrup while the big chunk of straberry on top was slowly melting. You stared at it lost on your own thoughts.
There are too many reason why is even risky to think You were to like him but You couldn’t help to suppress a smile when You thought about him laughing or just walking confidently along with his friends through the hallways. You felt like a high schooler all over again having this secret crush on someone who can be seen as unreachable.
To you he was a like a shinning star in a sky, someone I wished upon up every night knowing that even with my extended hands I was never going to be able to touch because he felt too high for a simple mortal like yourself.
" HEY BANG CHAN"- a voice called for my best friend who rapidly turn his head looking for the owner.
You stayed there frozen In your place you could recognize that voice anywhere Seo Changbin one of the richest and most admired guys in school and of course for my misfortune his best friend.
“Hey Seo how you been?"  He asked while greeting the boy with a typical handshake.
There was no surprised that Changbin was talking to Chan they're both Music Majors, talented creative, self producers who were extremely passionate about their career unlike you who selected probably the most boring and time consuming career it could possible exist.
That's correct You were a Med student. Exciting knowing You’ll probably die before I get the chance to graduate.
"I've been well but actually I wanted to talk to you about a song I've been working on, do you maybe want to help me with some tracks ?” He asked directly and I could've sworn I heard Chris gasp.
" Of course mate I would love to" He replied with that beautiful smile showing off his dimples once again.
" I'm actually not that busy right now do you mind if we go to my place and work on it I barely started the beat" Changbin suggested.
" I don't mind I'm not busy either" Chan said immediately.
" Then let's go! can't wait for you to hear it" Changbin said turning around quickly.
You turned to face him for the first time since he got here, they were just talking comfortably as they pretended You wasn't even there but honestly You didn't mind at all, that's what happens when people with similar interests get together also nor You wanted to interrupt their personal conversation.
" I'm leaving Baby! I'll see you tomorrow I'm sorry we couldn't finish talking about you know what but I'll treat you to dinner next time"- Channie said while taking his jacket from the chair and standing up to follow Changbin.
" Don't worry about me, have fun with your new friend" You gave him a smile before he disappeared through the crystal doors of the coffee shop.
And then you came back to your thoughts while you kept on staring at my favorite dessert that didn't look as appetizing as before when you purchased it about 30 minutes ago.
As you was having this mental battle of trying to figure out my feeling for the dark haired boy you didn't even noticed that someone approached your table and stand there looking directly at you.
" Y/N" A sweet voice called out your name taking me out of your trance.
"Huh"- You said looking up confused.
That the minute your heart stopped for a couple of seconds and suddenly You forgot how to properly breathe. The most beautiful man was standing right there next to you with his hands on his pockets and his beautiful brown hair styled to the side. He was wearing sweatpants and a red hoodie but he still looked like a model.
"Can I sit here or are you waiting for someone" He asked offering that smile you always end up falling for.
Was he actually talking to you? You questioned mentally. You don't even know each other like that You wonder how is it possible that he even knows your name maybe he has a good memory and remembers you as the girl who tripped with the books on him on the library.
“God why did my mom had to made me uncoordinated” you said unaudible feeling your ears burn in embarrassment.
Your hands were sweating and You couldn't get the words out of your mouth you was suffocating on them.
" You can sit" you said rushing your words as you could spitted fire. If Chan ever needed a back up rapper you think you could do the job.
He proceeded to pull the chair in front of you and plopped himself on it while putting his elbows on the table and resting his cheeks on his hand his eyes looking directly at me. You instantly broke the eye contact and focused your gaze on that strawberry cheesecake again.
There was an awkward silence for a few minutes were neither of you made a sound until he decided to end it.
" Y/N i need to ask you something" His sweet voice sounded a little preoccupied.
" What is it" It was so hard for you to pretend to play it cool in front of him. The one who haunted you even on your own sleep a place where you thought it was safe. But not anymore.
"I know we haven't talked much but I found you really interesting" He scratched the back of his head nervously. "what I'm trying to say is that I would really like to get to know you I mean if that's okay with you of course" He said so fast no wonder why he's actually a rapper.
The red of your cheeks were just as the color of the strawberry syrup from that cake. How was you supposed to answer that while not long ago you was rejecting any possibility of liking him.
" I know this question might sound stupid to you but why me? You know there's absolutely no one in this one who hasn't fallen for you yet" I questioned still unable to believe on his words.
" Oh I know there's one, You are the only one who hasn't" He said obviously.
" So you are saying you find me challenging because I can resist to your charming face " you raised an eyebrow starting to feel offended you clearly wasn't going to be a game to him.
" Not quite I'm saying you are different and I like that maybe you don't realize it but even if the whole world liked me I would still only look at you, I mean I have been since you came in late the first day to Wilson's trying to fix yourself because you looked like you ran a marathon to get there" His laugh overflowed the whole room.
"Excuse me but my alarm didn't worked that morning and I didn't even got to eat breakfast so yes I ran my way all over there sorry I didn't looked presentable to your eyes but some people don't want to be late on their first day" You snapped back messing with him a little.
It was comfortable being with him like this right now. Something told me you was going to cherish this moment forever.
"I never said you looked bad in that moment I thought wow that messy girl is the prettiest one I've ever seen" A smirk spreading across his face.
"Are you just trying to cover up the fact that you literally just roasted me" You said laughing.
" Hey I didn't!” He said puffing outhis cheeks and You must admit he looks adorable every time he does that.
“By the way I was also meaning to ask is strawberry cheesecake your favorite as well?” He asked looking at the almost melted dessert.
" Yes it is. I have tried many variations but I always come back to this old friend, trust me I can eat strawberry cheesecakes for life I just haven't eaten this one because I was too distracted"
"Mine too! I love all kinds of cheesecakes to be honest with you, but no other flavor can surpass the deliciousness of the strawberry one. I must say it's my favorite because in some way it reminds me of you"
"How so" You asked curiously trying to hide the blush on your cheeks.
" It's really sweet but not to the point my teeth would hurt and the juicy texture of the strawberry just melts with the cheese and the cookie crust that's kinda how you are Sweet enough for me to like you with a twist personality that makes it even more fun"
You grabbed the fork and cut a piece of the cake while You shoved it on his mouth.
"Just be quiet for a moment you are being cheesier than the cheesecake" You said pointing at the plate while laughing at his sudden confession.
“Mmm this is delicious” He said savoring the taste on his lips. Liking them slowly in a teasing way.
“By the way, just for the record I was the one who purposely bumped into you at the library I'm sorry I had to grabbed your attention somehow" He winked at you with a smirk.
"JISUNG" You yelled at him.
You both talked about many things that afternoon but one thing you would never be able to forget is how his lips also tasted sweet like that strawberry cheesecake you shared.
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bigdaddyomega · 4 years
The Nunz: Chapter 1
Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far, far, far, far away, there was a church. This church was far different from an ordinary church. If one were to pass by, they probably would have never expected it to be a church. The appearance of the building seemed very old and rundown. Most were surprised that there were people still living in it. Though it was still very active. The yard and the greenery was indeed a very beautiful sight to see. The pond was perfectly clean where fish and many other small creatures were able to swim freely. The grass was perfectly cut and the flowers began to bloom. Which meant that spring was beginning to come.
Despite the beautiful sight of everything, Alyssa Nelson hated this place. It made her sick to her stomach just to look at it. She despised the way that the building looked. She felt that she would be living under terrible conditions during her stay at this place. If she could go back in time, she would have tried to convince her mom to not even think about sending her to this place that she believed was so horrid. She observed who she assumed were humans wearing silver masks and all black outfits playing a game of football with one another. She believed that they looked intimidating and already decided that she wanted nothing to do with them.
"Mom, do I really have to do this?" Alyssa asked her mom as she turned to look at the older version of herself.
"Yes, it's for your own good." Mrs. Nelson replied to her eighteen year old daughter. Alyssa shook her head.
"But I'm eighteen years old. I shouldn't have to go to rehab." She disagreed.
"It's not rehab. It's an alternative program for you to better yourself. And I am sending you here because you are eighteen. I don't want you to go down the wrong path and end up dead when you're twenty. That's my worst fear." Mrs. Nelson explained. Alyssa could hear the worry in her mother's voice and that made her feel extrmely uneasy.
"They always say that one time won't hurt, but that could not be further from the truth. I want you to better yourself. Just give this place a chance, Alyssa." Her mom said. This was the last time she could convince her child that this was what was best for her. The only response that her daughter gave was to roll her eyes and get out of the vehicle. At this point she knew that she no longer had a choice. All hope was lost for her. She popped the trunk open and began to get all of her belongings out with the help of her mother. Luckily, Alyssa was able to carry it all with both of her hands.
Meanwhile, a girl the same age as Alyssa was still sitting in the car in front of them. She observes the entire area. She admires the beauty of it all. But hates the fact that she has to be here with a passion. Like Alyssa, she felt that she had done nothing wrong. Or at least nothing horrible to where she needs to be here. Her father stared at the spitting image of himself in disgust. He most definitely believed that she deserved to be here. He wanted her to change. He just didn't want the responsibility of helping her to change.
"I hope that you get something out of however long you need to be here. So that you will never do what you did again." He told his daughter in a stern tone. She didn't mind him talking to her in this tone at all. In fact, she wanted to get out of the car so that she could get the hell away from him.
"Alright, later dad." Were this girl's departing words from him. She stepped out of the car and slammed the door to the passenger seat just to spite her father. She opens the back seat of the car and starts to take out each trash bag containing her belongings one at a time. The attention of those who are outside is now on her. Not a single one of those ghouls could take their eyes off her. Some were admiring her beauty. Others were judging by the way that she carried herself. Fire, the smallest ghoul of them all, could not help but to laugh. He did his absolute best to hide it by pretending to cough, and clearly that did not work. His best friend Aether shook his head.
"Dew, Don't laugh, it's not funny." Aether criticized. However, Fire just could not find the strength to stop.
"I can't help it!" Fire almost screamed and began to become hysterical. Those around him could see the tears of laughter streaming down his eyes.
"I really don't get it. She couldn't just ask somebody if she could borrow a suitcase?" Rain commented.
"I bet you she's too poor!" Swiss said. All of the ghouls looked at each other and began to laugh in unison. Fire was right, it indeed was very comical.
The other girl made it to the front of the convent without her father. She wanted to do this alone. It was also too late to want her father with her, he had already driven off. There was no turning back from here. She was officially stuck. Both Alyssa and her mother stare at the girl. Regardless of them judging her, she gave them a smile. Before anybody could say anything, the door opened to reveal a petite aging woman who had long gray hair that was tied back. Though she was aging, she was still very pretty and presented herself very professionally.
"Hello. I'm Sister Imperator, and I'm the director of this institution." The older woman introduced herself. She held out her hand to Mrs. Nelson first. They both shook hands and Sister gave her a smile. This smile was almost too nice. It had the potential to be deceptive.
"Hi, I'm Adele and this is my daughter Alyssa." Mrs. Nelson introduced the two of them. Sister Imperator then shook Alyssa's hand giving her that same smile and turned to the other girl.
"I'm Star. Nice to meet you." The other girl was finally able to reveal the name that she had given to herself just before being here. Sister Imperator furrowed her brows.
"I'm sorry, there has to be a mistake of some sort. I didn't get the name of Star in anyone's paperwork." She stated out of confusion. Star had to think of an answer. She couldn't stand her real name and believed that now was her chance to get away from it.
"Ok, that's just my nickname. If you read my paperwork thoroughly, you would know that my real name is fucking awful. So please, just call me Star." The young girl practically begged. The only instant response that Sister could give was to nod after she shook her hand.
"I understand completely. My real name isn't all that great either. But anyways, it is nice to meet you all. We are so happy to have you join us. Come inside and I'll show you around the convent before we make any final decisions." She said and reentered into her own home. All three of the other women followed her inside. All of their expectations of what this place was going to be were now gone. The interior of this place was absolutely stunning. The entire place was brightly lit due to the row of crystal chandeliers. The pillars surrounding the second floor looked as if they were just built in. The checker printed tiled floor was probably just cleaned minutes before they entered.
Sister Imperator showed them every inch of the inside of the building. From the cafeteria that was empty at the moment, but it was a very clean place. She also showed them an example of the rooms which they are going to be staying in. The king sized beds made both girls tired just by the sight of them. They did not have to lay in them to know that they were extremely comfortable. Even their bathrooms were very luxurious. However, nothing could beat the chapel. This entire area of the large building was the most beautiful of them all. The stain glass windows reflected many colors into the room and behind the altar was a large cross. Alyssa and Star had never seen a crucifix so big in their lives.
"As you all can tell, we are a very Christian organization. We do our best to help late adolesence and young adults to better imporve themselves in order to go out into the real world in just under two years." Sister Imperator explained as she opened the back door which lead to the outside of this place. Everyone followed her. Alyssa and her mom seeming normal, and Star, her eyes were so wide due to thinking about how she may not get out of here until she's twenty. All three women enjoyed the sight of the outside. Mrs. Nelson was observing from a critical view. But the girls were more interested in the football game going on between the ghouls.
"One of the ways of improvement that we have observed throughout this entire program is having at least two hours of physical activity every single day." Sister added her commentary once again. All of them watched as a nameless ghoul named Mountain had the ball in his hands. He was trying to throw it, but another ghoul named Swiss was blocking him from doing so.
"Swiss, move!" Mountain yelled in a very annoyed tone. However, Swiss did not respect his request and actually did the exact opposite. Swiss made the wise decision to kick Mountain in the ballsack. This was the worst feeling in the world for ghouls and humans alike. Mountain held onto his crotch area as if he was holding on for dear life. The only female ghoul out there at the moment took notice of what had happened. Cumulus was probably one of the most caring individuals of anyone in this place. Not only that, but anyone who came into contact with her found her to be adorable.
"Blow the whistle! Blow the whistle!" Were the only words that Mountain could say at the moment. Cumulus did just that.
"Half time!" She called out. Everyone groaned out of annoyance because one of the two teams was on the verge of winning.
"Typical." Swiss shook his head. He kicked Mountain in that same area again. But this time the pain was a lot worse than the previous kick.
"Let me ask you something, if this is such a Christian envirionment, then how come all of them over there are wearing devil masks?" Mrs. Nelson inquired.
"Oh well, it's one of the forms of punishments that we have here. That would mean that they comitted a mortal sin." Sister replied. Mrs. Nelson nodded even though she may not have agreed with that. It seemed that this was the end of the entire tour, and it was now time to make the decision whether or not Alyssa would be staying there. Alyssa was hoping and praying to the god that she doesn't believe in, that her mother has changed her mind.
"So, the last thing that I need to go over with you is pricing. I have the bill right here for you to make the final decision." Sister went into her jacket to take out an average piece of paper. Mrs. Nelson took it and her eyes nearly came out of their sockets as a result of reading the price.
"So, this is the price per year, correct?" She asked.
"No. Actually per week." Sister replied. Mrs. Nelson turned to her daughter and then placed her signature on the bottom of the paper. At this moment, Alyssa was officially doomed. She hated this feeling more than anything. She felt that she was about to have a heart attack.
"I'll pay for it the best way that I can, even if that means me getting a loan. But please help my daughter to improve. That's really what I want for her." Alyssa's mother said. Sister Imperator placed her hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry about that, she's in good hands with us." Sister reassured her. Alyssa and her mother shared one last hug with each other. This was the last embrace that they would have with one another for a long time. Potentially two years if her mother could not afford another flight to come see her. Her mother told her that she loved her as they left each other's embrace. Alyssa didn't tell her mother that she loved her back. In fact, she wanted nothing to do with her at that moment. She wondered how her mother could say that she loved her but send her to a place like this.
Once her mother had driven away, Sister Imperator's smile completely disappeared. She was now completely serious. It was almost like she had mutated right before their eyes. It scared both girls because they had no idea what to expect next.
"Alright bitches, listen up. Almost everything that I had said was complete and utter bullshit. I really could care less about your well being. I only do this program because I love my money. So if you two can keep your goddamn mouths shut for two years, then maybe your life won't be so miserable here!" She explained in a very feisty tone.
"So, this isn't a church?" Star wanted clarification. Out of all the question to ask, she asked that one.
"It is, just not a Christian church." Sister Imperator answered. Star nodded and then she tried to figure out what kind of church it really was.
"Now, you two should be escorted to your rooms. Cardinal!" Sister Imperator directed. Now the girls had their hopes up. Only because they saw how comfortable the beds were and only wanted to get at least an hour of sleep at the moment. A young looking man appeared suddenly. He was wearing all black and his light brown hair was neatly in place while the hat was able to stay on top of his head. Both of the girls thought he was sort of odd looking.
"Cardinal, this is Alyssa and Star, they are new potential sacrifices. Could you please escort these ladies to their new rooms?" Sister Imperator requested.
"Of course." Cardinal Copia answered and motioned for the two young women to follow him. Copia lead them back inside along with all of their stuff. When he noticed all of the luggage that they had, he was reminded of what needs to be done.
"Oh, I almost forgot. I need you to leave your belongings right here." He said. Both girls gave him a confused stare.
"What? Why?" Alyssa questioned.
"You're not allowed to have anything personal here. Anything that you need we'll provide for you." He explained.
"So then what's going to happen to my shit?" Star asked.
"You'll get it back when you're released." He said. Both of the girls dropped their stuff on the floor and displayed as much attitude as they could.
"You're making this shit sound like a prison." Star commented.
"Shut up and follow me." Cardinal Copia ordered and continued walking. Both of the girls followed him and now felt empty without carrying all of their belongings. He leads them down to a dark stairway. For them it was very scary. Star was wondering what the hell they needed to go into the basement for. Because that was what this place was, a basement. The further down they went, the more spearated from the sunlight they became. It took them about five total minutes to make it to the floor. It was cold and made of pure concrete. Alyssa jumped as soon as she saw the pentogram spray painted red on the floor. She didn't really know why she was so scared of it. It was only a geometric shape. But to her, there was just something so eerie about it. Star looked down as well and the symbol did not even phase her on the outside. But on the inside she was just as scared.
"So creepy." Alyssa whispered. Star nodded agreeing with her. Cardinal Copia stopped at a door on the side wall and took out an entire ring of many keys. Somehow he was able to pick out the right one to unlock the door. When the door opened, he motioned for the two of them to go inside. When they stepped in, neither of the girls were impressed. There were just two rows of twelve beds on each side. The only light source that they have is a single lightbulb in the middle of the ceiling. They both looked extremely disappointed.
"You're not going to tell me that this is our room." Alyssa protested.
"Pick a bed." Cardinal Copia said and closed the door from there. Both Alyssa and Star heard the sound of a click before the footsteps leaving the basement. That one click scared both girls to death. Alyssa immediately sprinted over and tried to turn the knob of the door. She couldn't. Neither of them could even try to break the door down. Both turned to each other with anxiety taking over the both of them.
"Shit. I hate to break it to you, but we're locked in." Alyssa revealed.
Author’s Note: wasn’t that shitty as fuck? Yeah I agree. But this is the first chapter of my first Ghost fanfic. As I said in my previous post, this is on my Wattpad but I’m going to post it on here. Enjoy regardless and I love y’all.💀❤️
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kl4us4 · 7 years
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Song: Eyes On Fire - Blue Mountain
A/N: im super sorry for how long this has taken and to everyone thinking that TRS is over, it ain’t i’m just bad at updating lol (also enjoy the song, it reminded me of O)
TRS // masterlist
Today's colder than it usually is on Earth. There's an eerie breeze blowing in as the surrounding wall becomes visible to your eyes. You can hear your bed calling your name already. The leaders are back. Word spreads throughout camp. However, before you can enter, O speaks up. 
"Great. Looks like it's time to be locked up again." Her voice is angered, full of vexation. Sighing, you hope Bellamy just ignores her anger. You’ve come to notice that Octavia can be a bit of a hothead at times, especially when it comes to her brother. 
 "Yeah, well we know what happens when you're let out," Bellamy replies, the feeling of irritation towards his sibling seems to be common nowadays. 
 "What? Would you rather me sink to your level and kill him?" She speaks up, making you swallow the lump in your throat. Things are about to get heated, you can tell. 
Bellamy stops walking, looking down at his younger sister. "I never said anything about killing Lincoln-" 
 "No, but I knew you wanted to." She responds, giving her brother a piercing look, "He saved my life. That spear that hit Jasper-" 
 "No, you're wrong." He interrupts, walking up to her angrily, "I saved your life." Bellamy point to himself, his eyebrows furrowed as the two Blake siblings argue outside of the gate. 
 Seeing as you don't want this to go any further, you step next to Bellamy, "I think you both need to-" 
 "For all you know, he was taking you to the cave to kill you! Who knows. Y/N and I weren't even safe there." Bellamy interrupts, making you feel uncomfortable that he's using you in a fight against his own sister. 
Octavia scoffs, shaking her head at the two of you. "I don't think so." You always thought that if you ever met siblings, they would be best friends. It just doesn't seem like the case here though. Where’s that man who risked everything just for his sister? 
 "You don't think, O! That's the problem." Bellamy sighs in frustration, "You're naive." 
 Your voice is soft and quiet but he hears you, "Bellamy-" 
 "She is!" He turns to you, "It's dangerous down here, you can't trust anyone especially when their aim is to kill us." 
 "They haven't-" 
 "They have," Bellamy states, looking down in shame. His voice is softer now, quieter. "On a hunt, they killed three of our people." 
 You never knew this. And worse of all, you never noticed. You were so wrapped up in your own little life that no one thought you deserved to know. In reality, Bellamy deliberately kept this from you. It was the day you were in the woods, alone. He knew you needed your time to worry about yourself, not three lives.
 "Why are you acting like that's my fault?" She furrows her eyebrows, sick of her brother attacking her for being on Lincoln’s side. He's a good person, why can't Bellamy see that instead of generalising every grounder. "Everything that's gone wrong is because of you. Not me!" 
 "Alright stop. You're both taking this too far." Your voice comes out in a beg, your senses seem to be on overload and their shouting is making you lose your mind. 
 "No." Bellamy states with a shrug, "Let her talk." In truth, Bellamy feels like he needs to hear her because he knows what's coming. He wants to feel bad about himself and he'll take that in any form he can. It's almost like a punishment for everything that's happened - every choice that's ended bad, every mistake he's made down here. 
 "You got me locked up on the Ark. You wanted me to go to that stupid dance. For god's sake, you even got Y/N locked up too." She gestures to you, making Bellamy look down. 
"Don't bring her into this," Bellamy mutters to Octavia, his order sounding like a beg. He can't look at you because he knows everything he's already done to ruin you and the worse part is he knows he can't make any of it better. 
 Ice travels up your legs and arms, freezing you to the ground. You wish you could move but something holds you to the ground. Octavia looks like she hates him. It breaks your heart because the only reason he's here is for her. "Why not?" Octavia laughs. But it's not happy, it sounds cruel. "Isn't she a prime example of what you do to people?" 
Her question is rhetorical but inside Bellamy's head, everything is yelling at him to agree with her. Your eyes are wide and for some reason, you feel scared. Why does everything she's saying sound right? 
"I know what I've done, more than you do." 
 Octavia raises her eyebrows, her arms crossed in the same way her brother does sometimes. "Really. So you know what you got mom killed?" 
 There's a pause of silence. You feel like your whole chest has been ripped out like a wound has been reopened. When your thoughts travel to your mother, you know you have to leave. Bellamy's lost his own mother, yet when it came to saving the hundreds of people on the Ark he barely did anything to help, fully knowing that the people up there were all adults. He didn't stop to think. Or care. 
 Not being able to go through this anger you feel again, you feel your chest beginning to ache with anger. ”Stop!” You shout loudly, grabbing both their attention. 
A split second after their heads snap to yours, a loud shatter rings out through the sky. Bellamy watches Octavia leave, wishing he could say something to make it alright. But he knows he can't. 
Your eyes are on the dark sky, wondering if this is really happening. It sounded like... lightning? You’ve never seen lightning before. Neither has Bellamy. The sky begins to cry above you, raindrops begin to fall heavily. Winds in the East.
“Come on.” He walks past you, his hand catching yours as he heads to the gate. You pull away, letting the rain fall onto your skin. You just breathe in the freezing air, praying it lasts forever. Bellamy looks at you quizzically, his eyebrows furrowed as water begins to run down your skin. “Come on, Y/N.” He pushes.
You look to him, knowing that there’s no time to be daydreaming but you can’t help it. “You come here.” You tell him. Rolling his eyes slightly, Bellamy walks up to you with a less than amused expression. The rain is harsh and loud, growing by the second. “Have you ever been in a storm?” You laugh.
A small smile grows onto Bell’s face and he wonders how someone can make him smile after one of the worst fights of his life. When he looks at you, you can feel your heart speed up. You don’t know what’s gotten a hold of you. The rain is infectious, making you smile.
He stays watching you, wiping rain from his eyelashes. It seems almost perfect. If an outsider has been looking in, watching the two of you, it would look as though you had no cares in the world. But because of everything that’s happened, you can’t even try to trick yourself into believing that that is true.
“Y/N!” Someone shouts, making you look past the blur of the rain and to the gates. Clarke stands there with Finn by her side, looking at the scene unfolding before them. 
You watch Bellamy turn around, eyeing Clarke's worried expression as she stands in the rain. “They need you. Go.” He states when he turns back to you, nodding for you to leave. You wonder what on earth you could be needed for. You have no qualifications and no skills. With further silence, you walk through the storm and back into camp.
Inside is chaos. Dark clouds spit out a mixture of wind and rain, blowing tents down with ease as you all head to the dropship. You walk past a number of people attempting to tie down a piece of parachute fabric at the entrance of the dropship - and failing miserably. 
“Are you sure it’s on the right station?” Wells speaks up, looking down at Raven at her work station. As you walk up to them, Raven turns to Wells with a glare.
“I’m sure.” She bites back, making Wells take a step back in surrender. 
Clarke sighs, placing a hand on Raven’s shoulder. “You can do this, okay?” Raven doesn’t say anything back, she just keeps on talking to the static in the radio. You stand beside Finn, who watches the entrance.
“Wasn’t Bellamy with you?” He wonders, curiosity on his features. 
You just shrug, looking to the door as another crack of thunder erupts. “He’ll find a way to ride out the storm out there. Now,” You turn to him, “What do you need me for?”
“Can you control the weather?” Finn asks, raising an eyebrow. 
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “I can’t even control my own two feet.” 
He smiles, “Okay. How about food distribution?” 
“Ah, the role I was born for.” You joke, giving him a smile. He laughs, gesturing to the ladder signalling for you to follow him up. The dropship feels like it’s shaking, getting more unsteady with each drop of rain and strike of thunder.
“We don’t really know how long this storm will last but Monty says it’ll definitely be a while.” Finn begins, searching a few containers that lay untouched by everyone else. He pulls out a few bags of dried meat and hands it to you. “Make sure everyone gets some. People get cranky when they’re hungry and with everyone in the same place, it’ll be worse.” He rolls his eyes, handing you two more packets.
“Will do.” You smile at him with a shrug, “How hard can it be?” 
You head for the door but Finn’s words stop you. “What’s going on with you and Bellamy?” 
You turn to him, eyebrows furrowed as he crosses his arms over his chest. “What do you mean?” You quiz.
“First you were all like, ‘We don’t have to take your shit, Bellamy!’ but now you seem okay with him.” He observes, his imitation of you making you laugh.
“Trust me,” you sigh, “I am anything but okay with him.” You admit, making Finn raise an eyebrow at you. “He’s extremely stubborn. Always thinks he’s doing the right thing.” You shake your head. 
Finn hums in agreement, letting a beat of silence fall between the two of you. “He shouldn’t be our leader.” He states, disgust filling his words.
Before you can talk to him about what he says, a sound from below the hatch makes you jump. The door quickly opens and there he is. The extremely stubborn Bellamy Blake. He takes one look at you and his face falls. “Oh, great.” He states, climbing up and kneeling beside the entrance, “You’re not going to like this.”
“What are you talking about?” Finn questions. Suddenly, you see what Bellamy had been doing. He lifts a bruised and beaten Lincoln into the Dropship. 
 @doctorwhoandrory @feelins-fadin @jaib2-blog @justacrush
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