#I just think Death should get to have pretty colorful wings. As a treat.
five-and-dimes · 10 months
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The flitflitflitflitflit of her wings
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toonjazzy · 9 months
Amuletos esquivos
Another Writing with Pearl
13 and a half year old Pearl woke up from another dream. This time she saw a burst of colors come together to form a flower and then the bright lights of all 5 colors turned into some mystical creatures with wings of light before they turned into people. She couldn’t tell who it was but just that it looked cool and she needed answers. She got out of bed, changed her clothes, and went to go see her best friend, Ambra.
Ambra smiled when she opened the door and saw Pearl there. “Pearl! Hello! Wow, you’re here pretty early this morning. What’s up? Family giving you trouble? I’ll fight them!” The taller girl said. Pearl laughed, “No, you don’t get to fight them…yet. It’s still early. I just wanted to see you? Can’t a girl go see her bestie?” She said so innocently. Ambra raised her eyebrow and smirked, “You want to talk to me about your dreams, don���t you?” She asked knowing exactly what the answer is. “……Yeah maybe…” Said Pearl as her face turned red. “Yeah I thought so, I’ve been your bestie for like what? 6 years? I know you too well!” Ambra said giggling. She moved so that Pearl could walk inside the house. “So, what was in it?” She asked. “Lights, flower, and people I had a hard time seeing.” Pearl answered. Ambra thought to herself, “Flowers mean happiness usually, was it a specific flower?” She asked. The smaller girl sighed “I have never seen it before, it shined like light and had multiple colors.” She replied. Ambra shrugged, “Maybe you’re very emotional? Or maybe it was just a silly dream, not all dreams have memories.” She laughed a bit. Pearl looked down for a minute, “Well, I have been on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. One minute I’m hopeless, then I’m happy, then I get sad again, then I feel angry, then happy, then I cry…” Pearl said quietly. Ambra gave her a hug, “It’s okay to be emotional. I know everyone keeps trying to say that’s all we are and there’s that pressure we put on ourselves to stop that, but I think we should own that. I think we should be emotional. So don’t think of it as a bad thing, maybe the dream was telling you it’s okay!” She explained to her best friend. Pearl let out a small tear and said nothing. Ambra remembered what she was up to before Pearl arrived. “Oh! I forgot, I’m getting rid of my old books I don’t read anymore. If you want, I can give you some!” She said smiling widely. “Oh yes! I really want to read new stuff! My parents hardly buy me books except for the ones about ‘Being a proper lady’. I would love to see what you grew up with!” Said Pearl as she felt cheerful again. “Great! Let’s go check it out then!” Ambra said as she led her up to her room.
Pearl looked for hours, grabbing loads and loads of books. They all seemed interesting to her, she couldn’t wait to read them all. Ambra had to get her a wagon to carry all of the books home with. They happily took the wagon all the way to Pearl’s house and unloaded it all into her room. Ambra left so that Pearl could read in peace. The young teen picked up a thick book that appeared to be about magic and all sorts of mystical stories. According to the book, there were multiple vellumentals besides the four everyone was familiar with. Some pretty tragic stories were in the book, apparently some of them murdered each other. What creeped her out was the one who was called the Goddess of Death, she apparently was causing the demise of multiple vellumentals and even innocent people as she did not understand her power. When the others put a stop to her crimes, she declared that she would return centuries later reincarnated and continue her plans. The book says in her new life she was treated poorly and used this as her excuse to murder innocent lives. To stop her, 5 amulets must come together to stop all of it. Pearl stopped there and stared with her eyes wide open. The amulets were Pink, blue, black, green, and yellow. It says one is made of Pearl and is claimed to be lost. This especially caught her attention, her entire life she had a Pearl amulet she always had on. She closed the book, this has to be a coincidence right? But what if it wasn’t? Did that mean she had to find the other amulets? Return the Pearl one to somebody? Find somebody else like her? This was all too much, but she knew everyone would call her crazy because it’s just stories right? They aren’t real…At least not here…Yet…
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The Obey Me Brothers and Undatables vs An Insect/Arachnid Loving MC
I find it amazing how many people find it disturbing that I just love some insects and arachnids (not more than birds but still, insects can be both cute and cool even when they manage to terrify me so I can't help but love them lmao).
It's so cool how insects are actually the most dominant species in the world even before humanity existed and will most likely still be even after humanity ceases to exist, of course some of them actualy spread disease and such but it's not all of them and the mosquitoes that do spread it are females and they are just sucking your blood to feed their babies and the males like flowers over your blood, I actually don't like all spiders but I love tarantulas with all my heart although I can't say the same for wasps, they are evil but they can be so cool I have so many mixed feelings and cockroaches can be so adorable specially the forest/wild ones, have you ever seen them eat fruits??? They are so cute! And don't even get me started on how a d o r a b l e beetles are-
Lucifer vs Ladybug
Taking strolls in the Castle's garden when you are accompaning Lucifer in his work are very common.
Just taking a fresh breath of the Devildom's air in between breaks with you by his side powers him up like crazy.
Now that being said, he doesn't really appreciate losing your attention to a little, colorful, bug crawling on one of the flowers in said garden.
"Lucifer, look! It's a ladybug! It's so different from the human world!"
That is true, ladybugs in hell were brighter in color and had a toxin in their bodies that- Oh wait
"Don't touch it!" Lucifer grabbed your hand in realization "haven't you learned anything about bright colors in nature? The toxin in their bodies can melt your skin off!"
He really didn't expect your eyes to get even more shiny.
"Ladybugs in Devildom are both bright and dangerous??!! I'm so jealous!"
With that, he became both exasperated and more in love with you.
Does this have a relation to the fact that you love him and his brothers even thought they are demons?
He is definetelly giving you a brooch in the shape of a ladybug later
Mammon vs Cockroach
If you think this man didn't scream like a plate being scratched with a fork when he saw a cockroach in your bedroom, you are wrong.
I mean, okay, he was on the floor and the thing just decided to crawl up to his head out of nowhere.
He jumped over the table so fast it probably has beaten a world record.
"Aw! It's a baby cockroach!"
It's true, it was very small compared to adult ones, but Mammon didn't care.
And of course instead of killing it you just raise your eyebrown at him while scooping the thing up with a paper.
And of course you needed to bring it really close to him just to watch him squirm before you decide throw it out of your bedroom's window.
He definetelly will ask you to wash your hands before comforting him even if you didn't even touch the cockroach directly.
Leviathan vs Dragonfly
You cannot tell me dragonflies in Devildom are actually very few and actually have the size of a small dragon.
It all happened on the day you and Levi got lost in the forest searching for a raven that stole his just purchased phone charm of a game that he was currently addicted to.
Both of you were looking for a way out when you heard an extremelly loud buzzing noise from somewhere in the woods.
Of course both of you followed the sound because first, you just know that must be one big ass insect since it sounded almost like a helicopter and you had to see it, and second, Levi suddenly forgot all about the charm (and being lost) and started rambling about how 'it couldn't be! Is it really-!'
And that is how you guys found his new Henry.
A giant, navy blue, shiny dragonfly, that was currently eating the Raven you and Levi were searching for.
Let's just say Levi got his charm back and both of you got a free ride to the House of Lamentation.
Satan vs Spiders
Where there are old books, there are spider webs, and where there are spider webs, there's at least a 50% chance there are spiders in there.
So you can say Satan was quite familiar with the eight legged creatures, although he never really paid them much attention.
That is until he found they were of your interest.
You will never see someone start to give spider names, treat them with courtesy and have small talks with them faster than with this man.
Getting a book from the House of Lamentation's library and there's a web in the way along with a resident spider? "Excuse me, I will have to disturb you a little, I hope you don't mind a bit of damage to your home"
He is reading and suddenly sees a spider dangling down from a web string right besides him? He is definetelly letting it land on his hand just so that he can show it to you.
One day he even choses to read a book in his berdoom that a tiny spider was standing on. The sight of the tiny thing crawling around the pages as he reads it and explains some things out loud is so precious to see.
Asmodeus vs Scorpions
Of course, what would suit the Lust Demon better than his own patron?
That is until you teach him that there are more than just one type of scorpion, and there is one type that has really big claws and a thinner tail that are usually pretty big in size.
Why would learning that be a bad thing, you ask? Instead of stinging its food, it actually grabs it like a crab.
So yes, the day Asmo held one and didn't use his charms, it pinched him.
Needless to say, it was chaotic.
Leaving the fact he is never approaching those kinds of scorpions ever again, he coos a lot at you while you coo at the small scorpions.
If you tell him the fact that they are his patron just makes you love him more, he will be so happy he will be squealing for the next 5 minutes.
He has definetelly taken a few dozens, of pictures for you while holding one or more scorpions.
His followers in the devilgram were surprised at how even while holding that thing, Asmo still looked amazing.
Scorpions definetelly became sensation in Devildom after that.
Beelzebub vs Flies
Again, nothing better than his own patron.
If he didn't have to swat them off his food that is.
He has definetelly eaten some accidently.
"Look! I managed to make it crawl up to my finger without scaring it!" you say.
"That is cool. But you should probably wash your hand." He replies.
He's right, wash your hands if you ever grab onto flies.
He finds it really cute that you like insects, and it makes him tingly on the inside when he remembers that his symbolic creature is an insect itself.
Don't hold back on asking him to change into his demon form more often, he is very happy to do it.
He starts paying more attention to insects and flies in general after he finds out how much you love them.
How big their are, their color, where he saw them, what were they doing, if they tasted good.
And then he proceeds to tell you all about it.
He is very cute.
Belphegor vs Butterflies
It's not that he attracts butterflies, no. But he actually likes them, finds them cool even.
Did you know some butterflies disguise as another type butterfly because that type is actually not very tasty to eat so the animals stay away from them?
And how many of them have patterns on their wings that look a lot like Owls and again, it makes animals stay away from them?
And the whole symbolism of life, death and rebirth around them? And the fact that the larvae eating everything around them reminds him a lot of Beel?
Belphie definetelly likes butterflies and you cannot tell me otherwise.
So when he finds out you love insects? Oh he is definetelly taking you to the best butterfly watching spot either in the Devildom or the Human World.
It's specially cute when he falls asleep and one lands on his face.
He definetelly had a minor heart attack when he woke up to the sight its wings but he will never admit it.
Also definetelly grabs it and puts it on you instead.
It's counterproductive as you end up looking too cute for him to handle.
Solomon vs Beetles
I mean beetle fights.
You thought you liked insects, just wait until you see this man cheering on a beetle like an excited kid.
Also finds it hilarious when one just yeets the other away.
And because now you are there to feed more into his love for beetles, one day he casts a spell on two of them to make them big enough to ride and just showed up outside your window like:
"No time to explain, get in the beetle"
Because of safety measures, no, you guys didn't have a giant beetle fight.
But you did ride them around the Devildom forest at 2am.
You thought it would be an insane ride with lots of adventures
But you guys just ended up star gazing while laying on them.
He forgot to turn them back to their original size and they scared a few of the residents of Devildom.
Simeon vs Mantis
Warning: it's a big goreish
When you introduced the praying mantis specifically to Simeon, he was immediatelly in awe.
And then you proceeded to show him how they can have many shapes and forms, be it as leafs, tree branches, and others.
And he was so intrigued!
But then you gave him the more, specific details.
Like how they can feast on their prey while they are still alive.
And how it actually can attack small birds such as humming birds, eating their brain tissue through their eyes.
And how the females practice a cannibalism ritual, feasting on their partners after mating.
That's when his writer self came to light.
What I mean is, he was now both horrified and extremelly inspired.
Simeon can be scary sometimes.
Diavolo vs Ants
If you can find ants in every nook and crany around the world, you cannot tell me you can't find them in hell.
If they are able to travel the sea just by being taken along with baggage on accident, they have definetelly come to hell the same way, specially black crazy ants.
So honestly, I wouldn't find it surprising that Diavolo would have at least one big colony of ants he takes care of.
But he didn't have it until you pointed out why ants were awesome to him.
"They don't eat the leafs, they are farmers and what they eat is the other tiny creatures that decompose the leafs" "they can go to extreme lenghts to find their food and they have a real good teamwork, often they don't eat right away but instead bring the food back to the colony to feed the young" "Some ants that live in tropical weather that rains a lot, such as the amazon, can swim! And they do it together in big, ant, nests!"
Needless to say, he was intrigued.
Such tiny creatures are able to eat other insects much bigger than them? And they love sweets?
They actually like their homes clean and throw their trash into the very corner of their enclosure? Their bite can actually hurt a lot even to creatures gigantic copared to their size such as humans??
He had his own personal colony the very next day.
Barbatos vs Bees
This man definetelly has his own share of appreciation for bees even before you told him you like insects.
They are very good helpers in the garden, their honey can be used on a extremelly big variety of both food and health products along with their wax, and honestly, they're just so fuzzy and cute.
If you want to get a rare laugh or chuckle out of him, make bee movie references.
He will just stop in his tracks and cover his mouth as he tries not to laugh.
You could almost make him spit his drink if you do it while he is drinking something.
And you can't tell me this man can't make bee related puns with a straight face. It's unbeeliveable
Aight, imma head out
(This was basically an insect/arachnid appreciation post and I have no regrets)
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muertawrites · 3 years
Fireside (Zuko x Reader)
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Word Count: 1,775
Author’s Note: I am so deeply sorry this took so long to post. I don’t know what happened but after Thanksgiving the creative part of my brain completely shut down and all I could do was lay in bed and play video games. But it’s back now so 🎉🎉🎉 happy new year to all of us! 
I got this request a WHILE ago and had written something else for it but after reconsidering, I totally hated it, so this is the rewrite for some cozy, wintery goodness. I also love this idea because I’m constantly cold - my feet and hands are always freezing and even in summer I’ll wear sweaters and hoodies because aircon can get pretty chilly when you have the body temp of your average vampire. 
Now for a little update: in the new year, I’ll be focusing more on original works than fanfiction. I’m still going to finish Two Halves, and I’ll still write fanfiction (because it’s still super fun) but I have so many ideas for original works that are taking over my brain that it seems only fitting to shift that direction. If you’re on my subscriber list and would like to only receive alerts for fanfic, let me know and I’ll add you to a separate list. 
I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday, taking time to relax and spend time with loved ones, and generally just glad to have survived this shithole of a year. Here’s hoping that 2021 goes better - 2020 set the bar pretty low so it shouldn’t be too hard. 🥂
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Snow was a rare occurrence in the Fire Nation. Summers typically scorched, followed by peaceful autumns and mild winters; a little rainfall was all one typically expected during the colder months in the Imperial City. 
This year, however, was much different. The mountains that bordered the villages and towns throughout the island were white capped under gray skies; streets were slickened by thick layers of ice that settled between cobblestones and creased the panes of windows; bracing breezes swept through landscapes unaccustomed to such unforgiving weather, carrying flurries of snow that bit at cheeks and cloaked the world in a dull ivory veil. Winter came to the Fire Nation seeking a cruel, unwarranted vengeance.
You woke in the middle of the night to find the fire beside your bed had died, leaving your borrowed room in a state of bitter, slicing cold. It wasn't the first time the Firelord’s palace had left you uncomfortably chilled since your arrival for his New Year’s celebrations, as the building was never meant to withstand this type of climate - sweeping ceilings, open breezeways, and tall windows with thin shutters ensured that the cold had its way. Being from the Northern Earth Kingdom, used to sturdy wooden lodges with massive fire pits that could burn an entire tree trunk with one lighting, this strange change of the typical season made you ache for home. 
Knowing there were no matches beside the hearth (given the sheer amount of fire benders that resided in the palace), you gathered up your courage and begrudgingly rolled from your mattress, taking the blankets with and wrapping them tightly around yourself. The walls around you creaked, shifting under the push of moaning winds, as you slipped into the hallway in search of your host. 
You were thankful that Zuko decided to keep his personal wing of the palace confined to a space that was mostly enclosed; the only breezeways in this part of the sprawling estate surrounded its courtyards and gardens, and were blocked by sets of heavy wood doors that shielded the inner parts of the building from being overcome by the elements. As you walked, traipsing through the corridor under your mound of blankets like some sort of shadowy, death-bringing phantom, you passed one of the windows that overlooked the gardens, and found it frosted under heavy white tufts of snow; puffy, clumped flakes whirled down from the sky, falling haphazardly as they escaped the grip of the whipping wind. Even in the relative warmth of the palace, your body shivered thinking of how frigid the air outside must be. 
Because of the abnormal cold, Zuko moved his mattress out of his bedroom and into his sitting room, where a large, decorative fireplace stood nestled into the far wall. You approached his sleeping form with gentle, quiet steps, being careful not to startle him; you lay a hand on his shoulder and he jolted awake, drawing a sharp breath in as he twisted to face you, blinking blearily to make out your features in the dark. 
“What are you doing?” he muttered. 
“I'm cold,” you whispered in response. “My fire went out.” 
Zuko sighed, fixing you with an irked, exhausted expression. 
“Seriously?” he groaned. “This is the third time this week.” 
“It's not my fault nobody has any friggin matches in this place,” you quipped. “And besides, why bring a servant all the way up here when I have one of the world’s greatest fire benders down the hall?”
Zuko huffed, then rolled back over in an attempt to shove you off. 
“There should be more blankets in your closet,” he grumbled. 
“I'm wearing all of them,” you retorted. 
You stood above him, waiting, but got no response. Shivering, and with an exasperated sigh, you pulled back the blankets around him, shuffling between them and nestling into his back; he snapped his head around once more, eyeing you suspiciously. 
“... Isn’t this a little uncomfortable?” he wondered. 
“Not really,” you replied. “We used to do this all the time when we were teenagers.” 
“We haven't done this since we were teenagers.”
You hummed, recalling your time together during the war. Even on the hottest days, your body was cold, your fingers always reasonably corpselike to anyone who happened to touch them - Zuko was one of those unfortunate people, and the lack of circulation in your limbs came as quite a worry to him. Throughout the day, he would take one of your hands in his, heating his palm until your skin took on a more lively temperature. When he noticed how much you layered at night when the air became cooler, he started sleeping nearer to you, eventually curling up around you to keep you warm. After the war, when he got into the habit of visiting you around the winter holidays, you still found yourself seeking him for warmth, tucking your hands into the sleeves of his robes or curling his palm around your icy fingers, finding sanctuary in the way he heated his skin to appease you. While it was true you hadn't slept together since you were younger, you hadn't ever needed to - desperate times called for desperate measures. 
“I should have remembered that you get so grumpy when you're tired,” you teased him, rubbing your feet against his; he hissed, but didn't pull away. 
“You're freezing,” he commented. “I should have remembered you're dead on the inside.” 
You giggled, sighing happily as the familiar heat of his skin warming like a furnace chased the chill from your toes. You slid your feet up along his ankles, causing him to shiver; his body tensed for a moment, then eased into your touch, quickly finding comfort in its familiarity. 
“Aang used to assume we were a couple because of this,” Zuko mumbled. “He still does.” 
“You're just a good friend,” you replied. You nuzzled your face into the broad, solid expanse of his back, breathing in his scent of scorched wood and sea salt. He felt like home. “Good friends don't let their friends freeze to death.” 
Zuko chuckled, taking hold of your hands that lay on his waist and cupping them within his own; he held your knuckles up to his mouth and huffed warm, smokey air onto them, heating them until they no longer felt cold. He tucked them beneath the fabric of his tunic, keeping them tepid between the fabric of his undershirt. 
“Uncle says the same thing,” he mused. “He says we treat each other like lovers, whether we realize it or not.” 
“My neighbors have asked me what my husband does that takes him away for so long out of the year...” you commented, eliciting another breathy laugh from your companion. “But I think I'd know if you were in love with me.” 
Zuko rolled over, turning to face you; his arm latched at your waist, his chest almost pressed to you and your noses grazing each other in the small space of his mattress. You blushed, the color blending with the soft, balmy glow of the low hearth behind him. 
“What makes you think I'm not in love with you?” he wondered. 
You paused, watching the flames flicker over the angular features of his face. Though he was silhouetted, and so close he seemed to envelop all of you, you could make out a tender gleam in his eye; could feel the flutter in his chest as he split it open, tentatively revealing his heart to you. 
“... I'd like to think you would have mentioned it,” you answered after a moment, “but I know you better than that.” 
Zuko grinned; you watched the curve of his cheek as it swelled with the action. 
“I might have mentioned it,” he murmured, his voice lilting with a gentle mirth. “Just not to you.”
“Of course not,” you teased. You mirrored his smile, easing into him as his foot began to stroke against your ankle once more. “Either way, I know you don't love me.” 
“And why is that?” Zuko whispered. 
“Well… you never write to me about anything exciting,” you replied. “You always seem so content to write to me about your thoughts, or what plays you've seen recently, or your conversations with Iroh. You never tell me about the impressive, world-altering Firelord stuff or your incredible exploits as a warrior.” 
Zuko smirked, raising a hand to brush some hair away from your face. His fingers were calloused and lukewarm, tracing over your temple with consideration and care. 
“Why else?” 
“You've never tried to kiss me,” you noted, “or touch me like a lover. You never try to push our boundaries past anything that's comfortable for us. Even right now - I'm laying in your bed, but you refuse to touch me in a way you're unsure of.” 
“Then you don't love me, either,” Zuko added. His body had gravitated flush to yours, your legs braided together under the pile of blankets you'd buried him in. “You only want to sleep with me when you're cold. You could just as easily call a servant for help.” 
“And you only want to keep me warm out of obligation,” you agreed. “It wouldn’t make you look very good if I died of hypothermia on your watch.” 
For a long moment, Zuko gazed at you. You basked in his silence, the easiness of his form so close to yours, the native feeling of his arm around your waist and his breath tickling your cheeks. The fire snapped quietly in its hearth, its flames rising and falling in time with his inhales and exhales. 
“I’ve missed this,” Zuko admitted in a whisper. “Laying with you. I wish we could do it more often.” 
“I’ve missed it, too,” you affirm. “I always used to sleep better with you.” 
“And that’s it?” Zuko teased. 
“That’s it,” you giggled back. 
He chanced a kiss to your forehead, pressing his lips between your brows and letting them linger there, savoring the coolness of your skin. You shut your eyes, giving yourself entirely to his touch. 
“In the new year… do you think we could be lovers?” he asked as he pulled away. 
“... I think your uncle is right,” you murmured. “I think we already are.” 
With a faint, bashful smile, Zuko pulled you closer (if the act were even possible), hugging you tightly to him; you held him close, pressing the whole of your body to his and soaking in his steady, comforting warmth. As the wind howled outside, shaking the flimsy wooden eaves of the feeble shelter around you, you fell asleep in the heat of his fireside, safe in the knowledge that his arms held you. 
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The Rose Emerald
I got bored and I hyperfixate so this is based on the Chaos Emerald Filmverse Theory and Potential Roster
What was left of the Chaos Emeralds were split across the universe after the loss of the red gem. None of the selected planets for safekeeping were allowed to know where any emerald was sans theirs, and most of the emeralds were kept under heavy guard, heavy security, and intense secrecy.
When the fifth emerald was given to the Voxai, it was a shining green- some said brighter than the Master Emerald itself. The Voxai, of course, took their duty to guard the emerald as seriously as they could; the Overmind gave suggestions on how to build its safe place, how to keep it from those who would use it for destruction. For decades, it sat untouched in a glass chamber, inside a temple hidden amongst the Beta colony.
The second guard of the emerald, after the death of the first, was Thebes, and he’d been very nervous about his job. He’d been especially nervous when he reached the emerald and it was no longer green- the psychic energy that emanated from not just the Voxai, but from their planet itself, had leaked into the gem, regardless of their best efforts, and now it was a pale, shining pink. Almost the same color as the markings across Thebes’s translucent shell.
Not too soon after Thebes had begun his guard duties- checking on the emerald and the temple, keeping it clean and stable, making sure nobody else had broken in- the emerald started doing strange things. Glowing, rocking gently in its enclosure, seeming to breathe. The Overmind hadn’t heard of such behavior from the previous guard, and Thebes was getting quite concerned. First it changed color, then it started doing... this.
One day, he came into the temple, floating along the light, icy air of their home planet, but when he looked upon the glass case, he saw no emerald. Instead, there was a small creature- strange, not like the Voxai at all. There was no shell, only some kind of spikes along its skin, and four thick limbs waving in the air. It had a hole in its face, which it was using to make loud, angry noises. The only thing recognizable was the shade of pink. The emerald’s shining pink now coated the creature- no, the child. It was an infant. A baby.
Thebes had to be careful bringing it to the Overmind, not wanting to leave it alone but also not wanting to drop it as he flew. But without an extensive tail (only a puny one), and without familiar limbs, it was hard to even figure out how best to pick it up. Eventually he managed to use his left wings to hold it to his chest, but then it kept screaming and spitting some kind of liquid onto him, which was very unpleasant.
He finally got it to the Overmind, and after several hours of confused discussion, a deep dive into the nearest library, and frantic scrambling to get some kind of nutrients for the infant to get it to stop crying, they finally had information for Thebes. And instructions.
“It’s a Mobian- the kind of alien that held the emeralds first.” Overmind Leucosia explained, as a carrier was tied to Thebes’s shell. “It seems that the Chaos Emerald has shifted into an infant mobian- we must do further research to determine what this means. In the meantime- you are the emerald’s guardian still. So guard the child.”
Thebes had very much not wanted to hear that. He had enough anxiety as it was, he couldn’t add a child on top of that. He didn’t even know how to take care of Voxian children, and they were easy- just a few mental outbursts here and there. And now he had to care for an alien child with needs he couldn’t understand and with the strangest appearance he’d ever seen, and...
Overmind Riadne seemed to sense his fear, and reached out to him, sending a gentle wave through his mind. It calmed him, the comfort she was offering him leaking into his body, his wings flickering slower and his tail swooshing from side-to-side.
He finally moved his gaze downwards, to the carrier strapped to him. Inside of it, the little baby Emerald was curled up, its tiny hands clutching onto the material, rubbing its face against it. It had stopped crying, and instead just looked peaceful. Happy.
The Emerald had given itself life. And it was now a little mobian, crawling across the floor, putting its mouth on anything it came across and falling over with the slightest breeze.
Mobians were very different than Thebes had ever thought. Only a few of them could fly, and they saw with what Thebes had thought were simple markings on the face. They often had differing skin, differing heights and weights, and very strangely, differing minds. Voxai could be individual, yes, but they had a hivemind to connect them, to make them part of each other. The Mobians had no such connection, leaving them all alone to think on their own. How lonely that must be, Thebes thought. To not be able to calm another’s fears, or cheer another on in such a simple, yet intimate way.
The Overmind’s research had yielded nothing. No tales of the emeralds taking form, no tales of any changes in the stones... Thebes wondered if it was his fault, but he couldn’t think of anything at all out of the ordinary he’d done leading up to the transformation, nor could anyone else. But nevertheless, the Emerald didn’t seem to be turning back, so they just had to work with what they had.
Thebes floated to the child, brushing it with a wing. It felt him, and looked up, letting out a loud noise that Thebes had discerned to be laughter. It reached up its arms, trying to grab his wings and lift itself high into the air.
It will need a name, Thebes thought. If it will stay mortal.
The child lifted its arms again, its fists opening and closing, trying to grab onto its guardian. “Up-mi!” it called- it had recently begun attempting to communicate, though its words made little sense. “Uh-mi!”
What is that, little one?
“Uh! Mi!”
Amy. That was a name that meant beloved.
That was fitting.
Amy had moved into childhood, and she still would not stop getting into trouble. She climbed on everything she could, trying to get high enough to jump on a Voxai for a surprise ride. She would grab small objects, swinging them around as some kind of game. She poured through tablets, her eyes faster than light as she absorbed whatever information she could get her hands on. 
“Thebes, what does ‘sy-kick’ mean?” she asked.
(They had found that while she could connect to the hivemind, it was a very weak link, and so it was easier for her to speak aloud, and for the Voxai to respond in their normal way.)
“Psychic, Amy.” Thebes replied, floating beside her. “It is a word often used to mean one who connects to another’s mind- or sees forward into the future.”
“Like you!”
“Like the Voxai, yes.”
“Am I psychic?”
“A little. We’re not entirely sure what the expanse of your abilities is.”
“I dunno what that means.”
Yes, it took her a bit longer to learn larger words than it would the average Voxai child. “We don’t know what you can do.”
“I can do this!” Amy jumped, grabbing onto his wing and swinging back-and-forth. “Whee, whee, whee!”
Amy was certainly a strange child. She shouted, she cried, and she had to always be moving. She didn’t seem to have an appreciation for stillness whatsoever, and instead needed to run, or jump, or climb, or swing. She could not fly, was barely connected to the hivemind, and was always being loud.
She was a strange child, and she was the Voxai’s child. 
It had taken them quite a while to get used to her, but by the time she seemed to gain sentience, the whole colony had gotten into the swing of letting her run and play in her own way. And it wasn’t as if she wasn’t like them whatsoever- it barely mattered that they couldn’t connect to her thoughts, as she always spoke them aloud. She would try to help as much as she could, using her strange limbs to carry materials to and from construction sites, or help garden the small, sparse patches of land that could produce nutrients. She would watch the Voxai children play their own games, and join in when there was a game that didn’t require wings or an intense connection to the Overmind. If she couldn’t join in, she would cheer everyone on, or find a way to play referee, so it was never like she was lonely or left out. 
She had a strange way of showing physical affection, too, but they accommodated her as best they could. While Voxai would usually show affection via their hivemind- or, if they had to be physical, by brushing wings or tails- Amy was always grabbing onto some part of them. Forget simple brushing, Amy would climb up their tails, swing on their wings, and cling to their backs, leaning against them and just feeling them breathe under her. At first, it was strange, but it seemed to help her- the more physical affection she got, the more comfortable she seemed, so soon the Beta Colony was used to treating her a bit differently, in pretty much every way.
Yes, she was a strange child, and she was the Voxai’s child. But most importantly, at least to Thebes... she was his child.
He had been there when she learned how to walk- he’d studied for months on how mobians moved so he could best help her amble along. He was there when she picked out what nutrients she liked to eat and would throw the others on the ground, and he would teach her that was rude and she really should have just expressed that she didn’t want them. He was there when she started to speak, learning along with her how best to communicate. He was there when she fell asleep against him that first night, curling his wing around her like a blanket, and he was there, teaching her how to spell and count. He took her to the library to study whatever languages they had, fascinated with how quickly she picked them up, feeling intensely proud of her for running to the nearest librarian to practice her sentence structure. He was there when she scraped her knee and began to cry, and they figured out how to make it feel better. He was there when she’d cry again, reading a sad book, and he was there when she’d run to him, reciting quickly something funny she’d read in a different story in hopes that he would laugh, too, at least in his own way.
Whenever he expressed how proud he was of her, he could see her eyes light up, and then she’d shut them tight and wiggle her nose a little, her smile brightening even the darkest of nights. If he had to express disappointment- if, for example, she said something unnecessarily cruel to another child, or she hid the scroll she broke instead of admitting to it, she would get very upset, leaking water from her eyes, and she would promise to never repeat the behavior, knowing now that it wasn’t right. Thebes hated seeing her upset, but then later, when she did the right thing instead of repeating wrong behavior, he got to be proud of her again, and see her bright smile.
She wasn’t perfect, by any means. Mainly, she had some issues expressing her anger in a healthy way. More than once he had to show disappointment in her breaking something in a fit of fury- though, honestly, he wasn’t quite sure if her way of breaking things was normal for a mobian or not. She would kick a rock and watch it shatter into pieces, or punch a wall and create a gaping hole. He didn’t think mobians were supposed to do that- and it got even stranger when she would stomp on the ground during a tantrum and create a crater, or lift up an entire house to grab a lost toy. Most worryingly, when she was angered, her normally green eyes would spark with energy, glowing the same pink as her quills. He knew that most Voxai couldn’t do these things, certainly, and though she was clearly not a normal Voxai, he wasn’t sure if she was a normal mobian, either.
He also wasn’t sure if that was good or not.
Once every cycle, Thebes would take Amy to visit the Overmind, so they could check on her progress. Afterwards, she would play with a toy they’d found for her, while the adults would discuss their research. Since she’d started talking, Amy was always very well-behaved when with the Overmind, addressing them by name and asking them how their cycle had been, answering all of their questions with a smile while bouncing on her paws and letting her tail wag back-and-forth. Then she’d go play, oblivious to whatever discussion was happening around or about her.
That started to change as she got older, though, and it was because of Thebes, unfortunately. Thebes had been unable to hide his discomfort at times, and though he’d told a questioning Amy that nothing was wrong, really, she could sense that something was troubling him.
Indeed, as the years pressed on, he felt that the Overmind was... becoming strange. The hivemind was meant to encourage them all, but sometimes he’d hear whispers of the Overmind being too pushy, sending out instructions that some Voxai couldn’t make themselves disobey. He’d never experienced it himself, but the more he visited with Amy, the more he started to see signs of something strange going on with them. He didn’t know if it was the stress around the lost Chaos Emerald, a corruption of power, a new behavior they’d picked up from another planet they’d trade with, or a combination of all of it, but they were, indeed, getting pushy. They’d ask him questions that were normally considered impolite, about himself and about Amy. At times, they talked about her as if she wasn’t at all alive, as if she were still an emerald locked up in a hidden temple. That above all made Thebes angry. She may have once been that emerald, but now she was Amy, his Amy, who loved to read and play in the garden and climb on whatever she could find, who was curious about this world and any other world she researched.
It worried Thebes, but not enough.
One cycle, when Amy was about eight or nine years old, the Overmind stated that in their research, they thought she may be able to summon things with her mind. Bring items out of nothing. Thebes thought this was ridiculous, but he agreed to try with her.
It took several weeks of work, of Amy sitting on the ground, imagining items she’d want to create, and then growing bored and wandering to the garden. Thebes would help as best he could, but in her natural Outermind state, as well as the strangeness of the situation, he couldn’t do much.
One day, she sat with him on the floor of their home, and said, “I don’t know what they want from me, really. What would make them proud of me?”
Thebes sighed, and brushed her with his wing. “Don’t think about that, Amy. What matters is I am very proud of you for trying. You don’t need to succeed if you cannot do it.”
Amy smiled and wiggled her nose at his praise, but then said, “I think I can. I really do. But I keep changing my mind on what I should bring about.”
Thebes considered. “What about those tools you use to help us build our homes? We only get those during trading periods with other worlds- wouldn’t it be useful if you could get them whenever you wanted?”
“That would be nice.” Amy nodded, considering. “I’ll try that.”
It took much longer, but she seemed more focused after that, sitting and humming and trying to make things out of thin air. But Thebes could sense her getting frustrated every day she failed, and though he assured her she didn’t need to do anything she was incapable of, it seemed every day she wanted more and more to do this magic.
Finally, one day, in the garden, she’d sat down among the stones to try and summon something. Then she stood, angered, and stomped a stone into shards. “This is awful! I can’t do it!”
“You don’t have to--”
“But I should be able to! I should be able to do anything with my head, like the rest of you! But nooo, I can’t even do anything normal! I don’t even look normal!”
"Amy.” Thebes said stiffly. “You are normal for your species.”
“Pfft, as if! I’m pretty sure most mobians don’t form out of magic emeralds!”
“Amy, please keep yourself controlled.”
“Why does it matter? I can’t even be like you!” Amy huffed, tears springing to her eyes. “How can I be anything special if I can’t be normal first? No, I’m just weird little Amy! Strange little Amy! Dumb little Amy!”
“Nobody thinks that.”
“They should! Cause that is who I am!”
In her fury, Amy turned towards the large stone behind her, and acted instinctively; what she had wanted to do was punch it, get some of her anger out by destroying the rock she’d sat against. Instead, her hands reached up behind her, in a position not very equipped for punching. And to both her and Thebes’s surprise, in the few seconds it took her to swing, a colorful, extra-large hammer appeared in her hands, and she brought its face to the rock. The impact turned the rock to an explosion of dust.
When the cloud settled, both Thebes and Amy stared in shock. Then, slowly, Amy smiled, and laughed, looking down at her hammer. Then she spun, laughing harder, beginning to dance. “Thebes, look! I did it! I did it! I made something! I made something! I did it right!”
It turned out she didn’t need to think like a Voxai to do it- to retreat into her mind, to focus on the energy around her. What she had to do was think like Amy. To think with her heart, her feelings.
Of course, Thebes was proud of her, but he also had a heavy heart at her previous words. After she’d calmed down, she threw the hammer into the air, making it disappear. And once she’d calmed from that action, which she thought was equally impressive, Thebes took her inside and sat her down.
“Amy, do you really think you’re incapable? That you’re... what was the word?”
Amy curled in on herself; it was an action she did when she was embarrassed, or upset. “Weird? Strange?”
“Amy, you’ve never been like that.”
“Don’t lie.” Amy sighed, glancing up at him. “I know you all just put up with me. I don’t act like a Voxai, and whenever I try, it feels wrong. I have to climb things and touch things, I can’t fly or lift things with my brain, I can barely even hear the hivemind. I’m just a weird outermind.”
“Has anyone told you this?”
“No... but I can tell.” Amy sighed. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed that I have to have you fly me up to certain areas, cause nobody thought they’d have someone who couldn’t fly wandering around. Or that there are games I can’t play, or that I don’t have wings and my tail is too small, and I have these legs and arms that none of you know what to do with. I can tell I’m... different.”
Thebes floated beside her, and then curled against her, draping his wings over her like a blanket, as he had when she was just an infant. “Different does not mean wrong, Amy.”
“But it makes it harder on all of you.”
“And we don’t mind.” Thebes brushed against her again. “Do you remember when Croesus’s family’s home was destroyed in that quake, but you ran there before everyone else at night, before we could rebuild?”
“And you figured out that it was a location very sensitive to quakes, so you found them a better spot and started building on your own?”
“That was all you. You used a Voxai sense, to feel the world around you, and your own research to figure out what was wrong with the location. And then you used your strength to begin building.”
“I guess.”
“Amy, you’re not a Voxai.” Thebes said quietly. “But I don’t think you’re quite a mobian, either. And you’re not a simple stone, locked away without a mind. You’re Amy, the Rose-Colored Emerald who became the Rose-Colored Hedgehog. You’re a curious girl, a temperamental girl, and overall, a kind girl who wants to do no more than help those around her. And that is not ‘weird’ or ‘strange.’ That is not even ‘normal.’ That is special. You are special, to me and to everyone in this colony.”
For a moment, Amy was quiet, and Thebes was worried he may have made things worse, due to the tears that returned to her eyes. But then she leapt up, clinging to him as she always did, burying her face against his skin, and he knew she was going to be alright.
Unfortunately, that didn’t last long.
Their next appointment with the Overmind, Thebes was under the impression that Amy was simply playing in the other room. He would discern later that she, instead, sat there, eyes shut, doing her best to connect to the hivemind, to listen to what they were saying, to figure out if they were proud of her for her summoning- which she’d been practicing since her first victory- or upset at her for doing it in a strange way. There was more she’d wanted to know, too- she was curious as to what they talked about when she was busy, fearful that they were saying bad things about her, and... well, recently, she’d become concerned about Thebes’s occasional worry, his distance when thinking about the Overmind. Thebes could tell that Amy wanted him to stop being scared, he just never thought she’d stop her playtime to figure out what was worrying him so.
Unfortunately, this was just about the worst time she could have listened in.
The Overmind had compiled their years of research on Chaos Emeralds, mobian culture, and Amy’s own behavior, and concluded that her magical abilities were powerful beyond their imagining. Her fits of strength, her glowing eyes, were all things that they’d never heard of any species doing, let alone mobians. The summoning only confirmed what they thought- her origins as an emerald had given her not just power, but what seemed to be an unlimited power.
Thebes stayed quiet as they presented this, but then their words turned to what they could use her power for. It was, again, as if she were a simple stone again, one that had been locked away to prevent those from using this power in the way the Overmind was discussing. They brought up how her strength could be used as a weapon, her energy to summon great things for the Overmind and terrible things for their enemies.
“What enemies?” Thebes asked. “We have always been a peaceful society.”
“But with this power,” they tried to say, “We could have a better planet, one without seas of rocks, without quakes.”
“We are fine with the rocks. We don’t need a planet of branches to get tangled in or dirt and water to drag us down.”
“You are not thinking clearly, Thebes. Just because you are used to what you have doesn’t mean you can’t want more.”
“You are trying to use her for battle, something that we hid the emerald to prevent from happening. But now you know what she can do, you want to use her for violence. Have you thought about what she wants to do with her power?”
“She is one of us, and thus in service to the Overmind. So she will be happy to do what we tell her.”
“That is not what your power is supposed to be used for.”
“Perhaps it is. Perhaps we should encourage you to think so, too.”
That must have been when Amy broke; Thebes had a strong will, she must have known, and would have resisted the Overmind trying to force him into something he didn’t want to do. But she had fear, the fear that he would be forced into a shell of himself, that the Overmind would take her away from him and use her in a way that wouldn’t make him proud.
She burst into the room, screaming for them to stop, to leave him alone, and her eyes were glowing pink, her body sparking with that intense energy. They turned to see her, and she raised her hands, wanting to simply express her anger. But again, she acted instinctively; her hands formed around the summoned hammer, and she slammed it into the ground.
The energy that burst up caused chaos. Everyone in the room with Amy felt their connections to each other severed as they were thrown back, into the wall, thudding against it as the child screamed. A blinding light seemed to burst from her, flowing into the sky and across the colony. For a few brief seconds, there was no hivemind, and everyone was alone, and began to panic. Even when it returned, there was that fear, that horror that it might happen again. The blast of energy also hit several stones, several homes, causing them to shake, a few to burst.
When Amy came back to her senses, her eyes widened with horror, and she dropped the hammer, causing it to disappear before it hit the ground. She stepped back, looking in fear at what she’d done, and then she ran.
She couldn’t get far before Thebes caught up, curling his tail around her to carry her to someplace safe and calm. But she screamed as he lifted her, kicking and screaming for him to let her go, to let her get away from him, and the Overmind, and everyone. He could feel her energy as she screamed- she was not angry, but she was terrified, a level of fear he’d never thought her capable of.
He took her to a quiet cave, and when he dropped her, she curled into a ball, crying and screaming ot herself.
“Amy,” he said.
“Don’t touch me! I’ll hurt you again! Don’t touch me!”
He realized that he would not be able to reason with her in this state, and that made him fearful- reason was what he knew best, after all. But he had to remain strong, remain calm, to keep her from panicking farther. So he floated back, and for a long, long, while, let her get her emotions out. She screamed and sobbed, pounding her fists against the floor to make small craters, slamming herself into the wall to cause it to rumble... it was terrifying, how much the small child was capable of, and how she didn’t seem to care if she hurt herself in her breakdown.
But finally, finally, after what felt like forever, her cries quieted, and she stopped slamming against the stone, and instead curled up into a ball, finally calming herself. Slowly, Thebes approached, though he kept at a distance in case she did not want to be touched.
“Amy.” he said again. Then, when she did not respond, “Amy.”
He sighed and floated beside her, brushing her quills with his tail. “You are not to blame for what happened. You didn’t know that was possible.”
“But I hurt you.”
“I’m alright. I’m more concerned about you.”
“I’m a monster.”
“Never.” Thebes lowered himself, so that he was covering her with his wings. “It is like I said. You are Amy.”
Amy slowly unfurled from the ball, and then climbed onto his back, wrapping her arms around him in an embrace.
“Are the Overmind gonna take me away?” she sniffled.
“I would never let them.”
“I don’t want to hurt anyone.”
“I know.”
“I like it here. I don’t want another planet.” Amy pressed herself farther against him. “I don’t even want Mobius. I just want to be here, at home, and make everyone happy.”
Thebes felt his heart swell. “Then you shall stay. Amy, my Amy, you make us happy just by being here.”
“What if I just ruined it? And everyone’s scared of me?”
Thebes considered, and then said, “I know I would never be.”
Amy sighed, and then embraced him tighter. “Then I guess it’ll be okay. So long as you’re still here.”
Thebes had to smuggle Amy back to the house, fearful of questions or some kind of repercussions from the Overmind. But when they were finally back in their colony, at their home, Amy quickly scampered into her makeshift bed, curling beneath the blankets that had once been the sling Thebes used to carry her as an infant, and soon was snoring soundly. Thebes wasn’t quite sure what to do while she slept, so he tidied the house, and then sat at the window, staring out into the sky. He thought it best to let Amy sleep, to let her dream of a place without trouble.
What he didn’t know is that that would be the last time she’d have that luxury for quite some time. 
Amy awoke to the rumble of the ground, and the sound of screams.
Thebes flew to her as fast as he could, and saw her rubbing her eyes, having momentarily forgotten what had happened the previous day. She blinked up at him, sleep still a distant glimmer in her green eyes- he realized, only now, with a heavy heart, they were the same green that the Chaos Emerald had been before it changed. The emerald within her soul.
“Wha’s going on?” she asked blearily, as Thebes swept her up in his wings.
“We’re under attack.”
“What?” That was almost a foreign concept to her. Then she blinked away her exhaustion, and began to tremble. “The Overmind?”
“Wh- what’s--?”
Amy soon found out, as Thebes swept her onto his back and began to fly as fast as he could. Amy began to shake, letting out startled cries, as she looked to the sky, which had turned blood-red, something dark and looming floating above them and blocking their light. Around her, Voxai were scrambling, panicking, their thoughts a jumble bursting into a confused hivemind. They flew as fast as Thebes could manage, but even in the quick movements, Amy could see the shadows of creatures, strange creatures she couldn’t recall reading about, leaping onto Voxai, smashing them into the ground, screeching and roaring.
“What are they?”
Thebes was hesitant, but then he said, “They’re here for you. So we have to get you safe.”
“They must have sensed that explosion of Chaos Energy. So they want your power- and trust me, what they could do with your power is worse than anything even the Overmind, even in this state, could imagine.”
Amy grabbed onto him tighter, shutting her eyes and trying to think of something, anything else, to block out the screams, the crashes, the roars.
When Thebes began to slow, Amy opened her eyes, scared he might have been cornered. Instead, she saw them floating in front of some tall, elaborate building- far more decorated than any other practical Voxai residence.
“Where are we?”
Before Thebes could answer, they heard more screams, more screeching- and then, a horrifying hiss. They turned behind them, and Amy whimpered as they saw a thick gas spreading in the area behind them. As they watched, every Voxai that came in contact with it completely froze, unable to move. Their screams, however, could still be heard in the hivemind- they were conscious, but unable to move at all, leaving them ripe for the taking of the invading monsters.
Amy finally let out a terrified scream, and that pushed Thebes fast enough to act. He took off flying again, into the temple, the one where Amy had been born so long ago. He could only hope he could outrun the gas for long enough to save her.
He burst through the temple, only slowing whenever it seemed that Amy was slipping. He could feel her tremble against him, looking up and around at the temple halls, curiosity and confusion bursting into her fear.
Thebes had not been in the temple for about a decade now, but he still knew the pathways, every nook and cranny, and before long he was able to get them to the chamber that had once held the emerald that became the hedgehog clinging to him now. Once there, he let Amy slide off his back, and flew to the wall, counting the bricks.
“What are you doing?”
“Only the Overmind knew we had one of these,” he said, “and only the guardian of the Emerald’s Temple knew where it was. And... here! Amy, move this stone.” 
“The Emerald’s Temple?” Amy asked, realization dawning on her. Then she ran over, pulling a loose stone from the wall as Thebes said. There was something behind it, and she reached inside, pulling out...
“A ring?”
“It’s a teleporter.” Thebes explained. He hooked it around his tail, taking it from her. “It will take you far away from here, where they won’t be able to find you.”
They heard roaring, then, echoing through the temple halls.
“They’re inside.” he said, almost disbelievingly. Then, he shook his head. “You have to leave, before that paralyzing gas reaches you and you can no longer escape them.”
“But you’re coming too, right?”
Thebes took a deep, steady breath. “Those monsters will be here before long. I will not let them follow you.”
“What does that mean? Thebes?”
Thebes then flung the ring into the air. With a jing sound, it expanded, opening up into a huge, dark portal. On the other side was a world Thebes knew Amy had read about, one where she’d be able to survive until she found someone to care for her.
“Listen to me. Your power is unlike anything we could have imagined. That means there will always be someone looking to use it for evil. Do not let anyone use you. Your power is yours- which means it is something beautiful.”
“What are you saying?”
“You must hurry.” 
“No!” she stomped her foot, causing a floor rumble. “I won’t leave you! I’ll fight them, I’ll protect you! I’m not leaving!”
There wasn’t time to argue, and Thebes knew it. Even with her strength, he doubted a child as young as she would be a match for the invading creatures, especially with their paralyzing agent. He couldn’t let them use her for their dark ends, hurt her for their horrible means.
He wrapped his wings around her, as he had when she was a baby. Then he spun, and flung her into the ring.
“Thebes!” she screeched, and he watched his daughter disappear into the ring portal, and, as best he could, sent her a calming wave of energy before it could close and the aliens could reach him.
Amy ran to where the portal had been, clawing at the air, then the dirt beneath her fingers, much more dirt than she was used to. “No! No! Thebes! Thebes, bring me back! Dad! BRING ME BACK!”
Her eyes sparked with that pink energy, tears flowing from her and landing on the ground, before turning into steam from the magic within her. It finally hit her that the ring would not open again, that Thebes had sent her away, and that... that Voxai... they must all be...
She sunk to her knees, unable to hold herself up any longer. She stared into space, letting the strange wind hit her, feeling the strange plants under her, and letting herself cry.
This was her fault.
But it is. They were after me. My power.
Amy hugged herself, despair overwhelming her.
Then, slowly, Thebes’s words entered her mind. “You are not to blame for what happened. You didn’t know that was possible.” 
But if it wasn’t for me, they wouldn’t be dying right now.
What would Thebes say to that? “It doesn’t matter. It happened, and you must go on.”
How could I go on without my family? My home?
“That is for you to decide.”
She shivered, hugging herself tighter and curling into a ball, hearing those last words in her head. “Your power is yours- which means it is something beautiful.” 
Right now, it sure didn’t feel beautiful.
But after a while, she sat up, the words ringing in her head. Thebes sent her away, but not out of fear of her. To keep her safe. She couldn’t let that be in vain. She couldn’t sink into despair in the middle of this strange place. That wasn’t what Thebes would want.
She struggled to her feet, taking a few steps before sinking again. And then she got up, and took another step, and another, focusing on making her way across the unusual terrain.
She walked for what must have been hours, the sky above changing from its dark black to a bright blue. It seemed strange, that the sky could brighten when her home was gone, that anything could be light ever again. She felt heat against her quills as she pushed through tall plants- trees, she thought, from her reading. She found a long trickle of water- a river. It was strange, seeing one of those- usually on Voxai, their water was extracted from the small plants that survived on the stone. It was amazing that someone could have so much water it flowed across the land.
There were stones in the middle of the river, and as she hopped across them, she felt a brief flash of home- except these rocks were wet, and slippery. It was almost like a taunt, reminding her she would never be home again.
But she followed the river. Most species needed water to survive, so she’d find someone. As she walked, she wondered if she wanted to do this at all- what if they wanted to hurt her, too, and Thebes’s sacrifice had been for nothing? But then, what if she wasted away in the woods, dying because she didn’t understand how this world worked? No, she had to at least see who lived here. This had to be a planet she read about, right?
She’d been walking for so long her legs ached, but she kept pushing on, until she finally reached the river’s end. She looked up at a huge waterfall, amazed by the roar it produced, the droplets flickering onto her. She’d never seen anything like it.
There was a rustle behind her, and she jumped, turning. On instinct, she pulled the hammer, again, out of air, in case one of those monsters had followed her.
Instead, something flew at her, too fast for her to react. But when it stopped, right in front of her face, she saw it was something organic, something alive. A bright teal creature, flapping with tiny pink wings. It had legs and arms like her, and blinking eyes, these a dark blue as opposed to her green. It stared for a long while, and she stared back, the two of them trying to figure each other out.
She heard a rustle again, and the creature retreated a little bit, turning to look. Amy’s stare was then directed at what emerged from the plants.
A mobian.
She was small, miniscule. A little girl, with the same body shape as Amy, the same head, limbs... but she wasn’t a hedgehog. She had long ears, so long that she tripped over them as she waddled over, and a puffy, bushy tail.
“Hi!” the creature said, in the Mobian language. “I’m Cream, and this is my very best friend, Cheese. What’s your name?”
Amy kept staring.
“Maybe you cannot talk yet.”
Amy swallowed a cry, and then carefully said, “I’m Amy.”
“Oh! You can talk! I’m so glad. A lot of people don’t visit the garden, mama says. I bet she wants to meet you. We take care of the chao, like Cheese. Do you like chao? Do you want some food? We have cookies--”
She sure talked a lot for someone who was so young- barely past the toddler stage, probably. At least, Amy figured. She didn’t know how fast mobian children developed. All she knew was... herself.
Amy turned to river, watching her rippling reflection. She was filthy, with red cheeks and dark circles under her eyes. But she looked mainly up at the quills on her face, which pointed outwards, spiking like jagged stones.
Slowly, as the rabbit talked, she reached up, pulling her quills down. If she pulled them to point down, against the sides of her head, it almost looked like a Voxai shell.
“--my house is back this way. I bet Mama will be real real happy to see you, we like having visitors. And we have pretty pretty flowers! Do you wanna see?”
Flowers. Amy had never seen one up close before. She wondered if there’d be one the color Thebes had described her as. The Rose-Colored Emerald, he’d said.
“Okay.” she said, and followed the rabbit through the garden.
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trying to articulate my frustrations with Marvel’s treatment of female characters and characters of color
Hi, hello, hola, bonjour. I've been having a lot of thoughts about Marvel’s lack of diversity and of how they treat minority characters, so I'm taking a page out of Luisa’s (@its-tortle) book and just making a long, rambley post to get it all out.
Please bear with me while I try to encapsulate all of my frustration within the limitations of English language.
(ALSO, I'm white. I’m Spanish-American, but I do not have the ability to speak for fans of color and the other grievances they have. This post is just a combination of my own thoughts and what I've heard other people say on Tumblr, in YouTube videos, in articles etc.)
Now that we've had over week to collect ourselves after the WandaVision finale, because it was such a tearjerker and the end of a true masterpiece of a show, we really need to talk about how Marvel treats their their characters of color and female characters. I'll specifically be looking at Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, and Monica Rambeau.
Let's start with Sam.
Until Monica Rambeau became Photon just a few weeks ago in WandaVision, Sam was THE ONLY Black superhero in the MCU.
He first appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier 7 years ago in 2014, and he's been in 4 movies since then (not counting the post-credits of Ant-Man).
Let's see what we know about Sam in the MCU:
He was a pararescue airman in the U.S. Airforce
His wing-man, Riley, died in combat, prompting him to leave active duty
He works at the VA to help other veterans adjust to civilian life
That's it. This is all we know about his backstory, separate from Captain America. However, the MCU decided to include these parts of his backstory, (and exclude others) because they make him a better supporting character to Steve.
Sam's a vet - so is Steve. They have the same, early-morning run routine that alludes to strict military training. Steve is still new to the future and hardly knows or approaches anyone, but Sam is wearing his VA sweatshirt, so there's some sense of connection, one that is furthered when they talk about their beds being too soft. Sam is someone who can understand him, aside from being a super soldier.
Riley, Sam's wingman, died in combat - Hmm, haven't heard that one befo - oh, wait. *Bucky waves from the abyss of the Alps*. Yeah.
I'm not saying that these connections are bad, in fact, I think the opposite. In terms of storyline, these connections are incredibly important for their friendship. Steve is lost and alone in the future. No one he knows cares about him for any reason other than the fact that he's a super soldier, nor can he relate to any of those people on any level. Sam just fits. He's funny and kind and although they are 60 years apart in age, he can, to some extent, understand what Steve is going through in a way they no one else can.
But for the last 7 years in the MCU, all he's been is Steve's supportive friend.
Almost immediately after meeting Steve, Sam is dragged into an end-of-the-world battle. He readily agrees to put his life on the line to fight by Captain America's side. After SHIELD falls, Sam gives up his life for 2 years to help Steve find Bucky. When they find him, Sam, without a second thought, becomes an international fugitive to protect Bucky and Steve.
I mean, he practically says that he lives in Steve's shadow himself: 
"Don't look at me. I do what he does, just slower."
Who does all this? Seriously? Sam is also a recovering vet. He, in theory, has a life, a family, a job, his own mental well-being to consider, but he immediately gives it all up to help Captain America, to follow in his shadow, to be his back-up and support in every battle. Marvel wrote him as a 2D character that lacks his own identity and agency.
Sam deserves his own storyline; he deserves to exist outside the orbit of Steve Rogers.
What Mackie has been able to do with the character is astounding. He took Sam off the page and truly brought him to life, turning him into a beloved character. I'm ecstatic that both Mackie and Sam finally (hopefully) get their time to shine in TFATWS, but it should have happened WAY sooner. Marvel has continuously overlooked Mackie, despite how much he brings to the movies and despite the significance of Sam as the only Black superhero. It's just so clear that they do not care about representation.
(And let's not start with the whole "Bucky should be Captain America" thing, thanks)
Next, let's talk about Natasha.
Nat has been in the MCU for 11 years, starting with Iron Man 2 in 2010. She was heavily featured in an additional 6 MCU movies (not including small cameos/post-credit sequences). She's one of the few female superheroes in the MCU, and the only one that's been there since the beginning. Nat was the only female superhero for 4 years until Gamora appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Let's see what we know about Natasha's history:
She's a former KGB operative and assassin, trained in the Red Room project
When she was a part of the Red Room, she was sterilized
Clint Barton got her out of the Red Room and converted her to a SHIELD agent
THAT'S IT. The second point is actually nauseating because this is what she says to Banner when we learn about her infertility in Age of Ultron:
"They sterilize you. It’s efficient. One less thing to worry about, the one thing that might matter more than a mission. It makes everything easier — even killing. You still think you’re the only monster on the team?"
Like, actually, what the fuck? I remember watching this scene and having to rewind because I thought I mis-heard what she said. In truth, Natasha is probably referring to the terrible things she was forced to do as a KGB operative are what make her a "monster," but why in the world would they include this anecdote here?? It's just so distasteful and disgusting! It makes it seem like her infertility is what makes her a monster, perpetuating the misogynistic belief that the center of a woman's identity and purpose is to have children.
As Vox says in this article, the subject of Nat's infertility 
"rears its head sub-textually when Black Widow sacrifices herself for the Soul Stone. [...] It’s reasonable for Natasha to make the calculation that Clint’s kids deserve to have a dad when they come back to life after the Avengers complete their “time heist.” But because of that Ultron plot, there’s also an insidious implication that Natasha’s infertility renders Black Widow just a little bit more disposable than the rest of her teammates."
Furthermore, Nat's death in Endgame serves for nothing more than motivation for the other characters working in the time heist, WHICH ARE ALL MALE. Even then, the other characters talk about her death briefly (in a mostly unaffected manner), and by the end of the movie, she's been pretty much forgotten about,  completely overshadowed by Tony Stark.
I don't want to say that Nat shouldn't have died in Endgame. It caused me so much heartache and emotional pain, but I truly believe it was a great way to end her arc. CinemaWins on YouTube put it best:
"She needed to save her family, Clint included, finally wiping the red from her ledger. So much of her jouney in the MCU was trying to find her purpose, figure out which side she was on, and she finally feels like she's found it, just in time to die for it. 
"It's not wrong to feel cheated by her death, [but I think] she deserved this moment because of it's importance."
She says it in the movie: 
"I used to have nothing, and then I got this. This family. And I was better because of it."
Nat shouldn't have to die, but it's on her terms, and she is absolutely ready for it. Saving her chosen family... that is her purpose.
But altogether, over the course of the MCU, Natasha was cheated out of getting the storyline she deserved. Like Sam, she was relegated to the position of the supportive friend of Steve, but also of Bruce and Clint. For the audience, her identity is tied to this role that she plays. The identity and motivations she has independent from these other characters, her history, is skimmed over, and treated with immense disrespect.
It took 11 years, but it is thrilling that Scarlett Johansson finally gets to be the start of her own Marvel movie. There is no way that Black Widow will be able to completely make up for her and Natasha's mistreatment by the MCU, but I hope it will at least bring us some closure and allow us to have a better understanding of Nat's history and who she is away from the other Avengers.
Last, but certainly not least (despite what WandaVision may have you believe) is Monica Rambeau.
I spoke about this last week after posting about this review of the show, but it bears repeating.
Monica is a new character. You'd hope that, after 11 years of extremely limited diversity in the MCU, much to the dismay of fans worldwide, and after recognizing this and creating a movie with a cast like The Eternals, Marvel would try to get their shit together across the board.
Monica was seriously the token diversity character of the show. It seemed like they would give her more depth after the episode during which they flashed back to the her during and after the snap, losing her mother, and seeing a little bit of what she's done as an adult since Captain Marvel, but that ended up being the most we got.
But why? Monica literally became a SUPERHERO. She became Photon! She deserved a much greater role in the show, especially in the finale, where she instead had maybe 5 lines and just stopped some bullets for about 30 seconds.
As the review I linked says, 
“There are so many black writers, fans, and critics noting how Monica got relegated to a complete lack relegated to meaningless best friend protector lacking in their own self agency and story except for making a shoehorned comparison of grief.”
Marvel made the same, bull-headed mistake that they made with Sam with Monica!
Let's do this again. Monica was snapped away for 5 years, and when she was snapped back, she learned that her mother had died. Losing someone you love and having the whole process of mourning and pain be complicated by the snap? What an interesti- oh wait. *Vision phases his head through the wall with a smile*
The only reason we got this backstory was because it made her a more sympathetic character towards Wanda. Her understanding of what Wanda is going through allows her to be the catalyst in the creation of the ideological fork in the road between herself, Darcy and Woo, who see Wanda as a victim of grief and loss, and Hayward and the rest of SHIELD, who see her as a dangerous threat.
How do you make the same, major mistake that you've been making for the past 7 years again? Guess what? You don't! Maybe it's not intentional, but Marvel, again, clearly doesn’t care enough about their characters of color to consider the roles they relegate them to in the MCU, realize what they've been doing is harmful, and then change it.
Hopefully, they will not continue to treat Monica this way and will remedy this in the next Captain Marvel.
But in all seriousness, Marvel needs to be help accountable for how they treat women and their characters of color in the MCU. I just looked at 3, but you could also make a similar argument about Rhodey, Hope van Dyne and Valkyrie, as well as Jane Foster, MJ, and Ned, although they are supporting characters and not superheroes. And I'm sure there are many others. Marvel (and Disney!!) has had an awful track-record, and change is long overdue.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Title: Sugar Rush
Marley brings the celebration of Halloween to Paradis. Hange and Levi go trick or treating with their child for the first time and start to realize how much the world has changed since the war.
A Halloween piece for the Levihan spookfest, one year late. (I hope you’re still accepting them.)
Written for @levihanweek. to cap off Levihan Angstober. Happy Halloween everyone!
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Notes: For people who read "Rough day," this domestic fluff piece is set in the same universe. I just wanted to contribute a Halloween piece for the Levihan Spookfest. I am one year late though.
"Happy Halloween!" Hange chimed as she entered the kitchen and plopped her already dolled up kid down on the table next to her. 
"So what are the tacky decorations and costumes for?" 
Hange was wearing a full body suit of the colossal titan while Luke, their five year old child was wearing a mini armored titan costume. A part of Levi wondered how people of Paradis had so easily forgotten the attack of Shiganshina that titan costumes existed and were actually being sold. He had seen a few people in titan suits on the way to the market just that morning. 
"These are all to scare away the spirits!" Hange explained.
"Of dead people?"
"Of dead people."
"It would be nice to be visited by some ghosts. Wouldn't you want to see Erwin or maybe even Moblit again?" Levi had seen enough death in his life that the holiday which Marley introduced to them which was supposed to them did not seem as scary as the people were painting it out to be. The idea of the dead people visiting felt almost desirable for that hardened soldier one who'd seen too many people die.
"But daddy, ghosts are scary! They can kill you!" Luke said as he walked towards Levi.
What are they teaching this kid in school? "What if those ghosts were daddy's old friends? Do you think they’ll kill you?" Levi bent down to face his son only to see the boy looking utterly confused.
Levi only had to look back at how they raised him to understand why. Despite his parents background, the boy was raised with what they have considered too peaceful an upbringing. The closest thing to a blood bath he had seen was when Hange so enthusiastically pulled out his baby tooth just a few months ago. Levi was not sure though if the kid had been scared of the blood or the strong reaction of his mother. 
"Levi, get dressed. It'll be our first trick or treat."
"I'm ready already." Levi walked to the balcony room where he had let his old survey corps cloak hang out to dry after thoroughly washing it. 
"You're wearing that?" Hange asked, raising one eyebrow in disappointment. "Isn't that a bit too lazy?"
"Let me try out this new festival of yours and if it's any fun maybe I'll try harder next time." 
Levi and Hange both lived towards the center of Paradis since Hange was closely working with the government to help the island catch up to its peers. They had agreed to use the holiday as an excuse to see parts of the new Paradis they had not seen in a while, having rented a space in the outskirts for a few days. Hange had seen her fair share since she was back and forth from the ports and the center due to work. Levi on the other hand barely visited the outer cities, having spent his time keeping the household running and raising Luke while Hange worked full-time.  
They made the thirty minute walk to the outskirts where Hange concluded was the start to the most time efficient route with the highest possible yield of candy, that looped all the way back to their rented bungalow.
It turned out the strategy of the former commander had been almost foolproof. One kilometer in and Luke's bag was almost half full.
"Hey man, your survey corps costume looks pretty good!" 
Levi looked to the voice behind him to see a teenage boy in a titan costume. 
"Did you make it yourself?" The teenage boy continued. 
Levi looked to Hange as if to ask "Who made our costume?" In fact, Levi had just wanted to walk on, ignoring the teenage boy. It had been less than a decade since the end of the war. With the quick advancement of technology, it felt like more of a century ago to Levi. That instance only reminded him what people saw as a soldier uniform's long ago has been reduced to a costume prop.
"I did actually. What do you think?" Hange asked 
It was a blatant lie.Technically though she did design the new uniform when the war against Marley started. Levi thought to himself. 
"Well you got the colors of the wings of freedom wrong. The blue wing is on the right side not the left." 
                                               Sugar Rush
"Hey Hange, you should monitor how they make the survey corps costume. This is slightly pissing me off," Levi muttered as they started to get to the denser parts of town. 
"Well, with a port to run and research to do, I don't really have time to monitor holiday costume designs."
Although there were many people in titan costumes, there were also a fair number of people donning the survey corps cloak, a few in garrison uniform, and fewer in the military police. Although the survey corps had a rocky start, towards the end of the war against Marley, they were painted to be the main hero, their stories told in bars, restaurants, wherever people would listen. It was only natural that clothing manufacturers got on wind with the popularity. 
But they got it all wrong. Levi thought. He turned to Hange to see that she was just slightly amused at it. 
As they walked on, they passed by a park where a group of kids in survey corps cloaks were playing. 
"I'm Levi! Humanity's strongest soldier!" One kid said as he climbed on top of a rock.
Levi heard Hange chuckling behind her as he stopped to watch the play between the five kids unfold. 
"No I wanna be Levi!" The smaller kid protested as he tried to pull the larger kid down from the rock.
"You can't be Levi! Levi is big and strong! Mommy and Daddy said so!"
Levi did not know who mommy and daddy were but he found himself interested enough to approach the group of kids. At first, they looked almost terrified to see an adult stranger approach. Levi made an effort to smile though which worked enough at least for them to stay put. 
"Levi can be as tall or short as you want him to be." Levi patted the small kid's head then looked at all the kids. "Kids, make sure to take turns." 
"It's okay! I'm Captain Erwin!"
"I'm Captain Hange!"
"I'm Captain Mike!" 
It's Mee-keh not Maik. "That's good. Don't play too rough." Levi found himself struggling to keep the friendly smile. He walked away from them, quickening his pace with every step, trying to stop the urge to play cop and point out the inaccuracies in their casual game of soldier. 
Erwin and Mike probably would not have minded those inaccuracies but something inside Levi protested the omission on his end. 
"You're not going to correct them?" Hange said as he walked back at her. 
"Erwin and Mike probably wouldn't have cared. Do you mind?"
"No. Not really. But humanity's strongest being big and tall..." Hange widened her eye in emphasis as she gave him a onceover from head to toe. 
“Humanity's strongest might even like that.”
"Daddy did you meet captain Levi? Was he really big and tall?" Luke pulled on Levi's cloak as he asked. 
"He can be as big and tall as you want him to be Luke."
                                           Sugar Rush
"Tell me more about Captain Levi! Was he big? Tall? Was it weird that you were also Levi?"
Hange and Levi had allowed their son to eat a few candies that night. Levi was sure he had at least rationed it well to keep the child happy but prevent a sugar rush. 
Maybe it was when he went to take off his cloak, wash it and leave it out to dry did Hange sneak him a few more candies in. As he looked inside the bag to see everything had been opened and half eaten, he was sure that that could have been the only explanation. 
As Levi snuck a glance at Hange, he could tell she was regretting it. I told you a while ago a handful is enough. 
“Where did you learn so much about this captain Levi figure?” Levi asked, humoring the young boy.
“The teacher tells stories about him. He was part of the Ackerman clan and he could destroy one hundred titans in one swoop.” Luke excitedly yet awkwardly swung his imaginary sword in the air and Levi could not help but note that he would have never swung his blades in that manner. “You and mommy were both soldiers right? Did you get to meet him?”
“A few times.” 
“I told my friends in school that my parents were retired soldiers and they said that the soldiers were playing and eating inside the capital while the survey corps actually went outside and fought the enemy. I think you and mommy were different. Mommy would have done research right? While you were fighting the bad people in the walls right?”
“Maybe I was.” Levi turned to Hange for help. The latter was too busy rummaging through her kid’s bag for candy. Luke did not seem to notice or probably did not care, his eyes were fixed on his father and Levi wondered how long the kid had been keeping it in.
“How was Captain Levi?”
“He was a friendly guy.” Levi answered. He heard Hange snort next to him.   
“Did he ever save you from titans?”
“A few times.” 
 “Then you must know what happened to him? Even our teacher doesn’t know!”
                                                Sugar Rush
It was almost midnight. Only thirty minutes ago did Luke’s sugar rush die down. Soon after though, the young boy had fallen asleep and like on most other nights, Levi and Hange were left alone together. They were going through the pile of uneaten candy of their son, having decided that they had to eat what was left since they had no place to store it without risking an ant infestation.
“Why didn’t you tell him?” Hange asked as she went back to the table. She had checked up on their son just a second ago, making sure she was asleep before she brought up the elephant in the room. 
“Didn’t you hear the kid? If we told him where Captain Levi was, he was gonna tell all his friends. We can’t really trust a five year old kid to keep secrets just yet.”
“And you don’t want people to know where Captain Levi is,” Hange said matter of factly.
“I went for this type of life because I wanted peace.” Levi popped a half eaten chocolate in his mouth. 
“Which explains why you wanted our kid to take up my name instead.” 
“Ackerman never stuck. I’ve always been just Levi.” 
Luke Zoe was the more conservative naming choice. Levi Ackerman had become a household name while the full name of the commander had been known only among those who did the research but her stories were not as blown up as that of the captain. 
Oddly enough, their child had not picked up on both their first names being the same ones as those of the survey corps soldiers. Levi had attributed it to the fact that the boy spent most of his days with him while Hange was at work. The retired soldier had dedicated his time to other things like cleaning, housework, child rearing and tea mixing, having put his bloodier past behind him. The kid saw them as parents, not as the heroes he was hearing about in school. 
I wanna meet a survey corps soldier! They sound so cool! You must know one! Bring me to one. I wanna thank them for their service! Ask them how they flew through the air. I wanna see how big and burly they are.
Or possibly, Luke already had expectations on what they looked like and Levi and Hange just did not fit the profile.  
"Maybe we should buy him a mini survey corps cloak too. It feels weird that the survey corps played such a big part of our lives and we’re not even giving him that,” Hange suggested. 
“And support shitty research. No way.” Levi rolled his eyes as he imagined the erroneous design of the wings of freedom insignia. 
“As someone who has worked on research her whole life, I can sympathize.” Hange gave Levi a consoling smile. The cloak was last used more than fifteen years ago and the more recent designs had probably already overshadowed the one used back when the survey corps was still seen as inferior to the garrison and military police. “Hey, can you eat this gooey colorful one? It sticks to my teeth.” 
“How much more do we have to eat?” Levi emptied the bag on the table. Luke had eaten half of every single candy in the bag
“Maybe your trick or treat route was just a little too strategic Hange.”  
They did not sleep that night.    
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horrorslashergirl · 4 years
Can we get a s/o who is a single mother trying to raise their kid with Chromeskull or Jessie, or both? They happen to be browsing at the park when a kid walk right up to them before the mother shows up to thank the two for finding their child
Soft and Humurous Chromeskull on the way! Jesse deserves a wife and a happy ending.
Chromeskull x Single!Mother!Reader- ‘Jackpot’
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It never fazed Jesse how he got into this predicament in life, call it karma, but it’s not easy to hear that your wife shot herself, killing along with herself the unborn child. When he heard he was devasted. All these years everything went smoothly; his wife thinking he was all on business trips, and at some point, he will come home to her. Not really how he predicted his future to be.
Jesse wasn’t one man to view him as a father, the thought was scary even to the 6′7 killer, but that was the gift of life: Spending the rest of your life with your loved one who will at some point give you a child.
He was taking a walk into the park in Jacksonville, he needed to get out more because staying all days inside his homemade Jesse a little more anxious than normal, plus he needed to continue with his ‘job’ and mourning over the death of his wife wouldn’t help. Its been two years and he should go on with life, but dating it’s tough when you have a disfigured face that women run away from.
He learned to walk in the outside world with his new face but been given all these looks of fear, disgust, and pity were making him want to slaughter the whole park.
His brown eye looked at the happy families, the dads taking their small children into their arms, spinning them around, laughing while their wifes giggled or took photos. He grimaced at the image, it was probably envied because God thought he didn’t deserve such a blessing. Not even his money could bring him this gift.
He remembers all the words his ex-potential lovers after his wife died.
‘Ughhh...Such an ugly piece of shit.’
‘How can I even kiss you? You make me puke.’
‘The child probably would look just like you.’
‘That face is turning me off.’
So different from what he used to be told when his face was all perfect.
‘So handsome. Would you like to come home with me?’
‘Hey, stud! Wanna have a drink?’
‘Never seen you before, gorgeous.’
Well, it looks like it’s true what they say; a pretty face can make wonders. Jesse was pulled out of his thoughts when a purple glitter covered ball landed in front of him at his feet. His gaze moved up and saw a little girl approach him. She had blonde hair in curly pigtails, rosy cheeks, wearing a white shirt with a unicorn, a pink tutu with colorful leggings, and purple sneakers with wings. She stopped in front of him, taking her ball.
“Wooow...Are you a giant?” she asked, her eyes widen as he took in his tall form. He couldn’t help but chuckle silently at her words. She didn’t look to be afraid or disgusted by his face, more like mesmerized.
That was a reason for why he didn’t go after kids; they were the perfect epitome of innocence, so honest and always speak their minds.
“Maddison! Come back here.” he heard a feminine voice speak from afar, his eyes looking from the small girl to a young woman running to them.
“I told you not to run away from me.” you said, crouching down to your daughter, then looking up at the tall man.
“Mommy! Is he a giant?” your daughter asked with curiosity, making you blush in embarrassment.
“Maddy! That’s not polite! I’m so sorry for her. She is always speaking what she thinks.” you apologized, standing up and looking at the mysterious man, your eyes taking in his scarred face, a little intimidating.
‘No harm is done. She’s just a child.’ Jesse signed out of instinct, sometimes he forgot people don’t know ASL.
Your eyes widened, seeing that he was mute.
“Still, I should apologize for her.” you said, signing at the same time, making him look shocked.
‘You know ASL?’
“Yes, my brother is deaf-mute and I had to learn.” you explained.
‘I’m Jesse.’ he signed.
“[Name].” you said, shaking hands with him. Your daughter looked curiously at you two.
“Mommy! Can we have ice cream?” she asked, jumping on her little feet, making you smile and nod, then she looked at Jesse.
“Do you want some? Mommy always said that I should apologize and ice cream is the best form to say sorry.” she spoke, looking up at Jesse with puppy eyes, making him a little nervous, but couldn’t say no to such a cute face.
She skipped to the ice cream booth of the park with you and Jesse following. He didn’t saw you with any man and wondered where her father and your husband is.
‘I hope her father won’t get any ideas.’ Jesse signed as you walked, making your eyes widen and sadden, looking down.
“Her father is dead.” you said, making his eye widen, knowing he opened a sensitive subject.
“No, no. It’s fine. He died in a car accident three years ago. She’s a smart girl and understands.” you said.
Jesse understood you in a way, losing someone of importance to you, but your cases were a bit different; his wife killed herself because of him.
After you bought the ice cream you sat with Jesse on a bench eating the delicious dessert as your daughter playing with the kids not too far away from you two.
‘I’m only curious. Why?’ Jesse signed, looking at you. You raised an eyebrow, not quite catching on what he meant.
‘I mean. Why are you so nice? I’m not exactly the most prince charming here.’ he signed, motioning at his face, making your eyes widen.
“You mean the fact that something bad happened to you and you are a lucky soul that you survived?” you said, making the bald man even more curious.
“My father worked as a mechanic and he was also a lucky one. A car battery exploded and burned half of his face, neck, and chest.” you said, a sad sigh leaving your lips.
“We are all the same on the inside and some differences shouldn’t make us treat the ones bad.” you said, taking a lick of your ice cream.
Now that was a pleasant thing to hear. It’s not every day a woman is so accepting of the outside looks and a gorgeous one at that. You were gorgeous in Jesse’s eyes, the kind of woman he would take out to dinner, to a movie, to the point of sharing his bed with, and also life.
You two were looking at each other, not speaking at all or signing, but you felt his face get closer to yours, blush on your cheeks. Just a little bit more, until your daughter came running to you.
“Mommy! I’m hungry! Can we go and eat?” she asked with a pout, making you nod, ready to stand up, but...
“Oh oh! Can Jesse come to dinner too!” she asked, her hands wrapped around Jesse’s leg like a kid who found the best toy in the store and wanted it.
“W-Well, if he wants too. I cannot force him.” you said with a nervous smile, looking at Jesse.
‘I would love too.’ he signed, nodding at the smaller version of you. She jumped up and down in victory.
“Oh, mommy! Is he gonna be my new daddy?” she asked with curiosity, your eyes widening at her response and making you choke a little on your ice cream, a deep red blush on your face.
Jesse’s shoulders moved up and down in silent laughter, his hand coming on top of her head, ruffling her hair. He pulled out his phone writing a message for her.
‘That depends on your mother.’
She looked at you with begging eyes.
“Come on, mommy! Please, please. Can we keep him?”
Alright, maybe not exactly how you wanted the first date with a potential new husband to be, but in Jesse’s eye this was priceless.
‘Jackpot.’ he thought with an internal smirk.
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mostlymobilegames · 3 years
Ok so
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I was kinda annoyed that young Rebecca was dressed in this ugly trash bag type dress but thinking about it now and seeing all her different outfits, I am actually impressed that she looked like that, because it all makes sense, and her style develops along with her character, experience and circumstances.
As Rebecca herself said, "in those days (so about 15 earthly years prior to the MC's death) the Unclaimed were treated even more scornfully than they are now". When Vicky arrives at the Academy, she finds clothes in her closet, which, compared with the outfits she wears later, are not that impressive, but they are better than what she had on. I think it's safe to assume that, back then, the Unclaimed were probably not given this privilege, and probably had to figure out how to get immortality worthy clothes on their own, which is why Rebecca's ill-fitting dress looks like rags. Since it's unlikely she was wearing that on Earth at the time of her death, she probably had to find/make it herself. This dress looks just... awful, and it highlights perfectly the fact that the Unclaimed were the lowest of the low, not even deserving of proper clothing, let alone a place in this society.
The second dress, which Rebecca wears at the party with Fencio, before she goes back to the black one, is better, but still decent and demure and lacking the details that exist on "the more important":
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Such as bold colors, jewellery, golden features or fancy jackets.
This dress also expresses her desire to become an angel, it's white and not revealing; although pretty simple and not eye-catching, it's a tasteful dress for a nobody at an important event. A demon wannabe might have opted for something more alluring and daring, but Rebecca relies on her skills and natural charm to attract attention (and on Fencio's exposure).
At the fight with Eragon she is wearing, again, the rags. I like to think that the reason she isn't better dressed is because she has no desire for fake pleasantries anymore. Rebecca comes to fight this time, not to chit-chat and make connections, and her outfit says it. She's come to prove herself without using her charisma, just her power and training.
The third outfit which she wears the whole season 2 is gorgeous, and it also displays her rank. It's not excessive, but it's a big upgrade from the last. It's modest, typical for an angel, but still uses certain details to show her status, such as golden patterns, earrings and a ring-
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-which lesser angels, like Misselina, the Angel Doctor and Angela, don't have.
And of course, her wings. I'm still sad that she doesn't have the "horns" at the top anymore, but I still love the redrawn design more, she looks better.
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Also, her "older" hair is a reflection of her character too. The second hairstyle fits her so much better because it's the typical "workaholic, cynical, ball-buster CEO" hair. It's a pretty, effortless and sleek bob, usually attributed to women in positions of power.
The last outfit is definitely my favorite, because it's not only about elegance anymore, but comfort and accessibility during wartime. The dress appears more flowy and loose while still having golden details (because she's a bad bitch 24/7) and she just looks really cool in it.
I also wanna mention how her stance changes. She goes from only holding one hand on her hip (already radiating confidence) to holding both, taking up more space and always giving off an air of self-assurance and authority (as she should).
Rebecca looks good in simple outfits because she doesn't need to prove anything to anyone, people know who she is, but this style also matches her personality; practical and straightforward, with no need for over the top elements but with just a dash of arrogance at all times.
I wish there was a higher ranked lady demon in the story, so I could compare their outfits and also because there's none and it would be interesting to see people's attitudes around her, because Rebecca is the only woman at the center of attention (and rightfully so), but I'm curious about how reactions differ when it comes to a powerful birthright immortal (since one of the reasons Rebecca is bashed is her earthly past).
Also, demons have more diverse wardrobes than angels. While angels tend to stick to covered up, lighter colored outfits, rarely going for something outside of these lines, demons can get more creative, which only makes me wish we get to see Mimi's mom or just an adult she-devil more.
Anyway, Rebecca's development with fashion is great, like everything else when it comes to her, and the outfits in HS are just gorgeous in general. Even if some are disappointments (Satan's suit🤡🤡) most are beautiful and appropriate for the characters, which is>>>>>>>>>
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ikuzeminna · 4 years
Why I love Gundam Wing and hate Frozen Teardrop
With Frozen Teardrop being the first new thing released in the Gundam Wing universe in ages, I feel I should make my stance on it clear, seeing as I’ve read (and by now thankfully forgotten) a large chunk of it.
So, what do I like about Gundam Wing? I can say without lying, almost everything. I like the story, the characters, the themes, the designs and the music. I like its humor, its subtlety, the fact that everyone plays a role and that there's no definite bad guy (nor good one for that matter). I like its dynamics and how you can view it any way you want, e.g. the Gundam pilots being heroes or plain murderers. And I like that you can and even must dig to understand things. The whole composition really works for me.
And what's best is that this entire composition makes Gundam Wing more; it makes it unique. I grew up with classics like Dragonball and Sailor Moon, the forefathers of the 'Idiot Hero' archetype for both males and females. Even to this day you see series featuring these types of main characters. Classic scenario of a naive yet pure kid growing up to become the savior of the world. We've all seen that.
It's why Gundam Wing is so special to me. It has a completely atypical setup and there's absolutely no stereotype I can apply to any character, no matter what TV Tropes may say. Heero is hardly your typical hero, is he? Heck, Heero is hardly a typical anything. What's more, Gundam Wing doesn't follow the 'growing stronger' plotline that, for example, the original MS Gundam or Seed series used. No, Gundam Wing starts out with fully trained soldiers who can kick your butt from episode 1 and will kill you without qualms if the situation requires it. (That's not to say that the characters don't grow, it's the physical growth and capabilities I'm talking about.) What's truly surprising about that is the age of the characters. This is another important point. Gundam Wing and realism. Many times I hear that GW is realistic. I'm sorry but no. Teens fighting against armies isn't realistic. Teens leading said armies isn't either. Neither is bending steel bars, nor surviving jumping off cliffs or blowing up your suit, nor successfully back-flipping from a motorbike onto a clothesline, nor becoming the Queen of the World as a teen, nor stealing a MS carrier plus suit at the age of ten, nor walking around with bazookas at the age of ten nor what have you. It's safe to say that Gundam Wing lacks any sense of realism. But it does not lack logic.
Realism never was Gundam Wing's aim to begin with. The way I see it, it's not just the plot or circumstances that prove this, but also the "inhumanity" of the characters. Would a real person with a similar background as Heero, Duo or Trowa really exhibit such selflessness or noble-mindedness as them and risk his life for strangers by fighting a war that could end in their death? I don't think so. Would anyone as sheltered as Relena give up her lifestyle, have the guts to go against the world's armed rulers with just words and put her life on the line for the sake of others? Hard to believe.
And that's it. One of the things that contributes to Gundam Wing's uniquity and is therefore a, if not the, defining trait of the series, is that it doesn't tell the story about angst-riddled terrorists and princesses, but a tale of heroes. The characters are ridiculously noble, strong, selfless, courageous, determined, make the impossible possible and still retain a certain purity, despite having gone through hell and back. It's what makes them so awesome. It's what makes the series so awesome. Duo isn't badass because he fights in the war. He's badass because he fights "so that no one else will have to" and when you see what he went through, you can only say "wow". Lady Une killed Relena's father and when Relena is given the opportunity to take revenge, she declines, saying there's been enough bloodshed. That's role model material there. Something that is sorely lacking in a lot of shows nowadays. And something that a lot of people seem to miss the point of (I'm referring to those that call the pilots wussies for not killing in EW).
All of this is the reason I hate Frozen Teardrop with a passion. Forget the nonsensical, recycled plot or the billion clones of everyone or the terrible mobile suit names like Snow White or Merciless Fairies. Forget Treize getting French’d by his mom or the Zero System being a digital cat or Relena’s grandfather being a disgusting ephebophile. That stuff is messed up and random and dumb and I have no idea what was wrong with the author at the time to write this.
It’s also that he completely destroys the essence of the original series, making every single characters whine about some drama and the never ending “woe is me” monologue I had to wade through every chapter.
Let’s take Duo, for example. He woke up one morning and decided to become an irresponsible, gold-digging bastard. To get Hilde’s money, he agreed to her terms to cut his braid off and get a “proper” name, just to buy himself a motorbike with their joined assets. Then he inherited a church plus orphanage, which Hilde got stuck with, too, being his wife, and when she asked him how to fund the orphanage, Sumizawa wants me to believe that Duo freaking Maxwell was just “Eh, whatever, leave them to it. I’m out” before taking off? Excuse me, what???
I’ve had discussions with people about this and there were statements that maybe more people just need to learn how actual manic depressives and people with PTSD act in relation to Duo's development in Frozen Teardrop. I've noticed a tendency for people to want to apply realism to Gundam Wing, especially in fanfics, but as I said before, Gundam Wing and realism don't have anything to do with each other. So why should I apply it?
What I expect from anything featuring Gundam Wing's characters is the same "heroic" behavior that was displayed in the series. Sure, the pilots each had a mental burden to carry but it wasn't what defined them. For example, Trowa's insecurity about not having a name or yearning for a home never became the main focus unlike his endless selflessness. And Heero's bitterness about the colonies' betrayal was well hidden under his joining the Treize faction to be able to keep retaliating against OZ. A noble deed to fight on but was it really necessary for him to go for the missions with the lowest chance of survival?
As I said, Gundam Wing is unique because it is atypical. That encompasses pretty much everything; you have bloody murderers in the role of the 'heroes', noble, honorable 'bad guys' who value life and the ever flashy Gundams that can't even begin to compare to non-flashy Relena's influence and importance to the plot. So why on earth should I go along with Duo and Wufei bickering like kids, like characters from five million other series do? I want my uniquity. I'm not saying that it isn't a possible outcome for Duo and Wufei to become bitter and bicker and argue and not be able to stand each other when they become adults. But considering those two could get along splendidly, it's a letdown. Duo and Wufei are very much alike; they both lost people important to them twice, they both fight partly out of revenge and their loss has had the biggest impact on shaping them into what they are in the series, unlike the other pilots. Heck, they both wear their respective culture's colors for mourning. Despite that, their personalities (or ways of dealing) are exact opposites. It's enough to make for a more interesting relationship dynamic between them than what was done in Frozen Teardrop and a lot of Gundam Wing fanfics.
Heero's regression is the same. He was frozen because J said something to the extent of "a guy like him would be needed in the future". How J is even alive is another point of unnecessary addition. But what would a guy like Heero be needed for? Killing, apparently.
Way to ignore the ending of Endless Waltz.
I guess it's partly my wish for Heero and everyone else to live a well-deserved 'happily ever after' which makes me have such a knee jerk reaction to all the drama. That and the fact that there was nowhere near as much drama in Gundam Wing. Nor sap, nor stereotyping, nor "realism". >_>
This grated on my nerves, which was why I dropped Frozen Teardrop like a hot potato and haven’t bothered since. This novel does not only fail on a general level with all the random, messed up crap and terrible pacing, it also fails to satisfy the Gundam Wing fan in me because Sumizawa, the very head writer of the show, also ignored major character traits on top of everything else. Why would Catherine, who stated that she hates war and did everything she could to keep Trowa from fighting, train his clone to become a soldier? Why would Duo become that deadbeat I described above?
Being the sole writer of Frozen Teardrop meant he could take as many creative liberties as he wanted. But in the end, he took too many, which in turn resulted in so many inconsistencies with the series that Frozen Teardrop now takes place in an alternate universe, in which not the series but the manga Glory of Losers takes place. Which is the sole reason I’m not bothered by Frozen Teardrop’s existence anymore.
There were some good passages in the novel, it wasn’t all bad. The battles with the new characters were exciting at times, I’ll be honest, but even those couldn’t be called genuinely good because of the carbon copies deal. There is always some blemish. Like Heero’s proposal to Relena. I’ve seen fans of the pairing rejoice at the scene. Alas, I’m not one of them because frankly, the characters in the novel hardly resemble the original ones. So I don’t care.
As the head writer of the show I had expected him to treat the source material with more care and not run it over with retcons and meaningless additions. Best example being everything surrounding Odin. The world could've definitely done without him being Heero's father. Or freaking Trant being related to him.
But again, alternate universe so who cares.
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thecandywrites · 3 years
Blood For Gold Part 3
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Enjoy @kriskukko​ and @punkhorse96​ 
Blood For Gold
Part 3
Wednesday morning came all too soon. Out of everyone in the Morrigan family, you and Jane were closest, since you were only older than her by a mere five years, she only 17 and you, only 23, but she was incredibly sweet and kind and you insisted that Jane also get a new dress or two for the occasion. 
“This was supposed to be all about you Audra.” Jane gently argued from her spot in the next dressing room in the back of the shop. 
“Who says I can’t share my limelight- at least a little. I would much prefer to see you married off and matched with someone who would treat you like the treasure you are, than myself.” You told her as you peeled your first and frankly hideous dress off your frame. 
“But not for another two years at least, I do not think I’m ready yet.” She meekly replied. 
“Then that is what you should hold to. Do not marry until you are ready, too much disaster can happen when you are not.” You advised. 
“But I don’t think you can last that long.” She murmured quietly. 
“We shall see,” You answered her with a heavy sigh. 
“I was mistaken for you when I came back from Kent.” You informed her nonchalantly. 
“By who?” She asked. 
“Duke Voyambi and Count Jabire.” You answered. 
“But I do not know them personally. I know of them, but not them.” Jane frowned. 
“But what do you know of them?” You asked curiously. 
“The Count only recently became a Count, I believe that title has only been in his family for less than three generations, it was given to them when their grain storehouses were full enough to go through the mill and make enough flour to get the whole of London through a hard winter after a bad drought of the summer, but otherwise it’s a humble family and according to Father, they are nowhere good enough for a Morrigan.” She murmured quietly. 
“And Voyambi?” You asked. 
“Oh, he’s a purist, he’s for union, which Father says is foolish, he’s very involved in making sure all orcs get better… everything, from treatment, to housing, to wages, to food and clothing. Father says he’s the only nobleman foolish enough to throw the classism that brought him so high away and in his efforts to raise all orcs up, will lower himself, but yet we still buy his soap because it’s the best quality around and to buy any other made outside the country is unpatriotic.” She repeated. 
“How did his family get the Duchy?” You asked. 
“Oh his grandfather was the king’s personal body guard and saved the king’s life repeatedly in the last war, he was made a Duke and his family has had the Duchy ever since, the soap had just been a family thing they always made for themselves that the king also enjoyed and when they received the Duchy, the king made the family the official soap makers of his realm, the Voyambi’s and Jabire’s both got their nobilities at the same time, along with the other half of the new money, a great many fortunes have been made and lost since industry has taken off. And both owe their wealth to their industries, that can come today and be gone tomorrow, their fortunes are not stable. So they are also not good enough for a Morrigan.” She answered before you both came out of the dressing rooms in the new gowns. 
“Besides, to lay with an orc is to kiss your cunny goodbye because they’ll destroy it and rip it to shreds, or so I’ve heard.” Jane whispered into your ear as you did your best to not burst from trying to contain your laughter. 
“What?” You asked. 
“Well, Mother always says that the bigger the cock, the smaller the brain too.” She continued to breathe into your ear. 
“Ah, ok. Thanks for letting me know.” You thanked her. Oh, if only she knew that it was an orc cock that finally rutted you right but just thinking about it sent a shiver down your spine. Demsey Draft’s orc cock had been just what you needed, and his mouth, and hands, and amazing body and passionate spirit. And he had smelled like that Duke’s soap too and he was remarkably clean for a male prostitute, even dressed nicely too. Well he had been a moura, all moura’s liked to keep clean at all times in all things and always dressed resplendently. 
“So what do you think of the dress Audra?” Jane asked, pulling you out of your reverie. 
“It’s beautiful.” You answered as you looked down and appraised it. It was much prettier than the last dress as you walked out into the show room to see none other than Duke Voyambi come in with a few orc women with him and your excitement at recognizing a friendly and familiar face died in your chest as Jane’s words were recalled into your mind. He would most likely only marry an orc woman, you didn’t stand a chance as you looked away just as Duke Voyambi noticed you were here and froze at the sight of you at seeing you there in a new and very fashionable dress, your gold moura marks a sharp contrast of the dark and rich burgundy magenta of your gown and especially to see them around your chest and your back, neck and shoulders and down your arms as you had been turning away from him, he was reminded of his own rutting the night before which he had tried to put out of his head and had hoped that his rutting had been the end of it, but now, all it did was fuel his own flame of desire for you to burn brighter and fiercer. 
“Countess Morrigan.” He greeted you which pulled your attention back to him before you smiled politely at him.  
“Yes Duke Voyambi?” Agnes greeted, thinking he had greeted her, curtseying in place as she plastered on a pleasant smile as you stood just a little straighter before you and Jane also curtsied respectfully to the Duke and his party who also curtsied in response as Jane came to stand closest to you as the Duke could now clearly see the difference between you and Jane, while Jane was also blonde, and fairly pretty in her own right, she was just a little plain next to you. 
“Audravienne, this is Duke Demsey Voyambi, his sisters, the Duchesses, Amara, Kiera and Callie Voyambi.” Agnes introduced as she practically dragged you over to them, her fist tight like a vice over your forearm before she let you go once you were close enough to them.   
“Your Graces, allow me the pleasure to introduce you to Sultana Audravienne Saharrazat, Divana of Kilan of Dorierra,” Agnes introduced you with quite the flourish as your eyes got wider as you looked at Jane who had come with you and was now flanking your left side as you two shared a meaningful look as your cheeks flushed and your ears burned while your moura marks flashed a rose gold for a moment as Jane stared in shock at her own mother. Normally her own mother turned her own nose up at them, but now she was practically pushing you onto them and no longer doubted her parent’s insistence that they needed to get rid of you, she thought they meant only get rid of you to who they deemed worthy, not just...anyone. 
Meanwhile the Voyambi’s were giving each other meaningful looks too as they looked you over curiously while Demsey tried to keep his composure as he realized all mouras must have marks like yours, he just never noticed. You had been stunning in black on Monday but now in brighter colors you were even more ravishing. 
“What beautiful tattoos you have Sultana,” Callie, his youngest sister praised as she noticed them. 
“They aren’t tattoos, they are my moura marks,” you gently corrected her as your marks pulsed rose gold again. 
“You’re a moura?” Callie asked, her eyes and her sister’s eyes growing wide with excitement as smiles bloomed on their faces. 
“Yes, that’s what Dorierra is- is a Moura country.” You answered, letting your moura accent become thicker than usual, since you had worked for the last two years stomping it down to try to sound more English but you could tell Agnes was going to “resell you” as pure moura, so you were sure your moura accent would probably be accepted again in this instance, instead of punished the way it usually was with the Morrigans. 
“Oh, do all mouras have marks like these?” Callie asked curiously. 
“No, most have markedly less, usually just the collar, maybe a feather or two on their backs and shoulders, I am one of the few remaining ‘true mouras’ the purer a moura’s blood, the more gold moura marks they will have, these moura marks would have been my moura cloak and wings before the Gold Death a hundred and sixty seven years ago- that wiped out the entire heavenly moura population and killed off roughly 80% of the world moura population, my family line was spared because we were mixed with human and elven races, but any purer, we would have died out too. So instead of flying the heavens, I just get to wear the reminder of what mouras used to be and what we used to have.” You answered somberly as Jane held your hand and gave it a comforting squeeze. 
“Sultana, you really shouldn’t be so dark, especially with new acquaintances,” Agnes tried to pleasantly chastise you with a forced lighter laugh. 
“Forgive me then your Graces.” You offered as you gave the Voyambis an apologetic smile as Demsey and his sisters were doing their best to remain composed as Demsey’s heart practically crushed inside of his chest as he wondered how a moura as decked out in moura marks as Audra's had been could be found in a brothel of all places. 
"Let's try some more dresses on Ladies." Agnes encouraged as she pulled you away and practically pushed you into the dressing room as she whispered some harsher criticisms to you along the way. 
"Your Graces, I really should apologize for her. She spent her whole life in Dorierra and she hasn't learned our manners and customs as well as she should have by now. But surely your Graces will forgive the Sultana's rudeness." She soothed as she came fluttering back over to them. 
"Oh she wasn't rude at all, she was just being informative. She's really very lovely." Amara reassured her. 
"Well I must say the Sultana would still make the ideal bride. She is so incredibly sweet and kind and caring." Agnes tried to praise.
"Is that the way she was with the Late Count Edward then?" Kiera inquired, doing her best to hide her suspicions from her tone so as not to openly offend the Countess. 
"Oh absolutely, she never left his side and she made sure his final years were spent in the greatest of comfort because that's what she has been bred to do- to cater to a husband and make him feel like a king or a sultan or an emperor even. No one can do better for breeding or brains or beauty than a moura. And the Late Count Edward even afforded her a dowry for her upon his death of 50 thousand pounds. She'll be the catch of the century and her mourning period ends in only twelve days, barely a week and a half from now and she'll be free and clear for the taking." Agnes informed them brightly. 
Now upon hearing that all the Voyambi's practically had their eyebrows shoot up into their hair line. 
“Don’t most people usually have to pay handsomely to the stables for a moura bride?” Kiera countered as in her own mind, red flags were being thrown all over the place.  
“Oh she just fell in love with England, she didn’t want to return.” Agnes lied as the Voyambi’s looked at each other meaningfully again but were discrete about it. 
“Yes, that’s why the Sultana is such a fantastic find!” Agnes insisted.
“Was there a reason why she didn’t return to the stables? I thought most mouras always return to the stables, especially in the case of widowhood.” Kierra probed, trying not to sound too suspicious. 
“Well then it’s a shame that the Duke is already attached to Lady Whitesale, but I’m sure you’ll find an overabundance of suitors for the Sultana.” Kiera urged firmly, even though that was in itself a white lie also but the last person she wanted the Morrigans to prey on was her brother, wolfish people as they were.  
“Oh, I didn’t realize that, forgive my interference then, I would just hate for someone who would be exceptionally worthy to miss out on such a prize as the Sultana,” Agnes offered to save face before she left to return to the dressing rooms to see how you and Jane were getting along. 
“I’ve never seen a trap so firmly set or a more falsely appetizing bait in my life.” Kiera muttered to her brother. 
“It does make me wonder why she didn’t return, the mouras always return, even if they have children, especially because they have children, mouras only leave the nest for a time before they return, they always return,.” Amara mused. 
“Maybe they are waiting for her to marry another and then have a child to bring her back then. Edward was older but not ancient, he could have had another ten or even fifteen years. But he only lasted barely a year with her. Besides, a moura’s beauty is always outmatched by their greed for wealth and power, of which we have little of either, especially compared the wolves of Broadcove. She would probably burn through such a fortune in less than a year because there are no greater golden leeches than mouras, there’s good reason why only royalty have them, for they are the only ones with enough funds to upkeep them, for however long or short you get to have them around.” Kiera practically sneered as they walked over to one of the displays, not knowing you were just on the other side of the very thin wall and could hear every word as you pressed your back against the wall as your gold moura marks seemed duller than usual as you simply pressed your head back against the wall and tried to blink back your tears as you did your best to remain composed. 
“Audra? Are you alright?” Jane asked as she came out to the other dressing room in her next gown which caused the Voyambi’s to gasp softly and hush themselves from over the small wall. 
“Yes of course,” you sniffed and put on a brave smile for her sake. 
“You should definitely get that dress Jane, it’s so becoming, blue is definitely your color, it brings out your eyes, and if your mother will not buy it for you then I insist I will. You deserve to look just as pretty as I do, if not prettier and I have the perfect jewelry to match at home.” You insisted before you brought her closer. 
“For who knows how long your parent’s generosity will last.” You murmured to her which made her erupt into a giggle as she readily nodded in agreement. 
“If it ever stops, promise me, whatever happens, you’ll come visit me yes? Our family ties are about to be broken but hopefully our bond of friendship never does.” You implored her as she eagerly nodded yes as you walked each other out of the dressing room to see the Voyambi’s in the process of discretely scattering away. 
You weren’t sure why you cared so much of what the Duke and Duchesses thought of you, but you hated for them to believe lies, even though you were sure that even if you could scream the truth, they wouldn’t believe you now. They were set against you. 
But at the same time, Callellea’s words still rung in your head, beware of who the Morrigan’s introduced you to, even though you technically already had met at least Duke Voyambi earlier while Jane’s words also weighed heavily on your mind. If the Morrigan’s would not approve of the Voyambi’s, even if the good Duke was interested, if anything happened further, there would be no way for you and Jane to remain friends, for you were sure Agnes and Richard would never let Jane visit you if you became a Voyambi. You had to admit that it was a bad fit all around as you looked over to see the Voyambi’s looking at stockings from across the dress salon’s sales floor as the Duke turned his head to cast another glance your way and your eyes met again. He did not look dangerous to you though. He looked...kind, and pleasant and amiable and a gentle-man, and now all you could do was hope that Lady Whitesale would be good to him and help him build a proper empire and not tear it down as fast as he could build it. 
“Ugh, don’t waste your time or your thoughts on the Voyambis Audra, they’re purists, and would only ever want an orc bride or groom, and Whiteales is one of the very few orcs in high society they are not related to and she is a piece of work and you’ll see that for yourself at the ball at Havenfield.” Agnes urged you as she puffed out the sleeves on your shoulders as you nodded in agreement. 
“Don’t worry Audra, we would never part with you over anyone not worthy and the Voyambis are a far cry from. Come, we will get these gowns too.” She insisted as you could tell it was her feathers that had gotten more ruffled than yours because her plan of dumping you on the first available gentlemen had practically spit it back into her face. 
“Of course Countess, thank you.” You thanked her softly before she grabbed your chin to have you look up at her but the action caused you to rear your head back and out of her reach, looking at her with frightened eyes, fearing she was going to smack you again and that was observed by Demsey and his sisters, all of who had their eyes widened at the implications of that. 
“Like a head-shy horse she is.” Callie breathed as she tried to discretely stare at you from around her brother.  
“Horses only get head-shy when they’ve been hit or hurt. She’s clearly been hurt.” Amara realized. 
“And maybe it’s that- that is the reason she is not welcome back to the stables, head-shy horses are nigh impossible to get into gear. If she’s head-shy, that means she may have been broken beyond fixing and no longer usable by the moura stables, they are a stable after all, they’d sooner turn a horse to glue than rehabilitate it.” Callie empathized. 
“All the more reason not to have anything to do with the Morrigans and especially the Sultana.” Kiera insisted before her brother and other sisters turned to glare at her as Duke Voyambi was ready to march across the shop and take you away from Countess Morrigan in that instant so you would no longer suffer at her hands because you were a victim in all of this, he was sure of it. He just didn’t know how to help as he just watched as Agnes gathered you and Jane up and left before his sisters felt comfortable to try on dresses themselves before Amara took the dressing room you had occupied and found your purse on the floor next to the chair and grabbed it and tried to catch you again but the note from Callellea fell out of it as Kiera practically pounced on it and ran with it after Amara. 
“Sultana!” Amara called after you as you were about to get into the carriage as Agnes was losing patience for you to actually climb into it so she could. 
“You forgot your purse Sultana,” Mara said as she finally handed it off to you once she caught up with you. 
“Oh my goodness, thank you so much.” You thanked her as you readily took it back. 
“And this flew out of it?” Kiera said as she held up the note from Callella from her spot several paces behind her sister which made your eyes go wide in fear which Amara definitely noticed. 
“Uh, that is only a receipt, you can throw it away Duchess, thank you so much for returning this to me,” you thanked them before you quickly got into the carriage as Kiera looked from the note and back to you with a frown. 
“What was that all about?” Kiera asked. 
“Here, give it to me,” Agnes insisted as she reached out for it.
“Oh it’s only a receipt. We’ll throw it away for her, it’s the least we can do.” Amara said as she took the note and discretely threw an actual receipt away into the garbage bin next to her while she pocketed the note herself before they waived you all off as Amara noticed you seemed relieved yet saddened by it, giving the trash bin a longing glance as you passed it before Amara ushered Kiera back into the store. 
“Did you not see the way Aurdra became white as a sheet at the prospect of the Countess having this? It’s important that the Countess not have this.” Amara insisted as she pulled the note out of her pocket to see what it was before all of her siblings gathered around her to try to read what was written on it. 
“I knew it, those Morrigans are wolves.” Amara whispered hatefully as she read it. 
“It still doesn’t explain why the Morrigans are so eager to push the Sultana off.” Kiera argued as she took it and read it for herself before Demsey took it and read it too. 
“I know why.” Demsey volunteered before his sisters looked at him eagerly. 
“When Count Edward died, he left a living for the Sultana and that living which I heard a rumor Count Richard contested, and is most likely how she can afford to keep Mirador on her own as a widow. I don’t know how much it is, but it must be enough for the Morrigans to not want to pay it any more than they absolutely have to, they’ve been stuck with having to pay it while she’s been in mourning. The Count and Countess Morrigan hoard wealth and resources like the world is ending tomorrow, and the Sultana is obviously a leaky drain they wish to stop up. They’re going to be pushing the Sultana off on anyone they can and they’re hoping that putting a price on her head as high as fifty thousand pounds, that it will be enough to tempt anyone and everyone, come that ball and every other social event from now until the end of the season, the Sultana will be the bait in a dog fight.” Demsey realized. 
“But that is not our fight,” Kiera insisted. 
“If she was a jewel orc, which is what one gets when they mix orc and moura together- which we all know are one of two breeds of orcs allowed in the stables, your tune would be completely different Kiera. You’d be the first one to push me towards her and rescue her from them because you don’t like Lady Whitesale any more than I do which she is barely tolerable at best. But because the Sultana is human, elf and moura, you’re against it when she is still, obviously, the victim in all of this. Moura brides have no say so in who they marry, she was married for a year, widowed overnight and then immediately shipped off because it took less than a week between Edward being known as having passed and her moved into Mirador. There is obviously interference between her and the stables for other letters from them to go awry before they reach her. Mouras are social creatures, you isolate one, you weaken it. She’s clearly been on her own for two years by my calculations.” Demsey firmly countered.  
“How would any of us fare if we were isolated from our own kind, shipped off to a country that was alien to us, match us with a stranger and expected everything to be ok? The fact that she is just now learning she has a people here, and it is probably that- that has her fearing Countess Morrigan. It’s what abusers do, they isolate their victims, then make them completely dependent and then dump them and leave them devastated. That is what is happening here. And it also means someone other than the Sultana is keeping her from the stables and other mouras and my bets are on the Morrigans because if she was to go back there, they would not be able to silence her so effectively, you saw her, she couldn’t breathe without the Countess correcting her and breathing fire down her neck. The mistreatment she has obviously endured at their hands must be so great that it threatens what is left of the Morrigan family honor. But the Morrigan’s are obviously fed up with paying for it and because they are old money and old nobility, even if the Sultana and us were to speak out about it, who would believe us let alone her? But it must still be- threat enough, for the Morrigans to try to play nice for now.” Demsey reasoned. 
“So what we are going to do, is we are going to get whatever ribbons and lace and whatever else we need from here, we are going to get lunch, and then we are going to wait for the Sultana to return home, we are going to give this back to her, because this is the only touchstone she has of home she has because while she’s in mourning, she can’t reach out to others, as are the customs here, and then we are going to ask if we can help in any way. Because she obviously needs our help. If she is going to be bait in a dog fight, at least we can deter a dog or two if we can’t pull her out.” Demsey insisted as he folded the note back up and put it into his breast pocket for safe keeping as that seemed to settle the matter as Callie and Amara were proud and pleased for while Kiera simply huffed in annoyance. Her brother’s bleeding heart was going to get him in trouble one of these days.
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evolutionsvoid · 4 years
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As a natural historian who has gained quite a few rings from the field, I have had the time and experience to pick up patterns and phenomenons that show up in my line of work. While I usually refer to the specimens and environments that I study, the more peculiar occurrences can often show up in places you never think to look. When I visit new places for research, I make it a habit to talk with the locals and get an idea of the land and culture that surrounds me. Usually I focus my thoughts on the species I have selected for observation, but over time I have found that the people I talk to wind up telling me a lot about the creature and themselves at the same time. The questioning and conversation shows what people think of the species, or how they view the entire natural world itself! Ask enough folk around the world, and you start to pick up on some patterns. One of the more obvious phenomenon to note is the desire to label anything big, scary and angry a "dragon." Those familiar with my work should already know quite well how I feel about that behavior. It is a case where people allow first impressions to condemn an entire species, refusing to look any further before calling it a monster. This line of thinking is quite similar to another pattern I have noticed, and that is ugly gross creatures are given no value, while cute pretty ones can often be given too much. To many, the icky stinging insect or the foul corpulent lizard has no purpose to the world, and thus its removal is acceptable. They dare not believe that these creatures have an important role, as those that are hideous cannot have any beauty! A concept spoken by tongues ignorant of the durian! It is often these same folk who then also believe that the adorable and beautiful ones are sacred and paramount to the whole ecosystem! I find it to be a rather messed up system! I know that I myself have called things pretty or ugly, but never would I allow such thoughts to dictate the value of a species existence! One must realize that the dung beetle and the butterfly are one in the same! They are crucial to the environments they dwell in, and seeking to eliminate one of them will often destroy all of them. I apologize for going off on a tangent, but I do so because this line of thinking is what plagues certain species and brings much misery to innocent lives. It creates folk who praise the fragrant blossoms of a tree while chopping away at its gnarled roots. I just wish others could understand that every species plays an important role to the world they live in, regardless of their odor or looks. Judging them only by their appearances is quite shallow and keeps you from seeing their true potential. The reason I have delved into this subject for so long is because I wished to talk about the Colompo, a species that is often scorned for it looks. Folk call them pests and plague bringers, treating them as if they were disease-ridden rats. To them, Colompos are useless stinky garbage eaters, and to that I cry foul! Do they eat garbage? Yes! Are they stinky? Absolutely, but they are far from useless and I will explain why! To start, let us examine what a Colompo is. At first, it may be a bit hard to understand what group it belongs to. It has the comb of a bird, the scales of a reptile and the fur of a mammal, so which is it? The answer is: Mammal! Scaly skin and bird-like structures are nothing new to the mammal class, so these features are quite normal for the Colompo. They have fur on their bodies, teats for feeding their young and bodies that can generate their own warmth. They scurry about on two bird-like legs, while their forearms have developed into fan-like structures that run down their backs. Though they give the impression of wings, the Colompo cannot fly or even glide. That doesn't stop these critters from flapping them wildly at times, usually when they get excited or are trying to scare off predators. They have a long prehensile tail that aids in balance and manipulation, it also comes in handy when they are hiding in the trees or other high up places! These tails end in an arrow-like point, but these structures are not hard nor sharp. Certain folk claim the Colompo use them as spears to impale prey, but these are floppy and are unable to pierce flesh. On their heads, they possess a rooster-like comb of a purplish color, though the structure is a bit more flamboyant on the males. They have large pointed ears and big round eyes, both of which are used to monitor their surroundings. A powerful nose helps them sniff out scent trails that will lead them to food, which brings us to an important part of the Colompo and the stigmas that surround them: their diet. It is funny how the diet of a creature creates so many assumptions in the mind of the public. If it eats plants, it must be peaceful (try saying that to the Khalkotauroi)! If it eats meat, it is evil and mean (I got some bad news about whales)! If it happens to eat dead things, then many call them gross and unsettling, usually leading to people chasing them off or hunting them down. The Colompo is a creature that lands in the latter category, as they are scavengers. In truth, they are considered omnivores, as they do munch on worms, grubs, fruit and any tasty morsels they find, but a huge part of their diet comes from rotting meat. Like mammalian vultures, they seek out carcasses and hurry to the scene, eager to chow on any leftovers they can get. Their teeth are good for gripping and pulling off pieces of tough meat, while their back molars do well against small bones and hardy chunks. Their toes are quite dexterous, which can help them grab hard-to-reach goodies or anchor them down as they yank on a stubborn strip of flesh. When they find a carcass, they will try to gorge as much as they can, storing food in special pouches in their neck. They are quick to feed because they know many others are competing for the same corpse, and often larger scavengers will aim to claim the whole carcass for themselves. At the size of a dog, they can try to push back against bullies at the dining table, but most Colompo will back down and scurry away. However, they do not run far off, as they prefer to use sneakiness over violence when it comes to getting food. While the new owner of the carcass focuses on their meal, the Colompos will quietly creep back to the scene. Colompos tend to travel in groups, and even if they were solo, a large enough corpse to bring in a feeding frenzy will draw in quite a few of these critters. When pushed away from their food, Colompos will band together to get a few more mouthfuls of food. When this happens, a few of them will rush in to harass the owner. This often involves nipping at tails, squawking loudly, spitting, spraying and being an absolute nuisance. Irritated, the larger beast will move to chase them off, leaving the carcass unattended for a few crucial moments. The other Colompos will rush in and grab what they can, scattering once the angry owner comes charging back. They will do this quite a few times, gaining a bit more food each time. Eventually they will relent, and the morsels they gathered will be shared amongst the group. 
While big carcasses are a favorite of the Colompo, they will go after any piece of rotten meat they can find. No matter how small the morsel, their nose will find it and they won't let it escape their hungry mouths. With this, they tend to be found anywhere that has spoiled food or rotting meat. Combine it with the fact that Colompos can be found in quite a few environments, and you have a rather widespread critter. From forests and swamps to city dumps and graveyards, the Colompo will be there. It is here where the trouble between the public and the Colompos begins. Since they are opportunistic omnivores and gleeful scavengers, they tend to get into places where they aren't wanted. Trashcans, junkyards, butcher shops and cemeteries can be feeding grounds for the Colompo as well as a headache for residents. Their dining can be a bit messy and their eagerness to go after fresher food can lead to comical and frustrating scenarios. From distracting customers to steal from a produce stand, to clambering on top one another to reach a cooling pie, Colompos will try anything to snag a meal. Unfortunately, this also means munching upon the recently deceased, as unattended graveyards can be buffets for them. Knowing that they will feed on a human corpse has cemented them as vile ghouls and evil creatures in the minds of many. To see the carcass of a former friend or family member be greedily devoured by hungry Colompos is a revolting thought, so many are quick to eradicate them if they start snooping around. I imagine they get the same reputation as vultures, as omens of death and bringers of disease, which is quite unfair! Since the Colompos will feed upon corpses, they have been associated with death and plagues. To see a roaming band of these critters means that disease and blight is sure to follow. Many are quick to point out that towns ravaged by sickness are often infested with Colompos, who surely brought this misery down upon the village folk. When the cattle drop dead in the field, who is there first? The Colompo. When the corpse wagons drop off diseased bodies at the pits, who happily greets them? The Colompo. So often do they show up around pandemics and death that people believe it is they who bring the plagues. Since this is seen as truth, Colompos are actively hunted and killed when they are spotted around cities and towns. Traps and poisons are often set out, and many farmers are quick to send the dogs after them when the Colompos start showing up. Those who attack them, though, are sure to be careful, as these plague bringers are surely not to be messed with. Their fangs drip with a necrotic venom that will rot your arm right off your body within seconds! Their spit harbors more then twenty plagues, and a single bite will cause your flesh to turn purple and swell until it bursts like a pus-filled balloon! They possess sacs that are filled with a foul acid that they spray at the faces of attackers, melting the flesh down to the bone! They will attack with the coordination and ferocity of a demonic legion, springing from the shadows with toxic jaws and tearing apart foes within sec- WHAT A LOAD OF RUBBISH! Just a heap of gall-infested junk that is nothing but the yapping of fools and the embellishment of attention seekers! How I wish I could tear up every page and scroll that spouts this wilting garbage! Colompos aren't venomous! They don't attack in groups! They don't spray acid, though they do spray a foul smelling substance at foes. You see, they have glands along their sides and near their rear that secretes a liquid that reeks like a rotten fish that was glazed and left out in the sun for a few weeks. When threatened they at first stand up tall, fan out their back flaps and puff up their chests. They hiss and growl, but do not lunge or seek to bite. If the attacker still charges forth, they turn tail and blast a stink trail behind them as they flee. Believe me, this stuff reeks and it doesn't come off easy! Get coated with it and be prepared to be banned from every town for the next three weeks! Some say tomato juice helps get the stench off, while others suggest really strong soap. My personal solution was to visit Marsh Dryad settlements and stay in their company. Their odor overpowered the one emanating from me, and I received quite a few compliments for my personal stench! Anyways, where was I? Oh yes, THEY DON'T SPRAY ACID! Absolutely preposterous, I say! Don't people ever do research before they write things down?!   No matter how many people claim it is the truth or how many scrolls present it to be so, Colompos are not bringers of pestilence! There have been many studies on Colompos over the years, and none have found that they carry these diseases in their bodies. The only reason they constantly show up during these plagues is because they are scavengers, you fools! They eat carcasses, so obviously they would go to where the bodies are piled the highest! The death and decay that comes from a sick village will lure them in, as they view it as a promising spot for food. Not only do they not cause plagues, but so far we have found that they are good for slowing them! Colompo stomach acid is quite powerful, and it is capable of destroying any disease that lingers in the meat they consume. By devouring virulent corpses, they can actually keep others from being infected! If the sickness is spread by parasites like fleas, Colompos can eat those as well! These creatures are important for cleaning up carcasses and removing sickness from the environment. The droppings they leave behind are free of these diseases and wind up nourishing a whole other group of creatures and plants! They do all this, and we thank them with hate and disgust?! How rude! Do you spit upon your garbage collector? Do you thumb your nose at the fellow who cleans latrines? Hopefully you say "no," because if you say "yes" than I really don't know what to do with you. I find it to be a darn shame that Colompos are forever associated with disease and death, as the species has so much more going on with them. I want to move away from the subject of plagues and instead talk about some of the other wonderful things about Colompos! The big one is that they are utter goofballs! They love to socialize with others of their kind, and it involves all sorts of running and playing. They scurry about and flap their fins wildly like crazed chickens! They make all sorts of stupid noises, and the way they stare with tongues hanging and drool dripping is quite hilarious! I honestly find them to be something out of a children's book, how comical they can be and how goofy their antics are. They are also good mothers! Colompos can have litters from about six to ten, and the mothers care for them until they are grown. They carry their young upon their backs, using their fins to protect them and shelter them from the elements. It is a good thing they can have so many babies, as it helps keep their populations strong despite the efforts of horrible people! I have also found that there are some that keep Colompos as pets! The owners are usually Marsh Dryads or similar hybrids, as strong odors is no bother to them, though I have seen others keep them around. A few Ghilani have been seen keeping Colompos, and I have heard that a human or two has done the same. Though I don't know if I could withstand the smell every day, I certainly applaud those that show such affection for these misunderstood creatures! Hopefully more folk get educated about the real facts about these creatures, and we can begin to show our appreciation for all they do!                   Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian ------------------------------------------------ This is a piece I finished recently that was dragon-based, so I decided to post it for Smaugust because it seemed fitting. This critter was made with the help of Lediblock2 , who had brought up the weird mammal/reptile rat lizard things that were supposed to be dragons in medieval paintings. Honestly they look more like the kind of beast that would raid a trashcan instead of a castle, and that was the concept they brought up. It was a fun idea to play with, and it resulted in this wonderfully gross little furball. They stink and eat garbage, but they are actual pretty nice creatures once you get to know them!
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kob131 · 3 years
Geez, this person really went all out with this BS rant against the show/staff. www(.)reddit( lcom/r/RWBY/comments/kiqatg/why_rwby_will_always_be_an_okay_show/
... You know I have been trying to step away from directly addressing RWBY bullshit. But...fuck it here.
If you ever talked to me about how I felt about RWBY, I would say that RWBY pre-Volume 8 has been a touchy subject for me. I felt very validated by two videos, "Why RWBY is Disappointing" and "The White Fang Problem".
Yes yes, and people with parental issues feel validated by their abusive spouse. That means nothing, especially given that one of those videos you mentioned is riddled with bullshit.
"Why RWBY is Disappointing" validated my criticism of RWBYs writing. The fact that Miles and Kerry can't and refuse to take any kind of criticism that doesn't hurt their feelings is complete [insert bad word here]. All criticism is going to hurt your feelings. Yes, you should probably ignore the long winded rants that make themselves out to be self important- why is there a mirror here? But there is truth to all criticism.
And there’s a kernel of truth in the best lies- they’re still LIES.
Not to mention the video you mentioned here (which I am assuming is Hbomberguy’s) pulls the SAME SHIT it calls out. Like say...decrying critics pesonally attacking the writers...while proclaiming Jaune and Neptune as self inserts even though Miles AND Kerry is on the record saying that at least Jaune isn’t written by his voice actor.
I'm currently learning about Branding and how important it is to know your audience. Take self.care breaks, talk with someone you trust. Someone who isn't Miles or Kerry! If your reading this. An outside perspective can help. The reason I say that is because if you two constantly talk to each other you're going to end up in an echo chamber. TALK TO FIONA! She's literally your target audience!
Because hey, a man who contradicts himself numerous times and made personal attacks on the creators that only the most malicious and self righteous do is SOOOO trustworthy right? 
Remember that tweet Hbomb brought up in his video as an example of criticism the creators should listen to? The one that demanded Miles get back to work and tried to use the catchphrase of his dead friend to manipulate him?
What a fucking target audience.
I know they mentioned ‘Fiona’ (likely the character’s voice actress) but there’s a supposed fan, one that pretty much sums up the critics, and a perfect example why it gets tossed out.
Moving on, the other video validated something I wish it didn't. "The White Fang Problem" brought to light something I knew was there but either ignored or I wasn't thinking. The White Fang has always made me a little uncomfortable. As a minority, it didn't translate well in my head. The minority are the bad guys. The Civil rights group were the bad guys. I brushed it off for a long time but after that video I couldn't.
Ah huh. So uh, the existence of Blake, Ghira, Kali, Sun, Illa, Velvet, Neon ect. is just incovienable to you huh? And don’t give me that ‘But civil rights group!’- The first episode had them break up a peaceful protest and it’s repeatedly hammered home that the current White Fang doesn’t give a SHIT about equal rights. And no, that concept is not racist- Judging from a story I read, that happened to the New Black Panthers in REAL LIFE.
It became a moral issue. Watching RWBY became a moral issue. RWBY is still pushing right wing talking points.-
Being right of you is not right wing, Especially given how you just acted.
I dont believe Miles and Kerry are racist. I do believe that Miles and Kerry both hold skewed beliefs in what right and wrong is.
The way Miles and Kerry treat self defense and protest shows that they know nothing about being Black. They didn't do their research. They didn't talk to minorities about how they were being portrayed. They simply believed that they were right and we were wrong.
Ah huh, ah huh, ah huh-
Monty wrote the White Fang this way. You know, the ASIAN man of FOUR NATIONALITIES. So uh, congrats on saying at the absolute most- Nothing.
Now these two videos are old news. They've been posted on this very same subreddit. But you can't go around and say how much of a progressive and open minded individual you are when the fact that RWBY is a racist show and treats minorities very badly. So no one talks about them.
Or that, as I showed: these videos are bullshit.
Also its kinda homophobic too, not because of Bumblby but because despite Tera and Saphorn being a happy married couple they never kiss on screen. Have you seen happy married couples? Have you seen gay happy married couples? They literally do nothing but kiss. Its cute and adorable and deserves to be spread as far and wide. Despite the show having two straight couple kisses, granted one was in Volume but still, they couldn't get the married couple to kiss? Just saying.
... And not all gay couples are the same, even if I’m sure you’re thinking of TEENAGERS.
You know, judging people based on a preconcieved notion (AKA stereotyping) is pretty fucking bigoted itself...
Watch people be in the comments typing away that this isn't a romance show and how I shouldn't expect romance in an action adventure show despite the long list of evidence to the contrary.
Ah yes, that long list of ONE kiss by a TORPEDOED SHIP.
Such convincing rhetoric.
So you can see I was not coming into Volume 8 with my rose colored glasses. I'm sure many of you hate me because of all my comments, but I don't care. I was ready to leave RWBY. I didn't care. RWBY had taken up so much of my life but I don't care. I was not going to support a show that didn't improve.
Ah huh-
You just came in with jade-colored glass and accepted anything that validated you instead of questioning yourself. You talk about branding but that’s ALL you’ve branded yourself as.
So I watched. And something happened. Something strange. RWBY was moving in a direction I didn't expect it to. Oscar got what he deserved. The Heros were oblivious to the danger that is Salem. Things were headed in the direction that would change the characters forever. It'll be just like Beacon but better. And then they had to ruin it.
Oh we are about to get some real bullshit.
Oscar somehow convinces Hazel to betray Salem. What could have been an avenue to a multi season story arc for Oscar that included the stories villains became a shitty uninspired redemption arc. Kill me.
No he didn’t and this has been something hinted at since Volume 4.
There's still hope for the season but at this point I lost all hope. 
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This is the scene that killed Volume 8 for me. Oscar should not be the one who defeats Salem. In fact he should be an avenue to learn more about the villains. He served his purpose with the heroes, now he has a new arc with the villains. Oscar doesn't turn evil, but he's like a conscious. Salem doesn't want to kill him because he can be useful in finding the last remaining relics and maidens.
Oscar has a heart to heart with all the villains including Salem. Oscar learns to be his own man and accepts he's now one with Ozma but he doesn't have to be another Ozma. He doesn't have to make the same decisions.
Its a great Arc for Oscar. It also makes sense for his character. Ozma feels Salem is pure evil but Oscar can learn for himself.
But they won't do that. Instead they're going to take the easy way out. Like always.
Bias getting in the way.
Miles and Kerry love wrapping up each season in a little bow. This is why RWBY is so okay.
They say as every RWBY Volumes ends in a cliffhanger.
This is Beacon but if Miles and Kerry thought that RWBY should still be in Beacon. This is Beacon but without major character death. This is Beacon but the main villain loses because the heroes can't lose. Cinder isn't threatening. None of the villains are. Salem is in a Grimm! She should know everything! Why is there no creativity? Why is she not an over powered mess in A GRIMM!? Her own domain?! Why are the writers writing her not as a powerful goddess reaffirming her as a threat but as a human being. Yes I know what that sounds like but hear me out.
‘None of the villains are threatening!’
‘Why is there no creativity?’
How about I keep mocking you?
If Salem can be out smarted by a 10 year old boy, why did it take Ozma so long to defeat her? Oscar should fail. RWBY should fail. They should go through character arcs that help them better understand Salem. Because that's how you defeat Salem.
Pushing your own thoughts onto the show. Also assumptions AGAIN.
I always believed that Ozma and Salem are very similar to Ruby and Weiss. Yes I know how it sounds but it makes sense.-
Too bad your AU fanfic doesn’t matter.
But they won't. Miles and Kerry will use Oscar to defeat Salem. Why? Who knows at this point. I dont know why Miles and Kerry keep pushing Oscar into the spotlight. Its exactly how they treated Jaune Pre-Volume 7. Jaune had to be the focus so often we hated him. And they're doing it again with Oscar
Ah huh. You know, the whole NOTHING Jaune did in Volume 6 was SOOO spotlight stealing, along with his REMOVAL FROM THE CAST FOR SEVERAL EPISODES.
Wanna bet this is another case of ‘penis on screen, me hate’?
They refuse learn and they refuse to improve. If Volume 8 doesn't improve im leaving RWBY. It doesn't matter to any of you. I'm saying it more for myself. So I don't continue with a show that constantly disappoints me. But more so, I don't support a show that views people like me as lesser. If the writing improves it proves that they can grow and get better but if it doesn't it means they will continue to treat Faunus as misguided and horrible characters. And I refuse to support a show that uses my likeness to get brownie points from people who are unaffected by such messages.
A. No, that’s who refused to do self reflection and improve.
B. Should have done that in the first place.
C. No, once again- You blind yourself from the shit that disproves you.
D. You heard him- Treat the Fanaus like shit and make the humans in the right. You know, the opposite what the show is doing now since it’s SOOO horrible.
E. You are not the center of the universe.
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askmyboys · 3 years
Here’s the last god/goddess I made so far! More to come im sure lmao
| Name: Xovarkzis (pronunciation: Zo-Vark-Zis) God of Time (also has some power over life and death)
| Nicknames: Xo (again pronounced as Zo) or Vark/Ark
| Gender: He/Him, They/Them, She/Her, and It/It’s, gender doesn’t STRICTLY matter for them, you can call them a god or a goddess either one
| Age: It’s speculated that perhaps Xovarkzis has been around since the beginning of time, their specific age is unknown BUT it’s clear that he is over countless centuries old
| Height: 500ft (when they come down to visit Earth they shift down to about 6’3”)
| Species/Race: Well its obvious but still, just to reiterate- God/Goddess
| Hair Color: The left side of his hair is White and the right side of his hair is Black (his hair is a quiff style)
| Eye Color: Left eye is pure white and the right eye is pure black (they have a third eye on their forehead that is mixed between black n white, it isn’t two eyes, its just one eye with split colors, the left side of the eye is pure white and of course the right side is pure black)
| Skin Color/Body Type: The left side of his body is black and the right side is white (ayo a bit of a reversal there lmao) and he’s pretty lanky tbh
| Appearance: She’s got a few outfits BUT the main one is a white toga with a long black silk piece that’s draped over his shoulder (it’s got some white wording sewn into it but the language seems to be unknown, Xo’s language has been lost for centuries, you’d be lucky to find ANYONE aside from the goddess themself that speaks it or can even translate it, if you REALLY wanna know I’ll tell you, it’s basically going to translate into a blessing) it wears black and white victorian style boots (you know the boot got them h e e l s) for some reason he seems to have antlers, b i g ones- likewise the left side is a white antler and the right side is a black antler, he has necklaces hanging from those antlers full of Turritella Agate stones(it is believed to help in times of change, dispelling negative thoughts and reliving conditions of fatigue) and Snowflake Obsidian stones (it’s a 'stone of purity' bringing balance to the body, mind, and spirit. Said to be beneficial for the skin and veins) and she has a necklace she wears on her neck that is a Sodalite Stone (it helps to calm and clear the mind, bring joy and relieve a heavy heart. Said to aid the metabolism and lymphatic system)
He wears a white glove on his left hand and then a black one on the right (they cut the tips out of them so their black and white claws can peep through BUT ONLY for the claws, I’ll explain the gloves being a VERY crucial detail in side facts)
They have razor sharp teeth (they also have a circle beard btw, it being the colors of each part of the respective skin color ya know), their ears are pointed and they also wear black n white gauges and other earrings of that color in their ears as well, that’s all for the jewelry however- they can also grow black and white wings (v feathery n fluffy wings), they also have a black based tail and then white fluff at the end (p much a dragon-esque looking tail), they seem to have a few scars here and there but nothing TOO major, it just appears to be from a few fights that must’ve ensued sometime in her life.
| Personality: Xovarkzis is an… Interesting being, it usually spends time by itself, tending to her own world and keeping everything in order, he’s usually VERY calm and collected in every situation possible since he’s seen it all pretty much, they’ve seen most outcomes when it comes to life, all the questions, the answers, etc- Xovarkzis is essentially almost an all knowing being, when it comes to fighting Xo has never been one to choose a side, they always stay out of matters that don’t concern them, it’s just… What happens a f t e r  a fight, especially if it gets… Messy… They do warn of the consequences of every action, every choice has it’s consequences and if someone thinks they are ABOVE consequences? They are a fool, even Xovarkzis to be as powerful and high ranking being as she is, even he’ll admit he is not free from consequence and he never will be... 
Xovarkzis finds mortals to be such… Interesting beings, Xo loved to study them whenever they could, always watching and observing from afar whatever it may be, whether their making decisions and choices or simply going about their life… Life ...Another subject as well as death, that Xo knows very well, Xo’s seen such much death in her centuries, at first she had questioned why death had to really exist, why did people have to be taken, taken away from their loved ones, taken away from the living, and so… Easily too... Ark had even gone as far to see if it could even s t o p death but hah, when they look back at that, such a f o o l i s h desire, death, albeit a tragedy by most… Can be beautiful in many ways, a lot fear death, Ark cannot blame them nor would she ever BUT, people tend to forget, there IS still beauty in death just as there is beauty in life.
Xovarkzis always tries to show any mortals that wind up before them that fact, it’s not a way to ease them into death, there is no such way to ease into death unfortunately, but there’s still the beauty, at the VERY least Xo can show them that before leading them to their final destination, Xo might be the god/goddess of life and death (as well as time which I’ll get to in a moment) but they cannot bring a person back from the dead, that would go against EVERYTHING they believe in and it’s impossible anyways, death is permanent, and even if there were a way, if they brought them back, that person would NEVER be the same… Well in THAT regard anyways BUT there is a… “Special Rule” If a person is taken before their time is up? ...There CAN be a pardon but it depends on the person really and the situation, and it still goes against what Xo believes in, in, well a way but… Sometimes an exception needs to be made, if their time was not up and it happened to be an… “Unfortunate” circumstance then they must continue on their journey.
Xo will even admit “Despite my beliefs… Your time has n o t run out… There is still so much you must do, so much to accomplish… So, just this once, I will send you back… But remember, life isn’t something you should take for granted, so many loved ones, whether it be a friend, family, or partner… You have someone who truly cares about you out there, so try and live life to the fullest every day possible… Remember, you w o n ‘ t get another chance like this, next time, it will be permanent I’m afraid…” now as for time, Xo holds time with a fondness… Time can be a blessing and a… Curse to some… Xo used to see time as a curse but they learned quickly, you must do what you can and will with the time you are given, never be afraid to get out there and do whatever it is you desire, time may seem so short… It may even feel as though time is plotting and working against you, but that is simply not true… It’s all about working with the time you are given, there is no such thing as more or less with time, and you had better make the most of the time you ARE given, for one day, your clock, as will everyone else’s, will run out.
Xo keeps the time in order (kinda like father time in a way), she CAN control it in a way, meaning it can stop and start time BUT there could only be one reason for stopping, starting, and speeding up time- And if that reason EVER comes to pass ...Whatever god/goddess/being you worship, you had better p r a y to them, pray as hard as you can… (Xo cannot reverse time however technically speaking, unless you wish to count them bringing a person back via unfortunate circumstances then I suppose in a way she can do that but still) Xo’s always been fascinated with how time worked to be honest, it’s interesting all the things time can make happen… Mortals, plants, etc- those grow up, worlds they age and sometimes become more progressive than others, and mostly people change with time, some anyways- Everything changes with time marching ahead, and that, to Xo is a wonderful thing…
That’s honestly the best I can sum them up?? There’s obvs gonna be more to them but for now this is good for personality basis (Xo despite being so blunt with things, Xo is a sweetheart who just wants the best for everyone, just wants peace, equality, and for people to live life to their fullest potential, Xo wants to see them succeed, failure? ...Failure is natural and should not be something to fear, you can always learn from the mistakes you make and next time you try something, then you’ll know what to avoid next time around, failure in a way should be treated as growth, as growing and learning because it is)
| Side Facts: Xo isn’t one for weapons BUT it does wield a black handled scythe that has a white blade attached to it (if you REALLY want, Xo can be technically called a Reaper even if he is much more than that, but if you wish to classify her as that then so be it), Ark’s world is also made up of black and white (literally if you look at the world, it’s split down the middle, black and white, nothing more nothing less, it’s world is actually considered a “Void” given that there isn’t anything really there, the only thing there in the split is Xo’s “throne” of course because it’s literally right in the center of the world it’s black and white as well, they have decorated it with various stones (like the Turritella, Snowflake, and Sodalite stones) there are a few others that are p much otherworldly, those stones can only be found in Xo’s world (I’ll leave those up to interpretation lmao), there ARE shelves lining the “room” however full of hourglasses, all of various types, various names are labelled on them.
Even Xo’s own, for even Xo, despite being a god/goddess n such, does have a due date himself, all the gods/goddesses do, one day their time will be up just like everyone else’s, granted… They D O live a LOT longer than mortals, animals, etc… Hence why their hourglasses are so big and almost infinite, but Xo knows, deep down, despite their infinite size, the sand will reach the bottom one day and then that will be it… Xo isn’t scared of death anymore, they haven’t been for MANY centuries now (they used to be afraid, they used to not understand why they had to even deal with the things they did, why they were the god/goddess they were, but one day, it finally understood… And that was that)
(If Xo and Thanatos (side note, i do realize that’s an actual god name but this one in particular i made is… woo b o y, just- yikes), but Xo and Thanatos would honestly be at each other’s throats, Xo has never liked picking a side in a fight, has never been one for fighting anyway- but Thanatos would disrupt EVERYTHING… That sick disgusting excuse for a god doesn’t even deserve his status, he treats death like a game for his entertainment, he’ll LITERALLY go out of his own way to make everyone suffer in any way he can, and Xo will not have any mockery and slander toward life nor death in this way so those two would c l a s h)
You would think Xo would live forever given their status and being the god they are BUT, it’s definitely not true! They can even be killed even though ...That’s LITERALLY near impossible, not ABSOLUTELY impossible but still, someone would have to get a REALLY lucky and fatal shot in, however even if they were to fade (if Xo dies, imma say this right now, there’ll be a spotlight on them and they’ll start fading away into little specs and drifting into the wind) the balance of life, death, and time will not implode, there are many other gods/goddesses that will be ready to take Ark’s place even if it may be sooner than expected, there’s always a chance after all…
Also fine, yeah- Unus Annus inspired me p heavily here BUT not ENTIRELY?? I just wanted to make another god/goddess for the world, Osmundus has never met Xo despite Xo sometimes visiting other worlds/Earth, and literally meeting his husband- speaking of… Arvish? ...Xo will forever remember what he did to everyone, to all the mortals, his own people even, everyone he hurt and killed- However, Xo holds no grudges, Xo will not haunt him, besides Vark knows deep down Arvish is tormented constantly by his own head, it’s a wonder the old beast hasn’t driven himself insane with all that guilt, Xo has told him before however “You cannot change the past, what’s done is done… However… ...You can make anew for yourself, it all depends on the choices you make in the remainder of your life, so if I were you, I would make the right choices as best I could” Arvish… Took Xo’s words to heart especially, and told Xo he’d try his best.
Also one thing they have to question now… ...Why is it that the mortals want them to say “Memento Mori” so much? Granted, they DO know what it means and even the words “Unus Annus” I mean she knows what BOTH words mean but it seems to hold such value and significance to the mortals...
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flightfoot · 4 years
Dragon Falls Ch. 7
“How’s the device going?”
Max sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I’ve been working on it, but it’s got a lot of pieces. It’s hard to make every section in secret.”
He glanced over at Adrien. “How’s Kagami holding up?”
Adrien blushed. It was fortunate his father had left to go on his expedition right away; he wasn’t sure he could stay away from her long enough, was patient enough to wait until he wouldn’t get caught.
And if his father caught him, or worse, followed him to Kagami…
He shuddered.
“She’s holding up pretty well, all things considered,” he replied. “She’s… she’s been through a lot. ALL the dragons have been through a lot.”
His eyes hardened. “I am NOT letting her - not letting ANY of the dragons - be tormented, used, abused by that… that MONSTER of a Queen anymore.”
Max gave him a level look. “Have you thought of a way to take her down? Considering the dragons haven’t managed it and Kagami’s explanation of her size and strengths, I give you approximately a 0.1% chance of success as it stands now.”
Adrien blinked. “0.1% chance?”
“If all the Queen’s guards happen to be napping or otherwise distracted, the rest of the dragons chance letting you through without alerting anyone, even though they’d be punished severely if it was discovered they did so, and when you try to stab her somewhere, she’s too startled at your audacity to fight back before you incapacitate her.”
Hm… that didn’t sound TOO bad…
“Adrien, NO.”
Adrien pouted. “But it could wo-”
Max gave him a look.
He continued giving his best puppy-dog eyes. 
Max was unimpressed. “Those are a lot more effective when you aren’t proposing marching to your death.”
Adrien held up his hands in surrender. “Fiiiine. What do you suggest then?”
Max looked down uncertainly. “I… I don’t know. Let’s just concentrate on capturing more dragons, freeing them from mind control first. Maybe they’ll have some ideas.”
“Yeah, maybe…” Adrien murmured.
Adrien snuck out of dragon-slaying practice early. 
He’d LOVE to stick around, to talk with Max, Alix, Alya - everyone really. He didn’t get to hang out with them much under normal circumstances, so getting to spend so much time with them? Was a real treat.
But he wanted to talk to Kagami more.
As usual, she emerged from the shadows. Her wings had healed nicely in the past week, the swelling going down significantly.
He wished that could be an entirely happy development. 
But a tinge of dread colored Kagami’s voice when she told him of the improvement. 
If she was able to fly soon, to get away… would she be able to resist the Queen’s call? They were a long distance from her, but… her voice carried far.
He shook his head. It did no good to dwell on that now.
“You feeling okay Kagami?” he asked.
She gave a curt nod. “Prey is plentiful in this area. And my wings…”
She opened them slightly, something she hadn’t been able to do yesterday without wincing. “I think I’ll be able to fly soon.”
Looking over his shoulder, she gestured with her head. “Who’s your friend?”
He blinked. “Friend?”
A small, red-headed figure emerged from the undergrowth.
Well. ‘emerged’ may be putting it lightly.
More like ‘front-flipped over a bush’.
Alix didn’t do anything by halves.
She jabbed a finger in Kagami’s direction. “Mind explaining?”
It only took about five minutes to bring her up to speed. It helped that Alix was less concerned with details, and more with ‘oh cool I have a dragon buddy now’.
“Hm… you like testing your agility huh? I think I know some places we could use to put that to the test…”
...He was getting the feeling it might be best to supervise those two whenever they were together. Alix was known for pulling the craziest stunts of anyone on this hunk of rock.
Not that he was totally immune to getting sucked into those stunts as well but. Well. This wasn’t about him.
At least they had another person on their side. One who tended to pull insanely risky stunts (a lot of the villagers TRIED to keep an eye on her, half to make sure she didn’t get up to anything too crazy, and half because what she got up to was SO crazy you couldn’t help but watch to see what she pulled next) but…
“Hey Alix,” he said, a gleam in his eye. “How’d you feel about causing a distraction?”
She grinned.
The village was unusually quiet.
Adrien worked his way past various blacksmith’s tools, wincing at the pounding of Max’s hammer against the anvil.
“How’re you doing?” he called.
Max looked up. “I’m 80% done with the contraption. Another hour and I should reach 100%. Out of curiosity, how’d you get the village to leave for so long?”
Truthfully he wasn’t sure, he’d been hanging out with Kagami when Alix had initiated her plan. All he knew was it required three sleds, two lengths of rope, a barrel, a lot of mead, and a duck.
“Never mind that,” he waved Max’s question off. “Do you think this will work?”
Max looked down at what he’d put together so far, brow furrowed. “The models indicate it should, but… there’s still so much we don’t know about dragons. Plus they come in all sorts of shapes and sizes.”
He hesitated. “I… I can’t guarantee it won’t hurt the dragon at all. Being knocked out of the air, even like this, comes with risks. But it’s the best I can think of right now to incapacitate one long enough for the Queen’s mind control to wear off.”
Adrien grimaced. That was the rub. 
Incapacitating dragons was a dangerous affair for everyone involved. 
“We’ll run it by Kagami first,” he told Max. “These are her people, after all.”
Max nodded. “I would expect nothing less.”
Pointing to a plank, he asked Adrien, “Now could you hold that up against this other piece here? It’ll be easier to hammer it in if it’s being held securely in place.”
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xhaotixaesthetica · 4 years
Cruel Ink
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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READ THE TRIGGER WARNING: This post contains mentions and descriptions of abusive relationships, ownership of significant others, threats, violence, and death. The behaviors and relationships depicted below are abusive and unhealthy. These are not examples of healthy relationships, it’s actually the opposite. This is meant to imagine the members of Ateez in a popular anime trope and it in no way represents their real-life personalities and characters. Real-life ATEEZ are actually known for being some of the kindest, most respectful idols in the industry. It’s fiction, it’s for fun, PLEASE DON’T READ IT IF YOU KNOW YOU WON’T LIKE IT OR THIS KIND OF STUFF DISTURBS YOU! 
Author’s Note: @zafira-profundis​ I’m really sorry about how long it took me to get to this. I hope you don’t mind that I made the reader a hybrid in this scenario, I just thought it would really fit for some reason. I don’t think it really hinders with anything else in your request. I have no clue why I keep putting yandere san and yandere hongjoong in these dystopian settings, but I think it really fits them for some reason. It was a very interesting request and I had a lot of fun writing it, just like your last one. Your prompts really make me go out of my comfort zone and spread my writing wings haha. With this one, I’m not quite sure I met the expectations I set for this imagine, but I still hope you like it. Best wishes to you, hope you enjoy the writing, and come back to request again!
Genre: angst??? Idk, this ended up having a very strange vibe to it to me, it’s not nearly as emotional as property of the pirate king
Word-Count: 1.8K+
You are in: The Amalgam Star System 
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The first time you met Kim Hongjoong was when your owner, San, went to his tattoo shop for a consultation.
Most owners would leave their hybrids home for such affairs, but you had long since learned that San was far from most owners.
In another world, Hongjoong probably wouldn’t have made such an intimidating figure. After all, he wasn’t that tall nor that broad. Maybe if his hair was a natural color and he wore pastels and went to college and studied like all the other kids his age and he didn’t have that predatory look in his eye and authority in his voice, you would mistake him for being normal, for someone you could be friends with.
But this wasn’t the case. Because Hongjoong’s hair was a bright cold silver and the long silver rattail braids that hung from his head would have been out of place on anyone else but somehow he seemed to make it work. He had countless piercings in his ears, one in his eyebrow, and a flash of silver whenever he spoke told you that there was most likely one in his tongue as well. He wore custom clothes that he decorated with his own drawings, beautiful but haunting and somehow, at the ripe age of twenty-one, he was already a celebrated tattoo artist in the area.
San had let you see Hongjoong’s portfolio online when he was debating having him do his tattoo. You could see why he was so widely sought after. But there seemed to be something sinister that radiated from every line he drew, something that made you hiss, the fur on your tail standing up straight in alarm.
“And who’s this little kitten?” Hongjoong says, giving you a friendly smile, something dark and murky lurking in his black eyes that made you half-hide behind San.
San smiled proudly, petting your fluffy ears and saying, “This is Y/N. They’re a ragdoll-Persian mix. Say hi, Y/n.”
You looked at Hongjoong who rose an eyebrow.
“Hello,” you mumbled before immediately diverting your gaze downward.
Hongjoong chuckled. “They’re adorable.”
San was in a good mood today, hyper and friendly, easily distracted. He was completely oblivious to the way Hongjoong kept looking at you throughout the consultation.
The way he would lick his lips, eyes raking over your frame, your ears twitching toward every little sound you heard, your large fluffy tail curled around you protectively. He was like a starving man, and you a five-course meal, the only thing that could quench his hunger after so long being empty.
“How long have you had them?” Hongjoong asked lightly at the end of the consultation. His assistant was busy booking San into Hongjoong’s schedule next week and San was busy staring at you, holding you so tight to his side that you could barely breathe, petting your ears so roughly that you could barely tolerate it.
He was like a child, the lack of empathy in their small brains preventing them from seeing how rough they were treating the pretty pet they liked to play with.
But you didn’t dare say anything to him, you’d learned to stay silent a long time ago.
“Around 2,047 days, why?”
The assistant looked at San a bit startled, but Hongjoong said nothing, just smiled and chuckled. “You two seem very close,” he said.
You didn’t think that explained at all why he seemed to be so interested in you, but you said nothing as San nuzzled his face into your ears and hair. “Closer than glue,” he chirped.
As Hongjoong watched the two of you walk out of the shop, he knew he had to have you.
He’d never been interested in a hybrid before, never really been interested in any sort of companionship, no matter the species. But something about you he had to have. He had never seen anything more beautiful, more admirable, than his client’s little kitty.
Soon to be his kitty.
“His name is Choi San, the hybrid’s name is Y/N. This is his address and phone number. That should be enough to start them on the right path if they’re as good as you say they are. Tell them to find out whatever they can in a week. I want them with me within a week after his appointment at the latest.”
Seonghwa nodded, his face cold and expressionless as it always was as he took the slip of paper Hongjoong handed him.
The silver-haired man watched his friend’s limo pull off into the purple haze of the setting sun.
His chest swelled with excitement and a sense of cruel satisfaction as he glanced at the sketch that would be adorning San’s body in the next week.
He would make sure that he’d only have you after he did the tattoo.
He wanted San to have that reminder of you for the rest of his life. Wanted him to know that it was the man he trusted with his own skin that took his precious kitty.
When Hongjoong next saw San, the normally cheery boy had a frown on his face the entire time he was getting his tattoo.
You were nowhere in sight.
Despite craving to see you again after going so long without looking at what would soon be his prized possession, Hongjoong couldn’t help but smirk when he saw San walk into the tattoo parlor by himself.
He was just making this entirely too easy for Hongjoong.
San was too distraught to notice Hongjoong slip his phone out and send a quick text before they got started.
For someone with the reputation San had, Hongjoong found the man to be absurdly trusting.
He told Hongjoong all about his terrible week, how he’d been fired from his job, how there was an investigation pending against him for several work and personal related charges, how one of his rental properties had been destroyed in a fire, how his car had broken down.
Never before in his life had things gone so wrong in such a short span of time.
And, of course, San had the money to fix these things instantly, but it was more the fact that things were going wrong in the first place that was causing him such distress.
San didn’t like things going wrong.
“All done,” Hongjoong said with a smile.
It was beautiful, a depiction of San’s precious kitten on his left bicep that almost compared to the beauty of the real thing.
“It’s great, Hongjoong, wow, you really are talented,” San beamed.
Hongjoong said nothing, just stared at San as he skipped up to the cashier to pay.
For once in the week, something seemed to be going right.
“Do you have another card, sir?” the cashier asked, frowning. “This one’s being declined for insufficient funds.”
“What?” San yelped.
He had two other black cards and the cashier tried them each three times. Declined every single time.
Furious, San just took out a wad full of cash and threw it onto the counter, ignoring the cashier’s calls for him to wait for his receipt as he stomped out of the tattoo parlor, already on the phone yelling to the bank.
The final straw came that very same night.
“You’re looking like the cat that ate the canary,” Seonghwa drawled after a mouthful of steak.
Hongjoong smirked from across the table at his friend, raising his phone and flipping it around to show him.
It was a video, some sort of CCTV footage it seemed.
You were in a shelter, beaten, bruised, half-alive.
It was a gruesome, stomach-churning sight and Seonghwa just rose a perfectly sculpted eyebrow.
“A break-in,” Hongjoong said simply, taking the phone back and sliding it into his pocket as he continued to eat. “On the day when he came for his tattoo. When he got home, the culprits were still there. Mysterious enemies from a shady underground life full of law-breaking.”
Hongjoong took a sip of his scotch and smirked. “So sad that he was taken into custody, leaving poor little Y/N all alone.”
Seonghwa gave a mirthless chuckle, the whole situation seeming to be quite amusing to him.
“You’re evil,” he said.
“Not evil,” Hongjoong replied as he wiped his mouth and pulled out his wallet, tossing the cash for his meal onto the table and standing. “Just determined.”
Seonghwa was still laughing as Hongjoong left the restaurant, already knowing the location of your shelter by heart.
He was in no rush.
The staff knew very well that there was only one person permitted to adopt you and they would pay dearly if the tried to stand in the way of Hongjoong and his new trophy.
Your entire body ached as you lay on the oversized dog bed that was standard for all hybrids at an orphanage.
It was cramped but better than catching pneumonia from the freezing concrete floor.
The thin blanket did nothing to stop your shivers which was unfortunate because every movement was agony.
You should be used to it.
San would go into regular fits of rage and this was not the first beating you had received.
But the beating combined with the stress of being ripped away from your home and owner and tossed into a shelter, unsure of your fate once again, was starting to weigh heavily on you now that the initial days of shock were over with.
You weren’t particularly attached to San or your home with him, it was rare for hybrids to come across owners that it was worth getting attached to at all. But at least with San you knew what to expect.
At least there you had relative stability.
“This is the nearest veterinarian,” you heard a soft, feminine voice speak, floating in and out of your head as you began to lose consciousness for the pain. No one wasted money on pain-killers for a hybrid without an owner.
“We can have them come here, or to your residence to tend to them. You could, of course, drive to the vet and have them take care of Y/N there, but with all they’ve been through recently, I wouldn’t advise it.”
Your eyes widened when you heard your name.
Sound became hard to decipher and the conversation sounded like it was occurring underwater, but you could at least make out the sound of your enclosure opening.
And you immediately know the face of the man who was crouching in front of you, about to claim you for his own.
“Hello, kitten. Miss me?”
As you looked at his pretty face, shining silver hair, and deep sinister eyes, you knew there was no hope. 
The Amalgam Star System 
Starlink Intergalactic Navigator 
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