#I just want a small vacay after this
thesovereignsring-if · 10 months
We're making that November deadline baby!!
I stayed up until 5am yesterday to do it, but I've finally finished allllll the writing I need for the Patreon update (༎ຶ¬༎ຶ)!! All that's left is to code in some music and do a few playthroughs for each background.
The update is going to 21k+ words. So it'll basically be about the same length of the first half of chapter 1. It's a bit lore heavy and linear with a splash of character banter (mostly from Medea, she's a chatty girl) in the first part, but it opens up a small bit by the end of it. I will go into more detail of it on patreon after I release the update!
Please look forward to tomorrows ;w;)/
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scary-monsters · 2 years
ouughhh the oncoming dread of going back to work this week + turning 30 ..... just going to keep smiling and pretending i know what i'm doing and everything will be fine
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aliceramblez · 10 months
Dating The BroZone Brothers 🎤🎶
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Tags: Gender-neutral reader, Fluff, Some Angst (mostly for Branch lol), Also Broppy isn't canon here, obviously. But I love them dearly so don't come at me!
Follow me @taruchinator for more structured content and/or feel free to leave a request here in asks. Enjoy!
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John Dory
We all know this man is a bit self-centered, and that doesn't stop at your relationship.
He'll find any opportunity to show off for you— anything from singing, to dancing, to just his ‘incredible leadership skills that make him the perfect boyfriend!’
He also definitely introduced himself as a member of the old boy band BroZone, which you may or may not have heard of, which may or may not have left him flabbergasted.
Despite all his faults though, John Dory will do his best to be a good partner for you. It's what you deserve, after all!
Keeping you safe from wild creatures, making sure you're always happy because he loves your smile, and also being the overprotective boyfriend who'll square off against anyone who even dares to make you uncomfortable even if they're 10x his size.
Small detail, but he also loves the fact that Rhonda took a liking to you instantly.
“She knows how to pick the good ones,” he'd say with a wink.
Talks about his brothers CONSTANTLY, but always in a way that makes it seem like he doesn't care and that it's their fault the band broke up in the first place. He obviously really cares about them, though.
Some nights, he'll reflect and regret all the stuff he said and did to them, and wishes he could go back and make it right. You reassure him through most of it, trying to convince him that he was young and just didn't know any better.
He stares at you in awe and disbelief because how could ANYONE think that what he did was justifiable? Abandoning his younger siblings all because of his stupid ego and personal insecurities.
“I really don't deserve you...”
Give him some time he's just emotionally constipated.
Also you BET he's gonna show you off to his brothers once they're reunited, so just let him. He just wants the most important people in his life to meet.
You can also expect them to try and embarrass John Dory with stories from their childhood, so be ready to have a good laugh as your boyfriend plots for murder in the background.
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Probably the one who's best equipped to be in a relationship out of everyone in the group.
He is a family man, after all.
Speaking of which, if you think him settling down in the movie and having kids of his own was cute, it really is! But that just indicates that he has a way with children.
If you have a child or younger sibling, expect them to get dotted and taken care of to DEATH by this man.
He may not have been the sensitive one of the group, but was definitely the most reliable of the eldest, so he's got experience handling little trouble makers that come his way.
He still opens a cantina in Vacay Island, which is where you two met for the first time, and so you help run it occasionally whenever you have the chance. And even though you don't go there 24/7, all the regulars just think that you're the co-owner since you're dating Bruce.
You're the one who finds out that he's actually ‘Spruce’, the member of old boy band BroZone. You just happened to stumble upon an old record he kept in his room, and after confronting him about it, he reluctantly confirms your suspicions.
It was hard to recognize him since he was much older now and his body had definitely... grown over the years.
Bruce doesn't like preaching about those days, since he's quite embarrassed of the ‘immature ladies man’ he used to be back then.
But he won't deprive you of them either, since he'll happily share any stories on his misadventures with his brothers, funny backstage incidents, etc.
He misses them dearly and wishes they're all doing okay.
Two words: Hopeless. Romantic.
He's ‘The Heart Throb’ for a reason.
Roses, chocolates, dances— he can do it all!
Bruce will always make time in his busy schedule to spend time with you, taking you on dates to your favorite spots around the island, getting you meaningful gifts, and just overall expressing his love for you in any way he can.
He loves singing to you because it always serenades you and it puts a smile on his face.
People always joke that he's going to propose to you out of the blue one of these days, which always leaves him a flustered mess, but he never denies either.
“What can I say? I might be waiting for the perfect opportunity...”
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Poor baby doesn't know what he's doing but he's trying, okay?
The two of you meet in the abandoned Bergen Golf Course, where you and Viva welcome him with open arms, and everything pretty much plays as in the movie, except that he really likes spending time with you and ONLY you, which he doesn't quite understand?
You're the one to ask him out cause otherwise you'd be playing this back and forth forever. He says yes.
He's never had a partner before, so he's justifiably worried that he'll mess up in some way, or that you'll end up finding him too boring after a while.
This becomes much more apparent after a particular bad night, in which after mumbling incoherently because of a nightmare, you find out that he has brothers and used to be in a boy band.
He doesn't open up about it at first, so you give him some space and reassure him that you'll be there when he needs you. Just give him some time and he'll tell you eventually.
He talks about how he could never be himself, since he was always expected to be ‘The Fun One’, and now he's basically tried to become the complete opposite in hopes of gaining some control over his life.
But he also worries that others will think he's too dull, and that he just isn't interesting enough to be around. Especially you.
You immediately take his face in your hands and look him in the eyes.
“I fell in love with Clay. Not ‘The Fun Troll from BroZone’ Clay. Also, you're fun in your own way!”
He basically falls for you all over again after hearing this.
After that, he becomes slightly less uptight and allows himself to enjoy the little things. You sometimes actually catch him dancing when he thinks no one's looking and you find it's the most adorable thing in the world, even after he realizes he's not alone and wants the earth to swallow him whole.
“Don't mind me, I'mma just crawl in a hole for a while...”
“No, no- Babe, it was amazing! I loved it! Pleaseeee show me more!”
Overall, he's a pretty good boyfriend all things considered.
He's incredibly overprotective of you, and will always give you advice and tools he thinks will be helpful if you're thinking of venturing outside of the Golf Course.
He asks Viva for dating advice CONSTANTLY and she DOES NOT let him live it down. Of course she has good ideas, though.
He'll pretty much do anything for you, even if it means going out of his comfort zone.
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Another great candidate for being in a good relationship.
Need I explain myself with this man?
His entire personality revolves around being caring and understanding, so he's definitely always on the lookout for anything that makes you sad or uncomfortable and will fix it ASAP.
Floyd is the kind of person who will ask for consent with pretty much anything you do— from holding your hand, to kissing you, to giving you a hug; he will ALWAYS make sure that you're okay with it even if you've given him the green light in the past.
He's not huge on PDA due to his somewhat shy nature, but if you are, he'll try his best to keep up with you.
This doesn't mean he dislikes physical affection, in fact it's his love language. He'll go out of his way to try and sneak in as many hugs as possible throughout the day and maybe a kiss or two if you'll allow it, which of course you do.
You also try your best to get involved in his own interests, because that's only fair after everything he does for you.
It isn't until one day that he sings for you that you compliment him and he nonchalantly comments that he used to be in a band when he was a teenager.
Cue the reveal of him having four brothers and you begging him to tell you all about them.
Which he does, but you can't help but notice the melancholic expression on his face, so you immediately stop him and apologize for being pushy on the matter and that he doesn't have to share anything he doesn't want to talk about.
He only looks at you with a small smile and shakes his head.
“No, I'm glad you asked. I haven't talked about them in years, so I like remembering the good times, even if they're in the past now.”
So he'll go on and on about them, one by one, and go into excruciating detail about what kind of person they are and what he loves about them. He's especially fond of his little brother Branch, based on everything he tells you.
When he gets kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer, you immediately go to Branch for help.
Once you're reunited, you two basically run to each other and hug with tears streaming down your eyes.
“Did they hurt you?!”
“No, I'm okay! Did they hurt you?!”
“Who cares?”
“I do!”
Floyd is then incredibly happy to introduce you to his brothers, who begin to affectionately tease him about getting himself a partner and you happily step in to protect him from any unwanted bullying.
You also tell him that you like the new hairdo, which only causes him to giggle and kiss your forehead affectionately.
Honestly you guys probably have the healthiest relationship out of the whole group.
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I was really debating whether to include him or not since there's many Branch Reader Inserts out there, but I don't wanna leave my baby out so here we are!
You have a classic childhood friends to lovers situation with him, since you've known him ever since he was a member of BroZone, only being about a year older than him.
You'd help him practice for his concerts and would always give him pep talks whenever he felt worried that he'd ruin the show.
You're basically his number one fan— never missing a concert even if it meant dragging your parents with you so they'd let you get in.
The moment the group disbands and Branch is left all alone, you're there for him and wait alongside him for his brothers to return, reassuring him that ‘siblings would never break a promise’.
Cue his whole childhood trauma and him losing his colors, but it's only because of you that he doesn't completely isolate himself from society. He still builds his bunker though, since he's pretty much scarred for life thanks to the Bergens.
Just like with Clay, you're the one who takes initiative and asks him out, and he's just left gaping like a fish because why would you want someone like HIM?
After reuniting with John Dory, he's also dotting you about how big you've gotten and treats you like a baby, which actually irks Branch much more than it does to him.
He makes sure to remind his brothers that you both are grown adults, thank you very much.
Once the band gets back together, you kinda become a manager of some kind and help them in organizing their performances. Branch is eternally grateful and thanks you for staying by his side all these years.
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01zfan · 2 months
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non-refundable pt. 2 | j. sc
boyfriend!sungchan x reader | 4.3k words
this was a commission but i kinda went a little insane at the thought of going on a vacay with boyfie sungchan. this is the unedited version of the commission so that's why the word count is a little low heh.
contains: food mention, other than that nothing!
non-refundable: one | two
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you were sitting at the cabana with both of your elbows on the bar as you looked at the television. it was a tiny screen, playing something that you couldn’t have cared less about—the volume was so low that it was overtaken by the sound of the waves crashing on the beach and the bartender taking orders. who the hell watches sports while on vacation anyway? you turned away when it cut to commercial instead focusing on the drinks in front of you. two pina colada slushies, extra pineapple wedged on the rim of both. the condensation from your glass wet your fingers and the coaster it sat on. the one next to you was in even worse condition—it had melted a long time ago, the liquid sinking to the bottom as the flavorless ice rose to the top. 
you leaned forward on the bar and brought the straw of yours to your mouth with your tongue. you went back to focusing on the television, now it was some sort of advertisement about exploring the island you were vacationing on. you watched the quick montage and mentally checked off each thing you’ve already done. hiking? did that, took a picture at the top to prove it. snorkeling? did that first. zip lining? did that, even if you both thought you were going to die.
the same time the vacuum of your straw was looking for the last drops of your slushie, the advertisement ended. the violent slurping pulled you from your reverie causing you to look down. sure enough, you were done with your drink and the only thing left was the chuck of pineapple stuck to the rim. you pulled in the last bits of your drink just for dramatic effect, trying to get the remnants that pooled at the bottom of your glass.
“want some of mine?”
at the sound of someone else’s voice you turned in your barstool to look behind you. you still had the straw in your mouth and your elbows on the bar of the table as you turned to face sungchan. he was coming from the water, staying there after you had retreated back to the beachfront. 
you started subconsciously drawing in more nothing in your glass as you watched droplets ran down the planes of his body, starting from his wet pushed back hair. the water gathered at his shoulders and ran down the chiseled parts of him, all of it ending at the waistband of his swim trunks. you forced yourself to look at sungchan’s face and not the way his body caught the sun perfectly. suddenly underneath the shade of the cabana and the gentle salty breeze you felt hotter than ever. 
you distracted yourself by turning to the drink next to you, pouted seeing the state of his drink again. you watched sungchan not be bothered by his melted mess of a slushie as he took a small sip. you grimaced at him pulling in straight liquid.
“it’s all melted.” you said simply.
sungchan looked to the bottom of his glass, going crosseyed in the process. when you laughed he looked at you and shrugged. after his sip he put one of his elbows on the bar and balanced his head on his fist.
“sorry, i didn’t know i had stayed in the water for so long.” sungchan said.
now it was your turn to shrug. when you told sungchan you were leaving the water to relax at the cabana he said he was following behind you. he also asked if you were okay, which you had to sheepishly say yes to even if it was a lie. sungchan kissed your forehead and asked you to order two of whatever you were getting at the bar before heading back into the water. 
the turning fan that was on full blast behind the bar finally hit you. sungchan’s eyes went to the flowing end of your bandana, then to the drying droplets of water on your chest. his eyes drifted to your chest and stayed there. you almost hit him in the chest to get him for staring, but just before you could sungchan reached across to you to casually fix the twisted strap of your swim suit. you let his hand rest there for a moment, trying not to smile to yourself at the bare minimum touch. 
trying not to react to the littlest of things when it came to sungchan was getting harder and harder. you thought that getting back together would’ve entailed being used to everything. you thought that the agreement to loving eachother better and softer than before meant not letting disagreements pull you apart like it did before. but sungchan held up his side of the pact a little too well. he found new ways to love you everyday, so much to the point that you felt yourself falling even deeper in love than you were before. you just prayed you were holding up your side just as well, judging by the way he seemingly couldn’t get enough of you made you believe you were doing something right. instead of getting distraught over sungchan’s melting slushie or his prolonged time in the water you left it wash off you like rain. you reasoned with yourself, remembering that you left the water earlier than either of you expected.
“it’s okay. the water tired me out faster than i thought it would.” you said.
sungchan started pinching the strap of your swimsuit between his fingers. he traced it all the way up to your shoulders before resting his hand there. he looked you in the eyes, a smile on his face as he watched you admit you were tired. his body that was already facing you leaned in a little closer and he pushed his drink towards your empty glass. 
“we were up pretty late last night.” when sungchan saw you quickly avoid eye contact and smile he leaned in a little closer. “we also woke up pretty early, too.” he said.
at the last comment you playfully pushed on his chest. he barely moved from your strength, he only playfully laughed before bringing his hand down to rest on your thigh. you couldn’t even chide sungchan for being so suggestive because it was true. you foolishly thought that you had done everything you could’ve with sungchan, that your sex life couldn’t be improved—but sungchan wasn’t sungchan if he wasn’t constantly improving. 
at first you thought that there was something in the air, that he was putting in the extra effort to show you how seriously he took the second chance at the relationship. but that was a year ago and sungchan still the same. some nights it felt like he seemed so indebted you were nearly bothered. any attempt you made to do the work was thwarted by a stern hand on your stomach or a broken plead of just keep taking it. each time you would whine and pout, wanting to give back the pleasure sungchan was always giving to you. in the beginning of your relationship you believed that sungchan’s enjoyment on bed was contingent on yours, and the way he acted now made you believe it. he kept his eyes trained on you and the way you responded to every touch, every kiss, and bite. talk to me and tell me how that feels was his favorite phrase in bed now. 
you don’t know if he was always like this or if you had become more attentive. you noticed sungchan was doting in every sense of the word and it only increased tenfold being on this trip. nothing about being surrounded by the water or getting swallowed by sungchan’s love was a bad thing, but your lack of sleep and constant exertion was becoming something of a problem. the worst part was that this only motivated sungchan, seeing you bashful seemed to amuse him to no end. 
you took the pineapple junk from the rim of your glass to distract yourself. 
“yeah, we were.” you said quietly.
your shy habits weren’t lost on sungchan, he only laughed before leaning in closer and brushing his finger underneath your chin.
“you’re so cute.” he cooed.
you two stayed at the cabana for awhile. even when the bartender left to go eat and the other people at the barstools changed into other people you and sungchan stayed sitting side by side. you both moved around in your spinning barstools, talking about your day and the trip in general. you two talked until the small cart vendors were replaced with actual food trucks, and the bright midday sun started trading places with the moon.
when you heard sungchan’s stomach complain you looked behind him at the food truck that smelled promising.
“let’s get something to eat.” you said, pointing towards the truck.
you left the sand with sungchan close behind you, and you two ordered side by side. after getting your food, he followed behind you again as you tried finding a spot to eat. you pointed towards a spot where the road turned into the sand and looked back to sungchan for approval. he nodded with his food and your drinks in his hand and you sat down first. after you grabbed things from his hand to let him sit down without dropping anything.
“thank you baby.” sungchan said before kissing your forehead.
“let’s eat.” you said, opening up your food container. 
the two of you let out sounds of amazement at the food looking just like the picture. 
you were both too hungry to wait. as soon as you saw the food it was already being eaten. you were both silent as you ate besides the occasional praise on the meal. sungchan kept feeding you the best pieces of the meat on his skewers, and you kept giving him loaded spoonfuls of your rice dish. when you were full and content sungchan smiled, still nibbling on the rest of his food.
you were taken back to the last time you were out looking at the waves late at night with sungchan this close to you. you had a jacuzzi then, and you spent the whole day pretending you didn’t feel anything for him. now, you came back to the ocean with sungchan after putting all your cards on the table. you leaned your body to the side and rested against sungchan. he still was eating next to you but didn’t sway from your weight. you leaned fully into him and continued looking at the waves that were becoming darker from the sunset. the beach was clearing, the sound of people chatting and music playing was replaced with the sound of the waves rippling in front of you. you couldn’t stop yourself from sighing contently.
“do you want to get ice cream?” sungchan asked.
you looked up to sungchan, and almost instantly you were lost in the memory of him bathed in the dark as he stared at you from across the jacuzzi a year ago. when his hand went to your back and started rubbing your bare skin you suddenly needed to see sungchan in the light of the sun.
“i want to go see the sunset from our rental.” you said.
sungchan’s hand stopped tracing shapes for a moment.
“we have seen the sunset everyday, i think i see an ice cream cart over th—” 
“sungchan.” his eyes widen as you interrupt him. he can hear the severity in your voice as you desperately try to get your point across. sungchan being oblivious to your advances makes you want to see him in the dark of your room. you pull away from him and you feel him freeze. “take me back to the rental.” you begged.
within two minutes, sungchan had all of the trash thrown away and your things gathered as you two left the oceanfront. you walked over the hill and headed towards the sunset to the rental.
sungchan held your beach tote in one hand and was practically dragging you in the other. the normal side conversations about nothing was replaced with silence. your normal leisurely walk was replaced with fast paced walking. the gravel from the road was kicked up by your flip flops from the speed, and occasionally sungchan’s feet dragged on the ground accidentally in his haste. there seemed to be a thick air settling over the two of you, the implication of your plea to go home made sungchan lengthen his strides and you sped up to compensate for it.
the rental’s distance from the ocean wasn’t bad, the short walk gave you and sungchan time to talk and the view was breathtaking. in the morning, you would see the sun rising from the water and on the way home you got to see the sunset. 
you were grateful to see something so wonderful, but in moments like these the journey back was exhausting. you didn’t realize you were out of breath until you stopped for a moment at the top of the stairs. sungchan lightly pulled at you once but when he felt you stand still he turned around with you.
the sun was going to be swallowed by the ocean any minute now, but it wasn’t going down without a fight. you could the sun light the water, bathing the ripples in a beautiful orange. the setting sun shined right in your face, but you didn’t look away. you didn’t blink even if it was right in your eye, you only continued to watch the gentle movement. you felt like you were peacefully floating on top of the surface of the water letting it move you. sungchan came up behind you and putting his hand on the small of your back.
“it’s beautiful.”  sungchan said as he kissed your shoulder and fully wrapped his hands around your waist to bring you in for a back hug. 
he pulled you in close, and you could feel all of him against you, from the start of your shoulders to the top of your thighs.
the breeze from the ocean seemed to stop as your skin started feeling hot. sungchan’s chaste kiss did nothing to quell the sun that felt like it was burning inside of you. he trailed kisses and puffs of breath up your neck. he stopped at the crown of your head over the fabric of your bandana, and trailed back down until he hit the spot below your ear. everything seemed to still when sungchan kissed the shell of your ear.
“but i need you to come inside right now.” he confessed.
his desperation turned you away from the sun. sungchan glowed in the light, and you saw the shadow you casted on his body. wordlessly you unwrapped his hands from your waist and held onto them tightly. 
sungchan couldn’t hide his smile as he kept his eyes on you. you both refused to break eye contact as sungchan took slow steps backwards towards the front door. you don’t know if he misjudged the distance from the entrance or if he was distracted by you, but you couldn’t stop yourself from laughing as he ran into the door.
sungchan giggled too, and he only continued to giggle as he missed the door handle over and over again. by the time you reached behind him to turn the knob you were both laughing, and when he closed the door behind you your sides had started to hurt. 
when you couldn’t stop laughing, sungchan grabbed you by your forearm and lifted you over his shoulder. he did it with ease and his grabby hand on your thigh only caused you to laugh more. your laughs were ringing through the kitchen, then the common area, and finally the bedroom when sungchan closed the door with his foot.
you had no reprieve from sungchan’s tickles when he set you down on the edge of the bed. you tried your best to keep a straight face as he stood above you, but seeing the playful smile on his face made a grin break across yours. instantly his hands were all over you, in the pits of your arms and across your chest and stomach. when you fell backwards on the bed to try and get away from sungchan’s hands he only followed after you. both of his knees were on either side of your body as he loomed over you. in the moments when you gained enough strength to open your eyes you saw him laughing along with you. any attempt you made to speak turned into breathless laughs instead. your hands on his wrists did nothing to stop him as you wiggled further onto the bed trying to get away from him. you could feel the sand from the beach getting onto your bed. if you weren’t fighting for your life you would’ve told sungchan you both needed to shower, but all you could do was laugh as the sand rubbed into your skin.
before you knew it, you were flipped over onto your stomach and sungchan started tickling your back. your laughs were muffled by the sheets, now it was sungchan that was louder than you. he continued all the way down your body. you didn’t have the chance to calm down until he started lightly pinching your thighs. sungchan seemed to find your fidgeting more amusing. his laughs turned into chuckles as you tried regaining your breath. when your sore body stopped reacting to his touches sungchan leaned into your back.
“tired already?” he teased into your ear.
he was softer with you now too, treating you so delicately it almost brought tears to your eyes. you both became better lovers but some nights, the softer part of your agreement was null and void. there were some nights you couldn’t form a coherent thought and the only thing you could do was continue driving your hips to meet sungchan’s. sometimes your sweaty indent was left in the mattress and you were a crying mess being consoled by mocking coos and harder thrusts. there were plenty of moments like this, where sungchan had to remind you the chasm that separated your stamina from his. 
all you could do was nod weakly against the sheets, still trying to regain the strength in your weak limbs. sungchan kissed your back and you could feel him brush sand from your arm.
“want me to take it easy on you tonight?” he asked.
sungchan’s hand was still on your arm light as a feather as he grazed it over your skin. he laughed lowly at your slight twitch and laughed again when he saw you shaking your head.
“i can take it.” you assured him.
sungchan cooed at you again and pinched the back of your thighs for effect. when you jerked he slowly took the chance to quickly flip you over to your back. he laughed at your flushed face and bent down to kiss the apples of your cheeks. you met him halfway, finally willing some strength back into your body to lift your head. 
you pressed your lips to sungchan’s. you met his gentle pecks with harder ones until you were sitting straight up. sungchan’s hands roamed up and down your shoulders again, and you started letting your hands travel up his body too. he was unsuspecting, returning each of your kisses while tilting his head to accommodate you. you drifted your hands higher and higher up sungchan’s body, until you made it to the nape of his neck. when you had sungchan’s hair locked between his fingers you smiled against his lips and pulled.
instantly sungchan whined against into your mouth from the pain. you continued kissing his parted lips and met his distracted lips with dominance. before long you had pulled your legs out from under sungchan, and propped yourself on your knees to kiss him. besides the grip sungchan had on your arm he was powerless against you. you released your grip on his hair but pressed into his shoulder to guide him onto his back. sungchan only pawed at your waist as he went down, not resisting your guiding hands at all. 
you straddled sungchan’s waist and playfully swatted his hand away as he reached out to you.
“babe, please.” he whined.
you both knew sungchan wasn’t the only one who didn’t honor the softer agreement when it came to sex. when you realized you could use sungchan’s need to please against him, you unlocked a new power. you were able to shift the dynamic you two had previously set after finding out you were able to reduce him down the sobs and shakes. all you had to do was deny him something as simple as touching you. without being able to grip the skin of your waist or thrust into you sungchan became putty in your hands. you thought about taking off your bandana and binding his wrists together, or even better to the headboard. you reveled in the thought of sungchan pulling at the silky fabric of your scarf made you heady, but you decided against it. you exercised your power for the night, now you wanted nothing more than to fuck sungchan the way you should’ve a year ago.
you guided sungchan’s hands back to your waist as you brought your body closer to his. sungchan wrapped one of his hands around your waist to bring you even closer before using his other hand to grip your ass. you started hastily pushing his swim trunks down his legs ad he gathered your bikini in his hands. 
both of you wasted no time. sungchan had barely pushed his pants down his legs before you started pumping his dick. he pushed your bikini to the side as you lined him up at your entrance. you could hear the trees blowing in the wind outside as sungchan pushed inside of you. you were both silent for a moment, your lips both parted in a silent gasp. you squeezed your eyes shut and pushed your hips back until he was completely inside of you.
“oh my god.” you felt all of sungchan pulse inside of you and your walls seized around him to compensate for the stretch.
you two were in the still for a moment. as if the world started spinning again the two of you started letting out sounds of euphoria. sungchan was slow pulling out and pushing back into you. you met his effort halfway, but you stopped when sungchan purposefully snapped his hips upwards a little harder. 
“tell me.” sungchan interrupted himself with a curse as you seized around him again. he faltered inside of you, and didn’t start moving again until you pushed your hips backwards. “tell me how it feels, baby.” he groaned.
you started driving your hips back to meet his with a new vigor. you were reeling off the power of making sungchan actively crumble underneath you. he started pulling at your skin harder than before. he gave up holding your bikini to the side to fully knead and press into your ass.
“feels so good.” you couldn’t handle sungchan’s intense stare and you retreated into the crook of his neck. “i love you.” you whined.
“i love you too.” sungchan turns your head from the crook of his neck and kissed your lips. “i wanna stay here forever.” he confessed.
you were both losing your rhythm, only focused on helplessly rutting into the other. besides the occasionally profanity no words were said, only open mouthed pants and breathless groans. you had to hold onto sungchan for stability, and you began losing yourself. you were reeling off of eachother’s desperation and ironically feeling fulfilled from the others selfish desire. the only thing that stopped you was sungchan’s hands pressing into your ass. his strength kept you in place as he took the metaphorical reigns. his hips thrusted up into yours, and all you could do was cry out and suck on his skin.
“so good.” sungchan exposed the expanse of his neck and instantly you latched to him. “keep taking it.” he moaned.
you nodded while still sucking on his skin, only pulling away when you felt the creeping feeling like the goosebumps that raised across your skin.
“i’m close.” sungchan nodded against your head and increased his pace. “so close sungchan.” you moaned. 
“together.” he said simply.
you started seizing around sungchan repeated the same time his thrusts started slowing down. it washed over you the same time it took him over. he moved his hands from your ass and wrapped his hands around your body instead. he pulled you tight, and gave you a final thrust before he finally let his legs slide out from under him. you followed him, and you let your body fully slump against sungchan’s as your heart hammered in your chest. 
you knew you would be sore from tonight, and all the other nights, but that was the last thing on your mind. the only thing you cared about was staying as close to sungchan as possible. so when his grip around you loosed you only further nestled into his body. sungchan let out a deep sigh and started rubbing your back. you did the same when you finally felt your body change from the blazing sun to the calm moon. but you knew the sun would rise again when you felt sungchan hold you a little tighter.
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jakesangel · 22 days
swinging with jake ꣑୧
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thinking of late night walk with jake when the both of you had been walking for a long time after eating some weird ice-cream jake wanted to try, making the scenery coming from beautiful orange sunset to a cold midnight sky. after giggling and walking funnily on one foot, jake suddenly stops eying something. 'what's wrong ?' you ask him while you look where he is looking. he is already walking/strodding when your eyes comeback at him, his imaginary puppy tail waving eargely towards whatever he saw. 'come on baby ! lets swing' he shout/whisper as his speed fasten.
when you finally arrive, jake is already playing by himself, swinging softly on the children seat, smiling ear to ear w rosy cheeks due to the coldness of the night ' look ! isnt it so fun ? ' his playful behavior warms your heart, making you smile too at the scenery. as you walk closer to him, he stands up, showing you the seat he was just on, on hand in front of it the second on his stomach, bending a little ' after you m'lady' he cheeky courts you. you sit down with a chuckle and jake walk around to come behind you. 'okay, you know how to do it, right baby ?' he questions you. ' how to do it ? what do you mean' you look back at him, confused eyes staring at him. ' when you swing front you straighten your legs and when you swing back you bring them close to your seat. you'll go higher and faster like that baby. or we can just take it slow, as you want you' his reply is full of comfort and affection, always wanting to make sure your needs is met with his actions. 'yes, slow please'.
he softly push your back, and step back a little watching you move. he does it for few minutes, a small endearing smile watching you having fun. ' feels good baby ?' he whisper. you give him a thumbs up as you keep looking forward, feeling the cold breeze on your face. after jake let's u found a pace, he sits to the next swings, using his feet to match your speed. he closes his eyes, feeling the air just like you, his soft hair flowing behind his face.
the atmosphere feels intimate : a warm bubble where the silence speaks up about the love and trust held for each other. the only noise that can be heard is the metal clicking as both of your seat move back and forth. he opens his eyes and look to your side. he smiles as the contentment on your face, one of the prettiest sight to his eyes, right after your smile for him. he unconsciously reach your hand, his body always needing to have you in some way, specially when you look this beautiful. you open your eyes at the contact, looking back at him. you smile at his smile, words still not needed to express each other feelings. you wrap your hand over his, both of you clinging onto one of the metal strings, and just like that, the both of you look back in front, smile on your face, swinging at the same pace.
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princess love letter : wrote this on my vacay when i saw a swing >< i love them so so so muhc couldn't help but think about jake and i on it ㅎㅎ also since when do i not write about kissing jake :0
perm tag list ( open ) : @berryyuni @stwrjvke @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @mioons @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @heeseungmyman @jlheon @ghostiiess @river-demon-slayer @djikeu @firstclassjaylee @pshwrldd
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kaiserthread · 8 months
shopping spree pt.2
clothes/accessories the bllk boys buy you! characters: nagi, oliver, rin content: pro players, established relationship, f!reader, slight implied nsfw in olivers part (nothing graphic but just in case) part 1 here! tysmmmmmm for the love on part 1!!!!! this one was so much fun to write
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NAGI SEISHIRO - couples pajama sets 
loves sitting around the house with you on his off days
values every minute he can get with you 
buys it with the express purpose of seeing you wearing one of his shirts
gives you the shirt from his set and lazes around shirtless
seishiro’s free time has always been very precious to him, even more so now that his schedule is jam-packed with matches, press appearances, traveling, so much practice, and most importantly, you. he’s perfectly content with spending all his off days with his lover. which is exactly why he couldn’t resist buying the cute couple pajamas when he was supposed to be buying groceries. you can’t even find it in yourself to scold him for forgetting the frozen blueberries when he pulls the pajamas out of their bag and presents them to you with a small smile on his face. “i’m letting you off easy this time, sei. only because you’ve been gone for a while.” you say, reaching up to pinch his cheek. “mkay, i’ll remember next time, promise. but only if you match with me tonight.” he says as he leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips. “alright fine, since you asked so nicely.” you huff, grabbing the pajamas and making your way towards your bathroom to shower. seishiro is lounging around in his new pajama pants when you step out of the bathroom. “sei, what happened to matching?” he turns his attention away from his phone, passes you his pajama shirt and says, “you always look better in mine, sweetheart.”
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OLIVER AIKU - bikini
he likes looking at women in swimsuits, trust he’s gonna know the latest and most flattering styles
he just wants you to look your best when y’all go on vacay together!
reminds him of how you two met
“oliver! come tie the strings on this for me.” your voice rings out and oliver comes running to help. he takes the strings and gently ties them into a neat knot. “you look so pretty, baby.” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck before wrapping his arms around your waist and admiring you in the mirror in front of him. “doesn’t this remind you of how we met?” you giggle, turning in his arms to rest your forehead against his. “how could i ever forget?” he questions, thinking back to that incredible summer several years ago. high off his first big win in the pro leagues he’d found himself on vacation at the beach. you were there for a friend's wedding, fresh off a disastrous breakup with your ex. he’d charmed you with compliments and the two of you stumbled into bed together on several occasions before parting ways, but not before swapping numbers and promises to keep in touch. the two of you made things official the following summer and ever since then going to the beach every summer has become a tradition. “meeting my summer fairy was the best thing to ever happen to me.” he says before pressing a searing kiss to your lips.
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ITOSHI RIN - evening gown
you're his princess ofc he's gonna buy you a dress to fit that title
studies your wardrobe for a while to make sure he’s getting one with a good color and a fabric that doesn’t bother you 
he browses for so long that he just says fuck it and goes to a designer to have one custom made
rin honestly can’t believe this, isn’t paris supposed to be known as a fashion powerhouse? the fact that he can’t find something perfect for his princess is beyond ridiculous. he gives up after weeks of browsing and calls in a favor from a manager at the club who has connections to a renowned designer who’s willing to make him exactly what he’s looking for. a few weeks later he’s handing you an extravagantly wrapped box, “an early christmas present.” he explains. you open it and pull out a beautiful floor length gown. “rin it’s stunning!” you throw your arms around his neck before rushing away to try it on. “come zip me up?” you ask, and rin complies, walking over to you and zipping the dress up. “it fits perfect rin, did you get this tailored?” you question. “i had it made just for you, the stores didn’t have anything nice.” rin responds, sweeping you off your feet. “only the best for my princess.”
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chukys-mouthguard · 1 month
aperol spritz
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5.3k words | not proofread
featuring: william nylander x female reader
warnings: sexually explicit content, minors DNI, 18+; choking, spanking, hair pulling, daddy kink, marking, overstimulation, slight degradation, squirting, p in v, oral (female and male receiving) - aka LOTS of smut!
summary: after a shitty breakup your friends take you on a girls trip where they’re desperately trying to help you find a vacay fling, and william just might be the man for the job
note: i have no clue how this ended up where it did, but i hope you enjoy 🙈
You swirled your finger around the rim of your glass, listening intently to your friend as she told you about the interaction she’d just had with some guy at the bar. The music blasting throughout the small club as you’d downed about seven drinks at this point. A good buzz going through your body as you watched the crowd, the dance floor a bit too packed for your liking. Preferring to people watch as you sipped your drinks.
It was night four of your girls trip to Ibiza, and you’d yet to find a nice vacation fling like you’d hoped. Your friends were trying to get your mind off a harsh breakup with the spontaneous trip, and one of their goals to put it plainly was for you to get laid. While you weren’t desperate, something about the idea of meeting a stranger and having one or two amazing nights with them, then never having to cross paths or worry about seeing them again was intriguing.
Your friends noticed you eyeing the crowd, giggling to themselves at how you were trying not to be obvious about wanting to find yourself some eye candy.
“Y/n, at this point if he’s got all his teeth and buys you a drink, I say go for it.”
Shaking your head you rolled your eyes, tossing back the rest of your drink. Not having noticed the blue eyes that had been stuck on you for the last twenty minutes.
A blonde haired man sitting at the end of the bar sipping his drink as he watched you and your friends. Seeing the way you eyed the crowd, as if looking for someone. But only ending up discouraged as you hadn’t found what you were looking for.
“Sorry to say girls, I have a bit more I require if anyone is getting their hands on me.”
They both sighed, hating how picky you were despite the need to be touched by a man.
“Y/n, come on, you just need one night to let your freak run wild and not be worried about ever seeing the guy again. While I understand wanting the guy to be attractive, if he’s got the equipment, I think you need to lower the expectations.”
Sliding from the booth with a laugh, you excused yourself to the bar for another drink.
The blonde haired man saw you get up and knew this was his chance to make a move, hoping that you’d give him the time of day as he could sense you’d be tough to crack. He watched as you looked for an open space at the bar, the only one next to him as he locked eyes with you, inviting you to take the spot.
You offered him a smile as you tucked some hair behind your ear, tapping your nails against the bar as you waited for a bartender to come your way.
“Aperol Spritz?”
You looked to the blonde at your right, a confused look on your face as you watched him sip his drink.
“I’m sorry?”
“I saw you from across the way, I couldn’t help but notice you weren’t drinking what every other girl in here was. So, I’m taking a guess, Aperol Spritz?”
You playfully bit your lip, not sure if that was a bad thing that he’d been able to know your drink order, but part of you didn’t mind either way. A hot guy at the bar, if not the hottest you’d seen all night, appeared interested in you and you would let him guess anything he wanted about you.
“Well, you would be correct. It’s been my go-to the entire time I’ve been out here. And if I had to guess for you.”
Eyeing his glass you smirked as his eyes were focused on you, a slight chuckle escaping his lips as he watched you study his drink.
“Hmm, I’m gonna guess you’re a vodka soda guy?”
He shook his head no as he pulled the glass to his lips, taking a sip before he answered.
“It’s a spin on a traditional mule, some people don’t like it. It’s a little spicy with some lime.”
The drink sounded interesting, and you were inclined to try and see what his taste was like. Still waiting for the bartender as the blonde extended a hand to you.
“I’m William.”
“Y/n, nice to meet you.”
After shaking your hand he held it up to signal the bartender, who immediately came to him to take his order.
“Another one for me, and for the lady?”
William pointed to you, catching you off guard as you were still confused how he’d had the bartender practically at his beck and call while you’d been waiting for minutes.
“Um, I’ll do the same thing!”
You smiled as you’d reached for the stool that sat tucked under the bar, figuring your friends wouldn’t mind you ditching them to have a drink with your new found friend.
“What do you think?”
William patiently watched as you sipped the drink, hoping you’d enjoy it. The taste was just as he described, a bit spicy with the perfect amount of lime.
“Wow, that’s good! I think I like it more than a traditional mule.”
He was pleased that you enjoyed the recommendation, clinking glasses with you as he took a sip himself before asking about your reason for being in Ibiza.
You’d explained it was a girls trip, leaving out the details of your breakup, knowing those details would almost definitely deter any guy from being interested in you.
“It’s been a super fun trip, this is our last night out though so I’m a bit sad about that.”
“Your last night? And I just got the chance to meet you and share a drink? Damn, well, I guess I need to make the most of the time I have with you then.”
He smirked as his chin rested on his hand, looking you up and down as he finger traced over his bottom lip. Something instantly telling you there was more to what he was saying, reading inbetween the lines to hope that he was as interested in you as you were in him.
You took note of his toned arms that were simply covered by a white short sleeve shirt, a gold chain peeking out from under his collar, his pants hugging his thighs pretty tight. Making you wonder how muscular his legs would appear underneath the fabric.
The two of you had downed a few more drinks, your buzz increasing as you felt yourself growing more and more desperate to be closer to William. The way he ran his hand through his hair, his smile as he spoke and the occasional laugh he’d let out. You’d hoped he couldn’t see it written on your face how much you wanted him, but you weren’t sure how much longer you could control the thoughts running through your mind.
“Do you dance?”
His hand rested on your thigh, reaching for your fingers as your hands then intertwined. A smile on his lips as his thumb traced circles over your skin.
“Mmm, I do dance. I can’t say I’m good, especially after so many drinks.”
William laughed at your drunken words, standing up as he tucked some hair behind your ear.
“Well what if I keep a hand on you, to hold you steady?”
You looked up at him with lust filled eyes, playfully biting your lip as you rose to your feet to join him.
“I think you’re gonna have to hold me pretty close.”
“Then I won’t take my hands off you.”
William winked before he took your hand and led you to the dance floor, finding a spot for the two of you as he spun you around before bringing your bodies close together.
Your hands wrapped around his neck, fingers playing with his hair as two moved along to the music. His hands resting at your waist as he felt his heart racing with you so close to him. Trying to control his desire to let his hands roam your body and see how far you’d let him go before you turned him down.
But little did he know you were more than willing to explore his desires. Wanting to feel his hands all over you, to have his lips on yours.
“For someone who said they’ve had quite a few drinks, you’re moving pretty well on your feet.”
William smirked down at you as you rolled your eyes, turning away from him as you brought his arms around your waist, backing up so your ass was pressed against him.
“Oh don’t act like you don’t want to hold onto me.”
He laughed in your ear as the two of you were now grinding rather than simply swaying to the beat. The tension building as you’d tried to not seem desperate to be closer to him, but needing him to know you were open to take this as far as he also wanted.
“Oh trust me, I want to do more than just hold you. Like I said, I’m trying to make the last night of your trip the best night.”
You leaned your head back on his shoulder, smiling as one of his hands kept a hold on your waist while the other moved your hair from your neck. Exposing the skin to him as you felt his lips brush over your skin, his nose tickling your ear causing you to slightly flinch.
“The best night of my trip huh? You think you’re gonna be able to do that?”
William chuckled in your ear, loving the cockiness in your voice, as if proposing a challenge to him. To which he gladly accepted, not willing to back down from you. Wanting to follow through on his promise of making this the best night of your trip.
“I don’t want to sound cocky, but I can guarantee you won't be able to walk tomorrow once I have my way with you.”
His words send a wave of need throughout your body, the mystery of not knowing what would be in store being enough to have you ready to leave with him immediately. Knowing he had you wet on this dance floor solely from his words, the idea of what he’d do to you once he had you in private made you weak in the knees. Glad he’d had a steady hold on your waist, pressing your ass firmly against his crotch which you’d tried not to pay attention to as you felt him growing hard behind you.
“Is that a threat? Or a promise?”
He placed a kiss to your neck, softly biting at the skin before licking over the spot to soothe it. Earning a soft moan from you as you felt chills shoot up your spine at his lips against your skin.
“Why don’t we get out of here and you can find out?”
The invitation was all you needed, taking his hand in yours as you pulled him from the floor. Stopping back at the booth where your friends had been loving the fact you’d finally found someone to hopefully get you laid. Admiring the gorgeous man at your side as you asked them for your bag.
“Don’t wait up girls!”
You blew them a kiss as you quickly exited the club, hand in hand with William as you had no clue where you were headed. You and your friends had been sharing a room, so you hoped William had a room to himself that you two could occupy.
He noticed you looking left at right, appearing at your side as he snaked a hand around your waist. Pulling you into his chest as he began peppering your face with kisses.
“Don’t worry, I’ll get a cab.”
You grabbed his face as you pulled his lips to yours, kissing him for the first time as you couldn’t handle the anticipation anymore. Tongues fighting for dominance as one of his hands gripped your ass while the other held you close to him. You bit his lip as you pulled away, blushing with a smile on your face as he tried to catch his breath. Your hand reached for his as a cab pulled up, William opening the door for you to climb in.
“How long is the drive?”
He smirked down at you, sensing how badly you needed him to touch you again. His hand resting on your thigh, slowly making its way higher to dip beneath your skirt.
“Someone is impatient huh?”
You felt goose bumps covering your skin as his fingers slipped under your skirt, brushing over the fabric of your thong to feel how much you’d already soaked them. A smirk on his lips, loving the idea of how wet you’d been all night just for him.
“Fuck, you’ve been this wet for me all night? I love that.”
His lips crashed back down onto yours while his fingers pulled the fabric of your thong to the side, as he traced along your slit. A soft moan escaping your lips only to be swallowed by William. Your thighs instinctually spread to give him more access, William taking that as his sign to go further. His thumb slowly circled your clit as he slipped his fingers past your folds. A sharp gasp escaping your mouth as your hand instinctively pulled him deeper into the kiss, trying your best to muffle any sounds that were threatening to come from you.
William’s growing erection pressed against the zipper of his pants as he felt you soaking his fingers, loving the feeling of your juices coating his hand. Catching you off guard he suddenly pulled them from you, bringing them to your mouth as he broke the kiss. You gladly accepted his fingers into your mouth, sucking your juices from them as he bit his lip.
“Mmm good girl.”
The cab came to a halt and William handed the driver some cash before he pulled you from the backseat. You were pulling your skirt down as you climbed from the cab, hoping no one was able to tell what the two of you had just done, though also not caring as you were craving more from him.
His hand held yours tight as he pulled through the crowded street up to his hotel, secretly hoping the two of you would get lucky with an empty elevator ride to his floor. William desperately needing to have his way with you, pressing the button to close the doors just as quickly as they’d opened for you.
“Floor twenty.”
He instructed you on which button to press before you felt his hand pull you towards him. Pinning you against the wall you could feel how hard he was, a smirk coming across your lips knowing you’d gotten him so worked up. One of his hands sneaking back under your skirt as the other found its way to your throat, lightly tightening his grip as he stole a kiss from you. His eyes searched yours for any sign of hesitation or nervousness, but all he saw was lust and desire.
“You trust me baby girl?”
All you could manage was a slight nod of your head as the ding of the elevator snapped William out of his thoughts. He took your hand as he hurried the two of you down the hall, fumbling with the key as he couldn’t wait any longer to have you all to himself.
Tossing the key on the dresser he pulled you further into the room, sitting on the edge of the bed as you joined him. Straddling his waist as he lifted your skirt up to your hips, your hands tangling into his blonde locks as your tongues fought for dominance.
He let out a low groan at the feeling of you grinding your hips down onto him, signaling his approval with a smack on your ass. The sound echoing throughout the room as you winced at the slight sting, Williams hand resting on the sore spot as if to soothe it.
“You’re so fucking sexy, I hope you’re ready for everything I wanna do to you.”
His voice was low and laced with desire, he needed you in every way possible. Your mind racing at the things this man had in store for you, and knowing you’d do just about anything he asked left you practically begging him to continue.
Normally you weren’t one to explore different kinks or fantasies in the bedroom, your last boyfriend being more on the vanilla side of things. Which was fine, it got the job done. But something about William, his clear want to have his way with you and explore the limits a stranger would let him go, it brought out a side of you that you were ready to explore.
“Oh yeah? Well let’s see it then, I want everything you’ve got.”
He bit his lip at your words, his cock twitching in the confines of his pants hearing you say you wanted everything. And with that stamp of approval, he was ready to give you just that.
“Take these clothes off and get on your knees. Let’s see how bad you want it.”
Quickly you’d stepped out of your skirt, making sure to give him a good view of your ass that was now sporting a bright red handprint from him. William pulled off his shirt, tossing it to the side before resting back on his hands as he watched you strip for him.
His tongue darted out over his bottom lip as he smirked the mark he’d left on your ass, his hand falling to palm him bulge that was painfully pressing against the seam of his pants and needing to be freed.
Pulling your top over your shoulders, you tossed it to the side as you rested your hands on his thighs, finding your place on the floor in front of him. On your knees as he instructed while he looked down at you with eyes full of need.
Standing up from the bed he’d undone his belt with a quick flick of his wrist, then following suit with the button and zipper. Guiding his pants down his legs as you admired his build, your hands running up his thighs as you desperately needed to see what he was hiding underneath his briefs. Though the bulge in them was clearly telling you that he’d be plenty big enough for you and there would be nothing to complain about.
His thumb traced over your bottom lip as a slight chuckle escaped him, seeing how you eyed his bulge knowing you were surely soaked at the sight of his size.
“You’re cute when you’re needy, and I’m gonna make you beg for every inch of me.”
His words had you dripping, the anticipation for what was to come almost being too much as all you wanted was to get his briefs off of him and his length inside of you. But William wasn’t going to make this so simple. He’d finally discarded his briefs, his cock springing free as it lapped against his stomach. You felt your pussy throb at the sight of it, not only the length but its girth. Trying to anticipate the feeling of lowering yourself onto him and how he’d stretch you out. But you knew nothing could prepare you for that.
He slowly stroked himself as he took your chin in his other hand, guiding your mouth to line up with his length as you willingly offered. A low groan escaping his lips as the feeling of your lips wrapped around him, his hands immediately gripping at your hair as he couldn’t help himself. His hips slowly moved to match the rhythm as you bobbed your head up and down, slightly gagging each time his tip hit the back of your throat.
“Fuck yes, I wanna hear you choke. Just like that.”
Picking up your pace his hips moved to match, his grip tightening in your hair but the pain only felt like pleasure as he held you in place as his cock filled your throat. His breath sharp as he slightly twitched, feeling you deepthroat him, your eyes slightly tearing up as your nails dug into his thighs.
He pulled your mouth from his cock with a groan, already missing the feeling of your lips around him as he picked you up. His hands gripping your ass while his lips crashed back onto yours. Arms wrapped around his neck as your nails scraped along his back, making him hiss at the feeling but he loved it. Wanting you to show him how good he made you feel through the evidence you’d leave on his skin.
He laid you down on the bed, eyes roaming your body as he licked his lips with anticipation, stopping to see the wet spot that had formed through the fabric of your thong. His cock twitching at the sight, desperate to be buried deep inside of you.
“Do you always get this wet?”
His smirking face between your thighs almost made you nervous, instinctually pressing your thighs together to hide yourself from him as if it were a bad thing. But William quickly pulled them apart, reassuring you it was nothing to hide from. His fingers hooking under the tiny straps that sat on your hips, pulling the fabric from your body as he was met with your glistening folds.
“Dirty little thing soaking your panties like that for me.”
His lips pressing kissed along your thighs, teasing you as his mouth was covering every inch of you except where you needed him most. Your hips instinctually adjusted as if to give him the hint, though he could tell from your eyes just how desperate you were for him to taste you.
“Talk to me baby girl. Daddy is gonna make sure you get exactly what you want.”
The way the pet name for you rolled off his lips surely had the sheets soaked beneath you. His slight accent mixed with the cockiness in his voice sent shockwaves down your spine as you could hardly wait any longer, his teasing becoming unbearable.
“I want you to taste me, please.”
Your hand gripped at his hair as you tried to guide him towards your heat, your voice slightly whiny as you pleaded with him. But he loved it, inching closer towards you as you could feel his breath on your folds, goosebumps covering your skin as you’d swallowed in anticipation.
“Mmm, please what?”
“Please daddy.”
Your response was almost instant, making William chuckle at how you’d become putty in his hands. But he loved every bit of it, knowing he’d repay you with the pleasure you’d be feeling at the hands of his mouth in seconds.
Hearing daddy roll off your tongue was all it took as you gasped, his mouth immediately pressing to your clit as he wasted no time. His tongue worked wonders as your back arched, hands grabbing at his hair so tight you were sure he’d lose strands.
“Fuck, oh my-shit!”
He chuckled at your reaction, it only encouraged him to continue as he’d slipped two fingers between your folds. His cock twitching at how wet you’d gotten for him, his fingers matching the pace of his tongue as you felt your breath catching in your chest. Breathing heavy as you could feel your fingers tightening around him, eyes fluttering shut as you tossed your head back. Not able to form words as the only escaping your lips were whines and moans as he brought you to your peak, but not backing down.
He could feel you were already close, your hands dropping from his hair to grip the sheets as your thighs pressed tight to either side of his head. Your body shaking as you tried to push him away, the feeling was overbearing as his tongue continued its attack on your clit. Pulling his fingers from your folds, he’d wrapped both arms around your thighs, holding you still as his mouth took over.
The way he licked and sucked at your clit you were seeing black, and William couldn’t take his eyes off you. Seeing how overstimulated you were as you body shook beneath him, looking down at him through half hooded eyes as you bit your lip.
He’d let his thumb take the place of his mouth as he came up for air, kissing your thighs softly as he smirked up at you.
“You wanna cum baby? I can see it in your eyes.”
Nodding your head was all you could manage as your mind was blank, William moving his hand so his fingers could dip back inside you.
“Mmm, fuck. Such a pretty little slut getting soaked for me. How about you cum for daddy and then ride this cock?”
“Y-yes, I need your cock inside me. Wanna feel you stretch me out daddy.”
He loved hearing you dirty talk back to him, the fact that you made sure to tell him what you needed despite the work of his fingers making it hard for you to breathe let alone speak.
“As you wish baby girl.”
William chuckled before his fingers picked up their pace, thrusting in and out of you as his tongue found its way back to your clit. The sensation already close again as he barely gave you time to recover from the previous high.
Your back arched as your moans turned into soft screams, William pushing you over the edge as he made you ride out your orgasm. Soaking his fingers and mouth as he’d managed to make you squirt, catching you off guard as you looked at him shocked.
“Fuck, I-I’ve never done that before.”
Taking his fingers in his mouth to taste you as he cleaned them off he flashed a smile, climbing up the bed and lowering himself on top of you. His lips finding yours in a sloppy kiss as you felt his cock slightly brush against your folds, making you twitch at the sensation.
“It was so fucking sexy baby.”
His lips trailed down to your neck as he slid his tongue along your jawline before biting at your collarbone. Your head falling back only makes him reach up and wrap his hand around your exposed skin, slightly tightening his grip as he whispers in your ear.
“Now how about you get in my lap and we make you do it again?”
William swapped your places, pulling you into his lap as you straddled him, his hand reaching behind you to unhook your bra in one swift movement. Pulling the black laced undergarment from your arms as he threw it across the room. Immediately giving attention to your breasts as he’d been eyeing them all night, never imagining them to be as perfect as they were to him.
While he gave your chest some attention, you took your turn at leaving marks of your own down his neck, hands roaming his muscular chest and arms. Soft moans escaping his lips every time he felt your teeth nip at his skin, always followed by your tongue to soothe the red spots you’d left behind.
Slipping a hand behind you, you took his cock and slowly teased your folds. Desperately trying to make him wait but you couldn’t hold out any longer yourself, sliding down his length as your hands rested on his chest to brace yourself. Expletives pouring from both of you, feeling him stretch you out as his head fell back against the pillow. Hands sliding down your sides to grip at your hips, holding you steady as he needed a minute to compose himself with how tight you felt wrapped around him.
He echoed your reaction as he attempted to guide your hips, urging you to ride him, which you happily obliged. William’s hands moving to grip your ass as you grinded against him, his hips occasionally bucking at specific movements you’d done.
“Bounce on it baby, show me how much you like it.”
“Mmm, I don’t like it, I love it.”
Following his request you leaned forward as your arms rested on either side of his head, bouncing your ass up and down on his cock as he groaned in pleasure.
“Fuck, just like that. Such a good girl, fucking ride me baby.”
A smack of your ass from him urging you to continue, your pace picking up as you could feel yourself already getting close to another orgasm.
“Shit, I’m already close. You feel too good, holy shit.”
William smirked at you before he quickly flipped you over onto the bed, keeping his cock buried inside you as you gasped. Caught off guard by the sudden switch of positions, but loving the feeling as he put one of your legs over his shoulder to have a better angle.
“Think we can make you recreate earlier? Gonna really push you to your limits baby. Can you take it?”
Biting your lip you nodded, fingers gripping the sheets tight as his hand fell to your clit, thumb rubbing vicious circles as your eyes rolled back. His free hand doing his best to hold you in place as you were already shaking.
“Come on baby, let’s see it, be a dirty little slut for daddy. I want you to soak me.”
His words were like drugs to your senses, the only thing you needed to reach your peak. That besides his cock and thumb that was working its magic making you tongue tied as you could barely form a response.
“William, I can’t take anymore, it’s too much.”
He could feel you tightening around him once again, knowing you’d gotten you so close. His thrusts now sloppy as his pace picked up, both with his cock and his thumb.
“Fuck, come on baby, I’m gonna cum for you. You’re so close, I can feel it.”
His voice almost a low growl as you watched his brow furrow, his own climax approaching. Reaching down you pushed his hand away, taking over the assault on your clit and giving him the ability to grip your hips and thrust into you. Hard and fast as his fingers surely broke skin, leaving bruised fingerprints in their wake as your hips bucked against him. Your hand barely able to keep its pace, the warmth building up as your back arched.
William pulled himself from you as he came, his seed covering your stomach as your own release coated his chest. A cocky grin on his face as he looked down at the mess the two of you had made. Your chest rising and falling rapidly as you tried to make sense of what had just happened. Vision blurry as you all you could muster was a, “holy fucking shit”.
William climbed off the bed, disappearing to the bathroom before returning with a towel to clean you off. Your body slightly twitching at the feeling of him touching you, you’d definitely be sensitive for an hour or so with how good he’d pleased you.
After discarding the towel he picked you up, ripping the soaked sheets from the bed before setting you back down on the drier surface of the mattress. At this point you didn’t care where he set you down, just needing to lay still and try to recover.
“You okay baby girl?”
He grabbed an extra blanket from the closet, laying next to you before he draped it over the two of you. His thumb brushing over the skin of your shoulder while his lips pressed soft sporadic kisses.
“Yeah, I um, wow. Fuck.”
William chuckled as he wrapped an arm around you, closing his eyes as your breathing finally slowed to match his.
“Told you I’d make this the best night of your trip.”
Playfully rolling your eyes you ran your fingernails along the skin of his forearm, relaxing in his embrace as you tried to imagine how you’d explain this to your friends.
“What about tomorrow, you think you could make that the best morning of my trip?”
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moshpitgamma · 8 months
😚Zoom Zoom Mama G has posted again!!!
HOPE YALL ENJOY THIS ONE AND I HOPE ITS NOT TO BAD….(You’re older than branch but younger than Floyd btw😌)
Family Reunion||Brozone x Sister Reader
Warning:Angst and Mild Cursing
Word Count:1.3k
Other:It’s kinda proof ridden😝✌️
You knew JD wasn’t always the best brother, but you didn’t expect for it to go like this…
“It’s called BRO-ZONE meaning BROS not GALS” JD said angrily at the h/c haired troll. “So youre saying just because I'm a girl I can’t be in the band. I’m basically the damn melody John.” you loudly yelled at him clearly pissed at how your brother didn’t want you to ruin brozone. “It has to be perfect and the name is perfect for bros. MAYBE IF YOU WERE PERFECT IT COULD WORK, BUT YOU’RE JUST A FUCKING MISTAKE FOR THE BAND” he yelled at y/n tired of her shit. He didn’t mean to totally call her a mistake, but it was too late. She already ran to her room in the shared pod, crying her eyes out and muttering small complaints. All the brothers stood with their mouths agape from witnessing the scene. “John what the hell,” Bruce said, holding the blue decorated egg with blue hair sticking out. “You just called her a damn mistake” “Maybe she is and it would be best if she left….The band is almost there and she’ll just get in the way.” John said it as if he was hoping y/n would leave to save the band for the family harmony. After John said that all the brothers left the area with sour and disapproving faces. Ignoring him till later that night.
It was now 2:34am and fast paced footsteps were heard around the pod waking John up from his humble sleep. He groggily dragged himself out the bed and headed towards the noise and found his three brothers and branch’s egg sitting in the living area. “What’s going on and why are you guys up so early.” John said, kinda annoyed from losing his beauty sleep. “Y/n left” Clay said barely above a whisper. “Huh,” John asked again, not being able to hear Clay. “Y/N FUCKING LEFT” Clay bursted as his tears started pooling his eyes. “You drove our sister away because of your stupid and glorious dream. Now she’s out in the wilderness by herself and we don’t know if she’s alive or dead.” John felt his whole body freeze and run cold. Did he fuck up or was it just you overacting? Before Bruce could add in to the statement, John wasted no time in leaving to go put on his jacket and shoes ready to go find y/n. He left out the door after he finished getting dressed, without a word to his brothers.
{Y/n’s POV}
I woke up in a cold sweat, absolutely drenched from the wrenched nightmare of your older brother. My mind has been messed up recently ever since my eventful trip to mount ragous.
“It’s some kind of love”
A voice rang through the area. It was so soft, but with a familiar melody.
“It’s some kind of fire”
It was my part? But sung by someone different. An angelic voice.
“I’m already up, but you lift me higher”
But that’s when it hit you..it was your brothers with a now full grown relationship saving Floyd.
{2nd POV}
After your brothers and those two mystery girls brought Floyd back, you couldn’t help ,but feel nothing but relief and a little wave of nervousness. All five of your brothers were standing right there together but the time just didn’t feel right for you. You wanted to go hug and celebrate with them, but you just felt disappointed and angry at them for not trying to find you. Without a word you started walking away, but caught what now sounds like a grown man spruce saying “How about we all celebrate at Vacay island this weekend.” You then had an idea set up perfectly for this Family Reunion.
I sighed heavily as I parked my motor beetle in front of this big resort looking restaurant. “I hope they aren’t too mad to see me” I told myself, trying to hype myself up from all the nerves. As I step foot into the resort I see this tall yellowish woman at the bar, so I head over to ask her where the boys may be. “Umm excuse me…can you help me” I asked her in my nice bright tone. “Of course hun! What can I help you with and by the way you can call me Brandi” she exclaimed, clearly being an extroverted person. “Well you see I’m here looking for my brothers and i’m kinda here to reunite with them after basically being away for 22+ years” I say not trying to sound crazy or out of the ordinary. “Ok well what are their names?”Brandi asked me as she took out a notepad ready to write them down, assuming that it was more than one. “Well to start off it’s John Dory for the first one and Bru-” “Is that them?” she pointed to a corner before quickly apologizing for cutting me off. I was literally stunned when I saw all of them bonding and getting along like we were little kids again. I guess Brandi picked up on my distressed and nervous face that she offered and said” If it makes you any better I can go with you for emotional support” She says tucking a burgundy loc behind her head. “I would like that very much”I say releasing some pent up air that I didn’t know I had.
As Me and Brandi walked to the corner it felt like time was slowing down and my breaths were getting shorter by the second. I was trying to calm myself down in my mind, but I was brought out by Brandi speaking. “Um hi y'all sorry to interrupt, but you guys had a little surprise that decided to drop in today.” As on cue I stepped from behind Brandi with nothing but hope and fear in my chest.
“Who’s that?” Bruce said as he looked at the familiar troll. “If you wanted an autograph you could’ve asked us” John laughed as he pulled out a notepad and passed it around to each of the brothers to sign. “Are you guys kidding me?” I exclaimed, wondering if they were joking or not. Every single last one of them looked at you with a dumbfounded expression. “After leaving, you guys clearly forgot me” I said with tears in my eyes as i couldn't believe that they forgot me. “It’s me Y/n…. but I guess you guys didn’t care” I bitterly laugh as I see the visible expression changes on them except Branch. Guess John got what the fuck he wanted” I said getting ready to leave, but felt a hand gently catch mines, stopping me from leaving in the progress. Before I could turn around, I was pulled into a hug by a pink and white haired troll. “We could never forget you n/n” Floyd said genuinely. Slowly one by one the others hugged me except JD and branch.
Me and JD stared at each other as if we were to look away, we would die. Jd cleared his throat before saying “Umm are you good” while giving you that charming smirk. If looks could kill, JD would be dead right now. “That’s all? No sorry or are you ok sis.” I say starting to get angry. “Just be glad I'm happy to see you.” “Or what Jd” I said, letting a few tears fall. “You wanna know how tired I am from fighting with you. I bet Branch didn't even know he had a sister till now.” I advertise my hand to point at a shocked Branch. “But when I want my older brother to show me affection and let me be apart of the group it’s a fucking problem.” I say getting tired of his mess. “I don’t care no more JD. I will really walk out of this resort and leave again if that’s what you want.”I said, grabbing my helmet from the nicely made table. When Jd just stared at me I knew he meant it. So therefore without any words I got out of there and left. But before I did I said….
“So much for a Family Reunion….Hope we meet again, but on better conditions.”
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snyderside · 4 months
I am not exactly sure if this classifies as an Au or headcanons since Trolls Band Together was kinda short and for the life of me I kinda hate when movies are rushed and we get the cut scenes afterward only as a storyboard(I also tend to like the concept art more than the official art)
But enough of me ranting and more into me getting into what I think/want to happen to Brozone when the band split up
(I choose to call it their solo career)
John Dory(19):
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Seeing John Dory's entrance attitude and smugness truly made me think yeah this guy is definitely full of himself and in major denial about some things and what really confirmed my suspicion was when he said "I was the oldest I had no choice but to lead!"
So for his solo career, I thought maybe he did some odd job like bounty hunting, or perhaps he played hero with a small town with a small population of trolls or some other anthropomorphic species. Of course, anyone he would save or any group of bounty hunters he'd join didn't like him because he enjoyed taking control of the situation so much or bossing everyone around. He never liked being alone but he kept driving people away, so eventually he knew solitude was his best option, therefore living in Ronda alone in a forest. He did feel regret for driving his brothers away but only because he knew he was more familiar with bossing them around than some random strangers he'd just met. He kept the mindset of "Why should I feel bad when they're the ungrateful ones!" and "All I've ever done was look out for them, and I stepped up when Mom and Dad died!" after those thoughts he couldn't help but think "What are you doing John Dory?"
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I thought it would be funny if almost everyone at his little restaurant on Vacay Island or should I say Brandy's restaurant...well her dads knew who "Bruce' really was except Brandy. I like to think Bruce went to vacay island because either his therapist or himself thought he should relax more so he went on a "vacation". He chilled out, gained a little bit of weight making him lose his six-pack, and most importantly tried to win the heart of Brandy because she seemed to be the only one not falling for his charm. Brandy played a tsundere type of approach when it came to all his advances on her, but then it all came to a game of volleyball as Bruce's way of showing his dedication to her, of course some of the other players used his small stature against him and he was getting his butt handed to him. He was only able to score a single point (IDEK how volleyball works) and the way he leapt into the air had Brandy star struck, the that that was holding his hair back snapped and he used nothing but shear will power to spike the ball. I mean sure Bruce lost but did he really? He got the girl in the end so it's all that counts right?
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(So I don't really have much for clay because I used most of my ADHD superpowers on the other guys and there's not too much I can go on from the movie)
Now Clay just looked around for jobs, it was retail, then tried working at some corporate building but it all didn't exactly work out because none of his co-workers took him seriously. Feeling out of options Clay walked aimlessly eventually finding Viva and the Putt-putt trolls, at the time imagined them looking more post-apocalyptic and slightly barbaric and frankly chaotic, Viva needed drastic help because she was just a little kid like Clay. Clay offered to help her mainly because he has a tiny bit of OCD (Saying this because of how grumpy he looked when John Dory went off and did his own thing and him practicing and worrying before Brozone performance.) and Viva thought/thinks so highly of him and thought of him as serious which is all Clay ever wanted so he just felt at home...and may or may not have developed feelings for her in the long run. Still, hey I've already got into a Romance segment.
I'm going to leave this here and not do Floyd because I'll talk about his little solo career journey in an OC ramble. (I have no shame.)
Thanks for reading have a lovely day!
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jsprnt · 6 months
Americano PT. 6 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: sorry for the late update! enjoy reading. Next update will be around April 12, due to my exams 🫶🫶
W/C: 3.814
part five
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Liked by linacarolina and others
ynln03 Last grind before vacay!
Itsmeluis call me next time 🤙🏽
  ynln03 you would order the entire menu    instead of working 🤔
camavinga my future lawyer 💼
       ynln03 only if you stay in Madrid 😎
linacarolina born to relax, forced to study
           ynln03 come and save me please
yourdollamira can't wait to see you babes!
                ynln03 one more night!
judebellingham did you spill your coffee?             ynln03 reported. go train or something 🤢
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I smile to myself as I read the comments on my Instagram post, taking a sip of my cappuccino. The weather was perfect to get some last-minute work done, so my dad dragged me outside with him earlier this afternoon.
International break had begun again, which meant that we had a little more than a week off. It was last-minute, but I had decided to go on a short trip back to London. I had missed everyone there and needed a small break from everything.
"How is studying going?" I hear, looking up and making eye contact with my dad as he sits back in his chair.
I give him a guilty grin and turn my phone off, shoving it away from myself as I pretend to focus.
"Very good. I understand everything so far.." I mumble, skipping to the next slide of the presentation.
I my eyes dart back to him, he gives me a knowing look, then goes to take a sip of his latte.
"Any questions?"
I hesitate for a moment, questioning what I know and don't know.
"Uh- could you put this situation into a different perspective or give me a different example?" I ask, pointing at the sentence on my screen.
"Alright, let me..."
He pulls the laptop closer to himself, reading the slide before he starts answering my question. I keep nodding absentmindedly, looking at my laptop screen while my thoughts wander. Focus and concentration lessening by the minute.
"Are you even paying attention?" My dad suddenly asks, his hand reaching over to shut the laptop.
I snap out of my daydream to look at him, leaning back in my chair.
"Of course, I'm listening.."
"Doesn't look like that to me. What is it? You look distracted."
I sigh, sitting up straight and finally giving in.
I knew he'd be disappointed by my low efforts, but I genuinely needed a little break.
"I'm just so ready to leave for London. I just need a break from work and this..." I confess, pointing to my screen. He responds with a sigh. It feels like he is going to scold me and give me one of his life lectures, but it never comes. 
Instead, he stands up from his seat, shutting his own laptop.
"Let's go home then. You should finish packing for your trip, and we'll make dinner together. Will you call Carmen for the recipe of what you want to make?"
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I fix my sweatsuit again, knowing it will keep me warm and cozy when I arrive in London in a few hours.
I had checked the weather, and it was expectedly way colder out there than Madrid. To combat the cold, I had pulled out the most comfortable set of clothes from my closet.
"Hurry up!" I hear my dad shout from downstairs, making me jump at the noise, it distracting me from the mirror. I quickly grab onto my suitcase, beginning to roll it out of my room.
"I'm coming, don't rush me, dad! It stresses me out!" I exclaim, standing still for a moment when I reach the stairs. Starting to pull the suitcase down the staircase with some difficulty. I especially pretend to not notice as the suitcase falls a couple steps ahead of me when I lose my grip on the handles.
I hear him fuss again. I finally arrive in front of him, panting in exhaustion. I watch him as he grabs my suitcase from me.
"Come on.." He urges, already walking out of the house, presumably to put my suitcase in his trunk.
I quickly run back up the staircase, grabbing my last essentials before I pull my shoes on. Not forgetting to shut and lock the front door before I run up to the car.
"Can't believe you're taking the whole house with you, kiddo." He mutters, but I laugh in return. Maybe, just perhaps, I had a packing problem..
I look at him for a moment, realizing he looked a little sad. I knew his mood was down since I was leaving for a couple days. I lean forward, clicking some buttons on the screen.
"Come on, dad, cheer up! I know this is your favorite song." I say, smiling and swaying to the melody.
I notice a small smile growing on his face. I begin to laugh when he starts singing.
Of course, I don't hesitate to sing along..
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"Yes, dad. I've arrived safely. I'm just looking for auntie right now."
I strain my neck, trying to hold my phone in between my ear and shoulder. Combining that task with dragging my suitcase and holding onto my carry-on was a challenge.
The London cold hits me almost instantly. It makes me shiver for a moment, my eyes roaming around my proximity to look for anyone I recognize.
"Good, your aunt said she's waiting outside, further on your left."
My dad replies, prompting me to look to my left. Knowing extra details gives me immediate relief. I continue walking in that direction until I finally witness my aunt stepping out of a black Mercedes SUV.
I grin to myself, smiling the moment I spot my auntie. I watch her jog up to me, the sound of her heels clicking against the ground making her presence known.
"Dad, I spotted them. I'll call when we get home. Love you." I speak into the phone, hearing a short 'goodbye' and 'stay safe' from my dad before he hangs up. I rush to put my phone in my pocket, raising my head to look up again.
I'm pulled into the biggest and warmest hug within seconds. My aunt's signature perfume gives me a sense of nostalgia when I breathe in her scent.
I would be lying if I said that I didn't have a bottle of J'Adore by Dior back home. Just to feel like she was in my presence. My aunt was one of the few women in my life who provided the feminine energy I needed growing up. Especially when I moved here for high school all those years ago.
"My sweet girl." She exclaims, pulling back, her eyes roaming around my face as she squeezes me tightly. "You've grown up so much!" She adds, kissing my cheek.
"You look amazing, auntie! Looking younger than before." I reply, my eyes caught up in her sparkly eyeshadow and lash extensions.
"That's the botox, silly." She says, making me chuckle. She'd always been super honest about everything. Not a single lie would leave her lips.
"So, the sassy princess has returned?" I hear, moving my head to look behind my aunt. I immediately recognize her husband walking up to us. His face is kind as ever.
My aunt lets go of me, and I go up to hug my uncle. He was a man I would definitely call my second father.
He'd raised me along with my auntie. Tolerated my attitude through my teenage years, and insecure times in high school. He taught me so many things, from boring politics to how to get over a breakup. My most precious memories being him teaching me about small but important matters.
"Woah! Are you balding?" I tease, saying the exact opposite of what I had told my aunt. I hear her laugh behind me, the expression on my uncle's face turning serious, but I notice the small grin on his face.
"You'll make me catch a flight to Turkey if you don't stop." He replies, touching his still-there hair.
"Come on, let's go home. Your cousins have been asking for you this entire week."
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"y/n! You're finally here!" I hear my cousin shout. Small footsteps heard throughout the house as I stand at the bottom of the stairs.
"Luca!" I exclaim, opening my arms to greet him with a tight hug, swaying our bodies when I hold him.
"How have you gotten this tall already? You're only ten, what's your mom and dad feeding you?" I tease, tickling his stomach. Cute giggles leaving him as he continues laughing.
"Where are your sisters?" I ask, looking around for his twin and baby sister.
"They played so hard with Millie. They fell asleep, but I wanted to wait for you."
I nod at his explanation, making the connection that 'Millie', was the nanny who just left.
"How sweet of you. Let me freshen up, and then we'll play together. You alright with that?" I ask, fixing his brown hair while watching him nod eagerly.
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I thank my uncle as he moves my suitcase up the stairs. He pats my back before telling me to get settled in. I nod, closing the door, and walk away to sit down on the pink vanity chair. All types of nostalgia flooding my senses. Nothing in the room had changed, not even the multiple Zayn Malik posters on the wall.
I go to collect my toiletries and change of clothes from my suitcase, immediately walking into the bathroom to take a quick refreshing shower.
I walk out fifteen minutes later and hurry down the stairs. I notice Luca had started on a puzzle. A generation Alpha kid who's not obsessed with technology, that was refreshing.
"Want some help?" I ask, seeing him struggle with a part of the puzzle.
"Yes, I can't find this piece." He confesses, making me chuckle.
"Hm, okay, so let's see. We need to find a piece with two edges. Can you see some?"
I watch him ponder for a second, his tongue peeking out in concentration as he separates a handful of pieces.
"These?" He asks for confirmation, looking up with a questioning expression.
"You're right! Let's look back at our pattern. Do you think this one will fit?" I ask, pointing at a piece and seeing him shake his head.
"What about this one?" I ask, watching him think for a moment before nodding.
"Try it." I encourage, observing him trying to complete the corners.
"I did it!" He exclaims a while later, joy emitting from his face as his nose scrunches cutely.
"Good job! Now let's try the other ones, hm?"
Why keep ourselves busy with the puzzle until we hear someone walk down the stairs.
"Layla is awake!" Luca yells, announcing the arrival of his twin sister.
She looks confused, freshly woken up. Her hair looking crazy as she stands there at the bottom of the stairs.
"Come here, Layla!" I urge, smiling as she walks up to me, hugging her closely.
I fix her hair as she sits in front of me, pulling her curls back into a ponytail.
"Here I fixed your beautiful hair. Why don't you join your brother in playing puzzles?" I ask and she nods, helping her brother.
I get up after a bit, walking into the kitchen. Seeing my uncle and aunt cook- what I'm assuming, lunch.
"What would our guest like to eat?" My uncle says, putting his apron on. He makes overly large and dramatic gestures, messing around with me.
"Oh- the sandwich you always made me after school! Doesn't taste the same when I make it." I request, sitting on a chair.
"Coming right up!"
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"She's so cute! Don't think she remembers me at all. Look at her face." I laugh, holding the three year old as I sit on the sofa. Our bellies full with delicious dinner.
"Of course she does. You were one of the first to hold her." My aunt tries to convince me, nudging my arm.
"She looks disgusted."
"That's just her resting face. Runs in the family." She replies, making me laugh.
"Is this what I look like as well?"
"When you were sixteen, yes. Or when I used slang to communicate with you." My uncle replies, setting his cup of tea down.
"I remember that, it was traumatizing, to be honest."
"Can't wait to use it on Layla." He jokes again, laughing.
"If she's anything like me you'll be in trouble."
"That's the fun part about having girls.."
I shake my head in disbelief, returning my attention to Maya on my lap. Cooing at her chubby cheeks as she chews on a fruit snack.
"Have you made plans yet?" My aunt asks, making me turn my head to look at her.
"I'm hanging with Amira if you guys don't mind?"
"Of course! You're not a teenager anymore, you don't have to ask. We don't mind, but please, if you drink, drink moderately."
"Don't worry, that's something I can control." I smile cheekily, waving Maya's arms side to side. Hearing her cute giggles at the movement makes me smile harder.
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"Amira, am I supposed to wear something in specific?" I ask through the phone, rummaging through my closet. Thankful I hung my clothes up in my closet last night.
"Nope, just getting our nails done. Oh, but if you're coming early, you have to wait a little longer since I have clients coming in." She replies.
Amira and I met in high school and still are the closest of friends nowadays. I had moved back to Spain while she stayed in the city she was born in, London. She had followed her dreams of becoming a full-time stylist, and her work was insane.
"Okay, I'll be there in like- an hour or so..." I mutter, distracted by my clothing options. Eventually, I grab some baggy jeans and a white top. Deciding to add the details in my jewelry and shoes. 
After getting dressed and finishing my makeup, I grab my handbag. Finally getting out of the house and starting to walk in the direction of Amira's office.
I eventually arrive about fifteen minutes later, standing in front of the office door, waiting for Amira to open it. I raise my eyebrows in surprise when she appears, beautiful as ever.
"Look at you! How pretty have you become in two years? Photos and FaceTime calls don't do this pretty face justice.." Amira exclaims, going in to hug me.
"Could say the same about you. New hairstyle? When did you get your braids done?" I ask, pulling away from her.
"Literally last night." She answers, running a hand down a few braids.
"Well, you look fucking amazing." I compliment, taking my jacket off and hanging it up on the coat hanger.
"When is your client coming in?" I ask, turning to her.
"In a few. Thought you'd like to play with some pieces until I'm finished." She says, grabbing my hand and dragging me into a different spot of the office. Racks, on top of racks of clothing, greeting me.
"This is your size, right? If I remember correctly."She asks, pointing to a label stuck on the front of a rack. Making me nod in confirmation, in awe at the amount of clothes.
I rummage through the racks of clothing as Amira becomes busy with her client. I was looking for a way to entertain myself. Without interrupting her and her client- or clients. It definitely sounded like two masculine voices, at least.
I hum to myself as I flip through the rack of dresses. Instantly, a beautiful black mini dress catches my attention. The deep neckline gives it a sexy and absolutely breathtaking touch.
I immediately walk into the minimally decorated changing room on the left, hanging up the dress on the hanger before locking the door behind me.
Putting the dress on is fairly easy. I struggle a bit with the zipper at the back of the dress, but eventually I manage to zip it up. Finally looking at myself in the mirror after a moment. Admiring the way it compliments my body type.
I need some heels to complete the look, black in color, preferably. I unlock the door, eyes scanning through the selection of heels, before I grab a pair of black buckled kitten heels. Then, I go and grab my phone from Amira's desk, walking back quickly. I have to take pictures, especially with how good the lighting is.
My phone is in my left hand as I try to bend down, trying to balance myself as I fidget to buckle my heels up. I hear some footsteps nearby, but decide to ignore them as I focus on the buckles. 
Though, my effort of balancing myself goes in vain as my foot slips unexpectedly, making me fall backwards, a small shout escapes my lips.
I close my eyes, waiting for my body to collide with the floor, but instead I feel arms wrap around my back. Holding me up from falling.
My eyes snap open, eyes wide, and in shock as my brain struggles to comprehend anything when I make eye contact with someone I thought I'd never see here in a million years.
Neither of us utters a word for the next few seconds, minutes maybe. I feel his grip get tighter as my heel slips again, making me yell.
I realize the position we're in, his face is close enough for me to smell his minty breath. A curse leaves my lips, and I try to detach his hands from my waist as I stand up straight.
"Let go."
"Are you stalking me?" The Brit accuses, letting go of me and stepping back.
"What the fuck? Why would I stalk you? You're stalking me." I retort, pointing at him. Immediately going to smooth out my dress, pulling it down as it had ridden up unbeknownst to me.
He doesn't respond, continuing to just look at me without any sort of emotion on his face.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I add, pulling a face. I raise my hand, waving it in front of his face, before I hear an annoyed scoff.
"What do you think?" He asks, pointing at the floor covered in clothes, which I presume he'd dropped trying to 'help' me.
"Do I look like a mind reader?" I retort, looking up from the mess on the floor.
"Whatever." He mutters, picking up the clothes, walking into the empty changing room, and locking the door behind him.
I roll my eyes, pissed at the fact that even a thousand kilometers later, I still managed to run into him. I kick the heels off my feet, shoving them to the side neatly, and go sit down on the couch in front of the changing rooms.
I hesitantly sit down before I hear Amira shout my name. Her face appears in the corner of my eye as she walks up to me, a very recognizable person behind her. 
"Yeah?" I ask, fidgeting with the neckline of the dress.
"Woah, the dress looks so fucking good on you." She says, coming up to stand in front of me.
"Yeah, I know it's just- wait he's..?" I trail off, eyes flickering to the insanely familiar guy next to her.
"Oh, this is my client, Trent, y/n." She alternates between us, and I reach out to shake his hand.
Then it clicks.
Jude was here for his international break. Which meant he was probably hanging out with his England teammates.
Of course, he was.
"You play at- Liverpool, right?" I ask, looking into his big brown eyes. He nods, reintroducing himself again in his Liverpool- or Scouser accent.
Our attention is directed to the changing room as the door rattles. Jude appearing from the room wearing a black suit. I immediately avert my eyes in case he thinks I actually care.
"There he is, looking good man." I hear Trent say, his Liverpool accent prominent.
"It does look really nice." Amira says, walking over to fix parts of the material.
I hold back a scoff. If only she knew how much of an arse he was.
I roll my eyes as I hear him being complimented over and over again. I lean back again, trying to forget the embarrassing situation that had happened earlier. My peaceful meditation interrupted as I hear Amira gasp.
"You two know each other. Right?"
I open my eyes, seeing Trent and Amira both look back and forth in between us.
I hear an uninterested 'yeah' come from Jude as I follow up with a 'sadly'. Going back to close my eyes. Wanting to do anything but interact with him.
A couple minutes pass before I hear my name being shouted by Amira. Her voice coming from her own office. I stand up and walk inside, smiling at Amira as she waves for me to join them. Shoving a pink mug of something warm onto the table.
I don't even register the fact that I'm still dressed like I was going to hit the club in a few minutes.
"Thank you." I smile, sitting down next to her. I take a sip of the drink. Avoiding eye contact with Jude, who's sitting right across from me.
A very familiar sight.
Maybe, I should instigate a little.
"So, Trent what are you two doing here?" I ask, a very obvious question, but enough to pry.
"We have some important events coming up and wanted Amira to style us." He answers, his eyes flickering towards her.
Woah, that wasn't a normal, friendly look. What did these two have going on?
"That's nice, you'll look the best out of everyone there." I smile, throwing him a wink, my arm wrapping around Amira shoulder.
"Yeah, definitely. Though, how do you two know each other." Trent asks, throwing Jude and I a questioning look.
"We work together back in Madrid." I answer, watching Jude roll his eyes.
"For Real Madrid?"
"Yeah, I'm on the marketing and PR team."
"Oh! You're the-" He begins, placing a hand on his mate's shoulder as if to tease him. He's cut off as Jude throws him a 'don't say anything else look.'
It forces me to hold back a laugh as I watch his face turn sour.
So, he did talk about me to other people?
Our conversation is interrupted as Trent's phone starts ringing loudly. Their driver letting them know he had arrived. 
I watch Amira walk them out. My eyebrows raise when she returns with the biggest smile on her face.
"Something is up with you and that Liverpool boy." I whisper, squinting at her when she shakes her head in denial.
"Go get changed, our nail appointment is in an hour." She ushers, changing the topic.
"Well, I called it." I tease, chuckling at the flustered look on her face. Getting up to go change.
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sweetheartsaku · 3 months
HAIKYU!! various ; stupidthings4love
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a/n: [gn!reader] HEY POOKIES!!!!!! hopefully u enjoy, working on smt new rn!! stay tuned moas!! on skibidi this was longer in my drafts (rip kuroo who was supposed to be here)
— characters : oikawa, akaashi, atsumu
impatiens !
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tooru oikawa ; chit chat - beach weather
clings on to your arm like it's his last day on earth. he's like a damsel in distress!! obsessive gf this, obsessive bf that the o in obsessive is oikawa (I'M JOKING ILY OIKAWA POOKS)
⤷ "y/n-ie... be careful..." "hm? what is it handsome..." you utter softly, noticing his gentle tone. you feel a warm presence beside you. wrapped around your arm, was oikawa looking back at what seemed to be another group of fangirls. you giggle, and take your goodbye's with the friend you were talking to. "my fans might bite your arm off!!" "oikawa, don't be silly. the most they could do is throw me a cookie." "YEAH BUT STILL!!! its a COOKIE!!" you smiled to yourself, imagining a girl throwing a cookie at you and just landing on the floor. "i think i'll be okay." you take notice as he becomes the slightest bit more protective, dipping his hand into the palm of yours and looking back at you, chocolate eyes softened.
oikawa had just finished another game, and you'd usually wait for him to have his little small talk with his fangirls. you didn't really have a problem with it, you could trust him enough. he likes to think you know him better than he does, because you always know or can easily provide what he needs most at times! he really appreciates your trust but oftens questions if he's really doing the right thing. what if him talking to his fangirls made you think you weren't showing enough love to him? and that he valued his fangirls over you? or volleyball? or that girl that dumped him back in highschool because he was too absorbed in volleyb- "bae. are you good??" you raise an eyebrow with a smirk. "i love you." "oh-wow. okay thats sudden.
-i love you too, stupid."
strong believer of sharing literally EVERYTHING. you could be brushing your teeth and he's passed out in the tub or something. shares scarf, clothes, food, everything bro 😭💗
⤷ (timeskip!? i think hehe) finally!! a break from volleyball. who knew THE oikawa tooru would be saying that? the brunette thinks to himself. an argentinian, professional volleyball player. saying that, at his vacay in new york city, with the love of his life. but, its not time to be thinking hard right now. to get the most immaculate and full experience of NYC, was obviously booking first class plane tickets, on the dates that peaked in illuminating the refreshing season of NYC's autumn. there is no volley game in the entire world he would ever trade for this ethereal moment, walking down the streets of new york's bustling hustle, hand in hand, matching diamond rings clinking together. a warm, beige plaid scarf enveloping the both of you. "don't want us getting chilly, huh?" he says, wrapping the scarf around you both.
keiji akaashi ; the adults are talking - the strokes
always lets you win board or card games. situations where he's literally bound to win, he will NOT let you lose. he just wants to see you smile. might hide one of your letters in bananagram, grab an extra card in uno, easy bargain-er in monopoly, adding a piece back on the chess board... if he isn't akaashi ion want him 😊
⤷ it's a late night at the coffee table, akaashi has just finished his shower to sit down for a game of chess with a cup of tea. he could clearly read how slightly more excited you've been to sit down and relax with your fiancé after a long week. he found it the sweetest thing on earth, and he'd never trade it for the world. he loved to see you smile, so why not make you smile now? he thought, hiding his grin through the tension between his fingertips and his king he was about to sacrifice.
"keiji." "yes, love?" "you are very silly." you whisper and lightly giggle, moving your bishop to gently kill your fiancé's king, winning the game. an unconscious, pearly smile plays onto your lips (only he could see, despite the numerous times he's reassured her that it's quite charming).
there's truly nothing he'd want to see more than that.
strong believer of sidewalk rule. don't worry bae y/n will not die nor disappear if you take your eyes off them for like 2 seconds
⤷ his thumb gently rubs your knuckle as you walk down the bustling late night city street, lights of restaurants and streetlamps illuminate all of his features. the bridge of his nose, the dark gunmetal green of his eyes, and the apple of his cheekbones. every single feature that shaped the beautiful boy who had put the ring on your finger. tying your laces, putting your jewellery on, and keeping up with the infamous sidewalk rule. little habits he's built since high school, not because he is expected to do so, but because it all comes naturally when it comes to you.
till suddenly, you feel a squeeze on your warm hand, signalling the usual. the switch of places on the concrete. you instinctually react, akaashi discreetly walking on the side near the moving cars. the little things that aren't so little for you, but the little sparks that keep the warmness in your heart kindled.
atsumu miya ; boyfriend (with social house) - ariana grande, social house
always steals your flippin' last bite. it's so annoying, he knows it, and likes it. while you're not looking, he WILL the last bite of your food or a sip of your favourite drink.
⤷ after a long day at work for you, and a long day of training for atsumu, you both comfortably sit in silence at onigiri miya. the faint noises of clutter and cleaning fill the silence, along with boyfriend by ariana grande and social house, playing over the speaker softly. onigiri miya's open sign had just turned around, and the warm light of the hanging sign outside flickers off. osamu effortlessly places the tray of warm onigiri in front of you two, and a shared smile laces upon your faces.
"thank you!!" you and atsumu chirp in unison, osamu acknowledges your gratitude, and discreetly smiles to himself as he prepares to clean up the kitchen. you both each take one onigiri, automatically knowing who prefers which type of onigiri (atsumu's is the cold tuna, yours can be what you prefer ♡ mine is tuna as well hehe). digging in, suddenly there was only one bite of yours left. mouth still full, you suddenly can't remember if you kept the receipt of your failed custom mug you had purchased the other day. it makes you wonder, then your curiosity takes over you before you could take the last bite of your onigiri! you glace and search into your bag, hand still holding a chunk of onigiri. you sigh of relief, noticing you had kept your receipt! but... something is missing.
your last bite of onigiri.
but, in his so called 𝓅𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑜𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓀𝒾𝓃𝒹𝓃𝑒𝓈𝓈 he will let you have the first bite of his favourite food.
⤷ "aYE! 'tsumu!" you playfully hit his shoulder, as he has an absolute giggle attack. to him, it's like there was genuine fury and fire coming out of your eyes and he found it the most hilarious thing ever LMAO. (but for me personally, i wouldn't take that.) "i wilL ACTUALLY DELETE YOUR FIFA ACCOUNT IF YOU KEEP THIS UP." "oKAYOKAYOKAY!!! i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry pf-" he says as he is STILL having his giggle fit. obviously, the correct reaction is to look away and cross your arms. you do exactly that, and he realises what he's done (caused the next war). he suddenly gets a little touchier, and says "dear y/n-ieee... i promise to give you the first bite of the next food we eat, m'kayyy? from the pure, and innocent kindness of my heart!" he chimes. interrupted by a genuine, heartfelt shout of,
"oh shut yer' trap!"
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whitehotwild · 2 months
i've never done an anon before so i'm so sorry if it sounds weird 😭😭 but do you think billy and his younger s/o would go to like, those summer carnivals? like, the ones that are at night? idk if that's js in my hometown tho 😭 she most definitely dragged him there and he reluctantly went bc he loves her, but lwk he ends up enjoying it. idkkk i js feel like there isn't enough soft!billy content on here and you are my only supplier of it 🙏🙏
OUUUUUUUU OU OU OU you just scratched an itch... im so giddy about this. (also ily and i'll gladly be ur supplier)
we only have fall carnivals in my town which sucks bc summer carnivals sound so much more fun.
you like... heard from a friend that there's this one in NJ, you try to convince butcher to go with you. you tell him that it's only 2 hours by way of penn station (nightmare nightmare nightmare), that he doesn't have to drive you, that you'll buy the entry tickets.
"let's just go to coney island, yeah? i'm not goin' to bleedin' New Jersey for a night just because you wanna ride some roller coasters. you got a ride right here..." he smirks, thinking he's oh so clever.
all it does is make you whine and go limp in his hold, "but pleeeeeeease??? It'll be fun! you're such a fucking party pooper."
it doesn't ever take much to make him give into you, that's his one weakness, "i ain't no fuckin' 'party pooper'. you're just a pain in me arse."
"okay... so are we going or not?"
butcher sighs with an unimpressed look on his face, "fine."
and then like when you're actually at the carnival, you make good on your promise to buy the entry tickets (wristbands whatever), and butcher pays for the games/rides.
after half an hour, he's spent only about $20, "I ain't spendin' over 50 bucks, got it?"
at the moment, you're more worried about what you're gonna get from the food truck than anything coming out of his mouth, "mhm. yup, got it."
you beg him to get on one of the rides with you and he finally gives in after a while, but the second you get off the ride he's looking at you like he kinda wants to kill you... just a little bit.
"you're tryna give me a bloody heart attack. i ain't doing that again."
(i'll die on the hill that butcher hates roller coasters just because i think it would be very funny.)
$100 and two hours later, butcher's finally cutting you off after winning you one of those big teddy bears from one of the game booths.
(yes, he knows he said $50. yes, he knows he's wrapped around your little finger)
"you happy, pet?" he asks you once you both settle on the train back to the city. there's no snark in his voice like you'd expect, just genuinely wanting to know that you had a good night.
you nod against his shoulder, your legs propped up in the empty seat in front of you, "yeah, i'm happy. you happy?"
butcher looks down at you, the way your head rests against him, the way your arm is snaked through his. he allows himself, just for a moment, to believe that he does deserve this... that he does deserve you and the joy you bring back to him.
"i suppose so. you like your bear?" he nudges you gently, motioning to where you sat the big stuffed bear in the seat in front of him.
"mhm... gonna name it 'billy jr.'" you tease with a tired smile, you're halfway to falling asleep and the train's barely left the station.
billy (sr.) huffs, unimpressed, but there's a small smile on his face, he untangles his arm from yours and wraps it around your shoulders, covering your eyes with his hand as he pulls you a bit closer into his side.
"ah, fuck off... you're delirious, go to sleep."
୨ ♡ ୧
just wanna say sorry that im not getting to requests as quick as i'd like! got a lot of shit happening atm BUT im on vacay atm so hopefully i can pump some out this week! LOVE YOU BYEEEE!
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leclercsainzz · 1 year
hello darling,
idk if i asked already but i was listening to “moth to a flame” and i was wondering if you could do a smau with the ferrari boys to this song, please:) maybe she’s dating one of them but sneaking behind his back with the other (i swear i’m not into cheating i just wanted to request something with drama lol)
PAIRINGS: charles leclerc x girlfriend!reader / carlos sainz x fem!reader
TYPE: social media au
WARNING: || cheating
part 1 - part 2
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liked by danielricciardo, carlossainz55 and 581,729 others
yourusername: my heart <33 (no, charles didn’t cook)
tagged: @charles_leclerc
view 6,820 comments
charles_leclerc: you underestimate me, mon amour:( i’ll cook you something that’ll have you asking for more
charles_leclerc: i still love you though 😘
user: thanks for the clarification, babe!
↳ user: wait what happened?
↳ user: he uploaded a pic of yn holding the bowl captioning it, “cooked dinner for my love” on his story lmaoo 😂
user: “no, charles didn’t cook” not her exposing his ass
pierregasly: his story scared me a bit, ngl 🤣 i thought the food was gonna go to waste
↳ user: PIERRE 😭😭
user: they’re literally the cutest, i swear
user: my yncharles heart 😩
user: the way he’s looking at her in the last pic
↳ user: he’s soo in love with her, it’s too cute 😩
user: i just know carlos was laughing thinking charles actually attempted to “cook” after seeing his story
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liked by charles_leclerc, lilymhe and 602,739 others
yourusername: small vacay dump(:
view 7,936 comments
user: my favorites!!!
user: parents frr
user: i love the fact that he’s always smiling whenever he’s around yn 😭 they’re meant to be
charles_leclerc: you take my breath away ❤️ i love you
↳ yourusername: ❤️
↳ user: they are the reason i believe in love
danielricciardo: where was my invite?
user: my parents, eveyone!!! 😩
user: obsessed with you both
pierregasly: cute! (the last slide , that is) 🤪
↳ yourusername: hating ass
user: the cutest 🥺
user: charles, can i please have yn 🙏🏼 @charles_leclerc
user: yn, babe, come home the kids miss you
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liked by charles_leclerc, lewishamilton and 704,728 others
carlossainz55: él sabe donde está realmente tu corazón?
see translation: does he know where your heart truly lies?
view 8,947 comments
user: sir, was the first pic necessary? 😩
user: weird way to propose but YES
user: oou what’s up with the caption? 👀
user: don’t let the thirst trap distract you from the caption
charles_leclerc: oh wow 😍
maxverstappen1: george russell who?
↳ georgerussell63: he learned from the best (me, obviously)
↳ carlossainz55: nO
user: the caption might not even mean anything but like?? 👀 who could he be referring to??!???
user: ima choose to ignore the caption and focus on YOU because my oh myyy 😮‍💨
user: was he seeing anyone that i didn’t know about??!?
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liked by kendalljenner, landonorris and 604,017 others
yourusername: race week with MY fav driver AND lover 😌
view 5,957 comments
user: MY FAV WAG!!!
user: mother asf 😍
charles_leclerc: you’re too beautiful, stop distracting me 😩
carlossainz55: of course
↳ user: it’s okay carlos, you’re my favorite driver 😌
user: mother and father looking good as always!!
user: yn, babe, we get it he’s yours 😭 no need to emphasize on the “my” or “and”
↳ user: not me being jealous of him
danielricciardo: i thought i was your favorite driver?
↳ yourusername: 😲
user: yn really knows how to make him smile huh 😒
↳ user: wishing i was her rn
↳ user: nah, i’m wishing i was him
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like by alex_albon, pierregasly and 705,938 others
charles_leclerc: not the results we wanted today, but hopefully tomorrow will be a better day with no distractions!
view 6,838 comments
user: you got this!!
user: head up, charles! ❤️
user: it’s soo hard being a ferrari fan, i can’t 😭
user: what happened today?!???!? that turned looked like it was done intentional
↳ user: i don’t think charles would do that to carlos or himself
user: nah cause there was a lot of tension between carlos and charles … something happened between the two
↳ user: we need our girl yn to spill the tea cause 👀
user: i’m disappointed 😩 we could’ve had a great quali
user: i’m choosing to blame the cars
user: does anybody know where yn was? i missed seeing my girl on screen even if it’s like a second
↳ user: pretty sure she didn’t go today
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b4tasquad · 1 year
omg you should do a niko fic where they meet during a video and he couldn’t stop flirting , which confused everyone since he doesn’t do it much in videos
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Authors note: a small one til I finally find the time to write something between spending time with my family on vacay🤷‍♀️😪
Warnings: cussing ig
“Ladies first.” Once again the guys are left shocked as Niko continued to treat you like you were a saint, unfairly put in a room with immature adults. Chunkz and Aj looked baffled at each other as the taller boy puts his hand around the back of your seat, and leans closer to whisper something in your ear. In their many years of knowing and working with Niko, they had never witnessed him be so… flirty.
When you had initially been invited to a beta squad video, you were thrilled. Not only did you love their group dynamic, but you were also a really big fan of their content. You weren’t unknown, if your millions of followers had a say in it, but being recognized and asked to collab by some of the biggest people on the internet was humbling.
While you were often calm, collected and could socialize very easily, today was a little different. In a room of all very famous men, there was no such thing as arriving relaxed. You were terrified, akin a little girl starting a new school. Upon meeting them though, your worry was quickly washed away. They were incredibly nice while introducing themselves and had a comforting thing about them that instantly made you feel better.
The video you were filming was for one of their most known series and today it was ‘Guess the Influencer’ seeing as you were an influencer, guessing who had the same lifestyle as you wouldn’t be too hard. Or you had thought.
Niko watched with a teasing smile as you wondered who to vote out. To begin with, Aj who was sitting on the other side of the table was supposed to vote someone out, but as he got ready, Niko interrupted him.
“Y/n should go first.” When Aj threw him a look of both disbelief and spite, Niko continued, and you guessed it was to redeem himself. “Since she’s a guest and all.”
Aj hadn’t looked too thrilled, but just shrugged, ultimately not putting up a fight like he usually would. But now, as everyone awaited an answer, you wished he’d gone before you.
“Fuck I don’t know who to pick.” At your words, all of them let out a laugh, Kenny’s obviously being the loudest. “Shit.”
Like little school boys, the guys continue to giggle over your choice of words. Hearing you cuss shouldn’t have had them this appalled, it had become kind of like your trademark in the industry after all, but seeing it live made it all the more funnier. Niko who still chose to stay close to you, leaned even closer to you.
You kinda figured that he was flirting with you along the way. If his gaze and words didn’t make it clear, his urge to stay close to you did. First, you had tried to be professional, but as his efforts became more frequent you couldn’t help but submerge yourself in the feeling of being wanted. You weren’t dumb enough to pass up an opportunity to flirt with Niko Omilana of all people.
“I’m voting contestant 2” If the guys heard him, Niko knew they’d never let him live it down. One thing was flirting with someone, but being so blinded by desire to cheat was something he’d never hear the end of. So with that knowledge, the Omilana made sure they couldn’t hear.
To them, it just looked like he was saying more flirty things. “Niko stop distracting, Y/n.”
Chunkz took a hold of Niko’s neck, pulling him back to sit straight. With a grin, he let himself be pulled, hands raising in surrender as a little chuckle escaped his mouth. “My bad.” He didn’t hold any remorse at all.
His stare was hot on you as they all waited for an answer. From the contestants to the beta squad, everyone was eager to get to the voting part, and were waiting for you to start.
What had possessed you to say it, you didn’t know. But as you looked at Niko after your words left your lips, his smirk and cocky expression showed everything his mouth didn’t tell.
“I vote contestant 2.”
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lolahauri · 1 month
˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Sugar Daddy! Kent;:
A/N: Reader is very feminine and has hair that can be pulled. Probably the longest HC fic I've done, it was supposed to be super short but i just have so many SD! Kent thots. 😭
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-> F/M, HC's, AU - Divorced Millionaire Kent, Fluff & Smut, Legal Age Gap (21+/45+), Jealous Rough Sex, PiV Sex, Self Indulgent TBH <- (MDNI)
Ohh I just know SD! Kent would loveee a pretty lil high maintenance girl.
He makes sure you always have your hair, makeup, and nails done, giving you a special black card that you can use for any beauty expenses you want.
Including jewelry, makeup, skincare products, spa appointments, shopping sprees, etc... etc...
He just loves providing for you, esp because he gets benefits from it too. 🤭
Likeee you want a whole new wardrobe? Okay sweetheart but you gotta get a bunch of new lingerie too! And don't forget to model all of it for him when it arrives.
Going shopping for new club fits? Of course he'll pay, so long as he can join you in the changing room and fuck you in each new mini dress.
He loves showering you in "little" gifts too. Partially cause he loves seeing your face light up at the sight of a new present, and partially as a way to make up for not being able to see you as often as you'd like.
He's still a working father of two children, after all.
Sooo yeah, your wishlists STAY empty cause he buys them all right away. 😭
Always buys you super shiny and expensive jewelry.
Def the type of guy to get you a 24k diamond necklace of his name or initial (or daddy).
Has a small tattoo of your name on one of his pecs. 🤤
I know he'd be sooo jealous and possessive too.
Like he always tells you he can't get too serious with you cause he's too busy, has kids, a career man, blah blah blah.
But yet he always seems to get tense and annoyed if you mention another mans name... hmmm... 🤔
The possessive sex would go crazy tho.
Like imagine dancing with a cute guy your age at the club while Kent is sitting and watching from the VIP section, clutching his glass of whiskey so hard it's a genuine miracle it didn't shatter.
You turn around and look Kent in the eyes as you grind your ass on the cute guys crotch, grabbing his hands and moving them up to cup your tits.
Eventually Kent gets sick & tired of your little antics and gets up to pull you off of the stranger. He def glares daggers at him as he pulls you away to a private bathroom.
Immediately locks the door, bends you over the sink, lifts up your dress, and just fucking destroys you.
He pulls on your hair, slaps your ass, and makes you look him in the eyes as he fucks you.
Pulls down the front of your dress and watches your tits bounce in the mirror with every thrust.
He gets rough with them too, he squeezes and kneads them for his pleasure alone, pinching your nipples hard enough to make you gasp out loud.🤤
But the way your cunt clenches around him lets him know that you love it too.
By the time he's done your legs are jelly and your ass cheeks are hot & stinging from the slaps.
So yeah, don't tease him unless you're looking to get fucked so hard you can't stand normally for a few days. 🤭
Back to gifts now... 👀
Besides showering you in "smaller" gifts, he's also no stranger to extravagant ones.
Has definitely picked you up for dates in a new car (your dream car), and when you asked about it, he told you it's yours.
Fully paid off & it's in your name and everything.
After your date, he fucked you in the back seat of the car. 🤭
Gives you an allowance of $8,000 (USD) a month.
Surprised you with your dream pet(s) and all the supplies you need for them cause you mentioned in passing that you always dreamed of having that pet.
Constantly takes you on international vacations, even let's you bring your friends along!
Only flies first class of course.
You also always join the mile high club on each flight with him hehe.
He loves taking you on beach vacays so he can see you in a soaking wet bikini. 👀
One thing he loves more than that though is mini skirts! The shorter, the better.
Bonus if you're wearing a thong under it.
He fucking loooves lifting up your tiny skirts and slipping that thong to side, pounding you from behind and watching your ass jiggle under the thin fabric.
Also likes a good face-fuck.
He's huge and rough too, so you know by the end of the bj, you're makeup is gonna be totally ruined and your throat will be so sore.
Definitely makes you swallow afterwards. 🤭
Back to him being a show-off with his gift giving once again!
He would absolutely rent you the best penthouse in Zuzu City.
The kind that has a beautiful skyline view, two floors, and a private elevator to your front door.
Also equipped with a walk-in closet, rooftop garden, theater room, and a gorgeous balcony.
Think something kinda like this.
Has a personal chef, housekeeper, and gardener hired for you.
Plus he leaves you money every week to give them a tip.
When you were just moving in, he also hired an interior designer to style each room to your desired aesthetic(s). <3
Once you were finally settling in your new home, he made it a point to fuck you on every surface of the house.
From the balcony, to the shower, to the kitchen counters, to the staircase. 😋
Hehe that's all i have for now. :P
Overall, SD!Kent 🔛🔝!!
A/N: I honestly really love how this one turned out omg.
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simplydannie · 5 months
Fanfic about Poppy, Viva, and Velvet?
Great minds think alike! I had another friend request a little something between Poppy, Viva, and Velvet! @fairytypingg
Poppy and Viva friends with Velvet seems kinda out place, especially with Velvet's character being the way it is. But I think the little happiness that Poppy and Viva bring might be just the thing to help her.
We Got You
"IM FINE! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE VENEER!" Velvet marched into her suit, and shut the door. "Vels!" Her brother attempted to run in after her, but the door was locked. He jiggled the knob, "Vels, please, talk to me."....Silence. She had been on edge recently, well, not recently, more like when they got out of prison...actually...when they were in prison. Veneer had made every attempt to talk to her, to have her open up to him about things that were going, about their next steps together....but she's completely shut him out. With a heavy sigh, Veneer retreated.
"The twins were set to call Vacay Island their home for the next couple of months. Bruce and Brandy have allowed them to work and live in one of the suits. Veneer enjoyed it, he felt like he was finally doing something right, something good. Velvet felt different. So many emotions were building inside of her, so many questions that needed answers. What would happen to them when they were done with their community service? Where would they live? The Trolls didn't really care for them. She hated how Veneer was always after them, always seeking their approval. They were always judging them she knew, but they didn't know it, they didn't know anything.... Velvet noticed...It was the first thing she noticed: Veneer was sick again. "Hey Vellie!" Velvet rolled her eyes at the sound of an annoying little Troll...Poppy. She just ignored her, just like she always would. She continued to clean he tables at the resort. "You know I'm going to get you to hang out with me and Viva! We're always looking to add another sister." The little Troll chimed. "I don't want a sister." Velvet said coldly. Another annoying voice piped up next to Poppy. "Uh, of course you do! Who wouldn't want a sister!" Viva exclaimed. "I have a brother. I'm good. Now can you PLEASE leave me alone." Velvet's tone was flat. Poppy tilted her head as she took a good look at the Rageon....Sadness, worry, fatigue...That's what Poppy saw. Velvet was trying to hold everything together, Poppy knew there was something beneath the service that was really troubling her. She opened her mouth to say something... "Hey guys!" Veneer came in holding a tray. He sported a dark blue vest with a black rolled up sleeve button up underneath. Black skinny pants were worn beneath his torso. "Guess whose the new waiter around here?" He did a full turn to show off his new look. "Meow! Vels doesn't your brother look so handsome!" Viva chimed. "Ugh." The Rageon rolled her eyes as she moved on to the next table. Veneer followed her hesitantly. "You know, we get off at the same time. Oh! Let's go snorkling before it gets dark!" A smile spread across his face. Poppy looked at Velvet to study her response. The Rageon's expression was left unchanged. "Seriously, you're asking again? " She replied without turning to look at him. "Go get the drinks to serve! Or you're fired." With a defeated look, Veneer retreated into the kitchen. Velvet could feel the eyes of the two small Trolls piercing her from behind.
"Why don't you ever want to hang out with him? Us, I guess I understand. But he's your brother. I'd give every chance to always be with Poppy." Viva explained. Velvet remained silent. Viva turned to her sister, hoping for some support.
"Velvet, is something else going on? I don't mean to always pry, but I always hear Veneer trying to open up to you...You just seem to...always shut him out. You know you....you can talk to me...You can talk to Viva! Girl to girl." Poppy tried her best to express her feelings of concern for the Rageon. One thing she learned about being queen, was how to read people, how to know when someone was sad, afraid, holding back.
"What goes on with me is none of your business. I just want to do my time and get out of here..."
The three girls turned their heads towards the sound of breaking glass coming from the kitchen. Velvet was the first to run in: Veneer was on the floor, struggling to get up, broken glass all around him.
"Vennie!" Viva attempted to go to his aid.
"Stay away!" Velvet was the first to his side.
"My bad!" He attempted a smile. "I-I slipped." Liar, Velvet mused. She could see the weakness in his arms and legs, how they went limp, how he struggled to find his strength to stand.
"Don't lie to me, Ven." She demanded. Her brother fell silent as she struggled to help him to his feet...his legs continuing to give out.
"How can we help you? Vellie, please tell us what to do." Poppy begged.
"YOU CAN LEAVE US ALONE!" Velvet screamed. She latched one of Veneer's arm over her should, struggling, she began to lead him away towards their suit.
"Vels!" Viva called out after her. But the Rageon ignored any kindness and any help that was thrown her way. A feeling fell at the pit of Viva's stomach as she watched the twins march off. "Poppy, I can't help but feel that something is wrong...Something is terribly wrong."
"I know Viv....me too." Poppy stretched and reached for Viva's hand.
Poppy and Viva continued to replay that moment in the kitchen throughout the rest of the day. They couldn't think right, couldn't eat. Velvet was always tough in the surface, but something told them, deep down, there was a little girl crying for help, crying for an answer to all their problems.
How would they know? Because they were that little girl at one point. Viva leading the group of surviving Trolls after the Bergen attack, living 20 years thinking she had lost her family. And Poppy...She made it seem like being queen was all cupcakes and rainbows, but she learned that it wasn't, but she knew her kingdom couldn't see her weak...she had to always be strong no matter what she felt. They wanted to tell Velvet that it was okay to be vulnerable sometimes...but how could they? She'd always close them off.
Poppy was headed off to the rooms of the resort that were specifically for Trolls. She had a warm tea in hand to help her calm her nerves and thoughts. That's when Viva came running down the hall.
"Poppy! Hurry come here!"
Without a second thought, Poppy dropped her tea and followed her sister.
Viva lead her outside the door of a suit. Inside, they could hear the sobs, the small little cries. Poppy held her hand over her mouth as her heart broke.
"Who is it?" She asked.
"I....I saw Vellie walk out of her suit. I followed her hoping she'd want to talk. She walked in here...That's when I heard the cries." Viva responded with saddened eyes. The Troll sisters took a moment before making up their mind. Nodding to each other, they pushed open the door that was luckily left slightly open.
The cries grow louder as they walked inside the suit. All lights were off, the only thing illuminating the room was the moonlight shining through the window. The girls followed the sound....That's when they found Velvet hunched in a corner.
She held her knees tight, her face buried in them. Her shoulders shuddered with every cry she made...
"Vels." Poppy whispered as she made her way to the Rageon.
"Go away..." Velvet said in between her cries.
"No! That's enough of you trying to push us away!" Viva said sternly. She made her way up to Velvet's knees, placing a small hand on her fingers. "Talk to us. Please."
"We want to be your friend Velvet. We've wanted to be your friend since you guys arrived to us." Poppy explained.
"I don't want friends."
"Maybe you think so now....but you DO need people who care for you. You have your brother, and we want to be there for you too." Viva said.
Upon the mention of Veneer, Velvet's cries grew severe. Poppy and Viva enclosed around her, laying their hands on her, embracing her as much as they could.
"Velvet....please." Poppy pleaded once more as she embrace the Rageon in her small arms. They allowed silence to pass between them, they allowed Velvet to just be vulnerable....to cry. This was something she had held in for so long...
"He's sick." Velvet finally spoke. "Veneer is sick again....and I don't have the money to help him." The Trolls looked at each other, a horrified expression in their eyes...This is what she had been hiding for so long.
"...I wish you had said something sooner." Viva exclaimed as she continued to hug her.
"Why? There's nothing you can do."
"How do you know? Vellie, you only know your little world, the world inside Rageous. You have no idea how big the world is....and you have no idea how many options there can be to help your brother." Poppy joined Viva on Velvet's knees, together they lifted the Rageons head so she could look at them. "We care for Vennie as much as you do....We want to help you."
"Please, Vellie. We know how it feels like. We know how it feel's to try and have it together! You don't have to go through this alone. Let us be there for you. We got you." Viva added.
Through teary eyes, Velvet glanced back and forth between the two sisters...There was no lie in their voices. She could see they were looking at her not with pity, but with genuine concern. Velvet really never allowed for anyone to see her vulnerable...especially her brother. She always wanted to be the tough one, the strong one...but maybe with these girls she could be. Velvet hugged her knees tighter...
"....okay...." She said softly. No more words were exchanged, no more words needed to be exchanged. Viva and Poppy drew closer to Velvet, this time hugging her face, hoping that she could feel their love and care for her.
They had her.
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