#I keep seeing things and going 'Oh its just like Skyrim!'
yourblackhearts · 5 months
Anyways I bought Fallout 4 the other day because Game of the Year version was only $10 on Steam and I've never really played it before.
So that'll be fun.
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lexicals · 10 months
System collapse notes made as I read:
(Spoilers, obvs, mostly out of context)
Amazing opening page as usual. This feels like coming home I'm so happy
Side note, "one of you" - like, is this being delivered to an actual audience, or does mb just like to pretend it is? I know it's just an in-universe excuse for the conceit but either option is so good
ART canon tax fraud?? ART canon embezzlement???
ART @ BE ship: "people die in car crashes all the time. I just thought that was interesting :)"
The note about iris having grown up alongside ART is so funny. And the note about her being ART's ratthi is so sweet from both sides of that comparison
I adore Three so much. The fucking baby deer comparison killed me this poor construct
I could be misremembering but it feels like secunit's narration has more colloquialisms than before, which is fun if I'm right
Love than mb and mensah have the exact same reaction to the extra settlement lmao. Handshake meme
"Fun stuff like space battles and rescuing people and space monsters and throwing asteroids at planets" this bot loves its cheesy tv so much I'm gonna cry
WHY DO YOU KEEP REDACTING THINGS SECUNIT PLS THIS IS STRESSFUL. I can't tell if this is it editing out trauma discussion or something else
Mb casually using ART as a dictionary lmao
Oh god is it hurting over 2.0 specifically. Oh man of course it is. God this poor bot I'm so 😭
Mb and ART working as a team so fluidly.... best friends......
Ratthi can tell secunit is busy thinking/working just by glancing at it.... FRIENDS.....
Mb and pin-lee bonding over watching scifi car crash videos. Incredible
I'm gonna cry pls mb stop beating yourself up for being traumatised. This is exactly what you were giving mensah shit about!!!!!
"It was always my job to get hurt" I Am Going To Fucking Cry
God I feel like this poor bot spent six books building up its confidence and it's all just been shattered after the thing with 2.0. Like it's so palpable in the narration that it thinks it's broken in some way and is forcing itself to carry on regardless but with no regard for its own survival, which has always been of pretty high priority for it even in ASR!! It's let itself get beaten up in the other books but it's never been reckless like this. Mb please stop punishing yourself.....
Ohh tarik and mb shared corpo trauma..... can we talk about that maybe
Ratthi correcting iris about the ex-secunit thing.... ouuououugghghh
"Under normal circumstances that would be kind of hilarious" mb honey as a reader. That IS hilarious
Mb "so is this guy your..... ex-security..... not that I'm feeling jealous or insecure rn....."
Mb once again having the worst time of its life but being offered a media archive by a friendly bot: oh fuck yes hello there
Ooooh pre-corpo media no less......
THE ART THERAPY-SPEAK..... "that’s for humans" "this affects the part of you that is human" I'm going to yell and yell and yell
"No, it doesn't read my mind, it just knows me really well" 🥺
I feel like MW has gotten more up to date on current gender/pronoun usage since the earlier books which is nice to see. We've had neopronouns before but having pronouns attached to feed/character intros is new and appreciated
Mb: "aw fuck am I being tall and intimidating again"
Local secunit physically repelled by power phrase "sexual discussion" like a fucking skyrim shout
And ratthi is so supportive. God I'm so. AAAAUGH
Just patch out the anxiety lmao. New mental illness fix dropped please restart your OS to apply
Telling your bestie to fuck off IS a kind of love language and I'm glad that ART appreciates it 😌
Mb literally in a life or death situ rn: I could just burn part of this person's brain out to save us..... that seems mean though :/
"I lack a sense of proportional response" LMAO ART. At least it's self-aware
"I didn't come here to make friends" says the secunit who literally cannot go anywhere without forming some kind of allyship with someone
The delayed-hack though, that's fun. Wonder whether this file is gonna slowly make its way from CR secunit to CR secunit as mb gradually becomes some kind of mythic figure, lmao
"Be safe" 🥺
ART: "Oooh you guys care about me ^^ lol"
Murderbot trauma acknowledgement 😌 You go working through your feelings mb you're doing so well ily
Summary thoughts: this was really good and I like that MW has taken the time to address the NE fallout before moving on to whatever is coming next, I'm mostly just excited for that whatever-comes-next now. I didn't expect this story to still be focused on the same planet, but it's cool that it was! And now we're moving on with more machine intelligences and rogue secunits in play!! And they mentioned the comfortunit from artificial condition so hopefully that'll come back into play soon as well! I feel like something is building up wrt construct rights in the setting and I'm very excited to see that, but in the meantime I loved getting this familiar romp through MB having a very bad day and working through its emotions while also trying not to die. And it was fun having the twist on the usual formula with things being so isolated and it having to handle everything while being off its game, it felt a lot more tense than some of the other entries just by virtue of the fact that MB's narration was so much less confident than usual, and it made it really nice to hear the fire come back to its voice once we hit that point in the story. 11/10 as usual I love this bot so goddamn much
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Clockwork heart pt30
Part 29 here
*several days later*
Wyrm: *quietly sitting at a table in the four shields tavern, visibly exhausted after the groups almost restless travel from riverwood to there, the urgency of the trip made at nerevars request purely because of his evident distain for Delphine, and want to get her bidding over with as fast as possible* do we have to get up so early Ata Ryn?… we haven’t had a proper rest in almost a week, everyone’s crabby and on edge, even inigo…
Voryn: *seated across from him, looking visibly tired as well* I’ll talk to Neht, and try to change his mind… he wishes to get whatever Delphine is planning over with.
Wyrm: …He’s not happy with me agreeing to help her, is he?…
Voryn: he’s angry at her. Not you Hla Aka.
Wyrm: but he’s still not hap-
???: Excuse me? Wyrm Gro Shub I take it? I have a letter for you.
Wyrm: *blinks and looks up to see a courier approaching their table* oh yes- that’s me sir, thank you. *takes it and nods to him with a smile as the courier walks off*
Voryn: *glances at the letter* hm, such a fancy envelope. It wouldn’t be from the collage would it?
Wyrm: no papas envelopes are simple but if it was from him it’d be much bigger, he’d send his sugar cookies with it- *flips it over and pauses seeing the dominion seal, his stomach dropping thinking for a moment it could be about ancano, followed by immense panic as he recalls Delphine’s plan, worrying they’ve already been found out* …its… from the aldmeri dominion?… *opens the seal carefully before unfolding the letter and reading through it* …
Voryn: …Wyrm?…
Wyrm: I?… *looks up from the letter perplexed* someone named Caryalind Thallery wishes to meet me?
*glasses shattering*
Voryn: *instinctively jumps up to protect Wyrm only to see nerevar & Taliesin both standing there in shock, both having dropped the beverages they were bringing them in said shock*
Taliesin: THALL-
Nerevar: *slaps his hand over his mouth* SHHHH- *looks around* if someone of their name is here and knows about Wyrm they definitely have spies!!!
Wyrm: spies?
Kaidan: *walks over setting down more drinks after witnessing the two drop the others* haven’t clocked any spies, not here at least.
Voryn: You noticed spies?… where?…
Kaidan: Riverwood. After you suddenly appeared and cracked that perverts head like a melon. Spotted them as I looked back to make sure you were following us… Real… weird helms they were wearin…
Nerevar: weird hel-
Voryn: Redoran watchmen, at least. That’s what I first thought. Given skyrims close proximity to Solstheim I had hoped my fears were wrong and it was in fact just the council keeping tabs on our safety… but they… They definitely do not have our best interest at heart.
Kaidan: Aye. I thought so too. When I first saw em I thought it was a skeleton, then I saw the shape of the face guards, shaped like tentacles. White like bone.
Voryn: …Excuse me?
Kaidan: I?… we’re not… talking about the same thing?…
Everyone: *dead silence*
Wyrm: … *sighs and gets up shuffling to his room, too tired to even be bothered being afraid* I’m going to bed…
*a few minutes later*
Taliesin: *sighs walking into the room with his and Wyrms dinner to see the dunmer already snuggled in their bed for the night, and in his hands the dragon priest mask he’d collected on their way here after he and nerevar climbed a very large hill in hopes of getting a better advantage point, only to wake volsung from his grave* Darling- oh? You’re still awake- and… cleaning that thing?
Wyrm: *looks up at him with his one eye, his Pearl eye already on the bedside table with his arm* no, it’s clean now… *holds it up* it’ll fit you I think? I might need to refit it but it looks like it’ll fit comfortably.
Taliesin: I? Me?? Wear that- thing?! After it’s been glued to the face of a corpse for gods knows how long?!
Wyrm: *so tired his tone alone is enough to crack tears in the corner of his eye* I-it can help you pick me up- and breathe under water and-
Taliesin: no no no- *hurries to his side and sets the food down before gently taking the masks from his hand* I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you, I was just… being playful. *sighs setting the mask down* thank you darling… I’ll use it if I have to I just… *looks at Wyrm and sees the bags under his eyes, even his closed one* You’re exhausted…
Wyrm: … *reaches out gently placing his hand on his cheek* you are too… everyone is… and it’s my fault…
Taliesin: oh darling, my little silk moth n-
Wyrm: it is… *looks down as he pulls away and grips the wooden blanket covering his legs* d-Delphine said this Esbern person could help us, and that the thalmor knew where he was. She was so sure of it I… and I agreed to help her, but now I don’t know anymore, and nerevars angry, everyone’s angry, everyone’s tired and upset and it’s my fault… I just… I don’t know what other possible leads there are beyond the greybeards and-
Taliesin: *suddenly lays him back into the pillows quieting him with a kiss. Just soft enough he knows Wyrm can push away if he’s not okay with the action but firm enough to reassure him that he’s in fact, not angry with him*
Wyrm: *just moans softly and sweetly, his hand letting go of the blanket to take his in its grasp as his heart flutters from his partners touch* mm-
Taliesin: *pulls away slowly, smiling as he feels Wyrms lips chase after his, returning his want with soft, feathery little pecks before pulling back enough to admire his dragons tired, pretty face* None of this, is your fault love… we’re all here because we want to be here. And whether nerevar likes it or not. *picks up Wyrms dinner* We’re, All, sleeping in tomorrow.
Wyrm: but Neht wan- *gasps as Taliesin feeds him a mouthful of his meal before he can protest* Mm??
Taliesin: *feeds him another mouthful* mmhm~
Voryn: *watching Kaidan & inigo both have a drink at another table while nerevar mutters under his breath to himself, his ear only pricking up as he hears “3am”* We are not leaving at 3am. The sun won’t even be up by the time we reach solitude.
Nerevar: *blinks and immediately snaps to the defence, his tired mind making his tone short and sharp even towards his dreamer* but it’ll give us time to scope out the city, settle into the inn and find this thallery before Delphine’s contact turns u-
Voryn: Then go by yourself. *leans back in his chair meeting him with the exact same tone and sharpness, folding his arms knowing full well nerevar will buckle* Everyone is tired. Wyrm more so than all of us and he’s kicking himself because of your insistence we get this over with as fast as possible. I haven’t even had a bath yet and you expect me to get up in 7 hours from now to travel less than an hour on horseback to solitude?
Nerevar: *realising his anger towards Delphine and the collapse of the blades had gotten the better of him, and the solitary adventuring lifestyle he’d once grown used, get the job done as fast as possible and get paid, to wasn’t fit for the group.* I… *finally notices the heavy bags under voryns eyes* I suppose… we haven’t had a proper rest since we left morthal huh?��
Voryn: *huffs and looks away knowing his moon and star is close to cracking* Since we left Winterhold more like. *stares at him with all three eyes* I’m exhausted, Neht.
Nerevar: … *gets up and walks around the table, lifting him up into his arms bridal style* Then let’s get some rest… we can sleep in tomorrow. I-… I’m sorry my dreamer, my love…
Voryn: *looks away from his gaze for a moment more with a tired pout before finally turning to face him with a long, drawn out sigh* okay, you’re forgiven… *gently strokes his cheek before pulling him down for a kiss* My moon and star…
Nerevar: *smiles gladly returning the kiss* Voryn…
Voryn: …I still want a bath first.
*the next day*
Wyrm: *gripping onto taliesins arm in a state of overstimulation as they set foot into the marketplace of solitude, his mind overwhelmed by the crowds of people far beyond what he’d seen in whiterun or riften, yet still over all at peace, completely oblivious to the execution the rest of the group had witnessed as they entered the city, purely because they blocked it from his view* s-so many stalls, so many people!
Taliesin: I know, it’s a lot to take in isn’t it? *pulls him in closer* shall we do some shopping while we’re here? As- quaint as the rest of skyrim is, they are lacking in adequate fashion choices or- speciality apparel makers.
Nerevar: we don’t have time, it’s nearly noon as we-
Voryn: *suddenly pinches him on the ass shutting him up* I think we’ve earned it. Neht and I will book us our stay at the inn first.
Kaidan: I’ll go check out the fletcher. Inigo?
Inigo: I’m right behind you- then maybe the alchemist? I need something for my fleas.
Kaidan: aye, I’ll need to grab an antidote there if we’re cutting back through that swamp. Especially if you’re going to chase me with a fungal pod again.
Inigo: hehehehehehe~
Taliesin: *glances down at wyrm* Wyrm? Is there anything you’d like to see here?
Wyrm: um?… maybe the bards collage if we have time but… Maybe somewhere I can get prepared for… tonight… *nervously grips onto him tighter*
Taliesin: *nods and gently pulls him in closer* we’ll get everything you need…
Voryn: *smiles reassuringly at Wyrm, easing his mind through their connection, knowing out of everyone here he needs to be the one keeping calm and level headed for his sake* Splendid. We’ll meet back at the inn in 2 hours, if you feel unsafe in any way though, or feel you’re being watched, return sooner.
Everyone: *nods and scatters off through the market, leaving the Hortator and councillor to themselves*
Nerevar: *finally speaks up again, voicing his displeasure* Voryn what are you thinking?! We don’t have time for thi-
Voryn: Wyrm is stressed and worried about tonight. Let them have a few hours to breathe… besides. *looks at the inn* I want to ensure this Caryalind fellow isn’t planning anything…
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my-elder-scrolls-shit · 3 months
I've been replaying skyrim and- "Uh oh, Aph! Are you getting philosophical about a mid game that you've played 80 billion times now?" Yes, of course I am. Now, my take of the day is Astrid gets a bad rap in the fandom
If you have personal qualms for whatever reason with her (Cicero fan, upset she got everyone killed, her voice, whatever it may be), that's totally fine! However! I just finished the dbh quest line again, and she's honestly not as terrible as we've been painting her, I feel.
When you first join, she's pretty attentive - clearly keeping an eye on you because you're new, but as you prove yourself and she can worry less, she seems to almost losen up. I do think she asks you to do things that she wouldn't ask anyone else because she's testing you or because you're new and she's not as attached yet, but its clear she has some kind if concern for you and your safety. Especially when the Nightmother incident happens, and she thinks Cicero might have attempted to hurt you. Then shit hits the fan (in her eyes)
Now, here's something that might sound strange - I don't think she decides to sell you out until the last possible minute. Why would she ask you to find her husband otherwise? Why would she keep sending you out to further the plot against the emperor and keep rewarding you? These are shows of trust- and while maybe some could be seen as implicating you further as the sole thorn in the side of the emperor, again, why send you to kill Cicero- to help Abjorn? Someone she loves and cares for deeply? Why not send someone more experienced?
I think maybe her paranoia ramps up after the Cicero incident for sure- she gets more flighty and decides right around when you are going to kill the emperor, when things are seriously about to change, does she panic. I mean, imagine you've led a group for years and some stranger you brought into your family like last week, and a jester who brought a sacred corpse with him is claiming the stranger is supposed to be the faction leader and the only one who can hear the dead lady's voice! That's a shit deal! What the fuck!
If something goes wrong, everything will go wrong. She's probably not had a lot of control in her life previously (note: her story about her uncle making "unwanted advances" makes me think maybe it's something that had been happening and she finally decided to kill him after snapping but she definitely glosses over it very quickly in favor of being murder happy which is understandable) and now that control is once again slipping and everyone else can see she's paranoid (multiple members comment on it if you talk to them before hopping in the Nightmothers coffin the first time) so it's not a big surprise that you, the threat to her status quo and control, seem like the one to take out
And it all goes to shit! And she seems so desperately and genuinely sorry on her death bed - everyone she loved and cared for is dead, mind you. This is a woman who has lost everything and is now begging to die for a greater good and a desperate apology to you and to the people she's hurt. The game clearly doesn't want you to forgive her (based on the dialog options it presents), but i wish we could at least say something kind. But I that might just be me
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A little scene of domestic life with Undyne and Alphys! Remember the good days is a Sans x Reader story :D
Way before you have the chance to, Neelam smashes the doorbell. With all these plates in your arms, you couldn’t have done it yourself anyway. Footsteps can be heard hurtling down the stairs, then a huge crash that makes you and your sister jump. You share a worried look with her. Did someone just fall or…? Before you panic, the door opens wide on Undyne, smiling brightly. She seems fine. The floor behind her on the other hand is another story.
“Sorry for the wait, I was on the third floor!” she says excitingly.
“Oh, it’s fine.” you answer. “We didn’t wait that lo…”
“I jumped the last two floors to get here quicker!” she claims victoriously.
Well, that explains why there is a huge hole right next to the entry, just under the spiral staircase. A blue spear is planted in the ground and some tiles are broken close to the walls, far away from where they are supposed to be. You shrug. It’s probably a cultural monster thing. 
The fish lady welcomes the two of you inside with a theatrical gesture of the hand and leads you to the living room. The decoration sticks to what you expected : the walls are covered with bookcases filled with comics and manga. The rare left-over space is upholstered with animes and video games posters. In front of the TV, Alphys, her cats’ headphones on her head, is playing Animal Crossing, a dreamy smile on her face. She seems very focused on her pansy’s plantation that she is disposing along what seems to be the main alley of her house in the game. In her world, you are wondering if she even noticed you yet.
Well, she sure does when Undyne abruptly jumps on the couch right next to her. In panic, the gamepad slips from her hands as she screams in surprise. Her eyes widen again when she sees Neelam and you standing there. You wave shyly at her. Hastily, she pulls off her headphones and painfully extracts herself off of her cocoon made of plaids. A sphynx cat, nested against her, meows in protestation as its living heater is awkwardly trying to stand up. 
“S-s-sorry! I didn’t realise i-it was that l-late already!” she panics.
“It’s fine.” you answer calmly. “I wouldn’t like to move either if I was in your place. I’m playing that game too. I can even make you visit my island if you want to.”
“R-really?” she answers, excited. “Undyne keeps saying it’s a b-baby’s game but she is totally missing the p-point.”
“Oh, come on! There’s no blood and time passes like in the real world, it’s so boring!” protests her wife, standing up on the couch. “At least, in Skyrim, you can hit villagers in the face when they don’t talk nicely to you.”
“And I already t-told you to not s-stand up on the couch. You’re going t-to break it again!”
Guilty, Undyne clumsily jumps back on the ground. Neelam choses this instant to ditch you to pet the grumpy cat left behind by the small lizard woman. Alphys walks close to you and disappears through the corridor, probably to change from her comfortable pyjamas into something more appropriate for the party. 
“So, how was your first day?” asks Undyne while collapsing on the couch. “Did you clean all your stuff already?”
“Almost.” you answer, stealing Alphys place. “There’s still my desk and the kitchen, but everything else is more or less done.”
“Nice. Who took the room with the porthole?”
“Cheyenne, despite my protestations.” answer your little sister. “They said that since they are the adult and that they’re paying the rent, they get to choose their room first.”
“Stop whining. Your room leads onto the Mountain. There’s far worse than that.” you defend yourself. 
“Well, I must agree with Neelam. Your room is super cool.” says Undyne. “Sans had the idea of the porthole. He said it was a crime to not take advantage of the night sky now that we’re out of that hell hole. There’s one in his room too.”
“Not in yours?” you ask, curious.
“We did better! Alphys built a home astronomical observatory on the last floor, with a huge telescope. Sans is squatting there all the time. He’s a nerd, just like my wife. There was this rain of meteors a few years ago and they built all of it in one week just to see it. But then, one of the space rocks crashed in the pond behind Sans home and it was awesome! There was fire everywhere and people were screaming! Best day of my life. I never thought space shit could be so damn epic! It was like we were in an anime!”
“Ah, yes. It looked like a great party.” you react, a bit uncomfortable.
Undyne stands up and goes to retrieve a big rock on a shelf. Curious, Neelam comes closer to see it too. It’s indeed a big rock. Black, big, holed, like the one you can see in these disaster movies sometimes. You are not exactly thrilled at the probability of meteorites crashing into your garden, but it gives more charm to the place.
Remember the good days, chapter 3.
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thehappiestgolucky · 1 year
I, for one, would love to hear you talk about monster hunter. *Hands you one "free rant about monster hunter" card*
You have genuinely no idea the beast you just unleashed but i am taking this card in my mouth and tearing it like a rabid animal
Monster Hunter - despite being very well known in Japan, still feels like a hidden gem in the western world. And I get it - its a hard game for beginners to get into because of just how many mechanics there are and especially when I first discovered it back in like 2012 ish. It also wasn’t well marketed. In a time where everyone sung nothing but praises about Skyrim - I found a game that genuinely changed my life. I mean that so literally.
I had practically gave up on art and things that made me happy - and whilst I still have pretty intense depressive episodes - I nearly quitted art altogether back then. You can thank Monster Hunter that I’m even here being able to ramble about it.
The games breathed a life into an ecosystem that I had never really seen done in games before and after - the only current contender being Rain World. I’ll be blunt - I don’t like Skyrim, which made me so sad as a kid. The combat is clunky and I was bored so quickly with the lack of coolness from the dragons. So to see what Monster Hunter brought in such a variety - made me want to art again. Every creature is thought out in both individual and ecosystem - how they interact with other and how they adapt to their habitat. And some designs are fun, cool or downright scary - and each one fights like you would expect it to.
My first Monster Hunter was 3 Ultimate on the 3ds - after seeing one of the adverts on the TV featuring a Brachydios chasing down hunters down a volcanic cavern - cornering them. Little me was in such awe - it was the coolest design I had seen in ages. I couldn’t get many games but I managed to get that one after pestering my mum a lot - and I’ll be honest I was fucking terrified at first! but then I got better and understood it - started just fighting the monsters. Its an experience I’ll never forget. When you spend nearly the entire 50 minutes you get fighting an absolute tank of a monster because you don’t have the right equipment - but you keep going even when you run out of healing items because when you do manage to win its a rush that I still have never felt in any other game. It both rewards and punishes risks - it entices you to grind and prepare and throw that all out the window.
I’ll be the first to admit Monster Hunter has flaws - especially the game I first got - but they’re flaws that keep getting sorted out with each iteration of the franchise. For all those flaws you battle through to see and feel the grit and beauty of the game - the brutalness it offers but the rewards when you each and every time make it step by step.
I felt a rush finally beating the Lagiacrus that terrified me, I was grinning stomping on the Brachydios that dominated the trailer, the awe of the Caedeus in a unique and almost somber fight against an ocean god - and the fear, terror, adrenaline, frustration and euphoria of solo falling the Dire Miralis, a living volcano that boiled a sea by its presence. And beating an Alatreon is still such a difficult, nervewracking task. But you still try. you may lose, but you try again.
It’s a game with memorable and beloved characters - full of life and fun, jokes and genuine touching stories hidden behind simple interactions. Each receptionist that you get the quests from have their own unique personality and goals that you learn from passively just doing the quests - 3 Ultimates guild receptionist always pulling out her hand written book of monster information basically boiling down to “Oh thats awful, well good luck!” or even just “Whoops nothing here! Dont die!” is genuinely so fun and engrossing than any tragic story for a quest giver can give to me. And bro - Monster Hunter is not known for its story or characters, it’s known for its monsters and gameplay and rightfully so.
I know the complaints of Capcom - but as a FPS disliker I can firmly say they just don’t fucking miss with combat. The giant Great Sword feels clunky and meaty - and landing a hit with it feels like you’ve torn a chunk out of the monster. The small lathe Dual Blades feel like the risky weapon they are, sacrificing protection for raw DPS that can double for status effects as it quickly repeatedly applies them. The newest weapons added being the Insect Glaive and Charge Blade being such unique mechanics that through iterations of games still hold their light.
And the base mechanics of these weapons are hard to learn they are - you only realise how many hidden and complicated mechanics and combos there are after so many hours of playing. You will never steamroll Monster Hunter on your first game - but the more you do it later games makes you feel like the veteran you are, adapting to the new mechanic whilst having the basics down. Its a learning curve each game has actively tried to make easier and easier to overcome.
That’s another thing about this franchise that I adore - they iterate each time, trying new things with each entry to both make every one feel unique from the others despite sharing the base mechanic each time, and trying new things. 3 Ultimate had underwater combat, which was received poorly, and as much as I want it back for its unique cast of monsters - and to bring my beloved Lagiacrus back its full glory, I know why they’re hesitant to bring it back. 4 Ultimate focussed on a mounting mechanic - the Insect Glaive was created with that in mind. It was received well but informed it was overpowered. So it stuck around for Generations Ultimate but that wasn’t the main mechanic of Gen, Generations introduced Hunting Styles - anime power moves basically. And they were fun as hell. In World Iceborne they introduced a new style altogether - a basic slate to show the new polish of the franchise. The art style was still there - the iteration brought the franchise to a new light. Hunting styles vanished in replacement of the Grappling Hook thing - which was uhh mixed. In the latest entry - Sunbreak - they mixed the grappling and hunting styles together in such a unique and fun way - introducing a new way to explore the world and use your combo knowledge to really dominate a hunt.
They try - and god when they do it well they do it well.
Monster Hunter was not my first game ever. That was Pokemon Pearl. And whilst that means the Pokemon franchise does hold a gem in my heart - I’d be dishonest if I didn’t mention Monster Hunter Stories - a spin off to Monster Hunter I didn’t see coming. Its everything I wanted out of Pokemon. Its everything I still want out of Pokemon.
And the first game was basic - it had a fairly generic but heart warming story and the characters still shone as fun as they always have. Reverto my beloved.
But then came the sequel. I didn’t believe we’d ever get one because the first game flunked in the west.
And just like each iteration of the main franchise before - Stories 2 did exactly that - change. Be better, learn from previous mistakes and change. You could bring in your knowledge of the main games to fight the monsters - you can build your team in any way you wanted - and the story matured with it. I urge every disheartened Pokemon fan to give the free demo on the Switch a shot. Its so worth it. Its the one I recommend to newcomers BECAUSE its so much more accessible and you never have to play the main games to adore the nature of the franchise. Even watch a Kinship move compilation if nothing else - its everything I wanted Z moves to be and more.
I will say - it isn’t a game for people with flashing problems or camera issues. Its unfortunate, that it limits a bunch of people despite the settings in place that aim to reduce that. But if you can handle it I urge you to give the free demos a shot. You might not like it - you might find it’s not to your tastes or you don’t like how it plays. And that’s fine. Games are for the people it appeals to. Monster Hunter simply appeals to me.
Look at the monsters, watch the ecology videos on youtube. Its wonderful, its goofy, its serious. Genuinely seriously look at the MUSIC. There’s a reason Proof of a Hero played during the Olympics. Listen to it now/lh
The community is… alright. There’s a larger amount of gamer bros unfortunately but some are gems. Hell, the official Twitch livestream gaming each week is really fun and wholesome! I just listen to it when I’m doing things because its just people! Playing a game!
Overall, its just a game I hold so dearly to my heart. It’s creative, the devs care so much and it shows through every piece of art, each monster, everything that this franchise is. Its love. Its nature. And its wonderful.
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weirdgirljulia · 1 year
My name is Julia! I'm 18 years old, trans, use she/her pronouns, I'm autistic with symptoms of ADHD.
My main interests are Star Wars and Steven Universe, but there's always a lot going on so you may see me talking about things like LoTR, Stellaris, Fallout, Skyrim and many many other things.
I'm okie dokie with asks but be respectful and not a dick
#wizardposting for all my arcane studies
#personalstuff for all things about me as a person
#hornyposting you know what this is for
DNI: transphobes, homophobes, conservatives, if you are ok with hate against a specific group of people fuck off
Behold! For below this cut lies my wizardposting lore
I am Julia, she who speaks the unspeakable!
I'm what you may call a warlock, for I draw arcane and eldritch powers from mysterious and forgotten Godlike beigns I have made pacts with
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Along my travels I've met two beigns I've come to call my patrons, above there is a crude rendition of their visage, wich does not makes justice to their grandeur, along their names as pronounced in our mortal tongue and the symbols etched upon their followers and properties.
Before talking about my lords, I'll talk of how I came to knew them
When I first began my journeys of the arcane arts, I was a child stumbling mindlessly along the libraries and bookstores of my hometown, until one fateful day I stumbled too deep into the bookshelves, before I knew it the daylight lost its reach of me, and something drew me deeper, I knew I was no longer where I was...
What I've come to know of this plane of existence is as vast as the library itself, but to keep it short, therein lies everybook ever writen, authors long ago died who spoke in forgotten tongues, works never published, kept during decades in the diaries of amateur poets, therein lies too all written word ever written, aswell as all words to be written. Oh! To wander along the bookshelves rising high as the eye can see, and to gaze upon words wich no human could've ever wrote... such a horrifying thrill to expierence for the first time.
And most mysterious of all to me, were the inhabitants of the library, at the distance I could see, in my first visit to this place, figures as seen trough a thick, cloudy glass, dressed in garments not of my age, gazing along the books as I did, amazed and captivated, and looking back at me whit my same confused eyes. Dear reader, you may've tought the library has a single door, and you would be wrong, the library of infinite extents along time, like a tower rising along sheets of paper and existing in them all, every library our kind has called as such serves ad a doorway, be it if you know how to get lost, or if the library calls upon you, and just like chemistry dictates water and vinegar not to mix, so too the library obfuscates the other inhabitants that do not share your own place in time... all except for one
Glorious Ughleimak! The eternal librarian, he who holds the knowledge of ages long forgoten and never to be, terrible Ughleimak, glorious Ughleimak
My lord Ughleimak, the first inhabitant of the library of infinite, who has kept it for unimanigable time, to us he appears humanoid, his body, unnecesary for his great works, covered in dark robes, from wich many arms rise and acomodate the bookshelves as Ughleimak sees fit, and his whole head covered in a featureless bronze mask, adorned with the crown of he who has studied all that can be studied.
And most mysterious of all, the bookshelves themselves rise many stories tall, and stairs rise from balcony to balcony, as if a bookshelf became a book unto another bookshelf, the tomes that fit in your hand would never suffice lord Ughleimak, yet when at the distance you gaze upon his glory, he grabs books he holds just like you do from the bookshelves, and you could run but never catch him, and upon finding where he stood would find the same towering buildings of countless books fitted for the size of your hand, truly the work of lord Ughleimak.
How I came to be blessed by Ughleimak's trust I must not discuss, but our agreement is quite simple indeed, I shall bring forward all knowledge I may find, and the eternal librarian offers me a fraction of his power, from wich I draw frequently
One of my favorite skills, however, is the inherent connection of the library of infinite with all libraries...
Once I wondered out of the library of infinite, and unadvertly I found myself in what I can only describe as an organic cavern, my curiosity drew high and I left, following a faint light I tought was sunlight.
Alas, I was wrong, for I found myself upon the most horrible gaze I've saw so far, laid bare upon me and below my feet, far and wide extended muscles, wet and bloody and twitching, by all measures living tissue, and at the distance I saw bones protruding from the ground, growing in rows of horrible ribs forming forests of calcium, along wich roamed beasts of twisted organic matter wich I cannot even beging to describe, dear reader, whatever you imagine it to be, the critters of the fields of flesh are more horrid, twisted perversions of what we call anatomy.
I classified many of the creatures I saw there, from the hummingpeaks, to the belchingsacks and the fracturecats, but my research was cut by the rattlemaws, horrid predators whose maws unhinge so loosely, not by means of cartigale but rather by constantly breaking apart and splitting open the bones in their maws.
I was triumphant in the end, perhaps a story for another time, and my victory upon those wretched beasts didn't go unnoticed, I was summoned by the artificer of the horrible plane of existence I found myself in
Seshyra, the monolithic monarch, inescrutable sovereign of the fields of flesh, horrid tyrant who revels on the blood of her subjects, the maniac monarch, the monolithic monarch.
Seshyra is inescrutable, unknowable, horrible and beutiful all at the same. Seshyra holds undisputed power over her plane and her subjects, those who serve her strip themselves of everything but their most core instincts and behaviours, along the eons mighty beasts, humble critters and some sentient beigns have bowed to Seshyra as their monarch, they seek the transformation and reformation of the body as a means to gain power, to be on permanent change and adaptation, the ultimate prize the grand lady of flesh and bone offers is to live in her domains, and to revel in her glory among her subjects, as she puts it.
I, of course, felt no draw to Seshyra's cause, despite the respect to wich I stood in front of her I made myself clear, I did not want her gifts. Seshyra did not care, she saw a powerful warrior, the embodiment of her ideals and one who found her domains on their own, so I was given a gift, of wich I will speak more shortly, and the promise that I would be recieved in her place of power, never to leave again.
Shortly thereafter I took upon my Journey, of wich I could speak at lenghts, but I must talk first of my tools, for any self respecting wizard must talk of their equipment
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Seshyra's Polymorphic Tool
As promised, the gift of the grand lady of flesh and bone, and unasuming piece of living flesh with a restless eye, roughly the size of a hand.
The polymorphic tool can quickly shift into any tool I command it to be with just a particularly strong tought, my weapon of choice if things grow complicated, the tool feeds mostly on spilled blood, wich it uses to fix itself
Depicted above is my favorite form to use in combat, the scythe!
The unasuming staff, custom made activated manasteel, a crystal orb filled with twirling mist atop the shaft, useful for channeling arcane powers and smacking unruly individuals in the head
Tome of Research
One of many gifts from my lord Ughleimak, here I keep all notes on my research and investigations, and my lord the eternal librarian can read it as he pleases, sometimes he writes useful notes upon it, usueful to cast complicated spells too
My lovely Diogenes, what would be of a wizard without a familiar? I found him once in the library of infinite nibling a book of greek philosophy, he's the cutest little thing there is, and smart as rats come, too, a favorite trick of mine is to cast multiply or gigantify upon him for outstanding effects, he can perform tricks too!
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umbracirrus · 9 months
Hi Meg! I've been thinking about you a lot today and thought I'd send along some questions from the ask game to try and cheer you up <3 1, 3, 4, 7, 16, and 21 please! <3
Thank you, that means a lot 💛
It's been a nice distraction thinking about my writing and fics!! And boy is this long-
1. What’s something new that you tried in a fic this year? How did it turn out and would you do it again?
I tried to write according to a theme - it isn't something I've really done before, I've written and thought of themes which applied retrospectively but not actually written with a theme in mind from the start. It was quite hard, but I think it worked out well for both things which I wrote.
The end results were Purity, based on the quest of the same name with one of my dragonborn, Thea, and Vilkas with a focus on the struggle he was going through at Hircine's whim, as well as a little piece based on Miraak's experience of looking up at the night sky of Tamriel after being freed from Apocrypha.
As for whether I do it again... it would probably depend on themes, if anything stirs up some sort of inspiration.
3. What’s something you learned about yourself as a writer?
That having a network of people to talk to about my fics, to bounce ideas off and do the same in kind is so incredibly invigorating for me. In particular, things that WIP Wednesdays have been a huge part of this and ohhhh my god, I wish I had something like this in the past when I used to post fanfic pre-2020.
4. What piece of media inspired you the most?
I think it would be cheating if I were to say Skyrim/Elder Scrolls, so ignoring those specifically... I would honestly have to say the fanfictions which I read for the fandom. Before I started writing The Perfect Storm, even before I made my account on here, I spent many nights reading Skyrim fanfictions. Admittedly, a vast majority were smutty, but the ones which made me go 'you know, I want to do some writing based on Skyrim' were the ones which I read that weren't just pure filth but had such wonderfully crafted and nuanced plots where sex wasn't just there for the sake of it but instead enhanced the fic as a whole.
I honestly wish I could find a novel which could enrapture me in the way in which those fanfictions did, where I would be in the perpetual state of 'oh, just one more chapter then I'll sleep' until I finished the fic in the early hours of the morning.
7. What character(s) captured your heart?
Balgruuf. Need I say more?
Ahh, there's actually quite a few - though honestly even my own dear dragonborn Elyse holds a piece of my heart. She's bears a fragment of me within her, as my first character for Skyrim who I began to think more in-depth about as opposed to just being a character that I'm playing as. And it's been a downward spiral from there. So many OCs. But Elyse was the first.
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
Ohhhh, this is hard - I have quite a few! So I'll list my top five I think :)
I feel that quite a few of them need context too, so it's a bit more than dialogue too. And it'll be under a read more just to save people's dashboards!
1 -
“You know, I was so proud of you when you said that you wanted to free yourself from the beastblood, Vilkas,” she began, sounding just as proud as she forced on a smile, its hesitance and shakiness as clear as day. “You’ve let yourself suffer for so long, and the least that you deserve is a chance to live without fear of what you can become. And do you want to know why? It’s because you are Vilkas, you are a brave, honourable Companion - one of the strongest people that I know - and you are going to free yourself from this curse and return to Jorrvaskr with me or so help me, I will- I… I will…”
- Thea addressing Vilkas in the aforementioned fic, Purity
2 -
"I see that you received my gift. Danica mentioned when she updated me on your condition that you would need to keep yourself warm after leaving her care, and Lydia said that your warmer clothes were not in the city, so…" he stated, nodding towards the woollen garment. Her eyes widened in surprise at that revelation, she had half been expecting the scarf to have been something that Danica had given to her to be charitable, not for it to have been a gift from the Jarl himself. She brought her hand up to it, and nodded. "I have… thank you. I didn’t know that it was from you."
- Balgruuf talking about a scarf which he got for Elyse ahhhhhh these two-!!!! in chapter 4 of The Perfect Storm
3 -
"You mean that you aren’t the people that the Jarl was sending? But aren’t you the Jarl’s..." He looked as though he didn’t want to finish his sentence as he finally let go of Elyse. A frown settled on Elyse’s face. "Thane?" "Th-Thane...? Yes, yes, uh... Thane...” He trailed off, a hint of uncertainty still in his voice, followed by a shake of his head and a quick but quiet mumble of “That was the word I was looking for..." under his breath.
- Sabjorn not-so-subtly implying that he thinks Elyse is in a relationship with Balgruuf or has at the very least heard rumours of such in chapter 15 of The Perfect Storm
4 -
"Hope you don't mind Brynjolf here joining us, Wynne. If we're talking business or pleasure tonight, he's definitely someone you want around." She pulled a dagger out of her sleeve as her associate took a seat before she scowled as she pulled her cowl down. That was followed by her pointing it in his direction. "My name is Maewynne, Delvin. Not Mae, not Wynne, Maewynne. All one word," she muttered, before looking at the stranger. She was about to ask this Brynjolf whether he was part of the Thieves Guild too, but when she saw the way that he was looking at her blade, as though he was appraising it, she felt that the question was unnecessary. His keen eyes earlier, and his ability to identify something of value seemed to be enough of a giveaway. Instead, she decided to ask something else. "What do you think of my dagger?" "That is certainly an interesting way to introduce yourself, lass."
- An excerpt for a currently unpublished but in the works fic based around one of my Dark Brotherhood characters, Maewynne, as she infiltrates the Thieves Guild on behalf of a former guild member....
5 -
"You heard the news? I've got to say, I feel sorry for those poor bastards up north," he hummed as he dried the inside of a tankard with a cloth, the head of the man he was addressing finally lifting up. "On top of war breaking out, apparently the Empire have requested that borders in and out of Skyrim be closed. Don’t know how long for, either. Imagine being stuck in that icy shithole for the foreseeable future...” The customer laughed loudly at the comments, clearly drunk, with his hand slamming down on the polished wood. “As opposed to this icy shithole? Bruma ain’t much better, what, with all those elves passing through, skulkin’ round that abandoned temple..." He then paused, and let out a puzzled noise. "Wait a minute… ain't most of your business from when those Skyrim folk pass through?” "As I said – I feel sorry for 'em."
- The innkeeper of the Jerall View Inn and one of his customers in the first chapter of Seeking the Sun, prompting a very tired Elyse to cross the border and get caught up in that Imperial ambush, same as-
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Saturn: *sprawled out on a bed made for humans, legs hanging halfway on the bed as she sleeps*
Auryen: *steps out of his room into his employee barracks* Saturn? Time to get up, dear girl.
Saturn: Mmmnnngh.. *groans, turning on her side* Five more minutes..
Auryen: You said that an hour ago. Breakfast is ready.
Saturn: *opens her eyes blearily, turning to look at her uncle with a frown* Didja make omelettes?
Auryen: Of course.
Saturn: ... Coming.
Saturn: *stares into the mirror of the bathing room in shock, her messy hair and smudged make-up on full display* Good Gods, I've got some work to do. Cog. *snaps her fingers, a dwemer spider materializing on the counter. It opens its inner compartment to reveal a travel-sized make-up set* Thank you, ma' little darling. How on earth would I survive without you?
Auryen: *eyes Saturn curiously, sipping his coffee while she wolfs down her food* How have things been at the Embassy?
Saturn: *scoffs* Horrible. It's like the other guards don't even know I exist. I'm made to always stay at my mother's side, if I'm not at m' forge. I'd rather never go back.
Auryen: Abandoning the Thalmor is a death wish.
Saturn: They wish they could kill me.
Auryen: Ha. Well, I won't turn my own blood away. I'm sure your father would have been proud of you for making your own decisions.
Saturn: ... Right.
Auryen: You'll have to earn your keep, though.
Saturn: I know, uncle. I didn't come here expecting to put yourself at risk and keep me for nothin'.
Auryen: I know you didn't. I have actually been in need of some help with this museum here. I'm not as young as I used to be, you know, especially after I hung up my sword.
Saturn: Truly a tragedy.
Auryen: Hush, you.
Saturn: *glancing around at the museum* ... This place is filthy.
Auryen: You have no problem with filth.
Saturn: Yes, but for a museum- *summons four Dwemer Gynoids* These will follow your command and clean the place. As long as you treat them well, they won't stage a revolt.
Auryen: A revolt?!
Saturn: Yes, that's a reason I didn't want to let my mothers soldiers control them. They would no doubt treat them horribly and override their wellbeing protocols.
Auryen: I.. see.
Saturn: Either way, write a list of artifacts you would like me to retrieve to start with, if any. I'm going to see if the local smith has a proper sword and armor for me aside from.. These ugly things. *gestures to her Thalmor Robes*
Auryen: I wouldn't count on that.
Saturn: Doesn't hurt to try.
Saturn: ... This is your biggest greatsword.
Beirand: Yes.
Saturn: *exactly twice his height, holding the greatsword like a regular sword* You're joking.
Beirand: My swords aren't tailored to.. people like you.
Saturn: People like me.
Beirand: Aye. You know what I mean.
Saturn: Your swords are not catered to High Elves. That's rather bigoted for a smith of the Empire, don'tcha think?
Beirand: Call it what you want. I don't have anything for you.
Saturn: Hmph. Fine.
Auryen: I told you.
Saturn: *pacing angrily* That is tusking ridiculous!
Auryen: Language.
Saturn: How on earth am I supposed to get any proper armor if the only smith within twenty miles doesn't even cater to High Elves??
Auryen: *sighs* You could probably try the smith in Markarth. An orcish girl by the name of Ghorza gra-Bagol. She'd surely make something for you.
Saturn: Markarth?
Auryen: If you take a carriage, you could make it there in a day's time.
Saturn: Ugh, carriages are so uncomfortable. I'll just walk.
Auryen: That could take days.
Saturn: Good. I've been cooped up in the Embassy for years with no knowledge of what Skyrim even looks like. A journey will be good for me.
Auryen: ... Oh, alright. Since you're leaving, I've compiled a list of certain items I've been looking for. Treasure hunters and mercenaries can only go so far. And here- *hands her the list and a sack of gold* For the smith. Don't expect anymore payment until you return with those artifacts.
Saturn: This is already more than enough. Thank you, uncle.
Auryen: *nods, a sad smile crossing his face* Please be careful, Saturn. Stay out of trouble
Saturn: Ha. Trouble? *waves as she turns, leaving the museum* I can never stay out of trouble.
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
i really hate the fact the nord pantheon was just thrown to the wayside in favor for the imperial pantheon and any discussions i see of it are unsatisfying or even sometimes frankly stupid.
“it was 200 years” yeah a lot can change in 200 years but you mean to tell me i will have dunmer lecturing me at random going “oh btw we dont worship the tribunal anymore back to the good old good daedra for us :)” but absolutely 0 fucking explanation of how this happened. im just expected to know it. with the dunmer its kinda silly bc anyone who played thru all of morrowind to know enough about the tribunal worship in detail can probably infer it on their own and don’t need it spelled out for them. and people who haven’t probably wouldn’t know enough to think it was unusual. but sure go ahead and have that in to explain the lore as though my random 25 year old nord dragonborn pc would know anything about dunmeri customs and religious history. but the explanation for the widespread adoption of the imperial pantheon in favor of the nord pantheon???? just completely fuckin gone??? okay fine whatever
“well scandinavia was christianized in like 200 years so things change” the christianization of scandinavia is messy and unusual (and also took longer than like 200 years fully). they were converted mostly peacefully due to the relationship nordic people have with dieties--based on convenience. gods are like people you have relationships with, and sometimes those relationships are business relationships. also it was politically motivated to get some extra manpower from christians for various political battles and scuffles. the nords, while based loosely on pop cultural depictions of vikings, don’t actually follow this. they are people deeply rooted in tradition. change happens, and takes centuries to fully shift. two centuries may in theory be enough time to do that--but not without adequate explanation and see the above on that. they are prideful and at times arrogant. at best i could see them adopting a few compromises for politics, but the thing is imperial pantheon was already the compromise they were tolerating and not really adopting.
“well they needed unity for the great war” that means then that this change is around like, what, 40 years old at the most if i give them 10 years of hindsight for the great war happening. the great war started 30 years before skyrim began. it was not some monumental battle at the 200 years ago mark that would kick start the political shift. could i see it happening? yes. but that would mean ulfric--who is older than the great war very obviously--would probably be MUCH more politically motivated to instead be championing the adoption of the old nord pantheon the imperials tried to stamp out for political unity. in fact, this would be an even better motivation for his direct hostilities with the empire, because that means their religious persecution of nords was LONG before the fucking white gold concordant. but that isn’t what happened. instead this would have to mean 40 years ago at most (probably more around like, what, 32???) the empire forced the imperial pantheon down every nord’s throat, banned their worship of the nord pantheon effectively, redid all their shrines and temples during the war, converted a bunch of people to loving talos through propaganda, and then after the war ended said “nevermind you can’t worship talos anymore” and ulfric was ONLY mad about the last part. right. sure.
also frankly the religious diversity made the world of the elder scrolls more fucking interesting. it was cool to see it. it was interesting to see varieties of faith, different creation myths, complex religious history and shifts of faith. it was cool to see how these cultures evolved and changed through their history to be something alien and weird and to see other cultures react in universe to those differences. keeping the nordic pantheon would have made the game more interesting. but it also would have involved making a world that required more thinking on the part of the player to understand instead of turning off their brain and just thinking this is oblivion with vikings. rich lore previously established is gutted and ignored, only vague place names remaining. is saarthal inthe mage’s college about uncovering the mystery of the attach by snow elves on the atmorans? no its about the eye of magnus. okay, uh, are we gonna learn about the elven god magnus? no, just go to this old nord ruin that was the center of the dragon cult to retrieve an artifact to stop it. oh are we gonna learn about the dragon cult? no you idiot it became a training ground for archmages in disjointed puzzles, go kill some zombies draugar, fight a lich king dragon priest, get the artifact, and come back with no explanation of the arcane mysteries you’ve experience and take your prize of being the archmage now that everyone else is dead. don’t you feel satisfied and like you’re in a real living breathing world and role playing in it?
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talenlee · 2 years
Playing With Your Food
Playing With Your Food
Do you find yourself doing this thing in games where you can end them, where you know the game is done, but you keep doing things that let you keep playing?
I’m not talking about games like Skyrim where there’s a whole instrumentation of the game being built around giving you more varieties of tihngs to discover and where you can break ‘the game’ apart into lots of smaller chunks of ‘game experience.’ In that case you can view the game at large as an archive, where the conclusion, the ‘end of the game’ is a kind of unimpressive tome in the whole arrangement of these things, but where the driving play experience you focus on is instead all the stuff that builds up to that point. Nor do I mean something like Minecraft where the game’s ‘end’ is very superficial and expects you to return to the play experience over and over inventing new reasons to want to keep engaging with it. They’re not unrelated kinds of experiences, but I really am referring to something that I’ve noticed in myself when dealing with a particular kind of digital card game.
It’s Star Realms, but it’s true of its cousin game, Hero Realms as well.
In Star Realms I’ve noticed that I often find the game ending one or two turns before I wanted it to. What’s more, I notice this because the game’s interface was changed last year to make it so you could no longer accidentally end the turn when you had lethal damage and fail to attack your enemy with it. With the default buttons on the interface, if you have enough damage in your hand to win the game, you can’t just ‘pass’ – you need some reason, something to make a choice about, or to pull open the menu – to finish the turn and let your opponent survive for another turn.
When I find myself doing this, I can attribute it usually to some secondary goal, some greater challenge the game has not assigned me. It’s not uncommon in this game to set things up so that your opponent has to discard one of their five cards every turn. If you thin your deck out right, and get the right pieces, you can make them discard two, or three, or more. If you’re following this track, yes, if you get them to discard five cards, they start their turn, throw out their hand, and pass it back to you, and if you keep slimming your deck down, you might be able to do that every turn.
You will usually do this once if you aim for it. You don’t loop it, with a helpless opponent frustratedly throwing out their hand, because the cards that let you do this are also the cards that kill your opponents. They’re not dedicated to the purpose of killing time and depriving your opponents of choices, but instead do that while advancing a gameplan of killing your opponent and depriving them of choices.
I don’t think this is a bad thing per se but it does make me wonder if the game (in this particular difficulty) is over-tuned. Tabletop games often have this feeling to me where I just start getting to do the thing I enjoy doing but oh no oops doing that involves ending the game really abruptly, or running away with an advantage that makes other players realise what’s happening and promptly surrendering. Which, you know, reasonable, I don’t want to keep them there if they’re not having fun but also: Dangit.
This impulse, to keep the game going, doesn’t seem to be entirely situated in this game, but it’s definitely something I notice when I have more time to play games with more freedom to them. In Commander Keen, I found a point where I could generate more points per life than the lives took to get, and I wound up running a level in a loop, over and over again, trying to build up a stockpile of teddy bears.
I know that in Dungeons & Dragons I don’t bother looking at epic or higher level material just because that’s a play experience I rarely see even discussed. I’m basically completely unfamiliar with the really high level version of play, and that means whatever you can do with an epic level character is kind of purely academic to me. In this case, the game seems to be delivering an exciting thing I want to experience as a play operation after it’s useful, after there’s a reason to want to have it.
Just to be clear there’s no wrong way to play. I’m noticing this pattern of behaviour not in myself to judge anyone for doing it, but to document it and consider how I can avoid creating it in players. I’ve talked in the past about on-ramps in games, where just having a basic idea of ‘here’s how you start’ can be amazingly powerful; whether the hold-down-right or the elf-ranger type combination systems used can be seen as ways to induce players to keep playing with the stuff that’s presented to them.
It presents a question of engagement: What can I do, in my design, that players like to see happening. It’s sometimes described as the mid game, where players have resources enough to enjoy deciding how those resources are used, where they are no longer trying to ‘get started’ and more involved in the experience of seeing results to their play choices. And am I making sure that engagement happens at the right time and in the right way?
I watched a game being played recently that took the entire resolution mechanic it had, and, for the sake of an expansion, basically tripled the game in duration so you instead had to engage with the expansion’s new mechanic. It looked miserable! It served to show me that no, even if I want that midgame to last longer, there’s definitely a problem if it lasts too long.
To this end, when playtesting and talking with players, ask yourself, and ask them: When did you feel the game ‘start’ for you? and then, When did you feel the game’s end starting?
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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vore-scientist · 2 years
@Yonah, how does it feel to know that you hold the thieves lives in your hands completely? I know you like to let them go, but how does it feel that you COULD digest them alive, if you wanted, and you wouldn’t even get in trouble for it?
Yonah: Ehmmmmm its not much different from actually holding them in my hands. I'm a giant, we can always easily kill smallfolk, its a part of our lives from when we are young to when we are old. For the most part we dont want to hurt smallfolk. It's always in the back of our minds that we could. Like when you smallfolk see an insect on the ground, you probably think 'oh i could squash that'. But you probably dont!
And as for the 'get in trouble'. Giants and monsters dont always get in trouble for hurting smallfolk. It's hard to explain to someone who does not live in this world but shit happens. Giants hurt people, monsters hurt people, or even kill people. It's not common, so when its just a one-off or accident, there usually arent repercussions. Take an example from my home village where everyone was drunk and this one human was very rude to a drunk giant and they got squashed. It wasnt an accident, the giant didnt regret it when they sobered up. For the most part? That was that. I dont know if there would have been consequences if this had been in a smallfolk town but from what Ive seen it just depends. Usually what happens is the giant is not as trusted for a while. The drunk from my town was awkward around the girlfriend of the person they killed for many years. Again its very situational. A giant that is known to target travelers on the roads probably going to get in trouble with some sort of law or people will hire a slayer/put out a reward for stopping the giant. If its a problem it takes care of itself. A giant that reacted badly to something and destroyed some property and maybe hurt people, even caused a death, probably will be asked to apologize and help fix things and the people will be angry... But imprisoning the giant is unlikely, and its entirely its possible that the giant fucked off. People could hire adventurers to kill or at least take some sort of revenge (my friend Eli has had to write up civil lawsuits against giants for these things. Even in the case of casualties the giant is often just... made to do community service or pay money). As long as they dont make a habit of causing wanton destruction. that is that. I am rambling oh kind anonymous letter writer.
Sorry if you wanted to hear me say "I feel powerful and filled with righteous glee muahahahaha". I dont terrorize people because it makes me feel powerful. I am powerful, i dont need to fuck with smallfolk to remind myself that I am. i do it because its fun and im an evil bastard.
(I dont know if i made sense. but basically this is a fairytale world and there isnt like robust law enforcement everywhere to punish monsters and beasts for behaving like monsters and beasts. Sometimes shit happens. and if it KEEPS happening and becomes a problem that's when people get organized to do something. But some random giant who otherwise isnt known for causing trouble for some reason wrecks a neighborhood of a town? maybe the town will try to do some legal magic to get money or get the giant to help rebuild but that's a maybe. It doesnt mean giants can just cause harm with impunity. These things arent happening often enough to need criminal laws to deter such behavior. YONAH got in trouble for a variety of reasons. 1, giants are usually... very noticeable. Monsters in general are noticeable when they go to towns. Yonah very purposefully hid himself and while that's not a crime, monsters can be in hiding, the combo of giant and firewitch scared folks. and 2) ive revised that when he was found out he did react badly and ran away and caused some damage, and probably did eat a person while on the run. Though im going to say he found a bandit camp like in skyrim and they shot at him, he ate one, the others fled and that's how it became known he ate someone??? but otherwise he tried to not do any harm. He just panicked really badly. and 3) actually committed fraud by forging documents that said he was human from X town and trained with Z witch as part of his application to the school)
WOW THIS ANSWER GOT LONG SORRY!!!!! I dont know if this was a fun answer or not???
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
*Secrets Part 1*
Henwen: *face and body covered in heavy robes as he walks into Riften a few days after rescuing Kaidan and climbing to high hrothgar to speak with the grey beards*
Kaidan: You don’t seem to keen on heading to get the war horn. We’re a long way from morthal.
Henwen: *sighs and looks up at him* look at me Kaidan. You saw how poorly I fight. Unless it’s a bear or a troll I’m useless… How am I meant to be the dragonborn if I can’t fight beyond using a spear?… Besides, I’m running low on coin after you drank the inn out of its ale. We stay here for tonight and I try to earn us some money.
Kaidan: I said I was sorry didn’t I? And you’re not useless you just need some training. And if all else fails that’s what I’m for, it’s my job to protect you.
Henwen: You shouldn’t have to protect me though… *sighs and walks ahead a little only to jump in fright as a large brute of a man snarls at him from the shadows*
Maul: Hey! I don’t know you. You in riften looking for trouble?
Henwen: I- no I’m j-just here for work.
Maul: *pushes off the post he was leaning on to get a closer look and try to see under the elf’s hood* Work huh? What’s a shifty looking guy like you do for w- *immediately backs up as Kaidan steps forward*
Kaidan: Ay! Asshole! *grabs Henwen gently but firmly as he tucks him behind his body to keep him shielded* This one. Is under MY protection and I will seperate your head from your body faster than you can blink! If you, interfere, with us.
Maul: *visibly intimidated by the giant warrior* easy there big guy- I don’t want any trouble. *backs away and walks off*
Kaidan: *grunts at him as he leaves before looking back at Henwen* You alright?
Henwen: y-yeah. Just, caught off guard…
Kaidan: You best learn to keep it up… Especially around this place…
Henwen: aye… *walks ahead and into the tavern*
*a few hours later*
Henwen: *finished playing his lyre and singing for the lunch time crowd as they began to filter out and return to work, only to spot a handsome and well dressed man staring at him by the door* … *Nervously looks away and tucks his earnings into his concealed pocket*
???: All of skyrims songbirds are certainly envious of your voice, lad.
Henwen: *spins around and nearly jumps out of his skin seeing the man leaning against the wall next to him now* I-!?
???: I take it by how lite in the pockets you are that you’re looking for work yeah? I have an opportunity available right now suited for someone with your, nimble fingers. *gestures to the lyre in his hands*
Henwen: *stupidly thinks hes offering a music gig* oh? It depends if there’s coin involved.
???: heh, do this right, and there’ll be more gold in it for you then you could ever imagine. The names Brynjolf by the way. Follow me, I’ll show you what needs doing.
*A few moments later*
Henwen: *staring at the stolen ring in his hand, blood boiling as he looks at the poor unsuspecting dunmer he’s supposed to plant it on* … *disappears into the crowd downing an invisibility potion as he goes* trick me into trying to get an innocent person imprisoned, I’ll teach you a lesson you prick… *creeps up to Brynjolf and slips the ring into his pocket before hurrying away and reappearing, giving the red headed thief the signal of a job done*
Brynjolf: *nods and smirks thinking things are finally going right as he watches the guards accost and harass the dunmer into turning out his pockets… only to look concerned and confused as said pockets come out empty* what?…
Henwen: *suddenly points at Brynjolf* HELP! THIEF!!! HE STOLE FROM THE ARGONIAN JEWELLER!!
Brynjolf: *face a mix of shock and rage* I?! Exu- how dare you accuse me of something like that?!
Madesi: he what- don’t be ridiculous how could he o- *freezes seeing his strongbox missing the ring* I- GUARDS!
The guards: *secretly thieves too, now looking very nervous as they walk over to Brynjolf and turn out his pockets revealing the ring* Erm? Yep, there. There it is…
Henwen: *yoinks it from their hand and glares at Brynjolf, his smug little grin hidden behind his cowl as he walks off and returns the ring to the argonian* I saw him grab it when the crowd disbursed.
Madesi: *takes the ring back and gladly hands him a bag of gold* Thank you so much. I knew he had ties to the guild but they really must be desperate to pull a stunt like that. *watches as the guards lead Bryn off supposedly to jail, and the look on his face as he glares at the shrouded snow elf* You best watch your back though now… I have a feeling he’s not going to let this go easily…
Henwen: *looks back at Bryn meeting his gaze one more time* I think you’re right…
*That evening*
Henwen: *playing and singing for the tavern again. Watching Kaidan get drunker and drunker with concern, but staring at the numerous shady figures around the inn with even greater concern as they all stare back at him* Thank you all! I’m going to take a short break-
Drunkard: oiii you can’t stop now you haven’t played Ragnar the red yet!
Patron: yes he did you twit you made him sing it twice!
The tavern: *erupts with laughter and chatter as they turn their attention away from the bard, everyone except the shady figures*
Henwen: … *walks over to Kaidan quietly and hands him the money he earned* Ere, I’m going to go have a piss, don’t get too pissed while I’m out, we’re leaving early in the morning remember?
Kaidan: Aye, I remember, don’t you be getting into -*hiccups* trouble now, alright? Riftens dangerous at night.
Henwen: I know. I’ll be careful… *smiles nervously at him before walking outside, and slowly moving around to the back of the inn as if he’s casually off to do his business, only to be met face to face with Brynjolf, dressed openly in thieves guild armour, flanked by two other thieves* shit.
Brynjolf: I’m impressed lad… it’s one thing to plant a ring on some unsuspecting fool. It’s another thing to plant one in the pocket of a seasoned thief… You’ve more than proven your worth to the guild, and can’t let you slip out of our grasp now can we? Especially since you owe us a debt now.
Henwen: I owe you nothing… *backs up, reaching for his spear only to be grabbed by two rough hands from behind, one on his throat, the other on his wrist* Gaghh!! *grabs at the hand on his throat, clawing at it violently only making it squeeze tighter*
Brynjolf: Don’t damage him Dirge, he owes us a lot for making us look like a bunch of fools today… *slowly moves forward grabbing at fabric concealing the elf’s identity* and he can make his first payment by showing us what he’s hid- *goes quiet as the bloodied point of a blade stops seconds from meeting his eye*
Kaidan: Let him go. Or I’m taking your friends other arm too…
Dirge: … *slowly looks down to see his arm had been sliced completely off* … *looks at Brynjolf* …Ow… *wobbles a little before letting go of Henwen and blacking out*
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stitchthesewords · 2 years
Finally had time to sit down and red The Royals Quests, and oh boy did I love it.
A few thoughts and theories I had along the way:
I love how Mumbo and Scar bicker in this AU. You can tell that they have known each other forever, and that they 1) care about each other 2) know exactly how annoying (affectionate) the other can be. They are like an old married couple and I love that for them so so much.
Special shoutout to Mumbo's ears reacting to his emotions. It's just so good. I can't decide if I hope he knows about it, or if I hope he is completely oblivious.
Having a lot of fun trying to piece together the mystery of Grian's past. The references to him feeling fresh air under his wings for the first time and not being able to fly nearly as much as he would have liked in the cave seems self-explanatory, but there being several references to him keeping his wings tugged closely to his back makes me wonder if there might be more to it.
The reveal that Grian isn't a "proper" Avian has me even more curious. Could it be a Watcher!Grian thing where he is from a colony of Watchers pretending to be/believing themselves to be Avians? Or is he perhaps from a parallel universe? I am eyeing all of this very much.
The fact that no one seemed to notice before Impulse pointed it out too. I wonder if it's some kind of misdirection magic that is keeping people from paying too close attention to him? And in that case, what makes Impulse immune to it? In short: worldbuilding good, brain go brrrrrr.
"Grian had come to learn that Scar kept that shelving unit there for the sole purpose of creating a shadowy space for Mumbo to retreat to" Also? I adore this line. Obviously, it's for vampire reasons, but I also love that Scar was like "Gotta get my husband bestie a dark corner to stand in and look menacing. It'll add to the aesthetic of the place, and the dramatics of our not-so-secret resistance meetings." Just. Gotta love him.
I love how it's like. Here is a fantasy world of magic and mystery. And also there's guns.
14/10 A++ highly recommend. Really, really enjoying the Rift AU a lot :D
Thank you for reading royal quests!! It’s nice that the king arc has wrapped up so now I don’t have to worry about them doing something and contradicting what I had planned lol.
I too love how Scar and Mumbo bicker in this. What’s funny is I honestly don’t think they bicker super often – its just that there is a lot to bicker about rn for them lol. But also yeeees – given how long they’ve been on HC together, I wanted to reflect that by having their relationship be pretty long [Relatedly, Bdubs and Etho have had a VERY long relationship]. They ARE like an old married couple and frankly everyone who sees them is shocked they aren’t married – I know Grian is sort of dealing with that confusion now.
ALSO!!!! I *LOVE* WIGGLING EARS DSKLAGSDKL. I think Mumbo’s ears are longer and swivel around and THAT is left over from my skyrim fanfiction days bc I headcanon that the skyrim elves can move their ears around. Scar's ears are much shorter so they don’t move. I also definitely think Mumbo USED to be oblivious to it but unfortunately the man’s been alive for centuries and I can’t imagine no one has pointed it out to him. Unless.
Hehehehehehehehehehe. Obviously I can’t reveal too too much about Grian’s past since, you know, spoilers, but I will tell you this – you are on the right track. I will tell you this in relation to the watcher thing – its NOT the watchers, actually. 👀👀I used to have rift AU tagged as Watcher Grian but I changed it early on because I decided to do something…different. With it. Hehehe. I definitely will be doing something with the watchers at SOME point, but not necessarily in this au – I think they’re more like an ancient religion no one really follows anymore. BUT you do have me thinking about Watchers-Pretending-To-Be-Human hm hm hm that WOULD work for one of my AU ideas hehehehe
Is it misdirection or is it obliviousness? Who knows. But also Impulse has some interesting stuff going on with himself too so he could totally be immune to it 👀 Or is it just that Scar and Mumbo have been too busy with bigger fish to fry to notice their new avian friend looks decidedly different from how Avians are supposed to. Hm hm hm.
YEEEEEEEEEEEEES Scar being like ‘Mumbo needs Shadows for his magic to work obviously regular shadows are boring I need to give my vampire bestie the best shadows” feels like such a Scar thing to do tbh. The aesthetics, the menace factor, the dramatics of it all. But also the fact that he thought about Mumbo and designed a part of his office with Mumbo in mind sfkjgfj I love them. There’s definitely like a light aimed at making the shadow be really strong.
You know the old joke of like ‘harry potter would’ve been shorter if he had a gun’ I disagree. It would have made things EVEN MORE COMPLICATED LGFKWDFH think about it. Magic evolving to deal with guns. Bullet Time/matrix-y bullet things. Magic infused bullets. But also I think the guns in rift au aren’t proper modern guns. They’re slow, a little clunky – think like guns of the late 1800s. Cowboy guns. Bullets are expensive, a little hard to come by, and King Ren is limiting the supply of them in an attempt to bottleneck Scar and Mumbo on top of that. I love fantasy guns.
Thank yoooooooooooooou!!! It means the world to me that people like rift au.
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skye-huntress · 1 year
Atelier Ryza Anime Reaction
Episode 11: “Final Battle at the Castle”
Back to that clearing with the fairies. They were lost, confused and barely knew how to swing their weapons. Now they using coordinated attacks while using the area as short-cut to get somewhere else fast.
The hunting party already looks worn out, but they did have to take the long way around, through mountains.
Naturally Agatha is still trying to convince Bos to go back. Frankly, he’s a liability, if the Guardians have to prioritise his safety over their own or the mission. But his ego is bruised and he has this need to prove himself, otherwise what was the point of how he’s been treating his childhood friends all these years.
The Luft is the weakest of the wind producing items so it’s no surprise it did nothing to solid rock. Don’t tell me that was her whole plan?
That’s a fun bit of improvisation. There’s an exploration item in the first game that does something similar.
Oh shit, spoke too soon. They are using that item!
At this point, they should be seriously questioning how much they don’t know about the history of their own region. Here they see clear signs that this castle saw a huge battle but they don’t know with whom the Klint Kingdom was fighting. Yet the island has plenty of “traditions” that really just restrict them from doing or going anywhere without justification.
Why are they spelling it as Clint all of the sudden? Did someone different suddenly take over the subtitles?
Well, now they have proof that the Klint Kingdom summoned the apex of monsters to fight other monsters. And even then, the Klint Kingdom is no longer around, but one of the monsters they were fighting still is.
As a mid-game boss, the dragon’s strength is scaled to be manageable. But since this is anime, in order to give them their win without making them seem too strong, or the dragon too weak, they have to give them some kind of edge in the fight that normally wouldn’t be possible.
I guess it’s a good thing Ryza and the others didn’t use one of the main entrances. Seems the dragon is commanded to attack anything that comes through the gate.
Wait, why were they all in such close formation against an opponent that could attack them all at range? It’s like they were asking for all of them to be wiped out in one attack.
I know from my time playing Skyrim that the worst thing about fighting dragons is they can fly and are more than happy to attack from the air as much as they want.
So I saw someone saying that Klaudia and her bow would be useless against a dragon because of its scales. Naturally it was such a stupid comment, I didn’t even feel the need to point out the obvious, that a dragon’s body isn’t completely covered in scales. With the precision and accuracy that Klaudia demonstrated just last episode, it is well within her ability to hit the dragon in its eye.
It’s nice that Lent got a good hit, but its not his name in the title. The final blow naturally goes to Ryza.
They slayed the dragon and saved the village and its Guardians (for now), but unfortunately this just makes things worse with Bos.
Lumbar, if you can walk while full grown men are covered in bandages and on stretchers, you’re not hurt that bad. You’re just proving how much of a wimp we all knew you to be.
You did well? Look at the state of the Guardians after Ryza’s healing, and they didn’t even get a hit in. Meanwhile you four not only took it down, but without taking any damage. A perfect victory that puts your village’s protectors to shame.
Physically, Bos will be just fine. Mentally, he’s just going to keep spiralling further.
So now they are allowed to come and go as they please. Not that it really stopped them before, and its not like Agatha didn’t know what they were doing and couldn’t have figured out how they were leaving the island if she really tried. Still, this way they don’t have to sneak around, and can even go through the port like everyone else.
Oof, now to face the overprotective parents.
Of course the village is divided. Some will obviously view them as nothing more than reckless idiots who got lucky, meanwhile there’s the traditionalists like the Elder who mistakenly view the dragon as some kind of “protector” thanks to how little they know about their own history.
“We had to promise not to do anything so reckless again.” Don’t make promises we all know you’re not going to keep.
As I said, Bos is only going to get worse. It’s not an issue with Ryza, someone just needs to get over himself and accept that he was wrong about a lot of things.
Looks like we’ve got another episode after all. This will probably be the (mid-)season finale.
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ishleep22 · 2 years
Kereshus: The Wandering Water Mage Chapter 1
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For several hours, I sat in silence. Nothing but the sound of waves crashing, and wood creaking filled my ears, yet my head was filled with a single memory. The same memory that has repeated over and over again for the past 8 years. The memory of a blade sliding across my sister’s neck followed by her body hitting the floor as I just sat there helplessly. The entire time I consistently berated myself for not doing more. “Why did I just sit there?”, “The winds of Aetherius flow through every part of my being yet I just sat there like a frightened little hatchling? What’s wrong with me?”  The consistency of the self-chastisement over the years deafened me to the real world on occasions. Guess I didn’t notice how bad it gotten till I missed the large human walking towards me. “We’re here.” He announced, waking me up from the trance I was in. The man in front of me was the captain, a tall, burly, kind of plump Nord with a huge beard. I never understood softskins obsession with keeping lumps of fur on their face. To me it seemed to be rather inconvenient thing to live with when cutting it off would be so simple but what do I know. “Something troubling you, brother?” he asked. “I’m fine just got a lot on my mind.” I shared finally snapping back into the real world. “Well get your things and meet me on the top deck. Oh, and I’d advise you to put a cloak on,” he suggested, “Its rather chilly day today especially for you foreigners.” I nodded and gathered what I brought. Which wasn’t much just a bag, a coin purse with a few septims, the silver sword my father gave me, and the drum Am-Lee made for me. I stared at the drum for a few seconds before strapping it to my belt and headed up onto the deck.
On the deck I had my first experience with Skyrim’s weather, which wasn’t very pleasant. My body would need time to adapt to the cold climate so in the meantime I would have to tough it out, relying on my cloak in combination with an assortment of alteration spells to keep me from becoming a scaly popsicle. Other than the cold, I was introduced to the city of Windhelm. One of the nine major cities of Skyrim, surrounded by large walls made of stones that have stood strong for several thousands of years or so they say. It was an impressive sight, albeit a little intimidating upon my first viewing. I didn’t want to be here any longer than I needed to be.  As I walked in the direction of the captain, I noticed that there were a surprising number of Saxhleel along the docks. One was even discussing something with the captain. She was old, around the same age as the village elders back home. Upon closer inspection, I also saw that she was missing a leg and used a stick to support herself. “This is the young fellow I was talking about.” The captain explained to her, putting his hand on my shoulders. “He’s been through quite a bit and just needs enough to get him going again.” “I understand” she replied, “We’ll take good care of him.” Her voice filled me with this homely sensation like I was back in Black Marsh again. Where it was nice and warm unlike this place where I'd probably freeze to death if I took even the smallest dip in the water. The captain nodded and walked off the ship as she signaled to a few other Saxhleel who began to offload crates. “What is your name, Deek-beeko?” She asked. “Kereshus.” I answered trying to further wrap myself in my cloak. “Ours is Guides-Lost-Spirits.” She told me, “We lead those of us who wish to stay in Skyrim after being freed from our bounds.” “Why would any of our people choose to live in such an uncomfortable place? Why not return to our homeland after gaining freedom?” I inquired not understanding why anybody besides the natives of this frozen hellscape would choose to live here. “This is all they know.” She told me, beckoning me to follow her. “Those you see are ojel, They’ve never graced the swamps of Black Marsh. Ourselves being the only ones here who have been blessed with the presence of the Hist. Without them, our young ones find extreme difficulty in connecting with their roots.” I understood their situation. While I was enslaved, I found it difficult to communicate with the other Saxhleel. My captors rarely allowed me to interact with my people or any of the other enslaved races but when I did, I felt it difficult to convey myself to them. I’m used to not communicating in our natural way with the other races but when it came to my own kin it felt like apart of them was missing when I spoke to them. I got why they didn’t return to Black Marsh but there was one more question I had. “I get it but from what I’ve heard Skyrim is unfriendly to our people. With its cold weather and natives who are distrusting to outsiders, why not head south towards Cyrodiil?” I questioned. “That would mean we would have to uproot ourselves again. And even with the difficulties we’ve experienced from this land and its people it still is better than the difficulties of moving those who’ve been born and raised here.”   I get it. Everywhere they went they would be outcasts. Moving would be a waste of time, risking lives and resources only to find themselves in the exact same situation they were in originally, just not as cold. “So, tell me Kereshus: What brings you out here? You are free from your bounds, yet you came here out of choice not necessity.” It took me a second to answer, the words of Am-Lee rang through my head. “I made a promise to someone that I’d explore all of Tamriel for them. I plan on keeping my word.” I expressed to her. Guides-Lost-Souls gave me a look of empathy as we headed towards what appeared to be a stall selling provisions. “Well, where do you plan on beginning your quest?” She asked. “A place called Winterhold.” I informed her. “Thought I'd apply for the college to start and go from there.” She chuckled at that idea, “If that’s where you’re heading then may the Hist protect you. Winterhold is further north; if you thought it was cold here, I guarantee you it can get much colder.” Great more ice between my scales. I shuddered at the thought of it getting colder than it was already, but it was the best course of action for me. The College of Winterhold is heralded as the best magical institution in all of Tamriel. Where one could practice magic without any of political limitations you'd have to deal with at the Mages Guild in Cyrodiil. I needed to learn more so that what happened to me all those years ago would never happen again. I wouldn’t lose anyone like how I lost Am-Lee. After buying provisions for the trip, I thanked Guides-Lost-Souls for her aid and, with just enough septims to afford a carriage ride, I headed into Windhelm to request one.
I was mere footsteps from the gate leading off the docks before I was stopped by a guard. “Hold it right there, Argonian!” The Guard commanded. I was confused. I hadn’t been here that long, yet this guard seemed tired with my presence. “Is there a problem, sir?” I asked. “Yes, there’s a problem.” the guard snapped, “Your people seem to find difficulty in even the simplest rules. You’re not welcome inside the city. It’s bad enough we have elves inside the already, we don’t need lizards skulking around the place as well.” This must be that prized Nordic hospitality I’ve heard so much about, I sighed. I really wasn’t in the mood to deal with a thin-scaled dryskin’s attempts at bigotry. “Look, I just want access to the city so I can request a carriage to Winterhold. I promise I won’t cause any disturbances in this great city of yours.” I reassured him. “I don’t care what you intend on doing or where you plan on going; The law says what it says: you aren’t allowed- “the guard cut off by a voice from behind him. It was the captain who had in his hands a bottle of mead. “Do you have an issue with my friend here, officer?” he asked, stepping beside me. “Jarl Ulfric’s orders, nothing to concern yourself with, sir.” The guard responded. “Really? I’m sure the ‘One True High King of Skyrim’ has far more immediate concerns then some random kid, right?” The captain queried with a delightfully sarcastic tone to his voice. The guard looked visibly annoyed by the comment like it wasn’t the first time he’d heard it. “Just let him in I’m sure he wouldn’t cause any trouble.”  The guard gave both of us a long, hard for a second before sighing. “Fine I’ll let you in” he spat, “but I got my eye on you.” He stepped aside allowing me to get by.  We walked past him as he cursed us both under his breath. “I owe you one.” I said to the captain. “Ah don’t mention it.” He told me. “Your trip here allowed me to buy this lovely bottle of Black-Brier mead. The least I can do is help you with that son of a horker.” “What is your name?” I wondered. “Hemir. Hemir Sea-Farer.” He answered. “Kereshus, was it?” “Yah.” “Well, Kereshus if you head up the stairs to your left, you’ll find yourself in a marketplace.” Hemir explained. “Head through that and you’ll reach the front gate leading out of the city. From there you should see my old pal, Alfarinn, at the end of the bridge. He has a carriage and would be more than happy to take you to Winterhold.” Kereshus shook his hand with gratitude “Thanks for your help again. Anything else I should know.” Hemir nodded. “A few things yes. Since you aren’t gonna be staying in one place you should know a little about these lands.” Hemir began to tell me about the current situation Skyrim found itself in. There was a Civil war going on between the Empire and a rebel faction led by Ulfric Stormcloak, the jarl of Windhelm. Ulfric wanted Skyrim to be independent from the empire after generations of being a part of it and gaining little benefits in comparison to the number of lives lost. This all came to an ahead after the signing of the White-Gold Concordat at the end of the Great War which had a huge negative impact on the Nordic people as it outlawed the worship of one of their most revered gods, Talos. Although Hemir wasn’t personally affected because he followed the more traditional Nordic Pantheon instead of the nine divines, as a veteran like Ulfric he too felt betrayed by the empire. He hated the idea of people being dragged from their homes, thrown in prisons by the Thalmor, all because the High elves hated their god. However even with him becoming disillusioned with the empire, he didn’t trust Ulfric. Found him to be an opportunistic, hot-head who will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He explained how the civil war started when Ulfric challenged the original High King to duel over this whole ordeal. “High King Torygg was always a man who wanted what was best for his people even with him being supportive of the Empire. He was public about his frustrations with them after the concordat was signed and had a large amount of respect for Ulfric, but instead of Ulfric working with him, the bastard chose to challenge him for the throne.” I didn’t get why Hemir was bothered by Ulfric’s decision. “I thought nords loved to fight with most disputes being solve through some form of 1 versus 1 combat. So, what what's the controversy around Ulfric’s challenge?” I learned from him that the problem came less from the challenge itself and more to do with how Ulfric decide to go about the duel. Using an ancient form of magic used by their ancestors known as the Thuum, also known as the Voice, Ulfric shouted Torygg through the walls of the Blue Palace. This caused a large rift between the population of Skyrim with some calling it a murder of a beloved king while others viewed it as fair duel between a true son of Skyrim and an imperial puppet. In Hemir’s eyes, he saw zero logical reason why Ulfric didn’t just work with Torygg. “A united Skyrim could’ve left the empire and strengthened our borders against the Aldmeri Dominion by now instead of killing each other over this idiotic bullshit.” He remarked. With the history of the political climate out of the way, Hemir also told me about some of the sights as well as a few interesting locations (a lot of which were taverns). During this, I felt a tug on my backside which turned out to be a random person who’d just snagged my coin purse, so I dashed after him. I chased the man through the market, shouting “He stole my coin!” But no one else got involved. The man bumped into various people trying to escape. He even pushed a woman into one of the stone walls surrounding us. I wanted to help her, it looked like a pretty hard hit, but I needed to retrieve my money if I had any chance of getting out of this city. The chase eventually leads us into a guard. Unfortunately, it was the same guard from earlier. “Help! He’s trying to rob me!” the man cried out to the guard. “What? No, I wasn’t!” I retorted. “That’s my coin purse!” I went to snatch it back, but the guard got between me and the thief. “Thought I told you to not cause trouble?” “I wasn’t, he’s the one who took from me.” I again attempted to grab my coin back and the guard pushed me back stating, “Reach for this man again and I’ll throw you into dungeon where you’ll never see the river again or whatever it is you lizard go on about.” I was starting to lose my patience, but if I did this journey would end here. After a few seconds, I relented and walked off. Behind me, I heard chuckling coming from both men.   Now I stood on the stone bridge outside of Windhelm with no money to my name. 
I was more then a little furious, “The nerve of those men!” I hissed, “I hope the flames of oblivion take them both.”  I paced across the bridge, back and forth, trying to figure out what to do next. If it wasn’t for this damn cold, I would just walk the distance, I agonized.  I continued to pace for a while unsure of what to do until a voice spoke right next to me. “You okay?” I quickly turned to see a dark-skinned human leaning on the wall to my left. I didn’t see or even hear her walk up. By the hist, I’ve gotta start paying attention to my surroundings,  I thought. “You’re the one who that guy hit right?”  I inquired. “He hit you pretty hard. Are you injured at all?” “Oh that?” She laughed. “I’m fine, most of that was me being extra. Name’s Zala by the way.” It was a rather strange response. “Kereshus, pleasure to meet you and all. But why would you intentionally throw yourself into a stone wall?” She walked up to me and put a coin purse into my hands. “Wait a minute, this is my mine!” I exclaimed. “How did you- ““I have my ways.” She smiled. “Now where are you headed?” “Winterhold. I plan on signing up for the college there.” I answered putting the coin purse back on my belt. “Really? Some coincidence that I’m also heading that way.” “Are you planning on attending the college as well?” “Don’t know yet to be completely honest with you. I’m heading up that way for a different reason. You don’t mind if I tag along, do you?” “Would he charge extra for the 2 of us?” “I don’t believe so. Even if he does, I have this.” She pulled another coin purse from out of her pocket and tossed it my direction.  “Thank you, but you’re too generous I can’t take any money off of you.” “Don’t thank me, thank the guard who accosted you. He’s the generous one.”  I found myself again dumbfounded by what this Redguard was going on about. “What does he have to do with this?” I probed. “Let’s just say he ‘lent’ you, his coin. Probably won’t be expecting it back however.” “So, you’re a thief then?” She shook her head, “Not exactly. I just use the skills the gods gave me when I need to.” I wasn’t judging, I had no love lost for that bastard. But I was kind of curious when and how she took it off him. Before I could ask though, I was hit with the coldest gust wind I have experienced since arriving at the place. “Alright you can come with me.” I promised. “Just give me a second to say goodbye to a friend and we’ll be off.” She nodded as I gave both purses to her just in case and went to say goodbye to Hemir. Thankfully I didn’t run into either the man or the guard. I said my farewells to Hemir after explaining what had happened and returned to the cart. Part of me was surprised she waited although I still felt like I should check my purse after this. I wasn’t sure what to think of Zala, she seemed to mean well but something about her made me feel uneasy. But I’m glad to be leaving this city and its people who are somehow colder than the frigid air around them.
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